#but im baaaaaack
kaitsawamura · 1 month
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"He sighs, deep and heavy and more serious than you’ve ever heard him, resting his hands on your hips and rubbing circles in them with his thumbs. 'Will you let me, now? Now that I know, will you let me support and care for you? Even if it’s just as a friend.'"
you feel love in the sodium | an i will keep going with the support of my friend bakugo playlist
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. * -> other links and info
A playlist created for @therealvalkyrie
Their Fic: you can feel love in the sodium
mutuals send me the link to your fave fic you've written and i'll compile a playlist!
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Barely made it out alive from my company’s Christmas party this weekend but at least I would have gone out looking like a snack. 🥴
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suntails · 6 months
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graymatters · 11 months
Though the shackles on Draco's wrists bore no physical weight, as he lifts his unrestrained arms for the first time in five years, he feels an impossible relief. For five years, he'd hardly known where his magical tether ended and his own skin began. For five years, that incessant, monotonous hum had filled every empty space between his thoughts, every curve of his ears. For five years, he'd stared at his hands and sworn he could see the magic crawl beneath his palms like a caged animal.
The Auror before Draco raises an impatient eyebrow. She says nothing before turning on her heel and walking away, disappearing down the long hallway. Between the sharp clicks of her shoes, a snap echoes through the chamber, and a small Floo ignites behind Draco, casting the room in an emerald shroud. And just like that, it's as though his sleepless nights behind the walls of Azkaban were nothing but a deranged nightmare.
Draco stumbles out the other side of the Floo before he names a destination or casts his powder into the flames. He straightens, finding himself with a palm full of Floo powder in the middle of the Ministry. It's dark; the corridor that buzzes like bees in the daylight only creaks like a ship tossed by the waves.
Draco is too slow to react and hears a clatter on the marble floor as a small object rolls to stop at the tip of his shoe. He picks it up, instantly recognizing the feel of his wand in his hands.
"It's yours." Harry Potter emerges from the shadows, his face lit by the tip of his wand. Draco can just make out the silver-lined collar of Potter’s robes. An Auror's uniform.
"I know."
"You going to use it?"
Draco hesitates. The roil of magic in the mythological hollows of his limbs feels untamed, unfamiliar, a far cry from the strict hold he kept on his magic all those years ago.
Draco eyes Potter's robes once more. "Is this a trick?"
Potter shakes his head. "You're allowed to practice magic under the supervision of your--"
"--probation officer," Draco says through gritted teeth.
A sudden anger surges in Draco's chest, and he flicks his wand with a violent whip of his wrist. A bright crackle of light ignites between them. Draco catches his own tired and weary reflection in Potter's glasses before his Lumos rapidly sputters out in the darkness.
Potter hums. "A little rusty."
Draco sighs. "It was pathetic."
"You'll get better." With a shrug, Potter ends the exchange and turns towards the main corridor. "Let's get out of here. This place still gives me the creeps at night."
Despite his words, Potter drops his wand, cloaking them in darkness. After a brief silence, he lets out a conspicuous cough.
"Awfully dark in here," he says, and Draco can almost hear the grin in his words.
With a deep breath, Draco raises his wand again, and they both walk towards the main corridor, their shadows flickering against the walls around them.
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dykeomania · 2 years
ellie would totally eat pussy from the back. like face fully in that shit, behaving as though she's got all the time in the world. like, reader's on their hands and knees and ellie's lapping at your cunt like she's starved, but like she wants to relish it; like it's usual, but like it's a privilege. she gets messy. she's not afraid to. her chin is sticky and her lips are glistening. your juices string from her lips when she pulls away even a little bit, and she banks off of the visual, spitting on your cunt and relishing in the way the bead slips down your folds. her fingers dip into you and she's got nothing but the sweetest, most disgusting words for you about how tight you are around her three digits but how you're taking it so well. ultimately, it gets to a point of her fucking you senseless -- tongue lapping at your clit, fingers plunging into you, a hand smoothing over your ass and thigh in a whiplash-inducing blend of tender rubs and harsh smacks, coinciding with a blend of degradation and praise. this isn't a race to make you cum. this is selfish. you're defenseless -- left to maintain whatever remained of the arch of your back, press your pussy against her face and sob into the pillow as she takes you, right where she has you, for however long she wants to.
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daily-yabusames · 9 months
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yabusames 60: happy birthday nao!
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stelloulas · 7 months
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manchester baby !!
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nikolaiismysugardaddy · 11 months
I need to be alone right now // Sigma
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pairings... Sigma x Reader
contains...! angst!, gn!reader, alcohol, anxiety, cheating
GN reader
I apologize for any mistakes in advance - english is not my first language!
Hope you enjoy! xx
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3 days. 3 days have passed since your birthday, and Sigma still hasn't even called you. You knew he was a workaholic when you started dating him - but he always remembered important things. And that’s what you liked about him so much. Until now.
