#but i liked the one i went with more 😈 also glasses 😈
here2bbtstrash · 2 years
I believe Namjoon is the bratiest brat to ever brat. He enjoys letting go and having someone else be in charge for a change, but he's also... He can't help himself, you see? So he'll test the bindings constantly, mumble when told to be silent, move when told to be still...
It takes a lot to get him to truly let go, and he loves the dedication you have to getting him there 😉
WAAAAAAAIT hold up 👀 idk why i have never considered brat joon before but ??!?!?!? i actually love this, i feel like bc he's so big and strong and just has that ~leader~ (alpha) energy to him.... he'd really make you work for it to get him to submit. and would lowkey have fun pissing you off and even more fun getting punished for it 🥵
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what headcanon(s) do you have for bangtan that you know - you just KNOW, deep down, all the way to your guts - to be FACTS???
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Hiiiiii how are you? I wanted to ask if you could do a super spicey one shot where a male yautja ends up stalking a group of girls and having his way with them in various ways, one by one but then when he finally gets to the reader he ends favoring the reader more than the other girls and ends up breeding reader until the next morning and after that he decided she was gonna be his mate 😏
A night to remember
Summary: girls night out went absolutely wrong.
Fem reader x male yautja
Warnings: NSFW, omfg where do I start, uhhh, rape/noncon, breeding, alien in a rut, drugging, violence, death, implied forced pregnancy,,,
For everyone else, read at own risk.
Not proof read, English isn't my first language and this was written at 1 am.
Authors note: my first reaction when I read that request was literally 🤨🫢🫣😈 I never thought I could be capable of writing this, but it helped me through my writers block, thx <3
Preparations were always hard. But the worse was long done. Now it was only make up that was left. Tonight's Friday night. The Friday night. Where me, Michelle and Tina finally got ready for our girls night out. We planned that date for so long - Prepared for so long. The parties theme at our local club was "warrior". So the girls and me obviously had to go all overboard. It didn't matter if we went overdressed or too hard. This was and is going to be some quality time. We had so much fun putting together our costumes. Even tho it was still obvious they were part dresses still.
Tina's get up was leaning more for a samurai. Shoulderpats, chest plate - yet still revealing, and a kimono type dress - also still revealing.
Michelle was more inspired by knights. Her dress was complement nicely by a chain top and some more sliver plates on her arms and legs. As well as a cute half helmet with a gracious yellow feather. Overall not too revealing, but the dress was still short enough to almost pop her butt out.
I on the other hand? I went for something more primal. Like a hunter. A hunter you'd see in a deep forest in the stone ages. I knew all the fur would bite me in the ass at the club, but it was worth it, of course it wasnt all fur. Just a big patch of fur over my shoulder. The rest? A sweet brown dress, showing off my thighs and what was still visible of my collarbone. I even went so far and got myself a necklace with sharp teeth and some Ambers. Not sure if either were real. It was second hand. I put on some last details for my make up. Painting some face markings.
We were now ready to go.
"Wait! Hold up", Tina basically shouted out, as Michelle grabbed her heels. We all looked at Tina. She held up her arms and looked at us with a devious smile.
"We have to get a shot in, just to celebrate"
Michelle shook her head. "Come on, Tina. It's not that pricey at the club."
I looked between the two. Sighing with a smile: "But we've got to celebrate. Now that Tina's moving away."
Tina jumped up, like a kid, begging over and over. "Pleaaaaase - for me? This once, Michelle?"
Michelle was never fond of drinking before hand. Drinking in general even, only on special occasions.
Michelle places her heels back down. Giving up, for Tina's sake. Tina giggled and turned back to the kitchen. Smacking three shot glasses on the table like she's a bartender. A samurai bartender. Michelle and I smirked with Tina. When she pulled put her vodka, our eyes widen. This really was a special occasion. It was her 10 Liter vodka bottle, that she never opened. That shit cost her a fortune.
We watched as Tina opened the bottle, it emitted a cracking sound. Yes. Freshly open. It was untouched. Until now. She carefully shifted the bottle, trying to hit the shot glasses. It already made her look like she was drunk, spilling the vodka left and right. We all giggled. Tina let out a more nervous one. I couldn't watch her struggle any longer. So I held the two glasses up to the bottles head. Making it easier to pour. Michelle took the last glass and also then held it under the head. Now all three were full and each placed in a hand. We looked at each other.
"To Tina", Michelle said, holding up the small glass up and to our middle.
"To Tina." We all said out like a record. Drinking it in one go. Nothing at first. But then a weird taste emerged. I wasn't really used to pure vodka. Michelle, not at all. She coughed. But quickly swallowed her cough as quick as it came. We all chuckled together again.
"I could go for another one... now that it's open...", the bottle owner said, swaying her hip from side to side.
"No." It came out like a choir from us.
"We gotta get there before 8, otherwise, who knows how full it'll be tonight", I said, already going for the small hallway to grab my heels. Tina soon following with Michelle.
The streets were quiet. Some passerbys still on their way to wherever. We had to pass through a small patch of forest. It was lit. Michelle would have driven. If she wouldn't have drunk something. Michelle struggled in her highheels. Almost tripping every meter due to the uneven ground. So me and Tina went to each of her side. Supporting her. We finally reached the club. A big snake already formed upfront.
Tina scoffed. "Great. Are we too late already? It's not even 8 yet."
As we approached I looked at the snake of people. They didn't move at all. As we stood there at the end now too, I noticed that they didn't even open up yet. A quick glance at my phone showed me, that it was just 7:55. "We're not late, we're even too early-"
I was cut off by Michelle pointing out the variety of costumes. Tina joining in. I looked up. Yes. We were definitely not overdressed. We fit right in.
"This one's definitely a cosplayer", Michelle said.
"A good one at that", Tina chuckled. I turned my head. Looking at who they were talking about. A woman, must be around our age. She didn't dress revealing at all. It was a full set of armor. Maybe that was foam. Who knows.
I chuckled out: "Are we underdressed?"
We all laughed at that.
Finally it was time. And exactly on the clock, the security guy finally let the people in. Another one arrived, helping out, due to the long snake. He must have been waiting anyways.
After a good 15 minutes, we were up. Showing our ID, the insides of our small bags, pockets. I was good to go. Michelle too. "That's gonna be a great night", said one of the security guards as he checked Tina's matching bag. Giving it her back, she smiled at him. She was also good to go.
We turned to her. Confused. She caught on to our mimics. "Oh. Just a couple of bucks."
Inside the party hasn't fully started. No one was yet on the dance floor. More like trying to get settled and drunk enough to try and dance. We grabbed a table. Looking over the room. After some talk about Tina's plans for her new apartment she got silent. We were silent. We already told her so many times that we'll miss her. She knows that. I hope she knows that.
"I'll be right back"
She said. Turning away.
"Where are you going?", I asked her. Having to talk louder due to the booming music and her now being a bit further away.
She mouthed something that neither me or Michelle heard. Michelle shrugged. I looked around again.
"Well. Guess I should leave this shithole too, like Tina."
Michelle furrowed her eyebrows at my comment. "No you won't. Who am I gonna ball my eyes out with at the McDonalds in the drive in, after I had another shitty relationship?"
I look at Michelle surprised with a smirk. "So you admit your ex was a douche?" She rolls her eyes. Not saying another word about that topic: "just don't leave. It's already enough that Steelheaded-Tina is moving away."
Speaking of her, she finally returns. With three neon green, toxic, probably so unhealthy cocktails in her hands. She places them down in the middle of the table. A smirk so wide it's almost unsettling. It's so obvious that she really wants this night to be great. We start sipping on them. Talking about God knows what. Eventually we decided to make our way to the dance floor. Tina wasn't quite done with her drink yet. Still half way. Michelle and I already ready to go.
"Guys wait-", Michelle said, "I'll make a break for the bathroom, Tina, you better zip that unholy brewery up so we can dance after."
I look at Michelle, worried. "Want me to tag along?" Michelle shook her head. "Nah, I'm good."
With that she left. A man and a woman approached us, not long after. They started talking to me and Tina. The man seemed especially interested in Tina.
The woman turned to me. Leaning in closer to my ear after I couldn't understand her first try to talk to me.
"Do you have a tampon?" "Oh yeah"
I said. I always had one. Especially at a party. You never know. I open my bag, searching for it, in the corner of my eye, I spotted how Tina and the guy faced the dance floor. The guys hand on the table. I looked back at the now found tampon and gave it to her. She thanked me. Turning away to reach the bathroom. I looked back at Tina and the guy. They now faced each other again. He was obviously flirting, judging by his face and Tina's reactions. I couldn't hear them at all. It was too loud.
Michelle came back. Rolling her eyes at Tina and her new found partner for tonight. She was as amused as me. But deep down we were both still worried. The guy invited Tina to dance. She said yes, as they both went to the dance floor, we quickly stepped on it too, keeping a close eye on Tina.
Everything went fine up until a bit later. We noticed Tina being more tipsy. More unfocused. I gave Michelle a frown, she also caught up to my sightings. As we looked back where Tina and the guy just were, we were surprised in to see it now vacated by another person.
Our dance came out a abrupt end. Quickly glancing around the room. We spotted them. He tried to pull Tina out of the club, to the exit. Through the mass we pushed ourself through. I was first who made it out, pulling Tina to me. She almost crashed down, if it weren't for Michelle coming up in the right moment to support her as well.
The guy looked at us. Obviously distraught by us intervening. "I just wanted to get her some air."
Michelle and I looked at him. "Yeah right, fuck off." I scoffed out loud. Security already noticing the situation.
"Everything okay?"
We turned our heads to the security guard. Explaing what happened. The guard pulled the guy aside. Telling us to still get Tina outside and let her sit with us until he investigated the guy.
Indeed we sat. On a bench. Waiting. Another security guard was nice enough to give us a bottle of water. Which we made Tina drink, even tho she said she doesn't need it. After a while the other guard came back out. With a sigh he tried to tell us in a most neutral way, that he found some knock out drops a hidden pouch of the guys costume. I tried to remember. Yes. When the guy was at our table, Tina wasn't don't with her drink yet. Only before she hit the dance floor she drank. Shit.
The guy tells us to get Tina home. Maybe call a cab. If her state worsens then maybe even a ambulance. He also told us he'll make sure the police knows about that guy, and he won't ever get in again. No matter the outcome of what the police says. He asked for our numbers, in case the police has any further questions in the coming days.
With that, we were let go.
We phoned the cabs. All of them said they couldn't make it in less than an hour. So we decided to walk ourselves. We'd be home faster. We were three people. But only one completely out of it. This was a quiet town, we told ourselves. The woods were lit, so it was okay, we told ourselves. We walked.
As we reached the woods, Michelle couldn't really walk and support Tina at the same time. So after a few meters she decided to take her heels off. We were slower. But steady. Tina was being held steady.
Now that we were slower, I took in the sounds of the night. The sounds of the dark forest. The chirping of the crickets. The owl hooing. And the slight fresh breeze pushing against us. At least my fur covered shoulder wasn't getting cold.
I looked at Michelle and Tina. Tina almost asleep, yet still walking. Michelle was exhausted. Her face a bit pained from the heel-less walking. I faced back at the path. I tried to focus on what was ahead of us. Our surroundings. But... was I getting deaf? I can still clearly hear Michelle and Tina walking. But I didn't hear any cricket. No owl. The wind was still there. I felt as if the air got heavier. The owl started hooing again. Maybe I was just tired, too unfocused.
We kept walking. Half way there. The lights in the woods path, were still lit. I glanced at my watch again, as Michelle also stopped walking, taking a break. 11pm. As I waited for Michelle to gather her strength again, Tina woke up slowly from her half asleep state. Being all giggly and seeming like a high person. I took a deep breath in. Focusing on my surroundings. We have to get her to safety. The crickets and owl were still at it. Then, a crack. Silence. I assumed the animals would start again, but, the owl took flight. Flying over and away from us. I felt the aid get heavy again. I felt nervous.
"Can we keep walking?" I said, almost stuttering. Almost begging Michelle. Tina jumped off and away from our arms. "Let's camp!"
Michelle rolled her eyes. "No Tina, we can camp at your place. Where we should be right now."
Tina wanted to say something, but we were cut off by a net being launched at me and Michelle. We were trapped. Tina chuckled as she looked at us. "Spidermaaaaaaan"
Michelle was the first one to try and rip open the net, followed by me. "Looksy! I see you, handsome!", Tina cooed, she was turned away from us, pointing into the tree line, where the net came from. Our eyes already somewhat used to the dark, spotted a shape. A man? Michelle now engaged in trying to rip apart the net even more. I looked at the figure, trying to see them better. But it moved all of the sudden, launching himself with a uncanny jump towards the free standing Tina. Snatching her right up. She was pulled into the bushes. We heard it all rustle. "Oooh- manly man-", Tina cooed again, the silhouette of them indicating, she's tracing his stomach.
I helped Michelle. The net seemed unbreakable. Our initial shock calming down slowly, making us finally able to talk. "Oh my fucking god- TINA RUN!"
Michelle yelled. She was in my vision, I couldn't see what she saw. What happened with Tina or who that was.
"That is not a man!" She kept yelling.
"But he's so-" a loud scream emitted from Tina. I pushed Michelle aside as we both yelled out for her. Who or whatever it was, I pushed Tina against a tree. It's form seeming to ram its hips into her. Her screams were parallel with its thrusts. I panicked. Digging under the net with my bare hands. Michelle joined in, but she mined away the dirt with her heel.
"Wait we have a phone-" I went to grab where my bag was. But the bag was outside the net. I leaned against it, trying to reach it, pulling the hard working Michelle with me. She was caught off guard by my sudden move, making her drop. "Hey!"
