#but here she is and she *is* spider woman and her dad is no longer a cop
trying very hard not to think about how in Gwen's prologue, she's always hues of blue and green and at odds with her pink reddish surroundings. only when she hugs her dad they both bloom vibrantly pink
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miguel-ohara-lover · 10 months
Miguel ohara x spiderwoman/single mom reader, where she brings her baby to work at the spider society
Ooooh yes yes yes. I thrive on dad!Miguel so this is amazing.
Miguel x Spider-Woman W/ a Baby
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CW: Fluff, dad!Miguel, reader has a baby, Mig is a little tough at first but don’t worry… slight angst cuz of Gabi
I had to ask my mom some stuff cuz… I don’t know shit about babies… also I might have projected a little towards the end don’t mind me…
Part two
It’s not uncommon for spider-people to bring their children to the spider society. Hell, that’s what the day passes are for. Peter B started the trend with Mayday, and after that many spiders wanted to bring their little ones too.
Today you were no different, deciding to bring your baby girl, Alice, to the society. You knew of all places in the multiverse she’d be the safest here. A few folks were surprised to see you with the baby, some cooing and saying she’s adorable, but most kept to themselves.
You headed to the boss’s office, grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria along the way. You needed to make sure you weren’t assigned any missions today. As you walked in, Miguel turned to you to see what you needed, a familiar frown settling on his face when he saw your baby.
He had never liked all the spider people bringing their children. I mean, who would after what he’s been through. Peter seemed to love torturing him with Mayday constantly, but Miguel would never admit it hurt. You noticed the look and chose to keep some distance.
After a few seconds you spoke. “Hey, Miguel, I was just popping in to ask if I have any missions today?”
“Actually…” He turns to one of his screens. “You just got one. In an hour.”
“What? I can’t do a mission today, I have my daughter with me.”
“That’s not my problem.” Miguel doesn’t turn to look at you again. You huff and look around the room while debating what you should do, Alice cooing a little and looking around the unfamiliar room as well.
“Maybe… you could watch her?”
Miguel groaned a little. “Me? Why me?”
“Well I trust you’d keep her safe, boss. And she seems to like you.” You gesture to Alice making the cutest grabby hands at the big scary man. That makes Miguel’s hard outer shell crumble a little, images of his daughter flashing in his mind.
“Hm… how long…?”
“However long the mission is.” You smiled.
Miguel sighed. “Fine… fine… leave her with me…” He lowered his platform more and got down, holding his arms out to take the baby. You carefully handed off the baby to him, and he holds her expertly. He knew what he was doing.
You smiled up at him, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Thank you so much, Miguel.” Alice giggled and cooed at Miguel, waving her little hands at him. All he did was nod to you as a response, his eyes on the baby. You give her a gentle kiss to the forehead before heading off to get ready for your mission.
After the mission
You returned from your surprisingly easy mission, heading straight for Miguel’s office to retrieve your baby. When you walk in you see Miguel on his platform, holding Alice against his shoulder. He’s gently bouncing her and singing in Spanish, lulling her to sleep. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
Miguel notices you and placed a finger to his lips, telling you to stay quiet. Once the baby was asleep he spoke in a very quiet whisper.
“You we’re gone longer than I thought you’d be, y/n. Run into any trouble?”
You shook your head no. “The mission was pretty easy, surprisingly.”
“That’s good. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to Alice’s mami.” His eyes were still on your baby, hand on her back as he continued to gently rock and bounce her as she slept so peacefully.
You look up at Miguel. “You make a lovely dad.” He froze for a moment and looked at you.
“Really…?” Is all he said. Your smile grew and you nodded. The corners of his mouth slowly turned up, and for the first time since you’ve known him, Miguel smiled. A real genuine smile.
You swing up to his platform and place a gentle hand on his free shoulder. He glanced at your hand, a little confused by the gesture. There’s a slight blush on his cheeks, and you could tell you finally cracked through those walls he had put up.
“I’m sure her father wouldn’t enjoy this.” He tried to pull away from you, tried to put his walls back up.
You shook your head again. “Her father isn’t in the picture…”
“Really? What kind of father would abandon his daughter?” His red eyes almost seem to glow as anger fills him. He couldn’t imagine a dad causing harm, mentally or otherwise, to his own child. The thought made him sick, made him want to hunt down your ex and-
“Hey.” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Don’t worry about it. She’ll have you…” You gave him a gentle smile. Miguel was surprised at that, but it made him happy. He loved the idea of being in Alice’s life more, of being a father figure to her.
“Would you… perhaps like to get dinner later?” Miguel looked into your eyes, and you could see the anger dissipating, being replaced with love.
“I’d love that.” You lean up and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
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luckybunny555 · 10 months
Mr. Stacy? Nice to meet you!
Gwen takes you to her apartment after swinging through her city with you, but she didn't expect her dad to be home so early
Gwen Stacy x GN!Spider!reader
A/N: this is my "personal lore"(lol) but I consider that reader let Gwen stay over in their universe/home whenever she needed a place to stay at, and this is mentioned at some point here.
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You never got tired of watching Gwen swinging across her city, no matter how many times you witnessed it. The beauty of her own universe, and how she seemed so at home, fitting so well in her place but standing out from the rest at the same time. It felt good to know she was finally comfortable at home again.
You had been there for her after everything went wrong with her dad. A while after meeting her at the Spider Society, you had finally earned her trust, and she felt secure enough to tell you about everything: the people she had lost, the uncertainties she was facing, the fear of losing her dad... It broke your heart to know everything she was going through, and because you cared so much about the girl who was finally letting her walls down for you, you stuck by her side through everything. Good and bad moments, you were always there for her. Because you loved her. So seeing her finally feeling free and at home in her universe was like slipping under your blankets after a cold day.
You hadn't visited her city yet, not even after things eventually worked out between Gwen and her dad. So right now, you were fascinated by her world, how the colors seemed to bring a special and beautiful emphasis to everything. To her, especially. And with the way your gaze wouldn't leave her for a single moment, you could notice your surroundings fading into a watercolor blur, Gwen being the heart of this art piece that you were witnessing in that moment. No painting could be more beautiful and lovely than the girl in a Spider-Suit that was swinging in her webs a few feet in front of you.
With the gradual development of your connection, Gwen's desire to introduce you to her world grew bigger. Not only to her universe, but to everything that was a part of her life. She caught herself wishing that you'd leave a part of yourself in everything that was hers, always lingering in her life. She wanted your smell on her clothes, your laughter filling her bedroom, your initials on the pages of her notebooks, your pictures on her wall, your sleepy voice staining her mornings when you'd wake up in her bed, right beside her.
She wasn't going to lie to herself: having you in her universe, her world, was a big deal. For so long, she hadn't allowed herself to get close to anyone because the possibility of losing them would be too painful to bear. But you, as sweet and loving as you were, seemed to have some sort of magnetic aura that was irresistible to her. Truth is, she didn't want to resist you, even when her mind reminded her of all the terrible things that could happen. You were too good to miss. And you had always made an effort to maintain your friendship because you wanted to be around her just as bad as she did. Long story short, your effort and love made it almost impossible for her mind to convince her to stay away from you.
So, even though she was a bit nervous about it, her faith and excitement about you washed away the doubts she had about past events repeating themselves with you. For the first time in a really long time, she was happy to let someone in. She wanted you to be close to her, in every single way. Having you in her universe was special to her. She wanted you to stay forever right there with her, even though she knew you couldn't abandon your own universe. The best she could do was convince you to stay just a little longer, more and more every time.
Although Gwen wanted to take it easy on her "Spider-woman duties" that day to fully enjoy your company, the city didn't seem to get the memo. Every once in a while, you two had to take a few moments to help the civilians and stop robberies. But even then, you seemed to enjoy witnessing each other's performances against crime, complimenting your abilities and skills with genuine admiration. You couldn't ignore how much you loved her graceful moves and sarcastic jokes, both signature traits of hers.
As the sun was just starting to set, Gwen convinced you to come over to her apartment, attempting to keep you with her for as long as she could. And how could you refuse? Every word that comes out of her lips gives you a warm feeling, and when her hand brushes against yours, tugging on them to lead the way, you find yourself willing to follow her without caring about the destination.
The two of you stopped by a convenience store near her place, Gwen insisting that you'd choose anything you were craving. She thought she could win you over with snacks so maybe you'd stay longer, oblivious to the fact that all it would take was a simple "please, stay with me" and you would not be able to say 'no' to her. You never were.
She lovingly admired you as your eyes widened through your mask, excitedly picking a bunch of snacks for the both of you to share later. Her heart fluttered when she noticed you picking her favorite chips and drink, appreciating how attentive and thoughtful you always were. She felt so lucky to be loved by you, with all your sweetness. And to add to her luck, the cashier was kind enough to only charge part of the price for all your snacks and drinks, as a 'thank you' to the friendly neighborhood Spider-woman and her lovely Spider companion.
Leaving the store, she finally led you to her apartment, climbing on the wall. You followed her as she opened the window to her bedroom, holding out her hand to help you in, the grocery bag on her other hand. While the two of you shared your thoughts on today's hang out, your laughter filled the space, and she softly chuckled at her secret wish-come-true. Taking off your masks, the two of you stood by the window, your eyes studying the room while her admiring gaze was focused on you. You loved the intimacy of bedrooms, that give away the tiny details about someone, but only to those with attentive and caring eyes. It felt like entering her world all over again, taking in the new yet familiar atmosphere, simply a reflection of the girl. The simple fact that you were standing right there was a manifestation of her trust for you. Gwen wanted you to see her, all of her.
Your hands were still connected when your gazes met, giggles escaping your lips as you continued the topic. "Oh, I felt so bad for accidentally scaring that old lady," your hands cover your lips, trying to hold back your laughter. "I couldn't even warn her in time, I just swung past her and took her away from the fight! The poor woman was–"
Hearing all the noise coming from his daughter's bedroom, not expecting Gwen to be home, George Stacy makes his way towards the door, slowly opening it. Both you and Gwen sensed his presence right before he entered the bedroom, freezing for a moment as he stood by the doorframe, gaze fixed on the two of you.
"Gwen," he says, his voice giving away his surprise at seeing her home, along with you. Everything seems to pause for a moment, silence filling the room as none of you seem to be certain about your next steps. Although you were taken by surprise, you quickly came to your senses, deciding to politely introduce yourself to make a good impression on your girlfriend's dad.
"Mr. Stacy, hi! Nice to meet ya, I'm–" you start, taking a few steps towards him and holding out your hand for a polite handshake. You try your best to hide how nervous you actually are.
"[name], I assume," he chuckles with an amused smirk on his face, shaking your hand. "Gwen has told me a lot about you," he looks at her, chuckling.
You turn to face her, imagining the blush that must be on her face, unable to actually see it due to the low lighting in the room. "Aw, you talk about me?" you tease her, but your tone gives away your fondness for her action, a soft smile appearing on your face.
George notices Gwen's silence, still processing the unexpected event, along with your teasing. "Oh, she does. I was wondering when I would get to meet this intriguing Spider-Person who won my daughter's heart," he replies, his words bringing a genuine smile to your face. Despite his teasing tone, he was actually delighted to finally meet you. He had noticed Gwen's shy and loving smiles whenever she mentioned you, how she'd quietly chuckle or blush whenever she was texting you, how her voice turned softer when she'd talk to you through her watch. After witnessing his daughter's difficult moments and being away from her for so long, his heart grew warm with appreciation, thankful that she had finally found love, soft and sweet like a marshmallow.
"Ah, okay dad, that's enough," Gwen finally intervened, noticing how warm her cheeks were, causing both you and her dad to chuckle. You lean back on the wall near George, the two of you observing her as she placed the grocery bag on her bed. His gaze traveled through her room, noticing how disorganized she left it, even though he was used to her messy nature.
"Gwen, if you're going to bring your partner over, you should at least organize your room," he playfully scolded her, earning a chuckle from you. She muttered a 'right' before pacing around her bedroom, starting to gather all the clothes and items that were scattered around.
"Wow, even after I lectured you about leaving your stuff lying around in my apartment, it seems like you still haven't learned your lesson," you tease her again, shaking your head as you chuckle. Mr. Stacy's eyes widen at your words, his lips slightly parting in shock.
"You left your mess around their place?" he asked her, astonished by her behavior, making you laugh even more. Of course, he didn't know you don't mind it. In fact, neither of them knew how much you actually liked to see Gwen's possessions in your home, reminding you of her constant presence in your world, even when she wasn't there in person. That was one of the things you liked about her, always absentmindedly leaving a bit of herself wherever she goes. Something the two of you shared and liked about each other, although expressed in your own unique ways. Gwen, obviously through her mess.
She stuttered, trying to find an excuse or an apology, but failed to do so. It was obvious that she was grateful for your kindness and support, always wanting to help you out in return, despite your constant reassurance that there was nothing she had to give you in return, your actions only reflecting how much you cared for her. But you made her feel so comfortable and relaxed that her disorganized nature ended up shining through. To you, it was like an accomplishment, getting her to naturally be herself around you, no walls nor facades.
"If every interaction between you two will lead to teasing me, I'm gonna have to keep you apart as much as possible," Gwen said, glaring at the both of you with narrowed eyes as she folded her clothes. You and George couldn't hold back your amused chuckles.
"Alright, alright," he put his hands up in defense, "just don't forget your manners next time". His attention turned to you as Gwen continued to organize her bedroom, "well, Gwen mentioned you two met at that... Spider‐Person community, right? How is that working out for you?" he asked you, trying to get to know you better.
You nod, "Oh, yeah, we met at the Spider Society," you explain, giggling politely at his confusion about the name. "Eh, you know, Spider business aren't very easy, between keeping your own city safe and having to save the multiverse every once in a while," you let out a nervous chuckle, "but it's definitely worth it, doing our best to protect our people," your eyes shift to Gwen, observing her with fondness. Mr. Stacy follows your gaze, softly smiling as he notices the way you look at her.
Returning your focus to him, you add, "Oh, and don't worry, sir, I always make sure to keep Gwen safe during missions," you softly smile, reassuring him as you demonstrate how much you really care about her. He seems to appreciate your gesture, offering you a genuine smile as a silent 'thank you'. Still listening to your conversation, Gwen playfully scoffs, stopping pacing around her room for a moment.
"You? Oh, okay, sure," she laughs, "It's more like the other way around most of the time," seems like it's her turn to tease you. She's not entirely wrong, considering your clumsiness occasionally causing you to hurt yourself during missions. Or in your daily life, too. Your jaw drops slightly as you let out a scoff mixed with a chuckle, furrowing your brows.
"Hey! Shh, I'm trying to make a good impression here," you say, earning a laugh from Gwen's dad as he shakes his head in amusement. "Besides, you never got super hurt, so technically, I do keep you safe," you add, matter-of-factly.
She turns to look at you, narrowing her eyes but the smile on her face betraying the rest of her expression. "Maybe I'm just better at keeping myself unharmed," she teases you, like she always loves to do. You shake your head and laugh. "But I will give you some points for patching me up with your cute band-aids after fights," she adds, compensating for her teasing with a playful but genuine comment.
"Thank you," you respond with a proud smile and giggles. She couldn't help but admire you, her love for you evident in her eyes. And George, still observing the interaction, was amazed by your dynamic. He couldn't recall the last time he saw his daughter this open and relaxed, and the look on her face whenever she looked at you was certainly uncommon. It's safe to say you have earned his approval, and perhaps even more: his fondness.
"Are you staying for dinner, [name]?" He asks you, sounding like an invitation. Your lips parted to reply, but you hadn't even thought about your answer. Your plans were to just spend half an hour longer with Gwen before heading back to your universe to watch over your city, until this encounter changed the course of your day. You consider his offer for a moment, unsure about spending even more time away from your city, pushing aside your own wish to stay here forever. But when your gaze turns to Gwen, any doubt you had simply dissolved like cotton candy in your mouth.
You knew you couldn't resist the way she looked at you. The soft smile on her face and her pretty, pretty eyes observing you expectantly were enough to convince you to stay for as long as she'd ask you to. It didn't matter how long you two were together, your heart would always skip a beat whenever she'd give you that look. So, still looking at her, your lips closed for a moment, letting out a soft chuckle. "I would love to, if that's okay," you smile sweetly, slowly turning your gaze to the man next to you.
When you answered, Gwen's smile widened, making you melt at the sight of her adorable tooth gap. You started to wonder whether you were actually human or ice cream, considering how often you melted for her. Your smile matched hers, and you tilted your head to rest against the wall, never getting tired of admiring your girlfriend. In her world, somehow even more than usual, she looked like pure art.
Seeming pleased, George nods at your answer, smiling as he walks away from the bedroom, leaving the two of you alone again. You slowly walk over to Gwen, who was leaning against her dresser. Standing in front of her, your arms naturally wrap around her shoulders, and you feel your heart flutter in your chest at the contact of your bodies. Her hands travel from your hips to your lower back, pressing tenderly to bring you even closer.
From up close, even in a dimly lit setting, you could almost see all of the features you loved on her. Her pretty freckles, the shape of her lips, the color of her eyes, her lashes, her eyebrow piercing... you could spend forever naming every single detail you loved about her, from inside and out. Even though you enjoyed her sarcastic and cool demeanor that always amused you, you simply loved how her expression seemed to soften at your sight. How lucky you felt to be the reason why this blonde would relax in your presence, so comforted by your love.
"I can't believe you keep convincing me to stay longer and longer," you tell her, the smile on your face giving away how much you were enjoying being right there with her, feeling her body softly pressed against yours. "What's next, are you gonna kidnap me so I stay forever with you?" you tease her, in an already failed attempt to hide how much you actually wanted to never leave her side.
"Oh, I don't think I even have to," she replies with a smug smirk, a proud expression imprinted on her face. Her thumbs gently caressed your waist, making your body relax even further. "I bet I can get you to stay forever willingly, I don't even gotta force you." Damn it, her tone gave away how she had you figured out. But the look in her eyes showed some sort of relief at the knowledge that you wanted this as much as she did. She felt so grateful that, without even having to try, she would have you by her side willingly.
"Damn, was it that obvious?" you playfully roll your eyes, softly giggling. Your faces were so close, she could feel you breath blowing against her skin. Everything between the two of you seemed to be enhanced, and she reveled at the heightened awareness of your presence. You were heaven for her, bringing up wonderful new feelings she hadn't even considered possible before.
Your question made her chuckle softly, the sound awakening the butterflies that seemed to live in your stomach ever since you met her. You had started loving this feeling the moment it was associated with her. Her eyebrows relaxed as she kept her gaze on you, her face still soft but slightly serious, expressing honesty and vulnerability. "I'm glad you're staying," she whispered, her eyes wandering to your lips for a moment as her fingertips traced patterns on your lower back.
Her tender touch, even through the fabric of your spider-suit, felt so loving and intimate. To hide your lovefool smile, you pepper her face with kisses, like a sweet attack. But when she laughs, you pull back to not miss the sight of her smile, that matches yours. "Me too," you reply, gazing into her eyes. "So, d'you think I made a good impression? Or was it obvious that my heart was absolutely pounding in my chest?"
She wraps her arms tighter around you, planting a quick peck on your lips before answering, "You did great, trust me. Better than I did when meeting Miles' parents, do you remember that?" You giggle at her embarrassed smile, recalling the memory.
