#but i'm enjoying the weird little ride we're on
vidocqsociety · 1 year
idk i just think it's really weird that an entire fandom is writing an entire show off because the made-up main character who is shown to be alive and well in the mid-1980s isn't going to end up with the very real person who died in 1966
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spiderwcd · 9 months
sense | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x medium ! f ! reader
summary: colby meets a new medium for their video, but he didn't expect to have a crush on her 
w.c.: 5.4k
warning(s): talk about paranormal, creepy activity, a lil steamy moment
a/n:  like sleep tight, the hauntings are made up and the story line does not exist. i do want to add that, i suck at writing a lot of like investigative stories so please don’t judge me. also I had requests for this type of story, ironically I was already working on it so hope you guys enjoy it
images from pinterest !
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"Is anyone gonna join us?" Colby asked, packing his camera into his bag. 
"Actually, yeah, some girl that Celina referred from the home town," Sam replied. "She's supposed to be a medium." He added. 
The two guys finally we're going to investigate the infamous orphanage that is supposedly haunted by the spirits of the children that died. They had finally done the research and were ready to go investigate. 
"Cool, what's this girl's name?" Colby inquired. 
"Uhm, I think it's y/n?" Sam stopped to think, pulling out his phone. "Yeah, I texted her this morning letting her know we're going to catch a flight there, she's our ride." Sam chuckled, putting away his phone into his pocket. 
Colby let the name sit in his brain for a little, hoping to remember it later. It wasn't long before they were on their flight there. It was quite a while, editing and looking over their notes. 
When they landed, Sam kept searching for her face and Colby totally lost who they were supposed to look for. Sam's eyes soon lit up, recognizing her in the crowd. He waved at her, bringing her attention towards them. 
Colby finally noticed who they looked for, catching a glimpse of her. He felt his body heat up, flustered at her beauty. She was gorgeous, her hair running down her shoulders and her smile radiating through the crowds of people passing, he was surprised he didn't notice her earlier. She'd look like your typical medium, having a great style in all black, wearing an oversized band shirt, black sleeves underneath that hung over her jeans. 
"Hey guys!" Y/n greeted them, hugging Sam then moving over to Colby.
Colby felt his heart flutter and couldn't help but take her scent in, practically intoxicating. As she pulled away from her embrace, Colby couldn't help but feel disappointed. She offered them a smile and a hand with their luggage, but they declined the help. 
They moved their things into her car, ready for the trip over to their hotel. On the way there, she played music that practically matched Colby's taste. He felt as if he found his soulmate then and there. 
Sam kept asking her about herself and getting to know her. 
"So tell me, what type of medium are you?" Sam wondered. "If you don't mind me asking, of course." 
"It's okay, I like answering these, well, it's weird but I sorta have different types of abilities," Y/n began, steering the wheel. "I can let spirits communicate through me, so I'll channel them into my consciousness, letting them talk." She answered. 
"Other abilities? like what?" Colby asked, curious as he leaned forward in his seat.
"Well, I'm sure you have other mediums with my ability to see beyond what you guys can see," Y/n chuckled, amused at their curiosity. "I sort of have a heightened sense and I can see actual spirits walking around and hear whispers." 
"You know, I think you're the only medium we met who can just surrender themselves to let spirits talk through them." Sam chuckled. 
"Oh well I don't do it often, only with spirits I trust." Y/n added. 
As she finished her sentence, they had finally made their way to their hotel. It didn't take long before the three of them were inside the room, talking about random stuff. Colby couldn't help but watch her as she laughed and moved around the room. 
"What's so interesting about Nebraska?" Sam joked, starting a conversation. 
"If i'm being honest," Y/n sighed. "Nothing." She laughed. 
"Oh, that's great," Sam laughed back. "I don't want to get into the video already, but tell me, why is Nebraska so significant with orphanages?" He continued, pulling out his camera and beginning to record. 
"Well, do you guys know about the Orphan Train Movement?" She asked, leaning back on the bed she sat on. 
"No, never really heard of it." Colby replied, shaking his head. 
"Well, Nebraska is like the center of all the railways, so in the 1850's all the way until the 1920's, people would send orphans on the train from like the crowded East Coast cities into the midwest, mostly Nebraska," Y/n explained. "So, we used to have a lot of orphanages just like Haven Orphanage." She continued. 
"Really? that's really interesting." Sam commented, facing the camera towards her. 
"Yeah, again I don't really have much knowledge about it but that's what I know," Y/n corrected. "Hopefully the guide will explain it better." 
Y/n decided it's best if she lets them settle in, letting her also collect herself and prepare for their investigation. she said her goodbyes before leaving. She had to admit, she had a crush on Colby for a while. But she didn't want to feed her delusions and say he felt the same, telling herself he was probably being friendly. 
When she had left, Sam turned over to colby. 
"You so have a crush on her." Sam laughed. 
Colby turned red, covering his face, "Shut up." He muttered. 
"Hey, I just never seen you so quiet around a girl," Sam admitted. "Come on, you gonna make a move?" Sam enticed him.
Colby sighed for a second, looking at his best friend, "I-i don't know, she's only being nice, I don't want to embarrass myself and get rejected." 
"Really? Colby Brock getting rejected? Haven't seen that happen yet." Sam teased. 
Colby rolled his eyes, playfully. "Whatever, let’s just focus on this investigation for now." he averted the subject. 
Sam just gave him a look, as if it wasn't over just yet. He agreed to his friend's idea, pulling out his notes and taking more notes. 
Six o'clock came a lot earlier than they hoped, making their way to the orphanage. As they pulled into the building, they noticed y/n already waiting out front for them. Colby felt his heart beat a bit faster seeing her there. He examined her outfit and her demeanor, admiring her. 
They began making their way up towards the front doors, seeing the guide also there. It didn't take long for y/n to turn around and notice them, putting a smile on her face and her heart to melt a bit seeing colby. 
"What's up guys?" Y/n offered them a smile. "I was just talking to Morgan here about the building." She pointed towards the other woman. 
They greeted their guide, offering a warm greeting. They all introduced themselves, joking and laughing a bit. 
"Well, are you guys ready for the tour?" Morgan asked them. 
"Yeah, for sure lead the way." Sam nodded, following her. 
"Well this building was built in 1863, it was originally an orphanage named Haven Orphanage for Moved or Unwanted children," Morgan started, pointing towards the building. "It's said to be haunted, due to cruel conditions like overcrowding and shortage of supplies. The government didn't really want to pay for any orphanages, unfortunately causing it to be absolute hell for the children and staff." She continued, clasping her hands together. 
"Yeah, off the bat I already feel like some negative energy," Y/n motioned with her hands towards the building. "Like I feel a negative spirit lurking." 
"Yeah, so that you're feeling is Ruby," Morgan clarified. "She was one of the staff, she was very cruel to the children and it's rumored she sold her soul to the devil for the place to keep standing, but unfortunately she passed away from unknown causes." She continued. 
Everyone looked around, widened eyes painted on their faces. 
"Wow, okay so more demons." Sam chuckled.
"Well, it's not all bad energy," Morgan stopped him. "There's a lot of children spirits in here, they're rather playful and kind. But they do like to mess with you so don't get too scared from it." She added. 
"Wait, why am I kinda excited," y/n replied, covering her smile. "I never talked to children's spirits before." She admitted. 
"Well, it'll be a new experience for everyone then." Morgan chuckled, "Shall we start the tour then?" She suggested. 
The group agreed, making their way into the building. Immediately everyone looked around the place, noticing the different decor and admiring the ceilings. 
"So, as you can see, the building has a lot of character to it," Morgan pointed out. "But don't be fooled, there are a lot of dark corners of this building." 
Aas they went deeper into the hallway, they looked around seeing the admission office and different classrooms. 
"This was the classrooms, they would attend school here but the staff wasn't very kind," Morgan began. "A lot of the staff would use punishments that were unorthodox, like paddling which was spanking with a wooden paddle." She added. 
Colby looked over to Sam, "Maybe I should be punished." He whispered, causing y/n and Sam to laugh a bit. 
They soon wandered up the stairs, examining the stained glass on their way up. Y/n smiled as her eyes traveled around the beautiful structure, while Colby couldn’t help but watch her move and how beautiful she was. 
When they made their way up, they noticed the many bedrooms with bunk beds. As y/n began following the guide, she heard a loud metallic thump in one of the rooms. She jumped a bit, surprised by the sound. Unexpectedly, she jumped back into Colby's arms, causing her to become embarrassed. 
Colby's hands were wrapped around her for a moment before y/n, releasing her when she cleared her throat and looked down flustered. “Sorry, that just scared the shit out of me.” She muttered, placing a hand on her chest. 
“That's probably Billy,” Morgan mentioned, pointing towards one of the darkened rooms. “He likes to mess with tourists, he’s a prankster but he’s harmless.” She added. 
Y/n couldn't help but notice a small figure move out of her eyeline, causing her to swing her head towards the room. The guys followed her swift movements, examining the dark room. 
"Did you see something?" Colby asked her, looking back at her. 
Y/n tried focusing her eyes into the darkness, but nothing came up, "Could've sworn I saw something..." She whispered. 
As Sam pointed the camera towards the darkness, he zoomed into the room. "Well we definitely have to come back here for something," he commented. 
As they continued making their way further into the building, Colby couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was beautiful at every angle, he wanted to protect her from anything and everything. Y/n noticed his gaze, being a medium and all, and turned to him. Colby quickly averted his gaze off her, flustered yet again and awkwardly kept walking. 
Y/n blushes as well, trying to rationalize. She cleared her throat as she began making her way towards one of the bedrooms. 
"This was one of the girls' rooms," Morgan explained, pointing towards the different bedsheets of muted pinks and purples. "This doesn't have much activity besides a little girl who likes to sing from time to time, she's a rather sweet ghost." 
"Sam, this one should be your favorite," Colby teases, mentioning the Sallie house. 
Sam laughs, facing his friend, "I think I'm okay without another attachment." 
They all exchanged laughs as they averted their attention towards the sudden faint sounds of footsteps, followed by the rocking chair in the corner slowly creaking as it rocked back and forth. 
They went silent, looking at each other and back at the scene. But the chair just ceases its movements. 
"Okay, what the actual fuck." Colby whispered, covering his mouth in shock. 
Y/n felt a cold touch travel down her arm, as if someone swiped her arm. She looked around, trying to find the source. She felt a faint whisper in her ear, a name. 
"That was the little girl, her name is Beth if you would like to talk to her." Morgan suggested.
Y/n's jaw flew down, realizing what the name was. "You're kidding," she gasped. "I literally heard like a whisper or something with that name." She announced, crossing her arms as she felt the cold begin to engulf her. 
Sam and Colby turned to her, eyes widened in surprise. 
"Oh my god, maybe Beth wants to talk or something?" Sam considered, pointing the camera towards her direction. 
Y/n nodding, agreeing. She had experiences like this, but never this strong. She felt like her body was vibrating and buzzing with the constant movements and voices. 
"Are you okay?" Colby asked, furrowing his brows as he noticed her body shake. 
Y/n nodded slightly, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. "Yeah just there's so much happening right now, I keep hearing different types of voices and seeing figures around the corner of my eye." She mentioned. 
Colby's eyes washed over with concern, having the need to protect her. "Did you want to take a break or anything?" He asked her, worry coated in his voice. 
Y/n smiled at his empathy, "I'll be okay, just my body is buzzing a bit, but thank you." She breathed out, flustered at his concern. 
Before they knew it, they had made their way to the darkest part of the building. The basement was where supposedly a lot of the children died from cruel punishments, creating a lot of angry spirits. 
"Okay, so before we make our way around," Morgan began, turning back to the group of people. "There is a lot of negative energy here, they will try to hurt you. People always leave here with scratches and even have been pushed off the stairs going to the basement." She warned. 
The group felt tense, nervous about what comes next. When they entered the dimly lit room, they could barely navigate through the dark basement as they stayed close to each other. 
Y/n heard something fall, causing her to jump forward and instinctively grab the person's hand. That person being Colby. She blushed as she realized who it was, clearing her throat and mumbling an apology. 
"It's okay," Colby assured, smiling but she couldn't see it. "You can hold my hand if you want, I'm sorta shitting bricks right now too." He chuckled, stretching out his hand to her. 
She felt her heart skip a beat, hesitantly reaching for his hand. As she grabbed onto his hand, she felt her body rush with electricity. Y/n was glad that the room was too dark to see her flustered face. 
"Alright guys," Morgan sighed, stopping under a lightbulb. "This was where most of the children actually died." She mentioned. 
Y/n felt a wave of sadness coarse through her body, her lip beginning to quiver. Colby looked over to her, seeing the glisten of her tears. 
"Hey, you okay?" He asked her, his brows furrowed with worry. 
"Y-Yeah, I just felt this wave of sadness," she sniffled in response. "like I feel them telling me something so horrible happened to them." She added. 
Colby felt sad to see her cry, wanting to wipe her tears away. Instead he gripped onto her hand firmly, reassuring her. 
Morgan nodded at her comment, "It was actually gruesome," she began. "The kids would be punished here, starved, even beaten. A lot of that resulted in death." 
Everyone in the group frowned, so much remorse for the poor children's lives that were lost. 
"But," Morgan cut in. "Like I mentioned before, there is an adult spirit who haunts here, Ruby. It's rumored she was murdered down here or the other theory was she was pushed out of one of the windows." 
They thought for a moment, feeling a cold chill rush through them causing them to shiver for a bit. 
"Did you guys feel that?" Sam asked, pointing the camera towards them, ignoring their grasp on each other. 
The two nodded, their eyes darting throughout the basement. 
"Man, I don't like the vibe I'm getting here." Y/n whispered, trying to inch closer to Colby. 
Colby agreed, lacing his fingers through hers as he pulled her closer to his body. He felt so protective of her, wanting her to be safe. 
"Yeah, we don't want to be down here for too long," Morgan began making her way back to the exit. "People get seriously hurt here." She added, sternly. 
Y/n's eyes widened, looking up at Colby. He looked back once he noticed her glance and smiled as he guided her towards the exit. 
Once they exited the creepy basement, y/n let go as she thought Colby wouldn't want Sam to see their hold, causing Colby to become disappointed. 
Morgan led the group towards the front of the building, Y/n walking alongside with her as Sam and Colby hung behind them. 
"Dude, I saw you guys down there," Sam smirked, grabbing Colby's attention. "You know, holding hands," He teased. 
Colby rolled his eyes as he flustered at his best friend's teasing, "So what?" He murmured. 
"Admit it, you like her, don't you?" Sam asked, wiggling his brows slightly. 
This only caused Colby to get more embarrassed, looking away from his best friend. 
Sam only chuckled, reaching the doors to the building as they parted ways with Morgan. They thanked her, offering her farewells, and advice. 
As soon as Morgan left, the group looked at each other. Y/n tried to avoid her gaze on Colby, not wanting to seem desperate for his attention. 
"Alright, I think we should use the spirit box," Sam began, rummaging through his bag. "And I have some toys that might interest the kids." Sam added as he pulled out various children's toys and the infamous Alice box. 
"Okay, sounds good." Colby agreed, nodding with the plan. 
Y/n bit her lip, trying to figure out something she heard in the building. She figured it was nothing, brushing it off slightly. They began making their way back towards the doors they just exited, seeing the dark hallways stretch down. 
Y/n froze for a moment, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. Soon, she started making her way towards the two who had already made it halfway down the hallway as they discussed plans. 
She tried to catch up to them, but stopped when she saw it. She stopped at the intersection of hallways, staring down the much larger hallway. 
Colby looked behind him, seeing y/n stuck in a trance like state. He made his way back to her, nudging her to see what's wrong. 
"Y-You guys don't see it don't you?" She whispered, her eyes glued on the other side of the barren hallway. 
Colby and Sam looked over to where she was staring, unable to locate the problem. 
"No, Y/n we only see the hallway." Colby shook his head, worry creeping into his skin. 
As Sam tried to begin his sentence, Y/n quickly cut him off. 
"Holy fuck, that thing just moved." Y/n whispered, her hands shaking a bit. 
"What? What did you see?" Sam asked, looking around the hallway. 
Y/n turned to the two, her eyes widened slightly. 
"Okay, as I was about to make my way towards you guys," y/n explained. "I stopped because I heard this whisper, almost telling me to come over here kinda. So I look down the hallway and I see this fucking thing, it was like tall and black and clothed with some weird black clothes, it kept staring at me even when you guys came over. Then it grinned and walked away." She elaborated, her voice beginning to shake as she covered her mouth a bit with her shaking hand. 
Sam and Colby look at each other for a moment, worried. 
"Yeah, okay so already a lot of shit is happening." Sam sighed, feeling a pressure build up in his chest. 
Colby nodded, licking his lips as he began to speak, "let's just get this investigation over with so we can leave," he suggested. "Are you okay to keep going?" He asked Y/n, his brows furrowed. 
Y/n nodded her head, exhaling a deep breath out. "Yeah, just that freaked me out but i'm sure it's nothing." She convinced herself. 
With that, the three made their way to one of the bedrooms, trying to contact one of the nicer spirits. 
"Okay guys, so we have the new Alice box," Sam pointed the camera to the machine. "It's like a spirit box, reading through channels and frequencies so the spirits talk through it." He explained. 
Y/n looked around the room a bit, examining the surroundings well. Colby couldn't help but stare at her face, watching as her eyes darted around. Y/n looked over to Colby's glance and Colby smiled a bit, causing her to blush yet again. She's lost track of how many times she caught him doing things that she keeps reading into. Clearly he's being friendly, but really how friendly?
"Okay let's ask some questions for the little girls that stay in this room." Sam began, clasping his hands after he turned on the small device.
A female voice rang throughout the room, the echo bouncing off the walls. Y/n furrowed her brows, pulling out her notebook as she began to scribble words that came up in her mind. 
She stopped at the word, she looked down and thought of it for a moment. She noticed something, a pair of eyes on her notebook. But it wasn't a spirit, just colby snooping. She smiled a bit, turning her notebook over to Colby. 
He looked at her then lined the pieces of paper with the random ink on letters and drawings. As he read the words, suddenly the Alice box answered. 
Colby's jaw hung open, looking over to Sam and the paper. Y/n's actions mimicking his. 
"Dude," y/n gasped, displaying her notebook to Sam and the camera. "I wrote that not even 2 minutes earlier, Colby saw it too." She explained. 
Sam’s mouth hung open a bit, shocked. "No fucking way." 
But before they could say anything else, the Alice box spoke again. 
"I mean, this is the girl's room." Y/n explained. The two guys nodded, still confused what the spirits are trying to say. 
"...man... hallway..." 
Y/n froze, goosebumps running down her body. "Oh my god, it's talking about that thing I saw." She whispered. 
"Do you know the thing that Y/n saw in that hallway?" Colby asked into the open air. 
The Alice box stayed silent for a moment, occasionally spewing random words that didn't make sense. But as they were about to turn it off, it spoke. 
"... can't say..." 