No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get to my bag. Even when I pushed so hard against the net, it left markings on me. Michelle caught on to me, reaching for her bag that she wore. Pulling out her phone. "THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" She starred at her screen. Empty. Trying to shut it on again, but it shut right back down before 911 could even be dialed. In a fit or more rage and desperation she smashed her phone on a rock. It shattered on the third try. She used the now smashed phone to cut the net. I took a shard as well and also tried to cut it. The yelling and screaming from Tina has stopped. Whatever it was, it wasn't human and it growled in relief.
I made it, I cut through. I quickly squeezed myself through the still somewhat smal gap I made. I ran, a trident was launched at me. Thankfully not piercing me as a tree was there, making me pinned up by the neck against it. My head was too big to try and squeeze my way out, and the trident was launched to deeply into the tree. Michelle had squeezed out too, running for me, trying to undo the trident holding me hostage. My eyes widen, the creature walked up to us. In the dim light, I myself saw, that that was no human. No animal. But a creature. Otherworldly. It wore what seemed to helmet and armor. I screamed out. Altering Michelle.
She tuned her head. I pushed her. "MICHELLE RUN-"
Michelle looked back at me, unsure. But I pushed her again. So she ran. The creature running after her now. Knowing I was pinned. I pushed against the trident again, my sweaty palms making it difficult to hold on. Or it was just launched to deep. Or both. I looked back at where Michelle had ran to. Only to see that the creature had caught up to her. Having her pinned down. She was gasping, crying. It had her pinned by the hip. I panicked again, as it kept smashing against her hips in a unholy force, making her cry and beg, I turned around, facing the tree and pushing my neck against the trident. Thank god it wasn't sharp. I pushed and pushed. It hurt so much, but I did it, I fell back, the top of the trident scraping against my exposed shoulder and arm. The furred shoulder was fine. I didn't mind the blood. I picked up the trident, looked into the direction Tina was, I couldn't belive my eyes.
She was dead. Her thigh, and neck bruised and bloodied. Only then realising, that her body and head didn't add up. It twisted her head and broke her neck.
I took my eyes off her, facing to Michelle and that... creature. I quickly ran towards them, at first it didn't seem to notice me. But as he did, shortly before I could react in time, he got up, I quickly jolted the trident to the side, falling a bit on Michelle. In the short second I laid on her, my head next to hers, it seemed she was still breathing, but barely.
The creature tried to get ahold of the trident. Grabbing it, and pulling it away from me. But I held it firmly. It started to slip from my hands as it used more force. So I quickly pulled my legs up and kicked against the tridents pole, stabbing it at it with my full force. It didn't hit him directly, but a spot that wasn't covered by its armor. It bled. Green. Neon green. As it tried to recover from its injury, I ran. Following the lights, I noticed heavy stomps behind me. They were quick. Close. I didn't dare look behind me. I knew it was... that.
I decided in a frenzy, that maybe jumping between trees might slow it down. So I went off rail, going zick zack between the trees. It seemed to help. For a while. I was still close to the paths lights, just enough so I could see. Just my luck that I spotted a axe in front of me. I abruptly stopped, grabbed it, and swung out. It jolted back, I almost hit it. Almost.
It roared out, angry, I flinched, but still held the axe steady. I once again tried to launch it at him, several times in a span of seconds. It nicked him twice. It growled and roared again, getting more and more agitated, out of no where it kicked me off my legs, making me fall down, before I could react, it grabbed my axe, as well as me, I hit a tree while I stood, a loud thuck boomed next to my ear. The axe was at my neck. I felt out a shaky gasp. I tried to look behind me, but my head was quickly pushed into the tree by its hand. The other toying with my underwear before ripping it off fully, with a single yank.
It got all close. Shoving my hips upwards and off the ground. It didn't matter to it, that it hurt me in that position. My spine felt over stretched. As well did my stomach and soon something else.
I felt its hips shuffle around, the armor plate in front of its crotch scooting over to so he could insert its otherworldly cock. No warning, no lube, no spit. That thing tore me apart with one shove. I screamed out, so high pitched you'd think I was in a Opera trying to destroy a glass. But my high pitch was soon replaced by deep screams, gasped screams. I was trying to get air. My one arm, I pressed against the tree, trying to not get myself killed whenever he pushed back in and could break my neck by this position he had me. The other was at his thigh, rather my fingertips, trying to prevent him from going to rough or too deep. Which was a lost cause. He, whatever he was, was too strong.
He kept pushing and pushing, his speed and force altered from time to time. Already making me see starts. I was already exhausted. Its grip on my head was now a tiny bit more gentle. Letting me look down. There I saw a green-white hued liquid. Which must be what I was thinking. It slowed. As it did so, my hip jolted from all that he's put me through. But to him, it must have been like invitation to keep going. He yanked me around. Facing him, still off the ground. He disposed of the axe by throwing it on the ground.
Before I could try to kick him, punch him, or anything, he held me up, in the air. No tree I could support myself on now. My hips hovered over his. And he let them crash down on his. I whimpered out again, it didn't hurt as much anymore. My fists were on his chest, I was still trying to push him away. As his hips kept rolling against mine, his clawed hand reached up to the brim of my dress, ripping it off. My boobs jiggling intensly with every deeper and faster thrust. I still pushed against him, he grabbed me by the waist and hip, his large hand being able to hold a, to him smaller creature, up like that. I saw the lit path upside down. He kept up his pace, even going rougher. Weirdly enough it felt so good, so good I let out a long restrained moan. No. I can't enjoy this.
But this feeling. Being stretched, filled out fully... the way he hits every spot. Another moan escaped my lips. My fists, now unclenched, grabbing at his stomach armor. His pace picked up. Thinking I'm trying to tell him to speed up. With that my body shivered throughout, I quickly sat myself up again on his hip, one of my hands grabbing at his shoulder. His monstrous pace not decreasing.
I leaned my head against the crook of his neck. The corners of my eyes turned black. And I screamed as I came undone on him. As I painted the green-white hued liquid on the ground with my own as well.
He still kept up the pace, not letting me recover. I insides clenched around his cock, I needed to recover but I couldn't. He wouldn't let me. He now placed his arms on my shoulder. Pinning me to him as he needed to get his rut out. I moaned and whimpered against his neck, everything went more dark by each push. I didn't recognise anything anymore. Just how he felt in me. How he pushed his seed deeper and further up. I didn't know how many times he came. How long he's been going at it.
I woke up again. I was dropped down somewhat gently on the ground. Sat up on the damn tree. I looked down at myself. As he stood before me. Whenever I moved a muscle, as I tried to get up, a big drop of his green-white cum emitted from my pussy. It even appeared that my stomach was more bloated. My thighs being covered in all that liquid. I looked up at him, behind his head, were the trees heads, exposing the now dawning morning sun. Its been that long!?
I watched as he picked up the axe, then me. Me? I was swung over his shoulder. My stomach pressed against it, making more cum blurt out. He walked deeper into the woods. I was too weak to do anything. Too exhausted. He stopped, I looked over his shoulders. My eyes widen at the sight. A otherworldly craft. A vehicle. A ufo? A ufo. And he carried me inside. Setting me down on a chair in the cockpit, putting on what seemed to be seat belts. "Mate", it said in a scratchy growling voice. He turned away from me and started his ship.
My heart stopped. That sure was a night I won't ever forget.
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hanafubukki · 9 months
My favorite headcanon for Meleanor from OT3: when the council tries her patience too much, she throws them a dinner party where all the food is prepared by Lilia. You can't leave the table before you've eaten everything + dessert. The only excuse for your absence is death. Particularly distinguished individuals get second servings. Naturally, Meleanor herself does not eat anything and enjoys the spectacle. (Yuu just sits in her corner and sips water, thanking the gods that she doesn't have to eat her husband's cooking)
Hello Anonie 🌺🌻🌷
I love how we all chose to make the senate suffer before and now with the reveal of chapter 6, we have upped the torture a bit and I am here for it!
With the reveal of all the hell that Lilia went through, Meleanor is going to make sure they all suffer. No one can hurt him, only she gets that privilege. 😂😂
So why not let Lilia have some fun and also get some revenge?
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It is a rule to never let Lilia Vanrouge into the castle’s kitchen. At one point in time, it was an unsaid rule, but then it became a law.
With only a few exceptions, and this was one of them.
Queen Meleanor was holding a special party for her council. They had got on her nerves one to many times recently and she needed a way to enjoy their suffering without the usual flair.
After all, fire and thunder can get boring at times and her victims would get used to it as well. So a new method was hatched, let them suffer slowly during a mandatory dinner.
You would usually feel bad for anyone that had to partake in Lilia’s cooking, especially when he had a certain glint in his eye. But this time? You didn’t really care.
In fact, you relished in it. Let them suffer, if they wanted to act like idiots, they had to face the consequences.
Plus, your husband deserves the revenge after being under their thumb for so long.
So you sipped from your glass a special drink that Queen Meleanor gave you and watched from afar, enjoying the show.
Too bad the senate made of spirits couldn’t eat, but Dawn had them handled. Last you checked, his magic was making a special cage encasing each of them. You can only imagine what they would do after he was fully done with them all. You had a feeling the family might play volleyball with them.
You smiled and sipped your drink.
Yes, this was the life.
Those who needed to be punished was getting their comeuppance.
Your loved ones are alive, well, and happy.
You couldn’t ask for more.
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Suffer Council suffer 🔥🔥🔥
Well, not all of them are bad, but you know the ones who need to are going through it 😈
You think Peter is crying somewhere because of the bill? I think he’s all for them getting their just rewards too since the council are a pain in his butt.
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lulublack90 · 9 months
Prompt - Message
@jegulus-microfic December 18 Word count 632
James’s phone alerted him to a new message. He looked down at the illuminated screen ‘New Match.’ The dating app notification read. He opened the app and scanned the message.
Congratulations Hotterthanthesun, Princeofstars has matched with you.
He clicked on the link to see his profile page. No pictures of his face. Just a rather artsy one of long, elegant fingers wrapped around the stem of a crystal wine glass filled with red wine. It made the fingers look ghostly pale, making the emerald ring wrapped around his index finger pop.
James sent a quick message.
Hey, how’s it going? gorgeous hands btw.  
He barely had to wait before he received another message. 
Not bad just got back from work. Excellent abs btw. 😉
Wait what?
He checks what profile picture he’s got. Usually, it’s one of him at the top of the London Eye, the sky lit up golden behind him as the sun sets. What he finds is a cropped shirtless picture he took as a joke for Sirius. That backstabbing little…
So, looks like my best mate changed my profile pic. That is me though just to be clear. Totally not catfishing. 
Well, now I’m certain you are middle-aged and balding with a beer gut.
😅 No, I promise I’m not.
James and his mystery match continued to send messages to each other every day for weeks. There was a lot of flirting. But they also touched on a few more serious topics. 
My brother keeps pestering me to go see him. It’s getting annoying. 
Why don’t you go see him then?
We have a lot of baggage. He wants to try and mend our relationship. But I’m not so sure it’s a good idea. 
My best friend would do anything to get closer to his brother again. Not that I know the ins and outs of your relationship but it might be worth thinking about. 
Ugh, you’re so sentimental. Fine, I’ll contact my brother. But be warned I’m blaming you if it goes tits up.
You can take it out on me when we finally meet. 
Well, now I don’t want it to go well.
I can think of a few things we could do if it goes right. 😜
Incorrigible devil
Nighty night x 
They’d both agreed they quite liked the mystery of not seeing each other's faces so they didn’t share them. James was having a good time. Whoever this faceless prince was he and James seemed to fit together.  
“Oh, Reggie’s popping in later,” Sirius said as he poured them both drinks. “Took a lot to get him to agree mind. He’s still being a little shit. But at least this is progress.” James caught the happy little smile Sirius tried to hide. He knew how much Sirius missed his brother.
The doorbell rang and Sirius leapt out of his chair, furiously smoothing his hair as he rushed to open the door. 
“Hi, Reggie.” James could hear the joy in Sirius’s voice.
“Don’t call me that, Sirius.” And the disdain in Regulus’s. 
“Sorry,” Sirius said trying to appease him. “Drink?” 
“Red wine if you have it.” Regulus sauntered past his brother and fluidly folded himself into the chair Sirius had just abandoned.
“Potter.” He reluctantly acknowledged James. 
“Regulus.” Sirius was right he was definitely still a little shit. Sirius hurriedly gave his brother a glass of red. 
“It’s not the best, but it has a fantastic tartness to it.” Regulus nodded, took a sip and grimaced. He put the glass down on the table next to his chair. 
James went cold with shock. He recognised those long elegant fingers and that emerald ring
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Thoughts I Have After Seeing Elemental For the First Time 😈🥬
Yes, there are spoilers below! If you have not seen the movie and have issues with spoilers, keep scrolling. Thank you!
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That being said, let’s dive in!
🔥 Not only are her parents immigrants but they speak a made up language called Firish. As an Irish American person, I thought that was cute!
💧 The Manticore from Onward is no longer the most relatable character to service workers. That honor goes to Ember now.
🔥 Yes, customers are really this stupid and entitled. The sparkler buy one get one free scene is a gold star example of that.
💧 Wade Ripple is who more men should be like; sweet, sensitive, loving, devoted, and charming but also awkward in an adorable way.
🔥 I never laughed so hard at the death of a grandmother ever. That was definitely not written to be sad at all.
💧 Wade isn’t afraid to say how he feels about Ember in front of his entire family and that’s very ballsy but way too fast.
🔥 Their date was so precious and the song in that scene is repeating on Spotify right now.
💧 I love that they eat wood chips and drink lava coffee.
🔥 Those flowers are absolutely stunning. And so is Embers glasswork.
💧 The antics between Cinder and the Door Man were wonderful. The Door Man also looks like the most huggable water guy.