"Oh, yeah, that was painful to watch," you tease her, causing the both of you to burst into laughter. You were grateful for these light-hearted, silly moments between the two of you, giggling like stupid, but totally in love teenagers.
Once you two calm down, her gaze meets yours again. "I already put in a good word for you, and judging by today's interaction, I'm pretty sure he loves you already," she assures you, calming your nerves as she brushes away a strand of your hair behind your ear. "He even invited you for dinner," she adds with a playful smile, "I'd say I'm not the only one who wants you around for a little longer."
"Oh, you're making it so hard to remember I have a whole city to look after and that I can't stay in your universe forever," your dramatic exaggeration of your words earn a loving chuckle from her. "Seriously, don't let me stay forever. I have many fans that need protection and autographs, alright?" You joke with a wide smile on your face.
"Didn't you tell my dad you had to keep me safe or something like that?" She teases you, looking up pretending to recall the conversation from just a few minutes ago. You can't help but chuckle at her playful attempt to convince you once again to stay longer with her, jokingly slapping her arm.
Despite not lasting forever, time seemed to kindly grant you a wish as it appeared to slow down that evening. As you all ate dinner, you and George shared loving(and a few embarrassing) memories involving Gwen, who couldn't handle any more teasing coming from the both of you, despite secretly enjoying your interaction the whole time. She was glad to witness it, grateful that the two of you got along well. Gwen ended up noticing that, little by little, the loneliness that followed her around for so long was starting to fade away. Your warm presence in her life was like a sun that illuminated everything, filling her with love. And now, she was able to be present with two of the people she loved the most, and she was sure that they loved her back.
Before you went back to your universe, you and Gwen took a few minutes to watch a movie and eat the sweet snacks you had previously bought together. As the sky turned darker, you found comfort in your girlfriend's arms, that were lovingly wrapped around you while the two of you sat on the couch with a blanket over your legs. And even after you returned to your own universe, neither of you could stop smiling at the thoughts and memories of each other, cherishing every moment you spent together. You couldn't wait for the next time you'd spend another day with Gwen, as you found yourself loving to see more and more of her and her life.
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astrasae · 1 year
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Miles Morales x f!reader.
Miles and Y/n is both 16.
Alright people, let’s do this one last time.
My name’s y/n l/n, I’m 16 and I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last 3 years, I’ve been the one and only Spider-Woman.
I’ve been given so many names, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Spider-Dust. The last one is quite the best one.
I’ve saved the city, I saved my mom, my dad. Saved the city again. But I couldn’t save my loved one. Miles Morales. After then I stopped making friends. I put distance between everyone and me, so I could keep them safe. Until I couldn’t, my earth-22 got erased from existence because of an anomaly. At least that’s what Miguel says.
Now I’m here, I live at the HQ, Miguel gave me a nice room here, acceptable. I still don’t make friends, I only go on missions, alone. Capture bad guys, fight them, get them to HQ. I’m pretty good at my job.
So yeah, you know the rest.
Now here I am, having dinner at the cafeteria. Burger and potato chips, my favorite. Spider people everywhere, like really everywhere. But three of them caught my eye, two of them I know, one of them I don’t. Gwen and Hobbie has brought someone with them. I can’t really see their faces.
“Do you know that person, the one in the black suit?” I ask someone next to me. Curious about the new person. “No, probably just a new spider person.” They say. Yeah, now there’re gone, probably to the HQ, I finish my food and get going. Where, you would ask, to the HQ of course. My room is close to it and why not visit there. Maybe I could learn something about that new guy.
I can hear them talking from the doors, Miguel shouting, as always. As open the door, Miguel and I daughter eyes. “Y/n, right on time.” He takes a deep breath, pinches his nose. “Hobbie get her out of here, she shouldn’t see.” He adds. Hobbie gets up from the table to take me outside. I stop him, “Shouldn’t see what?” I ask simply. Looking at my surroundings. I see Gwen and I can definitelysee she is hiding someone behind her. “Hi Dust.” She calls me Dust, she says it suits me. And I’m okay with it. Now Hobbie is blocking my view, “Trust me Y/n. It’s for your own good.”
Their behaviors are really starting to irritate me. I push Hobbie aside, softly, I didn’t wanna hurt him. “Gwen get out of the way.” I simply say to her. Not tryna cause any trouble. “What are you hiding?” I look at her up and down, trying to read her body language. Finally she slowly moves, never in a lifetime I thought I could see him again.
“Miles?” His name is the only thing that came out of my mouth. Too many emotions in my body at the same time. Sadness, shock, happiness to see him again, and anger. The only person who knew my past was Miguel because he knows everything about everyone. He sweared to me once, to never tell anything to anyone. But if Gwen and Hobbie were hiding him from me, they probably knew. So he, Miguel, told them.
“How do you know my name?” Miles asks, hearing his name after a long time felt, different. I can’t look anywhere but his face. The face I’ve had feelings for. The person I’ve shared love with, laughed, had fun. With him, I was… I was a kind person, warm and sweet. I mean that’s what Miles used to tell me. But after I’ve lost him. I became, this cold, emotionless person. I am not proud of it, but at the same time I can’t help it.
“Don’t worry about it.” Is the only thing I can say to him. He just met me, he doesn’t have a ‘me’ in his world. So I didn’t want to scare him out with my past. “So you told them? My past?” I ask Miguel, my voice cracking. I don’t want to cry right now.
“I had no choice. When I saw Miles, I knew this would’ve happen.” He simply explains himself. I get it. They were gonna find out eventually. So there was no use of hiding it any longer. I turn my body to Gwen, “How long have you two known each other?” I ask her, just wondering.
“For a year.” She answers my question. “And 4 months.” Miles adds. Huh, he must’ve counted. “Good.” I say looking at her, I felt sad, yeah.
“Look, y/n. I should’ve told you, I-“ she explains while coming towards me. I stop her, “No, It’s okay. You didn’t know.” I simply tell her.
“It’s fine.” I feel empty inside, I look at Miles, his eyes. I take a last glance at him and turn around to leave the HQ. Gwen calls my name, I act like I didn’t hear it. There’s a spot in this building that not many people go. It’s a balcony kinda thing, has a good view. I go there when I feel down.
The balcony is quiet, peaceful. Until I hear some footsteps, Spidey-Senses go off. I can sense who it is, Miles. “Hey, can I sit with you?” He asks, sweetly. I missed his voice so much. So how can I deny him? “Yeah.” My voice cracks, yeah what a great way to show that I have cried a little. But he didn’t seem to notice, great, that means no questions.
“So, from the things I’ve heard. Your past, you probably don’t wanna talk about it, but maybe talking with someone could make you feel better?” He offers, that’s what I love about him the most, he has such a sweet and kind soul. “Thank you for your kindness, you know, you’re not any different from my Miles.” I keep my head down, not having any strength to look at his face. Because when I look at that face, memories come to my mind, and it is agonizing.
“I’m sorry for what happened, it’s horrible. Miguel showed us when he was explaining the canon events and bla bla.” I can sense that he is feeling down. But why? “You feel down, what’s wrong?” I finally turned my face at him, “My dad is going to be captain, means he’s gonna die. And it is a canon event.”
Now that’s horrible, because I know how it feels. I’ve lost everyone that was close to me, I’ve lost my family. “You know,” I stopped taking a deep breath, “I am an anomaly, I wasn’t supposed get bitten by that Spider, my Miles was. But instead of him, I got bit. And then, I fell in love with him. That wasn’t supposed to happen too. All the things I did, my whole life is an… anomaly. And it led to this, my world getting destroyed, erased from existence.” Talking these things with someone who understands me felt great.
“What happens If I stop it,” he looks at me, he has some ideas. And yeah, they are probably dangerous. “I just can’t, let it happen.” He is desperate. I feel bad for him. He doesn’t deserve any of this.
“Miles, we just met. I mean, you just met me but whatever you’ll try to do, I’ll be there for you. I’ll help you.” I take his hands in mine, hold it really tight to assure him that I’m there for him.
We look at each other, hope in our eyes.
a/n: soo, this idea popped in my head while I was in shower. Haha, and I said why not write it. Any yeah, there it is. There may be grammatical mistakes, or it may be boring. Idkk. I’ll probably continue this story if I can. And if people love it, I’ll maybe post it on wattpad. I mean why not?? That’s all I’m gonna say! Bye guys, have fun reading!
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disney-is-mylife · 6 months
Disney Prince x Princess Couples SWAP!!!
FYI: I'm ONLY counting official Princess couples, which ends with Anna being the last one with a canon love interest. So, there's no Merida, Elsa, Moana, or Raya. The goal for this was to have Prince x Princess crossover pairings ONLY.
Snow White x Eugene
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Rapunzel is basically Modern-Day Snow White, and they have very similar Pure Hearts, the kind that can break down Eugene's walls. Snow White knows how to be firm when necessary, but her greatest strength is her unfailing kindness. Eugene would definitely reveal his deepest desires after sharing a cup of tea with Snow.
Cinderella x Adam (the Beast)
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Picture this: Cinderella chooses to stay at the Beast's castle in exchange for her family (be it her dad, who is alive some versions of the fairytale, or her step-family, because she IS selfless enough to try to help them). She no longer has to work as a slave (though knowing her, she'd still damn well would try to help out), and she would assimilate easily into an Enchanted Castle's environment, and her gentleness and kindness, with juuuuust a bit more of a feisty backbone to confront the Beast's temper, would unravel the Beast's tangled heart.
Aurora x Eric
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There are two things Phillip and Eric have in common: they both slayed the villain in an incredibly badass fashion, and they both are smitten with a mysterious voice. Eric is 1000% an homage to Prince Phillip's character, and you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fall head over heels in love with Mary Costa "Briar Rose's" gorgeous voice. (And let's be real, Aurora definitely has a Type lol)
Ariel x John Smith
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Ariel wants to see the human world. John Smith wants to explore the "New World." You do the math. Okay, in all honesty, this is lowkey my least favorite pairing 😭 but when you take away the Awkward Historical Stuff, they do still??? kinda fit???? It's one thing for Ariel to go ashore the nearest human kingdom; it's another for her to actually EXPLORE the planet, with an equal adventurer by her side. (Originally, I paired her with Aladdin, but I found an equal, if not better partner for him below ^^")
Belle x Phillip
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Here's a "Prince Charming" who takes names and kicks ass and would provide the adventure Belle wants so dearly. Also, I just want good things for Belle, so really, who wouldn't want Prince Slay-a-Dragon-Get-the-Girl Phillip???
Jasmine x Shang
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Shang likes a woman who can kick his ass, whether physically or verbally, and Jasmine 1000% fits the bill. Also, she'd whip that Internalized Misogyny out of his system faster than you can say "I'll Make a Man Out of You" lol
Pocahontas x Kristoff
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Look, they're both outdoorsy types, definitely prefer animals to people, and totally would take up rock climbing as a couple's activity. They're one of the few couples on this list that I did NOT change my mind on; they just fit, okay????
Mulan x Florian
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Idk sometimes I'm a basic bitch and just want a Malewife x Girlboss pairing bksbdvhbdvnmsdxngf
Tiana x Charming
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I just want good things for Tiana and if that means marrying a rich prince who'll step back and let her manage her own restaurant or the palace kitchens, then so be it! Again, Malewife x Girlboss 😤
Rapunzel x Aladdin
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Both are adventurous, both have confidence in their abilities despite their traumas, and Rapunzel is feisty enough for Aladdin's tastes. (Also, I have an inexplicable image of them adventuring throughout Agrabah with Punzie's hair swinging them about, Spider-Man style hdbgfjsdbhkgbsdf XD)
Anna x Naveen
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Look, Naveen has actual Game, and is NOT sinister like Hans, so he would EASILY sweep Anna off her feet, in the best way possible. But he wouldn't jump to marriage, and Elsa's Ice Queen presence would prevent him from, ah, moving things too fast lol ^^" Naveen, at the end of the day, is a supporter, not a leader, and that gives room for Anna to take the reins.
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
hi everyone- welcome back to my account 💚 i’ll be starting a series in which i write atsv fics of varying lengths based off of these particular headcanons from tiktok, all written by star🪐. i came across their headcanons on my fyp and all my writer’s block for atsv just evaporated. these will not be x reader, they’re just regular character fics, which i know isn’t my usual stuff but i hope you enjoy them anyway :) this is kinda new territory for me, so i will just see how it does <33 my angst lovers will def enjoy this
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this is the headcanon i’ll be writing for here!
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link to the video again, this headcanon isn’t mine!! go follow the lovely writer who made it<33
𓆩♱🪐₊˙ 🧸 ♡♱𓆪 angst ahead
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Gwen entered her house as silently as possible. It was after dark and much too late for Gwen Stacy to be out. But Spider-Woman had been out in the streets of New York City for at least two hours, fighting off a new band of villains who proclaimed themselves her archenemies and had egos too big for their own good. Such enemies were nothing new, but their number had made them a longer battle, and Gwen hadn’t escaped completely unscathed. Damage had been dealt to some public property as well- her opponents had definitely utilized weapons more than most had in this fight. To show for her battle there was a stinging scrape on her elbow, several bruises, and a bleeding gash on her forehead- all of which she could cover effectively with her clothes, but the head wound forced her to throw a hood over her head. But they were wounds Gwen sported with pride. As long as the people of Queens were safe and unharmed, she was pleased, and happy to successfully fulfill her duty as Spider-Gwen another day.
She crammed her foot into her shoe just as the door shut behind her, slipping the last of the slightly tattered Spider costume off of herself and hurriedly shoving it into her backpack- but when she tried to zip it, the damn thing wouldn’t close. Brow furrowing, Gwen pushed the suit in with more force to try and get the thing completely inside while trying to make as little noise as possible- but it wasn’t going to happen. There was simply too much stuff in the backpack; but having the suit just hanging out was absolutely not an option. Grimacing as her frustration rose, Gwen dropped on her knees to the floor to dump out some of the contents of her bag, wincing at the slightest noise various books and binders made as they hit the ground. Cursing under her breath, she tried for the third time to smush the Spider-suit inside her bag.
“Gwen? Is that you?”
Gwen almost jumped out of her skin, heart skipping a beat- but when she looked up in a panic, she saw only her father looking back at her from on the couch, the light from the TV dimly illuminating his features that were contorted into an expression of confusion. “Gwen?”
Gwen quickly zipped her backpack closed, costume secured, and stood up abruptly, eyes wide. “Um, hey, Dad.”
Her father was silent for a moment, tilting his head at her, his arm slung over the back of the sofa. “You’re here way past your curfew. Wanna explain?”
Gwen cringed, eyes shifting away from her dad. “Late band practice,” she replied as dismissively as possible, but it came out sounding a little like a question, and she bit the inside of her cheek. A weak lie, but she hadn’t expected her policeman father to still be up- usually after a full day of shifts, he was out cold by the time she made it home.
She rushed to change the subject, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “How come you’re still up, Dad?” Gwen wanted to know, quickly dashing to her room and tossing her bag into the very back of her closet before popping back into the living room, standing beside the arm of the couch. “Usually you’re asleep by now.”
Her father didn’t reply, instead turning around and facing the television again. Gwen followed his gaze- and her face immediately fell. Displaying on the screen was a live news report, from the scene at which she’d just been present at. The headline rolling across the bottom of the screen read: “Damage Dealt to Apartment Building: Spider-Woman Suspected in The Incident.”
Gwen’s eyes only narrowed the further she read, her jaw clenching and her face turning stony. Whenever the name Spider-Woman was in the headlines, nothing good ever came out of it.
Meanwhile, the reporter on the screen was standing in front of a building with a few broken windows, the red and blue lights of police cars flashing behind her. Gwen watched the woman with a grim look as she spoke: “Authorities report receiving complaints of suspicious activity from Queens Housing residents at around 10:00 PM, many reports containing descriptions of several people who seemed to be in some sort of altercation. By the time police arrived at the scene, the suspects all seemed to have gone- but based on eyewitness accounts and testimonies, at least one of the perpetrators was most definitely the notorious Spider-Woman. Along with that, behind me-“ the woman paused to back up to the brick wall of the apartment “-are remnants of what appear to be spider webs, which can definitely incriminate Spider-Woman as being at least partially responsible here.”
Gwen was snapped out of her rampaging thoughts by her father, who let out a sigh that was a mixture of exasperation, exhaustion, and anger. “Spider-Woman again,” he murmured through what sounded like clenched teeth. Frowning, Gwen turned to look at her father, who wore a hardened expression on his face, his brow furrowed. “Every time she’s brought up, it’s about someone she’s hurt or damage she’s done to this city. This used to be a decent place.” He shook his head and sighed. “And she has the audacity to label herself a ‘hero.’”
Gwen felt her heart sink in her chest, her shoulders drooped, and her head lowered, knowing what was to come next. Her father had not been fond of “Spider-Woman” ever since what had happened with Peter. And although Gwen knew objectively that her father’s determination to finally capture Spider-Woman was only rooted in his love for her, seeing the pain Peter’s death seemingly at the hands of Spider-Woman had caused his daughter, it still sent sharp pains through her chest whenever he spoke about her so negatively and with such contempt in his tone- Gwen knew it was actually directed towards her.
Captain Stacy noticed his daughter’s silence, and turned his head to face her, a look of sympathy on his face. “Don’t worry, kid- we’ll catch her soon. I’ll catch her soon. I promise it won’t be long before we put her away, ‘kay?”
Gwen felt her muscles tighten as he said this, avoiding looking at him as her lips pressed into a thin line and her eyes squeezed shut for a brief moment. Then she burst out abruptly, “Dad, why don’t you just give up looking for Spider-Woman? It isn’t like you’ll ever catch her.”
Even though she wasn’t looking at her father, she could feel his gaze burning into her, and she could sense the confusion and faint undertones of anger. There was a chilly moment of silence before Captain Stacy replied, his tone wavering as he tried to be reasonable. “Gwen- this woman’s been a menace to society for months. It wouldn’t be safe to just let her go free.” He turned around for a moment and gestured to the still droning TV, the camera now pointed at the newswoman along with a bystander- an elderly woman with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Gwen turned sharply back towards the screen, already feeling her heart begin to race.
“I woke up to the sound of my window cracking, and then it just broke,” the old woman shared, the police sirens whooping in the background punctuating her words. A heavy sigh escaped Gwen at the trembling of the woman’s voice, and she swallowed hard. “I didn’t get to see what exactly broke it. All I saw was a shadow and I heard a thud. I was so shocked and frightened I had a hard time getting up.”
Damn. Gwen vaguely recalled ricocheting off of a window of what she assumed was an abandoned building, of which there was an abundance of in New York City, but she hadn’t had a clue that it was an apartment complex.
Meanwhile, Captain Stacy listened to the old woman as well, shaking his head sorrowfully. “It’s a shame that our elderly can’t even be safe with Spider-Woman running loose the way she is. That’s why it’s so important to catch her- before she harms anybody else.” There was a certain spin to the way Gwen’s father said anybody else- a certain emphasis that she had heard so many times when he talked about Spider-Woman. He was alluding to Peter.
“Well, nobody was hurt,” Gwen asserted in a firm voice, brow furrowing and cheeks heating up as she tried to defend herself. “Isn’t that what matters?”
Captain Stacy was quick to respond. “Someone could have been hurt, though,” he answered, clearly displeased. “That’s why vigilantes like Spider-Woman are no good. If she isn’t being regulated by an actual organization, she can do whatever she wants, hurt people in the process, and suffer no repercussions.”
