#but i got inspired and couldn't help myself
kimvante2013 · 2 days
『𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬』 변우석
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summary: The feelings between you and your best friend are far from over.
Genre: best friends to lovers,little bit of angst,Byeon Woo Seok x fem!reader,drabble
author notes: After months I came back, today I bring you a drabble about the love of my life, also because I saw "Lovely runner" and I liked it a lot so I got a little inspiration from there, well I hope you enjoy this and later I will bring more about Sun Jae and Woo seok since I don't see many people writing about them, take care and good night :)
Word count: 1089k
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The soft ping of my phone broke the quiet hum of my apartment. A message from Woo-seok.
“Hey y/n, do you want to come to my house later? I need to write some lines for my new drama, “Lovely Runner”. You know, the usual, being my personal script coach and all that stuff.”
I smiled, imagining Woo-seok's signature goofy smile. It was almost endearing how he never seemed to take his acting career seriously, even though he was on the verge of becoming a major star. He was still the same goofy, clumsy boy he'd known in high school, the one who always made me laugh.
“Sure, I'll be there in an hour. "What time are you free?" I replied and let the tea sit while he prepared it for me.
An hour later, I found myself outside Woo-seok's elegant apartment building, the imposing structure a stark contrast to the cozy, modest apartment we used to share as roommates in college.
He greeted me with a wide, welcoming smile and a playful push, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the hallway. "You're late," he teased, pushing me inside.
"Traffic," I lied, my cheeks heating up under his gaze. Despite knowing him for years, my heart still pounded when he looked at me like that. He always had this way of making me feel seen, like I was the only person in the room.
His apartment was a testament to his success, modern and elegant, with a wide view of the city skyline. But I still felt at home, filled with the familiar warmth of his presence.
"Let's go to my room," he said, leading me to a well-lit space filled with scripts, props, and a comfortable chair.
"Okay, so this scene is where I first meet my love interest, played by the beautiful, talented, and incredibly charming Ryu Sun-jae," Woo-seok began, his voice dropping to a playful whisper.
I couldn't help but laugh. He was very dramatic, even when he talked about his own work. But his enthusiasm was infectious and I found myself immersed in the story. He ran through the lines, his voice shifting seamlessly between playful banter and sincere emotion.
He was good, really good. He poured his heart and soul into every word, into every gesture, making me forget that he was just watching a friend rehearse.
And this is where I'm supposed to make a grand entrance, you know, like a knight in shining armor. "But I think he's too exaggerated," he muttered, pulling a crumpled script from the table.
"No, I think he's perfect," I said, surprised by my own conviction. "He is your character, it is what makes him unique."
Woo-seok looked at me with a flash of surprise in his eyes. 'Actually? So you think?
"Yes," I nodded, trying to ignore the way his gaze lingered on me. There was an unspoken connection between us, a bond forged over years of shared laughter, dreams, and late-night chats.
'What do you think he should do here?' He asked, pointing to a particularly difficult line.
'Hmm, maybe try it with a little more vulnerability?' I suggested, my voice softening as I realized how closely I was studying his face.
He nodded, frowning in concentration. He walked the line again, this time with a raw emotion that resonated deeply within me.
"Wow," I sighed, genuinely impressed. 'That's perfect. You captured the uncertainty, the fear, the longing for acceptance. It is brilliant.'
Woo-seok's smile was brighter than the city lights outside. 'You're the best, Y/n. You always know how to make me feel better about my work.
We continued rehearsing until the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the room. As we worked, it felt like we were falling back into the comfortable rhythm of our old college days, time blurring into a cozy, shared memory.
"I think I'm a little hungry," Woo-seok said, breaking the silence. 'How about we order some food?'
"Sounds good to me," I agreed, feeling a warmth spread through me.
While we waited for our food, we sat on the floor and flipped through old photo albums. Laughter filled the room as we recalled silly moments from our past, each image a window into our shared history.
The delivery boy arrived, bringing with him the aroma of spicy noodles and sizzling dumplings. We ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the food and the company.
Later, while we were cleaning, Woo-seok turned to me and his eyes met mine. 'You know, Y/n, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You have always been there for me, through thick and thin.
I smiled, my heart swelled with warmth. 'Me too, Woo-seok. You are my best friend and I will always be there for you.
He reached out and took my hand, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "I know," he said, his voice low and sincere. "And I'm grateful for that."
For a moment, we stood there, hands clasped and the silence filled with unexpressed emotions. The city outside glowed like a distant dream, but all he could see was Woo-seok, his eyes containing a depth that he knew he couldn't ignore forever.
“I should probably head home,” I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded and his gaze stopped on my face. "Yeah, I guess you should."
I pulled away, my heart aching with a mix of longing and apprehension.
"I'll see you around, Woo-seok," I said, forcing a smile.
"Yes, definitely," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.
When I left his apartment, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us. The line between friendship and something more had blurred, and I wasn't sure I was ready to cross it.
I had always valued our friendship and the thought of risking it for something uncertain made me sick to my stomach. But the warmth of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, and the way he made me feel so seen had awakened a longing inside me that I couldn't ignore.
The lights of the city blur as I walked, my mind replaying the events of the night. I knew I needed time to process everything, to discover my feelings. But one thing was certain: the bond between Woo-seok and I was deeper than simple friendship, and I knew, with a certainty that made my heart ache, that our story was far from over.
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masquerites · 2 days
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ㅤㅤi. poem without a hero & selected poems / anna akhmotva.ㅤㅤii. moony moonless sky's 'we were put on this earth desperate hungry and willing' / fatima aarmer bilal.ㅤㅤiii. hevel / nathaniel orion.ㅤㅤiv. "a brother named gethsemane" in when my brother was an aztec / natalie diaz. ㅤㅤv. mabel: matryoshka / becca de la rosa & mabel martin. ㅤㅤvi. a crash course in molotov cocktails / halyna kruk. ㅤㅤvii. norwegian wood / haruki murakami. ㅤㅤix. lisa see.
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bloogers-boogers · 9 months
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Started rewatching the show again
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TRL Presents: "Through the Looking Glass" Jamie Anne Talks "Split" with Carson Daly In NYC.
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Three words that never would have come to mind when someone mentioned Jamie Anne a couple of years ago. But since the Release of her new album, "Split", it's about the only thing people think of when her name is mentioned. Since trading in her flowery dresses and soothing melodies for angry power ballads and powersuits, she's become a force to be reckoned with.
Today in New York City, i took a walk with the new Jamie-Anne, and got some insight on what inspired her new album, her new image, and her feelings on her real-life "Split" with her husband, Daniel Pierce.
Omniscent Pov
Carson was a little intimidated as Jamie climbed out of the Limo, striding up to him in the park with little more than a nod was a little off-putting, and the square shades that covered her eyes made it more than a little tough to discern her expression. Still, he tried to make the interview as comfortable as possible for her. After listening to "Split" the other night, he knew she wasn't someone to be messed with.
Carson cleared his throat somewhat uncomfortably.
"So, uh, i listened to your album last night. Pretty dark stuff, but honestly, really impressive."
Her black lips quirked up a little. "Glad you think so. I worked very hard on it."
"As your fans already know, you right all your own songs, correct?"
"Yeah, always. I don't feel like the song is mine unless it comes from my pen."
"So, when did you write these songs? There's the obvious "Split" from your husband, but i'm thinking there's more too it than that."
"Well, there's an obvious reference to that, of course. The album is about breakups and going through dark times. Not just my own, but everyones. It's also about my split from Korea. I came to the U.S when i was eight to become a star. It worked out, but i also became trapped in a relationship that i couldn't escape from. I wrote a lot of those songs when i was at my lowest point. When Daniel was away and i had no one but my lyrics and my pain."
"And do you ever miss what you two had, or..?"
"No, never. I tried my best to make it work, but there was nothing there."
"Was that the inspiration for "Graveyard?"
"Yes, it was. I did whatever i could to keep him happy. Nothing worked. Unless we were in bed, he ignored me. and even then, he was always out with other girls. Again, nothing there."
Good 4 U
"In Good 4 U, you mention "a new girl in a couple weeks. So, he cheated on you?"
"Hell yes. All the time. Like the song says, i found out about another woman within weeks of our "marriage."
"And what was your reaction to that."
"I was angry. And sad, too. I knew i'd get punished if i said anything, so i sat down and wrote "Good 4 U, and "Breakin Dishes."
"In one night?"
"I write when i get stressed. I was under constant stress as Daniel's wife. Trying to be a perfect, cookie cutter girl who loved her actor husband. I thought he just wanted me to improve because he loved me, but it was really just him using me for fame. I see that now. That's what "Vampire" is about. "You Should be Sad" is more about why i'm glad i was able to get away."
Nightmare and Gasoline
" You say Nightmare and Gasoline are the songs that make you the most proud?"
"They are. Nightmare is more of a feminist track, but Gasoline is for every and anyone who's ever struggled. Any age, any race. No matter how much their struggling... i want them to know that at least one person understands. Lovely has the same message."
"Sledgehammer is your closing track, and probably the most inspiring one. What brought it on?"
"Well, i've been through a lot. But i made it through on the other side. I want people to know that despite everything i went through, i'm still here. That's corny as hell, but it's true. I'm back, and i'm stronger than ever."
And that concludes our special today. Catch Jamie at the '99 Vmas, which will be a week from today.
I know i promised i'd wait till valentine's day... but the inspiration bug bit me, and i couldn't ignore the itch. This isn't a real "chapter" It's a "snippet" that i'm releasing until i get chugging away at chapter four. Also, make sure to click on all the underlined words, as they contain links that credit the songs to their original owners. (also, the word "power suit" has Jamie's outfit in the park interview... if the link actually works 💀).Enjoy! 🥰
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sysig · 1 year
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Striped (Patreon)
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Obviously I bought it! The collar is Slightly odd with a stitch down the center, like a very shallow V Neck, and it’s quite big on me lol, but it’s very workable! And so soft, like you wouldn’t believe. Very comfy!
Also, pretty sure I’ve talked about this before, but here’s a refresher: I always pick up any Lalaloopsy from any second-hand shop I find them in, being out of production and so inexpensive and so cute - I’m a casual collector ♥ I never expect to see them, so I’m always so excited when they’re there! I actually managed to get three this time, not only with their original clothes, but also their shoes! (Why are they always missing their shoes?) And you’ll never guess which ones, what they were wearing:
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It’s Rain E. and Storm E., with their black and white striped shirts!
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We match <3 <3
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rikyl · 1 year
What do you call that feeling that’s a mixture of excitement that someone commented on your WIP and crippling guilt when you realize you haven’t updated in two years?
The Germans probably have a specific word for this.
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wings-n-bees · 2 years
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Summary: A soft morning and a promise made. Rating: G Relationships: Freddie/Roger Warnings: None Other Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff Prompt: To The End of the Earth
Read Here >> On AO3
Part of Collections: Froger Week 2022 & wings-n-bees Froger Week Collection
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totalswag · 17 days
nonsense — DREW STARKEY
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authors note i've wanted to write a singer!reader drew fic for the longest time. i've read some singer!reader fics lately and it gave me some inspiration to write my own. i hope you guys enjoy reading. this was also requested by an anon not long ago, so if you’re reading this enjoy 🩵. the song choice is nonsense and just think to when sabrina is performing this song at coachella.
summary performing at coachella for the first time with friends and your lovely boyfriend supporting you in the crowd.
warnings none!
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This is your first Coachella where you are performing. You will be playing live in front of millions of people. This is the last weekend for the festival.
Tens of thousands of people travel from all over the world to attend Coachella. The festival features sculptures, art installations, and other open events in addition to music.
When your manager called you about being invited to perform you couldn't believe your ears. Now, here you are about to step on stage.
Standing in a circle backstage with your crew, discussing everything you've prepared for over the last few days and having fun out there. This is what you always do before a show.
Second weekend of the festival.
Walking on stage seems like a surreal experience for you. Looking around, you can sense the intensity of the enormous crowd in front of you.
The weather was lovely, with the sun still shining and the breeze brushing over your skin. 
"Hello Coachella, my name is Y/F/N, what's yours?" You smile into the microphone while waving away.
You began by introducing the crowd to yourself, your backup dancers, your music, if everyone is having a great time, etc.
Interacting with your fans is one of your favorite parts of singing on stage. You value your interactions with them since you like conversing. When you read comments on your shows, they usually mention how fascinating you are.
After singing a few songs from the set list, you took a little breather and spoke to the crowd saying a joke, making them laugh.
You begin the next song by sipping from an old-fashioned soda bottle while seated in a chair. As you take a seat, you glimpse your boyfriend, Drew, along with a couple of your friends and security. 
You two make eye contact. Butterflies fill your stomach. You offer him a small wave, and he smiles and turns around, presumably blushing.
Fans up close captured the brief interaction with their phones out. We'll see it on social media later today.
Drew and you began dating in the midst of season three of Outer Banks. The first outing was Pougelandia, and fans began to speculate about your relationship because it came out of nowhere.
To be honest, Madelyn Cline and you were close friends before she began filming season one of Outer Banks. She’s the one who introduced you to Drew.
"The last song I'll be playing for you guys is nonsense, so if you know the lyrics, sing along," you cheer, lifting your free hand in the air, moving it around with excitement.
"Is it possible we get my amazing dancers out here," you turn around, pretending you have no idea where they went, "guys come out here, we could perform some sort of choreography, you know" as you gaze at your dance crew coming out the set.
Nonsense is about Drew.
It is one of your favorite songs that you have written. When you first released it, many were unsure who it was about until photos of Drew and you emerged.
Think I only want one number in phone
I might change your contact to "don't leave me alone"
You said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em role
Treat me like a queen, now you got me feelin' thrown, oh
You dance with your dancing crew, who are behind you and moving in sync. The choreography is muscle memory for you guys because you've been performing this song for a few years now.
But I can't help myself when you get close to me
Baby, my tongue goes numb, sounds like "bleh bleh bleh"
I don't want no one else (no no) baby, I'm into deep
Here's a little song I wrote (a song I wrote) its about you and me
When you sing the last line of the pre-chorus, you gesture to Drew in the audience, who moves his head side to side while listening to you sing and blushes when you point to him. You giggle into the microphone.
Fans started cheering louder as they watched you motioning to your lover in the audience.
You continue to move around stage all throughout the song.
You go around the center of the stage as your backup dancers finish their final few dances. One of your backup dancers grabs a chair for you to sit in.
At the end of nonsense you always come up with rhymes. Started doing this after the first performance and can't stop doing it.
Told him he makes me weak to my knees
Everything about him just so dreamy
By the way he's name Drew Starkey
When you say your boyfriend's name, the crowd cheers. You saw his response as he mouthed the words "I love you," dropped his jaw, and put his hands over his heart.
"Coachella, you've been amazing to me these past two weekends. Thank you so much. Can we please give a huge around of applause for our amazing dancers, come on out guys!" Excitement in your voice when you call your dance crew out on stage.
Once you guys made it off stage, you guys began cheering with a bunch of energy. Everyone gave each other hugs.
"Water is calling my name right now" you groan with urgency.
Approaching your manager, holding a cold water bottle for you- thanking her a few times as you open the bottle. You were about jugging down the water when you heard Drew's voice approaching.
"Hi baby," you squeal, dragging the y in baby, and rush into Drew's arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. Being in his arms sends relief in your body.
He smells so good.
He chuckles, "You did so well out there, so proud of you," and delicately places you on your feet.
"Thank you," blushing to the point where your cheeks were red. "Did you enjoy the outro of nonsense?" You inquire with curiosity, despite the fact that you already know his response.
He softly grins that makes your heart flutter, "Mhm yeah I did" kissing the top of your head, wrapping his right arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
"Why don't we get something to eat?" "How's that sound, baby?" Drew asks, his arm still around you.
Your ears and eyes light up from his request, “obviously yes.”
Before leaving you heard the voices of friends turning the corner. The rest of your friends, as well as Drew's cast members who are also your friends, returned to stage, thrilled to see you.
It was so good to see them.
Drew and you returned to the van to change, drove to the Airbnb to relax before returning to watch other artists perform after the sun had set with your friends.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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ashwhowrites · 15 days
Wrong story
Heavily inspired by the film Miller's Girl. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it because Jenna Ortega is excellent 👌🏻
Modern AU
⚠️smut, smut and more smut
Summary - Y/N has a crush on her teacher, filled with inappropriate thoughts she needs a release. So she writes it out...and accidentally sends it to him.
I hope you guys enjoy this and love it! 🫶🏻
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Y/N knew it was a horrible idea to have a crush on her English teacher, but she couldn't help it. The second she walked into that class and saw him standing there in dress pants and a button-up, she was in trouble.
