#but idk….how do I get out of hereee
vydumaj · 2 years
it’s so frustrating to constantly feel that I’m not operating at my max, or even normal, potential right now. I hear things in lecture, I read things, I kind of take them in and understand most of it but I retain next to nothing. plus I have no energy so I can’t spend as much time practicing as I need (much more time required than I would’ve needed just 2-3 years ago)… I don’t know how to get back to my normal levels of… brain efficiency, or how to make myself able to…remember things again.
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bicon-crange · 1 year
update on my horrendous situation btw: it is still ongoing and at this point i am considering self sabotage
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ellecdc · 3 months
Dude since like you would continue writing poly moonwaterkiller. Idk if you okay with it, but do you mind writing poly moonwaterkiller x sick reader. I mean, we know barty is so fucking wild. Would love to see barty doing anything for reader to make her happy, but moonwater get stress cos "no barty! she shouldn't be outside rn! She's sick!" And Barty be like "but she looks happy out hereee!!!"
Something like that, thank you! And love you both
thanks so much for your request (and your patience in me writing this for you a few months later 😅). I knew I loved the idea; just needed to wait for the right moment to write it!!
poly!moonwaterkiller x sick!reader who Barty is taking very good care of thank you very much
CW: fem!reader is poorly, Barty calls Pandora peculiar [affectionately], disgusting amount of fluff
“Dovey!” Remus exclaimed as he spotted you sitting on the stone floor of a small balcony on the side of Gryffindor tower. “What are you doing out here!?”
It had officially been about a week of this gods-awful flu that was wreaking havoc on your immune system (and more importantly, your lungs) to which Madame Pomfrey prescribed healing draughts, lots of water, and rest.
And this, Remus felt, was decidedly not rest. 
He and Regulus rushed to crouch beside your hunched over form to see that your eyes were closed as you pointed your face towards the sky. 
“Hi boys.” You offered weakly, still never opening your eyes to greet them.
“Amour, what are you doing out here?” Regulus repeated, placing the back of his hand against your temple and grimacing at the heat radiating from it. 
“Getting some sun.” You explained simply. “Haven’t been outside in ages.”
And while Remus knew that to be technically true, he also knew there had been a reason for that. 
“Dovey, it’s barely spring and it’s far too cold for you to be out here; besides, it’s mostly cloudy.” He explained, wondering how in the hell you found the energy to move yourself from Remus’ bed all the way out here when you seemed completely incapable of even opening your eyes. 
And where the hell was Junior!?
“Exactly; mostly cloudy.” Barty’s voice chimed in as he stepped out onto the balcony to join the three of them with a cup of tea in one hand and a bowl of soup in the other.
“Junior, what in Salazar’s name do you think you’re doing?” Regulus hissed at him as he placed the bowl on the ground in front of you. 
“Taking care of our girl.” He hissed back at him before softening as he turned to look at you. 
“Hey Treasure, still doing okay?” He asked softly, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. 
You hummed in acknowledgment. 
“I brought some tea with lots of honey.” He explained as he placed the cup in your hands.
That, Remus noticed bitterly, enticed you to open your eyes. 
“Thank you.” You cooed, though the sentiment was sort of lost in the coughing fit that it elicited. 
“Junior, it’s too cold outside; she needs to be in bed.” Remus sighed disappointedly.
Disappointed that he had to play the bad cop, and disappointed because this looked like a really nice way to spend the afternoon. 
If you were tired of being sick, Remus was tired of watching you feel so poorly and not being able to do anything to fix it. 
“I cannot believe you think me daft enough to leave her to the elements, Lupin.” Barty sneered as he resituated the blanket that had begun to slide off your shoulder. “She has four layers on and a heating charm surrounding her, Evans had some muggle fever reducers that I gave her just before I went to the kitchens, and vitamin D is supposed to support healthy immune system function. So suck my dick; the both of you.”
“Okay.” Remus offered quickly at the same time Regulus let out a tiresome “Barty”. 
“You feel better already, don’t you baby?” He cooed as he sat beside you and pressed a kiss to your overly hot temple.
You hummed in the affirmative again. 
“Okay, but where are her shoes?” Remus continued, noting the way you were sitting with your knees up to your chest and the soles of your feet pressed firmly into the stone beneath you.
Barty seemed to turn a bit bashful at that before quickly schooling his expression. “It’s quite simple, really. Pandora suggested that she ought to try grounding.”
Though his tone was haughty, he turned bashful again when he received no response from either of his boyfriends.
“Said it would be good for her…chakras or her aura or…I don’t know! Alright!? I don’t know; but Salazar’s saggy balls, she’s been so sick for so long and I just wanted her to feel better. So yeah, I listened to Peculiar Pandora, okay? Sue me.” 
Barty hardly had a moment to pout before Remus was wrestling the Slytherin into his lap as Regulus cooed at him.
“Barty’s going soft.” Regulus taunted lovingly.
“I will literally bite your fucking head off, Black; try me.”
“You’re just soft for our girl, hm?” Remus purred into Barty’s ear, relishing in the way the notoriously tense boy melted for him.
Barty made a harrumphing sound half way between reluctant admittance and a whine. 
“Be nice to him.” You admonished quietly; opening one eye at Remus and Barty as you leaned into Regulus’ side who had moved to sit beside you in Barty’s place. 
“He is being nice.” Regulus defended quickly.
“I’m always nice.” Remus added. “I’m alway nice to you, aren’t I?” He continued as he looked down at Barty, currently curled up in his lap. 
“You’re mean.” Barty pouted.
“Come now.”
“Just awful.”
Remus beamed down at the petulant boy before nuzzling his face into his neck.
“You love it.” He accused.
Barty was quiet for a moment as he drew circles on the back of Remus’ hand. “Maybe.”
Remus was very thankful that Barty was such a clever person, because sitting out here with his three loves on this semi-lovely Scottish spring day felt an awful lot like Remus’ own little personal heaven.
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doumas-whore · 3 months
Could you write little scenerios for the host club characters where their s/o is in the hospital coming off of anesthesia and says cute things that make the hosts fall more in love with them? If not that's okay!
we’re so back though
haruhi, tamaki, kyoya, and takashi x reader || fluff || warnings: hospital setting? idk
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Haruhi Fujioka
She enters your hospital room as soon as she’s allowed to.
“Haruhiiii!” You exclaim in joy as soon as you see her.
“Hey, y/n! How do you feel? she sits at your bedside and smiles warmly.
“Better now that you’re hereee!” you shoot her the biggest grin you could muster.
You stretch your tired legs and rub the sleep from your eyes before looking up at Haruhi once again.
“You look extra pretty today, thank you for visiting me!"
I don’t think she’s ever blushed harder in her LIFE
She’d typically nudge your shoulder playfully and tell you to stop, but she doesn’t wanna hurt you, so she just rolls her eyes with a smile
Tamaki Suoh
He was too busy moping in a corner to realize that you were finally allowing visitors, so he was the last to see you
He’d run up to you all goofy like and be a silly loud boy
…just to get scolded by your nurse LMAO
“y/nnnnnnnn” he’d say (now whispering while speed walking to you)
You tried really hard to stifle your laughter, but you couldn’t help it.
He’s like a…weird little ray of sunshine
“Hi Tamaki!”
He’d instantly go beet red just from hearing your sleepy voice, but that smile of yours?
Goodness me, you’d be lucky if he didn’t blast off into space LOLOLOL
He’d scamper out of the room without another word
You can’t help but chuckle at his antics
“Come back, sillyyyy!”
He’d peak his head through the door frame
“Please?” you’d say with a pout
Tamaki’s heart rate is suddenly 180.
He’d return to your side without second thought
You’d reach out and grab his hand so he can’t leave again
Kyoya Ootori
He’s your first visitor
In fact, he’s in the room before you’re even awake
Something about his father owning the hospital yada yada
He’s really drawn to the peaceful expression on your face
He was worried, but he’d never verbally admit it
Once he notices that you’re waking up, he’s sure to greet you
“Good morning Y/N. How do you feel?” His voice is uncharacteristic soft, lacking it’s usual smugness.
“Huh?” you say with a yawn “what are you doing here?”
He’d smile with a trace of fondness in his softening eyes
“What does it look like? I’m obviously visiting you.”
You can’t help but sigh and roll your eyes.
“You’re so silly, Kyo..”
You rub the sleep out of your eyes, conveniently missing the tinge of pink on his face.
Takashi Morinozuka
He stood guard outside of your room for HOURS
He said it was to protect you? But there wasn’t really anything to protect you from.
He didn’t wanna admit it, he just wanted to see you as soon as possible.
Once you were permitted visitors, he was naturally the first one in there.
He held your hand tenderly in his own. His caresses were feather light, like he was afraid your hand would snap if he wasn’t extremely careful.
“Mori,” You called for him with a slight huskiness to your voice, which was sore from not being used in several hours.
He didn’t want you to speak too much and overexert yourself, so he’d try to guess what you needed before you said anything
You thought it was a little unnecessary, but you liked being doted on, so you didn’t stop it quite yet
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yourlocalghoulette · 7 months
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Chapter 2~ Take On Me
Series Masterlist~ Main Masterlist~Meet the horses~
Warnings- eventual smut so MDNI! pretty much just fluff, reader has trauma, language, slow burn, flirting, relationship building
w/c: 3k
A/N~ part 2 is hereee! im literally so excited to be writing this story. part 3 is already in the works! please reblog, it always helps! Lmk if you want to be on the taglist:))
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It was only when you got Joel’s number and scheduled your first work day that it started feeling real. Doing this, being around horses again, the thing that hurt you more than anything. 
Well, it wasn’t the horses that hurt you. It was the way you were forced to push your limits with them. The way you were yelled at if you didn’t do something right. The way your stomach sank every time you were forced to use an unneeded pair of spurs on a horse.
Sleep doesn’t come easy Thursday night, the night before the long-awaited first day. You toss and turn in your bed, palms clammy and forehead sweaty. You kick off the matcha-colored bedspread you were wrapped in and sit up in bed, trying to take deep breaths to clear your head. You glance at your phone. 2:00 AM. If you know Sōl well enough, she’s probably at a party. She definitely won’t answer until morning. 
So you text the one person who also might not be awake but still understands. Joel.
You click on the chat that only a few formal messages have been exchanged in and wonder if you’re being too impulsive. What is he going to think about you texting him at two in the morning? Your mind clouded with sleepiness and delusion, you text him anyway.
You- sorry for texting so late. having second thoughts about tmrw. 
To your surprise, the ‘read’ icon pops up as soon as you send it. 
Joel- i understand how you feel. are you wanting to cancel tomorrow? i was looking forward to it.
Did you want to cancel? Your brain is in a frenzy. He’s looking forward to it, you think over and over.
You- idk. i think still want to come tomorrow but I’m gonna take it slow:)
Joel- that makes sense and it’s totally good with me. can’t blame ya for feeling reluctant. you can pace things as slow as you want, ok cowgirl? 
The nickname jumped off of your screen at you and butterflies take off inside your stomach. 
You- ok cowboy;) thanks. excited to see u and the horses tmr!
Joel- likewise. now get some sleep, cowgirl. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you turn off your phone. The conversation was short but sweet and oddly comforting. 
You silently pad over to the kitchen and quickly make a cup of chamomile tea with lots of honey. While you drink it, you shamelessly open the stable’s website and scroll to the picture of Joel and Sarah. You look closely at Joel’s left hand, resting over Sarah’s shoulder. 
No ring.
Ok, he wasn’t married, but that didn’t mean much. He could still be dating, you tell yourself. Even with that possibility, you catch yourself smiling softly at the photo, staring into Joel’s dark brown eyes. Soft and comforting, like the tea you’re drinking. You sigh and walk slowly back to bed, rubbing your eyes which at this point are bloodshot from tiredness.
With Joel’s messages imprinted in your head, you quickly fall asleep.
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“Un-fucking-believable. I gave you one. Job. ONE job! To win the goddamn gold medal. And what did you do? You knocked over FOUR jumps. You are a dissapointment to this team. To the profession of jumping.”
“Please- I-I’m sorry, the horse was acting weird! Probably because you made me whip him when he doesn’t need it!”
“Don’t use those goddamn tears on me. Maybe I should show you how a whip feels.”
You wake up three hours later in a cold sweat, your face streaked with tears. You breathe heavily, your hands shaking with each breath. You run your hands over your face. 
“It’s just a memory,” you whisper over and over to yourself. You try to breathe in through your nose and out your mouth, calming yourself down.
Sometimes you wish you don’t have to wake up in an empty bed, no one by your side to comfort you. It stings when you think about the last time someone was in your bed. 
You shake the memories away for right now. Taking one last deep breath to attempt to ground you, you climb out of bed. You skip breakfast, not sure if you would be able to keep any food down with the amount of nerves flitting in your stomach. 
You brush your teeth and throw on some mascara quickly, your hands still shaky and making it difficult. You put on a black tank top and faded boot cut jeans, along with a loose red flannel because it can get cold in the early Texas mornings.
It’s 6:00 on the dot when you slide on your steel-toed work boots, tucking them under your jeans. You grab your keys and a granola bar just in case and head out the door.
As you struggle to start your old pickup truck, second thoughts and anxieties start to fill your mind once again. You struggle to push them out of your head, filling it instead with the thought that you get to see Joel again. Nevertheless, your hands shake around the wheel as you drive the short drive to Sarah’s Stables. 
When you pull into the driveway, Joel is sitting outside the barn on the concrete bench, shaking his leg with a nervous expression on his face. You step out of your truck and stride over to Joel as he stands up, trying to put on a confident smile even though the last thing you feel is confident. 
“Morning,” Joel grins, shaking your hand firmly. His hand lingers on yours a little longer than it should before he pulls away. 
“G’morning, cowboy,” you tip an invisible hat, and he returns the gesture. He leads you into the barn, gesturing you to follow with his hand.
“Did’ya get any sleep last night?” He asks with a hint of concern in his voice, making your heart melt. 
You shrug. “Kind of. And I’m really sorry for texting you so late- or, early? I didn’t really have anyone else to text.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Joel waves it off. “I liked it, having someone to talk to even for a bit. I’m always up past 2 doing paperwork and ordering feed and all that shit.”
“Good to know,” you grin, trying to hide the flustered expression on your face. You enter the barn, immediately walking up to the small Shetland pony’s stall. “Hey, buddy,” you coo, gently tracing the long stripe down his face. “And to whom do I owe the pleasure?”
Joel chuckles, leaning next to you on the stall door. “That’s Orion. Rescued him along with the percheron, Amadeus, from an animal hoarder.”
“So you’ve had a rough time with humans, huh, bud?” You nod understandingly. “I get it.”
“Very. I get it too,” Joel says softly. “So. Let’s get to work, huh? I’m gonna show you the different feed mixes for each horse. Not sayin’ you’ll have to feed ‘em every time you’re working here. We’ll feed the horses then I’ll introduce you. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds perfect. It feels weird, being at a barn after so long of avoiding horses, y’know?” you sigh softly. “Is it too soon to say I have a good feeling about you and this barn? Like…I don’t know how to explain it. It just feels different.”
