#but im ngl i always thought you just talked and sang about it
my-lonely-thoughts · 6 months
Aroace culture is finding out as an adult that sex and romance is not just an over exaggerated concept but a very real thing people like/do 😵‍💫
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
Solar Eclipse
Chapter One: Making a Mess of Things
hey i hope y’all like this!! im scared to start posting it ngl but i wrote all seven chapters of this in like thirty six hours and it’s surprisingly good for something written in a hyperfocused frenzy lmao
also janus may or may not be a touch out of character at certain points but ive always struggled with writing him so pls forgive
Summary: In a drunken stupor, Janus confesses to Patton that he's in love with both Roman and Logan. When things spiral out of control from there, how will he keep his feelings in check?
Characters: Janus, Patton, Logan (mentioned), Roman (mentioned)
Pairing(s): endgame roloceit, focus on janus’s attraction to logan and roman in this chapter
Warnings: alcohol use and a drunk character, and i think that’s it but tell me if i missed something!
Word count: 1,721
Janus sighed into his wine glass as he took another sip. It was getting late, he should go to bed soon. He didn't care too much at the moment, if he was honest for once. He could spend another half hour wallowing.
He didn't know how it happened, but he had fallen quite deeply in love with not one, but two of his fellow Sides.
It started with Logan. He tried to deny it at first, hoping that if he paid no attention to his feelings, they wouldn't flourish. However, that hope was quickly squashed, as he soon found himself gazing so fondly at Logan, who was talking about something he'd learned recently, which let Janus know his feelings wouldn't dissipate any time soon.
Then, much more recently, he couldn't stop smiling when Roman sang along with a Disney song during movie night some time ago. That tipped him off to the fact that he had very sudden feelings for Roman as well.
Feelings were truly unfair.
Thinking about all this, Janus downed the last of his wine and refilled the glass.
Janus whirled around to see Patton standing at the entrance to the kitchen, wearing a sky blue pajama set. The sudden action left his brain swimming, and he groaned in discomfort.
"Patton? What brings you here?"
"I always do a quick check to make sure everyone's in their rooms around this time. Well, okay, mostly Virgil, but I've had to remind Logan and Roman of the time on occasion too."
Janus smirked. That sounded about right.
"I take it you're gonna drag me to bed?"
"I wouldn't say drag. More like... gently nudge?"
Janus scoffed. "Just let me finish this glass, and I'll be on my way."
"Oh, yeah, sure thing. You want some company? I bet drinking that stuff is way more fun with a friend."
Janus still couldn't believe they were friends. It was surreal to say the least.
"If you'd like."
Patton walked up to the table and sat across from Janus. Janus noticed the way he stared at the bottle and grinned.
"You wanna try it?"
Patton looked at Janus, his eyes widened. "Oh, uh, I don't know. I've never had anything like this before, I don't know if I'll like it."
Janus hummed. "Depending on the wine, it can be... bitter. I think you'd like port wine, though. It's a dessert wine."
Patton grinned. "Ooh, that sounds sweet!"
Janus summoned a bottle of rosé port wine and poured it in an appropriate glass.
"Do you like berries?" he asked.
"Yeah, I love berries!"
"Good. Rosé port has a strong berry flavor." Janus set the bottle down and held out the glass. "Would you like to try it?"
Patton seemed to give it some thought, and Janus was patient with him. This was a big decision, especially for a Side like Patton.
"And you're sure I'll like it?"
"While I can't guarantee anything, this is the type of wine I think suits your tastes. Don't worry if you don't like it, I understand that any sort of alcohol is... an acquired taste."
Patton took a quick breath. "Alright. Sure, why not? The worst that could happen is I don't like it, right?"
Technically the worst that could happen is Patton loves it to the point of developing an addiction, but Janus figured saying that would only stress him out.
Patton took the glass, adjusting his hold on it a couple times. He held it so that the stem went between his fingers and he held it from the bottom. "Is this how you hold it?"
Janus grinned. "I'm not sure there's a wrong way of holding it."
Patton nodded, staring at the drink. Janus took a sip of his own drink as he waited.
Patton surprised him a bit when he suddenly took a very quick drink of the wine, downing all of it in one go. His nose scrunched up as he swallowed it.
"Those berries are powerful."
Janus chuckled. "I told you the flavor was strong. So... do you not like it?"
Patton paused, considering. "No, it's good. It just caught me off guard a bit, that's all."
"Well, I'm glad you like it." Janus drank the last of his own wine. "I suppose we should head back to our rooms."
"Yeah, sounds good. Am I drunk yet?"
Janus snorted. "I'd say probably not. Even you can survive a tiny glass of wine."
Patton nodded. "Alright. Okay, yeah, let's go to bed."
Janus waved a hand to clear the table of the wine and glasses. He got to his feet and nearly stumbled back into his chair.
"You okay?" Patton asked as he stood up, putting a hand on Janus's shoulder.
The room was moving.
"I... may have overestimated myself tonight."
"How much did you drink?"
"Um... I'm not sure. I was thinking really hard about something and just... stopped keeping track."
"Do you need help getting to your room?"
Janus hated asking for help. He felt vulnerable asking for help. Though he hated to admit it, at this moment, he technically was vulnerable.
"Maybe," he finally responded.
Patton let Janus lean on him a bit as they made their way to Janus's room. Patton would praise him every few steps, and he hated how much his ego absolutely devoured it.
As they got closer to his room, he only got more and more intoxicated, as the alcohol coursed through his body. He hated getting this drunk, it was embarrassing.
Randomly, thoughts of Roman and Logan floated back into his head. He wondered what they were doing. Were they asleep or working late? He hoped they were asleep, they needed to take care of themselves.
They passed Logan's room on the way to his own, and he tried to stop.
"What? What is it?" Patton asked.
"D'you think Logan's up?" he asked, words slurring together. "We should hang out with Logan."
"No, no, kiddo, it's a bit late for that," Patton said amusedly. What was so funny?
"What about Roman? He's fun."
"Tell you what, kiddo, if you get to bed and sleep for at least eight hours, we can hang out with Logan and Roman all day long tomorrow."
Janus pumped a fist in the air. "Yes!"
"Shhh!" Patton shushed. He was laughing, though. What was he laughing at?
Finally, they reached Janus's door. Patton opened it and led him inside.
"Y'know somethin'?" Janus asked.
"Yeah, kiddo?" Patton replied as he helped Janus get into bed.
"I think... Logan and Roman... would be the cutest couple."
Patton grinned. "Oh, really?"
Janus nodded. "Mhm. I mean, they butt heads a lot, but they always come to an understanding in the end, y'know? They work good together."
Patton nodded. "Hm. Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Kind of a shame, though," Janus murmured.
"What do you mean?"
"I just really like Logan and Roman."
The weight of what Janus just said didn't hit him in his drunken state.
"Oh," Patton said softly. Then his eyes went wide. "Oh!"
Janus fumbled with his covers, trying to get under them.
"Oh, kiddo, don't you wanna get dressed first?"
Janus looked down at his usual outfit, complete with capelet. He looked back up at Patton with furrowed brows. "I am dressed."
"Dressed for bed."
Janus sighed. "I mean, sure, if you think it's necessarily necessary."
"Okay, I'll get you some clothes, you stay right there."
Janus flashed him a grin and a thumbs up.
Patton went through his dresser drawers in search of clothes. Drunk Janus was pretty sure Sober Janus would be having heart palpitations knowing someone was looking through his stuff, but Drunk Janus was too busy staring at his hands to care.
"Patton, why're my hands yellow?" he mumbled.
"Those are gloves, Janus," Patton informed him.
"Oh, yeah."
"Now, kiddo, about, uh... you liking Logan and Roman, are you sure you wanted to tell me that?"
Janus finally looked over at Patton. "What do you mean?"
Patton closed a drawer and stood back up with some clothes in hand. "I just mean... well, you're very... secretive. And that seems like something... well, honestly, it seems like something you'd take to your grave."
Janus supposed his feelings for them would normally bring him stress and guilt and embarrassment. Right now, however, he felt like confessing to them. Maybe reciting a poem if he had time.
He shrugged. "I dunno. I mean... sometimes I just... feel like exploding 'cause of my feelings. And saying it out loud feels better. And right now I wanna say it out loud. I love them. I have for a while. They make me feel... like I can do anything in the world. I don't think they'd ever return my feelings, but it's fine. I've made peace with it."
"Oh, Janus," Patton murmured. "Listen, why don't you get dressed, get some sleep, and we can talk about this more tomorrow?"
Janus felt a jolt of fear as he looked up at Patton. "You're leaving me, aren't you?"
Patton blinked a few times. "Do you... not want me to?"
Janus shook his head. "You're making the bad feelings stop."
Patton took in a shaky breath. "Oh. Of course I can stay with you, as long as you need me to."
Janus smiled. "Good. Thank you."
"No problem."
Janus managed to get dressed on his own, which he was thankful for even in his drunken state. He plopped down on his bed, trying and failing to tuck himself in.
He then looked over at Patton, who had turned his back while Janus got dressed.
"You gonna sleep?" Janus asked.
Patton turned around and cleared his throat. "Uh... should I summon an inflatable mattress or something?"
"There's plenty of bed in this bed," Janus assured. "Unless you're not comfy with that."
Patton paused for a moment. "I'm comfy with it if you're comfy with it."
Janus made grabby hands at Patton.
Patton slowly and awkwardly made his way over to the bed. He got in, and Janus was quick to cuddle him. He chuckled softly.
"Are you always this clingy when you're drunk?"
"The question is, am I always this drunk when I'm clingy? And the answer... yeah, probably."
Patton chuckled again. "Get some sleep, kiddo."