The first week, she did not learn a thing. She couldn't think straight when he'd look over at her. His dark eyes, his long hair that rested perfectly on his shoulders, and the tattoos that peaked through his rolled-up sleeves. She wondered if he had tattoos elsewhere, and how much of his skin was inked. Did he have naked skin that she could mark herself?
She also knew it was inappropriate to think about him the way she did. She spent so many nights in her dorm room alone, dreaming of being fucked on his desk. She wanted his hands all over her, his teeth on her skin and his tongue tasting her.
Now, she had more control over her thoughts and could pay attention in his class. Before she knew it, her writing and understanding skills blew him away. He talked to her about her work, always praising, and challenging her.
"Another great assignment," He said as he placed her paper in front of her. She clenched her thighs as he walked past, his scent lingering behind.
"Thank you, Mr. Munson."
He turned around and gave her a small wink, and she felt like she melted into a puddle.
"You are all dismissed, have a good weekend."
"He was so checking you out," Tate teased as she and Y/N left the classroom.
"Will you shut up! He was not," Y/N scoffed.
"Another great assignment, wish you used those fingers for more than just typing," Tate said in a seductive voice, deepening her voice to sound like Eddie.
"Oh stop," Y/N laughed as she shoved Tate. "I wish, but he probably has a girlfriend, someone his age. And not someone he'd lose a job for dating."
"Believe what you want, but I've got two eyes and I watched as he landed on your ass yesterday when you wore that plaid skirt. I bet he was having little schoolgirl fantasies." Tate gasped with a huge smile.
"Do you think of anything other than sex, you perv?" Y/N teased as they walked out of the building.
Y/N couldn't lie, she thought about what Tate said all weekend. Was he checking her out? Or was Tate poking at her crush?
Y/N folded her laundry and her hands touched the red and black plaid skirt. She felt a smile stretch across her face as she thought back to Tate.
Maybe she should see for herself?
Y/N felt a rush of confidence as she walked into Eddie's class. Her skirt flowed against her thighs and her black long-sleeved body suit hugged her body.
She'd deny it but she spent extra hours getting ready in the morning.
"You little slut," Tate snickered
"What?" Y/N asked, acting dumb as she stood in front of Tate's table.
"The skirt, the tight bodysuit. Someone is putting on a show."
"I just...wanted to find out for myself." Y/N shrugged, it wasn't a big deal.
"Ms. Y/L/N, mind taking a seat?"
Y/N turned around to see Mr. Munson waiting for her. She blushed and quickly ran to her seat, a quiet apology on her tongue.
"After you finish your book for the independent reading, I want you to write a story written in the same way as the author."
Y/N felt the color drain from her face. She didn't know the book she picked would matter. And there was no way she could write a story and face him after he read it.
The second class was over she walked up to his desk. Tate watched with delight as she stayed in the back.
"Um, Mr. Munson," she said shyly.
Eddie looked up and smiled. She felt her heart race as his full attention was on her. His eyes looked into hers.
"I wasn't aware the book we chose would matter, and the book I've been reading is a tad mature." Y/N blushed.
"That's alright. You are an incredible writer and I don't think you'll have any difficulties." Eddie explained
"That's not the issue. The book is um," she leaned down so Tate couldn't hear. Eddie noticeably shifted as her face got closer to his. His eyes were quick to look down at her chest before snapping back up. "It's smut." She clenched her eyes shut in embarrassment.
Eddie felt his face heat up as he coughed, "Oh! Um you...uh...yeah. Different book then?" he stuttered out.
"Thank you, Mr. Munson," she said before she rushed out of the room. Eddie couldn't help but look as she walked away. He bit his lip as his eyes traveled down to her exposed legs, then up to the roundness of her ass and the way her hips moved.
He jumped out of his daydream when Tate coughed. She sent him a little knowing smirk then went out after Y/N.
Y/N finished a different book and stared at the blank paper on her computer. The assignment was due tomorrow and she had gotten nowhere in the past week.
She couldn't focus, all she could think about was the dirty words in her other book. She was guilty of imagining the male lead as Eddie, so now she was distracted by how sexually frustrated she was.
She opened a new tab and let her imagination go wild. All the dirty images flowed into words as she typed. She clenched her thighs as she wrote about him. She needed it out of her system so she could focus on her real paper.
Finally, at midnight she finished her real paper. Her eyes burned and her fingers were sore but she finished the assignment. She yawned as she sent the paper to his email. Once she heard it send, she shut down her computer and headed to bed.
It was Sunday morning and Eddie dedicated the day to reading through all the papers he had to grade.
He looked through his email as he rested in bed, still in his boxers and naked chest. His laptop rested on his stomach as he scrolled until he found the one he was searching for.
He smiled once he found Y/N's name. He knew he wasn't supposed to have favorites, but she was so creative and smart. He was her top student. He loved watching her work and seeing the passion she had. It was something they had in common.
He opened her story and began to read it.
"Her skin was burning with desire as his skillful hands slithered up her thighs. She panted as he tugged her skirt down to her ankles, the air hit her bare cunt as she shivered. Her nipples hardened as he looked at her, his deep brown watched her expression as he slipped a finger inside of her. He felt his own desire crashing over his body like a wave. She put her hands behind her, her palms flat on his desk as she threw her head back. With her back arched, her hard nipples teased right in his face. He couldn't help but lean forward, wrapping his warm lips around her left nipple, swirling his tongue around the flesh. Another finger slipped inside of her, then another.
He was three fingers deep in her soaked cunt as his teeth scraped against her nipple. He removed himself with a pop before he moved to her neglected one. Just like the left, he wrapped his lips around her right nipple. His tongue played with her as his fingers picked up their pace. "
Eddie swallowed as he felt himself getting warm. He felt like he should have stopped reading. They discussed doing a different book, did she change her mind? He felt dirty for imagining himself in the fantasy, and even worse that he imagined it was her cunt around his fingers and her nipples in his mouth.
He scratched at the itchiness in his facial hair as he debated on reading further. He also wasn't sure if he'd be allowed to grade this.
He skimmed past a few paragraphs, maybe it was a big opener or something.
"His hard cock pulsed as she bent over his desk. His right hand worked down his body, he grasped his cock in a tight grip as he slowly jerked himself as he looked at her.
"Spread," his demanding voice cut through the thick air. She obeyed, her breasts against the wood as she bent fully over. She spread her legs apart, she waited for his next move with anticipation. He growled as he watched her cunt spread open, he licked his lips as he watched her wetness start to drip down her thigh. She shivered as she felt it.
"Touch me, please," she pathetically whimpered. He smirked at the sound of her wrecked voice. She panted as she heard his heavy footsteps move towards her. His left hand trailed up her spine, up over her shoulder, then harshly gripped around her throat. She choked as he cut off the air to her lungs. His hot breath fanned against her ear as he bit and tugged on her earring.
"I'll touch you when I want to touch you," his voice was low and deep. And his grip on her neck tightened. She felt her body growing weak as he controlled how much air she'd receive. He waited a few seconds before he released her. She gasped as she choked for air, her head feeling light. But she loved every second of it. Every second of being nothing but a body for him to touch, a body for him to fuck, a body for him to torture. He removed his hand from his cock, the building orgasm set aside as he focused on her ass in the air.
His right hand came down to slam down on her ass. The skin burned and flamed as he smacked it over and over. She gripped the desk until her fingers went white, her lip bleeding from how hard she bit her lip to stay quiet. The sound of his skin slapping her flesh echoed throughout the empty classroom. He growled as her skin changed colors and how his handprint burned into her."
Eddie looked around his room, almost scared that he was going to be caught. He felt his cock pulsing in his boxers and he fought to ignore it.
"Finally his thick and hard cock slid inside of her. Her soaked cunt happily stretched open for him. Her legs shook as he fucked her hard. The desk squeaked under their bodies, his hands bruised into her hips. She clawed at the wood as he took no mercy on her. He was fucking her so hard that her body jolted forward with every thrust. She wanted to turn her head to see him, but when she tried his hand pushed her head against the desk.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? Wearing those tiny skirts to my class with that sweet cunt so easy for me to see. Do you think I don't notice you spreading open your whore legs when I'm lecturing? I can't imagine what you think when you fuck this pathetic cunt, but I know you think of me. But no toys are as big as me, huh?" He mocked. She whimpered at his words, knowing he was right. "And no toys are fucking you as good as me."
"Fuck, Mr. Munson, you fuck me so fucking good." She moaned"
Eddie stared at the screen in shock. Did he read his own name? Was she writing this as...herself? Eddie shivered at the thought, the movement caused his cock to move, and his tip hit something cold and wet. Eddie set his laptop next to him as he threw off the blankets.
He felt embarrassed when he looked down, a huge wet spot of pre-cum stained through his boxers. The pulsing was too hard to ignore, so he reached down to palm himself softly. Just a little touch to ease the ache. The simple touch caused him to moan loudly. He wanted to pull his hand away before he got too caught up but his hand at its own mind.
He slipped his hand inside his boxers, slowly jerking himself as he threw his head back. He sighed at the relief as his cock pulsed in his hand. His eyes looked over to his laptop, and his free hand reached over to scroll.
"He pushed himself fully inside of her, forcing her to feel just how big he was. He sighed in delight as she clamped around him. Like her cunt didn't want him to go anywhere. She was tight and wet, a perfect mixture to make his head spin.
"Feels like you were meant for me," he moaned. She began to move her hips back to match his rhythm. His hands were tight on her hips as the sound of their skin smacking filled their ears. She was moaning and whining, every sound drove him closer to his release."
Eddie moaned as he jerked himself faster. The images flashed through his head as he read. His head was thrown back in pleasure as he pictured her soft body bent over his desk. He was guilty of thinking about it before. Guilty of thinking about her hands and lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked her throat in between classes.
"She came with a loud scream of his name, her body limp against the desk as he fucked her through it. His hands were gentle as he traced up and down her spine, but his cock still drilled inside of her. She shook in sensitivity as he chased his orgasm.
"Cum for me, Mr. Munson," she whimpered, "fill my slutty cunt with your cum. Make me yours."
Eddie felt his eyes roll in the back of his head as he panted. His hand jerked himself faster, the feeling of bliss in his stomach. He read the last sentence over and over until his body thrashed as he came. His sticky cum painted his hand and stomach as he jerked himself empty. He imagined filling her cunt, and stuffing her full. The idea of his cum dripping down her thighs made him shiver.
He pulled his hand away with a hiss when he felt himself grow sensitive.
He took a few minutes to collect himself. Then the guilt rushed in. He slammed his laptop shut with his clean hand. He just jerked himself off to a student's smut. What the hell was wrong with him?
He got out of bed, legs a little shaky as he moved to his bathroom. He washed his hands and cleaned off his stomach. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror without disgust. He was an adult, he should have closed it the second he saw it was a sex story.
Eddie sat at his desk, his leg shook with anxiety as he waited for his class to come in.
His eyes looked up and caught hers. She offered a small smile as she walked in. He looked away and pretended to be busy with his desk work.
She tried to ignore the blow she felt as he ignored her. Maybe it was a hard morning for him. She walked over to Tate's table as they talked. Eddie noticed she wore a different skirt with a tighter-fitting top. He felt displeased with himself as he felt his cock get a little hard. He couldn't look at her without thinking of her words. And the disgusting thing he did while reading it.
"Y/N, please don't make me ask you to take your seat every day."
His tone was sharp and annoyed. Even Tate looked at him confused as Y/N blushed in embarrassment again.
"Sorry," she rushed out as she raced to her seat
"Don't say it, show me." He snapped
She shrunk in her seat, her eyes looked to Tate to see if they were thinking the same thing.
The whole class period he never once looked her way. Which was odd because he always looked over at her. Even when she raised her hand to answer all his questions, as she always did since she was the only one who listened to his lectures. He just ignored her and waited until someone else answered, even if it took minutes.
She couldn't help but feel neglected. It wasn't a big deal, but it made her feel like shit.
She sighed in relief as the class was dismissed. Tate walked over to her as the two began to walk out.
"Ms. Y/L/N? Can you stay back a second?" His voice called out
Y/N gulped and looked nervously at Tate. She sent a small smile and closed the door behind her. Leaving Eddie and Y/N alone in an empty classroom.
"Yes, Mr. Munson?" she asked, her voice shaking with nerves as she looked down at him.
He stood up and grabbed a stack of stapled papers from his desk. He looked into her eyes as he handed it over.
"Can you just read the first paragraph, please? To yourself is fine."
She took the paper, confused. But she did as he asked. The color drained from her face as she read the first few words. She sent in the wrong paper.
"I'm so-" she went to apologize but Eddie cut her off.
"This behavior is highly inappropriate. We discussed you would change your book. Not only is it against the school's rules, it is not appropriate to write about a teacher in that way. If you have a crush, write in a diary, not my assignment. And I'll need a new paper if you want to pass this class" His voice had no emotion as he scolded her. She wanted to shrink until he couldn't see her anymore. She was so embarrassed.
"I understand," she whispered with her head down, she would never be able to look him in the face again.
She kept the papers as she began to walk towards the door.
"Oh and Y/N?"
She turned around, her eyes on the floor.
"Even if this school doesn't have a dress code, I think you should dress more appropriately."
Any sort of confidence she ever had vanished with his words. She didn't say anything, she turned around and raced out the door.
Hot tears streaming down her face.
"What happened?" Tate asked as she held the crying girl in her arms.
"I sent in the wrong paper and now he knows I have this giant crush on him. You were wrong! He doesn't like me at all. And he wasn't checking me out, he was judging me for wearing slutty clothes!"
"He said that to you?" Tate gasped
"Not in those words, but he said if I had a crush I need to write it in my diary and not his assignments. Then he said I need to wear appropriate clothes in his class." Y/N cried as she hugged her best friend tighter.
"What a dick! He has no right to talk to you that way." Tate growled.
"Let's just get out of here," Y/N sighed as she let Tate go.
Y/N dreaded going to class the next day. She printed out the correct paper this time. Her head was low as she walked silently into the class, she dropped the paper on his desk. She didn't bother to look at him, no idea if he looked at her or not.
But of course, he looked. Her perfume alerted him that she was there before any movement did. He watched as the new papers landed on his desk and she walked silently to her seat. He eyed her outfit, completely different from anything she ever wore.
She was covered in clothes from head to toe. A big hoodie on her body with baggy sweatpants. He felt guilty seeing her body deflate in her seat. He knew he was wrong to ever say anything about what she wore but he couldn't handle seeing her in outfits he wanted to tear off. It didn't work, even in a hoodie and sweatpants he still imagined what was underneath.
The class seemed to go on for hours for both of them. She never looked up from her desk.
"Does anyone know the answer?" He asked out loud, his eyes already moving to her frame. He was met with silence.
"Do you happen to know, Y/N?"
She shrunk as he said her name, his and the whole class's eyes on her as she looked up.
"No, sorry" she whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. It pained him to see her high head so low. She shined with confidence and he took it away for his own selfish reasons.
"Her hand wasn't raised, Sir," Tate growled. She wasn't sure what Eddie's problem was but she knew it wasn't because he disliked that paper.
"My apologies," Eddie said with a tight smile. He answered for the class as he continued his lecture.
He dismissed the class a few minutes early. Barely able to keep himself together. He watched as Tate wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulder as they walked out.
Eddie spent the night grading Y/N's new paper. He wasn't surprised by the perfect story she told. He was glad he didn't destroy her writing ability like he did with everything else.
The next morning he placed the paper on her desk. The compliment left his lips as a routine.
"Excellent work,"
She gave a small hum as she didn't look up. No thank you or smile sent his way. He ignored the pit in his stomach as he moved on with the class.
"The next assignment will be with partners, so please find someone you are comfortable to work with."
Eddie gave the class time to find someone as he grabbed the rubric for the assignment. He figured he'd see Tate sitting up front next to Y/N when he looked up, but he felt a lump in his throat when he saw Alex sitting there.
Alex was a good student, he was dedicated and smart. Since when did he know her?
Eddie passed out the rubric, he tried not to eavesdrop on the conversations happening around him.
"We'll probably have to work outside of class, so maybe I can get your number and address?"
Eddie kept the growl in his throat as he walked past Alex and Y/N. He hated the way she smiled and nodded.
It was dumb but Eddie acted out of jealousy.
"You'll get weeks and weeks of in-class work time so don't worry about working out of school hours." A huge lie, he jeopardized his lesson plans and would deal with the consequences later.
"Bummer, I was kinda using that as an excuse to ask you out," Alex said, Eddie watched as she blushed and giggled into her hand.
He shouldn't be jealous. He knew that. He's the reason they can't even look at each other. He acted childish and was cold. He rejected her and embarrassed her, and fuck did he regret it. He regretted making the adult decision, he wished he caved. He wished he smashed his lips against hers and turned that story into reality.
