#but i totally predicted this
thefreshchannel · 7 months
why not me?
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reebmiester · 8 months
if you all only get ONE thing from my blog it should be that The Marvels was fucking amazing. if you watch marvel movies, don't avoid watching this one cause randos said it was bad, that's their entire goal of review bombing
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joltning · 2 months
is it so heinous to wish for a youtuber who does recap reaction content to watch all of rvb and make a video about it losing their mind or a deranged youtuber to make an insane theory video about the series that only someone who hasn’t melted into fanon could concoct in the year 2024
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skeletal-butterflyy · 2 months
Stay with me now, I made a post a month-ish ago analyzing D&D in stranger things (which I recommend you read *winkity wink*), specifically addressing the party’s characters. We all know that Mike said that Will is a cleric in s2 to Max. BUT, it can be confusing because will’s character is named “Will the Wise” and he is dressed like a wizard. One might be able to argue, “well his name and clothes don’t mean that much to his class” well yeah you’d be right. But one thing that DOES showcase the class of a character is the moves they are able to make.
Clerics are able to cast spells based on the domain they occupy/the god they serve. To my knowledge, wizards don’t really have this problem of needing to be in a certain domain to cast a certain spell.
In s1 ep 01 Will casts fireball, a spell that can be cast by a Wizard or a Cleric, if they occupy the light domain. Recently I saw a post that showed this screenshot from s2
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And I noticed the spell that Mike was talking about in his story. Fog Cloud is a spell that can be cast by multiple classes but most notably by Wizards and Clerics in the Water Domain.
It’s not very practical for a Cleric to occupy multiple domains for storytelling aspects but also, it makes the Cleric’s gameplay just a little overpowered.
So basically, Will probably isn’t occupying two domains and is more likely a Wizard. Which begs the question, why did Mike say he was a cleric?
TLDR; Two spells specifically mentioned in the show to be casted by Will can only be casted by him if he is a Wizard or Cleric occupying multiple domains, which doesn’t really make sense.
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httpiastri · 8 months
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im dying
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shepscapades · 2 months
The whole “connecting the whole server with rivers” thing isn’t for nothing :3
Okay I just got like 3 asks about this so apparently I missed something DFBJDFGHKCGHN whose POV is this from? i know false is doing all of the river stuff, is she kinda leading the server plot/trying to do something sinister or is it more of a widespread thing? o.o genuinely curious
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applestede · 1 year
So I know I’m hardcore on team “Stede should be the first one to go in for the kiss after they make up”
But what if they go in for it at the same time?
What if the romantic music swells and they both lean in, and they bump their foreheads together and Stede apologizes and Ed is like “no no, my bad” and they try it again and they bump foreheads again or Stede just totally misses or one of them accidentally gets poked in the eye and they just have this comedy of errors for like five minutes because Ed is a lil nervous and Stede has little to no experience is kissing someone
But they finally get it and then the music starts back up again and that’s when it goes from “haha funny” to “aw”
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gnomeantics · 7 months
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DARREN CRISS as TOBY PHILLIPS · Little White Lie (2007)
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isa-ah · 4 months
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I finally finished my buni doll! he's taller than my arm and pretty hefty. it was my first time embroidering, wire armateuring, using this specific pattern making process, etc.... so I think he turned out better than I ever expected lol!
he's mostly posable tho the wire I had access to isn't strong enough to combat the minky. live and learn 🤷‍♂️
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*& dr pepper for scale LOL
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angrybatart · 6 months
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Quick comic of an idea I woke up to this morning.
I imagine Poké Puffs being like those fancy dog treats sold at Petco. They look tasty, but are NOT made for humans. So yucky tasting.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Idk man. Something about Mike following Will into the UD not because he’s trying to prove himself as a hero or because he has powers or because hes particularly gifted with weapons but because he cannot stomach the idea of watching Will walk in there alone. The thought of seeing another body being pulled from the quarry or Will going in and Mike not knowing if he’ll ever return makes him feel sick. He wants to follow him in and he doesn’t even question it and he’s not backing down.
