#but i guess the last time i took a math class school had just mysteriously turned online and i had never done a zoom call before
alittlefrenchtree · 8 months
Get to know Me!
I'm a bit late but I've been tagged by @lfg1986-2 and @meraki-yao. Thank you, lovely people, for giving me a chance to talk about me (my favorite subject 🤓) 💜
Part 1: 
Last song: Spotify says Lips on you - Maroon 5 
Last film: High Strung, sadly 🥶
Currently reading:
Books : A biography of George Villiers and a French novel called Le dit du Mistral by Olivier Mak-Bouchard.
Fanfic : just starting the poem you make of me
Currently watching: a twitch stream on Lethal Company
Currently consuming: there is half a cup of cold black ‘winter granola’ tea to my right.
Currently craving: for old straight white men to do their job and do it correctly. And a rwrb sequel. And 3 to 5 post-canon fics in which Henry is forced to become King and he has to navigate his relationship with Alex at the same time.
Part 2:
1. Were you named after anyone? I don’t think so. I should have been named something else but friends of my parents had a child before I was born and named it that way so they changed their mind for me.
2. When was the last time you cried? Every time Alex and/or Henry is/are even slightly unhappy in a fic these days, so all the fucking time.
3.  Do you have kids?  I’ve adopted a 22-year-old Timothée Chalamet back in 2018 who has giving me enough headaches since then to feel legitimate to call myself a parent. (No, and I don’t want any).
4. What sports do you play/have you played?  I’ve played basketball for 7 years between 7 and 14. And Muggle Quidditch a few times as an adult 🤓
5. Do you use sarcasm?  In French, all the time. In English, it’s more delicate. 
6. What’s the first thing people notice about you?  How terrifying I am.
7. What’s your eye color?  Brown 
8. Scary movies or happy endings?  I still don’t get the point of most scary movies so I’m going to go with happy endings for now (ugh). But one day, I’ll understand scary movies. That the only thing about cinema that remains mysterious to me.  
9. Any talents? Being terrifying. I can write. And cook ok. 
10. Where were you born? Val-de-Marne, France. (Stayed there less than a week)
11. What are your hobbies? Reading. Writing. Playing video games. Watching people play video games. Watching tennis. Spending too much time on Tumblr. 
12. Do you have any pets?  My family has a cat who answers to no authority but mine (sometimes)
13. How tall are you? 159cm which apparently means 5’2” (I’m pocket sized)
14. Favorite subject in school? Depends on the year I guess. In middle school/junior high probably Maths, Biology and Sports.
 In High School probably Biology but then I kind of dropped it so German class because I was good at it at the time (I forgot everything tho) Literature and the idea of Philosophy. 
In college— I took a course where the thing to do was writing profiles and I love it so much it has kind of floated as a possible career for a while. Still does sometimes. I also took a course in a psychology department about social psychology I liked a lot. I had a lot of courses I liked actually but I remember more about the professors than the actual subject.
15. Dream job?  A writer living in Paris? Not in Paris actually, but I’m a basic bitch and and writing is like breathing to me.
Thank you again 🩷
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 10
10: In which I do a strange amount of maths for a DCOM commentary
Chad: Hey. Look, we need to talk Taylor: Go.
You know for someone whose first lines in the whole movie are making fun of jocks and insulting Chad's intelligence, she listens to him real quick. Perhaps... she already had a bit of a crush on him but covered it up with insults to stick to the status quo? Also what happened between her last convo with Gabriella and now that made her suddenly want to break them up?
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Hkjfdkf the way Taylor looks so baffled and then goes “whatever” at Chad’s watch thing. He’s a dork really
You want to be one of Charlie’s Angels Chad? Ok
If I were an East High student I would hate the basketball team so much, like wtf is all this Wildcat shit everywhere I don’t even know those guys fuck off
Ahh the intervention. I kinda wanted Zeke to be a bit more sympathetic to Troy, maybe be more reluctant to take part in this plan or actually not take part at all? Idk just to show some more nuance within these groups, although I guess baking is different and doesn’t interfere with basketball, Chad probably convinced him that this was necessary
Chad: Who was the first sophomore ever to make starting varsity? Wildcats: TROY! Chad: So who voted him our team captain this year? Wildcats: US! Chad: And who is gonna get their sorry butts kicked in Friday's championship game if Troy's worried about an audition? Wildcats: We are...
They sound so dejected on that last bit FSJDKKD
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EXACTLY. WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Also this scene is where the contrast between Troy's blue outfit and the Wildcat red is most obvious, and Gabriella's in blue too. Costume symbolism!
Chad: I think you're forgetting about one very important 13th member of our squad. Troy: My dad. Chad: Yes, Troy. Wildcat basketball champion, class of 1981.
Wow Chad really played the dad card, huh. Guys it's not that big of a flex to be a champion at high school basketball 20 years ago, you don't need to look up to a guy that peaked in high school and seemingly never left.
Wait let me do the maths... so if Jack Bolton was class of 1981, i.e. 18 years old then, and Troy turned 17 in 2006 so was born in 1989, that means Mr Bolton was 26 when he became a father and 43 at the time of the fist movie.
There was a tiktok recently that the actor reacted to, where the person theorised that Mr Bolton had Troy at 18 and that's why he pressures Troy so much to go make a life for himself. Except they used the actor's age which is a bit silly, so that was my debunk. He was 26. Mystery solved that didn't need solving.
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Ah, the “why do athletes get paid that much” debate
Taylor’s being so dramatic maybe SHE should join the drama club? In comparison to Troy's intervention where they actually bring out stuff that's important to him, this one's got a lot of waffle haha
Side note Taylor's fit is quite nice though
“I thought that you’re my friends. Win together, lose together, teammates” SO TRUE. GET 'EM.
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Obsessed with this video player screen and how the word “receiving” is misspelt. How are they even livestreaming this to her when it just looks like a normal video player hahaha
This is actually so mean wtf 😭 You made her cry! And Taylor’s reaction is terrible, just casually inviting her to the decathlon and lunch straight after
Why wouldn't Gabriella question this whole setup anyway? They were clearly planning for Troy to say this since they were ready with the webcam. Wouldn't she recognise that this was engineered on purpose? I guess it doesn't matter to her either way, as he still said those things.
OKAY to be fair they were trying to get Troy to quit the callbacks, it didn’t necessarily have to result in Troy dumping Gabriella (well they’re not dating but still) but it was Troy who took it to that level, even if he didn’t mean any of it.
This also shows a flaw of Troy’s and that's that he’s a bit of a people pleaser – he DOES argue with the Wildcats when he says he thought they were his friends, Chad doesn’t even offer a rebuttal, and instead of putting his foot down, in the same breath Troy dismisses the singing and Gabriella. Yeah his friends may still not have listened, but the right thing to do would be to draw his line in the sand and say they can't be friends if they won't support him. Because yeah they're being really mean about this! It's interesting because comparatively, Gabriella is better at setting boundaries and we'll see more of this in the second movie.
What is this random Wildcats gathering
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happy4562 · 3 years
Two Teachers, Two Toilets
Owen and Zach were two first year teachers. One taught math and the other taught science in high school. They quickly bonded and became the best of friends. The two of them would hang out after school and on the weekends together. Both guys however, were shy shitters. Any time one had to take a shit they would make an excuse to run home or to the store if they were hanging out together. Neither had ever gone at the other guy’s apartment before.
On Monday night there was a primetime NFL game on. They hung out at Owen’s place and had a few beers and some pizza. The next day both looked pretty hungover. Maybe they had made too much of a night for it. Luckily they both had free periods at the start of the day. Owen hung out in his car to get some air while Zach attempted to put a lesson plan together in the teacher’s lounge.
While sitting in his car, Owen could tell he was going to need to shit soon. The beer had really screwed up his system. He hated going at school but he wouldn’t be able to hold it in all day. It wasn’t even 9am yet. At the same time, Zach felt a rumble in his own stomach, alerting him that a toilet trip would be imminent. Zach shyly made his way to the men’s room and was relieved to find none of the 4 stalls in use. He took the last stall and quickly dropped trou. Seconds later, in walked Owen, who was disheartened to see one of the stall doors shut.
Zach meanwhile sat in annoyance that someone else had entered Owen men’s room but hoped they would be quick. Owen took the second stall in, leaving a buffer between him and Zach. He got to work wiping down the seat and also dropped his pants. He sat down quickly and suddenly the room was silent.
Both guys sat, desperate to let loose and hoping the other would just go and leave. They only had 20 minutes of break left so they couldn’t wait too long to let loose. The door once again opened up and in walked Jeremy, the assistant vice principal. He took the third stall, right between Zach and Owen.
After sitting down, he quickly began passing his shit. The logs plopped into the water, breaking the quietness of the room. Jeremy looked down at both men’s shoes and realized who it was.
“Oh hey Owen. Hey Zach. You two see the game last night?”, Jeremy questioned.
Zach and Owen now both realized that the other was the mystery man in the stall. Neither had ever gone in front of the other before and both knew that their movements would not be quick and relatively sound free like Jeremy’s was.
“Uhmmm yeah we caught it”, Owen replied.
Jeremy wiped up and exited his stall. After a quick hand wash he was out the door and leaving just Zach and Owen now. The room remained silent for the next two minutes as each guy waited for the other one to make any type of noise.
“I guess we better go since we have class in a few minutes”, Zach declared awkwardly.
“Yeah we probably should”, Owen said in a defeated manor.
Zach began first. He relaxed and a large fart squeaked out of him. Owen responded with some rapid farts of his own. Both felt ashamed as they sat in their respective stalls.
“Listen. Obviously neither of us wants to be here but we have no choice”, Zach said.
“I’ve just never been alright with shitting around other people”, answered Owen.
“Bro I’m the same way”.
Owen couldn’t hold out any longer and let go with a flurry of shit that filled the bowl. Zach answered in kind with a showering wet dump. The bathroom quickly began to stink. The pizza and multiple beers hadn’t done either guy any favors.
Owen’s shit stayed soft while Zach’s turned to complete liquid. With only 5 minutes until their classes, they wiped up as fast as they could and exited their stalls. Neither wanted to look each other in the face. The decided that they would pretend this moment never happened. Throughout the rest of the day each would have a few close calls racing back to the men’s room. Luckily, neither had to go with an audience again.
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sankyeom · 4 years
tattle-tale | l.sy
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pairings: lee sangyeon x reader genre: teacher au, tooth-rotting fluff summary: in which teacher!sangyeon has a crush on teacher!you and anonymously leaves little gifts for you on your desk, only to one day be caught by your entire class word count: 5.9k series: sankyeom’s 2k followers celebration
You loved your job, you really did.
Teaching little kids all day long was an absolute joy for you. But if you said recess wasn’t your favourite time of the day, you’d definitely be lying. “Finally,” you groaned as you took a seat on a sofa in the teacher’s lounge, a large cup of coffee in your hand as you closed your eyes.
Sangyeon, Jacob and Hyunjae – three teachers at your school that you considered close friends – shared knowing smiles. “Rough morning?” Jacob asked.
“I love my students,” you said, eyes still closed. “But they can be little devils sometimes.”
Hyunjae burst into laughter as Jacob and Sangyeon grinned. “They can’t be that bad?”
You opened your eyes to observe your colleagues. “It’s Emma’s birthday today. She brought cake for the entire class, and they ate the entire thing within the first ten minutes of first period,” you recalled in a monotone voice.
Jacob winced. “Sugar rush?” he guessed.
“You have no idea,” you complained, having flashbacks to your students running around the classroom and causing absolute chaos. “I would literally kill for some coffee. Or at least maim.”
Hyunjae pointed at your mug. “What do you call that?” he teased.
“Terrible teacher lounge coffee that hasn’t been warm for, like, an hour,” you observed as you took a sip of your coffee. Then, you winced and pushed the mug away from you. “I may be desperate for a good caffeine fix, but I’m not that desperate,” you mumbled as you got up to toss the contents of your mug down the sink.
Sangyeon’s eyes trailed after your retreating figure, a mindless smile on his face as he observed the way you glared at your, now empty, mug in disgust as if it had betrayed you. His gaze drew towards Jacob when his colleague cleared his throat, a knowing look in his and Hyunjae’s eyes as Sangyeon gave them an innocent smile. “Are you ever going to ask her out?” Jacob asked with a lowered voice.
Although he knew he had been caught, Sangyeon still made his attempt at playing innocent. “Ask who out?”
Hyunjae rolled his eyes. “Don’t pretend. You’re a really bad liar and you’re just way too obviously in love with Teacher Y/n,” he said, imitating your students when they call out to you.
Despite his best efforts, Sangyeon couldn’t hide the blush that appeared on his cheeks. As he opened his mouth to protest, you took your seat on the sofa opposite the trio, muttering to yourself about terrible coffee. Noticing the shift in atmosphere, you raised an eyebrow at your colleagues. “Did something happen while I was gone?” you wondered.
“No,” the three men chorused, which only made you more suspicious of them. With a shrug, you dismissed their odd behaviour, deciding that it was best not to pursue your curiosity. “So Y/n, did you ever find out who your secret admirer is?” Hyunjae wondered.
A small pout appeared on your lips. “No,” you sighed, clasping your hands together to rest on your knees.
For a few months now, you had been receiving little gifts on your desk when you stepped out of your classroom for your breaks or free periods. At first, they were just little things that lifted your mood in the middle of the day; sticky notes with funny faces and encouraging quotes, or small gummy and snack packets to give you energy at the end of your long day.
Then, the gifts started becoming a little more personal.
A gift certificate to your favourite coffee chain, packs of stickers or staples that you just so happened to be running out of, muffins from your favourite bakery, and even a beautiful leather-bound journal that you had mentioned you wanted to a few friends and coworkers.
You didn’t know who the gifts were from, but you desperately wanted to meet them.
Not only did they brighten your day every single time you got a new gift, but they seemed to be presents that were specifically purchased for you.
“Has anybody else been getting gifts?” you inquired.
“Not as far as I know,” Jacob denied, Hyunjae and Sangyeon humming in agreement. “Besides, aren’t the gifts all perfect for you?”
You nodded. “Most of them are things that I vaguely mentioned, or silently pined after. Sometimes they’re just little pick-me-ups like snacks, but they still seem to know my taste perfectly.”
Jacob smiled. “That’s kind of romantic,” he mused, causing Sangyeon to choke on the water he had been sipping. He coughed, leaning forward to place his mug down, and covered his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. You, Hyunjae and Jacob gave him looks of concern, which he immediately waved off.
“I’m good,” Sangyeon assured the three of you. “You-“ he coughed. “You think it’s romantic?”
“Of course!” Jacob said cheerily. “Gifts that fit her taste without ever revealing who sent them… A secret admirer. Super romantic,” he assured his friend, sending him a subtle wink when you weren’t looking.
“I just wish I could repay them somehow,” you sighed. “I feel like they make my days easier and I don’t even have a way to thank them.”
“I’m sure they’ll reveal themselves with time,” Hyunjae told you, probably in an attempt to cheer you up. “Maybe they’re just a little shy.”
“Maybe,” you echoed half-heartedly. The bell rung, indicating that recess was over and class would start again in five minutes.
“Coming?” Sangyeon asked, standing up to walk you to your classroom. Your classrooms were in the same corridor, even though Sangyeon taught fourth grade and you taught second.
You shook your head. “My kids have Gym right now, so I have a free,” you said. “I have some grading to do, so I’m just going to hang out here.”
“Not going to hunt for a better cup of coffee?” Sangyeon teased, copying the horrified face you made when you took a sip of the cold teacher’s lounge coffee.
With a laugh, you merely shook your head. “I’m too lazy to leave campus. Plus, I should probably cut down on my caffeine consumption anyway.”
“Right,” Hyunjae nodded. “I’ll remind you of that in three hours when it’s lunchtime and you’re completely worn-out from your seven-year-old students,” he said, saluting you in lieu of a goodbye. You waved to him, Jacob and Sangyeon as they left the lounge, taking out your bag to get to grading your students’ tests.
Since they were only second graders, the grading wasn’t exactly difficult, just time-consuming. By the time the bell rang to indicate Gym class had ended, you had just finished all of their maths tests. After stretching, you made your way over to your classroom so that you could be there before your students changed after Gym class.
Entering your classroom, you could already feel a bit of fatigue kicking in, and you cursed yourself for not getting a cup of coffee after all. Before you could wallow in your regret any further, you noticed the paper take-away cup on your desk. The bright blue sticky note on the cup instantly brought a smile to your face.
Don’t let the little devils wear you down too much. x
You picked the cup up, delighted that the coffee was still warm to the touch and relishing in the taste as you took a sip. “Secret admirer, you must be from heaven,” you muttered, grateful that your secret admirer had gone out of their way to make sure you were properly caffeinated.
“Teacher Y/n!” someone shouted, barreling into your classroom. Several students trailed behind, giving you similar greetings coupled with large beams.
“How was Gym?” you asked, putting your coffee down and listening to your students’ excited stories about who won the dodgeball game that day. “Well while you guys were having fun, I was working very hard to grade your math tests! Do you want to see how you did?”
Their cheers were enough for you to burst into laughter as you took their papers out of your test. “Teacher Y/n,” one of your students, Minho, raised his hand with big eyes.
The sight was absolutely adorable. “Yes, Minho?” you smiled.
“What did your secret Santa give you today?” he asked.
“Secret Santa is for Christmas time,” you corrected. “The person leaving me presents is just a nice friend,” you explained.
“Okay,” Minho nodded, eagerly absorbing your words. “What did your nice friend give you?”
“Something warm to drink,” you explained, pointing in the direction of your take-away cup before handing the seven-year-old his test back. “The teacher’s lounge has coffee but the coffee from my friend is from my favourite store.”
“Do we know your friend?” Sana, a little girl who always wore pigtails and a huge smile, asked.
“I think so,” you mused. “They work here at school.”
“Who is it?” she wondered. “Is it your boyfriend?”
You laughed. “It’s not my boyfriend,” you assured Sana. “I actually don’t know who it is yet. It’s a mystery.”
“Like Sherlock Holmes,” Minho piped up.
“Yes, like Sherlock Holmes,” you agreed.
“We can try and solve the mystery together, then!” the boy decided. “We just need to look at the clues.”
“Alright,” you allowed, having finished handing out the tests. “We can do that after we go over this test. Does anybody have any questions on the test that they didn’t understand?”
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“That’s adorable,” Hyunjae laughed as you told him, Sangyeon, and Jacob about your students’ interest in your secret admirer. The four of you were sat outside at one of the picnic tables to enjoy the last few days of sunshine that autumn had to offer you. “Did they come up with anything?”
“They actually did,” you admitted. Sangyeon’s back straightened abruptly, curious about what your students figured out. “They decided that it’s definitely a teacher.”
“Really?” Sangyeon exclaimed, earning a weird look from Jacob and Hyunjae. “What makes them think that?”
“Well, I always get a little post-it note with all of my gifts,” you explained with a laugh. “And who uses post-it notes?”
“Teachers,” your three colleagues chorused.
“That’s pretty decent detective work,” Jacob complimented.
“My class certainly liked to think so,” you allowed, amused. “Anyway, my theory is that the admirer really is a teacher,” you added. “I doubt anyone other than other teachers have heard me talk about my favourite cafe, or which of my stationary is running low. I only ever talk about those kind of things in the teacher’s lounge or when I’m on lunch duty.”
“Sherlock Holmes indeed,” Hyunjae grinned, eyes crinkling at the outer corners. “Any theories on who it is?”
You sighed, shoulder drooping. “None at all,” you confessed. “Makes me feel kind of pathetic.”
“Hey, you’re not pathetic,” Jacob denied, putting his hand on your shoulder. “A little slow? Maybe. But certainly not pathetic,” you laughed, pleased at Jacob’s attempt to make you feel better.
“Teacher Y/n!” you heard Sana’s familiar voice as she ran up to you from the playground, her best friend Emma trailing after her.
“Hi girls,” you greeted. “Are you enjoying your lunch?” the two girls nodded.
“Emma, it’s your birthday today, isn’t it?” Sangyeon recalled from your rant at recess. The girl’s eyes lit up at his question, prompting her to nod her head excitedly.
“I’m turning eight,” she told him proudly.
Sangyeon beamed at her excitement, a fond look in his eyes. “Well I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Emma. You’ll have to tell me what presents you get when you come to school tomorrow,” he asked, which she immediately agreed to.
“I will, Teacher Sangyeon!” she promised.
Suddenly impatient, Sana crossed her arms. “Teacher Y/n, is Teacher Jacob your nice friend?” she wondered, pointing to where Jacob sat across from you.
“He’s a nice teacher friend, but he’s not the one who’s leaving me gifts,” you explained to the two girls. “Why do you ask?”
“We saw him touch your shoulder,” Sana explained. “We thought that meant he was your nice friend.”
“Sadly, you have the wrong guy,” Jacob said with a shrug. “But I’m going to try to help Teacher Y/n to find out who her nice teacher friend is. You guys already did a great job at helping her,” he added. Sana and Emma looked proud at the thought before they said their goodbyes, rushing off to grab the vacant swings before anybody else did.
“They’re so cute,” Hyunjae almost whined. “Why did I decide to teach sixth grade? Those kids aren’t cute anymore, they’re just savage.”
You grinned at the idea of Hyunjae being lightheartedly bullied by his twelve-year-old students. “You adore those kids, don’t lie to me,” you retorted. “And they’re still plenty cute.”
“They’re not that cute in sixth grade,” he denied, pointing in the direction Emma and Sana went. “And they don’t look at me with big, adorable eyes, or cling on to every word I say.”
“That’s just Y/n,” Sangyeon told them, smiling to himself as he dug into lunch. “My students are just two years older, and they don’t do any of those things to me.”
“You’re being modest,” you argued. “Emma looked at you like you told her she was the most special girl in the world when you remembered her birthday.”
“Maybe because it’s her birthday,” Sangyeon allowed, looking up from his food to smile at you. “But they look at you like that every single day. And it’s not just your students, either.”
His compliment made you blush.
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The gifts started coming on a daily basis after the day you got a cup of coffee.