"Maybe you don't need an excuse?" She shrugged with a smile. Alex was cute and he always caught her eye. Not the way Eddie did, but it was clear that would never happen. It was selfish, but maybe Alex could make her feel better about herself again.
Eddie gulped as she wrote down her number and passed it over.
Shortly after that, Alex and Y/N spent more time sitting next to each other in Eddie's class. He watched the class work together, his eyes kept shifting towards her. It had been a long week of no words shared between them. She still covered her body and kept her head down.
All she focused on was Alex. She kept her eyes on him and never once shifted to Eddie. But his eyes were always on her.
They kept laughing and she smacked his arms. He'd smile at her reaction and push to make her laugh harder.
"Please stay focused," Eddie demanded from his desk. His annoyed tone made Y/N finally look up. He stared at her as she didn't look away. He didn't move a muscle, he hoped if he stayed still she wouldn't look away.
"Sorry, we'll go back to the project," Alex said, Eddie growled as he spoke. Y/N snapped out of her daydream and smiled at Alex as they went back to their assignment.
"This Friday I'm throwing a party, and I would love to see you there. Maybe as my date?" Alex asked, he sent a warm smile her way as he held her hand.
She felt her heart race and smiled.
"I would love to."
Friday arrived faster than Eddie wanted. He knew he wasn't supposed to be upset that she was going on a date. He should have been happy for her, but all he felt was jealousy.
"Wow, wow and wow."
Eddie looked up as he heard Alex's voice. He looked in the direction of Alex's eyesight and felt his breath being kicked out of his lungs.
Y/N walked in with a huge smile, and a flowy black dress framed her body. She wore light makeup that made her face light up. Her confidence was back.
"You like? I was thinking of this for our date," Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around Alex's neck.
Eddie rolled his eyes as the couple leaned in for a kiss.
"Take your seats," Eddie demanded, and the couple pulled away.
"Sorry, Mr. Munson," she said, smiling as she took her seat and dragged Alex to sit next to her.
Eddie ignored the shiver her voice sent through his body. Hearing his name leave her lips sent Eddie into a spiral.
During the class, Eddie focused on not blowing up. His hands were in a tight fist, and his fingers were white. He clenched his jaw as Alex's hand rested on her bare knee.
He watched as Alex whispered in her ear. Eddie didn't what he said, but the way Y/N's eyes went huge and her mouth opened with a gasp, made him guess a few things. He watched as her thighs clenched together and Alex squeezed her knee before it traveled up her thigh. His hand went higher and higher until it disappeared underneath her dress.
The class was dismissed and Eddie couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Y/N, can I speak to you?"
Y/N and Alex stopped at the door
"Um, yeah," she said confused, Alex pecked her cheek goodbye as he walked out.
"Can you shut the door?"
Y/N was confused but closed the door, and then walked over to his desk.
"How can I help you?" she asked
"I'd appreciate it if you and your boyfriend kept your focus on the project and not each other," Eddie said he stood tall as he placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward.
"The project is finished, Mr. Munson. And we still have a few days before we turn it in. I don't think we are doing anything wrong." she argued. She was tired of him telling her what to do with her life.
"Him feeling you up underneath a table isn't doing anything wrong?" He argued, his eyes dark as he glared over at her. He leaned forward, even more, his face close to hers.
She tried to ignore the heat she felt between her thighs as he leaned over her with his tight shirt bulging out his arms. His tie dangled in between them as she looked up at him.
"And whispering in your ear? I'm sure I can think of a few things he had to say." Eddie said as he rolled his eyes
Y/N couldn't help but feel an exciting feeling bubble in her stomach, was he...jealous?
"What do you think he said?" she asked, as she leaned forward. Her voice was low as she looked into his eyes. She could see the lust in his eyes as he licked his lips.
"Something along the lines of wanting to be under your dress, between your legs, and make you scream his name," Eddie growled. He watched as she smirked, a tingle worked through his body.
"Was that his thoughts or yours, Mr. Munson?" She challenged.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked, his tone a little shocked as his eyes widened.
Y/N didn't back down, she placed her hands on his desk, mocking his posture, as she leaned forward.
"Nothing, it just seems you are kinda jealous? I mean you shouldn't be, right? Since you had me in the palm of your hand and sent me away." Her words sent more tingles down Eddie's body.
He chuckled in mockery as he bit his lip. He smelled her perfume, turning his brain into a puddle. His lips were inches away from hers, teasing him as they puckered.
"You'd like that, huh? You've got Alex, and still wondering about me? Shame for that poor boy."
"I think I would. He's cute and knows how to touch me. But he'll never be you, Mr. Munson." She confessed, the more she spoke, the closer they got. Their words went down to whispers.
Eddie felt that jealousy burning through him again at the thought of Alex touching her.
"You are jealous. I can see it," she smirked. Now she had him in the palm of her hand. She tossed all her fucks out the window as she grasped his tie in between her fingers. "So why don't you do something about it?"
Eddie took her challenge and ran with it. He knew there wasn't a single thought in his head that was going to send her walking away like last time.
He wanted to cave
He stood up, his tie falling through her fingers
She watched as he walked around the desk, but she didn't move. He walked over to the door, the sound of the lock turning as she waited.
She gasped when his hands landed on her hips, and he shoved her body against his. She loved the feeling of his hard chest and cock pressed against her.
He pushed aside her hair and pressed his lips against her neck. She moved her head to the side, giving him more room as she melted into his touch. His lips were hot and wet against her soft skin, he moved close to her ear, sucking on the skin right below it.
Eddie's hands trailed down her body and bunched up her dress. He removed his lips from her neck and pushed on her back. She took the hint and bent herself over his desk. He held her dress against her back with his left hand, she shivered when he yanked down her underwear with his right hand.
"Did you touch yourself when you wrote that story?" He asked, his right hand massaged her ass.
"Not immediately, but I did when I woke up." She confessed, her thoughts took her back to when she read it over and over as she fingered herself. No idea she sent it. "Did...did you?" She shyly asked, her eyes staring forward at the whiteboard.
She jolted forward when his right hand cracked down on her ass. She gripped the desk as she moaned when he cracked down a second time.
"I did," he admitted, she felt a smile spread across her face.
"Really?" She asked she turned her head to look at him. She purred in delight at the hungry look in his eyes as he stared at her ass, his hand massaging the skin gently as the skin burned.
"I read it when I woke up, soaked my boxers before I even got to touch myself. Quite the imagination you have, pretty girl."
She blushed when his eyes snapped up to hers. He gave her a cheeky smile.
"I came so hard, thinking of painting the inside of your pretty cunt." He reached up and unzipped her dress, she stood up so it fell at her feet. She kicked it aside and turned around.
She stood face to face with him, her body naked as she reached and unbuttoned his shirt. He sat back and let her strip him, he loved the feeling of her hands skimming down his chest as she worked his belt.
She dropped to her knees as she pulled down his dress pants and boxers. She licked her lips as she softly wrapped her hands around his cock. He moaned as her touch set him on fire.
She licked up his length then wrapped her mouth around his thick tip. He dug his hand into her hair as she forced him further down her throat. She kept taking him until she felt herself gagging around him. He praised her as he bucked his hips forward. She felt his tip hit the back of her throat, she didn't pull back until he did.
She panted as his cock left her mouth. He felt amazing in her throat and tasted better than she imagined. She couldn't help but grow even more excited as he waited to see what he felt like inside of her.
She raised to her feet and jumped on the desk, she spread her legs open and grabbed the tie that still rested around his neck. She yanked the tie as he smirked. He allowed her to drag him forward, his lips hungrily landing on hers. She moaned as his tongue easily slipped inside her mouth. Their tongues battled as he slipped two fingers inside of her.
He swallowed her moans as he fucked his fingers inside of her, stretching her out. She tried to keep up with the kiss but struggled as his fingers felt amazing inside of her.
Eddie pulled away but kept his fingers pumping inside of her.
"I knew you'd be tight," he moaned as he removed his fingers. She watched with heavy eyelids as he sucked his fingers clean.
"Just fuck me," she whined as she clawed at his chest.
He laughed at her eagerness, but he wasn't patient himself. He grabbed his cock and lined his tip with her entrance. She spread her lips open as he began to shove himself inside of her.
Her head was thrown back as he filled her completely, she felt herself being stretched by his length.
His eyes were lost as he stared at his cock moving inside of her. He watched as he pulled out, his cock soaked in her before he pushed himself back in. He loved how easily he slipped inside of her.
He wrapped her legs around his waist as he picked up his pace. All his pent-up aggression, regret, and jealousy flowed through him as he took it out on her.
She gasped and whined as his pace quickened. His skin smacked against hers, and she let her body fall back. Her body jolted and her breasts bounced with every thrust. His hands touched up and down her body. He touched every inch of skin he could reach. He loved watching as her eyes shut with bliss and her body gave into him.
"Fucking beautiful," he moaned as he leaned down to smash his lips on hers. Her brain spun as he fucked and kissed her all at once. His hands were soft as they skimmed down her stomach, goosebumps rising on her skin. Then his hand slipped between their bodies as he began to rub her clit. He removed his lips from hers to kiss down her chest, biting the skin.
"Fuck, Mr. Munson, getting close," she whimpered. She wasn't surprised by how fast her orgasm was approaching. Her body has never felt anything like this. His kiss, his touch, and his cock worked perfectly together to make her stomach burn.
Eddie had flashbacks to her paper, growling as he remembered the fire he felt when he read his name. And how she begged to be filled by him.
"Yeah? You wanna cum? Soak me in your cum?" He teased, his fingers moving faster against her clit as she shook beneath him.
"Please, please," she begged
Somehow his pace got faster and she could feel his balls slapping against her. It didn't take long for her to snap and the instant relief of an orgasm washed over her.
She reached up and gripped his neck as she came. She bit into his shoulder to silence her screams.
Eddie hissed as her teeth sunk into his skin but he loved it. He hoped it left a mark and he could see it every morning before she came into class.
"Good girl," he praised softly into her hair, he gently removed his fingers from her clit. Careful to not make her too sensitive as he chased his orgasm.
"Fill me up, Mr. Munson," she whispered heavily into his ear. Her hands tugged on his hair. His hot lips landed on her neck as he silenced his own moans and growls as he emptied himself inside of her.
He gave a few final thrusts as he pushed his cum inside of her. He breathed heavily as he slipped out of her. He slipped his arms around her body as he pressed her against him.
She panted and waited for the air to return to her lungs before she pulled away.
"Yeah, you definitely read it." She joked as she let out a breathless laugh.
He chucked with her and pecked her shoulders and neck. His kisses moved up and all around her face.
He stepped back and grabbed her dress, he helped her get it on as she slipped off the desk with wobbly legs. He turned her around as he zipped the dress, kissing her spine until the material covered the skin.
She turned the favor and helped him get dressed. He was fully clothed and she noticed her cunt was still bare.
"Where is my underwear?" She chuckled as she looked around the classroom floor.
"Right here," Eddie teased as he waved it in the air. She rolled her eyes and tried to grab it but he raised it over their heads.
"Nah uh, I think I'm going to keep this." He said as he slipped her underwear into his back pocket. The sight itself made her cunt pulse. "I think you should walk out of here with my cum dripping down those thighs as you tell little Alex that date is no longer happening." His voice was deep and dark as he wrapped his hand around her neck.
She turned submissive all over again under his touch. She nodded without a single thought. He smiled and pecked her lips, slowly pulling away so she'd chase his lips.
She pouted when his touch left her completely and he grabbed paper and a pen from his desk. She watched as he scribbled something down.
"This is my number and address, I'll see you tonight, don't bother dressing up. It'll be on my bedroom floor, anyway." He winked as he slipped the paper into her hand.
She sat shocked as he smirked unlocked the door and walked out.
But she couldn't help the huge smile across her face when she saw her underwear peeking out from his pocket.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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prettiestlovergirl · 3 months
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; slytherin! reader; oral (f. receiving); hickeys; kitchen quickie; slightly sub! mattheo riddle; french! mattheo riddle.
concept: an afternoon of baking ends in you covered in a mess your boyfriend, mattheo riddle, is more than willing to help you clean up.
a/n: one of my lovely lovely anons helped me come up with this idea hehe. inspired by me, accidentally covering myself in edible glitter when baking. some idea credit to bratetteprincess who just recently did a latina! reader baking w/luke castellan fic! enjoy, my lovelies! 𓆩♡𓆪
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everybody in your house knew that sunday mornings were for your baking.
after two years of begging and pleading with all of your professors, you were given permission to use the kitchens one day a week in order to bake to your hearts desire.
you always liked to experiment with new things. various dyes that stained your hands different shades, new flavors that made your hair smell for days, edible flowers that made you gag.
today, though, you might have gotten just a teensy tiny bit carried away with your current experiment: edible glitter.
you'd been desperately craving carrot cupcakes but after you'd made and decorated them, they just looked so... boring. after glancing around the blissfully empty kitchen, you spotted it: the silver edible glitter just begging to be used.
you pressed the pump once over the baking tray, watching happily as a cloud of glitter flew out and created a glittery sheen over the cream cheese frosting.
long story short, 15 minutes later your cupcakes were perfect and you were absolutely covered in edible glitter.
you'd been in the middle of sliding your pretty pink apron off when your boyfriend, mattheo, came in to bother check up on you. mattheo was practically fucking addicted to you.
he couldn't stand not being around you for more than an hour, and when he was with you? his hands were all over you, constantly touching, grabbing, rubbing, or squeezing some part of your body. not that you really minded, you were just as obsessed with him.
"wow, ma douce (my sweet), did an arts and crafts shop throw up on you?" he asked, his usual teasing smirk on lips as he wrapped his arm around you. he nuzzled his face into your neck, not caring about the glitter transferring to his clothes. "what are you even doing with glitter? thought you were baking." he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"it's edible glitter. my cupcakes looked so boring n i ran out of those carrot n bunny sprinkles i love so... i tried something new." you shrugged, sticking your lower lip out in a pout as you set your glitter covered apron down on the counter.
"edible, huh?" mattheo asked, eyes now locked on the shimmering skin above your collarbone. "mhm." you nodded, not paying much attention to your boyfriend as you attempted to try and clean up your mess.
you paused your actions as he leaned down and took a nice, long lick up from your collarbone to your jaw. you let out a soft gasp while he groaned instantly at the sugar taste, admiring how your skin shined now with both the glitter and his saliva.
"mattheo..." you breathed, your voice a soft whine as he drew his tongue back down. "mattheo, i have to clean up, it's part of my deal with the professors." you whined, trying to move from his grip that only seemed to tighten as you shifted.
he thrived on the sounds of your pretty little whimpers, already getting drunk on the one little taste he had of you. he'd never been so down bad for anyone before, but with you? he couldn't help but want to touch you, taste you, 24/7.
"we are cleaning up, ma douce (my sweet). 'm helping you clean up all this glitter first, you got a big clump right there." he murmured, pressing his lips to the skin and sucking harshly on it, drawing another whimper from your lips.
he sucked on the skin, drawing moan after moan out of you until he could see the beginnings of a pretty purple bruise. "there we go, all gone." he hummed, his hands finding their way up to your chest and squeezing your boobs gently.
you mewled softly as he squeezed, biting your lower lip as he kissed and sucked purple marks all over your neck. you squeezed your thighs together tightly, feeling the wetness pool in your panties.
normally, you'd be upset with the number of hickeys he left, but the way his lips moved in sync with his hands made you a little distracted.
he moved away from your neck, now kissing and swiping his tongue over the skin down your arms. he left the occasional bite mark as he moved, your fingers now digging into his scalp as your breathing got heavy.
"mm, mattheo, now you've got some glitter on you." you pouted, dipping your own head down to lick up the newly transferred glitter. you traced your name on his neck with your tongue, leaving your own series of hickeys on his neck.
"fuck." he groaned, hands still massaging your boobs over your clothes while you suck his neck and paint it varying shades of purple and green.
"you should use this glitter more often." he murmured, to which you simply nodded instantly. you grazed your teeth over his pulse point, giggling softly as he let out his own soft whine. "y'know, i think you've got some more glitter down further. hop up on the counter, yeah? want to check it out." he grunted.
you pushed the cooling rack holding your sparkly cupcakes to the side before lifting yourself up onto the counter. "really want to make sure we get it all off." mattheo hummed, lifting your ass up a bit and dragging your shorts and panties down your legs.
he knelt down before you, pressing a few soft kisses up both of your legs before being face to face with your drooling cunt. "ma douce, douce ange (my sweet, sweet angel)" he crooned, taking a long lick through your puffy folds and watching as your toes curled in pleasure.
