#Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor Friendship
slunatic · 2 years
Also on FFN: Not Playing Games: chapter 1. 
*This story was a request from a patron.*
Summary: Lena’s curiosity is piqued when she realizes Alex is an omega. This leads to Alex teaching Lena how to play pool and Lena teaching Alex to play chess. Huh?
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationship: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Agent Vasquez
Additional Tags: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Omega Verse, Futanari, Alpha Lena Luthor, Omega Alex Danvers
Words: 7064
1: Shoot Your Shot
The night started out as normal. The Superfriends were celebrating another victory. M’gann had the alien bar open just for them, keeping the alcohol flowing and everyone was just smiles and laughs. The joyfulness made the place seem much more crowded than it was, just over ten people altogether. The music hummed around the bar, not quite loud, just enough to encourage people to sing along if they knew the song. Conversation could still be had without having to shout at each other.
Lena was with Kara, sitting close to the door. Kara’s cheeks were flushed, even in the bar’s dim light, as she caught Lena up on a piece of the action she missed as they saved the world. Apparently, while she was busy rigging explosives with Brainy on an invading ship, Alex was busy getting slimed and that was why Alex was not there right now. She had to take a decontamination shower...
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morganacorp · 2 months
“I’m telling you Lena, there’s no good Luthor. All of them are shady.” Kara said and downed a shot of tequila while Lena cringed internally.
“Maybe one of them will surprise you.”
“Impossible.” Kara chuckled, grabbing a handful of peanuts and popping them into her mouth. “Where there’s smoke there’s a Luthor.”
“I’m sure there’s something good in one of them.”
“No, I don’t think so. There’s what, three of them left? A mother whose foundation has been under investigation for allegedly mishandling funds, a son under investigation for his links to the mob and controversial political speech, and a third one no one knows anything about… probably in jail for all we know.” She chuckled.
“Or maybe doing work on their own, away from the nefarious family stuff.”
“No, Lena… I’m telling you. That family’s rotten.”
“Don’t be so rude, Kara.” Alex chuckled, handing her another shot of tequila. “We don’t know if this other Luthor is actually a good person… say for a moment Lena’s right, what if we don’t know anything about this person because they’re doing good and don’t want to be associated with the family scandals?”
“I guess it’s a possibility.” Kara finally conceded, clinking her glass to Lena and downing the shot. “I just don’t like it that there’s so much noise about them investing in the hospital… yay for them to do something good, but at what cost?”
“Maybe it’s a good thing.” Alex shrugged.
“Maybe they’re just trying to save face.”
“Whatever the reason, lots of people will benefit from it.” Lena interrupted her. “The hospital got more money, we can certainly use it for good.”
“That’s true. I hope we get some help to renew the facilities and that sweet new machine for-”
“Hell no, Alex. We need more nurses! We’re swamped and busy! You get your machine when we stop having to work overtime to help with the workload.” Kara scoffed. “You fancy doctors always forget about us.”
“Impossible to forget about you… you whine too much.” Alex smirked playfully, making Lena laugh at the offended look on Kara’s face.
“Oh you don’t laugh, Dr Kieran!” She said in a mocking voice.
“Sorry nurse Danvers.”
“What would your surgeries be without us? What would your patients do without us?”
“Kara, chill! We’re not the union people, okay?” Alex laughed. “We know nurses see important, but improving the technology we have at hand to help people makes a difference too.”
“I know, but don’t play all high and mighty when- is it the hospital?” She asked when she saw Lena checking her phone and frowning.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lena said simply to Kara and grabbed her bag before making her way out of the small bar near the hospital where they usually met after work.
“I know you said you’d wait to tell her, but-”
“I can’t just tell her I love her, Alex.”
“You can, and in fact you should do just that.”
“She’s just not into me like that.” She pouted. “She’s perfect and so amazing.” She groaned, looking down at her hands. “Why would a prestigious surgeon like her be interested in someone like me?”
“Because you’re great and Lena isn’t some superficial asshole who looks down on you because you’re a nurse.” She rolled her eyes. “Kara, if I’m insisting on you telling her it’s because I see you two together… the way she looks at you? That’s not friendship.” She chuckled. “You know which friend looks at me like that? My girlfriend.”
“You’re so funny.”
“I mean it, Kara. Just… tell her how you feel.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same?”
“What if she does?” She groaned, knowing the road the conversation would take if she didn’t stop Kara’s train of thought. “She’s Lena when she’s with you, and she looks at you with more than professional respect and friendship. I have my own two eyes and I see it, Kara. You have to tell her.”
“I have to find the perfect moment.”
“You guys are going to the theater tomorrow… that screams date. Tell her when you walk her home.”
“How do you know I’ll walk her home?”
“You always do. It’s your way of making sure she’s safely home.” She rolled her eyes. “Tell her… you might get lucky with a goodnight kiss, or maybe some more.” She smirked and Kara groaned and nodded for another shot to be poured for her.
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waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 1
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human.
And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
This and previous chapters also on AO3
Alex: Have you seen Kara?
Lena glanced at her phone and raised an eyebrow at the text lighting up her screen.
That woman had such a nerve.
She ignored the message and turned back to her computer, only to have another text ping in five minutes later.
Alex: Seriously Lena, she was due back hours ago and I haven’t heard anything. I need to know where she is.
Lena huffed irritably, but gave in.
Lena: I have no idea where she is. Kara and I are no longer friends, remember? I’m sure she’ll turn up in her own time.
Lena: We both know she can look after herself.
Alex didn’t respond again, so naturally Lena assumed that Kara had indeed turned up in her own time, and that everything had been fine after all.
That is, until she saw the headline in the news a week later:
She almost didn’t click the link.
Since she had found out the truth about Kara three months ago, Lena had done her best to comprehensively uproot the weed of their friendship from her life, and so far had been reasonably successful.
She had deleted Kara’s number from her phone before she had even made it back to her jet after her run in with Lex.
On the flight home she had called her assistant and asked her to make sure that Kara Danvers was escorted off the premises immediately should she show up at L-Corp, and had left a similar message with the security staff in her apartment complex.
Selling Catco had taken a little longer, but only because dealing with such a large asset could not be rushed. She might have been in pain, but Lena was a shrewd business woman and ensured that the sale was made with a hefty profit, the value of the company boosted by the revenue generation improvements she had made while in charge. She had also wanted to take her time to pick the perfect boss for Kara: someone who would inarguably make the magazine more profitable as a business than it had ever been before, while systematically and comprehensively destroying everything about it that had made Kara love her job there.
The new three year contracts with a non-compete clause thrown in had been a nice touch.
She could have taken her revenge further than that – had even planned exactly how she would do it.
The night of Kara’s Pulitzer prize. A damning speech about truth and lies, followed by Andrea Rojas leading the exposure of Supergirl’s secret identity to the world. Betrayal returned like for like, and Kara left as broken hearted as Lena had been.
Oh yes, she could have done it. Luthors were scorpions, and Lena knew how to sting.
But something had held her back from taking the final plunge that would have ripped safety and anonymity so irrevocably from Kara’s life. She wanted to believe it was her own compassion – an innate goodness that led her towards the moral high ground and made her fundamentally better than the Luthors she had so often sought to distance herself from, but it wasn’t true.
The reason she hadn’t done it was Lex.
Maybe if she had managed to pull the trigger last time they met, if she had murdered her own brother in cold blood for the sake of her traitorous false-friend, maybe then she would have done it. If Lex was dead and buried and out of her life for good, Lena could finally have stepped out of his shadow and stopped framing every decision she made against what he would have done. But Lex was still out there somewhere, laying low for now but undoubtedly still scheming, killing, making the worst decisions a human being could make while still being labelled as such, and that made a difference.
Revealing Supergirl’s identity to the world was a plan that Lex would have wanted her to carry out.
And so Lena hadn’t.
That had been enough at first, but as the weeks passed and the first fire of her rage cooled from white hot inferno to mere black smith’s forge fire, she found she was glad that she hadn’t taken the nuclear option. Kara might have deserved retribution for what she had done, but exposing her identity would put everyone she knew, including the entirety of the Catco staff and her unsuspecting apartment neighbours in serious danger from every human and alien criminal out there with a weapon and a score to settle, and Lena wanted no more innocent blood on her hands than had already been passed down to her as part of her dubious Luthor inheritance.
And she didn’t want Kara to die.
That didn’t mean she cared if Supergirl really had gone AWOL. She had had nothing to do with it, and it was none of her concern anymore...
Lena clicked the link.
According to this site, Supergirl had been observed flying off to the north of National City on an ‘unknown errand’ eight days previously and had not been seen since, leaving two major bank robberies, a fire at a children’s hospital and a collapsed ceiling at a swimming pool without support from ‘everyone’s favourite hometown hero’.