Janus didn't need to be told twice.
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bobataeminsuga · 3 years
everyone's talking about music in your asks so i wanna know what your music hcs are for the genshin boys 👉👈
anon im so sorry for taking so long to reply but i really thought about it... and this is the first time ive ever made like a list of hcs so bear with me
i didnt know whether you meant hcs for the type of music they listened to or like them as musicians so i kinda did both
Genshin boy’s music headcannons under the cut!!
characters: kaeya, diluc, venti, albedo, bennett, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, zhongli, childe, xiao, scaramouche, aether, dainsleif
I get big sweater weather by the neighbourhood vibes from him
bi icon i guess
He loves the neighbourhood
Daddy issues by the neighbourhood yessir
He can play the guitar. his voice is okay, he’s not bad, he can sing and its really nice but its not the prettiest out of all the genshin boys
he loves serenading people and it just works bro, he knows exactly how to make people fall for him
a lot of ppl say he would listen to like emo music or something but he listens to classical music
i mean he's a nobleman after all
he grew up learning the piano so he fell in love with classical music at a young age
unlike kaeya, he doesnt serenade people, instead you can find him playing piano at midnight, very captivating (i think i said this in a previous post lol)
hates it when kaeya gets control over the music
definitely the "pop music is so annoying and meaningless" bitch
nicki Minaj
I dont know why but nicki Minaj
Maybe doja cat too ngl
tbh venti just loves every genre of music
but he really loves everything the nameless bard has ever sung to him - whether it was an original song or not
Learnt every instrument just so he could play the nameless bard’s music wherever he went - venti loves him and his music very much
Something magical
ghibli soundtracks maybe?
he likes merry-go-round from howls moving castle that's for sure
maybe chill vibey music
Luke chiang, maybe?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he could play the piano too but violin me thinks… or maybe viola just to prove how much better he is at music theory oooh so fancy he can read alto clef even though violas suck
Only sings lullabies to klee, doesnt sing otherwise, but he has a very calming and pretty singing voice, everyone wishes he sang more (khoi dao singing :,) )
number one victory royale- no jk he doesn't listen to that shit unironically
bennett likes Wilbur Soot
really likes your new boyfriend
but other than that he really likes music with deep lyrics, he likes meaningful things
he also really likes singing, he's not that great at it but he loves it and he wants to get better at it
would probably be a band kid, probably plays the trumpet or something
razor doesn't really understand music
he doesn't have a favourite genre or artist or song
but he really likes bennett's singing
even if bennett thinks he's bad, razor likes listening to him sing, he thinks bennett is the best singer in all of teyvet
he doesn't know this wilbur soot guy, he thinks those are bennett’s songs and that bennett wrote im in love with an egirl about fischl and doesn’t know how to feel about that
Razor cant play any instruments but if he did maybe drums??? Hm… 
everyone thinks he likes classical music - which he does, its just not his favourite
he listens to cavetown me thinks
like i think he listens to cavetown if you get what im saying
Sings lemon boy to chongyun even if he isnt a good singer
He plays the flute, not the best, he’s still learning
his older brother plays the violin and they often argue about which is the better/worse instrument
rnb? I get an rnb vibe from him
maybe krnb? like junny and crush
Chongyun is very swaggy imo so i feel like he’d like swaggy chill music therefore krnb
Not the biggest fan of cavetown but if xingqiu is listening to this is home then chongyun knows he has to be there to comfort him and sits through the song anyways 
Chongyun doesnt play any instruments, he sings all the time without realizing it though
he has a very nice voice and xingqiu always tells him this but he doesnt believe this (kinsens singing voice ;-;)
yet another classical music enjoyer
doesnt really mind other genres but he doesnt really like rap
also really likes old rock
journey, the Beatles, queen, he loves it all
but his favourite song is the song guizhong sings to the glaze lilies, nothing can replace that
Cant sing for shit, which is why he cant pick glaze lilies himself
Cant play any instruments either, playing music was always guizhong’s thing, not really his so he never bothered learning
pop music, whatever’s on the radio im sorry white boy
but also… hayloft? I feel like he would listen to hayloft but the question is would he listen to hayloft?
Surprisingly listens to rich brian bc he heard scaramouche listening once and loved it
Can sing, like he gets the notes right and stuff, nobody wants to hear it though (im so sorry griffin burns)
But sometimes he sings lullabies to tonia, anton, and teucer and :,)
Knows a little bit of piano - he had to teach tonia a bit back home bc they couldnt afford a piano teacher for her until he became a harbinger
my chemical romance- nah I'm just joking he likes calming music, mcr and music like that would actually get on his nerves
he likes whatever venti plays
which makes him another big fan of the nameless bard - he doesnt know the songs aren’t venti’s though
I think he likes joji, slow dancing in the dark and like you do are his favourites
Agoraphobic by corpse husband
Wishes he knew more about music but whenever venti offers to teach him he gets all “an adeptus doesn’t need to know such things”
He only sings to venti and the traveler whenever he thinks they’re asleep or sings them to sleep but he has sUCH A NICE VOICE (orz kinsen) - traveler and venti team up to get him to sing more
Corpse husband.
literally just loud music with heavy bass I can see scaramouche listening to that
blasts that shit at the zapolyarny palace so that everyone knows he's there
signora hates it - childe, not so much but finds it a bit annoying sometimes
This man cant sing, he refuses to and he refuses to play an instrument
Cheating is a crime by takayan is his anthem
He likes whatever reminds him most of home, whatever makes him nostalgic
butterfly by bts
Youth by troye sivan
how to save a life by the fray
Mr loverman by ricky montgomery?
yeah sad music, he doesn't know where his sister is, he wants to go home, of course he'd be sad
Aether likes troye sivan, he gives me that vibe
Ukulele boy aether :o
He used to play the ukulele and sing with lumine (luyin kana’s voice :”) )
abyss prince aether tho hmmm… might be a different story, i feel like he wouldnt be a ukulele boy but he would still listen to sad music me thinks
He doesn’t listen to music
Knows about music, but doesn’t listen to it
They say long ago he used to sing a lot, rumour has it he was one of the best singers in Khaenri'ah, he doesnt sing anymore
Hears aether singing and gets sad about lumine (or vice versa)
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hello! can i have a cake please? i’m an ace female, 5’3”, and have a short lil afro that i dyed blonde. i kinda have a biker aesthetic?? i’m v athletic n love weightlifting, playing basketball, n playing (american) football! humble brag but i have those girl abs. 👀 also super into the arts?? HUGE literature nerd, def one of those kids who goes ALL IN when you have to act out shakespeare. tragically like and am good at writing essays, no joke :// absolutely suck at anything stem-related tho i suck at expressing myself verbally so i don’t tend to talk a whole bunch, even when i’m comfortable. i’m v devoted to those close to me tho, like i stop n drop everything as soon as they need help n i would 100% follow them to the end of the earth. i’m a bit like the quiet bodyguard ig ✌🏼😌 i’m lowkey a HUGE simp but i struggle with vulnerability™ so i bully n playfight w/ my crushes 24/7 instead of being normal fhskfkskd it’s so bad. but literally just bully me back and i will go “😳😳” i am a MESS n hopefully this isn’t too long??? hope you have a good day love ✨
🍰 for Anon
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How yall met
Ok small disclaimer
Tendou is 100% a theater kid
When the school was putting on a production for one of his favorite disney movies
Of course he had to try out for a part
What play where they doing you asl?
Beauty and the beast
Honestly tendou wasn't shocked when he got the role of the beast
In fact he kinda expected it
But honestly he wasn't mad about it
He thought getting one of the leading roles was super cool
Then he saw who his co star was gonna be
Someone take a random guess
Its you
You had got casted as Belle
You guys had a blast practicing your roles together
You guys hung out a lot more just so you could practice together
And oh boy did it pay off on opening night
Yall both played your roles perfectly
If the audience didn't know any better they would say you both actually loved each other
Well apparently they didn't know any better
You both actually had realized your feeling for eachother when you were rehearsing the final scene
But yall thought you would keep your relationship a secret until after the play was over
What they love about you
He loves how your always there for him
This man could be on the other side of the planet
But if he says he needs you
Your there within seconds
What kind of witchcraft
Oh and if anyone dares trash talk your mans
Bad things tend to happen
No tendou bullies on your watch
Honestly he fucks with how athletic you are
But more often than not this turns into a very competitive thing
Im sorry but this little shit is always one upping you
So he sees you being athletic as a challenge to his athleticism yk
But on the bright side tendous never played better in his games
Favorite things to do together
He loves loves loves to play fight with you
yeah ...playfight
Ngl one of yall get injured every time this happens
But does that stop you
Absolutely not
Play Fights are fought with anything from pillows to just your bare hands
Now He gets how this is how you show love
But do you love him THAT much to leave bruises all over his arms
Random Hc
You said you have trouble with verbal expression?
Don't worry about that with tendou
This guess monster right here seems to always know how your feeling and why
So don't stress about that
He likes to act out random scenes of plays with you
Or he likes to sing random songs from musicals with you
One time you guys sang hamilton in 7 minutes right in the middle of the halls
His favorite disney movie is beauty and the beast because it takes place in france
And Yes tendou kins the beast
Ushijima scolded tendou for getting into a fight when he saw the bruises on his arms
Little did he know it was you who gave him those :|
Overall Aesthetic
Theater Kids
Phantom of the Opera
Guns and ships
Rewrite the stars
Candy Store
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it’s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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queenieloveswriting · 4 years
Little orange bottles
A/N unedited little thing from a while ago, found loads of bits in my notes on my phone read this and though id post it let me know your thoughts ////hella old ngl sounds like shit srry ladsssss xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxTW--Abuse//Blood//Bad thoughs ig sorry not good w warnings sorry if this triggers anhyone 
*beep     beep     beep*
Your alarm rang through the room for what seemed to be the fifth time this morning.It was now 6:30am and school began in two hours unlike the majority of students in kildare county you enjoyed school and, your (only) friend pope definitely made it worthwile.You both loved school,people like his friends jj and John b didn’t like school.
