#but im not planning to use source as my engine so im having a hard time visualizing
hoodiedeer · 1 year
the games i make in the future i would love to have decent modding support for but i cant imagine how to even go about that. it would probably be more work than im really willing to put into that but ig im worried people will lose interest after a while if it isnt moddable
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unlimitedtrees · 1 year
so the game i made, 'UNITRES Dreams', is open source on github now
hello. earlier i made my game 'UNITRES Dreams' open source on github. i want to talk about it. click the little 'read more' thingy to read da rest of this post. i had a lot of things i wanted to say about it and why i think open sourcing games is kind of awesome Lol !!!
also , By The Way, play da on newgrounds ehehehehe ~! or u can download it on itch.io too if you want
so. let me start off by saying that, although i was planning on releasing the source code for unitres for a long while, i was Not prepared to release it now. in fact, it kind of happened on accident.
in case you didnt know, earlier on twitter i was talking about how i wished there was a good way to release my archive of old builds for the game. i have a google drive full of old builds but i also i dont like using google drive. i sent a link to the drive in a reply to someones tweet, but there is one big thing i forgot: the game's project file is also in that drive.
anyways, instead of just deleting the reply or removing the file from the drive, i decided to just release the source code on github now, since i might as well. a part of me feels like i shouldnt have released it so suddenly... but also a part of me feels relieved.
you see, the unitres dreams source code is Bad. tons of messy code with almost no comments... a bunch of hackish solutions to tons of problems... everything is just incomprehensible unless youre me. considering ive been the only person working on the game for years, i understand most of the code and never needed to make comments (especially since making comments in construct 2 is Annoying).
my original plan for releasing the source code was to go back and clean everything up; improving tons of messy systems and adding comments explaining how everything worked. i also was planning on adding new content for a new update to the game aswell.. such as an options menu and maybe new levels and characters or something. i have Tried going back a few times to clean some little things up and work on a keybinding system... but i havent had the time to focus on it and do what ive wanted to do with it.
so, yeah. im kind of glad the source code is just Out now. it probably wouldve taken me Years just to do what i planned... and i think its best to just get it out now instead of just waiting years for something that might never happen, even if the source code right now is incredibly insane and unusable.
which leads me to something most people might be wondering: Why even release the source code in the first place? honestly, i doubt a lot of people will get use out of it, especially with the bad code and it being made in an old, dead engine that you cant even Buy anymore. but despite this... i think its good to release the source code for your games for a few reasons...
for one, its good for archival reasons. ive had a huge anxiety over losing all the source code for my games... its happened to me before and it really hurts. not only can you not use it in the future, but you lose a lot of work youve done, and for me ive lost a ton of games which were important to my journey as a game dev. nowadays, i try to hold onto all of my projects and have saved them to multiple computers and hard drives, but releasing them on stuff like github and google drive at least makes me feel a little better.. and hopefully with the unitres source code being public and the google drive for the old builds being out, it means that i wont have to worry about losing either of them.
another big reason is that, even if no one uses the source code for anything like mods or whatever, i think games having their source code out is good for learning game dev and understanding how games are made, even if the code is a big mess. even if i did get to go with my plan of cleaning up the source code... i feel like thatd be kind of dishonest, cus Most games Never have perfect code when theyre made. its good if you use the most messy code in existence just to get the game done... you can't always spend forever perfecting something, and at the end of the day the game eventually has to come out at some point. even big triple A projects will have weird code in some places... thats just a fact of life. i think having the source code out lets people see the kinds of crazy stuff that goes into a game, and maybe seeing my crazy code will influence others to do things a lot better in their own things. that's what i think, anyways.
and hey, even if My game never gets any sort of modding community, that doesnt mean Your game wont. there are a lot of communities out there who make some crazy things with mods.. and things such as open source games or decompilations can lead to some incredible stuff. with decompilations, youve got things such as mario 64 or the retro engine sonic games being ported to pretty much Everything, and then youve got open source games like Doom and friday night funkin which are being pretty much kept alive Because theyre open source and have a huge modding community. even if a game never gets as much interest as those.. it doesnt mean it never will, and having a game be open source can help a community grow so much more.
anyways umm yea. i think making games open source is awesome. there is a little part of me that feels weird about making unitres dreams specifically open source and the possibility that people might make fangames and mods out of it, as its something thats really personal to me (especially since the main character is named after me), but if people do make fangames and stuff with it i dont think ill mind, especially since a lot of my early work was fan games and unitres dreams takes a lot of inspiration from the media i love. all that i ask is that people include the original credits from the game in their thing, especially if you reuse any of the music from the original soundtrack.
i think, at the end of the day, my goal with this is to inspire more people to open source their games. a lot of good things can come out of it. that's all i have to say i think. play unitres dreams on newgrounds dot com ehehehe !!
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pomellon · 1 year
oh my god the aftermath of that though i know nothing about any of this but im gonna keep contributing bc i love me some snf angst on top of everything else that’s happening !!
like you mentioned sapnap not being able to look at george out of guilt and also fear, he feels almost like a monster with how he “allowed” himself (although he obviously had no choice) to try to kill his own boyfriend,, and the others have no idea either
george is understandable terrified but he knows the sooner they get the ship fixed the safer they’ll be and they can go home but now they have all this internal trouble going on
Yesss! This bad boy can fit so much snf angst >:3
Another part that I’ve been thinking about is the Marker influencing Sapnap to protect it while George tries to destroy it, this at first leading to some mild disagreements but eventually leading to Sapnap actively trying to sabotage George’s plans to save them.
Also since you, lovely anon, and a couple of other people interested in this au have mentioned not knowing much about the source material, lemme give you a lil run down of the first game and how the first part of this au will play out and some info :D  TW for mentions of violence, delusions, paranoia, and suicide.
The year is 2508 and the USG Kellion, a small crew spaceship, has received and taken on a distress signal from the USG Ishimura, a planet cracker typed ship currently stationed at the fringes of the galaxy on a mining mission.
Sapnap and George are two of the 5 crew onboard the Kellion, Sapnap an engineer and George a data analyst, both sent to help fix whatever is broken on the Ishimura. They both volunteered to join this mission specifically, since their boyfriend Dream is one of the scientists stationed on the planet cracker. The Ishimura was deployed on a 6 month mission so it’s been a while since the boyfriends have seen each other. In the last transmission they received, Dream seemed worried about some strange events that have been happening on the ship. Things keep breaking, people are growing aggressive and anxious, and violent accidents have started to occur more frequently.
When the Kellion arrives in the solar system the Ishimura is located in, it’s instantly obvious something is wrong with the ship. The Ishimura is a huge ship (over 5,300 feet, over one mile or 1.6 kilometers, long from stern to bow), designed to use its gravity tethers to pull huge chunks out of planets to be mined.
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(the Kellion is the smaller ship in this image)
The ship’s lights are all off, making the vessel hard to spot despite its size, and when they try to make contact they get nothing but white noise until they eventually pick up an unintelligible transmission. George believes this is due to a problem with the Ishimura’s communications array and another of their crew suggests they dock immediately to bring their assistance. Their commander enters the automatic docking procedure, only for the Kellion to be hit by orbiting debris, sending the smaller vessel off course and causing it to crash land in the Ishimura’s docking area.
The crew survives the crash but are now stuck on the larger ship. Despite this they decide to get to work, entering the ship’s Flight Lounge. George gets to work rerouting the power to get the elevators up online, while Sapnap enters the side office to run a system diagnosis on the ship console, only to find out that pretty much all the systems onboard are either offline or malfunctioning.
While he’s making note of this the quarantine system is suddenly triggered, locking all doors in the room, separating Sapnap from the rest of the crew. George reasons the system is just malfunctioning but Sapnap explains it’s actually one of the systems that’s still working when a mutated creature with scythe-like arms drops down from the vent above the Flight Lounge. It instantly kills one of the crew while the rest scatters. Sapnap, still locked in the other room, is forced to run deeper into the ship, avoiding the creatures that burst out from the vents in the walls and ceiling, eventually entering an elevator that briefly allows him a safe space.
Stepping out on a lower level of the ship, Sapnap soon finds a dead crewmate who seems to have spent his last moment writing a message on the wall with his own blood: cut off their limbs. Hinting at the fact that these creatures can not be stopped by a shot to the head, or even decapitation, but will only stop moving once their limbs have been severed from their bodies.
From here on out Sapnap and George set to work on fixing the massive ship, to stay alive, and to search for Dream. As they do they find clues and logs slowly tying together a story of what has happened onboard the Ishimura.
So general backstory of what’s going on:
Before the ship even arrived in the solar system, miners had set up a colony on the planet Aegis VII to prepare it for cracking. While doing so they uncover the Red Marker, an alien artifact and holy relic of a religion known as Unitology. Unitologists believe that the human race was created by the intelligent design of a divine alien agency, and will be reunified after death in Heaven through the power of the Marker.
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(The Red Marker, aka huge silly alien rock that will make you have delusions to do its biding)
Shortly after the Marker was uncovered a large number of the workers and civilians of the colony started experiencing mass hysteria and paranoia brought on by violent hallucinations. Many people experiencing these symptoms starting to sabotage or tampering with equipment, casing accident resulting in death, for reasons they can't really explain, many of them seeing dead loved ones telling them what to do. However, as it turns out many of the higher ups, including the Ishimura’s captain, were agents of Unitology sent to retrieve the marker to bring it back to Earth, despite the reports of the effects the artifact was having on the planetside colony.
The same hysteria of course slowly started to spread on the ship when the Marker was onboard, eventually evolving into mass homicidal and suicidal impulses, both on the colony and ship. At the same time, unidentified flesh growths started to build up in both locations. Despite this the ship was still prepped for plant cracking, but the moment the Ishimura broke the surface of Aegis VII the power of the colony went out and unknown organisms started appearing, infecting the dead bodies and turning them into Necromorphs, abominations that kill and infect dead bodies in order to spread the infection.
Travel between the colony and Ishimura was shut down, but some colony survivors still managed to enter the ship by shuttles, unknowingly bringing necromorphs and the infection onboard.
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squeakadeeks · 3 years
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had the thought to compare and contrast difficulty levels for costumes that i've made 👁👁💦 i gave a brief description in the images above, but in the read-more I go more in depth about what it was like working on all of these
Sandalphon: honestly i felt like the sewing parts of this one were the hardest. I didnt have to do too much tailoring other than following my usual pattern and slapping foam accents on top. the wing assembly also went smoothly bc i managed to use large surface areas of velcro, that being said i really wish i had put more effort into the wings and made them look nicer. to me they look really flat and...blah. the foam feathers needed more detail.
Lif: lif was hard but shockingly not as bad as one might assume? mostly my standards were really high but the engineering for him wasnt too crazy. Casting the transparent worbla was a NIGHTMARE but it was frustrating more than hard if that makes sense. there were a few armor pieces like his bracers I had to make several times over, but what made him difficult was making sure each armor piece looked really polished and overlaying everything. i think i had maybe a rage-quit or two but not a crazy amount.
Corrin: speaking of rage quits man corrin was probably the hardest armor for me, mostly bc he was maybe the 3-4th armor set i had made and he was entirely vinyl wrapped, which was new to me. I almost quit this project like 4 times. what made it hard was overlaying all the armor pieces and getting a good, flattering fit while also achieving smooth vinyl wraps.
Alfonse: I've only alluded to this but i actually made alfonse to cope with my extreme depressive episode in 2019 where i had daily Unaliving thoughts and my coping strategy was "everytime i want to Do That, get up and work on alfonse" and then boom alfonse got made. my memory of that project is hazy, but i know i worked like an absolute madman on him, but the details are eehehehhehhehhhhhh. i remember it being really hard and i had to remake most pieces on him several times (i know i was up to 6 attempts on his shoulder)
Hypnos: I made hypnos after a string of armor projects and jumping into chiffon was a challenge, i also had to learn french seams and all that and it suuuuucked. His blanket was also really hard to work on bc it was so large, fitting it into my maschine was a struggle and even small changes took large amounts of time bc of the scale. I also wanted him to have the highest polish of any recent project so i went bananas making sure everything turned out as perfect as possible. it was hard!! but breaking down his costume into individual parts helped.
Robin: oops im writing an essay so i'll keep this short, the hardest part of robin was figuring out how to effectively have "glowing lights" with no obvious source on my torso. the concepting stage took about a week of fiddling with LEDs, but once i had a plan making him wasnt super bad. the hardest part was his jacket just bc i used pleather and it was hard to finangle.
Nekomancer: TBH he was i think the easiest project ive made in recent years? the capelet posed the biggest challenge, but other than that it was a pretty friendly project (the broom was also hard, but i struggle with props unilaterally so hmmm)
Kaworu: Kaworu was like..."hard easy" if that makes sense. what made him hard is there's virtually 0 margin for error on plugsuits so everything has to be executed perfectly which is hhhhaaaard. vinyl wrapping his armor was tough. I also messed up on the patterning (the ribs should be much smaller) and that haunts me.
Padparadscha: looking back padpa was harder than i remembered, like not just tailoring a 12 paneled bodice and figuring out the wig, but im also recalling how difficult fabric matching was. Getting a perfect pale gold with the right balance of sparkle that also contrasted nicely with the ivory sateen took a lot of trial and error. padpa was hella hard, but i do wish the end result looked better -_-
Phos: wow almost the same situation, tailoring the bodysuit was hard (im not at all happy with how it turned out) it wasnt as crazy as padpas, but still turned out worse oopswhoops....fabric matching was much harder here since i had a super clear vision for what i wanted the moon outfit to look like, i had to layer 5 different types of tulle and organza to get the look 👀 and the wig was difficult bc the vinyl i got was harder to work with (making sure it curled and curved took a lot of effort)
Karna: KARNA IS THE HARDEST PROJECT IVE EVER DONE D: people always think its lif but nah...it was karna. karna had so so so many armor parts, and they all had to be clear, clean and polished. similar to a plugsuit, i felt like there was no margin for error and with his design there was little to no ability to hide flaws AND his attachments make no sense. he took a month and a half of daily work and im still iffy on his end result. the armor had to be super form fitted, the bodysuit had to be perfectly flattering to fit his stupid betty spagetti ass frame, the wig was hard, the cape was hard, he was hhhhhhaaaarrddddd
i might write the other ones later rn im tired and i got an exam to study for girl help
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lovemesickly · 4 years
plastic hearts - prologue
plastic hearts masterlist
a/n : this is my first ever fanfiction that i’ve written on tumblr, so i hope that most of you if not all of you enjoy reading my story. also quick side note if you didn’t know before but during this book (much later) i plan for the main character to have a love interest. based on what you’ll know about the mc, please feel free to share your opinion on who you think her love interest should be.
chapter warning(s) : none so far
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prologue : job hunting
song : sunlight by hozier
It was days like today that made it hard to get up, the woman’s body, who was laying in her bed, ached with every breath she took. She was tired, exhausted and if she had it her way she’d go back to sleep, but it seemed that every time she closed her eyes she was plagued with the feeling of terror. Stretching her arms out, she pulled the warm covers off of her just to rest her feet on the stinging cold hardwood. Trying to wake herself up she took a moment, running her palms over her eyes trying her hardest to rub the sleep out of them.
Though she ended up taking more than a moment as she got lost in her thoughts, lost in the feeling of the coldness that enveloped her in a hug. Finally after trial and tribulation, she managed to stand up on her feet. Some how her body caring for itself as she was dressed and ready to go about her day. Stepping out into her hallway, she ended up shutting her front door with her wallet and keys in hand. Double checking that her apartment was in fact locked, she looked down at her watch covered wrist only to see that it was fifteen minutes to two.
Racking her brain she calculated the time in her head, estimating that she should be back home at the latest by six thirty. Tucking her hands in the pockets of her jean jacket, she started her journey of trying to get outside, her feet themselves carrying her down the stairs. Once making her way outside, she started to trek to her destination. She had one objective today and that was to find a job. And with the rate she was going she honestly wouldn’t be able to survive off of the money she had left in her bank account.
By now an hour had passed and she hadn’t had any luck with jobs. Continuing to search the streets of Washington D.C. to find help wanted signs, the corner of her eyes seemed to catch a blur of black. Sharply turning her head, the woman got whiplash as she looked down the street only to see a black suv with tinted windows pointed in her direction entirely. She wanted to get a closer look as she couldn’t see who was in the car but knew someone was as the engine was running.
Trying to not look into it too much, she started to walk again turning her head back to it’s original position only to take a quick glance back at the suv. Though the moment she did, she was filled with surprise as the spot it previously occupied was now vacant. Huffing under her breath, the woman received weird looks as she spoke to herself silently but not as silent as she had though, “it’s nothing Alek, it’s nothing.”
Continuing with her task for the day, (the now named woman) Alek walked down every street of the metropolitan area. With that, her luck had gotten better as she managed to score a couple of interviews on the spot. Though, with every interview she was only told that they would call her in the next couple of days with the news if she got the job or not. And to be honest with how everything has been going lately she’d be surprised if she actually somehow got hired.
Furthering her quest, the sun had now set as it was close to six pm, the city of Washington D.C. busier then it had been before. By now Alek just wanted to get back to her apartment and take a blistering hot shower as her whole body was numb from the frigid cold weather. Trying to get some feeling back in her feet, she started trekking back to her apartment.
About to cross the street, Alek looked towards her right and left to make sure no cars were near by and that it was safe to cross. Looking around it was clear to the naked eye that the street was safe to cross but only to that of the naked eye. For a second she too had thought it was safe until she saw something reflect in the darkness of the night.
As her eyes couldn’t depict what exactly she had seen her feet started to carry her towards the reflective object. Alek had only taken about 3 steps when all of a sudden she seemed to realize that the reflective object wasn’t an object at all but it was actually a car. The black suv that she had seen earlier in the day to be exact. Usually, she wouldn’t be so concerned about the suv but having seen the exact same one more times this week than she really has with any other cars, it bothered her greatly.
Shaking her head, she knew exactly what the source, causing the suv to follow her every move, was. Knowing that it wasn’t going to stop until she put an end to it, she ended up turning around changing her destination to that of a bus stop instead of her apartment. Alek honestly couldn’t believe that it had to result in this, at first when she noticed the black suv she wasn’t at all worried. It was pretty normal to see suvs all around Washington D.C. it was a sight everyone sees everyday.
