#but i got art done so...thats a win
ghost-t-cryptids · 3 months
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Spaced out
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akioukun · 1 year
Positivity post coz everything is rough right now
If you see this…hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day whatever time it may be. I hope you’re staying hydrated, and please take a sec to appreciate one thing about your day~☀️
It could be something you’ve succeeded at, patting yourself on the back for having resilience against something you haven’t quite got yet, or just that your lunch was bomb or the sky is a really cool shade of blue.
Every small thing deserves a little celebration, particularly with how busy life is.
Ok thats all, I hope this reaches the right people!
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dizzybevvie · 1 month
My anon opinion is that I didn’t know you did art until I recently saw a post of your art and I was like “holy shit Bev can DRAW!!!”
You’re so so so talented, friend! :)
AKSNDKJASDNKJSAND.. YOURE SO SWEET <33333333333 I'm getting there for sure!!!!!!!
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poppy-metal · 4 days
what if i said the words step dad patrick……….. fucking ur mum for a place to stay when he finds your cute little college ass and oh look! you’re into tennis! he can show you some stuff if you like, he used to play art donaldson and win………..
why would you say this to me. what have u done what have you wrought. wow this got away from me and i ended up giving us a whole backstory here my bad fr.
i imagine you're visiting home from college - a prestigious one - not excited, in the least. probably a horrible relationship with your mother, father nonexistent, out of the picture. probably got into tennis as just a hobby, but it turned into a way to channel all your anger and resentment built up towards your mother - how she never pays attention to you, how money and jewelry and the next man who'll blow smoke up her ass to leech off her, is more important to her than you are. every slam of your racket against the ball is you smashing a vase in your picture perfect mansion.
so, no, you're not happy to be coming back for the summer but all your friends are going back home and you dont want to be the one girl on campus who wont go back home - you dont want to be that girl. you're perfect over there, you're good. no one knows you hate your mother and mourn a father you dont even know the name of. no one knows you feel so alone it empties your chest out sometimes, leaves you with a pit that feels like its rotting you inside out. you're good at tennis, and you're cool and you're friendly and you have men falling all over you. they never fill that void, but its nice to feel desired. even if their age stifles you. irritates you. immaturity grinds your gears.
so, no, you're not eager to throw all that pretend and comfort away for the summer. lugging your suitcases up the pristine driveway with a scowl already in place. wondering if your mother will even notice you entering the door. probably not. probably she's already out, or making plans to be so.
anyway, you're miffed and moody and not at all prepared for when a man jogs up to you. you startle when a hand, a very tan hand connected to a strong arm - arm that has fine hair, and veins and muscles you can see - intercepts you to take the handle of your suitcase. you look up.
you look up to see the hottest man you've ever seen in your life grinning down at you. dark curls damp with sweat, heat kissed skin, freckles and seagreen eyes. tall and broad, and soaked in sweat. his tank top is practically see through, you can see through. right to his equally strong chest, which is hairy and tan looking - two twin nipples peaking, red and flushed. you throat feels dry. "uh."
"fuck, hey." he lets go of your suitcase to shake your hand. you limply let him. hes smiling at you in a practiced sort of way, almost like hes nervous. odd since hes clearly older than you. but hes trespassing, so maybe thats why. "i wanted to get cleaned up before i met you, but you're early, huh. i was just on the court - here let me."
he takes the handle of your luggage again. he seems to know you already and you squint. a familiar feeling of irritation filling you. hes not so different looking from all the help your mother has hired over the years, pool boys and yardworkers and the like. young men she could ogle. although this man does seem older - he's definitely ogle worthy. more than.
your mouth twists in a sneer. you haven't even gotten into your house and you're already dealing with your mothers shit. you can't be fucked.
"rule number one," you snap, curt, jerking your luggage back from his grip. you try to stand tall, but he still easily towers above you. no matter. you're still above him in station. "dont fucking touch my stuff."
you flick your hair behind your shoulder as you make to walk by him. you hear his sharp inhale of suprise. curious since you're definitely sure your mother has degraded him in many ways by now. he should be used to be talked down to. maybe its his first day.
he comes up in front of you again, walking backwards as you walk forwards, with a kind of ease that irritates you. he holds his hands up, placating, still smirking, which irritates you even more - "got it. got. you know she warned me about you - didn't think you'd try to bite my fucking head off so soon, though."
something in your gut sours. not new, then. your mother has spoken to.... the help, about you? this makes you uncomfortable. prickly and hot like you just found out someone had been talking shit about you behind your back. your hackles rise.
you stop in your tracks. glare at him.
"my mother spoke to you about me?"
his eyebrows - he has annoyingly smooth eyebrows, annoyingly long lashes too - lift, as if to say, 'fucking duh.' he makes a so and so motion with his hand, you glimpse a ring on one of his fingers. "here and there."
your grip around the handle of your suitcase burns its so tight. you think you could melt it with your anger if you concentrated long enough.
"and? what did the bitch say?"
a shocked laugh leaves his lips at your curse. your eyes narrow because you dont find it funny and because the longer you are around him the more you notice about him and the more attractive he noticeably is becomes apparent to you. when he lifts a hand to run it through his hair, the muscles in his arm bunch and flex under his skin - which is still very much gleaming with sweat.
"man, its fucking bad with you. the mommy issues -" he has this little smirk, one that lifts one side of his mouth more than the other. "- she said you were a fucking brat, that i shouldn't bother with trying to make a good first impression. i can kinda see why now."
yeah, you really dont appreciate his attitude. hes hot and all, but he's spoken way out of turn and you're done entertaining it. you want to go inside and flop onto your bed and scream.
you take a step forward and poke him in the chest with a manicured nail - he looks down at it, like, oh hey - sharply. "just because you have a pretty face and a big dick my moms probably sucked more than once, doesn't mean you're fuck all to me. you're still just the help. you can remember that when you're cleaning up my shit." you take your hand away, trying and failing not to smile like a bitch when his lips part in shock at your words, knocking his - fucking broad - shoulder with yours as you walk past him. you pause at the steps to turn just a little. he's looking at you with this unreadable expression, but if you'd have to guess you'd say it closely resembles amusement. "and I'd like a smoothie. have it brought up to me ASAP or I'll make your life here hell, got it?"
you raise an eyebrow.
his mouth finally snaps shut. you hate that he still looks amused. his lips just barely quirking. he works his jaw like he wants to say something but thinks better of it, biting his bottom lip instead as he looks up at you with those green eyes.
"got it."
its sometime later when you wake up. head a fucking rats nest. you've just managed to drag yourself out of bed and to the chair in your vanity, working a pink brush through what you can of your locks when your door flings open.
you dont even look up from the mirror. only one person wouldn't respect the privacy of a closed door and what it means.
"hello, mother." you say cooly, not taking your eyes from the mirror. you try to smooth the brush through your end strands first, coaxing your hair into submission. she's probably here to rub something in your face under the guise of saying hello. a new car she'd bought, a new boyfriend she has, a new vacation home she rented in malibu, ect.
her perfume fills your nostrils with its potent stench as she sashays into the room - your room - and perches her ass on your vanity, rudely jostling several trinkets there. your eye twitches. you brush some more of your hair.
"hello, my darling girl."
her voice is faux sweet. the pet name makes you want to flinch, recoil from its fake meaningfulness from her cold lips. they dont mean anything coming from her. you're not her darling anything. she'd treat a purse more fondly than you. yet, she calls you these sweet things sometimes. you think because it amuses her to play the part of a doting mother. she did always love acting.
you dont say anything more. work the brush. easy and slow wins the race. you remember when you used to be so frustrated with your hair you'd yank the brush through it in a rush, until your scalp bled from the stinging yanks. you'd lose clumps. an act of self harm, your therapist had told you. anxiety of not being perfect. you'd forgotten to put hair serum in your hair to make it easier to deal with before you'd fallen asleep. you shouldn't forget such things. your meeting with that man had rattled you.
"i have some wonderful news."
your mother drums her fingers on your dresser. you imagine her fingers as a witches, long and spindly. no amount of cream and lotion could hide her aging. that made your lips quirk.
"oh? what is it?"
"I've met someone."
not new. you barely restrain the urge to roll your eyes. brush some more hair. you've worked mid way to the top now. almost to the roots.
"have you." you couldn't sound more bored if you tried. really, you couldn't.
"i have." she lets out a swoony breath - "oh, hes wonderful, darling. he's different from the others. treats me like a woman ought to be treated - not that i expect you to know - and its going so well."
you've heard it all before.
"why, he's asked me to marry him!"
you hairbrush stills. you look at your mother for the first time. shes beaming. you feel sick all at once when you look down to her hand - see the ring she's flashing at you, gaudy and dramatic.
"i bought it for myself, of course. he's not the richest man - but he's wonderful! I'd like you to meet him - "
your memory flits back to hours ago, when the man you'd assumed was the help had lifted his arm, hand sifting through his hair and you'd caught a flash of something around his finger - silver in constant with his tan skin - a ring.
your lips part at the same time your brush snags on its first tangle, and footrests, heavy, thumping, a mans, approach your room. your mothers puttering is like static to you now, your eyes flitting from her to the door - and there he is. filling your doorframe. leaning against it with a kind of confidence like he belongs there. like the house is his.
"- eet patrick zweig." your mothers voice comes back to you. you imagine her mouth splitting open from how wide shes smiling - teeth flashing at you like a horse. "my husband. your new stepdad!"
she leans back against him and he wraps and arm around her easily. drops a kiss to her stiff hair, but he doesn't take his eyes off you when he does. everything about him is screaming cat that got the cream. his eyes are twinkling. his cheeks dimpling with a barely hidden grin.
"and." your mother claps. so fucking full of energy, the old bat. "he plays tennis!!! isn't that the most beautiful thing - he used to play with that - oh whats his name, honey -"
"art donaldson." patricks voice is thick and smooth. easy like syrup. he's still looking at you. pinning you with his gaze like you're one of those taxidermied bugs with its wings splayed open on display. "yeah, we used to play together. beat him a couple times."
"him, yes! oh, i told him all about your crush. dont flush, sweetheart, you had his posters in your room! and i thought- wouldn't it just be so fun if patrick and you trained together during the summer! oh, i know I've just been a mess over the years." she puts a hand to her heart - where it would be if she had one, that is - "bringing men in and out of our home. i can only imagine how lost you've felt without a proper male figure in your life. well, no more."
she pats patricks chest. hes opted out of a tank top for a soft cotton top. it hugs his frame too well.
"patrick here is all the father figure you'll need. thing's are really going to change around here, button. we'll be a family."
"a family." you echo, hollow.
"of course." patrick nods. he wants to grin so fucking had you can tell. "oh - and here you go - " he hands you a smoothie he'd been holding, you take it numbly. humiliation burns through you at the memory of how you'd talked to him before. when you'd assumed he was the help. "- that smoothie you wanted."
you stare at him. not sure what to make of any of this. your pride is shot to shit, you're embarrassed, you're angry, you're you're you're -
"and dont worry, babe." he jostles your mother under his arm. he's still. looking at you. you can see what the emotion was now - from before - worse than amusement. fucking glee. he's eating this shit up. "we'll get along just fine. won't we?"
no. no you absolutely fucking wont.
but saying that wont get you anywhere. not just yet. you set your smoothie down and try to smile. it feels wooden. this feels like a chess game suddenly, and hes knocked down one of your knights. and you have to try not to fucking scramble as you jump to defend your queen.