Almost every time you had a free period, a fresh cup of coffee would wait for you when you returned to your classroom, and sometimes baked treats from your favourite bakery would accompany it.
You tried staying in your classroom to see who your gift fairy was, but on days you stayed your admirer never came. It was almost as if they knew every move you were making; like they had heard it before or could somehow read your mind.
“Is one of you giving out my plans?” you questioned your colleagues one day.
Hyunjae simply raised an eyebrow at you. “Explain.”
So you did: “I feel like my secret admirer is always a step ahead of me,” you mumbled. “If I ever wait for them, they don’t show up, and if I send students ahead to wait in the classroom, they still don’t show up. I don’t know how they do it.”
“Maybe it’s one of us,” Jacob said, causing Sangyeon to send a small kick to his ankle as a warning. Hyunjae snorted, covering it up by pretending to cough. “Have you ever considered that?”
“I hadn’t, actually,” you realised absent-mindedly. “But if it was one of you guys then you’d just tell me.”
“Sure,” Hyunjae nodded. “Eventually.”
“Right,” you said, as if this was enough evidence to suggest it couldn’t be Hyunjae, Jacob, or Sangyeon. “So I’m back to square one.”
The bell rang, indicating the end of recess, and you stood up to go back to your classroom. “I love art class,” you sighed as you waved your goodbyes to Hyunjae and Jacob, and made your way to your classroom with Sangyeon. “It’s the only time they get to be rowdy and excited and I don’t have to make them calm down.”
Sangyeon laughed. “Sounds nice,” he agreed.
“What do you have next?” you asked.
“I’m free, actually,” Sangyeon said. “I always have a free after recess.”
“How come you’re always rushing off, then?” you wondered, since he had never sat with you in the teacher’s lounge during recess.
“I use it as my lesson-planning time, which I prefer to do in my classroom because I’m always forgetting little things that I need,” he admitted.
“Well you should hang out with me in the lounge some time,” you offered. “It has terrible coffee but I hear I’m pretty good company,” you joke, stopping at your classroom.
“I might take you up on that,” Sangyeon grinned, winking at you before he made his way to his classroom a few doors down.
You cursed yourself for feeling shy at his wink. Sure, Sangyeon was incredibly handsome. But you had enough to worry about with your secret admirer; you didn’t need a schoolgirl crush on one of your closest colleagues to top it all off.
You sighed. “Control yourself, Y/n,” you muttered to yourself, entering your classroom and starting to hand out the worksheets for the period.
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You regretted ever saying that you loved art class.
After a sugar-filled recess, your class was more hyper than you had ever seen them and there was nothing that could be done to stop them. You had attempted multiple times to get them to listen to music or talk quietly, even going as far as to threaten them with staying on after lunch time to make up for the time lost during art class. You were about to lose your patience out of pure irritation and frustration when a knock sounded on the door of your classroom.
Sangyeon’s head popped in, a look of mild concern on his face. “Y/n, is everything okay?” he asked.
“Not really,” you admitted, running a hand through your hair in an attempt to curb your oncoming headache. “They won’t calm down. I’ve tried literally everything I can think of.”
“Mind if I give it a try?” he asked, earning an enthusiastic nod and a grateful smile from you. Sangyeon let himself in and stood at the front of the room. “Hi everyone!” he greeted loudly, causing your students to start to quiet down at the sight of a new face. “Thanks for waiting to start art class until I came,” he smiled, as if he was supposed to be there all along. “I’m Teacher Sangyeon from the fourth grade class down the hall.”
“He teaches big kids,” you heard Emma whisper to her desk mate. Cute.
“Teacher Y/n was just telling me how advanced and mature her second graders are. She even thought that I could come and teach them a little bit of fourth grade art since you’re all so far ahead,” Sangyeon complimented.
Gasps rang around the room, and you couldn’t be more grateful to him in that moment. “But you guys were pretty noisy when I came in. I’m not sure if you guys are really mature enough,” he trailed off, a look of concern on his face.
“We are!” Sana exclaimed, shushing her classmates with a stern expression. “We promise we are!”
“Well...” Sangyeon pretended to think for a moment. “If you guys can promise to be calm and good listeners, maybe I can still teach you like I teach fourth grade art. But only if you’re well behaved.”
In that moment, you were almost as entranced by Sangyeon as your students were.
Sangyeon took their silence as a promise and made his way over to your whiteboard, writing down his name and a few bullet points down. Then, he began to talk about being in the fourth grade and how different things would be from the second grade. He spoke with an air of confidence and kindness that made you realise why he became a teacher, and why all of his students loved him so much.
He was patient and informative without being condescending, and he took any questions and comments happily at any given moment. Sangyeon was definitely in his element, and it made him glow with relaxed joy.
You had always thought Sangyeon was attractive, but this was on a different level. He commanded the attention of all of your students and the way he just swooped in, giving up his entire free period to help you, made your heart swell with something akin to admiration. Sangyeon had your students giggling at his cheesy comments, and you found yourself smiling along with them, just as enchanted by him as your students were.
When he was done teaching, your students looked at him in awe and their eyes were dripping with respect and admiration. He dismissed them to lunch with your approval, and you practically leapt onto him when all your students left.
“Woah, what did I do to deserve that?” he wondered, wrapping his arms around you to return your hug nonetheless.
“Saved my class, and myself from a migraine,” you replied, sighing in relief. “Thank you, Sangyeon. Really. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate this,” you acknowledged, squeezing your eyes shut to relish in the hug. Sangyeon tightened his grip on you and sighed back, butterflies fluttering around his stomach.
Maybe he should just tell you that he’s your secret admirer, he considered.
“Of course, Y/n. You know that I’m always here if you need anything,” he said instead, pulling away from your hug to offer you a genuine smile. He wasn’t ready yet.
“I do,” you agreed with a nod. “And I can help you out anytime as well. Thank you. Let me buy you coffee or something as a proper thank you,” you offered, grabbing your bag without letting him reply.
“Not everyone is as obsessed with caffeine as you are,” Sangyeon retorted, gently nudging you with his hip to tease you.
“Hey, until they start selling it in an IV bag, I’m going to have to get my caffeine the old fashion way. C’mon, coffee shop three blocks away. My treat,” you smiled hopefully, holding up your wallet to jokingly entice him.
Sangyeon broke out into a large smile, eyes shaped like crescent moons. “I would love that,” he agreed, starting to erase his notes on the whiteboard as you clapped.
You watched him. “Your handwriting is beautiful,” you complimented, seeing the letters disappear. “I feel like I’ve seen it before,” you thought aloud, wondering why it looked so familiar.
“Really?” Sangyeon said, eyes wide as he sped up his process of erasing his lettering. “Probably in the yearbook or something.”
“Probably,” you dismissed the thought with a smile. “Now let’s go get our coffee on.”
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After Sangyeon saved your art class, and your head from a brutal migraine, he started spending more time with you during your mutual free periods. Usually, you sat in silence in the teacher’s lounge as you did any grading or class prep that needed to be done, but with Sangyeon’s presence, your free periods were much more colourful and laidback.
Sangyeon had a lighthearted way about him; everything he said was assuring kind, and didn’t fail to make your heart flutter. Usually, you only ever spent time with Sangyeon when Jacob and Hyunjae were around, but being alone with Sangyeon was a different situation entirely. You had always known he was handsome and considerate, but he exuded a different kind of energy when he wasn’t surrounded by your friends.
As he sat next to you at one of the tables in the teacher’s lounge before the school day started, you couldn’t help but admire his profile; he was practically flawless. He had a long, slender nose and high cheekbones that made Sangyeon look more angular than soft. His deep brown eyes and pillow-soft lips-
“Y/n?” you snapped out of your trail of thoughts, realising that you had been blatantly staring at your coworker. Sangyeon gave you a concerned look. “You okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine!” you promised, clearing your throat and adjusting your shirt to give your hands something to do. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
The bell chimed, indicating that the school day would begin soon. You and Sangyeon stood up from your chairs and started collecting your papers. “I was just saying that I can’t stay with you during my free, I have some errands to run,” he explained, giving you a wave before he ran off to grab something from his car before class started.
You rose an eyebrow. “I don’t have a free today,” you mumbled to yourself, making your way to your classroom to start your first period class.
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Sangyeon grinned, lifting the flower bouquet in his hand to smell the fragrant flowers once more, relishing in their sweet scent. You had told him about a little flower shop nearby that you noticed the other day, but you couldn’t bring yourself to buy yourself flowers because it felt a little embarrassing. Since you had a free today, Sangyeon figured it would be the perfect time to buy you some flowers and give them to you.
Anonymously, of course.
As Sangyeon snuck past the teacher’s lounge, he saw your bag on one of the chairs and quickened his steps so that you wouldn’t spot him as he made his way to your classroom. Checking the hallway, Sangyeon entered your classroom as quietly as he could as to not alert any other classes of his presence.
As carefully as he could, Sangyeon closed the door behind him and let out a relieved sigh when it silently shut. Smiling, he turned around to put the flowers on your desk.
Only to be met with the little faces of your entire class.
Sangyeon’s mouth fell open in shock, his eyes widening simultaneously as he realised the situation.
“Teacher Sangyeon,” Emma exclaimed, waving excitedly at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, hi class,” Sangyeon greeted awkwardly, making his way towards your desk. “I’m just leaving Teacher Y/n a little surprise, that’s all.”
Minho gasped. “You’re her nice friend that’s leaving her presents!” he realised, pointing his little finger at Sangyeon.
Knowing he was caught, Sangyeon nodded, hurriedly pulling a blue post-it note from his shirt pocket and writing you a little message to go with your flowers. “Yes, I am. But I would really like it if you guys could keep it a secret between us?” he pleaded. “Since I know you guys are so mature and clever.”
He knew that appealing to seven-year-olds’ will to be grown up was a low blow, but he didn’t have much time before you would return to your class.
“Of course,” Sana nodded her head. “We’ll keep your secret. Teacher Y/n is looking for her bag, she’ll be back any minute now!”
Sangyeon thanked her for her warning, giving your students a little wave before he darted out of the classroom and rushed to his own.
That was close. And he was probably screwed.
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“Okay class, thank you so much for being patient,” you exclaimed, entering your classroom with your bag. “I’m sorry I left you guys to grab my bag but I’m so proud of you all being so mature and understanding,” you buttered up your students, feeling guilty for running around school like a mad person trying to find your bag.
“Teacher Y/n!” Minho raised his hand as far in the air as he could. “We know who your nice friend is!”
You froze in place from where you were writing on the whiteboard, knowing exactly who he was talking about. “You do?” you echoed.
“Hey,” Sana cried out. “We’re not supposed to tell!”
That’s interesting. You knew that if whoever your secret admirer was had convinced your class to keep their identity a secret, it meant that your class trusted and respected them.
“I don’t care,” Minho retorted, crossing his arms. “We’re supposed to be Sherlock Holmes and help Teacher Y/n, remember?”
You smiled; those kids were truly too cute.
“Oh,” Sana seemed to be struggling with making up her mind. “Well, I suppose you’re right. We did promise Teacher Y/n first.”
“Was my nice friend here?” you asked, spotting the bouquet of flowers on your desk, accompanied by the usual blue post-it note you received with all your gifts.
“He was,” Minho nodded. “Teacher Sangyeon came while we were waiting for you and he brought your flowers.”
Something fluttered in your stomach, excitement at the revelation of your secret admirer making your heart pound just slightly faster. “He did?” you said, so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“And he wrote you a note with a blue post-it!” Emma added. “We were right! Your nice friend is a teacher.”
You smiled, picturing Sangyeon trying to convince your students to keep his secret. He must have snuck in because he thought I had a free period, you realised. “Well, you guys are very good detectives,” you complimented. “Just like Sherlock Holmes.”
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When you dismissed your students for lunch, you couldn’t help but sit at your desk as they all filed out to admire the flowers. It was a beautiful mixture of white roses, pink peonies, and beautiful green and purple wildflowers. The post-it note must have been more rushed than usual, because it had a simple message that said he hoped you liked the flowers instead of their usual buttery, warm message of encouragement.
No wonder Sangyeon’s handwriting looked so familiar, you thought as you traced the letters on the post-it note with your pointer finger. The loops of his lettering perfectly replicated those that were written on the whiteboard when he helped you with your art class a few weeks ago.
After assigning your students their work for the last class, you couldn’t help your mind from wandering to Sangyeon, and how you should confront him about being your secret admirer. Making up your mind, you got up from your chair and plucked the flowers and post-it note from your desk before exiting your classroom and walking down the hall.
Knocking on the door of Sangyeon’s classroom, you waited patiently for him to greet you at the door. “Y/n,” his eyes lit up when he recognised that it was you. “Come in, you don’t need to knock,” Sangyeon ushered you in, opening to door for you.
“Thanks,” you smiled, stepping inside. “So, I got another gift from my admirer,” you told him, holding up the flowers. “If I can even call them an admirer.”
“Why shouldn’t they admire you,” Sangyeon said with a small shrug, moving to wipe his whiteboard.
“Say,” you began, holding up the post-it note. “This looks a lot like your handwriting.”
Sangyeon dropped the whiteboard eraser with a loud clatter, cursing quietly before apologising for the noise and going to pick it up. “Oh, um, really?” he wondered, panic rising in his chest.
“Really,” you confirmed, making your way next to him and holding up the post-it for you both to compare to the white board. “See? Your lettering is super similar,” you said, as if you didn’t already know that Sangyeon was your secret admirer.
“Huh,” Sangyeon hummed. “Weird.”
“Isn’t it?” you agreed, smiling. “These flowers are beautiful though, aren’t they?”
Feeling nervous, Sangyeon only gave you a weak smile. “As long as you think so…”
“They’re from that little flower shop I was telling you about the other day,” you told him, recognising the name of the shop on the ribbon that held the bouquet together. “Isn’t that ironic? That they got the flowers from there.”
“Well it’s only a few blocks away so I’m sure other people know about it,” Sangyeon retorted, pretending to go through the papers on his desk to act as if his heart wasn’t beating at the sound of a tuba.
“I also got coffee from my favourite cafe, pastries from my favourite bakery, and any piece of stationary that I complained to you about being low on,” you listed off the different gifts you had received.
Sangyeon opened his mouth to retort, but when he lifted his head to meet your eyes, he knew immediately that he had been caught. “You know, don’t you?” Sangyeon mumbled, red flushing the tips of his cheeks and ears.
“Minho ratted you out,” you confessed, not wanting to take credit for figuring it out.
Sangyeon laughed. “Tattle-tale,” he muttered, eyes gleaming with mischief. “So you were just having fun, teasing me as if you were figuring it all out right in front of me?”
“Hey,” you exclaimed. “I figured the handwriting thing out on my own.”
“No. I just connected the dots after Minho told on you,” you admit, shrugging your shoulders. Sangyeon chuckled, picturing your class telling on him as you lean back against his desk. “I’m glad it’s you,” you revealed, making Sangyeon smile shyly at you.
“How come?” he wondered.
“Well, you’re pretty cute,” you teased, earning an eye-roll from Sangyeon. “And you’re just… I don’t know. You’re really special. The way you interact with your students and how you never fail to give up your free time to help me, or keep me company…” you trailed off, noticing how a more serious expression fell across Sangyeon’s face. “Why didn’t you tell me that it’s you?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted it to be me,” Sangyeon said, tucking his hands into his pant pockets. “You’re one of the most loved teachers at this school, by the students and the faculty. You’re funny, and kind, and beautiful, and I thought you were out of reach.”
“I’m not out of reach,” you shook your head, moving closer to the brunet man. “Not at all.”
“And you’re really happy that it’s me?” he wondered.
“Hm,” you pretended to think. “Let me get back to you on that one,” you teased. “Yes Sangyeon, I’m really happy that it’s you.” Sangyeon beamed, pleased with your response. “That’s your cue.”
“My cue?” he asked.
“Yes, your cue,” you emphasised, trailing your hands up his chest to play with his tie. An understanding look filled his eyes and Sangyeon leant down to kiss you, closing his eyes as you felt each other’s breath against your faces.
The door to Sangyeon’s classroom opened noisily.
“Yo, we were just-“ Hyunjae’s shriek cut off Jacob’s words as the pair realised the position that you and Sangyeon were in.
“Guys, you can’t do that during school hours!” Hyunjae exclaimed, looking scandalised. “Jacob, I’ll cover your eyes and you cover mine,” he said dramatically, causing the two of them to flail about in an attempt to cover each other’s eyes with their hands.
You rolled your eyes, releasing Sangyeon’s tie and leaning back with a sigh. Sangyeon gave you a sheepish smile but cast your friends an exasperated look. “You guys are lame,” you accused.
Jacob laughed, releasing Hyunjae. “So you finally figured it out?”
“I wish. Some little tattle-tales told me all about it after catching him,” you motion to Sangyeon.
Hyunjae cackled. “Genius. C’mon, let’s get lunch. I’m starving,” he moved on quickly, uninterested in your new relationship with Sangyeon. “No kissing on school grounds, either. Let’s go,” he cheered, marching out with Jacob in tow.
You laughed, always amused by your coworkers and friends. “Let’s get lunch,” you agreed with Hyunjae, sending Sangyeon a smile.
As you moved away, Sangyeon caught your arm and gently pulled you back. “School hours are over in two periods,” he reminded you with a cheeky smile.
“Dinner?” you offered, earning a nod.
“I’d be crazy not to go,” Sangyeon exaggerated. “You’re paying, though. I’ve bought you enough food and drinks to last at least a few dinner dates,” he winked.
Laughing, you nodded, pulling him out of his classroom by his hand. “It’s a deal.”
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note: the first fic in my 2k followers celebration event is up!! i’m so excited to see what you guys think about it, please let me know and thank you again for 2,000 followers 💛🌻
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script-nef · 4 years
Mystery lady | Aizawa Shouta
Category: fluff, crack?
2.2k words; Eri has another caretaker?
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“All right, we have a surprise visitor today.” Aizawa mumbled underneath his scarf, packing the rest of his paperwork into a pile. “Don’t be annoying and suffocate her.” Heads swivelled as the large door slowly creaked open to reveal the small and adorable guest.
“Eri-chan?” Midoriya shot up from his seat, eyes popping out of his head. Others followed suit, squealing at her cute attire. Aizawa lifted her up and placed her on his desk, patting her head.
“She’s available to stay with us for about an hour, or until her caretaker comes.” Everyone—well, nearly everyone—crowded over Eri, eager to talk to her. The last time they saw her was months ago, after all. Aizawa would only give small slivers of information like “she went to the hospital today” or “she’s fine, stop asking” after the students pestered him. It was only when Iida interrupted, concerned for her personal space, that they stepped back a bit.
“Ah, I have to get some forms from the staff room… Look after her for a moment. You are going to be heroes.” With that, the teacher slid out of the room with his yellow sleeping bag in tow. After he left, all attention was directed to Eri.
“It’s been ages since we last saw you! How are you, is everything okay?”
“How’s it like living with Aizawa-sensei? Is he kind? Is he taking good care of you?” They took turns asking, giving her some snacks. Watching her face light up melted their hearts.
“Yep! He asks me a lot if I’m okay and gives me sweets! He once gave me this really bitter one and laughed when I spat it out. It was a really weird but funny grin.” The class couldn’t really imagine their apathetic teacher giving anyone any other type of a smile. The same one which scared them down to their bones.
Others chimed in with their questions, ranging from “Have you gone to any other places?” to “Have you found any other foods you like?” or “Are you going to school now?” Eri answered all of them with a bright smile. 
It made Midoriya almost tear up, how her attitude and personality changed from the moment they saved her from Overhaul’s grasp. He knew his influence over her wasn’t completely gone, but it was steadily disappearing, and nothing brought him greater joy than that.
“Wait, but… where do you go when Aizawa-sensei teaches us? Surely he doesn’t just leave you alone in the faculty’s dorm?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, fingers sifting through Eri’s silver locks. When Eri looked back at her in puzzlement, she replied with “that’s a fancy word for teachers.”
“Oh, [Name] looks after me.” The class looked quizzically at her, heads tilted in curiosity. 
“[Name]! She lives with us, and she’s so kind and the best. She always wakes me up with fireflies and it’s so pretty!” Everyone stopped at that. 
“...And is she like, our age, or…?”
“No? She’s an adult.”
Sparks flew around in the students’ minds as they tried to connect the dots. 
Aizawa-sensei lives in the faculty dorms in the Heights Alliance. Eri-chan lives with him. This mystery person lives with Eri-chan. Therefore, she must be living with our teacher. Aizawa-sensei is living with another adult, a female, no less. What the hell?
They murmured amongst each other, trying to speculate how this was possible. Eri stared in confusion. “Why are you whispering?”
“Eri-chan, when you say ‘lives with us’, did you mean like she moved in when you moved in or she was living with Aizawa-sensei before you came?”
“She moved into the dorms after I came.” The students nodded, saying how it would be unusual for the antisocial teacher to voluntarily live with anyone. Or for anyone to agree to the arrangement. “But she told me she was living with him before he came into the dorms. She complained about it a lot, how she had to travel every day just to see him. She’s happier now!”
This made them stop again. But in an attempt to stop interrogating her about this mysterious lady and focus on Eri herself, Kirishima steered the conversation.
“Uh, so what do you do all day?”
“[Name] is an artist, but she said she was also a teacher. I’m being homeschooled by her, but it’s so fun! And she always makes cakes and candy apples as a well-done reward. Then we take naps, watch TV and then eat dinner when Aizawa-san comes back. We sometimes go to the park and have picnics. She drew me a rabbit to play with on the grass and it came to life. It was so cute!”
Eri’s bubbly and enthusiastic voice made everyone coo at her adorableness. After sitting in countless non-hero lessons, she was like a ray of sunshine which brightened up their day. They didn’t know who this lady was, but she was apparently taking incredibly good care of their “little sister”.
“You must really like her then! She sounds like a lovely person.” Uraraka wiped the smudge of chocolate off Eri’s cheek, pinching it lightly in the process.
