#but genuinely. my skin is soft and not oily or dry
flashhwing · 9 months
a little bit mad that the Expensive Korean Skincare Product I purchased on a whim is actually making my skin noticeably clearer. me insisting for years that skincare is a sham and cheap facewash and moisturizer is all you need and now look at me. it comes with a tiny little shovel to scoop out the correct amount. I feel like an annoying YouTuber every time I wash my face. my face which has never felt better because of this stupid Expensive Korean Skincare Product
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frvnkcastles · 1 year
Hi!! I read that you write for traumatized girlies so here I am, i don’t know if you’d like to write about other people’s experiences but I’ve never read anything about this and it’s sad because I can’t relate to any of the fics I love with Frank. So basically after being sa multiple times I developed sensory issues, specially with touch. Some fabrics feel like I’m being trapped, and specially, and this is the ‘request’ I don’t like how some skins feel like. It’s not about them being dry or soft or oily, I don’t even understand my brains criteria to decide I don’t like how someone’s skin feels on mine, so I don’t touch anyone ever, I wear gloves like that mf Kaz Brekker and that makes me very touch starved, and when I find someone who’s skin feels good, I’m clingy asf. So maybe frank is friends with reader and she realizes she likes how he feels? And he likes her but knows about what happened to her and was waiting for confirmation to finally touch her?
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Summary: You don’t like being touched… until Frank comes along.
Warnings: MENTIONS OF S*XUAL ASS*ULT, sensory issues, alcohol, language, fluff and TENSIONNN
Word count: 2.1k
Author’s note: I hope you like this anon! I apologize for how long it took me to finish, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I didn’t follow every detail (gloves aren’t mentioned) but I hope it meets your expectations nonetheless. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me <3
Frank liked to think he was relatively perceptive. Yet, despite inexplicably finding himself in the same room with you more often than he had anticipated, it took him all of 58 days to figure you out.
He could, of course, blame it on the fact that he wasn’t particularly touchy or handsy. Not enough to make you uncomfortable, anyway. When he had first met you through Matt who had insisted on introducing the two loneliest people he knew to one another, he had been holding a beer bottle and you were awkwardly fiddling with your dress — therefore, no handshake ever took place. And if anyone was respectful of personal space, it was Frank.
Still, he began to notice how you leaned away from him whenever he threatened to come closer. How everyone else hugged their friends, gave high-fives, just casually brushed hands… Just the slightest of touches occurred every day, every second, and you seemed to be missing out on all of it.
Get your shit together, Castle, he told himself, why are you obsessin’ over this like some fuckin’ creep? Maybe, he was just overthinking it, imagining things, fixating on how pretty your hands were and how he suddenly regretted not going for that handshake.
Then, one night, you were having a drink with Frank at his favorite bar, and none other than Curtis Hoyle happened to round the corner, slapping a hand on Frank’s shoulder as he greeted the man. ”Hey, man. Missed you at the group yesterday”, Curtis noted with a disapproving look, and chuckling, Frank scratched the back of his neck.
”Yeah, I, uh, I’ll make it to the next one. Promise”, he pursed his lips in a narrow smile before gesturing between you and his friend. ”Oh, this is Curtis”, Frank introduced him before giving your name to Curt, who reached out with his hand.
You nearly flinched, withdrawing into yourself while giving the two men an apologetic smile. ”Sorry”, you spoke in a timid voice, ”I—I have… a thing.” The worst explanation anyone had ever heard, but it was good enough for Curtis to back off, his hands lifted up in defense.
”Hey, that’s cool. I’ll leave you two to it. It was nice to meet you”, he smiled at you, and sheepishly, you returned the favor.
When he was gone, you squeezed your eyes shut and dropped your head against the bar counter. Frank frowned, but held back the urge to place a hand on your back, supposing that while he didn’t quite understand, he could still respect whatever was going on.
”You okay, sweetheart?” he asked quietly, genuine concern on his face as he eyed you up and down. His heart ached for you, and he goddamn hated the uselessness of his presence, the way he didn’t know what to do to make it better.
”I don’t know how to… how to even begin to explain”, you chuckled dryly, casting a look down at your hands, trembling ever-so slightly.
Frank licked his lips and leaned against the counter. ”Hey, I got all night. I ain’t sayin’ you owe me anythin’, but if you wanna talk about it… I got two good ears right here”, he offered, and with a look up at him, you seemed to review just how serious he was. A lot of people claimed to be open and willing to listen, but as soon as you shared, you could feel an irreversible shift in the air. But Frank? He stared right back at you, not faltering under your scrutiny, his hand wrapped around his beer as he waited for you to start.
”Okay, but you asked for it”, you warned him, earning a chuckle from him.
”I can handle it, sweetheart.”
You shrugged. ”Well, I won’t beat around the bush. I was sexually assaulted. Ever since then, I just… don’t experience touching the same way. Sometimes it’s different types of fabrics making me feel… trapped, I guess, but it’s people, too. I can’t tell what it is, why I can’t stand the feeling of some skin types, so I just… don’t touch anyone, ever”, you began to explain, glancing at your hands and then back at Frank to see if he was showing any signs of regret.
But he wasn’t. He was leaning in, listening attentively with his head tilted to the side and his eyes transfixed by you, not an ounce of judgment visible on his rough features. In that moment, he looked only kind and understanding, not even a little bit intimidating. Safe.
”That must be tough”, he muttered, sucking in a breath, ”you need me to take care of anyone, you just say the word.” You could see the clench in his jaw, and you swallowed, supposing that underneath the kindness directed at you was a whole lot of Punisher waiting to be unleashed.
”I’ll consider it”, you pursed your lips together in a weak smile, ”thank you, Frank.”
You waited a moment before speaking up again. ”So, you’re not… weirded out? Think I’m too much trouble than I’m worth?” you queried, unsure if you even wanted the answer, but before you had the chance to regret asking, Frank had spoken up.
”No.” He was direct and honest, not a hint of doubt in his raspy voice. ”Nah, you’re fine, sweetheart. Everyone responds to trauma differently, y’know? I’m a livin’ example. And it ain’t like you can choose to feel a certain way, yeah? It is what it is”, he shrugged before inching his hand towards yours, not enough to close the distance and touch you but enough to imply he wanted to.
”Don’t mean I ain’t a lil’ disappointed, though”, he whispered, and with your heart beating rapidly in your chest, you nodded.
”Me too”, you spoke shakily, wanting so badly to just be like any other person and shake his hand. Caress his cheek. Hug him, kiss him…
Dismissing the tension between you by pulling away and chuckling, you gestured for the bartender and then flashed a smile at Frank. ”Well, I say we get a few more drinks”, you cleared your throat, and lifting an eyebrow, Frank grinned at you.
”That usually work?” he asked before finishing his beer, and well-aware that it usually only amplified the need for human contact, you just gave Frank a smile that spoke on your behalf.
A few drinks turned into many more, and your conversation with Frank didn’t seem to have an ending in sight. Being with him felt so natural, so effortless — maybe it was the fact that there was no elephant in the room anymore, and you opening up got him to do the same for you.
Only when the bar closed, the two of you were practically kicked out, and still refused to leave each other’s side. ”I’mma walk you home. That alright with you?” Frank questioned while shoving his hands in his pockets, and breaking into a grin, you nodded.
It was mostly smooth sailing. But it seemed the drinks you had had were getting to your head, making it sway heavily, and before you knew it, you were stumbling on the sidewalk. You could laugh it off, until you finally tripped over air and flew towards the pavement, your body destined for impact if it wasn’t for Frank.
You found yourself reaching for him instinctively, and he didn’t hesitate to pull his hands out of his pockets and grab yours to keep you upright. Your fingers wrapped around his and he seemed to only be worried about you not falling flat on your face. You, on the other hand, panicked at the contact, and as soon as you were firmly planted on both feet, you withdrew from his touch and shoved your hands into your pockets with wide eyes.
”Oh, fuck”, Frank murmured as soon as he realized, ”hey, ’m sorry—”, but you cut off his apology with a rushed smile.
”It’s okay. It’s fine. Thank you for the help”, you insisted, and with a nod, Frank fell into silence.
In fact, silence was exactly what ensued between the two of you. He was getting wrapped up in guilt, sure that he had messed things up and broken your one very clear boundary. But you… you were trying to figure out why the feeling of his hands didn’t make you want to recoil in disgust. You wanted to touch him again.
You didn’t know how to express that in a way that didn’t sound too weird, though. But as soon as you reached your apartment building, you turned to face him before he could run off.
”Hey, wanna come inside for a while? I know it’s getting late, but…”, you offered, and before you could beat yourself up for the awkward line, Frank was nodding.
”Hell yeah, sweetheart. Lead the way.”
You were painfully aware of his taller frame behind you, making you fumble with your keys and only allowing you to breathe once you made it inside your apartment. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket, whereas Frank kept his on and simply wandered about the small space, inspecting all your little knick-knacks and decorations that made it truly you.
”Can I get you something to drink?” you asked with your nerves obvious in your voice, not to mention the fiddling of your fingers, which Frank noticed — just chose not to comment on.
He chuckled, though. ”Pretty sure we’ve drank plenty for the night, huh?” he pointed out while heading for your couch and gesturing for you to join him. ”Lemme clear the air. I didn’t mean to touch you like that, yeah? I apologize”, Frank went on, and with a swallow, you weighed your options. You could accept the apology and pretend like nothing had ever happened… but you knew that you’d always wonder.
”Actually”, you cleared your throat, ”can I do it again?”
It was obvious Frank was taken aback by your words. His eyes widened and his back straightened, but despite the moment of silence, he ended up bobbing his head in a nod. ”Yeah, ’course”, he spoke quietly, holding out his hand for you to take.
You only stared for a second, your stomach full of butterflies at the invitation right before your eyes, but eventually, you placed your smaller hand in his and gently squeezed. A smile broke onto your face as you brushed your thumb across the back of Frank’s hand, and Frank couldn’t help but smile to himself, as well, enamored by the sight of you inspecting his scarred, calloused hand like it was the most fascinating thing you had seen.
Quietly, he moved but only to take off his jacket and roll up the sleeves of his button-up. You met his gaze curiously, and he simply gave you an encouraging nod, which was quite enough for you to trail your hand up his palm and across his strong forearm. He tensed under your touch and you swallowed at the veins protruding from his rough skin, but none of it was unpleasant. In fact, you were loving it.
”Can I touch you?” Frank whispered, husky and low, and quite enough to send a chill down your spine. You considered it for a moment, but agreed with a silent nod, one that wasn’t satisfactory to Frank. ”Need to hear you say it, sweetheart”, he noted, and with a shaky voice, you spoke up.
”Yes, please.”
Gently, Frank squeezed your hand before letting go and lifting his up to your cheek in a tender caress, his fingers soft and steady as he trailed down your jawline and to your neck. You closed your eyes and exhaled heavily, and without another thought, you let the words tumble out of your mouth.
”You feel so nice”, you confessed, and with a soft chuckle, Frank flashed a grin.
”Yeah?” he licked his lips. ”Shit, I’m real flattered, you know that?” he continued, and you could have sworn you could see him blush.
You hummed and took his hand again, choosing to be bold and interlocking your fingers. You sat there for a moment, just reveling in the feeling and the contact you hadn’t had in so long, and as you did, another realization dawned on you.
”You know this means I’m gonna be super clingy, right?” you pointed out, and snorting, Frank gave you a look.
”Pretty girl like you? Don’t sound like a problem to me, sweetheart. You just remember to tell me if it gets too much, aight? We’re doing this on your terms”, he reminded, and with a genuine smile spread across your lips, you nodded in agreement.
”You’ve got yourself a deal, Frankie.”
Mirroring your smile, Frank leaned down to give the back of your hand a careful kiss. ”Deal.”
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soapified · 1 year
weirdly specific soap mactavish headcanons!! for sfw for funsies
hehe my first (and probably last post) sorryy if the format is confusing im still learning 💔💔. mb if things don’t make sense or i didn’t say the correct name/spelling im bad at english lol
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ugh i want him so bad
sfw (wrote too much sorry)
words are his love language so if you play them correctly he WILL melt
loves giving and receiving compliments no matter how big or small
sliding him a few compliments at first will flabbergast this poor guy especially ones about his physique 🤭
his nose would twitch instead of him blushing
uses nicknames like “schnookums” “shmoopy” ironically especially to embarrass you in front of everybody else
sneaks in actual little nicknames for you and tries to be sneaky, ex. “love” “lassie/lass” “sweetheart” “sweet girl”
he thought he was being slick, he wasn’t and doesn’t know that
has earned a few snorts and furrowed eyebrows from the rest of them because of his antics lol
wants you to touch his hair but doesn’t wanna admit it (i am not sure if he has any tbh)
doesn’t have time to go to a barber anymore so he shaves and cuts his own hair
talks about his petite little mohawk and chews your ear off about it
“would you still love me if i shaved it off? not so beautiful anymore? arent i?!” he says, jokingly threatening to shave off the feeble strip of “mohawk” standing up in the middle of his scalp
wears Spider-Man pajamas every time he gets a chance
bought the shirt a smaller size so it’s tighter
enjoys it when you stare at his cute little Spider-Man shirt
listens to old white dad metal music and grossly adores radiohead
doesn’t admit he likes soft voices and black box recorder (our lana del rey coded sad girl king!!1!1)
“actually- i have sort of a kinship to the song creep 🤓” and his voice would thicken saying this
genuinely teared up to ‘high and dry’
his hands are very rough, his palms are slightly softer but it sometimes hurts holding them
has scars inside both of his palms
was weary of holding your hands at first because he knows how rough his hands are
does the thing where he strokes your hand with his thumb
is a bath man
has those bath trays that connect from end to end on the bathtub rim
has an arsenal of axe body spray on the tray
loves the brand philosophy because of the smell of the shower gels so he treats himself with a bottle after a long task
his one and only alternative is the dove cucumber soap bars
despises loofahs
tries to start with a cold bath but it’s too scared and then immediately starts to crank the faucet to the hot one
sings in the shower (..when he actually showers)
starts out quiet and hums but the longer it takes, the more it becomes a mini concert
sounds terrible when he sings radiohead
once tried to sing the last part of creep, his voice cracked, he knocked over a shampoo bottle on his foot, and started coughing and almost punched a hole in the shower because of the pain
tries to take cold showers and endures it unlike the bath
uses head and shoulders because he thinks his oily scalp is dandruff
doesn’t know that’s what makes his tiny mohawk flat
refuses to admit he has a skin care routine
“a what? well i barely use anything. very little.. yous gotta believe me!!1!1!1”
aftershave, retinol serum, tatcha moisturizer (he somehow accidentally bought it and was fuming because his military pension isn’t built for that)
uses the same bar of soap he uses for his body as a cleanser
also secretly has an amethyst roller (it constantly falls apart and cracked)
he has a king size bed all for himself
has a shit ton of pillows like a cocoon
bed smells like his own like scent but also a sickening amount of sauvage
never let go of his paw patrol blanket that he bought as a joke in like 2019 because it’s very warm and fluffy
surprisingly let’s you take up most of the space if you want and gives you the paw patrol blanket
used to be a mouth breather and snores so loud
throat used to be so dry and he was afraid of drinking orange juice because it stung
he thought his hoarse morning voice was hot (probably is)
doesn’t snore anymore because he got those sony headphones
he swears they’re magical (they’re really just expensive
he cherishes them and is very attached to them
once fell asleep to his usual playlist, woke up to lana del rey’s “cola”
has this one fluffy white persian cat plush toy that he named ‘goyangi’ but pronounces it horribly, also doesn’t know that it means ‘cat’
“go-YANG-gEE 🤓” and pronounced the actual G twice
“my cat is a SHE. 🙄🙄 she’s pretty little creature isnt she?”
when he’s too embarrassed to say it out loud his second name for it is “Hubert”
has had that thing since like 2014
okay that’s it byee 🫶🫶
might make a 2nd one with both sfw and nsfw
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belladoesmakeup · 3 years
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Hey guys,
We all know I adore Charlotte Tilbury skincare products and I will be the first to admit they are hella pricey. Honestly I've been making my Magic Light sample last me ages since it comes in one size which is £75.00! Even by my standards that is too pricey to justify so I'm still waiting for a promotion on this product. I get asked a lot what the differences are between Charlotte's iconic Magic Cream and Magic Cream Light besides the £49-£79 price difference. It got me thinking I wasn't too sure myself so I decided to check it out.
Both Magic Cream formulas are designed to hydrate the skin, boost the skin's moisture and improve the appearance of the skins brightness. It also smooths your skin and helps reduce the appearance of winkles, pretty impressive if you ask me. I have been using the original Magic Cream for probably 2 years now because it has genuinely improved my skins brightness, moisture and overall appearance which started happening after a few days uses. I love how creamy the product is because it absorbs into the skin so quickly and luckily doesn't leave you waiting ages to sink in when doing your routine. With the Magic cream I have the 30ml for £49.00 which is expensive but a pot can easily last me 4/5 months. When you think about it lasting that long you kinda justify the pricing since I use it twice a day, usually before makeup and after evening skincare.
Now the new Magic Cream Light formula whilst still having all the skincare benefits has a new light-textured formula that blends even quicker into the skin. But the major difference is the appearance of your skin, after applying the cream. When you apply the OG Magic Cream to your skin it gives your skin a gorgeous glowy finish. However if you don't like your skin having a glowy finish or maybe you have oily combo skin you would prefer the Magic Cream Light formula finish because it gives your skin a satin matte finish.
Trying both these creams out for a while, they both leave my skin feeling unbelievably soft, hydrated and overall gorgeous! The only main difference besides price (obviously) is the finish it leaves your skin otherwise they are very similar. Depending on your skin type if you have normal / dry skin I think you would prefer the OG Magic Cream formula but if you have normal/ oily skin I think you would prefer the Magic Cream Light formula. I adore these creams and I know they are expensive but my god do they make a difference with your skincare routine.
If you want to check out any of the products mentioned head over to www.charlottetilbury.com
Lots of love
Bella x x
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collecting-stories · 4 years
The Crush - ep. 04 - JJ Maybank
Summary: It turns out it wasn’t on accident Rafe showed up to the party. Some secrets are revealed amongst the pogues. 
A/N: I don’t know if you’ll have seen this twist coming...
The S’week Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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“It’s a known fact.” JJ huffed, crossing his arms behind his head as he looked up at you. He was laying in your bed, much like the night before only this time he was beneath the covers, no clothing on, and you were sitting beside him, facing the head of the bed with your legs crossed, your right thigh pressed against his side. 
You were naked too aside from his cut-off, navy blue shirt. The one he’d been wearing on the beach when you found him. 
“It’s a known fact that you’re a brat.” You replied, pressing your lips together as you tried to fight off a smile. “This cannot be the worst senior week ever.” 
“You’re right, once I hooked up with this girl-“
“Oh my god!” You laughed, shoving him away from you though he didn’t budge. Instead he grabbed your wrist and held your hand in his. 
“Let me finish the story!”
“Okay, okay, your hooked up with this girl.” 
“Yeah, it was her senior week and John B and I went to this party. Anyway, we hooked up right, and all the sudden her boyfriend burst through the door and just starts pounding on me. If it wasn’t for JB, I would be dead right now.” 
“I would’ve had sex with a ghost?” You teased.  “Very Patrick Swayze.” 
JJ gave you an exaggerated frown and shook his head like he had no idea what you were talking about. You grinned, leaning down and kissing the bridge of his nose and then his lips.  
“It’s a movie? Ghost...he dies and then comes back to haunt his girlfriend. There’s a freaky scene where she makes pottery...we’ll watch the movie.” You decided. 
“Eh not my kinda movie.” 
“It’s good for a laugh.” 
After you’d taken a turn skinny dipping in the ocean the both of you had haphazardly thrown on clothing and walked back to the house, sneaking upstairs with the bag of alcohol to continue the party together in your room. 
