#Bad Parent Lionel Luthor
Smallville aired for ten seasons and practically all of it was Clark and Lex getting together before having the world's messiest divorce
Also, Lex's dad decided the solution to this was to make a clone baby out of both of them but didn't bother informing either of them
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sbd-laytall · 3 months
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Smallville | 5.19 | "Mercy"
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afrowrites · 7 days
The Princess and the Farmboy Part One
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(Sorry I keep using the same gif lol)
Ok so this one is a little bit of a short one, only because I felt really bad that I didn't post this and I had huge writers block. I will post the full fic by the end of the month (hopefully)
Clark Kent x Black Reader.
Rated: Teen and up
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Descrip: Your brother Lex decides that you need a break from the city and takes you to smallville, You think your gonna go insane from ennui. Then you (Un)fourtunately fall into the arms of one titular Farmboy.
“Mercy, tell me why I have to leave the comfort of Metropolis to go to Swampville.” you whine
“Smallville,” Mercy corrects you. “Master Luthor enjoys the small town vibe and he has friends here he wants you to meet.” You scoff and roll your eyes. 
You hail from the richest of the richest, after your parents were robbed and murdered Lionel (out of the blue I add) decided that Lex could use a playmate so he adopted you. You and Lex became attached at the hip. You needed him when the memories of your parents haunting faces marred your mind, and he needed you when Lionel was too much. 
Your car stops, you hear a knock on your side of the car. “(Y/n) you wanna come outside.” You hear your adoptive brother’s voice. The door opens as you take his hand. The surrounding area looks so boring to you it almost makes you barf.
 “Mmm, gotta love that clean air.” Lex sighs. “I don’t know how you could like this place it’s so… boring.” you groan. You and him take a stroll on the bridge not knowing that just across the way a strong tall annoying boy is within earshot.
“I think you’ll start to like it here, It’s great when I need a break and trust me you need one.” Lex meant well when he brought you here. He’s noticed that you’ve thrown yourself into school and work more often, rarely having time for friends or fun.
The bridge starts to crack ever so slightly and Clark taking a walk hears this, he’s cautious but near.
“Fine I’ll try to stay here but the minute something goes wro-” You sooner eat your words as you suddenly fall into the water below Lex with you in tow. Something wizzes past you both, you see Lex get pulled out of the water, He’s sopping wet as Mercy goes to check on him suddenly your pulled out of the water. You cough for a bit letting your eyes adjust when you see the cutest guy you have ever seen in your life. He’s tall, has pretty green/blue eyes and his hand is on your boob right now.
 “Um… your hand.” You nod to his hand. “Oh my god I am so sorry!” he screeches in your ear. He stands you up, Lex starts “You know you always seem to be there whenever I need saving.” Lex joked. 
You just stood there stewing in anger, your wet clothes sticking to you, your sew-in starting to puff up. Yeah you're done with this, “Lex can we go, my hair is soaking wet, I’m cold as hell. We need to go now!” You screech that last line out spooking the annoyingly tall good looking boy standing next to him. 
“She’s a bit annoying, isn’t she.”, “Dude watch it, she’s my sister.” Lex rebuttals.
“I’m annoying, no, what's annoying is that I got dropped in six feet of cold water, My hair is messed up, and now I am stuck in this hick town for god knows how long, And you TOUCHED MY BOOB!” 
Lex and Clark go wide eyed as you hobble to the car with Mercy in tow, “OH AND YOU OWE ME A NEW PAIR OF THAT’S SO KATES!” you yell down to them.
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supercorphypes · 5 months
The Value of Love by @autisticlenaluthor
Read the fic here.
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First of all, I would like to state that I'm always such a fan of Lex having kids. It would be all the sweeter still in these AUs if Lex were alive or out of prison, so he and I could raise the Luthor heir to be the best weapon possible. But I digress.
As it is, Lena having to take care of Lex's child would be such a bad idea. Can you imagine the havoc she would wreak on their lives? Her little boxes only go so far, and she never uses them to their full potential. You'd think I had trained her to withstand better.
Ooo, Miss Danvers the elementary school teacher. How the mighty have fallen.
Miss Danvers is already rambling on about how My Granddaughter, Lori needs to show her work when she's busy with her equations. Please. If I were teaching Lori, this little girl would be truly challenged, and yet instead she's forced to waste away under Danvers' teaching.
I have one (Okay maybe I have multiple) criticism about Lena's parenting. What kind of parent tells their child they love them without them first earning the affection!? Is Lena out of her mind?
Surely this Miss Danvers has better things to do than give My Granddaughter her college work. And besides that, shouldn't Miss Danvers already have her degree? What's the point of getting Lori to correct your answers for no point value?
I don't get it.
Why my husband's spawn is so concerned about Lori getting lost in a park is beyond me. Free yourself of the burden of raising greatness, Lena. Leave her to me.
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WHY IS MISS DANVERS COMING UP TO MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDDAUGHTER IN THE PARK? Does she have NOTHING better to do than bother the Luthor girls? Please.
Lori was right to be suspicious of Miss Danvers and Lena talking to each other, and that's all I will say about that.
For now.
And another thing-- why does Lena find her peace with socializing with a ten year old? Is that as high as her intelligence, and conversational skills can manage? I paid for those Cotillion lessons, and for what.
She's such a disgrace.
Oh no. Oh, oh no. Lena and Lori are discussing My Prized Child. Lex-- Lori's father. Surely Lena knows better than to besmirch the Luthor name by disgracing him with her beliefs.
Apparently not.
Okay, and now Lionel's bastard has not only managed to make My Granddaughter cry, leave work early (all things considered) and she agreed to a "coffee get together" with Miss Danvers, who she has been suspiciously calling Kara for some time now.
This just keeps getting better and better.
As the kids of this generation (Perhaps even Lori) would say, "smh"
Wait. A. Goddamn. Minute.
Lena takes medication for anxiety? Depression? That ratbastard. Next, she'll send Lori to a therapist. God, what I would do to her....
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Oh joy, now the teenage-pregnancy CFO is here. Woopity doo.
Between this and the insightful conversations with "Kara" and her adopted sister, Alex, I'm going to be sick.
Ruby Arias does not deserve the honor of being My Granddaughter's first friend. Sigh. How the mighty have fallen.
