#but hey we back babeyyyy
pepsimaxolotl · 5 months
I’m actually getting my puter back in a few days this is surrral…
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rawrtriesagain · 11 months
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whats up my dudes guess who's back for another Hall of Shame ~
Diana's back after not learning her lesson the first time. Here's a link to the original Hall of Shame if you were interested. Diakko edition starts today (with this pic) on double the canvas as last time to fit two characters (hence the blurring and pixels if you don't click on the pic itself)
What is the Hall of Shame: Diakko Edition?
Mini event of mine where I will try to draw a little diakko drawing every single day. The caveat is that all drawings MUST fit on this canvas. The event ends when either the canvas is filled or I drop the project and forget about it. If completed, the full thing will be posted on my main art blog, but the event itself takes place here.
Can I participate / How do I participate?
Yea so that's the fun part for all you lovely people: Hall of Shame is actually an art request event. Send me an ask with your Diakko request with these rules:
You MUST mention 'HOS' or 'Hall of Shame' in your ask idc if you're out of letters, cut words if you have to.
MUST be a diakko request meaning them together. I don't care what it is but I don't want no only akko or only diana (until HOS 3).
Come in with low expectations. I will do whatever I feel like it. Do remember your art will have to fit on this canvas so it will most definitely be small and maybe crushed
Enjoy a daily (?) diakko doodle
I'll try to get to as many requests as possible but obvi if the event ends you're out of luck until next time
Why's it called Hall of Shame?
My regulars here know that I have a bad habit of broken promises and not finishing projects I said I would. The name comes from the shame of me expecting to drop the project early on. I didn't expect the first Hall of Shame to actually finish but hey we got a 100% success rate babeyyyy im definitely stirring up trouble doing two characters this time though. You can scroll through this blog to see the whole HOS 1 event if you wanted to
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whimsicalcotton · 9 days
1, 2, and 43 (:
pricefield ass combo 👀
1: Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’
this is Hard actually bc i feel like they would both do it given the right circumstances. but i'm going to say Max for now bc she just has such a laundry list of fucked up things she has done/could do for Chloe's sake. also imo being on the receiving end of the "i'll do whatever it takes to save you" complex Surely ain't easy, so i think this kind of argument/line of thought is something that's definitely brought up More Than Once between them
2: What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
pov you're chloe at god knows what hour in the morning:
ah shit where's the fuckign fire i'm up, i'm up. Max are you-- nope, nope, not okay. what's wrong? what do you-- hey wait where are you going. get back here. Max. nope, no, you hold your damn horses, Caulfield, you're not going out right now. because it's dark? and cold?? and you're wearing fucking shorts??? c'mon. turn your crazy ass around, we're going back to bed. there ya go. jesus fucking christ
43: Who would give their life for the other without a second thought?
Max is contractually obligated to be riddled with second thoughts on account of the I Have To Save Them All issues so this one is all Chloe babeyyyy. Chloe Price said "i'd throw myself in front of a bus for her if she needed me to. y'know, the way friends do." Chloe Price said "yeah i feel normal about her we hang out she takes pictures of me i'd commit ritual suicide if it meant ensuring her safety we have ice cream together etc etc."
see also; that one mlp art where Rarity says "Why haven't you called me Sugarcube today?" and one of Applejack's responses is, "I'm so sorry, Sugarcube. Do you want me to kill myself?" <- chloe price core. to me hsjfhdgjfk
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simeonisalesbian · 3 years
Hi! Sooo, I got this idea and thought it would be really cool if there was a headcannon for a female MC coming out as lesbian. I could picture Mammon finding a potion somewhere to turn himself into a woman and then the other brothers start doing it too. Lucifer would just shake his head at the brothers dissaprovingly but inside he wants to as well.
My gay ass loves this ask anon. The only thing better than demon boys is demon girls❤🧡💛💚💙💜(Also its really fuckin funny to me that all of them would drink the magic woman juice lmaooo)
Very happy that Mc was comfortable enough to come out to them.
Is of course the last to take the potion and you don't even notice until you're called to his office later
Hey female Lucifer gives off big Lady Dimitrescu I think (so mark me down as scared and horny)
" You know it is your fault we are all like this Mc. I think a punishment for causing all this chaos is in order, no?"
WHATDOYOUMEANYOUONLYLIKEGIRLS!???? Er I mean that great human good for you….
He is very distressed now that he realizes you don't like him.
Then he remembered that they are literally demons so fuck it.
Bam potion magic stuff woman time babeyyyy
"MC! LOOKIT! I'M YOU'RE FIRST WOMAN NOW! Just know that I totally didn't do this to get closer to ya or anything!"
You like girls? That's so poggers.
Didn't have high hopes you'd like an stink otaku like him anyway honestly
But then he saw Mammon changed in order to get closer to you
🌟Envy mode activate 🌟
"Mc look I'm a girl too now! I-er not that you have to -to date me or anything. It just wasn't fair that the others would be closer to you now."
Has already pulled out a list of wlw books to recommend for you.
He is one of the last to drink the potion. Still drank it quite a bit before Lucifer though.
It’s not that he didn’t want to he just prefers to walk on the side of caution before jumping into a situation
There is a pussy joke to be made here I just know it.
Bold of you to assume Asmo has any attachments to gender or sex binary.
Hell the potion was probably his mammon just stole it first
The avatar of lust has had sex in all the genders and that's a fact
"OOO MC~! Don't I make the prettiest girl? You don't have to answer, I already know I am. I'm just your type too, right?"
Is very happy you were comfortable enough to come out and gave you a bag of rainbow candies he had on hand
His mood did a full 180 when he noticed his siblings changing to be closer with you
He wants to shoot his shot too :(
I- my brain is short-circuiting now cus I'm pictures a female beel and strong tall lady just abskbdbshsnshdjskks
just kinda nods and goes back to sleep.. You're not even certain he heard you.
That is until he drinks the potion too. Belphie doesn't just follow his brothers blindly after all.
"You really thought I'd let the others have you all for themselves Mc? Don't be so stupid and come cuddle."
Tiddy pillow tiddy pillow tiddy pillow. I'm not even sure if I mean belphie laying on MC's chest or vice versa I just know I want it.
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antique-symbolism · 3 years
35, 42, 47, 52 for writer asks 👀
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
By asking me this, you have officially consented to an infodump about my current backstory development struggles for Ruzena vis a vis her witnessing early 1800s corpse reanimation experiments.
So, Frankenstein was actually inspired by some dudes in the late 1700s and early 1800s being like ‘hey what if we electrified some corpses and we let people watch us do it.’ 
Back in that time period, you were only gonna get a corpse to do science with if the body belonged to an executed criminal. When I heard that a lot of executed criminals were posthumously drained of blood I got this banger of an idea where fresh corpse blood could be adequate sustenance for a vampire (I consider, in my limited scientific research, for this to be plausible as corpse blood obtained within a certain window of time can be used in transfusions). 
So, enter Giovanni Aldini publicly trying to shock hanged murderer George Forster’s body back to life. I thought it would be interesting for Ruzena to have been the one to drain Forster’s body, and she attended the public demonstration because she was concerned about the possibility of Forster reanimating as a vampire because of the traces of her venom that would be left in the dead body.
THE PROBLEM is that I think a galvanized body needs blood in order for the electrical current to travel? So says one non-academic and therefore questionably reliable source; according to it, they drained the bodies of beheaded criminals but not hanged ones, thus Forster still had all his blood and Aldini was able to use the body for the galvanic experiment. 
So I’m figuring out where to go with this? I think this backstory is illustrative of Ruzena’s character and interesting to her story, so I don’t want to write it out. But if a body without blood wasn’t a candidate for reanimation experiments, then how could the backstory be possible?
It doesn’t necessarily have to be historically accurate, as I’m working in a closely parallel alternate timeline/reality, but I want it to be scientifically accurate. I had the idea of her biting and starting to drain the body but stopping for some reason so that the body could still have most of its blood left and thus be used. 
But this would also either require that vampire venom doesn’t normally turn the already-dead OR require that somehow the body was otherwise stopped from rising as a vampire, because it is the current canon that vampire venom will turn somebody unless all of their blood is drained. 
Anyway at that point I’m wondering if I’m getting too contrived with it just to make this work? Input or suggestions absolutely welcome from anybody.
And if that wasn’t enough of a wall of text for you, I do have answers to the other ones!
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
It’s all vibes, babeyyyy~ Honestly though, there’s no method for me. They just evolve as they go. Though usually one of the best things I can do for developing a character’s personality and motivations is asking myself about key details of their life and backstory and figuring out how that’s affected them throughout their life.
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
Usually it goes like this: I have a vague concept like “magical college roadtrip” or “vampire trying to find alternative to drinking blood.” I create a few characters, I come up with a very loose idea of what the major conflict is, I start writing the story, then soon figure out that the major conflict is something completely and totally different. 
This process is actually ideal for me! It’s my favourite way to develop a story, I think it helps me grow it very organically.
52. How did writing change you?
I think writing has helped me understand both myself and other people better. I think writing good characters requires an effort to understand the emotions and experiences that drive our actions, which is an invaluable skill in the real world, too.