Joel nods knowingly, toying absentmindedly with Orion’s forelock. “Not at all. I get it,” he says understandingly. His eyes soften as he watches you interact with Orion, a slight faraway look on your face. “You doin’ okay, cowgirl?”
You nod, straightening up. “Yeah. Sorry. Just…zoned out.”
“No need to apologize,” Joel smiles softly. A tall cinnamon colored Tennessee Walker down the aisle kicks his stall door in impatience. “Let’s do this.”
In less than 20 minutes, the horses are fed and happily nickering into their feed buckets. Joel had written down the feed mixes for each individual horses with care and posted it on the wall so you didn’t have to memorize them right away. You can tell how much Joel Miller cares for his horses. 
“We can turn the horses out now.” Joel tosses you two halters, a purple nylon one and a teal rope one. “Think you can handle two horses at once?”
“Totally.” You sling the halters over your shoulder. 
“The rope halter is for Whiskey, the Tennessee Walker and the nylon is for Dottie, the Appaloosa mare. Stalls 5 and 6.”
In no time, you worked together to get all six horses out to the pasture. It’s picturesque, a large green field with a tall white fence surrounding the perimeter. It feels like a daydream watching the horses frolic aorund with eachother, enjoying their taste of freedom after being caged in a stall for the night. 
You and Joel sit on the lower bar of the fence, arms resting along the top piece with your head on top. Observing the horses’ behaviors carefully, you can see with the way the chestnut Quarter Horse gelding pins his ears and threatens any horse that gets close to his pile of hay that he’s top dog. The dominant horse, the leader.  A comfortable silence falls between you and Joel, as you both let out a collective sigh of relief as the stress of morning feeding washes off. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Joel sighs, breaking off the silence. 
“Gorgeous,” you agree, glancing over at Joel. His soft brown eyes are full of adoration for his horses.
He gestures towards the chestnut Quarter Horse. “That right there is Magnum. Total powerhouse. Used to be a ‘coon hunting horse.”
You giggle, staring over at Magnum’s solid build and shiny coat. “People still hunt for raccoons?”
Joel shrugs incredulously. “I guess. His owner gave him to me because he wasn’t getting enough attention. He was ridden twice a week and left to rot by himself in a field the rest of the time. He’s obviously dom, as you’ve probably noticed.”
“Mhm,” you nod. “I noticed. I can tell he has a strong personality, too.” You grin, looking over at Joel.
“Sure does,” Joel smiles back proudly. Your shared gaze lasts a little too long before you turn your head away, looking back at the horses and trying to hide the flustered expression on your face. 
Joel introduces you to the rest of the horses; Amadeus, the percheron, Dottie, the petite Appaloosa mare, and Arizona, the gorgeous flaxen-colored mustang/Arabian cross. 
“Say, have you eaten anything for breakfast yet?” Joel asks, holding out his hand to help you up from your perches on the fence. 
You’re sure this man is going to be the death of you. You shake your head sheepishly, gently grabbing his hand as you stand up. His grip is soft and warm, hands calloused from years of hard work. “Not really,” you say as you let go of his hand. “I was too nervous.”
“What, am I that scary to ya’, cowgirl?” He grins cheekily, nudging your shoulder playfully as you both walk back into the barn.
“Pfft,” you roll your eyes as you nudge him back. “No, not scared. Terrified.” You stick your tongue out at him. 
“Ha, ha, darlin’. Why don’t we go get some breakfast? Gotta fuel up before cleanin’ the stalls.”
You shrug. “Sure. Where were you thinking?”
“Home Grounds is a good coffee shop, good bakery stuff too,” Joel offers. 
“No fucking way,” your eyes widen in surprise. “I work there! How have I never seen you there?”
“You must not be on the clock when I go. I’m sure I’d remember a face like yours,” Joel says softly, then catches himself, clearing his throat. “Sorry, that was-”
“It’s fine,” you wave it off. “Let’s go. We can take your truck. Mine’s a little…messy right now.”
Joel chuckles. “Sure as hell can’t be as bad as mine.”
Soon, you’re driving with Joel to the coffee shop, Take On Me by A-ha playing quietly through the speakers.
“I love this song!” You smile widely, opening the window and resting your arm outside. 
“Me too,” Joel turns up the stereo. “You sing at all, cowgirl?”
You shake your head quickly, eyes wide in mock horror. “Not at all. Do you, cowboy?”
“A bit. I play a smidge of guitar, too,” he smirks. 
“Oh, really? I’m gonna have to hear some of these Joel Miller guitar skills sometime,” you grin.
Joel shakes his head, a smile growing on his face as he pulls into the coffee shop driveway. “Believe me, I hype up my skills wayyy too much.” He turns off the truck and quickly runs around to your side of the truck to open your door. Butterflies take off in your stomach as he does this. 
Hiding your flustered look, you deadpan him, eyes rolling. “Dude,” you grin, climbing out and he shuts the door behind you. 
“What?” He opens the coffee shop door for you too. “Momma always taught me to be a gentleman.”
“And my mom always taught me to never trust men,” you grin cheekily.
“I can change that,” he side eyes you. 
Trying to ignore his words, you wave at a coworker. “Hey, Jess!” You call to her, walking up to the counter. 
“Hey, girlie. Who’s that?” She asks slyly, eyeing Joel. “New boyfriend?”
“Uh, no,” you say quickly before Joel can hear. “I’m working for him. He owns a horse barn.”
“You’re back to horses?” Jess inquires, cocking a brow. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, okay?” You spin around to face Joel. “What are you getting?”
“Just a black coffee and blueberry muffin, but don’t worry, cowgirl. I gotchu.” He starts taking out his wallet but you playfully swat his arm.
“Don’t. Please. I get employee discount anyway.”
Joel sighs in defeat, holding up his hands in mock offense. “Fine. But I’m paying next time.”
Next time, next time, next time….
After you order, the black coffee for him and a cold brew for you, you go to put your card in the reader to notice Joel’s card is already there. “Joel!” You mutter, giving him a disapproving look. 
“Hey, I’m tryna be nice, okay?” He chuckles. 
You roll your eyes. “Whatever. Thanks, really.”
The atmosphere felt charged with an unspoken tension as you both sat at a small table by the window, the warm sunlight filtering in. Joel's eyes seemed to hold a certain depth, a familiarity that stirred something within you.
"So, tell me about yourself, cowgirl," Joel said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you.
You took a sip of your cold brew, gathering your thoughts. "There’s not a whole lot to tell. Well, there is, but not a lot I want to go into right now. I fell in love with horses after riding a pony at a fair, and it kind of exploded from there. I started off riding Western and doing gymkhanas, then switched over to hunter/jumpers. That was obviously a huge change. I exelled really quickly in that, but as you probably know, being the best doesn’t mean you’re treated the best. A lot of shit happened at those barns, and I quit when when I was 18. People called me selfish and self-absorbed for quitting, which is what i believed for awhile. But my mental health imrpoved a lot after quitting and I came to accept the fact that it was a good thing.”
Joel nodded, his expression understanding. "I get that. Sometimes life throws us curveballs, and we need to take a step back to reassess things."
"Yeah, exactly," you replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at his understanding. "But now I'm back, and I'm hoping things will be different this time."
"I'm sure they will be," Joel said with a reassuring smile. "You've got a good head on your shoulders, cowgirl."
You felt heat creeping up your cheeks at his compliment, quickly taking another sip of your cold brew to hide your reaction. "Thanks, Joel. I appreciate that."
The conversation flowed effortlessly between you, covering everything from your favorite books to your shared love of old John Wayne western movies. With each passing moment, you found yourself becoming more and more drawn to Joel, his easygoing nature and genuine kindness pulling you in.
Before you knew it, your cups were empty, and it was time to head back to the barn. As you walked side by side with Joel, the familiar feeling of nervous excitement bubbled up inside you once again.
As soon as you walk back into the barn, he turns on a 70s playlist and tosses you a mucking fork. “Ready to muck some stalls, cowgirl?”
The music fills the barn with a nostalgic vibe as you take the mucking fork from Joel with a grin. "Born ready," you reply, matching his playful tone.
Together, you fall into a rhythm of cleaning the stalls, the repetitive motion oddly soothing as you work side by side. Joel hums along to the music, occasionally breaking out into a soft whistle that echoes through the barn.
As you work, you can't help but steal glances at Joel, admiring the way his muscles flex beneath his shirt with each movement. There's something comforting about his presence, a sense of safety and warmth that you haven't felt in a long time.
Before you know it, the stalls are clean, and the horses are happily munching on fresh hay. You wipe the sweat from your brow, feeling a sense of satisfaction at a job well done.
"Thanks for your help, cowgirl," Joel says, giving you a grateful smile as he leans against the stall door.
"No problem," you reply, returning his smile. "It was actually kind of fun."
Joel chuckles, pushing himself off the door. "Glad to hear it. You've got a talent for this, you know?"
You feel a swell of pride at his words, a sense of validation that you haven't felt in a long time. "Thanks, Joel. That means a lot coming from you."
He gives you a nod of appreciation before glancing at his watch. "Well, I hate to cut this short, but I've got some paperwork to take care of. Think you can handle things on your own for a bit?"
You nod confidently, eager to prove yourself. "Of course. I'll hold down the fort."
"Great," Joel says, giving you a pat on the shoulder. "I'll be back in a bit. And hey, if you need anything, just give me a shout."
With that, he disappears into the office, leaving you alone in the barn. You take a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination coursing through your veins.
You may have started the day with doubts and anxieties, but now, as you stand in the quiet of the barn surrounded by the gentle sounds of the horses, you feel a sense of purpose wash over you.
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sturnluvs · 4 months
Nate smut
Mess up
*contains smut*
Nate and reader have a little fun and triplets find out about you dating him
Nate and I were sneaking around since we were 15and 16 . My brothers don't know and won't ever find out .
Nate and I aren't even dating tho I love to date him .
But if he asked me out he would have to
Ask my brothers and he's panicking on what's they would say
"You know I hate sneaking around them"
"I do to Nate but but I do want to date I'm done sneaking around if they hate us being a couple then idc"
"But you know before we tell them how about
a little fun first *I smirked*
“Took the words out of my mouth sweetheart”
I take off my top which I had no bra on which
he loved .
After what felt like forever we both were completely naked and he was thrusting in me
“Fuck Nate you feel so good”
As I was bouncing he gets a call from my brother Matt.
“Answer babe”
“Don’t do anything alright”
He answers the phone and I him talk
“No I don’t know where your sister is”
“Yes I’m sure”
“Her location says she’s here? Oh she left her
Phone hereee fuck”
“I’m not doing anything”
I got off his lap and pushed him into my ass giving him the hint to eat me out
“Listen I have to gooo”
“I told you not to do anything babygirl”
“Fuck me nate please 🙏🏽”
“If you insist”
He flipped us over and had his face buried in me
“My friend is calling Nate”
“You never know it could be your brother calling from her phone”
“You mean his phone”
“Excuse me why is he calling you”
“Idk” *I moan
“Hey y/n how are you”
“I’m good look I’m really *moan* busy *moan*
Rn I can’t ta-*moan*”
“Ok then bye”
Nate pov
She was a moaning mess under me
“Nate we know she’s here” I heard
“Fuck” she mutter
“Get dressed and leave and leave your phone”
She gets dressed and she was about go out the window
She kissed me roughly
“Babe you really have to go ok”
“Bye I’m coming back later I haven’t punished you yet”
I smirk while she hopes out the window
I just go on my phone and act normal
“Shit my pants”
“Nate what the hell * scream* ew dude put some clothes on”
“Sorry dude I lost them idk shit shit shit”
“Where is she”
“My sister”
“Chris she’s not here . But here’s her phone”
“So she wasn’t here”
“Ok I believe you then”
“No nick Chris”
“Look who we found sneaking out with your pants on”
“Don’t act all innocent”
“Y’all be dating and fucking behind our back”
“I’m sorry ok Matt nick Chris please * she starts to cry*
Here y’all go sorry it took so long
“Hey listen I’m sorry you had to find out like this the truth is we were gonna tell you then got a little distracted”
“Ya distracted fucking each other”
“You are so lucky we aren’t telling mom and dad about this because they would totally go to Boston and stay there”
“Please I want to stay with you please”
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
mickey !! crawling out of my blanket fort for the ask game u just rbd…… for the questions, maybeee 1 + 26 + 41?? :3 am making a cup of coffee for u in preparation ☕️
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
satoru................................ nobody is surprised lmao but he's my little itty bitty honey bunny blue eyed princess and i just feel like smiling whenever i think about him okay:(( i love him so much wahh:(( and also yuuji and hinata<33333 btw are we.. are we seeing a theme here i am not immune to big smiles alright????
i wish i could also say like abby or ellie from tlou but... i get no fucking comfort from them only pain and suffering idk why i like them in the first place smhh jkjk little angry lesbians oh how i love you so
okay now that i'm really thinking about it, thee most obscure little guy popped into my head - schmidt from new girl. i've only seen like the first three seasons but every time i see this guy i'm like yes. thank you schmidt. you are funny.
tried to go 2 minutes without talking about him but.... it is toji too. i keep seeing thee softest fanart of him on twt and i just melt every time. like pics of him in big jackets n coats with a massive scarf:(( or with him n mamagumi:(((((((((( idk i think about getting a hug from him and i'm fixed for a while what more could i ask from a comfort character🐱🐱
26. a scenario that you've replayed multiple times?
ok this is the first thing that first came to mind and i think it's so funny so that's the one i'm gonna go with
cue little eight year old mickey right. my family and our relatives were all at our family home, eating breakfast in the big room. there are multiple windows and when you look out you can see the front door right.... remember that. anyway, there's like 15 people in the room bla bla and i was sent to go fetch the fucking newspaper or smth.
so i go outside. and there's Three big steps there. okay another very important fact that i was a very. very very clumsy kid. let's continue. i fall down the three massive steps. of course. bare knees and all, fly right into the asphalt underneath but the thing is... i was clumsy but i wasn't a crier. like i always fell off trees and there literally wasn't a single summer until i was like 16 where my knees were NOT bruised and bloody lmao.
so i'm fine. i just thought it was funny bc c'mon how the fuck do you fall down three steps you know. but then i felt it... the glare........
still sitting on the ground with bloody knees and palms, i slooooowly turn around and find my dad just staring right at me. NOBODY else was looking, only him. he's looking at me and then he just slowly shakes his head......................................... omfggggg brooo don't act like you never did thattt😒😒😒😒 anyway idk why this one is so stuck in my head but i do still think it's so funny it's so stupid like why was he staring??? go help your kidd?????? i mean i was fine i didn't want his help buT IT'S ABOUT THE POINTTT
41. how do you take your coffee?
with milk and sugar hihihii!!! when i go out i usually order a cappuccino or if they have a frappe in the selection i'm getting that!!!
i'm good with it being hot, i'm good with it being lukewarm, i'm good with it being cold - i am not picky!!!!! i'm also not picky over the quality lmao i drink those capsule coffees at home and but i'm super used to the 3in1 drinks too just bc i was drinking a lot of those at work yk
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afaramir · 5 months
hi abby!! you love talking abt your fics? well, as it happens, i LOVE listening to people talk abt their fics *high-fives you* so hereee u go: 8, 17, 23, 24, 33 and 40 :)
hiiii ria thank you <333 [high fives you back] this is a beautiful synergy we are living...sorry this took me several days i just kept not having a shareable last line. for every we're so back there is always an it's so over. we're here now and that's what matters LOL
8. share the last line that you wrote
you have kept me waiting, my lord steward, she says when his footsteps stop, his reflection hovering just out of reach of her mirror.
well this is NOT umbar fic OR condolences congratulations. one day i will learn to finish one thing before i start another. but it is set in a slightly alternate version of the same reality. this is the crazy forty years later everyone lives au where aragorn is king and denethor is his steward and finduilas is actually the one running the place. it’s just an excuse for me to write “what if we made our healthy loving political marriage a messier and more political v-shape because you just HAD to officially get back together with your situationship from when you were 25 and oh he just HAPPENS to be the king.” they are shockingly functional about it (i do not know if i could call it healthy. but it is Incredibly High-Functioning and They Are Having Fun. so who am i to stop them!). conceptually/vibes-wise this is the result of my mind stirring around "their wives know the steward serves the king, and sometimes that goes beyond matters of state" (like truly...WHOA boy. that knocked me flat. @bretwalda-lamnguin i WILL respond to that post eventually i have things to say they just have to marinate a little longer) + regent!finduilas as a concept and an Energy + finduilas's general pure concentrated "i can fix him" beam + also going on a tangent off of anna @potatoesandsunshine's "our marriage is already bad enough what if we ruined someone else's life with it" theory. and this came out.