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The ninth chapter ended on quite the cliffhanger.
I do believe I know who's coming onto the scene, dear scrappylittlegleek. And all I have to say about it is:
Fucking Finally
If Lena Walsh, or whatever her original last name was, thinks she can get away with keeping Lex's child from Me she has another thing coming to her.
And that's final!
My God, does this vapid blonde ever go away?
I'm aware this is a "Super" Corp fic but let's put more emphasis on the "Corp" part. As in LuthorCorp. It deserves more attention than Lena is giving it. Big Sigh.
Ugh, I don't think I'm going to win this custody battle, assuming the writer has anything to say about it. Pity, I would have molded Lori into something truly great.
Instead she will have to waste away with Lena.
kArA DAnvERs yoU arE My HerO
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And now, to make everything ✨even better✨ my daughter is sending Lori to a therapist. God, what kind of madness is this? Everyone knows you're supposed to suffer silently.
Oh yay! I'm back in action. Let's get this show on the road- Lori, you're coming with me. Lena, my lawyers will see you in hell.
Or not. God, why must all SuperCorp writers insist on portraying me as weak? Should have just had one of my men grab the child.
At least the one good thing about this is that "beloved Kara" already has a date. No more messing around with the brats!
Careful Lena, one more denial and you might end up in the Nile.
Can't wait to break out of jail and bring Lori with me. Sigh. Her potential---
Why is Lena kissing the Danvers teacher?
Why - also - is she complaining about how I weaned her off of her teddy bear? She was four! Plenty old enough to be without.
I hate this. This is godawful. Why oh why do I continue reading this?
I'm holding out hope that I break out of jail with Lex at my side.
End of the story, and yet....
I didn't break free.
What a disappointing end.
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Feel free to recommend fics to me here!
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cinnamonanddean · 10 days
Okay Smallville friends, here we go: finale time.
"And now, the series finale of Smallville" WHAT IF I'M ALREADY SAD
"Special Guest Star: Michael Rosenbaum" wow spoilers much?? I mean not for me obviously but for OG viewers. I would have SCREAMED.
Lois, sweetie, he could be saving people every minute he's doing anything, by that logic. Why is his working at the Planet, etc, any different than spending time with you?
Aww, bye Luthor Mansion. You've been a fun place to stage so, so many Clex fics. Hmm I wonder if there are more fics set there or in the barn loft? I'm torn between them, personally.
Kind of rich for Martha to complain about Clark moving on when she hasn't been around for years. "This is our home" okay but you left him here. He's had to cope without you. It's not fair to put the responsibility of keeping the past alive on his shoulders alone.
Oh no his vows 😭😭😭
I feel like we don't have enough time to wrap up this (rather dull) Darkseid plotline AND have a wedding AND bring Lex back? I know this is a double episode but still. Although I suppose Lex's scene will be short and right near the end.
Oh no her vows 😭😭😭
Again I ask: has there ever been a TV wedding that just goes smoothly?
At least Lois's dress is nicer than Lana's. That bow haunts me.
Is he gonna walk down with her AGGHHHH this is so sweet 😭
Uh oh. Lois girl, pay attention, that's not the right ring. Oh thank god for Chloe.
Can't believe they're doing this to Oliver ☹️ hasn't he suffered enough?
So wait: did Clark Luthor not have powers? Did I miss that? I swear he was throwing people around and shit.
Lol is that a Herve Leger bandage dress on Lois?
Agggh Tom does vulnerable so well. "I can't, Dad" just like a little baby boy, I weep.
OH GOD I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT ALT!LIONEL, it's a fucking jump scare every time.
Oh my god so this Lex is a fucking Frankenstein?? That's...weird. A Frankenlex.
IS THAT MICHAEL?? Wait probably not, we didn't see his face.
God this Darkseid CG is so bad
Omg omg omg omg omg OH MY GODDDDD
Oh I hate when they take an already blurry photo and then CSI-style ENHANCE! it to magically unblur it
I see one of the Franken-pieces was his sassy ass mouth. God I've missed him.
Lex, honey, you've been back for thirty seconds and you're already waxing poetic about how he says your name??? I see another of the Franken-pieces was the need to make every interaction so incredibly gay. "Yet...with a hopeful finish" oh my god honestly
Apologies in advance: I might have a comment on every line of this dialogue.
Oh dear, you can see the bald cap a bit when he raises his eyebrows. I remember Michael said the bald cap was more trouble than just shaving his head lol
Lord, it wouldn't be a proper Lex return without a history speech. HONEY I'VE MISSED YOUUU!
"that's the thing about memories: you can't forget them" mmmm I don't think that's true baby.
Oh gosh the vitriol.
"You and I - we will both be great men. Because of each other." Honey the WAY you talk about the two of you. THE VOICE CRACK. "We have a destiny together, Clark, only on different sides."
Everything he says sounds like a love confession I'M SO SORRY BUT IT DOES
Stop wait one fucking minute here. The last piece of Clark's little "am I strong enough to face this threat" puzzle, the last person to give him the courage and the conviction to do what he needs to do - is LEX FUCKING LUTHOR??? NOT LOIS NOT HIS PARENTS NOT CHLOE BUT LEX??????? oh my god what is happening that is INSANE OF THEM
I need to watch that again. Gosh I haven't done that since the Lexana scene from Fracture.
HAHA I missed Lex's joke about Lionel's heart the first time around. Why is he so funny
God Michael is so fucking good. He just elevates the tone. It's really what's been missing from these last seasons. The others are good - Tom is so good, I'm not discounting him at all - but Michael is on another level.
Hmm seemed a bit too easy killing the Prophets
Oh poor John Glover. This is Not Good. He was always so suave and cool as Lionel, this is a step down.
Aww look how far our sweet boy has come 😭 I'm so proud of him.
Ahh jeez. I kinda came around to Tess. She wasn't Lex but she was fun.
Oh riiiiiiight, I forgot he gets his memory wiped. Again.
Lol what the fuck does he think is happening, now that he can't remember?
Our baby finally in the suit 😭
Girl I don't think they just let you film the President like that. That camera is gonna be taken away IMMEDIATELY.
Oh yeah I forgot about Jimmy. That was...a choice.
