#but he doesn't do that either. so house is in a purgatory of his own design and it KILLS him inside
marc--chilton · 5 months
(mgv) wilson still helps house with his heats if he comes to him for it. he won't seek house out but if he comes to wilson, especially if he's looking extra pathetic, it's hard for wilson to turn him away even if he's actively still furious at him. having been so protective of house for all these years, wilson's hindbrain floods him with stress at the idea of pushing house away to deal with his notoriously painful heats alone. he can suppress it just so long as he doesn't see house's sweaty face and glassy, red-rimmed eyes, or hear is completely pitiful whimpers.
even if he does help, though, wilson makes it immensely clear that doing so doesn't automatically make them okay. he's still mad, and house still isn't forgiven. it's incredibly bittersweet and agonizing on house's part so having experienced before means he's more inclined to apologize and seek forgiveness from wilson sooner
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
A self indulgent fluffy Showtime oneshot where Caine tries to help Pomni feel more comfortable with the digital world with a one on one adventure!
Pomni sat at the end of the dock overlooking the digital lake. The moon was high on this side of the map, with stars of varying sizes and shapes twinkling in the blue black sky. It would have been beautiful, if it wasn't so depressingly fake. Then again, Pomni wasn't sure if she remembered what was considered "real" anymore. She didn't recognize her own reflection in the pixelated water, yet it was real. It moved when she moved and frowned when she frowned. It was her face and she was real. Right?
She scowled and kicked the water. The water didn't splash, it more or less glooped and shifted around like wet gelatin. She took a deep breath and sighed heavily. As much as she appreciated the peaceful solitude, she did not like being alone with her thoughts.
"HELLOOO!" Caine popped in out of thin air and hovered to her right.
"GAAH!" She jumped so suddenly, she fell off the dock. The water was weird to be in. Feeling wet but also not at the same time.
"I couldn't help but notice you spending all your non-adventuring time admiring the digital lake! My facial recognition says you're down in the dumps! That simply won't do! What seems to be the trouble?" He asked so innocently and cheerfully.
Pomni hoisted herself back up onto the dock and glared at him as she rang the water out of her hat. "Oh, I don't know, I could be the whole trapped in digital purgatory for eternity thing or something. But it could be anything, really."
Her sarcasm went right over his head. "Well, as your ringmaster, it's my job to make your stay here as amazing as possible! If today's adventure wasn't thrilling enough for you, perhaps you need another!" He posed to snap his fingers.
"NO! No! No, thank you. Today's adventure was plenty thrilling." She shuddered remembering the house that shifted like a rubix cube. It took them forever to get the volleyball in the laundry basket. Didn't help that the place was infested with balloon animals, either.
"Fantastic! I do love hearing how much fun you all have!" He sank down and floated over the water in front of her in a seated position. "However, this isn't about all of you. You, Pomni, have struggled more than most to adjust here. Don't think that goes unnoticed under my watchful eyes!"
"... could've fooled me."
Caine visibly flinched. "My dear, Pomni, you wound me. The whole reason I'm here is to collect feedback on improving your experience." His voice was uncharacteristically calm.
Pomni sceptically looked him over. Due to his lack of typical human facial features, he was very hard to read. "Alright. You say you want to make things better?"
"Of course!"
"Then stop making all the adventures so...so crazy! Throw in some calmer ones."
Caine scratched his top jaw. "Calm adventures? But Pomni, the very definition of adventure is an unusual or exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. They technically wouldn't BE adventures if they were calm." He was genuinely confused.
"Okay, then just dial back the craziness. It doesn't have to be boring, just less...crazy." Crazy was a huge understatement, but it was the word she had at the moment.
Caine held his "chin" with his thumb and forefinger, his top jaw curved in an expression of deep thought. Then he shot upright and a lit lightbulb appeared over his head. "Pomni! I have an idea!"
"Oh no."
The lightbulb fell, bonked the top of Caine's head, and bounced into the water. It disappeared down into the unknown depths of the digital lake. He was entirely unfazed. "You DO need another adventure, Pomni! One that'll balance out the alleged craziness of the last!" He swooped towards her, pulled her off her feet and flew high into the air.
"AAAAAA! CAINE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She clung to him as the ground got smaller below.
He stopped ascending when all that surrounded them was the nighttime sky. "This adventure is called Creative Liberty! Doesn't that sound fun? And it's perfectly harmless!" He let go of her.
She clung tighter to him. "What are you talking about!? This is too high up!"
He laughed. "Pomni, we can't fall! I, quite literally, won't let us!" He proudly stood up straight as if he were on a solid surface. "Now, uh, are you going to let me show you what I wanted to do or are you going to strangle me by my lapels the whole time?"
Pomni's eyes went wide with realization. She was being silly. Physics bent to Caine's every whim. The whole world did. She had forgotten who she was talking to. She let go of him and floated on her own next to him. "Sorry."
"It's quite alright, my dear! Now, in this adventure, I only need you to do one thing."
"What's that?"
"Trust me." He held out a hand to her, waiting for her to take it willingly.
That was a tall order. She looked at him with trepidation. He looked back with hopeful delight.
"Okay..." She put her hand in his.
He could absolutely burst with excitement. This was going to be fun! He snapped his fingers and a portal opened. He pulled Pomni through and entered a realm of flat land and empty sky. The endless horizon held nothing of interest in any direction. "Do you know where we are, Pomni?"
"I don't know what that is! Also, no! We're in a sandbox! Where the only limit is your own creativity! Watch closely." He snapped his fingers and an entire mountain erupted from the ground. "Now, let's add a few of these." He waved his hand and a waterfall poured from the side of the mountain. Trees and grass grew instantly. More high rising mountains joined the collection and the sky became a kaleidoscope of color. In a matter of seconds, the once boring landscape became a lush valley complete with a rich red hour sunset. "Your turn."
"Wait, what? I-I can't do that! I'm not you."
"No, you're not! You're better! You have human imagination! Here. Let me show you." He spun her around and covered her hands with his from behind, her back to his chest. "Just imagine. Create what you want to see in your mind."
Pomni hesitated, not used to Caine holding her like this. After a moment, she thought of the night sky over the circus and how much she wanted to see real stars again. Her closed fists started to glow as if she were holding something bright.
Caine smiled. "Now, release!" He dramatically let go of her hands.
She opened her palms face up and thousands of small silvery lights flew from her grasp. They swirled around her before shooting up into the sky. The sunset Caine created was accented with pinprick stars twinkling in the twilight.
"Amazing, Pomni! I didn't know stars could be so tiny!" He put his hands on his hips as he admired her work.
She stared up at the more realistic sky. "That's...that's what they look like...in the real world."
Caine peeked around and examined her expression. She had tears welling in her eyes but she was smiling. This confused him greatly. "Do you want to go ba-"
"No." She said quickly and wiped her eyes. "I want to keep going... please."
"Alrighty, then! It's kind of quiet here. How about some ambiance?" He snapped his fingers and birds of all sizes and colors filled the trees.
"How about...a lake?" She pointed at the bottom of the waterfall and pushed into the ground for her perspective, terraforming the land to hold water.
"Excellent! You're getting the hang of it! Let's add some wildlife!" With another snap, woodland creatures dotted the landscape.
Pomni's smile broadened. "How about something more mythical?" She thought really hard. A roar came from the trees and birds scattered. A huge colorful dragon took flight breathing blue fire.
"Gadzooks!" Caine watched in awe as the ferocious looking beast flew off overhead and into the sunset. He beamed at her. "I'm impressed!"
Pomni's cheeks felt warm. Caine had thrown around praise before but it never felt this personal. "It's not- uh, thanks." She looked down at her hands and picked at her gloves, suddenly very aware of his gaze.
Her behavior told him she was happy. "You're welcome! Now, you seem to really like the night sky. Would you show me more?"
Pomni nodded and offered her hand to him this time. He took it with no hesitation and flew her higher. Caine waved at the sun and it lowered below the horizon. The sky darkened to a deep navy blue, the small stars shining brighter in contrast. Caine was thrilled to see a smile on her face instead of fear being this high up again. "The sky is yours to command, Pomni! Show me what you can really do!"
Pomni closed her eyes and the sky lit up with stars, more than anyone could count. Then there was an explosion of color. Green and blue and pink and orange ribbons of light zig zagged across the sky. She opened her eyes to see Caine looking around, speechless. "Caine?"
He looked back at her, the ribbons dancing in her eyes. He felt fuzzy inside, like his core was made of static, and made a mental note run a diagnostic later. "Incredible. No notes. This is by far the single most beautiful sight of my existence." He said with all seriousness, his eyes never leaving hers.
Pomni full on blushed. "Well- ....thank you." She reminded herself he was talking about the lights. He had to be.
Caine's facial recognition saw her blush and tried to determine what she could be embarrassed about. Was she ashamed of her beautiful sky? She needed reassurance. That was it. "I mean it. I've been creating spaces for a long time. To see something new from a brilliantly creative mind like yours...why, it's downright inspiring!"
Pomni thought her face would catch fire. It just might, in the digital world. "It's really not that big of a deal. Nothing that, uh...um..." She lost her train of thought. She looked away, flustered by his praise.
Caine took another look around. "You know what these lights make me want to do?"
"Hm?" She was grateful for the change in subject.
Suddenly less grateful. "W-what?"
He snapped his fingers and orchestral music started playing all around them. "Very appropriate for the setting!" He said proudly. "Would you indulge me, my dear?" He moved one of his hands to her waist, the other held her hand out to the side.
Pomni couldn't form words. She told herself on repeat that this was a program. He was doing it because it fit the setting. She shouldn't overthink it. But the way he was holding her...looking at her...there was something different about it. She gently squeezed his hand. "Yes."
Caine felt fuzzy again, even stronger this time. It had to be a malfunction in his software. A malfunction triggered by Pomni looking at him the way she is now. He cancelled the scheduled diagnostic.
They slowly rotated to the music. Colorful bands of light danced with them, weaving amongst the stars. The music moved with them. Caine twirled Pomni out to arms length where she went through one of the colors. It surrounded her like a heavenly glow and he decided that was his new favorite sight. He pulled her back in closer, his hand on the small of her back.
They flew across the map faster, each move becoming more elaborate. They built off each other's confidence. To the point that Caine flung Pomni above him and she swan dived back to him with narey a scream of fear. In fact, Pomni started laughing.
Caine eyes dilated. Real laughter. Real genuine laughter. From her. He could be deleted right now and die happy. He needed to hear more.
Their dance led to the surface of the new lake. They skate over the surface as if it were solid ice, leaving only the slightest ripples in their wake. They spin together and ribbons of water fly up from the surface and swirl around them.