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felikatze · 2 years
s11 ice chapter is DONE and wawo. it was good.
i'm gonna talk about the benign shit first cuz wawo this season had Stuff Going On. man.
the filler episodes were, as with the fire chapter, top tier. incredible. fantastic.
also hello. 2d animated sequences?? in my ninjago?? it's more likely than you think
ofc these episodes fulfill the purpose of torturing viewers by prolonging cliffhangers but the subject matter is well chosen.
the first one answers your cinemasins ding of "hey wouldnt all the villains attack ninjago now" to which the show says "no because they're too dumb to escape jail with pixal on the block." also again as with the fire chapter the episode was hilarious.
seeing how some two bit villains perceive the ninja. height of comedy. also the "who the fuck is fugidove" running gag because who tf is he indeed. and why does he hate jay of all ninjas the most.
ALSO THE FUCKING. DBZ PARODY???? JAY WALKER AS GOKU??? HELLO??? DID I SEE THAT RIGHT??????? sorry i was just not mentally prepared for that existing i just. i paused the episode and ate lunch before i could proceed. my lunch was a bowl of pretzel shaped biscuits. i also ate three whole potatoes today i'm good
the next "filler" (cuz it's not REALLY filler in the anime filler sense but i use filler to mean "does not advance the main plot in any way") ep deals with pixal and wu and pixal fighting the fucking preeminent is fun (they brought it back for a joke??? i thought it was gone after nya drowned it?? is this a different one without hydra capabilites?? did it jusz.... grow back or did nya killing it send it to the departed realm) but also the episode depresses me
pixal and wu DO NOT deal with grief good those two are depressed as hell. pixal almost kills herself because she a) knows she's the only line of defense left for ninjago b) can't go on without zane and like. okay. goddd. what the fuck. i wish pixal happy therapy.
WU ALSO LIKE. he def has that "it should've been me" survivor's guilt shit going on. he's so desparate to find them. like that one scene where he and pixal find the departed realm and he deludes himself into thinking the growls of the preeminent are the sounds of the land bounty. and then he doesnt want to lose pixal too....... i'm so emo abt this.
side note pixal before almost frying herself saying she loves zane as her last words and zane's recording having him say he loves pixal as his last words. I'M SO EMO ABT THIS FR. pixane are the only bitches i respect
laaast time i speculated maybe kai just gets his powers back but he doesnt!! that's vry cool actually. he has to get some self confidence babeyyyy. it's funny how like. he manages to get fire again and immediatly gets cocky again but then the ice dragon shows up and his savior complex or whatever kicks him in the ass. hell yeah man.
nice setup for the climax where "oh look the ice dragon is an elemental creation" so he melts the thing and actually manages to save people for real this time. good for him
ALSOOO NYA. return of her s5 bane: not immediatly being good at stuff. CONSISTENCY!! we love to see it. vry sexy acknowledgement that ice is just frozen water, therefore shouldn't nya be able to control it? HELL YEAH SHE CAN! it's just vry hard.
mildly conflicted abt cole this season cuz. why set it up so that the traveler's tea can't bring them back only for cole to lose it anyway? it feels weird from a writing standpoint that the ninja never even notice. they could've easily just been told by like, sorla (is that her name? the wu stand-in), since at the end of the season she knows leaves aren't enough and cole pulls out the uh. berry.
the tea not working anyway undercuts cole's guilt over losing the tea i feel. bcuz the audience knows it would be a moot point if he'd kept it anyway. i don't think the mini-arc about cole feeling guilty over this is bad, it's good actually, but again! the effect just gets undercut cuz! yeah!!
that aside. rlly fun how cole dads krag. he threatens to revoke its (his?) gaming rights. i feel like cole still makes the ninja eat their veggies. it's sooo funny how he gets mad at them for talking shit in his dream. hello. my guy. you were dreaming.
3. akita. bark bark
next up. new characters. mainly akita!! woof. conceptually i find her vry cool. i love shapeshifters i think wolves are cool (<- is transgender)
i think it's great how lloyd reacts to her deceit cuz like. lloyd traumadumped to this random wolf and the wolf is a girl actually and god this random girl knows about his daddy issues now. he feels betrayed as he should bcuz otherwise s8 would feel for naught. lloyd got trust issues now babeyy!!! though he does forgive akita when its clear she had no ill intent and still needs help!! bcuz it's vry vry important that despite it all, lloyd's still kind
love the juxtaposition of revenge vs saving on akita and lloyd. and this isn't set up for shits n giggles it does actually result in conflict between the two when akita tries to stab zane and lloyd stops her, but still protects her from zane when that goes to shit.
i think her backstory segment was done amazing to answer all sorts of questions i wasn't even asking until they got answered, like why the fuck does zane have a castle?
her relationship to her lost brother is also a great parallel to everyone's search for zane. it shows the level of hope they have. akita has no hope, she believes herself to be alone. she wants revenge, and has no plans for a future after. why should she? she turned her back on her frozen home.
meanwhile, the ninja fervently believe that zane is still alive, and that they can find him. in the end, faith is rewarded with a happy ending. i'm happy that akita gets her family back, too. it's sweet, for one, makes the season less grim and more family tv friendly, for another, and ties into this comparison. even if she had no hope to start with, her efforts still weren't in vain.
the main downside to her character is her giving lloyd a kiss cuz like i UNDERSTAND that these two characters bonded a lot through mutual traumadumping and near death experiences but i do not think they had romantic chemistry and i will be ignoring this. thank you. lloyd remains unshippable to me.
sorry for mainly talking abt akita in conjunction with lloyd but these two characters spent the most time together this season and as such their plotlines are inextricable. thanks for understanding. moving on
gotta talk abt vex now i think. i like that he just sucks. he doesnt get an animal form cuz he's a distrusting selfish bastard. he's the cause of every problem ever this season. he just sucks.
he's the only one who tries to start shit with the formlings because they hate him for sucking and then the king tells him to fuck off thank god.
also how this bitch just??? gaslights zane?? like actual definition of gaslight gaslight??? hello???????????
zane..... zane my man. dear god.
first of all. i love villain arcs. i think they're sexy. i LOVE the scene where lloyd tries to get zane to remember desparately and then zane throws him in jail. that's good character conflict babeyyy!!
vex being all Gaslight Gatekeep ultimately takes the crux of all evil away from zane which i think is both the good writing choice for a kids cartoon and cowardly. cowardly because, gestures at above paragraph, and good writing choice because zane would never intentionally hurt people otherwise
the set up of the ice emperor really does only work because of the combo of evil advisor + corrupting artefact of great power
the flashback episode here did great work. obviously it can't depict zane's presumably gradual descent into madness over decades because it's one ten minute episode, but it still did a great job. it rlly hammered home that zane only used the scroll out of desparation, and was tricked in a vital moment. like we understand how zane got to being the ice emperor and it makes sense from a character standpoint, especially considering the frequently mentioned time gap that cannot be adequately portrayed in one ten minute backstory ep. more than one backstory ep would be too needlessly long though, so again ultimately the best choice.
s good ya
the twist itself was obvious see that one post abt zane's lil bright blaring blue gloves. like even tho i did get spoilered on it it's. ice powers. convenietly frozen staff. glowing blue eyes. the gloves.
the writers tried to red herring so hard with keitaro as the faceless prisoner and i respect that but frankly it did not work much. good on them knowing a red herring was necessary though cuz it sure was.
i love the detail of the ice emperor having to free his arms every time he stands up bcuz he froze himself to the throne by accident. adds flavor.
the final fight is sooo. goddamn it's good. like the aspheera fight it's plain fun to watch it looks amazing but i also love how it ends.
zane wins the fight. like with corruption arcs like this it's usually "hit friend over the head until good again" but none of lloyd's pleading or the fight itself did it. it was lloyd being helpless, it was vex gloating, and it was zane remembering his own mantra. he protects those who cannot protect themselves. THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOMENT FR. ZANE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i liked this development can you tell. who cares if it's cliche or cheesy IT WORKS. the cheese always just works in this show. bcuz it's vry sincere. about its cheese.
side note i forgot to mention. it's super neat how the intro changes between red and blue to denote which realm the episode is set in!! so cool!
minor thing from last season: why does clutch powers use random german. the only fictional characters allowed to do that are klavier from ace attorney, and me. hey alter hör auf.
to summarize the ice chapter was amazing, i think this is the first time one of the ninja was a major antagonist? i love it. i want the writers to do it again it's just good.
next up is. the video game season? i know next to nothing about s12-15. i know it's another jay season because of that one very blue jay design with tboy swag i see art of. looking forward to it.
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pocketramblr · 3 years
truthwatcher duo holders babeyyyy..... um dont read if u havent finished oathbringer i guess
Yoichi had to tell him. If One-For-All, his own bonded spren, couldn’t be trusted- then all he had left was Nadin. It was so easy to- they’d sworn some oaths, because it had been important to the Alethi Truthwatcher to, and Yoichi wouldn’t have been able to bear leaving Urithiru without a word.
But now he was actually facing Nadin, who smiled at him with no idea of what was to come, indulging him in taking a seat and not using his height to look down on him like he normally did.
