#but if you dont get it i just cant help you
thinking about sans' first lines of dialogue. Like, making assumptions of where this story is going:
Imagine youre just some dude, working on some science shit with this guy you know, related to darkness and timelines and crazy spacetime shit like that. Then your boss gets vaporized across all of reality and you get trapped in another parallel universe where you are imprisoned underground.
The machine you took to get here is broke as fuck, you cant fix it, the way this world functions is different than where you're from so they cant even help you get back with your machine. You talk to the royal scientist about this shit and shes just like "I dont know anything about darkness but we're researching this stuff called Determination that affects time in some way, maybe that will help?" And you work with her and figure out the timeline you are currently inhabiting keeps getting shifted around and some anomaly keeps starting and ending timelines and there's basically nothing we can really do about it. So you fully give up, you're not getting back to your reality, you're not getting out of this cave, you're not getting out of this timeloop. You spend your days eating greasy food, making bad jokes at the comedy club, and trying your hardest to give your brother a happy life. Plus, you met this person you really like behind this sealed door and she asked you to protect any human that leaves that place. So now theres an extra thing you gotta worry about.
And now. On top of all this shit. Coming out of this door that has never opened ever. A human, filled with this Determination shit you've researched, key to freeing everyone, has walked right out of that door.
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brain-deadx0 · 2 days
(Got a brain worm that I had to write. No plans to continue so feel free to take for yourself)
Batman was responding to reports of Harley Quinn running around Gotham. Joker had been put back in Arkham several months ago so there was a chance she was making a move to set him free again.
But apparently Harley was expecting him.
"Well finally! You sure know how to keep a gal waiting Batsy. Ive been running around all night waitin for ya."
When Harley turned to face him his eyes were immediately drawn to her stomach.
"You're pregnant..."
"Yeesh your manners are bad ya cant just say that!" Harley rolled her eyes before pausing with a sigh and a serious look that almost seemed out of place on her, "But yeah... I am."
"Joker?" Batman asked softly.
Harley nodded, "Thats why I was runnin around tonight. Wanted to get your attention." She looked down before continuing, "I was in denial about it at first. I was always careful with that birth control stuff ya know? And I didn't want it to be real. Before I knew it it was too late to... you know... but. But I dont think I coulda anyway. I know its selfish but I love em too much already. Thats why I need your help."
"I'll help in anyway I can." Batman told her, "I can set up a place for the two of you where Joker won't find you."
Harley shook her head, "No can do Batsy. Mista J wouldn't let me go that easy. Specially if he knows about my little puddin. And if I'm honest I love him too much to leave too.
"I need someplace to have 'im that won't tell. And... I want you to look out for him. Not like, take 'im in or nothing. If I see my baby runnin around as one of your birds in ten years I'll let you have it-" She sighed, "But find someplace away from Gotham and all this. I don't want this for my little puddin. I don't want him to turn out like me or Joker and his best chance is someplace else.
"Please Batman."
Bruce kept his promise to Harley. She gave birth in secret and Daniel was taken to the other side of the country to be left at a firestation with nothing but his name and a note from Harley saying she loved him.
When Daniel was adopted Bruce ran a background check on his new parents. Inventors who seemed to be researching some sort of renewable energy and already had a child. Seemed safe enough.
He checked the area when they moved to a small town in Illinois and it seemed safe enough even with the likely tourist trap of "most haunted town in America"
Daniel, or Danny as he seemed to prefer, got decent grades and had a few close friends. His grades dropped suddenly for a time but eventually they returned to their previous state so he didn't worry too much.
But when the boy applied to and was accepted into Gotham U, Bruce started to worry.
They had left Danny as far away from Gotham as possible. So what were the chances he should return?
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mins-fins · 2 days
the cure
&&. mark shows up to your place bleeding red, and red is your least favorite color.
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pairing: mark lee x gn!reader
genre: fluff, spiderman!mark & student nurse!reader
warnings: descriptions of injuries, blood, and violence
word count: 1.3k
notes: this was supposed to come out yesterday but i had the worst migraine and literally ended up passing out 😆 its okay though the grind never stops!! this little bit (spiderman + med student) was originally supposed to be longer and it might still be longer form i just cant begin that right now 😓 okay everyone have a good day and dont get a migraine like isa
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mark, for some reason, feels guilty.
his guilt manifests in the blood that trickles down his side, the cut digs into his heart, rips it out, and stomps on it. the figurative scars hurt more than the literal one, and though the pain is excruciating, he feels much more disappointed than anything.
jeez that guy did him bad, he didn't know pocket knives could do that much damage, he was just trying to go about his night on that skyscraper, but of course, something had to happen.
since when do robbers carry knives? he probably won't be able to get over that for a while.
but mark doesn't allow for himself to stumble, he doesn't need for things to become worse. though he would usually just go home and try to deal with the cuts himself, he instead brings himself to another apartment, sitting outside on the balcony of a familiar room.
he peaks over, pressing his face against the window. he raises his fist and softly knocks on the glass, alerting the person inside of his presence. you turn around upon hearing the noise, a muted gasp escaping your lips as you rush towards the window to open it.
"mark? oh my god are you— jesus".
mark simply gives a dorky smile, no teeth, and you usher him in, supporting him as he slumps down the moment he enters your room. "is this a bad time?" he manages to ask, biting back his wince as he feels your finger lightly grace the wound on his hip, the blood smearing onto your hand.
"no, it's just.." you pause, collecting yourself as you stare at the crimson belonging to mark. "i'll be right back" you rush towards the bathroom, and mark watches each of you movements.
after washing your hands, you return with a first aid kit and warm wet cloth, mark immediately smiles once he hears your footsteps. "alright, let's bandage you up now" you whisper, again kneeling to mark's level as you examine the cut.
there's a slit in mark's suit where the cut resides, a nauseating gash that makes even you, a nurse in training, grimace. you tilt your head to the side, lips pursued as you focus on bandaging mark up, not wanting for it to get infected.
mark closes his eyes in exhaustion, holding back his winces as you press the wet cloth to his damaged skin, dabbing away the blood. the pain is evident on his face, his expressions much too obvious to be feigned. "hurts huh?"
your boyfriend hums, opening one of his eyes. "yeah" he can't help the frown that graces his lips, a frown you pick up on.
"this isn't the first time right?" you know, of course you know, you can read mark like he's your favorite work of literature. mark never understands how you do it, but he also decides never to question it.