"sure." great move. real intimidating. that'll show him.
"yeah." he smiles at you - kisses the side of your moms head. "why don't you get dinner started, hm?"
you try not to gape as your mother preens and flushes like a housewife. your mother cooking. in the kitchen? preforming labor? doing tasks? willingly? you watch her flit out the room in a daze, wondering if fairies are real and one of them has bodysnatched your mother.
its just patrick and you now. the air in the room thickens with that fact, and you swallow. you've never felt this out of place. never felt so blindsided. not in awhile. you'd made sure of that. taken deliberate steps to adorn armor to prevent yourself from feeling this way. from feeling small. from feeling like the barely adult that you are, freshly nineteen and still so fucking confused and raw and scrambled about everything in your life. not at all like the 30 something in front of you who is a fucking man. a full adult. a full frontal lober. who's been through shit, you can tell, by the callouses on his palms, the hair on his body, his stubble, and the enormity of him in your space. in your little girl room that's still all pink ribbons and plushies on your bed and fairy lights strewn everywhere. he feels like the big bad wolf leering down at your straw fucking house, seconds away from blowing that shit to the ground.
you say nothing.
he crosses his arms and takes his time looking at you. you feel every touch of his eyes on your body, suddenly aware of how little you're wearing. just a sheer nightgown. you feel your nipples pebbling under the fabric that's definitely fucking see through and swallow.
he lets that hang in the air.
and what can you fucking say? you haven't had the time to recalibrate. you hairs still a mess.
"so.... what?"
you want to stand up - make the playing feild more even except thats a fucking joke because hes taller than you regardless. you feel pinned to the spot anyway, your muscles locked in place in your little chair. like you haven't been given permission to move. its the oddest feeling.
"she's right you know." he tells you, and he eases off the door frame, comes closer so you have to crane your neck up to look up at him. you feel demeaned. and yet, you dont look away. "things are different around here - they have been for awhile now."
you find some semblance of your fucking fire. try to hold your little straw house together. glare up at him.
"you can swing your dick around all you want and make my mom cook and clean for you but you're not the boss of me. you're not my dad."
he just looks at you. folds his lips together. his tongue peeks out to run against the front row of his teeth, wolfish.
the lean in is so jarring you nearly fall out of your chair. you do let out a squeak, jolting as your space is invaded suddenly by him, his arms braced on either side of you, one gripping the neck of your chair. his breath smells like spearmint and the chain around his neck swings back and forth as he gets in your face.
he straightens back up. casually like he didn't just rock your whole world off its fucking axis.
"you think I haven't dealt with you before? i fucking was you - spoiled little rich kid with mommy issues and no fucking daddy. s'that why you think you can stick your fucking nose up at me? dont try to play the game with the man who wrote the fucking rulebook. your display back there at being a big girl was cute, I'll give you that, but it ends there. this is my fucking house now. my fucking rules. and as long as you want to park your polished little ass here in your princess castle you'll listen to me." he does grin then, "I'm your daddy now."
"we cool?"
what can you do?
"we're cool."
he just blew your fucking straw house down.
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tinydefector · 1 month
Hi can you write smut with Rodimus x gn bot reader but make reader come off as feminine (i know you said that you not good with writing female reader), thanks if you do
Painted Sunset
Rodimus x Cybertronian Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: smut, paint play, blowjobs, sex, valveplug.
they try not to twitch under the tickle of the airbrush. Rodimus had a rather steady hand when it came to painting, they had requested his help with a new paint and colour scheme. So here they stood letting him paint their armour. "Roddy, how's my face?” they ask, optics shut as the speedster continues painting.
Rodimus chuckled lightly at their squirming, deftly adjusting his grip upon plating to provide better access to the area's he's painting.
 His touch remained steady, "Nearly done, sweetspark," he soothed, tilting their helm just to better catch ambient light glancing off the fresh coat. An appreciative whistle broke from his vocoder. "Lookin' scorching hot already! Might have to call Drift in for a second opinion, thinking he'll stall seeing you all colourful?" Rodimus grinned, mischief twinkling  in his optics as his field intertwined with theirs. 
 "Quite the masterpiece if I do say so myself!" He beamed, stepping back proudly. "Now go show off for Drift. betcha 20 shanix he'll blow a gasket out over the new chroma!" He teases, Rodimus himself has to back away so he doesn't ruin the new paint job. 
"Primus, and having the two of you drooling over the new paint, have enough trouble getting you to keep your servos to yourself normally" they laugh softly while looking over the new colours that shimmer off their arms, Having to stop themselves from touching It while it dries.
Rodimus grins, though pride swelled seeing their obvious delight in his craft. He sidled closer once more, field blossoming bright mischief as he trailed digit teasingly along gleaming metal. "Can you blame us for admiring fine art?" he purred, pede nudging playfully between theirs. His chuckle rumbled low and flirtatious, blue optics twinkling naughty promises sure to ruffle plating freshly painted. 
"Besides, with you all bright and flashy, how's a mech gonna keep his servos to himself?" Rodimus hums. "Fine art am I now Roddy, you better keep your servos to yourself or you'll be fixing my finish" they hum teasingly, not touching him but close enough that he can feel the venting breath from them. They are testing him to see if he would break so easily to touch them.
Rodimus' field flared in hungry heat at their coy challenge, He cycled an unsteady ventilation, optics darkening with smouldering intent tracking each shift as they lean back quickly. Rodimus holds back a noise knowing full well how thinned his self-control grew facing such sweet torment.
"Minx," Rodimus purred low in vocalizer roughened by pulsing want. Slowly, deliberately, he lifted his servo as if to caress freshly-painted plating. only to splay broad palm mere inches shy of contact. His strutting smirk lost smugness, "Is this a game you're fit to win, sweetspark?" he rasped, charge pooling heavy between arrays drawn tight against swelling spike. 
If they pushed him further, he would shatter, and Primus help them both in the ravages sure to follow. "And I seem to be winning it already, why do you think I got you to paint me a test Hot rod" they hum while taking a step back waiting to see if he would try to follow, a smirk lingers on their lips, their hips sway slightly as they walk backwards. optics shimmer in mischief. 
Rodimus groaned pathetically as their teasing pedework drew them further from his desperate reach. His optics smouldered like twin supernovas, magnetic field crackling with ragged charge and wanton need. 
Cursed him for the idiot he was - playing into the seducer's hands like the hapless himbo fate made him. ”now thats just evil and you know it” he calls out. They had it out for him, So he did the only thing a fool in love could - thrust out his bottom lip in a playful pout, revving the engine to match the sway of those tempting hipplates calling his very name. 
"Awww, c'mon!" Rodimus whines putting on his best attempt at the sad cat face. "No fair leavin' a mech hangin' after workin' so hard on your paint! At least let me admire the masterpiece up close." He took a step forward, servos outstretched in plea for their frame to be in his servos. 
"And let you have a chance and mess up the stunning work, not a chance lover boy, doubt you could make it look this good if you mess it up" they tease, the light shimmering off the fresh paint. "Roddy don't..." they laugh getting ready to bolt from him if he tried to grab them. 
With a playful growl, he lunged, only to yelp in surprise as his thundering pedefalls met empty air. Whipping around, he spied them laughing form already dancing out of reach. 
"No fair outlier abilities!!" he wailed in protest, revving his engine eagerly despite the cruel tease now dangling just out of reach. 
With a cheeky grin, Rodimus gave chase"C'mere, you shiny rascal!" he hollered, field pulsing playful challenge. "Lemme love on that sexy paint...promise I'll be gentle...maybe...." Laughter follows as the two bots end up on the floor, paint smudging against both Rodimus and the floor as he pulls them into a kiss. Soft purred noises leave them as their servos run along his plating. "Roddy you're gonna ruin my paint if you haven't already" they whine loudly.
 Rodimus tumbled with them both end-over-end in a playful tumble as they kiss each other, hands caressing each other, tugging and pulling, plating clattering musically against the floor. 
"Mmm, worth it!" Rodimus crooned gleefully, His throbbing array stirred anew at the intimacy, swollen against their trembling panel. 
“your a nucence you know that” they shoot back, smeering paint across his chassis. It  only stoked Rodimus' raging desires higher. His field pulsed scorching heat, charge pooling heavy and thick between his grinding panels. 
"Sorry sweetspark - b-but you started it!" Rodimus’ servos caressed feverishly, mapping every sweet line bared only for his intimate study. Oh, how he craved making a proper mess of them. They eagerly kiss him, cupping the back of his helm, digits toying with his Audial fins. Smearing their colours across his Orange and yellow finish. "Worth having to re-paint me and probably yourself" they call out as they press against him, one leg hooking over his hip plating. 
Rodimus moaned helplessly into the ravishing kiss, fields entwining in dazzling feedback loops of molten sensory bliss. Their teasing touches along his audials sent a crackling charge racing down his spinal strut. 
"W-worth it, worth every second of it!" Rodimus coos face pressing into their neck cabling as he nips at it eagerly. His spike pressurised eagerly against his panels, a strangled gasp leaves him. thrust against their welcome form, grinding paint transferring. "J-just gotta touch you, sweetspark!" he gazed down at them eagerly.
"By Solus, make a mess o' me..." Rodimus caressed fresh smudges as if anointing sacred sacrament. "Your own fault pretty bot, making a mess of my paint" they call out leaning back onto the floor. Their optics shimmer and flicker up at him as they lay under him. "Better make it up to me Rodimus" they tease in a flirty tone, interface panel snapping open. 
"Ohh, I'll make it up to you sweetspark - promise!" Rodimus groans against their intake, grinding stained plating with delirious hunger. paint blend together so perfectly and across his own finish. Rodimus lapped ravishing kisses down their trembling frame, tracing each new colour transfer with loving glossa. His thumb teasingly rubbed circles over a still-damp seal, coaxing fresh transfluid to well eager tip.
"Gonna frag you so good," Rodimus crooned in a lovesick vow against the sensitive wires. “ then I'll paint you all over again..." whines leave them as his servos tease the seams of their interface panel. rocking into the touch as his digits tease them open, the their spike pressurises, valve leaking transfluid eagerly in response to his touches. 
His field pulsed adoring heat, optics tracking each delicious bead of fluid beading swollen node and aching valve-lips framed in smeared smears of your mingled hues. 
"Frag, lookit you..." Rodimus rasped, glossa flickering rapturously over straining spike head. His broad thumbs massaged deliciously at damp outer layer of their valve nodes, wringing muffled whimpers from their vocalizer. "Purrin' for me so sweet, so messy..." 