And Yoichi was about to bring his world down.
His voice felt so dry, and he suddenly wished he’d opened a jug of stronger wine than this yellow stuff. Still, it was what he had, so he knocked it back in a moment.
Nadin lifted a brow. “Something wrong, then?”
“Yeah. It, uh, happened again. The thing. But I know what it is now.” Yoichi put the empty vessel down on the floor in front of his chair. Then he wished he hadn’t, nothing else to do with his hands but hug himself. It didn’t do much to warm him. With the window open the tower was just too cold, but Nadin liked to keep it open. He claimed the air was good for your health, but Yoichi suspected it was to make it easier for his Windrunner friend to visit.
“That should be a good thing, right? I know you and One-For-All have been trying to figure it out for a while...”
“They lied to me. They already knew what it was. Nadin, I- Those visions, i see the future.”
To see the future was of Odium.
Yoichi had never quite understood why the Alethi went so far, in the forbidding of even gambling on outcomes when it was less predictive than the Stormwardens, never quite understood their fear to get anywhere near that. Yes, seeing the future was of Odium. But no one could do that anyway, so why fear anything but a person who claimed to?
And then he’d realized what was happening, what he saw.
Suddenly, understanding had been thrust upon him. Yoichi, too, wanted to be a thousand leagues from anything resembling it, even the silly shell games from his childhood when they’d guess which shell the sphere was hidden under.
“Ok.” Nadin nodded slowly. “Ok. Well they shouldn’t have lied to you, even if they had that reason.”
Yoichi blinked. blinked again.
Did he really think he needed to be reassured about his feelings being valid right now? Did he really think that was the problem?
Illiteracy of the written type was not the only one that plagued this man, it seemed.
“Nadin. I can see the future. That’s- that’s of Odium. I don’t even know if I am a Truthwatcher!” His voice cracked on the last sentence, head dropping into his hands. 
There was silence for a long moment, and Yoichi wondered if Nadin was looking to Haar for an answer, or if his own spren had perhaps returned after Yoichi shouted at him.
Then the creak of wood, the chair as Nadin stood.
That had been what he’d expected. Being left too, and why not, when he was lie.
Not towards the door, but to his chair.
Nadin practically shoved him out of it before resettling them in it, arm looped casually over him.
Yoichi couldn’t see his face, but he didn’t need to to know how he felt when he spoke.
“Yo. I know you. I don’t know why you’re having visions, but I know you aren’t of Odium, at least. I trust you.” I love you. “We can figure this out, we can research. There’s plenty of non-Vorin Knights Radiant, they’d probably be easier to ask and look. And if One-For-All knew, other spren might as well. We will figure this out.”
“I don’t know where they went, after they told me the truth. I don’t know how much we can trust them anyway, or the other spren that know of it.” Yoichi sighed, resisting the urge to relax into Nadin yet. “And even aside where these visions come from- what they say is terrible too.”
“You’re worried about some of the things you saw.” Nadin realized. “Oh.”
Yeah, oh. Yoichi had only told him some of the strange sights and dreams, and there had been so many more. So many worse.
He just nodded. 
He felt Nadin nod back.
Then he leaned around Yoichi to kiss him on the nose.
Yoichi jerked back, “Hey.”
“Did you see that coming?”
“Wha- no?’
“Then you just don’t see the good things coming. Your visions are not all encompassing or all powerful, so i’m afraid you will not be able to take the Almighty’s position yet.”
Yoichi twisted so he could actually see Nadin, look into his deep brown eyes. Brown, safe, not green like when he needed to draw Haar as a blade.
“I guess not.” Yoichi huffed a laugh. “But I’ll let you know if that changes, my wonderful Knight.”
“Please do.” Nadin didn’t say anything more for a while, but he did lean his head on Yoichi’s and held him close.
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candlecat624 · 4 years
Things that I’ve seen/heard in online classes as Sanders Sides 1/?
Remus: *sets background as a picture of himself about to stab himself*
Janus: *stops the middle of the class* Remus I love your background- I don’t know why but it’s making me giggle more than it should be
Virgil: hey sir can I go take a nap
Logan: I take that as an insult get out of my class
Roman: *shows up to class with toast and hot chocoalte*
Logan: Back on the Nutella toast I see Roman
Roman: day three babeyyyy
Logan: time to get on the learning train kids! I’ll explain what it means in under 8 minutes someone time me-
Roman: *shows up in a face mask* what is it you desire my presence for
Logan: you have homework due
Logan: Ok guys, while Remus, very unsafely with his hoodie strings hanging above the fire may I add, starts his fireplace in his workout gear, we are all going to tell him how many star jumps to do when he’s done and also questions 1,2 & 3
Patton: Honey- honey come here-
Honey please- jump up here-
The dog: :D
Janus: Patton is that a dog-
*awkward silence*
Janus: you can keep it
Virgil: Sir my computer crashed
Patton: I didn’t know you could drive!
Virgil: never mind it’s fine now
Patton: So it uncrashed? Neato!
Remus: Sir permission for use the water closet
Janus: oh of course
Janus: go!
Janus: *reading a comment in the class chat*
Janus: Yes Remus we can have a class dress up and satanic rituals to the French gods
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violasmirabiles · 3 years
tagged by @panwriter, thank you xx
why did you choose your url? went through the scientific names of various violets because thought it was funny because one of my names can be translated as violet or pansy in english; the finnish name of viola mirabilis happened to provide me with an additional stealth fandom reference (yeah its lehto-orvokki yeah its that Finnish War Thing). also i think violamirabilis was taken so now im just. a bunch of flowers
any side blogs? @ihmekukkavesi for my photos - pretty inactive because, ah, im, how do you say, lazy as fuck, and @shineondoc for university hell
how long have you been on tumblr? since december 2011 babeyyyy
do you have a queue tag? no i do not. this shitshow is always brought to you in real time
why did you start your blog in the first place? classic rock fandom, especially pink floyd. i was sixteen and lonely and had no one my age to bond with over the music and the musicians i liked
why did you choose your icon/pfp? thats a selfie. i have a good face. ive been thinking about updating it for a week now though since i changed my hair and am blonde again but im lazy, you know how it is
why did you choose your header? symposion by akseli gallen-kallela. theres two reasons and they are 1) love the “night out with the lads but its 1894 and we cant take a selfie so im just gonna have to paint a fucking oil painting later” thing its got going on and 2) LOVE the colors. this painting has also been my phone homescreen bg for a long time
what’s your post with the most notes? uhh. probably this?
how many mutuals do you have? quite a few. no really ive never counted i dont know the exact number. ive had this blog for ten years for gods sake.
how many followers do you have? 2326. dont know how many are active
how many people do you follow? 654. also dont know how many are active and oftentimes its like i intend to do some Spring Cleaning and come across blogs that havent been active in YEARS but i just. cant bring myself to unfollow them because what if they come back someday
have you ever made a shitpost? have you not? of course i have. 
how often do you use tumblr everyday? many quick checks throughout the day whenever im bored and theres a notification on my phone. how else does one “use” tumble dot hell
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? hm. i mean not really? like. there was that one time i noticed someone reposted a friends edit claiming it as their own even though it had said friends url on it and everything and i said something along the lines of hey dont do that thats not cool and then got a Mysterious Anon message that said something along the lines of fuck you bitch what are you gonna do. this was Years ago. also there was another time, also years ago, when i got another mysterious anon that was like “i dont like you” and then “oh you think youre so perfect well you ARE i should just go kill myself” because ?? someone they followed followed me as well and apparently reblogged a lot of my posts and ??? yeah i dont know either.
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this”? guilt tripping bullshit. like, sure, if the post is legit important and the “WHY ARENT PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS” comment is in the reblogs or something i might rb from the source or otherwise without That Comment. and yes i have reblogged posts with those comments before, again, have been here for a long time, but, eh. im not very likely to touch a post that has a comment like that. im tired. im twenty six. i read news. even watch em on tv sometimes if im somewhere with a tv. tumblr is not where i Go Get My Fix Of News.
do you like tag games? yeah!! i keep forgetting to do them but i do love them and being tagged in them!
do you like ask games? yeah! but im so fucking lazy and forgetful!
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? theres a few! and theres a few who have like. one or two posts that got Huge and i keep seeing those posts on a whole different corner of my dash and go oh :) hey thats my friend :)
do you have a crush on a mutual? nope
tagging: uhh my brains been buffering for five minutes so im not gonna tag anyone at this time sorrY
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
Ahhh willow !!! you reached 400 <3333 I feel like a proud mom !!
Okay so here it goes ... were going to switch it up
- aster + asterhina ? Hinaster ?? I dunno, they both sound ugly ;’(
- she/hers !
- lavender, mint, sage, pink, (literally) any blue, pastel yellow ! (Pls, you do not have to use all of them, you can just pick one or two)
- I want to go to the beach and maybe have a cute lil picnic with my baby hinata <333
- loyal, needy, and ??? ANXIOUS IDK
- not first date, maybe third or so :)
AHH HI LOVE!!! omg ily so much thank you bb🥺💕
(i know i told you this before but i LOVE how you chose Hinata🥺) i hope you like it!!!
