#but he definitely mistakes salt for sugar
hisbucky · 1 year
Buck: Christopher loves the both of us equally. Eddie, sulking: Right. That's why he wanted you to do the school bake sale without me. Buck: No, that's just out of necessity. Chris: Buck's right, dad. You may have learned how to cook now, but your muffins are still awful.
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maliland · 4 months
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"how could you lie?" part one angel(s): e-42 miles morales & black fem reader includes: angst, infidelity, homewrecking, depressing themes, & heartbreak (men being disappointments per usual) synopsis: you used to describe your experience with love as one of complexity and simplicity all at once, but after you learn what your boyfriend did at a party with another girl while you were at home and sick, your heart is left with irreparable damage and an abundance of resentment. wc: 6.7k divider by @/cafekitsune a/n: this is gonna be my last sv fic for a hot min (or forever) 😭 savor and enjoy. ik the tag has been dead and you all have been malnourished, so yw! <3 icl, idk how i feel about it but y'all can lmk 🫶 (p.s: before ppl start nothing non-pg ever happened in this fic at any point in time. just kissing. ion get down like that 👍 thanks.)
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when you arise in the morning and before you lay your head to rest at night, one thing is always definite: you are human.
humans are imperfect, so they make mistakes. genuine ones. honest ones. you’ve mixed up salt and sugar while baking chocolate chip cookies. you’ve hit your best friend square in the face while trying to spike a volleyball. you’ve missed assignment deadlines, forgotten about chores, and left the grocery list at home, all honest mistakes. a boy pressing his lips to another girl’s, though he has another he calls his own, is not a mistake. if it were up to you, it’d be a crime punishable by execution. between miles and yourself, no mercy was shown for the loyal one of you two, so why should he be granted any? infidelity; the act itself is the murder of the most important, sacred muscle, so why not return the favor?
you know your intentions before you give into the temptation of them. you knew miles knew. he knew from the moment that girl pulled him over to a vacant bedroom. did he think they’d simply exchange pleasantries? even so, why partake in such with someone who clearly has a taste for you? a taste for insulting the one you love most just as easily as she breathed?
these are all questions that would never be answered truthfully. you’d have to make peace with the reality or the only peace you’d know was the eternal kind that followed after death. and to think that you once believed in those stupid children’s fairy tales. miles made you believe that that kind of love could be real life. he almost made you believe you could attain the happy ending you always dreamed about. you were so close to it too. to have your bubble burst like that by the person you love most..? cold. way colder than the shivers repeatedly sinking down your spine.
it was a stupid idea to leave your window open.
the medicine you had taken for your cold had you knocked out in the warmth of your bed and you slept soundly. the chilly air would blow through the curtains now and then. the wind was only a light breeze at first. it felt nice, maybe even comforting, but when night finally fell, the current picked up. you were woken up by an icy blast hitting your face.
you groaned and slowly rose up, pulling the covers off of you before you swung your legs off of the bed. you drowsily staggered to your window and forced it shut, drawing the curtains closed only seconds afterward. you would just have to hope the mishap wouldn’t make you any sicker than you already were. you mindlessly carried yourself back to your bed and submerged yourself under the covers. you grabbed your phone, which was lying face down beside you.
you unlocked your phone and went straight to instagram, tapping through everyone's stories. most of the people you knew were at the party. parties weren't your cup of tea, so you couldn't really say you wished you had gone. you were more of a homebody than you'd like to admit.
you eventually got to miles' story. all he had posted was a single picture of him and his group of friends, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. seeing your boyfriend happy made you happy. you smiled to yourself before switching to your messages app. you had notifications from both miles and your friends who were also at the halloween party. you opened miles’ messages first.
miles: hey ma (9:37 pm) miles: i know you’re probably sleeping right now, but i wanted to lyk that i got here okay (9:37 pm) miles: i’m with my friends (9:38 pm) miles: ima go now but i love you 💗 i’ll text you soon (9:39 pm)
10:23 pm
miles: yooo just checking in 🙌 miss you a lot (9:36 pm) miles: hope you’re enjoying that nap ❤️❤️(9:37 pm)
you: hey i’m up now 😈😈 (10:52 pm) you: i saw your ig story 🙃 looks like you guys are having fun so i’ll leave you to it (10:52 pm) you: text me later, i love you so much more 💓 (10:53 pm)
you swiped out of your text thread with miles and opened your group chat with your three best friends, sasha, lani, and nae. while you met sasha and lani not too long ago, you’ve known nae for damn near your entire life.
dollz 💘 9:13pm
sasha: how’s my bedridden baby? 🫶🫶 (9:13 pm)
lani: she’s been unconscious for mad long 👎(9:14 pm)
nae: we should ditch this party n go to her place instead i’m BOREDDD (9:16 pm) nae: and what if bro’s dead (9:16 pm)
jana: girl (9:20 pm) jana: she ain’t dead 🤦‍♀️ please. (9:21 pm)
sasha: ofc not (9:23 pm) sasha: nae's right.. this party lowk boring asf🧍‍♀️ can we leave soon? (9:25 pm)
jana: yes 💋 (9:25 pm)
nae: thought you’d never ask. (9:26 pm)
you: y’all i’m up damn! 😭 (10:57 pm) you: is it really that boring? miles seems to be having fun (10:57 pm)
nae: he buggin then cuz it's been like two hours and this party is STILL boring as shit (11:01 pm) nae: i tried to give it the benefit of the doubt but nvm. (11:01 pm) nae: my niece's fourth birthday party was x100 more turnt than this (11:02 pm) nae: i’m stuffing all the good snacks in my purse nd then we outta this bitch 🏃‍♀️ i’ll be in the car y’all (11:02 pm)
jana: bruh🧍‍♀️ (11:03 pm)
sasha: nae beloved, you already put hella snacks in the passenger seat (11:03 pm) nae: so? 🥱 (11:04 pm) sasha: you don’t need no more tf 😭😭 big backed hungry ass (11:04 pm)
you: yes she does (11:10 pm) you: she’s thinking of me, duh (11:11 pm)
sasha: damn you right.. maybe 🤷‍♀️ (11:15 pm) sasha: or maybe she'll eat up all the snacks and i'll laugh in your face and say i told you so 🤌 (11:16 pm)
jana: uh huh... anw girl can we come over? (11:18 pm)
you: i’d say yes but miles is coming over soon (11:21 pm) you: y’all can come over first thing tmrw morning tho 💋💋(11:21 pm)
right as you sent that message, your phone began to ring and you were met with your own puzzled reflection on the screen of your phone. it was a facetime call from nae. you couldn’t come up with a reason why she’d ever need to facetime you from a party when she could text or call. nevertheless, you picked up. you forced yourself up and out of you warmth of your bed, throwing your comforter and many, many blankets off of you.
you answered the facetime call as you turned the knob to your bedroom door to leave, making your way downstairs to the kitchen so you could raid the pantry for food. when nae’s face popped up on your screen, you noticed that the interior of sasha’s car surrounded her, but neither sasha or lani were anywhere to be found.
“hey danae, what’s up?” you said into the phone as you shut the microwave. you'd settled on instant ramen since you were feeling lazy. when you caught a glimpse of your best friend's face on your phone screen a second time, you clocked that she looked worried and that made you worried too. it didn't help that she was dead silent. you raised an eyebrow. “you alone? where’s lani and sasha?"
“something happened,” nae spoke slowly, disregarding your question. her eyes were bolting back and forth between her phone camera and sasha’s car window.
“what?” you shook your head, your eyebrows furrowing in concern. you set your phone down on the counter, propping your elbows onto the surface while you tried to decipher nae's expression, but that got you nowhere.
“i’m gonna send you something. just hold on a sec.”
“nae, what’s going on?” you inquired, a puzzled expression painting your face.
she didn’t reply. you pressed your lips into a thin line and closed your eyes in both confusion and frustration, strings of air passing through your nostrils. whatever nae was about to tell you was obviously nothing good. you didn't anticipate anything but the absolute worst. you opened your eyes again when your phone dinged. it was photo attachment from nae. you furrowed your brows blinked a few times before tapping it, pulling up you and your best friend's text thread. your entire body went limp when your brain registered the monstrosity on your screen. all you could do in the moment was stare in shock. it was a clear shot of miles and arielle at the party making out in some random bedroom upstairs. arielle who wouldn’t quit making moves on miles. miles who would shut down her pathetic attempts every time. arielle who’s always hated your guts without reason. miles who swore on everything that you were the only one he loved. 
it was all so ironic, truly. arielle was dressed as an angel, a sparkly halo hovering above her head as if she wasn’t concomitantly sinning—shamelessly home-wrecking. and you could see it now: the embodiment of your relationship, or the so-called home you and your boyfriend shared. in your mind, it was ablaze and you were curled up all alone inside of it. you were left to succumb to the searing flames, burning to nothing ash while all that you and miles share burned beside you. 
the boy would come home to the walls still burning and in the process of self-purging. he wouldn’t find you, rather the remnants of what used to be you. the ash would slip through his dirty, unfaithful fingers as they trembled in horror. he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. he’d desperately try to grasp you. he’d try to save you and scoop debris into his sweaty palms so he could salvage what was left of you. still, there was nothing. there wasn't a single thing in the universe that could aid the way you felt in that moment.
now, miles would have to mourn you, for he killed you. and he didn’t even know it yet.
your eyes were squeezed shut because they had to be deceiving you. you must not be fully awake yet. the medicine must be making you hallucinate. you were dreaming. you were a hundred percent dreaming. that wasn’t miles. 
how could that be miles?
“i was looking for lani and found… them instead,” nae muttered. “i don’t know if he saw me take the picture, or what. i left to tell you right after.”
you swallowed hard. though a million different thoughts were racing through your mind, none of them came to be verbal. you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, because what do you even say when something like this happens? would anything you said be enough? would any quantity of words in any given order be able you place the way you felt? unlikely. highly.
your eyes continue you gape at the photo, even though the sight was making your stomach churn. you couldn’t look away. your eyes were fixed on miles' hands on arielle's hips, then her hands cupping his cheeks. nae was still on facetime explaining whatever it was she was explaining, but you weren’t listening. her words were static to your ears. there was a pit in your stomach and it was growing deeper and deeper, your wounded heart subsiding along with it. you set your phone face down on the kitchen counter and began to clutch your stomach. you swore you were going to convulse and vomit from how ill you felt.
“[name]!” nae snapped her fingers into the mic. “yo, you still with me? i’m coming over. i’m gonna call an uber right now.”
you blinked and shook your head, flipping your phone back over and taking a deep breath. you couldn’t just shut down, not now. you had something you needed to confront. someone.
“no,” you sniffled. 
you didn’t even notice the hot tears rolling down your cheeks. you quickly swiped them away with the sleeve of miles’ hoodie. the realization that it was his hoodie you had on made you freeze up again for a few seconds, and then you buried your face in the palms of your hands.
“what do you mean ‘no?’” nae frowned, bringing the speaker up to her ear in case she heard you incorrectly.
your phone dinged three times. in your notification center were text messages from the devil himself.
miles: hey ma, i’m leaving now (11:25 pm) miles: the party was okay at first but it got boring (11:25 pm) miles: i’ll be there in like fifteen ❤️ (11:26 pm)
you just stared at the messages, biting your bottom lip until it began to draw blood as a plea for you to stop. the taste was metallic in your mouth, but your teeth didn’t budge. you didn't want miles over anymore, but it was far too late to tell him to turn around. it's not like he'd check his phone while he was driving, anyway.
“i keep losing you, girl."
you had forgotten all about nae for a second, her voice grounding you back to earth. you exhaled, your breath coming out unsteady. “miles is on his way over. after i talk to him, i’ll call you and you can come over then.”
“okay, babe,” nae nodded with a gentle sigh. 
“do… lani and sasha know?” “no, they don’t,” nae denied. “i wouldn’t tell them before you.” 
you pressed your lips together and silence engulfed your kitchen. you let your mind wander some more. after all this was over and done with, you'd have to explain to all of your loved ones that miles cheated on you. the very thought of having to tell everyone—your family, your friends, your dad—it embarrassed you. you couldn't stomach the very thought, so you exhaled deeply, opting to take it one step at a time. nae spoke again. “listen, if you don’t call or text me in, like, an hour, ima come over there.”
“okay," you nodded.
“remember that you deserve nothing but the best of the best. i love you so much, okay?”
