#but if he walks in on byler kissing in the living room?
ipso-again · 2 years
I‘m a "Ted Wheeler doesn’t give a shit about Mike kissing boys, as long as he does it behind closed doors" truther.
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lucystark12 · 9 days
2 for 1, do you associate any taylor swift songs with stranger things?
thats a wonderful question
OBVIOUS first draft pick-
you are in love.
SO FUCKING BYLER CODED. THE byler taylor swift song. i mean this.
one look dark room meant just for you
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time moved too fast (referring to vecna messing with time in the phones)
you play it back
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you fight
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and you talk
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one night, he wakes, strange look on his face,
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then says you're my best friend
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and you knew what it was, he is in love
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out of the woods
remember when you hit the breaks too soon?
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20 stitches in a hospital room, when you started crying baby i did too
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but when the sun came up i was looking at you
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remember when you couldn't take the heat? (he literally could not take the heat bc he likes it cold)
i walked out and said im setting u free
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but the monsters turned out to be just trees (referring to his visions and also the fact that vecna is tampering with the phone lines)
and when the sun came up you were looking at me
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the way i loved you
but i miss screaming and fighting
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and kissing in the rain (not kissing but like tomato tomato)
and its 2 am and im cursing ur name
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so in love that you acted insane
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and thats the way i loved u
forever and always
and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
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it rains when ur here
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and it rains when ur gone
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cause i was there when you said forever and always
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you didn't mean it baby
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i don't think so
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chloe or sam or sophia or marcus
you needed me but you needed drugs more (as in to have somebody to convince everyone he wasn't gay, el in a sense)
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and i couldnt watch it happen
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so if you want to break my cold cold heart (he likes it cold)
then say you loved me (LETTERGATE)
my boy only breaks his favorite toys
he was my best friend down at the sandlot (pretend this is byler not boreo)
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i felt more when we played pretend
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then with all the kens (girls)
cause he took me out of my box, stole my tortured heart (made him feel wanted)
told me im better off, but im not
now that we don't talk
you grew ur hair long
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you got new icons
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and from the outside it looks like you're trying lives on
i miss the old ways, you didn't have to change
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but i guess i don't have a say now that we don't talk
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i have like 600 more examples but unfortunately i have reached the 30 picture limit ☹️
let me know if you want part 2
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teambyler · 5 months
"Byler Endgame, One Episode at a Time" - s5e6
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Plot beats and scenes leading to a Byler endgame, one episode at a time, for Season 5 of Stranger Things. (This is just for fun! I have no insider knowledge!)
Also see Part 0, where I explain what I think a Byler Endgame has to address. Link to the previous episode.
Some time after Mike and Will realize their feelings for each other, the other members of the party arrive at Hopper’s cabin. El is out front and shushes them with a finger to her lips. She quietly opens the door and everyone sees Mike and Will embracing, asleep, tears clearing tracks through the grime on their faces. Everyone is pleasantly surprised. Joyce thinks they're so adorable and immediately wants to walk in, but El stops her. They all wait outside. El gently wakes the two of them and everyone openly arrives a few minutes later. They take Will to the hospital for his arm.
The next night, back at the Wheeler house, Mike and Will are hanging out. Will can’t play Nintendo with his bad arm, but Will is telling what to do as he plays Final Fantasy. They name their party after the four original members of their group. Mike: “I like this.” “Like what?” “Just hanging out…” “Well we’ve always hung out.” “That’s the thing. We never... I never told how you feel.” He talks about how wrapped up in El he was, so he could hide from his own feelings. The year Will was away, he tried to call more but the phone was always busy. He thought Will had moved on, had made a painting for a girl. Will: "Well, I could have reached out more too." A pause. Will: “It’s sad that we lost so much time…” They linger a while on this thought. Mike turns to Will with determination. “I’ll make it up to you Will. Or I’ll try.” They should do something together tomorrow night. Will smiles: “Are you asking me out on a date?” Mike stands up and extends out his hand in a medieval bow: “May I?” Will stands: “Oh yes, my paladin.” and kisses Mike on the cheek. Mike playfully touches the spot Will kissed like he's just been kissed by a rock star.
Afterward, Mike goes to his room and digs out some old things. We see some of the toys he decided not to throw away in s2. He looks at one of them in particularly fondly, and sets it aside.
The next morning, Ted is already gone. Karen has made pancakes and eggs, and she is on the phone talking with Joyce. Mike and Will reach for the syrup at the same time and touch hands, and they both look at each other slowly let go. Mike: “You can’t open it anyway.” Will laughs: “That’s for sure.” Mike opens the bottle and pours syrup on Will’s eggs. Will is blushing and smiling. We zoom in on Karen who sees this all take place…
At school the next day, Dustin and Lucas tell them they need to have an "emergency party meeting.” In private, they tell them “We know” and before Mike and Will can protest they say it’s totally cool and it’s a beautiful thing. In their party they stand up for each other, full stop. They always have, and always will. Will: "I wasn't sure..." Dustin: "We've gone through hell together, saved each other's lives. Are you kidding?" Lucas holds out his hand for a handshake. Will skips that and just hugs Lucas. The others join in, and the four of them share a long group embrace.
After school, Mike asks his mom if she has a good box for giving a gift, about “yay tall” (demonstrates with his hands). She says sure: “Who is it for?” Mike hesitates... Karen: “Is it for Will?” There’s a look of fear in his eyes. She sees his reaction and doesn’t push it. She finds an old gift box she had saved. While she is looking, she has a tender look on her face. She finds a good box and hands it to him. She puts her hands on his shoulders and looks him in the eyes. “I think Will is a very nice boy.” Mike looks shocked, then relieved. He starts to cry. She hugs him: “I told you, you never have to hide anything from me. I'm your mom, MIke! I love you.” Mike nods through tears. “Does dad know?” “No…” They hold each other. She gives him an encouraging nod, and he takes the box.
Mike presents the gift box to Will, and he expectantly watches him take off the lid. Will recognizes Mike's old teddy bear. “Aww that’s so sweet.” “I know it’s kinda stupid, and I didn’t buy anything, but it seemed right.” “It’s perfect.” He hugs Mike, and they kiss. They go out on their date. They go watch a re-screening of Spaceballs and have a great time. Afterward, Mike takes them to an ice cream shop. Mike takes one of Will’s art markers and starts to draw a heart on Will’s cast. Will: “Mike!” Mike doesn’t care. They get some homophobic stares from adults. Before Mike can finish, Will hides away his arm. Mike sees this and is hurt, but understands.
The next day, Will shyly approaches Mike in the school hall. They give each other boyfriend looks. Mike says they should go out again tonight. “Two nights in a row?” “Sure! Why not?” “You know, you don’t have to take me out all the time. You can't afford it." They laugh. Will "We could just hang out and play games.” Mike wants to kiss Will on the spot. “So it’s a date?” Will giggles and looks shyly to the side: “Yes, it’s a date.” Max walks up to them and says “Hi, lovebirds!” They blush. The bell rings, they turn and head to their class.
… They pass by and notice Bully #1. He looks at them and Max stares daggers back. He immediately lowers his gaze. Will, defiantly looking straight at Bully #1, extends his hand out to Mike. Mike takes it, they look at each other. Mike gives a loving sigh and nods. Students look at them in shock as they walk down the hall in slow motion, David Bowie’s “Heroes” playing (starting here). The last line is sung as we go to credits...
I, I will be king And you, you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can be Heroes, just for one day We can be us, just for one day
That's it! I'm not planning anything more on this particular project. I have a couple ideas including Will and Mike getting caught on the Upside Down and Will using a gun lol, but I don't feel like writing it out because from here forward the A plot takes center stage and I have no idea where that will go!
Anyway, that concludes "Byler Endgame - One Episode at a Time." I hope you enjoyed it!
Part 0 (what a Byler endgame needs to address) Previous episode
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eightfifteen · 1 year
Little Byler ficlet inspired by a scene in Cruel Summer for Pride.
"Where are we?" Will frowns as Mike pulls them to a stop in front of an old house, and he can't help but think it's cute. The way he looks under the old street lights, making him glow in the night, has Mike's heart racing, his hand itching to reach out and hold Will's.
Which is why they're here.
"I heard a friend of Eddie's talk about it," Mike responds, distractedly, pulling his gaze away from Will to inspect the empty street around them.
It looks like a regular neighborhood, charming homes behind well-manicured lawns. It's a corner of Hawkins they don't usually spend a lot of time in, but it doesn't look any different from any place else. Perhaps a little older, the buildings dating back to the beginning of Hawkins, but other than that it's quiet and normal. No people around, which is good, even the windows dark behind their glass despite the early hour. Mike is pretty sure mostly older people live here anyway, so Mike wouldn't be surprised if they're already asleep.
Anyway, the coast is clear, so Mike turns back to Will and meets his eyes with a smile, excitement finally starting to win over the nerves in his stomach. "Let's go."
Will follows his lead, because of course he does, as Mike follows the path to the front door. Mike hesitates for a second before walking around the house, following Mallory's directions.
"Mike, seriously, where are we? And are we allowed to be here?" Will whispers, leaning closer into him now they're secluded from the street, clearly no one around but the dark forest beyond the property.
"I think... yeah," Mike's grin widens when he notices that the back door, just as dark and life-less as the front of the house, has one of those dangly-things hanging off of the doorhandle, a colorful string holding a triangle. Hoping Mal was right about being allowed to just go in, Mike lurches forward and opens the door, pulling Will in along with him.
The kitchen is just as dark as it had looked form the outside, but Mike can see light shining in from the hallway, and soft music echoes out from somewhere else in the house.
"Mike," Will whines, tugging on Mike's sleeve.
Mike turns towards him, heart thrumming pleasantly as he quirks an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "Don't you trust me?"
"That's not fair." Will groans back. "You know I do."
"Then trust me." Mike leans forward to press a quick kiss to Will's lips, startling his boyfriend into silence and a contented smile. "Come on."
Mike follows the sound of the music into the lit hallway, easily finding the door under the stairs. As he pulls it open, the music flares, and Mike can tell he's won Will's interest. Mike doesn't recognize the song, but Will clearly does, his pleased smile curling deeper into his lips as he starts humming along.
"Don't tell me you suddenly became cool, Mike Wheeler," Will grins full of cheek, bumping his shoulder into Mike's.
Mike rolls his eyes at him and gently pushes him down the stairs. "I thought you liked me because I wasn't cool."
"Well, that's where you're wrong. I think you've always been pretty cool."
"Shut up," Mike blushes, turning his face to hide how pleased he truly is at Will's words. At Will's laughter ringing over the sound of the music.
It all fades into the background as they get to the bottom of the stairs. There's a little entrance cove, coat racks lining the walls, but the double doors leading into the main room are left open. Will and Mike come to a stop in the doorway.
The room is lit by strings of colored fairy-lights, and for the loud music and party atmosphere it's basically empty. There's only two couples dancing, intimately holding each other despite the upbeat music, swaying to their own rhythm. There's a couple more people talking on the side, a woman with big hair and bright jacket manning a bar in the corner, talking to black man with braids down to his hips, wearing a purple vest.
Mike is pretty sure they're the only teenagers here, but that's not what matters. Will bumps the back of his hand into his, and Mike knows Will finally understands.
He takes the invitation, gently linking his fingers together with Will's. He can feel the both of them holding their breath, despite the embrace of the two women in the corner, the dance shared between the graying men.
