#but i literally wanted to crawl under a table for the rest of the day
rangertessadarling · 1 year
if you're feeling bad about yourself i'd like to remind you that when i was asked to prom today by my crush of like 3 years my answer to him was "yes, whatever"
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beenbaanbuun · 4 months
non sexual dominance w/hongjoong
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hongjoong is a natural leader
i mean look at him, i literally couldn’t say a more obvious thing if i tried
everything he does, he shows this natural power he has, and it just makes him so easy to follow
even if he’s being a little more on the controlling side, no one really blinks an eye at it because it’s hongjoong! it’s just comes so naturally to him
and obviously that bleeds into your relationship
it’s gentle and soft, and half the time he doesn’t even know he’s doing it, but you do
and that’s not a bad thing… at all
“you’re sat too far away,” he says to you one evening when you’re out together at a random gathering, “come closer.”
all your other friends are preoccupied by their own conversations so you don’t mind putting your full attention on your boyfriend
“i’m on a seperate chair, joong,” you roll your eyes, “obviously i’m not going to be pressed up to your side.”
he cocks a brow at your defiance before leaning a little closer to you
“i’m not asking you to be pressed to my side, i just want you to move your chair a little closer,” his voice was quiet and gentle, but there was still a commanding undertone to it
of course you scoffed at his ridiculous request, but it didn’t stop you from complying
you didn’t argue back, and just shuffled your chair a couple of inches closer to him
“good girl,” he smiles and kisses your cheek, finally having you close enough to do that
he holds your hand under the table for the rest of the night to make sure you don’t stray too far again
and then a couple of nights later you’re up late, sat at your desk with your head shoved into your laptop
hongjoong arrived at your place no more than half an hour ago - which is how you know its late - and is already tucked up in your bed
he watches you carefully as you sigh for the hundredth time
it’s clear to him that you’re stressed, as he just gets out of bed and walks over to you silently
“when was the last time you saved it?” he asks as though he’s just curious
perhaps he’s worried about you losing all the stuff you’d worked so hard on
“i’ll save it now,” you reply, and he watches as you click the little button at the top of the screen, “thanks for reminding me- hey!”
your eyes shoot up to his face as he shuts the lid of the laptop, unplugs it and picks it up
his expression is neutral as he stares down at your clearly upset one, but he makes no move to give you your laptop back
“bed,” he says, “i’m confiscating this until morning.”
“hongjoong, that’s not fair!”
he rolls his eyes
“i don’t care,” he turns and begins to walk back to his side of the bed, “you’re tired and stressed and i’m not going to sit and watch you work yourself up. get in bed, now.”
he places his laptop on his bedside table before crawling back into bed
there’s nothing to stop you taking it, but unless you want hongjoong up your ass about it for the next few days, you know not to
you don’t get up from your seat for just a few seconds, but it seems like it’s a few seconds too long for hongjoong
“if i have to come over there and carry you to bed, i won’t be happy,” he warns
and although you know he’s not being completely serious about the carrying thing, he is about being unhappy
he likes you to take good care of yourself so of course he gets a little annoyed when you don’t listen to him telling you to
so you get up and shuffle over to the bed where he’s waiting with open arms and a smile
“that wasn’t too hard was it?” you shake your head, “good, now come cuddle…”
but it isn’t just a one time thing, and hongjoong isn’t always at your apartment to tell you to look after yourself
more often than not, you end up staying up later than you should, and by the time the project is over, you’re worn down and tired
and hongjoong can see that
obviously he isn’t happy in the way you’re treating yourself (you always remind him that he’s the same way, but he always refuses to acknowledge that fact) so he takes it upon himself to monitor your recuperation
brings you food every day and either watches you eat it, or insists on feeding you himself
you complain about the latter, reminding that you’re perfectly capable of putting food in your own mouth
he just rolls his eyes and asks you to ‘let him do this’
you realise after some time that half of the reason he’s doing this is because of guilt that he wasn’t there more often to stop you overworking yourself
you have to remind him that he has a life outside of you and he can’t always be there to take care of you
“what if i just moved in?” he asks as he spoons some soup into your mouth, “that way i could monitor you…”
you swallow the soup quickly just so you can tut at him
“first of all, i don’t need monitoring,” he makes a sound to let you know he disagrees, “and secondly, you seriously want to leave jongho and wooyoung alone together?“
hongjoong agrees that would be a bad idea since both of the boys like to push the other’s buttons
“well, what if you move into the dorms?” he suggests after a moment of silence
“you don’t need to monitor me!”
he relents after a quick back and forth, finally agreeing that sure, maybe you are capable of taking care of yourself without him to help
the thought makes him a little sadder than it should, though
because he likes taking care of you…
feeding you, washing your hair in the bath, keeping a hand on you whenever you’re out together
and maybe you moving in together is less him monitoring you, and more him just being able to care for you in the way that he wants to
to be able to lead you to make the best decisions for yourself, even if he isn’t too good at doing that for himself
but although it made him said, he was fine conceding to your will this time
he likes having that dominance over you, but he’d never force you into something so big if you aren’t quite ready for it
for now he’s stick to showing up at your place unannounced and taking care of you from there
reminding you to eat when he knows you haven’t
pulling you around by your waist when he doesn’t want you too far from him
pinning you to the couch when he knows you’re too fidgety to relax properly
he’d have to happy with just that for the time being
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scremogirl · 7 months
adding to idgaf reader, they let the yans grope them whenever
I got carried away with yandere nerds, srry 😭
There was really nothing you could do to stop him. Yandere! Nerd is definitely the most handsy and since he knows you don’t care, he’s absolutely taking advantage of your laid back personality.
Sitting down at your desk you listen to the professor present today's lesson. You're so focused on taking notes that you’re unconsciously ignoring your precious yan. Sure, you have 5/7 classes with each other and will see him literally next period, but he wants attention now!
Therefore, once he shifts his hand onto your thigh under the table, you pay him no mind. He’s always like this so you think he can wait it out just a little more. Oh how wrong you were. Still facing forward, you ignore him as his hand slides farther up, fingertips brushing up against your sex. You shoot a quick glance at him, something akin to “really, right now?” but he decides to be petty and ignore you too. You huff a little knowing he’s not gonna give up and drop your pen; he’s gonna give you the notes anyways 🤷🏽‍♀️. He smiles at your quick defeat and after remaining stationary for a couple minutes, runs his finger along your arousal.
You lean back and let him rub against you, feeling heat pool between your legs. Out of the corner of your eye you see him smirk when your hips buck just noticeable for him to see. Your eyes still remain on the teacher and with a straight face and slightest groan, fall apart in the middle of class. Soon after the bell rings you grab your stuff, feeling your cum drip down your pants leg. You walk to your next class with him right on your heels before making a sharp left into the staff bathroom. As council members, it’s one of the perks you’re allowed (nobody likes using those dirty ass school restrooms bffr).
You close the lid of the toilet pulling him by the tie into the stall with you. You shoved down your pants down and undo his tie, using it to wipe up the mess he made before shoving it in his mouth. He looks up at you with glassy eyes and whines around the garment.
“Nuh uh, only good boys get to cum,”
Sure, you ended up missing a class or two and left the sore between your thighs, will you do it again? Yes.
To no one's surprise, you're here again at Yandere! Council president’s house again for another “study session”. And by study session I mean laying down in his large bed with his hands up your shirt and body pressed so close against yours you can barely move. Not that you mind tho, you're too preoccupied with the random ‘try not to laugh’ he put on to keep your attention from straying to him. This is one of the only moments he has you to himself and can sit back and relax with nothing to worry about.
Warm hands rest on your chest, an additional squeeze here and there. The silence is comfortable until it’s broken by your surprised gasp. For whatever reason, he wanted to give your nipples a gentle tug. He proceeds to grind against you from behind, snuggling closer. You look back a little only to find him nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
Again silence passes until his hands shifted to your hip and down your pants. He just left them there, resting against you and applying just the right amount of pressure. Not being one to be on the receiving end of teasing, you move his hands out and flip him on his back. Crawling on top you look into his eyes with a curt “stop,”. All you get is a cheeky smile as he places his hands on either side of your face.
“You’re so pretty,” all he gets in return is a roll of your eyes as you lay down on his chest as he scratches your scalp and slowly falls into sleep.
As revenge you woke him up with that sloppy toppy w/ no release as revenge. You had a rough time in gym the next day 🤭.
It was 50/50 with you. You liked going to the mall because most of the time you weren’t the one paying, on the other hand Yandere! Childhood friend would do everything in his power to make y’all seem like a couple. You knew the truth about your relationship so the jealous stares and whispers of “aww how cute,” and “I wish that was me,” never got to you.
“Hey babe, try on this one! The color really matches your eyes,” ignoring the babe part you stare at him questiongly. Sure, it does suit you very well, the only problem is it’s like 2x smaller than what you normally buy. You take it anyways, not willing to hear him make up dumb excuses on why he thinks you’ll like it.
Making your way to the dressing room you try it on and I’m not joking when it says it gives you the lift of a lifetime while simultaneously choking the shit outta you. You come out to where he was sitting and he looks up to you with the widest eyes and a wolf whistle.
“I always knew you were sexy, but this is a whole new level. Remind me not to rip this one off tonight,” the attendant gives you a shocked and slightly disgusted look before acting like she heard nothing when you turn around. With a flat look directed his way, you turn around before hearing a loud SMACK as short jolts of pain flow on your ass. Whipping your head around you feel a large palm grab and smooth over the area as Yandere! Childhood friends smirks at you.
“Keep the jeans on too,”
Y’all fucked in the mall bathroom and had to dash before security caught you 👍🏾
Special Guest!!!
With the first quarter ending in just a couple days, all your classes have been either free periods or makeup work. Today was just another work day for you, so you decided to make some last minute updates on your final in the school's empty courtyard. Of course, Yandere! Serial killer took the time to kill two birds with one stone; having you to himself and finishing up some assignments.
“Hey, (Y/N); mind looking at this for me? I’m not sure if I got all the details right,” he pouts. You reach over to take a quick peak, unsuspecting of a strategically placed paint can.
“Hm? What’doyou mean? I think it looks completely fin-“ your cut off before tripping but are caught before you can land. The grip he has on your hips is tight as he pulls you up, shifting his hands to your side.
“Whoa, are you okay? You could’ve hit the ground really hard if I wasn’t there to catch you,” you let out an embarrassed smile before thanking him with a hug. He slings his arm around pulling you into his lap and kicking the van away.
“Just stay with me here for a while, yea? Nothing can hurt you when your with me,”
Hope you enjoyed My Love, this is the first anon I’ve done w/ Keegan so it’s a little shorter; wanna know how y’all feel about him first. Buh bye!!!!!
-Love, Sos ❤️
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Doctors make the worst patients; or you take care of a sick Tighnari.
Doctors make the worst patients... that really is true, I can tell you that. I may not be a doctor, but I'm working as a nurse and I've had many doctors under my care. Let's just say, it wasn't always pleasant...
But yeah, let's get to happier stuff, because Tighnari makes me happy <3
Content: gender neutral reader; comfort; sickfic; Tighnari is sick and you take care of him; fluff
Word count: 620 words
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Tighnari would be a whiny little bitch when he's sick
and I mean that in the most loving way that I can say that
he would not stay in bed, even if it's clear to you and anyone else around that he needs to stay in
he insists that he's fine and that he can keep working, while his ears hang low, just like his tail. His eyes also lack the usual concentrated look
He is stubborn like no one else. Convincing him to take care of himself is nigh impossible
For Tighnari himself to say that he's sick and is better of staying in bed, he would have to be on the brink of death. Not literally, but he would have to feel like literal shit, otherwise he would still force himself to get up and take care of his duties
Even though you tell him that the other forest watchers will survive a few days without him, he doesn't listen
You try every trick in the book to get him to lay down: bribe him with his favourite food, offer him cuddles, but nothing seems to work. Only when you would beg him would he finally realize what he is doing and start to listen to you
He crawls into bed with a defeated look under your watchful eyes and only when his head hit the pillows does he realize how tired he actually is
He falls asleep almost instantly, but he doesn't really get any rest from it. It's a restless and dreamless sleep
when he wakes up again, he feels like shit. His hair is sticking to his forehead from how much he's sweating, but there is also a cool, wet washcloth placed on top of it to cool him down
He sees a glass of water on the table next to him and he immediately chucks it down, his poor throat feeling as dry as the desert itself
Next thing he knows, he hears footsteps approaching and within seconds, you're by his side, kneeling on the floor next to him
You ask him how he feels but one look at him is enough to tell you everything you need to know
Grabbing the now empty glass, you return to the kitchen to fill it up again, but that is not the only thing you grabbed while in there
When you emerge again, you're holding a tray with a full glass, a plate of soup and some medicine for him
Tighnari thanks you as he chucks down the medicine with the entire glass again, before he eats a few spoons of the soup. But a few is as much as his stomach can handle apparently and he has to stop fairly soon or he would risk throwing up
You seem to understand without him even having to tell you and you grab the stuff to bring it back to the kitchen
Once back, you replace the washcloth on his head one more time
As you are about to leave for the night, Tighnari suddenly holds you by the wrist, not wanting you to leave
"Stay?", he asks with a weak voice. You want to refuse, but the way he's looking at you with such big eyes makes it impossible for you to deny him
So, with a sigh, you climb under the covers with him and he instantly snuggles into you more, yearning for you to be even closer to him
he drifts off to sleep soon after that, feeling the warmth of your embrace even in his sleep and he thinks to himself, that maybe being sick wasn't so bad after all if you were here to take care of him..
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anon-sect · 8 months
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Zane went home, thinking about his wild weekend at his coworker Eric's house. He was on all fours nearly the whole weekend. At night, he had to sleep on the floor next to Eric's bed with the leash tied to the bed post. He was literally being treated like a foot pet, Eric's foot pet. In the morning, he would have to kiss his coworkers feet when he woke up. And kiss them at night when he went to sleep. Eric would be on the phone during the day, while he was in the floor licking his feet, or even if Eric was watching tv. Many times his coworker would simply ignore him at his feet. It was quite a humiliating experience, but he was loving every moment. He started seeing his coworker as his hot owner and wanted to serve even more. Before this weekend, he would never have thought of Eric in this way. He was told that would be coming over on some nights and almost every weekend till the loan was paid off. He slightly pretended to hate it, but was oddly looking forward to it.