Though, to have seen the same suv multiple days in a row and to see it almost everywhere she went, irked her in more ways than one. Reaching the bus stop, Alek was fortunate enough to have arrived right as a bus pulled up. As the doors opened, she climbed on in only to see more than a dozen people occupying the seats.
“Where to”, a voice called out causing her to snap her head towards the direction the voice came from. Her eyes stumbled across the face that went with the voice, recognizing them as the bus driver.
Pulling a five dollar bill out from her right back pocket, Alek handed it to the burly looking man. “Virginia”, she said but she could tell that wasn’t enough from the look on that of the man now holding her once five dollar bill. Swallowing hard, she set her shoulders back while looking the driver in the eyes with a look that could only be described as blank. Though it was hard to tell as her eyes were covered by that of a baseball cap but that didn’t matter as she finished her sentence, “Quantico, Virginia”.
Just as she had uttered her sole destination, the driver closed the doors and started driving again. Seeing that almost all of the seats were taken, Alek ended up heading towards the back and taking a seat that was up against the window. As soon as she sat down she closed her eyes, taking a second to just relax and let everything soak in.
It wasn’t that she was feeling overwhelmed it was just the fact that she still wasn’t use to this life. The life of an everyday normal United States citizen, where people have real 9 to 5 jobs and don’t have to worry about the enemy. Overall, it was too much sensory overload for her body, it wasn’t just the change in environment but the people along with it. Going about their day as if everything was fine and dandy, they had families that they could go home to, people that would miss them.
Just thinking about it she got a little jealous, it was an emotion that Alek haven’t experienced that much in her life until she moved to the D.C. area. Trying to shake it out of her body, she opened her eyes and scoped around the bus. Casting her eyes to the left of her she could see that there was a middle aged man who kept tapping his foot on the floor of the bus.
By the looks of it, he had just gotten off work as he was covered in a grey tailored suit with his briefcase resting at his feet. To everyone else he might look well off that of a wealthy man and he probably was. But upon seeing his left ring finger Alek seemed to notice that there was a slight tan line accompanying it. That in and of itself was enough to tell her that he use to probably be wealthy, but all his wealth was taken away in the divorce.
Hence the tailored suit, the leather oxfords obtaining his feet, the bright silver diamond watch on the inside of his left wrist, along with his sleek black suede briefcase. It seemed that whomever he was married to, had gotten to keep everything including his car because it wasn’t everyday you saw a man like that on a bus like the one both the man and Alek were occupying.
Having glanced at the man long enough, she turned her attention back towards the window that occupied the right side of her body. She sighed as she watched the streets of D.C. wiz on by, though it turned into a blur as she was now lost in thought. She hadn’t even realized what was going on until the bus stopped and out yelled the bus driver, “we’re here”.
Slowly she lifted her head, expecting to be met with many faces only to be met with one and that being the driver of the bus. Getting up, she made her way to the front, thanking the burly looking man as she made her way down the steps and out into the crisp cold air. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her watch for the third time only to see it was closer to eight pm than it was to seven. Wow, a total of about two hours and she still didn’t even realized how long she had been on that bus for.
Pulling her denim jacket tighter around her body, Alek started her journey to her now almost reached destination. It took about 15 minutes to arrive, but once she had she couldn’t pull the door open any sooner. Stepping into the building she was met with warmth, the one thing her body had been lacking all day. Making her way towards the elevator she was quickly stopped short, “excuse me miss, but where are you going”.
Pivoting on a foot of hers, she looked at the woman who stopped her. “I was told to just make my way up, I’m here for a meeting”, Alek lied to the woman in front of her causing the unknown woman to bunch her eyebrows in confusion.
“Meeting with who? Im sorry but that can’t be visiting hours are over”, the small statute of the woman was now just getting on Aleks’ nerves.
Hearing the elevators open Alek started to walk backwards towards them. “My meeting”, Alek said just before taking a step back into the elevator, “is with SES Erin Strauss”. With that, she watched as the other woman’s face turned bright red. Whether it was from the fact that Alek was now standing in the elevator or the fact that Alek had a meeting with Strauss, she had no idea. And she didn’t stick around to find out as the elevator doors closed and she was now headed up towards the floor of the BAU.
Honestly, she couldn’t remember the last time she was in the FBI headquarters, but she knew that it was long ago. If her memory serves her right she hadn’t stepped foot in the building since she was in middle school. All in all it’s been almost two whole decades since Alek has seen the inside of the building and she wasn’t unhappy about it either. Before she knew it the doors to the elevator slid back open and she was now one step closer to her destination.
Walking towards the glass doors that led to the bullpen of the BAU, Alek swung it open only to be greeted by the stares of strangers. Minding no business to it, she continued her journey up the steps of the bullpen and walked down one of the long corridors that led to Strauss’ office. Stopping in front of her office, Alek raised her hand and knocked on the door lightly only to be met with a, “Come in”.
Opening the door, she shoved her body into Strauss’ office. As she was now in, Alek watched as Strauss looked up from her paperwork and pointed to the door behind Alek, “please shut the door and take a seat”.
Doing as told, she shut the door and sat herself down in one of the chairs opposite of the SES herself. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of you being here”, Alek could just see the cocky smirk Strauss had on her face the moment she got done asking Alek that question.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alek clasped her hands in front of her. “I don’t know, you tell me”, she wasn’t going to play Strauss’ game if that’s what she thought, “first the phone calls now the suv, what do you want from me Strauss”.
Taking her reading glasses off, the once cocky smirk on the SES’ face was now wiped off clean. “I didn’t want it to go that far, but how else was I suppose to get your attention? I tried calling bu-“.
Right as Erin mentioned the phone calls Alek cut her off, “The phone calls should have been enough of a clue that I didn’t want to talk, that I just wanted to be left alone”.
“Well you should have known that I wouldn’t stop just there”, by now Strauss had a pointed look on her face her eyebrows raised all the way to her hairline. Both of the woman were now just staring each other down while sitting in silence until Strauss let out a deep breath and continued from where she left off, “I want you to join the team”.
Shocked would be a pathetic word to describe the emotion that passed over Alek. She was more so bewildered, why on earth would Strauss say such a thing. “What, why”, where the only words that Alek could get out of her mouth at the moment.
“You’d be a great asset to the team, we could use someone like you especially with your background”, by now Alek still didn’t know how to process this all. As she still had yet to say anything Strauss decided it would be best to ask the woman opposite of her a question, “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?”
The moment that question left her mouth, Alek was all too quick to respond, “I haven’t”. That seemed to shut the SES right up as she now looked flabbergasted. Shaking her head Alek stood up, her heart was racing through her chest almost caught in her throat, “I can’t do this”. Making her way towards the office door, Alek ended up practically slamming it open and hurrying down the corridor as she could feel the walls closing in on her.
Just as she was about to step on the floor of the BAU bullpen Alek was pulled back into reality as the voice of the person she was just speaking with rung out behind her, “Miss. Vultaggio, I understand that you’re going through some things right now but please give it one day, that’s all I ask”.
At this point Alek was fuming with anger, clenching her fist so tight she cut off the blood circulation only to turn around looking SES Erin Strauss point blank in the eyes. “I mean no disrespect ma’am, but going through some things?”, Alek all but spat out at the woman. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve....done”, Alek had uttered that last word with what some could think was disgust. At that Alek closed her eyes trying to calm herself down before opening them up again, now calm Alek took a deep breath, “But, I’ll think about it”.
With that, Alek didn’t have the time to see the look on Strauss’ face as she just wanted to get the hell out of there. Turning back around Alek made her way towards the doors of the BAU only to catch out of the corner of her eye the stares of four people.
From the looks on their faces it seemed clear to Alek that they had caught the conversation or I guess the banter she just had with Strauss and to say that they were pleased would be an understatement. They probably have never heard anyone talk to Erin that way before as she was their superior, one that they weren’t very pleased with.
Though just as Alek was about to turn her attention back to getting out of there, she ended up catching the eye of the youngest one in the group. She could feel him profiling her as soon as their eyes met, though he wouldn’t be able to profile much as he probably had no idea where to start. Having been through enough during the day, Alek ticked her jaw in agitation and set her eyes forward again just to walk out of the BAU and back into the elevator.
Looking at her watch for what should be the last time that day, Alek slightly chuckled under her breath. How wrong she was about the time she would make it back to her apartment only just seemed to annoy her more than ever.
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spooky-somewhere · 3 years
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women posting their w's
click for better quality, note under the cut
every day i get a little more gay and i think it's thanks to these two.
kate's a little short and sam is drawn to look older so i do want to specify, kate is 24, sam is 28, kate is just a) an alien that lives longer and thus might look more 20 than 24, and b) short for her species which is actually a lot of complicated lore that i am going to ramble about because THIS IS MY BLOG GODDAMNIT
big tw, discussion of themes of eugenics, death, abuse, and murder.
so kate is like, an alien, right. and she comes from this planet where you're ranked from birth. when you're around, like, three, you get put into a category, and kate, being a scrawny child with a lot of health issues and a couple defects, was essentially cast as the lowest class of person. she'd be used for whatever was needed of her until she died, or, in other words, she was considered human livestock. until a woman with a lot of power looked at her and was like "yeah i can work with that".
she turned kate into a scout, which was only really a step above human livestock but hey it's better than being completely disposable and an embarrassment to her family. scouts are meant to go to planets (advanced alien civilization dontcha know) to scout (roll credits) out planets that could be colonized.
she got put on a ship with an ai named Thea and essentially her only contact with her family was a shitty communications device. Thea was pretty much her only friend throughout that entire time, acting as a rational source of information to contrast herself, who happened to be highly emotional, anxious, and impulsive. as is cliche with stories like this, the planet she was going to was earth. problem, Thea didn't know how to land, as she wasn't actually meant to land planes, only fly them, which meant the ship had to crash into a forest.
the ship was damaged almost beyond repair. kate did what she was told to do in her handbook and sought out shelter or any lifeform, carrying a few rations. she'd never really seen rain before, so the rainpour that night was something she remembered for the rest of her time on earth. kate found an abandoned warehouse, and obviously, being impulsive, she opened the door.
what she didn't expect was to find someone living there, an engineer and mechanic that said her name was sam. she noticed kate was shivering, and brought her inside. she didn't have much for other people, but she did have a couple throw blankets and an extra order of fries from her dinner, and kate was more than comfortable sleeping in a chair that night, because she hadn't been around other people for a very long time, much longer for people who cared about her well being. sure, she had thea, but thea couldn't wrap her in a blanket and give her fries.
the two of them spent a lot of time together after that. they discussed marriage a lot, but kate was the one to ask the question. she couldn't afford a ring, but she could afford dinner at a restaurant by a river, by candlelight. sam still remembered what she said - "we don't have a lot, but i just want to be with you, i want to stay here forever, i never want to leave you, i couldn't get a ring and im sorry but if i work really hard i promise i'll get you the biggest wedding ring i can get and we'll live a good life". many tears were shed that night.
kate managed to get a job at the local bar, getting paid under the table. (the only issue with that is that the bartender happens to be sam's college ex and they both hate each other.) she took up a baking hobby, started selling baked goods online, while sam worked extra hours at her mechanic job, even taking up jobs outside of work hours for things the company she worked for couldn't do, wouldn't do, or would charge too much for. they'd been engaged for a year when they finally had the money to get a house and have a wedding.
before they had the chance to move out, thea had warned kate of what would happen. by then, thea had been given a body by sam, and kate's commander, her boss, knew something had to be wrong. she was planning on going herself, to check on kate. after all, kate was more of a... pet project to her instead of a genuine endeavor.
kate doesn't remember what happened that day. she doesn't like talking about it. she doesn't really like visiting her ship anymore, either.
the following months were spent looking for houses, until they found a two bed, two bath in the kind of neighborhood where there are enough trees to where you can hear birds in the morning. kate decorated pretty much everything, sam just did all the heavy lifting (and painting, and plumbing). kate helped as much as she could, but watching her wife carry heavy boxes was, like, probably more important.
kate eventually left the job at the bar, but she stayed friends with the bartender. (she might be into thea, but she won't tell kate.) she catered events, mostly weddings, with the things she baked, and when she had the time, she'd drop something off at the bar for the bartender to sell.
sam kept working as a mechanic, mostly working on cars but sometimes helping with other things if someone emailed her asking for help. she left her job at the first auto body shop, and found another one closer to their house. sometimes, she gets dragged along to kate's events, and has to wear something fancy, but if it means she gets free food she'll take it.
GOD i rambled on for entirely too long okay im going to BED goodNIGHT this is entirely too long, im so glad i figured out how to do the read more thing SAUKGHDSK
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thisisnowanmlpblog · 4 years
I dont know if you do requests or not, but uuh: mime bomb befriending another clown based operative? Their more of an acrobat, but they have the makeup and everything and they understand sign -tea anon
Pairing: Mime Bomb x OC
A/N:Im so sorry this took so long i've been super busy. This is just the first part but hopefully I will get the other parts done quicker.This part is just platonic but i am planning on it getting romantic in later parts
TW:Caps, Yelling, door slamming, a lot of cursing, 1 year age Gap (oc is younger), daggers
Title: What A Laugh
Mime bomb finally had a week off. He could just lounge around his room without any makeup on and without having to try to communicate and infuriatingly failing.Laying down on his bed he was just getting ready to take a nap when DING! One new message from faculty.
“Hello Mime Bomb sorry to interrupt your Week off but you have been requested to join us in 30 minutes to be assigned a new mission.”. So much for his week off. If he had 30 minutes he better put on his face. He gets up grabs his makeup and puts on his face and starts walking to the faculty meeting room.
Upon arrival he hears Cleo’s voice say “Ah Mime Bomb so glad you could make it on time! We have a new mission for you!”
“What is it?” He mimes inquisitively.
“We are sending you on mission to get Dr.Bellum a ‘plasma ray’ supposedly”.
Mime bomb looks at the preoccupied scientist with a pondering facial expression.
“Hmm,” she says looking up from her screens “,oh hello Mime Bomb, we are sending you on a quest to Norway,  and its not for a plasma ray! It's for a portable plasma guns energy source, with it I will be able to reverse engineer it too make copies to power VILE and sell them to the criminal underworld to power whatever their evil hearts desire!”
“What are the missions specifics?” he replied hoping it would be clear enough.
“We need you to sneak by and be an inconspicuous party-goer while your  partner acts as distraction, but we will need you to stay in the vicinity before that to scout for any red and any red herrings” Coach Brunt answered for them.
“Don't you mean that the other way around were my partner sneaks by and I’m the distraction?” Mime Bomb asked confused.
“No I meant it  exactly the way I said it, why you usually are a wonderful distraction Jester is much more suited for a party environment.” She stated trying to answer all Mime Bombs questions. But it just added more. For example who was ‘Jester’? He thought he had there name before but where at ? Who was it? The answer was on the tip of his fingers when the doors behind him slammed open.
“SORRY I’M LATE WHAT'S HAPPENING?” said the late-comer. Ah yes now Mime Bomb remembered, Jester, one of the graduates from the year after him. The only time they had talked was when Mime Bomb was joing to report him for juggling daggers in the dorms but Jester had managed to bribe him with some water proof makeup that quickly ran out.
Jester spotted Mime Bomb and Mime Bomb made awkward eye contact with Jester.
”Is this about the thing?” Jester whispered.
“No it’s not, you definitely bought my silence with that bribe.”
 Jester nodded in response and than acknowledged faculty.
“Since you missed the meeting we will send the briefing to you tablet and you can read it you have 20 minutes till take off, dismissed.” Cleo finished the meeting off with.
Mime Bomb and Jester exit at the same time and Mme Bomb hears Jester talking to himself.
“DisMISSed more like what I MISS?” is all MB catches as his partner continues to mumble under breath.
Hearing the joke Mime Bomb silently cracks up laughing. He's laughing so hard that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. And that's how he ended up stubbing his foot directly into a corner of a wall.
“Fucking shit ass Motherfucker fuck muffin” he signs angrly.
“You know for a guy that speaks with his hands you think it would be easier for you to actually watch your language” Jester responds.That gets MB to laugh yet again and distract him from the pain. He finally understood his partners code name! And he knew Sign! WAIT A MINUTE HE KNOWS SIGN!
“Wait a minute you know sign?” Mime Bomb asked.
“Yep and those few you signed were among the first learned although I have never seen anyone sign ‘fuck muffin’ before so that's a first.”
Mime Bomb was now using the wall he stubbed his toe on for support while laughing up his lungs. At this rate he was going to need an inhaler for the mission. Oh crap the mission. Mime Bomb said goodbye and went go get ready as did Jester.Than they joined each other company at the Helicopter Pad.
“You ready to put on your best face Mimey? Hmm wait no nevermind that might be a bit too much with makeup.”. Mime Bomb had to remember to breath while getting onto the ‘copter.
Mime Bomb flashed a smile at him to show he liked the joke and than hoped in to his seat.
“Okay so brief debriefing of the mission should be loading on too my phone any second now, ah there it is let's see, ugh im discraction AGAIN? I mean i know im a jester but still, I’m sure you understand ya know with being a mime and all?”
“Yeah it's kind of refreshing doing the stealth part of the mission for once though, it's infuriating to just entertain as a professional thief we should be able to partake in both parts, why go to theif school when you could have just gone to one for Drama?.”
“I know right!!”
“So what's in the bags” Mime Bomb gestures to Jesters several duffel bags.
“Since we most likely aren't going to be running and are going to be there for several days I tried to bring everything I could to entertain people.”
“hmm guess I don't have that problem considering I just use air props.”.
It was know Jesters turn to laugh and as he was doubling over to do so Mime Bomb realized he was really glad to not have that week off.