17. what is your favourite trope to write
NAMES AND TITLES AND MANNERS OF ADDRESS BABY!!! that shit is like drugs for me. whenever i'm messing around with it i feel like i am at the very height of caring about and understanding my own work i KNOW that sounds obnoxious as hell but like. aghhhhh. im in there THINKING. about specifically when and where and how one manner of address might shift to another and whether that is different inside the narration and out loud and what each name and title means in which situation. yeah im normal about hierarchies why do you ask.
23. where do you usually write
my beloved local coffeeshop down the street from my apartment! i am there as i write this. my regular barista often makes fun of me bc he sees me running for the train in the morning bc i am perpetually late for work. unfortunately the earliest i can make it out of the house in the evening is 7 and they close at 9 but it’s a good two hours. then it’s off to my friends’ apartment (they’re my downstairs neighbours i basically also live there) for like another two hours. yeah i do this every day. i am aware i am insane but it is the only way i get anything done.
24. which fic do you think is your funniest
hmm. i feel like im not often intending to be particularly funny. wait no its definitely open arms. “sokka, panicking: you like guys!” is literally in the description. i wrote it bc of a shitpost. WOW that is possibly the throwback of all time. that’s like the first fic i wrote back when i started getting really Good at writing because i was wildly hyperfixated on avatar and it was covid and i wrote 100k in a year. well well well
33. which of your fic titles is your favourite
ok i did do this one but im gonna give a runner up. TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] is a personal fave for sure bc it's. idk nontraditional? well it's based off of this image and it took me a long time of testing different things before i figured out a way to appropriately represent that erasure of the name on the headstone by the water...the sensation that there Used to be something there, that there was Supposed to be something there, but all that is left is the water. and i'm very pleased by the effect of the brackets and how it looks on the ao3 page. it just brings me a lot of joy to let myself kind of fuck around and do whatever i think is cool. im trying so so so hard to internalize "get weird with it!" and its the baby steps out here.
40. pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that fits)
ooh ok a throwback. race for a hurricane (speaking of the titles/names/manners of address trope this is my BEST execution of it) + "the french have a saying: the fate of glass is to break. maybe the fate of spies is to just fade away. but with any luck, we leave something behind" -spectre, 2015. im getting that last line tattooed someday.
fic writer asks
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nekomanager · 11 months
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For how it all began:
It was love at first sight for the both of us. Like you see a person and you just fit like missing puzzle pieces. We talked like it wasn't our first time seeing each other. The crowd just faded and it seemed like it's just the two of us. We knew we would never forget that moment but we have to part ways. Days or months passed maybe even a year and it became just a distant memory. Maybe something I drew an inspiration from for my story, until we met again at a different circumstance. This time it's no longer a one time thing and he won't allow it to be a one-time thing either. We just picked up where we left off and we both knew that this was it. It might be an ordinary story for some but it was serendipitous for us, knowing that all the heartaches, loneliness and solitude we endured are what led us to each other. Finally, we're at the right place and right time with the right person.
We're friends first, because I came off a little detached he knew it would take time but he was patient. Started with sending funny memes and reels until he gauged what I liked. Scheduled phone calls bc I dont do well in chats until it became a habit for us to call each other at that specific time and day. We talked about anything that we could expand, our theories, our day, rant abt officemates. He debated with me for fun throwing what ifs scenarios. Then he began being more physically present. Going to my office to pick me up. Taking me out on a friendly date. He wasn't flirty at first until he smoothly transitioned being INTJ x ENTP friendship to lovers bc the chemistry and the hidden tension can't be denied anyway. He made me feel secured to be with him. Like I'm free. Free to fall, to love and to be myself.
below the cut is how I ended up simping for him teheee
I was really into Oikawa. He's my first love which I learned to get over just now bc I miss Kuroo in a way I don't miss Oikawa. (Why does this sound so real?) Ngl, it's Kuroo I found to be most attractive but he seemed so unattainable for me that I did a pass. At first, I just love writing for him because a mutual loves him very much and my readers always fangirl for him in my fics and all the requests I'm getting are for Kuroo Kuroo Kuroo even if I even voluntarily write for Oikawa. Lol. I was like okaaay. Until I asked for match ups and ask games and I ended up getting him over and over again too. Tell me about it. Haha. Then I posted some selfship stuff abt Oikawa and I got nothing. I posted that I got Kuroo for an ask game and everyone just idk interacted and I was like uhmm what? Even my moots from other fandom are into the tetsurei agenda. What are these people seeing that I'm not seeing? Like yeah he's handsome and he wears suit and tie which I love but...anyway lol just lol hahaha. (Gosh, I sounded so in denial on this) It's funny that we even work in the same field. A follower even pointed it out. Tbh I still can't understand where they are coming from. As time passed by, I enjoyed our ship more than anything else. He's all I can think to write about. TBH IDK! Hahaha! This made me reread all my kuroo fics and wondered howww? I reread the oldest one back in Dec 2020. It didn't do things for me then but it gave me the feels now. I even forgot what it was but the way I wrote for him never changed. I realized that in all the Y/Ns I wrote for all the characters, I've been writing myself whenever it's with Kuroo. I just realized it now. Maybe that's why it's easier for ppl to associate him with me too bc it shows. I still dk! But whatever I love him. I'd love to have a Kuroo just for me.
I think I'm oblivious like real life oblivious. Oh well. (Good luck to all the intj simps out there: I'm talkin for Rin, Tsukki, Akaashi, Geto, Niko) We're dense af and in denial. Good luck.
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chknbzkt · 1 year
Oh gosh I just read your comic where Sun falls(also unrelated but I love the way you draw them all), poor Moon(and probably Monty when he finds out) seeing that, will Sun be okay? Or is he...Well...Dead?
Oooo gentle yoink right in the heartstrings hereee we goooo
It was a Really high fall, and poor Sun landed right on his head where all his memory bits are
It’s bad. Those kids weren’t exaggerating, they’re screaming in horror at the mechanical equivalent to watching someone crack their head open like an egg after falling from the third story
And to say the damage was mostly irreparable would be underselling things a wee bit
It’s a Ship of Theseus situation, his engineers and idk, robot neurologists?? do what they can, but the majority of Sun’s memories and personality were destroyed alongside his old head. When they’re done he looks brand spanking new, but at what cost?
Moon and Monty are heartbroken. Monty has put a ton of dedication into his relationship with both of them, but it hits Moon harder because they’ve been there from the very start. When the first thing Sun asked upon seeing Moon for the first time in 2 months was “Heeello! My name is Sundrop! What’s yours?” it killed him. It ached, the sudden feeling of hollow loneliness. And the knowledge that they’d have to explain this to Monty.
Now this all seems depressing as shit, but this story carries themes revolving around togetherness and mutuality in the face of the worst circumstances.
Sun may be a blank slate for the most part, but he’s not naive or anything. Much more, I said a majority of his memories went kaput. Sunny has always been a social butterfly (it’s in his programming for goodness sake of course he would be), and despite how new everything feels everything in this daycare has this subtle but palpable sense of familiarity and nostalgia.
Which is to say nothing of the odd habits and compulsions to do things for reasons he doesn’t understand immediately. Things he can’t explain, but they feel right. Like ignoring his directive to tidy up balls of paper left by the kids because Moon likes batting them around and cleaning up after. Or pinning back the blankets draped over the back entrance to their room because Monty uses it and, bless his heart, keeps getting his scutes hung in them like a dumbass
It’s intriguing. Moreso whenever he gets the warm and fuzzies on the odd occasions he catches his shy and strangely avoidant moon-themed twin outside of working hours.
Not the warm and fuzzies he gets when his charges for the day flood through the daycare doors. A more personal and deep-rooted warm and fuzzies. A biting feeling that he knows this person, but he only met them briefly a few days ago.
And don’t get me started on the nifty gator that sneaks in during the wee hours of the night. He can’t make heads or tails of what they’re saying but he Knows there’s connections and he wants to know What.
I may never get around to drawing it, who knows we’ll se about story snippets here and there, but Sun essentially refamiliarizes himself with Moon and rebuilds the bond he shared with his sibling (he wants to know them SO BAD but they want space to process all the MEMORIES BETWEEN THEM THEYVE LOST AGSJSGSJSG), and on the other hand he falls in love with Monty all over again, this time instead of Monty vying for his attention, it goes the other way
Sun eventually learning the full scope of what caused all this. Him being drained, but also… relieved. But all throughout his journey to rediscover what was lost… finally relearning what made Moon so important to him and vice versa. Finally relearning why they both feel in love with this stupid gator and his stupid dumb lopsided smile and his stupid dumb glasses-
Him sitting them down and asking, begging to let him know them again. Because he feels so disjointed and off and he knows it’s because of them and he wants to fill the holes their absence has left. He wants to love them all over again.
You have rekindled many thoughts about this comic I made in a single night during a single discord livestream oh noooooo 😭💖
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Quest Poll✨
Soooo! I have a headache and a cold, but lucky for me y’all ended up giving me a tie so I gotta ask you to revoke between the winners anyway. (Yeah I know I said I wouldn’t do this much. But tie+sick=me lazy and this is pretty much me taking a sick day lol)
Sweeps and Cloud are sitting on the edge of that little river, in between the meadow and forest. And the two options that tied arrrre…
I won’t spoil too much like I did last time I did one of these. I’ll just tell you that both are valid answers. Just depends on how proactive ya wanna be.
I am kinda making notes on how y’all pick your answers. Picking more violent/provocatively will get me to write Sweeps more jumpy and alert, vs picking peaceful/“rest for a minute” type answers will make Sweeps more laid back. Just a lil note!
As for the other answers, I’ll tell you where they would’ve lead if they had won.
Walk back to the cabin: Pretty much the way to pick another path to follow. Still a valid option. Would’ve had Sweeps have a “oooo why am I hereee” thing cause there’s not really much there? But yeah. Mostly set up for “you wanna go a different path?”
There’s a light in the forest, the owner might help us: ok… I don’t mean this judgmentally but… who picked this one and do you know what fairy lights are? If not please look them up, because that’s one of the most nasty monsters in most fantasy things. Ok I’m a cheater, I found out about those things from the Hobbit at age… oh, idk. 5 I think? They were elves in that one, but same principle. Yeah. Don’t go towards random lights in the woods if you’re in a magical fantasy forest. That usually equals a really really bad death. From what I’ve heard. This one was the “let the author pick” choice. Hehe. (Which if you picked it thinking that? WOW you’re smart! :O/gen)
Anyway, imma go get some rest/school done. Hopefully XD byeeee
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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024!
#17 🎊
11:22am: just checking in, ready for tomorrow!!! Vacay!!!! 💕💕 Slayyyy
10:22pm: lmaooooo I thought I was going to get drinks and see Spiderman tn and this *boy* blewww his shot. Supposed to meet at 9/9:30pm, at 8:30pm after I took a shower and am basically ready to roll, I get hit with a how bout I come over with some margarita mix n cuddle. Now don't get me wrong that sounds fucking awesome..... For me by myself on a Thursday night!! 💀Nigga I don't know you, plus you basically canceling at the last minute as far as I'm concerned if I'm not even leaving the house 🙄 I got so fucking mad I'm surprised I responded lol. Getting boneless wings instead now so 💅 yeah dumbass bitch if I just wanna get drunk at home I can do that by myself 🤣 lol and he knew he blew that shit too idec. He knew he fucked up immediately and did it anyway. After I told him yesterday that I don't do coming over on the first "date" (a lie but wtf cmon now) definitely not just a come over with literally no effort on his part. Sorry but you're a fucking dumbass and just got knocked to the bottom of the roster 💀
Omg sitting at the bar, and this guy is singing train to this girl next to him but it's shitty and wow that could've been me. I can't with guys like plz stop literally giving me the ick and I'm not even his date 💀💀💀 I would literally be like stfu rn this isn't karaoke. Plus he doesn't know the words and he's just mumbling like a drunkass bruhhhhh. Ick ick get me out of hereee. Guys are fucking stupid. Kinda glad I'm giving this other guy a chance, he's so cute and he's just a inexperienced guy lol. I am kinda fucking with it. But still don't get your hopes up he could be a total dud too, as sweet as he is, plus idk if he's serious about not eating pussy then clearly this won't continue, as *nice* as he is. I'm not settling for anything less than what I could do for myself 😜
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emi1ll · 6 months
Ninjago dragon rising s2 (maybe spoiler idk)
Autism (this is about Zane)
What is fatigue
Is it just me or did Arin’s voice changes
Master Wu jumpscare
It did sound very silly
This might not end well
Cinder vanished or smth
Ok I’ll continue in like an hour (it took like 10 minutes)
The blood moon is coming 🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Idk bagels
Is that cinder or the ninja
OMG PERcivallll
Sora one of my fav trans icons
It’s ok Arin it would happen to me too (it’s the scene where they are interrogating some kind of serpentine)
Ion nooo colon ruphtaidaaaaaa nooooooo what are guy doing what oh okay
And very very bad..