"no" his tongue runs over his teeth, somehow feeling disappointed. he lightly shifts in his position when he feels you apply ointment to the cut, finally allowing that well needed wince to leave his lips. "i didn't mean to hide all my wounds from you i just.. i didn't want you to worry".
you offer a small chuckle. "i worry about you either way, baby".
the petname makes the heat on his face amplify, and he looks down at the floor. "and you don't like red.."
you blink. "what?"
mark begins picking at his nails, embarrassed. "you don't like red, i didn't want to constantly show up all cut and busted up, i just wanted to save you the worry".
your gaze softens, but mark avoids your eyes anyway, somewhat ashamed of the words he just muttered.
knowing your boyfriend is spiderman hasn't really assured any of your worries. before, it was just anxiety about how much work he was putting himself through, and now it was anxiety about literally everything. he could show up on your doorstep or windowsill with wounds all over him, terribly injured, and he'd just.. smile. how could you not worry?
"you don't have to save me anything, i'm here to make sure you're okay" you say, frowning at the whole display before you. "so.. how do i take this off?"
"wow, trying to undress me already?"
you playfully hit mark's shoulder, and he giggles at your resulting expression. still, he points you to the zipper on his suit, and you begin unzipping the spandex so you can reveal his other scars much easier. mark isn't focusing on that, though, he's instead focused on the rip in his very own suit. "fucker put a tear in it".
you let out an amused snicker, but mark's frown doesn't falter. "is that really all you care about?"
your boyfriend shrugs. "well i do care about it, i spent so much time sewing it.."
realizing he was genuinely upset about it, your smile falls, pointer finger trailing down his neck, feeling all of the scars from previous battles. "i'll help you sew it back, okay?" you use your free hand to tilt his chin towards you, and the smile you offer makes him smile.
"you're so gentle" mark lets his head slowly fall onto your shoulder, humming in solace at the feeling of warmth surrounding him. "i should've come to you sooner".
"well you can come to me now" you respond, voice laced with nothing but adoration. "think i can do a better job at patching you up than what you've been doing for all this time.."
you use your free hand to cup mark's face, squishing his cheeks. you chuckle at the display, completely enamored by the sight before you. "i'll take care of you now, you always know where to find me".
mark doesn't respond, worn out from literally everything, but his smile says it all. he again leans against you, and you can feel his heart beating. the sweetness of his smile contrasts the red that still stain his skin, but he no longer minds. "you're too nice to me".
"that's my job".
mark opens his eyes, staring at you for a moment, silent. then, he sits up and places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
you yelp at the sudden change of mood, but you snicker, and mark feels your smile against his lips. your back just lightly hits your bed, legs coming up as mark's hand holds your jaw, gently keeping you in place as his presses become much more frenzied.
there's a slight whine that comes from you, and mark retreats for air a small while after, hands still holding onto your jaw, his finger beginning to caress your skin. "sorry.." he mutters, his head falling onto your chest.
you let out a silent laugh. "for what?"
mark's arms come to wrap around you, leaving you trapped in your place. "worrying you, it was just—"
you press your pointer finger to his lips, effectively shutting him up. "you don't have to explain it anymore, babe, you're okay, and that's all that matters to me".
if mark's cheeks dust red, he again tries to hide that fact by hiding his face from you. "love you".
the words are small, nothing but a whisper in your expanse of a room, but you hear them loud and clear. his arms circled around your waist leave you with a feeling of warmth, easement that just brightens your night a little bit more.
"i love you too, but you can't fall asleep on me like this".
mark almost lets out a whine, but he just frowns. "at least let me change you into something comfortable, and finish cleaning that other cut".
and though mark doesn't want to let you go, he also can't help but smile at the words.
your favorite color isn't red, it's your least, but when mark bleeds red, that all becomes unnecessary.
you'll be here to patch up all of his red, you're sure of it.
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jakesangel · 3 days
firsts w jake ꣑୧ - deep dive playfull love w jake
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tw// making out, curses, suggestive not proof read
first holding hands
going on walk w you n layla became one of his favorite thing to do since you became his girlfriend. he get to show you off, to hear all of your stories you want to tell him n to introduce you to his other favorite girl. but as the days passes by, the tension coming from walking side by side w hands touching was starting to not be enough for him. he'd often contemplate whether he can just do it or if it makes you uncomfy. tho it shouldnt as you already cuddled n kissed before. so he'd taste the waters, making sure your hands collide more n more. he would look at your face to be sure you aren't backing away or making a face, n as he can only sense you're usual flustered face, he'd sneakily do it wanting to torture you a little. he'd start by softly holding your wrist to slowly envelope your whole inner hand n finally interwhine your fingers. you're so cute when your shy, you know that ?, he'd say as he kisses the bzck of your hands, after you tried to take it away, my previous baby, i'm never letting you go now.
first flirting
jake invited you to eat dinner out but couldn't help but come over earlier to see you get ready. hi- oh wow baby. you look so ? so beautiful tonight, hed exclaim as you open the door. he wouldn't even let you finish put your earring on, but pull you closer to him, taking your hips in his hands, my pretty pretty girl, should we actually go out ? why don't we stay in mh? he wouks say looking right into your eyea, one hands dinally holding your chin up to make you nod. cant let such beauty go outside, dont you agree ? he'd keep on talking, walking inside, closing the door w his foot. you're everything, do you like what you see whne you look at the mirror ? because i love it baby. you're so pretty- fuck, he'd add still going backwards leading you to the couch. once settle on his lap, his hand would do to your lower back n the other one holding ur face, his fingers in between your hair, you know what's wrong w you baby, he'd say approaching his lips to yours, teasing you, as they just graze over your skin, you need kissing badly. that's what's wrong w you. you should be kissed at all times. don't you agree baby ? he would then fully stop, his lips still overing your face waiting for your answer and it's only when you agree that he'd kiss you. but if you don't use them, use your words pretty girl.
first makeout
first make out w him won't start slow. he'd been waiting to have you, on his lap, eager to have his lips, n he isn't ashame to express his needs of you, his too high to hide anyway. but that doesn't mean he will give it way fast, wanting to tease you first for it. come on pretty girl, i told you to use your words, he'd softly say, he would even pretend to retreat his face off of yours, his back going back to the couch. as you finally express your wants consent,there you go pretty girl, knew you could do it, he'd finish w an eager kiss. as the kisses goes by, lots of hmmm so good or fuck you're so perfect baby would be said along w his hands roaming all over you body and fingers dipping in your skin. hearing your whines or your own hums would said him to heaven, needing to see it as well, he'd take breaks to breath to hear them better. even if you go back in for a kiss, he would let you before flirting w you further more, i can't help it pretty girl, he'd say taking your hair in his hands not even caring of your round eyes, you're fun to mess with, as he dive back in the kiss.