"yes Miss Lane" "that's so hot" girl yes it is.
Oh the theme 😭 what an ending
That was so great. A bit hokey in parts, but overall such a satisfying finale. What a ride.
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jor-elsemissary · 2 months
Why do fans need to believe a redemption arc requires for the character to have a complete change in their personality?
Why can’t the character redeem himself by doing what he knows best? Can’t they use manipulation and murder to do the right thing? To save a person they care about? To help a kyrptonian to save the world?
Redemption isn’t about a character turning from bad to good. It’s about a character acknowledging their flaws and striving to do the right thing for everyone else. It’s a selfless journey.
A journey that can still have manipulation, murder and deceit.
Lionel Luthor’s redemption arc was good. It took him on a path that changed his motives and how he saw those around him but kept his characterization. He no longer did things for the sake of money and power. But he still lied and murdered and manipulated, because that is what he knows how to do.
We all saw the attempt at a total personality rehaul with the Foundation. It didn’t fit him. Lex’s evil self saw that and beat it out of him. But Lionel did go on to do better with himself and learning the truth about Clark cemented it.
Granted he probably was influenced a great deal by Jor-el, but the AI wouldn’t have chosen him if Lionel would continue to be a threat to Kal-el. Hell Martha Kent wouldnt have given him so many chances if she didn’t believe there was good in him.
Frankly I think a lot of fans get mad because they think Lex ended up evil because of it. But, news flash, Lex was always destined to be that way. His parents could have been the most wonderful and loving and Lex still would have turned out to be the Devil’s Incarnate.
It’s his destiny.
So yeah, Lionel’s redemption arc was about a change in his motives, not a change in his characterization or personality. He went from a greedy billionaire to an ally to a future superhero. The only thing he probably hoped to get out of it was Martha Kent, and even then after she pretty much told him she wasn’t interested, he still helped protect her and her son.
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biblomaniac · 7 months
Random thought, yk what would be amazing? a Supercorp x PJO fic. Kara as a for forbidden child who lives with her adoptive family, the Danvers, after her human parent dies. Finds out shes a demigod, goes to CHB, and meets Lena, who for all intents and purposes is Athena’s favorite child in the same sense that Annabeth is. Lena can pretty much keep the her whole luthor family origins with the exceptions maybe she spent her first fours years on Olympus (a nod to her CW TV origins) and then is thrust into the human world by her mother. Lionel is the bio dad, Lilian is bad and resents Lena, Lex is a psycho, etc etc. Over several quests, they turn from feuding, to tentative friends. best friends, and finally lovers the same way it happens in PJO. Someone with some talent PLEASE write this.
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electricgaunt · 7 months
trying to make a list of fictional dads I'd like to fight by going through my media watchlist/shelves
(I want to preface that the range of intensity for "I want to fight this dad" varies a lot, sometimes it's more like "I think it would be funny to fight this dad" 😄):
most of the d20 fantasy high's bad kids' dads (I think excepting fig's, gorgug's, and riz's?) and arthur aguefort
asgore (undertale)
shredder (tmnt)
ging freecss (hxh)
a bunch of fruits basket characters' dads
sanji's dad (not zeff) (one piece)
emperor belos (the owl house)
the santa clause dad from arthur christmas
anakin (star wars)
memphis (happy feet penguin dad, why not)
I'm not actually putting them on here, but the idea of fighting the mamma mia dads or goofy made me laugh 😄
captain vidal (pan's labyrinth)
I don't really know TUA (I think I watched one episode a long time ago?) but I'll put that dad on here, I get the impression he would be in the fight your dad car
naruto (if we subscribe to the canon where he becomes basically an absent parent)
hyuuga hiashi (naruto)
luca desadar from the meek comic
ozai (atla)
toph's dad (atla)
ichigo's dad (bleach)
lionel luthor (dcu)
poseidon (pjo)
kane (motorcity)
the king dad from king's affection kdrama
isabel's grandpa from paranatural (grandpa's are dads by definition, but also, specifically, this grandpa is a dad I'd like to fight (and I'd die, but 🤷‍♂️))
danny fenton's dad (danny phantom)
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inquirenorth · 2 years
It’s a slow day at work and I could do stuff I’m supposed to or I could complain about how fucking horrible of an episode Bound is.
Ignoring the puritanical bs and slut shaming for a second. This is the episode that starts the Lionel Luthor Redemption Arc™ that is just so disrespectful. Lionel Luthor is The Asshole of the show. He’s abused his wife and child (likely would have done the same to Julian). He framed his son for murder and when it didn’t work pretended it was all done for Lex’s benefit (???). He fired a whole ass company that employed the majority of the population in this small ass town. He coerced a high school student into investigating another high school student (Chloe had a hand in that sure but she’s also a lovesick teenager with abandonment issues and low-self esteem…easy pickings for Lionel). He lied about being blind so he could spy on people?????? He gifted a married woman a very “secret affair” watch?????? He only felt bad about subjecting his child to unnecessary electroshock therapy (twice) after he realized Lex knew Clark’s secret. He traded Clark for Lex at Summerholt, subjecting a minor to an experimental brain treatment without his prior knowledge let alone his consent, so that he could get to Clark’s secret. He fully planned to switch bodies with his son, letting Lex die in his place just because Lex had him convicted for a murder he was 100% guilty off. Like…this is a Bad Dude. Lex isn’t a saint but Lionel isn’t a sinner, he’s a whole ass monster. Not even going to mention the whole Lucas thing.
Then we have the Kent parents (specifically Johnathan) defending Lex by saying he’s just doing what he’s learned from his father (re: sleeping with women and sending earrings by courier just like his father did) in one breath and then in another saying the Luthors will never change. Like hey maybe don’t group a man literally in prison for murder with his son who sleeps with an average of one rando per month. Sure the fact that he doesn’t remember then hints at self-destructive tendencies and yeah he should maybe consider therapy but he won’t because the same man in prison for murder literally “gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss”ed his one and only son into a mental institution and had his brain fried so said son wouldn’t remember anything about said murder. And Lex’s therapist was in on it so of course he’s not gonna trust therapy. Regardless, yeah Lex won’t change if he stays in this lame-ass town where you can’t do anything fun without being branded with a scarlet letter (or if his best friend keeps gaslighting him like his father does or if everyone he knows is about two breaths and a small mistake away from going all “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Lex.” Did Lex cut off that man’s hand? Did Lex try to kill Johnathan to get to Clark? Did Lex try to kill Chloe? Nope. Not even in that one episode where everyone else did try to kill Chloe).
