#but it wouldnt be too hard to figure out from what he does have
lusciouslii · 2 years
actually yknow what forget that, my kink blog ill post whatever little thoughts i want. even if im just yelling into the void at least i get to yell!
longer rant incoming bc im tired and want this out of my system!!
so i met this guy on feabie and immediately it was super exciting because we go to the same college!!
hes also super fucking hot which was its own weird thing bc ive really never experienced like physical sexual attraction so that was weird. but yeah dude looks good and he has a nice voice so thats already not helping me
we’ve met up a couple times now, once to sorta test the waters, once just to cuddle in my room???? which looking back it was at that point i was straight up fucked because as someone who had recently gotten out of a bad relationship in which all my needs and emotions had been completely neglected, having that kind of sweet and affectionate intimacy?? all while my chubby body is being praised and adored??? never once had that in my LIFE.
the other few times has been pretty lowkey too. we did do a feeding session once but i got sick and it was the most humiliating thing. but he was so nice and caring and we continued to talk afterwards so i just try not to think about it anymore lol
we didnt talk much over the summer since i had to go back home across the country, but he reached out a few times and i was like damn ok im still of interest to him
this semester started great because i planted the seed (aka posted a pic showing i was back over here) knowing he would probably see it and if he’d say anything, and he fucking did he reached out and was excited i was back and wanted to meet up soon. schedules were a little rough but eventually we did!
i felt extra happy because it was sort if spur of the moment decision and he was moving back an online hangout he’d been planning with friends for a couple weeks. so i was like omg he really wants to see me even if only for a little bit thats so nice
and now that we have several months ahead of us we started talking about doing more of a feeder/feedee setup and things like that and im, obviously, super into the idea, and he seemed super into it too!! the dirty things he said to me that night!!!! not fair!!!!!!!
i sent pics later that night bc we talked about it and he said he’d “return the favor” lol but the. like. i sent them and he didn’t say anything until i posted a pic to feabie 🙃 and he was like oh sorry i completely missed your text! which like alright, and he asked me how i was doing and blah blah brief smalltalk
i asked if he wanted to meet up again soon and he said “Yea I’d be down, I gotta see what’s going on tho / need to play it by ear”
now heres where i get all introspective because to me, i dont see why we couldnt just schedule something in the future. unless, that is, hes trying to keep his schedule open for other stuff. i can get that to a certain degree, and i have to like. really ponder on it because i dont want to be some clingy needy girl who is fawning after a guy im not even dating, but its like….idk it makes me feel kinda sad? that im not enough of a priority to want to pick a set day to do something? so idk how to feel about that exactly
anyways i tried asking again some days later and he wasnt free, no surprise, usually when we do something its sorta this impulsive last minute thing, which again like. sorta plays into that whole im not really a priority unless idk youre horny or something
but its weird cause it seems like he does care and does want more than just horny shenanigans? we havent had sex yet and have only even had one actual feeding session. soooo worlds most patient fuckboy if thats the case but i just really dont get those vibes
but also im gullible and see the best in people i care about and thats how i got fucked over in my last relationship
im just feeling pretty sad about the whole thing right now because we talked about doing all these things and i really want that but hes so uncommunicative and im afraid of being obsessive. again, might be on me too because im going in thinking maybe theres a chance to do more
but then again even if there isnt thats FINE i just want to do SOMETHING lmao
so now im just left wanting and thinking about him a lot and oh yeah need i remind WE GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL WHY CANT WE JUST MEET UP CASUALLY ONE AFTERNOON 😭
idk but im afraid of maybe ruining the best relationship ive formed in this kink after figuring out what i wanted from it. god even now im just like “youre thinking too hard about this it doesnt matter that much, youre supposed to be flexible and chill and just go with the flow cause its just a little side thing” but welp. my brain is noisy and i dont have a good outlet. another problem of not having friends in this kink but im not good at responding to people which online is the only way to talk to people and now im just rambling
anyways ending this here and hoping he’ll reach out eventually cause boy does the heart yearn 🥲🥲🥲
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blueyedgrass · 1 year
said i would not talk about cwilbur death yet here i am collecting things so i can draw a the best (worst) place he couldve been stabbed.
#trying to figure out what would be the quickest death where his ribs wouldnt have gotten in the way#unfortunately the heart is protected by the rib cage and the lungs are not actually ideal#but the stomach. youd bleed out. which is not the best way to go nor is it the quickest#its a very vascular area but bleeding out from an abdominal wound takes way too long#if we look at the video to see when wilbur stopped speaking (so we can presume that he is in fact dead at that point despite having actuall#been killed a few seconds earlier) then there was only a few seconds where he was speaking to phil after being stabbed but before shuffling#off this mortal coil#which is difficult for me because that could be a botched injury to the throat as long as the larynx and such remained in tact. however it#would be kinda hard to fuck it up in that specific way. it would have to be a very delicate cut and that just does not fly in this scenario#phil is shorter than wilbur whcih helps me cause if they were standing then it would be pretty easy for him to go under wilburs ribs but th#at only works to a certain point so a punctured lung is looking like my best option yeah? but no cause that can actually take a while to ki#ll you. depending on circumstance.#what phil would be going for is a quick death. unless of course he wanted to try and do something more mild in an attempt to save him later#which is a perfectly fine possibility but it maes my job harder so im gonna say that he was trying togive will a quick death#so the heart. the carotid artery. or the trachea#i hc the arm wound as being an attempt at cutting his brachial artery#which can kill you in as little as two minutes#but its not quite what him looking for
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official-darkforest · 2 months
Given how Feathertail dies in this AU, I'm guessing Sharptooth the mountain lion is either a cop or a really violent war hawk in this?
Also, where does Sasha and her kits fit in?
(This is such a cool AU I love it so much)
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yep, i think it makes more sense if sharptooth was a war hawk which allows fetaher to more realistically be the cause his of death after the fight they have (he dies suddenly that night due to the brain injury he sustained), while other “sharptooths” are cops and such.
sasha and her kits are tiger’s affair family. she was an aspiring actress that lost her home after her elderly father passed away, his estate being ripped out of her hands and thrusting her out onto the streets with very little to her name. tiger took a liking to her - unfortunately she would find out he was married and purposefully hid away their oldest son tad from him, but still kept in contact. golden and tiger never divorced but golden did disown her husband, and tiger went back to sasha. he had fallen hard for her and weasled his way into her good graces, meeting tad and getting her pregnant two more times. tad would end up drowning during flood season.
in the meantime, tawny would end up in her father’s care (he pulled some strings. she was always a daddy’s girl and turned her against goldenflower for a few months) and she would meet her younger half siblings. she and sasha did not get along well.
tawny would stay with them even after tiger got arrested for his crimes (murder, some other things) since she already got set up to attend a university close by. sasha was relieved when tawny moved out, but didn’t know what to do with her own two children and struggled a lot being a single mother. tiger was still stringing her along and making promises he likely wouldnt be able to fulfill and she was too lonely to leave.
eventually, she found solace in leopardstar and the two became good friends. leopardstar was like an aunt to moth and hawk. sasha’s depression wpuld get worse, though, and for the sake of her children she entrusted leopardstar to be their guardian from then on. sasha would disappear for a while to find herself and get away from tiger. she’s reappeared once every few years, but after a certain point they just stopped hearing from her entirely.
moth had felt abandoned by religion and her family, resenting them for leaving her this way and having 0 control over anything in her life. pushed into it by her brother, she put all her energy towards studying medicine and becoming an army nurse. she served for a few years before resigning and studying to become an emergency surgeon instead - a familiar high stakes environment without the danger of herself being killed. she chopped her hair short in the 70s after returning from her military service.
hawk meanwhile served in the vietnam war. he had been in the military since he was in his late teens, inspired by his father and leopardstar (who was one of many rosie riveters for WW2). he would meet ashfur from thunderclan and hear about his half brother brambleclaw through him (“you remind me of someone back home” ‘really?’) and mudclaw. hawk was lucky enough to return home, keeping in touch with tiger snd bumping into bramble, who came up to visit tawny and figured he’d show his face while he was here. the two got along pretty well after the initial shock, but eventually a rift was put between them when (i have yet to decide what about) and they stop talking, much to squilf’s relief.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Caine, Jax and Kinger with an kid reader who is like sleepy and very calm most of the time; like having that sleepy voice and is most likely to sleep standing up.
