#but i'm literally losing my mind with my mac......
emmafallsinlove · 10 months
has anyone knows how to open a mega file in macbook pro? i've downloaded the eras tour movie but i cannot get it open, meanwhile it works perfectly fine on windows.
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smallgreenbean · 3 months
wait, holy shit. It’s like, my 20th rewatch of Frank vs. Russia and I literally just put together the “the way to make a man fall in love with you is to make him feel like you are his mommy” thing with ALL of the parallels to Mac and his mom to Mac and Dennis. Dennis has been mean and neglectful and dismissive and abusive toward Mac in every way that Mrs. Mac has. And it did fucking work. The years that Dennis was the worst toward Mac were the years that Mac was most obsessively in love with him.
so what does that mean then? was Dennis doing it all on purpose the whole time? Or was the system built from that too? I’ll have more coherent thoughts on this later, and I'm sure somebody's said this already, but I’m losing my mind rn
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byfulcrums · 10 months
I wanted to talk about this because it's been on my mind since I finished season 4
The way peaches represent Sun Wukong and Macaque's relationship. When they're happy in Flower Fruit Mountain, just the two of them — no brotherhood, no Jade Emperor (along with the entirety of Heaven), no journey to the West —, Sun Wukong gives Macaque a peach.
It doesn't look like much. SWK eats peaches all the time and his mountain is filled with them (seriously, is that all he eats? He really, really really loves peaches, man. How does he not get tired of them? I'd get grossed out after the first few months), of course he'd give one to his best friend! His most loyal subject!
In this scene, they're comfortable with each other. SWK talks about how what he wants is to live a lazy life with him and his monkeys, just chilling and eating peaches and basking in the sun? I can't remember exactly what he said but the point is, that he wants things to stay like that forever. Just the two of them (along with a thousand monkeys), living happily in a mountain with SWK being strong enough to protect all of them
SWK gives Macaque a peach. Macaque accepts it; the peach is fine. They're good.
The next time we see one of them give the other a peach is during another flashback, the one where SWK and Macaque are talking while Sun Wukong is sealed under the mountain (the position he was in looked so uncomfortable? He wasn't laying on his belly with the mountain on his back, he looked like he was trying to run away before he got caught with the mountain on his back), and they are definitely not good then
Macaque offers Sun Wukong a peach (read; Macaque offers Sun Wukong a peach, when Wukong was the one to offer one to Macaque before. The sun gives the moon its light, but the moon can't offer anything to it in return) and Sun Wukong acts passive aggressive with him, leaving it clear that no, Mac, he doesn't want that fucking peach (well, maybe he does, but we'll get to that later)
They're both in the right here, but they're also both in the wrong. Macaque is right for being angry at Sun Wukong. If he hadn't followed Azure's plan (he [Azure] was so fucking grooming that monkey, what the fuck. Not sexual btw), the brotherhood would've been fine, and Sun Wukong wouldn't be trapped under the mountain. However, Sun Wukong is also allowed to be angry at Macaque; from his POV, Macaque ran away from the fight when he realized they were losing. Macaque pretty much abandoned him first. I'd be angry too, honestly
Macaque is wrong for telling Sun Wukong that he's the one that got himself in that mess when really, that was partly Azure's fault. Weren't it for him Sun Wukong apparently wouldn't have cared about Heaven, since unlike what happens in JTTW (haven't read it yet, pls tell me if I'm wrong!), all he wanted was to live a comfortable life and train his troops (Azure was the one who saw him first; he found this... child? And thought that yeah, he can use this. He put him in a pedestal and showered him in compliments he didn't deserve nor want. He manipulated him to get what he wanted; not a king, but a weapon)
Sun Wukong is in the wrong for treating Macaque like shit here too, since he literally warned him and again, he wasn't at fault. Neither of them were!
Back to the point — in this scene, when Sun Wukong rejects the peach, Macaque crushes it with his hand. Later, after Macaque leaves, Sun Wukong expresses how he actually really wanted that peach. Or, in other words, Macaque tries to offer Sun Wukong his support, his friendship, and when Sun Wukong rejects it, he gives up and destroys any way of getting back together; later, it is revealed that Sun Wukong didn't genuinely want to be left alone, and that he did still wish to be friends, in a way
This, we can say is the point where their relationship was broken. The peach is left on the floor, abandoned, and Sun Wukong with it. As far as we know, Macaque didn't come back after, and even if he did it's pretty obvious that wouldn't have gone very well
(Also, just to add, and you can skip this part if you want! When Macaque is looking at the memory, he looks kinda confused? Like he doesn't remember it happening that way. Maybe that's one of the LBD messed with when she brought him back, if she even was touching them. I'm not sure if that's canon, I forgot. Please tell me if you know?)
The next and last time one of them offers the other a peach it's, again, Sun Wukong to Macaque (it's almost like that's the way it's meant to be. Huh. Sun and moon indeed haha!)
They're in a beach again! Yay! Sun Wukong's (and possibly Macaque's later, if he gets a proper redemption arc) friends and family (MK and the gang, and also the DBK fam) are there too. Sun Wukong is watching them in the sun (lol) when Macaque goes and joins him. He doesn't even go there to annoy him and as far as we know he didn't even get an invite, so he really just went to the event to chill with SWK. During this whole scene, we can see that Macaque isn't interested in starting a fight (fucking finally, man), even if Sun Wukong does act kinda aggressive at first. Which, y'know. Fair
They're in a beach again. Presumably not the same one, but still a beach. They're back to the beginning, but not really, because they're both different people. They've changed, and their relationship(s) with them
This time, it's not an actual peach being offered. It's a peach popsicle. I don't know how to spell that. Sun Wukong offers it to Macaque, and Macaque looks surprised but eventually accepts it. He appears to be happy with this
This I believe represents how they're both willing to begin a new relationship (platonic, romantic or something else, see it as you want). A new relationship; a changed one
Sun Wukong doesn't give Macaque an actual peach, he gives him a peach popsicle. He's offering his friendship, an offering Macaque accepts, but it's not the same it was before, and it never will be. They know they'll never be the way they were in the past, and they accept it. Sun Wukong offers Macaque his friendship, telling him that it won't be the same, but that if they want to heal then they've got to accept that — and Macaque takes it. It's not the same, there are mistakes that can never be fixed and actions that can't be undone, but they're willing to start anew
It'll be different, but it could be even better if they try (if they fucking COMMUNICATE for once)
And the popsicle will eventually melt. They'll eventually fight again; they'll fall apart, and maybe get so angry at each other they'll refuse to talk to each other for a while (y'know how stubborn they can be), but (usually depending on where you live) popsicles can be surprisingly cheap!
If the popsicle melts, if they struggle, they'll just buy another one, they'll just keep trying
Now all we need is a scene where Sun Wukong (or Macaque, to show them as equals if not in power then in... y'know, their relationship? I'm not sure what the word would be) gives Macaque an actual peach to show how they're them again. Not the same, never the same, but still them
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Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, and dance, also are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted. They also are shorter than them and have small hands.
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Oh mi gosh,
You two are the most wholesome couple this side of anywhere.
Literally two peas in a pod.
Disney movies every movie night,
You bake together,
You draw together,
And he loves watching you dance around.
One of your favorite things to do is to walk around the city at night,
Just to see what you'll find.
He loves how easily flustered you are,
He thinks it's just the cutest!
Mikey thinks it's hilarious how shocked you get when someone swears.
You'd think someone just killed your grandmother!
The first time it happened is a treasured memory for the whole family.
Leo had fallen off his skateboard and smacked his face on the ground.
*Le gasp* "Language! Oh my gosh!"
Everyone just kinda looked at you then started laughing.
Mikey loves how much shorter than him you are.
I mean sure, it's only a few inches,
But he likes to rest his head ontop of your's.
Leo loves to make "That's what she said" jokes around you,
Mikey hates it,
He's scared you'll lose your innocence.
But everytime Leo goes, "That's what she said!"
You'll just look at him and say, "That's what who said? Who is 'She'? And why won't anyone tell me for gosh sake??"
"I'll tell you when you're older Cutie Pie."
You and Mikey are literally the sweetest couple, like, ever!
