#but he's not named here because it's cooper's pov
stabbynunchuckss · 2 years
Day two of the wheel of whump!!
Today's prompt is:
"Pet, stop moving," Master hissed. "Or do you want me to get the poker?"
"N- no, Master, it's... it's not moving, it's being good-"
Master slapped Pet across its face, his elaborate rings catching on its skin, leaving long scratches. "Quiet, Pet," he barked. "What have I told you about speaking?"
"Do not... Do not speak unless given permission. Master."
"Good. Fetch the poker, now."
Pet crawled to the fireplace, clumsily grabbing the poker and pushing it toward Master. It knelt in front of him, as it had been taught, waiting for the next instruction.
None came. Instead, a searing pain down the length of its spine as the poker was dragged down its back. Pet couldn't stop the desperate yelp that escaped it, crumpling to the ground in pain.
"Good," Master murmured. "Very good. Now, repeat back to me what we have learned, Pet."
Let me know if you want to be tagged in these!! :)
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ghoulphile · 5 months
janey's dad | c.h./the ghoul | teaser
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➥ pairing | cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader ➥ word count | 465 for the teaser, overall wordcount tbd ➥ overall warning(s) | 🔞 smut; age gap (i hc reader to be late 20s but i tried to leave it vague enough), cowgirl position, biting, hair pulling, choking, squirting, teasing, pining, lipstick kink, breast/nipple play, masturbation (m), porn w/ feelings, porn w/ plot, mild angst w/ happy ending, coop's pov to start - rest of the fic will be in reader's, divorced!coop, babysitter!reader, pre-war/bomb ➥ summary | "We really s-shouldn't - oh fuck - be doing this." ➥ notes | here's a teaser for the fic i took a poll on, some people wanted more info 😊 coop is a big dick dilf fite me. feedback is always appreciated ❤️ lmk if you want to be tagged feel free to send in thots, questions, requests! | masterlist
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Divorce is hard, but being a divorcé is downright hellish.
Ugliest thing in the world, if Cooper Howard has any say.
It's not like being a Marine with a gun in hand, being told where to point and shoot, or an actor reading off a script. There's no guidebook, no crash course. These people aren't nameless threats coasts away or co-workers following a cue.
In fact, his 'enemies' aren't enemies at all.
They have names: Barb, so smart it hurts, and sweet little Janey, his very own North star. Sometimes looking at them rips open a hole in his chest that'll never close, edges jagged and sore. The phantoms of family, of happier times, found in the glint of a smile or a peal of laughter.
See, war's something he understands. Something he's good at.
But these domestic battlefields where he's gotta look his ex-wife in the face, and struggle to meet his daughter's eye? Barter this weekend and that holiday? To pay for the privilege of his child's presence (he does, he will, she's worth every goddamn cent he's ever made)?
To look down the barrel of a smoking gun only to find the woman he loves staring back; he doesn't, can't, comprehend that. Because once upon a time, he was happy (with her) and life was sweeter than pie.
Now he's nothing but a washed up actor who struggles to land a call back let alone make his monthly alimonies. His marriage has failed, his reputation is in shambles, and his bank account is dryer than the Mojave.
Barb gets the house. He gets the dog.
And caught in the middle of it all is his little girl; the only thing he’s got left worth while. He wants to protect her, provide for her the way she deserves — only he seems to fall short every goddamn time.
The mistakes and missteps keep stacking up against him; such is his new life in all its raw, unglamorous glory.
Look how far the mighty fall.
Lucky for him — the first bright thing that's come his way in a long, long while — a sweet, young woman moves into the apartment next door. Of course, it isn't long before Janey takes a shine, always so friendly.
Thankfully, you're just as good with her.
It only makes sense you'd watch her when a gig runs late. Rustle up some grub and put her to bed whenever he slinks in through the door, stripped to the bone.
And if he takes himself in hand late at night, stroking his cock to the thought of you down on your knees in that pretty little sundress? Imagines the wide stretch of your lush mouth as you peer up at him from between his thighs when he cums hard?
Well, what you don't know won't hurt you.
After all, he promises to keep his hands to himself.
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part 01 of full fic
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grandlinedreams · 5 months
|| i regret nothing I need Cooper Howard viscerally both pre and post Ghoulification
|| notes: semi Canon compliant, spoiler-ish for end of s1, semi-shifting pov, Lucy is adorable but baby girl you will be chewed up and spat out pls grow more spine, Dogmeat has never done anything wrong ever, godbless Cooper having a southern accent bc that's my accent, yeah, gonna do a sequel to this and a prequel on Coop and reader's first meeting, ok bye
|| warnings: weapons supplier!reader, couple of allusions to cannibalism, reader is not specifically gendered, NSFW ㅡ fingering/touching
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“Where are we going?”
Not for the first time today, or even the last week, Cooper questions why he's letting the Vaultie (“Lucy,” she informs him primly, “my name is Lucy.”) tag along. The dog, at least, is a good, reliable companion. Dogmeat trots dutifully at his side, her tail wagging as he stops to glare at Lucy.
“Supplies, Vaultie,” he tells her, relishes the flicker of annoyance in her eyes. “Need supplies or we'll both be knee deep in shit.” He pauses. “More than we already are.” 
She mumbles something he doesn't care to catch as he resumes walking, rolling his eyes as he adjusts his hat. He knows he could stand to be a little more sympathetic with the bombshell she's still dealing with, but he can't bring himself to ㅡ not when his daughter might still be alive out there, somewhere. (And his ex-wife, who he's pointedly trying to not think about too much.) 
Lucy is blessedly quiet for a good while, all the way until they get closer to where they're going. Cooper doesn't need that piece of shit vault-tec device on her arm to know where he is, but Lucy says it anyways.
“It's a town,” she mumbles at the cluster of ramshackle buildings, surrounded by the clustering of trees so much like Filly ㅡ but isn't. “Is thisㅡ”
“Yes,” he answers, “now shut it and walk.”
Lucy huffs. “I don't know if you've realized neither of us have means to pay for anything,” she protests, “but the general rule ofㅡ” 
“Vaultie.” If looks could kill, she'd be six feet under. He's never had much patience, but she’s already reached the bottom of it and keeps digging. “Shut the fuck up about your goddamn rules. If you haven't noticed, nobody up here gives a damn about playing by what's wrong and what's right.” He gives her a meaningful look. “Now if you don't want me to leave your ass to whatever comes along next, you'll be quiet and let me handle it.” 
Lucy's mouth shuts with an audible click, and Cooper turns on his heel to resume walking, Dogmeat at his heels. 
Like Filly, the center of buildings bustle with the day to day of so many others, the cacophony of animal sounds along with chatter ㅡ Cooper spares Lucy a brief glance to watch her struggle to keep up and scoffs to himself, shaking his head as he continues.
He knows where he's going, a little shop shoved between two others, narrow but deeper than the other two, because he's been here before. Several times, actually. Which accounts for the familiarity with which he strolls over the threshold and leaves Lucy and Dogmeat to follow. 
There's the jingle of what might be a bell over Lucy's head when she follows, blinking at the interior. Neat and tidy, or at least as much as can pass for such things on the surface ㅡ rows of weapons and other assorted things on shelves and stands. 
Lucy watches The Ghoul rap his fist on the counter. “I know you're here,” he calls, “you never leave this damn place!”
She expects whoever it is to come scuttling out with the tone of voice he uses and being as accustomed to his rougher attitude, and she listens to the clatter of something further in the shop.
“If that's your greeting nowadays,” comes the answer, “you can fuck off.” 
To Lucy’s surprise, The Ghoul husks a laugh instead of offering another threat. Footsteps approach, and Lucy blinks at the person who rounds the corner. 
“You,” you accuse, finger almost into his chest, “thought I told you I was done dealing with you if you couldn't work on your manners.” 
Lucy stares, and watches as you turn towards her and raise an eyebrow, eyeing her with unrestrained curiosity, then at Dogmeat. “A vaultie and a dog,” you say, then glance back at The Ghoul. “So, taking in strays, huh?”
The Ghoul grimaces. “Guess so.” He clears his throat. “Need supplies again, sweetheart.”
“Figured as much,” you say, arms folding across your chest. Lucy decides she likes you, because you're standing up to him ㅡ and he's letting you. “Take it you have no way of paying, again.”
Lucy wants to tell The Ghoul I told you so, because he can shit on all her little rules all he likes but the surface still deals in keeping the scales balanced. You have to eat too, so it's fair that you're expecting payment in the nonexistent caps they have. The Ghoul, on the other hand, tries a different route. 
“Oh come on now sugar,” The Ghoul wheedles, tone almost what could be considered as sweet. Playing at a gentleman for the way he leans against the cobbled together counter, even goes as far as to take his hat off and place it down. “Don't be like that.”
“Don't you sugar me,” you counter with an attitude that honestly startles Lucy for both the lack of genuine bite or answering hostility from The Ghoul. This isn't the first time you've met, she realizes, and is also quietly a little horrified to register that this almost sounds like flirting. “You're a pain in the ass, you know that?”
The Ghoul almost grins. “At least I'm consistent. Besides, you know you miss me when I'm gone.” 
You snort, pressing your lips together to hide a smile. Lucy feels a tiny bit uncomfortable with the atmosphere, like she's watching something she shouldn't be privy to. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you answer, bustling around to shove several fabric wrapped packs into his chest and giving him a meaningful look. “You owe me.” 
It's definitely flirting now, Lucy notes as The Ghoul's face lights up in a way that's still entirely human, tracking your movements with something far softer than anything she's ever seen from him. 
The turn towards her and head jerk to her and Dogmeat is as clear as dismissal as she's ever seen, to make herself scarce ㅡ so she does, but not before she catches the peripheral glimpse of the way you let him reach for you, almost melting into him for the way he moves to undoubtedly murmur something. 
That something is not the sweet words of a long time lover, but it's probably about as close as you're going to get with things the way they are.
“Anyone causin’ you trouble lately?” 
You roll your eyes. “Besides you?” He gives you a look, and you shake your head. “No, and even if there was, you know I can handle myself.” You turn to throw him a teasing look over your shoulder. “Don't tell me you're getting soft on me, old man.” 
It's Cooper's turn to snort, even as he moves to follow you. There's a sort of peace to watching you sort through boxes of shell casings and bottles of powder, letting his gaze drift over your body. 
When you turn, he doesn't even bother to hide the way he's watching you, and you arch an eyebrow. “What?”
“Nothin’,” he returns. “Can't I admire you?”
You roll your eyes. “I'm too expensive for you, Cooper.” It's a playful taunt, one that incites a little flare of something in his eyes as he approaches, the jingle of his spurs as he comes to loom over you, cages you in against the shelves of “inventory”. 
“Really now,” he drawls, leans in, eyes predatory dark. A lifetime ago, you might have been scared. But the wastelands made no qualms about beating fear out of people just as quick as it snuffed out life all together. “Here I was thinkin’ I might get a discount.” He reaches, thumbs at your bottom lip with his gloved digit. “What's the askin’ price, sweetheart?” 
This close, he smells like the wastelands and sunbaked leather, with a little bit of blood ㅡ but you don't mind. Never have, not sure you ever will. Not when it comes to him, anyways.
He's a dangerous man. A man with a reputation that's well-earned, spoken in hushed whispers and anything but nice. But you let him slot a leg between yours, lean in, press his lips to your hair. You smell like gunpowder and hot metal, grease stained fingertips and more than a couple bruises and scars for your efforts. 
Sometimes Cooper contends with the idea he might need you just as much as he needs that chem that keeps him sane. Admits it here and there, quietly to himself when he wanders in, squashes it down that he makes the trips sometimes just to make sure you're still alive. Not like he'd know if you were, till he sees you. Not sure what he'd do if he someday came up and found you gone. No note, no goodbye ㅡ quick and quiet, the cruelty of the wastelands.  
“Didn't answer my question, darlin’.” He mumbles, lips to your cheeks now. Soft skin, kept carefully with rationed doses of radaway and a healthy heap of keeping your cute little self out of business that doesn't involve you. “Come on, I asked you real nicely.” 
You hook your fingers in the loops of his belt, pull him closer. He can feel the jump of your heartbeat under his lips, now at your jawline. A soft, shaky inhale. Selfishly, he wants to keep you. Steal you away, greedy to keep you for himself. Hates the idea of whatever scum that rolls in that you have to deal with on your own. You can handle yourself, he knows that. 
Doesn't stop that little piece of him that's still truly Cooper Howard from worrying. But he knows better than to think he can protect you, because he can't. So he does what he can.
Your skin is soft under his teeth, forgiving to the nip of them, the blooming blossom of pink that reminds him of strawberries. The noise you make is just as sweet, and he wonders if you'd taste like that, too. 
“I'm waiting,” he prompts between little nips, mouth curving against your flesh when you grip at him tighter. There's a lot he could do to you, and not a lot you wouldn't let him. “Don't tell me this big ol’ cat’s got your tongue, little songbird.” 
Your lips part, and he expects either a sparky response or a soft plea for what this is tilting towards, partaking of something far softer than anything he's used to nowadays ㅡ  but you’ve always had a taste for throwing him for a loop, and you do it now. 
“Take me with you.” 
That snaps him out of his little hazy, touch-greedy daze, enough that he pulls away to look at you properly. “Repeat that?”
“You heard me.” You tug at the loops of his belt, eyes steely, expression firm. “Take me with you. Tired of this shitty little outpost. Figure it's time to move before I get myself into trouble I can't get out of.”
Cooper laughs. “Think you're runnin’ straight into that fire by askin’ what you're askin’, sweet thing.” A warning and a plea, mixed mish-mash in his words. Part of him wants you to stay here. Concrete, much as it can be, where he knows where you are. Other part says it'd be easier to watch your back if he saw it all the time. 
“That's not an answer, Cooper.” 
He snorts, softens at the edges again, a little sadder as he reaches to stroke your jawline, leans to bump his forehead to yours ㅡ radiation warm against radaway cold. “Wanna make sure you know what you're asking for, darlin’. I ain't your babysitter. Got my own shit to do.”
“I know.” There's that fire in your voice, the kind he loves and hates at the same time. “Wasn't asking for you to babysit me.” 
He swallows roughly. Lets his hands drift up your sides, tug at the tuck of your shirt, underneath to drag sun-worn leather against the soft skin of your abdomen. Relishes the way you shiver, leaning into his touch. “Can't promise nothin’, you know that.” 
Your smile promises the same kind of heartbreak his own words do, the kind rooted in the reality that the world doesn't deal in any absolute but death, and sure as shit won't give happy endings. Not anymore. “I know.” 
Cooper can't think of what to say to that, at least anything he's ready to, so he kisses you. Your lips are too soft against his, the warmth of your mouth reigniting that greedy, needy, human thing inside him. He pulls, digs his fingers into your soft, pliant skin, and he takes.
Takes what you willingly give him, hand over hand with nothing but that pretty little smile of yours. He muffles your gasp as he wedges his leg a little firmer, coaxes the part of your legs with a rough husk of, “just like that, dollface,” and delights too much in the sound of you moaning for him.
Hushed, quiet enough that there's no reason for Dogmeat or Lucy to come back yet (he doesn't know what they're up to nor does he really fuckin’ care at the moment), he lets himself indulge in the pleasure of your body against his. The sweet little sounds, half-gasped as he mouths at your neck, hitched to something almost like music as his hands wander. 
Pauses long enough to bite at the tip of his glove and tug, one then two, the bare, radiation scarred wander of his fingers over your body. It's selfish, the way he covets every little twitch and jump of your muscles, the choked gasp as he guides you into rocking against his leg. 
“You're so sweet for me, sugar,” he coos, syrupy as he picks you apart meticulously, piece by piece. Fingers still far too good at what they do when he replaces his leg with the press of them against you, remnants of a past life for how well he gets you to whimper his name. “Like ambrosia.” 
His fingers stroke, deceptively gentle, working over your slick, too-hot, achy skin until you’re panting and gripping at him, pleading for a relief only he can give you. And that’s exactly how he wants you, where all you can see and think of is him. 
The expression you make when he finally lets you come might truly be the most beautiful thing he’s seen in a very long time. Headier than the Jet, dizzying and making him swear as he jerks his clothed hips against yours, breath sharp in his chest. 
“Gonna be the death of me, I swear.” He bites at your neck, digs a little harder, scrapes his canines into your sweet, yielding flesh. He could devour you, take bite after sweet, sweet bite and actually test that theory about the strawberries. Crack the cage of your rib, feast on that beating yolk of heart that thumps so hard in your chest. 
“Gonna let me do it, sweet thing?” He rumbles against your ear. “Let me have it all?” 
Your eyes flash, lips pretty and swollen as they part to answer ㅡ and the bark of that damn mutt ruins it all. At least it's a warning for you both, because he's stepping back and letting you fix yourself with surprising speed as Lucy and Dogmeat return, an expectant look on the fuckin’ vaultie's face. 
“Well? Got what you need?"
Cooper snorts, tracks you instead of answering as you press your hand to his for a second, gone around the corner. Lucy frowns when you return, pistol strapped at your hip and a bandolier slung over your shoulder like his, broad pack strapped to your back. Like you planned for this.
And you did, he notes, but it hadn't been contingent on his agreement. Idly, he notes he never did answer you, not really. But he just hums, then turns towards Lucy, who looks between the two of you, confused. 
“Yeah,” he finally answers, “got what I need.”
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the-great-empress · 2 months
Better with them than with you
Here Mc is woman
Warning: grammatical errors, English is not my native language
Tags: @huuvu
—Help them... that's why I chose you
—Mc… you… are a descendant of Lilith
Confusion and speechlessness was how I felt... but... I had the feeling that this was a sentence...
I heard Lucifer exclaim with happiness and then hugged me with fervor... while the cold and emptiness ruled my body... I also heard the rest of the brothers happy for Lilith, except Satan... then... the next thing I can remember was being in the common room from the house of lamentations surrounded by smiles and praises from Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan... Lucifer and... Belphegor... were fighting to sit on my sides, while they praised me and talked about Lilith... How long has it been since the revelation?