But when someone gives sugar to reader OH BOI
Reader gets eletric, like running around 300 kilometers per hour (Figuratively, not literally) does jumping jacks and starts like accidentally wrecking havoc with their running cuz they keep knocking things on accident while their run, but after an hour or two, reader just... Sleeps on the ground like they didnt almost destroy the entire place an minute ago.
Im going through an hard time in my life and currently your blog has been comforting me, so ilysm! Tyy<3 stay safe!
- ♣️
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x sleepy!kid!reader who gets zoomies (platonic!)
Eeueueuee lemme just say I love this idea so much I remember seeing this when it first got sent in and I just
Hope you enjoy anon!
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I was about to say that he would wear one of those kid baby carrier harness things to carry you around when you fall asleep but then I remembered how short Caine is LMAO... that said I think he would probably like. Idk summon a digital cloud or something to carry you to bed. Very nice very sweet, I think! Honestly I kind of love dad Caine...
Thinks you look absolutely adorable when you do the sleepy wobble when you're standing. Probably calls for nap time periods during IHAs
One day he thought it would be a good day to reward everyone with candy after a IHA and he just
Watches wide eyed when you suddenly start running all over the place. What happened? Is this normal? Are you okay? He tries to zoom after you to catch you before you hurt yourself
Lots of chaos for the next half hour or so. I think he would even resort to sending out bubble to intercept you
Carefully scoops you up when you succumb to the sugar crash and just
Stands there as you fall asleep on him
Very lost very confused, though the sugar rush thing was a myth
Very similar event from Caine's part. Everyone is given a piece of candy after successfully completing an IHA. I do think that Caine would still enforce naptime breaks during IHAs during Jax and Kingers pieces too, since I think caine would just generally want to keep this kid friendly/safe but maybe that's just me falling in love with dad caine
But this is about jax
Real quick before we get into the sugar rush, let's talk about your general sleepiness. Honestly I think he would be a little worried about how tired you are all the time... what's that? Jax worried about something? Now that's new!
Jokes aside I think he would try to ask around for any advice on how to boost your energy. Earns him some looks because it's kind of out of character for him. And you know what? It is.. but I think he would be soft for his new adopted kid
Tends to carry you around when you get sleepy, which is often
Now for the sugar rush. One second you're there and the next you're bolting and running around all crazy. I think he just. Stand there flabbergasted for a second because he thinks it's a little funny
Doesnt intervene until you start knocking into things... and almost knock into him
Now we know how fast jax can be, so I think he wouldnt have much issue catching you (assuming that part in the pilot was more than a gag.. it likely was just a gag but I'm feeling silly)
Kind of just holds you up in the air while you flail and try to run away.. before eventually going limp in his grasp
Similar to caine he kind of just stands there. Very taken aback. Thinks it's a little funny though.
"Comeon kid, let's get ya to bed"
Same scenario with the candy after an IHA.. but first, of course, how kinger is with your eepy self
Honestly you two just hang out together in the pillow fort. Its nice and soft and cozy. So even if you werent so tired all the time you would still have a very easy time falling asleep in his fort!
Usually he will take you to your room when it's nighttime... cue the universal memory of falling asleep and waking up somewhere else as a child
Always makes sure you're tucked in and with your favorite plushie... now kinger would have a baby harness and be able to carry you around when you get tired
Let's out a yelp when you suddenly get your sugar induced zoomies. Tries to run after you but you're just way too fast. I think some of the others would take some pity on him and try to help him. Probably pomni, ragatha, and gangle.. zooble cant be bothered and jax is just laughing at the situation because it aint his kid.. caine may try to help if hes still hanging around
Panics when you suddenly slump over and fall asleep on the floor. Is going to have to be reassured that you did not just
You know... and that you're just asleep
Makes a mental note to limit sugar
...its not even real sugar.. its digital.. bro is beside himself trying to make sense of it
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starzshopoflove · 9 months
Can I get ghost comfort for someone who doesn't eat because of anxiety?
omg i love this ask so much since i also have bad ass anxiety that beats on me till my meds kick in. Just gonna base this off my own kind behavior with food and eating since i have my own issues too so let me know if this is good or not!!
Notes: no warning, fluff, comfort no hurt, gn!reader
I feel like ghost wouldnt understand it at first and just think your skipping meals or not hungry. So he'd probably be a little pushy at first asking if you've had a snack or not when your together or he'll send you a text randomly in the day if you've eaten or not
But when he starts to notice how you clam up when he asks about it after the first few times he'll shut up and try to watch you a bit to see what's making you not eat. He'll start seeing how sometimes when you're on a date or just at the bookshop for lunch you might pick at your food but not really eat any of it, or how you might only eat some parts of your sandwich and leave the bread off it, sometimes you'll just not eat with him and just be there talking.
When he does finally ask you about it he tries really hard to approach it sensitively since your kinda like a skittish cat in a corner when he has asked before. So you'd be in his flat laying on his couch together and he's keeping you all warm with an arm around your waist rubbing some soothing circles so you stay relaxed while watching whatever show he let you pick.
"Do you not like gettin' lunch with me?"
You might freeze up on him and not talk for a moment mulling over if you really wanna tell him or not, you dont usually like talking about it. Whenever you have before people just started teetering around eating with you or acted like you had some sort of issue, treated you like you were just different.
"I like getting lunch with you Si, love getting to spend time with you"
"Yeah but you never eat anythin' with me"
You really wanted to dance around this topic some more but he just felt so warm and smelled so good you were already fused onto the couch at this point. You felt safe with him, like he wasn't going to judge you for trying to be honest with him. The way he let you slot yourself next to him tracing patterns on your skin made your blood a little warmer and your head a little fuzzy
So you finally let yourself spill out your issues hands playing with a strand of your hair that was in your face so you couldn't focus on if he was judging you or not trying not to stumble over your words
"Its not that i don't like eating with you Si, just sometimes when I'm out n I know people can see me eating makes me feel like I'm being watched and all i can think about is how loud im chewing or If i look weird when I'm eating. Then when i start thinking about it, ts' like there's a hole in my stomach and if i try to fill it, might just come right back up. But if I do make myself eat then i have to think about how full I feel n how i can feel the weight of the food in my stomach n once i start thinkin about that i start feelin sick again"
The whole time you let out you meek confession Simon was holding you a little closer loosening his grip so you didn't feel trapped, resting his chin on your head still keeping a warm hand around you to keep you relaxed. He let you speak without cutting you off even when you paused to try to figure out what you feel and put it into words he keep comforting you with his touch and softly nudging you to keep going
"Wish you didn't feel like you had to hide this from me luv, I care about you. Never want you to feel like you're stressin' yourself out for my sake, want you to feel safe with me and tell me when something's bothering you so i can help yeah?'"
Oh my god, whole time you feel like you could cry because he's cooing to you so sweetly and holding you so close not making you feel like you're weird or different from him just because you cant eat sometimes. You might sniffle a little which would make him worried but when he sees its just you getting a little emotional he'll calm down a little and place a kiss on your cheek murmuring about how much he cares and doesn't want you to force yourself to do something you don't like.
Feel like he'd still check to see that you atleast ate something through the day, and instead of doing dates at public places he might pick up some food and you'd eat at either one of yours's flat , sometimes at the park when he knows it wont be crowded either.