It was a couple of days later, when Eric told him to be at his house tonight. He wanted to try something different. Zane wondered what he would make him do this time.
Eric was enjoying the control he had over Zane. As long as the loan wasn't paid in full, he could make Zane do anything he just about wanted. He almost was hoping his coworker couldn't pay him back. Having Zane under his control was a power trip he never thought he would actually enjoy. He was looking forward to tonight's fun with his personal foot toy, as he thought of Zane.
Zane was met at the door by Eric the moment he knocked on his front door. He saw the he had the collar and leash in hand, ready to start the fun. Once the door was closed, Zane got to his hand and knees without being told to do so. He felt Eric put the collar around his neck and attach the leash. "Kiss, boy." He heard one simple command. He began kissing Eric's feet several times, worshipping his coworker. As Eric began to walk toward his den, he followed crawling on hands and knees.
Once in the den, he saw the coffee table was pushed further away from the couch. "Tonight, you will serve as my foot rest." Eric spoke to Zane. "Stay on all fours and straighten your back." Eric spoke as he maneuvered Zane into the right position in front of the couch. Once in place, Eric propped his feet on Zane's back. He tried to keep his back as straight as possible. "How long do I stay this way, Sir?" He asked him. Eric removed one laeg and rubbed his socked feet into his face. "For as long as I want, foot rest. Also, no speaking unless I say otherwise. Furniture don't have mouths to speak to their owners." Eric paused as a thought entered his mind. He removed both socks. "Open up." He commanded as stuffed one foul sock into Zane's mouth. The other sock he used to tie it around his mouth and face, keeping the sock in his mouth. "Now you are a quiet foot rest." He laughed as he snapped a quick picture with his phone.
Zane thought the weekend domination was bad. Tonight definitely stepped it up a notch. He was literally being used as furniture in Eric's house. The sock was a bit disgusting to suck on in his mouth. He initially wanted to take it out, but his owner would not approve. He kept quiet while Eric ignored him and watch television. A few times he would rub his bare foot in his face and laugh at him for letting him do it.
After about two and a half hours, Zane's arms and legs were getting tired. He was struggling to hold his back straight for Eric. He saw that he was getting annoyed by it. The entire time, Eric never bothered to remove the sock from his mouth. "Since you can hold my legs and feet up anymore, get on the floor on your back." Zane found himself maneuvered again in front of the couch. He watched as two soft soles pressed on his face. With the sock still in his mouth, the only way was to breathe out of his nose. Each breath he intake a slightly foul foot odor of Eric's feet. As much as he thought he should hate this, he was enjoying being dominated by his hot coworker.
Eric really didn't care how much Zane was either liking or hating what he did to him. As long as he owed him, Zane was his to do with as he pleased. But secretly, he was also enjoying the power he had over him. He kept Zane sniffing his feet till late in the night when he finally took out the socks and let him go back home.
This was Zane's life for months as he continued to pay back Eric on the loan. At least three nights of the week, he was over at his house being dominated at his feet or in bed on some occasions. He had paid back $2,000.00, so far. He wondered how much longer Eric would own him at this rate, even though he secretly didn't want it to end.
Eric knew Zane would pay him off eventually, and the fun would be over. He really didn't want that result, but what possible solution could there be where Zane was his forever. He saw an advertisement on Formula X and Formula Z. He knew his solution was that. With Formula X, he could turn Zane into anything he wanted and keep him forever being dominated. With Formula Z, he could transform him back and use the other Formula to make him into something else. He now had the perfect idea and plan.
Zane was at his desk when Eric approached him. "Be at my place tonight. I have good news for you concerning the loan." He told him and walked off. He hypothesize what the good news could be. Maybe he canceled the loan or reduced it even further. At any rate, he would find out tonight.
Zane arrived that evening at Eric's house as directed. He expected him to have collar and leash ready as usual, but there was no collar or leash in his hands. In fact, he instructed him not to crawl behind him but walk normal. He was a little confused about what was going on. As he went to sit on the couch beside him, he saw two glasses on the coffee table. Were they about to celebrate something, he thought to himself.
Eric handed Zane the tainted drink with Formula X in it. "I decided you paid it in full. We are drinking to the end of you owing me." Eric spoke as he drink what was in the other glass. He watched as Zane continued to drink the tainted liquid. He waited till Zane finished it off and placed the glass on the coffee table. "Massage my feet one last time, would you?" He asked.
Zane loved whatever that drink was. He was relieved that he no longer needed to pay Eric, but was sad to see the domination end. When Eric asked him that, he gladly got to his knees to massage those feet one last time. As he rub them, he began to feel weird. He saw a devious smile on Eric's face. What was he up to, he thought. The room seemed to get larger, including Eric. The realization of what was going on scared him. He was shrinking. "What did you do to me?" He quickly questioned.
"Instead of you continuing to pay me, I decided to take you as the payment. You love Mt feet and socks so well. I thought, why not be my socks for a while. You really will get to smell like my feet for real then," Eric spoke and laughed at the rapidly shrinking Zane. Soon Zane was so small that he began to morph into a pair of white cotton socks. He picked them up off the floor and put them on his feet. "Wow, you really do make a good pair of socks, Zane. I will keep you like this for a good three months and not wash you. That way you get to really feel my foot stench." He spoke as he relaxed and turned the TV up. Zane was socks now, or at least for the next three months or so. If anyone asks about him at work, he would just simply tell them he didn't know where he was. As far as he was concerned, he got something special in exchange of the money.
Zane found himself wrapped around Eric's feet. He could tell that he hadn't showered since the morning by the smell of his feet. As socks, the stench was even stronger. The taste of his feet is even foul than before. The wiggling of the toes truly made him see how his fate was. He was just an object on Eric's feet totally against his will. This level of domination he was prepared for. He mentally begged him to let him go but could tell Eric couldn't hear his thoughts or pleas. After about an hour later, upon which he was also walked on without a single care from Eric, he decided to settle for his fate. He wanted him to continue to dominate him, but not like this. Soon, he would smell like the foul socks he worshipped for months, and no one would know of it. Only Eric would know his whereabouts and fate, totally placing him at Eric's mercy forever.
Collaboration with @jkob85
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meekahy · 6 months
Winter Kisses
I got a Folio fic for youuuu!!!!!!!!
I tried making him as cozy as possible bc everyone loves a cozy boy.
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It was a frigid morning. Frost was crawled up on your windows. You and Nick were both under multiple blankets. Drifting out of your slumber, you slowly opened your eyes. Your eyes fell on Nick’s sleeping face. You smiled softly and ran your finger to his cheek while he opened his eyes at your touch. “Good morning, princess,” he muttered, sleep still lacing his voice. Nick wrapped the arm that was around you tighter. You nuzzled your face into his chest, snuggled into his embrace a little longer before you pulled back to look back at Nick.
“Good morning, baby,” you crooned as you peppered his face with kisses.
“How’d you sleep?” he asked before placing a small kiss to your lips.
“Very good since you’ve been home,” you mumbled, “How about you?”
“I always sleep good next to you,” he admitted sweetly. You lovingly sighed at him. He was just so sweet to you and you loved him for it. You made to move as Nick held you tighter.
“Where are you going?” he groaned.
“I was going to go make some coffee,” you giggled. 
“Good idea,” he said as he nodded into your shoulder before letting you go.
You quickly put on some warmer clothes since you lost all your heat from Nick and the blankets. You threw on a sweater and some sweatpants. Quickly stepping into your slippers, you padded out to the kitchen. After brewing some coffee you headed back to the bedroom to coax Nick out of bed.
Sitting on the edge of Nick’s side of the bed, you ran a hand through his dark hair. He fell into your touch as he groaned.
“Babe, come get out of bed. I have coffee for you,” you insisted. He opened his eyes at that.
“I guess I could get up for that,” he quipped. Nick slowly sat up and kissed your cheek before you stood up so he had some space. 
“Holy shit. It’s cold not under the blankets,” he hissed. You laughed and threw him a sweatshirt. Nick gladly threw it on. Standing up he put on the closest pair of sweatpants and socks on. You started to walk back to the kitchen with him close on your heels.
Walking back to the coffee pot, you poured a cup of coffee for both Nick and yourself. You handed Nick his cup after putting creamer in his and then in yours. Your hands warmed up as you held your cup.
As Nick sipped on his sweetened coffee, he asked, “What do you want to do today?”
After taking a long sip from your cup you muttered, “Hmm, we could do nothing but watch movies and take naps. I don’t know.” Your eyes fluttered to the window and you smiled.
“Babe, it’s snowing!” you exclaimed. You ran to the window with Nick slowly following you.
“It’s literally the perfect day to do nothing,” you continued giggling at Nick, who smiled back at you.
“Whatever you want to do, love,” he beamed, leaning against the wall.
You whipped your head around to look at him. He was effortlessly handsome. Nick could make a sweatshirt and sweatpants look so good. You skipped up to him as he wrapped his free arm around your waist and you pecked his lips. You went to pull away, but he pulled you closer and captured your lips in a divine kiss. After a few moments of kissing, you both pulled away breathless. Nick looked into your eyes as he sipped on his coffee.
“I’m freezing,” you whispered, looking back into his eyes.
“Let’s go watch a movie under some blankets,” he suggested, and ushered you to the living room. The both of you set your coffee mugs on the coffee table before you sat down on the couch with Nick went to the recliner to grab something to cover you both up. You reached for the remote and Nick returned with some blankets. Nick draped a blanket over your lap and his before wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Wanna watch Harry Potter?” you questioned looking over to Nick. 
“I’d love to,” he responded with a smile as he rested his head against your shoulder. You rested your head against his as you played Sorcerer’s Stone.
Some time during the movie, Nick shifted, laying down with you against his chest. He rubbed your back with one of his hands as Harry, Ron and Hermione play Wizard’s Chess in the chamber.
You quoted the scene before you, “Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King.”
“No, Ron, no!” Nick yelled with you. You both laughed, you could feel Nick’s laugh rumble beneath you. You savored the sound and feeling of his laughter.
After a while, you get a little sleepy. You started to drift off when Nick jostled you around.
“Did you fall asleep?” He whispered into your ear. You smiled lazily, waking up. 
“Yeah, a bit,” you giggled. 
“God, I could listen to you laugh till the day I die,” he confessed. You shifted in his arms to look him in the eye. 
He stared at you for a moment longer, before your lips were on his. Deepening the kiss, Nick tugged his arms around you. He wanted to be as close to you as possible. Your hand caressed his face and pulled him closer. Your lips moved against his in a rhythm. He licked your bottom lip asking for access. You obliged by opening your mouth and your tongues danced. After a while, you both broke from the kiss. Unable to take your eyes away from Nick’s, you sighed happily. He giggled at you before asking if you wanted to watch the sequel.
“Of course I want to watch the next one,” you grinned. You snuggled back in to Nick’s chest while he switched on Chamber of Secrets. It’s going to be a very snowy, cold day inside with the warmest kind of boyfriend.
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missuswalker · 6 months
𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 || 𝐤𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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♰ summary: your husband, kit, convinces you to stay up with him by promising that you two can sleep in tomorrow morning - KIT SMUT!!!
♰ warnings: smut, oral (fem receiving), piv - short bcs i’m still trying to get back into writing + not proofread because i literally cannot
♰ notes: i’d roll over, speak, shake, play dead, sit, and fetch for kit, he’s such an angel (don’t ask why i always put pictures of half-made beds in these, i asked myself the same thing)
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“this is great, hun’,” kit compliments, taking another bite of tonight’s dinner. you give him a tired smile, sipping on your glass of water. he quirks an eyebrow, setting his fork down. “you’re quiet tonight. what’s goin’ on in that pretty head,” he asks, his tone playful and light. you breathe out a laugh, shaking your head. “nothing at all, just a long day.”
kit hums in response, standing to take your plate to the sink. when he returns, he takes his place behind you, gentle hands rubbing your arms. “let me take care of you, suga’. wake you up a little,” he mumbles, lips pressed against your shoulder. you shake your head, pushing his face away. “kit, it’s late, we already took too long on dinner, we should get ready for bed. you have work tomorrow and i gotta visit my mother.”
he massages your shoulders, resting his chin on the top of your head. “i’ll call off work. you can go see your ma next week, you know it won’t be any different to her,” he coaxes, persistent to simply just please you. though with a sigh, you can’t help but smile, knowing he won’t be giving up anytime soon. “you are horrible, kit walker. cancel plans with my mother to have sex with you instead?” you tease, turning to look back at him
“sounds like a more-than-fair trade to me,” he responds, pretending to think about it for a moment. you scoff, standing from your seat at the table. “alright, you win.” with a cheeky grin, he’s off, pulling you with him into the bedroom, and shutting the blinds. “i knew you’d cave. you always do.” he had that stupid smirk, the one that you hated and loved all at the same time.
“i do not, you shut your mouth,” you laugh, kicking off your shoes and letting down your hair, setting the endless bobby pins on the bedside table. he wiggles his eyebrows at you, a dorky but endearing action, as he crawls into bed. his lips immediately find that spot on your neck that makes you go weak as if it were second nature to him. “i’ll shut your mouth as long as you open yours,” he jokes, pushing you back into a laying position. “god, kit!” you laugh, rolling your eyes at his words.
“i’m just kiddin’, tonight’s about you.” with that, he slowly unbuttons you blouse, lips trailing down to your collar bone. “i will neva’ get used to how beautiful you are,” he praises, unhooking your bra and sliding the thin straps down your arms. “so, so pretty,” he continues, cupping your tits, now bringing his kisses to the valley of your breasts. his mouth is wrapped around your nipple soon after, a hand finding it’s way under your skirt.
he revels in the whine you give him as his calloused thumb meets your clothed pussy, rubbing slow circles around your clit. “and to think you wanted to go to bed, but here you are, all wet from just a couple of kisses. what do you have to say fo’ yourself, sweetheart?” he teases, removing his hand, and working to get your skirt down your legs, bringing your panties with it. “i need you kit, i do,” you answer, giving him those eyes that he can’t resist.
that was all he needed, his head dipping between your thighs, tongue running through your slick folds. he groans at the taste of you, pushing his already had cock into the mattress. with your head thrown back, you couldn’t see that his eyes remained on your face, though you could feel his stare as you moaned, rolling your hips on his face. his nose brushes your clit, bringing another sweet whine from your lips, almost enough to make him cum his pants.
