#but i might forget lol
shad-fanatic · 1 month
I had a cool idea for a SuperSonic Mechanic in 2D games
When Sonic loses all his rings as Super or cancels SuperSonic, the chaos emeralds scatter and fly around him as protection for a while before he catches them all, if you jump as the catching animation plays, sonic will get 15 rings for style, as he flips around a bunch and makes a lot of cool poses.
All Super-only-levels will always have some kind of platform to land on to get more rings, and the emeralds scattering will deal damage to all the badniks on the screen, aswell as one hit worth of damage to the super-only-boss he is fighting, if the last hit is a scatter-attack, and you jump when collecting, you will get 50 more rings for style, and an instant A rank at minimum
but if the emeralds scatter in Death Egg levels, Eggman will be able to steal one emerald, and you will not be allowed to go super for the rest of the level, but there will always be an unskippable special stage at the end of the level for you to get the emerald back quickly, but if you fail that special stage, you lose the emerald
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pbnmj · 1 year
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swordsonnet · 22 days
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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jventureart · 2 months
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Pt. 1 of 2
Pt 2
Transcript under cut
Pakkun: what's the situation, boss
Kks: well-
Ninken, greeting gai!
Gai: (laughing) Hi, boys!
Pakkun: you should have seen this coming, kid
Kks: yeah yeah
Gai laughing
Pakkun: Hey, gai
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sensitiveheartless · 8 months
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arinmoss · 2 months
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Astarion work in progress i meant to finish like a month or 2 ago but then just kinda forgot about it lolol
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songsofadelaide · 1 month
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You and your husband were hardly sleeping together lately. You couldn't blame him. He was busy beyond words and he had a duty to the realm. He was king, after all.
When Marcille heard you were having trouble sleeping, she personally made you some dream balm, which was really just a concoction of beeswax, fragrant lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and some crimson herb you couldn't identify because the heavens forbid the queen not get enough rest— and more stuff you didn't hear because of how off you've been feeling from the lack of sleep.
So when the evening rolled by with her dusk-coloured skirts across the sky, you decided to turn in for the night and made use of the aromatic balm Marcille concocted especially for you. You rubbed the sweet yet waxy substance on your temples, behind your ears, and a little bit on your wrists and other pulse points and called it a day.
But your sleepiness was chased out of your body because you were hearing things.
Your shared bedchamber with the king was dimly lit and there was no one else there but you.
You could hear the thoughts and desires from your bed frame. Your... your pillow? And not just your thoughts, but Laios', too.
"Kiss me, please—"
"—Let me hold you..."
"You're so beautiful..."
You could hear his thoughts in his voice in your head— his voice so calm and patient and perhaps a bit tired-sounding— as though he was simply whispering them to you. His thoughts were so embarrassingly loud that it did not help your case of sleeplessness at all.
"Don't look away from me... I want to see your face."
The balm was warm behind your ears and on your pulse and it made you cry a little bit because by the gods, you missed your husband and his voice in your head and your half-empty bed were nothing but torment for you. You held his pillow in your arms and ducked under the covers to hide from... from your own embarrassment. If you weren't going to get any sleep, you may as well tire yourself out instead.
Laios was always incredibly honest with himself. He was never one to shy away from things. He would tell you he wants you— he desires you— without missing a beat. And so his voice in your head with his somewhat disrespectful tone, telling you to take all of him, made your imagination work overtime.
"Are you asleep already? I apologise for not being able to spend that much time with you lately..."
Oh, his voice was apologetic this time. Nothing like the seductive phrases you've been hearing for the last half hour or so.
"Ah, Laios..."
It was only when you felt the bed shift and the covers lifted up that you realised it was him for real this time.
"I—" You stammered at him, your face warm and hands even warmer underneath your night garments.
"W—" Laios was about to ask you something, but he hardly got a word in when you grabbed your shared blanket and cocooned yourself in complete shock. "Hey, there's no need to hide from me..."
He coaxed you out of the covers and into his arms and tenderly kissed away the tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
"My lord husband, I—"
He chuckled at how cold his title sounded as it escaped your lips. "Didn't I hear you call me by my name just moments ago?"
"I-It's embarrassing enough that you caught me in such a state!"
"Well, you don't have to be in that kind of state if you would just call for me," he said as he rubbed circles on the back of your dominant hand. "I have my duties to this kingdom, but I also have my duties to you, my queen, my wife... Just tell Marcille and Kabru that you need me. I'll come running no matter where I am or what I'm doing."
"Oh, right. Marcille gave me this weird balm. She said it was supposed to be a sleep remedy but it got me all hot and bothered instead because I was hearing you all over the place..."
You handed the canister of balm to your husband, who twisted it open and gave it a little whiff. "Lavender, chamomile, bergamot... and some saffron, if I'm right. No wonder you're burning up."
"Saffron is a, uh..." It was his turn to be embarrassed this time. "Well, Senshi and Chilchuck once told me to steer clear of certain plants because of their... certain strange properties. Saffron is one of them. They're kind of like an aphrodisiac, after all."
"A... what?"
"Let's just say it's a spice," he said in conclusion, slowly drawing you into a kiss. "Now, do you want to pick up where you left off? Only I'm here now, so..."
On the other side of the castle was the advisor to the king and the kingdom's head mage in complete panic at how she accidentally switched turmeric for saffron for the queen's dream balm.
Kabru simply laughed off her rookie mistake. "You did them a favour, Marcille. Trust me when I say the king's going to thank you first thing in the morning."
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✦ A little something again for us Laios lovers. Can be considered a spiritual sequel to Means Something.
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chimeride · 7 months
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kelocitta · 8 months
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The Blend No need to run if you never got found
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bathroomtrapped · 8 months
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oh my god?? SAWNIC????? IS THAT YOU???
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birdricks · 6 months
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i love the stars (j'adore les etoiles)
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fffjkkprobably · 4 months
2 tmbg related things but uhh they're still kinda different
an illustration for my school project
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me & my bf but it's Sleeping in The Flowers
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get a bitch who can enjoy your special interests with you. peace
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fox-on-the-moon · 11 months
just a little tip for fellow autistics: if a doctor asks “can you do x?” what they really mean is “can you do x without pain?”
Generally, if you just say “yes i can do that” they will assume you can do that thing painlessly and without issue at all times. you need to clarify “i can but it hurts a lot” or “i can only do this sometimes when x and y” etc.
They will also generally assume you won’t do things if they hurt too much, but a lot of us deal with pain very differently than an allistic person might. Even if some pain doesn’t stop you from doing something, you should still tell them you have it, it still “counts.” If you are not visibly (to them) showing signs of pain, they will almost always assume you don’t have any and you need to tell them otherwise.
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harpoonsnotspoons · 2 months
What if we made out in the Saw bathroom while we're both covered in each other's blood?
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coffin-flop · 10 days
i wanna know which lines from The Locked Tomb have made it into other people's daily lives
Like who else now says they "got the depression" instead of speaking like a normal person because of Gideon Nav? What else from the book are you all sprinkling into your daily lives?
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faderiftss · 2 months
the dream team <3
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