“Yep! She’s really lovely and hugs me a lot. Sometimes she calls Aizawa-san over and we cuddle for hours while watching movies!” This was the sentence which absolutely broke everyone’s brain. They stared dumbfoundedly at her confused face until one of them regained their ability to speak. Now that she said that, there was no way they could skip past this person.
 “Can you… tell us more about [Name]? Especially about her and Aizawa-sensei?”
“Um, well…”
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“Wow, I am lost. My lack of sense of direction never ceases to amaze me… that’s the third time I’ve walked past the Nurse’s Office. Hm, not worrying at all, I’m perfectly fine.” A breath of fatigue and annoyance slipped out as you made a right, even though that’s what you did last time. “Ah yes, all around me are familiar signs, but no faces. If only the song could come true.”
The empty corridors were being filled with your muttering until you stopped in your tracks. “Wait a second, she’s in 1-A. Which means it would be on the second floor since the first would be the teacher’s lounges and whatnot. I need to go upstairs. Ugh, why didn’t I think this 10 minutes ago?” A pause. “It’s because I don’t use my two withering brain cells.”
Even on the second floor, you found yourself lost. Another 10 minutes would have been wasted trying to gauge your location if it weren’t for the loud squeals and shouts exploding out of a room. That fits the description Shouta gave. Energetic and no regards for the eardrums of anyone nearby, especially ones trying to sleep.
As you came closer, individual voices could be heard.
“Aizawa-sensei did that? I can’t believe it!”
“He doesn’t seem like a romantic type at all. I should believe the sky is collapsing before this.”
“He does it all the time, every single day. Ah, that’s her! [Name]!” Slipping into the classroom and nodding to the students, you carefully embraced the small child and held her up in your arms. The weight of her body on your arms and her arms around your neck immediately calmed your heart rate down. 
“Oh thank goodness I found you, I had no idea where I was! I swear I’m worse than Zoro when it comes to finding my way around.”
“Who’s Zoro?”
“Uhm, a fictional character you don’t need to worry about. You’re too young for One Piece.” Eri nodded with a smile and pulled at your sleeve. “Yes, dear?”
“[Name], they’re all Aizawa-san’s students! They’re so nice!”
“Yes, Grumpy told us about them, right? The band of misfits who he loves very much even though he never said it out loud or sometimes says the complete opposite. Remember how he said ‘I would rather drink an entire bottle of balsamic vinegar than go to another class’ yesterday but still woke up at 6? He’s such a tsundere.”
“He doesn’t like it when you call him that.” 
“What, Grumpy? No, he loves it, I can tell. I’m psychic.”
“I can read what other people think. It’s my Quirk.”
“Isn’t your Quirk Piggy?”
“...I have two quirks? No, that doesn’t make sense. Alright, you got me, I’m lying. And it’s Pygmalion, remember? Piggy is cute but very misleading.”
The students watched the light banter between you and Eri, eyes shifting to whoever was speaking. A lightbulb went off in Sero’s head which stopped the conversation. 
“Wait, I’ve seen you around before! You’re in the cafeteria every night!” Your attention changed to the boy, and the gaggle of wide-eyed children, at that. 
“Oh, I thought I was sneaky enough. Guess not. Okay, hello everyone! I’m [Surname] [Name], and I’m taking care of Eri along with that grouch you call a teacher in the faculty’s dorms. I’m not a suspicious person, I have all of my credentials and papers. And this little lady has a maths test to start!” Eri squealed and attempted to wriggle out of your arms at that, determined to escape. She slipped off and hid behind Midoriya, sticking her tongue out at you.
“I want to stay here!” You crouched down to her eye level, trying to reason with her. It was hard to say no since she barely asks for anything, and you never wanted to stop her from experiencing the outside world.
“Sweetie, these students must have their classwork to do and we might be disturbing them. And we don’t want to do that, ri—”
“Actually!” Kaminari cut in. “Sorry for interrupting, but we have absolutely no work right now!” Iida attempted to say “Yes we do.” but was smothered into silence by Ashido. “We have all the time in the world to talk to Eri-chan!” Her head spun to yours at that, large puppy-dog eyes fluttering with clasped hands. This was a move you tried to ban in the house because it instantly made you weak. 
“Alright then… If we’re not disrupting you guys, then I don’t see the harm. I’ll be sitting here, just to keep an eye out for our little miss. Don’t mind me.” Making yourself comfortable, you whipped out a novel from your bag and started reading. Although, the session lasted for only 2 minutes since the lack of rambunctious noise made you look up to 21 pairs of eyes staring back at you. “Can I… help you?”
“Miss, you live with Eri-chan, right?”
“Yes. Also, just call me [Name]. Yobisute is fine, don’t be so distant!”
“Ah, right. So you live with Aizawa-sensei.”
“Yup! You guys have it hard, having Grumpy for a teacher. Although I shouldn’t be the one saying that, seeing how I’ve been going out with him for the past… 3 years? Wow, time flies.” Screams of “What?” and “He’s dating someone?” filled the room. “Ah, so he didn’t mention me, huh? Typical Grumpy.”
“What do you see in him?” Todoroki’s voice cut through the chatter. Midoriya shrieked and explained to the bichrome boy how that has an offensive meaning. “Oh, I see. Sorry.” You laughed at the boy’s lack of social understanding.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I do want to get back at him, though. You guys want to hear about all the things he did with me over the years?” 21 heads nodded. “Well then, sit down and storytime will begin.”
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Aizawa was looking at hell. Or at least a perfect replication of it in his homeroom class. You, standing in his spot and recounting everything he’s ever done with you, and his students, looking like they were practically engraving your words into their brains.
“What are you doing?” The children shrieked at his appearance. The fact that they didn’t realise he was there until he spoke up made Aizawa mentally note to increase their schoolwork in perception. It’s vital in Hero work, after all. You, on the other hand, aren’t even phased.
“What’s up, Mr Grinch? You somehow look more tired than this morning, what an accomplishment in uh… 8 hours.” He flicked your forehead for that, ignoring your yelp of pain. “This is a terrible way to treat your girlfriend!”
“And yet you haven’t broken up with me.” His students squealed and whistled at his comment. Acts which stopped as soon as he glared at them. “I’m back now, you said Eri needs to do her maths test.” He picked up the little girl from his desk and placed her on your folded arms, making sure she’s stable before letting go. 
“Alright, alright, we’re going. Did you guys have fun?” A chorus of “Yes!” nearly blasted yours and his eardrums off. Eri was saved thanks to Aizawa’s quick reflexes. He clasped his hands over her ears just in time. “Nice! Okay, we have to go now. Bye guys!” Another chorus of “Bye [Name]!” echoed. 
Your boyfriend followed you out of the classroom, patting Eri’s head while shooing you off. “I don’t have night patrol today.”
“That’s great! I bought some cake from that bakery around the corner. Brave through the day and come back to me in one piece, okay?” Your lips connected to his but he immediately pulled back at the screams from behind him. Nearly every single student had their face peeking out of the room, eyes glittering. “Oh oops.”
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daebakinc · 3 years
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Pairing: Sunggyu x Reader (G) Prompt: Ghost Word Count: 1.4K
~Admin V
             You used to think of yourself as being good at math. In high school you were asked to tutor students before exams. You even got to skip finals because your average was above 90%. But now you were in university and you found out you were not good at math.
             Maybe it was that you didn’t have class everyday like in high school or that you were expected to read the math textbook on your own and understand it. Whatever the case, where you used to bring home As you were now getting Cs, and that was only because you turned in homework and participated. When the homework was returned to you, it was full of mistakes and marked up.
             You didn’t have any friends in class, so you couldn’t have a study buddy. It was also unfortunate that tutoring times were during your class and work schedule. You just hoped you’d be able to retain enough formulas to help you pass the final so you would never have to take math again.
             You sat in your dorm’s common room with your book open, half hoping someone would see your pathetic attempt at studying and come save you. No one did.
             You’d erased the problem you were working on so many times, that as your eraser skidded across the paper this round, it ripped it. Out of anger you balled up the paper and threw it at the wall.
             A shower. That would give you some reprieve from this hideousness. Maybe after you would have a clearer mind. You left your book with notebook inside on the table. If someone wanted to steal it, at least you’d have an excuse for not doing it.
             You took extra time, washing your hair, exfoliating, just standing under the hot water, anything to delay the inevitable.
             You dragged your feet back to your room and put on pjs before going back to the common room. You took a deep breath to brace yourself for what would take you the next few hours.
             When you opened your book, you were confused. On your notebook were all the problems set up. Then, the problems were mostly solved out. All that was missing was the final step and the answer.
             You looked around. Who helped you? You looked at your notebook again. Whoever helped you was very smart. They broke down the problems in more steps than what the professor showed you. It made it so much easier to solve. You were able to complete the homework in no time.
             “Thank you!” you called out when you finished. You skipped happily back to your room. You’d actually be able to get some sleep tonight.
              The next week, math went smoother because you were able to use the new breakdown to solve the new problems given. The following week was a different story, however. Once again, your professor expected you to read and understand the textbook to know how to solve these new equations and memorize the different formulas.
             You found yourself once again in the common room, waiting for someone to help, or at least the person who helped you last time to reveal themselves. No one came.
             You sighed. You closed up your book and notebook and left them on the table again. You needed a break, so walked back to your room to make some ramen. Maybe food would help you focus and think.
             Again, you took your time to savor every noodle. You even sipped the broth slowly. Too soon it was time to go back to your math homework.
             You groaned as you sat down on the lumpy sofa. You opened up all your books ready to work. You gasped. Someone helped you once more! The formulas were written down clearer and equations broken down more simply. You just needed to finish solving them like last time.
             This time when you finished, you took a leaf of paper from your note book and left a note on the table. Thank you, Mystery Math Wiz!
              The next day you walked in the common room to see if anyone responded to your note. Unhelpfully, there were a few responses. You’re welcome. No problem, my good bitch. Fuck math. There were also a few uncreative penis drawings. You threw out the note then decided to try something different later that night.
           After midnight you went back with your math book and notebook. You left them closed as you had previously then went back to you room and slept for the night. When you woke the next morning, you hurried to your math book. You pulled out your notebook and sat on the lumpy couch.
           First on the note was the message you left:
           Dear Mystery Math Wiz,
           Thank you for helping me with the math homework. Do you like cookies? Tell me your favorite and I’ll make you some to return the favor!
           Then, to your happy surprise, there was a response.
           Dear Mathematically Impaired,
           I just couldn’t take the torture of watching you countlessly butcher equation after equation. I don’t eat. Just leave your supplies next time you need help.
           It wasn’t in the realm of what you expected. Couldn’t take the torture of watching you . . . Where were they watching you? It was normally empty in the commons when you did the homework. Now you were a little creeped out. And then the, I don’t eat. Everyone eats. Maybe they just meant no cookies. You didn’t dwell on it too long. Regardless of the strange response, they had helped you with the impossible. And at least they didn’t draw a penis.
           A couple more weeks passed. You left your books in the common room with your notebook as suggested. You left another note as well. After working on art history homework you came out to see if MMW had been to help.
           Success! They organized how to do the new assignments. You looked at the note you left.
           Math Wiz,
           I am infinitely grateful for your math help. Is there anything I can do to repay you? We have a big test coming up. Would you be open to meeting in person for some tutoring? I’m okay with meeting late since that seems to be when you have time.
The Response:
           Math Impaired,
           Really, just seeing the math done correctly is thanks enough. I don’t think meeting will be possible. Just leave tabs and circle the things you need help with. Think of it as me studying with you in spirit.
           The notes and math help continued for the rest of the semester. All that was left now was the final exam. Because of the Mystery Math Wiz, you actually felt prepared.
           You sat in the common room writing a farewell note to them.
           Math Wiz,
           The final is tomorrow. Wish me luck! Thanks to you I think I actually stand a change of pulling a decent grade. It’s funny though. I’m happy math is ending, but I’m sad I won’t have this fun communication with you anymore. Are you sure you can’t meet up? I’d like to think we could be great friends. . .
           “Hi, are you okay?”
           You looked up mid-sentence. A very handsome, but very pale guy stood in front of you. He had a kind of charm, despite his out of fashion clothes.
           You closed your notebook. “Uh, hi. Yeah, I’m okay?”
           The guy chuckled at your confusion. “Sorry. You just looked sad.” He sat down in the chair next to the couch.
           “Ah. I guess I am. I’m sort of writing a goodbye letter.”
           He looked at you curiously then looked at your math book. “A sad goodbye letter to math?” He smiled.
           You smiled back. “No, that is a happy goodbye. There’s a friend who helped me study, but now that math is ending I don’t think we’ll be in contact anymore.”
           “Ah. Well I’m sure it’s nothing to do with you. School life can be busy.”
           You crinkled your forehead. “I guess. I just really wanted to show them how thankful I am. They were a real life saver. I just know we would’ve been great friends, if they’d given it a shot.”
           “Maybe you would’ve if things were different.”
           How vague. “Who did you say you were again?”
           He smiled again. “I’m Sunggyu.”
           You returned his grin and introduced yourself.
           “Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I’m sure your Mystery Math Wiz knows how much you appreciated the help. You don’t seem too mathematically impaired anymore.”
           “Yeah, you’re right.”
           Sunggyu nodded and got up.
           “Hey,” you called after him. “Maybe I’ll see you around?”
           He turned and smiled once more. “Not likely.”
           That threw you. You looked back to your notebook. What an odd response. But . . . did he say Mystery Math Wiz? Was he . . .
           “Sunggyu!” You looked at where he just stood, but no one was there.
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
We're In This Together [Pico's School AU] Chapter 1 - New Kid
Pico let out a loud, droned out groan at the kitchen table. He hated school so bad, just thinking about having to go made him wanna bash his skull into a brick wall. "Boy if you don't shut all that noise up and eat your cereal." Darnell's mother, Clarissa, snapped from the sink. Darnell choked a little bit on his cinnamon toast crunch, and Pico pouted, lowering his head over his half eaten bowl of Cap'n crunch.
"What, did you remember we had a test today or something?" Darnell asked him. PIco's eyes damn there bulged from his sockets, and he dropped his spoon dramatically. "We have a test today??" He breathed, and Darnell snorted again. "No, I was asking you if you knew." Pico huffed in response, slouching in his chair. The only thing that could make this Tuesday worse would be a test. At least he didn't have that. This asshole scared him.
Well not scared, startled.
two very different things.
Darnell got up from his seat, grabbing his bowl and Pico's to give to give his mother, mouthing "You owe me." To the ginger. Pico let out Thankful hum, then got up as well. He'd return the favor by bringing his his backpack to the front for him when he went back to grab his own. It was still morning. They weren't even in school yet. This day was gonna take forever..
Darnell and Pico were on time today, finally. Nene stood by the staircase, chatting with some red haired girl they've never seen. Now this girl, Pico damn there fell head over heels instantly. She was wearing a cute little jumper, a bright red shirt under the suspenders. She had on little red boots, and her hair was up in a ponytail. Her skin was a nice, soft peach color, and she even had a natural blush??
Darnell and Pico looked at each other, the other seeming to have noticed her natural beauty as well. "I call dibs."
"What? You don't call dibs on a person asshole!" Darnell pushed him, but that only propelled the boy forward, enough to make a complete fucking fool of himself. He tripped over his own foot as he took a step forward, falling face first into the pavement right in front of the girl's feet. "Pico! What the fuck!" Nene barked, but stopped when the girl in front of them gasped softly. "Oh no, are you okay?" She lifted him by his arm, resisting the urge to giggle at his dumbstruck face.
Pico stared at her for a moment, then his eyes lidded, and he lowered his voice. "Hey.." He tried to sound smooth, but a deep voice just wasn't going for him right now. She giggled, and helped him up. "Oh gosh, your nose is bleeding. Do you wanna go to the nurse?" She pulled a tissue from her pocket and held it to his nose. His face was red as a bitch, and he knew it. "No! I can handle it! I've been through worse!" He sniggered, but took the tissue.
"Sorry for this dumbass causing trouble." Darnell walked up to the three, pushing past the ginger, who only cried out "Hey!" He took his victory though. She thought he was funny. "No, it's fine. It's kinda cute." She admitted sheepishly. "I guess you would have to meet these two idiots at some point." Nene grumbled. What, did she not want them to meet this mystery girl? Selfish! "This is Darnell. He burns stuff." She pointed to the brown skinned male, who waved awkwardly. "And this is Pico. He breaks stuff." She pointed at he who stared the girl down so hard, his bleeding nose seemed to mean something else at some point.
"Like his nose?"
"Exactly! Like his nose!" Nene giggled, and Pico glared at her. "I don't break my nose that often!" He growled at her, puffing his cheeks. "You don't seem to be proving that right now." Pico almost tackled her, but paused when the other girl started talking again. "You guys can call me Gigi. I'm in Mr. Lawrence's class." She then introduced herself. God her voice was like lying on a bed of flowers..
"Well it's nice to meet you Gigi! Hope we can hang out and Nene doesn't hog you all to herself." Darnell spoke the last few words through grit teeth, and Nene huffed irritably. She probably would have hogged her all to herself if they were late again.
"Speaking of class, we should get going before we're late. Again." Darnell grabbed Nene by the arm, who cried out in protest, then grabbed Pico's arm. Gigi waved as the two were dragged off, kicking and cursing the shit out of their buddy. Pico wouldn't be done with her..
They did have a test today.
Pico groaned loudly and slammed his head on his desk at the announcement. Darnell poked his head over, laughing a little at how dramatic he was. "At least it's a test." He tried to reassure him. "Man you know I'm shit at Math." Pico grumbled back, his angry little pout returning for the umpteenth time today.
"Now, now, settle down." Mrs. Fee began to speak, thankfully quieting the class. They were giving Pico a fucking headache. "We have a new student joining our homeroom today."
"Oooooh, hope it's another girl." Darnell nudged Pico's leg with his own. Yeah right, Pico didn't need another girl. That other one has already chosen him.
Is what he would have said if he wasn't looking the new kid dead in the face.
It wasn't a girl, no. It was a boy. His hair was a bright blue, almost nauseating to look at, sure, but his eyes took away from that. He couldn't tell if they had color, from where he was sitting. they were dark, but the confident little smirk on his face spoke for them. His skin was pale, but not as much as Pico's. A comfortable milky white.
He was short as fuck, it almost made him laugh. He pretty much looked like he was nine or something. He could already tell it suits him though.. He had a nice style to him, baggy jeans and a white tee shirt with a red circle with a line through it, messily painted on. Or maybe it was supposed to look like that.
"Beep!" The entire class seemed taken aback when he spoke. "Um.. Can you use.. words?" Mrs. Fee visibly began to sweat nervously. He must have been speaking like this for a while. "Boop bep!" He chirped to her in response, his hands comfortably tucked away in his pockets.
He was.. kinda cute..
"Well, class.. this is uh.. our new student.. I'm sure you'll learn his name.. eventually." Mrs. Fee laughed nervously, rubbing her hands together as the strange boy eagerly made his way to the nearest open seat, hopping up just a small bit to sit down on it. He kicked his legs as he began to pull his supplies out of his backpack. How unlucky for him to be shipped in on a test day. Bah, lucky bastard probably won't have to take it.
"Looks like we got a new freak to add to the codex, huh?" Darnell leaned over and joked lightly. Pico scoffed. "You don't know that, he could be cool.." he mumbled the last part under his breath. "You don't even know him and you're defending him? You must have caught feelings." Nene giggled childishly. "Yo, really? Man, you're lookin' desperate. First the girl from earlier, now him?" Darnell teased him as well, and Pico's face flushed red. "No you ass fuckers!" He seethed quietly.
"Ewwwwwwwww~" His friends cooed to each other, sniggering like little kids, which technically they are, but that's not the point! The point is he's about to bite both of hem!
"Shut the fuck up.." Pico put his head on his desk, covering it with his arms. Later he found out he was right. That little blue haired midget didn't have to take the test since he just got there. Meanwhile he's left to suffer.
Boring test stuff, blah blah, Pico got a C, Darnell and Nene got an easy A, and they tease him, yeah yeah. Once they walk outside those doors he's gonna punch the shit outta both of them.
And he did.
"Ow!! Why didn't you just do it in the classroom!?" Darnell rubbed his arm in front of his locker, and Nene rubbed hers. "Because I didn't feel like getting yelled at again, fuck off." Pico retorted bitterly. He hadn't been able to stop looking at the guy. He watched him walk down the hall, holding his backpack to his chest. He was so cute and small, he wanted to hold him..
Wait.. Where'd he go?
His eyes swept across the crowd for a sign of the little guy. He disappeared. Gone with the wind. What a ninja. "I'll be back." The ginger lightly patted Darnell's arm, and he made a face. "From where??" He called out, but Pico didn't answer. He kept walking, moving down the hall quickly, pushing past other students to get where he needed to.
There he was, sitting at a picnic table outside. He pulled out a phone to do.. whatever the fuck he was doing. Pico would admit, he's hella interested in this beep boopin' fella.
"Yo, uh.." Pico started, having slowly approached the table. The small boy jumped with a gasp, then turned to look at Pico, his cheeks flushing slightly red in embarrassment. "Woah, didn't mean to scare ya." Pico laughed a little, and the boy pouted. "Beep boop.." He mumbled in response. Pico tilted his head. "That a new language I never heard of?" He asked him. He shook his head.
"Beep bop."
"So you just.. say it just to say it..?"
"That sounded like "yep" so I'll take that answer."
The strange boy giggled a little. It seemed he was right anyway. "I'm uh.. Pico, by the way. You got a name?"
"Is.. That another noise or is your name Bee?"
The smaller puffed one of his cheeks in frustration. Well.. Pico could be patient, it's okay. It was still super weird though. "Bee." He said again. "Bee, gotcha. Cute." Pico snurked a bit to himself, and the other's cheeks flushed once more. "Well, we still have class.. uh.. I have History next, you?" Bee nodded. Wow, what a coincidence. "Well come on you dip, we'll be late." He urged him. Bee puffed his cheek again, but gathered his stuff, quickly typing on his little phone before putting it away.
Pico had started walking to the doors again, and turned around to see Bee scurrying after him. He must have been real clumsy or something, more so than Pico. Great, he had another person to laugh at other than himself when they fell.