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Aster + Hinata’s Beach Picnic
“Hinata wait-!”
The ginger boy was pulling you quickly as you ran across the bridge leading to the beach. He was so proud of himself for this date and didn’t want to waste another second. He finally paused when you were about to step onto the sand.
“Here let me take off my shoes-“
“No time baby-,” Hinata swooped you off of your feet and carried you bridal style across the beach. You couldn’t help but laugh, he was so adorable.
Hinata set you down on the blanket he had set up early, following with the basket he held in his other hand.
“A beautiful beach picnic for my beautiful girl!” He smiled. You giggled, wrapping your around him for a tight hug.
“Oh Shoyo I love it!”
The two of you snuggled together as you looked out to the calm and cool ocean. Hinata had his arm around you as you munched on all the snacks he had brought. You laid down on your back, head resting on his chest. He gently twirled your hair through his fingers.
“Hey Aster?”
“How would you feel about going for a swim?” Before you could respond, Hinata once again had you wrapped up in his arms leading you towards the water.
“Hinata it’s gonna be freezing!” You said. He laughed.
“Guess I’ll just have to keep you close so you warm me up.”
He was up to his knees in the ocean, still carrying you so you wouldn’t get wet. The sun began to fall before you, leaving the sky every shade of pink, purple, and blue. You nestled your face into the crook of Hinata’s neck. He smiled, moving to kiss the top of your head.
“I love you,” blurted out Hinata. You looked at him with widened eyes, then with a cheeky smile.
“I love you too.”
Hinata’s face flushed pink. His sunshine smile was brighter than the sun. He looked at you and instantly pressed his lips against yours. The cool breeze of the ocean was nothing compared to the heat that radiated between you too.
He was your own little ray of sunshine.
Your very own yellow.
💛Willow’s 400 Event: OPEN💛
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unlikely-alliance · 4 years
so it took me nearly a year but I finally finished my tvd rewatch! when it originally aired I only watched until about season 3 and then I caught episodes here and there, so this felt like a first watch for the most part. it took me months to watch the first 4 seasons and then I watched the last 4 in the past month or so. s6 was definitely my favorite, and I’m definitely glad I finally watched it all the way through because it was a fun time even though right now I feel like my soul has been crushed. I already have 2 steroline videos started & I can’t wait to work on them!!
I decided to take notes during my watch because my memory sucks especially when I’m binge watching something so I thought I’d post them here for the laughs. please note these are my personal opinions and I mean no offense to anyone (I’m not the biggest klaus fan for example) and also it’s mostly just me gushing over steroline so... fair warning! 😂
s1 - s5 below the cut s6 - s8: https://unlikely-alliance.tumblr.com/post/633630162446139392/so-it-took-me-nearly-a-year-but-i-finally-finished
I’m about to start the s1 finale and just decided to take notes let’s go
elena gets progressively more annoying throughout the season but I still mostly like her
paul wesley is a good fucking actor
damon for the first 5 or so episodes....... keep him
jeremy/anna are simply the best
john gilbert can suck a fuck
I trust bonnie bennett with my life
what’s the point of matt
what’s the point of jenna
there was a point in one ep somewhere in the middle where I thought katherine was definitely impersonating elena
jeremy and tyler better become real friends at some point
1x19 miss mystic falls is the best episode of the season and that’s just facts
I will never be over damon’s reaction to finding out katherine wasn’t in the tomb
stefan/damon brothers forever ✨
damon/bonnie moments make my life
wtf damon. DAMON WTF!
steroline in 2x02..... god tier
stefan’s sing-songy “caaaaroline” in 2x03 😭😭
steroline in 2x03 is so rom com it kills me!
stefan to caroline: I’ll wait me: *literally screams*
jeremy likes tyler’s art 🥺
steroline at the end of 2x05 ‘hey’ ‘hey’ ‘get some bunny in ya?’ TOO CUTE TOO CUTE TOO CUTE
damon and elena at the end of 2x06 just sent me all the way back to 2010, wow
do jeremy and bonnie date at some point??? I feel like I remember that happening but I may be crazy. stay tuned.
steroline hello katherine / goodbye katherine TEAM WORK BABEYYYY
yup. jeremy and bonnie are definitely a thing!
I can’t believe I’m saying this but... poor damon. can someone just allow him to love them!! christ
not tyler telling caroline he’s alone in the same episode jeremy tells bonnie he’s alone....... be alone together you dumb fucks
plot points: the originals are going after katherine / katherine’s doppleganger (and they were in 1864) for klaus. the moon stone binds the curse of vampires and werewolves. HUMAN patrova blood breaks the curse because the witch who created the curse used patrova blood. also needs a werewolf and a vampire. klaus needs all of this to break the curse. if a vampire breaks the curse, werewolves are stuck with the curse forever and vice versa.
caroline: I’m a terrible liar and I’m even worse at duplicity. 😂😂
damon calling rose “rosebud” 🥺
stefan to caroline: you remind me of my best friend 🥺🥺🥺
damon/alaric friendship is my favorite
caroline being there for tyler’s first transformation... love that for them
elijah wants to use elena as bait to lure klaus and kill him...... do we believe that? 🤔
this ep where rose is dying.... BIG SAD
caroline: everyone needs to stop kissing me LMAO
jesus christ damon..... you really had us in the first half there
fuck off tyler. caroline was there for you when no one else was and you’re gonna be violent with her??? no sir. no sir.
*gasp* stephen amell is a werewolf?!!???
leave caroline alone 2k20!!!!
“hurt her again and you’re dead” not stefan showing more emotion over caroline being in danger than he ever did with elena being in danger... oop
tyler has the audacity to hesitate to save caroline?!!!!?!?????? can’t relate
“I can come in if you want me to” “you don’t have to pretend with me” “you sure can (handle yourself)” *doesn’t leave when caroline closes the door and looks in after her lovingly* DAMN IT STEFAN BE MORE OBVIOUS. AND IN THE SAME EP YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO SET ROOTS AND START A FAMILY NO LESS 😭
AND HE COMES BACK. HE COMES BACK!!!! “I was a bit worried about you” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
um... ok weird sexual tension between elijah and damon?? am I crazy???
damon asking bonnie to dance right after stefan asks caroline to dance..... nothing but respect for MY endgame
matt donovan and liz forbes are the worst and I hate them I do
damon telling elena he will always choose her the episode after he was heartbroken over katherine choosing stefan over him again... 🥺
plot point: klaus made up the curse. it isn’t real. klaus was cursed by a witch because his father was a werewolf and mother was a vampire, making him a hybrid. too powerful. the curse keeps his werewolf side dormant.
this damon/elena scene where she grabs his hand and he says he can’t lose her...... soft
....and he immediately ruins it
I’m confused... why does john hate vampires? didn’t he have a child with one???
why did jenna need to be the vampire that’s so dumb
I don’t give a FUCK about klaus and I never will!
yeah klaus stabbed elijah... he can absolutely get fucked
damon: kill me alaric: screw you 😭😂
is this really how jeremy is gonna go out??? this is chaotic
oh thank fuck these witches came through
stefan the ripper..... ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
ghosts of girlfriends past, am I right jeremy?
ripper!stefan to damon: hello brother me: 😧
here for tyler/caroline and I am shocked about that
fuck that ending montage of 3x01 really brought on the waterworks.... woo!
why does elena act 💀 every time she has scene with damon... like did they tell nina to do that on purpose??? their scenes would be 1000x better if nina sold it as much as ian did. I hate to say it but I’m not seeing much competition between stelena and delena right now. she clearly loves stefan more than anything.
damon just said “oh, honey” to klaus and that was pretty damn iconic of him
caroline talking shit about damon while he’s fighting her father on her behalf.... ya played yourself, care
alaric: you killed me damon: you pissed me off! alaric: YOU KILLED ME 😂😂
caroline stepping in front of tyler to protect him from rebekah..... that’s hot
k so jeremy ain’t shit
ok... I see them trying to make klaus more sympathetic with this flashback episode..... his father made him this way...... ok. still hate him but ok.
ok michael’s presence is scary as fuck
damon and elena laying in bed softly telling each other about their days..... 🥺
sassy stefan in 3x09..... I love him....
damon going from day drunk and flirty to immediately protectively stepping in front elena to protect her from klaus... that’s that boyfriend shit
stefan my man what’s your fucking damage
when did we transition to killing everyone by ripping their hearts out??? was something wrong with using a stake?
klaus wanting to get back at stefan by hurting caroline... 👀
klaus walking to caroline’s bedroom and trying to give her advice... GET A JOB, STAY AWAY FROM HER
damon: ask ric’s dirty doctor gf alaric: you’re on speaker phone, dick 😂😂😂 god I love them
matt and elena better have just been having a fake convo otherwise that acting was... yikes
ok... this klaus/caroline dance scene....... I see the appeal A LITTLE BIT
klaus to caroline: you’re beautiful, you’re strong, you’re full of light. I enjoy you. BITCH_ME_TOO_THE_FUCK.gif
elena you have no fucking right to be mad at damon for sleeping with rebekah when you’re the one who rejected him...... fuck off
klaus literally ran out of a bar to chase after caroline the second she gave him a smidge of attention... maybe he do be a little valid
stefan needs his brother 😭😭😭
the obvious product placement kills me
this damon/alaric death scene is not okay
can y’all stop torturing caroline every 2 episodes??? christ
oof the damon/elena is gonna be strong this season let’s go let’s gooooo!
