#but if i do that then there’s still an inaccessible version of my post in the reblog chain
palms-upturned · 2 years
Gentle request that if u would like to add my tags to a post for whatever reason, pls copy/paste rather than taking a screenshot so that the post remains accessible to visually impaired users! If you’re on mobile and can’t copy/paste, I’m always happy to provide a transcription :]
#meg talks#i don’t wanna sound all high and mighty especially considering it’s really just been this past year that i’ve been learning abt these things#but yeah i do try to make this blog as accessible as i know how to#so i would prefer that if people are going to post my tags which are… err… a part of my blog i guess#then they pls do so in an accessible way#not that i ever mind reblogging and adding an image description#it’s not that it annoys me or smth#but if i do that then there’s still an inaccessible version of my post in the reblog chain#ppl might see the version w the screenshots but not my description#if that makes sense#coughs anyway#oh also aside from the fact that the text can be read by screen readers#there’s also the fact that users can to some degree customize the way text posts are displayed#to avoid eye strain or triggering migraines and such#but that’s not smth you can really do for images#a lot of the time i see tags screenshotted in day mode w the light gray text against the white background#for some ppl that’s quite hard to read#if not tiring/painful to try#personally at one point in 2020 i was so sick that even having my eyes open for very long was exhausting and painful#and this went on for A Long While#so i would have appreciated these kinds of things and still do when im dealing w migraines#also i just moved into an apartment and didn’t have wifi for like a week!!#image/video descriptions were super helpful bc a lot of the time nothing would load at all#tl;dr there’s lots of reasons someone might need a transcription
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biblicalhorror · 1 year
Also with the whole Tumblr update making "prev tags" unusable for some people is it the etiquette now to just copy/paste the old tags and point to them <<<< like this?
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makedamnsvre · 2 years
gets scared
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vashtijoy · 9 months
why everybody is wrong about the unlock date for akechi's rank 6 (and why it matters)
So It Is Known that Akechi's rank 6 unlocks on 9/3, right? That's the first day he'll show up in Leblanc to go to the bathhouse and tell you about his sad backstory (again). That is his unlock date. R...ight?
Game says no.
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This is the function that (usually) tests Akechi's rank 6 time lock, SUB_COOP_TIME_[L]OCK6(). What does it do? It sets a bit, 0x1 831, if we fail the check. Which we will unfailingly do on every single day within a specified date range. And what is that range?
That range is between 4/1 and 8/28.
Read that again. Not 9/2, the day before 9/3. 8/28.
The same 8/28 we all know and love for, uh, some reasons:
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That's right. The reason Akechi's confidant is locked until 9/3, the reason he has not one but two "let me tell you about my backstory" events inside of a week, is that one triggers the other.
Akechi shows up at Leblanc on 8/28. He finds a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on—because, remember, we're smack in the middle of Akechi Hate Month:
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This kid, who is so desperate for attention and approval that he's become a mass-murderer over it, is now in the middle of a public hate storm. And on 8/28, you listen to him. You make him welcome. You accept him for who he is—at least, for a little part of who he is.
And so he comes back less than a week later. On 9/3.
if he unlocks on 8/29, why 9/3?
Akechi's availability is often quite limited. Between 8/28 and 9/3, he's only available on one day, 8/30—though if you're already at rank 5, you can't do anything with him then.
Why doesn't he come to Leblanc on 8/30?
The Leblanc field (areas in P5 are technically known as fields) calls a very long, very unedifying function called NPC_FLAG_SELECTOR(), to see which NPCs it should load when. In short? It does this by testing the day of the week.
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GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday). So, because Akechi will only come to Leblanc if GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns 6, Akechi will only ever come to Leblanc on Saturdays.
And the first Saturday after 8/29? It is, of course, 9/3.
why does this matter?
Does this change anything? In practical terms, no. Akechi is still always going to be inaccessible for rank 6 until 9/3. But does it confirm anything about him? Well, yeah.
Akechi's rank 7 unlock really is on 11/2, the morning he tells you "I was working last night, so I'm tired today"—that time lock terminates on 11/1. His skill checks (Knowledge and Charm) are all exactly what you think. He even has a hidden lock for rank 8 (still called a time lock by the code) which verifies that he's currently a team member and won't let you proceed otherwise; that, too, acts exactly as you'd expect.
It's rank 6 which turns out to have this secret, to truly be as closely connected to 8/28 as it always appeared. Akechi comes to Leblanc in his hour of need, and he finds something—and then, the next day, he wants more.