Just know he'd sometimes just pick up the fork and feed you when your looking at your food weird letting you know its alright but he'd never push if you resisting too much
god i love writing soft ghost
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staticofthetv · 20 days
Take two!
Favourite frames from the new B-Side chapter, featuring some analysis because I have coherent thoughts this time 'round :D
Beware, spoilers below for the B-Side as well as the manga
@veiled-bird that goes for you too, you're nowhere near meeting this guy yet
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First up, I love this chapters art. It reminds me of when I was little and asking my dad to help my brother and I beat the last level of episode 3 in lego star wars tcs
Also the chapter title? I have so many thoughts, they'll be discussed more in depth further down but they will be discussed /pos
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Numbers weapon 1 mention!! I'm very excited to (hopefully) get more lore about it. Although I am curious if it's like a contact lens or something, I thought it was closer to a surgical implant or maybe some weird side effect from using numbers weapon 1. Mostly because I don't think he's been drawn with normal eyes yet in the manga (at least from what I remember)
Either way very much hoping we get some more numbers weapon 1 lore in this :)
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This whole scene but specifically "what good does a test proving I'm abnormal do" hits so hard, especially as someone diagnosed with ADHD in my late teens. Having that feeling of there's something wrong with me for so long and being brushed off every time because I didn't act like the stereotypical 10 year old boy with severe ADHD (a psychiatrist literally told me and my mum i probably had adhd but she wouldnt diagnose me,) I did start to kind of give up on ever figuring it out.
Narumi was incredibly relatable to me in the main manga (not because I'm a badass, I'm very lame lmao) because of the behaviours he exhibits, hyperfocusing on games, constant dopamine seeking (through videogames and online shopping,) needing to be fiddling with something to better process the information being given out, etc.
Narumi is also incredibly smart, its stated explicitly that he got top scores in the entrance exam and I can't imagine those tests are anywhere near easy. It gives neurodivergent kid being told they just need to apply themselves to do better in school/make friends/just function in a neurotypical way in general.
This also comes from his being kicked out of several orphanages, and then even after joining the defence force (especially after being told by Isao that they take anyone that can show skills and results) getting kicked out by the second division and every platoon in the first until he ends up under hasegawa. Considering the title too this is 100% supposed to read as the classic "troubled kid" (many of which are neurodivergent) that not many are willing to put effort into helping. Isao is giving him a way out of the life of having no home to go back to, only to be struck with the threat of getting kicked out once again a year later. Narumi is a very skilled and capable fighter and no one in their right mind would argue with that and it once again all comes down to being labelled as too difficult, hard to work with, never paying attention
This chapter just hits so close to home with me
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Baby Mina!! I know there's a decent amount if it in the manga but it's still weird to see her with short hair. I love her so much
There are many more words of appreciation I have but all thought went into dissecting Narumi's character lol
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And so being kicked around by hasegawa begins
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I love his face here, top tier expression
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And here we see Isao solidifying the thought of skill and results being all that matters, there's no way Isao was going to let Narumi get kicked out, especially not after showing aptitude for handling numbers weapon 1. I like to think at this point he does also care for Narumi, I think he sees a lot of Kikoru (or what she could be) in him and especially he sees himself in Narumi. And even though he's only ranked captain Isao would clearly fight to keep Narumi on the force (he probably already had to for Narumi to get transferred to the first division instead of just being dropped when he didn't mesh with the second)
This is also the beginning of Isao and Narumi's mentor/mentee relationship, Isao knows exactly how to handle Narumi and his child prodigy-ness and help him reach his potential as a defence force officer. I think that's part of why Isao shows little care for how Narumi handles himself when off duty, it may be that he knows he can't change Narumi in that way, it may be that he himself just doesn't care for all the professional decorum, either way Isao plays the very important role of being Narumi's main support while he's in the defence force (until Isao dies anyway, whoops.) Narumi needed a space where he could not only be himself but be accepted for it and have the trust of his peers and superiors that he would get the job done when he needs to, and whether it was on purpose or not Isao provided exactly that for him.
This also ties back into the earlier ramble about Narumi being the typical undiagnosed neurodivergent "troubled kid"
(Also the origin of what Narumi says to Kikoru ~9 years in the future :D)
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Omg jaeger is canon? Kaiju no. 8 and pacific rim crossover when? /j
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Another interesting tidbit about Narumi is his self confidence, he knows he's capable and isn't afraid to tell people that. He says playing support is annoying but what I see is someone that knows he can do better placed somewhere else and has decided to take that into his own hands. He won't get kicked out of the defense force but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets into a shit ton of trouble for taking Isao's words to heart and disregarding his orders, even though I do think he'll be an asset to the battle and perform better being closer to the front lines.
Poor hasegawa has his work cut out for him keeping Narumi in check (a captain and vice-captain match made in hell)
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hotmessmaxpress · 2 months
Regarding the OF au: i think it would be really funny if one of the other guys does know marc from OF (maybe someone who you wouldnt expect it from like pecco or franky or maybe even cele?) and they try so hard not to let it show
yes I like it
this was supposed to be funny but it's actually about bezz being in a gay crisis lol
The evening after Vale and Marc go riding, they head back to Vale's place. Luca has clearly texted the group chat, because the academy riders just happen to invite themselves over for dinner. 
Marc is incredibly intimidated by the other riders; it’s no secret that he’s closer in age to some of them than he is to Vale, and he can’t help but think about how differently he would know them if he hadn’t crashed out of Moto2. He wonders if they’d be friends.
Luca has already seemed to embrace him, and Pecco is polite and welcoming. Uccio is not there, thankfully. Luca explains that Franky will meet him at some point but that he doesn’t usually check the group chat and wouldn’t be there on short notice. 
Bezz and Cele are... odd. 
Cele has a staring problem; he stares at Marc with wide eyes to a point that it unnerves Marc. He laughs awkwardly at everything that Marc says, and in all honesty he seems a little hysterical. 
Bezz is not unfriendly, but he makes it clear to Marc that he isn’t welcome in their exclusive little club. Vale seems fondly exasperated by Bezz’s behavior, though, so Marc assumes that Bezz must just have a personality that is distrustful of new people. Marc is a people pleaser, though, and he knows he can charm Bezz in due time. 
“What the fuck?” Bezz hisses, as soon as Bezz and Cele climb into the car at the end of dinner.
“What?” Cele asks, wiping his sweaty palms on his shorts.
“What the fuck was that?” Bezz asks again, driving entirely too fast down the familiar road into town from Vale’s. 
“What?” Cele asks. 
“Don’t make me pull over, Celin,” Bezz says, teetering on the edge of hysterical. 
Cele is quiet. “Okay so I’ve seen him before.”
Bezz glances over at him, waiting for him to continue. 
“I thought that it might have been from racing because Luca said that they raced together but then I figured out where.”
He’s quiet for a minute, and his next sentence comes out like a wheeze.
“It’s from porn.”
Bezz nearly misses a stop sign, and slams on the brakes. He’s lucky no one is around– his Cupra slides into the intersection. He breathes for a moment and then continues driving, blessedly almost at Cele’s home. 
“What do you mean, porn?” Bezz grits out. 
“Onlyfans,” Cele admits weakly. “I subscribe to him.”
Bezz parks the car in a haze, brain completely and totally shorted out. He has no thoughts, only the echo of Celestino admitting that Vale’s new boyfriend is a porn star and that Cele has watched his porn. 
Cele is interested in men. Sweet Celin, Marco’s best friend, is sexually attracted to men. He masturbates to men. He has paid actual money to masturbate to a man. A man that Bezz just shared a meal with. A man that his mentor and friend is presumably fucking railing at this very moment.
“Bezz?” Cele asks hesitantly.