"Come on," Mike smiles reassuringly, pulling him to the middle of the dance floor. Will's eyes dart around the room, taking in every mediocre corner, the boarded up windows and soundproofed walls, and they shine like it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
Mike agrees, the feeling of peace and companionship addicting, the sense of community more magical than anything they've ever seen - including their telepathic friend.
Will wraps his arms around Mike's waist, digging his face into Mike's neck as if shy. Mike basks in the feeling, wrapping his arms around Will in turn, taking in the soothing scent of his cologne.
The music dips away slightly, a pause in vocals that allows Mike to more clearly hear the conversations around them, and despite feeling the most at ease he's ever felt, he can't help but listen in.
"Oh, I know those kids ain't 21." The man at the bar says, leaning back with his elbow on the counter, eyes joyful.
"Leave them be," the woman pouring liquor responds, a smile in her voice, which is much deeper than Mike had expected. "Let them have this. I just won't serve them."
There's something about it. Something about the song shifting into Elton John's Tiny Dancer, about the murmur of voices around the room, holding Will in the presence of other people. There's something about it.
There's something about pulling back so he can see Will smile up at him, eyes bright and unapologetic. Something about the posters on the walls promising liberation.
There's something about the ease of leaning forward for a kiss, uncaring that there are people watching them. There's something about the wolf-whistle aimed them, followed by laughter, before everyone goes back to doing what they were doing.
There's something about there being nothing more normal in the world.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
chapter 17 of the strawberries are dying, my byler 1930s au, is now up!
Will felt as though he might be living in a dream. It’d been a little over a week since the night spent in Mike’s room, and he still couldn’t fully believe that what he was experiencing was real.  Of course, it hadn’t all been blissfully perfect—not like what he’d dreamt about when no one was around to watch. In fact, most of their hastily-put-together, somewhat-relationship had had to be explored in the dead of night, when it was guaranteed that no one would walk in on them and subsequently ruin both of their lives. They’d properly kissed maybe twice since the night of April 7th, but nothing could truly replicate their first one. That first night, and first morning, waking up in Mike Wheeler’s arms was something Will could never experience again. Mike had been so warm that Will hadn’t wanted to let go—he’d gripped the front of his shirt, nuzzling closer to try and get him to stay—which, of course, had been unsuccessful since Mike had work early that morning (that certainly hadn’t stopped him from planting a sweet kiss on Will’s forehead, though.)
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companionjones · 2 years
Pairings: Platonic!Robin Buckley x Reader x Steve Harrington + The Kids, Slight!Byler
Fandom: Stranger Things
Summary: You’re feeling lonely. Like all your friends don’t care about you anymore. That may not be true.
Warnings: It’s in the title
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    Really, you felt like an idiot. You were 17 years old. You shouldn’t have been walking around the house with sobs that shook your whole body, let alone just because you felt lonely.
    You had made some friends in high school. Courtney McCullen, Robin Buckley, and Steve Harrington. But alas, almost all of your friends were busy with work. You had managed to get a hold of Courtney, who had promised to come over around 7, but it was then nearing 9.
    You hated the thoughts that crept in. You hated that your brain told you that no one liked you, that despite all your efforts to make friends, it was still severely common that they would cut you off because they had apparently found you ‘too annoying’. Maybe it was happening again.
    Despite your thinking you were texting him too much, you decided to ask Steve if he’d like to hang out after he got off work. You received no response. That only added to your downward spiral.
    What interrupted your dizzying thoughts was a knock at the door.
    Who could that be?
    If you were completely honest with yourself, you’d had your hopes about who was behind the door, but your heart still leapt into your throat when you saw that you were right.
    Steve and Robin marched through your door. Steve began, “We have what I’m sure is every movie you’ve ever seen, four different flavors of popcorn, two soda bottles, a partridge in a pear tree, yada, yada...”
    You laughed, but you did see that Steve and Robin were only holding some movies. Where was--
    “We could use some help out here!” came an annoyed voice from outside. It was Dustin. He, along with Max, Lucas, and Eleven were grabbing everything else out of Steve’s car.
    “Hi, Y/n!” El happily yelled and waved.
    Max exclaimed after her, “Sorry Mike and Will aren’t with us. They’re on a date!” She sang the last word.
    “Oo! A date!” Lucas made kissing sounds, and the girls joined him.
    Dustin cut short their fun. “Guys, seriously. I’m not sharing if you aren’t going to help.”
    You, Steve, and Robin came out of the house to join the kids in following Dustin’s orders.
    “Why are you guys here?” you questioned Steve, “I thought you guys didn’t get off work ‘til later.”
    He confirmed, “We don’t. But I saw you were texting both me and Robin. I figured you really needed some company. So, we knocked off early, grabbed the kids, and came to you--Are you okay?”
    Tears were brimming your eyes again, only now it was for a completely different reason. You pulled Robin and Steve in for a hug. “Kids, drop the stuff. Get in here.”
    Dustin sighed, “Yeah, might as well,” and he followed your orders.
    Later, everyone was gathered around the TV in your living room, watching your favorite movie. The kids took the floor while you, Steve, and Robin lounged on the couch.
    “Thank you so much for this,” you told your friends. “I really, really needed it.”
    Robin shrugged, “No problem, but why didn’t you call any of the kids yourself? They could’ve biked over.”
    “I know. I just felt weird calling them as a high-schooler.”
    “I feel like that is a direct call out on me.” Steve took fake offense to your words.
    While Robin full out laughed, you couldn’t stop a small chuckle from slipping out. “Sorry, Steve. That’s not what I meant.”
    “Yeah, I know,” Steve put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in to lean on him. “But it-it still hurt.” Steve feigned tears.
    “Shut up.” You laughed and pushed away from Steve, opting instead to lay on Robin’s shoulder. She brushed your hair back and started playing with his strands.
    “Thanks again, you guys,” you whispered.
    Robin smiled, “Absolutely positively no problem, Y/n.”
    “Yeah,” Steve joined in, “No problem at all.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Jane's Photos
Jonathan and El go over some of her photos in the book and give insight into the stories behind them.
On AO3.
Ships: Elumax, jargancy, jopper, byler
Warnings: none.
The video opens with Jonathan and El. Jonathan greets: “Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography. Today my sister is visiting, so me and Jane are going to look at her photos in the book,” Jonathan starts the video.
El is sitting on the other chair, her hair up in a messy bun and long dangly earrings. She’s wearing a patterned dress with a loose sweater over it as she smiles into the camera, her eyes a little too wide. All the years have made her integrate more, but there is still an edge of odd about her, though she wears it well.
“Some people online have commented that we do not look like each other, that is because Jane is adopted,” Jonathan says. “She came to live with us when she was fourteen, lived with Jim before that and she took an interest in photography in ‘86 to capture all the memories that might get lost if you don’t capture them. It really helped when Max was in a coma.”
“That is correct,” El nods with a smile still on her face.
“You wanna do the honors?” Jonathan asks, holding the book out to her which has a few tabs peaking out again.
“Yes, please,” El answers as she takes it and flips it open.
Jonathan meanwhile says: “She has quite a few in there, so we’re not talking about all of them, just a selection that Jane made.” Then he turns back to El and asks: “Which one are we starting with?”
“This one,” El replies, showing Jonathan the page as between them the image appears.
The photo is taken in the Hopper-Byers house living room. Hopper has his arms around Joyce’s waist, while she has hers around his neck. The two of them are kissing passionately. Around them are flower petals and there are two wine glasses on the table. Hopper had coordinated with El on the moment, so all the petals floated like a garden galaxy.
“She Said Yes,” Jonathan reads. “Ahw, when mom and dad got engaged in ‘91. That is a beautiful photo.”
“It is,” El agrees. “Dad was very nervous about it. We rehearsed it a hundred times while mom was at work. Picking up petals is a pain.”
Jonathan laughs at that, before he asks: “Why did you pick this one?”
“I think it shows how hard dad tried and the effort he puts in,” El says. “He isn’t a big gestures kind of person, but he knows mom would have liked something like this, so he made the effort. I think that’s so sweet.”
“Totally,” Jonathan agrees with a soft smile. “And it says a lot about them too. How they relate to each other.”
El nods, before flipping to the next tab. She Said Yes gets replaced by Kitchen Helper, which is of Argyle taking the turkey from the oven. Jonathan is hovering behind him with the roasted potatoes in his hands, which have been deposited there by Argyle moments earlier.
“This is Kitchen Helper from thanksgiving 1991,” El says. “I think it is a very cute photo. You are always so scared Argyle is going to burn himself, even if he’s a professional chef.”
Jonathan blushes a little and Argyle comments: “You do hover a little, baby boy,” from behind the camera. His sound quality is much better, he must have gotten a mic.
“But you do burn yourself,” Jonathan splutters, defending himself. “You’re always reaching into hot ovens and surrounded by burning oil.”
“Hazard of the job, buttercup,” Argyle says, a smile audible in his voice.
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Jonathan pouts, while El giggles at the two of them.
“See,” she says. “This is exactly the dynamic you can see in the photo.”
Jonathan pauses for a second, then gives into it and laughs: “I guess it is. And it is a cute photo, I love it.”
At that El grins widely, before flipping ahead again. The photo that comes on stage is of Max walking the stage with her crutches. Her head is held high and pride leaves her every pore. As she looks at it, El can’t help but light up with pride.
“Max Walking the Stage,” Jonathan reads, leaning over so he can also see. He tells the audience: “That was 1993, when the twerps all graduated college.”
“You’re only a few years older than us,” El points out.
“And that’s a few years enough,” Jonathan grins back, ruffling her hair while she tries to duck away with a halfhearted protest and a grin on her face.
Once they’ve stopped their little tussling war and both have straightened out again, El says: “I love how proud Max looks. She was so nervous about it, because she was having a bad day, so she needed the crutches, unlike at high school when she could manage without them for the stage walk itself.”
“I couldn’t tell,” Jonathan says, sounding a little surprised, like he also hadn’t known that.
“She did not want you to,” El tells him gently. “She hated that she was even nervous about it, because she did not want it to be a thing she was ashamed off. She never wants people to think that about her. For her the crutches are a part of her, not a weakness or something extra. She is proud of her disability, she just knew that people in the audience would pity her and she hated it. But she is so strong and stubborn and she walked that stage with pride.” El’s voice turns a little mushy as she adds: “God, I love her.”
Jonathan smiles fondly at his sister and softly says: “That’s lovely, Jane. I think you managed to capture that defiance perfectly. It’s very much a Max photo.”
El smiles back at him, before there is a cut, the book open on a new page. El introduces it: “This one is Late LA Nights from when me, Max and Lucas moved to LA in 1993 where Mike and Will lived.”
On screen the photo is of Mike and Will dancing in comfortable clothes in their living room. They’re close together, Mike’s arms around Will’s waist, noses pressed together and their eyes closed.
“Mike and Will love dancing,” Jonathan comments. “I don’t know how that happened, but it’s so sweet.”
“I blame you,” El says. “You made Will like music. And mom and dad, who dance.”
“You’re not a dancer?” Jonathan quirks a brow. “I would have sworn I heard [BEEP] talk about how her aunt took her to a dance class.”
When there is a beep a note appears on screen: *Mike and Will have asked the names of their daughters to be kept out, thank you for understanding.
“She’s cute and she really wanted to,” El defends herself. “Besides, I do not hate dancing, I just lived in the same city as these two for too many years.”
“You and Max are just as bad,” Jonathan points out, though he sounds fond. “And you still live in the same city as them.”
