#but im in a Mood today folks
mrkida-art · 1 year
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Grór, Lord of The Iron Hills
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orphyd · 2 months
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
🧍‍♂️ kinda debating how to post this little fic for the sunchildren bc one hand, yeah this is genshin
on the other hand, i got too engulfed by my own thinking that my characterization of the sunchildren feels so personal that its my own project and not something i stole from genshin... what do lol
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comradecowplant · 2 years
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not a single person cares about my simsposting, but as it is a day that ends in "y" i am feeling very cranky today & want to post something that makes me happy, and nothing makes me happier currently than this little guy. his name is August Norwood, 2nd born of my 100 baby/legacy challenge, child of my matriarch dorothy and one mister mortimer goth <3 he is my everything
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
i got so many plans for next year how much do you wanna bet im not gonna actually follow through with any of them lol
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jyoongim · 2 months
IM OBSESSED WITH ALASTOR X VOX!SISTER READER! (also hi its pixie again lmao)
ok so i was thinking that since vox!sister reader is a “pampered princess” because vox has the power and money to give her anything, alastor does the same! so after a day of hanging out with alastor and shopping and stuff, vox!sister reader goes back to the vees tower wearing red (alastors color, while her clothes r mostly blue to match with vox) vox immediately gets reminded of alastor seeing her clothes and he gets rlly angry and jealous and stuff, and ofc since alastor is a cocky little shit, he makes a broadcast for vox to hear to tell him how much of a good time he and his sister had to piss him off even more! :3
I enjoy writing Vox!sister with Alastor. It brings me joy knowing Vox is just gnawing at his wires knowing Alastor and his baby sister are a couple in very sense of the word hehehe~
You loved when Alastor took you shopping. Through you could and did have anything you wanted thanks to your brother, it was nice that your lover still chose to spoil you just as much. Today you were out buying a whole new wardrobe and decided that you were in need of a new color scheme. You always wore blue. It was your signature as Vox’s sister and a color you declared only you could wear. But as of late, you strayed from the comforting color to a more fiery palette. 
“I’m home!” You shouted even though you knew your brother already knew you were home. You had your assistant bring all your bags in and you heard the familiar zap of Vox entering the common area. “Finally! I thought I was gonna have to-what the fuck are you wearing?” Vox growled. You smiled and spun around “isn’t it the cutest!? Never thought of myself as a red girl but this color is gorgeous!”
Vox screen glitched. You were wearing red and black. Your usual blue completely gone and replaced by the radio demon’s colors.
”You spent money to look like that fossil? Sis we just finished your closet like last week”
You pouted and shrugged “A few different pieces dont hurt, besides I think its cute to match with my boyfriend”
That’s right how could he forget that Alastor was dating his baby sister.
You skipped to your room with your bags and began to reorganize your closet. Again.
Vox growled as he rubbed his screen.
His antennas buzzed at the change of frequency and his mood became even more sour as Alastor voice filtered through.
”Salutations wayward sinners! I just had a wonderful time with my girlfriend. You lot might know her as the Voxtech pampered princess. Yes yes i know what you’re all thinking…” 
Vox eye twitched.
”me and the little lady had quite a time shopping today. That darling is a looker I tell you, she can make anything look good. My those hips and legs really know how to make a man sweat” Alastor laughed.
”Anyway you might notice the Vees tower slowly changing. I think red is a lovely color and so do my darling.Maybe be on the lookout for a new design change folks. After all blue is such a dull color hehehe”
Vox was fuming.
”I am so going to kill him”
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spellbound: regressing
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-nothing interesting today folks we’ll get ‘em next time
-actually work on the next smau and write out the chs i have planned? no. work on and write the nanami oneshot i have planned? yes. im a simple man with simple priorities.
taglist!🦂 (under the cut)
@bloombb @kasumitenbaz @basically-an-anime-stan-acct @deegausserr @slowlyholypeanut @iluv-ace @sad-darksoul @secretanimesimp @satforsatoru @bbysatoruuu @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @1l-ynn @lu-spizzeria @nymphsdomain @babydoll-143 @zellwa @k4romis @ynverse @r0ckst4rjk @chilichopsticks @ryoiii @mood-romantica @st1rvoid @pastatata @morgyyyyyyy @venusinx @lees-chaotic-brain @nishii28 @emii4evr @honeyfewr @nobody289x @afatalheat @hopeladybug @becsmarvel @bakugouswh0r3 @enigmaticnephilim @nanamiswifes @you-always-made-me-blush @everythingseasoning @jayathelostdragon @tranzumaki @saesofficialwife @delulusuga @tar0sw0rld @hexrts-anatomy @camilo-uwu @revrse @tanchosanke @ashfrommyfire @liveincans @gyuville @fushigurosdevinedogs @zamorazz @amenial
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Okay- so, first of all, thank you so much Anon, for this ask and I'm sorry I responded to late, but I had to take my time with this one.😭💖.
So here it goes, (i know i said i'd do two biases, im sorry guys, i love yall too much and i get too invested the word count was killing me)
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1) @edenesth
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Park Seonghwa- Rivals to Lovers
Here me out, he owns an old book shop across the street, he's been there longer than you too. This was his turf, his town, his people, people who loved to read in his cozy library, with its olden print books, worn out pages, read through by generations of the same family.
All was great until one spring she shows up, with her whole pastel plus minimalistic vibes, all with the cutesy trinkets and plants, with warm lights- he noticed some books too, but they were only for show- in conclusion it was a horrid place.
A horrid place where most teens would go to after school now, no longer going to his bookshop, where they'd gossip, read novels or mangas, or even look at pretty pictured magazines (the safe kind, mind you he kept nothing nasty). What's worse was that the older folk began to go there, too! Especially because of how nice she was to them, so polite and so pretty and - ANNOYING.
He even went to 'inspect' the place, with a sour mood and an ill intention, though he was greeted with a burst of sweet aroma, one that had his stomach growling and his inner foodie, begging him to pick at least one of the many pastries or have a cup of steaming, delicious coffee. What came next was worst, her, with her gentle smile and angelic features.
"Hello! Welcome to Spring Avenue, how may we help you today?"
"You're taking my traffic."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"Of course you don't."
With that he had walked out, starting a cold war, between the two. Ironically, she was a pacifist, never a fighter, but boy, did he piss her off, he knew all those buttons that would have her steaming like a hot latte.
The war had begun;
It all began when he put a " 10% off sign on Mangas, Fashion Magazines and Manhwas" that took a god chunk of her traffic.
In retaliation, she launched a "Friendship campaign, any customer that brings a friend gets a cake slice free."
Spend 2 hours reading here and leave with a borrowed book/novel of your choice."
"Buy a coffee and get a cookie free."
This continued throughout the season, so did their rivalry, to an extent that led their divided customers sense the tension. And like usual, highschoolers are escapists and this little feud of Seonghwa and her's was a problem they'd like to avoid, from her cafe they could see their beloved bookshop owner Seonghwa scowl at them, and if they were leaving the bookshop, the kids could feel the uneasiness in her smile that she give them once they'd pass her by.
"Congratulations, you're in loss." She sighed, closing the file, earning a scowl from the cafe owner, "Hey, I'm just here to check your bills, loss, and profit stuff, don't shoot the messenger."
"Alexia, come on." She whined, this was her dream, she'd put in her life's savings for this, "What should I do, Lexi?"
"Gosh, maybe not give out stupid discounts four times in a month?" Alexia sighed, rubbing her face, leaning back to stare at the bookshop across the street, "San said he knows the owner, maybe you guys could do a collab, instead of trying to each other's traffic."
"Who's San?" She asked her best friend, slash account manager and Public Relations officer- wait, was she dating!?
"Oh- uh- hey would you look at the time?" Alexia got up, grabbing her disposable coffee cup and bag, "Tell you what, you ask the bookshop owner dude about this? Okay? I'll get back with the details on Monday!" She called out as she walked towards the door, ignoring the cafe owner's questions about this San, "BYE LOVE YOU!"