Bezz turns to stare at him with wide eyes. 
Cele is looking at him in concern. 
“Bezz you need to shut the car off,” Cele says gently, like he’s talking to a nervous animal. 
Bezz robotically shuts the car off, climbing out and following Cele into his home. He follows the younger man in a haze, brain still frozen at the knowledge that his Cele has masturbated to Vale’s boyfriend. Vale’s boyfriend who is a man. Vale’s boyfriend who is objectively attractive, okay, Bezz isn’t going to lie about that and he’s not blind. 
Cele pours him a glass of wine and Bezz drinks half of it in one gulp. Cele appears at a loss. 
“Are you mad at me?” he asks, and it is like a bucket of cold water dumped over Bezz's head. He snaps to attention. 
“What? No? Why would I be mad at you?”
Cele shrugs. 
“I never told you that I like men.”
In hindsight, as Bezz thinks about their various clubbing adventures together, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. 
Cele looks worried, and Bezz takes his hands. 
“No, no. It’s okay. I wish you would have told me, but it’s okay.”
Me too, his brain supplies, and he nearly short-circuits. He has never considered liking men. He definitely likes women, so he’s not sure what is happening in his brain. Since when does he like men? Why does he have the urge to tell Celestino that he does?
Cele seems to understand that Bezz is having a Moment, and he guides him gently to sit on the couch. He puts on a movie and leans against Bezz the way he always does. The way he always does. Because of course Celin always leans against him when they watch movies and of course Celin makes snide remarks about the characters and of course Bezz’s heart races when he makes a joke that makes Celin laugh. 
Bezz looks down at him halfway through the movie, and Celin’s eyes are heavy-lidded as he starts to fall asleep. Bezz wants to kiss him. Fuck, he thinks. I am so fucked.
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puhpandas · 9 months
You Stress Me Out
(4,135 words)
Gregory shows up at Evan's house during a storm with a wood carving knife stuck in his stomach. It may not be that bad of a wound, but that doesn't mean having a knife sticking out of you is any less scary. Or that Evan will freak out any less.
warnings: blood, mentions of a fistfight, an unsafe home environment, stitches, and of course, a blade being stuck inside flesh
Evans incredibly on edge right now. Which, nothing new here. But this time, it's less of his normal state and more of a genuine, rational kind of edge.
First off; a storm is on it's way. Not only does a storm mean that outside is a no-go, meaning that Evan is trapped inside his house with no way to leave, but hes absolutely terrified of thunder.
Which is why as soon as he'd heard about the bad weather, when his fathers back was turned and Michael had been focusing on something other than messing with him, he'd snuck to the kitchen, grabbed all the snacks and water he could need, and took them to his hidden stash in his bedroom.
This way, he didnt have to leave his room. And he could do his old trick of blocking the door leading from the shortest route to his room with his dresser, which could give him enough time to shut Michael out if he decides to persist on the other side.
Unlockable doors. The bane of Evan's existence.
The other reason hes on edge isnt because of himself, even though his body is locked up and sense, waiting for the thunder to start booming outside and send him flying off of his bed from how hard he flinches. Its because of Gregory.
Evan's brows furrow from his place on his bed, curtains drawn, but just open enough to see the rain start so he can brace himself. He takes one look at the gray clouds and white sky and frowns deeply.
Evan knows all about his friends... situation. Honestly, after being friends for almost a year, you'd think he would have known sooner, but nope. Evan had just been giving Gregory the benefit of the doubt too much. when Gregory'd refuse to let Evan go to his house, he'd assume he had parents like his, who he didnt want Gregory to have to see either, which was why he had been asking. When Gregory would have new bruises and cuts and rips in his clothing the next time Evan would see him, he would deliberately choose not to pry, or wonder, because he would think maybe it was worse than he thought.
But Evan had figured it out eventually, and he'd understood why Gregory kept it from him so long. Evan wouldnt want Gregory to see him differently for being a certain way.
But like Gregory, Evan had made it clear he didnt. He understands, really. Like he understands that with the knowledge comes the worry.
Evan knows Gregory doesnt always have stable shelter. The city and it's people arent so kind to homeless people like Gregory, even when hes outside and theres about to be a hurricane. Which is why Evan is hoping, wishing, praying that Gregory will come to Evan, this time.
It's why he's reading a book, sitting on his bed next to his window instead of on his phone like usual. Evan's on edge because he cant stop thinking about what would happen to Gregory if he didn't come, and if he does, will Evan hear him to let him in.
Evans room is on the ground floor, which makes it very easy for Gregory to come and go as he pleases (also for Evan to make an escape when he needs to. It's not rare for Evan to ditch his room to flee to the city with Cassidy, sometimes).
Evan's eyes trail over the words on the pages, but he isnt taking them in. He huffs, letting the book drop to his lap, and tries to ignore how cold-but-on-fire his stomach feels. He can't focus. Not when Gregory's supposed to trust Evan enough to come to him when he needs help and he hasnt yet.
Evan only waits a while longer, foot tapping on the side of his comforter and fingers drumming. When the first few thick drops of water land on his window, he goes for his phone.
Gregory said to never call him unless it's important. But right now, with how much Evan's stomach swims with nausea over uncertainty about Gregory's safety, Evan thinks this is important enough.
Evan only has enough time to enter his fifteen digit pin and tap the phone app before the sound hes been waiting for rings out by his window.
Evan can feel his shoulders drop when the familiar jingle of a Fazbear song is knocked on his window. He smiles, hurrying over to his window and almost ripping the curtains off the wall with how fast he opens them.
When Evan reaches to open the window, Gregory's there, if not a bit weary, if his half lidded eyes and the cut on his cheekbone are any indication, but Evan doesnt worry too much. Just unclicking the locks on his window and helping Gregory step inside when its apparent he needs help.
He has a hand clutching at his stomach, which is worrying, but Gregory looks like hes okay. Not about to die, which is what Evan's thoughts always end up going to, so he thinks that's a good thing.
Evan shuts the window and locks it just as the rain starts to drop harder, and he shuts the curtains, sending a glance at his door (the one not covered up with a dresser) out of paranoia. When his father doesnt burst in and send Gregory away like Evan's imagining, he turns his attention back to Gregory.
Hes huffing, like he cant catch his breath, which makes Evan furrow his brows. Gregory's bent over, like when you have a stomach cramp and try to curl in on yourself as much as possible. If Evan looks hard enough, he can see the inklings of bruises on Gregory's knuckles.
Evan frowns. Okay, probably a fight, but it wouldnt be the first time he would have to pull out the first aid kit.
"Gregory." Evan catches his attention. Gregory's eyes dart up to him, and he offers a shaky smile. "Hey. You had me worried sick."
"Me too." Gregory says, but it sounds strained. He still has that hand pressed firmly over a spot on his stomach, and when he looks pained, Evan guides him over to his bed, letting him sit down. "I know you don't like thunder and stuff. A-And you'd be stuck with Michael.
Evan crosses his arms, trying to look stern but coming off as incredibly worried instead. "Gregory. You're acting weird." He points out. "Listen, I know you're hurt. You know I've seen you get into fights before. Can you just tell me what's wrong?"
Gregory, suspiciously, looks away, focused on one of Evan's toys hes had since he was younger that he never bothered to put away. "Um. I-I dont think this is like those times, though."
Well. If Gregory can be this difficult, he cant be feeling too bad. Doesnt do anything for the anxiety digging a hole in Evan's stomach, though. "No matter what it is, you need help, okay? I wont judge. Just let me patch you up."
Gregory doesnt respond for a moment, then, "Promise not to freak out."
"Promise not to wig out." Gregory meets his eyes, looking pained. "This is gonna make you freak. I know it. Just... try to stay calm. It's not that bad, I swear."