My gaze was fixed in front, on the other large piece of furniture, Diavolo was smiling with his charming smile, Barbatos with his cordial smile and... Satan with an expression of empathy and slight sadness... Why are you sad, Satan? Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?
Barbatos in summary said that he could no longer return to my original timeline… I felt like my soul fell into the abyss as I continued standing…
—I want to return to the place where they don't know who my ancestor is.
—I want to be treated like before the revelation
—I don't want to continue hearing about Lilith or being compared to her.
—I am not a replacement…
—Will Simeon and Luke hate me if they find out that I share blood with that angel who caused the brothers' fall? Nobody should know
They were the things that constantly prevented me from sleeping at night while I cried like a stupid girl, but as if he knew I was staying up late, he knocked on the door of my temporary room and said my name with affection and a certain air of sadness, every time I opened it. At the door, there he was... Satan with a book in his hands... it became a routine... Satan would come, we would read a chapter of a book and then cuddle and he would say sweet words about me... the others... they continued talking about Lilith, they bought me clothes adorable and angelic looking, they were aware that that was not the type of clothing I liked
More than a few people missed that this was Lilith's favorite style, as well as how my hair was the same color she had... that same night they mentioned it... I bought some hair dye and grabbed the kitchen scissors... The next day I entered the dining room with the opposite color to how I had it and with very short hair. The scandal that arose at that moment was great and Asmodeus recovered the "beautiful" original color of my hair with a potion.
No matter what I do... they will find a way to keep me looking like Lilith so I gave up and let them use me however they wanted.
Even Simeon commented that I was like an angel "Please Simeon... don't keep thinking about it... you could know who my ancestor is and I don't want you to hate me" I repeated in my mind, I feel like a criminal for Lilith's actions even if I don't I committed them. Is it because I cooperated with her to help the brothers? Why am I proof that she came out the winner and free from her punishment? The weight of keeping Lilith's secret tortures my body, I want to cry... scream... hit something... talk to someone... Satan was not an option, I was afraid that because of that he would have an attack of anger and fight with the brothers, definitely Barbatos and in Diavolo especially were not options, I didn't even want to think about how they would react, Simeon and Luke less so and as for Solomon I didn't know whether to even hint at him, I didn't want to involve him in a personal problem of that caliber.
Michael… when Michael apologized for the actions of Lilith and the brothers I cried, I just cried while he hugged me, Michael really… I…
Six of the brothers exclaimed in surprise as they observed her sister alive in front of them. They did not hesitate to run towards her and hug her while Satan and I watched the scene in surprise. I could swear I felt Satan's hands squeezing mine with comfort.
—Why are you still here? You better not get your hopes up and leave as soon as possible and take THAT Satan with you
They were the first words I crossed with Lilith alone.
How are you Satan?
Of all of them, the one that worries me the most is Satan, every time Ppyong returned I asked him about the avatar, he kept me up to date that he is still in the house of lamentations with the other Lords and Lilith although he only saw her once
Were you able to repair your relationship with your siblings?
The first days in “hell” were difficult… difficult to get used to the fact that the angels are the bad and cruel ones after all in my world they were the ones who supported me, well, most of them… difficult to trust the word of the demons and that they have no other intentions, in my reality, demons are liars and do actions behind the backs of others... hard to believe that here I would have someone that I can call family...
But I quickly began to like this "hell", I don't have to hide who I share blood with as if it were the worst of taboos or a criminal, in fact I don't even care if they call me "Solomon" or "Daughter of Solomon" nor that believe that I am Solomon, I would say that it makes me feel proud, perhaps because I have a good relationship with him and for all the support and help he has given me, I love listening to his stories like a little girl who loves to listen to those stories of her parents, although only distant relatives, I see him as a good father and parental figure
Satan, King Satan, dislikes that even his own subjects are confused about me being Solomon... and I thank him from the bottom of my heart... I really want to help him, help the seven kingdoms... kingdoms... kings... this feeling is... no Mc , concentrate, you can't feel that feeling again... that same feeling that caused you immense pain when the six of them made it more than clear who they preferred.
—There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings.
Dad please
—Your mind denies it and your heart wants to express a big statement, but he is so hurt that he needs help.
No, it is not that which begins with “L”, it is only companionship and understanding, only that, and there is only sexual act for the “energy”, it is only that for me and especially for them, nothing more
—If it's just companionship, why when you were replenishing “energy” with Satan did Mammon join in and the three of them ended up with a sprained hip?
I don't know, but it's not that word! Wait a minute, did you hear everything?
—Even the angels in heaven would hear Bimet's complaints about how a human managed to "paralyze" two kings, fu fu~, when Leviathan finds out about that and King Lucifer who is waiting for you to wake up, you will have to satisfy two jealous kings
Oh please kings Lucifer and Leviathan have no reason or reason for jealousy, there is not even a hint of romance in this, stop pairing me with kings
—But you would make a good couple with them. Have you not noticed the subtle changes of the kings? Although the other Satan, the magician, that Simeon and even the other Raphael and Michael also have their charm. How about the best of both realities?
Aaaaahhh! I want to wake up!
Narrator POV
Intense and fervent
Those were the words with which Mc described the face of King Lucifer who looked at her with such fervor, it did not help that the king was in absolute silence and both were alone in that room, Mc tried to break the tension, however, the silent gaze of the king was more powerful, for a moment the woman remembered the words of her ancestor Solomon
“There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings”
“Haven't you noticed the subtle changes of kings?”
The human hesitated, but then denied it, she didn't want to get her hopes up again... at that, some light knocks were heard on the other side of the door, it was Gamigin reporting that Ppyong returned with "that" for Mc and then she heard Ppyong and Jjok say good morning to both Lucifer and Mc
The woman felt great relief, but it was crushed by the disgust that Lucifer's face began to reflect
—Yes, he's so jealous that he can't hear "that"
It was Solomon's voice
—It's not jealousy!
Mc mentally remarked to her
Meanwhile with the two kings “wounded in battle”
—His Majesty has a meeting in TWO HOURS and he doesn’t even react! —shouted a hysterical Bimet to Buer who was intrigued and worried about the state of the two kings
On the stretchers were the kings Satan and Mammon, the lascivious faces full of ecstasy of the two rulers and the throbbing lumps under the sheets said it all
—What did you do to keep the two of you in climax? Solomon's daughter only lasted a few hours in that state, but they still haven't reacted —murmurs Buer fearfully
—I also want Solomon to cause those heartbeats in me —complained Sitri clearly jealous
Meanwhile in the Devildom… in Diavolo's castle was the prince of the same name, his loyal butler and the lords, except for Satan.
—Very well, Lucifer and I will go to "Hell" to bring Mc back —said Diavolo happily
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N/T: MC! Shit! What the fuck did you do to Mammon and Satan?!
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8myass · 7 months
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.. all your fault .. pairing. park jisung x female reader genre. angst pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) (‘y/n’ usage) synopsis. jisung simply wants you to love him. wc. 0.5k cw. yandere!jisung tw. pocket knife, threatening, mentions choking, cursing, mentions death of side characters, gaslighting, pining, victim blaming, delusional ji, pet name (‘darling’), cutting, slapping, name calling (‘bitch’), degradation, blood
“Why can’t you just love me?!” he screamed, forcing the blade of the pocket knife he had in his grip against your already sore throat. He had his hands around your throat just a bit before this incident. You were panicking, sobbing incoherent pleas for him to let you go. You weren’t getting through to him; this was his decision, and it looked like you weren’t going anywhere because of that.
“I-I just want you to love me!” he exclaimed, throwing the knife across the room as his voice echoed through the thin, blood-splattered and dirtied walls of his once peaceful bedroom. You flinched at the sound of the metal of the knife puncturing a hole in the wall, paint flying off in thick shards.
“Is that so fucking hard to ask of you, bitch?!” he yelled, bringing the palm of his hand roughly against your cheek. You wailed out as you fell to the ground, cupping your flushed red cheek with your own hand, bruised knuckles on display for him.
“Yes,” you spat, completely hating everything he was in this instant, “It is way too hard to love a monster like you.”
With your words, he lowly chuckled, bending down to grab a fistful of your hair, jerking your face toward him so he could hiss, “You’re calling me a monster? You know what’s monstrous? The fact you have seen me pine over you for years and you just fucking led me on, not knowing the things it did to me. You broke my heart, you broke me, Y/n. It’s all your fault that you're here in this position right now, it’s all your fault that those people are dead. You killed them with your incessant need to keep me wrapped around your dirty little fingers.”
“Fuck you,” you growled, punching at his chest as a means to get him to let go of you. 
He laughed again, shoving you back down to the floor, standing up to scoff down at your form as you scrambled away from him, “You’re no longer anything like the woman I fell in love with. Why is it so hard for you to cooperate with me?”
“You’re fucking delusional,” you snapped, shaking your head as you buried your face into your exposed knees, bringing them up to your chest to cover the number of tears continuing to fall down your face. “I’ve never been so disgusted with someone in my life.”
“You’re so cute and funny,” he smiled, picking up the knife and tracing his finger along the sharpness of the blade, humming to himself as he took a few steps toward you, lowering his body until he was level with you. He placed his knife against the rough skin of your knee, pressing just enough for it to cut into the flesh, a cry coming from your pained form as you moved your head to lock eyes with him, blood trickling down your shin from your sliced open knee. “You will be even more fun to break, just as you broke me, I promise you, darling. We’ll have so much fun together.”
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mental-about-you-too · 7 months
Why I believe the Will Darling Adventures were originally conceived as johnlock fanfiction
I will die on this hill.
The Will Darling Adventures (Slippery Creatures, Sugared Game, Subtle Blood) by KJ Charles are my favorite guilty pleasure comfort books. I have listened to the audiobooks an embarrassing number of times. I can play exchanges of dialogue in my head from memory, reader’s inflections and all. If you haven’t read them and you like a mix of adventure and gay smut (plus it’s a trilogy so there’s time for more complex characterization and more gradual relationship development than you usually get in books of the genre), then absolutely go do that, and don’t read below—because here be spoilers. Also, because the books are a delight.
So. Grand theory.
To be clear: I am not knocking these books AT ALL (if I’m honest, the Holmesian flavor is part of why I like them so much). As in many really good works of fanfiction, the characters have ceased to be mere copies, and have gained their own original and internally consistent characterization. Kim and Will are not Holmes and Watson, but I am completely convinced that the latter were the inspiration for the former. Here are some of the parallels/moments of homage:
Watson => Will
Returned to England from war with nowhere to go; ended up in London: “I had neither kith nor kin in England, and […] naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.” (Study in Scarlet) => “…his mother had died from the Spanish ‘flu while he’d waited to be demobbed […] So, like everyone else, he’d come to London…” (Slippery Creatures)
Ran out of money as a recently-discharged veteran: “So alarming did the state of my finances become…” (Study in Scarlet) => “…his slide into poverty was unstoppable...” (Slippery Creatures)
War wound that nearly killed him: “For months my life was despaired of...” (Study in Scarlet) => “A month in hospital.” (Sugared Game)
Saved by an underling who never appears in the story: “…had it not been for the devotion and courage shown by Murray, my orderly, who threw me across a pack-horse and succeeded in bringing me safely to the British lines.” (Study in Scarlet) => “If it hadn’t been for the bravest stretcher-bearer in Flanders, I’d have died out there.” (Sugared Game)
Retained his favorite weapon from the war: “I have my old service revolver and a few cartridges.” (Study in Scarlet) => “…the Messer, his old trench knife...” (Sugared Game)
Is asked to bring the weapon on adventures: “Put your pistol in your pocket.” (Study in Scarlet) => “Got your knife?” (Sugared Game)
POV character
Holmes => Kim
Has a bunch of names but goes by a middle one: William Sherlock Scott Holmes => Arthur Aloysius Kimberley de Brabazon Secretan
Has pretty hands, which are something of a fixation for the POV character
Doesn’t eat much: “My friend had no breakfast himself, for it was one of his peculiarities that in his more intense moments he would permit himself no food…” (Norwood Builder) => “They ate breakfast, or at least Will did, while Kim chewed a single slice of toast with distaste.” (Subtle Blood)
Withholds information because he doesn’t trust his partner’s ability to deceive: “You won’t be offended, Watson? You will realize that among your many talents dissimulation finds no place.” (Dying Detective) => “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but subterfuge isn’t your strong suit.” (Sugared Game)
Withholds information for dramatic effect: “It was too bad to spring it on you like this, but Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic.” (Naval Treaty) => “Of course Kim would turn up after two months with some bizarre story; of course he wouldn’t tell it like a normal person.” (Sugared Game)
Plays fast and loose with legality: “Doctor, I shall want your cooperation.” “I shall be delighted.” “You don’t mind breaking the law?” “Not in the least.” (Scandal in Bohemia) => “I am absolutely not empowered to break the laws of the land, so I try not to get caught at it.”
Has a brother seven years his senior, whom we meet (several adventures in) at a gentlemen’s club in Pall Mall, and who looks like him but bigger: “Mycroft Holmes was a much larger and stouter man than Sherlock.” (Greek Interpreter) => “He looked like someone had drawn a caricature of Kim as John Bull and not been kind about it. He was significantly bulkier…”
The club (The Diogenes => The Symposium) has a Strangers' Room, and in at least part of the club: "no talking is, under any circumstances, allowed" (Greek Interpreter) => "speech is strictly forbidden" (Subtle Blood)
Chases down the leader of a mysterious criminal organization who appears respectable in normal society, and who stays one step removed to leave no evidence of his involvement: “But the Professor was fenced round with safeguards so cunningly devised that, do what I would, it seemed impossible to get evidence which would convict in a court of law.” (Final Problem) => “[Arrest him] on what grounds? I’ve got a lot of nothing. Straws in the wind, and fears, and the words of the dead. The case needs to be iron-clad, and mine is wet tissue paper.” (Sugared Game)
Has a chat with this adversary before the action kicks off: “…I was seriously inconvenienced by you” (Final Problem) => “It has caused me enormous inconvenience” (Sugared Game)
Better at hand-to-hand combat than he looks like he should be: “I have some knowledge, however, of baritsu, or the Japanese system of wrestling…” (Empty House) => “Where did you learn knife fighting?” (Slippery Creatures)
Lounges around in a purple dressing gown (Blue Carbuncle; all three Will Darling books)
Tall, slender, pale, and dark-haired, with remarkable eyes (at least, the POV character sure remarks on them a lot)
Other parallels:
Inspector Lestrade (“lean and ferret-like as ever”) => Inspector Rennick (“He was a short, shrewd-looking man who sounded North London.”)
An aortic aneurism renders prosecution of a criminal moot: Jefferson Hope (Study in Scarlet) => Lord Waring (Sugared Game)
Will’s expectations upon meeting Waring line up with a description of Moriarty: “His face protrudes forward, and is forever slowly oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion” (Final Problem) => “[Will] wasn’t sure what he expected. Something snakey, some reptilian air of cruelty…” (Sugared Game)
This rather iconic phrase: “He sits motionless, like a spider at the center of its web...” (Final Problem) => “…sits like a spider at the centre of a web of obligations...” (Sugared Game)
Alongside the parallels, Charles adds elements often found in the best works of fanfiction: in addition to the on-page romance, there's expansion of the characters' backgrounds, including an exploration of class and privilege, plus a fix-it-esque resolution of the issue of Holmes'/Kim’s dishonesty (I for one always wished Watson would confront Holmes about lying to him for cases).
There. Cataloguing all the parallels was taking up a ridiculous amount of space in my brain, so now you know & I can stop obsessing over it so much.
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creative99writer · 4 days
Pieces of Me
A Jack Draper Story - Part 2
Part 1 can be found here:
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Note: I hope you liked the first part, here is part 2. Again, I'm still new to this whole thing of posting here, and writing things in general, so please bear with me :)
London, Wimbledon -  the year before
POV Jack.
A little fluffy dog ran through the player's lounge, making its way right to a tall blonde girl who immediately crouched down, petting it. "Oh you are so beautiful! Who are you?" she cooed, and was so preoccupied with the dog, she didn't notice the tall, handsome man stopping right in front of her, a slight smile on his lips as he watched the girl interact with the dog.
"His name's Cooper." he said.
The girl looked up, surprised. Her green eyes met his hazel ones. 
And neither of them believed in love at first sight but this very moment must have come very close to it. 
He was thunderstruck. She was - in his mind - the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And he knew who she was. 
Eleonora 'Elle' Kemp. The women's world number one. 
He knew what she looked like, of course. He had seen her a few times from afar, always surrounded by journalists, fans, or both. He also knew that she was beautiful - tall, like it was quite usual for a tennis player, but even taller than the average tall female tennis player. She was basically a part-time model at this point, but that came with the territory of being such a popular tennis player. She was a superstar, even if she was only 22. She was a multiple grand slam winner, having won her first in Wimbledon at 17. Of course he knew who she was.
But this was the first time he was standing right in front of her and could take in all her features from up close. She was breathtaking. Piercing eyes in a shade he had never seen before. A dazzling smile that came with those eyes, making him try to catch his breath. She had charisma and an aura he couldn't really describe. Finally he understood when people said that a sport needs someone like that - to catch people's attention and draw them in, because Eleonora Kemp certainly did just that. She was mesmerizing.
He had never felt like this before. 
She stood up and he could see how tall she really was. And how that long hair flowed down her shoulders and back like silk. He wondered how it would feel between his fingers... 
"I'm guessing he's yours?" she smiled at him. "He's adorable." 
It took Jack a few moments to gather his thoughts - turn them away from those eyes, hair and smile - and try to form something that sounded remotely like a proper English sentence. It was supposed to be his first language after all.
"Yeah. That little rascal belongs to me." he smiled too, and seemed to have found his charm. He needed it, to be frank if he wanted to keep her attention, he thought. "And he always goes for the beautiful girls." 
Her eyes rested on him and he thought he always wanted to be looked at by those eyes. Her smile widened for a moment before she bit it back, trying to look unimpressed. "Well, I always go for the beautiful boys." she said and crouched down again to pet Cooper, making Jack chuckle. 
'So, she's funny too.' he thought.