"Can't say? Why can't you say anything?" Y/n asked yet again, scribbling into her notebook. 
"...won't..." "...let us..." 
"He maybe has a hold on them," Sam suggested, rubbing his chin slightly. "It's possible it's a demon." He added. 
They looked at each other and didn't say anything for a moment, Y/n turning her notebook over to reveal the word written on the paper. evil. 
Then the rem pod near the door started going off, a chill running down Y/n's back as the room became cold.
"Okay, this is actually so freaky," Sam chuckled a bit, pointing the camera towards the door. "The rem pod went off after Y/n wrote evil AND the Alice box said evil." 
Y/n sat up, ears perking up a bit as she listened carefully to the air. "Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but the room went completely freezing, and I feel something negative in here." She blurted out. 
"Yeah, I feel the cold," Sam agreed. "Could it be that thing you saw earlier?" He inquired. 
Y/n shook her head, "No, that was like paralyzing fear," She noted. "This one.. it's just mad." She whispered out. 
Concern painted on Colby's expression, clearly reading her body language as uncomfortable. 
"Hey, maybe let's end it in this room," Colby proposed. "A lot more places to investigate." 
Sam nodded, reaching for the equipment as he turned it off. Y/n sat up, but quickly recoiled forward. Colby noticed it, confused. 
"You okay?" he asked, helping her stabilize herself. 
Y/n looked around as Colby held onto her arm. "Y-Yeah, just something pushed me," She answered. "like I was standing up, and I felt a shove on my upper back." 
The group quickly exited the room, making their way down to the basement. They were going to explore more of the place, but seeing how y/n kept being targeted clearly for her abilities they weren't comfortable making her go through it. 
The feeling of uneasiness returned, entering the frigid basement. The dim light still remained on, barely illuminating the space around them. 
"Alright guys, we're going to the basement," Sam mentioned into the camera, showing the dark room. "We're going to do the Estes method down here, Colby is going to do it today." he spun the camera towards Colby's direction, zooming into his face. 
"Wow, face of excitement right there." Y/n joked, causing Colby to break his monotone expression to light up with laughter. 
She felt her heart jump, hearing his laughter brightening her spirit up. She could listen to it all day if she could. Colby soon sat on the barren concrete floor, Y/n handing him the blindfold followed with the headphones. His hands brushing up against her, followed by a smirk on his face. 
She cleared her throat, backing away from him. 
"Alright Colby, can you hear us?" Sam asked, testing out the volume. Colby doesn't say anything, listening to the random static coming through the headphones. 
"Okay, whoever dwells in this basement, are you the supposed member of staff that passed away?" Sam questioned, awaiting Colby's answer. 
"Perhaps." Colby replied. 
"So it's a bit sassy." Y/n chuckled a bit followed by Sam's chuckles. 
"Well, is it true you did rituals to keep this place running?" Sam added. 
Colby stayed silent for a moment, trying to listen carefully to the voices ringing through. 
"Force." Colby blurted. "protect," he continued. 
They looked at each other, trying to decipher what was spoken. 
"What did you do to protect this building?" Y/n asked, furrowing her brows. 
"Colby." Colby said. "Crush." 
Sam looked over to y/n and smirked a bit, "I think it's speaking for you." 
Y/n smacked Sam playfully, a blush covering her face. 
"Kissing," Colby furrowed his brow under his mask. "Tree." 
Sam bursted into laughter, nearly dropping to the floor. Y/n covered her face with her hands, embarrassed. Colby, still oblivious to what's happening, is still spewing out words. Sam tapped him, alerting him to pull out of his trance. 
Colby removed his blindfold, followed by the headphones. He noticed Sam's laughter and Y/n's embarrassed face behind her hands. 
"What? What happened?" Colby asked, curious why Sam was practically rolling on the floor. 
Sam calmed down, wiping the tears out of his eyes. “It said kiss and then tree,” Sam coughed a bit. “It was teasing you.” He pointed towards Colby. 
Colby's face became warm, blushing until his face was red, “Yeah real funny, Sam.” Colby muttered with a sigh. 
Y/n cleared her throat, cheeks still flaming hot. "Well, let's just continue what we came here for." Y/n grumbled, her arms folded on her chest. 
Sam wiped his eyes, cooling down from his laughter. "Wow, that was too good."
Sam began making his way towards the stairs, leaving Y/n and Colby behind his trail.
"Sorry about him." Colby let out with a sigh, rubbing his neck. 
Y/n smiled up at him slightly, "I-Its okay, I know he's just teasing." She blushed. 
Colby simply nodded, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. It wasn't too long before they had explored the whole place, investigating where they could. But then the time to sleep in the actual building came, which y/n began overthinking about. She knew she agreed to sleep alone, but she was too scared after her encounter with that thing in the hallway. 
"Alright guys, it's time for us to split up and sleep in separate rooms," Sam urged. "We figured with the whole Y/n seeing the spirit in the hallway, we're going to sleep in rooms next to each other just to ensure safety." Sam explained. 
Y/n fiddled with her fingers slightly, anxiety beginning to heighten. She bit her lip as they began setting up camp in their rooms. She grabbed her sleeping bag, making their way towards one of the girl's rooms. her heart began beating against her chest as she sat on top of her sleeping bag, listening to every crack and noise around her. 
She rubbed her face, trying to distract herself from her thoughts. But then she heard a faint knocking on the window directly behind her. She just stared at the moonlight that illuminated through the glass in front of her. She quickly sat up, quickly walking towards the closed door. As she opened the door, Colby's chest pressed up against hers. She yelped as she got freighted by the unexpected visit. 
Y/n pressed her hand onto her chest, trying to calm herself down. "Holy shit Colby, you scared the fuck out of me!" She lightly slapped his chest. 
Colby chuckled a bit, trying to lighten up the mood, "Sorry, I couldn't sleep, plus I knew this was your first time staying alone in a haunted place so I wanted to keep you some company." He admitted. 
Y/n felt her heart softly flutter, touched by his gesture, "Yeah, I sorta kept hearing things, I was gonna go to you." She confessed. 
Colby smiled, glad she found comfort in his presence, "Mind if I sleep in the same room as you then?" He requested. 
"Not at all," Y/n quickly replied, walking back to her sleeping bag onto the floor. Colby followed, his pillow and sleeping bag in his hands. "I wonder if Sam is shitting himself alone." She chuckled as she hugged her knees close to her chest. 
Colby sat next to her as he laid out his temporary bed, chuckling at the comment, "He'll be fine," He waved off, "After he laughed at us,he can sleep by himself." 
Y/n laughed a bit, looking down towards the floor. Colby couldn't help but stare at her, admiring her features in the moonlight. She noticed his gaze, moving her attention back towards him. 
"W-What?" She asked him, confused. 
"Nothing," Colby shrugged. "You're just really beautiful." He whispered. 
She flustered as she looked away as her cheeks painted with a deep color, "Oh, stop it." She muttered, playing with her fingernails. 
Colby's fingers landed on her jaw, moving her to face back towards him. She looked up into his eyes, seeming to get pulled closer towards him. 
"Well, it's true," He added, but couldn't help but lean towards her lips as his eyes kept glancing to her eyes and back to her lips. "I couldn't stop staring at you all day," he revealed. 
She felt her body heat up, unknowingly pressing closer to him. "Well, maybe I knew," She replied, feeling his hand on top of hers. "Maybe I was staring too." 
With that, Colby's lips landed on her. She gladly accepted as her lips pieced together perfectly. Colby's hand laced with hers, like previously that night. He lightly held her face, his thumb rubbing her cheek.
But soon, Colby pulled away, leaving them panting as they rested each other's forehead on one another. Y/n couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit, causing Colby to wonder. 
"What?" He wondered. 
"Nothing," She added, rubbing her thumb on his hand. "Just, there were at least three little girls in here giggling." She confessed. 
Colby let out a laugh, pulling away as he looked around the room, "Well, you guys should give us some space." He announced into the room. 
The next morning, the sun began to shine through their window. The rays of light hitting their eyes, causing their eyes to flutter open. Y/n was the first one to notice him, seeing his wide smile on his face. Sam pointed the camera at the two, giggling as he noticed her to wake up. 
Y/n looked over next to her, noticing the boy clung onto her as he laid onto her chest. She threw her pillow towards Sam, causing him to laugh loudly which woke up Colby. Colby rubbed his eyes, adjusting his vision to the bright room. 
"What the-." Colby grumbled, looking up towards y/n's tired face. 
"Dude, how long have you guys been cuddling?" Sam exclaimed, putting away the camera. 
"Shut up sam." Colby muttered, his head landing onto his pillow. y/n sat up, covering her face. 
"Sam, it's too early for this, can you please leave us alone." Y/n groaned.
"Fine, fine I'll let you love birds be." Sam teased, wiggling his brows a bit before he shut the door behind him as he left. 
Y/n looked over to Colby who was laying on his side. She smiled a bit, still exhausted. He returned the smile, still amazed by her beauty. 
"Does this mean you'd go out with me? or do you already know that I was gonna ask you out?" He finally asked. 
Y/n chuckled dryly, "Colby, I’m a medium, not psychic," She rolled her eyes playfully. "But yes, I will go out with you."
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miyaren · 3 months
What I Like | Osamu Miya
✪ Osamu smut 18+ minors PLEASE dni
CW: manipulation a teensy bit , thigh riding (ゝз╹), one friendly clit slap (we're so back), unspoken pining , its kind of tender ok
When your fwb cancels on you, your best friend Osamu kindly offers to help you out with your problem. And in a crazy turn events, you agree.
an: I promised this fic a year ago 💔. That's not to say it took a year to write but that it's just been collecting dust in my docs. I love this one, it's my favorite flavor of friends to lovers and I might have to do a part 2! If you enjoy it, I would love to hear what you think xoxo
“I’ll do it.” Osamu offered to you nonchalantly. 
You nearly spit out your drink. This was Osamu, your best friend since you both started college, the one who had introduced you to his brother in the first place.
 Atsumu was the guy you hooked up with semi regularly, who ruffled your hair and called you pipsqueak and acted like he hadn’t just rearranged your guts only minutes before. It was unserious in every sense of the word. 
Your friendship with Osamu? Serious. And important to you. Maybe you had stroked out. Maybe he had.
“What are you saying ‘Samu?”
He shrugged like the two of you were discussing the weather, “You seem upset Atsumu flaked and I'm offering to help you take care of it.” 
“Stop saying it like we’re talking about my dog. You’re talking about fucking me!”
Osamu’s calm expression broke into a cheshire grin, “It's a generous offer, you know. You should be grateful.”
“How are you so blase about this?”
“Y/n, you have been telling me how horny you are for the last twenty minutes, you can’t tell me this is phasing you.”
“But still-”
His laugh cut through your strangled words, “Such a big baby.”
Your ears heated up as he said it. He always called you that starting back to your freshman year when he found out you were an only child. He had mumbled that it made a lot of sense, and you had promptly swatted his arm. Just like then, it riled you up now. He knew it would. 
You pushed out of your seat to stand, “Alright. We’re going to my room.”
Osamu’s expression flashed with surprise, but it was gone as soon as it came. Wordlessly, he followed you into your room and closed the door.
The two of you stared at each other for a good minute. 
He tsked, “Y/n, don’t make this awkward.”
“I’m not. Just take off your clothes.” You directed as you pulled your shirt over your head. He moved to do the same.
“You’re making this clinical.” As he pulled his shirt off you saw the wry smile playing at his lips. 
You started unbuttoning your pants, “I’m not. Order is good, rules are good.”
“Any more rules before we start?” His hands were making quick work of his belt. 
Did you really need rules with Osamu? Obviously he’d never do anything to hurt you. But still. There was another potential issue. “No kissing. It's too intimate.”
He looked like he wanted to argue the point but he held his tongue. That lasted for only a second though. “I’m literally going to be inside you.”
“Potatoe potato.”
“The big baby that you are.”
You couldn’t waver on this, “Them’s the rules.”
He nodded with understanding and moved to take his boxers off. At the same time, you stepped out of your panties and unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the floor. 
When you looked up, of course Osamu was staring at you. And of course you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He was perfectly sculpted all the way down to his V line. And he was big. It was a little weird to compare him to Atsumu, a little weird that you were going to have had sex with both twins in general. But he seemed bigger than what you were used to.
“You’re gorgeous.” Osamu’s eyes were unabashedly trailing up and down your body. You wanted to brush him off, and tell him he was being stupid. But your cheeks were flushed and you found yourself at a loss for words. 
He has said to not make this awkward. But how could you not? He was your best friend, so attractive that you had to pretend he wasn’t to function normally. And he was looking at you like that. 
Your mouth was open and you willed words to come out. He beat you to it.
“You have condoms? And lube?” Of course you did.
He took a seat on the edge of your bed as you dug through your drawers and fished the bottle of lube out. A condom following shortly after. 
“Here.” You handed him both. You wanted to finally touch him. Your palm landed on his chest and trailed down to hold him there. 
Osamu caught your wrist and mumbled, “Not yet. C’mere.” He beckoned you to climb into his lap and ushered you on top of him-hovering above his thighs-, the heat of his hands searing on your hips. Opening up the bottle, he poured a little out onto his thigh.
Your brows pinched, “What are you-”
“Ride my thigh.” His eyes bored right into yours.
“‘Samu, please I just want you to-”
One of his hands ran up the inside of your thigh before carding his fingers through your folds. You almost jolted at the feel of his cold fingertips. With featherlight pressure, he teased your clit, “Can you please just let me take care of you?”
He started to draw circles and you nodded dumbly as you sank down further, pussy bare against his thigh. Sliding his palms down to your ass, he guided you forward and then back and then forward again. When his mouth found your neck, an uncontrolled sound left your lips. 
You could hear him laugh but you didn’t seem to care as you rutted against him. The slick of the lube had you gliding along his thigh, the friction just right against your clit. 
All the while Osamu was littering your neck with red purple marks, one hand abandoning your hip in favor of rolling your nipples between his thumb and index. He pinched and watched you suck in a breath. Really, he wanted to hear you. He pinched again. 
You whined as you rode him, “‘Samu, please.” 
Smirking he pulled your nipple into his mouth, sucking and circling with his tongue. Osamu’s mouth paired with the delicious friction between your legs had you soaking his thigh. 
“You’re so pretty like this.” He whispered at your ear.
Your hips stuttered at the praise. As good as you were feeling, you felt you could never get close enough to his thigh, even as you ground against it. Your hands found purchase on his shoulders and you moved faster, harder. Not enough. “Osamu, please. I need more.”
He nipped at your neck before pulling back to watch you, “What do you want, Y/n?”
“Touch me, please. Like before.”
With a nod, he brought his fingers against you, “How does this feel, baby?”
Like he commanded it, your heart thundered and your clit pulsed at what he said. You swallowed hard, “So good, ‘Samu.”
He gave your clit a pinch and impishly smiled when you yelped, before kissing your neck in apology and circling one finger gently to soothe the sting, “Do you like it like this? Or like this?”
Instead of gentle, now he deepened the pressure on your clit and sped up with precision. In his lap you jolted, the tension in your body stacking. 
“Tell me, baby.”
You took a breath, “The second one.” He continued and licked up the column of your neck and you knew you were a goner. “I’m gonna cum, I-”
All at once, his fingers were gone from your throbbing core. Oh this was sick.
“Osamu what the hell?”
Both of his hands slid up your stomach to grope your tits, his thumbs rolling your nipples simultaneously, making you shiver, “I’ll let you come but. . .”
“But what?” 
Skimming his hand back down your body, his eyes flickered to your puffy cunt before he moved and cupped it gently. His hand was unmoving, but you could feel yourself throbbing in his palm. 
When he looked up his eyes met yours and though he had called you a big baby your entire friendship, he’d never seen you this needy in your life. Osamu’s face leaned closer to yours, “You have to kiss me.”
100% he had expected you to hesitate, definitely you were going to argue the point. Nothing could have prepared him for the way your small hands grabbed his face and you pulled him closer still, the way you kissed him like you might die. 
He moved his fingers back to where you needed most and he touched you the exact way you liked. As he sped up, you moaned into his mouth and Osamu’s tongue brushed against your bottom lip before you greeted it with your own. 
The dam inside you was so close to spilling over. Osamu’s fingers were unrelenting on your clit, tight little circles that never stopped. Hungrily, his tongue stroked against yours and you felt your body seize up, stars bursting behind your eyes. You were lost to the high of your release and you had to break apart from your kiss to writhe against his shoulder. He didn’t stop, rubbing you all the way through your orgasm with consistent pressure, not stopping even as your pelvis jumped against hand.
All through your cries he continued, finally stopping when you bit down into the crook of his neck. 
You stayed silent in his arms, your body rising and falling against him like you had just run a marathon.
Subtly you lifted your chin to peer up at him and found him watching you. You rolled your eyes, “I think you broke a rule just then.”
He smiled before stealing a chaste kiss from you, “And I think you liked it.”
You couldn’t argue the point, your lips were still tingling. Really the whole thing would have your mind spinning for quite a while. If you thought about it-
“Aghh.” Your back arched when Osamu gave your cunt a light slap. He was grinning down at you.
“I said don’t make it awkward.”
“I’m not.” You frowned against your will.
Osamu huffed out a laugh as his hand trailed down the love bites he left on your neck, “Such a big baby.”
Against your will, you shivered against him, remembering the way he had spoke to you just minutes before. Of course he noticed, he noticed everything about you. He leaned down so his mouth was at the shell of your ear and his thumb was stroking back and forth as he cupped your cheek, almost like he was holding you there so you couldn’t escape. 
“You like it when I call you baby, huh?” He whispered to you.
Undoubtedly you did. More than you should. 
But you needed to keep things normal. The two of you were best friends and you had to stay that way.
Don’t make it awkward. 
You could do that. 
You smacked his hand away from your face, “You gonna fuck me or are you gonna keep talking?”
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk, “There she is.”
Before you could blink, he was tackling you down to the bed.
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obsessedwrhys · 4 months
I would like to request being sickly sweet/mushy with ROTTMNT Leo- I'm talking always kissing, cuddling, holding hands, giggling, holding/carrying each other around and even using the most dramatic names (mostly to mess with the rest of the Hamato family- April included) ie. Calling each other shmoopie poo and stuff like that
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ major fluff, lots of cheesy stuff, reader is fem!! (I love this ask sm)
To put it together, you both act like those highschool sweethearts.
One wouldn't be seen without the other, everyone just immediately sees you two as a pair that does everything together.
The dates would be so over the top too.
The most recent one would be when he prepared a dinner date on top of a musuem so you guys could enjoy the view. The place completely decorated with flowers and fairy lights.
Ya'll would definitely have matching things. It doesn't matter if it's a bracelet, necklace or onesie. You both just have the urge to have something that reminds you of the other person.
Which comes easily that you'd own something of his and him having something of yours.
Apparently he had given you his old bandana when he had gotten a new one. Instead of leaving it lying around to catch dust, you decided to use it as a ribbon for a hairtie. Trust that the first time he saw you with it, dude was levitating with heart eyes.