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unordinary-diary · 3 months
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Blyke in Season 3.
This is my prediction. With the way Season 2 ended, I think they’ll find Blyke months later looking something like this.
Shit happens to people in prison. Terrence was murdered in his cell, Rein was worried about being killed by other inmates, hell, Blyke’s already pretty banged up in the finale and he’s been there for 2.5 seconds. Not to mention that the Authorities seem to have no problem torturing kids *COUgh* Keon.
Perhaps it’s a bit pessimistic, but the story’s been getting a lot darker lately. I doubt Blyke’s getting out of prison without a little extra trauma at least.
Latest Chapter as of Prediction: Side Story — Triple Threat (1)
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Desmoulins, who was in bed, held Tacitus in his hand. Noticing it, I said to him: “Is it to correct yourself that you are reading this great man who shows you your faults, who tells the tribunes their future?” Madame Desmoulins worked near him. I was amazed by her beauty, since famous alongside her misfortunes. She was still only twenty [sic] years old, and far from suspecting it, she only had a few days [sic] to live; she was to be dragged to the scaffold with her husband by Robespierre, idol of this young madman. “Everyone in turn,” he said to me, “I dream, like you did, in blue silk curtains.” ”Yes, but then almost all emotions had their source in noble principles, and no matter where you slept, you slept in peace. The scaffolds were not decorations of public squares, nor did they appear among the columns of the Louvre. Did I see you coming to appeal against the ruling which threatened the life of an innocent person? ”Is this what brings you?” ”Yes, and yet another reason.” I explained to Desmoulins the situation and the dangers of M. d’Argenson. “I’m going to get up,” he told me, “and I’m going to go to the Committee of General Security. You know very well that I am not bloodthirsty.” "I believe so. However, you are preparing to put the King on trial.” ”A king is not a man; he is an enemy of liberty.” “I know that you are fanatic about the Republic, that there is nothing in this regard that can usefully be presented to your reason. ”To his reason?” cried Madame Desmoulins. "What! Citizen, are you not a Republican?” Then, becoming animated, she told me eloquently all the extravagances that her age and the exaltation of her sex can produce, deifying Robespierre in the praise she gave him. She was, however, a woman, in whom everything seemed measured and announced the dignity which was thus expressed. “Your youth, madame,” I said to her, “your beauty, your distraction fills me with tenderness and pity. You don’t know Robespierre, whom I have been observing for four years. If Camille stops, lacking caution, in the quarry where he is following a monster, and there is no doubt that the moment is approaching, he will send you both to the scaffold. Because what is unheard of, what was unknown during the crimes of the English revolution, Robespierre will do; he will cause the blood of women to flow coldly.” The evidence of my conviction, the accent of my words seemed to make some impression on this young person, and as her husband prepared to get up, she withdrew.
Mémoires de Théodore de Lameth (1913), page 254-256
OK, how many ”Camille gets questioned about his conduct in his home only for Lucile to step in and shut the person down who then tells her she’s gonna die as well” anecdotes are there even?
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freakartack · 3 months
bit sad that your distaste for rhythm heaven means that spitz' weird badminton cousin or cricket's rival he forgot can never be real here but I respect having beef with random video game series you've never played for no reason (in spite or because of your fondness for similar series). i have that with crash bandicoot when i see that fuck it's on sight
Oh all of that is absolutely real to me i just can't bring myself to actually play it. Despite my beef I do think it is hilarious that young cricket & master mantis emigrated from Rhythm Heaven World and i welcome that with open arms. (It's also kind of hard to ignore Cicada at this point LOL.) Similarly, while I don't think that Forthington is related to spitz like some others do, unlike dribblenspitz I do think that dog and that cat are gay married & filthy rich
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(what can i say; I can forgive anything if it has enough teeth)
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anomalouscorvid · 2 months
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it's raining, it's raining, shepherdess...