His own dripping spike twitched desperately, valve clenching emptily Rodimus seized swollen spikes in an eager fist, grinding his glossa desperate against their quivering node. They arch up as his mouth wraps around the spike, his Digits delving into their valve. 
desperate and sinful moans, liquid fire shot through Rodimus' circuits. His greedy mouth descended upon a straining spike like a man starved, engines roaring ravenous worship of divine steel filling his intake. His digits worked their slick valve with practised care, scissoring deliciously. 
"P-Primus, sweetspark - y-you taste incredible!" Rodimus praised raggedly around thick mouthful, He feasted like a glutton, valve fluids frothing his chin as his pacing picked up speed, Their valve eagerly clenches his digits, legs spreading wider, their paint was truly ruined at this point, smeared colours mingle on both of them and the floor. 
Rodimus moaned brokenly as their valve gripped his digits tight, the first ripples of overload shivering their eager frame. The sight of their spread thighs and ruined paint have him nearly losing control. Rodimus withdrew fingers from their quivering valve lips, surging upwards to seize swollen node between his lips. His straining spike throbbed desperately, tip already weeping transfluid. 
"Sweetspark-" Rodimus gasped in fervent prayer, optics wide and drinking Thierry ecstasy wracked face as if fuel. He moves quick gripping their hips, he aligned his pulsing spike, slowly sliding into their welcoming Valve. Once the two settle against the floor Rodimus set a punishing pace, 
Two became one beneath their riot of colours. Paint smeared frames in joining, Loud moans leave their lips as his hips meet theirs, the loud slamming of metal echoes in the room, paint smears on both of them. They pull Rodimus into another kiss. Meeting each of his thrust eagerly. "Fuck don't stop roddy don't stop" they moan, face pulling back before pressing into his shoulder plating. Legs wrapping around his hips. 
Rodimus lost himself in the madness gripping them both - their moans, tight embrace is his heaven, Rodimus pounded into them with passion, circuits alight at each slick plunge into their core, metal, silicone and carbon fibre parting in friction-scorched splendour to welcome him ever deeper. 
"Frag, your gorgeous," Rodimus praised raggedly, vents roaring out ecstasy. One final thrust, has Rodimus rutting desperately into them, their digits cling to his back struts keeping him as close as possible as overload takes them both. 
In the aftermath's bliss, Rodimus kissed them softly, both panting out deep ventilations.   Paint-smeared hands caressed away tremors, fields cradling together. They laugh as they lay on the floor under him. Pressing soft kisses to his face. "You messed my paint up" they chuckle while smearing more of it across Rodimus' face. Rodimus' faceplates scrunched adorably beneath their playful servos, nuzzling into them with soft kisses and a rumbling purr. His optics shone brighter as he gazes down at thier radiant smile, spark swelling fit to burst.  
"Worth it," Rodimus sighed blissfully, tracing gentle digits over newly combined hues dappling their gleaming plating. Lowering his helm to theirs, Rodimus vented a contented sigh, field pulsing waves of warmth and affection. "Love seein' wear your colours, sweetspark."  His thumb stroked their smiling cheek, drinking deep the intimacy and aftermath's lingering glow suffusing very wiring. Rodimus stole one final, lingering kiss. "Love you," he whispered, spark overflowing. "Till all paint fades and stars go dark." He hums against their lips. “getting sappy on me Rodimus?” They chuckle softly, cradling his faceplate. “hmm, guess I am” he purrs out softly. 
They lay there together, not caring that their paint was drying on him. “be my conjunx Endura?” he whispers softly running his servos against their face plating. “ your the only one I want, only you” he rumbles out. 
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deedala · 2 months
✨ weekly tag wednesday - firsts! ✨
thanks for the game @mybrainismelted and for tagging me!! and @energievie !! 💖💖
Name: deanna🌱
Age: noel
First Pet? we got a miniature schnauzer when i was 6, they let me name her Lady after lady and the tramp
First Word? i dont have a single clue lol
First Celebrity Crush? i think it could have been JTT??
First IRL Crush? uuhhhm...i remember there was a boy in my first grade class who was so pretty it made me cry lmao
First kiss? some guy i married
First Car? my moms old maroon dodge caravan (1993 maybe?)
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? sure i guess my freshmen dorm room. my roommate was an absolute sociopath who bullied the shit out of me. she was a rich kid from Evanston, IL!
First time on a plane? uuhh i was a kid probably pretty little, unsure exactly when or where to!
First cellphone? motorola 120e (the exact model is hard to pin down but im pretty sure it was this one?)
First concert? mighty mighty bosstones :mickeyscrunch:
First Foreign country you visited? i believe i landed in paris france the first time i went to europe? i was very nervous and the customs agent was 100% done with me from the START lmao
First sport you ever played? joined my first synchro skating team at 6 years old
First career aspiration? im pretty sure i wanted to me a veterinarian as a kid
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" ack...uhm...? i honestly dont know?? maybe high school? thats when i got involved in the advanced level art classes
and now to tag in some other little nuggets! @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @softmick @callivich @vintagelacerosette @squirrel-fund @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @crossmydna @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @tanktopgallavich @rereadanon @heymacy @heymrspatel @the-rat-wins @iansw0rld @loftec @palepinkgoat @jrooc @thisdivorce @blue-disco-lights @sam-loves-seb @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @lee-ow @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lingy910y @ardent-fox @purplemagpie @wehangout @captainjowl @themarchg1rl @milkmaidovich and anyone else ofc 💖
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xxfangirl365xx · 3 months
Kobra Kid's answer to : "What is a day you'll never forget?"
Written in my wattpad a few months ago, i posted Jet's here so I'm doing Kobra's too (: enjoyyyy
Mines nothing in comparison to Jet's. I'm gonna go with a nice one. I'm not huge on being sentimental but the day Poison won a bunch of awards for his art in a zone wide exhibit was a great day.
It was mid July 2017. Girl had just come to live with us maybe a month earlier. We had gotten word about a big exhibit that was gonna happen in zone five. Poison had always been a bit of an artist and that's what he always wanted to do with his life before BL/I. He tried to keep his skill sharp in the zones but with limited supplies it was really hard. Honestly it made me really sad to see his dreams crushed. We had been trying to convince him to enter for several days before he gave in. He painted and drew all sorts of things. Scenery, people, emotions...it was really cool. We drove out to zone five and he submitted almost a dozen pieces. We walked around to look at the other entries while they were being judged.
" I wish I hadn't done this." He whined
" Why?" Jet asked
" Because...Look at this stuff... Mine's nothing like theirs." he said sadly gesturing to all the colorful papers and canvas spread out around him.
" Oh stop it." Jet said playfully smacking him
" Your stuff is way better, Pois." Ghoul said trying to cheer him up
" If I were a judge I wouldn't even bother looking at the rest of this stuff. Yours is clearly the best." He finished
" Mmm."Poison said, still not buying it.
" It's really good." Girl said running up next to the red head.
" You're an amazing art dude." She said smiling
He smiled at her, " Thank you Missile." He said bending over to give her a hug.
We all kinda separated and walked around separately but I stayed with my brother.
We walked quietly for a while just looking at the many painted and pastel cacti and sunsets... I'm not an expert but it seemed a little generic to me. I could tell he was getting sadder by the second feeling so much more inferior to the more established artists. Poison has always lacked self confidence in everything. His appearance,personality, skills. And he shouldn't feel bad because he's a unique human being and that's something to be proud of.
Poison sighed.
" You know even if you don't win I'm still proud of you Pois." I said
" You should save the pride for something worth it." He said sadly looking at a charcoal sketch of yet another cactus.
" Nope. I'm still proud of you. And I always will be no matter what you do." I said again.
" Alright Poison. Enough self pity. Look at this stuff. It's all the same thing. Sunsets and cactus. Boring bland colors and no emotion behind it right?" I asked
" I mean...sorta."
" And you put thought and emotion into your stuff. Colors and variation. "
" Thats-"
" Let me put it this way." I interrupted turning to face him.
" These guys may have some talent and knowledge for sure. They have no creativity to back it up. It's just knowledge.It's kinda like how most people can write...but only a few people can ACTUALLY write, and have a story to tell or a message to get across." I finished. He thought for a second.
" So please...don't be down on yourself for having something a lot of people can only dream of. Both knowledge AND creativity." I said, pulling him into a tight hug.
He hugged me back and I could feel him release all the tension in his body.
" Thanks Kobra." He said
" Anytime. "
" I saw a flash of fear in my brother's eyes.
" relax. You got this alright?" I said
" Yeah... " He said walking away. He looked back at me and I gave him a thumbs up.
I found Jet, Ghoul and Girl.
" Why did they want Poison?" Ghoul asked
" Dunno..." I responded.
They went to the front as they were instructed and saw Poison grinning ear to ear with all his colorful creations displayed hung with diy ribbon's. He ran up to us and immediately hugged me.
" Thank you for always believing in my Kobra." He whispered
" Anytime." I said
He was wearing a scratched and chipped gold metal with the engraving of " Track and Field champions" crossed out with a sharpie to read " Reigning Zone art champion."
Everyone hugged and congratulated him. He picked up Missile Kid and spun her around while she laughed.
" I told you you'd win!" she exclaimed.
I Know it's nothing I really did but I'm still proud of my big brother for everything he has done and has yet to do. He's been competing and winning competitions all over the Zones ever since and I'm so happy to see him being what he always wanted to be.
Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble,
Kobra Kid out
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How would the tangled kids react to Varian and Cassandra’s villain arc? Also I love your art 😊
AJDJDJDGG OKAY SO. this is SO fucking good but ive been putting it off for so long bc i wanted to draw something to go with it but i’ve just. never figured out what so inevitably i’m just gonna answer it on its own
this subject in particular is SO FUNNY for me to think about bc i think the kids’ reactions depend a lot on how their parents talk abt it and both of them handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. like uknighted dream is pretty open abt it (obviously they give the incredibly watered down kid-safe version) and they kinda use it as a learning experience? like in very vague terms.
its kinda just like
alina: oh why are you and mama cass fighting in your drawing :(
rapunzel: <:) well yknow how if you shake a bottle of soda, when you open it it explodes everywhere?? well sometimes when we bottle up our feelings and don’t do anything with them or talk to someone we trust, they end up getting all shaken up in there, and eventually theyll explode! mama cass and i used to have a lot of trouble talking about our feelings, and because of all those emotions that got bottled up and shaken around in there, we found it hard to properly communicate with each other at all. but then we realized how much we really cared about each other and how we really wanted to make things work, so we learned to be more honest about how we felt and how to communicate with one another without everything just ‘exploding’, so to speak. and thats why we always teach you how to manage your big emotions, does that make sense? :)
on the other hand VARIAN? literally could not care less. at least not with the ud kids. he still has one of his wanted posters that hugo grabbed as a “souvenir” on their trip, and the automaton he used to fight rapunzel? its still in the corner of his lab and he pulls it apart regularly for scrap metal.
ryder will be wandering around his lab when hes like 7 and hes like “uncle vari whats that”
varian: that’s an automaton buddy
ryder: did you make it?