Why are you awake at 6:30 again?....right!
You look over to yourself in your mirror and glance at your schedule sticky taped to the corner; 
6:30-wake up
7:00-get ready
8:00-head to Heywards
Obeying the list, you hopped into the shower and got yourself prepared for the day, brushing your teeth washing your face and applying a light amount of makeup. A tinted moisturiser, clear mascara and brow gel, In attempt to tame your wild hair you collected into a cute messy ponytail, breaking three hair bands in the possess. Putting your glasses on you choose your outfit, due to the heat you opted for something casual, a blue denim skirt with a black crop top and a oversized blue flannel top  covering  just to the bottom of you skirt 
You went downstairs and packed some fruit into your bag. Opting to take your breakfast as today's lunch, knowing Mrs. Heyward would invite you in for ‘leftovers’ from their breakfast. Shouting  goodbye to your mum who was no doubt still in bed exhausted from her night shift.
Running out the door grabbing your phone, headphones and favourite book ‘to kill a mockingbird’. I plugged in my headphones playing my ‘reading playlist’ and read as i walked up to heywards,occasionally looking up so I don’t walk into any unwanted attention. The third time checking your surroundings you realise you made it to popes in record time, because his mom came out ushering you and him in in for ‘leftovers’ .Pope rolled his eyes sending you   a silent apology. You didn’t mind though she was more a mother to you than your actual blood.
“Hey nerd "pope greeted you pushing your glasses up your nose 
“Hey geek” you replied, slapping his hands away, he pulled you into a quick hug and followed h8im and his mum into the kitchen.
“Whatcha reading this time?”he asked making you laugh slightly “Harper lee my friend” you replied  holding up your book as he rolled his eyes “why am I not surprised ,you know the book doesn't change right every time you read it "he asked playfully “I know pope, but it’s a classic and i don’t have enough to get a new book until my shift next week so I’m not complaining “you sassed
“Yeah you're know that I’ve said you can borrow my books anytime “he asked
“Yeah but you won’t let me write notes in the margins pope! "you explained “because what about MY notes “he exclaimed and you both erupted into laughter.God,you're such geeks you mentally sighed.Mrs.Heyward scolded at us both for arguing and gave us some pancakes and fruit.
Mr.Heward barged through the doors shouting about some ‘arrogant snotty kook man’ and turned around shily when he heard you and pope laughing. "daisy hey sweetheart you need me to save you or you alright?” he asked, referring to his wife’s overwhelming mothering. You shook your head quietly declining his offer, smiling you replied “no sir it's fine, "you laughed "Heyward you need any help with deliveries?” you asked hopeful as you needed to buy some things for school. Being a pogue you tended to have to fend yourself, plus it gave you something to do. “Sure do doll, tomorrow morning,7 sharp you’n’my boy can help out and pope make sure you ask that Maybank if he's helping out too, need to know who goes so y'all come back alive”he joked”thank you sir”you shouted as he was halfway out the door.Turning back round to pope “maybank?” you asked, raising your eyebrow hinting you had absolutely no idea who he was talking about,”my friend jj you know the blonde who gets into all the fights i told you about”he answered and you nodded,still searching for an answer ”he's coming tomorrow?” you quizzed “yeah probably,plus i think it's about time you met my friends they all think i made you up”he laughed”c'mon we've gotta eat then go”
As if on queue Mrs Heyward shouted at you from across the hall telling you to eat before it got cold.After scoffing your breakfast down,it was time to leave.After regular smothering from your second mother you left.
“Sorry about them”he mumbled 
“It’s fine it’s nice having the whole parents as parents thing you know”you said .Pope knew about your mom not being around or well really a mom.He said you could come round whenever assuring his parents you were just friends,they loved you.
He nodded”you know your welcome whenever”he said and you nodded again
“Yeah but anyways how you feeling today about mrs.spiky hairs test smartass”you joked “we gon ace it y'all ready know her tests are easy”he dragged 
“True I’ve got all a’s every time”you smirked 
“Yeah same but to be fair even my friend John b could pass them and he didn't know that there were two different there’s until junior year so....”
You laughed “wait I though that jj was the the dumb one”you asked “there both delinquents but gotta love em.I’m brains of the operation anyways it’s my thang ”he sang causing you to laugh at the way he pinched his shirt and pingged it brushing dirt of his shoulders “you should come to the party tonight and meet them if you want?”he asked and you shook your head “i dont know pope,party’s and me aren’t really a good thing you know how my anxiety gets in groups”you said and he nodded “i know it’s fine don’t worry about it but offers there when you want you could even come out just us on the pouge if you wanted “he offered “they really wanna meet me?”you asked “well they wanna meet MY competition “he challenged “not really a competition there bud” you teased patting his shoulder “but I’ll think about it yeah?”you offered “sounds good and here we are” you turned facing each other then back at the school making your way inside.
“Hey i told jj I’d meet with him just before first  lesson give him his homework see you there”you gave him a confused look “they go here?”he laughed “yeah didn’t i tell you”you shook your head no “sorry see you in 10 nerd”he waved “in 10 geek”you repli,ex
Waiting for class to start,you set up outside your classroom and put your headphones back in continuing your book. The vibration of the bell and stampedes of teenagers scurry to their first lesson , you ended up waiting for pope who practically ran down the hall and laughed when your eyes met.
 You went in taking your seats next to each other this happened up until break. then lunch you’d go to all your lessons together hang out at break,being antisocial in the library, but at lunch he’s always go off,with the pogues you assume,now knowing they go to your school.At lunch you go outside and walk to the bleachers and sit reading basking in the sun.
After your  last lesson with pope you both headed home together dropping him off at heywards halfway.
“Mom I’m home”you shouted slamming the door dropping the keys on the sideboard .After no reply you expected her to be at work so you got started on your homework so you could”relax” on the weekend.
It was now 6:30,and pope texted you telling you the party started at seven and the offer was still up before you could reply,you heard your door slam shut and you ran downstairs hoping you could talk to your mum,and catch up.
You see her figure reach for a cupboard that hasn’t been opened in years  left. this was bad.
“Hey mama how was work”you asked with a shaky breath 
She glared swigging the bottle 
“You know what sweetie “she spat “Mama don’t have to go to work an more you wanna know why because i got fired from work apparently they couldn’t handle me anymore,took to many people on,so sweetie work was fucking awful OK”she shouted 
“Oh mum I'm sorry what are you going to do i mean i think the heyw--“
“Oh shut up you’re so pathetic you know,I mean you inside on a Friday night? should you be out like a normal teenager huh?god”she scoffed 
“What mom I-“by now half the bottle was empath,being drank with such desperation 
“I’ll get another  job I’ve already got the heywards they can give me more time and an I-I’ll  get a side job we’ll be fine w-we have dads money too”
“Sont talk about hijm!It’s your fault your father left you fucking incompetent piece of shit you make everyone want to leave,no wonder you have no friends. I mean look at you your pathetic  you know these people in your books there not real DAISY god why can’t you just be normal you drove everyone away.this is your fault”
Tears were now threatening your eyes,but as you looked into the person infront of you,you didnt see sadness,you saw anger,you saw red. 
“Mum Im sorry i-ill-“
Before you could say anything she downed the rest of the bottle and threw it at you.glass smashing everywhere cutting you up.your whole arm started to bleed as you cried out in pain your mum hit you,ran out and slammed the door shut.
she hit you.hit you.you ran upstairs not bothering to protect  your arm wrapping  it up in an old shirt.you needed your best friend,you didn't have many friends but he was yours you knew that nothing anyone said could change your friendship 
So you called him running out of your house in todays clothes covered in blood like you’d been in a fucking horror movie 
“Heyyy daisy you change your mind”he answered the phone 
“Hey pope I-I need some help my mom a-are you still at a-at the p-party”you stuttered 
“Woah woah breathe daisy where are you I’ll come get you okay”
“I’m near the boneyard you still there I-I’m sor-ry f-for calling i didn’t kn—“
He cut you off “no shut up it’s fine where are you,are you hurt what happened?”
“My arm s-she h-hit b-bottle “
“Fuck where are you daisy “
“Oh-oh my god there’s so many people here”you were sure you were having a panic attack by now,-you could barely breathe
“Wait daisy I-i see you I’m coming okay wait there”
Hanging up the phone you were now just balling your eyes out in pain and hurt. You curled up into a ball only looking up when you  could hear pope shouting in the distance.
“Shit daisy”he shouted 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know where to go,my mum she she my arm I- I”
Pope wasn’t unfamiliar to your panic attacks,usually being  the one to calm you from them,/
“Daisy breath okay”he stroked your hair making you look into his eyes 
“What happened “he asked and you showed him your arm “shit daisy that’s close to a main artery your losing loads of blood C'mon let’s get you cleaned up back at the chateau “you just nodded following him his hand holding yours hiding you from the people as you walked past. Arriving at a group of people probably his friends,the pogues,. As your vision begins to go hazy you think that maybe your mum was right you are pathetic .He was out on a Friday night ,I looked like the whole damn school was here.he has his life maybe he didn’t want to be your friend maybe he didn’t want to just hurt you .realizing you were fading out he shook you “shit daisy no no no “he cursed“John b keys I need the keys”you heard him say and they were saying something about him getting some “dude shut up this is daisy she’s hurt “you heard him say and all of them looked at you,but you couldn’t bring your eyes too meet them.Soon enough pope was dragging you away and towards a shack,the chateau.