Eight days. That tallied with how long it had been since Alex had asked if she knew where Kara was, allowing for the full day that had passed before the DEO Director had made the decision to reach out to her. It struck Lena now that it was an odd thing for her to have done under normal circumstances. She might not have done anything to Alex specifically during the first fierce storm of her separation from their little group – at least not beyond a few short, sharp words and a door slammed in her face – but Alex had taken Lena’s swift and total removal of Kara from her life if anything even worse than Kara herself had, and had been round to yell at her over hurting Kara’s poor little feelings before the end of the first week.
She must have been desperate to have reached out to Lena like that after all this time.
Now she was looking for them, Lena found that there were dozens of similar stories popping up, ranging from serious think pieces about what this could mean for National City and Supergirl’s own welfare, to tabloid trash that suggested she might be having some sort of torrid three way affair with a sexually promiscuous alien couple from Saturn (why Saturn? Unclear. What was clear was that the entire story was utter garbage apart from one essential point: Supergirl was nowhere to be found).
Lena picked up her phone and tapped in Kara’s number, her chest tight with unease as she waited for the call to connect.
Of course she knew Kara’s number by heart. If she hadn’t she would never have been able to make herself delete it from her contacts.
It rang.
Maybe Kara was carrying a big stack of files and didn’t have a hand free to get her phone out of her back pocket.
And rang.
Maybe she was in the shower and didn’t want to rush out to answer the phone while wet and covered in shampoo.
‘Hi this is Kara! I can’t get to the phone right now, but please leave me a message and I’ll get back-’
Maybe she was just screening Lena’s call. After everything that had happened between them it was what most people would have done, and Lena would understand that.
She hung up and redialled.
‘Hi this is Kara! I can’t-’
Kara would never have ignored a second call from Lena. No matter how angry she was, if she could pick up the phone, she would have done so by now.
‘Hi this is-’
She tried Alex instead.
This time, the phone was picked up before the end of the first ring.
‘Do you have Kara?’
A stone thudded into the pit of Lena’s stomach.
‘She really is missing then?’
‘Fuck. Yes she’s missing. You didn’t even know?’
‘Not until I saw it on the news just now. When I didn’t hear anything more from you after that last text I assumed she’d made it back safely’.
‘No, you had just answered my question and clearly didn’t want to help, so-’
‘Yes well, I thought she had just taken a detour to France for crepes or something, not that she was actually gone’.
‘Right, and you were so concerned you waited a week to check’.
‘Much as it may surprise you to learn this Alex, I don’t make a habit of keeping tabs on people who have betrayed me. So if you don’t want my help finding Supergirl I’ll just-’
‘No, Lena, wait. Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m just worried about her. If I send you the co-ordinates for her last known location do you think you could see if you can find anything? She went after this weird energy signature we’d picked up, but then her radio went dark and we couldn’t get anything else from her. We went out there to see if she was in some kind of trouble, but the place she was headed: it’s just a field. There’s nothing there, not even a trace of the energy we got before, and no sign of a struggle or any kind of indication of where she went next’.
‘Send me what you have and I’ll see what I can do’.
‘Sending it now’.
Less than a minute later Alex’s email arrived with the relevant details about Supergirl’s last known location attached, as well as everything they knew about the energy signature she had been investigating.
It wasn’t a whole lot to go on, except-
There was something vaguely familiar about the signature. It reminded her of…
It reminded her of Lex, and the trap he had once devised to lure in a certain type of pseudo-photosynthesetic alien who fed on a very particular wavelength of light that wasn’t naturally produced by Earth’s yellow sun. Once it was absorbed the aliens could be hooked up to a generator that would produce massive amounts of electricity and could have made fossil fuels all but redundant overnight. In theory. In practise however Lex had never been able to make the conversion work, and had eventually given up on the plan.
So why was it showing up again now? And what did it have to do with Kara’s disappearance? It seemed far too much of a coincidence to imagine that the two things were unconnected, especially when Lex was the common thread.
Quickly, Lena skimmed through her options, and picked one she could adapt to this new purpose. The DEO had been scanning for days with no luck, but she had one thing they didn’t.
She knew her brother.
It took another two hours to fine tune the software and upload it to a satellite with scanning capabilities, but at last it was ready. She cast a wide net, centred on the location Alex had given her but stretching out from it to search a 30 mile radius. If it really was Lex then the place he had lured Supergirl was a decoy, and would be located well away from wherever he actually wanted her to end up.
She had to extend her search parameters twice, but at last she found it. Not the same energy signature – that would be too obvious. No, what Lena had been looking for was the special coded frequency that Lex had developed in his teens. To most people it would look like background radio noise, but Lena knew better.
It was him alright.
She reached for her phone to call Alex, then hesitated. All she had actually done was locate her brother, or at least somewhere he was broadcasting from. But the site was more than 80 miles from where Kara had last been seen, and Lena was working on a hunch rather than any kind of real evidence that Lex had taken her.
Besides, if the DEO got him they would just send him back to jail, and it had become abundantly clear that a maximum security cell was not enough to contain him.
No, Lena was going to have to do this herself. She would find Lex, and if he really had kidnapped Kara, she would finish what she had started the night he revealed the truth about Supergirl.
She was going to kill him.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Lena Luthor x Reader where Lena is jealous of Kara and her friendship with the Reader. The Reader then confronts Lena as to why she has been distant. The Reader tells Lena that she has nothing to be jealous of because the Reader confesses their feelings to Lena.
More Than a Friend
a/n: hi! thank you so much for this request, i hope I wrote it alright :)
word count: 1k
warning(s): insecurity/jealousy - Y/N thinks they’ve done something wrong - hurt/comfort (?) - fluff + happy ending
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The cafe was loud and bustling, people moving in and out of the aesthetic area, their voices carrying through the air with their lively conversations. You tapped your fingers against the table, routinely checking your phone for any messages or possibly missed calls. Lena had planned to meet you an hour ago for this little lunch get together, something that was rare given Lena’s line of work and hours. After a few more minutes of waiting, your phone buzzed and you were quick to open the message. Your stomach sunk as you sighed, reading the words on your screen.
    Can’t make it today. Rain check?
You sent back a sad emoji but accepted the offer to reschedule. With slumped shoulders you stood up from your seat, grabbing your bag and throwing away your long cold coffee. As you pushed through the crowd, your mind spiraled as a pattern emerged. This was the fifth lunch Lena had canceled this week. You told yourself she was just busy but the rock in your stomach spoke your true thoughts. 
    Lena was avoiding you and you didn’t know why. 
Kara plopped down beside you on the couch, bowl full of potstickers in hand. She handed you a bowl as well, the savory dish filling your senses with the best scents. Her glasses were strewn to the coffee table, her concerned eyes looking over at you once more before addressing the group.
“So, which game should we play tonight?” She finished her question with a clap of her hands, the excitement showing on her face. You smiled, shoving some of the dumplings into your mouth. J’onn suggested Clue, much to Alex’s discontent.
“So you can use your telepathy to learn what cards we have? No thanks.”
J’onn pursed his lips before shrugging and nodding his head in defeat. Nia snorted before holding up a deck of cards with a mischievous look on her face as she looked at you.
You sat up on the couch, crossing your legs under you. You rubbed your hands together as Nia passed out the cards. Kara held her deck close to her chest, sending you a sly smile. 
“I’m beating you this time, L/N.
“Whatever you say, Danvers.”
The game was about to begin when Kara’s door opened, revealing the CEO who was keen on not hanging out with you. The group cheered, not expecting Lena to make it to game night. The brunette smiled before her eyes zeroed in on the minimal space between you and Kara on the couch. Her smile fell slightly, eyes becoming sharp. What she didn’t know was you thought she was looking at you, her expression apparently disappointed in your presence. You shrunk in on yourself a bit, bright smile dimming. Lena made her way to the couch, surprising you by taking the spot on the other side of you. You looked at her out of the corner of your eye, watching as Nia dealt her in. Lena was making a point to not look at you, a fact that broke something inside of you.
The game started and went on for a while, tense moments when multiple people only had one card left broken when +4 cards, skip, or reverse were dealt. You felt excitement build up within you as Lena placed down a red card, the color of one of your last two remaining cards. With a victorious wave of your hand, you set your card on top of hers, proudly calling out “UNO!”
The group groaned jokingly, each one looking at their cards, desperate to discover what you had left and how they would stop you from winning a seventh consecutive game night in a row. Your eyes were like a hawk as you examined each card that was placed. J’onn put down a multicolored card, changing the flow to green, sending you a smug grin.
Your thoughts had worked.
When Lena placed down her green seven, you pretended to look disappointed, feigning reaching for a new card. But at the last second, you placed your last card on the deck, cheering triumphantly as you won. You felt Lena turn towards you as the others looked shocked at the cards, wondering how you always won. Before you could acknowledge her, Kara flung her arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to her.