“Max told me we are cute when we do it,” El informs him seriously. “And why would I want to live in a different city from them? They are my friends.”
“Of course,” Jonathan says, then moves on. “But this is a cute photo and a little snippet of Mike and Will. What’s the next one?”
“This one,” El shows him a page, pointing to the lower right corner.
“Free Time, nice,” Jonathan says, while on screen an image of Lucas in sport’s clothes shooting hoops on a basketball court on a sunny autumn day appears. In the background is Max riding her skateboard, her crutches are on the ground near the photographer, as if they were just put down to take the photograph.
“It is very nice, yes,” El agrees. “As you said, I like capturing memories and this is a fond one. We used to go to this park all the time, now we have found a new one closer to our home, but this one was the one we first found when we moved to LA. On Max’s good days, she will skateboard and we will make flower crowns or bracelets or braid each other’s hair when it was a bad one. Or she will read to me.”
“That sounds very lovely,” Jonathan tells her, despite already knowing it. Just to affirm her in her recollection.
El smiles and nods. “It is,” she confirms, before flipping the page again to the next tab.
On screen Free Time gets replaced by Sea Chickens. It is from a Californian beach, the early spring already nice enough to allow a day at the beach. The photograph is taken from the sand, but is of the sea itself, where Lucas, Max, Mike and Will are playing in the water.
They might be adults, but that doesn’t stop them from playing chicken. Max is on Lucas’ shoulders, while Will is on Mike’s. Lucas has his hand in Mike’s face, pushing him away, while Max and Will have each other’s hands in a hold, pushing without success. All of them are laughing.
“This was one of the first swim weather days of 1994,” El says. “Winter does not really exist in LA, that is weird, but it is not always weather to swim. I am not a big fan of swimming, but it is fun to watch the others be idiots.”
Jonathan snorts at that and agrees: “They do seem to turn into five year olds whenever they come near a body of water.”
“They do,” El agrees.
“I like how Mike’s face is completely smushed by Lucas,” Jonathan points out. “And you can really see how strong Will’s arms are.”
“Will had been experimenting with sculptures during this time,” El recalls. “He had been lugging around all sorts of heavy materials.” She wrinkles her nose and adds: “Mike was horny about it. I heard too much about my brother’s arms than necessary.”
Jonathan chokes on a laugh as he wheezes: “Oh my god, I am so glad I missed that,” in a manner that is unlike how he usually is on camera, seemingly a lot less shy when joking with El.
El joins in as she giggles: “I suddenly related to dad a lot, I almost instated a three inches apart rule in my house,” which sets Jonathan off again.
The two laughing gets cut off and they appear calmed down again. The two are a little red in the face from laughter, but bravely move onto the next photo.
On screen appears a photo of Max on her knees in the living room of the Mayfield-Sinclair apartment. She is playing with Sir Fluff. On the couch behind her are Mike and Will. Mike is lounging, legs thrown over Will’s lap as he watches Max and the cat. Will is rubbing Mike’s ankles absentmindedly as he talks with Lucas, who is standing next to the couch.
“This is Sir Fluff and Company,” Jonathan tells the viewer, before asking El: “Do you remember when you took this one?”
“Not exactly,” El says. “We hang out at each other’s place a lot. It’s just natural. We have each others keys, had them back then too. We just show up.”
“I love that,” Jonathan says. “I’m pretty sure we have the keys to the Munson house and mom and dad’s house.”
“We have a copy of Erica’s key too from when we stayed at her place when she had the conference,” Argyle pipes up.
“We still have that?” Jonathan asks. “Should we- Should we give that back?”
“Nah, she would have asked,” Argyle replies.
“Sure,” Jonathan agrees, before turning back to the photo. “So this was a typical scene?”
“Yeah, Lucas does this thing where he will get up to grab something to drink, then forget because he started a conversation again. That is why he is standing there,” El explains. “And Mike will always take over the couch like a mouth breather.”
“He does sprawl, doesn’t he,” Jonathan says with a look of mild, yet playful disgust on his face.
The two of them giggle again, in the action it is clear that gossiping together is a habit both have picked up over the years. Even with the camera there, they easily fall into the giggling comments and jokes.
After a second, El flips the page again and smiles: “That was when you and Nancy and Argyle came to visit.”
“That was so fun,” Jonathan says. “I love being able to come out to see you. Having careers in different cities sucks. Why did we do that?”
“Because Nancy is stubborn and Max is too?” El suggests.
Jonathan makes a face that says ‘Fair enough,’ then bends over the book again. The photo is of the guest room at the Mayfield-Sinclairs. On the bed are Argyle, Jonathan and Nancy, the three of them still fast asleep. Nancy is on her back in the middle, while Argyle and Jonathan are both turned to her, heads practically on her shoulders. Argyle has a leg thrown over both of them, while Jonathan has an arm over Nancy, hand buried in Argyle’s shirt.
Jonathan comments: “I will never get over how tall Argyle is.”
“You love it, baby,” Argyle chips in.
“I do,” Jonathan agrees easily as he looks up, love sick smile on his face.
El hits him on the arm and says: “Do not be gross.”
“Ouch, Jane,” Jonathan pouts. “And I wasn’t being gross.”
That earns him a look that communicates that El very much does not agree with that statement, but she lets it be as she moves back to the page: “I think it is cute how you two mirror each other even when asleep.”
“It’s comfortable,” Jonathan shrugs.
“Do you guys still have a schedule about who gets to be in the middle?” El asks, while Jonathan blushes. Innocently, she adds: “I think that is very sweet. You guys are great at communicating and planning.”
That softens Jonathan up and he smiles: “We do, but it’s not a hard law. And we worked hard on that communication. You do the same with Max and Lucas.”
“We had you to be an example,” El says earnestly.
You can see how Jonathan tears up a bit, in lieu of an answer he snatches El close and hugs her tightly. El startles a little but melts into the touch with a happy yet confused smile. There is rustling and before the video cuts, you can hear Argyle mutter: “Gotta get in on that hugging action.”
After the cut, the two are sitting again, Jonathan’s eyes are a little red rimmed, but he is smiling widely as he says: “And we’re at the last photo now. It’s Jonathan’s New Years Kiss taken in 1995, but only just.”
The photo that appears on screen is of Jonathan lowering his camera in surprise as Argyle and Nancy kiss him on his cheeks at the same time.
“This one is cute,” El says. “You are always snapping photographs on New Years. Nancy says you cannot stop working.”
“Nancy also can’t stop working,” Jonathan pouts a little, before he must admit: “But I do find it hard to put the camera down. It’s just hard when you view the world through what would be a great photo and then you can’t take it when you see one, you know.”
“I know,” El says. “But dad says taking photos of the good times with the mental camera is also good sometimes.”
“That is because his photos are always blurry and his finger is always in there too,” Jonathan points out.
“Mom agrees,” El counters.
“Okay, so maybe there is something to it, but I have been getting better about it,” Jonathan defends himself.
“He has,” Argyle defends him from behind the camera.
“Thank you.”
“I believed you,” El promises, though she looks a little mischievous as she does.
“Sure,” Jonathan tells her, like he doesn’t believe her, El doesn’t seem to mind. Jonathan goes back to the topic at hand: “But it is a cute photo, even if I look like an idiot.”
“That is your face, as Will would say,” El tells him.
“You and Will need to stop hanging out,” Jonathan replies, to which he only gets a smile in return, so he rolls his eyes back.
There is a cut, then Jonathan is saying to El: “I really enjoyed looking at these photos with you. You have a fun style of taking photos and you really added a new perspective in the book. Thank you.”
“You are welcome,” El smiles. “It was fun to contribute.”
“Tell the people where they can find Jane’s stuff,” Argyle directs from behind the camera, obviously more familiar with YouTube than the two in front it.
“Oh, yeah, if you want to see more of Jane’s photography it is @JaneMPhotos on Instagram,” Jonathan says. “It is mostly photos of their pets and it is delightful.”
On screen two photos appear. The left one is of Lucas laying on the ground with a defeated look on his face, on his chest lies Hank, their husky, with what can only be a smug look on his face. On the right is a photo of Max, Pino on her finger. She is whistling to the bird and the bird is whistling right back.
Then Jonathan signs off: “So, yeah, that is a behind the scene of the photos Jane took for this book. Thank you so much for being here.”
“You are welcome,” El replies.
“Bye,” Jonathan waves and El follows after a second.
El and Jonathan are secretly mean girls together (especially about Mike), change my mind
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asmallpinkfan3 · 2 years
Hey rose anon! Been awhile but I was wondering if you could do mha characters at a pride parade with gn reader please and thank you <3
I actually have never been to a pride Parade before but I’ll try!
Mha characters attending GN reader at a pride parade!
Also I added a couple of sexuality’s to the characters from my own head cannons hope that’s ok!
Warnings: none
Characters: izuku, bakugou and shinsou.
Reader and character relationship: platonic
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First off he’s glad you asked him to go with him.
You have a pride flag of what ever your sexuality is.(and if your straight and still wanted to go cause you have never been but looks cool you do not have a flag)
He has a bi flag.(bi izuku my beloved)
“Thanks for asking me to come with you y/n!” He says with a huge smile.
You and him are just walking around looking at all the flags and people smiling at each other. Couples kissing each other.
he buys you a pin if they cost money.
If not then he still gets you one.
You wave your flag around in happiness. (if you have one)
“Hey wanna get some food from over there”? He asks and you nod.
After getting some food if yours and his choice you hear a couple make a joke to each other and you laugh at it.
He smiles at you as you laugh at the joke and soon you see the sun start to set and decide maybe it’s time to go home.
“That was amazing izuku I’m so glad I came with you”! You say walking him home.
“It really was It was an amazing experience”.
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You asked him to go with you cause didn’t have anything else to do.
“Why would I go with an extra like you”? He asks as he’s putting on his shoes.
“I don’t know maybe cause you were the first person that came to mind”. You say scrolling on your phone to find the nearest parade.
“Not evern spiked hair”? He says a eyebrow raised.
He sighs and yells at his mom, “I’m going somewhere old hag”! He yells and you hear his mother from the living room yell back.
“just be back before dark”! He voice obviously annoyed that he called he an old hag.
When you arrive he got a pan flag and the ace flag. ( i feel it fits tbh)
You got a pin of your flag and put it on your small backpack.
You have one head phone in listening to what ever.
You see and old couple there and you can’t help but smile.
“Aww bakugo look at them”. You pointed out to which he scoffed at.
He actually thought it was cool but would never say that out loud.
You got some other stuff that represent your flag.
Such as a planet of your sexuality, more pins, (I really love those pins) a bracelet, etc.
He likes the color of the ace flag so he gets a bracelet of it.
When you noticed it was getting darker you decided you needed to drive him home cause he goes to bed early.
“Thank you for coming today”. You tell him as you walk him to his house.
“Yea yea whatever”. He responds but you can tell he had fun.
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You called him and asked if he was willing to come with you.
He agreed of course after all you were his best friend since his knows how long.
“So what do you wanna get at the parade”? You ask looking at him.
He stopped walking and thought what he wanted.
“A Demi flag and a bi pin”. He responded to your question.
“Ooo I never knew you were Demi”. You say with a smile.
He smiles and nods.
“How about you”? He asks seeing the parade come into view.
“Oh I’m gonna get ‘insert sexuality and gender flag’s’”
“I also never knew you were ‘your sexuality and gender’ “.