You’d had every intention of polishing off at least the pinnacle of vodka but the bag sat untouched where you’d dropped it at the door when JJ had grabbed your hand and led you to the bed. 
JJ shifted in bed and scrunched his nose up, “I need a shower, I’ve got sand like up my ass or something.” 
“Oh wow, there’s a turn-on.” You teased as he flung the blankets back and stood up, completely naked, to look for sand. “Oh my god,” you leaned forward, pressing your forehead into the pillow, “you really are having the worst senior week ever.” 
“Tell me about it.” He huffed, making his way into the bathroom to start the water for the shower. 
“Your back looks good by the way. You can probably go to the beach today, if you let me put sunscreen on you.” You called, getting up and walking over to lean against the open bathroom door. JJ was standing in front of the full length mirror, still trying to determine if he had sand anywhere. 
“On one condition-“
“Is it, that I shower with you?” You asked. 
“See, great minds and all that.” 
“No, I’ve just spent more than ten minutes with you so I know what you’re like.” 
“Either way, you agreed to shower sex and there are no take backs.” He announced, before looking over at you and adding, “I mean obviously if you changed your mind-“ 
“I got it.” You laughed, “now get your sandy butt in the shower.” 
“I told you, didn’t I tell you!” JJ practically shouted as you pushed him into the shower. You pulled off his shirt, tossing it by the door and climbing into the shower after him. 
JJ pulled you under the spray of warm water, kissing you and trying to back you up to the wall. You pulled away, holding his face in your hands as if that would ward him off. 
“Shower.” You insisted, “I promised Kie last night that we would actually do the beach with them this time.”
“No.” You shook your head, moving your hands to shake his in time with yours, “no sex. Just shower.”
“I get shower sex post beach then.”
“You got shower sex post beach last night! JJ!” You laughed and squealed when he surged forward, burying his face in your neck and sucking on the skin there. “Stop!”
“Never!” He teased fingers dancing along your sides and making you squirm. 
“Okay, okay. Post beach shower sex.” 
“Do you feel like Sarah is being weird?” Kiara asked as you walked to the beach, Pope and JJ already a few feet ahead of you. “I mean she practically begged us to come down here and she’s been avoiding us all week. I thought it was John B too but he told me last night that she’s been weird.” 
“Yeah; somethings off.” You replied. “She’s been weird with me too.” 
You had been friends with Sarah since you were kids and you were used to her push and pull behavior when it came to friends but this was something entirely different. She acted like she wasn’t even on the same vacation with the four of you and was dominating all of John B’s time and attention. You’d barely said five words to him in the time he’d been down here. 
“Hey, try to keep up,” Pope called, leaning against the umbrella stake as he and JJ waited for you and Kiara to catch up. 
“Sorry,” she apologized as the two of you picked up the pace. You pulled your sandals off and walked barefoot the rest of the way to JJ, who was grinning smugly as he watched you. You were still wearing his pelican marina cut-off, using it as a cover up for your bathing suit. Pope had grilled him about it on the walk up while you and Kiara talked about Sarah. 
“Dude, I literally asked her yesterday if anything was going on with you and she said no and now she shows up in your shirt? Not to mention where the hell did you disappear to last night?” Pope had whisper-shouted, a specialty of the Heyward's. 
“A lot can happen in 24 hours?” JJ had asked, shrugging his shoulders. He had glanced back at you, laughing at something Kiara said, looking totally happy, and he was pretty sure he knew exactly how John B felt the one time he got drunk and tried to explain his feelings for Sarah. 
When you had looked over at him you stuck your tongue out and then smiled and he was slightly derailed off his conversation, missing the end of what Pope was saying. 
“...get involved.” 
“I said, don’t forget she’s Rafe’s ex...do you really think it’s a good idea to get involved?” Pope had asked, genuinely concerned for his friend. The last thing he wanted was JJ putting himself out there only to be let down. 
“That’s over.” JJ replied, tone filled with so much certainty that Pope didn’t question it further. 
You hadn’t told JJ everything about Rafe but he’d seen the way Rafe had talked to you last night and, though everyone was always ready to write off JJ as being oblivious, he could pick up on body language better than most. It was a necessary skill when he lived with his father and he hadn’t missed the way Topper put himself between you and Rafe. He might’ve still gone after Pope but he had been protecting you. JJ’d only been a jerk about it when you came up to him at the beach because he was pissed to be the last person to find out that you had dated Rafe and he was a little worried that Sarah had been telling the truth when she told Kiara you were going to get back with him. 
“Okay, I’m not walking another second, my legs are killing me.” You announced when you finally reached JJ and Pope. 
“Well I’m not putting the umbrella down here, this is a terrible spot!” Pope complained. The sand was still soft and a little too dry for his liking. He wanted to go further down the beach, closer to the water.
Kiara laughed as she walked passed you, “you’ll make it, don’t worry.”
“Hey how much do you want to carry me down there?” You asked, eying JJ. He’d stayed put while Kiara and Pope walked down the beach.
“Barely at all.”
“Please, I’ll buy lunch.” You pleaded, pouting at him. 
JJ pressed his lips together and furrowed his eyebrows as he pretended to be deep in thought, “lunch and whatever I want on the boardwalk.” 
“Okay.” You nodded your head and held out your hand, “deal.” JJ spit into his hand and shook yours, laughing when you pulled away immediately. “Oh my god, ew!” 
“You didn’t complain about my spit last night.” 
You pretended to gag at his words, only sending him into another laughing fit as he turned around to let you piggy back down the beach. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he hoisted you up. You kissed just below his ear in thanks. JJ kept his hands on your thighs as he walked down to where Kiara and Pope had set up the umbrella and blankets. When he got over them, he let go of your legs in an attempt the drop you but you held on tighter in shock as your legs fell, pulling both of you down on the blanket. 
“Good job JJ.” Kiara teased, pushing at him until he rolled off of you. 
“She didn’t let go!” 
“So you could drop me?” You asked, sitting up and moving closer to Pope, “no thank you!”
“Hey, give me your phones, I’ll put them in my bag.” Pope held up his black jansport, shaking it for emphasis. 
Kiara handed hers over and you fished JJ’s out of your bag, digging for your own with no luck. “Mine’s not in here.” 
“Did you leave it plugged in?” Kiara asked, leaning over to look in the bag too. 
“Maybe.” You shrugged, “I know I had when we went back to the house.” 
“Probably in the bathroom or something.” JJ said, “now, more important...sunscreen me. I think I’m already burning.” He held the sunscreen bottle out to you and you rolled your eyes, moving over to sit behind him.  
He pulled his shirt over his head and settled in front of you, letting you rub sunscreen into his back. You kissed the back of his neck before smoothing some across there too, pushing some of his hair away so it wouldn’t get oily. Kiara and Pope headed down for the water but you stayed behind with JJ.  
“Not going in yet?”
“I’m gonna work on my tan.” He replied, laying down on the blanket and putting his sunglasses on.  
You pulled your coverup off and JJ glanced over at you. “You saw me in my bathing suit this morning before we left.”
“I forgot how good you looked on the way here.” He replied, smiling at you.  
You rolled your eyes at him and tossed his shirt over his head. When he pulled it away and pouted you could only laugh, leaning over and kissing him.  
“I don’t know if this is the best place to have this conversation but...I don’t wanna chicken out or anything and I just wanted to reiterate that I don’t want this to be like, a casual, here for s’week thing.” You explained, pulling your knees up to your chest. “I also wanted to ask if you wanted to stay with me an extra week? Everyone could stay too, it doesn’t have to just be us-”
“It could just be us.” JJ replied, “I’d be down.”
“Even after your terrible week here?”
“I guess it hasn’t been so bad.” He admitted. “And like I said, it’s not casual. I swear.”  
“Good, because Pope told me about your s’week plans.”
“No, come on!” He groaned, standing up and dropping his sunglasses on the blanket.  
“What are you doing?” You laughed, standing up and following him down to the beach. He ran into the water, jumping in and swimming over to Pope. Kiara shouted when he splashed her by accident, jumping on Pope’s back and sending them both down into the water.
“Dude!” Pope laughed, surfacing and trying to dunk JJ underwater at the same time.
“He knows I know about his ‘JJ does s’week’ plan.” You said, laughing at the two of them wrestling in the water with each other.  
“I can’t believe you told him.”
“What plans?” Kiara asked, looking between the boys and you.  
“JJ was gonna have sex with a bunch of girls this week.” You explained, keeping your voice low as a woman and her two kids waded passed.  
“Oh my god! JJ!”
“What? I only had sex with one!” He practically shouted. The woman whipped around, looking startled by the four of you and JJ bit his lip to stop from laughing at her expression as Pope apologized for him.  
“What a lucky one I am.” You muttered as the woman pushed her kids further away.
“You know it baby.” JJ winked at you.
“Ew, can we just have a normal day please?”
John B was already talking about another party after dinner, as the six of you stood and sat around the island eating straight from the boxes of pizza that were sitting there. JJ was standing next to your seat, his hand on your stool and you angled toward him. He leaned over and kissed just below your ear.  
“I think I’ll stay here.” He announced glancing over at John B.
“JJ Maybank, turning down a party?” Kiara said, “do my ears decieve me?”
“You guys go.” He shrugged.
“We can go,” you whispered, leaning into him. “I don’t care.”
“Nah, I would-”
“Your phone’s buzzing.” Sarah cut in, looking at your phone vibrating against the marble countertop. It was laying facedown and you picked it up, angling it away to look at it.  
It was right where JJ said it would be when you got back to the house that afternoon, sitting on the bathroom counter charging. When texts from Rafe had started to come in you had looked back through your messages, confused, only to find that someone had sent pictures and texts to him from your phone. You hadn’t told JJ that you were getting texts but you’d been ignoring them since they started.  
“Who is it?” Sarah asked, leaming across the counter.
“No one.” You shook your head and put your phone down again. You turned back to JJ, knowing that the texts were getting too out of control now and you’d have to tell him. “Can I talk to you?” You whispered.
“Yeah, sure.” JJ nodded. He backed up to let you out just as your phone buzzed again. Sarah was out of her seat, rushing around the island and grabbing your phone off the counter.
“What the hell?  I thought you said things were over between you and Rafe?” She asked, holding the phone up.
“They are!” You insisted as she passed the phone to Kiara. She shook her head, not wanting to look at it.
“Well I don’t send guys I’m not with pictures like this.” She scrolled down to one of them and held it up so everyone could see the phone this time.  
You turned in your stool, trying to reach for the phone. “Sarah!”
“What the hell Sarah, give her the phone back!” JJ said.  
“I didn’t send those, I swear to god.” You looked back at JJ as you spoke, “they were sent while we were at the beach.”
“So what? Someone else sent them?” Sarah replied. “Are you accusing one of us?”
“I didn’t send them.”
“I guess it wasn’t you that told him you made a mistake and JJ means nothing to you? That’s he just a loser pogue and so are his friends.”  
You clenched your fists, digging your fingernails into your palms and trying to stop yourself from crying. “I would never say that. Why are you doing this?”
“She didn’t have her phone at the beach Sarah,” Kiara grabbed the phone now, scrolling through to check the time stamp, “I saw her bag I know she didn’t.”
“So who did?” JJ asked, not a hint of malice in his voice as he put his hand on your back.  
“Are you suggesting one of us did?” Sarah asked, looking between the two of you.  
Your eyes met Sarah’s as JJ’s hand came up to squeeze your shoulder and you saw the way her jaw tensed and she clenched her own fists. “Oh my god.” You gasped.
“What?” Kiara looked away from the phone and over to you.
“It’s JJ...the guy you liked before John B. The one you told me you still had feelings for? It’s JJ isn’t it? That’s why you’re doing this?” You accused.  
“You’re insane.”
“Don’t hurt him, we might not get along but he’s John B’s friend...what a load of bullshit!” You said. “So what was your plan for senior week? Come down here and get him back?”  
“It’s not JJ.” Sarah insisted.
“You’ve avoided spending any time with us...you invited Rafe to the party last night didn’t you?”
“What a shitty person! God, I can’t believe you!” You pushed away from the island and got up. JJ grabbed your hand but you pulled away from him. “I have to go.”
“Wait!” Sarah reached out for you.  
“No, just stay away from me! You knew I would say yes to you guys coming down here. You knew I liked him, I told you.” You said, glancing back at JJ before looking at Sarah, “you knew about  Rafe.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Don’t play dumb Sarah. Even Topper knew.” You left the room, running up the stairs. Kiara got up from the table and followed you to make sure you were okay.  
“Sarah, what’s she talking about?” John B finally spoke up, looking between his girlfriend and his best friend.
“Sarah and I hooked up before you guys started dating. It was just some party...it wasn’t a big deal.” JJ explained to John B.
“It wasn’t a big deal?”  Sarah whipped around to look at JJ, looking absolute devastated.  
John B’s chair scrapped against the tile floor and he got up from the island, grabbing his phone from the counter and heading for the back door. Sarah called his name but he only shook his head before letting the door slam shut after him. JJ, Pope, and Sarah were left in the kitchen.  
“I’m gonna...” Pope said, grabbing a slice of pizza and heading for the basement where the theatre room was.  
“I didn’t...” JJ let out a breath, running a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry if you felt like...there was something here but...why date John B then?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, maybe it’s something you should think about.” JJ said, making his way passed her to the stairs.
“Where are you going?”
“Making sure she’s okay.” He headed up to your bedroom where Kiara was sitting on your bed. You had locked yourself in the bathroom and you weren’t coming out was how she explained it before going to find Pope.  
“All I wanted was a drama free week.” Kiara said.  
JJ shut the door behind Kiara and walked over to the bathroom, knocking gently. When you didn’t answer he tried the doorknob, closed in but not locked, he came in to find you sitting on the closed toilet seat, head in your hands, leaning over to your knees crying.  
“Hey,” He spoke soft, kneeling down in front of you and placing his hands on your thighs. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t get it...like, we’ve been friends since kindergarten, I don’t know why she would do this.” You said, lifting your head to look at him. “She has John B, like he’s crazy about her...”
“As much of a catch as I am,” JJ said, making you stifle a laugh, “I know that’s not the whole of it.”  
“The last time I broke up with Rafe it was because he thought I was talking to someone about him...I like to party but Rafe...is on a whole other level. And he’s paranoid when he’s high. He freaks about everything and-”
“It’s okay.”
“I thought he wasn’t gonna stop. He was pissed because I broke it off and Topper and Kelce knew he could...get physical but they never saw it. But Top drove me to Rafe’s and I was just sitting there on the couch while he screamed at me. He called me a whore and a liar and told me I was worthless and then he just...Topper had to pull him off me.”
JJ put his arms around you, guiding you off the edge of the toilet seat to sit with him on the floor. He pressed his back against the bathtub and held you while you kept your face in his neck, tears wetting the skin.  
“Sarah knew though,” you said, “she saw me leave with Topper, he told her what happened. She knew. I don’t care about...whatever boys and shit, no offense-”
“Very offended but you can make it up to me later.” He teased, kissing the top of your head.
“She knew about Rafe, I don’t understand why she would try put me in the position again.”  
“Let's skip the party tonight,” JJ suggested, “I think the alcohol bag made it back to your room.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and holding JJ a little tighter.  
“Hey, is Sarah still here?” You asked, standing on the last stair and watching John eat cold pizza. It was somewhere near three am in the morning and you were having trouble sleeping.  
“All her stuff is gone. I think she went over to stay with Rafe.” He shrugged. “I thought...I don’t know. I guess I thought things were really good between us.”  
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean for all this to happen-”
“It’s not your fault.” John B insisted. He pushed the pizza box down the island toward you, “cold pizza.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” You walked over and grabbed a slice, standing at the island next to him. “I feel like we haven’t gotten to hang out a lot. Like I’ve barely seen you all s’week John B.”
He laughed and nodded his head, “I know, I know. I gotta change that.”
“Well, I think we’re going to the waterslide tomorrow if you’re interested in that?” You offered. “I’ll ride double so you don’t have to go on alone.”  
“Thanks I appreciate that.” He said.  
You turned to face him, smiling. John B looked at you for a moment before leaning in toward you as if he was going to kiss you. You backed away from him just as he pressed his lips against yours, eyes wide and John B seemed to lurch back in surprise.  
“I-” He choked on an explanation for what he had just done.  
“What’re you doing?”
“Sorry, I just...”
“I’m just gonna....uh, thanks for the pizza.” You said, dropping it into the box and heading back toward the stairs. “I’ll...see you in the morning.”
“I’m sorry! Shit.” John B cursed, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration.  
taglist:  @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 @pixelated-pogues @booksandshish @lopineapples @ponyboys-sunsets @prettyyboyspence @obxlife @downbytheouterbanks @pancakefancake @danicarosaline @sspidermanss @k-k0129 @apoguecalledjj @annedub @thatjohnd
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I, a Stranger and Afraid,  In a Land I Never Made
-A. E. Houseman
Inspired by the Pierly Body Swap AU currently playing out on Em’s blog.
Aaron opened his eyes to a ceiling that wasn’t his.
It was a bed that wasn’t his, a room that wasn’t his, and pale, shaking hands that weren’t his.
He stumbled out of the bed, nearly falling over himself, stumbling over bare feet that weren’t his to collapse against a dresser that wasn’t his. His breathing was rapid and terrified and he was afraid of what he would see when he finally looked at the mirror on the dresser.
But he did it anyway.
Jake’s horrified face stared back at him.
Aaron stopped breathing.
He froze, fingers curled painfully tight against the edger of the dresser, something oily and cold slithering through his bones, coiling around his spine to settle in the pit of his stomach. His chest ached. Aaron raised a shaking hand to the side of his face and Jake in the mirror do the same thing. Trembling fingers carded through bed ruffled blond hair, scraped nails that weren’t jagged from chewing across the back of a goosepimpled neck, felt the rapid and erratic heartbeat pulsing beneath quivering fingertips. Watched the Jake in the mirror do the exact same thing.
“Oh my god…” Aaron wheezed and then pressed his hands—Jake’s hands?—over his mouth because that was Jake’s voice. Shivering like he’d been left outside in the cold, Aaron sank to the floor, scraping his back against the dresser as he turned away from the truth in the mirror. He drew his knees up to his chest, ducking his face into his legs, wrapping his arms over his head, making himself as small as he possibly could and trying to remember what breathing was supposed to feel like. The ache in his chest was growing into a dull pain, a palms scraped on asphalt sort of sting.
A knock on the door to the bedroom made him jump, frightened eyes swimming with tears widening as he stared at it. A small whimper escaped and he grabbed fistfuls of blond hair in a panic, pulling painfully at the roots, trying to wake himself up.
“Jake? You up yet? Breakfast is almost ready.”
Not a dream, couldn’t be a dream, dreams didn’t feel like this.
Aaron wanted to be sick.
He didn’t just look like Jake, he was in Jake’s body.
Somehow, impossibly, he was inside his older brother’s body.
But if he was here, then…where was Jake?
Jake opened his eyes to a ceiling that wasn’t his.
But it was one he knew.
He was out of the not-so-unfamiliar bed before he’d realized it, tangling in the sheets and crashing to the floor in a grunt that sent the air rushing out of his lungs, taking his unspoken scream of fear with it. He clawed across the ragged carpet, kicking to try and untangle himself, retching and heaving and desperate to breathe, desperate to escape.
His hair fell in front of his face and he shook his head to try and get it out—
Black hair.
He froze, shivering on his belly on an old carpet that smelled of age and cigarette ash.
The hands in front of him were not his. The arms were too long, the skin too rough, the palms calloused and the knuckles bruised, the fingernails bitten into jagged, ugly points from nervous chewing. Jake raised the hands—his hands?—shakily to his face, palms scraping a rough and uneven stubble along his jaw, catching in greasy hair that was longer than he was used to. His gaze darted to the walls of the room and though much of it had changed, some of it was familiar; the faded poster of a sports car over the dresser, the second-hand bookshelf cluttered with games and unfolded socks, the dented and scraped silver metal baseball bat leaning against the wall by the door.