Gwen felt something dark and unpleasant pool in the pit of her stomach. “Look, Dad, there are criminals in this very city doing way worse than anything Spider-Woman’s ever done, okay? Why not focus on them? Why bring her up so often? It’s literally all you talk about.” Gwen’s voice began to rise in volume. “Just stop going after her already, Dad. It’s pointless.”
Captain Stacy stood up and faced Gwen, his expression disbelieving. “Gwen- Gwen, you’re not serious. You know I won’t just let her do what she wants. I can’t.“ A note of irritation began to sound in his tone, but the officer paused and closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply before looking back up at Gwen with that same piteous look. “You know… it’s probably just the pain talking. I know you just want to let it go-“
Gwen was in no mood, her emotions beginning to slip out of her control. She felt her face harden. “Dad, enough. I don’t wanna talk about that. I’m talking about Spider-Woman-“
“The only reason I talk about Spider-Woman so much is because of that.” Captain Stacy’s voice turned stern as he stretched up to his full height. He didn’t move from his place, but his severity was evident from where Gwen was standing at the end of the couch. Letting out a breath of exasperation, he put his hands on his hips. “You know, I’m a little confused here. She‘s destroying property and potentially harming innocent civilians, which is objectively reason enough for any decent person to want her behind bars. But our personal stake in this- your personal stake in this- I mean, what she did to Peter-“
“We aren’t talking about that now. No.”Gwen held up a hand in an impassioned stop motion, shutting her eyes and looking away, tugging the hood on head a little further in front of her face. Her voice was beginning to break, tears pricking at the backs of her eyes. Again she swallowed.
Captain Stacy’s expression darkened. “I think we are.” The change in his mood made Gwen tense. “What she did to Peter is unforgivable. What she did to you is unforgivable.” He paused, seeming to struggle to get his own words out. “Spider-Woman… Spider-Woman is an awful person, and she deserves to be caught and put away. She deserves-“
“Dad, no. Just stop,” Gwen pleaded, the tears burning in her eyes blurring her vision slightly. She felt like she was spiraling out of control, her breathing growing panicked. “I mean, it could have been an accident, yeah?” Gwen threw her arms in the air. “She hasn’t killed anyone else, has she? Just leave her alone. I don’t want to hear you talk about her anymore, Dad, please.” Her blue eyes were wet and wide, the emotion within them raw.
Captain Stacy was alarmed by his daughter’s change in demeanor, his face turning more concerned and his tone softening a little. “Gwen, but even if I don’t talk about her, I’ll still be trying to catch her.” He slowly walked to Gwen, then placed a large hand on her shoulder, gazing down at her with a melancholy look in his eyes. At his touch, she stiffened. “I really hate to see you this upset over Spider-Woman, Gwen. You see what she’s done? You see the effect she’s had on you?”
God, he wasn’t listening. Gwen’s shoulders were tensed high, her head facing the floor, and she wouldn’t look at her father, feeling the first tear fall from her eye and down her cheek. Vehemently, she wiped it roughly from her eye with the base of her palm, breathing shakily. Captain Stacy noticed it, and sighed deeply, pulling Gwen close to his chest and cradling her head in his hand.
Gwen felt a softer part of herself relax a little in her father’s grasp, but she continued to tremble, eyes still pointed down. Her mind was a mess. All her dad ever talked about lately was Spider-Woman- even the mere mention could set him off on a tangent about how terrible she was and how she needed to be locked away. And every time he did, Gwen felt another tiny piece of herself break away, the web keeping her together unraveling just a little more. The secret of being Spider-Woman was beginning to eat at her very core. And her father always telling her over and over what a horrible person Spider-Woman was, ignorant of the fact that she was Gwen, had been wearing on her for a long time. Already Gwen felt so, so guilty for what had happened to her best friend. She had even stopped acting as Spider-Woman for some time afterward- numb with grief. Some days she felt so heavy with it that she couldn’t even lift her feet to walk and she just wanted to puke. She skipped school- which was easy to do since her father left before dawn to work- and just locked herself in her room with tears stinging her eyes and thoughts so dark swirling through her head that Gwen sometimes feared herself. She was strong, and she knew that, but Gwen absolutely could not handle her father hating her as much as she sometimes hated herself. He was all she had left.
Meanwhile, Captain Stacy continued to hold his daughter, the TV now ignored. He rested his head in his daughter’s hair, blissfully unaware of the real reason she was crying. “Gwen…” he murmured sadly into her hair, caressing her cheek. “You have no idea how much it kills me to see you like this.”
Gwen pressed her lips together into a thin line, harshly blinking back more tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, sclera tinged red with the burn. She said nothing, chin trembling as she lowered her head further into her father’s chest, her breathing starting to steady as she found some comfort in her father’s embrace.
And then he said this.
“I won’t let Spider-Woman kill you inside… like she killed Peter.”
Never had Gwen’s stomach sunk so quickly. She felt everything within her turn icy. She turned completely frigid in her father’s arms.
Gwen had shoved it down as long as she could remember after Peter’s death. She had forced it deep into the darkest crevices of her mind and locked it away so that she never had to acknowledge it. It was the one thing that could possibly send her over the edge.
The thought that she was directly responsible for Peter’s demise.
She hadn’t even dared to think about it. She had spent - and her father, her own dad, believed it.
That she had killed her best friend.
The fact that Captain Stacy didn’t know that Gwen was Spider-Woman only made it that much worse. No personal bias, from an objective standpoint, and he had still come to the conclusion that she was Peter’s murderer.
And that forced Gwen to confront the grim possibility, the thought that she had regular nightmares about and fought so long to banish from her head, that he was right. That she had, indeed, killed her best friend.
“Dad, no,” Gwen heard herself say, as if from a distance.
Captain Stacy pulled away from Gwen slightly to meet her eyes. “What?”
“I said no!” Gwen was suddenly yelling, tearing herself violently from her father’s arms. She noticed that she could hardly see, and then realized that she was crying, all the tears she’d been holding back streaming down her cheeks. It was too much to even try and wipe away. “Dad, please, I’m begging you, just stop talking about her. Stop going after her. I don’t want you to mention anything about her anymore.” Her voice cracked more with every word, breaking down into sobs as sharp pains suddenly wracked her chest. No matter how deeply she breathed she couldn’t seem to get enough air, strangled heaving sounds emitting from her chest.
Captain Stacy looked anxious, not having moved from where he stood. His focus never left his daughter. “Gwen. Gwen, what’s going on?”
“Nothing. Nothing’s going on,” Gwen answered bitterly through her tears, hating that she was still forced to lie. She would always be forced to lie. Gwen knew she could never tell her dad the truth about her identity now, and it only made her cry all the more vehemently. Not being able to confide in her own dad while being unable to see any of her other friends made Gwen feel so agonizingly alone. She could literally feel the hole in her heart, and it just made her feel weak. She was supposed to be independent. Gwen felt like she was losing her mind, and she just could not another mention of Spider-Woman from her dad.
“Gwen. Gwen, you’re crying-“
She was pacing back and forth across the room, hands on her head and fingers tangled in her hair as if she was trying to physically hold her mind together. She stopped in front of her father, gesturing wildly. “Please, Dad, just- please, promise me, you’ll stop going after her. Please.” Gwen’s words felt as if they were being pulled from her very soul, and it hurt. She stood in front of her father, eyes glistening and tears staining her red cheeks. She was the picture of desperation.
Captain Stacy’s expression was grim, and he opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again as he gazed at Gwen with a look in his eye as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he still didn’t understand. And Gwen knew he wasn’t going to stop going after her.
There was a moment of morose silence between father and daughter, the only sound being Gwen’s shaky breathing as she tried halfheartedly to calm herself. Eventually her expression relaxed- her eyes lowering and her hands falling to her sides limply. There was no point.
Gwen lowered her eyes slowly back to the ground, her hand weakly coming up to her face to brush the tears away. Her face had stiffened, turning into a stony mask. She nodded, a barely visibly motion, and a bitter smile started at the corners of her lips, but it quickly vanished. Not looking at her father, she turned her back to him, and sort of awkwardly began to head to her bedroom.
Gwen stopped in her tracks as she heard her father’s voice. She didn’t turn around.
There was silence before Captain Stacy spoke again. “What happened to your head?”
Gwen frowned at first, not knowing what he was talking about- but then she felt a strand of hair brush her cheek and realized her hood had come down, revealing the wound she had suffered during her earlier fight.
“Ran into a wall at school.” Gwen answered, voice slightly hoarse. She closed her eyes for a second, letting one more tear spill from her eye before retreating to her bedroom, shutting the door slowly behind her. She felt detached, as if she was watching herself from afar. Her footsteps were unsteady as she walked to her bed and sat down. And then she brought her knees to her aching chest and cried.
Gwen didn’t know how long she had spent on her bed, sobbing like she hadn’t done since Peter’s death, before she felt a tap on her head which was buried in her arms. At first she didn’t acknowledge it, but when she was tapped again with a little more force, Gwen allowed her eyes only to peer from behind her arms and see what it was.
She was met with a painfully bright light, flashing different colors every second, and she grimaced when it hit her stinging and swollen eyes, thinking that it was probably just a siren. But then Gwen looked further up- and her eyes widened.
Hobie peered down at her, a slight frown on his face, but he seemed as nonchalant as ever.
“Rough night?”
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laismoura-art · 10 months
@mikka-minns, MA GAL! I HAD IDEAS!! 💛💛
Ok, so Scorpion!Harumi has been living rent free in my mind soooooo, I made an (huge ass) AU!
This goes Spider Gwen style like we talked! So Harumi became Scorpion instead of Hanzo!
I dunno what's the process to become Scorpion, I imagine they evaluate your skills during missions, but also go through some trail by combat! And in our reality (Scorpion!Hanzo's reality) Hanzo and Harumi are toe to toe but he wins by an inch, while in this reality Harumi got the upper hand!
And this here's my take on her design as Scorpion:
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Now under the cut I go more in depth with her life and stuff, I didn't make it all that different from Hanzo (as you know, parallels and canon events🎸 and stuff) but there's a twist or two!
So Harumi becomes Scorpion, and due to his performance Hanzo is one of her most trusted warriors, till they have Satoshi and Hanzo becomes more of a stay-at-home dad so Harumi can go in longer and more challenging missions.
And one day she is hired do one of the most dangerous missions yet, steal a map from a Shaolin Temple!
She meets the man, Bi-Han, the Sub-Zero himself! He is, as expected, not impressed by the warrior before him, too short, too scrawny, he expected they would send something better to face him!
But as they engage in combat, oh boy! Perhaps he did underestimate this warrior after all! She was skilled and pulled a hell of a fight! But she is only human and he one of the last Cryomancers on Earth. Our Scorpion wouldn't stand a chance.
He defeated her and as he was ready to deliver the final blow! He hears a plea. From the Scorpion, and the penny drops!
A woman.
Sub-Zero is well known to be Ruthless and merciless. But not a monster. "Never women and children." That's his rule.
He beats her to unconsciousness, as he judges his right as winner of the match, and leaves her as she is, beaten and humiliated... but alive.
No one would hear of Sub-Zero's rare display of mercy, not even Harumi herself, as she woke up as a dead woman, in hell, reborn as a wraith.
No one knows who killed Harumi Hasashi, but for her, the killer was obvious, the last person seen with her. The ruthless, the merciless. The Sub-Zero.
He had killed her! And as she later learned, he lead an attack to her home, the Fire Gardens. Her entire clan, her beloved husband, and her sweet baby boy. All taken from her so brutally.
Sub-Zero would pay for this! And the only way she found to get to him was through Quan Chi.
A fair trade, she imagined, do one job for the evil man and get her revenge! It made sense for her. "It's what Hanzo would've done. It's what Hanzo would've wanted..."
She headed to the Mortal Kombat as a wraith, driven by her own anger and sorrow (and the whispers of a mad man) she killed Sub-Zero. He was unconscious when he died, a small mercy for another.
Vengeance was found, but not freedom. Harumi stayed by Quan Chi's side, where else would she be? Where else would she go? Who else would be out there for her?
But their "Alliance" was short lived as soon came the truth.
It was Quan Chi the man who slaughtered her family and clan, it was Quan Chi who killed Harumi after Sub-Zero had defeated her. It was Quan Chi who manipulated her grief her pain, her sorrow.
But it was she, and only she who had killed Bi-Han. She had killed an innocent man and sooner or later, she would pay the price.
It did not take long for someone to come to avenge Bi-Han. Two siblings. Twins. Kuai Liang and Lisa Liang. Came to avenge their fallen older brother.
By the time they got to Harumi she already knew the truth, she'd already burned Quan Chi till he was nothing but a pile of burnt flesh.
She had avenged her loved ones and killed a monster. Now it was only fair the siblings, now the Sub-Zero Siblings, had their shot at getting rid of their monster.
It was only fair. It was what Harumi deserved for allowing herself to be so foolish. It was what she deserved.
But it would have to wait. The world was in danger, and she was the only one who could stop it.
She pleaded the siblings for help, to help her do the right thing, "kill me if you must, but promise me you will keep the Kamidogu safe!"
Kuai Liang, though hesitant, was the first to aid the Scorpion. He hated her, that was true, but it was also true that he wouldn't risk the world for his own needs and desires. He was better than that, and he knew that, and even Scorpion knew that.
Lisa Liang however, was harder to convince, she was torn by her need for vengeance and the world's need of her. She did not trust the Scorpion one bit, and she thought her brother was a fool to even consider give this woman a chance.
But Kuai Liang was firm in his decision, he would protect the world, and Lisa, would protect her remaining family.
With the threat of the Kamidogu dealt with, Kuai Liang started his mission to find his missing friends and rebuild the Lin Kuei, he did not care much for vengeance anymore, he just wanted to preserve his family's legacy.
Lisa, went with him.
"My life is yours to take." Harumi told Lisa humbly before she left. The Cryomancer pondered, but ended refusing the offer. There was something about that Scorpion, something she saw during their partnership, that made Lisa hesitate.
Harumi insisted her life would be theirs, but in another way. A Shirai Ryu way.
She became their guardian and protector, she made herself a home, hidden within the Lin Kuei, until Kuai Liang, who had already made his peace with her and the role she had in his life, decided it was past the time to offer the Scorpion forgiveness. Even if she did not judge herself deserving of it.
Kuai invited her to stay officially and for as long as she desired. She would have a room of her own and role to play.
Never had the Sub-Zero Twins argued so intensely before. But in the end, Kuai had the last word, and Harumi stayed.
Getting Lisa to like her was a hardship, but as the years passed, the Cryomancer sister started to warm up to her. Even if she would never bring herself to admit.
Years later, Harumi was already part of the Sub-Zero family, it was hard, and having Bi-Han returning from the dead did not make things any easier, but in the end her efforts payed out.
One day, an unimaginable thing happened, Lord Raiden and his champions had found another reality. In this reality, Harumi had died, she had learned it was a normal occurrence within the multiverse.
But she had also learned whenever she died. He lived. Her Hanzo.
His visit to this world was quick, but it made quite an impact on her, as she made on him. They could both tell each other the death of their loved ones was not their fault. Never their fault.
They could tell each other how much they missed one another, how much their cared, how much they loved! They could tell each other everything they wanted but never had the opportunity to...
And by the end of the evening, Hanzo had one more thing to say: "I am in love."
Harumi knew from his expression that he was uncertain of what her reaction would be. He did not want her to feel betrayed, forgotten.
She assured him he was doing no such a thing, as a matter of fact, he was making her very happy!
Because she wanted him to be happy, she wanted him to move on, and find someone who loved him as much as she did! "He is such a sweet person, he should be able to share it with someone deserving!" She thought to herself.
And when her curiosity couldn't be contained, she asked the question: "who is this person that now owns your heart?"
And the answer, somehow did not surprise her: Kuai Liang.
No matter the reality, Kuai Liang always finds his way to one's heart, how could anyone possibly not love him?
And if someone is deserving of Hanzo's love, is Kuai Liang!
Hanzo had told her a lot about his world, it was not so different, though it had some significant changes, the one that shocked Harumi the most, was that there were only two Sub-Zero siblings, not three. Lisa did not exist in his world.
It stung her heart to imagine it, a world without Lisa's fierce heart, bold attitude and a kind heart she would only trust a few.
"A world without Lisa." Haruni pondered, "What a sad world it would be. What a painful thought."
Oh, I wonder what this thought could mean?
Congratulations! You made it through the end! :D
Here, have a (very) rough sketch:
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I used recent pics of Lisa's actress (Rachel Lee Harris) as inspo (specially for her hair) and gave her THAT SUIT™️, I also gave it thigh high boots cause @gophergal inspired me!💜
Also tagging @paradisechid800 cause your post started it all! 💛
Edit: More of this AU!
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Ultimate X-Men #3 Discussion
          If you have not read this issue, then please look away now! I’ve been really loving this title so far. I think this issue is worth your time and money, so don’t spoil yourself and maybe come back to this when you’ve read this issue.
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          I really enjoyed learning more about Mei Igarashi/MayStorm this issue and seeing how her powers manifested. We saw a bit of her connection to Storm/Ororo; in the issue, we saw a glimpse of her looking up “Storm” on social media and reading all about her escapades as a freedom fighter in West Africa:
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I already talked about this in my Ultimate Black Panther #1-3 Discussion, but I really appreciated that we get some confirmation on who Storm is and how she is related to Mei in this universe. I also like how this is kind of the first time these books have connected with one another. Unless you count the Tony Stark appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man #1, there hasn’t really been that much crossover in the first 3 Ultimate Universe titles. My only problem with them showing Mei and Storm’s connection is that I wish it was longer. I would love to know more about the extent of Mei’s interest in Storm. I’m hoping we see more of her connection with Storm and maybe see her work with Storm in the future as the stories of this universe progress. Although this little panel suffices, I just wish there was more.
          We also get to see Mei’s family life in this issue, and it is not good. Her parents seem to be fighting all the time because her father seems to be cheating on her mother with another woman. Also, her dad seems pretty checked out with the whole relationship and his family in general because anytime we see him, his expression doesn’t really change. He’s just looking at his paper or looking somewhere else. It feels like he has straight up disdain for the family he has, and Mei has learned to dislike her father because of his actions and inaction within their family. He is also pretty abusive in this issue. When Mei talks back to her in this issue, Mei’s father hits her without any remorse:
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What really gets to me about these pages is the fact that he just did it so nonchalantly. Like he knew this was just something Mei deserved or something he needed to do to punish her daughter. He did it so matter-of-factly that it was really scary and effective in making me hate this guy, which makes what happens next so satisfying:
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This is my favorite panel of the issue. Mei, after being struck by her father, unleashes and awakens her mutant powers. It’s like all this pent-up anger and repressed emotions she feels inside just explodes and makes themselves feel known. I absolutely love Peach Momoko’s art here. I think she drew Mei’s awakening so well, which makes what follows after so heartbreaking:
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Her father doesn’t even flinch, and he doesn’t change his demeanor. He just wants her out of his house. When I first read this, I was speechless because her father was just so cruel. He didn’t even try to understand what happened or understand his daughter at all. All he knew was that her daughter was now a liability and someone he couldn’t control anymore, so he told her to go. This scene just completely deflates that big burst of energy from when Mei awakens her power. It’s as if there’s nothing that she could do to change how her father feels and acts about her. Even her powers manifesting wasn’t enough to get a better reaction from him.