Walking into the parade he saw a Demi cat and a bi bat and he bought both of them.
“Excuse me can I get a ‘your sexuality’ bee for them please”? He asks and you smile.
“It’s amazing thank you what should I name it?!” You yell and ask him at the same time.
“Hmm sleeper”. He says after looking at your bee.
“Sleeper huh”? “Then sleeper it is”!
“What about mine”? He asks talking about his cat and bat.
“Dennie and count byler”. You say trying to make a name similar to the sexuality.
“Well then say hello to Dennie and count byler sleeper”. He says putting them both up to your bee.
You put your bee close to them and make sleeper say hello.
You laugh at it and he lets out a small chuckle.
“I eat bees for breakfast”. He says moving Dennie to make the plushie say.
You make your bee move away from the cat and make it sound like it’s buzzing in fear.
After all of that he yawns and you notice and offer to walk him home so he can get some sleep. He agreed.
Walking home you noticed how he was in a better mood then when you called him that morning to go.
“Alright make sure Dennie and count byler get some sleep also”. You say and he responds with “you and sleeper to good night y/n”.
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storys-by-duncan · 2 years
Byler: A Special Kinda Love. *All Will's POV, as I can't write well as Mike.
Content Waring: some Homophobic slurs, which are censored. and some violence; not graphic.
Word Count: around 2,090.
Thank you, for reading! this is my first Byler fanfic. Hope you enjoy! Love Yah.
"We are in love, haven’t you heard? how we rock each other's world." Avril Lavigne.
Mike and I have been best friends, for our whole lives. But I am going to be telling you about; how we feel in love...
This, is how the story starts. It started when Mike and I , we're fifteen...we were young...carefree...in love. We were also foolish, thinking that everyone would support us, being together, in our small town. The people who mattered to use did. But not everyone in the town did, in fact most the people, deeply hated us. My Dad, was not a supporter of Mike and I relationship. He only found out about it, when he made a surprise trip, to Hawkins. He knocked on the door, with a lot force of, until Jonathan opened it. He said "Jonathan, long time, no see." "Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?" Jonathan said. "Is Will, here, has he stoped being a F@G yeet?" "Yeah, Dad. Wills, here. He's in his room, I think?" Before, Jonathan could stop him. My Dad, walked through the front door, and down till he came to my bedroom. He pulled open the door and saw Mike and I kissing on my bed, Mike who had climbed throw the window, half an hour earlier, as it was past curfew... by two hours, so Mike and I would definitely be in trouble. Lonnie screamed out "OI, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, F@G!!!" I screamed and Mike gasped. Lonnie, ran forward to us and pulled Mike, off me and tried to grab me, to maybe hit me, or just abuse me, I wasn’t sure, but I know something bad was coming. But luckily then... Mike, ran to me and Lonnie, pulled him away, pushed him up to the wall and punched him, right in the nose, then the jaw, between the stomach and finally between the eyes. Mike screamed "Don't you dare hurt Will! Don't you dare!" Lonnie just stayed slumped against the wall. "Mike... you just saved me!" I said while tears streamed out of my eyes. Jonathan came running into the room, because by now he had heard the sounds coming from my room, and could no longe ignore them. Jonathan said "Mike? why are you here?" and "Why, is Dad up against the wall, looking like his just been in a fight?" "Jonathan, Mike, snuck throw my window. When Dad barged in, he walked in on me and Mike, making out." I said. "Ok, Will, why does Dad look like that?" said Jonathan. "Well, then Lonnie pulled, me of Will, and he looked very threateningly at Will. So I had to protect him." Mike said. while looking pleadingly at Jonathan. Jonathan said slowly "Ok, Mike, Thank you, for sticking up for Will." Yeah, no worries, dude." said Mike. "Mike, is my Knight in shiny armour!" I said. Mike and Jonathan laughed. Mike then said "And you're my damsel in distress!" Me and Jonathan laughed. I looked annoyed and said; "Mike, you're such a dork." Mike laughed and so did Jonathan. Jonathan then walked up to Lonnie, and said. "Dad, get up you're leaving now, before you make anything worse here!" Mike then walked over and picked Lonnie up, by neck of his jeans. He and Jonathan carried Lonnie to the front door and dropped him down, on the door mat. Mike and Jonathan had just came back to my room, after making sure that Lonnie, had set off, in his car. When My Mom (Joyce) and Hoper got back from work. Mom called out "Will? Jonathan? where are you?" I called back to her "Hey, Mom, we're in my room." Mom and Hoper, came in to my room, which took longer than it would’ve in our old house in, Hawkins and California. Our new house was much bigger, since my Mom married Hoper, and we became a family of five, plus Elle's Girlfriend and My friend Max, and Mike, who basically are a part of our family. Making us a Family of seven. We have now, a mansion, in the nicest area of Hawkins. Mom also now has a job, as deputy mayor of Hawkins and Hoper is working as Chief of Police again. Jonathan is preparing to go to college, is now working as a tour guide, at Hawkins museum, a job in which he is not qualified for, but the museum is desperate for tour guides. I was working as at the Sephora, at the new mall, built to replace the one that was destroyed by the mind flayer. Max, Mike and Dustin, were working at Scoops Ahoy. and Ell worked with me at Sephora and so did Robin, who was now store manger. Steve was manger of Scoops Ahoy,
a job which I think he loved and it helped that Dustin worked there too. But I digress, lets get on with what you’re here reading this for...
After Mom and Hoper, came into my room. They know right away, that something was different, that something was wrong. They saw, Me lying in bed, 
looking like I had just been in a war zone, with Mike and Jonathan comforting me, Mom, raced up to my bed, and pushed Jonathan out of the way, and sat down on my bed.
and said. "Will, Darling, what happened to you?"
I told her."Mom, Lonnies what happened! Lonnie! he came here, and barged his, way throw the front door, into my room, He saw Mike and Me kissing!"
"Lonnie, seriously?" Mom, asked.
"Yeah, seriously Mom." Jonathan asked.
"It's lucky, that I was here." Mike said.
"Yes, thank you, Mike. For protecting Will!" Mom, answered. 
"No worries, Mrs. Hoper." Mike replied to her. 
"Mike, Jonathan, Will, where is Lonnie, now?" Hoper asked us. 
"I don't know?" said Jonathan, he then continued with "Me and Mike, made him leave."
Hooper said. "Well, ok. Good riddance!"
Mike said. "Can, we go after him." 
"You know, there’s something in that?" Hoper said.
Jonathan replied "Yeah, let's go after him." 
"Mike, you can't, what if he hurts you?" I cried out. 
"Don't worry, he can't." Mike sad, while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
Jonathan said "Well, let's go then." 
"Be careful, you three." Mom said, with a hint of anxiety, in her voice. 
"We will" said Hoper, he continued with "I am, the chief of police, you know." 
We all laughed. I finally got a bit of joy back in me...which was nice, not going to lie. I had missed  joy, and it had only been gone, for a tiny bit, it made me feel very sorry, for people who struggle with depression, if I missed joy, after less than an hour and a half, then I can't even imagine what its like when its, when joy is gone for much, much longer.
Hooper then said "Well, we better head off, now. If we're going too." 
Mike, Jonathan and Hoper said. "Goodbye" to me and Mom.
We said. "Goodbye" to them and Hoper.
Hooper then said. "Well, goodbye, love, Will."
They then left, going to Hoper's car.
My Mom then said to me. "Will, is it ok, if I have a bath now?"
I told her. "Of course, Mom, I am going to have a shower."
She just said. “Ok." 
And went and had her bath, and I had my shower. I have an ensuite, now. I also moved my stereo into my bathroom, so I could to Madonna, while I showered. It was nice and relaxing. Until I cut my self, while shaving my legs, luckily it wasn’t very deep. But it hurt like crazy! anyways. But it was when 'Like a virgin' started playing, that I started to cry, 'cause I was no longer a virgin. It didn’t make me feel any different. But hearing 'Like a virgin' made me remember when I first heard it and then obsessed over it and then over Madonna, and I was just a little innocent kid… I miss the old me so much, I just wish that I could talk to him, even for just a minute. I wish I could that him, that me and Mike are together. That my family and friends support me, being gay. They really do.
I then got out of the shower, did my skincare routine. Found my cat; Sparkles, I know you're thinking thats that's a gay name for a cat, but Sparkles is actually a lesbian. She's also a black cat, that wasn’t wanted by the local animal shelter, because it is run a by a church, and they thought she was unlucky, and would bring shame on the entire town, so I adopted her with out, a second thought. My Mom and Hoper, fell in love with Sparkles, almost instantly. 
But I soon found her, next to my bed, picked her up. And started to watch Oprah (I had basically every Episode saved.) I adore Oprah! She is a legend! I began to start thinking about what Mike, w as going now? Would he be back soon? Is anyone hurt? Or worse? No I mustn’t think like that. I banished those thoughts from my mind, and felt much better. You just have to have to ride the thoughts that bother you out of your mind! It is after all your mind, you should be in charge of it. When you do take control of your mind, it greatly improves your whole life, over all. After, those very deep thoughts and watching three episodes of Oprah. Mike, Jonathan and Hooper, returned home. I heard the front door open, so I hurried downstairs to the entry way. To see Hooper, Jonathan and Mike, all sitting down in the living room. I said. "Welcome, home." and I Hugged them all and kissed Mike. Mike said. "Hey, Babe." I said. "Hey." winking flirtatiously. Mike winked back at me. "Hey, Will, wheres my wink?" asked Jonathan. "Here." I said. Winking back at Jonathan (But not in a flirtatious way) because he is of course my brother. Hoper and Mike laughed. Then Mom, came into the living room. She said. "Oh my god, you're finally back!" She kissed Hoper and Jonathan on the check and gave a bone-crushing-hug, to Hoper, Jonathan, Mike and me. "How did it all go, with Lonnie?" She asked, with a slight look of concern on her face. "Well, it went fine." said Jonathan. Mike said. "It was, fine. Yeah." "We found Lonnie, quickly, Didn’t we, Mike, Jonathan." "Yeah." they both said. "Well, what happened next?" I asked. "So, once, we found him, we pulled on to the side of the road, Hoper, turned on the cop lights. And he'd pulled over." Mike said. while laughing. "And then We just, told him to never come near us, or you two, again and he listened." Finished Jonathan. "Well, if it only took that long, then why did it take you so much longer to get home?" Mom asked. "Then, on the way, home, we found a car with a flat tire, so we stoped to help them." said Jonathan. "And, then you'll never believe what happened next!" Mike said. "What happened." Me and Mom, said at the exact same moment. "We got a flat tire, our selves." Mike finished. "Well, now you home," I said. I then continued with after I checked my watch, and saw the time "It's 3 pm!" Mom said. "Well, it's bedtime, then Mike, Will." I replied. "Ok, Mom." Mike replied to her too. "Yes, Mrs. Hopper." "Do you have any pyjamas? Mike?" Jonathan asked. "No, I don't." said Mike. "Well, you can borrow some of mine?" Jonathan replied to Mike. "Ok, thanks." said Mike. So we said goodbye to one another and all went to our beds. With Mike and Jonathan going to his room, first to get some pyjamas. As me and Mike, lay in bed, cuddling, I said. "Good night, Mikie." and He said. "Good night, Will." we then fell asleep, in less than a minute. The End.
Thank you, all so much for reading! feel free to send me suggestions for Byler Stories. I am pretty much open to anything.
Any feedback on my writing would be appreciated; but please keep it kind constructive criticism. Spread Kindness, and Byler.