“you’re driving me insane,” kit says, sitting up and bracing himself with his hands on your knees. he drops his belt and pants to the floor, palming himself through his pre-cum stained briefs. “look what you do to me,” he grunts, grabbing your hand and placing it over his hard-on. “please kit,” you beg, giving him those eyes you know he can’t resist. he decides not to give you anymore trouble, much to your delight, and slides his briefs down to his ankles, kicking them off and wedging himself between your legs.
his painfully hard dick stands against his toned stomach, kit’s hands spreading your legs, gentle as can be. “so, so pretty, all f’me,” he says, lining himself up with your entrance, giving himself a few pumps. when he finally begins to slide in, the both of you moan, kit having to keep your legs open as you squeeze around him. “god, i love you,” he huffs, bottoming out. kit certainly was a bit of a chatterbox during sex, but it was something you liked about him.
“i love you,” you reciprocate, biting down on your lip as you watch his hips slowly start to move, his fingers trailing down your thigh. his pace remains slow, the moment sweet and sensual, the heat between the two of you suffocatingly warm. his grunts are so pretty, though your loud whines outshine them. “you are an angel sent straight from heaven, i swear,” he says, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he brings a finger back down to your clit.
squeezing around him, your eyes roll back, a long string of moans and his name falling out of that pretty mouth of yours, and it’s not long before he buries himself deep within your cunt, filling you up like you were meant to be. once he pulls out, he lays down next to you, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead. “so good to me,” he whispers, pecking your lips.
“i need to shower, kit.”
“just lay here with me for a minute.”
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erm, i’ll do better next time 😋
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
Queen Of Westeros(Part 3): The Wedding
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Aemond Targaryen x Valaryon!Reader
Warnings- fluff, angst, incest(uncle/niece), mentions of brothel visits, innocence kink?, thigh riding, Disownment, 
Queen of Westeros Masterlist
A/n- i got really lazy with this chapter so its literal ass im sorry
Ever since your betrothal to Aemond, life got much better. Aemond and you got closer, you learned that he had a love for philosophy and history. He preferred to keep that small part about himself to himself but now that your getting married he feels the need to tell you everything. 
Rides on your dragons got more intimate, it was like your own thing. Because Aemond informed you that no other riders have done it with their loves, it was nice that you were the first.  
Your mother has not sent you a letter ever since your betrothal. You finally feel like you no longer had to be worried of her coming herself to take you away. You've shared your worries with Aemond, and he reassured you he'd protect as long as he lived. And ever since you shared that with him you've also noticed he started training more, he was at the point that he was defeating Criston. 
Aemond reached ten and eight before you. His hair was longer and his muscles defined more. You planned a big birthday for him and spoiled him completely. New books, a new eye patch, and a purple gem.
"What is this for?" He asks and tossed it up in the air as he sat on his bed. He wanted to retire to his chambers early and invited you.
"I've heard men put gems in place of their eye, just thought you wanted to give it a try." Aemond looked at you in disbelief. "It okay if you don't, I just didn't think you wanted to wear that patch all the time." You kissed the side of his head and let your lips linger. 
"Okay." He reached up and pulled the patch off. He looked at you wearily to see if you gave any reaction. But you looked at him with so much love. He fumbled with the jewel and brought it up to his face. He hesitated slightly before trying to put it in, it fell down and he chuckled. "Can you try?" You smiled at him and crawled over to his lap. You sat down on his lap with your knees on either side of his hips. He place his hands on your hips and squeezed. You placed your hands under his chin and tilted his face up. 
"Hold still." You say and slowly push the gem in. Aemond watched you stuck the tip of your tongue out in concentration. "We might have to go to the maesters for this." You sat back on his thighs and placed the gem carefully on the side table. 
"Hmm. As long as you attend with me." You smiled down at him and lifted your self back down on his crotch. You leaned down and kissed him deeply. Aemond raised his hands and rested them on your ass.
You have yet to go past steamy kisses. You were aware Aemond wasn't a virgin, after he told you his brother took him to a brothel for his thirteenth name day, he came to your room the next day and told you everything. He didn't enjoy anything that happened but the ladies said he would be a great woman pleaser. After your betrothal you got curious about it but every time your dress was about to come off you stopped him. 
"Wait." You mumble and pulled away, Aemond gives you a reassuring squeeze. "Im sorry." 
"It's alright, I'm a patient man." 
"I know and I love that about you but I also know you have needs. So if you ever need to go to a brothel to satisfy-."
"Don't say that, I don't need anyone else just you, I'll wait for a hundred years if need be." You nodded and bit your lip. "Hmm, what's going on in your pretty head?" 
"Can we do that thing we did?" You ask but don't look him in the eye. Aemond smirks knowing damn well what you meant. Now he hasn't seen you naked or have done anything that involves penetration but that didn't stop him from suggesting other stuff. 
"Settle on my thigh, go on take what you need." Aemond scooted down the bed so he sat on the edge with his feet planted on the floor. You grabbed the front of your dress and pulled it up. You settled on his thigh and pressed yourself down and you let out a quite gasp. "Now this is a present." You started rutting against his thigh.
"Mmm." You moaned out and grabbed his shoulders. His leather pants were making wonders against your clit. 
"You're just sliding around on my thigh, who made you this wet?" Aemond placed a hand on the back of you neck and pulled your face roughly to his.
"You. Mmm, nd your eye." Aemond swore he could feel your juices start to break through the material of his pants. 
"My eye you say?" Aemond bounces his thigh and you almost melt. You started gasping as you felt your belly tightens just as it has many times before. 
"Mhmm." You started hopping on his thigh and Aemond was in awe. He watched your breasts move up and down in your dress and it took everything to not grab his dagger and cut the front of your dress. 
"Go on my beautiful, cum for me." Aemond says and then pushed his face into your pushed up breasts and starts to suck on the tops of them. You threw your head back and wrapped your hand into Aemond hair. 
"Shit." You gasped and let out shaky breath's. Aemond grabs your hips and keeps moving you back and forth on his leg. "S' to much." 
"Take it." Aemond started bouncing his leg roughly. You grabbed onto him tightly and you let your body move along with the movements. You felt another orgasam build up but it was short lived when a knock came to Aemonds door. He stopped his movements and pushed his lips onto your cheek before gently taking you off his leg and sitting you on the bed, out of breath. 
"Aemond!? Y/n!?" It was Alicent, Aemond opened the door and his mother burst in. "Is your betr-." She stopped when she saw you sitting on the bed, she noticed how sweaty you looked and how frizzy your hair was. She chose to ignore it, knowing well what must have happened. "We have set the two of yours wedding, it will be on your nameday Y/n."
"Oh, that is sure a true nameday gift." You chuckle nervously and look pass Alicent to Aemond ,who had a small smile with his hands behind his back.
"We shall talk about cake testing, invitations, food and oh the dress fittings, Heleana would love to watch." As she said that she dragged you out if the room. You look back to Aemond with a pleading face, he just shrugged and gave a look of amusement.
Your birthday was only a month apart from Aemonds, so preparations started immediately. You've tried at least fifteen cake flavors, hundreds of food dishes, and probably even more dresses. And the bad thing about it was that Aemond wasn't there to help you at all. He had only been instructed to get a new suit while you do all the work. He truly tried to help you but it was his mother who prevented him from helping. She did eventually give in and let Aemond take over guest invitations. 
He got straight to work, he invited allies, distant family from both the Valaryon and Targaryen side. He sent one to his brother Daeron in Oldtown, he even invited loreon Lannister. He knew the Lannister wouldn't show but he just wanted to rub it in the lions face of who is his. 
Aemond made sure not to invite Rhaenerya or Daemon or their children. The ones he did invite was Baela, you had been talking lately how you missed her. Since she’s stuck on DragonStone. You never had an issue with them you actually adored your little cousin. And plus, it would be a chance for Rhaenys and Corlys to see their other granddaughter. 
When everything was set and finalized there was only one more day before the wedding. Neither of you were allowed in the banquet hall where the celebration would be held. 
"This is our last night before we're not allowed to see each other until the wedding." You say and kiss Aemond shoulder, he was looking over KingsLanding.
"Do you ever wish that all of this was yours?" He asks and opens his body out to you and you step forward. Aemond steps behind you and squishes you between his body and the railing. "All of this could be ours, as King and Queen." You lean back against him and sigh.
"For that to happen my mother, her bastards, and her sons with Daemon would have to die." 
"Hmm, it would be tragic if an accident just so happens to happen on DragonStone." He says, sarcasm clear in his voice.
"But then the crown would be placed on Aegon and the only way then for you to be crowned king is if he and his children die." Now it was Aemonds turn to sigh, he pushed his head into the crook of your neck. 
"Well when you put it like that, I love my nephew’s and niece, I would never wish any harm come to them." He kissed your neck and you turned around. 
"We could always just fly away and start our own kingdom, go past the Narrow Sea." You wrap your arms around his neck and he smiles and rests his hands on your waist. 
"That would be an adventure." He then leans down and gently places his lips on yours. He pushed you against the railing and deepened the kiss. You tugged on a stand of hair before forcing his head back.
“No more kisses.” You say and start to walk away. Aemond watched you go tightened his jaw while nodding his head.
“Don’t expect to be leaving the bed after tomorrow night.” Aemond called and you turned around and walked backwards. 
“I will hold you too it.” You open the door to his chambers and walk out.
The next morning you were woken up by the handmaidens and rushed for a bath. They scrubbed your down completely and washed your hair. When you cane out your room and been turned inside out, there were so many handmaids in the room. They were giggling as they chose out jewelry, changed your sheets, and made finishing touches on your dress. But the only person you could look at was your grandmother, Rhaenys and cousin Rhaena.
“A big day.” She smiles and you nod. 
“I wish father were here.” Rhaenys put her hands on your shoulders and rubbed the skin with her thumbs.
“He’s here, he’s watching over you, always.” She kissed your forehead and pulled back to see tears running down your face. She frowned and raised her hands up to your face and wiped the tears away. “None of that now, its time to do your hair.” She led you the vanity and pulled out a chair for you. She instantly got to work. “Twists and braids?” 
“Yes.” You watched her get to work, very concentrated. An hour passes by and she’s almost half way done, shes has had much practice with her own children and husband who contained the same hair texture as you.
“Princess’.” A maid says with her head down.
“Lady Baela is here and wish too see the two of you.” She says and you immediately smile.
“Send her in.” The maid nodded to another maid and she opened the door. Baela walked in with a big smile.
“Y/n! Grandmother! Rhaena!” She says and walked towards the theee of you. She hug Rhaenys first tightly, then she pulls away and turn to you.
“We never got to say how sorry we were for what happened.” Says Baela and she grabs your hands. 
“It’s alright, I left quickly.” You say but Baela shakes her head.
“Its not okay, our father should have never done that, we couldn’t look at him after that, still can’t.” She says sadly. “He killed our uncle too.” She points between her and Rhaena, you stand up and held one of their hands. 
“You’re here now, it’s a special day, lets stop these tears.” You say and they wipe the tears that began to go down her faces. 
“Our father or Rhaenerya don’t know im here, when the invitation arrived for me they immediately burned it, but I wanted to be here for you.”
“I appreciate that, and know that if they come for you I will protect you if they try anything.” You pull her into a hug and she hug you back. 
Rhaenys finished your hair and how it was time for the dress. They got you completely naked before giving you a piece of underwear that was very thin so to say. You stepped in the dress and they immediately got to work lacing up the dress. The dress was on and secured, now it was the moment where all the ladies in the room would compliment you. 
“It is time.” Says Rhaenys and you look out your balcony. The one thing you did love about the wedding was the location, it was on a cliff that over looked BlackWater Bay. 
“I should arrive on dragon back.” You suggest and Rhaenys smiles.
“Now thats an entrance.”
You were glad your hair was pinned and done tightly and the distance from where Vermithor lay and to Black Water wasn’t far. There were hundreds of people already at the location, waiting.
“Tegon(land) Vermithor.” You command and the dragon dives down, letting out a roar in the process. The people below look up to see the dragon flying above them. 
Aemond who was already there just smiles. Of course you would come in on dragon back. Vermithor lands and lowers himself close to the ground. You swing yourself over the saddle and land on the ground with ease. Everyone turns their attention to you and watch as Vermithor fly’s away. You see Aemond at the end with his hands behind his back and smiling . 
Your heart starts racing so much you feel it thumping against your ribcage. Music started and that was your que to start walking. You walked slowly to the front, you heard Vermithor in the distance flying around and roaring. As you walked a cold breeze blew past you and then a weight touched your shoulder then disappeared.
You reach the front and see Alicent and Viserys, she was smiling and he was trying too but he looked tired. Your aunt Heleana and uncle Aegon stood there, Aegon looking bored but Heleana absolutely loving it. Coryls, your other grandfather stood by Rhaenys with Baela and Rhaena. 
“My love.” Aemond says and pulls you to him. “Not having second thoughts are we?”
“Never, I just needed a moment.” You smile up at him.
“Hmm, you look beautiful.” Aemond leads you up the rest of the way up to in front of the priest.  The ceremony progressed and when it ended with you and Aemond kissing, the people cheered around you but you could only feel Aemond. It was the day you dreamed of.
Aemond twirled you in the middle of the room. It was your first dance as a married couple.
“You look so beautiful.” He says and you knock your nose into his shoulder. 
“You said that already
“And now you have to hear me say it for the rest of our lives.”
“I hope its a long life then.” He leans down and kissed you deeply, some people clapped for it but you didn’t care.
“I can’t wait to take this dress off of you tonight.” He growled as he pulled away from your lips.
“Im going to destroy you, im going to make sure a babe is put in your belly tonight.” He went down to your neck and started sucking on it. You turned your head to the side revealing more of your neck to him. He dropped the hand he was holding in his and let go up to the side of your neck, he squeezed gently but it still made your eyes roll back. 
Then the music stopped and the whispers started. You and Aemond pulled away but still holding each other. 
“What a nice sight to see, my daughter and brother.” You knew who it was, you squeezed Aemonds arms tightly. 
“Mother, what are you doing here?” You turn to her and try to keep a calm demeanor.
“Can I not congratulate my daughter and brother on their marriage?” She keeps walking and thats when you see Daemon. Aemond slowly starts to walk a few steps to step in front of you but you place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Neither of you were invited, you must leave.” You say and Rhaenerya smiles. 
“Rhaenerya!” You heard Viserys rasp loudly everyone turned their attention to him, he was standing, shakily. “Do not ruin this fine day for your daughter just as you ruined how she feels about you.” Rhaenerya looks back you but you continued looking away.