🔥 I went awwwww in my head when their hands touched for the first time. It was such a sweet moment and I didn’t like that things went south after that.
💧 Would they be able to have sex? Because from the beginning of the film, we know element women can physically get pregnant. So a water penis in a fire vagina does what? Would she evaporate it away?
🔥 The kiss they shared near the end if the film was so sweet. Honestly one of the best kissing scenes written by Pixar tbh, with apologies to Linguini and Collette.
💧 Do male earth elements grow floral pubic hair like their armpit hairs? Imagine having flowers for pubes.
🔥 What’s the wedding gonna be like? Because I bet Ember would walk down the aisle in a stained glass gown.
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What if it looked something like this?? 👀🔥
💧 Ember loves her father but was trying too hard to make him proud. It was unfair for him to never ask her what she wanted out of life.
🔥 Wade saving the blue flame: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
💧 Of course I wanted to cry when Wade started evaporating but I knew he’d come back somehow.
🔥 He went through all of that for her.
💧 They way he offers his hand 🥹🥹🥹
🔥 Hell, the way he looks at her. That’s love man.
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💧 Marco and Polo are so cute!!
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🔥 Love love LOVE all the chainmail and glass fire people are wearing! Especially that glass robe!
💧 If I were a fire person, I would just stand in front of a fan all day
💧 What if they had a baby? Would the baby be made of steam? Is it gonna be a…. Steam punk?
🔥 How much is Wades monthly rent because DAMN. This apartment is super swanky.
💧 So there is both biotic water people and abiotic water. And they can make themselves one with that water
🔥 Wades the dude that becomes everybodys best friend the second they meet him while Ember can barely talk to anybody.
🔥 This shot is cute af, look at bby Ember with dad Bernie 🥹
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💧 Wade Ripple definitely eats out.
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tsuchigomoricock · 2 months
Tsuchigomori doesn't get enough attention and I am very glad I found your account! What are your favorite things about him? Honestly, I just want to hear another person that likes Tsuchigomori ramble about him:3
AAAA IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! Sorry for responding late ^^…. Let me ramble 😈
i absolutely love his character!!!! He is so funny with how he jokes with kou and nene or when he argues with yako , i love how different he acts when hes in is supernatural form vs his human form. Like he literally says in the manga he changes just cause he feels like it, if thats not silly idk what is… He has weird humor that makes everyone stare and look at him weird but he says it anyway and laughs at his own jokes and that is SO CUTE!!!! Or if we’re gonna get more serious, i adore his father-like relationship with hanako it warms my heart. Back when he was still alive he cared for him whenever he showed up to schools covered in cuts and bruises, always firm with him but we all know how much he cares for him.
(spoilers under the cut)
Even when he killed tsukasa , Tsuchigomori said “Even if no one else would ever forgive it, even if there’s no reason that would justify it, I forgive it.” I already started to love his character but that panel truly sold it for me. And how his yorishiro is the space rock hanako gave him? It literally is so cute, showing how hanako is important to him.. Literally he’s his dad idc… I love how he cares about the kids even if he pretends not to show it, gives them advice whenever he can. I really, REALLY wish we had more to him and knew MORE about him, i want to know everything about him!!! He is so incredibly interesting and a great character, he is so underrated and i’m happy i can ramble on and on why I like him.
Onto something less serious.. i have small reasons too, his fear of loud noises and cars!! Makes me laugh every time, he’s a GROWN man shaking in fear while cars pass 😭 i fucking love that, thats just so fun and i like his small traits. Also how he dislikes cold weather and is weak to the cold, even more adorable!!! Have you seen that official art with Tsuchigomori in his winter clothes? Its absolutely adorable… i love his expression he just looks so over it while everyone else is having fun..
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As serious the story goes on in the later chapters I enjoy having Tsuchigomori there to ground everything out, how his latest concern is living his double life as a supernatural then a human is so ??? I can’t explain it. Also it would be foolish of me not to mention his looks cause.. come on, look at him!!! His little glasses chain, his two toned hair.. everything about him is so dreamy i LOVEEE him. His slippers are just so cute too idk, he’s dressed all professionally the he has slippers on… AND MY MIND WENT SOMEWHERE ELSE MID RAMBLE.. his relationship with KOU!! I live for it, Tsuchigomori is kou’s homeroom teacher and they just go at each other all the time, i live for those moments. When kou tried to bribe Tsuchigomori with bugs?? Calling him spider face?? I LIVEEE FOR IT!!!
I could continue but i think its gotten long enough… i love Tsuchigomori if you couldn’t tell. I love everything about him… tsuchigomori ryujirou i am your number one fan I LOVE YOU!!!
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kylelovskii · 1 year
hmmm what if reader gets into a relationship and Kyle is just not having any of it at all so he's still just pulling her into corners of parties and alleyways even when the partner is hanging out with them. risky and mean bastard Kyle best kyle- mean Kyle anon !! 💕💕💕
yes. this is just yes.
i loved this so much i had to get it out asap 😈🙏
idk…this kinda reminded me of superman by eminem 🤔🤔
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how could it ever be just us two?
you’d been with eric for about a month. after that night with kyle, he just didn’t let up. he knew kyle wanted you, that’s why he had to win you over first.
your innocent physique and pretty face was all he ever wanted and more, so how couldn’t he chase after you?
eric took you on dates all the time. to parties, out to dinner, out shopping, all of these nice things, but somehow, kyle was almost always there somewhere.
it was another party, everyone from school was there. it was at kyle’s house this time. his parents were gone for some stupid date thing over the weekend, so he decided, what better way to see you then to throw a party?
you stood with eric, clung to his side, his arm draped over your shoulders. he was talking with clyde and kenny, but you weren’t one for parties, so you were pretty quiet unless someone asked you something or sparked up a conversation.
"hey, doll? i’m gonna go get another drink and talk with the guys, okay? why don’t you go find wendy or heidi?" he gave you a smile. he knew you didn’t like to be glued to his side all the time, so he always let you go hang out with your friends, too.
you nodded, letting go of him as he went to the kitchen, kenny and clyde following. you walked away from where you stood, looking around for one of the girls, hoping to at least find both. that was, until you bumped into someone tall.
you slowly looked up, unfortunately, realizing who it was. your eyes scanned over the gold chain, then up to his freckled face, then his black framed sports glasses, then his head of curly red hair. you let out a small whimper, fearing for the worst.
"you should watch where you’re going, doll."
he always called you that, making fun of eric because that’s was his signature nickname for you.
"i’m..uh sorry. i have to go find someone—" you tried to push past him, but he grabbed you by your hair. he always did that too. "ow, kyle, stop!" you tried to protest, gripping his wrist.
"stop it— cmon." he let go of your hair, grabbing your forearm and dragged you to a corner in the back of the house. he caged you, making sure people could see you, but also not be able to tell who you were.
"look at me, honey. hey. look at me," he demanded, trying to reach for your face. once he finally grabbed ahold of you, he leaned down, getting closer to you. "what’re you doing, huh? you should be with me, not the fat ass."
"kyle please— he will see me!" you ignored the question, averting your eyes, searching for eric, heidi, wendy, somebody. "does he make you feel the way i do? does he know what you want?" he kept asking these questions, but you couldn’t answer. well, couldn’t is a stretch. you didn’t want to.
"answer me, bitch. cmon." you looked back at him, his face contorted with anger and lust. you wouldn’t fuck him— no, not tonight. "he’s actually quite nice, kyle. he makes me feel quite good, actually. and quite frankly, he knows what i want, too," you spat at him.
his face changed, anger and lust to anger and disbelief. "oh? an attitude? never seen this before. maybe i need to teach you something about talking to your superiors, huh?"
"wait— nonono—" before you knew it, his hand was shoved up your skirt, moving your panties to the side. he stuck one finger in your hole, then another, moving them at a brutal pace.
he took his other hand and slapped it over your mouth to keep you quiet. whines and whimpers were muffled by his hand. you tried to get him to stop, but talking did nothing.
"cmon, quit denying me. you gotta leave him, baby. none of these guys know what you want or how to pleasure you like this. only i do," he said. you tried to train your eyes on him, but you couldn’t. he was right. he did make you feel good, but a different kind of good.
he said it again, but with a new tone. it sounded pained. "you gotta leave him, baby." then you gushed all over his fingers.
another time, eric took you out with all the guys to the mall. kenny, kyle, stan, and butters.
kyle slipped off to go to the bathroom, and eric told you, "we’re gonna go get lunch for us all, sweetheart. why don’t you go take a bathroom break, too?"
you nodded and turned to go to the girls bathroom, but then kyle grabbed you again, pulling you into the mens bathroom with him and locking the door. he didn’t say anything, just wrapped his arms around you and started kissing you.
you tried to pull away, "kyle— what—what’s the matter with you??" but he didn’t answer, just pulled you back to him, giving you different kind of kiss than any of the times he pulled you away from eric before. this was more passionate and sweet, but still a little aggression.
he finally pulled away to say something, "sorry, wanted to kiss you. is that so bad?" you looked at him like he was stupid. "you’re being weird. what happened to bitch this, cheap whore that?" he laughed. "thought you wanted me to be more nice? don’t worry, there’s plenty bullying to go around, just tryna soften you up a bit."
you tilted your head. "soften me up for what?" you questioned. he smiled. "for leavin’ him, of course. you gotta have a reason to."
and finally, for once, you smiled at him. "okay, kyle. let’s go before he finds us out."
this went on for…half a year. you saying you’ll leave eric, but you didn’t because you loved him. you loved kyle too, but just not enough. how could it ever be just the two of you? he loved you for your body, not you, but eric loved you for everything.
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alientater · 3 months
I have so much to say about s3 of bridgerton so I’m dumping it all into one post. Take my dumbass opinions as a writer for what you will 😂
- first foremost thank you my QUEEN Nicola for your confidence and courage (I am no better than a man 👀). I feel like this whole season was a reminder for me, through both Pen and Colin that bodies that look like my own (Pens) deserve love. I can’t even begin to tell yall how much watching people swoon over her body specifically has made me 🥹 blush because my own looks so much like hers.
- I absolutely adored how devoted Colin was to Pen. Watching him realize his love for her in all her forms, with all her flaws was absolutely adorable and wonderful and beautiful, and it, in its own way, comforted me that the more masculine side of my self can be the romantic, the devoted, the loving person that I am as well. Both his little speech in the carriage and his love confession at the end are now living rent free in my brain.
- I know many people think they should have cut some of Benedict’s scenes but I’m against that opinion. I ADORED his character development this season, and I think it served well as a break in the tension of the plot. you will NEVER catch me unhappy to see a bisexual king living his best and horniest life.
- I’m so glad Pen got to keep her Column. The books end with Colin revealing her identity and I’m so glad they changed that. So much from the book was changed to give her more agency and I’m so so so happy about that.
- Genuinely, I’m so excited to see what happens in Scotland with Francesca and Eloise and Michaela and John!! I have a suspicion they’re going to make it another spinoff show like Queen Charlotte, and then we’ll get Benedict’s season (which 👀💕 I have no clue what they’ll do with it but WHATEVER it is I will be parked in front of that TV the SECOND it drops). Whatever it is they have planned I have a sneaking suspicion we’re finally going to get some sapphic romance 👀 so.
- I absolutely cannot stand the hate this season is getting online. I really think it was well done, and I enjoyed every second of it.
- I do wish they’d shown a *few* more spicy Polin scenes (or maybe made the end one a bit longer bc HOOOO boy 👀 I needed about another full 5-10 minutes of her riding him lord GOD almighty I need a glass of WATER). BUT they really didn’t get any more spice than Kate and Anthony did last season (in fact they had quite a bit more I’d say), and I know we’ll see more of it next season hehe 😈 so 😏.
- John dying is literally actually physically going to break my heart when we get to Francesca’s storyline. ALSO I think I really…. I want her to fall in love with him wholly and completely too. I think she has in some ways. I hope in her story, they explore the very real love between them, mostly because I adore his beautiful lil autistic ass.
- I really wish they’d brought back Daphne and the duke a bit more to help violet and Fran a bit. I think Daphne specifically would have really helped soothe that relationship.
- can we get an Eloise Benedict swing scene every season?? Plz? For me? I adore their queer sibling bond so so so much.
- I’m so glad Pen and Eloise are on good terms again. Their friendship breaking just really…
- also, on Eloise, I adore the character growth I saw her go through this season. I think she’s really learning how to see and love the people around her for who they are and it’s so beautiful. I think people were right about her self absorption to a certain degree but… every character has flaws. No one is really infallible. And I think I went through a similar growth, learning how to check and weild my priveledge, and it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in some of the mistakes I made
- I have so many feelings about Cressida Cowper. I know she’s a bully, and I disliked her originally, but something about this season made me…. Sort of like her. First of all, she’s so cunty and I absolutely LOVE that for her. Her outfits are 😮‍💨 every single time. The SLEEVES on those dresses. Like. I really hope she has character growth of her own. Also. You can’t convince me that woman isn’t a femme lesbian. I want to see her set up a nice little estate and live happily ever after with a woman she loves, honestly. I feel like it was really realistic and fascinating to see her schism with her family. I hope she doesn’t take her mother’s advice to heart. That she breaks the generational curse and learns to be both kind AND cunty 😂. I hope Eloise and her make up somewhat too. I just. I don’t want her to be the villain. The pressures of society are their own villain.
- Bring back Edwina Sharma and her Prince can we start a FUCKING petition bro.
- two people in on that show that no matter what they are being paid, are not being paid enough 1) the COSTUME designer and 2) the intimacy coordinator. Every five seconds I found myself saying “god that dress” or “oh man, I need that waistcoat”
- I love that the writers chose to make the featherington sisters more than just… jokes? Philippa especially. She really had some of the best breakout lines of the season “insert himself where” GIRL “Farley, now! the bugs!!” SHES SO CUTE and Mr Finch baby boy so are you and your love for her 🥹 it’s just so wholesome. I love that Shonda really has showed through this show that even with our eccentricities, we all deserve to be loved, appreciated, cherished.