He dragged you inside and you were sitting on the Island In the kitchen/living room,this was a home.
where was your home now?.
“Here lemme see ''he pulled your arm and started to work. It didn’t surprise you he was so good at this he was always good at first aid but this?
Lucky it wasn't on a actual artery but the blood made it look worse,acknowledging the fact you'd been so quiet,he spoke up “hey D look at me “he said pointing your chin up,looking at you straight in your eyes”what happened,when your ready”he asked.As your breathing steadied,you began to speak “my mom,she got back from work sh-she just lost her job a-and”you stuttered,pausing to collect your breathe 
“hey it’s okay take your time okay”he calmed you”she hasn’t drank since..”you stopped and he looked in your eyes.Pope knew all about your dad,leaving you when you were about to go into junior year,you never knew why but one day he was their next he wasn’t,pope helped you through it,when you began to get closer.
“Your dad?”he answers for you 
You nodded
“She said that it-it was my fault that he left and that she lost her job an”you gulped,recomposing yourself“How I push everyone away and that’s why I have no friends I mean let’s face it”laughiing a breathy laugh “she’s right”popes head snapped up “Daisy!you have me,D its okay I’m you best friend and you know she’s wrong okay now this is going to hurt”he assured you,before you could ask questions your arm burned up from the straight alcohol he’d put on your arm “FUCK POPE SHIT WARNING PLEASE FUCK”you shouted and he laughed,frowning when he came too “Sorry,shit this is bad daisy,like really bad,I dont know what to do,I can just wrap it up But ii think you should go to the hospital“he said and before you could fight,a deep voice filled the room.
“What the fuck is going on pope”curse from the back of the room.After observing the heaps of bloody tissues and your T-shirt laying next to you“What the fuck happened to her man,who is this?”he asked pope who looked up at you,asking the silent of’should i tell him’ you shook your head with pleading eyes 
Pity took over popes vision as he answered JJ’s question“Jj this is  daisy,daisy jj”he introduced you and you sighed,finally meeting the blue eyed boy with watery vision“hey,sorry we,urm, woke,you”you stuttered “oh i wasn’t sleeping princess”he winked causing you to furror your eyebrows at the boy you heard stories about ,following up to the elephant int he room.”what happened”he asked,re-observing your surroundings,eyes finally meeting your bloody arm “holy shit you gotta fucking c-cat or something”he demanded .Before you could awnser,a half naked girl stumbled out of his room,pouting
“oh you really weren’t joking when you said you weren’t asleep”you giggle then pope accidentally pressed to hard into your arm making you scream “fuck pope Jesus fucking shit”you cursed 
“Fuck I’m sorry but its clean and the plasters won’t do much but I’ll wrap it up anyways i still think you might have to go to hospital”you shook your head “no no no no  I can’t pope you know that”he sighed “look nerd you know where she cut look how close that is daisy okay” pointing to your bandaged arm jjs eyebrows furrowed in confusion
You tore away from his gaze to the the floors 
“Hey jj,what's taking so long sweets”his guest said,in a thick country accent causing him too sigh turning around going back into his room.You don’t know what he said but five minuets later she was storming out the rusted doors,huffing and puffing, and left and he walked back to you two 
“Sorry”you looked at him and his eyes softened.You were gorgeous and so innocent who would do this to you?.he asked himself”don’t be she was to Whiny anyways you saved me”you smiled ,slightly rolling your eyes at the player you'd been warned from.
“Daisy”pope snapped you back to reality “hospital?”
“Pope I can’t I-I’ll just go home and-“you babbled
”no no way you're not going back there daisy okay not if your moms like she is right now”he said under his breath in attempt to be secretive
“Your mom?”jj thought out loud and you just looked at him,mentally cursing yourself 
Ignoring the blondes “you know i can’t do that pope”you mumbled looking down. 
“Why”he snapped
“Because I live there pope”you paused,forgetting the blonde”you know and it’s not like this is new, you know it’ll blow over”you urged,trying to convince yourself 
“And what if i doesn't daisy”he quizzed” what are you going to do then”he asked causing you to freeze and stand in silence. 
You walked up and hugged him,stifling a sob.Skilfully dodging your arm,you let go of him and held his stare. 
“Pope,your my best friend, okay?Well my only friend. You know that, but you gotta understand why I’ve gotta go home,Besides, she’s probably not even in,she left straight after, she’s probably out okay”you insisted”I’ve got that job with you and your dad tomorrow I’ll see you okay”you insisted
After some silence he looked at you,”I’ll drive you home okay and if she’s there your coming back to mine”he hissed”You can crash in the couch like you did last time okay “he urged”let me just go talk to jj okay”he said leaving you in the kitchen ,now only realizing the blonde had left the room.After overhearing some not-so hushed whispers,pope came out followed by a blonde who carried an angered but also slightly pained expression that left you wondering what pope said in there.Did he tell him about your mum?
After snatching the keys from the side,where you left them,he led you guys into the van.You and pope got into the back and he and just hugged you there it was nice he calms you and you calm him .“Hey pope”you break the silence“Yeah”he returned“Sorry”you apologised“Stop”he spat.
You looked up to him,eyebrows arching up in confusion“What?”you pleaded,provoking him to roll his eyes and your tendency to apologise after any slight inconvenience“Doing it”he grumbled“Doing what”you urged,oblivious to what was annoying him“You always apologise,after everything”he answered letting out a slightly breathy laugh“Sorry”you laugh realising you already subconsciously apologised.“See what I mean”he tutted“Right but thank you”you pushed“Always nerd”he promised“Geek”you sassed,falling into a comfortable silence,enjoying who you considered your family now
“Hey daisy” he broke the silence
“Hm”you humed
“Did you take them today”he asked,you sighed
“I thought I’d be okay pope,i was i promise”you pleaded
“Daisy”he sighed
“I hate them pope,they make me feel so deflated,they make me feel  like a monster”you mumbled into his shoulder
“You have to take them daisy you know that”he scolded
“I’m know i Just”you paused
“I know”he cut in 
“I don’t want to be a monster anymore pope”
“Your not a monster daisy,i promise,you're amazing bub”he praised
Finally pulling up to your house,met with a cleaver driveway you turned back to pope who was checking for the same thing you were “see”you deflated”i'll be fine see you in the morning,7 sharp kids” you teases in his dad's warning tone 
“Daisy i still think you should come back to mine  i don't think you’ll b--”
You pleaded his anxious babbling with a kiss on the cheek”see you in the morning”you demanded and he sighed
You popped your head through to the front
“Thank you for the ride jj sorry about interrupting your night” you apologised and he smiled at you”no worries princess,we oughta be seeing you in daylight too though”he asked “maybe blondie”you winked giving pope one last hug before you made your way through the door,treading carefully,just to be safe.
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stateofirrelevancy · 5 years
CALM First Listen Impressions
I’ve been doing these since SGFG and imma keep doing it till the day i die!!