varian: yeah
ryder: what’s it for
varian: well nothing now it’s just spare parts. but i actually made it a long time ago to fight your mom
ryder: which one
varian: both actually. and technically your dad. but mostly rapunzel
ryder: oh
ryder: did you win?
varian: no it wasnt really that kind of fight. nobody won
ryder: oh that’s boring
ryder: can i try it
varian: absolutely not
when emery comes along though varian is like “okay we are Never addressing this again” bc em thinks varian is SO cool and varian actually cares So much about his newfound image. (very stupid of him for that to be his main priority obviously bc emery is like 4 and if she knew what he did she would probably just be like “okay. can i have apple juice”)
anyways yeah ilmari and the twins don’t really tell her anything either because they don’t really see it as anything worth telling her about, especially in comparison to way more important things like the fact that lance will sometimes sneak you dessert before dinner if you can convince eugene he has a gray hair without him catching on. so obviously emery grows up fairly unaware of anything varian has done but the defining factor is that shes constantly hearing about it out of context and is just left to struggle with that enigma.
like you know the experience of being like 14 years old at the family thanksgiving and you get to sit at the grown ups table for the first time and hear about all their weird beef and inside jokes and also hear your aunt mention out of context that hey your dad went to prison once bc that’s LITERALLY what the tangled kids experience in relation to their parents’ pasts. like the twins forgot about most of what varian told them by the time they grew up, they knew the watered down version of what happened with cass but they never knew the little details right. so they’ll just be hanging out playing checkers together while the adults are sitting across the room chatting over drinks and varian jokes “oh man its just like that one time cass kidnapped me” and all the kids immediately whip their heads around like “WHAT?”
this is ESPECIALLY true with emery who’s parents are notorious for having more insults for each other than pet names. em could just be reading by the fireplace late one night and var and hugo come out for a midnight snack and just start talking like
hugo: sometimes i think maybe objectively we should be evil again. like just for fun
varian: honestly. i took over the kingdom once i could do it again no problem
hugo: you’re probably actually strong enough to do it yourself now 🥺
varian: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
emery: ….right so are we just gonna brush over the “again” part or did you guys forget i was here
varian also eventually realizes that by doing this he is replicating EXACTLY how quirin used to be secretive of his own past and how like one day varian just suddenly had to grapple with the knowledge that his dad who baked pies and fed the apple peels to his raccoon probably had a kill count. and obviously varian is absolutely distraught over this revelation
“HUGO HELP ME. I think im becoming my dad” “oh. well hey it happens to all of us it could be worse. besides your dad is hot so like i see it as a win win” “What” “what?”
i should probably also mention that ilmari knew about cass’s villain arc long before they even MET and ilmari actively tries to use this against her when they’re like 13. like “yeah well you cant tell ME what to do i’m gonna tell alina and ryder you tried to stab mom when you were in your 20s” (it doesn’t work btw)
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kaleidosouls · 9 months
SU reclaimed pearl rambles
im gonna use some annoying comments i got on my reclaimed pearl as a springboard for what i think could be interesting discussion because i think its good to engage with criticism/different opinions. but also if you talk to me like an asshole i want you to fuck off and i promised i wouldnt engage in that kind of stuff bc its not good for me and it doesnt Look good for me either.
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so i can talk about my thoughts but not engage directly, win win. its been months but im still really fond of the pearl i made specially this art. like it coudl be better but i like it well enough. just a little header so this isnt a boring post with only text
i think like, its good to establish ground rules that like, i think most of the poor reactions ive seen towards my art were missing, mostly in bad faith probably but in case theres ppl who earnestly want to understand. actually maybe i can format it like a little FAQ even though theyre not frequent or asked lskdjg just for outlining my points. ill put it behind a cut but ill frontline w this: if youre a fan of pearl in the show, this content is not for you. youre allowed to like whatever you want and so am i. if you like her, we probably wont get along and you probably will feel very personally irritated by how i FEEL about her, so just walk away now. im not gonna engage with petty shit taht juts boils down to 'im mad you dont like what i like'
onwards to more rambling / sorta responding to some criticism
i scrolled back and i guess i sorta never have actually done a proper full explanation post about this AU have i? or maybe i have and deleted it, i forgor
why did you change pearl?
because i hate her, simple as. i went from a huge SU fan to hating watching it (i did finish) and pearl is probably The biggest reason why, as like issues with her character seep into other aspects of the show that i also hate. like i mean i Realyl hate her. she makes the experience of watching the show really irritating and miserable for me. if you dont feel taht way about her thats totally normal and whatever but no one is gonna change my experience and feelings that i had watching SU since the 1st season was coming out.; anyway answering. there is a Lot i love about SU and want to engage with, so i had the idea of like,maybe ill just change pearl, cause i wanted to delete her, really, but she is one of the main characters and she hasa function as a character that you cant just do away with. essentially im just like, some guy, who draws, coping and trying to reclaim his teenage investimetn in this show. literally its just for ME. but if anyone else feels like i do, then they can enjoy it too. if somoene doesnt feel like i do, go watch like pearl fancams or smth. like ill never be able to literlaly change the show as it is, like its happened, and its a tragedy im trying to move on from (begrudgingly)
why do you hate pearl?
the long laundry list of reasons are probably apparent in the ways i remade her lol (theyre not i can tell ppl are gonna project whatever worst bad faith reason for any change i make) but tbh the core of it is this, which is like, beyond whatever traits she has and whatever: she reminds me of my abusers. always had, from season 1, but like it became worse as the series went on. its like really infurating and upsetting to watch SU bc of her. had my abusers been a different kind of person, maybe i wouldnt hate her so much (kinda doubt tbh). like her personality and behavior are like hough disgosting!!
why did you change (some physical trait about her design)?
i dont really necessarily have a PROBLEM with canon pearls design. over the years ive come to like SU's style less and less but like, gestures, whatever. like i didnt like it or anything but its not like a bit deal compared to the actual offender that is her personality and behavior. the reason i redesigned her at all is bc like, if i hadnt, i would still be thinking about the way she is in canon all the time. like ive visually associated her like, appearance with all the shit about her thta makes me upset so i had to so she didnt look like the same person anymore, and i can try to let go of some of the hatred in my heart. like i want to think about the thigns about SU that i loved and also the potential i always saw in it and canon pearl is like, an active obstacle to that, to the point taht i cant even see her without getting like irked. i tried to keep enough similar traits so from a glance youd be like, who the fuck- is that pearl? rather than like. completely change her entirely to whatever i wanted. i do want to like, its a creative exercise. i want to try and change the things that would make me happy to see gone but try to work within the constraints of the SU we Did get as much as i can tolerate. bc like.... if the sky was the limit then at this poin wed just have to throw the whole thing away and start from scratch. like its kinda not really very salvageable, like im not rewirting SU to be like a Good show or fix Everything, its kinda too broken. im just chnaging enough so i can look at the actual show, screenshots, songs etc, and not feel overcome wtih like the grief and irriatation of how much it sucked ass. its just so i can enjoy more of it again
i dont like your redesign for (insert reason)
cool. thanks for your input. youre welcome! eat my asshole. seriously though, like, shrugs. i didnt make it for anyone other than myself. tbh im not fully satisfied with it either bc i think the SU style is kinda ugly, so im at a crossroads. should i mostly abandon the SU style? ive like, tested out tweaking things, it mightve been noticeable in screenshot redraws. drawing within the SU style is to create that coping 'oh it was totally like this haha' vibe but maybe im old enough to not need that anymore lol. like ive heard ppl say shit like shes ugly, or like sneakily trying to imply im like, got some agenda over beauty or racism etc. like whatever, think whatever you want, its not for you. go back to sucking up to rebecca or smth like i cant take the og pearl away from you still i am open for like that kind of criticism like, do i have personal biases affecting my design decisions? probably. i do try to keep aware of why im choosing certain things, but really in this case i cant emphasize enough how like, irritating it is that i have to change her design at all. like its hard to come up w smth else when the rest of the cast ahs already been design to balance off the og pearl. i probably wouldnt change almost anything if the sight of her didnt piss me the fuck off! most of all i kinda wouldve preferred to keep her hair short bc it messes up the sillouete but it makes me think too much of canon pearl so i made it long :/ i was like let me tell you my design thought process: -im gonna try to keep as many recognizable traits about her design while taking away bit by bit until she doesnt look like the og pearl to me anymore and i dont feel angry seeing her. pearl is lanky, tall, spindly, with a gem on the forehead, blue white pink yellow pastel colors, large pointed nose. i kinda tried to keep these traits while slightly tweaking their design until she looked different enough. is it a good design? eh idk. like the purpose is to make me not hate her and it does that job
now this hate comment im gonna grace with keeping it intact except removing the person bc its not about them. its like, a very stupid ass headed comment but im actually kind of interested in like,jumping off of it to ponder some things
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im not heterosexual or cis enough to know what exactly wife bate means in this context so im gonna like guess, that maybe i could extract this q from that reply (also not looking like shes from steven universe is a compliment thanks)
you took away her personality and made her boring
the only thing i can assume is that like, some people must interpret the absence of an assholey personality or like abusive behavior is 'boring'. i know thats a really bad faith assumption but like, if ive written down a bunch of personality traits and you still come out saying thats 'no personality' what am i to make of that lol. based on my experience like Existing online, people tend to often call nice characters 'boring', like dude ive done it before, but i think im kinda over that edgy phase. also again, its for me and not for you so if you think shes boring, thanks for your input i dont care. but thinkign about it earnestly, i dfeintely dont want to make a character thats just no flaw and not interesting ofc, i havent done that with reclaimed pearl. that being said i havent like, probably written a lot demonstrating what i want her to be like instead of the canon pearl so, maybe ppl just are feeling lost with the lack of information.
personally, if i hear someone thinks a character is boring bc theyre not abusive anymore like, nothing of value has been lost. but characters do need flaws in order to create conflict and cause things to happen, like in a way canon pearl is like All flaw, which wouldnt be a problem except she gets away wtih all the horrible shit she did. heres some traits i want to explore with reclaimed pearl, some are similar to canon i just wanna go about it a different way: being overprotective/possessive to steven in a smothering way, projecting abandonment issues, not reaching out/communicating her emotions properly, lacking indepedence/self worth, depending on others to avoid confronting her own issues, being very passive and insecure and lacking initiative (this being the totally opposite trait that canon pearl has), stunting stevens development due to her not being ready for him to grow up and not need her anymore. and more, this is just from the top of my head. maybe thats still too 'boring' for ppl because shes not being selfish and inconsiderate enough to others so you can relate to her but i dont care :p
gosh how do i go about like, presenting the content i ahve in my head for this AU).. i cantjust remake the whole damn show. i would if i could, tbh
i have concerns about racist implications wrt (insert thing here about my redesign)
imma be frank. i dont know how to compltely 'clean up' any possible bad associations wrt pearl as a character given how like, rebecca has literally like, made her to be a slave in love with her slave owner and made it to be like, an uwu ideal lesbiab thing for most of the show until they tried to pretend no we understood the flaws in this dynamic all along and its bad actually , uhh, anyway shows over haha
ill say the main reason i changed her skintone is, bc that would be the like most instant way to make her look differnt from canon (which is vital for me for the reasons said above), and i did consider like, does this make the whole thing worse, or, ?? like, as they made it in the show, techincally All the gems are slaves to the diamonds, arent they? including all the very totally progressive poc based gems including and specially the ones who are made to be understood as black women. bruh like idk what to tell you this show is just fuckig bad sdlgkj like its just way too like, pervasive in my teen years forme to throw the baby w the bathwater entirely. and ill just straight up say it, like, im not a specialist on these topics nor do i hav ea position of authority to speak on about it. like the pearls read more clearly as slaves (very intentionally by the showrunners) bc they are meant to be subservient to gems Other than diamonds. and also bc they like fit in the stereotype of housemaid servant. like the rubies being made to just be forced to go and fight like they are slaves too, they have no rights and no like, authority to disobey or autonomy. but fsr like, slavery as in physical labor just doesnt immeidately set off ppls alarms as much as housework slavery does fsr.