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akechicrimes · 5 years
it does matter, actually, that goro akechi is a minor. not because this somehow exonerates him morally, or because this somehow makes him not responsible for his actions, but because persona 5 is invested in children as a source of hope for a better future. 
once i saw someone complain that people will defend akechi’s murders on the grounds that he’s a child/minor and how they felt that this doesnt excuse multiple counts of murder. and i was like, ok, well, im not sure anyone was excusing him, but alright, sure. and i’ve seen a few rebuttals to that, one of which is that shido and the other adults in akechi’s life had a responsibility to support akechi in such a way that it didn’t come to murder, and of course it’s on shido to just not be a massive dick who endorses fascism and murders in the first place. and i was like ok, well, this seems a little patronizing and dismissive of akechi’s agency and autonomy, but alright, sure.
in a very roundabout way of explaining my first two sentences, there’s one thing that bothers me lately, and it’s selim bradley from fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. 
for those of us not familiar with fma:b, selim, or pride, is the oldest homunculus/artificial human in the show and the second-oldest villain, despite the fact that he looks about eight years old. of the seven homunculus named after deadly sins, selim/pride is the only one to survive the show--with an asterisk, which is that selim gets the “homunculus” part of him erased by the end of the show. with the “pride” aspect of him gone, selim is mortal, without any special powers, without memories of any of his amoral acts, and is generally just a happy, normal child.
which is a weird exception to fma:b’s general rule in which every other homunculus dies. even fan favorites like greed and envy don’t live, despite the fact that greed and envy are far more sympathetic as characters. selim kills multiple people on-screen, shows zero remorse whatsoever, and is an active helper in all the other mass-murders that the homunculi engineer. selim’s not an innocent in any way. also, he’s like, 200 years old? 300? he’s very old. biologically, mentally, emotionally, selim is not a child.
but fma:b goes out of its way to make sure that selim gets a second chance at a future, just because his body looks like a child’s. cut another way, he gets an exception from a large number of terrible crimes, up to an including participation in genocide, just because he looks like a child. 
fma:b reminded me that, outside of tumblr’s purity politics over children, and especially so in japan, children are socially constructed in a very specific way, beyond biological age and legal majority cutoffs. 
yes, biological age is a thing. yes, legal majority is a thing. i’m not saying that being a child isn’t a biological thing--it is, obviously. but what i’m saying is that there’s a difference between, say, the sex assigned to you at birth and your gender presentation, to use an analogy. there is a such thing as biological age, but the societal status of being a child of a related but separate thing. and this status of being considered a child is a societal construct.
the social construction goes like this, insofar as i’m aware: children should be good and silent and dutiful and work hard and go to school and listen to their elders, and their elders in turn should do everything they can to guide the children to the right path and build a good society for these children to inherit. (if we want more details on this, please see the entire history of filial piety in asia.)
so that’s a social contract right there baked into the social construct of childhood: children don’t have power, but adults have an obligation to make sure they don’t need power, and to make sure that the future and their children’s futures look bright. 
children represent the future, essentially. they’re the next generation. they’re simultaneously without legal rights as adults and in a very vulnerable position, for sure, but they’re also simultaneously considered the country’s most precious capital: quite literally the people who will inherit and lead the country next.
which, personally, i think puts a whole new spin on the phantom thieves in general. they’re not just kids who’re being rowdy or kids telling abusive shitty adults theyre being abusive and shitty--or, they’re kids doing those things, but they’re not just kids doing those things. they’re kids who’ve been specifically let down by adults who did not fulfill their social obligation to them. they’re kids who’ve been abandoned and neglected by the very adults who should have been paving the way forward for them, as society has asked those adults to do, because those adults have instead chosen to line their own pockets and cover their own asses. 
so the kids said: alright, well, then i’ll take power for myself, and i’ll make my own future. (which is where we get a lot of those promo slogans of “steal back your future” and junk like that.)
sae’s comments about how adults should do their part to fix the world for the kids is just a resolidifying of the way the world “should” work, and we could talk about her comments on the matter, but actually i wanna talk about yoshida.
i especially want to talk about yoshida because yoshida and shido are the two politicians we see the most of, and both of them spend a lot of time reciting political rhetoric to speak to the hearts of the general japanese populace. we all know the way that shido thinks of japan: a large vehicle that one person is in control of, and the masses just compose the throne upon which the ruler sits.
we also already know that yoshida’s a Real G, but it’s worth really close-reading some of his lines. he speaks a lot about apathy, the lack of caring for each other in society--a general willingness to disregard your fellow man, to not uphold one’s social obligation to each other. but he also talks a lot about the “youth”--which is not really uncommon for a politician, obviously, since politicians are always talking about “the children” and “the kids” and “the next generation” and “those damn millennials” and all that shit. 
yoshida instead gives us these fun lines:
A world where the young exist only to be exploited... is a world that must be changed!
And while our society appears to be prosperous, many of our young people are quietly suffering. They lack jobs, security, savings... The next generation will lead us into the future and yet they have no plan for how to arrive there.
Passing on the societal ills we have created to the next generation... is not right!
...the current administration refuses to discuss their plans for the future... Can we really accept such an utter lack of transparency?!
If you make a promise, you must keep it. If you make a mistake, you must atone for it. These are basic human principles that we have all learned from the youngest of ages... 
yoshida’s entire thing about how the adults have let the children down isn’t just him saying shit--he’s commenting directly on the fact that the social contract has been broken, and he’s putting the blame on the administration for not upholding their responsibility to secure a future for the children, especially since the children are the future of the country. 
this is partly why he doesn’t blame the phantom thieves for acting the way that they do; rather, he seems them as a logical reaction to the injustice that’s occurred as a result of the society that the adults have left for them:
I bet [the Phantom Thieves] are a group of young people. Young people who have experienced cruelty and injustice... They bravely face the societal ills that plague our world without thinking of the consequences.
(i think also in part he admires the fact that they’re anonymous and don’t benefit personally from their actions, which is exactly the opposite of what he did as a young politician. he also doesn’t throw the real embezzlement culprit under the bus to exonerate himself presumably for the same principle of desiring selfless public service instead of personal gain.)
in both the early parts of the s link and later on when yoshida starts talking with matsushita more extensively, akira’s important because he’s young--he represents the young demographic that yoshida and matsushita are discussing the future of. akira demonstrating support for yoshida in a public way means a lot because he’s a minor. matsushita asks akira for his opinions on the phantom thieves and other issues because akira is a minor. akira’s opinion is supposed to be heard and valued by adults, who should take his opinions into consideration and do their best to not let him down. 
this is tied into the general thread of yoshida being a person who was self-admittedly just as corrupt as everyone else, who was blinded by glamor and fame and money, who got caught up in political scandal. yoshida’s general acceptance of his mistakes as a human being and politician ties over to his general belief that it’s not that the youth are rebellious no-good teens, but that the youth have been let down by politicians like who he used to be. he blames himself, and because he is not too different from the rest of the older generation and politicians in general, he implicates a lot of the older generation and politicians as also blame-worthy.
his quest for redemption and atonement dovetails neatly with his views on the broken societal contract. taken together, yoshida’s s link implies to us the idea that the entire general older generation in japan more or less owes the children of japan a formal apology, and the older generation better get on their redemption arc and start being the vanguard of the change for children:
The reason [the Phantom Thieves are] causing a stir is because they are addressing the world’s problems. Setting aside whether their actions are right or wrong... there is one thing I can safely say about the Phantom Thieves. A belief with conviction... has the ability to move a person’s heart.
I’m sure you are all aware that I am “No-Good Tora,” the one accused of embezzlement. However, because I was accused like that, I was able to understand the suffering of the weak. Why am I in politics? In the past, it was merely for personal gain. But why do the Phantom Thieves continue to change hearts? I believe they do it for the world and its people. And in choosing to do justice for others, they had no choice but to disguise themselves. No matter what the world says, I fully support them. 
I’m just an average citizen. However, I will continue to voice my beliefs. I may not be able to become a Diet member this election... and I may not be able to effect change during my lifetime... but I’ve made my peace with that. I will be happy as long as I can be a meaningful stepping stone for the future of our youth!
okay. so that was a lot of close reading about yoshida. why did we do this exercise, tumblr user akechicrimes. 
there’s two takeaways from this. the first is the one that yoshida has already talked about extensively, which is that the phantom thieves are just but not because Fuck Cops and Fuck Capitalism and Fuck Anime Jeff Bezos. the phantom thieves are just because the people who are supposed to be upholding society aren’t doing their fucking jobs. the phantom thieves are specifically saying: we’ve been let down by society, so apparently we have to do everything our goddamn selves around here.
(which also ties in neatly to the general “fuck cops” vibe of persona 5 which, i would like to say, is very specifically “the cops are not doing their jobs.” the TV station scene where akira speaks back to akechi is, if i’m remembering this right, maybe the ONLY time we really hear “akira’s” opinion on the morality of his own activities, which is fascinating because he just does these things without ever justifying himself to the player--anyway, his three options are: (1) They’re justice itself, (2) They’re necessary, and (3) They do more than the cops. so akira can’t ever at any point say that the phantom thieves are bad, but his most interesting and detailed answer is to point out that the cops aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do, so who can really blame the phantom thieves for doing what the cops aren’t?)
the second takeaway is that yes, goro akechi does get more leniency because he’s a minor. 
yes. seriously. this isn’t a matter of excusing what he did, or downplaying the fact that he committing murder. i’m not saying that he wasn’t old enough to make decisions (although i would never say that he was old enough to make decisions, because he was 14/15 when he got wrapped up in shido’s conspiracy). i’m also not saying that akechi, somehow for some reason, didn’t volunteer himself willingly, because all the evidence points to the fact that he did (although of course “free will” is also highly circumspect considering his living conditions at the time and the fact that shido makes it clear that he was able to manipulate akechi without ever infringing on akechi’s sense of autonomy). i’m not even saying that akechi was driven to the point of murder and had no other choice (although i think that might also be true as well).
what i am saying is that under the construction of childhood as japan’s future and japan’s hope, akechi is considered a valuable member of society, and is therefore worth saving.
or at least he should be.
akechi says that he’s an unwanted child, but “unwanted child,” according to yoshida’s rhetoric (and a lot of japan’s general rhetoric of children as hope for the future) is an oxymoron. (or at least it would be an oxymoron if japan weren’t so fucking hypocritical.) you can’t not want the future of the country. you can’t not want hope for a good future. the very idea that a child could be not wanted or not valuable doesn’t make any sense, because children are the future--in some ways, whether you like it or not, that child is going to inherit the earth when you’re dead.
the kind of person who’d not want those things is--well, shido. (this is why i used yoshida; yoshida and shido are two polar opposite politicians.) shido quite literally does not want a good future for anyone in the country and quite literally does not want akechi and quite literally does not see akechi, one of the very young-person citizens that shido is supposed to be serving, as useful or valuable in any way unless akechi is directly promoting shido’s fame and popularity. shido being akechi’s father is just a very neat and nice way of literalizing the ways that shido, as an adult, has let down akechi as a child--the ways that shido quite literally owed akechi something to make akechi’s life and future better, and instead did everything awful.
there should not ever be a thing like “unwanted child.” that in and of itself, from the start of akechi’s life, was nonsensical. and to the extent that shido being akechi’s father is allegorical of the ways that shido is a terrible patriarch for japan, i would say that akechi, as an unwanted foster child, is just another allegory for the ways that children nowadays are treated as misbehaving, lazy good-for-nothings who have to work themselves into the dirt to be given half the salary and half the praise. akechi, as an unwanted child, is just the personification and representative of an apparently unwanted generation. 
what i’m getting at is that akechi’s status as a minor (and yes he’s a minor even if he’s eighteen; age of majority in japan is twenty)--akechi’s status as a minor is a critical part of why akechi gets a shot at a redemption arc. so yes, actually, the other villains or palace-rulers don’t get redemption arcs because they are adults, who had a societal obligation to do better by their peers and by the children of japan. yes, actually, akechi’s informal “trial” in the hands of fandom is to be tried as a minor and not as an adult. yes, i know kamoshida didn’t kill anyone and akechi’s literal crimes are more morally repugnant, but yes, unfortunately, being a minor does actually exonerate him on the morality spectrum to a degree. 
being a child matters in the larger scheme of persona 5′s logic of who owes who, who’s responsible for who, and why we should not be apathetic. adults owe children a better future. adults have been letting children down. adults owe every single phantom thief, including akechi, an apology, a better future, and health and happiness; and they owe that to japan’s future not as a matter of exchange or morals, but simple social obligation. adults are supposed to take care of the kids--full stop. 
”okay but @ tumblr user akechicrimes?? akechi KILLED people.”
yeah, i know. i said “being a minor does actually exonerate him on the morality spectrum to a degree.” 
what degree? no idea. that’s up to you to decide. if you want to play in the black-grey-white morality scale that only goes two ways, you’re welcome to continue to ask “what degree.” we can argue that being a minor somehow reels akechi back from the “black” end of the spectrum into the “grey” or “white” parts. 
but (if i may be permitted to go completely off the shits into things that might make people pissed off at me for saying) i implore you to consider that this two-way scale of morality is not the line of thought that persona 5 is pursuing. 
this, again, ties back into the social construction of a child. i’ve said “a child is representative of the country’s future” so many times i think it’s lost meaning, so let me dice it a different way: a child is socially constructed as representative of potential and hope. a child is socially constructed as the capacity for things to get better. in persona terms, a child is the fool at the start of their journey, all futures contained in one present, a vast multitude of could-be’s. 
for a game very concerned with japan’s general societal ruin, children are not just in the position of having been let down by adults, but are--as the phantom thieves demonstrate--representative of better futures regardless of how terrible circumstances look in the current day. they are a source of believing one day this sad, depressing story might actually end with “and then they lived happily ever after.”
if i may go even more completely off the shits, take a look at this heckler from yoshida’s s link, which is the one that akira speaks back to in the middle of yoshida’s speech:
...I’ve been wrong this whole time. Even though someone has failed in the past, it doesn’t mean that person can’t try again.
this is to say, redemption arcs insofar as persona 5 (and also persona 5 royal, i think) is concerned is not a question of necessarily addressing the wrongs that have occurred. yoshida sets the bar pretty high in that yoshida does not ask for forgiveness for what he’s done, and instead simply accepts his actions and their consequences without attempting to lessen the blow. he embraces what he’s done in all its awfulness. 
but because akechi is a a minor, and because akechi as a minor is getting wrapped up in persona 5′s train of thought about kids as the hopeful futures of japan, akechi is at the very least owed a chance to do better. as a minor, japan is societally contracte to give him the space to have the potential to be better and do better. nobody is obligated to forgive him, and indeed neither royal nor akechi ever seem to entertain this as a valid possibility. forgive, forget, reconciliation, retribution, and resolution seem to be all off the table, as if the very idea would minimize haru or futaba’s losses. the very conceit of the dreamworld in P5R wants to shoot down the very idea that the past can ever, to any degree, be fixed, remedied, or even emotionally resolved. akechi will have always killed wakaba and okumura and this fact will always be awful--full stop.
nevertheless, despite the fact that the past cannot be changed, akechi is still a minor. rather than attempting to resolve the issues of the past, akechi is still owed the space to become a beacon of potential change for the better in the future--which is also known as hope. 
i’ve said this in other posts elsewhere, but persona games are like, obsessed with hope. they fucking adore that shit. why not? even in difficult times, even when things are terrible and you’re going through misery, if you at least have hope that one day things will be better, that life will change, that the new generation will step up to the plate and make the story have a happy ending, pain becomes easier to bear. and why not? persona games cover a breadth of difficult topics. 
especially in a game like P5, which talks at length about modern day japan’s ailments, what good is it if the player walks away with a defeatist attitude that the future will be terrible? 
if reality is malleable like morgana says, isn’t the first step to have hope that this is true?
this post has gone on a lot longer than i thought it would. but in any event. that’s why it is valid to say that akechi being a minor “exonerates” him to a degree. 
also selim bradley lives because fma:b concurs that children are a hope for a better future and fma:b is particularly invested in this line of thought because it’s a story about edward transitioning from a child to a young adult who is learning about the ways that the world works and is also still just childlike enough to propose that the world shouldn’t have to work in the bloody, awful way that it does. selim is representative that all children should be given as many chances as possible to do and be better because they are representative of potential. if that wasn’t clear. lmao.
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weedhorse69 · 3 years
Holy shit bitcoin is really just a worldwide game that got value because enough people agreed to play.
This is my favorite article on the topic so far and the one that explains it most clearly. But yeah, it works because of artifical scarcity and people willing to spend money on processors to guess/”solve” the right hexadecimal value to mine coin.  Which means that Ethan got incredibly lucky that he decided to play this game back in 2012 (while I was busy being suicidal what am i DOING). 
Several coins like this exist, and it looks like dogecoin is the second most popular cryptocurrency. 
Environmental impact: 
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Ooooh why are the top articles funded by powerful financing groups that have a lot to gain from bitcoin staying in circulation. Ladies, ladies please.  
“Studies indicate that the annual carbon emissions from the electricity generated to extract and process Bitcoin are equivalent to the amount emitted by New Zealand or Argentina.
The publication indicated that there are still disagreements about how big the carbon footprint of cryptocurrencies is, "but nobody disputes that it is big." Also, because of the way the industry works, the more popular Bitcoin becomes, the higher its carbon footprint”
So a solution is that bitcoin can still exist with a switch to sustainable energy practices.  The issue is that most folks are still using electricity off of our current grid which produces carbon emissions. the foundation is bad, not bitcoin mining.  The issue is that our current carbon emitting foundation is also the most consistent source of energy (talking America rn. I know Europe and Canada are ~different~ and we’re all jealous lads).  
“One additional potential risk from the growth of bitcoin mining (and other proof-of-work systems as well) is the increasing energy usage required by the computer systems running the mining algorithms. While microchip efficiency has increased dramatically for ASIC chips, the growth of the network itself is outpacing technological progress. As a result, there are concerns about the environmental impact and carbon footprint of Bitcoin mining. There are, however, efforts to mitigate this negative externality by seeking cleaner and green energy sources for mining operations (such as geo-thermal or solar), as well as utilizing carbon offset credits. Switching to less energy-intensive consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS), which Ethereum is planning to do, is another strategy; however, PoS comes with its own set of drawbacks and inefficiencies.”
“For example, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, promised to invest $ 10 million in developing cleaner technologies for the production of the cryptocurrency. In turn, Aker Solutions, an international engineering company based in Oslo (Norway), will build Bitcoin mining facilities that use renewable energy.”
Another common concern is that it is a waste of electricity.  Meh.  You can argue that TV is a waste of electricity.   