And so he comes back—the very next evening he can get away to spend time in Yongen-jaya.
(Incidentally, I'm pretty sure Akechi lives in Kichijoji, and this kind of backs that up. It's the sort of super-trendy place he'd make a show of liking, and in fairness, he clearly does like it. He can only come to Yongen on Saturday nights because it's a lot of travel, close to an hour each way in the early evenings. But Kichijoji? He can hang out there far more often—because it's right on his doorstep.)
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/12/26)—first posted.
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A sensory-enriched/dopamine friendly version of this post that’s more accessible to some people’s Flavor of neurodivergence (including mine!) This version of the post is for people with access needs that require more visually engaging content like some people with ADHD or other conditions that require more focus.
{ID: Pink and magenta graphic images with text that read:
"May Your Hands Always Be Loud
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 5 years old— subsequently I was forced to take various high levels of stimulants, be in special ed classes, taught to have “quiet hands”, bullied for being weird, and over and over was still unable to keep up with neurotypical peers. It was suffocating.
I remember my senior year of high school, I was in alternative education. It was the one and only year I got honors, didn’t fail any classes, and it was the only year I got the accommodations I needed: being able to stim freely in class, listen to music whenever I needed to, arrive late/leave early, able to do homework in class, and whenever I struggled, my teachers checked on me.
Such simple accommodations changed my life. And it wasn’t until after 12 years of continuously failing classes, punished for being the way I am, years lost to being grounded for never being able to have good grades, so much more. I internalized that I was the problem. But I never was. It was the inaccessible world around me.
Let neurodivergent people, children especially, exist as they are. They are beautiful just as they are. May your hands always be loud."]
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anistarrose · 7 months
Please, please, please remember to check the notes for an image description before reblogging! This isn't me accusing anyone of any moral failure, because building habits is hard and takes time, I totally get it. But that doesn't make it any less unfortunate when inaccessible posts are circulated, even though a described version could be found in literally three clicks. Just go "Notes" > "Reblogs" > "Comments only".
"But I want the person on my dash who reblogged the post to know I saw it from them, though!"
[Plain text: "But I want the person on my dash who reblogged the post to know I saw it from them, though!" End plain text.]
Okay, understandable — but that's easy, just like their post on your dash before reblogging from the description writer! They'll still see the like notification!
"But I scroll through tumblr on the customizable blogname.tumblr.com pages, instead of the dash or popout blog pages, and I don't have an option to check the notes that way!"
[Plain text: "But I scroll through tumblr on the customizable blogname dot tumblr dot com pages, instead of the dash or popout blog pages, and I don't have an option to scroll through the notes that way!" End plain text.]
I hear you! In fact, if you're a person who navigates blogs like that to re-circulate old posts and art, I actually think you're doing a great public service — but you still only need like two more clicks to be accessible.
When you find a post you want to reblog, save it as a draft. Don't type any tags or comments yet if you're planning to. Then go to your drafts page — either in another tab, or after accumulating more posts like this — and pop out the notes there to look for an ID. If there is one, reblog that post and delete the undescribed draft!
"I try, I really do, but I almost always forget!"
[Plain text: "I try, I really do, but I almost always forget!" End plain text.]
Like I said, I've been there. I can only recommend what eventually worked for me, but I can't suggest enough that you follow some described blogs (here is a tumblr post listing some, here is a google doc listing some). If you see IDs daily, it will hopefully become much more noticeable when they're absent.
Of course, if anyone else has another strategy that's helped, please add on!
There's a multitude of reasons why not everyone can write image descriptions for every post they share, or sometimes even any of them. But those of us who are out here writing IDs do so with that knowledge in mind — so help us help ID users have a more accessible and less aggravating online experience!
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winterandwords · 11 months
For the writers living with chronic illness and physical disability
I'm going to get into writing and posting this while my brain is still half asleep and before I change my mind because it feels too personal and I don't do that online. Please excuse any typos.
Comments on a recent post of mine about wanting to write but not being able to got me thinking. I'm chronically ill and physically disabled. I have been for most of my adult life (I'm 42 now). It's been progressing slowly throughout that time and more rapidly over the last few years. It is what it is.
I don't talk about it in detail on the internet because it's impossible for me (not saying other people can't do this) to accurately represent the full experience in a way I feel comfortable with while still engaging enjoyably with an interest-based community, which is what I'd rather be doing here.
Also, people get fucking weird about it. I have no patience for *pat on the head* "well done for existing" consolation-prize pity bullshit or inspirational cripple bullshit. Equally, I have no patience for being dragged into a who-has-it-worse competition that I'm never going to take part in because I don't see the world that way or a what-about-me-ism-fuelled derailment session.