You woke up alone on the sofa with the book you were reading lying in your lap. Sigma didn’t come home last night. You sighed out loud and reached for your phone. There were a few messages from your friends, wishing you a happy birthday. You answered them one by one until you found a text from Sigma.
I’m sorry, Y/N, but there’s a huge problem in the Casino that needs to be solved as soon as possible. Wish I could tell you, but it’s a personal case with one of the employees. Hope you slept well! See you soon! Love you, Sigma. A sense of concern started to creep in as you realized that he hadn’t mentioned anything about your special day. You placed the phone back on the table and headed to the bathroom. You felt the uneasiness growing in your chest but tried to ignore it. He wouldn’t forget something so important like your birthday, right? You stepped into the shower and let cold water flow on your body. As the water cascaded over you, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was a valid reason for his silence. Maybe he was planning a surprise that he didn’t want to spoil over the phone? You quickly dismissed the negative thoughts and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he had always been thoughtful and considerate in the past. You finished your shower and got dressed, trying to push away any lingering doubts. 
As you went about your day, you couldn't help but anticipate what surprise he might have planned for you. The night came quickly, and finally the doorbell rang. You rushed to the entrance and opened the door, only to find Nikolai and Fyodor standing there. 
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” said Nikolai in his usual tinkling tune. 
“Thank you guys.” you said gently while you tried to lurk behind his back. “Sigma… you didn’t bring Sigma with you?” your heart skipped a beat in shock. Disappointment washed over you as you realized he wasn't there. Nevertheless, you forced a smile and tried to hide your sadness from Nikolai and Fyodor.  
“Hm?” the boys both frowned at your question. “No, he’s got an emergency at the Casino. He’s still working.” said Fyodor. 
“But I prepared a surprise for you!” Nikolai placed his hand on your shoulder. “Quickly, take on your shoes!”
You felt a pang of sadness because Sigma wasn’t there with them, but you still had some hope left. Maybe he’ll be the surprise Nikolai prepared for you. You slipped on your shoes and followed them to a fancy bar near the neighborhood. All your friends were there but you searched for one certain face without success. 
As the night wore on, your hope began to wane. You couldn’t help but wonder why Sigma hadn’t even reached out to you.
“So, you liked it? Hm?” Nikolai asked with sparkling eyes while lending you another drink. You were checking your phone again, waiting for a message from your boyfriend. It became a nervous habit during the night. You sighed and slipped your phone in your pocket. “Yes, sure, thank you, Nikolai. But I’m getting a bit tired already, I think I should head ho-” You couldn’t finish your sentence. The white haired boy grabbed you by the waist and twirled you around. “Sorry, I can’t hear you clearly. You asked for a dance, right?” he smirked mischievously. You couldn’t help but laugh at Nikolai’s playful gesture. “I guess I can’t turn down this offer.” you replied with a smile. As the two of you moved to the rhythm of the music, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. You even found yourself momentarily forgetting about your phone. After a while, you stopped counting how many drinks you had. The only thing you knew was that dancing with Nikolai is kinda delectable. The chemistry between you and Nikolai was undeniable as you effortlessly glided across the dance floor. The way he held you close, his touch sending shivers down your spine, made it hard to resist getting lost in the moment. 
Nikolai leaned closer to your face and all of a sudden, you found his lips pressing against yours. The world around you faded away, time seemed to stand still as he deepened the kiss. For a moment you were lost in his sweet taste until a sudden thought rushed through your alcohol veiled mind: Sigma. You gently pulled yourself away from Nikolai. “I need to go home.” you mumbled. Your legs were shaking and you couldn’t think straight. 
“Let me walk you home, Y/N.” Nikolai’s voice was filled with concern as he reached out to steady you. “No!” You almost shouted at him. Nikolai’s eyes widened at your intense response. “Thank you, but I need to clear my head.” You apologized while walking in through the exit. As you stumbled out into the cool night air, you could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on you. Thoughts of Sigma and the consequences of your actions swirled in your mind, making it difficult to focus. When will you come home? - you sent the message after you went inside the house. You threw all your clothes on the floor and fell straight in the bed. 
You woke up with a tough hangover. The guilt of your actions ached in your chest more than your head. As you slowly sat up in bed, memories of the previous night flooded back, and a sense of regret washed over you. The weight of your actions seemed unbearable, and you couldn’t help but wonder how you could make amends for your mistakes. You reached for your phone to check your messages. I’m so sorry, Y/N, the issue I mentioned is more complicated than I thought. Gonna let you know when I’m coming. Hope I’m seeing you soon. Love you darling. Still not a single mention about your birthday. It ached your heart even more, sadness and guilt mixed in your mind. And also there was another message, from Nikolai. Good morning sunshine! Hope you arrived home safe and sound! I’ve got you some breakfast, but you were still asleep. Xx, Kolya You pondered over the messages, feeling torn between your conflicting emotions. Great, now what are you gonna do about this situation? 