For him, you had gifted him a scarf. He was on cloud nine when he got it because it was entirely your scent. He would smell it every now and then or just wear it when you'd be busy with your daily tasks. It brings him comfort.
That's why everytime you visited after a long time, he'd completely shower you with cuddles and kisses. He doesn't really care if his family sees. Boy is just overjoyed to finally spend time with you again.
Even though his family are happy for him. They honestly wished he could tone it down a bit.
That's because he wouldn't even focus during patrols or missions because he'd just be talking about you. It drives his brothers nuts sometimes.
"Aw man! I forgot to tell (Y/N) goodnight!" Leo panicked.
"We're fighting off a huge squid monster and THATS your concern?!!" Donnie shouted while fending off one of the tentacles.
To be clear, the family doesn't hate you, they are actually welcoming towards you. It's just HIM they find annoying.
It got even worse when they overheard the petnames you both had for each other.
Ranging from petnames such as Booboo Bear to my little ketchup packet (???)
It's worst when he says them in a baby voice towards you.
"Here's your food! I got it all for my shnookums wookums" He'd say as he caresses your face.
Since he's so in love with you, he's willing to give you piggyback rides and carry you around the lair. He's so dramatic with it too.
"Make way!!! The queen is headed to the kitchen!!" He'd shout, making your grand entrance known to everyone nearby.
He has once pushed Donnie aside when he wouldn't move out of the way.
Also, Leo enjoys kissing you a lot. I'm just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
His favourite spots to kiss you would be easily your cheeks. He finds them super cute that he wishes he would just leave his lips on there forever.
If you happen to have a mole on your face or anywhere on your body, he's kissing it, that's cause he sees it as a marking for him.
One thing I wanna say is that you two happen to have this weird habit of acting out scenes from any tv series you guys would watch together.
It catches the family off guard sometimes because you guys would just break into character out of nowhere.
Scenario ↴
"Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, could you pass me the salt?" You'd ask and Leo would suddenly turn to face you with a soft smirk.
"Oh my sugar-plum, here you go, just the way you love it" He'd say in a more dramatic voice as he hands it to you.
"Uh oh..."
"Oh, you know me so well. A little sprinkle of love… and salt" You'd say, sprinkling the salt into your soup.
"I always do sprinkle a little bit of extra salt in your life, you know... to keep things exciting" He winks at you which earns a disgusted groan out of his brother.
"Uuugggh!! C'mon!!!"
"Don't get carried away now cuppy-cake. I still want you to enjoy our lovely soup" You'd say, feeding him a spoonful that he drinks with a satisfied hum.
"It's perfect... just perfect. We must celebrate this!! To eternal love, salted and peppered!!" Leo would say, holding up his drink, pretending it was wine as he takes a huge gulp from it.
"You guys need help and I mean serious help" April said, pointing her spoon at both of you.
It's always fun to act it out (only for you two) because it would end with you and him bursting into laughter everytime.
Last thing I wanna add is that Leo definitely prepares the bed before you guys cuddle.
He always make sure everything is in place. The pillows, the blankets, some squishmallows, whatever it is that you need!!!
Honestly? He is 100% a loverboy.
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Prologue: Crossover
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Summary: Everyone wishes that they could have an Eddie Munson in their lives. In a strange turn of events, Eddie wishes that he could meet you, his favorite character from a cult classic 80's TV series. And he's about to get his wish.
Word Count: 3.9k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Minor Angst, Fluff, Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events
Note: Hello and welcome. I'm very excited about getting to expand on this idea; it's going to be a wild ride. Please note as you head in, and as we get into further chapters...this fic is going to be a little mind-fucky and a little bit self aware. This is my love letter to and my criticism of fanfiction, but at the end of the day, we're still gonna get to fall in love with Eddie and get some kind of Happily Ever After. This is my guarantee.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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May 2022. Such a weird time.
A time of uncertainty, a time of change. A time where the world seemed like it had been torn apart and was slowly being knit back together again.
But then a switch was flipped. Something happened. An old season ended and a new one started and with that start came something new. Someone new. And suddenly, countless people began to yearn for this new person in their lives.
A new, old person. Eddie Munson.
Joy ignited. Creativity sparked. Millions of words written and read. Edits made. Art drawn. Merch bought.
So many voices crying “why isn’t he real. WHY ISN'T HE REAL.”
If there was a god, he would let them have their own Eddie Munson. And if there was a Satan, he would let them sell their souls for Eddie Munson.
That’s just not how the universe works.
At least…not this one...
October 1985. A different kind of place and time. Still weird.
But Eddie Munson was real.
Sometimes to his detriment.
And for the most part, it was alright.
He played guitar, laughed with friends, mocked bullies to protect the people like him that were considered less than. He'd overcome hardships of one sort or another for most of his life, he could keep at it for a little while longer.
It would be his day week month year sometime soon.
Wouldn't it?
But until then, he would bide his time. Hopefully, this year, he'd pass all of his classes and finally graduate. Get to flip that douchebag Higgins off and snatch up a long-awaited, and well-deserved diploma.
What made it all easier, what softened the blow...was you.
It was silly. He knew that. Ronnie used to tease him on Wednesday nights when he needed to run home because he had a "standing date with his girl."
"Your girl doesn't even know you're alive," she'd scoff as he bustled her into the van. "She isn't real."
No...no you weren't.
Why couldn't you be real.
See, for the past...however long Eddie had spent his late nights half-assing homework, planning campaigns for Hellfire, working on music, and watching a television show. His guilty pleasure, a show about the ups and downs and upside downs of living in a sleepy suburban town: Port Geneva.
A show where you were his favorite character.
And crush.
You weren't the main character--in fact, you were just the main character's quirky best friend--but you were a fan favorite, as much as he could tell. You'd only been in the background during the first season, but before long you were front and just-left-of-center. And last year, you'd even gotten a two-episode arc in the season finale as you turned the small town on its head by announcing, a month or two before graduation, that you were quitting school to follow your dream and become an artist.
And man...Eddie had been there.
He'd actually missed those episodes airing when...well, when everything happened with his father and the heist...and the house...and Paige.
He'd missed a lot of episodes that season. Missed seeing you come into your own as he tried and failed to come into his.
Thankfully Wayne--and Eddie wasn't a believer but whatever deity in charge needed to bless his Uncle Wayne--had the foresight to tape those episodes for him.
Those tapes would be cherished 'til the day he died, because they had truly gotten him through those tough days after everything.
He wished he had seen them when they aired, maybe...maybe he would have made some different decisions if he had.
Of course, Eddie had already loved you before then.
Since he had first laid eyes on you, actually.
He was sure that if you were real, you would be the one to understand him more than any of his friends. See the real him. In return, he would understand you, be there for you too.
He already had been. He'd seen you cry countless times, he'd laughed with you, celebrated your successes and mourned your failures. He'd been there for you when you crushed on that dickhead Mark, and then had your heart broken by the careless jerk.
And somewhere deep down inside of him, when he was sitting in that jail cell after he wasted his phone call on Paige and he felt the weight of the world bear down on his shoulders…he wished that you were real so he could have called you instead.
If you were real, Eddie's life would just be a little nicer.
He knew…he just knew.
Of course, in the mean time while he wished with every fiber of his being that you would walk into his life, he brought you to life in other ways. During mid-season and summer hiatuses, he would write you into his DND campaigns. His friends knew, they always called him out for it.
"Are you seriously making her an NPC man?" Dougie would scoff and throw a D20 across the table at him.
"No, what are you talking about?" he defended and threw the die right back at his friend. "This is Spiria the Bold."
"Uh huh," Jeff rolled his eyes. "Sure."
By his imagination and his pen, you became a powerful warrior, a sharp-tongued trickster, a seductive mage. You became anything he wanted you to be--most often with a companion and lover that mirrored him--and everything he knew, deep down, that you were.
And then the unthinkable happened.
September ‘84. He and Wayne were in the checkout line at K-mart. Cart stacked with new clothes and school supplies and groceries. When suddenly...there you were. Right in front of him.
Alright, not you. Per se. But your face, smiling alongside Samantha and Patrick and Scotty and Bill on the cover of the TV Guide.
On Set with the Stars of Port Geneva.
Wayne was the one to snatch the magazine from the rack and add it to their bounty, a knowing smile on his lips as he shook his head.
He knew Eddie needed a little pick-me-up.
Or a big one.
How could he have known this would be anything but one...
Eddie scoured over the pages once they got back to the trailer. He was hoping there would be a big enough picture of you that he could cut out and tape to the otherwise barren walls of his new room. And there was; you were leaning against the back of your signature pastel blue Volkswagen Beetle, arms across your chest, head tilted to the side with the signature scrunched smile you gave when you were embarrassed.
He adored you.
Before he took scissors to the page, he read the interview with your actress.
He wasn't too keen on her, even though she had your face.
The illusion that Rosemary Glass was really you had been shattered the first time he'd heard her voice on a radio interview; instead of your perfect and familiar middle-American speech...Rosemary's voice was accented.
Not to mention, she sounded pretentious.
Still, he could look past that annoyance if he got some kind of insight to what the next season would bring for you.
Hopefully not a new love interest. His heart could only take so much.
...gives us a tour of the Patterson and Son's set, one that is forever enshrined as the setting of Patrick and Samantha's first kiss. "Oh I'm actually not fond of that scene," Rosemary confesses. "Yeah it's sweet, and the way I bring Sam in so Pat could confess his feelings but the...when I fell down? It was not scripted. And I was honestly shocked they kept that in. But fans seem to think she's clumsy now because of it. That I'm clumsy. When I just tripped over a wire. It's quite awful, really." We ask Rosemary to tell us what she'll miss most, now that the show is coming to an end...
Eddie went rigid as he read those words.
The show...coming to an end?
"What?" he exclaimed into his empty room. "No, no, no."
He carefully examined the article again, then turned back to the beginning of the feature, only to feel his heart stop in his chest.
The title of the feature was like crit hit.
The final killing blow to his already weak constitution.
One Last Summer in Port Geneva - On the Set of the Final Season
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The final season was a sham.
Eddie savored every episode, though. Of course he would!
He would enjoy every last moment with you that he could get before he lost you forever. But...he hated it.
It was lazy writing--seriously what were they thinking--and a quick, cheap means to tie up all the loose ends they'd set up over the years. He could tell they tried to deliver as fulfilling a finale for the extensive cast of characters as they could. Still, he was sure he could have done better.
Samantha and Patrick got engaged after graduation. That was lame.
Bonnie finally quit the bakery to open her own cafe the next town over. Didn't anyone remember that she wanted to quit because she wanted to be a vet instead? That was the whole point of her! She didn't want to follow in her family's footsteps and she was doing just that.
And you? You took a backseat.
Instead of leaving town right after graduation--something that you had followed through reluctantly to make your parents happy even though you had just resolved to put your own happiness first for once--you stayed to help Pat plan his proposal.
Your big adventure, your big push for your dreams, were on hold again. You played second fiddle over and over until the final episode.
Eddie was grateful to have you for a little longer, but...once again annoyed that you were looked over--over and over, just like he was--when you had already proved that you were worthy of top billing.
Worthy of being the main character for once.
Still, at the beginning of the series finale, you packed your bags, cashed in your savings account, and drove out of town. The future was yours, just like it was always meant to be.
And Eddie cried.
The whole time tears streamed down his face as you said your own watery goodbyes. He might have even waved as you stuck your hand out the windshield to say goodbye to your friends as your car idled at the last stop sign. You blew a kiss to everything you knew and loved then started on your way into the unknown, car getting smaller in the distance right before the commercial break.
He held his breath for the final scene: a walk through the house where it all started and then Sam smiled her signature hopeful smile as she shut the door on the audience.
The screen faded to black for one final time and he exhaled.
"It's over," he muttered in slight disbelief, suddenly unsure of what to do with himself.
Port Geneva was over, and you were gone for good.
It was a strange feeling.
Heartbreak, mourning, disappointment? He couldn't really know for sure. Empty was the best way to describe it; the lack of feeling. It was infuriating. Port Geneva was just a television show, he attempted to rationalize for the nth time since he started watching. You were just a character on a tv show; how could you mourn for someone and something that wasn't even real?
You hadn't actually died. He could still see glimpses of you if he wanted, whenever Rosemary Glass' next movie came out or something.
But that wasn't you.
You were gone, for all intents and purposes, and it was a blow that hit Eddie hard.
How could he go on without you?
Devastated, he got high that night after he stewed on his grief. He day-dreamed and monologued to an empty trailer about a universe where the two of you were together, where your travels took you to Hawkins, of all places, and you fell in love with him, just like you were supposed to.
If the walls could talk, they would have a fantastic tale to tell. One with heroes and misunderstandings and love at first sight. One with a horrible, unseen foe and many pitfalls and dangers that exceeded anyone's wildest imaginations. One with a magic door that led to the happily ever that was beyond well-deserved.
Grief did wonderful and terrible things, after all.
He woke up for school the next morning with cotton mouth and a vague outline of a story that did just that: brought you to Hawkins to fall in love with him and all of the other things that seemed like nonsense once he was in a more right-minded state.
The only problem was that it was all in his English notebook. And he didn't need anyone finding that.
"Fuck," he groaned and ripped the page out. He shoved it into his bedside drawer, where it would be doomed to a crumpled and forgotten future.
Or until he needed a condom.
Which, considering how everyone had doubled down on their disgust of him, wouldn't be any time soon.
But there you stayed.
Put away, like old obsessions and childish things, to be ignored and forgotten.
At least for a little while.
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Eddie tried.
He did.
He kept you and Port Geneva out of sight and mind as much as humanly possible. It was the most effort he had really put to anything tangible in the past year.
The series ended at a weird time--during the middle of the season--and some investigative journalism show took over its time slot. Barbara Walters couldn't hold a candle to you, so it wasn't difficult for him to keep himself rooted in reality on the nights where he typically indulged in his silly fantasies.
The daydreams that he had were limited to lyrics for Corroded Coffin originals and ideas for Hellfire, and nights were spent alone in the darkness of the living room, with his reflection in the television set to keep him company as he tried his best to do homework that he'd already done before.
Before he realized, though, the school year was coming to a close and he was--big shocker--on the brink of failure. It wasn't until Higgins called him into his office, again, that you made your violent resurgence into his life.
There was a tentative truce between Higgins and Eddie for a while.
Civility was a strange thing for both of them. They actively avoided one another, save for a snide jab here and there, and Eddie tried to stay out of the Principal's Office as much as he could.
That is, until Higgins was forced to tell Eddie that he needed to repeat his repeat senior year.
"Don't act like I want this at all," he sneered at Eddie who tripped over a reaction. "I'd rather have you out of these halls for good. You drop out one year, then you re-enroll and you fail another. Try to make the most of it this time Munson; I don't want to have this talk again."
Eddie grumbled the whole drive back to the trailer, and he fell onto the sofa with his head in his hands once he got in.
"Which one of the fates wrote this stupid plot for me now, as if last year wasn't enough. You can't make this stuff up sometimes."
He laid there, wallowing in his misery for hours, days, years, until it got dark enough for headlights outside to be noticeable as they shined through the window. There was a glint of a reflection that caught his eye and had him turn his head.
"TV," he sighed and reached out as though he could touch the set and stacks of tapes neatly piled below. “The cause-of and solution-to all of life’s problems.”
He contemplated his life for a few more minutes.
He could make the most of the final few weeks of the school year. He could set himself up as a willing and reliable pupil for these last few assignments and tests, even though they wouldn't mean very much.
He could do all of these things so that when he walked into the halls of Hawkins High in the fall, on his absolute last first day of school--whatever deity or powers-that-be willing, because how "getting the hell outta dodge or he would die here" turned into "two extra years in that shit hole" he could only attribute to cosmic intervention--the faculty would already know he would try his best this time.
It would show them he was serious about graduating and that he would succeed despite all odds against him. Finally.
He could do this.
He could put in one of the tapes from the stack and scrounge for loose bills left over from his last few transactions and order a pizza. Pretend like he didn't exist for a little while.
And given the choice?
Eddie Munson chose the latter.
And he continued to choose the latter throughout the summer and even into the fall.
Nights that he didn't already have plans were spent in front of the television.
They were cherished nights with you.
Aside from his VHS recordings, he found a channel that showed reruns of Port Geneva after 10pm. Two hours of small town shenanigans that might very well be found just outside of his own door--if he only went and looked--with you just there, making your appearance every so often and catching his eye.
Homework was sometimes left halfway done on the coffee table until he needed to switch out a tape, or change the channel, and he spent more time filling his heart than enriching his mind, so to speak; he knew all of this school stuff already anyways.
Third times a charm and all right?
He talked to the screen more often than not, tried to warn you against one disappointment or another. Sometimes, if he was watching one of his tapes, he'd pause right on your face and just talk to you. Mundane things, usually, like Ronnie's last phone call home or some album that got released and a song he thought you might like.
Other nights, like tonight, he got vulnerable. Moments where life seemed a little extra trying, and he'd confess his feelings to your image.
Knelt on the floor in front of the coffee table, warm light bathed his face promising comfort as he spoke, and the din of static emitted from the television set, akin to an angel's voice...beyond understanding of humans.
He'd never been one for church, but this kind of confessional was sacred enough.
An eternal bond, just you and him.
He stopped his ramblings at that thought.
It was a strange moment of clarity.
Where had that come from?
"I..." Eddie looked down at himself, a foot away from the television set, remote clenched in his hand. Then he looked at you, soul-filled eyes just beyond the glass, not looking at him, only...through him, just past him. "What am I doing?"
What was he doing? He was...he wasn't a kid anymore who could hide in his dreams; well, honestly he was always going to do that, but this was different.
One minute he felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders as he told you about his troubles, and the next it was all back, heavier than ever, as he realized how silly this all was.
And here he was, wasting his life knelt at your altar.
It wasn't holy. It was pathetic.
You'd never answer; you weren't real.
"Why?" he asked aloud, jaw clenched. He gripped the remote tightly. "What did I do to not have...someone? Huh? What have I ever done to be alone? That I have to rely on a fucking television character to feel understood. And now I'm losing my mind talking to myself, talking to you, at midnight every night. Why am I here wishing that you're real? Why couldn't you just...be...real?"
If there was a God, he would let Eddie Munson have you. If there was a Satan, he would let Eddie sell his soul for you.
And that's how he knew neither of them existed: you didn't exist either.
Eddie hit the eject button on the VCR and was about to shut everything so he could go to bed, when there was a crash outside.
Crashes in Forest Hills weren't abnormal--someone backing into trash cans, losing traction on the icy roads in the winter, and the one time Mrs. Dawson kicked her husband out and threw all of his things out the window--but it was something he'd gotten used to since he came to live with Wayne.
This crash, however, started a ruckus.
Someone was yelling and that stupid dog across the way started barking.
Eddie was a lot of things...but a dramatic gossip was definitely high on the list.
What else was there to do in the Midwest?