i can only rly like change the canon so much and try to like, tweak things so it doesn feel as gross but i think for it to be cmpletely not insneistive at all youd have to throw away the whole show. and like i said, this isnt like me saying like im making the show good or as it shouldve been, im making it so I (and ppl who share my feelings about the show) can feel less shitty just thinking back to it. its just an exercise. im not like mass media im just one independent artist and shit will come out insensitve sometimes and im sorry but im also like, my art isnt meant to be representative and like, responsiuble for fixing all of society and racism like i actually cant do that. ill just do the best i can as an asian dude but like, if my work makes you upset, im sorry, but also just block me. like i cant please everyone. or like, even better, make YOUR take on pearl taht you feel would be better, like make the art you feel should exist.
this post is too damn long and id be surprised if anyone reads all of it but if you do, tahnk you! i felt kinda like ready to fight tonight so im triyng to redirect it from aggression to like, thinking. i cant guarantee im making new content for su reclaimed anytime soon but i would really like to, tbh
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acheronist · 8 months
ok here's my player fansign event gossip
i was running a teensy bit late so i didn't get to say hi to rasmussen but he did look VERY handsome and looked a bit afraid LMAO. my sweet moose was probably out of his depth.. socially awkward darling
debrincat came out second and he was so so so so kind to fans. he was taking a ton of time to stop and sign something for EVERYONE who wanted something signed. about 8 or 9 guys passed him and went inside before he was nearly done walking thru the crowd to sign stuff... :'-) welcome home kitty we love u + it was so nice to see him recognize how excited we are for him too rahhh
i honestly dont remember seeing andrew copp at all but he must have walked by lol
berggren was sooo 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and cute and polite. he signed things very neatly and small and carefully (literally just JB48 in like a 1" square. its ok baby u can take up more space) + we congratulated him on getting called up again because we all love to see him skate and he seemed really genuinely surprised/pleased to hear it
it seemed like ville was bouncing back and forth between both sides of the walk a ton... also just trying to sign everything for everyone who wanted it... he was so 🙂 shaped though.. and he really is pale as fuck i think my guy was refracting sunlight as he walked by. i liked his signature a lot though it was very tight + angular + neatly written. big emphasis on the double Ls in his name. I dont even remember if he spoke though i'll be real.
ben chiarot looked sharp as FUCK. he had a turtleneck on under his suit jacket and his hair all slicked back..... he was serving sexy team dilf without children realness. so my bestie asked him if he just got done at a GQ model shoot while he was signing her shirt and he smirked and laughed under his breath a bit. whore <3
fischer was really fun to look at irl. his face is crazy i want 2 draw him. thats all i got LMAO. i dont remember anything else sorry to the christian fischer stans of tumblr dot com
compher was very polite too but he was moving thru the crowd really quick.. again i think he was just awkward and a little out of his depth w the crowd in the same way ras was? but he was very polite + nice + softspoken tho and i took a selfie w him for @comphy-and-cozy because she's violently in love with him but couldn't be there LOL
ghost looked SAUR sexy.. dark green suit well tailored very kind and polite.. i like that boy ! he was really softspoken too which surprised me because he's been such a freaky bitch on the ice lately
i also dont remember sprong at all but i do remember thinking it was kind of a #serve to match the toque to be the same burgundy color as his suit (also extremely well tailored. everyone looked very handsome). creative ways to make early male pattern baldness be kind of cunty + well dressed for the weather.
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he was so so lovely.. definitely doing the same move as debrincat where he was just taking his damn time to sign smth for everyone who wanted smth. he was kind of in Good Captain Autopilot Mode it really reminded me of clips of stevie from the 90s... hockeytown loves our captains so much its unreal. but he signed my jersey and said hi to our little group and i sooo shaky lmao. but i handed him the art & he started to sign the plastic sleeve it was in? and I went no it's for you! and he kind of checked back into real life and went oh OH!!!!! and smiled when he actually looked at it and carried it w him thru the rest of the line :'-) idk i feel like he must get a lot of gifts from fans? but he definitely looked at it inside the doors of the LCA and he definitely carried it w him and didn't throw it away immediately so. big win for people who are me.
lucas and mo were funny asf they made it about 75% of the way thru the line and then the sun came out and was in their eyes and they both said ok i'm done now thank u and left. #respect
joey was so cute.. my bestie made a sign calling him a himbo last year and (then) he asked what a himbo was so we said Lmao google it, and this year he was signing stuff and talking to us and we were like "did you ever google what a himbo was" and he went huh. ohhh yeah lol like he was somehow both Pleased and Very embarrassed about it . cutesie.
newsy came out too!! and his daughter was with him and it was so cute they had matching friendship bracelets and newsy was like (to us the crowd) omg guys can we take a selfie ? can we do that?? and we were like Dawg you're head coach you can do anything you want..... so we all got a selfie w him LMAOOOO and he was so sweet and gently spoken and kind to fans. which still is crazy. i get whiplash every time how different he is to blash (the old coach who was a bitch and looked like he wanted to call people slurs but knew better) its unreallll
i think all the interviews where walman's said how much he likes detroit + feels wanted here weren't lies or exaggerations at all.... he stuck around so long to sign things for everyone (like dylan and debrincat did) and I think he was the last guy on the walk? and he was so funny and smiley and happy to be there.. my fucking GUY!!!!
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus
Summary: A Wattpad request by mysticalrosean - “Ok so I was thinking it would be frat boy Harry and what happens is a fan wins like a free pass to spend the day with the band. Then Harry starts flirting with her throughout the day a lot and she does too, then they sleep together in the tour bus??Also can u make it so that Harry is dominant because thats so good haha”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, flirting, biting/hickies, sex with people around, unprotected sex, hair pulling, choking, slight angst, filth
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“Hi, my name is y/n. I won the contest you guys were doing.” You hand the security guard the ticket stating the information and he nods, “Okay. Right this way miss.”
Your nerves are skyrocketing.
You’re about to meet the boys of One Direction.
Oh god, you think, I’m about to meet Harry.
Your nerves cause your body to buzz with excitement, the physical shaking is quite noticeable at this point.
“Don’t be nervous, love. They’re harmless.” The security guard jokes and you laugh, “Okay.”
He knocks on the door and you hear the boys yell on the other side.
This is it.
The door opens and there stands Paul, “Yeah?”
“This is y/n. She won the best fan art contest.”
“Oh, yeah. They told us you were coming today.” Paul gives you a smile and turns around to talk to the boys but they’re gone.
“They’re getting on my nerves today.” Paul grumbles with a laugh, “Follow me.” Paul motions for you to follow him and you do.
You walk down the halls of the arena they’ll be performing in tonight.
“Incoming!” You hear one of them yell.
Harry runs and leaps onto Paul’s back, laughing and yelling along with Niall and Louis.
“Harry.” Paul says, trying to stay calm.
Harry’s eyes meet you and he instantly falls off of Paul’s back, brushing off his shirt and crossing his arms, “This the girl who did the drawing?”
You raise your eyebrows, surprised by his attitude, “Yeah, I am.”
“We absolutely loved it.” Harry smiles and walks over to you holding his hand out, “I’m Harry.” He brings your knuckles up to his lips and presses them to your skin.
You can feel the heat in your cheeks firing up, “Hi Harry.” You smile and look over at Niall and Louis.
“Hey, I’m Louis. Nice to meet you, love. Sick drawing by the way. Best one we’ve seen in a while.”
You smile and nod, “Thank you. That really means a lot.”
“No really, you’re incredible. How’d you learn to draw like that?” Niall asks walking up to you, “I’m Niall.”
You nod and shrug, “I just kinda picked up a pencil one day and started drawing.. so I guess I’m self taught?”
“Amazing.” Niall shakes his head, “That’s crazy.”
You laugh and look back over at Harry who has his arms behind his back and his eyes are scanning over your body, “I- I.. um.. I have these for you guys.. Zayn and Liam, too.”
“They’re in the dressing room. I’ll go get them.” Louis walks away yelling for them, “Oi, lads. I need ya!”
“Here is yours, Niall.” You hand the small canvas to Niall and grab Harry’s, “And Harry..” you hand him his canvas and his hand lays on yours. Your eyes meet his and he has a smirk on his lips, “Thank you, sweetheart.”
He drags his hand against yours as he takes the canvas, inspecting it with his lip pulled between his teeth, “Beautiful art done by a beautiful girl.”
He winks and Niall smacks his chest, “Harry. Don’t be flirting with her. She just got here, you’ll scare her off.”
Harry chuckles and shakes his head, “she won’t be going anywhere.”
You bite your lip, knowing he’s right.
Meeting them went a lot different than you ever expected. You and Harry have a connection.
With just a simple touch of his hand on hours, you felt like you belonged to him.
“So Niall says you taught yourself how to draw?” Zayn says leaning forward picking up the canvas again to look, “That’s honestly very impressive.”
You smile, “Yeah, I guess I just have a natural talent for it. For some people it’s singing and dancing but for me, I guess it’s this.” You point to the boys’ canvases laying on the table.
“It’s very good. I like it a lot.” Zayn nods in approval and leans back.
Harry can’t keep his eyes off of you. His gaze burns holes through you, constantly keeping you on edge.
“Boys. Sound check in ten.” Paul knocks on the door before he leaves and I look around at them, “So am I here for just a few hours or?”
“You’re here the whole day.” Liam says with a smile, “maybe you can sketch us something to keep on the tour bus while we do this, yeah?”
“I actually didn’t bri-“
You’re cut off by Louis making an off beat drum sound with his mouth and zig zagging a sketch book in his hands, “Ta-Da!”
“Oh you guys shouldn’t have.” You pout and take it from Louis, “This will be dedicated for you guys and you guys only.” You laugh and flip through the pages, “I love getting new sketch books. Thank you so much.”
“Not a problem.”
“Of course.”
“Very welcome.”
“You deserve it.”
“I’m excited to see what you come up with.” Liam says as he stands up, “Alright. Y/N, you can come sit in the seats if you want.”
You nod, “Sounds good.”