“i know,” you tried to convene a smile. “i love you more.”
you hung up the phone and rid of any stray tears on your face. after nae's face vanished from your screen, you were left staring at you and your boyfriend's message thread. without putting much thought into it, you began to type.
‘cool, i’m jus—'
your fingers froze. you couldn’t text miles. he didn’t deserve anything so little as acknowledgment. you repeatedly hit backspace until the bar was blank and shut off your cell.
you sat idly on one of the kitchen stools behind the counter, your instant ramen long forgotten about. in the moment, you were feeling indifferent as a result of shock. still, you knew yourself better. when miles finally confessed his sins, you’d want to scream. you’d bombard him with a million questions at once, only to angrily invalidate any explanation that passed through his adulterous lips. you’d want to burn every handwritten love letter, every piece of clothing, and every gift, because they all meant nothing now.
he was a liar, and he knew it. if you could kill a man and face no consequences, miles might’ve been gone before he even walked through your door.
while you waited for him, you sat there and tortured yourself in thought. you couldn’t help it. was this planned? was this the first time? had he always thought of her like this? did he wish you were her when he was with you?
when you’d exhausted all of those questions, you began to think back to your own actions and behavior as you scrolled up on your texts with him. 
maybe i said something that upset him? but i think he would've told me... right..? or have i been distant? no, that’s not possible. we talk every day. is he bored of me? is that it? am i boring? none of these texts are showing signs of boredom, so what is it?
you'd soon resorted to flipping through the pages in your diary. you were really good about documenting your day-to-day life. if something happened with miles in the past that your brain wouldn’t let you dig up in the moment, surely you would’ve written it there. the pad of your index finger slid across the rough pages as your anguished eyes skimmed the entries. ten minutes in, you still couldn’t find a thing. you'd give anything for a straightforward answer, but you knew it wasn't going to come from miles himself.
when you heard a key grinding into the keyhole of the front door, you slammed your diary shut and jumped off of the stool, knocking it over in the process. you sprinted upstairs to your bedroom, shoving the journal under your pillow. as you trailed out of your room, you closed the door behind you and braced yourself for the worst. 
you shuffled back to the kitchen and picked up the stool from the floor, setting it upright. you caught a glimpse of miles unlacing his jordans at the front door. this was real. 
“hey. i thought you’d still be in bed,” miles grinned as he approached you, spreading his arms for a hug. he wasn’t in his costume, but in a red hoodie and black sweats. he must’ve gone home to change. his costume probably smelled like arielle’s designer strawberry-scented perfume, the one everyone compliments her on. she never shuts up about it.
“hi,” you whispered, accepting his hug in an attempt to seem normal. “i was, but i got hungry. how was the party?”
miles smelled like his favorite cologne, except the scent was unusually potent. it wasn't faded in the slightest like it normally was after he'd been out and around other people. the deplorable amount of effort he was making just to mask the truth infuriated you. it angered you even more that he clearly wasn't planning on telling you anything. if you hadn't seen it yourself, you might've never known.
“it was ight,” he shrugged, loosening his grip on you after a couple of seconds. you hated yourself for wanting to hug him for just a little while longer. he sure as hell didn’t deserve it, but for all you knew, that was the last time you’d be in his embrace. he let his hands fall down to your waist instead and it made you shiver on contact knowing he had his hands on arielle's waist not even a full hour ago. “would’ve been better with you there, y’know. you feelin’ okay now?"
“mostly, yeah,” you responded blandly, your throat tight and your voice fairly groggy. “still a bit tired.”
you didn’t know how to bring it up. this wasn't something you could beat around the bush about. you found yourself deep in thought. so deep to the point where you didn't notice that miles had started talking. you were busy staring off into space with half-lidded eyes, way past his gaze. he clocked it and moved his head so that your eyes were boring into his by force, his eyebrows lowering in concern.
“is everything okay?”
you cleared your throat and gently pushed his arms off your waist, stepping back as you began to blink back tears. there was no easing into it. standing there in front of miles pretending like everything was okay was already bad enough. it felt like you were twisting the knife that he plunged into your chest. eyes glossy, you swallowed hard and batted your lashes a few more times, desperately trying to rid of the tears that threatened to spill.
“i know you kissed arielle at the party,” you barely managed to speak the full sentence, your voice cracking when you spoke her name. “and i’m confused.”
miles’ eyebrows knitted to be one as if this news stunned him. you wished you could hear all his thoughts from start to finish after you spoke. you wanted to know whether he was planning to lie or tell the truth. would he gaslight you or admit to his wrongdoings? you wouldn’t find out now because you didn’t give him an option. this already hurt enough and it would end the same either way.
“nae told me. and she sent me pictures.”
silence fell between the two of you. it felt like it was eating you from the inside. the chirping of the crickets outside and the noise from the refrigerator running slightly compensated for it. not much.
“i just wanna know why you did it. and why her? why the girl that hates me with every last atom in her body?” you broke the silence, shrugging your shoulders. you were hugging your arms, rubbing them in an up-and-down motion as if you were cold.
miles was dumbfounded, guilt painting his features. he couldn’t meet your eyes anymore. you wondered what you would say if you were in his shoes, but it didn’t give you any insight because you knew you'd never do this to him, so you gave up. instead, you stared at the neat middle part in between his two signature braids that cascaded down the back of his head, down to his shoulders. you’d braided his hair only a couple days ago, back when nothing seemed impossible—nothing like now. 
though he wasn’t, miles’ hair still looked clean, freshly done even. what if arielle had redone his braids for him? she did say she was practicing, and she'd made it a goal to practice on him. you mentally cursed yourself for worrying about something as minuscule as miles' braids at a time like this. you didn't want to give yourself another reason to freak, but your brain wouldn’t let you rest. not even in silence. if miles wasn’t going to give you an answer, you’d send him on his way and come up with one by yourself.
“i don’t know why i did it,” he finally retorted.
“oh, word?” you laughed humorlessly. you were trying not to slap the hell out of his shamefully beautiful face. “it happened not even two hours ago. you know why you did it. your memory is sharp, it always has been, so tell me.”
miles exhaled, rubbing the palm of his hand on his forehead. “look, she came onto me while i was grabbing a soda. it was a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing! it didn’t mean any—“
“that’s what they all say, morales,” you cut him off with a scoff. “it didn’t mean anything but somehow you traveled from the kitchen downstairs to a spare bedroom upstairs so you could swap spit without anyone catching you?!” miles tried to speak, but you cut him off again. “were you even gonna tell me? because you came up in here acting like shit was sweet as if you weren’t just making out with the girl you swore i’d never have to worry about, meanwhile, i was home, sick! a fucking cold, miles!”
“i wasn’t gonna keep it to myself. i didn’t wanna hurt you,” miles said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “it wasn’t gonna happen again, i swear.”
none of the words miles spoke were convincing enough for you in the slightest, so you disregarded them.
“did i do something to you? are you holding a grudge about something and trying to get me back?!” you yelled, your voice trembling.
“no, it has nothing to do with you!” he hollered back, squeezing his eyes shut as if he was stressed out. he had no right.
“so then why the fuck would you go and do this shit?!” you were silent for a few seconds, chest heaving up and down while your heart beat out of your chest. your breath was sprinting away from you and you were trying to catch it. "it's bad enough that you kissed another girl, but arielle?"
miles pleaded, “it was a mistake.”
“damn right it was!” you narrowed your eyes to slits. “i can’t believe i trusted you, like, seriously. you’re sick.”
“i let you down, princessa, i know, i’m—“
“sorry?” you finished his sentence, folding your arms. you were far more angry than sad now. “miles, you weren’t sorry when you were kissing her. don’t be sorry now either. you were gonna kiss me with her bright pink lipgloss dried on your lips like it was nothing. you were gonna sit here and play me like i'm stupid. you were never gonna tell me!”
miles couldn’t counter that. he knew you were right, so it was back to uncomfortable silence apart from your hefty breathing and sniffles. miles had never seen you so angry. you'd never seen yourself so angry. there was no one else to blame but miles. you had no idea where to go from there. it was only after you asked the question that you were about to ask on impulse that you realized you should’ve wrapped this up many minutes before.
“is this the only time this has happened?”
miles was hesitant, his eyes growing wider. “yes!” he spat.
miles had a tell—not just his disinclination to answer your question the way he normally would, but also the way his eyebrows would position as if he wasn’t so sure himself. his teeth would clench behind his sealed lips, but you could tell because his jaw was tight and he swallowed hard, and he wouldn’t know what to do with his hands. 
you knew all of this about miles, yet you felt like you were gazing into the eyes of a stranger. 
this wasn’t the miles you fell in love with.
you muttered under your breath, “you know what? i’m wasting your time... and my own. you won’t have an answer that’s both truthful and something i wanna hear. we’re done, you and i. give me the key and get the hell out.”
“mami, come on—“
“nigga, deuces! i said leave!” you snapped as you backed away from him, holding your hand out.
miles dug deep in the right pocket of his black sweats, handing you the key. you flinched when your skin made contact with his. you didn't hesitate to trap the key in the palm of your hand, dropping your arm back down by your side. miles sighed to himself and trudged to the door to lace his shoes back up. you didn't even watch him leave, opting to turn around and battle the tears threatening to spill from your eyes instead. when you finally heard the front door shut, you rushed to lock it. you turned around and pressed your back to the door, face twisted in pure disbelief. 
this was real.
you slid down to the floor and pulled your knees to your chest, your cries echoing through your empty house. you’d never been more grateful that your father was gone for the weekend. miles wouldn’t have heard the end of it. at least now you had time to make up some lie to cover for miles' ass, and it'd be the last damn time.
not even five minutes passed before someone knocked on the front door three times and you sniffled. miles was going to drive you insane. “go the fuck away!”
“it’s me, baby,” a muffled voice said from outside, but it’s one you recognize, and it’s most definitely not miles.
you wiped your tears with the sleeve of miles’ hoodie and stood up, twisting the lock to open the door for your best friend. she was holding a box of pizza in her hand with a tote bag strap over her shoulder.
“you’re early,” you mumbled, one of your hands pressed against the rim of the door.
“i ubered home and got my car. when i got here, i just parked and waited,” nae pushed past you. you closed the door and locked it again, following her to the kitchen, where she set the box of pizza down on the countertop. “you wouldn’t have called me either way. i know you.”
she was right. you weren’t mad at her for being there though. she had always been so good to you.
nae walked over to the dining table and placed her tote bag in one of the chairs. “i brought your favorite type of pizza, and i stopped by the store to grab some snacks and soda. those are still in my car though, so—”
“i don’t think i can stomach anything right now,” you stated as you rubbed your arm. “i broke up with miles.”
saying that out loud felt weird. and final.
“oh, my love,” nae’s brows lowered and she shuffled over to you with open arms. she wrapped them around you and you did the same, sighing into her shoulder. you really didn't want to cry.
it hadn’t been long and you were already over feeling the way you did. you wanted to fast forward to the part where you got over miles for good. as an attempt to console you, nae was rubbing your back in a circular motion. 
“you did the right thing,” she spoke lowly.
you withdrew from the hug and slightly opened your mouth, fixing to ask nae a question only god knew how to answer. “why did he do it though?”
she led you to the couch in your living room and sat you down, massaging her thumb over yours in a back-and-forth motion as your hand stayed clasped in hers. you stared down at your lap, sniffling every couple of seconds and swiping away stray tears.
“boys are just greedy, babe,” she shook her head. “so very greedy. they want it all. there are so many different reasons why people cheat. it’s difficult to pinpoint just one. my random guess is that… miles has issues?"
“mm-hmm,” she hummed. “internally. maybe he's insecure about himself, i don't know. whatever it is, it doesn’t justify infidelity. you were more than enough, it was him who was lacking."
“i don't get it. i mean, none of this makes any sense… unless i'm blind or stupid, it came out of nowhere. literal thin air. and when i asked, he said he didn't know why he kissed her,” you muttered.
nae sighed. “even if he isn't lying, he still did it.”
“i know,” you nodded. “and i'm sure it wasn't the first time. that’s why i left him.”
“and i’m so proud of you for that,” nae gave your hand a tight squeeze. “walking away isn’t easy for anyone. it takes forever for some people, but you did it just like that.” 
“yeah, well, i kinda had to. it’s bad enough that arielle is gonna rub it in my face until we graduate, and even after that, she’ll probably find a way to .”