"Just show me already!" Evan presses, getting jittery from nerves. "You saying that is already making me freak out!"
"Okay! Jeez." Gregory huffs, and takes a deep breath. "Just dont look at it too hard."
"Gregory!" Evan yells.
"Okay, okay!" Gregory says placatingly. He doesnt say anything else, just takes his hand off of his stomach like ripping off a bandaid.
Evan's eyes blow wide, and his legs turn cold. "Oh my god."
"There it is." Gregory sighs.
"Gregory." Evan says, just above a whisper, because he cant manage anything louder at that moment. He stares at Gregory's stomach, feeling a pit in his own stomach when he cant tear his eyes away. "Gregory!"
"I told you you'd freak out." Gregory mutters, like he doesnt have a literal knife sticking out of his flesh.
"Why would I not freak out?!" Evan whisper yells, because wow he does not need his father or Michael to walk in right now. He gestures wildly, trying to put all of his emotions I into the single movement. "You have a knife in you!"
Despite what Gregory said not to do, Evan looks hard at it anyway. It isnt super deep; it's one of those really tiny pocket knives, like what you would use to carve wood with. He can still see some of the blade sticking out, which means the inch and a half long blade isnt plundged very deep.
"I know." Gregory says. "Can you help me get it out?"
Evan gapes. "Help you--" He giggles maniacally. "Gregory, if I pull it out, I'll have no clue how to make it so you wont bleed out."
"Well," Gregory glances away. "I cant really go to the hospital, and I cant just leave it in." He says. "You're my best bet. Besides, I promise it isnt that bad. It could have been way worse. I dont need a hospital."
Wow. No pressure, or anything. Evan implodes, shaking his hands out and doing laps around the room. "I'm gonna have to pull a knife out of you."
"Okay. Stay calm, remember?" Gregory repeats, and when Evan's facing Gregory's direction again after another lap, he can see him wincing. "Look, I know you're wigging out, but I really dont want this knife to me stuck inside me anymore."
"I would assume so!" Evan hisses, coming to a stop in the middle of his room and wringing his hands through his sweater sleeves. "Gregory--"
"Okay, listen." Gregory sounds strained, and Evan takes a moment to pause, worry taking ahold of his stomach like a giant hand and squeezing. "You have a phone, don't you? I need you to Google what to do, and pull this stupid knife out of my stomach."
Evan gets queasy just thinking about it. "Gregory."
"I know." He says. "But, look. I'm not gonna be awake much longer, since I pretty much ran from the city to here while I was bleeding, and the guy who attacked me had already beat me up a bit before stabbing me."
Evan's heart seizes at that. He returns to Gregory's side, sitting down with him. "But, isnt it not good if you're unconscious--"
"I dont know." He interrupts, eyes squeezed shut. "Look, I'm feeling kinda woozy, so I dont know how much longer I have left, but I'll try to stay awake."
Evan frowns. "You're acting like you're gonna die or something." He jokes, but his hand shake at the thought. "...Okay. Come here."
Gregory perks up, sitting up with great effort and putting an arm around Evan's neck when he gestures to. "We're doing this?"
"Yeah." Evan says shakily. He supports Gregory as he leads him lay down, pressed up against the wall, where if the door opened, hed be hidden behind it. Evan grabs a few of the towels he hides in his room to always have a clean one, -since he can never rely on laundry being done in his house-, and lays them under Gregory to soak up any blood. His father would kill Evan if he got the carpet stained with blood.
Evan grabs the first aid kit he always has hidden under his bed, and clicks it open, settling on his knees in front of Gregory's slack form on the floor with hovering hands as he glances at each of the kits contends uncertainly.
He grabs his phone, fingers trembling and pressing all the wrong buttons. Gregorys harsh breathing doesnt help.
"How did this even happen?" Evan asks as he desperately types in 'how to pull a wood carving knife out of your stomach at home' into the search bar. "Like-- I know you get into fights sometimes, but this?"
"Okay okay." Gregory coughs a bit. "Ill tell you. So, you know how it's about to storm?"
Evan glances at the crack through the curtains just enough to see the dark gray clouds swirling. "Yeah."
"So, I wasnt at my usual spot, but it was really close to starting to pour. And getting sick is like, the worst case scenario." Gregory says while Evan reads the random article he found at the speed of light. "So, I had to find some other place closer to where I was to wait out the storm, because I couldnt travel that far in the rain."
Evan pauses in reading, frowning and looking at Gregory's face. "You know you can always come here, right?"
Gregory frowns, looking away. "Yeah, but..." He trails off. "Its not fair to dump my problems on you like that."
Evan scoffs, breathing out a light chuckle. "Like you didnt dump your problems on me right now. And even then, I dont mind. I would much rather you come to me then be in pain somewhere else. Okay?"
Evan doesnt look at Gregory's face, too busy looking down at the article he has pulled up on his phone in his trembling hand, but he can tell hes smiling.
"Also, don't act like you don't make my problems your own, too. Im allowed to do the same as well, you know."
"Okay, okay." Gregory huffs. "I get it. I'll come to you right away next time. Happy?"
"Yes." Evan says, and he really is. Knowing that Gregory is sure to come to Evan when the weather gets bad, or something happens that makes the city unsafe, Evan will be able to sleep soundly knowing Gregory will either be safe with him, or he will be if need be. "You never finished telling me how you ended up with a pocket knife stuck in you, though."
"Right." Gregory chuckles. "So, I find this kind of hidden away spot, right? And I'm thinking I got really lucky, and set my stuff down. But then this other older kid shows up, and its obvious hes like me. But he gets really mad that I'm in his spot and starts yelling at me to get out."
"Jerk." Evan says, pulling the things he needs out of the first aid kit. "You should help eachother out, not fight. I'm sure he could have lended you some space."
"I'm sure you would have." Gregory chuckles. "But anyway, I'm packing up my stuff to leave, because this guy hurting me is a bigger concern than the weather at this point, and I dont want to mess with him."
Evan nods along, and goes to begin, but pauses when the first step is to take out the knife. Nausea curls in his gut, and he winces, glancing at Gregory.
"Hey." He cuts Gregory off in his story, and tries to look as apologetic as possible. "I, um. Have to take the knife out."
Gregory's eyes blow wide, and he frowns. "Oh."
Evan fidgets, having no idea how to make this better for Gregory. "Do you want me to count to three, or...?"
"Just do it." Gregory puts that steely exterior on. "I can handle it. Just do what you need to do."
Evan feels awful; this must suck for Gregory. Even if the knife is small and not very deep, having something sharp ripped out of your flesh cant be fun. "If you're sure."
He props himself on his knees, getting as close to Gregory as possible, and wraps a hand firmly around the small handle of the wood carving knife.
He can see it in Gregory's eyes. Neither of them want to do this.
"Keep telling your story." Evan says softly. Maybe itll distract Gregory from it, even a little bit. And Evan, as well. He can already feel bile working it's way up his throat at the thought.
Gregory nods minutely, jaw locked and tense. He breathes out a bit. "...Kay. So, I'm trying to tell him that I'll leave if he let's me get my stuff, but hes really impatient, and when I dont leave right away, he tries to scare me away faster by beating me."
Evan winces, pointedly twisting his neck away from the knife, as he tightens his grip, anticipation sending lightning through his veins. "That explains the bruises." He says shakily.
Gregory pauses, waiting for something that doesn't come. "...Yeah. He uh, he got me pretty good... but he didnt leave unscathed either. But, I think I got it worse."
"Definitely." Evan agrees ghastily, his stomach rolling when he feels the cold handle of the knife pressing idents in his skin. "Keep going."
Gregory gives him a look, but continues. "...So when I start fighting back, even though I'm smaller, he took that as a bad thing, apparently, and wanted me gone so he didnt get hurt. So what does he do?"