          I’m going to talk a little bit about the Shadow King (This is still not confirmed by the way, but we still don’t have a name for him so I’m just sticking with “the Shadow King” for now). We saw a bit of him this issue. I still maintain my belief that it was too early to reveal that the Shadow King’s identity was an actual physical person and not some spirit or entity because I felt like all of the mystique surrounding his identity and what he is went away when we found out what he looked like. I really would have preferred it more if his identity was kept a secret for at least a year. Yes, there’s still some questions regarding his identity and his motivations that are left to be answered. However, I felt like we could have kept more of the horror aspect of the book if his identity was kept a secret for a little longer. I’m not saying that it’s not there still, but with this issue specifically, it felt like that aspect has been diminished. I understand that Momoko probably wanted to temper people’s expectations of who this person is, so I’m trusting that she knows what she’s doing and I’m just going to enjoy what she has in store for us in the future. I am a little excited to find out more about who this person actually is and what his motivations are, so I hope we get those answers soon.
          This issue also introduces us a bit to Nico Minoru, which was a nice surprise. As far as I know, Nico Minoru was never a mutant unless I’m missing something. If I am, then please let me know. I’m pretty sure she’s a sorceress/witch in the main 616 universe and was never a mutant. I wonder how this version of Nico Minoru’s powers work because is seems to hint that she’s a psychic in this issue; but also, at the end of the issue we see her holding a magnifying glass that oddly looks like the Staff of One:
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I like her design in this issue and I’m wondering if the magnifying glass helps her use her powers at all. Maybe that’s how she knows that Mei and Hisako are mutants. Sidenote: This is the first time in this series that anybody has mentioned the word ‘Mutant”. If that magnifying glass is the Staff of One, then that makes me wonder if certain mutants in this universe need “trinkets” to activate their powers because Hisako in this issue talks about how her Omamori is always with her even when she forgets it:
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When Hisako activated her armor power back in Issue 1, we see her holding her Omamori in her hand:
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The Omamori looks exactly like her armor too. My theory is that maybe certain mutants in this universe are connected to certain items that helps them manifest their powers? We know that this universe has a very interesting history with artifacts and stolen destinies/powers. The Maker took certain items/artifacts that would have turned certain people into superheroes. What if this universe holds value to those artifacts/objects and that is how some mutants use their power in this universe? What do you guys think?
Anyways, I want to go back to the picture of Nico Minoru’s introduction and focus on the little girl on Nico’s right:
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The little girl is wearing bunny ears, and my immediate thought is that it was Molly Hayes of the Runaways. Maybe even the girl with the eyepatch is Gert Yorkes? I don’t really know if that’s Molly or if that’s Gert but I’m excited to find out. Also, I want to point out that Mei Igarashi is technically a runaway right now. She’s not with her parents anymore. It seems that she’s alone right now, so maybe we will see a version of the Runaways in this series? What do you guys think? I personally really like the Runaways team, so seeing them in this book in some form or another will be nice.
          That’s all I have for this issue of Ultimate X-Men. Thank you for reading this! I’d love to know what you guys think of the issue. I didn’t talk much about Hisako this issue because this issue was more about Mei, but there were some panel in the beginning of this book that I want to see where it goes for a bit before I talk about it. Thank you for reading and have a great day.
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This went…slightly off the rails, I think. I really only wanted to put a quick reference to the whole Mumbatten scene and ended up…rewriting it. Again. (>.<) god, that’s embarrassing. Anyway, enjoy!
Part 1 here
The whole ‘canon events must happen to all Spiders’ debacle that Miguel set off lasted a lot longer than Miles was expecting. Time stretched differently across the multiverse, which he hadn’t known or been expecting,and which had thrown him off of his semi-regular cycle. All this to say that when he finally went back home, it was the nearly four months from his initial leave date (the day of the block party and his dad’s promotion), he was still battered and bruised from several different fights (starting with O’Hara and, ironically, ending with O’Hara), he still actually had to fight the Spot (who had landed back in regular 1610 New York approximately two minutes before Miles did, that was kinda lucky, right?), and the cherry to top it all off, he’d missed his rut and could already feel it —
Wait, wait wait wait. Wait. Let’s back up.
So Gwen finally found a way to visit, and showed up the day before his dad’s official promotion. They hung out for a bit, and then Miles realized that she’d had an ulterior motive for coming to his dimension. Which, weirdly enough, had to do more with the Spot than him. When she pulled up communication with an unfamiliar woman who’d sent her to a different dimension to catch the Spot, Miles made a split second decision to go after her.
Finding himself in Mumbatten was…an experience. He thought that having different dimension Spiders in his New York would be as different as things could get, but he was…very wrong.
Mumbatten was loud. Yes, New York could also get loud, but not this way. There were people everywhere talking in Indian. Scooters with more people on them than they were designed to hold, Indian music playing nearly everywhere. Traffic was similar enough, surprisingly, but there were more clotheslines than Miles had been expecting, and the buildings were shaped differently. It was an entirely different sort of beauty than Miles knew from his own New York, but it was still breathtakingly beautiful, and the Spider who protected it was no different.
Pavitr was bright and funny, and Miles liked him almost instantly. He didn’t particularly care for how fast he clocked his crush on Gwen, and Gwen clearly hadn’t expected the younger Spider to point it out so blatantly. Still, Miles was down for helping Pavitr as much as he could, considering how long the kid had been Spider Man for (seriously, six months and the kid got a watch?? Miles thought he’d been doing a great job at being Spider Man, he’d been doing it for over a year on his own, why couldn’t he get one?) and considering the Spot had initially come from his universe anyway.
Also, and Miles in no way ever wanted Pavitr to figure this out, his alpha instincts kicked in around him almost immediately. He wanted to protect this (apparently beta) Spider he barely knew, keep bad things from happening to him and his world. And, honestly, that meant following both him and Gwen to Mumbatten AlcheMax, despite his sporadic glitching, to help stop the Spot. He’d tried to show off, tried to display to Gwen and Pavitr a new trick he was working on, and though he’d just nearly had it working —
Omega pinged on his senses, and before Miles could even try to figure out what was going on, there was an additional Spider.
He was tall and thin, and Miles felt himself going haywire in the rush to protectprotectprotectprotect this brand new person he didn’t even know, this omega who quite literally came out of nowhere. He turned to Gwen instead, slightly indignant when she clearly knew this new Spider, and feeling his instincts to impress flare up when Pavitr thanked this new Spider for breaking the barrier he’d been trying to break. Not only that, but then! Then, this new Spider gave Miles advice on how to do better next time, and also implied that Gwen, an alpha, spent the night at his, the omega’s, place recently.
It was a lot. It was a lot for Miles, especially in the middle of a fight, and a fight with the Spot to boot. He tried to show off where he could, but it wasn’t working like he hoped it would. Because of Spot, of course, not because of anything else. Miles wasn’t even sure who he was trying to impress at this point; on the one hand, there was Gwen, who he’d had a crush on since she’d introduced herself as ‘Gwanda’ and he’d stuck his hand to her hair on accident (the way she’d physically snapped her compact mirror shut and later verbally snapped at him about her new haircut had made his blood boil in the best way).
And on the other hand…
Look, Miles had been focused on Gwen, kind of. Hung up on her, on one of the only other people his age he’d known who would understand the dangers and risks and rewards of being a Spider. He never really cared to make overtures at others in his universe, omega or otherwise. As far as he’d been concerned, Gwen had been the be-all, end-all.
But now Hobie. Hobie, with his spiked mask, his vest, with his pink outline every time Miles got close, with his guitar and his boots and that super enticing omega scent he kept catching whiffs of…Miles found himself trying to show off for him even as he tried to poke holes in the other Spider’s logic (“I don’t believe in teamwork!” “Aren’t you in a band?” “I don’t believe in consistency!”). He was failing, miserably.
And then when the Spot got away, and Mumbatten’s AlcheMax started falling apart. Pavitr looked to them, and so did a bright pink Hobie, and Miles automatically gave out the orders to get things done quickly to save the civilians. He’d felt a burst of pride that was quickly popped when Hobie agreed to do what he said even as he pointedly mentioned it wasn’t because Miles specifically wanted him to, and he and Pavitr worked to get civilians to safety as quickly as possible. In this, they worked together much more seamlessly than they had fighting the Spot, and by the time Hobie and Gwen had dropped the AlcheMax building, everything was almost peachy.
And then Pavitr had to save the bus, and couldn’t save the Inspector in time, and Miles saw his opportunity. He could help Pavitr, he could get noticed by the Spider Society Gwen was a part of and get himself an inter-dimensional watch to see Peni and Peter and Noir and Ham again, he could prove himself as a viable alpha to Hobie Gwen, prove himself to Gwen.
She tried to stop him, clearly worried about him, and he reassured her as best as he could before jumping into the fray after Pavitr. And he did it, he saved the Inspector, he saved the little girl, and though Gwen was the one who pulled the rubble off of the three of them, Miles found himself looking for Hobie in spite of himself.
He was still caught off guard when the Spider himself grabbed him from behind, shaking him and crowing praise in his ear like he couldn’t help himself. Miles felt warm all over, smiling up at his bright pink outline as best as he could even though it wasn’t clearly visible through the mask; though he’d stopped tensing up when Gwen appeared to be all right, Miles found himself relaxing even more now that Hobie was for sure ok. He’d barely even registered the people cheering for them all, the way that all four of them were waving back and Pavitr was almost bouncing on his feet. Hobie still had his arm around Miles, and though he wasn’t quite sure of what was proper or not, Miles found himself wanting to wrap himself around Hobie in return.
And, honestly? That was an entire can of worms he did not feel like opening. Ever.
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szagaloree · 1 year
His wife…
Chapter 6
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Contains: cuteness and fluff
In the morning spider was looking around, he walks into his aunties quarters “hey have y’all seen mom?” He asks “naw kid, she didn’t come in the room at all last night,” Raven answered putting her gun her hoister, he leaves looking for her. Searching through the lab she was now where to be found neither Quaritch, so he walks over to his room, he quietly opens the door and walks in, once he peeled behind the wall he sees his mother and father both in the bed asleep, he started to smile a little. Quaritch begins to wake up and his eyes were upon me till he glances up he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him but once he looks back again he flinches from seeing spider standing by the wall, “how long have you been standing there?” He asks, “I just came in, I was looking for mom but I guess found her,” spider smirks.
He huffs shaking his head “learn how to knock,” he said, he leans up before slapping my hip “alright wake up,” he said tiredly “shut up” she mumbles shifting in her sleep “don’t tell me to shut up woman get up,” he shakes her head she opens her eyes groaning before pausing “spider-what the hell are you doing?” She asks “nothing I was looking for you,” he smirks as he leaves, I huff then glance at quaritch who chuckled “what’s funny?” I question as I get up, “I wasn’t laughin,” he said, I got dressed but Quaritch pulls me back by my tail making my eyes go wide “get back here you little kitty cat,” he says, “ughh don’t call me that it’s so cringey,” I scoff, I walk away “oh you’ll like it,” he smirked, I leave out heading to the lab, “gwen, been looking for you, we got some intel on sully,” Raven said “what?” What’s going on?” I ask she grabs my wrist taking me to the corner “they’ve relocated far from the forest,” she informs, “good, they it’s best for them,” I sighed, “how are we gonna deal with the rda? The more we rebel the more suspicious they get and they can put us down?” She asks worriedly “I don’t know but.. I gotta get spider out of this,” I huff “gotta figure something out sooner or later,” I shake my head looking down.
I walked outside to see Quaritch teaching spider how to play basketball, “so.. you didn’t come back in the quarters last night, you and Quaritch had some fun?” Allen asks i chocked on my water “hell no! What the fuck Allen,” the girls snickered, I roll my eyes “we didn’t do shit, so y’all can stop the you’re little foolery,” I said, I sat down and laid my head on raven’s lap, “make sure to beat that asshole’s ass spider!” Ellice shouts I smirk with a snicker “ why don’t you get you’re ass up and play since you’re all talk,” he said, “ohhh I don’t wanna do ya old man,” we laughed.
As they play I just sat and watch spider and quaritch interact with each other, this is one of the first times I’ve seen Quaritch act like a person and not a puppet. He was being him, smiling and everything, i would wish this for him then anything else but I can only convince him for so long till it’s his finals decision on what he wants, me and the girls jumped when the boys sprayed water on us “you fucking asshole!” I scoff, they laughed, later on groan wincing in pain that was in my chest, I could hardly breath, “you alright?” Allen asks “yea god this chest pain is killing me,” I huff, “probably needs some meds,” she said, I walk to the lab wincing, “what’s wrong?” Spider asks “nothing just having chest pain randomly,” I answered.
I huff taking some pills before sitting down at the table by spider “so how you feelin?” I ask, “fine, dad taught me how to make a 3 pointer,” he smiled “nice, how do you feel, about your dad?” I ask nervously, “he’s… good, I mean I wouldn’t think he would, accept me he would disown me… after being kinda alone i just wished you both were here,” he says “I know, you’re dad could’ve been here longer then me if he wasn’t a hard ass, I don’t know how to get through his big head,” I said “do you ever think if you and dad could get.. back. Together?” He asks hesitant of the answer because he knows how much I was very overprotective of him against his dad, I didn’t want him to be just like him nor end up the rda’s puppet, but them getting together again, that was our of the question…. Is It? I only dreamed of us being together, being happy and living a free life on Pandora away from the rda and their bullshit, but that’s only a dream to be honest.
“I don’t know, don’t think so, the way he is, it’s..mm” I bit my lip, it’s hard to talk about it even more. He looks down saddened “but I wouldn’t mind being friends with him I just can’t be with him,” I said, he nodded. After dinner I stood in a certain room to look at my old logs, it hurts to see how I was when I first got there but I love for when I changed, it was a lot better. “Reminiscing on the past?” Quaritch comes in “spider’s asleep?” I ask he nods “yea knocked out figured playing basketball wore him out,” he said, “surprised you ain’t knocked out old man,” I said “yea whatever i ain’t old,” he sat down, “you really never gave up that hairstyle,” he says, “what about it? That’s my go too,” I said, he grins “mhm, I be telling everytime to just let your damn hair down for once,” he said “and I did once,” he chuckles.
“You want to go fly around for a little?” He asks.
“Why?” I ask “what just to have some fun,” he smirks getting up, is Jake my head silently laughing as I get up. Flying through the sky it feels so beautiful and refreshing to see the forest at night and how it glows, earth was never like that even before it was destroyed by buildings and wars and pollution.
🎶“I could lie-could lie-could lie… everything that kills meee… makes me feel alive”🎶
I giggle watching Quaritch chase after me “imma get you somehow,” he smirks “I’ll like to see you try,” I chuckle.
🎶“lately I’ve been-I’ve been loosing sleep… dreaming about the things that we could be… but baby I’ve been-I’ve been prayin hard.. said no more counting dollars.. we’ll be counting stars…”🎶
I fly down laughing he lifts me up making me squeal with laughter, “stawwp” I giggle he smiled carrying me inside over his shoulder, “miles put me down right now,” I said, “nope” he smirks, we ended up in his room apparently and now he puts me down I run to leave but he grabs my tail “aye let my tail go,” I jumped he pulls me back “get back here you little rascal,” he said, I scoff he wraps his arms around my waist sighing in content. “Why am I in your room?” I ask cocking a brow, “what scared Ian gone bite ya,” he smirked I shake my head at his foolishness. “Even an avatar you are still sooo fine,” I chuckle “don’t think this is a way for you to get your way with me Quaritch,” I said “back to Quaritch? Whaaat nooo,” he fake pouts, I roll my eyes “I’m serious, you look just like you, that’s sexy bomb ass women I married,” he said pecking my lips teasingly, I stared at him not sure if I should take the bait, but you only live twice? I guess, I kiss back leaving him shocked, his grip tightened pulling me closer to his chest.
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
The Boys
In order to build up their forces, Jake begins reaching out and visiting some of the other clans. As they grow older, the kids end up acting as diplomats
Spider ends up on an extended stay with the Ash clans when he's about 17, a stay that influences him a lot in helping him to understand himself and grow in his comfort within his body
The Ash clans are a people of oddballs, some rejected from their first clans, others raised in the clan of outcasts, and all of them creating a clan focused on bettering oneself ]
He befriends a Na'vi named Rutu.
Rutu is an older, Ash-raised Na'vi with a strong personality
He's stubborn, straight-forward, but a goofball and relentlessly loyal
He basically corners Spider into a friendship, arguing that a good diplomat will stick around and make friends and that, as a warrior of the clan, Rutu is necessary to focus on
Truth be told, he's full of bullshit but loves to see how people tick. Spider, being human and 'damn near feral', he latches onto him until a tight friendship forms
He's mated to a traveler woman, Neipx, who is a nomad Ash woman. Being as she's gone so often, he spends a lot of time helping Spider and ultimately travels with him to some of the other Ash clans.