Arin camouflages a bit with the coukoud kingdom
A language that looks evil 😱😱
Who is that oh is that guy. I don’t remember his name
Gross.. but kind of awesome gross
Who is the forbidden five
Arin why are you standing like that are you gay
Ok that was my fav thing i have wrote in here
A bit too late
Shut up lesbian (jordana)
It does look pretty real
Oh shit
He certainly can stop all of you
This reminds me a bit of morro when he appears for the first time to the ninja
Oh shit he hurt her bad AND ALSO ZANE
Is jordana and cinder going to have some kind of rivalry
WHAT ARE TO Even thinking about Lloyd
Lloyd talks to himself
Oh is this again
Why does he always huh what is that dragon
I love Kai and wyldfire (not in a ship way
Yep there will be a rivalry between cinder and jordana
Yay Nya and Lloyd uhh sibling thing. Idk how it’s called but it’s hermandad ok
It’s wykdfire I KNRE IT WAS HER
Huh what is that
They are so fucking gay. This is about Cole and geo
Cole come back your children and husband miss you
What a weird way to befriend a dragon
Huh who is that
Oh yay they passed the tests
Hi rontu and heal
They came all the way here to beat geo? Unexpected
Omg coleerrr
Ohh they are EREALLYYYYYY old
Is bonzle hiding something
Ok I’ll continue this later
Why does Zane have a doll of the frog man
Was that master Wu
Yay gay people
Is this a coming out allegory (bonzle)
OH SHIT SACRIFICE. Even cinder and jordana didn’t seem to like that idea
Oh cool a serpentine
Mf always has to fucking shut down couldn’t you wait for the third season so you could sacrifice
Oh never mind he is alive again
I thought it was going to explode with them inside the mech
That dragon is too bright
Oh shit wild mask warrior
Why did cinder smile like that
Huh what’s going on
Lloyd shut the fuck up
Oh just nktingness
Are they gonna fall
Yes they did
Ok shut up
EUPHRASIA GT OUT OF HERE!!!!! LELASEBvvvvv! (Not in a neg way)
Girl the mech thing kinda gives you away
Hurry up ARIN
Oh it wasn’t it was Lloyd and Nya
Oh shit the forbidden 5
Cinder shut te fuck up
Oh shit man
Oh shit man what even is your name
Idk what Zane just said but ok
Ok can we skip the lesson of the episode
Shh wyldfire shhh
Why did they fucking vanish
A lot can happen in like 2 weeks
Where the fuck are they
Oh shit
What is going on with jordana bro what the fuck is that face
YAYYYY COLE AND LLOYD HUG I love the brothers
Cole supporting his trans daughter yay
Kai again get this guy out of here (literally)
Ok that’s the end of dragon rising s2 bai
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salvatoreren · 1 year
guess who's back about to destroy her life once again for the sake of letting a few loose thoughts hereee
apparently i like taylor swift now and me coming back for speak now tv to rant is proof of tha, I JS WANNA SAY IM SO SORRY FOR THAT I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT PHASE, she's literally my top artist now, im so sorry taylor, never again, i dont deserve you
oh and apparently i like game of thrones too, along with hot d which is actually good because my writing actually got better watching them do these deep ass dialogue, it was fun, im either team green or team black bcus imo they both suck, im team strong boys
OH AND I LIKE JJK NOW MOST SURPRISING THING IN 2023, LIKE IT WAS NEVER FOR ME YK? BUT IG IT'S BECAUSE I FORCED IT ON MYSELF WATCHING IT, anyways a megumi edit got me through it, which is rlly cool because he was the only reason i ever watched the series omg so yeah and even when the yk what happened in the manga happened I WAS SO SHOCKED, tbh it was only a matter of time OH AND I READ THE MANGA AND IM IN PAIN OKAY
JJK S2 IS OUT TOO! I APPARENTLY WATCHED THE LEAKED VERSION IDGHJKLJF, THE SUBS WERE WELL SOO UNHINGED MY GOD BUT OMG THE OP AND THE ENDING WAS SOO COOL, THE ENDING PARTICULARLY SOSO CHILL, also i used to think gojo was overrated which is imo true but seeing his thought processes in the manga in his past arc and so on made me change my perspective, what im saying is i actually love his CHARACTER
like hellooo no one is allowed to take youth's youth??? WHAT HAPPENED TO U BB WHO HURT U, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN HIS TIME IN HIS CLAN OR SMTH
i still love eren ofc that never changed, still in tokrev ig im working myself tirelessly on this fic and yeah totally not wanting to kms bcus of it, the ending was a double-edged sword and i liked it tbh but i do acknowledge it has its flaws and doesnt have the best ending, tokrev has so many loose ends, i wish wakui had an assistant to keep him on track like yo i think u forgot to mention this or resolved it and i wish he had more time to work on it but im very grateful for this series bcus it quite literally saved my life.
and yeah i havent gotten into much either i keep visiting my old fandoms bcus im safe with them and then i get burnt out bcus im bitching how it's not the same kjdhbsgj but i am watching shadow and bone it doesnt appeal to me much but hoping i will anways
YEAH IM BACK, cant exactly say ive changed lots either ig, i still dont see it, my character development is nonexistent, i do think my old self here needed to chil kjdshgkjhg, she hated everything and yeah that sucks but ik i lowk i have a changed perspective after actually seeing my friends after the quarrantine and all that, able to feel what human interaction is and it was fun and i touched grass and stared at the sun lots so yeah,
but im actually going to distance myself lotsss in tumblr now, like not interacting much with ppl so i dont get burn out and go batshit crazy, not that i did in the beginning but i always looked for smth to hate so it's all on me, im the problem, but yeah doing it so i dont get burn out and leave again and totally going to have lots of breaks with it
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pronouncingitwang · 3 years
egbo makes me so upset bc like it could be so good and it is often so good but also some of the writing choices are unforgivably unforgivably bad
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starlightxsvt · 3 years
— Lover | c.sc (M)
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pairing ➳ dom!Seungcheol x sub!inexperienced!female reader
genre ➳ sugar daddy au, fake dating, strangers to lovers, smut, pwp, angst and some fluff. part of the Sugar Spice and Everything Nice project.
warnings ➳ okayy let's see, profanities, reader is shy and timid, she is also a simp, age gap tho it isn't mentioned, lying, insecurities, mention of terminal illness, dom/sub dynamics, explicit sexual content: multiple sex scenes, daddy kink obviously, kissing, a little degradation (slut), marking, big dicc! cheol, one tit slap, one spank, a little fingering, a lil clit biting? tit worshipping, male oral, choking, virgin sex, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it guys, this is just fiction!), forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, crying, creampie, seggs so gud she passes out, lots of emotions that needs to be addressed, Cheol is kind of an asshole at times?
word count ➳ 15.7k (grab your popcorn besties)
synopsis ➳ the worst first meeting and then an uncanny proposition is enough to cause trouble for you. you fall for a man who doesn't seem all that keen on returning your feelings.
playlist ➨ sugar daddy- queen herby // lover- taylor swift // power- ellie goulding // sugar- maroom 5 // tell it to my heart- meduza // guys my age- hey violet // tie a cherry- cl // only- lee hi // king of my heart- taylor swift // one last night- vaults // i fell in love with the devil- avril lavinge // i like it when you love me- oh wonder.
a/n: First of all happy new year guysss(even tho I'm late) and secondly, it's hereee!!! The first installment of Sugar Spice and Everything Nice is here!! I'm so excited, goshh. This is my first time writing explicit smut so idk how good it was (lemme know, wink wonk). For me it was hard af like I had no idea it was so draining to write smut??💀 Lmao anyways. Tbh when I thought of doing a sugar daddy fic, the first member I could think of was Cheol. I mean- HES A LITERAL DILF OKAY, he has the looks, the money, everything so ofc I had to do my first ever sg fic centering him. I hope y'all have a great time reading this and anticipate Joshua and Jeonghan's story which will probably take another couple months to be posted, sorry! Happy reading and I'll see y'all in hell( I can't believe I wrote this WTF 😀)
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Your ass hurts.
It hurts so bad that you feel like the skin has come off and it has been set on fire. But that pain doesn't even come close to the fear and anxiety you feel right now as you watch the godly handsome man glare at you, his eyes shooting fire towards you like laser beams. His secretary or assistant or something dabs away at the stain on his pristine dark blue suit jacket with extreme caution; careful not to spread the stain further. The stain you just gave him.
In your defense, it was accidental but you aren't totally guilt free. You were too busy daydreaming about the man; the one currently sending daggers your way, to notice he was getting up from his seat to take his leave. Somehow your clumsy, pathetic self lost her balance and ended up tossing all the hot coffee that you were about to serve another table on him- mainly his suit while you land ass first on the floor. You are truly thankful that the man was wearing his suit otherwise he would have been burned pretty bad and by now you would probably be on your way to jail for burning somebody.
"Fuck! Stop it!" The man, also known as Mr. Choi bats the other man's hand away from his jacket as he takes it off, still glaring at you, probably cursing you too in his mind while you sit unmoving on the floor, stupidly gaping at him.
"Oh my god! We're so so sorry, sir!" From somewhere Tanz rushes towards the crime scene and helps you get up, while continuously bowing to the man in apology. "That was an accident. Please forgive us, sir. We'll pay for the dry cleaning."
"Forget it!" His voice booms, clearly annoyed as he mutters something to the other man who rushes out of the restaurant. "Do you know what you have done? How I could have been burned? I have a business meeting for fucks sake." He hisses at you while dabbing at the light patch of brown that has seeped on his crisp white shirt from the jacket.
"I'm sorry," you whisper meekly, head hanging low in shame, cringing at yourself. Way to make an impression. Tanz is about to say something but the man speaks again, this time directed at her, "If this is how your employees treat their customers then you should probably think about hiring new ones." He snaps before turning on his heel and marching out of the place.
The hushed chatter returns as obnoxiously rich people stare at you and gossip while Tanz pushes you towards the kitchen. "Wow. So you like spilling coffee on men that you like? Is that your way of telling them that you are interested?" She raises a brow at you making you flustered. "I swear, it was an accident! I just- slipped somehow...I'm so sorry."
She sighs, rubbing her forehead. "It's okay. As long as he doesn't file a complaint about us. And if he doesn't do that, be sure he's never coming back. He doesn't wanna get his pretty face burned next time." Tanz jokes but you don't really find it amusing.
Mr. Choi has been your harmless crush for a while now, well he definitely was harmless until now. He's one of the regular customers here, showing up almost everyday whether to have breakfast or to grab a cup of coffee. He always leaves the most generous tips which are a given for a billionaire like him. You have seen his face on magazines and the internet before as he is a hot topic of discussion because of his extreme success at a young age. Not only is he blessed with extremely good looks but he also doesn't lack intelligence and pairing it up with his communication skills and straightforwardness, he has managed to build an entire empire fairly young. And you just spilled hot coffee on someone like him.
Tanz takes pity on your traumatized state and lets you go home early, where you crawl under your blankets and try to wipe the cringy memory off your mind. You can only hope he does the same.
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Sitting here, waiting for the stranger to appear is nerve wracking. Well, he isn't a complete stranger if you consider the messages you exchanged with him over the past week.
You still can't believe you signed up on a freaking sugar daddy website and then started chatting with some dude who you have no idea is real or not and now you are here, waiting for the said dude at a cafe. This all truly feels surreal now. Sure, the man seemed fun and nice over texts but you have no idea what he looks like and if he truly has the capability to be a sugar daddy. In his profile, it said his name is Scoups and his age is 32. That's all you know about the man you are going to meet. You don't have any idea what he looks like because his profile picture was rather vague, a capture of his silhouette rather than his profile.
He had asked if he could meet you in this cafe last night and thinking about all your accumulating bills, you said yes. He even specifically told you where to sit, the third table from the entrance by the window. Now you sit here tapping your foot nervously, contemplating your decision and waiting for the man to show up. You can't even look for him and only hope that he manages to recognize you from your profile picture.
You're so engrossed in your thoughts that it takes you a while to realize a man is standing in front of you. Peeking up to look at him, your heart almost lurches out of your chest at the sight. Mr. Choi stands in front of you in all his glory, a confused look on his face as he judges you with a raised brow. Your throat tightens.
"Wha- what are you doing here?" He's incredulous. You get nervous for no reason. You fiddle with your hands as they flail wildly and blurt out, "I- you told me to c-come here. We- we have been talking through that website-"
"What the fuck are you saying? I was supposed to meet some investors he- wait a second!" Some sort of revelation flashes across his eyes as he clenches his jaw and tightens his fist. You half expect him to start throwing punches but instead, he yells, "Fuck! Yoon Jeonghan!" He grits his teeth as he produces his phone from his breast pocket and quickly dials a number before walking away, leaving you completely bewildered.
You sit there as minutes pass by, baffled at the situation. Out of all people, he had to be your match? Or maybe it wasn't him. God, you're confused. When you are sure he has left for good and you should too, he reappears at your table, an annoyed look resting on his face.
He sits down on the chair across you with a disturbed grunt, before undoing the button of his jacket and releasing a deep breath. You sit there frozen, too nervous to speak or move, only watching the beautiful man in front of you rubbing his temples. He begins, "I have to clear things up. This is a setup, done by my dear friend. He was the one who you have been talking to on that website. He set me up to this, saying that we were meeting some investors. I had no idea I was gonna meet a...sugar baby." He mutters dryly, undoubtedly displeased with everything. Dumbly, you whisper, "I'm sorry."
What are you even sorry for? Oh yeah, spilling coffee on his jacket.
He lets out a mirthless chuckle, "It's really ironic meeting you. God the confusion I felt when I saw you sitting here." He shakes his head at the memory as you grow more embarrassed. "Anyway, I think we're done here. Sorry to let you down but if you want to meet my friend I can give you his number." His tone is dismissive as he prepares to leave but stops in his tracks when a ping comes from his phone. He opens the device to check the text and a frown settles on his face upon reading it. He sits still for a while, staring at the screen while you do the same, waiting for his next move.
And it surprises you.
"On a second thought, I don't mind being a sugar daddy." He announces as he gets comfortable in the chair again and you gulp, wondering what that text said that made him change his mind so quickly. Silently, you wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't, instead starts scanning you top to bottom. You grow flustered under his scrutinizing gaze, shuffling in your seat as you wonder if he likes what he sees or feels repelled. It's probably the latter.
"I have some specific demands that need to be met. One, if I'm being precise. You do that and I pay you generously."
You swallow. "What is it?"
"I need someone to show up with me on family functions and other events. You see, my family has been pressuring me to find a significant other and me showing up with a girl will really keep them off my ass." He states, getting to the point immediately as you sit there, processing his words. His proposition sounds almost unreal, too easy. He continues, "I'm willing to pay whatever your requirement is. If you agree, then I'm gonna prepare a contract which will carry all the details of this arrangement." He sounds so formal like he's doing business which in a way, he is and his authoritativeness makes you stumble over your words as you gather your thoughts.
"I...I don't mind I guess. I have loans to pay off so...I'm willing." You whisper. In the back of your mind, you wonder if this means you have to get physical with him, which you definitely don't mind but the thought makes your throat dry. As if he can read your mind, he speaks, "Don't worry about sex. I'm not looking for anything physical. But if you are willing then we can. However, that is not a priority. We can take it one at a time." His bluntness makes your face burn as you nod timidly, looking away. When you offer nothing more he sits up straight. " Well, then, Miss ____, I take it you're willing?"
"Yes." You nod. "Good. My secretary will contact you soon. We can meet up and discuss the contract." He throws a professional smile at you, a pleasure-doing-business-with-you-with-you smile as he fishes out his wallet and pulls out a couple of hundred dollar bills. To your utter surprise, he pushes them towards you. "Thank you for your time." Is all he says before he stands up and marches away, leaving you to sit there shocked, horrified even as you stare at the bills sitting on the table.
Two hundred dollars?