"I can see that." he chuckled, and she looked up at him, cheekily. "I'm Jack, by the way." he said, extending his hand to hers, and she took it as she stood up again. 
What he felt the moment his hand touched hers must have been very close to electricity. There was really no other way to describe it, even though it was ridiculous, and physically and scientifically impossible. He nearly flinched from their contact. And it rattled her too, but she tried to not letting it show. She was always good at keeping her emotions at bay or even hide them. It was her trademark on court.
"I'm Elle." she said, giving him her nickname instead of her real name. He had to bite back an 'I know.' because of course he knew that everyone usually called her Elle. And of course he knew who she was.
Cooper put his front paws on her legs, making her look down at him. She picked that fluffy ball that identified as a dog up and cooed at him. 
"I think he's in love with you." Jack chuckled at his dog. Elle gazed at him with a light smile on her lips. 
"Well, I don't have any objections to that, he is so sweet." Eleonora said, petting Cooper who seemingly enjoyed the attention. Jack understood that. He would be same way, had he been his dog.
"Elle!" a voice shouted through the lounge, which could be identified as the voice of her older brother Theodor, or Theo, who was also a tennis player.
A tall guy, who looked incredibly similar to Elle, walked up to them. They both could have introduced themselves as Barbie and Ken and no one would have questioned it. That family was hit with good-looking-genes. And probably fantastic-tennis-player-genes as well. "Well, who is this handsome fella?" Theo was clearly talking about the dog.
"That is Cooper. He belongs to Jack. And for some reason, I am apparently the chosen one." Elle laughed and it was a sound that Jack loved. 
"Oh, Jack?" Theo asked and now turned to Jack. "Oh hey! Jack Draper, right? I'm Theodor, but please call me Theo. God knows everyone does." Theo chuckled, extending his hand to Jack. Apparently, it ran in the family to be super friendly, too - not just good looking.
Jack had never played Theo before. Theo was consistently to be found in the top ten, and he had won three grand slams, had been world number one and was currently ranked number two. Jack, who was in top 10 for the first time in his life didn't know Theo very well, except that he was the heir apparent for Rafa at the French Open and a super funny and nice guy. Just like his sister, he had only seen him from afar. And for some weird reason, they had never played each other before. Jack was surprised Theo knew who he was.
"Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you." They shook hands, and exchanged pleasant smiles while Eleonora was busy with Cooper, petting him still. That dog seemed to be head over heels in love with her, truly.
Theo laughed at his little sister. "Why do the dogs always go for you?" 
Elle snorted. "I don't know. Maybe they can instinctively feel when someone's nice." She stuck her tongue out at her brother, and Jack thought their little exchange was sweet and endearing, even, like typical family who loved each other. Despite their respective successes, they both seemed extremely nice and down to earth. It made him miss his own brother. It was probably nice always having family around, and it was probably less lonely. "Which is why they never come to you." she roasted Theo who rolled his eyes and looked at Jack. 
"Now you see what I have to deal with on a daily basis." he pointed over at his sister, who smirked. 
Jack laughed at them, still watching Elle with Cooper. 
After a moment, Theo interrupted his train of thoughts. "Anyway, Elle, I don't want to interrupt your little romance with Cooper, but we have to get going. Practice. And social media duties." 
Jack expected Eleonora to be annoyed at the prospect of once again having to devote her time to promotional duties. It couldn't be easy to be so in demand. And he knew for a fact that she was highly in demand, always. There were so many videos of her on the ATP's channel and other channel, all over TikTok and Instagram. She really had to be doing this all the damn time. There were also a lot of videos with her brother, which were - granted - funny as hell. But it must have been getting exhausting. At the same time, he was a little disappointed. He would have loved to talk to her properly, get to know her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was interesting. He knew, though, that she was busy, and her demanding life as world number one was probably exhausting enough as it is. She didn't need someone like him taking up the little time she had. So really, he wouldn't have been surprised if she would have rolled her eyes or sighed at having to give up her time to do promotional things, even as the face of female tennis.
To his surprise, though, she just smiled. "Yeah, of course. I nearly forgot about that. This little fella got me all distracted." Elle put Cooper down and stood up again, smiling at Jack. 
And for some reason, Jack wished she had been talking about him. Which was weird and he reprimanded himself for that.
"Thanks for letting me keep him company until duty called once again." she laughed and turned to Theo. "Let's go."
Elle and her brother both turned and made their way out of the players' lounge, with Jack - and Cooper - watching their figures leave, but then Elle turned around one last time. "Bye! It was nice to meet you!" she smiled at him one last time before they both disappeared. 
Jack sighed and looked down at Cooper. "Well. I can definitely see why you chose to run directly to her." He picked Cooper up and walked back to his seat, where he had been before Cooper had decided to run loose. "Maybe you can do it again, so I can speak to her a little longer. Preferably alone." Jack murmured, with a slight smile, not really believing in what he said.
But fate clearly had something different in mind. 
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diabolikwriter · 2 years
Nga yawne lu oer - Chapter 6
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Recom! Miles x Na’vi/Avatar! Fem! Reader - Chapter 6
Words spoken in Na’vi will be outlined like this: Nga yawne lu oer
Warnings: A bit racism, a bit of torture otherwise known as the Generals favourite interrogation method. Miles struggling with his mind, soft Miles.
Word Count: 1455
 Chapter 6: A Deal                                   
                                                 (y/n)’s POV
You had woken up to the sight of Quaritch, sitting beside you and you lying in a bed, which at the very least was more comfortable than the floor and the chair, but not as comfortable as the hammock in you tent back at High Camp. The only thing you had on your mind was the welfare of your son, and your patience was slowly beginning to run out.
“Quaritch, where’s my son?” It still hurt to call him Quaritch, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of calling him by his first name, nor would you pretend that things were fine between you.
“He’s being held in an interrogation room at the moment.” Your ex-fiancé answered almost immediately, and his ears were once again tucked to his head.
“I want my son here with me.” You knew that you were a hostage, and you even felt scared, not knowing what would happen to you, but you needed to be strong, and you needed to show him and everyone else, that you had changed these past 15 years, and that you no longer just were a young scientist, no now you were a mother. You were a mother, but you were missing your son, and therefore you would fight tooth and nail to get him back, but hissing and cursing would only make them see you as a savage, so you tried to be ‘diplomatic’.
“I know that Darli- (y/n), but you must understand that that isn’t in my power to do.” Quaritch tried to reason with you, but you wouldn’t have it.
“If you want me to be cooperative, and not act as what you would define a savage, then you give me my son back.” Quaritch quirked an eyebrow at that, and you sighed. “Look, I won’t betray Jake and Neytiri, I owe them a lot, and they’ve been there for me for the past 15 years, and whether you like it or not Jake’s like a brother to me. But I will help you with moving around the forest, and learning the Na’vi language, you know the whole thing about knowing your enemy. I can do that, I can teach you how to get your own Ikran but in exchange I want my son.” She could see the answer in his eyes before he spoke.
“Fine, I’ll figure out something, it’s a deal.” With that Miles stood up, and she noticed cuts on his knuckles, before he walked towards the door. “I’m gonna lock the door. Behave, and you might get more privileges, but you are still a hostage, you are MY hostage. And don’t forget to take a breath from that mask.” With that he turned around and walked out, the door closing and locking behind him.
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                                                   Miles’ POV
He hated talking to her like that. It was all so confusing. He knew that it was just memories, and that he weren’t even the same person, but God he loved her. The deal she made was good, but part of way he agreed was because it was her. He couldn’t cope with the thought of you hurting that much, and so he gave in.
When he made it to the door leading into the interrogation room he last saw Miles in, one of the soldiers called out to him.
“Colonel sir, may I ask what you are doing?”
“I’m on my way to talk with the young hostage.”
“But sir the General are interrogating him right now.” Miles felt his blood run cold, he cursed beneath his breath, before walking towards that place again.
When he made it there, his son was sitting the exact same place you had been, only he was yelling a bit more than you had been, and something inside him clenched uncomfortably. This one was gonna be a bit harder to explain to the General, but he still jogged towards the oof button and pressed down on it again.
“Colonel. This is the second time today that you have interrupted my interrogation of the hostages. So what’s the excuse now.” The General looked extremely displeased but it didn’t matter, this woman was meddling with things that didn’t concern her.
“Sorry General, but I would like to request that I myself can interrogate my hostages.” Miles spoke as respectful as he could, while cursing the woman in his head.
“Why, you already have that savage woman, what do you need this confused boy for?” Miles didn’t like how she spoke about you nor your son, but as he kept reminding himself, this woman was higher in rank than him, and he had been taught a lesson when he was but a young soldier, that you DO NOT under any circumstances act disrespectful, towards your superior, and he was still a soldier after all. He breathed through his mask before answering the General.
“I’ve made a deal with the woman. If I give her back this boy, she will willingly teach us the Na’vi way, which I believe could be a big asset in capturing the traitor of humanity. We will have the opportunity to be one step ahead.” He explained and the General did look intrigued.
“Hmm I see. Well alright you can take the boy, but keep the hostages under observation 24/7 got it?”
“Yes ma’am!” Miles saluted, he freed the boy and hauled the boy over his shoulder.
“Hey asshole I can walk on my own two legs!” Yelled the boy, but Miles just ignored him.
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He made it back to his room, and before he unlocked the door, he put Miles down, and when the door opened and the boy saw you a cry left his mouth.
“Sa’nok!” He yelled and ran towards you, and you immediately spread you arms out and embraced the boy tightly, before holding him at arm’s length and inspecting him from even the smallest wound.
“Spider, are you okay my son?” You said in Na’vi and hugged the boy tightly to you, nuzzling the top of his head.
“I’m fine Sa’nok, but I have missed you so much.”
“Oh, how I have missed you as well, my sweet, sweet boy.”
“Sorry to interrupt the happy reunion, but for safety reasons I would like to ask for you to speak English. I know you both can do it, so no excuses.” Miles hated to interrupt their happy reunion, but he needed to lay down some rules. “Another thing is that right now you in my room and the General has ordered me to keep an aye on you to 24/7, therefore you will also sleep in here with me. That means that we need to figure out some sleeping arrangements.” Miles went into the room and the door closed behind him, the boy curled tighter into his mother and hissed. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anything. My suggestion is that I will take the floor and you two can take the bed.”
“What will you sleep on.” Asked (y/n), and he almost scoffed, he was a soldier, he had slept on harder surfaces and in freezing cold environments, the floor would not kill him.
“I’ll probably find some blankets and pillows around somewhere.”
“If there’s enough pillows and blankets to make it comfortable, then I would like to request for Spider and I to sleep on the floor, this bed is not that very comfortable considering what we have been sleeping in for the past 15 years.”
“Are you sure? We probably have enough pillows, given that every recom has a couple of spares and also spare blankets, but you shouldn’t feel forced to sleep on the floor. You need to be in an excellent condition, if you’re gonna be able to teach us.”
“I’m sure.”
“Well sure then.”
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He had told every recom to give him their spare pillows and blankets, refusing to answer their questions, and he himself had found his spares. Then he had given them to his Darlin’, and she had immediately started working, with the boy running around helping with placing the pillows. And when you were done, he had to admit that it looked quite comfortable. A rumbling sound broke the silence, and he looked towards Miles and could see the boy blushing.
“You hungry kiddo?” He asked, and the boy nodded. “Well then I’ll go get you some food, besides it is dinnertime, and neither of you have eaten for hours now. I’ll be back in a while.” He said and left the two alone in his room. He needed some fresh air, the sight of the two of you nesting in his room, made something in him flutter. God this Na’vi body was gonna be troublesome to deal with.
Ikran -> Mountain Banshee
Sa’nok -> Mother
@ratchetprime211 @mechformers @iwishiwas-anita​ @iskamr  @yumuramma​ @isabellekenway @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed  @callmejod​ @mochiivqi​ @sofiebstar​ @ssc7514​ @mikeyswifie​ @ducks118​ @ladylovegood-69​ 
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nicknim · 10 months
Hi Hi, this is the first chapter of the AU I made a rough idea of the other day, I will also be on AO3 under the same name enjoy :)
Chapter 1
All was going well. After the world tour ended, the troll tribes were getting along pretty well. Of course there’s always a few scuffles but that’s to be expected in general. Poppy brought up the idea of trollstopia 2 weeks ago. And while this could go wrong in many ways, it could also go as intended. Bringing the troll tribes closer to each other and it’s a safe place for everyone to be themselves.
We started construction on it this week, and while it’s going quickly, we still need materials. So I’m out getting wood, cotton, leaves, and spackle berrys right now. I was humming an old song I used to enjoy when I was little. Not like I don't now, but it just brings up bad memories. I must be getting rusty because i didn’t notice the sound of pressured gas going into the air. I stopped humming and stood still hearing the sound, when it slowly seeped in that it was hard to live my limbs. I tried to run or swing away but it just didn’t cut it, and I fell into black.
-Few hours later-
Poppy’s POV:
She was getting the cookies out of the oven, Cooper, DJ, and Biggie were in the kitchen talking about the news that Grislte and Bridget were engaged! Yay them! Poppy walked into the dining room and set the cupcakes down. Her friends thanked her as she went to look out the window. Branch was supposed to come by also, but he’s late. Last she heard he was out getting new things to build trolltopia.
‘He must of lost track of time’ She remembers when he was a hour late to a party becuase he was so focused on making his new invention and making adjustments.
“But he’s never this late..” She whispers to herself. However Cooper still heard her.
“What did you say Poppy?” He asked as he turned to look at her from across the dining room. Poppy turned her head and looked at Cooper.
“It’s just Branch was also supposed to come today, but he’s late. I though he might be super focused on something and lost track of time. But he’s never been this late before.” Poppy was a little worried for her boyfriend. He’s an accident prone troll who lives close to the woods where creatures lye.
“If you want, we can all go check on him?” Biggie suggested. Mr dinckles just let out a ‘mew’ as if agreeing with the large troll.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen Branch in a while so why not check. Plus it’s not like we can do this mini meeting without him.” DJ Suki said, she was as relaxed as ever and seem happy to go walking around to find her friend. Copper didn’t say anything just a ‘mhm’ and a nod of his head.
“Alright then. FIELD TRIP!!”
After walking and talking, they made it to Branch’s bunker. Poppy walks up and knocks on the hatch.
“Branchifeeer! Did you forget about the tea party?”
She waited for a response. But nothing came.
“He must still be out in the woods. Come on guys!”
The pack of trolls walk there way into the woods behind Branches home. And if poppy remembered right…
“The field should be just around.. HERE!”
Poppy is exclaims excitedly. This opening is where Branch puts what ever he collects while he grabs other things. Can’t find him at the bunker? Look here!
The group look around the field for the grey-blue troll. And all they find are piles of wood, leaves, and cotton in piles on the floor.
“Huh, that’s werid. These piles are really messy.”
Poppy looked around the area, seeing if Branch was still around. He was supposed to be getting all these things and spackle berrys.
“Hey Cooper, do you remember where the spackle berrys are?” Poppy asked as she turned to look at Cooper. Him and Branch like to tag along with the other in errands sometimes. Cooper looked around the open field, then started walking a bit towards the left to the trees.
“Yep! It’s a this way!” Cooper exclaimed. Cooper led the other trolls through a minute or so of trees. And when they got to the spackle berry bushes, they stopped in their tracks.
They saw multiple berrys on the floor, but also on the trees, like they were thrown. Poppy looked around some more and saw some crushed trees and bushes. It looked like something big had stomped on them. She started to think about what had happen here. Wait… the thrown berrys, the mess of the supplies and a missing Branch..
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dad Loki x teen half elf and half Jotun reader x Avengers (featuring Peter)
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Age:14 reader Chan is an Elf/Jotun hybrid from Alfheim she's the last of the light elves after the dark elves invaded and ends up on earth meets the team, Peter and her long lost father and is growing fond of life on earth, btw civil war never happened, Peitro lives, and Loki is living in the tower because Odin and Frigga didn't want him to rot in a cell happy Thanks giving.
Nick Furry is standing in front of the interrogation room looking through the window to see Maria Hill talking to a young S/T (skin tone) pointed eared girl with H/C thigh length hair and nose length bangs, E/C eyes, and a F/S (face shape) face.
She had on a pastel F/C tunic, black leggings, black knee high boots, black elbow length fingerless gloves, a silver circlet on her head and silver hoop earrings on her pointed ears.
He saw that she was cooperating as he sees her lips moving and Maria smiling and nodding her head with occasional wide eyes.
"How you think it's going sir?" Agent Philip J. Coulson asked his boss walking in with three cups of coffee and a cappuccino "I say it's going good with the way it's going the kids cooperating well." as Furry says this he takes a cup and Maria walks out with the girl behind her "So, what's the info we got on our guest here?" he asked Maria handing her one of the other cups "btw the cappuccino is for the kid." Phil said handing the young girl the cappuccino "thank you." she said blowing on it to cool off "her name is Y/N Astriddottir, she's from Aflheim, her mother was killed by the dark elves when they invaded her planet eight years ago, she knows nothing of her father, and she has cryokinesis, shape shifting, teleportation, sharp eyesight and hearing." Maria listed making the two men surprised but sad at the fact that she lost one parent and never meet the other "Should we do a DNA test sir?" Phil asked.
Before Furry could answer a familiar voice is heard "hey Furry we're here." they turned to see the worlds mightiest hero's arrive "who's the kid?" Clint Barton aka Hawkeye asked pointing to the young elf sipping her hot drink "I'm Y/N Astriddottir." she said her voice melting their hearts "we are about to do a DNA test to find out who her father is." the avengers had curiosity in their eyes "her mother died eight years ago and she never meet her father." Phil told the avengers "Well what are we waiting for? Let's do that test." Tony Starks aka Iron man said enthusiastically.
Y/N sat on a chair as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk draws blood from her arm.
After waiting for a few seconds he takes the needle out and puts a bandaid with a cotton ball on the spot "we just have to wait for the results!" Bruce said to the man you know as Furry who nodded.