He is also the one who convinces Spider to mate officially with Rotxo and helps him to come to terms with his weaker body and shorter lifespan - he's missing a hand and has come to have no fear left of death
He convinces Spider that Ewya will take her children when she's ready - there's no point in fearing what cannot be changed, nor in living in fear when peace waits behind death
So when he gets a message that Rutu was killed in a skirmish with a stray human camp at the base of their mountains, he rushes there
Rotxo stays behind with Anea and the clans, wanting to travel with them but unable to safely with a 6 year old human
No one expects him to return with a 3 year old and an infant in his arms
Wiaklik is the older and Vipeì the younger; their mother was killed in the air raids and, with Rutu being lost so unexpectedly, they're alone
Spider didn't expect it but Rutu left a letter detailing his will for them should it come to it and wanted them to grow up to see the world as an adventure to explore as he did
So he sends them to Spider, to Rotxo, and hopes they can offer what he no longer can
He tucks them into their marui and sits on the beach for hours with Rotxo, sobbing and explaining who they were to one another. How, in another life, maybe they would have been one and the same. Finally, he admits that Rutu left the boys to them
Rotxo is scared at the premise but doesn't hesitate. He's worse about taking in strays so to speak and knew they would be theirs from the moment Spider carried them across the sand
They give the boys their family name, a wish Rutu gave so that they wouldn't feel as alone as Spider and himself did growing up
It's an...adjustment to say the least, but they make do
Wialik wants his Daddy, or his Mama, and doesn't understand why his Uncle Spy is here and they aren't
He becomes their trouble child
Even as he grows up, he doesn't always feel quite like he belongs, but he does love his family
He rebels, argues, fights, but he always comes home
He gets into more fights than Lo'ak over his Uncle and sisters humanity
Rotxo is Uncle Ro, Spider is Uncle Spy, and Rutu is Dad
Rocorro are his dads but he struggles with the name, seeing as Na'vi have better memory, and only really calls Rutu his Dad unless he's really upset
Surprisingly, he gets along well with Neteyam
Neteyam calms him easily and soothes his temper, he also helps Wialik to cover his rebellions up if he thinks he actually regrets the behavior
Wialik becomes a warrior to help him get a grip on his temper and his energy, when he can't do that, he hunts
He's one of the best in the clan when it comes to a spear
Rotxo is the one that helps him with controlling his emotions and Spider the one who helps him work through it
Despite his temper, he really does love his family and is fiercely protective
Especially of his baby brother and later sister
He tries to big brother Anea but she shuts that down real quick - smaller or not, she's the oldest
They aren't the closest, but they share their responsibility well
Vipeì is who he is closest to, even when their personalities are so different
Like his Dad hoped, he becomes an avid explorer when given the chance. Though he stays with the Metkayina, he spends a lot of his childhood exploring the woods when he can
It helps him feel more balanced
When he first comes home, he's fussy and when he leaves home, he's still fussy
Spider likes to point that out but he's secretly very proud of his sons backbone
He has a very bantering relationship with Spider
They both bicker constantly but it's their way of being close without having to get mushy (cause Wialik is 100% that teenager who can't say I love you)
Rotxo has a more laid back relationship with him and he's who he goes to for advice
He stayed up with him a lot when he was little and confused about his parents
Rotxo would sneak him away to visit the ancestors and hold him afterwards
Despite having not lost a parent, he has a good relationship with his moms and understands the love a bit better than Spider can
He's pivotal in helping Wialik come to peace with where his life is heading
Raising Wialik is the team effort for the ages
Vipeì is the opposite
He's a newborn when they adopt him and latches on to his Papa and Da
Wialik is his protector his whole life, but he's very close to Anea
He's soft-spoken and shy - more like his birthmother than Rutu
While most expect him to latch onto Rotxo, he's Spiders shadow
He doesn't really remember either of his parents as he was so young when he lost them
Wialik and Spider help keep the memories alive along with regular visits to the spirit tree, but he feels more like he's hearing about an uncle than his dad - the opposite to his big brother
Anea is the only one who knows those feelings
He was a very quiet, very cuddly baby
He wanted to be held near constantly
They have to carry him around in a chest wrap as soon as they're back to working
Spider works more on land and has to carry him more so there are A LOT of pictures of him with a child the size of his entire torso strapped to him
But he loves the water as soon as he's safe to enter it
He spends his childhood in the tide pools and with the ilus, who he grows up to care for a lot of
Similarly, he spends a lot of time making maps of the reefs, coast, and the travel routes Spider and Neteyam take on diplomacy trips (which he jumps onto as fast as he can)
He is very close to Kiri who pushes him to be a bit more proactive in defending himself and speaking up but also encourages how entranced he is in with the world around them and the places he goes
Homie is decent with a knife but looks like a toddler with a gun when you hand him a spear
It looks ridiculous and does even worse with it
His official job is mostly caring for the animals and gardens, but his mapping also takes up some of his adult life
Spider helps him with it a lot in his free time and will help him improve them while Rotxo is the one to help him plan out excursions and how to do them safely
He finds a mated pair he ends up with as a teen and travels with his mates once Spider is convinced he's a decent enough diplomat on his own (aka once he's sure he'll actually do diplomat things and talk to people rather than just explore)
He's a good big brother to their youngest sibling but does end up with a bit of baby brother syndrome
Overall he's a very laid back boy, he's responsible and their easiest child while his brother is their hardest
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msweebyness · 2 months
MiracOlympus HC’s
Here’s some HC’s for the Godly kids of MiracOlympus! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Kim, Nathaniel and Adrien set aside an hour every week to go down to Tartarus and just troll the heck out of their dad.
As the goddess of marriage and family, Marinette often attends mortal weddings. If the ceremony brings her to tears, it’s said the marriage will be a lasting and loving one.
Lila has an enchanted golden apple that she uses to cause trouble amongst mortals and immortals alike. It’s so beautiful that most can’t help wanting it.
The festival that gets held every year to celebrate Rose is basically Ancient Greek Pride. People of all romantic, sexual and gender identities are welcome and celebrate together. Rose herself makes an appearance every year in her powered-down goddess form.
Let’s get one thing straight. Nathaniel did NOT kidnap Marc. He went to the Underworld entirely of his own free will, and the only reason Mylene freaked out was because Lila intercepted the letter Marc sent his sister about his whereabouts. Got it? Good.
The muses put on a weekly performance for the other gods and attendance is pretty much mandatory. They put so much work into it.
Nathaniel, Anthony and Staci are called the ‘Gloom Squad’ due to residing in the Underworld. They have entire conversations just comprising of them saying morbid and ominous shit.
Luka and Juleka have a special mental link that allows them to find one another at any time when they recite a certain incantation.
Whenever a new deity is born, they are presented before the Fates (Bustier, Mendeliev, and Winters), who announce them and determine what domain they will rule over.
Some of the godly kids were born in WEIRD ways. For example, Rose came out of the sea in a shell, and Max burst out of his mom’s head!
Nino was kidnapped by mortal pirates once, and escaped through the power of sheer prank genius.
Many of the god-kids have animal companions that are very dear to them. To name a few, Adrien has his eagle, Liiri, and Marinette has her peacock, Duusu. Juleka has the deer that pull her chariot, and Max has Markov, his faithful owl. Marc and Nath have Baark, the three-headed guard dog of the Underworld.
As benevolent as they generally are, it’s still a BAD idea for mortals to insult the gods. They are still the rulers of the world and you’ll treat them with respect if you know what’s good for you. Some mortals have learned that the hard way, like the woman Max turned into a spider for insulting his engineering skills, or the queen whose children were turned into woodland animals by Juleka and Luka because she had dared say she was a better mother than Anarka because she had more kids.
Ivan often feels a bit insecure about not being as conventionally attractive as the other deities, with his hulking size, bad eye (forge accident, he wears a patch), crippled knee (he uses a brace), and surly features, but Mylene and the others are quick to reassure him that he’s beautiful inside and out, just like everything he makes is.
For the life of him, Kim cannot stop misplacing his trident. Seriously, someone put a tracker on that thing.
Marinette, Ondine and Marc have regular meet-ups for tea where they just exchange gossip and be fabulous immortal queens.
Juleka’s arrows are enchanted so they cause no pain to the animals she shoots with them, and she never kills any more than she needs to. She cares immensely for creatures of the forest.
Eclipses happen when Chloe and Zoe have a particularly intense argument.
Brecken can understand the languages of all animals, and regularly mediates disagreements between the other gods and their pets.
Lucien and Emani are no longer welcome on Olympus. I’ll let you guess the reasons for that.
All of the gods regularly have meetups on Olympus for lunch. It’s like a big crazy family reunion.
Eri scares the crap out of everyone but they generally know she means no harm. The only ones who aren’t scared of her are the Gloom Squad and Juleka.
Alix gets like half an hour of sleep because she’s always trying to get things done and the other gods are always on her ass about this.
Ismael is an absolute menace on April 1st. No one is safe from his reign of terror. No one.
He also bleats when he's upset.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and belongs!
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blooming-violets · 1 year
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Creature Like Me || Chapter Three: All Kinds of Gray
[TASM Peter Parker!Werewolf AU]
Summary: Kraven and his guild of hunters have been tracking and quelling the werewolf population for centuries. The time has come for Aylin to complete her first solo hunt to prove herself to the guild. It was supposed to be simple. One wolf, one death, one victory. She never expected to end up with a secret hostage on her hands.
Chapter Three Warnings: disturbing depiction of young captured woman, forced female nudity, mention of torture, mention of a deceased father and older brother
[link to chapter index] 
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“Welcome to your new sanctuary.”
Peter carefully walked around the abandoned 70’s camper. It had sat parked in the depths of the forest about 5 miles from Aylin’s home off a dirt service road. The road hadn’t been used in years thanks to a few fallen trees. Her car was parked at the top of the road and the two of them had made the slow walk down the overgrown path in silence.
A creek trickled behind the forgotten vehicle and emptied out into a quiet pond. It was hot and stuffy inside, the air feeling muggy in her throat, and sweat beading up on her forehead. A gnat buzzed in her ear which she lazily swatted at.
“You can open the windows if you want,” she offered. “They don’t open up very wide but any air flow will be better than nothing.”
Peter nodded, giving her a timid look, “Is-uh-is this yours? I mean, is this where you live?”
Aylin smiled, finding his questions humorous, “No. This is not where I live. You are not allowed to be where I live. My poor mother would have a heart attack if she saw a werewolf enter our home.” She gave a sigh and slid into the moth eaten, yellow plaid dinette booth. She motioned for Peter to sit across the table from her. In another world, they would have resembled nothing more than two people on a camping trip. “My dad bought this camper for us when I turned 16. I think it was supposed to be my birthday present but also something for the family. We-” She hesitated, quickly adding. “-never ended up using it. I parked it here a few years ago and used it as my own personal getaway from everyone. No one but me knows that it’s here. It should be safe.”
“It smells like you in here,” he whispered.
Aylin frowned. All she could smell was the forest after a night of heavy rain wafting in through the open door. It was one of her favorite scents. It brought the comfort of home.
“Well, like I said, I’m the only person who ever uses it. There’s a bed in the back. It’s comfier than it looks. Pillows and blankets are there, too. You might want to give them a shake outside to scare off any spiders.” She thought about what else she could add to the conversation. “It no longer runs so don’t even try to get it started. Some mice moved into the engine and chewed up a bunch of stuff. But I like to sit in the passenger seat with the window down, stare out at the pond, and listen to the forest talk to me.”
Peter’s eyes drifted to the front of the camper, scanning through the dirt streaked windshield. A soft, peaceful smile rested on his lips.
“It’s perfect,” he sighed. “Anything is better than staring at a dark wall.”
“So, about that,” Aylin chewed on the calloused, hard skin around her thumbnail. “You’re not a prisoner here. I mean, technically you could leave at any point. I’m not going to chain you in or anything. But, if you do choose to sneak away, you better be careful. These forests are crawling with hunters. They will find you and it won’t be a pleasant death. You’re in their territory now. You saw the drive out here. There’s nothing around for miles apart from the Silver Colts. If you stay here, though, I can keep you safe. I can feed you and make sure no one heads out in this direction. You can live out the rest of your days in relative comfort, admiring the view, and eating nice food until I have what I need. I’d say it’s the better option of the two but that’s for you to decide.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Peter said as if it should have been obvious. He was sticking with her. His mind was made up.
She gave a steady nod, “Good. There’s no bathroom in here but you’re an uncivilized animal so I’m sure you’re used to going outside.” There was a sharp edge of prejudice to her tone.
Peter flinched at that but stayed silent with his eyes locked on the skinny table between them. He would not bite the hand that fed him.
“I have some books in the cabinet beside the bed you can read if you get bored. If you can even read. Uh, there’s an old rope hammock down by the pond. It’s always a gamble if it’ll still hold your weight or not but it's a nice spot to relax if the camper gets too hot. As of last year, there were no leeches in the water so feel free to use it as a way to clean yourself and cool down. I’ll bring you food once a day. Probably around the evening or early mornings. Whichever I can manage. Today you’ll have to go hungry because I know I won’t be able to leave tonight once I return back to the guild.”
He gave a nonchalant shrug, “Used to it.”
“And no making fires! That’s basically signaling to everyone around exactly where you are. Just stay calm, relax, sleep, go pick some wild blueberries, roll in the dirt…I don’t know what you dogs like to do. I’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t wander too far.” She should probably attempt to be nicer so he’d be more likely to stay. “Please.”
He smirked at the grumble she made after. Like being kind to a werewolf was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do.
“I’ll be here,” he promised.  
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“Oh, thank the sun, you’ve returned!” 
Her mother, Nesrin, leaped from her spot on the couch. She had been dozing off with a half knitted scarf in her lap. She would only ever knit when she needed to soothe an anxious mind.  Her wooden knitting needles bounced off the hardwood floor and rolled after her as she ran towards her daughter. She hadn’t properly slept since Aylin left. 
Seeing her beloved mother after everything she went through nearly brought her to her knees. Aylin crumbled into her warm embrace. She felt like she was five years old again and searching for her mother’s comfort after a scraped knee. The pressing defeat of failure in her task finally came crashing down around her. Without the heart, she had no proof of her kill. She wouldn’t be able to complete the ritual. 
“I think I messed up,” she tried to hold the tears back but her voice was thick with sadness.“ I couldn’t get the heart. It all went wrong. There was no time. Sergei is going to be upset. I couldn’t finish what I started.” 
“Hush,” Nesrin soothed her. “Don’t mind that now. None of that matters. All is well. You are alive. You are home and in my arms. Come in. Take off your jacket. Are you hurt?” 
Aylin sniffled, reluctantly pulling back from the hug, and wiping her eyes, “No. I’m okay. I’m not hurt. Just a failure.” 
“No child of mine is a failure,” Nesrin scolded. 
They both knew once Sergei caught wind that she had returned, she would get no time to rest. Her mother, with her thick, long raven colored hair, the hair that Aylin knew so well, ushered her into the house. Not even time could steal the rich color from her locks. Aylin admired the way stray pieces flailed out behind her when she walked like she was creating her own breeze wherever she went. She was happy to finally be home. 
“My lips are sealed, Linny. No one will get their hands on you until I’ve deemed it time. I’m going to draw you a bath. I’ll wash your hair just like I used to and you can tell me everything that happened. After that, I am going to tuck you into bed and you are going to nap. Only after that will I allow anyone to know of your return.” She gave her daughter a light swat against the bum, urging her towards the bathroom. 
She couldn’t help but smile. Leave it to her mother to try and put Sergei in his place. 
“Alright, alright,” Aylin laughed. Her mood was already changing. Nesrin had that effect on people. She was the sun to Aylin’s moon. “I’m going.” She turned around, walking backwards, with a glint of excitement in her eyes. “Guess what? I killed two wolves yesterday. Two of them! The whole pack unexpectedly showed up and tried to rip me apart but I got out. I survived. Even if I didn’t get what I went there for.” 
Her mother gasped in horror, placing a hand over the golden sun pendant dangling on a delicate chain around her neck. It was an old Christmas gift from Aylin’s father. Nesrin never took it off. 
“You are going to be the death of me, child. Come into the bathroom and tell me all about it.”
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“Our mighty huntress has returned from her first solo battle!” 
Sergei’s voice boomed out over the crowd. He stood on top of a wooden platform in the middle of their small town square. A large bonfire roared in front of him. Warm orange glowed over his face, creating a dance of shadows and light to give him a hellish, demonic look. He looked massive up there. Powerful. Almost godlike. 
The guild members stood in a wide circle around the fire as they watched their fearless leader. Tables had been set up off to the side with drinks and food. The live band silenced their instruments to allow Sergei to speak. A party was always thrown after a trainees first hunt, if they survived, that is. It was a right of passage. A celebrated sacred honor. Their traditions date back centuries. 
After her nap and a home cooked meal, Sergei was alerted to her return. He spent the rest of the afternoon one on one with her, going over every detail of her hunt. He wasn’t as disappointed as she thought he would be about the lack of heart. In fact, he seemed to be the complete opposite. Almost as if he was glad she failed. When she mentioned the whole pack suddenly showing up, he insisted that she had done the correct thing in getting out of there. She told him everything exactly how it happened…minus the existence of Peter. She had surveyed the camp, stalked Sierra down, severed her spine, watched her turn, then took her life. The sound of her gun shot must have alerted the pack to the danger. They came running. She had just enough time to get back to her car, killing another wolf as a distraction, and managed to escape. She spent the night at a motel to get some sleep before returning home. That was it. The entire story. Most of it, anyway. 
“Did you manage to see anything else while you were there?” He had asked. “Did you find any of their secrets? Did you have time to look around? What did you find?” His questions were backed with an impassioned, deliberate intent. She thought of Peter and wondered if Sergei knew more than he was letting on.
“No,” she lied. “Nothing at all. There was nothing else there. It was just an old camp.” 
Sergei had clasped his heavy hand on her back and gave a booming laugh. It had a hollow sound to it and she got the impression he was putting on a show to mask his disappointment. He had expected her to find something important at Eagle Peak. 
Or someone.
He gave her two hours to herself before the party would begin. During that time, Nesrin had plaited a thick, single fishtail braid down her daughters back and tied a black bow to the end. She tugged out a few strands in the front, giving them a loose curl to help frame her face. Aylin chose to wear a simple, black midi dress that hung down to her mid calf and sat snuggly around her waist. She paired it with a gray cardigan and her favorite chunky, black platform boots. They made her seem taller and helped downplay the outfit to be more casual. 
“I wish you’d try wearing some color for once,” Nesrin huffed as she looked over Aylin’s appearance. “The black darkens your beautiful eyes. It takes away some of their light.”
“I’m still in mourning,” she replied with a dull voice. 
Her mother rolled her eyes, “That was five years ago, Lin. The dressing like you’re in mourning period is over. Are you sure you don’t want to borrow one of my sweaters? I have that beautiful deep red one. It would just pop against your skin. Or the yellow. Oh, you know how I love that yellow one.” 
Aylin rubbed her fingers over her temple. The party was already giving her a headache and they hadn’t even left yet. She hated crowds. Even the idea of them was enough to bring one on. 
“I’m positive.” She wondered what Peter was doing right now. She sort of missed his company. He was quiet. She enjoyed that quality about a person. 
“I’ll bring the red one just in case you change your mind!” 
Now, as Sergei stood on the stage, Aylin surveyed the crowd around her. Her mother, standing next to her, still clasped the red sweater tight in her arms as if her daughter would suddenly change her mind. She looked from face to face, person to person. These were the people she knew all her life. Their guild had their own school. She wasn’t allowed to attend a public one. They rarely ever went into the nearest town unless it was absolutely necessary. The more secretive their guild was, the easier their existence. Their job was to stay quiet, out of sight, and take care of the werewolves. If someone breaks the rules, they’re thrown out. Either their family disowns them or they disappear with them. The people who leave never return. If she was caught with Peter, she would be thrown out. Her mother would come with her, that she knew. Nesrin would never leave her daughter’s side. But the guilt of forcing her mother to leave their community would eat her alive. This was what they knew. These were their people. Their family. 
Sergei was still speaking. He loved to hear himself talk. 
“From the moment I welcomed Samuel as my second in command, I knew the Silver Colts were in for a successful year.” 
Aylin’s stomach dropped at the mention of her father. Sergei rarely brought him up anymore. Her mother’s back straightened, her head held high, and her hand clasped around the necklace. She was trying to appear stronger than she felt. 
“He proved time and time again to be a dedicated hunter and a loyal friend. My best friend. But, more than that, he was a dedicated and loyal husband and father.” Sergei turned to where they were standing to speak directly to them. He placed a hand over his heart and showed his sorrow on his face. Maybe it was the flickering of the bonfire messing with the lighting, or maybe she was still exhausted from her hunt, but Aylin swore his sadness didn’t reach his eyes. It felt more like he was putting on a show than speaking from the heart about his fallen friend. It was the same feeling she got when he was asking her about the hunt. Something felt off. “I know Samuel would have been so proud to be standing on this stage tonight to honor his daughter. I still remember how he held back tears the night he got to honor Emir. Both of them, gone too soon.” 
Her cheek twitched as she locked her jaw. Her teeth ground together in annoyance. She glanced over at her mother who was now openly weeping. Five years and the pain still felt as raw as it ever had. They were still in mourning. No amount of time could change that. The mere mention of her father and brother could send Nesrin into hysterics. She hated that Sergei even brought them up. Her mother was trying to be strong in front of the crowd but Aylin could see her resolve starting to fail.
His eyes settled on Aylin. They bore into her with a strangely profound stare. She felt as if he was trying to peel back her tightly guarded layers and read her mind. His gaze made her uncomfortable like she was standing naked in front of a crowd. He knew something she didn’t.