- we stand by Portia featherington. She really made the best of some SHITTY as situations, and we love her for that. It’s so important to me that she’s not the villain either. That she and pen worked things through, learned how to support each other, and that Portia apologized. I think she’s definitely…. Let’s say morally gray but how morally grey really is robbing the aristocracy? 🤫. I honestly? Kind of hope she finds a love match, or finds happiness in her singleness without having to rely on a man. That she learns to live in her power.
- Did I mention how devoted Colin is to Pen? Can we return to that? My FAVORITE moments of this season were the ones where he is so absolutely down bad for her that he can barely speak bc ME TOO baby boy. ME TOO. and that it’s pen. This season was for the girlies who never get noticed, who never had boys crush on them. Who have to make do living vicariously through others, who have to learn to love themselves, because the world does not seem to.
- can we bring back lord debbling? Lowkey…. I kinda liked him. I need him to be Cressida’s beard for real 🤫
- the mirror scene THE MIRROR SCENE 🫠😮‍💨😰🤤 I…. I have so many feelings. I keep hearing people being like “it was so cringe” but? I think I loved it because it felt so…. Realistic? I found myself loving it because it was so… slow and sweet and intentional and it was in every way an extension of Colin’s feelings for pen. He loves her enough that he treats her with only the most kind, most slow and soft touches. He considers her pleasure before his own (which, god is that dreamy I wanna be this man SO BAD). He talks her through. he appreciates in every way she SHOULD be appreciated. I’m just. I’m never going to be over how fantastically luke played him. How fantastic Luke and Nicola’s chemistry was. Can we appreciate the shots angles looking down on Penelope too bc oh man. Oh boy. Jesus Christ she would be walking ME like a dog to if she looked at me like that Holy Fuck. Also the THIGHS the TITTIES (👀 respectfully 👀 RESPECTFULLY). The little sneaky views of Colin’s butt hehe, the way Pen GULPS when she sees Colin (girl SAME). It reminded me so vividly of my own first time. it made me miss being that young and… idk. I feel like sex scenes often feel fake or unrealistic and the ones in this just felt SO real.
- on that topic can we all just appreciate how much Kate sharma is getting her cookie ate bc 😂 lord only knows she deserves it. ALSO. Petition for next season: I ABSOLUTELY need to see Colin on his knees doing the same for Pen 🤤👀 bc you KNow that man is a service top, and she deserves it.
- genuinely genuinely. I’m so afraid of the show now getting canceled because it has openly queer characters 🥺. I’ve fallen in love with it and it’s like there’s this dread, in the pit of my stomach, that it’s all going to end prematurely because people are already acting so shitty.
- I need violet to have her own spinoff with Marcus 👀 and CONTROVERSIAL OPINION (not controversial) I need their sex scenes bc 😳 LORD . I am not. ahem. I am sinning looking at lady bridgerton like this 😂
- I loved lady Danbury and pens exchange at the end of the season and they’re great friends in the books! I hope it develops more!
- how does Jonathan Bailey so convincingly play a man utterly in love/ lust with his wife as a gay man 😂. Also. Anthony’s little “LILACS”? Still thinking about that lol.
- I’m so glad Eloise didn’t tell Colin about pen being whistledown.
- really wish we’d had a wedding night sex scene 😅
- pen wearing a full set of acrylics and riding that man’s dick is….. god. I have been given a gift.
- Need Need NEED more of the Mondriches, just being happy and finding their place. Their ball this season was fucking fantastic.
- the end camera shot of Colin and pen kissing in front of the window she always watched him from 🫠🥹💕 I’m actually sick it’s SO PERFECT
- I knew Penelope was going to have the only boy 👀😏 called it hehe
- I think one of the things I love most about the show is just… seeing women support and uplift each other and work through things. Talk about the hard things. That’s how we grow as people.
In conclusion, I know many people disliked a lot of things about s3 but I, personally, adored it. And I also know why the writers cut what they did, and did what they did. I honestly think if they’d just added a few small things it would have been perfect. There was so much happening this season it felt overwhelming almost, and I think if I were to say if there’s anything to learn from this, it’s that they need to slow down. Focus on and give each plot its share. I wish I could give Bridgerton an infinite budget for infinite episodes to do whatever they wanted bc I know it would be good. ALSO if I have to endure a month wait like that again I’m actually fucking rioting. I liked the anticipation but it felt too long and just…. Idk. I think an episode a week would be a better way to stretch it if they wanted to keep that ploy. Anyways. If anyone’s actually read this far, I’m so sorry 😂. And to all the people griping… get a grip. It’s a beautiful show and the writing was honestly fantastic. just enjoy the media for what it is im actually begging you. If this show gets canceled because of something as trivial as not enough Polin sex scenes and having actual queer representation in fucking coming for ALL OF YOU.
Peace and light
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fictionkinfessions · 8 days
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for mundane memories, formatted bc i saw others doing text like this and it looks Cute and Fun
context: i am all might, this is my hero academia 😂
📼💪 Hanta Sero: i have a lot of memories of him coming up to me and making observational jokes? like, endless hilarious jokes about really unexpected things
🍡🌌 Ochaco Uraraka: the poor girl was lacking funds and that resulted in some! very upsetting behavior! so i tried to make sure the student's fridge was always full and i got her a bunch of junk food and snacks all the time. i gave her an extra card i had and i also went a little overboard and got some room decorations and posters and stuff for her. she was the reason i changed the former policy that Might Tower's student outreach programs had, my dumb ass had not realized what was going on b4
📚🪆 Momo Yayorozu: the leader of the girl's sleepover squad. she was always getting new nail polish or types of tea or hair care products or face masks for all the girls to try together at a sleepover. and how do i know this? well, you'll never guess who was invited as an "honorary girl" to most of these sleepovers. it was shoto! betcha didn't see that coming. i was also there, haha!
🌑🐦‍⬛ Fumikage Tokoyami: he would write and share poetry often! it was pretty insightful and beautiful, and occasionally it would inspire his classmates bc i remember tsu sharing a few poems too
😈🗡️ Dark Shadow: dark shadow was such a disturbance in class until we started treating them like an actual person 😂 it made me rethink a lot of subtle rules that Nezu had, bc tokoyami's grades increased dramatically and dark shadow was able to perform better in P.E. when they knew the other parts of the lesson plan. who'd'a thunk it (this anime is a psychological horror)
🥊⛰️ Ejiro Kirishima: kirishima was so positive and supportive that you wouldn't expect him to struggle with negative self talk, but sometimes one on one tutoring got a little heavy! knowing his goals and inspirations helped me to give him pep talks and hype him up, and i also remember recommending a few movies, plus a documentary on crimson riot that he said he had never seen before. i told him i dye my hair too (bleach)
🪩🎭 Yuga Aoyama: after the whole. well. plot thing, he was so sad and so scared, but everyone in the class was very supportive and tried to be a good friend to him! he confided in me about feelings of guilt and shame sometimes, and i was grateful to be able to reassure him. it was also cool to be able to reassure him about having a quirk he wasn't born with, bc same hat.
🦁🥋 Mashirao Ojirou: we watched all of the star wars movies in 30 minute to an hour sessions after tutoring. his hero costume was inspired by luke skywalker's outfit in a new hope. it kind of ruled
👾💗 Mina Ashido: pinky helped me figure out a bunch of stretching routines for the class, especially her peers who had different body plans or muscle tension. tutoring her was more like her tutoring me half the time!!
🪞💡 Toru Hagakure: her quirk awakening was so cool, she got skilled enough at it to make bizarre glowing checkerboard patterns move across her body. she looked like a glitched minecraft texture sometimes, it was awesome
🐙🥷 Mezo Shoji: he was part of the poetry club and he also could play the sanshin (i think. it was tall and had three strings and he used a pick or his fingers). he was shy in front of groups but he was a beautiful performer and i might have cried the first time i heard him play
🍰🍬 Rikido Sato: he was so sweet and sensitive that he was one of the only people who could hold kouda's rabbit. i was in his room all the time because he kept baking me treats
🐇🕊️Koji Kouda: lemme tell you, this guy's quirk in the middle of summer when all the ants start trying to come indoors? game changer. one of my favorite things about him is he would baa like a sheep sometimes.
🚏⛑️ Tenya Iida: one time he ran out of glasses by breaking them all and he had to wear prescription swim googles until his replacements arrived. pure game, legends only
🎤🎚️ Kyoka Jirou: she made some seriously killer remixes in her free time, it was so awesome being able to hear them, like itching part of my brain. extremely stimmy hyperpop shawn wasabi core stuff, bangers only
🔥🧊 Shoto Todoroki: he had this ongoing theme where he would get mismatched red and white stuff, like pairs of shoes, which matched his hair colors. i remember him getting both vanilla and strawberry whenever he would get sweets, and he had this big knit blanket that was half white and half red that he used in the common area sometimes
🐸🌧️ Tsuyu Asui: tsu would ask the most interesting questions sometimes. like sometimes you'd just be sitting there in the common room doing something else, and she'd come up to you and then read you so severely it'd give me whiplash. i saw a few students react... poorly, to this, at times, but i think it was a testament to how observant tsu was that she could pinpoint not only someone's insecurities but even a few explanations for those insecurities, accurately. and some of her classmates seemed to really appreciate being so Seen and Known. definitely a trait that's valuable in a hero!! extremely awkward when she called me out on my hygiene due to my mental health 😂
🍇⛓️‍💥 Minoru Mineta: i dunno how to say this but in my canon she was trans. idk. an integral member of the girl's sleepover squad. as soon as she felt accepted she became the most cool and chill person ever, everyone loved her
🥦🐰 Izuku Midoriya: pretty much the most common activity Izuku did besides work out was sit next to me with his notebook and write stuff about me in it. he had a ruler or sometimes a measuring tape that he would use, and i would catch him measuring random parts of my body when i wasn't looking and writing it down. dude knew the exact length of my wrinkles and what not. just complete fanboy behavior, he had his hyperfixation on lock
🎞️♟️ Sir Nighteye: one of the most common memories i have is this repeated situation that i put us through where i had a crush on him, right? so i would be on the verge of confessing or kissing him or holding his hand but then he would use his quirk on me and see that i was about to do that and then he would get so flustered that i wouldn't. which is changing the future btw jsyk
🛡️⌨️ David Shield: shout out to that one semester of college where whenever i went to find david he was in the labs working without eating or sleeping, listening to ABBA on repeat. what a legend.
🔎👔 Naomasa Tsukauchi: when i met his sister for the first time then it suddenly explained like so much about him. he also helped me connect with an organization to foster kittens when i was rescuing them outside of work. we would text each other memes
👁️❌ Eraserhead: aizawa had this secret evil sixth sense where he could just tell whenever i was smoking and would magically appear out of nowhere (feeding stray alley cats) and catch me in the act (trying to quit)(not succeeding)(nicotine gum did not help)
🔊🎙️ Present Mic: president michael's radio show was extremely popular so whenever he would do a call challenge then his work phone would be destroyed with incoming messages. he was pretty much always ringing off the hook with work stuff but it was insurmountable on giveaway days.
🪤🔒 Midnight: we would go out drinking with her friends a lot, sometimes with coworkers but sometimes she would introduce me to all sorts of folks. she was extremely social and popular??!
👻🗃️ Ectoplasm: he flipping loved karaoke, he would only go out with any of us if we were going to do karaoke. he would use his quirk to sing harmonies. he also did jigsaw puzzles in the common area sometimes, and sudoku.
⚕️🌀 Thirteen: she had such a messed up sleep schedule dude, so when we figured out that we had the same taste in tv then the dorm couch became like. a crash pad. usually one of us was leaving a recently vacated depression nest of blankets and snacks with a nature documentary playing
🚧🏢 Cementoss: ken was such a sweetheart he was always giving me sweets and trying to care for my wellbeing. he liked nature documentaries too so he was part of the late night cuddle puddle often, altho he usually went to bed instead of sleeping on the couch
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rileysghostt · 2 years
I of course need a price one-shot from you🥺 I’m thinking meeting him in a bar, and then… 😈
and i’m sorry this is late ilysm ❤️
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Captain John Price x F!Reader
Minors DNI!!!!!!
You were sitting alone at the bar at the local pub, a place you frequented from time to time, but you wouldn’t say you’re a regular by any means. You just liked a glass of good whiskey and this made more sense than buying a bottle and drinking alone in your apartment. The pub was dimly lit, a few people sat at the bar, having their own conversations. However, you were sitting between two empty bar stools. You didn’t really mind, just here for the whiskey. You needed this drink, you had an awful week. Everything at work, everything at home, with family, friends etc. went all to shit this week. You sighed to yourself as you took a sip, the two ice cubes clanked around in the glass as you sat it back down on the coaster. Watching them swirl around the burgundy liquid, you flicked your eyes toward the door. You watched as it opened, a man with a black beanie stepped inside.
The rest of his clothing was dark, but with how dim the atmosphere was in the bar. that’s all you could really tell. He was definitely handsome, facial hair traced up his jaw along with a thick mustache. You love gruff facial hair on tall, burly men. This was no exception. Before he caught you gawking at him, you looked away toward the back of the bar. You caught your reflection in the mirror behind the shelves of liquor bottles. You definitely weren’t dressed up by any means, but at least your hair was done, and you decided to line your eyes with liquid liner and mascara before you came in. You’ve been in worse condition, not that you really expected this man to come talk you up or anything.