He finds your innocence impressive.
With the excistence of the internet,
He assumed there were no innocent teenagers left.
But you are on a whole new level of innocent.
And he thinks it's adorable.
Donnie does his best to shield you from Leo's jokes,
Because he is not about to let you be ruined by his brothers' crude sense of humor.
So imagine his surprise when you come ask him what one of these jokes mean.
He looks at you,
Then sighs,
You look at him confused as he stands up and grabs his tech bo
*Que screaches of fear*
Donnie loves that you dance too.
You guys have small disco parties every Saturday night.
He also loves how naturally curious you are,
Because it usually leads to him answering your endless questions about a ceratain topic.
But he doesn't mind.
He likes it when you ask him questions.
He also thinks its adorable how easily you get flustered.
Especially when it's over something as little as a movie scene.
He will tease you,
Just to fluster you even more.
And holy truffle mac & cheese,
You're so small!!
He has a habbit of resting his elbow on your head.
Kinda like how he leans on his tech bo.
You'll usually wave him off, and grab his hand instead.
Raph loves your innocent nature.
It just plays into how sweet you are,
And Raph loves him some sugar.
He's more than happy to participate in your hobbies,
Especially if it means you're trying to teach him something new.
You just look so cute when you're concetrating!
Like Donnie,
He does his best to keep you from Leo's awful jokes,
And like you,
He isn't very fond of swearing.
He'll act just as flabberghasted as you if one of his brothers were to swear.
Like, ExCuSE mE??
WaTcH YoUr MouTh YoUnG MaN!
Now when it comes to how much smaller you are than him,
It really depends on the day for how he feels about it.
On the one hand,
You are so tiny and adorable and he could just hug you for hours like holy crap.
Then on the other hand,
He is terrified he'll hurt you.
Human skin is just so friggin fragile,
And he doesn't want to be the reason you're in pain.
Just make sure your sweet self reassures him,
He'll get over it pretty quick with your help.
Oh my god, this boy teases you endlessly.
His favorite thing ever is to make you all flustered and stuff.
Whenever you two watch movies together he'll always pick some cheesy romance flick,
Just so he can watch you hide your face in your shirt whenever something romantic happens.
Leo loves baking with you.
Even if he's only allowed to watch.
(He set the kitchen on fire the last time he tried to actually help and in turn was perma banned from cooking.)
He likes trying all the sweet treats you bake up for everyone.
He also enjoys making jokes he knows you won't understand,
Because you look so cute when you're confused,
Your face gets all scrunched up while you try to figure out the joke,
And to him it's the cutest thing in the world.
Leo likes it when you freak out over swearing,
He thinks its funny.
You'll fan yourself with your hand all taken aback.
And your voice goes up an octave when you adress it,
"PARdon me?"
"I said fuck, (Name)."
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owliellder · 1 year
Music Recs (for writing)
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I thought it would be fun to make a post of the type of music I listen to when I'm writing while also providing music recommendations cause i love finding new music myself. obviously I'll add more as I go along
I use music to help with feelings (like angst, love, fluff, etc) since I struggle conveying those naturally and I only really use apple music because spotify has always evaded me, so I'm literally just going to write each song and then link it on youtube 😭
also heads up, my music taste is EVERYWHERE so there is no rhyme or reason to any of this
Fluff/Happy Mix:
Fall On Me by R.E.M.
Fresh by Daft Punk
Keep Feeling Fascination by The Human League
Around and Around by John Denver
Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits
Feel It All Around by Washed Out (don't mind me, just adding Washed Out's entire discography here)
You'll See It by Washed Out
Veridis Quo by Daft Punk
Face to Face by Daft Punk
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
It's Raining Again by Supertramp
Take The Long Way Home by Supertramp
Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol
Goodbye Again by John Denver
Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve (this is a very specific type of angst I feel)
Belong by Washed Out
Phone Call by Washed Out (this version of the song can only be found on youtube)
You and I by Washed out (again, this specific version is only on youtube)
Clap Intro by Washed Out
What Once Was by Hers
Just Wait Til Next Year by John Maus
Sprawling Idiot Effigy by Nero's Day at Disneyland (I do not suggest you listen to this one unless experimental music is your thing cause I tend to listen to Nero's Day at Disneyland when I am too under-stimulated to write)
(In) Love:
Love Story (Instrumental) by Lana Del Ray (I put this on loop for hours it's such a beautiful instrumental)
Digital Love by Daft Punk
Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths
Linger by The Cranberries
Annie's Song by John Denver
The ENTIRE Paracosm album by Washed Out (trust me on this one it all flows as one song)
Eyes Be Closed by Washed Out
Amor Fati by Washed Out
Everything in You by Adventure Time (ft Half Shy) (the Fionna and Cake series ruined me)
Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues, London Festival Orchestra
Baby I'm Yours by Cass Elliot
Stay by Oingo Boingo
Spice 😈:
not a lot of this yet since i tend to listen to my BG music when writing smut
Lose Yourself to Dance by Daft Punk
Make Love by Daft Punk
Something About Us by Daft Punk
Instant Crush by Daft Punk (ft. Julian Casablancas) (I really like Daft Punk)
Why (12" Version) by Carly Simon
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Back Home Again by John Denver
Poems, Prayers, and Promises by John Denver (I also really like John Denver)
Kids by MGMT
The Ghost Inside by Broken Bells
Andromeda by Weyes Blood
Luck by Washed Out
Far Away by Washed Out
Fly Away by John Denver
General Scene Building/BG:
now this is my favorite part since these are what I use most often when writing. you can pick out obvious tone indicators here in the titles 😭
a way i've learned to tap into certain feelings for when i'm writing is by using my own feelings on personal experiences, so a lot of these playlists i'm linking I have a lot of personal connection to (also because they're all so damn specific)
you're inside the last memories of a dying person (playlist) by nobody
you're an astronaut lost in space (playlist) by nobody
i feel like i've been here before (playlist) by nobody
|| nobody here || Silent Hill fog core playlist by Armand Tormo
February 22, 2001 - A liminal playlist by Dan
recalling moments of a christmas that never happened (playlist) by nobody
you're visiting the grave of an old friend while remembering the moments you spent together (playlist) by nobody
you found a place where spring is eternal (playlist) by nobody
you're staring at the ceiling while creating romanticized stories in your head (playlist) by nobody
you're walking under the golden trees watching the melancholic leaves dancing in the air (playlist) by nobody
Lost in the Poolrooms (a visual vaporwave mix) by K1K1n
Music for Vibin' on Jupiter's Hydrogen Sea (vaporwave mix) by olimar124
Unknown Songs (Lost Media Comp.) by Christopher Cherigo (one of my hyperfixations is unknown songs lololol)
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mylittleredgirl · 8 months
m*a*s*h update: rest of season three!!
i watched "aid station" and transcended to another realm
i watched it three times and will watch it many more i am SURE
the adventure! the war up close! hardship-earned respect and affection!!!!!
"never let it be said that i didn't do the least i could do" i need that in live laugh love font on my wall
this episode reminded me a few times that oh right, hot lips is the only one of the main cast who signed up and trained for the army on purpose
(and father mulcahey i suppose?)
anyway. long story short. if they had actually shown hot lips changing that tire i would never recover
"love and marriage" - hooray for kwang getting a personality and backstory, and hawkeye and trapper trying to make amends for frank
absolutely bananas that the officers hear a fight happening outside with a shot fired and collectively ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and keep playing. henry you are in charge. someone could be dead
"big mac" - i loved the opening in the o.r.! sometimes it gets a little mean-spirited in there, but this is a light-hearted day at the office where everyone in the room gets to laugh out loud as frank walks right in the teeth of it for literally no reason
i am enjoying the ongoing bit of hawkeye or trapper saying hello to frank and him responding to an insult they haven't said
hot lips's little "frank, they'll kill you." she's not even trying to defend him. she has given up against the overwhelming tide
the casual revelation in "payday" that henry has an open question in his mind about whether or not he's radar's father is a late-breaking reveal i'm gonna think about for a while
colonel flagg. hmm. his first episode was pretty funny because of the spy vs spy thing, but spy vs self was a dud
and then! "abyssinia, henry"!!!! 😢
my gratitude to the anonymous benefactor who hooked me up with a digital copy of this episode, since the dvd cut out before the last scene. which as it turns out!!! was important.
for television in general i assume
not to reveal myself too much as an uncultured hack... but i will confess my first reaction was "well, that was unnecessary"
in my defense!! i'm watching it in 2024, when a character death happening in an off-screen coda would really seem like a showrunner slamming the door behind a departing actor to make sure they couldn't come back no matter what change.org petition the fans cooked up on twitter, you know?