“Tonight, in place of those we have lost, I will honor young Aylin as the newest huntress to the Silver Colt Guild!” 
The people erupted into loud cheers. The sudden sound made her flinch. Her headache intensified. She felt dizzy. Her mother gave her a tiny shove, pushing her towards the stage. That was her cue to start moving. She took a deep breath and made her way up to stand next to Sergei. He completely dwarfed her when she stood beside him. It felt like every time she saw him, he got a little taller, and gained more muscle. 
He grasped tightly onto her hand and held it up to more applause and hollers from the rowdy crowd. Sergei let the noise wash over them, basking in the cheers as if they were meant for only him, and then settled everyone back down 
“Now, tonight’s ritual will go a little differently. When I spoke to Aylin this afternoon, she gave me a detailed report of what happened yesterday. To put it plainly, she was ambushed. Those vile creatures knew she was coming and they sacrificed one of their own for a chance to tear apart one of ours! As she was trying to cut out the heart from her slain foe, the pack surrounded her.” 
A slew of horrified cries followed. 
“Poor Aylin had unknowingly walked straight into their trap and we were the ones who sent her there! They have no morals. They do not care if one of their own must be sacrificed as long as they get to draw blood. Our blood! But, even though she was surrounded, Aylin did not fret, for she had her father’s blood running through her veins and no more of their families blood needed to be spilled at the hands of the beast!” His voice boomed. It echoed off the forest trees as his enthusiasm grew. He had everyone gripped by the throat and hanging on his every word. Everyone except one. “She fought her way out! She slaughtered two more of those foul creatures and managed to escape by a hair! Three slain wolves on her first hunt. She is the true definition of what we stand for! She is the true leader of our tomorrow!”
Her stomach ached. He was exaggerating the truth to make it sound more daring and risky than it had been. He made it seem like the wolves had planned the entire attack like they knew she was coming before she even arrived. It was a calculated move to push his guild’s hatred in the right direction and it was all a lie. He was lying straight to these people’s faces without a hint of fabrication in his voice. Like it was the easiest thing in the world. Like he had been doing it his entire life. She had never seen him from this angle before. She felt like she was getting a sneak peek at the slimy, barnacle ridden underside of a mighty ship. She kept her eyes staring straight ahead. She would not question him. Not here. Not now. 
“Our traditions and rituals state that the successful hunter must toss the heart of their first kill into the blazes of the fire. But Aylin does not have what we need.” He paused, a smirk peeking out from under his untamed beard, as he held his breath for a dramatic beat. He was a showman putting on the performance of his life. “Luckily, I intend to make things right. She deserves to finish the ritual. She deserves to rip the heart from her slain beast!” 
It was then that Aylin’s resolve fell. She looked up at Sergei with confusion. There was no way anyone would have been able to travel all the way to Eagle Peak Camp to retrieve Sierra. There was no way her body would still even be there. Surely, her pack would have moved her and Lorina by now. They never left them where they fell. They had their own rituals of dealing with their dead. There was a reason why the public never stumbled upon bodies of giant wolves. 
Sergei gave her a wink, lowering his voice just for her, “Don’t look so frightened child. I have another wolf for you. Another heart to pry from its chest. Show these people you are Samuel’s daughter. Show them you are Emir’s sister. Show them what you are capable of.” He motioned behind him with a wide, swinging arm. “Calypso, my beautiful wife! Bring out the beast!” 
Her heart leaped into her throat and she spun around to see where Sergei was pointing. Her eyes scanned through the dark, searching for the face of who she was terrified to see. Calypso pushed a tall metal cage on wheels out in front of the stage. It was covered with a thick blanket to hide whoever was inside. The cage was big enough to fit a human, not a werewolf. Whoever was in there was stuck in human form. She bet the bars were lined with silver to keep the prisoner from breaking free. 
Her heart was racing. She could feel the panic rising. Had they found Peter? He was only five miles out. He was close enough that his capture could be possible. If they found him, if they knew she had brought him, she would be banished. Was this all a show to shame her in front of her family? She stared at the blanket covering the cage, trying to mentally will it to fall so she could see who was locked up, and dreading finding her friend on the other side. 
They were not friends. 
They were not friends. 
They were not friends. 
Calypso fanned out her wild, unruly mane of thick hair over her shoulders. Her bralette, made of a light tan werewolf pelt, hardly covered her large chest. Her tightly toned stomach was on display as her wide hips swayed with each step. She knew the men were all staring at her and she was soaking it up. She loved the attention as much as Sergei. Maybe even more. 
“Cal, my love,” he motioned down to his wife. “Would you do the honors?” 
She flashed him a dazzling white smile. Her teeth were sharper than average. Aylin often wondered if she filed them into points. 
She gripped onto the blanket as Aylin held her breath, terrified of who she was going to see. With a flashy flick of his wrist, Calypso tossed the blanket aside. The crowd burst into angry, insulting jeers towards the unveiled prisoner. 
Relief and horror flooded her all at once. 
It wasn’t Peter. 
He was safe. She was safe. They didn’t know about him. 
In his place, however, was a young woman. Aylin hesitated to even refer to her as a woman. She looked no older than 19. She was stripped naked. Her dignity ripped from her body to leave her vulnerable like it was done with the sole intent to shame her. She was smaller in size and huddled up in the corner of the cage. Her eyes were filled with fear. Her body trembled in fright. She almost resembled Peter in weight, being severely malnourished. She held the same look, too. The one that screamed of someone who had been tortured for longer than their body could  handle. Someone weak and broken. This girl was no threat to them. She would put up no fight. 
Sergei did another one of his booming laughs as he soaked in the sights before him. Someone in the crowd threw a half empty beer bottle at the cage. It shattered, spraying glass and beer all over the poor girl. 
That’s how Aylin viewed her. A girl. Not a wolf. Not an enemy. A scared, young girl. Aylin’s eyes sought out her mother in the crowd. Nesrin had vanished into a dark shadow under a tall pine tree. She was clutching onto her necklace, a frown etched into her wrinkled face, and shaking her head. She didn’t like this anymore than her daughter. Her mother wasn’t a hunter. She was just the widow of one. 
Sergei slid a long dagger out from his belt loop. It was curved into the shape of a claw. He thrust it into Aylin’s hand and shoved her down the steps towards the caged girl. His hand stayed tightly on the back of her neck, keeping her from looking anywhere but at the cage. 
“What do you say, Colts?” He addressed the crowd. “Are you ready to see how Aylin takes after her father? Are you ready to see if she has what it takes to be a leader?”
They cheered and whooped and hollered. The band was banging on their instruments. This was nothing more than entertainment to them. The noise was too much. Too loud. She felt sick. 
“Who is she?” She whispered to Sergei. “Where did she come from? What did she do?” 
He chuckled, “It doesn’t matter. She didn’t do anything. She’s a wolf and wolf’s deserve to have their hearts ripped from their chest! There is no humanity in her. She’s nothing but a repugnant beast. She has no soul. Go on! Show me that you belong here.” 
He took a step back, joining the crowd circling around her and the cage. It occurred to her that they weren’t going to release the girl. She wasn’t going to get a fair fight. She wasn’t going to get a chance to defend herself. Aylin was meant to murder her through the bars. Human to human, not hunter to beast. 
She slowly walked up to the cage and peered through the bars. From up close, the girl looked even worse. She had been a prisoner of someone, marks of torture speckled her skin as unspoken words of her time in captivity, and Aylin had a sinking feeling it wasn’t at the hands of another wolf. 
“Who are you?” Aylin whispered to her. 
The girl turned her head, glaring at her with whatever strength she could muster, and spit directly in her face. Her action only served to rile up the crowd further. They were calling for her death, begging for it to be drawn out slowly and painfully. They wanted to watch her suffer. 
Aylin wiped the glob of saliva from her cheek. Unlike her peers, it did not anger her. It only made her sad. A cornered animal, with all her defenses ripped from her, using the only fighting tactic she had left to try and mask her fear. It could have so easily been Peter inside this cage. This was her punishment for lying to Sergei. A punishment for taking Peter. Whether or not he knew of her misdeeds, something had changed in the air. He knew more than he let on. He knew that she was weak. 
The young girl’s emerald eyes faded into Peter’s soft, honey hues the longer Aylin stared at her. 
The dagger fell from her hands. 
She couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t. Not like this. She refused to kill someone not in their wolf form. 
Aylin turned on her heels, elbowing her way through the crowd, and making a direct line for her house on the outskirts of their town. She blocked out the sounds of the disappointed crowd. She blocked out the sounds of Sergei calling after her. She blocked out the screams of the girl as someone else finished what she couldn’t even start. 
She blocked it all out as her swift gait eventually turned into a full sprint, forcing herself as quickly and as far, away from the caged girl as her body would allow.
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The camper was dark and quiet. 
She had run home but knew that she could not stay. Sergei would surely follow. Her mother would be asking questions. They would each demand a different kind of answer and she had none to give them. She couldn’t stare her inevitable failure in the face. Running was easier. Hiding was simple. She packed a bag and left on foot. Cars were for people who didn’t let down their entire family. Failures deserved to walk the five miles through the dense forest, in the pitch black, to her sanctuary. 
The only safe place she knew of that still felt like home. 
She pushed her way into the back room, anticipating Peter to be asleep on the bed, only to find it empty and untouched. 
Her heart sank. 
He wasn’t here. The camper was empty. 
Of course he wasn’t here. 
Why would she ever expect him to stay? 
He had lied to her. Everyone lies. Herself, included. Everything is one big show. A giant performance to better achieve one’s own desires. 
She had freed him from his chains, brought him to safety, and he had told her what she wanted to hear until he was left alone. Why would she ever believe that he would sit around and let her kill him after she was done interrogating him? She was a fool to believe such a thing. Werewolves couldn’t be trusted but, she was finding, neither could her guild. Sergei had set her up. She wasn’t entirely sure how but he knew there was supposed to be something in that camp. Something he wanted to get his hands on. 
And the only thing she saw of value was Peter. Who was now gone. 
She wondered if Sergei knew the pact would be close by. She wondered if he really had willingly sent her into a trap or if he even expected her to come back alive. “They have no morals. They do not care if one of their own must be sacrificed as long as they get to draw blood.” That was what he said about the wolves but she now wondered if he was referring to something else. She had the strangest sense that she had been used as bait. 
She was starting to ask a lot of questions. Questions she had no answers to. Questions that only lead to more questions. 
Aylin kicked open the camper door more violently than she intended. She stalked out into the night, filling her lungs with the familiar forest air. Her chest felt tight. Anger, anxiety, annoyance, and confusion all gripped at her throat. 
But it was the disappointment tinged with sadness that worried her the most. 
The absence of Peter caused her more inner turmoil than what had happened at her “party”. She shouldn’t be this upset to lose a werewolf. She should be relieved that he was no longer in her care. He wouldn’t have to be something to worry about anymore.
And, still, she felt the weight of his absence like a sinking stone of sadness. 
She followed the creek down to the pond. She was hoping to see the moon shining through the canopy and reflecting off the still water. It was one of her favorite sights. The moon and her forest brought her a comfort that not even her mother could compete with. Seeing the moon would make her feel better. 
As she pushed her way between two overgrown bushes, she stopped short. Instead of the moon, she saw something else. 
There, fast asleep on the old rope hammock, was Peter. 
She was afraid to blink, terrified that if she let him out of her sight for even just a second, he would disappear from her life again. She didn’t want him to disappear. She didn’t want him to go. She didn’t want him dead. 
There was something about him that endeared to her closed off heart. He had a tender soul. A quiet softness. Like a light, summer breeze on a lazily evening. It was silly to think such things about a werewolf but it was how she felt. Seeing that young girl in the cage was too much. Her entire life she believed she was on the right side of history. She was helping to save the public. A silent protector of the world. But murdering a defenseless, naked teenager locked in a cage was not right. It was not a heroic act. Killing her would have saved no one. 
Aylin was no hero. Not a mighty huntress or a future leader. 
She was scared and sad and confused. She craved the wisdom of her father, the strength of her brother, and the safety of her mother. She craved whatever strange comfort Peter was starting to bring. She wanted to understand him, to unravel him like a mystery, until she found all the answers she sought out. 
She wanted to be his friend. 
That was it. 
That was all that she wanted. Nothing more. Nothing less. 
He hadn’t left her. He hadn’t lied. She felt she could trust someone she met hours ago, someone who was supposed to be her enemy, more than the person she had known her entire life. 
As she moved closer, she could see streaks of dried tears carving a path down his cheeks. His long lashes were wet and clumped together. He breathed quietly through parted lips. His arm rested under his head as a makeshift pillow. She could make out the strength of his muscles under his skin. Not even nearly starving to death could steal them away, it seemed. The mystery of the wolves clouded her thoughts. They were the Silver Colts sworn enemies and, yet, they hardly knew anything about them. 
 Despite his dried tears, Peter looked peaceful as he slept. 
He didn’t look like a monster. He looked like a man. Just like the wolf in the cage only looked like a scared girl. 
Maybe they were wrong. Maybe werewolves weren’t as terrible as they thought. 
And then she remembered her father and brother. 
They had been torn apart by a wolf on a hunt. Their bodies had been so mutilated, Sergei refused to let her mother and her see them. They died at the hands of someone like Peter. 
She didn’t know what to think anymore. Two days ago her world was black and white. Good and bad. Heroes and villains. Today, it was all kinds of gray. 
Aylin took a step back away from Peter, hoping to let him rest without bothering him, when her boot crunched down on a stick. The snapping of wood caused Peter’s eyes to shoot open, wide with fear. He sat up too suddenly. The hammock rocked violently under him. He tried to catch his balance but it was too late. The hammock flipped over and he was thrown onto the ground. His sleepy body splayed out over the dirt, bits of leaves clinging to messy hair. 
She tried not to laugh. She really did. But she couldn’t stop it. 
Her laughter filled the quiet, night air. It lightened the chaos of her mind and soothed her anxious soul. 
Peter scrambled to his feet, his face blushed scarlet, and shook the leaves from his hair. 
“Why are you here?” He asked, voice caked with sleep. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
She steadied her laughter with a deep breath, “I brought you some food.” 
“You said you wouldn’t be able to until tomorrow.” He looked up at the sky, the moon telling him it was only around midnight. “Why are you out so late?” 
Most of the humor she had still tumbling around inside of her dried up at the memories of earlier. She swallowed, giving a shrug, “Couldn’t sleep. Come inside. I brought dolmas.” She made her way back to the camper with Peter falling in step behind her. 
“What’s that?”
She raised her brows in shock and glanced over her shoulder to look at him, “You’ve been missing out, wolfboy. This one is a mixture of rice, meat, and herbs stuffed into a grape leaf. You’ll love it. My mom made them this afternoon. She’s the best cook in our guild.” 
She wondered what her mother was thinking right now. She had left without seeing her. Without saying goodbye. It wasn’t the first time she had run away without leaving a note. Nesrin was probably used to it. 
Aylin held the door open for Peter, “After you.” 
He gave her a gentle smile, nodding his head in thanks.
“I also brought you some clothes. Clothes and food. See? I’m a wonderful host.” 
Her brother’s old clothes. It wasn’t like he would need them anymore. 
She slid into the seat across from him and pulled a tupperware of food out the bag she left on the table. She happily watched as Peter ripped it open and carefully examined the contents. He only lasted a few seconds before digging in. His eyes widened and then closed, savoring his mouthful. It was strange to watch a werewolf enjoy her mother’s cooking. She felt a sense of pride. She wondered if her mom would like Peter as much as she was starting to. 
Aylin had no clue what tomorrow would hold for her. Sergei wouldn’t be pleased. Her mother would have questions. She was witnessed refusing to kill a wolf in front of her entire guild. It wasn’t going to be easy. She didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she would focus on tonight.
Tonight, she would watch Peter eat his fill of dolmas. 
Then, she would try to sleep. 
Today, right now, this is what she chose to focus on. That was all that mattered. 
Tomorrow was tomorrow for a reason.
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[Chapter Four]
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Tag List: @raindropstearsandtea @liz-allyn @sincericida @moonyslove78 @leleleea  @wanderlustaflame @fav-fanficssss​ @perfumedays 
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alieoezp · 3 months
(Can be added onto, can be viewed as platonic or romantic, it’s up to you honestly.)
PS. Like I mentioned earlier in my posts I don’t have anything to write with really so I’m stuck using my phone and a Bluetooth keyboard…hope that’s fine lol. Grammar and typing/spelling in general may be a bit screwed up :)
(You may add onto this, my tummy hurts and I gave up.)
“Charlie, I don’t think it’s such a big deal…the hotel looks fine as is..” Vaggie placed a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder, a soft smile on her face as the blonde visibly calmed down from her touch.
“-But what are angels standards like!?” She sped walked away from Vaggie as she made her way over to the newer additions to the hotel. Her father staying a little longer than needed as well but..maybe that would help?
“I mean we saw it up there, it was cleaner than can be and everyone was so nice- what if we offend them? Or even worse degrade-“
“Charlie!” Vaggie grabbed onto Charlie’s shoulders, a laugh leaving her Fran as she looked at the princess’s expression.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure that they are aware of what they got into…The hotel isn’t what you should be worried about.” The girl pointed over to the large group waiting for their new Comrade to join them.
“they are, especially Alastor and your father…” She looked back at the group, grimacing a bit. “Actually? Scratch that, focus on all of them. Not those two…” Charlie giggle a bit, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes as she thought. “Yeah, yeah you are right. Let’s just focus on everyone’s reactions to this angel first right?” Vaggie nodded, letting go of Charlie and watching as the woman walked over to the door and opening it.
“Hello dear!” You spoke up quite quick, a big smile on your face as you walked in and grabbed ahold of Charlie’s hands. “I assume your Charlie Morningstar? Of course ou are! You look just like your dad’s pictures..! Oh! You’re absolutely lovely!” Charlie deadpanned a little bit, laughing at how excited the angel was.
‘That i am! And you must be…?”
“y/n! But you can call me N/n dear…Oh how lovely! I thought the hotel was destroyed in the fight with Adam!” Everyone was a bit caught off guard, eyeing eachother and shrugging at your oddly.. preppy behavior.
“Well it’s nice to have you Y/n! Let’s introduce you to everyone alright? And then we can start the tour..?” You nodded, letting go of her hands and patting your own off on your little skirt.
As you walked over everyone couldn’t help but notice your attire, the small flapper like outfit that you had on that matched with the feathers atop your head. An old timer look almost but with a couple of modern-like things added seemingly overtime. your eyes scanned everyone. Smiling and waving almost instantly.
“Y/n, this is Angel dust,” Charlie pointed to the spider-like boy who stood out like a sore thumb, one hand waving to her and the other three on his waist. “That’s husker, he’s our barkeep..” The man grumbled something about not wanting to be here, a snicker leaving your form before meeting the others.
“Oh! And this is my girlfriend! Vaggie, this is Y/n, y/n, this is Vaggie.” Vaggie grimaced a little, looking up at the angel who just blinked a couple times at the shorter woman.
“Oh! Oh! Of course I’m so sorry, Hello Vaggie I’ve heard a lot about you- all good things!” Vaggie’s eyes widened a bit, shaking your hand while Charlie sighed next to the both of you.
“And this is our host- His name is”
“Alastor!” You gasped, a hand over your mouth as you looked at the lanky man, a smile over your features. He looked around, quirking a brow before approaching.