“Wishful thinking…”
You picked up your glass and brought it toward your lips, finishing it off. You raised your glass toward the bartender who took the hint with a nod to you, grabbing another short glass to begin making your whiskey on ice. Running your fingers through your hair, you waited patiently for your drink. You decided to take a peak toward the handsome stranger once more, seeing where he could have ended up. To your surprise, you catch his eyes looking right at you. He was still standing by the door as he looked at you. The bartender set the glass new glass front of you making you jump slightly. You chuckled, a little embarrassed, with a thank you.
“This seat taken?”
You turn toward the stranger, his accent was thick and his voice low. You have him a small smile and shook your head no.
“All yours.”
He smiled back at you, pulling the stool back to take a seat next to you. He ordered a bourbon on the rocks from the bartender, then turned back toward to you.
“What’s in the glass?” He nodded toward your cup. You look down at it and pick it up, clinking the ice cubes around again.
“Jameson on the rocks. Real fancy stuff.”
You took a sip, eyes on his as he watched your lips touch the glass.
“What’s your name?”
You set the glass down gently, finger tracing the rim as you spoke to him.
“John, yours?”
His eyes glanced down watching your fingers trace the rim of the small scotch glass. He was taking you in, looking at your features. The way your lips curled around the glass, the way your leg was crossed over the other as you sat at the bar alone. He couldn’t imagine why a woman like you was sitting in a pub alone, drinking whiskey of all things. He couldn’t deny, it was very endearing.
“Y/N, you’re not from around here are you?”
You were also analyzing him, even though he was wearing rather dark clothing and a heavy coat, you could see how built he was underneath. You could only imagine the muscles of his board shoulders, to his defined back. Even his thighs seemed thick with muscle. His stature was tall, taller than you. ‘He’s just so attractive,’ you thought to yourself.
“Nah, how could you tell?” His accent rolled off his tongue, his voice was rich like mahogany. His chuckle tumbled in his chest.
“Hmm, I wonder. Couldn’t be your sexy accent or anything.” You tested the waters, the alcohol giving you the nerve to be a little flirtatious. What’s the harm anyway, might as well end your shit week on a high note.
“Sexy? Now I wouldn’t say that. You’re the one with the sexy accent. Can’t imagine why you’re sat here by yourself, you’re much too pretty for that.” The bartender set his glass in front of him, he took a sip after paying for the drink, refusing to start a tab.
“If you must know, Ive been sitting right here all night waiting for you.” You laughed taking another sip, you were really feeling the alcohol now. The room began to move a bit, and your body felt light.
“Now you’re just bein’ cheeky.” He laughed, taking a large swig of his drink, almost finishing it off. He had to play catch up to get where you were on the sober to drunk scale.
As he ordered both of you another drink, the two of you talked a bit more. About where you’re both from, what brought you into the pub tonight. You vaguely told him about you terrible, awful, no good week and he sympathized, he was there for roughly the same thing. Needed to take the edge off.
After a couple hours flew by, the pub was beginning to empty and the bartender announced last call.
“Listen, I have a hotel around the block. Wanna come back up with me? I have a half bottle of scotch we can polish off?” John was slurring just a little now, definitely feeling his buzz. Every time he spoke, you could see him staring at your lips. You couldn’t help but stare at his too, wondering what it’d be like to kiss them,
“Sure, scotch sounds great.”
You weren’t going for the scotch, but it wasn’t a bad addition to what you’d hoped to be getting into.
John pulled out more cash, paying off your tab for you. He ignored every objection you spit at him, that you could pay your own tab. You had to admit, though. You weren’t really complaining. John grasped your hand in his, lacing your fingers together as he helped you off the stool and out the door of the pub. The alcohol kept you warm as the two of you stepped into the cold, crisp night air. You were both giggling at each other, walking like brand new baby giraffes. This was the most fun you’d had in a while, you needed this.
John led you up to his hotel room, lazily slapping the keycard on the lock of the door, unlocking it as you both gained entry. It was a quaint room, one queen bed in the middle with a desk and lamp, bathroom of course. You took a seat at the desk while John tore off his coat and beanie. You were right about his defined shoulders and back, you could see them now through his long sleeved shirt. He grabbed two coffee cups from the tiny coffee and tea brew station the hotel had set up for the room, as well as the scotch from the mini refrigerator. He poured two liberal cups, sliding one over to you and setting the open bottle on the desk beside you. He sat on the edge of the bed closest to you, taking a swig of his drink.
“You’re quite beautiful..” John mumbled, bringing the cup down the rest in his leg. His eyes never moved away from yours, you could see just how tipsy he was from his half lidded stare at you. You weren’t much better.
“So are you, John.” You smiled, keeping the conversation light.
“You wouldn’t mind if I kissed you, then?”
“Of course not..” You breathed, your eyes falling back down on his lips again. John stood, taking a step towards you. He grabbed your hands, pulling you up to your feet. His hands left yours immediately, now taking your face in his palms. He slowly pulled you to him, his lips bushes against yours, his warm breath fanned over your lips before he placed a light kiss onto them. He moved his lips against yours, parting them as he opened his slightly. He breached your mouth with his wet tongue, lightly licking against yours. He tasted of scotch mostly, his tongue soft. You breath a light moan as the two of you continued, your hands running up his chest to wrap your arms around his neck. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you in closer. Your bodies now flush with each other, your breasts pressed into his chest. This kiss quickly became a little sloppy as both your hands explored each others bodies. For you, you hand ran back down his chest. Feeling the hardened muscle down to his stomach, resting your hands on the front of his belt buckle.
His hands ran straight down to your ass, squeezing two handfuls of each cheek. He loved how soft your ass was, he couldn’t help but grope each cheek as he groaned into your mouth.
“This okay?”
You nodded, not quite able to get any words out. That familiar tingle spreads through your pussy, your clit beginning to throb for him looking at how pink and plump his lips were now. He made quick work of your shirt and bra, throwing the garments to the floor as you worked on his belt. After unclasping you, you quickly pulled the belt through the loops and tossed it aside, you fingers now making quick work of the button and zipper.
Before he could tug your panties off, he pulls you back into a kiss. Your bare breasts pressed into his chest once again, nipples bushing against his soft skin. John’s hands trailed down past your ass to the back of your thighs, gripping them and hoisting you up. Getting the hint, you jump and wrap your legs around his waist. He walks a few steps, pressing your back against the wall. He pulls away, looking down at you with a smirk.
“ ‘that pussy wet for me?”
You smirked back, your hands on either side of his neck. You could feel sweat beginning to bead below his hair line.
“Why don’t you see for yourself?”
Your voice was almost a whisper, so sultry as your breath tickled John’s ear. You were indeed so wet for him, your panties were soaked through already. The thought of him thrusting into you like this sent chills down your spine.
John took his one hand, snaking it in between the two of you. His hand cupped your mound over your panties, feeling the wet spot you’ve created.
“Mmm, that’s a good girl.. So wet for me already..”
His voice rumbled and vibrated through your body as he spoke in a low tone, his fingers playing with the cloth of your panties as he moved the fabric to the side. His middle and ring fingers slipped between your folds, your sex dripping down to his knuckles. He groaned feeling just how bad you wanted him. His fingers then dipped into your tight hole, curling his fingers as he slowly penetrated your pussy. You let out a small whimper, the stretch around his thick fingers felt so good. They curled and pressed right into that sweet spot, earning another sweet moan from your lips.
John watched your face as he pleasured you, beckoning with his two fingers inside you. Pressing into your g spot every time, he picked up the pace. Your moans becoming louder and more frequent. He pressed his palm into your clit, offering friction from his calloused skin. It didn’t take long for you to unravel for him, your hips bucking into his hand.
“That’s right, gorgeous. Cum for me..”
Price slurred into your ear, his encouragement sending you over the edge. Your pussy gripped his fingers, pulsating as you rode out your high, the searing build up in your lower abdomen being released. Making you moan into his neck.
“So perfect.. You’re ready for my cock, lovely?”
You still heard static as you came down from your high, his voice barely breaking through. You tilt your head back, resting it against the wall as you looked back at him.
“I’m ready.. I need you inside me..” You confess as you start to catch your breath. He nods, his hand pulling his cock out from behind the confines of his tight boxer-briefs.
Feeling the head of his cock lined up with your entrance made you throb, letting out a small sigh.
“Please.. John I want you so bad..”
You were slurring your words, the alcohol still having its hold on you. Price simply nodded as he slowly push his thick cock between your folds and into your wet entrance. You moaned and arched your back of the wall as you stretched around him, pushing his cock all the way into you. Filling you to the brim. He pulled out slowly, then back in. Setting a slow and steady pace. His cock slicked every time he pulled out, then pushed back into you. Your wetness dropped down his balls, there was no doubt how bad you wanted this. Wanted him.
John started to pick up the pace, his one hand gripping your ass to hold you up against the wall, the other now on your neck, his thumb tracing your bottom lip as he kept up his assault on your tight pussy.
“That’s it baby.. Take my fucking cock.. Make me cum inside that pretty pussy..”
John huffed as he starred into your eyes, wanting to see every expression you had to give as he fucked the every living shit out of you. Your eyes rolled back as Price thrusted up into your g spot all over again. It was still so sensitive from earlier, it made you moan and grip the hair at the nape of his neck. The over stimulation almost being too much. His thrusts turned sloppy, and he was panting heavy. He was definitely close.
“Cum John.. cum inside me please. I need it.. I need you.”
That’s all the encouragement he needed as kissed you hard, groaning to your hot mouth. He came hard, hot ropes spilled into your cunt as you tightened around him. Squeezing every drop from him.
He pressed his forehead to yours, both of you sweating and panting. You curl a small smile to your lips. He did the same, chuckling a little.
“You staying, yeah? Really want to get to know you..”
Price was breathless as he spoke, barely holding you onto the wall. His grip lessened as your shaky legs anted themselves on the floor. He hold onto you so you don’t fall, leading you to the wedge of the bed and sitting you down. He looks down at you again, taking in every detail of your irises. He loved getting lost in your eyes.
“I’d like that..”
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andthebubbles · 4 months
okay, some vague overall thoughts for bridgerton 3x01-04 (spoilers ofc)
benedict didn't get much to do. am disappoint. all he did was run away from mamas and debutantes, and find a widow and then he did a lot of fucking. impressive
this so far is the season of the sideplots being more interesting
creloise is the literal damn highlight of the season so far. ESPECIALLY cressida
anthony is also, to me, always the damn highlight of any season. except for s1 on my first watch. heh.
but on that note, since cressida's gone the same way as anthony, now i get to rewatch s1 and s2 cressida scenes and just skjfgnkfg fall in love with her even more, like i did with anthony
ugh, cressida's dad! :( but as someone else said, what's wrong with befriending a bridgerton? haha maybe eloise is not Male enough. THEN LET HER MARRY A WOMAN, U ANCIENT DICK
i love i love i love all the a&b scenes we got, and anthony being the big bro and looking out for gregory
speaking of gregory, what was the purpose of him having a broken arm lmao. IS there a purpose? will there be a purpose?
rip that anthony went on a second honeymoon and had the balls to do it, i miss him being chained to his desk with violet slowly eviscerating him with a blunt knife
(i did detect some potential delicious conflict though re how slow violet's been at moving out of the house. i wonder if the show will get into that)
francesca and john stirling. aaah they snuck that one right by us. i love him and i love them! i'm not sure how much i like francesca yet though; i don't hate her but there's nothing i particularly like yet
so this is the first season where it's not (primarily) told from the point of view of a bridgerton. interesting.
i thought debling would've caught on earlier that some weird shit is going on with pen/colin, and with pen/eloise/cressida. but... well, either he did, or he's as dumb as a doornail (haha i know switched up the phrase). but yeah, at first i liked the idea of pen/debling, but by ep 4 he had become rather flavourless
portia's gonna be shook when she finds out pen and colin are getting married :3 she better be happy for pen! and also like, be nicer to her; i feel like there was a look from her towards the end of the ball in ep 4 where she might be rethinking how she talks to pen
anyway, will add to this post if i think of anything more.
that spoiler we got after the bowral screening of anthony being gifted a venetian glass ball; has that been cut from the ep...? instead he's just holding a ball which he is gonna try and fit into his mouth and/or hole for Science. string somehow attached ofc! can't have it getting lost 😈
SKDJNGK nearly forgot. okay so i have some thoughts re will and alice mondrich. with how gossipy and snipey and judgey the ton is, i'm surprised they were fairly well accepted into the ton. that is something i had not extrapolated on based on s1-2. but i do feel like cressida's mum and her friends are doing them dirty behind their backs. so that's... good... good as in, it doesn't invalidate what i headcanoned for a/b fic lmao
aaaaaand, once again for good measure - anthony's gay lil sit:
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hobeemin · 2 years
taste of temptation
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😈 genre: smut, romance, angst, supernatural, exes 2 lovers, drama
😈 pairing: demon!park jimin x fallen angel!poc(f) reader
😈 summary: does the punishment fit the crime? for even questioning her purpose, Y/N was sent to earth to live out the rest of her days. living in between worlds she is neither immortal or mortal. its the least of her worries once she attracts to attention of a demon in search of his other half.
😈 rating: 18+
😈 warning(s): swearing | breath play | bondage | hand kink | thigh riding | squirting | maturbation | finger sucking | cum play | overstimulation | begging | mention of blood | mention of wounds | heartbreak
😈 word count: 5.8k
😈 credits: 💜 a HUGE thank you to @playmetheclassics ​ thank you for beta reading this on such short notice! 💜 also to @inkedtae bee, thank you for your advice and helping me out when I was stuck 💙🩵
banner resources found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
😈 a/n: this fic takes place in the same universe as my delightful temptations stories. you don’t necessarily need to read those to understand this fic, but i will make small references to them through out this series. hope you enjoy!!