BUT. placing myself back in time. where this is happening partly as a commentary on another war, i get it!! unnecessary death is the point!! it's a tragedy people will have to sit with for months while the show is on hiatus!
HE NEVER MET HIS BABYYYYY (who they clearly forgot about, or they probably would have reminded us in the episode itself just to drive that punch home)
anyway, i have really never seen such a lovingly crafted goodbye episode for a character 💕
somebody PLEASE give radar a hug!!!!!! once per episode for the rest of the show!!!!
i mean sure henry DIED which obviously sucks for him and his variable number of children, but here radar loses his surrogate dad and gets frank in exchange. i mean tell me who suffered more
anyway!!!! in conclusion, season three was so good and funny and will be a tough act to follow!
my final awards for season three 🏆 best drama: aid station; best comedy: alcoholics unanimous; one i could most do without: the general flipped at dawn.
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To anyone who thinks this blog supports antisemitism
This is a story I've wanted to share for a very long time now. I do NOT support antisemitism in any form. I will staunchly defend my Jewish friends, and family, as literally ALL my childhood friends growing up, and my mom's side of the family, are Jewish. All of them. I was the outlier as someone raised in a nonreligious household. I saw nothing wrong with this, nothing awkward, and loved my friends as siblings, and my extended family as close people to myself.
One day, as an adult, I'd been very suicidal. I've since gotten help, and started therapy, and I'm ok now. But before this, I wasn't ok at all.
Wearing Mjolnir, as I did every day, and blasting Viking metal, I drove out from my house to the local Quick Check (a 24 hour store in America), and decided to cheer myself up with comfort food.
However, as I drove past, I saw a car parked on the side of the road, against the bridge. And there, I noticed, was my neighbor from a few houses down, peering over the bridge. He is a Hasidic Jewish man, who always wears a Yamaka, has a thick beard, and raised all his children the same way.
Immediately, I realized, what if he, too, decided to end his life? He did recently lose a son, just a year ago.
I quickly pulled into the store, turned around without a doubt in my mind, and drove back to the bridge, turned off my music as I understood that could be triggering, and pulled up behind his car. Calmly, I walked out, and asked him, "Hey, are you ok?"
The man smiled at me, turned around, tears almost dotting his eyes, and gave a nod. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. I just like to watch the cars below." He pointed to the turnpike below us.
I smiled back, and nodded. "Ok. I just wanted to make sure," I said. "I know how difficult things can be." Not sure what compelled me to say that last sentence, but I said it anyway.
The man nodded, and looked at me, an obvious Norse pagan, and just smiled. "Thank you. I'll be ok, though. I promise."
Nodding, I told him to have a nice day, and enjoy the cars, then I went back into mine, turned around again, and went to get my food.
I never saw him on that bridge watching cars again. In fact, I never saw him again after that, and thought he'd moved with his family.
That was about 3 years ago now.
Tonight, I went to get dinner at Quick Check again. But at the same one, I pulled up to get mac and cheese, and suddenly, there he was. After 3 years, I'd seen the man again. He headed for the door, as I wore a Tyr rune pendant this time, and he was obviously hesitant as I rushed past him. But I didn't hesitate as I opened the door and smiled at him kindly, and allowed him through first. I'm grateful to know we both survived. That HE survived. I don't know if he remembered me or not, but I sure never forgot about him.
And I'm just glad we both made it, no matter our struggles. Years later.
Never forget where kindness and understanding can take not yourself, but most importantly, others. Always be kind. Always choose love and support.
Care about others. Love others. And fuck antisemitism.
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harlequin-hangout · 2 years
For a Mortal Chapter 2
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist
< Part 1 | Part 3 >
Pairing: Dom!Loki x f!Reader
Warnings: Self esteem problems, self deprecation, ⚠️abuse (past, not from Loki)⚠️, minor breaking and entering
Contains: Angst, maybe a little fluff, brain not processing the literal god, descriptions of sensual fluffiness
Word Count: 2.2k
Dividers are made by me! Want some for yourself? Send me an ask!
I do not nor will I ever give permission for my writing to be copied, pasted, reposted to other sites, or edited in any way shape or form. Seriously, just don’t.
A/N: Chapter 2!! This was inspired by this ask by @michelleleewise​. This is my first attempt at writing any kind of fan fiction, so please be kind. Thank you so much to @vbecker10 and @soubi001 for all the help with this chapter!! I'm so sorry that it took so long, inspiration hasn't been showing its face for this series.
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You groan, hearing the all-too-familiar 10 am alarm blaring next to you. Why you had never turned off that damned alarm, you’d never know. It’s not like you had anything to do that day, but it wasn’t good for your mental health to stay in bed. Turning off the alarm, you stare at the ceiling. Did last night really happen? It couldn’t have . . . right? Magic, gods, teleportation . . . it couldn’t exist in real life. That was ridiculous. . . wasn’t it? You haul yourself out of bed, gingerly pressing the bathroom door open. Everything was just as you’d left it. Clothes were strewn all over the floor and a combination of makeup and sanitary products littered the counter. Notably though, where you remembered placing a pine scented green candle last night was only a few drops of green wax. You stare at the empty counter space, ignoring your phone when it starts to ring. How was it gone?? Did Loki take it back? How were you supposed to contact him again? You sigh and rub your eyes, already wanting to crawl back into your bed. Last night was definitely too good to be true. Your phone began to ring again, Caller ID showing your friend Sobhana – Soubi for short – on the screen.
“Mmmh . . . Morning . . .” you groan.
“Hey! Someone sounds like she had a long night,” Soubi teased.
“Something like that . . . Either that or I’m losing my mind. What’s up?”
“Val and I were gonna grab something to eat at that Thai place you like. Wanna come?”
“Thank you so much for thinking of me, Soubi, but I don’t have money to eat out. I’d love to see you guys though, would you want to come hang out later today?” You heard Soubi laugh a little on the other end of the line.
“Don’t use your customer service apology on me. Did I ask if you had money? I got you, we’ll meet you there at 11:30. Sound good?” Soubi stated, leaving no room for arguments. “You can repay me by filling me in on all the work drama. I swear, that boss of yours gets dumber every time you tell me about him.” You burst out laughing. She wasn’t wrong. Every time you talked to Darren Albright, the stories got more and more unbelievable.
“Deal, and this weekend I’ll make you and Val some of that baked mac and cheese. We can have movie night at my place.”
“Movies sound great! I’ll always brie up for them, even if you pick the ones that are pasta-tively cheesy.” You could practically hear Soubi’s grin as you groan at her awful puns. She had more puns ready for any situation than anyone you’d ever met, and you absolutely adored her for it. Plus, two can play at that game.
“I better get ready, or I’m Ghouda be late.” You poke back at her, only lasting a couple moments before dissolving into giggles. “Yeah, no, that was bad. Yours was so much better! I’ll see you at 11?”
“You’ll get on my level one day, see you then!” Soubi hung up with a click, and you were left to search your closet for something clean to wear.
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You hadn't said much since you’d arrived at the restaurant. If Val and Soubi noticed, they hadn’t said anything so far. You mumbled your thanks as the waiter set the plate down in front of you, taking a deep breath before letting out a sigh.
“Y/N, you’re really quiet. That isn’t like you, what’s going on?” Val spoke up from across the table, concern in her eyes.
“It’s just . . .” You take another deep breath. “So, I might be going crazy. I had this . . . this dream, I guess? I dunno. I wouldn’t really call it a dream, it was so vivid, I could have sworn it was a memory, but I’m not sure what else to think.”
“Well, what’s going on?” Soubi inquires from your left. “If there’s something weird going on, you can always tell us.”