Anyway, back to Bound. So the Kent parents are defending and slut shaming Lex and we have Clark acting like a jealous partner who just learned about their boyfriend’s body count and can’t be an Adult about it. And then we get our patent Loft Moment at the end of the episode where Lex says some stuff about how he kind of wishes he’d been burned to death because it would save the world a lot of grief???? Like he’s clearly in some pain and distress (and really should consider therapy but again…his last therapist drugged him as part of a plan to cover up his father’s first murder) and Clark is just like :| “okay”. Come on man, he’s Superman! His “friend” is Suffering to the point where he’s duct taped to a chair, sees fire coming towards him, and literally thinks “good”????? Let one of my friends ever say that to me and I’m selling a kidney to take us to Aruba. But no, Clark doesn’t do that. And you’re telling me he trusts Lionel Luthor more than his best friend because Lionel got a holy enema and was cured of his terminal liver disease and because Lex (a single billionaire who has to go to boring fundraisers as part of his job and who has literally maybe two friends) *checks notes* had consensual sex with women and gifted them expensive ass diamond earrings. Like sure some of them got their feelings hurt but that’s not a crime, not like…idk murder. You’re telling me this isn’t like…a great motivating factor to idk be a little bit nicer to this sad little bald man with a history of being emotionally, mentally, and physically abused by people he loved and trusted (let’s not even talk about Helen).
Idk if you weren’t already 100% on Lex’s side after Shattered/Asylum, Bound is guaranteed to have you foaming at the mouth with frustration. This episode makes me want to gnaw on dry wall while crawling on the ceiling.
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autcnomy · 2 years
I’m really fuckin angry about “Shattered.”
Lionel Luthor is like some kind of mestastacizing cancer. 
He manages to make Clark feel guilty for being loyal to Lex, and blame himself for Lana’s injuries, which are wholly an accident ultimately caused BY Lionel. 
He makes certain Lex will never trust ANY form of psychiatric care (which he desperately needs) because the person could (quite plausibly!) be tied to Lionel.  Which, whether Lex stays in the “looney bin” that he already mistrusts, or is released and then slowly erodes under the force of (justified!) paranoia, will ensure that his son has a psychotic break that’s REAL, and then externalize it onto others.
This was the perfect opportunity for Clark to come clean to Lex.  The look on Lex’s face, when Clark busted Edge’s car, is one of almost rapturous, tearful awe.  He is happy to know Clark isn’t human; he is grateful that Clark stood by him and convinced Chloe and Lana to help.  But instead Clark chooses to run.  
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I also think Jonathan and Martha are the least likable they’ve ever been. Harboring Lex would not have put Clark in danger anymore than letting Lex go  Edge wasn’t even after Clark.  It seems like bad writing that they’d just stand there looking sorry for Lex and not fucking HELP him. Where the hell are their parental instincts??? I mean, even Jonathan had finally caved and accepted Lex at this point, and he just bought them their entire farm back! 
It’s also bad writing that everyone would think Lionel trying to drug his son was implausible. Like, that’s Satan’s ballsack, folks, hair and all.  Why the hell would you think him incapable of that? 
Anyway Michael Rosenbaum is the best actor on that show and he broke my heart with his amazingly nuanced performance in this episode.  I remember the “Hurt” Johnny Cash number to this day, and I don’t  care if Lionel is having misgivings while watching his only child walk around in a padded cell with the belief that he is so completely alone in the world, putting him there because that child took his own teachings and applied them TOO well.
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I fucking HATE him. 
Other observations: 
1) Do we ever find out exactly how Lex “hurt” baby Julian and “caused him to die”? (I don’t think Lionel was lying about this, but I have to fucking hate him even more because he then weaponizes that childhood trauma to make Lex feel guilty and falter--”Be careful, Lex, I can’t lose another child”r ead: like you made me lose Julian and Lucas already. AGH!)  Can we also acknowledge the school belltower incident a little more because....god... “You know I cant take it when he cries, dad.”  What does that mean. Does that mean he accidentally smothered Julian? Does that mean he held him too tightly when singing a lullabye and “can’t take it” was a compassion response? Is Lex actually autistic, and did he panic because he was in sensory overload? 
2) I remember now that this episode is why I was never hugely on board with Clex. I can completely see why people ship it.  But I’ve had a longtime headcanon that, once Lucas didn’t pan out, Clark more fully became Lex’s second chance at raising a baby sibling, and Lex uses the only love language he knows--gifts--to express his need to be important to Clark.  This got even more pronounced after Helen’s betrayal, and Lionel’s (latest), and certainly was always brewing because Lex was close to Lillian, and Julian’s death had to profoundly wound her.  Lex has been carrying that guilt around for nearly two decades, and it’s VERY significant that when he was feeling the most vulnerable and afraid, his mind went to what his psyche still deems his worst and most shameful mistake. 
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story-weavr · 11 months
Jerome Peregrine White
Jerome Peregrine White was the eldest son of Perry & Alice White.
His father was often absent due to Perry’s dedication to his career. Alice was a soft & constant presence. At times, the small family struggled financially. There have also been moments where Alice had to wake little Jerry up in the dead of night to go to a relative’s house until her husband called to say it was safe.
The situation at home gradually improved as Perry rose up the ranks of the Daily Star, eventually becoming editor-in-chief of the newly named Daily Planet. By that time, the couple had two more sons, Richard & Hank.
At that point, Jerry was going through a rebellious phase; unhappy with his father’s preoccupation with his job. He would often go to clubs in a bad part of the city. This worried his mother but attempts by either herself or Perry were met with anger.
Then one day, something truly terrible happened. Jerry was kidnapped. Kidnapped by gang members, they threatened Perry that if he didn’t retract an article he wrote of a crime lord posing as a Suicide Slums landlord they would kill Jerry.
In minutes, the gang was attacked by another. Jerry managed to get away in the confusion. Scared, he returned home to his tearful parents.