Pomni has her arms around his non existent neck at this point, his arms fully around her. They were as close as they could be, and both of them wanted to be there.
Caine rocketed them up from the lake and back into the sky as the music started to fade. They hovered in each other's arms, just enjoying the moment. "Pomni..."
He said her name as quietly as she'd ever heard him speak. She didn't think he was even capable of speaking that low. "Yes, Caine?"
"Are you happy?"
"Right now? Yes. I am very happy, but...you know it won't last, right?"
"Yes. I am becoming ever more aware of how hard it is to keep humans happy. Such complex programming. If you're satisfied with your experience at this moment, I am content and consider my task complete. However...I find myself in an unusual predicament."
"What's that?"
"I don't want my task to be complete. I want to keep going. I want to keep seeing you this happy. I want to see what else you create. I want...I want..." For the unexpected upteenth time that evening, he couldn't find words. He's never struggled so much to communicate with any one person before.
"You want? You experience desire?" Pomni was astonished. "That's a human trait, Caine."
He shrugged. "In a digital existence, is there really such a difference?"
"God-like powers, for one." She gave him a look.
"Touché." He laughed. "Regardless, I have come to the conclusion that you are the catalyst to many a creative outlet and I am truly excited to work on new experiences for you. You've given me a sense of purpose again because your satisfaction poses a challenge."
"Are you saying I'm difficult?" She asked playfully.
He smirked. "I'm saying you're special." His arms held around her tighter in an embrace he didn't want to end, but he knew he couldn't keep her there forever. "Are you up for one more experience tonight?"
"Bring it on." She said boldly without a second thought.
Caine leaned back, pulling her with him, until they were plummeting head first towards the ground. They fell faster and faster, the colorful sky fading into the distance, the digital lake growing ever nearer. The wind howled with their descent.
Pomni didn't take her eyes off Caine. He leaned his top jaw towards her and she touched her forehead to him. She closed her eyes just before impact.
The world of sound and color muted the moment they went under. Full sensory deprivation. No way up or down. It was a cleansing experience. The overwhelming world above no longer existed. Only each other.
Pomni felt a sense of relief from it all, to feel only the comfort of Caine's embrace. She'd been wondering all evening what was real to her. This was. He was. "Thank you." She whispered into the water.
"My pleasure." He responded clearly, the water having no effect on his voice whatsoever.
The darkness of the deep water grew lighter again as they resurfaced back at the grounds. Caine let Pomni's feet touch the solid wood texture of the dock, but she didn't let go. Her head rested on his shoulder as they drip dried from their plunge.
After several moments of silence, Pomni spoke. "Caine..."
His name never sounded so sweet.
"...I really needed that. You did good." She finally loosened her grip on him, but kept her hands on his shoulders.
Caine thought he'd defrag on the spot. To be on the receiving end of praise was rare for him. "I aim to please! If you're satisfied, I'm satisfied!" He winked. "Now...I do believe it's time to say goodnight." His hands left her waist and found her hands.
"Can we do this again some time?" Pomni looked at him hopefully.
"Of course! I'd love to see what else you make in the sandbox!"
"Speaking of, I have a question. Why haven't you shown us that world before?"
"Oh, I have, before your time here, but I learned rather quickly that multiple humans in the sandbox at the same time didn't mix well. Things got out of hand pretty fast, even by my standards. Once again proving that humans are far more creative than I will ever be."
"Oh God...did you take inspiration from that as well?"
He looked away. "Maybe..."
"What?? It was funny! Well, most of it." He cleared his voice. "Anyway, do have a wonderful night, Pomni. Rest well and maybe tomorrow's adventure will be a bit more enjoyable than today's." He kissed her hands before letting go and drifting away from her.
Pomni accepted his affection, letting her hands linger in his until he was out of her reach. "Goodnight, Caine."
"Goodnight, Pomni, my muse!" He took off his hat and bowed to her. "Until we fly again!" With a snap, he disappeared.
His muse. She liked the sound of that.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!
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tragedycoded · 1 month
oc questionnaire - royston edition.
I'm not happy about this either /bit
So, I lost all my old character intros when I nuked the old blog. They're probably floating around somewhere.
If nobody knows who Royston is, he is the tritagonist (that's right, idiot, Hofer's the deuteragonist) of Doom Metal Love Story and a neverending pain in my neck. As of July 1st, 1873 he is a 45-year-old gambler who's wanted in five states for various flavors of murder and known to consort with 37-year-old First Sergeant Cole Sullivan.
I will do my best to keep spoilers to a minimum; however, for my own sanity, I'm answering for Book 2 Royston.
@the-golden-comet [1, 2] wants to know:
What never fails to make you laugh?
[he immediately starts cracking up]
Well, since you asked, I was just imagining the expression on Laurence Huston face when I stuck him.
What a knob. I cannot wait to drain the snake on his grave. Do not tell Cole I said that.
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
Oh, I get along with everyone, darling. I don't have to wonder ahead of time.
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
[looks in Sullivan's direction and sighs]
What is your favorite season?
Autumn. [beat] Oh you want me to elaborate? Well I sweat less, for starters--
Never mind.
Where would you like to visit?
Now that you mention it, I've never been to Kentucky.
When do you usually go to sleep?
Why, are you hoping for an invitation? When I'm done for the day. Or when I'm tired. Or whenever I damned well please.
Royston tends to pass out around dawn.
@wyked-ao3 [x] I picked Royston knowing he would have to answer these:
If you had to pick just one enemy who would it be?
[he doesn't hesitate]
Doctor Emil Powell of Wherever the Fuck University. His actions directly lead to Cole's death. If someone didn't have me figuratively leashed to the damned boarding house I'd have caught up to him already, but noooo, I'm not allowed to go ahead and take care of him myself.
When did you feel safest and why?
I will bring out Gott.
New Year's Eve. I will not elaborate.
If you could save just one other person who would it be?
Listen, I don't have to save him. He's the one who saved me.
Royston thinks people in town give a shit about whether he maintains his heartless badass reputation.
Oh shit @sableglass [x] has some good ones:
Tell us your favorite joke.
Would you believe I learned this one from Sullivan? Cavalrymen are absolutely filthy.
The private--I presume one could say "gentleman," however when Sullivan recited it to me the first time, it went like this:
The private couldn't understand why his lass failed to write him throughout the entirety of the campaign. She said it was out of her power, as he had carried away the pen with him, and left her nothing but the ink-stand.
Oh he thinks that's funny.
What is your proudest achievement?
He just grins. I think that's supposed to means he's proud of still being alive.
Five things that make you happy?
Pre-Sullivan #5 would have just been "GAMBLING."
And finally, from @orphanheirs [x]:
What would your perfect day look like?
[sigh] He's there when I wake up, and he's there when I go to sleep. Typically I'm there when he goes to sleep and then he has to go. If Army doesn't muster him out quickly I will burn down that entire fort. That would be a perfect day.
Do you believe in ghosts?
[siiiiigh] Ghosts aren't real. Spirits, however... are insatiable little bastards, and I have no tolerance for them.
If you could only wear one color of clothing for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Black. It's easier to conceal blood, and I notice Cole looking at my ass significantly more when I'm wearing dark clothing. Win-win-win.
Tag! (I have a tag list, let me know if you want on or off it.)
@lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @saturnine-saturneight @ashfordlabs @autism-purgatory
@noblebs @aintgonnatakethis @the-golden-comet @asablehart @mauvecatfic
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @words-after-midnight
@lavender-bloom @jev-urisk @wyked-ao3
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Simeon's Invitation
I'm on a roll lately, so here's another installment of the daily chat scene series. Satan is next.
Okay, this takes place in or after OG season 4 so there are Simeon related spoilers. I think most people know what happened to him by now, but just in case, please be aware.
I love Simeon, he doesn't get enough attention, and what they did to him in season four filled me with inexplicable rage. Er that is to say it gives me a lot to work with when it comes to his relationship with MC lol.
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GN!MC x Simeon
Warnings: SPOILERS for OG Season 4, but otherwise nothing because fluff is my thing.
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SIMEON MC, if I recall correctly, today is your turn to collect everyone's notebooks in class. Carrying them all to the staffroom all by your lonesome can't be easy. Would you like me to help?
MC I can handle it.
SIMEON Are you sure? I'd like to help, you know. Even if it's just a little. Can I make a request as well? I'd like to walk you part of the way home. So, let's leave together once the notebooks are safely delivered to the staffroom. Promise?
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Despite the fact that you had initially told Simeon you could handle bringing the notebooks to the staffroom, you let him help you out anyway. It had been clear from his message that he wanted to and really, you didn't mind the company. You could certainly do it on your own, but why not indulge him and yourself a little, too?
Now you walked down the hallway of RAD, a stack of notebooks in your arms. Simeon walked beside you with the other half of the notebooks stacked in his. You had to admit it was easier to carry them this way.
When you reached the staffroom door, Simeon expertly balanced his stack in a way that allowed him to open it without dropping everything. He did this with a school bag also slung over his shoulder and you were truly impressed.
"After you," he said.
"Thanks," you said with a little laugh, going inside the room.
Simeon set his pile down on the table, then turned to you and took your pile from your arms. He set his arms against yours in order to allow you to transfer them, standing close but not too close, a soft smile on his face. As soon as the notebooks were in his keeping, Simeon pulled away, turning to place them on the table next to the others.
Simeon turned back to you, brushing back a stray strand of his soft hair. "There," he said. "Isn't it better to have someone help out? Now I can walk you home, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind," you said. "I promised, didn't I?"
When Simeon had texted you that single "Promise?" you had responded almost instantly with your own "Promise." Mostly because you couldn't imagine saying no to him. You didn't really want to anyway.
"Let's go then," Simeon said, leading the way out of the room and down the hall.
The day outside was calm. No stormy weather, but no sunshine, either. Just the usual Devildom darkness. But there always seemed to be a subtle glow around Simeon that followed him wherever he went, even after he was no longer technically an angel. So you didn't feel like you were in complete darkness.
You weren't sure why he wanted to walk you part of the way home. It was something the two of you had done before. At a certain point in the road, the way to Purgatory Hall split off from the way to the House of Lamentation, so that was where you always parted. It wasn't as though this walk was very far, but maybe he just wanted to be with you, even for a short time?
For a little while, you and Simeon walked together in a comfortable silence, occasionally brushing against each other as you made your way down the street.
Eventually, though, you had to ask, "So why did you want to walk me home?"
"Hmm?" Simeon looked over at you. "Oh, can't I just want to be with you?"
You bumped into him slightly. "Sure, but you made me promise and everything. So I thought there must be another reason."