"fuck, it's even sweeter than the glitter." he groaned, dipping his tongue right back into your pussy. your head lolled back, teeth trapping your lower lip roughly while your hand gripped the back of his head.
he pinched your clit between his teeth and his tongue before rubbing his tongue back and forth rapidly. he relished in the way your back arched and your moans got louder and louder.
you thanked god for the soundproofed kitchens as you bucked your hips against his face. "mattheo, fuck, mattheo!" you whimpered, his name sounding like heaven from your lips.
his tongue continued to work your sensitive clit as you moaned for more, begged for him to move faster. "god, fuck yes, fuck!" you whined, gripping at his curls tightly while he continued to flick his tongue against your puffy bundle of nerves.
"shit, fuck, mattheo, 'm gonna- fuck!" you moaned, nearly collapsing back on the counter as you came roughly on his tongue and chin. he licked and lapped at your pussy, going until he got every single drop and your legs were quivering from the overstimulation.
he let you catch your breath before eventually helping you back up. you got redressed and together, you picked up the kitchen and got your cupcakes onto your pretty little platter.
later that afternoon, you and mattheo snuggled up together on the couch in the common room, chatting away about whatever nonsense you felt like chatting about.
when your friends came in, their eyes widened in confusion at the sight of you: you were both still coated in glitter with hickeys all over your necks, and you even had bite marks on your arms.
"jesus, did you get into a fight with a sparkly vampire?"
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🖤
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Bloodline!Reader
“Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” + “Take out your anger on me. I can handle it."
Summary: Your family is pissing you off, and Dominik is more than happy to let you take your anger out on him.
A/N: Dominik brain rot is real and this is the result of it (this took so long 😭) and was inspired by the gif below. This is my first smut and probably my last, so please be nice! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 6,016
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing, family drama.
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You sighed as you rubbed your temples, closing your eyes for a moment and feeling the incoming headache about to come as the room got louder and louder with anger. You opened your eyes to see Roman and Jimmy still arguing, yelling and getting closer and closer to each other. Jey was sitting in the corner, jaw clenched as he let them get into it. Solo was standing next to you, keeping a watchful eye on them in case things got out of hand. Your eyes met, and you can tell by the look in his eye he was done with all this shit too.
Why couldn't they talk this out like men instead of acting like children? You thought, rolling your eyes. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jimmy pushed Roman into the corner, all of you quickly getting up to separate them.
"You guys need to stop this!" You shouted angrily as you and Jey held Jimmy back, Solo trying to calm Roman down but to no avail.
"No, he needs to stop being a manipulative asshole! Apologize for losing? Acting like you wouldn't have lost without our help. My help. I ain't apologizing for shit, ‘Tribal Chief'!"
"Jimmy, chill out!" Jey tried, but Roman's laugh echoed throughout the room, and Jimmy tried to get out of our grips.
"Nah, let him run his mouth. You don't see your brothers acting like this, huh? Or your sister? You know why they aren't acting like this? Because they know that I am right, they know that you disgraced everybody. You disgraced this family, your ancestors, your legacy, and me, your Tribal Chief. You need to apologize for them, but most importantly, you will apologize to me."
"I ain't apologizing for anything! You wouldn't have even been Tribal Chief if it weren't for us, uce! You were a disgrace until we helped you get to the top! So if I am gonna apologize to anyone, I'ma apologize to myself for helping you get there in the first place!" Jimmy spat out, nostrils flaring as he clenched his fists, continuing to try and break out of our grip. You felt all the patience slip out of you in that very moment and you snapped, grabbing Jimmy’s shirt and pushing against the wall.
"You all need to shut the fuck up!" You screamed, Jimmy becoming lax in your grip with a look of shock on his face, the others quiet in shock as well. Finally, they shut up.
“You need to put your ego’s in check and start acting like men instead of acting like children!” You yelled furiously, scowling at them.
"He needs to-" Jimmy began, but you gave him a glare that could kill and he shut his mouth.
"You both need to stop trying to be right and start talking to each other like grown ass people. You need to stop holding grudges and let shit go. " You hissed, letting him go and turning towards Roman.
"And you need to keep your 'Tribal Chief' ego in check and stop crapping on people just because things don't go to plan." You snapped at him.
"Uce, calm down." Jey made his way towards you, trying to quell your anger before you said something Roman would make you regret, but you gave him a look and he backed away. You couldn't care less about Roman right now, he needed to hear the truth.
"Calm down? Are you kidding me?" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Don't you see what's happening? You're giving everybody what they want. They want to see us crumble, want to see our dominance fall so they could rise and take our top spot here."
You looked at Jimmy, seeing his face turn from anger to a mixture of embarrasment and relization."You're feeding into Sami and Kevin, letting them get in your heads. Why do you think they keep digging and digging? Because they want to keep those titles, and your basically ensuring they win by engaging with their stupid bullshit!"
You turned to Roman, who was stunned silent for the first time in a while. He had rarely seen you angry, even when you were kids. You were always the moral compass for the group, keeping their moral up with your caring energy. But you thought that now they needed the hard truth instead of caring words.
"And you need to stop letting your ego cloud your morals. Just because we're family doesn't mean you get a pass to be an asshole." Roman met your challenged gaze, still silent but didn't look as angry as before. Solo stood next to him, a stunned look on his usually stone-cold face as he watched you rip everybody to shreds with a tone you usually reserved for your rivals.
"You all are out of your mind if you think I'm letting everything I worked hard for go to waste because you don't want to get along. Get it together the next time I see you, I'm getting some air." You casted everyone a look before grabbing your jacket, slipping it on and leaving the room.
You franticly sped out of the arena, needing to just breathe and feel the cool night air on your skin. The fans were long gone by this time, so you didn't need to worry about being spotted. You sat on a bench, putting your head in your hands and trying to breathe through the haze of anger you felt suffocating you and coursing through your veins.
"Trouble in paradise?" You snapped out of your daze, already knowing who it was and not bothering to pick your head back up.
"Shut up, Dominik. I'm not in the mood." You mumbled loudly enough for him to hear. You heard him laugh, not taking you seriously. "Ooh, the full name this time. What happened to Dom? Am I in trouble?"
You picked your head up, glaring at him. "I said I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone and find someone else to bother."
He stopped laughing, realizing you weren't joking. "What happened?"
"None of your concern. Are you deaf? Leave. me. alone." You made a move to stand up, but he pushed you back down gently, sitting down next to you.
"Can you not be annoying for once and actually listen to me?" You spat at him, trying to stand up again but he grabbed your waist, restraining you.
"What happened?" He repeated, seeing your eyes glazed with anger. He had never seen you this mad outside of the ring before, and it made him unnerved for it to be directed at him. You were usually playful with him, sometimes having mean banter with your character work but you both didn't mean any of it. But you were never like this.
"Family business." You finally answered him, short and clipped. You tried looking away from him but he gently grabbed your cheek.
"Look at me, mi corazon." You tried to ignore the way the pet name made your stomach tighten with butterflies and listened to him, looking deep into his eyes, distracting yourself with his brown orbs that almost made you forget about your anger. Almost.
"What did your family do?" You felt the anger rush back and you mockingly chuckled. “Jimmy and Roman keep starting arguments on literally anything instead of focusing on winning. Now everybody thinks were weak and vulnerable, even though I've done nothing but pull my weight!" You huffed out, breaking out of his grip and standing up, clenching your fists. You muttered to yourself angrily, wanting to scream, hit something, do anything to let out the frustration gnawing at you.
But Dominik stood up with you, grabbing your wrists, and yanking you back into his arms. You scowled at him, trying to pull away from him. “Let go of me!”
“Not until you breathe, mi vida.” He held your wrists in one hand and grabbed your face with the other, softly caressing your face, his heartbeat and husky smell of his cologne invading your scenes.
“Look at me, mi amor.” Dominik instructed, his brown eyes gazing into yours as you ignored the way your stomach churned everytime he spoke Spanish to you and kept trying to pull your wrists away from him. But he opted for letting go of your face, bringing your head into his chest, and you felt his hot breath near your ear as he nuzzled his head into your neck. "Cálmate, carino."
Screw him and his stupidly hot Spanish. You felt yourself melt into him, some calmness washing over you the longer you were in his arms. He let go of your wrists, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, shivering when he laid feather-light kisses onto your neck.
Dominik continued kissing your neck, loving the feeling of you in his arms and shivering under his touch. He waited for your breathing to slow down to let you go, but he wrapped an arm around your waist, not wanting you out of arms reach.
"You better now, sweetheart?" You nodded, you still felt that haze of anger but it wasn't at strong as before. "I need words, baby.”
"I'm better now, Dom." You grabbed his free hand and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
"I can tell now that you called me Dom." You rolled your eyes playfully at his smirk and grabbed the hand that was around your shoulder and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
“Do you have a ride back? Dominik asked, to which you shook your head. “I was too mad at the boys to drive with them, so I’ma just get an uber-”
“You’re riding with me.” You gave him an amused smile at his demanding tone, it was usually the other way around.
“You sure you don't need mami's permission for that?" You giggled when he yanked you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his forhead leaning against yours and his lips so, so close to yours.
"You know more than anyone I don't need her permission." Dom pushed his lips onto yours, kissing away your smirk and losing himself in the taste of you. God, you were addicting.
You kissed him slowly at first-as if you wanted to torture him-and he hated and loved you for it. He groaned into your mouth when you snuck a hand up to his hair, pulling it just the way you knew he liked it and kissing him even harder, your tongue slipping into his mouth. His fingers dug into your waist almost painfully as you clung to him, his touch burning your skin in the best way and you pulled his hair harder in response.
You pulled away first, the both of you panting and out of breath. You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling brightly at him when he leaned into your touch. You felt the heat creep back up looking at him, his hair slightly touseled and his muscles showing through his dark black tee. You felt the urge to kiss him again, so you did. He laughed into your lips, letting you steal another kiss before pulling away. “I meant what I said before. I'm not letting you go into a random car by yourself in the middle of the night just because you're mad at your idiot brothers."
"They are not idiots."
"They are if they decided to make you angry." You laughed, playfully nudging him, and he grinned before brushing your hair out of your face. You looked up at him through your lashes, seeing him gaze at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, sweetheart." You bit your lip, struggling to choose between your stubbornness or giving in to what you want. As if sensing your internal conflict, Dominik caressed your face, running his thumb over your lips, making you break out of your stupor. He smirked when you instinctively parted your lips, it’d been too long yet your bodies still remembered each other.
"Please?" You couldn't refuse him, not when he was looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted to think of.
"Fine, but I get to have the aux." Music was the last thing on your mind, but he didn't need to know that. At least not right now.
"Deal, but only cause you have great taste."
"You're right. I do have great taste." You eyed him up and down, winking at him and giving him a smirk that made him utterly weak for you. "Lead the way. You're driving."
The drive was quiet, music playing softly in the background as you put a hand on Dom's thigh, inching higher and higher the closer you got to the hotel. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he tried to get himself under control. You grinned seeing him like this, letting you be in charge. You needed to release your anger and have a stress reliever, and he was more than willing to let you use him as one. It wouldn't be the first time.
Before you knew it, you were at the hotel. You kept your hands to yourself until you went into the elevator, and as soon as its doors closed, you were all over Dominik, gripping his shirt and pushing him against the wall, giving him a searing kiss.
He welcomed it, kissing you back just as hard, moaning into your mouth when you bit his lip. He grabbed your legs and hoisted you onto his waist as if you weighed nothing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting yourself get dizzy in his arms, letting out a whine when he slid his tongue against your lip to draw it between his teeth. Your mind switched off, and all you could do was feel feel feel. Feel his bruising grip on your legs, his lips nibbling and biting any part of your mouth he can find, the heat growing in between your legs, his muscles flexing underneath your arms as you both turned each other into a writhing mess.
Your back hit something cold, and you pushed Dom away instinctively and opened your eyes, realizing you were in front of the hotel room. He whined at the loss of contact, his mouth moving to your neck, and you groaned and arched into him when he sucked a sensitive spot behind your ear.
"Fuck, do that again." You demanded, trying to keep your voice steady as you leaned your head on the wall, giving him more access to your neck. Dom let out an airy chuckle. You were hot when you got bossy. "Whatever you want, Mamacita." He murmured into your skin, obeying and kissing that same spot, trying to distract himself from the way your whines and whimpers were going straight to his dick long enough to get his keycard and open the room.
He brought you both into the room, setting you on the bed, hovering over you, and capturing your lips with his. Any coherent thoughts he had melted away as you deepened the kiss, distracting him with your tongue hot and probing in his mouth.
You took this opportunity to roll the both of you over and switch your positions, not breaking the kiss. You laid on top of him, gripping his shoulders for balance, and grinded your hips against his, internally smirking when Dominik threw his head back, hissing. You did that again, and again and again until he gripped your hips to stop you.
“Too much?” You asked, leaning down to kiss his neck, enjoying him writhing against you. He shook his head, but he could still see the hesitation in your eyes as you stopped kissing his neck. He snuck his hands underneath your jacket and shirt, rubbing circles onto your soft skin, feeling you relax into him.
"Don't be afraid to take your anger out on me. I can handle it." You picked your head up at those words, moving off from him and giving him a questioning look, wanting to be sure he wasn't uncomfortable. He gave you a sexy smirk that had you internally melting in response, shrugging off his shirt. You took off your own, muscled chest heaving as he eyed your bloodline jacket you threw across the room.
"You'd look better in my jacket." You rose a challenging brow, taking off your bra, smirking when Dom's head snapped down to your chest. You leaned down to his ear, sneaking your hand down to his jeans. Your boobs were pressed against his chest and hot breath against his skin making him shiver. You knew just how to drive him crazy.
"Treat me right tonight and maybe I will wear it." You nipped his skin harshly and palmed his dick at the same time. A moan ripped out of him as he arched into your hand, the last strand of composure he had slipping away from him as you continued to palm him.
"Ahh, please, please...don't stop." He pleaded, the rough material of his jeans rubbing into him deliciously and your hands already felt so good. You were making him feel like he was in heaven and you'd barely even begun.
He whined when you moved your hand away, trying to buck his hips up but you pushed his hips down, giving him a glare. "Did I tell you to move?"
"I'm sorry, mi amor-" Dom tried to mutter out as an apology, but you shook your head, cutting him off.
"I'll let it slide this time, but don't do it again. Did you forget that I'm in charge tonight, mi cielo?" He shook his head, his skin heating up and dick getting harder at your words. If speaking Spanish drove you absolutely crazy, imagine how it made him feel.
"Good. Now take off your pants." He obeyed, and you moved off him so he could sit up and pull them off. Once they were off, you moved on top of him, sitting on his chest. He gave you a pleading look, hands itching to touch you. You nodded, and his lips went to suck one of your boobs, his hands massaging your other one.
"Ahh...fuck Dom." You moaned out, the heat between your thighs only intensifying at the feeling of his warm mouth and soft lips sucking on your nipple. You tangled your fingers through his soft hair, biting your lip to contain your moans so the entirety of the hotel filled with wrestlers and your friends didn't hear you. He licked and nibbled at it making you arch your back and stifle your moans. He smirked into your skin, flicked your other nipple until it hardened, before biting and sucking his way down your chest and belly, your skin on fire from his touch.
Before his hands could travel lower, you pressed your hand against his chest. He quickly pulled away once he felt you pushing him, concerned eyes scanning your body for any injury or discomfort.
"Are you okay, Hermosa? Did I hurt you?" He asked, giving you another once over before you cupped his face to stop making him worriedly look into your eyes.
“No baby, you’d never hurt me.” You gave him a comforting look, reassuring him. He looked into your eyes for anything that said otherwise, and once he found none he let out an internal sigh of relief, letting himself lean into your touch. As much of an asshole he made himself to be on TV, he never wanted to make you uncomfortable.
You smiled when he leaned into your touch, stroking his cheek. You loved seeing this side of him he only reserved for you.
“I just thought you’d like it better like this.” You pushed him until his back hit the bed, straddling him. He groaned when you hovered over his face, his lips inches away from tasting your glistening wet pussy.
“Fuck, are you trying to kill me, mami?” Dom whined out, his voice husky with need as he gripped your thighs, trying to pull you down. You held onto the headboard before he could, stopping his attempts. “Please, let me taste you, mami.” He pleaded, giving you puppy dog eyes that you would fall for in any other circumstance. But you'll give him what he wants soon enough.
“Listen to me and I will.” You smirked at how quickly he quieted down at that, nodding at you. “This night is about me. I'm in control. Don't forget that, and maybe, I'll give you a reward. You understand, baby?”
"I understand, mi amor," Dom answered, his voice almost turning into a whine as he tried to control himself from yanking you and tasting you, he didn't want to risk a punishment from you.