Later, he woke up & went downstairs. Unsurprisingly, his father was still up & on the phone. What was a surprise was what Perry White snarled into the phone.
That was the night Jerry White found out his father wasn’t his father. His real father, the infamous Lionel Luthor, was in control of the gang who had actually rescued him.
The young man became even more withdrawn, his anger that he used as a shield now replaced by a sorrowful aura. His parents assumed it was trauma due to the kidnapping.
Jerry questioned his identity & felt lost. One day, as he was brooding, he saw something familiar. A couple of men were driving a truck labeled for a fertilizer company. Jerry recognized those men as belonging to Lionel’s gang.
Jerry discreetly followed the truck on his bike. The truck stopped at a warehouse where men started unloading.
While Jerry observed, one of the bags fell. Guns spilled out. The young man felt sick.
Then, chaos occurred. A hooded man got the jump on the gang and started beating them up.
At first, it looked like he was winning but then reinforcements showed up. Seeing the man outnumbered, Jerry raced in on his bike. Managing to knock over several enemies, the young man with the black helmet yelled for the others to get on.
After a race through the Suicide Slums & other areas, the two managed to lose their pursuers.
Later, the vigilante those of the slums called Gangbuster introduced himself. Jose Delgado would become a mentor and second father to Jerry White.
With a new purpose, Jerry & Jose investigated Intergang, deterring them as best they could. The younger of the two realized they would need more help.
Jerry’s biker gang started small but it grew bigger as the investigations drew deeper into the criminal underbelly. Particularly when they finally came into contact with Cadmus and their inhuman experiments on people.
Members included Yango “Wild”, Jude “Hippie”, & Lucy “Diamond”. There were also auxiliary members.
Their go-to mechanic: owner of Lexor, Lex Jerome Luthor aka “Atom”.
Needless to say, it was awkward between the two brothers. But they soon became very close.
Enough so that Mockingbird and his lover, Clark “Ace”, sometimes help out on missions.
Clark’s nickname should have been “Oscar” or “Chameleon” given how scarily good he is at acting and infiltrating places.
But then, one day, Jerry “Cobra” White met his match.
Investigating rumors of drugs and human trafficking, Jerry went undercover at the nightclub, Blaze’s.
What should have been routine, business as usual, ended with the funeral of Jerome Peregrine White.
Over a decade later, Metropolis saw the rise of the mysterious Spencer Blaze. Owning several nightclubs and strip joints, Mr. Blaze’s establishments catered to every level of Metropolis. There were even rumors that several of his businesses were actually covers for services of the more carnal variety.
The more magically inclined denizens of Metropolis and the world, however, knew of the upstart demon lord who managed to supplant an ancient demoness. His army of lesser demons and connections with both the mortal & supernatural worlds made him a dangerous foe and valuable ally.
Few knew which side they fell. Of those few, they strongly suspected which side depended entirely on Blaze’s whims.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
Our love can change the world
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zoBeNlm by mari_cammi What if Kara had leaned in, or maybe taken Lena and finally told her what she felt for her, and Lena told her back? And if Lex had done something so terrible that not even Lilian could forgive him, especially after she started therapy with the craziest psychologist in all the DC world? Well, this is the story of Kara and Lena, as I think could have gone after Kara returned from the Phantom Zone. Something that happened in the show didn't happen or is a little different and I don't like the way Alex and Eliza treat Kara for a long time, so I won't be so gentle with them in the beginning, so if you don't like it don't read this FF. I hate Mon-EL and James, so as I said before don't read this FF if they are your favorite characters. Words: 9517, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019), Titans (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Diana (Wonder Woman), Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Andrea Rojas, Nia Nal, Querl Dox, Eliza Danvers, Zor-El, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Ruby Arias, Original Danvers-Luthor Child(ren), Esme (Supergirl TV 2015), Lex Luthor, Kelex (DCU), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Bruce Wayne, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Zala Jor-El, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Astra/Cat Grant Additional Tags: not a slow burn, take place After Kara's rescue from the Phantom zone, Kara is the badass that she should had always had been, from 0 to 100 in the first chapter, Alex Danvers Being An Asshole, Bad Parent Eliza Danvers, but they can be redimed, Lillian Luthor Redemption, Good Parent Lillian Luthor, Fix-It of Sorts, almost canon compliant, I don't really like Mon-El read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zoBeNlm
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redemptivexheroics · 10 months
About The Muse - Lex Luthor
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Full Name: Alexander Luthor
Nicknames: Lex
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Date of Birth: August 7, 1991
Place of Birth: N/A
Gender & Species: Male/Human
Current Location: Smallville, Kansas
Languages: English
Religion: N/A
Education: High School, College
Occupation: CEO Of LexCorp
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Yes/No/No
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Likes: Coffee, Chicken Alfredo, Fast Cars
Dislikes: His Father, Hurting People, Untrustworthy People
Bad Habits: Secretive
Secret Talent: Can Play The Piano [Something He Got From His Mother.
Hobbies: Collecting, Piano, Fencing
Fears: Abandonment
Positive Traits: Loyal, Trustworthy, Friendly
Negative Traits: Secretive, Egotistical
Other Mentionable Details: He had a bit of a mental breakdown in high school but was diagnosed, and he sees a therapist two times a month.
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Reference Picture: See Above GIF
Parent Names: Lionel Luthor [Father], Lillian Luthor [Mother/Deceased]
Parent Relationship: Dislikes his father...
Sibling Names: Lucas Luthor [Brother/Deceased] Lena Luthor [Sister]
Sibling Relationship: Lex gets along with his sister, Lena; the two share a mutual dislike of their father.
Other Relevant Relative: None
Children: None
Pets: None
Lex is the son of Lionel and Lillian Luthor; he had a good relationship with his mother up to her death and doesn't share an ounce of love for his father, who has been abusive and judgemental of him from an early age, which prompted the loss of love between the two. Lex spent most of his time at a private school, only going home during the summer, where he was miserable. He finally gained independence when he graduated from high school and went to college, excelling in business, computers, and other subjects he was interested in. When he graduated from college, he went out to work for LuthorCorp. Still, because his and his father's ideals clashed, Lionel gave Lex a portion of LuthorCorp, located in Smallville, expecting Lex to fail. Still, Lex decided to use the resources to help Smallville pull it out from under Lionel's clutches.