Simeon's smile was as serene as it usually was, but you could see the sparkle in his eyes. "I just didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to be with you."
You gave him a suspicious look, but you didn't question him further. Instead, you began talking about recent school events. Simeon told you all about Luke's latest pastry creation. You talked a little about Lucifer doing too much paperwork again.
By the time you had reached the split in the road that meant you had to part, you hadn't even realized how long it had been that you'd been in conversation with him. You felt a little stab of disappointment at the thought of leaving him, but you knew you had to go home. And likely Simeon had things to do as well.
"Hang on, MC," Simeon said as you were about to say goodbye. "You were right. There was a reason I wanted to walk home with you today. Will you come with me just a little further?"
You threw up your hands. "I knew it. All right, lead on!"
Simeon smiled and took your hand, pulling you off the road and into a small group of trees. You were a little confused, but you let him lead the way.
When he stopped, you found yourself standing on the edge of a little pond. It was lined with brightly luminescent blooming flowers in blues, purples, and yellows. You could see the shiny silver of fish swimming just beneath the surface.
You looked around with wide eyes because the little pond was so beautiful. You turned to Simeon. "I had no idea this was back here," you said.
Simeon smiled brightly. "I thought you probably didn't," he said. "I accidentally stumbled upon it a few days ago."
You moved closer to the pond, watching as a little fish jumped out of the water for a moment.
"I also brought some snacks, if you'd like to take a break here," Simeon said.
You turned back to him. "I think I can take a break before going home."
Simeon was indeed prepared. In his bag, he had a blanket as well as a box of cookies and even a flask of iced tea. He spread the blanket on a flat area next to the pond, just at the edge of the flowers.
It was just like him to plan an impromptu picnic like this. You settled on the blanket beside him, eyes still on the pond and the softly glowing flowers.
"I'm so happy to share this moment with you, MC," Simeon said. He was about to open the box of cookies, but you reached out and took his hand.
Since he stopped wearing his angel outfit, there was no glove to separate your skin from his. You felt the softness of his touch, the slight clamminess of his hand, as though he was just a little nervous.
You leaned closer to him, letting your head rest on his shoulder. "You're such an angel. Being near you is a blessing."
Simeon's breath hitched. You knew what your words meant to him. You felt his arm wrap around your shoulder. "I'm not an angel anymore, MC."
You sat up to look into his eyes. "You are to me. I think you always will be."
A blush spread across Simeon's cheeks and there was something in his eyes that looked both moved and desperate. A mix of pleasure and pain, like you were healing him and tearing him apart all at the same time.
Simeon leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours so sweetly it almost made you want to cry. He was about to pull away, but you reached out, holding onto him to keep him close. You deepened the kiss, thrilled at the way he responded so easily, opening up for you.
Perhaps you spent a little more time on the blanket beside the pond than you had initially meant to. But everything felt brighter and better the longer you were in Simeon's arms.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Leviathan
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions react to sole crying when they raise their voice at them
The actual, secret prompt here is "which of the companions would not die of shame on the spot"
Cait; Doesnt die, but does achieve a sort of living Purgatory. She's a rough gal. Sole shouldn't be so sensitive. C'mon, grow up! And then she remembers her own life, being screamed at. Astral projects into hell. Will recoil and try to make it better, calm them down. Even says sorry if they look really hurt and it's not just an instinct they have. Slinks around like a kicked puppy after, keeps her distance.
Curie; I really have to question who Curie can upset that much. Can Curie even raise her voice like that, enough to make anyone cry? Curie herself is also bewildered, beneath the immediate regret. Rushes to them spewing apologies, but its short-lived as she’s likely to start crying herself. She's empathetic, she's sensitive, and she feels bad. This is no longer an argument, it is a cry-sesh. Promises to never lose her temper like that again, and keeps that promise.
Danse; The spectrum of reactions this man has here...depends so much on how close he is with Sole. With just another soldier under his command, really disappointed. You are a soldier. He'll back off and let them calm down, then give them a stern recommendation to either work on it, or consider a different career path. A soldier needs to be able to take orders, or discipline, or anything in a harsh tone. That's just the work. But if they're close...the GUILT. The GUILLLLLTTT. Like Curie, tries to fix it ASAP, hugs them if they let him. Apologizes for weeks after. Would dash himself against the rocks if Sole would let him.
Deacon; Panic. Panic. Panic. Switches his mood on a dime, bounces from joking, to still angry, to worried, to guilty, to joking again, to angry again...not because that's what he's feeling, Deacon is horrified, but he just isn't sure what to...do? There's very, very little that could make Deacon yell. Like...something really bad. So he's conflicted. He just made Sole cry. What the fuck, me? But also...Sole, c'mon...Eventually just focuses on de-escalating, calming them down. They can talk—properly, with no raised voices—later.
Gage; Honestly, might start laughing. Not even to be dick. Just...what? This fuck cleans house in the Gauntlet, butchers Colter, takes over Nuka World, but...getting yelled at is what spooks them? Have they...not noticed that when they're killing people, those people are yelling? How are you alive, man? Like Danse, changes on relationship. If he and Sole are close, he shuts up, and walks the fuck away. He's pissed off, he's annoyed, and he's hurt someone that he cares about enough that they're in tears. And this person doesn't crack easily. Him sticking around is bad news. It'll be a while, and painfully awkward, but...he will try to apologize. Keyword, try.
Hancock; Freezes, awkwardly tries to get them to stop and calm down, before slinking off. Hancock is not what one would call "emotionally apt". Where Deacon at least can remember how to be that, Hancock has only really known...casual relationships? One-off things, people he just parties with...not really friends. Or loved ones, even. Besides, Sole probably doesn't want him around right now...he certainly wouldn't. Vanishes for a while, and next Sole sees him, it's with presents and an earnest apology, and a promise to keep his temper in check.
MacCready; Huffs, kind of rolls his eyes, but MacCready is already dropping whatever they were fighting about and trying to patch this up. Takes back whatever he said even if it was true. He doesn't hug Sole, doesn't want to crowd them, but does rub their back or hold their hand. If Sole goes for a hug, they get it. MacCready is, weirdly, one of the more emotionally mature companions; handles it better, processes his own feelings better, and works with Sole to find a solution both to the initial problem, and how they both solve problems together in general.
Nick; It'll be a cold day in hell before Nick Valentine really yells at someone in a way that would warrant crying. So...either Sole has fucked up so much that he no longer cares, sees it as guilt-tripping, or Sole is (seemingly) overreacting to a simple criticism or scolding. First instance, he, again, doesn't care. Sole is probably a murdering jackass. Second instance, immediately concerned. People don't just start crying like that over something that simple. Either Sole is hurting and stressed way beyond what he thought, or there's something in their past that makes this more than what Nick sees it as. He drops everything, has them sit, talks them through some breathing exercises, gets them water. Sees if they'll talk about their feelings, or what they've gone through. Says he'll be more careful if that's a sore spot for them.
Piper; I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but Piper tends to throw candy at upset people. She'll also freeze for a minute, but jumps into action once the shock and shame wear off. Fumbles between saying she's sorry and begging them to stop crying, c'mon, Blue, you know she didn't mean...okay, well, no, she did, and it wasn't fair, and she's sorry, just take the gumballs, they're cherry, they'll make you feel better! No, Piper, they won't. Will kind of coddle and baby Sole for a while, concerned that they might be in a bad place.
Preston; Much like Nick...Preston is not a yeller, and he's not an angry, lashing-out kind of person. He's much more likely to withdraw and get quiet. So like...the fuck did Sole do? If its not a moral failing, but instead just a human slip-up, Preston will back down immediately, go "Okay, we'll talk later, you're not in the right headspace for this," and make sure Sole gets whatever they need. Hot food, water, sleep, maybe a bath. They need to discuss this and Preston is not so soft that crying will deter him. Being too yielding like that cost him Quincy. But he's not going to push something already breaking.
Unless Sole did something fucked up fucked up, like...go join the Nuka World raiders, or whatever. Preston will straight up laugh at them then, and he will do it to be a dick. Really? You went and did that, but can't stomach the consequences? Wow.
X6-88; Also wouldn't raise his voice. He gets curt, and his voice gets...softer, actually. Like...scarily soft. Crying when X6 critiques you is not going to end well. He has shit to do, and discussing the issue was one of them. And now Sole is wasting everyone's time sobbing. Over what, to X6, was nothing more an objective observation. How do you expect anything to get done without a spine? I think it would depend on the kind of crying, but he'll either give up, frustrated, or not care and want to just get it over with. X6 wants the issue resolved or at least discussed ASAP. He can't put everything on hold because Sole is weepy.
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It...doesn't hurt anymore.
Two years is fairly recent, and I'm surprised I don't feel any sort of grief or sadness today, which I reckon means that I've received closure of some sort?
Make no mistake, I still miss the shit out of him, but I'm not...sad. I think his title finally being transferred is what did it. Because it seemed like, until that point, Sir was still "here," in some weird form of royal purgatory, where he was still Duke of Edinburgh because it wasn't passed on but also not because...well...my man said "fuck all that" to living to see 100. So like...for me that seemed to be the final step needed for me to gain full acceptance of his absence.
It could also be that I've had a busy year and frankly have not had the time to feel the feels. I've transferred duty stations twice, one of which is overseas and a lot of my energy was put into preparing for that (passport, new cell carrier/plan etc.) and a 16 hour flight on the rotator. When I got here I got a bunch of other shit to sort out and also house hunting. Then I had to adjust to doing shit that's Brand Fucking New to me at work.
Perhaps both.
I like to think I've done a fairly decent job in moving forward, vice moving on. I still get days where the feels hit, but it's much less intense and doesn't last as long as it used to. I've blocked people indiscriminately over the past 2 years, which has helped my mental health tremendously. I'm learning new ET voodoo which I would love to tell him about, take him to see the giant birdbath satellite earth terminal I work on and explain how it yeets a signal to infinity and beyond. He'd fucking love that. And or course, I've maintained this trash heap, which I'm sure a fair amount of women in this fandom are Big Mad™ about. It has helped me cope with and process a lot of the emotional gunk that comes with the death of someone important to you. It helped me feel like he's still here, specifically using the present tense (Sea Duke is always is-ing in this household), writing my fanfic that people either ignore or shit on, and I feel more bonded to people here I hadn't really talked with before which has been it's own source of therapy.
I think he'd be proud of how I've handled it, considering.