For what? Like twenty minutes? Is this what it feels like to be a sugar baby? Half of you feel ashamed while the other half feels giddy as you reach for the notes. You have to put your pride aside if you want to pay off your loans and accomplish your dreams. Also, it's not like this is illegal or you begged him for this. He willingly gave you two hundred dollars! With a soft smile on your lips, you put the notes in your purse and head home.
A couple of days later, true to his words, Seungcheol's secretary calls you, letting you know that his boss wants to have dinner with you and go over the contract. Due to the occasion, you take out the best piece of clothing you own; a mid-length black evening dress with a sweetheart neckline that hugs your body nicely and pray that it makes you look decent and presentable. Seungcheol is kind enough to send his car to pick you up and take you to the restaurant.
When you arrive, Seungcheol is already there, waiting for you in one of the private dining areas. Dressed in a grey suit and pants which are a little crinkled right now, it is evident that he had a long day. But somehow, he manages to look perfectly put together and attractive, his intimidating aura ever present. "Good evening, Miss ____."
He greets as he sees you enter and with a shy greeting, you quickly sit down opposite to him. The room is spacious, designed with wood and minimalistic decorations as a table sits at the center, surrounded by a couple of chairs. Seungcheol pushes the menu resting on the table towards you. "Order whatever you please. Then we can start discussing the contract."
So you do that quickly as the waiter arrives and pours some champagne on your glasses. As a means of easing your nerves, you quickly gulp it down.
"Now, since this is a contract, I expect you to be completely honest and tell me if you aren't satisfied with anything. This won't work if you don't tell me your worries," Seungcheol begins, pushing the written contract towards you. Tentatively, you pick up the piece of paper. "I've listed my requirements here. You can add yours if you have any. And if you disagree with any of these then we can discuss it." He states, leaning back on his chair and taking a sip of the bubbling drink. You can feel his eyes burning into you as you read over the contract and you are pretty surprised over its simplicity.
They don't contain many clauses, just a few; none of the parties are allowed to have any other relationships while in this contract, prices are negotiable if they do not satisfy the sugar baby, sexual relationship is not a must but it can be initiated with the consent of both parties and lastly, if any of the parties want to break off this arrangement, they can do so without any questions asked. You set down the paper with a hum and Seungcheol asks, "Okay? Would you like to add anything?"
"No, I think this is fine." You say, making him nod and fetch a pen from his pocket. "You can always add something later if you feel like it. I want this to be beneficial for both of us. This way, we both get what we want, don't we?" Nodding, you scribble your sign at the bottom of the paper, next to his. You feel like you have done something huge, something that will change your life and it will. He is literally your sugar daddy now. Which reminds you.
"Oh, thank you for that money...that day. You... didn't have to do it, really." You whisper. Seungcheol shrugs, his tone bored, "I'm your sugar daddy, aren't I? Besides, you were scammed in a way. Only felt right to compensate you. Jeonghan says he's sorry, by the way." Biting your lip, you nod, unable to come up with a reply.
"Okay, now." Seungcheol puts his hands on the table, his serious gaze making you squirm in your seat. "My parents are hosting a charity event this weekend. And you will be accompanying me."
"This weekend?" You let out an unceremonious gasp. He raises a brow, "Yes. Do you have plans? I will pay you handsomely." The mention of money makes you flush as you quickly shake your head, "No no! I just- I wasn't expecting it. I mean it's in two days and I don't have any time to prepare my dr-"
"Everything will be taken care of, ___." He pins you down with his gaze. "You just need to show up. I will have a pair of stylists and make-up artists at my place this Saturday. You can get ready there."
"O-okay. Thank you." You mutter, feeling a little intimated.
"Good." Seungcheol smirks. "Pleasure doing business with you, Miss ____."
After that, there's a pause in the air as dinner is served and you both start eating in relative silence. "I did some background check on you. You're a business major, I see." Seungcheol states somewhere between the dinner. "Yes, I am." You speak.
"You have quite an excellent score. Why don't you come to my company for an internship." The idea is enticing but you are already in a rather special relationship with this man so the idea of him being your boss too isn't really the most pleasing. It is true that you are preparing your résumé for some internships as you need money to pay off your loans as the diner's pay isn't helping with too much. "T-thank you for your offer, Mr. Choi. But I don't think I will." He raises a brow at you but doesn't speak further, instead sips the champagne. "You are not interested in an internship?"
"I- I was but not anymore. I mean, with our new arrangement," heat flares all through your face "I-I think I'll keep working at the diner and save up. I actually want to open my own shop." You whisper, confessing your dream to him suddenly making you shy.
What does he think of you? Is he judging you? Laughing at you?
"What shop?"
"A flower shop," you breathe, looking at your lap. He's silent for a while before nodding, "A flower shop, huh? Interesting." He muses and you cringe inwardly thinking he's probably laughing at you. Before you can stop yourself you explain, "You see my mother used to have a garden when I was young. I really liked watching her tending to the garden with so much love and before I knew it I started to do the same too. She loved roses, half of our garden was full of them. I just...I don't know, I want to work with flowers." You don't know why you are blabbering about this to pretty much a stranger and you half expect him to roll his eyes and say whatever but you watch him nod, almost understandingly.
"That's great. We'll drink to that. I hope you can open your shop soon." He raises his glass and you quickly grab yours, clinking it with him, whispering a 'cheers'.
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It has been two months since that night and God, your life has turned completely upside down. If someone said this was gonna be your life a few months back, you would have flipped them off but lord, it is. You have attended quite a few events with Seungcheol in the span of the last couple of months and after each event, the amount that was dropped in your bank account was mind boggling, almost filthy. You have once tried talking to Seungcheol about it, saying he did not have to pay that much every time but he just shrugged and said that's what you deserve for giving him your time. And you certainly can't complain.
With the current flow of cash, in just a few weeks you can finish paying all your debts and actually start working on setting up your shop.
Other than the obscene about of money, there are gifts. So much of it that bags of Channel and Dior and Gucci and Louis Vuitton and Prada lie around your apartment now because after every party you attend with Seungcheol, he lets you take home the expensive dresses and shoes as gifts. You have tasted the most luxurious wines and champagnes, tried a variety of delicacies, rode cars worth a million dollars and whatnot. It has been an overwhelming but also a learning experience as you got to experience how the filthy rich people lived. And it is easy to get used to because coming from a struggling family, when you have diamonds and rubies on your neck and fingers, you truly can't complain too much. But every now and then you tell Seungcheol to take it easy and tone it down just a little.
Seungcheol, right. The man who is now at the center of your universe. He's an enigma, just like gravity as he keeps pulling you closer and closer yet leaving you unsatisfied. You don't really know what you expected Seungcheol to be but it's definitely not this. He's attentive and respectful but also very professional. While this sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship may sound really intimate to others, it's nowhere near that for the two of you. It's fair to say you are extremely surprised at how Seungcheol keeps his distance and never tries to initiate anything with you.
You have been playing the role of Seungcheol's arm candy slash companion, nothing more or less. So far you have attended four events with him, the first one being his family charity. His parents surprised you, in the best way. While you expected them to make rude comments and judge you down to your pores, they were welcoming and chatty and easy to get along with, like the rest of his family. His mother was the life of the party, talking and laughing and drinking nonstop, her vibe a lot younger than her age.
After that event, you attended two more office parties, followed by an evening party taken place after Seungcheol launched another new business. That night is the most unforgettable as you were flocked with paparazzi coming at you from all directions and throwing questions left and right. However, Seungcheol handed them efficiently, shielding you from the blinding flashes with his large frame as he answered the questions for you. He has always made sure that you felt comfortable and always made you feel included in conversations. And for someone with a soft heart like yours, his attention and politeness towards you have increased the teeny tiny crush you had on him to tenfold.
How can you not like someone as charming as him? Sure, he has kept you at an arm's length, never sharing anything too personal with you nor asking anything personal about you but the sight of him in a suit, engrossed in his work, his ring clad fingers massaging his temples is enough to make you forget everything and fall for him harder. Seungcheol pays you to show up with him at events and while you were first interested in luxurious parties and fine dining events, you've soon lost interest in them; now too busy gawking at Seungcheol. The events now bore you but you certainly aren't complaining when you get to be by the side of a man like Seungcheol.
The way he shows up in expensive suits, tailored just perfectly and free of a single crease and the way he brushes his slicked hair back while talking or the way his adam's apple bobs when he sips champagne or the way his biceps flex when he buttons his suit is good enough to drive you insane. Simply speaking, it looks like you've got it down bad for someone who is clearly not interested in a relationship. You remember asking him about this on the way home after one of his parties.
"Why don't you just...date?"
Your question catches him off guard by the look on his face as he raises a rather judgemental brow at you. Flustered, you're about to apologize for being nosy when he sighs. "Too much work."
"Huh?" You blink at him. "Dating. It's too much for me. I've seen people around me fall in love and then fall apart in the worst ways and I don't want to be like them. I'm not ready for commitment or the effort and responsibilities that come with a relationship only for it to end and cause me headaches. It feels like a burden to me."
"Oh." You murmur. "But it could be fun too. If you find the right person, I mean." Your voice fades into a whisper. A small unamused smile rests on his face. "That's the thing. Finding the right person. I don't think there is someone like that. At least for me."
"Well, you never know until you search." You speak wondering why the hell you are pushing him to find love. Maybe because deep down that's what you wish from him, to love you. Seungcheol stares at you for a while, your eyes not leaving his as you watch the city lights reflect in them. The moment is broken when a frown mars his beautiful face as he snaps, "Well. As I said, I'm not interested."
His rejection definitely hurt you but you didn't have time to dwell on it because the next day Seungcheol announced that you would be accompanying him to Paris this weekend for a two-day business trip. The news came out of nowhere and smacked you on the face but you were too excited to complain how short of a time he gave you to prepare. Seungcheol dealt with all the paperwork work and a few days later you were accompanying him to Paris in his private jet.
It has been a couple of hours since you have landed and checked into the hotel suite. Seungcheol is currently taking a shower as you stand on the balcony, watching the Eiffel tower in the distance as the dusk fell.
You are still in the process of processing that all this is real and you are truly in Paris, staying in a fucking penthouse suite which unfortunately or fortunately has two bedrooms because Seungcheol claimed he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, sipping a wine whose name you can't even pronounce. All thanks to your dear sugar daddy. The word still feels foreign on your tongue and you haven't called him that out loud but oftentimes, your mind wonders if he'd like to be called that in bed. You are yet to find out if you have a daddy kink which seems like it won't happen soon given how professional Seungcheol has been with you.
Your wandering thoughts come to a halt as Seungcheol appears from the bathroom, half naked, just grey pajama pants hanging low on his hips and you almost choke on your wine. Making a quick excuse you dash to the bathroom, seeking shelter from the defined, absolutely perfect muscles all over his chest and abdomen. This sugar baby thing is proving to be a lot harder than you thought but hey, at least you are getting paid enough.
The next day Seungcheol meets his business partners in an early breakfast meeting as you get your beauty sleep in the fluffy white pillows and blankets. Later that evening you prepare for the after party as you put on a champagne colored silk evening dress, another luxurious purchase by Seungcheol. With your makeup done, you are putting on your earrings when Seungcheol pads into your room, dressed in the finest white suit you've ever seen. There's a white turtleneck underneath it and a Chanel brooch pin rests on one of the lapels of his collar. His hair is styled back in a rather messy way as the smaller strands lay scattered on the sides of his forehead and you have this terrible urge to run your fingers through them. He simply looks delectable.
You watch him with bated breath for a while before his voice brings you back to reality. "Are you finished?"
"Yeah, um, I just need to put my shoes on," you reply fumbling for your pumps. Seungcheol watches you for a second, his eyes scanning you top to bottom before he gives you a soft smile and steps out of the room, leaving you to finish getting ready.
This party is like every other, men talking about capitalist things and women showing off their jewels to each other. You sit on a chair by the long table full of sweets and fruits, helping yourself with a piece of strawberry as you sip on the rose champagne and watch Seungcheol converse with his business partners. Well, he stays silent mostly while the men surrounding him talk and this is the first time you have seen Seungcheol look so disinterested. His eyes keep wandering around and often landing on you and when they do, he holds his gaze, eyes boring into yours even though he's on the other side of the room. As you finish your strawberry Seungcheol excuses himself from his friends and stalks over to you. "Boring, isn't it?" He raises a brow at you.
"I'm surprised to hear that from you." You send a teasing smile on his way. He laughs softly, "I know. I'm kind of regretting making them partners. They just don't know when to shut their traps." He sighs, grabbing a champagne flute and finishing it in one go. "Well, would you like to leave then?" You ask. "Now?" He frowns. "We haven't had dinner yet."
You shrug. "We can just have it back in the hotel if that's okay with you." Seungcheol seems to ponder that idea for a second before he reaches out for your hand, surprising you. "Let's do that. I've had a long day." Nodding you follow him, your hands linked with his as you excuse yourselves from the party and head towards Seungcheol's limo.
Tonight the air between the two of you feels different, charged with palpable tension. Seungcheol, who only have ever touched the small of your back or pressed the slightest kisses on your temple as a public display of affection has been keeping his hands a lot more on you today. Like right now.
His hand rests on your thigh casually as you sit next to him on the limo, your heart thudding loudly when he absentmindedly starts stroking the flesh. You take a tentative look at him, his eyes focused outside, his brows furrowed a little. His face is so close to you, just mere inches apart and you can even count his beautiful, long lashes. And you have this insane urge to kiss every inch of his face, press your lips against him and feel the softness.
Your body seems to take matters into its hand as you feel yourself move and press your lips softly against like sharp jawline. Seungcheol is pleasantly shocked as he turns to face you, the hand on your thigh tightening. Holding your breath you watch him, waiting for him to react. He does by cupping your cheek, dark eyes watching you closely. And then he leans closer, pressing his lips on your cheek before trailing down towards your lips. He then stops and observes you for a while, his warm breath kissing your face, the heated desire in his eyes making your heart race.
And then he presses his lips on the corner of yours gently, as if testing the waters. Your soft gasp and tightening hold on his jacket ease his worries as he attaches his lips to yours softly. He takes his sweet time kissing your lips as you sit there frozen, the fact that this is happening stunning you. When he gently prods his tongue into your mouth you grab his jacket, breath hitching as fireworks spread through your body.
Perilously you kiss him back, hands snaking around his neck as he somehow shifts you onto his lap. Your heart rings in your ears loudly, thrilled to finally, finally taste the man you have been utterly besotted to.
He tastes like pure luxury, fine and deep and obsessive leaving you moaning for more. He removes his lips from yours to trail them down your neck, starting from your jaw as soft gasps leave your mouth. You throw your head back once his lips meet your sensitive spots and half unconsciously you start grinding yourself against his thigh. You seem to have lost your mind, your brain overflowing with some sort of horny hormones probably because your period is coming or because of the unfairly sexy man underneath you. However, your passionate moment is hindered as the car comes to a halt making you snap out of your reverie.
Face heated, you scramble to get off his lap while he lets you, an unaffected look resting on his face as if he didn't just eat your face. Getting off the car as fast as possible you march inside the hotel and go straight for the elevator. Seungcheol follows you close by and after one awkward, full of tension elevator ride later you reach the suite and as soon as Seungcheol unlocks it, you almost make a beeline for your room, too ashamed to face him after your little make out session. But his voice stops you in your tracks.
"Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asks suddenly, his face solemn. The sincerity in his tone makes you feel a little guilty. "No!" You signify. "I just- um, I really liked it but I'm afraid you didn't and I crossed a line or something..." You trail off nervously, eyes low in embarrassment. He watches you amusedly for a while before stepping towards you and tilting your head up with a finger.
The proximity of his body next to yours paired with his scalding gaze have your knees shaking but you swallow and meet his eyes. "Trust me, you didn't cross any line." His deep voice reverberates as he leans closer, his lips a breath away from your ear. "I liked that a lot, in fact." He whispers, trailing his lips from your cheek to your earlobe as he softly bites the flesh. Your hands clutch on his jacket tightly as you mewl, legs shaking. You can't believe how embarrassingly wet you are from one makeout session.
"Wait!" You speak, making him step back immediately with a frown and you hate how you miss his warmth. You don't want him to get the wrong idea so you keep your hands on his jacket as you look down and whisper your embarrassing truth. "I- you should know...that...I've never done this before. I'm- I'm-" you can't bring yourself to finish that sentence so keep your head down in shame, scared that he's gonna back out now. For a moment nothing happens and you feel like disappearing into thin air, before he cups your cheek and guides your face up.
"That's okay. What I need to know is," His eyes darken visibly, turning into pools of lava, "Do you really want this? Do you want me?" He utters, his lips a breath away from yours. "Y-yes, I do." He didn't even touch you but you are already gasping for air, the thoughts of him corrupting you sending shivers down your spine.
Watching you for a beat he leans closer and attaches his lips to yours, gently at first. When a soft, pleasured gasp leaves your mouth he grows bolder, pushing his tongue inside and claiming your mouth once again and biting your lips to the point it's swollen. The kiss is raw, filled with molten lust as he somehow manages to guide you both towards the master bedroom your lips always connected to his plump ones.
When you both stand in front of the huge bed, you almost lose your balance due to your lust-riddled brain but he is quick to grab your waist rather roughly and pulls you close while his other hand ventures downwards, groping your ass. He kisses you until you are breathless and then pulls back to look at your already fucked out state, your doe eyes watching him with so much eagerness.
"Beautiful." He whispers, eyes on your swollen lips that are parted just a little.
With a gentle hand, he reaches for the straps of your gown and lets them fall off your shoulders before his hands dance on your back, tugging down the zipper in a smooth motion. He steps back just a little bit, waiting for you to step out of your dress and shyly you do so. The dress doesn't let you wear a bra so your bare breasts are exposed to the chilly air, making your nipples harden immediately. You're about to cover yourself out of shame when he grabs your wrists. "Don't." Is all he says, his voice gentle yet commanding and you nod vigorously like a puppet.
He begins by pressing kisses on your shoulders and then your breasts as his hands work on massaging them simultaneously. He takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting and torturing it with his tongue until you are arching towards him with a moan and bunching the sheets in your fists. "You are so beautiful when you moan for me darling, don't stop." He mouths with a cheeky smile before doing the same to your other breast, all the while watching your reaction and you are so lost in sensations that you don't realize he has taken off his suit jacket sometime while pleasing you.
Then he stops for a moment, pushing you back into the pillows behind you and sitting on his knees as he takes off his turtleneck. His body is truly a sight for sore eyes, chiseled abs all over and you have this urge to kiss every inch of his porcelain skin. Smirking at how you ogle him he then reaches for his pants, tugging them off too. Left in his boxers only which shows a clear outline of his hard length, you can't help but mewl out a please. Your desperation makes him cockier and he decides to tease you a little further.
Leaning down, he presses sweet kisses on your belly before going down, eyes connecting with yours every so often. He kisses your covered core once before tugging off your panties and tossing them aside, making you gasp and without a delay he spreads your legs open, staring at your core. You feel your whole body heat up with embarrassment and you want to close your legs but you can't because of his strong grip. It frustrates you how slow he is, too busy eye fucking you and enjoying your neediness. Throwing the sexiest smirk at you that has your pussy leaking, he leans down and attaches his lips against your core.
You almost scream bloody murder.
His mouth moves expertly against your most sensitive spot as he messily sucks and laps at your core. Your hands fist on his hair as you almost arch off the bed when you feel his warm tongue prodding at your entrance. "Fuck! Daddy!" And the word leaves your lips somehow which makes Seungcheol stop his ministrations on you. He leans back to look at you and you are so embarrassed you hope that the bed would swallow you up.
You're about to open your mouth to apologize but he says, "What did you call me?" His deep baritone has you gushing again as his smoldering eyes pin you down. "D-daddy." You whisper. "Good. Scream that when I make you come." The confidence and authority in his voice are enough to almost make you come as he dives back in with renewed vigor.
He's merciless, prodding your hole relentlessly with his tongue, alternating sucks and nips on your clit. It sets fireworks all through you and you feel the coil in your belly starting to tighten in pleasure. "So fucking good baby. You taste so sweet." He grunts, face pressed against your mound and his words paired with the lewd sight between your legs has your cunt throbbing.
Soon enough you find yourself on the precipice of an orgasm which washes over you when he gently nips your clit before giving it a harsh suck. You scream as you hurl down an orgasm, your first, real orgasm as Seungcheol holds your shaking body down.
Before you can even come back from your high, he continues, kissing your pussy aggressively while adding a finger and then two and the sudden stretch in your tight hole has you coming again in mere seconds, this time your orgasm stronger, setting your nerve endings on fire as you scream his name.
He sits back once done, a satisfied smirk on his face as he watches you twitch underneath him, vision q little blurry. He makes a show of licking his lips which glisten with your arousal before leaning down by supporting himself on his elbows and capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss. You moan, tasting yourself on his tongue and the filthiness of his act sends a new rush of arousal through your body.
"Do you want me to continue?" He asks and though his concern warms your heart you can't help the groan. "Yes, yes! Of course." You almost yell. Chuckling at your enthusiasm, he moves back and rakes a hand through his hair. "Well, then, if we're gonna do it, we have to do it bare because I don't have a condom with me. But I assure you, I'm clean and I'll pull out." He says, his eyes focused on your face to catch any hint of hesitation and honestly, you don't give a fuck. You'll do just about anything to have his dick inside you right now.
"I'm on the pill so I'm fine." You pant, reaching for him to pull him close. Smirking, he grabs your wrists midway and pins them above your head. Lazily he whispers in your ear, "If you want me to fuck you, you're gonna be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself. Understand?" You answer him with an enthusiastic nod but he isn't satisfied as he lands a sudden slap on your tit making you squeal. "Yes, daddy! Yes!" You heave for breaths, pussy throbbing as his rough treatment.
Once happy he works on removing his boxers and when they come off you almost drool, mouth hanging open at the sight. His cock is utterly beautiful, long and thick and heavy as it bobs in the air. Your pussy clenches around nothing as you swallow, thinking about how deliciously it's gonna stretch you, if you can even take it in the first place.
"Like what you see?" His tone is smug and you can only nod. He gives your pussy a few rubs, spreading your arousal before lining his cock up to your entrance, intense eyes watching you as he whispers, "Deep breaths baby. Tell me if it gets uncomfortable, alright? I'll stop immediately." You can only nod, grabbing his biceps for support as you feel his tip entering followed by some inches and just that feeling has you on the brink of exploding. Sharp pain and pleasure surge through you but what steals most of your focus is how incredibly full you feel. Your breath hitches and you tense up as he gradually pushes in, mewling, "Ah- s-so b-big."
Above you Seungcheol grits his teeth as he keeps pushing inside steadily and you wonder just how big his cock is when it finally stops and you let out the breath you were holding. "Alright?" Seungcheol asks. You nod your head taking in a couple deep breaths, pulling him closer as an indication to continue. And he does. Lazily he pulls back until the tip of his dick rests inside you and then he thrusts, so hard that you scream out loud as he hits that spot inside you. "Fuck, you're so tight." He sounds choked.
"Oh god!" you're wail, head full of bliss as your mouth hangs open in pleasure. The ethereal sight of him on top of you, sweaty, full of lust has you moaning and clenching. You wrap your arms tightly around his strong back, nails digging onto his skin as he increases his pace. "Feel good? You want more, little girl?"
His words make you gush around him. "Yes! Yes, daddy! I want more. Give it to me!" You whine deliriously, clinging onto him. He grunts, doubling his pace if that's even possible. You feel like you are gonna break into two, in the best possible way as he keeps hitting your sweet spot that has you moaning like a whore and you feel your orgasm approaching.
"Keep screaming my name. Who's making you feel this good?" He hisses in your ear, thrusting erratically. "You daddy! You! Seungcheol! Please, I'm gonna cum!" You mewl.
"Oh yeah? So easily? Cum then. Milk my cock dry." He bites your earlobe as one of his hands reaches down to circle your clit in tight motions making you shudder violently. You feel like you are gonna burst and you do actually. The coil in your belly snaps and with a raw scream of his name you come, pussy spasming erratically. Seungcheol hisses on top of you as he feels your arousal coat him but continues his ruthless pace, his thrusts so deep the bed shakes.
He's merciless, continuing his torture on your clit even after you come and oversensitivity settles. "Seungcheol, please..." You gasp, unsure what you are even begging for. "One more. You can do one more," he huffs before whispering, "Where do you want me to come baby?" He pants, hands rubbing your clit tirelessly.
"Inside! C-come in me, daddy!" You're delirious, the thought of him filling you up sends your body into overdrive as he pinches your clit, making you come once more with a scream of his name. The orgasm ripples through you like tsunami waves, shaking your whole body and making your toes curl as your fingernails dig into his back. He comes with you, warm spurts of his seed filling you up continuously, so much that some of it leak out. The warm feeling of his release inside your pussy and his sweet sucking on your neck is the last thing you remember before passing out.
When you return to earth it's morning and your whole body hurts. The sun filters through the silk curtains, making you squint as you struggle to sit up. The ache between your legs is ever present, making the memories of last night flood back in. At that thought, you look around the room only to see no signs of Seungcheol. Is he gone for a meeting? The bedside clock reads 9:05 am.
Damn, how long have you been passed out for? You didn't even have dinner last night. At the thought of food, your stomach growls and you scramble to get out of bed, awkwardly moving your legs after the treatment Seungcheol gave to your pussy last night. The thought has you feeling flustered as you pad outside of the bedroom and find Seungcheol sitting on one of the dining chairs, a newspaper in his hands.
A soft gasp leaves you as you didn't expect to see him. He looks up and the corners of his lips turn upward just slightly, "Hello there. Good morning."
"G-good morning," you fumble with the hem of your (his) shirt as you stand there awkwardly, face and neck heating up with embarrassment. "Sleep well?" He asks, his tone almost teasing and you nod shyly. "Good." He folds the newspaper and stands up, fixing his t-shirt. "Take some medicine. I'm sure it hurts. Was I too rough last night? You literally passed out on me." Refusing to meet his eyes, you only shake your head no and mumble out an apology. He steps towards you and lifts your face up with a finger. "Don't be. Did you have a good time?" The sincerity and integrity on his face steal your breath away. "Y-yes, thank you." You breathe, hypnotized by his eyes. He nods and steps back, announcing. "Have breakfast and get ready. We're gonna go for sightseeing today."
"Oh? You don't have any meetings?" You can't hide the astonishment in your tone.
"No. We're in Paris baby. And it's your first time. It's a shame if we leave just like this." He says as he puts on his watch. "I'll be downstairs. Take your time." He sends a smile your way before stepping out of the suite and despite the ache all over your body you move around quickly, excitement bubbling over.
The day is spent driving around in Seungcheol's Porsche as he takes you to visit museums, cafes, stores and whatnot. You return home in the evening with hands full of bags from luxury brands and tonight you two crash into bed early, both of you exhausted from running around all day. Tonight you sleep next to him and he doesn't comment on it, probably because he passes out the second he lies down and soon you do too.
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After an early flight the next day, you return home with too many gifts and unforgettable memories and a fat wad of cash in your bank account. Then you fall back into your daily routine, morning at the diner then attending the flower decoration class and then back to home. Seungcheol seems to have fallen into his busy routine too as he hasn't asked you to come over for the past week and the texts from him have been short and simple. Though his lack of attention hurts you a little bit, you push that feeling down and go on with your life. Seungcheol had suggested to you some plots for your shop and you start looking into them, deciding on which would be the best for you.
One Thursday after your flower decoration classes, you text Seungcheol, asking if you can meet him. It has been a while since you saw him physically and can't stop yourself from reaching out to him first. When his text says he's free in the evening, you bounce up and down with giddiness.
You arrive at his penthouse a little after 8. Seungcheol opens the door soon after you ring the bell, his hair damp and you can tell he's fresh out of the shower. He smells so good, fresh and minty and you have to stop yourself from hugging him. In the back of your mind, you wonder how great it'd be if he was your boyfriend.
Get it together.
Smiling from ear to ear you greet him. "Hi! I hope I'm not disturbing."
"No, it's fine. Come in." He steps away as you walk inside and get rid of your coat.
"Would you like some wine? I've asked the chef to prepare dinner for us."
"Oh, sure. And you didn't have to do that," you say bashfully as you sit on one of the breakfast stools and rest your hands on the marble countertop. You watch as Seungcheol moves around the kitchen, the thin t-shirt not really hiding his buff figure. His biceps flex as he unscrews the wine bottle and you swallow. He looks more muscular than the last time you saw him and you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you.
Sliding a glass of wine towards you he sits on the opposite stool, brushing a hand through his hair and fluffing it. "How have you been? I've been really busy the past week."
"Yeah, I'm doing good. My flower decorating lessons are almost over." You take a sip of the cool drink.
"Good. Have you looked into the plots I suggested?" He takes a sip of his wine. For a distracted moment, you gape at his jawline and how his adam's apple bobs when he swallows. "Uhm, y-yeah. They're all really nice." You whisper, looking away. He nods, finishing his wine. "Take your time. When you decide on one let me know. I'll take care of your paperwork."
"Thank you," you smile before reaching for your bag that sits beside you. From inside you pull out your gift for him, which is the main reason you wanted to see him today. "This is for you. I made this today," you whisper shyly as you push the bouquet of dried flowers towards him. They are a combination of dried pink and red camellias, white clovers and red roses, all tied together with a white satin ribbon. Seungcheol raises a surprised brow at the present as he takes it in his hand and examines it.
"They are dried flowers. They'll last forever, you know. You don't have to take care of them." You explain nervously.
You shouldn't really be giving this gift to him. Last forever? Why would he want to keep something from you forever? You have let your emotions get the best of you. You want him to have something that'll remind you of him after all this is over; that is if he actually keeps this stupid gift. Chewing on your lower lip, you watch him anxiously, hoping he'll be blind enough and just accept it as a simple gift.
"Thanks. They are beautiful," he comments, setting the flowers down on the counter and you let out a breath of relief.
That night after dinner and too many glasses of wine you end up in Seungcheol's bed where he claims you as his own, all over again. You scream his name on the top of your lungs and by the time dawn rolls around, you're passed out completely. When you wake up in the morning, you find yourself alone in his large bed and a note resting on the bedside table, telling you that there is breakfast if you want and to check your bank account.