first i love you
jake would realized that he loves you after a day well spent together, under his blanket, ready to fall asleep. but, per usual, he can't help but think of you. how beautiful you were today, how your smile n laugh was hitting different today, or even how your touch is even more electrifying. he also feels so munch more different ? even more giddy to see you tomorrow. today felt like a fever dream n he knows he fell in love w you. the more he thinks of it the more he needs to tell you but what if it's too fast for you ? hed stay to sleep on it but he just can't stop thinking about you. he would just keep turning around his bed n do the best thing he can thing off, to call you. hi baby, he'd say w his sleepy voice, i can't seem to sleep tonight. after you'd ask him why, he'd tell you the truth, way to sleepy n in love to think about the consequences, i just can't stop thinking about you baby. i really enjoyed our date today n i just really miss you, sight, can i come see you. is that okay, love ?, hed politeky ask. and as you say yes, he'd pull a hoodie over his naked chest n his closest sneakers to come fast to you, his needs being strong. he wouldn't stop thinking about you as he walks to your place, he just wants you n wants you to know that he wants you. he wants to makes you the happiest girl in the world n the most love n he wants to see that pretty smile of yours. so as you open the front door to him, messy hair n in a random pyjama, he'd think you're the most beautiful you're ever been. oh y/n, he would say as he hugs you so tight you're lifting over the floor, i've missed you so so munch my love. it might be too early for this, n im so sorry if it is, but i just need to say it. i just want you forever y/n. i want to see all of your happy tears n sad tears. i want to be there for you when you don't need it or when you do. i want to be there however you want me to be. i just, sight, as he finally backs away from the hug, i just. i love you y/n. i love all of your. everything about you. i wouldn't want anyone else. he'd finish n his now worried face, round eyes n slight open month, would appear as he realized he actually said it. and if you say it back he couldn't be happier, already smiling bright again, showing his teeth. he would slightly throw you in the air n kiss you. deeply, full of love w a hand on your chin the other on your waist, pulling you closer so you could feel all the love spearing out of him, you make me the happiest, love. i love you.
꣑୧ one week ꣑୧ one year
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notes : idk english pt2 #_#
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee
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davekitties · 3 days
okay, I lost my job I got recently 🥲 and I'm currently frantically looking for a job, but in the meantime, could I get a little help? I'm so sorry to ask, but we have bills coming up in 2 weeks, my medication refills in less time than that, and I'm broke. so, here my ca/sha/pp and here's my pa/ypal
thank you all, I would appreciate it if you could pass this along/reblog if you can't send anything. I hate asking for help, but I'm starting to get desparate tbh.
PLEASE let me know if I can do anything for you too, like a poem, a short story, maybe some (poor) art, or whatever. I also have tons of legit shiny pokemon, like shiny Xerneas and Yveltal from the pokemon XY 2016(?) distribution event, along with many others. If I don't have it, I can (usually) get it.
thank you for reading ❤️
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public-trans-it · 15 hours
I'm not saying this on the post I'm vagueblogging about, because it will immediately be taken in the worst faith possible and I'm not dealing with that. (And also because like... it is so fucking far from the point OP is actually making, im not gonna put my stupid UM AKSHUALLY ☝️🤓 rant into their notes)
But like...
Listen I understand the allegory of "If you welcome both wolves and sheep, you will be left with only wolves." I get it. I GET IT. I understand the point you are making. TERFs and Nazi's destroy any community they touch until only they remain. THATS TRUE IM NOT ARGUING THAT AT ALL.
But also that uh... isn't how wolves works. Like, wolves don't kill sheep because they want them dead. Wolves kill sheep to sate an inherent biological need. If that need is fulfilled, they do not kill sheep, and in fact make sheep safer by scaring away other predators who don't want to contest with the wolves. This is how we created sheep dogs! They are bred from wolves who we kept because feeding a wolf regularly and providing it shelter was easier than fighting off every other predator.
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astrocaramelb0y · 3 days
Three Episodes into Good Omens, I have picked up:
Aziraphale has a very cool Bookshop✅
Crowley has bright yellow snake eyes and a tattoo next to his ear. Dont know how I didnt notice till now
Gabriel & Sandalphon coming in and asking for pornography = most angels that dont spend as much time on earth as Aziraphale does, don't seem to have much idea on how humans work
Sandalphon turned people into salt?
The four horsemen are coming
Hastur's eyes are terrifyingly pitch black, you cant really tell where he's looking
The Summoner is just some poor postman doing his very best
War has a sword
A Witchfinder called "Thou shalt not commit adultery Pulsifier"
Agnes Nutter. Nut-ter. I am more immature than I thought. A witch whose advice outshines that of today's fitness influencers, wrote a book of all her prophecies
Witchfinder's descedant, Newton, extremely unlucky with PCs, finds a new job as Witchfinder
Agnes' descendant moves to Tadfield
Crowley has plants that are scared of him. They're shaking in fear and I am, too
Crowley drives irresponsibly
Adam has a silly friend group
Crowley and Aziraphale's friendship kind of seems more than platonic. Idk something about the way they look at eachother sometimes
Nevermind the nurse interrupted
The witch gets hit by Crowley's car
She forgot her Book
Aziraphale reads the prophecy book, finds phone mumber of Adam's family
A&C were there for basically every important historic event watching it together, sometimes helping eachother
Crowley wants Holy Water???
Secret Book Trade with very very Bad people
Bomb dropped on church
Crowley saves Aziraphales' precious books. Idk guys they seem like a couple to me
Aziraphale gives him the Holy Water he wanted
Adam's Aura is huge and also a rainbow
The Witchfinder General is a liar
Famine loves luxury restaurants, and owns some
Chow, food that doesnt have any food in it
Crowley and Aziraphale break up??I If they ever were together? Or friends
Adam made a Nuclear reactor disappear
The ending music changes every Episode, still funky though 🎶
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overlyspecific · 1 day
Part 4 of Merlin as Robin Hood
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The results are in, it was pretty neck and neck so i’ll try to get the other option posted pretty quick here too. This part gets a little dark towards the end so warning for injuries and angst for the future (whats merthur without a little trauma, you cant do hurt/comfort without the hurt).
Gwaine: *carrying a crate of fresh apples into the small clearing they’ve made into a hideout* I just don’t get it. Why would he risk getting captured just to see someone who would run him through first chance he got?
Lancelot: *smiling a little to himself* Oh, you don’t know the first thing about it, friend. You should have seen them when Merlin worked as his manservant. He would spend all night saving the castle with magic just to yelled at all morning by Arthur because he forgot to polish one piece of armor.
Gwaine: *he takes a seat on his makeshift hammock and takes a swig from his suspiciously ale-smelling water skin* I just don’t get why he cares so much about him. We do good work here stealing from rich douchebags and giving to people in need. I dont see what is so different about Arthur, isnt he the worst of the worst for rich douchebags? Merlin himself calls him a prat.
Lancelot: oh I see whats going on…
Gwaine: what?
Lancelot: You’re jealous.
Gwaine: No, I’m not. Look, Merlin’s great. I just don’t like him risking everything for someone who has proven they wont do the same.
Lancelot: and what? you would be better for him?
Gwaine: I could be, at least I wouldnt toss him out to fend for himself in the woods all alone.