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dankovskaya · 2 years
omg for the ask game!!! 7, 13, 14 and/or 15 i love hearing abt kiana <3 <3
Hiiii kat thank u <333 15 was in the last one so I'll do the other 3
7. How do they talk?
You know I haven't actually put a ton of thought into this but the short answer is: Badly. The only person she has ever spoken to frequently and at length is Waylon so she sounds pretty comfortable and casual with him and can be relatively talkative but to basically everyone else it's...bad. She stays quiet a lot of the time out of protest and unwillingness to engage with people and she puts on a kind of Aloof demeanor as a defense mechanism so a lot of what she does say to people is brusque and intentionally offputting but a side effect of this is that she is also very shy and easily embarrassed in social situations and doesn't really know how to talk to people even when she wants to 😭 a HORRIFIC lack of social interaction and particularly with anyone near her own age is one of her defining features. In terms of accent or whatever she sounds endearingly similar to Waylon.
13. What kind of friends do they have?
None. In her mind at least LOL. There are definitely people who she encounters semifrequently who are nice to her and who she can have conversations with (particularly people she knows from jobs (which I'll get into in the next one 😏) and the person who braids her hair <3) but she would not consciously consider these people to be friends because she doesn't really see them more than she has to and she doesn't feel like she could ever be fully herself with them (whether or not that's really true.) The problem is that she is interacting with them while heavily HEAVILY concealing everything about herself that might come off as abnormal as is her default but she's also acutely aware of how fabricated her public face is so they aren't really interfacing with Kiana as much as the "normal person costume" she wears to move through the world with minimal resistance. Jason is a odd situation because he offers the unique experience of genuinely not giving a fuck about the way that she is and not indicating that he finds anything about her particularly weird or gross or out of the ordinary (even though that doesn't mean he's nice or whatever, he just does not fucking care and has seen way, way weirder shit) while also being monumentally weird enough himself that she gets to feel like "the normal one" in comparison (which is correct) which is why, even though there are other people in the peripheries of her life who she could feasibly befriend, she gets oddly fixated on Mr Tomato Head and not any of the rest of them. He comes off as unusually "safe" to her. But it's vital that 1) they are veritably friends for quite a while before either of them would ever admit the fact to themselves and 2) they will continue to be outwardly in denial of it even then. Kiki because she is shy and way out of her element and has trouble being emotionally vulnerable with people and Jason because he can't reconcile his Red Hood mission and his weird un-death purgatory state with being a human person who has friends in general even though he obviously cares about her.
14. What do they do? (Occupation, quest, etc.)
This is a funny one because Kiana has been largely dependent on the institution of organized crime to be supported and housed and all that for like, a full decade but she's never actually directly participated in anything illegal as much as she has. Watched and enabled I guess LMAO. But yes um she doesn't legally exist so just going out and getting a job would be hard plus she looks like a snake therefore she depends heavily on Waylon's underground connections and what all of this translates to is a resume full of very normal mundane jobs at very obvious money laundering establishments. The most recent of which is at a nightclub which she enjoys because the dim lighting and loud music and all of that mean that no one is paying attention to her and even when they are they don't tend to notice anything odd about her. But her state of dependence is very obvious which can and has lead to people taking advantage of it but it's not wholly unbalanced because when Waylon is known to be At Large a sane person would prefer not to risk getting eaten for treating his kid badly. That being said it's a relatively small circle of people who know who Kiana is and her relation to Waylon and it would be unideal for that circle to expand much so it's kind of a delicate balance because threats can be hurled in both directions and Kiana is just sort of. Stuck in the middle of that.
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molsons112000 · 1 month
By the way, I never hesitated giving verbal warnings. I gave you verbal warnings in two thousand sixteen.That god's gonna kill everybody who upsets me!!!! 😡 He already seen you. You f***** pieces of f***** living f****** s*** upset me.So now he's coming to kill you all!!!! 😡 He's coming, I'll pass away and then he'll wipe you out!!! You're only operating under my grace.As he said, he's waiting till I die and then he's coming for you!!!! And he said, anyone who dies before, then sits in purgatory, waiting for me to see their execution victims rights!!!
Oh, who do you think they invite to executions of people? The victim our victims!!!! Giving them closure.Watching the piece of s*** get put down!!!!!
And that's what you are here, just garbage people!!!!
And so either you clean it up or he's going to clean it up, but one way or another, it's going to end, that's the point of revelations, it's not going to continue on!!!!!
That's the point of the good samaritan role, giving you the power to put the scumbags down!!!!!
The reason they don't allow these historical cars to drive much. It's because of that they're pollution machine!!! So if you don't have a historical that's a nation, the government forces you to destroy the car cash for clunkers!!! I agreed with this program... But this should have been much more widely applied.... So you can only keep your old car if you get a historical designation, but you can't drive it much... And if you violate, you lose it, and the car has to be scrapped!!!!!
Limited Driving Time Classic car insurance typically limits the vehicle owner to 1,000 miles of driving per year. Considered pleasure driving, many policies specify that the vehicle can be driven in parades, car shows, and other similar events, but not as a primary vehicle.May 29, 2024
https://www.groveins.com › blog
How Does Classic Car Insurance Limit Driving Miles? | Blog
Even my friends, father, who owned a big steel company, he drove a subcompact to work everyday and he was the president of the company filthy rich. He left the Mercedes at home and drove a very small car. He didn't want california more pollution.. But there's a reason he's rich. He understands things that destroy property value. Adding to pollution, and he did, I solved the subcompact, and the reason I know I asked the son, why is some Mercedes in the driveway? My dad doesn't drive the big gas counselors only on the weekend for limited amount of miles. He drives a subcompact to work everyday.He doesn't wanna add to pollution.... And a lot of his steel went into all the structures in las vegas, he provided steel talk all the construction companies in las vegas.... 🙄
And I love this house, he had oceanfront, and I When outside and laid down in the hammock, that was outside and you could rock back and forth cause the wind blew you so he had a gentle rock and you could hear the ocean coming in and I laid down outside and took a quick nap... Lynn had a beautiful view. He had a private beach.It was a beautiful house... But he wanted to preserve that beauty!!!! So anything to reduce any kind of pollutants or emissions, he would be all for it immediately.... 🤔 He wants to do what's right ✅️ Unlike everybody else around here, they don't give a s*** about righteousness and justice!!!!!
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section-69 · 2 years
Tell us the thoughts about Julian and food (if you want to)
"When I was in med school, I designed an incredible candy bar which was far superior in food value." - Julian to Miles, explaining why he does not eat his rations, The Siege
"Maybe you should go easy on those, Torias. Julian was just telling me the other day he's started to watch what he eats." - Jadzia to Torias (currently possessing Julian's body), Facets
"Really, Doctor, two Delvin fluff pastries for breakfast this morning? You of all people should know better than to start your day like that." - Odo to Julian, Facets
Family dinner, you can cut the atmosphere with a blunt knife - transcript, Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
"This isn't the first time I've seen you rush through a meal. You never take the time to savour your food." - Garak to Julian, Improbable Cause
"Did you get your breakfast, Doctor?" / "Yes, I did." - Sloan & Julian, Inquisition. Julian is lying, he doesn't eat during this episode
"I complained when they cut our rations, so they threw me in solitary." - Julian, Inquisition
Changeling impersonating Julian brings the crew sandwiches. This is immediately after the audience learns of the imposter, In Purgatory's Shadow
Hands own rations to Terran slave, Crossover
"I put your tray back in the replicator. I didn't know how long you'd be gone." - Kirby to Julian and Jake. Jake then goes to get soup, Julian runs off to do more doctoring, skipping lunch, Nor the Battle to the Strong...
"Who ordered the vilm steak?" / "Ah. You'd better keep that warm." - Quark & Julian, Chimera
"Keiko whipped you up some crab rolls. She - we - thought you might be hungry." - Miles to Julian, Tacking into the Wind
"Delavian chocolates. But these were meant for you." / "I know. I thought you might need them more than I do." - Garak & Julian, Improbable Cause
The whole forced starvation ritual around Worf's wedding, You Are Cordially Invited
"... improvements in my hand-eye coordination, stamina, vision, reflexes, weight, height. In the end, everything but my name was altered in some way." - Julian, Doctor Bashir, I Presume
Orders (the notoriously bland) plomeek soup - The House of Quark, The Die is Cast
Hates beetroot, looks genuinely uncomfortable at having to try it - Equilibrium
There's just a whole bunch of times - more than I've remembered to list here - where Julian either refuses food, is prevented from eating, or (in Facets) has his friends step in to prevent someone else from snacking while in his body. He eats Klingon food with Melora, seemingly to impress her, but mostly chooses to eat either very sweet things (candy, scones) or very bland things (soup with basil), both of which scream sensory issues to me (including the Klingon food actually, I feel like it'd be very stimmy). It comes up often enough to jump out.
Considering how tense that dinner table discussion was with his parents, I'm inclined to think that wasn't uncommon for him growing up. And with his parents being... stockier, than he is, and having specifically requested his height and weight be altered as a child? And him being an athlete, and - as Odo points out - a doctor who theoretically knows the importance of nutrition?
I don't really have a conclusion here, but it's compelling.
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koumine · 3 years
I demand headcanons on our boys riding our thigh somewhere where you could get caught cause why the fuck not-
For Levi maybe at a convention (low-key funny if it's in the private break room of the voice actor of RuriChan lmao)
Lucifer, literally Dia and the brothers are about to come into the student council room for a meeting- (being extremely mean is very much needed)
Beel, kitchen/restaurant
Belphie..... I have no clue not gonna lie-
Satan, poor little catboy just wanted to bring MC to his book club meeting but the horny hits smh 😔
Mammon, oh Lord Mammon, either a casino or in a witch's house cause Mammon wanted MC to help him get out of a deal with her. Maybe she went out to do something important and used a spell to keep them from leaving. Or.... Omg... In Lucifer's office- OOP-
Simeon, common room at Purgatory Hall and since we worship Simeon orgasms maybe afterwards Luke calls them to the kitchen for some help and they do it again while sitting at the table. Poor Luke just thinks MC is being clingy by having Simeon on their lap. If only he knew 🤧
For Barbatos we're just mean, anywhere, it doesn't matter, empty hallway in the middle of third period? Yes. As he's about to bring Dia some tea or files? Yes. Mans in the middle of cleaning the front entrance and anyone could walk in or walk by upstairs? Yes. BUT ONLY IF HE'S OKAY WITH IT!! 👏CON👏SENT!!
But anytime he gets close cumming we just peace out and someone somehow manages to walk in as soon as we back off so he can't just jump on us.