That's how she found herself standing Infront of his bookshop that evening, still debating if she should go in or not? Was this idea even worth it, the guy was rude, annoying, stupid, incredibly handsome and sweet with kids and- the hell.
"Can I help you?" His deep voice came out of no where
She almost jumped out of her skin, only to turn around and spot the man she had been hating for the past ten months, standing there in all his angleic glory, with that ugly sweater and that overly comfortable scarf, not to mention his hair, his undercut had grown, quiet well too, perhaps he really was blessed with good genes.
"I uh..." she trailed off, pouting to herself, thinking of how he'd react, maybe he would make fun of her, or insult her or even go as far as to tell the town about her poor business management skills.
"Are you still open?" his question had caught her off guard, staring at him quietly wanting to see if this was a trick, only it wasn't, for when she nodded, he had looked around and then asked if he could...get a cup of coffee from there.
Of course she had said yes, why on earth would she say no to a customer, she needed the business. Unfortunately, that one cup of coffee, turned into two, then three, well- not as unfortunate as she would like it to be.
The two, mind you, who still didnt like each other, began to learn a lot about each other. He learnt how she was genuinely a sweet, caring and gentle person, her persona was indeed not fake but very real, this is who she was. She on the other hand, learned that he had inherited this business from his family, and he was an avid reader- sort a geek, a cute geek, a cute geek that could eat a whole chocolate cake with three mugs off coffee like it was nothing.
It wasn't until the third week of him visiting her cafe, that when he had stepped out to go there, he had bumped into her. She had almost fallen, but he was quick, gripping her wrist and pulling her into his chest, only to laugh when she mumbled an excuse, though he was glad she couldn't hear how his heart was hammering against his chest, wanting to stuff itself in the breast pocket of her coat.
That day she had asked him if she could check out his book shop, because she had been looking for old English bakery recipes and she couldn't find it anywhere, not any store around or online. Of course he had taken her to the right isle, in the right section in no time, this bookshop was his life and collecting and sifting through books was his passion, that day he had seen her passion, she had sat there, on the floor the entire night, reading book after book, mumbling to herself as she noted down recipes. He had sat next to her, helping her jot down notes, bringing her coffee- well not as good as hers, but good enough. At one point he had even ordered them a late night snack, well snacks, because he's a growing boy. He had closed the shop with the two inside, even pulled out a blanket and some cushions from the lounging area so she could comfortably work- she was a passionate girl and ironically he had realised something that night, only it turned into a full blown epiphany in the morning.
Next morning she had woken up right next to him, her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her as the blanket was draped over the two, they had fallen asleep while reading- oh my, he really was pretty up close.
Though the two pretended nothing had happened, nothing had changed, however, everyone around them had noticed, the highschoolers would giggle when he'd come to her cafe for a cup of coffee, or how the older folk would pat him on the back when she'd step into the bookshop calling him out for help, with her little, "Hwa?"
Neither really knew how it happened, but one night while closing up he had waited outside for her, telling her he'd drop her home, even though she lived close by. Slowly this had become part of their routine, he'd often talk about the latest manga or an issue to the Star Wars comics or whatever on earth he'd talk about, but she'd always listen. Always smile and laugh at his jokes, while he'd readily accept any test recipes she'd try, telling her that his stomach was like a blackhole.
But when do the two get together? Simple, on New Years Eve, when he had to close his shop but she had decided to leave her cafe open, wanting to cater to all those who were celebrating the arrival of the new year with their loved ones, she knew Seonghwa had to go home anyway and she didn't want to spend the night alone since her family was out of town. What she did not expect was a few minutes before the strike of midnight, the cafe door chimed open as she turned to greet the customer, only to freeze at the sight before her- Seonghwa entering with a bouqet of origami flowers, smiling at her as he slowly walked to her;
"I- I know you don't like plucking flowers or bouqets, so I made you these."
"You...made these?"
"I...because I..." but before he could finish his sentence his ears picked up the count down, causing him to quickly place the flowers on the counter and as soon as the fireworks rang in her ears, it was as if she could feel the burning warmth in her body, taking a second to process how his lips were on hers, his hands cupping her face as her hands instinctively went up to grip his coat, pulling him even closer. Who knew that one day she'll end up opening a cafe that also served as a bookstore, who knew that one day, her little, evil, handsome rival bookseller, would be the New Year's kiss she never knew she needed, the man she never knew she needed, the lover that she was blessed to have.
2) @yessa-vie
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Jeong Yunho- Neighbors to Lovers
No, she was not the new tenant, he was, and for some ungodly reason he was also extremely ill-prepared to live alone. Like any other weekend, she was leaving her apartment to go to the cafe to sit in peace and finish her novel, but God had other plans. She had opened the door to come face to face with a tall, good-looking man, though the smile he wore scared her- he was one of those extroverts.
No, he was not mean at all, nor was he the manipulative kind, Jeong Yunho really didn't know how the pre-installed dishwasher worked, that's why he had come to her that fateful weekend, about to knock on the door but she had beat him to it, opening the door before he could, earning a sheepish smile in return- who knew his neighbour would be so gorgeous, who knew purple could look so good on someone?
"Hey, I- I moved in across the hall, apartment 19, lol, I guess we're neighbours, huh?"
She had only nodded meekly at his question, pulling her satchel closer to her person, not because she didn't like him, no, but because she wasn't much of a talker anymore, not so confident either and also- because regardless of how good looking this stranger was, he was still a stranger.
"I'm Yunho- Sorry to bother you, I know you must be going somewhere, but I- I uh- I wanted to know if you know how to operate the dishwasher?"
That's how she found herself in his apartment, leaving the maindoor wide open, so she could escape if something were to happen, but to her surprise he was just a regular idiot, one who thought the dishwasher was a rack used to dry the dishes- men.
That night Yunho met an angel, one who seemingly had her life planned out, held together well, while he was still trying to build something out of his- data analyst or not, living alone was not the easiest thing to do, yet, she seemed so nonchalant about it.
Overtime however, she noticed how he would come over to ask her for help often, sometimes it was the 'fridge isn't working right' other times it was the 'how much water do you add to rice while boiling it?' Honestly, she would've told him to piss off if it were anyone else, but it was her polite neighbour, her sweet polite, new neighbour who would pass her by in the corridor every morning, smiling at her and wishing her a good morning- even if she wasn't a morning person.
Ironically, he continued to ensure they cross paths, only because he wanted to get to know her, to talk to her, he really needed a friend, and since moving here meant Mingi and him could no longer hang out 24/7, he really needed another person to talk to, someone who was not Hongjoong from the finance department.
Ironically, she did not protest or tell him to get lost, instead she's quietly help him whenever he'd approach her, giving him a shy smile then going back to her apartment. That purple door tempting him to go back and knock on the old wood, wanting to know what Narnia like secrets she hid behind.
She let it be, truthfully, she wanted fo befriended him, but during these little adventures, she realised she had begun to neglect her book, the same book she had a deadline for, the same book she had been working on day and night, and now this puppy pops up and takes all her attention?
So what does she do? Simple, she starts to create some form of distance, leave before he'd be awake, come back home later too, also even if he did come to knock on her purple door, she wouldn't be there to answer it, so technically she wouldn't feel guilty right?
Wrong, instead God had punished her with a severe writer's block, one so bad that she had missed two of her deadlines, and according to her publisher, she was on her last chance. That's how she found herself at the very cafe where she would find solace, now on the verge of tears, staring at the laptop in pure agony, maybe this was payback for leaving him unattended and ignoring him or maybe she was never meant to be a writer.
A fresh cup of coffee was placed next to her hand, causing her to quickly pull back and look at the stranger, only her panicked eyes met a softer, more timid gaze, a gentle smile gracing her presence.
"Hey... you looked like you needed the juice." He smiled, gesturing towards the chair, as if asking for permission to sit down next to her, to which she nodded.
"I uh..." she paused. Should she even be asking him how he's been? Does she have the right to do so, or are they just neighbours- well, at this point, two strangers living across each other.