Sure enough, there is another new load of cash when you open your banking app, the amount staring back at you almost tauntingly. Accepting money from him has started to become harder and harder and you know very well you won't be able to continue this for long. You also know very well that Seungcheol will let you go without any questions asked but that's the problem. You want to stay. With him. Even if this is the way you can. You always end up feeling cheap and filthy at the end but you don't have anyone to blame but yourself.
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A couple of days later you accompany Seungcheol to yet another evening party, dressed in a teal gown and pearls in your neck and ears. It is boring like every other party and Seungcheol seems to feel it too. He sticks by your side mostly instead of entertaining his business partners who, you have noticed, does a poor job of keeping their lusty eyes off of you. You have overheard one particular Mr. Wang asking Seungcheol about you and if he's willing to share. The look Seungcheol sent his way made him look like he was about to piss his pants and after threatening to cut off all business ties with him, Seungcheol stuck by your side and hasn't left since.
"Should we just leave? Let's eat at my place. We can order whatever you like." Seungcheol offers and you are quick to agree. Getting to be with Seungcheol alone is something you can never refuse. Especially if that means you can leave this dull party.
And so you head home with him, picking up dinner on the way which you share over a nice bottle of Dom Perignon. He talks about his upcoming plans and you talk about your schedules regarding your shop as you finish dinner. Then the conversation dulls down as you both enjoy the wine in comfortable silence.
You sip on the drink and take your sweet time watching his beautiful profile, burning the image deep into your memory. From his thick brows to his long lashes, his structured nose and his plump pink lips and his adam's apple, you ingrain every detail into your mind.
Maybe it's the overflowing amount of alcohol in your blood or the fact that you are deeply, madly in love with him which you once again realized, that you speak the words. "You're such a great person, Seungcheol. Whoever you marry is gonna be so lucky." Half of you can't believe you said that out loud and how utterly smitten you sounded.
He stares at you for a moment, contemplating your words before responding, "Thank you, ____. But I don't think that'll happen anytime soon, if ever."
"Why not?" You whisper, tracing the rim of the wine glass with your fingertips. The fact that he once again is denying any thoughts of marriage or love hurting you. "You're such an amazing person. You're smart, talented, passionate, hard-working-"
"Yeah but that all gets dumped by the amount I make." Seungcheol frowns. "At the end of the day, money and power is everything, is it not? If there's a scope to get even more of that, they leave, no matter how passionate or smart you are." His tone sounds mocking, almost.
"Not everyone is like that," you remark, even though you feel like a hypocrite. The relationship you have with him is solely based on money. Sure you said yes to being his sugar baby because you were in need but also because you always found him attractive, not because of his money, just because of him. And he sure as hell wouldn't just date you in a normal way so to get a taste of him, to get a touch of a luxury like him, you said yes because that's the only way someone like you can have someone like him nearby. "There are people out there who will love you just because of you. Not because of your money or anything else."
He raises a brow at you, almost challengingly, probably indicating your relationship with him. You can't help but cringe in your seat.
"Hmm, I doubt that. Take my father for an example. He was whipped for my mother. At first, he thought she loved him equally, maybe she did but it'd all change after I was born. She'd be too busy for us, for me, always outside, shopping and splurging and meeting men half her age. But even after all that my father forgave her, didn't push her away. And that angers me more. Why would he do that to himself? It doesn't make any sense. My mother used him."
At the mention of his mother, your mind brings up the images of her at their charity event, her bubbly and outgoing persona dominating the crowd. She wasn't like how you expected someone her age to be but she didn't seem like a neglectful or a bad person either. But who can say how what happens behind closed doors.
"That doesn't mean you will end up like that too." Is all you can whisper, hoping to bring him some solace.
"You sound awfully sure and I'm not sure if I like that." His eyes narrow on you as his demeanor starts to change. His voice turns cold and you feel like there's suddenly a wall between the two of you. But your alcohol riddled brain keeps going on, "Maybe I am. Because it is true. Everyone's lives are different. You may not end up like your father. You just need to open your heart-"
"You should stop," he interrupts you, his icy stare boring into you. You watch him like a lost puppy as he abruptly stands up, to leave this conversation you assume. You do too but not for the same cause.
"Why are you so stubborn!" You can't stop yourself from accusing him. You sound desperate and pathetic and hopeless even to your own ears but you continue. "Don't you see what an amazing man you are? That there are many who'll kill to be by your side not because of the baggage that comes with you but simply because you are a wonderful person! Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why do you deny yourself the happiness you deserve?" You're yelling at this point, tears brimming in your eyes as you two face each other. His eyes blaze with anger and you can literally see him fuming when he hollers, "Remind me since when my business became your concern!"
You scowl at him, clenching your fists, anger seeping into your veins. This is so stupid. You hate how desperate you are and you hate how right he is. This truly is none of your business. Seungcheol seethes, "If we are to continue this relationship then you need to know your place. Otherwise, it's better if we just part ways."
A tear streaks down your cheek as you feel this aching void starting to form in your heart. You find yourself whispering, "I am in love with you, Seungcheol. I just...love you."
His eyes widen, alarmingly. There's a look of disbelief on his face. He almost looks betrayed, like you did the worst possible thing to him. Considering how he despises love, that is probably true. In silence, you two stare at each other as you wait for him to say something, do something. He clenches his jaw and then rakes his hand through his hair frustratedly before blowing out a loud breath.
"I think you should leave ____." His voice is quiet, extremely so. It's barely audible but you hear it loud and clear. His eyes lack any emotion and you know he has once again put up his walls, like many times before. Still, you stand immobile in your spot for a while, soaking up his words, the realization that this is over for good washing over you.
He's done with you and now he's showing you out the door. And you can't do anything to protest. You've lost your voice. So with one last longing look at his beautiful face, you grab your purse and coat with a shaking hand and carry your slumping body towards his door. He doesn't say anything, do anything and you don't look back, channeling all your energy into getting out of here instead of collapsing in front of him
As soon as you step out of his building a gust of cold air hits you on the face. You stand there in silence, letting the cold wind numb your face, the same feeling blooming in your heart. You shiver slightly as you stand like a statue, staring hard at the ground. The past few months that you have spent with Seungcheol wash over you like huge tsunami waves and you feel overwhelmed and pathetic and broken. You are wrung out of your self pity when you feel droplets of water fall on your head. Looking up, you see the roaring dark sky and within seconds, it starts raining.
How perfect.
It definitely suits the mood, making you feel like you are the protagonist of some angsty romance drama. Oh how you wish you were that instead of a pathetic fool who yearns for a man who doesn't give two shits about her. With a sigh, you pull your coat around you tighter and start to take heavy steps, your beautiful gown dragging behind you. You feel out of place, all alone and pitiful in an area full of houses worth millions of dollars. The streets are empty maybe because of the rain or maybe because people don't walk in this neighborhood. Laughing humourlessly at your pathetic state you continue walking until you are out of that neighborhood, far, far away from him.
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Running a shop is harder than you predicted. Especially when you have customers coming in every now and then. This may have something to do with valentine's day which is in a few days.
Your last two days consisted of working till your back was about to break, greeting customers and preparing bouquets for them, shipping them and so on. Your business has been doing really good. It has been almost two months and you are surprised at the progress you have made. People seem to love your shop and you have made a fair amount of regular customers. At this rate, you need to hire a part-timer because it is becoming quite impossible to prepare hundreds of bouquets by yourself.
You have named this shop after your mom, who visited on the opening day with your dad. Tanz visited too and treated you to a meal later that day. Though you don't work at the diner anymore, you still hang out with her every often as she gossips about whatever the rich people are up to. It took you a while but you told her everything about Seungcheol, from start to finish. She had an outburst after hearing your story, calling him all sorts of names.
You agree with her but not completely. It isn't his fault if he doesn't feel the same way you feel about him. Sometimes you think you pushed him too hard and it was completely your fault but other times you believe you did the right thing. That stubborn man needed to address his issues and frustrations.
You haven't seen his face nor had any contact with him after that night, and you're partially glad. You don't know how you can handle seeing his face when you haven't gotten over him. A part of you probably never will. You still remember him, all the moments with him so vividly as if it happened yesterday. When you lie in your bed alone at night you can almost picture him right next to you, his arm wrapped around you, his scent surrounding you. You should probably get your head checked for that.
Other than the pretty constant thoughts of Seungcheol lurking in the back of your mind, life has been pretty good. Well, it certainly was until now, when dear life decided to smack you on the face and bring back your misery.
Seungcheol stands at the door of your shop, a confused look resting on his face once his eyes land on you.
It was a busy day, full of customers and now that the night had fallen you were preparing to close for the day when this man showed up out of nowhere. He stands there, watching you while you do the same, the pen in your hand about to break from how hard you are clenching it. Looking at his outfit, you assume he has come here straight from work, dressed in a dark blue vest and pants, his suit jacket resting on his arms. His hair is a little messy, in the sexiest way possible. Your simping brain almost wants to forget everything and run into his arms, as if you are seeing your boyfriend at the end of a long day.
How pathetic.
Seungcheol clears his throat, somewhat awkwardly and you snap back into the painful reality. He stalks towards you, eyes scanning around the shop as you stand frozen in your spot.
"Do you have red roses?" He asks, standing in front of your booth. You grit your teeth.
Why does he need red roses? Who is he saying I love you to? Shit, tomorrow is valentine's day. Looks like he's got a date. The thoughts float through your mind and you hate yourself for how jealous you feel.
"Yes." You reply looking towards the said flowers. Seungcheol speaks, "I'd like a fifty of them in a bouquet."
You have to stop yourself from frowning. Why the fuck is he buying fifty roses? More like, who the fuck is he buying them for? Putting on your best professional smile you nod, preparing a receipt. "That'll be 22 dollars." You move to prepare his bouquet quickly, half of you wanting to give him the withered roses.
Gosh, when did you become so childish?
Hastily wrapping it with a ribbon, you push it towards him. He grabs it and examines the bouquet for a while before saying. "Thanks. Nice shop, by the way."
Is he doing small talk now? You refrain from rolling your eyes. "Thanks." You mutter lamely, eyes on your desk. Seungcheol stands in his place for a few breaths, amplifying the tension in the room as you pray to God to just get him out of here. Him standing so near you, a faint whiff of his cologne tickling your nose is too much to bear and you are losing your sanity. It also doesn't help that he has bought roses for some stupid girl, from you.
The audacity of this man. Is he doing this on purpose? Maybe not if you consider the shocked look on his face when he first entered.
"Well, have a good night." He says in a form of goodbye and heads towards the door.
"I thought you didn't do love. Yet you are here, buying a bunch of roses for valentine's day, it seems, Mr. Choi." It takes the frown on his brows and his rather judgemental stare for you to realize you just said those words out loud.
Gosh, could you appear any more pathetic? You sound like a jealous ex, which you are kind of.
He regards you with a perplexed look as you pray for the ground below to open up and swallow you whole to save you from this embarrassment. Seungcheol lets out an amused noise, "Well, thank you for reminding me. These are, in fact not for any lover. But now, I would like something else too actually, for them." His eyes are taunting, watching you closely for your reaction as he steps back towards you. "Do you... perhaps have some salvias? In blue?"
You can't believe how this situation backfired on you. Now he's really buying blue salvias for his lover. Real nice. You just gave him the chance to rub it all over your face. With a loud sigh, you force a smile. "Yes, we do."
"A bouquet then, please," he smiles, sarcastically almost. Huffing you grab those poor flowers aggressively and hastily put them in a bouquet before accepting the money. "Thank you for your visit. Have a pleasant night." You motion him towards the door with the fakest smile, desperate to be left alone and he takes mercy on you. With a nod, he briskly walks out of your shop and you sink down on the floor as soon as he's out of sight, letting out a huge breath of relief.
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You know very well that life comes with surprises. Still, some surprises are too hard to comprehend like the one happening to you right now. You stare at the bouquet of blue salvias sitting on your countertop which was just delivered, half wondering if you are dreaming or hallucinating. The note that came with it sits crumpled in your hand as a try to wrap your head around it.
Happy Valentines. I think you know what these flowers mean. If you do then could you do me the honor of joining me for dinner? At my place tonight, if that's okay. I feel like we should talk.
— Seungcheol.
I think of you. That's what blue salvias mean. He thinks of you? Is this some sort of joke? You have been trying so hard to get over that stupid man but now this puts you back to square one. You feel like ripping your hair out. Should you go? You and the whole world knows knows how obvious the answer is but you still try to think about it, knowing very well what the result will be.
Of course you'll go.
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Seungcheol is fairly perplexed when he opens his door to see you that evening. "____-....I didn't really think you'd come."
He looks like he just got home, still dressed in his crisp white shirt underneath his unbuttoned vest and matching grey slacks. It doesn't help how he has rolled his sleeves up to give you the perfect view of the veins in his arms. One look at them and you almost forget what you're here for. Averting your gaze, you cough. "Yeah." He steps aside and you walk into his house, the memories immediately flooding your senses.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Silently you pad towards his living room as he speaks behind you. "You should have told me you were coming. I would have called the chef-"
"Seungcheol," you cut him off with a sigh. "I'm not really here to have dinner. You and I both know that." He watches you for a while, his face emotionless before nodding with a sigh. "Would you like some wine? Whiskey maybe?"
"I'd like to keep my head clear, thank you." You murmur, sitting down on his couch. The place is as pristine as you remember, nothing out of place. As if no one lives here. Seungcheol disappears from your view, probably pouring himself a drink as you hear noises from the kitchen. A minute later, he returns, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he sits on the sofa opposite to you.
You're glad that he keeps his distance.
"I have a lot of explaining to do, right?" He chuckles dryly, taking a sip of his drink. Mutely you watch him as you don't trust yourself to speak now. You actually don't trust yourself with anything right now as being remotely close to Seungcheol always tends to mess with your head. It's better if you just stay still and melt into the background.
With a loud sigh, Seungcheol sets the glass down on the center table and leans back into the sofa. "I don't know where to start. Maybe with the roses I bought yesterday. They were for my mom, actually. I visited my parents last night. My mom is sick. They are suspecting it's cancer."
All thoughts of staying silent fly out the window when you hear those words. "Oh my god," you whisper. "I'm so sorry."
He shakes his head dismissively. "Anyway," he starts. "The past few months have been hard but educative for me. Maybe because I'm finally dealing with my shit or whatever. I had a lot of time to think. About what you said. About me, my life. About everything. You see, it's like a habit to be an asshole and shut people out when you're scared and you hate yourself." His eyes are focused on the glass in front of him, no emotion whatsoever in them and you feel goosebumps.
"I don't know how I ended up like this but I've been hating myself for the longest of time. Maybe it was because of my mom's shitty habits and how she hurt dad when I was younger. Or maybe because she never had time for me. Or maybe because never in my life I've met a person who loved me unconditionally, who was ready to give everything up for me. Everyone surrounding me chases money and that scares me. So much. I'm scared that I'm nothing without that. Without my reputation or power. That if I open myself to someone they'll get what they need and then leave, like they always do." He blows out a long breath, fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"I'm scared of love because I've never experienced it and I've seen people do horrible things in the name of it. I'm scared the same will happen to me once I open my heart." His voice is quiet as he trails off and reaches for the whiskey to finish it.