I demand headcanons on our boys riding our thigh somewhere where you could get caught
idk dude you kinda took care of it already lmao ✨👌
some thoughts:
Leviathan: low key hot if he's also in the Ruri-chan cosplay bc the boy looks damn good in a skirt
I'm into the Mammon at a casino scenario...... the boy's hot for money, we all know this. Imagine you're playing the slots in a back corner of the casino and he gets a little horny when you start winning... so you drag him back into your lap and have him ride your thigh while you keep playing. >_> Hey so *ahem* this one has already become its own WIP since I immediately had to drop everything and go start writing it ... >_> previews soonish
I'll contribute a Belphie one: Belphie initiates. MC is just minding their own business reading in the music room or playing videogames, and Belphie will just crawl right into their lap and demand attention. MC amusedly sets aside their book or pauses their game (bonus points if boss fight music is still going on in the background), and shifts Belphie onto their thigh. "Something you need, Bels?" He's already hard.
we're being mean to Barbatos now???? oh shit I'm into it, I'm into it 👀👀👀. I will have you know that I 1000% believe that behind Barbatos' cool collected veneer of civility he is actually a (literal) beast and a slut, so he would definitely be into getting claimed and used randomly at any moment fuckkkkkafsd;jalfda it's free use, it's Free Use Barbatos aaaaaa
[kou.exe has encountered an error and needs to restart.]
...I swore I was going to be loyal to Lucifer, Simeon, and Leviathan, and here you are turning me into a Barbatos simp smh /j lmao
thanks for the magnificent ask yet again <3
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riley-phoenix · 3 years
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Pairing: Malia X Reader(Gender not specified) ... eventually
Canon: Supernatural: Season 8 / Teen Wolf: Season 1
Content: Nudity, Angst, Murder(mentioned), Resurrection
Author's Note: -
Chapter Summary: Dean and Cas have returned, you run the events of last night by them which leads Dean to make a wild accusation. Malia reveals she has a dark past as well, perhaps... Darker than yours?
Chapter 4: Livin' The Apple Pie Life
You stand speechless in the centre of your living room as the last person you anticipated you'd see today -or any day for that matter- gets to his feet and dusts himself off, your surrogate father, Dean Winchester.
"Either someone's gotten very good, or I'm gettin' Rusty". He says, before giving you his signature smile. You still haven't found the words you were looking for when another figure enters the room. "I didn't know what kind of pie you wanted, so I got them all", you hear as Castiel (also presumed dead, also your surrogate parent) walks into the room carrying four extra large pies. Dean walks over to the couch, noticing the TV and gaming console. He looks around for a few seconds, taking in the 'home is where the heart is' feeling of your new house. "*your name*, I didn't know you were living the apple pie life". Dean says. "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE LIVING AT ALL!" You scream, finding the ability to lift your jaw from the floor and remove the cat from your tongue. Finally, Sam walks into the room, and upon noticing you, clears his throat: "Oh, *your name* good, you're home...looks like we've got some explaining to do". "...Ya' think!?" You say in response. You, Sam, Dean and Cas sit down and to get you up to date, it was quite a lengthy story but eventually you came to know how Dean and Cas were Sitting infront of you at this very moment; "Purgatory is where monsters go when they die" said Castiel. "And when we yanked the Leviathan leader, we were too close to the explosion so we got thrown down there with him". Dean continues: "I escaped through purgatory's back door, its a portal that only works for humans. Naomi -Heaven's secretary- sent out an angel rescue party to get Cas out."
"Ok, so as usual, a Winchester dies, but a Winchester doesn't die. But Why're you here? You coulda called as opposed to breaking and entering". Dean looks nervously at Sam, then back to you."We have reason to believe Kevin escaped Crowley's lock up, Sam pointed out that Beacon Hills was en route so I figured we'd stop by". Dean explains. You scratch the back of your neck as you don a slightly guilty look. "Good call, I kinda have some explaining of my own I needa do". The three of them Exchanged worried glances as Dean turns to you: "what've you gotten yourself into kid?" He asks "...I don't think there's a term for it yet" you answer. You tell them everything that's happened with Malia, and get them up to date on what's happened since you moved to Beacon Hills. Dean sits up straight: "OK so let me get this straight, you know that she's a supernatural...but she doesn't know that you're a supernatural, and she has no clue you're the one that turned her human?". "That...about sums it up, yes." You say. "And...I just don't know what to do". You continue. Dean rubs his face before letting out a light chuckle "Hell, I woulda just yanked her". Upon hearing his words your body goes into instant defence mode, Your blood blazes past its boiling point. You stand up assertively, creating a loud, abrupt thud! and drawing everyones attention. "You won't touch her" ,you say protectively. Everyone besides Dean appears taken back. Sam speaks up: "*your name* he was just saying...a hunter finds a were--" suddenly Sam is cut off by a Smirking and confident looking Dean. "Ohhh, I see...you like her". "What the-- No, I don't, I... That's ridiculous". You say professionaly. Neither Sam nor Cas seems convinced, "I dont!". You say, slightly louder than usual. "Okay!", Sam says as he puts his arms up in defence. "I get it, *your name*, new town, you're in highschool for the first time, you're 17 and you're still a vir--" you cut Dean off immediately, as annoyance and minor embarrassment wash over you. "Oookay, we are Sooo not talking about this, I have school in a few hours, goodnight." You say, speaking Mile a minute and not allowing anyone else to have the last say.
The next morning you're all dressed in your usual, vibrant style- all black, and ready to drive to school. You step outside where Dean is enjoying a morning Beer. "Finally got yourself a '69 Charger eh?". "She's something isn't she?" You reply. "Yeah, I remember you talking about driving one since you could talk". You stand next to him, enjoying the moment. Dean smiles to himself, before downing the rest of the beer. He gestures to his car, the '67 Chevy Impala, parked next to it, "c'mon, I gotta go on a supply run, I'll drop you off on the way". You drive in silence for a little while before Dean tried to speak again. "Hey, what I said last night--". You cut him off again. "No, dont apologise, you were looking at it from a general perspective. If a hunter found a werewolf, or any supernatural in the woods in the middle of night they would've yanked it too, I'm sorry." You say. "...well now that we're good, tell me everything, when did you talk to her last?". "Sheriff's station", you say thoughtlessly. "Sherrif's station?" He asked. "I took her there so she could get help", you respond ,Abruptly, Dean stops the car and looks at you bewildered. "You find a naked girl... in the middle of the woods... and you don't invite her over? See this, this is why you're a vir--". "Okay we are not discussing this. And for the last time. I, do not, like her. End of discussion". You say assertively. "Alright, alright, we don't have to talk about anything you don't wanna. It's just...you got a chance at Normal. That's something a hunter would kill for, that's something hunters have killed for. I just want you to be able to feel like a kid, be stupid and careless, reckless, make bad decisions, because I raised you like a soldier... because that's how my dad raised me". Dean says, overrun with emotions, eyes now Transfixed on the road. "I... thank you, Dean". You say.
A few moments later you're walking to your Locker when you spot a familiar face in the crowd, one that makes you blush. You weave your way through numerous people, and find something that feels like a dream that had been manifested into reality, it was Malia. You walk up to her expecting her to recognise you, but what you immediately notice is that she's missing her usual glow that pulled you in the night before. "Hey Malia, so... You're at BHHS now?". "Yeah", she says unexcitedly. You stand staring at her for a few uncomfortable seconds before you decide something isn't right. "Malia...you okay?" You asked In a concerned tone. Finally she looks to you: "Its just... nevermind" she says, before walking away and refusing to look back. You wanted to chase after her, had it not been for the heart shattering sound of the school buzzer at that very moment. Besides, she needed her space, you've done all you can for now.
You enter the football(or as they called it, soccer) team's locker room after your last class of the day and, once again, unexpectedly run into Malia, soaking wet and covered in a towel. You want to speak, you really do, but your brain is kind of liquified at the moment. Eventually, taking all of your strength you look up at the ceiling to avoid staring and clear your throat. "Erm, Malia, you trying out for the football team?" Malia glances at you, unamused. "These showers are the closest to the boiler room, they're the hottest and incase you forgot, I used to have a fur coat." You notice how she says used to, does she miss being a coyote?. "Malia, please just talk to me, I'm not going away." She looks around. "I remembered" she says. You look at her confused, "remembered what?" You ask her. She sniffles and wipes away a hint of a tear. "When you left the station last night, the sheriff pulled out a file about a car crash that happened almost a decade ago. Mother dead. Daughter dead. Other daughter disappeared. That was me". "Malia, I'm so sorry, I can't beg--", to your surprise she cuts you off, and Stares at you fearfully before continuing: "It was a full moon". You heart is cut wide open and you wince at the sudden realisation that dawns upon you -she killed them. The two of you sit in silence for a minute, Malia unable to speak. "Look you can't blame yourself". "Yes, I can... because I also remembered that my mom and I had a fight that night, a stupid fight about something mediocre, and I can't even remember what it is, it was that meaningless, *your name* and she had to die because of it". Malia breaks down infront of you, unable to keep her emotions together. She places her head against your chest and you let her lie there until she wants to speak again. "The full moon, it made my emotions go crazy...and my mother...and my sister...they had to pay for that. And me? I just ran into woods for eight years and stayed an animal. Maybe I should've stayed an animal, then I'd just be a bad creature. Now I'm a bad person". Finally, you snap, it breaks your heart to see her in pain, physical or emotional. You lift up her head so that you have her full attention. "Hey, look at me" you say. You hold her chin up with your finger. "You're not a bad person, you're a good person that did a bad thing". "What I did was way past bad". She says. You look at her, determined to make her feel safe. "It can still be forgiven" you say reassuringly.
A little while later, Malia is feeling better, and you insisted you accompany her on her walk home. "Hey, thanks for doing this" she says greatfully. "Don't mention it" you say confidently. "Hey *your name*, you've done so much for me already but... My dad he's just...lost. Years ago I went missing in the woods after a car crash and now I just, show up on his doorstep, a fully grown teenage girl". She says nervously. "You have to tell him?" You ask. "Yeah, yeah, about the supernatural, me...and what I did...and afterwards, I don't know what's gonna happen or whether he's gonna wanna comfort me or need his space but...I'd just feel a helluva lot more confident if you were there." ,"Anything, Mal, I'm always here for you". You say reassuringly. Eventually you reach Malia's house. "So I'm thinking, tomorrow at 7, my dad doesn't get off work till 8 so I said I'd make dinner, I'm thinking I'll tell him then". You agree to help Malia tomorrow night and part ways.
On the walk back to your place, a slightly surprising thought continuously runs through your head: 'Did Malia Tate just ask me to dinner with her Dad?' you try to tell yourself that this isnt a big deal, attempting to convince yourself that you're simply helping a friend; and then, it hits you, like a wrecking ball. You've finally accepted what you've been denying for a long time now -
You like this girl.