He grabbed his cigarettes from the bowl full of junk on the coffee table and stepped outside, fully intent on plopping down on the old couch on the porch to smoke and watch the scene unfold.
A car crashed into the telephone pole; didn't look like there was much damage but it had run through some trashcans and might have clipped the drivers side mirror off of Mrs. Mayfield's car. The same Mrs. Mayfield who was on her own porch being held back by Max as she yelled.
"Are you kidding me? It's fucking midnight!"
"Mom! Stop!"
"The car, Max!"
Maybe there'd be a fight.
He barely got his cigarette lit when he noticed--really noticed--the offending car: a powder blue Volkswagen Beetle.
He blinked several times and then rubbed his eyes, thinking it might have just been a trick of the light or something.
Or it was a coincidence.
Or a dream.
Maybe he'd had a heart attack and died in front of his television or something?
Plenty of people drove Volkswagen Beetles. He was pretty sure he'd even heard Nancy Wheeler asking her parents for one as a graduation present.
But with the same license plate number?
The same one from the show, the same one that was in the TV Guide all those months ago. The same one on the makeshift poster he had taped on the wall next to his bed, that he'd run his fingers over to "kiss" you goodbye countless times, just like he did to his guitar.
"It's just dark," he tried to convince himself, "and I'm tired, and...and..."
It was a coincidence. It was a dream.
He repeated the mantra over and over in his head like a lifeline.
It was another fan like him who just used fantasy to make their life a little better. That's all he was trying to do too, right? He could understand; hell, if this was a new neighbor, maybe he'd be able to chat with them about the show. Wouldn't that be something?
Eddie was so distracted making up endless excuses for himself that he didn't notice Mrs. Mayfield as she threw her hands up in the air with an exaggerated "I'm calling the police. He didn't hear Max holler at her mom to calm down, or see the tail lights of the Beetle turn off either.
It wasn't until the driver's side door swung open and a sneaker-covered foot crunched against the gravel that he forgot all the excuses he was conjuring.
And his heart stopped as the driver got out of the car and stood in the faint glow of the streetlight.
Because that driver was you.
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Next Chapter: Alternate Universe
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raggedytiger · 7 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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doitforbangchan · 6 months
sorry if it's a little long. I love to come up with plots more than the smut part
you were just supposed to meet them backstage after a concert and get a picture. but hyunjin was obviously interested so chan asked you to stay behind, offering to drop you off since you were there alone. while they were waiting for the fans to leave, hyunjin kept talking to you and managed to get you to accept going with them to the dorms with them to chill after the concert. not the type to be able to say no easily, you accepted. you ended up drinking with them. the members tried making conversations but a tipsy hyunjin was doing all he could to keep your attention on him. after a while, the others left to sleep and since it was too late for you to go home, you had to stay over. hyunjin wanted you to sleep on his bed so you'd be comfortable and he'd be in the living room but it didn't seem fair to him. that's how you ended up in the same bed. the two of you were just talking at first but as you sobered up, things escalated between the two of you...
After party - Hyunjin
Idol!Hyunjin x Fan!Reader (Afab)
The pics are formatting weird and I dont know why :(
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CW: Light smut, kissing, grinding, thigh riding, drinking, softdom!Hyunjin, sub!reader, cursing, anxiety (Lemme know if i missed any) Not proofread :) to my requester- I hope you enjoy please let me know what you think lovey &lt;3
WC: 2.4k
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Hyunjin was enamored by you. The second you walked backstage for your VIP picture with the group he knew he was doomed. Not only were you beautiful but so kind. You were all smiles as you greeted them each, handing them each little figures you had created for them of their Skzoo animals.
For you, this was the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You had waited so long for this, counting down the days since purchasing your ticket and backstage pass. You only expected it to be a quick meeting, get a picture maybe a hug and then be on your way. You were honestly shocked when Bangchan had invited you to hang out with them for a while.
"Did you come alone?" Chan had asked you when he noticed nobody was with you.
"Yeah, I did." You answered sheepishly, "I don't have any other friends into K-pop so I'm pretty used to attending events and concerts alone."
"It just means you have good taste." Hyunjin winked at you, and you felt the heat rush to your face as you mumbled a 'thanks'.
Hyunjin was sat next to you with his arm slung over the back of the couch you were both sitting on but he wasn't touching you. He just wanted to be close to you without being weird.
The two of you sat there for over an hour as he asked you questions about yourself, of course the other boys would chime in every now and again but generally they liked watching Hyunjin try and be cool with you. It was entertaining.
It was nearing closing for the venue and they had to leave soon, but Hyunjin didn't want this to end. He looked to Chan for a quick second with pleading eyes before he looked back at you and blurted "Do you wanna come home with us?"
You were thrown off by his sudden inquiry, "Huh?"
"Not in a gross way!" He panicked as Jisung burst into laughter watching his friend struggle. "I mean, we're headed back to our dorm and we planned on having a few drinks and hanging out. Our version of an after party. Would you like to join us?"
"Oh uhhh" you looked around at the encouraging looks from Felix and Chan, ignoring the snickering from Jisung and Seungmin. "I mean, I guess if you want me too, maybe an hour or so wouldn't hurt." You were a people pleaser and couldn't say no on a regular day, but especially not when your favorite idol asks you too.
"Perfect" He smiled brightly.
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The ride over was more luxury than you were used too, even being shoved into the back of the black SUV. Perspective really was everything huh?
Once back at the dorms the boys wasted no time in getting acquainted with the bottle of tequila Minho had slyly taken from the venue. Though you kindly refused to do shots, you couldn't say no when Felix offered you a mixed drink he made you with some juice from the fridge.
Time felt like it was flying by. Before you knew it, it was nearing midnight. It was easy to loose track of time, though. Since the moment you got here Hyunjin had take it upon himself to keep you company. He had only taken two shots but he was clearly tipsy; his mild slurring and glassy eyes being a dead giveaway.
Not that you were any better, being a lightweight yourself. That's probably why it took you so long to notice the latening time.
"Shit" you cursed after checking your phone, only now noticing how late it was. "It's getting really late, I think I gotta head out."
Hyunjin looked around and noticed you two were the only ones left in the living room, the other members seemingly having gone to bed or to their own dorms. "Damn, how did we not notice how late it was?" He knew exactly how he didn't notice. You were too mesmerizing for him to want to pay attention to anything else.
"I should probably try to call an Uber." You sighed, opening your phone and praying you could get an available ride. Most Saturday nights were impossible to get a ride, since it seemed like the whole city tried to get one at the same time.
Hyunjin spoke before his brain could catch up. "Sleep in my bed tonight." He backtracked at seeing your eyes widen at his proposition. "Uhh what I mean is, it's really late and getting a ride might take hours anyway, so you could just stay here tonight if you wanted.."
"Oh umm." You bit your lip, nervously. "I don't want to be an inconvenience for you."
He shook his head in disagreement, shaggy hair bouncing at his vehement action. "It's no inconvenience, hon. Really, it would even make me feel better knowing you were here safe instead of waiting for a rando or walking home in the middle of the night."
"Aren't you kind of a rando, Hyunjin?" You had a slight tease to your voice.
"A rando who you came home with, yeah." He giggles, standing up and putting his hand out for you to take. He looked at you expectantly when you hesitated to grab his hand in return. "Come on, y/n. You can take my bed and I'll take the couch tonight. No objections!"
You shyly took his hand in yours, giving up on trying to leave knowing he was right.
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You found yourself unable to sleep. It has easily been 40 minutes since Hyunjin had made his bed for you and wished you goodnight, and you couldn't stop thinking of just how you ended up in this situation.
You only meant to get a picture with your favorite K-pop group- nothing more nothing less. It's what you had paid for, at least. Never in your life would you have imagined this is where you would be at the end of the night. In Hwang Hyunjins bed. The sheets smelled of him, the silk holding onto both his natural scent and traces of his expensive cologne. Honestly it was quite sobering, your buzz fading by the minute.
As if his ears were ringing, the bedroom door slowly creaks open to reveal Hyunjin, peeking in curiously. The only light in the room was the soft glow of the moon shining through his window. It was just enough for him to be able to make out your still figure in his bed.
"Pssst" his voice was a whisper, "are you awake?" He didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping so he kept his tone low.
"Yeah." You whispered back, equally as soft. "Are you ok?"
He shuffled close to you in the room, "Uh yeah, it's just that.. the couch is really uncomfortable."
"Oh, uh" You stammed, "I can go to the couch so you can have your bed back."
You went to remove yourself from his bed but he stopped you, his hand finding your shoulder to keep you in place, "Well I was thinking, if you didn't mind, I could just stay in here with you."
You blinked in surprise, contemplating it for a moment. He wasn't slurring his speech anymore so you knew his tipsiness was wearing off. " I guess that would be ok." You slowly scooted further into the bed, giving him space to climb under the covers with you.
He situated himself under the warm blankets and turned his body to face you. Now you were both looking at each other through the dim light.
"I do appreciate you coming and hanging out with us tonight." He breathed out, breaching the silence.
You balked, "Are you kidding? You brought me into your home, and now you're letting me in your bed! This whole night has been incredible, really. I should be the one thanking you." You said in a hushed tone, fighting back the urge to word vomit your appreciation.
Hyunjin chucked, "No need to thank me." He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, gathering his nerves. "If I'm being honest, something about you had immediately caught my attention the second you walked backstage to meet us. You were so... Captivating. And sweet. Those little Skzoo minis you made for us are so cute and I can tell you took your time to make them for us. I knew I wanted to know you more." He reached for your hand in the dark and you tentatively let him grab it and laced your fingers together.
Your face was burning hot at his confession. Honestly you were at a loss for words. You hadn't considered yourself special in anyway. Sweet- maybe. But captivating? Never. It was a whirlwind of emotions. You didn't doubt that he was speaking his truth, more so your heart didn't want to believe it.
As if sensing your inner turmoil he gave you a shy grin to ease your mind, "I understand if you don't feel the same. I know it's crazy to spring that kind of thing on someone you just met."
"No its not that!" You protested louder than intended, before sheepishly lowering your voice back to a whisper. " This is all very surreal to me, right now. This isn't how I imagined my night would be, but I am so glad it did. I really liked getting to know you guys, especially you... Who may or may not be my bias." You hid your eyes behind your hand.
You tried to tug your other hand from his grasp but he held on, tighter now after your confession.
"Oh, I'm your bias, huh?" You could hear the smirk on his face as his confidence grew exponentially. You turned your head at buried it into the pillow, unable to meet his gaze.
"Don't be mean." you mumbled.
"I would never dream of being mean to you, sweetheart. You're the one who can't even look at your bias. So really you're the mean one here, angel."
You took a peek at him to see his signature pout gracing his features, the dumpling shape of his lips making you want to bite them.
"You're lucky you're pretty" You huffed, feeling his other hand reach for your waist and pull you closer. You held back a squeal at his action.
"You think I'm pretty?" He abandoned his pout for a boyish grin.
"Mhm" you responded, so quietly he almost missed it.
"Well, between you and me, angel," He leaned in closer to your face, eyes flickering back and forth between your lips and eyes, "I think you're prettier."
The singer left you room to deny his advances, but when you made no move to get away he gently pressed his soft lips against your own. You felt your eyes close on impact, and sighed into him as he swept his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. Once you parted for him and allowed him entry into your mouth he let out a low moan; the sound coming from somewhere in the back of his throat.
You fisted his shirt when he let go of your hand, instead his found purchase cupping your cheeks as he deepened the kiss even further. His body pressed as close to you as he could get, letting himself get drunk on your taste as he sobered from the alcohol.
You whimpered when he wedged one of his thighs between yours, the strong muscle creating a friction on your clothes center.
"Mm I liked that sound. I wanna hear you sing more pretty melodies for me, angel." He retracted his lips from yours, choosing to instead pepper smooches down your neck. He ground his thigh into you, eliciting another whimper.
Hyunjin sucked a mark onto your flesh, the extra stimulation causing you to buck your hips, seeking more. "Hyuuunnee"
"That's it baby, ride my thigh. Fuck, I can feel you soaking through both of our clothes, angel." He really means his clothes, as he had given you a pair of sleep shorts to wear. He sped up his movements, the grinding getting harsher against your core.
Your clit was rubbing so deliciously against your panties, and you definitely knew with how much you were dripping for him that he was telling the truth. You couldn't believe how worked up you were getting, already on the verge of cumming and you hadn't even been really touched yet.
His hand traveled down to the hem of your shirt, and he pushed it up to reveal your braless chest. He let out a groan of his own at the sight. "You not wear a bra for me, angel? Being a naughty girl?"
You moaned when he latched his mouth onto the skin of your tit, "Mmmmm, no Hyun. Jus' can't sleep in it." one of your hands found his hair.
"I don't think that's true, angel." He said it between nips to your flesh, "I think you wanted me to come in here and ravish you." He nipped particularly hard and you gasped. "Bet you were laying here, soaking in your panties waiting for me, huh?" He switched to your other breast.
Your panting was getting harsher, getting closer and closer to cumming on his thigh. "Hyune, m' gonna..gonna..."
"Gonna cum, pretty girl? Gonna make a mess for me, hmm?" You nodded as best you could, "Go ahead, angel. Hyun's got you." At his permission you let go, a soft cry escaping you as you shook against him. The whole time he kept steady in his grinding, working you through your orgasm. "Fuck, you're even prettier when you cum, oh my god. Prettier than a painting."
When the shocks of pleasure faded into over stimulation you tried to give him a light push to signal him to stop. He took the hint and slowly ended his grinding. Your breathing was heavy and your pupils were blown wide, the sight enough for him to crave you even more if that was possible.
Keeping eye contact with you, he gingerly reached into the front of your (his) shorts, his long fingers finding your dripping wetness and collecting some of it onto the pads of his fingers. You bleated a moan at the contact of him sweeping through your wet folds.
You almost came again when Hyunjin removed his fingers from your pussy and brought the shiny digits up to his mouth. He groaned and his eyes rolled to the back of his head when he sucked your essence off his skin.
"Fuck angel, you really are sweet." He was quick to flip you onto your back, causing you to squeal. "Gotta be quiet, sweet girl." He scooted down your body, pulling your bottoms and panties down with him. "Can't have the boys coming in here while I'm eating my new favorite treat, right angel?"
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A/n: Yesssss I know its not full smut, but honestly i liked the it this way. i think it fits better :) I hope you enjoy please let me know if you did
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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darylbae · 3 months
Always read your fics and enjoyed them from afar , , why not send a request ! ^^ Don't feel pressured to write this too this is a little weird now that I read it over and sorry for the long req ! ! >< Could you write some an angsty or fluffy oneshot of a reader infected with the deadly flu during (i think) early season 4 and Daryl determined to cure her of the sickness. Them both having conversations between the glass of the prison where the reader is just at the point of giving up and accepting they'll die by this flu and Daryl is trying to give them hope. There's the scene with the group who went to the veterinary (..?) college/university to grab medicine for Hershel to use where they find out Bob didn't grab shit and Daryl just goes off at him because the reader was so kind and generous to him wdym you only grabbed BOOZE?? And then it ends with the reader who's cured of the flu, running into Daryl's arms both relieved and happy that they can finally hold each other again. Which ends in Daryl showering them in kisses because yay they're cured ! The idea just came to me while I was laying at the beach, "If the reader, his lover, was infected by the flu how much more angry would Daryl be with Bob when he only grabs alcohol?"
quarantine — daryl dixon
in which the flu catches up to you, and daryl is stressed about losing you
note: my requests are still open!! i have a few to write but im still happy to accept them! <3
Your job prior to the apocalypse was a caregiver to the elderly, so you had experience with a lot of medication and general practice of caring for someone. It's why Daryl had become so drawn to you, seeing you care for your people, or even people from Woodbury that had just been taken in, you gave everyone the same love and attention regardless of time spent with them. Daryl hadn't realised his longstanding affection for you until this flu outbreak within your prison community. You'd volunteered to help everyone alongside Herschel, caring more about the well-being of others more than your own. Until you'd gotten sick. "It was inevitable, honey," you spoke, not having the energy to even raise your voice above a whisper, "I'm glad I kept everyone in here hydrated, fed, and stable. But we're not seeing any progress." Daryl was on the other end of the window, eyes staring intensely into yours, wishing he could touch you, wishing he could hear your voice clear as day and not muffled due to being separated. Daryl sighed in defeat. "You don't deserve this." "Nobody does, but we need medication, Dar." You admitted. "It's the only way for people to get better, otherwise, we'll die in here." The thought of losing anyone else was enough of a push to find some medication, but the thought of losing you was enough to get him anywhere. He'd ride for days, hell, he'd walk for days if it meant you could get better. "I'm taking a group out, I'll get ya the meds. Just rest f'me, okay sweetheart?" Daryl was pleading now, you could hear the whine in his voice. You nodded, coughing into your hands as you hobbled away.
Days had passed. You couldn't get out of bed most mornings, even as Herschel did his rounds. Usually you'd join him, making sure everyone had water and food. But your bones ached, your head was pounding, you were sweating through your clothes. "Why don't the caregivers care for themselves, hm?" Herschel asked, entering your cell with a pitcher of water. You smiled painfully, reaching for your cup and holding it up for him. "Not used to it, I guess.." You wheezed, stabling yourself before another coughing fit. "How is everyone?" "Good as they can be, I guess." "Any word on the meds?" You asked, wanting to take the moment off yourself and onto a cure. Herschel shook his head. "Daryl keeps asking about you, though. It's rather sweet, really." "He is. Contrary to how he acts." You smiled, the thought of how he only acted around you. You'd caught him smiling a few times, even laughing at your terrible jokes. "I know a man in love when I see one."
Herschel had alerted you that Daryl was by the window again, asking for you. So you'd made the effort to hobble out of your cell and over to the window. And Daryl almost collapsed at the sight of you. Pale, hunched over in pain, sweat dripping from your skin. Your once glowing skin replaced with dullness, dark circles under your eyes. "Hey," you whispered, your hand on the glass, "how are you?" "How are you?" He asked, matching your hand with his and the both of you craved the feeling of the other's skin on yours. This was pure torture. "I can't do this anymore, Dar." You tried to take in a deep breathe, but you would wheeze as you did so. "It's getting harder. To talk, to walk, to move at all." Daryl's brows furrowed, trying to hold in every ounce of emotion threatening to spill out of him. "I know, sweetheart, I know." "They really need those meds in here, they're not getting any better." You confessed, there was no point trying to hide it now, you'd be walkers in a matter of days. "I'm gettin' em, I promise. Jus' been findin' fuel and supplies for our trip, we're leavin' today." Daryl mumbled, doubts and fears running rampant in his head. "Jus' came to say goodbye and I'll be back for ya." "I know you will, when I'm better I want a nice hug from you. It's the least bit of affection I deserve." You smiled, matching his as he shoved his middle finger up at you. But you knew what he meant. You could wait to tell him you loved him too.