“Next time, I swear I’ll win.” She whispered in your ear, making you laugh under your breath. Lena’s jaw clenched and she stood up, making an excuse that she had to get a glass of water. You watched as she made her way to the kitchen, determination fueled by your adrenaline of winning coursing through your bones. You followed the brunette, giving her a shock when she turned around, her eyes widening at you. You bit your lip, looking at the ground.
“Did I do something?”
Your courage melted away as you spoke, your voice soft and hesitant. Lena made a confused noise, placing her hands on your arms making you look up at her.
“What? What do you mean?”
Her voice was concerned and you realized you had miniature tears in your eyes. You swallowed, scared of what Lena would tell you.
“You’ve been,” you cleared your throat, emotion breaking in your tone, “You’ve been avoiding me, dodging our lunch dates, looking annoyed when you see me, and I just-”
Lena’s shaking head interrupted you, her expression slightly panicked. It was her turn to look nervous as she spoke.
“No, no, Y/N, you didn’t do anything wrong. I, uh, I was jealous and taking it out in the wrong ways.”
Your brow scrunched in confusion, cocking your head to the side. Lena thought it was adorable.
“Jealous? Of wha-” something clicked in your mind, “Of my friendship with Kara? Lena, you know you’re my best friend!”
Lena looked like she was fighting an internal battle, looking away before sighing and setting her shoulder before looking deep into your eyes.
“No, Y/N, I was jealous because I like you more than a friend.”
More than a…?
More than a friend?!
You blinked as Lena’s words registered in your mind, heat flooding your face. Holy shit.
You grabbed Lena’s hands, a hopeful glint reflecting in both of your eyes.
“Then you have nothing to worry about, I also like you more than a friend should.”
Lena smiled, her eyes brightening. She pulled you into a hug, making you laugh as you both let out sighs of relief. She pulled back and cupped your face with her hands.
“Can we take that rain check now?”
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 month
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 29
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Jason Todd, Otis Graves, Lex Luthor
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28
Note: Sorry for the long wait guys! I have been suffering from an assortment of medical issues the last couple of months and is still ongoing. I used to be able to do multiple stories in a week, but it just took me two months to come out with this chapter with everything going on. I won't be able to go back to how I was doing things weekly, but I hope to be able to come out with another chapter in a shorter amount of time. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy what happens next!
Kara stared lovingly at Lena sleeping peacefully next to her. She lightly traced with her fingers the freckles along Lena’s back. 
I have never been this happy before!
Kara happily stared at Lena for a couple of minutes until Lena started to stir.
Lena yawned and asked, “Have you been staring at me all night?”
Kara chuckled and said, “No, only for the last half hour.”
Lena turned around so that she was facing Kara and caressed her face.
Lena smirked and asked, “Do you like what you see?”
Kara leaned into Lena to kiss her on the lips which caused Lena to purr in contentment.
After a couple of minutes, Kara leaned back and said, “I enjoyed every breathtaking sight of you.”
Lena blushed and said, “You know the way to a girl’s heart.”
Kara smirked and said, “I hope amongst other things as well after last night.”
Lena chuckled while she swatted playfully Kara’s arm and said, “You are incorrigible.”
Kara chuckled and cuddled up against Lena and said, “You know you love it.”
Lena smiled while caressing Kara’s face and said, “That I do.”
Lena leaned in and kissed Kara. They held in each other’s embrace until Kara leaned back and sighed. 
As Kara lazily started to trace the freckles along Lena’s shoulder, she said, “If it wasn’t for the STEM panel today, I would stay here with you all day.”
Lena smiled and said, “I would rather stay in bed with you too, but this is a good cause. I am honored that Barry asked me to participate in this.”
Kara smiled and said, “Me too. It is nice to work with Barry on something that doesn’t revolve around a crisis.”
Lena smiled and said, “Hopefully, this is a sign of more things to come. Maybe, Flash and Supergirl could do an event at the hospital.”
Kara pouted and asked, “Getting tired of little old me huh?”
Lena looked at Kara mortified and said, “It is nothing like that…We work so well together….It is just that I was talking to Sam and she suggested maybe building up a rooster of heroes for the hospital especially since you have a friendship with the Flash and possibly the Bat family….I knew I should have kept this thought to myself….Damn it…..”
Kara quickly placed a finger on Lena’s lips which startled her into silence. 
Kara smirked and said, “You are so cute when you are flustered.”
Lena pouted and said, “You’re teasing me aren’t you.”
Kara chuckled while pulling Lena in closer and kissing her on the forehead and said, “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist.”
Lena turned away and pouted more. 
Kara chuckled and cuddled Lena closer to her and asked, “Would it make you feel better that I have talked to Barry and members of the Bat-family and they have agreed to help with any event related to the hospital? All they would need is a heads up.”
Lena looked at Kara surprised and asked, “Really?”
Kara smiled while caressing Lena’s face and said, “Really. They all see how much good that you are doing in society and want to help.” Kara leaned forward and kissed Lena on the lips and whispered in her ears, “Plus, they see how crazy I am about you.”
Lena blushed and said, “I didn’t realize.”
Kara smiled while caressing Lena’s face and said, “I wish you could see  your own brilliance.”
Lena blushed while looking down shyly and said, “Keep saying things like that and I will end up with a big ego.”
Kara chuckled and said, “Let’s just start off by using our collective egos to inspire future girls in STEM.”
As Kara started to get up from the bed, she stretched, put on a robe, and said, “I can make us breakfast while you get ready.”
Lena looked at Kara coyly and said, “Or we could both take a shower together. Save on water and energy.”
Read the rest on AO3
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Baby Driver
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor
Summary: Lena doesn't know how to drive and Kara offers to teach her so she can take her license, however, driving proves to be harder than Lena thought it would be.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. I kind of stole someone's idea from a tag on a post, but they totally told me I could do it!
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“Wait, you don’t know how to drive?”
Lena knew she had said too much when every head turned at her with equally surprised looks. It had been a silly comment about how she would have to wait for Sam to stop to drive her by every morning when they first started working together and forged their friendship. Her intention was to tell her friends about her rebellious times against the Luthor family and how she spent months refusing to take anything from them, which included their hired drivers, not to mention their money as well, that being the reason why Lena couldn’t take a cab and had to wait for Sam to walk to her apartment complex so they could take Lena’s second-hand car to work. It was supposed to be a funny thing where her friends would laugh at her stubbornness, maybe tease her for having Sam walk all the way to her apartment just so they could take Lena’s car for work. She was also partially waiting to engage in a conversation with J’onn about the very old car she managed to buy with the amount of money she was making at her very first job.
That’s not what happened, though.
Well, her friends did laugh at her story but, of course, Alex, being the secret agent she liked to think she was, picked up on the small detail in what Lena said that the youngest Luthor had thought no one would even notice.
With a groan, Lena threw her head back against the back of the couch, silently cursing herself for the slip-up. Sitting beside her on the comfortable couch was Kara, who placed a gentle hand on her forearm draped lazily across the couch between them, and Lena forced herself to look at their friends again. She had to make a conscious effort not to melt against Kara and forget about everything else, so, instead of letting her lovey-dovey eyes meet Kara, she chose to point a finger at Alex instead.
“You can’t mock me. I was too busy getting a double degree along with a doctorate.”
The redhead raised her hands in mock surrender from where she was sitting on the floor beside Kelly, with sweet little Esme in front of them while playing with some legos. “Hey, put your guns away, Luthor. I’m just curious. You can put a rocket together with your hands tied behind your back and blindfold while also wearing a kilt-”
“I shouldn’t have told you I’m Irish,” Lena wailed.
“-and you don’t know how to drive?” Alex finished the sentence as if Lena hadn’t said anything, although she quickly pointed a finger at the brunette to add: “I cherish that information, thank you very much.”
Lena rolled her eyes and was about to argue something back, but Brainy beat her to it. “It is actually not that surprising that Lena knows how to build a rocket but can’t drive a car. Those are different things.”
“I like you,” Lena declared with a smile towards her friend which prompted a laugh from everyone else. She waited until it died down before speaking again. “But really, I just never had the time to learn. I also never had a reason to. I mean, my rebellious time lasted just a few months until I went out of money to buy books. I always had a driver ready to take me everywhere and it hadn’t changed over the years, so yes. Not everyone thinks they are going to star in the next Fast and Furious movie, Danvers.”
“I resent that,” Alex commented with a smile that let Lena know she was just joking.
Coming to her aid, Kelly placed a hand on her wife’s shoulder to keep her from teasing Lena any further. “You have time now,” she gently reminded Lena. “Don’t you want to learn it?”
Lena was happy that Kelly very gracefully avoided saying that she also didn’t have a driver anymore. After defeating Lex - again - just a few weeks ago, Lena was still trying to put her life on track. She knew she would want to put L-Corp back on its feet again, but Lena was taking her precious time to do it this time around so she wouldn’t be overloaded with work again. Meanwhile, Lena was still sharing Kara’s apartment with her, studying for another doctorate - that she honestly didn’t need, but that was something nice to put her attention on - and spending her free time trying to come up with ways to improve Kara’s super suit, helping the rest of the team or coming to terms with her past.