"Good boy.” You cooed, the nickname and your sickly sweet tone making his cock harden even more. But he didn't have time to think about it because you were lowering yourself down, sitting on his face.
Your knees buckled and you immediately let out a moan as Dom sucked your clit harshly, hungrily eating you out and groaning into your pussy, making you moan even more.
It was like an out of body experience; you didn't register the moans coming out of you as he licked and toyed with your clit, egged on by the pretty sounds coming out of you. You grinded your face against him when he licked up and down your cunt, his tongue lapping at your folds. He gripped your thighs even tighter, and let you grip his hair and use him as you pleased.
Your moans got more high pitched and shakier as he used his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of you, holding you tighter as you squirmed against him. He could tell you were getting closer to he flicked his tongue over your clit again and again, causing you to moan loudly and thread your fingers into the sheets. "F- fuck, oh my god, don't stop, Dom." You cried out.
"I don't plan on it, baby. " He mumbled, his words muffled under your pussy. You moaned at the vibrations of his voice that felt so good against your pussy and sent shivers straight up your spine, threatening to send you over the edge. He noticed your reaction and continued to mumble incoherently as his tongue played with your clit, making you get closer and closer to your high.
You shut your eyes when the pleasure became too much, clenching the sheets even tighter as you came with loud moans that sounded like music to Dom's ears. He helped you ride out your orgasm, licking and slurping your juices up until you were gripping his hair gently and trying to push him away.
Dominik tasted your pussy one last time before coming up to kiss you, smiling against your lips. He looked so pretty, hair matted and messy, his face red and lips soaked with your cum that you could taste as he kissed you like his life depended on it.
"Do I get my reward baby?" He asked, pulling away from the heated kiss, pupils blown out with lust. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his skin breaking out in goosebumps as your lips kissed his sensitive skin, meeting his lips again.
"Of course sweetie, as long as you promise to fuck me so hard I forget everything but you."
He gave you a devilish smile that made your lower body heat up again, and in one swift move scooped you up effortlessly and turned your positions around, smirking down at your naked form.
"I promise. And you know I don't break my promises, mi corazon." His voice dropped into a low sexy whisper, eyes never leaving you like he couldn't wait- needed- to have you right then and there. He gave you one last smirk before lowering down and kissing you with intensity, with passion, like he was trying to tell you all the ways you made him high on you, how you were like a drug that he couldn't let go even if he wanted to.
And as his hands lowered down again, and found that one spot that made your eyes roll back and his cock ache when your body arched into him as if you couldn't get enough of his fingers, he knew he definitely did not want to let you go.
You stirred awake gently, shifting under the sheets and feeling warmth surrounding you. Your tired limbs ached as you groggily turned, snuggling and trying to get closer to the heat, feeling a cool breath over your skin. It wasn't until you felt a soft, familiar breath against your neck that your eyes fluttered open, seeing Dominik 's face leaned in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
You smiled at his sleeping form that was cutely attached to you like a koala bear, like he couldn't get enough of you even while he was sleeping. You managed to move away from him just enough to get your phone from the nightstand, laughing quietly when Dom quickly pulled you back into his arms.
You snuggled back into his arms, turning on your phone and seeing the multiple missed calls and new messages you had come through from the twins, Paul and Solo, and surprisingly Rhea while your phone was silent while you and Dom were definitely the opposite. You didn't even bother opening Paul, Jimmy or Romans messages, you didn't have the energy for it.
You opened Rhea’s message first, the two of you were close but she only texted you for emergencies, so you were a bit worried.
DOM’S DOM So, did you and Dom Dom have fun last night?
You weren’t surprised. It was like she had a sixth sense for when you and Dom hooked up.
Yes, we did. I’m not even gonna ask how you know. Mami always knows sweetheart. Bit disappointed you didn’t come to my room though. I haven’t seen you in forever! I can see you later if you let me use you as a cover.. please? Can't exactly tell my brothers about Dominik, can I? You know I can’t say no to you and I can't resist seeing your cute little ass. Catch you later, princess. 🖤 Thank you! See you later babe💗
Yo sis, I know you still mad but I ain't asking you to talk to them, but at least let me know if you're safe or not.
You smiled at his concern, texting him back. He was one of the few in your family who didn't annoy you, aside from Solo.
Yeah, I'm good, just resting up. Just know I'm not mad at you though, just those two bozo heads. See you later <3
You then opened, and frowned, at Solo’s message.
So you with a guy?
There was no way he knew. You weren’t even at the same hotel?! Why and how the hell did he suspect it?
No, I was rooming with Rhea last night. Why are you asking? Just making sure you good. Roman’s kinda pissed at you. He wants to see you later. I’m good, and Roman can stay pissed for as long as he wants. I said nothing but the truth.
You shut your phone off, not wanting to think about your family acting like man children any longer.
You smiled and let out a sigh when you felt Dom trail kisses down on your neck, it was like he could read your mind. It was one the many things you loved about him; he knew what you needed before you yourself even knew. You leaned back, giving him more access to your neck, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin. He continued kissing your skin for a few more moments before propping himself up and meeting your eyes, a soft smile on his face as he took you in.
“You sleep well, hermosa?” He asked with that husky morning voice you always wanted to wake up to as his eyes raked over your form, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
“That was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” You admitted, giggling at the satisfied smirk that played on his lips.
"I'm glad I could tire you out." Dom teased you, smirk widening when you leaned closer to him to kiss him. Your fingers tracing a path down his chest as you slowly kissed him, savoring the taste of morning on his lips. His arms pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to convey all the desire that had built up during the night.
Breaking the kiss, you traced your fingers lightly along the contours of his jawline, savoring the feel of his stubble beneath your touch. He relaxed into your touch, his hazel eyes gazing at you with a knowing look.
"Your idiot family still bothering you?" Dominik treaded lightly, not wanting to ruin the mood.
You rolled your eyes at the mention of them. "They aren't idiots." You gave him a pointed look when he lifted up a brow and he raised his hands up in defense. "But yes, Roman wanted to meet up with me."
"To apologize to you, right?" Dom moved away from you and sat up when he was met with silence and a guilty look. "Don't tell me your thinking of apologizing to him, mi corazon."
"I don't know, Dom," you sighed, also sitting up and running a hand across your face. "I know Jimmy will apologize to me, he loves me too much to stay mad at me. But Roman would rather drop dead than apologize. And it'll just cause tension if we act like we are in a cold war with each other."
Your heart hurt at the look Dominik was giving you, but you didn't know what else to do except reassure him. "Trust me, it's just easier this way."
"It would be easier if you just joined Judgment Day!"
You sighed and shook your head at Dominiks words. It wasn't the first time he brought it up, and it wouldn't be the last time you refused his offer either. After all those late nights hanging out after shows at Waffle House or other rendezvous activities you'd have, with the two of you cuddled up next to each other, away from the pressure of famous families and overzealous egos, when nothing else but the moon could shine a light on your innermost thoughts, was when he would gain the courage to ask you.
You always looked like you were close to considering it, but it would turn morning and all signs of even maybe accepting it would wash away and be replaced with fear and with you bringing up Roman. And he'd drop it, but he never understood why you did. He could protect you, give you the power you wanted with the Judgment Day! Why didn't you trust him? Why were you so scared of Roman?
"You know more than anyone I can't do that, Dom."
"But you can! You want to stay at the top, we can keep you there!" Dominik insisted, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. "The guys will like you, and Rhea already loves you! We won't treat you like Roman. He treats you like—"
"Like family." you finished his sentence, a hint of bitterness in your voice and a look Dominik couldn't place on your face. "And that's why I can't leave him. At least, not right now." 
Dominik perked up at your last sentence, his eyes searching yours for a hint of understanding. "Not right now?" he questioned, hope flickering in his gaze.
You gave him a small smile, the look in your eyes telling more than words could. "Not right now."
And that was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't need to know anything else- he knew you'd handle it and come to him when the time was right.
His smile mirrored yours as you moved closer to him, your tone shifted from serious to teasing, wanting to change the tense mood. "But until then, don't get in trouble with my family. Solo already suspects us, I don't need him trying to beat your ass."
Dominik laughed, wrapping an arm around you, the tension between you two dissipating as he responded, "Baby don't worry, you know I can take him."
You gave him an amused smile and leaned into him. "Oh, is that why you were hiding behind Rhea last night?"
Dominik chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I wasn't hiding behind her! I was just... checking out the best angle to hit him, y'know?"
"Mhm, whatever you say baby." You mocked him, giggling at the pout he gave you and deciding to kiss it off of him. Dominik couldn't help but smile against your lips as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Breaking the kiss, you grinned up at him before looking up at the clock and seeing the time.
"Speaking of Rhea, I promise I would hang out with her later. So I better get out of bed before she beats me up." You barely made a move to get out of bed before Dominik whined and pulled you on top of him.
"Can't you stay here longer? She can wait." Dominik pleaded with puppy dog eyes, begging you to stay with him.
You couldn't help but smile at his puppy dog eyes and how he pulled you back onto the bed. "You're too cute, you know that?"
Dominik grinned, his arms wrapped around you as he nuzzled your neck. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
Your hands gently played with the ends of his hair, "How about this? We hop in the shower, make up for lost time, and once we're all clean and pretty, we can go grab some breakfast, and then I'll meet up with Rhea. Deal?"
Dominiks face lit up with a mischievous grin at the thought of you in the shower with him.
"Deal!" he replied enthusiastically, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. He then reluctantly let you go and climbed out of bed, extending a hand to help you up.
You accepted his hand, allowing him to pull you out of bed and lead you to the bathroom. As soon as all of your clothes were shed and the water was on, Dominik picked you up and smashed his lips onto yours, lifting you and bringing the both of you in the shower.
"Dominik... Not now." You managed to protest between kisses as the warm water cascaded over both of you. He ignored your protests in favor of the moans sputtering out of you as he trailed his lips down your neck, sucking harshly into your supple skin.
"Hermosa, I want to taste my breakfast right now." He mumbled into your skin, addicted to the blissed out expression on your face as continued kissing you, lowering himself onto his knees. He was just enamored and completely addicted to you and the hold you had on him.
And you couldn't get enough of him either, just as addicted to him as he was to you. He was just purely addictive- his personality, his charm, his aura,  just him. And as you grabbed a fistful of his hair on the back of his head and guided him right where you wanted him, you knew two things.
Rhea would kill you both after this.
And 2, that you were officially a goner for Dominik. The man who many on the roster called a snake, a manipulative, a liar, a sell out. A man who burned everything he hurt to the ground.
But you wanna know what the scary part was? That you didn't even care.
Not one bit.
And if you got burned?
You would gladly get engulfed in flames if somewhere in that fire you'd get the warmth of his love.
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talaok · 1 year
A special arrangement
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x innocent!reader
summary: You, Eddie and Steve make a very special arrangement
warnings: (boy get ready) smut | 4.7 k of porn without plot, innocent!reader, threesome, oral sex (men-yes plural- receiving), spanking, anal fingering (f receiving), double penetration, unprotected p in v sex, anal, choking, praising, a bit of degrading and objectifying and... a tad of daddy-kink.
a/n: This fic was inspired by this post by @mypoisonedvine (congratulations for 30 k, you're really one of the best out here)
it started off as a game, a silly way of having fun.
You were all drunk at one of Steve's parties and Eddie had gotten an idea.
One Steve was more than eager to agree on.
"so Stevie and I were thinking..." Eddie had murmured, closing the door to Steve's bedroom as the party continued downstairs "You look real good tonight sweetheart" he had whispered sultry, towering over you as one of his hands traced the cleavage of your dress "Doesn't she Harrington?"
"she sure does" He had nodded without missing a beat.
"thank you" you had mumbled shily, feeling like a defenseless bunny in front of two hungry wolves.
"And you know how much I like to have you all to myself, princess, I would have loved to get you up here all alone and fuck you dumb until you couldn't take it anymore..." he had said, quickly glancing at Steve by the door, as you cheeks flushed with blood.
Why was your boyfriend saying all of this in front of Steve? I mean he wasn't one to be shy about this sort of thing... but he had never been so blunt in front of other people.
"but Stevie and I had a better idea for tonight" he had murmured "It would be incredibly selfish of me to keep such a beauty all to myself, now, wouldn't it?" he had asked, a hungry smirk playing on his lips, "I think it's only right if I share once in a while, no?"
Your mouth had gaped open in surprise, "you mean..." you couldn't even find the words to finish the sentence.
"I mean you could take care of both of us like a good girl"  
You had swallowed nervously, your mouth suddenly dry.
"only if you want to y/n" Steve had spoken up, wanting you to be comfortable.
"of course she does," Eddie had interrupted, his hazel eyes suddenly darker than pitch "Ain't that right, sweetheart?"
And as you had looked between them, you couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect they were offering, so, of course, you had said:
"I do"
That had been a month ago now, and what happened that night happened many times again.
Eddie would call Steve over to his trailer when you hung out, and you'd always end up on your knees taking them one at a time as the air filled with their groans and growls.
It was always just blowjobs except for that time they had taken turns going down on you and had made you come so many times that you had to beg them to stop.
And of course, there were the kisses, you'd spend hours making out, the two of them passing you back and forth like a doll until you couldn't distinguish which one your lips were on anymore.
It was fun and more than a little hot. Your body felt on fire during each of your "sessions", and you could tell they both really enjoyed it too, especially Harrington. he had started to want to hang out way more often after you had made your special arrangement.
As for Eddie... hell Eddie loved it, you didn't expect something like this from him. He was always jealous and protective, but you could see it in the way he urged you to take care of Steve as he watched from the other side of the couch, that he was just as happy as his friend to be doing this.
However, the sharing only got to a point. Steve had never fucked you, or better, you suspected Eddie had never given him his approval.
He would wait for Steve to leave before taking care of you how he knew you desperately needed, or at times, when he couldn't wait, he'd tell Steve to keep watching tv as he took you to his room to fuck you into the mattress without even bothering to close the door. 
And that was how it had been, but today... today something was different.
Your parents were out of town so you had invited them to your house. You had cleaned and baked some brownies and waited patiently for them to arrive.
You were hesitant to admit it, but you spent most of your days fantasizing about the next time you were gonna see them. And it was hard not to touch yourself just before bed when your mind inevitably went back to one of your rendezvous.
It was your dirty secret, and god if you didn't love it.
A knock on the door brought you back to reality.
You quickly stood up from the couch and made your way to the entrance.
You stopped a moment to make sure you looked good in the mirror on your right and smoothed down your summer dress before finally opening the door.
"Hi sweetheart" Eddie greeted you, leaning on the door frame.
"Hi y/n" Steve smiled
"Hi," you shyly smiled too, feeling your knees weaken already "Come in, please" you gestured, closing the door behind them.
"smells good," Steve noticed.
"I made brownies" 
They briefly glanced at each other, something you didn't catch traveling between them, before their eyes came back to you.
"You did? That's sweet" Eddie cooed, getting in front of you.
You gulped, glimpsing between them "You wanna try them?"
"I'd love to, but I'm not really hungry for food now princess, and I don't think Stevie is either" he spoke "Are you?" he said, turning to Harrington.
"No, not really, "
"oh, ok" you murmured, trying to hide a faint disappointment.
"but I'll be happy to eat them later" Steve spoke again, noticing your reaction.
That made you feel better, and you responded with a big smile.
Eddie's fingers gently traced your cheek, and you melted right into his touch "I've missed you" he whispered, briefly kissing your lips.
"I've missed you too" you pouted
"no hey, don't look so sad, I'm here now... we're here" he reassured you.
You nodded, kissing him again, and after a few moments felt Steve's presence behind you.
"I-I missed you too Steve" you murmured shyly.
Eddie softly chuckled, as he turned you so you could face his friend "Did you now?" he mocked, moving some of your hair to kiss your neck.
"I-i did" 
Steve smiled sincerely "I've missed you too sweetheart" he promised, before he brought his lips to yours, slowly tasting you.
You whimpered softly, kissing him back as Eddie worked on your neck and let his hands travel to your ass.
"Should we go up to your room?" Eddie said, after some time
"y-yeah" you spoke, flustered.
"lead the way baby" he motioned, and you obeyed, starting up the stairs fully aware of where their eyes were glued to as they followed.
Steve closed the door behind him and you wasted no time kneeling in front of the bed.
"how eager, princess" Eddie teased, walking next to you with Steve.
"I'm sorry I just- I missed you" you spoke frantically
"no hey it's ok" he soothed "Don't worry," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Steve sat next to him, a soft bulge already visible in his pants.
You immediately reached for Eddie's zipper and made quick work of his pants, before granting Steve the same treatment.
You were about to take both of them in each hand when Eddie stopped you.
"Let us see those tits princess," he said, and you looked up at him hesitantly before slowly sliding your straps off your shoulders and rolling your dress down until your bra was fully in view.