“Okay . . . Well it started after Darren called me last night.” You spent the next  thirty minutes filling your friends in on the previous evening’s crazy adventure. From the candle to the shower, to the almost – almost – platonic domination. “He didn’t even push for sex! Like I said, it’s like he could watch my memories . . . he knew exactly what I liked, but also what to avoid in order to make sure I was comfortable.”
“Wait, after all of that you didn’t fuck him??” Val almost screamed, and you had to fight back a giggle when she realized that people were looking. 
“No! We talked for a while, there was some gentle hair pulling while we made out, but he didn’t try anything unless he asked first or I initiated. I’m sure it would have been amazing if we had, though . . . I wonder what it would be like to fuck a guy who knows exactly what I want.”
“Sounds like an in-depth knowledge of sin and temptation are in your future and this god person is there to give a self guided tour.” Soubi’s comment almost made you blow soda out of your nose, and you take a few minutes to stop yourself from choking. Val was the first to regain control of her laughter.
“Soubi’s got a point though,” Val stated, wiping a tear from her eye. “He sounds too amazing to have been anything other than an imagination.” 
“See, that’s what I thought at first, but there’s these little green droplets of wax where the candle used to be.”
“Used to be?” Val raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, no. That’s really weird.”
“I mean, that’s physical evidence. That definitely means SOMETHING was there.” Soubi’s eyebrows creased. She wasn’t ready to say it yet, but she was definitely getting worried. “Do you have any makeup that could have left it? You accidentally melted that lipstick while trying to fix a break in it a while back.”
“You have a point, but I’m absolutely certain. I don’t own any makeup that color, and it was the exact same green with the same pine scent lingering. I have absolutely no idea what else it could be. I think I may be going crazy . . .” Your gaze drops to the table. You really didn’t want to admit it, but there was no other explanation. Some kind of psychotic break was the only logical explanation.
“Crazy, nothing, I’m worried that someone has been in your apartment.” Soubi muttered under her breath. “If someone was in your place, that’s really dangerous. They could have laced your food with stuff, or even the candle somehow. A hallucination would explain the god man appearing in your bathroom.” You glance at Val out of the side of your eye.
“I mean . . . It’s totally possible, but we still love you. I think you’re fine though honestly, you’ve been going through a lot lately, especially with your crappy job. I’m sure your mind is just looking for a way to deal with it while you're sleeping. Maybe get some extra locks though?” You smile softly, grateful to have friends with your best interest at heart.
“Yeah, extra locks seem like an amazing idea. But speaking of my crappy job . . . I believe I promised Soubi an update. Darren called me yesterday to tell me that I haven’t been doing anything for the company.”
“What??” Soubi hissed. “Didn’t you build an entirely new backend to make intake smoother?”
“And you do all the upkeep on it, right?”
“All by myself, I don’t know if he even knows how it works.” A wicked smile creeps across Val’s face.
“You should quit. It isn’t like he’s paying you anyway. Just quit and wait for him to come crawling back to you when he realizes how much you actually do.”
“As satisfying as that could be, he’s an Albright, he might make sure that I never work in the film industry again, and I’ve worked way too hard to get here.”
“Do you really think he’d do that?” Val inquired.
“Well . . . no, not really, but I also think that if I walk, I’m never getting my job back. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am, and if I step out of Darren’s company on terms like this, then I can’t use him as a reference. I’ll be back to square one . . .”
“Hey, look at me?” Soubi asks. “ You won’t be starting from square one. You’ll be starting from experience. I’ve seen you grow so much over the past year and a half, especially after you finally cut off contact with your ex. We’re going to support you no matter what.” You beam, taking a deep breath and feeling a moment of peace for the first time in the last couple months. Your life had become so hectic, but Val and Soubi had remained your constant. As long as you have your friends, you can get through whatever this curveball turns out to be. 
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Your laptop dings with the fifth email from Albright.  Even though he accused you of not doing anything, you still seemed to be getting a lot put on your plate. You look over the new client application, grabbing your mug of hot chocolate from your side table. The application was for a new marketing client, and they were only asking for a basic social media consultation and re-do of their old logo. You sip your mug as you spend the next few hours going over the company site and social media, compiling a list of suggestions and replying to Darren’s email with your recommendations. By midnight, you had sorted through all the new clients and organized materials for the current client, plus re-worked part of your backend system to make finding client information easier. You stand, making your way to the kitchen. After depositing your empty mug in the sink, you grab a cup of water to take with you to bed. Today has been hard, but you won’t let it get the better of you.
The next two days passed without anything of note happening. Your days are mostly spent messaging the group chat with Soubi and Val (Soubi has nicknamed it My Taste in Buds a while back) and job applications. You needed income from somewhere, and Darren wasn’t cutting it. Coffee shops, restaurants, and even some retail stores had been checked off the list, but it was Saturday and you weren’t likely to hear anything  back on the weekends. You close your laptop and head to the bathroom. A hot, steamy shower sounds like the most amazing thing right now.
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The water pours over your skin and the steam fills your lungs. You’d finished washing ages ago, but it was nice to take a moment to breathe. In here, nothing could bother you. Not Darren, not bills, not unanswered job applications. You could stay in your little bubble and pretend for just one moment that everything was okay. You’d been able to sit with the events of your dream, and process. Val was right, this was probably your brain rationalizing. The human brain is such an amazing thing, it never stops working. It probably took spots of stuff on your counter and the amount of smut that you read and turned it into a coping mechanism while you slept. You had to admit, it had been nice. His slender fingers sliding through your hair. The gentle way he spoke. His voice had been both masculine and ethereal. Both commanding and comforting. The way he had spoken to you after he pulled you away from your shower . . . The softness wasn’t something you were used to. You barely knew the man – god, if he was to be believed – but he was more considerate of your wants and your needs than anyone you’d ever dated. Hell, most of the people who called you a friend didn’t seem to care. Outside of Val and Soubi, it seemed that most people kept you around because of things they thought that you could do for them. It made perfect sense that your brain would supply a tall, dark, and elegant man with a voice as smooth as velvet to help meet the needs in your life that were left unfulfilled. You spend a few more moments reminiscing on the dream, focusing on how his hands felt on your skin as his lips brushed yours, waiting for you to close the last breath of space between the two of you instead of just taking what he wanted. He was too good to be true, and almost definitely couldn’t exist outside of a dream. You toweled off, wrapping that towel around yourself before reaching to grab another for your hair. You pause, sniffing the towel. Something didn’t smell right . . . It wasn’t the towels, and it wasn’t the clothes you had piled on the floor . . . You grabbed the knife that you kept in your bedside table for protection and quietly made your way towards the living room and the front door. As you stepped out of the hallway, you stopped dead in your tracks. You recognized the scent, but what was it? You take stock of your apartment. Everything seems to be in place, the door is locked, the windows are closed . . . What could that smell be? Then it hits you. It’s leather. Leather and sandalwood. And sitting on the side table next to your laptop is a familiar green pine tree  scented candle.