“Do i know you?” the static in his voice spooked you a little bit, that small smile turning into an even bigger one once he asked. “Oh no! No, you look so different than the pictures your ma showed me! Oh you were so handsome when you were a wee little oh thing, where did this red hair come from?” You walked around him, his smile tensing a little as her squinted at you. Trying not to break that little character he had built for himself.
“My mother?”
“Why yes my dear! She’s such a nice woman, so talkative up in the gates! She’s told me all about you and your little radio show! even showed me your baby pictu-“
The radio demon put his hand up, shaking his head a bit and clearing his throat. “I believe you’re thinking about someone else dear-!”
“Nope! I’d recognize that smile anywhere, and those goofy monocles your mama always said you were obsessed with!”
Alastor just stared, blinking at her before turning away with some furrowed brows.
“…did I do something wrong?”
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transfemarmin · 10 months
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a/n: if you have a problem with this harmless hc I honestly do not give a fuck “ he’s a boy!” okay nigga she’s gonna be a girl today.. if you try and start shit with me in MY comment section or MY inbox I will not hesitate to say something because the trans masc hc is received wonderfully but the transfem one isn’t, and it just shows people’s transphobia, so if you say ANYTHING, I will not only turn off anonymous comments but I will also say shit if necessary
when she first realized she was trans, she went by miley; other people assumed she just wanted her family to keep a piece of her forever, but honest she just liked miley cyrus
her name now is melody, because of her love of music, and how she was trying to love herself as a woman, she thought if she attempted to name herself that was something related to something she adored.. that she would start to feel more comfortable in her own skin.. it worked a little, the name ‘ melody’ made her happy, and it helped her with her dysphoria too
she came out to her mom first, and rio was confused, but not surprised. the kid she raised usually had girl friends, and liked to dress up in girl clothes. transgender was a new concept for rio, but she did research how to care for transgender kids, because since she didn’t understand much of it and didn’t want to be offensive.
jefferson was MAJORLY confused when he found out he had a daughter instead of what he thought, he was very open minded about it, and he was researching as well
jefferson adjusted well, he’s a normal father of a girl, doesn’t let her go outside of her dress is too short, or if she’s wearing a crop top.. if she has her jacket zipped up outside of winter time, he’s making her unzip it
“ hey…c’mere..”
he’d do that finger thing parents do when they want you to come close, melody would reluctantly come forward, standing in front of her father with a knowing look on her face,
“ you know what im gonna ask you.”
he said softly, pointing towards her zipped up jacket,
“ c’mon! dad.. im not wearing anything under here!” “ then you have no problem unzipping it.”
jefferson shrugged his shoulders, and melody sighed unzipping her jacket, showing the spaghetti strap tank top she had on under the jacket. jefferson looked over the outfit his daughter had on and gave a nod of approval,
“ keep that jacket at least halfway zipped up.”
she wasn’t gonna lie and say she enjoyed that one thing about being a girl, but it did make her smile when she got a moment to herself.. because it meant her father saw her as his daughter.
her bonnet is pink, and she absolutely loves it
she doesn’t get her eyelashes done, she lets mascara do the job, because she’d rather spend fourteen dollars.. than possibly a couple hundred for longer lashes, she does get her eyebrows threaded though
she isn’t a girl that over lines her lips when doing makeup, her lips are already full and plump so she lines them the shape they normally are, she does black or brown liner.. depends on the day.
clear and pink lipgloss are her go tos.
she felt a little embarrassed, the first few days of being trans as spiderwoman, because she’d have to correct villains when they addressed her with he/him instead of she/her… surprisingly.. a good portion of them respected her wishes and apologized
the first time she got her hair done, she had gotten butterfly locs, and it felt weird.. having her hair done.. when she was so used to her afro, and it hurt.. as she was extremely tender-headed… but she liked it, she liked it more than she originally thought she might’ve.
her favorite colors to get when she gets butterfly locs or distressed locs are normally black.. but now she adds either a few blonde highlights.. because she misses gwen.. a few pink ones.. again because she misses gwen.. or maybe red because of her spider suit.
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 7 Should I stay or should I go?
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Chapter 7 of Moon Star
A/N- Last chapter for a while 🤧
Warning- Violence, angst, FLUFF, and suggested sexual content.
Pairing- Marc Spector x daughter!reader, Spider-Man x Spector!fem-reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“1,” you hop, “2,” you hop again. “uh…4?” You hop again.
“3,” your dad interjects. “3 comes after 2.”
You hop over another crack and mutter, “3.”
“What are you doing?” Your dad asks as he realizes how you’re hopping over the cracks on the sidewalk.
You look at him very concerned and answer him, “my friend Marvin says that if I step on a crack on the sidewalk I will break my momma's back.”
Your dad scoffs in amusement and turns you towards a large brick house. “You don’t have a momma,” he mutters.
You giggle up at him and now hop on the crack, “I know,” you retort.
Marc offers you a faint smile before he looks up at the front door and frowns as he hesitates. You immediately notice that he’s in front of the door and not knocking, you see the sad frown, and interject, even if you’re only 5 and don’t understand why.
“Why are you so sad, daddy?”
Marc lets out a sigh and looks down at you again. “It’s just been a long time.”
You blink and look up at the doorbell. “I can ring the doorbell,” you suggest and glance back at him, catching the growing smile on his face.
“Okay, will you?”
You nod eagerly and wait for him to boost you up so you can hit the little white button. Once you hear the doorbell ringing inside your dad puts you down, and you both wait. The more the seconds pass the tighter your dad's hold feels around your hand.
Once that front door opens an old woman with long dark hair appears behind that door and his squeeze turns tighter.
“Marc,” she says before you see her look down at you.
Said man pulls you behind him slightly as if he was trying to hide you from that woman.
“I came to see my dad,” your dad deadpans.
The woman keeps her eyes on you for a moment longer before she turns and disappears into a room. When you don’t see her anymore you look up at your dad again to check on him, and he looks down at you and offers you a faint smile.
“Marc,” a deeper voice cuts in, causing you both to turn your heads back to the door. That’s when you see an old man with curly dark hair like your dad, and black glasses on his face.
“Son,” he says, “where have you been? I’ve been worried….” He trails off as he notices you behind him, and just like the woman, he looks shocked to see you hand in hand with your dad.
“Who is this?” The man asks in a softer voice.
You glance up, and your dad meets your gaze to assure you that it was okay.
“I’m,” you answer and look back at the man. “I’m y/n Spector.”
The man begins to smile. “Well it is very nice to meet you, y/n, I’m Elias.”
You grin. “I know,” you interject. “My daddy says you’re my grandpa.”
The man then looks disbelieved at the mention but doesn’t lose his smile, he actually begins to grin.
“Dad,” your dad deadpans and gains the man’s attention again. “I need you to do me a favor.” He swallows thickly. “I need you to take care of her for today. Just for a few hours…I…I have no one else.”
Without hesitation Elias agrees. “Of course. I would love to. Marc, I didn’t even know you had a kid.”
Your dad sighs. “I do. Now tell her to behave with y/n. If I hear that she hurt my daughter,” he spats. “I will never bring y/n again.”
“She won’t hurt her,” Elias assures your dad. “I promise. She’s changed. Marc—”
“Dad,” Marc cuts him off. “Please. Not now. I need to go.”
Elias sighs and nods slowly, letting your dad turn to face you before he crouches down to be at your level. “I’m going to come back later, okay?”
You nod and begin to frown.
He’s left you before, with Marvin’s mom, but today was different, they weren’t home, and you've never been here. It’s strange. “Okay,” you whisper.
Your dad digs his hand in his pocket and then pulls out the small wooden wolf to hand it to you. “So you know I’ll be with you.”
You smile and hug the little wooden wolf before you throw your arms around him. “Bye, daddy.”
He hugs you back and rubs your back. “Bye, Wolfie.” He pulls back and cups your face. “I love you, baby.”
You grin and don’t hesitate to say it right back. “I love you too, daddy.”
Your dad presses a kiss on your forehead before he stands up and slides the pink backpack strap off his shoulder to hand the purple backpack to Elias. “She has snacks, dinner, and a change of clothes in case she gets dirty. I’ll be back around 9pm.”
Elias nods in comprehension and seems to want to say something, but he just keeps quiet and waves at your dad as he begins to walk away.
“Bye, daddy!” You yell out.
Your dad looks back at waves. “Bye, Wolf!”
You stick outside the door and watch him walk away, when your dad disappears Elias finally breaks the silence. “Do you want to head inside now?”
You look up at the man and nod softly. He then walks you inside, and once the door closes the woman from before walks out from the living room.
“Wendy,” Elias says as he walks up behind you. “This is, y/n, Marc’s daughter.”
The woman stays serious for a moment before she begins to smile, genuinely smiles, and crouches down before you. “Hi, pretty girl. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m your grandma.”
“I just…I came because I need help. I had…no one else….”
You gasp softly but don’t linger in what that makes you feel, instead you grab his arm and help him through the window. “Oh god,” you strain to murmur.
Spidey groans and just as he puts his two feet on the floor he begins to sway back, causing you to quickly throw his arm around your shoulders to keep him in balance and lead him towards your couch.
“No, I’ll stain the—”
“Don’t worry about it,” you cut him off as you sit him down. “Here, I’ll bring my first aid,” you let him know as you let his arm slide off you so you can run and grab your first aid kit once again.
“Hey! So what happened?!” You ask from the bathroom to keep him distracted.
Spidey groans. “I,” he strains to talk. “Run into some trouble.”
“No duh,” you snort and go and grab your goggles off your desk first before returning to him. “What kind of trouble?”
Spidey musters a quiet chuckle and looks back as you approach him. “You tell me what happened since I last saw you first and then I’ll share.”
You squint your eyes and scoff. “Always such a tease, Peter Parker.”
Said guy doesn’t realize what you said right away, he first pulls his hand off his wound as you crouch down in front of him. He lets you clean his wound before he stiffens and scoffs, “Wh-what?”
He’s pretending, how adorable.
You look up at his big white bug eyes and snicker before you put your goggles on, and pull out some of the same tape your dad just used on you.
“H-hey what did you just say? I mean—”
“The other day I went into my place of work to give my dad a tour and I ran into this guy,” you interrupt him to begin explaining yourself. “Same voice as you, same lip shape, and same dimpled chin.” You pull his skin up to put a piece of tape on.
Spidey then begins to laugh nervously and shakes his head. “That can be anyone. I mean I’m not the only one—wait you remember how my lips look like?”
You slowly glance up at him and shoot him a smirk before you grab another tape and look down to repeat the progress. “Don’t go off topic, Peter.”
Spidey scoffs and keeps quiet for a few seconds before he keeps trying to hide the truth. “I’m not him. You’re wrong.”
You gnaw on the inside of your cheek and nod slowly as you keep patching up his wound. “Well then riddle me this, the other day, when you helped me with my nose you said my name. You also said my name when you left and I hadn't given it to you because we were using our alias.” you look up at him and continue, “so explain that.”
Spidey goes speechless as he keeps his eyes on you. He doesn’t move, he just stares at you and begins to create an uncomfortable tension, so you continue to help him and assure him.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, just know you weren’t that good at keeping your secret from me.”
Another silence passes before Peter raises his other hand to pull off his mask, causing you to pause what you’re doing and look up to meet those same sweet brown eyes Peter Parker had.
“Please don’t tell anyone,” he pleads softly. “I just,” he swallows thickly. “I don’t want anyone to know. No one besides you.”
You offer him a gentle smile and nod softly. “Of course. I can keep a secret.” You let your gaze linger before you continue to work on patching him up.
“Now,” he clears his throat. “You. What happened?”
“Well, that red-head you helped me take down, tracked me down and shot me,” you share and scoff. “He totally ruined my bonding day with Steven.”
“Steven?” Peter queries.
You peek up at him and smirk at his question before you assure him. “He’s my dads alter, remember? Steven is my….well, my step dad? Brother? I don’t know, he’s just my dads alter. We were at Coney Island and they ruined our night out.”
Peter hums. “Since you’re here I assume the guy was dealt with?” He probes.
You nod and stick on the last piece of tape on his body. “Yeah,” you say, “my dad helped me take him and his goons down.” You stand up and pull off your goggles. “All done. Now just be careful.”
Peter glances down at his wounds before he meets your gaze with a soft smile. “Thank you, y/n.”
You mirror his smile as you feel your heart flutter at the sound of your name coming from his lips. However, you don’t add anything after his comment, instead you collect all your things and return them to your first aid kit to head back to the bathroom.
“So tell me,” you interject now that everything was resolved whilst you wash your hands. “Why did you break into my place of work?”
The couch springs make noise as Peter gets up, and his voice sounds close as he begins to follow you. “I went to grab some things to upgrade my web fluid. I had gone in for an interview before and saw they had something I needed, so I went back.”
You turn away from the bathroom and come face to face. “Ah,” you add, and smile in amusement. “So you’re not a saint? That’s good to know.” You walk past him to head to your room, hearing him not hesitate to follow.
“You tell me now,” he interjects and parts away to begin wandering around your crafting table. “Do you make all this stuff yourself?”
You put your goggles back in their place and nod before you give him his answer. “Somewhat. My friend, Marvin, helps me sometimes, but,” you sigh and turn to watch him examine all your tech you have out. “It’s mostly all me.”
Peter then leans in and begins to grin brightly. “This,” he points to the nanotech housing unit. “Did you make this?”
You slowly walk over to your table to crouch down across from him and nod. “Yes,” you say and smile proudly. “After I got brought back from being dust for five years, I was told to focus on something to do, so I got to work on that. it’s still a work in progress, you know, I’m not rich so, making it all state of the art will take time.”
Peter begins to nod as he stands up straight. “No, no, I get it. My suit is still a work in progress too, it will take time to upgrade it.”
You stand up straight and meet his gaze with a teasing smirk. “Really, that sucks. I like your new suit.”
Peters lips part and his eyes widen a bit, making you grow cocky.
“I like your,” he begins to stammer. “I like how smart you are.”
You squint your gaze and then giggle as you slowly begin to approach him. “You want to know something else?” You ask a bit smugly.
Peter hums as he watches you get close.
“It’s such a shame hiding such a pretty face under that mask.”
Peter's face begins to grow red, making you begin to grin whilst you stop just a few inches away from him.
“You’re very…very bold.” He stammers.
You scoff. “Yeah. I mean I was shy before, but when I got brought back, I thought what’s the point? Why?” You probe teasingly. “Is it bad?”
Peter shakes his head. “No, no.” He licks his lips, and you catch his gaze falling to your lips before he picks them up to meet your gaze. “I like it! I just—you know. I—”
“Are we going to finally kiss now?” You cut off his nervous stuttering.
Peter blinks repeatedly and parts his lips to answer, but just nods, letting you smile as you lean in to finally do what you wanted to do yesterday, and kiss him.
Peter stays stiff for a few seconds before you feel him return the kiss in a much more gentle manner that makes you smile and then grab his jaw with one hand.
Even if it did seem like you weren’t nervous, your heart is pumping like crazy in your chest, and you keep wondering if this was okay. You still gush inside and smile like some teenage girl who got noticed by her crush for the first time.
“Is…” Peter interjects as he pulls back. “Is this okay?”
You keep your eyes on his lips and nod before you lean in and crush your lips on his again; this time he’s the one that raises both hands to cup your face and pull you in to deepen the kiss.
Now neither of you stop, you only take breaks to catch your breaths. You keep grabbing onto each other like if letting go meant you were going to suddenly disappear. It’s not until you craved more that you pulled back from the kiss, seeing a string of saliva connect between your lips.
“You don’t need to go anywhere do you?” You ask between pants.
Peter shakes his head and leans in again, making you part your lips to wait, but he then pulls back and asks you a question. “You’re not expecting anyone this time are you? Your dad isn’t—”
You shake your haad. “No, no,” you cut him off eagerly. “We’re all good.”
Peter smirks. “Good,” he whispers.
You grin and nod in agreement before he pulls you in first this time and continues to passionately kiss you with no intention to stop anytime soon.
What is it people say about loneliness?
That it’s a disease? A silent killer? A state of mind?
Whatever it is they say, Peter seemed lonely, he hasn’t stopped talking since you woke up, it’s like he’s had so much to say but no one to say it too until now.
But honestly you don’t mind getting bombarded by all this talk, you enjoy hearing him talk.
“Listen to this one,” he suggests and changes the song on his phone to play a different song through the earbuds that you share.
You smile and nod softly. “I like it,” you whisper and grab his phone to play a different song. “Now listen to some good music, Frank Ocean. I love his rendition of Moon River. It's one of my favorites.”
Peter drops his gaze to listen to the song that begins to play in his ear. You glance over at him to watch his reaction, and catch his gaze soften and his lips pull to a faint smile.
“You are very welcome,” you mutter and nudge his shoulder. “I’ll send you more Frank Ocean songs.”
Peter glances over at you to finally meet your gaze, and his smile softens. “I think listening to songs on top of this tower makes a big difference, don’t you think?”
You glance down at the street that’s a hundred feet below your dangling feet and scoff. “No, yeah definitely. It’s lonely up here, no outside noise, just utter fear.”
Peter chuckles. “I won’t let you fall.”
You smirk and press yourself against him. “Please don’t.”
Peter raises his hand to show it to you before he puts it down over yours to show you that he has your hand secured in his.
You roll your eyes and scoff softly before you just mindlessly look at the sky ahead.
“Okay, another question,” he interjects.
You hum and let him continue.
“You and your dad, you seem to be close, are you?”
You begin to smile and nod. “Yeah, we are. I mean like any normal relationship there has been bumps in the road, but we’re healing,” you sigh. “He had me when he was very young. Like, super young. My mom didn’t want the responsibility so she didn’t stay, leaving just my dad and me. It was like that for a long time, so it was hard not to be close.”
Peter nods slowly in comprehension.
“What about his alters?” He continues to probe.
You let out a deep breath and then answer. “As far as I know his only alter is Steven. I only recently found out about him so we’re building our relationship, but! He is very sweet, you have to meet him.” You grin and glance at Peter.
Peter then meets your gaze and nods in agreement. “Yeah, that would be cool. Maybe like before he leaves, like, tomorrow maybe?”
Your eyes widen and immediately you shake your head. “Tomorrow is no good. I have something already planned for tomorrow.” You swallow thickly and avert your gaze. “But they don’t leave until Monday night, we can meet in the morning if you can.”
“Yeah, I can do mornings,” he agrees, making you actually doubtful. Not because you doubted his interest, it felt like he was interested, you definitely were, he’s very sweet and it’s also exciting, not only because he’s Spider-Man. He listens, he doesn’t make you think you’re crazy for the stuff you’ve gotten into over the past year with Layla and your dad. He understands more than anyone else has. You just doubt him because…you can’t believe he’s not just up for a fun time, like sex, and whatever you call your little team ups.
Then again do you want something serious?
“Really?” You probe his question.
Peter shifts around to face you better and nods. “Why not? As long as your dad doesn’t want to kill me.”
You chuckle, “I don’t know, I can’t guarantee he won’t try, my dad is very protective, but that’s why we’re going to talk to Steven.” You lick your lips and continue to probe about your previous worry. “Are sure that you want to…uh, hang out again?”
Peter offers you a shy smile and nods. “I’m sure, I mean….you’re like very cool, and nice…and like…pretty…”
You begin to smile shyly but hide it well. “I think you’re pretty cool too.”