“And how do you feel about me daughter?” You squuzed Aemonds hand and turned to her, revealing tears. 
“You killed my father, I despise you.” You seethe and Rhaenerya puts on a saw face and takes a step to you with hands out. 
“Guards!” You heard Alicent cry and before Rhaenerya could put her hands on your face, all the guards in the room had drawn their swords, along with Aemond and Daemon who pointed theres at each other.  
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you nephew.” Says Daemon and Aemond keeps himself grounded.
“You should leave.” You were all at a standstill, waiting for the other to say something.
“I did what I had to do.” Rhaenerya drops her hand. “I came to tell you I disown you as my heir, I warned you.” Your breath hitched and your heart started racing. Alicent watched the whole ordeal before leaving her side by the King, but before she rounded the table she heard Helaena.
“Be careful of your actions or you might wake the dragon.” She says but doesn’t look up. Aegon looks at her and rolls his eyes before turning back to his family, its entertaining to him. 
Alicent stands behind you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“I thunk you’ve over stayed your welcome.” You say and look her in the eyes. “Leave. Before you start something you’ll regret.” The two of you continued staring each other down until she breaks and walks away, right through the doors she came through. The people with their swords stand down, slowly Aemond and Daemon lower theres.
“Baela. Come. Now.” Says Daemon and he look to his daughter who sat with her grandparents and twin sister. She stood up with a sad face.
“But I want to stay.” 
“This isn’t up for discussion.” He sheaths his sword and glares at them. Rhaena slowly stands up and the two girls say their goodbyes along with your grandparents. Baela walk/ past you and gives an apologetic smile, you tried to give a smile back but you couldn’t. Daemon walked away with his daughters in tow.
“Child.” Says Alicnet and grips your shoulder.
“Love.” Aemond puts his sword away and grabs your forearm. You didn’t say anything, you shrugged them both off and walked away, bringing a hand to your mouth to stifle a sob. Everyone watched you go and leave the area in haste, Aemond didn’t have second thoughts before going after you. 
“Love, Y/n?” Aemond knocked on your door but could only hear your cries. “May I come in?” He received no response, he opened the door and stepped in. He saw you crying on the floor, wedding dress pooling around you. He undid his the belt that held his sword and set it down. “Are you alright?” 
“I hvae nothing.” You say and Aemond raises an eyebrow and bent down to your level.
“What do you mean?” You turned and faced him.
“I have nothing to my name now, I have nothing.” You leaned back into his chest making him fall back. 
“You have me and you know the King loves you and will make sure you have something to your name.” Aemond kissed your forehead and you sat up. You turned to face him and leaned over.
“Take me.” You whisper and Aemonds eye widened. 
“I shouldn’t.” 
“Fuck me.” You brush your lips against his and he pulls back. “Destroy me, make me forget.” You pushed your lips against his jaw. “Please Aemond, claim me.” 
Aemond fucked you on every surface of your room. You didn’t leave the room for an entire week. And the whole time, Aemond made sure you wouldn’t remember your mother.
A/n- I got so lazy with this one I promise next chapter will be better and shorter, because I felt lime I was just writing nonsense 
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cowgurrrl · 10 months
Hey June; could I ask for mother’s day in the Miller household? With Joel, Sarah, Ellie, and Sammy doing something nice to surprise you? Just all the kids and Joel being such a wife guy and showering his wife with love, I need it 🤍
Saph!! Thank you for the request 🩷Sorry this took literally forever but here it is!!
Hey Me, Hey Mama
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: Mother’s Day [1.7k]
Warnings: fluff, brief mention of breastfeeding, talks of having another baby, Sam and Daisy being Hell Raisers
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You hear the whispering outside your door before you can open your eyes. It sounds a lot like Joel and the girls having a hushed argument while Sam jiggles the door knob underneath their noses, his favorite thing to do since he's started walking. You smile and roll so your back is to the door and pretend to be asleep as quiet footsteps enter the room. Joel's side of the bed dips with his weight, and a gentle hand smoothes the hair out of your face a moment later. 
"Hey," he says gently, and you hum. "There's a surprise for you." You blink your eyes open to find Sam in Ellie's arms at the edge of your bed while Sarah carefully slides a tray full of breakfast on your bedside table. Eggs, bacon, a little bit of toast, and a huge Starbucks coffee with little cards tucked under the plate fill the tray, and you smile. 
"Happy Mother's Day." The girls say in unison as Sam babbles along, trying his best to keep up with his sisters. You turn to look at Joel and see a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. 
"Happy Mother's Day." He echoes. You sit up, giving Sam enough reason to wiggle away from Ellie and into your bed. 
"Oh, thank you, guys," you say as Sam collapses into your chest with all his toddler weight, making himself laugh. "D'you guys make this all by yourselves?" 
"Dad helped," Sarah answers, and Ellie slaps her arm. "I mean, yes."
"One job," Joel mumbles under his breath next to you, and you laugh.
"Well, thank you to everyone who made this. It looks amazing." You say as you hold Sam with one hand and grab the food tray with the other. Sammy snuggles into your side, occasionally reaching for a piece of egg which you give him until he decides he's actually hungry and all but rips your shirt trying to nurse. Thankfully, neither the girls nor Joel gives you a second glance. After almost a full year of breastfeeding, they're used to it and really don't care when or how you feed Sam so long as he's not screaming. They fall right back into their conversation as they lay in between you and Joel in bed. 
For being as old as they are, the girls never miss an opportunity to crawl into bed with you and Joel like they're little kids again. You love it, especially since you didn't get to make those memories when the girls were little and press kisses to their foreheads whenever you feel like it. Joel observes the organized chaos quietly, snapping candid photos of you four every once in a while and relishing in the slow morning with his family. 
You finish your breakfast and open the cards from the girls and even one that Sam scribbled in. Ellie gives you a beautiful drawing of one of the pictures she took in the hospital after Sam was born, and Sarah writes a heartfelt message in your card that makes you cry. Sam, ever the cuddly boy, rests his head under your chin once he's done eating and sighs contentedly, making you feel like your heart could burst. Joel catches it and smiles at you over the kid's heads. 
At some point, Daisy comes crashing in and gets Sam all riled up and wanting to play. Ellie throws Sam over her shoulder and leaves the room with Daisy trailing closely behind, ready to run around the backyard like her life depends on it, and Sarah grabs the now empty tray to take it back downstairs. "We'll be down in just a second, okay?" Joel calls after them. 
"No funny business with our mom!" Ellie yells, making you choke on your laughter, and Joel's jaw drops.
"She's my wife!"
"Yeah, but she's my mom!"
"She's got a point," you chime in, and Joel rolls his eyes.
"Would y'all just go play or somethin'?" Joel says, and you can hear their laughter even after they close the door behind them. He huffs as he turns toward you, but you're still laughing at the whole encounter. He melts at the sight of the smile on your face and leans forward to kiss you. "Hi," he says against your lips.
"Hi," you say back, resting a hand on his chest and cuddling into his warmth. "Thank you for my breakfast."
"'M glad it wasn't a complete disaster."
"The coffee definitely helped." 
"Yeah, I figured it would," he breathes. "It's a miracle Ellie didn't burn down the house."
"She's learning." You say, and he nods, but the scarred look on his face tells you everything you need to know. You glance over his shoulder to get a better look at the flowers he brought you and smile when you recognize the petals. It's a bouquet of the kids' birth flowers. Granted, their birth flowers are pretty easy to remember considering how similar they all are. Sarah was born in July, making hers a waterlily, and Ellie and Sam were both born in May, making theirs a lily. There are lots of little filler flowers like Baby's Breath and some pretty ferns, but the lilies really stand out. Thank God you don't have cats. Joel catches you looking at them and chuckles.
"The florist thought I was fuckin' with her when I asked for that many lilies. Had to explain my whole idea to her." He says, and you laugh.  
"They're beautiful," you say. "But you really didn't have to do anything."
"I wanted to. You deserve to be celebrated," he says like you just said the most incredulous thing to him. "Plus, this is your first Mother's Day with Sammy. I wanted to make it special." You're about to argue that, technically, Sammy was there last Mother's Day, you were just pregnant, but you stop at the love-stricken look on his face. Who are you to argue when he's staring at you like that? You kiss him again.
"Thank you." You mumble, and he smiles.
"You haven't even gotten your big present yet." 
"Let me spoil you, please. You deserve it, and not just because you pushed Sam's big ass head out but because of how good of a mom you are to the girls." He cuts you off, and you sigh. He's not wrong, but still, motherhood doesn't feel like something to be spoiled over. It feels like something you just do, and hope everyone gets through life with the least amount of trauma. Even if you said this to Joel, he would argue and probably go on a long tangent about how important you are to the kids, and you'd probably cry. Stupid Libra, you think. Always making me emotional.
Before either of you can say anything else, he pulls a little box from his pocket and hands it to you. It's not dissimilar to the box your engagement ring hid in for months, and for a second, you think about joking that you're already married. But when you open it, a stunning cluster of gems gleams back at you. A ruby and two emeralds shining against a gold band to represent your three kids in order of their births. "I thought it'd be nice to have a reminder of them when you go back to work," Joel says, and you smile. How is he so fucking thoughtful? Carefully, you take the ring out of the box to look at it a little closer. The kid's initials are engraved inside the band as a little secret for you, but something near the gemstones catches your eye. 
"What's this?" You ask, pointing to the empty spot near Sam's birthstone.
"Oh, I asked the guy to leave a space, just in case." 
"In case what?" You know the answer. You just want to hear him say it. He blushes and fiddles with his wedding ring.
"In case we decide to have another baby." He says, and you smile. Sam will be one next week, flying through milestones like it's nothing. Sarah is in grad school, doing amazing things, and Ellie is getting ready to finish up her last few semesters of undergrad. Everyone's growing up too fast, and you've both been caught by the other looking at old pictures of the kids. Still, you haven't formally discussed the idea of having another baby until right now. You look down and turn the ring so the morning sun can hit the stones at different points before meeting Joel's eyes again.
"Another baby, huh?" You ask.
"Would it be the worst thing in the world if there was another Miller walkin' around?" 
"We may never sleep again," you say. "But no, I don't think it'd be a bad thing. I think it'd be pretty cool."
"Yeah?" He asks, and you nod, giddy smiles overtaking you two. You probably look crazy, but you can't care about it when your mind is running fast with images of Sam holding a baby, being a big brother, and teaching them things. Joel hovers over you, his chest pressing against yours, and you slide your hand into his hair. "You're serious?" He whispers.
"Yeah. Three was never my favorite number anyways." You shrug like you're talking about apples instead of humans, and he laughs. 
"Well, alright," he says. "Let's have another baby." Hearing the words out loud makes you giggle, but the sound is cut short when he kisses you. It's tender and sweet until it's not, his teeth grazing your bottom lip and swiping the pain away with his tongue. Your hand finds its way up Joel's shirt, your fingertips tracing the hard lines of muscle formed over years of playing sold-out shows. He's barely ducked his head to kiss down your neck and chest when a door slams from downstairs, and you hear the girls shouting about something.
"Dad! Sam took off his diaper, and Daisy won't drop it!" Ellie yells, and Joel groans into your skin.
"Just a minute!" 
"Now!" Ellie and Sarah scream at the same time. The sound of the faucet running, Sam screeching with laughter, and the girls yelling at Daisy fill the previously peaceful house, and Joel gives you a look. 
"It's all you, Dad." You say, and he sighs.
"Why me?"
"Because it's Mother's Day."
"That," he starts but can't come up with an argument. "Is true," he kisses you again before standing up and walking to the door. With a hand on the knob, he turns back around and points at you. "Don't go anywhere."
"Wouldn't dream of it, cowboy."
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j-eryewrites · 1 year
I've been planning class for two days and i haven't finished, my brain is tired of making up ideas... so i have a little messy sherlock prompt haha... it goes like Sherlock can't sleep as he sits on the edge of the bed, he has this difficult case in his head, trying to connect the dots and the reader sleepy kneels in bed hugging him from behind asking him if he wants her ti sing for him to help him sleep and that makes him smile because she cannot sing but he knows she does it on purpose to make him laugh or relax, maybe she stars singing "don't go breaking my heart" and he giggles laying in bed with her and they sing a few lyrics from the song until she says something like "You will solve it, it will be fine"
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Okay, this idea is so adorable. I literally squealed as I was writing this prompt. @selcouthangel Thank you so much for this idea. I hope you like it. Here is the song the blurb is based on: Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Word Count: (I had a bit too much fun with this prompt) 1,197
Warnings: Major Sherlock Fluff, domestic Sherlock
Your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Warm breath tickled his cheeks as you exhaled, and he couldn’t help but smile. Sherlock’s eyes gazed at your face lax from the brightness it held when you were awake. A piece of your hair fell onto your face, draping over your brow and cheek. Your lips pursued as you furrowed your forehead. Sherlock couldn’t but bring his hand to your face to brush the hair aside to smooth out the lines on your forehead. Slowly he gently brought his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment before he arose. 
He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. It was this case. Despite his years of experience, Sherlock felt stuck. If it was a few years prior, he would have slapped on a few nicotine patches and entered his mind palace for the next day or two. But now he had you. He had your smile to wake up to. Your soft hands rub away the stress. He had your love…and you had his. He wanted to do better for you. Which met discarding his regular coping methods for “healthier” ones. Some of which included more physical options, not that he minded. 
The bed creaked underneath him as he stood up and left the comfort of his bedroom. Returning shortly back to the warmth of his bed with the case files in his hands. He didn’t dare sit back down next to you, knowing the sound of papers would soon wake you up. You were already running around enough as it was assisting him and John with cases. Instead, he sat on the edge bed and turned the bedside lamp on to its lowest setting. Sherlock paused to listen into your breath. It hadn’t changed, so he cautiously flipped open the file that you had so carefully organized for him earlier that day. Well, yesterday he corrected peering at the alarm clock on the bedside table.
His eyes perused the text in front of them taking extra time to regard the statements and crime scene photos. There was something he was missing. He was sure of it. Sherlock hadn’t noticed he began to mumble his thoughts aloud. It was his little comments of disdain that had woken you up from your slumber. 
You reach up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. A light crept into your view and you sigh–Sherlock. The blankets rustle as you slip out from under them. Crawling across the bed to where he sat, his shoulders tense. You came to a stop and wrapped your arms around his back, enveloping Sherlock in a hug. Your legs coming to rest next to his. While his feet touched the floor, yours only dangled a few inches off of it. 