It had been fun, to put it simply.
“Well, I suppose,” Lena ended up replying after considering the question for a few seconds. “It’s not something I miss, but it would be nice to know how to drive if I ever need it for some reason.”
That’s when Kara decided to jump into the conversation with her usual overly excited personality. “I can teach you.”
Before Lena could ever think about replying to that - and she would have to admit it would take a while to get her brain to function because she made the mistake of looking to the side and she met Kara’s blinding beautiful smile and bright blue eyes, and it was just too much to handle - Alex had her own input in the subject. “No way! You’re a terrible driver, Kara!”
“I’m not!” The blonde quickly argued as she glanced at her sister with her mouth hanging open in shock.
“You so are,” Alex scoffed.
“She’s not,” Nia said, coming to help her mentor in the stupid argument going on. “She used to drive around a lot with me when I first started working at CatCo.”
“Thank you, Nia!” Kara exclaimed happily. “See?” She then skillfully dodged the pillow that Alex threw her way.
“How much did you pay her to say that?”
“Nothing!” Very maturely, Kara stuck her tongue out to Alex.
While everyone else shared a laugh at the sister’s antics, Lena decided to place her hand on Kara’s thigh to show her some support - and also just because she could. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think you want to waste your time trying to teach me how to drive.”
“Of course I want!” Kara chirped in quickly, already turning herself on the couch so she could face Lena more easily. Their knees were almost brushing against it other now and it made Lena smile like a schoolgirl. “I always want to spend time with you!”
The chorus of “aww” that went around only made Lena blush a little, but she didn’t think twice before leaning over to kiss Kara’s lips - because she could do that now! She could kiss Kara now. She could just lean closer and kiss Kara’s lips, and, for the love of God, that was something Lena loved doing. Lena was almost sure that Kara had some addicting poison in her lips because she had been hooked since the first time she did that, but she honestly didn’t mind. She could kiss Kara now, and they were sharing an apartment, and they held hands while walking down the street to Noonan’s, and they drew each other silly things in the bathroom mirror just to make the other person smile when they took a shower next.
“It’s going to be fun,” Kara said after they pulled away from the chaste kiss. She didn’t go too far and her nose was still brushing against Lena’s, which made it a bit hard for the brunette to think while she looked at the bright blue eyes staring at her. “You can take your license then and we can have one of those cute dates at the parking lot theater outside town.”
Okay, Lena wanted that.
She found herself nodding before she even thought it through, though, but it was worth it when Kara yelped and pulled her in for a thigh hug. Lena laughed happily while she tried to find a comfortable position for the hug, deciding lastly to rest her cheek on Kara’s chest as her arm wrapped around the blonde’s waist. Nia and Kelly were clapping and playfully telling her words of encouragement, while J’onn was just smiling at them all and Brainy was trying to help Esme with her Lego tower, but Alex looked just a bit concerned as if she wasn’t entirely sure this was a good idea.
“Can’t you drive there?” She mumbled at Kara, but she backed away when her sister threw her a warning look. “Well, I’m sure Lena can figure out how to drive a car. She can drive a spaceship, so it won’t be a problem.”
“I will pretend I didn’t hear your sarcasm, Danvers,” Lena replied.
“And I will pretend you don’t shove your tongue down my sister’s throat, Luthor,” Alex shot back with one arched eyebrow.
Lena shrugged. “Not only there.”
The reactions she got to that were immediate and hilarious. Alex groaned and put her hands on her face, while her wife laughed loudly, falling back on the floor. Nia pretended to be shocked and covered Esme’s ears but she was also laughing when she had to lean over to explain to Brainy what Lena meant by that while J’onn announced that was his cue to go to the kitchen to grab another soda. Kara, on the other hand, blushed a deep shade of red and hugged Lena even harder so she could hide her face in the crook of Lena’s neck.
“Zhao,” the whispered the complaint against Lena’s skin, although she sounded a bit amused too.
The word of endearment, though, made Lena’s heart swell with love and pride. Kara had been more and more open about her heritage after they made amends, especially after they started that tentative relationship between them, and hearing Kara speaking her native language with her almost made Lena’s heart beat faster.
It made her raise her head, untangling herself from Kara’s arms, to peck her lips again and that had been it. The conversation ended there and they shortly decided to go back to their game of Scrabble, which Lena, of course, won. Alex, Kelly and Esme left not too long after that, with the kid already half asleep in her mom’s arms. Nia, Brainy and J’onn helped them clean up before the Martian offered the couple a ride home, and then there was only Kara and Lena left at the studio apartment.
Lena honestly thought the conversation would be forgotten soon. She knew she would eventually have to face Alex’s jokes about it every once in a while, but it was fine. Lena was a grown woman, she could handle it - and she could always make her sister-in-law shut up by making some not-so-innocent comments about Kara. She did think Kara’s offer to teach her how to drive wouldn’t be remembered, however.
So, imagine her surprise when Kara took her to a mostly empty parking lot on a Sunday afternoon when they were supposed to be home cuddling on the couch while watching a re-run of Desperate Housewives.
“Uh,” Lena said when she stopped walking. The parking lot wasn’t necessarily big since it was behind Noonan’s, and she could see two cars parked there, but she was confused because they had walked there from Kara’s apartment. “What are we doing here?”
“What do you think?” Kara asked excitedly. She had kept walking, now doing it backward so she could look at Lena, and her smile was large. “I’m teaching you how to drive!”
“I told you I would do it, didn’t I?” Kara laughed, finally stopping in her tracks to open her arms. “So here we are!”
Lena looked around slowly. There was a large garbage bin pressed against the back of the restaurant, a few light poles spread around and, other than the two cars, there was nothing else. No trees, no bushes, no sidewalk, nothing. Even so, Lena started feeling sweat forming on her forehead because that was insane. She didn’t need to learn how to drive. She had managed to live that long without driving!
“Come on,” Kara called her while waving a hand for Lena to get closer. “It’s going to be fun!”
Lena really should learn how to say no to Kara.
That was starting to become a problem.
She sighed and started walking slowly towards the blonde, as if her slow pace could, somehow, make the other woman change her mind - or a meteor to fall from the sky right on top of her, although she was sure Kara would find a way to stop it before it happened. So, apparently, she was doomed to learn how to drive.
It wasn’t like she was afraid to do so or that she didn’t trust Kara to be a good teacher, but… Lena had never done it. She never sat behind the wheel. But it couldn’t be that hard, right? She had done harder things in her life, for sure.
“Is that Alex’s car?” Lena asked suddenly when she recognized the vehicle parked right behind Kara. The other car was all the way across the parking lot, very far away.
“Yes!” Kara answered her happily as she turned around to show it to Lena. It was a black car, beautiful she could say, and brand new.
Very new.
As in “Alex bought it two months ago” new.
Lena arched one eyebrow. “How did you convince her to let you use her car?” Alex hadn’t let anyone but herself and Kelly drive it, so Lena couldn’t even imagine how that conversation went.
“Oh, you know,” Kara waved a hand dismissively, which was enough indication that Lena wasn’t going to like her answer, “I told her I couldn’t take J’onn’s car because it’s so old and it’s very unlikely you will ever drive something like that.”
“And she just said yes?”
This time Kara hesitated. She refused to look back at Lena and her eyes kept staring at the back of the car for several seconds before she sighed. “I told her it might be nice to teach you how to drive so you could take your license in case something ever happens and you need to take Esme from school.”
The words were said in a rush, but Lena understood them clearly. She was too shocked to say anything at first, although a big smile slowly took over her face. “You bribed Alex with her own kid? Oh my, Kara Zor-El, you’re evil.”
Kara groaned, doing her best to glance at Lena with her innocent blue eyes. “I’m not even that sorry,” she admitted.
Lena laughed and approached Kara to kiss her cheek. “Come on, let’s get moving with it.”
A minute later, Lena was sitting behind the wheel for the first time in her life. Kara was sitting by her side with a grin and a very chill-out attitude, which was the complete opposite of how Lena was feeling. She had been afraid to touch anything until Kara told her she would need to adjust the review mirror and the seat, but she hadn’t moved since she did that and placed both of her hands on the wheel. Her knuckles were a bit white but they both pretended not to notice it.
“Okay, so there’s really no secret here. You’re going to start the car, change gears and put it into drive. Then you’re going to slowly step on the gas pedal while you remove your foot from the brake and you’re going to take off.”
“That’s it?” Lena asked in confirmation.
Kara chuckled. “That’s it, yes. I mean, it would’ve been harder if it was a stick-shift car, but this is automatic. You don’t have to do much, really. Just keep both hands on the steering wheel and don’t step too hard on the gas pedal.”
Lena could do that.
That was way easier than putting a rocket back together or driving a spaceship.
She could do it.
