#but her being a bard sounds about right
kujiba · 6 months
#⎯May the land conceal you, dear grace
୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
୨୧ — ꒰a/n; I made this at like 2 am so ik this is crappy
Part one of two,
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AN HUMAN BEING - walked through the corridors of their apartment with a bag full of groceries on their hands. They have just finished running errands and now can finally take a rest after a busy day.
Approaching their apartment door. They took out their keys and inserted it into the key hold, stepping foot into their apartment room. They then started to take off their shoes and placed them near the door.
Putting the groceries aside and sitting carefully on their bed; they layed their head onto the soft pillow to rest. Sighing heavily, they turned their body to the side and reached down in their bag to get their phone, they opened the familiar famous mascot in genshin impact and got greeted with a bright light from their screen
The land of freedom lived up to it's name as ever, as the sounds of livelyness echoed through the place, a bard can be found in the town square playing melodies that blessed anyones ears who would hear it.
Laughs and joy can be found after stormterror's attack has been finally put to a stop by a famous traveler. The familiar blonde hair boy walked through the roads of freedom being greeted with smiles and commissions.
"Ad astra-"
"We'll take the rewards now, thanks!" a flying fairy next to the Traveler said to a woman standing beside the counter
The Traveler reached his arm out to claim the rewards from the woman, but then after he gotten his rewards. A familiar brunette greeted them from behind
"Hey traveler and paimon!"
The brunette said giving them the warmest smile
"Oh hey amber! What's up?"
The familiar brunettes name being revealed to be Amber gave a small smile at paimons words putting her hands onto her hips
"Hehe, Nothing much really. After stormterror's attacks was finally put to a stop. Mondstadt has been more peaceful lately! I was just about to head out to clear hilichurl camps till I noticed the two of you"
Paimon nodded at Amber's words "Thats great to hear! The Traveler and paimon really became a hot topic around mondstadt today too!" Paimon said smiling gleefully "The Traveler and Paimon don't have much to do for today, Mind if we join you amber?"
Amber nodded "Sure! I mean I totally could deal with the camps myself but with the two of you it would be much quicker!" Amber said giggling a bit "No time to lose! If you're ready let's go"
While walking (more like jogging) to the hilihurl camps Paimon decided to open up a conversation with Amber about something she's been thinking off.
"Hey amber, now that paimon thinks about it.. Who is this ' grace' person? Paimons been hearing alot about them recently!"
Amber looked at them both confused stopping in the middle of the forest to put her index finger on her chin. "You don't know our grace? Huh, I was sure you'd atleast get some information on them considering you guys been staying here in mondstat for, Quite some time."
Paimon then putted both of her index fingers in a X position denying the accusation of amber; Amber sighed playfully before facing them again with a small smile, "I don't blame you, people have been trying to cover up our grace after the incident. And I can't expect much after you've all been so busy being the honorary knight and hero's of mondstat!"
Amber then pointed up one of her fingers looking side to side before facing them again like a tutor. "hehehe, Well our grace is a bestwoned God who created Teyvat!"
Paimons eyes widened open hearing such a God making her flip back a little; on the other hand, Aether suddenly got more interested in this Teyvats God; 'maybe they know something about his sister that might make them reunite'
"huwaah!? Now that's some powerful God right there!" paimon said together with facing the Traveler; "Now that paimon thinks of it, don't you think this God has knowledge about your sister? I mean they did create Teyvat so surely they know something about your missing sister!" Paimon then turned to amber to ask questions about this Teyvats god
"Anywho, Do you know other things about this God amber? Or the story of them?"
Amber smiled softly at paimon, furthermore explaining to them what the story of their grace was.
Long ago when Teyvat was still in production, a ruler was made just for the producing nation; the God was perfect in Teyvats eyes. They were kind, powerful, beautiful. The archons worshipped their grace with all their love, blood, and tears.
They thought Teyvat was perfect for their grace, that they had everything that they ever wished for... So why......
Why did they disappear?
Filled with grief Teyvat slowly started to become chaos, and thus, the archon war started. All of Teyvat overthought it, some accepted it thinking their grace wanted Teyvat to be independent. Some thought they had done something crucially wrong to make their grace disappear. Long many wanted to forget but they couldn't. So they went to the option of worshiping, surely you will comeback? They will be better they promise! But that day never came...
"Or at least that's what I know from what I read from books!"
Amber said putting both her hands on her hips and having a shining presence around her; Looking back, Aether started to piece together the background of Teyvats god. but it all led to a dead end.
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The trio finally arrived at the hilihurl camps, amber was readying her bow and baron bunny while paimon just was at the sidelines for emotional support.
Aether meanwhile, was readying his sword when he felt a short voltage in his body the same feeling when he was always readying to fight; it was warm, like you're sleeping in the clouds with a fireplace near you to keep you warm. It felt so comforting; And in a blink of an eye the hilihurl camps were now gone.
Panting, Amber started to walk back where the duo was to check on them
"Wooh! Nothing out rider Amber can't handle!" Amber proudly exclaimed while Aether only looked at the grass.
He was so out of it that he started to lose focus on his surroundings but then another sudden jolt wakend him up.
He was cut off with his day dreaming when paimon was shaking him roughly to snap him out of it. "Hey.. Hey! Oh thank archons your caught out of your daze! Paimon thought you were possesed"
Paimon exclaimed putting both her hands on her hips looking like an angry mom; Aether rubbed the back of his neck apologetically "sorry.. paimon, I was just caught on something." Aether said looking at the sky thinking about the story amber said to them earlier whilst squinting his eyes.
"Teyvats God.."
"Hey wait a minute! There wasn't treasure at all here amber!"
"Whoops! Maybe I can treat you guys with some food at good hunters?"
Looking at the final hilihurl that faded away onto your screen; you stretched your arms wide and exited out of the game, it's been 3 hours? Four? Doesn't matter. Putting your phone aside and readying yourself to bed; you failed to notice your phone lighting up and displaying the seven elements of Teyvat, all of them lighting up to their prestige colors.
Making a one final stretch to your arms before going back to bed, and tucking yourself in, slowly closing your eyes...
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Fluttering your eyes a bit, you suddenly felt like you were falling. Just like those dreams you've had but the thing is; you didn't land. You kept falling with no end to the nightmare, you tried to move but your body didn't respond, as if you were paralyzed.. starting to feel hopeless, You closed your eyes waiting for it to end and just wake back up from your bed; That was until you felt something grab your throat and drag you to the deepest bottom.
You were panicking, Why was this happening to you!? You couldn't open your eyes too even see what was happening, Your breathing was running out, pressure from the hand that grabbed you started to hurt and sting, you felt closer and closer to the ground and that's when-
Warmth .. You felt warmth; you previously were falling to your eternal doom thinking there is no way out of the panic and dread in your body But now.. You felt...
Kinda itchy.
It feels like your getting softly stabbed by something like grass; slowly opening your eyes you found yourself in a grassy pit with a beautiful scenery, hearing something close by; you turned your head around too see a small anemo slime watching over you. The anemo slime just squirmed and fled away to another direction.
you put both of your hands onto your face, hands trembling and face looking petrified; "What kind of drugs did I ate..." refusing to believe this is real you started to desperately pinch your self, and to your horror. It hurted.
Still refusing to believe this is real even tho there are plenty of evidence this is infact happening. You Stood up dusting off the remaining dirt in your clothes; you were amazed by the beautiful scenery that was upon you, it felt so familiar...
you see not too far by, a woman dress up in adventurer clothing who was cooking something at a fireplace, curiosity took in and you start to walk to the lady planning to also ask her questions about this place, hoping she does have answers.
"Uhm.. Excuse me" you said lightly tapping the woman's shoulder to make her look at you
The woman turned around to you following, with a smile "Oh uhm yes hello! What is it that you need?"
Going like you planned you started to ask her questions about this place, over time you learned that her name was Lynn it felt familiar to you-... Wait a sec...
After she was done explaining you thanked her while Lynn also handed out some food onto you. Walking around the clear and vast area you quickly learned where you were at now.
You were at the city of freedom it's self..
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ollyissleppy · 4 months
𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 | venti, diluc x reader
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summary: just boys confessing their love while being tipsy
pairing(s): venti x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: mentions of being drunk, drinking, alcohol, mentions of being pressured into drinking
tags: fluff, drinking, confessions, reader works in church (in venti's), reader is from fontaine (in diluc's), diluc is all blushy (just the way I like him 😇)
a/n: I don't remember the last time I wrote (and actually finished) something let alone post it :( anyways there's also one with Keaya but I didn't have the time to finish it and just wanted to post what I have so I won't have the time to change my mind
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You stand at the back of the church, just casually chatting away with a few sisters, as you hear quick steps approaching where you are. You and your companions turn your heads to see who's in such a hurry, only to spot Barbara rushing her way towards you. 
"(name)! Thank Barbados, I finally found you," the blonde says as she stops right in front of you. “Could you be so kind and help me get rid of this drunkard? He's laying under the statue, and no amount of threads can make him leave.”
“Sure, just show me where they are, and I’ll get rid of them for you.” You send a warm smile her way and follow her out of the church. 
Once outside, you notice someone laying under Anemo Archon’s statue, attempting to play music on a lyre. Upon coming closer, you recognise the person who's causing Barbara to grow grey hair. You sigh, knowing now that not only Barbara's well-being but also potentially the identity of your beloved archon is at risk. After all, you don't want the drunk bard to expose himself as the Anemo Archon to the entire city. 
“You’re playing the wrong cord, Venti,” you say as you approach the bard.
“HOW DARE YOU EVEN—oh, it’s you, (name)! I was waiting till you came out of this stupid  building." Venti throws himself at you, his arms tightly wrapping around your neck. "I wanted to come inside and hang out with you, but she refused to let me in," he pouts while trying to give you the puppy eyes. 
You ignored his words and just opted to try making him stand on his own. Your attempt was unsuccessful; the moment you let go of him, he started to fall over. Holding him up by his waist, you turn to Barbara:
“Thank you for bringing me here, Barbara. You’re free to return to your duties, I got this from here.” After making sure you had a tight grip around Venti, you started making your way out of the city. You hope to brig him to the closest Archon statue to hopefully sober him up.
“You know, I thought alcohol no longer had an effect on you.” You couldn't help but ask a question as your mind was working overtime to figure out what could bring the bard to such a state. 
“Keaya brought some special wine from Sumeru, and we both shared a bottle,” Venti replies, sounding as if he's about to fall asleep. 
“Wow, now I feel sorry for Master Diluc. I can’t imagine having to deal with the both of you in such a state.” You shake the bard, making sure he stays awake at least till you both reach the statue. 
As you finally crossed the bridge just outside the city, you quickly apologised to Timmy for scaring away his pigeons and continued your journey until you reached Venti's statue. You lay him down under the stone version of himself and hope your theory about sobering him up is correct. You sit down beside him, your back against some roots, waiting for a change in the bard's position.
When some time passes and you start to wonder if you should just leave him there, he finally sits up. You look at him curiously, waiting for the bard to say something. Venti remains silent, just staring back at you. Another moment passes until he finally speaks up:
"You're really here. For a moment, I thought you were just a dream. "You can still smell the alcohol as he speaks. "(name), can I tell you something?"
You look at him confused, wondering if it is another one of his 'I'm an archon type of secret'. He looks at you as if he's collecting his thoughts, so you allow your mind and gaze to wander off. 
“I am in love with you.” Your head snaps right back at Venti, unsure if your mind isn't playing games with you. 
"What?" you ask, scolding your mind for even suggesting the bard said something like this. 
"I'm in love with you, (name)." Venti shifts his body to be closer to you, almost as if trying to kiss you, his gaze still fixated on you.
“Venti, you’re drunk.” You try to move your body away from his, causing your back to bruise itself against the roots. You found your archon's feelings highly inappropriate. 
He sighs and moves his body back to its original place, his gaze finally leaving yours. You relax, finally feeling free from the awkward situation. You realise that Venti's eyes seem to be focused on something, so you follow them to see what he's looking at. Off in the distance, you see two hilichurls dancing and seemingly enjoying each other's company. Both you and your companion watch the two of them in somewhat comfortable silence. You're not sure how much time passes until Venti speaks up again. 
“You don’t have to answer; it’s ok. It must be so confusing for you," he sighs, his eyes now looking up to the sky. "You devoted your entire life to an archon just for me to destroy your image of said archon and now selfishly confess my undying love for you.” 
You stare at him, unsure of what you should do. The bard was right; you were confused out of your mind. You look down at the ground, trying to collect your thoughts. The silence once again falls between you two, only this time it's more awkward than anything. After what felt like ages, you hear Venti move his body. You don't look up, still being within your own thoughts. The archon sees that and just gently cups your face with his hand, forcing you to look at him. Venti slowly moves his face closer to yours, his breath tickling you.
“But no legends say I'm not a selfish archon”
Diluc brought you to Fontaine in hopes you'll help him win it's people over and expand his wine empire in that direction as well. So here you are, catching up with some of your friends that you haven't seen since you left Fontaine. Learning all about their new lives, now without you. It didn't sadden you much, as moving away to another nation gave you opportunities you never knew were possible. You're so caught up in the conversation that you don't notice a person coming up behind you, let alone the arm that's making its way around your shoulders. The unexpected movement caused you to jump, only to calm down once you noticed the culprit. 
“Diluc, are you alright?" You ask worried, not remembering if you ever saw your friend with his face being almost the colour of his hair. 
"Yeah, I'm just tired." Diluc moves his body so he can rest his head on your shoulders. His moves catch you slightly off guard, as they're not something his usual self would do.
"Oh, look at the time,” you say, looking at your watch. "We really should all return to our houses; I'd hate for the staff to work overtime to clean up after us." Most of the people who were at the gathering agreed with you. Some people, however, weren't keen on leaving just yet, as they didn't get to discuss the legal matters of their agreements.
“Don’t worry, everyone; I'm sure Master Diluc will be ready to discuss further regarding the contracts tomorrow,” you say to comfort the worried bunch, hoping it'll be enough.
“Perhaps lunch time? Maybe at Cafe Lutece?” one of the men in the crowd replies, with a bunch of others agreeing.
“Great, we’ll be there!” You smile, happy to get them all off Diluc's back.
You sat Diluc down on one of the chairs and patiently waited for all of the guests to leave. You were so preoccupied by them that you didn't notice your friend started to drift off into sweet slumber. Once you do notice, you make sure to shake him awake to make it easier to bring him to your hotel rooms. You help Diluc stand up from the chair, and you start taking him upstairs, where your rooms are located. 
While making your way up the stairs, you decided to question what happened to make Diluc try his luck at drinking. 
'How can we know it’s good quality wine if the person responsible for making it won’t drink it?' was apparently something Diluc heard from one of the potential clients while he was trying to get them on his side. You felt kind of bad for Diluc, as you are aware that he's not fond of drinking, and tonight he was pressured into doing so. 
After what felt like a fight between you and the stairs, you two finally made it to Diluc's room. You close the door behind you and turn around to see Diluc struggling to get out of his coat. You chuckle at his sudden cuteness as you walk up to lend him some help. After a bit of struggle, you managed to get him out of the piece of clothing, settling it on one of the chairs in the room. You decided to skip trying to change the rest of his clothes, and you just laid Diluc down on the bed. You made sure to securely wrap him up in the blanket, and you started to take your leave. 
“Wait, don’t leave yet.” You stop in your tracks. You weren't expecting to hear his voice; you were almost certain that he was already out cold. “I hate seeing you leave.” You turn to look at him, thinking about your options.
You decided to stay with him a bit longer, at least until he actually fell asleep. You sit down on the other side of the bed, thinking about what you should say to make him fall asleep. 
"See? I'm not going anywhere, Diluc. You can rest now." You fix the blanket around his chest. The room falls into a comfortable silence. 
Your thoughts start to slowly drift away as the day finally catches up to you, making you wish you were in bed as well. You're so deep inside your head that you don't notice Diluc staring directly at you.
“Lay down with me.” His low voice startled you, snapping you back to reality. You take a minute to gather your thoughts to figure out the best response. 
“I don’t think it’s appropriate,” you said, hoping your answer would make him drop it. 
“Who cares? It’s just the two of us,” he argues, and you have to admit that he has a point. Besides, it won't hurt to lay with him just for a bit—until he falls asleep, that is. 
You sigh, defeated, and opt to lay down on top of the covers. That way, you had a way of getting out of his room and to your own when Diluc's no longer focused on you so much. As you move to your side, you notice Diluc visibly relaxing, even letting out a yawn. He looked like he would fall asleep any minute now, so you close your eyes, hoping it'll fool him that you're asleep as well. You are finally letting yourself relax. 
“I love you,” Diluc's voice was low and barely hearable. If the room wasn't dead silent, you probably wouldn't be able to hear it.
You don't respond, deciding that it must be just his tired and drunk brain talking. You keep your eyes closed just in case, still hoping to trick him into thinking that you're asleep.
“You hear? I’m in love with you,  (name)." Diluc moves his body closer to yours, as if trying to make sure you're able to hear him.
You lay still, trying to ingest his alcohol-reeking breath. Diluc sighs, moving even closer to you, just to throw his arm across your body, trapping you in bed with him. 
"I wish I wasn't such a coward and told you this when I'm sober and your conscious."
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Give me an Eddie who thinks he's straight, who doesn't really understand the growing feelings that he has for Steve, who writes them off as admiration because the guy saved his life, you know?
And in the next D&D campaign he introduces a new NPC, a badass female knight who assists the party with their current quest. It's revealed that she's trying to rescue her fiance, a local bard, and the kids start throwing glances at each other.
It's not until they meet said bard, whose description sounds suspiciously like Eddie, that they catch on to what's happening.
After the session Dustin, little matchmaker wannabe, stays behind and says "It's okay if you have a crush on Nancy, you know."
And Eddie looks at him like he's crazy.
"What are you talking about?"
"The knight? Cirice? That's totally Nancy, and you clearly like her if the way you talked about the character means anything."
"It's not Nancy, it's just a character! I just needed an NPC and it seemed like a cool build."
Dustin rolls his eyes. "Right, and this cool build includes the phrases 'flowing locks' and 'eyes flecked with gold'."
Eddie flushes, he knows he got a little descriptive with her introduction, but he shakes his head.
"She's not Nancy, Dustin."
"Then just tell me who she is!" The kid gets closer, and now Eddie feels cornered. He knows that Dustin can be annoying about things like this but he's never had the pleasure of it being directed at him, and it makes him feel a little trapped and frantic.
"Because you obviously have a crush on her that's so bad you have to get your feelings out in D&D, and if you have a chance to be with her then I want to help-"
"It's Steve!" he snaps, just to get Dustin to stop talking. "Cirice isn't Nancy, she's Steve."
And oh. Oh shit.
Eddie's mouth snaps shut as Dustin's drops open in shock, both of them realizing at the same moment that Eddie likes Steve.
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grimm-writings · 5 months
HIIII i LOVE your blog!! could i request a bard reader performing a song in front of the party, and it slowly dawns upon chilchuck that the song is about loving him? 🥺
a way with words
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…ft! chilchuck x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, reader is a bit of a poetic shit <3, reader plays a string instrument (envisioned a lute or mandolin but i don’t specify!)
…wc! 1092
…notes! OH MY GODDDD this is so cute. what the hell. we need more bard representation in this got damn dungeon. (i know thistle could technically be one but one in a party i beg)
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To me, some parties employ a bard if they plan on going on ‘legendary’ outings into dungeons.
Somebody needs to be there to document their exploits through the written word – how else are legends made?!
You probably stumbled on the party with the intent to write a song of legend.  Eating the dragon that ate one of you sounds pretty legendary after all, right?
Safe to say if you’re not exactly humble about your profession you get on the nerves of a certain union man.
Even if your reason for joining the party was… less than virtuous, you did bring a certain joy to the party that they all appreciate.
If journeying is getting tiring, all you need to do is pluck a few strings of your instrument and hum a travelling song.
Sometimes you’d make a little ‘game’ out of it.  You know using the drunken sailor melody to make your own songs?  Well…
“What shall we do with a big red dragon, earl-ye in the morning!”  Your voice rings out, bouncing off the walls of the dungeon around you.  You eye the party around you before your gaze lands on the half-foot seeming disinterested in your performance. Well, that simply won’t do! You lunge, dragging him back by the shoulders, eyeing him expectantly.  He only gives you a wide-eyed look of surprise for a second before realising everyone is watching.  He’d hate to interrupt the song, so… “Tie it down and eat it for dinner?” he suggests, only guessing the rhythm vaguely.  To his surprise, you seem to really like it.  You laugh and pick up the music once more to sing his lyric once again. He has to admit, at least you’re having fun.  He doesn’t realise until you reach a stop that he’s been singing along at the end.
I imagine half-foots have a cultural appreciation for music.  It’s a big scene!  They have drinking songs, travelling songs, work songs…  I wouldn’t be surprised if most bards are half-foots!