This shit is complicated. I'm on Tumblr to write and to talk about writing. But if I'm also quietly dealing with all that other stuff alongside making up some guys (gender non-specific) in my head and putting them in situations, I know some of you are too.
And you know what? It's hard. I know it is. We live in an inaccessible world and so many parts of that world and so many people in it can be brutally hostile towards chronic illness and physical disability in ways that still shake me to my core when I encounter them. It no longer surprises me, but it still fucks me up on the regular.
But listen. YOU ARE CREATING. You're doing something huge and worthy and valuable and fucking difficult. You're carrying the weight of all that other shit and YOU ARE STILL CREATING. It might take you longer than you'd like and you might be doing it in ways that are far from ideal, but you are still doing it.
You might feel excluded from communities and events and conversations, not necessarily because anyone is intentionally excluding you, but because you have no option other than to do the sick-person version of things and it's impossible not to feel like you're on the outside looking in sometimes when that's your experience.
The point of all this is that I want you to know with my whole heart that YOU ARE SEEN. Your strength and your determination and your sadness and your rage and your pain and your more-able days and your rock-bottom days are all seen.
Your challenges and your messiness and your perfectionism and your complexity and your dichotomies and the unrealistic standards and demands you have internalised from existing in an ableist society are witnessed and felt, widely and deeply, and with a solidarity unshakable enough to hang bridges from.
I'm not going to tell you that you're good enough, because it should go without saying. I am going to tell you that you're not alone, because that does need to be said. You are so much more than a conditionally-acceptable exception and you deserve to reach and exist beyond the boundaries of the small boxes you get shoved into without your consent or permission. YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE.
Alright? Alright. Keep going 💜
In case this gains any sort of traction and people start replying to it or reblogging it, I want to make something very clear. I am also neurodivergent. That is not what this post is about. I also have lifelong experience of mental illness and trauma. That is not what this post is about. This post is about chronic illness and physical disability and it's for people who are living with those specific things, whether or not they're also living with the other things.
So, in the most loving way, if you have something to say that isn't about that, this isn't the place to say it. Thanks.
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britcision · 11 months
Anyway in case anyone was wondering why I do firmly aver I did not get to DPxDC from DC and am not a DC fan despite having consumed all of the Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad runs up to 2018
(And have an exciting grab bag of shows, movies, and assorted trivia under my belt besides
Batman vs Dracula was fucking great fight me)
It’s because DC as a whole is hostile as fuck to the concept of being a casual fan
(And about 90% of the main heroes annoy the hell out of me for the very tropes that DC is known and praised for in their heroes I am here for villains, antiheroes, and sidekicks exclusively)
There is no such thing as consistent characterization, especially as you consume more content or fall down a rabbit hole, and the rabbit holes are ENDLESS
Everyone cameos everywhere else, referential jokes are often dropped in as Easter eggs for people who have read every single other DC comic put out in the same decade and yet within the same comics you get glaringly inconsistent characterization and different retcons for the same events
Big stories are retold and retconned every couple years, we got 3 separate Spiderman origin movies and the exact same Batman origin in more than half the live action movies; DC PAYS PEOPLE to make up their own different versions of canon events
There is a REASON that the Marvel and DC cinematic universes are both officially divorced from comic canon; the sheer volume of canon content is inaccessible to most of the population, and DC and Marvel know it
That’s why the New 52 was a big divorce from all previous canon too - it’s an on ramp for new fans, because sorting through the web of old content is off putting as fuck
It’s the one thing not a single DC fan I’ve spoken to who complained about “canon characterization” has bothered defending or even acknowledging, and yet it has been the core of all of their arguments:
“Canon is what I want it to be, not what any of the sources say”
And listen, I was a Torchwood fan, we were the archetypal example of “canon only happened if I acknowledge it” (so sad that show ended after only two seasons and nothing else ever happened again Children of Earth who), you just gotta acknowledge that that’s what you’re doing
But you frankly cannot have a serious conversation about canon characterization with someone who does not acknowledge entire swaths of canon and cannot understand why that makes their argument completely invalid
Any kind of conversation about the “right” characterization for a DC character necessarily has to involve the acknowledgement that it’s your personal preferred characterization, not a One True Canon, because I guarantee there are canon incidents for every single big name and most of the small ones that directly counter the ones you like
You may note I share a bunch of posts with things like “My Batman would never do this”, as opposed to “canon Batman would never do this”
Hell, on Batman specifically there are hundreds of beautifully put together posts talking about how the different canon runs get him wrong; I too prefer a Bruce Wayne who does genuinely care about his family and tries to protect them, but isn’t perfect or always right over the massive asshole elitist who just grunts and treats them like soldiers
Canon Batman slaps his kids around, it’s the meme that broke containment and you don’t have to like it or accept it as something your Batman would do!
