#but it will make sense story wise so…
rolling-harbinger · 2 years
Something really useful that could happen from Belos possessing Hunter is Hunter getting Belos’ memories.
I even have some evidence that may prove this. When Belos is possessing Hunter and is talking to Luz, he sees an opportunity when the rest of the group shows up. He makes a smug look and reveals to the group that Luz helped him. How could he possibly know to do that. How could he know that the others didn’t know, how could he know that Luz didn’t want them to know. The only one who knew all that was Hunter. Yeah, it could’ve just been Belos being full of himself, but I feel like his actions normally have a reason. And since he seems to know something that only Hunter should know, there’s a possibility that Belos got Hunters memories, and so that could mean Hunter got Belos’ memories as well. (It makes sense considering they shared a mind)
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Now why would it be useful? Well Belos knows the most about The Collector and how they work. Belos is also the only one who knows what magic is keeping himself alive and making him invulnerable to attacks. But if Hunter got Belos’ memories, he could then find out more information about the collector and how to approach them, and he could find out how they can defeat Belos for good. He can even find out more about the full backstory of the whittebane brothers. This will then make Hunters possession meaningful and important to the main story. To make it a key reason into defeating The Collector and Belos that would make the possession very necessary, and even thematically appropriate for the story. Belos’ own actions yet again lead him to his downfall. Everything that happens in a story needs to have a reason, and this could be a possible reason for the possession.
But hey this is just a little theory of mine that most likely isn’t even true whatsoever.
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teddybearty · 16 days
After reading a fanfic called Another Side: Sporting Hopefuls, I’ve constantly had Celeste X Chihiro on the brain. Is it ok if you draw them, I love your art style and I’d love to see them shipped together more often?
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Lovers of Dresses 🐱💕🐰
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onawhimsicot · 11 months
it ended up being pretty scuffed lmao but i think it was cool of the admins to have taken note of all the times Etoiles and Philza were screaming at the sky, chomping at the bit for a "1v1" against the code monster and being like "if it shows up, you and me, we fight together" and do their absolute best to give them a dramatic and emotional arena showdown where everyone else would have been forced to watch from the outside
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
So are the Big Bads of Junior Year going to be the Rat Grinders? AKA kids who leveled up 'the normal way' by doing a bunch of quests, grinding, taking on any enemy to get more powerful, but because of the 'luck' and 'opportunities' given to other kids (ie the Bad Kids) aren't being lauded or appreciated like they expected so they're taking it out on the Bad Kids, have taken advantage of it the summer they were gone, and are doing what they can to punish them for 'being rewarded despite failing at what's expected of them, despite actually saving the world'.
I wonder if all the members of Rat Grinders have classes that reflect those of the Bad Kids? We already know they have a rogue and a bard...
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cloverconsolass · 2 months
I wanted to make a ducktales undertale au but like what would the name of the au even be... Ducktale????? Undertales????? The only option rlly left is underduck but like 😬.
Also man it is hard to place ducktales charaters in the undertale characters places and have it make sense story wise. 😮‍💨
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spockoholic · 2 months
to all the people on twitter complaining about how short volume 5 of erha is compared to volume 1, i don’t really know what they want??? Do they want every book to be 500 pages and end in random spots in the story to the detriment of the reading experience? I get the jump to conclusions about a company that has made some (lots) of questionable decisions, but for all the dumb stuff that 7s has done, i genuinely do not think this is malicious. I just don’t think people are understanding how to best publish a 1.3 million word novel into manageable volumes.
People are complaining about Qian Qiu as well like that the last two volumes should have been one… i genuinely think people forget about the structural integrity of paperback books. like as things to read and not just keep on your shelf (i KNOW a lot of y’all just like shelf candy but unfortunately books are meant to be read) and a 700+ page paperback book’s spine is going to split with a few reads idk what to tell you.
I get other gripes, like no french flaps in newer books (read. BAB), or paper quality etc. but i think the intentionally malicious extending volumes as far as possible to the detriment of the reading experience to milk as much money from danmei fans as humanly possible is just kinda a dumb take. The next volume of 2ha is as long as the first one, and unlike some of y’all they have read this book and are splitting these in a way that makes sense. Especially compared to foreign danmei editions (WHERE ARE THE HARDBACK BOOKS) i think there are plenty of genuine complains about the quality of 7s’s editions, however volume word count is just not a complaint i can take seriously. This is not me sucking 7s off, they’re milking money in other places but it’s just not really in the size of the books.
you know who DOES do that with their books? square enix, go yell at them. Those manga volumes are criminally short and padded on both ends with panels from the previous/future volumes. See Cherry Magic.