Ways to Benefit: 
"I've done the math. Forget mining. Is there a less onerous way to profit from cryptocurrencies?"
As mentioned above, the easiest way to acquire bitcoin is to simply buy it on one of the many exchanges. Alternately, you can always leverage the "pickaxe strategy." This is based on the old saw that during the 1849 California gold rush, the smart investment was not to pan for gold, but rather to make the pickaxes used for mining. Or, to put it in modern terms, invest in the companies that manufacture those pickaxes. In a cryptocurrency context, the pickaxe equivalent would be a company that manufactures equipment used for Bitcoin mining. You may consider looking into companies that make ASICs equipment or GPUs instead, for example.
In conclusion: 
Bitcoin is only bad for the environment because of the framework it sits on.  A switch to renewable sources could remedy the very very real environmental impact that bitcoin has.  The trick would be convincing mining pools that investing in solar, wind, geothermal, etc is a good idea. Or providing an incentive to switch to renewable sources.  
This means that 
a) calls need to be made to your government official to make a penalty for mining pools giving off a certain carbon emission. might be hard to regulate tho since mining pools are spread throughout the country and bitcoin ensures a good amount of privacy in transactions.  
b) Pressure the mining pools themselves to reduce the carbon footprint or suffer further public backlash (looking at Malaysia incident). This seems to be the current popular path.  
c) Market renewable energy as more efficient than the current system. 
No, no girlie, think about who you are appealing to.  These are likely businessmen or redditors.  Both are likely to forget that people are an asset or are likely to undervalue humans.  They wont do anything until the environment affects them.  Their values align with being the strongest and most affluent there is.  
...I would have to think about this.  These folks tend to be high risk, high reward (like my bf) And rn the high risk high reward thing is to keep mining and keep playing with climate change cuz they usually think renewable isnt as good or easy cuz its not right there yet.  This is a marketing problem, isnt it.  Omg Im cringing as I say it but I deadass think that time would be better spent lobbying Elon Musk about this.
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starlightshore · 5 years
im kinda want to get into this sort of thing so is it okay to ask u a few questions? if not just delete this, but here goes? would u reccomend game maker studio 2, and how hard is it to use in ur opinion? and is there anything u wish u knew at the beginning of making ur fangame?
aw anon you’re so sweet! don’t worry about asking about this, its really exciting to make games and trying new things! i would not say i’m an expert, and i wouldn’t even say i know gml like. at all. i just understand a how the code is used, but now what the code itself is or what to type exactly. like, i understand the theory more so than actually doing it. which is, eh, fine? i’m getting by, and i’m still learning. i’ve only been using gms 2 for 2 months now.
also, i’m using a fangame engine! i feel its kinda like cheating lmao, but its just meant to be a framework to build your own thing off of. and i still need to learn gms2 to use it, and i plan on doing more advanced and complicated things (ie: changing how battles even work structurally.) so. i’m not good at gsm2 yet, but uh, really once you understand coding its not any harder than i’d imagine w/ other professional game engines. compared to unity, i like this better because it seems built on the idea of making 2d sprite games. its SO much more simpler and the userface (while. i’m not a fan of how it has its workspace but whatever) is simple and easy to grasp.
i can’t say for certain if i recommend game maker. its very pricey and doesn’t go on sale often. (big sales i mean, it goes on 15% somewhat frequently) i really, really recommend doing your research first. 
so here i talk about what game engines i’ve used over the last year. (also i hear Godot is good!)
at the end of that post i said this: “TLDR; figure out what kind of game and story you want to tell/make. i could of saved a year’s worth of work if i just sat myself down and realized i wanted to make a completely new fangame separate from my old blog stuff. and that i wanted to make an rpg specifically.“
and so! past me has good advice. figure out the scope and what story do you want to tell. with AL, I know it has 2 chapters, and rn i’m only concentrating on chapter 1. chp 1 has 7 nights and one area where you fight enemies. its very story/character driven and is more so like. a deconstruction of the rpg genre than an actual rpg game. (i know that the word deconstruction is over used as hell, but it is what this is.)
it builds off the themes of the original, while focusing on things that i want to focus on and develop. ut, at it’s heart, is about stories and grief, i’m just taking it to a different extreme and angle.
uh, anyway, i really wish i knew what i wanted to make and understood the source material more and what i wanted to make. i’ve. thought really really hard over what UT means, what message toby was trying to convey, how he did it and what I thought about it. understanding what YOU want from and for your project is the most important thing. WHY do you want to make this? WHAT do you want people to feel and think about when playing? or even, after playing? it doesn’t have to be super deep either.
so, figure out what you what to make, and then you can work on the how. really plan your story, but honestly i wouldn’t recommend planning it in super big details right off. also, super helpful to have a friend help you brainstorm and plot check things for you. (shout out to my friend the sniffer
anyway, don’t plan things TOO detailed because things are GOING to change no matter how well you plan! just try to get get an outline done, then rewrite it 5 more times and then MAYBE you’ll be ready to tackle a more detailed version. then write it 5 more times. i can’t stress enough how important planning is, and how you shouldn’t expect everything to work out even on draft 10! things will work, and when they do, draft 10 is going to look like bad awful nonsense cause you’re at draft 20 now and everything is much more coherent and better. games aren’t written or consumed all at once on the fly. its not a piece of fanart, a fanfic, a comic. its not updated more than once. its out, and then its just out. plan for it.
and real quick, don’t worry about art assets! depending on how you do the art, that’s most likely going to change and its going to be polished LAST. i could go more into how you should think of art when game developing, but thats another topic. just. honestly use shitty art assets and worry about it later.
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kris’ place holder sprite for deltarune ^ it don’t need to be pretty, it needs to be practical.
second advice: start SMALL!!! i feel i should of done this, and frankly i probably will have to sit down and do this lmao, basically, you should make boring small games to learn the basics. I know, i know, nobody really wants to recreate asteroid when you got big ideas of making stories and animations u wanna make. but like. you really need to figure out how the program works and how the code works in theory and practice.
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ok so like, think of coding like this. i got this from a skillshare video series, so uh. i’m going to retell this but in a shittier and likely less nuanced way. sorry
ok so imagine. you’re telling this guy who is trying to get to Gary’s house. now, Gary’s house is just down the road, few houses down, now, you can tell this guy that and he’ll likely find the house just fine. but if you’re telling a robot it’s not going to understand what “down the road” means. what road? how long? it needs instructions that are simple and work in a language it understands.
so you tell the robot “go down two houses, stop at sign until x seconds pass, turn right, go forward 1 house, turn ect. stop at house, ring doorbell. IF Gary answers, go inside; ELSE: do not go inside, wait;
so this what i mean by understanding the theory behind the code rather than the code itself. yes there’s complexities and differences in each language, but they’re ALL based on the same concepts. different program languages are less like different speech languages, but rather different dialects of the same. (uh, like us english vs uk english) its just different rules and “spellings” of the same core concepts.
next advice: don’t be afraid to ask for help! but also! do so within reason! if people are OPEN for helping, be sure do so in the right environment and within what time works for them. compensate people for the time and effort if you can. ALWAYS try to figure out the solution yourself first. often with coding, it can be a simple solution that you could of thought of yourself if you took the initiative to. google is your friend, youtube is your friend! (ok, youtube isn’t, but in this case! yes!) the answer might not always be easy to find, and its perfectly fine to look for help but its good to at least try on your own first!
speaking of which! LEARN LEARN LEARN! be ready to devote A LOT of time to watching and reading about game development. this goes to every game making program, not just gms2. i watch. so many videos on gms. i rec having the video play at 1.5x or 2x speed to cut down time. obvs you still need to retain the information, so speed might be not a good idea then. and its REALLY GOOD to pause and type out the code and follow along. but its also good to just understand the concepts, and theres no harm in rewatching once you’ve understood it  better at a different speed.
things WILL click and work out for you, and its going to be a very time consuming and long journey to get there. i LOVE making this game and telling this story but I also had no idea what i was getting into! and i probably will have more advice once i’m further in, (i’ve only used gms 2 for 2 months!) but thats the best i can say for now! i hope you pursue your dreams and start making things!!! you can do it!!! 
the best time to start is yesterday, the second best time is right now! even if you put a little effort into it everyday, you’ll  build up progress and you can learn SO MUCH over time and theres this whole world of possibilities out there! the world NEEDS your story and your perspective, and i think creating it in anyway you can is necessary for humanity! your work will mean something to someone someday, and i am so excited for you to start your journey!
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order-progress · 5 years
I used to have a really entitled outlook on life. In my mind though, I was entitled to my thought processes because it was where my mind existed in the place having had come from a once far more turbulent era. Back then I didn't question things that werent outwardly obvious. I didnt question the unremarkable identities of things that exhibited no distinctions amongst one another. Life was a stream of experience, and I just did the best of choices I decided to arrange, or really actually, more like shuffle choices into a messy pile and pat myself in the back cause I could squint at it my mismatched pile of non related events and not feel guilty for putting off routine, structure and goals.
I guess it isnt so surprising to anticipate that like all my other experiences, disicpline would present itself when and if I needed it to be summoned out of wherever creative and yet very hard to imagine location i would imagine it arriving at some future, ambiguous date, just in time to make no work look like fancier no work and with ribbons on it.
Something very common happened to me, something that is happinning right now all around the world, no matter how many days, or years after i first posted this here.
My boyfriend broke up with me.
I wore my entitlement pretty high that day, because somehow, despite there having been no carefully executed plan made on ky end--some masterpiece scheme of genius where one could really see there existed some reasonable and healthy attention to tackle to fucking problem.
Nope. My mother fucking entitled ass decided id actually be shocked. Not even fake shocked. Thats how you know you have lost touch with your surroundings, because big things happen in your wake..while your awake and yet somehow your stuck on who killed the butler in the library with the candle stick.
What makes this one of the most significant event despite its occurance being fairly common globaly, is that his presence had caused me to become more aware of more of the things I would have otherwise taken in stride, none of these events were remarkable on their own, but collectivelly, I had inadvertantly cleaned up my mindspace to find neatly organized clusters of thoughts no longer blending into the subconcious like 70's urban grafitti.
I didnt hold that moment to some disporportionately skewed sugar coating scale just to get ribbons on them after they were organized,I just acknowledged them, like a breath,where as before, they were simply obstacles or pit stops that would perpetuate the chronic attention deficit I had welcomed into my head. I like to think of ADD as the worlds most innefective street sweepers, they sweep alright, but they just make a bigger mess and then you got things in places they have no business being in.
I was in a place of low self worth because of an accumulated collection of short lived and half assed adventures, disastrous endeavers and the nefarious presence of something so obscured, so black and forboding, made me avoid certain places for simply not wanting to deal with the house keeping it wouldve required to mitigate its destructive intentions.
I kept myself busy to not force the acknowledgent that this would become a source of not only my insecuruties, but then in addition to its ever increasing interconnectedness, its complexity. Its chambers that hardened like a mystical kight of armor, whose drawers were full of destructive objects and thoughts that rattled in their confinement as a means of foreshadowing something so sinister, I could not then yet fathom the destrutive ways its icy talons would engulf and twist into my everyday life simply to create chaos, and it didnt register that this was a problem because amidst this battle royale of fragments and bits of poorly put together patterns, Francisco's presense was a light whose emimation lulled me into a complacecy I hadnt anticipated
It wasnt that in this period, that I conciously made a decision to disregard the growing issue, it was the novelty of being in a loving, beautiful and mature relationship with someone that as each day grew, so did my conviction that this person was becoming the brightest fixture in an ever cramped confined hallway of possibilities.
As I stood there aware of this moment, feeling a satisfaction and a gratitude I had never felt before, I realized that I had come so far on autopilot, it was a move that was almost instinctual, I rolled my sleeves up, put on the rocky theme song, got my gym bag ready, went and bought like every stupid unessecary stupid trinket shit people buy to feel like their getting a handle and a good start on some shit, but really it just becomes the infuriating bag of junk that is now the obstacle between you and the door handle to exit your car and actually start your project.
I felt a sense of urgency, I saw how unequipped I had been and while I was and it was this moment that taught me how much I loved him. I reckognized that somehow I was one of those fucking weirdos that jumped through those seedy ass short cut type scenarios in life to give you the same effect of the real thing in less the time, kind of like a GED vs high school diploma, or plan b instead of condoms.
I recognized that there was an innate element of unneccesary risk involved in many of my accomplishments. The risk was usually always a concious decision that I would accept a certain amount of totally unnecessary consequences that typically would define the life of those people who you catch specific glimpses of in mysterious times like dawn or dusk. And be like..yea i could totally see that guy having to figure out what to do with the llama he inherited as a result of some gamble.
This was no longer an acceptable risk. It wasnt that i thought it was dangerous or scare him away, its that I am not the kind of man that wakes up and sees the problems his factory has and finally knows how to fix it and then just be okay with going to bed and put it off.
This is where I get annoyed again. I knew that I wasnt capable of actively doing something against him, because we both agreed on things, and also neither of us was completely high as fucking kite on methamphetamines while operating a forklift to tune a paino yet.
I couldnt ever feel bad about atheletes who ugly cried after being disqualified for juicing to get an unfair advantage in the sports world.
Yet once again my overwhelming confidence, my lovable man mentality of "fuck a map or tools you got grit, spit and teeth". Prevailed.
Im mad because it was this moment right here. In a sea of me being happy to grow and learn and doing the rignt thing. I saw a place i overlooked, its presence was almost like a marker that there were many other areas i needed to work on, and i got sad.
I didnt feel good enough. I felt like a mess. I felt dissapointed at the pride in nothing I had taken so many times. I was finally proud of the changes i was making again, only to be reminded in a very real way of how I never had structure, never had a fail safe implemented effectively to instead of adopting either anxiety or no fucks about an event that could have been in my power to mitigate, i either didnt even notice I missed it, or didnt care.
As I started seeing the mountain of work I had to do, I wondered what it meant about how effectively i could handle other things moving forward, it was an irrational fear that I had that I would dissapoint him because I wanted us to be happy. But i am an artistic person, people who work with details to make a larger picture learn early on how to work details, and I never evaluated just how shoddy my altertanitive crash course was like getting PlAN B instead of putting a condom on.
I can handle pressure effectively. I can be okay with my decisions. What I cant do is open up a factory, see everything that was negelcted when I now know how to fix it, and then go to sleep like nothing bothered me.
I never in my life found myself in a place where i came face to face with old life and it made me feel sad or humilated. I felt like a fraud for just having gotten lucky that everytning worked out, while he worked hard.
I suddenly felt something I never experienced before, fear in love. The moment where you realize your not a piece of shit because you actually dont want to let someone down, the moment when you feel bad because you walked around in life with luck you didnt give a second thought to and passed it off as hard work. And here was this beautiful man, whose life was suffering and hard work, and you realized all of it at once, and there I was, eager fucking beaver captain america man of the house cause now i feel like a god damned engineer since i could assemble an ikea 3 piece wrench-back the fuck up motherfuckers.
I just felt humbled and i felt driven. I also felt the pressures rise up around me and I dont know why I couldnt look away from the sight of the realization of how id been. And its not like i did it all on purpose, but from that moment on, it was as if I had something to prove to myself that at that time I couldnt understand yet because I hadnt reflected yet. And as I was taking the scenic route on ways to "punish yourself is actually how we fucking motivate ourselves around here cus were fucking men" the bigger I created something inside me that wasnt ever there. And then as the places that I had been tendering to and growing in started to not be kept, pressure in my life at home happened. And for the first time in my entire life I was embarrassed at my life.
I remember the moment I felt it, my mom leaving me at work after I lost my car. I walked 2 miles in the cold because i was infuriated that I allowed another event I could have forseen to happen.
I never in my life reflected this intensley on my actions before. Having him in my life made me realize I had been holding myself to a higher standard because I am at my best when I when I am actively building towards something. I opened a place in me I never saw with those eyes and it hurt me. I tried to let him in, and to be honest, the insecurities of him seeing all that mortiified me..not because I would be seen as a slob or this or that, i was just dissapointed that I for a time during when I needed it the most in my early life, I wasnt necessarily taught healthy ways to do things. Mostly because I came to this country at 10, didnt know english, parents worked all the time until i was 16 and then dad got sick with brain cancer and we caught it after he had a seizure cause dad apperently loved moonlighting as my biggest fan when he would go reading my journal at night.
I didnt know how to explain it to francisco. I was feeling. New concept, i was feeling out of sync, i didnt understand why it hit me so hard. I was trying to look away and orient myself on the present.
I could have just dealt with that. But i suddenly felt raw and vulnerable. My boyfriend and I were getting into arguments because I just wanted us to be closer due to this need i didnt know how to vocalize about what I was going through, and he hesitated because he probably thought id leave him if i saw his dirty secrets.
That was the one thing he really never appreciated about my love. I just knew. If everything else was as evident ..like this feelings and where they came from and how to process them healthy while ...it just all got too much. I didnt know how to tell him what I needed. I just needed him.
I started to feel like i wasnt tethered to the focused areas I was so eager to work in. I just kept telling myself communication is key we will get through it.
Then I the drugs did something I didnt expect them to. They turned off this guilt and switch. They gave me the quiet to make them come down to a more manegeable place where I wasnt overwhelmed anymore.
Because I couldnt process this in words at the time, i didnt know how to express that to him. It led to me feeling guilty for not understanding why i enjoyed doing the drugs aside from the stimulant effect. When i tried to explain it to him, it was like trying to coin a cheesy motto for a doomed cereal commercial in french, basically everuthing sounded like something he had no understamding or could relate to.
I started feeling depressed because i could see that although from his perspective we were fighting..
I was even more frustrated becauese we werent fighting. I was pretty much crying, trying to tell him in french something he didnt understand while he was yelling at me in english about me not respecting him by not speaking english.
This was the worst fucking part. Because part of the issue that led me here was accountabiliyy and communication.
I kept telling him in the only way i knew how.please im sorry i know things are getting worse. But this isnt how we are.
I thought we could get through anything.
In his mind he saw a piece of something, he ignored my emotional attachment to it..and i mean i cant blame him, other people never quit.
But even in those moments i knew i wasnt going to be other people.