“there won’t be any of that,” nae promised. “miles isn’t going to take her seriously—if he even takes her at all. he lost you because of what he did with that bitch. he won’t even be able to look at her without feeling guilty.”
“she can have him, i don’t care either way,” you scoffed. that was a lie. you did care. you cared more than you’d let on if you ever even admit it.
“yeah, you do,” nae raised an eyebrow as if she had effortlessly read your mind. “let yourself feel. it’s how you’ll heal.”
“oh, i’m feeling alright. i’m weighing the pros and cons of murder,” you shakily exhaled, balling up your fists and closing your eyes. “i can’t believe this nigga. seriously.” 
“i’d help you, but i’m not going to jail for him and neither are you.”
you let out a soft sigh, your gaze now fixed on your lap. the tears welling up in your eyes were beginning to cloud your vision. how someone could throw away so many years of loving one another so easily was so far beyond you.
“nae, i’ve been with miles for so long. he’s always been there—i don’t know how to be without him. he’s why i gave love a chance after swearing not to... now he’s shattered my perception of it. the worst part is i should hate him, but i don't. somehow, i still love him and—”
“hey,” nae cut you off. “that’s normal. how you feel is normal.”
you sniffled. “is it?"
“pshh, girl, yeah,” nae assured you, flicking out her wrist. “listen, breakups are terrible. you’re gonna cry and scream. you’re gonna wish you never met him. you’re going to go through old texts, swipe through old photos, and mope in his hoodies. all of that is okay. the worst thing you could ever do to yourself is force yourself not to feel,” nae paused. “if this is who he really is, then it's not your loss. i know it doesn't feel like that right now, but trust me... it just takes time. i don't know how long, but i know my best friend, so no matter how long it takes, you’ll be better than good without miles. i promise." "i'm still gonna miss him," you muttered, sniffling and drying your tears as they fell. nae wrapped her arm around you and exhaled. you sobbed into her shoulder, releasing all the pent-up frustration you'd been concealing in the name of keeping your cool. you'd never felt so inconsolable in your life. "i know, babe. i know."
❤︎₊ ⊹
it was late. 3:28am. time had never moved so slowly. you were genuinely considering calling 911 and telling them you were suffering from a heart attack. you were thoroughly convinced that this was damn near the same exact thing.
the moon wasn’t full tonight, but a waning crescent. it reflected you and how soulless and dejected you felt. the moonshine bleeding through your curtains was also the only source of light you would tolerate, the rest of your bedroom completely dark. you lay on your side facing the window, allowing the icy gusts of wind to hit your face. you were practically drowning in a sea of blankets all while still being in miles’ black hoodie.
nae was gone. she’d left about two hours ago, but not before suffocating you in countless hugs and forcing you to eat a slice of pizza and drink two glasses of water, despite your not wanting to ingest anything due to your unwavering nausea. you told her you’d be okay alone. you knew you wouldn’t and so did she, but you wanted to be alone, so she gave you your space and promised to check in on you when the sun rose. you loved nae dearly and you'd never take her for granted. you felt lucky to have such a kindhearted best friend.
you'd been in a 1v1 with your thoughts for a while now. your phone was powered off and shut away in one of your nightstand drawers to help resist urges. you hated that you wanted to call miles, but you did. you wanted to scream at him. belittle him until you just couldn’t anymore. and you wanted him to sit there and watch you do it without protest. you wanted him to be honest and tell you the truth. you wanted him to promise it would never happen again, and then you wanted to curl up under the covers of your bed with him and sob in his arms while he planted kisses on your forehead, apologizing profusely. you wanted him to tell you he loved you until you believed it again.
you couldn’t do any of that—you wouldn’t. it’d mean you have no respect for yourself. it felt like you hardly had any now, so you needed to keep the scarce amount that remained.
your thoughts were blank and sporadic all at once. you’d never been through a breakup, but you had a rough idea of how these things go, so you spent some time mapping it out in your head.
you'd eventually have to meet up to exchange one another's belongings. maybe rio would apologize on miles’ behalf and say she’d always love you. she’d call you a couple times a week. the calls would eventually come slower and grow more infrequent. soon, the calls wouldn’t come at all. even if there was the acknowledgment that rio’s arms were always open for you, they’d still feel closed. you'd treat them as such.
you'd barely eat because you couldn't stomach a single thing. you'd rot in your bed and binge all your favorite movies and shows. you'd go to war with the urge to run back to miles. you'd read old diary entries where you were gushing about how much you loved him and how amazing he was to you. you'd look back at old photos and videos. you'd reread old texts until you were sobbing so hard that you couldn't breathe.
you'd write letters that nobody was ever going to see and all the tears you shed would smudge the black ink and ruin your fancy penmanship. you'd lie to your dad and tell him that your relationship had just run its course and that you and miles needed to work on yourselves. your friends would check in on you, and of course, you'd tell them that you were okay every time, even if that was the furthest from that.
word gets around fast. when this dreadful weekend was over and monday crept up on you, you'd have to return to school and deal with the piercing stares and shameless gossip. you weren't ready for any of it, because now, everyone at school would know you as the girl who got cheated on by her long-term boyfriend for arielle. rumors would spread. words would be twisted and lies would be told, both about you and miles. in retrospect, it was all the more embarrassing for miles, but you still felt utterly humiliated. not to mention that you had no doubt in your mind that arielle was ready to run to his defense, preferably by kicking you when you're down.
sometimes, just for a fleeting moment, you'd forget about it all and your mind would go quiet. your heart wouldn't swell in longing and you wouldn't feel sick to your stomach. it never did last long before the same thoughts you desperately wanted to leave you alone started to pester you again. "but you two seemed so in love!" nosy girls at your school masking their prying motives behind what they thought were "supportive words" would soon tell you. the worst part is that you'd never know how to respond, because you thought you and miles were in love too. he was your sun and you were his moon. how could you so quickly forget that the sun didn't need the moon to shine, it was the other way around? you thought it was and always would be your heart tethered to his, but now you were left with a broken chain and a heartache.
you thought things would be different with miles. you truly did. now you knew that anyone could screw you over even if they crossed their heart. there weren't any exceptions, not anymore. miles proved that you can do everything right and still get done wrong. it wasn't fair. you should've known you weren't exempt from something like this happening, yet you still let yourself believe you were. maybe you jinxed it, or maybe you thought your case was special. maybe you thought this would never happen because you believed you were special. you only did because he made you feel that way.
you were sick and tired of brooding over your misfortune. you rolled onto your back with a frustrated groan and gaped at your ceiling, the cold air from outside still blowing against the side of your face. as exhausted as you were, sleep just wouldn't grant you sanction in its assuaging embrace.
what hurt the most is that you were so sure that you'd bagged a kind of love that was for the books. the kind of love you thought you could only dream about. though you weren't searching for him, the stars sent you miles morales. in your eyes, he was perfect. you loved and adored him, and swore he was your soulmate, made just for you. he was godsent and you never wanted to let him go, until tonight, when you learned that you were never the one who needed to hold on to begin with.
you came to the humbling conclusion that maybe the reason people told tales of faultless love was because real love was far too sickening to bear. it was merely a way to cope. nothing more, nothing less. maybe "happily ever after" had been a hoax all along. all the fairytales you had read growing up always began with “once upon a time”, but your story with miles ended with it, because loving him was easy—once upon a time.
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maliland ©
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featherandferns · 1 month
It’s my birthday today!!!
Literally can not decide how jj would act about birthdays, what do you think?
first of all - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have had, or are having, the best day! <3
(everyone wish 🍓 anon happy birthday right now or else no more JJ fics)
hmmm. I think JJ would definitely try his best with birthdays. Even if he doesn't quite hit the mark, he'd get brownie points for giving it his best shot.
His dad didn't ever care about his birthday. At the most, he'd get a rough pat on the shoulder and a grunted happy birthday, kid, or even a can of larger if his dad was feeling extra affectionate and perky. At the least, it would go unnoticed. Thankfully, the Pogues made up for the lack. They'd supply him with drinks and weed and cake, and would spend the day doing JJ-approved things. Those typically involved starting the day with a blunt and a beer, surfing at the break, fishing in the evening and wrestling around the campfire. Money being tight and all, gifts were few and far between. Instead it was more company. That was plenty for JJ. Just the acknowledgement that he was turning another year older was enough.
Besides, his birthday brought a looming sense of dread. He'd try and push it down, distracting himself with festivities, but every year that passed, he wondered what his future might look like. A prison cell like his dad, or casual alcoholism? A scrimping-and-scraping lifestyle, alone and isolated? Or a simple but cheerful life with his friends, perhaps even rich with gold gathered from John B and Pope's countless adventures?
That final premonition became stronger after JJ met you. Once you were around, the festivities altered slightly. Instead of a blunt first-thing, it was sleepy morning sex, with you doting on JJ like he were the first born king, and then a sedated smoke straight after. The joys didn't end at the bonfire: instead, it extended into the night, with you practically worshipping JJ in the bedroom. You also splurged out to get him a gift. Usually it was something handy, like a lighter or pocketknife, but JJ treasured every bargain buy like it was a Rolex.
Because JJ knew what it felt like to go without on birthdays, whenever it was yours, he tried his best to make it special. He woke you up with his head between your thighs. He attempted to bake you breakfast in bed (often consisting of burnt pancakes and luke-warm coffee). He'd be the first in line to offer to take photos of you for your Instagram, working overtime to get the perfect angles and lighting. Had to at least try and push his luck, sneaking a shot up your skirt, earning him a smack upside the head. Same as you, he scraped together enough money to get you a gift. Some jewellery or make-up that you'd been eyeing, unable to justify the price tag. If money was too tight, he fell back on his acts of service. Fixed the creaky door. Pimped out your board. Cleaned your busted-up car. You fucking loved it.
Whilst some things became birthday traditions, one very quickly did not. The first time you celebrated a birthday with JJ, he tried to bake you a cake. Note the word 'tried'. It was undercooked, to start. When he took it out of the cake-pan, raw batter leaked everywhere. He salvaged the baked sponge and made some horrendous contemporary art out of it. The icing was just as bad. Isn't it strange how similar salt looks to sugar? In wonky, wobbling hand-writing, JJ piped happy bithday, joyfully oblivious to the spelling mistake. And whilst the cake was completely inedible (like truly diabolical), you marked that as the moment you fell in love with JJ. Hell, when a guy bakes you a cake, you sort of don't have a choice.
So, JJ tried his best with birthdays, and you appreciated every tiny effort :)
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carolmunson · 1 year
baby, as if (the flashbacks)
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the flashbacks: part one. baby as if: masterlist (read with caution.) i looked at that poll and i said 'absolutley not, you'll take what i give you.' jk, but i realized it'll just be easier for me if i take this a few chunks at a time, so i give you the beginning of 'the flashbacks'. here, you'll see eight, six, and five and a half years ago. a little entry way into how reader and (not so) f!boy eddie met and started getting involved. tw: 18+, oral (f recieving), not much in terms of tws for this entry, discussions of drugs and drug dealing -- otherwise pretty fluffy. our timeframe setting starts out in 2007-ish. (take all actual year timelines with a grain of salt, i just like incorporating the early aughts into shit.) but here we go, i give you the beginning of baby as if: the flashbacks.
8 Years Ago You didn't really know each other when he started working at the shop. Your dad had mentioned 'my daughter' in passing, but you didn't go to Hawkins High or middle, you went to the highschool in the next town over using your aunts address because it was a better school. Your parents didn't want you to end up stuck like them, but you'd already beaten them by not getting pregnant at nineteen. He knew you went to college in Fort Wayne to study English -- he thought that was stupid since you spoke English already. Why would you have to spend all that money to study it? That didn't make sense to him.
He did know your little brother, Beau, often found small and sugar high at the end of a long day at kindergarten being dropped at the shop by your mom so she could take more clients at night in the salon. Eddie would take the morning shift on cars and then the afternoon shift as a baby sitter until the shop closed at 5:30. He'd take that time to teach him how to read -- but only the best books. He started with the Hobbit and went from there.
On one particular hot summer night, your mom didn't come by to drop off your brother which made sense since it was the summertime -- but he still heard the pitter patter of his light up sneakers against the concrete floor.
"Beau, don't run please!"
He hadn't heard that voice before, it wasn't nearly as nicotine soaked as your mom's or your aunt's. Eddie feels the slam of a tiny skull against his mid thigh and looks down to see Beau looking up at him with his big baby eyes.