Pico learned a lot a lot about Bee in History. Funnily enough, they sat by each other It didn't seem like he had any friends, or knew anyone at all. Good thing he met him first. Any other asshole to put their hands on him would have tainted him immediately. Of course Pico would be the best first-friend this kid would have.
Bee wasn't very talkative, but man he was doing everything but the work. It's like he couldn't focus for more than a minute before spacing out again, and by then they've moved to the next slides. Then he would ask to copy off Pico's notes. He respected the hustle, but jeez, not a single page on his own?
The next class he had with him was P.E. This kid was not very athletic.. At all. His shoes managed to be untied half the time, so he couldn't even run around outside if he wanted to. He watched him fall flat on his face twice now. Twice. In the span of five minutes. Pico, Nene, and Darnell met back up P.E, so he was hanging with them under a tree. He couldn't leave the awkward goofball by himself though.
"That's.. kinda sad.." Darnell murmured as he watched the boy fall for the third time ten minutes later. "I'ma go get him." Pico sighed lightly. Nene and Darnell didn't have time to stop him before he jogged over to him. Apparently some of the girls thought it would be funny to laugh at him. Surprisingly, Bee was laughing too. Maybe he didn't know they were laughing at him. "Bee!" The ginger called, and he looked up from the grass.
The girls damn there scattered when they saw Pico. He had a bit of a destructive reputation. His father was proud. "Come on, can I take you to some of my friends? They're cool, I promise." He offered a hand to help him up. "Beep!" Bee thankfully took it. Still with the bobbity bops? They've at least spoken for a whole day at this point. Is this not how romantic comedies work?
Pico led him over to the duo, who watched nervously. They were prepared to laugh if the little dude fell over again. Pico couldn't blame them. He was too.
"Nene, Darnell, this is Bee. He still beeps."
"Beep boop!"
Darnell seemed astonished, probably getting the urge to write down notes or something. "Do you speak english?" Nene asked him awkwardly. She probably didn't want to ask that, knowing full well sometimes people ask her the same shit. Kids were stupid. Bee nodded, and it made her more confused. "You.. Then.. the beeping.." She trailed off, and Bee simply gave her a knowing smirk. He seemed to do that a lot.
"Just call him Bee. Also dude tie your fucking shoes." Pico elbowed the smaller in the arm, going back over to sit by Darnell, who was now watching the boy intensely for his next words. "Skdoo bep.." Bee laughed sheepishly, bending over to do so. That's a new sound. Skdoo. Hah, funny. "Is it like.. your own way to communicate because you don't wanna speak english?" Darnell suddenly asked, which made Bee gasp and shoot up, completely forgetting about his shoes. "Beep! Boop Beep!" He pointed at the brown skinned boy and nodded.
"THAT MAKES EVEN LESS SENSE!" Nene cried out exasperatedly, tugging at her hair in despair. She had a point there. It would make it easier for everyone else if he would just talk in a way they could understand. However, if he didn't want to, he didn't have to. Plus Pico liked the sound it made. It was kinda.. musical.
"Wait, are you holding a microphone? Where did that even come from?" Pico suddenly pointed out. Bee turned around, pushing his hands against his pants and into the back pocket. Those were some.. deep ass pockets. Maybe that's why he wore baggy pants.. To sneak that in there. "You like to sing?" Darnell asked curiously. The boy nodded vigorously. The three seemed to lean to attention, waiting for him to do something.
Bee blinked, but seemed to get the memo after another moment of silence. He gave his little smirk, then cleared his throat. Much to the group's disappointment, what came out weren't words, just more.. unintelligible noises, however that changed when they heard how he sounded. The noises made a little melody together, to the sound of a show they would all watch at three in the morning. It sounded... Good?? Not the best but he was just a kid after all.
"Wow that was really pretty!" Nene gushed lightly, causing Bee to blush a little. He had hella confidence, it was admirable. "You might just become a singer in the future if you keep working at it." Pico sniggered lightly. That must have been a genuine compliment to Bee, since he gently kicked the dirt and looked down with his hands behind his back. "We're gonna need to hear more from you." Nene then demanded. Bee nodded eagerly, and started the next song he had in mind.
He had sang to them for the rest of P.E. It put Pico to sleep, so he was startled when Bee woke him up. He had looked up to see students retreating back inside, and was urged to follow by his friends.
Just like the day before, Pico, Nene, and Darnell were walking home together. Bee was a rider, meaning his parents or whoever came to pick him up. It was a regular routine, the three stopping by the park, hijacking the playground, and hanging around.
Pico relaxed on his favorite spot near the slide, watching Nene play on the monkey bars, and Darnell sat by him after getting off the swings. "Things are weird." Pico suddenly spoke up, which seemed to startle Darnell. "What do you mean?"
"It feels like something is gonna happen."
"Gee, did I scare you with the warzone talk?"
"No, dumbass!" Pico socked Darnell's shoulder, who lightly laughed at him. "It felt like.. something was following us yesterday."
"Now you're really paranoid." Darnell sucked air through his teeth. "I'm not! I saw something! What if... I mean.. I'm not scared. I can handle anything.." Pico rolled his eyes. He knew he was the shit, no one needed to make him second guess that. "Come on, let's go home before it gets dark again. Someone is afraid of the dark." Darnell called to Nene, a smug look on his face as he looked back to Pico. "Shut the hell up!" Pico huffed loudly, damn there launching himself off the play set. They were gonna tease him about this forever. Whatever, he knew what he saw. He just wasn't scared of it.
Later that night he texted his dads to stay safe, but at the same time protect the city like they always do. His father, of course, sent a kitten gif that said "best son" at the bottom. He laughed quietly under his blanket, but quickly turned off his phone and pretended to be asleep when Clarissa opened their bedroom door, poking her head in. "Night boys." Her voice was gentle, and Pico found himself smiling a little. Yeah. Everything was fine.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
BSD x university au hc’s | pt. 1
hi i am an absolute slut for university au’s in case you couldn’t tell so i just had to write some for my first BSD post. also this is going to be slightly ooc because i am a crackhead
check out pt. 2 here
Atsushi Nakajima:
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he’s definitely the kind of guy who still had no idea what he’d take up in university even after he was accepted 
either wants to not major in anything at all or just major in everything because he’s also scared that he’ll eventually not like what he’s majoring in
so for his first two years you’d probably find him jumping around different classes 
also he still calls the professors ‘teacher ____’ like a high school student and everyone laughs but thinks its cute
eventually, because of his *cough cough* traumatic childhood he decided he wanted to help children by becoming a guidance counselor
he ends up taking Child Psychology and bOY does he love it so much
well he actually just loves all of his classes because Learning is Fun
although because of his *cough cough* traumatic childhood he’s the one in class that people are all like 👀👀
atsushi: *talking about children’s responses to fear and emotional abuse by talking about his own emotional abuse*
the professor, under their breath: wait, do you need help?? 
i can definitely see atsushi as a Roommate of the Year kind of guy. he’s just so polite and tidy with his room. also he’d definitely be the type to take care of plants inside the dorm room and put them on the windowsill
in terms of extracurricular activities, he’s definitely a sporty type of person so i can see him joining a varsity (something like Frisbee because he likes things that go whoooosh) but he’d probably join a student org that does stuff like community outreach
because of all this, he is a Very Busy Boy but his friends do manage to drag him out to parties once in a while
although atsushi would probably sit in a corner and drink only one beer for the entire night 
he’s notorious for helping drunk people though. most of the time he’ll be putting blankets on people and making them drink water
if he knew how to drive he’d definitely be the designated driver
Akiko Yosano:
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omg i’m so excited for this i love yosano so much 
she’s the friend who’s just effortlessly awesome all around and a fricking MED STUDENT to top it all off
she gets a bit too excited when it’s dissection time but it’s alright she has good intentions 
probably the only one in your class who doesn’t go and throw up whenever a cadaver is being used (actually do they still use cadavers i have absolutely no idea)
she also interns at the local hospital as part of her degree program but OMG yosano will not stop telling disgusting stories about the patients she’s had
everyone: *eating lunch peacefully in the dining hall*
yosano: so i pulled a guy’s toe out of a meat grinder this morning
everyone: sHUT UP
for some reason she still has a social life despite being a med student and it’s one of the mysteries of life i guess
yosano LOVES going out clubbing on friday nights. if you have the fortune of being her roommate, be prepared for make-overs and being dragged with her out to the city
she’s such a social butterfly like at every bar you go to, the bartender knows her name and her regular order. she’d probably end the night befriending a couple more people
also she’s amazing at karaoke i kid you not
as for extracurricular life, i don’t think yosano’s the type to join an org that’s related to her major cause like ‘what’s the point?’
instead, she’d probably go wherever her friends are because to her, she’ll enjoy any activity as long as she’s with people she loves
but when it comes to her own interests, i can definitely see yosano as someone who loves the outdoors, especially hiking after having to be cooped up inside clinics
it just makes her love and appreciate the value of life more
Kunikida Doppo:
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ok, i KNOW he was a math teacher before he joined the ADA bUT i can’t help but think of him as a political science major ??
i can definitely imagine kunikida as someone who’d want to become a lawyer someday and would take political science as a pre-law
he does like the idea of following in the footsteps of great men but omg kunikida would absolutely hate the exclusivity of white, male political theorists
he is such a good student except for when his professor has some sketchy values then kunikida will !! fight him !! every !! chance !! he gets !!
raises his hand constantly to contradict his professor if they even tRY to defend thomas hobbes and authoritarianism
but other than that he’s probably the most diligent student out there. kunikida genuinely enjoys doing the readings for class and writing essays
also has such a balanced schedule that he can make time for anything and everything
except for when his friends dazai drag him out to parties and get a social life
despite how rigid he is, kunikida has absolutely no problem helping out others with learning. he often holds study sessions in his dorm room or in the library before exams
he also likes to volunteer in tutorial centers because he’s just like that
OH OH some of his ‘students’ suggested that he make crash-course type videos for political science and it took some convincing but eventually kunikida decided to go for it
he’s not the most tech savvy or photogenic person so it took some time for him to get used to things but after seeing all the comments from people who benefited from it, he decided to continue with his crash course videos
whether or not he’s the best or worst roommate is completely up to you. if you like someone who’ll basically micromanage your life from your daily schedule to your study habits, you’ll absolutely love him
he doesn’t like to go out for parties that much but he will if his friends convince him enough (kunikida’s an utter lightweight when it comes to drinking though)
Osamu Dazai: 
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i genuinely have a hard time thinking about what this guy’s major would be and tbh even his friends have been wondering what dazai’s major was for TWO YEARS
that’s because he keeps taking the most random ass classes like Basic Pottery or Intro to Molecular Biology in the same semester
idk how he even plans to graduate at this point
although to be honest, i can definitely see him as a philosophy major despite the fact that i LOATHE every male classmate i’ve had who’s a philosophy major (idk they’re always so condescending)
i feel like dazai’s just taking that because it’s somewhat challenging for him but to him, university life is just more of crazy experiences rather than learning
and oh my god has he gotten up to the weirdest shit
the number of times he had to climb gates or sleep on benches at three a.m. is too many to count
dazai also loves volunteering for random things like people’s thesis projects (once, he offered to be a snake venom tester to a bio student and they told him that was illegal) or even being the school’s mascot in games
also he and kunikida probably met each other in freshman year at an intro to philosophy class and oh my god did dazai get on his nerves
what’s worse was that they had to work on a group project together and dazai was MIA most of the time and it drove kunikida crazy
that is until dazai showed up last minute to pull an all-nighter with him for their paper and kunikida just couldn’t help but be impressed by dazai’s ~~intellect~~
they don’t exactly get along but they do have some mutual respect for each other enough to work on projects well
omg if dazai ends up being your roommate I WISH YOU LUCK 
the first time you walked into your room dazai was microwaving a metal bowl and you had to run to stop it in time
also he has a tendency to wear his headphones and sing his favorite double suicide song out loud 
kunikida please come pick him up
Edogawa Ranpo:
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i love this one man so much i swear to god 
ranpo is definitely the kind of person who just didn’t like school so when college applications came around he was just like ‘why bother though ???’
his friends did convince him by saying that he wouldn’t have to do subjects he wouldn’t like and just focus on his major (this is a lie btw)
is it a surprise that ranpo would choose forensic science ?? NO
he thinks its cool that he can learn about something he’s already super good at and it just gets him really pumped up to show off how good he is
LOVES getting praised by his classmates and professors
ranpo probably thinks lectures are boring as hell so sometimes he just,,, doesn’t,,, come,,, to class
if attendance IS required you can bet he’s bringing snacks and game consoles with him and sitting WAAAAY in the back of the room
Mukbang at a Lecture Hall with Edogawa Ranpo
his classmates think its cute that he puts on glasses before doing exams or answering his prof’s questions as a way to hype himself up
everyone calls him ‘The Greatest Detective’ and ranpo LOVES IT
despite that, he’s not too overly social he just likes being with his close group of friends UwU
he’s also someone you can drag around to places like the fair or an aquarium, but he’s not into clubbing or drinking for that matter
he DOES enjoy seeing his friends get drunk and mess with them though
ranpo isn’t into joining student organizations BUT he gets scouted a lot by detective agencies and he likes interning for them
i’m saying detective agencies because police are gross
ranpo did end up joining a baking club with the assumption that he would just be EATING the cake and not BAKING the cake
yeah he was just there for less than half a semester
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @tpwkatsumu @laure-chan​
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babysubinnie · 4 years
the music room // choi taeyang (theo)
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🚨 pairing: choi taeyang (theo) x reader 🚨 genre: fluff ! 🚨 words: 1.2k 🚨 summary: everytime before afterschool study block, there’s a voice at exactly 3:00 you couldn’t live without hearing at least once every single day. when you finally have the confidence to step into the music room to meet him, he wasn’t at all what you expected.
hearing him sing everyday without knowing who was behind this amazing voice made me feel like i was the only one in the entire world. i felt like i could be happy while everything went to hell. when i heard him sing, i felt like nothing could go wrong. the only thing that i wanted to listen to at 3pm, right after school ended. right before study block. i didn’t know who sang like this. i sat against the door everyday at 3pm just so i can listen to his voice. i knew that there were two of them. one that played the piano, and one that sung. 
no matter who i asked, no one knew who this mystery guy was. everyone thought that he was a junior, but i soon found out that he was a senior, in the other senior class. but no matter who i asked in the other senior class, they said they usually had a free block the last block of the day so if people were missing they wouldn’t know. you ask why couldn’t i just peek through the window if i’m too scared to go in? because our music room’s window’s blinds were always shut. it wasn’t creepy that i was here everyday i promise. you try falling in love with a voice.
“you’re going to listen to your mystery guy again? seriously y/n? you don’t even know this guy. for all you know he could be someone you hate with an absolute passion, or he could be someone that’s a close friend of mine. i know for a fact you don’t like my friends. stop going to see him y/n.” one of my closest friends, intak rolled his eyes putting his phone down when he saw me stand up right when our teacher had dismissed us for study block.
“fuck off.” i rolled my eyes before flipping him off. he laughed leaning back on his chair flipping me off. he shook his head before picking his phone back up. i scoffed before thinking to myself that today was the day that i had to find out who the hell my mystery guy was. before i started walking upstairs to the music room, i glanced up at the time, 3:08. i was running towards the music room because now i was late. he already sang two songs in those 8 minutes. (if my math was correct)
the moment i walked over to the music room, he started singing again. he was singing the song that he made himself, and quite honestly, it was my favorite song to listen to. perfect timing. i started panting while leaning up against the door. the lyrics, his voice, just everything about him was perfect. when he finished his song, i took a deep breath before trying to look presentable. i knocked on the door closing my eyes because now the nerves were hitting me. what if intak was right?
“come in!” when i heard him speak to me from behind the door, i got shocked that i didn’t want to open the door. i took another breath before sliding the door open. i kept my eyes down when i walked in because if i did look up, i think i would regret greatly not doing earlier.
“i was wondering when you were going to come meet us.” the boy with black hair at the piano laughed which caused me to snap my head up. they knew i was there? shit. 
“you knew?” i kept my eyes on the black haired boy only for my vision to be interrupted by the most breathtaking boy i have ever seen in my entire life. he had white colored hair, and his eyes. his mf eyes. he wore his tie loose, with a blazer overtop his white shirt. he was absolutely stunning. when he smiled at me because of how shocked i was, i almost fell over. 
“of course we knew. theo wouldn’t shut up about how he wanted to know who was listening to us everyday. we knew it was a girl, but we didn’t know who.” i looked down at my feet when i realized that i got caught after months of listening to the two of them. my mystery singer is theo. 
“theo?” i whispered under my breath smiling to myself. the white haired boy chuckled before walking over to me. he held out his hand then smiled at me. i immediately changed my eyeline to the ground. he laughed taking my hand shaking it. 
“now you know my name, what’s yours?” i looked up to meet his eyes then returned his smile with mine. i looked away, then back at him. 
“y/n. yoon y/n.” i giggled. i fucking giggled. what the fuck is wrong with me? i looked down to stare at my feet of embarrassment. he put his hand on the top of my head, patting my head telling me that it was okay. 
“you have the same last name as me, i’m keeho. theo’s best friend.” he laughed walking up to us with his hands in his pockets. i replied with a nice to meet you then looked up at theo. he was quite tall, well then again, anyone was tall compared to me. he smiled back down at me before taking my hand.
“sit here, i have a song i want to sing to you. i wrote it for you.” he smiled then pat my head, and walked over to the piano. when he started singing, i know what his voice sounded like, but why did it sound like i was listening to it for the first time? the song was absolutely amazing, his voice completed it. i was in love with this guy that i didn’t even know, but could you blame me? listen to his voice.
“did you like the song?” he smiled when he finished and i nodded insanely fast. he then walked over to me putting his hand on my cheek. i didn’t realize until i did, the door had opened to intak standing there with his arms crossed. i turned to look at him glaring at him because he ruined the moment.
“y/n? i need- oh.” intak walked in with his head glued to his phone not realizing what he just walked into. i mean we weren’t doing anything we shouldn’t be obviously but still. the fact that he ruined the moment. 
“so i see you finally met keeho and theo.” he laughed looking up from his phone realizing who was in the room with me now. i snapped my head at intak then looked back at theo. he gave a puzzled look to me before looking at intak. 
“intak! you knew who my mystery guy was?” i scoffed at him while he stood there laughing at me. i didn't know whether to slap him for not telling me or just wait and scream at him after. 
“of course. these two are two of my closest friends.” he threw his arm around theo’s shoulder then laughed at me. after a while of laughing, he smirked while winking at me. little bitch. i looked up at theo, and it was exactly like the two of us read each other’s minds. 
“i hate you so much.” we said at the time then snapped our heads to look at each other. i guess he felt the same about hoyoung keeping this a secret from us. keeho and intak took one look at each other before running out of the room insanely fast.
“i’m so happy i finally got to meet you my love.”
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slowly-writing · 5 years
Normal’s Boring
Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader
Word Count:  2561
Part 2: Life Saver
a/n: This got really long, my bad. I hope you all enjoy it
Being a teenager living in the Avengers compound was a little weird. You constantly had Shield agents running in and out and there was always the fear of an attack. Maybe that was just the collective PTSD of your family, but they made sure you were always prepared. You learned how to fight and protect yourself at a young age, your mom was the Black Widow after all. The fact that you could take care of yourself didn’t change the fact that you essentially had half a dozen overprotective parents. They would all jump to protect you at the first sign of trouble. Having that many people living in one place made sure your life was never boring, that’s for sure.
“Hey, Uncle Tony!” You call as you walk into the compound after school.
“Hey, kid. How was school today?” Tony asks with a smile.
“Fine,” you say with a shrug, “schools boring, I could learn way more here.”
“C’mon, y/n. You need a well rounded education. You have to know more than just how to fight,” Tony argues.
“You guys could teach me! You and Uncle Bruce know way more about math and science than any of my teachers could ever dream of. Uncle Steve lived through all the stuff I’m learning in history right now! Did you know I learned about you guys last week? Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your mom be the topic of class? Everyone made fun of me for days! I stick out like a sore thumb!”
“I’m sorry kid, but that’s part of the experience. You gotta be around people your age sometimes.”
“Wanda’s practically my age! She’s only a few years older than me! She’d go to school with me if you all made her go,” you try and Tony shakes his head.
“This is a conversation you need to have with your mom,” he says, “I’m not getting in the middle of that fight.”
“Where is Mom, anyway?” You ask and Tony avoids eye contact.
“Last second mission, she should be back in a few days,” he explains with a sigh. Everyone knows how upset you get everytime she leaves. Not only is it frustrating that she disappears, you’re worried. You’ve lost track of all the times various members of your family have come back with injuries, some worse than others.
“Any idea where?” You ask and he shakes his head.
“That’s classified, kid. But I’m sure it’s fine. If it was big they wouldn’t have sent her in alone,” he says trying to calm you down.
“She’s alone?!” you yell and he winces.
“Okay, obviously shouldn’t have told you that. She’ll be okay, y/n. She’s the best there is. She always comes back. I promise it’ll be okay,” he says and you nod before silently leaving to go to your room.
This was the worst part of being an Avenger’s kid. Your mom disappeared constantly. You would never blame her for it, of course, she was saving lives. If it wasn’t for her missions she never would’ve adopted you
You were three years old living in Budapest with your family at the time. Hydra had popped up again and your town was caught in the cross hairs. It was chaos, people were down everywhere and buildings were on fire. You don’t remember very much, just being really scared and then suddenly Natasha and Clint were there. Natasha had taken you in her arms and gotten you to safety. You immediately felt safer in her arms. She brought you home with her, and the rest was history.
While her missions were important you couldn’t help but wish you could spend more time together. Growing up you were constantly thrown from Avenger to Avenger. Whoever was available to take care of you became the stand in parent for that week.
You shake your head softly and sit down behind your desk to start on homework.