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Tag List: @sititran @lokixryss @vbecker10 @vickie5446 @soubi001 @ozymdias
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ohhhh my god mac. mac. part 2 of the cullen games. that was SO GOOD. i knew it wouldn't be that easy to kill edward bro i KNEW it couldn't be the real edward in the arena but god it was so satisfying just for a second to think that maybe he was dead. man. this campaign is everything. one minute arthur was agonizing over his own humanity and about to kill a woman and the next he was throwing it back on a tree branch. supermassive black hole playing in the background while arthur played vampire baseball. the boogie bombs. what the fuck was that <3
and OH MY GOD THEO WITH THE INSANE ROLLS????? BRO JUST DIDN'T DIE??????? WHAT THE FUCK????? CHARLIE'S DICE WERE BLESSED BY GOD OR SOMETHING THEO JUST DID NOT DIE. THAT'S MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! also I Understand his true faith thing. i get it now. i'm losing my mind over it. fellas is it gay to have such devotion and complete and utter faith in your best friend of all time to the point where you are literally immune to vampiric mind control?????? fellas???? is this gay???? is it??? who knows. thats INSANE though dude i so thought emizel and theo would have to try killing each other but theo just went "nope <3" and it was so fucking epic oh my god. theo is the GOAT!!!! FR!!!!!!
and arthur oughghgh arthur slowly losing more and more humanity by consuming these other vampires. what if i exploded. HIS WINGS BRO. HIS WINGS WERE SO SICK. THAT WAS THE SICKEST THING EVER. OH MY GOD. AND THE SNIPER RIFLE WAS ALSO PRETTY SICK NGL. god im obsessed with arthur he's literally such a mary sue character and i love that for grizzly actually. arthur just kept getting more and more cool and angsty throughout the campaign. i love me a man with cool wings who is also riddled with guilt and struggles to keep hold of his humanity <3
SHILO........ THE FUCKING. GUY OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY. ugh. dude. lemme tell u i went insane when charlie told bizly to remove shilo's innocence specialty after turning "edward" ugly. fucked up oh my goddd i love shilo fucked up moments <3 i love when shilo is fucked up and also loses all his innocence <3 also FUCK YOU BIZLY FOR DESCRIBING BEN'S LAST MEMORY. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK. BIZLY WHEN I GET YOU. oh i am so so scared of what he will do as the dm for prime defenders. mac im scared. if he can make me almost cry with one (1) fucked up little guy i am TERRIFIED of what he can do guiding a whole story
EMIZEL MY BABYGIRL <3 he is my everything. my right hand arm. man. my confidant. my silly rabbit <3 THE LIL NOTE HE LEFT IN HIS OWN ASHESSSSSSSS BROOOOOOOO losing my mind im going to be thinking about that forever and ever. my favourite part was him sucking gabriel to death <3 i love those two and their homoerotic fights. i know gabriel is dead but how fucking funny would it be if he somehow came back next season just to fuck with emizel. i would love that so much. also theo is totally still alive trust me he is going to find emizel and they are going to kiss next season. trust me charlie slimecicle told me himself 👍
man. that was SO FUCKING GOOD. god. im excited im so so excited for if/when another suckening season comes out. i love these guys!!!!!! i want them back ASAP i miss them already!!!! i do like emizel and arthur but tbh shilo reallyyyyy really grew on me. innocent lil guy who gets his entire worldview turned upside down and then does extremely fucked up things and loses some of his humanity along the way but still has so so much love in him and will continue loving and caring despite how shitty the world is. what if i exploded and died right now i fucking love shilo bathroy so much i am putting him in a microwave in my mind and spinning him around i am throwing him against a wall so he makes a loud thud like a sopping wet beanie baby full of milk i am grabbing him in my teeth and flailing him around like a chew toy <3
OK. WONDERFUL. prime defenders next 👍 im so ready i am sure there will be no heartbreaking storylines and no angst and people will not die and it will be a good happy fun time for everyone!!!!!!
DUUUUUDE THE FUCKING. THEOS ROLLS WERE SO INCREDIBLE . BECAUSE THERE IS A RUNNING JOKE ACROSS EVERY SINGLE JRWI CAMPAIGN. THAT CHARLIE SLIMECICLE IS FUCKING CURSED . HIS ROLLS ARE ALWAYS SO FUCKING BAD AND KNOWING THIS GOING INTO THE THEO FIGHT I WAS SO FUCKING STRESSED DUDE. I WAS SO STRESSED. I WAS LIKE FUCK MAN CHSRLIE IS ROLLING FOR HIM HES GONNA DIE HERE. AND THAT SCENE WENT ON FOR SO FUCKING LONG . GOOD GOD. I love you theo soda i love you so dearly. ugahbhhhh. also yeah fellas it's totally fucking gay. they did a qna after the last ep and talk about the true faith thing and how it works mechanically and jonesy and i left matching comments on it that looked like this:
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dude yeah arthurs whole.diablerie arc was so fucked up. he lost so much of his humanity at the midnight circle. god. broke ass ugly vampire still manages to be the coolest fucking guy ever. the curse of being a grizzly pc.
also there is totally 100% a way gabriel can come back next season because IN THE FUCKING. DEFINITION FOR DIABLERIE IN THE HANDBOOK it says . when you do that theres a chance for the soul of the vampire you killed to stick around and haunt your ass. I need this to happen
I also love shilo so much i think if I had 2 pick a favorite it would be him. i just. he makes me so sad. he's my fucked up little prince I love him so much :( he's never gonna get to go home again dude. hhughghghhghh :((((
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nessietessie · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
thanks for the tag, @menkhu!
coke or pepsi: i don't like soda lol
disney or dreamworks: disney i GUESS but like specifically pixar just because as a kid i watched both toy stories and also the incredibles over and over again
coffee or tea: i don't like either. i'll take milk though
books or movies: i guess movies, though i should read more.
windows or mac: unfortunately i'm a mac guy. it's what my family used when i was growing up and it's what i know how to use.
dc or marvel: neither lol. though i guess gun to my head i'd choose dc. i liked shazam.
x-box or playstation: playstation of the two of these, but i'm more of a nintendo guy
dragon age or mass effect: i haven't played either of them, nor do i have any desire to
night owl or early riser: kinda neither? i'm at peak power midday. but i do like to stay up kinda late sometimes. if 11:30 counts as late lol
cards or chess: cards. i'm not smart enough for chess, but i LOVE me some solitaire
chocolate or vanilla: tough choice. kinda depends on how i'm feeling but i do tend to lean vanilla more often
vans or converse: chacos. i love sandals
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idk what this is lol
fluff or angst: i don't really have a strong opinion on this one
beach or forest: maybe beach, if only for the novelty of it. landlocked gang rise up!
dogs or cats: dogs! i haven't had many good experiences with cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies these days
cooking or eating out: depends on the mood. oftentimes i'm too lazy to cook lol
spicy food or mild food: i'm kind of a weenie when it comes to spice, so mild. but i'm getting better!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas, just because i have the opportunity to hang out with my fam and not be at work for a little while
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: like. shapeshifting. or teleportation.
animation or live action: animation for the most part, HOWEVER the live action one piece slaps so. points for that i think.
paragon or renegade: assuming this is one of those games i didn't play. so idk
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: don't care. i don't like marvel
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: i have no idea at the moment. trying to think of what i frequently quote. a lot of opla these days. one of my faves is luffy's little "mutiny..." in the beginning of episode one lol.
youtube or netflix: well. i'm pretty selective either way. so both and neither i guess.
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson, though i only read like. the original five books and half of the first book in heroes of olympus
when do you feel accomplished: uuuuh don't ask me that lol. felt pretty good about getting 100 notes on a drawing i posted a few days back lol
star wars or star trek: don't care really
paperback books or hardcover books: prob hardcover because of my careless ass. harder to ruin a hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: writing and reading are neat and all, but i think i would literally lose my mind if i had to drive the 5 hours to my parents house without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? probably kat
city or countryside? small city? does that count?
favorite chips? sour cream and onion lays
pants or dresses? shorts, but also pants.
libraries or museums? libraries, because i respect what they do but also museums are really neato
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? voice actor. i would also love to get paid to play video games, which i guess can happen if you're a letsplayer or a twitch streamer or something
What gives you comfort? recently, watching one piece lmao. also sorry i guess for all the one piece on this blog but it's my house.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? i don't often listen to songs with lyrics so this is kind of a hard question lol. but how about all of the lyrics in "We Can" which is team Sonic's theme in Sonic Heroes. Love that. lol
favorite video game?
Tagging: lol. uh. anyone who wants to do this? i don't actually interact with people much on here, but if you see this on your dash and would like to take part, i say go for it!