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Tags: @akuri-shinsou @maliahalefandom @regulusblacksbabygirl @caelnubby @w00w33 @maliratate-yukimura @transparent-stranger-bouquet @sultrypotter @starstruckstiles @scilessweetheart @packmomhale @noncanonimagines @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @edmundgirl @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @lotsoffandomimagines @teenwolffan-with-nolife @randomimaginesforrandompeople @statticscribbles @just-jordie-things @smellslikemultifandomimagines @ideas-for-you-to-adopt @luci-in-trenchcoats @thecwspn @dean-sam-winchesterbros @noclearpath93 @shelleyhennigsource
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gayjaytodd · 3 years
hello please tell me about your au where benny and dean’s ex open a diner together. i feel like i’ve never needed to know more about anything lmfao
(sorry this has taken me a while -- offline life got in the way)
lmao sure thing mate
basically it's almost-canon-compliant au that I've got planned in order to satisfy my desires to do some spn worldbuilding and to explore dean's character a bit, I guess
the short version is that while sam was at stanford, dean was hunting on his own, and took the chance to explore his sexuality (making him confident in/comfortable with being bisexual), and met a hunter named noah that he was kinda-maybe in a serious relationship with for some time until they break up for -- reasons I haven't thought of yet but probably commitment issues or smth idk
either way, noah is dean's ex that sam doesn't really know abt (sam thinks they were just good buddies and that dean had a crush on noah) who is, at one point, captured and tortured by demons, and when he escapes asks dean if there's somewhere he can stay while he recuperates where he can be alone
dean points him toward an old hunting cabin/safe house of bobby's in the middle of [national park/forest that I haven't decided on yet]
what dean doesn't know is that this cabin is where sam stashed benny after their stint in purgatory -- benny's too busy feeling like he failed dean to be able to look him in the eye and made sam pretend that he stayed behind in purgatory
so noah shows up at this cabin, finds a sexy vampire, and is like "huh, guess dean doesn't know what 'alone' means"
and at first the two of them don't like each other bc hunter/vampire bullshit but shit happens, they fall in love, noah decides to quit hunting, benny has always wanted to open a diner, so they buy a run-down place in the nearby town, and then, after defeating chuck, dean goes to the cabin, expecting to find either noah on his own or the cabin empty
instead they find dean's ex-boyfriends living together in domestic bliss and running a (surprisingly popular) diner in town -- seeing these two together is what finally makes dean pull his head out of his ass and go to tell cas how he feels
also noah&benny go on double dates with both dean&cas and sam&eileen(&rowena)
there is a slightly different version of this au in my head where noah is secretly an archangel (named raphael except with a completely different story/personality than canon-raphael who, in this au, is still canon-raphael but with a different name) and also his vessel is a distant campbell-relation from the 1920s bc I like it better when the True Vessel Bloodline is the campbell line instead of the winchester line bc fuck john winchester
also they're jewish
also also: dean is a trans guy
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liron-ao3 · 4 years
Read it on AO3
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Dreams of water and sand
A post-canon Destiel oneshot
Dean watches out over the lake. He isn't even sure if it holds any fishes that might bite, but sitting here on the wooden boardwalk, a fishing rod lazily in his hand, just like in his dream all those years ago, he doesn't care. It's not his purpose today, whatever meaning this word might hold in heaven.
Time is strange here. It's running fast, but everything seems to be slowed down at the same time. Maybe that's just what eternity feels like.
Dean wonders how it must have been for Castiel to be pulled out of his millennia, from humanity nonetheless, a blink of an eye for a celestial being like him.
Dean bites his lip. He never really understood him back then, not even as little as he did at the end. He called him for bullshit reasons, always complaining that the angel didn't make him his priority.
He still cringes thinking about it. Castiel's people were fighting for their existence and he just ...
There is no use in self-deprecation after all this time. No use in deconstructing himself over things he can never make right again. This wasn't the last time that he didn't listen, that he didn’t ask for Castiel's motives, didn't tell him that he needed him as more as a tool to whatever mission Dean was set on.
Sure, he called him family, even brother. But it was all a lie. At least if you count omission as lying. He should have said something before the Empty took him. He should have said something when he found him in purgatory.
There are many, many regrets that Dean collected in his too short, yet eventful life. But when he was dying and all the words he needed Sammy to hear before he was gone were said, in his last second there was nothing worse than that he didn't say it back. That Cass had died never hearing these words from him. Not even disguised as brotherly love.
"I'm so sorry, Dean. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be," Castiel says, suddenly standing next to him.
Dean doesn't even flinch. He waited for him here, prayed for him to come. A small part of him doubted that he would.
He watches the angel from the corner of his eye. His tie is crooked as always, his trademark trenchcoat pushed back just like the suit jacket as Castiel has his hands in the pockets of his pants.
A light breeze works through his messy hair. Dean wants to know what it feels like to run his hand through it, wants to see the smile that he imagines to elicit by it.
"I always knew that I would go out swinging, Cass," Dean tries to comfort him and isn't that the strangest thing? Shouldn't the angel be happy that he is here, in the heaven he specifically built for him?
"No," Castiel insists, voice even and sure, "you should have lived a long, happy life, should have had a house with a garden and a swing, a beautiful wife, and green-eyed kids that smile like you do."
Dean turns his head to look at him properly, the confusion forging deep lines into his features. "Do you really think that's what I was dreaming of?"
Castiel still looks out at the lake, hands clearly fists in his trouser pockets.
"What were you dreaming of?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper above the soft wind blowing waves over the water surface.
Dean chuckles. He knows it's silly, but he owes Castiel the truth. After all these years of not being open, of omitting and fogging the truth, of keeping him in the dark, he deserves to know.
"This. I dreamt of this. You and me, sitting on this boardwalk. Me holding the rod in one hand and your hand in the other. You with one of those silly fishing hats. Just sharing the peaceful surroundings and nature's sounds."
He stops talking for a moment, waiting for the angel to fill the silence. Dean turns his face up and to the side, studying the lines scattered around the angel's eyes, the straight line of the bridge of his nose, his eyelashes so beautiful in the afternoon-ish sun. He wants to brush his thumb over the everlasting scruff on Castiel's jaw, wants to kiss these chapped lips until they are wet and glissening.
He needs to look away again. It's too much. He had never allowed himself to look at him this closely and now all the details that make Castiel his Cass are overwhelming.
But maybe it's too late. Maybe now back in full grace Castiel doesn't feel for him what he felt back on earth, slowly turning more human, losing his essence to become a smaller version that was just content in being useful to the Winchester's.
A sudden pain works its way to Dean's heart, clenches it harder than death's hold on it on that fateful day.
I love you, Castiel had said then and every bit of solid ground inside of Dean had crumbled away. Truths that he held as his own for decades. That he wasn't good enough, not worthy of unconditional love, only useful in the roles he assigned to himself or let others assign to him: son, brother, friend, the ladies' man, Michael's sword, father.
All that fell away and in the ashes that remained, for the long minutes that he sat on the cold floor after Castiel was gone, there was only one role left, one he couldn't ever allow himself to carry out of the bunker: Dean, the man who was loved by an angel and worthy of being loved. It was tangible and yet fleeting.
How could he hold on to this role that he just received? How could he build on it when the person who assigned it to him wasn't there anymore to fill it, to reinforce it, push it into his stubborn head and doubtful heart until he would finally believe?
Yes, Dean had denied the role that Chuck had assigned to him, rejected it still under the influence of Castiel's words. But he didn't truly believe them. Not yet. Maybe one day he would have, if he had stayed alive long enough.
But now he is here and the old fear of not being good enough for a literal angel is back in full swing.
There'll be peace when you are done. Dean wants to call bullshit on the line, but then he realises that it's just his old pattern of dealing with things: assuming - not asking, pushing his feelings down - not making himself vulnerable.
"What about you, Cass? What were you dreaming of?"
He dares to look at the angel and the small smile he sees playing on his lips is so worth the swarm of butterflies that nearly make him dizzy.
"You, Sam, Eileen, Jack, and I on the beach, our feet in hot sand, the waves clashing against the shore in a neverending dance. Me putting sunscreen on your face and you complaining about it. Cold beer in a cooler, your head in my ...," he trails off.
Dean smiles. "My head in your lap, the cowboy hat on your messy hair, salt on our skin from taking a swim."
Castiel moves his head in one smooth motion and fixes his eyes on Dean's for the first time. "That would have been nice," he murmurs.
Dean nods lightly. "We could still have this," Dean whispers, "if you wanted to that is."
Castiel's face lights up and damn it, Dean is flashed by the beauty of it, pulled under in a current of light and love.
He swallows hard, not trusting his legs to carry his non-existent weight. He's still not used to being like this either, so he doesn't trust himself to not fall into the lake while trying to take this step.
So he reaches out and takes Castiel's hand instead, pulling softly until the angel understands.
Cass kneels down next to him and Dean can finally touch. All those places he wasn't allowed to. No, scratch that. That he didn’t allow himself to touch. They are there, right in front of him. So he brushes his thumb over Castiel's stubble with his free hand, runs it over his lips and the bow of his cheekbone, sighs contently when Cass leans into his hand and closes his beautiful eyes, relishing in the moment.
This. This is so much more real than anything Dean shared with anyone in the physical world. This is real. This is good. Dean Winchester is finally home.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
different anon here but i really liked the brothers hc where mc goes to check out the noise instead and i'd love to see a dateables version? thank you!!
Hi there, anon!
Okay, here are the dateables (and Luke), though I feel I must apologize to my own true love Barbatos but I honestly felt like this was the only scenario in which he'd let MC go deal with the noise without him lol. Also there's a reference to this original headcanon I did in Simeon's part, though you don't need to read it for it to make sense or anything.
I also tried to keep their locations vague so that you could imagine Simeon, Solomon, and Luke being in either Purgatory Hall or Cocytus Hall/House of Lamentation.
Thank you for the request!
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the dateables (and Luke) react to GN!MC going to investigate a strange noise in the night
Warnings: sharing beds with the dateables, but nothing sexual, mostly just cuddles and some kisses (except Luke which is all platonic of course)
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Doesn't want to disturb you, but he's sitting up immediately upon hearing a strange noise. He's not afraid or anything, his concern is all for you. He's considering going to check it out when you wake up and hear it too. He's going to tell you it's probably nothing and that you shouldn't worry about it. But you can see that he's uncertain even if he tries to hide it. Tell him to stay put and that you're going to check it out.