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Teaching El about mistletoe
Eleven Hopper x gn!Byers!reader
Byler, Elumax, Jancy, Steddie, Rockie
Warnings: N/A
WC: 0.2k
The First NoEl Masterlist
El had just come home from seeing Lucas and Max. She knocked lightly on your door and then turned the knob. 
“Y/n,” She started. “What is this?” She held up a collection of leaves and white berries that were tied together with a red bow.
“That’s mistletoe,” You responded.
“Why did Max and Lucas kiss every time they walked under it?”
“Because it’s mistletoe.” You furrowed your brows. “I dunno. Hey, Hopper?” El trailed after you as you walked to the living room. “Why do you kiss when you’re under the mistletoe?”
“It’s easy. Because…”He paused, looking at you. “Better ask Joyce. I have no clue.”
“Yeah?” She called back from the kitchen.
“Why do you kiss when you’re under the mistletoe?”
“It was supposed to increase a girl’s chances of getting married,” Joyce was elbow-deep in soapy water, washing the Santa cookie plate. “See those white berries? You take one off after every kiss, and when there are no more berries left, nobody kisses anymore.”
“You learn something new every day, I guess.”
El plucked the mistletoe from your fingers. “Can I go back to Max’s?”
“You sure can. I’ll send Jonathan to pick you up later, okay?”
“Bike safe, El!”
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th3-shit-writer · 2 months
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-> Mike doesn’t understand how to kiss so he decides to learn. He spies on his sister, Nancy Wheeler, while doing her makeup and finds out how to do the “kissy lips” or the “pouty lips”.
word count: 504
warning: none
contains: a little bit of queer awareness/ mentions of m*leven/ mentions of byler ♡
I’ve never understood girls. How they think, how they act, how they know what to do when they’re love. I wish i knew what to do when i’m in love. Eleven always just knew that girlfriends and boyfriends kiss. Even if she was locked up in a psychopathic lab for twelve years, she still knew what heterosexual couples did. I didn’t, and i still don’t know now.
Finding out i was queer was a big step for me, accepting it was harder but know that i know who and what i am…i need to learn how to kiss. I really want to kiss Will but, the truth is, i don’t actually know how to. I know, i kissed Eleven once but that wasn’t even a ‘real’ kiss. I basically just put my face up to hers, i didn’t even stick my lips out and touch hers. It just sat there, awkwardly.
I’m sat in my room, alone, staring at myself in the mirror and trying to imitate kissing someone, but i just look insane; trying to kiss the air…and horribly failing. There’s no way i’m asking for help though. I mean, Nancy is too busy with Jonathan to even live in our house anymore, my mom is…well, my mom; i basically don’t have a dad and my other sister, Holly, is too young to know how to kiss someone.
I feel my stomach growl at me, begging for food, so i take that as a sign to stop whatever i’m doing and eat something. As i walk out of my door i hear the faint chaos unraveling in Nancy’s room: her music blasting too loud, her screaming that she’s going to be late and as i pass her doorway i see her standing close up to her mirror. I stop and look inside to see what she’s doing and i see that she’s applying makeup onto her face; specifically lipstick. She makes a weird face, sticking out her lips and touches her lipstick to her lips, colouring her lips a pinky-red colour as she moves the makeup across her top and bottom lips.
She sometimes makes that same face whenever she kisses Jonathan, so maybe that’s how you kiss someone..? I make the same face as i carry on walking down the hallway and down to the kitchen where i find Jonathan standing awkwardly in his jeans and band T-shirt that i can’t fully see because it’s covered by his jacket. When i notice him i stop being weird and act normal.
“Hey..Jonathan.” I walk slowly towards the counter. He smiles at me and does one of those head nods that ‘cool’ people do because they’re too lazy to say ‘Hi’. I just grab a can of Coke, but not the new one, and head back to my room.
As i practice the ‘kissy face’ in the mirror, i just think of Will, maybe kissing him will feel different to when i ‘kissed’ Eleven. I feel like it will be..I hope it will be.
writer’s note :)
I really like the idea of Mike learning how to kiss because of him spying on Nancy while putting lipstick on, especially since some people headcannon that Mike sometimes wears makeup too >:D
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
IM BACK FOR MORE i have an order for some domestic byler headcanons with FLUFF and a side of their daily routines 🧐
yep yep yep i got you!! so for this headcanon set i'm putting mike and will as fresh out of college and living in their first apartment together. they both have jobs at the same high school, mike as an english teacher and will as an art teacher.
just gonna walk you through a day in the life here
so neither of them are morning people
but especially not will
he is surprisingly harder to wake than mike
(well, that's not entirely true. mike is hard as shit to wake when he's on his own, but when he's waking up next to will and is responsible for both of them getting to work on time, he's better at getting up)
so mike gets up first and he always gives will a forehead kiss every morning :')
then he goes and gets a shower, and once he gets out he gently wakes will up and tells him it's time to get ready
to which will whines a bit but does get up
while will's showering, mike makes them both coffee and packs their lunches for the day
then will gets out of the shower and takes his coffee from mike and gives him a kiss on the cheek and makes them breakfast
and they sit down and eat and wake up a bit and chat about their plans for the day
then will helps mike tie his tie :( because even though he doesn't have to be formal every day mike likes wearing ties to work :(( but he doesn't know how to tie them and every time he's tried to learn it ends in disaster so will does it for him :(((((((((((
after they're done getting ready will checks to make sure they both have everything they need while mike warms up the car
then they go and drive to school together
(mike drives to school, will drives home)
and they give each other a little kiss before heading in and going to their respective classrooms
will almost always has a fresh bouquet of flowers on his desk from mike
mike is constantly replenishing them, even though will reminds him that they're broke bc they're fresh out of college and they're living on teacher's salaries and they're paying rent, but mike tells him that he can put no price on the smile will gets when he sees new flowers on his desk
will doesn't have much room to speak, though, because he's constantly restocking mike's mini-fridge with his favorite foods and drinks
they have lunch together :') and catch each other up on how their days have been going :')
after school, mike meets will in his classroom and they head out together
when they get back to their apartment, mike lays down on the couch while will makes dinner
after dinner they typically lounge around for a bit, then sometimes they'll go to a store or watch a movie or go on a drive or do something else spontaneous and random (because they're still fresh out of college and wanna have fun, ya know?)
they get in bed together at night and put on some random tv show and talk while grading mike's papers together (almost all of will's assignments are graded in school, since most of them are projects)
will has a book of stickers that he uses to grade mike's papers with and yells at mike whenever he forgets to give someone a sticker
after they're done, they turn the lights off and lay down and spoon/cuddle until they fall asleep
and then they do it all again the next day :)
bonus: their students ship them, but have NO IDEA that they're already together. some of them have caught the two driving to/from school together, but mike and will pass it off by saying they're neighbors. until. one day will comes in wearing a ring
(i could make a fic of that and honestly, i'm considering it)
i am so sorry if i took this in a different direction than you wanted but i hope you enjoy regardless!! if anyone has any more headcanon requests pls feel free to drop them in my ask box :)
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shroomwar · 2 years
Soft Byler things I'm thinking about rn (plus friends because they're all aggressively supportive):
-Mike kissing the back of Will's neck when he has nightmares and thinks he senses Vecna
-Them making a graphic novel together, and they're super nerdy about it
-Byler's first kiss at the swings where they first met
-El teasing the shit outta them, especially Mike, but it's all lighthearted and sweet
-Will freaking out about his first official "date" with Mike, even though they're just watching a movie in his basement and having a sleepover. He's worried about what to wear, whether his hair is right, what he's gonna say, all that. This leads to everyone else banding together to help him get ready: El and Max help him find an outfit that's "bitchin", Steve goes absolutely all out on the hair, Robin is there to be his guide when it comes to conversation (though she quickly figures out that this kid already has more experience than her and she's more of a disaster than him), Dustin and Lucas are distracting Mike, as well as coaching him on what are dumb things he should definitely not say or do. Jonathan and Nancy just take a bunch of pictures like the proud older siblings they are. -Will shows up to Mike's house and Mike has to actually step outside for a minute so he can gay panic properly, because this was just going to be a MOVIE NIGHT and Will looks so damn attractive aaaaaaaaa- meanwhile Will can hear his entire gay temper tantrum from inside, just slightly muffled, and he's trying really hard not to laugh
-They both like horror movies but are scared as fuck while watching them so sometimes Joyce will come into Will's room while Mike is over and the two of them will scream and she'll find Will in Mike's lap and Mike's head buried in his chest or smth like that- and she just smiles fondly, whispers "sorry" and leaves them be
-Murray would be smug as hell about them getting together, he wanted to pull a confrontation thing with them like he did with Jonathan and Nancy, but then he saw Jonathan glaring at him from across the room as if one wrong word and Murray'd have a camera down his throat
-Before they're dating, the party has a sleepover, and Lucas gets up to go to the bathroom. As he's walking through the living room, he sees Mike and Will huddled together on the air mattress, Mike's arms wrapped protectively around Will. The boy clearly had a nightmare. Mike notices Lucas, and he raises his eyebrows defensively, like "what. Is there a problem." And Lucas just smirks and crosses his arms. "You two are real cute and all, but you're also super, super stupid." And he walks off, leaving Mike alone in the darkness with Will pressed against his chest.
I need more fluff. There's a lotta angst going around right now and I don't have the money to get a therapist so this shit is what's keeping me goin
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never be mine by angel olsen gives major byler vibes with possible will pov only by the title BUT it´s actually a mike pov. I want to tell him/ I know the feeling/ this time I swear that I do. will´s hidden confesion being the thing that makes mike belive that hey maybe he is in love, and it is all because of will, those are will´s feelings that make him feel loved, and those are the same feelings that make him feel in love. but I would watch you, I would watch you/ turn and walk away. ok dessert triple take. Yes, I would watch you, learn to love you/ and her too, if you´d only stayed. ok so this lyrics does it for me. I think it´s all their s4 dynamic, he´d say I love you to el, as long as will loves him too (pointed out before but, aparently mike has never said he loves el without will being in the same room? lol) but also, this gives me major s3 ending imagery. the dnd promise, their mutual smile, then, mike with el, the one sided kiss, what the hell just happened here?, looking back at will´s house, losing him, just, the build up man
i live for these so bad uhhitjgjgjgjf
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lluvguts · 3 years
stargazing // byler
pairing: will byers / mike wheeler & eleven / max mayfield
genre/warnings: mainly fluff! some soft angst
word count: 2502
summary:  Where the party goes laser tagging for Will's 16th birthday and something happens that Mike will never forget aka that first kiss no one asked for.
n/a: post season 3 spoilers!! you’ve been warned!
March 22nd, 1987
6:37 pm
“Lucas, I don’t even care if it’s Will’s birthday, so help me if you crash this car I’m making Eleven open the gate and feed you to the Demodogs,” Dustin yelled from the front seat of the Henderson’s van with the rest of the group piled in the back.
“El can’t do that anymore, genius.” Max had her hands clasped in Eleven’s lap.
“I have my license, Dustin. Stop freaking out,” Lucas groaned but still reduced his speed by a few miles.
“Lie-sense?” Eleven looked to Max.
“Can we please stop arguing?” Mike hollered over the shouting from the back of the van, as well as Max’s arm stretching across the console to crank the volume louder on the radio.