❂ Nightmare Before Christmas
         ⁂ Hosted by: Professor Bee through @bangtansorciere
⤐  AU Type: christmas town (reincarnation)
⤐  Themes: angels/demons
⤐  Kinks: breath play | bondage | hand kink | thigh riding | squirting | maturbation | finger sucking | cum play | overstimulation | begging
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The dance floor of The Harp was fairly quiet, even for a Thursday night. The regulars were looking more than tipsy at their failed attempts to impress potential partners with the latest moves from TikTok. It wasn't the ideal  condition for a creature like Jimin, but it had been a long time since he'd been in a city large enough to have a club of its own.
He couldn't resist the chance to scope out the scene of his new stomping grounds, no matter what day it was. . After a seven-day dry spell, his hunger was at an all-time high. There was only so much abstinence a body could take, and he was reaching his limit.
As he made his way through the place, the red lights of the dance floor transitioned to a cooling blue as he stepped up to the bar at the back of the club, painting his white, partially buttoned-up shirt and dark jeans a dim cerulean. Drinks didn't have much effect on him, but sometimes he found that a glass in his hand lent him more into the act as he went about scoping out the scene.
Just as he settled onto one of the stools near the end of the bar, he felt the sensation–a subtle tickle teased his nerves like the crisp scent of an oncoming rainstorm. Forcing himself down onto the seat, he tried to brush it off, ignoring the swirl of hunger it brought to the surface. What was this night to become of it?
And there she was. Leaning forward, his famous eye smile on display to the beauty behind the bar as he brushed his dark hair off his face. He nodded briefly towards the sparsely occupied dance floor and raised an eyebrow.
"Are they supposed to call that dancing?"
The night could have been going better. Hell, any night would have been better than this one. She could see the other side of the dance floor for the first time since she'd been employed at The Harp. Her faux locs swayed gently across her face as she tidied up behind the bar. At least she could make it look clean. Her eyes scanned the tip jar against the register with a pout. Why on earth did she come in?
Oh right. Cause people aren't reliable 
The woman grumbled to herself and jerked a highball glass from the dishwasher. The steam swirled around as she placed it on the drying rack and continued with her task, barely watching the bar. No one was drinking tonight. And if they were, tipping was a no-go.
Some punishment, indeed.
The spot between her shoulder blades itched suddenly, causing a frown to form on her face. That was unusual. That hadn't happened in ages. The phantom space that once preoccupied a beautiful pair of wings was now placed with tattoo etchings, almost burn-like. The memory was still fresh. She shook her head and turned around, pushing the thoughts aside. She was fooling herself. Nothing was wrong. She almost dropped a shot glass from her hand as she made direct eye contact with a gentleman who had made himself comfortable at the bar. 
Heat rushed to her cheeks, hearing his voice. Recovering her flustered state with a chuckle, Y/N swiped a loc behind her ear. 
Speak up, girl!
She let out a short laugh glancing towards the dance floor. "I honestly don't know what they think they are doing out there, but it ain't dancing."
She smiled at him , and wiped her hands on a clean towel before setting a beverage napkin in front of him. 
"Welcome to The Harp. Would you like anything to drink, sir?"
Jimin didn't miss the slight flush that briefly graced her cheeks; it only added to how  her smile seemed to distract him from the humming that seemed to linger around the lounge, tugging at his senses. It had a lingering scent reminiscent of fresh spring rain, innocent and clean, though he wondered where it could be coming from in a place like this. She was dressed simply, in a leather skirt and black tank top–a typical uniform for a place like this, but on her, it added to her purity.
His smile seemed to light up at the woman's laugh, his head tilting curiously as she spoke. He nodded with a short glance at the selection of liquor across the back of the bar, the blue lights tainting his golden eyes nearly sea green as they flicked back towards hers with a nod.
“How about Manhattan and your name as a chaser." 
Extending his hand forward to shake, he grinned mischievously."My name is Jimin."
He was surprised he gave her his real name. Normally he’d use one of his aliases; it made it easier to navigate the world anonymously . But he felt his name past his lips. His eyes widened momentarily at the realization. Taking his hand, she felt a jolt as their fingers touched. 
It seemed it had as much effect on him as it had on her. The warmth radiated from her touch. He played it off outwardly as a little static caught between them, her little jump making him chuckle softly.
Y/N gave an incline of the head. "Well, Jimin, it's nice to meet you. My name is Y/N." 
How very curious. She brushed the nagging aside as she focused on his ordered drink.
"Manhattan. Classy. Simple. But a fan favorite." She grabbed a highball from the stack. “Chilled or on the rocks?”
Jimin nodded in approval. “I’ll take rocks, please.”
She hummed, grabbed the whiskey, and poured a healthy portion. She added the sweet vermouth and a few splashes of bitters. Adding a few cherries, she slid him the glass. "Here you go."
The fluidity she had with pouring the shot seemed to extend through her whole form, and Jimin was more than impressed with her skill. In his extended time on Earth, it was rare to find someone this meticulous with how they performed their duties. He took a sip, savoring slightly sweet tones.
Before she could inquire about his drink, a group of people walked up to the bar needing to be served. She gave Jimin a weary smile with a shrug. "Duty calls."
Y/N walked down to the other end of the bar and began taking drink orders. It was a decent rush. They were thirsty, and she was happy to oblige them all. Every now and then, she would look up as she mixed a few drinks to catch a glance at Jimin. Something about him....she couldn't place it, but she felt a pull towards him.
The feeling was mutual.
Jimin's eyes trailed after her curiously. He stared at his hand, deep in thought. That touch.
He tried to shake off the lingering sensation left by her hand. The hunger he tried to suppress snarled to the surface seeking out that energy. He wanted to drink every drop and taste every inch of her until their auras intertwined, becoming one with his wicked soul. As their eyes met, he didn't look away, instead raising his drink in a toast to the fine work she was doing as she made the drinks. 
Both of them caught looking. When had he become so careless? Her presence had his thoughts swirling, his focus gone. Any thoughts of checking out potential prey in the club slipped away. His normal rule of bartenders being off-limits was starting to seem too strict. 
Y/N noticed that Jimin didn't wander off to the dance floor as the night wore on. He instead ordered another double and settled into his seat.
How strange. Her brow quirked up as she observed his actions.
A few bold souls approached him throughout the night, only for him to politely decline or brush them aside. He might have taken them up on their offer any other night, but his interest was elsewhere on this fateful night. 
As closing time neared, his eyes flicked toward Y/N once more as closing time drew near. He finished the last dregs of his drink and set the glass aside. Y/N approached, jutting her chin at the empty glass.
“One more for the last call?”
Jimin smirked, shaking his head. "I think I’ll take my check, please.”
Humming with a nod, she closed out his tab, placed his receipt on the counter in a checkbook, and took his empty glass to be cleaned. 
Jimin placed his card inside, and she took it to charge. “I don’t suppose any other bars are open after this one closes?”
Y/N shook her head as she waited for his card to go through. “No, most places close around this time.”
"Bummer,” he said with a smile, “Drinks are off the table, but how about breakfast?"
Her eyes flickered for a moment  at the sound of his offer as she met his gaze. She was used to being hit on. It came with the occupation and maybe the extra she was born with. People tended to flock to her etherealness. Of course, they never called it that. They just chalked it up to her being charismatic. By rule alone, Y/N never mingled with her patrons, preferring to keep things professional. She knew from others how that turned out. 
But Jimin...Jimin was something different.
"I think I would like that," she heard herself saying, giving him his card back. "Would you like to wait for me to finish closing? It won't take me too long. Or I could meet you there. Whichever works for you, Jimin."
He wrote out a tip much larger than the cost of the drinks and smiled once more. “Nonsense. I wouldn’t let you walk there on your own. We can walk there together.”
“Okay, sounds good to me,” she answered.
He seemed pleased with her answer, almost like it was a victory in a game. She had an idea she was playing.
“I’ll just be outside when you’re ready,” he stated, taking his jacket off the back of the chair. Y/N gave him a quick wave before returning to her closing duties. 
It didn’t take much longer for her to finish cleaning up the bar. There appeared to be a slight skip in her step. But what was she so excited about?
It’s just breakfast.
Well yeah. Breakfast could mean a lot of things.
Did she want it to?
That little voice nagged her relentlessly. She shook it off as she gathered the trash on the cart. It was nothing. This was nothing. Just two people sharing the same space.
Y/N huffed as she threw the trash bags into the dumpster. Who was she kidding? Of course, she found Jimin attractive. It should have felt wrong, but deep down, something stirred in her core. Frowning, she shook her head. There was no need to have guilt. These were normal emotions.
Just have fun.
Her doubts  were quickly erased when she saw Jimin smiling at her. She  couldn’t help but return one as he gestured for her to walk next to him. Hands deep in his coat pockets, they set off towards the diner. 
“Closed, alright?”
Y/N nodded, shouldering her bag. “Wasn’t too bad. Tonight wasn’t really that busy.”
“Well, that’s good,” he responded.
Silence fell between the two as they walked on. Much to her surprise, the silence wasn’t awkward. It felt…just right. As they approached the diner, Jimin held the door open for her to enter. A sudden chill went up his spine as she walked past him. He looked out into the darkness and felt goosebumps run up his hands. He shook his head, brushing it off. There was no way they were being followed.
The lone waitress greeted them as they entered, pointing out they could seat themselves. Jimin led Y/N over to a booth in the corner. She slid into the seat, removing her jacket. She looked around at the surroundings nodding in approval.
“I don’t think I’ve been here before.”
Jimin smiled, watching her. “Yeah, they have amazing pancakes.”
The waitress came over with a coffee pot. Jimin nodded as she poured the steaming liquid into his mug. Y/N shook her head at the offer. 
“I’ll take cranberry juice, please.”
Nodding, the waitress walked away. Y/N smirked with a shrug. “If I drink that, I’ll be up all day.”
Jimin hummed as he took a sip. “Caffeine doesn’t bother me too much. I’ll sleep fine after this.”
Y/N flipped through the menu, scanning the items. “So the pancakes are good?”
“Yeah, I love the blueberry ones.”
Y/N quirked her brow. “You take all your dates here for breakfast?”
Jimin bit down on his lip before sipping his coffee, “Just you.”
She felt her cheeks warm as she looked away. She was thankful the server returned with her juice, and she sipped it slowly. Y/N could feel Jimin’s eyes on her as she looked anywhere but at him. Chuckling, he looked up at the server. 
“I think we’re ready to order.”
Whipping out a pen, the server popped her gum, giving Y/N the sign to start. She ruffled through the menu, pointing to the options.
“I’ll have some blueberry pancakes with a side of fruit, please.”
Jimin kept his eyes on her as he ordered next. “I’ll also have the blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon.”
Nodding, she took their menus and walked off. Jimin blew the steam rolling off his mug and drank it. “Don’t like meat?”
Y/N shook her head. “Never agreed with me. Been a vegetarian for as long as I could remember.”
“I respect that. Definitely not an easy thing to do,” he mused. 
Playing with the napkin on the table, she thought of something to ask. “What do you like to do when you’re not flirting with bartenders?”
His laugh sounded almost like wind chimes. It didn’t match his demeanor at all. He pulled out his wallet, handing her a business card. 
“I’m a collector.”
“Like an antique collector?”
His lips pulled into another smirk. “Something like that. I prefer to collect rare items that can’t be duplicated.”
That could have so many meanings. Most went over her head, but Y/N was far from innocent. She’d been on earth long enough to understand many things. Though attraction and intimacy were almost nonexistent in her previous life, she knew how it worked. Watching how humans interacted each night at the bar always fascinated her. 
Would she ever have that for herself? Y/N wasn’t sure, but it seemed the more she learned about Jimin, the more the possibility could happen.
Just as the server returned with their plates, Jimin thanked her and looked up. His eyes met with the person sitting behind Y/N. She noticed how his expression changed for a second. He seemed shaken up a bit. 
She looked at him with concern as she poured syrup over her pancakes. “Is everything alright?”
Jimin set his fork down with a nod. “Actually, I'm gonna run to the restroom. Be back in a minute.”
He slipped out of the seat without hearing her answer as he made a hasty jog towards the restrooms. Instead of going inside, he went to the door leading to the alley. Frowning, he looked around.
“Alright. Show yourself.”
A tall man shimmered into view, leaning against the brick wall. Hands deep in his pockets, he nodded in greeting to Jimin.
“Nice to see you again, brother.”
Jimin crossed his arms over his chest as his scowl darkened. “Wouldn’t say I feel the same, Namjoon.”
Chuckling, Namjoon brushed his hair off his face. “C’mon, it’s been ages. I had to check in to see if you were behaving.”
“What I do is none of your business,” Jimin bit back.
Namjoon’s eyes glowed as a hiss erupted from between his lips. “It does if it endangers our livelihood.”
Jimin's eyes rolled upward in annoyance. What could he possibly be talking about? Why now? For the majority of the time, Jimin kept to himself. He didn’t see any of his brothers unless it was drastic. Nothing seemed to be wrong, so why was Namjoon here suddenly? Namjoon’s eyes narrowed at Jimin’s lack of urgency. He’d always been stubborn, but now was not the time.
“Stay away from her.”
Jimin scoffed, shaking his head. “Who are you referring to? I’ve been with plenty of women, so you’re gonna–”
“The one inside. Stay away from her.”
His brow quirked in curiosity. “Why?”
“Because I said so.”
“That’s not a good enough reason.”
“It is when I say it is.”
“Bullshit. You never got involved with Yoongi or Hoseok’s mates. Why me? Y’all get to be happy, but not me?”
Namjoon sighed deeply, rubbing his temple. “It’s not that simple. Naomi is a human, as are the other two. You can’t be with this woman.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Forbidden fruit.”
If Jimin had a heart, it would have dropped. He blinked for a few moments.
Namjoon scratched the back of his head thoughtfully. “I-I don’t understand it either, but whatever you have with her has to end. Understood?”