The next morning you were in a bad mood. Everyone was trying to help you out, but nobody quite knew your routine as well as your mom, you just wanted her to come home. Steve woke you up at 4am and you were halfway through getting ready before you realized you were going to be two hours early. You switched gears and got to train with him for a few hours though, which was fun. After a few hours you shower and start getting your stuff ready to go.
Clint had been trying to clean up yesterday and apparently moved your backpack to some mysterious location. You spent the better part of an hour searching the entire compound for it before you find it in Wanda’s room.
“I thought it was hers! You’re both teenagers. It’s hard to tell what belongs to who!” Clint argues and you roll your eyes.
“She doesn’t even go to school, Uncle Clint! Which is completely unfair by the way,” you say pointing at Wanda.
“That’s what you earn when you’re an Avenger,” she smirks and you glare.
“I’ve been here longer, I should be an Avenger by now,” you grumble, jumping on one foot trying to find your shoe.
“Here, y/n. I made you lunch,” Bruce says with a smile, handing you a paper bag.
“Thanks Uncle Bruce!” You say, pausing when you look in the bag. “Hey what kind of sandwich is this?”
“Peanut butter and jelly, why?” He asks and you grimmance as the entire room seems to stop.
“I can’t eat this.”
“Why not?” Bruce furrows his brow as Tony walks over.
“Peanut allergy, man. Are you trying to kill the kid?” Tony yells handing you a few bucks to buy lunch at school.
“Here, Wanda,” you call tossing her the bag. “A genuine school lunch, welcome to the real world.”
“Nobody tell Nat about the peanuts, she’ll flip!” Clint cuts in and you nod.
“Come on, y/n, you’re gonna miss the bus!” Steve calls and you glance at the clock.
“Uh, yeah that ship has sailed.”
“What? How? I woke you up three hours ago!” He yells and you raise your hands in surrender.
“Yell at Uncle Clint! He’s the one who hid my backpack!” you argue.
“Well why’d you leave it in the living room?”
“I’m in high school! That’s what high schoolers do! I guess I’ll just stay home today,” you try and you’re met with four simultanious eye rolls.
“Yeah right, your mom will kill us if we don’t get you to school,” Bruce says and you frown.
“Okay enough. Here, take a car,” Tony says tossing you a set of keys.
“Am I missing the part where somebody taught me to drive?” you ask looking at the keys in your hands.
“You’re seventeen! You don’t know how to drive?” Tony asks and you look around the room.
“Do you see the chaos that sprung from you guys trying to get me ready for school? Do you really think mom would’ve trusted any of you to teach me how to operate heavy machinery?”
“Why didn’t she teach you?” Bruce asks and you smile sadly.
“Do you see her here right now? She’s too busy,” you shrug and Tony sighs.
“Okay, come on. I’ll drive you,” he says leading you to the garage.
You sigh as you pull up to school. The expensive sports car doesn’t really help you blend in.
“Have a good day, kiddo” Tony calls after you as you head inside and you force a smile.
“Thanks, Uncle Tony.”
You can hear the whispers as you walk through the halls.
“How does she know Tony Stark?” a Sophomore whispers.
“That’s Black Widow’s kid! She, like, lives with the Avengers or something,” some Junior girl responds and you shove your hands in your pockets and hurry to class.
“Before we start today, I thought it’d be fun to discuss some more recent history. We’ll be discussing the battle of New York ,” your history teacher states and you sigh, trying to sink deeper into your seat, “Miss Romanoff, why don’t you give us a rundown of what you know.”
“An Asgardian brought an alien army down on New York. The Avengers fought him off,” you stated plainly. The teachers always called you out when it came to anything Avengers related, you hated the attention it brought.
“You must know more than that,” your teacher encouraged.
“Well yeah, my Mom and my Uncles kicked ass, but isn’t telling the class that your job?” you ask and your teacher glares.
“That’s very disrespectful Miss Romanoff. Do I need to call your Mother?”
“Like you’d have the courage to talk to her” You say with a huff, “you’d neve have get ahold of her anyway,” you grumble under your breath.
“Miss Romanoff! This is your last chance, would you like detention?” you know you’re right but you sigh.
“No, sir. I apologize.”
“Okay then, anyone else?”
“Sure made a hell of a mess in the city. It took the city months to rebuild,” a kid named Chad says and you glare.
“Let’s see you fight off an alien army! See how well you do!” You yell, slamming your hand on your desk. You can feel your face getting red.
“I’d at least-”
“Enough!” your teacher cuts you both off. “Battles always cause a mess. Look at any war in American history. Moving on, back to our discussion of World War Two”
“Your family fought in that one too. Maybe you’re the common denominator, Roamanoff,” Chad whispers from behind you and you clench your jaw, your teacher not hearing Chad’s comments.
“You sure are quiet without the teacher here to protect you, huh?” Chad says pushing you into the lockers, “where are your precious Avengers now?”
He punches you and goes to push you again. Your mom made you promise not to start fights when she started training you, but since he threw the first punch you have him on his back before he realizes what’s happening. He looks shocked and you roll your eyes, “I was raised by superheroes dipshit. Now run along and I won’t tell anyone how fast I had you pinned.”
He gets up rubbing the back of his head, he must’ve hit it when he fell. Your not too worried, it’s not like he can get any dumber. He looks at you over his shoulder as he practically runs down the hall. You straighten out your jacket and walk towards your next class.
“Hey Uncle Steve? Can you help me with this?” you ask, walking into the living room.
“Sure, y/n. What’s your question?”
“I need to know what year Captain America started fighting during World War Two,” you say rolling your eyes.
“I’m part of your history homework?” he asks with a smirk and you nod.
“It’s kind of weird having to answer questions about my uncle for my homework.”
“I know kid, but hey, you have all the answers right here,” he teases and you smile.
“Helping my kid cheat, Rogers?” you hear from behind you and you jump up.
“Mom! You’re home!” you yell crashing into her arms, “Are you okay? How was the mission?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. It was fine, I’m okay.” She says holding you tight, “now what’s this I hear about cheating?”
“It’s not cheating, Mom!” You argue, “the questions are about him! I’m just cutting out the middleman!”
“You’re learning about your Uncle Steve in school?” your mom asks, her brow furrowed, and you nod.
“I learn about all of you,” you tilt your head, “did you guys not realize that? We talked about the battle of New York today. Almost got me sent to the office,” you grumble, crossing your arms.
“What was that?” your Mom raises an eyebrow.
“My teacher wanted me to tell everyone about it! Just because you fought in it! I’m not the teacher! That’s not my job! It’s his! It’s not my fault my family got mixed up in every damn battle in the history of the world” you argue and your mom sighs.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
“What, why?” you ask, confused at the change of tone.
“It can’t be easy, living the life you do. You should get to live a normal life. I should’ve thought of this before bringing you home,” she says, looking down and shaking her head.
“Are you… are you saying you wish you didn’t adopt me?” you asks softly, tears welling up in your eyes. “I know it’s hard having a kid, but you still get to do your job. You’re gone all the time anyway-”
“Hey y/n, no!” her head snaps up and she takes your hands, “adopting you was the best thing I’ve ever done. Don’t think for a second that I regret bringing you home. Honey, does it upset you that I’m gone so much?” she questions and you look at the ground.
“Kinda,” you shrug, “I miss you a lot and everything’s a mess without you. Uncle Steve woke me up too early because he didn’t know what time I got up and I missed the bus and I couldn’t drive myself because I never learned how and Uncle Bruce tried to give me peanuts and I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Please don’t be mad-” you start spiralling and your mom cuts you off.
“Y/n, look at me. I’m not mad,” she says softly, wiping the tears you didn’t even realize had begun falling from your eyes.
“I just get really scared everytime you leave. What if you don’t come back?” you whisper and she shakes her head.
“Love, I will always come back. I promise.”
“But you can’t promise that!” You yell, “people don’t always come back! My birth parents died on one of your missions. I can’t lose you too.”
“Okay, it’s okay,” she pulls you into her arms and you hold on tight. “How about this, I can cut back. I can’t promise I’ll never go on missions, but I can make sure I’m home more. I can teach you how to drive, and I can help you with your homework. I’ll make sure Bruce never touches your food again and I’ll make sure you can have a normal life.’
“Normal’s boring,” you cut in softly, “if I had a normal life I wouldn’t have been able to knock Chad on his ass when he punched me.”
“He what now?” Your mom pulls back with a glare and you’re suddenly very scared for Chad’s life. Your mom is an assassin after all.
“He was making fun of you guys and we got in a fight. But he only got one hit in! You told me not to start a fight and I didn’t! I waited until he did.”
Your mom shakes her head and pulls you into her arms again.
“I’m glad your home,” you bury your face in her shoulder, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too, love. What about a movie night, just me and you?”
“Yeah!” you look up, seeing Steve has already disappeared and your mom leads you over to the couch.
You cuddle close to her as the movie starts, the safest place in the world to you is still in her arms. Sure, you may not have a normal life, but normal is overrated anyway.
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nowornever13587 · 4 years
MCYT Oxenfree Chapter 1
Edward’s Island.
Fundy POV
“It used to be a military base. Then it became a ranching thing, then it was turned into an army thing, then it became a bird thing and a museum or whatever. Henry Fonda stationed here, I think, for a bit. Unless he was Navy.” 
I listened to Tommy rattle on as I leaned on the rail of the ship. The salty smell of the ocean filled the overcast sky. But thankfully, it was only slightly cold. Just enough for a light jacket..
“Who’s Henry Fonda?” Eret asked, unaware that you should never ask Tommy questions when he’s explaining things. He had a tendency to not hear them.
“And around Christmas time, this little breakfast place used to sell these amazing polar bear sugar cookies…” Like normal, Tommy went on. I laughed to myself, peering back over the edge of the ferry for wildlife in the water.
“Hey,” Tommy poked me. “Are you still with us? You haven’t said anything for like… 10 minutes.”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah. My mind just drifted for a second.” I turned back, checking my watch. It was 8. Right on time.
“So, you all moved in?” Tommy continued to talk to Eret. 
“Um, not really. I just got in this morning.” Eret chuckled.
“And how did Fundy’s mom meet your dad again?” Tommy was eager for gossip. 
“They met on vacation in London. He got lost in a garden and thought she worked there.” Eret took it in good humor as we walked back in the boat. 
I took the liberty of exploring the small craft. It wasn’t that old but still had that air to it. Slightly chipped paint and worn seats. How they got worn, I never understood. Only bird watchers and history nuts ever headed to Edward’s island anymore. Particularly not in the winter.
“Hey, there’s an old ship's wheel up here.” I called down to the others from the second story as I bent to read the placard. “It’s a replica from a… Portuguese caravel, it says.”
“Yeah! I think the Portuguese discovered the island? I dunno. I mostly slept through the maritime portion of history class.” Tommy shrugged.
“Says the kid who’s been ranting about the island for the past 18 minutes.” Eret teased. Tommy shot him a teasing glare as I came back down.
“So you guys just met tonight?” Tommy continued.
“Yeah, I was… I’d been out at school and the timing had just never worked out.” Eret shrugged.
“And what does that make you to the Furry? Second cousin or something?”
“Step bro and I am not a furry!” I groaned
“Yeah, yeah! At least you seem cool!” Tommy laughed. “Cool guy, cool eyes. You get a cool new sibling living right in your house! Wearing your clothes… eating your food ... Sharing your toothbrush.”
“Ew!” We both grimaced. The conversation dipped awkwardly.
“So… how do you two know each other?” Eret prompted us.
“Oh, from way back when, like paleozoic. Grade school era.”
“I moved from the Netherlands in the first grade and Tommy was the one I got partnered with on the first day.” 
“Passengers,” Suddenly the robotical intercom kicked on, nearly scaring me out of my skin. “We’ll be arriving soon. Check under your seat-” 
“Check under your seat to make sure you don’t leave behind any grandchildren.” Tommy commented over the recording sarcastically. 
“And if you picked up a complimentary disposable radio, remember to tune to 102.3 at the various plaques…” It droned on.
“Ooh! We should get a picture!” Tommy suddenly stood, dragging Eret and I back to the bow of the ferry. 
“Fine. Just… hold the camera out. Like… far. I don’t look my freshest right now.” I told Tommy as he pulled out his phone. I ran a hand over my ears, trying to smooth down my fur that had puffed up due to the humidity.
“It’s true, Eret. This is like B Minus Fundy.” Tommy grinned.
“Take the picture you child!” I nudged him. 
“I am not a child!” Tommy retorted while holding out the camera. We all smiled as the audible click came from the phone.
“There! Great. I’ll magic erase all the warts out and stuff, so don’t worry.” Tommy checked over the photo.
Eret made a face at the mention of warts and rolled his eyes. 
“Hey, Furry. Did you remember to bring that radio? The little portable one?” Tommy piped back up.
“Yeah.” I sighed, ignoring the comment as I took the object out my pocket.
“Our high school has a radio station and Finn- he’s a friend of ours- he’s filling in because TapL went on vacation with his family or something.” Tommy explained as I began twisting the knob to find the station. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s gonna say something like… basically right now about our thing so…”
We all intently listened to the radio as I found the right station, 88.3.
“... Which I played because Karl wouldn’t stop singing it during math class!” Finn seemed to be talking about the song that was just on. “But… oh! Look at the time! Just after ten o’clock. Which means my dear friend Tommy and his bros are probably just touching down on Edwards island for the yearly bash on the beach…. Or whatever we call it now.”
“But anyways, I promised him that I’d play a song from his channel, so hope you're tuned in, Tommy! Here’s Able Sisters- Sable and Mable from Animal Crossing. He’s been tormenting me to play it for ages so here. Please stop.” 
The familiar song came on. I groaned quickly, shutting it off.
“Haha!” Tommy crowed. “I finally got him to do it!” 
His victory rant was cut off as the ferry’s horn blasted above us. 
“There’s no radio reception on the island.” Tommy continued. “I’m glad I got to hear it before it went totally kaput.”
“If we can’t use it, why’d you bring it? Not just for the boat?” Eret inquired.
“Um, no. You’ll see. Don’t expect too much but… nah. It’ll be fun. I won’t undercook it.” Tommy waved his hands mysteriously. “You’ll see.”
We all shut up as the boat began nearing the dock. The old man running the ship helped us get off, before pulling away again. 
“Oh boy! Smell that clean air, lads! This ain’t city livin’!” Tommy gestured to the now dark heavens. “My other friends should be up around the bend.”
“Actually,” Eret said nervously, waiting at the top of the dock stairs. “I mean, I don’t mean to be the guy to break us up already, but Tommy, could you do me a favor? Can I have two quick minutes with Fundy?”
“Uh… you sure?” Tommy hesitated. I glanced back up at Eret. The older boy seemed sincere.
“Something wrong?” I wondered.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just need a minute.” Eret glanced at the street light above.
“Alright, but- Look, I don’t wanna go up by myself. I mean, can’t we just stick together? You’re gonna have all night to say, like… whatever.” Tommy pleaded, using his puppy dog eyes. 
“But you were going to meet your friends, right?”
“Yeah but there further-”
“Tommy, it’s alright. Just wait for us at the end of the town, okay?  We’ll catch up with you there.” I reasoned. 
“Alright.” Tommy sighed, walking off. “Though this is a really strange way to start off, splitting up.”
“Thanks man!” Eret called after him, before turning to me. “He seems nice. Funny.”
“Yeah, he’s… what did you want to talk about? Before I suspect something nefarious.” I teased, coming back to the top of the stairs. 
“Listen, I just wanted to grab you ahead of time and say you’ve been…. Cool… about everything. And I guess it’s just - for me, I’ve never moved anywhere, ya know? And, like, getting a new family at the same time kinda feels like I’m skipping the training wheels.”
“Not that it’s bad! You and your mum have been great!”
“Eh, we’ll make do.” I nudged Eret playfully. “Lemons, lemonade, however that goes.”
“You idiot.” Eret and I laughed. 
“Oh, thanks for setting up the attic for me, by the way. It’s cool, how it’s a little bedroom.” 
“No problem…” I looked at the dark water. I really didn’t want to touch that subject. “It’s nice, at night, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Not chilly.” Eret nodded. “We can- we can catch back up with Tommy now. I didn’t mean to take so long.”
We walked down the stairs into the parking lot. Commenting on the lonely car, I noticed a blocked off road. I decided to ignore it in favor of heading up the long staircase to the little shops that made the town of the island. 
“Oh, what’s that?” Eret pointed at the statue as we reached the top. A bird on a pedestal with a whale below it. 
“I forgot this was even here.” I chuckled. “It’s a monument to some submarine that was sunk off the coast.”
“Oh, wait. Can’t you do that radio guide thing like the boat said?” Eret looked excited. “I wanna see how it works.
“Sure.” I pulled the thing out of my pocket.
“It was…. 101 or 102, I think.”
I found the station. The voice of some tour guide came on. 
“Named after the Hawiian god of the sea, the USS Kanaloa was launched on January 15, 1941 and commissioned into service at the end of that year under the command of Lt. C. Dream...”
“Never heard of this before. Kinda creepy in a way, right?” Eret murmured. 
“On October 28, 1943, it was sunk by the Japanese sub chaser Tokisada some 25 miles off the coast of Washington…”
“Yeah, I hate thinking about it. It reminds me of those scenes in movies where sailors have to seal somebody up to drown or else the flooding will take the whole ship, you know?” I shivered at the idea.
“... and remains, to this day, the only submarine casualty in American waters. Eighty-five officers, as well as twelve Army passengers, were lost.”
“Yeah, no. I always thought submarine duty was, like, the worst possible war assignment. There’s no way out if something goes wrong.”
I turned off the radio as the recording began again. We continued through the town. All the stores were closed. Probably because it was starting to become winter and we took the last ferry here. 
“Hello kids. The other guys and gals must be further up, so be quick now.” Tommy’s voice suddenly called from the top of a ramp. We laughed, running up to him. 
“Okay, speed-read definition of Edwards Island. This is a tourist trap with shops and beach. Nobody lives here except some geriatric named Mr. Halo. But, cross my heart and hope to die, we’ll never mention him or any other old person’s name again.”
“We are here to drink and be stupid. A tradition apparently started by bored recruits in the nineteen fifties who would sneak dates over from the coastal towns. They literally called it ‘trawling’.”
“Wow, interesting.” I lightly mocked. Eret snorted behind me.
“Yeah, like kids at camp or something.” Tommy shrugged. “So, to summarize, we are not allowed here after dark. The town is shut down, and we - the L’manberg High Junior Class- have come to commit improper acts.”
We came to a fence just taller than me. I frowned, glancing at Tommy. 
“The beaten path officially ends here. The beach is past the fence a way. I think Nikki told me that there’s a way that they used to get over there, but… I can’t remember how. I mean, can’t be too difficult.” Tommy looked around.
“Dumpster?” Eret pointed to the relatively empty bin sitting by the edge of the path. 
“Perfect, we can push it over and close the lid.” I got beside him and helped. 
“And the other thing about this nowhere island,” Tommy stayed back to finish his story. “Is the weirdo caves.”
“The weirdo caves?” Eret echoed incredulously. 
“The whole reason Fundy brought the radio is because when you go to the- it’s like ‘front’--
“The mouth.” I supplied.
“The mouth of this particular cave, you can sometimes pick up frequencies to stations that don’t exist.” Tommy grinned. “You’ll hear voices or just... sounds… And they’re impossible to get anywhere else on the island. Crazy, right?”
“It’s, um, it’s pretty creepy… at least I’ve heard.” Eret and I managed to get the dumpster into place. 
“I did it once. It’s amazing when it works.” 
“Okay, back up a minute here. What about that Mr. Halo guy? Is he the saint for the island or something?” Eret looked back at the town below us. 
“His family, I think, like owns or owned some of the island or something… he’s been shackled in the same spot for like seventy years. He’s kind of what you’d call a local legend. His house is on the other side of the woods.”
“I can’t imagine living in the same exact house looking at the same exact wall for that long a time.” I climbed up the dumpster and hopped over the fence. The other two joined me a heartbeat later.
We walked down the path, finding the trail that dipped down to the beach.
“Oh, before we get there, I should mention-” 
Tommy was cut off by laughter. 
“Who’s that?” Eret asked from behind me.
(Sorry if it's too long. But I shall try to post the next chapters every few days or so. Each should be around this long.)
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maskthesimp · 3 years
Cold Blooded, Warm Hearted - Malia Tate x Self-Insert
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, general violence and gore, crude language, monsters
If you wish to follow this fanfic more closely (as it will be a full on book hopefully) check my Wattpad in the Pinned post! It just makes everything easier~ XOXO
Chapter 1: Paths Crossed
"Bring him," a voice rings out, fire crackles as chains gently rattle against parallel stone pillars. Echoes of footsteps ring through the halls, coming to a whisper as they enter an open space, the ground lined with sand, crunching under the small boots of he who entered the ceremony room.
"You, child of Connor, Lord of the West Territories; Here you shall evolve. Shed your skin, accept your heritage and become one of us! Take your first kill, and burn away the weakness that plagues you," the voice continues to boom through the vast space, voices whispering and muttering as the small figure makes it's way closer to the rattling chains, "Are you ready, my child?" The voice booms as a man groans, his chains shake and knock together, the heat of the fire laying ontop of his skin like a blanket waiting leap and turn him to ash, "...I am!".
Two cloaked men, jam their spears to the ground next to the younger figure, and take their place next to the chained man, "It's time for you to evolve," says the left man, "Shed your humanity." Says the man on the right. A chant erupts in the observing crowd, 'kill, shed, evolve...kill, shed, evolve...'
The young, small figure slowly walks towards the rattling chains, and the bare man constricted by them. He looks at his hands as ash red claws crawl their way out of his formerly human finger tips, wine red scales peel back up his arm, waist, chest, neck, and face, amber rings brand his once ivy green orbs. "Kill, shed, evolve," the two men echo, gripping the edges of two stone bowls on either side of the chained man, filled to the brim with molten rock, glowing with the licks of flames. The ash red claws glint in the light of the flames, and swing down, sending flicks of blood to the ground, as they melt into the already red scales of the young figure's hands.