Daryl had gone with Michonne, Bob, and Tyreece to a veterinary college for the medication, but Daryl couldn't think straight. He hadn't realised just how much you meant to him until you were isolated away from him. And he wasn't going to keep it to himself anymore. "We're in and we're out." Daryl instructed the team, leading them into the building. "Grab everything you can." He was so focused on finding the names of everything he needed, shoving it into his bag, he had his sights set on his objective and nobody else. Walkers had become the least of his worries. Even when the escapes had been overrun with walkers, he'd found a window which took them out to a roof. "We can walk over this roof, get us away from 'em." Daryl suggested, helping Michonne through the roof and carefully out of the building. The four steadily climbed out, aiming to walk along and find a quiet place to drop down, but Bob had lost balance and almost let go of his bag. Daryl turned, seeing the commotion and seeing Bob so desperately clinging to the back, completely ignoring any sense of fear from the walkers. "Just let it go!" Tyreece called out, but Bob was adamant on pulling the bag up. And Daryl had leaned forward to retrieve the bag from him. "What's so damn important in here, huh?" Daryl mumbled to himself, unzipping the backpack and pulling out a bottle. A bottle of what looked like whiskey. "All that for a drink?" Daryl reached his arm up to lunge it away, but Bob let out a yelp. "Please," he pleaded, "don't. It's just for when it get's quiet." Daryl was seething, why should he listen to his cries? He was on a selfish solo-mission. "Just give it to him." Michonne sighed, still wary of her footing as the walkers were clambering for their feet. "I can't believe this shit!" Daryl exclaimed, Bob's eyes fixed onto the alcohol sloshing around in Daryl's hands. "Should've left ya to die out there, we been so nice to ya. Y/N's been so nice to ya, and ya don't care one bit." "You take a sip of this before these meds get in our people," Daryl stepped to Bob, a menacing expression on his face as he shoved the bottle into his chest, "I will beat your ass into the ground."
It was a silent trip home, Daryl in the front seat with his head on the window. He couldn't stop thinking about you, about whether you were dead or alive. He was praying for the latter, and Daryl never prayed. In his life, he was so anti-God but when it came to you, he'd try anything. So seeing the familiar prison gates, Daryl almost leapt out the car whilst it was still rolling. He'd taken the bags of supplies straight to the quarantine zone, throwing it over to Herschel and sitting impatiently by the window. The window you'd always talk at, pressing your hands against it together, the one he hoped wouldn't have to separate you any longer. He had nothing to do except wait. He'd anxiously play with the ends of his hair, biting on his lip whilst he waited for any signs of progression. He sat, completely alone, just waiting for you. Completely unaware of the time passing around him. It wasn't until Maggie spotted him, and approached him slowly. "Everyone's taken the meds, they just need rest." She confirmed, and his heart lifted. "She's okay, but I think you need some rest too." "Thanks." Daryl spoke softly, a small smile on his lips as Maggie had exited the quarantine zone. He'd only waited a little while longer, until admitting defeat for the night.
The next morning, Daryl was up and spent the morning outside. Fixing the fence, stabbing some walkers in the skull, the usual daily tasks for him now. He'd accepted that you'd needed your rest, at least you were alive. But the weight still sat in his chest, even knowing you were on the mend, he wanted you. He needed you. Bob's selfish actions yesterday were now but a passing thought, he was solely centered on you. So he'd eaten some food, spoken to Carol, gone about his day as he usually would. Except you were missing. It had gotten to the evening, the sun setting behind the trees and it was a sight he wished to experience with you. "Hey handsome," he heard behind him, his head snapping to the direction of your voice, seeing you stood, weakly, against a wall. "Oh my God," he tried to speak, but it came out as more of a whimper. He'd abandoned his smoke, throwing it onto the ground before wrapping you into his body. Feeling your skin on his, your voice blessing his ears, it felt too good to be true. "Dar," you croaked, "too tight." You giggled when he'd released you, brushing his hands down your back, not wanting to take his hands from you.
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schizoidcel · 6 months
🤍 ﹒ HEADCANONS ! ! . .
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀written before his release + gn reader huhu. yall i swear ill get to the lcb requests but im brainrotting too fucking much right now boothill is colonizing my mind so enjoy these thoughts i had and will throw into the tags
He's a little spoon and NOBODY can convince me otherwise period.
We know damn well hes touch starved. So ofcourse he'd wanna be nuzzled up inbetween your chest and chin
Will teach you how to ride a horse. He definitely has a favourite (his name is Sebastian 🌚🌚)
Very protective over him though. You will not ride on that horse until you are months into the relationship
He gave you another horse to practice riding on and an extra horse incase the other "knocks your socks off" ... Whatever that means
You named them Yee and Haw and he was so conflicted with his emotions that he considered getting a routine check up on his body
Will tease you if you completely fuck up immediately.
He grabs your hands to gesture on things you should be wary about while being on the back of a horse, knowing it'll mess your brain up and lead you to not pay attention to a single thing coming out of his mouth
On the other hand if you're able to handle it in a short amount of time, he'll start flirting with you
"I'm doing it, Boo!" "Nice work, honeybunch. Think ya can manage ridin' somethin' else?" "Dude"
It's one or the other. You will not escape the Boothill down bad programm
Boothill also acts like a himbo to mess around with you.
On another note, you called him Bootyhill once and he's still shook up. Whether /pos or /neg is up to interpretation
While we're on the topic of nick/pet names, he calls you things you've never heard of before .
Or even if you did, they're things you expected never to be called 😭
What the fuck is a doodlebug Boothill
Type of man to get flustered when you flirt back. He just starts bugging out
Will play it cool though, but the faint blue on his cheeks says otherwise
Also a fan of headpats. No, he's not ashamed. No, he will not tell you.
Expanding on the no shame, Boothill takes it to the extreme
No filter, no mask, no nothing. Touchy EVERYWHERE you go
Even if he can't really feel it, he just feels more at ease when you both are near eachother or touch one another. Man wants to protect his partner, after all
It dosen't matter if you're able to protect yourself, the gesture just makes him feel more comfortable and calm
Also has a hair pulling kink woah. Let's keep it sfw everybody
Forehead kisses ❤️ or just kisses anywhere on his head in general. Kiss behind his ears and he will overheat
He let's you play with his hair<3 It's one of his favourite passtimes with you
Braid it, tie it in a ponytail, give him buns, pigtails, curl them, decorate them with hairpins, clip bows in his strands it don't matter PLAY WITH HIS HAIR ⁉️
He relaxes SO MUCH it's insane. Genuinely just one finger goes into that hair of his and he melts
This plays into the little spoon factor
You'd tease him about it but he takes pride in it 😭
Has a weird obsession with biting. If you complain that it hurts he goes "What, want me to smooch the pain away?" and he does this fuckass face :3 while you're just staring at him dead in the eye (you say yes btw)
If you're ticklish, he's hell for you
Tickles you in the most random times possible.
And you know it's even WORSE with those cold ass metalic hands
You're cuddling? The sides of your torso are not safe. You're currently occupied with an activity involving your hands? Your armpits are not safe either. He's laying on your bare stomache face down? He starts blowing raspberries.
You know damn well he uses the feathers of his hat 😭
Sticks it up your nose to make you sneeze too. Usually to wake you up or some shit
You could have the most volcano eruption alert level 5 sneeze and he'd still say "Aww, ya sneeze like a kitten!"
One last note this man is a whiney loser bottom not sorry
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the word ill is in boothill for a reason the way im laying in bed all sweaty ANYway 🌚😵😵😵😵
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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uluvjay · 1 year
List 2 33 and 26 with Luke Hughes
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Luke Hughes x Fem! Reader
I imagined this as an older Luke who's already been in the league for a while
warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(wrap it up), light fingering, possessive Luke, drinking, club scene, weird guy, pet names, kissing, slight choking kink, semi-public sex?, Luke is a little bossy, i cant think of anymore.
I hope you enjoy sorry for any errors!
"You're not going out dressed like that" Luke laughed as I made my way into his living room clad in a short black dress ready for a night out with our shared friend group.
"And why not?" I questioned back with a bit of attitude
"Because that dress is way too short" he exclaimed, crossing his arms across his chest
"You're not my dad Luke and i'll wear whatever I want" I sighed before continuing "Now come on, our uber is almost here" giving him no time to argue as you headed out the front door.
There wasn't any conversation held in the Uber ride to the club and once the two of us made it into the club we hardly spoke once he went off with the boys and me with the fellow wags.
"what's up with you and Luke?" Dawson's girlfriend asked
"He tried telling me i couldn't wear this out and it made me made mad and then i made him mad so we're kinda just annoyed with each other" I explained
the girls laughed before another wag spoke up, "Sounds like your gonna have a fun time once you get home" she winked causing me to blush
"whatever you say, i'm going to get a refill" I giggled as I stood up from the booth and made my way to the bar
As i was waiting for a bartender's attention i felt a body move next to mine that held a strong scent of booze and overpowering cologne. I looked up and saw a man that seemed a lot older than me looking down with a creepy smile.
"Hi, I'm Shawn" he greeted
"Y/N" i replied with a tight lipped smile
"What's a pretty young thing like you doing here all alone?" he questioned
"Oh i'm not here alone, I'm with my-" I started before i felt arms wrapping around my waist and a familiar voice cutting me off.
"With her boyfriend"
I looked up and seen Luke looking at the guy with an annoyed expression on his face
"Whoa calm down buddy, couldn't tell she had a boyfriend by the way she was dressed" he laughed and i could feel Luke's grip tighten on me.
I turned around in his arms and did my best to calm him down before he swung on the guy, "Luke he's not worth it it, come one let's just go back to the group"
But as i tried pushing him he stopped me, "No we're going home, I'll have Jack get your bag from the girls" he grumbled and pulled me towards the front doors of the club.
I tried my best to keep up with the fast strides of his long legs but I only kept tripping as he pulled me along, “Luke! Slow down your going to fast” I called
What I didn’t expect was for him to come to a dead stop and cause me to slam into his back, before I got the chance to complain he turned around and pinned me to a wall.
“I told you not to wear this fucking dress but you didn’t listen and look what happened. So now I’m going to take your ass home and fuck you until you can learn how to listen” he spat
He grabbed my wrist and resumed pulling me outside the club. He didn’t say anything as we waited for our Uber to arrive just kept an arm around me and the ride to his apartment was just the same.
As we entered the elevator I couldn't help but stare up at him, he still kept a tight hold on my hand while keeping the same stone cold look he's had on his face since we had left the club. Feeling my stare he turned his head to look down at me but never spoke a word, i could see the lust and frustration clouding his eyes.
The ding of the elevator reaching his floor pulled our eyes apart and he surged forward pulling me with him. As we entered his apartment he headed to the living room while i started my way to the bedroom before his voice stopped me.
"Ah uh come here" he called to me
I walked to where he stood by his beautiful floor to ceiling window's and waited for his next move.
"Take your heels off" he commanded
I did as he asked and watched as he turned towards me, he reached a hand up to cup my jaw looking down at me with a dark look in those lust filled eyes.
"I'm gonna fuck you against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it" he smirked at the whimper that escaped my mouth
I couldn't take the tension anymore and quickly leaned up to pull him into a kiss, it was sloppy and rough full of neediness and desperation. A moan escaped my throat as he pinned me against the window and slipped his hand from my jaw to my throat while his free hand parted my thighs and slid under my dress.
A gasp got caught in my throat as he slipped a hand into my panties and ran his index finger through my folds.
"So wet for me" he groaned at the feeling of your wet folds coating his finger in your sweet nectar.
"Lu, stop teasing" I whined
I heard him scoff, "You're not in any position to demand anything right now"
My breathing picked up as he slipped a finger inside me and began pumping it at a slow and teasing pase.
"Been a brat and think you can tell me what to do?" he laughed in my face
He knew i wasn't able to reply to him, to plagued by the pleasure from his hand between my legs and his grip around my throat. I cried out loudly as i felt his ring finger hit that spongy spot inside me and my stomach began to tighten.
"Luke I'm getting close!" i whined but quickly regretted it as i felt him remove his hand from my panties.
I opened my mouth to protest his actions but the sight of him taking his shirt off and his pants following cut me off, he had worked hard this past off season causing a lot of quickies in the gym bathroom.
He stood left in nothing and had me remove my dress and panties also leaving me bare in front of him. He walked me backwards till i was once again pinned against the window and reached his hands under my thighs and signaled me to jump.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he held me in his arms, "Can't wait to fuck you" he groaned as i reached down to direct his thick cock to my core.
We both let out groans as he slipped inside me, allowing me to adjust for a moment before he picked up a pace. He fucked me teasingly at first with slow and deep strokes, i listened to his deep groans and got wetter with each one he let out.
"Baby please go faster" I cried
He looked me in my eyes as he made one more slow thrust before he pulled almost all the way out and snapped his hips into mine at an unforgiving pace.
"Shit!" i cried as his pelvis slammed against my clit
I threw my head back against the glass and felt him lean even closer to place kisses on my neck, i reached up and threaded my fingers through his curls tugging as he nipped my sweet spot.
I felt his thrust starting to get sloppy and his groans get louder in my ear, "Play with yourself Y/N" he demanded
I quickly did as he said and reached a hand in between us to start rubbing my clit, "Lukey i'm getting close" i cried out feeling the fire in my lower stomach get hotter.
"Me too baby, cum with me"
We locked eyes as he gave his last few thrust before we both released with loud moans, Luke bit down on my neck as I pulled harshly on his hair at the feeling of ecstasy rolling through my body and the feeling of his warm cum spilling deep inside me.
We both panted as we parted and Luke sat me down on my feet, i stared up at him with a blissed out expression as he stared down at me with a smirk.
"I'll go get a bath started" I spoke up as i began to step away from him but his hand catching my wrist stopped me.
"Who said I was done with you?" he questioned
"Well I-"
"Well nothing, I told you I was going to fuck you until you learned to behave" he spat as he pulled me into him and picked me up bridal style and walked up over to his couch.
Sorry this ending was kind of ass i didn't know where to go
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pitchouna · 5 months
Hello!! I just loved your work!! So may I ask for a scenario where something happens to the reader and Goku becomes overproctective??
Love ya and take care❤️❤️
Overprotective Goku x reader!!
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HELLOOO!! I totally did not expect a request that fast damn but hey ig Goku fans are as down bad as much as I am 😔😔 you did not say what genre is the reader so I've done a general!!
Warnings : CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT / Reader is traumatized / Angst / Comfort / mentions of SA Words : 2154
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Goku is far from overprotective.
He knows you're strong and trusts you! Plus he's too dumb to understand.
But sometimes, he'll definitely feel it if you are uncomfortable.
And you definitely don't wan't to be the person he'll take care of.
Definitely not.
Today you and Goku planned to hang around the City to change a little. Everything was perfect!! He picked you up at your house and took you on a ride with the Nimbus cloud!! You both enjoyed the ride a lot and the atmosphere was very peaceful. Just how you love it.
You guys went shopping, (you forced him of course, but he actually enjoyed it!!) and even bought him some casual clothes because let's be honest right there he looks damn fine in casual clothes. You did not told him of course...
After you two were satisfied with your shopping, you decided to sit on a bench wondering what you guys will do next.
"So what you wanna do now?" Your relaxed voice startled Goku who seemed lost. Of course you noticed it. Because you're a smart-ass ofc ofc. "Goku you fine?" you asked in a confused tone. He looked alright all this time! Was he faking?? Those insecure thoughts you wanted to forget came back. "Hm? Oh yeah I'm alright! I'm just wondering what we should do next!!" Goku said in his usual happy tone making your worries vanish. He was actually thinking how great you looked in those clothes you bought today and looked further in seeing you in these more. As you both we're thinking what to do next you spotted an Ice cream truck catching your attention. It wasn't that close but it was still on your eyesight. "Oh! There's an ice truck over there!" This has immediately picked Goku's attention as sparkles appeared in his eyes. "Woohhh! Let's check that out Y/n!!" Goku said excited as both of you walk towards the Ice-cream truck and taking your hand in the process making you yelp in surprise and blush a little. But his enthusiasm just made you happier "Alright!! I hope it's not that expensive though and it better be worth it.." You said chuckling "Heheee... It'll be fine I guess~" Goku hummed.
As you both finished taking your orders you've ordered a Strawberry Banana Ice cream, and Goku have taken a Watermelon Grape mix. "What kind of mix is that?.." You said in a disgusted tone questioning the weird Saiyan's choices. "Don't know.... It sounded great!!.." Goku whined sounding disappointed. You hum in happiness as you're very proud of the mix of flavors you've choosen. "Hmmhh!! It's so good!! You should try Strawberry Banana next time!! How does yours taste?" You've asked the Saiyan as he takes a bite of his Ice-cream. "Uhmm.... It's okay... I guess... But Watermelon doesn't taste very well.." Goku said as the disappointment was obvious on his face. "Well it's not like I've warned you-Oh-Hey!!! Give it back!!" Goku has taken your ice cream and took the biggest bite ever leaving you with barely nothing left. "Hmmhh! You're right it tastes amazing!! I'll definitely listen to you next time!!" Goku says with a big smile on his face as you dramatically cry for your ice cream. "How could you.... How could you do this to me..." You dramatically cry as Goku's making fun of you "Heheee... You can take my Ice-cream instead!! It's better than nothing-Ouchh...!! That hurts!!" Goku whined his head hurting making you laugh like an antagonist. "Hahaa!! Deserved!! That's for stealing my Ice-cream you big monkey!!" Goku dramatically acts offended, joining in your little game "Heyyy!! That's not really nice of you you big!.... Big...... Uh.... I don't have any ideas... Ouch!!.." Goku still holds his forehead as the brain freeze just seems to get worse making you laugh. "I guess using your head will just hurt more.. Meh now you know you don't have to steal my food anymore." You said patting his head even if he's taller than you. "Yes yes..." He cried disappointed, as if he wanted to do that again. "Well what do you want to do know?" You've asked Goku before you heard sirens and people screaming immediately catching your attention. Your head turns at the direction the screams and you see a car driving extremely fast as the police chase them. "Damn what kind of people drive this fast?.." Goku asked "Suicidal people I guess." You've replied sarcastically not noticing the doors of the cars opening as it makes it's way behind you. You then fell a hand on your waist and on your mouth pulling you inside. Time went slow for Goku as his eyes widened processing what was happening. But before he could react the car was already far away. "Y/n!!" he has screamed so loud that you heard it, before your vision faded away. He quickly summoned the Nimbus cloud to follow the car.
You woke up tied up in a chair with a tissue covering your mouth. Your first decision was to look around knowing that struggling was pointless and it would just waste your energy. You seemed to be in a garage that you do not recognize. There are graffiti all around the place and some used dirty furniture. You heard a door opening immediately putting you on guard. What seemed like Gang members went inside, they were 17 they had weapons and seemed easy to fight one by one. But if they were all attacking you you won't stand a chance. Which made you forget the idea of beating them up. But before, you had to find a way of untying yourself. "Oh so that's the chick you've taken? She's smoking hot! We'll have a lot of fine with her.." One of the guys spoke. The way he talkedade your face twist in disgust predicting what's going to happen next. You're mentally preparing yourself to face it. Because you know you won't be able to escape it easily." Wait a second I want to hear her voice.." Another guy spoke. He seemed stronger than the others. So you assumed he was the leader. He removed the tissue covering your mouth and spoke.