But it’s still canon
Both versions have a massive well of canon support, and exist simultaneously in the multiverse
Every single characterization of a character is true and exists in the multiverse
And that is why the idea of a “canon version” of any DC character is utterly meaningless
TL;DR: write DC characters however the fuck you want and do not worry about it for more than 10 minutes together, that is what the paid DC writing staff do
There will be at least two pieces of canon media to back up whatever interpretation of the character you pick
Not everyone will like that characterization or agree with how you see the character, and that is all fine and good! But “canon” is meaningless in this context, neatly encapsulated by the “multiverse” explanation
Everything is canon, which means that nothing is canon
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ownerofthisaccount · 1 year
Originally I was just gonna leave the previous post on Agee and Chei as a one off, as I don’t own them and it was just me spitballing. There was also a repost saying I was thankful for the attention it got and that anyone is free to have their interpretations on it, but I deleted it as I didn’t want to bombard the original creator too much. My anxiety can get bad especially when it comes to interacting with popular creators or making fanart due to stuff I rather not get into, but it can lead to me struggling a bit with knowing how to go about things or if I’m being too pushy. Even now I’m a little anxious posting this giant section, and can take it down if asked, but after reading my what if my brain wanted to expand on it with images more detailing what happened that first day.
I will warn this contains body horror, implied and shown death, injury, and a small bit of blood. This is also NOT my work or ocs. Like before, both design and the original story comes from @raisans-art and they should be given the credit for these great character designs and engaging stories. This is just my interpretation on a what if both twins got experimented on.
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As stated before, this version starts off the same with Emmet taken first and dies in the process of becoming Agee. But in this version the scientists catch on to Ingo’s snooping and struck him from behind when he finally encountered Agee. There was actually a deleted image showing that directly after, Durant popped out and, seeing Ingo limped on the ground and scientists quickly flooding in, grabbed Ingo’s pokeballs to try to at least save his team with the hope of being able to come back later to save the twins. He escapes through a vent, but in the process three pokeballs are knocked off and left in the lab, where Durant can’t grabbed them because the scientists are gaining on him. This wasn’t drawn cause for the life of me, I couldn’t draw full body Durant without looking like a knockoff lego.
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“What do we do now?”
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A little while later, the newest experiment Chei wakes up to a “frightening” giant. Meanwhile, the friendly fusion tries to welcome their new cell mate with open arms. I absolutely loved drawing that frame of Agee.
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A familiar image from before, but the shadows and Agee’s tail are actually here. This is an outside view of the scientists observing how the two fusions will interact with each other given the origins of the two used for this.
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Doesn’t go well. I realized I also missed the scar on Agee’s face, so I added it to the what if lore by having Chei feel threatened and slashed Agee with their face blade. Agee out of instinct and shock slammed their tail into Chei without realizing.
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A fun fact I mentioned in the comments last post, but Chei’s tail, chest, and face are made of glass. It’s a softer/flexible and more durable glass, but can still be cracked. As long as the core/soul in the chest is unharmed though, the glass will repair itself some time after with the length depending on how severe the damage was. So Chei will be fine, but Agee still feels bad for hurting them.
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Chei takes shelter in the corner to heal while Agee decides to give the new guy a little space for now, still determined though to make this friendship work as he feels a connection to this fusion. There was also a second cut drawing of Chei waking up later to an “I’m Sorry” poorly written on the ground while Agee anxiously taps their fingers together for a response.
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Elsewhere in a realm inaccessible to ones like us, a few spirits watch this disaster go down…
And that’s it! That was all the drawings made for that what if scenario. Will there ever be more? I’m honestly not sure as this was already a stretch. But I will be finishing my top ten list very soon if you want more Pokémon drawings from me and to yell at me for putting Lickilicky in my top 10. But once again, thank you @raisans-art for being the creator of the Emmet Chimera Au and may you all have a great rest of your day!