Merlin: *returning from his forest meeting with Arthur catching the tail end of the conversation* Gwaine, I appreciate the sentiment, but no offense you werent there and *turning to lancelot* neither were you Lance. You don’t know what went down or the hard choices we ALL had to make. so respectfully butt out of it.
Gwaine and Lancelot: *feeling guilty for getting caught* sorry merls
Merlin: its alright. Let’s just take stock of everything we got so we can distribute it-
Merlin is cut off by a yell in the woods and they all go quiet.
Lancelot: Merlin, your magic is still in place, right? No one should be able to find us.
Merlin: Yes, no one can find us unless we allow them to. Stay here, it’s probably just a lost traveller.
Gwaine: No, you shouldnt go alone. We’ll go with you.
Merlin: If its a traveller by themself then it will be better to go alone to not spook them. I have my magic to back me up and i’ll shout if they are injured or need help. Stay here.
Merlin walks into the woods alone out of the magical safety of the hideout.
Gwaine: I dont have a good feeling about this…
Meanwhile in the woods, Gwen is searching desperately around the area largely covered by trees that look the exact same.
Gwen: *to herself* c’mon gwen focus! Did he say the trees with the fruit above or below the leaves?
Merlin: *appearing from the woods like the forest druid he is at heart* I actually said the trees with the blue berries and white blossoms. I think below the leaves means they are safe to eat.
Gwen: *running to Merlin and throwing her arms around him desperately* Merlin!
Merlin: *from inside gwen’s tight bear hug* As much as I appreciate the hug, do you want to tell me why you are in the woods alone trying to find me?
Gwen: *releasing Merlin from her death grip* Merlin, you are in danger! I came from the castle as quick as I could to warn you-
Merlin: Gwen! Gwen! It’s okay! I just got away from the knights, I’m fine. Better than fine actually. Arthur saved my life…
Gwen: *trying to get a word in but Merlin has started excitedly rambling about Arthur* No, Merlin. Listen to me.
Merlin:…and the way he looked at the knight that tried to kill me, Gwen, it was like he wanted to murder HIM. Can you believe it?
Gwen: Merlin!
Merlin: *Finally realizing something isn’t right and looking around the forest* Wait, we aren’t alone.
Gwen: That’s what i’ve been trying to tell you, Merlin! The king sent Arthur as a distraction. Arthur doesn’t even know. Uther hired a witchfinder with a really powerful magical tracking amulet. You’re the biggest magical target in the vicinity. Its going to lead them right to you! You have to run, get as far as you can!
Merlin: Gwen, I cant leave Arthur. He’ll die without me.
Gwen: He’ll die if you die. You have to go!
Merlin: Fine, but I’m scrying everyday to make sure he’s-
Merlin is cut off by an arrow plunging its way into his side. He falls onto Gwen who tries to keep him standing.
Merlin: Gwen, get out of here! Find Lance and Gwaine, they’re just beyond those trees. They wont find you there. You cant be caught with me.
Gwen: Merlin!
Merlin: Gwen, go!
Gwen takes off into the woods in the direction of the hideout. Merlin falls to his knees and calls his magic up but his eyes only flicker gold for a second before dimming. Collapsing all the way to the ground, Merlin sees black boots approach him from in front of him. Merlin doesnt have the strength to raise his head but he knows if he did, he would be met with the satisfied face of the witchfinder.
Witchfinder: So you’re the great and powerful Emrys, huh? I thought you’d be harder to find.
Merlin feels one of the black boots make contact with his injured side and everything goes black.
Sorry to leave you all on a cliffhanger but I had to do it. Next part will be a flashback to the magic reveal and then we’ll see how Merlin Hood gets out of this sticky situation.
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billluver0124 · 1 day
"i wanna fucking tear you apart."
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synopsis: bill meets an 'almost vampire-like" girl at the club, he wonders if shes the same under the sheets >.<
WARNINGS!! p in v, riding (cowgirl), blood kink!, scratching, cursing!
AUTHORS NOTE: i dont really know how to feel about this one, i love it and hate it at the same time...but i hope you guys enjoy<3
it all started at a party, y/n was a regular at this goth club called "the twilight zone". bill had been wanting to go to this place for ages but never had the motivation, but now he did... BILLS POV:
ive always wanted to go to this club, but i never had the motivation to because i get so busy with the band. but something made me come tonight, almost like i was attracted to something here. as i walk into this nightclub, im filled with the typical smell of alcohol and smoke. everyone was dancing on the floor, but they all looked different then your average party people.
these people had messy hair, wore mostly black clothes and looked like the dead. there definitely wasnt gonna be a cheetah print bra bombshell here. but there was this girl that stood out in the crowd...
she had the 'gothic look' like everyone else, but something was different about her, her hair was as dark as ebony could get. her skin was pale, almost deathly. she looked so eery, but so fucking beautiful. as she danced to the music playing. her energy was practically pulling me towards her, next thing i knew i was dancing right next to her.
y/n was dancing on the dance-floor, moving her worries out of her. she loved this place, its ethereal energy made her fall in love with this nightclub. as she was moving to the rhythm, she feels someone watching her.
she turns around and sees this boy, just admiring her in the middle of the floor. its was weird but she liked it, she went back to dancing when all of a sudden, he was right next to her.
"y-you mind if i dance w-with you?" he asked nervously, she was so hot it made him timid. "yea whatever, just stop being so nervous. im not gonna hurt you" she told him. her voice was cold to him, but so sexy at the same time. she wraps his arms around her waist as she resumes to dancing. swaying her hips on him to the song that was playing, it was spooky; but rather erotic as well.
i want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight~
y/n turns around at face him, "c'mon" she takes his hand "wha-w-where?" y/n chuckles at his nervousness as she led him to a secret room. it was dark, cold and it had a mattress on the floor. not the best place to hook up but itll do.
y/n pushes him on the mattress. the fall shocks bill, but he cant help but feel his pants tighten by the minute. she crawls on top of him, pressing soft kisses on his neck. he, without thinking, slides his hands up her body. feeling his desire for her grow bigger and unbearable by the second.
she began to grow hungrier for him, the soft kisses turned into harsh hickeys. she wrapped her hand around his neck, bill gasps at the sudden action.
"i wanna fucking tear you apart" she told him, her words made bill moan. his hard beginning to ache, begging to be released from the confines of his pants.
she pinned his wrists over his head, entrapping their lips in a passionate and hungry kiss. bill moans against her lips, giving y/n the chance to slide her tongue in his mouth. their wet muscles swirling around each other
she lets go to take off her shirt, luckily she had no bra under. bill immediately latches his mouth onto her breast, sucking and swiring his tongue around the bud while his hand plays with the other.