Peter laughs softly. “Thanks,” he says.
Your gaze linger on each other for a moment longer before you look away and add a question yourself, something not personal since what he has answered about his life has been so bleak already. You don’t want to make him feel any more sad.
“Okay, favorite adventure, go.”
Peter hums and looks at the sky ahead as he comes up with his answer. However, it’s as he’s thinking that you see him grow sad again, causing you to feel bad.
Nevertheless he answers. “Probably the one where I teamed up with other versions of myself from different multiverses.”
You blink in disbelief and snap your gaze over to him. “What?” You gasp. “You’re fucking with me.”
Peter goes smug and shakes his head. “No. I’m being serious.”
You blink rapidly and feel your mind race. “So you’re telling me it’s true? About multiple universes? Like everything?”
Peter nods. “Yep.”
“Huh…wow…” you trail off and shift around to probe further about that, ending up in a deep conversation about different theories, everything that just came to mind really. It was never ending, you two were like on fire, and finally you felt understood.
Well, Marvin is smart, he understands some science stuff, but not as much as Peter does, he actually goes in depth with you and geeks over the same things. It felt nice….
It’s a simple grab planned to perfection. As far as the artifacts go they aren’t worth millions so the security won’t be as tight. And the item the contact is paying you to take isn’t a diamond, nor some old painting, it’s a statue of a head made of clay. If all goes well, and your partner does what he’s meant to do, you won’t be chased or shot at.
That’s if he doesn’t feel all trigger happy.
“<Sweetheart,” your dad comes through the small comm piece in your ear. “I’m inside. You?>”
You walk up to the desk and hand the greeter your fake invitation Marvin helped you print out. He looks at it, turns it and flashes a light over the piece of paper, making you widen your feigned smile.
The guy lifts his eyes and bores his dull dark eyes in you for a second before sighing and letting you inside.
When you walk into the lobby lit by diamond chandeliers you slowly make your way towards the open hall that is already filled with people dressed up ridiculously expensive. They’re all mostly old too.
“<Yes,” you answer in Spanish. “They let me in.>” You move back the bangs from your wig and stop just as you get under the double door doorway, and search for the auction room.
“<Are you sure about this wig thing? It’s making my head itchy.>”
The hall is just past the ballroom filled with just circle tables.
“<Yes, I told you already why it’s important, if you complain anymore I’ll replace you with someone else, Pa,>” you mutter and glance at the time on your watch.
There’s still an hour for the African artifacts to be auctioned. It should give him time to place the gadget on the fuse box and generator, and then go to the vents.
“<Yeah because your friend can drive you outta here like me?>” He counters all smugly.
You roll your eyes as you head to the bar and retort. “<We don’t need to get in a high speed chase if you do what I ask, so please, please don’t be impulsive today.>” You offer some old woman with a badly positioned wig on her head a smile as she shoots you a weird look when she catches you “talking alone”.
“<Impulsive?>” Your dad snorts and chuckles. “<Baby, I am not impulsive. People just piss me off.>”
You reach the bar and take a seat to pull out your phone to pretend to be talking on it.
“<Remember this, anger is never a bad thing, okay? You just need to know how to use it,” he continues to say. “—okay I made it to the electrical room, it’s in the exact place you said it would be.>”
You smile proudly and nod. “‘Course it is, I planned this to perfection. Just follow the instructions and it should all be simple, okay?”
The bartender walks up to you and asks for your ID, so you show him a fake one and he falls for it, letting you order a fruity drink.
“<Yeah,” your dad sighs. “You’re the boss….” He pauses and you hear a metal door squeak open before he assures you. “The circle thing you gave me is on. Now on to the generator.>”
You let out a relieved sigh and get your drink handed to you. “Okay, good. Good. I have some time to kill, so we have time.” You swallow thickly and pick up your drink to take a long chug.
“<Hm. Up the stairs until I reach the top, generator is under the brick shed, yes?>” He double checks.
You pull away from the bar and nod. “<Yes. And the ventilation system is all managed from that same ceiling. I’ll let you know when to throw it in. I’ll then take the artifact and bam, we leave from there. Go get dessert and head home. Easy,” you mumble. “It should be easy.>”
“<Hey,” he interjects softly as he hears your worry. “It’s going to work. It’s a good plan. Have faith, you’re smart, sweetheart.>”
You smile softly and nod slowly.
“<I’ll go silent now, I’ll let you know when I reach the ceiling, okay? Be calm, you're going to be fine. If anything takes a wrong turn you tell me and I will meet you down there, got it?>”
You draw in a deep breath and nod again. “<Yeah, got it,” you breathe out. “You let me know if you have questions or if anything goes wrong too.>”
There’s one last hum before there’s silence, finally letting you take time to study the high ceilings with their white lights, all the tall glass windows that overlook other tall glass buildings. You look at the walls as you slowly make your way to stand by a window to pass time, and just as you read on the blueprints, there’s vents that let out the heat. In each corner are security cameras albeit.
With luck Marvin still has them down and no one has gotten them to get working, leaving your face out of any surveillance.
This hall is also filled with middle aged people, and old people who don’t try to bother you. They never tended to anyway, if you left them alone and didn’t make eye contact they tend to mind their business. Plus here most of them were busy getting drunk for free, listening to some real jazz band, and wasting all their money. No one cared about you.
No one cares that an hour passed, your dad did what he was meant to do, and no one came to talk to you. At least not until now just as you were trying to head to the auction hall.
“Hello there beautiful lady,” some old man with obviously dyed black hair greets you.
You offer him a gentle smile, but that’s it.
“Drink?” He offers you a chámpame glass.
You lift your cup and shake your head. “Thank you, but I have my glass, thanks though.” You walk away and he follows.
“I see you’re all alone, seeing such a pretty girl all by her lonesome is such a shame.”
For who?
“I’m here with my girlfriend,” you lie.
Usually with some old people saying that you’re with the same sex partner makes them all upset, and they either tend to say their discomfort or leave. You’re hoping he leaves you be.
The old man stays quiet for a second before he smiles and shows off a gold tooth. “Oh, are you? That’s nice.”
Of course he’s one of the progressive old people.
“Well, if she’s just as pretty as you then the more the merrier.” He says unashamedly.
You feign a grin and nod slowly. “Well she’s off somewhere so I don’t think she’ll join me,” you try to get him off your back as you reach the hall.
“Well you let her know that I will keep you company,” he says with a chuckle whilst he takes a seat on the third row right by your side.
You feign a laugh. “Alright.” You take out your phone and text your dad in Spanish in case this old man is looking.
<Inside the hall. The auction is starting, be on standby.>
You put your phone down and watch the first artifact be auctioned, but it’s not the one you need so you keep quiet.
“You know,” the man adds, making you bite the inside of your cheek as he’s continuing to annoy the shit out of you. “You seem too young to be into this stuff, are you a lover of the—”
Oh god.
“And you are too old to be hitting on me,” you can’t hold back your annoyance anymore and spat back, “so please leave me alone before I get security.” You shoot him a toothy grin, causing the man to shoot you a glare before he gets out of his seat and walks off as he grumbles under his breath. Your phone then buzzes, and you’re relieved to see it's your dad.
<All right I’m ready.>
You smile softly to yourself and catch something else get offered, but it’s still not the one you’re here for. However, so as to not be suspicious you pretend to be interested and offer a price.
“10K. We have 10k from the young lady anyone else want to double it?” The announcer exclaims.
You look around and bite harder onto your cheek.
“Here!” Some woman yells from behind you.
Fuck thank god!
The announcer continues to sell the item but you don’t offer any money and just continue watching, and watching, until finally forty minutes later the item you want is finally rolled out.
It’s getting auctioned.
There’s no answer, but a second passes, the lady says a price and some man raises the price, but the lights then all shut off.
Murmurs and screams of fear go off, letting you go on your watch to connect to your nano-tech to make them make an air mask that covers your entire face now that you’re covered by the darkness.
Phones should be pulling out, and flashes should be turned on since the lights aren’t turning on. But before anyone can flash them on, your dad goes on the comms.
“<And…it’s out. Your mask, is it on?>”
You hum in agreement and without any setbacks, a thick mist begins to be shot out from every single vent, whilst ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ by Ramones begins to blast from every speaker on the ground and ceiling.
Was it really necessary to play music? No, not at all, but it adds a certain flair, and it scares the shit out of people so it is preferred.
Regardless, now that everyone in every room can't move a single muscle, they all fall to the ground with loud thuds that echo throughout the building. No one can even speak, all they do is groan out of distress, leaving your opening.
10 minutes to be exact before the gas begins to wear off on certain folks.
You get out of your seat and turn on the night mode that you have on your lenses from the mask, before you begin to carefully step over the bodies of some of the people that had fallen over the pathway.
“<I’m going to be heading out, I’ll meet you outside,>” your dad says through the comms.
You hum again and bite your lip as you reach the stage. Before you can take the artifact however you turn on your watch to activate a system on your lenses to detect for some invisible security measures.
You check and check, but….so far…so good.
“Excuse me,” you tell the announcer lady in her plum purple dress as you step over her arm and snatch the clay artifact from the white stand.
As you do however, the lady begins to groan, so you peer down and smile at her behind your mask. You then offer her an innocent wave before you stride away and hurry to the emergency stairs placed at the west end of the room, and run down.
“I’m on my way, west exit,” you interject through the comms. “I have it.”
The floor you were on was only on the third story of the building so it doesn’t take long to reach the back exit that leads outside.
“<I’m on my way,” your dad lets you know. “With no kind distraction.>”
You huff out and try not to smile so you don’t somehow jinx this easy going heist, instead you just scoff audibly and push the back door open and walk out to a dimly lit alleyway. You hide the artifact behind you since you have no bag or anything and just slowly walk towards the street, but keep hidden under the shadows of the night until your dad approaches you in the car he rented.
Even when you get in the car though you keep from celebrating, and keep your dad from saying anything on the regard. You just keep your masks and wigs on and drive in silence. You don’t even look back to where you had left from, you keep your eyes ahead and gnaw on the inside of your cheek.
You check your watch for any news, but nothing, instead a message comes in from Marvin.
How is it going?
You let out a deep sigh and text back.
Can't say yet, but we’re out, you can get out of the system now. Call you later.
The watch doesn’t buzz, and you keep quiet. Besides your pounding heart all you feel is your dad's stare every few seconds, and the tension that lurks in the car.
It’s not until you reach a more isolated street that has homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk that he parks the car in a alleyway that is occupied by more people.
“<Okay, change,>” your dad mutters.
You grab your backpack from the back and shove the artifact inside before you have the mask unformed, revealing your sweat covered face. You proceed to take your wig off and shove it inside the backpack before you pull out some shoes and a hoodie.
Your dad grabs his own backpack and does the same before he reverses the car and heads to your house. Even still you can't dare to relax, you feel your body stay tense, even when you reach your house and close the door behind you.
“Fuck,” you mumble and slide down to the floor.
Your dad turns around and begins to laugh there in the darkness since you can’t even turn the lights on, all you can muster is enough energy to sit in the darkness and pant while he laughs.
“<Thay was amazing, sweetheart, you’re home. You did good.>”
Your lips twitch to a smile, but you still can’t process what you just did. Your dad sees that so he turns the light on in your living room, he walks to your small tv and turns it on to the local news where they broadcast what had happened at the auction, he then walks over to the kitchen and pops something in the microwave first.
Once that’s done he walks back to the living room and places something on the coffee table, before he walks back to you to grab your arms and peel you off the ground to drag you to your couch.
“<See. No cameras were turned on. No suspects, they won’t know it’s us. You did it.>”
You blink and finally tune in on the TV.
You swallow thickly and scoff softly, but still can’t believe that you’re home.
“<Cinnamon pretzel?>” Your dad offers you as he waves the snack in his hand, throwing sugar all over the place.
You look at the microwaved pretzel and then at him….
He’s really okay with this. No argument, no anger, he’s actually happy, proud.
“<Come on, it’s your favorite.>” he says.
You lift your gaze to meet his, and begin to smile before you take it and pull out the unscathed artifact from your backpack.
“<See and I didn’t act on impulse.>” He adds, making you look at him and chuckle, whilst happy tears escape out of your eyes as you finally free yourself from that concern and stress that had been forming a dark cloud over you, keeping you from actually celebrating that your first solo mission that wasn't planned by Layla went well.
“<You did it,” your dad says with a smirk. “You FUCKING DID IT!>”
You put down the artifact and nod before finally relishing in the excitement. “I DID IT!” You jump off the couch and begin to jump up and down, making the sugar from your pretzel fly everywhere.
“WE DID IT!” You stop and face your dad with a beaming grin. “<Thank you, pa,>” you laugh.
Your dad offers you a grin. “<It was all you, baby.>”
You offer him another smile before you fall back on the couch and hook your arm around his as you cuddle next to him.
“<Why don’t we watch a movie,” he suggests and changes it from the tv station. “Celebrate with a bunch of junk food and relax.>”
“I like that plan,” you whisper and take a bite from your pretzel.
Your dad wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans down to press a kiss on the top of your head before he pulls you back on the couch with him. Silence lingers as you choose a movie to watch, but once that movie begins to play, he breaks the silence in a soft whisper.
“<You know I love you, right? I’d do anything for you. All you gotta do is say the word and I will be here.>”
You look up at him and smile softly as you nod.
It’s still weird that he’s personality is a bit more blunt, that he hasn’t stopped talking Spanish since Friday night, but he hasn’t been afraid to say what he feels. He's a bit harsh with his words, more violent, but he’s been sweet to you. He’s been…different in a good way.
“I know,” you whisper. “I love you too, pa.”
He hums softly before he leans down to press a kiss on your forehead. He stays quiet after that and watches the movie with you.
And just like he had assured you before, everything about the mission went well. No police came. The news don’t say anything either of your names, or put your faces on any broadcast or article. Everything went well.
The music in your ears begins to boom, but the wrong song plays so you pull your phone out of your pocket and change it, catching ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go’ by The Clash play next.
You smile faintly and put your phone back as you approach the front entrance of your apartment building. You hop up the cement steps and reach for the glass door, but in that moment it opens and a neighbor from the same floor as you throws the door open and walks out, making you quickly slide inside before the door closes.
The phone in your pocket then buzzes again, so as you climb up the stairs you pull it out and see Peter had texted you.
Be there in 10
You smile and type out your answer, but another message pops up.
Okay maybe 20!
You scoff and nod.
Sure, sure take your time
You shove your phone away and run up the stairs as you get a weird chill on the back of your neck. And once you reach your floor you pull out your keys and quickly run to your house to rapidly unlock it and get it as if you were being chased, even if no one was around. It just feels that way all the time when you’re alone.
And the moment you're inside your house you slam the door shut and lock it quickly before you throw your backpack aside, and throw your keys on the couch. You kick your shoes off, and go on your watch to make the current song you’re listening to play on the loudspeaker under your tv.
Now that you’re in the comfort of your own home you let your shoulders fall as you ease up, and begin to bop your head along to the song as you head towards your room to change into more comfortable clothes.
However, it’s as you’re now a foot away from your door that you notice that it’s partially closed; and you remember that you had left it fully open before. You didn’t leave any windows inside or out in the living room open. No one else stays here, your dad left a few days ago, it shouldn’t be open…..
You bring your pace to a slow tip toe and pull your crescent dagger out, you turn the music up higher, but it then gets shut off, leaving you in silence that lets you hear the pounding of your heart before there’s additional footsteps that come from within.
You don’t say anything albeit to warn them, instead you pull off your other dagger and kick the door open, catching a woman with a long dark coat on; a bag strapped over her shoulder, and her dark hair in a bun.
“It’s okay,” she breaks the silence, but doesn’t make you stop from approaching. “I am not here to hurt you, y/n.”
What the hell? How does she know your name?
“You have ten seconds to say what you’re doing here?!” You scowl, and stop just as you reach your table in the middle of the room since she’s standing by your window at the other side of your table.
“I came for this,” she says and turns around to show you the artifact that you had taken from the auction. “I said I would contact you, remember?”
She has a single purple streak in her black hair, big silver hoops on her ears, she has thin lips, and an overly nice smile that’s off putting.
She’s also wearing a lot of burgundy.
You keep your arms up and your hands wrapped around your daggers as you scoff and snap back. “You didn't contact me, you broke into my house.”
The older woman chuckles and nods. “I thought it would make a dramatic entrance.”
You narrow your gaze and glance around to see if there was anyone around.
But it seems that she’s alone.
“You’re here, you got what you needed now, pay up,” you deadpan. “My friend will be here soon, he’s not so nice with strangers that break into people’s homes.”
The lady scoffs softly, and nods in comprehension whilst she reaches in her pocket and pulls out a thick envelope that doesn’t even close, and throws it on the table.
“It’s all there,” she says. “Every penny.”
You glance at the stack of money, but don’t reach for it yet, instead you keep your glare on the lady and wait for her to leave.
Yet she stays and her smile only turns more cocky. “Of course,” she adds. “You could get more from where that came from. And not just money.”
You squint your gaze in confusion and shift your head to the side as you actually also find your interest piqued.
“I mean how would you like to be known as the people’s hero, hm?” She queries as if she’s seen in your mind, as if she knows your dreams and doubts.
As if she knows your fears, and as if she’s seen the scales you got read a few months ago.
Does she know?
“You’d be appreciated for your work, not working for some overly rich company that doesn’t even pay you,” she continues trying to persuade you. “You could move on from these scraps,” she laughs and picks up your nano-tech housing unit that was built from scraps and a metal that was cheap enough to buy in bulk.
“You could be the next Tony Stark,” she says.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Please. I don’t want to be the next Tony Stark.”
The lady scoffs and shakes her head. “Of course not. No, not the next Tony Stark, you, my lovely, can be better. You just need the money, and the right material.” She begins to smirk at you before she bangs the clay head statue against your table and breaks it, causing something small to fall onto her palm.
“What if I could offer you this,” she continues to add, and drops the broken pieces of clay to then lift her hand and show off a small shard of a glowing blue and black metal between her thumb and pointer finger. It’s…
“Holy shit,” you mumble and slowly begin to drop your hands back to your sides as you recognize what that glowing metal is. “Is that Vibranium?” You ask and meet her gaze.
She nods. “Yes. Tell me what could you make with this? More of this?” She points to the nano-tech.
You scoff and nod slowly. “Yes. I mean I could make a shit load of stuff. I could make it fully bulletproof with that.”
The lady begins to grin and places the shard of vibranium down on your table. You glance at it and then glance at her.
“What’s the catch?” You probe and once again begin to narrow your gaze. “Why have me keep it? This is valuable. I’m just a kid.”
The lady begins to approach you with her overly nice smile and answers you. “All I need is your brain. And you, working for me. And my team.” She reaches in her pocket again and this time pulls out a white card that she hands to you.
“Okay,” you whisper and drop your gaze to read the words that are printed on it. “Valentina Allegra De Fontaine.”
Without any doubt, as her words, “…how would you like to be known as the people’s hero, hm?”, echoe in your head, you confidently lift your chin and shoot her a smirk, before you give in to her offer.
“What do I need to do?”
Tagged: @broadwaytraaaaash @jasminemohmed @beloved-reblogger @seninjakitey @anonoussy @mateihavenoidea @queenofthekill @scoliobean
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