The chant continues, over and over again, 'kill, shed, evolve, kill, shed, evolve..', the first stage having been complete. The child winces in fear and nearly stumbles back, but holds himself steady, as the two men release the heated rocks onto the scaled child. A piercing scream erupts into a roar as flames slither their way across the child's body, when he opens his eyes in agony, the burning Amber rings are replaced by a now cold, blue glow.
[Beacon Hills High-school, Last Period]
"Hey do you guys wanna study after hours?" Stiles asks, standing up from his seat. "I need to, I have a maths test coming up soon," Malia responds, a slight pout growing on her face as she reminds herself of her least favourite class. "Cool, I'll help you out!" A tall, dark boy stands from his seat aswell, Scott, he follows his girlfriend, Malia, and his best friend, Stiles, out of the classroom. They make their way up the stairs, running into their resident Banshee, and Stiles' girlfriend, Lydia, eventually reaching the doors of the library.
They settle down at one of the central desks, each opening their books and beginning to study for their respective classes. "Ya know, we haven't had anything supernatural happen in the past few months, it gives me bad tingles in my feet, like something is gonna happen soon," Stiles squirms in his seat with his his chin resting in his palm, Lydia agrees with Stiles, "Yeh you're right, it does seem weird doesn't it? Maybe The Beast was the last big bad in Beacon Hills. Seems fitting that our last one would be the first Werewolf killed by an Argent." Scott turns to his friend, somewhat rolling his eyes, "C'mon Stiles, you're being paranoid! Not everything is supernatural in this town, we can go one year without finding a body, or having kidnappings, or giant phantom werewolves tearing people apart!" Stiles looks down at his open book, a concentrated frown on his face, "Yeh I guess you're right.."
The conversation moves on, everyone but Stiles focusing on other things. A few minutes pass, before Stiles pipes up about a new face who's entered the library,with long brown and blonde hair, light denim jeans, and a black jacket. "Who's that? I don't recognise them from the new Freshmen, are they a transfer student?" The person wanders over to the Anthropology section, also known as where the stories on Mythological creatures are, "I think so, I've seen them at the Jujitsu hall, I think they were signing up," Malia answers Stiles' characteristically unrelated and random question. She gazes off at the new figure, watching them wander around, their raw fingertips glazing over the spines of each book they pass, until eventually they stop and open one, setting themselves down at a desk behind theirs. Scott turns to his girlfriend, a confused expression stapled to his face, "Why were you near the jujitsu Hall? None of us have a single class near there." Malia directs her attention back to Scott and her friends, her focus on the new teen broken, "Hm? I find it entertaining, why else?" She says as if it's blatantly obvious, which to her friends; it is, almost confused as to why Scott would even bother asking. "They seem like they're around our age, I'm just surprised anyone is even bothering coming to Beacon Hills High anymore, let alone what appears to be a transfer student." Lydia looks up from her notes, also oddly transfixed by the person, who is now deeply involved in their own selected book, "You sure they're our age, Lydia? They're kinda short, maybe puberty is stuck in traffic for them," a chuckle comes from the group's friends Liam, Corey and Mason as they sit down next to the main four, with Scott's Beta, Liam glancing at them each one at a time as a silent greeting. "No, they likely have some form of Dwarfism, a condition that essentially puts a limiter on how tall someone can grow, although there's hundreds of different types so I can't for sure say which one they may have.." Lydia responds almost distantly, still keeping a keen yet seemingly misty eye on the new kid, everyone taking a glance at her, not at all surprised by her scientific knowledge anymore, before they all go back to silently watching the figure.
After a while Stiles stands up, and begins making his way towards the new kid's desk, but not before Scott questions what he's doing, "I'm gonna go talk to them! Every time a mysterious new student shows up something happens, what if we have another Liam? Another time bomb?" Stiles points out, accidentally taking a small dig at their friend with I.E.D, "Hey! That was Scott's fault, I didn't come here as a wolf!" Liam retorts, glaring at Stiles with a frustrated gesture, "Well technically you got yourself tossed off the side of a building, so it was sorta your fault," Mason pipes up, "That was the wendigo's fault! Not mine!" The Beta reminiscences over the time he got bitten by Scott, when he fell off the hospital roof after he was hunted by a hungry Wendigo. "Alright enough! I'm going to talk to this kid and see what their deal is, okay?" Stiles eventually interrupts the debate, settling to try and conversate with this strange new face, "Who's to say they're anything at all? You don't need to be suspicious of every new person ya know," Malia points out to Stiles, shrugging her shoulders, "listen I always trust my gut, they transferred to Beacon Hills High even after everything that's happened here, and oh look! They're reading a book on supernatural creatures! That's not suspicious at all!" The skeptic says sarcastically, before stumbling over to the desk the young figure is sitting at.
He sets himself down clumsily, glancing between the person and their book, "So..a fantasy lover?" Stiles awkwardly asks the stranger sitting before him, he looks up from his reading in an almost panicked state, suddenly closing his book most of the way, "Oh um--..Hi, yeh, just studying for History," They let out a small, awkward chuckle before introducing themselves, "Cael by the way!" They reach out, shaking Stiles' hand as he too introduces himself, "So, you a fan of Mythology too, huh?" Cael attempts to break the Ice a little, worried that his social anxiety was showing, "Yeh," Stiles stares at the back of Cael's chosen book, somewhat zoning out while reading the title; 'The Extensive History and Physiology of Dragons throughout History'. "So, you're a dragon lover aswell then?" Stiles questions the kid's taste in History so Cael explains their history project, "Pff no, I have quite the distaste for them in fact, the history project is to study a part of any culture that we fear, whether it be real, religious, or historical events that took place in a Country's past," he awkwardly shifts in his seat, explained away by his discomfort with the Winged creatures depicted in his selected book, "So, what makes you dislike them so much, just scary? Or a separate reason..?" Stiles lightly stares at the androgynous figure sitting across from him with suspicion he hopes isn't noticeable, "Because they're the most scientifically realistic, in most cases," he responds with a deadpan and almost cold stare. Stiles' mind starts running wild with theories on every word Cael spoke, the way he said them, and other meanings of what he could've meant, his gut giving him more feeling than ever that Cael wasn't who they said they were.
[Scott's House]
"Scott I'm telling you! This kid is shifty as hell! I checked with some of the people in his class, and they don't have a history homework even close to what he described!" Stiles points out his evidence for Cael's lying, showing his continued distrust for the young lad, "Maybe he just wanted to learn about Dragons, people have interests, Stiles!" Scott argues with his friend, while he watches him rummage through his desk, clearly searching for something, "Why would he lie about something like that? What's the point of lying about an interest in something such as dragons? Why not tell the truth, unless the truth is something you wish to keep hidden?" Stiles finally appears to find what he's looking for, he holds up a hard drive that Scott recognises, the Bestiary that used to belong to the Argents.
Stiles plugs in the Bestiary to his computer, and loads up the index. He scrolls down to the Dragons section and look through it for a while, reading some useful parts out loud; "Much like other shape shifters, dragons appear as human...Dragons have various species among their communities...they have a similar hierarchy system to ancient Kings and Queens of the English Empire..." Scott looks over Stiles' shoulder, silently reading along with him, "Stiles you should head to bed, it's late and we can talk more tomorrow. Listen if something is up with this kid, then we'll eventually find out, but other than a natural interest in fire breathing lizards, he hasn't acted suspicious in the slightest." Stiles turns his spinning chair around to face Scott, "Scott, he said he hates dragons and has a fear of them," Scott's face sinks with confusion, he asks what the skeptic is talking about and Stiles responds, "Whenever I was talking to him, he said that he had a really bad fear of Dragons, when I asked why all they said was because they're the most likely supernatural creature to be exist, is that not in the least bit suspicious?" The Werewolf stands up properly, thinking in silence for a few seconds, "Scott you didn't trust me with Theo, or when I realised I was the one who wrote Kira's name on the chalk board, I just need you to trust my gut this one time!" Stiles begs his friend to go along with his hunch, but Scott seems to be somewhat distant, until he snaps his head up "He could be a hunter! Maybe he's not a supernatural but a hunter!" Stiles claps his hands and points a praising finger towards his best friend, "Yes! Now you're following along! That explains why he was researching dragons, he wasn't studying them for himself, he was trying to figure out ways to defend himself or--"
"Kill them.." Scott quickly interrupts, his gaze sinking to the floor, "That's it, tomorrow we inform the rest of the Pack, and we find him. We'll question him, if my hunch is right and he's a hunter, then he poses a risk to all of us. Including any humans who are involved with protecting the supernatural, aka me! I only have a metal bat to protect myself so it'd be nice to have a heads up on this guy!" Stiles retorts with a snarky undertone, Scott nods his head, agreeing and saying goodnight to his partner in crime before heading home, the last thing he needs is his girlfriend climbing through the window to find his room Scott-less.
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
OPEN SKY  Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"...And never, ever forget that, your dreams are the wings that'll help you fly."
(L/N)(Y/N) has always been forced to live according to others' expectations. As a member of the powerful and influential (L/N) Family, she has had to live with the heavy weight of seeing others write her destiny with no choice but just obey. But when (Y/N) finally decides to risk it all to take the only opportunity to regain the control of her own life, everything ends up going horribly wrong. Surrendered and disappointed, she receives one last chance to prove to herself and to U.A, along with some unexpected help that this was not a crazy and meaningless waste of time.
Maybe this plan could work after all...
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Mentions of sex, My poor attempt of comedy, family dysfunctionality, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: Failure
Chapter 3: Her Start
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2-Sometimes the Greatest Hero of All is a Good Friend
“The person you’ve called is unavailable, please leave a-”
“Still no answering…. You said you’ll call me right after the exam (Y/N), I hope everything is ok. What should I do now? Oh! I got it!” Swiftly, slender fingers moved over the tactile screen of her phone, anxious eyes looking for a specific contact. “Found it!” After a few rings, the other end of the line was answered.
“Good afternoon,Mizaki talking. How may I help you today?”
“Hello, may I please speak to (L/N) Xiù-san?”
“I’m sorry. (L/N)-san is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message?”
“Sure, please let her know I’m calling in regard of (Y/N), I would like to know about her.”
“Alright miss, and your name please?”
 “Yaoyorozu Momo.”
Three days have passed since the whole U.A fiasco, you were of course grounded, with no phone, no internet and completely insolated in your room. Your fever was already gone, just leaving behind a really mild sore throat. Although your body didn’t hurt anymore, your heart did, over and over again you replayed the whole thing in your mind beating your head to find out what you could have changed, what you could have done differently. It was eating you inside out. You felt like a failure and so unfortunate. How could you fail over something so silly?!
You’ve been in your bed since you arrived home that day, already numbed by all the crying you did that night, your mom’s complains, and had barely eaten. You knew that in a couple of days the response from U.A will arrive to already tell you what you knew. And after that, you’ll have no choice but go to class again for the last week of school. Thankfully there’s surely nothing you’ll have to catch up with.
But before you could sail deeper in your personal sea of self-petty, a knock on your door took you out of your rambling thoughts.
“Come in,” you said boringly.
“Sorry to disturb you (Y/N)-sama but Yaoyorozu-sama had come to visit you, do you want me to let her in or you prefer to rest a little-”
“Momo?! Oh, yes please, tell her to come in!”
“As you wish, (Y/N)-sama”
A couple of minutes later Momo entered your room escorted by the same maid. She was wearing your school uniform, by her side were two of her bodyguards, on her left, one was caring several paper grocery bags full of what looked like tons of snacks and junk food, on her right another tall and bulky man held a white cake box and some pastel-colored paper bags. You threw yourself to her and hugged her fondly. She gasped surprised by your sudden show of affection, but she immediately returned it with one of her own, melting with you in a tight embrace. “Momoo! *SNIFF* I missed you so much! I’m sorry for not answering your texts and calls but my mom took my phone away.”
“Oh, (Y/N) don’t worry I imagined something like that, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come before, but when I tried to come visit, one of the maids said your mother had prohibited it.”
“Of course she did, she feeds on my suffering” you mumbled sourly.
“Oh, don’t be like that, I know she can be-uhm…”
“Harsh? Insufferable? Unreasonable? A hag-?”
*AHEM! * Strict, she can be strict-yes! But I’m sure that she is doing it all with your best interest in mind, or I hope so…”
“Aha… not even you believe that, by the way, what’s up with all the shopping bags?” At the mention of them, she beamed, star-eyed, cheeks flushed with excitement, recalling her little adventure of the day.  
“Today I went to one of these really incredible, advantageous little stores where you can find anything, anywhere and have a wide variety of products for a fair price.
“You mean a konbini?”
“Yes! They are great, aren’t they? So convenient!”
“I bet they are.”
“They really are! To think that all of this only cost me ¥10 000!*”
“You spent how much?!”
“Oh, it’s nothing! I made sure to get an ample array of different products to enjoy together and, I thought some yummy snacks would cheer you up.”
You felt your heart clench at such sweet declaration from your dearest and oldest friend, she really was the most selfless and caring being you’ve ever met.
“Momo~! Have I ever told you that I’ll be nothing without you~?”
“Yes, and is nice to hear that you value my efforts, even if I can’t do anything to revert the past and change what happened, I can act now, in the present and do as best as I can to make you feel better and let you know that anything that occurred is not your fault, so please don’t think less of you. Sometimes life acts in mysterious ways that maybe we don’t understand, but someday it will make sense and we will know, comprehend and accept why our plans do not always go as we wish. 
And even if it’s hard to accept at first, there are better things waiting for us than we even expected or asked for since the beginning. What I’m trying to say is, please don’t let this unpleasant ordeal take you down, I know that you’re more than capable to be a hero, even more than me, so keep fighting no matter how many times they knock you down, I’m sure you’ll still rise every time. Don’t give up.” Your friend looked at you while she held both of her hands over her chest, her eyes bright, sweet and sincere made her words hit you with more intensity.
“Momo…” you said moved.
“Oh, don’t mind me, I think I got a little sentimental, but anyway! I hope you like what I brought for this occasion-Oh! Kaji-san, Sasaki-san please leave the bags here.” Momo instructed the bodyguards to put them over the center table of the seating area inside your spacious room. After that, they were dismissed and exited the room alongside the same maid that let them in.
Immediately after they left, another one entered your room with a golden vintage-looking bar cart full of all the musts for a proper tea party. A shiny silver tea set was put in the center of the cart, besides it a couple of white golden rimmed China teacups seated cutely surrounded by all kinds of sweet and savory goodies. Under the same cart, a large collection of the most exquisite teas and coffees could be found, most of them brought by your mother herself from her several trips around the globe. As an enthusiast of these drinks, she always made sure to visit the most renowned tea crafter countries to bring the best of the best with her.
“Good afternoon ladies, what would you like to drink?”
“I’ll have tea, that new black tea my mother got last month,” You said.
“Sure! And for you Yaoyorozu-sama?”
“I’ll drink the same, you talked to me about this tea before, right? It sounded so good that I’ve been wanted to try it since then.”
“I’m positive you’ll enjoy it as much as I did! It has a fruity undertone; it goes really well with everything.” You said excitedly.
Once the hot drinks were set and served the maid left the room with the snacks Momo brought to place them in the kitchen for later consuming. Once alone, you could talk more comfortably and privately.
“So… what in heaven you did or said to make my flexible as a rock mother to let you enter into my fortress of loneliness?”
“That’s easy…”
“School Work”
“That’s it?! And what school work?! Next week is the last week of classes, and we already had our final tests. What else could you do that we haven’t already done last week?”
“A lot actually, we still had to receive our final lessons and they gave back our tests’ results and you mother specify clearly and I quote: ‘Although (Y/N) is sick it doesn’t mean I’ll allow her under any circumstances to get delayed on her studies even if the school year is basically over, she must learn discipline and obedience, put in practice what she’s been taught all this time, she evidently hasn’t been taught properly.’
“Why it doesn’t surprise me she said that? Do you-”
“-Have your tests with me right now? Of course, they are part of the reason your mother let me trespass your ‘fortress of loneliness’ Pretty impressive as always, but I guess you couldn’t beat me in math, again.” She smiled.
“Aw! I studied really hard for that exact reason!”
“Don’t worry it was only 5 points-Wow! you were pretty right! This tea is delectable!” Momo said after taking a sip of her cup.
“But still!-I know! Right?”
“Don’t worry though, you’ll have plenty of times in high school”
After Momo’s comment everything came back to your mind, it really felt like a distant memory, at some point you question yourself if it was real, to begin with, it was hard to believe that one single person could have such bad luck in less than 12 hours, every single thing that could go possibly wrong went horrible. And now it was over, you once in a lifetime opportunity slipped from your fingers as soon as it came. And now with your mother aware of your intentions it could be nearly impossible to escape the path that was already set for you.
It's useless now, isn’t it?’
Without you knowing, countless tears started rolling down your cheeks, the sadness and frustration scaping out of your body against your will.
“I’m sorry for touching that topic so aggressively, it was so tactless of me to don’t have your feelings on the account.” Said Momo a bit dejected.
“Don’t worry about that Momo, you are already doing so much to make me feel better and I’m so grateful you are here with me right now and, I’ll have to get over it eventually.” Momo frowned, she knew you really well and although she knew your words to her were genuine, you were not ok or dealing well with it at all, maybe if you…
“Do you want to talk about it? You know, vent your frustrations with me? You know you can trust me.” She said while she took your hand reassuringly.
“I know I can trust in you Mocchan, you are my best friend…”
“I don’t even know how to put into words how I feel, it’s overwhelming at so many levels! Everything crumbled down so fast than before I could understand what was going on, I blacked out in the middle of battle center trying to save some guy form a 3 pointer, at the end I was the one who needed to be saved. I lost my only chance to make my dreams come true in such a foolish way and I couldn’t do anything about it! I went through so much! I had to wake up at 4:30 every day to train without my mother noticing, I stayed up until 2 am to study and be prepared for the exam, and all of that for nothing! I don’t even know what to do Momo, I feel I going crazy! I’m losing my mind inside these four walls! I feel trapped, hopeless, I just, I just want to disappear…”
An ominous silence invaded the room, you finally could say all that you have been bottling in out all this time. Momo debated what she could say in a situation like this, you really were screwed. But even having knowledge of your situation and its implications, something told her that, even if it was small there is still some hope. Trying to collect her thoughts she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, after a few seconds she opened them again and looked at you with a mix of confidence and faith.
“You know, since we met, I always thought you were the most courageous and aspiring person I’ve ever known. You never gave up, never let the limitations given by your family stopped you from being who you truly were, like a bird who didn’t know about frontiers or bounds, always focused at the horizon, what laid ahead, in the future, your future. Although you knew it was risky, you did it anyway, you took a leap of faith, and even though things didn’t come out as you wanted, you did it, you dared. Failure means that you’ve tried, don’t let failures and errors stop you, but make you stronger. So please, raise your head, stand proudly because a hero can always-”
“-break out of a tough spot, I know. Thank you, Momo.” You looked at your spread palm and closed your eyes for a moment. “It’s true that there’s nothing I can do, It already happened, is in the past and I can’t change it, but, as you said I have the present, the one that matters, the one that’ll help me shape my future, there’s no point on sulking over something that already happened, but I do have control over what’s happening and will happen. The only thing I can do now is wait for my letter, get over it, get a closure. And after that happens, I’ll just try it again, I learned my lesson, if I want to be a strong hero, I have to think in my wellbeing first, If I can’t save myself, I won’t be able to save anybody. I’ll do it at my own pace.” You closed your fist and opened your eyes full of renewed energy and conviction, you looked up at your always trusty friend and gave her your most sincere smile.“I don’t know how but I’ll keep trying, I’ll definitely do it.” Momo smiled back at you sharing your same emotions, grateful to see the same flame invade your eyes and spirit. 
“I know you will.”  
 “…But first, we’ll have some melon pan.*”
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*¥10,000 are approximately $91,35.
*Melon pan [ メロンパン ] (meronpan): They are sweet buns made with an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon (cantaloupe). Ironically they are not usually melon flavored but it can vary from caramel, maple syrup, chocolate, sometimes with syrup, whipped cream, flavored cream or custard as a filling. In the case of such variations, the name may drop the word 'melon' (maple pan) or may keep it despite the lack of melon favor (chocolate melon pan).
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kat-katsuki · 4 years
Love Letter | Todoroki Shouto x Reader
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Synopsis: You wrote a love letter to your crush, Todoroki Shouto, but you debate on whether or not you should actually give it to him. 
Word Count: 2.2k
Dear Shou-kun,
Although we've known each other since first day of high school, we only became close friends for the past three months. I know three months is a little short for some people, but it was enough for me to figure out that I'm madly in love with you. At first, you were a little cold, a little distant and hard to approach, but after we became friends it became obvious to me that you were the kindest soul I've ever met.
I noticed how you always walk on the outside when we go out together, and how you would always keep me on your left side when I'm cold. You're a little dense to emotions, but you'd always do your best to make sure I'm okay. I'm really, REALLY grateful for that time you lent me your shoulder to cry on when my dog passed away, and how you stayed with me the whole night and held me until I fell asleep on you. You're also so patient with me, always helping me with homework, and tutoring me in my worst subjects.
I know you probably only think of me as a friend, like Midoriya and Ochaco-chan... Honestly I can't ask for more! I love being your friend, and I just love being with you! But recently these...romantic feelings of mine, has been getting so strong it's overwhelming. I really don't want to do something that might end up jeopardizing our friendship, but I really can't hold these feelings in anymore. I'm afraid that if I don't tell you now, I might accidentally overstep my boundaries, and I don't want that... If you choose to keep your distance with me after you read this, I completely understand. I just want you to know that I still want to be friends, because whether or not you return my feelings, I'm always going to be there when you need me.
Shou-kun, I like you. I love you. I just want to tell you that.
Yours truly,
You squealed into your pillow to let out all the stress pent up inside as you wrote the cheesy, almost unbearable letter. Your trashcan was already overfilled by scrunched up sheets of paper, and you lost count of how many letters you have written. Your hands were sour and you just wanted to get this over with, but at the same time there was a small part of you that told you to proofread for the millionth time. "Nnngurhhhghg!" You groaned as you pounded into your pillow.