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Breaking Down My Theories on Buck and Eddies (Separate) Arcs
*all my sources are from this article: https://ew.com/911-season-8-preview-exclusive-photos-interview-8704969
(DISCLAIMER: this is just my interpretation and predictions based of this article, this is not officially canon)
Even though Buck and Eddie are best friends (and maybe something more depending on who you ask) they are still separate people with different story lines. However what I see coming this season are their own unique story lines that will mirror each other through the same underlying themes.
Eddie's main theme will deal with him having to deal with a big change in his life as Christopher has decided to live with his grandparents due to his fathers interesting choices (ex. the whole doppelganger situation).
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This will leave Eddie with time on his hands to go and do what he would like when he would like, which is a privilege he's never possessed before. His personal life however, will probably turn out equally as disappointing when he turns for Buck's support now that his best friend and good friend are both dating each other. Eddie was originally the one who clicked with Tommy so for him to be a third wheel will probably cause issues. This along with the fact that he might need a lot of emotional support right now from a couple with tight time. Eddie doesn't always handle emotions well, which will probably cause some tension and resentment on his side.
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On the other hand, opposite to popular beliefs, I think Eddie will be doing better in the workplace. Even though Captain Gerard is there and Eddie is a minority, I think that Eddie has a chance of thriving the most in this workplace. Out of everyone, I think he could be the most "socially acceptable" in Gerard's eyes. He was part of the military, has the least connections to Gerard out of the 4 mains (Hen and Chim worked under him, Buck interacted with him through Tommy and Chim), and he is a cis-het half-white man (plus with Chris gone, Gerard may not know that Eddie is a single parent to a kid with special needs). I think that Eddie will turn his focus to the workplace more than he's ever done before now he doesn't have to be a parent 24/7.
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Buck's main theme will deal with him having to learn how to accept change in his life too. Buck recently just lost access to his father-figure in the workplace while also discovering he was bi in his 30's.
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Now that Gerard is in the workplace and Buck is trying to learn how to integrate being bi into his professional life, his work life turning into a mess. Gerard and Buck aren't going to get along as Gerard has already met Buck, and not on the best of terms along (and Buck has heard awful things about Gerard) with the fact that Buck's emotions are tied in very heavily with his actions, especially during the line of duty (which is part of the reason he didn't join the SEAL's). Him and Gerard are going to clash based off those facts alone but now Buck has something else that makes him stand out, the fact that he's openly bi. Gerard may already know that Buck is bi and dating Tommy (due to seeing interactions with him and Tommy) or he will find out, which will add to the top Gerard's list of reasons to hate Buck. Due to this Buck is going to struggle in the work place not just without Bobby but also as minority and might notice Eddie getting better treatment than him/not standing up for him which may cause resentment and tension.
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On the other hand Buck's personal life is better than it's ever been, especially with a new addition, Tommy. Their relationship is now official Buck seems to be enjoying the affection, something he's been missing in his love life. Plus Buck can talk and relate to Tommy on a different level due to the fact that Gerard is his captain, which will make their bond stronger. On top of that he can just be "Evan" with Tommy, he doesn't have to be "Buck".
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Now going back to the main point, I think there is going to be a breaking point for the two best friends that is going to cause the them to go separate ways for a bit. I think Eddie will reach his breaking point first with the whole Tommy, Buck, Eddie situation and will trigger Buck's breaking point with the whole Gerard,Eddie, Buck situation. This is going to cause them to go separate ways (and hopefully to therapy for Eddie) to work on themselves separately, which is weird cause they tend to work through their issues together when they have one. That is the potential that this arc has though, to change that narrative.
This is where they share that same underlying theme, they have to learn how to become their own people for their relationship (platonic or romantic, however you view it), to become stronger. Eddie needs to become more confident in who he is as a person, friend, and parent without feeling the need to rely on others as much as he does. Meanwhile Buck needs to become confident in the fact that he is still learning who he is both as "Evan" and as "Buck" while also navigating a completely different romantic life.
We'll just have to see what happens starting September 23!
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