And to the peole complaining about how long it takes for them to publish/translate each volume….. please respect translators time, please. You can’t both complain about translation mistakes and complain about how long it takes for the volumes to come out, that’s not how this works. They already have insane deadlines and kindof a thankless job and to complain that a novel that already has a fan translation is taking too long to come out… with a BRAND new translation because that is how that works, idk just don’t talk about stuff you don’t care to think for more than 5 seconds about.
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
i swear to god sega must be choosing which 3d sonic games they wanna rerelease at random because none of their choices here make any sense when i said they should focus more on making the 3d games more accessible instead of re releasing the classic games a million times this isnt what i meant
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rexcaliburechoes · 6 months
does gale know that he's appreciated? does he know that he's loved? does he know that he's funny and witty and charming and worthwhile as a companion because of his simple existence? does he know that there is fulfillment in following the ambition to live? does he know? can he see the paths laid before him, the paths he is destined to walk, some that end in his death, others that continue on with his life, does he understand the ramifications of his choices, does he understand how his choices have affected the other companions' courses just by asking for a hand?
does he understand how the act of taking his hand grounds him in reality, towards a brighter future?
of course he doesn't; he's a fictional character and he only knows thst he sees in front of him and that is his death several feet ahead of him. he is entangled in the fabric of the universe like a moth in a spider's web, the strands of his ambitions and regrets clinging, gossamer thin yet sticky and strong, holding him fast to the paths that rip him in too many directions.
all he needs is a little push into the spider's maw or free to fly and live another day.
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calkale · 6 months
not to bring this up AGAIN but i cant believe they did that to ilsa
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good-beanswrites · 7 months
Hello! So like I've been having that Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins AU rent free in my head for a while, and thought this up.
Since the prisoners weren't allowed to meet at first, they could hear the others practicing their singing nearby/next door. Some are awed by how passionate they put into their songs (eg: Haruka & Shidou), how into it (eg: Fuuta & Kotoko), how emotional (eg: Kazui), etc. This allowed the prisoners to imagine what the others are like.
...Then there's Mikoto with Red going all out with their MeMe song and it stunned everyone into silent fear until the prisoners meet him and go "YOU SANG THAT!?!"
I've been going so so crazy over this omg!!
No matter how big the facilities are, I'd imagine it would be difficult to keep ten people undergoing a full filming process completely separate from each other. Though they don't actually see each other, they overhear recording booth sessions while while walking down the hall. They spot unique outfits and props in the costume closet. They hear crew members giving Jackalope weird updates ("sir, where do you want the massive tarot cards when they're finished?" "the order of thousands of fake flowers has arrived" "we ran out of medieval outfits" etc.) They see teams lugging around massive set pieces from one stage to another. They hear a few hushed rehearsals from behind dressing room doors.
Mahiru totally tears up listening to Kazui. Meanwhile Kazui is blown away by Mahiru's enthusiasm and speed. Yuno thinks After Pain sounds really fun. Amane is awed at the other songs, (she's never even heard rock music before). Kotoko finds herself singing bits of Weakness. Muu is moved by Shidou. Fuuta is torn between being jealous of Mikoto's song and excited there's someone else with some yelling.
And so of course, the prisoners go crazy trying to piece together predictions about their upcoming cellmates. One the experiment begins, they subconsciously start matching up the voices they remembered hearing with their expectations. I think Shidou, Amane, and Kotoko would surprise people the most -- it seems hard hard to get a day-to-day read on them from their songs alone. Fuuta is simultaneously exactly what people were expecting and nothing like what they thought. Everyone's ideas of Mahiru were spot on. Haruka sang so confidently that the group is surprised to hear him stutter so often. Anyone who heard a bit of Meme is shocked when they meet Mikoto and make the connection. When asked about it, he just shrugs and laughs innocently, which only makes it harder to believe. Fuuta, excited to find someone else who did a rock song, is sorely disappointed at first.