You sincerely hoped Ashido can't hear you from next door, because she would surely make a big deal out of it. Not that you didn't like Ashido or anything, but you knew she wasn't the best at keeping her mouth shut. "Ugh, fine," you muttered as you got up from your bed and stormed to your desk. You folded the letter neatly and slid it into your little pink envelope. You sealed the envelope with wax. Old fashioned, yes, but you were kind of into that. You had a collection of wax stamps and you post wax stamping videos on tiktok, since it was satisfying. Of course, nobody in the class except Todoroki actually knows about it.
Now here was the real question. When do you give it to him?
"Back to groaning?" You asked yourself in the small mirror you stuck on the wall. You nodded. "Back to groaning it is." You plopped on your bed and covered your face with the pillow and rolled around back and forth making weird muffled noises.
The next day, you carefully stuck the letter in your textbook before stuffing it into your backpack.
"Good morning (Y/N)," Todoroki greeted you during breakfast. The seat on his left was open for you. Your heart clenched at the sight of him. Seeing his soft smile first thing in the morning was enough to make your day.
"Good morning Shou-kun," you smiled at him as you sat down next to him. Today was the day. You're going to find some time to hand the letter to him. But when?
"Something wrong (Y/N)?" Todoroki asked.
"Huh? N-No, nothing's wrong. Why?" you chuckled at him.
"You looked like something is bothering you. Is it the math homework? Do you need help?"
Oh god you love this man. "No, it's nothing, really! Thanks for worrying about me Shou-kun!" you told him.
You walked to class with Todoroki, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida. Everything was normal, but your backpack, for some reason, seemed to weigh twice as much as usual. In class you kept flipping through your textbook to glance at the letter, as if making sure it's still there. You thought you were being discreet about it, but little did you know you had eyes on you from all over the class.
During break time your friends were engaged in a conversation, so you missed your chance to give him the letter. Lunch break was too chaotic. Then you had hero training... As time went on you became less and less sure of yourself. Should you really give the letter to him? What if he doesn't want to be your friend anymore? Should you give it to him discreetly? Or do you give it to him directly? Should you just stick it in his desk? No.... You can't seem to find the right time when no one's in the class. How about the shoe box? But there's always people walking around the halls too.....
"Is it just me or has (Y/N) been acting weird today?" asked Kaminari, who happened to sit next to you in class. "I kept seeing her flip through her English textbook throughout the whole day." You had gone to the restroom during break between your math and physics class in the afternoon.
"Oh yeahhh, I saw her roaming around the shoe box area today. She was acting very sus," said Sero.
"Oh yeah, I saw her walking around holding an envelope. Wonder when she'll mail that out," Kirishima added.
"Envelope?!" the girls exclaimed.
Mina's eyes started to sparkle. "It's a love letter! It's definitely a love letter!"
"W-Wait, you don't know that!" Jirou exclaimed.
"It has to be! I mean think about it, why else would she be walking around the shoe box area if she wasn't planning on putting the letter in someone's box?!" Hagakure beamed.
The whole class started to play detective, trying to guess who the mystery man is. Meanwhile Todoroki sat there feeling really weird. There was a strange churn in his stomach, and a tight clench in his heart. His brows furrowed tightly without himself even noticing. There was only one thing on his mind. Who is the love letter for?
Everyone got super quiet when you came back, acting natural as they all sat down in their seats waiting for physics to start. During the whole lecture, people darted their eyes at you, to confirm what Kaminari said about you and the English textbook. And you didn't disappoint. You had been flipping through that textbook every other minute, a very conflicted expression playing on your face.
Todoroki had no idea why he felt angry. No, that was an understatement. He was infuriated, but he didn't know why. It was your freedom to like whoever you liked, so why is he so angry about it?
When school was over, you still hadn't given the letter to him. At this point you were thinking about giving up. Doubts filled your thoughts and you were sure by now that this was a stupid idea. It'll ruin your friendship, and that's the last thing you want. You'll have to get rid of this letter before anyone notices it.
"(Y/N), you wanna go back to the dorm together?" Todoroki asked you. He felt guilty for keeping you to him, because he knew you still hadn't delivered the letter yet. However, there was a voice inside him that told him to do whatever it takes to stop you from delivering that letter.
"Ah! Okay!" You were quick to respond. If you weren't going to confess, all you can do is enjoy every moment with him. "Do you wanna do homework together?"
Todoroki eyed your backpack, which he knew the envelope was in. "Yeah."
While the two of you did your homework in his room, he kept eyeing your English textbook. You haven't touched it since you took it out of your backpack. You seemed to be avoiding English homework, focusing on your worse subjects such as math and physics. The longer he stared at the textbook, the tighter his chest felt. "Who is it?" He blurted out.
"What?" Your head shot up from your homework, confused eyes meeting his heterochromatic orbs.
"The lucky guy. Who is it?" he asked. "The one you wrote the letter for."
Your face immediately heated up a thousand degrees. Your mouth hung open but words trafficked at the tip of your tongue. "H-How did you- I-I thought-"
"Sorry.... Kirishima was the one who noticed your letter.... I was just wondering..." Todoroki rubbed the back of his neck. He hated the way you blushed at the mentioning of the letter. "Whoever that guy is, he must be really amazing."
"I-I...uh-.....well.....um....y-yeah....he is....." You had no idea what you were doing. Words came out all jumbled, and you didn't know what to say to him.
Todoroki's fist clenched under the table. "Who is it?"
"W-Why do you want to know?" you asked.
"I just-" That's right. It's none of his business. "Never mind. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"It's you," You blurted. You took in the sight of him widening his eyes at you. It was too late to regret, so you just continued. "The letter is addressed to you...." You took out the letter from your English textbook. You slid the letter towards him and packed up your bags. "I'll....go back to my room. Feel free to take as long as you need with your reply." You burst out of his room and dashed across the floor to your dorm.
You did it. You gave it to him. You slammed the dorm room door closed behind you before sliding down against it. You held your head in both hands, groaning to yourself. Oh no.... Why?!?!! Why did I give it to him??!!!! GAHHHH! You were ready to jump off this building. Goodbye world, you've had a good life.
You were absolutely conflicted between excited and devastated. There was a small part of you that had the tiniest bit of hope that Todoroki returned your feelings, but the realistic part of you knew that your friendship was over. You laid on your bed, hugging your little panda plushy that he gave you for your birthday. You buried your face into the plushy and let it swallow your groans and whines.
Todoroki was left in a blushing mess after reading your letter. The person you like is him. You said you love him. He clutched his chest to feel the rapid beating of his heart. It was beating so hard that he could feel his pulse echoing in his ears. What is this feeling? He was unbelievably happy. Suddenly a voice spoke in his head. I like her. It was his voice. I like her so much.
A long time had passed since you went back to your room. You knew you told him to take as long as he need, but you didn't realize that each second felt agonizingly long as you anticipated how he was going to reject you.
You were about to fall asleep when you heard someone knocking at your door. You half hoped it wasn't Todoroki, because you weren't ready for a rejection just yet. Taking in a deep breath, you opened the door to meet a familiar pair of heterochromatic orbs, the ones you loved so much. "Shou-kun..."
"Can I come in?" he asked.
"Of course." You made way for him to step inside, then you closed the door. He held the envelope in his hand.
"I read your letter," he told you. Your eyes were still a little bit blurry from closing them for so long, but you thought you vaguely saw a hint of redness on his cheeks.
"O-Oh..." You rubbed the back of your neck. "It was cheesy, wasn't it?"
"N-no...it was sweet," he replied, making the blush on your face deepen.
"I-I see..." You looked down. There was an awkward silence between the two of you. You just fidgeted as you waited for him to collect his words. Surely he must have felt guilty for rejecting a friend, so you gave him time.
"I like you too..."
You looked up, eyes wide and awake. The redness on his cheek had become quite obvious. "Pardon?"
"I like you too.... A lot. I-...I was wondering if you um...." He held the envelope up, eyes darting back and forth between you and the door. "If you want to be my girlfriend...."
Holy shit.....
You slapped yourself in the face.
"(Y/N)?!?!?!?!" Todoroki exclaimed, completely horrified.
"It hurts..." you muttered at the stinging sensation on your left cheek.
"Well of course it does! It's turning red! Why did you slap yourself so hard?" Todoroki exclaimed as he quickly placed his right hand over your cheek. The cool temperature on his hand was really soothing to the pain on your face.
You chuckled, "I wanted to make sure I was actually awake!"
"Don't do that again," he said softly, brows furrowed as he gazed at you. "Promise me."
"I won't do it again Shou-kun, I promise!" You placed a hand over his right hand, tilting your head a little to rest your face in his hand. "I'm so happy this isn't a dream."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes please." You tip toed to meet his lips. You were intrigued by how half of his lip felt hot, and the other felt almost chilly. Maybe it was because he was using his quirk to cool your face. "I love you Shou-kun. I want to be your girlfriend."
"I love you too (Y/N). I want to be your boyfriend."
A/N: You know how some people spell Shouto with a ‘u’ and some people spell it Shoto, well I tend to go back and forth with it depending on my mood LOL. Idk why. Anyways! Please like if you enjoyed, and reblogs are appreciated!!! If you like my BNHA content, be sure to check out my AO3 which I post my main Bakugou x OC fanfic.
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somebodytolovesx · 4 years
Believer - Bill Denbrough
Warnings - Almost smut, alluding. I am not sexualising children, this is imagined to be their adult counterparts.
Summary - Bill Denbrough and Y/N Y/L/N have both been scarred and pained.
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Bill Denbrough and Y/N Y/L/N laid in the living room, on the sofa, of the house that she had grown up in as a child in Derry, it had been long abandoned since her parents moved away to Atlanta and took her with them and nobody had dared to live there since a kid named Jerry Springsteen from Y/N’s math class had made the cruel joke that Y/N had died and that’s really why her parents moved away. The joke had caught on like a bad cough and made other kids start to conspire that the house was haunted, even the parents that weren’t gullible enough to believe it started to believe it. How Y/N Y/L/N had found out of the insensitive, hilarious rumour that made her lie on her back for an hour and laugh until she cried was through the monthly letter that Beverly, Ben, Richie, Mike, Eddie, Stan and Bill sent to her from Derry. They had guessed that after what happened during the summer before, everyone started to believe in ghouls and goblins and started to not brush superstitions and ticks of paranoia away with a scoff but instead listen to them, Y/N wrote back saying they had every right too and that the story could have been true if she didn’t have them there with her for that summer.
She still held onto the key for the front door of her abandoned house for a reason that she couldn’t tell herself, she had felt the urge to keep it on her instead of loosing it, it had felt like something had compelled her too. She spent many hours always wondering what the key was for in her late teenage life and throughout her adult life and came to the conclusion that it was a spare for the back or front door or for the garage. But when her feet landed on Derry concrete, her mind knew not quite why - that was still a mystery slowly unraveling - but for what and where like a map on the back of her hand and an answer on a school quiz.
She and Bill Denbrough had come back after so many years to that house where they had spent countless afternoons of their childhood summers running around in the back garden chasing each other with water guns or building boats and castles out of cardboard boxes and now they stood there twenty seven years later, all grown up. Bill with his hair that had a grey streak running through the front of it and more muscles on his arms and Y/N with her shorter hair and the body of a woman instead of a little girl but neither of them had truly changed, they were still the people they were at one time best friends with, only now they worried about insurance taxes and work and getting old when things in their body stopped ticking.
They hadn’t a good reason for coming back to the house but they had.
Y/N had the door unlocked with her key although the doorknob had rusted and wasn’t as agile as it had been when she last unlocked it, she had to rattle the key in there and shove herself against the door for it to open. Some of the furniture had been left behind, the stuff they wanted to get replacements of that would go with the theme her mother wanted each room of their new house to have, the house itself smelt of staleness and mouldy dust. There was cobwebs strung across walls, doorways, in corners and crevices that piled up on top of each other, it was eerily still and quiet. The house seemed to be haunted with bad spirits now yet every step and corner there were good memories made wether it was with her brother, her parents or with her best friends.
Bill walked close to Y/N and followed her footsteps through to her old living room on the right of the hallway, an old part of him had expected Y/N’s parents to be in there watching the television and reading the newspaper with a pack of biscuits open but they were long since gone. When Y/N had told Bill of the unfortunate news of both of her parents passing in the last four years, it had saddened him as much as it saddened Y/N when she remembered them now; they were always an open home to Bill Denbrough and welcomed him as one of their own once they got to know him, some of the best people in town that he knew.
They wondered into the living room as if it was someone else’s house and they had just been invited in, the only things left of when Y/N lived there was the mantelpiece above the fireplace and the tattered, blue sofa with holes in the cushions from lit cigarettes, Y/N’s fingers traced over them and dipped into one.
“This is richie’s, definitely” Y/N laughed. She had remembered when they were all round her house for the afternoon whilst her parents were doing the weekly grocery store shop down on Maine Street one day during the summer break, Y/N’s parents being out of the house had meant that as long as the windows were opened that Richie and Bev could smoke. Bev pulled a cigarette out from the box hidden away in the pocket of her shorts, Richie pulled one out of the box in the top pocket of his Hawaiin tee shirt and had punched Stanley in the shoulder when Stan had told him that stealing from his fathers cigarette stash was not ethicle and would end up with him six foot under whenever he found out. The cigarette dropped from in between Richie’s fingers and sizzled and hissed right through the thin material. At the time it gave Y/N a coronary and she had a go at Richie for it but she laughed now and would have to tell him about it later.
The floarboards beneath creaked now more than ever as Bill moved from the doorway and into the middle of the room. The curtains had been taken down and taken with them to Atlanta and the curtain pole was still fixed into the wall but the windows were too dust covered to see out of and in through, cobwebs stringed over them and the stormy weather darkened the room.
“The amount of time we’d spend in here was horrific” Bill laughed and brushed his fingers along the mantelpiece, collecting a cover of grey dust over the pads of his fingertips. Y/N smiled and took slow steps, taking her time to re-live a part of her dear childhood, towards the doorway of the living room.
She turned the corner at the end of the hallway and walked into the kitchen, the Linoleum on the floor still smelt like the crayons she used to draw with in school and the light that never quite was bright enough when Y/N’s family were having their dinner was still hanging up in the ceiling in all of it’s wonky glory. The countertop with cupboards above it that once were filled with glasses, plates and bowls still lined half of the room and the hidden away stove behind one of the wooden cupboards was still hidden. Y/N always used the hidden stove as a magic trick whenever someone new came round the house as hazardous as it was.
“Oh god, this kitchen” Bill grinned, his eyes were wide with astonishment.
“What?” Y/N laughed and shifted her hands into the front pockets of her jeans.
“Too many times where we’d make stuff and it nearly poisoned us...but it was fun” He said. He had remembered everything in that house, all of the concoctions they made with different foods and juices and spices they found in her parents cupboards and fridges, only a few of the seven of them were stupid - or brave - enough to digest them.
There was a chair in the corner of the room that used to be used for dinner guests to sit at if Y/N’s brother had his friends over, if Y/N had friends over like Bill had been so many times or even Bev or Mike had been, if family were visiting and chosen to stay for dinner. The wicker chair had been dragged over to the middle of the room by the back of it and Bill had sat down on it, he leant back and rubbed his hands along his trousers, taking a deep breath to take all of it in.
“The others should be here” Y/N said not because she hadn’t wanted to be alone with the boy - who is very much now a man - all of the Loser’s Club had idolised everyday but because it was still one of the few places in town that was still theirs twenty-seven years later and it was safe, she wanted them to be safe with her and Bill there.
“Stanley wouldn’t come in, you know it” Bill looked up at her through his eyelashes.
“I don’t think I could blame him for it” Y/N spoke as someone who had known him well, he was the person who toughened Y/N up with his blunt execution and sarcastic default. Who knows? In a parallel universe they could have been lovers and perhaps it would have been more than platonic. Perhaps.
There was a pause of silence where both of them realised they hadn’t spoken about Stanley Uris for a lifetime. The closest Bill had to Stanley Uris being a name on his tongue had been the day he sat down to start outlining an idea for a new novel, the idea was there in front of him and he seized it during the middle of the night when he woke from a bad dream in fear that it would not be there in the morning when he woke again. He was able to build the plot with ease and the ink seemed to flow through his veins, what he wanted to write about had translated to be so raw and terrifying, too real that he had to pause, pause, pause then go back to it. The characters he built were already there in his mind waiting for him, they were all so different in traits and personality but he knew that they would fit on the same page and when he looked back it now, it made sense. The closest Bill Denbrough had been to Stanley Uris since they were children was when he wrote his books.
“All these years and we’re still apart of his circus.” Bill muttered with a matter of frustration, he pushed the hair that had fallen in front of his face back and blew the air from his lungs outwards. Y/N had soon realised they were not talking about Stanley Uris although she wished they had stayed on that conversation for longer.
“We’ll do it this time, Bill.” Y/N reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, it was the only thing that she thought she could say in that exact moment. She prayed on every lucky star that she had spoke the truth and wouldn’t let Big Bill down.
“I thought when I left Derry and started to forget everything that it was getting better, there were no more dreams, I thought all of it had gone, I thought I had grown up and I’m back now... and now, everything is here.” Bill Denbrough had spoken.
Y/N’s hand rubbed up and down his shoulder and down to his forearm then back up again. He looked up and saw her dewy-eyed gaze, it made the Y/E/C colour deeper, Bill Denbrough had begun to swim in them and tried to shamelessly read what they were really telling him: ‘we were too young for all of that to ever happen Big Bill, I miss those days when we were kids’ or maybe that was just how he felt or wanted, hoped Y/N to feel.
Y/N’s eyes had only become more beautiful to Bill, he remembered how he used to worship them with every chance she gave him too and when she wasn’t looking, he would pray that she never looked over at him so he could look at the Y/E/C of them until it was all that he was seeing. Oh, the way Y/N’s eyes gleamed under the sun and the darker parts spiralled around the lighter tones, Bill fell in love with them and wanted to spend the rest of his life with them in his vision. He though they were much better than his green eyes and if they were to grow up and have kids one day once they were out of Derry, they would have the most gorgeous eyes if they were Y/N’s colour and shape. Looking back at so many summers ago, Bill Denbrough worshipped the ground Y/N walked on and wanted to kiss and bring his fingers down, over every part of her sun-kissed skin, he didn’t see it as a waste of his quick-passing time even now and would do anything gladly to be that fourteen year old boy again.
A shudder ran down Y/N’s back - oh how Bill had wanted to kiss all the way down her back from her shoulders so long ago - and a breath came past her lips that trembled. Y/N ran her hand down her thigh, the denim was smoothe but coarse under her fingers, she looked at her hand instead of how Bill was looking up at her, If she had kept her head up she would have forgotten how to function with normality. All of the things that had scared her evaporated and a new fear replaced that one, it bloomed like a flower on a warm day in spring, she hadn’t known what Bill was thinking of but she knew she was thinking about him in a way that she hadn’t since she was fourteen years old, it made all the pain of Derry seem so small and far behind. She enjoyed the fear he was making her feel it was new and different to the fear she had been conditioned to feel ever since a young age and there was such a beauty within it.
He took Y/N’s hand, warm and delicate, from his shoulder and held it in his own, when he stood from the chair there left an inch between them.
“You’re still mine” Bill spoke. He took his fingers over Y/N’s hand and brought them to his stomach, he pressed them against his warm skin and trailed her fingers down to the belt of his jeans. “I need to hear you say it, Y/N”.
She watched him move her hand over his belt from his stomach, her eyes followed the veins on the back of his hand to all the way up his forearm. It was not how she used to imagine Bill but it was more in it’s own way, the Bill that stood at five foot four and’s stutter was out of his control was a different person to the Bill that stood at six foot one and knew what he wanted. Y/N didn’t want to realise how vulnerable she was in front of him, she wanted to be with him in that moment and not think of when they would get another chance to be together as one, she wanted to feel every moment of the chance she had gotten then.
“I’m still yours Bill” Y/N muttered. Her hands grabbed at the buckle of his belt and un-looped it, she pulled it through the denim loops and let it drop onto the linoleum floor.
He stepped out of his jeans and walked Y/N backwards until she was pressed between his body and the countertop, she could feel the warmth of his breath so close on her lips. Bill Denbrough’s hand grabbed at the skin on her thigh and kneaded it, his fingers moved up her to her hip and grabbed it then up to her waist and caressed the skin there, he felt her ribs as he cupped one of her Y/B/S breasts under her blouse.
He had struggled to get her blouse off, tangled his forearms up in the sleeves off it and tore one of the buttons.
He dipped down to kiss Y/N’s lips, she was too focused on him slipping the blouse from her shoulders and onto the floor that what he wanted to show her, he squeezed her jaw and slipped his tongue into her mouth, it was then that she melted into him. She was so sweet and tasted better than the strawberries, raspberries and peaches he had shared with Audra last summer. Audra, his wife, whom he loved so dearly once and after seeing Y/N again could not love again, besides that passing thought, did not stay in his mind, she was so far away.
Y/N was sensitive to every place his lips touched on her, to everywhere his hands wandered over her and Bill Denbrough loved the sincere innocence of it all, it would stay with her until tomorrow morning and the following weeks to come - maybe even months. She felt the bullets ripple straight through her yet did not feel the pain of them and Y/N Y/L/N wanted to cry all at once because she feared that she would only find that in Bill Denbrough.
That afternoon, all of his desires that he carried - unbeknownst- through to adulthood yet that he had only remembered twenty four hours ago had leaped from fiction into a surreal shared moment with the woman whomst he longed for even before he knew it. He had left no part of skin or strand of hair untouched on Y/N Y/L/N and she had kissed him with such tenderness and touched him with so much of a desperation that Bill Denbrough feared his arms wrapped around her were crushing. They stood so close to one another and shared every emotion, thought, subtle notion; they had become the same person in their making of love in the muggy weather that made their bodies stick together.
“I am so much of you as you are of me” Y/N muttered against the crook of Bill’s neck as they laid on the sofa with their bodies naked against one another and arms and legs entangled. They watched the thunderclouds ripen and the lightning strike.