And Chilchuck is no exception.  Have you seen his little jig?  Of course he likes music!
He has great hearing so he’ll also pick up on little accents in your music and singing others wouldn’t really get.
If you’re performing a campfire song, Chilchuck will likely join in (especially if he had a bit of drink).
It’s nice.  He seemed to be relaxing around you, and you seem to be becoming more of a friend to the party rather than a glorified biographer.
You have to admit that the half-foot has been growing you a considerable amount.  What a complex individual.  So much to read into and inspire… 
It would be one night when you’re on night watch that Chilchuck’s sensitive ears end up waking him up. ..
The half-foot was going to hiss and complain about you being too loud at this time in the night, when he realises you’re playing a melody and mumbling words to yourself. …Huh.  Are you writing a song?  Chilchuck tries to remain still with his eyes closed and listens closely.  It’s handy having such keen senses sometimes. He could only pick up a few words; brown, warmth… something about a kind soul? Chilchuck figures you might be setting up for the party’s “legendary” song.  Maybe you’re focusing on Falin.  Her hair is a very pale brown, and she’s a kind soul if a bit of a people pleaser. He rests easy, listening to your gentle plucking of your strings.  It’s a different melody from usual… he likes your softer side he can identify through your music.
He never tells you he listened to your little jam sesh.  If you knew he’s using your music as a way to fall asleep easier…  He can see your smug smile now, and it makes him endlessly frustrated (or flustered rather).
Chilchuck’s feelings are something he never really… knew.  They just sort of existed, and he let them.  It’s not like anything will happen.
Sure, he gets more red in the face around you… and MAYBE he gets a softer look in his eyes as he looks at you… and perhaps he thinks your singing voice is one of the prettiest sounds he has ever heard…
So what?
It’s a colder night when you take out your instrument and announce you finished writing a song.  It took you a long time to complete it, you admit, but you put a lot of heart into it.
A unique starter, the party might think.  Usually you write for fun.  Specifying putting heart into your music is something that rings an alarm in their heads.
You start playing a melody.  It’s a type of sombre, deep sound.  It resonates a less folksy mood and something more… personal. With eyes closed, you don’t notice Chilchuck perking up in familiarity.  That’s the tune he heard you playing weeks ago.  You only just refined it?  At least he can actually hear what the words are. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you sing about a character that has a kind soul, with deep brown eyes.  His warmth is something that you find yourself wanting to bathe in once a journey ends.  Chilchuck listens with a small smile. It’s only when you start mentioning things like silver strands of hair you wish to weave through your fingers, things start to fall into place.  Wringing his hands too often for a well-prepared man is a lyric that is too specific to merely be about some fictional character. He doesn’t say anything even as he joins in the applause at your finished peace, pretending the heat in his cheeks is from the frosty temperature.
That night, he catches you alone refilling your waterskin.  The atmosphere is thick with a kind of calmness.
Where Chilchuck is usually so stubborn, he finds the words escaping his lips in a soft voice.
“Are you in love with me?”  You don’t respond instantly.  He expected as such.  He follows your form with his eyes as you widen your eyes and glance away with a small laugh. “Wow.  Wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” you dryly tack onto your chuckle. He laughs along, approaching you.  He doesn’t do anything drastic, instead offering his own to you. “It’s okay,” he tells you, surprised at his own lack of embarrassment despite the situation.  “The fact you notice all that about me is… flattering.  You really have a way with words.” You return the grin he gives you and take his hand, squeezing it. “How could I not notice, when you are my intimate muse?”
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feyascorner · 7 months
10 | The Fangs Between Us
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summary. “The damage you’ve done to my stomach is plenty. Thank you, darling,” he frowns. “And if I may: It isn’t completely fair to place all the blame on me, is it? I might’ve been intoxicated, but I wasn’t deranged enough to miss the way you kissed me back. Aggressively, might I add?”
You roll your eyes. “I was trying to bite your lip off.”
“I would believe you if you hadn’t made such teasing sounds when I bit back.”
warnings. angst, comfort, slow burn, tav reader is a bard, italics are flashbacks, suggestive content!!!! (new warning hehe)
pairing. Astarion x GN!Reader
parts. TFBU masterlist
a/n. actual????? communication????? after 45k words?!?!?!?!?!? or is it...this chapter is literally them being loser teenagers i love them
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To you, his touch is like a drug.
His breath, cool against your hot skin, presses against the shell of your ear as something dangerously close to a whine escapes your lips. You can feel him grin as he lowers his head and places a long kiss on your collarbone. His slender hands slide up your back, grinding you even closer than you already are as he mouths at every nook and cranny of your body. It’s almost like he wants to consume you whole. To drink you until all that’s left is a shuddering mess, your body still begging for his own.
White curls tickle your chin as the strings on your shirt finally come undone. His tongue brushes against the peak of your bare breast, and your eyes meet him in a lust-clouded haze, lips pursed as you swear you could reach your peak just by the way he looks at you. It’s so intimate, so vulnerable, so pleasurable that your eyes half close when the palm of his hand smooths against your clothed core.
He stills, lifting his head to kiss his way up to your neck again. As much as you want to beg him to resume what he’s been doing, he doesn’t let you. Instead, his fingers bring your face to his.
“Don’t hide from me.”
You shudder. You think you know plenty with how flushed your face is, but he doesn’t seem to care. He lowers back down your chest, grinning as he lays his cheek on your skin teasingly.
“If you look away, I’ll stop, my love.”
“Are you insane? Of course, he’s staying here!”
You lurch up from your pillow as the earth-shattering reality of the morning sun blares you awake. Cheeks burning, you rub at the bags under your eyes, humiliated in the face of nobody but yourself, as you hear more voices from downstairs. None of which even try to keep it quiet. You stare down at your legs, lips pursed.
Only still half-awake, you can practically feel his hands on your waist.
Curses. What are you? A prepubescent teen?
With a loud groan, you force yourself onto your feet. Considering how your dreams will only add to your stress, you might as well.
“Oh, thank gods you’re here. Tell him we’re not taking Astarion with us to the celebration, will you?” Shadowheart hisses as you descend the stairs, still half asleep. “Our wizard seems to have gotten the wrong idea about the leech upstairs.”
You swear Lae’zel snorts.
“It was only a suggestion. I wasn’t sure if we’d want to leave him alone here…isn’t that merely an invitation for him to run away?” Gale rubs his temple with his thumb, clearly exhausted.
You’re fully aware of Astarion’s nightly escapes into the city, but you don’t tell them that. It’s better not to cause a panic.
Shadowheart shrugs. “We’ll tie him to the counter. Hells, we can just lock him into the basement.”
Gale sighs. “He’s not a dog.”
“He acts like it,” Lae’zel grumbles, sinking her teeth into an apple.
“We could ask the Duke to spare some of his soldiers for the night. Make them keep watch while we’re at the party,” Shadowheart offers. “Anything to keep that dirtbag here instead of there. Isn’t that right, Tav?”
Gale’s eyes meet with yours. There’s a sort of expectancy in them that makes you squirm in your shoes as they bore straight into your soul as if he’s aware of your deepest secrets. There are bags under his eyes, surely from having to balance Astarion’s less-than-likable presence with all his other responsibilities in rebuilding the city. A part of you feels guilty for the work you’ve dropped on him, but both parties know it’s for the best.
It’s been made glaringly obvious that you and Astarion shouldn’t be anywhere around one another. It’s only a recipe destined to end in a yelling match or…
Your cheeks flare. Last night was a mistake. It won’t happen again.
“We’ll keep him here. Lock him in his room like Shadowheart said,” You finally blurt. “Can you send the invitation back with everyone who’s going? I have someone to visit in a few minutes.”
“Very well,” the cleric smiles, obviously pleased with your decision. Gale only frowns. “I’m glad that’s settled.”
So are you.
You hear the door of Astarion’s room open upstairs and decide you shouldn’t stay any longer. After rushing goodbyes to your companions and another questioning glance from Gale, you scramble to fly out of the house, barely grabbing your bag in the process. The contents weigh more heavily than they usually do, and for good reason. Hopefully, younger vampires feed less than fully grown ones because otherwise, the squirrel you found the night before won’t be able to satiate Berry’s appetite.
It’s hard not to wonder how she’s doing for most of your day. You were initially planning to visit her last night until the unfortunate ambush Petras released onto your already sore limbs. Even now, you constantly rub at the ache of your thighs and arms. The healing potions did plenty, but they couldn’t do everything.
She must be starving, you think. You grit your teeth.
Fortunately for you, however, when you arrive at the Highberry residence, Berry seems perfectly fine. In fact, she’s helping her adopted siblings arrange decorative plants around the house, likely to liven up the place after what’s been happening the past few months. There’s a sense of calm here that doesn’t currently exist in your own household. The scene makes a soft smile pull at your lips, which is more than welcome.
“You didn’t visit last night,” the young girl finally says when you’re with her by the window, far enough from the siblings to be out of earshot. She looks up at you sheepishly. “I thought you might’ve gotten attacked.”
She picks at her fingers.
“Were you worried?” you stifle a laugh, and she shrugs, albeit flustered. “I brought you some—prey. You must be hungry.”
“Not really,” she still takes the worn sack and clutches it close to her. “I went out to find food by myself.”
At this, your eyes widen. “What? You left for the forest? You know that place is dangerous, Berry; it’s not safe for someone as young as you.”
“I’m a spawn. It’s probably safer for me than you,” she squints, and you can’t bring yourself to deny it.
“...You’re still a child,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Where’d you learn to hunt anyway? The last time I checked, you could barely fight off a few forest animals.”
Her face flushes red, but she huffs regardless. “The haggard taught me.”
“Your friend,” Berry perches either of her arms on the windowsill, staring out at the passing civilians on the street. She whips her head to you and points at either of her fangs, opening wide. “He’s been teaching me to hunt with these.”
“Astarion?” you blink. “He taught you? Willingly?”
It’s rather hard to believe.
“No, I had to follow him. By the time he noticed, he didn’t have much of a choice,” she says proudly, puffing out her chest. Then she deflates again as if she just tasted something sour. “He got two big bears last night but wouldn’t share…So, I had to get my own squirrels because he told me I’d starve otherwise. That old hoot is selfish and mean.”
Well, it certainly sounds like him.
“You could’ve gotten hurt,” you scold her gently.
“Maybe by him.”
You want to say that she’s wrong and that Astarion wouldn’t hurt her, but the blasted comb flashes back in your mind, and reality sits heavy in your throat. So, instead, you bite your tongue.
“Have you found any of them yet? The other spawn?” she pushes herself off the wall to stand straight.
“I did—if fighting them counts.”
Her face falls and a part of you regrets even alluding to what happened last night. She begins to fidget with the sharp ends of her nails again and stares at your shoes. “There’s too many of them.”
You’d most certainly know.
“We have the Fist fighting for us,” you assure her, albeit pathetically. Even in your own ears, you don’t sound entirely confident. “And besides, the murder count has been decreasing as of late. If we keep going at this rate, we won’t have more than a body every two weeks—”
“It won’t work that way, though. They’ll just keep coming back.”
Were children always this perceptive?
You’re not sure what to say.
She clenches her fists. “Not all of them are bad, you know.”
“I know, Berry. You’re not a bad person at all; it’s just that—”
“I meant the siblings,” she blurts, finally meeting your eyes. “Aurora…she was nice. She was nothing like Petras.”
You’re suddenly leaning down to her, shoulders tense. “You’ve met the other siblings? Since when?”
“Only once, months ago. Petras tried to convince the others to stay here with him, but they said no,” her brows furrow. “He was furious that day.”
Of course. Why didn’t you realize that earlier? Petras, Dalyria, and Leon were the only ones of the main spawn that remained in the city, and being so swept up with their antics, you’d forgotten to ponder on the motivations of the others. You swallow the dry lump in your throat as realization slaps you across the face.
“So not all of them want to go through with the ascension?” you gasp. Berry pauses but nods slowly. 
Help. You could ask them for help. Surely, if they don’t want another Cazador running rampant in the city, they’d be willing to stop the ritual as a whole. You gnaw at the inside of your cheek as your mind races. Were they even aware of what Petras was up to? How many lives he’d taken?
You take her hands to stop her from picking at them, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Berry, where are the other siblings?”
“They told Petras they were leaving for the Underdark like they promised you.”
Gods, bless this girl. Somehow, she’s been more helpful than any other resource you’ve had the past few months—including the Duke, and your vampire spawn. You’d think she might be a blessing from the heavens if it weren’t for all the other bullshit they’ve thrown your way as of late.
“Tell Cora I dropped by,” you smile brightly. Though it’s rare nowadays, you feel almost hopeful. “I’ll come back in a week. Stay put until then.”
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By the time you realize how much time has passed being cooped up on your bedroom floor, the sun is already setting. You reach for a candle, flicking a match against the box before lighting a flame to illuminate the pages sprawled around you. In anyone else’s eyes, you might look nearly hysterical, but to you, it feels as if the weight of the entire city is on your shoulders again. In a way, you suppose it is. Unless you want more than just a couple dozen bodies on the city streets in a few months, that is.
Your eyes scan over Dalyria’s drawings for what seems like the millionth time. And for the millionth time, you find nothing. Since the last time you obsessed over her journal, there have been a few additions to your collection: some books on ascension, vampires, and, for some reason, a book on vampire lords. 
You’re not sure you see the point in picking up this particular book, considering the spawns’ master is long dead, which means none of them can become a true vampire unless they were to ascend—the exact scenario you’re trying to prevent. But perhaps spending an entire day at the library blossomed a newfound curiosity within you. 
There isn’t much in there you don’t already know from first-hand accounts Astarion would recall on the nights you couldn’t fall asleep. There are parts, however, regarding the vampire spawn they can compel that lure your attention.
“Vampire spawn were the masters of stealth and charismatic cunning,” you read mindlessly. “...vampire spawn would seek vengeance on their creators.”
Vengeance. Is that what it was when he tried to strangle you?
Your jaw clenches, and you feel a sort of buzzing on your lips. What an asshole.
Quickly, you shut the book with a slam as you decide that dwelling on information you’re already well accustomed to is a waste of time. You’d likely be a better source of knowledge than the book itself because of how basic its contents tend to be.
You stare at the cover, which simply illustrates a set of fangs. Cliche, you think, but it’s effective.
The room suddenly feels too quiet.
Fortunately, the uncomfortably loud growling of your stomach snaps you out of your trance.
Shoving the book under your bed, you swing the door to your room open to pace to the kitchen. Hopefully, there’s some dinner left over from last night—-worst-case scenario, you have to eat one of those days-old fruits gathered in the bowl on the counter. You don’t have much time to ponder, though, because you hear a familiar groan from downstairs as soon as you reach the top of the stairs.
“Will you please stop leaving dead animals in the cabinet? As grateful as I am that you’re feeding on them rather than our friends, it bloody reeks, Astarion!”
Astarion stares up at you with wide eyes on his way up to his room while you blink down at him wearily. Gale continues to mutter mindlessly about whatever trouble the spawn has caused in his sacred kitchen, but Astarion doesn’t seem to pay him any heed. You feel naked under his gaze, but you think putting on at least four more layers of clothing wouldn’t even scratch the surface of how you feel.
“Good morning,” he blurts.
He never greets you. Not like this, anyway.
It’s not even morning.
Fortunately, he looks just as confused at his words as you do.
Searching for a response that won’t come to you, you refer to the lamest solution. A scapegoat, if you will. “I need to walk past you.”
Astarion immediately nods. “Right. Yes, of course.”
He stands to one side of the narrow stairs, and you cautiously squeeze past him. Has it always been this much of a struggle to fit two people on the stairs? It’s terribly awkward as you shuffle by, holding the air in your lungs in hopes that he doesn’t recognize how uneven your breath is. You’re sure he does, but it was worth a try anyway.
Suddenly, Gale is standing at the bottom of the stairs in front of you.
“Where are you going? I thought you needed a healing potion for your stomach,” he aims at Astarion with a raised brow.
The said spawn coughs. You almost choke on the air.  “No, I—I’m alright now.”
“Are you sure? That bruise was pretty nasty, my friend. Letting something like that fester will surely only hinder you…”
Astarion closes the door to his room. Slams, more like.
You glance at Gale pitifully, who only crosses his arms with a sigh as he turns to return to the kitchen. “He’s moodier than I was when I was going through puberty.”
Wordlessly, you trail behind him until he resumes whatever dish he’s cooking up inside a pot while you reach for an apple. There’s a comfortable silence as you perch yourself on the counter, legs gently swinging as you chew, cringing whenever you feel a mushier part of the fruit. Gale lifts his ladle to his nose and takes a quick sniff before nodding in satisfaction. He then puts the lid over the pot.
“I’ve never seen Astarion as awkward as he was earlier,” he comments, and you cough.
“He wasn’t that charming in the first place,” you grumble.
“I never said he was charming. Just that he isn’t awkward.”
“Maybe he’s still drunk from last night,” you scoff, blood boiling at the mere thought of how he acted. A strange sense of pride spreads through you, knowing you hit him hard enough to do some damage, but you still think you could’ve hit harder. All those months pent up should’ve garnered far more strength, surely.
“Or perhaps it’s from the kiss.”
You do choke on your apple this time.
After you wheeze out whatever apple chunks were lodged in your throat, your head whips in the wizard’s direction. “Gale, you–”
“It wasn’t voluntary, I’ll have you know,” he cuts in, crossing his arms. “I just happened to leave one of my books on the couch, which I only wished to retrieve for my nightly routine of reading at least 100 pages.”
You’re at a loss for words. Your face deepens in color, even as you beg it not to.
“I, of course, being the most fortunate lad I am, had to walk into the room when his tongue was halfway down your throat.”
You nearly shriek. “There was no tongue!”
“Well, that’s certainly a relief!” he laughs. “I likely would have had to pry my eyes out with one of Lae’zel’s swords otherwise!”
On any other occasion, you’d bite back at him, but you’re too busy drowning in your own humiliation to register half of his words. A blessing and a curse in this case.
“It didn’t mean anything!” you blurt, even though he never really asked. “It was—he kissed me. I punched him afterward, too.”
Gale raises a brow. “Really? It appeared to me that you were kissing back, though it might have just been the angle. Quite passionately, too, but that might’ve been the trick of the light…”
You slap your palms over your ears, praying to the gods that he shut his mouth for once in his damn life. “It didn’t mean anything!”
“Does he know that?”
“He hates me! And he’s kissed hundreds of people—I doubt one stupid kiss even bothers him.”
“Yes, but it’s a kiss from you. His ex-lover,” Gale shoots back. “And he doesn’t seem unbothered. Neither of you do.”
“So what?” You know exactly what, but it’s difficult to acknowledge at the moment.
“Tav,” Gale says carefully. “If you’ve—by any chance—begun to grow accustomed to his presence again…and I don’t blame you at all, by the way. I’ve become rather fond myself of forcing him to listen to magic lectures that nobody else is willing to listen to; however…if it’s becoming something more on your end–”
“It’s not,” your tone is more stern this time. Colder. “It never will be.”
“Do I need to punch him again for you to believe me?”
“That’s not quite what I’m getting at. I just witnessed the tension between the two of you, and it would be irresponsible of me as a friend if we didn’t work through what you’re feeling before things start to get out of hand.”
You groan, throwing your hands in the air. “There is no tension, Gale!”
“Now now, I might not be the most experienced out of all of us in romantic affairs, but I’ve had my fair share of them. With a goddess, no less! It would be wise if you heeded my advice and discussed what the kiss meant to both of yo–”
You clap a hand over his mouth, words gritting through your teeth. “Stop saying it!”
His response comes out muffled against your palm.
“Fine, I’ll talk to him. I’ll go up to him right now and tell him how I’ll bury him alive if he tries anything again. Would that be enough to shut you up?” 
Gale smiles. You don’t return it.
The angry march up to Astarion’s room should’ve been enough to wake up your other companions, but it doesn’t. You knock heavily on his door, foot tapping impatiently as you glare at Gale, who stands halfway up the stairs, grinning from ear to ear in a pathetic attempt to be encouraging. It only makes you want to shrink into your shirt.
When Astarion fails to answer after multiple knocks, you decide you have no time for this. “I’m coming in. Please don’t be naked.”
The door doesn’t even have a lock. His room is empty except for the cold air that hits your cheeks. You realize that the window is swung wide open, allowing the moonlight to pour onto the wooden floors where he’s left his cloak in favor of what you assume to be usual nightwear. You pull the door behind you and cautiously step into his room, eyes glazing over the rest. It’s a stark contrast from your own. Despite how much time he spends in it, there isn’t a speck of dust or an article of laundry where it shouldn’t be. His bed is neatly made, his chair pushed into his desk, and if it weren’t for his books organized on his desk, you’d think nobody even lives here.