Red Desert - OOF harmonies okay I see you !! Intro is hella soulful don’t tell me I’m about to cry ALREADY guys… okay that bass in the bg is thicccc and I’m living for it OOF AND THEN THE CHORUS HITS AND THOSE DRUMS BITCH THIS SONG IS SO GOOD ON JUST THE FIRST LISTEN Y’ALL AHHHHH and then that TRANSITION from chorus to second verse my mans ashton did not disappoint !! Guys I’m really feeling this song holy shit it’s so good. Bitch this RED in the bridge is rly TEASING ME like bitch KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!! Low key this song sounds like it’s 90% saying “red desert” over and over but I’m not complaining issa bop and a half !!! AHHH THAT ENDING AND THEY REALLY WENT TO A LOWER NOTE THAT WAS SO GOOD if that ain’t my fave song on the album i’ll be hella shook. Rating: 10/10 obviously
No Shame - I’ve liked this song since the very first time I heard it it’s actually such a bop. I can’t wait to drive around with this song blasting in my car. I LOVE when Luke says “Go on and plaAaAaAce me” it’s so pretty!!! Rating: 9/10 I just wish the bridge had something different I’m not a big fan of sos ALWAYS doing slowed down choruses for bridges and once you notice it it’s hard to stop lol
Old Me - I wasn’t a huge fan of this song the first time I heard it and genuinely didn’t think it’d grow on me AT ALL, but even after the second listen I really liked it, and I’ve really come to appreciate, like, the fan service message behind it? And that music video just made me love it more. The thing I didn’t like initially and still am not a huge fan of is how autotune-y the song sounds. I know everyone uses autotune, but imo it’s way too noticeable in the song to the point where it sounds a little unpleasant once you catch it. Rating: 8/10
Easier - Okay to be honest, I hate this song LMAO like one time I was crying in the shower while I was listening to my music on shuffle and this song came on and I literally stopped crying to change the song and then went back to crying daskjfkaljl Honestly the verses are really catchy and I like the prechorus but god I DETEST the chorus so fucking much it’s so fucking annoying and that’s low key like most of the song,,, I don’t even wanna finish the song but imma force myself to lmaooooo Rating: 3/10
Teeth - I love the bass at the beginning I’m such a slut for thicccc basses. I also like how crisp? Luke’s voice sound initially idk if that’s like a weird thing to say lol. I also hate the chorus here but not as much as Easier and the other parts of the song def make up for it. Rating: 6.5/10
Wildflower - This song was also like Old Me to me where I didn’t really love it at first but really liked it the second time. It’s definitely not gonna be a favorite of the album or a song I’m probs gonna remember forever but I bet it’s gonna be a BOP at concerts which is always appreciated. PLUS I love that Calum is singing he has a very unique voice I think. Also side note I justopened the livestream and it’s a hot mess lmaooo Ash rly fucking fucked up and needed to move it onto Cal lmaoo here I thought I was in sync with everyone smh. Rating: 7.5/10 with room to grow with more listens i’m assuming
Best Years - Anyways moving on from the livestream mess from these kids who don’t know technology,,, oof first impressions: sounds like same vibes as ghost of you?? I love the line “I’ll build a house out of the mess” or whatever. The part where he sings “best yeeaaarrs” is uhhh kinda weird? I thought that when Luke sang this on live but I thought it might sound better on the track but lmao nah I still think it sounds awkward tbh. But the verses are cute. Oof that instrumental was so long I legit stopped paying attention dafkdasjlk OOF OOF OOF THAT PART WHEN THE INSTRUMENTS KICKED IN okay I live for that. Song is kinda short so it gives me vibes of Lie To Me + Ghost Of You in terms of vibe (not lyrics). Rating: 6/10
Side note: I open the stream and they’re?? Just talking abt the album???? What happened to group listen lmaoo okay I guess gotta do everything in isolation around here smh
Not in the Same Way - woah okay start right away I guess !! “You say go I won’t leave” oof I don’t like that lyric cause a bitch has dealt with it and it’s terrible!! Omg when they said “NOT IN THE SAME WAY” in unison I legit live for the boys singing in unison okay OMG WE FUCK WE FIGHT AFDKAKLDJKL he really just gets more blatant every album w these swears huh fdskjkl OOF THAT DRUM BUILD UP SOUNDED SO GOOD Okay this is def a song to bop to live I can’t wait !! “I’m sick of sadness you’re sick of sadness” oof these lyrics bitch…. okay this song is kinda repetitive which is making me kinda tired BUT it’s not the worst thing and I like the parts that they’re repeating i guess LOL oh WOAH that “eh eh ehh” part is kinda interesting OMG IS THAT AN ORIGINAL BRIDGE/THIRD VERSE? From *MY* 5sos?????????? OKAY I SEE YOU,,, Okay the repetitiveness is kinda rly annoying now but it’s okay I still enjoy the song for now but can see myself maybe not listening to this song much later bc of it (Rating: 7/10)
Lover of Mine - Okay acoustic song of the album icu icu “Butterfly lies chase them away” interesting I like that  “dance around the living room” 👀 oof this pre-chorus is really good I’m such a slut for good prechoruses !! Luke’s voice sounds so soothing and smooth but the drums in the background in the second half are a little? Much? I don’t know maybe they’ll grow on me… I really like the lyrics of this song, I didn’t focus completely on everything but,, dare I say,,,, it might be some of their strongest writing yet??!? Omg I love love love these instrumentals near the end esp the piano sounds so beautiful and kind of reminded me of the interlude after San Francisco. Overall I think this song was honestly very beautiful. Rating: 8/10
Thin White Lies - more bass yessss it sounds so good,, are these lyrics about depression? Ehhh not feeling this chorus at all, too much going on and it’s just not a bop and that’s my only criteria for liking songs lmaoo. This song is giving me Empty Wallets + Babylon vibes kind of? Which isn’t rly my favorite vibe in songs tbh it’s just not for me, I don’t think it’s a bad song, though. “I don’t really like me anymore” :((((( mood Rating: 6/10
Lonely Heart - That one two three was so hot ngl,,, ANOTHER acoustic song?? Okay okay interesting. WOAH WHEN THEY CAME IN together god I love that and this OH OH OH part sooo catchy yesss okay also smth I’ve noticed 5sos doing a lot: quiet beginning (or quiet verses) and loud/bop-y choruses… that’s like half the album look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong !! It’s the equivalent of YB being mostly normal guitar verses and then instrumental pre-choruses lmao at least this I like a lot more WOAH THAT BRIDGE???????? WHO IS SINGING THAT IS THAT MICHAEL? I literally don’t recognize whose voice that is has it been that long since I heard his voice am I tripping?? But either way that was really cool. The song overall was pretty? Plain but not at all bad and it’ll definitely grow on me with more listens. Rating: 7/10
High - last song im so sad ahhh oof that sound it sounded like Michael? And it was umm very ear orgasmic lmao weird to put two songs that start like that one after the other tho but whatever. Woah the way Luke sang “highly” was so angelic !!! This is very acoustic-y too, but it seems like it’s truly mostly the same vibe throughout. Oof Calum’s harmonies sound so good. I also like the background “Ah”s this song sounds very angelic and pretty. I really like the way he sings the lyrics like “I hope you think of me high… think of me highly” and the part after that kind of mirrors that line. Not a huge fan of the lyric saying your friends just want you to yourself oof friends don’t like imma be honest that line was kinda cringy lmaoo But this song was very pretty, though honestly I doubt I’ll listen to it much or remember it just cause slow songs aren’t my cup of tea, but I can really appreciate the song for what it is and it was enjoyable to listen to. Rating: 8/10
Unrelated: I like that the album isn’t crazy long like every other album of theirs. I much prefer concentrating on 12 great songs than making 16-20 and then inevitably them hating/ignoring a few of them cause they’re like,, way worse than the rest of the album
Average rating: Okay technically 7.1/10 BUT if you take out Easier, then it’s a solid 7.5/10
I liked a lot of the songs and I’m sure I’ll like them even more with more listens, but the only ones I really LOVED were Red Desert and No Shame. It’s honestly a fantastic album, I just don’t think it fits my personal vibe. I’m very proud of the boys!! I really think it’s some of their best work. (Besides Easier,,, she can choke 💀💀)
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stormyweathersss · 4 years
Whatever I write doesn't anyway so,
I'm not really a fan of Radiohead seeing that I'm more into punk rock even though I'm open to any genres anyway but this song somehow drew my attention mostly because of Thom Yorke's voice and the lyrical content of this song but the chord progression and the melody somehow made me daydream about things that I would actually love to have like a perfect love life or running down the hall chasing my girl.
(Haha) but the moment he sang "if you think that you're strong enough, nice dream." I look back and thought to myself with what I've been going through. I'm just not strong enough to endure everything since I already had a lot to take in from others without having someone to talk to or pour out my feelings to. Which is kind of a reason why I created tumblr.
"If you think you belong enough, nice dream." It was this part that actually made me (almost) tear up because from the group of people I'm in, I always try to do funny things or whatnots just to get them to like me but it took me few years to realize I'm just an attention seeking idiot. Which is why I grew up and not do anything that makes me feel like I fit in with them. And now I realized that my presence doesn't really matter to them since they all made me left out on everything(I guess). Now I said to myself "wait, that's almost everyone! F****!" But I guess that's okay since my presence doesn't matter to them, then that means my absence doesn't too! Now I just do what I like the most which is music and skateboarding(typical teenage stuff). But writing music makes me express whatever feelings I have in me into any musical form or just straightforward screaming it out. Skateboarding on the other hand makes me feel alive(? If that's the word) even though I just learned it and I kinda suck at it ngl but it makes me happy somehow. And meeting new people at skateparks is like a new experience since everyone there is so nice haha. Either way I'm fine and not thinking of doing anything stupid. Im just venting the shit out of myself because of one song haha.
Thanks for reading!
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rqs902 · 4 years
watching xikan on the 娱乐新鲜派,  一起爬墙吧 , and sina 娛情实验室 interviews just made me appreciate him even more. his snarky, playful side contrasts well with his caring, protective side. and i feel like we saw more of the former during ip and we’re seeing more of the latter during snzm. both are nice to see, but i miss his silly fun side and im grateful he still has it in him to act cocky in a non-snobby, but rather joking way but also speak like a true friend about how he feels about his friends who have found success post ip.
aw my child is on the front page :’)
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ugh im surprised only xikan was so determined to use this opportunity to save people who need saving.... but i guess that shows how much he really values the opportunity and his friends who are not popular 
aw im glad linjie immediately corrected the interviewer who said that he has 3 geges in CTO to 6.... at first ngl i was wondering if had moved on from being friends with them, but im glad he hasnt forgotten. even zixin was so surprised zlj called him lol
aw i like that the team 7 group is all together still :’) rip enyu and linkai’s popularity tho. enyu always coming through with the realest quotes every ep. yes this is basically a test of how social you’ve been with the popular kids :\
AW WENXUAN PICKING XUE EN was such a good move on his part, i approve. but also i didnt realize they were close? LOL but like considering where they are, who xue en is, and who else in the group already? a good move.
hHAHAHAH I DONT THINK IVE EVER SEEN LIN MO THIS HAPPY awwww so first i didnt realize kou cong was doing so well, #11 good for him!!! but also this makes more sense as to why jin fan is the only tyger who didnt get picked into this group.... lin mo picked akey and kou cong picked zhan yu, which both make sense as individual decisions but then leaves out jin fan, unfortunately. but MAN they have a well-rounded group.... but seeing jin fan as the only tyger in the lower half votes area and also as the only one who didnt get picked to be in this group? a group that has a song style that he should try to pursue rather than being cast as a vocal AGAIN? hurts. the tygers are the ones who are most likely to save him and theyre all in a different group from him? ouch. i hope hes made enough friends so someone else will save him then... 
wow i didnt realize chaowen was close with shiwei, the cto kids are close with all the popular kids LOL but also im heavily surprised chaowen didnt pick ylq?? when i saw cyc and chaowen on one side and ylq on the other, i felt sad but thought theyd pick him for sure, because he needs saving. // oh i guess it makes sense ycw says he doesnt want to pick between ylq and cyc but still... ylq needs your help more, i feel like itd make sense? but its okay im happy he picked shiwei to help demonstrate further how much the cto kids are helping these popular kids!!! 
i appreciate sxl for choosing to save mxy over choosing a song he wanted most. ugh sad it didnt work out. but he couldve tried harder to pick a song mxy wouldve wanted, if he was gonna switch his choice anyway?? hmm i feel like mxy probably shouldve gone with sxl though... at least he could be saved next round and possibly get more screentime by being associated with someone whos more popular
oof ybz being salty about liu cong and relating it to cxh being salty over xzx.... as someone whos been on the other side of that, i think people should be able to have a best friend but still hang out with other people and make other friends? I dont think it should be restricted like that :\ hes so salty omg.... idk i dont think its a good look for him but maybe thats bc i disagree with his viewpoint about friendship. 