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kiruliom · 1 year
hihi reddit's mogai peeps, welcome to mogaiblr, here's a (not so) small guide by your host Vivian to help you grow accustomed to this place.
press the read more/keep reading thingy to continue, dont worry, it dont bite!
general tumblr etiquette
tag your stuff, they wont be seen otherwise.
do not crosstag (tag a group youre complaining about), or tag unrelated stuff
reblog, reblog, reblog! if you see a post that interests you, reblog! this is super important as there is no algorithm and all the like button does is basically save the post for later
tag triggering things!! [thing] tw or [thing] cw should suffice, dont tag every possible version of a trigger, you only have 30 tag slots, it's the reader's responsibility to block all possible tags as theres no limit on blocked tags. I suggest trigger tagging after the 20th tag as tags after the 20th one dont show up on search (stupid I know) but still gets blocked okay
get a profile photo as soon as possible, this site has a massive bot problem and if youre thought to be one you will be blocked without hesitation
if youre on pc, I highly recommend you get xkit, its a browser extension that helps a lot with your tumblr experience
these are the basics, these have been talked about over and over with twitter refugees as well so I wont drabble on them too much
mogaiblr etiquette
1: keep in mind the intersectionality
the mogai tumblr community has a lot of overlap with other communities, namely the disabled community, nonhuman community and plural community. respect them, and listen to them, for they are your allies. you will see the overlapping community get referred to as "LIOM" a lot (like in my username), it stands for labels, identities and other minorities and is meant to be an all encompassing umbrella.
2: make your posts accessible
as I just said, theres a lot of disabled people in this community, so its important to make your posts as accessible as possible. I will talk more on this later
3: dont be afraid to ask individual blogs
there is no subreddit posting system, and if you just post a general question you likely wont get any answers, if you get seen at all, so dont shy away from asking individual blogs about stuff, if their asks are open, it means they WANT you to talk with them and ask them stuff, so never view it as bothering them. the askbox doesnt always say "asks" and similar stuff though due to being customizable, so just know its the little button to the left of the follow button.
4: check pinned posts
pinned posts are posts that are pinned on top of a persons blog, when you open someones blog, theyll be the first post to be seen upon scrolling down. a lot of people use these to introduce themselves, set boundaries, give request rules, talk about availability, etc. so its important to read these through whenever possible.
more on accessibility
1: image descriptions!!!
its basically where you describe the image, as the name suggests, tumblr has an alt. text function for it but it doesnt always work so little [boxes like this] right under the image is ideal for most, yes it makes it look less pretty, but is your aesthetic worth more than someone whos visually impaired not being able to understand the post? trust me no one cares if your posts are pretty or not. anyway, the ideal way to know how to describe an image is pretend youre explaining it out loud to someone across from you, who cant look at your screen for whatever reason.
2: plain text!
yes, tumblr has a lot of cool text features (like bold or italic, or even colored [PT: like bold, italic, or even colored. end PT]) but this is, again, unfortunately inaccessible, due to tumblr being a broken website it often doesnt register formatted text for screenreaders, plus it can be hard to navigate for people with disabilities even without a visual disability. this goes for fancy text and symbols as well (like stars emoticons or a cursive text font). so you have two options, offer a plain text alternative or dont format text at all. offering plain text can be done in the same way as image IDs (theres even an example above).
3: eyestrain
bright colors are awesome, trust me, Id know, but not everyone can view them properly without a migraine or even worse, a seizure. so its important to tag your posts with eyestrain if you decide to make a brightly colored flag, or even better, do your best to make the flag accessible instead, with slightly duller colors with more (or less depending on the flag) contrast. it doesnt make your flag as ugly as youd think, trust me ^^
4: availability cant do one or more of the things mentioned above for any reasons? dont fret! theres blogs out there that can help you, most of them do this out on their own accord.
currently the most active ones are @plaintextpro , @accessmogai and @transflorall (my blog hehe), who specialize in plain text, image descriptions and eyestrain-help respectively
thats about it that I can think of!!! thank you for reading, and if theres anything you'd like to add, dont be afraid to!
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Do you know of any way to season 2 that isn't Hulu and doesn't cost extra money? I live in the US and my parents probably aren't going to pay for it so I'm pretty much screwed
Unfortunately, the only way I know of watching it is on Paramount+. It annoys me that Nickelodeon has made Rise so inaccessible, with only the first season on Netflix, and even the episodes you pay for on YouTube are not totally complete. There used to be a google drive with all the episodes, but the links did not work the last I checked. It’s a bummer that the complete versions Rise is behind a paywall on every site that has it, and even worse that Nickelodeon is not keen on releasing DVDs or blue rays…
The only thing I know we can do is reach out to Netflix and request for season 2 to be added, and constantly pester Nickelodeon to make the show more accessible across multiple sites and release DVDs/Bluerays for the two seasons and movies (I would buy those in a heartbeat!)