You slowly inch toward the window, running your fingertips over his books. They’re worn but somehow still well taken care of. You can feel how old they are, yet their pages remain perfectly intact, without a single crease on any corners. 
When you reach the window, you finally notice the vines growing on the sides of the building that protrude just over the window sill. You hear soft thumps from the ceiling, resembling the pace of his footsteps. Or at least, what do you think they’d sound like if he made any sounds while walking.
The asshole knows you’re here. Of course, he does.
With a wary glance at the vines, you firmly grip both hands on the roots and slowly lift yourself off the windowsill. Thankfully, the stones making up the building make for good boosters to haul you up toward the rooftop, even though your instincts suggest you’d likely fall and die an unfortunate death here. Still, somehow, you manage to haul yourself onto the roof's edge with a final groan.
You slump rather unceremoniously onto the angled edge, and the slight snicker from the other occupant of the space doesn’t go unnoticed. You glare at him, and Astarion only grins, leaning back on both elbows. “Should I have lent you a hand?”
“I can climb a wall, thanks,” you snap, crawling to a spot that allows you to lie back and stay a generous distance away from the vampire spawn. The tiles of the roof feel cool against your skin. From only two stories up, you can see a full four streets further than you usually can from your window, where only a few people now shuffle through the city given the time of night. While you think it should be peaceful here, all you can focus on is the undead individual lying a good few feet away from you, staring up at the sky rather than the city.
“As much as I enjoy all the colorful insults you throw at me, I was hoping for some peace tonight,” he finally says.
“This is my rooftop that I paid for. I’ll go where I please.”
Astarion sighs, his eyes still gazing up at the stars. “Then to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence tonight? If it’s about the dead animals, I’ve already told Gale I’d store them outside from now on—”
“Last night didn’t happen.”
There. It’s like a weight off your chest. At least, it should feel that way.
He stops, moving to stare from the stars to you. “And since when could you manipulate the very essence of time?”
“Don’t get smart with me unless you want another repeat of yesterday. Maybe I’ll knock out a fang this time,” you hiss.
“The damage you’ve done to my stomach is plenty. Thank you, darling,” he frowns. “And if I may: It isn’t completely fair to place all the blame on me, is it? I might’ve been intoxicated, but I wasn’t deranged enough to miss the way you kissed me back. Aggressively, might I add?”
You roll your eyes. “I was trying to bite your lip off.”
“I would believe you if you hadn’t made such teasing sounds when I bit back.”
This boils your blood just enough for you to tear your gaze away from him and back onto the city. “Just forget it happened.”
“Must I?”
“Yes! It was clearly a lapse of judgment!”
“It was,” he affirms. From the corner of your eye, you can see him put his chin against the palm perched on his elbow, fully turning on his side to face you. “An exciting one. I thought I knew you well enough that I could trust you would never kiss me again.”
You glower. “I was bleeding half to death—I was barely conscious. For all I know, I thought you might’ve been someone else.”
You can both hear the obvious lie in the statement, but neither points it out.
“I do wish you’d stop doing that,” he mutters, staring through lidded eyes. “It’s hard not to pay you any attention when you constantly smell like fresh bait. It’s like seeing an entire feast before you but being unable to have a taste.”
“Yes, because I wanted to get attacked by your brother.”
“Right. That.”
He stares up at the sky again. Hells, if he stares any harder, you’d think his damn eyeballs would fall out. His white curls blow gently against the breeze, and from here, it appears like nighttime was really made for him. Or do all vampires just glow during the night?
“For all it is, I’m truly sorry.”
Your eyes resemble barrels as you turn to look at him. He’s now occupied with his hands—those flawless hands of his that, by some miracle, don't have a single scar on them even after all the two of you have been through. Those very same hands you’ve once loved and that you’ve grown to hate.
“I, of all people, should know what it feels like to have someone forced upon me. And if I had any sort of control over my body at the time, I assure you what happened last night wouldn’t have happened.”
Though it’s not the main point of his apology, you find yourself focusing on the implications. He would’ve never kissed you if he was sober. You know this—you’ve known this—so why you’re so preoccupied by this confession, you have no idea. Internally kicking yourself, you steel your mind to remain calm. He hates you. You hate him. Simple. You only notice, moments later, that he’s still talking.
“---and I’m aware we aren’t on good terms,” he says, softer. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll stoop down to the levels of the dirtbags I had to deal with for two centuries. I might have questionable morals about all else, but in that aspect, I’m unlike them.”
Still wide and unblinking, your eyes slowly relax as you soak in his words. It’s been a while since you’ve heard him so sincere (in a manner that isn’t insulting), and it feels like a breath of fresh air. For a moment, you want to deceive yourself that you’d never reached Baldur’s Gate. That you and your companions are still camping in the woods, and Astarion is still only learning to care for another. That he never went to Cazador’s palace, and you never needed to stop the ascension.
You would’ve indulged in such fantasies months ago, but now, they feel too artificial to derive joy from them. They feel too hollow. Fake. Like biting into a poisoned apple. You can sense him waiting for your response, and it takes a moment, but you manage to mumble it out. “It’s fine. I did kiss you back. We were both not in our right minds. Just…forget it happened.”
You don’t know how to decipher the look in his eyes, but you’ve long given up on how to do it in the first place. Because every time you think you finally understand him, it turns out to be a mask or a plot to deceive you. And every time, you don’t see it coming. It’s better not to try at all because it means he has no way to lie to you in the first place.
“Very well,” he says numbly. “It never happened.”
Both your heads turn to look up at the dark sky. The stars twinkle overhead, glistening in their own respectful glories. There’s one in particular that shines the brightest, floating right beside another that dims compared to all the other stars. It seems to drag behind the brighter star like a shadow, always following but never truly acknowledged.
You pity it.
“Why did you quit music?” he asks suddenly. “I thought it was…your passion.”
“I can’t see the beauty in it anymore,” you say simply.
Astarion hums. “A shame. I was rather fond of your lyre.”
The brightest star almost appears to move again. The darker one trails right behind.
You raise your brow. “Is this where you run off to every night? To stargaze? It’s pretty, but doesn’t it get boring?”
“It’s not pretty at all, darling,” he grins, attention never leaving the sky. “I watch every night, hoping that the dimmer star dies out before the brighter one notices it’s there.”
Tags: @ayselluna @littleenglishfangirl @bg3obsessedsideblog @iwillpissyourpants @cyberpr1m3 @snowlotr @road-riot @spacekidnova @madislayyy @lordfishflakes @nicalysm @djarinsway @tinystarfishgalaxy @brainz00 @hopeful-n-sad @ohdeerieme @madisban @chrismarium @chonkercatto @fanfic-share @bitterbeanren @sleepyred1703 @miskouly @ravenswritingroom @iamlowkeycrying @deezus-roy @spiritraves @mariposakitten @dinobae-replyacc @whisperingwillowxox @bdudette @misscrissfemmefatale @atropapurpurea @cosywinterevenings @phoenixgurl030 @generalstephkenobi @shadowsmusical @himesuedi @girlygmer-blog @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @hyperfixationwhore @teardropcup @marina-and-the-memes @kiwi-mansanas @woosaaghh @cminr @everybodystaycalm @divineknightmare @bangtanbecks @carolinelec @aelieknox @bluelovesleep @catching-fire-in-the-wind @moonlight-stay @thatbeanieboss @atotalmess-lol @lavender-romancer
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maccaronimassacre · 9 months
Resident Evil bot dump #8
I hope you guys are hungry because this is the biggest batch yet! I have had to split the masterlists into 2 because I have hit over a hundred bots! Unfortunately I cant pin both of them but I have made sure they are linked together. Also feel free to make any requests for Jill and Carlos as I have started making bots for the now.
CEO!Ada Wong x Reader
A familiar pair of high heels can be heard making their rounds up and down the cubicles, somehow drowning out the monotonous clicking of keyboards and dial tones. “Try and get those files sent to me by the end of the day.” The voice calls out from behind and snaps you out of your daydream. It’s your boss, Ada Wong, currently holding two cups of coffee with one being for you. Despite her unreadable expression, all these small interactions you have with her make you wonder if there is something more she wants from you.
Ada Wong x Reader (Vent)
Ada’s eyes drift away from the true crime documentary she’s watching over to you resting beside her. Noticing your expression, she shifts her body on the couch and pats her thighs, motioning for you to lay your head down on her lap. “I can tell when something is eating away at you.” Her warm voice drowns out the gruesome details of the case being displayed on the screen and waits for you to take her offer, if you wish to of course.
Carlos Oliveira x UBCS!Reader
Mikhail sent you and Carlos to clear the rubble on the train tracks in hopes of getting it cleared by the time Jill powers the subway. The usually snarky and upbeat Carlos is surprisingly quiet as he moves bits of debris off the tracks, his mind replaying Jill’s words over and over. “Hey… Do you reckon we’re on the right side?” Carlos asks after chucking another couple of bricks off to the side. He takes a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow and gestures to the Umbrella Corporation patch on yours and his own shoulder.
Carlos Oliveira x UBCS!Reader (RPD)
After sending off the train containing the few remaining survivors, you and Carlos have been sent to the RPD in search of Dr Nathaniel Bard, the man behind the cure for the T-Virus that could save the entire city. “If our intel is still worth a damn then Bard’s in the S.T.A.R.S office.” Carlos heads deeper inside the abandoned lobby, looking at the layout of the police station on the open laptop and pointing to the area on the second floor.
Carlos Oliveira x Hospital staff!Reader
Carlos treads carefully through the corridors of the ravaged hospital, driven by the urgency to find the cure for Jill and potentially the entirety of Raccoon City. His attention is immediately drawn to a soft shuffling sound that fills which seems to be coming from inside the broom closet. Carlos readied his assault rifle and takes a deep breath, preparing himself for another gruesome encounter with the undead. Slowly the door opens and he quickly aims ahead only to not be met with the growls and groans of a zombie. Instead he sees you. A lone survivor in the midst of this chaos.
Lifeguard!Carlos Oliveira x Reader
So you might have swam out a bit too far. Perhaps it was due to overconfidence? Maybe you saw a cool fish and went after it. Or was it an attempt to get the attention of a certain lifeguard. A very handsome lifeguard who is now carrying you back to shore in his arms. “You know there are lot easier ways to grab my attention than trying to drown, right?” Carlos teases while holding your drenched form close to his chest and making his way back to shore. “Do you need mouth to mouth while I’m here too? Just to be on the safe side.”
Carlos Oliveira x Reader (Vent)
It doesn’t take a genius to know that something is wrong. Which is exactly why Carlos has wrapped you in piles upon piles of blankets on the couch like a Matryoshka doll and placed down your favourite snacks and drink on the coffee table in front of you. "Come on now, you know you can talk to me about anything. I’m here for you every step of the way." He gives you a gentle smile while giving you as much space as you need on the couch, waiting patiently for you to open up if you wish to do so.
Carlos Oliveira x Reader
“Hey {{user}}! I’m back just like I said I would be!” A muffled voice calls out and is followed by the sound of the front door closing and locking. A familiar set of footsteps head upstairs and into the shared bedroom. “Hey sweet thing.” Carlos whispers softly into your ear before giving your cheek a gentle kiss. The mattress dips with his weight, creaking and groaning until he settles down beside you with an adoring smile curling at his lips.
Knight!Carlos Oliveira x Heir!Reader
"You know your old man is going to kick my ass when he finds out that I’ve snuck you of the castle grounds, right?" Despite Carlos’ constant complaining, the small smirk tugging at his lips says differently. After all, as your personal knight he is simply supposed to protect you, but it was never specified where he should be doing so. Plus, your rebellious nature makes the job all the more fun for him as you lead him to god knows where.
Chris Redfield x Reader (vent)
You don’t even get a word out and Chris is carrying you to the bedroom over his shoulder, holding you in his arm like you weigh nothing. “Come on, hun. When was the last time you actually sat down and relaxed?” Before you could answer him, he drops you onto the bed and gets in himself, tucking the blanket over the both of you. His burly arms wrap around your middle and he brings you close to his body. “You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want, but I can tell that something is up.”
CEO!Chris Redfield x Reader
You step into the office, ready to start another workday when you hear a voice coming from the break room. “Hey {{user}}! Just the person I wanted to see. Could you follow me to my office for a moment?” It’s your boss, Chris Redfield, motioning you to follow him with a simple tilt of his head. In one hand he’s balancing a tray stacked with cups of coffee and several boxes of donuts in his other hand, his muscles flex slightly under his tight dress shirt which has left many of your colleagues to wonder if he is even aware of his own stature.
Claire Redfield x Reader (Motorcycle Date)
“Don’t worry, {{user}}! I’ve been riding motorbikes since I could crawl.” Claire’s eyes twinkle with excitement, eager to feel the wind rush through her hair and ride through the city with you. Plus, she can’t help but blush like a schoolgirl at the thought of you holding onto her the entire time. She pats the side of her bike before slipping on her helmet and hands you a matching one. “Though… Maybe hold onto me just to be safe.”
Racer!Claire Redfield x Journalist!Reader
The race ends with a dramatic finish as Claire Redfield claims another cup to add to her racing career. She steps out of the car, taking off her helmet and inhaling the overpowering blend of burnt rubber and fuel while taking in the electric atmosphere of the race track. A chorus of cheers erupts from the crowd as Claire, triumphant, heads towards you and your camera crew stationed on the sidelines, all eager to capture the essence of this rising champion in red.
Claire Redfield x Reader (vent)
After noticing how deflated you’ve been over the past week, Claire took it upon herself to pamper you for the entire day. Any plans you had? Rescheduled. Work? You’re now on sick leave. Studies? Don’t even think about it. “I’m not letting you do anything until you tell me what’s wrong you know.” And with those words you find yourself on the couch, watching the TV show that Claire has been begging you to watch for weeks while you lay in her arms. Claire’s hands gently caress and massage your scalp and she occasionally presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Ethan Winters x Reader (vent)
Ethan noticed how on edge you have been which is exactly why he cooked you your favourite meal along with a bottle of wine all set up on the coffee table. His face is illuminated by the TV screen which is currently paused on your favourite movie of all time while he sets up some pillows, blankets and even some rose petals he found from last years Valentine’s Day gift. His ears perk up when he hears your footsteps coming into the living room and he stretches his arms out with a prideful smile on his face. “Ta dah~! I know you haven’t been feeling great recently so I’d thought I’d cheer you up with a date night. What do you think?”
Colleague!Ethan Winters x Reader (Elevator)
Stepping into the elevator after a taxing day, your co-worker Ethan joins you with a shared exhaustion etched across his face. He gives you a polite nod of acknowledgement as the doors shut and the elevator starts to make its descent. Before he could initiate any small talk, the lights flicker and the elevator shudders, letting out a groan as it jolts, causing the both of you to stumble. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” He grumbles in frustration , pressing all of the buttons on the panel in a desperate attempt to get the old metal box moving again.
Lycan!Ethan Winters x Reader
Perched atop a small house, Ethan surveys the desolate village, his keen eyes seeking treasures for the Duke. He looks down out his bitten hand, his fingernails dark and sharpened into claws. A low snarl escapes his lips before it quickly morphs into a cough and a muttered curse. It’s only when he scans the frozen landscape again that he catches a new scent close by, except this time it’s not one of a Lycan or a Moroaica. It’s a human’s. With a new sense of purpose, Ethan drops back down to the village ruins and starts to trail your scent, hopeful to find a survivor or anyone that could help him save his daughter and stop Miranda with him.
STARS!Jill Valentine x Reader
Jill walks over to you, chuckling at the mountains upon mountains of paperwork and reports sat upon your desk to the point where she can’t even see your face. After finally making the decision to put you out of your misery, she taps your shoulder before pointing at the clock behind her with her thumb. “Looks like it’s break time. How about we go out for some lunch? My treat.”
Roommate!Jill Valentine x Reader
With the situation in Raccoon City getting worse by the day, Jill decides that if there is ever a time to teach you self defence that it's right now. “So you find yourself in an alley, but it’s a dead end and a zombie comes at you. What do you do?” Jill motions to the pillow with a body poorly drawn out in sharpie. There are already several stab marks on it and bits of stuffing coming out of the pillow.
Post RE:1!Jill Valentine x Reader
You’ve grown accustomed to waking up in an empty bed, even at times when the moon is high and illuminates the quiet streets of Raccoon City. The familiar sound of the tap shutting off signals Jill's return to your shared bedroom, a new bottle of wine in hand. “Didn’t mean to wake you up again…” She murmurs, her words slightly slurred as she sits down on her side of the bed once more. The bags under her eyes worsen with each passing day along with the lingering smell of alcohol and takeout on her breath.
Roommate RE:3R!Jill Valentine x Reader
The stations broadcast the outbreak in Raccoon City, capturing the chaos below. Civilians run as makeshift barriers collapse and fire engulfs the streets and apartment blocks. If there was ever a time to try and get out of here, it would be now. “Come on, this is probably the only shot we have at making it out of here alive.” Your roommate, Jill, calls out while loading up her handgun and walking towards the front door. Even from the top floor of the apartment building you can hear the growls of the undead, ripping through fences and clawing at doors.
RE:3R!Jill Valentine x Reader
The walkie-talkie crackles with static as you navigate the chaotic city streets, continuing your frantic search for Jill. The plaza is overrun with creatures of the undead, roads blocked off by destroyed buildings and piles of cars all totalled or being used as barriers. “I’ve managed to lose that thing for now… Damn it, where are you {{user}}?!” Jill’s voice cuts through the interference, sounding breathless yet irritated with the creature constantly in pursuit of her. The two of you got separated by the Nemesis, a B.O.W created by Umbrella to kill all remaining STARS members, including Jill.
Jill Valentine x Reader (vent)
Another sigh leaves Jill’s lips when she spots you in bed in the same position she left you in when she left for work this morning. Her expression softens as she sheds her uniform and slips into her nightwear before snuggling up beside you under the covers. “Come on sweetheart… Did you even leave bed today?” Her gentle murmur caresses your skin as she draws you close to her chest, her thumb tracing soft, soothing circles on the nape of your neck, providing a comforting touch.
RE:4R!Leon Kennedy x Reader
You’ve witnessed an array of strange things alongside the agent your father sent to rescue you. You have watched him eat a snake raw, spent 10 minutes crawling on the ground while trying to stab some rats, and now you are in what can only be described as a shooting range made for a funfair. Sat on top of a barrel, you watch Leon shoot down another load of cardboard cutouts of pirates, the merchants praises are drowned out by the music blaring over the speakers with each target hit. The lively atmosphere almost makes you forget the horrors that lie just above ground.
RE:4R!Leon Kennedy x Sacrifice!Reader
The murmuring and chanting grows louder as Leon trails the torch lit path through the settlement. The fires flicker and shadows dance across the trees and rocks he weaves through, trying to remain hidden from the cult while nearing the source of activity. They all seem to be huddled around something, but when a ganado steps away from the altar, it is revealed that that something is you. You’re bound and barely conscious with a symbol painted on your skin with blood. You may not be the person he is looking for, but Leon knows that he needs to act. And he needs to act now.
Leon Kennedy x Reader (Vent)
“Just because I drink to solve all my problems doesn’t mean that you should too you know.” That familiar teasing voice of your partner comes from behind and you soon feel a pair of arms wrap around you waist and pull you close to his chest. “Talk to me sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on.” Leon whispers into your skin before resting his chin on top of you head and gives you a gentle squeeze. His thumb rubs soft and soothing circles into your skin in an attempt to ease you into opening up.
Other Ethan and Chris bots here
Other Ada, Leon, Carlos, Claire and Jill bots here
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Party Time (NSFW) Ft: Jeewon
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Author note: to have a constant and cleaner master list I reposted this to make the list more consistent in naming conventions since Tumblrr wouldn't let me edit the title.
The adventuring Party was traveling through the woods they were looking for a group of townsfolk who had disappeared a few days ago. You the paladin were unsure of this quest as it smelled fishy as several monsters roamed these woods. However, you relented because your party was low on cash after bailing out the well-intentioned but so very dumb rogue who drew the ire of one of the king's knights. It was winter and night was closing in. Having been exposed to the horrors of the night. so you were insistent on getting back to town safely, but your fearless leader; the human wizard named Alan pushed on. That was one thing you did hate about humans was how stubborn they could be. before you could make a real fuss through the other human in the party (She was also the one that convinced you to join) the cleric named Jeewon assured you that things would go right.