"fuck.." she mumbles, palming his bulge as he sucks her nipples. he sucks harder in response, bill pulls away to take off his shirt. his nipple piercing catches y/n's eye immediately. she leans closer and licks his pierced nipple, the feeling of pleasure lingers in bills body
she goes back up to his lips, then between his chest and kisses down all the way to his bulge. bills eyes watch her do so, practically pleading for her to go further.
she then slowly unbuttons his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. his cock springing up, a little precum gets on her face.
she kisses his tip, making small little baby licks to tease him. bill whines "d-dont tease..please" he moans, resting his fingers in her hair.
she stops the teasing, sinking her mouth down as she took his whole cock in her mouth. bills eyes roll back at the feeling, a warm, wet and pretty mouth wrapped around his dick sent waves of pleasure through him.
she swirls her tongue around his shaft, moans both loud and quiet pouring out of his mouth "mmm-fuck that feels s'good..!" bills grabs her hair, bobbing her head up and down faster as he gets closer to release
y/n takes that as cue to suck harder, her hand fondles with his balls as the other holds her steady on his thigh. "o-oh fuck im s'close!" he whimpers
he lets out one last moan before shooting his hot load down her throat. she swallows, sticking her tongue out to show him.
she goes back up to his lips, "youre so hot fuck.." she groaned, she ran her fingers along her chest, slowly digging her nails in his chest. leaving scratch marks that were bleeding. the pain bill felt bled into pleasure as she ran her tongue along each wound, the feeling was rather odd but the sight was so fucking sexy.
y/n felt herself getting soaked by the second. she grinds herself on his thigh "you gonna let me put it in?" she asked, her face in his neck. leaving soft kisses. "fuck yes.." bill nods. she slides her mini skirt and underwear off in one go, throwing it somewhere in the room.
she hovers her bare pussy over his dick, "you ready hon'?" she asks, bill nods even more, waiting more eagerly to be inside her. she finally aligns the tip to her folds before pushing it in all the way. she winced in pain as she felt his cock stretch her from the inside. "f-fuck!" she groaned as the pain slowly bled to pleasure. she began sliding herself up just to slam herself down again. she does it again and again, holding his thighs behind her to keep her steady as his tip rams into her sweet spot immediately.
bill holds onto her hips, guiding her up and down his dick. "you feel so nice miss" he moans, feeling her clench around him as she was getting closer to orgasm.
y/n bounces faster, the sound of skin slapping getting louder as well as both her and bills moans. "im gonna-ngh!-c-cum again!" he whimpered, "m-me too, hold on for me" y/ns pussy began to ache as she felt her release forming in her lower stomach.
bill watches a small bulge form on her lower stomach as she fucked herself on him. "you r-ready?" she pants. bill nods then alost immediately bucked his hips into her wildly as she bounced even harder on his cock.
bill and y/n let out a loud harmonized moan as they came on each other, y/n drops on top of bill as she tries to catch her breath.
"im bill.." he mumbled, just loud enough for y/n to hear. "im y/n" she replied back, before getting up to put her clothes back on.
bill felt a little disappointed that she didnt stay longer, but he knew that this was just gonna be a hookup. he puts his clothes on as well and goes to the public restroom in the club.
as he fixed himself in the mirror, he felt a stinging sensation on his chest, he pulls down the collar of his shirt and sees the stratch marks she left read something
"all mine ♡"
was written in red inflamed skin on bills chest. he now felt like y/ns property
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cat-autism-wizard · 3 days
five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
1- wes weston
wes has always been observant and after ghosts appeared out of nowhere he became obsessed with them. he always has been someone who loved the supernatural things and seeing actual ghosts? it only boost his hyperfixation on the supernatural.
when ghost boy appeared he was happy like everyone else but somehow ghost boy felt familiar. but it cant be right? i mean how can he 'know' a ghost hes never seen before? but he couldnt get over that feeling so he observed the ghost more attentively than any of the ghosts.
all he learned about ghost boy was aligning with one of his classmate but that cant be. danny was a human. he was pretty sure of that, he remembered when he helped the health teacher about the pulses he was sure danny had a pulse even a pretty healthy one.
all his mind was telling him he couldnt say ghost boy was danny without any evidence. he had two theories both without evidence (for now) and it was that danny died and his ghost was haunting his corpse or secondly someone could be a human and a ghost at the same time. his gut was telling he was in the right path to discover the truth. so he started to pay close attention to the fenton boy. he noticed danny always disappeared when there was a ghost attack. suspicious. then he realized ghost boy also was acting with that manson girl and the foley boy. ghost boy and danny were NEVER in the same room. and lastly when ghost revealed his name was danny phantom wes felt like he was losing his mind. he was right about fenton. but how?
one day on a break time he made sure he bumped into fenton 'accidentally' hoping he could somehow check his pulse. and he did (even though he did seem like a creep as he stood there looking at him in the eye directly while holding his wrist). danny had a pulse but it was much slower than average and somehow his skin was cold. wes realized he also looked so much paler than before.
he was right. danny was human at the beginning of the year but now he wasnt so sure.
his skin was cold and pale and his pulse was slower. that didnt seem normal to wes. so he continued with his second theory. someone could be both a human and a ghost at the same time like half ghost half human or something. he didnt know how to prove this. so he did what he thought was the best option.
s̶t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ watching him closely.
the next time there was a ghost attack he tried to find fenton before phantom appeared but he failed as the boy was already out of the class even before the ghost attack happened. and it happened again.
wes decided just one lesson (turned into the whole day) to watch fenton rather than listening to what the teacher was saying. then he saw it. some kind of visible breath like you breath in the cold weather. then fenton excused himself to the bathroom and another ghost attack happened.
he got him now.
next time right after fenton excused himself to the bathroom wes also excused himself. he was right there. some glowing rings appeared around the black haired boy and he turned into the beloved cryptid of amity park.
wes was right he was half ghost half human.
after getting his confirmation wes was satisfied but now he was confused more than ever. everyone loved phantom but fenton here was getting bullied everyday by the same person who basically worshipped phantom. would it be easier for him if everybody knew who he was? i mean sure he had ghost hunters for parents but wes was sure fentons wouldnt hurt their own kid even if that kid was a ghost.
so wes made it his mission to help him come out easily. but when he approached the trio (he was 100% sure both manson and foley knew the truth so no harm done) they acted like wes was crazy.
"really wes? me? and phantom?" danny laughed at wes. it annoyed wes.
"i know the truth fenton. but i dont understand why youre not telling anyone. everyone loves phantom." wes said trying to ignoring the gaslighting.
"if i was phantom which i am not, i would have my own reason not to tell." danny tried to reason with wes with a slight annoyance in his voice.
"anyway theres no point in talking about this seeing phantom is a ghost and danny is a human." sam tried to shut down the conversation.
"no hes both. i saw him transform." as soon as wes told them he saw the trio's eyes widened. tucker was the one who broke the silence.
"saw him transform? like some kind of magical girl? cmon wes at least be more realistic." he tried to play it off sam joined him but danny still looked petrified.