HAHAHAH SU ER IS SO EXTRA like omgomg you picked me you picked me! and oscar’s just like... well.... hHAHAHHhah but id like to think that oscar remembered su er’s tears from ep 1 and kept his sadness to heart. maybe :) 
man its just like what youd expect, the rest of the group choosing gets like fast forwarded to the end lol but yay for cyc and ylq being able to pick the same group tho... even tho it doesnt seem like the type of style theyve done before? i guess that could possibly be a good thing? but man i wish sbh got to do another cool stage :\
wait so the lower rank kids dont get to pick people, its just individual choice at that point? well at least jin fan got to pick a song he wanted :’) at least he’ll get to actually dance this time... (pls let him do some bboying pls let him do some bboying) 
oh rip this mxy hyj group :( feels bad to be the leftover kids.... mxy probably shouldve just gone with sxl....... i saw a post where someone said ofc its a star master trainee keeping this group together and leading their practice - loll..................
lol these closeups at the end are so obviously biased they dont even bother showing the faces of half the group members :( 
even if jin fan is sad at least he has a good attitude about it ><
im crying they literally only included this group’s intros bc youku enjoys watching hyb get personally attacked LOL not that im complaining AT ALL HAHHAHAHAH i love this group already and i love how all the kids have hopped on the lin mua train :’) im cheng xiao laughing my butt off watching them HAHAH but also im 99% sure jin fan is the one who taught zhan yu to sing that line in cantonese 1) bc its cantonese but 2) bc jin fan ALWAYS sang that song in past interviews when asked to do a personal talent LOL my best brooos
real talk tho when will we ever get a zhan yu and jin fan stage? :( 
well everyones super shook that this was 1.5 hrs of song selection and we didnt get any stages... idk if theyre gonna stuff 8 stages into tomorrow’s ep but if they dont i will be worried about skewed voting yet again so hopefully they figured it out somehow.... 
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pwnyta · 5 years
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OOH See I was always confused when the younger happier cats sang because I thought they were trying to win over Old Deuts too... I was always especially confused with Rumple and Mungo because they go all out and if this was any other competition they woulda made it to the finals (the ‘98 version) but then the Jellicles chased them away but they come back... and then theres Skimble whos just LIVING HIS BEST LIFE. Why would he wanna be reborn....
Maybe he was just there to cheer them up after poor Gus broke down... (NGL I think Gus shoulda won... hes so old and sick... hes like at deaths door. Griz coulda waited, just chilled with the Jellies until next time if she still wanted to go.)
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IM SO READY FOR CATS LESSONS. You feel free to talk at me at length about Cats. Im here for it.
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karak9 · 5 years
Another stupid long post about how I don't know my own fucking gender
This is honestly just copied and pasted from a yt comment I made on an older vid and I figured I'd share it here bc tumblr loves this shit I guess lol. God damn I've been questioning my gender for so long and ik rn im prob not still in the best position to be thinking about deep life shit like where I am mentally and im dealing with a lot in my life and also very insecure about potentially being trans bc a lot of my friends don't seem like they would be very accepting and my bf is only really into girls. I asked him how he would feel if I was nonbinary or looked like a boy and he just said he wasn't totally sure but he's only attracted to girls :c he's the sweetest bf in existence and im honestly so afraid of losing him, so aside from obviously not wanting to deal with all the other trans shit, I definitely hope im not trans bc I don't wanna lose him. Anyways, ill start with my childhood I guess. I was always super tomboyish. My older sisters (im the youngest sibling btw) were always p tomboyish so maybe I kinda got it from them but I kinda felt like I was more tomboyish than them? I felt like I was the most boyish girl I knew, like even meeting other tomboy girls in elementary school I felt like I couldn't really relate to them or like they couldnt relate to me enough idk. I also remember once making up a song about being like so tomboyish that I was basically a boy or something along those lines and sang it to my best friend at the time who I copied like all the fkin time (it honestly wasnt healthy lmao I didn't have good parents, also I think I started making up songs bc she did that and I wanted to like impress her), but she thought it was stupid and weird so I just forgot about it and moved on. I was embarrassed to even enjoy playing with dolls or play dress up games online and was determined to play masculine games like runescape (even tho I ended up doing girly shit in runescape anyways lmao) and considered myself one of the guys. In 5th grade when I started needing to wear a bra I absolutely didn't want to, tho some girls in my class thought it was weird I didn't wear a bra when they found out and that made me more insecure about it, but since then I've p much only worn sports bras. I have bought some more normal bras bc I wanted to look attractive in them for my SO or whatever but I still highly prefer my sports bras and can't stand wearing the other ones unless I have to bc my sports bras aren't clean lmfao. I always hated talking about genitalia and breasts n shit but that could just be bc of how I was raised and how my family was always so strict and such radical Christians and anything sex related was a sin, idk if its dysphoria or not. I've never rlly liked my chest and hated showing cleavage like so god damn much and still do but maybe that's the same thing or maybe I just want smaller boobs and that's it idk??? Like I'd want to appear to have a completely flat chest at least, idk if I'd want to actually like have a guy chest or not? Also huge issue with ppl seeing me naked or touching my boobs but again idk if that's gender related or just a normal issue I have. Tho I had a friend in high school (a girl, a very weird lewd girl) who would occasionally grope my chest randomly and it wasn't a huge issue but kinda made me uncomfortable and more aware of my chest. I really like when I wear big hoodies or when I lean over so my shirt kinda poofs out and it looks like I have a flat chest underneath. Though im not super uncomfortable with my boobs, like normally ill want nothing to do with them but I don't mind my SO touching them especially if they're really into it. I wouldn't say im rlly dysphoric about between my legs either, like yeah I think its weird and I hate monthlies and stuff but I think that's normal. I think if i woke up one day and had a dick I would be fine with it, I'd prob even enjoy it tbh lmao. I once had a dream that i was, well, a male dog like,,, ya know, with a female dog, and not to sound weird af (hey we were both dogs ok) but I think i kinda enjoyed it? I don't really remember any other dreams where I remember actually having a dick or feeling it but I've had several dreams as a male person, but p much all of them were like, I was seeing through a character's eyes or smth, not really that I was a guy, so idk if that's normal. I have the same dreams about being other girl characters, I'd say its split about 50/50. Because of this game community im in, a lot of ppl assume im a guy, and a lot of people still think im a guy and I haven't really bothered to correct them but idk if I find it more enjoyable bc its funny or if I enjoy not being referred to as female for once. I'll admit I feel most comfortable referred to as they/them, like without a doubt, if I could go by only 1 set of pronouns for the rest of my life it would be they/them. But ik that's not enough to call myself trans. I definitely wouldn't want to be 100% male. Like if I imagine myself as a grown man vs a grown woman id prob choose to be a woman. I don't like my voice but I think that's mostly just bc I sound 10 years younger than I actually am, and wouldn't really want a deep/masculine voice. Like a "tomboy" voice would be fine if that makes sense? I don't want facial hair or want to have a masculine body, I like that I have curves and soft skin and small hands. Personally I like my hair long bc its soft and people love it, but sometimes I kinda wish I had short hair and could pass as a boy. Like I'd wanna be a typical cute kpop boy ngl lmfao. I like the whole cute androgynous/feminine boy look and wish I could pull it off. Tho I also like really girly things sometimes and am okay being seen as a girl, i just want to be cute and attractive. Ik whether im trans or not I like being a mix of feminine and masculine, tho I admit in the past I've been kinda insecure bc I used to be super sure I was nb and thought me liking girly things and wanting to still havd long hair and wear girly clothes made me seem like "not trans enough" or whatever. But i guess here I am questioning myself again anyways. If I am nb, it sucks that ill never really be able to be openly myself and all but I've accepted by now that I kinda have to pick a binary and choose what I want to be seen as for the rest of my life, and im ok with being female. There are some things I dont like about my body whether they're really gender related or not but I can't afford to transition and wouldn't like most of the effects of T and am afraid of surgery and not sure I want top surgery enough to ever get it anyways, but I think if we lived in a perfect world and I could magically change my body at will and I wasnt afraid of judgment or being unattractive or whatever, I'd probably want to look androgynous and itd be cool to be able to change my genitalia at will lmao. If I had to choose 1 genitalia over the over I honestly have no idea what I'd choose but I have no desire to ever get bottom surgery, at the same time tho I honestly wanna someday get surgery or w/e to never be able to get pregnant. I just could not handle pregnancy or giving birth and I don't even like babies and breast feeding sounds awful so if I ever have kids they will be adopted 100% and most likely be older and like not newborn babies lmfao, babies are honestly so weird to me and they stink and cry and they're so fragile and im so afraid of like dropping them when I hold them lmao. But I like my nieces and nephews and I like being the cool aunt (is there a gender neutral version of aunt/uncle?) who lets them use my art supplies and helps them do fun stuff even if I get tired of them sometimes lol. Idk if that's gender related either but yeah I guess. This if kind of a more recent thing but I often say I'd make a great bf kinda as a joke bc of how I am in relationships like being the stereotypical sweet bf type who makes things for their partner a lot and wants to be their knight in shining armor and their protector and all that, but again prob not rlly trans related lmao just thought I'd throw that out there I guess. So when I was 17 was when I really started getting into trans stuff, prior to that I mostly just learned from my parents that trans ppl were "against god" and all that bs, and eventually started realizing lgbt+ isn't as bad as my family said and later realized I was bi. But anyways I met an agender person online when i was 17ish and I'd never heard it before and thought it was really interesting and asked them how you know you're agender bc after hearing their explanation of it i thought it described how I felt, but ofc they weren't transmed and just described it as being like a deep feeling or whatever and since then i started calling myself agender (and switched between a few labels but basically nonbinary) until my transmed friend told me I was ridiculous and that I wasn't trans, and honestly he was a huge dick but im a huge pushover lmao and I thought well he's trans so he must know what he's talking about, and though I felt discouraged about it I stopped calling myself nonbinary. Then I began questioning it again after not too long and basically since then I've been questioning my gender off and on. I'm now 22 and god I fucking hope im cis but also I feel like a part of me doesn't want to be cis if that makes sense?? Idk if that's because I don't like being a girl for some weird deep reason I don't know about despite being pretty sure I've gotten a lot of my feelings and their reasons behind them figured out, or if it's because I am trans and dont want to force myself to pretend im a girl 100% forever. At the very least, whatever the fuck my gender is, I want to continue going by they\them wherever I can and pretending to be a boy to strangers online and I'd love to cosplay male characters and bind and occasionally just dress masculine for the hell of it and probably wear sports bras for the rest of my life. I feel like in a way I cang possibly be trans because I can live with all of those things and be fairly comfortable still being seen as female for the rest of my life. But idk, I have bpd and other mental shit so sometimes im not great with my feelings (tho I do try really hard to identify all of my feelings/emotions and stuff) but at the same time bpd can cause weird identity shit so maybe its just a weird mix of a bunch of crap and im not actually trans but just weird and tomboyish enough to question my gender for 5 years and still be unsure. Also I know a lot of ppl suggest talking to a therapist/psychologist/whatever professional and trust me I would love to but I can't currently and am unsure when ill be able to bc they're expensive and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere so finding a decent therapist around where I live rn is going to be very difficult. Also, I have fucking crippling social anxiety lmao like I'd be so afraid to open up about this stuff even to a professional. So if anyone could suggest anything online that could help that would be amazing
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All Emoji Asks.