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grandcovenant · 5 months
it's such a shame that sophia as a character is so reliant on keeping everything about her a mystery until.... literally the last chapter, because it makes her a lot weaker as.... one of the main characters. she's intended to have the same level of importance as geppetto in the narrative, however, in execution..... you can't really get invested in her because she doesn't really offer anything meaningful to you until the very end, and by then it feels a little too little too late. (and so much of it is wrapped around simon's plotline, which i have already expressed i don't really care for.)
i think it's why i try to make a bigger deal of things like the hermit's cave, or the thing about being a listener being "the devil's power", according to sophia's mother. these bits show her as an existing part of the setting she's in, and not as the walking Big Reveal set-up she... kind of is, honestly.
sophia is meant to be p's guide through his growing humanity, a counterpoint to geppetto, and i wish more was done with it!!!
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theheadlesshat · 4 months
so tøp released a new video and uuuh
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(sure i know they are passé for the common presumptious tumblr user within the post-emo scene but. sucks for you guys this is the most fun i've had in a long while i'm going fucking insane)
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chaoticbug · 10 days
just wanted to say that actually some of the faults of season 7 of 911 truly highlight how different tonally 911 and 911 Lone Star are and how when Tim Minear came back from Lone Star, he didn't properly adapt. The way I explain it would be 911 is more focused on the emergencies and using the emergencies to further the character's story. There will be calls related to the general arc of the characters in each episode. Each episode has a theme that both emergencies and the character arcs abide by, for example 2x04 Stuck or 4x10 Parenthood. The emergencies are used to fuel on going character plot lines that will then extend outwards through the episode.
Meanwhile Lone Star is more character driven with the emergencies happening in the background. What is happening in the emergencies doesn't necessarily relate to the characters arcs for the episode, and you are far more likely to get an episode dealing with one big emergency or a character's individual plot line rather than a thematic tie in integrating them both
In season 7 there was a noticeable lack of emergencies and the ones we did have rarely tied into a characters personal arc for the episode (the exception is Maddie's story in 7x07). Instead the emergency calls were for the most part used as comedic relief as a break from the drama. Episodes 8-10 didn't have a single real emergency call in the way we have seen it in the show. 7x06 had one in flash back, and 7x03 was just the crew ship. That is about half the season that didn't really have the 118 responding to regular emergencies we have become accustom to in the show, creating a completely different tone and flow for the show.
Additionally, this season pulled several lone star plot lines that in my opinion didn't work as well for a variety of reasons.
Off the top of my head we have:
Bobby and Athena's house burning down in revenge arson (7x09)-TK and Carlos's condo burning down in revenge arson (2x12)
Bobby going off on his own and accidentally ended up dealing with a cartel (7x08) - Owen going off on his own and dealing with a cartel (3x03)
Athena taking her gun and going to the house of the man she believes killed Bobby and threatening to shoot him(7x10)- Carlos taking his gun going to the house of the man he believed killed his father and threatening to shoot him (4x18)
Bobby's heart attack (7x09) -Paul's heart attack (3x09) (ok this one might be a stretch)
The firehouse is taken over as a season finale by a previously disliked captain because of the actions of the current captain (7x10 911 2x14 LS)
Some of those may be stretches but my point being is they all felt too familiar as a plot point because they had been done similarly on Lone Star prior.
This doesn't mean that Tim Minear is bad show runner by any means, it just means he hasn't readapted to the overall structure of the stories we get in 911 and that 911 and 911 Lone Star despite being set in the same universe and one being a spin off of the other are fundamentally different shows with very different structures.
This also doesn't mean that one show is better than the other or has a more successful structure, it just means they are fundamentally different shows and changing the the flow of a show several seasons in will always feel a bit jarring.
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suchine-toki · 7 months
Thoughts about Sakamoto
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The guy is known as the loud fellow in a series like Gintama, that says a lot. But beyond being eccentric, he’s known for his huge heart and his love for money the people. He’s like the heart of the Joui 4 group and his bond with them is emotional and inspiring. His optimistic attitude was the light in the dark times of war.