"Don't be shy now, take it off" he said, his cock getting harder.
You followed his instruction and were rewarded with a satisfied sigh from both of them.
"You've got perfect tits sweetheart, touch them a little for me," he said.
"touch them?"
"yeah give us a little show baby"
You had to bite down a whine and let your hands reach your breasts, unhurriedly touching and groping them.
They were looking at you as if you were candy.
"fuck" Steve muttered,
"You like that?" Eddie asked
"Yeah man" he groaned, palming his manhood "fuckin-wanna cum on them"
You couldn't stop the moan fleeing your lips.
"Yeah, I think she'd like that too" Eddie said smugly "But not today princess" he explained "We've got other plans"
You stopped your movements "What?" you asked curiously 
"I'll explain later baby, don't worry, how 'bout you get us nice and ready now?" he eyed his dick
"yes please" You eagerly nodded, causing a smile to their lips.
You wasted no time grabbing Steve's cock into your hand and starting to gently stroke it as you kitty-licked Eddie's tip, making both men's breathing quicken.
You then let your tongue slowly taste his whole length, until finally, you took him into your mouth.
He groaned loudly as his hand fisted your hair, pulling it slightly.
"fuck baby" he growled "Yeah just like that- keep going" he moaned, as you took him deeper and deeper with each bob.
"stay down" he instructed, forcing your head down "Like that- yeah- choke on it, baby" he commanded, throwing his head back in pleasure as you gagged on his tip.
"fuck" he groaned, letting you go "You did good" he nodded as you gasped for air "Take care of Stevie now"
You immediately obliged, moving to your right to get in front of his spread legs.
You stroked him a bit before you took him in.
"shit" he gripped the sheets, as he observed the way you took him so fucking well, your eyes never leaving his.
"use-" he groaned "use your tits for me sweetheart" he urged, his voice strained.
You let his cock out of your mouth and stood up a bit more to get his dick in between the valley of your breasts.
Steve could have come right there and then if it wasn't for what he knew was waiting for him.
"like this?" you asked innocently, tentatively stroking him with your tits.
He groaned "Yeah, just like that- god you're so good" he muttered, his hips thrusting a bit upwards.
You let your tongue out of your mouth so that you could lick his tip with each stroke, and Steve was fucking done for.
"shit" he swallowed "That's- that's perfect sweetheart," he said "fuck-please stop or I'm gonna cum"
You frowned, confused, and let him go "Don't you want to do that?"
"I do" he chuckled "but not like this"
Once again, you were perplexed.
"c'mere" Eddie ordered, sliding to his left and patting the space between him and Steve.
You sat down, suddenly very aware of your naked chest. It was probably because Steve couldn't take his eyes off of it.
"You don't want me to make you come?" you asked naively.
"Of course I do baby," your boyfriend said softly, placing his hand on your thigh "But I was thinking something different for today" he kissed your cheek, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear "You know how I always make you feel good when Stevie's gone?"
"mh-mh" you nodded, your face getting red
"well I was thinking maybe this time he could help out too" 
"y-you mean...he's gonna make me feel good instead of you?" you asked, a bit sad at the prospect.
I mean you wanted Steve, but you wanted Eddie too.
He grinned amusedly "No baby, don't worry" he spoke softly "Not instead... we're gonna do that together"
Now you were confused
His fingers traced your jaw, admiring your pretty face "You remember what we tried that one time? When I made you feel good in a new way?"
You searched your memory, Eddie had made you feel good in so many different ways that it was tough remembering all of them.
"Uhm- I don't- which time?" you asked, shooting Steve an embarrassed glance.
He bent down to kiss your cheek before bringing his mouth to your ear "When I used your other pretty hole, princess" he murmured.
You squeezed your thighs in response, heat pooling between them. The reaction was noticed by both men with delight.
"You remember that?"
Of course you did.
You nodded.
"and would you like to try it again?" he asked "So that Stevie and I can take care of you at the same time... make you feel twice as good"
Your mouth gaped open as the realization hit.
"Is...How?-I" You had no idea what to say or how to say it.
"We're gonna be gentle baby, don't worry. We're gonna take care of you real good, right Steve?"
"Yeah sweetheart we'll go slow"
"at first at least" Eddie murmured, a malicious grin on him.
You glanced between them "It's-It's not gonna hurt is it?"
"Maybe just a little bit, but it's gonna feel great after, princess, don't you trust us?"
You swallowed thickly, feeling your panties drench at the images flashing before your eyes.
"I do," you promised
"That's our good girl" Eddie praised you, kissing you briefly before Steve's fingers urged you to turn towards him.
He hungrily crashed his lips with yours and wasted no time before sliding his tongue in your mouth, his hands desperately gripping your hair to keep you close.
Needless to say, Steve was ecstatic you had agreed.
Eddie's soft chuckle brought him back to reality, and he half-heartedly leaned away, letting you go.
"get up on the bed baby" Eddie spoke, getting up from it as Steve followed his lead.
you did as told, and looked at them expectantly as they watched you like starving predators.
"take off your dress" 
You did, remaining only in your little white panties.
Steve muttered something below his breath you didn't catch, and Eddie just licked his lips as he stared shamelessly.
Your boyfriend took his shirt off, and after snapping out of his trance, Steve did too.
"Open your legs for us princess" 
Your cheeks flushed as you obeyed, bending your legs and spreading your thighs.
"fuck" You could now hear Steve murmur.
Eddie gripped your thighs and forced you closer to the edge of the bed and a little squeak fled your mouth.
His digits slowly trailed to the fabric right against your center, and he hissed as he did "She's soaked"
"yeah touch her"
Steve didn't need to be told twice.
He immediately brought a finger to the wet spot on your panties.
"shit man" he murmured, his eyes focused on where he was meeting your heat.
"I know, right?"
You wined, feeling frustrated.
"you're right sweet girl" Eddie cooed "We're gonna make you feel good now, don't worry," he said, "get on your hands and knees for us princess"
You complied immidately, feeling every nerve in your body going crazy.
"she's got a nice ass doesn't she?" Your boyfriend asked, as he stroked your cheeks 
"nice is an understatement" Steve chuckled, groping your ass "you're lucky you get to fuck it"
"I know I am" Eddie said, not giving you any warnings before spanking you.
A moan escaped your throat
"You like that?" Steve asked, mesmerized. His cock painfully hard.
You nodded, softly pushing your ass back in search of anything to give you a bit of relief.
Eddie's hand came down on your ass again "Use your words princess"
"I do! I love it"
again, another strike.
"what do you love?"
"fuck- I love it when you spank me, Eddie, I love it so much" you mumbled, already out of it.
"Can I try?" Steve couldn't help but ask.
Eddie nodded and Steve's hand immediately struck your ass.
"fuck" you whimpered "Please do it again" you begged and Steve was more than happy to comply.
Another bolt of pain mixed with pleasure spread through you, and you cried out as your head fell to the bed.
Your ass was already red and Steve was about to go again when Eddie spoke "Stop, or she'll come"
"she can come like this?" Steve's awe for you just kept growing
"she can come in lots of ways Stevie" He didn't elaborate "And you can try that one out another time, we've gotta get her ready now," he said, suddenly pulling your panties down.
The room's cold air contrasted with the warmness of your cunt.
"look at that" Eddie groaned "Such a pretty little hole," he said, his thumb gently playing with the entrance.
He passed his middle finger between your folds, collecting some of your juices, and then brought it up to your hole again.
You moaned softly as he slowly circled it, and had to gasp when he spit on it.
You closed your eyes, soaking in the feeling, when he abruptly pushed his finger in.
"ohgodohgodohgod" you whimpered, your heart starting to beat a mile per minute.
"That's good, baby, that's good, relax for me" he murmured, starting to slowly move it in and out of you. "wanna help me out here?" he asked Steve, who promptly brought his own finger to your hole.
"use her juices as lube" he instructed, and Steve obeyed before coming back up.
"Ok princess take a deep breath for me now" he said, and as you slowly inhaled, Harrington forced his own digit in.
You forgot what you were doing as a choked moan climbed up your throat.
"That's it, princess, doing so good" he murmured, gently caressing your ass as they both started to move their fingers.
"fuck" you whimpered, arching your back 
"feels good?"
"ye-yeah- god," you whined at the feeling. You could feel both of them inside of you and fuck if it didn't feel good.
"You ready for another one?" Eddie asked
"A-another one?" 
"Yeah, baby remember? if you gotta take the real thing you need to be ready, I don't want it to hurt"
You gulped "O-ok"
Steve kept moving as Eddie pushed his ring finger in too.
"Fuck!" you cried, gripping the sheets. This one hurt a little.
"good girl" he praised "Always so good for me," he said, moving his fingers in sync with Steve.
You bit your lower lip so forcefully you could taste blood.
"Isn't she, Harrington?"
"Y-yeah" Steve spoke, his voice hoarse and his eyes fixed on your abused hole "So so good, sweetheart"
Eddie chuckled a bit at Steve's blatant amazement but said nothing.
"I think she's ready," your cruel boyfriend said, cruelly removing his fingers from inside of you.
You wined loudly "No- please" You were feeling so good... you knew you were close.
"c'mon man, she wants to cum" Steve protested, still inside of you.
Eddie smirked, his eyes finding yours as you turned to him with a pleading pout "You really did a trick on him, princess, didn't you?" he winked, giving your ass a quick spank "But no, " he said, turning to Steve "she comes when I say so"
"Fine," Steve said, pulling his finger out of you.
You looked at your boyfriend desperately and he shook his head, a smug smile on his lips "Don't give me that look, princess, you get to ride Stevie here now" he said, patting his shoulder.
"Really?" your eyes sparked up
"Sure do," he said, giving Steve a nod.
"You like to ride?" Steve asked, getting on the bed
You bit your lip, a bit embarrassed "I do" you said, straddling his lap once he laid on the bed "but Eddie never lets me"
You heard him chuckle somewhere behind you.
"that's a shame, a girl like you...he should let you do whatever you want"
You softly giggled "Hear that baby?" you asked playfully, turning your head to look at him.
"what can I say? I'm a man who likes to be in control" he grinned, bending down to give you a quick kiss "Now go on, show me how good you are" he urged, leaning away.
You turned to Steve again, an excited smile tugging at your lips.
His hands found your waist, and you bent down to give him a quick kiss that didn't satisfy him, as he grabbed your face and forced it to his again, kissing you deeply.
You whimpered softly, and your hips started moving on their own, immidately finding his hard cock.
"go on, sugar, show your boyfriend what he's missing," he said, and you wasted no time complying.
You took his manhood in your hand and slowly guided it to your entrance, squeezing your eyes shut as you sank onto it.
You moaned loudly, and he groaned as his grip on your waist tightened.
"fuck sweetheart" he muttered
"she's tight, isn't she?"
"fuck" Steve had to laugh a little "tight? She's got the tightest pussy I've ever felt, man"
You were still lost in the pleasure of having him inside of you so completely, especially with all the teasing, that you didn't hear any of that, not until Steve spoke again, his thumb softly stroking the part of your belly he could reach.
"go on y/n, bounce on it for me"
You opened up your eyes, placing one of your hands on his chest for leverage before raising your hips until only the tip was inside just to sink back down.
Steve groaned even louder, while your moan got an octave higher.
"It's so big" you whimpered, replicating your movement.
"yeah? You're not used to it?" Steve joked, one of his hands traveling upwards to grope your tits.
"oh she's used to it alright" Eddie intervened, making Steve chuckle.
"you can't take it?" Harrington mocked " 's too big for you?" he cooed, as you kept bouncing on him.
"n-no I can" you immediately moaned "It just- feels so good" you cried, picking up your pace
"yeah? Who feels so good?"
"you Steve, you feel so so good- god!" you groaned as he raised his hips to meet your bounce, hitting you deeper than before. 
"That's right sweetheart- that's right" he murmured, both his hands now playing with your nipples.
You didn't hear the bed creak as Eddie climbed on it, but when you felt his hands on you, you could only whine.
He immediately went for your neck, sucking a quick hickey underneath your ear just to make you all the more desperate, before one of his hands urged you to bend down a little and you obliged.
"you're gonna take it all like a good girl aren't you?" he asked, positioning his cock at your other entrance.
"yes- I am Eddie I promise" you whimpered, still moving on Steve's dick.
"good 'cause I'm not stopping princess,"
you could only moan at those words, just to be interrupted by his tip entering you.
"oh god" you whimpered
"I know angel. just take it, I know you can" he murmured, going deeper, and finding it hard not to groan at how tight you were.
"it's-it's too big" you cried, tears pricking your eyes.
"no it's not, c'mon, be a good girl, relax a little" he whispered, pushing inside again.
"Eddie" you moaned, starting to get used to the feeling.
"that's it, baby, that's a good girl, you're almost there" he praised, before fully thrusting into you with a loud groan.
You moaned so loud the whole neighborhood probably heard.
You could feel both of them, both their big cocks stretching you.
"good girl" Eddie spanked you "I knew you could take it"
You gasped but had no time to say anything before they both started thrusting into you, leaving you completely speechless.
You could only grip Steve's shoulder as you ascended to another universe.
This was nothing like anything you'd ever felt. This was everything and more all at once, and if you weren't an atheist you probably would have guessed this is what heaven fucking felt like.
"fuck you're so tight princess" Eddie groaned "I'm not gonna last long" he spoke, his breathing ragged.
Your hearing was muffled from the pleasure like you were underwater.
Eddie chuckled, seeing your state "You like this too much princess?" he mocked "You like being our little slut too much? You can't even speak?"
Your mouth was open but nothing came out of it except for desperate little whines.
"is that it?" he asked, one of his hands coming down on your asscheek and making you yelp "Answer me, angel"
"y-yeah," you cried "I like it too much Eddie- it feels so good"
He grinned smugly "I'm glad baby" he growled "c'mere," he said, putting his arm around your chest and forcing your back against his chest as he fucked you even harder.
Steve in the meantime was mesmerized by the view, trying really hard to last.
Eddie hungrily sucked and kissed your neck as one of his hands traveled to your clit.
"Daddy!" you moaned, when he circled it, heightening your pleasure even more
"fuck dude" Steve could only react by groaning lowly. 
"I know right?" Eddie raised his brows cockily at him before focusing on you again "Who's your daddy princess, tell me" he spoke, not slowing his pace in the least and continuing to massage your clit.
"you- Eds you're my daddy" you cried "Only you"
"that's right" he suddenly bit your earlobe before letting you go "That's fucking right"
You fell onto Steve again, and he immediately brought your mouth to his. Leaving a hot, messy kiss on it.
Your orgasm was growing in your belly like a volcano ready to go off at any moment, and you were in complete bliss, just a doll at the mercy of the two men inside of you.
"fuck-I'm gonna come soon sweetheart" Steve murmured, "where do you want it?"
You didn't answer, you couldn't, you were right there yourself, and your brain had stopped functioning a while ago.
"where sweetheart?" he asked again
Eddie let out a small laugh "You're too fucked out baby?"
And when you didn't answer that, Eddie's amusement only grew "I guess that's as good as an answer" he said "Try choking her, that always seems to wake her up"
"choking?" Steve asked, deserving a fucking prize for not having busted his load right there and then at the proposal.
"yeah Steve"
"you sure?"
"What, you think she doesn't like that?" Eddie chuckled "She fucking loves it, 'gets real tight when you do it too"
Steve complied, one of his hands slowly sneaking up to grip your neck, choking you.
You let out an animalistic moan, and Steve immediately understood what Eddie was saying about you getting tight.
"c'mon baby tell Stevie where you want his load" Eddie commanded.
You opened your eyes, biting your lip to keep yourself grounded in reality.
"tell me sugar"
"I-inside Steve-fuck, I want to feel both of you come deep inside of me please" You wined loudly, making Steve mutter something under his breath.
The hand around your throat was the last straw and the bubble in your belly was ready to burst.
You couldn't do it anymore, you needed to come.
"Can I come?" you begged "Please daddy can I come?"
"You think you deserve to?"
"I do-I do please, please!"
"I think you do too, come for us baby, come all over our cocks" 
And just like that, the volcano in your belly erupted completely, a hot wave of pure bliss washing over you as you moaned so loud you doubted you would have any voice left.
The feeling of your pretty walls squeezing around them caused a domino reaction, and they both came groaning loudly just after you, filling you up to the fucking brim.
"fuck" Steve could only whisper once you had all come down your high.
"you did real good sweetheart" Eddie kissed your cheek, pulling out of you and helping you lie down on the bed.
The air filled with your heavy breaths and a delighted silence as you nestled between them, their arms keeping you close.
"So did you like that princess?" Eddie asked, and when you didn't answer their eyes fell down to you.
They both chuckled, watching your eyes peacefully closed.