🐰 what is one secret youve never told anyone?I don't really have that many secrets. I guess theres a side of my personality that I spend a lot of energy supressing like hell that I hate with a passion.💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?Right now? My best friend right next to me or my friend back home.🐹 what are some of your favourite pokemons and why?I mean, I only ever played pokemon go, but from that I loved the squirtles and the evees just bc theyre cute af🌠 if you were in charge of the world what would it be like?A lot more chilled out. Chill pills would be mandatory.👀 what was the most recent vivid dream you had?Okay I had two freaking weird ones the other night?In one I was a 10 y/o muslim girl going to a new primary school and while I was there I started raising money for a cancer charity.In the other I was taking a really hard A level maths exam and getting stressed and mad bc everyone kept talking and I couldnt finish it in time.☀ what do you like most about your best friend?EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk, I guess how forgiving and layed back she is. She always tries to understand and see things from your point of view.😘 talk about your crush or partnerLmao I'm alone 😂 I do have a crush but its a million miles from mutual so like, shes amazing but boi it hurts 😂💁 if someone was rude to you would you be rude back?Depends on how well I know them and what they're like tbh. I'll banter, but I avoid confrontation.🌟 what do you like about yourself? (3 things)😂😂😂 wow erm...1. I always try and put in all the energy I have if someone/something needs it2. I make loads of terrible puns its gr93. I really dont have any other qualities idk🐾 what are you scared of most? How will you overcome it?👏 I'm terrified of abandonment 👏 aaaand as of yet I have no idea how to deal with it ngl🎁 what never fails to make you happy?Really good stand up commedy or my favourite music💙 what annoys you about some people?Their complete lack of self-awareness. Idk, maybe I'm low key jealous too but srsly some people????😤 do you get angry easily?Yeah. I keep pretty good tabs on it so you probs wouldnt know it, but if something upsets me, chances are I'm hella pissed too.🐇 what do you always daydream about?Dramatic and upsetting situations or drunk situations 😂🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?1. Sort out equality and all that jazz2. Divide up the land more equally, bc it pisses me off that some people are living in tiny cramped shacks and others have 100 mile square farms.3. End capitalism and with that make all necessary services free.🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?Anon?✈ what is your dream city and why?I mean Ive always wanted to go to copenhagen but theres no guarantee its gonna be my fave. My fave so far is Amsterdam bc its so peaceful and the architecture is to die for.☕ talk about your ideal day?Spend it with my best friend/crush. Lay in bed late and be lazy and watch good TV/movies. Maybe go out in the afternoon to not go stir crazy and entertain ourselves. Stay up kinda late talking about deep shit, lying underneath the stars.🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?Ambivert!💧 when was the last time you cried?Yesterday lmao 😂 i havent gone more than 2 days without crying in the past week 😧 I just got myself into a nice Depression Episode.🎵 name 5 songs you like atm?Argh I havent listened to music in so long (7 days...) umm so things i wanna listen to- youth by daughter- voices by Motionless in white- living dead girl by rob zombie- corpse roads by keaton hensen- lost boy by troye sivan⚡ if you had any superpower what would it be and why?Mind reading bc my anxiety would be halved.💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?I'd tell myself to stop trying to fit in and be like everybody else because the people I know are just a tiny portion of the population and really aren't much to aspire to. I'd tell myself to drop all my shitty friends because it would stop me from dealing with a lot of crap later on. I'd point myself in the right direction of the better people 😂I'd teach myself how to stand up for myself and how to not take any crap.And I'd give myself a hug and tell myself it's okay not to be cishet, because maybe if I could turn back time and start to deal with it earlier I'd be okay with it now.💚 who are you jealous of and why?A lot of people really, with qualities I don't have.I suppose one kid in particular is like, everything i want to be. Kind, hillarious, confident, close to people I love. 💎 what would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? Why?Bravery or kindness?? Its hard to have one without the other. Also beauty ngl bc im fugly.🙊 what are you ashamed of?My gender and sexuality 👏🌺 which languages do you know? Which do you want to learn?I know english and spanish and I'm learning Danish. Hopefully once I'm okay at danish I can learn arabic. Ill be satisfied after that 😂☘ if you could be any fictional characters friend/lover who would it be and why?I mean, theres plenty of fictional lesbians where im like 😏👀 but honestly if I had to pick only one person I'd choose Kieren Walker from in the flesh bc he needs a friend and I relate to him so strongly.☁ talk about your dream universe.Mental and physical illness doesnt exist. People arent dicks. Everything is free. No one feels unloveable.💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?Idk I'm p much done for the day 😂 I've been helping out around the house all day tho🐬 if you could transform into any animal what would it be and why?I mean i might be biased but either a dog or a sloth bc they get to sleep all the time 😂🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike.Someone I was best friends with for 4 years suddenly turned around and stabbed me in the back, made up shit about me, arranged that all my friends not talk to me for a fortnight, sent group emails stuffed with emotional manipulation and blamed me for her suicidal thoughts. I nearly ended it. Now I get to watch my friends still loving her like she isn't the world's most heartless person. It makes my blood boil.😣 talk about something that has been making you depressed/angry/anxious.I'm staying with my best friend rn and I can't stand the thought of going home.🍪 what did you want to be as a kid and what do you want to be now?I wanted to be a nurse and now I wanna be a doctor 👏 variety 👏🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?I cant really eat sugar 😂 so fuck knows? Chocolate?🍑 what are you obsessed with?Brains, thought processes, psychopaths, graveyards and more 😂💘 what happens to you when youre stressed?I just get really emotional and start agressively making lists everywhere in an attempt to sort my life out.😪 what are you sick of?Humanity.🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?Yeah its terrible 😂 i hate anxiety but I also kinda love it when my heart races.💥 what are some unpopular opinions you have?I....dont? I cba with discourse lifes too short.☔ would you consider yourself a good person?I think anyone with good intentions is usually a good person so yeah😊 what do you do as hobbies?Sleep, binge watch netflix and blog 😂🎤 whats the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?👏👏👏 Mr Brightside 👏👏👏 what a jam 👏👏👏🐝 whats your worst trait?Being waaayyy too clingy.🌷 whats your mbti personality type and why do you think it suits you?ISFJ and yeah defo, its the defender and I feel that tbh🐶 send me 3 fictional people and ill choose my favourite.Anon?👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?Kaitlyn Alexander is my bae.Besides that I dont really....obsess over any celebrities? Eliza taylor is doing p good 😂 ummm also some youtubers? Do they count?🐴 opinion on __?Its a great bit of punctuation.🍋 do you consider yourself to be an emotional person?Lmfaoooooo YES📚 share 3 books you love and your favourite quotes from them.M8. Thats not gonna happen 😂 I love any book that makes me cry but I cannot quote a single word.😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? Does it work?Find a quiet corner, shut my eyes and listen to my Depression Playlist. It doesn't always make me feel better but it helps me ride it out.🙂 what thoughts keep you going when you're sad?The thoughts of uni and that I'll hopefully meet some great new people. Also my best friend. Just in general 😂🌎 which country do you live in?England.🐧 describe yourself in 3 words?Awkward, tall and shy.🙉 what quotes changed you?"Pick your fights" bc as much as its a meme it helps me chill outAlso "everything is temporary" and "the sun will rise and we will try again".💭 do you keep a diary?I have a personal blog which acts as a diary yeah💫 who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander!! (Listen theyre like the first nb representation I ever knew and I relate so much to everything they say and theyre so cute and talented)👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?I mean, my initial response is no. Because we're just bags of flesh made up of cells and when we die those cells die so theres nothing to live on.But tbh we know so little about the universe I'm open to the possibility of anything at this point.🎀 whats your fashion sense like?Dior. I know what clothes I like and think look good but I never like them on me.🎬 what are some of your favourite films?Deadpool, My sisters keeper, pitch perfect 2 ermm🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?UmmmmmmmmmmmmWhen I first got my bunny, that was an amazing day!!🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?Um my soulmate? Where are they at?