A few hours later:
the sound of a small printer is heard as a long strip of paper comes out of the scanner "all right let's see who Y/N's dad is" Tony said as Bruce takes the paper from the scanner. "HE'S HER DAD?" Everyone screamed in horror as the name of your father appeared to be the god of Mischief "Loki is her dad? The Loki who tried to take over New York and killed me once?" Phil asked in terror "I can't believe Reindeer games has a kid." Tony said in shock "looks like she's half Elf and half Frost giant." Maria said "guess she's Y/N Lokidottir." said Steven Rogers aka Captain America.
The horror of you being the daughter of Loki was cut by the god of Thunder Thor Odinson "she's my brother’s child? that means. I HAVE A NIECE." he said excitedly as he picks you up and tosses you in the air earning a laugh from you "Loki isn't gonna be happy about this." Natasha Romanov aka black widow said making everyone nod.
Outside S.H.E.I.L.D H.Q:
You and the avengers are about to enter the car when an all to familiar arachnid themed teen hero swings by "hey guys and new girl." he said blushing at you "Man of spiders, meet Y/N daughter of Loki." Thor said making Peter's eyes wide.
Your POV:
as my new uncle introduced me to the Man of Spiders Mr Tony cuts in "kid, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked making the boy's eyes widen even more "oh shoot, I have my science test in a bit and lunch is almost over, BY MR STARKS, GUYS, and Y/N." he said swinging away as if he was being chased by a Chitauri "what am I going to do with that kid?" Mr Tony asked face palming "that's what kids do, they give you grays" Mr Clint said "let's get to the tower to face Loki" Mrs Natasha said.
At the tower:
We enter a giant tower with the word "Stark" on it.
I was in awe at the decor making the avengers chuckle "well kid welcome to your new home." Mr Tony said with a proud smirk "but first let's get you to your father sweetheart." Mrs Nat said as all of us go into a small room.
As the room move I see all of New York and my new uncle Thor telling me about my father making me excited to meet him more.
We finally exit the tiny room but as we did I see a man with Black shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes in green and black clothing with Gold armor sitting on a couch reading a book "is that my father?"  I asked Mrs Natasha who nodded "BROTHER WE HAVE SOMEONE WE LIKE YOU TO MEET!" Uncle said loudly hurting my sharp but sensitive ears "you fool I'm right- who is this elf child?" He asked anger turning into confusion and pointing to me making Uncle Thor smile "Brother this is Y/N Astriddottir your child, well she's actually Y/N Lokidottir now." Uncle said happily but everyone else face palmed while my "father" was frozen "Astrid had a child and didn't tell me?" He asked in shock looking me up and down but as I was about to open my mouth he bolted out of the room making me go on the verge of tears "Mr Stark, Mr Loki requested no one disturbs him, he needs some time alone." a strange voice said "THANKS FRI." Mr Tony said "don't feel discouraged little one he just needs some time to think of this." Uncle Thor said "does he not, want me?" I asked "of course he does sweetie he's just surprised by this." Mrs Nat said "ohh hey look Spidy is here." Mr Sam said as we see the boy from before but with his mask off making me blush 'by Odin's beard he's perfect.' I think to myself.
Peter's POV:
I entered the avengers floor to see Y/N with the Avengers by god she was pretty her shiny thigh length H/C hair, her E/C colored eyes, her S/T colored skin and her F/S Shaped face in other words she was gorgeous I smiled at her my face flushed "hey I don't think we had a proper introduction, I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I said re introducing myself making her smile "Y/N Astriddottir well, Y/N Lokidottir since I finally meet my Dad." she said in a voice that could put Princess Leia to shame "ah Peter I see you two already became friends, why don't you two go out maybe do some shopping Y/N needs new clothes." Mr Starks said giving me one of his many credit cards "wow thanks Mr Stark." I said happily glad that I finished my homework early "come on Y/N and while we're out I'll take you to my favorite sandwich place and introduce you to my friends." I told Y/N happily taking her hand.
No ones POV:
Everyone smiled as the two teens exit the tower together "only been here for about three hours and she's already making friends!" Clint said happily making his teammates laugh "I don't like the way they looked at each other." Loki said making the Avengers jump "Reindeer games, how long were you there?" Tony asked the god of mischief who replied "long enough to see them blushing at each other." everyone looked at each other it was clear that Loki is already protective of Y/N "Brother your alright with the fact that Y/N is your daughter?" Thor asked his younger brother "I'm still in disbelief that Astrid had my daughter but didn't tell me. I missed out my daughters life I doubt she'll want anything to do with me." Loki said in sorrow "I think she does, I mean when she saw you she was exited to finally meet you for the first time." Steve said fondly of the young hybrid "Capsical has a point, Point break told her the positive things about you." Tony said gesturing to the oldest avenger "plus Peter will protect her at the mall he is spider man after all." Clint said making everyone nod "and if it makes you feel better I put a tracking chip on her tunic just incase." Natasha said.
At the mall:
Y/N, Peter, MJ and Ned were having the best time of their lives shopping First they went to Boscoves for jeans and a few shirts, Journeys for vans, MJ took her to Victoria's Secrets for under garments, swimsuits and other things a girl needs, and finally they introduced her to hot topic where they got her graphic tees, accessories, and stuff to decorate her room with but before leaving they went to a book store so MJ can get a new book but Y/N saw some she liked so they got those.
After a long afternoon of shopping they are at Peter's favorite sandwich place having lunch "this is amazing." Y/N said happily munching on her sandwich "yeah they are the best sandwiches in queens." Peter said happily "yep Loser 1 is right!" MJ said bitting hers "so Y/N Where are you from?" Ned asked making Peter and MJ curios as well "ohh I'm from Alfheim realm of the light elves, but I'm actually half elf and half Jotun." the youngest teen said making the older teens eyes wide "I thought you were cosplaying when I saw your ears." Ned said "I actually saw that they are real when I saw them twitch a bit." MJ said "That's sooo cool" the two boys said "hey while it's light out let's head to the tower to decorate your room." Peter said.
At the tower:
The Avengers are sitting in the living room watching TV but Loki is always glancing at the time "Parker should have been back with my daughter by now!" he said angrily "relax Reindeer games Nat put a chip on your child. Plus they are almost here along with MJ and Ned." Tony told Loki for the one hundredth time "Mr Starks we're back." Peter said as he, Y/N, MJ and Ned exited the elevator with lots of bags making everyone eye wide from the Boscovs, Journeys, Victoria's Secret and Hot topic bags. "Geez I didn't think you'd go crazy." Tony said looking at the bags as Loki ran to Y/N and began checking her for injuries "Dad I'm fine we only went shopping then we went for food." she told her father making him sigh in relief "she's all ready giving you grays." Clint said making everyone laugh but Loki roll his eyes.
"Hey Mr Starks where's Y/N's room? we wanna help her decorate it." Peter asked Tony who smiled and lead them to a futuristic looking door.
The room looked futuristic but plain at the same time but they could work with it "alright let's Start decorating." Peter said happily as all four of you took the room decorations you brought from hot topic.
Two hours later:
Your room was now butterfly themed since they're your favorite insect with your walls being F/C thanks to your powers and after decorating you used your powers to put all your clothes, shoes, accessories and books away but organized.
"That was fun!" Ned said happy with the work, "yeah I see you love F/C and butterflies Y/N." MJ said sitting at your desk making you smile "they are my favorite insect, my mom and I use to go see them in the meadows of Alfheim." you said happily but sadly remembering one of your favorite memories with your mother before the invasion "hey since it's still early let's show her some movies." Peter said excitedly "hey Pete your aunt called she has a last minute business trip sooo your staying the night, oh I see you guys helped Y/N decorate." Tony said looking at the decor of the room then Loki came in "I see my daughter loves butterflies." he said walking in but stopped at the neatly organized shelf of books "and reading!" he said grabbing one of her new books.
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Your POV:
I sat in the living room with Peter, MJ and Ned.
We are watching something called Star Wars, I love it so far we already watched three movies but MJ looked at her glowing box thing "hey it's almost eight we better get going." she said as Ned soon looked at his own glowing box "yeah we have our science test tomorrow." Ned said "ok then I'll walk you to the lobby, I'll be back Princess." Peter said but as he relies what he said we both are blushing "Son of Parker go take them to the lobby." my dad said looking like he was holding back rage.
Not waisting anymore time Peter, MJ and Ned ran out of the room. With them out of the room Dad turns to me with a very stern look on his face "you are never to see that boy again." When he said that I got furious "AND WHY NOT?" I yelled making my skin and eyes turn blue and red and him angry "don't use that tone of voice with me young lady, I am your father and what I say goes you will stay away from Son of Parker end of discussion." I stormed to my room and screamed "YOUR NOTHING HOW UNCLE THOR DESCRIBED YOU." and slammed the door in anger.
No ones POV:
Loki stood there in anger, trying to cooldown his temper as his skin and eyes turned blue and red from the rage "brother, perhaps you were a little harsh on her!" Thor said as he walked into the living room with the other Avengers "I agree with point break, I mean the kid lost her mother and home eight years ago, what she needs is you and to interact with other kids." Tony said as Loki is debating on building a relationship with you "you two just got off the wrong foot, She's really a sweet and polite kid." Natasha said "and a great prankster." Peitro said walking in with a pie on his face "She is definitely your kid alright." Clint said.
Your POV:
I lied in my bed clutching my pillow and biting my lip in anger for my so called Dad "jerk face." I say in anger until I heard knocking "Y/N,the others told me you went to bed early, so I came to tell you good night." I hear Peter say making me shout out "GOOD NIGHT." I hear Peter's footsteps leave my door. I lied there for a little more and started dozing off.
In the morning no one's POV:
You wake up to the sound of FRIDAY's voice "Mrs Lokidottir. It is time for breakfast." You slowly got up with a Yawn, went to shower, brushed your hair and teeth and got dressed.
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In the dining area:
the avengers, Loki, Bucky and Peter are about to eat when Friday interrupted "Mr Stark. Mrs Lokidottir is coming." She said to her creator "Thanks Fri." Tony said to the AI as you walked in "ohh speak of the elf there she is." Clint said nudging Loki who was starring at your outfit "That skirt is to short!" Loki whispered "Brother please. You agreed to make amends with Y/N." Thor reminded his brother "I highly doubt she even wants anything to do with me. I mean we only just meet yesterday." Loki whispered forgetting about your great hearing "Dad I do want to spend time with you, I always wanted to meet you ever since I've heard the stories about you from mom, including the one when Thanos brainwashed you to get the tesseract." As you say this Loki is crying on the inside because what you said made him emotional but the avengers can see right through him.
With time you lived happily with your new family.
You helped uncles Bruce and Tony in the lab along with your best friend Peter, go on runs with uncles Bucky, Steve, Sam and Rhodas and big brother Peitro, meditate with Big sister Wanda, Trained with aunt Natasha and uncle Thor, shoot arrows with uncle Clint and practice how to use your powers and reading with Dad.
Loki enjoyed parenthood ever since you came into his life he became more opened and stoped using sarcasm so much (he still has his silver tongue).
But what you and Peter enjoyed most was pranking him and the others "WHO POURD DYE IN MY SHAMPOO?", "WHO SWAPPED OUR CLOTHES?", "WHO SET FRIDAY TO ONLY SAY HAMBURGER?" You and Peter are hiding in the vents laughing super hard while taking Pictures to send to MJ, Ned, Wanda, Peitro and Furry (who is laughing super hard."
Bonus ending:
Nick is looking at the picture Peter sent him it showed Natasha with hot pink hair, the guys wearing each other's cloths, and an audio of FRIDAY answering to Tony Hamburger "I love those kids!" He said laughing while sending it to the other shield agents who are laughing.
When Tony fixed FRIDAY's settings she ratted you and Peter out. "Peter no lab for a month."
Tony said "Y/N your stripped of your powers for a month." Loki told you.
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The Escape
The Escape (Gojo x Reader- Part 5 of The Marriage)
Author’s note: Hey guys. Another chapter of The Marriage for anyone that’s reading. I rewrote the ending to this chapter and while I feel a little more confident with it I’m still a little unsure about this one. Any feedback you guys could provide would be really helpful. I didn’t really want to dedicate an entire chapter to the final showdown (this fic has always been from the pov of the sidelines). So the next chapter will be post battle trying to navigate a new reality. I’d like to do a timeskip for reader and Gojo but I’m not sure if there will be one or two more chapters after this. I’ll see how it flows. Enjoy!)
Warnings: blood, sexism, childbirth, manga spoilers, canon divergence (because daddy’s home), minors dni
Another piercing scream ripped through you. It was agony, dragging you down and holding you in its talons. The pain was excruciating, worse than you could have imagined. No amount of books or classes could have prepared you to give birth, at least not alone. You and Satoru had concrete plans set in place. A duffle bag packed away, the quickest route to the hospital marked. He should have been by your side through this. Holding your hand, kissing your forehead, and encouraging you to keep going. 
Now you were here, in some cramped bedroom, two strangers looming over you. 
How long had you been in labor? You’d lost track of the time. 
Uraume, checked between your legs for the umpteenth time. 
“Still not dilated enough. You know prolonging this won’t work in your favor. Lord Sukuna grows hungrier each day. Any longer and he’ll rip that brat out of you himself. 
“Fuck you,” you hissed.
They just smirked. “Does it hurt? I hope it does.”
Yes it did hurt. You had no pain medication to ease your suffering, so you were forced to bear it. 
Kenjaku opened the bedroom door. 
“How are we doing?”
You threw your head back against the pillow in agony. 
“She refuses to cooperate,” Uraume griped.
“Now, now Uraume. We mustn't be impatient. We will wait for (Name).”
Satoru clawed against the sharp mountain of bones in a manic fit. He didn’t even flinch when they cut into his skin and spilled his blood. He only raised his wounded palms up and slammed them against his head as he clenched his teeth. The skeletons tore at his clothes and dug their boney fingers further into his flesh. His blindfold had been lost, leaving him overexposed to this illusion. 
“Satoru,” one of the skeletons whispered. 
He halted and looked up to find it mutated into the beast he had seen before, Sukuna. In his arms, he held you.
Your unconscious body was pummeled and bloodied. 
“(Name),” he choked out.
Sukuna looked down at you, limp in his arms, and smirked.
“This offering is one of many,” Sukuna murmured. “And what a beautiful offering it is.”
Satoru lunged towards the display only to be forcefully shoved to the hard ground, dislocating his jaw in the process. 
“Let go of her!” he ordered in vain.
Sukuna just chuckled. 
“Fear not Satoru Gojo, this is only a preview of what’s to come, either her demise or yours.”
Satoru just screamed, all he could do was scream.
“Kenjaku, she’s losing a significant amount of blood,” Uraume informed.
They had stepped into the hallway momentarily to discuss your current state. 
“Bleeding is completely normal.”
Uraume just shook their head. “No, it’s far too much. She’ll die before the baby is even delivered.”
Kenjaku just sighed. “If she dies, she dies. If our buyers say anything I can just pull out another curse to keep them in line.”
Uraume halted and stared at him in disbelief. “But what about Sukuna? I wanted to bring her to him alive.”
He waved his hand. “Sukuna will have his fill with the culling games players. Maybe that lawyer or the failed manga artist would be a nice appetizer.”
Uraume clenched their teeth at his laid back attitude. 
“Kenjaku,” they warned. “This wasn’t what I agreed to when I enlisted my services to your cause.”
He just sighed, enraging them even further. “Uraume, let me spell this out for you. If you don’t get back in there and deliver that baby, I’ll release Satoru Gojo and after he kills me, he can tear your precious master limb from limb. Now, do you want to keep wasting time?”
Uraume said nothing and dutifully returned into the bedroom where you groaned.
Everything started to slow down, the movements of your hosts, their bickering voices. Your excruciating pain washed over you in a state of euphoria as the final moments of labor loomed over you, their predatory gaze pressing you down. 
In the mix of screams and grunts the cries were soft, sounding a world away, slowly approaching until you were pulled back to reality. Your baby. You and Satoru’s baby. With a final exhaustive push they had entered the world. 
“It’s a girl,” Kenjaku cheerily announced as Uraume held the screaming newborn up. For a moment they almost disappeared from your view, leaving you alone with your daughter. She was beautiful. You choked back a sob, completely overwhelmed. She had a little tuft of white hair accompanied by identical lashes, the resemblance to your husband was uncanny. Your joyous relief was abruptly interrupted by Kenjaku’s unwelcomed voice. 
“What a beautiful girl she is,” he insincerely cooed.
Uraume swiftly cut the umbilical cord and went into the bathroom to clean the newborn in the sink. 
Kenjaku waltzed in front of you and inspected between your propped up legs. “My my (Name), Uraume was right. You're still bleeding.”
You said nothing. 
“C’mon, where’s that feisty woman I met two months ago? Doesn’t she have anything to say?”
Again you said nothing. 
He just sighed. “Childbirth never does you women any good. The one thing you should excel in, and yet you’re left as nothing but a shadow of your former self. 
Kenjaku briskly retrieved a small shopping bag from the corner of the room and pulled the contents out for you to see. 
It almost was enough to pull you out of your stupor. It was Satoru’s Hugo Boss coat.
“While you were passed out, I thought it was imperative to make a small trip back to your home.”
He walked up to your bedside and held it over you. 
“You see (Name), contrary to what you and the others think of me I’m not entirely cruel.”
Uraume exited the bathroom with your daughter in their arms. Her cries had subsided to tiny whimpers. 
Kenjaku continued his self congratulatory dribble.
“I brought this coat to wrap your daughter in, that way she’ll have a keepsake of her father.”
“Who she’ll never know,” you spat. 
He sighed and handed the coat to Uraume, who used it to swaddle the baby. 
“Say what you will. But time doesn’t pass in the prison realm. So in a way I’m the most humane don’t you think?”
You scoffed with what strength you had left. 
“Humane? How is robbing my daughter of her life anything but cruel?”
He smirked. “You jujutsu sorceres are so hypocritical. Tell me, how are my actions any different than those that you take with your students? Remember your precious friend Yu Haibara? Wasn’t he robbed of his life?”
You clenched your jaw. 
“How dare you say his name you bastard.”