Three days have passed since your birthday. Nikolai called you a few times, but you ignored all of them. He also visited you the night after the incident, but you turned him down. You didn’t want to do anything reckless until you talked with Sigma face to face. All of a sudden someone opened the front door. “I’m home!” Sigma. You couldn’t control your emotions as you walked out from the bedroom to greet him. “Hey, Y/N, you look exhausted. What’s the matter, dear?” He looked confused as he took a step closer to you. “What’s the matter?” You took a deep breath before answering. You felt the anger building up in you more and more. “What’s the matter you ask? It was my birthday! Three days ago!” Your voice filled with frustration. “No, it’s on the 7th of July, I could never forget it…” he looked confused as he reached for his phone to check the date. “Damn it.” Sigma rarely swears, but when he does it has to be something he’s really angry about. And he was, for himself. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I lost track on time…”
You clenched your fist, trying to control your rising anger.
“Three day Sigma! Three fucking days! And all you can say is sorry? I felt lonely and forgotten, you know? I’m so angry! And just a few texts! Not even a single call! For fucks sake Sigma…” Your voice trembled with disappointment as you struggled to hold back tears. He reached out to your hand but you harshly pulled away. “And you know what? Your friends came to celebrate it with me. But you? You? You forgot it!”
You could feel the weight of your words hanging in the air as Sigma's expression shifted from surprise to guilt. The silence between you grew heavier, punctuated only by the sound of your heavy breathing. 
“Y/N, please…” he looked at you begging with his eyes for forgiveness.“No, Sigma! No! I… I just need to be alone right now.” You turned away from him, feeling a mix of anger and hurt swirling inside you. Tears slowly rolled down your face. “It would be better to talk it out, Y/N, please. I’m so, so sorry. Just this emergency at the Casino…” Sigma looked at you with pure regret in his eyes. You felt his anxiety building up in him. You shook your head, unable to listen to his excuses. “No! I don’t even want to hear about the casino right now! It was suffocating, you know? Being alone on my special day without my loved one, knowing well he’s too busy with work. I can’t stand it anymore, Sigma.” You sighed in exhaustment. “You need to choose one. Me or the Casino. And I already know the answer. So please, leave. Leave before I hurt you more.”
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Literally my birthday is this week, I think that's why the idea popped up in my head. (kinda depressing though lol) I hope you liked it at least, haha.
⋆ Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! ⋆
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babycheri · 1 year
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happy happy new yeaaar!!♡︎
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marymekpop · 8 months
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⟢ highlight of the hour: my dearest [11/20] ⟣
brought to tears
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modern-inheritance · 1 year
Okay everyone (this means YOU, @saphira-approves @inheritance-cycles @lords-of-the-empire @someeragonmemes and any others I’ve forgotten please forgive me it’s been a while) I have good news.
1. I went to a bookstore and found out that there are several new copies of Eragon out with covers that I had not seen before, so my collection of that particular book will grow (bad news is my roomie stopped me)
2. The store ALSO had store exclusive versions of ALL the books in the series WITH A EXCERPT FROM MURTAGH INCLUDED.
3. I thumbed through said excerpt and skimmed a few scattered paragraphs. It is NOT the BS I was expecting after TFWatW. In fact it looks pretty good. We do get to hear Thorn and Murtagh conversing. I won’t say more.
4. I have only a single (much loved hard cover) copy of Inheritance, so I picked up a copy with the excerpt.
This concludes my announcement. Here’s to hoping the rest of the book is just as good!
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tootyfruityz · 8 months
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Got a new computer >:3
I gave Rocky a little redesign but nothing major on her.
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ok so what you're telling me is that eddie and tommy become friendly and tommy suggests he join air rescue because it would be great to have someone of his experience and eddie starts questioning what he wants from his career and hence the conversation with bobby
mayhaps tommy offers eddie the job in the next episode itself which is why they arrive in the helicopter and that's what makes buck jealous!!! like oooh first you made a new friend now you're considering a new job?? you bored of us man? you moving on? is that what's happening??
i cannot wait omg
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plaguebirds · 2 months
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an frey
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lizardfootman · 2 years
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submissivekillers · 1 year
A dark, rainy night. A BOLT OF LIGHTNING flares through the clouds, briefly illuminating a field of cracked headstones laden with moss. THUNDER rumbles ominously. 
A statue of an angel adorns the top of the tombstone. The name that was carved there has been worn away by time. Beneath the stone, the mud begins to shift and churn. 
A HAND claws its way out of the dirt, thickly crusted with grime. A LIGHTNING BLAST illuminates the grave as ANGEL scrambles out of the hole, coughing and wheezing. 
Ze spits out a mouthful of grave dirt, then looks directly into the camera. It's wearing heart shaped sunglasses and one of those funky hats with straws attached to beer cans.
                              hey what’d i miss
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