This was Aaron’s bedroom.
What the hell was he doing in Aaron’s room!?
Jake heaved himself up and threw the bedroom door open, tripping over legs that were too long and smashing into the doorframe with a hiss of pain.
“Keep it down!” A horribly familiar voice barked from down the hall and Jake felt such a bolt of fear that he scurried into the bathroom and bolted the door behind him without turning on the lights.
He stood shivering in the dark for a long moment, his back pressed against the door, chest heaving as he tried to get himself under control. Only when the room stopped spinning under his feet did he reach out and flick the light on. Even then, it took him several deep breaths to work up the courage to look in the mirror.
Aaron looked back at him, wearing an expression of hopeless terror that Jake had never seen on his brother before.
Jake pressed his hands against the cold surface of the mirror, eyes wide as he stared at his reflection—at Aaron’s face staring right back at him, at Aaron’s hands pressed against the reflective surface.
He was Aaron.
He was Aaron.
He was stuck in Aaron’s body and he was in the same house as his mother.
Aaron fumbled his way into a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt from nowhere. Then he slid cautiously out the bedroom door and into a hall, trailing it into the rest of the house. His gaze darted around, taking in as much as he could, startled by how…cozy it was.
This is where Jake lives… Aaron stared at a photo on the wall, at Jake’s happy and smiling face, the others with him who happily had their arms around him, at the friendliness of it all. It didn’t look familiar. It didn’t look real.
Aaron didn’t think he’d even seen Jake smile like that in his entire life.
A clatter from another room made him jump. He followed the sound to the kitchen where a very large man was bustling around, finishing his breakfast preparations. The smells were delicious and Aaron’s mouth watered hungrily. He moved towards the dining table, eyeing a cup of coffee still steaming next to an empty plate. Pale fingers reached for it only for it to be swept out of his reach by the huge man. The man chuckled in a teasing manner,
“Nuh-uh, mister, this one’s mine. This one, is yours.”
And he pressed a hot mug with the words “OKAY” on it into Aaron’s hand. Aaron starred into the dark coffee warming his palms and then glanced up at the other man; he was attending to the last of the breakfast, humming to himself. Aaron eyed the coffee again and took a small sip as he eased into a chair. He made a face and quickly set the mug down, pushing it away in disgust—decaf.
“Milo up yet?” The man asked, his back to Aaron as he sorted food onto plates by the stove.
“Um…” Said Aaron. Who the fuck is Milo??
“Yeah, we’d probably hear him if he was awake.” The man laughed as he set a couple of plates down on the table and took his own seat, “Well, we can just have breakfast without him. I have the day off so I’m spoiling everyone today.”
Aaron looked down at the plate in front of him; eggs and toast, a few bits of sausage, a couple small pancakes, and some hashbrowns. All of it perfectly cooked and like something straight out of a commercial for a family diner. He stared at it in something akin to awe. He’d never had someone cook him a meal like this before. It was like a dream. A far off dream he’d forgotten he’d had.
“Jake? You okay?”
The man was giving him a look of genuine concern from across the table, a forkful of eggs and sausage resting against the edge of his plate. Aaron swallowed hard, his throat dry, his mouth tasting like dust. His chest was hurting again.
“Um,” His voice caught somewhere in his lungs and came out strangled. He cleared his throat, “Um, yeah? I…I dunno. Um. Sorry, everything just—just feels kind of—I don’t…I’m not…” He trailed off, panic steadily climbing up inside him again, “I just don’t feel good. Today. Sorry.”
“Aw, Jake, that’s okay, don’t force yourself.” The man’s voice was gentle and kind and warm and Aaron felt a lump swelling in his throat, “You go grab a blanket and sit on the couch for now. I’ll bring you some toast later and you see if you’re up for that, okay?”
“Y-yeah…yeah, okay…” Aaron slid out of his chair, dazed by the generosity and concern. He was so stunned by what was happening that he startled badly when a large, warm arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him against an even warmer chest. The man leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Aaron’s messy blond head.
“Get some rest, Jake. You deserve it. Love you.”
The words were soft, gentle, sweet as spring time and crisp as autumn.
They burned in Aaron’s ears and seared his mind as he stumbled into the sitting room, dragging a blanket off the back of the couch to wrap around his shoulders. He curled in on himself, staring into the middle distance, trying to process what had just happened, wondering if he should have said something, said that he wasn’t Jake and that something had happened and that this was all wrong.
Get some rest. You deserve it. Love you.
When was the last time someone had told him they loved him?
When had anyone ever told him they loved him…?
Jake pulled the hood over his head and pressed his hands over his ears, trying to block out the insistent noise from the other side of the door. He was curled in the corner of the room, shaking so hard his knees where knocking together, his legs drawn to his chest, trying to tuck all of Aaron’s long limbs into as small a shape as possible.
The room was a mess; the bed was half pulled away from the wall, the dresser had been pushed halfway along the wall, and the bookshelf was tipped on its side, spilling its contents on the floor in a trail that led to the door it now blocked. The door that was shaking in its frame as someone hammered upon it from the other side. It was like a scene out of a horror movie. And to Jake, it was like a nightmare come to life.
He’d taken one step into the rest of the house and made eye contact with Donna, with his mother, and that had been enough. She’d barely started lecturing him when the fight, flight, or freeze instincts had kicked in. And Jake had run. He’d bolted out of the room so fast, the cheap hardwood floor had squealed under his bare feet. Donna had chased after him, yelling at him to get his scrawny ass back here! and I’m not finished talking to you!
Now she was pounding on the bedroom door and Jake was cowering in a corner of his younger brother’s room.
Jake squeezed his eyes shut, tears streaking down his face, and pressed his palms so hard against his eats that it hurt. He was hyperventilating, chest heaving, head spinning, his entire body soaked in fear and sweat and adrenaline that had no where to go. A desperate whine escaped his clenched teeth, breaking off into a breathless heave for air. He wanted to scream but there was no sound that could encapsulate the pure horror he was experiencing.
The fear was so great and terrible that it made him wretch, spitting out a dribble of stinging stomach acid and coughing as it burned his nose and throat. The door kept shaking and banging. Jake’s head was throbbing, his arms aching, his legs shaking, his head spinning in a million different directions. His heart pounded, strong and healthy, in a chest that wasn’t his, in a room that wasn’t his, in a house that he’d gotten out of years ago.
His only solace was that at least he couldn’t have a heart attack.
Milo, as it turned out, was a little red head in a stupid shark hoodie.
He was annoying and small and covered in freckles. But when the big guy had told him to be quiet because “Jake’s not feeling well”, Milo had settled right down on the couch next to him with a juicebox and a bag of shark crackers and fallen quiet. The television was playing some kind of documentary that Aaron wasn’t paying attention to, staring at the screen without really taking it in.
There was a kid leaning against him.
A kid who was almost as tall as Jake was when they were kids. A kid who loved and trust Jake enough to just…snuggle up to him like it was no big deal. He hadn’t even asked, he’d just. Done it.
With a damn juicebox of all things.
Aaron was curled under his blanket, arms hugging his knees to his chest. He wasn’t…scared. He wasn’t angry. He just couldn’t seem to wrap his mind around the unconditional love Jake’s housemates had for him. Who even were these people? Was the kid Jake’s? Was the big man Jake’s boyfriend? Did they have a third adult roommate?
How many friends did Jake have? (Aaron didn’t have any.)
Did Jake have a job? (Aaron didn’t.)
Where were they even living? (Hadn’t heard from Jake in years.)
Why did Jake get all of this, while Aaron got—
His chest ached and he bit his lip hard. Maybe it was best not to go down that road.
“Hey dad?”
Best not to dwell on things that could have been. Even though Aaron couldn’t help but wonder—
--would his life have been this perfect—
—if he had gotten away too?
“Dad!” A tug on his blanket made him gasp and jolt in his seat, jerking around to stare at the boy next to him. Milo was frowning but it was a look of concern, not anger or disappointment. Another expression that Aaron was not at all used to seeing, and one that certainly twisted something inside him into shaky knots.
“Uh, I—yeah, what? Sorry. What—what do you…need?”
“Are you gonna be okay?” Worry softened the edges of Milo’s words, concern and fear and love and distress spilling out of his eyes as they stared imploringly up at Aaron, “Is…is it a heart thing?”
A heart thing?
Jake had a heart thing?
Maybe it had something to do with the pressure under his ribcage. It had been a constant, gnawing twinge in his chest since he’d woken up in Jake’s body, an irritating pulse of pain that stabbed its way through his left side and lodged itself into the general area he thought a heart might be.
Milo was still looking up at him, waiting for an answer, concern and love dancing in the depths of his eyes. It made the inside of Aaron’s chest ache in a different way.
“I’m…y-yeah. Yeah, it’s…a heart thing.”
“Oh.” Milo ducked his head and tucked himself deeper against Aaron’s (Jake’s) side. Almost absently, Aaron put his arm around the boy’s shoulders. When he’d realized what he was doing, he wanted to yank his arm back, put some distance between himself and this stranger, stop infecting Jake’s perfect family life with his presence.
But Milo was warm and welcoming and soft and he relaxed against Aaron’s side with a gentle sigh like he belonged there.
So Aaron put his cheek against soft, red hair, closed his eyes, and let it be. Just for the moment. He let himself pretend, if only just for the moment.
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PM: Essential Info
What Will and Will Not Be Specified About the Reader
·       Unspecified
o   Sex (as in what the scientific male and/or female body parts they have)
o   Gender/gender identity
o   Ethnicity/race
o   Details about the reader’s skin (e.g. color, dry, oily, soft, rough, etc.)
o   Anything about the reader’s hair (color, type, texture, etc.)
o   Body shape and weight
o   Eye color
o   Romantic and sexual orientation
o   Religious beliefs and the like (this will never even come up)
o   There will be next to no specific physical descriptors
·       Specified
o   Reader is under 6’0”/183cm (Or is at least shorter than Malleus)
o   Reader practices some mild/beginner Witchcraft (like spell jars, for example.)
o   The reader likes to sleep. They don’t appreciate being woken up.
o   The reader is at least somewhat romantically interested in boys
Reader is legally an adult, so only platonic relationships with the little baby children. Any characters that are 18 or older are free reign though. The Octavinelle boys are seventeen, but I’m willing to twist canon a bit and age them up a year if that’s what the people want.
Important Aspects That Cannot Be Removed
                          Any underlined text in this section signifies an aspect that absolutely cannot be changed. Everything else in this section is flexible and can be changed if wished.
If any of these points have something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and I will attempt to find a word-around to the best of my ability.
If the reader ever refers to themselves in third person (It is extremely unlikely this will happen), they will use they/them/their(s) pronouns.
There will be a notifier/warning before any scene with actual romantic content so that if you don’t like the specific character, you can easily skip it. As of now, romance scenes will not directly affect the plot.
No smut will be present in this work.
The reader is uncomfortable to an unspecified degree at the prospect of having to attend an all-boys school. The reason for this comfortability is unspecified and can be anything you wish (Some possible examples: the reader does not identify as male, the reader is not heterosexual and/or hetero-romantic, the reader has female organs/body parts in the scientific sense, the reader doesn't feel safe being surrounded by men (especially men who can whip out fireballs whenever they desire), etc.).
Since Night Raven College is an all-boys school, the other characters will assume the reader is a male and will use masculine pronouns when referring to them in the beginning, but this will change as the story goes along. When a character learns the reader's reason for being uncomfortable, they will immediately switch to using they/them pronouns for the reader ( I will use "(raison d'être)*" as the fill-in space for the reader’s reason for being uncomfortable). If those are not the pronouns you use/are uncomfortable with them, I apologize. The main reasons for this switch in pronouns are: 1) to be inclusive no matter anyone’s gender or identity. 2) signify a change in relationship, to signify that this character knows the (raison d’être), which can be helpful to keep track of which characters know and which don’t without having to look through different chapters to remind yourself. 3) to show that the character is trying to be respectful and considerate of the reader, not wanting to assume anything else about them.
The reader does not want anybody they don’t trust to know their (raison d’être). The reason for why they don’t want anyone to know is up to you. Every reason is valid, no matter how it seems like. Whether you or others regard it as a big reason or little reason does not matter. Any reason at all is okay.
The (raison d’être) causes the reader to try to fit in in a way that doesn't garner suspicion to the best of their ability when around people who don’t know the (raison d’être). I believe that the reader character would not want others to suspect that they are attracted to men, because they know that some people may then avoid them and/or ignore them simply because the reader is attracted to men while going to an all-boys school. (I’m not actually going to make any of the characters act like this. I put this reason in because I know that there are some shitty people out there who will immediately break friendships once they learn someone’s sexuality. I think that the reader would fear this possibility since they know it happens back on Earth. Maybe it has happened to them before.) This done for various other reasons as well: in order to fit in better, not garner suspicion, to prevent others from getting to curious—which could lead to them learning the (raison d’être) before the reader is ready to tell them—and so on and so forth. I’m assuming that if you’re reading this fic, you wanna romance some boys, meaning you'll be in a school full of pretty boys.
The reader is at least somewhat attracted to monster-like/inhuman features some of the characters have, like horns or fangs and such. 
The reader knows Disney stuff. They are quite familiar with Disney and they are definitely going to be singing some Disney songs sometime. I won’t just copy and paste all the lyrics to certain songs. It’ll most be just a mention that the reader starts humming or singing a certain song, or they emphasized a certain line of lyrics for some reason.
Reader might reference Starkid and their musical Twisted. I highly recommend it. You can find the whole performance on youtube. You might know Starkid from one of their most famous works: A Very Potter Musical.
Reader is from this Earth. Our Earth. The one you’re living on irl. Or at least an Earth that is nearly identical. Like so identical that the only difference is that someone coughed at 12:04 on a certain day but on the other Earth that person coughed at 12:03.
         F. Warnings for General/Common Triggers That Appear in This Work and Mental Disorders the Reader Will Exhibit
·       Triggers/Content Warnings
o   Nothing super prevalent yet. Please DM me any triggers you have if you’d like me to know them. That way I can place a warning if it ever comes up.
·       Mental Disorders
o    (These are based on what I have because I feel most confident in my works if it feels genuine. The best way to make characters feel genuine and like real people is to base things off of personal experience. Especially since this is a reader insert, I’ll end up slipping in these traits without even realizing it, so I think it’s best to incorporate them anyways.)
§  Social Anxiety Disorder—I’ve had this disorder for the majority of my life, so my writing reflects that because I don’t really know how to write otherwise. So the reader will have social anxiety. There will be instances where the reader will spiral.
§  Depression—there will be hints of depression paired with social anxiety sometimes.
§  Some aspects of ADHD, like the need to fidget with something or thoughts bouncing from place to place.
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sparklyandchic · 5 years
𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕-𝕥𝕠-𝕥𝕠𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖
 ✨ first, a disclaimer! this is a list of things which i have found to subjectively improve my own appearance. i’m sure there’s many more treatments i’ve missed, and you may also feel that some of these treatments aren’t for you- i’ve just included everything which i have enjoyed personally in order to inform you of your options, from which you can make your own decisions on which to take part in. also, little blurb; what society or others think of you doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things and it is not my goal to promote being concerned with these things here. these are meant to help you be more excited about your own appearance every morning when you wake up, and take more time and care for yourself. partaking in these activities should add to your life, not subtract. ur all cute and valuable already ✨
also second disclaimer: i initially tried to make an amazon storefront as i thought i could put all the products i mentioned on one page so you could have access to them easily, but it turns out regular people can only get an amazon affiliation. this means that if you buy anything through the amazon links i provided, i’ll receive a very tiny percentage of the profits. this doesn’t benefit you, nor does it make the price higher for you, but if you’d like to support what i’m doing, it would be cool if you bought things through the links i provided. if you hate me or something, you can just search and buy them through amazon yourself! these are all products that i used and bought from amazon far before i signed up for the amazon affiliation, i’m just genuinely obsessed with amazon but i’m not affiliated in any way with any brand i mentioned.
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✨ 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣  ✨
bleach/dye: personally i am a huge fan of foil highlights! tons of gals look amazing with dark hair or their natural hair color, but i have found that, for me, they really brighten the face and add depth to my hair. you could also darken your hair, do balayage, or tone it a different shade. i always recommend going to an actual well-rated salon rather than attempting to do it at home. they can ensure you’re getting the proper undertones and the correct volume developer for your hair. if you’re getting your hair bleached, look for a salon that uses olaplex or a similar bond builder in the mixture to avoid completely damaging the structure of your hair. at home, i tone my hair to remove gold/brassy tones with either this pravana mask, or a tiny amount of this semi-permanent violet hair dye mixed into my conditioner (you should only leave this in for a minute the first time as it can be very strong). i’ve found most purple shampoos are quite harsh, especially on fragile hair, so i always go for conditioner.
at-home protein treatments: if your hair is damaged from dying or styling it, i highly recommend using a protein mask on it at home once a week when you can to restore the structure of your hair. olaplex no 3 is a popular option but i really like this k-beauty collagen mask for a way cheaper option that works just as well in my opinion! many brands make protein and keratin masks though so feel free to order whichever you like.
cleansing conditioner: if you’ve used every “hydrating” and “repairing” shampoo + conditioner under the sun but your hair is still dry or fragile, i recommend using cleansing conditioner instead! shampoo, even sulfate free ones, can create friction and cause tearing in your hair, but cleansing conditioner cleans your hair without stripping or damaging it! i love this one from renpure and it’s a lot cheaper than other cleansing conditioners like wen, which i found to be less effective and weigh the hair down. if your hair does ever start to feel a little weighed down or oily, use shampoo to clean it more deeply- i tend to use it once every 1-2 weeks depending on how much i’ve been working out. cleansing conditioner will also help maintain a keratin treatment as it won’t strip the treatment from your hair, which brings me to this next consideration...
keratin treatments: keratin treatments are a semi-permanent treatment which help to make your hair quite a lot straighter, and much smoother, softer, shinier, and dry quicker! these help so much if you have frizzy or damaged hair, or your curl pattern is super irregular like mine! curly hair is beautiful too but if your curl pattern is tough to manage and make look pretty, then they’re a great option. a lot of people ask me if they're damaging but i find that they really help with my damaged fake-blonde hair and my hair stylist agrees, but he said to stay away from relaxers or japanese straightening treatments if your hair is fragile as those can be very damaging! if you’re in nyc, i recommend ‘hair bar nyc,’ their treatments are around $100 and last a couple months before they start to fade. i always go for their strongest solution, the 24 karat.
hair growth vitamins: personally i had short hair for a long time and loved it and still think it looks great on so many people! but i’m currently growing it out, so i’ve been taking hair vitamins daily to speed up the process. any brand works, but i love this brand ‘hair anew’ on amazon, or any store-brand which contains extra nutrients like zinc and pantothenic acid (not just plain biotin) as i feel that they work better and also clear my skin. they also help grow your nails longer and stronger, your eyebrows thicker, and your lashes longer and thicker!
hair extensions: these are less common/necessary, but for girls whose hair is much shorter than they want it, is damaged from bleach/dye/heat, or whose hair is quite thin, clip-in extensions can be a game changer. i’ve had tape-in extensions before and found that not only did they damage my hair and thin it out incredibly badly afterward, but they also truly were a lot of work to style and still looked bad after half an hour of trying to get it to work. a pair of clip-in remy extensions should also only set you back $60-100 while any sort of semi-permanent extension is far more expensive. i currently have this brand fullshine from amazon but it may also be wise to find a beauty supply store where you can match your hair to the extensions. this is also a great method of showing your hair stylist exactly what color you want your hair dyed to be! and pro-tip, never ever use shampoo on your extensions if you want them to last more than a month before they’re ratty and you need new ones. only ever wash them with plain conditioner, every couple of weeks!
shower filters: if you live in a place which has hard water, this can make your hair more brittle, dry, frizzy, tangled, and even make your hair a shade of green, due to the dissolved minerals drying in your hair. i installed this water filter in my shower to purify the water. it only takes 5 minutes; you simply twist off your showerhead,  twist the filter on, and then twist the showerhead back on. they also help with acne, eczema, and dandruff! i definitely noticed a difference in my hair softness when i got one.
leave-in treatments: i figure my favorite leave in-conditioners and serums are worth a mention here! i’ve been using the same 2-3 products for several years and i’ve never found anything that works as well as them. the two non-negotiables for me are it’s a 10 leave-in conditioner with keratin, and either biosilk or chi silk infusion. and if and when my hair is very dry or damaged from recent bleaching, i also put some moroccanoil on the ends. 