damon at alaric’s grave + ghost!alaric saying I miss you too buddy..... I’ve been attacked
stefan: you’re so good at being a vampire caroline: because of you, stefan. I’m good at his because of you. — HOLD ON A SECOND, MAN. HOLD ON A SECOND
stefan confiding in caroline 😭😭 that’s that true love shit
matt’s scenes with rebekah are the most I’ve ever liked him oop
a bonnie/damon/elena storyline??? 🙌🏻
damn elena really be going through it huh
stefan calling caroline first thing after the break up 🥺
damon/elena miss mystic falls parallels let’s gooo LET’S GOOOOOOOOO
elena is sired to damon.... delena shippers really can’t catch a break huh
stefan is crashing @ caroline’s 🥺🥺🥺
damn straight tyler is the Alpha
damon: I need my little brother 😭😭😭
elena actually fighting for damon??? we love to finally see it
can this professor get fucked?? he is by far the most annoying guest star
they just 😧 sacrificed 😧 all of those 😧 hybrids 😧😧😧😧
ok april is also a pretty damn annoying and useless guest star
this stelena angst in the library scene.... oof
klaus trying to get girl advice from damon 🥺
rebekah not insulting damon cause she likes looking at his ass LMAO we have to stan
a damon/bonnie hug?? 😍
caroline: you’re in a room full of girls and you’re... you stefan: *ignores all the other girls and takes caroline over his shoulder to the dance floor*
ok I’m back after a 3ish month hiatus is this season over yet
rebekah and void elena being bffs 🥰
stefan: does your heart really refuse to remember? elena: what heart? ok void queen
caroline really said “someday you’ll fall madly in love and have moved on without even realizing it” and stefan really looked at her like That oof the slow burn is so good
damon, stabbed and struggling, to silas: where’s my brother..... you psychic freak 😂😂
ok elena getting her humanity back when she thinks matt died followed immediately by caroline thinking her mom is dead.... RUDE I’m sobbing
the way that the damon and alaric reunion is everything to me 🥰
stefan: oh I don’t hug caroline: get over yourself
klaus to caroline: tyler is your first love. I intend to be your last. 😧 BOLD, SIR
stefan is a doppelgänger ?????!!!? oh sweet jesus
matt and rebekah having threesomes in prague... good for them!
damon giving jeremy a big bro hug after saving him 🥺
5x03 is one of the most boring episodes, I’m being tested
stefan flirting with elena when he has amnesia..... I hate that I love it
omg they’re recreating their love at first sight moment 🥺🥺 stop
damon hugging jeremy after he finds out bonnie’s dead 😭😭😭😭
stefan flirting with caroline when he has amnesia >>>>> now we’re talking!
stefan to delena: caroline’s gonna call me every hour and I actually do trust her so... 😂😂🙌🏻
stefan to caroline: you have me. you were there for me last night. sounds like you’re always there for me. let me be here for you. BISH!!!!! that’s that otp shit right there RIGHT THERE!!!!
bonnie’s funeral... I am suing
stefans going to the costume ball caroline told him to go to but tyler’s being annoying about it.... it’s almost like she should be dating stefan huh
stefan literally stole caroline from tyler the second they showed up to the ball with NO HESITATION god I love them
um.... damon killing katherine like that? that was brutal
when did jeremy become the most annoying character
bonnie’s haircut is the best thing that’s happened on this show
oh stefan’s definitely gonna turn off his humanity isn’t he
5x09 is bringing me the steroline / delena content I deserve!
delena locked in the augustine dungeon is very jack/kate of them
enzo volunteering to be tortured to protect damon 🥺🥺
well I thought I was getting steroline and now I’m getting steferine... but it’s hot so I’m not that mad about it
enzo to damon: it might be good for you to miss someone for the next 60 years 😭😭
make damon bi you cowards
klaroline just.... doesn’t make sense to me
katherine is in elena’s body 😯
caroline cleans when she’s stressed — love that representation for me
not to go there but nina playing katherine is 100000x better than paul playing silas
katherine is worried caroline may have feelings for stefan 👀
I love that the recurring characters this season are actually likable... all shade to the professor from s4
steroline already figured out katherine is in elena’s body... and they did it together.... god they are so powerful
let bonnie and liv be girlfriends you cowards
hot delena scene while arctic monkeys do I wanna know plays in the background 😧
steroline falling asleep together....... it’s the way that they invented love and perfected the slow burn for me
not to be controversial but can the originals stay in their own damn show???
5x18 just felt different in a good way and I checked and of course paul wesley directed it! that’s my man!
I wonder if stefan and elena are ever going to get back together??? it would be weird if they did. but also I feel bad for the stelena shippers
enzo in 5x19 is a little confusing but I like the drama
stefan to caroline: I didn’t want you to think any less of me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
elena and stefan talking about caroline to get them through their walk 😭😭😭 her power
was pouring a glass of bourbon and drinking it broodingly every episode a part of ian’s contract or what
did.... did they really just kill stefan right in front of caroline???? what the FUCK
caroline not being able to kill people until it’s what she has to do to bring stefan back.... I see I see
lexi really putting in the work to get steroline together, oh captain my captain
not this delena death scene making me sob 😭✌🏻
um damon and bonnie walking towards death hand and hand... we love to see it? kind of?
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 17
and we’re back!
phew I had to take a hiatus to work on other projects but now that those are done I'm baaaack
god I'm SO fucking excited for this arc, I fucking love it 
OH NO TAILGATE...I almost forgot...this poor little dude
REMAIN IN LIGHT BABEYYYYY!!! I fucking love that title, talking heads is probably my favorite band Ever, and that album is one of my favorites, so when I first saw it here I was super excited lol. it’s such a good title, both for the album and for this arc
tailgate goes right to cyclonus ;_; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
also...I just love the way milne draws cyclonus, he’s the perfect mix of terrifying and handsome, and also goth
ohhhhh I forgot about the framing device used here, with rodimus in jail later on in this arc, narrating retrospectively 
cybercrosis, add that to this list of amusing robo-puns, as a play on (I'm assuming) necrosis, aka tissue death
oof, ratchet saying that tailgate ‘lived a full life,’ which is fucking brutal because we as the readers know that isn't true :( 
tg is right tho, it seems v uncommon for tfs to die of old age. that's some shit luck right there, espec bc tg is basically a baby who was asleep for 6 million years 
ratchet talking abt pharma and looking at his hands...I See That
ratchets bedside manner leaves a bit to be desired hvbhjdsubfjsd jesus dude
and then there's cyclonus, whos also pretty terrible at being tactful
AUGHHHH and then cyclonus, like the emotionally repressed icon he is, goes and claws his own face up in grief rather than express any emotion to tailgate :( I'm in physical pain thanks
rodimus is like, wait...informing my crew about my actions? lmao? uhh what quest...oh yeah we’re on a quest. yeaaaah whatever man
the portal helllllll yessssssss
poor tg drinking away his impending death
oh man, chromedomes weird fucked up skeleton arm
rodimus hhvbhjaudsfbjaskdf he’s like yeahhhh I'm not even gonna pretend to indulge in democracy, we are GOING thru that giant ass space portal whether you fools like it or not
luna 1!!!!!! they found the missing moon BY ACCIDENT, fucking iconic 
still cant believe rodimus’s office is HOT PINK with a FLAME DECAL around the door. unreal
awww I love percy 
rodimus, in a shocking show of maturity, admits that rung was correct to be harsh with him about the whole overlord thing 
the squad gettin together ayyyy
rodimus reminding us all that this ISNT just a party ship full of frat boys, people have DIED
when you see tg and realize that that was cyclonus’s request ;_; 
aughhh and cyc saying ‘never hope. hope is a lie.’ that kills me man aughhhh
like, cyclonus clearly doesn't want to deal with the emotions he’s feeling over tg dying so he’s trying to make sure that tg accepts death and doesn't hope for a cure, bc that would hurt cyclonus MORE, and he’s already unused to all these ‘emotions’ n shit
I'm sorry but the MARBs just look so fuckin dorky bvhjakbdfhsf beep beep here comes the dweeb squad!!! lmaoooo
cd being like ‘can’t we just drive’ and perceptor is right there like :| LMAOOOO 
also I love cd saying ‘sometimes I wonder why we even have alt modes’ bc I feel like that's such a witty dig at the fact that in this series about robots that transform into cars, we rarely get to seem them actually DO that
its especially interesting when you consider how important functionism is in this story - alt modes are super important in that context, but we still rarely get to see them. hell, we literally NEVER saw megatrons alt mode, which is still crazy to me
ohhhh man I love that panel where the whole moon lights up, that's just amazing
congratulations, rodimus! it’s....a shitton of babies!
also broooo I ufcking love the fact that you barely even notice that rung ALSO hopped down onto the moon at the same time as rodimus...brilliant
god now I need to go find that ‘am i pragnent?’ video lmaooo
why....why did you have to use the word ‘fertilized,’ jro. why....
cold construction lore time!
do I wanna do my big biology speech here? I'm trying to figure out where it would go best...I think ill save it for later in this arc
god I fucking love brainstorm. his entire little speech about how he ‘went to marches’ for cold construction rights and whatnot is so funny with the added context that he’s an MTO and wasn't even around for that
skids, don't just sit in the spooky oil reservoir, alone, after you just went thru a mysterious portal, you should be more genre savvy than that 
what am I saying, this is the guy who wants his memories back even though he’s been told multiple times that it’ll probably traumatize him to death
brainstorm with the 0.1%er spark [eyes emoji]
I love percy just being horrified at the lack of proper scientific conduct from brainstorm like, all the time
I see the cons have their own edgy, weaponed-up version of the MARBs
I love him aughhh I'm so excited for the stuff w/him this arc
also I totally forgot that you’re supposed to see him introduce himself as ‘ambus’ and be like whoa wait is that dominus????? or someone adjacent to him????
skids vs legislators: part 2!