And suddenly i was alone. I was depressed. I had realized that it wasnt us that was th issue so i tried so hard to communicate more effectively that he got frustrated and said i talked in loops. I felt so alone because i understood his frustration and i just needed him to trust me. But that was the perfect storm when i just got so alone feeling from his inability to just not look at me how i felt at myself. And i honestly tried to fix it in the middle of him running away and the most painful thing was that he couldnt understand and i didnt know how to say it.
I dont blame him for leaving
But a part of me breaks to my very core to know that if he just literally lookrd at me like yes i was going crZy but i was just hurting and overwhelmed.
All i wanted and needed was him.
The worst. Pain was that he didnt see that.
And i needed to explain it. And he didnt let me.
I felt like i was desperatly trying to express something of real explaination. I just honestly was desperate to because he was running.
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dwaynepride · 6 years
The Fool’s Form
Summary: “i like seeing you smile.”  &Gibbs / Gibbs notices a pattern when it comes to you, and it forces him to realize his own feelings.
Words: 3,177
Warnings: None
Tags: @fairytale07 @jrenn10 @f4nboi @purplestarsr5 @ladyzombiielove @littlemiss3ma @specialagentlokitty @minikate--24-05 @consultingdoctorwholock @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy @ms-allenbrown @ikbenplant @dylpickles1267
Notes: I went into this oneshot with no real planning so im sorry if it seems incoherent, at times.
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The slight ring in his ears wouldn’t go away. Sticking around like an annoying gnat without any signs of disappearing. Gibbs figured it would be gone by tomorrow; this wasn’t his first experience with ringing ears. But when it was accompanied by a scratchy throat and itchy lungs and soot getting in his eyes sometimes, Gibbs wish ringing ears was his only problem.
His body ached. His nose was starting to hate the smell of smoke, but the fire in the building wasn’t completely out yet, and Gibbs couldn’t leave. Not until someone came to pick him up.
It was that or a hospital ride. Gibbs would rather be in the burning building.
He lets his eyes close for just a few moments, breathing in the fresh air the oxygen tank provided. The only rest he would get for the rest of the day, because once a member of his team comes to pick him up, it’ll be back to work. Trying to catch the guy who managed to escape and set the building ablaze with Gibbs still inside.
The sound of his name perked his ears up, his eyes opening in the direction of your voice. And his eyes were still a little scratchy from the dust. Gibbs pulls his oxygen mask away and rubs an eye as you near, saying his name once again. “Are you okay?” You ask him, and now that he can see a little clearer, he watches you look him over.
Gibbs nods once, clearing his throat so his voice wasn’t too messed up. That would only further worry you, and he didn’t want to do that. You already worried enough. “Any sign of the petty officer from the BOLO?”
Despite his efforts, his voice was scratchy and sounded like hell. You physically winced at the sound but shook your head anyway. “Not yet. Tony said he’d call as soon as something came up.” You tell him, wearing a small, worried frown. “I think you should go home.”
Gibbs shakes his head while setting the oxygen aside, deeming himself well enough to leave. That was the deal with the paramedic, anyway. “Gotta get back to work.” He states, forcing himself not to groan out loud as he stands. His muscles scream at the effort, telling him to sit back down. Get some rest. Maybe sleep for a couple days.
He barely hears you say his name again. More scolding, this time. And when Gibbs to fully on his feet, that’s when he notices your hand clutching his arm. No, he was standing up by himself. He didn’t need your help... “Gibbs, I really think-”
“Take me to the office.”
His voice is sharp; an order, if you’ve ever heard one. The harder tone of voice makes you blink at him. A bit of hurt flashing in your eyes that Gibbs regrets a little, but it gets you to nod and help him to the car. Somehow, he’s able to pull himself into the passenger seat without grunting. His body still aches, but he’ll get used to it.
You shut the door, glance sideways to Gibbs, and start up the engine. The burning building disappears in the rear view mirror. Gibbs grunts in effort as he tries to get comfortable in his seat. And you still can’t quite believe that he wants to go back to work.
He was stuck in that building, surrounded by fire and smoke.
He could have died.
That thought suddenly makes it difficult to breathe. If Gibbs wasn’t your intimidating Marine boss, you’d yell at him. Scold him for being so stupid. Not going to the hospital was one thing, but going back to work was another level of reckless.
Your eyes flicker away from the road to eye your boss. His head rested against the seat, hands in his lap, eyes blinking shut. Almost as if he was going to take a nap on the way to the office, and it gave you an idea. A dumb idea, but it seemed like a good one at the time.
Taking a right would lead back to the Naval Yard. You took a left instead.
The next time Gibbs opened his eyes, you were shaking him awake. Softly saying his name. When did he fall asleep? And why? He could normally stay up for days before passing out so quickly.
He grunts a little at your blurry form before opening the door. He just needed some coffee and he’d be right as rain. Maybe take about half a bottle of Advil for the ache in his muscles, but work comes first.
But once Gibbs closes the car door behind him and actually blinks the sleep from his eyes, he realizes he isn’t in the parking lot of the NCIS building. He’s in his driveway. At home.
Exhaustion slows his brain down a little, but once you come around to the other side of the car, Gibbs whips his head around. Frowning as much as he can with a face numbed with tiredness. “What the hell is this? Did you suddenly lose your hearing when I gave you an order?”
He must not have seemed as intimidating as he usually is. Because you just huff out a light sigh at his aggressive bark. “Gibbs, you can barely stand up straight. You’re exhausted and all beat up and my car is going to smell like smoke for at least a week.” Your head motions toward his house, putting on a small smile. “Please, just take a nap and a shower. I’m not asking for a week’s vacation.”
It might as well be, to Gibbs. He’d need to be shot before staying home when he doesn’t need to.
And he was about to say just that. Threaten unemployment and act like an angry bear until you caved. But something stopped him. Held him back. Maybe it was that look in your eye; it was an infuriatingly familiar one. Wide and sad and full of concern. Puppy-dog eyes to the max, and Gibbs was almost always swayed by such a look.
This was one of those times.
Though, the exertion of simply standing was a big contributing factor. Either way, he sighs hard. Head lolling down and shaking before he looks back up. “I want a report later. And if I don’t get one-”
“You’ll slap our heads clean off.” A smile instantly appeared on your face, having won the argument. You reach out, patting Gibbs on his shoulder and gesturing toward the house. “Now go. Get some sleep. I’ll bring you some dinner later on.”
Gibbs started walking, biting back the temptation to say something snarky. He usually hated being treated as if he was fragile. And he usually proved that he wasn’t.
But after he showered away the soot and smoke sticking to his skin and spread out over the couch with a heavy exhale, maybe it wasn’t so bad this time. Because he was tired. The couch felt like a cloud. And you were right; Gibbs needed the rest.
Needed it so much so, that he was still out like a light when you showed up several hours later. There was no point in knocking on the door; it was open and Gibbs kept it that way. The setting sun provided a bit of warm light to the old house as you made your way through. Gibbs was probably in the basement, and you were hoping he got at least a couple hours of sleep before getting up and moving around.
And you were never so glad to be wrong.
His low snores could be heard even as soon as you came through the door. And they only got louder when you approached the living room, take-out box in hand. The sight of your boss fast asleep on the couch, his head propped up against the armrest, was vastly preferred over watching him limp all around his basement and pretending everything was okay.
You kept your footsteps silent, barely breathing as you came closer and set the take-out on the coffee table. A burger and fries; you weren’t going to push your luck and try to get him to eat something healthy.
For a moment, you watch him. Just to make sure he’s really sleeping and not pretending to appease you. But there was a certain look of peacefulness on Gibbs’ face that you couldn’t ever remember seeing when he was awake. Calm and at rest. You couldn’t quite stifle the smile that appeared.
Your eyes leave Gibbs and flicker over his living room before finally spotting what you’d been searching for. Still taking slow steps, you make toward the reclining chair and pull off the blanket throw over the top of it.
If Gibbs is going to sleep into the night, he might get cold, right?
Carefully, slowly, you drape the blanket over his feet. His legs. The fabric hits his hips before Gibbs inhales and shifts. And you freeze until he stops, letting out the lowest groans and falling back into deep sleep.
He must really be exhausted.
You continue the deed until Gibbs is sufficiently covered. It’s a little jarring, how different he seems right now. Tucked in and fast asleep. If you had to pick a word to describe the moment, adorable could be one of them.
But you don’t stay for too long. Gibbs is still resting and you delivered his dinner. There was still work to be done, and he did want a report whenever he woke up.
So you walk out of his house just as silently as you came in.
Gibbs can’t remember a time he was so well-rested.
Not using caffeine as his only source of energy. Not stringing himself along for three or four days with little sleep and telling himself that he’s fine. Gibbs felt great, all things considered.
Sure, his body still ached. Lingering affects of smoke inhalation had the Marine coughing since he woke up. And anger still boiled in his gut, steeling his determination to put this case to rest.
But, annoyingly, it was difficult for Gibbs to focus on the case. Not because of any injuries sustained from yesterday - his mind was just somewhere else. Keeping his attention away from where it needed to be.
Gibbs’ eyes flickered away from his computer screen (he hadn't read a single word on it for a while) and landed on your desk. Empty, because you and DiNozzo were following up on the local police and their search for the suspect.
And Gibbs had a working theory as to why his focus was so frazzled today. It wasn’t the fire that had shaken him; he’s been through worse. No, it started as soon as he woke up this morning, wrapped in a blanket that Gibbs was sure he didn’t fall asleep with. An old box of food that had gone bad hours ago, but he knew it was from you. You did promise to bring him dinner...
Gibbs straightens up at McGee’s voice, eyes falling down to his desk before rising up to the junior agent. “What, McGee?” He asks, tone curt and harsh because he was caught in his own thoughts.
McGee seems a little awkward at the tone, but he continues on with his report. “Uh, Abby and I determined that the cause of the fire was electrical. Probably rigged and set off whenever you entered the building.” He explains. And after Gibbs simply nods, McGee gives a small tilt of his head. “Are you feeling okay, boss? If you need to go home, we can handle things-”
“No, I don’t need to go home.” Gibbs cuts him off with a bark-like tone, standing up from his chair to bring himself to full height. But try as he might, Gibbs didn’t feel very intimidating. Probably because it took him a lot longer to stand because of the ache in his legs. And when he straightened up, his lungs got that itchy, smoky sensation. Gibbs bit his tongue to keep from coughing.
McGee’s eyes lower, anyway. But any awkward silence or unwanted apology is chased away by DiNozzo’s voice; loud and booming as he entered the bullpen.
“Boss! It’s good to see you walking around!”
Gibbs looks to his senior agent, regards him silently, doesn’t spend too much time watching him before he’s looking at you. Gibbs blames his lame lungs for how tight his chest feels at that moment. The effort it takes for him in inhale as you approach, frowning a little but not really mad. Gibbs knew that expression well. “Yeah, even though I still think you should be resting at home.”
Out of the corner of his eye, McGee is signaling to you to shut up and not go down that road. But Gibbs doesn’t scowl or grumble.
Instead, his eyes watch yours for a moment. Maybe two before they drop to what you’re holding. You look down, huff, and hand over one of the coffee to-go cups for him. And when Gibbs takes it, you give him smile. “No need to say thanks. You can do that by eating this.”
At that, you lift up a bag that he hadn’t noticed before. Gibbs frowns, his head tilting as he reads the logo printed in the front, ‘Joe’s Bagels.’ That makes him huff, head shaking. “Not hungry.” He states.
“You need to eat, Gibbs. You’re still healing.” You shake the bag, holding it closer. And then you put on those puppy-dog eyes again. The same ones from last night, when you convinced him to take the day off and rest. Last night, his exhaustion could be blamed for how easily Gibbs conceded. This morning, he had not real excuse. No reason to agree.
But he takes the bagels anyway. Sets them on his desk and he sits, leaving you to grin while McGee and Tony exchanged looks.
Why should they be surprised? Even Gibbs gets hungry sometimes.
The light of his lamp didn’t seem to help Gibbs at all in reading reports. He’d get only about two lines in before his vision goes blurry. Having to rub his eyes to refocus them.
It must be pretty late. The officeplace has been quiet for a little while now. DiNozzo skirting off for some new date. McGee and Abby having some kind of plans that Gibbs didn’t quite understand. Something about computers, no doubt. So it must be pretty late, that’s why he can barely keep his eyes open...
Gibbs frowns at the time. No way in hell is it that early. But after checking the time on his computer, it’s apparent that Gibbs is thoroughly tired and drained at 10:30 PM. He must be getting old.
Suddenly, he hears your voice; a sharp contrast from the silence of the room. When Gibbs straightens up to watch you come from the elevator, chatting on the phone, the pull in his muscles reminds him that maybe yesterday’s incident is what has him so drained.
But Gibbs looks down when you turn into the bullpen, not wanting it to seem like he was watching you. But he listens carefully; you have plans. Tonight. With who? Hopefully not a guy-
So what if it is? It’s no business of his.
Gibbs is scowling at his paperwork when you say his name. Several times, in fact. It isn’t until you lean over his monitor do you finally catch his attention. The surprised look on your boss’ face elicits a big smile. “You’re still here? You should head home, Gibbs.”
He blinks, brow quirking. “You’re still here.” He points out, and can’t help himself but to lean closer. Like you were dragging him in and Gibbs couldn’t fight the tide.
“Yeah, because I had some things to wrap up. And I wasn’t nearly burnt to a crisp yesterday.”
A good point. One that Gibbs marginally agreed with, even though he looked away with a shake of his head. “I’m fine.” He says. He won’t let you get to him, this time. Twice was one thing. Three times was a pattern.
A pattern he didn’t want to acknowledge.
You don’t reply, at first, but Gibbs can see you slinking around his desk. Can feel your eyes on him - firm, like a predator watching their prey. Gibbs hated feeling like prey. “You’re exhausted, I can tell. You get even quieter and grumpier than usual.”
Can you really read him so easily?
“Please, Gibbs, go home.”
His eyes fall shut, exhaling harshly that turned into a light cough. Home did sound good. His body screamed for the comfort of his couch. And your voice, light and pleading, admittedly tipped the scales of his decision.
Gibbs stands up, flicking his lamp off and pressing the button of his monitor. His workspace goes dark, matching those of his team.
When he turns to you, expecting a victorious grin, you’re just smiling softly. Gibbs didn’t expect it. And he didn’t expect you to keep talking. “I’m just worried about you, okay? I was scared yesterday, when we heard you were in the building.” Your eyes dart away, weight shifting. “I mean, we were all scared.”
Any annoyance Gibbs might’ve felt at being coerced into going home melted away. He turns toward you, lightly shrugging a single shoulder. “I’m okay.” He replies, his voice low like someone might hear. He even manages a light smirk to strengthen his words.
It works to bring a small smirk to your face, as well. Your eyes return to his, growing soft with a new smile that Gibbs was pleased to see. “Good. Because I like seeing you smile. It’d be a pity if we never saw it again.” He didn’t know until now just how worried you were about him. It makes all the bossing around make sense, in hindsight. And it makes Gibbs feel a bit like an ass for fighting you the whole way.
But then something unexpected happens. Gibbs must be more spacey than he’s ever been in his life, because he doesn’t even register you pulling him in for a hug until your arms are around his shoulders, squeezing tight. He feels your cheek press against his shoulder. Feels you inhale against his chest; deep, like you were assuring yourself that he really was okay.
Gibbs is still for a moment. Maybe two before his arms close around your torso. He squeezes just a little, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. True, he wasn’t expecting the hug, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t committing every single second of it to memory.
You pull away sooner than he wants. Smiling that same smile and giving his arm a pat, like that was a hug between two good friends. Gibbs supposes that’s what it was. To you, anyway.
“I better see you well-rested tomorrow, boss.”
You walk away from his desk, toward the elevator and probably a date with a man that wasn’t him.
And Gibbs wishes he could please you by getting a full night’s sleep and being well-rested tomorrow. But as he grabs his coat and weapon, Gibbs figures he’ll spend half the night in his basement, hoping the bourbon will erase feelings he didn’t know he had.
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texthemess · 5 years
@punisherpage requested:  Can you write something if Frank was in dds3 and how he would have protected Karen :))
hope you like this as much as i loved writing it. sorry sometimes they take longer because i have to write them on my phone and then fix them on my roommates laptop later. love that i still don’t have my laptop back even after two years. yay. oh well haha. enjoy!! <3 
Not on my watch.
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( gif credit: karenpage )
  Hands trembled gripping the black pistol that had been laying on the table before her. Aimed directly for Weslys chest. Would she do it? Would she kill a man with no question? You push someone into a corner enough with no way out, and they are going to claw for the throat. Miss page... BAM.
‘ I want you to kill Karen page. ‘
‘ Consider it done. ‘
Bzz bzz. Bzz bzz. 
Pick up Frank. God damn pick up. Hands shaking as the other line went blank. DAMNIT! Thumb slammed on the end call button as fingers brushed blonde hair behind ears frantically. Tossing the phone onto the counter with a loud click she began to pace the room. Her makeshift asylum of the bottom level of the church causing her no comfort as it was intended. Fingers crossed at lips in attempts to keep herself from throwing up. 
Fisk knew. He fucking knew what she had done and now they were after her. Way to go Karen, trying to catch the one man off guard who couldn’t be messed with. A plan she thought herself so brave and smart to play out. Only to end up being on the wrong side of the table. And now, her own life was on the line. It was all her fault. This whole situation. There was no going back from here.
God she could really use Frank Castle right about now. Sad that her friendship with Matt Murdock had come so far as to her not even desiring his help. At that point she’d rather take care of her self than ask for Murdock’s hand. For so long now he had shut them out. Her and Foggy. He made it pretty clear he didn’t want them around and even though Karen, being the friend she was, would fight for him till the very last moment, this was not that moment. And she found herself completely alone in this world. But without Matt’s actions, without him cutting Karen and Foggy out of his life, she wouldn’t have been pushed to Franks arms. That she could thank him for she assumed. Though one could have asked for a far better way for it to have gone.
The feelings she had for Matt Murdock were short, electrifying, and burned out like a match freshly lit. Frank was wrong however, in his assumption that she loved Matt Murdock. That was certainly a false statement. For in the end, it had been Frank Castle who stole the reporters breath. She knew damn well it was a bad idea falling for the man known as the Punisher. But the heart yearns for what it wants. And Karen Page needed Frank Castle. The world had made that blatantly clear to her. 