Evan doesn't respond, just squeezing his eyes shut, biting his tongue, and ripping off the bandaid.
Evan rips the knife out with a quick flick of his shoulder, and gags when it makes a fleeting metal-on-flesh sound as its removed. Gregory lurches lightly next to him, making a garbled, suprised sound, and when it's over, just lays flat on the floor.
"G-God." Gregory coughs, stuttering. "Okay, that wasnt that bad. I guess."
"I'm sorry." Evan frets, flinching and dropping the knife on the towel when some of Gregory's blood drips down his fingers. "I'm sorry, Gregory."
"You didnt do it." Gregory chuckles, his face white as a sheet. He brings up an arm to clutch at a spot just above the wound on his chest. "Jesus."
"I'll fix you up." Evan says softly, setting a hand on Gregory's own and taking it away just as quickly when he rushes to go wash his hands. "Okay? It might hurt, but you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it."
"...Kay." Is all Gregory says, and Evan rushes faster when he just let's his head fall against the floor.
When Evan comes back, he all but dives onto the floor, grabbing the things he layed out on the carpet and beginning. "Gregory, hey!"
"What?" Gregory asks, and Evan sinks in relief when hes still awake. He rolls up Gregory's shirt, inspecting the wound, and he finds it looks more like just a deep cut than anything. "I know you're trying to stay awake, but I'm probably gonna have to find a way to close this cut, so you might want to go ahead and go to sleep."
Gregory pales. "Like, stitches?"
"Probably." Evan shudders. A wave of sickness washes over his body when he realizes hes probably gonna have to find a needle and thread, and stitch Gregory's flesh closed, even if the cut is only an inch or so long. "Better safe than sorry. And I really dont think having a wood carving knife stabbed into you, even if it wasnt that deep, is okay to just put a bandaid over."
"...Alright." Gregory sighs, and his head rolls against the floor, his body relaxing. "I don't want to be awake for that."
"Me neither." Evan huffs, and Gregory breathes the air of a laugh through his nose. "But I think you'll be okay. Just sleep, and you'll be patched up when you wake up."
Gregory sighs a deep sigh, and Evan thinks it sounds like deep relief just settled. "Okay. Thank you, Evan."
"Of course." Evan replies, and when Gregory shuts his eyes and no doubt falls asleep pretty quick, Evan glances around his room, and realizes hes gonna have to go on a scavenger hunt for a needle and thread.
He sighs, hoping and wishing that he wont run into his father or Michael when he has to venture out of the safety of his room, but he relaxes at the moment, taking in a deep breath and reaching for some supplies.
First, he has to clean the wound.
When Gregory creaks his eyes open, it's not to Evan's carpeted floor like he had expected. Well, he is on the floor, he finds when he finally takes in his surroundings. But he isnt laying down completely. Some pillows and blankets have been posed and laid around him, like a nest, and Evan is sitting next to him in the middle, scrolling and watching something on his phone.
Gregory twists his neck and puts pressure in his arm, trying to prop himself up. He yawns, and Evan startles, taking out the crappy Walmart earbuds he'd bought. "Gregory!"
"Hi." Gregory groans, feeling the effects of his fistfight and intense sprint take hold, his body groaning and aching with soreness at his movement. He feels warm; which is something he wasnt expecting when he'd initially thought he'd spend the span of the storm outside in it. "Ugh."
Evan shuts his phone off lays it and his earbuds on the blanket, twisting his torso and shimmying in his spot laying against a pillow against the wall and legs covered with a throw blanket to face him. "You probably dont feel too good."
"Like crap." Gregory agrees. When he shifts again, back and head cushioned against two pillows without cases on them, he can feel the sore sort of throbbing pain of whatever stitches Evan had sewn in him. He wrinkles his nose at the thought, feeling guilty on Evan's behalf. "But... the stitches feel secure. I'm sorry you had to do that, it must have sucked really hard."
"It did." Evan shudders, but chuckles at the same time. "You know, I had to go in my Moms room to get the needle and thread and steal the pills from my Dad."
Gregory quirks a brow. "What pills?" He asks at the same time Evan hands him a small bottle of Advil. "Oh."
Evan hands him some snacks, too. A water bottle and some crackers. He smiles softly and takes them, taking two Advil with a swig of the water bottle. "You did all that for me?" Gregory asks, voice small. "...I know you hate your Dad, and your parents would get mad at you if they saw you snooping."
"I know." Evan says, fidgeting with one of the blankets and laying his head on the pillow propped against the wall. "But I wanted you to feel better more than I was scared of my parents."
Theres a short stretch of silence after that, only the harsh rain and wind against the house being heard. Gregory stays silent, turning over Evan's words in his head.
His eyes burn slightly, but he pushes it down with precise practice. "Thank you" Is all he can find in him to say. Theres too many feelings, too many emotions he has to put them into words.
But Evan knows him, and Gregory knows he understands when he nods, and smiles that small, kind smile that just screams 'and I'd do it again'. "Of course." Evan insists, and looks away for a moment. "I want you to trust me, okay? I want to show you that if you come to me because you need help, I'll be here, and I wont discount you, or-- or shrug you off."
Gregory doesn't smile, but he feels warmth spread through his chest at that. Gregory knows Evan, so he knows exactly why he would want Gregory to feel that way. He knows exactly why Evan holds himself to that, even though Gregorys confident a lot of it has to do with just the kindness in Evan's own heart.
"I-I know." Gregory whispers. "I came here because I do trust you. I came here because I know that."
It's really hard for Gregory to say that, and he knows Evan understands, because he doesnt comment, just nods, relief sagging his shoulders.
Theres a short burst of silence for a moment, the two of them just soaking up the atmosphere of being warm and comfortable, despite the circumstances.
"You're staying here, by the way." Evan's voice rips him out of his thoughts suddenly, and Gregory snaps to attention to see Evan looking at him sternly, but worriedly. "I know you're gonna try to say something stupid about how you're fine to go back into the rain. You arent going anywhere near the city, alright? I don't care if the storm lasts a week. I'll find a way to hide you so Michael or my father dont find you, okay?"
Gregory snorts at Evan's intense voice, but his heart bursts all the same. "Okay, Evan. I promise."
"Good." Evan sounds appeased. He twists his body, reaching for something, and grabs his phone, putting one earbud in and giving Gregory the other. He opens YouTube, handing the phone to Gregory. "You can pick. Honor of the patient."
Gregory grins, giggling. "Thanks, Doctor Evan."
ao3 link
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
GUESS WHAT!! Another post that had a point in the beginning and then I got derailed again 🤪🤪🤪
Thinking about Mike thinking Will had moved on from him,, “joined another party”
Between his calls never going through and Will never trying to reach out, and El telling him everything was fine and she had friends (and that meant Will had to have friends) and their being a girl Will might like-
Mike probably thought he’d moved on, that whatever friendship they had Mike had destroyed, because at this point I don’t think they’d talked about all the stuff that happened in S3, all that they’d done to reconcile was that conversation before the Byers left- why did Mike think that’d ever be enough?? He was stupid to think that? Wasn’t he.
So he’s all awkward and has these pent up emotions because all while dealing with the fact he might’ve lost Will to whatever California friendship, he’s also dealing with the fact he isn’t even sure he loves El anymore- and all these other confusing emotions about said friend he feels like he’s lost-
And then he see’s the painting that’s apparently for this girl, this person that’s REPLACED HIM. And Will had the balls to bring it with him when they’re coming to the airport to GREET HIM?? And Will gets all awkward when he asks about it so obviously he doesn’t want Mike to know and- when did that start?? When did Will start feeling so uncomfortable telling him things
When did they change so much??
Mike was foolish to think they’d stay the same. That Will wouldn’t find people that were better than him. Better friends, better people. Just better.