"I read your books by the way," he began, giving her a gentle smile, as he felt the way she had tensed up, honestly, initially he thought she was like that because his presence made her uncomfortable, but he soon realised it wasn't him, but she usually was this tensed all the time, this nervous and unsure, which made no sense to him because she was one of the most well functioning person he had met in the city, and he was glad to have moved in next to her, "It's great, the plotline is amazing and the details- you really captured the essence, I particularly liked the world you created, honestly, when I moved here I thought everyone wore those 'blockers' too. To not...feel stuff you know," he turned to look at her, only to catch her staring at him, a small chuckle escaping him when she cleared her throat, averting her gaze, "You were the only one who was nice enough to help me, even for the stupidest of tasks...it means a lot."
She stared at him in awe and disbelief. She had been trying to avoid him for almost a month now, couldn't he tell? Or was he just playing dumb- I mean he totally could be dumb, he didn't know a toaster comes with settings, just thought the numbers were there for the appeal.
After that the two began to "spend time together", it was strictly casual mind you, nothing personal, though he would drop by more often than usual, sometimes after work, sometimes on the weekends- to have dinner with her, he'd bring dessert, or to watch a movie with her, he'd bring the snacks- no, nothing domestic at all.
Or so they thought, because a few months in, he had come over by swinging the door open, yes he had the keys and she had his keys, only to find her standing there all dressed up.
"Where are you off to? What about movie night?"
"Oh no..." she gasped, "Yuyu, I forgot to tell you I had a date tonight." A date? Why? With whom?
"Wait, why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"Why would you go on a date when we- I mean...isn't it weird? Shouldn't you be more focused on your book, instead of this temporary romance?"
"Temporary romance?!"
"W-wait, I didn't mean it like that. It came out wrong-"
"I said get out!"
That happened a week ago, she had been avoiding him for a whole week, she had been ignoring his calls, his texts, his knocks- no he didn't barge into her apartment, it took him a great amount of time to get her to open up to him and he idiotically clowned himself. So he decided to go to the next thing, go to the official reading of her book launch.
He waited there at the back, listening to her intently, taking in each word, who knew he would ever fall in love with, her neighbour, the same girl who had helped with the dishwasher, brought him dinner at night, spent time teaching him the usual ropes of living alone- who knew the very same girl had changed the plot of the book, basing it on her life, expressing how the shy, depressed protagonist, who thought dying her hair purple would make her feel better, realised that the only thing that would make her feel better would be a companion, a tall, handsome man, with a heart of gold- it was not that she needed a man, no, she just needed a friend, and she had finally found one, the inspiration to her writer's block, the Chandler to her Monica, the- HE DIES!? 
He gasped, appalled at the way she had ended the story, where at the end, on his deathbed the man tells his beloved how she never needed him, but he needed her to function, to live through each day- bloody hell.
He waited for them to leave when he finally approached her, somewhat upset-no, he was very upset, as she stopped cleaning up to look at him, raising a questioning brow, "What?"
"I can't believe you!"
"Funny, Jeong, I should be the one saying that."
"What!? You killed me!?"
"I come here to declare my undying love- no I come here to tell you how much you mean to me and apologise for never asking you out but getting upset when someone actually asked you out and you KILL ME IN YOUR NOVE?"
"First of all, I accept your apology, secondly, the protagonist was DEFINITELY NOT YOU, I made him up WAY BEFORE I met you."
"Oh..." he stared at her then looked around the almost empty bookshop, maybe he should just leave-
"So...Will you ask me out properly now or...'l"
"Move in with me."
"Too fast."
"Was worth a shot." He smiled when she let out a small laugh shaking her head at his antics, "Take me to dinner, Yunho." She smiled watching him lean closer then pause, as if asking for her permission,  "Can I...?" His question was answered when she gripped him by the lapels of his coat, pulling him closer to crash her lips against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers,
"We move into my apartment..."
"What? Mine's great-"
"Yunho, have you seen the window and the balcony on mine?"
"Your apartment it is boss."
3) @jaehunnyy
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Choi San- Bestfriends to Lovers
Idiots, these two were complete idiots who were utterly in love with each other but were also too blind to realise that - why? Simple, because both feared that confessing to the other may ruin the long-held, deep bond.
A bond that had developed at the ripe age of childhood, middle school, to be more accurate. The day he had come to school, bored out of his mind, staring outside the window, wondering if he could jump on the closest tree to escape this prison. What he had not expected was an angel to come and sit beside him, well technically, the teacher had made her sit next to him, and he hadn't noticed her until she poked his shoulder lighter, causing him to jerk back and gasp, earning a few chuckles from the glass as the teacher just sighed in defeat.
"Do you need help with that?" She asked, pointing at the math equation in front of him. He looked at his notebook and remembered that's what they were supposed to me doing- damn that was a lot of daydreaming.
"Yeah, I guess...do you... know how to solve it?" He asked the new girl, too afraid to make eyecontact.
"Here, I'll show you." Turning to face him, she pulled his scribbled notebook closer.
"I'm San by the way."
That day onwards, a nice and quiet introvert at the back of the class finally began to crack open. From time to time, you'd hear him whispering to her, talking about some anime or a film. Often, he'd be telling her about his cat, Byeol, and how pretty she was. During break you wouldn't see San next to her for the first five minutes, no, he'd be sprinting across the campus,jumping down the stairs to go to the canteen to get her something to drink with her lunch, or a sweet snack, regardless of how many times she'd say 'it's fine.' During self study hours, she wouldn't be studying, no, she'd be busy tutoring her athletically gifted friend, he was...a little dumb, but that's okay, he was hardworking and she'd tell him she'd help him where he'd get stuck, explain and tutor where needed- especially in math.
As they grew older, he grew into his body, his self-esteem issues slowly subsiding, his feelings for her deepening, yet, never enough to tip the scale, at the bring of an edge but never enough to flow out he had to keep it all under control, because that's just how San was, patient and calm, he would never take a step if there was an ounce of the doubt when it came to how she felt about him. Though watching her spread her wings into the beauty she was, well, was somewhat problematic for him. Especially when she'd come to him, smiling like that, greeting him with the gentle voice of hers, asking him if he liked her haircut.
"What do you think?"
"It's...very nice."
"Just very nice?"
"You'd look pretty to me even if you were bald."
Conversations like these would have her heart hammering against her ribcage, and she'd pray to God that he couldn't hear it. She'd pray for it when he'd be walking home side by side, his shoulder bumping into hers, or his hand brushing against hers, when he'd take her bag from her, clicking his tongue at how heavy it would be,
"You trynna' build muscles like me?" He'd ask, though he was still very fragile, he'd only started going to the gym when he noticed how the 'basketball team captain', had decided to ask her to 'help tutor him too', though she had politely declined.
"Hmm? Of course not, Advanced Math books are just big like that..."
"Why do you do this to yourself, dove?" A nickname she had gained over the time, one used only by him.
"Because I wanna teach one day, I love teaching, I want to make sure people realise subjects aren't difficult or they aren't dumb, it's just that they're not taught properly."
Yup, he was smitten, on his knees, begging for her please ( he was also an idiot).
Ended up in college with her, though in a different major, like hell the now 'mountain of a man', no longer the kitten-like fragile boy, was going to major in math- business was a way better option.
This wasn't a bad situation, though they rarely had a few classes together, she'd still make time to see him, to text him as soon as class would end, but he'd already be standing at the exit, waiting for her with a coffee in hand and a dimpled smile, reserved just for her.
In no means was Choi San an extrovert, but somehow along the line he had met one, who later claimed that his MBTI had changed to an introvert too, though he doubted that notion- Jung Wooyoung.
Boistorous, noisy, obnoxious but a genuinely nice person at heart, Wooyoung was his companion in his major's classes, he was also the first person to know about San's little secret, since San trusted him enough to know, though Wooyoung assured him he had figured it out as soon as San introduced him to her as his "bestfriend".