He ignored your insult and continued. 
“If his parents will never see their son grow, then why should you have the privilege with your daughter?”
Before Kenjaku could finish you off he abruptly staggered backwards, the look of glee he sported was quickly replaced with a mortified one. 
“No, no, don’t,” he cried. 
Then he shook his head and clenched his jaw in irritation. “I’ve already told you to stop interfering. Even in death you refuse to lay dormant.” 
His complaints proved meaningless as his right hand shot straight into his chest, failing to severely impair him.
He let out a bitter laugh as he pulled the bloody fist out. “You are by far the most disagreeable host I’ve ever had, Suguru Geto.”
Uraume roughly grabbed Kenjaku’s arm. “Stop this. These games of yours are only stalling our goals.”
He sighed in defeat. “I suppose you're right. I got a little carried away.”
Kenjaku turned to face you. 
“I suppose this is the last time we’ll see each other. If you die before Uraume can bring you to Sukuna, I’d love to have you as one of my cursed spirits,” he admitted.
“I’d rather be eaten by that devil,” you weakly grunted.
He gave you a small wave and headed out the door. “You might just get your wish. Goodbye.”
You shifted your gaze to Uraume.
 “Let me hold my baby,” you demanded.
They just wrinkled their nose. You’ll only contaminate the potential of her cursed energy. I’ll be preparing her for our departure. When I come back, I hope you’ll be dead. I can always find Lord Sukuna something more refined to eat.”
“Stay here for a while, Uraume,” Kenjaku ordered. “I want to record her time of death.”
They sighed at the request, wanting to return to their masters side instead of play nurse.
“Satoru,” you scolded. “This is serious.”
You swatted him away as he tried to go in for another kiss. 
The two of you sat in bed together, trying to pick a name from ‘100,000+ Baby Names.’
“I am being serious,” he argued as he kissed your shoulder. “I already have the name I want.”
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“I already told you we’re not naming our baby Bert. He’s not a sixty year old man.”
Satoru looked at the page you had stopped on. 
“Mari’s a pretty name,” he mused as he pointed to it.
You hummed in acknowledgement. 
“And if it’s a boy we’ll name him Bert,” he concluded.
“Well for the baby’s sake I hope it’s a girl, because I like Mari too.”
You smiled despite yourself and kissed his lips. 
“It doesn’t matter what their name is. We’ll love them no matter what,” you confirmed.
Mari, your daughter. 
‘Satoru, I’m not sure if I can fulfill my promise and survive, but I’ll die trying.’
Your body was throbbing. It took everything in you to sit up. You just needed to get your daughter and take her to Jujutsu High. You were informed by Kenjaku some time ago that Ieiri had remained at the school under orders from the higher ups. If you could get Mari there, she’d be safe. 
You trusted Ieiri to find a safe home for your daughter, in the event that you died. Just until Satoru could get to her. And he would get to her, you knew he would. You stood up, already feeling the blood oozing out of you. You ignored that, combined with the searing pain and made your way out of the room. 
Uraume in the very dining room. 
Their back was turned away from you as you crept up behind them, holding your breath. You only had one chance to disarm them. You were significantly weakened by Kenjaku’s blow, so your cursed technique was less likely to kill Uraume, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t temporarily disarm them. You just prayed you could muster enough strength. Mari laid on the table in front of them, still wrapped in Satoru’s coat. 
‘I’m coming sweetheart.’
“Do you think Mommy’s dead yet?” they sadistically cooed.
“Why don’t you ask her,” you hissed. 
They turned around to find your hands gripping their throat. Before they could lift their hand to unleash their own technique you released everything you had. 
They twitched in your grip and pushed you back, causing you to stagger. Uraume attempted to grab you, but could only stumble and fall to the floor. 
“You bitch,” they spat. “What did you do to me?”
You didn’t even bother to reply. You scooped up your daughter and sprinted. Pure adrenaline helped you to push past the pain that coursed through your body, your daughter’s crying, Uraume’s threats. You just kept going. Down the hallways, out the front door, through the courtyard. 
“It’s alright sweetheart, Mommy’s here. I’m here,” you whispered. 
You miraculously passed the gates, after two months, you had managed to break out. But now was not the time to celebrate, you’d do that once you were at Jujutsu High. 
Gojo buried his head in his lap, mulling over the destruction he’s created around him. Multiple skulls lay shattered beneath his feet. Shards so sharp he contemplated picking up a piece and stabbing into his heart, his eyes, anything to stop this torment. He felt as if he’d been imprisoned for over a hundred years. What if he was released to meet some wasteland with only the ashes of his loved ones remaining?
He picked up a broken jaw bone with a jagged end, brushing his calloused thumb against it. 
“This is pathetic,” a familiar voice scolded. 
Satoru slowly looked up, his eyes widened when he came face to face with his former friend. His only friend. 
“Suguru,” he mumbled in disbelief.
He looked like he did years ago, when the two of them fought alongside one another at Jujutsu High. The same uniform, the same hairstyle, the same knowing smirk. 
“Okay, now I know I’ve lost it,” Satoru mumbled, dropping the jaw bone and letting it fall to the ground.
Suguru just stared down at him. “What do you think you're doing? Look at yourself.”
Satoru leaned over the edge of the small island of bones. His face was cut up and bloodied, with deranged eyes and a tattered coat. 
“This is how the strongest looks in confinement? This is pitiful.”
Satoru stood up with a scoff. 
“Big talk from the asshole who lost to a guy who couldn’t even use Jujutsu.”
Suguru should have been offended, but he just laughed. 
“And you took in his son, way to honor my memory.”
Satoru wanted to stay mad, but he couldn’t muster anything up. He felt himself quickly settling into their banter with ease. 
“What are you doing here? Are you real?”
“Not physically. But that’s not important right now. There’s not much time.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It’s (Name).”
Satoru went rigid. Images of Sukuna tearing into you came rushing back to him.
“She’s delivered the baby and is on the run in Kyoto. But Sukuna is about to reclaim his true form. And he’s using the Fushiguro kid as a current host.”
Satoru’s thoughts raced a million miles a minute. 
You were alive but in danger, he was a father, and Megumi was being exploited by that damn coward. 
“How do you know all this? Do you see what he sees?”
Suguru nodded. “And I can fight to take control. But only for short periods of time.”
Satoru briefly remembered him grabbing at his neck. Or Kenjaku’s neck. 
“I need to get out of here,” he mumbled. “But I’m stuck.”
“Ieiri and the others are about to unseal you.”
He let out a boisterous laugh.
“I knew they could do it.”
“You can’t leave here looking like that,” Suguru scolded. 
“Okay Mom.” he snorted.
But Suguru didn’t return his jovial tone. “How would it look if the strongest emerged from captivity broken down? Clean your face. Stand tall.”
So Satoru did just that, he leaned down over the small body of water and washed the blood from his body, the injuries miraculously vanished. 
He nearly jumped when he felt someone press some fabric against his cheek. 
It was the ghost of Riko Amanai who dried his skin, using her headband to do so. Unlike Suguru she was silent, but her actions were defiant. She disappeared as quickly as she arrived.  
Once he was clean he stood up. 
At the top of the void a small section of light began to poke through. Miniscule at first, then gradually expanding out to bathe the darkness with light. The skeletons screeched in agony as they evaporated into nothingness. 
All that remained was Satoru and Suguru. 
“Are you strongest because you're Satoru Gojo or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?”
He grinned and punched his shoulder. “I’m the only Satoru Gojo.”
The light consumed them, then there was nothing. 
Kenjaku stood in the dilapidated structure with a bewildered grin on his face. After two months Satoru Gojo stood alive and well. 
“It’s been a long time since you were able to relax. How was it?” 
“Hey,” Satoru greeted, his coat slipping from his broad shoulders. “You should choose your words more carefully. After all, they will be your last.”
Before he could obliterate Kenjaku, Uraume emerged from the shadows. 
“It’s done. Sukuna lives,” they cried in joy. 
Kenjaku smirked. “Looks like you're too late Satoru Gojo.”
The white haired sorcerer punched the ground where Kenjaku stood. He quickly dodged it before meeting his end. 
“Where are they?” he snarled. 
Kenjaku smirked. “If you're referring to your adopted children. Their bodies were discarded somewhere and taken by the former vessel. Still alive, but barely. But as for your wife and daughter, I believe their deaths are looming over them, and the cause is a hungry curse. 
In the blink of an eye Satoru was in front of Uraume. They barely had time to react, when he slammed his fist against their stomach. Blood spilled out of their mouth as they went flying back into a wall. Satoru pulled Uraume up from the rubble before they could catch their breath. 
“I hope you enjoyed seeing him again because I’m going to ensure his stay is short.”
With that, he warped and vanished.
You didn’t stop running until you hit an abandoned residential area. Equipped with condos and recreational areas. 
‘They must have been evacuated.’
You had hoped you’d at least be able to catch a train or cab to take you back to Tokyo, but it seemed your luck had run out. You didn’t give a damn though, you’d walk if you had to. 
You blinked back the black dots that flooded your vision, fighting tooth and nail to keep moving. 
You’d just have to keep going until you found an unaffected area. From there you’d find some method of transportation. You couldn’t stay here, in your current state you were like catnip to any lingering curses. 
Your breath hitched when you saw a figure in the distance. A familiar pair of blue eyes, unruly white hair. 
“Satoru,” you whispered. 
He quickly closed the distance and engulfed you in his arms. 
“(Name),” he murmured. “(Name), I’m here.” 
You sobbed in relief. “You’re alive. I knew you’d find us.”
He pulled away from you and took in the face of his baby, wriggling in her mother’s grip, protected in his coat. 
“Meet your daughter, Mari,” you croaked. 
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered, quickly noting the blood pooling beneath your feet. “You’re hurt,” he muttered. 
“Satoru we need to get Mari away-”
A loud crash through a nearby building caused the ground to shake. From the smoke a figure emerged. 
One with four arms and two faces. They wore a wicked sneer. 
“Well isn’t this a beautiful sight?” Sukuna cackled.
Mari started to cry.
Satoru held you a little tighter. 
Sukuna descended to the ground and stood before you, massive and intimidating, like standing before an escaped hell spawn. 
He rubbed his spear, eager to pierce it through the lot of you.
“I was only promised your precious whore as my first meal, but I could care less about Kenjaku’s plans. All three of your heads will mount the walls of my throne room when I’m done with you.
You could hardly breathe. The cursed energy radiating off of him was so overpowering it weighed you down. It was as if lead had been placed on your shoulders. 
“No,” Satoru firmly responded. “We’ll fight on my terms.”
You gasped when you felt yourself briefly float, stumbling to your feet again at the steps of Jujutsu High. 
Satoru scooped you up and rushed towards the main entrance. 
“Is anyone here?” he called out. 
Ieiri came rushing down the hall, staring in disbelief at the three of you. 
“You’re here,” she marveled. 
“Only because of you and the others. But listen, I can’t talk right now. (Name) is bleeding out.”
Ieiri’s gaze flickered to your current state and she nodded. “Follow me.”
Your husband gingerly set you down on the examination table in the lab. 
An unfamiliar face stood in the corner of the room. It was a man with a black streak across the bridge of his nose. When he noticed him, Satoru raised his fist to attack, only to be stopped by Ieiri. 
“It’s a long story but he’s with us now okay?”
He just glared at him. “I’m not leaving my family with him.”
“Satoru,” she scolded. “His and my technique are the only effective method to save (Name).”
“Satoru,” you croaked. “I trust him if Ieiri trusts him.”
He finally relented and turned his attention back to Ieiri. 
“Where is everyone?” he urgently asked. 
“Downtown, evacuating civilians. Yuji came back to drop off Megumi and Tsumiki.”
She answered his question before he could ask it. “They’re both fine. Megumi managed to expel Sukuna from his body before he could hurt his sister.”
He sighed in relief. 
“Then I need to get downtown.”
Sukuna would probably be drawn there.
He bent down and pressed his lips against yours. 
“Be safe,” you whispered.
He gently cupped your face. “I’ll always come back to you.”
You knew he would. 
You savored the last moment of his fingertips against your skin as he pulled away.
He’d always come back to you.
You shut your eyes as darkness overtook you. 
Satoru stopped to find Megumi at the end of the hall.
“Take me with you,” Megumi demanded. 
“I’ve been gone for months and that’s your response?” Satoru jested. “No welcome home or how have you been?”
Megumi just glared at him. “Stop screwing around.”
“You’re in no condition to fight,” Satoru argued. “You need to stay here with your family.”
“I’m not going to stay here and do nothing. Right now I need to be with the others. Let me help you.”
“I killed your father,” Satoru blurted out. “I’m not a person you should help out.”
Megumi was silent, rage coursing through him. “Are you telling me this to try to stop me from going? My father? Am I supposed to resent you and fall apart.”
“I  just want you to know. I just want you to know the type of person I am before you decide to help me.”
“Toji Fushiguro is nothing but a memory for me, and I have no intentions of living in the past. If you won’t take me I’ll walk.”
Megumi passed him and halted when he felt a hand grip his shoulder. 
“Okay, let’s go,” Satoru mumbled. 
You woke up in a soft bed in one of the spare rooms. Mari slept in a small cot beside you. You sat up and pulled off the covers. The bleeding had stopped and the pain had vanished. 
The mysterious man from earlier looked up from his spot in the corner. “Oh, you’re awake. Dr. Shoko should be back in a minute.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, leaning down and scooping up your daughter.
“Thank you…”
“Choso,” he informed you. “Technically speaking, Choso Kamo.”
Your mind flashed back to your dream of the woman in the shed. 
“I see, I’m (Name) Gojo. And this is my daughter Mari.”
Your daughter cooed in your arms.
“So, you’re half curse?” you asked.
“Yes, but I was told to live as a human. I’m still trying to decipher what that means to me.”
Choso’s eyes wandered to Mari, and he tilted his head in curiosity. 
“Would you like to hold her?” you asked.
He hesitated, but nodded. You got out of the bed and sat beside him on the ground. You handed him the baby. He fumbled a bit, but managed to get into a comfortable position. A small smile formed on his lips.
“I think you’ll be a fine human,” you assured him after a moment of silence.
He was grateful for your words and you were fortunate enough to grant them.
A pair of footsteps rushed to the door and pushed it open. You gasped in relief when you saw her. 
“Tsumiki!” you cried.
There she was, Tsumiki Fushiguro, alive and well. 
The young girl’s eyes filled with tears. She wasted no time rushing towards you and smothering you with a hug. 
“(Name)!” she sobbed. “It was horrible.”
You cradled her in your arms. “I know. I know sweetheart.”
Ieiri came into the room with an unreadable expression, clutching her phone. 
They won.”
Your breath hitched and you tightened your grip around Tsumiki.
“The curses have vanished.” 
The End. 
Taglist: @mc-reborn
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cleverthylacine · 3 months
from the cutting room floor
Warning: Spoilers for Every Day Is A Winding Road and Recovered Light
So, the other day I was talking with @jariktig and we talked about the death of Terminus at the end of Winding Road.
I'd misunderstood her--she'd said she was trying to reconcile the needs of the story with her own emotions and I was like, okay, welp, the interpretation of Terminus as a Good Person is slightly less weird to me than the interpretation of Dominus Ambus as a Good Person, but at least you're not arguing and then she said, "oh no! I just don't think Terminus suffered enough!"
And I laughed, although on the other side of multiple ponds and continents she couldn't hear me. Uproariously.
In the original outline for these fics, though, Terminus did survive the ending. One of the reasons he was supposed to be in Recovered Light (and possibly Year of the Cat and even Quintessential, where he would have been a valued knowledge resource) was that he was supposed to bring Ravage and Minimus together.
(By being someone they disliked even more than they disliked one another...but I digress!)
I was unable to keep Terminus alive because he tried to take over my story, much like he did Megatron's early life, and Ravage's also. He is a blowhard who can't shut the fuck up and he's not even funny most of the time.
He has almost as much to do with the reason it took a year to write the ending to Winding Road as my brother's cancer did. (He's in remission.) The cancer was definitely more life-altering and emotionally terrifying. Terminus, however, was deeply and truly annoying at a time when I didn't need any more annoyances.
Anyhow, some of the scenes I'd written for later fics in the series did have Terminus in them and will obviously have to be cut, but I'd like to share this half-chapter or so, because it is actually funny. It is a draft, and the POV isn't clearly nailed down, and some bits of it may end up in the actual fic, but they will be very different, because Terminus won't be in them.
Fic starts below here:
Megatron was surprised when he realised—a half second before he did something he would have regretted—namely, giving Howlback a big hug—that Ravage had not come to meet him.
“That is my wife, Megatronus,” said Grimlock. “And I don’t think she wants a hug.”
“Not from you,” said Howlback to Megatron, looking him up and down. “Megatron, I’m Chair of the Station Security Committee, and you’re a security risk. You have the right to ask for sanctuary, if that’s what you’re going to do, but right now I’m going to need your word and bond that you and your boyfriend both understand that we can’t guarantee your safety unless you stay in your assigned quarters. A number of citizens have Filed Intent on you, and I don’t want to have to explain it to Ravage if something happens to you.”
Megatron shuttered his optics for a moment, and nodded. “Of course. I should have expected that.”
“You can’t speak for me,” said Minimus, bristling beside him.
“Of course he can’t,” said Howlback, growling at the interruption. “I’ll deal with you momentarily, Gluteus Magnus.”
She ex-vented. “If you elect to ask for Sanctuary, Megatron, you will have to be willing to cooperate with the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. That is the only way you can get those people to withdraw their claims on your life. Otherwise, you can’t stay here for more than three days and I can’t guarantee your safety if you go anywhere by yourself without a good bodyguard.”
“Of course I’m willing to cooperate,” said Megatron. “But I would like to point out that Ravage is the one who’s insisting on this.”
“I thought Ravage said we’d be safe here—” Minimus snapped, bristling.
“Shut up, Commander Fox!” said Howlback. “I’m not finished talking to Megatron. You’re not the Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord anymore and even if we did ‘diplomatic immunity’ here, you are certainly not a diplomat. Unless you’re asking for sanctuary and forswearing all ties to the ruling Prime on Cybertron, you’re a tourist. Also, you sent my conjunx to Garrus-9! And I don’t think anyone actually likes you here, except possibly Cosmos.”