"Hello there~ How come we've never seen you around pretty one?.." The leader said in a flirting tone that disgusted you. "Get away from me you pig!!" You replied screaming wanting to let them know that you don't want to do anything with them. The leader only smirked as the other men started to approach you. "And what if I don't?~" He said grabbing your chin and caressing your hair. Leaving you surprised and waiting for the worst. You decided to stay quiet. Knowing screaming will only make thins harder and more painful as tears starts to appear in your eyes. "Awhhh! What a cuite She's already crying !" You've heard a couple men saying in union. "awh... If you cry now how will you act when we'll break you?~" Your eyes widened not wanting that to happen. "N-no... You don't mean..." You say with a shaky voice making the men smile even more. "Hehe.. C'mon guys, let's start the party..." And the last things you've heard was horrible laughs.
It was horrible. Ohh soo horrible. You were traumatized. To say the least. You didn't even had the energy left to cry. You were undressed only left with your bra and your panties. You wanted to forget everything. You wanted to wake up. You refused to believe it was real. You felt dirty. You still had the sensation of their hands touching everything on your body. You'll always remember how their lips felt on your body... On your face.... On your lips. The sounds of laughter of the men echoed in your ears. It was unbelievable. You'll never forget this day. You wanted to sleep and never wake up again. You closed your eyes. Hoping that the next time you'll open them you'll be in your bed, then spend the day with Goku and everyone else like the usual.
Instead what you've heard is an explosion. You slowly opened your eyes, puffed due to the many tears you've cried. But the door was behind you. So you couldn't not see what was happening. And you were too traumatized to move right now. You could just hear muffled voices and screams.
"I'm really mad right now. I'm going to kill you all." You heard a familiar voice say. But you didn't care. "Someone please help !!" You didn't care. You've heard many many pained screams. But you didn't care. You've heard many many sounds of bone breaking and liquids spilling. But you didn't care. You smelled a strong scent of blood. But you didn't care. It last for a very very long time. But then it stopped. You didn't care. You heard footsteps coming towards you. But you didn't care. You felt someone lifting your body but you didn't care. You then fell unconscious. And you didn't care.
It was unbelievable. Goku was full of blood, holding you on his arms still shocked about what happened. Oh when he saw you undressed on the floor oh how mad he became. Even after taking care of theses rotten garbages do this to you ?? Oh he was so mad. Putting them on their place killing them was not enough. He contacted Bulma that has reunited the dragon balls for a project, and asked if he could have a wish. Bulma accepted. Goku went on her balcony with the Dragon Balls reunited and said, "Show yourself Shenron! And grant my wishes!" the impressive dragon got out of the Dragon balls as the sky darkened. "Express your wishes human." The Dragon said with his deep voice. Goku looked at your unconscious face before granting his wish. "I want Y/n to forget everything that has happened today!! Including everything her body felt!!" Goku exclaimed. "Nothing's easier." Shenron shined and immediately your expression looked more peaceful. Goku felt a wave of relief. As if the weight on his shoulders has been lifted. He sighed happy that you'll remember nothing about this. "You have 2 wishes left. What else do you want?" Goku looked at Shenron who forgot that he was there. "Bulmaaaa!! Come do you wishes I'm done here!!" Goku said hoping on the Nimbus cloud with you in his arms. Bulma ran to the balcony screaming "Goku!! Tell me what happened to Chiya!! And why is she undressed!??" as her tone holds very noticeable worry for her best friend. "It's best to not know!!!" Goku yelled already in the sky. Yet Bulma heard it. She sighed irritated, but if Goku told so maybe it was better to not speak about it.
You woke up on your couch as the first thing you see was the TV showing a random anime about martial arts. You've noticed a bowl of snacks and pop corn. You realized you were on Goku's lap. You've gave him a confused glare while he was just smiling. "W-what happened? I don't remember anything..." You've switched for a sitting pose but since you were still tired you decided to put your head on Goku's shoulder. "Don't remember? We were shopping but then you felt tired so we've come back to your place. And I waited until you woke up." Goku said with a soft voice that replaced his usual energetic one. Maybe he felt tired too?? "Oh well... I still don't remember anything.. What time is it anyway?" You yawned as Goku looked at the clock. "It's 6:26 PM.. Why?" Goku asked tilting his head. "Wanna go to restaurant? They serve tasty rice!" You' said with a big smile seeing how Goku's eyes sparkled at the mention of rice. "Yess!! Let's go now!!" Goku took your hand and ran towards the exit of your home. You two were already dressed so you didn't mind.
At the restaurant you both ordered a lot of bowls of rice and ramen. Because you two were very hungry. For Goku it was like always. But you've rarely eaten this much, which was one of the many things you noticed was weird this evening. Why did you ate more? Why was Goku calmer? Why did he put a hand on your shoulder or on your waist protectively all the time as if something might happen? Why did he glare at every men near you? "Wahhhhhh!! This was so good!!" Goku exclaimed patting his stomach as you looked at the bowls. He had taken 15 bowls while it's usually 20. It added something on the list of what was weird thus evening. "What do you want to do now?" You asked him expecting him to say that he'll do his usual training of the night. But he replied with something else. "Hmmm what about we watch series and play games?" Goku said leaving you shocked. Okay. What was wrong this evening??! And why did you felt that Goku saved you from something you'd never forget?... You just decided to brush it off and enjoy the evening with him.
(Honorable mention of him hugging you while you were sleeping <33)
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WOOOHHHH TTHAT TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH WTH?? But I again had so much fun writing this!!! I totally did not expect to write again so soon but the request seemed so fun I just couldn't ignore it and I definitely did not expected to get one so soon!! But I hope you guys enjoyed!! I'll probably make a request rule soon because there are some things I won't be uncomfortable writing.. Anyways Take care!! <33
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Title: You First {One-Shot} ***
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Plenty Of Words, Cursing, NSFW, 18+ Mature Content, Male & Female Receiving,
Words: 7.3k
Summary: Nah!
Note: Written on my phone's Notes app, so please forgive any weird spaces or if the look of this is off.
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***NOT Edited/Proofread***
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You stared at the text then busted out laughing yet again. This time you couldn't control yourself. You let it all out not caring how loud you were.
"This fool," you said between gasps of air.
Was that supposed to be a love confession? Was that his way of saying he loved you or wanted to lock you down?  The more you thought about it the more you laughed. This fool couldn't be serious about anything. He always had some kinda joke or funny comeback. At the beginning of the text your heart melted, then at the end your eye roll took over. Did he make this graphic himself? Had he busted open a quote creator app and gotten carried away?
Sighing, you decided to fuck with him. After finding your own quote creator app you got busy creating. It took almost 10 minutes to finish because you quickly got sucked into the process and wanted to make it pretty. You looked it over again then hit send.
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The longer you admired your creation, the more you thought you did pretty good.
MSG Lewis:  Are you being serious right now?
As you giggled you typed out your reply.
MSG: Of course! I never lie about put me in the grave stroke game. It's so rare it must never be spoken about unless absolutely true or else you'll never experience it in life.
MSG Lewis:  🙄.
Again, you laughed.
MSG Lewis: See that's what I'm talking about. We're on the same wave length. You get me.
Snorting, you thought about his words.  He was right. You did get him. Often times you knew what he meant halfway through his sentence or knew how he felt just by looking at him, or even knew what he wanted without him uttering a single word. Sometimes you thought your connection was unsettling and it had taken many months for you to even embrace it and accept it for a cosmic connection. Now all you waited for were the 3 little words from his lips. 3 little words he'd been tight lipped with, 3 little words you could tell were at the tip of his tongue but dissolved whenever his brain and instincts entered the chat.
It wasn't that Lewis was a commitmentphobe. He liked all the perks of having a ride or die in his corner,  the support, the loyalty, the bomb sex, the intimacy, the comforting feeling of not going through life alone. He cherished all of that but a lot of times his battle with conquering and progression clouded things. He feared an unfulfilled life, feared not meeting all his goals on his endless list of goals that doubled and even tripled with each milestone he reached. He feared getting lost in anyone for fear of losing himself and his way. 
You'd seen that red flag that waved vigorously over his head the first time you spoke with him. It was a red flag that never went away but it was a red flag that your red flags enjoyed playing with. 
He didn't want to lose himself and neither did you. He wanted companionship and so did you. He wanted loyalty, support, bomb sex, a ride or die in his corner, intimacy that rivaled any other that others experienced, comfort, and goddamn it, so did you. He didn't want to depend on anyone or need someone, and fuck outta here neither did you. 
So, the musical chairs game you played worked well. There were kinks but the way the two of you were in your own personalities, those kinks always worked themselves out. This game, song and dance had been going on for 4 years now.  4 years of no strings attached companionship, loyalty, bomb sex, someone having your back, intimacy and comfort. 4 years of dating in the open in secret. 4 years of this connection and still neither of you had said the words. 
You wondered if it had turned into a game without either of you acknowledging it. Had there been times when the words were at the tip of your tongue? Sure. However you kept a tight chain on that shit because everyone knew that lose lips sink ships. Plus you weren't about to be the one at his mercy,  no matter how strong what you felt for him was.
MSG: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get you as much as you get me.
Putting your phone to the side, you tried to buckle down on the last bit of work so you could enjoy your 4-day weekend ahead.
MSG Lewis: Since I get you and you get me, when can I have you?
Just like that, you were distracted once again.
MSG: Depends. How do you want me?
MSG Lewis: Oh I think you know the answer to that already.
MSG: Nope. Tell me. I'm clueless.
MSG Lewis: I want you bent over the table on my penthouse balcony. Since I walked in and saw it the other day, I haven't been able to atop thinking about it.
MSG Lewis: I want you on your knees in front of me in broad daylight on that same balcony with my dick so far down your throat you can't breathe.
MSG Lewis: I want you against the wall of the pool here. The lights change color depending on the movement of the water and the sounds around. I want to see what pattern your moans make.
Your jaw was dropped, imagination running wild, and panties soaked. Fuck, you thought. For several minutes you just played through each of those fantasies. You didn't even realize how long you'd been trapped in them until your phone rang out startling you. When you saw it was Lewis, you took a few breaths to calm yourself. There was no way you were going to let him know he affected you.
"Were you just touching yourself?"
You scoffed, "I see you think very highly of yourself."
"Just asking."
"Not at all. I'm actually working."
"Says the workaholic."
He chuckled and the deepness of the sound sent a zing of electric current right to your lady parts.
"What was that little butterfly?"
"Nothing. That's a stupid nickname by the way."
"Oh, it definitely was something especially since you're trying to deflect from it by clowning the nickname I gave you. Do you remember why I gave it to you?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Nope. Forgot long time ago."
You were full of shit, you knew it and he knew it.
"Bullshit," Lewis called before continuing, "How could you forget that afternoon we spent having high tea at the garden? Well, we were supposed to be having high tea, instead my head was buried between your thighs barely touching you except for the lite barely there butterfly flicks of my tongue against your clit."
He moaned then and you couldn't help but slip your fingers to the place where you wanted them most. Well, you really wanted his fingers but yours would have to do.
"You remember now, little butterfly?"
Your finger swirled around your slick bud not wasting time with teasing. You wanted a release, and you wanted it now. Truth be told you were quite fond of the nickname. It brought back wonderful memories. Memories of a warm rays beaming on your skin, a gentle breeze caressing your back as his fingers did the same to your inner thigh. What a feeling to be Rosé tipsy and getting amazing head. Not much else could compare in the world.
"Mm you tasted better than those strawberry shortcake scones," Lewis teased.
The more he spoke the faster your finger swirled and the faster your finger swirled the shallower your breathing became.
"Oh little buttlerfly I can hear your breathing. Are you touching yourself to my voice? Using the dirty things I say to get a nut? Does it feel good?"
It was the softest of whimpers, but you knew he heard it. In response, Lewis let out a deep moan and you felt that moan right between your legs.
"Fuck, Lewis," you rasped.
"Tell me does it feel good, Y/N?"
"Ye--," you gasped as a strong wave of pleasure hit you. "Yes!”
"How good?"
"So fucking good," you replied already in a frenzy.
"As good as my fingers? "
You groaned, "No."
"As good as my mouth?"
Your panting turned to whines now as you felt how close you were. "No ne-never."
"As good as this long, thick dick?"
"Oh fuck..."
You heard his muffled grunting and knew he was doing the same thing you were. For a man of immeasurable control, you always pulled him to this point.
"I want your tight little pussy wrapped around my dick right now. I want to fuck you until you can't walk, speak, or even comprehend the English language. Fhhhuck!”
"I'm gonna cum Lewis I'm gonna--gonna...
"Cum with me little butterfly."
On command, your entire being shook as you found your release. Your high-pitched wails filled the room, and you couldn't care less who heard you. You were sure they'd heard far worse through your walls.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Lewis groaned.
You could hear him panting as he tried to get himself back under control.
"Come see me this weekend. I miss you."
"This weekend as in tomorrow?"
"Yeah. I know we have an agreement for at least 48 hour notice but---."
The silence stretched for a while.
He sighed, then came rustling as you assumed he changed his positioning.
"I really do miss you," Lewis said, his voice soft and sincere.
You picked up on something else in it...something close to longing. You sat extra still and contemplated his words, allowing them to fully sink in. He sounded so vulnerable so delicate.
Oh boy, here you go, your brain said to your heart before you replied.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
You don't know what divine and holy being you had to thank for everything coming together so effortlessly and flawlessly. Somehow you'd managed to snag a squeeze in, last minute show up appointment at your body spa for the works, nails, massage, wax, etc. You even managed to procure all the items from your favorite brands for the weekend in just 3 hours.
Things continued to move smoothly when you breezed through packing, an act that usually would take hours and inconceivable degrees of stress on the PS scale, and managed to be 100% put together in the back of the chauffeured car on the way to the private tarmac just after 1pm the next day. This had to be a record.
By the time you landed in Qatar, the sun was still high in the sky, and you felt like you were seconds away from evaporating into a sparkling plume of magical melanted fairy dust. You knew Lewis was probably with the team trying to tweak his car and come up with strategies for his upcoming race and you didn't want to interrupt but you now felt the magnitude of how much you'd missed him.
The debate in you went for the duration of the drive to Lewis' hotel and at the last minute you decided to just go to the hotel and push those feelings down. You didn't want to be the one who fell first. The drive was peaceful and scenic. Every sight you passed you gaped in awe. There was something so majestic about simple surroundings with mind-boggling architecture that encapsulated a country in the best of the past and the future. When you walked into the penthouse you received a message from Lewis.
MSG Lewis: Landed?
MSG: Yep.
MSG Lewis: On your way to the paddock?
MSG: Nope.
That was the last message you got from him until he walked inside the penthouse 4 hours later. The sun was setting beautifully over the sky, bathing everything in milky oranges, purples and reds setting the scene with the dinner you'd just finished cooking in the state-of-the-art kitchen. Yeah, you could have ordered room service, but you wanted to give him one of his favorites authentically made. The soft instrumentals playing made it so you didn't hear him come in. It wasn't until Roscoe jumped up on your leg did you realize you weren't alone anymore.
"Oh my goodness, Roscoe. Hi baby. How are you?"
You were stooping rubbing the fashionable bulldog down and cuddling him close. You'd missed him and from the way he lapped at every inch of exposed skin you could tell he missed you too.
"Have you been a good boy for daddy? Have you? Yes? Oh, you're so cute."
You peppered kissed along his frame then gathered him in your arms. Roscoe took full advantage and attacked you with licks, pinning you down. You giggled and wiggled trying to hide your mouth from him. You loved him to death, but you kissed no dog on the mouth.
From somewhere to the side, you heard a series of tongue clicks and seconds later Roscoe climbed off of you and padded away. From your lying position, you saw Lewis standing there with Roscoe assuming his perfectly trained position, right at his feet.
"What are you jealous?"
The corner of his mouth twitched. You stood and rearranged your form-fitting jersey dress and saw Lewis' eyes rake over your frame. His eyes rested at your hips which the dress accentuated, and a smirk slipped across your lips.
"I dont get jealous," Lewis said.
You snorted knowing he was the one who was full of shit now. He'd never admitted it, but you knew there had been several occasions where his jealousy manifested in the form of a back breaking, cervix bruising fuck all because of the attention you drew in his presence.
"Thats the hello I get little butterfly?"
Scoffing, you crossed the room to him then wrapped your arms around him pressing up so close to him your bodies melded perfectly. Lewis let out a soft sigh as he reciprocated your action. The longer you remained in his arms the tighter he held you.
"Mm, you smell good," you mumbled against his neck.
Lewis pulled back then gazed into your eyes, "So do you."
His lips softly pressed to yours, surprising you. You expect something more fevered and frenzied but there was nothing frenzied about the way his lips moved across yours. The languid way his tongue coaxed your lips apart continued with the way it stroked and wrapped around yours. He was taking his time, pressing this moment to his physical memory banks. When his hands slid down to rest on your hips, he pulled you closer and a groan slipped from him vibrating against your lips.
Lewis' fingertips pressed roughly into your flesh and the heat from him seared the fabric of your dress and branded you. "Mm."
When he pulled back, his forehead was pressed against yours. "Thank you for coming," he whispered.
Holy shit you thought. This was new somehow. There was something about this exchange that felt different from every other one over the years. The way your heart thundered against your rib cage was also new and because of how close you were, you worried he could feel it. Just as you were going to pull away from him, you looked up into those dangerous burnt honey and bourbon eyes and you were trapped, captivated and so ready for him.
The moment was thick with the promise of more but then Roscoe cut the sexual tension with a bark. That was where you found the strength to tear yourself from him creating space as you wondered what the fuck that was.
"Hungry? I made your favorite."
Lewis rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head as if he too had been greatly affected by whatever that was just now. 
"Cool. I set the table on the balcony. Thought we could eat out there," you said walking back to the kitchen counter.
"Need help?"
"No. You and Roscoe go sit I'll be out soon."
Lewis lingered for a few moments before he walked off to the balcony with Roscoe trotting behind him. You busied yourself plating up the meal you'd made with him in mind. Then you plated Roscoe's vegan feast. When you put his bowl down, Roscoe immediately went for it.
"Roscoe, what do you say?"
Like the obedient pup he was, he stopped in his tracks before he buried his face in the bowl then yipped at you before circling you once and giving your exposed leg a lick. Your heart melted.
"Good boy," Lewis rewarded.
Roscoe then happily dug into his food as you placed the rest of the plates on the table. Before you pulled out your chair, Lewis beat you to it. He was always the perfect gentleman but because of the moment you shared earlier this also felt different.
"Thank you."
"It smells amazing," Lewis complimented as he prepared to dig in.