"Hi," Beau says -- breathless in the way little kids are when they run or take a big gulp of water. He reaches up at him with his arms over his head, "I didn't wanna go home yet so I asked sissy if she could take me here after camp."
"Sissy?" Eddie asks with a quirk of his brow, hoisting him up onto his hip, "You're gettin' big dude, I don't know if I can keep pickin' you up."
"My sissy," he says, pointing over to the office your dad normally spent the afternoons in, but there you were right outside of it. Summer sun soaked, shorts tight over your thighs, run down sneakers and an old weathered sweatshirt completed your look. Eddie gulped at the sight of you but you were too preoccupied with your phone to pay attention.
"Mumma, can you tell Eddie about the dragon I saw at the zoo?" Beau asked, shimmying down Eddie's body to get back down on the floor to run to you.
"Okay kid, is she your sister or is she your mom?" Eddie asked, trying to hide confusion and surprised. You look up at him with a gaze that immediately makes him feel stupid, but intruiged.
"Ew, no, I'm definitely his sister," you answer while snapping your phone closed, hand falling onto Beau's head, "Can you guess which one of us was the mistake?"
Your playful grin makes him laugh, "Sorry, he called you mom so -- I just didn't know."
"Don't worry -- it's sorta like when you accidentally call your teacher 'mom' when you're a kid. He just gets confused," you shrug and introduce yourself before asking, "What's your name?"
"I'm Eddie. I uh --"
"Oh! You watch Beau when he's out of school!" you interrupt, "He talks about you all the time."
"You're not telling him about the dragon, sissy," Beau whines and squirms, "I seen a dragon today."
"You saw a dragon today, B," Eddie corrects, "I saw, not I seen."
"Still seen one," Beau crosses and uncrosses his arms with a dramatic eye roll, already bored with the conversation enough to scurry over to another co-worker.
"He saw a bearded dragon lizard at the zoo today," you smile.
"I swear he's five going on fifteen with all that attitude," Eddie says with an exasperated sigh through puffed out cheeks, "Gives me a run for my money..."
You laugh a little out of your nose and flip your phone open, he's stunned at how fast you text. Your thumbs flying over the keyboard of your Sidekick iD. All he had was some Nokia burner from Rick and an iPod he stole at the gym.
"Uh, your dad's in there, by the way. Like, you can just go in," he says. His coverall feels too hot and scratchy, noticibly concious of how much is pools around his sinewy frame. He doesn't look like a man the way the other guys who work here do, he doesn't really feel like one either. Too soft. Too gentle. Even when he was lugging around tires and getting into fights at The Hideout.
"He's on the phone," you scrunch your nose while you point at the door, keys in your hand jingling. He thinks about what you'd do if he reached forward and tapped his finger on it. If he traced down the bridge gently. You look so touchable.
"How come I've never seen you around before? I've been here like, almost a year," he says, running the rag that was over his shoulder through his hands to occupy himself.
"I'm not around a lot, normally in Fort Wayne 'cause I go to school there. I stay with a friend and work at the school over the summer to make some money," you explain, "Trying to save up for my own place."
"Oh, cool," he nods, swallowing the disappointment in his tone. Of course you don't want to stick around this shit hole town. You have better things to do. You're literally in college.
"What's your SN? I'll add you to my buddy list and tell you all the weird shit Beau says this weekend," you giggle.
"What's an SN?" Eddie asks, throat running dry. Is this some kind of joke? Are you trying to make fun of him or something? "SN? Your screen name?" you reply, cocking your head when he still doesn't know what you mean, "Like your AIM screen name?"
"Oh!" he says, embarrassment continuing to creep up on him, "Like, on the computer? We um -- I don't have one at home so I never really signed up for it."
"Oh," you say softly, nodding, "Um, well like, what's your number then? Gotta keep up with Beau's replacement older sibling."
He internally gags when you refer to him as your replacement. Did you already put him in that catergory? The friendzone? That's what they called it at the comic book store when they had their D&D nights and just talked about girls.
"Here," you say, handing the phone out to him with the 'New Contact' page up. He takes it, albiet shakily, unsure if Rick would want him to be giving out his number to just anyone -- but you're so cute and girls never ask for his number. Not even after they hook up with him in his van outside of the bar. Rick would understand.
"Thanks, it's saved under Eddie M," he replies sheepishly, "In case you know any other Eddies."
"I don't," you smile, "But I'll keep the M."
The door to the office opens and your dad appears, tired and disheveled but glad to see you.
"Hey kid, where's the gremlin?" he asks you gruffly.
"I don't know, probably doing something illegal," you shrug, but the pitter patter of light up sneakers on concrete starts up again across the garage.
"Let's go, buddy," he says while Beau leaps up into his arms.
"That was a big jump dude. What, are you half spider monkey or something?" Eddie teases.
"We saw them at the zoo, today!" he calls out, before turning to his dad, "And I also saw a dragon."
"That's very cool, you'll have to draw me a picture when we get home," he says with a nod before putting his attention on Eddie.
"I'm gonna head out, but are you good to lock up here with Mark?"
"Yeah, for sure," Eddie nods. A smile spreads across his lips, maybe you'll think he's important or something, "It was um...it was nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too," you say softly while you head toward the door with your dad. He tries not to look, but there's something about the way your cut off shorts hug your ass that has heat rushing to his cheeks.
You turn back as the door is about to close behind you and grin, "I was the mistake, by the way. I'll shoot you a text after nine!"
You do text him after nine.
'heyyy. how r u? :)'
No one ever really asks.
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Six Years Ago
He didn't mean to fall for you, but how could he not? Your weekly to bi-weekly phone calls during your senior year of college were all he looked forward to. Outside of pay day and parties at Rick's. And D&D campaigns. And shows at The Hideout. You were up there, you were top ten. He swore it. 
He knew when you came home for winter break last year, helping your parents bring Beau to swimming lessons and indoor soccer. It started with small, yearning, glances when your daddy would invite him home for dinner, or you'd drop off lunch for the guys. Soft little flicks of brown eyes from under envious full lashes to watch you watching him, leaning over his work bench to ask him a question for your dad. Watching you live your life in your family’s small house while he ate brisket and showed Beau how to do shading in his coloring books. He nearly died when you grabbed his hand in the kitchen, manicured nails dancing over the new burnished silver jewelry on his fingers and asked, ‘Are these new rings? Where’d you get them?’ 
He'd survey you while you helped your brother with his math homework when your mom was busy with her fourth haircut that night -- your aunt who wouldn't pay her and your dad too burnt out to do anything but drink in front of the TV in his recliner. 
"Oh, no, that's not right," Eddie pipes up gently. You looked up at the sound of his words, sitting across the kitchen table while you stood over your brother's shoulder. 
Eddie blushes, scrunching into his shoulders, "Sorry, sorry, it's just, you're a little off -- when you're converting ounces to pounds you--" 
"I don't need you to teach him about grams, ounces, and pounds, Munson," you say softly, a little giggle escaping your chest. He flushes deeper than before, "I think he's a little young for that." Everyone knew what Eddie did on the side, it didn’t take much to find out what he always had hidden away in his beat up backpack. Your daddy said that it taught him good entrepreneurial skills and as long as he wasn’t getting into trouble or selling to kids, he was fine to work at the shop until the cops came knocking – and they never did. 
"Sorry, I just -- Just because it says 5 doesn't mean it's a half pound. 5 ounces isn't a half pound, it's like a 'gotcha' question," he explains. Your brother's eyes are glued to Eddie, his cool rings and long hair, his leather jacket, the soft stubble on his chin. Eddie was the coolest guy your brother had ever met, so if it meant he had to learn weight conversion from a drug dealer, then so be it. He'd listen to him before he’d listen to you. 
"How many ounces are in a pound, bud?" he asks. 
"Sixteen," your brother replies. 
"What's half of sixteen?" 
"You're so sharp, dude," Ed encourages, "You should skip second grade, for real."
"So even though it says point five, it's actually eight ounces? Not five ounces?" your brother asks, pencil tracing over the question on his work sheet. 
"Exactly," Eddie grins, "See, you get it." 
He meets your eyes for your approval and when you nod, running a hand over your little brother's head comfortingly, he has to hide the giddiness on his face in his hands. 
"How come Eddie's good at math and you're not?" your brother asks. You laugh, Eddie's snort comes out from behind his hands, dancing through his silver rings. 
"I haven't taken a math class in a while, Eddie does math every day," you say, like a kindergarten teacher trying to explain bomb drills. 
"How come?" 
"Oh, um," you look at Eddie, his flushed cheeks and boyish smile, "He's just -- Eddie's really smart."
You stayed out in Fort Wayne for six months after graduation until your mom got let go at the salon. 'Making room for new talent', they'd said. She'd developed joint pain, recurring carpal tunnel -- she couldn't do as much as she used to. So, like every good first born, you moved back home to help out -- taking whatever job you could find. At first it felt bad to be back in your childhood bedroom, forced back into the mundanity of the world around you. The embarrassment of running into people you knew at the mall or getting gas. But at least one thing was fine, you got to see Eddie -- and he was kind of exciting. Way more exciting than your job at the diner you picked up back in May. It worked out fine, you guess. You'd have mornings off some days to take Beau to school and to soccer, or baseball, or whatever sport he was into that season. Your mom would do hair in the kitchen for the older ladies -- roller sets, perms, colors. She could take her time with them, they had no rush. Then you'd leave for the diner when Beau came home and your mama would take more clients in the evening. Your daddy would be home at five thirty to take on the heat. 
Things were easier on your parents when Eddie started coming around to keep Beau occupied. The second grader had a lot of energy, even after sports practice or game days. Eddie's personality matched his in intensity -- always finding new ways to keep him engaged in his homework, in his reading, in the way he navigated the world. Beau was at a fourth grade reading level by the end of the school year and whipping through math like he was born to know it. Your daddy started taking Eddie to boxing matches and monster truck shows with Beau. Your daddy started to forget you were there, too. 
Except when Eddie’s big brown eyes started to linger a little too long at you one night when you were at work.
“Munson, I’m old. I’m not stupid,” your dad’s voice grumbles like a bad engine when he talks, “You wanna ask my daughter on a date, don’t you?” 
Eddie sputters into his orange soda, smattering it onto Beau who throws into a fit of giggles. 
“Uh – what?” he gasps, “Sir, I – excuse me?” 
“I see how you’ve been lookin’ at her since you saw her two summers ago,” he shakes his head, coughing a cigarette cough into his fist, “You’ve got the most love sick eyes I’ve ever seen.” 
Eddie can’t help the blush that grows in his cheeks, “Sir, I dunno about that.”  “Everyone knows you have a huge crush on sissy, Ed,” Beau says matter of factly, taking a big gulp of his chocolate milk. Ed reaches for the cup as he goes for a second gulp and eases it out of his hands. “Slow down, kid,” he huffs, “And gross, dude. Girls have cooties.” 
“Sissy has her cooties shot,” Beau shrugged, “She told me when I said there’s no way you liked her, ‘cause girls have cooties.” “Did sissy ask if I told you I liked her?” Eddie asks with a smile. Beau smirks and giggles, tiny teeth shining back at his dad – he’s a troublemaker but he’s no good at keeping secrets. Your dad smirks into his coffee mug, too.
“Did she ask you if I liked her?” Eddie’s heart pounds in his chest when your dad nods at his question. 
“Did um – did she say if she liked me?” he stammers out. He pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth to squeeze out any remaining moisture as he saw you walk out of the kitchen to one of your tables. Two regulars, construction guys -- Bryan and Charlie, always come in at the same time and always tip big cause they think you're pretty. Eddie hates that he hates when you talk about them -- you aren't his, it shouldn't make him so upset. He smiles to himself for a minute when you press a hand to your lower back, scrunching your face in pain. He can tell it’s because you always pop your hip to one side when you take an order. 
“She might’ve mentioned something,” your dad shrugs, “But I asked you a question, kid.” 
The sticky heat from outside flows in through the door and into his chest, “Am I allowed to ask her on a date?” 
“She’s twenny-two, she can do what she wants,” he laughs, “Just don’t have her coming home in a cop car and you got my blessing.” 
“I promise I won’t have her come home in a cop car,” he breathes out. His excitement outweighs his embarrassment when you come over to the table. To him, your diner dress fits you just right. To you and your dad, you wished it was a little looser. He swallows hard when you plop your hands on the linoleum and lean forward on your palms. Your manicured nails click on the plastic when you drum them a few times, the pen in your hand shines.