Megatron sighed heavily. “Minimus, please do not expect these people to handle things the way Autobots do. We are in Destron now.”
“Yes. You are.” Howlback looked back up at Megatron, crossing her arms over her chest. She’d had her bipedal root mode restored, but unlike Ravage, she still had a root mode face. At least she wasn’t wearing her second head on her chest.
“You both have other options,” she continued. “There are settlements in the Belt that are affiliated with Sanctuary, but they’re independent communes or syndicates. We don’t govern them and I can’t tell you whether or not they’ll protect you from people with claims, but there aren’t any claims or charges against you there. You can go back to the Warworld that brought you here, if Esmeral and Deathsaurus are willing to have you. Or you can go down to Earth—but I don’t recommend that. They haven’t forgotten your reign of terror down there.”
“Now, wait a moment—” Minimus sputtered.
Howlback growled at him again. “You are a traitor to our kind. I have exactly one fuck to give about you, and you’ve just used up three. Ravage probably said that we don’t execute people here. And we don’t. And we don’t extradite people to places that do. But she didn’t say there’d be no recompense expected for the things that he has done, or that nobody here wanted revenge on him. We’ll keep you both as safe as we can, but you’re not exactly popular here, either, Minimus Ambus. There aren’t any Filings on you, but only because those have to be personal injuries.”
Howlback shrugged. “Ravage wants you to stay here. I think it would be best for you to stay here, too, but I’m not going to beg you to. Especially not if you’re going to make my life more difficult.”
“No,” said Megatron. “No, we don’t want to make your life more difficult, Howlback. Congratulations on your conjuncture, by the way. Where is Ravage? She’s my amica, and I want to see her.”
“I’m sure she’ll see you when she’s ready to, Megatron,” said Howlback. “Right now, she is introducing Nautica to Soundwave and Jazz, and after that she’ll probably want to see Stalker if Buzzsaw and Vortex are ready to let go of him. But the two of you are a security risk, so nobody gets to see you before I do.”
“And me after that,” said Grimlock, over her head.
Howlback rolled her optics, but her smile was altogether affectionate. “That’s enough, Grim.”
Terminus looked down at her in complete disbelief. “Do you know who he is?”
Ten caught him easily by the shoulder. “Ten,” he said softly, but Terminus ignored him..
“Yeah,” said Howlback. “I’m Howlback of Stanix, Chair of the Station Security Committee. I was the chief of his military police force for way too damn long. So I think I know him better than you, whoever you are.”
“I’m Terminus of Messatine—”
“Really,” said Howlback, with a double roll of her optics. “He wrote you out of the book, but I was alive back then, and even if I was a kitten, nobody treated me like one. I have one piece of advice for you, and here it is. Take care how you speak to my sister. Things have reversed from the way they once were. Ravage is now incredibly patient…but Soundwave is not.”
Megatron was all too well aware of this. “So who’s the chair of the Reconciliation Committee?” he asked, trying to sound even a little bit casual about it.
“Doctor Glitterbomb,” said Grimlock, and bared all his dentae.
“We’re in trouble,” said Minimus, scowling, and Megatron couldn’t argue with that.
“Well,” said Howlback, “if you’re lucky he’ll decide to recuse himself. He does have claims of his own. The problem with that is there’s nobody else that wants the job who everyone trusts, and Ravage and Soundwave don’t want it, in case someone raises a claim against them. It hasn’t happened yet, but everyone who could conceivably raise a claim against Glit is either already dead or very aware that he didn’t want to be there at Grindcore either.”
“What was all that about?” Minimus was pacing. They’d been assigned a secure suite, with a berthroom for the two of them, and another for Ten and Terminus. Sanctuary didn’t have prison cells but he suspected it could pass for one if they needed it to. “And why is he in here with us?”
Terminus glared back at him. “This place is overcrowded, can’t you tell? Didn’t you see the new habitats they’re still building? And they can’t put us in one of those—not if they want to monitor us. Someone should tell Captain Howlback that a prison doesn’t have to look like one.”
“She knows,” said Megatron. “This is not a prison; if you want to go out, they’ll let you. They’d probably even let me, though they’d tell her. But if someone who had an established claim on me shot me dead, the only charges they’d be up on would be for discharging a weapon in communal space, or something like that. I know how this place is set up. I’ve read every word she’s written about it. And I didn’t ask you to read them just because I thought you were bored, Terminus. This place is what Soundwave and Ravage meant Destron to be, not you. And they don’t outsource revenge to the state, but they don’t treat it as murder when the suspect has cause.”
“And we want to live here why?” Minimus grumbled.
“I don’t, but I faced the judgement of the Autobots on Cybertron, and now I have to face the judgement of the Decepticons.” Megatron lifted one heavy brow ridge. “Anyroad…they don’t execute people here. I’ve made my peace with the fact that it’s what I deserve, but I’m not going to let it happen on Earth.”
Minimus scowled. “You don’t think they have the right?”
“I think that the number of humans I’ve killed is both mathematically smaller than the number of Cybertronians I’ve killed, and that I’ve certainly killed a smaller proportion of humans than of some of the other species we’ve dealt with, because there are more than a few of them left,” Megatron said, with an uneasy sigh. “There are even some here. I’m certain I saw that pink-haired girl who told me to fuck the hell off that one time.”
Ugh, thought Minimus: Miko. Verity liked her, though.
“Are you saying you’ve committed a genocide?” Terminus frowned.
“How many times do I have to say that before you can actually hear it? Not all by myself, but certainly not just one,” said Megatron, scowling.
Terminus shuddered. Good, Minimus thought. Let him chew on that one a while. But he didn’t: “You’re telling me Howlback’s never killed anyone since she came here—?”
“No,” said Megatron. “I’m saying that if she has, it was in defence of the Station, or in personal self-defence. I’m very aware that Strika and Howlback are both responsible for killing people who attacked the Station. But Soundwave—Ravage wasn’t here, then—wouldn’t let them kill anyone who surrendered. I don’t doubt Howlback wanted to. And I don’t doubt that if Overlord came to the door she would shoot him right in the face, but she’d be shooting him as Howlback, not as the Chair of Security.”
“So why are they being so unpleasant? I thought Ravage wanted to make peace with me—”
“A lot of things,” Megatron said wearily. “You know very well why Ravage doesn’t like you. I love you anyway, but I can’t forgive you on her behalf. And she’s not going to do it until you admit to her that you have collaborated in the oppression of your own people. I strongly recommend reminding her that it was your brother who wrote the Ambus Test, but you did enforce the law—”
“Coward,” muttered Terminus.
“Dead,” said Minimus, and stared right back at him. “Or not, but only by the grace of Censere.”
Minimus did not like Terminus, who was always harassing Megatron about decisions he hadn’t been there for and seemed to be not the least bit concerned about Megatron’s conscience, Megatron’s body count, or Megatron’s actual best interests.
But he did wonder why Howlback hated Terminus. Terminus had disappeared before the war, when Ravage had still been working on the Senate floor and Howlback had still been working for Prowl. 
Megatron had continued: “Are you really surprised that Howlback and Grimlock dislike you as much as Ravage does? Grimlock isn’t just a Predacon; he’s a saurian. If he hadn’t been forged in urban Liaconia he’d probably have been hunted, and even so he did still end up in the Pits. Besides, I think there’s other business you’ve left unfinished with him.”
Minimus stood there for a moment and winced. “Not by my choice. I offered him a deal and he wouldn’t take it. I’m also not responsible for anything that Overlord did. Why is he conjunct with her?”
“He’s been her paramour since he and I were both in the Pits of Kaon,” said Megatron, laughing a little. “They’ve been off and on, because of the war, but the war’s over, so now I suppose they’re back on. She got mad at him for working with…us.”
It took Minimus a moment to realise that Megatron was referring to the Autobots.
“You weren’t one of us then.” Minimus scowled. “Perhaps someone should tell her how terrible Grimlock actually was at being an Autobot.”
“I think she knows,” said Megatron, smiling wryly. “He’d not be back in her berth if she didn’t. She went a million years once without speaking to him.”
“Does she actually love him—?”
“In some kind of way,” Megatron said, “but probably not in the way you love me.” Although it might have been similar, given that Minimus knew all of his faults and still stayed.
“Don’t these people realise that you were their liberator?” Terminus fussed. “Do they really think they could have got where they are without you?”
Minimus glared at him. “They’re here because of Soundwave, Terminus. They were in ghettos on Cybertron before they came here, and that was because of him.”
“I’m not sure I don’t think Soundwave and Ravage wouldn’t have got where they are even faster without me,” Megatron grumbled. “Scorponok, Starscream and Onslaught all failed but if Soundwave and Strika had ever got tired enough of my pitslag, I’m sure they would have done just fine. I may have been necessary in the very beginning, but they’d have had Drift, and they’d have had Maitri, and Deathsaurus, and plenty of others, longer than I could hold onto them.”
Terminus frowned. “You don’t mean that—”
“Oh yes he does,” said Minimus.
“TEN,” said Ten, stepping between them.
“Thank you,” said Megatron under his vents. “I have a long list of charges and claims to review. You are both giving me processor strain. I’m not at all sure that being expected to stay cooped up in here with both of you at once is not a part of my punishment, and I know it’s part of yours.”
“What’s Howlback got against him?” Minimus said, very quietly.
“Nothing valid,” said Terminus.
Megatron ex-vented, slowly. “You know what you said to Ravage, back on the noisechans.”
Terminus rolled his optics. “I was trying to make her feel better about the situation.”
“And I told her to run, if she could,” said Megatron. “Maybe if she’d run when I told her to, she and Soundwave would have done better.”
“Megatron?” Minimus frowned. “What’s this about?”
“It’s Ravage’s business,” said Megatron. “But I’m sure you can figure it out from the poetry.”
Minimus’ jaw dropped, and he stared for a moment. “She bought herself back with her knives—”
“A few million years later than she should’ve done,” said Megatron, “and that was my fault, too. For starting to think like he did.”
“I wish I’d met you before,” said Minimus, fresh shock and anguish all over his face.
“I’m glad you didn’t,” said Terminus. “You’d probably have married him and he’d never have done anything but write! Somebody else would have led the revolution—”
“And it would have been better!” Megatron bellowed.
“It would have failed,” said Terminus. “Soundwave was worse than you were back then—”
“Soundwave was always better than me. Ravage knew it,” said Megatron, “and that’s why she left me aboard the Lost Light. They had Strika. They had Grimlock, who left because he and I had a fight. They had Drift. They didn’t need me to take up arms, or to whore myself out in the Pits.”
Minimus wasn’t sure about that, in the moment, and being unsure of it hurt him more than anything else that anyone there had said. “I need a moment,” he said, and went back to their berthroom to lay himself down.
Megatron, who’d finally begun to learn understand the difference between repression and boundaries, didn’t follow him. “Not one more word,” he told Terminus. “Not now. I can’t take it. I was always weak. You were right about that. And now I need to think my own thoughts. Not yours.”
Megatron curled up on a sofa, uncomfortably, to read through the mountain of paperwork that Howlback had just dumped in his lap.
“I’m telling our guards to summon our precious Parvilla,” Terminus muttered.
“You’ll regret that,” said Megatron softly, before he remembered he didn’t want to keep talking to Terminus. “Nobody summons Ravage.”
Terminus ignored him. He was already yelling at Lugnut, who had been standing guard in the hall, Lugnut being one of the few old soldiers still willing to protect him.
Some of the claims were exaggerated, or false, or insufficiently personal; but only some of them. There were a fair number of people on Sanctuary who had a legitimate claim on his life. And Soundwave had filed one, which hurt more than it ought to have done, given the way he had treated their relationship and their family. The order to Ravage had been cruel, and he’d rescinded it, even though Ravage had been freed of cassette coding. That didn’t mean Soundwave did not want him dead.
Terminus and Lugnut were still yelling, and finally there was a softer voice in the hallway. It wasn’t Ravage’s, though.
“Why don’t you two calm down and chill? Ravage and her girlfriend are having a little reunion, okay? Soundwave’s making our dinner, I came down here to see what the fuss was about—wait, who are you?”
Great, thought Megatron, and went to the door. “Terminus. Shut the fuck up. Immediately.” He looked down at Jazz. “They really did adjunx you, didn’t they?”
“Ain’t official yet.”
“How is she?”
“Pissed off,” said Jazz. “Spent a good bit of time talking her down, back when it all got started, tellin’ her that I didn’t want to come between ‘em like you did. But she loves you. Mind you, I don’t know why.”
“If she weren’t mad at me, she wouldn’t have sent you,” said Megatron.
“Reckon not, but I came on my own accord. Anyhow I’ll give you one thing you don’t deserve. She made Sounders promise not to kill you on the grounds that it would hurt her, which is not what he wants to do, ever again. But he’s going to see you and make his demands before he lets you see her. So you better figure out what you’re gonna say to him, because you’re not getting any closer to her than you are right now unless he trusts you not to do or say anything stupid.”
“So, sometime next vorn, I presume.” Megatron sighed.
“What’s Parvilla still got to be mad about—”
“You say your name was Terminus?” Jazz looked up at him thoughtfully.
“What of it?”
“I was reading those boards back then,” said Jazz, almost cheerfully. “I think you should keep that name and all of the rest of her names the fuck out your mouth.”
Terminus looked up at Megatron, as if he expected…something.
Megatron shrugged. “I think you should actually try to accept the fact that it has been over four million years since you ‘died’ and that neither I nor anyone else here is what you think we should be, because as much as we loved you—as I did, anyway—many of us tried that, and it failed spectacularly.”
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marinerainbow · 11 months
//O M G so I love your eel ideas and now I have to tell you mine.
Smartass: California Moray (Gymnathorax mordax) because they're brown, toothy, have goldish brown eyes and while its rare they have attacked humans and left puncture wounds. They have a pharyngeal jaw, which is an extra set of jaws that come out from the back of their head to drag prey to their throat. They also enter symbiotic relationships with shrimp and that works with Smartass' "you scratch my back, maybe I'll scratch yours" mentality. He's patient and intelligent if not slightly viscious.
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Greasy: Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris) Like Smartass he also has a pharyngeal jaw but is freakier and creepier with it. He is a cooperative hunter and will often follow anyone who is slightly better at it than him so he can have his share of the spoils. His goal is to mate as much as possible and have loads of his little descendents swimming the seas. Only problem is no female moray will choose him. But like most morays, he will wait until game comes to him. POV: You're a female moray minding her own business and this guy tries to charm you.
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Wheezy: Wolf Eel (Anarrhichtys ocellatus) While not technically an eel (though don't bring this up to him he'll snap your fingers off) he's a valued asset because of his formiddable jaw. He's incredibly patient and a sharp shooter with his tail, curling into an S shape for his attack. Wolf eels are actually very curious and good at hiding. They also make good parents and mate for life. They are hunters from Day 1. Also as they age they turn browner or olive green and their pattern is somewhat smokey.
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Psycho: Shortfinned cutthroat eel (Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis) they're long bottom feeders and efficient hunters who love their food and will also eat dead matter. At first I was going to make him an electric eel because his weasel version probably had electro-shock treatment but then I remembered they're freshwater so he wouldn't be able to live in the sea but the cutthroat species communicate through electrical organ discharges. Also the name was just perfect. Alternatively he could be a conger eel because they're adorable but toothy!
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Stupid: I'm going to agree with you and say Spotted Moray (Gymnothorax moringa) I was originally going to go with a larger conger variety but if we go by the headcanon that Smartass and he are "brothers" they should look a bit similar. Especially the ones that have kind of that goofy look on their face. They are active during the day, are usually solitary and shy and like to eat crabs. Stupid's jaw at the back is worn out a bit from being too overexcited when grabbing crustaceans. Keeping them is imoractical due to their size. Look at this unit!
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Just gonna put this ask here, so anybody who reads this will see what you mean right away ^^ and don't worry about it!
I absolutely love all of these options! I gotta agree with them ^^ And I got to learn some new species too. I'm very intrigued by the wolf eel ^^
Ngl my favorite is Greasy. Just- ok let's analyze this real quick. Among animals, while the other males are duking it out trying to woo the females, a weaker but smarter male will find a way to sneak past them. And the female is so into it!! Here, it sounds like Greasy is indeed the more intelligent bachelor among Moray Eels. At least the most clever. But Greasy is such a creepy dick that the girls still pass him up! They pass up the chance of their descendants knowing how to survive because Greasy can't keep it in his pants! Greasy blocks himself! 🤣🤣
Also, that picture is just sending me. Imagining that eel as Greasy. And just... It looks so cute! Even though it looks like it's rearing to attack the cameraman XD @slashingdisneypasta would you be able to resist that face on Eel!Greasy? XD
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lookofhisoceaneyes · 2 months
**The Best of the Best: Must-Read Fanfiction Gems**
Merlin (TV) Fandom:
1.A Modern Manservant by Mamalazzer
A Modern Manservant - Chapter 1 - Mamalazzer - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
modern magical comedy very loosely based on Ugly Betty. Publishing king Uther Pendragon has had enough of his playboy son seducing every female assistant he has ever had so he hires Merlin, a man he is sure Arthur will never sleep with. Merlin would be more insulted by this fact if he wasn’t so busy trying to juggle his duties, save Arthur's skin from ruthless fashionistas and keep his magic a secret at the same time. Expect appearances by oil-lathered knights, the occasional mad druid, a perverted Will and a mental caretaker who lives in the basement and keeps harping on about coins and destiny.
Main Ship: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
I enjoyed it so much. Prat Arthur. Modern AU and more. definitely worth it !
2. Where I'm Meant To Be by WhiteRoseCottage
Where I'm Meant To Be - Chapter 1 - WhiteRoseCottage - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
The silhouette is backlit from the headlights on the Mini Cooper and he’s maybe hit his head harder than he thought because it almost looks like…
And Merlin feels as though his heart is exploding in his chest because that voice and his real name and as he looks up...the golden hair reflected in the light from the car.