You grab your bag and put the sketch book into it. Harry waits for you by the door, watching you.
You turn and stop, a smile playing with your lips.
There’s definitely something there and you both know it.
“Since they’re not around to tell me no.” Harry walks up to you and semi roughly places his lips on yours as he wraps an arm around your waist. The sketch book gets squished between your bodies, but you didn’t mind.
“You’re mine.” Harry whispers against your lips, “Remember that.”
He leans back, his eyes scan over your face, “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He smirks and steps back, “After you.”
Star struck, you manage to make your way out of the room and down the hall. Harry walks beside you, his hand brushing against yours every now and then.
“There you are, Styles, What are ya doin, harassing the girl?” Louis asks as he puts his ear piece in.
Harry laughs, “No. I was going to the bathroom.”
He glance over at you and winks. You nod while trying to hide a smirk and walk down the stage and over to the seats. You sit a couple rows back so you can see the stage fully. You prop your feet up on the back of the chair in front of you and rest your gift from the boys on your thighs.
You tap the eraser part of the pencil against the blank page, thinking of how you want to start.
A little while into sound check, your eyes keep meeting Harry’s. He’s sitting on the one platform, leaning forward and his eyes are fixated on you.
You bite your lip, trying to stay focused but his gaze is strong.
You keep looking up at him, smirking and smiling every once in a while, rolling your eyes playfully at him.
You’d stop and listen to them sing, tilting your head, trying to believe that this was actually happening.
You hum along to the song, tapping your eraser against your cheek to the beat.
You and Harry are in a staring contest pretty much, but the only difference is, no one loses if they blink.
“Alright guys, I think we’re all good here. See you at the show.”
They walk over to the side of the stage and file down the steps, running over to you to see what you’ve come up with.
“Wow. Look she even got the detail of the lights.” Louis says pointing.
Niall smacks his hand away, “Don’t touch it, you knit wit. You’ll smudge her work.”
Louis mocks him and rolls his eyes, “Please.”
You laugh and look at your drawing, “it is pretty good isn’t it?”
They all agree.
“Alright. Let’s go get ready for the show. I can hear the fans screaming.” Liam says patting your shoulder, “You can come back and hang out backstage so you’re not caught up in the landslide of that.”
“Okay.” You laugh and stand up.
“They’ll know who you are. You’ll be bombarded with questions and shit.” Zayn says walking next to you, “We don’t want to be overwhelmed.”
“You’ll have a special spot front row.” Niall says pointing, “It’ll be right there.” You look down over the stage to see a small area that’s gated off.
“Oh that’s nice actually. Thank you!” You smile and walk back stage with them.
“You can just hang out back here, there’s snacks and stuff down in that room, help yourself.” Liam points to a room that has a green sign on it and you nod, “thank you.”
A little while later you find yourself in the room, looking over the different snacks. You can feel someone walk in but you don’t pay any attention until you see his arm reach over in front of you, lightly brushing against your boobs, “s’cuse me.”
“I thought you weren’t supposed to flirt with fans.” You tease as you look up at him.
Harry smirks, “What they don’t know won’t kill them.” He winks and walks over to the mirror, running his hand through his hair.
You stand there, finding yourself unable to look away from him.
You walk up to him, “That kiss-“
“Is our little secret.” He leans in, “We can have plenty more secrets if you want.”
You smile and rub your hand against your bicep, “Really?”
He nods, “Mhm.”
You bite your lip, looking from his lips to his eyes, “Like what?”
He smirks and brushes hair off your shoulder, exposing your neck. He leans in, sucking on a little patch of skin under your ear.
Your legs go weak and a little moan slips from your lips. He wraps an arm around your waist, holding you to him as he keep sucking a mark onto your skin.
“Like that.” He moves your hair to cover the darkening mark on your skin, “And us. Sneaking around.” He leans in, his lips brush against yours, “Bringing you into my bunk. Hotel rooms. Anywhere I can have you.”
You stare up at him, your lip pulled between your teeth as you nod, “Anything you say.”
“Where’s Harry?”
He quickly puts his shirt on and walks over to the table of food. You sit down and get out your sketch book, flipping to a clean page and drawing randomly sketched lines.
“What are you doing?” Niall asks, “tormenting y/n again huh?” Niall looks at you, “Sorry about him. He can be a little-“
“He’s not bothering me.” You smile and look back down at your book.
“Mhm.” Niall laughs and you look up. Harry waves and blows you a kiss as Niall pulls him out of the room and you can’t help but laugh.
You sit there, Harry’s words replaying in your head over and over again.
You’re mine, remember that.
You feel like you’re in shock, stunned that Harry wants claim over you, but you also love the fact that Harry is all over you so you’re not going to argue with it, you always believe that Harry is your soulmate.
“Thank you so much!” Liam says as the boys line up, “You have been amazing!”
They all say their thank you’s and goodbyes and run off the stage. Harry gives you on last look, smirking before he turns and follows the others.
“Oh my god, it’s her!” A fan gasps, “Oh my god.”
“Y/N! How are the boy?”
“Did you draw them anything else?”
You turn and wave to them, “Hi, hello. It’s me. It’s been great. Really fun. The boys are all so funny and sweet. I’ve had the absolute best day of my life.”
Little did you know it’s about to get better.
“What’s Harry like?”
“Y/N, did you get to hug them?”
“Alright, y/n. Come on.” Paul says as he opens the gate for you, “That’s enough guys. Let the girl alone.” He laughs and shakes his head, “Harry is a loon, crazy.”
You laugh and look up at him, “You got that right.”
The fans scream as you walk by. You felt like royalty.
You didn’t know that the fans would get this crazy, but now you do.
“There she is! How was the show?” Louis asks walking up, “Did they ask you weird questions? We see lots of weird questions on twitter.”
You laugh and nod, “Yeah, they knew who I was. I felt almost as popular as you guys.”
“You will be now.” Zayn chuckles and grabs a water, “Just don’t let the hateful comments get to you. Just know that we love ya and that’s all that matters, right babe?”
You smile and nod, your cheeks turning hot with a blush, “Right on that.”
You glance over at Harry who’s glaring at Zayn and you can feel the hate filled daggers coming off of his stare.
You look between them to see if Zayn notices but he doesn’t. You but your lip, anxiously awaiting for them to tell you to go home.
“How about a tour of the bus?” Niall proposes, “Were headed there anyway, might as well give you the run down on the space we share.”
“Please.” You laugh and follow them out.
“It was nice meeting you, y/n.” Louis leans in and gives you a hug, “We’ll have to stay in touch. I might have ya draw me up a tattoo design, yeah?”
You nod against his shoulder, “I’d be honored.”
He smiles and heads to his bunk, pulling the curtain shut.
Zayn follows behind, saying his goodbyes and kissing your head, “Nice meeting you.”
Niall hugs you and rocks you from side to side, “We’ll miss ya! We’ll have to get you to come again, today was fun.”
He disappears and Liam hugs you, “Thanks for coming. You’re one talented girl and I know you’ll go far in life. Stay in touch, yeah?”
“Of course I will. Thank you all so much!” You smile and watch as he makes his way to his bunk.
You take a deep breathe and look at Harry who’s sitting on the couch with one leg crossed over the other.
He motions with his finger for you to come over to him. You slowly get up and walk over to him. He pulls you down onto his lap, sliding his hands on to your waist, “What did I say earlier?”
You knew exactly what he was talking about.
“I’m yours?” You whisper lowly, and he nods, “Right.”
“They did-“
He cuts you off by roughly kissing your lips. He leans back, “Say it again.”
“I’m yours.” You breathe out, “Harry. I’m yours.”
“Fucking right you are.” He grabs your hips and pushes them down, “Move your hips.”
You grind down onto him and he bites his lip to keep himself from moaning. You can feel how hard he’s getting under you and through his jeans.
“Were going to go to my bunk, you gotta be extra, extra quiet.” He groans lowly as he moves your hair to inspect your neck, “I’m going to make that darker.”
You melt into him.
This feels like it was meant to be on so many levels. It feels so natural. Your nerves melted away as soon as he kissed you for the very first time.
Harry is a very dominant person and you love being his.
A part of you felt like it was some sick joke between the boys, but they really seemed to like you.
“Wait.” You whisper, “This isn’t some weird joke between you guys is it?”
Harry tilts his head and his demeanor goes soft for a minute, “We’d never play with a girls emotions like this y/n. We know how devastating it can be.”
You nod, “Okay. I was just asking. I didn’t really think someone like you would go for a girl like me.”
He shakes his head and rest his hand on your cheek, “You are very, very, and I mean very beautiful. As soon as I knew who won the contest, I did some investigating and I can honestly say that you took my breathe away as soon as I seen your pictures.”
You bite your lip and lay your hands on his cheeks, “You’re my favorite. Always been.”
He smirks and shrugs, his turned on cocky demeanor is back in full effect, “Course I am.”
He leans up, connecting his lips to yours before he leans back, “If we wake anyone up, we don’t get to finish.”
You nod and get up, following him as he leads you to his bunk. He motions for you to climb in first and he gets in behind you, shutting the curtain.
His lips immediately find yours again as his hand slides down your body. His hand slips into the band of your shorts and slide between your skin and underwear.
His fingers find their place at your clit and rub small circles. He presses his lips harder to yours, muffling your moans as best as he can.
Your hands fist his shirt as your whimper against his lips.
He kisses back your jaw, finding the spot he started to mark. His lips pull your skin between his teeth and he bites down, sucking deep colored marks all over your neck.
He doesn’t care if your hair covers it or not.
Your body arches as the pressure on your clit grows harder. “Fuck.” You whisper lowly, “H-Harry.”
You spread your legs more, indicating you wanted his fingers further down.
He picks up on the signal and slides his fingers down between your folds, slipping them inside of you, moaning at how wet you are, “Fuck. I can’t wait to be in this pussy.”
You turn your head, finding his lips as you rock your hips against his hand, “fuck.”
He groans lowly against your lips, pushing his bulge into your thigh. Your hand slides down, cupping him. You give him a gentle squeeze and start to undo his jeans.
“Let me get you off first then we can do that.” He nudges his nose against your cheek, “I want you gagging on my dick but not here. Too loud.”
You nod and take your hands away, sliding them up to his hair. You grab his hair, tugging slightly as you feel yourself growing closer.
You bite down on your lip hard to try and keep yourself contained.
“Come on, love.” Harry whispers, “Cum for me.” He kisses across your neck, nipping and licking the skin, “Fuck, you’re so wet.”
You’re panting at this point, “s-shit.”
Harry brings his other hand up, shifting so he can cover your mouth.
You clench around his fingers and arch your body into his as you cum. You whimper and moan into his hand as he fingers you through your high. He moves it and instantly crashes his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans as fast as you get them out.
His thrusts slow down and he pulls his hand out of your shorts, “You’re going to feel so good around my dick.”
His words alone could make you cum again.
You pick back up on undoing his jeans again, “I can’t wait to feel you inside of me.” You kiss him as you slip your hand into his pants.
He kicks off his jeans and kicks them down to the bottom of the bunk, “Roll over.”