“Anything else I can get you boys?” you ask with a smile. 
“I think we’re heading out, pum’kin,” your dad’s jagged grin shines through his eyes while Beau crawls over Eddie to get out of the booth, “Gotta take this rugrat to the movies for his friend’s birthday party.” 
“But um,” your dad chuckles while he stands up, stretching a bit before adjusting his biker vest, “I think Ed’s gonna stick around. Said he had somethin’ to ask you.” 
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Five and ½ Years Ago Money flows when he makes it. Your first date was to the movies, nervous hand holds on your knee – uncertain arm around your shoulder. He smelled like Suave body wash and cigarettes. Your second to some restaurant out of town, he stumbled over his drink order and yours but it made you giggle in a way that made him giggle too. He wore a ‘nice’ shirt that Wayne let him borrow but he shifted in it all night – rolling up the sleeves and opening up the collar. Some chicken scratch tattoos on his forearms. He kissed you in the van with warm full lips and smiled all the way home. But as the months went on and Rick started giving him bigger plays, bigger bricks to move – two years in the trenches had his seeing stacks he had only dreamed of before. You got to reap the benefits. A pair of earrings, nicer dinners, paying for your manicures every now and again. New tattoos on his arms, on his chest, littered in them – good ones too, he’d go out to Ohio for them. He’d work his shifts at the garage with your dad and then on some nights and weekends do his business. Your daddy still looked the other way, if the cops weren’t knocking then it didn’t matter. Eddie was making you happy, he was making everyone happy, so there wasn’t any reason for him to worry. You spent your shifts at the diner thinking about when he’d come pick you up. Thinking about when he’d come in during your opening shifts and flirt with you while he had a cup of coffee – sometimes in his coveralls, sometimes in his clothes from the night before. He smelled good, new colognes – he got a couple. You liked the one he wore on date nights and loved the one he wore during the day. Got some silver chains to match his rings – subtle upgrades. He’d started to fill out some – making more money, eating more, more muscle, more cash, more confidence – still yours. Still lovesick. ‘The most lovesick eyes I’ve ever seen.’  
His hair tickled your thighs while he had you splayed out on the mattress in Rick’s guest room, the ‘welcome to the weekend’ party still raging down stairs as the night begins to approach the early hours of the morning. Perks of living on the outskirts of town – no neighbors to call the cops to tell you to shut the fuck up. The thud of the music makes the walls vibrate, putting you in a steady trance in the dark. The joints you were passed earlier had made their claim, body languid and floaty — he could have you just how he wants you. 
“Fuck, you taste so good,” he whispers into the crease of your thigh while his hands push your knees apart further. His tongue is his best feature, and he knows it now. Easily his strongest muscle with the way it’s started to get him in and out of anything. Sweet charm turned as silver as his rings as he got more and more successful, more and more of Rick’s approval. His tongue lies flat in slow intentional drags between your legs, spit pooling out in its wake. He likes to take his time here to build you up, your soft ‘hm’s encouraging him to keep his pace.
“It’s nice like that, huh?” he asks gently, pressing a kiss to your clit, “Using my tongue on you?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, eyes closed and sleepy. His head pokes up from between your legs when he notices your body reacting less and less to his mouth. Your sounds get progressively quieter, losing enthusiasm.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks, crawling up over you. 
“Mhm,” you respond, eyes still shut. 
“You fallin’ asleep on me?” he laughs, thumb coming up to run over the side of your head, “You little lightweight.” 
Your lips stretch into a smile, the weight of your high pressing you further into the mattress. Each time you take a breath you feel yourself falling further and further away, it’s almost scary until it's not – because he’s there. You feel the pad of his index finger run down the bridge of your nose and slide over your bottom lip. He quietly eases off the bed, grabbing your panties and jeans from the floor to put them back on with the finesse of a person who’s had to redress their passed out friends many times before. You’re almost out like a light when he drapes the throw blanket over your legs, adjusting it to slouch messily over your shoulders. You barely feel the kiss he leaves on your forehead. 
“I love you,” he whispers, before heading back down stairs for a drink. You wake up to the music still blaring downstairs, mouth dry and disoriented – realizing that what woke you up is the sound of the door opening. 
“Hey sleepy, didn’t mean to wake you,” Eddie whispers, wincing a bit as the music gets louder. He closes the door with his hip, clicking on the overhead light making you both squint, “Well, technically I did, but I didn’t mean to wake you up like this. I brought you some food, baby.” Heat rushes to your face at the name. Baby. No one had ever called you that before. Not other hookups or boyfriends - always ‘babe’, never ‘baby’. Always ‘babe’, never ‘angel’, never ‘sweetheart’, never ‘my girl’. Eddie called you every sweet name he could think of. “Thank you,” you smile, eyes falling on the ringed hand cradling a paper plate with two slices of pizza, dripping in grease. The other held a can of Pepsi that he watched your eyes fall on for a brief moment.
“They didn’t have Coke, m’sorry,” he scrunches his nose, leaning in to give you a kiss while he places the plate and can on the side table, clicking on the lamp. 
“That’s okay, this is fine,” you smile, he smiles back while clicking the big light back off. He crawls onto the bed next to you, the warmth of him enveloping you in his scent, his body heat, his essence. Things moved fast since your first date. You’d never felt loved like this, you’d never been kissed how he kissed you. It’s like he wrote the schematics for your body and kept them a secret until the day you let him touch you in the back of his van. The day you let him take you in your bedroom when your parents went to watch Beau’s baseball game. Even his stare made you flustered. Eddie would say the same about you. Gareth and Jeff would label it as lovedrunk, Rick said he was more addicted to being with you than he was to making him money. Sandra at the diner said he’s obsessed. Obsessed with you. It had a nice ring to it. 
“Thank you again,” you nod, cracking open the can of Pepsi that soothes your dry mouth instantly. 
“Anything for you,” he smiles while his hand reaches to yours, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“I heard what you said, by the way,” you smirk, “When you left the room.” 
His face somehow blanches and fumes red like sweet cherries at the same time, “You weren’t supposed to.” 
“Didn’t want me to know that you love me?” you tease, shoulder bumping him with a laugh. He doesn’t laugh back, he just looks at you with soft eyes – big and brown, begging. 
“Is that stupid?” he asks softly, disappointment weighing heavy on his tongue. 
“No! No! It’s not stupid,” you quickly assure, “No, I um –” You smile down into the can of Pepsi, manicured nails on your opposite hand drumming on the aluminum. “I love you, too,” you whisper, “I was nervous that maybe it was too soon. I didn’t like…I didn’t wanna scare you.” “Scared by my girl saying she loves me? Nah,” he shakes his head, teeth gleaming in a smile that hurts his cheeks, “That’s the best shit I’ve heard all year.” “Why don’t you eat first,” he starts huskily, taking your Pepsi can and placing it on the side table. The cologne on his skin had mixed pleasantly with tobacco, enveloping you in sandalwood, fruit, and smoke. His lips were plush as he pressed first against the corner of your mouth and then the other, holding his index finger in the center of yours. He nuzzled your nose gently before easing himself into a deep kiss, index finger tracing down your cheek. “As I was saying,” he starts again, a light giggle floating out of his chest and escaping pink cheeks, “Why don’t you eat first and then maybe we can go to mine and I’ll show you how much I love you.” “What about Wayne?” you ask, looking at his distorted face with your foreheads so close together. He steals a quick kiss from you again, another on your cheek. “Wayne’s staying close to the plant to do a morning shift, so he won’t be home until tomorrow night,” he grins, “We can play house all day tomorrow.” 
“You’re stupid,” you laugh, leaning back to take the pizza off the side table to take a bite. “What? You don’t wanna be my baby all day?” he gets on his knees on the mattress to lean into you, lips finding their way to your cheek and jaw. You squirm under his touch, a feather light gasp coming out of your mouth when he nips at the spot at the top of your neck. “What’s got you so flustered, hm?” he teases into your ear, his ringed hand trailing up your thigh. Your hand covers his and he stops his journey, pulling back a little. “Nothing bad, s’just – I really like it when you call me baby,” you hide your face with one hand, “I don’t think I’ve said that before. It’s just really nice.”  “Baby,” he pours out like warm syrup, it sounds so natural in his nicotine soaked voice. He pulls your hand away, smattering slow soft kisses across your cheeks. Mumbling between each one, “Baby, baby, baby.”
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ewesless · 3 months
Goof Up Poll #1
Who left their chocolate chips for baking cookies with on the counter top when the dishwasher was running and melted 1/3 or more of the bag?
Okay, I'm going to do something a little different with this one. Drabbles! I mean, definitely vote your vote, but hear me out?
Why Solomon? He's a disaster in the kitchen, but he also is going to add some cayenne and powdered goji berries for a kick and healthy superfood twist. SOMEHOW the bag of chocolate chips melted and turnes into a solid brick. Oh well chocolate melts and evenly distributes, right? Especially with a torch! It also adds a delightfully, extra crunchy texture to the thick, flavorful crust (I'm woefully unimaginative compared to the Magic Master Chef :( These abominations would be safely removed by a stab happy, hazardous materials disposal specialist named Raphael.
Why Simeon? He's canonically a cute, old, out of touch ditz and enjoys cooking thoughtful recipes for his housemates. He would definitely keep some sweet snacky stuff like mini packs of M&M's or other hard shelled candies like Reese's Pieces as pick me ups and for Packed Lunches. So he would have a batch with cinnamon chips or butterscotch chips too. Apart from being specialized for the palate of the recipient he would put them in adorable bags with personalized labels written in his elegant script. Leviathan framed his tag, begged the others for theirs as rare memorabilia collectables and Mammon sold him his at a steep price...which he paid for on the spot. 6/7 SECURED. When he learned that Beel ate his which was devastating he demanded Beel regurgitate it OR ELSE. Fear the taste of his spicy newt chip dust fingers!!
Why Luke? Poor kid doesn't have his emotional regulation under control yet :( (I say as an old fart who doesn't either) He would be upset and also discover that the baking powder was expired and that the flour was contaminated by Solomon making his cursed pancakes so this was actually a blessing in disguise? Feeling unnerved but lucky he'd go to the store (with ??? as his chaperone, but I think he shops alone too?) and while there he would have a nice distraction by seeing inspiration for cupcakes or other little baked goods for next time. When he gets home he gets back into his groove and bakes a great batch of cookies! He calls his comfort friends and after a vent session he feels better and they suggest baking together. "How about Snickerdoodles?" He likes thick and chewy big ol' bakery style cookies.
Why Diavolo? There was a chat where he was part of a sleep away exchange at HoL (Lucifer wouldn't let him room with him 😓) and when he baked he had eggshells in it. He mistook salt for sugar and made perfectly spherical cookies in Nightbringer (they pair well with Demonus.) Diavolo's Salty Balls if Barbatos wasn't lurking nearby he would not think twice about eating the forbidden raw cookie dough and will pay the price for it tomorrow. If Barbatos was observing/teaching he would all of a sudden discover that his errors or mistakes would be magically fixed (Because sometimes Barbatos CANNOT ABIDE Diavolo making or learning from mistakes. He just can't help himself sometimes either, like a compulsion 😔) He likes crisp chocolate chip cookies, which is fortunate because that was exactly what he got.
Okay this one I have been waiting for. I am no better than the plot writers with Lucifer 😂
Why Barbatos? Barbatos does not have a dishwasher machine (he is the dishwasher) even as of OM (it was mentioned in a Sweets Masters chat that I forgot the name of 🥲) so imagine with me if you will that he was not aware that they radiate heat outside of the machine, not just in your face when you open it before the drying cycle is finished...
He has been enjoying THE HELL out of his new dishwasher this week. He's in a good mood, the Little D staff are miraculously well behaved despite now having 2+ hours freed up from no longer washing dishes by hand. Hm... (give them more breaks, please. Rest and recess is good for productivity, workplace rapport and emotional health.)
Today the Young Master's treat shall be his own recipe for Decadent Devildom Chocolate Chip Cookies.
While the ingredients are warming to room temperature he does the dirty dishes that were brought in shamefacedly by Little D no. 4 that he had hidden in the library while he was binge reading...5 days worth of them. That's forgivable because he now has an excuse to run his beautiful, large scale industrial dishwasher again! What he doesn't realize though is that it would heat the countertop. It melted his butter and chocolate chips.