"are you sure youre not watching too much anime or something?" sam and tucker laughed it off.
wes felt the rage in his veins. he was right and they knew it. so he was going to proved it. to everyone that danny was in fact phantom and to danny that everything would be easier for him if people knew.
wes started to gather evidence. he would talk about it to his friends but no one ever heard him out. it made him even more furious. he started to lose friends but he didnt care. he was going to prove them all.
he only stopped trying to expose phantom after seeing GIW trying to kill a normal kid because they thought he was phantom without any conformation or any hesitation. wes didnt realize how dangerous it could be for danny until then.
he felt bad. so now he decided to help him somehow. people thought he was crazy right? then he was gonna convince people who could hurt fenton he was wrong by acting even crazier. was it gonna cost him all his years of high school? probably but if people heard him out before he couldve got the boy killed and he couldnt just stop because if he stopped abruptly it would be more suspicious and frankly he didnt want to risk it.
what did he get himself into.
1 2 3 4 5 +1
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stevie-petey · 2 days
Hello my love 💓
I know you have done some blurbs of bug and Jon as kids, but I was wondering if we could get a blurb of steve and Bug Meeting and hanging out for a second as kids??? Possibly seeing each other throughout the years of meeting at little times up to come home.
Have such a good day,evening, and night 🌙 ❤️
Can't wait for chapter 6 :)
hello !! since steve and bug werent friends as kids, i cant necessarily do scenes of them hanging out, but i can def do some steve insights since we know he watched bug from afar for yeaaaars (as for when they met, you can find that in chapter 7 of season 1 !)
enjoy <3
"hawkins sweetheart does it again," carol says with a sneer. she, steve, and tommy are all at their lunch table watching you show around some new student. youre smiling at the guy, kind and welcoming, and steve isnt surprised that the principal chose you to help the new guy. "god, she disgusts me."
"aw, c'mon carol." steve steals a french fry from her tray. "we all know that youre just jealous shes talking to him. hes a real looker."
the girl scoffs at him while tommy snorts. "hes alright. besides, henderson is with byers. you can stalk the new kid once shes done with him."
carol hits tommys shoulder and the two of them begin arguing, but steve drowns them out. he still stares at you. youre now showing the guy where the lunch trays go, and he seems to laugh at something youve said. it must be pretty funny, because he leans in close to you and places a hand on your arm.
the fry that had been in steves hand now becomes a mushed mess. with a sigh, he plops the food down onto carols tray and wipes his hand. no way the joke had been that funny.
he looks up at you again and finds that jonathan seems to be thinking the same thing. steve sees him hunch over his lunch with a scowl on his face as he watches you and the new kid. steve cant help but chuckle; hes so predictable.
you walk closer to where steve is sitting and he can hear your conversation with the guy. slightly, inconspicuously, steve leans in as close as he can without being noticed.
sue him. hes a curious person.
"mondays we get meatloaf, tuesdays its tacos, wednesdays its waffles-"
"im sensing a trend in the menu items." the guy interrupts you with a laugh.
you smile kindly at him and nod. "yup. real creative, huh?"
"oh, totally. back at my old school in wyoming, theyd serve us buffalo. so this is a real step up."
steve cringes and your jaw drops. "buffalo?"
the guy laughs again, and steve notices the newfound confidence he exhibits. he hates the guys now. hes not sure why. "mhm. are the waffles here any good?"
"oh, theyre terrible. all the food is."
you start to walk away now, voice fading, and steve cant help but marvel at how well you seem to connect with everyone. in only an hour, you already have the new guy practically eating out of the palm of your hand. he drools over you and yet you dont seem to notice or care.
all while byers broods in the corner, waiting for you to return to him.
hawkins sweetheart.
steve cant think of a better name for you.
he still hates the new guy though.
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drpeppertummy · 3 days
ur art makes me wanna draw my own belly doodles!! do u have any advice for drawing bellies :3
oh hell yessss u should !!!!!!! ok i dont really have Much advice but heres what i got off the top of my head (& a lot of it is stuff i gotta work on myself too jghfdjfhg)
someone else (cant remember who😭) posted about this recently & its something i definitely agree with: know where the hips and rib cage are. thats what i pretty much always start with so i can get passable proportions and also start to lay out the pose
play around with different shapes, sizes, weights, etc. small taut bellies, big plush bellies, perfectly round, full of rolls, top-heavy, bottom-heavy, bellies that push out far or bulge at the sides, etc
positioning clothes, limbs, props, etc appropriately around the belly can add a lot of depth to it. think about where a shirt would be pulled taut, where the folds on clothes would fall, the angle an arm would have to be at to rub the belly, etc
think about how soft/firm the belly is. will it squish up against a surface or stay round like a basketball? how deep can a hand press into it? maybe the lower half is softer than the stomach area? much to ponder
sometimes a pose can do a lot for the belly. sometimes a cute outfit can do a lot for the belly. sometimes the context implied by props can do a lot for the belly. think about what you want to emphasize or show off, what you want to suggest about the situation, etc
having a specific situation in mind isnt a necessity, but personally i think it helps. i have an easier time drawing a character if i know whats going on and why, how they feel about it, who they might be with, etc. doesnt have to be all that involved. could just be somethin simple like "they were hungry so they made too much lunch" or "trying to get dressed but their pants wont button"
experiment with lines. clothing folds, belly rolls, lines intended to show stretching or tightness, stretch marks, etc. this can add depth and emphasize the shape or feel of the belly
this is something i Really struggle with: it helps to know how big you want the belly to be. personally i tend to go overboard and make it bigger than i wanted to. just be aware of the size youre going for so you can keep it where you want it to be
look at other belly art and take note of what aspects of it you like. theres much to be learned from watching other artists and seeing what people do differently
& if anyone else has Better advice Please feel free to add !!!!
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socksandbuttons · 2 days
I learned that Dark Sun isn’t a part of the Bean Eclipse Au…..but that made me wonder how the others would’ve reacted when Eclipse got broken by Dark Sun?