Though Lex is only twenty-one years old, and despite his name, he has garnered a lot of respect, mainly from people who doubted him because of his name.
Lex is nothing like his father and wants to do good in this world, though his outlook on life changes when he meets Kara Kent, a girl who is everything but ordinary.
[Note: This Lex exists in an alternate version of Smallville]
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autisticlenaluthor · 2 years
(Apologies in advance this has three parts.) I don't know if this is a good time to say this, and even though I've been thinking of it for a while I don't know exactly how to word it. Despite that, thank you for your writing. :) In general, yes, I absolutely love it and it's so great to read, but I mean this especially in characterisations. Even disregarding the fact that you write fanfic with Lena, a character I quite relate to, and you portray that part of her with such depth, the fact that
there's someone writing these things and with such talent absolutely just makes me feel good for a moment. To get to my point, what I've been trying to figure out to say here for a while is that I absolutely love the way you write the Luthors in Five More Minutes, especially Lionel. That thing you said in a note on one of the chapters about how in those situations things are complicated because even if people are bad you want to cling onto what love they do give, and the way Lionel does some nice stuff yet is a bad father and that's complicated for Lena and how she sees him or should see him, and with that it's hard to cope when there's love in-between those other moments. The guilt thats' there for feeling negative things when positive things occur. I absolutely loved that writing and I thank you so much for that. It hit but in a good way, and also that means it was realistic, lol, which is good. Apologies for such a long ask, thought I should say it. I hope you're going well :).
this got lost in my inbox and I'm so so sorry I missed it !!
first, thank you so much for your message. please don't feel bad abt the long ask, it made me really happy to read <3
and with lionel, i'm glad he comes off that way bc it was rlly what I wanted to potray. he isn't an evil person, he isn't intentionally trying to hurt lena and in his own way, he does love her. but he isn't there for her - he doesn't know how to be there for her and he doesn't make an effort to learn.
i feel like villians or neglectful parents are so much more impactful when they aren't 100% bad or trying to hurt someone. i think it makes his actions or how he ignores lena that much more painful
thank you so much again for messaging me, I'm sorry it took forever to get to!!
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unknownalien3388 · 2 years
The Ugly Duckling Makes a Friend - AgentCorp Friendship Fanfic.
Lena and her family had just moved to Midvale a few weeks ago and have been the talk of the town ever since. This didn’t surprise Alex, as it was to be expected when a family as rich and influential as the Luthors suddenly moved from the big city of Metropolis to a small humble town like Midvale that people would talk. And talk they did. Though Alex was too busy with her school work and babysitting her young alien sister to really pay any attention to what the adults and peers around her had to say about a family she couldn’t care less about. It wasn’t until one after while Alex was waiting at school for her mom to pick her up after work, like she had promised, that her paths crossed with the youngest Luthor, Lena. While they may not have a lot in common, there is one thing that they did have in common and that was the fact they were the unloved sibling in their family. But was that enough for them to forget their differences and become friends or are they just too different?
                                                  ---------------- The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow across Midvale High School's library where sixteen-year-old Alex Danvers sat. School had long ended, but Alex remained, one of the last students lingering due to yet another extended student council meeting. Earlier that day, she had told her adopted sister Kara that she would stay late and instructed her to go home without her. Now, she sat alone, waiting for her mother, Eliza, who had promised to pick her up after work that morning. As she gazed at a history book she should have been reading, a sense of resignation washed over her. 'She forgot about me again,' Alex thought silently. She wiped away a stray tear and added with a bitter laugh, 'I bet if Kara were here, she wouldn't have forgotten. But then again, Kara is her favorite daughter.'  She was so deep in her thoughts that she did not see the girl walk up to her until she tapped on her shoulder, scaring her in the process. "Whoa. Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," the girl said calmly with her hands raised to show she meant no harm. "I'm Lena, the new girl. I saw you sitting by yourself and thought I might keep you company, is that cool with you?"
Alex eyed her cautiously. She was a short, pale-skinned girl with long raven hair who looked to be around Kara’s age of sixteen and clearly rich. She nodded her head slowly. 'Yeah, sure; why not.' She shrugged.
"Thanks," Lena said as she took a seat across from her. "So, how are you? How was school?"
"I’m well, and school was school. You?" Alex asked with another shrug.
"I’m good, thanks. School was okay. I passed all my end-of-term tests with high scores, so I’m happy with that," Lena answered with a proud smile.
"Well done," Alex congratulated her sincerely.
"Did you have any tests this week?"
"No, they’re all next week. There was a moment of silence before Alex spoke again. 'So, why are you still at school so late?' She asked. 'I mean, you just told me you’ve done all your tests. So, you don't have to study. And just by looking at you, I can tell your family is obviously rich. I’m surprised you don’t have people tripping over their feet to get you home to your mommy and daddy." Alex asked with clear disdain.
Instead of taking offense to her comment like Alex thought she would, the girl just laughed. “I was not always like this,” she said, gesturing to her outfit. “I was adopted by the Luthors, who just love to flash their wealth and money around. But between me and you, I would rather wear what you have on than this ridiculous get-up." She admitted, pointing to Alex's ripped skinny jeans and t-shirt that had some rock band on it that her father gave her before he died. She spoke with just a hint of an accent that Alex knew was not American. “But then again, anything is better than this.” She added with a laugh as she pointed to her pencil skirt and blouse.
“That’s true.” Alex agreed with a small grin.
“The reason I’m here so late is because my Chess Club meeting ran overtime. We’re getting ready for the big Interschool Chess competition at the start of next term, and Lillian, my adopted mother, refused to pick me up after she had picked up her golden boy, Lex, from his polo practice. Her reasoning being Lex had to go home and have an ice bath, and she didn’t want to ‘waste their time' by picking me up because I ‘chose’ to stay at school late.” She answered with a sneer. "But if I even mention leaving the team, she loses it. So, it's a lose-lose situation, really."
"But wait, isn't your brother old enough to get his license and drive himself around?” Alex asked.
“Yes, but Lex doesn’t have to do anything with mother dearest around.” Lena explained with a roll of her eyes.
“What about your father? Why can’t he pick you up?”