The party had decided to celebrate Will Byer’s sixteenth birthday in the most acceptable way possible: laser tag. The boys had outgrown Dungeons & Dragons—for the most part—but that didn’t stop them from pooling their money and planning on spending the night shooting each other with lasers and eating junk food like children; if anything it brought back the nostalgia of their middle school antics. The girls, on the other hand, didn’t care for the game as much—although Eleven had a difficult time wrapping her head around the entire idea of laser tagging—and they only went for the sake of Will and to spend time together.
The van slowly turned into the parking lot of the laser tag center and the chatter subsided.
“Is this what you wanted for your birthday?” Mike turned to Will. The other boy gave a shy smile and nodded. No matter how many weeks since they’d announced their relationship to the party and their parents—even realizing it themselves—Will’s affectionate gestures made Mike’s heart beat a little faster, and his eyes linger on the boy’s face a little longer. He wasn’t used to it yet, he’d never been in a real relationship. And his smile is driving me mad.
Will took Mike’s hand and pulled him out of the last row of seats. As he jumped down from the van Mike’s eyes flickered to his shorts. Only briefly. Were they always that..short? His heart leapt from his chest and he looked away, embarrassed, only to find their intertwined fingers. Will caught Mike’s flustered expression.
“What?” he laughed and held up their hands, “Do you want me to stop?”
“No!” Mike said, his face reddening. “Uh, I mean, you don’t have to. Sorry, it’s just all so new-“
“Hey! Birthday boy! Get over here! You too, stupid,” Max called, pointing to the Polaroid camera in her hands while the rest of the group huddled around the front entrance for the photo.
Will smiled up at the dark haired boy and lead them over to the others. Max held the camera out in front of her as the rest of the group filed behind her, grinning. Will snaked his hand over Mike’s shoulders and Eleven draped her arms around Max from behind.
“Mike, stop looking at Will, look at the camera,” Lucas snapped.
They all laughed as the light flashed.
“I took a few, so you all get a copy.” Max let the film develop for a few seconds and handed them each a photo. Mike took one and before he slid it into his pocket he showed it to Will, both staring at their cheeky grins. He already knew where he’d keep the photo—on the bulletin board in his bedroom, amongst ticket stubs, poems and sketches Will had done, and photos of the group when they were younger; right next to the many polaroids he’d snapped of Will. A collage of his hazel eyes. His beautiful, bright eyes.
“Cute, Mikey,” Will whispered. Was he talking about the picture? Or him?
Will briefly touched Mike’s shoulder then caught up with the rest of them, leaving him to stare at the smiles on the film, hiding his blush.
7:02 pm
“Boys against girls!”  
“How is that fair?” Eleven hissed, “It’s just the two of us.”
“We can join a group that’s already in there,” Will added.
“You’re all such a headache. Let’s just split it into two groups. Me, Mike and Dustin on the red team. Will, Lucas and Eleven on blue. Deal?” Max counted off on her fingers.
Mike looked around the area as the others went with their teams and pulled on the correct vests and guns.
“Need some help?” Max asked and went to her girlfriend’s side, she was holding the gear in her arms with a startled expression like she was handling a bomb. She giggled as Max guided the heavy vest over her head and adjusted it to her small waist. Eleven watched it all in wonder, then looked up at her face.
“Pretty,” She said to Max and leaned in for a hug, their pink cheeks pressed close.
“See Will? It’s that simple,” Dustin whispered loudly and then chuckled while he watched the girls. Will punched Dustin in the arm and his eyes quickly met Mike’s from across the neon lit waiting room.
Will was about to say something to him, not in words. In his stare. But the booming voice from the overhead speaker filled the room.
“Game begins in five,” The announcer said.
“Alright. I’m going to go with my team. You remember the rules?” Max had her hands on Eleven’s shoulders, staring into her eyes.
Mike tried to make Will look again, but he was talking to Dustin as they headed into a different room. What was he going to say? What was so simple?
Eleven pointed to Max’s glowing chest, “Shoot the red vests. Hide. Be quiet.”
“See? You’ll do great,” Max hugged her one last time and went over to the door, “But, I am going to win.”
“We’ll see about that, Mad Max.” Lucas shouted and patted their shoulders companionably.
A buzzer sounded as the main doors opened; Mike’s team rushed inside to station themselves around the maze. The arena was pitch black save for the neon lights across the carpeted floor and a constellation of yellow artificial stars on the ceiling. He knew that Will’s team was somewhere on the opposite side, lurking in the shadows. Waiting to stake the perfect moment to strike. The visual made Mike’s heart race and he was drowning in worry.
He could only think of Will. It’s gonna be just like that time at the arcade. Just like Halloween. He’s gonna be walking and everything’s fine until someone jumps out and it triggers a memory in his mind. What if he can’t control it, and the figure in front of him suddenly turns into a Demogorgon? Or the Mind Flayer in his head?
Mike crept around the curved bend in the maze and quietly ducked into a dark alcove to think. A shout suddenly echoed and floated up into the air, the resonant cry drifting to Mike’s ears. To anyone else the sound only meant that someone had gotten caught off guard and a laser to the chest.
What if that’s Will? Is he okay?  
Mike sat up slowly, hoping to find Will and make sure he was safe; he turned his head around the edge of the alcove and in the sound of slamming plastic someone crashed into him. He staggered back, registering the face.
“Oh. Will, thank God. I was going to see-“
Before he could get out the last of his sentence Will took the barrel of his laser gun and pinned Mike back against the alcove wall.
He couldn’t speak.
Mike only watched Will draw his lips up to his mouth, frozen in surprise. Will squeezed the trigger as their lips parted at the same time, as though they’d wanted this from the start. He kissed Will back and shuddered when he felt a brush of those teeth along the front of his flushed lips; Mike dropped his gun and grabbed at his face, embracing the startling sensation when Will pressed himself closer, trapping him. Oh God, don’t move. Don’t pull away, Mike pleaded.  
The trigger went off and Mike’s vest buzzed and filled the space with flashing red light—but Will didn’t let go. He just rooted him in place by the tip of the gun, its weight carrying all throughout the plastic front of his vest and into his pounding heart.
Will sighed into his open mouth, making Mike shudder involuntarily before he moved his body away. The air was filled with the sound of their shaky breathing.
“That’s what I wanted for my birthday,” Mike’s heart sped up at his gruff, breathy voice.
Mike reached for him again, “W-Wait-“
“Shhh,” Will whispered and placed his hand on Mike’s face, smirking, “You’re dead, Wheeler.”
He rushed out of the alcove with a smile plastered on his face before Mike could run after him. The vest shook once more, signaling his loss, before the color faded and died. Mike slid down onto the floor and brought his fingers to his hot cheeks. His lips started to burn as the last few minutes replayed in his head, making his breathing turn ragged again and his stomach twist back into messy, feverish knots.
Mike felt the pulse roar in his ears, still staring at the empty space where Will was only moments before. Where he’d just kissed him.
What just happened?
8:49 pm
“Our team,” Eleven started, staring hopelessly out the car window into the night, “Lost.”
“Yep,” Dustin sighed, “That’s what happens when you’re up against the best.”
Mike ignored their arguing and stared out the back window at the stars. They covered the dark sky, too many to count, thousands of glittering and radiant sparks—they reminded him of Will’s eyes. So full of amber light and happiness, no matter the circumstance.
“Hey.” Mike flinched when there was a tap on his shoulder. Any touch from him and Mike turned into a live wire, his lungs forgot how to work and his heart thrashed wildly inside his aching chest. He longed to let Will’s touch linger, to sustain the burning, fluttering sensation.
“Yeah?” He whispered, taking the time to even his breathing before he looked at Will.
His eyes flickered between Mike’s, searching his face. “Was that alright?”
“Was what alright?”
“Back in the arena..you know..”
Mike’s cheeks burned tomato red as he remembered the softness of his lips and quickly murmured, “Oh, yeah. That was really nice Will, I just-“
“What?” He leaned in, as if getting closer would help to understand. Mike’s body tensed at the hurt beginning to show on Will’s face.
“It..kinda caught me off guard.”
Will paused. “Do you want me to ask you next time? If it’s okay?”
Mike nodded.
Will smiled at their bodies, intentionally placed as far apart as possible. “Can I hold your hand?”
He nodded again and Will slipped his hand into Mike’s, letting his fingers trail absently along the front of his knuckles.
“Mike, this is your stop,” Lucas said from the driver’s seat. Will held his hand tighter.
“Could I come too?” Will asked him quietly, “My mom wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course,” Mike hid his red face as he climbed over the back seat to the car door.
“Aight. Happy birthday, Will,” Dustin said and waved at the two.
He gave Dustin a shy smile. “Thanks, guys. It was really fun.”
“Don’t do anything stupid!” Max shouted out the window as the van sped away.
They stared at each other for a moment, in the quiet of the night, standing in front of the Wheeler’s unlit driveway. Until the front door swung open and Nancy was calling from the porch.
“Guess we better go in then,” Mike whispered, caught up in Will’s gaze.
He looked away, grinning. “Yeah.”
9:02 pm
“There’s so many photos here,” Will inspected the cork board on Mike’s wall. When they’d went inside Mike opened the window above his bed to let the peaceful night sounds in, and allow the stars outside to watch.
“Wait a minute,” Will touched a piece of paper tacked on the board, “I drew this.”
“I love your art, Will. How could I not hang it up?” Mike smiled up at him, so full of affection. He’s adorable when he’s flustered. Will muttered something under his breath and his face turned pink.
“Oh, right!” Mike got off his bed and joined his side. He handed over the Polaroid photo from his pocket, “You can pick the spot to put it up if you want.”
Will studied the picture, as if seeing it for the first time. He was close, close enough that Mike could see every detail of his face, see the curve of his lips that had fit so perfectly in his own.
“You’re so cute.” He pointed to Mike in the photo, then tore a piece of tape to hang the Polaroid next to a small drawing. A pencil sketch of Mike, with a caption at the bottom in Will’s handwriting: my Paladin.
“Y-you’re uh, pretty cute too,” Mike stammered. When Will finished hanging the picture he turned around and followed him to the bed, his head tipping up so their eyes met. The air suddenly felt very warm as they sat chest to chest—silent except for the crickets outside—until Will spoke softly.
“Mikey, can I ask something?” His hazel eyes never left his face.
Mike didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath.
Will was leaning back on his hands, and decidedly scooted closer. “Can you..hold me please?”
His eyes widened. Will’s request was so gentle that it made Mike’s heart burn for him. The desire to have him in his arms. “Of course I will.”
Mike took his hands and wrapped them around his neck, leaning them back on the comforter, drawing him closer than they’d ever been before. Will nestled his cheek to Mike’s chest as he faced the stars out the open window, his legs eased down to rest snug by his sides.
“Is this okay?” Will asked, tilting his head up so he could nestle into Mike’s neck. His soft brown hair brushed Mike’s skin and sent goosebumps racing up his arms. He closed his eyes and rubbed Will’s back in comforting circles.
“It’s perfect,” He said.
Will yawned. “This was such a great birthday.”
“Duh, I had my first kiss.” Will murmured, his fingers under Mike’s neck started to play with his dark curls.
“Tired?” Mike asked, his hands never leaving his back.
“Only a little,” He replied with a drowsy smile against his chest.
He laughed and put a hand gingerly on Will’s face to move a strand of hair. In the minutes that followed he let Will fall asleep while he studied the stars outside, listened to the heartbeat of the boy on top of him, the drawing on the cork-board. The title scrawled beneath.