Not missing a beat he melts the chocolate down in a double boiler and chills it in the refrigerator on a baking sheet (They had a refrigerator already. One mention is in the Barbatos chat that I forgot the name of with Diavolo's Opaque Mysterious Refrigerated Container) while it chills and the butter warms *properly* on a unheated surface. He goes and monitors Diavolo, anticipates that he may need to scold him. Surprisingly Diavolo is ahead of schedule! Inspection of the Little D's reveals that they have performed well above standard (because as stated R and R is goodddd) Wow....all is going well today!
The result is Chunky Chopped Chocolate Chip Cookies! Milk and Cookies for everyone to reward them for their hard work and a sweet happy ending!
Edit: Proofread your insomnia writing 6x. Better yet read it out loud! Or else you will be like me and gnash your teeth over forgotten words, disorganized sentence structure and typoes that you're still finding the next day and too tired to fully fix.
I love my super fun run on sentences and adjective overkill 😂 They make me oddly happy.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
The Great Bakeoff (pt 1)
I'm waiting for my dough to rise so let's have some fun and see how several of the blorbos handle making bread :D
Healthcare AU
Malon smiled, hands on her hips as she surveyed all the ingredients and cookware in front of her. She had organized her tools on her counter like a scrub tech would lay out tools for a surgery, which she had noted halfway through with a touch of amusement, but it was routine to her, so she let it carry over into her kitchen.
Today was the day she and Time finally had more than one day off together, and she was choosing to celebrate. Being domestic and making some bread seemed appropriate, and she'd gone to the bakery with Four enough times to want that amazing smell of freshly baked bread wafting through her own home.
Time to get to work. Reading the cookbook, she yelped when she felt hands slide around her waist.
"Oh, you!" she harrumphed, bopping her husband on the face with a roll of paper towels. "I'm trying to bake!"
"I see that," Time noted. "Need some help?"
"The last time you tried to help you set the bread on fire."
"That was only one time, dear."
Malon shooed him. "Go outside and spend some time with the horses like you've been wanting to. I'll meet you out there."
Time smiled and obliged, though not before stealing her dish rag and making her chase him and pay a toll of a kiss for its safe return. Eventually she set to work, focusing and enjoying the task at hand. As she combined flour, yeast, sugar, and salt, she couldn't help but wonder how all of this would make a good loaf.
Well, it doesn't have to be perfect, she supposed. Just edible. I can do edible. I'm a mighty fine cook, after all... or at least I used to be before my nursing career destroyed my free time.
But she'd never baked, and she knew how precise of an art that was.
Malon poured the hot water into the mixture, hesitantly stirring it with a spoon before getting her hands dirty. The first mistake was that she definitely should have put flour on her hands to avoid the dough sticking to her, but it seemed to form together well enough under her hands.
Smiling at her work, Malon covered the dough and set a timer on her phone before washing her hands and strolling out to see Link riding Epona around the field.
Ordon Fam
Uli stress baked and she would be the first one to admit it.
Most of her cooking was meals - hearty stews, egg and milk based recipes, vegetables and the occasional fruit or meat that Rusl would bring. But when her worries clenched her heart and made it to her hands, she would end up buying ingredients off Sera and setting to work.
Today she had to distract Colin while her husband and Link were away in Kakariko, an all-too-quiet rainy morning after such a horrific night. Link had been so dreadfully injured, and Rusl--
Uli bit her cheek, blinking tears away. Colin giggled from her bedroom where he was babysitting Hana.
She let her hands do the work automatically, easing her mind and heart, settling into a familiar, comforting routine. The dough was smooth and bouncy under her hands, a satisfying texture that distracted her enough. She could get her worries out through liberally kneading it, hands and mind so in sync that she hadn't even noticed she'd been abusing the dough for so long the shadows in the house had shifted positions.
Shaking her head, she covered the loaf to let the dough rise, making her way to her children.
The Wildlings
Tilieth stared bemusedly at the ingredients. Her finger bounced from item to item, listing it out loud in an attempt to ensure she had everything. After repeating the word salt four times and staring into the void, she discovered why her brain was short circuiting.
"I forgot flour!" she groaned.
Wait! No, she hadn't forgotten flour, that was literally the most basic ingredient to making bread. She had it somewhere.
One search later, Tilieth had discovered that not only did she have flour, but also shriveled Hylian tomatoes that probably would have benefitted from being eaten a week ago.
Okay. Now she had what she needed.
Excited, she began to mix ingredients, having never made bread before. She wanted to see if she would be any good at baking different kinds of loaves, hoping to try new food and perhaps even share it with her parents and Abel. Her newlywed husband was actually sleeping in for the first time since they'd been married, and she was going to take advantage of it by surprising him.
Rummaging through their kitchen, she paused as she found that she wasn't entirely sure where the measuring cup was. She was certain she had put it in this one cabinet, but...
Ah, wait, her mother had moved it when Til had gotten overwhelmed organizing the new home.
With a triumphant, quiet ha! Tilieth pulled the item in question out and held it up to inspect it happily. She finally had everything she needed.
It wasn't until she was halfway through kneading that she remembered she didn't have a bread knife to cut the loaf that she was halfway through making.
The Princess
Zelda took a steadying breath as she stared at the bowl. Link had been cooking with her and teaching her basic recipes for a while now, and she finally wanted to try something for herself. Her friend and loyal companion was out of town, having gone to Zora's Domain to visit, leaving Zelda to sort out organizing her new home.
This was the first meal she'd ever made alone.
For a moment, she felt heartache at the thought of it. But it only lasted a moment, and instead, she felt eager, excited anticipation bubbling in her chest. No, she no longer was fed by royal chefs, no longer provided provisions by any settlement or outpost they visited. But she was building a new life for herself, and she finally felt like she was regaining her footing in a world that had seemed so empty and foreign a few months ago.
This was more than just baking bread. This was the start of a new chapter, this was her proving to herself that she could do this.
And so she set to work, having researched the recipe meticulously, eager to get every aspect of it right, ready to show herself that she was capable, that nothing was wrong with her, and that if she could piece herself back together, then she could rebuild Hyrule just as well.
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Hiya!!! Since reqs are open, could I request the Flambé shuffle unit (separate idols) headcanons with the reader not knowing how to cook or is bad at cooking? I depicted a burning kitchen scene after it was fully announced x'D Have fun & ty
⋆ .* .🔥 Flambé! ⨉ Reader Headcanons
Prompt: Cooking together, except you can't cook. Word Count: 777 (!?) Warning: N/A. Notes: SFW. Gender-neutral reader. Crack. Kitchen failures. Please don't let Niki see this. Comment: H-Help.
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❧ Yuzuru just can't afford to take his eyes away from you due to constant worry. If he were to focus on the cooking more, he's afraid that you would mistakenly use sugar in place of salt. This results in him guiding and correcting you instead of actually doing any cooking.
❧ The cooking process of a simple dish would take much more time than needed, thanks to you. Yuzuru does have moderate patience, which he would rather not waste. A mere sigh indicates he still has plenty of patience, but if you happen to insist on adding energy drink to the soup broth, expect a grip on your wrist with a threatening smile on his face.
"For the sake of you, me, and whoever will eat your cooking, [y/n]-sama, please listen to me and follow the recipe as it is."
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❧ Unlike Yuzuru, Ibara doesn't have the time and patience to deal with the potential disaster of having you cook. Given his tight schedule, he doesn't have time to teach you how to cook properly. He would rather cook for you and Nagisa by himself to save time and effort.
❧ The first and last time he let you make an attempt in cooking, he managed to stop you before you set things on fire. He ushered you to go and wait while he prepares the food, subtly kicking you out from the kitchen to prevent you from making the foodstuffs inedible. As a safety measure, he would never allow you to step into the kitchen again. Never again.
"What the– What do you think you're doing?! This is a kitchen, not a battlefield!!"
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❧ The amount of cooperation you and Subaru have would win you a pair cooking competition... if both of you are good at cooking, that is. The problem is, that's not the quality that you two have. Instead, your ability to come up with wild ideas will only destroy the dish you're making. Hopefully not the kitchen, too.
❧ As long as you have Subaru, edible glitters and gold leaves aren't exclusively used as decoration for cakes any more. It's only a matter of time until he chimes in with more ingredients. The more sparkles the food has, the better. Let's not talk about if it's edible, though.
"[y/n]! I brought sparkling water! It's better than regular water because it's sparkling, right?"
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❧ Tomoya might only be a starter, but he is definitely trying his best. He paid a serious attention to the recipe, measuring everything carefully while avoiding causing any unnecessary mess. Slowly, he got over the overwhelming feeling of learning about different types of flour and measurement utensils, which are confusing at first.
❧ The moment he notices you dumping way too much butter and cream, his expression is immediately filled with dread. He mentally facepalmed at the wrong cups that you use to measure the amount of things you need, before reprimanding you to pay attention and follow the recipe. The way he scolds you bluntly is enough to enlighten you, and yet not to the point of sounding rude.
❧ Fortunately, with the help of Tomoya, redemption for your mistake(s) is not beyond possibility. He assisted you in scooping out the excess ingredients before it's too late. The failures don't discourage him from doing another trial until he gets the food right, but he would appreciate a proper guidance next time.
"It's okay, [y/n]! We make mistakes sometimes. Just don't forget to use this cup to measure butter, okay?"
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❧ This one cooking session with Rinne is, needless to say, catastrophic. Chaos, chaos ensues. Burning kitchen scene, yes. Who proposed the idea again? Of course, Rinne wouldn't pass up a chance to gamble, especially when it can boost his ego. He easily agreed to bet on whoever is more impressive at cooking, especially when he knows you can't cook quite well.
❧ Rinne might have seen Niki cook a few times, but that means nearly nothing if he never actually tried to cook by himself. The whole cooking session is filled with you and Rinne showing off your "impressive cooking skills" instead of making an edible dish, there is no telling that the giant fire plume was actually an attempted flambé. If no explosion happened in the process, then consider it as a miracle.
❧ At this point, the competition is more about who is less bad at cooking. No one would win, by the way. Ibara would ensure that the two of you pay for the damages, and there is no escaping it. Overall, it's absolutely not a recommended bonding session.
"Argh, whatever! Why do you even need to cook when you have Niki around?!"
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Epilogue (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
this story contains nsfw content. minors please just scroll past and ignore.
Victor: Her Majesty and I both wish for you to continue being our fairytale writer. … Will you accept this offer?
Kate: Yes, of course. I humbly accept your offer.
Even after I had worked as a fairytale writer for a month as promised, I chose to stay and continue my work.
It became a routine to be typing away on my black typewriter at the end of every day.
I wrote records of the bloody punishments done by Crown.
Just in case those records would serve as crucial pieces of evidence, I would always make sure to be as detailed as possible.
I paused halfway through typing a report and read the part I wrote about Liam’s current situation.
– Flashback Start –
(“Still no change in Liam’s sense of taste”...)
— The day Liam and I were making breakfast together.
Liam tilted his head as he held the bottles of salt and sugar in his hands.
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Liam: Hm… sorry, Kate. I still can’t taste anything.
Liam: Can I leave it to you to do the seasoning?
Liam: I’ll do the plating, serving, and cleaning.
I flipped through my report while thinking back to my memories with Liam.
(“Liam has difficulty with sleeping”.)
— Every morning, I would wake up to Liam staring into my face.
Liam: Good morning, Kate. Your bangs are springing up, so cute.
Kate: Good morning, Liam. Were you awake the entire night?
Liam: Hm… kind of. But you don't have to worry about it.
Liam: Seeing your face is enough to make me full of energy.
Liam: Hey, can I get a good morning kiss?
— One night, when it was raining heavily.
I was tagging along with Elbert and Alfons for a mission, but we faced a little trouble due to the rain. And before we knew it, the clock had struck midnight.
(It’s already this late. It’s long past the time I told Liam I would be home.)
The carriage travelled through the forest towards Crown’s castle, Alfons spoke while looking out of the window.
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Alfons: Oh? There’s a soaking wet stray cat sitting at the front door.
Elbert: ... Is that Liam?
Kate: E-Excuse me, please allow me to alight first!
Kate: Liam!
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Liam: … Kate.
Liam, sitting at the front steps of the castle without an umbrella, lifted his head.
Liam: Thank goodness… you came home safely…
Kate: W-What are you doing out here without an umbrella?
I touched his hands and they were as cold as ice, he had been sitting outside for hours.