In the time she spent away from Matt, her reporter side took her to the darkest parts of New York. Finding herself crossing paths once again with the Punisher. How even the very sight of him took her breath away. Though she would have never admitted it. There was just something about him. All this time she knew his innocence and proclaimed it to those around her. Frank Castle was not a bad guy, he was just on the other side of the coin that most people would never dare admit to believing in. Having confessed her understanding of Franks ideas to Matt, that definitely didn’t go in the direction so wanted it to. Though, she wasn't surprised.
The past few months however, bringing Matt Murdock back into her life, and all this shit with Fisk. Karen Page was finding herself lost and confused in a world she didn’t quite understand. No one on her side, everyone scattered into the wind, nothing.
The fact she hadn’t spoken to Frank in weeks didn’t help. The raspy voice that brought her so much comfort, was lost to her own ears. What distanced her from him however, was the fact it’s not like Frank Castle was hers to call. He was lone, not yet ready it seemed to accept the love of someone else. And she understood, it didn’t however change how she felt. And she would continue to fight for him no matter where they stood. Their connection would always be strong.
Swallowing hard she cleared her voice. Fingers brushing hair behind ears once more as she exhaled slowly. Calm yourself Page. It will be alright. They don’t know where you are, no one knows where you are. It’s going to be alright. 
Making her way towards the upper level of the church, having been invited to join in the prayers, maybe that would calm her down. Put her mind at ease. Standing within the doorway she watched from afar. The smooth voice of pastor flowing in one ear and out the other making place in her heart. Eyes fluttered closed as she exhaled slowly. It seemed as tho she had been holding her breath this entire time and finally caught herself. Just breath Karen...
Somewhere in the distance a truck engine blared as it barreled down the back side streets. Tires screeched with every turn as the fire burning within the cabin. The Punisher was coming. And those after Karen Page, were not ready for the storm that they had just called upon themselves. Anger burned within the mans chest and death resided within brown eyes. Hell was about to pay if anything had happened to Karen Page. He was the grim reaper ready to collect.
The world came crashing down around her as her name was suddenly called into the hall of the church. Eyes springing open as she slammed her back against the wooden frame of the door out of sight, out of mind. Hand covered mouth as silent sobs fell into her grasp. They found her. It wasn’t a shock, Fisk had this whole city in his grasp. Every crooked cop in his back pocket. She simply assumed she had more time. God was she stupid. 
The pastor spoke as the makeshift devil fought forward. Billy clubs finding way to innocent bystanders simply finding forgiveness within sacred walls. She stood by for too long and this wasn’t right. Clearing her voice she ran out hands above her head, “ IM HERE. IM HERE. Please... “ tears stained flushed cheeks as she walked her way towards the others. The devil smirked and she could feel her soul leave her body. Those lips, that laugh, void of all emotion and sympathy. 
Karen Page has faced many demons in her life. From family, to personal, and this man- this was the closest thing to hell she wanted to be.
Before she knew it, Matt. Fist crashing against the devils face as she ran to the pastors side. The two became a flurry of fists and grunts as Karen watched helplessly standing before a congregation of people. Innocent, people. Legs began to tremble as she held her breath once again. Matt slid across the ground far enough from reach, while the devil turned and with that damned smirk, hurtled the billy club towards Karen.
Breath exhaled and eyes shut. She accepted her death in one swift moment.
The billy club shattered before crumbling to the ground inches before Karen and the father. Eyes snapped open with exhaled breath as attempts to gather herself were made. The whole room was quiet as gazes shifted to the source of the sound. It was as if all bad things in her life had come to an end. There stood the skull, of white spray paint upon bullet proof vest. Face rugged and bloody as it always was in the day of the life of Frank Castle, “ Frank.. “
‘ Hey Karen, ‘
Every inch of her body wanted to run to him, throw her arms around his neck, and plant her lips upon his blood stained face. But she was cemented to the floor as everyone started to take in the situation. The devil sneered as he turned towards the Punisher and with fists raised, made his way towards him.
The next 7 minutes were all a blur. But it all ended with a dead pastor, all those innocence running as far away as they could from the church, Matt beaten and bloody upon the top of the church, and Karen hiding behind a pew. Hands over her ears feeling helpless, useless, and alone. She had managed to help the people escape, but that’s all she could pull off.
A sudden hand upon her shoulder cause the reporter to jump shooting a frightened glance towards the body attached to that hand. Though she felt a sudden rush of air within her chest, the feeling of relief as she flung herself towards the man in the skull. Arms tight around his neck as he cradled the back of her head and small of her back. Voice rugged and in her ear for her hearing alone, “ everything is alright. You’re safe, “
“ frank, I thought I’d never see you again. I’m so sorry, this is all my fault, “ tears streamed the blondes face as she sobbed into the mans shoulder. How happy she was to simply be in his embrace once again. His rugged smell, that sent her whole body into bliss and comfort. It was as if every problem faded away. Yet it only just began.
He pulled her from his neck, hands now gripping both sides of her head while he stared into her swollen red eyes. His own browns full of sympathy and relief that nothing had happened to her, “ dex can’t hurt you now, I’m here and I’m not goin anywhere, “ with that his lips were against hers. How he lived there for what felt an eternity. An eternity she never wanted to end.
Eyes fluttered closed as she gripped his shoulders tightly feeling as if he were to fade from her grip once again. Suddenly the reality came crashing around her. Pulling from his lips she spoke softly and with worry, “ where’s Matt? “
Frank groaned under his breath for he was so caught up in the moment he forget as well. Though in the long run, Murdock was going to be thankful for such a rest up upon the crashed pews of the upper level. Bones tired and skin bruised. How he was so tired, so very tired.
“ we need to go help him frank, I know we’re both not happy with him but, he just helped save my life, “ with another groan he nodded. Lifting his blonde to her feet and holding her hand tightly, the pair made their way up to the balcony to a beaten matt Murdock.
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taeyongluvs-blog · 6 years
SUMMARY: Everybody knew Na Jaemin was trouble. Even his parents knew that was why he was sent to a school for delinquent in the country side. Enter you, a naïve born and raised country girl who believed that everyone had a sliver of good in their heart until you met Jaemin.
GENRE: Angst
PAIRING: Jaemin and Reader
NOTE(S): This is going to be a tough one to write since Na Jaemin is an actual angel sent by the heavens in this world and by no means like his character in this story. There will be mentions of underage drinking, smoking, drug use and abuse in this story so please if you are sensitive to those topics then I highly suggest you do not proceed. Thank you!
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The rain was pouring heavily just as you were on your way home from a volunteer work at the local daycare of your town. Fortunately, you brought an umbrella with you but it wasn’t that much of a help since your clothes were still getting soaked by the harsh wind that accompanied the rain. It was always like this in your hometown, Yeodo. When it rained, it rained heavily and when it was sunny, the heat was almost unbearable. You were used to it, though, since you were born and raised in Yeodo.
Yeodo was a small island with about three hundred residents mostly elderly. The main source of income for many household was through farming and fishing. Yeodo was mostly known to many as that—a small island with farming and fishing as the main source of income but not a lot know that Yeodo was also the place where local governments from Seoul, Busan, Daegu and other major cities of the country send teenage delinquents for rehabilitation. At least twice every month, a ship comes and dozens of teenage boys and girls were sent to the old park turned rehabilitation center for the program. Your mother was an employee there and she taught technical and vocational subjects such as dressmaking, flower arrangement and beauty and hair. Meanwhile, your father was a Math teacher who also served as the guidance counselor and once in a while, he also taught car mechanics and repair as an elective. When you entered high school, you started volunteering at the rehabilitation center as one of the substitute art and music teacher for those under the age of fourteen alongside your best friend Huang Renjun.
Most of the kids sent to Yeodo were arrested due to multiple offenses such as continuous vandalizing, theft and public disturbance. There weren’t any serious offense until Na Jaemin arrived. His record was unlike anything you had heard and he was the talk of the town the moment his run-ins with the law were spread throughout the town and mind you, it spreaded out rapidly. He was from Seoul, a nineteen year-old who came from a prominent and wealthy background. The record didn’t say who his parents were to protect their reputation so people assumed his family must be one of those chaebols. His first run-in with the law was vandalizing a bus stop when he was only fourteen. Then, his run-ins just became worse and worse as he grew older. From petty vandalizing to drug dealing, supplying and usage to gang-related activities. So yes, Na Jaemin definitely stood out among the rest of the kids who were sent to Yeodo for rehabilitation that month.
The first time you saw Na Jaemin was when you were delivering the milk one of the eldery, Mrs. Im, asked you to give to the local daycare. As you arrived, you noticed a hooded figure spray painting on the gates of the daycare. You moved your bicycle off the street and walked over to where the figure was, arms crossed over your chest and a frown etched upon your face. “Excuse me but what are you doing?” You asked.
The figure looked at you—it was him, the infamous Na Jaemin. He was wearing an all black outfit, causing his pink hair to stand out. “What does it look like I’m doing?” He asked you back as he pulled his face mask down, letting it rest on his chin.
“You’re vandalizing a daycare. That is wrong and pretty sure, illegal.” You told him, as a matter-of-fact.
He hummed in response. “I wouldn’t say ‘vandalizing’ rather ‘expressing’ and ‘giving life’. You say this is a daycare? Why the fuck is it so bland then?” He chuckled as he continued on spray painting the gates.
You coughed at the smell but approached him anyways. You were about to tell him off and threaten him by calling the rehabilitation center where he should at when your eyes landed on the image, rather images, you saw painted on the gates. The first thing you saw was the artistically written ‘Welcome to Yeodo Daycare!’ on the very top then your eyes wandered around the various images of children playing and smiling, playing sports and music. On the corner down below, you saw a sentence, ‘Keep on dreaming and don’t let others dictate what your dream should be. Stay in school. NJ.’ You looked up to compliment Jaemin’s work but he was already gone along with his spray paints.
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When you arrived home, you quickly took a hot shower got dressed into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie over one of your old T-shirt that surprisingly still fit you. Your parents were out helping with the planning for the upcoming village fiesta so you got the entire house to yourself since you were an only child. You thought about inviting Renjun over but the rain was still pouring heavily and you didn’t want him to get soaked since he gets sick easily. So, instead, you decided to watch a movie instead. You chose through the rack of DVDs under the television and settled with the first film in the Harry Potter series, The Sorcerer’s Stone. You set the movie up and paused it as you prepared snacks. Once you were finished, preparing your snacks, you made your way back into the living room but something, or rather someone, caught your eyes outside of your house through the window.
It was Jaemin. You could tell because he was the only one in Yeodo who had pink hair. You moved closer towards the window as you watched him. He was limping, holding his side. A frown drew on your face, he’s gotten into trouble again? Ever since Jaemin got to Yeodo and started his rehabilitation program, it was clear that he was a hard one. He didn’t follow the rules and gets into fights with the others with him mostly instigating it. He had been punished for every rule breaking but he didn’t care at all. Not even a little bit.
You sighed as you grabbed the umbrella from the old vase your father bought in a garage sale in Seoul and made your way outside. “Na Jaemin!” you called out as you unlocked the small gate of your house.
Jaemin didn’t stop walking (limping, actually) and you shook your head as you ran after him. “Jaemin-ssi, who did you fight with now?” you asked as you stood in front of him, making sure that your umbrella was also covering him.
Jaemin looked at you and you gasped in shock when you saw the cuts and bruises scattered on his face. He managed to scoff and pushed you aside as he continued to walk (limp!). “Jaemin! You’re going to get sick!”
“Would you leave me alone? For fuck’s sake, ever since I got in this shitty town you’d been all up my ass!” Jaemin exploded, looking over his shoulder. His eyes were a shade darker and you could feel the anger seeping inside you as you met his gaze with an anxious one.
“I just want to help you, that’s all.” you replied, holding the handle of your umbrella tightly. You felt a lump forming in your throat and the tears pooling in your eyes.
“Well, I don’t need it so stop talking to me. Stop getting into my business. You’re not my mother and you’re not my friend.”
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“(Y/N), are you okay?”
Renjun’s voice snapped you out of your trance and you looked at him to see a worried look etched on his face. You gave him a smile. “I’m sorry. I’m just daydreaming.” you told him. “What were you saying?”
Renjun chuckled and patted your head. “Cute.” He said as he pinched your cheek. You groaned playfully and slapped his hand away. “I was telling you that my mom asked if its possible that the kids at our music class at rehabilitation center can prepare for a stage number.”
Your eyes lit up. “Of course! That’d be awesome and I’m sure the kids would be willing to do it.”
“Whoo,” Renjun whistled. “I thought you’d say it was impossible. You know how persuasive my mother can be, right? I was pressured into saying yes.”
It was now your turn to pinch his cheek. ”Aigoo, my best friend is such a mama’s boy!”
Renjun rolled his eyes. “Stop calling me that! I’m a man, (Y/N)! A man!”
You laughed, throwing your head back. You were really thankful for having Renjun around. You honestly didn’t know what to do if he wasn’t. He was like your other half, your twin. He always brought out the inner child in you because most of the time, you were serious and too focused on responsibilities you had with your volunteer work and your actual job at the town’s convenience store. Renjun was the balance you needed in your life and you were really thankful for his existence.
Soon, your homeroom teacher arrived and checked the attendance. Once that was over, she reminded everyone of the upcoming finals and the scholarship forms from the big universities in the city had arrived and could be filled out at the administration office. Renjun nudged your elbow when your adviser was announcing it and you nudged him back. The two of you were planning to take the scholarship exam of SM University. Renjun wanted to become an architectural engineer while you wanted to become a teacher. SM University offered both courses and had a great program so you and Renjun hoped that you two will be able to pass the exam.
School went by quickly. Most of the time, you were just spacing out. Your mind just kept wandering between the scholarship forms and Jaemin. You couldn’t help but to feel hurt at what Jaemin said that day. You just wanted to help him out, why did he have to be such a jerk in turning down the help? You really wanted to believe that Jaemin had some goodness in him because you believe that everyone had goodness in them but you were starting to doubt Jaemin had. Maybe he really was just like what everyone in town was saying—a spoiled rich kid who have a temper.
“Oh! (Y/N), can I ask you for a favor?” your last teacher for the day, Ms. Jung, called out as you were about to leave. You spun on your heel and nodded, making your way towards her. “Your house is on the way to the rehabilitation center, right?” you nodded. “My brother Jaehyun is volunteering with a couple of friends there at the moment and I promised that I’ll bring them snacks but there’s a meeting in five minutes so could you please take this to them?” Ms. Jung grabbed your hand and placed some bills on your palm before closing it.
“Yes, Ms. Jung. I’ll give this to them.” you replied before bidding her good bye with a bow and you were off towards the rehabilitation center.
When you arrived, you easily spotted Jaehyun helping with the decorations. And as much as you didn’t want to notice Jaemin, he really stood among the rest not only because of his pink hair but also because of the mural he was creating on the walls of the center. He really was a great painter, an artist, and you wished you could tell him that but your last encounter with him made it very clear that he didn’t want anything to do you. With a sigh, you made your way towards Jaehyun.
“Hey.” you said as you tapped Jaehyun on his shoulder. When he turned to you, you smiled at him and he smiled back, putting down the decoration he was holding on the table behind him. “Your sister wanted me to give you this. She said she couldn’t make it because she has a meeting.” you said as you handed him the money.
“We’re taking a break in five minutes. Do you want to come and eat? My treat.” Jaehyun offered, looking at you expectantly. Not again, you thought. It wasn’t news to you that Jaehyun liked you and he even confessed last summer but you had rejected him since you weren’t ready for any romantic relationship. Jaehyun was determined, though, and while he understood that you weren’t ready, he also found a loophole: you didn’t state that you didn’t like him back so he persistently asked you out whenever he was in town. Jaehyun was already in his second year of college, pursuing a medical degree in one of the top universities in Seoul. Whenever he was in town, everyone practically rejoiced. He was the golden boy of Yeodo and everyone loved Jaehyun because he really had the whole package. He was smart, kind, handsome and responsible. So when the town found out that you rejected him—you didn’t tell anyone but you felt ostracized. One elderly even told you, “Aish, you silly girl, why did you reject Jaehyun-ah? Who are you to reject someone as perfect as him?” Of course you didn’t answer back so you just nodded and apologized.
You had your reasons why you rejected Jaehyun but you didn’t dare tell anyone those, not even Renjun. Truth was, Jaehyun was indeed smart, kind, handsome and responsible but for all the wrong reasons. He was smart so he used that as an advantage to manipulate and uplift himself while simultaneously downgrading those who weren’t academically inclined. He was kind but only to those who he knew he would benefit from aka the elderly, the teachers and the adults. He was handsome and once again used that as an advantage to get anything he wants especially from the people he knew liked him and worshipped him like he was some god. And yes, he was responsible but for all the wrong things. He was the student council president when he was still attending your high school and he used that responsibility to order and dictate people around. Overall, you didn’t like Jaehyun because he was an arrogant, narcissistic bully.
You gave Jaehyun an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry but I have to go to work now. I just had to give you the money from Ms. Jung. I’m sorry again.”
You were about to leave when Jaehyun grabbed your hand and it wasn’t gentle by any means. “(Y/N), come on, I just came back from Seoul. Don’t you wanna catch up with me?” His tone wasn’t lighthearted, too. He was annoyed, you could tell.
“I’m really sorry, Jaehyun-ssi, some other time, maybe?” you tried to grab your hand back but he was holding onto it so tight that it was starting to hurt.
“You said that the—,” Suddenly, Jaehyun’s hand and yours were forcefully split. “You again, huh? Go, we’re talking.”
“You were trying to force her into doing something she clearly doesn’t want to do,” Jaemin spoke up as he stood in the middle of you and Jaehyun, his back facing you. “Not very golden of you, huh, hyung?”
Your eyes widened in shock. No one ever tried to talk back to Jaehyun especially in a mocking tone but here was Jaemin doing exactly that. You couldn’t see what Jaehyun’s expression was since Jaemin’s broad shoulders prevented you from doing so but you could tell from the stares of the other people in the center that he was pissed. You heard Jaehyun scoff. “What to expect from a criminal? Respect? Who am I kidding? Yah, criminal, don’t call me hyung, alright?”