With a deep breath, Lena put her hand on the keys and turned it to get the car started. She let it go after it made a loud noise, though.
“Too much,” Kara warned her with a gentle smile. “You don’t need to hold it for that long, but it worked, so now you change the gear. You’re going to put your hand here and press this button, then you’re going to move it to drive.” She waited until Lena did that before she clapped proudly. “Yes! Now you put the handbrake down. Okay, so your left foot is going to step on the brake and your right foot is for the gas pedal. Don’t mix them,” she joked, completely missing the gulp that made Lena’s throat bob. “Slowly press the gas pedal now.”
Lena could do it.
She could.
After another deep breath, Lena used the tip of her shoe to press on the gas pedal while she took her left foot from the brake.
Things happened way too fast after that.
The car jolted suddenly, making Lena hit her back hard against the seat, and it started to move forward with small jumps. A bit in panic, Lena ended up pressing the gas pedal again and the car went forward way faster than she ever wanted it to go, and her first reaction was to pull the handbrake up. Kara, luckily, saw what she was about to do and stopped her hand from touching it.
“No, no! We don’t pull the handbrake when we’re moving,” she said with a nervous laugh. They were going a bit faster than she would like for a first class, but the parking lot was larger than it seemed and there was nothing in front of them, so it was fine. Or that’s what she told herself while her other hand moved to the grab handle. “Just take your foot from the gas pedal and step on the brake.”
That’s what Lena did next, but, again, it was with much more intent than it should have been. The car came to a very sudden stop making Lena go forward and almost hit the wheel, before she stretched out her arms and pressed herself against the seat, eyes wide and heart racing. Kara hadn’t moved at all, although the blonde was looking through the windshield with her eyebrows raised and lips pursed. For a few seconds, no one said a thing, until Kara turned her head with an awkward smile.
“Well, we need to work on being more subtle,” she commented with a still gentle voice, though Lena could see her jaw twitch a bit.
“Jesus, Kara, this was a bad idea,” Lena said with a blush and sorrowful eyes. “I’m sorry, I-”
“No, no, no,” the other woman interrupted her quickly, trying to turn on her seat to take a better look at the brunette. “Don’t apologize. You’re learning! Did you always know how to mix chemicals or sold wires together or did you have to learn it?” She laughed. “It’s going to be fine, really. This time, just try to step more lightly on the gas pedal. If you want to brake, do it slowly, okay?”
Lena still looked unsure, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she looked forward again, sighed, and decided to try again. The second time around was better than the first, but she started to panic because she thought she was about to hit a tree - that was several feet away from them - and she ended up braking way too hard again. It kept happening for a while. Lena would move a few inches and suddenly step on the brake, afraid she might hit something, to the point where they hadn’t even reached the end of the parking lot to start making their way back.
Kara could feel herself getting a bit frustrated because, no matter what she said, Lena would still freak out and stop the car instead of keep driving. And not a smooth stop either. However, Kara refrained from saying anything about it since she knew that was the first time Lena was ever driving a car and because she knew that losing her temper wouldn’t help anyone. Even if Lena was having trouble making the car drive in a straight line.
“Okay, we’re going to stop here and try to turn around,” Kara said after another particular hard stop. Lena had started sweating at some point and she looked at the blonde as if she had suggested they jump off a cliff after she said that. “Lena, you need to learn how to turn the wheel, come on. Besides, if we keep going straight, you won’t have enough space to turn later.”
“Maybe that’s enough lesson for today,” Lena suggested with a grimace.
But Kara just chuckled. “We’ve been here for half an hour.” She must have seen the panic in Lena’s eyes though, because she softened her features and placed a warm hand on the other woman’s thigh. “We will cover the basics today and return some other day, okay?”
“Okay,” Lena agreed quietly.
“Good.” Kara leaned to kiss Lena’s cheek before she returned to her seat - her hand had not left the grab handle since the first time Lena stepped on the pedal. “Now, you’re going to go forward and, once you drive past that like mark on the floor, you’re going to start turning the wheel. We need to make a curve so we will be facing the other way, so don’t stop turning it, but remember to do it slowly. Don’t do it too fast or too hard or we will be jerked to the side. Oh, and take care with the garbage bin.”
Lena wasn’t sure if her heart beating fast or her sweaty palms were the worst, but she had no idea that driving would make her feel a step away from a heart attack. However, she didn’t want to let Kara down. She wanted to prove to her girlfriend that she could do it, that she could learn how to drive, but she also wanted Kara to be happy that she was the one who taught Lena. And Lena couldn’t deny that she also wanted to take Kara on that date the blonde had mentioned.
“Hey,” Kara softly called her when Lena kept staring at something in the distance. She waited until the younger Luthor was looking at her again before smiling and reaching out to take one of her hands for the steering wheel. “What if I tell you something funny to help you relax?” Neither of them missed the way Lena nodded eagerly at that, but Kara chose not to mention it. “Okay, so, I’m actually a good driver. I can hear when cars are getting closer, I respect literally all traffic laws, and I had never got involved in an accident. However…” Kara’s tone became playful and, even if Lena didn’t know the end of the story yet, it already made her smile. “I like to tease Alex a little bit. So, whenever she lets me drive, I go just a bit faster and make the curves a bit too closely to the other cars, and I pretend I’m not going to stop at the red lights or that I’m not seeing people crossing the road.” Kara chuckled.
Lena also laughed, shaking her head in amusement. “That’s why she said you’re a terrible driver?”
“Yes.” The blonde glanced up and winked at her. “I just like to see her squirm in her seat and it’s quite funny when she starts turning green,” she admitted shamelessly.
“You’re terrible,” Lena laughed, not even noticing how tension left her body.
“I know, but it’s fun.” Kara shrugged. “It’s nearly impossible for me to ever hit a car I’m driving. Come on, I have super senses and perfect reflexes. I can stop from hitting someone or something, and I can hear if someone is about to hit me and get out of the way. I don’t think Alex ever realized that, though.” She paused to narrow her eyes at Lena. “And you’re not going to tell her.”
Lena shook her head quickly. “Never, but I kind of want to be in the car the next time you drive her somewhere.”
“Deal,” Kara conceded with an overly dramatic handshake before she leaned closer to kiss Lena’s lips. “Now, come on. We can go home after you make the turn, I think you had enough emotions for one day.”
Lena felt much better after Kara’s little anecdote, much more confident too because she had Supergirl in the car with her. It was unlikely that anything bad would happen. So, with a small smile, Lena decided to get going with it.
She took her foot from the brake and stepped on the gas pedal, and, for the first time that day, the car didn’t jerk suddenly. It actually moved really smoothly and Lena didn’t feel the need to stop. She kept it going slow, looking at the review mirrors even if she knew there was no one behind her, and reminding herself that the trees were far away from where they were. Lena drove past the mark that Kara pointed out before and slowly, very slowly, started to turn the wheel.
“Very nice!” Kara celebrated. “Just keep going.” Lena surprisingly made the turn almost perfectly, although she did pull the wheel a bit harder when she got closer to the garbage bin even if it was clear she wasn’t going to hit it. Upon seeing that, Kara yelled like Lena had just saved the world again. “Keep going! Don’t stop! You’re doing great, just keep driving until we’re back to where we were parked before.”
Lena could do it.
It wasn’t that hard, really.
She just needed to keep both hands on the wheel and remember not to put too much strength into things.
Oh, no, they had another garbage bin?!
“Oh,” Kara breathed out when Lena pivoted the steering wheel so quickly that not even the alien saw it coming. “Wait, Lena, turn it again.” Again, she did it way faster than she should’ve and Kara almost moved to grab the steering wheel from her, but she kept herself from doing that at the same time she bit her bottom lip to hold back a scream. “Just keep going straight, okay? There’s nothing in front of you, you’re not going to hit anything.”
If Lena wasn’t panicking at that moment, she would’ve noticed how on edge Kara sounded and how badly she was holding herself from being unnecessarily rude - though it would’ve been a reaction out of fear. But, since Lena was too busy thinking that the trees were getting closer and that the garbage bin was moving toward her, her only concern was to keep driving. Which, ironically, was the opposite reaction she was having before when she would brake every few seconds.
Kara grabbed the seat beneath her and straightened her back as she held her breath, trying to show Lena she trusted her at the same time her brain was telling her she shouldn’t be trusting Lena right now. She saw the brunette driving mostly in a straight line after the sudden pivot from before and tried to relax, which didn’t work when she saw Lena driving past the point where she was supposed to stop.
“Lena-” she tried to warn her but got too afraid to say something that would make the brunette do something wrong again. “Uh…”
Kara’s eyes kept moving around while she tried to make sure everything was fine, though her hand grabbed her seat a bit harder. There was nothing to the sides, just the trees very far away and the back of Noonan’s, which was also not that close. The only thing in front of them was the other car parked there - which she knew belonged to the Noonan’s manager - but it was still a bit far and she was sure Lena was seeing it. It was right in the way and Lena wasn’t blind. She also seemed very eager to press the brake before, so Kara was sure they weren’t going to hit it.