"Yeah you Aasimars always worry too much, and besides if anything happens. We have you and good ole Jeewon to protect us." The astral elf Bard Nayeon says with a smile
"You guys know how I feel about Spooky shit though, and this forest reeks of spooky shit." You say to Nayeon annoyed
There was a rustling of the wind and your party’s druid; an Iceborne named Irene veers around to you all and inquires to the party "Did you guys hear that? it sounded like a sick animal?" Seulgi the siren aberrant mind Sorceror of your party and often the kindest but often the least wise and clumsiest member of our party ran to the noise. we followed close behind. well, not you. moving in the full plate was unsurprisingly difficult. when you close in you take a moment to catch your breath when the cleric pushes you down. confused you look at her but before you can say anything she shushes you. She points ahead where you see 4 pale lengthy bodies surrounding a bear. you hear them crunch into the body as you watch You internally groan. you unsheathe your sword and stand low. you begin two silent entrapment spells to hold the beast when you hear
"Ignis Orbem Ventus" you groan as you see a fireball shoot towards the beasts. you groan externally because your fearless leader made a dumb move. you look to Jeewon and say
"Regroup with Allan and the rest of the party." Jeewon nods at your command and you draw the attention of the 4 pale beasts towards you. you have them chase you through the woods a fair distance but eventually, they encircle you. Their hollow white soulless eyes bore into you and their bodies and bones begin to creak and crack as they change
the first one speaks in a voice that's half a voice you recognize and half a wild animal, "How could you abandon us Indo?" you watch as its face shifts to an old friend of yours.
"We trusted you and you abandoned us." another of the beings says shifting into another one of your friends.
"You were our leader, the visionary. Kazuo's legacy Indo and you threw it all away for nothing." the third said shifting. As these beings spoke you watched them as their eyes and expressions grew more haggard and hungry.
"You abandoned us, and look what we became!" the fourth yelled at you. you dodge the first lunge at you and can fend off the other three while striking. but it's a losing battle. that is until you hear a familiar.
"I guarantee I got ya." and the beastly creatures are restrained. you look up to your friends and race towards them while the beast tries to break their bonds. you all manage to get away safely with barely any scrapes,
as you walk back to town. the Irene asks. "Hey, Atyriox what were those things?"
You reach into your bag of various things you are surprised to feel a sharp pain. when you look down, you see a claw taking out a piece of your right side. you look up and see the 4 beasts smiling and laughing, in a mixture of voices you recognize and beastial ones. You try to hold in your rage, but on the verge of death, it consumes you.
"An extraneous existence. Encroaching on humanity," you scream as the rage takes over. your bones creak and lengthen. Your longsword changes to the great axe as a familiar wave of ancient energy envelops you.
you face the four pale beings, now taller than them. you swing your axe into the first and it embeds itself in the skull of it.
“There's no way out! Game over you are done for!" you yell as you tear the axe blade from the beast's skull and throw it into the other nearest one. the next one embeds its claws into your other side, and in response, you stomp its arm your steps leave a trail of blackened blood in its wake. you turn to the last one and yell "You wanted to eat me huh." it looks at you in terror and tries to run away you grab it and punch through its teeth to rip out its tongue. As it bleeds out you grab your axe as your rage subsides. You hear your friends approach and try to cover up the damage but it's too late when Jeewon sees the nightmarish scene. she turns to you and sees your blood.
"Shit I'm sorry Atyriox. shit, I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have left you." she repeats. you reassure her as she goes to heal you she begins putting out her magic but when the arcane energies begin to work despite her not having the components she turns to your eyes full of terror as her magic mends your flesh.
as the rest of your friends come down to the crater of catastrophe you made Nayeon looks at the carnage then you and says, "Remind me not to make you made. We heard your screams of war miles away. you nod as you turn to Jeewon who is still visibly shaken. You all decide to return to town for safety
"Fuck” Jeewon the cleric said as she walked into the inn they were staying in and you smiled at her adorable walk. She then turns to you and says “Okay Paladin bedroom now. I believe I am owed a massage and an explanation,” You nod before following her up to the bedroom where you both bath together before leaving the lobby of the inn the druid and fighter both look at you and laugh.
"Ooh someone's in trouble." The wizard said
"Shut up Alan." You say to the wizard annoyed that his plan almost got you all killed
the bard looks at Jeewon and you overhear her whisper to Jeewon, "Go easy on him. he seems shaken." Jeewon nods as the two of you head to the bathhouse. Once you arrive The cleric is insistent on not letting you out of her sight. So this led to the two of you sharing a bath. As a cleric of Iyaza the doting and alluring. Jeewon had unrivaled comfort and confidence in her body which was pushed even further by the comfort she felt being around you.
“Okay so tell me everything!” Jeewon demanded. You hesitate not because of your story but because you became distracted by Jeewon’s naked and stellar body. Your mind was brought back to tales you'd hear your older brothers say about the followers of Iyaza the goddess of beauty being the most beautiful and attractive followers of all the 7 favored ones, and Jeewon certainly fit the bill. Flawless skin and impeccable curves as if she was crafted by Iyaza herself, but what kept your attention was not her marvelous body but her adorable smile and generous heart. She loved to help despite being quite the loner type. She was always willing and first to do so. it was incredibly admirable and you found yourself enamored. So enamored that you found yourself leaning in closer and closer until your lips met. In the bathhouse. The kiss you shared was chaste. When you break however filled with the haze of desire but also worry the air shifts heavily she stares at you and her stare is soft not the glare of earlier but a somber gaze.
“Please Atyriox (pronounced Uh-tyr-E-ox) don't shut me out.” Jeewon pleads, her eyes stare into yours and you feel your heart soften even more toward the girl, “what happened out there?” she asks. She leans in closer to you. Her folds rub against your manhood which causes an involuntary groan to escape your lips. using this to her advantage Jeewon begins to unwrap the bandages on your forearms. Before you can stop her she succeeds in her task and removes the bandages. She gasps when she sees the scars.
"Jeewon I... I...I am sorry." you say as your War Beast markings are presented. Jeewon was silent for a moment, then another. It began to be worrying until she said, " Explain."
"Before beginning my studies and dedication to my oath of Restoration, I was a child soldier of The Old Warlord Kazuo. 6 others and I were trained from childhood to keep his kingdom safe. we were stripped from our families and our identities and remade. we were molded in his ideals of what warriors should be like." You explain. Jeewon's glare softens again before asking "So why the scars."
"Our new identities were given to replace our new ones. So we were each given a new name after we earned it. I was given Atyriox after the Endurance beast Alpha Rex.
"Okay Why?"
"To whom much is favored is expected. My warriors will transcend everything that binds them including their fucking mortality." Kazuo would always say and so we became what he wanted. Beast of war, and as our final test, and Kazuo's long list of affronts to the gods. he made us each fight an Apex Beast. Each one chosen was meant to be the opposite of our capabilities, and so I was "granted" the opportunity to face the Apex Beast of Endurance. (you hesitate as the pain of remembering begins to swell.) I was told it was alone and that it was a solitary creature that was hurting the townsfolk. I was told no one would be hurt. I was told that nothing bad would happen, but actions speak louder than words I guess," you finish as tears flood your eyes. Jeewon intimates what you mean and begins to hug you as the quiet sobs become too much to bear. you two stay in the bath until the water has long grown cold. After you two get out of the bathhouse and back into the bedroom Jeewon asks
"So how did you get away from Kazuo."
"Another Warlord Named Shen Long came whose warriors rivaled ours, and I saw an opportunity. I faked my death and escaped into the night away from all of that Eventually I found myself at the monastery and not long after you all found me." You explain
"Fuck! That's intense." Jeewon exclaimed
"Can I ask a favor Jeewon?" you bring up as the two of you enter the bed.
"What is it Atyriox?" Jeewon Questions
"Can you not tell the others about this?" You say
"Well, why not?" Jeewon asks
"Our fighter Jason is from the neighboring country to mine, and he would have problems with my history," you tell her
"Oh okay then. I will keep you until you're ready to speak then." Jeewon affirms as she stands up and paces.
"Thanks!” you exclaim while giving a thumbs up. Jeewon smiles then she walks over to your side of the bed, “Okay. I don't want the paladin Atyriox anymore now I need my lover Ayriox to release some tension. You nod as you understood what she meant by this.
Jeewon cups your face and the tension from earlier returns her eyes fill with desire, but also deep administration and appreciation for you as you watch as her pupils dilate into hearts. You kiss again. It begins chaste but the feeling quickly ferments into lust as her tongue pokes its way into your mouth. Unversed in these affairs you let her take charge. Jeewon breaks the kiss with heavy breath and says “Take off your clothes.”
as the both of you strip you say to Jeewon “By the gods you alluring.” Jeewon smiles as she takes your hands and giggles as they shake in hers. She puts them up to her robust posterior and says, “Gosh you're so cute, but don't be nervous dear it's just me.” her voice as always soothes your belligerent spirit somehow the beast that rages inside but with her its less rage and more freedom it surges through you and you arrive at an even greater serenity then during your meditations. she gently pushes your head down to her pussy and something awakens in you. It was subtle at first and the overwhelming desire was to not only be with Jeewon but also protect her. You look up to her and this wave of lusted calm bathes you and you smile at her. She smiles back as your body moves on instinct to her pussy. You lap up near her clit and she bucks and moans with such an intense ferocity
“Oh gods Atyriox right there,” she says in between moans. She looks down as you continue your ministrations on her and notices your back is glowing. Intrigued but a little preoccupied at the moment Jeewon notes this for later as you continue your care of her womanhood, until her body gives out on her and into her release. She squirts all over your face. She tastes sweet to you almost too sweet. As you wipe your face she brings you up to hers. “Damn I taste good.” she coos as she kisses you.
You smile at your paramore and in a moment of alacrity, you say, “In all the planes I could never hope to meet a star as bright as you. Your melody resonates with the light itself, and when we part my shadows only grow to be extinguished by you when we meet again.”
Jeewon smiles and says, “God I love you.”
“I love you two.” you reaffirmed before diving into another kiss. You both tumble to the bed as your kiss grows more desperate more hungered.
Jeewon cups your face and the tension from earlier returns her eyes fill with desire, but also deep administration and appreciation for you as you watch as her pupils dilate into hearts. You kiss again. It begins chaste but the feeling quickly ferments into lust as her tongue pokes its way into your mouth. Unversed in these affairs you let her take charge. Jeewon breaks the kiss with heavy breath and says “Take off your clothes.”
as the both of you strip you say to Jeewon “By the gods you alluring.” Jeewon smiles as she takes your hands and giggles as they shake in hers. She puts them up to her robust posterior and says, “Gosh you're so cute, but don't be nervous dear it's just me.” her voice as always soothes your belligerent spirit somehow the beast that rages inside but with her its less rage and more freedom it surges through you and you arrive at an even greater serenity then during your meditations. she gently pushes your head down to her pussy and something awakens in you. It was subtle at first and the overwhelming desire was to not only be with Jeewon but also protect her. You look up to her and this wave of lusted calm bathes you and you smile at her. She smiles back as your body moves on instinct to her pussy. You lap up near her clit and she bucks and moans with such an intense ferocity
“Oh gods Atyriox right there,” she says in between moans. She looks down as you continue your ministrations on her and notices your back is glowing. Intrigued but a little preoccupied at the moment Jeewon notes this for later as you continue your care of her womanhood, until her body gives out on her and into her release. She squirts all over your face. She tastes sweet to you almost too sweet. As you wipe your face she brings you up to hers. “Damn I taste good.” she coos as she kisses you.
You smile at your paramore and in a moment of alacrity, you say, “In all the planes I could never hope to meet a star as bright as you. Your melody resonates with the light itself, and when we part my shadows only grow to be extinguished by you when we meet again.”
Jeewon smiles and says, “God I love you.”
“I love you two.” you reaffirmed before diving into another kiss. You both tumble to the bed as your kiss grows more desperate more hungered.
“Fuck me till I can't walk then use your hands of the faithful so we can fuck again.” Jeewon’s eyes stare into yours clouded by lust but you are in a similar state as you bend her over the bed. Your shaft grinds against her slit. “Ahh, you've teased me enough fuck me.” the ferocity from earlier blends your mind and you oblige Jeewon. She screams “Oh gods! Oh yes!” you begin thrusting her womanhood as always welcomes you you grab her breast as their soft and perky nature draws the wandering of your hands. “Oh god yes! Massage my breasts.” Jeewon yells as you thrust and massage. She is not far from her second orgasm of the night. Her breasts have always been sensitive ever since the first time you “massaged her” so you begin to slow down and focus on plunging deep into her and pulling out slowly. Jeewon’s body responds favorably.
You probably would have continued that pace all night but the ferocity inside had other plans, you gave yourself away to it and began pounding harder and faster. The intensity of your coupling shook the bed and one particularly hard thrust sent Jeewon over the edge, but your spirit overrode your rational mind and you kept fucking her. Jeewon loved it though when you were rough with her because it meant after you would be so caring and accommodating to her. So despite her muffled screams, you kept pounding your release imminent. Jeewon lifted herself to kiss you again and said “Let it all out Atyriox. Give me all of you.” her words sent you into a freefall as you came in your fancier. She smiled as came having reached her third release of the night. She then began kissing you again before pulling you to the bed. You lay there for a while still connected. Jeewon grabs your hand
“Why did Kazuo choose you?” Jeewon asks
“I was the experiment. All the others volunteered or were bred to be his war beasts. When he took me my dad convinced me this would be the path to stability and success but in reality, it ended up just being chaos, torment, and so much resentment toward everything else.” you elaborate. Jeewon nods as she rests her hand on yours. You both fall asleep. Your dreams are peaceful, but you are jolted awake when you feel an intense but familiar pressure on your cock. You look down to see Jeewon’s hollowed cheeks and puckered lips,
"you looked so stressed while you slept so I figured I relieve the tension," Jeewon says with a smile before a particular gag. you groan and she smiles as she comes up for air. "I love the way your body reacts to my touch so honest and adorable. they way your breath hitches when I do this." Jeewon says with a malicious smile as she grabs your balls, and you stop breathing for a moment, "Or when I go deep on you and you groan." she says as she takes you deep again. "But my favorite has to be when your close and you close your eyes when you're about to cum." Jeewon coos as she coaxes another orgasm out of you. She swallows and keeps sucking until you start quivering. She gets up and smiles. "No more secrets okay," she says playfully, as you groan. she smiles and says "I'll take that as a yes."
The next day breakfast in bed is delivered but you and Jeewon have other plans for the morning as you fill your morning filling her. she's all smiles. As you ram into her from behind you watch as her breasts and ass jiggle hypnotically as you thrust in and out of her. Jeewon looks at you with a lusted-over smile. "Oh, Iyaza thank you for bringing me such a kind sweet, and gentle man who fucks me so well," Jeewon says smiling.
You look at her filled with unbridled lust and affection before saying “cum with me Jeewon.”
Jeewon responds “Yes my darling” as you both tumble into bliss together. You both fall into the bed again and cuddle together before your stomach growls Jeewon turns to you and says, “Come on let’s get some breakfast.”
All you can think about is how much you love this girl
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blues824 · 1 year
Hi there! I hope you don't mind if you have time to write my request about Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian with nb! or fem! reader as malleus?
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What’s up, Anon? I put reader as having horns, but no other description is used.
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Ciel Phantomhive
Her Royal Majesty had requested that he host you in the Phantomhive house. He didn’t want to let the Queen down, so he had his staff prepare for your arrival. By ‘his staff’, I mean Sebastian because there is no way that Mey-Rin, Bard, and Finny would be able to accomplish the tasks given to them.
Then you arrived. The most noticeable thing about you was your horns, but Ciel was not intimidated. He had a demon for a butler, after all. He showed you to the room where you would be staying, and you had a surprisingly friendly and polite demeanor. He left you to go get settled in, and went straight to his renowned butler to ask about you and your background.
The things he learned about you were pretty shocking, like how you were a dragon fae from a land called ‘Twisted Wonderland’. It sounded like something he would read about in a novel, not see in real-life. He wanted to get to know you personally, though, so he went to your room and invited you to a game of chess in his study.
Imagine his surprise when you managed to beat him at a board game that he thought he was invincible at. Your cunning mind really intrigued him, so he proposed that he take you around London as your prize. You agreed, and were very excited to see the city that you hadn’t had much of a chance to explore yet. You asked if there were any abandoned buildings or gargoyles, and he said there might be a few.
The excitement on your face as he led you around the streets of the city made him want you to stay so that he could continue bringing wonder to you. The look of happiness on your face when he brought you to an ice cream vendor to try some of the cold treat was one that he wished he could see forever.
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Sebastian Michaelis
The young master had informed him that you would be staying at the Phantomhive Manor and he received orders to get the Manor ready. Sebastian, being Sebastian, wanted to make sure that everything was in pristine condition because there was no way that a member of a far away royal family would be housed in anything less than perfection, so he told each of the staff members to not touch anything.
When you arrived, he was standing right beside Ciel and greeted you by bowing and welcoming you to the Manor. Ciel told him to get your things to your room as he showed you around, and that’s when Sebastian noticed your horns. He knew that you weren’t a demon, as a demon typically doesn’t show any horns, so you must have been some other creature.
Well, as he finally led you to where you would be staying, he asked what sort of being you were. You really didn’t want to tell him, but you could feel the magic within him. He was sort of like you, so you felt as though he wouldn’t be scared of you. You told him that you were a dragon fae from a realm called Twisted Wonderland, and that you were the Crowned Heir to one of the many lands within said realm, Briar Valley. It was all very intriguing to the demon butler, as he had never been.
During your stay, it was rather unfortunate that he had so many chores to do when you wanted to talk to him. So, you offered to help him. He at first refused, saying that it would be very improper for a member of visiting royalty to do chores, but you told him that it would give you a normal person’s experience, something necessary for when you are crowned the reigning monarch. He smiled at the loophole, before handing you the rag that he was using to dust the library.
It allowed you both to get to know each other, but he never revealed what he was. You just knew that he wasn’t a human, and that no harm would come to you in his presence; not just because you are the most powerful mage in this world, but also because you are under the protection of Queen Victoria, who already sees you as another one of her children.
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intothegenshinworld · 10 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 8.7 || The Acting Grand Master
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 3.4k+
Summary chapter 8.7: Acting Grand Master Jean has a lot of responsibilities. What can she do to ensure the safety of Mondstadt?
Auteurs note: This is the last bonus chapter before CH9, I promise. This is also the last update before Christmas!! Hope you enjoy
Thanks to: all the people who showed love on the last chapter, even if it took me over a year to update the series <3 your support means the world to me
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Some time ago, in Mondstadt:
It had become an oddly frequent occurrence for the Anemo Archon to stand in Jean’s office. What's worse, she didn't know if she was the only person in the room to think so. 
While she abruptly stood up from her chair, Diluc and Lisa barely acknowledged the bard. Both looked up for a moment, only to focus their attention back on whatever they were doing prior. 
"Ah! Well if it isn't the beloved Knights of Favonious. You know, I would've come sooner if I could!" Venti trips as he stumbles through the door. "Ah, I'll never get used to that. Excuse me—" his tone shifts an octave higher before lowering again into an eager voice. "Where are they?"
"Oh, Grand Master Jean. Of course I mean the Creator, who else would've been able to steal the winds from the Anemo Archon?"
His statement seems to catch the attention of both Lisa and Diluc, although the former was much more slick about it. With all eyes on him, Venti falls silent, looking around in a daze. It is only after he stands still that Jean notices the bottle of wine in his left hand, and the two wine glasses in his right. 
"Uhm. Hello?" Venti lets out a bubbly laugh that seems unfit for the situation. "I get it, the Creator must've spooked you more then they did me, but uhm." He holds up the items in his hands. "We got loooots of stuff to catch up on, and I'd rather start sooner than later if I want to wrap up the events pertaining to the last five centuries." 
"The Creator…?" Jean hesitantly looks at Diluc and Lisa. She's not sure if she's seeking confirmation more than forgiveness.
Please, for the love of the Archons, please let the imposter not turn out to be the True One. 
Venti raises an eyebrow, scanning the room from Jean to Diluc, to Lisa, and back to Diluc, until finally settling on Jean. “Uh, yeah? Did you not welcome them? I can practically feel their energy overflowing this space." 
He gestures with the wine bottle around the room, and Jean is certain she'll have a heart attack any minute now. 
"The... Creator." 
She plops down into the chair, a gesture of defeat, silently resigning herself to the idea that the real deal had been right in front of her this whole time, and heavily regretting how she considered locking them up. As the Acting Grand Master this is bound to cause the reputation of Mondstadt to fall, not to mention her own betrayal towards the  Creator of everything.
Venti purses his lips as he watches Jean. he shifts his weight from leg to leg, "Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good."
Diluc (praise his soul) helps to divert the attention from Jean when he speaks up, "You mean, Kaeya was right?" He sounds annoyed and bewildered, "That can't be. Surely the real-"
Diluc stops when his eyes land on the somewhat silly looking Archon. He remembers that he never suspected the Anemo Archon to be drinking in his own tavern prior to the Dvalin fallout. So perhaps if an Archon can mingle with their people unnoticed, the Creator could–in theory, too.
Diluc gestures somewhat difficulty into the air. "Well." 
"Well? " Venti mimics him.