And then he ignores Mike all day and Mike tries so hard to ignore him too. To focus on El instead of all these confusing feelings and actions and the way Will can’t even seem to look at him.
And all that time he doesn’t even notice Will feels the same way, like he’s been replaced and like Mike’s moved on from their friendship and AGHRJRHSIDHDHSO THEY MAKE ME WANT TO BITE SOMEONE
And then rink o’ mania happens and- Mike finally gets it. At least somewhat. That Will didn’t know- Will didn’t know how hard he’s been trying to keep their friendship going- Will doesn’t know that he makes Mike feel so weird in his skin- Will…doesn’t..know… and Will didn’t replace him- and Will still wants to be his best friend and fuck. Mikes messed it up again. BUT HE CAN FIX IT THIS TIME
He wasn’t replaced- they both thought they’d forgotten about each other
So he apologizes and they’re back to normal making jokes and smiling at each other and god he missed this, the easier flow of conversation and being able to look at each other again- and even if they’re on the run in a stuffy weed filled pizza van they’re them again and that’s all that matters.
And then he figures out the panting was..FOR HIM??? Which yk, actually makes sense- since if El didn’t have any friends that means Will probably didn’t either but why wouldn’t he let El look at it- did he maybe feel the same?? Did he still need Mike the way Mike needs him- wait… El commissioned it .. .. … ……….. ?????????
Well they’re back to normal right..? Will wouldn’t- lie to him because they’d fixed them. They were them again- so Will wouldn’t lie right???? Right????
Byler does miscommunication RIGHT!!!!!
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stardustmf444 · 6 months
can i kiss you? | nate doe
a.n: I don't like writing with y/n, also feel free to send anything to my inbox
summary: Truth or dare at a party exposes Avery for never kissing anyone and her best friend Nate changes that
warnings: use of she/her pronouns, suggestive (hehe no smut) NOT PROOFREAD
Avery hated parties. She would rather be home, in her bed, sleeping. But Nate, he loved parties. He lived for them. The music in full blast, meeting new people and having new experiences.
She only came for him. He practically begged her to come with him. "Please Avery, I don't want to go by myself.. I'll make it up to you, I promise." He looked into her eyes. She caved, like always. His smile grew as the walked into the noisy house. She took a big breath in. He turned to her. He smiled softly and gave her hand a squeeze. She felt better knowing he wasn't going to leave her.
Every party they've been to together, Nate never left her side. He promised her he wouldnt leave her. Avery always told him he could, but he never did.
~ one hour later ~
Nate has probably talked to every person in this huge crowded party. Avery just followed him like a little kid. The party was still going hard. Definitely not ending anytime soon.
"Hey! Nathan!" Someone shouted from behind the two. They both turned around and saw Johnny waving him over. Nate started walking over, so Avery grabbed their drinks and walked over to Johnny too.
"Hey man, wassup?" Nate pulled him into a hig patting him on the back. Avery smiled at the interaction. Nate had always been a big people person. It warmed her heart how much kindness he had.
"Nothing much, just was wondering if you and Avery wanted to play truth or dare with us?" Johnny looked over to Avery and smiled. She mirrored his actions. Nate looked back at Avery, asking her if she wanted to play, with a look. She nodded, slightly nervous about the silly game.
The three of them headed over to the living room where the rest of the group sat around the table talking. Nate sat down next to Matt and patted the seat next to him for Avery. She sat down setting their drinks on the table. She waved at Matt, who waved back with a small smile.
"Ok! Who wants to go first!?" Chris slightly yelled. No one responded to him. "You guys are lame, guess I'm going first. Nate," He looked up at the sound of his name being said, "truth or dare?" Chris smiled.
Nate rolled his eyes."Truth." Nate smiled as he leaned back and brought his cup to his lips. Avery bit her lips slightly as she looked at him. He looked over at her and smirked. She gasped a little in shock as she reached for her cup to take a drink.
"Who do you think is the best kisser in the group?" Chris smiled like a kid in a candy shop. He loved these games. Nick rolled his eyes at him. He hated these games. Nate looked over the whole group before landing on his best friend next to him.
"Avery." He said while looking in her eyes. Avery stopped breathing for a sec and she felt her cheeks warm up. "Avery, truth or dare?" Nate smiled at her. She fiddled with empty solo cup nervously.
"Truth." She said in a whisper.
"WHAT?" Chris yelled at her. She looked at him with wide eyes. Nick hit him upside the head. Matt laughed and caused the whole group to start laughing.
"I said truth." She said more loudly towards Chris. She rolled her eyes. Nate smiled at her.
"Who's the person who kissed you the best?" Nate looked into her eyes with something she couldn't figure out. She licked her lips and looked around the group.
"I've never kissed anyone." She mumbled.
"Ok, I can't be the only one who can't hear her, right?" Chris complained. Matt and Nick rolled their eyes at their brother. He just looked at them with shock and waved his hands in the air. Nate furrowed his eyebrows together. Confused, he put his hand on her thigh to comfort her.
"What was that babe?" He asked her softly. His nickname for her going straight to her stomach. She looked in his eyes again.
"I've never kissed anyone." Avery said more clearly. Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. His eyes widened in shock. Everyone's eyes went wide. They were all shocked. How could Avery never have kissed anyone? Especially when she went to parties with Nate all the time.
She laughed awkwardly "Ok, well, Johnny, truth or dare?" Everyone moved on from her confession. except Nate. He stared at her with confusion and wonder.
~ 20 minutes later ~
The game ended with Chris stripping down to his boxers and dancing like stripper on the table. Everyone was laughing, but agreed to end the game since it was getting pretty boring.
Avery got up to go get another drink and Nate followed her. She was about to grab a soda when he grabbed her wrist. Avery turned around to look at him. Her expression said 'What?'
"Have you actually never kissed anyone?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes at him and shook her wrist from his grasp. She grabbed the soda and walked away from him. She didn't want to further her embarrassment.
He reached her quickly and grabbed her by the waist. turning her around. "Jesus, Nate."
"I asked you a question Ree." He smirked at her, knowing she's getting embarrassed. She took a breath in and sighed.
"No, I've never kissed anyone." She again. got out of his grasp, "happy?"
He smiled at her. He grabbed the soda from her hand and set it on a near by counter. Nate grabbed her hands and look her in the eyes.
"Why?" He asked her with such a genuine tone, it threw her off.
"I don't know," she looked away from him, feeling her embarrassment coming back. "I just get to nervous and then I leave." She looked back into his eyes and saw him looking at her with an emotion she couldn't quite place.
"Why?" He asked her again. She rolled her eyes.
"Nate, I'm not in the mood for you to be messing with me right now." She turned around again and started to walk away from him. He obviously followed her.
"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." His apology made her turn around. She quicker an eyebrow, not believing him. "I just can't believe no one has ever kissed you. You have to be lying." He laughed gently.
"Well I'm not, it's embarrassing, so if you could stop bringing it up, that would be great. Thank you."
"I'll stop bringing it up," He started to smile at her, slowly, "if you kiss me."
Her jaw went to the floor. He's crazy, she thought. He looked at her with his smile still on his face and his big eyes looking to hers and grabbed her elbows. "Please."
She looked around the room, no one was really paying attention to anything going on around them. She looked back at Nate.
"Are you being for real?" She asked. He nodded his head. Avery took a breath in before telling him fine. Nate smile widened even more and his hands dropped from her shoulders to her hands.
He dragged her to the bathroom. "What are you doing?" She was out of breath, he made her run up the stairs and then down the hall, just to go into the bathroom.
"I don't want anyone to interrupt." She rolled her eyes, but felt her hands start to get clammy. This can't be happening. She's had a crush on Nate for so long and he's always flirted with her, but she never thought they would actually do anything.
Her thoughts were stopped when he grabbed her waist. Her breath got caught in her throat. Their bodies flushed together like two puzzle pieces. Nate looked into to her eyes once again. His left hand left her hip to place it on her cheek.