Almost sure.
Once they got closer, Kara moved in her seat. “Lena… The… Uh, the car. You need to…”
Lena moved the steering wheel to the side, allowing Kara to breathe again, and the blonde let out a nervous chuckle when she looked to the side at the other woman. Well, now she was just thinking Lena was messing with her the same way she used to do with Alex. And, okay, fine, maybe she should stop doing that with her sister because it was actually a bit scary.
When Kara looked forward again, though, she saw the other car way closer than it should be.
Kara didn’t think twice before stretching her arm across Lena’s chest to hold her in place and avoid her getting hurt, and, a second later, both cars hit with a loud noise.
And then there was silence.
Kara’s arm was still holding Lena in place and they were both looking outside with wide eyes - though the brunette was the clear image of someone panicking while Kara just held no emotion in her face. Luckily, the airbag hadn’t been triggered since the car wasn’t that fast, but Kara could see the dents in both cars even without moving. Incredulous, Kara glanced around to make sure she had seen things right before.
There was nothing else there. Nothing. Just a single car that Lena managed to hit when she had all the space in the world to drive around it.
“Oh, no,” Lena breathed out finally, which put Kara into action immediately.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
Blue eyes moved to study the woman beside her to make sure she had been able to prevent Lena from getting hurt, searching for a scratch or a bruise, anything. Lena, however, just turned her head to look at her with wide eyes and a bit maniac expression. “You said it was impossible to get into a car accident with you!”
“I wasn’t the one driving!” Kara quickly defended herself in the same loud tone Lena had used, although she couldn’t help but start seeing some humor in it.
Holy shoot. Lena hit the only thing around them with Alex’s car.
“Fuck!” Lena yelled before putting both hands on her face. “Alex is going to kill me!”
“I don’t think she will,” Kara said with a hint of humor. “I mean, it’s more likely that she will drop dead before she thinks about killing you.”
“Kara!” The brunette exclaimed when her girlfriend started laughing. “That’s not funny!”
“It kind of is!” Kara kept laughing. “Look around, Lena, you hit the only thing in front of you for miles!”
Before Lena could say anything else, the back door of the restaurant opened and the manager, probably having heard the noise, stepped out to go check what was going on. Kara’s smile disappeared as soon as she spotted the old man.
“Uh-uh,” she whispered.
Lena apologized profusely to the kind man. He didn’t seem mad, but he was a bit sad about the damage to his car. It had dented his back door, although Alex’s car was in a worse condition. Still standing in front of the man, Lena made a bank transaction, sending him enough money to buy three cars like his even if the man kept telling her there was no need to give him that much money. It made Lena’s bank account go even worse than it already was since she stepped back from L-Corp, but that was the least she could do. She still had money from other investments she had made and the man literally had nothing to do with anything that happened, so, yes, he deserved the money.
After that problem was solved, Kara, who had been behind to let Lena deal with things, smiled at her and offered her an apology for not being able to stop her in time. Lena wasn’t mad at her - she could see it was her fault now that she wasn’t so nervous anymore - and they ended up hugging each other while looking at the damage to Alex’s car for a while.
“Promise me you won’t let your sister kill me,” Lena whispered after a couple of minutes.
And Kara had laughed, kissed the top of her head, and told her that Alex wouldn’t kill her. She knew her sister wouldn’t be happy, but she wouldn’t kill Lena - what she didn’t say was that she wasn’t sure Alex wouldn’t try to do it, but Lena would be fine.
Kara drove the car back to their shared apartment even after Lena said she should be there to tell Alex she hit her car, but the blonde only kissed her goodbye and went to drop off the car to her sister alone. The silence that went on for minutes after Alex stepped outside her building and saw the state of her car spoke volumes, although Kara was glad that Kelly was there to make sure her sister wasn’t going to freak out too much.
“Please, don’t be mad at her,” Kara asked her softly. “She was nervous and I should’ve taken a closer look. Lena’s feeling pretty bad already.”
Alex kept quiet for another minute before she took a shaky breath in while putting her hands on her hips. “My car,” was all she said with a trembling voice.
Standing outside, Kara was still talking with her sister about two hours later - well, she was actually letting Alex scold her for being reckless, really - when a cab stopped across the street and Lena got out of it. The blonde glanced at her sister to be sure Alex wouldn’t flip a table at her girlfriend, but her sister had dutifully snapped her mouth shut to keep herself from saying anything.
“I got you a new car,” Lena said before anyone could say something. “Exactly like this one.”
Kara saw the way her sister’s jaw moved like she was grinding her teeth, but that seemed to be enough to Alex because the redhead sighed and nodded. “You could’ve just paid for the repair, you know?”
Lena waved a hand. “It would lose market value,” she declared once she stopped beside Kara. Her girlfriend put one arm across her sounders and Lena instinctively wrapped her arm around the blonde’s waist like it was second nature already. “I also bought you another something to make it up for you.”
“Really, Lena, maybe it’s a bit too much. I mean, yes, it looks bad, but you could’ve just paid for-Holy crap!” Alex's sudden outburst occurred when she saw a truck turning around the corner. Not any truck. “You bought me a Harley-Davidson?!”
“I hate you, Luthor!” They heard Kelly yelling from the window of their shared apartment, where she had gone to take care of Esme after making sure her wife would live another day.
Lena glanced up to see her friend leaning to look down. “I got you a new coffee machine!”
After a pause, Kelly yelled back: “I love you, Lena!” and disappeared inside the apartment.
Kara laughed while she thought her sister’s neighbors must have them, but her attention quickly shifted back to the truck parked in front of the building. She saw her sister running towards it like a kid on Christmas morning and smiled when Alex started talking with the driver as soon as he stepped out of the vehicle. She had no idea how Lena managed to do that so fast, but she was sure Alex would never complain about anything else for the rest of her life.
“Why don’t I get a motorcycle?” Kara asked with a chuckle.
Lena frowned and tilted her head to the side. “You know how to drive one?”
“Of course,” the blonde shrugged.
If she noticed the way Lena’s green eyes went darker, she didn’t say anything. “Good to know,” the brunette mumbled with a smile as she looked back at her sister-in-law.
“Maybe Alex can lend me hers,” Kara joked loudly enough for her sister to hear.
“Not a change in hell,” came Alex’s immediate reply, although the woman hadn’t been able to remove the smile from her face as she said it.
They didn’t get rid of Alex’s damaged car until Lena was done with her classes - just in case, since they didn’t want any more damaged cars. It took Lena some time, but she actually became a good driver once the initial fear was gone, although it took Alex months before she agreed to enter a car that Lena was driving. And she only did that because she had to teach Lena how to parallel park.
Kara didn’t know how.
J’onn was too busy with something.
Nia and Brainy didn’t know how to drive.
And Alex wasn’t about to let her wife - the love of her life - enter a car to risk her life.
Surprisingly, Lena managed to park perfectly on her first try. She was just great with the math behind it.
When Lena took her test, all of her friends and her girlfriend were waiting outside for her, and they all celebrated without caring if anyone was watching. They took their little celebration to Noonan’s later that night and Lena felt loved as she never had before. A week later, she took Kara on that silly date, but they spent most of the time making out inside the car rather than actually watching the movie, but that was okay because they weren’t using Alex’s car that time around.
Months later, they reacted the same way when Lena got her new degree, and Lena couldn’t help but think it was great to have people cheering for her like that.
And if she asked Kara for a little gift to celebrate her degree, well, that was no one’s business. She did wrap her arms securely around Kara when her girlfriend drove them off on the new motorcycle, though.
Thank you, @supercorp-superclown, for allowing me to do this and for also giving me ideas!
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some alternate identity reveals...
A Girl From Midvale | ThisOldThing
L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor thinks her girlfriend, journalist Kara Danvers, is just a girl from Midvale, and not telling Lena the truth about her identity as Supergirl is eating away at Kara. She doesn't tell Lena because Alex and the DEO have asked her not to, because they are suspicious about L-Corp's possible ties to Lex, Lillian and their anti-alien terrorist activities. What happens when their truths come out? Can they all forgive each other when things fall apart?
We Deserve Only Good Things | ThornedRose44
“Are you Lena?” The girl jolted in her spot on the sofa, hugging the bear closer to her chest. “Yes.” Even though Kara had known it from the second she had laid eyes on the child, the confirmation still managed to take her by surprise. “Who are you?” Lena asked, trying to sound as confident as she could. “Oh, my name’s Kara.” Kara replied warmly, taking a step forward, eager to move closer to offer reassurance before halting the second she saw the younger version of her once best friend flinch. “It’s okay,” Kara quickly soothed, “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” Lena peered over the top of her bear’s fuzzy head, “Promise?” Kara knelt down and smiled brightly, “Promise.”