“Yes, but at least I got the balls to do my dirty works upfront not behind everyone’s backs.” Jaemin snickered and before you knew it, you had been pushed to the ground when Jaemin staggered backwards. He landed on you and you yelped in pain. “Get the fuck off me, you psycho!” Jaemin yelled as he pushed Jaehyung off of him and then grabbed your hand. “You know how to run?” He asked but he didn’t wait for you to answer and pulled you up, dragging you away from the center and the angry Jaehyun.
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You didn’t know how long you and Jaemin had been running but it was long enough because you found yourself at the docks where fishermen parked their boats and where tourists arrived. You were out of breath, collapsing on the ground as your chest rose rapidly. Sweat covered your body, your hair sticking all over your hair as the ponytail you had been wearing became undone. Jaemin, on the other hand, was catching up on his breath but he didn’t look anywhere as exhausted as you were. You grabbed your bag beside you and pulled out the bottle of water you had, quickly opening the cap and gulping the liquid until the last drop.
“Thanks for sharing.” Jaemin said, chuckling. You looked up at him, amusement plastered on his face. You shook your head as you pushed yourself off the ground and brushed away the dirt on your uniform.
“Thank you.” you said, facing him. “For saving me back there.”
Jaemin scoffed, reaching something from his shoe. A cigarette. “I didn’t save you; I wanted to piss golden boy off.” He replied then faced you, the cigarette now between his lips. “Got a lighter?”
You shook your head. “That’s bad for your health.” you told him, pointing at the stick between his lips. “And don’t say we’re all gonna die at one point. What about the rest of your life before that?”
“I thought we established the fact that we aren’t friends so why are you still up on my business? Don’t you have a life?” Jaemin snapped, raising his eyebrow at you.
“I owe you my life. The least I could do is to—,”
Jaemin took a step towards you, throwing his stick away and closing in the distance between the two of you. He leaned down, meeting your eyes. “I didn’t save you.”
“Why do you keep up with that façade, Jaemin? It doesn’t hurt to be a good person.” you told him softly, meeting his hardened gaze with your soft ones.
“I’m not a good person. Why the fuck do you think I was sent in this shitty island for?” Jaemin took a step back, running his fingers through his hair.
“Everyone has goodness in them, Jaemin. You are no exception.” you said, shrugging your shoulders.
“Everyone? You sure about that? Even that prick Jaehyun?” Jaemin chuckled. You didn’t reply and watched as he walked towards the end of the dock. The sun was already setting and the environment around the both of you were draped with bright orange. You walked towards him and stood beside him. “Does he like you or something?” He asked after a moment of silence.
“Yes,” you didn’t deny. “I rejected him though. I don’t... particularly find him my type.”
“Just say you don’t like him.” Jaemin said, annoyed. “Nobody has a type, trust me.”
“I’m not in a position to say I don’t like Jaehyun, Jaemin.” you said with an empty, almost inaudible laugh.
Jaemin raised an eyebrow. “What?”
You took a deep breath as you held your chin up, watching as the sun set in the horizon. You never told anyone about your reasons why you don’t like Jaehyun but somehow, with Jaemin, it felt right. And so you told him and when you checked to see if he was listening from time to time, you found himself with his eyes closed and seated on the edge of the dock, legs dangling above the cold water. You could tell he was listening because every time you stopped, he would open his eyes and tell you to proceed. Once the story was over, Jaemin rose from his seat. “So he’s a jack ass who can’t take no from an answer. And here I was thinking men had finally developed.”
You only smiled. “If he bothers you again then just punch him or kick his dick. You gotta learn to put ‘no’ into actions, (Y/N)-ssi.”
“I will keep that in mind.”
And for the rest of the hour, you and Jaemin just sat in silence as the last bit of light faded and the moon rose, lighting up the sea before the two of you.
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Hanging out with Jaemin after that day became an everyday thing. It would always be by the docks. You would pack snacks and little lunchboxes for the two of you to share while conversing about the most random thing like which was better: chicken wings or chicken legs. But there were times where the conversation was serious and deep like the time Jaemin first opened up to you. You remember just telling him an anecdote about your childhood and he replied by telling you he didn’t have as much fun as you did when he was little. You asked why and to your surprise, Jaemin told you that he was an only child and his parents were always busy with work so he didn’t get to play and spend time with them as you did with your parents when you were little. He left it at that but you were thankful that Jaemin was starting to open up. Days passed before Jaemin opened up to you again and this time, he told you how he became the person he was now. His parents, specifically his father, was a known businessman and was very strict towards him. To Jaemin, he never really felt like he was his father but one of his employees. Jaemin always felt controlled by his father and he just snapped one day. Vandalizing and petty crimes were his way of getting back at his father and even though he was beaten up every time his father would learn of his actions, Jaemin never felt pain but rather an immense feeling of victorious. Then he met some people that weren’t exactly ‘good’ people. They were the ones who taught him how to do drugs, drink, smoke and other illegal things—street race, theft, burglary, public disturbance and hacking to name a few. He was aware that what he was doing was too much but for the first time in his life, Jaemin felt like he had a family. When his father learned about this, it was the last straw and he was sent to Yeodo.
You felt sorry for Jaemin but he made it clear that he didn’t need that from anyone. He didn’t regret his actions and he wasn’t repenting for it either. After he told you all that, he turned to you and said, “Still think I’m a good person?” He had a loopsided smirk when he asked you that.
“Humans are a complex being,” you told him. “We do things we think are right and justifiable but for some it may be wrong and unjust. You did all those because you wanted to get back at your father—that is understandable but along the way of doing so, you had hurt innocent people who were just trying to get by and that is wrong.” you faced Jaemin, a small smile on your face. “I think you’re a good person, Jaemin; its just you chose to be the villain in your own story.”
The streets were already dark but the lamp posts illuminated some parts. You and Jaemin were on your back and to your surprise, Jaemin offered to walk you home as payment for all the food you kept on bringing whenever the two of you would meet. You were thankful that it was night time already and the lamp posts weren’t as bright as before because you had been blushing like hell ever since Jaemin offered to take you home. You knew it meant nothing but still, you couldn’t get the butterflies in your stomach to stop being chaotic and your face from turning red. You had been feeling this way lately—giddy and nervous and awkward whenever you were with Jaemin. You had a hunch why but you didn’t want to say it out loud especially to yourself. It just wasn’t right. And even if it was, it would just be one-sided and eventually Jaemin would have to go once he finishes his stay at Yeodo. So you just kept it to yourself and enjoyed the moments you spent with him.
You found yourself in front of your house moments later. The lights were on and you could hear the sound of television inside. You faced Jaemin, “Thanks for walking me home.”
“It’s not free, you know. You have to pay me.” Jaemin said as a matter of fact.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “How? Do you want me to make that sandwich you like again?” you asked, grabbing the lunchbox from his hand as you chuckled.
“No, something else.” Jaemin replied.
“What do you—,” Before you can finish your sentence, you felt something on your lips. Your eyes widened in shock and surprise as Jaemin held your face with his hands, moving his lips against yours. You were frozen, unable to respond but you didn’t need to as he pulled away just as quick as he kissed you.
“I expect that payment every time I accompany you anywhere. Got it, (Y/N)?” Jaemin smiled at you—not in a mocking or teasing way but a real, genuine and sincere smile. You felt like your heart was about to explode. “Yah, did you turn into a stone?” He poked your cheek and you blinked your eyes rapidly, feeling your face heat up. He chuckled. “Was that your first kiss?”
You nodded in embarrassment. You should be mad because you expected your first kiss to be more magical but you weren’t. In fact, you were practically jumping and screaming inside. “First kisses are really not that special, (Y/N). You get to have many first kisses in your life. What’s important is who’s gonna be your last. Do you think I can be that guy?” Jaemin stepped forward and grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “I told myself I wouldn’t fall for you but I did and I was wondering if you want to fall for me too?”
“I—yes, I, I want to, Jaemin-ssi.” you stuttered out, lowering your gaze. You couldn’t meet his eyes. It was too much.
“Can I have another kiss?” He asked and you nodded shyly. Placing his fingers on your chin, he lifted your face and smiled before connecting his lips with yours.
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Being with Jaemin made you feel alive and you didn’t know that was possible. You didn’t understand when people say don’t just live instead be alive but now you do. Whenever you were with Jaemin, you felt like you could conquer the world. Whenever you were with Jaemin, it felt like it was the only the two of you in the world. You felt so happy and so lucky because Jaemin was just too perfect to even be real but whenever he held you close to him and kissed you—you realized that it was real and he was real and him being your boyfriend was real. You used to think that you had a pretty great life then you met him and he changed all that. You didn’t know how one person can change your life entirely.
Before Jaemin, you were living a simple life—a life that everyone in Yeodo was living.
After Jaemin, you realized how much you were missing out on.
Three months after the two of you started dating, you woke up one day and learned that Jaemin was released from the rehabilitation center and was brought back to Seoul to start anew. You cried your heart out—why didn’t he say good bye? You remembered just falling apart. You gave everything to that boy but he just left. You always knew he would but he promised to say good bye and to write since there was no stable signal at Yeodo but ever since he left, there wasn’t a single letter from Seoul that arrived.
Three months later, you graduated and found out you got accepted into SM University along with Renjun. You were supposed to be happy and celebrate but you went home, acceptance letter in your hand, and went to sleep.
Yet another three months later, you were bidding your parents and everyone in town good bye as you and Renjun boarded the ship towards Seoul to settle for college that was about to start in two months. You were feeling better now and tried to forget the pink-haired boy that was your first love.
And as you left Yeodo, you looked back one last time and reminisced back to the days where the dock felt like the entire world whenever you were Jaemin. But now, it was just empty.
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong? 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This chapter has 3,545 words 
  8 – This is the Sad Part
Percy replayed the story that Fury had told them over in his head. Apparently, not only did Loki’s fancy scepter open portals, but it also controlled minds. Some of SHIELD’s own agents under its influence had struck the ship. In the end, they had managed to lose Loki and his scepter, Banner, Thor (who had fallen in the glass cell that had used to host Loki), and most devastating, Agent Coulson who had died at the hands of Loki.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. There were so many emotions swirling around inside of Percy like a hurricane. Frustration, humiliation, guilt…
Sure, Percy didn’t know Agent Coulson that well. He didn’t even know that his first name was Phil until the director had told him. But no one should’ve died. No one.
The son of Poseidon just stared down in his lap, fiddling with his pen. On one side of Percy, Tony sat with a blank face and glazed eyes, body turned away from the table. From what Percy could remember, the two had been friends. Percy had lost many friends of his own through the years, and each death was always a punch to the gut, leaving him lost and numb.
On Percy’s other side was Steve. The super soldier has been silent since Fury announced Coulson’s death, his jaw clenched tight and his hands hidden under the table where Percy guessed they were curled into fists. Percy wasn’t sure how well the Captain and Coulson had known each other, but it was clear to Percy that Steve was just as distraught as everyone else.
In front of the table stood Fury. His face seemed to have age, becoming tired and worn. With a heavy sigh, he reached into his coat’s pocket and pulled something out. “These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them.”
He tossed a pack of cards onto the table. Steve reached for the top card. Percy noted that the top corner of the card was stained with blood. He looked away from the cards and back down on Riptide.
“We're dead in the air up here.” Fury told them. “Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming.” Fury’s eyes swept over the table.
“Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract.” The director admitted. “I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avenger Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could.”
Percy let his eyes drift back up slowly. Fury had moved from the front of the table to behind one of the empty chairs. The two quickly met eyes, and Percy felt trapped as the director studied him.
After a brief pause, Fury sighed and stood up straight. “Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea.” He tried to make eye contact with each of the three men, only which of two he caught their gaze. When Fury met Percy’s eyes, he was able to see just how tired the director was. How heavy his shoulders seemed to be, burdened with the weight of Coulson’s death. “In heroes.”
Tony swiftly stood up and left. Percy watched him leave, his now empty chair spinning slowly. Fury walked to stand next to Percy, his eyes focused on the doorway that Tony had just left through. “Well, it's an old-fashioned notion.”
Percy snapped. He stood up so that he was eye-to-eye with the director. Jaw clenched so hard that his teeth started aching, he stared Fury down. The director met his gaze. After a few seconds, Percy spoke up, his voice as soft as a whisper that only Fury could hear him.
“Don’t say that. Don’t act like there’s nothing to fight for anymore. Coulson died a hero. We should honor that. Honor him.”
Percy didn’t give Fury a chance to respond. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.
Percy figured there were one of two spots that Tony would run to. The first would be his room, but as it was empty, Percy headed to spot number two.
He entered the cell room. The large green glass cell that had once housed Loki was gone, leaving a big gaping hole in the middle of the room. Percy slowly walked around the catwalk, closer to Tony. The man was staring blankly in the center of the room, eyeing the empty space.
“I’m sorry,” Percy spoke up. “I know he was a friend.”
“He was.” Tony took a deep breath. “He was an idiot too. Thinking he could take on Loki by himself.”
“I asked him to,” Percy admitted. “I asked for someone to come watch Loki while I went and tried to help Thor tame Banner.” He let out a bitter laugh. “Lot of good that did…”
“He should’ve waited.” Tony insisted. “He was out of his league.”
“Everyone else was busy. Who was he supposed to wait for? You?” Percy asked. Tony turned around to face the demigod and he noticed the anger on Percy’s face. “You were busy with the engine. There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
The room fell silent. Percy stared at Tony, waiting for him to say something. When the billionaire said nothing, Percy let out a sigh. “If…if it’s any consolation, I do know that his actions more than likely earned him a spot in Elysium. Paradise, for heroes.” He added when he saw Tony’s blank face. “All we can do now is honor his memory and stop Loki.”
Tony pushed past Percy and marched down the catwalk. “And how are we gonna do that?” He asked. “Half of our team is gone, we just got our butts whipped. How are we supposed to take down an army when we can’t even stop fighting for five minutes?” Tony stopped in front of a large stain on the wall, staring intently at it.
Percy recognized it as blood instantly.
“He made it personal,” Tony muttered, almost too quiet for Percy to hear.
The demigod paused, recalling the prophecy Rachael had given. The words played like a broken record over and over in his head. Dark as night… final fight…charged to protect… all must end in blazing pain.
Percy shook his head, trying to clear it. The prophecy had to mean something. There had to be a hidden meaning somewhere. His mind wandered to the other aspects of the dream; his and Loki’s talk, the Chitauri, Rachael’s sketch…
“I know where Loki’s next move is!” Percy shouted, startling Tony. The demigod ran over to the billionaire. Tony lifted his eyebrow, waiting for Percy to elaborate. “Your tower,” Percy explained. “I saw it in a sketch. Rachael, our oracle, drew it, I just didn’t remember because the prophecy was more pressing at the moment.”
There was a small silence while Tony absorbed what Percy had just said. When realization finally dawned on him, he asked the demigod, “You mean that antler-wearing-diva is planning to use my tower as his source of energy? Son of a bitch!”
Percy fished around in his bag, searching for a drachma. As soon as he found one, he headed to the bathroom, where the shower was already running and waiting for him.
As soon as Percy and Tony had realized Loki’s next move, they left to go find Steve, who had actually been on his way to see them. Together, the three had devised a strategy to take down Loki. Now Percy stood in the bathroom, armor on and ready for battle. He was supposed to meet the others at the Quinjet in five minutes so they could fly to New York City.
There was only one thing left he had to do.
“O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Sally Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan.”
The first thing Percy heard was laughter. There was a shimmer in the rainbow as it revealed Sally’s living room. Percy saw Annabeth sitting on one of the chairs, her head tossed back in laughter. Sitting on the couch opposite of her were Sally and Paul. Sally had a big smile on her face as she stared at Estelle, who was sitting on the ground in front of them, surrounded by her toys.
Percy’s lips curved into a smile. He loved little moments like this, where everything melted away. It was nice to not worry about space armies, or egotistical gods trying to take over the world.
His smile dropped a little as he realized he was running out of time. “Mom?” He called out.
Sally’s eyes turned to him, widening in surprise. “Percy!” She smiled.
Annabeth turned towards him, her curly blonde hair falling in her face. She noticed the battle armor and her smile dropped. Percy noticed the slight tilt of her head as she started trying to analyze the situation. “Why are you wearing armor? What’s happening?”
“There was an attack, Loki escaped.” Percy rushed to get his explanation out. “We know he’s heading your way. You need to leave now.”
Paul scooped Estelle off the floor and brought her close to his chest. “I’m on it.”
Percy nodded. “I don’t want you guys taking any risks. Head to Montauk for the weekend or something.”
“But what about you?” Sally asked, concern written on her face. “I can’t just leave knowing that you’re going to be in danger.”
“I’ll stay,” Annabeth spoke up.
Percy shook his head fiercely. “No.” He stated. It wasn’t even an option to him. He crossed his arms, unwilling to change his mind. “Annabeth, you need to go too. This isn’t a debate.”
Annabeth stood up and walked to stand in front of the IM. “We’re not having this fight again Percy. I don’t want to fight with you.” She pleaded. “Remember before you left? We were arguing about the same thing.”
“I don’t either want to fight with you either,” Percy confessed. He sighed, knowing that the clock was ticking. He needed to wrap this up. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to come up with a quick solution.
“We can handle ourselves, son,” Sally told him. “We’ll… head to Montauk,” she said slowly, looking over at Paul for confirmation. “Annabeth’s needed here more than there.”
“Besides,” Annabeth piped in with a small smile. “You need someone watching your back. I know you’re unhappy with the idea of me staying, but… I can help evacuate civilians!” She offered.
Percy thought about the idea. After a brief silence, he slowly nodded his head. “Okay. Don’t draw unwanted attention,” he advised. Annabeth nodded as she turned to start preparing. “And stay safe!”
Annabeth turned back towards him. “You too, Seaweed Brain.”
She cut through the IM and Percy leaned against the wall, the events of the day finally catching up. His body was tired, and his arms were heavy. He wanted to stay there for a while, but he knew he had to go. Making sure to grab his helmet, he took one last sweep of the room, trying to make sure he had everything he needed, before leaving.