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✨ 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 ✨
brows: at-home tinting is a quick and cost effective way to make your brows more defined! i’ve used henna dyes before, which also dye the skin beneath the brows and make them look extra thick, but i found that lighter colors were always more orange than “light brown.” instead i love and use this brand of lash/brow dye. i don’t buy their developer- i just followed a reviewer’s instructions to mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and dye, and it works great! and obviously choose the color which suits your hair color. also worth mentioning, the light brown can be quite light or quite dark depending on how long you leave it on so start with 5 minutes and go from there! 
also, of course always keep your eyebrows well-shaped! if you’ve never had them shaped before, it’s a good idea to get it done professionally first and then maintain it at home with tweezers. i’m a big fan of benefit brow bar for waxing! they have stand-alone locations or smaller bars in a lot of ulta’s.
lashes: getting your lashes done is a great way to feel more done-up even without makeup! lash extensions are amazing at defining your eyes and making them look bigger and more awake, but they’re also a lot of money and upkeep. personally i love lash lifts as i have long lashes (from hair growth vitamins woo) but they just don’t curl very well and are super blonde; a lash lift dyes and curls them and lasts far longer than extensions with no bi-weekly touch-up appointments! if you're not opting for any treatments, i’d still recommend hair growth vitamins to grow your lashes longer!
you can also dye your lashes at home! i’ve tried at-home lash lift kits several times and i found them all messy and completely ineffective, possibly due to my lack of skill, but i couldn’t personally recommend them as of yet. i would recommend at-home lash tints though! if i don’t currently have my lashes curled and tinted from a lash lift, i will use this dye, which is the black version of my eyebrow tint, and use the same hydrogen peroxide formula as described above, to dye my lashes black. it’s great if you’re lazy with makeup, going swimming, or wanna look a lil extra cute when you're at home.
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✨𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 ✨ 
professional facials are a great option if you want to feel pampered, get extractions from someone who knows how to do it properly, or get an intensive peel or mask. but they can also get incredibly expensive, while some of their treatments can be done entirely at home! 
physical exfoliation: this is pretty important for basically any skin type, in order to remove dead skin cells! you should avoid harsh scrubs, like those with walnut shell, as they can create microtears in the skin. sugar-based scrubs are safe, but personally i use either of these two items:
-facial brushes! i got a clarisonic years ago, and i love it! if i remove my makeup, then wash my face with my hands, but then wash my face with the clarisonic, there's generally still makeup that comes off on the brush. i would recommend a clarisonic but there’s now highly rated much cheaper versions on amazon so i don’t think i’d recommend spending $100-200 on one when this $33 version with similar sonic vibrations is available.
-microdermabrasion is a great, more advanced option, for removing dead skin cells and helping to clean out your pores. the ‘diamond’ tip runs along your skin to exfoliate dead skin cells, while a vacuum pulls off the skin cells and unclogs your pores. they are a bit more expensive- i got this $90 one for christmas and love it, though there are also similar ones which run around $60 and also have great reviews. i only use this about once a week.
chemical exfoliation: this is great for brightening up the skin. whenever my skin simply looks tired, dull, or congested, i opt for a chemical exfoliant. there are tons of chemical exfoliant options, but my go-to has to be these pads by dr dennis gross. they consist of 2 pads- one with the acids which will exfoliate your skin and one with a neutralizer- and only take about 5 minutes total to use! they are an all time favorite, as i see a difference in my skin right away, but aren’t so harsh that i get any redness or peeling afterwards. the ordinary is also a great skincare brand for all kinds of acids and oils for really cheap! they make a peeling solution which one of my friend uses and she loves it, and i’ve tried a lot of their products over the years and loved them too.
general masks: there are tons of different masks to help with different skin problems and skin types. basically, you've got clay masks for oily skin, hydrating masks for dry skin, and undereye masks for when you're tired as hell.
radiofrequency machine: i first found out about this from stephanie shepherd’s top shelf interview. it’s somewhat commonly used in high end facials, and my friend who is going to cosmetology school said they're great for acne and skin tightening! to my understanding, it works by killing bacteria in the skin, and stimulating blood flow and collagen production. the one i have is only $40, which makes it seem too good to be true, but apparently studies have shown they’re effective in wrinkle reduction, and i’ve found it really helpful for making breakouts heal faster.
other products: i haven’t actually found many other products that i think are a “holy grail” item, besidesss the embryolisse lait creme concentre. i have really dry skin, especially in the winter, and actually bought myself the smallest jar of la mer available this past christmas to see if it could help, but i found it to help absolutely nothing. the lait creme, though, has made my skin actually look like normal skin again, when it used to be extremely flakey and irritated. it’s known for commonly being used backstage at a lot of couture fashion shows, which sold me on it initially lol.
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✨ 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 ✨
teeth whitening: i use crest whitestrips to whiten my teeth at home! i’ve found them really effective, but i’d recommend using them a bit less often than the instructions recommend. the kind i have recommends using them daily at first but, anytime i’ve used them two days in a row, my teeth were sensitive and in pain for a whole day afterwards. otherwise they’re great though, just space them out a bit!
also, of course, floss and brush your teeth morning and night! i’d also recommend adding a tiny bit of baking soda on top of your toothpaste, to help with whitening. i used to do this daily back in high school and started actually getting compliments on my teeth being white.
lip filler: as many of you know, i’ve had lip filler done, and I've received a lot of questions about them, so i thought i’d include the basic rundown here. these obviously aren’t something that you should feel ugly without. your lips can be beautiful whether or not you’re following this trend. personally, i never thought i would get lip fillers, but last year i did start noticing that when i smiled in pictures, my top lip would totally disappear. i was hesitant but went and got my lips done knowing that it would dissolve in time, and i ended up loving them and feeling totally glamorous with them! i must caution you to avoid getting too much “lip flipping” done if any. over time, my injector started putting the filler around the edges of my lips to flip my lips out and make them appear bigger. it’s okay in small doses, but some injectors start cutting corners and over-doing it, which leads to the “duck face” look, and my lips have started to look slightly pursed even at rest, but are also completely lacking volume in the middle. i’m getting them dissolved and re-done soon, but let this be a lesson to you to ask for little to no lip flipping, and ask for the filler to be more in the center of your lips. before lip flipping, no one ever seemed to notice i had anything done, then suddenly after two appointments with lip flipping, everyone and their mother started asking if ive had my lips done. so i’d highly recommend them, with that caveat in mind.
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 ✨ 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 + 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕥 ✨
manicures: okay so you can do your nails at home if you’re doing regular polish, or even if you're using an at-home gel polish set. you should file them into a nice shape (i prefer them round as opposed to square, as they’re less likely to break), push back and trim your cuticles if needed, and paint them. but personally i love getting acrylics or dip powder! i always get tips added if my nails aren’t very long at the moment, and i feel that it makes my fingers look longer and more elegant and feminine. either way is cute though!
pedicures: okay so getting a pedicure at the salon is a great experience, but i also see no reason to get one given that i can just trim and paint my toenails at home. i would highly recommend ordering some peeling foot masks though- these are the ones i have. they’re these little plastic sock masks that you leave on for an hour, take off, and then ~3 days later an entire layer of your skin starts peeling off and your foot is baby soft. if it’s taking a while to peel off, go soak your feet in a bowl of warm water or in a bath/shower and scrub it off. i used to sit with a foot exfoliation machine for like 20 minutes whirring away at my feet but with these you can just chill on tumblr for an hour and then a few days later  your feet are totally renewed.
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✨ 𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪 ✨
self tanner: self-tanning is probably my #1 beauty tip. honestly i’d give up makeup, conditioner, whatever, as long as i could hold onto my bondi sands dark tanning foam. a good tan makes you look so fresh, healthy, glowing, and fit and toned. before tanning, you should try and exfoliate yourself in the shower. i use a scrubby mitt, specifically this one, which also comes with an actual tanning mitt and a mini facial tanning mitt for applying your tanner. afterwards, you’re going to want to apply some lotion on your knees, elbows, and heels, as these areas tend to be dry and soak up more self tanner and turn darker than the rest of your body. then just apply your self tanner all over with a tanning mitt, and blend well. i swear by bondi sands dark foam! st. tropez gives me an allergic reaction personally and a lot of other ones smell bad or have an orange guide-color, but bondi sands smells like coconut and has a really pretty cool-toned tan guide-color. (DHA is the active ingredient in self-tanners- its a clear chemical which reacts with the skin cells and turns them darker after a few hours, while the initial color that you see right out of the bottle is the guide-color. self-tanners will market their tan as “not orange” or something like that, but this only refers to the guide-color, not the tan itself, as they all contain DHA which turns skin the same color. regardless, i love that bondi sands has such a nice guide-color, so even when i’m pale, i can just throw some on and run out the door looking tan!) after a week or two, your tan is going to start getting patchy no matter how many layers you’ve added, so you’re either going to want to exfoliate as much off as you can and do a fresh new tan, or if i have time i’ll apply the bondi sands self-tan remover before exfoliating to get virtually all of it off.
glitter: this is a bit more out-there, but i love love love using shimmery lotions on my body. i feel like a fairy princess, but also it gets rid of that chalky flakey dry look my skin can get in the winter. before swim shoots or the victoria’s secret fashion show, models are always getting slathered in shimmery lotion or oil. there’s a lot of expensive shimmery body oils out there, but you can also just make your own with cosmetic mica and your favorite lotion (i use a gradual tanning lotion to keep my tan looking fresh). cosmetic mica is basically what they use in all the shimmery makeup you buy, and it doubles as an amazing highlighter or eyeshadow!
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✨𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕦𝕡 ✨
basic tips: i’m by no means a makeup guru, but i do feel as though my makeup skills have strengthened a lot since i was a little hippie at 16 years old who just wore hemp lip balm and organic powder foundation sometimes, so here’s some tips i picked up since then. i did also take a one-day makeup masterclass in LA with a celebrity makeup artist who has done the kardashians makeup, which is where i learned virtually all these tips:
✰  let your moisturizer sit for a few minutes before applying foundation ✩ beauty blenders tend to be far better for blending liquid makeup into your skin than brushes  ✰  using just one shade of foundation on your face can make your skin look flat. either use a few different shades of foundation, or a light concealer and a darker contour stick, to add dimension to the face. also, use 2 or 3 different blush colors to add dimension  ✰  blend. more than you think you need to. your foundation, contour, blush, eyeshadow, everything. just keep blending.  ✰  don’t make your eyeliner too thick along the entire eye. this makes your eyelids and eyes look smaller. it should be thin until you thicken it at the outer corners of your eyes.  ✰  as for the rest, fill in and brush your eyebrows, wear a lip color that goes well with your skin tone, highlight the inner corners of your eyes to look more awake, use a setting spray if you want to look dewier and make your makeup last longer ✰
if you’re curious about my full makeup routine here are all the products i use:
✰  embryolisse lait creme concentre moisturizer  ✰  giorgio armani luminous silk foundation  ✰  tarte shape tape concealer  ✰  anastasia beverly hills contour stick in ‘mink’ ✰  too faced born this way setting powder ✰  wet n wild blushes in ‘mellow wine’ and ‘apricot in the middle’  ✰  huda beauty rose gold eyeshadow palette (this is pretty but doesn’t blend super well you should probably buy the abh modern renaissance palette)  ✰  stila micro tip eyeliner  ✰  too faced better than sex mascara  ✰  abh clear brow gel ✰  eyebrow powder, doesn't matter what brand but i got tamnova at the makeup course so i use that. thin eyebrow pencils are good for a natural look but my brows are too thick for them lol  ✰  this cosmetic mica for highlighter  ✰  glossier generation g lipstick in the color leo  ✰
makeup bag: a somewhat extensive list of on-the-go beauty products for you to consider carrying with you in your makeup bag:
✰ perfume. you can buy small on-the-go perfume bottles like these and fill them with your favorite scent ✰ lip products, such as lip balm, lip gloss, or lipstick ✰ lotion. i bring a small hand lotion bottle, and also carry a small container of my body lotion and cosmetic mica mixture ✰ mini lint roller ✰ tide stain stick ✰ downy wrinkle releaser fabric spray ✰ eyelash curler ✰ foundation powder ✰ mascara ✰ mini hairbrush ✰ mini dry shampoo ✰ mints, mint gum, or mini mouthwash ✰ mini deodorant ✰ summer’s eve wipes ✰ hydrating facial mist ✰ blotting papers ✰ 
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✨ 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 ✨
no matter how manicured, tanned, and sparkly you are, if you act with jealousy, spite, and hatred, you will never be beautiful, on the inside or outside. live authentically, act with integrity, and be kind ♡
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freakie-deakie · 5 years
Hyunjin // If We Let Go
grammarly is a girl’s best friend; can’t guarantee she’s perfect though.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Hyunjin x Reader (angst one shot mini series // 2.9k words)
"Y/N, babe, you look stressed." Hyunjin commented, abandoning whatever he was doing and coming to sit with you on the couch as soon as you walked into the dorms.
He sat on edge as you leaned back, folding your arms across your chest and letting your head rest on the top of the couch. "It's just work, Jinnie." You sighed rolling your read to the side a little to look at him. His face looked at you with intense curiosity, his brows furrowed and lips drawn back into a thin line. "No one wants me there." you said bluntly, bringing your feet up to rest on the front of the couch, recentering your field of vision on the ceiling before closing your eyes. "It's just been a long day."
Little did you know that as soon as you closed your eyes, he fell out of character and rolled his eyes, promising himself he was almost done. Done with with what? Your relationship: completely fake on one end and completely genuine on the other. He was almost done with the bet: how long he had to date you.
But for the next three weeks he was gonna play his role and be a good boyfriend because his mama ain't raise no little bitch.
He restapled his facade to his face and gingerly touched your knee, scooting closer to you. He pondered a couple ideas for a moment before suggesting one. "What if you go take a cool shower and we can go out for the last couple of hours of daylight with a Polaroid camera?"
"I don't have any makeup with me," you said, beginning to sit up.
"I've told you a hundred times already," he looked you in the eyes, "you're even more beautiful without makeup."
Quite frankly, he didn't agree with what he said, but he didn't care how you looked in the photos because he wouldn't have to keep them for very long.
The more he considered his inward thoughts, the more he noticed how bitter he'd become towards you, who'd never once wronged him. Having to be sweet to you was never a problem when you were just friends- actually, he had enjoyed your company. But forcing himself to act like he cared was getting old, and beginning to make him more irritable.
You gave him a light smile, willing to humor him and go with his plan, knowing he was only trying to help. You stood and went to use the shower closest to his room, passing and tiredly greeting Minho on the way.
Once you closed the door behind you, Minho made his way to the living room and laughed at the scowl Hyunjin wore. When the younger huffed, Minho chuckled out a low "How you holding up?"
"She's so annoying," Hyunjin groaned. "Like, usually she's way too happy and questiony. Like 'Oh Hyunjinnie-oppa, have you eaten? Should I make you something? How was your day? Did you have fun at practice?' but now that she's not, I feel like I should feel bad that she's had a rough day but I don't care. She's like always here. She's so clingy. Jisung better pay upfront when we win this."
Minho's eyes drifted off of the younger boy's for a moment before returning. "Are you gonna tell her?"
Hyunjin shrugged and shook his head. "Nah, there's no reason to. I'll just break it off with her and then she'll avoid me anyways, thank God."
You stripped and took a short but powerful shower. The cool water mixed with wash on your oily skin after a stress inducing day felt like it was washing away all your sinful thoughts about flipping someone off or breaking the copy machine.
When you stepped out, you already felt better. You redressed and glanced at yourself in the mirror. You looked almost younger than you had ten minutes ago. Sure, at the beginning of the day your makeup may have added to your youth by covering your light ance, but as work made you feel like you aged a decade in an hour, you also began to look it.
You were slightly insecure about being barefaced in the presence of your friends, but you also knew that the nine boys who lived in the dorm under your visitation were the closest people to you. -Plus, this wouldn't be the first time they'd seen you like this as all of them broke into your apartment one night to comfort you after you had a rough surgery.
They were with you through a lot of hardships like that.
You shook off your thoughts, quickly drying your hair with Jeongin's blow-dryer and heading back to the living room. Upon your arrival, Minho sent a wolf whistle in your direction making a soft giggle escape past your lips. Hyunjin stood, grabbing his camera and a jacket, and escorting you out the door, his arm linked with your own.
On your walk through the park you talked about various things, the conversation never once becoming boring (at least, not to you).
"So I told you about my day and why I might commit murder, but I never asked you about yours." You looked at him expectingly.
'There it is,' he thought. "Mine was actually pretty good. I finally got the entire choreography down, now it's just a matter of perfecting it."
You smiled at your hardworking boyfriend fondly. You were so proud of him, words could never be enough to express that. Sometimes, you wondered if he worked too hard. "Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder," you reminded.
He wrapped his arms around you and looked into your eyes. "You're perfect," he said, placing a lingering peck on your forehead.
--three weeks later--
A few other boys sat in the living room, but Hyunjin insisted that you sit so close to him that you were basically on him, your legs pulled up and resting in his own, a protective arm around your shoulders.
He didn't seem to be interested in the banter of the others, too distracted by playing with your hair. He sighed when his fingers got caught on a knot, gently pulling the strands apart to untangle them.
"Are you okay?"you asked lowly. He nodded, but halted what he was doing.
After a few seconds, he finally asked, "Actually, can I talk to you in private?" Finally, this was it- the end. He had been looking for the right time for a few days now, as your four-month (uncelebrated) anniversary had already passed. He figured now would be as good a time as any.
He lead you to his bedroom, missing the looks of pity from two parties in the room you exited. He kicked Changbin and Seungmin out. They made visibly disgusted faces as they left, completely misreading the situation and going to reside with the other loud boys on the couches, talking about how both of you were probably sinning behind closed doors.
He silently looked at you for a minute, feeling the guilt rise in his chest. You began to scratch at the top of your hand, a nervous habit you'd had for a while. You'd picked it up when you had accidentally put poison ivy in a bouquet of flowers and tried to hide the embarrassing rash on your wrist from your friends. To this day, you could still feel it's phantom itch.
"I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you anymore. I think we should break up." It took a lot if energy on his part to make put enough emotion into his voice to make it convincing.
You laughed nervously. "Did I do something wrong?" Your voice was small and full of disappointment, but you were content with that because at least it wasn't broken and full of grief. You were trying to stay level headed since he started talking. You understood that you had only been with him for a short period of time, and that you had no right to stop him if he wanted to leave, but you still needed to ask your question so that you didn't repeat whatever mistakes you made in the future.
You tried not to think about all the sappy and cute I love you's you'd both shared over the course of your relationship as the thought of those words made you embarrassed that you hadn't waited longer to say them. The time you'd spent with him, while fun, was short-lived but you were ready to accept that.
"No, you didn't do anything. This just didn't work out. It just doesn't feel right anymore." He watched you rock from one heel to another. "You really didn't do anything. I'm so sorry," his brows furrowed with his last sentence.
"Well," you took a small inhale, "I really appreciate you being honest with me." You held out your hand for a fist-bump. "Still friends, right?"