Like the weird malfunction chip thing. (I don’t know how to explain it sorry. :[)
Well consisdering this au was WAYYY before eclipse v3/4 came by. (I know what you meant by the chip thing) I dont know how we'd get there. But heres to thinking of the hypothetical scenerio
Solar Flare would notice first. And by notice first I mean, after Eclipse is deliberately hiding it. (He still struggles to let people know when somethings wrong.) Confronted I do think Eclipse would let Solar Flare help find what it is. Without much luck- Eclipse getting more sluggish and struggling to move about gets more obvious. KC having to find out that way instead of being told (Something Solar Flare told Eclipse NOT to do-), pisses him off but that's not something he wants to focus on. Just asking Eclipse what happened- And hearing about a Dark Sun? KC's furious on Eclipse messing with the portal but determined to get Moon AND Monty to check his systems. They don't find anything at first. Considering they don't know what it is they're suppose to look for (what's out of place- But as we see in the episode it might not be what's added thats off but whats transmitting instead)
The slower and more ragged he gets, all the coughing is just distressing everyone. All except Bloodmoon. Who hasn't let up on his own bullying. Lunar even tries to ignore it but its hard to ignore that when you see him all the time. Opting to get between Bloodmoon and Eclipse more. KC being a stressed parent with a sick kid, is trying to find this Dark Sun, is lashing out or trying not to. Almost fruitless- Moon and Sun are on edge really, they may have mixed emotions on Eclipse however they're trying to help, Sun opting to hold Eclipse more (which makes eclipse mad but mans tired). Hell even moons proximity isn't getting Moon swiped at by Eclipse. Bloodmoon doesn't change his behavior, still kicking when Eclipse is down. Obviously this leads to everyone getting frustrated at him. Bloodmoon backs down for now but like- clearly isnt regretting it. Its only until KC snaps at Bloodmoon that its clear Bloodmoon backs off. Very quietly too. KC just has to sit with that for a moment. (he goes crush somethings, meditate for a while-) Lets see here, if this is resolved and the source found- Or maybe even just stops. Eclipse is alleviated. Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. They're still checking Eclipses' systems that they realize they overlooked something. Its only when its gone they realize what it couldve been but since its stopped they cant trace it. Bloodmoon does come back, he doesnt apologize to Eclipse, KC however takes bloodmoon away to properly talk. It doesnt go so well-
Eclipse isn't liking the fact Bloodmoon was just acting as himself but not surprised hell not even expected much else. Lunar... lunar did expect better. He's disappointed but- hey thigns are fine now. They can handle this KC can handle this- Solar Flare meanwhile finds Bloodmoon scratching at walls- and at himself. KC comes back, asked how Bloodmoon is. KC doesnt respond on that. Asks Eclipse how hes feeling. And what that Dark Sun had said. Solar Flare comes back arm torn off, asking what had happened to bloodmoon. This is getting rather long actually hmn. Anyway to the point, Eclipse gets chipped- handles it badly, Bloodmoon's own shenanigans lands him in hot water not just with KC but with Dark Sun. Which would get mostly everyone involved, Eclipse would get mad at Bloodmoon for even going near that guy but Dark Sun wouldve approached Bloodmoon. Which still would set off Eclipse cause thats Red Flags AND SOMEONE WASNT THINKIGN ABOUT THAT. Uh I dont know how this ends, Dark Sun's pretty smart enough but with the Bean AU its a bit more hmn, no one has died- uh again? For him to get Moon spiraling. He would use Bloodmoon given Bloodmoons more prone to just instigating stuff. He was probably hoping for Bloodmoon to kill someone by now actually. However KC;s convo with Bloodmoon, Eclipse in general and Solar Flare would be the ones to keep from everyone completely disowning Bloodmoon from attacking Solar Flare and general disregard to Eclipses health.
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dragonstailbutch · 2 days
Hey sorry i am trying to like. find examples of what you mean when you talk about mra stuff and (trans)misogyny in forcemasc content and tumblr search has betrayed me once again, can you explain?
(sorry I normally wouldn't ask but I wanna make sure I'm not perpetuating anything!! Also fucking tumblr search!!! it is ridiculous!)
so ive been sitting on this ask for months since ive got it. i want to do it justice and try to take it at face value that its being honest in asking.
The thing is, theres this trend and a weird amount of effort to be like force femme, to be forceful and like its something to fearful of and give in to. But we cant do that, cause all that does is reinforce the idea that being a man is a toxic thing. I saw this post the other day where a transman talked about like, the whole "raised as a weapon" thing, the violence and horror of being a man and raised that way versus how they felt growng into it as a transman. How they wanted to reclaim that phrase or something? i could be misremembering.
But that was never the intent of forcemasc. It wasnt actually about being a dude, literally *forcing* someone who was unwilling into masculinity, none of the posts that i made that started the community (and yes i, a transfem butch woman, started and made this community and some of yall need to get over yourselves) were ever about that, it was intended to be a soft mimic or even a call to forcefemme.
i was all about making it soft and tender for a reason, cause if i didnt i was only reinforcing the toxic masculinity narrative, "men fighting in the mud" "men are dominant and cool" " to be a man is to be forced into masculinity and to be disgusted with the feminine" or whatever. When masculinity isnt about just men, and being butch isnt just being masculine. masculinity should also be sensitivity, not domination. i wanted it to be better, show a better side of what masculinity could be, what being butch is.
Ive spoken before a bit too, about the tags people used and added to forcemasc, and really maybe i was wrong in ever naming it forcemasc. people used and still use tags like autoandrophilia, autoandrophile, androphile, autogynephilia, androphilia, and autogynephile. Ive seen so many people with urls and tags and posts calling themselves transandrobros, literally calling themselves MRAs, as if that was something to be proud of, as if they dont understand that they arent fighting for their and our rights, they're fighting for cis-mens rights by using those names and terms, not transmascs/transmens rights. I can understand ignorance, but weve talked about how the words you use have history, especially those like the tags i mentioned and androphilia and androphobia and others, all of them have roots in deeeeeeeply misogynistic and transphobic people and history.
Literally all of these are awful and are phrases that arent and wont be reclaimed because theyre history is one of pain and hurting trans people, one of coercive 'help', literal forced detransitioning and reinforcement of MRA and terf narrative that men are both good and the worst creature alive and that to be a woman is to be disgusting and the purest thing all at once. That to be a transwoman is sick and we shouldnt be trusted.
Im trying to be very kind, not scream and rage, not because i dont desperately want to, but because if i do, as a butch transwoman, ESPECIALLY cause i claim being butch, people wont listen to me no matter how much of what i say is meaningful. one of the reasons why im doing this NO, instead of in anothr day or two, is that im coming to terms with the fact that the situation will just get qorse, not better without words.
Part of why im still sane is that ive gotten a couple asks here and there about how my posts and creation of the community has helped them and its so wonderful to see that, genuinely so amazing to see people recontextualize and love themselves. its wonderful and im so fucking happy about it.
i personally made this space so i could love myself, who i am as a trans person and my body, and i knew that other people needed and wanted that for themselves too and i wanted to help, share this love with more people. That to be hairy and chubby and masculine and butch was a nice thing. But to me it feels like it was coerced into being a thing for Men. A thing no longer for me or people like me who share the butch culture and name to no longer enjoy cause people unfamiliar with kink and tran history have decided that masculinity and butchness are the exact same thing. Id say people should go be a bear, but you wont learn their culture either and thats cruel and insulting to bears.
We deserve better You deserve better. Stop falling for the lies and hate. We beg you
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wannabelife · 2 days
Just saw your Gemini boys prompt, omg. How about #25, smut, possessive with Junhui? Been craving some Junhui smut lately hehehehe 🤭
wooww that's so new for junhui! I'll try my best
didn't revise before posting either !! sorry for any mistakes 😔
so everything changed when you told junhui that your best friend used to have a little crush on you A YEARS AGO, you tried to enfasize...