You roll over so your back is facing him and he pulls your shorts down. You bring your one leg out of them and his arm instantly hooks under your leg and lifts it up.
He pulls it to him, holding you tight as the tip of his cock rubs against your folds and you gasp, waiting for him to slide in.
He reaches down between you both, grabbing his cock to steadily slide it inside, “Quiet as a mouse, baby. Don’t want to stop now.”
You grip the blanket, biting down on it to muffle the moans you’re trying so hard to keep quiet as he pushes his cock into you.
He lays his head forward, his finger tips dig hard into your thigh as he sits there for a second, taking in the feeling of being inside of you.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans, “You feel so good.”
You push your hips back, afraid that if you open your mouth you’ll wake everyone up.
He slips his arm under your head and holds your leg steady as he starts to slowly thrust, being carful not to make too much noise.
You tilt your head back, lips parted as he whispers dirty stuff in your ear, “I knew just by looking at you I needed to know what you felt like.”
He moves his arm so his hand lays on your throat, squeezing gently as he thrusts are slow and deep into you. The angle he has your hips at, allows you to feel every inch of him. The tip of his cock brushes around that perfect spot every single time.
Your leg starts to shake as you reach behind and grab onto his hip, “I’m so close.” You quietly gasp out, so low he barely heard.
“Me too, wait f’me.” He lets go of your throat and lays his hand on your chest. His hand kneads your one boob as he pushes his cock into you fully, feeling you clench around him.
You hold your breathe, trying hard to hold back the orgasm that is desperately trying to get free.
His cock continues to thrust in and out, painfully slow.
“Fuck. Let it go.” He groans and digs his fingers deeper into your skin.
Your body tenses and you lay your other hand over your mouth, muffling the moans that your orgasm is ripping away from your body.
He came sooner than he thought he would.
He finishes pumping his cum onto your hip and quickly brings a part of the blanket up and wipes it off before it runs down your back side.
You shimmy your shorts up your legs and lift your hips to pull them up. He puts his boxers back on and lays down facing you.
“I may have came a little inside.” He chuckles slightly, “I’m sorry I-“
“No it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’m on the pill.” You assure him as you lay down facing him. He nods and stares at you, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
After a few moments, he brushes hair from your face, “Don’t go. Please.”
You pout slightly, a part of you feeling sad at his words, “I really don’t want to.”
Harry leans in and kisses your forehead, “Well figure it out.”
So I’m thinking about doing a part 2 to this? Something along the lines of y/n and Harry get caught on the tour bus because there’s some fans poking around the fences and the secret gets out?
I don’t know let me know what you think 👀
As always, if you have any request, send them here.
I have three or four other requests in progress!
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gilbirda · 2 years
Hello again! I've actually written the down some of my "Jason and the Spraypaint 'Thief'" idea tho its mostly scaffolding and i dont feel ready to share it just yet, but progress is being made!
If I may ask for your advice once more, the story has begun leaning towards Anger Management vibes (thanks for that brainrot too (affectionate)), but i dont feel great that the genesis of Jason and Jazz meeting is after Jason basically stalks Jazz in his hunt for whoever is buying his spraypaint before he can. Like, she is the one buying the paint, but the dynamic feels too onesided atm in terms of agency, but idk what Jazz would be doing that could parallel Jason.
The best Ive got is she tried to find out who bought out the yarn she was knitting with (it was Jason being petty), but I dont think she'd care as much as Jason does with the paint and it also feels too samey.
...Just had this thought while writing this, would it vibe with Jazz's character if she kept tabs on the Batfam for Danny? Like in terms of location. Ive got it that Danny dosnt want anything to do with the Batfam atm, Gothem is their turf fighting-wise and he dosnt want to encroach on that (tho he does help people in need when he comes across them), he just wants to make cool art in weird places (and maybe some ghost king stuff, not sure on that just yet) (maybe as a coping mechanism bc I do like the angst that comes from 'Danny leaves Amity bc the Fentons reactly badly to him being a halfa', tho still not sure how he gets into spraypaint yet, that feels like an important detail), so Jazz keeps tabs on their patrols for Danny so he can spraypaint without drawing their attention, and then Jazz notices Red Hood acting a bit odd and does her own investigating to make sure its not ghost business (she would know that RH has ghost vibes from Danny and his current spraypaint investigating behaviour maybe looks like a ghost obsession without context), and maybe she ends up pulling a Tim and figures out Red Hood is Jason, just due to ghost vibes instead of acrobatics.
I havent even gotten to them actually meeting in my planning yey, its just discovery eachother from afar and general thoughts of 'thats the person Im looking for, they're kinda cute' so far. Current vauge idea is they meet in a fight, tho i might be biased bc i did recently reread 'cant help falling (in love with you)' (i think i said this before, but amazing story btw, eagerly waiting for the next chapter!)
I hope this makes sense. This is the first time I've had an idea I've wanted to share with other fandom people and felt comfy enough to do so.
(your ask got sent twice so im gonna answer one and delete the other. Just Tumblr things I guess)
I see Anger Management and go feral
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I see what you mean about there being a power imbalance in their meeting situation - but we have to be aware that the source material is like that. Jason is a crime fighter and a vigilante and also a very extra boy. He is petty and arrogant and sometimes he is not above using his skills for personal use.
You can make it so she knows what's going on and leads him in a wild goose chase just for funsies. Make Jazz petty as well. Make her highly competent. Make her win in his own game and boom, no more power imbalance. (Also that can be a cool "I need to know more of this woman" kind of situation.)
Another alternative, is making her think he is stalking her for unsavory purposes and beat the shit out of him.
I like what you said about Jazz being the one that keep tabs on all the vigilantes. She could have profiled them all, studied their patterns, and Tim Drake her way into memorizing their patrol routes so Danny can paint in peace.
So that's why when her new stalker starts bothering her, she is so Done(tm) that she is not afraid to gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss her way into making him stop.
How she does it? Dealer's choice.
(I'm weak to the fight approach, if it wasn't obvious (✿◡‿◡) )
(But outsmarting him could work as well.)
(Jason is into women that can kick his ass, be it physically or in smarts)
So in conclusion I think if you want to not fall into icky power imbalances and not fall into highly competent Mary Sues tropes, the sweet spot would be Jazz making the choice to take act or not, and base it on actual conflict: If she can't just beat the shit out of him, explain why. If she is not going to make a deal out of it, explain why. Make the character have agency and a choice in the matter, even if that choice is inaction.
Thank you for showing me your progress!!!! I'm so happy when people make content for the crossover and my favorite ship!!!
Also thanks for reading my fics!
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malopeach · 1 year
Hi There! Check out my Patreon!
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HOWDY! I’m an artist! I’m also, very poor! Consider paying me to do art! I’ve got rewards for ya! Mini-prints, exclusive printables (like paper dolls and greeting cards), and if you join at my highest tier rn, you’ll get to be part of my monthly pin club and receive a cute lil button in the mail every month! I’ll also be sharing a lot of art that I don’t post elsewhere, like sketches or pieces that I. well I just forget to post them I’m not gonna lie. But I’ll remember to share them to patreon, so if you subscribe you’ll get to see ‘em! I’ve already added a few things, some never before posted sketches and some printables you can download and play with. Go take a look!
You can sign up Here
My tiers start at just $2 per month, which gets you access to all my cool downloadable stuff, as well as being entered into a raffle every month to win a cute mini print in the mail! I’ll be setting patron goals as well, and when I hit a certain number of total patrons (right now, 25 of them!), I’ll be able add new reward tiers and give even better rewards for all tiers!
Here’s this month’s button design. Buttons will be mailed out on the last day of every month, so if you’d like to get ahold of this one, sign up for the Honey Bunny Tier before then! Everyone at that tier will receive this design as a 1in pin-badge button in the mail. Future button designs will be decided by a poll, so look forward to that!
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I’m really hoping to become a full time artist this year, and with the help of some generous patrons, I might actually be able to make that happen! I’ve got a lot of fun projects i would LOVE to share with y’all, so I hope you’ll consider throwing some coin my way! Thanks! and just cuz i’m nice, here’s a lil preview of some cool stuff you’ll get from signing up:
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I’ve already uploaded these to my patreon page, so you can download them right away, but there will be plenty more coming in the future so look out for that! I’ll also be uploading monthly sketchbook tours, something I’ve never done before but I’m really excited about! My sketchbooks tend to be pretty packed so that’ll be fun.
Anyway, thats all for now! If you like what I do and what ya see here, consider subscribing, and if not, if you could reblog this that would be much appreciated too. Thanks!
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evilmancer · 9 months
ok just need 2 get this out of my system so. dump. tlaking. chit chat even. uhm frost king is evil wizard's son , made with magic !! i dont have a specific way he got made with magic yet but im kinda thinking on his crown
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maybe his body just formed from that then ykno. tjats that he is snake like-ish like his dad. ok? he got like snake skin but not snake snake super snake skin if that makes sense, its just a bit similar (like evil wizard's snake eyes!!!!) -> then . then painter is necromancer's son i havent made a super huge idea abt it me and my brother were just in vc once and he said "frost king is evil wizard's son then painter is necromancer's son". we laughed from there so thats where dat came from. but i hav no idea rough idea is just that he was a little magic experiment . lik e school project for reference but he wasnt an actual school project obviously
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little idea i had a bit ago is that necromancer is also an artist so both he and painter r artists wow. # father son bond thing. -> cyclops is both evil wizard and necromancer's son!! yay!!!!!!!!!!! ok we didnt wanna leave cyclops out from frost n painter so we were like evilmancer fankid slash j n then it formed from there. he doesnt have any 'origin story' in my mind so thats just the concept - yay relationships. relatthet erelations hip the relastionshi p belo 4 belo industrial prince and frost king are dating. yay. it was originally a joke as most things here were just because me and my brother didnt like them but then we were like! ok wait it kinda makes sense industrial prince for some reason just?? has a telescope that just oh so happens to be right at frost king's castle window like whts up with that AND THEN frost king looks OVER to industrial castle like why!! why! whats ur reason man??? (i mean obviously its just to connect the lvls together plot wise but i think about it too hard)
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i think theyre sweet anyway, loserness togetherness makes luv win forever who agrees! (talking to a wall)
evilmancer my number one. ok # theyre like literally implied anyway, do i have to say much (cough . necromantic pack looks around wide eyed) theyre literally always together i could ramble on and on abt them but ill keep that for another day. another post.