He reciprocated, giving you a small smile and nodding. "Still friends."
The air grew awkward and you mentally cursed yourself for being so stupid. You thanked him for his time and told the rest of the boys goodbye before leaving their dorm.
You made it about halfway down the hallway when you realized something. You had been to busy pushing away your complex series of thoughts to until you got home to cry into your couch pillows, that you completely forgot to grab your purse, which held the keys to let you back in to your apartment. You unlocked the door with the key that they left under the rug, not wanting to make any of them get up to let you in.
You were about to step in, grab your belongings, apologize, and be on your marry way when you heard Hyunjin's voice from the living room. You fell silent, considering just leaving and staying with a friend until someone delivered it to you. As you weighed your options, you subconsciously began to listen in.
Hyunjin had stretched his arms above his head, a bright smile in his face as he faced the rest of the boys who were now gathered in one room.
"Why do you look so happy?" Chan teased in reference to the intimate moment he figured you'd shared right before your small figure quickly skedaddled out the door.
"He's a free man," Minho commented.
Changbin and Felix, both close friends with you, quickly sat up straight and dropped their entertained expressions.
"What do you mean?" one asked.
"And why are you so happy about it?" was the other's continuation.
Jisung sighed, scratching the back of his neck and revealing the dirty little secret that they'd kept hidden for months. "The bet's over, so he doesn't have to date Y/N anymore."
Chan's gaze slowly morphed to one of stone, upset with the behavior of his teammates. "You have five minutes to elaborate," he said, quickly getting protective over his sisterly figure. Hyunjin looked to Minho and Jisung, the later being the only one willing to explain.
"We had a bet that he couldn't date Y/N for four months without catching feelings. It's about other stuff too, it's a long story," he said avoiding everyone's gaze, but especially Felix's. "Minho was in on it!" he ratted his hyung out. Minho wanted to argue but knew he was just as invested to it as the other boys.
Everyone sat there in disbelief. Woojin was the first to ask the question they were all thinking. "So did you ever really care about her?"
The culprit shrugged, taking a seat on the arm of the packed couch. "I mean we were friends until I asked her out and she got so damn clingy. Honestly, I'm happy you guys are so close with her but she's so annoying, I literally can't stand her anymore."
"That is seriously fucked up," Seungmin commented.
"Does she know?" Chan asked, only for Hyunjin to shake his head 'no.'
Felix's head snapped towards Jisung. He was mad at all of them but particularly at Jisung. "We were supposed to be her best friends! How could you even do that?"
Jisung glanced at him, then back at the floor. "Everyone knew she liked him. I was trying to help! I thought he would like her back after he spent some time with her," pleaded the strawberry blonde.
Jeongin huffed, standing making his way towards his room, frustrated with his hyungs.
"Jeongin.." Hyunjin tried, not wanting him to hate him for what he did. He was another that was close with you. They were all close to you in some way or another, but he hoped to not let this take a tole on his own relationship with his brothers.
The maknae snapped as soon as his name was called. "Maybe some of us wanted the chance you just had, but you blew it like an asshole," he stressed, pointing an accusing finger at his friend. "And I know for a fact she forgave you, because she's too nice for someone like you." He made his exit quicker, slamming his bedroom door behind him.
Everyone sat silently, not knowing whether or not to be more mad at Hyunjin or sympathetic with their baby.
In the midst of it all, a small click drew the ears of a few people.
"Oh shit, was that the front door?" Seungmin asked, running a stressed hand through his hair.
Minho pointed to the purse he'd just noticed sitting on the table. They all looked at each other with wide eyes, not knowing if they should fight their instincts to go into a frenzy or not.
"Shit," Chan cursed quietly. Everyone looked at Hyunjin. "Are you really not going to go after her?"
"I told you, I feel bad about it, but she's not my problem anymore."
Chan groaned. "Felix, since you're her only BFF with any brains left," Jisung's head hung even further down than before, "why don't you go comfort her. Hyunjin and I need to have a word in private."
Felix scurried towards the door and slammed it shut behind him, seeing your frame turn the corner towards the stairs.
"So how much was she worth?" Changbin asked, keeping his aggression at bay.
Jisung fowned, tears threatening to spill down his chubby cheeks. "Three hundred each."
"This is fucking ridiculous," he growled, standing up and going to sit in the kitchen.
Felix raced down the steps after you, mentally cursing your old soccer/track coach for being so good so good at their job.
"Y/N! Y/N, wait!" You didn't answer, instead booking it faster, almost tripping a couple of times. "God, Y/N, be careful."
He cursed, grabbing your arm when he finally got to you, stopping you both to catch your breath. Your face was red, your eyes a deeper hue and strained against the lights of the fire escape. Tears sparkled as they dripped off your cheeks, and your chin trembled.
"Felix, I just want to be alone right now," you tried with a weak voice. "I really don't want to be here."
He pulled your head to his shoulder and sat his head on top of yours, letting you grab him by the collar and soak his shoulder in your tears. "I'm sorry he's such a dick. Can I take you home? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but at least let me not leave you by yourself." You only nodded, latching on to him tighter and trying to decrease your volume by bawling into his shirt. He wanted to both integrate you on every aspect of your broken relationship and comfort you about it, but he waited and settled for a simple, "Come on then."
He hugged you all the way home. Although you tried to hide your face, people gave you weird looks as they passed by you on the sidewalk, one kind shop vender even offering you a flower and wishing you well.
When you got home, he made you tea and wrapped you in several blankets, sitting you on the couch. He didn't know if he should suggest watching a movie, or talking, or what, but he didn't get the chance to ask because in less than a minute your exhausted body was emitting soft snores. He didn't want to leave you so he messaged the boys that he would be staying with you and would appreciate it if someone would drop off your purse in the morning, not detailing the dramatic measures he took to get into your home.
"I know it was a fucked up thing to do but I still did it and I can't take it back," Hyunjin defended.
"I'm sorry, do you know? Because you don't at all seem sorry for it."
"I'm sorry that I did it, and I feel bad for her, but I can't change what I did so I'm sorry if I'm not upset with myself for not being able to go back in time to stop myself from doing it."
"You're ridiculous," Chan complained, folding his arms over his chest. "I want to punish you so bad, I just don't know how yet." Chan walked out of the bedroom where they were talking, still fuming at his member. Jisung and Minho were obviously in big trouble too, buy Hyunjin was the one to actually fake an entire relationship. He was convincing, too. Most of the boys believed he was just as deeply in love with her as they both often claimed.
Not only was he in trouble for lying to someone they all cared about, he was in trouble for lying to his family.
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lotionsandlipsticks · 6 years
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Does your delicate skin crave intense moisture due to the harsh winter months? Or maybe certain acne treatments have left your skin dry and irritated, and you need a solution? Then The Ordinary’s 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil is the only answer you need.
I’m a big fan of The Ordinary - it’s incredibly affordable, everything I’ve tried from the brand so far has worked and I like how they explain how each ingredient is effective. Plus, their packaging looks so clinical and professional, it’s quite fun to pretend to be a mad scientist when using their products (that’s probably just me, but try it and have a giggle). 
I first decided to try this oil when the texture of my skin started changing, due to breakouts that would leave scars and red pigmentation behind without fail each time. I didn’t want to moisturise my skin with anything greasy or too heavy, so I thought a facial oil might be the answer to my prayers instead. 
I use this oil at night, just before going to bed as the last step in my skincare regime. The consistency of the oil is a little hard to grasp at first, as it’s very easy to overdo it and use too much, leaving you with a thick layer of moisture that doesn’t really absorb overnight. But once you get used to using just a few drops, the results are marvellous. 
My skin has never been softer than since I’ve been using this oil. I remember the first night I used it, and I couldn't stop touching my cheeks the next morning as it was like my entire face had been transformed. 
An unexpected bonus as well is that it ironically balances out oily complexions. Now I wake up with smooth, hydrated skin instead of a typical greasy shine that used to dominate most mornings. 
And it really does feel like my acne scars and pigmentation are healing because of it. The fatty acids in the oil help to repair and support your skin while you sleep, and the gentleness of it genuinely makes you feel like your skin is being pampered and looked after with minimal effort involved. 
If you’re interested in trying something new, make it this product. It’s priced at £9.00 from Cult Beauty, which is an absolute steal. Get that baby-soft skin you’ve always wanted. 
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kira Kira Crate Jan 19
Alrighty guys, here we are :3 As I already explained a few times, I will be skipping the January NMNL box as I reviewed that back when we got it, due to the major overhaul the box had. I’ll be resuming that brand when I get into my February boxes.  
Also, before I begin I had a few other things I wanted to touch up on. I got an email this morning from Yume Twins, apparently they plan on modifying the boxes again. I’m not sure how yet though, but if it’s an “extreme change” like NMNL then I’ll probably make a post on that.
The other thing I wanted to mention is that my box in this review is missing an item. I’ll explain more about that inside the post.
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This months theme: New Year, New You
“As winter is in full swing, moisturize your skin all over your body through the cold and dry conditions. January’s curation is set to target your entire body from your head to your hands!“
Missing Item: Daruma Bath Bomb
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So as I said on top my box is missing an item. No clue what happened to it, my box was sealed and didn’t look tampered with. I took pictures and sent a message to the people who make the box but they were unable to explain what could have possibly happened to it; so my guess is my box was simply overlooked or they ran out by the time they got to mine.
As the box was sold out and they had no more of these they could send, they gave me a refund on the bath bomb instead. It was a little disappointing, but they quickly responded and listened to me, and tried to make it up to me; which made me feel at little better.
So with that in mind, I’m not going to be rating this item. We will now move on to the other stuff, which I actually did get :P
Rice Facial Mask
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I couldn’t help but think of how familiar this was. The packaging is different (besides the white and red coloring) but does anyone remember me getting another pack of rice face masks from NMNL some months back?
This specific pack is made from fermented soy milk, four kinds of rice, and soybean extract. Using it continuously will provide soft, shiny, and plump skin while moisturizing it. It has a... sort of generic facial/lotion scent I keep bringing up when I review these products in various posts.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Because I was really curious, I took half of this mask and on the other portion of my face used half of the other brands mask. They smell the same and are probably made out of the same ingredients, and they felt the same after using them- but it was brought to my attention that the side with this mask felt smoother.
It might be because it was new, in comparison to the other pack which was older. But they had the same moisture when I was getting them out of the pack (the old one might even be more moist, it has visible liquid in the pack!), so I’m not sure what makes them different.
Silicone Face Mask
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This item serves as a partner for the face mask, it’s a Silicone mask you put on over a face mask, and you use its loops to attach to your ears to hold it on. These are made to help your skin efficiently absorb more than what you would with just a mask on; kind of like the +1 bonus you’d get in a game for equipping certain items. It also helps to keep the mask on, so you wouldn’t be restricted while you’re using it.
Also, according to the package of this product the notches around the holes can be cut to alter the mask (I’m not entirely sure how, it makes it tighter or longer or something?), and you could even cut it to make two separate masks, a lower half and a top half.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I was excited about using this, because as someone who gets bored laying around using products some times I want the option to do other things. Unfortunately, this mask was way too uncomfortable for me to use. As far as I know I don’t have a big head, but this was a bit too tight around my ears and after like somewhere between 3-8 minutes I had to loosen it and play with a bit to try to keep it on, and by 10 minutes I gave up and took it off. I’m not sure if I just had it on wrong, or if it really is too small for me.
In saying that, I might cut it into two separate pieces as the back demonstrates. I noticed when I had one set of the loops on my face I was okay, but when I had both on it hurt. Beauty can be painful, but you shouldn’t be in a pain while relaxing >3<
Any long-time readers might recall that I do already have one of these, one that was black and cat-themed. It felt more comfortable than this one did honestly.
Hand Cream
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I love items like this because there is usually a variety you can get per-box. Ironically I tend not to get the one I would prefer, but I end up happy nonetheless. For this month, the item was (as usual) a hand cream, available in 3 lovely scents~
This time we could get Citrus, Lavender, and Rose. I love roses, and lavender is very soothing, but I also happen to like bright citrus scents :3 so I was fine getting any of the three. Each tube features a pretty floral design and gold lid.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
My hands are already soft, but I can still feel a difference using this. They feel smooth, and it didn’t irritate the scratches I have (which aren’t visible in the pic because they happened after I took these). The scent itself... I’m not really sure how to describe it. Maybe like an imitation lemon-orange-floral-citrus scent?
I can’t exactly place it, but it smells really nice.
My only complaint I have is that I feel like they didn’t really give us enough in this tube. I used this once when I got the box and with hand cream you don’t need a lot, but I’ve compared it to my smaller/older tubes of similar product (same container and all) and from what I can recall/feel, they were more full.
2-in-1 Cuticle Pen
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This is our last item, a handy little tool for keeping the beds of the fingernail clean, looking healthy, and moisturize them a little.
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It has an amazing lavender scent, and (this is a stupid detail I just really like) you can put the cap on the end of the pen! So you don’t have to worry about losing it while you use the pen.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
I love how it smells, and it looks pretty neat too. However, I’m not really sure if it’s been doing anything or not, and I’ve been using it for the past few days. It also kind of hurts a tiny bit to use, due to being like... a dried, oily substance. The previous cuticle pen I had like this used gel instead, so it felt a lot nicer.
Something else of concern is that as far as I know, what’s visible is the only piece you get. So if you accidentally broke it off, or damaged it I’m not sure it’d be usable anymore, but in saying that I haven’t noticed any physical changes to it since using it. So I assume it’s made to last a long time.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality - 4 out of 5. I decided to count this considering they left out an item. Everything else was fine though, and there was no issues or damage done to the box so I’m pretty sure it was just an oversight.
Theme - ???? out of 5. I’m not really sure how to count this one. I know how Daruma can symbolize the new year and putting the old year behind, but I didn’t get that item. I get the concept of “new you“ with makeup items- but essentially they do that with every box don’t they?
Content - 4 out of 5. Sure, there was some tiny details I would change for a few items, but I genuinely really liked them. Again I have to count the fact there was one missing too.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. Missing item, tiny details, and theme confusion aside, I genuinely really liked this box :3 I’ve been a bit iffy as of late with the past few but this one I really, really liked. It was full of items I enjoyed using, and it’s all re-useable (not counting the missing bath bomb) and practical. I would definitely recommend this specific box and/or it’s items.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Hand Cream - It feels so nice and soothing, the scent is really nice, although it fades pretty quick. I also really like the design; I’ve always had a fondness for soft floral images.
2. Cuticle Pen - I love it’s strong lavender scent, it’s so soothing~ I also kind of like how the pen looks too.
3. Rice Face Mask -  I like that we get a set pack of these, I think they work pretty well. The masks are plain, and the scent isn’t that impressive but I didn’t hate it either.
4. Silicone Face Mask - it’s clear and fun to look at, even if it did hurt a little. I’m sure if I do some snipping I can make it more comfortable.
Alright, that’s it for the January Kira Kira crate :3 Next up will be Kawaii Box and Tokyo Treat, so until the next time, remember to open up a box of cuteness!
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mymakeupaffair · 6 years
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In 2017, I came to the realization that I had way too much makeup. This was overwhelming for me because I disliked seeing a majority of my makeup sitting in a drawer and not being used. Some of my followers may have noticed that I’ve taken a long hiatus from my blog (I think January was the last time I was genuinely active). This was in part due to my no-buy attitude. I felt like I couldn’t talk to you guys about makeup if I wasn’t buying anything or trying new products.
Throughout the year, I have been de-cluttering my collection. I’ve disposed of expired products, given makeup to members of my family, and reevaluated the types of makeup I will buy in the future. This year has been full of lessons for me. As I’m taking marketing classes for my degree, I’ve come to realize just how much consumerism has effected my life and how it was unnecessary for me to live with so much stuff that was going to waste.
When I did have to find new makeup or repurchase products that I’d finished, I had to make some cutthroat decisions. I refused to spend the amount of money that I previously did on cosmetics. I love Anastasia Beverly Hills, but NYX has a fantastic brow pomade that works and looks just as great.
Now let’s get into my favorites of the year.
This palette surprised me. I’m a fan of both Morphe and Jaclyn Hill. I’ve had fantastic experiences with Morphe products, but with recent drama online I was having second thoughts. I was watching so many reviews on Youtube from influencers that didn’t enjoy the Vault collection. I bought this palette months after the craze died down when I saw the Morphe display in Ulta. I bought the palette on a whim because I fell in love with the colors. I was immediately inspired by this palette! I’d spent all of 2018 wearing the same warm toned reds, browns, and orange toned shadows. I was ready for a change and this palette gave me the opportunity to experiment with new colors. The mattes preformed like a dream. I haven’t had one issue with blending these shades. The shimmers are stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! They apply well with a finger or a wet brush. They really pop on my lids. I have created so many different looks with this palette. I love that all the shades compliment each other, but you can mix them in different ways and get a bomb-ass look every time. I’ve really enjoyed this palette and it’s easily become a favorite.
Honestly, I was skeptical about this product. I haven’t tried very many NYX products, but the ones I have tried have been hit-and-miss. I didn’t like their translucent powder, their lipsticks can be nice (depending on the formula), and their highlighter was a chunky mess. But, I needed a brow pomade very last minute and I didn’t have many choices. This product was highly rated on all sites (Target, Ulta, Walgreens). I’m so glad that I gave this product a chance because it’s actually a really nice alternative to my favorite Anastasia Beverly Hills pomade. I bought a $2 Morphe brush to use with this product and they work very well together. This pomade doesn’t go on as harshly as the Anastasia one. It’s a much softer product, but you can build it up to get some intensity. As someone who has been using a brow pencil for years, I really appreciated that this product was easy for me to use. The only downside... I had some trouble choosing a color. The boxes don’t have a clear indication of the pomade’s color. The brown shades looked almost identical on the packaging. I was lucky that I picked the right color for me, but I definitely stood in the NYX aisle at Ulta for ten minutes going back-and-forth between shades.
I bought this product specifically to wear to work. I wanted something that would take minimal effort in the mornings and would give me just enough coverage so that I wouldn’t look so dead to customers. This product was exactly what I was looking for! It was easy to use so I didn’t dread putting on foundation at 6 A.M. I applied the foundation with a beauty sponge from Real Techniques. The finish was great! I have dry skin, so this gave me a pretty glow. This product is marketed as luminous for all skin types, but I would have to disagree. I can sometimes look oily if I wear this foundation for too long. Thankfully, I only work 4 hour shifts so I don’t wear it for long periods of time. In the few instances that I did wear it for more than 4 hours, my skin was textured and overly dewy. I would not recommend this product for people with oily skin. This is a great product for me because it fits my needs and works with my schedule (plus it’s cheap and since I wear it every day to work it’s easy to restock when I need it).
Again, another product that I love using on days when I want something lowkey. As someone with dry skin, this powder looks great and doesn’t crease. I normally have issues with powder because using a little too much can cause some serious texture and creasing. I have never had this problem when using the Fit Me powder. I use a fluffy brush to apply this powder on my face. This is a nice, solid product and I have no complaints! It looks great, feels great, and it doesn’t have a cheap cosmetic scent. It’s my favorite drugstore powder!
I ran out of my favorite setting spray: Mac Fix+. So I was in the market to try something new (and cheaper). I had seen many beauty influencers use this product on Youtube, so I definitely wanted to try it. I use this product as a setting spray and as an agent to wet shadow on a brush. Sometimes I spritz just a little bit onto a makeup sponge to blend concealer (if my face is extra day one day and I need added moisture). I’ve noticed that my mascara stays on much longer when I use this spray (which is amazing because normally my mascara bleeds). That alone sold me on this product! I also like the fine mist that comes from this bottle.