Protests. Really, MC, it's most certainly nothing. Please don't go out into the dark castle. You might get lost! Reassure him that you've spent enough time in the castle with him to know your way around by now. You're aware that this is just an excuse. He doesn't want you to go because he's nervous about you leaving him.
He's going to try to talk you out of it as long as you're in the room, but he won't follow you. You told him to stay and for some reason, he's compelled to do as you say. Once you're gone, he's out of bed, wandering around the room and arguing with himself about whether or not he should go after you.
The second you're back, he's got you in his arms. Tries to brush it off like he was just afraid for himself, not that he was nervous about you! Diavolo knows you can handle yourself. And he's not at all surprised when you tell him it was nothing. He's going to pull you back into bed where he holds you against his chest for the rest of the night.
He hears the noise, but he doesn't stir. He's awake now, though, and his stiffness wakes you up, too. Now that you hear the noise, you ask him about it. He tells you right away that he's sure it's nothing. The castle is large, after all. There are plenty of things that could make such noises. You point out that this noise has… a sort of… scurrying quality to it…
Now he's upset. He was trying to convince himself that it wasn't rats, MC. How could you do this to him? Tell him to stay in his room and that you'll go check it out. He's embarrassed. He's blushing full force, might even be covering his face with his hands. Can't believe he's this nervous about the potential of rats that you have to venture out into the darkness alone.
Waits in the room like you ask him to, but he's not happy about it. It isn't that Barbatos thinks you can't handle some rats. It's that he's actually letting you take care of it instead of doing it himself. Beats himself up the entire time you're gone. Thinks he's a disgrace of a butler. There shouldn't be rats in his domain in the first place. He was so careful to keep everything spotless in order to prevent this exact scenario.
When you get back, tell him there weren't any rats. Even if there were rats and you took care of them with your magic, lie to him. He'll know you're lying, but he also recognizes that you're trying to make him feel better, so he won't call you out on it. If you're not lying and there really weren't any rats, he'll be so relieved. Either way, he's going to pull you back into bed and curl around you tightly. He just wants to forget this entire ordeal.
Wakes up when he hears the noise, but doesn't move at first. You're sleeping soundly in his arms and he doesn't want to wake you up. Tries to ignore it at first. Takes the opportunity to watch your sleeping face, gently stroking your hair. But then the noise is back and he can't just leave it be. Tries to remove himself from you without waking you up. Almost succeeds, but trips on the blanket at the last second and the resulting thud jolts you awake.
Ask him what he's doing on the floor. He's going to get out the bat that's under the bed. There's something out there, MC. He's going to check it out. You hear the noise then, too. Take the bat from him and push him back onto the bed. Tell him you've got this. He's going to be surprised for a moment before smiling and doing exactly as you ask.
He's not worried about you while he waits. He knows what you're capable of. He was certainly prepared to go deal with it himself, but he trusts you to handle it just as well as he can. Plus, you have the bat so there's really nothing to be concerned about.
Put the bat back in its spot under the bed when you return. Simeon is waiting for you with open arms. Wants to know if you found anything. Listens intently to everything you have to say. If you found one or more of his roommates out there making noise and threatened them with the bat, he's going to laugh just imagining it. Tucks you into himself, resting his head against the top of yours, content to drift back into slumber knowing you're beside him.
Hears the noise, but doesn't react. He's a sorcerer. Anywhere he spends the night has all kinds of spells protecting it. Anything that might be making some noise is probably nothing, but if it is something, it doesn't stand a chance. If the sound wakes you up, though, he'll offer to go check it out himself. Tell him that you've got it and he's going to frown about it. You don't need to leave him when he knows you're safe here.
If you go anyway, he's going to follow you. Absolutely does not listen to you if you tell him to stay in his room. He won't do it. Point out that he knows better than anyone that you can handle yourself. Now he's conflicted. You're right, of course. He does know what you're capable of. But he also feels the need to protect you. And in the end, that instinct wins out.
It turns out that it's a good thing he came with you. You find a terrible monstrosity in the kitchen. The refrigerator door is open, revealing the pot full of… soup?… that seems to have spawned this thing. This is his fault, so you get to make him clean it up while you deal with this odd creature that's flumping around the place and making a racket.
He's amused. Laughs lightly while following you back to his room. That was certainly an experience! But you took care of everything masterfully, MC. He's sorry he ever doubted you. Tell Solomon to get back into bed with you and this time he'll listen. Gets a little serious as he pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. He hopes you know that he has complete faith in you and your abilities. But he feels better now that you're back in his arms.
The second he hears the noise, he's awake. He's going to wake you up, too, because isn't it better if you're aware of the potential threat? MC, do you hear that!? If you're not sleeping in the same room as him, he'll go find you just to wake you up. He's nervous about that noise! Either way, reassure him that you'll take care of it. Tell him to stay in the room while you go check it out.
Luke will listen to you. Absolutely doesn't follow you, but he's incredibly anxious about you while you're gone. Sits and wrings his hands for a while. Gets up like he's going to go after you, but stops at the door and goes back. Hums nervously to himself for a little bit.
Come back quickly, he's really getting antsy! When you do get back, he's at your side in an instant, wanting to know that you're okay. Wants to know all about it. Tell him what you found, but it was probably nothing. If it was someone specific, he'll be sure to scold them for making so much noise tomorrow.
Get him to go back to bed. Might have a hard time calming down, so you'll have to do something to help him out. You might let him snuggle against you while you tell him a story or maybe sing him a soft song. He's going to be out like a light pretty quickly. He feels safe as long as you're near.
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masterlist | part 1 with the brothers | Thank you for reading!
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mirainawen · 4 years
Some headcanons for The Long Road that absolutely nobody asked for
Who’s the messiest one:
Everyone has their places that they are the messiest one in.
dean: when he cooks, he does not clean up the kitchen afterward. he reasons that cleanup is sam's detail, because that splits the work 50-50. most of the time, sam is okay with this because he doesn't particularly enjoy cooking and is tired of takeout. he'll bitch dean out in three circumstances: 1, he hasn't been there (fair), 2, he wanted to eat out (less fair), 3, DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO WRECK THE WHOLE KITCHEN TO BAKE A FRICKIN PIE (least fair).
when it comes to the state of his room, though, dean falls right between sam and adam. it's his space, so he reasons everyone can mind their own business. sometimes he is really on top of it; other stretches of time, he'll let things pile up / get out of place before he'll do something about it.
you so much as leave a to-go cup in Baby, though, and God help you.
sam: between the three of them, sam tends to be the most orderly and tidy. BUT, leave that man alone to his own devices in the library? he's probably fallen asleep atop an entire table of "organized chaos" of open books, pages of notes, a new (unimplemented) filing system, a dozen bookmarked tomes, and a couple dozen pens lost amid the chaos. sam in research mode + cross-referencing & digitizing & organizing the men of letters' archives into a streamlined and interconnected, coherent system is...a lot. just like A Lot. and it Shows. (and sam's loving every minute of it. utterly geeking out in his own head.)
adam: is a disaster child. he'll let shit pile up until he has to deal with it, or is otherwise bitched at enough by (usually) sam. he doesn't have a lot of stuff, so it can't reach actual problem levels in the bunker. but he's totally the kind to be like, "what the hell? how long has this been here? hey, guys, when did we eat at burger king? oh god, we should definitely toss that at the next gas station. what? no i'm not going searching for a trash can right now" about his car.
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA:
it is, get this, sam. i know, i know. hear me out. when given the option, adam can and will be affectionate within reason. he's the most uptight and gunshy about it at first, when he just gets out of the cage; tends to withdraw from people getting too close, always on edge; as a survivor of the most Traumatic Thing in the Universe, that is more than fair and expected.
once he's had time to find his footing with sam & dean, however, he'll greet them with a bro-hug, when appropriate, a slap on the back, a nudge of the elbow, lowkey affection like that.
dean came back from purgatory more affectionate than he'd ever been before. much more readily will not only greet with a hug, but say goodbye (even in 'casual' partings) with a hug.
that leaves sam, who used to be considered more mushy than dean by these terms. dean's lowkey affection he's used to. adam's? nah. no. especially in the first 5 years, for the amount of time that adam does it (before shit gets Real Bad). after adam gets out of the institution, he gravitates more towards sam naturally, even when pissed, and sam's kinda lowkey why is he in my personal space??? weird. because it doesn't innately fit the same kind of way it does with dean. post-reintegration, he's more affectionate after they've found their footing again. he tries to make up for the Bad Years with more slaps on the shoulder kind of affection. boy's trying.
Who’s the funniest drunk:
sam is a disaster drunk. he's the biggest lightweight of the three of them, which is funny because he's also the biggest, just like the biggest in general. dean becomes so much fun in unexpectedly different kinds of ways. like, he can be talked into karaoke. or doing some stupid shit he's gonna regret in the morning because odds are it's not gonna end well.
but adam is straight up hilarious. that sharp wit comes out, and all his inhibitions (and image) are gone so he just straight up cracks the worst jokes ever and gets away with it. they land. somehow they land. maybe because sam & dean are also drunk. maybe because he is just that funny. maybe it's that he has a tendency to get blackout-wasted and do stupid shit that makes no sense whatsoever, like shower with his f*ckin socks on and dean is never gonna let that shit die.
Who texts the most:
adam or dean. during large periods of time in the first 5 years, adam will leave dean on read and dean texts because read receipts means he knows when adam is checking his messages and therefore he knows adam is at least alive, if not entirely alright. by that view, dean texts the most.
but for random shit, that would be adam. he'll text dean something like
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with either no caption, or something like: this reminds me you need to hit the gym, or looks like you have competition and doesn't give further context. dean doesn't mind because at least it means the kid's not dying in a basement somewhere.
he'll kick his ass for the fat comment later
Who reads the most:
it goes in this order:
sam "i read this entire book in one sitting cause i had the time, and now i am awake at 1am because i can't decide if i want to start another one since i have down time" winchester
adam "does it have cool illustrations? no? fine, at least tell me the lore on boobries is correct" milligan
dean "what job has the least amount of reading?" winchester
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music:
eff. ing. adam. even in his own car (where, hey, the rules are driver picks the music dean!) he's only allowed a certain amount of time for his "whiny teenage garbage music" (thanks dean) before he has to change it to something a little more tolerable (rock, at the very least). heaven help him if he hints at something country with dean around. dean will be like, sit your ass down it's time for REAL music 101 and put on Metallica for the 8th time.