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skepticalcatfrog · 4 years
Aurora High School (Introduction Part One)
Introduction Part One Introduction Part Two Masterpost
Summary: After starting their junior year in high school, the Jones twins find themselves meeting new people, setting them on a track towards new friendships, new romances, new heartbreaks, and many new adventures.
Pairings: (Eventual) Scarlett Jones x Finian de Seel, Tyler Jones x Saedii Gilwraeth, and Aurora O'Malley x Kaliis Gilwraeth
Word count: 4,708
Author's Notes: This is the new project I've been raving about! I've been very into this book series lately, and I was feeling inspired. However, this won't be like my other two projects, so it won't be in the regular rotation! Instead of being a chaptered fic, this is going to be a series of oneshots that gets developed as people request ideas. I do have some more ideas up my sleeve, but I will be accepting requests very soon!
Important Author's Notes: This story contains a character who uses a wheelchair. I did do some research, but since I don't experience it, it's virtually impossible for me to be an expert on this topic. If you are more knowledgeable about this than I might be, and you notice an inaccuracy, please let me know what it is and I'll try to fix it!
It was a Friday in October. October was one of the best times of the year in the opinion of one Scarlett Jones. It was after September, so everyone had already gotten used to being at school. But it wasn't quite December yet, so you could go outside without having to wear eight jackets. Plus the slightly warmer fall months were some of the best times of the year for fashion, and Scarlett would know. She had plenty of experience in that field. The amounts of people wearing scarves and sweaters increased tenfold, which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the rest of their outfits.
But the fashion habits of her classmates didn't really matter, despite the fact that she could go on and on about the topic. What mattered slightly more was the fact that her brother was desperately trying to get her attention as they approached the school.
"Scar? Scarlett?" Tyler waved his hand in front of his sister's face.
"Hm?" She quirked an eyebrow. "I wasn't listening, what was that?"
Tyler rolled his eyes and adjusted the way his backpack was resting on his shoulder. "I was saying that I need you to tell Coach de Stoy that I can't make practice tonight. I've got too much work to catch up on, and I don't want to fall behind this early in the year."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Mr. Tyler Jones, star player on the football team, passing all his classes with flying colors." Scarlett nudged her brother, not hard enough to hurt, but just hard enough to be a little annoying. "Careful, or you'll make everyone feel bad about themselves."
"Oh shut up." Tyler smiled, standing up a little bit taller to look for someone in the crowd of people flooding through the front doors. When he spotted her, he raised his hand high above his head and waved.
Cat Brannock slowed down her walk to fall into step alongside the twins. Somehow, despite the cool and cloudy weather, she was still wearing a short sleeved shirt that showed off the tattoos on her arms. She had the most tattoos of any high schooler Scarlett had ever seen. But they were very well done, so she could understand why her friend wanted them to be visible. Cat had skipped the 5th grade, so she was a senior even though the Joneses were juniors. She was already looking towards college. Neither of the twins were looking forward to her leave. It would be weird to not have her around all the time, the three of them were rarely very far apart since they'd met in kindergarten. But they couldn't really do much to stop her from going, after all, college was what she wanted.
"Hey, kids." Cat smirked. "Let me guess, Tyler's fretting over his errands and Scar's making fun of him for it?" She gestured to each person as she mentioned them.
"Just the daily routine." Scarlett winked, linking elbows with her friend.
Cat laughed. "Do you two ever get tired of doing the same shit every day?"
"Never. Routines are what lead to mastery." Tyler said proudly.
"Just say 'practice makes perfect', Ty." Scar shook her head. "If you try to get too fancy with your words, no one's going to know what you're talking about."
"That's easy for you to say, no one ever knows what you're talking about." Tyler retorted. Scarlett stuck her tongue out at him. "It's not my fault that-"
Tyler was cut off by a girl bumping into him. She'd been very absorbed in whatever she was doing on her phone, so she didn't see him coming. The shock of bumping into someone made her look up, giving the rest of them a better look at her face. The first thing you'd notice about her would be that she had a streak of white dyed in her otherwise black hair. The second thing you'd notice would be that one of her eyes was dark brown, and the other one was really light blue. Almost colorless. She hugged her notebooks close to her chest.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I should've been watching." She apologized sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine. I should've been paying attention too." Tyler shrugged.
"Oh… thanks." The girl looked slightly confused, as if she expected someone as intimidating-looking as Tyler to react less calmly. But despite his appearance, he was practically the human embodiment of a golden retriever. "Well, I should really get to class."
And just like that, the mystery girl was gone. Scarlett couldn't help but notice that she'd never seen that girl before. It wouldn't have been surprising if she just didn't like to be the center of attention. Or maybe they just didn't have any of the same classes. Either way, Scar would be lying if she said that she wasn't intrigued.
A few minutes later, Scarlett and Tyler were sitting at their desks in the first class of the day while the morning announcements droned on in the background. Scarlett knew the girl who did them every day. Her name was Zila Madran, she'd been Scarlett's tutor in freshman year. They still talked occasionally, but they ran in very different circles, so they didn't see each other often. Eventually, the announcements ended, and the second bell rang. The first bell was always more of a warning, like 'okay, you'd better at least be in the building'. But the second bell was the 'get your asses to class' bell. And if you were still in the hallway after the second bell, then you were screwed.
Scarlett was fully prepared to fully zone out and stare at a guy across the room for the entirety of class, until of course Miss Mystery walked in. She looked like she was going to just sit down at a free desk and call it a day, but the teacher stopped her.
"Ah, Miss O' Malley! I see you've found your way here. Class, this is the new student, Aurora O' Malley. She will be joining us for the remainder of the year." The teacher explained. "Please make her feel welcome."
Oh, so she's a new kid. Scarlett thought to herself. That's why I haven't seen her around before.
Frankly, Aurora looked quite embarrassed after the surprise introduction. Maybe Scarlett had been right about her not enjoying the spotlight. Whatever the case, that was the last interesting thing that happened for the entire rest of class. The rest of it was spent going over poetry… or was it a play? She wasn't paying any kind of attention, it could've been fractions and decimals for all she knew, despite the fact that they were in English class. She didn't need to know about Shakespeare and all of his friends, it wasn't like she was ever going to meet them. She had better things to do anyway.
Time ticked by slowly. Scarlett was sure she almost dozed off once or twice. She was only fully awake again when the bell rang, then she practically jumped out of her seat. It only took her a minute to put her notebook and pen back into her bag, but by the time she'd finished, Tyler was already talking to Aurora. Scarlett listened in on their conversation.
"I was just wondering if maybe you could show me around?" Aurora asked. "I know we don't know each other too well, but you're the only person I've talked to all day, and I get lost really easily around here."
"Sure. This place is like a maze to anyone new, so I'd be happy to show you the ropes." Tyler nodded.
"Well that was fast. I didn't even have to tell you that you get to skip two class periods." Aurora smiled.
That had Scarlett's interest piqued. It wasn't that she didn't like school, but she was feeling especially done with the world that day. A two-period break sounded like exactly what she needed. "Do you mind if I tag along?"
"Oh, um, sure." Aurora nodded. She looked back at Tyler. "You know her, right? I saw you guys walking together this morning."
"Yeah, I know her. This is my sister, Scarlett." Tyler gestured to his sister.
"Nice to meet you." Scarlett smiled. "I like your hair, by the way."
"Thanks." Aurora looked a little surprised at the compliment, but not in a bad way. It had done a good job of breaking the ice.
The next two hours were okay, if not slightly boring. Scarlett had severely overestimated how fun this would be. She was at least glad that their absence from class was officially excused. That was the bright side. The first place they went was the multi-purpose lab, which was used for most of the science classes. Next, they went to all of the important classrooms. Math, Social Studies, the works. Then on to the important but less necessary rooms, like the auditorium, the cafeteria, and the gym. They only briefly went over the principal's office, figuring that she had to have been there already. Just as they were finishing their tour, the bell rang to signify the end of period three. Students began flooding out of classrooms.
"And I guess that's all we have time for." Tyler clapped his hands once. "Welcome to Aurora High School."
"You know, I just realized how weird it's going to be to go to a school that I share a name with." Aurora glanced at a nearby banner that had the school's name on it.
"You'll get used to it eventually." Scarlett tapped her on the shoulder.
For a moment, things were looking up. Their little tour was over and done with, there were only six periods left in the day, and Scarlett had gotten to miss math and a study hall, one of which was one of her least favorite classes. But that little bit of optimism was quickly shot down. As the three of them rounded a corner, everything exploded into a burst of noise and motion. Faster than you could blink, a fight had broken out. It had to be about four or five guys, all beating the absolute shit out of each other. It didn't take long for a crowd to gather. Tyler took it upon himself to see what was going on. He pushed through all the people to get to the center of things.
"Hey! What's going on here?" Tyler barely had time to finish his sentence before he got decked in the face. Apparently this group didn't take kindly to people trying to mediate things.
Aurora gasped as Tyler was dragged into the fight. Scarlett felt for her. It was only her first day, and things were already going wrong. That must not have made her feel too good. Her mismatched eyes darted back and forth as she tried to keep up with all the flying fists. Scarlett suspected that she'd never seen a real fight before. She looked nervous.
"I'll… I'll catch up with you later." Aurora decided, turning around and speed-walking away. Scarlett watched her leave.
When she turned to face the action again, she saw Principal Adams making his way through the crowd. Three of the guys had fled the scene, leaving just Tyler and one other boy to take the blame. She didn't know who the second guy was, but he was taller than Tyler, which wasn't the easiest thing to be.
"What do you two think you're doing?" Adams crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry sir. I was just trying to stop the fight, I swear." Tyler's shoulders sagged. The other boy stayed eerily quiet, but still stood tall, seemingly not as ashamed of himself as Tyler was.
"Yes, well, joining in on the fight isn't really stopping it." Adams shook his head. "I'm afraid I'll need both of you to pay a visit to my office." He looked around at the rest of the students. "The rest of you, get to class. There's nothing to see here anymore."
It took a minute for everyone to leave, but eventually they did, until the last one left was Scarlett. "Ty, do you want me to come with you?"
Tyler nodded. Whenever possible, if they had to face a potentially scary situation, they would do it together. It had been that way since they were little kids. At that point, it had become a reflex for them to ask if the other needed support.
"Alright Miss Jones, you can come, but I will need to talk to these two separately. You weren't a part of the fight, so you don't have to be a part of the punishment." Adams told her. He began walking away, and the three of them followed.
A moment later, they found themselves in the waiting room of the principal's office. Tyler and the other boy sat next to each other on one end of the room, and Scarlett sat next to a different boy on the other end. Tyler mostly just stared at the floor, but he would occasionally glance at the guy next to him. This dude was very tall. Even Tyler was pretty intimidated, and that was completely unrelated to the fact that he'd just been beaten up by this guy. He had long black hair and dark blue eyes. He looked like someone straight out of a fantasy novel. And apparently, he was also very attentive, because he noticed Tyler looking at him.
"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" The boy asked. His voice was deep and serious, and he had a faint accent that Tyler couldn't quite place.
"Oh. No, not really." Tyler offered his hand. "I'm Tyler, by the way."
"I am aware. My name is Kaliis, though my friends call me Kal." The boy answered, not shaking Ty's hand and instead opting to ignore it.
"You put up a real fight back there, Kal. Do you do sports?" Tyler asked him.
"I don't participate in school sports, no. I take fencing lessons outside of school." Kal said.
"Cool." Tyler nodded appreciatively. "But if you ever wanted to join the football team, I'm sure we'd be able to find a spot for you."
Kal smiled, but just a little. It was barely noticeable. "My sister would kill me if I joined the football team. She thinks all of you are buffoons."
"Wow, harsh." Tyler laughed. "But hey, no harm no foul. Do you have any paper I could use?"
"I don't. Why do you ask?" Kal raised an eyebrow.
"I'll write down my number, maybe we could hang out sometime." Tyler looked around for a second, then got up to grab a napkin and a pen. He wrote down his name and phone number, then handed the napkin to Kal. "There you go."
"Thank you." Kal folded the napkin up and put it into his pocket. They both looked up as the door to the principal's office opened.
"Tyler Jones? Kaliis Gilwraeth? You can come in." Adams gestured for them to follow him, and they did.
Scarlett had been eavesdropping on Tyler and Kal's entire conversation. It seemed like Tyler had made a new friend, which was good. And also strange, given the fact that they'd met during a fist fight. But good nonetheless. However, when they vanished into the principal's office, she became eternally bored. She turned to look at the boy next to her. He was busy scrolling through the homepage of some website on his phone. She couldn't quite tell what it was, so she looked up at his face instead. He was quite possibly the palest person she had ever seen. It looked like the sun had never touched his skin. His hair was a light, light blond to match. The only thing that threw off his whole snow prince vibe were his eyes, which were such a dark brown that they almost looked black. She couldn't tell the difference between his irises and pupils. He wasn't the most impressive guy she'd ever seen, but all things considered, he was a little attractive.
"Whatcha doing?" Scarlett asked, leaning towards him and resting on the arm of her chair.
"Checking notifications. I've been in here for a hot minute and Adams still hasn't found time for me." The boy shook his head. "I guess two guys beating each other up is more important than little old me."
"Well what are you in for?" Scarlett brushed her hair out of her face.
"Someone locked three teachers' car keys into their cars. They assumed it was me because I kept leaving class." He shrugged.
"I'm going to take a wild guess: it was you, wasn't it?" She smiled.
"Oh, yeah, totally." He laughed. "Frankly, I would've been intimidated if it wasn't. I like to think that I'm the only guy in this whole school who can pull off a stunt that awesome."
"How did you do it?" Scar crossed her legs.
"You ask a lot of questions. This isn't an interrogation, is it? Did Adams put you up to this?" The boy smirked. He switched the tab on his phone to a time killer game.
"Don't worry, I'm not a secret agent. I'm just curious." She said coyly. The boy's smile dropped. He looked genuinely surprised that anyone would actually want to listen to him, which made her feel kind of bad. But she would've felt worse if he was actually looking at her instead of at his phone. "Anyway, what do you do around here? Outside of this room, I mean."
"I'm on the tech crew for the school play. I used to go to robotics club too, but I dropped out after I realized that I was making everyone feel bad about themselves." And just like that, his sarcastic facade was back up.
"With what, your skills in robotics or your charming personality?" Scarlett retorted.
"Why can't it be both?" He pointed out.
"It can be both when you tell me what I'm supposed to call you." She countered. "I'm Scarlett. Scarlett Jones."
"Touché." He turned off his phone for the first time since they'd started talking, and looked up at her. The moment he saw her face, his eyes widened and he sputtered like a broken engine for a moment before finding his words. "I'm single. Are you Fin?"
Scarlett tried her absolute best to hold back a laugh. This was something she'd witnessed many times before. He'd been trying to ask if she was single, but had failed miserably. "I'm actually not Fin, but I think you might be."
"...Oh." Fin realized his mistake. He shook his head a little to get himself back on track. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm Fin. Finian if you want to be fancy about it. Or Finian de Karran-de Seel if you're mad at me."
"I'll try not to be mad at you then, because that's a mouthful." Scarlett nudged his shoulder with her own.
Fin shrugged. "Yeah, it's hyphenated. It almost never fits on the line when I have to write my name on an assignment."
Scarlett smiled. "I'll tell you what, how about I put my number into that phone of yours, and I'll text you later?"
"Sure." Fin was quick to open up his contacts and hand over his phone.
"Do you have a habit of handing your phone to complete strangers?" Scar asked, typing in her name and number. The phone looked very new, and very expensive. There was no denying that.
"Not always. But one time I gave my phone to one of my cousins expecting him to give it back right away, and he didn't give it back for eight days. He's older than me, so I couldn't really do anything about it, but my mom and aunts got mad at him." Fin rambled. "He's kind of an ass, to be honest. Not to mention that I owe him a favor from one time when he washed the dishes for me. He's been holding it over my head for weeks. And I borrowed twenty bucks from him, so I owe him that too."
Scarlett handed his phone back to him, and just as he finished talking, the door opened. Tyler and Kal stepped out. Fin looked them over and let out a low whistle. Scarlett decided to do a science experiment, and glanced at him. He was checking out her brother. She made a mental note of that.
"Have you been chatting it up out here, Scar?" Tyler asked.
"Maybe." She stood up. "Don't worry, he didn't ask me out."
"You say that as if I would assume that he did." Tyler smiled. Scarlett conducted another experiment, knowing that Ty's smile had quite the fanbase. Fin was leaning back in his chair, eyes slightly widened. Yeah, he was definitely checking out her brother.
The door to the principal's office opened a second time, and Adams poked his head out. "Finian de Karran-de Seel?"
"Well would you look at that. I guess our time together has come to an end." Fin started to go towards the door. "But I'll see you around, hopefully."
Scarlett hadn't noticed before, but when he moved, she saw that Fin was in a wheelchair. She hadn't taken the time to really look, so she'd just assumed he was sitting in the same kind of chair that she was. She'd assumed that he was just wearing gloves because he liked them. Evidently, she was wrong. It was honestly pretty interesting, and she had plenty of questions, but figured that it would probably be best not to ask them. They'd only known each other for about fifteen minutes, it wasn't necessarily time to get super personal.
"Yeah. I'll text you later." Scarlett waved to him, and he waved back.
Then she, Kal, and Tyler left the office. As soon as the door closed behind them, Tyler let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad we're out of there. I don't know how much longer I could deal with Adams' 'disappointed' look."
"What'd he say?" Scarlett asked.
"He said that he was not mad, only disappointed, and that the two of us should have known better." Kal explained briefly.
"We got off with a week's worth of after school detention, starting Monday." Tyler frowned.
"Who would've thought! Star student Tyler Jones, in detention? Unbelievable." Scarlett pretended to be indignant.
"I know, it's not-" Tyler caught on to her sarcasm. "Oh, okay, I get it. But don't expect my sympathy if you ever get detention for a week."
"I wasn't expecting it anyway, you absolute child." She tapped him on the shoulder.
"Scarlett, you are three minutes older than me." Tyler said, gesturing with his hands out of frustration.
"Yup, three very long and important minutes." Scarlett nodded. "I'm glad you're with me on this one."
"I feel like this is not a conversation that I need to be a part of." Kal decided.
"Yeah, probably not, but we still like having you around." Scarlett winked jokingly.
The three of them walked down the hallway together, parting ways only when they had to go to their separate classes. Tyler had gym, Kal had math, and Scarlett had social studies. It was one of the only classes that she actually enjoyed going to. It might seem strange to some people, considering the rest of her personality, but history had always fascinated her. She liked learning about different conflicts and how they were solved. That was why she joined the debate team. She liked arguing when she knew it wasn't for real, and she was very persuasive.
Periods five, six, seven, eight, and nine crawled by slowly. When your day had been as exciting as Scarlett's had, anything less interesting was boring. After social studies was art. Then lunch. After that was science. And finally, gym. She hated going home after gym, because her hair and makeup would always get messed up, then she had to go on the bus that way. She wished that Coach de Stoy would let them take a few minutes after class to get cleaned up, but instead the class always went right to the bell. It was annoying. Plus, then she had to run to the bus every day, which was like a second gym class.
The bus ride home wasn't very eventful, thankfully. Usually there would be at least someone in the back yelling, or playing their music too loud, but not that day. And frankly, it was very refreshing.
When Scarlett and Tyler got home, they took off their bags and jackets and hung them on the hooks by the door. It was quiet for a moment, but not a long moment.
"Welcome home, you two." A voice called from the living room.
"Hey, Adams." The twins responded in unison.
They'd been living with Principal Adams since their father died when they were kids. The two had been close friends, and since their mother wasn't around, he was the next highest choice. The Joneses were also the only ones with permission to call him by only his last name. They usually tried to keep school and home separate, except for a few rare occasions. That day was one of those occasions. Upon walking into the living room, Tyler got another one of those disappointed parent looks. Scarlett took this opportunity to sneak upstairs.
"Tyler. Why, exactly, did you think that trying to intervene in a fight was the right choice?" Adams asked, putting down the book that he was reading.
"I don't know, they were really hurting each other! I had to do something!" Tyler raised his voice a little.
"You don't need to get upset with me. I'm not upset with you. I'm just worried about you." Adams clarified. Tyler pulled up a chair to sit across from him. "Sometimes you do have to try to help. But you also have to pick your battles."
Tyler sighed. "I understand."
"Good. That's all I needed from you." Adams picked up the book again. Tyler put the chair back and went upstairs to his room.
He sat down on his bed and picked up his phone from where it had been charging on the nightstand all day. He never brought it to school, it was a distraction. Upon opening it, he saw that he had a message from a few hours ago.
Kal G: Hello. This is Kal.
Tyler added him to his contacts and slid the notification away, then moved on. He opened up the chat he had with Scarlett.
Tyler J: Adams gave me a talking to. 
Tyler J: I thought the talk today at school was enough, but I guess not.
Scarlett J: Is he mad?
Tyler J: He said no, but I think he is.
Scarlett J: Maybe if we get out of the house for a while, you'll feel better?
Scarlett J: Fresh air could be good, we should go to the park.
Tyler J: Could we invite some friends?
Scarlett J: Yeah, you text some people and I'll text some people.
Scarlett J: Meet me downstairs in 5?
Tyler J: Got it.
Tyler hit send on the last message, then switched chats. He sent messages to Kal, Aurora, and Cat.
Tyler J: Scarlett and I are going to the park, want to come with?
He got responses from each of them in no time.
Kal G: I am free for the rest of the day. I will have to bring my sister though, if that's alright.
Cat B: I bet I'll get there faster than you.
Aurora O'M: Can you tell me which one? If so, I'll be there.
After quickly responding to each of them, he got up and put his phone in his pocket. He speed-walked down the stairs and grabbed his sweatshirt. Scarlett was already waiting for him, having donned a light jacket and scarf. She was using her phone camera to reapply her lipstick when Tyler came down. After a final touch-up, she zipped her phone into her jacket pocket and smiled at her brother.
"Ready to go?" She asked.
"Ready." Tyler nodded. Then, they were out the door and on their way to the park.
Taglist: @taco-taco-belle
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