“Lionel? He’s too busy being the CEO of LuthorCorp to notice anything else. And even if he wasn’t, he’s too busy with his flavor of the month to care. The Luthors like to fool the world into believing that they are a tight-knit family, but I can promise you; it is all for show.” She answered with hidden pain in her voice that Alex knew too well. The pain of feeling unloved.
“I kind of understand how you must be feeling,” Alex said, feeling like she had finally found someone who understood her pain. ‘Maybe, I can make a friend that knows what it feels like to be neglected by their parents.’ She thought to herself. ‘Not that anyone should ever go through this.’
“You do?” Lena questioned, surprised.
“Yeah.” Alex sighed. “In case you didn’t know, I’m the student president, and well, the student council meetings also have a history of running late, like today. So, I told my sister to take the bus home because our mom said she would pick me up after work tonight, but I guess she forgot again.” She told Lena, “Oh, I’m Alex, by the way.”
“I know, we share the same third period AP Science class with Mr. Smith.” Lena informed her with a kind smile.
“Oh, I never noticed. Sorry.” Alex said apologetically, feeling a little guilty, but Lena just smiled.
“That’s okay, Alex; really. I usually sit at the back of the room, and because of my new last name, I’m never called upon during class, so not many people notice me, which is great.” She assures her in a gentle voice. “I’m just sorry that your mother can’t see how wonderful you are. But I know for a fact that one day she will.” Lena promised with deep conviction in her voice.
“Thanks.” Alex replied, not knowing what else to say and honestly not believing that her mother would ever see her or her greatness, as she felt she would always be living under the shadow of her alien sister. “May I ask how old you are?”
“Thirteen, I turn fourteen next year.” Lena answered with another proud smile. "You?" She asked in return.
"That's pretty young to be entering high school," Alex said, surprised by her age. 
"Well, with my high intellect, thirst for knowledge, and my new last name, I skipped a few grades,” she explained with a blush.
"That’s cool that you got to skip a few grades,” Alex commented. "And I’m sixteen, turning seventeen in a few weeks. My mother doesn’t like the idea of teenagers driving cars and says, 'that's the adults’ job.'” Alex said with a shake of her head.
“Yeah, have you noticed that adults are always expecting their children to do better than they did when they were young and get really mad at them when they fail to meet their high expectations? I mean I know I will never meet Lillian’s expectations, only Lex will do that.” Lena said with barely hidden distaste.
"Damn, if that isn’t true. I probably won’t ever meet my mother’s exceptions either, that will always be my sister. Now, I’m not saying I hate her. I do not hate Kara. I just wish my mother viewed us as equals, you know?" Alex asked, desperate for someone to understand her.
"Yeah, I do. But I have come to terms with the fact that Lillian will never love me as much as she loves her Lex," Lena said with a sad little shrug. "The only thing I am grateful for is that their money helps feed my need for higher education." She acknowledged. “What would be your favorite attribute?” She asked, changing the subject. “Mine’s obviously my IQ, which is higher than Lex’s IQ.”
Alex thought for a moment. “Probably my eidetic memory would have to be mine; I don’t know what my IQ is, but I can read and memorize 20,000 words a minute.” She bragged with a grin. It felt good to be able to brag about her abilities as she rarely, if ever, got the chance to do it.
“Those are two pretty cool attributes you have. And hey, with a memory and skill like that, you could get into places like MIT, Stanford, even Harvard. I also bet your IQ is super high, you must be like Einstein level smart,” Lena exclaimed in a loud voice, only to be shushed by the librarian.
Alex’s grin widened with a blush. “I wish I were that smart! But I’m aiming to get into Harvard to study medicine. It’s one of the hardest schools to get accepted into.” She informed Lena, still feeling proud at the young girl’s compliment. "My mother wants me to study science like her, but I want to be a doctor and help people. I guess that’s another thing about me that disappoints her," Alex said just as her phone beeped with an incoming message.
Mom (4:00 PM): Hey sweetie, hope school went well! I’m sorry but I can’t pick you up tonight, staying late at work. I will get Kara to pick you up soon. Lots of love, Mom xx.
Alex (4:01 PM): Okay.
“Hey, are you okay?” Lena asked, concerned.
“I’m fine, it's just my mom letting me know what I already guessed. She forgot her promise and won't be picking me up,” Alex said.
“That's just fucking crap!” Lena exclaimed with anger. “Are you sure you’re okay? I’m here for you, and it’s okay if you aren’t. I won't judge you either way,” she assured Alex, worried about her new friend.
“Yes,” Alex answered with a fake smile. “Thanks.”
"Can I tell you a little about me?" Lena asked her politely, deciding to change the subject instead of pushing her to talk.
Alex nodded her head. “Yeah, sure.”
"As you might be able to tell, I was not born here in the States. I was actually born in Ireland. When I was growing up, I only had my mother; no father. My mother’s name was Kieran McGrath, and she was the only hero I ever had. She was a kind and loving soul. I loved her dearly and miss her every day."
“What happened to her if you don’t mind me asking?” Alex asked.
“No, I’ll tell you. I was about four years old when my mom decided to take me to the lake near our house for a picnic as it was a great day for it. Nice and sunny. After lunch, she wanted to go for a swim, but I hadn’t been feeling well that day, so I didn’t join her and stayed on the shore to watch her. I remember her smiling for the first time in what felt like a long time as she bent down to kiss me on my cheek before she ran into the water laughing. She had such a beautiful and carefree laugh,” Lena said with a smile and a faraway look in her eyes as she relived that fateful day. “When my mother was up to her waist deep in the water, she turned around to wave at me one last time with this big grin on her face. She was so happy and radiant. That was the last time I ever saw her before she died,” Lena explained.
“How did she die?” Alex asked, shocked.
“She drowned,” Lena answered numbly.
“Oh damn. That’s terrible,” Alex whispered, completely heartbroken for the other girl.
“A few hours later, I was sent to live in an orphanage, and a few weeks after that the Luthors came and picked me up. And you know the drill, a rich family adopts a poor orphan child with no family of their own, to help hide any of their wrongdoings while making the family look great. Charity work, they call it," Lena said with barely hidden disgust.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Alex replied mournfully.