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bewilderedbunny · 1 year
sallllly hiiii it’s gabby :) if you still want to do ships, i’d love one :) i’m 5’2ish? my body is… soft :) i’ve got curly brown hair in a shag cut now, brown eyes, pale as hell, lots of piercings (some on my ears, nose, septum and nips hehe) like 8 tattoos including sleeping baby snoopy, a jurassic park tattoo and a tramp stamp that says memento mori lol my style is pretty chill, lots of long skirts, band tees, doc martens or beat up sneakers very 90s esque-y i’d say? i loooove statement earrings :) i spend too much money on skincare and shower products lol hm i’d say i can be pretty snarky but i’m really sensitive lol i work an 8-5 office job but in my free time i like rotting in bed, trying new foods/restaurants, going to concerts, going to movies, reading, playing video games, going on walks and coloring!! i have a lil vinyl collection :) my fav artists atm are turnstile, weyes blood, rina sawayama :) some of my fav movies are little miss sunshine, jurassic park (duh) and scream (honorable mention for interstellar). hmmm i’m a gemini and infp and i’d say my love language is gift giving or acts of service. okay that’s all i got lol mwah mwah tysm 🩷🫡
Gabby!!!! My baby love 🥹💗 I'm so glad you sent this in. You are the cutest person ever and your sleepy baby snoopy tattoo is SO PRECIOUS !!
All aboard! 🚢
I'm struggling to pick between Steve and Robin for you. I feel like both of them need a sweet, fun, soft person like you in their lives :)
Maybe they both start working at your office job (because they have to work together. It's non-negotiable. Y'know that episode of it's always sunny in philadelphia where Mac and Charlie apply for one job using the same resume? That's literally them)
Anywhoooo. You're so chill and your style sets you apart! Both of them are drawn to you. Robin sends you the dorkiest messages on Teams because she's too nervous to talk to you in person. You bond over music pretty quickly and her messages make your day 🥹 she sends you music recommendations and throws in a few love songs, desperately hoping you take the hint.
Steve flirts with you in the lunch room 🤭 he starts off asking about your piercings and tattoos. If you felt comfortable telling him about your nipple piercings, he'd lose his fucking mind. And when you show him your Jurassic Park tattoo, he does the worst impression of a dilophosaurus you've ever heard in your life. And that butt in a pair of khakis? It's like he wants you to bend him over the lunch table and show him who's boss.
Anyway, there you go my sweet lil Gemini angel. Two idiots who would adore you 🥰 just like you deserve!
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delaina · 1 year
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meet delaina bailey — aged thirty two, cis woman, she / hers pronouns. event planner & coordinator in fairford, washington. residing downtown. single. portrayed by jennifer lawrence. penned by willow.
full name / nickname: delaina ashlyn bailey ( most commonly used nickname is laina )
age / date of birth: thirty-two, born on june 27, 1991
zodiac sign: cancer sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
place of birth: oceanside, california
current residence: downtown fairford
sexual / romantic orientations: homosexual homoromantic
occupation: event planner & coordinator
goals / desires: learning to hold her tongue when she needs to, finding the closure that she needs in order to continue on her pursuit of happiness, settling down with a life partner, mending her approach on relationships, find people who she is genuinely compatible with then actually put in the work necessary to keep them in her life, making others happy and leaving a lasting impression through her actions, to feel comfortable in her body whenever she feels too big or small for a room she enters.
fears: inadequacy, abandonment, commitment to a certain degree, the finality of death, losing the people she cares about suddenly and unexpectedly, disapproval from the people she loves.
hobbies: going on walks with bunny downtown, being intentional in her relationships to show them that She Cares, finding the best buffalo wings and beer combination in town, color coding anything she can, throwing a good ol' fashioned party be it thoroughly planned or on a whim, collecting makeup that she never wears, karaoke bars, brushing up on her bartending skills, smoking, drinking, reading. 
likes: being outdoors in the sunshine, furniture shopping, a well-made drink, getting her hands dirty ( figuratively and literally ), kissing, meeting new people, homemade mac and cheese, spending time with the people she loves, netflix reruns with wayne, one night stands, key lime pie, swimming in the ocean, david bowie, the movie wall-e, sex, starting arguments just because She Can, the color blue, her favorite pair of converse, diet coke in a glass bottle, driving around with no real destination in mind, night swims, a glass of red wine, brand new highlighters, being busy and feeling needed. 
dislikes: people not using their turn signals, the scent of gasoline, people cracking their fingers / knuckles, the texture of wool, confrontations that ultimately lead to a stalemate, the feeling of getting a spray tan, forgetting things, disloyalty, being late, accidentally burning something in the toaster and the way the smell clings in the air for what feels like an eternity.
hogwarts house: gryffindor.
parents: christopher bailey and marissa bailey neé seaford
sibling(s): two older brothers, aged 34-43.
pet(s): an australian shepherd named bunny.
my black sheep baby who is estranged from her family and just wants to create her own lil' found family with how big her heart is :’)
i play workaholic muses, what can i say? except delaina is in a whole other galaxy compared to stevie — she loves what she does and can't imagine doing anything else but girlie is always on the hairpin trigger of an actual nervous breakdown. she's had to go out and get tragus piercings / picked up smoking cigarettes to deal with the migraines and stress that she absolutely brings upon herself.
has a stick and poke tattoo ( among other professional ones ) of a tiny smiley face on her ribcage that she gave herself when she was sixteen.
delaina has a diagnosed learning disability in math, and it has always been a sore spot for her. school was never really her thing, and any time she was in a math class, it was like entering her own personal circle of hell? it gave her such a complex and deep insecurity that almost bore her need to compensate with such a brash personality; to this day, she will not go anywhere without her phone because the calculator app is her crutch for everything.
out and proud lesbian — is Wildly Commitment-phobic. also a lil' bit of a player? and by little, i mean lot. she can charm the pants off of anyone but doesn't like feelings. they're gross. 
she gives jenna marbles vibes. idk how else to explain it.
has definitely started one too many family arguments just because she can — i envision that she’s not really on the Best of terms with her parents and even though there’s love there, they’ve disagreed too many times and aren’t some close family unit. growing up, her brothers were everything to her, and they still hold a special place in her heart. if she ever got married, they'd be at her wedding and walk her down the aisle.
if you show her something on pinterest, she will attempt it. may not be up to par or even close to what she set out to make, but dammit, she'll try.  
joined marching band in middle school mostly as a joke. played the triangle.
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forthencho-pacino · 1 year
i think Bungie, and by extension, Sony, should acquire Halo
Look, i've been an xbox stan my whole life. never got into console wars as such, but just preferred xbox, mainly because Halo. it practically held my hand and led me into the world of obscure sci-fi and sci-tech. and i heckin love the franchise. the lore, the games, some of the media (didact damn thee, new tv series). and its because i love it that i think the franchise has a foot in the grave rn. we've seen so many people leave, so much hype gone to shit, so much of the player base just...gone.
i'm not gonna say that keeping this kind of a storyline going is easy. shit, i take a week to think up a half-decent daydream scenario. but after so much time, money, and manpower, the state of the franchise really should've been better than what it is. i'm pretty sure its just MCC and HW thats keeping it as alive as it is right now.
plus, i don't really think that microsoft acquiring activision is a good sign, either. this is a studio that has a history of stifling worldbuilding and employee freedom to get its games. heck, Bungie left activision to continue building Destiny 2, with one of the main reasons of the split being ''creative differences''.
game-wise, Halo was in its golden days with Bungie. i'm pretty sure all OG Halo players remember the Bungie opening to CE, their last message post Reach, and overall just how good the game was with them. agreed, the lore might have suffered a bit, but look at Destiny. its one of the most lore rich worlds that we have right now. so, clearly, they've gotten good with the worldbuilding.
HI might've had a good launch, but that was basically because of 2 things:
hey, its a new Halo game, lezzgooo
it takes place on one of the most important locations in the Halo-verse, Zeta
we've literally seen Bungie's rise to fame, as heckin Beyond Light became the console launch, not HI. i don't think i can comment on the player bases, because D2 is available on more platforms, but if you do a comparison of only Steam and xbox player bases of HI and D2, i'm pretty sure D2 will come on top (not gonna bring MCC into this because that's not something that was purely 343 and microsoft).
part of Halo's charm might be the platform exclusivity, but i'm pretty sure that the exclusivity doesn't count for shit if the franchise is practically dead. which honestly looks like a near future event for Halo. HI failed to deliver on multiple fronts, the TV series was practically a MAC shot into the franchise, and all the creative leads for the game leaving microsoft doesn't leave a lot of room for hope.
bungie taking their baby back has some chunky potential to boost the game back up. bungie gets something to work on after D2: Final Shape, Halo, comes into the arms of a team that has been doing pretty well in terms of game maintenance, story writing (ik Lightfall kinda sucked, but lets be honest, the general trend is still in Bungie's favour), and overall upkeep. not only that, the game gets access to an even bigger player base. and i'm pretty sure the worst case won't be all that different from what it already is.
a metric shit ton of people love the franchise, and i really think that most of us won't really mind Halo losing its ''Xbox exclusive'' tag, if it means the saga enters another golden age, which is something we all want to see.