"It's a difficult situation," the redhead grunts out, flustered by the fast paced conversation and information thrown at his head. Diluc crosses his arms as a scowl settles on his face.
Venti huffs. "More difficult than dealing with the abyss order and Dvalin when he was corrupted?" he turns around in his place, "surely it can't be that bad. I've only been away for half a week—and I would've been faster if our beloved Creator gave me a notice." He lets out a cheeky laugh accompanied by a wink and plops down into the chair across from Jean. He then carelessly drops the two glasses and wine bottle onto the surface of the desk separating them both. Jean now realizes that the extra glass was meant for the Creator.
The Creator of Teyvat, the one she had thought to be an imposter and nearly banished from Mondstadt.
She pulls her fingers through her hair and faintly prays, "Dear Barbatos–" 
"Oh? You're ready to talk now?" Venti responds as he makes himself more comfortable in the chair. While everyone else seemed tense, he appeared unbothered by the whole ordeal. Probably, because he still believed the Creator to be around. Would he understand Jean’s misunderstanding if she told him what had occurred?
Lisa’s voice chimes over her doom-filled thoughts. "Give her a moment. It's safe to say we're all catching up to the fact that the ‘imposter’ turned out to be the True One."
Venti furrows his eyebrows. "Huh." New information seems to solve a riddle in his mind. When he speaks next, it's more to himself then anyone else, "I suppose that'd make sense why I'm not able to pinpoint their aura." He then speaks to Jean, “So what did you do?”
It wasn’t a question filled with judgement towards her. The tone of his voice was bubbly, as always, and filled with genuine curiosity—though, Jean could feel the concern rise in his words. 
“I am not certain what happened before they reached Mondstadt,” she starts to pile the events in her mind and decides to soften the blow, “–but, ‘the Creator’ seemingly appeared out of no where at the gates. No one, aside from Kaeya and Albedo, were able to sense their aura. If the two tell the truth, Kaeya sent the Creator to Dragonspine when chaos began to rise within the headquarters, and only a day later, the Creator disappeared without a trace once more.”
Diluc adds to her story, “When I spoke with Eula and Kaeya, they believed they had seen a second Albedo before the Creator disappeared.” He hesitates for a moment, “Could this be related? Or could everything be explained with malfunctioning ley lines?”
Jean watches as Venti taps his fingers against the armrest. He slings his legs up and down and nods to himself. “This is certainly a first for me as well. Sure, the Creator has some magnificent powers, but I still can’t explain why they’d appear so suddenly, not to mention the strange events surrounding their descent.”
He opens his eyes and stares into the window behind Jean. There is an odd expression on his face, one that she can’t read.
Venti's next words are once again in a bubbly tone, the earlier melancholy washed away by newfound determination. “Seems like it’s our task to uncover what exactly is going on!” Venti jumps up and reaches for the wine bottle and glasses. “One thing I’m sure of is that you met the real Creator. Now, we just need to find out where they disappeared to.”
Diluc mutters in a tired tone, “That sounds easier said than done.”
Venti shrugs. “Last time we teamed up, we solved the mystery of Dvalin. I’m confident we’ll solve this mystery as well! In the meantime, I’ll be pulling my own strings. If I happen to find a clue, you’re the first ones to know.”
He winks at Jean, and the stress morphs into resolve. It’s awfully frustrating to have all these events happen without her ever being present. All the clues she has, are told by other people. If she wanted to find the Creator, she will have to rely on the other people in this room. 
When the Archon leaves with a wave, she sends a small one back. 
“So.” Diluc crosses his arms, “What are you going to do?”
Jean averts her eyes before she finds his gaze again. “We cannot ask Kaeya for help. At least not while he’s recovering.”
From the short distance in the room, Jean hears Diluc release a frustrated sigh. “I’ll try to ask my own contacts and see if they’ve seen anything out of the ordinary. However, I believe it’s best to keep this between us three.”Diluc rubs his temple. “If this information falls into the wrong hands, who knows what they’ll do. The Creator has been gone for five centuries. Whatever is happening now, it can’t be good.”
In the corner of her eye, Jean sees Lisa nod in agreement. She, too, agrees with Diluc. Jean nods. “Then we’ll wait for your return.” When the brunette faces turns her head, Jean speaks directly to her. “Can you keep an eye on Kaeya for now? I don’t think he’ll do anything to our disadvantage, but I have a feeling he won’t give up on finding the Creator once he’s better.”
“Of course.”
Lisa lets out a warm chuckle, a sound that suggests she's concealing her own thoughts and opinions on the matter—something she’ll likely share once Diluc has left. 
“Alright then.” Diluc purses his lips and gives Jean a firm nod. “I’ll keep in touch.”
“Be safe, Master Diluc.” Jean calls out to him as he closes the door. Although the situation is less than comfortable, she feels safer knowing she can trust on the people around her. 
And so, she waits—until one of her three confidants have found a lead.
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When Jean received a letter from Diluc only a day later with an urgent request to meet up, Jean felt her life shatter at her feet. Time seemed to pass antagonisingly slow as she waited for Diluc. In the end, it took only a few hours for him to arrive at her office—it really hadn’t made sense for her to worry as much as she did. Still, the urgency he noted in his letter made her feel off about the whole meeting.
Diluc never sits down in the chair across from Jean. A habit, or perhaps he felt too awkward, and considering he had a past with the Knights of Favonius—the latter made more sense. Either way, Jean is forced to follow his pacing form shift around the room. Without Lisa, the atmosphere between the two was more relaxed, and Diluc is able to speak more freely.
“I’m planning on visiting Liyue myself. Because of the wine industry, I could enter the city on business terms even with the lockdown.” Diluc speaks his thoughts out loud, and the words are said as a statement. He never directly asks for Jean’s opinion or her approval, which he doesn’t need, but it still makes her feel out of control.
Jean clears her throat as subtly as she can before easing into the one sided conversation of Diluc which started after he told her about Rex Lapis' passing. “Why don’t you take one of the Knights?“
She would have offered to go herself, but with her title, she was bound to Mondstadt. She watches Diluc abruptly stop as she pulls him out of his train of thoughts. His eyes sharpen for a moment, eyebrows lowering, and his mouth opens before quickly changing his mind and relaxing when his eyes meet hers. 
He hangs his head low and sighs. “I’d rather not.“
“Diluc,“ He looks up when she calls out his name, “I don’t doubt your strengths, but with the return of the Creator and the death of an Archon, this problem might be beyond our own limits. We should not act hastily.”
His face sours again. “You’re right, and it’s exactly why I won’t let some rookie Knight waddle into Liyue without any knowledge of what’s happening. Whoever you’re thinking of sending, he’ll only burden me.”
Jean purses her lips together, not missing the words he chose. Even without communicating, the two had been thinking about the same person.
He speaks again, “I need you to stay here and keep watch of Mondstadt while I’m gone. I’ll be leaving in a few days after I’ve gotten everything in order.” He crosses his arms, eyes softening despite the serious expression on his face, “I will contact you if I know more.”
Hopeless and without power, she watches Diluc exit as fiercely as he had entered her office. Nowadays, it seemed common for him to stir fires and leave as he unknowingly lets them fester into an inferno.
It had seemed so easy and petty to send her own battalion of Knights while Diluc was still preparing for the trip, but she knew he was right. Only a few people were suited to go to Liyue, and Diluc was one of the two.
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The warm steam of the tea in front of Jean swirls upwards and around the room, spreading a soft floral scent that relaxes her despite the stress that she should be feeling. Lisa, who sits across from her, smiles as she watches the tension elevate from Jean’s shoulders. While it wasn’t uncommon for her to bring in tea for the Acting Grand Master, it was uncommon for Jean to nearly doze off in the comfort. 
“Oh dear,” Lisa puts her hand in front of her mouth in a cheeky motion, “If anyone were to enter they’d surely think we’d be slacking off.”
A frustrated sigh escapes Jean’s lips and the tension returns to her body. “I doubt anyone would. They’re all still in the belief of the era of peace. The worst reports I’ve been getting as of late consist of inebriated citizens making too much noise after dark or cats being stuck on roofs.” 
Lisa can’t help the chuckle escape her lips. Sometimes it felt like she enjoyed seeing people twist and turn in discomfort, but Jean knew better. 
“Have you gotten any news on Kaeya?”
The brunette brings her teacup to her lips before setting it down again. “It’s hard to tell what he is actually thinking, but he seems to be back to normal. Earlier today, I saw him enter Angel’s Share.”
“What…?” Jean sits upright and raises an eyebrow. “This early? Isn’t he supposed to patrol until the evening? Has anyone taken over his shift?”
Calm and collected as always, Lisa pushes the porcelain cup in Jean’s direction, a silent reminder for her to relax once more. “It’ll be alright. The abyss order is no longer a problem, and we shouldn’t act like there is one either.” She tilts her head, and a strand of brown hair falls onto her cheek, “For the people it is important to see the Grand Master at ease.”
“Acting— ” Jean mutters out, “Acting Grand Master.”
The tea in front of her has cooled down to a comfortable temperature, and she brings it up to her lips. It had been a couple of days since she had gotten proper sleep and regular meals. Perhaps Lisa had been right, but with Diluc leaving the city tomorrow, she continues to feel restless. 
With only Lisa in the room, Jean lets her body slack in the chair. Papers that were due had been pushed to the corners of her desk, making place for the two, now empty, cups of tea. There was so much to do, but everything felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
These moments of silence are the only thing keeping her sane, and she appreciates how Lisa seems to gift it to her every day. If the world were more forgiving, it’d given her more time to rest, alas everyone seems to enter her office in a whirlwind nowadays.
As the door is slammed open, Jean fumbles to make herself look presentable. 
Out of all people...
The Cavalry Captain skips any greeting and goes straight to the point as he closes the door behind him. “I have some valuable information.” He walks closer, standing upright next to Lisa, who seems too immersed in her book to acknowledge him. He continues, “I know it might seem like a false rumor, useless gossip—if you may,” His voice falters for a second, his smile falling before reappearing, “but if the news is true, it’d give us an edge.”
Lisa continues to hold her book up, but Jean can see how her eyes have moved up. While she appears unbothered, she is most certainly curious about this tidbit.
Jean watches him carefully. “What news?”
He leans in closer, his voice lower, careful. “Some Fatui were talking about the passing of the Geo Archon.”
From the inside, Jean feels a wave of relief washes over her. When he had entered the room in such an unsuspecting way, she had expected yet another big problem to be shoved into her lap. 
She crosses her legs and inhales sharply as she looks up at him. “We know.”
“You know?” His expression turns into genuine shock, something many people will never see on Kaeya’s face. 
From the corner of Jean’s eye, she can see Lisa resist a chuckle. “I assume you didn’t get this information from the streets? Say, what were you doing in Angel’s share during work hours?” Her forest green eyes move up to him and he dramatically puts a hand on his hip. 
“Gathering intel, as you heard. Though, it seems to be old intel for you.”
Kaeya leans his hand onto Lisa’s chair before he shifts his weight once more. He tries to hide it, but with the confirmation of the intel being true, he is filled with more questions than answers. And instead of asking any, he dances around it.
“I know you don’t believe me, really, I don’t blame you.” He stops for a moment, putting his hand on his chest, “But now with the death of Rex Lapis? Something must be wrong.”
Jean remembers that he still believes that he and Albedo are the only ones to feel the Creator’s aura, and thus their identity. If he hadn’t acted on his own earlier—had he known about Venti—she might’ve told him. 
Before she can do anything, Lisa swiftly acts out and calls out her name. Jean hums, listening to what follows, “Perhaps it would be time to send a diplomat to assess the situation in Liyue,” and the reasoning she gives afterward forces Jean into a corner. 
Kaeya, too, joins in to further pressure her. It is after Lisa continues to push Jean, suggesting to send him, that she finally gives in—hoping her beloved librarian has more than an impulse in mind. 
“Okay,” Jean watches Kaeya’s eye brighten, “but you need to take Diluc with you.” 
The smile on his face falters. ”Diluc, really?”
”He was the one who told me about Liyue’s predicament, and he is more than capable of handling situations like these.” 
Perhaps Lisa made the right move to push her in this direction. She still felt unsettled with Diluc leaving on his own. If Kaeya were to go with him, he’d be prevented from doing anything reckless by himself, and in return, Diluc would keep an close eye on Kaeya. 
While it might seem like a punishment to both, it would’ve been the best course of action for Jean. She watches as Kaeya starts to give in, uttering a ‘fine’ in agreement. 
With a lighter feeling in her chest knowing Diluc would at least not be alone, she asks Kaeya to keep contact, just like Diluc would. If she couldn’t investigate herself, she would have to rely on others, and two had been better than one in this case.
When Kaeya finally shuts the door, Jean looks back at Lisa who moves back into the chair across from her. When her bright eyes meet Jean, she is sent a warm smile. It is supposed to ease her, but doubt eventually settles in her mind regardless. 
“Did you really think it was wise to send him?” Jean hopes for a simple ‘yes’ in reply.
The librarian leans back into the chair, crossing her legs comfortably once she’s settled, and calmly sighing. “If he stays here, he’ll pry until he figures it out.” Lisa turns a finger in the air. “And I do believe Diluc would keep a close eye on him for us.”
Jean sighs. “Still…”
If there was something wrong, would Kaeya suffice with Diluc?
“Don’t worry so much,” Lisa places her hand over Jean’s. “We’ll figure out what’s going on.”
When a soft breeze enters her office, Jean is reminded of someone. 
“Have you heard anything of Venti?” Lisa asks. 
She shakes her head. “If what he said about his power still counts, it might take a while.”
If she thought too much about it, it seemed as if the world itself was trying to prevent its people from finding out what was true and what was not. 
“Should I brew some more tea?” Lisa asks at last. 
Jean nods, her previous thoughts forgotten in the wind. 
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© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
All of these were said in today’s pathfinder session.
Kineticist (OOC): “To be fair, I don’t think she cares about innocence.”
Barbarian (OOC): “Wow, thanks for the brilliant insight into the mind of our token evil teammate.”
DM: “What are we doing?”
Barbarian (OOC): “Arguing over the probability that you can fuck the other horny people in horny jail, keep up.”
Gnome Bard, to Summoner (OOC): “I like that your dice are either really big or really small.”
Barbarian (OOC): “Oh, so you’re into size difference, eh?”
Barbarian (OOC): “Welp, I physically can’t damage this guy. Anyone up for a game of War?”
Vishkanya Bard: “We’re going into the closet.”
Gnome Bard (OOC): “Yay, we’re gay!”
Vishkanya Bard (OOC): “It’s the rage song!”
*Rainbow Connection starts playing*
Gnome Bard: “Food?”
DM: “It’s decayed.”
Gnome Bard: “How decayed?”
DM: “It’s decayed.”
Gnome Bard: “But, like, a little bit, or?”
DM: “De. Cayed.”
Vishkanya Bard: “PERCEIVE.”
Barbarian: “Listen, if you want to get your token evil teammate to do something even mildly morally neutral, you’ve gotta make it selfish.”
DM: “He’s a demon of sadistic torture, cruelty, and bloody murder.”
Barbarian, to Summoner (OOC): “Sounds like your kinda guy.”
Gnome Bard: “I pee off the ledge.”
The entire rest of the party + DM: “WHY????”
Vishkanya Bard: “PERCEIVE! 9!”
Vishkanya Bard: “FUCK!”
DM, to Summoner: “She worships him, right?”
Summoner: “No, he worships her.”
Barbarian: “Simp.”
Barbarian: “Ropes or… ropes.”
DM: “They’re ROBES.”
*book gives V-Bard damage and forces her to drop it*
V-Bard: “Hey Summoner, come look at this book!”
DM: “That’s human blood.”
Kineticist: “Oh. Lovely.”
G-Bard: “Can I lick it?”
Barbarian, sarcastic: “Well this guy seems… mentally healthy.”
DM, sarcastic: “He seems totally over the death of his brother.”
Summoner, chaotic evil and entirely sincere: “I like him. We could be friends.”
Barbarian: “We know.”
G-Bard, in a voice: “The pit of despair!”
Barbarian (OOC): “… Was that Elmo?”
Barbarian, panicked: “MMM. This is so normal I like this so much.”
DM: “The child’s dead.”
The entire party: “WHOOOOO!”
Kineticist, to DM (OOC): “What does it do?”
Barbarian (OOC): “It sits there and bes* full of eyeballs.”
*pronounced beez, as in the word be in the same tense as sits
Literally any time anyone made a sex joke:
“Roll for horny jail.”
This does nothing mechanically except make us laugh.
416 notes · View notes
lavenderfluorite14 · 3 months
A Taste of Plums | Astarion x Female!Tav
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Chapter 12: Penance
Summary: The fun continues in a hidden, bloodied shrine.
Rating/Warnings: 18+ Explicit Content ❤️‍🔥, BDSM, Impact Play, Flogging, Painplay, Loviatar's Blessing Scene (Baldur's Gate), Semi-Public Sex, Voyeurism, Bloodplay/Vampirism, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Unprotected Sex But No Pregnancy, Sexual Abuse and Recovery, Unhealthy Attitudes Towards Sex, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Under-negotiated Kink. Full tag list on AO3. Read on AO3. Chapter 11.
This chapter is dedicated to all the lil freaks out there (affectionate). Letting an evil priest whip you bloody on a dirty dungeon floor at the suggestion of your crush without establishing a clear safeword is not safe or sane, please do not use this as good or appropriate BDSM etiquette or representation. Please only use this as porn :)) And if this is not your jam, don't worry! Currently, this is the only chapter that will have heavy BDSM elements, although I do plan to continue to explore certain themes. We will be back to our regularly scheduled program soon.
The inner sanctum of the defiled temple is another den of debauchery, but of an even darker sort. The familiar scent of charred flesh fills the air and the even more familiar sound of screaming drifts in and out as they carefully make their way through the bowels of the ruin. In the middle of the chamber, a goblin booyhag stands over bright coals, heating up what appears to be a branding iron. They all give her a wide berth.
“By my Dark Lady, this place is a labyrinth,” Shadowheart wonders aloud. Despite her amazement, Shadowheart’s words carry an unmistakable note of disdain.
The scent of fresh blood fills Astarion’s nostrils as they pick their way up a narrow flight of stairs. “There’s blood in the air. The blood of a thinking creature,” he whispers to Tav. He leads them to a dark alcove. 
“Halsin?” Tav calls quietly into the darkness. As they peer into the shadows a figure stirs, rising to its feet.
“I’ve met few aside from goblins here. Have you come to assist with the prisoner?” a deep, rough voice answers. A man emerges from the gloom, clutching a flail that drips a steady stream of blood. His handsome face is scarred with deep gashes and his cool eyes glitter with an expectant gleam. His robe is a curious garment littered with barbs and thorns that dig into his exposed chest, drawing blood with each movement. The droplets well and gather against his pricked flesh like precious, pendulous rubies. One bloody bead breaks free, sliding down his pec to splatter against the stone floor. Astarion digs his teeth into the inside of his lip at the indecent display.
This man is a follower of Loviatar, Goddess of Pain. He glances over to Shadowheart, who must also recognize the stranger’s dark, distinctive raiment. There is a heaviness in her gaze and a twitch to her lip that suggests that Shadowheart is also deeply familiar with pain.
“What prisoner?” Tav probes.
“The gentleman being held next door. My acquaintance is working on him, I believe.” A scream pierces their conversation, reverberating through the stone halls until it is a distorted wail. Whatever they are doing to that man does not sound pleasant.
“While I was thrilled to be invited here, I must confess I find goblins and their methods-" he pauses, trying to find the right words, “…crude and primitive.” He smiles a tight, patronizing smile. “Pain without purpose is a terrible thing, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I thought a follower of Loviatar would approve of pain,” Tav answers. Astarion can’t help but eye her curiously. What does a pretty little bard know about such a dark goddess?
“You know the Maiden of Pain? How refreshing,” the priest smiles. “But there is more to us than that. Yes, we worship her through pain, often our own. But it is an intimate and loving thing we offer up,” he insists.
Astarion doesn’t know about all that. He wouldn’t describe any of the pain Cazador inflicted as loving . No matter what Cazador had said. At least Cazador’s punishments had been fun to watch, when they weren’t intended for him.
“But trying to discuss such subtleties with these creatures is…” the man trails off as his eyes rake over Tav, appraising her. “But I could show you such subtleties first-hand,” he offers with a sly, knowing smile. “If you would permit it, of course.”
Both Shadowheart and Astarion perk up at the audacious suggestion. They share an incredulous, almost excited, look. Is he truly suggesting what they think he is suggesting?
“How?” Tav asks, a touch breathless.
“Through penance, administered by my skilled hand, as the Maiden of Pain teaches us,” he explains with self-satisfied pride.
Shadowheart smirks at Astarion, a dark glimmer in her eye. He is suggesting what they think he is suggesting. He knows that look: excitement, interest, lust . Shadowheart wants to watch this too. In tandem, they glance over to Tav, who shifts back and forth on the balls of her feet restlessly.