Liam: I did think to wait inside. But as time went by… I became increasingly anxious.
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Liam: I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of you being injured… or even worse, you never coming back…
Liam: My mind was overflowing with those unpleasant thoughts.
Liam: I’m so, so glad you're safe…
Liam: I… I don’t know what I would've done if anything were to happen to you.
– Flashback End –
With a rustling sound, I closed my report.
(I once heard from somewhere that it’s not easy for people to change.)
Even now when our love is mutual, the things haunting Liam’s heart will never disappear.
It’s the same as how scars don’t easily fade away.
(But I know that there's definitely some changes inside of Liam.)
Liam: Kate, I’m home.
Liam entered my room through the door that was left slightly open, he looked so much like a cat when he did that. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Kate: Welcome home, Liam. Good job on your rehearsal today!
Kate: You look very happy. Something good happened?
Liam: Wow, Kate, you saw through me as expected.
Liam cheerfully came to my side.
Liam: “Wuthering Heights” is going to have a revival performance.
Kate: Wow, a revival? That means it was requested by the audience, right?
Liam: Yup. I’ve been mentioning to Tom about wanting to act as Heathcliff again, I’m so happy.
Kate: Again?
Liam nodded.
Liam: “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”.
Liam: You told me before that you liked this line from the story.
I told him that back when we didn't know each other very well.
Liam: When I performed the first time, I didn't fully understand what that line meant.
Liam: But I think I understand it a little more now.
Liam: … It’s because I’ve fallen in love with you, Kate.
There was a burning passion in Liam’s eyes.
(The old Liam would never be able to express his love this boldly.)
Although he still feels a little embarrassed to do so, he tries to shake off any feelings of hesitation and expresses his love for me.
Because this kind man knows that it’s what I want.
Kate: I’m looking forward to the performance.
Liam: … Yeah.
We locked eyes, and without another word, our lips met.
We kissed each other, changing angles, and Liam whispered into my ear after our lips parted.
Liam: … I’m getting turned on.
His voice was smooth like thick honey, invoking an indescribable feeling in my stomach.
(The old Liam would never express his own desires like this.)
It made me more than happy to know that I was what he desired.
Too embarrassed to say it to him, I gave his hand a tight squeeze and smiled at him, giving him the green light to gently push me down onto the bed.
Liam took off his jacket and with practised hands, he removed my clothes.
Liam: … You’re beautiful. And so lovely.
He pinched the peaks of my breasts between his fingertips.
I bucked my hips and the moans I had been holding in spilled out of my mouth.
Kate: Ahh…
Liam: They’re getting pointy. … I want more.
Liam licked my pointed nipples with his wet tongue as he gently squeezed them like he was trying to make a show of it.
(... This is so shameful.)
I felt so embarrassed and shameful that I almost couldn't take it any longer, but I was more than just willing to let Liam have what he wanted.
When my nether region was getting very wet, Liam pushed his fingers inside me.
Liam: Haha… you’re so wet. You’re feeling good, huh?
Kate: Nngh, ahh… please don’t say that out loud…
Liam: Let me say it. Because you get all flustered whenever I say something that makes you embarrassed.
Kate: Hnngg, ahh…
After pumping his fingers in and out of me countless times, Liam finally pulled his hand away and spread my legs apart.
Liam: … Please, Kate. Say it.
Liam: Say that you want me…
(I can’t bring myself to say that… but…)
The impatient look in his eyes pushed all my feelings of embarrassment aside.
Kate: … I want you, Liam.
Liam: Mm, of course.
Kate: Ahh—!
He entered me in one hard thrust, making me tightly grab the sheets.
Liam: … Are you okay, Kate?
Kate: Yeah…
Liam: … You’re so cute.
I gripped Liam’s back as he slammed his hips into me relentlessly, like he was greedy for my love.
(The biggest change of all is that he was now right in front of me.)
(And I’m here for him.)
I loved the things that changed, and the ones that remained the same— I loved it all.
From the very bottom of my heart, I cherished every single day I spent with him.
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Liam: …
Liam stopped moving and frowned.
Liam: … Recently, there have been times I feel confused.
Liam: Whenever I’m with you, my heart beats so loudly. … It’s as if every day, I’m turning into a new person.
Liam: When I feel afraid, I look at you and think that…
Liam: As long as my feelings for you remain the same, everything will be alright.
He wanted to say that as long as he kept holding on to one thing that doesn't change, he’ll gradually be able to accept the changes that were happening inside him.
Kate: … Is that so?
Liam: … Yeah. With you by my side, I won’t be afraid of change or what tomorrow will bring me.
There was knowing what our future holds.
But one thing that we could be certain about was that we would be together tomorrow, the day after, and always.
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hannahhook7744 · 27 days
couple hc for Tiger Lily x Lampwick please !!
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Requested by @casinotrio1965 .
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?;
Definitely Lampwick.
He never pays attention to the door he heads for lol.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?;
Both of them and they both tried to hide it.
Who starts the tickle fights?;
Usually Lampwick.
But Tiger Lily would on occasion.
Who starts the pillow fights?;
Both, depending on little factors like who needs cheering up/who the kids asked first.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?;
Lampwick falls asleep last and Tiger Lily wakes up first.
They both do the small affectionate smile thing (but at different times).
Who mistakes salt for sugar?;
Depends on the why?
Who mistakes salt for sugar because they just can't tell the difference: Lampwick.
Who mistakes salt for sugar because they're exhausted: Tiger Lily.
Lampwick's eye sight might not be the best after his transformation and Tiger Lily is always exhausted because she's usually juggling learning all her future chief duties, keeping track of/taking care of the kids with Lampwick, coaching tourney/ probably other sports, and being the headmistress of Neverland Academy.
Both of them will pretend like they meant to do so or that it's sugar because they're both stubborn.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?;
Tiger Lily, because again, she's usually too tired to give a frick. Also because she's used to being up at that time from back before kids were able to age on Neverland (not all kids, just some).
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?;
Tiger Lily's pick up lines are somehow never cheesy.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?;
Lampwick: Alexander instilled the habit in him.
Tiger Lily would but he usually beats her to it (even at school, crazily enough).
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?;
Used to be them alternating but now one of the kids usually beats them to it.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion?;
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?;
Usually Tiger Lily because she's the better artist.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?;
Tiger Lily.
She thinks their neat and love how it shows their travels.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?;
Whether they're a big spoon or little spoon?;
Who would bring a random animal home and make the other have it as a pet?;
Tiger Lily.
I mean, Lampwick definitely didn't decide to have three pet donkeys on his own.
He might be fine with the wolf and the dog, but them having three donkeys in your au makes me think it's either Tiger Lily or the kids.
Who is more accident prone?;
Tiger Lily is more graceful.
Who is sickly and who never gets sick?;
Funnily enough, NIETHER of them are sickly.
Their kids, on the other hands....
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! Can I please request a teenager!reader that deal with a scholar phobia (panic attacks, sickness due to bullying, pressure) and how the RoR characters will help them. Thank you for reading my request and I love your writting !
-It started off small, you were looking a bit more tired lately, more exhausted, like you hadn’t been sleeping well, which was true, most nights were spent tossing and turning, unable to turn your brain off.
-Then little mistakes here and there, like you weren’t focusing, grabbing the salt instead of the sugar to put into your tea, or forgetting to wear a jacket on a cooler day. You were definitely more absent minded.
-When asked by various members of your adoptive family, you just waved off their concerns, telling them that you’ve been studying a lot, “I want to be smart to make you all proud!”
-Then came with the withdrawn behavior, wearing long sleeves even though it was colder out, trying to hide a limp in your gait, saying you had stepped funny off a curb and that you would be okay.
-You started eating less and less, and only eating in your bedroom, while you were studying, you cheeks were starting to look a bit hollow as well.
-Tesla checked over your homework and pointed out your mistakes. Tears had welled in your eyes and you were struggling to hold them back but smiled, thanking him, praying that he and the others didn’t see your tears.
-Then came a phone call, you had been jumped at school, four on one, others had stepped in but you were pretty messed up.
-Adam and Hades were selected to be the ones to pick you up and when they saw you in the hospital, there was no hiding their fury.
-You had wounds, not fresh looking ones from the beating today, old ones, ones that looked weeks old, bruises of several shades and sizes. They could see your ribs poking out and you had an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose, as your breathing was labored.
-The doctor told them how, in her study of you, that you had been being bullied for what looked to be months now, something the school was no involved with, as these bullies made sure to never do it in line of security cameras, and threatened other students to keep quiet.
-She also found that you were severely malnourished and dehydrated and the way your body looked, besides the wounds, was that you had been under a lot of severe stress lately.
-Once home, you were sat on the couch and faced a family meeting, you vs. everyone else in your massive family, who demanded to know why you hadn’t said anything about the bullying or the stress you had been under.
-You broke down, apologizing like it was your fault, that you just wanted to make them proud of you. You tried your best with your grades but you kept making mistakes and you weren’t good enough for them.
-Eve surprised everyone by slapping your cheek, not hard enough to seriously hurt you, but enough to shock you to get your attention, fuming down at you as tears were welled in her own eyes, a few slipping down her cheeks in anger, “We’re proud of you no matter what you do! We’re here to support and help you, but we can’t help you if you don’t say anything, or if you keep secrets like this! We love you Y/N, and nothing will every change that. I- we don’t want to see you like this ever- ever again!”
-You were quickly in tears, sobbing in her arms as she hugged you, petting your hair, letting you cry. When you finally calmed down a feast was prepared for you and you were expected to eat enough for two people before you were allowed to get up.
-You had no problem, as your stress had been masking how hungry you actually were, but as you ate, you looked around, seeing several members of your family gone.
-As if reading your mind, Kojiro smiled warmly, ruffling your hair gently, “They had to go out for a bit. Said they would be back in about an hour.”
-When you returned on Monday, you were shocked to hear all four of the bullies had suddenly changed schools. You were none the wiser on the reason why as you family decided to keep that from you, for now.
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simplysummers · 9 months
For the ship ask: Kurtbastian >:) (it would feel illegally not to send you this)
Megstie yes I will (finally) do this!!!!
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Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?
Both ✨ Kurt when he’s flustered and Sebastian when he thinks he’s being cool and sultry and then he just goes 👏 smack into a door.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?
Probably Kurt overall, but then he’d look down at his notebook in horror like 🫣😫
Who starts the tickle fights?
Sebastian 10000%
Who starts the pillow fights?
Also Sebastian but could be Kurt sometimes.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Could be either but it’s definitely more likely to be Seb, especially because he’s so private about his real romantic feelings.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Sebastian absolutely.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am?
Sebastian because he’s an insensitive little prick ❤️
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Sebastian ‘did you break too many hearts to stay?’ Smythe.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?
I actually think it could be either, maybe something they do together. Kurt is a perfectionist and Seb comes from an academic family.
Who licks the spoon when they're baking brownies?
Seb gets the spoon, but sometimes if Kurt is missing his mom, Seb will let him have the spoon.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there's no special occasion?
Seb buys them because he knows Kurt likes them.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?
Oh Sebastian absolutely. And Kurt goes mad cause he’s like “you’re ruining my look!!!” And Seb just doesn’t care.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?
Kurt. Seb travelled a lot as a child so he’s indifferent to cheap trinkets.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?
Absolutely Kurt. Seb pretends he doesn’t take it seriously but he totally does.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
*inquiringly* darthfett?
♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you
Oh, I'm so sorry for what this became. They are bad at the more traditional domestic cute shit.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa Vader. He then uses the Force to make it open the wrong way anyway to save face and now the door is broken.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them ...ehhhh neither? If there was a very specific plot that involved like... mid-Imperial era (early twenties) Boba going back in time and seducing 19yo Anakin, then Anakin, but otherwise I don't think either of them. Anakin doesn't have anything to doodle on, because he's in a hell of a life situation, and Boba doesn't seem like a doodler to me... except for one specific case (further down).
Who starts the tickle fights Vader, using the Force, but he cannot be tickled back, because... [gestures at his life support] it would be unlikely but still possible to kill this man accidentally by tickling him into a breathing mishap.
Who starts the pillow fights Vader, trying to rediscover a sense of whimsy. It doesn't really work. Boba tries to pillow smack him back and it just kinda. Doesn't go anywhere. They are bad at this.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile IDK about smiling but Vader falls asleep last, and he's definitely a 'watch you sleep because I Love You' type.