I’ve put all the links to contact Nickelodeon and to request more shows on Netflix Here. Besides showing that there is a demand, I honestly don’t know what else to do in this regard.
Though I still say we should all come together and pester Nickelodeon to BRING RISE BACK! I won’t give up without a fight!
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quaddmgd · 1 year
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Yes it can! Got something cool to show ya.
So on a Tuesday night I was kinda stuck in the workroom, running rendering tasks, so I figured I can at least pop in a CP77 disc into the One S I have lying around. I had to make some preparations for my future Corpo AU shots and I've never played the last gen version before, so I was already excited to try it out.
I did all I wanted in about 15 minutes and decided to quickly shoot some pictures to see how they stack up against Series X (apart from lower resolution of course). Halcyon suggested that I start Nocturne Op55N1 to get some pics with Hanako. I decided to ship Corpo!Crystal with her after all (now you know). What the hell, I'm stuck here anyway, right?
So let's see what we can achieve with the most vanilla photo mode experience possible and the right mindset - in Cyberpunk 2077 v1.61 on Xbox One S.
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I was wondering if I can get any shippy saturday material with such a limited set of tools. I got Crystal as close to Hanako as possible, then tried out (mostly unfitting) poses that I'd deviously cut to make them look convincing enough, similarly to my previous vanilla photo mode ventures (I have yet to post some of my favorites).
It worked well enough, even with the barrier around Hanako stopping me from getting them really close together. I created tension between them, simply by having Crystal "Eavesdrop (Left)", "Distracted Girlfriend" or "C'mere, Gonkbrain" towards Hanako.
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But come on.... they had to kiss somehow.
I focused on poses that: a) have Crystal lean in any direction b) have an up/down slider to compensate for the height loss from leaning
Leaning poses made it possible to bring them even closer to each other, but it wasn't enough. No matter which one I chose, her barrier was impossible to break... or so I thought.
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See, the counter is seemingly inaccessible, but jumping on any stool makes it easy to get on. Collision system tries really hard to push you off of it but, with some luck, switching photo mode on and off can stop it from happening*, let you stay on top and move freely. Now I was back using poses with up/down sliders and I quickly settled on "Off to the Races" as the one most likely to make them kiss. Luckily, the minimum slider value was IDEAL to get Crystal's lips on the same level as Hanako's. The only issue was with moving C left/right/close/far, as her collision remained in the same place she spawned - on the bar top. At this point sliders were useless, so I had to go back to gameplay to correct her position. After some trial and error I set her perfectly. Now a quick rotation towards Hanako and voila! Now they kiss! * - if your V spawns with the default starting pose - "Tabula Rasa", "What Can I Get Ya?" or "Night City Strut" - then it's a good sign
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And how does it look from the outside perspective?
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Yes, that's a lot of steps and time spent on a small photo shoot. The lighting is what it is, their eyes are open, Johnny The Parasite stands exactly where I'd want to place the camera, but it's still cute and it proves that creativity can get you places with vanilla photo mode. And final results can look really good, even on a base Xbox One.
Of course, photo editing software like GIMP can get you even better results. I use it to change aspect ratio of my pics, patch up any lighting/texture bugs, and sometimes for basic color correction. For the sake of clarity, I didn't use it for shots in this post. Just know it's there and it's easy to learn.
I couldn't decide whether it should be a blog post or a tutorial, so it's a blog post that goes step by step through my thought process, I guess. I might do some vanilla VP tutorials in the future, if the demand is there, but right now my job doesn't even let me finish my Legacy of Kain: Defiance playthrough, so I can't promise anything!
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wtheckzukasubs · 2 years
quick but late update
I feel I disappear, I don’t even know when was the last time I told you guys what is going on (in summary, nothing lol). As time passed, my backlog of subs decreased, so I don’t have anything ready for times like these when I know I’ve been away for too long.
(Warning for babbling)
And this is a happy thing, but a bunch of new translators have come up and subbed streams are often happening with works of those who prefer to leave their works to a more controlled environment. I get them. I used to feel frustrated some translations were nearly inaccessible to shy people like me, but the truth is that discord servers made it all easier, to a point I even wonder if in return my subs became less accessible, as you’d have to know how to rip your DVD or record from Sky Stage or find less licit copies and download them (by the way, you can use subs without ripping from your disc through some video players (I think VLC can do it now) but I recommend you do get the file on your computer for the disc to last longer), instead of just tuning it to the latest stream. But I can’t stream them for you, I’m very about that. It’s the main reason I make it clear anyone can stream using my subs as long as it’s not a paid event, I do want everyone to enjoy Takarazuka.