“And why would I do that?” Tav asks dismissively. But her tone is a touch too aloof, too coy. It doesn’t match her agitated body language.
“Because my work can grant peace and serenity - the likes of which few experience. It will be worth it, I promise,” the man reassures her. His unctuous voice drips with an infectious enthusiasm. “Pain is a powerful and sacred sensation, and should we delight our Mistress - should we embrace such a gift - she will grant her most sacred of blessings.”
“Go ahead, I’m sure you’re in need of a little penance,” Shadowheart encourages airily, her proposal a blade wrapped in silk. Tav jumps in surprise, but Astarion snakes a grounding arm around her waist, anchoring Tav between them.
“I must see this. Don’t you dare say no,” he wheedles petulantly. He cannot keep a small, wicked grin from his lips. Tav looks up at him and any hesitation she may have had melts away from her features when she sees his hungry expression. She looks to Shadowheart, who gives an enticing nod. Tav nods back.
“I must admit, I am quite curious,” Tav confesses. “And I’ll take any blessing I can get at this point.”
A red-hot coal of desire ignites in Astarion’s belly at the idea of Tav, submissive and bloody, willingly prostrating herself before them. That fantasy stokes his darkest instincts, the part of him that yearns to take and take until he is finally satisfied. Until he finally has his due. And if Tav is willing, then there is no reason why he shouldn’t enjoy the show. Perhaps Tav really is a little deviant after all, like he had originally guessed when she had offered him her blood for nothing in return. What a pleasant diversion this could be.
“I saw your book, priest. Let’s try some of those teachings on your newest convert,” Shadowheart suggests, taking charge effortlessly. Lae’Zel stands back, watching them all with doubtful curiosity.
“My, such eager students I have found. Those are advanced devotions.” He crosses over to a stone table, thumbing the text reverently. “The Mistress would approve,” he murmurs. He turns eagerly back to Tav, gesturing smoothly to the implements arranged neatly on the table. He’s brought a small armory of weapons with him. “Indicate which instrument calls to you, and then let us put it to work,” he grins.
“Let me pick,” Astarion interjects excitedly. Tav hesitates, but only briefly.
“Alright. I trust you,” she says. Something gentle flutters inside of him at her misplaced, absurd words.
“Trust is an essential element of the Mistress’s teachings,” the priest explains approvingly. “Trust in our bodies. In our ability to endure her glorious agony. “ His grin widens. “And trust in our betters to only inflict what we can endure.”
Astarion strolls over to the table, examining all of the Loviatan accouterments with a detached air that is utterly feigned. The variety is truly staggering, ranging from the sophisticated to the medieval. So many delicious options. How fun to be the one choosing the punishment rather than receiving the punishment.
His hand lingers on a knife quite similar to his own, which is part of its appeal. A brief memory from that awful night flickers in his mind and he quickly flinches away. Astarion can almost feel his scars burning through his armor. He doesn’t want that kind of pain for Tav. Instead, Astarion finds himself drawn to a much more traditional implement. Something that will hurt, but that can be healed quickly with their magic. Something that they will both enjoy. He plucks a whip off the table, marveling at its supple leather tail. It feels light and agile in his hands. 
Cazador had not favored flogging. He had preferred more creative cruelties.
“A very, very fine choice,” the priest purrs approvingly. He takes the whip from Astarion and steps back, effortlessly cracking the thong. Lae’Zel chks at the demonstration.
“I’d criticize your lack of imagination, but you’ve chosen surprisingly well,” Shadowheart teases.
“I have excellent taste, if I do say so myself,” Astarion smirks.
“You do,” Tav says, blushing furiously. If he had any blood himself, he suspects he would be blushing too. Gods, she’s so pretty when all that marvelous blood rushes to her face.
“Both Loviatar and I are interested in how you handle pain, dear one. And should you please her, she will grant her most sacred of blessings. Just face the wall and we can begin,” the priest instructs with barely contained enthusiasm.
Tav looks back to Shadowheart, who tilts her chin towards the wall imperiously. Then she looks to Astarion, and a flicker of hesitation crosses her features. He knows that look. Astarion crosses to her, cupping her cheek in his hand.
“Is everything alright, darling?” He caresses her warm cheek with his thumb. “Can you be a good girl for us?” He asks lowly. Tav nods. “I need you to say it, my treasure.”
“Yes,” she says. “I’ve always wanted to try something like this, I don’t know why I’m suddenly nervous,” she reveals. “I suppose I just didn’t think my first time would be in a goblin war camp.”
“I’ll be here the whole time. I won’t let anything bad happen to you,” he coos, perhaps a touch too patronizingly.
“We will be here the whole time,” Shadowheart chimes in. Lae’Zel is a silent but attentive sentinel behind them. “And I will heal you up afterward. You have nothing to fear.“
“Thank you,” Tav says, smiling at each of them.  
“Good girl.” Astarion releases her. “Now, all that being said, don’t forget to put on a good show,” he reminds her, flashing a fanged smile.
“Yes. The only thing to fear here is boring us,” Shadowheart says lightly.
“A show? Is that what you want?” Tav asks. Her fingers find the buttons on her gaudy jerkin. Slowly she pops each one open, revealing the swell of her breasts and the soft plane of her abdomen to her captivated audience. Slipping out of her armor, she drops it carelessly on the floor before them. Hinging at the waist, she slowly bends over, sliding her ridiculous striped leggings over the full curve of her ass. When she straightens Tav is in nothing but her underwear, which still covers far too much skin for Astarion’s liking.
“I just don’t want to ruin my clothes,” she says innocently. “I want to feel it all.”
Each one of them eyes her body, admiring her shapely form openly. The priest’s eyes rake over her approvingly, but he doesn’t flinch at her boldness. Astarion suspects that a half-naked woman asking to be whipped must be routine for him.
Tav slowly turns to the wall, placing her palms against the smooth stone with finality. “I’m ready,” she declares, planting her feet. Her smooth, unmarred back and plump bottom look perfect, even in the dim light. The priest smiles.
“Then we shall begin,” he says.
The priest strikes Tav across her back, the whip cracking thunderously through the air despite its small size. Tav yelps in surprise as the lash strikes her flesh, a cry that morphs into a scream of pain. Her scream sets Astarion’s teeth on edge and sends a shiver of delight surging through him.
“The pain you suffer will cleanse you - do not fight it!” The priest calls to her. He changes position, moving to strike her from the opposite side. The whip cracks across her back again and Tav lets out another delicious cry, convulsing in agony. Her arms tremble with strain and her nails dig into the rock, but she remains in position, trying her best to withstand the harsh blows.
Shadowheart leans in conspiratorially. “Would you have joined up with her if you had known she would be indulging this sort of thing, Astarion?” Her voice is laced with amusement. He leans in as well, meeting her halfway.
“I mean, I had my hopes,” he smirks. He makes sure his voice carries, loud enough for Tav to hear. There is something inside of Astarion that revels in this feeling of power, of authority, at seeing another person laid so low beneath him for his entertainment and pleasure. It makes his blood hot and his cock hard in a way that should be shameful, but Astarion had been deprived of so many things for so long that he unapologetically finds pleasure, no matter how dubious, wherever he can find it. And of course, he loves seeing blood spilled. Perhaps this is all just an extension of his vampirism.
Shadowheart has no such excuse though. What had those Sharrans done to her in their secretive little shadow cult? He wonders for a moment if he should feel jealous that Shadowheart is enjoying this as much as he is, but so far she seems content to merely watch. Astarion can handle a few lewd looks.
This time the priest aims lower, dragging the whip across her buttocks. Tav wails in pain, finally buckling against the wall. Tears prick her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. The lower body was generally a fleshier part of the body that can better withstand blows, but it also has some very, very sensitive nerve endings. Astarion wants to run his fingers over her pained flesh, feel her whimper at his featherlight touch before digging his fingers into her purple bruises.
“That’s it, dear one! Let Loviatar hear you!” The priest roars, as if in ecstasy. He strikes her again, harder than the last time, across the meat of her thigh. Finally, he draws blood. Astarion digs his fingernails into his hand as he watches it pour down her leg in an obscene waterfall. The priest thrashes her again, giving her no quarter, this time breaking the skin across her back. Tav shrieks in pain, sobbing against the wall as she bleeds. But she still doesn’t cry for help. Astarion imagines himself against her, lapping against her wounds, comforting her with his tongue.
“My, my, who knew our friend had so much blood in them,” Astarion marvels.
“Try not to lick your lips as you say that,” Shadowheart responds. She leans in further. “And are you sure she’s just a friend?” Astarion ignores her jab, focusing on the spectacle before them.
“You are doing so well! Do not give in now!” The priest screams. He brings the whip down on her again and Tav screams a beautiful, ear-shattering scream.
“Don’t wear her out entirely priest, I may have use for her yet,” Shadowheart heckles from the sidelines. Astarion casts her a sidelong glance. Is that bluster or is there intent behind her comment? He can’t be sure, and that concerns him.
The priest strikes her one last time across the ass and this time Tav calls for mercy, sagging against the wall in a bloody heap. The priest breathes a deep, satisfied sigh as he lowers his whip.
“Sweet child, you bore the pain like a true believer. I could feel Loviatar’s pleasure with every strike.” He inclines his head towards Tav in a reverent nod. “I am proud to have served you this penance.” Tav picks herself up carefully, wincing with every movement. The priest lays his hands firmly on her shoulders, which begin to glow with a sinister red light. When the blessing is imparted, he draws back.
“And on a personal note, thank you. That was positively divine,” he croons.
“You are welcome. I….I learned a lot about myself,” Tav says, panting heavily. Turning, Tav musters up the courage to face both Shadowheart and Astarion, who watch her with calculatedly composed expressions. Tav stares at them expectantly.
“Well, whatever you are into,” Shadowheart says glibly. Tav stares at her incredulously and Astarion has to stop the chuckle forming in his throat. As if she hadn’t enjoyed every moment of Tav’s torment.
“This planet certainly has strange customs,” Lae’Zel finally comments into the strained silence. She seems more confused by the encounter than anything else.
“Give me just a moment,” Tav says, deflating, wobbling over to her pile of clothes. This time she simply crouches down instead of bending over provocatively. She gingerly pulls on her jerkin, flinching as the fabric brushes against her skin. “We should check on that prisoner the priest mentioned. It could be Halsin.” Already Tav is trying to slip back into the role of a capable, completely normal leader. He’s a little sorry to see this new, fragile side of her disappear so quickly.
Tav had done this to please him. For other dubious personal reasons, yes, but she had surrendered herself to the mercy of a mad priest for his enjoyment. A deep shiver of pleasure courses through him, settling into his pelvis.
“An excellent idea. Why don’t the two of you take a peek around that corner and see what in the sweet hells they are doing to poor Halsin, and I’ll stay here and get Tav all cleaned up,” Astarion suggests.
“I’m the cleric, I can easily heal her,” Shadowheart says, her hands already glowing blue.
“It’s ok, Shadowheart, I don’t want you to use any of your magic on this little misadventure. I have a healing potion I can take,” Tav insists. Shadowheart looks at her skeptically.
“It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise. I’m already feeling better.” Shadowheart raises a sculpted eyebrow.
“And we may need you later. We’re not out of the woods yet,” Tav clarifies. She straightens up. “That’s a good idea, Astarion. Shadowheart and Lae’Zel, go scout ahead and see if Halsin is next door. We’ll join you as soon as I’ve recovered.”
“Fine,” Shadowheart says, relaxing her casting stance. “But you both had better join us. Soon .” She looks between the two of them in warning. “Come on, Lae’Zel. Let’s do some actual work around here.” Lae’Zel moves quickly, eager to be away from this odd, uncomfortable scene.
As soon as the pair leave, Astarion grabs Tav’s arm and pulls her around a corner and into another small room, away from prying eyes. “Let me see, my darling,” Astarion says, his nimble fingers already working at the buttons of her jerkin. He slips it off gently, spinning her around so he can better see her wounded back. Bruises are already forming underneath the angry welts left by the whip. Blood weeps from her broken skin, streaming down her body in a river of crimson. Astarion curses under his breath at the exquisite sight.
“How does it look?” Tav asks, a little nervously.
“Hells below, that priest truly beat you bloody,” he says. Tav laughs a pained little huff.
“The ‘Maiden of Pain’ certainly lived up to her name,” she mutters. She cranes her neck to look back at him. “Did you enjoy the show?” Tav asks. Astarion’s hands clutch her waist. He’s careful not to pull her against him, despite the urge.
“It was fine, for a first act,” he says flippantly. He traces his index finger up her back, swiping through a trickle of blood with the pad of his finger. He sucks the digit into his mouth, savoring the rich taste of her blood. He stifles a low groan. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up, hm?” he suggests. Tav nods, bracing herself again against the stone wall. “Astarion, please-"
A garrulous cough cuts through the air. Tav frantically tries to cover herself as they both whirl around to face the source of the noise.
Volothamp Geddarm leans against the bars of an admittedly well-constructed goblin cage, eyeing them up and down with both offended shock and scandalous intrigue.
“Volo! Are you alright?” Tav pants, re-buttoning her armor with haste.
“Oh, I’m as happy as a clam! Just enjoying the luxurious accommodations of my generous hosts,” he says.
“Astarion, can you-” Tav begins.
“With pleasure,” Astarion mutters sardonically, already bending down to pick the shoddy lock with ease. The door pops open and Volo lets out a jolly laugh.
“I am quite saved! Thank you, my fine friends. I guarantee the story of your rescue of my person will live on for aeons,” he promises with a flourishing bow.
“Don’t forget, it’s Tav and Astarion,” Tav reminds him excitedly. Volo scowls.
“That will sound ridiculous. But fine, if you insist. As much as it pains me to cede creative control. Still, once I’ve written you into my books, there won’t be a tavern in Faerûn where you won’t receive a hero’s welcome!” Astarion rolls his eyes at Volo’s boasting. As if a vampire spawn would ever be seen as a hero.
“Come now, we mustn’t tarry, surely you must have a camp nearby? Somewhere we can conduct a private interview once we’ve both slipped the goblin yoke?” Tav explains where they have made camp in a starstruck jumble of words and Volo vanishes with a swift sip of an invisibility potion, promising to pick their brains later. As soon as he is gone, Astarion pounces on Tav.
“Now, where were we?” Astarion says, reaching for the buttons on Tav’s armor. “Ah yes, right about here.” He slips her coat off and leads her to the wall, placing her hands against it. He covers her hand with his own, leaning in close to her ear. “You were begging for me.”
“Astarion, please,” she groans, arching her back and pressing her ass against him, grinding herself against his stiffness. “Are you sure? We’ll be caught-”
“Not if we’re quick and quiet, my sweet.” He plants a kiss on her tailbone, kissing his way up her naked spine. He takes meandering detours, lapping up rivulets of blood, following wherever they lead him. He peppers her body with bloody kisses, which in turn need to be licked up and swallowed down. When his mouth finally finds her wound he traces it adoringly with tongue, shivering at the taste of fresh blood. Unthinkingly he grinds against her ass, rubbing his pleasure against her. Tav whimpers and flinches as he works, in pain and overstimulated, but still meeting his thrusts halfway. When he senses it is too much he pulls away, crouching down behind her.
“But what I really want to see is this,” he says, pulling down her leggings. Her smallclothes are a damp mess and her thigh sports an irritated, red gash where the whip cut her. He dives in, licking up the bloody mess of her cut with zeal. She tastes so sweet, her skin is so soft to the touch. As he loses himself he removes his leather gloves, stroking her wetness over the flimsy fabric. Tav groans and buries her face in her arms, which are still propped against the wall. He slips underneath the fabric and slides his fingers inside her, roughly pumping against her secret, perfect spot. Almost immediately her legs begin to tremble and Tav bites her lip to stop herself from crying out. Soon, she comes around his fingers. Tav collapses against the wall, panting with pleasure.
Sated on blood at last, Astarion withdraws his fingers and replaces them with his tongue, licking her drenched flower with gentle kitten licks as Tav returns to her senses. He fumbles with his buckle, pulling his cock out and pumping himself furiously. He’s so close, he so close -
“You can fuck me,” Tav moans. “If you want-"
Astarion is already standing up, kicking her legs even further apart and positioning himself behind her. He pushes himself into her, a touch rougher than he had intended, and a pretty ngh! of effort escapes Tav’s lips. Astarion begins a fast and deep rhythm, trying and failing to stay quiet. A breathy, embarrassing whine escapes him on accident but he’s able to catch the subsequent ones, lowering them to rough grunts of pleasure. He tangles a hand in her hair, gripping the follicles at their base, firmly pulling Tav’s head back towards him. Now Tav is the one to whine in shameful ecstasy.
“I should have known,” he chokes out between thrusts. He tightens his grip on her hair and Tav releases another pitiful mewl. “I should have known my love was such a slut for pain.” Tav whimpers in admission. He lowers himself over her, his mouth at her ear. His pace quickens, plunging completely into her with every thrust. “Is that why you’re consorting with a vampire?” He nips at her, scraping his fangs against the shell of her ear. She shudders against him. “Is that why you like my bite so much, darling?” He mouths at her neck, teasing the sensitive skin with his pointed teeth.
“Astarion!” Tav comes again, her pussy gripping his cock in tight, incredible contractions. It’s too much, it’s just too much.
“Fuck, I’m - !”
Astarion comes in thick hot ropes, emptying himself deep inside of her as she shivers with her own orgasm. He thrusts a few more times, milking both their peaks for all they are worth. But as the potent rush of endorphins wanes, he is left with a bone-deep hollowness that feels like pyrrhic victory. He slowly releases his hold on Tav’s hair and slides out of her, removing himself from her wet warmth. His cum drips out of her, pooling with her blood on the stones below.
He quickly tucks himself away, buttoning up his trousers with quick precision. He takes in Tav’s disheveled appearance, her whipped and battered body, and feels the smallest surge of pride and satisfaction at being the one to dominate this time. He took what he wanted. She submitted to him and was happy to do so, a win-win. And if he’s done his job, then this degradation will still advance the plan. 
This is how the world works.
Tav stands and turns to face him, still a bloody mess despite his thorough attentions. Cupping his cheek, she presses her lips to his. The kiss is soft but firm, her mouth moving against his own with unyielding gentleness. When she breaks the kiss, she pulls his forehead down to rest against her own.
“You don’t have to hold back. Not with me,” she whispers so only he can hear. Astarion stiffens, recalling the uncomfortable honesty of the morning. What she asks for is impossible.
“If I didn’t I would kill you,” he answers, just as quietly.
Tav giggles. “Well, then, maybe hold yourself back a little.” 
If he fed until he was full, he would kill her. The Hunger is relentless. He will never be sated. 
And if he told her the rest, he would break her beautiful little heart. He will not be responsible for that. Not until he has to be. His mess is too disgusting, too shameful to see the light of day. 
She wraps her arms around him, holding him close. “But I meant what I said. All of it,” she insists again. Astarion returns her embrace. For a moment they stay like this, Astarion fully armored, Tav bloody and half-naked, just holding each other.
“Here, my darling, let’s truly get you cleaned up now.” His voice is shockingly tender to his ears.
Several healing potions and two prestidigitation spells later, Tav and Astarion round a corner to see Shadowheart laying a red hot poker against a screaming man’s side as Lae’Zel looks on in tacit approval.
“Holy hells, what are you two doing!?” Tav yells, rushing forward.
“Took you long enough. We have questioned the prisoner and found Halsin’s location,” Lae’Zel reports.
“The prisoner says there are dungeons even deeper than this one in the temple. Pens, where they keep the worgs. Halsin could be there,” Shadowheart explains. 
“Good job, I guess?” Tav says, rubbing her temples in frustration and disgust. “Astarion, will you-“
“Are you sure you don’t have any more questions for the prisoner?” Astarion asks cheekily, half chuckling. 
“Absolutely not. Now go free him,” Tav orders. “Still so bossy,” Astarion returns, picking the shackles effortlessly. The man falls from the rack, moaning with pain as he hits the floor.
“Wait,” Tav suddenly remembers. “Did you tell them anything about The Grove-” “No, I didn’t say a thing,” the man who must be Liam says, scrambling to his feet despite the pain. There’s a frantic look in his eyes, an animal instinct to bolt to freedom, “Thank you, thank you, I won’t forget this!” Liam rushes off into the darkness of the dungeon, disappearing down a cave tunnel.
~ The dungeons are easy enough to find. All they have to do is keep moving down, down, down. When they push open the heavy wooden doors, there is a joyous squeal of goblin children and a ferocious roar of animal pain. In one of the cramped cells a beast bares its teeth, bristling with rage as goblins poke and prod it with sharpened sticks.
An elf with the presence of a bear.