"You're an idiot." Wooyoung snorted, taking off his shoes as he walked into the 4th years tiny apartment.
"What? Why?"
"You really think I didn't know?"
"How did you kno-'
"You can be bestfriends with a girl since childhood, unless a) one of you confessed to the other and got friendzoned but still chose friendship or b) neither of you confessed but are secretly crushing over the other."
"Wow, should've been a psychologist instead of a business major."
"What can I say, Sannie? I am a man of many talents."
Things progressed like this for a long time, Wooyoung watched from the sidelines how the two would basically act like a couple that was not a couple- almost everyone at campus thought they were a couple and Wooyoung was basically the third wheel. Not that he minded, and San appreciated him for that, he was glad Wooyoung's relationship with his dove was platonic- borderline sibling-like.
But Choi San was a fool, one that Choi San, at the fresh age of 25 wished that perhaps he'd be able to take the next steps, but something at the back of his mind held him back, were his personal desires as important as this friendship?
Which is why he stood there watching his best friend get ready for her date, her date with Wooyoung. After a conversation he did not like, but what could he say? He was too afraid to even confess, and well, Wooyoung wasn't a bad guy, and technically, he was his friend.
"I'm gonna ask her out, Sannie." The brunnet sighed, before taking a sip of his coffee, humming at the bitterness, perhaps this bitterness was sweeter than the bitter taste that had developed in San's mouth at the statement.
"W-why?" The bigger man with the fragile heart whispered.
"Because...I like her...I'm sorry but...I gave you time, so much of it and...I just wanted you to be the first one to know...if she says no, we'll all still be friends, but if she says yes...San, I won't hold back."
That had led to her first anniversary with Wooyoung, then the second and finally a day before their third anniversary San had texted the couple how he wouldn't be able to make it to their anniversary party because he had work that day and he wished them the best.
What he did not expect was someone knocking on his door at 2 am, opening the door to find a tear stained Wooyoung, only for him to punch the taller man in the face, watching him stumble backwards then wipe his eyes and sigh, "I swear- if you weren't such a great guy, I would've stabbed you."
"What the F*CK WOOYOUNG?"
That night was the first time he had seen Wooyoung cry, cry about how when she read the message she had become a mess, one that even Wooyoung couldn't fix, begging him for forgiveness how she made a mistake, how even though she was happy with Wooyoung, her heart belonged to someone else, someone who she thought she could move on from since he never confessed, since he never liked her back the way she did, and though the text was a confirmation of that, she couldn't bear lying to Wooyoung, to give him only half the love of what he deserved, knowing he deserved someone who would teach him the true meaning of love, because she was a teacher with only one student in mind, the idiot of a man- Choi San.
That night San couldn't sleep, not a wink, he processed the words over and over again, so did she like him? Should he confess to her? Now? Wouldn't that make it awkward? Or should he wait? Would that be a mistake?
Though his questions were answered in the morning when the doorbell rang at 7 am, making the sleepy man sigh as he stumbled to the door with blurry eyes, opening it still half asleep, only the slap he received woke sobered him up quickly,
"SHUT UP! DONT TAKE HIS NAME! I HURT HIM BECAUSE OF YOU!" Never in the many years of knowing her, had she raised her voice like that.
"NO! LISTEN TO ME!" She yelled before shoving him inside so she could continue yelling inside, "I like you- and you- you d*ck you could tell him you liked me but you couldn't tell me!? All those horrible dates you watched me go to, but you couldn't stop me?! You knew you liked me yet you let Woo ask me out!?"
"I- I didn't wanna ruin what we had..."
"San, I- what if I had married Woo? Huh? Then what? When you already had half my heart, I-"
She couldn't finish her sentence though, because the next thing she knew, he was smothering her with all that pent up love, his lips pressing against hers with a ferocity she had ever seen in her gentle Sannie, wanting to claim what he was too scared to touch before.
He only pulled back when she lightly pushed him back, gasping for air, looking up at him all flushed and pink, her swollen lips just enticing him even more,
"W-what was that?" She breathed out.
"Never say you're marrying anyone but me, I would've ruined the wedding even if it meant being thrown out."
"You're an idiot Sannie."
"No, I just had a teacher who could teach me math, but couldn't teach me how to love properly - guess she was learning too."
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Wait im sorry if like youve talked about this before but what is everyones roles in the fantasy au 👁️👁️ or jobs?
i've just Thought Aloud in bits and pieces but hey. i feel like talking today so i'll put it all in one place with Updated Thinkings
(i like to imagine that they all kinda Quit their initial jobs/lives to go adventuring with each other, either by choice or... not. except Howdy, who's a multitasking king). the Neighborhood party earns their wages by completing jobs/quests, though some of them have minor supplemental ways of adding to the coin collection
Wally, of course, didn't really have much of a Before. he didn't intend on becoming a warlock/wizard - that choice was kinda made for him by the circumstances of his existence. but Wally had to pretend to be a wizard for his own safety, and wizards have a sort of societal expectation to be Helpful and Magical and Wise and Existing For Public Service. so while Wally would have rather just been a painter, he's obligated to be a wizard - that's technically his role/job. within the Neighborhood party, he's a bit of a distance fighter/support! he doesn't really do the whole up-close / physical aspect of battle, though he technically knows how. He casts spells from afar, which tend to be widely benign. artsy little cantrips and inconveniences to make it harder for the enemy to fight. he's also a bit of a bloodhound - illusions don't trick him, he can "see" most magic, and he's really good at getting around unnoticed. if they're stuck somewhere, Wally can probably get them out
Barnaby's "job" before going adventuring with Wally - it started out as just the two of them! - was just working on the farm with Ms. Beagle, where he had been his entire life. Sure he'd sometimes do public performances/acts in town, which would earn him extra coin, but that was more of a paying hobby than anything (a paying hobby he will Continue) in the Neighborhood, he's... uh. their cheerleader? that's not entirely inaccurate! he's not big on combat or effort i'd reckon, so he prefers to just keep morale high. offer background music, funny commentary, jokes to lighten the mood, mediate tensions, etc. if necessary, he makes good backup - he has his illusions of course, and he Does pack a mighty punch if need be! he's also very helpful when retreating - he can grab the smaller party members and run
Wormie is the group mascot <3
Sally was a bit lost before joining the party - i like to think that she was constantly on the move as part of a traveling theater troupe, but she wasn't the star or director. she was just part of the group, uninspired and with a full well of untapped potential. one day she up and left (dramatically) to find her own inspiration/muse & path to stardom, which ended up being several years of wandering until she happened across the budding Neighborhood and went "this! this will be the source of my stories!" as for her role, she's a bit of an everyman. front lines fighter, entertainer, mediator, etc. she views herself as the party "leader", or rather, their Manager. she keeps the party entertained with stories, and bolsters their reputation in the same manner. in a battle she's a bit of a powerhouse - her light magic is useful both in combat and entertainment! she keeps a "book" of the Neighborhood's exploits (she swears it will be edited/published someday) holy shit she's moominpappa, and in their Extended downtime she writes and throws plays inspired by their adventures at their home base (town).