He continued to work away. His mind running a hundred miles per minute. You could see it in the way his jaw clenched and the muscles in his back contracted. 
“Sherlock,” your voice cooed. It had suddenly become quite hard to hold up your head, so you rested your chin on his shoulder. He hummed in response. “The case can wait until tomorrow.” You yawned. 
He placed the papers in his lap and turned his head to peer at you resting on his shoulder. He smiled. Your eyelids were heavy with the absence of slumber yet you fought to keep them awake. Determined to be awake when he was. 
“It is tomorrow,” Sherlock clarified as he motioned to the alarm clock. 
You groaned. Then you playfully punch his back. “You know what I mean.” Sherlock only nodded in response. “Please?” You begged, peering up at him with wide eyes. The look you know he could not resist. 
Sherlock chuckled and removed the files from his lap and onto the ground. “Alright. Back in bed, firefly.” Your laugh was akin to a melody Sherlock would play on his violin. The memory of the nickname flashes in your mind. 
“I told you they weren’t called lightning bugs,” you mumbled as he gently laid you back into bed. Tucking you underneath the covers before he joined you, turning the lamp off. 
You wrap an arm around him pulling yourself closer to his body. Sherlock happily snuggled back into you. It was perfect…yet he still couldn’t sleep. He sighed, and his chest heavily sank underneath your arms. 
“Do you want me to sing to you?” You ask him softly. He almost didn’t hear it. 
You take his silence as a yes, take a deep breath, and begin. The song had been stuck in your mind since you had heard it on the radio the other day. You had heard somewhere that the best way to get rid of a melody was to sing it, so that’s what you did. 
“Don’t go breaking my heart…” You paused waiting for Sherlock to continue. You smile softly to yourself as Sherlock continues his act of pretending to sleep. “I couldn’t if I tried…” You chuckled as your voice wavered on a high note. You weren’t a singer and Sherlock knew that. Yet your voice, when you did sing, held an endearment to it that Sherlock adored. 
Still no response from Sherlock. You nudged him slightly and began to sing a bit louder. “Honey, if get restless. Baby, you’re not that kind.” 
Reluctantly, Sherlock turned around to face you. His baritone voice rang out, continuing the next few lines. “Don’t go breaking my heart. You take the weight off of me.” He reached out to touch your cheek. His thumb rubbed small circles feeling the blush that crept onto your face. 
“Oh, honey, when you knocked on my door,” you sang. 
Sherlock felt your shoulder doing a little dance and he chuckled. “Ooh, I gave you my key,” he found his voice chiming back.
Then your voice merged together. You had some difficulty staying in the correct pitch, but Sherlock didn’t mind. “Ooh-hoo, nobody knows it.”
“When I was down,” you raised your hand up as if you held a microphone and sang. “I was your clown.” 
Sherlock couldn’t help but laugh. You never failed to bring a smile onto his face. 
“Ooh-hoo, nobody knows it (nobody knows)” You two sang. 
You brought the imaginary microphone to his lips, urging him to sing his lines. Instead of singing in the mic, he clasped his hands around your hand and brought it to his chest. You could feel the beating of his heart. 
Even though it was dark, your eyes met his and he slowly sang, “Right from the start
I gave you my heart…Oh, I gave you my heart…”
You smiled and leaned into him. Brushing your lips against his in a loving manner. Pulling back you snuggled deeper into his side and mumbled an incoherent goodnight and words of comfort. 
“You’re gonna solve it, Sherlock. Everything will be fine,” you whispered. 
Sherlock brought his arm to hold you close and kissed your forehead one more time. Your calm breath matched his as his eyelids fell heavy. Everything would be fine, so long as he had you by his side. At last, his eyes closed, giving in to the pleasant call of sleep. 
Taglist: @biggerthancalli13 @themartiansdaughter @starlightaurorab @silversword7000 @selcouthangel
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kariachi · 1 month
Some morning fic. What was supposed to just be touching on Kev being not-fully-human from the Tennysons' pov got a little bit heavy and Gwvin-critical there at the end...
“Do you ever get reminded that Kevin’s not human?” Pausing in his chewing, Ben blinked slowly narrowed eyes focused on this cousin across the table.
“I mean, the only people that beat him in teeth around here are Manny and Darkstar, so… yeah, kinda regularly.” Gwendolyn narrowed her eyes at him, setting her soda aside.
“I mean really reminds you.”
“That doesn’t,” Ben asked, mouth hanging just slightly open. “I’ve seen him open cans. I’ve seen him open people.”
“Well sorry I don’t spend my time staring at his mouth,” she grumbled with a frown, glowering. Huffing a sigh, she took another sip of her drink and shook her head. “He dug a hole under my house yesterday.” Another pause, another blink.
“Bet your mom was happy with that.”
“I swear he’s given up doing anything but the bare minimum to get along with her…” Gwendolyn shook her head again. “He literally came out yesterday morning and spent the whole day, with nothing but his powers, digging around under the house.” Taking a bite of his burger, Ben chewed thoughtfully.
“Did he say why, or did he just show up and get going.”
“He showed up and got going. When I asked he said he was ‘adding a den’.”
“Huh.” For a moment Ben continued chewing, then swallowed before asking “Is it at least a nice den?” Gwendolyn’s nose crinkled, lips twisting down.
“How should I know?! I’m not about to crawl down a dirt tunnel to hell just to see what the ass end looks like. Bad enough that eventually somebody’s going to have to figure out what to do with all the dirt he’s removed. Dad says Kev promised to handle it, but…”  Ben’s head tilted, just slightly, to one side.
“But?” Gwendolyn paused for a moment, shrugged.
“…it’s a lot of dirt.”
“It’s Kevin,” Ben pointed out with a snort, “he probably already has a buyer lined up for it and everything.”
“Probably…” Shaking her head, she leaned back in her seat and took another sip of soda. “It’s just, fucking weird. Like, where else does he have these things? Why does he want one? Why there?” Snorting again, Ben shook his head.
“Are you really asking why at the place you live whenever you guys are in town?”
“You know what I mean,” Gwendolyn said with a small huff. “Just, you can almost forget Kevin’s only half human, and then he does stuff like this.”
“No, cuz,” Ben said, flashing a grin, “you can almost forget he’s only half human. The rest of us are keeping an eye on those damn teeth.” Snorting despite herself, Gwendolyn rolled her eyes.
“Kevin is not going to eat anybody,” she said, only for Ben to wave a knowing finger in her face.
“You can sit in denial all you want, but Kev’s an ambush predator and I care about him enough to at least pretend to respect that.”
“You-” She shoved his hand away, glowering again. “-need to have more faith in him.” Ben just shook his head, grin shrinking to something smaller and more serious.
“I know you’ve got all these big hopes and dreams about fixing him up,” he said, “but eventually you have to accept that some of his warts are features, not bugs. He’s not gonna turn into your perfect human boyfriend at any point.”
“You know I’m not looking for perfect,” Gwendolyn said, glowering harder. “He does weird shit sometimes, I can live with that. I just want him behaving better.” Ben reached out and patted her arm.
“Lie to somebody else, Gwendolyn, I’ve known you too long.” The glowering turned to a glare. “I’ve sat there while Grandpa explained that something he’d done was normal Ossy behavior, watching you huff and puff and then go off and still give Kev shit about it. Like I said, you can let yourself deny it all you want, but you’re not taking the Osmosian out of Kevin, no matter what you like or don’t like about it. Fuck, you’re not taking the Kevin out of Kevin.” Gwendolyn glared harder.
“I don’t want to.” Ben ducked his chin, raising a brow at her.
“You keep trying.” He raised his finger again before she could counter the statement. “It’s been three years, he’s turned his whole life around, anything still going on that his shrink isn’t worried about? Isn’t going anywhere. Doesn’t matter if it’s his species or his personality, at this point you have to accept that you’ve got what you’re getting.”
“Don’t act like you’re some expert, Ben. I know him a lot better than you do.” Shrugging, Ben flashed a wider, though not quite so honest, grin.
“If you say so, but I’m not the one getting blindsided by him being weird.”
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
HIIII guess who finally finished the fic they've been putting off for literal months 😇😇😇😇 um anyways this is for the lovely anon who wanted a sequel to the "the person i once knew" oneshot mwah ily you know who you are!!!
anyways after this i have some orphy content for a very sweet commissioner and then i'll do the rest of the asks!! 💓
the person i once knew, part 2🦎
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i gave up on the concept of proofreading whats that????, slightish cw for blood and some veeery light stuff, my god the writing sucks, gender neutral reader as usual, sorry for the wait anon, i lvoe lchino druiuse send message
"Please...let me die a painless death."
That sentence gradually lost meaning with all the times it crossed your mind, gripping the reins of your psyche and making you flinch out of nowhere. The way it echoed in your head kept you awake for hundreds of nights: it was very obviously your voice, yet so unreachable, so distant, as if it crawled out from the deepest parts of your consciousness and made its way to your throat. But at the same time, it gradually unlocked a new emotion: fear. Death was basically gnawing at your ankles, and somehow, you're still alive, with both your feet on the ground and your head up. And the scariest thing was that all your memories of the day were a blurry mess, each of them overlapping, disconnecting and constantly shifting, leaving holes in your mind. You could have escaped death by pure luck, and you would never fully know.
Trying to reminisce of the day it happened was like playing a scratched record. Sometimes you saw vivid pictures, sometimes everything was pitch black, and sometimes it was just that gut-twisting feeling of anxiety and pressure. Only a few pictures materialized in your mind, awakening various sensations and making the hairs on your arms stand up straight. The scorching feeling of the unsharpened, rusty knife in your stomach. Hearing the unbearable screams, whimpers, and sighs of people that were surrounding you. The doctor's sickly pale face and veiny, thin hands illuminated by the unbearably bright yet depressing hospital light. Feeling your own sweat turn ice cold in a flash. It would be so easy to align the pieces of your memory if it wasn't for the constant shuffling, and, of course, your unavoidable feeling that there was a key puzzle piece missing, the one thing that would make everything click in place.
And of course, there was him. How could you even forget that?
Through all of your nightmares and dreams, even when you jolted and suddenly woke up panting and covered in cold sweat, the first thing that flashed in front of your eyes was him. A man so familliar which you simply couldn't name, the first letter always lying on the top of your tongue and never going further than that. Whenever you curled up under your bedsheets, you could smell the sweet fragrance of his hair, and often the warmth of his fingertips that gently traced along the soft lines of your body. And during hot summer nights, you felt the weight of his head on your chest as you got lulled to sleep by the soothing scent of lavender coming from your bedside table. It was kind of embarrassing, how easily you let yourself fall into a stranger's embrace and rest your cheek against his soft skin, woven out of threads of your memory. Perhaps you yearned for more than the pads of his fingers - you often found yourself dreaming of the feeling of his lips melding with yours, a lone string of saliva being the only thing separating them, and his warm breath grazing your ski-
"I apologize for interrupting your daydreaming, dear, but could I get my paycheck? I finished checking and dressing your wound some time ago."
You flinched, and the bright light from the ceiling blinded you again - you were so absorbed in your fantasy that you forgot you were looking at it in the first place. Disoriented, you looked around in panic, only to be met with the doctor's droopy eyes tiredly glaring back at you.
"I-I'm sorry, ma'am, I- I really zoned out, I-" You were a stuttering mess, your cheeks heating up over the mere thought of the doctor watching you drift away. "No worries, sweetheart, I've seen worse.", the doctor replied, taking off the rubber gloves off of her hands. Unintentionally, you found yourself inspecting her features. She seemed disheveled, but still elegant - her sickly pale skin was decorated with various moles, and a lone pearl earring hung from her ear, the milky shine standing out from the plain working dress she wore. "Also, feel free to call me Emily. We'll be hanging out for quite some time until your wound fully heals, so why not be on friendly terms?" She smiled back at you. Her smile didn't last long, but it seemed as if she fought through her sleepiness and stress just to make your face light up for a moment. You couldn't stop yourself from grinning back at her, I mean, it's just human nature, isn't it? You thought to yourself.
Emily was a doctor assigned to help you out after your injury, one of the people you first saw after waking up from the wound-induced coma. Even though she was presumably overworked and not incredibly talkative, you could notice her slowly warming up to you with each visit, treating you with soft smiles every time she put on fresh bandages on your wound and stitched any stray cut that wasn't caught by the fabric wrapped around your waist. It was fascinating, watching her hand work - calculated, precise and fast like a needle on a sewing machine.
"Thanks for helping me out again, ma- I mean, Emily", you mumbled after clumsily wiggling out of your bed. "No worries, darling. Just remember to clean the wound every day, and avoid bending yourself over and doing physical work." She replied, draping her cloak around her shoulders.
You reached into the cupboard in your room, and tucked a thin stack of cash into the small pocket of her cloak. "Here. I gave you extra this time. Thanks again, you have no idea how much I value your help." You said and smiled again. Emily's eyebrows drooped. "Are you sure? That's way more than I need..." she worriedly whispered as you led her to the doorstep. "Don't worry about it!" you whispered back. She sighed. "Then I have no other option other than thank you for your generosity." You were treated by one of her gentle smiles yet again, dimples gracing both of her cheeks. "Well, I have to go now. I'll come over in a week or two. Just remember to take your painkillers if the abdominal pain becomes unbearable - such periods of pain are normal as the wound is still healing. Oh- I'm pretty sure they already arrived, yes?" She pointed her foot at the small bundle of cardboard packages and letters by your doorstep. "Anyways, take care. And remember-"
"I know - no overworking!"
A smile graced her face once again before she turned her back towards you and disappeared in the chilly autumn fog.
You sighed as you crouched to pick up today's mail. It was nothing special - your brown box of painkillers, a letter regarding rent, and an...
"... Invitation?" Your teeth stabbed into your bottom lip. It was, undoubtedly, an invitation - the yellowish envelope stood out from the pile, a weird symbol stamped onto the wax covering the opening. Your finger carefully traced the seal, and you didn't know if it was just your imagination, but you swore it was still heated, even though it was solid. Your gaze bounced onto the edges of the envelope, slightly scorched and crumbling with every touch.
You held the envelope in front of yourself - to open it, or not to open it? Your first instict was tearing it apart, but the longer you inspected the envelope, the more anxious you felt. Who could possibly be the mysterious sender behind it? There wasn't any information about the sender anywhere other than the enigmatic wax seal.