Who mistakes salt for sugar Boba. He's a shade absentminded sometimes, while Vader is hyperaware of everything if he cooks because it's been Twenty Fucking Years since he had real food or used a kitchen and he's triple-checking everything as a result.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning Boba, just to be a little shit.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines Vader. He is attempting to have a sense of humor. Sometimes Boba even laughs.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order Oh this one is 100% Vader. He sees Boba's shelves and gets Twitchy about it.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies Boba, because Vader really can't take his helmet off for something that unimportant.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion Vader. He is drawing on the Old Memories Of Romance With Padme, and he got those ideas of romance from really cliche romance novels. Boba's just like 'alright, don't burn anything down I guess."
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen Boba leaving graffiti on Vader's armor as a powerplay against Imperial employees like 'yeah. he lets me do this. feel inadequate yet?' Very Smug Cat energy. (Yes, this is the exception to the doodling thing.)
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation I think this one is also Boba, but Vader does it a few times specifically to stick the magnet on Boba and stare at him until he stops reaching to take it off. This is what you get for doodling o n his armor.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines This is 100% Vader. Boba has no idea why his weird work frenemy he occasionally does Weird Romance Stuff with has decided to bring a teen girl magazine (where did he even GET that) to him for some quiz thing in the back.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
And for the last of the posts for this prompt, I’m writing for Nanbaka! Again, definitely another fandom pretty much made for polyships because boy, are there so many great ones! One of my favourites is actually a quad-ship so I wrote for that, where you, the amazing reader, are dating Nico, Uno, Rock, and Jyugo in a poly relationship! Couldn’t resist the chance to write for it and I hope all my Nanbaka fans will enjoy the headcanons!
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?
Okay, but every single one of them and you have done this at least once or twice. It’s pretty human, honestly. On the subject though, I feel Nico does it the most and Jyugo, with his insane luck at getting through doors, does it the least. Uno has a bad habit of walking into the door, mostly because he’s looking back at you and the boys and chattering away about something.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?
Not so much a desk, but I feel Uno and Nico are the ones who would do the whole initials in a heart or doodling your name with their last names or things along the same thread. It’s kind of cute, actually, especially once Uno comes up with a group name for the lot of you and just starts doodling it everywhere.
Who starts the tickle fights?
Jyugo is surprisingly ticklish around the armpit area and won’t start a tickle fight that he knows will just be turned right around on him. Rock, if he knows you or any of the others are really ticklish and don’t mind being tickled, will definitely use it to his advantage to lighten a mood while Uno does it to win arguments. Nico wishes he was ticklish because whoever is getting tickled looks like they’re having so much fun.
Who starts the pillow fights?
I feel like everyone, but Jyugo would start a pillow fight occasionally. Uno is smart about it and builds a stockpile of pillows thrown at him to use when everyone has run out. Rock prefers the hold and whomp over throwing the pillows. Nico gets tired out by pillow fights easily and plays cheerleader after the first little bit…Jyugo sucks at pillow fights and loses every time.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Honestly, it’s either Jyugo, Uno, or you. It tends to be Jyugo more often, since he sleeps at weird hours and tends to stay up really late, especially if he has things on his mind. And when things are weighing heavy in his mind, he likes to watch you and the boys because it reminds him that he has people, has this little family, to live for and to try to be better for.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Honestly, Nico can’t really tell the difference at all between a lot of cooking ingredients. Sugar and salt aren’t interchangeable? But they look exactly the same! All those green herbs…they’re all the exact same thing to him. Baking soda and baking powder don’t do the same thing? Nico is so confused and just grabbed whichever one he thought was right. Seriously, the boy should not be allowed to cook and any food he makes will definitely taste either downright gross or more than a little off.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1 a.m. in the morning?
Rock, if he wasn’t in prison, would be the late night snacker. Nico sleeps pretty early and pretty soundly and doesn’t wake up for snack time unless someone wakes him up. Jyugo doesn’t really get the munchies late at night and Uno doesn’t eat after 8 o’clock to maintain his figure. Rock though…he suffers those midnight cravings so bad, and microwaves give you food quick. He always forgets until it happens just how loud that beeping sound is and he’ll try to open the microwave as quickly as he can to make the beeping stop.
Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines?
Nico is the only one of the four who has never used a cheesy pick-up line on you. Uno seems to almost delight in coming up with the cheesiest ones he can think of to make you laugh, while Jyugo knows of no other way to really romance you. Rock does it when he wants to look really cool and it really can’t help but make you grin, which he really likes.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?
Okay, but seriously, it’s you or nobody. None of them are all that worried about how the bookshelf is organized, as long as it’s full of books and they can see the title before they grab it, because backwards books are not a good thing.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?
Rock and Nico will usually fight over the spoon or beaters a little, play rock-paper-scissors to decide. They both just always really want that little treat. If you say you want it though? It’s yours and neither man will fight you on it. Uno’s the smart one though and always has a spatula or two handy while making brownies so that Rock can have the spoon and you and Nico can have the spatulas with the scrapings from the bowl.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion?
If candles were an option, Uno would definitely do this. I feel this fits pretty well into his idea of being cool, romantic, and Prince Charming like…until someone knocks the candlestick over because it definitely will happen, since all the other boys want to join in on the meal, even if he planned for it to be just the two of you.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?
Nico loves doing this. He even has some of those colourful ‘tattoo markers’ and he’ll cover yours or Uno’s whole back or arm with designs, usually based around his favourite anime or videogame.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?
Uno collects souvenir playing cards from every destination you guys go. Nico collects postcards. Rock always takes home a cookbook from whatever location you all vacation to. Jyugo is really the only one who doesn’t do much in the way of souvenirs, something that kind of bothers him once he figures out that fact and he starts searching for the perfect thing to collect from vacations and travels. He’d probably ask your advice on it, to be honest.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?
It’s canonical that Uno has a thing for surveys and quizzes from the back of women’s magazines so like…this is a no-brainer. He takes them really seriously too! Same with zodiac match-up’s…he gets way too into those and always gets pissed if there’s even a hint that your zodiac sign isn’t compatible with his or that you’re more compatible sign-wise with one of the other boys over him.
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sakura-chan-25 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request hcs for Satan, Mammon and Simeon having an MC tears up easily (not like cause of sad movies or cause somethings sweet) but like making small mistakes. Like oops they accidentally put this in the wrong place they weren't suppose to now MC tears up. It's not necessarily angst MC is aware it's ok but they don't know how to control their tears so it just...happens. I'm curious how'd they'd react or what they'd do when they seeing MC try to hold their tears (and failing miserably) for doing a small mistake. That's all hope it's not too much ^u^ tyy
Oh god, I tear up easily when making one little mistake in front of people, lol. I can definitely write this
This actually can be read as platonic or romantic realtionship, I think
Word Count: ~140 (Mammon's & Satan's part), ~130 (Simeon's part)
Warning(s): MC tearing up (duh), crying, mistakes being made, pet names [baby (Mammon’s part), darling (Satan's part), lamb (Simeon's part)], mathematics (Mammon’s part), hugging (Mammon’s part), offer of a hug or tea (Satan's part), cooking (Simeon's part), mix up between salt and sugar (Simeon's part)
"What's wrong, baby?" He asked with concern while crouching down on the floor next to the school's desk
His arms were laying on the edge of it and his eyes never left your teary-eyed figure
Not even after he laid his head onto his arms
You didn't answer and only shook your head
You were still trying to hold back the tears
You failed miserably at this though
Quiet sobs soon could be heard in the quiet classroom
Mammon slightly panicked, he didn't know how to react
Then he spotted your math book
Wide open
He briefly looked at it and immediately found the mistake you had made
He looked back at you and his expression softened
"Hey, MC. It's alright to make mistakes, you know? No need for those tears."
"Now c'mere and let the Great Mammon give ya a hug."
You were sitting in the library of HoL, trying not to cry
Satan was sitting opposite you, he shouldn't see you cry
Nor the mistake you made in your homework for magical potions
"Are you alright, MC?"
That was it
Your soft sobs bounced off the walls in the room and you put your hands over your face
This alerted Satan and he immediately made his way over to you
"Darling, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Please?"
So you told him
How you tear up easily after making a mistake, no matter how small it is
How you know that it's alright, but you can't stop the tears
He nodded his head, repeating every word you had just said to him
"Do you want a hug?"
"Or do you want some tea?"
You were in the kitchen of Purgatory Hall
Simeon asked you to help him with some small desserts
You agreed of course
So, now here we were:
"I'm sorry."
Simeon looked at you
"What? What are you sorry for?"
You told him that you mistook the salt for sugar
You were blinking a lot of times, so the tears would stop forming
However, one tear made it's way down your cheek
Simeon's eyes widened
He decided to put one of his hands over your shoulder while the other was on your cheek, where the tear was just seconds ago
"It's alright, lamb."
He had this little smile on his face, which could wash away every kind of worry
"We can always redo it. How about we ask Luke to join us?"
A/n: I wrote Mammon's part in one go a few days ago and the idea for the other two came today, lol. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! :D
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
jamie x cersei
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
Oh Jaime, he can't read 😂
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
They both do it! Back when they were children, Cersei used to fill her notebooks with little doodles as well. Jaime kept that habit because he is always drawing stuffs.
Who starts the tickle fights
Jaime, definitely
Who starts the pillow fights
Cersei, she doesn't mean to tho
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
Cersei, she is always the last one in the household to fall asleep and watching Jaime sleeping peacefully, watching his chest rise and fall in a steady way, brings her a sense of calmness
Who mistakes salt for sugar
Jaime, oh he can't cook to save his life
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
Jaime, and it wakes up Cersei who is light sleeper
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
Jaime, always. Cersei and Tyrion even make fun of him for that because he steals cheesy lines from movies 😭
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
Cersei, she is a neat freak
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
They fight about it actually, but Jaime lets Cersei win because he knows she has a sweet tooth (especially when she is pregnant)
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
Jaime, he is a romantic with a big R and he loves buying candles for their date at home, either for dinner or for a bath
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
Jaime, as I said he is always drawing, and Cersei is his greatest inspiration. Back when they were children, he used to draw their birth date on her wrist
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
Neither. Cersei would come home with some other kind of souvenirs tho, like post cards and tons of pictures
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Def Jaime. Cersei thinks those surveys are stupid but she ends up doing it for him
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distopea · 10 months
"Everyone was betting on your death," Fang commented, the moment she saw him coming up the stairs. Her arms laid over a railing, while overseeing the ocean. The beach was so nice from up here, but inaccessible for her. This man had caught her attention almost an hour ago, when the waves started to become more dangerous and the sky more dark. The wind picking up its pace, but she had remained like some other onlookers. "I've made a video, but the quality is shit." Considering she had to zoom and even then... she sure was a little surprised to see him up close, or was she possibly mistaking him? Though his clothing allowed her to somewhat see his physique and only a guy like this could be this insane. He almost looked like a wet puppy with his curly hair, which still had not fully dried. "Do you want it? I just need your number then," she smiled while waving her phone back and forth, testing her luck as so often, when she spotted someone interesting.
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The ocean was refreshing; everything he needed right now. There was nothing more enjoyable than swimming against stronger streams, braving against nature instead of artificial structures. He felt vivified by this morning session, his muscles in good shape, and the alcohol in his system almost entirely gone. His mind was clear, along with his objectives. He went back to the beach and grabbed his towel, barely drying his brown hair, even more curled thanks to the salt of the ocean. He looked at his phone; he needed to scoop around town, discovering a bit more the city. 
While he walked with his belongings right under his arm, he climbed up the wooden stairs to head back to his car, before he heard someone talking. Kaizen eyed the woman with no expression, even if he was slightly surprised; it was rare that people would speak English to him. “My death?” He raised an eyebrow and stepped closer, as he wondered if it was even true. Surely, he wasn’t the first swimmer those people had ever seen in their lives? Perhaps with that weather, it was not recommended, but he was definitely not made of sugar. 
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“Oh.” He smirked, because now he started to see her attempt had her. He didn’t know if the video was real, but she was bold enough to openly ask for his number. He stopped and dropped his arm onto the rail, peering down at her for a moment. At first he thought she was ridiculously small; he hadn’t seen the wheelchair until now; but he wouldn’t make a comment about it. “Want to learn?” He asked and eventually pointed at her phone. “Show me and…” He shrugged and wrapped his towel around his neck. “We’ll see.” 
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