Eddie was still, originally, a mailman. or i suppose in a fantasy setting - a courier! until one day he saw a group of people being attacked by some bandits, managed to fight them off, and immediately got roped into helping rescue the folks' entire town from the bigger group of bandits. then they told others about Eddie's help, they wanted his help too, one thing after another and now he's got a full set of armor, a sword, a shield, and his whole thing is saving people. huh? how did that happen? he was delivering letters a month ago! if i had to give him a title... i'd say he's a Protector! he seems like the type! he always has his fellow adventurer's backs - i bet he has his hands full trying to cover everyone at once. outside of combat, he's still very helpful and does whatever is asked of him / needed. collecting firewood! pitching tents! stirring soup! getting Frank to remove a centipede from camp! in downtime he probably takes small bodyguarding gigs. he also is a minor healer - he took some sorta oath for some sorta god (or virtue) that he can't remember, but he has minor healing/cleansing powers. he's also good at sniffing out evil & dark magic! some would joke that he's the party's guard dog
Frank was raised in a monastery that believes in "using your body to fight for the greater good". this was not his job when they became old enough to actually Act on his training! nah they ran away in his mid teens because they wanted to fight things on his own terms. also they want to study bugs more than anything, which he does! for a long time! then they meet a certain princess, befriends her, and helps her run away. he only joins the Neighborhood because Julie wants to, and it's a good way to travel - read: study more arthropods - and earn coin. fighting is a bonus aspect Frank's role is... front line fighter, bookkeeper, and the Guy Who Knows Things! what monster are they dealing with? what are its strengths/weaknesses? Frank probably knows! can they afford a room or two at an Inn? Frank knows (no, they cannot)! who's throwing themself into direct mortal danger with gusto? it's Frank! no but really, Frank is like their resident nerd who can beat pretty much all of them in hand-to-hand. in downtime he probably has a garden purposefully full of plants that can be left alone for long periods of time... maybe they sell half the things grown for extra coin!
Julie, of course, was a princess! that was her whole job! it was incredibly boring and restricting, so she ran away with the help of a funny nerd. after that her whole life was just "avoid getting recognized while figuring out how to live in a world without the comforts/ease of castle life". i'd think she much prefers her new one! as a role, Julie joins Barn and Sally in the "entertainment category". while they entertain with humor/stories respectively, Julie goes straight for games and activities to fill the lull between action. keep the blood pumping, spirits high, and bonds Solid! camp games, road games, locked-in-a-dungeon games! in combat, she's on the front lines with her oversized sword. i think another fitting role would be "navigator" - she can ask plants for directions! technically Julie is a secret powerhouse. her flora magic is insanely powerful, though she prefers not to use it for several reasons
Poppy, i like to think, did indeed have a bakery. it was well-loved in her community, her staff were wonderful people, and it all burned down in a night due to raiders. luckily for Poppy and her town, Eddie was nearby and got on the case to get rid of their problem - maybe Poppy felt obligated to help in some shape or form, and Eddie wound up inspiring her to learn healing magic. She moved into the town that would become the not-yet-existing Neighborhood's HQ to try and restart her business, but it just wasn't the same, and she had gotten a taste of what it would be like to directly save/heal people Poppy is the party's cook, healer, and ultimate voice of caution! the most she'll do in battle is sprint into danger to drag an injured person to safety for healing - she doesn't have a combative bone in her body i'd guess! does she enjoy being in the Neighborhood? eh... it's stressful and terrifying, but she couldn't live with herself if she let them all brave the wild without an adequate healer OR an adequate cook. i like to think that she saw the state they were traveling in and went "oh no"
Howdy, of course, has his tavern! it's a popular hub for travelers, townsfolk, pretty much anyone and everyone. of course it helps that it's the only tavern in town! the only reason Barnaby managed to convince Howdy to join the Neighborhood on one of their jobs is because Howdy realized that he can widen his net & sell to new people On The Go. finally, a use for that magic backpack collecting dust in his room! Howdy got a taste for adventuring and joins the Neighborhood every once in a while, usually only for shorter jobs - he doesn't want to be away from his tavern for too long his roles are support, professional haggler, sarcastic commentary. he doesn't have a crumb of magic in him, but he's clever! he's learned how to make his own support items - including his fancy revolvers with magical crayonsbullets. Howdy rarely fights, choosing to watch over his pack, dole out items when needed, and listen to Barnaby's running commentary. when it is necessary that he join in on combat, he can usually clear the playing field in a matter of moments. he's skilled with both the revolvers and using his own items - he's a one man four armed army!
Home's job is "keep Wally upright and powered". they prefer to be an observer in all situations, even after their existence becomes common knowledge to the Neighborhood. the most Home will do is nudge Wally in the right direction or alert him to something important. Home's literally just hanging out behind Wally's eyes w/ a bucket of popcorn. unless something happens to his beloved little puppet, in which case Home becomes the biggest baddest bitch around and sends everyone else to the bench
tl;dr: Wally: support fighter, magic geiger counter, escape artist Barnaby: entertainer, backup Wormie: mascot Sally: storyteller, fighter, Manager Eddie: protector, minor healer, "paladin" Frank: bookkeeper, fighter, scholar Julie: activities director, navigator, fighter Poppy: cook, healer, overthinker Howdy: tavernkeeper, inventor, support Home: just keeping an eye out
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deedala · 4 days
🍃w e e k l y t a g w e d n e s d a y🍃
thank you to @energievie for writing the game this week and thanks for tagging me!! also thanks for tagging me for this and also for the pinterest game which im putting down below @lingy910y @gallapiech @suzy-queued @creepkinginc @thepupperino @blue-disco-lights @crossmydna @jrooc @heymacy @wehangout @mybrainismelted @xninetiestrendx @heymrspatel XOXOXO all of you 💖💖💖
Name: deanna
Age: noel-aged
Location: ooohiooo
And now...
What is your DJ name? i dunno, when i worked in college radio it was something about a fish... okay wait yes, lets go with DJ Fishy 🙃
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? whatever chappell roan's the rise and fall of a midwest princess is
What would you title your biography? Wellp
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? i like this idea of sneaking onto expensive modes of transportation. i would do that assuming i had no where else to be and no responsibilities to see to 😆 and i would also rob rich people... and maybe i would go for walks int he middle of the night by myself and feel safe lol
What subject do you wish was taught in every school?  all the important money and personal finance basics that they used to teach but then stopped because it made it easier to prey on adults who didnt know how to manage their credit and debt or do their taxes correctly 😜
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it?  uuhhh...the only thing i can think of right now is a lavender flavored matcha drink that was recommended a few months ago? ive gotten it again a few times (including today!) and its very good. im so happy i know what lavender tastes like now 😆
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited?  this is very hard...i dont even really know how to know how most cities are rated anyway?? i feel like all the cities ive been to and loved are pretty universally rated highly lol. uhhhhh...i dunno.. Heidelberg, Germany? Luxembourg City? one of those.
What day in your life would you like to relive? uuhh i dunno, im going with wedding day because i barely remember any of it, it was such a blur. i would be less responsible and have more fun 😅
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?  i really love sleeping and going to bed and falling asleep. but i hate waking up and i hate losing the time to unconsciousness. so if i could stay alive and not be tired and never sleep that would be so cool.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?  i like to think i could last pretty long because i am a huge wimp and have great Nope It's Time To Go instincts. Also im good at climbing.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? uuhhh backwards time travel
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? puget sound with the olympic mountain range in the distance
☀️pinterest tag game☀️
i was tagged to do this pinterest game where you search Fashion, Pantone, Mood, and Food and post the first pin from each of the search results. gotta be honest buddies i dont really use pinterest very often and when i do its for random photo references sooooo...
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x x x x
i do not know what is happening with that outfit. that is not really a color i would pick but its fine? the mood is pretty but looks kind of melancholy. that last photo though??? oh my god let me climb into there i wanna sit in the cozy rustic kitchen and eat pastries pleaaaaassseeeee!!!!!!
and now to tag in more folks to play either or both of these games!! 💖💖 @michellemisfit @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @the-rat-wins @lee-ow @mmmichyyy @iansw0rld @transmickey @burninface @loftec @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @vintagelacerosette @palepinkgoat @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @sleepyfacetoughguy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @sleepyheadgallavich @rereadanon @mikhailoisbaby @mickeysgaymom @themarchg1rl @callivich @softmick @captainjowl @howlinchickhowl @spookygingerr @spoonfulstar @steorie @whatwouldmickeydo @burninface
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silky-silks · 2 months
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I felt the "mario" mood today, Im sorry but Spring and summer are what I call my mario phase just for the nostaliga factor.
Anyway was listening to the Mario RPG soundtrack and did a quick sketch of my oc and my three favorite folks getting lost in the Forest Maze.