(End of the babbling, hopefully, I shouldn’t have come here medicated...)
What I really wanted to post about are the updates:
I intend to adapt Tsuki no Hokage to the new Tsukigumi version as soon as it airs on Sky Stage (I don’t think we’ll get a Bluray of it any time soon as Paru and Ami have barely graduated from shinko). Let’s hope I’m still around!
Great Gatsby, thanks to everything that has been shared to me and even the help with the golf stuff, is almost done, there’s like twenty minutes left plus revising it, which I’m terrible doing... but you guys are used to the lack of quality by now.
I intend to sub Rain on Neptune if I can get the closed captions whenever it airs (just saw it won’t be in April, I’m hoping for May). And I also intend to sub Blackjack (maybe even do the original with Yan). I also wish I could find something I want to do other than the latest Tsukigumi shows, but I am supremely happy whenever the other shows get translated so I can just enjoy them subbed. This has allowed me to tackle on the works I’ve wanted to show my friends for years, but maybe I also got a bit lazy now the main ones are done (there’s Yukinojo, but I’m too much of a coward to attempt anything with the script).
And those are the news I had to tell!
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dumbdomb · 1 year
Hi, by using numbers and symbols to alter keywords in your content it makes it impossible for people to use important tools. Importantly it makes it impossible to screen out content by keywords or tags that might otherwise be pushed to a person's feed.
It also makes it impossible to use a screen reader. A dni list says r@pe will read as "are at p-e" not "rape" for example.
Tumblr media
I know this, and I'm sincerely very sorry. I understand how this site works, but many other people do not. I've received messages about this before, which I just reblogged before answering this one.
I try to add captions on my images, and type appropriately in my original posts. I use legible tags whenever possible, unless a censored version is being used temporarily because that tag got wiped.
I think more people need to learn how to use tags here, and turn off any settings that show posts based on likes, etc. I think many people rely on search results, that now use keywords in post and tags, instead of actual tag results.
I'm just trying to exist here, and lots of people keep telling me how I should write my boundaries. It doesn't seem to matter to anyone that other people are choosing to ignore those, previously legible, boundaries and instead focus on telling me what to do and how to prevent being harassed.
Whether I write my boundaries clearly and simply, or use inaccessible and censored versions, many people still do not observe or honour my boundaries. I am truly at a loss, because either way is somehow incorrect. The best I can do at this time is add a line for people to send a message to me if they want to read that section uncensored. Hopefully, from reading the previous messages I've received, this will make more sense.
If I add the uncensored, legible part here or in my pinned, more people will tell me that it is attracting those users to my blog. I've been told my blog was one of the "top recommended" for having an uncensored word listed in my "do not interact" section! You may have good intentions, and certainly an important point about accessibility in text posts, but you are acting as another person telling me exactly how to write things.
I need a real, functional solution. That, or people should spend more time posting PSAs and messages like this to those who do not respect boundaries, instead of trying to pull my strings like a puppet. "Use this word! No, not that one! Write it like this! No, spell it wrong. It doesn't matter what you write because I'm going to harass you anyway! Just don't exist!"
You understand? It's difficult when it needn't be. And, I recently updated my pinned post YESTERDAY to be more streamlined, and easier to read... 😞
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the-tropes-are-hungry · 8 months
good day! hope you don't mind me asking something about snakeskins here but there's this ask you got on your last tumblr titled On the Subject of Wands years ago that you answered but was hidden behind a read more… which is inaccessible now :(( so i was wondering if you still have a copy of that?
also just wanna say thank you for writing snakeskins and for everything else you've done! you are an amazing person and an outstanding author!!! you are one of my inspirations when it comes to writing and i wish you good luck on your own writing endeavors!
Ok so they’ve changed mobile a lot and I forgot I had asks?? I’m so sorry I forgot?? I went looking for this post you mentioned and then never got back to you!
Sadly while I do have the original story saved and the edited version available, I don’t have this specific tumblr post. I think the contents were largely the ending of Snakeskins which… might… be the last chapter of the ffn version?
No it’s not otl I know I posted the True Ending somewhere but it’s not on AO3, FFN, or my files.