It's interesting to think that Gintoki, Takasugi and Katsura, a group so united (due to their past, their motivations) would let Tatsuma in. But possibly it wasn't that they let him in, but that he simply made his way and, without anyone noticing, he became part of the group and its dynamics. I think Sakamoto's kindness also helped and perhaps, in a way, he reminded them of their sensei.
Tatsuma's compassion extended not only to his companions, but also to his enemies, as demonstrated in the Rakuyo arc flashback. He didn't intend for his arm to be rendered useless, but he accepted it anyway, as did his friends. Everyone understood that his place wasn’t in the war (although he was very talented with the sword), but in other battles.
His true nature came out in Kaientai arc, in which he meets Mutsu. Here he not only manages to change her, but he also manages to free all the slaves from human trafficking, becoming part of his crew and stealing the criminals’ ships. His ability to change people for the better is also demonstrated with Nobu Nobu later on.
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However, it should be noted that Sakamoto is one of the least developed characters of the main cast. The little information there was about him was always scattered in different arcs in which he wasn’t the focus (even the Kaientai arc was more about Mutsu). We never saw why he learned swordsmanship or how was the internal process of him becoming disabled (if he wanted he could’ve used his other arm, implying he decided not to).
In both Rakuyo arc and Silver Soul arc he was involved in very similar situations, having to be saved in both cases by Mutsu (and whether we like it or not, that makes him look less capable). He never had any real opportunities to shine, and I feel like his character was only superficially explored, when he’d a lot to give. His only role at the end was to improve Nobu Nobu as a person, which was somewhat useless because he died shortly after.
I think Tatsuma would’ve been the perfect character to develop the sci-fi aspect of Gintama, in the sense of exploring other planets and the alien life that exists on them. He could’ve given odd jobs to the Yorozuya (bad um tsss) and thus justify the alien missions, taking advantage of the space travel in the series and, perhaps, giving more development to the Liberation Army, the Harusame and the Tendoushuu from the start.
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lyraofthestarsss · 8 months
Reasons Why BAE Deserves to Win the Road To Legend Paradox Live Competition
They were the first group to be introduced in the original competition lineup
They were the first group to do a stage battle. And against Cozmez
BAE got second place in the finale, lost to Cozmez by just a few 100,000 points
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Allen IS the Bible
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br1ghtestlight · 20 days
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this is so funny to me actually bcuz this is 100% how i talk abt my characters ages. i know what YEAR they were born and i know what rheir ages are supposed to be at the start of the story but i dont actually know when it takes place?? im really bad at math. There was a moment where rainbow was supposed to be 23 and i somehow accidentally made her 17 lmfao
#theoretically it would take place in 2021 bcuz thats when i created my object ocs but the more time passes#the weirder it feels to have it take place years in the past#i considered moving up their birthdays by a few years but like. idk i like their birthdays theyre cute :3#bubblegum is SUPPOSED TO BE 15 and she was born july 2007#watermelon is supposed to be 7 and he was born june 2014#etc etc#starr is 27 and she was born september uhhh 1995 or 1997 i actually dont remember. whichever one makes sense#also that would mean building block was born in 2020 and since she's always gonna be a baby the furhter away we get#it means that she wouldnt have even been born when the story is actually supposed to take place. Like#i know their birthdays and their ages and what year they were born everybody else has to do the math#to figure out wtf is going on because I DONT KNOW#also that means that building block would be a pandemic baby lmao 😭#what was rhe vibe in nigeria in august 2020 during the pandemic. well i say that like it even happened in their universe#which there really isnt any reason for that to be true#it isnt historically important to mention like..... world war two or slavery or whatever. fucking obviously. in the context of objects#it gets messy so its better to just Not#also the months the characters were born really fuck me up bcuz jayden was born in late december#so for most of the first year that they met he would be.... younger than he actually is being born in 2003#but since building's block birthday and exact age is the most important timeline-wise#and she was born august 14th 2020 and she's seven months old when they first meet#then it canonically would take place in march 2021 which was my original intention#bcuz that is the actual date that i first created my object ocs#ANYWAY. boring character age ramblings#but its hard to keep track of so i dont even blame the author!!!! birthdays are weird and hard to keep up w/#when you dont know exactly when your story is supposed to take place#assuming its in a normal-ish world im sure fantasy ocs dont have this problem#txt#object ocs
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