DR THOT HIMSELF.....back and immediately making a hand pun, with his chainsaw arm displayed in full glory....amazing
cant believe jro named this one ‘the fecund moon,’ which forced me to google what ‘fecund’ means, which led me to go ‘oh good lord jro WHY’ lmao 
I do love that we don't see the ‘part 1 of 5′ til the end - that's a great small reveal that hey, we’re in an arc now!
so there's the end of issue one of remain in light! aughh, I'm so fucking excited for this arc. my first two readthrus this was one of my favorite arcs (my other fav being the time travel arc), and I'm excited to see if its still at the top for me 
I feel like the first time I read thru I like this arc a lot cause I actually understood most of it hbvhadjkfbaksjf unlike all the previous stuff, where I was a bit more confused - at this point I at least had a decent grasp on the characters and relationships, so that helped a lot
also apparently one of the songs of this issue is ‘heaven’ by talking heads which AUghhH that song makes me wanna float in the ocean and look at the stars. idk. also I find it a little ironic that that song isn't off the album remain in light lol
either way I love this issue, strong start to the arc with lots of intrigue and worldbuilding, and clearly some incoming status quo changes...cant wait!!
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 4 years
Spoilers for today update!
-The art is so intense and pretty!!! Sometimes I really think about how webtoon creators churn out gorgeous panels every week at practically no price for free to read webtoon readers... They're the MVPs fr <3
-Haru/Stone is so amazing... I didn't even foresee Haru reappearing last episode, but it was such an epic reveal of Stone’s ability. I wanna see more of them
-Stone... bro...
-Dumbass got his loot stolen lmao
-I hope next week we see something like 
Dragon of Light: Hey so that demon we defeated that time, it drained a lot of our mana and stuff. So, what cool shit did you get out of it? I can... teach u to use it..?
Stone: Yeah uh, I don’t have it
Dragon of Light: You what.
-POV ur the prophecied saviour-of-the-world and you lose the most valuable loot you’ve ever gotten your hands on to a nm!magician who’s counterpart isn’t even in the game’s top 100s rankings system /lh
-"I won't lay hands on your originals, as promised." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, HELLO??
-Nm!Bibi is curating nightmare beings??? ORIGINAL creations? Spawns??? He gets like pokemon he can throw out to fight for him??? Bro new plot unlocked
-Sir gonna have to ask u to stop smoking indoors. Actually do nms have health problems? Never mind bitch keep doing u 
-This nm husk dude... is there actually someone inside? Are they a character we've met before in a shell or just an original nm? I bet there’s gonna be a big reveal to who’s underneath. Plot.
-The hype is real I didn’t mind him being away but BABEY!!! He’s back!!!!!!!!! And gonna be stronger??? I am betting on like a period of time where Nightmare succeeds in taking over, before s3 or smth is Dark and pals fighting as a rouge resistance.
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
even stars are small from a distance
second fic in one day babeyyyy, and to balance out this morning’s fluff now we have angst. this is for a prompt from a lovely anon which was parrlyn h/c with one comforting the other after a nightmare with kisses. hope this was ok!
I haven’t written parrlyn in ages so this is for all the very patient parrlyn friends on the sixcord who have been eagerly waiting!! it’s essentially a rewrite of ‘one more chance’ but with a lot more gay(tm) bc established relationship this time. I know everyone and their cat has written anne having nightmares but hey we love a cliche and that’s all I have to say with this one bc it’s approaching 2am and I need sleep but hope everyone enjoys it c:
Considering how their show was essentially them retelling their stories to four hundred people every night, Cathy still managed to be incredibly private about her former life. It was something that puzzled Anne but didn’t bother her at all; she knew that they all coped with their secrets in different ways and if Cathy’s method was to keep herself hidden then she wouldn’t question it. She would try and make sure her girlfriend didn’t bottle too many things away if she seemed overly stressed any time, but for the most part she just enjoyed and appreciated the privilege of being told any titbit of Cathy’s history.
But what that did mean was that when absent-mindedly scrolling through an article written about the historical aspect of the show, Anne received the unwelcome shock of her life.
It was an unspoken pact that they wouldn’t search up facts on each other’s past lives without permission, since being told to google each other’s names to get filled in during their first rehearsals felt like the equivalent of being told to nose through each other’s diaries. They all knew enough about the queens they hadn’t lived alongside through the show itself anyway. As a result the article was one of the first that Anne had ever read about their Tudor lives and for the most part there were no surprises; the only notable piece of information she tucked away being how Aragon had wanted to send Henry the body of the Scottish King she’d had killed in battle while he was away, something which spoke so true of Catherine’s power as Queen that she couldn’t believe it wasn’t mentioned in the script.
That was until she reached Cathy’s section of the article though. She’d largely skimmed through Kat’s, knowing she couldn’t read about her baby cousin’s suffering without her stomach churning, and was half-tempted to skim through the account of what the final solo didn’t include about Cathy’s life with the King for the sake of her privacy. But before she could click out of the article, a single word in the middle of a paragraph caught her attention.
Anne’s heart rate quickened as she scrolled back upwards. There was no need to mention that in Cathy’s life story unless it was a reference to Kat’s life or her own, which she soon realised it wasn’t. Horror deepened in her stomach as she read of the arrest warrant that was sent out, how Cathy had discovered the plot to have her replaced and been forced to beg the King for her life. How she’d been forced to fight off an armed guard who hadn’t been told of the King’s forgiveness. How the stress of the discovery had made her ill.
How she’d come within a hair’s breadth of losing her life in the same way that Anne had.
Her fingers hovered over her scar as her thoughts raced wildly. She knew that Cathy had known of her in her old life, knew that the entirety of Europe had treated Anne’s death as a warning for what could happen if he was disappointed by his wife. A sudden stabbing pain in her neck forced her to grit her teeth hard, tears pricking at her eyes as she thought of just how afraid she must have been.
She longed to pull her girlfriend into a hug and promise her that she’d never let anyone hurt her again. But that want was quashed by the realisation that she could never let Cathy know that she knew.
So she shut her laptop and said nothing, just kissed Cathy when she returned from her day out with Aragon and listened intently to what the two of them had got up to. She did the show without a hitch, aside from the crescent-shaped indents she pressed into her palm from squeezing her hand closed during Cathy’s solo. And she greeted fans afterwards with no indication that anything was wrong, her voice only failing her for a moment as she watched Cathy sign beneath ‘survived’ with the awful knowledge of how she almost hadn’t.
The only time she came close to cracking was when they were both sat in Cathy’s bedroom after the show. A yawn from Anne prompted a gentle reminder from Cathy that she needed to go to bed soon, and the thought of leaving Cathy alone in the darkness made Anne suddenly burst out “Can I stay here tonight?”
Cathy blinked with surprise for a moment before she nodded. “Of course you can love, you never need to ask. Are you ok though? You’ve seemed a little quiet since I got home,” she said, a concerned look in her eyes as she met Anne’s gaze.
For a moment she was tempted to tell her everything she’d found out, but then she pictured the look on Cathy’s face upon having her privacy violated and she shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine,” she said with what she hoped was a convincing smile.
But her confidence didn’t last for long, as her overactive mind betrayed her the minute she fell asleep in Cathy’s bed and started to dream.
The first thing Anne noticed was that she was in the courtyard by the Tower of London. Immediately she tensed; this courtyard had been the setting for many of her nightmares so it was easy enough to guess exactly what was about to happen. But then she realised that she was part of the crowd rather than standing atop the scaffold, which had never happened before. She could see the executioner’s block waiting though, her scar tingling at the sight of it, so even if it wasn’t her up there she still knew exactly what would happen.
But her grim resolve to see it through shattered when she looked to the scaffold and saw who was standing there. It was Cathy.
Anne started to struggle against the crowd as she watched her approach the block, her thin white chemise a poor excuse for armour against the jeers of the onlookers. Despite how much she tried to push forwards she found herself swept further and further back, helpless to reach out for Cathy as she walked like a zombie towards the block and knelt down. There was no emotion in the face she knew so well – it would have been easier to bear if this Cathy was the one in the portraits not the one in Anne’s lock screen but of course she wasn’t granted that mercy – until she looked up from the ground and met Anne’s gaze.