If you have dry skin you need this powder! I can bake my contour with this highlight without looking cakey. I put a lot of this powder on my nose where my glasses sit to really set my foundation so that when I take my glasses off for a picture I don’t get that red indentation. This also does a fantastic job of setting my undereye concealer. I love love love this product! As I mentioned before, if I use too much powder on my dry skin my texture becomes really prominent and my foundation will crease. I’ve never had that problem with this foundation!
I’ve never been the girl that uses lip balm. The texture has always bothered me and the fruity flavors weren’t my thing. Honestly, lip balm was something I avoided at all costs. Until I found Burt’s Bees. I am obsessed with the products! This lip balm is so soft. I forget it’s on my lips sometimes and that’s the way I like my lip balm to feel. I use this every time I do my makeup. I put it on my lips while doing the rest of my makeup so that when I put on lipstick my lips will be hydrated.
This is my go-to lip product. My ride or die. If you see me in real life, chances are that I’m wearing this product. It’s so gorgeous. Anastasia Beverly Hills makes amazing lip glosses. They’re shiny without feeling thick and goopy on the lips. They’re extremely comfortable and wearable. I have so many great selfies with this lipstick and the shimmer just pops in the photo. Favorite lip gloss of all time!
This highlight is what I live for. If I were to customize my own highlighter, this would be it. The tone is perfect! I love champagne highlights. The best thing about this product is that it is buildable. I can swipe this over my cheeks with a brush and then dab over it with a beauty sponge to get a more natural glow-from-within look. Or I can pile on this bitch with my finger, blend it out, and then top it with a Becca highlighter for a blinding highlight. I use this highlighter every day. I cannot live without it!
I have a hard time finding concealers that I like at the drugstore. This has become a new favorite of mine this year because it looks great on my dry skin. The coverage is nice and I will use it to spot-conceal. It’s helped me cover many blemishes this year. It doesn’t break out my skin, which is another issue that I have with drugstore concealers. If you have sensitive skin then I recommend this concealer!
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belladoesmakeup · 3 years
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Hey guys,
So a few months ago I started using Kylie Skin which if for some bizarre reason you've never heard of it it's Kylie Jenner's skincare brand. I fell in love with this brand really quickly and not because it's Kylie Jenner blah blah it's genuinely because I adore the products and love the way my skin feels after using her products. Now her skincare collection includes a lot of products so I thought I would break down my favourites from the brand and which products are really worth trying out for yourselves.
Let's start off with my most used product the Kylie Skin Walnut Face Scrub £24.00. Out of all the products from the range this was the one I was most excited to try out and straight away bought the full sized version. This scrub is a blend of skin-smoothing fruit extracts and fine Walnut Powder, this smoothing scrub helps buff away dead skin cells to reveal a soft and radiant complexion. I use this scrub twice week and it makes my skin feel amazing like I've had a deep cleanse and my skin is fresh. I also love how soft my skin feels after I've washed off the scrub. Big fan highly highly recommend.
My second favourite from the brand is the Face Moisturizer , £27.00. I can honestly saw I now use this moisturizer as much as my magic cream which is saying something. This moisturizer can hydrate your skin without leaving it feeling thick, greasy or oily. Honestly it's such a game changer. I use this product twice a day. First in the morning after skincare before primer and in the evening as the last step in my evening skincare routine. I even use this as a primer sometimes and it holds my makeup in place just as well.
My last favourite is the Detox Face Mask, £22.00. This face mask is a quick-drying clay formula draws out impurities, tackles excess oil and visibly helps to improve the appearance of pores. While anyone can use this mask it is especially recommended for oily skin types to help reduce oil in complexion which is why I adore it so much. I use this mask once a week (sometimes 2 if my skin really needs it) and everytime I use it my skin is left feeling softer and smoother each time. Unlike other face masks it doesn't leave your skin feeling dry after you have washed it off instead it feels more hydrated.
Those products are my top 3 in the collection but in all honestly I would recommend trying out a selection of products in their many mini gift sets so you get to try a range of products for a cheap price. Kylie Skin is available in Selfridges and Boots in the UK if you want to see any products in person.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
Gryles, Harry’s just found out he’s preggo, they’re together but it’s not planned, harry is happy but nervous nick won’t be. How does he tell him?
okay. so i finally got around to doing this/finishing it. here’s 2.3k of a rough edit, lightly proofread by yours truly. i hope you like it!
Harry uses his key to Nick’s flat to let himself in.
The groceries he picked up on the way over are still in the bags, sitting on the kitchen counter. He can’t even bring himself to put the milk away.
There’s a heavy weight sitting in his chest, making his ribs feel like they’re all going to crack and spill out his guts for everyone to see.
After over a week of near-constant nausea, he finally made an appointment to see the doctor. So just a couple of hours ago, Harry was sitting on crinkly paper and asking why he’s gained almost half a stone since his last visit four months prior. A simple blood test gave him his answer.
He forced himself to hold it together in the office, politely declining the doctor’s offer of a cup of water when she told Harry he’d gone pale.
“I’m fine,” he said, and started to laugh, a nervous habit.
Dr. Clarke had put a gentle had on his shoulder. “Is this news surprising?”
“Very,” Harry blurted. He took a deep breath and clarified. “Not… bad news. Just wasn’t expecting it. At all.”
“It happens more than you think. You have a partner, correct?”
Harry’s palms went clammy at the mention of Nick. “Yes.”
Dr. Clarke’s mouth had twisted, her tone careful. “Will he be supportive of your decisions? When you tell him?” The unspoken, You are going to tell him, right? hung in the air.
Nick loves kids and babies. And he loves Harry. But Harry let himself fall into a pit of doubt, wondering whether or not Nick would love those things in tandem. A baby with Harry. Their baby. They just-- they haven’t planned for this. Haven’t discussed it, ever.
Harry can’t part with this little life they’ve created, only nine or so weeks along and the size of a cherry, according to a Google search he did in his car after leaving the office. Nick is entitled to feel however he wants, but Harry just has to tell him first, which feels like such a Herculean task and all Harry really wants to do is crawl into Nick’s bed and nap for a week.
His baseline lately has been feeling slightly nauseous, but there’s a new layer to it now, perched on the edge of Nick’s sitting room couch with his leg bouncing without his permission, picking at his cuticles even though he’s tried to break the habit. For the past year, this has felt like his home more than his own apartment, but he currently feels like a stranger, like there’s a fist around his stomach, squeezing and making him feel ready to vomit.
A baby. He’s going to have a baby.
Beside being ill -- morning sickness, he realizes now, though it seems to be more all-day-sickness -- he doesn’t feel that different. Prodding at his lower belly reveals, well, nothing. It feels exactly the same, despite his weight gain. When he was getting ready earlier, he didn’t think he looked any different either, no obvious signs in his face. His skin has been a bit trickier, though, more oily and breaking out more often. Perhaps “the glow” comes later, or Harry is destined to be a slug for this entire pregnancy.
He can’t quite wrap his mind around it yet, that he’s really pregnant. He wonders when it will start to feel real. For now it’s just a concept, something that seems so far away.
Two months in already, though, his brain helpfully supplies. That’s-- only seven months left, then. So many days of passed without him realizing what’s been at stake here. Weeks of ignorance and carelessness. 
His panic increases, thinking back to the things he might have done in the past two months that could have hurt the baby. Alcohol seems like the obvious one -- he’s not a huge drinker, but surely he’s had a glass of wine or two lately.
He starts going down the list of things that he knows are bad for pregnant people, things he’s learned from friends and family. Secondhand smoke. When is the last time he had sushi? Caffeine; he just had a large iced coffee this morning.
The next thing he knows, Nick is squatting in front of him. His mouth is moving but Harry can’t hear what he’s saying. How long has he been here? How did Harry not notice?
Harry is distantly aware that he’s hyperventilating. Time feels like it’s moving excruciatingly slow and too fast at the same time. This probably isn’t good for the baby, either.
The baby. Harry has to tell Nick about the baby. Their baby. Half Nick’s, because they fuck without condoms all the time and Harry has never been the best about taking his pill.
Nick looks really worried now, big hands on Harry’s shoulders, still talking. Harry thinks he can make out, “What’s wrong?” from the way Nick’s mouth is moving.
“I’m gonna puke,” Harry says, surprisingly coherent.
The fog lifts a bit and Harry can hear again, blood still pumping loudly in his ears. His stomach is doing flips in his abdomen, though.
“Bathroom,” Nick says, pulling Harry up and guiding him quickly down the hall.
As soon as Harry’s knees hit the tile floor, he’s retching into the bowl. Unlike his morning/all-day sickness, nothing comes up, but his body doesn’t quite get the memo, because it’s nearly five minutes of gagging and spitting -- the decidedly unsexy kind -- before he gets a moment of reprieve.
Nick has been rubbing his back the entire time, offering assurances and being characteristically kind, soft words filling up the room over the noises of a person being violently ill.
After another round of fruitless heaves, Harry feels safely in the clear when his organs stop trying to evacuate themselves.
While Harry flushes nothing but saliva and toilet water, Nick asks, “Did you eat something bad?”
Harry shakes his head, slumping back against the wall.
Nick looks weary. “It’s not a bug, is it? Because I love you dearly but I don’t fancy getting a virus.”
“Not a bug,” Harry says, voice rough and scratchy. He can’t look Nick in the eyes, afraid that he’ll know right away, know that Harry’s hiding something.
“What’s the matter, darling? I walked in and you were already upset. You scared me.”
Harry’s eyes start to sting, lower lip wobbling precariously. He’s always up for a good cry after vomiting, but this takes a new precedent.
“You’re gonna be mad at me,” Harry manages to say in between useless sniffles. His cheeks are already wet, nose on its way to being clogged and snotty.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because you are.” Harry chokes on a sob. It makes Nick wince.
Harry can tell that Nick’s caught between genuine concern and annoyance. Which is fair, Harry thinks, considering that he’s not cooperating very well.
He’s just so nervous, can feel his stomach getting upset again, because he knows he has to tell Nick, and even though it’s not a now or never type of situation, it’s the right thing to do, to tell Nick why he’s crying and almost-puking and basically a basket case right now.
Once Harry starts talking, he can’t stop. “You’re gonna hate me and break up with me and I’m gonna let you, even though I don’t want you to do that, because I don’t like doing things by myself. I just understand why you’d be upset about it, because we haven’t talked about it before but now it’s happening and I don’t know what to do. I feel sick all the time and Google told me that it can get better but sometimes it doesn’t and so many other things can go wrong, and I think I’ve already fucked it up somehow because I had a martini at dinner the other night -- from that nice Italian place we went to? And none of my clothes are gonna fit and--”
“Harry. Harry. Slow down, Jesus.”
“Shh. You just said a lot of things. At a rather brisk pace, might I add. Just tell me what all of this is about.”
Harry would rather pay to have a giant billboard put up than force the words out of his mouth. He wants to shake nick and say, Don’t you understand? Do you really want me to spell it out?
A fresh wave of tears start.
“Oh, hell. Don’t cry.”
“Sorry,” Harry hiccups. “I-- I can’t help it.”
Nick sighs. “And stop bloody apologizing. Just talk to me. I promise I won’t be angry.”
Harry eyes him skeptically, trying and failing to suppress his spasming diaphragm.. “Promise?”
“Pinky.” Nick offers his finger and Harry links it with his own, his hand shaking.
All of the adrenaline in his body seems to ease the passage of the words as he makes himself say, “I’m pregnant.” He feels comfortably numb. Perhaps his body is trying to protect itself. Protect the teeny tiny little baby it’s housing.
The world doesn’t cave in on itself. A bolt of lightning doesn’t strike either of them. Nick barely even reacts, his face giving nothing away. He just stares at Harry like he’s trying to see behind his eyes, look into his brain and figure out if it’s a joke or not.
Harry wants to crumble under the intensity of it, but he stands his ground. Well, his slump, rather. He’s still quite tired from all of the day’s stresses. And now he’s probably all blotchy and gross because he’s still crying.  
It feels like days before Nick responds.
“Pregnant, eh?”
“Like, how pregnant? On a scale from one to ten.”
A puff of air passes through Harry’s lips in an approximation of a laugh. “A ten? I think.”
“Hm. That sounds fairly pregnant to me.”
“I’d say,” Harry says tentatively.
“Reckon I know who the other father is?” Nick asks, the smirk on his face a dead giveaway that he has absolutely no doubt that it’s him.
Harry isn’t sure if he should be offended or not, that Nick is so certain but still feels the need to joke. “It’s you, arsehole.” Harry is smiling anyway, the drying tears on his face making his cheeks feel tight.
He feels sort of silly now, for freaking out as much as he did. While he’s certainly not in the clear yet, Nick isn’t acting like he’s ready to run for the hills or kick Harry out and demand that they never speak to each other again. If anything, he looks… happy.
The crinkles around his eyes that he desperately tries to cream and serum away are out in full force, a grin taking over his entire face.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Nothing. I mean, it’s exciting, innit?”
Harry has to clarify. “So you’re really not mad?”
Nick looks cross for a moment. “Of course not. Don’t know why you thought I’d be.”
“But-- we never discussed it. I thought-- like, this definitely wasn’t planned, and I don’t know about you but I’m scared out of my head right now.”
“Just because it wasn’t planned doesn’t mean it can’t be a good thing. Though I suppose I’m gonna have to make an honest man out of you yet. Do you want to wear the dress or shall I?”
Harry scoffs. “Thanks. Real romantic, Grim. Marrying me out of obligation.”
“That’s peak romance.”
“No, peak romance was me getting knocked up and not even realizing it at the time.”
“Which reminds me, how far along are we?”
Harry unconsciously brings a hand to his belly. “Nine weeks.”
Nick taps his chin thoughtfully. “Nine weeks… After Alexa’s party, you think?”
“Could’ve been. Doesn’t really matter, though. Baby’s in there now.” Hopefully to stay, Harry doesn’t add. He can’t think about that possibility right now. 
“Well, at least this explains why you’ve felt so shitty lately. Right?”
“Right.” Harry agrees. His butt has started to go numb from being on the floor so long. He moves to stand up but Nick interrupts him.
“Hey, whoa. Easy there.”
They both seem to have more limbs than they know what to do with on a good day, so there’s a lot of bumping into each other and stepping on toes while Nick tries to help Harry up.
“You don’t have to be weird about it, Nick. It’s not like I’m immobile.”
Nick holds his hands up. “Okay. Just trying to make myself useful.”
“You’re plenty useful. Too useful, I think. You’re dick is going on lockdown, by the way.”
“What?” Nick squacks.
“You heard me.”
“Why? It’s not like you can get more pregnant.”
“Not taking any chances.”
“Fine. You’ll only be punishing yourself.”
Harry rolls his eyes. He still feels a bit shaky from everything, like he needs a tall glass of water and a lie down. He says as much to Nick.
“All right. Two things on the docket, then. Get you good and hydrated and then have a cuddle. I think I can manage that. I’m knackered meself. D’ya want tea? Can you even have tea? Because I was gonna suggest some tea and biscuits, which I’m sure the biscuits are fine but I feel like caffeine might not be the best thing for a developing baby.”
Harry can’t help but laugh. “Decaf. Which we’ll have to get-- shit. Groceries. I bought groceries earlier and I never put them away.”
“Three things on the docket. For me at least. Let’s get you a drink and you can get started on Love Island. I’ll join you in a bit.”
Harry considers arguing, but knows it won’t get him anywhere. So he accepts the cup Nick offers him, peels back the duvet on Nick’s bed, changes into comfy clothes and gets settled.
It’s nice listening to Nick mess about in the kitchen, unpacking the things Harry bought for them. The occasional loud noise and the subsequent “Shit” that Harry can just barely make out.
Things are likely to get harder in the coming months, but for right now, Harry is pretty okay with how things are, all things considered. Today could have gone better, but it’s done and over. Nick is happy and so is Harry.
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Aaaand that pretty much all we have for anti aging on EGF. Sure, it been shown in vivo to help wound healing. So by all means, use EGF if you want to heal wounds and you not finding snail mucin works for you. News associates at "Face The Nation" lead most of the research for the upcoming show, which is used by producers to craft questions and segments. News associates detail the week's current events, attend interviews and help in various production roles. On Sundays, they greet guests and assist them throughout the broadcast. Miss Cornelia was mistaken. On the morning after the election Captain Jim dropped in at the little house to tell the news. So virulent is the microbe of party politics, even in a peaceable old man, that Captain Jim's cheeks were flushed and his eyes were flashing with all his old time fire.. If I wait anywhere between about 1 5 minutes it usually comes back. Nothing I can seem to link the events to in EventViewer. Don think it software related unless it Chrome.. If someone dies and they not on cardiac tele, all you responsible for is the last time you assessed them and noted that they were alive. If they are on a monitor, then you responsible for responding to the alarms appropriately and reassessing. Chart your assessment if homie is sleeping at noon, I not at all afraid to say so. Bring some tofurkey. Others may be curious to try it. Once for a Christmas breakfast I made Morningstar bacon and everyone was so excited to try a bite. Oh you gonna snipe this unit? Don worry, because this one character of mine will be danced twice and 강릉출장샵 reach yours no matter what.you gonna try and tank? that cool, let me set up this character behind so 강릉출장샵 that it can attack you, be danced twice and snipe another unit all the way across the map that had nothing to do with the combat engagement.just silly and stupid. No fire emblem game ever had two dancers on the field at the same time, so why the fuck would the MOBILE SPIN OFF not follow the trend?yes. Surtr is annoying and there are definitely a lot of things out there that genuinely are difficult to tackle. I was waiting for my flight while tired and a little sick. Then got diarrhea and ran to the nearest bathroom. I a little self conscious about strangers hearing me make "those kind of noises" in a bathroom stall and I felt, that there would be some. I'm definitely happy with the value of my box but I'm not super attached to anything I got. I would be willing to trade the CT pallete for the ABH soft glam, or any Viseart or ND pallete (especially Camel). I bought a giant tub of the Bum Bum cream over Black Friday so I would trade that as well. So now I starting out semi minimal so I don get overwhelmed and lose discipline (note the once a day routine).My skin gets pretty dry in the winter, and a little oily in the T Zone during summer. From about my nose up, my skin is typically great. Mouth, chin, and jaw, though. Not looking things up before filming. "Let me look and see when this is coming out" "How much is this? Let me look." "Huh, I have no idea who this person is that they collabing with, never heard of them." NO. Why are you wasting your viewers time while you google? Look it up first, write it down. I was on adapalene for about 2 and a half months starting February of this year. It made my skin so much worse than what it was when I started out and it only cleared up a little when I got off it. And it gave me so much texture in my skin, my whole chin was covered in milia.. With this one, it stays on all night and I always wake up to super soft, hydrated, smooth and blemish free, redness free skin. I was super bummed because the full size costs $52. Thanks to your heads up I was able to snag it half price with free shipping! : D.
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japvnesedenim-blog · 6 years
Little Known Facts About strawberry face mask.