Arthur Pendragon is standing, completely starkers, in the middle of the road leading up to Lake Avalon.
Main Ship: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
The Reunion we all wanted and so beautifully written. 
Challengers (Movie 2024) Fandom:
You haven't seen Challengers yet? Well then it's about time if you like a poly ship. Even if the film doesn't show as much of the three-way relationship as you'd hope, I'm sure the three of them have pulled themselves together and found a solution at the end. The camera work and the dialogue alone should convince you that this is a good film. (even if the reviews aren't that great, I thought the film was fantastic).
1. risorgimento by loverism
risorgimento - Chapter 1 - loverism - Challengers (Movie 2024) [Archive of Our Own]
Art runs away. Patrick chases.
Main Ship: Art Donaldson/Tashi Donaldson/Patrick Zweig
This was exactly what I needed after the film. Nothing against the film but the ending was very open and they wrapped it up really well. The fic stayed true to the characters, could have happened in the film as well.
2. Homemakers by californianNostalgia
Homemakers - californianNostalgia - Challengers (Movie 2024) [Archive of Our Own]
Nicki is unfortunate enough to be present when the Donaldsons show up as an allied pair of blindingly hot jilted exes laser-focused on her depressing mess of a tennis instructor.
Alternate title: My ‘Patrick Zweig wins a Grand Slam’ Agenda. (Outsiders POV.)
Main Ship: Art Donaldson/Tashi Donaldson/Patrick Zweig
I love Outsiders POV. And this sums the whole Relationship perfectly up.
3. a romantic fool by spqr
a romantic fool - spqr - Challengers (Movie 2024) [Archive of Our Own]
And Tashi spits back, “She’s not yours, Art. She’s Patrick’s.”
Art just laughs. “You think I don’t know she’s fucking Patrick’s?”
Main Ship: Art Donaldson/Tashi Donaldson/Patrick Zweig
Lily as a character is so cute, but she has very little screentime. What if Patrick finds out that he has more in common with her than he thinks?
The Boys (TV) Fandom:
the boys is a series that not everyone likes. If only because it's so bloodthirsty, but I love the series. All the side-swipes etc. Karl Urban as Billy Butcher does things to me. (And yes I have a relatively healthy relationship with my dad). Hughie/Butcher as a relationship would be a disaster on the show (especially in the newer seasons), but hopefully we can all agree that Hughie had a slight crush on Butcher in the beginning. That's why there are a couple of fics here that I think are great and are mostly more AUs.
1.Black Coffee by aishahiwatari
Black Coffee - Chapter 1 - aishahiwatari - The Boys (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
Hughie really needs this job.
And, okay, he wants his boss to need him too.
Main Ship: Billy Butcher/Hughie Campbell
just read it. I love coffeeshop fics and Butcher as a grumpy owner. 
2. A candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night by SatsumaSegments
A candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night - Chapter 1 - SatsumaSegments - The Boys (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
‘Has anybody else noticed that Hughie and Butcher are in love with each other?’
‘D’you think they’re planning on telling us? Or were we just meant to work it out?’
‘Oh, fuck. Guys. What if they haven’t worked it out?’
Main Ship: Billy Butcher/Hughie Campbell
Who doesn't love a little “didn't know they were dating?”
3. (Bad)? Neighbours by MotherFuckingSorcery
(Bad)? Neighbours - Chapter 1 - MotherFuckingSorcery - The Boys (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
Hughie knows nothing about the new neighbour, apart from the fact that he’s aggressively good looking. He’s all dark crisp lines and danger emanates from him like a cloud.
“Billy Butcher,” he says, with some kind of cockney accent, shaking his hand with an overly firm handshake.
Hughie arches an eyebrow.
“Is that a nickname?” he says.
The alliteration and the general violence of the name does not generally bode well for the safety of Hughie’s hand and other body parts.
“Something like that,” says Butcher, with a feral grin that has just a touch too many teeth in it.
Main Ship: Billy Butcher/Hughie Campbell
I love scary Butcher and Sassy Hughie. 
Okay, that's it for now. I also have a few other fics from other fandoms (for example Hannibal or Fresh (Movie) and different  Ships but I think that's enough for now.
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Meet the Author (revised)
My name is Moshke Palmoni. I also plan to publish children’s books under Lior Eisen, but I mainly go by Moshke. I use they/them pronouns and when I’m not writing I love to read, knit, snuggle my weirdo cat, or work on home projects to fix my 100-year-old house that the previous owners made some interesting choices for. I also have a day job that I am very passionate about but will not talk about here because I don’t want to mix my writing with my professional life. None of my projects are published yet but I’m getting there.
Active WIPs
(let me know if you want to be added to any taglists!)
General tag list: @ blind-the-winds
To Die Among the Stars
In the future, 20 people are sent into space on a second test of an FTL drive, aiming for a habitable planet. The first test was a disaster, so this time they’re more careful—the volunteers are only needed for data on how humans fare at faster than light speeds, so they are selected from prisons and “mental wellness centers” and areas where people would agree to a suicide mission for the promise of feeding their families. No one expects them to live, just to provide enough data to improve the next test. Told from 4 POVs: Pixel, a semiverbal black market modder; Ri, who has so many illicit mods embedded in his body he can no longer experience the world the way most people do; Zippy, a young disabled woman desperate to support her family; and Peppermint, a genetic experiment combining human and cat DNA raised in a lab with only a sentient android for company. Despite all expectations, the group bands together for survival.
Taglist: @ hd-literature
A Tangled Knot of Gold
Technically the 3rd Legends of Halara book, but the first one was not cooperating so here we are. Tlapil is the cousin of the heir to the throne, Soter, who is also the only person who treats her like a person because she is semi-verbal with unusual body language and interests. Her main useful skill seems to be mapmaking, but when the kingdom needs unusual solutions she’s ready to help—along with her only other friend, who happens to be a slime. Having proven herself, she holds a respectable position as advisor to her cousin, but when tragedy threatens to tear apart the entire kingdom it might be up to her to find a way to hold it together.
Halaran cultural genders explained here, and non-human genders here. Explanation of the religious system here.
Fae and Brownie
10-year-old Fae Grant is autistic and ataxic and struggles in school, socially and with meeting expectations. Right after she meets the new boy, Brownie, a meltdown leads to a week’s suspension just as her aunt moves in with her family. Fae’s adventures over that week lead her to a new best friend, realizations about accommodating her communication difficulties, and new acceptance of being who she is.
Backburnered WIPs under the cut
Cold Iron
Shakatra Zoawin has been alive for 107 years, but they are only 33 old. They are one of the few Fae changelings able to survive to adulthood in our world—they age slowly, their magic is more powerful than any human sorcerer, and they have a particular knack for glamour. All they’ve ever wanted was to be left alone on the fringes of society with their brother Kris, also a changeling. But now, on top of raising their teenage stepson and the age-frozen human child they replaced, they might be the only one with both the Fae-aligned skills to protect humanity and the remotest inclination to do that.
Time to Kill (working title)
Esther Dahan is part of one of the first teams ever sanctioned to use time travel technology. Against all historical odds, they aren’t cops or soldiers—they’re anthropologists. Her team specializes in Jewish history specifically, and as tough as it is to leave her young daughter behind for long stretches the team is like her family as they get to truly experience what life was once like, always careful not to change anything (the butterfly effect having been disproven, they must still not share too much information or come in contact with major figures). And yet, something is off. In more and more time periods, they find suspicious activity. But they can never quite get enough proof to convince anyone why this matters—why they should believe that these scientists found the first known rogue travelers. It’s not until trying to solve the mystery on their own leads to Esther’s life being torn apart that they’re taken seriously, and even then her team might be the only ones capable of finding out the truth and stopping something even worse.
Falling Petals (working title)
A story of 3 generations of autistic people before any of them would have been diagnosed, loosely based on the life experiences of my family during different times. Also about relationships and imperfect love. Ira Katz was born in 1913, the only child of slightly older Russian Jewish immigrant parents. He grew up in California and lived a fairly normal life, except that he wasn’t normal. He was very charming, but didn’t understand why mean jokes or blunt truths weren’t appreciated. He assumed everyone was as interested in his niche interests as he was and despite loving the beauty in the world and the people around him felt unable to connect with any of them. He would grow up to marry a girl he knew from synagogue named Joy and have 4 children, whom he loved from a distance and teased with a brilliant and oblivious cruelty. He inherited his father’s drug store, which he enjoyed because his scripted charm worked best on strangers.
Ira’s second child, Daniel, born in 1939, was also odd. He was very sensitive for a boy and called annoying for his awkward attempts at friendship. Eventually he channeled his sensory pain and constant overwhelm from tears to anger. He practiced on his own until he spoke like a professional adult, scripting replies that sounded like a real conversation. Adults loved him while other young people shunned him and his brother and father mocked him. He went to college and became an architect because it was more manly than being a librarian like he’d wanted, and while in school he met a high school teacher named Frances, who he married and had twins with. Daniel was determined not to mock his children and to spend time with them, which he did—but he also hid his pain and emotions until they exploded out in uncontrollable anger and struggled to deal with any noise or rule breaking. His drive to be successful managed to drown out everything else and sucked up all his energy.
One of Daniel’s two daughters, Shoshana, born in 1961, was also odd but in an opposite sort of way. Where Daniel had always seemed mature and professional even when unnecessary, Shoshana seemed childlike far longer than her sister. She continued to play with her dolls and make patterns with her marbles after other girls started whispering about boys. She froze up when she didn’t know the right social response and just wouldn’t respond. She broke down in tears when overwhelmed and was terrified of crowds. She felt like an utter failure despite being an avid reader with a good memory. She didn’t go to college or get married. She tried and failed to live on her own in her 20s. She felt unloveable. And then her sister had a child, Naomi, a child Shoshana saw her own life in, and suddenly she wanted to show her little niece how one could be happy and also different and what it actually meant to succeed. Which required her to figure that out herself first and notice her own strengths.
Eachw part is told from their own perspective and with compassion for their experiences. Everyone does the best they can and the goal is to show unhealthy coping mechanisms without denouncing anyone as a villain.
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
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‘A Heart With Wings’
Warnings: mentions of angst, slight arguing, Hangman being a mean bully, one s*xist comment, that’s pretty much it.. enjoy !
Chapter 5
 The night of October 5
Roosters POV
 Rooster drove in his Bronco behind Hangman as he followed him to base, he called Maverick telling him simply that things had gone a little sideways but he was going to take care of it, 
  “So Hangman was in a disastrous situation?”
  “Clearly Mav.. he doesn’t look good. And he even involved Oceans, but I told him clearly that she had nothing to do with it.. But I’ll take care of him. Make sure Oceans is ok, I kinda raised my voice at her, which was only because she wanted to help me fix things, but Hangs was too pissed off to listen to her. So please?”
  “Of course Rooster, get back safely, I’ll see you both in the morning for debriefs.”
  “Yes sir, Goodnight Mav.”
  “Goodnight Rooster.”
 Rooster hung up and turned into the road that led them to base, up Agra’s was check point to be led in, but that’s when he got a call from Phoenix,
 ‘Phoenix? What’s up with my girl?’
 “Rooster! Listen I’ve been looking for Oceans for a while now and she isn’t here. Mav said you’re out with Hangman?”
  Roosters heart dropped at hearing that Oceans disappeared, but he answered Phoenix coherently either way,
  “Yeah, that’s a story I’ll tell you tomorrow hon, you sure Oceans isn’t there?”
 Phoenix sighed worriedly as she said,
  “I’m sure Roos, I looked everywhere- wait wait, what’d you say Fanboy? Oh!”
 Rooster could hear Phoenix talk with who was Fanboy, sounding like she was getting information from him, she then called out to him,
 “I’m still here Phoenix, what’s wrong?”
 “Oceans left a note under her beer, saying she was going to run a errand? At this time-“
  “No she’s not, don’t worry about her, I got it. Head back to base already hon, it’s late, let Bob drive you guys back, he’s the most sober one.”
 Phoenix replied soundly,
  “Alright, please let me know when you guys are there, We’re heading there already.”
  “I just arrived at the check-point.”
 “Perfect, please get Oceans on base.”
  “I will, see you soon Nix.”
  “Likewise Roos.”
 Hanging up with Phoenix, Rooster didn’t wasted time to dial Oceans number,
  ‘Please don’t be with Jeffries, please don’t be with Jeffries... pick up pick up-‘
 Oceans POV
Oceans was close to where she knew Jeffries lived, and was planning to show up and settle things with her and find out what she had done with Hangman, but while she was only 5 minutes away, her phone began to ring and Roosters name flashed on the screen,
  ‘No no no Rooster not now.. ugh.. I can’t lie to him though he’s my best friend.. and he trusts me.. fine. Please don’t be mad.’
 Hearing Oceans voice made Rooster relieved immediately but was still upset that she left,
 “Constantine, where are you?”
 Rooster only called Oceans by her first name when he was upset or serious with her, so Oceans chose to be honest and blunt, instead of covering up her plan,
  “Listen Bradley, I have nothing to do with Jeffries-“
  “Then why are you on your way to her place?”
 Oceans stayed quiet and cursed herself for being so vengeful and stupid, she was also surprised to know that Rooster knew where she was going, but if she wanted justice for her mistreatment she should fight for it the right way, and listening to Rooster was the right choice. Rooster’s voice came through the phone again in a calmer but still stern tone as he said,
  “I just past the check-point on base Oceans.. I want to see you here in 15 minutes, meaning that you turn back around right now and come back, understood?”
 Oceans nodded her head though he couldn’t see her, but she cooperated,
  “Ok, I’m turning around now, I’m sorry Rooster-“
  “There’s no need to be sorry, you haven’t done anything yet.”
  Ocean sighed,
  “Well thank you for not letting me get there.”
She could hear the calm to his voice filled with appreciation as he replied,
  “That’s what I’m here for, we’re all here for you and you know, make things better, I know how you feel, like loss.”
  Oceans throat went dry as she answered,
  “I know I’m sorry for your loss.. Goose was a good man, I mean, look what he brought out of you... including Maverick..”
  Rooster heard her take a pause, but didn’t say anything because he knew she’d add more,
  “my brother.. he was a good person, had the craziest humor.. but the sweetest heart, when my dad died he technically took his place and became the male role model I needed, and well, because of him I made it through college and the Navy.. he fought all my battles and stood by me through everything.. and now, I got to do it myself-“
  “No, Oceans you don’t.. I’m here for you, I’ll never fill that space or place you had for your brother, but I’ll do my best to meet your expectations. Fighting Jeffries over a misunderstanding or rumor she has laid out, is not for you to fight on your own, Maverick and everyone else in our squad has got your back, hence why you were transferred. We’re not going to let anyone unnecessarily hurt you again, we can’t protect you from everything, but we can try, I will try.”
  Oceans was comforted at Roosters words, he was genuinely a great person, and friend. And she only wanted to see the same with Hangman, though now that would take time.
  “Hey Roos.. do you think Hangman is going to be ok?”
  Rooster could feel and hear her concern, so he replied honestly,
  “I sure he will, he’s never one to stay down when knocked down, he actually gets up more stronger mentally and physically.. and as far as things between you and him, you’ll will be ok, you’ll just have to prove that you’re not the person Jeffries says you were. Which I’m sure you will, you’re not a bad kid Oceans.”
  Oceans had reached the check-point on base by the time Rooster said his last word, she wiped her eyes clean from shedding tears at his sincere and honest words, before she presented her card to the security that let her pass after scanning her card. Oceans let in a deep breath of fresh air and let it out slowly,
  “Thank you Rooster.. for everything, I don’t know what I could’ve done without you guys, I’m on base now.”
  “Thank you.. I’ll be in the bunkers with the guys, go deck with the ladies, Phoenix is here, I just saw her arrive.”
  “Ok, goodnight Roos, I’ll see you tomorrow, though I’ll be in a different debriefing room. But in the lobby I’ll see you.”
  “Alright, get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a safe, fresh start for you.”
  “Indeed it is.. Dueces.”
  “Deuces kiddo.”
 Hangman’s POV
  When Hangman had arrived in his truck on base and got off, Maverick and his team was there to greet him and comfort him. Before Hangman wasn’t one to receive affection or even make an appearance of being weak or hurt, but this time he let his ego and pride down, and returned every good embrace he got from his fellow aviators, they welcomed him back with open arms filled with understanding and compassion. They all knew Hangman and could tell he was wrecked, so they kept it simple and let out a couple of, ‘we got your backs.�� and ‘We missed yous.’ He only let out a small smile to his lips showing he appreciated them, and soon Rooster guided Hangman back to the decks with Bob, Coyote, Payback, and Fanboy. Hangman finally was in his bunk after showering off the day and eating a good peanut butter sandwich that Fanboy and Bob put together for him.  
  Now while laying there on his back he could only remember the smile that was on Oceans face, it was real. He saw how she was friendly with the people around her, and noticed how she even reached out to who she thought was a total stranger until which was Hangman, and still was the same person when she saw his face. Making him think that maybe she wasn’t the bad guy after all, but who was to say, a lot of people had a lot of bad stuff to say about her, but at the end of the day, those people were Jeffries friends.
  ‘I wonder if she’s the total opposite of what was said about her.. I wonder who she really is.. why can’t I stop thinking about Constantine anyways? Was it cause she actually treated me like a normal person? Or just trying to play nice then be an asshole when it was the right time? Ughh.. I wish I knew.. at least I won’t be seeing her any time soon.. she’s shipping off with Jeffries anyways..’
  And those were the last thoughts of the day when Hangman was finally lulled to sleep by Roosters soft snores that weren’t loud and ridiculous like Coyotes. It felt good to be back where he knew he belonged and could be himself freely, it felt like home. But he just only hoped he could move on and forget, but a piece of the chaos that had happened was now on the same base as him, and in 4 months she was going to be on the same ship as him too.