"I won’t say it’s okay because that would be a lie, but thank you anyway. When I moved to the States, they changed my name to Luthor, and I grew up with a hateful mother who never liked me, a father that tolerated me at best, and that’s whenever he could be bothered to play at being a family man. Only Lex genuinely liked me. He taught me my love for chess, reading, and all things science. He was the best brother I could ever ask for. Everything in my life was finally okay. I may not have had loving parents like everyone else, but at least I had a loving brother. Then everything changed when he went off to college. I don’t know what happened to him over there, I just know that he came home for the holidays his first year different, and he never went back,” Lena told her.
“What do you mean?” Alex asked.
“He came back changed. He was angrier. Then recently Lex’s hatred towards anything extraterrestrial became more concerning, which is why Lillian suggested we move here to Midvale and away from the new alien superhero in Metropolis, Superman.”
"That's pretty shitty that you had to move just because your brother isn’t a fan of Superman," Alex concluded with a frown.
"Yeah, it is," Lena agreed. "But that is my life. What is your story, Alex?"
"Sorry, ladies," the kind librarian interrupted. "The library will be closing soon. If you could pack up your things and make for the exit, that would be much appreciated." She said with an apologetic smile.
The girls packed up their things and moved to the front steps of the library to continue their conversation.
"My story? Hmmm." Alex thought for a moment about what to tell Lena before settling on as close to the truth as she was allowed. "Well, it isn't as long or sad as yours but here goes. My life started off normal. Both my parents were scientists, but they always had time for me, no matter how busy they got. Due to my high intelligence and eidetic memory, I was the star of my whole family, the apple of my parents' eye. And it wasn’t until last year that things started to change. It happened after my parents decided to adopt Kara following her losing her family in a house fire…”
“No, she didn't.” Lena interrupted.
"What do you mean she didn’t? Of course, she did. I think I would know how my little sister's parents died," Alex argued fiercely, concerned that Lena might have uncovered the truth about Kara and her family.
“Just stop, Alex; you do not have to lie to me. I am in a lot of Kara’s classes and I notice things about her. I know that your sister is, in fact, an alien and is probably related to Superman. Which, if she is, would make her Kryptonian. I know this for a fact because, as I mentioned before, Lex is crazy obsessed with Superman and other aliens. He spends most of his days now trying to find ways to rid the world of aliens. Also, Kara shows signs of having similar powers as him, and it’s pretty clear that she worships a different god. One named Rao.” Lena said with a raised eyebrow, changeling Alex to disagree with what she said.
“Fine! You're right. But if you tell anyone else I swear..." Alex began to threaten.
"I won’t. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Especially with someone like Lex hanging around. I would hate to put an innocent life in danger, and I’m scared to see what Lex would do if he knew an alien was living right here in Midvale, right under his nose.” Lena told her honestly.
Alex looked into her eyes, searching for any signs that Lena might be lying to her. She found nothing to indict a lie. "I believe you when you say you won’t tell anyone, but don't make me regret it." Alex said with a pointed look. "Anyway, everything was fine then Kara came crashing into my life. Literally. Her superhero cousin didn’t want her and left her on our doorstep. That was when everything in my life changed. My parents had less and less time for me. My mother is always expecting me to grow up and be mature, always expecting me to be my sister’s babysitter like I have no friends that I want to hang out with or schoolwork I need to get done. I just feel like in my mother's eyes, I have no life outside of looking after Kara. Which only got worse when my father, who gave everything he had to protect Kara, died." Alex confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and longing. "I've just been trying to be strong for everyone, but it's nice to talk to someone who understands."
"That's really tough," Lena said bluntly, though her empathy was still shining through. 
“It is, isn't it?” Alex said with a humorless laugh.
"We both deserve better." Lena told Alex with a serious look on her face. I’m always being judged and ridiculed for being too much of a Luthor by strangers on the streets and in school. Then I go home to be compared to my 'perfect' brother and ridiculed for not being Luthor enough by mother and father. And then there is you, who has a mother who stopped seeing you and your greatness when Kara came along, which is wrong." She shook her head in disappointment. "We both deserve better."
Alex hummed in agreement. There was a moment of silence before a car horn sounded, causing both girls to jump and look around.
"There’s my sister," Alex said, nodding toward the truck parked across the street. "Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I’m sure Kara won’t mind giving you a lift home," she asked, sounding a bit worried.
Lena reassured her with a warm smile, "Yes, I’ll be fine, Alex. My friend Jack just texted me to let me know that his practice will be finished soon, and then he’ll be around to pick me up. But if you are still concerned," Lena offered, "how about we swap numbers so I can text you as soon as he picks me up? So, you know I am safe."
"Sure, that would be great," Alex agreed with a sigh of relief. She handed her unlocked phone to Lena and accepted Lena's phone in return.
"There you go," Lena said, giving Alex her phone back. "I will text you later, and I’ll see you tomorrow," she added with a shy look in her eyes.
Alex smiled. "You sure will. I have to go now, but we will talk soon. Bye, Lena."
"Bye, Alex," Lena called. "And hey, one day, we will get the family we always wanted," Lena promised her.
 Lena Luthor (5:30PM): Hey, it’s Lena. I just wanted to say that I think becoming a doctor is a great idea and you will be amazing in whatever you choose to do in life.         
Lena Luthor (5:31PM): Also I’m home safe. See you tomorrow.   
The better Alex (5:35pm): That is very sweet of you to say, thank you. I’m glad you are home safe. See you tomorrow.    
Lena Luthor (5:40pm): Do you mind me asking why Kara is allowed to drive if your mother doesn’t like teenagers driving? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
The better Alex (5:41pm): No, it’s fine. Kara is allowed to drive because she’s Kara. Mom lets her get away with pretty much everything.
Lena Luthor (5:45pm):  That’s just stupid, if you are going to let one child do something then both children should be allowed to do it.
The better Alex (5:46pm):  Agreed.
Lena Luthor (5:46pm): Maybe we can complain about being the unloved sibling together?
The better Alex (5:47pm): That would be nice to have someone on my side for a change.                          
Lena Luthor 5:48pm):  I will always be on your side.
The better Alex (5:50pm): Ditto.                                                               The End.
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shadesoforlando · 7 years
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You’ve lost your ‘fatherly advice’ privileges, Soichi
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