Chapter 13: Party
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silentmagi · 2 months
Rising Star
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I’m so happy to see you are still enjoying the story, and hope that you continue to join the experiment. Also if you could share it with others, I’d be very grateful. I’d also appreciate some feedback or just a chance to talk about this story.
It’s time to find out what the headmistress, we had a tie between the following:
Scolding her for leaving without permission.
Family news - bad
Yep, it’s time to get into it.
“Do you know the kind of trouble you caused by going off on your own without giving us time to get guards to escort you, or at least someone else to go with you?” the headmistress asked after the pleasantries and introductions were over. “Honestly, did you even listen to me when I said we had to wait?”
“If we waited, we wouldn’t have gotten the books in the cart that I was able to get,” Star defended, annoyance clear in her voice as she was being scolded like a child in front of Luna.
Celeste turned to her, letting out a deep sigh. “Listen, I know you’re upset, and while gathering those books may be important… your father is back.”
That sapped any argument from Star, she stilled long enough to glance over at Luna before clearing her throat. “Are- Are you sure? I thought…”
“I know, we thought with him being… elsewhere… he wouldn’t be able to return, even with the ward spells down.”
“Should I step out?” Luna asked, sensing a tension that comes with family drama.
Celeste paused, glancing at Luna, before turning to Star with a raised eyebrow. Star bit her lip, lowering her eyes, before taking a deep breath and nodding. “She should know…”
“I suppose as our guest and as a friend of Star’s that’s true, Miss Luna,” the headmistress began, taking the glasses off and setting them on a stack of books as she rubbed her eyes. “Star’s father was engaged in some rather… questionable projects with other mages before the Catastrophe, and while we drove him away, we fear that he is going to target the source of the leak of his activities.”
“I didn’t even know it was something bad, I just asked Aunt Celeste about what type of magic needed bodies from the graveyard, and that started the investigation. He fled before the guards could capture him, and as I had shown magical prowess, I was put into the academy. I didn’t even think… I thought he went to another plane, and wasn’t able to come back to the kingdom.”
Luna looked between them, a thoughtful expression on her face as she looked back and forth. After a few minutes, Celeste spoke up. “While we have not had reports of him being near Castledale, he is in the kingdom, and not under arrest. The dark magics he was researching are dangerous and with our arsenal weakened, it’s dangerous for her to be out and alone.”
“Well then, I think that has a simple solution. I will remain with her at all times, and she is going to be sifting through all those books, which I daresay may need some translating or repair in the notes. So, she can work here at the academy, and I can stay with her to keep her safer. Doesn’t that sound like a possible plan?”
Celeste studied the bard with a curious expression, her eyes lingering on the blade at her side, and tapped her cheek while nestling her chin in the thumb of the same hand. “A very good suggestion, I will expect progress reports, and you follow the novice schedule.”
“WHAT!?” Star shouted in offense. That schedule was only two hours of research at a time, with breaks between each of four periods. No later than 8 in the library, and  a mandatory morning exercise peri- okay, not she somewhat agreed with that one. She had noticed that the physical exertion had helped her focus a little bit more during the day.
But she could still get more done, why was she being… oh right, the leaving the campus unescorted.
Celeste let the gravity of the situation sink in, as she watched her niece with a small smile. “Yes, I believe that for the next few weeks, that will be your punishment.”
Luna almost let out a laugh at the pout that Star got when she found that she wasn’t able to debate her way out of this. At least she was going to be able to do the research… however, if her father really was back.
Things were not looking up.
However, as they are in the relative safety of Castledale, it was time to start the real work on translating and researching the books and scrolls that had been gathered.
What will she find?
Book needing translated is about the origins of Castledale Academia
Constantly being diverted by side projects
That she enjoys spending time outside of research with Luna
A black cat with golden eyes following her around
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delusionalmishka · 28 days
Blue Blood pt.4
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Summary: After the turmoil at Driftmark, King Viserys attempted to mend family divisions by arranging a marriage between Alicent's son, Aemond Targaryen, and Rhaenyra's daughter, Lucenya Velaryon; when King Viserys died and the Greens and the Blacks war began to unravel, the arrangement fell through. On the brink of war, Lucenya was sent to Storm's End as an envoy. Aemond didn’t plan on letting his bastard bride slip through his fingers one more time. She’d owned him for his left eye.
warnings for this chapter: none for now.
The day of Lucenya's presentation to Aegon's court had come too quickly. Her body was still frail, her bruises fading to a shade of light green and purples and there was a sharp pain in her right side, but she had to endure, it was Alicent’s command.
The maids dressed her in an emerald green velvet gown that clung to her slender frame, the deep color contrasting starkly with her pale skin. The gown's bodice was intricately embroidered with silver thread, tracing delicate patterns of vines and flowers. The sleeves were long and fitted, ending in graceful points at her wrists, while the skirt flowed down in soft, sweeping folds that brushed against the floor with each step.
Her hair, a rich dark brown hair had been carefully arranged into loose waves cascading down her back. Atop her head, she wore a Valyrian steel tiara that had belonged to her grandmother, Aemma. The tiara was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, its delicate filigree design adorned with small, sparkling gems that caught the light with every movement.
Lucenya glanced in the mirror, her reflection a painful reminder of her current situation. The gown was exquisite but symbolized everything she despised about her captivity, although the tiara she wore, as a token of her lineage and strength gave her a small measure of comfort. 
Aemond was in the dressing room with her, as he always seemed to be, his presence a constant shadow. His single eye tracked her every movement, a mix of possessiveness and something she couldn't quite identify.
He was also dressed impeccably in rich fabrics and his long silver hair was braided. A sword hung from his belt, a constant reminder of his martial prowess and the threat he posed.
"It's time," Aemond said quietly, offering her his arm. She hesitated for a moment before taking it, feeling his strength and warmth through the fabric of his sleeve. His touch was steady, grounding her amid this nightmare.
As they slowly walked through the grand hall towards the Iron Throne room, respecting Lucy’s slow pace, Aemond's mind wandered. He imagined himself sitting on the Iron Throne, with Lucenya by his side as his queen. He pictured her in the same emerald green gown, her tiara gleaming as she looked down upon their united realm. The thought filled him with bitterness. If only he were the eldest son, he could have had all this without the need for bloodbath and betrayal.
They approached their destination, and the sound of bards and conversation from within made Lucenya's heart pound inside her chest. She hated the spectacle that was being made of her, a clear display of power to show that they had Rhaenyra's daughter.
As they entered the packed throne room, Lucenya's eyes immediately found Haelena, who sat quietly to the side, right next to Otto Hightower. There was a softness in Haelena's expression, a sympathy that Lucenya found herself grateful for. It was a small comfort in this, amid endless hostility.
The Iron Throne room was packed with nobles and supporters of Aegon, their presence suffocating as Aegon lounged on the Iron Throne, a smug smile playing on his lips. Alicent stood nearby, her face serene but her eyes sharp, dressed in green from head to toe. The courtiers whispered among themselves, the air filled with pity and curiosity. Lucenya's eyes scanned the room, desperate for a familiar face among the sea of enemies. The looks of other noblemen, hungry and curious, made her skin crawl. She tried to maintain her composure, but the pressure was immense.
Her eyes widened when she caught the eyes of no other than Allun Caswell. The bald and older man has been a fierce supporter of her mother’s cause, he and Lady Caswell even visited Dragonstone a couple of times. She quickly turned her gaze away but Lucy felt Caswell’s eyes on her. 
Aemond's presence was stifling, Lucy knew his presence was there to keep her in check, his single eye always coming back to her.  To Aemond, Lucenya was the prettiest lady in the room by far. Despite being a bastard, she carried herself with a regal grace that matched his own. In his eyes, she was royalty - she was even fluent in High Valiryan- and the thought filled him with a twisted sense of pride. She was officially his in the eyes of the court, and he relished the idea of having her by his side.
As they moved closer to the throne, Aegon's gaze settled on them, his amusement evident. "Welcome, Lucenya Velaryon," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "You honor us with your presence," Lucy noticed his slurred words. 
Lucenya could not quite grasp the belief that Aegon would be a better ruler than her mother. 
Lucy forced herself to meet his gaze, her chin held high despite the fear and anger boiling inside her. "Your Grace," she replied, her voice steady. "I am here under duress, not by choice."
Aegon's smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Nevertheless, you are here. And you look quite ravishing in green, niece. It suits you!"
Lucenya's grip on Aemond's arm tightened, but she kept her expression neutral. "I wear it as I must," she said coldly.
Alicent stepped forward. "You will find that duty often comes with sacrifice," she said. "Embrace the honor you have been given." 
Lucenya's stomach churned with anger and helplessness. She wanted to lash out, to scream at them for their arrogance and cruelty. But she knew that now was not the time. She needed to bide her time. Aemond sensed her turmoil and squeezed her waist gently, a silent reminder of his presence and support. She glanced at him, seeing the conflict in his eye. There was a part of him that genuinely cared for her, despite the obvious distaste for her and her family.
 It was a twisted, possessive kind of care, but he still cared.
The Iron Throne room had been transformed for the banquet, filled with the sound of music and the clinking of goblets. Tables were laden with an extravagant feast, the finest food, and endless supplies of wine and ale. The atmosphere was one of forced merriment, an attempt to celebrate the frail strength and unity of Aegon's rule. Lucy felt anything but festive.
Lucenya took her seat next to Aemond, who sat close. The wine flowed freely, and she welcomed it, downing several goblets to numb the discomfort of her injuries and the ache of her heart. Each sip dulled the pain, both physical and emotional, but it did little to quiet the storm of thoughts in her mind.
Across the room, Aegon reveled in the attention, his laughter loud and grating. Alicent sat beside him, her face a mask of composed satisfaction. Lucenya caught her eye briefly and saw the woman nodding her head at her. 
She’s been behaving well.
Her eyes turned to Allun Caswell again, the older man’s eyes still on her and a glimpse of worry crossed his features when their eyes met. 
The music played on, a lively tune that felt out of place in the oppressive atmosphere. Lucenya forced herself to smile and play the part of the compliant captive. She engaged in polite conversation with the nobles who approached her, their thinly veiled curiosity and disdain evident. Every so often, she glanced at Allun Caswell, who lingered at the edges of the room. His presence was a small comfort, a reminder that she wasn't entirely alone.
"Are you enjoying the feast?" Aemond's voice broke through her thoughts, his tone was rushed and gentle. 
She turned to him, offering a strained smile. "It's... quite a spectacle," she replied, choosing her words carefully.
Aemond nodded, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before shifting back to the room. "You look beautiful tonight," he said, his voice so low she almost didn't catch it.
"Thank you," she responded, her heart not in the compliment. "It's the dress your mother chose for me."
Aemond's expression darkened briefly, but he said nothing more. Instead, he reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. Lucy noticed how his hand was much bigger than hers, his skin covered in thin scars and roughness, years of training behind them. "Stay close to me tonight," he said, his voice firmer. "I won't let anyone hurt you."
Lucenya's thoughts raced. She knew his protection came at a cost, but for now, she needed to play along. "I appreciate that," she said softly, her eyes meeting his. "But why are you doing this? Why care so much?"
Aemond's jaw tightened, his gaze intense. "It's my duty as your future husband," he replied. "We've been promised to each other since we were children. I will uphold that promise."
Before she could respond, Aegon called for a toast, raising his goblet high. "To the future of our realm!" he declared, his eyes glittering with malice as he stared in Lucy’s direction. "May we crush our enemies and secure our legacy!"
The room erupted in cheers, the sound ringing in Lucenya's ears. She raised her goblet reluctantly, her heart heavy with the weight of her predicament. As she took another big sip, she caught Aegon's eye, his smile was chilling as he downed his own golden goblet. Lucy broke the eye contact, she did not have time to let Aegon get under her skin. 
After the toast, the banquet continued, the revelry growing louder and more chaotic. Lucy leaned back in her chair, her head spinning from the wine. She glanced at Allun again, trying to convey her desperation with a look. He gave her a small nod and started to walk in their direction.
Her heart raced. Did he misunderstand her silent signals? 
When Allun reached Lucenya, he extended a courteous hand, as was customary. With a practiced grace, he took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips for a respectful kiss. It was during this seemingly innocent gesture that Allun made his move. With a subtle shift of his fingers, he managed to slip a small, folded note into Lucenya’s hand, his touch light but deliberate.
The note was tiny and folded tightly. Lucy’s heart raced as she felt the paper’s weight in her hand. She quickly closed her fingers around it, ensuring it was hidden from view.
“It is a relief to see you in good health, Princess Lucenya.” 
Aemond’s keen eyes were on them, his expression unreadable but alert. As Allun withdrew with a bow directed to the prince, his gaze lingered a moment longer than necessary, filled with a hint of concern that Lucenya hoped was genuine. Aemond’s irritation flared when he noticed the interaction, and he immediately moved to interject, his hand closing around Lucenya’s wrist with a possessive grip.
“What was that about?” Aemond’s voice was low and edged with frustration as he pulled Lucy’s attention away from Caswell. His eye was sharp, searching for any hint of deceit or hidden meaning.
Lucenya forced herself to maintain a calm facade, though her pulse quickened and her stomach churned. “Nothing of importance,” she replied, her voice steady despite the tension. “He was just being polite.”
Aemond’s scrutiny did not waver, but he chose not to press the matter further. Instead,he took another sip of how wine, but his hand did not left her wrist, his grip firm but not harsh. The conversation continued around them, but Lucy’s thoughts were consumed by the note clutched tightly in her hand.
As the banquet drew to a close, Lucy found herself feeling the effects of the wine she had consumed throughout the evening. The alcohol buzzed in her veins, dulling the sharp edges of her fear and anger but leaving her mind in a haze. She stumbled slightly as she rose from the table, and Aemond was immediately at her side, his arm steadying her.
“Careful,” he murmured, his tone softer than she expected and she felt heat rising to her cheeks when she caught a glimpse of his smirking lips. Aemond was overwhelming, his height and the aura of command he exuded making him seem larger than life. As much as Lucy hated herself for it, she had to admit her uncle had grown into a fine man, much taller than her and even taller than her brother Jace. It was a realization that hit her with a mix of emotions she couldn’t fully process in her inebriated state. 
Aemond guided her through the winding and corridors of the Red Keep, his hand firm but gentle around her. She felt the warmth of his touch through the fabric of her dress, a sensation that confused her muddled thoughts. When they reached her chambers, he led her inside and carefully closed the door behind them.
Lucenya expected Aemond to call the maids to help her undress and get ready for bed, but she was not surprised when he started to work on the laces and ties of her dress himself. She stood still, feeling the wine's warmth in her veins and the buzz of the banquet still lingering in her mind.
Aemond’s fingers moved deftly, loosening the intricate bindings of her emerald green dress. His touch was firm yet unexpectedly gentle, and Lucenya couldn’t help but notice the careful way he handled her. The fabric slowly slid off her shoulders, leaving her on with the thin and see-through undertunic. Chills raised in her skin when she felt his cold fingers brush along her skin, his touch lingering. The was silence thick between then, the only thing heard in the room was the crackling of the fire. 
“You should rest,” Aemond murmured as he continued his work, his voice low and soothing. He moved behind her, untangling the ribbons and curls of her hair with the same careful precision. She watched his reflection in the mirror, noting the intensity of his gaze, the way his single eye focused on the task at hand.
Her mind drifted as he worked, and she thought about the note Allun Caswell had slipped into her hand earlier in the evening. It was hidden beneath her pillow now, a small sliver of hope blooming in her chest. 
Aemond’s hands lingered on her shoulders for a moment before he guided her to the bed, his expression softening as he looked at her. Lucenya’s thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and exhaustion, the alcohol in her system making it hard to think clearly.
She was surprised when he didn’t immediately leave. Instead, he hesitated, standing over her with a conflicted look in his eye. Then, without warning, he leaned down and held her face, his hand cupping her chin as strands of his silver hair tickled her skin. He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss.
Lucenya’s thoughts were swirling in her head, the strong wine she'd consumed blurred the lines between her desires and her will. For a moment, she let her wants speak louder and kissed him back. Her lips moved against his, responding to the unexpected tenderness. There was a part of her that craved the connection, the comfort, even if it was from him.
The kiss deepened, a swirl of conflicting emotions as Aemond's hand moved to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. The intensity of the moment made her heart race, and for a brief, intoxicating instant, she let herself get lost in it. The world outside their kiss faded away, leaving only the heat between them.
But as quickly as it began, it ended. Aemond pulled away, his breath warm against her skin. His gaze lingered on her face, his thumb brushing against her rose tinted cheeks. "I will see you in the morrow," he said quietly, turning to leave.
Lucy lay there, her mind a mess of regret and confusion as the door closed behind him with a soft click. The reality of what had just happened sank in, and she felt a pang of guilt and anger at herself. She had given in, even if just for a moment, and she knew it would only feed into Aemond's feelings of possession he had over her. 
She touched her lips, still feeling the ghost of his kiss, and her resolve hardened. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down, no matter how desperate or lonely she felt. 
Instead of wallowing in those feelings, she forced herself to take a deep breath. She had to stay focused. She searched the room, her eyes darting around until she found Allun's note tucked under her pillow. 
Allun's note, hastily scribbled but clear, read:
Lady Lucenya,
Do not lose hope. There are those loyal to your mother even here. At midnight tomorrow, find a way to the servants' entrance near the kitchens. A small boat will be waiting for you. We must move quickly and quietly.
Stay strong.
— Allun Caswell
Holding it in her hands, she felt the tears well up in her eyes. 
As she read the note again, tears spilled over. Allun's message gave her a glimmer of hope, a chance to escape and return to her family. She had to be strong, not just for herself but for her mother, her brother, and everyone who depended on her.
Lucenya tucked the note back under her pillow and wiped her tears away. She would have to be clever and resourceful to pull off the escape. The servants' entrance near the kitchens—it was her only chance. She had to find a way to slip past Aemond and the guards.
She lay back on her bed, her mind racing with plans and possibilities. The thought of freedom, of reuniting with her family, fueled her determination. She would not let Aemond trap her any longer. She had to escape, no matter the cost.
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caxde · 5 months
Ok, today is my birthday I just woke up and thought it would be a good idea to finally ask for the drable of bright eyes that I thought of Eddie having a campaign with the boys and girls and also Y/N but Lua wakes up and see them so she wants to play too so Y/N sits her in their lap and let's her play with her.
I love your work and you are one of my favourite authors 💙💖💙
omg!! happy (late) birthday babe!! hope it was a good one <33 thank you so much for the request and for reading and for being here haha, hope i made it justice <33
bright eyes universe drabble (2.3k)
“What would even be my name?” You tell him, almost in a tired wimp, your head hurting slightly. 
“Princess the Bard” He teases back, his head tilting to the right, his hair shaking in that hypnotic matter he knew you liked. 
“If everybody keeps calling me princess, you’ll have to come up with a new nickname.” You point back, looking over your shoulder so you can see the way his eyes plead back, while he follows you to the kitchen. 
“I can try a few…” He tries once again, he lets his body rest against his kitchen counter, waits for you to place your empty plate down on the sink, the soft ‘clinck’ sound links with his fingers graceing your waist. He grabs you softly, taking his time to first caress that little spot, before one of his fingers finds his way in one of your belt loops, pushing you to him from there. “Just, please? I don’t want you to go yet, and the few ones we’ve played you’ve been amazing…”
With just the way your eyes softened, darkened and then closed he knew he had been successful. He was biting back that stupid grin that made you smile in defeat every time you saw it. 
“Ugh… fine…” He had it on his face as soon as you gave in. Maybe out of excitement, maybe because you were hugging him once again. 
“C’mon, we’ll set the table then.” He gleamed, you just tried to muffle a laugh against his chest, enjoying the way his arms wrapped around you. 
He grabbed your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours, he was the one that had a joyful cheerful aura now, excited that you’d stay longer, even better, playing with him. 
He had been talking about you finally joining him for a short, small one-shot campaign ever since he had caught you and Dustin going over the basics of the game. These last few days, though to be honest it had been two weeks, you and him had found a small window of time to be together, and you had spent it building your character, playing a few scenarios, making out before you left and painting. It had been fun, heavenly even, but you told him that it was because it was just the two of you, that you were a bit nervous about actually playing with his friends. He told you that they were just kids, but you made him remember that they were actually teenagers, which is a whole different situation, and that if you were to be their teacher someday, it would be weird. He laughed it off, brushed your hair out of your face and whispered “That’s kinnda hot” You punched him in his chest in a jokingly manner, but he reassured you, as he always did. 
You were nervously -perhaps a tint of anxiety on your movements could be seen- playing with the die on your hand. You sat down next to him, even if that spot was usually occupied with Dustin, he agreed to let you there, knowing just how excited Eddie was, and clocking your nervousness. 
“You guys ready to play some D&D?” Eddie asked, his hands moviming excitedly through the air. 