Her eyes were full of the one emotion that Anne had never seen on her girlfriend’s face. Hopelessness. And it felt like an arrow to her heart.
She started to scream as Cathy moved sluggishly to place her head on the block, ignoring the accidental blows she was dealt by the crowd’s enthusiasm. It was nothing like Anne’s own execution had been; these people were out for blood. These people wanted to see her brave, beautiful Cathy dead and the very thought made her feel sick.
By the time the executioner appeared out of the shadows Anne’s throat was raw, but still the sight of the figure from her nightmares renewed the panic pounding at her chest and she shouted even louder. She hardly even knew what she was screaming; a plea for mercy, an urgent love confession, even a desperate wish to take her place. But her prayers were ignored as the sword was raised, glinting under the cruel sunlight exactly how she remembered.
The executioner swung. The crowd roared. Screams of horror and triumph blurred into a high pitched wail as the world went white and she felt her legs folding beneath her. And then-
Anne was still screaming as she jolted awake, her cheeks ravaged by tears and her chest heaving for breath. Immediately she was attempting to stifle her cries, one hand clamped over her mouth to muffle the sound of her sobs and the other hand over her racing heart as she tried to regulate her breathing though. The usual techniques did nothing though as her brain kept replaying the image of Cathy losing her head, and she retched dryly as her stomach gave a sickening turn. Her consciousness started to blur around the edges again as her lungs ached for oxygen.
“Stay with me sweetheart, breathe for me please.”
The voice through the dark made her jump in shock, realising for the first time that she wasn’t in her own room. A fumbling sound was followed by the bedside light being turned on, to reveal Cathy looking at her with sleep-mussed hair and a stricken expression.
Her hands still trembled and the sick feeling in her stomach refused to leave but everything else stilled as she stared blankly at Cathy for several seconds while her brain struggled to catch up. But then she frantically pushed herself to her knees, not giving Cathy a chance to react as she lunged forwards and kissed her.
It was messy and desperate, but it was enough to prove to Anne that she was there.
Cathy reacted quickly enough to support Anne before she slipped, one hand on her waist and the other cupping Anne’s cheek as she kissed her back. Only a couple of seconds passed before Anne was sobbing into Cathy’s chest instead, whispering “You’re alive,” over and over again as she clung to Cathy like a lifeline.
“I’m alive,” Cathy replied in a voice so full of conviction that Anne could just about believe the warm arms around her weren’t a figment of her imagination. Her shaking limbs felt as though the strength had been sapped from them so she couldn’t do anything but sink into Cathy’s embrace, letting out a shuddering breath as she buried her face in Cathy’s shoulder and waited for her nausea to subside.
Several minutes passed before Cathy gently pushed Anne back to look at her in the eye. “Please tell me what’s wrong my love, I’m worried about you,” she said softly, tilting Anne’s chin up with her finger to look up at her.
Anne hesitated a moment longer, still afraid of Cathy’s reaction as she’d been that afternoon, but the lingering terror from her nightmare had beaten down her walls enough that she couldn’t stop the truth from spilling out. “You nearly got beheaded,” she choked out.
As Cathy’s expression fell Anne couldn’t bear to keep looking to see the rest of her reaction, wrenching her chin out of Cathy’s fingers to cover her mouth with her palm. “I found an article earlier and it said he nearly killed you too,” she sobbed, her words muffled by her hand and her distress. “And I dreamed about my execution but it was you instead and I couldn’t save you. And I’m so sorry I found out and for invading your privacy by finding out I promise I wasn’t trying to and I trust you to tell me shit but I’m just so so angry for you and-“
“Oh sweetheart, it’s ok,” Cathy said softly, her hand on Anne’s shoulder interrupting her hysterical tirade. “I wasn’t keeping it a secret because I didn’t want you to know, it was just because I didn’t want you to be upset. I promise I would have told you. One day you’ll know all my secrets love, I’m sorry I’m not better at sharing things with you.”
Her apology sounded so sorrowful that Anne looked up at her and shook her head. “Love you,” she whispered because those were the only words she could come up with at that point, too exhausted to think of anything more coherent to follow up Cathy’s comment. As a final bit of proof that Cathy really was ok she reached out to place a hand at the back of her neck, thumb smoothing over the smooth skin where Anne’s scar lay, leaning forwards to touch her forehead against Cathy’s.
Cathy smiled at her through the gloom, nuzzling Anne’s nose with hers before pulling her into a firm embrace. “I love you too, so so much,” she murmured next to Anne’s ear, pressing a kiss to Anne’s hair before resting her head atop hers.
Anne began to wonder if she was going to fall asleep resting against Cathy before her girlfriend shifted underneath her, and Anne let out a quiet groan as she sat back up. Cathy giggled lightly as she tilted Anne’s chin up again, looking at her lovingly for a moment before leaning forward to kiss away the tear tracks on Anne’s cheeks. “Do you think you’re ready to sleep again?” she asked.
“Mhm. Yeah,” she hummed tiredly.
“Alright, come on then,” Cathy said, straightening out the covers from where Anne had kicked them back and settling back down on her pillow. Once there she pulled Anne down to lay in the crook of her side, and Anne hummed contentedly as she settled with her ear resting over Cathy’s heartbeat. The low sound was enough to reassure her that her dream wouldn’t come again and Cathy was alive and right next to her, and no executioner’s sword was ever going to hurt them again.
Cathy’s fingers running through Anne’s hair made the last remnants of tension seep out of her limbs, and she sighed lightly as she hugged Cathy close with an arm over her stomach. “Go to sleep love. I’m right here,” Cathy whispered.
Anne hummed something that might have been a thanks if she wasn’t delirious with exhaustion. Seconds later she was asleep, safe in Cathy’s embrace and the promise that she was never going away.
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
!!!Hearth!!! The horror movie silent hill is on YouTube it’s basscally demon dabi backstory I would encourage a watch 👀
1:31- Why are they dressed like Dabi's boots
2:03- | God why am I here T-T
2:40- || What the hell is happening
3:47- | Does it have subtitles?
| Damn it speak up
4:12- Do we get any context at all for this shit. I mean same. But chill out, girlie.
5:58- Make it black
7:54- Oh hey look, more runes used purely for aesthetic. You box says "iwngynw", congrats. Hello yes I know runic, movies why do you do this
8:31- | Hell no
10:11- Okay, so half backstory with shitty acting. Got it.
11:30- | Asshole
11:49- | Oh, so she gets her chosen name during attendance
12:43- I'm not like other people, I'm weird, I'm different™
14:30- | Stopppp
14:59- | STOPPPP
| Looks like Moonfish
16:41- Foot, crotch, stomach, nose. Jab him with a key.
18:10- | Same
| Ew
18:58- | Annnnnd I take my leave
Bye, Keni
20:53- They didn't even try to make that not look like rubber
23:38- || Wish I felt bad for that poor poor police guy
24:19- | And I have no idea what's going on in this movie right now
25:37- | Do You Facebook
26:35- | Movie gods, please do not
27:00- | Okay you can keep the rabbit, fuck the romantic subplot
29:15- Blood on a wall doesn't look like that, the letters run
|| Not gonna ask
30:56- | Do you have a warrant
32:16- I hate the way this movie does backstories
33:52- | Ooh goody, a cult, we must half-trigger all today
| Horror's like that
36:14- | They want you as a human sacrifice you idiot, fuck your dad. I'd leave mine. Sorry Dad.
Your dad's dead, he'd be fine.
| True
37:11- Same
37:47- Of fucking course
38:17- || Oh lord, I'm glad Keni left
40:46- | aaAa. No.
41:34- | Shoot that gun at someone and I'll commit a war crime
Do you want me to pull up the trigger list? Cuz---
| We'll be fine
44:50- | Duh, it's a cult
46:32- | Oh fun, loveless antagonist. Creative. Maybe I love her. Maybe I'll treat her nicely and make her a cake instead of setting her on fire. Maybe I won't give her reason to be in so much pain that she splits her soul in half. She's a child. God.
You're doing it again.
48:46- | Shit!
50:51- | Hell no
53:10- | Fuck you, I love Alessa and I want to make her hot chocolate :'(
56:10- | If they pull out that goddamn rabbit again---
What if it's Alessa's stuffed animal?
| Then she deserves it and I'll deal with it
57:22- || I too look hideous, scream, and cower when I'm suddenly faced with light
Hi, Akio
| I'm sitting with Keni and getting a smootie, fuck this.
1:00:35- Did Ujiko write this movie? With the staples and shit? He's into staples.
1:02:07- This movie's weird
1:04:39- | HHhHHh
1:05:14- | I'm all for senseless gore, but this is ridiculous. Blood isn't scary.
1:07:36- Genuinely what the hell is happening
1:07:59- Also why the hell are they moaning
1:11:00- || Get ready Giri, it's your favorite part of horror movies
| It's fiiiiiiine all of this is in Alessa's head or something, I just need to think of it like I think of going after Zome
Of course you're coping by parenting
1:12:53- | Ewwww why with the kissing stop
1:13:13- | Deja vu, I've just bee---
1:14:20- Get ready for smellavision, PTSD's latest entertainment invention. "You can smell the flesh burning!"