“Just do it, Jimin. I’ll see you in a few days.”
Before he could speak up, Namjoon shimmered away.
He leaned against the wall as the thoughts swirled in his mind. 
What could he do?
As much as he didn’t like his brothers, Jimin valued  his immortality. Was she worth losing it? As he walked back inside defeat loomed on his face, and he resolved to end it there. But as he got closer to their booth, all reason left his mind. Seeing her sitting there almost covered in glow left him in a stupor. She was more breathtaking than anything he’d ever seen…and that was saying something.
As he sat down, Y/N looked at him with concern.
“Is everything alright? I was worried that you hadn’t come back. Your food was getting cold.”
Staring into her eyes, whatever negativity went through his mind instantly melted away. All he wanted was her and only her. To hell with it all. Y/N was worth it.
“I’m sorry, I just needed some air.”
She reached out to touch his hand. The warmth radiated from her touch. “You’re not feeling well? We can always do a raincheck.”
She was so innocent. That purity would be her downfall.
Fuck it.
Jimin pulled some bills out of his pocket and placed them on the table.
“How about we get out of here? I know it’s late, but a walk might clear my head.”
She put her fork down with a small nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
He stood holding out his hand with a smile, and with one of her own, Y/N took it excited to see where the early morning would take them.
Right into the lion’s den.
As the door beeped, Jimin opened it wider for her to enter. Y/N stepped through the threshold, looking around his place. He closed it behind them offering to take her jacket. She handed it to him, slipping off her boots and waited for him to show her around. 
While she was nervous, Y/N suggested they return  to his place as the weather got colder outside. Jimin was surprised by the suggestion but agreed, and here they were.
Jimin smiled as he pointed out the rooms. “It’s not much, but it’s home. I move around a lot so excuse the lack of decoration.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, I think it suits you.”
As they sat down on the couch, the awkwardness seemed to lift. “Would you like something to drink?”
“No, I’m fine, thank you.”
Silence fell between them.
Y/N crossed her legs as she felt unsure of what to say at that moment. He seemed so confident, something she felt she lacked. What type of woman did he go for? Someone opposite of her?
They stared at each other before bursting into laughter. His eye smile on full display made her stomach flutter.
He gestured for her to speak. “Please, what were you going to say?”
She twirled her hair between her fingers. “It wasn’t really important.”
“Nonsense. Whatever you have to say is important, Y/N.”
Her cheeks heated up again before she looked away in embarrassment. “I-I…it's silly, really. I’ve never done this before, much less talked to many men. I don’t know why I feel this pull to you, but it’s–”
Jimin scooted closer, taking her hand into his as he stared at her. “I-I feel the same, Y/N. There’s something about you, and I can’t seem to stay away. Since I saw you tonight, I didn’t want to not be in your presence. Y/N, there seems to be a glow surrounding you, and I’m afraid if you stay with me, I’ll devour it.”
She felt something clench in her core from his words. It was as if she was in a trance…as if being a puppet on strings. But she was okay with this sensation. 
The electric current between them was strong as she knew she wanted to be devoured by this man, being, creature–it didn’t matter.
Jimin reached out to tilt her chin.
“Do you trust me?”
Y/N swallowed thickly as she licked her lips nervously. “I trust you, Jimin,” she said, resolution echoing in her voice.
“Are you sure? I’ll ask before I do anything, but I’m afraid I’ll lose control.”
“We’ll lose control together,” she whispered.
It was like a band snapped.
Jimin lunged forward as his lips pressed hungrily to hers. Y/N had only seconds to brace herself as she fell backwards on the couch. She felt like her body was aflame. Her hands tugged at his shirt as their kisses grew wild. Jimin nipped at her lips as growls filled the room.
He pulled away long enough to speak three words. “Pull my hair.”
Y/N’s fingers ran through his silky locks, tugging from the roots and making him groan. His hands gripped her backside, squeezing and pulling her flush against him. She gasped out as she felt something poke against her thigh. He broke the kiss once more to catch their breath as he nuzzled against her.
“You’re addicting, Y/N. I could kiss you forever.”
She felt shy under his gaze as he pressed light kisses along her jaw and neck. . “If this is too much, please let me know. I’m keeping myself in check.”
She shook her head, pecking his lips. “No. It’s okay to continue.”
“Are you sure?”
He sat back on his heels, brushing his hair off his face. “Alright, follow me, please.”
Helping her, they walked to the back of the apartment to a room off to the side. Punching in a code, the door slid open. Y/N eyes widened at the sight. Before her was a room painted in deep purples and reds. The dimness of the lights obstructed her view of many things, but some she could make out only added to her surprise. She’d only seen these things in books.
Jimin kissed her knuckles gently. “I’m a bit of a deviant, but it’s in my nature.”
He studied her body language as she surveyed the room. “Does this make you uncomfortable?”
“No, it kind of excites me a little.”
“Would you like to try something?”
“I think I would.”
Jimin bit his lip with a nod. “We’ll start slow.”
He pulled a chair out and took a seat, spreading his legs. She watched as his muscles rippled under his jeans.
“Ride my thigh,” he ordered.
She walked up to him. It was almost like second nature as she straddled his left thigh. The material of her leather skirt shifted as she settled against him. She shivered at the material of his pants, causing friction against her underwear. Jimin groaned softly, encircling his hands around her waist. He moved  her against his thigh, his lips finding their way to her neck, littering it with marks as he squeezed and spread her ass, making her go faster.
“You have no idea what you do to me.”
Her eyelids fluttered as euphoria washed over her body. It was nothing like she had ever experienced before. His lips and hands touching and teasing her left her in a stupor. The sensory overload was too much for her. Y/N whimpered as her head dropped onto his shoulder.
Y/N cried out as the wave crashed, pausing her movements as she shook to her very core. Jimin held onto her as she fell limp against his chest, white spots formed in front of her eyes as she tried to catch her breath—all this just from riding his thigh. Jimin kissed her temple, whispering soothing words as she rose from her high. Watching her come undone turned him on even more. 
Lifting her with care, Jimin carried her over to a spa bed, setting her down. He removed the hair off her face giving her a reassuring smile. 
“Still with me?”
She bobbed her head. Jimin kissed her lips again  and walked over to a table, grabbing a silk tie. He turned, holding it up for her to see.
“Would you like to try this?”
Y/N lifted her head to look at the blindfold. “What does it do?”
“Heightens your senses more. If not, we can try something else,” he explained.
“No. I’m curious about that. Let’s try it,” she answered.
He walked over and secured the tie over her eyes with a smile. 
“Can you see, love?”
She shook her head as Jimin squeezed her hand. “Good. I’ll explain everything I’m going to do and ask prior.”
She felt his fingers slide up and down her sides, making her moan softly.
“May I remove your clothes?”
“Yes,” she let out a breathy sigh.
Jimin set to work removing her clothes until she laid bare before him. He removed his after, admiring her body. It brought him to his knees. She was magnificent. 
He brushed his dark hair off his face and knelt in front of her. The scent of her sex was succulent. He placed a chaste kiss on her inner thigh, making her purr. Goosebumps formed on her skin wherever his mouth traveled. His mouth watered when his eyes met his goal. He gave her a tentative lick on the seam of her core, making her hips jolt. He grinned at her reaction.
“Love how you respond to me.”
He found her clit with ease, swollen with her arousal. Teasing it with the tip of his tongue, he slid two fingers into  her cunt and pumped them steadily. His free hand crawled up to her neck, lightly pressing as the feeling made her arousal grow.
Jimin’s appetite grew as he looped his arms around her legs, pinning her hips to the massage bed. He pressed his lips to her pussy, giving it soft kisses along the outer labia. Y/N could do nothing but grab his hair as inhumane sounds spilled from her lips.
“Oh fuck, you’re delicious.”
Yet again, his words made something snap inside as pressure rose to make liquid shoot for between her legs, coating the massage table, herself, and Jimin. He used his other hand to push her legs further apart for him to taste her greedily. 
Jimin cooed softly as he pulled back to breathe and removed the blindfold. “You’re amazing, Y/N.”
She blinked, adjusting to the dim light, but began shy under his heated gaze as he lifted her up.
“How do you feel?”
After multiple orgasms, fatigue was setting in, but just having him close only made her crave more from him. “I feel drunk almost.”
He laughed, kissing her forehead. “We’re not even close to being done.” His fingers traced her lips. “Suck.”
She brought them between her lips, suckling them slowly. Jimin’s jaw clenched, watching her twirl her tongue around his digits. He jerked them from her mouth, replacing his mouth to steal her breath away with another kiss. 
“Turn around,” he instructed in between kisses.
She faced away from him as he fisted his cock. Erect and throbbing. Y/N's backside swayed as Jimin’s cock slapped against her ass. He dragged his hand to her pussy, cupping it with a moan. Lining himself at her entrance, he glanced at her lovingly.
“Just say the word.”
“Please, Jimin,” she whispered.
His hip snapped forward, filling her to the brim. Her eyes rolled back as she stilled before matching his rhythm. Jimin kept his eyes glued to her ass as it smacked against his stomach. Her name slipped past his lips while fucking her doggy style.
“Oh shit.”
Almost lost in the moment, Jimin nearly missed the etchings on her back. He paused his thrusts, staring at it in awe.
Y/N felt his movements still as she turned to look at him over her shoulder. “Jimin?”
He met her gaze as confusion covered his face. “You’re an angel.”
“What? How did you know?”
His fingers traced over her shoulder blades delicately. “You’re my other half. I–it seems so familiar.”
Y/N twisted around, breaking the contact between them. “What do you mean?”
Jimin cupped her chin, staring into her eyes as his own glowed faintly. “Surely you felt a pull towards me. I’m much more than a man, Y/N.”
At the sight of his eyes, all her suspicions were true. Jimin was something otherworldly. 
“Do you fear me?”
“Why should I? I’ve been sent here as punishment,” she answered. 
He shook his head. “No, not a punishment. It was fate to find each other. I refuse to lose you again.”
A smile formed on her face. “Yes, it was fate.”
“You’re not leaving my sight ever again.”
He pulled her close, each letting out a groan as they connected again.
Y/N muffled out a moan. Her walls quivered around his cock, and she was close. 
They both were. Heavy, heady breathing filled the air as the young lovers’ orgasms rose. It was as if static filled the air. Everything became so messy; each caught up in their pleasure. Jimin tensed and gripped her hair tighter.
“My angel. I found you,” he cried. 
At his words, she let out a strangled cry; her orgasm rippled through her body, making her body convulse, Jimin’s seed spilled into her cunt, as he pulled out to let it drip onto her ass and the massage table. He fell forward, body covered in sweat as his forehead touched her back.
He kissed her gently, holding her close to him.
“You’re mine.”
They laid still under the sheets as the ceiling fan shifted the air in the room. Jimin moved them back into his bedroom after their activities to rest awhile. Y/N nuzzled against his chest as his fingers stroked her back soothingly.
“Do you remember?”
Y/N murmured as her senses stirred. “Remember what?”
Jimin stared at the ceiling. “When you were human.”
Her eyes popped open in surprise. She lifted her head to stare up at him. “Not really. Do you?”
“Bits and pieces. It was so long ago. I can’t even recall the time period.”
She hummed in understanding. “Seems like eons ago. I don’t know if I want to remember that time.”
“Would you ever want to go back?”
Jimin chuckled softly. “Why? Too many rules?”
Y/N shook her head. “I wouldn't have met you.”
His heart stilled for a moment. Clearing his throat, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Almost dawn.”
She sighed briefly, closing her eyes. “I need to get home.”
Jimin snorted in amusement. “Stay here for the night…er day. I’ll take you home.”
“Alright. I’ll at least shower.”
With some effort, Y/N walked with some difficulty to the bathroom off in the corner. Jimin rested against the pillows as he heard the water turn on. It wasn’t until he heard screaming that the blood drained from his face. He leapt from the bed, running into the bathroom.
She laid unresponsive on the tile. Blood pooled around her like some scarlet blanket. He bent down, picking her up. Her skin was hot to the touch.
“Baby? Y/N?! Wake up!”
“I told you there would be consequences.”
Jimin’s fangs tensed as he saw Namjoon leaning in the doorframe.
“What did you do to her?!”
“Nothing, brother. This was all you.”
“What? I didn’t do this!”
“You did. You’re killing her by being near her.”
Jimin shook his head as the lump in his throat grew. “No, no, there’s got to be a way to save her. Namjoon…brother, please. I’ll do anything.”
Namjoon sighed as a frown set in. “You’ll have to pay a steep price.”
“I don’t give a fuck! Y/N doesn’t deserve this!”
“Your blood can save her,” he explained.
“Fine!” Jimin looked around frantically for something sharp.
He glared at Namjoon with scrutiny. “But what?”
“She’ll gain her life but forget you in the process. Are you prepared to give that up?”
Jimin sat there stunned. Time was of the essence. He looked from Y/N to the mirror piece in his hand. Blinking reluctantly, he nodded slowly.
“She’s worth thousands of lives.”
As the snow fell in big flakes from the sky, Jimin walked down the street, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck. The wind picked up as the minutes ticked on. As he stood at the crosswalk, she walked on the opposite side. It couldn’t have been. But there she was. Eyes widening, he couldn’t get over there fast enough. She walked into the coffee shop around the corner, and he followed her inside. The words caught in his throat as they stood in line. When her turn came, she ordered her to drink–a medium lemon ginger tea and waited while the barista prepared it. She thanked them when her name was called, and they handed her the drink. Just as he was about to speak, a voice spoke up.
She turned to see a group in the corner waving to her. Grinning, she waved before turning to go to the condiments table. 
“Excuse me.”
Jimin blinked as she was in front of him. She giggled at him as they moved side to side. He chuckled nervously, sidestepping out of her way. “Oh, s-sorry.”