Letter opener in one hand, the edge of the letter in other, you sliced through the wax and the tightly pressed paper. You reached into the envelope, pulling out a small, crumbled piece of paper. It seemed like it was ripped straight out of a notebook, and through the blotchy handwriting, you made out the letters - it was an address. This has to be some sort of a scam. First, vague information, then, this messy writing, then... you muttered to yourself, about to shove the paper back into the envelope. Then you felt something thicker your fingers, bulging from under the textured pergament.
"There's more...?"
You pulled out a piece of laminated, silky smooth paper. Squinting, you deciphered the letters hidden behind the blotches of ink:
____ and Luchino Diruse.
You flipped the paper.
There was a picture of two people gently holding each other in an embrace, their fingers intertwined. One of them being you, and the other....
You'd recognize that face anywhere.
It was him.
Your stupidity and impulsiveness was amusing. What made everything funnier was the fact that you repeated that sentence in your mind as you got off the train, already neck deep in the problem. Fascinating about a stranger was already hilarious, but actually chasing them, going head first without any second thought just to see him in the flesh? It was a fucking comedy.
In front of you was an old yet enormous manor, rotting and ruined by the passing of time. The windows were sealed shut with planks, and the garden in the front of it probably wasn't touched up in decades. It truly seemed like a cruel prank, if it wasn't for that picture left at the bottom of the envelope, which was now resting in the inner pocket of your coat. It was the only proof you had, the only thing confirming that the man called "Luchino" wasn't just a marionette sculpted by your unconscious mind. How hilarious.
Your curiosity got the best of you, and you found yourself pushing the (unlocked... for some reason) creaky door open and letting yourself get lost in the darkness of the main hall. It would be pitch black if it wasn't for the few lanterns hanging on the ceiling, spider webs wrapping around the textured glass. Disoriented, you looked around for any possible sign of other people living here, literally anything to prove that you came to the right place.
A ray of light appeared in the corner of your eye - it came from a half-opened door. You slowly approached it, in fear of making the floorboards creak. It's a stranger's house, after all, and you assumed them realizing they have unexpected guests would make them angry.
Yet, your ear was now peering into the illuminated room, curiosity eating you from the inside. You could make out the people speaking just by the tone of their voice - two women, a calm, collected woman and an energetic, younger woman with a soft french accent, seemingly deep into an argument. You could hear their voices jump up a few octaves with every sentence, them tripping on words as they tried to reason with each other. A step further wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Now your whole head was stuck between the wooden planks, but the only things you were able to see were the peeled wallpaper and the edge of a huge, almost royal dining table - this manor was the property of some aristocrat, no doubt about that. Your fingers were aggressively gripping the doorknob, almost desperately. If you could only muster up the courage to open it...
"I wouldn't advise going any further. Mostly because... well, let's just say that miss Bourbon is not the best if we're talking self-control."
The sudden deep, raspy voice behind you made you flinch and turn around in panic. A blindfolded man stood in front of you - his body was wrapped in long, dark blue cloths, and a leather satchel hung from his waist. On his shoulder was a big, brown owl, arching its fluffy chest towards you and curiously tilting its head, as if it wants to know who you are.
"Don't let yourself get intimidated by Brooke - she's just fascinated by newcomers." he said as his gloved hand ruffled the owl's feathers. "The name's Eli Clark, but call me Eli for short. And yours?" The same gloved hand was now reached out towards you, awaiting a handshake.
"My- ah- um...the name is ____. My pleasure, Eli." you nervously mumbled as you grabbed his hand and awkwardly shook it.
"____... What a pretty name. You're new here, right?" The brunette man suddenly smiled. "I've been expecting you."
"Oh, really? So you must be the owner of the manor then! You sent me the invitation too, right?"
Eli rubbed his chin.
"What invitation..?"
You reached into your pocket, showing him the crumpled, yellow envelope. "This one. I was hoping you were the person that could help me out with this personal mission of mine..."
He exhaled, his nose scrunching from under the blindfold. "I'm really sorry, but I think you've been misinformed. I'm not the owner of manor, the same goes for the other two current residents."
"So you must be a relative of the owner, yes?"
"No... In fact, no one here knew others beforehand. Nor do we know the owner, or who invited us - although my "invitation" was more of a... gut instinct, if you will." He let out a bleak, emotionless chuckle. "But all I can say is that you're not alone in this. Miss Bourbon and miss Gilman were both invited by the same stranger, as far as I know."
Your heart sank. It can't possibly be a dead end! There has to be something more...
"You mean this "owner" person invited a bunch of random people here? That they probably don't know, either?"
"Well... yes."
"But why?"
He clicked his tongue. "God knows why. I have my own reasons, and the ladies have them too. All I know is that all of them are quite personal."
You couldn't wait any longer. Just a clue, just a tiny little nag in the right direction - it was all you asked for. "Then, Eli, do you perhaps recognize this man?", you said as you yanked the picture out of your pocket. A sharp line dragged itself across its surface, wearing out the paper after the numerous times you folded it and opened it yet again, just to embed his face in your memory a little bit better.
Eli might have been blindfolded, but you could sense his eyes widening in shock, baffled at the sight of the picture you handed him. Instead, his owl leaned forward, eyes like big, glass marbles staring back at the withering face on the photograph.
"Do you know this man, ___?"
"Yes. I... well, I'm looking for him. It was actually the reason I came here - this photograph right here was in the invitation."
The brunette man pressed his lips together, thinking of how to reply to you.
"That... No. I've never seen him. I'm sorry."
"Then should we ask the other two residents?" your gaze flew onto the half-opened door. "Maybe they know somet-"
"They don't. Trust me, they're not from here. Miss Gilman is quite isolated from others and the modern way of living in general, and Miss Bourbon arrived 4 days ago from a whole other continent. He... ugh, actually, nevermind." his voice was nervous and twitchy, almost like he was shivering in the cold.
Was he lying? You bit your lip while thinking. Even if he was telling the truth, you could notice the impact that the picture had on him. It was just two lovers, arms wrapped around each other, pigment of their faces crumbling after being worn out by time, yet they seemed to throw him right into a state of panic. Avoidant, out of breath - what could had possibly been on his mind that caused such a reaction?
"Are you sure, Eli? You're sounding kind of  unreasonable right now." your eyebrows furrowed as you spared a sharp glare at the panicking man.
"No! I'm just saying how it really is! It-"
A brown bush of hair suddenly popped up from the half open door, illuminated by the remaining traces of the warm, faint light from the dining room. "Can you two hurry up with introductions? Dinner's getting cold!"
Dinner went by faster than you thought.
As you followed Eli into the dining room, you were met with two women seated at the long table, the same ones that you overheard bickering.
"Yet another newcomer?" the calm, elegant lady spoke, her dark eyes squinting to get a better look at you. Her head and body were covered with a figureless purple garment, mystical symbols curved on the edges of the long, flabby sleeves and the hood. She suddenly stood up, her bony hand reaching towards you. "Fiona Gilman. Pleasure to meet you." you slowly shook her hand. "I bet all that traveling has worn you out, yes?"
"Oh, not at all, miss Fiona!" Even though she seemed like a friendly lady, you felt sort of intimidated by her elegant posture and mysterious, dazed eyes that were probably drifting off far away from the real word, losing themselves in some other dimension. As if she kept a dark secret that an ordinary human couldn't even comprehend. With her witchy appearance and tall, gloomy figure, she seemed out of this world, like a prophet of some apocalyptical, elven land.
"Doesn't matter, sugar, you're gonna eat some delicious soup and head back to bed. You seem quite sickly, too, did you get enough sleep? You should get two bowls today, warm homemade soup is the best cure for all illnesses..." the brown-haired lady spoke, pinching your cheeks while inspecting your face. Her french accent was still audible, her r's perching up and her u's cutely drooping a pitch lower every time she spoke. "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself. Call me Demi. None of that miss and mister bullshit. We're gonna be together for a few days anyway, so we should spend them in good spirits, no?" she said as she winked at you.
Even though it was only the four of you sitting at the huge table, the initial silence was instead filled with lively chatting, four different voices intertwining and interrupting each other. You got to know every single one of your new roommates,  even some of their own funny quirks. Your mind drifted off of Luchino, completely forgetting about him until the moment you curled up in your new bed.
As you changed from your clothes into your pyjamas, the picture dropped down to the floor next to the bed. "Oh, I completely forgot about you." you whispered as a wave of guilt struck you right as you picked it up. Was this part of the owner's plan? To give you so many clues and hints to solve the puzzle that troubled you for weeks, and then have you give them up for a glass of wine and a chat with complete strangers? You weren't sleepy anymore. You tucked the picture into your fist, and decided to go get a glass of water, maybe even meet Demi and Fiona and ask them about Luchino. Eli's reply still didn't satisfy you, and seemed to actually create more questions instead of giving you a direct answer.
The creaking of the old staircase filled your ears as you made your way down to the kitchen, each stair rhytmically answering you with a high pitched squeak with every step you took. You looked at the open window in the hall - the grayish full moon gleamed in the beautiful night, without a single cloud in sight to hide its beauty. Once you got to the kitchen, you noticed the warm light peeking from under the door. Did someone forget to turn it off? Probably left it on on accident, you thought to yourself as you headed towards the door.
The second you put your hand on the doorknob, you halted. A person was on the other side. Or were there two? It could very well be Eli - he mentioned he struggled with his sleeping schedule. Or maybe Demi? She drank a lot throughout the dinner. It could also be Fiona, considering her cultish interests and all the full moon rituals usually tied to such beliefs. To spy or not to spy? Your hands trembled out of nervousness. It would be a shitty thing to do, especially since you just left your first impression on them, but you were going to interrupt them either way by entering, weren't you? Eye peeking through the keyhole, you squatted down and pressed your head onto the rotting door, hoping to draw out anything that others decided to gossip about.
Through the miniscule keyhole, you made out Eli's legs, crossed while he was sitting, and Demi's green skirt, waving around her legs as she nervously walked back and forth.
"Why did you decide to lie to them?" suddenly you heard Demi hiss, as if she had already suspected someone was spying on them.
"I had a reason, alright? Besides, we've only just met! To leave them hopeless and sad, just for them to realize they can't leave yet?" now you heard Eli cry, his usually stable, calm voice now on the verge of madness.
"You should had told them the truth! Imagine how they would feel as they looked for him, only to realize that all of their efforts were just a dead end. The harsh truth is always better than hopeful lies."
It can't be. What are the odds that they're talking about him?
"He's... alive. I know it. He must be somewhere out there." Eli's voice trembled again.
"Stop lying to yourself, Eli. He's dead. We all saw him lying on the ground, writhing in pain, unable to help him despite our attempts. We all saw the same sight." Demi suddenly sighed as she reached for a chair to sit down on. "Besides, you saw it in your visions, too. You saw those scales on his body piercing his skin as he bled out, you noticed only his face was blurred out out of the four of us, you saw them taking his place. Everything aligned perfectly."
"I don't want to believe the truth. I... want to change the future. I don't want to make the same mistake ever again." You heard Eli whimper, his hands reaching his face. "Tommorrow's the final game. I'm going to try my best to make things right. I don't want to lose ___ the way we lost Luchino."
Demi leaned over, her arms softly pulling Eli's shoulders into a hug.
It can't be true.
It possibly cannot be.
He cannot be dead.
But you heard them confirm - yet, at the same time, you didn't want to believe it.
Suddenly you weren't thirsty anymore. You headed back to your room, tears rolling down your cheeks.
God, if there was ever a moment where you simply needed to feel his presence near you, to just feel his breath on your neck and his arms around your waist, it was this one. Yet, it was so hard to imagine it again, knowing that he's probably a corpse somewhere out there.
It didn't matter. You already had a plan - tommorrow you'll find him, and bring him home - no matter if he's dead or alive.
You couldn't tell the time, nor did you know how long you've been walking. All you saw was Eli's blurry figure in front of you, leading you to the place where the "game" would commence. Tired and dazed, you tried your best to stay awake, struggling with each step into the mud. Your legs were feeling weak and numb, as if they could easily fall off your body if the wind was a bit stronger.
"How much longer, Eli? I simply cannot walk anymore!" Demi groaned from the back, struggling to balance herself in the moldable, soft dirt, to which Eli didn't reply.
He wasn't very talkative today - in fact, no one was. Fiona and Demi spared you a quick smile in the morning, but nothing more than that. It was a strange parade, the four of you heading to god-knows-where, gloomy and silent as if you're part of some odd, morbid carnival.
"We're here!" Eli suddenly yelled. Through the fog you made out water-soaked wooden planks and heated, warm antennas that were perched up above it, like stars in the cloudy night sky. The damp and overwhelming air now reached your nostrils - you recognized it, but from where exactly? The smell of the grass soaked by the rain haunted you from some other distant time, but you simply couldn't put your finger on it.
Eli now faced all three of you, nervously clenching his fist. "We're splitting up now. Just follow the lights and try to decode the machines that you'll find." He pointed at the antennas clouded by the fog. "I'm going this way, alone. Don't follow me! I'll be back at once, trust me!"
"But, Eli, you can't just-" Demi yelled, but Eli already ran into the fog, the gray veil blurring out his figure until he fully vanished.
Fiona sighed. "I guess we don't have any other option. Demi - you and I will head for those two machines on the west side. ___, could you take over this one?" She signaled at the machine positioned north, in the same direction where Eli went. You nodded. The way the game progressed made you more worried than it should.
Through the fog, you approached the clunky machine. It looked like a lion in a cage on display - it made beeping noises, it was shaking and the buttons seemed like they were pressing themselves - almost as if it was alive. Yet, as you felt the weight of the indented buttons go down with the press of your finger, your initial fear was fading. Sweat dripping down your forehead, you were arched over the typewriter-like box, wiping and rewriting lines and lines of crypted text. A few sudden, loud booms made you jump - Demi and Fiona probably finished decoding theirs. As you reached halfway, you suddenly heard a cry coming from up north.
Or was it an owl's howl?
Your legs were cemented in front of the machine. Just a few more lines of code and whatever those symbols were, and you could get out freely, reach Demi and Fiona and escape, but was there even enough time to borrow? A wave of guilt suddenly bit you from the inside of your stomach, but you simply couldn't waste another second.