Eric got the leader role again and Silky is pissed off to the point where she is outright trying to fight for it. Evie and Makaila just trying to figure out which way Geno went. (Evie holding a map, darn you black bars)
Eric wearing his demon outfit because why not?
Human Evie belongs to @eve-pie
Makaila @blueberryflower23
Tossed out the galaxy, now we stuck in the woods.
(I had tragedy in my family also last night but I am okay! Im keeping myself strong and happy! So pardon me if I'm not as motivated some days)
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80bitesofsweets · 6 months
I'm genuinely so sorry for what happened with that person 😭 it's not cool to cross people's boundaries and it's very uncomfortable to deal with that.
But I did want to come here and say your OCS are very cool!! I love getting your artwork on my homepage it really makes my day.
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man at the end of the day, my mood was tilted. they were some kid and they just gotta learn not to bother people like that.
theyre young but that doesnt mean they can get a light pass just cause. i know some folks may think im too harsh on the situation. easy block and go.
i did block, but i felt a chance for them to understand the boundaries were fair and they did not understand that which i sadly have no patience for.
theyll figure it out one day. today isnt that day for them.
and thank you. i just didnt wanna spam my main account with cookie run stuff.
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sparrowposting · 4 months
today is just. hm HM
still reeling from the political shitshow last night at family dinner with my uncle's alabama republican wife being like 'IM VOTING TRUMP [again]' and then bro1 making shitty arguments about democrats like no i do not like genocide joe either but. yknow. ALSO. NONE OF US SAVE THE WIFE ARE AMERICAN/CAN VOTE IN THIS???
priest from my childhood died this morning. i didnt know him well but he was quiet and kind and just Always Present and im a lil sad
angry about [redacted fandom thing] except it's not even a fan thing i am genuinely personally offended by takes like this because it stems from a wider societal disregard for the dignity of the human person and i WILL fucking die on this hill. isla you're the realest. iykyk
my body?? gone to shit?? hormones?? sadness?? bitch can you decide on a lane and stay in it, they say birth control is often bad for mood disorders but at this point i'd take PREDICTABLY bad on a schedule than just. entirely wild west no rules out here. better yet. just get rid of that shit completely. do not want it. do not need it.
family drama bullshit. father out of town. another (distant) family death. just. so much garbage and everyone is so gd annoying about it and im mean and cranky and do not CARE
STILL SAD AND UPSET FROM LAST NIGHT MELTDOWN sleep did NOT help and this has been happening with increasing regularity
my nonna, as much as i love her, managed to make the sentence 'youve lost weight' an unambiguous negative the same way lots of ppl say 'youve gained weight'. and like. my weight has not changed. i was simply wearing baggy sweatpants and an oversized band tee. and she means well. but also. i simply prefer to Not Think About Being A Body
stressed abt work??? in like. the newness of the job. the added responsibility? i have a major months long project to start and im a little afraid of fucking it up? esp because it's kind of out of my wheelhouse a bit, and yeah it's a learning opportunity but also if i do badly it will be Very Public since it's partially exhibit planning
ive started another really depressing notesaspp list of characters that fit a certain trope and it is. Very Sad. it should not be comforting. it is. oh chronically melancholic despairing folks with a devotion to duty and their usefulness being their only purpose and reason for living. if i cannot be loved and life cannot be kind at least let me be used up for a greater good.
i am so tired of hearing about [redacted] i am going from neutral, sometime vaguely positive feelings, to just. i cannot fucking hear about this anymore. who tf cares. i wont be mean about it bc that's petty but oh my it is so tiresome and mediocre
I Must Scream
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butch-blu-scout · 10 months
hi!!! if your requests are still open could you write something with scout x reader 🤞 maybe some angst if you're up for it??? (im a sucker for angst) thank u !! 🐌
Hi! Of course they're still open! This is actually the first ask I've gotten in a while lol. Feel free to send in more if you have other ideas ^-^
I've never been very good at angst but here's my best shot. It's very dramatic. My other idea for this was infidelity but I thought that might be too sad (however if anyone wants to see that feel free to send a request).
Thank you to @schlong69420 for helping me brainstorm.
Warnings for: insecurity, angst and feels (to the best of my abilities)
Word Count: 760
Scout often wondered about how people really felt about him. I mean, really felt. Sure, some of his teammates called him annoying, or treated him like a little brother- but he knew that was all in good faith. At least they'd tell him to screw off to his face if he got too annoying.
But it was harder to figure things out when it came to folks outside the team, and by "folks" I mean his partner, and by "his partner" I mean you.
Scout had been particularly energetic today, way more than usual. He had been chatty to everyone, including you. He was all over the field, hardly able to concentrate of the objective. He ran to every explosion, every shout, anything that he heard immediately grabbing his attention. It was frustrating for everyone on the team, even Scout was getting annoyed with his own inability to focus.
It was safe to say that they lost the match.
After the match everyone had glared at him whenever he tried to lighten the mood. Usually it worked, but today not so much. But he kept trying.
"Hey ya know- those guys were prolly cheatin' anyway. So really-" Scout was cut off.
"Son- will you just can it?" Engie snapped, "We lost. Everyone knows it's your fault. Everyone else has accepted it, you need to do the same before you get a black eye."
That shut him up real quick.
That was Scout. He tried all the time to be there for everyone else, to lighten the mood, to make everyone feel a bit better. Even if he was the butt of the joke. It was just who he was. But today... he just felt like he was too much. For anyone. Even you.
You hadn't seen Scout since he'd left the showers. Usually after he hit the showers, you both headed straight to his room to hang out, watch movies, whatever. But when you knocked on the door he wasn't there. You'd even double checked to make sure he wasn't just asleep, but he wasn't there. Which was odd for him.
You went searching, checking the kitchen, and the lounge area, The garage, even the Med-Bay, but he wasn't there. Nobody seemed to know where he went either, that or they were still too pissy to want to find him.
You were almost to Sniper's camper when you finally spotted him. You had turned around to check for critters when you saw the glint of something on the roof of the base. Dogtags. It didn't take much walking to see the small dash of bright red curled up on the roof.
Climbing up the roof was quick work if you knew where the secret ladder was (it was in Sniper's room, which he never used). It wasn't hard to sneak up behind Scout either. He was too lost in his thoughts (usually a bad thing when it came to Scout).
"Hey baby," You sat down next to him. He jumped at your sudden intrusion, he calmed fairly quickly though. Scout was still wrestling with his pent up energy, made obvious by the tapping of his leg and his other little fidgets.
"Hey sweetheart, ya scared me. What uh, what bring ya up here?" He asked.
"Oh, well I was looking for you." You explained, "You disappeared after the match today. I though we were gonna watch a movie tonight?"
"Ah, yeah. Sorry I um.. Just needed to clear my head. Didn't wanna keep botherin' anybody."
" What's going on with you hm? You're not usually like this."
"It's- I just- It's nothin' really," He scratched the back of his neck, "I'm just being a lot today, and I know it. And I can't even help myself 'cause I don't realize it until it's too late. And then everyone's pissed off at me. And I already pissed everybody off by losin' the damn match, and I really didn't feel like pissin' you off too. 'Cause I knew you wouldn't tell me if I got too annoyin'- 'cause I know you. And I'm probably pissin- you off right now with alla this and I should just stop fuckin' talkin' but I can't and I-"
You wrapped your arms around him gently.
The two of you sat up there for a while, watching the stars. You let Scout talk about everything and nothing, just to get it out of his system. Because, yeah, he could be annoying, and he could be a lot, but that didn't make you love him any less.
I hope this was good, or at least filled some of your itch for angst ^-^. Sorry that it's kinda short. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Thanks for sending a request :)
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comradecowplant · 4 days
lol i have my first Cat People(tm) clients next week and the wife is is so funny & particular about them in ways that would easily become annoying if she weren't so nice & otherwise easy going, and even though there's going to be a bunch of unrelated hassle I'll have to be dealing with during this city job I'm excited to branch out and get my name as a multi-species animal whisperer more widely out :)
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xamvjay · 2 years
Can you maybe do Toji x f!reader riding him? It's fine if not btw :D (I'M 19 BTW)
|Ride me - Toji x afab!reader|
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**WARNINGS: contains smut, explicit language, and sexual themes. MINORS DNI although I know yall horny out there reading it**
The picture above is NOT MINE and goes to the rightful credited owner.