Following Lex’s defeat, Kara and Lena are struggling to rebuild their friendship and let go of the hurt caused on both sides when Kara and Lena work together to help an alien return home. To show their gratitude for being saved the alien provides the two of them a chance to close the rift still between them. How? By getting them to meet each other's younger selves.
neon signs | contagiousiridescence
It’s not that Kara doesn’t want to repair the broken bridge between Supergirl and Lena-- quite the opposite, in fact, but Lena had been excruciatingly clear with how she felt about Supergirl now. Kara had reeled from those words days after. They settled deep in her chest and crackle with pain every time she breathes. They are a grim reminder of what Kara had done, and what she continues to do. Mrs. Arias had been right; she could bury it deeper and deeper, but it would always come back to blow up in her face at triple the strength. She’s caught between love and hate, and it’s a very odd position to be in.
Maybe We Were Destined For Tragedy | Me
You’ve never been just Kara Danvers to me… You really were my hero.
Post season 4 identity reveal, Lena deals with the reality that her best friend has been lying to her for years. Her champion. Her home. The one person who she felt truly understood her in this cruel world. Her person.
In which Kara and Lena make their way back to one another - aka the season 5 replacement.
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
should i poke the bear and ask for cwsg for the top 3 ask game? 🥴
consider the bear poked!
top 3 favorite characters: The legendary Lena Luthor, my king from the future Querl Dox, and uhhh I'm actually not sure who's third? Could be Red Daughter, could be James, could be Nia. Could even be Eve who fascinates me despite being underwritten. IDK. Depends on my mood. ...And actually if we count him as a Supergirl character and not as a walking backdoor pilot then it might just be Clark. I do like Clarky boy.
top 3 least favorite characters: Mon-El obviously, Ben Lockwood who Manchester Black should've gotten to strangle with his bare hands, and...there are several other annoying misogynists I could list here but I'm actually going to give this spot to Overgirl because it's still so baffling to me that none of the higher-ups thought, 'hey, maybe we shouldn't make a crossover where AU versions of Supergirl and Green Arrow are actual literal Nazis.'
top 3 otps: Kara/Lena, Lena/James, Brainy/Nia
top 3 notps: Kara/Mon-El is a no-brainer, Kara/William was a flop, and I can't believe it even needs to be said but. Kara/Alex. No.
top 3 brotps: Lena & Brainy my beloved <333 And I like Lena & Sam's friendship as well. Honestly a lot of the relationships in this show are great in theory but a little thin in actual execution, but I enjoy reading fanfics where Lena is good friends with Kelly, Nia, and/or iconic queen Jess the secretary. [I wish I could give a brotp for Kara but honestly I think most of her relationships suffer greatly from how they write her character.]
top 3 favorite episodes/chapters/scenes/games in series: My favorite is definitely 4.16 "The House of L." Bonus points for epic title also, like, that's an iconic pun right there. I look fondly on 4.11 "Blood Memory" as well which I think is probably Nia's strongest outing on the show and also is an episode that actually bothers to do something interesting with the Danvers sisters relationship. And in terms of episodes that are consistently entertaining I do really enjoy a significant chunk of 5.13 "It's a Super Life" although it's tainted by the terrible ending (as well as the foreknowledge of what comes after). [You might be thinking: what about XYZ Season 2 episode? To which I sadly must respond: Mon-El.]
top 3 other things u think ppl who like this thing should watch/read/play: I'm going to refrain from recommending other Arrowverse shows because I think that's too easy. But I do think my recommendations would depend on what you liked or didn't like about the show? If you like light-hearted superhero shenanigans you should watch DC Super Hero Girls (2019-2021). If you were frustrated by the show's surface-level pop feminism then you should watch Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997). If Lena Luthor's character type fascinates you then you should watch Severance (2022-ongoing). [If you're in it for Katie McGrath I can't help you, that woman was cursed by a witch long ago to only be in the worst shows you've ever heard of.]
my rating of this media out of 3, with 0 being lowest and 3 being highest: uhhh 1? idk. it's not 0
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
by Natalie the Cat (NatalieTheCat)
Supergirl’s face flushed, and Lena braced for another booming, self righteous speech about trust or safety or the meaning of teamwork or some such heroic nonsense, but then her voice shattered into a million pieces and tears welled wet in her eyes.
“All I want is for you to be okay.”
A thousand thoughts danced in Lena’s mind. To ask her why, to defy her, to taunt her, to demand what exactly it was that made Lena so damned important that this woman was so intense about her safety one moment and so angry the next.
In the dance of all those thoughts, the more base instinct won out.
Lena grabbed Supergirl by the neck of her suit, just below those delightful collarbones of hers, and used it as a handle to pull herself into a hard, aggressive kiss.
After a tense rescue when Supergirl barely makes it in time to save Lena from one of her brother's rampaging death machines, Lena Luthor ends up having a wild night with Supergirl, only to call out Kara's name while in bed with her...
Words: 2663, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Supergirl/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Supercorp endgame, SuperCorp, Post-Rescue Adrenaline Rush Sex, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst With Sexytimes, Kara Danvers Has a Crush on Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Has a Crush on Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor Calls Supergirl Kara During Sex, Alex Danvers is So Done, Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor Friendship, Lena Luthor & Maggie Sawyer Friendship, Idiots in Love, Kara Danvers Loves Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers Loves Lena Luthor's Boobs, Service Top Kara Danvers, Bottom Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers Has a Penis, Kryptonians can Purr, Kryptonians Have Alien Physiology, They really just need to talk and get their shit together ffs
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/8Uqow9F via IFTTT https://ift.tt/8Uqow9F
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slunatic · 2 years
Also on FFN: Not Playing Games: chapter 2: Goal!
*This story was a request from a patron.*
Summary: Lena’s curiosity is piqued when she realizes Alex is an omega. This leads to Alex teaching Lena how to play pool and Lena teaching Alex to play chess. Huh?
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationship: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Agent Vasquez
Additional Tags: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Omega Verse, Futanari, Alpha Lena Luthor, Omega Alex Danvers, Not Beta Read, Sexual Content, Penis In Vagina Sex, Girl Penis
Words: 7064
2: Goal!
Alex groaned as she sat at a computer console at the DEO, studying the last game of chess she and Lena played. Intellectually, she understood how she lost, but it did not make sense in her head as she tried to figure out what else she could have done to avoid losing. So caught up in her loss, she almost did not realize Vasquez sat down next to her.
“I know it’s a slow day and all, but I’m sure you have better things to do with your time than watch computer chess,” Vasquez commented.
It was a very slow day and all of her paperwork was up to date. She had nothing better to do. “I’m studying.”
Vasquez made a curious noise. “Studying?”
“Lena’s been trying to teach me how to play chess and I’m terrible at it. She thinks it’s because she’s a bad teacher.”
Vasquez frowned. “Why does she think that?”
“Because roughly in the same amount of time, I’ve taught her how to be a pretty good pool player.”...
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
hi there! i use they/them pronouns. 25+ rp writer looking for 21+ discord rp writers. i am very friendly and i promise i don't bite. i write in english but i welcome anyone who is using online rp to practice their english. most of my writing will be 3+ paragraphs in length. i have only listed my preferred muses and comfort ships.
dm or like this post and i will get back to you.
(note: my ships will not be heavily based in smut or lewd - content will remain sensitive to the canon ages of each character listed)
doctor who:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write jenny flint, clara oswald, 11th doctor, donna noble, rose tyler, amy pond, and river song
✒ ships: jenny x vastra; 10th x rose; river x the doctor
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write dean winchester, charlie bradbury, lilith, and meg
✒ ships: dean x cas
once upon a time:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as henry mills, regina mills, ruby lucas, merida, peter pan, and belle french
✒ ships: regina x emma; merida x mulan; ruby x snow; belle x rumple
chilling adventures of sabrina/riverdale:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as sabrina morningstar, theo putnam, dorcas night, lilith/madam satan, veronica lodge,
✒ ships: sabrina x betty; zelda x lilith; veronica x betty; toni x cheryl
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write nebula, rocket raccoon, mantis, yelena belova, deadpool, kitty pryde, rouge, loki laufeyson, and squirrel girl
✒ ships: kitty x rouge; yelena x kate
dc comics:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write kara zor-el, lena luthor, nia nal, and alex danvers
✒ ships: kara x lena; kara x nia; lena x nia; alex x kelly; alex x lena
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write janis ian (mean girls), karen smith (mean girls), barbara maitland (beetlejuice), delia deetz (beetlejuice), and elphaba (wicked)
✒ ships: janis x cady; adam x barbara; karen x gretchen; elphaba x glinda
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: morgana pendragan, merlin, and morguase
✒ ships: morgana x gwen; merlin x arthur
the addams family/wednesday:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: wednesday addams, thing, gomez addams, morticia addams, and yoko ono
✒ ships: wednesday x enid; yoko x divina; mortica x larissa; gomez x morticia
american horror story:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: queenie, scarlett winslow, zoe benson
✒ ships: scarlett x ruby; scarlett x maya; zoe x madison
stranger things:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: max mayfield, robin buckley, eddie munson, will byers, vicki, and eleven hopper
✒ ships: steve x eddie; will x mike; max x eleven; max x lucas; robin x nancy; eddie x cindy; vicki x robin
lost girl:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: kenzi malikov, bo dennis, evony fluerette marquise
✒ ships: bo x tamsin; bo x evony; bo x kenzi
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: mia (the fallout), tara carpenter (scream); mindy meeks-martin (scream); glen (chucky); glenda (chucky); tiff valentine (chucky); moira karp (some kind of hate); bonnie harper (the craft); sara bailey (the craft); z (warm bodies)
✒ ships: mia x vada; tara x amber; tara x quin; tara x mindy; tiff x chucky; moira x kaitlin
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Some Kara Danvers headcanons.