Sweat froze on your bare skin, but you didn't care. You ran and ran as fast as you could, continuing even after tripping over sometimes. It was obvious this would go down badly from the start, but maybe this was destined to be. You couldn't change the future already engraved into the stars. Eli couldn't, either. But you wanted to do the impossible. As you moved through the fog, you realized you had nothing more to lose.
Panting and catching your breath, all you found was Eli's leather satchel lying in the grass, a few of Brooke's feathers loosely sticking onto its surface. Suddenly you found yourself tying it around your waist. There was no explanation you could make up on the spot, but it was a souvenir of sorts. It was a piece of him, in a way. Even if he wasn't physically here, you found comfort in the way his satchel pulled it's weight down your hip. It was a reminder that you're on a mission - to change what Eli couldn't, and to return what was lost.
It was Demi's voice coming from behind you. She was out of breath, leaning on her knees for support.
"Demi! For god's sake, y- Do you know where Fiona and Eli are?" You rushed to help her recover her stamina.
"Was just about to ask you. Fiona disappeared right as she finished her cipher, and as for Eli... well, we're both looking for him right now, aren't we? Have you found any clues?" Her hand roamed her bucket, taking out a dusty glass bottle, filled to the brim with shiny red liquid. "Nope, except Eli's satchel." You tapped its damp, shiny surface lightly. "But other than that, there were no footprints, no signs of where he went."
Demi took a swig out of the bottle, then carelessly threw it back into the bucket. "Alright. Since both Eli and Fiona are gone, we have to devise a plan. Listen - I'm going to look for those two, maybe they got lost - and you'll be decoding that last cipher over there, okay? I can't focus on those puzzle-code-whatever thingies while I'm tipsy, but I sure can pack a punch if needed!" She grinned as she flexed her arm.
"Sounds good to me. Just take care, okay? And be careful!"
"No need to worry about me, sweetie. I'll be back before you even enter the last line of code!" She laughed, and her laugh echoed over and over as she melted into the fog again.
Well, shit. You were loomed over the damned machine again, the cipher still shaking and wriggling as if it's about to explode. Now as you thought about it, the game was about to end, and it was faster than you thought. It all depended on you and Demi - for her to find the remaining two, and for you to decipher that goddamned block of text and get you all out of here.
Click. Click.
First row done, five more remaining.
You felt the first droplet of sweat form on your forehead.
Click. Click.
Second row done, four more remaining.
Did the buttons suddenly stop cooperating? They felt heavier under your fingertips, some of them refusing to pop back after you pressed them.
Click. Click.
Third row done, three more remaining.
Was it this cold the entire time? The wind played with your hair as you continued typing.
Click. Click.
Fourth row done, two more remaining.
You thought of your teammates. Where could they be now? Demi promised to return before you finished the cipher, but there was nothing to hear except the swaying of leaves, nothing to see through the fog except the outlines of the wooden skeletons that could have been houses in some other life.
Click. Click.
Fifth row done, one more remaining.
Was that a hiss you just heard? Your mind is probably playing tricks with you, yet you still felt uneasy, your leg bouncing in case you need to un-freeze and get going.
Click. Click.
Gah, fuck.
Wrong code, back to row five.
You felt the hairs on your skin rise up as your already numb fingers ran over the keyboard. Must be cause of the cold.
Click. Click.
Sixth row done. Cipher machine finished.
The exit gates have been opened.
You jumped and ran along with the ear-piercing siren, not finding the courage to look back at what might had been hunting you the whole game.
Two eyes staring right back at you. The last thing you saw before you started to run. As you turned your back to them, you already felt them stripping off your clothes and tearing your flesh apart, toying with your mutilated body as they pleased. If I don't run as fast as possible, that might just be the best case scenario, you suddenly thought and picked up your pace.
You ran to the quickest shed you found and pressed yourself against the wet planks. It was the best shelter you could find at the moment, although it was also the most fragile one out there. One careless move and your cover will be blown completely. Your hand pressed itself on your mouth on its own - Is this really how it's going to end? Legs cemented into the ground, unable to make a move in fear you'll get caught? If your hands weren't already shaky, you'd pinch yourself in hope that it's was all just a bad dream.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look behind. Now with a wooden shield against your back, perhaps you could stare down the predator from the thin, empty holes between the planks. Slowly, you tilted your head, the wetness of the wood brushing against your cheek. You didn't dare to completely turn around - it was too risky.
As you held onto the wall, fingers pale out of sheer force with which you held onto it, your gaze quickly flashed between the wooden frame, into the grayish cloud of icy, damp air.
Fatal mistake.
It only took a moment of inattention - you felt the skin of your chest ripping and the warmth of your own blood flowing down your body. As you gasped in shock, your eyes fixed themselves onto what poked through your pathetic little shelter and, in the end, your ribs - an enormous, clawed hand, searching around for whatever it stabbed in the first place. It could probably grip your whole neck with ease and turn your spine into dust with a strong enough grip. With your legs feeling like rubber, you sloppily leaped towards a tied up stack of planks set against a barrel. Trying to find some unreal source of energy from your worn out body, only one solution popped up in your mind - you pulled the stack with all your momentary might.
It was dizzying. A chain reaction ensued in your abdomen, as if something stabbed through your belly button from the inside of your body. You grabbed your stomach in vain, the blood leaking from your ribs already staining the cloth that was wrapped around your waist. Not enough power remained in your arms to support your weight and you simply crashed into the dewy grass, exhausted from fighting back.
"Please! Let me die a painless death!" You screamed at whatever was now looming over you and breathing into your neck. The only remaining option was to beg the two blurred, hellish orange orbs looking at you for mercy.
A second passed. Then another.
Your heart was still beating. The creature's heavy breathing still filled up your ears, yet you didn't dare to face it again. It leaned forward, scraping your wrist with its claws - no, grabbing something from your sleeve? You slowly opened your eyes.
It gazed at the same picture you cherished and held close to your chest each night.
As the monster's eyes fixated themselves on the two blurry faces, you heard a low hiss slipping from it's jaw. You could recognize that husky voice from miles and miles afar.
You couldn't believe your eyes. Yet, as you inspected the lizard-man looming over your body, you realized it really was him - the raggedy brownish-red hair rolling down the sides of his neck, the collared shirt slightly ripped at the seams - but god, what has he become? The soft surface of his big, veiny hands was now replaced by menacing claws that could rip you apart if he got careless enough.
"____! So it really is you I'm seeing! I'm so glad!" Luchino sighed in relief as he got on his knees in front of you. "I'm so sorry that you have to see me like this..."
"Luchino.. is this really you? What happened?" You murmured, reaching for his scaled face. The tension in your body disappeared the second you heard his voice seep from his mouth - he seemed less menacing, even cute in a way.
"Huh? You don't remember?" He leaned his face into your palm. It almost felt natural, the way your hand slowly cupped his cheek.
"No...I just... I don't remember what happened very well that night you disappeared. Are you hurt?" You whispered.
He sighed. "...It's a long story, darling. A story for another time. Don't worry about me - are you hurt?" His claws stroked the thick bandages that were tightly wrapped around your waist, now soaked with blood. "Ah, these wounds... I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." He looked away in shame. "I lost control of myself after that - well, transformation - thing and just... let myself get controlled by my animalistic instincts." As he got lower and lower, he slowly laid his head on your chest. "I never wanted to hurt you. I'll never forgive myself for making you bleed."
"Luchino..." you mumbled out as your arms wrapped around his neck. "Please. It's fine, trust me, I'm doing better now..."
"It's not fine." He suddenly yelped, making you jolt. "I can't excuse doing such an awful thing. Especially since it was you I hurt." His fingers intertwined with yours. "I'll get us out of here, tesoro. I'll make sure that no one - including me - lays another finger on you."
He picked up your fragile body from the grass that you laid in. "One day, angel, I'll find a way to return back to normal - and I'll be the man you once knew again."
You clenched the fabric rippling over his chest. "You were always the same man, Luchi. No scales or fangs will change the way you love, the way you tighten your grip whenever you hold me in your arms and the way you whisper sweet nothings into my ear."
He chuckled and softly pressed his mouth onto your forehead. He still kissed you with the same warmth he once did, the heat lingering as he moved his head away.
"I love you, vita mia."
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
A Rambling First Thoughts Review + Critique of "Peter Pan and Wendy" (Disney+ 2023 movie) Spoilers ahead.
Okay for being called "Peter Pan and Wendy" I think aside from prequel iterations, this movie had the least bit of connection and bonding between Peter and Wendy that I've ever seen.
Wow okay, not even sure where to begin on the rest of my thoughts but certainly that was the first one. I didn't feel much connection between Peter and Wendy at all, and the story had very little justification for the emotional moments between them it tried to eke out, which is actually very difficult to achieve since the original source material has it baked in that all the adaptations, even the ones that twist the formula, have been able to adapt and grow off of.
Oof and I gotta say the movie rushed the beginning to really crawl through Neverland. I was shocked at how fast it was that they were already going, and it didn't really seem like an urgent event. Just like, oh yeah Peter's just gonna show up at your window and take you to Neverland one day kthxbai. Rather than it being a motivated decision for Wendy to say "I'm growing up tomorrow" (leaving the nursery, going away, etc.) but I don't want to, so I'm going to go and never grow up.
Also sidebar, Wendy my love, being an ass to your brothers is not endearing to your plight and is definitely new for this adaptation which was a Very odd take. And it could be argued by the end...or even the middle...she realizes her responsibility to take care of them and look after them in Neverland but that's a weak sauce character arc for someone who HAS one built in that's just as valid.
A really odd take for them NOT to double cast Jude Law as Mr. Darling and Hook. I actually would have liked to see his take on Mr. Darling. But RIP Mr. Darling had barely a personality at all or anything to do here.
And RIP Nurse Nana. Now you are just a dog with nothing to do, and no reason to be put out in the dog house.
And then Neverland, oh my dear place of literal dreams, what they did to you! Now, I am somewhat a fan of the Home Under the Ground being a castle ruin in this version, that's actually something close to how I've seen Neverland at least once. But it felt very empty, both the Home and the island. It was too...empty. And even though every iteration we know only the pirates, Lost Boys, Peter, the Indians, the fairies, and the mermaids live in and around the island, plus animals, all the other versions haven't felt so barren. Is it because Neverland became one large same-y landmass rather than a place that has mountains and lagoons and tropical forests and literally anything children dream of? Maybe that's part of it. But it's hard to place precisely. It doesn't feel lived in. The castle ruins didn't have beds or a table for meals. It had a neat rope swing and a fireplace yes, but it still just looked visually and felt empty, when a badass castle hideout could be so cool!
And regarding Hook and Peter having a history, having a tragic background. First, I'm not opposed to the friends to enemies take. Saw it done pretty well in the prequel special Neverland, though it was from a Fagin+Snape-like mentor to an orphan Peter who looked up to him, rather than two kids and one who grew up. But again, it may have worked with a different story. I don't think it was the right choice here, or at least it was not properly executed. The voice in my head kept saying, if Hook was a lost boy and Peter's friend and he KNEW where Peter's hideout was all along, then WHY hasn't he tried killing him before? The whole sticking point in the source and other adaptations was that he had NO IDEA where Peter's hideout was, otherwise he would kill him there!
Tiger Lily being a badass is never bad in my book, but once again, her service in the story feels unearned. I don't feel the bond between her and Peter, honestly. She had more of a connection with Wendy (and it caught me off guard how I immediately thought, "okay I would ship that" after their conversation en route to the hideout.) And then her tribe is just sort of there. Without much connection to the island, or to Peter. Tiger Lily calls him "Little Brother," but taking the movie as it is without reference of any other Peter Pan media, it doesn't feel earned from what we are given up to that point. It just feels like Tiger Lily being Peter's deus ex Machina, which really historically has been Tinkerbell, and that made sense given Tink and Peter's shared history and friendship. (Something that's also sadly toned back in this movie as well)
"Peter Pan and Wendy" is not even a poor live action adaptation of a Disney animated movie, it's just... a strange and lackluster adaptation of Peter Pan, which had been done successfully as a Disney animated movie. And I think that feels a bit more disappointing.
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
Hello!!! This one is a crazy idea I had:
Gender: afab
Pace: tender
Character (provide 2): Crocodile or Doffy
These two man are anything BUT "tender" so I'm a bit curious to see what you come up with! Thank you!!! Bye-bye!
Are you challenging me, mortal! Me? Whomst has been writing for FIFTEEN years, and writing smut for TEN! I began writing not long after you first became conscious of your existence! *thunderclaps* you want soft, I’ll give you soft! *spins wheel* yesssss, the most romantic position known to humanity! *puts My Heart Will Go On on repeat* buckle up bitches…
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Literally the softest smut I've ever written published!
Line’s 200 Followers Event: Carnal or Tender
Crocodile, Tender: Louts Position
Crocodile sighed, massaging the back of his aching neck and yawning as he reached his bedroom door. It had been a long, tiring day, with paperwork, more paperwork, a two and a half hour meeting which was followed by even more paperwork.
But then again, who said overthrowing a monarchy while simultaneously keeping face as a national hero and running an underground criminal syndicate was easy?
You made it better though, being the Hero of Alabaster was made easier when he had a loving spouse by his side to help him keep up appearances. The people loved you, women envied you and men could only look longingly from afar. The people thought you were an angel, but he knew you were a devil in disguise. You knew of his plans, he told you everything, and you gave your input with a sly smile that matched his own.
He finally reached his bedroom, silently falling into sand and slipping beneath the door so as not to wake you. His eyes found your shared bed and he gave a rare smile of content, watching as the covers - tucked under your chin to protect you from the cold desert night - rose and fell in time with your even breathing, your hair strewn across your pillow in messy waves. Crocodile’s shoulders shook with silent laughter as he realised you were hugging one of his pillows.
He could do with just the one tonight, your smile was too heartwarming for him to disturb you.
He put out his cigar and stripped down to his briefs, hanging his coat on the end bedpost before carefully lifting the covers to climb in. That’s when he paused, having moved the sheet from over your shoulder, giving him a peak of what you were wearing.
Was that…
Curious, he pulled back the covers from you a little more. All exhaustion was promptly replaced by the soft, aching warmth of arousal at the sight of you wearing his favourite babydoll, the one he got for you on your fifth wedding anniversary. Just as always, the sight of the sheer black fabric hugging your breasts stole his breath away, making him want to lift the sheet further to see it draped over your hip. Crocodile licked his lips and swallowed as you shivered, the cold night air rousing you from your light sleep as your eyes fluttered open and you grumbled wordlessly.