All characters mentioned below are NOT MINE and belong to the Original Creator/Author/Illustrator.
This piece is a work of fiction and is pure imagination and is not real and does not involve in the original story/timeline.
Genre: smut, romance
cw: switchTOJI!?, switch afab!READER?!, fem!reader, exhibitionist, voyeurism, PDA, not proofread sorry folks
A/N: first ever req im getting (and i'm thrilled af pls) – thanks anon <3, i'm assuming yall loves dilfs huhhuh. and YES absolutely! AND WHYD THIS TAKE ME 4HRS LMAO IM SO BAD WITH THIS buttt here ya goo and enjoyy ~
wc: 3.3k sheesh -----------------------------------------------------------
‘And I’m done!’ I thought happily, appreciating the way I looked, shown by the reflection. Twirling a bit as I spritz some of the DIOR J'adore Eau De Parfum on myself and sigh happily at myself. Today was a special day. Today was the day when I finally got hold of my boyfriend, Toji who seemed way too busy with the odd job that he never told in detail. We planned a date after struggling to match with our hectic schedule giving no chance and decided that today was the day. Smoothing little unnoticeable wrinkles from my satin, black skater dress I slipped inside my cheetah print full sleeve jacket. A beautiful, plain diamond jewelry settled nicely on the base of my neck which was paired with a pair of simple dangling earrings.  
Combing through my hair that I styled with my utmost effort, I reached out the lip gloss in the shade of power red and swiped another coat on my lip and correcting the smudges and maintaining a gradient look. My eye makeup was rather done simply allowing my bright eyes to be the star of the show. Grabbing the purse that was sitting idly on my bed, I slipped my phone in but not before I checked the time. 6:55 PM – it read. I had a couple of minutes before I head out. Going to the small walk-in closet I turned over to choose what footwear will it be today. ‘I’ll just match with my jacket’ I thought mindlessly and bent over to take the high-block heel. Switching off the lights that were open, I took a glance once more at my well-maintained apartment and decided it was time. Today’s venue happened to be the cinema and it was perfect because I was able to get hold of the tickets for the most anticipated movie in my opinion – Top Gun – Maverick. Locking my apartment, I trotted over to the elevator and entered it while humming away at a random tune. A familiar ding was heard, and the doors slid, either way, revealing the exit/entrance of the building. Greeting a ‘have a good evening’ to the nearby staff I walked over to my car and revved up the engine.
Today Toji had some personal things to deal with so he said he wouldn’t be able to join me on the ride on the way to the cinema and said he would reach there on his way. Shrugging the sadness away as nothing when I heard that since he never broke any promises and always showed up one way or another was reassuring. A podcast played in the background from my open radio as I drove to the cinema. Today the city looked incredible. It could just be my happy mood, or it was always this extraordinary. The city lights blared from all directions, blinding your eyes in a good way. The level of serotonin I got from the view of the bustling people carrying out different activities was really thrilling. A group of musicians cheerfully played their best tunes while the crowd formed praised away. Smiling slightly, I focused on my driving.
Today’s gonna be good.
Parking my car at an empty spot I found I climbed out of my car, making sure I collected my belongings and switched off the engine, and locked the car. Checking the time once again it read 7:22 PM. ‘Oh great, I’m not late.’ I thought and strolled into the cinema and was introduced to a large hall filled with full of movie posters and stations packed with various flavoured popcorns and different soda machines all lined up. This time, the cinema was quite packed compared to other days. Families, couples, friends, and numerous groups of people were scattered around the place. Drifting my eyes from the crowd I performed a slow 360o spin and admired the neon lights that were running across the walls giving it a bit of a club vibe. Whilst spinning I accidentally bumped into someone but not too harshly but rather a soft one. Without looking I apologized several times and was ready to walk away until that person spoke with a hot breath next to the shell of my ear. “God was definitely showing off when He created you huh.” That voice. It was a perfect balance of clear but rough pure masculinity tone. I whipped my head immediately to that person and engulfed him in a big hug. “TOJI!” I squealed in happiness as I looked up, peeking through my lashes while his towering figure looked down on me. “Hey, babe.” There was a soft smirk drawn on his lips while that scar was stretched ever so slightly due to that motion. His black hair was shaggy as usual covering his eyes a bit. I stepped back and looked up and down at his attire. And boy did he look SEXY.
A black full-sleeved dress shirt was worn paired with black slacks. The first couple of buttons were undone from his shirt and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. A hand was tucked inside his dress pant pocket while the other was brushing on his hair. There was a black band ring that sat comfortably on the index finger of his right hand. Flustered slightly at the way his strong muscles were hugged by the black shirt. It was evident he was a built man. Every move he did there was a slight ripple and strain in those carved muscles I’ve witnessed under that shirt. It almost felt like the clothes he wore was just a second layer of skin. Going closer to him I whispered enough for him to hear. “You look really good tonight, a little too good.” I stated humorously giggling in the process and to hold of his free hand and dragged him into the cinema hall #4 where the promotions and advertisements were playing already.
The room was completely dimmed down while there was in built small circular lights on the stairs giving a nice relaxing illuminating glow. I choose the furthest row at the back so we can comfortably have a view of the full screen. There were very few people at that row, only two people were sat at the very far end from our seat. The below row was also empty to an extent as well. sitting in our respectable places I told Toji I was to collect the snacks, but he urged that he would do so. After exchanging few words of who should go, he won and left the room before I could argue anymore. Huffing slightly at his sweet acts, I sat rather graciously and settled my items, so I was relaxed. Few minutes passed and Toji appeared cradling a large popcorn bucket alongside with two cups of cold drinks, one being my favourite and a bag of other snacks hanging off his elbow. Helping to keep the items safely and not creating a mess, he soon joined me, and the movie finally started.
Around sometime in the movie I felt Toji excuse himself to the restroom which I nodded unconsciously since I was so focused on the movie. Few minutes passed and soon I realized he still hadn’t appeared. I decided not to give too much thought too it and opted to hang around for some time before I gave him a call. Few moments passed he came back looking rather disoriented. The light from the large, displayed screen showed how his shirt was more undone. There was a layer of sheen sweat on his Godly built chest. He plopped down on the seat and manspread-ed, occupying the entirety of his seat. He was slightly more slumped against the chair and his right hand was placed lightly on his finger; his expression tells me he’s in some deep thought.
“Babe? You alright? You don’t look too good.” I spoke out with great concern. Lifting my hand, I pressed against his forehead was felt extremely hot. Snatching my hand away I glanced at him with worry. “You are developing a fever!” I quickly got up only to be pulled down immediately with his arm wrapped on my arm. I fell atop him, my chest near his vision. Blushing at the odd position I was in, I wriggled from his grip. “Toji, what’re you doing!?” I exclaimed quietly. “I got this fever because of you.” He spoke lowly. What? I caused his upcoming fever? Impossible. “You’re gonna have to elaborate more on that but do that later when we bring that fever down.” I said sternly, trying my best to break free from his grasp but no luck. Couple of seconds passed and he gave no response but just staggering breathes were heard. “Toji, darling what’s wrong?” I muttered out softly. I brought my hand after gently convincing him that I’m not getting up and caressed his face. “Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I got so fucking hard it was unbearable.”  I gasped at his confession and locked eyes with him. “Darling, you were so focused in your movie I couldn’t disturb you. So, I thought I could take care of it myself.” Poor him. He was dealing with all this all alone without me knowing.