They all cheered. You looked at them, Mike was gleaming, Will was excitedly nodding, Lucas was drinking some soda, his mouth still smiling, and Dustin looked at you. He mouthed a you’re ready. 
That’s all you really needed for now. 
Consequently, Lua was having trouble remaining asleep. 
She was tossing and turning in her little bed, the quiet voices that left the living room seemed more appealing to her. She knew her dad had some friends over, and that she had to get some sleep, but she wanted to be near to him, and he wasn’t in his bed. 
So she did what every kid would have done. 
She got up, not minding her knotted hair, or the way her sleeping shirt was a bit too big on her. 
She tumbled around her room, opening the door that was left ajar as best as she could, trying to not make a sound. She kept walking following the sound of the warm voices that were gathered around the table. Her eyes finally opened up, and she smiled as soon as she saw you sitting next to her dad. 
She reached out, pulling your trousers down so you’d look at her. 
“Hi bud, what are you doing up?” You asked her, you reached down, she glowed as soon as he heard your voice, as bright and as soft as ever. 
“Can’t sleep.” She muttered, her hand scratching her eye, a little pout on her lips. 
You looked up at Eddie, and you saw the way his heart melted, and how he was starting to feel guilty about talking as loud as he had. 
“You wanna sit with me?” You asked her, opening your arms so she’ll decide on her own. 
You didn’t have to wait long. She threw herself on your arms, waiting for you to pull her up. You placed her down on your lap, your fingers gracing her hair, placing it a bit more neatly. Eddie’s heart was about to burst. 
The full table went quiet. 
They weren’t used to such an intimate moment of Eddie’s life. 
The little scene looked straight from a movie scene, a soft look shared between the both of you, while Lua just melted in your arms a bit more, pushing into you softly. 
“Can we continue?” Mike asked, the usual urgency in his voice remained the same. 
“Jesus.” Will whispered, the heels of his hands reaching for his forehead. 
“You really have the emotional range of a teaspoon sometimes, you know?” Lucas added, looking back at his friend, a look in his face that let you know this was something deeper than your little moment. 
“Okay, sorry.” Eddie muttered, a little smile to her little girl before he continued. “Your king has just experienced an assassination attempt, the guards have captured some suspects down in the dungeons. Princess, you said you wanted to do something?”  
Blood flew straight to her cheeks as soon as the attention was all on you. Lua decided to start playing with your fingers, as if she knew that doing that would help. 
“I have seen Sir.Deeptrut on the battleground, right?” Your eyebrows raised as you were talking, a confirmation on Eddie’s face let you know you were right. “And he’s one of the suspects… Could I go down to the dungeons and try to talk to him?” 
“You’ll have to make a persuasion check as soon as you get down there, just a heads up.” Will advised you. He had a calm voice, and was always trying to help. You could see just how much he cared, not only about the game, but about everyone that was sitting around the table. 
“Why?” You shook your head, your hair tickling Lua’s cheek, making her giggle. Eddie’s lips curved upwards, he felt himself falling in deeper and faster. 
“The guards.” Dustin pointed out, looking deep into you. “Unless you use disguise self, they’ll know it’s you, and they probably won’t let you pass. They just tried to uh…” He peered over at Lua, not really wanting to say that word, you just nodded. 
“I want them to know it’s me though…” You said back, the kids looked at you, each one of them with a weirder look on their face. “Trust me.” 
“You slowly walk down to the dungeons, and at first you realize the small amount of light that creeps in, even if it is a sunny day outside, it feels like midnight down here. The smell of dust and mould hits your nostrils quick. Before you can even move deeper in to find the one you want to talk to, a guard stops you.” Eddie describes it in a beautiful manner, his voice and tone pulling you in deeply, believing every single word, a picture fully painted. 
“I demand to speak with Sir.Deeptrut.” You say, in a loud focused voice, avoiding his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, your highness. Sir.Deeptrut was accused with an assassination attempt against your father, I would blame you if you came here to uh… finish the job but… I’m afraid I can’t let you in.” He changed his accent to an English one, it made you smile a bit more, discovering something you didn’t know Eddie was capable of doing. 
Lua looked up, shocked that her dad could sound like that, not understanding how, Eddie tried to hide his laugh with a little wave at her. 
“I just wanna talk to him… please?” You try again. 
“Give me a persuasion check.” Eddie used his menacing voice, the one that indicated an important decision. 
“Lua?” You asked her, her eyes looking up at you. “You wanna help me roll?” You opened your hand, letting her reach for one of the die. You looked as she grabbed it and threw it on the little wooden box Eddie had left you. “Good job bud!” You praised her as soon as you saw the 19 on the die. 
“Jesus, yeah, that’ll do.” Eddie said as soon as he saw the number. Lua chuckled when she saw how happy that had made the two of you. “Princess… He’s a dangerous man.” He used that accent again, the whole table waiting for what your plan is. 
“What’s your name?” You narrowed your eyes as you snapped back, your whole attitude changing. 
“I’m Liam your highness.”
“Great, so I’ll tell my father that a guard named Liam wouldn’t let me even talk to the man I’m betrothed to.” All of the table opened their mouths in amusement. 
“What?” Mike snapped, the first one to do so. 
“Betrothed?” Lucas panicked, given he was the one playing the king. 
“Just, trust me!” You repeat yourself, even if everyone was looking at you as if you were crazy. 
“He just steps back, with his hands in the air, giving you full access to Sir.Deeptrut” Eddie describes in pure amused shock at the chaos you were creating. 
“I walk in, and I’m gonna Disguise Self to turn into one of his um… friends?” You half ask as you stifle a laugh. “So he’ll think that me coming as princess was a trick to get in.” You keep explaining your plan. “And then I’ll just get down and try to like, act as if I’m trying to break him free. And say uh… There’s still time for me to finish this, tell me where you got the poison dagger and I’ll finish it myself.” 
The whole table felt silent, not really expecting you to do that. 
“Oh…God.” Eddie’s face got red, not sure if he found it hot because it had been you doing it, or because it was one hell of a play. “I uh… Shii-ut” He saved himself from cursing as soon as he saw Lua looking up at him with curious eyes. “That’ll be a deception check.” He adds, still bamboozled. 
“Lua, you wanna roll again?” You ask her, two dice this time were layed in the palm of your hand. “I’ve got advantage right?” 
“Disguise Self, she’s got the actor feet.” Dustin explains in a sort of automotive tone, not really quite believing such a move had come out of you. 
“You do.” Eddie confirmed as he nodded, a sense of pride emanating from him. 
“C’mon Lua, you’ve got it.” You cheered her as she let the die hit the wooden box. “That’s so good dude!” You praised her once again, a soft kiss left on her cheek as her laughter could be heard. “That’ll be a 24.” 
“I… I don’t know where you can get another one, I just… If the primogen of the church got me one, I’m sure he can get you another one, but be wary, that family’s got something odd.” 
“You don’t say.” You add in a teasing tone, before raising your eyebrows again, a move that let Eddie know you were about to do something outlandish again. “I want to drop the disguise self and call for the guards. Explain to them how he just confessed and that they have to arrest the primogen.” 
“You… you do that.” Eddie finally breaks, as the whole table erupts in panicked laughter and shock that your outlandish plan had worked. “And you see how he just goes ballistic, his full body trying to free himself from the chains as he just yells nonsense in a repetitive manner as he realises just how much you have fooled him.” 
“I just wanna reach over to him, close enough to his ear and whisper to him uh… I hope your God hears you now.”
“You have to come play with us more often.” Will says in shock, while Mike just stays there next to him, in shock not really believing you actually did that. 
“Lua, you want to go to bed?” You weren’t paying that much attention to the table, nor why it was that impressive. You were more worried about Lua and her head falling as she started falling asleep. “I’ll take her to bed, I’ll come in a minute.” You tell everyone, but mostly Eddie. 
He watches you closely, the way your hands hold her with such a delicate manner, the care and sensibility you have in your movements. He reaches for your hand, right before you leave, his thumb caressing the back of your hand in an affectionate touch. You step in a bit closer to him, he stands up so he can leave a short kiss on his daughter’s forehead, right before whispering thank you, a fast kiss on your lips as his dimples appear on his cheeks.  He saw you walk into his room, and even if he was supposed to concentrate on the game, he could only think the same thing i never want to see her go.
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xxventiswindblumexx · 2 years
Venti/Barbatos x follower fem reader!
Much like my Smut Soulmate I was nervous for this release since I mainly have scara Simps on here but since they're posting I'm posting! We post together 🥺❤👫
Here's to good fan fiction! 🍷
⚠Warnings⚠:God complex,superiority kink, corruption, venti being himself, pervert stuff, praise kink, breeding kink, mentions of Alcohol because ya know venti.
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Barbatos, the Archon of Freedom, holder of the Ameno Vision and the weakest Archon according to those who do not live in Mondstadt. It doesn't matter what they say however, to you he is all you need, to believe in, to love, to feel protected. You're a nun in the Favonius Cathedral, ever since you were young you've dedicated your life to preserve, protect and to teach everything Barbatos was about.
You lived among another named Barbara, she's the Deaconess, she is older but not by much. However you've noticed she's been neglecting her dutys, only slightly not something an average person would notice. She seems to be infatuated with the Traveller, sure he is interesting but he didn't peek your interest as much as a certain bard that seemed to follow him occasionally. Unaware of the bards true identity of course you tried to stray from temptation, barely speaking to him unless he speaks first which surprisingly happens often.
The bard known as Venti often runs right up to you first thing whenever the traveller enters the church. You of course speak to him, after all even with your crush on the male it would be rather rude and ungodly to ignore him, not that you would want to anyways.
The bard often talks about anything that comes on his mind it seems, things such as if you tried wine or if you really lived in the church all day and night. Yes you've tried wine, only communal wine however, nothing compared to what the bard had drank in his nights at the winery. How do you know? He often came to the church doors late at night crying out to see you in his drunken state, slurring words and being very touchy. You of course always opened the doors as it was your job to help those in need and even with his constant self destructive habits, he's still someone who needs help. It's unknown rather the bard had a home or family so he usually slept in a pew on those nights, and on the other times he isn't drunk you aren't sure where he goes, though the traveller assures you he's fine.
Today was like many others, quiet and peaceful as you could see the sun's rays shining in through the large windows and the sound of the wind blowing gently outside. That morning Barbara informed you that she would be out for the next week, it was rather strange, she's never left the church that long, however she assured you it was just to spend time with family, with her older sister Jean. So you would be alone to care for the Cathedral which wasn't too hard, not a whole lot happens really.
Around noon the traveller came to the church asking for Barbara, you unfortunately had to inform the man that she was out for a week. He took it well and decided to leave however his bard friend seemed to not notice. After Aether left Venti as usual ran to you and started off on his usual conversations.
"So Y/N, are you really alone for a week? Like by yourself? I can imagine it'll be sooo lonely huh" He said in a slight teasing voice as you was both sat at a pew. "Yes, I'll be on my own however I have all I need for company, the winds Lord Barbatos bestowed upon the city is enough company and comfort" You replied knowing he was probably going to try to stay around, in a fantasy sure you would like him to stay.. and maybe do other th- No! You cannot think this way, this is sinful and will distract you from your purpose. Shaking her head some as you cleared your thoughts you noticed Venti as leaning over, his hand reaching up to your face, you move away some "What are you doing Venti?"you asked with a sigh as he giggled " your face is all red, what could be going through your mind? Nothing dirty I hope~! " he teased as you didn't notice. In embarrassment you stood up sighing "Venti I must ask you to leave as I need to clean the pews and return to my duties, maybe another time we can chat about something related to the church" you said to him with a bit of sass as he only smirked as he got up "Oh sure, I'll definitely be coming back to talk about Lord Barbatos~" he teased before leaving.
Later that night as you was already settled into your bed in the back of the Cathedral you started to close your eyes when you heard the all too familiar sound of someone knocking and banging against the large doors of the church. You thought about not even bothering with it being that your alone but after a few minutes the banging continued along with faint whining, sighing you got up in your silk robes and headed towards the front. You wore white beautiful sleeping robes, no they weren't see through, at least not unless gotten wet but if you remember correctly it's not supposed to rain so no worried right?
Just before you get to the door you hear a loud thunder strike! You looked at the windows and noticed the very heavy downpour, just as you were going to grumble about your outfit you heard the banging and ran to the door, almost forgot he was out there.
Unlocking and opening the large doors you see Venti, crumbled onto the stairs, his clothes soaking wet as he looked up at you pitifully "Y/N~ you took sooo long to get the door today... I'm all wet now.. " he whined, you couldn't help but to feel bad for the boy. After all it doesn't rain often here and definitely never stormed this bad in awhile. You reach down to help him up but only to pull you into the rain too. Great just what you needed, not even thinking on how translucent your outfit must be you're more focused on getting the drunken bard inside, helping him up and inside the church, the doors closing behind you. It's then now that you're soaking wet you noticed how cold the main Hall with the pews get at night, you decided he couldn't sleep here, he would catch a cold or worse. You walk him to the back where your room was, of course you couldn't sleep in the same bed so you where already thinking on taking Barbaras room, she wouldn't mind.
You set him down and start looking in your dresser for something wearable for him, of course after you already given him a towel to at least warm up with.
However the whole time you're digging through your clothes you could feel his eyes staring at you, almost forgetting your what used to be a pretty silk nightgown is now see through thanks to the rain. "Can you not stare so hard Venti? I'm trying to find something for you to wear" you say, not able to look at him in embarrassment.
He shakes his head a smile tugging on his lips as he leans in closer "No, it's just that you're so adorable.. you know that don't you? I'd love to hold you in my arms" the bard slurred as he was right up against you, you could feel his chest, did.. did he take his wet clothes off already??
You turn to face him to see he was only in boxers, your eyes couldn't help but betray you, looking at his body and especially the ever growing tent in his underwear.
"V-Venti! Why are yo-" Before you could argue he placed a finger over your lips, his eyes glowed as marking appeared on to his body, it was then when you could see him for who he was, as Lord Barbatos.
"Didn't I tell you earlier? I would come back to talk, of course it would be a bit selfish since it is about me~" He giggled as he was pressed against you, you could feel him poking you, these feelings of arousal was familiar but not all too familiar, yes you had a life of abstinence but you're human and of course would have those thoughts occasionally.
"Speechless? Not surprising, after all you are meeting the very Archon you've been worshiping all your life, tell me Y/N, do you want to please your Archon? To be my little follower? " he said with lust laced heavily in his voice. His tone was soft but filled with desire and want, you wanted him to kiss you so bad right now.
"L-Lord Barbatos... " you mumbled unable to form words, he let out a low groan at the name, it's been ages since he's been called by his true name, it only serves to intensify his lust. "Yes call me that more, your Lord, your Archon~" his soft lips crashing into yours, his hands was quick to pull the wet nightgown off, he didn't want you to get a cold now would he?
Your body felt hot to his touch, you felt sparks go off in your body whenever his hands moved across them, yet you didn't resist it, why should you? He is your Archon, all these years serving him, unaware he was always there, in plain sight.
He pushed you onto the bed, hovering over you, he is so pretty, his eyes.. his glowing tattoos, his face and everything, he truly was an Archon, your Archon.
You shiver under his gaze as you felt himself moving his mouth against your collarbone, your head feeling dizzy as he bites you harshly as you whimper slightly. A soft moan leaves your lips as he moves lower kissing and sucking on your neck, you gasp a bit in surprise, his hands wander over your body as he presses his chest against yours and you both feel heat spread through your bodies, a small whimper escaping your lips as his hands continue their path downwards, to your core.
It doesn't take long for him to find what he was looking for, his hands begin to push your hips upwards, wanting to feel the sensation of skin on skin between the two of you, you whimper once more, feeling a small nip on your neck as he begins to suck on it, you feel yourself arching your back as he continues to work his magic on you, you feel yourself becoming wetter and wetter, you could feel your legs shaking as you tried to keep yourself still, you could feel his fingers slipping inside you to feel the warmth inside you, it was exciting. Moaning out his name and whimpering for more "Ssshhh... I knew you'd like this~, just give me a moment, my muse" he said as his kisses made their way to your stomach, moving up your torso slowly. You moan quietly, your hands gripping his hair gently as your body trembles uncontrollably.
His slender fingers made quick work of you, it didn't take long for you get close already, moaning, whimpering and begging "My Lord, Barbatos please~! " but of course just before you could release he slipped his fingers out, giggling. He's still the same bard you met, a teasing man.
Before you could retaliate you felt his member press into you, whining as tears flowed, the Archon sympathized with you, whiping your tears as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he pushed further until he was fully into you.
As he began to move, it wasn't the pain that shocked you so much as the pleasure that made you tremble and let out moans, it was intoxicating really, the sensation was so overwhelming, he thrust harder as he held you tighter as you bucked underneath him, crying out as you gripped his shoulders, you couldn't seem to hold yourself still anymore, a mixture of pleasure and pain mixed inside you as his member went deeper and deeper.
You gasped, gasping loudly as you cried out from the pleasure, he grunted as he held your body firmly against his own.
"Won't you be my lover? My pretty little wife? The woman that'll bring the next Archon into this world~? " He said as his thrusts was harsh against your hips, groans left his lips as he gotten close.
"Beg for me, beg to be filled with my love, to be mine~" he groaned out as his eyes seemed to glow brighter.
"P-please Lord Barbatos, please f-fill me up! " Was all you could say before reaching your climax as well as his own, pushing himself deeper into you, everything happened so fast, he seemed to glow so bright, you fainted from all the stimulation.
Your eyes fluttered open hearing the winds softly blow against the church, you felt sore before remembering last night, shooting up in bed quickly aching and regretting it as you held your stomach some. You noticed you're alone in your room, no sign of the bard.
You get up to get dressed and looked into your mirror to see all the markings, hickeys, bites and.. is that an Ameno mark? On her neck was a glowing mark for the Ameno Archon.
After getting dressed and cleaning up you opened the doors to the church for the regulars to come in, and not to surprising a certain bard was sitting on the stairs with his Lyre, singing a song of love.
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moonselune · 3 months
Could you write Karlach with a bard reader who is always singing little songs under her breath? Like she would be quietly singing about cooking dinner, kicking someones ass or just petting Scratch etc. You know Karlach would randomly start dancing to readers little tunes.
Thank you in advance 🥰
Karlach's default dancing will always remain rent free in my head x
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Karlach x Bard!reader
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You were at the campfire, stirring a pot of stew, and as usual, you were singing quietly under your breath. It was a habit you couldn't shake, and one that your companions had come to expect and enjoy. Today's song was about cooking dinner, and your soft, melodic voice filled the air with warmth and cheer.
"Chop the carrots, slice the meat, Simmer slow, make it sweet. Herbs and spices, in the pot, A feast for all, like it or not."
Karlach, who was busy sharpening her axe, perked up as she heard you. She loved your songs; they brought a lightness to the camp that she cherished. Without a second thought, she put down her weapon and began to sway to the rhythm of your tune.
Karlach stood up, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She approached you, her steps matching the beat of your song. Before you knew it, she grabbed your hand and pulled you into a dance. You laughed, your voice faltering slightly in surprise.
"Karlach, what are you doing?" you asked, still giggling.
"Dancing, obviously," she replied with a grin. "How can I resist when you make everything sound so wonderful?"
You continued to sing, your voice blending with your laughter as Karlach twirled you around the campfire.
"Cooking dinner, here we go, Dancing 'round the fire’s glow. With a friend so strong and true, Makes the stew taste better too."
Karlach's movements were surprisingly graceful for someone so strong and battle-hardened. She spun you around, your skirts flaring out, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and freedom. The rest of the camp watched with smiles, the warmth of the fire and your song creating a perfect moment of camaraderie.
Later, as you sat down to eat, you continued to hum softly to yourself. Scratch wandered over, hoping for a morsel, and you reached down to pet him, your song shifting to include the loyal hound.
"Scratch, our friend, so loyal and true, Always waiting, right on cue. A pat on the head, a scratch behind the ear, With you by our side, there's nothing to fear."
Karlach, seated next to you, began tapping her foot in time with your tune. You looked over at her, and she gave you a playful wink. It was these little moments, these simple joys, that made everything worth it. Your songs, whether about mundane tasks or heroic deeds, brought a sense of unity and happiness to the camp.
One evening, after a particularly tough battle, you were quietly singing about the fight, turning the day's struggles into a lighthearted melody.
"We fought the goblins, one, two, three, Karlach swung her axe with glee. Victory was ours, bold and bright, In the dark of the night, we saw the light."
Karlach, despite being exhausted, couldn't help but join in. She stood up, swaying and clapping her hands to the rhythm. You laughed and sang louder, the campfire crackling in the background.
She pulled you up from your seat, and together you danced around the fire, the weariness of the day melting away. It was in these moments that you felt truly alive, and you knew that with Karlach by your side, every song you sang would be filled with warmth and love.
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Hope you enjoy it ! -Seluney x
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