 October 6
 Oceans POV
   Last night Oceans had a peaceful sleep, knowing that no one was going to jump her in her sleep was enough to sleep calmly. Phoenix slept under her on the bunk they shared, and Phoenix made sure Oceans was ok and asleep first before she went to sleep. Both woke up fresh in the morning and got dressed into their required uniform. Phoenix was in her green flight suit, and Oceans got in her uniform which was her Mechanical jumpsuit, which was a Navy Blue. It was 8am when all sailors were called to the cafeteria, upon walking in Oceans could see all the happy sailors that wore their uniforms and badges proudly. The room was filled with chatter and and a few shouts of laughter here and there. It was cool inside the building, as the heat outside was still a little high. Oceans could smell the fresh eggs that were cooked along with the bacon and sausage as she stood in line to grab her tray.
  ‘Damn I forgot how good their food smell and tasted.. oh look! there’s the guys! I should tell Phoenix- whoa girl.. are you eye fucking Rooster?!’
  “Hey Nixy, we should go sit with them.”
 Oceans nudged Phoenix on the ribs playfully as she distracted her from eyeballing Rooster in his flightsuit. Phoenix’s cheeks went to a slight pink as she was caught,
  “Hey you can’t deny he looks hot, it complements his eyes and toned body-“
  “Ok ok, I get it.. don’t need the details.”
 Phoenix snickered and poked Oceans side almost making her tip her tray, which earned Phoenix a playful scowl. But soon their trays were safely placed on the table as they joined Bob and Rooster on the four seated table. But as she sat down Oceans realized she had forgotten to get her utensils, 
  “Hey I’ll be right back, I need my utensils-“
  “Do you think you can get me a spoon for my yogurt, please?”
  Bobs pleading eyes were enough for Oceans to say yes, plus he was always so polite. Oceans got up quickly with a cheerful response,
  “Consider it done, Bob, just a spoon?”
 “Great!- Oh my God!”
 When she turned around to leave, Oceans was a little too quick, and with the momentum she had to walk off quickly and with the pace Hangman had when he was going to sit down, they both crashed harshly into each other, sending Hangman’s tray into Oceans chest. 
  Hangman’s POV
  Along with everything he had on his tray, Hangman’s hot coffee spilled onto her which made her jump and gasp at the burn. But Hangman overlooked that as he thought it was careless of her to not watch where she was going. Hangman didn’t know it was Oceans yet, because she was too busy looking down at her uniform, but he did recognize the orange-reddish hair,
  ‘You’ve got to be kidding me? What’s with all the red heads? The all seem to have issues.. You didn’t see this wall of muscle coming towards you? At least it got on your uniform and not mine. If not I’d be more pissed kid.’
  In the midst of it he scolded her,
  “Could you watch where you’re going? You blind or something?”
  Oceans didn’t lift her head as Rooster gave her some napkins to clean her hands off as Phoenix took care of Oceans boots, and Bob handed her his cold yogurt to cool her hands, and Hangman never moved to help her, he wanted an explanation. Oceans finally raised her face to look him in the eye and that’s when Hangman’s jaw dropped, 
  ‘Constantine Oceans! For fuckin Texas’ sake.’
  “Wha- What the.. no way. Why are you here? Thought you were going with Jeffries?”
 Rooster could see Oceans fists clench in growing anger, and also caught Hangman’s green orbs darken quickly, so he replied for Oceans as he said slowly,
  “Maverick transferred her here Hangs.. don’t worry about that, and it wasn’t her fault man she didn’t see you-“
 With a huff of hidden laughter and annoyance Hangman raised his brow at Rooster,
  “Are you defending her carelessness?-“
 Hangman had interrupted Rooster but so did Oceans when she said sternly,
  “Hey! You bumped into me the day we met at the bar, and it was because you weren’t watching when’re you were going. And I didn’t even make such a deal out of it-“
  “Oceans please.”
 Rooster cut Oceans off with a stern plead for her not to exceed the argument, but Hangman scoffed as he tried to look her down, but unfortunately she almost stood to his height, making them come close eye to eye, 
  “That you remember? And what else is there huh, Oceans? What else do you remember or know about me?”
  Hangman up until this point still believed Oceans was one of Jeffries mean buddies, and thought she was going to spew some venom about that night he left Jeffries, but he was shocked when he heard her true thoughts on him, when she replied with sincerity in her voice, and her fists still clenched tightly,
  “Well, I’ve heard you’re a good guy.. have cheesy pickup lines but cool.. why don’t you let me go get you another tray, please.”
  Roosters POV
 ‘Damn Oceans.. thank you for being civil about this.’
  Rooster was grateful Oceans didn’t pursue Hangman’s thrive to argue, and even more happy when, (even though done in a way that was very cocky and arrogant) Hangman responded with a deep sigh leaving his nose,
  “Sure, but listen, I hope you remembered everything I had on my tray, Oceans. If not I’ll send you back until you get it right. Do you understand?”
 Oceans nodded her head,
 “Yes, Lieutenant.”
 Hangman stepped out of Oceans way as he tilted his chin towards the cafeteria bar,
 Hangman looked at Oceans leave and scoffed with an annoyed look as he turned to look at his Wingman and sat on Oceans seat next to Phoenix’s. He then questioned,
  “When did she transfer?”
 Bob sat up as he opened his now warm yogurt and replied,
  “Maverick did, yesterday. He got permission from her Admiral and requested to have her here-“
  “Yeah but why?”
 Phoenix scooted closer to Hangman and replied in a tone that was barely audible because she didn’t want anyone to hear her but those at their table,
  “It’s not my place to give details, but do you remember how you saw her at Hard Deck the first time?”
  Hangman looked at his hands pretending to think hard about it, but he responded simply,
  “Yeah, she looked like a beat rag doll.”
 Phoenix turned around to see where Oceans was at, and saw her staring at the fruit bar, then picking out grapes from the fruit salad and putting them into a small bowl. She still had some time to share,
 “Well, that’s what her last team did to her, and worse before.”
  With a deep chuckle of no compassion, Hangman concluded,
  “She maybe deserved it.”
  ‘No she didn’t Hangs... she didn’t...’
 Rooster scowled at his Wingman, but to a certain extent understood Hangman’s thoughts on Oceans, because of Jeffries toxicity, but he just wished it wasn’t like this.
  Oceans POV
Oceans could see them talking in the distance as she tried to get Hangman’s coffee right, 
  ‘I wonder what they’re on about? But damn I’d hate to admit it, but Hangman is pretty.. I like his eyes- Oceans What the fuck?! What is up with me- no, no.. we do not get to complement Hangman. No-‘
  “Officer Oceans, it’s good to have you here with us. Though I see you’ve gotten yourself comfortable with the cafeteria.”
  Being caught off-guard almost made her have another coffee spill, Oceans internally scolded herself for being up in her head and not paying attention to those approaching her, but turning her head to the unfamiliar deep voice, she was met with shiny, dark eyes looking down at her, it was Warlock. She glanced at her stained suit but ignored it as she replied to him,
  “Call me Warlock, please. I heard Maverick requested you. You must be good at your job.”
  With a small appreciative smile Oceans nodded, she was glad he decided to ignore her suit too, he must’ve seen how it happened. While helping him serve his coffee and passing it to him, he gave a silent ‘thank you’ as Oceans then added,
  “Yes, Warlock, he did. He figured I’d do better here. I can work on anything you have here. Fix it, and build too.”
  Warlock sent her a nod of impressment,
  “Not bad. I think your last name also fits for the Navy, Oceans.”
  Letting out a small chuckle Oceans agreed,
  “It certainly does, Warlock.. is Warlock your callsign?”
  “Yes ma’am. Later I’ll tell you how I got it, so go finish your breakfast, your debriefing is soon. I’ll be giving that by the way. And please, go change your uniform before you enter, please.”
  “Yes sir, I will.”
 He gave her his hand and they both shook firmly,
 “I’m expecting the best from you Oceans.”
  “And that you’ll get Warlock, pleasure.”
 He then took his coffee and walked away, Oceans poured the creamer into Hangman’s coffee and walked back to the table thinking.
  ‘Well at least he’s nice.. where’s Maverick by the way? I wonder where he is?’
 Hangman’s POV
  Bob and Phoenix got quiet as Oceans returned to the table and stood next to Hangman, he looked at the tray she held and was surprised to see she had gotten it all right, seeing she only had a few seconds of seeing it before it rammed into her chest. He took it carefully to avoid spilling it, and said simply 
  “Now, there’s a seat over there next to Fanboy, Coyote, and Payback.. here’s your tray, and utensils.”
  Oceans took it with a small frown, she had hoped he’d at least say ‘thank you’, but she walked to the other table without another word, and her smile lifted warmly when the other aviators welcomed her happily, already cracking jokes and teasing her about being the only ‘Cookie’ on board, (they called her cookie because she was freckled.) Hangman looked back at the aviators at his table and saw that they were looking at Oceans, 
  ‘Ugh come on guys she’s not the victim here.. she’s a grown woman.’
  So he then broke the ice,
  “Guys, she’ll be fine... the guys happen to like her company either way.”
  Rooster agreed but none the less said,
  “I know, but you’ll at some point got to accept her-“
  “I don’t Rooster, all that is required of me is to treat her like a co-worker and that’s it. She doesn’t need more or less. Plus, she’s just a mechanic, she’s not even one of us.”
  Phoenix’s eyes went wide at his comment but composed herself quickly when Bob tapped her leg for reassurance that it was ok. Rooster though didn’t let it escape,
  “She is Hangman, she’s Navy just like us, we literally serve in the same branch for the same country. But, I get you.”
  Sending smirk Rooster way Hangman nodded,
  “Of course you do Roos, now lets finish this up, I have a feeling we have a big day ahead of us.”
  Rooster scratched his mustache then hair,
  “Yup, Maverick is not even here, meaning he must have a big assignment he’s been preparing for us.”
 Phoenix finished up her eggs and said after she swallowed,
  “Probably another mission, they’ve been preparing the Abraham Lincoln for us.”
 RIIIING RIIING RIIIING... ‘Attention Sailors, you have 5 minutes to pick up and be in your designated places. Last call.’
  All Sailors began to rise in sync and cleaned up after themselves, Hangman waited for Oceans to pass by him as the door was right where he was, he was intending to poke at her about her flight suit, not ever giving up the habit of being a cocky asshole sometimes, but Oceans beat him to his play when she saluted him respectfully,
  “Safe flights , Lieutenant.”
He stuttered out what ended to be nothing, looking at her hips sway as she walked away confidently to the left side of the building. The sun that beamed through the windows fell on her form making her look like main character, with a stained uniform, but it was like she didn’t care, it seemed like she was more focused to getting her job done more than anything, which irritated Hangman, he wanted to argue with her, but her strong self control never let him go that far with her, and what didn’t help, was that his Wingman helped her control that anger too, it was like Rooster held a certain authority over her, but a respected one. And she knew how far to push until he stopped her, maybe he stopped her because he knew Oceans could go deeper than necessary. 
  Oceans POV
  Later that evening, Oceans got off her shift more tired than ever, for being her first day, she was given a long list of machines and motors to fix. Plus, she carried half the equipment back and forth as she did one then the other, and they were nothing but heavy of course. But, she was more than happy to have gone it all done that day, because she was given orders and the liberty to fly them the next. Some of the sailors had left off base to see their families that happened to be near by, while others went out to Hard Deck or other fast food places. They all had a curfew though, they all had to be back on base by 10:00pm no later.  But Oceans decided to stay on base and go look at the jets she was assigned to fly, so she walked out of the building and felt a rush of refreshment she felt the cool breeze hit against her hot face and cooled the sweat that was covering her hairline. Oceans first checked out the F-18s that weren’t hers, they were for the TopGun crew, they had their names printed neatly and perfectly on the right side of the jet. She stopped in front of Mavericks, admiring how far he had come regardless of the life it led for him, he was more courageous than ever and had a heart for leading, serving, and giving high expectations no matter what others said. 
  ‘He’s definitely a role model... so brave and.. damn I wish I could be like him.. he went back to the skies even after his wingman died. Must’ve been hard, but he persisted.. why was it so easy for him, why can’t I do that..-‘
  “Can you even fly these?”
 Jump scared as always, Oceans swallowed the yelp that tried to escape her mouth, she turned her head and held a hand over her heart symboling that someone had particularly almost scared the life out of her, to only see that it was the one and only Hangman, her somewhat enemy at the moment. He too looked surprised to see that he had called out to the last person he liked, Oceans, his smug smile had even dropped and it became a frown. But Oceans ignored his facial expression that internally hurt her heart, though she covered it with a small smile that was almost not visble as she replied simply and honestly,
  “Yes, I have a license to test the jets I have worked on, or any aircraft that needs test flying.”
  Hangman looked at her with the same face, not impressed at all, and continued to interrogate her with questions,
  “How many Gs have you pulled?”
 Oceans raised a brow of confusion at his question,
 ‘Maybe he wants to know more about me? Ok.. let’s do this.’
  Squaring her shoulders Oceans slightly leaned on jet while holding eye contact, not knowing that that shook Hangman a little, no woman in his life beside his mother could hold long term eye contact with him, they’d blush and look away, but Oceans never did.
  “I’ve pulled up to 10 Gs before.”
 “My job is to see if the jet is capable of pulling such, I test it to its limits.”
  “How many different aircrafts have you flown?”
  “Up to 11, I want to hit 12 though.”
 “Is it true that Maverick transferred you?”
 “Yes, he put in orders for my transfer.”
Now that question, Oceans wasn’t ready to answer honestly, first because it was personal and not her favorite topic, so she skipped it,
  “Not going to answer that one yet-“
  Hangman crossed his arms as he bullied without a care,
  “Why not? Bet your got here on your knees than by your feet-“
  Oceans felt a jab to her heart and respected ego, all her life she kept her life clean and her positions well earned, not in the way Hangman thought she did. Which it did hurt her to be considered that way,
  ‘Was that a sexist comment?.. that’s not cool at all you demeaning son of a bitch.’
Hangman’s POV
 Hangman watched how Oceans eyes gave an expression of pure hurt and shame, he basically insulted her, which wasn’t cool at all, but he couldn’t help himself when he was not happy about a particular person and on a roll for pushing peoples buttons, and what confirmed the hurt look on Oceans face, was when he heard her say,
  “That was a low blow Lieutenant.. God knows how many times I had to run on my feet to not be on my knees.”
  Hangman looked down at his feet for a second as he thought,
  ‘Ok that was a low blow on my part, my mom would’ve smacked my head had she heard me... but I don’t need to apologize.. let her take a hit. Like I did.’
  Hangman sent her a shrug as he replied,
  “Fine... change of subject- What’s the highest Mach you’ve reached?”
  He was a little calm when he saw her face lit up slightly, as she now answered with pride in her tone,
  “Up to Mach 9.”
  ‘Mach 9? That’s pretty fast... I’ve only hit 8..-‘
  “What’s your highest Hangman-“
 Oceans calling Hangman his callsign made him suck in a harsh breath of sudden fury, he didn’t think she deserved the liberty to call him by his callsign, people that were his friends and close most trusted acquaintances got to do that, she was no where near that, so he sternly told her what he thought before she could proceed in her question,
  “You don’t get to call me Hangman, it’s Lieutenant Seresin for you. You’re not a Naval Pilot, or in TopGun, or not my wingman. And besides that, you’re not my friend. Remember your place, you’re an Officer and a mechanic, you and I don’t measure out to be the same.”
 Hangman snapping at Oceans without hesitation, made Oceans gulp with guilt and regret for even talking to him in the first place. Oceans apologized formally but somewhat sarcastically,
  “My apologies Lieutenant Seresin, all though no matter our positions, we do serve the same Country in the same branch, so to a certain extent, we do measure equally, just fine.”
  Hangman scoffed,
 ‘Really? Huh.’
 “You think so?”
 “Yes, Lieutenant. I indeed think so, both our jobs require a different kind of sacrifice, but it’s for the same purpose.”
  Hangman’s face went from a stern frown to a slight shocked face as the wrinkles in his forehead softened,
  ‘I mean.. she has a point.. damn you Oceans.’
  Hangman looked at Oceans and couldn’t see any doubt in her speech, she was confident and stood by her word, and it made him uneasy and not happy, usually any other girl or someone in command surrendered to him and agreed. But he could also see that she wanted to say something more, she had a yearning in her hazel eyes, that held a hint of innocence, but before Hangman could try and read more off of her, Oceans bid him goodbye,
  “Have a great night, Lieutenant.”
 Oceans walked passed by him to walk away, and he turned around to watched her go, but he saw how she suddenly stopped when she was at least 10 feet away from him, and she said in a loud tone so he could hear her,
 “And I’m sorry for any misunderstanding we have between one another, but I promise you I have nothing to do with it. None of it. I’d never do that.”
  Hangman’s thoughts raced at her sudden words,
  ‘Where did that come from?’
  “Never do what, Officer?”
 He wanted for her to turn around and answer him, but she began to walk away,
 making him call out to her in a louder tone that she had used at first,
  “Officer Oceans! I asked you a question!”
 Oceans turned around and huffed loudly as she stomped towards him frustratingly, and began to put forth,
  “I would never hurt and humiliate someone I don’t know or just not anyone, I have more dignity and compassion than that. You may not like me because of rumors or lies you heard about me. But just know, that for the rest of my life I’ll prove to you that I’m not who you think I am. I’m not your enemy Lieutenant Seresin.”
  By this point she was now only 2 feet away from him, with hurt painted in her eyes, Hangman could read them and see how honest she was, but he still held a small doubt, because he really didn’t know her, and she was right, she was going to have to prove herself to him, and prove Jeffries lies wrong. Hangman sighed while pinching his nose, he looked back at her and said calmly,
  “I guess you’ll have to... prove yourself to me. But until then, you stay away from me. I’ll see if your worthy of my trust. Understood, Officer Oceans?”
  Oceans nodded with a tight lip,
 “Yes, Lieutenant.”
  Hangman then dismissed her and watched her walk away completely this time, he couldn’t help but stare at her form walk away, she walked like if she was gliding or floating, her perfect movements almost made Hangman want to hate her more, but it was the fact that he couldn’t stand how good she was. 
   ‘What is it about you that I can’t stand Oceans... why can’t I see you like they do?’
Chapter 6
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