Are you okay?
1:14:24- | Alessa! Sweetie! My third gothic destruction child!
1:14:56- | Tomura I have a type in children
Was it the black clothing, being used as a tool, decay powers, or "I feel nothing but hate"
| Yes :')
1:15:40- | Kill her, baby!
1:16:39- | .....Alessa?
1:17:53- | Where the hell did Alessa go. She didn't die. Come on. I thought she could survive fire.
1:19:02- | Alessa no!!
|| What did you think was gonna happen?
1:19:35- | Cuz that's cult life babeyyyy
1:22:59- Really? The passed out cop-out?
1:24:28- | I miss my goth daughter, bring her back, I know they're gonna kiss, please make it up to me
1:27:21- | And then Alessa came back and the movie was 100x better
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I wanna ramble about how I experience dysphoria as a genderfluid person for a bit, and my identity in general, so I figured Tumblr was a good place to do it.
So, for starters, I should probably clarify how I'm fluid, as all of us are a little different in how we experience gender. I was assigned female at birth, and, to be completely honest, I wish I was amab. This shocks some people, especially as I tend to sit on the female/demigirl/nonbinary side of things, but it's true. Realistically, I know my life would be a lot different if I had been, and I would have experienced a different set of struggles, but in an idealistic world, where nothing would change about me except the way my body looked and what pronouns were used for me, I'd want to be assigned male. I could not care less what genitals I have, especially since I'm ace so it has no real effect on how I'm gonna live my life, this relates back to the two other most obvious issues with being afab: Periods, and boobs.
I hate getting my period. As most people do. I don't even have particularly painful ones, just some semi-bad cramps on the first day or two, but I hate it anyway. 9 times out of 10 I'm non-binary on the first day of my period. Whether that's related to hormone levels or some subconscious part of my brain whispering "hey periods suck being a girl sucks why were u born a girl", I do not know. I just know it happens.
I also hate my boobs whenever I'm not female. Including when I'm demigirl. I don't hate the idea of boobs in general when I'm demigirl, and don’t think I need to be completely flat-chested to feel happy when I’m non-binary (but that could come back to me doubting I’ll get fully flat without surgery), I just hate my boobs. That is because I am incredibly busty, especially for someone who is 5'1/155 cm tall. I'm an Aus 10G/US 32I, I have small shoulders (my straps slip down no matter how tight we pull them), and a large part of what made figuring out my gender identity hell was the constant question of whether me hating my boobs was an ace thing (not wanting to be constantly sexualised) or a gender thing. My best fitting bra actually helped me figure that out, as reportedly it made me look smaller (i.e. technically less likely to be sexualised) but it had the side benefit of making my boobs, well, actually look like boobs, and when I looked at myself in the mirror I wanted to claw my eyes out. So. 90% of the time I hate my boobs because they're so big, and 100% of the time I hate my period.
You might be sitting here, reading this, and going "but Em, are you sure you're genderfluid? Not just demigirl or nonbinary or agender or any of the other non-binary identities?" My answer to that is, well, sorta no. And sorta yes. No, in the fact that I've never been sure about anything in my life. Maybe time will go on, and I'll begin to identify with some other label, or no labels at all. Yes, in the fact that genderfluid feels right right now, and that's all that matters. Humans change. In turn, labels can change too. Hell, as a genderfluid person, my labels technically change on almost a day to day basis! That doesn't make my feelings and my identity at any single moment any less valid. It also doesn't mean that long term, I'll wake up one day and realise that I actually just identify with x gender. It just means that it could happen, and that’s ok, just as it's okay that my identity is changing constantly at the moment. Side note, while we're talking about labels- you also don't need to identify with one! I personally like to use them, as they bring me comfort, but everyone is different, and y'all who choose not to use labels for whatever reasons are entirely valid.
I have 4 main types of day, gender-wise. Days where I feel like a girl, days where I feel kinda like a girl, days where I feel non-binary, and days where my gender is that 'women' shrugging emoji (that I use all the time because long hair babeyyyy also their shirt is purple on iOS and purple rules). Day 4 I mostly lump under demigirl, as with day 2. Day 3 could probably be most accurately described with agender, or a similar identity label, but I find it personally easiest to just refer to myself as non-binary on said days.
In a hard to explain way, I feel as though I experience less dysphoria on days where I am demigirl than on days where I am fully female. This is not entirely accurate, and is almost certainly as a result of me having unintentionally put in place coping mechanisms for said days in terms of how I present myself for years now, and probably isn’t the right terms for me to use, but it's true.
You see, I dress in a fairly gender-neutral way. My presentation has still always come off as feminine, as I love my long hair and enjoy nail polish, but I've always hated shaving, and I avoid wearing dresses and skirts as much as possible in my day-to-day. I don't mind wearing dresses etc when I'm demigirl, I just don't gravitate towards them, and when I'm demigirl I generally present as a not-overly feminine girl whose a little uncomfortable with their body shape and likes to be comfy, and wears heels in an effort to be taller rather than as a fashion statement.
But when I'm fully a girl, I often love being feminine. I usually want to wear dresses/skirts, and jewellery, and lipstick (not any other makeup though, years of dance and stage makeup ruined me- if someone puts it on for me and it's not heavy/powdery I'm not actively adverse, though), and have my hair braided, and generally just to Get Prettied Up. But that’s not 'me' to other people. That’s not the person I've presented myself as for years. I've spent my entire life catering to my demigirl and non-binary days because they're more common, and whenever I do lean into my feminine self on girl days my family and a lot of my friends are kinda surprised. I wore lipstick and nice clothes to two separate movie hangouts with two different friends, and one of them (who I hadn't seen in a while, to be fair) commented on how it was unusual for me while the other looked visibly surprised. It's not a coincidence that the two irl people I'm out to outside of my schools lgbt+ club are my brother and my best friend- both of whom complimented me (in a non-creepy way with my brother slvjfk) when they saw me wear lipstick for simple things last year, without making a big deal out of it. My mum still acts shocked and gets excited about me being feminine when I express an interest into buying clothes from a particular brand (Princess Highway/Dangerfield in general, for my fellow Aussies, as I don’t think they exist in the US) even though I've been getting presents from there for a few years now. She's talked about slowly starting to replace my clothes with 'fashionable stuff' from places like Dangerfield as the years go on now that I've 'expressed an interest in nice clothes' and I feel anxiety start to ball up in my stomach, because I don't want to wear fashionable clothes all the time, because fashionable for me, closeted and big-chested as I am, means feminine. When I present or show interest in presenting in a more feminine way on my female days, my mother and a few people I'm surrounded by unintentionally make me feel guilty about not wishing to present like that all the time, make my dysphoric for my future and past self, and make me doubt myself as a genderfluid person because I wish to present as my birth gender on one day.
So rather than dealing with all that, I don't present in a more feminine way unless I'm going out, and even then, avoid wearing lipstick if my mum is home, or coming with me. If I can, I'll stick a tube into my bag to apply when I get to wherever I'm going, but it's not always possible. I have Safiya Nygaard’s colourpop collection hidden away in my room. I continue to present myself in a way that aligns more closely in my mind to my demigirl days, with the slight change of being able to actually look at myself in the mirror for extended periods of time, being ok with my slightly more tight-fitting tops, and being chill with wearing my best bra. And I feel, as a whole, dysphoric on these days. I am not happy with how my gender presentation is, because it does not reflect how I want to present. Dysphoria is probably not the exact right term to use to describe these feelings, given I'm afab but it is the easiest way for me to put it, as it most closely reflects the unhappiness I feel with my presentation on my non-binary days, it's just my non-binary days come with a whole lot more body-related dysphoria piled on top. A song I like to listen to on female days is Platform Ballerinas, by MIKA, as it helps remind me that I am a girl, and the way I'm presenting as a girl is valid even if it's not exactly how I want to (it doesn't actually fully come back to societal expectations placed on women because I might shave my armpits but my leg hair still stays, and I genuinely want to get prettied up rather than feeling like I should to be seen as a girl, it's just something I want to do and not being able to makes me feel whack, but the song is definitely more focused on the whole 'societal expectations suck y'all are all valid' thing).
Non-binary days suck in the same way I've heard a lot of trans people of all varieties discuss. I hate walking past mirrors, if I have to wear feminine clothing for whatever reason I feel like I'm going to cry, she/her pronouns kinda make me want to die (generally I'm chill with she/they, and on female days they/them is okay, but she/her on nonbinary days makes my dysphoric as hell), and I generally Do Not Have A Great Time dysphoria wise. But hey, one day I’ll have enough money for a binder. Eventually. I always feel weird about entering giveaways given there are people who experience extreme dysphoria around their chest every day, I can deal on my demigirl days and survive on my non-binary ones.
So, that’s been me rambling into the void about gender for almost 2000 words, how are y’all doing? Also, if anyone actually read all of this I’d appreciate like,,, a like. Or something. I kinda want to know if people have actually seen and read this.
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