The poll from last week ended with 60% of you saying “Yes Please”. So it’s time for me to make some headcanons of Kara from the My Universe au that I’ve been making. Just remember that, as always, these are karamel focused, Pro Mon El, anti Lena Luthor and anti supercorp. I’ll even link the Mon El one down below. Got that? Good. Then let’s begin.
She’s still nice and a good person. But she’s got an edge. If you piss her off. You’ll know about it. Wether by yelling, half jokingly threatening to throw out her apartment window or baking you inedible cupcakes. Just ask Samantha Arias after she thirsted after Clark one too many times. You don’t want to make Kara angry.
Isn’t friends with Lena. She was going to attempt a friendship. Then the morally bankrupt shit bitch brought out the alien detection device. So Kara reported her to the DEO, made a tell all exposé and washed her hands of the entire Luthor bloodline.
When sorting out the seating arrangements for her and Mon El’s wedding she put Cat and Carter Grant on Mon El’s side of the venue because Mon El doesn’t have any family on earth and Carter has started treating him like the brother he never had.
Has her own office at CatCo. Luckily it’s not made of glass so Mon El can always visit her for uh “lunchtime activities”. Don’t worry. Lunch still gets eaten. This is Kara Danvers who were talking about here after all.
Is less likely to give female villains like Siobhan Smythe, Leslie willis and Lena Luthor the benefit of the doubt. One chance. And if you fail. She’ll fight you like she would any other villain. Unless you actively put the work in to change. Which none of the three listed have ever even begun to do.
Is like Blanche Devereaux when it comes to Mon El. Much to Alex’s increasing horror. But hey. It’s Alex’s own fault for never knocking.
J’onn gave her away at her and Mon El’s wedding. Eliza offered. But Kara decided she wanted J’onn to walk her down the aisle. And as a compromise. Eliza officiated.
Still a top notch babysitter. Although she’s gotten into a rather nasty habit of making (not very) “fun pizzas”. But don’t worry. Mon El’s the better cook.
Likes to organise girls nights out for her, Alex, Kelly, Nia, Lucy and Samantha. Cat does sometimes forces her way in. Alex isn’t allowed to choose the activity anymore though. Not after all of that extremely unpleasant business with the mojitos, a butterfly knife, Lillian’s suv and Alex’s pogo stick.
To match Mon El’s Private Use wardrobe. Kara has, among others, a Ruby the Demon wig, a Scarlet Witch costume, an Emma Swan leather jacket and a Dark One Emma costume. And yes. All get extremely frequent mileage.
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Protection Squad (or League)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49229983 by iamgoku With the threat of Thanos looming overhead the Rogue Avengers are reluctantly allowed to return to the US. Steve is shocked to discover just how much has changed in their absence. But even more so how much Bucky has changed. Words: 3131, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe, Wonder Woman (Movies - Jenkins), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Titans (TV 2018), Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Diana (Wonder Woman), Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry (DCU), Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Scott Lang, Vision (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r (DCU), Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Matt Murdock, Rachel Roth, Garfield Logan, Jason Todd, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Nia Nal, Oliver Queen, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Hale (Marvel), Donna Troy, Stephen Strange, Kate Bishop Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Diana (Wonder Woman), James "Bucky" Barnes & Yelena Belova, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes & Kate Bishop Additional Tags: Civil War Team Iron Man, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Not Wanda Maximoff Friendly, Trans Bucky Barnes, Trans Female Bucky Barnes, Female Bucky Barnes, Female Peter Parker, Trans Peter Parker, Steve Rogers Being Homophobic, Transphobic Steve Rogers, Misgendering, Use of dead names, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Good Friend Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Bucky Barnes Gets a Hug, Themyscira (DCU), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Parent Bucky Barnes, Past Rape/Non-con read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49229983
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
I’ve had this idea for how an S7/spinoff focusing on Lena could’ve gone post-series finale. I’ll probably never have time to write it (just started a new job with zero free-time) but I wanted to share it because I think it’s such a cool idea:
Lena’s experimenting with a spell that accidentally sends her into another reality/parallel earth. One where Superman and Supergirl don’t exist (and neither do the Luthors); Alex Danvers is the CEO of Liberty Media (an anti-alien news platform); Cat Grant is head of the DEO (and secretly Miss Martian); Andrea is a high school teacher by day/vigilante by night; Brainy is the owner of Q-Corp (Liberty Media’s biggest rival and pro-alien platform) with Nxly as his anxious and bubbly secretary; and Nia is head of Obsidian Tech (secretly funded by Mon-El, the leader of Leviathan). Lena can’t figure out how to get back to her earth and seeks help from AU Andrea and AU Cat. But when AU Agent Liberty and his army starts an attack on AU National City’s alien residents, Lena decides this world needs a Supergirl… even if it has to be her in the suit. So she uses her magic to replicate some of Kara’s powers/substitute for them and her own take on Kara’s suit to be the hero this world needs (until she can find a way to return to Kara and her earth). But discovers during her first battle that the AU Agent Liberty is actually a she and a fellow witch! Which is why Lena’s spell accidentally brought her here and until she can solve the mystery of who this masked witch is she can’t return to her earth. With her taking leadership of the AU heroes of this world and being an-all new magic-based type of Supergirl (but still taking inspiration from her friendship with Kara, while doing things her way).
Interesting! This is a compelling concept.
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haeva · 2 years
Mar's Daily Ficlet Challenge
Day Three: Love
(Supercorp, Lena is willing to wait for Kara's love)
As a woman of science, there were many things that Lena Luthor did not believe in. Love, however, was not one of them. Although she had not been on the receiving end of it very often in her life, she knew that it existed. She had felt it before. But no matter how much Lena loved, it never seemed to be reciprocated. Until Kara. 
When Kara Danvers first appeared in her life, Lena thought nothing of it. Now, Kara was all that occupied her mind. Kara smiling, Kara adjusting her glasses, Kara hugging her, Kara, Kara, Kara… It played on repeat, again and again. And Lena had never been happier. 
At first, she was afraid that her feelings might get in the way of their friendship, but those worries melted away the moment she saw those texts on Kara’s phone. She had left her phone at the table in Lena’s office and had gone to use the restroom. It was then that Lena watched it light up, as a text message from Alex appeared. 
Did you tell her yet? It read. Naturally, it made Lena anxious. She had to know what Kara was going to say, so she could prepare. It wasn’t her proudest moment, but Lena picked up the phone and looked through Kara’s messages. They made it abundantly clear that Kara was in love with her too. 
Kara did not confess to her that day and ever since Lena had contemplated whether she should be the one to tell Kara first. She decided against it, since Kara might have a reason not to say anything. Maybe she just wasn’t ready yet. But Lena would wait for her. She had waited a long time for real love, she could wait a little longer. 
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abnl-on-ao3 · 2 years
Lone Star Lover - A Supercorp Fan Fiction
Chapter Twenty-Two
"The Arias-Danvers family welcomes a new member and the Danvers family mourns a loss. Kara contemplates her future."
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw
Characters: Hank Henshaw, Eliza Danvers, Morgan Edge, Clark Kent, Jeremiah Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), James "Jimmy" Olsen, Ben Lockwood
Additional Tags: CEO Lena Luthor, Mechanic Kara Danvers, Muscle Worship, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Internalized Homophobia, Vaginal Fingering, Tribadism, Rough Sex, Strap-Ons, Lena is obsessed with Kara's body, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Character Death, References of conversion therapy, Muscle Kink, Daddy Kink, POV Alternating, Cunnilingus, Life-Affirming Sex, Eventual Happy Ending, Female Ejaculation, Hurt/Comfort, Healthy Relationships, Fluff, Sexual Content, Smut, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Shameless Smut, Vaginal Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Beefcake Kara Danvers, Dom/sub Undertones, Spanking, Porn With Plot, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Gender Dysphoria, Rodeo Competitions, Packing, Bigender Kara Danvers, Oral Sex, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Kara Danvers Needs Therapy, Protective Alex Danvers, Established Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor Friendship
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