You watched him take a hearty forkful then smiled when his eyes lit up. He moaned and added another forkful before finishing what was already in his mouth.
You giggled and followed his action. He was right. It was good, you knew that though. As you ate, he told you about his last few weeks of work and play. He told you about the week he'd spent with Miles in Japan and the latest on his niece and nephew and other family members. Then he listened attentively as you spoke about your last few weeks and the details of how you'd spent your time away from him.
By the time dinner and dessert were finished and the sun had long set, you continued to listen as he spoke of his day and the changes they'd made for the next race. He looked tired as if this chosen career was taking its toll. A sudden urge to give him a massage washed over you and without thought you stood, moved behind him and did just that. As expected, his shoulders were tense.
Almost as soon as you started Lewis moaned then relaxed under your hands. His words stopped and the only sounds around you were the sounds of Roscoe peacefully napping at your feet and the quiet nature sounds of Qatar. The longer you massaged you found yourself relaxing as if this was as natural to you as breathing. When you felt Lewis' head resting against your stomach you looked down and found his eyes staring at you with nothing but tenderness and awe. It was then you realized how very domestic this was especially right now.
Lewis' eyes continued to bore into you making it impossible to look away. Gradually your hands slowed until they came to a complete stop. One thing that did not stop was your heart. It pounded loudly in your ears, and you knew he could either hear it or feel it. You tore your eyes from his and looked into the sky at the full moon.
"U-uh--um...this is amazing, so beautiful," you stuttered as you stepped away from him ready to clear the dishes away.
Before you made it, Lewis grabbed your hand and pulled you to him bringing you down into his lap. Again, on instinct you wrapped your arms around his neck while his engulfed your waist.
"Did you miss me, Y/N?"
His voice was low, only loud enough for you to hear. You watched him rake his eyes over every inch of your face before he gazed back into your eyes.
"Did you miss me?"
It was a cop-out; he'd told you that he did last night. Lewis smirked then sighed as he tipped his head back to look in the sky. Nudging his chin up to it, he spoke.
"I’ve looked at that moon every night no matter where I've been for the last 5 weeks, and I thought of you."
You looked across to the full moon then back at him. He looked as if he were having an internal debate over something. He remained quiet for several long moments and when he spoke again, what he said surprised you.
"I thought what is she doing right now? Is she looking at the same moon? Does she miss me? Is she having fun right now or is she home unable to shake the inexplainable blues? Or am I out of sight and out of mind? Is she smiling at someone else right now the way she smiles at me or letting them kiss on her? Is she working herself into the ground or unable to get up because of how crippled she is with this confusing sadness?"
Lewis took a breath then harshly released it. Keeping his eyes on the moon, he continued oblivious to how you were crumbling before him.
"This moon is the only thing that made me feel closer to you. This moon has seen me do embarrassing things all in the name of you. Things I don't fully understand yet. Things that are completely unexpected especially for me."
You remained silent unable to speak because you knew if you did you would blurt the answers to each and every one of those questions he wondered about. So, you bit your tongue and focused on not crumbling any further and resisting the urge to kiss him. His eyes shifted to you, and everything became too much.
"You’re so beautiful like this," Lewis whispered bringing his hand up to caress your cheek.
"I look jet lagged."
He smiled softly, "You look flawless."
Your stomach did backflips now. Holy hell, the man was on a mission to ruin you.
"I missed you too," you said in a daze.
They were words you hadn't planned on saying, words you'd been trying to keep in for weeks. Words you were reluctant to speak out loud because words carried weight. Words held implications and brought complications. From the way he looked at you now you could tell those complications had just sprouted and had now woven around the two of you. A clean break looked to be something that was quickly drifting out of reach.
Lewis' cupped the back of your head then pulled your lips to his. Kissing you slowly he sparked the desire for him in you that laid just below the surface--always just at the surface. Within seconds you twirled your tongue with his, teasing as good as you got. It didn't take long for the kiss that began slowly and felt timid and investigative to turn sultry. When he moaned against you, yours followed.
You felt like you'd been struck by lightning, but the feeling was 10 times more electrifying as if you stood in the sand in the middle of a storm and the act of lightning striking the sand also set you ablaze wrapping you in a cocoon of flames and electricity. Soon you'd pulled the hair tie from his hair leaving his black and blonde braids free.
Your lungs burned and begged for air--they pleaded for the very sustenance that would prolong your life, but you didn't give them what they craved because you craved something else entirely. Lewis pulled his lips from yours then bombarded your neck with kisses. The more he kissed the hazier everything became. When you leaned back the clatter of dishes brought you back to reality.
"Lewis--the--the dishes," you whispered. Anything louder was above you right now.
"Leave them. It doesn't matter."
Moving you as he pleased, he rearranged your positioning so you were now straddling him.
"The dishes will sit here if--if--."
Lewis claimed your lips again clearly in an attempt to shut you up. You moaned as you felt his hardness press against the quickly dampening fabric of your underwear.
"Lewis," you groaned again.
"Tomorrow’s another day."
With that he went back to your neck this time sucking his path to the one spot he knew you would be powerless to fight against. Your gasp was high-pitched and jagged when he sank his teeth into your flesh.
"Fuck," you croaked as you held onto him tighter. "Lewis."
His lips were on a mission, and it was to make your panties not just damp but soaked. He was well on the right path, and he knew it. The feel of his hand sliding around your waist and against your stomach left a trail of heat and need. Then when he pressed his palm between your breasts right at your sternum, he paused. You knew he was feeling your heartbeat.
Lewis' eyes met yours and the same wild passion you felt thundering inside of you, you saw mirrored back in his eyes, and it scared the shit out of you. He continued to press down sending your back to rest against the edge of the table.
From there he trailed that same hand up, up, up to your neck where he gripped it and squeezed. It wasn't hard enough to cause harm but just enough to thoroughly ruin your underwear. Another moan escaped you and this one was very telling. Lewis brought his other hand into the mix just before he dipped down and cupped your breasts.
"Oh fuck, Lewis," you whined.
The feel of his large hands massaging you sent actual chills through you and made you want him even more.
"I like the way my name sounds from your mouth," he mumbled against your neck never stopping the assault on your skin. If he kept this up, you were sure you'd cum.
At the thought of cumming Lewis doubled down on the spot on your neck while his hands continued massaging your breasts. Every so often he tweaked your nipple through the thin fabric of the dress. His hands left your breasts for a few moments, and you whined, begging him to come back. Lewis gripped your hips as he stood. His body was now keeping you pressed against the table while he slid the dishes to the side of the table away from the two of you, then he plopped you on it.
From your half-lying position, you stared at him taking in how unbridled he looked. His hair hung loose around his face, lips red and swollen, eyes completely glazed as he stared at you like you were his next meal.
"So damn beautiful," he mumbled before he hovered over you and kissed you.
The kiss was so passionate, so deep, and all-consuming that you struggled to hang on to your sanity, struggled to keep yourself restrained so you didn't say something you oughtn't. Lewis kissed a blazing trail down your throat, across your collar then down the center of your body until he nipped at your nipple which strained through the material of your dress begging for more.
His lips didn't stop there though, when he kissed just below your belly button, he gripped your thighs.
"I'm hungry."
His intention was now crystal clear, and it broke through the haze in your brain. You gaped at him.
"What?! Here? We're outside on the balcony Lewis."
"So what?"
He slowly hiked up the hem of your dress as your brain sputtered, "So what? People could see."
Again, Lewis' response was nonchalant, "So?"
Dropping a kiss to your inner thigh, he sucked onto your flesh making your nether parts twitch and throb. He was not playing fair. Lewis trailed a path of open-mouthed kisses, nibbles and fire to your pelvis. Your body involuntarily lurched upward sending your sex brushing against his jaw. Lewis groaned then cussed.
"For fuck, Y/N, you will be the death of me."
He laid the flat of his tongue against your core then licked upward nudging your clit which felt incredible, so incredible you exclaimed into the night air.
"Baby," you whispered.
"Still stop, little butterfly?"
"What if someone sees? We can end up on TMZ or Daily Mail? If that happens everyone will know, this--this becomes--crazy."
Lewis stared at you really thinking about your words. He looked like he was quickly running through the possibility, but not even a minute went by before he spoke again.
"Listen to me. I want you in every aspect of the word want, everything it epitomizes. Everything."
Lewis scoffed then shook his head. "I want you, Y/N. I want you emotionally, mentally, physically, I want to engulf you, swallow you whole so my entire being captures your entire being."
Holy shit in a manger, you thought as his words washed over you. The intensity in his eyes only stole more of your breath.
"I don’t see outside, I dont see a balcony, I don’t see anything but you…and me."
Lewis laced his fingers through yours holding your hands against the table in the most tender way. His eyes so clear and open bore into you working whatever magic he had that always made you want to give in to him. "Let me have you…all of you. Every inch, every single part that you hide and tuck away, every part that you hold back from me, every layer that you deny. All of you."
Elsa's ice castle had nothing on you, right now in this moment being pinned underneath the last man you had ever expected to fall for, you were completely frozen as every single feeling you were currently feeling came to life in your mind in the form of screams. He'd always had a way with words and right now you decided to be just like Elsa and let it go.
And that was what you did. You let go. You pulled him to you by the collar of his shirt and crashed your lips to his then kissed him like the desperate, needy woman you were. All the weeks of pent-up urges and desires came pouring out of you. You no longer cared to hold back, no longer cared if you slipped up and said something first. He'd just said plenty. Lewis moaned as he battled for control but found no winning ground until he pulled away then kissed down your body again.
With rapid movements he raked your dress up around your waist then pushed your panties to the side. Once you were bare for him, he buried his face between your legs wasting no time on teasing. He licked and sucked at you like he were a starving man and every moment without the sweetness between your thighs caused him mortal pain.
You arched your back off of the table as your moans echoed around you. Resting your hand on his head you used it to center yourself. You knew you weren't going to last long; it had been too long, and you wanted too much. Lewis released your other hand and used his fingers to spread you. He then concentrated attention of his tongue against your clit sent you over the edge and you collided hard into your release.
A long drawn-out screech left you as your body convulsed from the sheer power of your orgasm. The sun had set hours ago but the entire sky lit up again with the oranges, purples, and reds. As you rode the wave of pleasure, Lewis remained between your legs inching you higher and higher with a series of mini orgasms that left his name on your lips.
When he emerged and kissed his way up your body he nuzzled your neck. "You've never shook before," he said looking into your eyes.
"Something is different," you whispered.
He studied you for a few moments then nodded, but before he spoke you kissed him again as you sat up. Taking control, you turned your bodies putting him against the table. Lifting off his shirt, you dropped it to the floor before you attacked his chest and teasing the spot right at his collar.
"Aaah, shit."
You didn't relent hellbent on making him as weak as you'd been moments ago. Lewis gripped the edge of the table as you continued your onslaught of kisses, licks and nibbles across every inch of his exposed flesh. When you made your way down his chest, and across his abs his eyes were glued to you. As you met them, you undid his pants then yanked them down. His hardness sprang free then bobbing in the air before you. Pre-cum dribbled from him while the length of him spasmed. You blew on it, making him groan loudly.
"Fuck don't tease me, Y/N, I can't take it."
You smirked. "As you wish."
With that you took the entire length of him into your mouth bottoming out as you tightened your throat around him.
You moaned when you felt him throb even more from the tight confines you'd forced him into. Your name tumbled from his lips over and over, and as it did you pushed past all the boundaries and things got messier and messier. Each moan of your name sounded softer and softer until he looked to be completely at your mercy.
Before you knew it, Lewis had pulled you to your feet and crashed his lips to yours. His tongue coiled around yours just before he sucked pulling you into a sinful exchange that you desperately wanted more of. As he kissed you, he lifted you securing you on his lap and in the same breath lowered you until he was filling you to capacity.
"Oh fuck!”
Neither of you moved, both of you allowing the moment to consume you. However, neither of you could stand the stillness for long. Lewis lifted your body then lowered you again sending a shiver through you when he nudged deep inside of you. Fuck he felt good, you thought to yourself, throwing your head back.
As he moved you against him, you rocked on him using him to chase your next release. Soon your movements became frenzied, both of you desperate for one another.
"Y/N," Lewis grunted.
Each time you flicked your hips forward, he held you tighter. Soon he was practically dropping you on his cock allowing gravity to do the work. Every time he did that you clenched around him sensing how close you were.
"God, you feel so good baby," you said, holding onto him tightly.
Lewis turned and splayed you across the table spreading your legs wide so he could watch himself slide in and out of you.
"So fucking pretty. Watch me fuck you little butterfly. Watch this thick dick fill you up."
You eased onto your elbows and did as you were told. Your pleasure increased as you watched the sensual act of your coupling. Every few strokes, Lewis slowed down then locked eyes with you.
"Mmm do you see that? Your tight little pussy creams for me."
Dipping your hand down, you swirled your clit then rolled your eyes to the back of your head when that lit a fire for something so intense you could feel it burning through you like a lit TNT fuse.
"Oh god I'm gonna cum," you warned.
"Cum for me little butterfly. Cum all over this dick. Let me see how good I make you feel. How perfect we are for each other."
Lewis circled his hips hitting every angle with precision and without mercy. The pounding of your heart in your ears drowned everything out. The only thing you could focus on was the way your body tingled as if the entire thing was asleep and slowly waking up.
"Yes, yes, yes right there. Right fucking there Lewis!”
When you screamed your body shook again, you'd lost all control. Lewis' lips claimed yours, swallowing your scream but joining you with his own shout. It felt as if he were taking the life from your body but giving you his in exchange, fusing you together in an unbreakable bond. In those seconds that both of you came together you transcended space itself, floating off out of your body to soar in ecstasy just before an inky darkness swallowed you whole.
Slowly your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you noticed was the feel of softens under and around you. It contrasted from one of the last feelings you remembered before your world went dark. You realized in moments that you weren't on the table anymore. Glancing to your right you squinted as bright sunlight assaulted your retinas. A soft groan left you then you rolled to your left hoping to get away from it.
Your arms stretched and you took note of the emptiness beside you. That didn't feel right. You shot your head up and looked around, keeping your eyes squinted. It was either early morning or afternoon and you were not in your own bed. You dropped back down and allowed the memories to come back. When they did, you flopped onto your back and flinched as the throbbing ache of your body became a focal point.
"Jesus. What the fuck Lewis," you groaned reaching between your legs as the ache persisted. When you did that, you felt the soreness of your back and it was then you remembered lying against the stone table as Lewis had his way with you.
Coiling into a ball you flinched at the raw burn of your knees. When you looked at them you saw how bruised and chaffed they were. You recollected kneeling before him as you brought him to the brink of recklessness then again on the table as he buried his face between the full swells of your ass.
Though you were in pain your body thrummed alive with the beginning stirs of desire. Unbelievable you thought. You wanted him even now. Sitting up, you slowly slid to the foot of the bed then took a breath before you stood. Upright the thoroughness of the fucking you'd taken last night washed over you and you smirked because you regretted nothing.
After a piping hot shower where the pressurized showerheads worked magic on your aches, pains and soreness, you felt more human. When you walked out of the bedroom wrapped in your robe you made your way to the kitchen hoping to find some strong Middle Eastern coffee that would make you feel like a NASA rocket.
Before you made it to the kitchen you caught sight of Lewis from the corner if your eye on the balcony working out. He dropped to the floor did 5 perfect push-ups then 5 plank tucks before coming back up to do a sequence of right and left hooks with short jabs. He did it again and again and by the 4th rep your jaw was dropped as you stared at him. His body glistened with sweat and that sweat only made his newfound more defined muscles that much more mouthwatering.
You slurped back the little bit of drool that was almost dribbling from the corner of your mouth, "Holy shit."
Unable to look away you watched him move on to pull ups. With his back facing you, you got the perfect view of his shoulders and the incredible definition of his back. He was gorgeous and you knew then that though you hadn't said the words to him it didn't make it less true. You wanted him and he had you in more ways than you liked.
Unexpectedly, Lewis turned and caught you ogling him. A cheeky smirk stretched across his perfect face, and you knew there was no way to play it off. Still, you tried. Clearing your throat, you walked to the kitchen and said a silent prayer for health and wealth to whoever delivered the coffee then poured some into the ornate and vintage looking tea and coffee cup, then smiled as you took a sip.
The flavors of cardamom, cinnamon, hints of cedar, creamy pistachio and something close to cherry washed over your tastebuds and in seconds you'd finished the cup. It was that good. You poured a second cup then took your tine with it.
You could feel Lewis' eyes burning into you and though he made no sound you knew he was coming to you. When his scent wrapped around you, you sank your teeth into your bottom lip hoping to stifle the moan. He didn't touch you, but you knew just how close he was to you. Just when his proximity alone was causing havoc on your senses, he brushed his lips to your ear.
"Good morning."
The sudden urge to push him against the wall filled you but you resisted.
"Was it? I woke up alone. For a man who said he wanted me here you sure don't show it."
Lewis came around the kitchen island and took a coffee for himself. "Of course, I want you here, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes. "Yet I'm sleeping alone and you're working out."
You were only teasing him but parts if it felt true. Lewis put his cup down and came around to you wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry. When you blacked out last night or this morning for the 3rd time, I put you in bed, but I was still wired, like more wired than I've ever been. I tried everything video games, working, reading, watching tv nothing worked. I just wanted you more and more. This workout took the edge off."
You let his words resonate. Blacked out? Third time? He wanted you? You finished your coffee then walked out of the kitchen toward the balcony. The memories flashed through your head like a movie. You had blacked out 3 times. He'd put in work work.
"So you were trying to hold back your perv tendencies."
Lewis snorted then wrapped his arms around you again.
"If I'm a perv then what does that make you?"
He turned you to face him and you smirked.
"The innocent obviously."
Lewis smiled then caressed your jaw. "I'm sorry I took too much last night."
You studied him for a moment then smiled. "I'm standing and able to walk. I don't think it was too much."
Lewis stared into your eyes trying to figure out if that was true.
"So you're working out because you're still horny."
He licked his lips then slid his hands down your arms.
"I'm working out because I'm wired and--you're not helping with what you're wearing."
His thumbs hooked at the collar of your robe teasing it. You smirked.
"Oh no?"
You pulled the sash then dropped the robe at your feet to stand before him completely bare. Lewis sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes raked over your body. His expression was pained as if he felt tortured.
"You want to not be able to walk or sit right today huh."
With a shrug, you slipped a hand down the front of his basketball shorts then smirked once you had the prize in hand.
"You're already so hard."
Boldness overtook you making you lower to your knees. You ignored the burn from the stretching skin over your knees and pulled him free.
"It's day time little butterfly. Someone could be watching," Lewis cautioned.
You smiled while stroking his length, preparing him for you.
"Then I better give a good show."
With that you lowered your mouth down his need, wasting no time with teasing.  Lewis' hands slipped to the back of your head as he watched you please him. The tight clench of his jaw said he was barely holding on at this point. When he began thrusting forward, pumping your mouth you opened your throat so you could take more of in.