“My Cleric,” Mike whispered to the stars.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
DID theory part 3: St novels/comics/spotify list analyses
*read part 2  of DID theory-first! You’ll be lost otherwise, seriously XD. First, I’ll say -I find the ST comics/ books as canon as the st movie inspirations . I don’t consider the books/comics ‘literal canon’ (cause they contradict the show ( like Max and billy meeting a year before s2  in runaway max - but meeting as little kids in s3,  or El’s age being wrong in suspicious minds, in the d&D comic Will’s friends instead of him /Jonathan building castle byers, etc) . 
So I think we shouldn’t take it  literally - but more like the st movie lists - filled with foreshadowing/symbolism and other eastereggs (That the Duffers may have told them to add). So here’s some more (possible) alter / DID hints...
‘Suspicious minds’ novel
- Brenner  equates k*lling rabbits to h*rting kids. And he’ll hurt (kid) Kali (the bunny in the analogy) if Terry tries running away from him . I wonder if Lonnie used a similar threat against jonathan? Jon could be giving only a partial truth to why he cried for a week (about the bunny story)?
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-Kali “hops” like a bunny then talks about tigers obsessively (linking her to rabbits/tigers similar to the other alters/Will/Lonnie). Terry also imagines tigers and kali says to Alice they can all be tigers together.
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- one of the only male psychic experiments (who can see the future) is gay
- Terry is into lord of the rings, like Will. Has her and her boyfriend dress as sam & frodo (m/m ship). Terry calls her and her friends “the fellowship”.
-when Terry/Alice were injected with d**gs -they hallucinated rainbows.yikes.
- Alice (like Lonnie) is a car mechanic. She can see the future like Will the wise and says “monsters of course my mind has them as long as they stayed in there, everything would be alright? Wouldn’t it?” (in her visions she saw the demogorgan).
 (completed) graphic ST novels (by Jody Hozer) so far  (+ other st comics).
*Jody Hozer writes all the graphic novels (every novel is 4 chapters each) - the will byers comic, number 6 comic , into the fire comic, and at the moment she’s writing the d&d series and the summer camp series (which isn’t done yet). Then there’s the occasional 1 chapter st comics not written by her.
- Number 6 has (the ability to foresee the future like Will the wise/Alice) and has an ab*sive dad. 
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When having a nightmare of the demogorgan ...she says as she wakes up “screw you dad” (another hint the demogrgan -aka in d&d means ‘deep father’ ...is Lonnie).
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- when number 6 and others run they say they’re’ “rabbiting”(which yes technically makes sense but I found such an uncommon phrase odd.)
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- The (summer camp and d&d graphic novels aren’t completed yet) but they establish d&d creatures are based off  real life people the boys don’t like in real life. Or that d&d is used as an outlet to explain true events from their pasts -but they just give the true stories a d&d fantasy slant.
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- Which brings me to the halloween oneshot(not by Hozer),taking place before s1. Will tells a scary story told to him by Jonathan, and originally told to him by Lonnie. Says the boys have to keep it a secret cause it was something he was never supposed to tell to anyone. Mike says he has to finish the story he started. It’s about a “ch*lld-eater” monster first attacking a boy near the quarry (like where Will was found) and  attacking kids in a library (where Will was also found in s1).When the child sees the sheriff she bangs on the library door begging for help-he ignores her , walks away, and tells the other cops to never speak of what they saw as she screams for help. Because the previous sheriff was in kahoots with the monster. It def had some ... uh questionable imagery too 0_0
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The vine in the mouth is also like the one in Will’s mouth (when Joyce found him in the library).And of course Dustin asks whether or not something like that could be covered up.
- In the “bully  comic” (about troy) also not by Jody. We focus on Troy and his ab*sive dad (who encourages him to fight/ditch his best friend). The dad has a drinking problem (gets fired), calls Troy a “mess” , pushes him, and constantly encourages Troy to be vi*lent/macho. He pretty much tries sabotaging the relationship Troy has with his friend (which I could see Lonnie doing in the future with byler).The dad/troy is framed similarly to when Billy gives Max a ride home-  after both ab*sers give bad advice saying not to hang out with their friend (after witnessing them fight in the school parking lot). Dad also laughs about almost k*lling a squirrel (a trait we see troy mimic)- and we see El feel guilty about k*lling a squirrel in s2. At the end of the comic- Troy (like Will) after making up with his bff james- moves leaving his best friend behind.
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-  (into the fire) Twins: (one was normal with no powers living in the real world and the twin with fire powers is trapped in a dark sunless “cold” world styled like a psych facility/medieval fantasy) . pics in link.She hated her reflection cause it reminded her of being betrayed by her normal non powered twin who left her behind in the ‘cold’ place. She’d call herself a ‘hunter’ who would defend herself and attack others to never be hurt again. Her powers being unleashed were described like opening “a door.” And she loves her twin deep down and just wants friends . And fire twin goes to the “other side” to reunite with her reflection and find happiness in the real world. *also there’s sunflower/bunny symbols which she lights on fire-which can relate back to Will/Terry/Lonnie etc. The twins = Will & Will the wise (mf)
Mirrors also connect to Will and Will the wise via the canon spotify playlists too.
Will playlist (song: mirror in the bathroom)-Mirror in the bathroom Please talk free.The door is locked -Just you and me.Mirror in the bathroom recompense for all my crimes of self defense.Cures you whisper make no sense!Drift gently into Mental illness.
Demogorgan playlist ( from perspective of Will the wise aka the mf) (song: are you dead yet? )-”polluted soul through a mirror I behold.Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor. tearing me apart. but I don't care anymore.Should I regret or ask myself are you dead yet?Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth. The fiction you live in blindfolds your eyes. Disclosure, self loathing, this time you've gone too far.Or could it be, my nemesis, that you are me?
(*st ‘into the fire’ comic. the fire powered twin’s thoughts echo the song)
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*I think this foreshadows the later plot points of mf (will the wise ) and Will interacting via mirrors. The fire-wielding twin and the non powered twin had a lot of mirror imagery. Including the fire powered twin (Who denies reality/and imagines herself in a fantasy world) punching her reflection because it reminds her of her non-powered twin. Here’s some cover art from the novels showing how much they emphasize mirrors.
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*And in s4 movies Black swan - “the black and white swan twins (two halves of the same person-Nina)” had creepy mirror imagery. In long kiss goodnight the women with DID talks to her “ (supposed)dark 1/2″  via a mirror (in a dream).  in ‘the visit’ the teen girl who’s dad abandoned her when young-  refuses to look in the mirror (and it’s never explained why she hates her reflection). So yes I think we’ll see this in s4 or 5. We already see the mf take on the appearance of Billy when talking to him.
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- Will in “zombie boy” comic is afraid he’s a monster.
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also lets appreciate the lil byler moment of Mike and Will being the only zombies and mike comforting him. honestly , though, the characters were pretty out of character for most of this 1 ch comic (until the end) tbh.
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- in the “d&d comic” mf is  (possibly) described as a “protector” (aka like how i said the mf is probably a perpetrator alter- which are misguided protectors).
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*update now that it’s finished... hinting Will created everything subconsciously.
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‘Runaway Max’ novel (before s3)
(I didn’t get time to read this book unlike ‘suspicious minds’ -so can’t show screen shots of everything others talked about. May read it eventually)
-Max compares Billy  to ‘her monster’ and a ‘shadow’ that will attack anyone that comes close (mf parallel).
- Dart k*lled a cat,  El’s papa tried to force her to k*ll a cat. And Billy when seeing a d*ad cat lights it on fire for a “viking funeral”. A connection to WW (who has fire powers) and El & dart.
-Max and Billy both are into cars and bond over fixing them (similar to Lonnie’s interest in fixing up cars). And since Lonnie tried to brag to Jonathan about fixing a car up and Will is into tech it wouldn’t be a stretch that Lonnie and Will were into fixing cars together (like Max/billy who would hang out at a autoshop in Cali) .  Similar to Will ,max says hanging with Billy wasn’t always so bad- which made things more confusing to her.
- Max compares Billy being beat up by Neil: to ‘punching a pocket of a baseball glove’. This is interesting since this book was pre-s3 which was when they established the connection of billy and his dad to baseball (similar to s1 saying  Lonnie taught Will baseball).
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-Billy’s friend is a nice ‘music snob’ . He tries distracting Max with music while Billy is burning the cat. Which reminds me of Jonathan trying to distract Will from their parents fighting in the next room-with music
- Max’s bio dad is a criminal who takes her to shady bars, and Max fears he’d ‘get bored of her’. Max also ran away from her mom to her dad’s 2x.Which reminds me of Jonathan thinking Will ran to Lonnie’s in s1.
-Max mentions how Billy misses his friends after moving out of Cali. And he starts acting even worse-after the move. Which will probably be the case for Will (at least a bit) when moving to California.
-Billy tells Max Neil isn’t his ‘real dad’ either because Neil can’t be a father to anyone.
-Billy also tells Max who (at the time ) is 12 years old not to act “easy” and breaks her best friend’s (Nate’s) arm over  someone joking he was Max’s boyfriend and also cause Nate tried to get in between Billy bullying Max. Eventually all her Cali friends ditch her cause they’re afraid of Billy.And Ugh- why could I see Lonnie doing something like this in the future with Will/his new friends. 
- Creepily Max says Billy doesn’t fool around with her like other girls not because of her age or being family. But cause she wasn’t ‘attractive’. This whole excerpt gave me the heeby jeebies,on so many levels, honestly.  Almost like he’s jealous- and controlling her cause he doesn’t want Max to have any love interests. Maybe i’m just missing the context? But ugh... excerpt:
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Will byers secret Files
-Hopper gets scared by a pumpkin-scarecrow. And in Will’s canon journal when talking about the mindflayer and his nightmares draws the same scare-crow , Hopper saw. There’s also a lot of s4-5 foreshadowing in the book... but that’s a post for another day.
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Darkness on the edge of town (Hopper novel)
*didn’t get time to read this (except the preview)
 I think it’s more foreshadowing for future seasons though- cult/supposed ritual k*llings, people being wrongly blamed for those crimes-like the hellfire club , most likely.  (similar to the guy number 3 in the number 6 comic)  saint john in the novel also has the same brain control powers as 3- similar to the mf. .” When a blackout plunges the boroughs into chaos, Hopper must escape the the mobs in the streets to make sure his family is safe and stop Saint John from fulfilling his prophecy.” I already talked about here- how the next few seasons would start having more religious symbolism/a future apocalypse (based on what we’ve seen in the show/s4 movies). Although, i think there’s quite a few differences between (the novel’s) saint john and Will the wise. Hopper is also a star wars nerd like the boys (alter hint)
Canon spotify songs (posted after s2/before s3) hinting at DID/ alter /lonnie stuff-
Will  and Will the wise (aka the mf) being an alter
*Used Will and the demogorgan playlist (which i think has perspectives of Will the wise aka the mf, demogorgan, and Lonnie).
Besides the mirror songs previously mentioned...
Will (cold inside)-Doctor the problem's in my chest.My heart feels cold as ice but it's anybody's guess?Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mind. Doctor can you help me cause I don't feel right?Better make it fast before I change my mindWell it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside. Darker in the day than the dead of night Cold, cold, cold, cold inside...Counselor give me some advice Tell me how hard will I fall if I live a double life?
El (ghost)-your ghost, the ghost of you.It keeps me awake.My friends had you figured out.Yeah they saw what's inside of you. You tried hiding another you.But your evil was coming through... living in the shade Your cold heart makes my spirit shake.