It's Saturday evening, and you're on the phone catching up with your best friend like you normally do, and that wasn't a problem before. but now your boyfriend can't help but see it differently, and you wish he doesn't. he tried to keep it inside, but you've been on the phone for almost an hour, and he's getting stressed.
you see him coming closer, laying down on you on the sofa where you are as you play with his long hair, his face snuggling on your neck.
"when are you finishing it?" he whispers just for you to hear as you mouth an "idk" to him.
he starts caressing your sides to get your attention, his hands pushing your shirt up each stroke, his lips suddenly pecking your neck.
your eyes go wide and look back at him, whispering "what are you doing? im on the phone"
"then hung up" he says, not so silently, that possibly your best friend could hear, having your mouth hanging open in surprise by his attitude.
he takes a bite on your skin, and you gasp, his hands now caressing your lower back. he can hear your best friend asking if everything is okay on the line and he can't help a proud smirk.
he adjusts himself in between your legs, getting your shirt up, exposing your bare breast to him. your nipples perking with the cold hair as junhui bite his lips staring at it. he goes down, kissing just above it on both sides and down the valley between them. he can feel your breath getting heavier, as he places his tongue flat in one of your nipples, licking the flesh. you moan, your hands immediately snapping on your mouth.
you tell your friend you have to go in a hurry, placing your phone down, you look at him "what the fuck are you doing junhui?" you ask.
"i told you to hung up" he simply say.
"i was talking to my best friend!!!" you complain.
"doesn't he know you have a boyfriend and that he fucks you? what's the problem?" he shoots
"why are you acting like this? is that because what i told you?" you try to talk it out.
"no" he almost grunts "i just want to fuck my girlfriend, is there anything wrong with that?"
"i was on the phone" you say and you just sound so fucking annoying to him and he cant help but blaming that stupid best friend of yours.
"i swear to god, you're testing me" he groans "stop talking about it, got it?" he warns, going down for the other nipple now, sucking it.
"oh fuck!" you let it out in surprise from the sudden move "are you mad, junhui?" you push
he grunts with his mouth on you, biting your nipple as if he hadn't warned you yet. you whine, smirking a bit, thinking that it can be fun.
his kisses keep going down, as his hands start to pull down both of your shorts and panties. he stares down at your bare core that pulsates with it, his fingers going to stroke your folds, feeling it get wetter by the time "you're fucking mine" he looks up at you, your mouth agape and your head going back as he thrusts on finger inside.
he places a single peck to your clit and you start clenching needing more. you grunt, your hands going to his scalp to pull him close again.
"do you think you deserve it?" he smirks, adding another finger, as he slowly pumps it into you
"please..." you whine.
"why dont you call your friend ask him to help you, do you think he can make you cum like i do?" he provokes and your hands gets tighter in his hair, trying your best to pull him.
"no, jun... its just you, please, please!!" you beg and he nods approvingly.
"that's right" he says getting closer, the hot air hitting your clit before he finally suck on it. you have your head thrown back and moaning.
he fasten his finger inside you, curling up slightly, and you're already tightening. he leaves open mouth kisses on your sensitive spot, sucking it here and there, staying longer when he feels you're close enough.
"yes, just like th- at... i' ma close" you're able to say as he sucks longer, adding a third finger as you're cumming. he hums on you, placing his fingers for his tongue, tasting your cum.
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bridgyrose · 1 day
Ruby paced around the library as she muttered to herself, still not sure what she was even going to tell Blake and Weiss. Coco hadnt exactly made any of her feelings any clearer, only really muddying things up more. And yet, it wasnt like she could say Coco was wrong even if she wanted to. All she could do was pace and feel her heart race as she waited for her teammates to show. 
The minutes ticked by and soon Ruby found herself sitting down as she waited, fingers tapping against the screen of her scroll as she watched the time. An hour had passed since she texted her teammates, an hour of waiting as her nerves started to get the better of her and still no closer to having the words she wanted to tell them. A sigh left her lips and she leaned back in her chair. “Maybe this was a mistake.” 
“What’s a mistake?” Weiss asked as she walked over. “Sorry it took us so long to get here.” 
Blake nodded and sat down next to Ruby. “Yang wouldnt let us leave until we gave her our opinions on a few items for the dance. Not that she’ll really listen to us anyway.” 
“Yeah, she does get pretty excited about this stuff,” Ruby said as she rubbed the back of her head. “Though, I’m sure the dance will be fine.” 
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Weiss asked. “You made it sound important.” 
“Y-yeah,” Ruby nearly stammered with a blush. “I-I wanted to talk to you both about… us.” 
“Us?” Blake asked. “What about us?” 
Ruby went quiet as her words escaped her, not that she had all the words together. “I-I uh… I think we make a good team! And that we should… talk about… maybe spend more time together and…” her voice trailed off for a moment as she felt her heart race. “And to help me be myself again.” 
“Yourself again?”
“You mean like how you havent been focusing in class and the way you’ve been trying to avoid us?” Weiss asked. 
“I havent been trying to avoid you,” Ruby said as she looked away. “Ive been distracted and-” her words started to quiet as she tried to find the right words again. After a moment of silence, she slowly stood up. “Actually, I think this is a mistake. I’m sorry for-” 
“Ruby, what’s going on?” Blake asked as she put a hand on her shoulder. “Whatever it is, Weiss and I can help.” 
Weiss nodded and flashed a small smile. “If you dont tell us what’s going on, then we cant help.” 
“*Its not anything you can help with,*” Ruby thought to herself as she sat back down. “Its not… you cant… I’m… I’m distracted… by both of you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I cant get either of you out of my head.” Ruby took a breath to try to slow her heart as she felt it pound again, her fingers shook as she clutched the fabric of her skirt. “Maybe I’m sick or something but… at some point I couldnt stop thinking about either of you. My heart flutters when I’m near you, my cheeks heat up, and then I-I lose focus and… and then I…I…” She stopped once she felt her words get caught in her throat, more nervous than she’d been before. 
Blake smiled and rubbed Ruby’s back. “Sounds like love to me.” 
“Its not love!” Ruby half yelled. “Its… its not love, its… its something else. I want you both close and I want to be with you both but not… I dont love you, I just like you both.” 
“And we like you too,” Weiss said, a small blush crossing her own cheeks. “And I know we both want you in our lives too.” 
Blake nodded. “Though we should start getting back to the dorm. Its almost curfew and we dont need to get in trouble again.” 
“Yeah, we should head back.” Ruby stood up with Blake, her heart no longer pounding in her chest but her blush still just as deep as it’d been. And yet, she still didnt feel any less nervous around Blake or Weiss, the two of them still in her mind as she walked with them.
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