“Babe, you should’ve told me. I could’ve helped you; you know.” I spoke sweetly whilst my hands slid down his chest ever so slowly until it reached the problem. I softly caressed his hard on and kept a fixed stare on his face. “Babe– fuck, please help me…” He gently pleaded. How could I not help him when he laid there in front of me, looking so helpless. How sweet it was of him to not disturb me when watching the movie not knowing I’d drop anything to help him. Grabbing his large rough hands, I led them to run my hair over and hold a makeshift ponytail. I settled on the carpeted ground and unzipped his pants and stared at it. There was a wet patch on the dark, tight boxers he wore that hugged onto his pure thick muscular thighs. Freeing the hard dick from the strains, there it stood proudly. The tip had an angry shade of red – thanks to the light coming from the screen I was able to appreciate his dick properly.
The cockhead was leaking generous amount of pre-cum which dribbled down uncaringly. A thick vein ran underneath the shaft and made its way to the thick, large fat balls. Licking my lips at the delicious sight, I looked up at him once more only to find him looking back at me with such intensity in his green eyes. He bit his lip as he let out a low groan. “Fuck, you look so good down there.” The grip he had on my ponytail was tightened and pushing my face to his hard cock. Preparing my mouth for the abuse I kitty licked the tip and kissed the sides. Sucking the tip like a candy I stuck my tongue out and allowed myself to wrap the tip carelessly. I slipped the cock to entire my hot cavern and the part that didn’t fit I wrapped it with my hands. Pumping with my hands and I bobbed my head up and down I fought back the gag-reflex. I looked at him through my lashes as I kept my cheek hallowed and kissed the tip several times. Spitting the built of drool on the head, I kept pumping his cock and once again swallowed his dick.
“You look so fucking hot right now.” He spoke with a low pitch and letting occasional groans. Thank goodness to the blaring speakers of the movie hall, it masked the erotic sounds we were producing. Suddenly my head was yanked back harshly as he came closer to my face. A finger was stuck in my wet mouth, and I sucked it, swirling my tongue. Toji tightened his jaw when he saw how obedient I was being. A smirk broke out as my eyes land on those pink lips of his that was adorned with that scar. “As much as I’d like to fill your mouth with my cum and have you kept it till the movie’s finished, I think I’ll use that pussy of yours instead.” His voice was rough and hoarse but had a hint of degradation.
His hand motioned towards his thick thighs, and I gulped at the sight. “Get on my lap, now.” He ordered with a gravely tone. Nodding I sat immediately on hard thighs. His right hand that was in my mouth was now removing my panty and was completely removed. Feeling the cool air hit my bare cunt I gripped onto the arm rest wondering what he’ll do. “Don’t make a fucking noise, got it?” He spoke right next to my ear as I nodded. His free hand wrapped around my neck and had a slight tight grip, enough to cut out a bit of oxygen. “Where’s your manners? Hm?” He questioned threateningly. Nervously I answered “Y-yes sir.” A satisfied hum was heard, and my underwear was now a small ball and was near my mouth. Getting the idea, I opened my mouth, and the panty was shoved inside. “Very good.” His voice so husky, his tongue licked my jawline as he brought my back against his hard, chiseled chest.
The finger with the ring was wet presumably from his spit and now made his way to my cunt. His thighs nudged my thighs to open up more. His hands were carrassing my inner thigh as he teased my pussy but not quite relieving any pressure.  All of a sudden, he stopped his actions and moved around a bit, most likely removing something from his pocket. “Open it.” He whispered hotly and gave it to me, which I obeyed and opened the black case. There it was a purple clit vibrator. I gasped at what I opened but that went unnoticed as I had a makeshift gag ball in my mouth. He then took it from me and then placed it on my clit., nestling it and making it fit right. Squirming on his thighs at this foreign object contacting my pussy was kind of exciting.
“Relax darling, it’s just a vibrator.” He reassured and kept it there for some time while he held it. Few minutes later he proceeded to whip out the remote and there he played with the controls going from low to high intensity. Immediately I thrashed a bit at the random, sudden sensation I was dealing with, but Toji was quick to stop my movements and had me attached to his back. His free hand roamed around my torso until he it massaged my covered breasts. He slipped his hands under the dress and then tugged the bra under and kept teasing my tits. He flicked, pinched, rubbed circles and pressed on the hard nubs of mine. He did the same with my other boob switching hands and felt the cold ring tease my hard ass nipples. Moans were escaping my mouth but were muffled by the gag. My hand went to his cock that was right under my pussy, which was rubbing it, making it hard as fuck.
“Shit, if you keep that up, I’ll fuck you right here, right now.” He stated with few light groans releasing into the warm air. I moaned at his words and pushed my hands to have a faster pace. I want him to fuck me right here. Having a hundred or two sitting in the same room, shrouded with darkness with nothing but just the projector as our light. Anyone could catch us. We could get caught. We could deal with the securities but that’s what made my pussy clenching on nothing. I let out some words but were intelligible. “What d’ya say sweetheart? You wanna get fucked right here? Like a dirty slut? Hmm?” He questioned one after another, his tone had a patrionising tone. I nodded as fast as I could and urged his hand from my breast to go to my gushing cunt. A deep chuckled reverberated from his chest. “Well, do it yourself then. Use me while fucking me. C’mon darling ride me.” He spoke lazily as he flipped through the intensities making me groan and break out into tears. The thought just past my head. Riding him in a public place, sitting innocently on my boyfriend’s lap while no one knows what was actually going on. That he was practically rearranging my guts.
I lifted my hip and used my hand to align his hard leaking cock into my fluttering hole. Going down I felt him practically rip me open. He was so fucking big it hurt deliciously. Once he was fully inside me, barely sat comfortably as I felt his cockhead kiss the opening of my cervix. Looking down there was a bulge formed on my tummy where my uterus would be. “I filled you up so good, didn’t I?” He spoke to himself and tapped on my thighs to start moving. I slid up and down much with all the energy I had. This kept going on for maybe around ten minutes and Toji just sat there, doing nothing, his eyes were on the movie while he mindlessly switched intensities. Letting out a whine and tears of frustration came out as I couldn’t reach the high that was seconds of breaking open but not quite there yet. “What’s wrong baby? Can’t cum? Need my help?” I nodded but he still sat there looking at me deeply. Soon he removed the gag from my mouth. “Use your words.” He spoke with a bored expression while his face rest on his palm whilst his elbow rested on the armrest.
“Y-yes sir, p-please mmmhm I wanna cum so badly.” I pouted as I squirmed once again. His hands than held onto my hip and helped me to move up and down while simultaneously he pistoned his hips inside me deeply and accurately managing to hit that favourite spot of mines. My gummy wet walls wrapped around my cock as I felt my high coming closer. He set the vibrator at a high setting and alongside with him brutally hammering inside me was really pushing it. Groans and moans escaped quietly from both of us and mingled together. The slapping noise was there but thanks to the climatic scene that was playing, the speakers were blaring with all sorts of loud noises. Few more thrusts what caused the tight knot to snap and caused me to squeal out loud. The dress had already fallen back, concealing everything while couple of people below us had turned around, trying to find where the noise had come from. His warm cum painting my walls white as the remote was switched off to stop me from overstimulating. I rolled my hips, grinding and milking the remaining cum of from his shaft and squeezed Toji’s balls. “Fuck, you better keep quiet if you don’t want to get caught.” He snapped while tugging my hair making me fall backwards.
After two or three minutes of cockwarming and him softening up, still semi-hard he removed himself and helped me sit by the near seat. The soaked panty that was held in front of me and Toji, he smirked and assisted me in slipping it back on. “Don’t want that precious cum leaking out now, do we?” He spoke smugly, his vibrant green eyes were clouded with various emotions and one being is lust mixed with affection. It was slightly shroud with his jagged hair that stuck to his forehead due to the sweat. He tucked himself in and got up disposing the waste in the spare bag he brought. He enclosed the vibrator and slipped it back on his pocket. The movie ended alongside, and the lights returned, brightening up the place. As he stood up, totally towering me he leaned down and stole a wet kiss from me, his gorgeous veiny hard hands swiped away presumably the smudged lipstick from my cheeks and chin.
“Get your ass up, I’m not done with you yet.”
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