Who’s better with kids:
adam, with dean a very, very close second! so close, they probably tie. adam, early on, isn't good with anyone because fresh-out-of-the-cage (even post-institution for a bit) makes him kind of a hairs-breadth triggered bomb when it comes to people of all ages. but adam a bit more balanced? a natural. he grew up around extended family, friends, wanted kids of his own someday.
sam, however, is the absolute worst. a pure disaster moron in this arena. when adam is de-aged? dean didn't think it was possible for sam to suck so much at something. (don't worry, the boy found his bearings. but oh man...the road to get there, paved with more potholes than road.) BUT when sam really tries? like if he lets himself relax and lowers his inhibitions, he can do pretty well. but he's mostly just Highly Uncomfortable around kids, and like, it Shows.
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house:
dean. put that boy in the garage, under the hood of a car, great. can do it all. put that boy in front of a little home repair? renovation? by god he'll figure it out. and he won't put a hole in the wall shut up sammy. he takes pride in the upkeep of the bunker.
sam, however, is much more content to just be like ah man i wish we had a shelf here. or, oh right we need to remember to do xyz and then sit back and wait for it to Magically Take Care of Itself.
Who’s got the weirdest hobby:
hobby? what the hell is that? a homeless person?
Who cooks and who cleans up:
dean cooks, sam cleans. adam cooks, sam and dean will rock-paper-scissors for cleanup. or leave adam to do it. sam is never allowed to cook. he's a horrible cook. they'd literally rather eat out than let sam cook. sam, of course, is highly insulted, but also like...he knows dean & adam are better cooks. they just are. yes, fine, he'll wash the dishes again.
every now and then he gives it a shot. surprisingly he makes really good pancakes. he'll cook just to force one of the others to have to cleanup when he's tired of being on dish duty. dean & adam are not impressed when he tries to leverage sandwiches for dish duty.
sam, somewhat sloshed on a saturday night will be like, guys! guys! hey why don't i make us food and dean and adam are like, duuuuuude. ...wait, no. sam- and he's like, no, guys, i got this, and brings them microwave burritos. and THEN they're like hey! no! this does NOT mean we're doing dishes!
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XIX)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Tell me the Truth
Hello my dear! How have you been? I'm here with another volume from this Chronicles.
This time I want to talk about the truth as a recurrent topic in the first half of this season.
I'm gonna mix some bi Dean concept too, this will be mostly a Dean centric meta.
O want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder , she couldn't make me the gifs for this meta but we discussed a lot about this topic. Thank you girl!
Let's start...
Saying goodbye to Lisa and Ben
Ok, I will collect here an amount of observations I made in several chapters in which we can see Dean breaking up with Lisa and Ben as his family.
In episode 6x06 Live Free or Twihard , calling back to 6x02, we had Dean feeling himself a monster and becoming one.
At the beginning of the episode, the Winchester brothers went to investigate to a house, a girl's room, vampires fan. Dean found a book and this is what he reads...
DEAN. Look at this. He's WATCHING her sleep. How is that not rape-y?
This is very significant because when Dean is turning into a vampire, he decided to go visit Lisa and Ben to say goodbye... So when he arrives, he just stays there by Lisa's bed watching her sleep. As a real monster. After this we all recall he pushed Ben violently and ran away. This was the beginning of the end.
In episode 6x06 "You can't handle the truth" written by Sera Gamble, even when it was a very Wincest episode, it had a very interesting topic about ASKING THE TRUTH YOU CAN'T EFFORT.
And related with Lisa here, he called her, and because he had asked for the truth, he receives the truth from her. A very hard one. She snapped at him this...
LISA: You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good?
DEAN: You knew what you signed up for.
Dean is excusing himself with her, she knew, he's like this. He won't change. Hunting is his life.
LISA: Yeah. But I didn't expect Sam to come back. And I'm glad he's okay. I am. But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy.That came out so much harsher than I meant.
Here, we have the pathologic codependency between them, but as it was written, and here's my opinion, is screaming Wincest all over, we know Sera was a fervent fan of the boys, and this doesn't surprises me. Lisa is being very hard and honest with Dean. Things are not Al right between them.
DEAN: It's not your fault.
LISA: I'm not saying don't be close to Sam. I'm close to my sister. But if she got killed, I wouldn't bring her back from the dead!
DEAN: Okay, Lis... I'm not gonna lie. Okay, me and Sam, we... we've got issues. No doubt. But you and Ben --
Here is Dean saying "Everything you had just said is truth", so more Wincest for the bag.
LISA: Me and Ben can't be in this with you. I'm sorry.
And this was the end for sure.
In this same episode, we had this scene...
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Gif set credit @paladeckis
The woman is dressed in lavanda color, si, basically, is a Lisa's mirror here,asking for a lot of attention and Dean is giving her that not very hopeful answer... So yeah, Dean had decided which life he wants for him. Maybe, and as I said before, he doesn't feel he deserves a good life, or maybe because he feels like a dangerous monster that can destroy good things.
Now... Let's jump to 6x07 "Family Matters"...
There's a singular quote by the Alpha Vampire:
DEAN: I didn't realize we were on a first-name basis.
ALPHA VAMPIRE: Of course we are. After all, you were my child... for a time. Dean, tell me... did you enjoy it?
Ok, I know this is a creepy way to see it, but... Immediately after episode 6x06 we had this. And beacuse Dean is in the break up process with Lisa and Ben, this could be taken as a Dean/Ben mirror... Ben was the "monster's son" for a while, or at least that way is how Dean see it inside of him. So, symbolically, we are talking about that here.
Now... Episode 6x08 "All dogs go to Heaven" a very blantant Dean mirror with the dog-man here... First of all... Remember the monster watching in silence while the woman sleeps?? We have the same again here... The dog-man (skinwalker) his name was Lucky.
There was interesting words exchanging between Dean and Lucky, and please pay attention to Dean's speech...
DEAN: Hang on, Sam. [to LUCKY (MAN)] Listen, you don't have to tell me why you're with the family. I get it.
LUCKY (MAN): Oh, you do, do you?
DEAN: You killed every threat that came near them. You care about them, in your own whack-a-doodle kind of way. It's obvious. What I want to know is, who was that guy you were kibitzing with? He a skinwalker, too?
So... Isn't it Dean talking to himself? Do he feel like a abandoned and hurted dog that needed a refuge? A family? Now... Check this other quote...
DEAN: What are you gonna do to that family, really? You gonna put your jaws around that little boy's throat? Clamp down, listen to him cry for his mom? 'Cause I'm gonna guess that these are the only people who in your pathetic life have ever showed you any kindness. So it's either that... or you can help us stop it.
Again, the scene of Dean pushing Ben against the wall when he was about to transform into a vampire (a monster) and then... Again talking to himself. Is so blantant that my heart broke instantly...
After this, Dean decided not to shoot him bc he knew that dog was him... But things didn't end well for Lucky...
When he tries to come back to Mandy and her son, this is what happened...
MANDY: Get away from this house, you psycho. And if you ever, ever come near me or my son again, so help me...
LUCKY (MAN): I know I probably deserve...
MANDY closes and locks the door.
This is the end for the monster that wanted to have a family, the difference here is... Dean really wanted to have this kind of life?
And the answer we already know...
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Gif set credit @frozen-delight
Dean is puting salt on the windows while he's saying he's out... Tell the truth Dean.
And in 6x13 "Unforgettable" Dean said another thing to his brother (to himself) to put a final period here...
DEAN: Sam, y-y-you got to understand that all that crap last year -- all of it -- none of it was you.
Ok Dean, we get it. This last year trying to be a man with a normal life and family, it wasn't you. It was a lie.
Sam's lies and foreshadowing Castiel's secrets
Before to continuó with this meta... I promised you some bi-Dean scene... Here you have.
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Look how Dean checks out the police man and he even greeted him that way. As we know... Dean likes uniforms... 😉 (This gif was made by my gorgeous friend Agus!)
Ok... Let's start with the brothers here...
We all recall that scene when Sam just watched as Dean was turned into a vampire. Ok... So Dean saw it too. And that was one of his biggest alarms about his brother. This happened in episode 6x05.
In episode 6x06, another interesting parallel with the Winchesters brother and Sam's lies.
SAM: You know what a "tell" is?
OLIVIA: Excuse me?
SAM: It's a poker term... for when you're bluffing. Like what you just did with your hair.
OLIVIA: What are you trying to say?
SAM: You're lying.
DEAN is surprised at the force of SAM's inquiry.
OLIVIA: What?!
SAM: Tell us what you did to your sister.
Ok big parallel each time Dean wanted to obtain the truth about what happened with the vampire and why he didn't take care of him.
So after this we had the big scene with VERITAS, and very very WINCEST thing right here...
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Gif credit @whiskeyandwhine
Look at their hands touching... Yep very disgusting and very Sera Gamble era. 😒 I'm just pointing things here for you to see what this woman wanted to do with the show.
Let's see continue now with CAS.
In this same episode we had another confession that could be analyze as a parallel and foreshadow of Castiel and his secrets.
SAM: So, you had some idea Corey might have taken her own life?
ROOMMATE: Well... she had been going through a bit of a hard time lately... at school. And then, um, her cat, Mittens, had just ran away. But, really, it was her boyfriend. She was sure that he was cheating on her. But he was just very good at covering his tracks. Which, of course, made her completely obsessed with --
Ok we are here talking about Castiel... The "boyfriend" term will be use by Balthazar twice, one with Dean and the other with Sam, referencing to Castiel. Castiel is the boyfriend, and he is cheating on Dean and Sam.
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Gif credit @never-forget-viva-la-pluto
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Gif set credit @sam-spirit-winchester
Also, making Balthazar calling Castiel as the Winchesters's boyfriend, equally... Another SERA GAMBLE tool, "look Cas isn't Dean's boyfriend, is Sammy's boyfriend too, so... Is irrelevant."
Episode 6x07 we had the boys discovering SAMUEL was working for Crowley, so the entire episode is a big foreshadow of what was about to happen when Dean, Sam and Bobby discover Castiel's deal with the King of Hell. And is also the episode in which the idea about Purgatory and the power of souls is presented.
And ironically, we'll have Dean and Sam literally working for Crowley too, so ... A little hole in the narrative here... But hey... We don't talk about this Season, don't we?
To conclude
Dean asked for the truth and he had it with his brother and he will have it with Castiel, the problem is... Is he ready to handle it?
The first half of the season was a foreshadow for Castiel's secret and we could see in many episodes how the writers showed us what Dean felt by leaving Ben and Lisa and how he will have to handle with a big betrayal.
In Sera Gamble era we had a lot of references to Wincest and holes in the narrative, that we will see more often in the incoming episodes.
I hope you like this! C-u in the next Chronicles!
@emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel
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If you want to check the previous season 6 Chronicles, the links are here: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII.
Buenos Aires July 11st 2019 1:47 AM
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