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apopcornkernel · 6 months
hello,,,,,,, song rationale under the cut because im very extremely normal about them
I know I'm independent but I think I need ya Kayang mag-isa pero mas gusto with ya (I'm fine alone but I would rather be with ya) Parang mababaliw when I don't get to see ya (I feel like I'm losing my mind when I don't get to see ya) Sanay nang 'di umasa but ang gusto is ya (I'm used to not hoping for more but what I want is ya)
i've said this countless times but im so so obsessed with how much dinahbabs depend on each other and how babs literally called dinah for a mission in one of her lowest points and especially parang mababaliw when i don't get to see ya in the context of control freak babs like oh....
Gusto ka lang makasama kahit na abot umaga (I just want to be with you even 'til the morning) 'Di mawawalan ng gana, ikaw lang ang nakikita (Can't possibly lose any eagerness, you're the only thing I see) My definition of vision, no, I ain't into submission But that can still be your mission, forgettin' all my cautions
do i have to elaborate
Sanay nang mag-isa, pero mas sasaya Kung lagi kang makakasama (I'm used to being alone, but I'll be even happier If I'm able to always be with you)
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 yeah.
Right now I think you're the cause of my grief And I haven't slept well for a week You are somebody that I want to keep But you said, "It's not deep," and to that answer, I weep
loser babs is something i cherish so deeply like if anything the coffee sleep deprived fanon stereotype shouldve gone to HER and not tim!!!!
i think ALL the time about the post that's like "i am so happy for you and your ugly fucking boyfriend i'm serious" AND I THINK THAT . gestures at green arrow. gestures at dc who mostly pushes dinahollie and is also too much of a coward to ever outright queer a character as big as black canary (begging dc to prove me wrong btw). gestures back at babs
It's weird how people still think it's pretend The bond between us doesn't end But they don't know the long distance we went The one that we'll put behind us Now that we're more than friends
you know all those fucking panels where either other ppl are like "wait girlfriend as in...?" or that one where one of them was like "haha stop that they'll think we're an item 😝😝😝" yeah.
I always wondered if we passed on the street And I still never asked you yet to meet But there's no other place I'd want to be Than sat here replying to someone on a screen
PRE-REVEAL DINAHBABS MY ABSOLUTE BELOVEDHSJHKJFHKHGKSKLDJFLKSD god guys you know how much of a SUCKER i am for identity shenanigans.... the proper reveal in the hunt for oracle was amazing, dont get me wrong, but it would have also been amazing to keep the identity stuff going aughhh
And I think I need a picture 'cause it's never enough To see you smilin' in my mind when I lie still in the dark It starts with you-ooh Starts with you-ooh
pre!!!!!!!!!! reveal!!!!!!!!!!! dinahbabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you read everything you're supposed to? (Three little words, dedicate them to me) I'm wastin' away I feel so cold (Please make them personal then say them to me) I got a confession, I've never given up (My focus is everywhere, I'm not listenin') I just need to know if you're capable of love (I got a readin' on my palm just to see)
okay honestly i don't think i have to explain this one too much because no homoerotic relationship with partners closer than life is complete without the chain by fleetwood mac
for this one it's mostly vibes but this part of the chorus is also very!!!
If you talk to me really nice, you could be the pilot, you could be the boss With my top down, city ride, where we going? I Never need to know So we could dance, you could spend the night Tell a pretty lie and I could say I'm your love
dc comics hire me i will write a birds of prey oneshot where babs is on the field with dinah for a recon mission and their cover is that they're together. and also they will almost get caught snooping but then kiss me, quick! and they can't seem to stop once they've started but then alarms blare somewhere else in the sprawling manor and they stare at each other hair mussed and lips swollen and "so." "yes." "we should go." "we should." and they pick their wits up back from the floor and save the day and get the baddies jailed and they will never ever acknowledge this moment ever again in their lifes. except maybe to take out the memory in the stillness of the night and turn it over in their hands, chest tight with everything they will never say, can never say
the whole plot of this song is about getting wasted bc u saw the person ur deeply irretrievably in love with in the arms of someone else. do i have to even elaborate. i am so happy for you and your ugly fucking boyfriend im serious
I miss you now, what's come over me? We're hostages of geography The wait is long and heavy too Despite what you're accustomed to
LDR dinahbabs amen
I know life moves on, that's what scares me so Have no intentions of letting go Only us, no one in the world Only us, no one in the world
loving birds of prey additional characters of course but the original duo will forever hold a special place in my heart and in my delusional little head i think dinah and babs think of it sometimes too. in particular i think of that panel in bop #61 where babs said she was thinking of bringing helena in permanently and dinah started making objections 😶👉👈
I'd better do something, move earth and sky And patiently, sweetly, with all of my might I sing only for you, to the beat of my footsteps in the night
the beautiful thing about dinahbabs on the field is how despite the fact that babs rarely goes out herself, she's still able to rescue dinah always,,, the way she will literally call all sorts of favors just to get her out of danger,,,, it does something to me
I guess I'll never understand The line between our love and romance 'Cause when I look at you I Fall right into a dream Under galaxies in the middle of the city in New York So, I say thanks to an unknown force
im sorry but i dont think dinahbabs should ever be together. i need, no i REQUIRE them to be in the most horrendous situationship to ever ever exist. actually this is already canon in the bop in my head
Me and my friends do whatever we want And by friends I really only mean one in particular And that's you
i know they have lives and loved ones outside of each other but hear me out: what if they didnt
IM SORRY LMAO JFHDJDFHGKJD i'm just a hugeee sucker for those really unhealthy codependent relationships
Mmm, your hair's untied And it's only just about a quarter to nine You live east, so I walk backwards Sun's slippin' south on the west-side And we still got the rest of the night You live east, so I walk backwards babe
on twitter the artist explained this lyric as such: “In the summer I have a promise to see every sunset. But I live on the east side … and the sun sets in the west. So to get home I have to walk backwards to watch the sun slip… It’s about that perfect summer feeling”
and i think this kind of caught-breath soft summer moment is sosososo them like all the quiet longing buried under everything and everything..... and the laughter and the smiles and the setting sun warm and gentle on your face.........
I know your boyfriend's mad Watch you grabbin' my hand all day So, I just play it cool
do i even have to say it!
When I move and I ain't thinking It's natural when you walk in (Yeah) Feel you, honey (Yeah)
Theory of relativity I feel your gravity I couldn't let myself believe I told myself to breathe
dinahbabs magnetism and unconsciously gravitating to each other in every room yep yep!!!!
'Cause you do something to my patience I can't hardly wait
hgjdhgjkjhfgjkhdjgsh hey .