'Aaaagh! You're ruining me Y/N. I'm completely fucking ruined for anyone who isn't you!"
You moaned then slurped your way up his shaft and smiled as you jerked him.
"You like hearing that huh? Like knowing that you've got me to the point where I dream about you at night and fantasize about you during the day. Like knowing that anyone who approaches me to flirt or hint at wanting to be on their knees in front of me like this is met with quick dismissal."
You moaned again then found his dick slipping down your throat. With a few thrusts, Lewis was fucking your throat for his enjoyment and your punishment for your cockiness. He knew you liked knowing that.
"You like knowing that your name is my favorite thing to moan. Like knowing that I only want you, I only want to be around you, I only want to show you these countries, I only want to experience this life with you by my side."
You paused completely shocked at the turn of his confession.
"Don't deny it."
He didn't give you the chance to before he shoved his cock right back in your mouth. Taking control, you gave everything you had used all the tricks in your repertoire all in the name of his pleasure. Within moments Lewis grunted and held tightly to your head as he released spurt after spurt of himself down your throat. You moaned as the hot thick substance hit the back of your throat, but you didn't pull away, you locked eyes with him and swallowed everything he gave.
Lewis pulled you up then threw you over his shoulder before stalking toward the bedroom. Once there he dropped you onto the bed and watched as you spread wide for him. Lowering himself, he hovered over you then swiped the tip of his hardness across your sex. You shivered then bit your bottom lip.
"You like knowing that you are the only woman I could ever--would ever want to go completely bare with."
His words brought back the memory of just that happening all night and early morning. Lewis watched you waiting for you to say something, object, anything but you didn't. Lewis slowly nudged forward pushing into you so achingly slow making sure you felt every inch, all the stretch as your body tried to accommodate him after it being pushed to the brink hours before. You gasped as the mix of pleasure and pain sent you so close to the edge it became impossible to breath.
Lewis looked as close as you were. With him fully seated inside of you, your eyes lingered as his body did over you.
"I'm yours, Y/N."
Your breath caught and the only thing for you to do was come clean.
"I'm yours."
At first Lewis looked completely surprised but then slowly he smiled.
"Took you long enough."
You snorted. "You still said it first."
Lewis flicked his hips forward making you groan.
"We'll see who says it most."
Drawing his hips back he plowed forward with full force making your eyes roll back and your body quiver. It was going to be a long day.
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transzilla · 6 months
You met me over grindr while I was in the city for a one night stand and for some reason we kept in touch, some glow around me that you really liked. Your living situation is a little crowded so we figured we would hook up in an empty bulldozer at a construction site at night. I work at a fire tower in the mountains and I really like other trans men but due to the geography haven't found anybody to stick around, so I tend to get around quite a bit when in the city.
Your living situation is tough. You've tried to go on hormones, or blockers, but keep being shamed and rejected and getting pressured out of it by distant family members or chaser-y roommates. You have no room to grow. You're fucking miserable. You contemplate offing yourself, guiltily, but quickly shoo the thought away considering you have a roof over your head and no real reason to be sad.
We text obsessively. I'm lonely out there, stealth trans in the middle of nowhere, and whenever I have service we text, call, vent, joke, bust balls, tell each other all our deepest, darkest secrets. They're looking to hire another lookout, my coworker retired. It requires you to live onsite and they provide housing without taking it out of your paycheck. I sympathize with your situation, I tell you you'd do well in this position, I'll put in a good word for you with the forest service, you should apply. Get you out of that glorified pig sty and somewhere with fresh air where you can finally breathe.
You get the job, make a fucking decision and leave everything behind to come work with me. We reunite, get drunk, get you accustomed to your new life. You talk to very few people and nobody seems to clock you as trans anyway. Your daily work is hard and manual but refreshing compared to customer service. You let me rail you every night, your food is taken care of, you're reading and working out and getting your back blown out on the clock.
Sometimes it feels like I make you do everything I'm supposed to do, I seem to enjoy watching you sweat and lift heavy things and slack on my work. I have a ton of testosterone that I share a little too excitedly with you and it doesnt look prescription, in small brown vials with blue caps, some of them are labelled cypionate but also proprionate, enthonate, undecanoate, demonic incantations you've never seen before in your life. And I'm real weird about always doing your injection for you. I stab it in so fast and it looks violent but it doesn't feel as bad when you do it, but the way I make eye contact and hold the needle in my teeth while I do my own injection is a little off putting. I'm constantly pushing you, nothing you ever do is good enough for me, all of my fetishes while we're fucking seem to entail you doing push ups naked, squats, bending over and letting me examine you, your legs getting so sore after im making you ride it, letting me squeeze your tits and feeling your pec underneath the breast. I smoke a pack a day and pressure you into joining me, complimenting you on how raspy and fucked up your voice sounds.
You have doubts. You aren't able to call your friends as often as you thought you would. When you talk to people you've been isolated so long you talk over them garishly, talk all about yourself, make too many dirty jokes and swear too much the way we talk to each other, awkward and unfit for civilized society. All you have is me and you have no choice but to trust that I have your best intentions in mind.
You let me teach you how to use a shotgun the salty perfume of the gunpowder staining your hands as your aim gets better and better, your guard lowering the more I've been praising you for doing what I want. We went hunting and you shot your first deer. I was so excited and you were so validated by how proud I was, it felt like a big hug from the inside out. You send a picture of the field dressed deer to your old city friends, guts steaming in the morning sun. they're absolutely disgusted by the fact that you would do such a thing and show them. You're a fucking machine of a man now and you're able to tame the wilderness everywhere except for in yourself.
After months you plain don't recognize yourself in the mirror. Your hair is wild, your facial hair not just a few long pubes jealously untouched on your chin but a uniform patchy stubble shaved haphazardly when you were tired of it being singed when you did fight fires. Knuckles scarred, shoulders broad, the gross muscle you feared you would develop rippling like a tiger under your skin and the extra weight you've gained. You talk like I do, you act like I do, you think like I do, you can't tell where you stop and I start. Your reflection looks sleepless, disordered, lost, a thuggish stranger. Heartless man.
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pokestudentjune · 6 months
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In all honesty I'm pretty new to this whole rotomblr stuff, and I'm not all to osure how to work it that well.. But I'd still like someplace to document my life and experiences, as well as share my knowledge about pokemon and plants! Got plenty of cute pics of my pokemon and the ones I meet as well! Please feel free to reach out with asks about myself, my pokemon, or anything in general-- I'll do my best to answer to the best of my ability :)
Here is my current travel team!
Lotus the Ivsaur
Modest, highly persistent. A water lotus variant Ivysaur with a water/grass typing, and practically my soulmate. My first officially owned pokemon, gotten from my grandmothers venusaur as a child. Lotus has grown and matured with me through the years, and is always looking out for me! Shes trained in battle and performance, but we have since retired from coordinating and she'd rather sit back and experience life as it comes.
Scout the Lopunny
Sassy, likes to fight. One of my first wild-caught pokemon, and both me and Lotus's best friend. Shes quite a fan of my more feminine interests, often asking to share my clothes and music. Shes definitely one of my more battle + performance savvy pokemon, and we're working on learning mega evolution together! She wears a light blue letterman jacket I bought for her once, she wanted to dress similarly to an idol group we saw online once!
Grim the Joltik
Jolly, very finicky. He is literally the sweetest little baby ever. He was an unexpected capture, having hopped onto my phone one day and refusing to leave. He loves to suck out the battery life from practically my devices which drives me insane, but I wouldnt trade him for the world. Despite being small for the past few years, I think he doesnt want to evolve which is fine by me! I think he enjoys riding on my head or shoulder.
Jasper the Typhlosion
Rash, quick to fight. A large, bulky, fluffy, shiny typhlosion with a scar across his muzzle. Rescued from a "backyard zoo" situation, it took a long long time to fully gain his trust, but it was worth it. Hes very standoffish but protective of me and the team. Lotus was a big help in calming him during the beginning, and now he enjoys battling to blow off some steam.
Harlequin the Banette
Quirky, impetuous and silly. Perhaps my first ever pokemon friend. We met when I was a small child and he was still a shuppet. Its a bit of a long story, but he stuck through with me during some negative times within my early years even as a wild pokemon, and would frequently visit to keep me entertained through the years. I didn't catch him for many years, but one day after being a trainer for a while, I asked him if he'd like to join my team and has stuck around since. He wears a chunky bandana on his neck thats practically the size of him.
Jade the Noivern
Adamant, alert to sounds. One of the newer additions to the group, i had caught her within a cave and she showed fighting spirit right off the bat. I took the time to train her in between my studies and she evolved into a speed demon. She absolutely LOVES flying and I myself had always wanted to ride on a flying pokemons back, so its a win-win. She looks up to Jasper, and they often spar together.
I have plenty of other pokemon back at home that I'll introduce when the time comes, but these are the ones I think are best suited to help me during my studies! Perhaps I'll switch around the team, maybe I wont. It takes a while to transfer pokemon across regions but who knows where life will take me!
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// OOC
Hello hello! Just like June, I am very unfamilliar with tumblr as its been years since I last used it, but I've been religiously stalking rotomblr for years now and i figured its my time to make a blog! Heres a few things about how I'll be running this blog :3
• This will be a mix of anime and game, keeping it semi realistic as I love biology and science but still want to keep some magic from the pokemon games included!
• June is basically a self insert so no weird stuff!
•For Junes universe, fakemon, sentient pokemon, or pokemon/human hybrids or anything similar to that doesnt exist-- again, I'm keeping it a bit semi realistic. Pokemon crossbreeds are fine though!
• This is very casual!! Just for fun slice of life blog :3
• In this world, legendaries are gods and greatly affect the environment, so June may not interact with those who "own" legendaries because she greatly frowns upon messing with the natural order of things.
• Feel free to dm me or send me asks ! I'd love to get to know the community more :)
• Also i might not do many fully pieces and more colored sketches because I am very busy irl unfortunately
• Im okay with interactions from other OCs and canon characters !
If you want to see my art look at #june pics ! working on tags for informational stuff but #june talks will have some fun pokemon info + junes story so far!
• Pelliper Mail is : OPEN
• Magic Anon is : CLOSED
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
One Way to say I love You
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Summary: Toge has a weird habit and won’t tell you what it means.
Word count: 797
A/N: Just a little thing I wrote to help with my writer's block. Big thanks to @just-jordie-things for letting me use her idea for this piece. I hope you enjoy and have a good day. MDNI with any of my work even if it’s sfw.
    Dating Toge has been amazing. You might think that his limited vocabulary makes it difficult to communicate but it doesn't. We've come up with our own type of communication. It's a mix of sign language and our own jesters that no one else understands. Though there is one thing he recently started doing that I can't get him to explain.
    At the most random times he sticks his tongue out at me. It's adorable but I don't understand why. He refuses to tell me as well no matter how many times I ask him about it. He'll just shrug, and walk away. If we're in class he'll tap my shoulder and when I look at him he will unzip his collar, and just stick his tongue out at me.
    The weirdest time was we had just finished a small mission we had been sent on. We were both slightly bruised because the curse was stronger than expected and we were waiting for our ride to pick us up. He nudged my shoulder and when I looked at him he was just sticking his tongue out like it was the most normal thing in the world.
    As I opened my mouth to ask again why he kept doing that, a car pulled up and the driver ushered us in. Breaking my train of thought. Toge just smiled at me, zipped his collar and climbed into the car. I sighed climbing in as well, thinking about how I can figure out the meaning behind the seemingly random jester.
    A few weeks have gone by since Toge started sticking his tongue out randomly and it's driving me crazy. I can't figure it out and now our friends have picked up on it as well. I'm now more determined than ever to figure out why he's doing it.
    With today being one of the few days we got off from training and studying I figured I could probably corner him, and make him tell me. After we had breakfast with our friends, we ended up going to his room to relax. When we got to his room he immediately took off his jacket and collar leaving him in just a T-shirt. His adorable markings on full display. Sensing my gaze he looked me dead in the eyes and stuck his tongue out for just a second before laying down on his bed.
    I rolled my eyes, before asking a question that seems almost futile at this point. "Why do you always do that?"
    Toge just smiled at me, said "bonito flakes" meaning he's not going to tell me and then made grabby hands at me. Motioning for me to lay down with him.
    So here we are about thirty minutes later. I was leaning against the head of the bed with his head in my lap. I was just running my fingers through his soft hair. He was so relaxed, slow breathing and his eyes closed so I figured he was sleeping.
    Lost in the thoughts of how much I love this little dork. I realized I wouldn't want to be in this position with anyone else. Without thinking too much about it I let the words slip out. "I love you, Toge." It was quiet so I didn't think he would hear me. But when I looked into my favorite pair of violet eyes I knew he heard me.
    I stumbled over my thoughts trying to think of a good lie to cover it up, not wanting to scare him away. But then I realized he had sat up and had once again stuck his tongue out at me. I was no longer embarrassed but completely confused as to why?
    "Toge, why are you sticking your tongue out at me, I just said I love you, and you stick your..... oh." It finally struck what he meant when he would do that. I blushed as I pieced it together. "Wait have you been saying... this whole time?" I asked, trying to confirm my suspicion.
    He nodded with a bright smile and a quiet whisper of 'yeah'. It was rare for him to stray from his rice ball ingredients but when he did it made me so happy. And in this moment it proved he was telling the truth, as he doesn't do that around anyone else. Not even Yuta one of our closest friends.
    I returned the smile before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on each cursed seal on his cheeks before giving him a peck on the lips. He smiled and returned the kiss.
    When we separated, we both moved to be laying down silently agreeing that it was time for a nap. We cuddled up to each other and quickly drifted off to a peaceful sleep. 
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 13 - Sex, Drugs, & Rock n Roll
Summary: Up and coming Rockstar Eddie meets his dream girl on Corroded Coffin's first tour. And she's nothing like what he thought she'd be like...
Word Count: 991
Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie x Pornstar!Reader
Rating: T - I KNOW LISTEN BEAR WITH ME...we're playing with the oxymoron ok? ITS NOT ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP
Warnings/Themes: minor discussion of the rockstar/pornstar life (of which I have no experience), mention of smut but nothing graphic, strangers to...somethings, AU within an AU, satire, metafiction, angst, fluff, friendship
Note: Keeping in theme with Saturdays tying into my existing series, this entry takes place in the dream-AU that I just established in the last chapter of my series Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction, which is a story about Eddie realizing that he's been written into a crossover fanfiction with his favorite fictional character (you) from a cult classic television show called Port Geneva (which exists in-universe but obviously was made up by me). Does it sound like a headache? Because it probably is. STFF is EddiexFem!Reader. But its fun and if you're willing to give it a shot...idk I'm biased but 10/10 recommend.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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If someone would've told Eddie that he would meet his favorite porn star--let alone sleep with them--he would've said they were delusional.
But there you had been.
In the pit at one of the shows on their first tour. A face and body he'd seen dozens, if not hundreds, of times on tapes from the adult section at Family Video.
Someone he'd convinced himself he loved, in some weird and desperate way; the world was unforgiving and you were reliably in the VCR anytime he needed you, so could you blame him?
He'd intended to find you after the show, but you had the guts to come and find them first. To tell them you'd been a fan of theirs after seeing them at the state fair last year.
Then one thing led to another...
It was wild, what coincidences and experiences his rising fame brought to him, especially in a dinky town like Port Geneva.
"It's not that dinky," you laughed. You were curled on your side, hand tucked under your head, staring at him like he’d just hung the stars. Maybe he had; he’d made you scream, after all.
A feat he was pretty proud of, actually.
“I’d never even heard of this place before coming here,” he scoffed in return. "Couldn't even tell you what state we're in."
You hummed, “it's funny how you'd never heard of this town but you recognized me.”
You'd brought it up more than once downstairs at the hotel bar. Disbelief that he knew your face when the whiskey had loosened his tongue enough to admit it. Almost to the point of self-deprecation.
“It’s just a job,” you explained. “It pays the bills. Makes relationships hard. But I have a little trinket shop in town. M'sure it’d be closed by now if I didn’t get those checks.”
And whatever stories he'd made up about you in his head before to convince himself it was ok to sort of be hopelessly in love with someone on the other side of his television screen were soon replaced with facts about the real you.
The reality of this situation made him, in contrast, feel almost too embarrassed by himself and his so-called fame. You, happy to stay here unknown, and him, riding his rising star all the way to the top if he could.
There was a long way to go.
”Well I’m surprised you’d heard of us,” Eddie scoffed. “We’ve only had one or two singles on the radio. We don’t even sell out our shows.”
“You will.”
“You have a lot of faith in us.”
“You don’t?”
“I feel like we’d do better if I still sold weed at the merch table before our gigs.” He smiled as you laughed, genuine joy radiating in his heart to see it.
“That’d get people in the door,” you agreed. You poked his cheek. "I forgot to get a t-shirt, by the way. Was too busy chasing after you like some hopeless fangirl to stop."
This was how it’d been all night. Nothing like he expected.
None of it was, actually.
It had been a whirlwind and he knew he wasn't the only one who felt like that. One day they were managing their own shit, going from state fair to state fair on their real first "tour." Then they had music on the radio and a manager and were on their way to making their first album...eventually.
Albums don't make money, Phil had said, shocking them all when Eddie had asked about it. Touring does.
They'd been offered uppers when they were tired, downers when they got too riled up. There was more money thrown around than any of them had seen their whole lives. And then there was a stern discussion where they had to decide what their future looked like and if they were in it for the long run.
They were just a bunch of guys in their 20s...and they had to decide their whole future right now.
But tonight's show was the first where he actually felt in command of the stage and not just like he was playing pretend.
He and his friends finally got their dream.
People knew them, knew their music, some people even sang along.
You hadn't even been the only one to approach them after the show.
Did they even deserve it?
"I'm just a guy from Hawkins," he whispered to you. "Waiting to wake up from this dream or for them to send me back."
Or something else. There was a lingering feeling that there was just something else waiting for the penny to drop.
Eddie continued spilling his soul to you, in hushed whispers across the pillows, about his hopes and fears, and before he could get to a point where he was certain he was about to cry...you crossed the distance and pressed a kiss to his lips.
It could have been a shut up, you talk too much kind of kiss, but there was something so soothing about it, about the way you caressed his cheek and dropped tiny pecks against his mouth when all was said and done. Two kindred spirits, finding their way to each other in a mess of uncertainty.
"The future is scary," you told him. "But you have to be ok with the choices that you make."
"Do you have any regrets?" he asked.
"Maybe. But then I wouldn't have gotten to meet you." You looked bashful for a second and then rubbed a hand over your face. "Yeah. The rockstar and the pornstar...definitely power couple material."
"We could be. They could write stories about us one day."
"Eddie, it's a one-night stand."
"Doesn't have to be."
"And who is this they you speak of."
"Our adoring fans."
"Uh huh." You snorted. "You have to buy me dinner first before we have some epic love story worthy of stories written about us."
Eddie just smiled.
"How about breakfast?"
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