El (monster Lead me home)-I don't know what, what I was afraid of, I was afraid oooof...Monster take me somewhere...We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.Where there is no place to hide.Stranger on the other side We walk in shadow.Monster lead me home.
 The’ innerworld’/  other hints Max, El, Hopper, and Billy are alters of Will’s
Max (Logical song)-I know it sounds absurd. Please tell me who I am, who I am, who I am, who I am?
EL(Buzzcut season)-I remember when your head caught flame It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain ...nothing's wrong when nothing's true. I live in a hologram with you Where all the things that we do for fun . Play along (make-believe it's hyper real) But I live in a hologram with you.
Billy (broken bones)-Broken bones.Stay alone. If I see only what I believe -reality's bound by what I conceive
Max (Why can’t i touch it)-Well, it seems so real.I can see it.And it seems so real-I can feel it.And it seems so real-I can taste it.And it seems so real-I can hear it.So why can't I touch it?
Hopper (breakers)-Just to keep me from losing my mind .It's so easy to drown in the dream.Oh, and everything is not what it seems This life is but a dream.Shatter illusions that hold your spirit down ...From the inside, so it seems.Oh, I'm telling you it's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a dream It's all a It's all a dream.”
Max (comfortably numb)-When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of my eye.I turned to look but it was gone.I cannot put my finger on it now.The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably numb.
Max (Kids aren’t alright)-Still it's hard Hard to see Fragile lives, shattered dreams...What the hell is going on? The cruelest dream, reality.
El(team)-Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams. And you know we're on each other's team
Hopper (denial twist) ( just change ‘she’ to ‘he’)-Just because she makes you feel wrong she don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy!Take a tip and do yourself a little service...by playing a different role Ya, by playing a different role, oh.The boat ya you know she's rockin' it.And the truth well ya know there's no stoppin' it.So what, somebody left you in a rut and wants to be the one who's in control.But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder.How the hell she can be so cold?So now you're mad, denying the truth.And it's getting in the wisdom in the back of your tooth
El (the story)-You see the smile that's on my mouth.It's hiding the words that don't come out.And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed.They don't know my head is a mess.No they don't know who I really am.And they don't know what I've been through
El (hero) ( pretty much alludes to El being a construct of Will’s mind similar to his juju zombies in the d&d story he wrote )-Who knows what you'll find when you look inside (billy’s mind)?Haunted beach (billy flashback), roll the dice.The zombies in the corner aren't amused (d&d ref).Play the part of the blushing bride...Out of view, cloaked by night...My spirit dims, but I feel the force"No longer in my hands,"  (loses powers) .I say to you .I could've been a hero, I could've been a zero.Could've been all these thingsI could've been nothing, I could've had something.Could've been all these things.And if I am unable, tell him that I'll try but underneath the table will spin the wheel and hope for gold. Oh, and where it stops, nobody knows.
Max (it’s real)-I don't know who's behind the wheel.Sometimes I feel like I don't know The deal.But when I tell you how I feel-Believe me when I say It's real.I skated on a frozen Sea.It's real as far as I Can see?
Max (Halloween)-Because your role is planned for you there's nothing you can do.
El (White rabbit... alice and wonderland/lonnie ref)-And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall...When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.
demogrogan(Dimensions of horror)-Gaze upon the ancient face you dread (lonnie)... Passing through the doors, into Dimensions Of Horror. Haunting visions from the past, rise once more.Realms of darkness, terror, death and gore.Scream in fear, your sanity is lost
demogorgan (SCHORCHED)-Terrorizing madness. Vivid dreams. internal. Hallucinating the unknown. Abstract entities prey.Through superhuman abilities.Fragments of memory erased.
demogrogan (Calling from a dream)-the shadow king...seven spirits (7 ref) Swarming around his head.Close your eyes.Listen to my call. Our bond will bring us together again.I will wait for you. For our hearts still beat as one.Listen to my calling from a dream. (integration?)
 Maybe a coincidence or a hint at Will having both male &female alters?Billy (dude looks like a lady)- What a funky lady...Oh, he was a lady.Dude looks like a lady. Hopper (turn the page)-All the same old cliches,"Is that a woman or a man?" Max ( rebel rebel) (this was on her her pre s3 spotify list + post s3 “wrapped list”)- you got your mother in a whirl, doesn’t know if you’re a boy or girl? 
*trigger w*rning ahead for dark themes like s**ual ab*se
demogorgan (my children)My children I never loved them.Why feel that way when their existence is my business?My children...feral vessals of my selfinterest...So don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.Don't lean on me man 'Cause I ain't got nothing to give.My children they're right behind you My children they're gonna beat you.My children if you let them Oh, oh, my children.
demogorgan (black dahlia-window):  I’m not quoting the lyrics you can just look it up.  it’s messed up.Based on the 1st person pov of Gilles de Rais -k**ler and p*d*rest who also kidnapped a cleric.
Will (creature comfort)-Some boys hate themselves.Spend their lives resenting their fathers... hate their bodies .Stand in the mirror (another mirror ref) and wait for the feedback.Some boys get too much, too much love, too much touch.
Jonathan’s Playlist- We’re happy family: “Eating refried beans (poverty). Gulpin’ down Thorazines (pills for a mood disorder). We ain’t got no friends (s2 ref). Our troubles never end. Daddy likes men. Daddy’s telling LIES.”
Jonathan’s playlist-Enter sandman: “Don’t forget my son. Sleep with one eye open. Gripping your pillow tight, Exit light, Enter night. Take my hand, we’re off to never-never land. Something’s wrong, shut the light, heavy thoughts tonight. Dreams of LIARS and of things that will bite, yeah. Hush little baby don’t say a word, and never mind that noise you heard. It’s just the beasts under your bed, in your closet in your head.”
Jonathan (The killing moon-guy sings this)-So soon you'll take me up in your arms. Too late to beg you or cancel it. Against your will!He will wait until you give yourself to him...In starlit nights I saw you.So cruelly you kissed me... unwillingly mine.
jonathan (haunted)-You and I both know that the house is haunted And you and I both know that the ghost is me. You used to catch me in your bed-sheets just a-rattling your chains.Well back then , it didn't seem so strange...In the midnight hour..I was busy trying to charm that snake. When the sun came up we had no place to hide...You and I both know that the house is haunted  yeah you and I both know that the ghost is YOU! You used to walk around screaming, all slamming all 'dem doors Well I'm all grown up now and I don't scare easy no more But you and I both know.
Hopper (Confession)-Now I'm on the low Confession, to a virgin ghost Admission, force you know.
hopper (Tomorrow ) Yeah, and back when s*x and amph*tamines were the staples of our childhood physique.
Max (Last caress)-I got something to say.I k**led your baby today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as it's de*d.Well I got something to say.I r*ped your mother today.And it doesn't matter much to me.As long as she spread. (Lonnie pov? Neil?messed up song to be on Max’s list)
hopper House of the rising sun- And my father was a gamblin' man Way down in New Orleans... And the only time he's satisfied Is when he's on a drunk
Max Poor relations-An attitude, no patience, he's paper thin.Talking over everything you have to say...Don't correct the things he said, what's the use?Can't handle violence.Can't handle violence.Learning to love the abuse you can't live without.Your familiar oppression, your daily injustice...That loser man that belongs to you, he's ruling you.
el (sweet dreams are made of this)- Some of them want to use you ...Some of them want to ab*se you.Sweet dreams are made of this...Hold your head up.Keep your head up, movin' on.
Max (Alternative ulster)-They say they're a part of you.And that's not true, you know.They say they've got control of you.And that's a lie, you know.They say you will never Be free, free, free
max In bloom-”Sometimes at night I let it get to me.And last night it had me down and feeling NUMB...And thinking back upon those days Way way back when I was young.I was such a little shit.Cos I was always on the run.Well you know just what they say-Just like father then like son.Don't delude me with your sympathy.Cos I can do this on my own.And this will be the last time-That I break down and wanna crawl to bed. “(since Billy has a playlist I found this song choice being on hers instead of his interesting- in fact almost all of Max’s songs are from the 1st person perspective of a boy unlike the other gals.)
Max (comfortably numb)-The child is grown.The dream is gone.I have become comfortably NUMB.
hopper (numb)-Honey, here I go again Down that crooked road of sin.My momma locked me out again And hung me high to rust under the rain I am NUMB( 8x)....Little bluebird at my window Sing a pretty song for me Don't you know that you can fly, fly, fly away Don't you know that you can leave I am numb.
other psych songs
Hopper (life of sin)-Every morning when I rise I look in the mirror (another mirror ref) and despise the sight of everything and all that I've become. The level of my medicating some might find intimidating But that's alright cause' it don't bother me none.
 Max (Moon over marin)- “Dive in my scalding wooden tub (connects to mf/el)...There, wasn't that a nice visit?Don't forget, a psychiatrist is on duty twenty-four hours a day in the blue room...Drink plenty of water when you take these.Now you can relax.” ( I wonder if stranger writers saying to “drink plenty of water” is secretly a line said by a psych person in s4?)
Max (Feeling ok)-My doctor says that I should take it -At least I won't have to keep faking.I know, someday I'll find it-Where I, I least expect it.Today I know I feel ok.
Max ( Going gets tough)-.No home since the fire.Me and the ash can't settle down...So I sink another round-Placebo for pain.And there's no one for to blame . I refuse to accept-That my work is all in vain...Still always remembering .When the going gets tough .That the labor of our love-Will reward us soon enough.
 Max (Comfortably numb)-Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)Is there anybody in there?Just nod if you can hear me.Is there anyone home?Come on now-I hear you're feeling down.Well I can ease your pain .Get you on your feet again.Relax // Now I've got that feeling once again.I can't explain . you would not understand.This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb.I have become comfortably numb //Okay (okay, okay, okay)Just a little pinprick.There'll be no more, ah .But you may feel a little sick.Can you stand up?I do believe it's working, good.That'll keep you going through the show.Come on it's time to go// Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
Explanations of Why the mf  (WIll the wise)behaves the way he does
demogorgan (ww) (Cowards starved)- friends think of me as a priest.I had to show them that the weakest hands Can still make impressive fires. (aka MF = will the wise)
demogorgan (ww) (Unmerciful):I will be reborn...Tranquil demeanor.Now devoured.Surfacing malice...I can't reconcile the torment others bring unto me.I will not take any reproach.Turning the other cheek.Relentless hatred consumes.Control released.Absolved of all compassion.I am free .Look into my hate filled eyes and tell me What do you see?Surging aura of my rage Paralyzing you in fear.
Demogorgan (ww) (bodies-Beaten why for (why for)?Can't take much more.(Here we go, here we go, here we go).One, nothing wrong with me,Two, nothing wrong with me.Three, nothing wrong with me.Four, nothing wrong with me.One, something's got to give.Two, something's got to give.Three, something's got to give now...You're all by yourself but you're not alone...Driven by hate consumed by fear.
demogrgan (ww)-Orbs used as transmitters carry electromagnetic beams from above (affecting magnetic fields in the show).Silence, manipulated, tortured ...How immune is your system of suffering?Its in the blood of suffering (familial ref).Its in the blood.
 Demogrgan (Monster)-I shoot the lights out..Whoa, just another lonely night...None of who you get it, ain't nobody cold as this.A zombie (will ref) with no conscience .Everybody knows I'm a motherfucking monster. Everybody wanna know what my Achilles' heel is? Love I don't get enough of it.
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