"I think we wore her out," Steve said
"We'll wake her in a while for round two" Eddie smiled, gently stoking some hair out of your face "how 'bout those brownies now?"
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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silentcryracha · 11 months
❍ ‗ Big Boy (L. Minho) ‗ ❍
Pairing : f reader x Minho
Summary : You see your boyfriend shirtless for the first time in a while and realize he got buff in the meantime
Genre/warnings : pure smut (kinda soft bc I can't help myself), 18 + ONLY, unprotected sex, m oral receiving, reader is called kitty a few times (not big on the term but by now it's Minho's, just replace it with baby if you feel like it)
Word count : 1.5k
A/n : Inspired by this set of gifs because I'm actually on the floor as we speak, no thots just drool
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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The bathroom was completely steamed up as you entered, making you huff slightly.
"It's so hot in here" you said, then immediately stopping in your tracks as you took in the image of your boyfriend.
He was quietly standing in front of the full length mirror, only wearing a towel around his hips as he dried his hair with the hairdryer. He noticed you come in thanks to the reflection, turning off the noise and looking back at you.
"What was that?" his tone calm and casual, as if he wasn't looking like a literal marble sculpture come to life. You rested your hands on your hips, borderline annoyed at the fact that somehow you missed your boyfriend changing so much.
"When the hell did you get so buff?" Minho couldn't help but smirk at your words, slowly putting away the hairdryer to give you his full attention.
"Don't know, since I started working again with the PT, I guess." he spoke, walking closer like a cat that was about to catch his prey.
"You must've exploded in the last couple of weeks because there's no way that I didn't notice, with all the times that we've seen each other naked" you raised you eyebrows, placing your hands on his chest.
Minho's sly expression didn't falter, if anything became even more mischievous as your hands started to roam from his upper chest, to his shoulders, biceps.
"To be fair we were a bit too busy fucking to clearly take each other in. I've been so busy lately that we didn't even manage to take a shower together." his tone was so casual even saying the most dirty things sometimes that it made you blush.
"Whatever the reason, I won't let you out of my sight again, Lee Minho" your eyes looking up at him flirtatiously, while your hands slowly made their way lower towards his tummy. He sustained your gaze, his brown eyes intense as ever.
"How do I know that my kitten will not overlook me again?" the condescension in his voice instantly shifted the mood, sending shivers of excitement down your spine.
You decided to play his game, sliding lower and lower until you were kneeling on the ground. Hands on his hips, just lightly gripping the hem of the towel that was holding on for deal life to his shower-clean body.
"I'm so sorry. Will you let me make it up to my baby?" Your eyes still fixed on each other as you spoke. You waited for his spoken permission, even though the growing tent underneath the towel fabric was enough of an answer.
"I'll decide later. Wanna see how sorry you are, first" his cherry red hair fell a little on his eyes as his head was bent down, which made his gaze even darker somehow.
"I'll try my very best" the towel finally dropped to the ground with just a little tug from your fingers, revealing his hard cock. His abs tightened for a second as you took him into both of your hands, starting to move them up and down slowly but firmly, making it hard for Minho to not choke on air.
He tried to hide the noise by clearing his throat, simultaneously placing his right hand on your head, without forcing it, but merely resting there. You took it as a sign to take a step further, opening your mouth to take his cock, sucking on the tip.
His fingertips lightly grabbed at your scalp, but luckily, or not, for him, you had decided to take your sweet time. So instead you removed one hand from his dick to interlace your fingers with his, guiding his hand away from your head to his side.
He must've found it amusing, since he released a faint chuckle as he decided to let you lead for once, placing both hands behind his back.
For some reason, his sudden willingness to give up his usually dominant demeanor pushed you to try and do even better, desperately wanting to prove yourself to him. Your mouth opened even more as you took him deeper, his tip touching the back of your throat.
"Shit, my baby is really trying her best for me, isn't she?" he groaned, the humor in his voice never completely overshadowed by the arousal. The praise made you hum against him, which also made his hips buck onwards, making you gag a bit.
It wasn't exactly a mistake since he just kept going, with a steady pace, not thoroughly fucking your throat, but making sure that you gagged a bit at every stroke. Your head went still as you let him use you however he wanted, making the strokes of your hand on his cock almost automatic.
Tears prickled the corner of your eyes as your nails lightly dug into the flesh of his ass cheeks, making him hiss.
"Alright enough- I need to fuck you" Minho pulled back, releasing himself from your mouth and then bending down to reach for your face with his hands. His lips crashed with yours, immediately initiating a sloppy and messy kiss that was all teeth, tongue and lip biting.
Your hands gripped his arms for stability as he started to undress you, pulling down your pants and underwear in one go, and then interrupting the kiss to slip off your shirt too.
What he did after though, was unexpected, as he gripped your thighs and effortlessly picked you up, making you instinctively wrap your legs around him.
"Minho!" you gasped at his strength. He was always quite strong even when he didn't have as many muscles, but at least he looked like he did struggle just a little bit. But now, you could've easily been a sack of flour and it wouldn't have made a difference to him.
"You thought that they were just for aesthetic?" he laughed at you, crashing his lips to yours one more time before throwing you on the soft bed. Minho didn't waste time as he put two of his fingers, his pointer and middle, in your mouth.
"I'm sure you're wet enough, but just to make sure" he murmured, a glimmer of humor in his dark eyes. You eagerly did as you were told, sucking on his fingers and bobbing your head slightly too, just like you were doing moments before on his cock.
He groaned, too horny to let you continue your actions. He removed his fingers from your mouth, moving them south to rub up and down your slit. At the same time he leaned down to leave sloppy kisses to your neck, your arms wrapping around his neck and your hips bucking up.
"Such a good kitty for me. My good girl" he murmured against your skin, eliciting a hum from you that quite literally sounded like a purr. But of course it wouldn't be Minho without a whiplash, so he suddenly bit your shoulder, grazing it with his teeth and making you gasp.
"A good kitty that should remember to show love to her boyfriend, next time" his tone wasn't serious at all, but your response was. In addition, two of his fingers were now pumping in and out of you, getting you ready for him properly.
"So sorry, baby- ah, I'll make it up to you, I love you so much" he just chuckled at your desperate words, deciding to end both of your suffering as he removed his fingers from your pussy, replacing them with his cock instead.
"I know baby, I know" his voice much more softer, in stark comparison with the fairly quick strokes of his hips. "I know my baby loves me very much, I love you too" he continued.
Your legs wrapped around him, essentially pushing him deeper into you. Your mouth latched to his as you both moaned. It wasn't unusual to get these sweet moments with Minho, but his dominant side tended to show more in bed.
He just wanted to make sure that he knew that you loved him. That you found him attractive and cared for him, regardless of a few centimeters more or less to his biceps.
The new angle of his hips made sure that your clit rubbed on his pubic bone, which quickly got you to your orgasm. You moaned his name breathlessly as you came, lightly dragging your nails on his back. This action in addition to your walls getting impossibly tight around his cock made him come too.
Minho stilled for a few seconds as he came inside you, and made sure to gently ride out both of your orgasms afterwards. Unexpectedly, you turned your head to the side, leaving a teasing but gentle bite to his bicep, as his arms were caging you.
"You look really hot, by the way, if it wasn't obvious" voice dangerously teasing. Minho got his head up from your shoulder, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"Careful or we might stay here all day, kitten" he responded, to then gently leave a kiss on your lips. "Thank you, by the way. Next time you can come see them in the making, if you want." he added, his head nudging to his arms.
You chuckled, still keeping him close as you moved some sweaty hair from his forehead. "I'd love to"
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ignivv · 4 months
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So like... i went a little overboard.. but oh well! It's a living!
Can u guys tell that i gave up on hands🔪
Maybe ill polish it some more later...
Daddy brainriot is real
I love all of them!
Yes, most of them got the gray hair treatment... I couldn't help myself.
It was very fun coming up with these designs! Not gonna lie there's a lot of already established traits in daddies community that inspired me. I hope you'll like my interpretations!
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billys-pretty-babe · 2 months
Favorite Thing You Love To Do
Pairing : Older!Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : A simple little gift for Billy gets him unbelievably turned on.
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Warnings : swearing, smut (oral - fem! receiving, unprotected piv, multiple orgasms -> squirting, restraints - under the bed system, billy has a jacob's ladder piercing), age gap (billy is 37, reader is 27) aftercare, billy makes a pegging joke
Word count : 3,740
A/N : this is very dirty and very self indulgent, sorry
Title is inspired by Everything I Wanna Do by Nickelback (X)
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You looked at the pictures that Nancy Wheeler had helped you develop, neither of you letting Jonathan see the raunchy pictures of you on Billy's car. They had a film developing room in their house which you were very fortunate for.
You watched the pictures dry as Nancy stood next to you, her jaw dropping as the first one developed and you laughed. Robin had helped you with the pictures considering she and Billy weren't close in the slightest.
The picture became more and more visible, showing you in one of his white shirts that had oil stains from working on cars for the past ten plus years, your legs were slightly open, showing the black lace underwear that you were wearing. "Hope you liked walking," Nancy said, giggling a little. You laughed and watched the other pictures develop.
She helped you collect them carefully so they wouldn't damage and soon you were on your way back to Billy's house. He stood in the driveway, washing his car, his hair pulled back and shirtless, showing all of the tattoos he had.
He looked at you, winking as he puffed on a cigarette. You got out of your car, walking to him and kissing his bearded jaw. "I'll be back." He nodded and you walked inside, putting the pictures in his room on his bed, spacing them out.
You walked back outside, watching him wash his car. "Think you missed a spot," you said. He glanced at you, turning the hose at you, getting your shirt wet. Your jaw dropped and he laughed, dropping his own jaw to mock you. He finished up, drying his car off and he made you move so he could put his car back into the garage.
He left the garage door open and got out of the car, wiping down his sweaty body. He walked over to you, wiping your face gently from where he sprayed you with hose water. He leaned down slightly, tilting your head up and kissed you. "Got ya somethin'," you said against his lips. He hummed, pecking your lips a few times before pulling away from you.
You grabbed his hand, walking into the house and leading him to his room. "If you're sticking something in my ass, I appreciate the sentiment babe, but you're not sticking anything up there. you're lucky I even put up with you spanking me." You laughed, shaking your head.
"Close your eyes," you said and made sure he shut his eyes before guiding him into the bedroom. You put him in front of the bed and moved so you were behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist, "Open 'em," you said before kissing the birthmark on his shoulder.
He opened his eyes, letting them adjust for a few seconds before he picked up one of the pictures. He held it close to his face, looking at how prominent your features were.
You were laid out on the hood of his car, his shirt right below your breasts, your ass was on the hood, your legs slightly open. He whistled, putting it down gently before picking up the next one. You weren't in this one, but the window was foggy with a heart and two dots in the middle, he knew just from the distance between the dots what created them.
"I took that one myself," you said against his warm skin, your hand running down his toned stomach, your nails scratching at his happy trail that he couldn't be bothered to trim or shave off. He hummed, "That one might have to go in my office." He put it down, picking up a different one.
"Jackpot," he said, looking at the picture of you bent over his hood, your ass on display as you wore his favorite pair of heels. The shirt was wet, the hood of his car was wet, and the shirt was very much see-through, the shirt clinging to your breasts. He continued looking at the pictures and put one on his bedside, putting the others on his desk, mumbling about hanging them up in various places.
He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you into his lap. You laughed when you felt his erection, "I assume you like the pictures." He laughed, "Like is an understatement, babe," he said before peppering a few kisses to your jaw and behind your ear.
"Whatcha want in return, baby," he asked in your ear, placing a kiss on your earlobe. You shivered at his voice, "Whatever you'll give me." He smirked against your skin, his teeth latching onto a spot on your neck as he began sucking at it, his tongue licking where his teeth marks were.
"Should fuck you on the hood of Baby Blue, that'll be for another day," he said, his hands gripping your ass. "Can't believe you did that, you fucking knew the reaction you would get, fuckin' minx." You laughed, grabbing his cheeks and kissing him.
You pulled away, looking at him, "You love it though." He hummed, "Guess so," he said as one of his hands moved before quickly slapping under your ass. He rubbed the spot, peering at you through his lashes. You rubbed his chin, eyes going to the little gray patches.
"Love these," you murmured, gently pulling on them. He hummed, kissing your skin, letting his lips wander to the top of your tits as he licked and sucked on the skin. You pulled his thick hair and he moved, a string of spit connecting his bottom lip to the top of your tit.
"I need you on my face," he said, his voice dripping with lust. That piqued your interest, you had never done that before. "Okay," you murmured. He helped you take off your clothes and he left your underwear on, moving you so you were laying on your back on the large bed. He kissed down your body, grabbing the elastic in between his teeth as he pulled the fabric down, laying a quick kiss to your clit as it peeked between your folds.
He moved so he was laying down in his boxers, throwing the pillows to the ground. "Come 'ere, pretty baby." His voice alone could get you off. He put his hand out to you, a few rings decorated his veiny hands along with a couple of tattoos, miniscule ones that held very little meaning.
You took his hand as he guided you to hover over his face. His hands grabbed your thighs as he looked up at you. "Sit down." You lowered yourself just a little and his eyes squinted, "Sit, don't hover. I don't do that hovering shit. If you suffocate me, then great. Put it on my headstone to let everyone know I went out eating your pussy." You gasped at his vulgarity before lowering yourself more, feeling his nose and he pulled you down the rest of the way.
His tongue was immediately licking up the slick that was dripping from you. Your right hand sat on his forehead as your fingers tangled into his roots, your left hand going to the headboard and holding onto the metal bar.
Two of the straps from the under the bed restraints were threaded through the bars. Your head was already fuzzy as he licked your clit. The sounds were loud, he was moaning against you, the vibrations stimulating your clit. It was messy, you knew that when you heard the squelch of two fingers entering you.
"Billy," you moaned, gripping his hair tighter, your head falling forward to the black wall. Your hips rocked and he pushed you up just a little to catch his breath and speak, "There you go, fuck my face, baby," he said before kissing your thigh, using one of his hands to steadily fuck you with as he lowered you back down with the other.
His teeth lightly grazed your clit before wrapping his lips around it once more. You were sure you were getting beard burn and simultaneously bleaching his beard, but that was a problem for another day. "Billy, please. Oh fuck," you whimpered, moving your hips a little faster, doing your best to keep your composure, while also trying to be mindful of the death grip you had on his hair.
He let go of your clit, kissing it as he pulled his fingers out of you, his hand grabbing your ass and you felt your slick on your warm skin. His tongue licked up the mess you had created. Your thighs were shaking a little and he moved his lips back to your clit, humming around it, his tongue flicking over it a few times.
"Fuck," you moaned loudly, your head going back as your back arched. Your hips slowly slowed down and once they were at a complete stop, you put your head against the wall, trying to catch your breath. He snickered, gently pushing you off of his face, letting you gently fall onto the mattress.
"Thoroughly fucked out, just the way I like it," he said as he wiped his beard. You glanced at him, "We're so doing that again." He laughed, "Whatever you say, honey." You leaned over and kissed him, your nails going down his chest as you snapped the elastic of his boxers onto his skin.
He shivered, pulling you closer to him as he deepened the kiss, holding you as close as possible. You helped him take his boxers off, your hand immediately gripping his base, the curls decorating it brushed against your hand. The silver balls that decorated his shaft were warm in your hand and he shivered.
The Jacob's Ladder piercing was something stupid Billy got when he was eighteen. His tattoo was to rebel, but so was the piercing. It went from his base to right under his tip, and it provided the best stimulation for you. The first time you slept with him, the same night you lost your virginity to him, you were scared the piercing would hurt you and ripped stuff it wasn't meant to.
He assured you nothing would rip besides your hymen, not once have you regretted losing your virginity to him, you practically begged for another round right after just to feel the jewelry rub against your g-spot.
"Billy," you murmured against his lips before gently biting his bottom lip, pulling a little so it snapped back. He hummed, his eyes fluttering open as he looked at you. Your heart raced with love and lust, needing him inside of you, but also needing to be in his arms, safe and sound.
"Tell me what you need, and you'll get it," he said, his hand rubbing your back. The moment was the calm before the storm, the two of you knew that and you were both soaking in it. "Just need you, all of you," your voice was a little whiny, filled with desperation. He softly hushed you, still rubbing your back.
"Get in whatever position you want." You nodded, moving so you were on your knees, your chest pressed into the mattress. Billy grabbed one of the pillows from the floor. He reached under your chest, gently bringing you up as he put the pillow down so your chest wouldn't hurt that badly. He grabbed the velvet lined restraints, "Can we use these?" You quickly nodded. He leaned over you, pressing his hips against your butt as he grabbed your chin, tilting your head back, "Words baby, you know I need verbal consent." You nodded once again, "I wanna use them."