Ideas: Use this mixture three to 4 moments each week (even a everyday software is okay), but be sure to get ready it contemporary each time, as it is rather uncomplicated to arrange and best at that point. Go away the mask on for 10 to quarter-hour. This mask is runny and could drip down your face. To prevent you from acquiring too messy, think about laying down or sitting down back again inside a chair along with your head tilted back again. You can also use this mask within the bathtub when you are getting a soothing bath. An incredible moisturizer and lubricating agent. Coconut oil is blessed with healthful nutrients that nourish dry skin. Say goodbye to flaky peeling skin! Your face is the ‘showroom’ of your daily life that lens initial effect on any person you meet. If exactly the same will not be favouring you, you severely have to figure out for a far better face. Masks really should keep on for ten-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off that has a steaming very hot washcloth. I run a washcloth beneath hot h2o, squeeze out the excess drinking water and afterwards push to my face for an entire minute. I then Carefully wash off the mask within a round movement. Washcloths are good for exfoliating. Generating from the face pack is without doubt one of the least complicated Do it yourself homemade ways to handle the oily and acne susceptible skin. Let us take a trip to have an notion of ways of planning on the orange face mask for oily skin and acne. Ideas: It offers Great outcomes, however it does choose time and energy to see them. When you don’t promptly see a improve, don’t throw in the towel. You are able to’t expect success inside of a working day or two. Also, the mixture is best utilized when freshly created. We would be happy to Call you once this merchandise is accessible. Basically enter your email handle while in the Place down below. Preferably, implement these egg white face masks around a sink or clean basin to prevent developing a mess. Right after software, maintain your face above the sink to get a several seconds to collect any Preliminary drippings. Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm h2o and splash it onto your face. Carefully clean the mask off and stay clear of scrubbing your face much too really hard. Utilize a soft, clean up towel to pat your face dry. Why shell out a lot more than $20 over a retailer-bought facial scrub whenever they keep with your face for just minutes and all Those people fancy elements get washed down the drain? This is an additional Superb treatment for acne. This variation is likewise absolutely constructed from purely natural and edible elements. Incorporate a mashed up banana towards the egg yolk. Peel a banana open up, and Minimize it to scaled-down items having a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Consider using oil blotting sheets during the day rather than loading on a lot more powder or foundation.
The best Side of face mask
Approach: Crush the substances perfectly collectively and enable it to be a paste Using the lemon juice. The pack performs fabulously When you are all set to go that excess mile. For skin that may be healthful looking and usually content, this pack is a terrific way to be certain that smile. Process: Combine them all inside a bowl and use a thick coat on your own face. Enable it operate its magic for quarter-hour until finally it dries out. Then rinse with h2o and dry your face with a towel. Utilize https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Banana-Facial-Mask to prevent dry skin. I just started out applying Bee Friendly (eye and face product all in a single) and I've extremely dry, delicate skin. The honey is deeply moisturizing. There’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1stclSx8mg of honey masks to choose from likewise. Add a mashed up banana on the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slice it to smaller parts that has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to your pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Think about using oil blotting sheets throughout the day as an alternative to loading on far more powder or Basis. The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and boost the potential for breakouts for anyone who has acne susceptible skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects contain the spread of microbes on the skin, as raw egg whites comprise salmonella, a bacterium that could cause foodstuff poisoning. You might not see the outcomes you would like straight away. Check out a mask for around 1 month before analyzing whether you will keep on utilizing it. Finally, whisk the combination together with a fork and use it for your face utilizing your fingers or maybe a cotton ball. To find out how to generate a nourishing egg facial mask, scroll down! https://steptoremedies.com/baking-soda-scrub-face-wash/ should use any that actually works very well to suit your needs, but if you use olive or coconut oil inside the mask and afterwards use an oil infused moisturizer, it could induce breakouts When you have oily or combination skin. Use lukewarm water and a facial cleanser ideal for your skin variety. You may wash your face with cleanse palms, a washcloth, or possibly a gentle sponge. Stick to up with a few toner and moisturizer. Wow, I can’t hold out to try this! Planning to try it tonight since I can’t wait around. Below’s the nuts thing I placed on my face. …I buy the huge aloe leaves from the produce portion at Wegmans. I peel them and Slice the insides into very little chunks which i set in a very jar and preserve from the fridge. Indeed, you could peel it off. It can be not easy to do if you utilize a skinny layer even though. I don’t Consider it will support clear away facial hair; no less than it hasn’t for me so far. 4 tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (presently floor coffee and in many cases fast coffee function if you do not have your personal grinder) This support enables you to enroll in or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can gain money from adverts in your articles. No data is shared Except you interact using this type of feature. (Privateness Coverage)
The best Side of strawberry face mask
Clean your face 1st and also your fingers much too as you don’t to use a face mask on filthy face. So immediately after this use a thick layer of this mask with your face. three. Your face may be a little bit red once the scrub. It's because on the sugar scrub which stimulates good blood circulation in your face. The redness will vanish after some time along with your face will probably be glowing and absolutely free from peeling skin and useless cells. Howdy, I'm just questioning when there is anything at all I could to eliminate or decrease my sagging face specially my chin and jaw location. Combine these three ingredients alongside one another. When they are fully mixed wash your face first with any face clean or mild soap. You should utilize banana, honey and lemon facial mask daily. As you've dry skin, utilize a moisturizer after employing this combine – if you really feel your skin is dry. If you favor to use all-natural moisturizer, read through this article: Certainly, Banana face mask with leamon and honey does help take out tan, but will also softens your skin and can make it glow. For those who have dry skin, you'll be able to mix an egg yolk also. Can utilised coffee grounds operate With this recipe? I’d choose to use the grounds from my espresso equipment right after my morning coffee! four. Banana Face Mask to struggle wrinkles: A number of people connect with bananas as painless, reasonably priced purely natural Botox, and they rightly do this! Bananas are full of strong nutrients to remarkably diminish the looks of wrinkles, and make your skin look young and radiant. Pamper your self with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub which you could make in the home. All you require is brown sugar and olive oil, and you may whip up an awesome procedure to properly cleanse off All those lifeless cells! Brown sugar also includes glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that helps expel toxins and bacteria, and moisturize skin. It's also a hydrating agent and it locks moisture into your skin cells and guards from skin dryness. Use brown sugar as opposed to white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and is effective well for incredibly sensitive skin. My skin is mixture of equally, extreme oil usually on my forehead. I tired applying medicated soaps ( I applied med cleaning soap acne, salic lac foam and so on) now I finished utilizing every one of these. Remember to propose some very good face packs in order to avoid oil on my forehead and smaller acne on my forehead. If you live in close proximity to a ShopRite, they could have aloe leaves. The just one I check out does. Entire Foods is another That may carry them, but they can be genuinely expensive. This information is accurate and accurate to the most beneficial with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized information from an experienced professional. Hi, pls let me know how often we should use the mask specifically for lightening the skin. could it be a daily mask or once in a week mask ?
The Ultimate Guide To honey face mask
My skin kind is normal,Oily only Once i get up in early morning.I dont would like to possibility my face skin,i desire to moisturize my face but don’t know how..I don’t believe that on these nowadays creams.I would like all-natural items.Can u pls guideline me for glowing crystal clear skin. On this page, I share my hottest recipes for six various skin kinds. You can discover the components for these recipes inside your kitchen area. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 is to work with face masks formulated for your personal skin sort. The #1 explanation for wrinkles is Solar injury, so it is vital to use a sunscreen of at the very least 30 SPF from a early many years on even in Wintertime and on cloudy times. A terrific trick is to invest in two moisturizers: A single with the night time and a single for your day that features UV safety. There are some strong vitamins and minerals in bananas which make them Mother Mother nature's remarkable beauty resolve! Dr. Oz even goes so far as to the tropical fruits are nature’s painless, inexpensive Botox. In addition they function wonders on acne and oily skin. Mamm i was burnt about 12years in the past bt the scars remain on my face what banana combination will I exploit?pls aid me Hi, I have oily skin, incredibly liable to acne, a lot of to ensure that I'm able to’t don't forget a time when i experienced crystal clear skin….. will the banana mask nevertheless work on my skin??? I keep acquiring Energetic acne which leaves dim and deep spots, earning my skintone uneven. You absolutely sure can! Coconut oil is an excellent elegance oil and yow will discover far more face masks with coconut oil right here: I have discovered a fresh beuty schedule for me. I take a 50 % a banana and mash it up with a fork. Then I divide it into two equal components. The initial aspect I mix with cinnamon. I implement it on my face and leave it for couple of minutes. Hope you all are in the pink of the wellbeing and experiencing this beautiful spring season. Now morning, I'd orange marmalade and orange sandwich…oops veg sandwich in my breakfast. "It absolutely was really easy and straightforward to try and do. I'll keep on doing this facial for a smooth and young searching skin. Thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Breaks down grime and dirt, removes surplus oil which if not can clog up skin pores and bring about acne breakout. Operates as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores. Just how long will it choose to clean yout face from acne working with banana face mask? Is it ok to utilize leftover banana combination? three. Banana Face Mask to deal with Acne and Pimples: Do you think you're worried about pimples and acne? This chemical cost-free mask with pure ingredients, specifically, turmeric and baking soda acts to struggle acne / pimples, decreases blemishes and help in finding glowing face. Rinse your face with cold drinking water to wash absent mask’s ingredients and to tighten your skin pores. Apply a fantastic moisturizer within your option to hydrate your skin. Volla! Are you currently shock together with your glowing and supple new look.
About egg white face mask
Add the honey for the egg white and lemon juice, and blend almost everything yet again. You will require ½ tablespoon of honey. Make certain that it's the translucent, runny kind. Honey is antibacterial and functions to be a all-natural antiseptic. It's also moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[three] Mix the egg white and lemon juice. Using a fork, promptly whisk the two elements until the egg white becomes foamy and frothy. A single pro suggests adding ginger for the warming, spicy scent, or a combination of ginger and citrus oils including grapefruit or orange for a refreshing scent to provide you with kickstart.[four] Should you’re carrying out the facial during the night, you may try using a calming scent like lavender. Utilize the mixture for your face together with your fingers. Get the job done the sugar-honey combination on towards your face with all your finger suggestions in gentle circular motions. Prevent your eyes and mouth even though implementing. Carefully pat your face dry that has a clean, dry towel. Be Light as you pat your face dry. For those who scrub your face Along with the towel, it's possible you'll bring about skin discomfort, which include breakouts. Turmeric not only allows take care of acne, nonetheless it can also soak up extra oil from the skin and lighten discoloration. This really is utilized to collect details on traffic to posts along with other webpages on our web-site. Except you will be signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable details is anonymized. This is accustomed to discover distinct browsers or devices if the accessibility the assistance, and is also employed for safety explanations. "My face is rather oily and I have blackheads on my nose and chin. This labored rather well, I will be applying it twice a week Any longer."..." much more AO Afi Owusu Aid me you should I've a foul skin brought on by pimple scars and black heads. Is this egg yolk and lemon is sweet for my skin These masks are perfect for an at-dwelling facial. Start with clear skin and prior to making use of the mask, lay a heat, wet wash cloth in your face to open up your pores. After rinsing from the mask, wash your face with cold h2o or use a toner to shut the pores. Then utilize a superb face oil. Shower after. For those who shower ahead of, the eggs will don't have anything to "seize on to". Following, you want the mask to be nicely and really off your face, and a shower can assist with that. Just Ensure that the mixture is thick enough that it sticks to your face and isn’t runny. You may start out by pouring a quarter cup on the sugar inside of a bowl after which you can adding oil by the tsp until finally the combination reaches a regularity that you want. I must Do that. You have stated what each in the included ingredient does and I am certain. Perhaps, I can use lime rather than lemon as there are so many limes the place we are now.
5 Tips about orange face mask You Can Use Today
Allow it dry. Chances are you'll utilize a 3rd layer of whisked egg whites immediately after 5 minutes for higher skin tightening. Listed here are finest 6 Do it yourself egg white face masks which are easy to arrange and will help solve a variety of skin issues to provide you with toned and gorgeous skin. If needed, you can learn a variety of hacks to different the egg’s yolk and whites. The substances to search youthful could be as near as your kitchen area. Homemade egg white masks are cheap, enjoyable and function brilliantly well. About the milk, powder milk will work most effective because the mixture will only will need slightly amount of h2o. If you utilize liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this minor quantity. If you do not choose to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with some drops of drinking water and after that add yogurt. Warning: Lots of individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it could possibly often produce irritation in those with an unusually delicate skin. Therefore, this mask ought to be employed immediately after screening someplace apart from about the face. We may well use conversion monitoring pixels from promoting networks for instance Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can establish when an advertisement has efficiently resulted in the specified motion, for example signing up for that HubPages Services or publishing an short article over the HubPages Provider. I wonder what my Duchess will imagine all that mouth watering egg on my face. Duchess is my lovely cat. Preparing: Once again, the planning is quite simple. Just combine the two ingredients and come up with a uniformly mixed paste. In case you observed this information handy please take a second to tweet, like, or share this text by using the buttons at The underside from the website page. I’d truly take pleasure in it. All of us commit income on skincare products so skip the flowery serum and splurge on fantastic honey. You can utilize it to scrub your face, come up with a scrub, or take care of your skin to your weekly do-it-yourself honey mask. Considering that these egg white masks tend to be runny and may drip, have on an aged T-shirt to stay away from spoiling your good apparel. The substances present in these widespread solutions to acne could be harsh on your skin, as well as strong combination of substances can have an impact on Your whole body in other ways that you may have hardly ever expected. With regards to the honey mask method, You should utilize it combined with the medication chances are you'll already be getting and it gained’t interfere in any way. Clean your face with warm water to open up up your pores. Making use of clean up arms or maybe a cotton ball, use the combination on to your face, keeping away from the sensitive regions about your mouth and eyes. Mix all the above ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Applying clean finger strategies, implement a thick coat of the combination on to your face.
Facts About coffee face mask Revealed
As you have got oily skin particularly liable to acne, you need to implement acne particular remedies. I suggest you visit this site which includes ideal acne residence treatments ans see for purely natural answers specific for your acne complications: How often you exfoliate will rely on your skin form, age, and local climate. Normally two times each week is plenty of. When you have oily skin you are able to do it extra frequently; in the event you’re more mature and/or have dryer skin, two times weekly can be a lot of.[29] Only use facial masks made up of lemon juice during the night time. Lemon juice is phototoxic and can raise your risk of sunburn or perhaps chemical burns if you go out in daylight with any residual lemon juice in your skin. Do you may have any recipes for poor acne making use of cinnamon and coconut oil? I actually need assist for my seriously genuinely terrible acne.. I'd many of the components to the pimple combating mask, produced it, and utilized it! I must say it DOES NOT have a pleasing smell in the least, but my skin feels so cleanse and contemporary! I applied jojoba oil afterward to moisturize. Great recipe! I'd leftover so I am going to freeze it and utilize it following time. Wash your face. Use a mild cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry using a clean up, dry washcloth. In this article you may master What exactly are the best beauty treatment plans with yogurt and how to produce a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. I had read and experimented with banana masks in advance of. But these are typically different and it seems good. I'd not thought of the orange juice in advance of. I'll give it a consider . As you'll be able to see, using an orange peel face mask has various positive aspects that operate for various skin varieties. Whatever you need it for, orange peel powder is unquestionably a blessing. When your mask has dried up in certain spots and caught in your skin, you should make sure you usually do not tug on your skin even though washing it out. Carefully therapeutic massage the realm with drinking water right up until the mask loosens up and offers way. To help keep pimples absent, use orange peel mask. What's more, it cleans your pores from the dirt and oil and prevent blackhead as well. @haso: Lemon juice is a powerful way to deal with melasma. Its acidic nature and vitamin C element Enhance the discolorations and peel off the outer layer with the skin. Use the juice to the influenced places, lightly massage for just a handful of seconds, leaving it on for ten minutes. Just one expert recommends incorporating ginger for a warming, spicy scent, or a mix of ginger and citrus oils which include grapefruit or orange for just a refreshing scent to give you kickstart.[four] In the event you’re accomplishing the facial at night, you may attempt utilizing a stress-free scent like lavender. Thanks for the membership. Your e mail format is Improper! Unhappy, but we could not include you to definitely our mailing record ATM. Subscribe When it’s place on your skin as opposed to with your belly, sugar can be quite a great natural beauty help. It’s moisturizing; it is made up of glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover for youthful-looking skin; and its little particles make an awesome exfoliant.[1] You'll be able to mix sugar with any amount of components to make your individual face mask.
coffee face mask Options
You will get rid of acne with no enduring the suffering of digesting bitter tablets or applying Those people creams and lotions which, usually, are practically nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly mixed with a man-made scent, coloration, mild bleach, and random antibiotics. The chemicals current in these popular options to acne can be severe on your skin, along with the strong mix of chemicals can affect your body in other ways that maybe you have never ever expected. In terms of the honey mask technique, You need to use it coupled with the medication chances are you'll already be using and it gained’t interfere in almost any way. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new information on pure remedy for overall health ailments. I generally think that nature has remedies for all our health conditions, we just have to use it in the best way. Today, throughout carnival inside the Netherlands masks are frequently replaced with face paint For additional ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Exfoliate your skin after a week. This may help buff away People dead skin cells and leave your skin emotion silky-smooth. You employ scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Be sure to make use of a gentler exfoliator in your face than on the remainder of One's body. Beaked masks containing herbs inside the beak were being worn in the Middle Ages by plague doctors[53] to try to push back the Black Death. This provider enables you to enroll in or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to make dollars from advertisements on your content articles. No info is shared unless you interact with this characteristic. (Privateness Coverage) This informative article was co-authored by our experienced workforce of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. These usually are crafted from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some deal with the face, some The entire head and in many cases are hugely abstracted sorts. Navajo masks seem like inspired because of the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] Generally known as The recent Face Mask, it is actually composed of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that causes the burning sensation, but that’s if you put in excess of one/2 a teaspoon! Individuals inside a black bloc at protests usually wear masks, normally bandannas, in order to avoid recognition, also to attempt to safeguard against any riot Regulate brokers utilised. Subsequently, the openings of such glands can not be cleaned, Whilst they were being Beforehand cleaned due to frequent stream of sebum. This helps make these pores vulnerable to infections by microbes and the situation becomes a vicious cycle that gets extreme. The pores carry on to become crimson, itchy, and painfully swollen spots around the skin which seem unattractive and depart dim places about the skin whenever they heal. This regrettable problem is referred to as acne. Ensure you get a number of hours of exercise every week. Exercising improves blood move towards your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. If you training tricky enough, the sweat may help flush out the toxins in the skin. Training can also enable decrease worry.[ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw/ ] Ahead of I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase to your face mask, just don’t go overboard with much more than eight drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, this scrumptious smelling mask is certain to tease your taste buds, tempting you to possess a lick, but you must resist!
Fascination About yeast face mask
What better than getting the many benefits of exfoliation and soothing in a single face mask? Well, the Oatmeal and banana face mask would be the one that offers you scrubbing and smoothening effect simultaneously. Process: Inside a bowl or a container, insert some sugar and grate some orange peel straight to the jar. Pour in certain honey for your exfoliation of skin. Up coming add coconut oil and blend perfectly. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546927 ! Indeed You can utilize honey and little drops of water. But milk or milk derivatives work most effective in mask Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm drinking water to rinse your face off. Consider not to wash as well difficult. Carefully pat your face dry having a delicate, clear towel. When your feels restricted soon after using a facial cleanser, then It is really much too solid and you ought to utilize a gentler one. At the time per week, make use of a sugar scrub or exfoliating cloth to remove useless skin cells. When you have on make-up, clear your make-up brushes on a regular basis to stop the Make-up and spread of microorganisms. To find out how your diet plan can affect your skin’s overall health, Continue reading! To begin receiving timely alerts, as shown under click on the Inexperienced “lock” icon close to the tackle bar The application of the egg white mask can clog the pores and enhance the possibility of breakouts for all those who have acne vulnerable skin. Other Negative effects involve the distribute of bacteria within the skin, as raw egg whites include salmonella, a bacterium that can result in food items poisoning. In a very bowl, just take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Be certain the amount of sugar is equivalent into the peel powder and listed here you may have an uncomplicated recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s efficient and straightforward to produce. Article SummaryX To take care of your skin, clean your face two times daily with heat water and a gentle facial cleanser, then gently blot your skin dry which has a smooth towel. Utilize a toner and moisturizer after you wash your face, and when you’ll be outdoors for greater than twenty minutes, apply sunscreen. Sorry, we just have to you should definitely're not a robot. For most effective effects, be sure to be sure your browser is accepting cookies. what an excellent suggestion, thanks Susan! And thanks Kelly for your recipe, can’t wait to test it! Just bought into oil cleaning so anything at all oil on my face super admirer of. Limit tub time. Hot water and very long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Restrict your bath or shower time, and use warm — in lieu of hot — drinking water. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, gets rid of dim places and Practically stops ageing. The properties of yogurt are numerous and when used in this mix, it’s certain to provide you with Rewards much better than a readymade mask.