“My apologies, my dear,” he murmured, removing his golden hook and placing it on the bedside table, “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Mmm, you didn’t, I was just-” you were cut off by your own yawn, the sheets falling completely off you as you sat up on your side and rubbed your eyes, “-just resting my eyes.”
Crocodile chuckled, eyes roving your body as he crawled into bed next, reaching out to cup your chin with his fingertips, “I believe I kept you waiting?”
“It’s alright,” you said, blushing as you quickly glanced down at the babydoll you were wearing, “I’m sure you’re tired, let me just go get changed and-”
“Now, now,” he purred, tone chastising yet expression playful, thumb brushing your jaw as his fingertips slowly guided your face closer to his, “did I ever say I wanted to sleep.”
You chucked as you gave him that coy smile that still made warmth spread in his groin after all this time, “I suppose you didn’t.”
Your lips met in a soft kiss, chaste and sweet as the one on your wedding day. He kissed you slowly as the fingers on your chin traced your jawline, tickling the back of your neck as they curled through your hair and he guided you to lay down. You let out a shaky sigh when his lips followed the path his fingers had made, diverting down to drag his tongue over where your shoulder met your neck.
“Th-this little surprise was meant to be for you,” you said with a breathless chuckle.
“And I am very much enjoying it,” he purred, kissing down your collarbone.
Crocodile loved the feeling of your skin beneath his lips, the way you quivered as he went lower and lower, goosebumps blossoming across your body. He kissed the swell of your chest, the babydoll only covering past your nipples, leaving a tantalising amount of your breasts exposed. You sighed and squirmed beneath him, rocking your hips, seeking some form - any for - of relief. There were times he liked to draw it all out, make you wait, and while he loved to hear you beg for his touch alone he couldn’t find it in himself to bring you to the edge of desperation tonight.
With his teeth he gently grabbed the fabric between your breasts and pulled it down, exposing your nipples to the cold night air, making them harden quickly as you gasped. You whimpered as his lips latched onto one and he took his weight with his bad arm to gently massage your other breast with his hand. He carefully tweaked and tugged at the nipple between his fingers, rolling his tongue around the one in his mouth as he sucked at it. Your fingers tugged at his black hair, breath short and rapid like the fluttering heartbeat beneath his palm.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and you ground up against his abandon. He moaned, rocking his hips in response and his cock - still trapped in his briefs - throbbed as he pulled his lips from your skin. He needed to be inside you.
Crocodile sat up and pulled at the babydoll, you helped him take it off you by arching your back and wriggling. His breath caught and he shivered as he realised you weren’t wearing anything else, the sight of your soaked sex making him groan as he tossed the clothing onto the floor. His heart - which many believed to be cold and loveless - stuttered in his chest as you placed a hand over it and pushed, a silent request for him to lay back. He gladly complied, raising his hips as you took off his briefs.
You leaned down, just for a moment, to place a soft kiss and gentle lick to the weeping head of his cock. Crocodile let out a shaky sigh at the sensation, hand reaching to grip your hip as you situated yourself above him. His eyes wanted to flutter closed as you sank down, but he forced them to stay open, watching his length slowly disappear into your core. His orange eyes snap up to your face as you gasp, the head of his cock nudging against your cervix as he bottoms out. You began to circle your hips, but he tightened his grip, stopping you.
Closer, he needed to be closer than this.
He slowly pushed himself up, your legs wrapping around his waist just as his arms did around your torso. Chest pressed to his, lips so close you shared panted breaths. He lifted you slightly and crossed his legs beneath you. You squirmed in his arms, the angle was different, not as deep, but you could feel the thundering of his heartbeat against yours like this.
Your fingers curled through his black locks as you began to tense and relax your legs, with your feet touching one another behind his back the action made you rock gently on his lap. His lips found yours again, keeping his bad arm around your waist for support he gripped your hip once more, gently tipping and pushing to help guide you.
You trembled as you gasped his name, it was all almost too much like this, the angle letting him brush against your sweet spot while also allowing him to grind up against your clit. His chest rubbed against yours, your nipples hard and tingling. Too much, yet just enough.
He gripped you tight as you squirmed on his lap, sunset eyes watching the way the pleasure he gave you danced across your face, “So beautiful.”
Your breath hitched at his words and you dived in for another kiss, this one with more tongue and hunger as the hand on your hip quickened your pace, his own body rocking up into yours.
“Croc,” you whimpered, lips brushing against his, even as you panted for breath, “I’m- it’s-”
“I know,” he grunted, arms wrapping tight around your body as he humped up into your quivering sex, he pressed even closer to you, breath ghosting over your ear as he spoke, “I can feel you my dear, you’re so close aren’t you?”
“Croc, oh!”
“That’s it,” he was panting now, a light sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead as he looked at you with a gaze he’d never given anyone else, “let go.”
Your breath hitched, body shivering, so close to the edge, just a little more.
“Gonna fill you up, love,” his breath was shaky as he spoke, low grunts and huffs were let out with each small buck of his hips, “come for me, y/n.”
The way he whispered your name, soft and pleading like a prayer, had you gasp. Your walls fluttered as you twitched and moaned above him, nails digging into the skin of his back as you cried out. He swallowed your cries with a heated kiss, fingers curled through your hair, pressing you to his lips as his other arm tried to pull you impossibly closer, as if he was trying to become one with you. He groaned, cock pulsing as he spilled into your core, some leaking out and gathered around the base of his length as he shook beneath you.
Neither of you knew how long it took to come down from your highs, still too lost in one another’s lips to care. With your hearts still thundering he untangled your bodies, guiding you to lay on the pillows with him, a soft smile gracing his lips as you fell asleep in his arms.
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
thinking abt tristan again. 💔
coughs and sneezes//tristan duffy
pairings; tristan duffy x fem reader
rating; pg!
warnings; mentions of sickness, common cold symptoms, all that jazz
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You sluggishly rolled around in you’re bed, coughing and groaning miserably. Perhaps going ice skating with Tristan was the worst fucking idea you could have suggested. Now you’re poor sinuses had to suffer from the idiotic choice you made.
Tristan slowly opened the bathroom door and peeped his head through. Wincing slightly at you’re sick form, he ditched the plan of shaving for a minute longer, walking over to you.
“You okay?” He asked. You grunted in response before sitting up to face him.
“Does it look like i’m okay?” You snapped at him. You’re voice was awfully nasal due to the fact you couldn’t even breathe through you’re nose in any way whatsoever.
Tristan chuckled and placed a soft kiss on you’re forehead. You quickly pulled away after gently pushing him next to you for a moment. Turning to the side, you sneezed harshly into the paw of you’re hoodie.
“Bless you..” He smiled, handing you a tissue. You thanked him and wiped you’re nose before tossing the tissue to the ground.
You flopped back onto you’re pillows and sighed loudly. Tristan just chuckled again and stared at you in awe.
“I wanna go out. I can’t be stuck in here all day Tristan..” You said with a pout. Tristan lifted up you’re chin with his finger, looking directly into you’re eyes.
“Sweetheart, we can’t have you coughing and sneezing all over the place. Could you imagine March’s face?” You both laughed at that thought. Yeah, some reaction James would give you. Just a few months back, one of the guests had accidentally gotten him sick. And well.. let’s just say it wasn’t a pretty sight..
“Stay here, i’ll go get you something to eat.” He stated, kissing you goodbye before heading down to the Cortez’s kitchen to ask Iris or Miss Evers if either of them could rustle something up for you.
He soon returned with a steaming bowl of soup in his hands. He was careful not to spill even a drop. It was Iris’ finest. Most of the ghosts found her cooking to be absolutely divine. He knew you were one of those people, much like himself actually. You both remember last Christmas when he ate everything she’d baked. That got him and Donovan at each others throats within no time. Even Will tried his hardest to stop it..
You looked over at the soup with tired eyes, trying you’re best to sit up, but Tristan beckoned for you to lay back down.
“I got it,” He lifted the soup back up and blew on it, dipping in you’re spoon and stirring slowly.
“Open..” Tristan commanded. You did as you were told and smirked before allowing him to push the spoon right into you’re mouth. The hot liquid ran down you’re throat and it felt amazing. The warmth, everything.
After you’d finished, he cleared everything away and asked if you wanted a little afternoon nap.
“Darlin’ you could use the extra rest..” He said, frowning at the dark purple smudges under you’re eyes. You were incredibly pale and quite exhausted.
“Mm, okay..” You mumbled sleepily. Tristan took the chance to strip his clothes off, crawling into bed with you as you both snuggled under the covers.
He turned the lamp off that was placed over on the bedside table. You hummed in satisfaction as you nestled yourself deeper in Tristan’s naked chest.
It was nice to feel someone else’s body heat. You’d sat for days in here, shivering and trying so very hard to feel actual warmth. And the heat radiating off of Tristan, wow. It just felt incredible.
You looked up to see that he had dozed off, snoring slightly. You quietly chuckled to yourself before joining him and falling into a peaceful slumber.
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justanotherfangirlst · 10 months
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    Daniella had shown Sir Brookstone the notes that she had taken on all the things that could cause the destruction that she had seen in her visions. He took in the information and asked questions as he tried to understand the growing threat. She showed him the pages upon pages of everything that she had written down from what she had seen as well as what she thought some visions meant. Many of her visions were symbolic rather than literal. 
    He read everything over as well as looked over the notes that she had taken from her research, comparing and making his own observations. The two worked side by side until the sun dipped below the horizon. Daniella was used to late night research, but decided to put a hold on it until the next morning when she saw the way his eyelids drooped, covering half of his emerald eyes. Daniella had shown him to his room and bid him goodnight before retiring to her own room.
    She changed quickly and was brushing her hair when Ozir came into the room. She brought in a fresh cup of tea and a stack of fresh parchment. She set the two beside Daniella's bed before coming up behind her and held her hand out for the brush. 
"Quite a day my lady," Ozir murmured. Daniella could feel the heat in her cheeks as she smiled.
"He didn't even once look like he wanted to run away," Daniella replied in the same tone. Ozir returned Daniella's smile in the reflection as she brushed the knots out of her hair. 
"I guess the dragons will starve tonight," Ozir joked lightly. Daniella giggled, feeling her heart skip a beat at the thought of someone willing to stay the night and possibly longer. 
    Ozir finished Daniella's hair as the two continued to talk and giggle before bidding her goodnight. Daniella sat in front of her vanity a little while longer. She gazed into her eyes as her hands began to comb through the ends of her hair. She smiled as she took a look at herself and wondered what it was that Cole had seen in her. Her hands fell to the tops of her hands, where her marks rested and froze, her smile falling. Whatever it was that he saw, not many others did. She couldn't help her thoughts from wandering to a dark place. To wonder what his intentions really were. 
    She shook her head and rid herself of those thoughts. She grabbed the candle tray and walked over to her bed and sat down. She placed the candle on the bedside table and grabbed the cup of tea. A special concoction by Ozir to help with her night terrors. She only drank it when the nightmares were constant for days on end. It would not stop visions from the Great Dragon, but it did give the young woman some relief from the horrors that she saw night after night.
    After she finished the tea, she placed the cup back on the saucer and crawled under the covers, blowing out the candle and laying her head on the pillow. She turned to her side and looked up through the window at the moon. It was full, peaking through the clouds and sending rays of soft light down. She smiled before closing her eyes. 
She stood in the middle of a pile of rubble. She could vaguely hear the screams of children, calling out for their mothers. Fire burdened the building that were still standing. She spun in a circle to see the destruction that surrounded her. So much pain, and so much death. She did not have to see it to know it was there. She lifted the hem of her nightgown and walked forward, down a path that seemed to be the main road.      Blurry figures rushed past her. She walked slowly but found that she could not focus on the figures rushing past. She quickened her pace, trying to make it to the end of the road before something happened to her. A shadow flickered in her peripheral, causing her to stop in her tracks. This shadow was different than the figures that flew past her. This shadow was as black as night with bright red eyes. It shimmered from view before a loud explosion could be heard. Daniella whipped her head to see a cloud of smoke racing down the road. She tried to move, but found her feet stuck to the cobblestone. She threw her hands up to protect her face as the smoke engulfed her.     When she lowered her hands, she found that she was in the middle of the woods. She took in her surroundings before picking a direction to walk. She walked a few yards before coming to a large boulder in the ground. Atop, a silver egg, bigger than she had ever seen before. She took two steps forward before she was stopped by the large eye that had appeared behind the egg. The pupil narrowed as the eye rose and revealed that it was the eye of a dragon.     It snarled before lowering it's head to Daniella. It sniffed her before laying down once more. Daniella looked between the egg and the dragon head and decided to walk to the dragon's head. She placed a gentle hand on the dragon's muzzle, listening to it groan in pain. Her gaze followed the dragon's form down to the large wounds in it's side. As if it had been attacked by something with four claws. Daniella could see in the dragon's eye that this wound was fatal.      She gently wiped her tears before trying her best to comfort the dying dragon. She stayed for a while before looking away from the dragon who had gone still. She turned to the large boulder and found that the egg was still there. She walked up to the egg and reached out to grab it. The least she could do was look out for the little one. Just before her finger grazed the surface of the shell, it cracked revealing light underneath. It exploded into a bright ball of light, causing Daniella to shield her eyes once more.      When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing a few miles from the castle that her mother resided in. She watched as a creature tore the parapets and walls down to nothing. She could hear the screams again. She wept as she found that she could not move once again. Daniella knew that a kingdom that size could not be evacuated quickly and that her family would not leave the villagers there to fend for themselves. Next to her, the shadowy figure appeared once more. It laughed as it lifted a clawed hand towards Daniella. She looked into the red eyes the shadow began to solidify into a woman that she had only seen in storybooks. Daniella struggled to get free as the woman's hand came to Daniella's face. *******************************************
    Daniella rose into a sitting position quickly as she struggled to catch her breath. A true vision from the Great Dragon. She shook as she tried to grasp at the severity of what she had just seen. It had been a warning. If she did not act, there would only be darkness and destruction. The entirety of Ninjago would be in ruin. 
    Daniella turned and reached for the parchment beside her bed and the quill and began to jot down everything that she had seen.
Part 3 of my Royal AU (See Part 2 here)
It's been a while, but I finally have the time to work on this AU more ^^  
Daniella and Ozir belongs to me Cole belongs to LEGO
Please do not use my work or characters without my permission
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