He nodded, leaning down and kissing the tip of your nose before pecking your lips and he let your chin go as he unwound the restraints from the headboard. You happily put your arms out and he chuckled, taking your left wrist and sliding it through the restraint as he tightened the plastic buckle which in turn tightened the cuff around your wrist.
"Flex your fingers for me." You flexed your fingers. "Do they tingle?" You shook your head, "Uh uh." He nodded, doing your right wrist, doing the same blood flow check. He kissed your cheek and moved behind you once again. He grabbed your hips, moving your knees so your ass was higher in the air.
He leaned over you, kissing the dip between your shoulder blades and you hummed in delight. He moved your legs a little, spreading them a little more and he held the small of your back. "You ready for me, baby?" You nodded quickly and he laid a smack to the side of your ass. "Words, come on. I'm not telling you again." You shivered at his words, feeling a steady leak of your arousal.
"I'm ready, please. I need you so much." He chuckled, gently patting the side of your ass that he had spanked. "Sound so pretty when you're begging," he murmured, dipping his head down to kiss your lower back before he straightened up.
You felt his tip at your entrance and hummed, letting your eyes close as you rested your head on your arms. He slowly pushed in before groaning when you tightened around him. "Baby, relax. I know it's deeper in this position, but I can't move, gripping me like a fuckin' vice."
He licked the pad of his finger, reaching around your thigh and pressing his finger to your clit, rubbing small circles on it. You whined a little, kicking your feet at the unexpected stimulation. He kept pushing his hips forward, "There we go, doing so fucking good baby." You moaned his name when his hips were pressed against your ass.
He used a slow pace at first, letting you get used to everything before he quickened his thrusts. Your fingers gripped the black straps of the restraints. "Billy, oh fuck please," you moaned, your eyes were shut tight. His hands dug into your hips, his fingers would leave bruises, but you didn't care.
"That's it, good girl. Taking my cock so good, huh?" He saw the way your hands were shaking as you grasped the black straps tightly. "Easy baby, ease up on your grip. I don't want you getting hurt," he said as he rubbed the side of your body. He waited until your fingers were detached from the strap before starting his fast pace once more.
He felt the way you clenched around him and he let out a moan of your name. "Go ahead, let go for me." You kicked your right foot, moaning into the mattress as you did what he asked of you. Everything went numb as Billy slowed his pace so as to not overstimulate you too quickly. "There we go, that was good." You lifted your head out of the mattress, your mascara and eyeliner were fucked, but Billy still thought you were the most ethereal woman in the world.
"Keep going, please." He chuckled, rubbing your back. "Didn't plan on stopping," he said before starting his pace back up. It was messy, his skin was sticking to yours, his balls were slapping against your wet clit, in turn making the skin on his sac wet. "God baby, you're so good to me," he moaned, lowering his head slightly to catch his breath and trying to keep his composure.
The way he moaned made you clench again, the loud squelches he was pulling from your body had filled the room with your pretty moans and his desperate moans and grunts. He leaned over you, kissing your back. His pace slowed, but the thrusts were still hard and deep.
They were deep and hard enough to knock the air out of your lungs, each thrust you let out little "uh" sounds. "That's it, making such pretty sounds for me." You whimpered, moving so you were resting on your cheek. He took this chance to move his own head and kiss you. It wasn't the most comfortable position, especially for his back and knees, but he would do anything for you, even if it would cause him pain.
"I love you," he said as he looked into your eyes when he pulled his lips away from yours. You smiled, you were cock drunk and you were pretty sure you looked stupid, but that didn't matter. "I love you too," you said. You attempted to lift your hand up to push his hair out of his face, but the straps got in the way. He moved his right hand to the strap and loosened the plastic buckle and you pulled your arm out of it, pushing his sweaty hair back and you admired him.
Despite this being one of the most intense sexual sessions the two of you have had, it was still filled with love and admiration. His thumb rubbed at the side of your lip, kissing you once more before straightening himself out, giving you a few thrusts that were fast paced. The headboard knocked against the black painted wall, a few chips of paint falling.
You whimpered, attempting to shut your legs. He slowed down, "Talk to me baby," he said as he checked in with you. "Do I need to stop?" You shook your head, "Sensitive." He nodded, "I know baby, I know." He rubbed your back, going back to his slow and hard thrusts. Your ass jiggled against his body, and he watched, deeply enamored with the way your body moved.
He knew by the way you were clenching that you were about to have another orgasm. "Give me another one, babe. Doing so good for me," he praised you. He talked you through your high, rubbing your back and kissing your hot skin.
He slid your arms out of the restraints, tossing the straps backwards as they fell behind the headboard. He gently pulled out, seeing the mess on him and you as he gently rolled you over. He leaned over you, his hand on your face as you felt the pressure of his body on yours. "Hi baby," he said softly, pecking your lips. "Think you can give me one more?" You quickly nodded, not wanting this to end. "Alright babe, just lay there and look pretty for me."
You nodded again and he moved your legs apart, whistling softly. Your clit was puffy, your inner thighs were wet and your slit was steadily dribbling arousal. "Fucking shit," he moaned. He felt his cock twitch. "Where am I cummin' baby?" You hummed, "Inside," you said. Your voice was a little raspy from all of the moans.
He nodded, wrapping your legs around his waist before sliding into you once more. You were unbelievably wet, and you were sure that when your head cleared up you would be embarrassed at the noises your pussy made, but right now you couldn't even think about it.
He began rocking into you, using slow and deep thrusts. You held his face and kissed him before your hands made their way to his back, digging your nails in and scratching as far down as you could reach.
He hissed a little into your mouth before moaning softly. His hips stuttered a little before he stopped, taking a few seconds to collect himself. Billy had a saying in the bedroom, "Good girls cum come first." It was written right above the bed with metal that he had welded together.
He moved, straightening his posture so he could have a good grip on you as he began thrusting like his life depended on it. Your head went back as you gripped one of the metal bars of the headboard. "Let me have it, come on baby." The squelches got louder and something else alarmed you, a warm sensation in your lower belly. "Billy, wait, stop." Alarms went off in his head as he immediately stopped. "What happened? Did I hurt you?" You quickly shook your head, "I think I have to pee," you mumbled. You were embarrassed.
"Hey," he softly said, "It's not pee, baby. I promise, just let yourself go, alright?" You nodded, trusting him. He held your hand, kissing your knuckles before resuming his pace. He watched the way your body twitched and tensed, noting the way your tits were jiggling. You let out a moan that sounded like a borderline cry and he looked down where the two of you were connected.
He watched the way your clit pulsated right before the small gush happened. He moaned, feeling your squirt hit his lower stomach as he twitched inside of you. "Oh fuck baby, I'm cumming." He bowed his head down, his thrusts were sloppy as he came inside of you. It was warm and you moaned with the twitch of his cock.
When he was done, he gently pulled out, watching as the white substance had pooled to your entrance. He used two of his fingers to fuck it back into you before pulling them out. He moved up to you, tapping your lips and you opened your mouth, accepting the fingers before greedily sucking them.
He pulled his fingers from your mouth, shivering as your teeth grazed his pads. He leaned down and kissed you, pulling you close to his body. He did a quick inspection, seeing if he was too rough with any part of your body. He rubbed the little bruises on your hips and your inner thighs.
"I'll be right back." He got up, slipped into a pair of shorts as he walked into the bathroom, wet a rag with warm water as he rung it out before walking to you and wiping you down. He tossed the rag in a hamper and pulled you close. "Gotta pee," you said. He nodded, "I know baby, just lay here for a few minutes to calm down." You nodded, holding onto him and he kissed the top of your head.
"Was I too rough?" You shook your head, snuggling up to him so your head was right under his chin as you closed your eyes, letting your body get warmed up by his. Your breathing evened out after a few minutes and he laughed, knowing you had fallen asleep. He rubbed your back gently as he grabbed the blanket he had thrown onto the floor as he covered the two of you up with it. "I love you," he murmured, holding you close as his hands gently kneaded at some of your muscles.
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cherrychilli · 7 months
Slip of the Tongue
A mini series I 18+ I Enemies to lovers
Chapter one
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Eddie Munson, AFAB reader, neighbor! reader.
Reader and Eddie are the same age - she's in College and he's repeating his senior year once again.
Chapter Summary: You discover that Eddie's been practicing a very interesting new trick on his guitar, one which he offers to use on you under the guise of giving you some much needed stress relief.
A/N: Listen, series scare the shit out of me but I'm trying to challenge myself with a tiny one. I kind of already feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew but I'm going to give it my best shot.
Inspired by those clips of Steve Vai and Jimi Hendrix. ifkyk.
Chapter warnings: Nothing explicit this chapter. Some suggestive stuff but the real smut begins next chapter, so if you want more you better let me know!
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“Are you fucking kidding me?”
He's doing it again. Of course he's doing it again.
You tilt your head forward, forehead dropping into your hands. Heatedly, you mutter your annoyance under your breath, thumbs rubbing at throbbing temples and eyes squeezing shut when the music picks up to an ear ringing volume.
Eddie Munson took sick pleasure in riling you up – you were certain of that given how he only ever seemed to plug in his guitar when it was time for you to study your coursework, wrecking your concentration and making your temper skyrocket with a kind of ease only he was capable of.
For years, you’d taken issue with the fact that your trailer neighbored his own, your bedroom becoming an echo chamber for every blaring chord progression and heavily distorted guitar riff that strummed out from Eddie's open window.
And as always, you felt the need to make your displeasure known.
Abandoning your textbooks, you hastily shove your shoes on to stomp over next door. You knew from painful experience that it was best to head behind the Munson’s trailer and approach Eddie’s bedroom window than to pound on the front door, the sound of his playing almost always too loud for him to notice your knocking.
Trampling over the patchy, dry lawn that lay between your homes, you made your way across, rounding the corner and striding up to the open window, fuming with thoughts of what you’d yell at him this time when you caught sight of the metalhead.
As expected, he's rocking out in the center of his unruly bedroom. No doubt having tuned the rest of the world out, channeling so much of his wild, boundless energy into his playing.
His mop of dark messy curls aren't tied back today, allowed to sway, tumble and whip around his face as he played to an audience of some devilish looking posters and a couple figurines that stood on his crowded desk, probably a part of that fantasy game he's always going on about.
He's dressed in grey sweats that hang low around his hips and a ratty old band tee that tended to ride up, you couldn't help but notice.
‘At least he’s got clothes on today’, you thought to yourself mirthlessly, only a touch thankful for the silver lining of not having to confront him while he's shirtless or in his boxers again. Not that he’d ever minded you seeing him like that before.
Your last encounter with Eddie was one you hoped to soon forget, cringing because he'd caught your gaze wandering when you came over to reprimand him for the noise again, becoming noticeably distracted by his bare chest and the tattoos adorning it.
You don't know how it happened, only that you fell into a sort of daze when your eyes slipped lower to follow the slope of his pale tummy, leading to the sparse trail of dark hair which thickened below his belly button and disappeared underneath the waistband of his boxers.
D'you want a picture or something, darling?, he'd quipped, growing even more pleased with himself when your face turned hot and the embarrassment of getting caught had you stuttering out the first thing you could manage.
"F-fuck off, Munson", you spit back and retreated awkwardly, the sound of his barking laughter as you did so ringing in your ears long after you made it back into your room and hid underneath your blankets for a good hour.
Yeah, that was hard to live down. As was trying to expunge the image of Eddie's unclothed torso from your mind.
Most times he could anticipate your arrival, like a lightning storm only he could forecast but this time he hasn’t seemed to noticed you yet, tongue pinched between his lips in concentration while his fingers travelled skillfully over the ebony fretboard of his guitar.
Watching him play like that sometimes made you think that if he hadn't plagued you for half your life with all of his antics, you might have admitted that he was good musician - that he had talent most people didn't care to acknowledge and maybe even go so far as to say that you found it impressive that he’d managed teach himself how to play in lieu of any lessons.
But you weren’t about to sing Eddie Munson's praises. Not when he was seconds away from making you pop a vein.
Taking a deep breath in, you prepared yourself to start the unpleasant cycle of bickering with your neighbor once again, hoping against hope that, at the very least, it'll be a short exchange this time.
You meant to catch his attention with a single shout but the heated call flattens on your tongue in an instant, heart beat kicking up as you watch what he does next.
He lifts his treasured Warlock and you're half afraid for him when he casually flips the front of the instrument towards his face, its angular design and jagged edges enough to worry you even when he played on it the regular way.
But it's when his tongue stretches out, long and slick like a serpent, that things start to feel...hazy. Speechlessly, you stare as he slides it along one of the guitar's six strings, following the length of it from near the bottom of the fretboard while his left hand continued to flit over the strings by the neck, creating harmonics in a way you’d never thought was possible before.
Are my palms sweating?
The sound begins to shift again and your eyes bulge when he slides his tongue back down, flicking and picking the guitar strings by the tip of it with more speed and dexterity than you'd thought was possible, his fingers continuing to move seamlessly to hold down every note.
Eyes closed (and there was no chance of you letting that happen) there was no way you could've told the difference than if he’d been playing with his fingers all along, the sound just as sharp and crisp as as every time before.
It's filthy, bordering on vulgar the way he’s moving the silky pink muscle so expertly, so much so that it makes you feel like you're intruding, peeping in on something that only happened behind closed doors.
But that gnawing feeling isn't anywhere near enough to make you stop looking. Your gaze stays planted firmly on Eddie's mouth, the sight making your head crowd with static and your belly swirl with heat. Your thighs had been clamped together too, you realize, a sickening realization dawning over you when they rub together, registering the dampness pooling between them underneath your skirt.
Oh my god…am I w-?
And just as abruptly as the realization had sunk in, the song ends. Deafening silence returns to your shared corner of the trailer park when Eddie sets the guitar back down to hang by the strap fixed over his shoulder, eyes flicking to you as if he'd known all along that you'd been standing there, gawking at him.
"So, what do you think? pretty good, right? been working on it for weeks", he pants out, chest rising and falling softly with each labored breath.
Somehow, this feels so much worse than when he caught you staring the last time.
With luck, you're able to shake yourself out of your trance like state, round eyes narrowing in preparation to berate him as originally intended
"Fucking hell, Eddie would you keep it down? I'm trying to study!", you agonize, scrambling to find your fury again.
But your tone doesn’t seem to bother him, it rarely ever did. So he leans through the open window, elbows resting on the window pane, eyeing you up and down all amused.
"You look stressed", he observes, and it's the flippant way in which he does it that ticks you off, with the kind of lopsided smile you’d often described as annoying. For the most part because he’d almost always done something to that effect before flashing you one.
"I am", you confirm with an acidic glare, hoping he couldn't tell how frazzled his little performance had left you.
"And you're not helping so knock it off"
Turning on your heel, you're desperate to retreat back to your place for a reprieve, heart hammering inside your chest when he calls out to you again.
"I could help you relax, y'know"
The way he says it makes you pause, like he's about to let you in on a secret.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps. "I'm not buying weed from you Eddie", you answer back over your shoulder, trying to look unimpressed as you attempt to turn him down.
"I wouldn't charge", the boy winks at you without missing a beat, undeterred by your cold attitude and you hate that his persistence makes your face feel hot.
"But that's not what I was going to suggest"
You turn around to face him again, intrigue building.
He takes a moment to scan you thoughtfully, brows furrowing, almost as if he's weighing the outcomes of what might happen if he were to continue.
"You liked what you saw, right?", his brown eyes flicked down to his guitar and back up to you in quick reference to what you were hoping to avoid.
The mention of what you'd witnessed him doing with his tongue brings that hot, sticky feeling sitting at the base of your stomach back in full force, alarm bells ringing in your head.
"What does that have to do with anything?", you ask cautiously, realizing a second too late that you’ve only confirmed his suspicion.
Eddie curls a finger up at you, rings glinting in the sunlight, beckoning you closer and for some reason you actually oblige, stepping up to his window until you’re only a foot apart from one another.
Low and throaty, he whispers to you. "I can do a lot more with my tongue than just shred on my guitar", flicking the muscle salaciously between his lips like a viper ready to strike.
It should revolt you, watching the crude gesture courtesy of the bane next door, the implication behind it enough to make your skin crawl.
So why doesn't it?
Why does it make you want to leap at him and close the distance between the two of you, hungry to feel his tongue against your own?
"You're disgusting", you tell him instead in an attempt to deflect, voice wavering through the lie.
But he's too astute to be fooled now. "And you like it", he counters easily.
"So are you going to cut the bullshit and climb in here or what?"
You stare at the hand he holds out to you and before you can think to just walk away, before you can pull yourself together and stifle the roaring fire inside lapping at your bones, your fingers have found their way to his.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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