What Does honey face mask Mean?
This information is exact and genuine to the most effective from the author’s understanding and is not intended to substitute for official and individualized tips from a qualified Qualified. Supply Currently, all through carnival while in the Netherlands masks are frequently changed with face paint for more ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Clean from the mask with lukewarm drinking water if the time is up, and pat your face dry by using a towel. Benefit from the search of one's moisturized skin! Inside the cult of Shiva, found in Anatolia from circa six,000 BC, the young, bare ithyphallic god seems wearing a horned mask.[fifteen] During the Greek bacchanalia as well as Dionysus cult, which associated the use of masks, the common controls on behaviour had been briefly suspended, and people cavorted in merry revelry outdoors their standard rank or position. René Guénon claims that in the Roman saturnalia festivals, the regular roles ended up normally inverted. Protective masks are items of kit or products worn on The pinnacle and face to afford security towards the wearer, and right now usually have these capabilities: Whether it is the humble hard-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or maybe creamy poached eggs with a gorgeous runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally affordable and multipurpose family staple. Through ceremonies, these visages are offered Energetic variety in The good mask dramas with the South and South-japanese Asian region.[37] Indonesia Exfoliation is the stage most of the people skip of their weekly skincare schedule. However, if you start correctly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an Just about immediate big difference. Masks may show a lifestyle's great of feminine elegance. The masks of Punu of Gabon have very arched eyebrows, Practically almond-formed eyes and a narrow chin. The elevated strip operating from both sides of your nose towards the ears represent jewellery. Dark black hairstyle, tops the mask off. The whiteness of your face depict the whiteness and wonder of the spirit earth. Large pores will also be potential breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bulbous zits and cysts, which implies pore-tightening egg white can assist lower acne. What a amazing plan! I love receiving the most out from the things I get, and I always come to feel lousy composting nice, fragrant orange peels. Now I know what to do with them! Now, several of the recipes beneath are more powerful and may only be made use of one-2 situations weekly. Many others You can utilize everyday. I’ve manufactured notes for how often Just about every mask needs to be used. Becoming full of Vitamin C and also other antioxidants, orange peels are great for your skin. The truth is, the peels have bigger levels of nutrients in comparison to the flesh within.
Everything about orange face mask
one. Use additional virgin olive oil for most effective effects. Processed merchandise may irritate your skin or result in acne breakouts. You can do the egg white facial as aspect of the weekly skin servicing regime. For face masks focused to blocking excessively oily skin, check out this hub in its place: ... https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care – The uplifting scent on the orange is mesmerizing and calls for a inspiration up coming time. Preserve a jar all around and dab the honey on acne, burns or small cuts. And if you’re feeling sick, have a spoonful or two. Other benefits of coffee face masks contain their electrical power to reduce face inflammation. This selfmade mask will probably be your very best ally for the people days when you have not obtained much snooze or have slept terribly and you also awaken with slightly puffy face. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546949 can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No data is shared with Facebook Except if you engage using this type of characteristic. (Privateness Policy) You might just continue to keep it in an air-restricted container and put it inside the freezer. Then upcoming week, just get rid of it about an hour or so before you apply it in order for it to thaw.  Despite the fact that there are several skin care products readily available available on the market but very little can provide you with with the type of ideal results that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles for your personal skin. Pamper by yourself with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub you could make at your house. All you'll need is brown sugar and olive oil, and you'll whip up a tremendous procedure to properly cleanse off Individuals useless cells! You’ll get the most Added benefits using raw honey. And when you’re willing to splurge, you can’t beat Manuka honey. This honey from the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is an antibacterial superfood with tons of immunity and initial-support Added benefits. Not simply banana the fruit, but will also the peel may be used to remove the high-quality lines and wrinkles. The peel much like the fruit banana can also be rich in vitamin A and potassium. This aids in supplying the skin a radiant glow and also makes the skin supple. Yes, this will sound unbelievable nonetheless it’s a indisputable fact that banana coupled with handful of other substances will help in dealing with and protecting against the skin from acne. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new info on all-natural cure for wellbeing ailments. I constantly think that nature has cures for all our health problems, we just need to use it in the ideal way. Home made for face masks give quick Alternative, all-natural and helpful way your skin difficulties. The facial skin is without doubt Probably the most sensitive and who make a difference most appear very good. So program these homemade recipes for face, you can be The easiest way to acquire care of your facial splendor.
face mask Fundamentals Explained
If the orange peel powder and oatmeal employed alongside one another feels a little bit rough in your skin, add more olive oil but don’t help it become way too runny as it is going to produce a drippy mess. If it leaves a yellowish tinge in your skin, soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it about the stained parts. Use this mask two to a few times a week. The cinnamon and nutmeg honey face mask smells incredible and functions wonders in fading acne scars and night out skin discolorations! Let’s see the skin benefits of the components On this a person: I started off employing black tea bags as my heat compresses, after which you can I'd dab honey about the soar. Inside one-2 times, all of the infection experienced drawn to the surface and my chills/fever went absent. Sorry for the main points, but I am a true believer in organic medicines and those two personalized ordeals are what designed me the believer that I am nowadays! Any use of this details is for the person’s discretion. For well being worries or emergencies and drugs changes, you should seek advice from a healthcare Expert. Bit by bit peel off the dried layer. You might come to feel a sensation that is like slight pinpricks given that the facial hair is waxed from your skin. Be it the humble difficult-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or perhaps creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally low-cost and versatile household staple. Many of us throw out orange peels the moment they’re completed consuming or juicing an orange. But Were you aware that orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a higher vitamin C content material compared to fleshy inside of! Solution: Any honey will do, but I really endorse working with raw, unfiltered honey in your face mask because it retains much more on the powerful healing Qualities. Lemon juice is really a much better component, so dependant upon your skin time, you might want to Restrict the volume of occasions you employ this mask to one-2 occasions every week. That is utilised to gather data on traffic to content as well as other pages on our web page. Unless of course you're signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information and facts is anonymized. Stay clear of skin-harmful foods. This contains processed or refined carbohydrates along with unhealthy fats. Consuming a lot of of those make your skin age faster. Prevent consuming too many sugars too.[14] Whether you try to eat them or set them on the skin, you’re certain to see a major transform in the complexion when you make bananas your new ally. When used in a handy DIY mask, bananas can nourish the skin, combined with the support of honey to soak up and retain moisture, to deeply hydrate and boost your organic glow. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice can make a remarkably successful Do it yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has robust antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes that make it pretty effective in opposition to acne.
Top honey face mask Secrets
We may perhaps use conversion tracking pixels from promotion networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can recognize when an advertisement has productively resulted in the desired motion, which include signing up for that HubPages Assistance or publishing an posting over the HubPages Support. Hello many thanks to your reply. What if I increase citric acid powder and geranium essential oil? Will these function good preservatives? If Indeed for just how long will they delay Otherwise refrigerated? Thanks lots. If you'd like to skip the moisturizer right after this mask just include tiny bit olive oil. Now just lay down and pay attention to your favorite tunes as audio helps make your mood pump and you'll far more energetic. Pimples or acne is called One of the more irritating and stubborn skin considerations of equally Adult males and women all across the globe. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Unless of course you interact with this characteristic. (Privacy Coverage) Don't just you could try to eat a banana for the Total heath, but utilize Furthermore, it with your skin for a normal face mask. Here's a rundown on four face masks which can be manufactured by utilizing banana as the principle component, In particular chosen by our team, that can present you with glowing, young and wrinkle free of charge skin. For your personal acne and pimple difficulties research This great site. This website has best treatment options for acne and pimple issues: Want to make the signs of getting older disappear? Then try https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Face-Masks-Correctly and egg yolks remedy and become stunned at the outcomes. I have examine and accept the privateness policy Red Url to Media collects particular facts for inside use only. Underneath no situation will your knowledge be transferred to 3rd get-togethers without having your permission. As a result of they each truly good to lessen large pores, also tighten them. As oranges are filled with vitamin C which In a natural way exfoliates your skin. It gives you an acne no cost skin In addition, it would make your skin brighter that final at any time. Incorporating whey to face masks is an excellent thought, Anne! You may use it rather than water, or maybe test incorporating it in face masks, when you stated. When you combine it with other incredible natural substances it can alongside one another make a great mask. This face mask not only helps to treat acne and also fight wrinkles, sunburn, and many a great number of skin issues. पत्रलेखा ने कैंसर मरीजों के लिए धन जुटाने में मदद की Listed below are ideal six Do-it-yourself egg white face masks which can be effortless to arrange and may also help resolve an array of skin challenges to give you toned and lovely skin. If necessary, you'll be able to understand numerous hacks to individual the egg’s yolk and whites.
The Greatest Guide To egg white face mask
So now you understand the miracle ingredient, the subsequent question is tips on how to use them inside a mask that can profit you. Please consider https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099744330118836 to finish your profile so we are able to personalize your knowledge and make sure you acquire information and delivers which are relevant for you. A very well arranged and neatly penned hub :). I am tempted to test, but I have lousy allergic reactions, perhaps I can do a location exam. Thanks for sharing. Leave the mask on for ten to 15 minutes. This mask is runny and will drip down your face. To stop you from acquiring too messy, look at laying down or sitting back in a chair with the head tilted again. You may also use this mask in the bathtub while you are using a stress-free bathtub. As we all know that a banana includes Vitamin B6 so fundamentally it can help to hold off the ageing course of action. Additionally, it moisturizes the dry skin, as vitamin B6 also tighten the sagging skin and it shields your skin from no cost radicals. Get seven to 9 hrs of sleep Every night time. Not acquiring plenty of slumber will make your skin surface boring and sallow. It may result in baggage or shadows less than your eyes. Having enough rest will cut down wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It will also give you a nutritious, glowing complexion.[15] Right before I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase for your face mask, just don’t go overboard with more than 8 drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, via steptoremedies.com smelling mask is sure to tease your flavor buds, tempting you to have a lick, but you should resist! I haven't tried out utilizing it Using the yolk. Happy to hear it's got aided your skin! I will certainly give it a attempt now! Never be afraid of fats, but Make certain that They are really the good form. Olive oil incorporates monounsaturated fatty acids, which may enable maintain your skin hunting youthful. Even the merchandise we get to boost our skin could cause issues. So even the most pampered skin can start off showing indications of aging and exhaustion. But I make mine right into a peel off mask by making use of Kleenex Tissue, I set some egg white on then the tissue and set the remainder of the egg white on prime and depart it on for around 25-30 mins and when it feels dry I just peel it off. It also will get rid of blackheads. Many thanks a lot for your personal posts Lori!! Source No HTML is permitted in responses, but URLs are going to be hyperlinked. Opinions will not be for promoting your articles or other websites. Get ready your face for your mask by washing it with heat drinking water. This may open up your pores, that may Enhance the success with the mask. Considering the fact that this mask tends to acquire very messy, You may also pull your hair back into a ponytail, braid it, or pin it again.
Top Guidelines Of sugar face mask
Utilize a moisturizer towards your skin. Seal while in the moisturizing consequences on the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. step to remedies know and recognize the induce, it is time to find a treatment. Since acne is brought on because of the blockage and subsequent an infection in the sebum glands, clearing the blockage and battling the infection really should logically assistance heal your acne signs or symptoms. This is where the honey mask for acne will come into Perform. Utilizing a honey mask for acne not just clears the blockage but in addition removes the infectious microbes, Hence cutting down the signs of acne. Apart from making use of orange juice and peels on skin, you can consume this fruit and its juice consistently to boost immunity, aid in digestion, reduce kidney stones, reduce Fats deposits, teat undesirable breath, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol amounts, and reduce the likelihood of building heart disease. Share Pat your face dry which has a clear, dry washcloth. Be sure you Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it that has a washcloth will only induce discomfort, and could lead to breakouts. This mask really should not be employed on previously dry skins, and it really is a good idea to seek the advice of a physician right before employing this mask. I have in no way heard of an egg white face mask prior to. All round, I am happy which i discovered this hub. many thanks for that recipe and several Perception regarding how to Have a very cleaner and healthier searching face. Voted up and shared. Together, they apparent up the skin pores. Honey is often a purely natural antioxidant and it's got antimicrobial properties. This eliminates the microbial infections that induce acne. Information: Kelp is really a pure detoxifier and is a wonderful moisturizer for skin. The minerals present in this seaweed help to tone skin and also the coarse grains of dried kelp powder, as it is normally sold, are Great at exfoliating dead skin. Individual the egg and help you save the yolk. Crack open up an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk back and forth concerning the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a little bit of the egg white ought to slide to the bowl. Hold carrying out this until all the egg white is in the bowl. I am in no way without avocados and yoghurt ; I depart it on my face although I shower , it genuinely tends to make a distinction . I will try out the egg white following time . Wash your face that has a gentle cleaning soap and make use of a smooth towel to pat it dry. Use the mask onto your face, using your cleanse fingers and therapeutic massage it completely onto your face for your minute. Implement a 2nd thick coat on to your face and let it sit on the face for quarter-hour to allow the mask to operate its magic! eyerid serum is best cures for make skin glowing and comfortable I'm also employing that same products have faith in me inside of a single 7 days i got remarkable result. @Llzziforan: It's not encouraged to carry on any face mask on overnight. Preferably you should keep on a face for quarter-hour. Someone essentially requested me about retaining their yogurt face mask on for The entire evening and I gave a similar response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0LNW3f_lEg will discover the comment listed here: ... Rub the mask into your face, using your cleanse fingers. If wanted use a second coat to generate the substances penetrate deep into skin pores. Watch for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm drinking water without the need of making use of any soap this time. You'll cheer up seeing your glowing face. Voila!
The Definitive Guide to honey face mask
Tdas Face mask for dust pollution for guys Ladies Children bicycle bikers air anti pollution dustproof mask washable reusable (Navy Blue) Brown sugar also contains glycolic acid, a robust alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and germs, and moisturize skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMaHxDIaWaQ 's also a hydrating agent and it locks dampness into your skin cells and guards against skin dryness. Use brown sugar in lieu of white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and performs perfectly for incredibly sensitive skin. The system assists to restore skin construction & make your skin soften and radiant. The system can help to restore skin framework & make your skin soften and radiant. Morever, gold facial mask can decrease the skin destruction attributable to ultraviolet ray, inhibit melanin development. This post was co-authored by our properly trained crew of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. Utilize a heavier, richer just one during the Wintertime, in addition to a lighter just one throughout the summertime. Take into consideration a moisturizer which contains SPF to guard your skin in opposition to the Sunlight's harmful rays. Use a face scrub once or twice a week to keep your skin in tip-prime condition. It is important to exfoliate both of those your face and Your system yr-spherical, however you might uncover you'll want to exfoliate a lot more in Wintertime. Resource Searching for face masks? We are in this article to help. Our facial masks address a range of skin care problems. Acne considerations? There's a mask for that. Shop our wide array of face masks for acne. Just give these masks a try out. They are really virtually free of charge and you don’t want to look the earth to get the necessary substances. In short, you don't have anything to get rid of other than your acne. Why not give it a try out? Be sure to just how long until I start out observing final results when I commence using the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I utilize it in each week? to.The peppermint sugar cookies alone are awesome and super fluffy. They've an ideal volume of peppermint taste and make for a extremely yummy cookie.However the white chocolate coating and peppermint Different the egg. Crack an egg about a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white must movement into the bowl. Preserve executing this until eventually each of the egg white is inside the bowl. Author Information Meditate. This can be an ancient exercise which has been all over for hundreds of years—and once and for all motive! Many people learn that it can help them crystal clear their minds and chill out.
egg white face mask - An Overview
Now, a number of the recipes below are more impressive and should only be applied 1-two times every week. Other people You should utilize day by day. I’ve made notes for how often Each and every mask must be applied. bdw I've an issue … Can a lady take in tangy oranges for the duration of her periods …. I indicate vitt c contented eatables Bananas are rich in iron, potassium. Honey is often a pure healer. It absolutely was even utilized by Egyptians for treating there wounds and cuts. A high quality community Uncooked honey manufactured my skin glow in a method the Some others didn’t! So for the actual great things about a honey mask, use the highest quality honey you find. No HTML is permitted in comments, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Opinions are certainly not for selling your content or other internet sites. Our masks are for cosmetic usage and is not going to help with healthcare problems. For those who have a professional medical ailment you want to treat you should check with an expert overall health practioner. I also offer variants of the mask so that it's suited to regular, dry, oily and sensitive skin. Utilize the mixture for your face. Make use of your fingers to gently massage the mixture into your face. It’s imperative that you be Light otherwise you could possibly trigger the skin of your face to be irritated, which could lead on to breakouts. How it works: Banana indisputably nourishes the skin. Though Yogurt has existed as solid exfoliant. It improves the blood movement and honey moisturize the skin properly. Just make sure to mix your egg white very well every time you use it (by mixing it you'll get a foamy egg white appear). No, because it has far too much oil in it. The simple mask will work since the lemon juice acts as an astringent, though the honey will help filter the acne-triggering microbes. Thanks! Certainly No Not Useful fourteen Useful 46 Pat your face dry by using a cleanse, dry washcloth. You should definitely Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it which has a washcloth will only trigger discomfort, and may lead to breakouts. Cinnamon can occasionally be irritating In the event your skin is de facto delicate, so you might like to do a patch examination over the back again of your respective hand first. Increase a mashed up banana into the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slash it to smaller pieces by using a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana can help nourish your face.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For banana face mask
Use a moisturizer for your face and neck. Seal from the moisturizing effects of the scrub along with your favourite moisturizer. Beaked masks that contains herbs while in the beak have been worn in the Middle Ages by plague Health professionals[53] to test to chase away the Black Loss of life. Avoid using any exfoliators on damaged skin which include zits or cuts. The ingredients in the scrub may perhaps irritate any damaged skin, along with the friction of exfoliation could make breakouts even worse and perhaps result in new kinds to form. https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Skin-Care inside a black bloc at protests typically have on masks, generally bandannas, to avoid recognition, also to try out to safeguard versus any riot Management agents made use of. There are lots of creams and cosmetics that use caffeine like a critical aspect within their method, but you would not have to use them to benefit from the several great things about coffee with the skin . You should use a do-it-yourself face mask instead! An interesting example of a athletics mask that confounds the protective operate is the wrestling mask, a mask most generally used in the Mexican/Latin lucha libre type of wrestling. Yoghurt can be a wealthy natural source of lactic acid Qualities and this aids in balancing the normal oils on the skin along with brightens the complexion from deep inside of. Many of the masks and people used in European festivals belong to the contrasting categories on the 'great', or 'idealised splendor', established towards the 'unappealing' or 'beastly' and grotesque. Inside the Andes, masks were utilized to dress the faces on the lifeless. These have been initially manufactured from fabric, but later burial masks had been at times crafted from beaten copper or gold, and sometimes of clay. The oldest representations of masks are animal masks, such as the cave paintings of Lascaux within the Dordogne in southern France. Brown sugar also consists of glycolic acid, a powerful alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and microbes, together with moisturize skin. It is usually a hydrating agent and it locks humidity into your skin cells and guards towards skin dryness. Use brown sugar rather than white sugar since it is a lot more Mild on skin and works perfectly for pretty sensitive skin. I'm DIY pursuer and therefore preserve hoping normal items to remove awful diseases. You're going to be surprised to find out about the treasure mother earth has And exactly how it may also help us make improvements to our health. Join me in the journey which acquire you closer to nature and keep you wholesome. Make sure to gather your hair absent from your face just before applying this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to stop the mixture from going on your hair. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, will get rid of darkish spots and Practically helps prevent ageing. The Qualities of yogurt are numerous and when Utilized in this mixture, it’s sure to give you Gains better than a readymade mask.
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