T;dr: the wand lore was coming from the idea that the Elder Wand’s pieces from Deathly Hallows had spawned an incredibly cursed tree in the Forbidden Forest, and creating a new wand from its wood led to an extremely angry and violent Deathly Hallow 2 searching for a proper master and killing anyone unworthy of it. There was also a bit of lore either from the books or that I made up where the soul of someone killed by the Killing Curse gets sucked into the wand, hence the possessions and ghosts from the Incredibly Horribly Evil Cursed tree.
Feli not being an exceptionally good wizard by immortal standards, Soren losing his wand, and Romano also forsaking his own was meant to be a way for the Elder wand’s spirit to piggyback from nation to nation looking for a new master (endgame of the story it was going to be Romano, who was old and strong enough to control it). Arthur would be safe because of his strong connection to his own wand.
In true snakeskins fashion, my plan was always to blame Movie!Harry for everything, because Movie Harry threw the broken wand into the Extremely Magical River, vs Book!Harry who simply sealed the wand in Dumbledore’s tomb and went off to live his life and die.
By having a master who died of natural causes, the elder wand would lose its power.
Snakeskins relied on this resentful wand growing into a tree, taking on life of its own, and deciding to fuck up anyone it could get close to.
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sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
Tell me ur jon/jonah thoughts
I'm afraid that, while I have many Jonjonah thoughts, they're mostly incoherent snippets of ideas floating around in The Brain Soup. There's a couple varieties, mostly of my brain going "But what if..." -insert idea here- and then refusing to elaborate further.
Personally I'm very fond of AUs where Jon is also a regency man with an interest in the supernatural and they have a corruption arc together. I think they should go around London investigating statements and rumors of supernatural happenings. I like the idea that they were the only people doing research for the institute while it was still getting off the ground, and a lot of their correspondence and journals and papers would've been preserved (although most would be inaccessible/unknown to institute employees). Not sure how Jon would be surviving through the centuries though. Equally enchanted by the idea of him bodyhopping the way Jonah did, just being immortal as the Archivist, and hiding under the tunnels as a weird fucked up monster (I very much love monster Jon).
I've also seen a few AUs where Jonah finds Jon hanging out under Alexandria or something and bringing him back to London to be his Archivist (and maybe also help end the world a little bit). Everyone else is baffled and horrified but Jonah is smitten.
I am also weak to time-travel and/or universe-hopping shenanigans, either post s4 where Jon has to reckon with the Jonah he knew vs the (past? present?) version of Jonah. I think the most fleshed out (read: could be described in more than two sentences) idea I have for this would rely on a rewrite of s5 (at least the ending). I saw a couple posts about TMA ending with Jon trying to go through with his plan only for Martin to decide to kill him (rather than Jon volunteering to die in the hopes they'll end up somewhere else). Between those posts, a handful of "post-s5 Jon ends up in Jonah's time" AUs I've seen kicking around (mostly @/Paptato's "A Game of Cat and Mouse" and @/sm0kebreaks' "My Dear Jonah"), and my desire to see Jon succeed with his plan and kill the fears, my brain came up with the idea "what if Jon tried to get Jonah to do an apocalypse so he can kill the fears for good?" (Note: I often struggle to grasp what would and wouldn't be in character for characters that aren't mine, and this AU in particular may come across as somewhat (or very) OOC for Jon). It's mostly predicated on the idea that, having been betrayed by his friends and his partner for their own selfish ends, Jon came to the conclusion that the fears had to be stopped, and he was quite possibly the only person who both could and would, and wiping out humanity through a fearpocalypse would be the best way to destroy them for good. Thus he enlists Jonah's help in his armageddon quest (conveniently leaving out the part where Jonah would not actually live forever). From here the details get sort of fuzzy (is Jonah the archivist now? is it the Sims Institute?). Mostly I like to imagine them alone in the panopticon, watching the fears wither and starve, waiting for the end. Of course, I'm really not sure Jon would ever do... any of that? Maybe if his corruption arc went further, but I'm not sure the Jon we're given would willingly pursue the end of the world, especially after already being used to end it once. Also not convinced that he'd be very good at the subtle manipulation that would be required. However, I am still somewhat enamored by the concept of Jonah meeting stranger who clearly isn't quite human (possibly helping him recover from hopping realities?), enamored and intrigued by this mysterious person who promises eternal safety for Jonah if only he would help them. I think Jon might come to genuinely love and see some of himself in Jonah, but not enough to change anything. Honestly obsessed with relationships where there's this deep, intimate understanding between two characters, who are mostly on their own/disconnected from the other people around them, but there's still this yawning distance between them that they can't ever quite cross, and I think this specific AU could play into that really well.
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