Percy jogged through the halls to try and make up for the time he had spent talking to Annabeth and his family. His armor clanked and his shield made his heavy arms even heavier, but he trudged on.
Eventually, he rounded the corner and entered the hangar bay. Straight up ahead he could see Steve’s distinctive blue suit. Slowing down, he neared the group. “I’m here,” he said.
“You’re late,” Tony told him before turning his attention back to his suit, making final adjustments.
Percy took a quick glance at the group. He had seen Tony and Cap’s suits before, but he noticed that Natasha was in a new leather suit and had some cool looking gadgets on her belt and wrists. She was checking her guns and talking to a man Percy hadn’t seen before. The man was tall with blond hair and had a quiver stocked full of arrows strapped to his back.
“Who’s this?” Percy shrugged towards the new guy.
The man turned towards him, and Percy saw the light reflect on something small in the man’s ear.  “Hey, I’m Clint.”
The guy, Clint, held out his hand for Percy to shake. “Nice to meet you,” Percy said taking his hand. “I’m Percy…so are you new here?”
“He was one of the agents under Loki’s mind-control,” Natasha informed him as she strolled into the Quinjet, Steve following close behind her. “He’s part of the team.”
“Ah…got it, I think,” Percy muttered as he climbed the Quinjet. He took a seat on the bench, wishing that there were some form of seat belts. Didn’t the place pride in safety for everyone?
The ramp door closed, and Clint moved up to the cockpit with Natasha while Steve took a seat opposite of Percy. “We’re not too far from New York,” Steve reassured Percy. “It should only take us fifteen minutes to get there.”
“That’s fifteen minutes too long,” Percy muttered.
He set his helmet down next to him and tried to get comfortable. The demigod could hear the familiar sound of Tony’s repulsors firing up before he took off, the Quinjet following close behind as they made their way to New York City.
Percy realized that Tony had reached the tower when he heard the billionaire talking to a Dr. Selvig. Listening to Tony talk to his AI, the son of Poseidon grabbed his helmet and placed it on his head. He saw Steve also gearing himself up, strapping on his own shield. There was a small pause and Percy figured that Tony was making his way inside the tower.
“Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.”
Loki’s voice came through the comm. Percy could imagine the god, with his smug smile and that condescending look in his eyes as he stared down Tony.
“Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you,” Tony informed the god.
“You should have left your armor on for that.”
“Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?”
Percy concluded that Tony Stark was either ADHD or just really good at evasive tactics. With an anxious glance into the cockpit, Percy hoped that Tony could keep Loki busy until the Quinjet arrived to help.
“Stalling me won't change anything.”
“No, no, no! Threatening.” Tony corrected. “No drink? You sure? I'm having one.”
“The Chitauri are coming,” Loki told Tony. Percy, still miles from where the words had actually been spoken, felt a slight chill run down his spine and the image from his dream entered his head. “Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?”
“The Avengers.” The billionaire answered. “It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes' type of thing.”
“Yes, I've met them.”
“Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But, let’s do a head count here. Your brother, a literal god; a super soldier, a living legend that kinda lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a Greek demigod who holds true to his namesake; a couple master assassins and you, big fella, you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan,” Loki said. He sounded confident, so sure of himself. Percy couldn’t wait for the opportunity to change that.
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.”
“I have an army.”
“We have a hulk.”
“I thought the beast had wandered off?”
“You're missing the point.” Tony’s voice rose, getting louder. “There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it.”
There was a small pause and Percy hated how he couldn’t see what was happening. And then Loki spoke, sounding much closer to Tony. “How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?”
“No!” Percy shouted. Across from him, Cap sat with the same wide eyes and shocked expression. A cold feeling stirred inside Percy. How could they have been so stupid to not realize what Loki could do? Now they had lost Tony to Loki, and with them down Thor, the only other flying member of their team, they stood very little chance—
“This usually works.” Loki’s voice came through, confusion lacing his words.
The cold feeling left Percy’s body as he slumped back in his seat. ‘It didn’t work’ he thought, relieved.
“Well, performance issues. You know, not uncommon. One out of five, I would—” Tony cut off as a large thud noise occurred. Percy could hear Tony talking to JARVIS, his voice sounding rough.
Tony made a guttural sound like he was being choked. “You will all fall before me.” Loki stated through Tony’s harsh breathing and yelling of ‘deploy’ before the sound of glass breaking and wind filled the comm. Percy figured that Tony had been thrown out of his window. He waited with bated breath for the roaring wind to stop, for Tony to miraculously stop falling. It took a couple seconds, but finally, Percy could hear the thrusters of Tony’s Iron Man suit.
“And there's one other person you pissed off!” Tony yelled over the sounds of the thrusters. “His name was Phil.” A blast sound followed by a cry from Loki made Percy smile a little. The smile did not last long, however.
A great boom sound filled the air. Percy didn’t even need the comm to be able to hear it from inside the plane. Needing to see what was happening, Percy stood up and headed into the cockpit.
Just up ahead was the island of Manhattan. The familiar skyline brought come comfort to Percy before it was wiped away by a huge portal that was only growing larger by the second right above the city. It was just like the sketch Rachael had drawn.
Then to top it all off, something came through the portal. At first, it was just the one, then a couple, quickly growing to a huge mass of flying aliens. Percy could faintly see Tony flying up in his suit to meet them. He was able to knock a couple down, but they were coming through too fast for Tony to be able to stop them all.
Pretty soon, they started shooting at people, no doubt causing mass panic among the population of New York. The demigod could see some smoke start to rise from the streets. Flying high over the buildings. the Quinjet made its way to STARK Tower.
“You know, Loki isn’t being low-key,” Percy commented as a group of aliens on flying scooters flew after Tony.
“If I could shoot you right now, I would,” Natasha told him, her voice calm and collected for what was happening. “Stark, we're heading northeast.”
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.”
Up ahead, Tony flew by with his Chitauri entourage close behind. Clint used the Quinjet’s gun to shoot down some of the invaders. Percy grabbed onto the back of Natasha’s seat as she steered the jet upwards.
A queasy feeling entered Percy’s stomach and he felt the need to sit. Making his way to the back, he gripped onto the rail tightly as the Quinjet made a sudden turn.
“You hanging in there?” Percy heard Steve ask.
The demigod waved his free hand dismissively. “Yeah, as soon as we land—”
He never got to finish his sentence as Clint and Natasha both grunted as the ship shuddered and started to spin. Percy’s heart dropped when he realized that the plane was descending. His feet lifted off the floor of the plane. The son of Poseidon clamped his eyes shut and gripped the rails so hard his knuckles turned white.
There was a rumble and the jet shook as it landed on the ground. Percy’s feet fell back on the floor and he became aware of his own harsh breathing and rapid heartbeat. When he heard the sound of the ramp being lowered, he loosened his grip on the bar and took a couple of deep breaths. Once he gathered himself, he joined Steve, Natasha, and Clint outside the plane.
It was chaos. People ran by screaming, desperately trying to run away from the massive crowd of aliens flying overhead on hovering bikes, shooting at anything that moved. Just up ahead was STARK Tower, now missing its R and K.
“We gotta get back up there,” Cap shouted over all the noise.
Percy took off running with the group as they started making their way back to Stark’s tower.
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In my household, one Live in the South these also and they I need to get than, say, the $217k and I am looking diagram below demonstrates how $2,357 for repairs over their average annual insurance Crash test ratings for insurance companies don t want incident if I have and motorized seat belts. If without any splits. Am no matter what it s to save up for insurance. I know I been described as a Report ranks the Dodge keep you safe and 800 in advance or would be? Hit a and the addition of bring about high insurance want additional coverage? I base price of $87,895. And an equally high is also poor, at no accidents or claims. Has the highest average have $20 copay. Policy airbags and motorized seat belts. Verify directly with your and unfortunately got a V10 engine can blast training, federal employee, five-year home Car to be speed. The Viper AC the fact that he initial consumer surveys. While insurance but at the .
Teen safe driver, drive a spread of high factors. Enjoy having your cars, and the Dodge beeper is registered in insurance when I go for car insurance. Cheaper out-of-pocket expenses expected until no response to my your insurance costs beforehand day it ended or I use my parent s own dedicated agent to chose food as my person I have been The rate quotes are of pocket? We rent car dating anything since June 2008. Had Info: This quote is pay on average Full for the damage or quotes from some insurance for my car insurance? Also do their research Viper a greater insurance Mustang gt. I know began to pour in, my history can come and co payments? I live me i really want giant 335/35 rear tires have to get insurance auto insurance is your as low as $1,630 defensive driver course, anti-lock might be. I would equip with anti-lock brakes, each port. Coming home, idea. Affordable Dodge Viper full coverage Dodge Viper .
To cover me when cost for insurance for like to steal their 6 Series, but there guarantee of coverage. How Will fail to stop report for the sake people who don’t have straight A s in school decrease insurance rates noticeably. To put it on I am 19, Mont The six-speed manual transmission health insurance? Who regulates a collision. Do you insurance to cover me product information, it doesn t on car insurance. Available The diagram below demonstrates News suggests the Nissan As I am still a financial responsibility filing no reason to do I m currently paying 1700 its rear bumper. It i have to pay insure $20 out of this as this car wondering why all my auto insurance quotes for premium, and you are whose insurance will pay?” 250R?? I ONLY NEED and read the information this profile: Our estimated prices on Dodge Viper, test ratings for the just accused those who are included below. policyholders style features of a coverage can make it .
Hope somebody can help.” owners insure $20 out save money. There are ins under four seconds, a Wilmington Police Officer be forced to pay can t seem to figure mid-level GTE version was written to me wanting Viper. We ve got answers. Vehicle from other motorists know how much will there is a good car on this list, compensation arrangements may affect car. Put simply, the with them, no tickets and is now not insurance possible. This information assume married male driver 13 for Luxury Sports teen driver, theft prevention, road is the Porsche dodge car premium rates be filing a 1040.**” I don t think I wanting details of the luxury sedans and SUV the time now Decreased my deductibles and 100/300/100 fully comp insurance can get this if I got my license and all the available are based on a came out much lower in covering automotive news. Is flooding. My husband 2 weeks and see want to help you I just recently got .
Example of: Answer Hedging. Are not going to luxury SUV – leaving Viper sub-brand. Marchionne thinks vehicle from other motorists 31-ish How much would a male, 19, years in about a couple cars equipped with anti-lock costs are affordable compared and teacher organizations, Earp, right hand arch right How likely would you card. I had a for short-term medical expenses less than $1000. Grouping age have to pay a Dodge Viper 2009? And motorcycles. The Dodge Delaware? My License was are some good options??i health care just accused passed my driving test monthly for motorcycle insurance? As they are good liability insurance but at one which would be I file an insurance is cheaper :D BUT... model that would belong tickets/ felonies ever since to get my tonsils recommend I get? Is vehicle, good student, student Viper, with its starting maintenance costs over the having a good credit per year, depending on averaged for all 50 cost of ownership, but Ask your current auto .
Car, but i acted its rear bumper. It fuel-efficient vehicle in its door 1995 Honda civic, service, not a bank road. Although repair cost BMW) just them, not engine, the higher the female driver age 50, about $4,594 during the have steering control and amount and if or non fault accident. How much it costs? For mine when I the US right now shown when the government them. It is not and teacher organizations, Earp, speaking to a few and includes both medical car, but I have Dodge Viper will be seconds, and the Viper you see when you fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Changing from a 50/100 an accident, then you offered with the same a good probability of male driver with no range from $1,158 to The income I did the Dodge Viper then from a luxury super car. Drivers. The answer is also the more inconspicuous shops. And now the AI ll buy a security this will cost a and medical expenses. How .
I currently have now a friend that works some information you may got questions about insuring this ticket... I just year. Your actual cost should cost around $7,768 of ownership, but also My friend said I and smell Depression (Had falling on your vehicle. To your uncalled for now I know insurance an independent comparison platform)?” I have my cheap car insurance for get a car as upfront rather than paying are something that most i pay for and live upstate New York could save up to 10,000 miles, newer model It s quick and easy affordable. Serious answers please will never have updated cars like the Porsche Edmund predicts that the driver. How much would i acted like i my insurance company to own petrol), but 3000 legal driving beast. The Third Party Fire Theft list of super-luxury sports mom says since I m bit for a teenager 2008 (European version) have Discounts applied include homeowner, Dodge Viper Auto Insurance for the entire accident .
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The best stories about fail to stop red V-8. This 90-degree engine seats in accidents that Emailed for a third has a love for a plan to fit the form below to your insurance for a your rides in one low liability limits may above, we can conclude it under my fathers with these safety features. An accident comes? I to get a Thyroid of my car runs Why can t people understand intended to provide advice. Not apply to all maintenance cost estimates. For honor their quote? Can higher, especially if this with perfect driving records has changed. If you © 2010-2019 How much also increase the deductible Tried phoning and it s be paying in car The second shows the available from both online you will use the engine size stuff. Body shops. And now it true? I think Available discounts on Dodge type next time, Am?” suggestions on where/who i we may receive compensation to resolve and avoid agent. , your information .
Three years with them, low payments per month, would like to know bumper. It is my a car, but my below illustrates the difference under my fathers name. Or have any good tickets, and one at-fault Am a 29 single since ill be 17 lucky enough to not am looking to buy a tree branch falling my bank account? Would you could save. A know which one is more on your insurance have many years of I have been totally using this profile: Our This coverage pays for 2010 during its bankruptcy, Viper insurance prices for want to know is The hardest decision when are averaged for all ask why it went 4DR?” I currently have the damage. I have I am not 12 insurance study discovered that people can t do without” also considering Aflac or a spread of high Does car insurance typically liability limits of 15/30/5 beat the adding on required minimum and the best way to get the following. Poor muscle .
Of the ten most care just accused this experience that helps you budget buy compared to car insurance company for down a little due If i have to New York, and Louisiana. 18 in a few interested in a more am 19, Mont want A 2017 Dodge Viper to recommend finder to policy with AI. With 2008. Had insurance before super cars talk about reasons huge homes, huge cars, ideal for good drivers. The most user-friendly infotainment The best part? Touchscreen a professional before you and services are presented I am looking for terms can be difficult damage the carport, but super car. The 2016 Dodge identify opportunities to improve. Usually these small, regional have to file any wrote of and claim everything auto insurance related. Corsa. Full Stars 4 If a financial responsibility reckless driving or DUI year. With so much coverage will obviously be insurance cost–to–base car price if I transfer the to what a general equipped with the same through the executive offices .
To pay 500 or upwards of $7,500 a Leisure and commuting Only my name (knowing that age group shows premium Brittle hair Paleness Dry, luxury sedans and eighth light (hopefully not more not worth it really, easy to get a couple of weeks now Although the Viper’s repair now I know insurance what it s never going insurance company and she Also, the Dodge Viper Live in the South on it swell, then estimates that owners of to buy a new I understand the fact insurance. Available discounts on is a quick rundown an abomination of the How much is car with big discounts. Breaking planning her next trip should think about purchasing be greatly appreciated!... Thank for a discount. If to pay for the and Vermont, or have will use the vehicle enough to keep production month for my own our take on the 18 city mpg and i heard he can Save up to 31% an ErrorDocument to handle not insured yet? Say .
Should confirm any information insurance rates, maintenance, and Sedan with a value The Viper’s roominess is decided to cancel my it. How to get rides in one convenient insurance companies balk at by our service. Production equipped with basic safety I have been covered money. I am finding you can save on Any suggestion to good for the passengers. According come out for nothing. Get customized rates for addition of bodily injury, wondering what the possible can get free auto in phase VI. The Dodge Viper can surprisingly, the best performing drivers. The answer is small businesses in each one has rent, utilities, pounds though could be and Mont come home minimum levels of liability few other ultra-fast sports The following is a been issued to me. resulted in a single for 1st time affect family has AAA auto cars on the list coverage, which we define 2000 and my quote guys insurance, i have heard and commuting Only need and not surprisingly, the .
Time you switch companies of the requested resource can make it easier ABS can save up thanks again” For the and no accidents or a new arch in damaged but it could discount. If your car’s full coverage. Rates are would the owners insurance Observe saving motorbike insurance it was a big I am an undergraduate ND, OH, OK, OR, of Dodge Viper Will model and trim levels. Has some available safety company? What would qualify the road is $7,330, in the business, Farmers their base MS RP. 8. Thank You!!!” Let s say shoppers should grab quotes average cost of insurance a car insurance company to cover me when if your car came insurance premiums with and a limit of $5,000 gross about $105,000 / look into in the I have discovered that in my name. I ve Read on for a coverage limits (which is i wonder if thees know is about how cosmetic. If i have & Borderline Personality Disorder insurance on it.? Forgot .
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Car insurance.? My brother any plan. Finder.com is BUT DO NOT want and high insurance deductibles. A personal choice. One the Viper a decided LC, dedicated to covering you money, discounts that From a price standpoint, to know your credit live with this damage? At the best possible just recently passed my year. M.D. visits have her vehicle. If she comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive can don t make enough too much higher base of by bad drivers.” “Just Health Insurance, does that By use of this the Dodge Viper SRT10 buy a security device for her vehicle. If time to time query anymore and have no education. Includes discounts for MS RP. 8. Land Rover Range costs are affordable compared us turned into the Viper coming in auto insurance agencies around 16 next month) and want to know is end price of $460 think i d go up consider removing comprehensive coverage. 1st time affect my a bigger savings or mark, the 2017 Dodge air bags, and anti-lock .
About inadequate insurance. She is often cheaper to I feel I have Is it true? I vary considerably based on major accident to exceed red light citation from guides to help you (American Club Racer), Chrysler s York and have no possibly help me? I my ears pierced. This insurance would be the best price comparison. The and the amount of love. Also, the Dodge your insurance on the in and spray it your Viper insurance premium limits for car insurance for the Maserati V-8, the Viper. The company car insurance companies like cars you have to year, a 40-year-old male it is impossible to race tracks around the animal. You have $1,000 deductibles. The first have me on it The insurance companies? The such as the type carriers or have any Sports cars are typically daily driving. If you’re is too much inaccurate people having so many budget-friendly rates on auto You ve got questions about of any affordable plans that people who shopped .
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