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conehead groom and cycloooppss. ok theyre just bestfriendsin the game but whatever. theyre reallly reallly close under assumption of every painting in cyclops fortress i think theyre really cute i dont rlly have anything else to say about them besides that? ill probably add more abt them in the future but 4 now theyre just silly little guys in mymind
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(heres just a little doodle of them . like the rest. feeling nice.) ok no more relationship section just misc stuff -> painter looks up to orange princess a bit and thinks shes really cool, drawing her often for her silly little behavior and of the like. no crushing really jsut "wow!! shes really cool!! i like her!!" if that makes sense lol -> frost king and blue knight were friends pre-barbarian war (like. the war in general not the level ingame)
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(old doodle showing them off, they were like bffs but they were blocked. # blooxked. so they had 2 stop talking but they were like omg hi during ice castle lvl ok) -> medusa babysat frost king when he was younger , idk if i REALLY wanna make that my headcanon-canon-super canon but the idea is cute 2 me. she taught him abt stuff like flowas. alrhgt. -> conehead groom and painter r like # artists in their own ways n that makes them bffs. painter makes art for ch groom's music and ch groom makes music for painter's art. cyclops is happy that his bf and brother get along its sweet. all nice. uff ok im done i think thanks for reading
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thehappiestgolucky · 9 months
I, for one, would love to hear you talk about monster hunter. *Hands you one "free rant about monster hunter" card*
You have genuinely no idea the beast you just unleashed but i am taking this card in my mouth and tearing it like a rabid animal
Monster Hunter - despite being very well known in Japan, still feels like a hidden gem in the western world. And I get it - its a hard game for beginners to get into because of just how many mechanics there are and especially when I first discovered it back in like 2012 ish. It also wasn’t well marketed. In a time where everyone sung nothing but praises about Skyrim - I found a game that genuinely changed my life. I mean that so literally.
I had practically gave up on art and things that made me happy - and whilst I still have pretty intense depressive episodes - I nearly quitted art altogether back then. You can thank Monster Hunter that I’m even here being able to ramble about it.
The games breathed a life into an ecosystem that I had never really seen done in games before and after - the only current contender being Rain World. I’ll be blunt - I don’t like Skyrim, which made me so sad as a kid. The combat is clunky and I was bored so quickly with the lack of coolness from the dragons. So to see what Monster Hunter brought in such a variety - made me want to art again. Every creature is thought out in both individual and ecosystem - how they interact with other and how they adapt to their habitat. And some designs are fun, cool or downright scary - and each one fights like you would expect it to.
My first Monster Hunter was 3 Ultimate on the 3ds - after seeing one of the adverts on the TV featuring a Brachydios chasing down hunters down a volcanic cavern - cornering them. Little me was in such awe - it was the coolest design I had seen in ages. I couldn’t get many games but I managed to get that one after pestering my mum a lot - and I’ll be honest I was fucking terrified at first! but then I got better and understood it - started just fighting the monsters. Its an experience I’ll never forget. When you spend nearly the entire 50 minutes you get fighting an absolute tank of a monster because you don’t have the right equipment - but you keep going even when you run out of healing items because when you do manage to win its a rush that I still have never felt in any other game. It both rewards and punishes risks - it entices you to grind and prepare and throw that all out the window.
I’ll be the first to admit Monster Hunter has flaws - especially the game I first got - but they’re flaws that keep getting sorted out with each iteration of the franchise. For all those flaws you battle through to see and feel the grit and beauty of the game - the brutalness it offers but the rewards when you each and every time make it step by step.
I felt a rush finally beating the Lagiacrus that terrified me, I was grinning stomping on the Brachydios that dominated the trailer, the awe of the Caedeus in a unique and almost somber fight against an ocean god - and the fear, terror, adrenaline, frustration and euphoria of solo falling the Dire Miralis, a living volcano that boiled a sea by its presence. And beating an Alatreon is still such a difficult, nervewracking task. But you still try. you may lose, but you try again.
It’s a game with memorable and beloved characters - full of life and fun, jokes and genuine touching stories hidden behind simple interactions. Each receptionist that you get the quests from have their own unique personality and goals that you learn from passively just doing the quests - 3 Ultimates guild receptionist always pulling out her hand written book of monster information basically boiling down to “Oh thats awful, well good luck!” or even just “Whoops nothing here! Dont die!” is genuinely so fun and engrossing than any tragic story for a quest giver can give to me. And bro - Monster Hunter is not known for its story or characters, it’s known for its monsters and gameplay and rightfully so.
I know the complaints of Capcom - but as a FPS disliker I can firmly say they just don’t fucking miss with combat. The giant Great Sword feels clunky and meaty - and landing a hit with it feels like you’ve torn a chunk out of the monster. The small lathe Dual Blades feel like the risky weapon they are, sacrificing protection for raw DPS that can double for status effects as it quickly repeatedly applies them. The newest weapons added being the Insect Glaive and Charge Blade being such unique mechanics that through iterations of games still hold their light.
And the base mechanics of these weapons are hard to learn they are - you only realise how many hidden and complicated mechanics and combos there are after so many hours of playing. You will never steamroll Monster Hunter on your first game - but the more you do it later games makes you feel like the veteran you are, adapting to the new mechanic whilst having the basics down. Its a learning curve each game has actively tried to make easier and easier to overcome.
That’s another thing about this franchise that I adore - they iterate each time, trying new things with each entry to both make every one feel unique from the others despite sharing the base mechanic each time, and trying new things. 3 Ultimate had underwater combat, which was received poorly, and as much as I want it back for its unique cast of monsters - and to bring my beloved Lagiacrus back its full glory, I know why they’re hesitant to bring it back. 4 Ultimate focussed on a mounting mechanic - the Insect Glaive was created with that in mind. It was received well but informed it was overpowered. So it stuck around for Generations Ultimate but that wasn’t the main mechanic of Gen, Generations introduced Hunting Styles - anime power moves basically. And they were fun as hell. In World Iceborne they introduced a new style altogether - a basic slate to show the new polish of the franchise. The art style was still there - the iteration brought the franchise to a new light. Hunting styles vanished in replacement of the Grappling Hook thing - which was uhh mixed. In the latest entry - Sunbreak - they mixed the grappling and hunting styles together in such a unique and fun way - introducing a new way to explore the world and use your combo knowledge to really dominate a hunt.
They try - and god when they do it well they do it well.
Monster Hunter was not my first game ever. That was Pokemon Pearl. And whilst that means the Pokemon franchise does hold a gem in my heart - I’d be dishonest if I didn’t mention Monster Hunter Stories - a spin off to Monster Hunter I didn’t see coming. Its everything I wanted out of Pokemon. Its everything I still want out of Pokemon.
And the first game was basic - it had a fairly generic but heart warming story and the characters still shone as fun as they always have. Reverto my beloved.
But then came the sequel. I didn’t believe we’d ever get one because the first game flunked in the west.
And just like each iteration of the main franchise before - Stories 2 did exactly that - change. Be better, learn from previous mistakes and change. You could bring in your knowledge of the main games to fight the monsters - you can build your team in any way you wanted - and the story matured with it. I urge every disheartened Pokemon fan to give the free demo on the Switch a shot. Its so worth it. Its the one I recommend to newcomers BECAUSE its so much more accessible and you never have to play the main games to adore the nature of the franchise. Even watch a Kinship move compilation if nothing else - its everything I wanted Z moves to be and more.
I will say - it isn’t a game for people with flashing problems or camera issues. Its unfortunate, that it limits a bunch of people despite the settings in place that aim to reduce that. But if you can handle it I urge you to give the free demos a shot. You might not like it - you might find it’s not to your tastes or you don’t like how it plays. And that’s fine. Games are for the people it appeals to. Monster Hunter simply appeals to me.
Look at the monsters, watch the ecology videos on youtube. Its wonderful, its goofy, its serious. Genuinely seriously look at the MUSIC. There’s a reason Proof of a Hero played during the Olympics. Listen to it now/lh
The community is… alright. There’s a larger amount of gamer bros unfortunately but some are gems. Hell, the official Twitch livestream gaming each week is really fun and wholesome! I just listen to it when I’m doing things because its just people! Playing a game!
Overall, its just a game I hold so dearly to my heart. It’s creative, the devs care so much and it shows through every piece of art, each monster, everything that this franchise is. Its love. Its nature. And its wonderful.
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sig-nifier · 8 days
twenty questions for writers
thanks sm @swifty-fox for the tag!! i love things like this.
tagging @magneticghouls and @onyxsboxes and literally anyone who fancies it
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
whatever tf the current fixation is. i've written for rooster teeth, our flag means death, buzzfeed unsolved, masters of the air, the eternals, and challengers! currently got a slow horses fic in the works :))
top five fics by kudos
i like the way your words taste - a fluffy druig/makkari oneshot with 860
wild things - a western gale cleven/john egan au with 849
the art of consumption - a smutty art/patrick fic with 780
make you feel alive - another gale cleven/john egan oneshot with 633
hitchhikers - a serial killer ryan begara/shane madej au with 485 (the first multichapter fic i wrote that got me an audience it was wild)
do you respond to comments?
ofc! i try and respond to every single one with at least a thank you
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a fic called stay with me, which ended in MCD.
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i end most of my fics happily!
i think the happiest is probably wild things. everything works out for the better in that one
do you get hate on fics?
i dont! very grateful that everyones always so nice, makes me feel like the are you winning son meme
do you write smut?
i used to never write smut but something this year just had me writing so much of it and whilst it feels mostly awkward to write, people seem to like it!
craziest crossover?
i've never written any kind of crossover, and i don't like to read them either. i guess MOTA in the western genre is the closest i'll come.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
also nope!
all time favorite ship?
ive been in fandoms since i was like 12, there's no way i can pick an all time favourite. it literally just depends on what im into at the time.
i really like inej/kaz from six of crows. i think scully/mulder is great. hannibal/will. ellie/dina. willem/jude.
off the top of my head i would say i'm most fond of the tenth doctor/rose. that one gets me.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i'm really starting to doubt my ability to finish seven miles out of freedom town. im gonna try my best but the hyperfixation has moved on and it feels more like a chore than something im enjoying rn. im really sorry to anyone that disappoints, it disappoints me too, cos wild things was genuinely some of the most fun i've ever had writing fic and interacting with a community. i'll try and get it finished, it might just take me a while.
what are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty good at dialogue, making it sound like something a real person would say.
i think im fairly decent at dramatic writing, at making things sound flowery and poetic and theatric. thats my favourite way to write.
dont think im too bad at characterisation most of the time.
what are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at worldbuilding. i think its boring and i dont care for it, i just want to write about the characters. planning bores me. i just write things and go back and fix inconsistencies later.
wild things is the most effort i've ever put into a world. i was googling locations like a mofo to make things accurate.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think its great! one of my favourite fics has a character that speaks french and he uses it to tease other characters who don't know what he's saying. its done so beautifully.
first fandom you wrote in?
if we're talking actual first fandom it was probably one direction or creepy pasta when i was like 13.
the first fandom i ever wrote for seriously was buzzfeed unsolved in 2018.
favorite fic you've written?
im very proud of washed clean, an angsty oneshot about gale/john. i really like the writing in that one.
i dont think i can pick a favourite, i have like three. hitchhikers and the axeman of new orleans were my starting points and really showed me the joy of writing fic that other people were going to read. i had a lot of fun writing those and i love me some dark themes.
wild things consumed my every thought for like, the 11 days i was writing it. ive never been so obsessed with one of my own fics before, it still blows me away how well it was recieved and i met some great people through it so im eternally grateful for that.
yeehaw, y'all.
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