She gave him a soft smile, adding honey to her cup. Walking past, she barely noticed him as she went to the table with the group of people sitting there.
He could feel his heart breaking slowly as he backed out of the coffee shop. Seeing her there with no care in the world was enough for him.
“Goodbye, my angel.”
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lin-lizzie · 11 months
* crashes through your asks like the Kool aid man* I wanna hear all your Spectral head canons especially the ones that give you the biggest smooshiest feelings 😈
oh boy
okay first off he’s got a BUNCH of scars
like I’m talking all over his body, from head to toe
now I guess isn’t exactly a crazy amount, but he’s got scars everywhere
some small, faint ones on his face and hands
His scars are pretty mixed between new and old, from when he was bullied to his missions as an Infinight
Either had a relationship before and it didn’t go so well OR never was in one and often has fantasies of things he’d do for his significant other
transmasc/nb spectril and/or aroace Spectril I will not elaborate
He’d like turtlenecks. Idk, he just seems like a turtleneck dude
Him and Elleve are pretty good friends, especially after what happened with Fred
He’s a mama’s boy, and his mom is a florist named Flora and knows flower language(?)
He knows a bit from his mom, and sometimes helps her w the shop <3
GumGum one day finds Flora and they start talking and bonding over flowers and he doesn’t know she’s Spectril’s mom until one day she either mentions him or he’s helping her and then they both also bond together over flowers and sometimes they go out and look at gardens together or explore and admire flowers and other plants
Eventually GumGum and Spectril somewhat see each other as brothers, for GumGum because he feels that he’s learned a lot from Spectril and they’ve kinda just. Been pretty close :P (also for him, cuz they’re both half orcs lol)
For Spectril, he knows that Gum Gum sorta went thru some bullying/teasing at the orphanage and feels sympathy cuz he went thru the same </3
Some nights Spectril would look up at the moon and think of Yumi, and the guilt comes back for a bit
He likes back hugs from his s/o tbh
Also likes when his s/o kisses his scars
His hair is so soft……… and fluffy…..
like when he sees a turtle he’d just squat down and watch them, his eyes are shining.
When he was younger and got bullied sometimes they’d pass his house and throw rocks at his windows so he ends up boarding up his windows and his mom is worried cuz like “who tf is boarding up our windows???” And then she sees shattered glass
His body is cold
He likes fish, more specifically white fish
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He knows how to make flower crowns and used to make a lot of them when he was younger to cope w his bullying situation
He likes to bake…. He can cook probably okay
Can dance
The reason why only one of his orc tusks shows is cuz the other one got chipped when he got bullied
There is too much more that I just cannot remember out of the top of my head because as of now I’m at a wedding reception </3
But I promise I will bring more sometime
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cqsuanla · 2 years
Hi mediocre nat, some nsfw, I’m trying to make them worse lolll
First time nat tries to buy u clothes as a gift she literally gets the wrong size. Like two sizes off and not on purpose. And by this point she knows ur body like the back of her hand …sad
She is a straight man about u using the purple devil emoji (😈) during sexting like that shit makes her go “Yes, I’m being so sexy right now I have turned my gf on to the MAX”
Comforting her is…actually very easy honestly bc if she comes back from a hard day she’s got a short fuckin fuse and will take any excuse to fuck u so rough and so meanly ur like this is hot but I can only take this in small quantities the way she absolutely wrecks you — often with a huge strap that she’ll fuck you with nonstop until she’s got her pent up energy out even when ur about to pass out and she loves to see u crying bc she’s like ur gonna be miserable with me on god so she’s hair pulling and slapping and spanking and overall just power tripping in an attempt to regain a feeling of control
She likes it when u stay over at her place too bc she’s got all that glass, floor to ceiling windows, and she’s pushing u up against it for a good pounding and telling u to look, a whole city at our feet, people working to survive, contributing to society, while ur over here getting ur holes filled like it’s a fucking job what a perfect little whore
Ur licking that shit off the glass by the way :p
Absolutely is down to steal things like she’s got money if she wants it but literally just steals sometimes. Because she can. And ur like ????
One time ur walking by like, a whole foods and ur talking abt how she was so unromantic last date night with the Netflix and chill attempt (it was successful) so she literally swipes an entire potted plant from the display and shoves it into ur hands and keeps walking, saying, “I got u flowers can u shut the fuck up” and u have to rush after her bc now ur an accomplice, what the fuck nat?!!
U both have a habit of being late to each other’s events (work thing, hangouts with friends, dinner with ur family) like not on purpose but making no effort to change at all even if u or her gets pissed off in the moment
Just so much mediocrity, ur eating leftovers out the fridge cold bc u couldn’t be bothered to microwave it urself and nat, who was standing right next to it, looked at u asking her for smth and went No. Not until after 1:30pm on weekends.
When she’s hangry and crabby, u get crabby too bc her misery is infectious and u guys snap at each other like “ur literally so fucking annoying like why don’t u eat a cracker and you’ll calm down” and she’s like “why don’t u eat shit” and then she eats a cracker and is like 😑ugh fine. This also happens the other way but she responds by getting silently annoyed until she’s basically shoving u into the kitchen and locking u in there until u eat. No she will not cook for u. This is what u get for making ur annoyance her annoyance!!!
She really tries it. She goes “Yeah tap water is fine, I’ll have the steak and a salad for that one, thanks” and the face u give her is priceless she laughs now but not when ur ordering more things and the waiter hands her the bill since she’s acting all hard
The relationship is really just kink and prank wars like that’s it
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lightlycareless · 2 years
chapter 28 taking me out again,,, more character building,,
naoya just can not win this man is being attacked from every side (deserved). the way i screamed that he got suspended from work for MONTHS? he is about to be INSUFFERABLE (like more so than normal).
also its so funny fr how he goes over reasons for y/n’s behavior towards him, trying to figure out what went wrong, and it just… never occurs maybe it was the abuse? the s/a? couldn’t possibly be. must be his brother. zero braincell behavior HOW is he this delusional
AND WHAT IS RANTA PLANNING?? whatever it is i know its a bad idea and he should stop. immediately. like maybe its not on purpose malicious but i still know its gonna turn out badly and NO ONE is going to be happy with the outcome
and on the other hand y/n and naoaki- incredible. amazing. are they STILL believing they’re being platonic with each other after all that?? the cuddling?? i can only imagine if they’d been walked in on like that
N THE END?? NAOYA SAW HIM LEAVING HER ROOM HE IS GONNA BE SO PISSED and theres so many QUESTIONS raised from that. like does naoaki know he saw him?? does this have any impact on Ranta’s Horrible Plan?? is naoyas first response gonna be storming over to naoaki or barging in on y/n??? theres SO MANY possibilities here and chapter 29 is gonna kill me
I’m super glad you like this chapter hahahahahahahahh It’s the beginning of Naoya’s suffering, of what he deserves 😈
Had to get him where it hurts most, and that had to be his career as a sorcerer… a punishment that ended up being kind of a slap on the wrist tbh, because why wouldn’t that be the case 🙄 I think if it had been anyone else, like someone of a less impressive heritage they would’ve been permanently suspended—it’s the Zen’in playing their privilege card once again…
And yeah, I can’t imagine how insufferable he’s going to be on the incoming days hahahaha like, he’s essentially forced to stay in the estate since he can’t do his work anymore, and not only that, nobody wants to hang out with him!!!! Only ranta cares enough to stick around but even then, the poor boy was like “omg I hope he doesn’t kill me for approaching him” damn he truly has no friends 😂 (well, you reap what you sow) lmao
But for him to foolishly convince himself that if no one is going to care, y/n will just because of what she did and because she’s his wife? Come ooooon Naoya hahahahahahha that’s just another level of delusion, like wake up my dude. I’m glad the elders’ comment was quick to put him in his place though :> (YOU SAID IT WELL, HE WAS DEVASTATED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH it’s like that one scene where Mahito and Sukura are laughing at Itadori and he's naiveness, I guess)
At the same time though, I was like: the elders should stfu, they have NO RIGHT to talk about Y/N get OUT.
But still not good enough for him to realize where the true guilt lies; well, like I said, it’s something that he can’t comprehend yet. Holding accountability is not something that the Zen’in are like… avid believers of, opting to just put the blame onto others, like poor Naoaki 😒 man, it’s not his fault that Naoya is an idiot and that y/n prefers him :^) (you reap what you sow part.2)
Ranta is the kind of person I truly, truly think he has good intentions… but it’s such a shame he’s investing all of his energy on Naoya 😭 guess he knows something we don’t… anyways, can’t wait to see his plan and how it will backfire on them :>
NOW NAOAKI AND Y/N THAT SCENE… was the one I posted earlier about haunting me hahhah I know that by writing that I will be crossing a line so to speak, but at the same time… come on. Like, the two are getting to know each other and spending time with one another… they’re bound to eventually want to do something a bit more personal (this was highly indulgent too hahah forgive me 😭) you know? And y/n was in desperate need of comfort, it was foul how her happiness was destroyed like that and so quickly too!! Hinata… please… just take her out of there…
Also, be careful with what you wish for, ‘cause it just might come true 😊😈
Now to your question about whether Naoaki saw him… maybe, I think he might’ve sensed him but since he was like not wanting to entertain anybody, he was like meh who cares goodbye!!! Besides, it’s stated that he’s become far more obvious when it comes to approaching y/n so maybe he really doesn’t care anymore lol
It’s completely reasonable to expect the worst considering all that happened in the chapters before and how I’ve portrayed Naoya, however, he is in a rattled state of mind so… guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens 😊
I’m super happy that you liked this chapter 🥺❤ ngl I was super nervous about it (more on that in the behind the scene notes) but reading your feedback is always reassuring to me 😭 thank you for you support!!! It motivates me to keep on writing :> I can’t wait for you to read the upcoming chapters!
I hope you have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you around!!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Hi Tarren! I read (and read and read and re-) your Geto Suguru + 'Sharing a kiss on new year's eve' and my oh my did it set off sparks (only good ones I promise 😉). It was a complete suprise but all the more welcomed after shedding tears from that fic which I shall not name again 😅 Now let me paint a picture for you.
12 days ago at an indeterminate time, I was listening to an old podcast that was discussing kissing at new years. I then retired for the night and began to dream. I do not remember all of the details but it was a sad dream about me struggling to make irl friends and I woke up with tears in my eyes. Wanting to take my mind off it, I decided to check my Tumblr and was met with this fic of yours 🙂
I immediately related to the reader from the get-go when they were nervous about spending time with their crush as well as worried about joining in a group that already have an established dynamic with each other. When you included the group sharing stories about encounters with weird curses, my mind went straight to that one curse suguru had that liked to kiss a lot 😂 Seeing how nothing was extremely damaged and nobody seemed to have sore feelings, I am going to assume they were not playing Mario kart 🤣 I can't think of a horror movie that would make me laugh at the monsters or the terrible sequel so I ask, what did you have in mind when writing that line? 😮
The brief cooking disaster brought me back to when my mom had something on fire on the stove (we both panicked but she was able to smother the fire) and when my dad had somehow set a part of the kitchen floor on fire (did not even realise until minutes after sitting in front of the tv when I see a flicker in the figured glass door in my peripheral vision but luckily it only was on the surface level of the floor so we lived with a kitchen that had different coloured laminated kitchen tiles till we moved out 🤔). What was your brief cooking disaster if I may ask? 😀 The group going outside for a break with sparklers and talking about a temple visit was nice but I cannot help but think satoru would go more buck wild with the fireworks. I think he would love this heart shaped one that spins and lights it behind shoko and suguru while they are focused on their sparklers 😈 (You get a cookie if you recognise the anime reference hahaha XD).
My favourite non dialogue line would have to be 'As the last minute ticked down, he looked over at you, and just that single moment of eye contact got your heart racing'. The anticipation may have been fictional but felt real to me 😊 The kiss was definitely thrilling and short lived (just like the fireworks *drum sound* ba dum tss~). Finally, I have one more question to ask before I end this feedback ask. ...What was shoko's drink choice? Okay, Talk to you later ^///^!
Haha well I had to make it up to you after making something that sad, I'm glad it was to your liking!!! And ooh sounds like this was good timing then! Definitely the three of them, Gojo and Geto and Shoko, are such an iconic trio, so I could imagine sticking a fourth person in there would be strange. But I also see Gojo and Shoko as being happy for any kind of company, the more the merrier!
Honestly they could be playing all sorts of video games. I doubt any of them had a Nintendo DS 😂 but New Super Mario Bros came out in 2006, which is when Hidden Inventory takes place! So if you want to imagine that, they could be playing that! However I do see them playing older classics too, like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Dig Dug. Can you imagine them sharing an old Atari platform? 🤭 or maybe one of them even has a Game Boy Advance!
As for bad horror movies, I could see them watching the classics, too, particularly Shoko. After dealing with curses in real life, I feel like most movie monsters wouldn't bother them, especially older stuff with really obvious costumes and effects. But I can imagine them even watching stuff like The Ring and then trying to scare one of the others while it's playing
And oh my goodness! Honestly I wouldn't put it past the trio to accidentally cause a cooking fire. It could be anything, such as burning the food, realizing too late that they don't have enough/the right cooking utensils, don't have enough bowls, etc. So they have to use something definitely not intended for cooking
Ooh that sounds really familiar but I'm not sure on the anime :o whats the name? And haha maybe if he wasn't on school grounds, Gojo might go a little crazy with fireworks. But I'm not sure on Japan's laws on firework use, especially by regular citizens, so I wanted to be a little tame lol. And haha I wanted that little moment of tension. The last seconds of the year counting down, eye contact with your crush, and just that one little action changing everything~
I was going to say sake since she's a drinker and it's a holiday 😂 but we'll just go with some unsweetened chilled green tea, since she's not into sweets :3
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