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divermoon · 7 years
thoughts on nautilus
shaw the thief looking sexy in a tank top im so gay
root and shaw flirting…..good good good
this ep was really about harold though
john inviting him for a late snack…. harold obv showed up expecting a date ;__; 
curious despite his moral qualms wrt working for TM and john arresting him what a wild time for finch
“sometimes you forget i was an international spy” oh john, also them in harold’s office :’) 
like harold could convince himself he wouldn’t care anymore… he cares too fucking much if anything
also he loves maths and a good puzzle
fuscos second best moment this ep was figuring the music notes out, the best was him laughing at john though (i think he had? 2? 3? moments but okay)
also john writing on a pad to code break why is his left handedness and handwriting so important to me, usually he holds his badge or a drink with his right. he prefers his left for his triggerfinger, but he’s vers if it offers a tactical advantage (or it looks better for the camera shot im assuming)
its weird getting used to john as a cop? i hope he still gets like, what ive come to call john moments, where he either goes overboard, or very threatening? its hard explain
gd the claire root parallel
i really liked root and harolds’ conversation the car (lmao while she’s abducting someone)… harold has choices to make
“he’s going to do something reckless bc he’s made at you finch” Oh John also they are so married 
also the way they keep trading bear between them :’) #married
shaw and harold in the car while john goes and does violent/interrogative stuff. them teaming up to interrogate that barista :’) 
two possible improvements: shaw asking the dude if theyre hiring bc ‘a friend of theirs might not be so good at his day job’ (meaning john haha referencing his line abt being a bad cop and shaw hoping he’d be a barista) or shaw getting harold a tea while she’s at it
samaritan is up to no good lmao it’s a good way to introduce the team of counter players tho... at least i have a feeling that may be where it’s headed/indicated it’s going to be heading
“im just bad at being a cop” funny and listen john has gotta lose the mope stubble next ep okay, considering the ending of this ep
ngl i cried john’s face when he realises that harold is back on board and has created a sanctuary for them ;_____;
also that one scene (i forget which) where harold and john just amuse each other i love those interactions
shaw and john teaming up :’) love their dynamic! (i know i know, i always say this...)
harold on the observation deck!! i love the scenes where he gets introspective and talks abt this kind of stuff (like in 2pir, /, the flashback ep, deus ex machina etc) ….
i think mb he thought abt what john said abt a purpose, abt the irrelvant numbers and mb what nathan said everyone being relevant, abt things mattering despite a lack of meaning or the things/people that give life meaning after all
mb what gives his life meaning, purpose, are his friends and the numbers, working as relentlessly as he can for what he carefully considers the right thing to do
he still tried to save claire as best he could while offering her a choice (like he had been given by TM, like she believes bc he taught her… all this indirect content abt harold and TM.. good stuff)
“i know what it’s like searching for a definitive answer” reminds me of: does survivors guilt end when its all your fault? :(
“because id like to think there’s meaning too” in the machine? in the numbers? in helping his friends?? i want to know what he’s thinking and would have said next so badly
john looking so head over heels in love as harold shows him the station and confirms hes back, all of the team trying to get harold back on board :’) 
my heart sang at the ending shot with harold sitting down to work im so ready for the rest of the season im so excited for the next ep
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lovesickmochi · 3 years
so like,
i love the fact that my best friend and i are each other’s side chicks when it comes to us liking someone or dating someone. we flirt, we’re hella touchy with each other, i was her first girl kiss, yada yada.
my best friend is in a relationship where she hasn’t been replied to or talked to for like a day or so, and she’s been pissed off and annoyed with the fact that he isn’t talking to her.
and get this.
i know the guy.
ive known this kid since elementary/middle school and i know he’s not the kind of guy you’d want to date until he’s actually matured.
my best friend’s type is… unusual. i honestly have no idea what the fuck she’s thinking when it comes to dating, but i gotta support her and be there for her, bc you know, she’s my sister. i have to take care of her.
ive been there for most of her breakups and ngl they weren’t pretty. mostly the guys were assholes and it’s funny when they blame it all on her.
lol. it’s their loss really.
but anyways, i care for this bitch a lot. like i would kill and die for her. she’s everything to me.
i recently had a sleepover with ateh and kuya this past weekend and we watched the new cruella de vil movie, got drunk, and talked shit.
i wanted to invite the guy i like, ‘j’. j and i have known each other since elementary and we had a small thing in middle school, but it didn’t count bc it’s middle school. we got to know each other all over again after i left my ex in september 2020. we agreed to wait for each other, since he wants to wait till during or after college. but then again.. he said ‘i love you’ to me and called me his girlfriend to his friends in march. just a couple days before my birthday.
i asked kuya about what he thought about me inviting j. he said “don’t tell him that he could come, but say that you’re inviting him”.
j said maybe at first. then he said, “i think i’m good”.
. . .
two adults who are of age were gonna be chaperoning us the whole night. no parents. and it was a very rare night where i was allowed to sleepover. and he said “i think i’m good”.
so i invited my best friend instead.
we drank, we sang to bad bitch songs, i got drunk as fuck and yelled at her for getting into a relationship when we were supposed to have a bad bitch summer, i got titty pillow privileges, i stayed up all night just to make sure this bitch slept enough for when she had to go to work.
i relearned how to longboard, thanks to my bunso for letting me borrow his longboard, got to ride around a park (kinda) with ateh and kuya in hayward, got kbbq, and watched raya and the last dragon.
honestly, i couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. im glad that j said no lmao. i wouldn’t have gotten to hangout with my favorite people in the world, relearn something i always wanted to do, and just, be free.
future shelby, know this.
choose your 4lifers over a dumb bitch boy that doesn’t know what he wants. be a bad bitch, own that shit, and spend time doing things that you’ve always wanted to do.
also kuya cut my hair :3
hot girl/bad bitch summer, here we come.
(ps. there’s no point in this post tbh. shit post?)
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i-love-weed-666 · 4 years
Kehlani’s  It Was Good Until It Wasn’t  FIRST LISTEN
I’m not the biggest Kehlani fan. I have some songs that I like from her. I think she’s cool. 
-easy listen -smooth, the chorus is really repetitive so its pretty easy to suspect what’s coming
-HARMONIES... i like that...  -very r&b beat -tory lanez sounds good with it...
-slow, nice piano notes -it’s really an r&b beat -heavy on vocals  -harmonies..  -i think its cuz kehlani’s voice is rougher, i keep thinking destiny’s child type r&b harmonies, but its not that smooth... 
-I love megan thee stallion
-pISES, SCOPRIO... CANCER??  -okay.... astrological  -light notes, nice bass.. i should buy a better headphone with better bass... 
-its pretty basic, love song r&b type... alcohol reference..  -jhene’s voice is fucking angelic, sirenic, as always... she’s a real life siren forreal like i can feel the type of magic she’s putting on people - look at me im talking about her on KEHLANI’S ALBUM ok  -the typical like old soundy effect thing idk how to describe it but its at the end and its pretty basic. 
-it just reminds me of how badly they treated kehlani because everyone thought she cheated on kyrie. 
-THAT START.!!  -thats the vocals im living for...  -this is standing out to me ...  -her voice is very excellent here.. she’s really putting alot of her emotions.. very raw i like this song..  - the ecHOES...  -the beat is very hypnotic,.. 
-that fucking SAXOPHONE MAN  -deep...  -this is one of those songs for those edits for when you’re at a kickback and ur in the bathroom drunk and this song is muffled playing  -i’m lovin gthis fucking bass...  -this is like a drunk simping song... same angle as some of summer walker’s songs 
-the beat stands out from the others  -sounds guitary...  -i love how kehlani shows up for bisexuals, just something she’s open about 
-i got distracted, but its good.. fuck and makeup like its maybelline is kinda corny tho.. -alot of her songs sound kinda corny ngl..
-i love lucky daye, im really rooting for him his vocals are fucking heavenly -oh my god... i wish his part was longer omfg -its those types of songs that speak for the human collective, its pretty basic. alot of people can relate to it.
-omfg im almost done my attention span usuallty cant last this long -why is that beat so loud omfg -i kinda dont like it, its like some weird offbeat... idk -im kinda getting bored. i liked everybody business and hate the club tho! its usually the middle songs that are pretty good i think... -james blake just remind me of fedora hats and those layered scarfs and black vnecks in a bar...idfk his voice nice tho.. he probablymost likely sang for his church when he was younger...
-this is 4 minutes. the last song felt like 15 minutes... -i wants some squash right now. like ginataang gulay... fuckk -at some point these songs kinda sound the same.. i appreciate the consistency tho. -that transition was nice!! i liked that -wish i had some food right now... gonna make some tteokbokki later..
-i could tell that this was a really important album for Kehlani i really liked it!! 
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