The breath you have been holding until now finally comes out as you watch him, your heart thudding loudly in your chest. You want to hold him and tell him that it's okay, that you're here but you seem to have become a statue as you only sit and drink in the beautiful, pained man in front of you.
"That being said, I'm sorry for how I treated you," his voice seems foreign as he grits those words out and you realize this man probably has never apologized to someone in his lifetime. "You didn't deserve that. Everything you said hit too close to home so I pushed you away as a defense mechanism. But I missed you, still do. More than I'd like to admit. I keep thinking about you, about how my world seemed to be a little brighter with you. And I keep regretting what I did. I'm sorry and...if you are still interested in me, I'd like to have you back. I'd like to try again, really try this time because I-... I think I love you."
It's a wonder how he manages to keep his voice so stable and emotionless. Like he is briefing a new company strategy and not expressing his love for someone. But don't focus on that because you can see how he's still holding himself back, holding his emotions back. And it's something that needs to be worked on but that's for another time.
This man just said he loves you. This stubborn, egoistical, too handsome for his own good man just confessed to you.
You feel like you are on cloud nine. But you don't have the time to rejoice as Seungcheol stares at the ground blankly, probably overthinking once again while waiting for you to say something. So you get up from your seat and walk towards him, before kneeling right in front of him, your hands resting on his knees. "Oh Seungcheol," you softly call for him.
His eyes meet yours as you cup his cheek softly with a hand and for a brief second, you see his eyes shine before they get lost underneath his blank gaze.
You gently pull his face downwards while inching yours closer to him and press your lips against him faintly. You try to kiss him as gently as possible, as if you are kissing his broken soul. He remains still to your touch for a second before cupping both of your cheeks and kissing you back earnestly. This is the first time Seungcheol kisses you with so much need and passion, like this is the last time he'll ever kiss you. Your lips mold against each other perfectly but he doesn't go too hard, instead just kisses you, soft and slow. You pull back to see the desperation in his eyes and you realize that you still haven't given him an answer.
"I still love you, Seungcheol. Of course I'll try again with you." You croak, your voice choked up with all the emotions. This time you clearly see his eyes glisten and the faintest of smile kiss his lips. But he only breaths, "Thank you, ____."
You smile at him sweetly, "You're welcome, Seungcheol. But I need you to be honest with me if we want this to work. Don't hide from me, Cheol." You whisper, the nickname falling from your lips easily. He observes you in silence before closing his eyes and nodding. He leans closer once again and with a shy smile, you close the distance between the two of you. This time you don't hold back on kissing him as you wrap your arms around his neck while he pulls you up from your knees and sets you down on his lap, lips connected.
You pull back to look at the sinfully beautiful man underneath you, his eyes hazy with need, his plump lips parted slightly as he takes deep breaths. Your hand moves on its own as it reaches to touch the fluffy mess of his black hair. Gently you stroke through the locks, eyes set on his as he absentmindedly draws soft circles on your lower back. In this moment of tranquility you feel the surge of love and adoration you posses for this man flow through you all over again and you can't help but smile knowing he's yours now.
"What's so funny?" He asks, dark eyes peering at you. "Nothing. Just how much I love you. How beautiful you are," you reply bashfully as you press a kiss on his jawline. You continue kissing down his neck and nipping the skin gently, encouraged when you hear him release a blissful sigh. And then an idea pops into your mind as you lean backward and get off of his lap just to sink down onto the floor again.
Seungcheol's eyes widen, "____, what are you doing?"
You can't help but pout, "I'm taking care of you. Don't you want this?" Your hands dance over his crotch area mischievously. Blowing him has been on your to-do list for so long and today you are not backing down.
He grunts frustratedly, "I- fuck, yes I do. But- are you sure you can? I don't want to push you too hard, baby. You don't have to do it."
"But I want to. Let me try at least," your pout deepens. The thought of having Seungcheol in your throat makes you desperate. "Tell me if I do something wrong, please."
He lets out an amused snort as your fingers work on undoing his Gucci belt. "Trust me, there's nothing you can do wrong." With a coy smile at him, you undo the buttons of his slacks and then the zipper as Seungcheol shuffles a little to help you pull down his boxer briefs.
The sight of his thick, hard cock has your pussy clenching and your mouth drooling as you tentatively reach for the semi-hard member and give it a few experimental pumps. The tip leaks white pearls of precum and your mouth waters. Seungcheol's nails dig into the armrest as he lets out a grunt, the sight below him purely sinful. Wanting to hear more of his sounds, you quickly take the pinkish tip of his cock into your mouth and suck.
"Fuck-" Seungcheol hisses, hands coming to rest on the top of your head. The way your doe eyes look at him with your mouth full and your curious hands work on him has him losing his mind. His reaction pleases you and you swirl your tongue around his tip, moaning when he leaks salty precum into your mouth. Your hands work on the base of his cock as you inch down your mouth.
"Shit, ____-" You don't listen to his curses as you keep going down and then suddenly your gag reflex activates as you feel him kiss the back of your throat. You haven't even gotten half of him inside your mouth and your throat already hurts.
You pull back to take in a deep breath before delving back in without any delay as you take as much of him as possible in one go. Your throat burns and you feel like choking, tears in your eyes but it's somewhat manageable when you relax your throat so you keep sucking what's in your mouth and pump the rest using your hands.
"Shit, you're so good baby," Seungcheol breaths, looking down at you with dark eyes, a proud smirk on his face that makes your pussy leak. Loving his praises you pull back to lick a stripe down the underside of his cock before sucking him harder. His hands fist in your hair though he remains careful not to hurt you. It takes all of Seungcheol's willpower to not just grab your head and shove it down his length. When the pleasure begins to increase and he can feel his high approaching, Seungcheol pulls your mouth off of him with a grunt.
"That's enough, baby. I'm gonna cum," he hisses and you whine, voice croaky as a little bit of drool escapes from your mouth. "I want to make you come! Please, let me. Did I do something wrong?" Your concerned wide eyes make his heart soften as he strokes your cheek gently. "No sweetheart, you were perfect. It's just that I really need to come inside you right now. Is that okay?"
The thought of it makes you swallow as you nod your head mutely and with a smirk, Seungcheol quickly drags you towards his bedroom where he manhandles you onto his king sized bed. He crawls on top of you like a predator waiting to devour his prey and the intense fire in his eyes is enough to make you forget the human language. Roughly, he attaches his lips against yours, tongue prodding inside your mouth in no time as his hands work on undoing your blouse. You don't realize he has torn it open until you hear your buttons scattering over his floor.
"Shush. I'm too impatient." He whispers, leaning back and tugging your jeans down swiftly. Then his large hands reach for your bra as he unhooks it hastily and tosses it away before kneading your breasts softly. You mewl in pleasure. "Seungcheol- that feels so good."
"Oh yeah?" The cocky smile never leaves his face as bites your soft flesh, sucking your sensitive nipples before pushing your soft flesh inside his mouth, marking it in the process. Your mushy brain tugs at his shirt as you whine. "T-take this off please. Wanna see you." You hear him chuckle, "Why don't you do it for me?"
You don't need to be told twice as you immediately start fiddling with the buttons of his shirt and help him out of it. With that offending piece of cloth gone, his sculptured figure is once again revealed to your eyes and you almost drool. He's just as buff as you remember, if not more, taut muscles spread all over his torso. Subconsciously you trace your fingers over them as you drink him in.
"You can stare at me all you want later, baby." Seungcheol gives you a soft smile before pressing a kiss on your belly. "I need to be inside you now." He whispers lips ghosting over your core as his hands make a quick work of taking off your panties. He starts with kissing your clit before moving down and licking a long stripe across your cunt and then sucking. Your toes curl as you writhe underneath him, "Daddy!"
The name falls from your lips almost unknowingly as your delirious brain grinds against his mouth for more. He's relentless, determined to bring you to your orgasm as he pushes his tongue into your hole and continues his torture. Your hands grip his hair tightly as he continues his ministrations on your sensitive spot, your arousal leaking onto the bed. "Fuck, missed this sweet pussy so much." You hear him mumble and his words seem to make your orgasm come faster. "Seungcheol! I'm g-gonna come!" You wail.
"Come, baby. Come for me so I can fuck you open." His voice is muffled against your core as your mouth opens in a silent scream. He gives a particular harsh suck on your clit and your orgasm washes over you making you shake.
Seungcheol wastes no time, pushing a couple of his fingers inside your sensitive hole as he gives a few quick pumps before popping the fingers into his mouth, his eyes seductive as he makes a show of sucking them. Then he stands up and hastily takes off his pants and boxers. Your mind is fogged up as you recover from your orgasm and watch him stroke his cock, intense eyes set on you before lining his hard length with your pussy.
"Ready, sweetheart?" He asks. You can only nod, hands clutching the bed sheets for support. And then he pushes in. The stretch of his thick cock has you moaning loudly, the overwhelming sensation of fullness consuming. Above you, Seungcheol curses softly as you grab him tighter and try not to lose your mind. "Oh my god- Seungcheol-" You gasp for breaths.
"So fuckin tight. Just as I remember," he breathes.
He marvels at your reaction, eyes rolling back as your mouth hangs open, hands blindly clawing his body to ground yourself. He leans closer so that his naked chest presses against yours and starts peppering wet kisses on your neck, never faltering his thrusts. They are slow but deep and calculated, hitting your sensitive spot every single time as you whine and whimper, tears forming in your eyes. "Daddy, harder please!" You wail mindlessly.
"Oh yeah? You want it harder, baby?" He raises a full brow at you, expression cocky as he captures your lips in a bruising kiss before shuffling back and pulling out of you completely. You're about to cry for him when he grabs your hips and flips you over onto your front, your ass in the air for him. He gives it a sudden smack and you squeal, jolts of pleasure rippling through you before wasting no time to push himself back in. He doesn't go slow this time, immediately increasing his pace as his cock moves inside your tight walls brutally.
The new angle has him even deeper inside you as he holds your body still by grabbing your arched hips. You can feel every inch and ridge of his cock rearranging your guts as you scream into the pillow. "O-oh fuck, d-daddy-"
His grunts feel like music to your ears. "Is this what you were asking for little slut?" He hisses, snaking his arms around your body to reach for your breast. His degrading words make your pussy throb harder as you shake your head wildly, "Yes daddy! Yes! Please give me more."
He snickers, doubling his pace and you can hear the headboard of the bed hit the wall. "Such a polite baby girl, I have." He softly bites your shoulder as he takes a nipple between his index and thumb and twists it harshly before flicking it. You mewl loudly, the rough treatment bringing you closer to your high. "O-oh my god- fuck, I'm g-gonna come."
"So soon?" He teases, ramming his cock inside you tirelessly as you nod. "Go ahead then, come, little slut." He whispers in your ear, another hand trailing down to your pussy where he starts rubbing your clit in harsh movements and your mind goes blank. "Come, baby," he mouths, nipping your earlobe and the combination of his merciless thrusts and his fingers on your clit brings you over the edge with a pornographic scream.
Your whole body shakes violently as you come, toes curling in pleasure as meaningless sounds escape your mouth. You can't even fully process anything when Seungcheol flips you again to face him and holds both of your legs wide open, continuously railing your sensitive pussy. His hands keep doing their magic on your hypersensitive clit, making you shudder and whimper. "C-cheol." You call for him mindlessly.
The sight in front of you is God sent, Seungcheol's dark eyes watching you, his body coated in a thin sheen of sweat as he keeps fucking you hard. It makes your throat dry. "Give me one more, baby." He says, leaning closer to peck your lips before ramming himself inside you, pace so fast that tears actually leak from your eyes. "Oh fuck- o-oh fuck-"
Before you can even feel it, your orgasm washes over you with a force that has your ears ringing and white dots filling your vision. You twitch underneath Seungcheol's large frame as his pace falters and with a loud groan of your name, he comes. His warm release fills you up and some even leak out, but you're too gone to care. You feel nothing but pure bliss, as if you are floating in a cloud.
Seungcheol gently slips out of you before collapsing right next to you, his hands pulling your body close but you can't even comprehend anything until your brain starts working a little. His warm breath tickles your shoulder as he pants next to you and you feel this seed seep out of your beaten cunt.
Mustering up enough power to open your eyes, you lazily turn your head to look at Seungcheol. You have to blink a few times to properly see and the sight warms your heart. His beautiful face greets you, his hair disheveled, a look of content and a small smile sitting on his lips. "You didn't pass out this time," he teases once he catches his breath. You can only grin, eyes falling shut again.
You feel him move beside you but your hands stop him immediately by wrapping them around his torso. "I have to clean us up, baby." His voice is soft. You shake your head, lazily pulling him back and he lets you, before scooting closer to him and nuzzling his neck, his addictive scent overwhelming your senses. "Don't. Just stay." You croak, voice almost inaudible. You hear him sigh and pull you closer, your face squishing against his hard chest as his hands move in soft motions through your hair.
"I love you," His gentle whisper makes you open your eyes and peek at him. "I love you so much that it scares me." He sounds so vulnerable, a side of him you never thought you'd see and your heart aches for him. But your heart also feels full and warm and happy hearing those words, words that you've wanted to hear for so long.
Wrapping your arms around him as tightly as possible you shower gentle kisses on his chest. "I love you too, Seungcheol. I love you so much."
His eyes gaze down at yours, and the emotions swirling in his brown orbs make your heart skip a beat. "Thank you. For loving me. For giving me a chance. For everything." His lips meet your forehead for a kiss. You grin, "I should be the one thanking you Seungcheol, really. I'm so lucky to have you." He smiles, leaning into your touch as your index finger trails over his face.
After a beat of silence you ask, "Now, does that mean you're my boyfriend?" Your shy eyes wander to his as you nervously chew on your lip. Seungcheol seems to ponder for a while as hums, "Boyfriend? Doesn't that sound so limited? I'm more than that. I'll be your everything if you'll let me. I'll be your lover."
Warmth blooms on your face at his words as you almost melt. "That's... really romantic, Cheol. And very unlike you." You whisper.
"I'm trying to be romantic for you, lover." He smiles his signature gummy smile which is quite a rare sight.
"Lover...I like it." You smile gleefully, hands reaching for his to interlock your fingers. If you look very closely, you can see just the faintest hue of red shading his cheeks and ears and your heart flutters at the sight.
"Lover it is." Seungcheol whispers, capturing your lips in a loving kiss.
Lover, he is.
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a/n 2: SO, if you enjoyed reading this and want to know more about this couple or lover! Seungcheol in general, my ask is open. I'd love love lovee to hear your thoughts about them and if you have any questions regarding how they/he would act in a situation or something like that, you can send me an ask and I'll write drabbles regarding it. I'm just so excited about this fic, I'd really like to chat about this with y'all, I'VE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT so please let me know your thoughts and requests for any drabbles!
masterlist | kofi
Taglist: @coupsiekkuma @haomullet @haven-cove @woozarts @fairiewonu @qy61 @lilactangerine @wheeinz @melocular @soonchanshua @chvngbin @kp0p10v3r2 @mommymilkers6000 @silent-potato @luv4cheol (forgive me if I've forgotten to tag someone 🙏)
© startlightxsvt 2022 | All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, translate, adapt, or repurpose any of my works.
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