Come over, come over, I'm ready to see you Whatever you're schemin', I'm already dreamin' Come over, come over and don't keep me waitin' Got nothin' on my mind but the two of us
whatever you're schemin i;m already dreamin. GOD. DINAHBABS
After hours, there's a space for you in heaven Picnic on the floor by a warm fireplace Up to now, there were tens, but you're eleven Let me show you how you fit right into place
GKDFSJGHJFHKSJHKGHDFGSLDKFGHSDLFKJHDKJFGHSDKJHKDJHDKJFHGKSJDFHJKFH i'm sorry i'm not coherent but DINAHBABS also the last 2 lines,,, i can't help but think about that side story in bop secret files where babs was literally going through and discarding female superheroes for the honey trap mission in black canary/oracle: bop until she finally settled on dinah as the perfect candidate THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE
Honey, this club here is stuck up Dinner and diatribes I knew well from our first hookup The look of mischief in your eyes
oh god thinking again about that hypothetical bop comic i would write where they both go out on the field for recon and their cover is being a couple at a fancy eventkdfghdgjkghfdjgl
Your friends are a fate that befell me Hell is the talkin' type I’d suffer hell if you'd tell me What you'd do to me tonight
Scarcely can speak for my thinkin' What you'd do to me tonight Now that the evenin’ is slowin’ Now that the end's in sight Honey, it’s easier knowin' What you'd do to me tonight
Tell me, tell me, tell your man, ah
that is all. sorry to end with a whimper instead of a bang. also! midway throughout this post i realized i would do anything for someone to call dinah oracle's attack dog 😁
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thehearteccentric · 6 months
I wish I could have Mind be my sibling instead of my real life twin brother. I've been listening to him talking to his friends online, and he has said the following:
-He wants to use AI to code for him
-Thinks black people are the majority in Long Island
-Thinks you die shortly after turning sixty if you're overweight
-Confidently told his friends that turtles live an extremely long time and we got ours in the 1980's (we got them in like 2006)
-Literally as he found out Israel bombed Palestine during a ceasefire and talking about how exasperated he was said that he was still going to be pro-Israel bc they support America
-"Wait who's Frank Sinatra? OHHHHHH he was in family guy!"
Once again reminder, this is my twin sibling. And we're not like, fourteen either.
Wish I could've been at least afforded Mind as my sibling as I am Heart Chonny Jash. I would honestly rather be called a wild animal and pushed down a flight of stairs than this. At least I'd be able to sit down and have a conversation and not lose brain cells. And probably also not have eighty percent of the available food in the house eaten three days after it was bought, and also not have to clean mountains of garbage that he made, or have seventeen boxes of mac and cheese have only the macaroni eaten and then put the cheese packet to the side as if he couldn't eat the many other boxes of pasta.
Something gives me the vibe that Mind wouldn't eat much, would clean the house for (Soul and) me) and wouldn't leave a single box of cookies or party-sized Dorito bag or fifty empty two-litre bottles of Diet Coke behind, and if he didn't just leave the mac and cheese untouched ("[It's childish.]") he'd make it properly and probably clean all the dishes afterwards. And THEN he'd tell me to kill myself.
I feel like beyond the arguments and occasional wrestling-like-raccoons-on-the-living-room-floor, Mind would be a pretty killer roommate. A shame this Heart got stuck with Walmart Mind. And not the funny kind of Walmart, like the kind you'd find in a section it shouldn't be in whatever that someone accidentally knocked over a Sprite onto and now it's sticky and also half ripped open and reeks of BO and molten durian.
(Heart kins DNI, I'm not comfortable interacting with Heart kins I apologise :C)
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hi, how tall do you see y/n as?
Also could I please get a headcannon that's ledger!joker (ofc) with a short mixed fem reader if that's possible please (I'm 5'0)
Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
Lol, I'm short (and petite 😭 like a whole kid out here) but proud! PSA: I love tall daddies. Therefore, Joker is written at least 6'0ft. Y/n is however tall you are since I write for reader insert. So yeah, he's towering over us girl. Buckle up! Enjoy!
Joker is forever making fun of your short stature in comparison to his. Its both endearing and annoying.
Its not your fault your mixed genetics robbed you in the height department but he doesn't have to rub it in every day..
His favorite hobby is to move things in the apartment well out of your reach. J doesn't like you climbing counters and etc. to grab things and prefers if you call him to get it for you.
It strokes his ego that he's providing for you. Keep in mind that he created the problem in the first place!
Cups, boxes of cereal, the tv remote (?), even your laptop-- nothing is safe from being stolen and tucked away 'safely' out of your reach. Oh the irony..
Joker thinks it absolutely hilarious when you get frustrated and try to grab things by yourself.
"Awwww is my wittle bunny too short? Need some help?" You flip him off and try to grab whatever he stashed away.
You almost had it!! He just laughs and shamelessly enjoys the show. Your butt jiggles each time you jump and Joker can watch it shake all night.. that is until you trip and lose your balance.
Then he's rushing over to catch you before you break something and/or hurt yourself.
"Easy there doll. All ya had to do was uhh, ask for helP." He hands over whatever you almost broke your neck for with a lopsided grin. God, you love this annoying clown.
Thankfully there are instances where you get payback for Joker being taller. Low clearance areas are your favorite since you get to watch J clip his head and laugh at him when he grumbles in pain.
Watching him squeeze into a tight space (he's more mindful of the places he drags you into for a quickie) is hilarious since he's all arms and legs whereas you are in your element.
The height difference is so comical that Mac and Neo have joked about your stellar climbing skills. It's clearly a sexual innuendo and Joker gave them the death glare for it.
They haven't joked about your height since. Mac gifted you hiking boots in secret with a card that read, "Enjoy climbing Mt. Joker." You can't bring yourself to wear them. You must admit; you are an excellent climber..
Joker loves to rest his arm on your head or pat your braids like you're a puppy.
It irks your soul and he learned the hard way that you are short and therefore closer to his balls. You punch them in retaliation every time he treats you like a kid.
You like bringing Joker down to your level. Literally.
A plus in being shorter than J is that you tuck adorably into his side. No matter how much your weigh, he's picking you up and tossing you around because...
"You're uhh, fun size Y/n!" That applies in and out of the bedroom. The two of you snap together like the perfect puzzle piece.
But despite all the teasing Joker makes about your height, he loves being your protector.
He's the one you run to if something is bigger and scarier. He's the tall, murderous bf, that'll scare off anything or anyone for his Bunny.
It’s a new concept to be a savior and Joker isn't complaining.
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You'll never get used to being hit on. You get it; you’re very beautiful with your lighter complexion and the way you carry yourself.
Men and women are always hitting on you but normally after you utter the words, "I'm spoken for" they go away but this guy is rather persistent.
Years ago he would be your type. Tall, athletic, and cocky with white teeth and oozing lightskin fboy vibes. He was definitely the quarterback in high school and wears gold chains with black turtlenecks. The single Y/n would have your fun and kick him to the curb before he broke your heart. However you were happily involved with Gotham City's most infamous criminal who would literally kill anyone that dared to take away what was his.
You were doing this guy a favor trying to turn him down but the second he grabbed your arm and insisted you go on a date with him, you knew, he f__cked up.
"Let go."
"Nah just one date ma. You'll love it so just say yes. A dinner, a lil talking, then I'll take you home n' sweat your weave out." He grinned.
You arched an eyebrow at him assuming your hair was fake but before you could open your mouth, a shadow fell over the two of you. Your persistent suitor rolled his eyes and glared at the newbie.
"Is there a problem?" He asked Joker.
Joker's left eye twitched as he glare at this pathetic stain touching you. J wore a mask to conceal his identity yet his scowl was evident. "Is he hurtin' you doll?" Joker asked you.
You shook your head no but that wasn't enough to save a life.
J pointedly eyed the hands holding you until the guy wisely let you go. If he hadn't, Joker had no issue removing them by force.
You hid behind Joker's towering frame and vanished, you were so short. Joker made sure you were safe behind him before focusing on the idiot.
"Uh yes. Lots of errr problems. Let's see.. You talked to my bunny, you touched my bunny, and the worsT of all. You. Made. Her. Uncomfortable. Its been ten hours since I killed someone. I'd hate to break my errr record.."
The guy must've understood that Joker was serious for he backed away with his hands up. "Listen man I didn't know she was your girl. Have at it, I'm out."
Joker waited until the guy left before he turned around to check on you. "You good?"
J wasn't expecting you to hug him so tightly. Your head barely came to his chest and for once you didn't get offended when Joker patted your head. "Say the wo~oooord and he's dead, Y/n."
You laughed and stared up into Joker's eyes. "Don't break your record, J." You tapped your lips, making Joker furrow his brow.
"What? Ya wanna kiss?" You nodded and Joker made a noise. "I dunno Bunny. If ya can't reach my lips.... do ya deserve a kiss? Maybe if you were hehe.. taller?"
You rolled your eyes and shoved Joker away. He laughed at your little temper tantrum but stopped you from walking away with meaningful kiss. Your attitude melted away and Joker left you speechless when he pulled back.
"You're soooo spoiled. Is that whatcha wanted short stuff?"
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