"Can I kiss you, Avery?" She nodded and leaned in slightly. "I need words babe." Said while leaning away from her face a little.
"Yes, Nate, you can kiss me." She said quietly. Scared if she talked to loud, she would wake up from her dream.
He smiled while leaning back in and ghosting his lips over hers. She could feel her heart beating put of her chest. She was pretty sure Nate could feel too. He pulled her into his lips by the back of her neck. His lips were soft and melted into hers perfectly.
Avery let go anything of her overthinking and kissed him back. Their lips molded together. She started rolling her body onto his, causing him to groan in response. The sound vibrated in her mouth, making her to release a moan back.
"Fuck." He groaned. pulling away from the kiss. Avery was breathing heavy and her eyes were still closed. Nate moved both of his hands to her hips, admiring how beautiful her swollen lips looked.
She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her. "Was it bad? I'm so sorry. I genuinely am so-" Nate kissed her again to shut her up.
"Don't apologize, that was amazing babe." She looked away from him and bit her lip. "Guess I was telling the truth when Chris asked me who was the best kisser." He smiled at her embarrassed smile and pecked her on the lips again.
a.n: Thanks for reading! lmk how you feel about it please lol!!
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houndfaker · 4 months
weird swap au infodump incoming !!!
i was slightly anxious while thinking on other characters in the swap au but given i already made the decision to be a litte Weird with it i guess it’s not too much of an issue. everythings not really a 1:1 swap
not every single character has a swap because i want to center in on the primary cast. maybe that’ll change later and we’ll get ideas for less relevant characters and how we could change them around but for now try not to expect things like idk “ikutsuki and elizabeth swap” or some scary shit like that
i am admittedly struggling with what to do w the twins (the protags are twins in this au like with every other thing i make) outside of them still having the connecting line of losing their parents to an accident on moonlight bridge. they just didn’t get death sealed in them this time. but uh hey you don’t need that to happen to you for the events to result in Deep Issues. i think there IS something interesting there in that they wind up coming back to iwatodai all those years later, and they get roped into sees because of course they do. i think it’d be interesting to explore them through the lens of being normal party members at least. the only thing is that you don’t really get a solid ‘swap’ situation with them since mitsuru maintains some of their canon qualities while still not exactly moving from her typical role as heir to the kirijo group. more on that as me and the bestie talk details over
we actually are planning some pretty fun stuff with ryoji?? the wonderful thing is that ryoji is by all intents and purposes just a normal fucking guy in this au given all the appriser stuff goes to yukari. but as a general rundown here’s what he has going on
childhood friend to the twins, loves them dearly. was very sad when they moved after the accident, and overjoyed after they transferred back.
has a younger brother named pharos:)
the mochizuki family was close with the takebas, particularly eiichiro was close with them. you can imagine where im going with this. his death was a tragedy to them, but more than anything it spurs something on in ryoji as he grows older. the alignment of the accident resulting in eiichiro's death and the death of the twins' parents occurring in such a close span of time bothers ryoji. for something that had such a massive negative impact on the lives of two people that are insanely important to him to potentially have more behind it than meets the eye, it becomes a vague obsession. which of course, eventually leads him to sees.
his role replacing yukari in this au gives him a fraught relationship w mitsuru. his distrust is very…intimidating, because it’s not nearly as outright as canon yukari’s. when he’s pointing out inconsistencies in what info mitsuru lets them have, he’s calm, sporting a smile, but emitting coldness. mitsuru herself of course isn’t Unaware of the effect the kirijo group’s work has had on him, but i think being incapable of getting a proper read on ryoji a lot of the time definitely does her no favors.
next lets talk about aigis! i had a little too much fun adapting her.
taking after canon kikuno's role, aigis was a human child sold to the kirijo group. she has a naturally-awoken persona (something something ergo research offers a higher payout to her parents because of this)
after the failure of the persona experiments resulting in strega, aigis is adopted by a handful of scientists from ergo research (this is essentially a timeline where the events of aigis the first mission dont happen, at least not the same way. i figured itd be fun to give the characters introduced in that game an active role in this au). she lives in yakushima with them.
her upbringing has left her socially awkward and distant, and trust is hard for her to fully feel. the intention on behalf of her guardians was to make sure she wouldnt have to give herself to the group as a weapon if she didnt want to, while having a family that cares for her and is able to meet her needs as someone with a very unique situation. she accompanies them if they need to do something during the dark hour because shes capable of protecting them with her persona.
aigis is still recruited to sees during the yakushima trip. a la the movie, she protects mitsuru and ryoji from a hoard of shadows after they leave the kirijo estate at night without their evokers. knowing of sees due to how long shes been in proximity to the group, she asks to be transferred into their unit so that she can help directly combat the dark hour so it wont be a danger to her family anymore. she would still very much view herself as a weapon raised by the kirijo group despite her adoptive family trying so hard to help her unlearn it. she experiences some pushback about it of course because its inadvertently feeding into something she is meant to be unlearning, but she wants strongly for it so its not like they can fully deny her.
thats everything we've got cemented so far...we still have to figure out the other members of sees that need swapping but for now you can have these doodles. a kiku + some concepts for human aigis and non-protag femc
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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wolvertooth · 10 months
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ok so im reading wolverine volume 2 to try to get some context for whatever the fucks going on in uncanny. at somepoint, sabretooth starts hunting wolverine more frequently, saying hes his father(which turns out not to be true, dont worry lol). hes been given this belief and nobody can figure out why.
after being given hallucinogenic poison, sabretooth starts to break free from the need to kill and logan starts to remember something…
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at first i thought he was trying to say ‘papa’ or something, but then its revealed he was trying to say ‘partner’(uglyyyyyy panel omg)
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im not sure if logan remembers them being partners at this point, but he definitely does later. but the thorazine? not ever brought up again(as far as i saw, maybe it is. its hard to find what comics come next in canon since its not contained in a single series, theyre all over the place).
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anyway, he then gets xavier and jean to look into his brain, and he finds some memories that dont make sense. (shout out to this bit where creed straight up wants to take him out for a bday date)
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(also shout out to whoever put this speech bubble below them LMAO)
logan then goes to the facility in weapon x where the memories were fabricated. in the animated series sabretooth goes too, but i guess he wouldnt need to in the comics since its implied he already has. i think sabretooth found out about it somehow, got captured, and given the new memory of being logans father. this makes sense since after the hallucination thing sobering him up, he drops that belief.
my theory though is that sabretooth got a lot more fucked up by weapon x than logan. i mean, im pretty sure the false memories were all given after they worked together, and they dont seem to have any other reason(outside of using trauma to activate their need to kill) than to make them all want to suddenly turn against eachother. and i think sabretooth specifically was a failsave for if logan ever escaped, to go seek out and kill him.
both big memories(the one with them being partners in suits and the one where silverfox was killed) were based around logans birthday. so thats probably the reason behind sabretooth seeking him out on his birthday every year, being mixed with the ingrained need to kill him, just based on the little amounts of context he has. BUT the reason for him angering logan? for bringing out the animal? for constantly bringing up silverfox? hes trying to get logan to remember. hes trying to help break him from the memory blocks.
and hes trying to break free from his own programming. and its clear that at somepoint, he did. and he just wants logan to be free from it too.
the memory blocks are tied to logans animal side, but even later on when his animal side is finally released by sabretooth, it didnt really do anything for his memory. because at that point logan already remembers, while sabretooth is still under control of it. though, it is mentioned that something in sabretooths brain is unlocked from wolverine stabbing a claw through it? like he became more in control. that his need to kill is now his own choice. so maybe at that point he was just trying to get him to do that(also it kinda sucks that the canon gets passed around to different authors who will just ignore or get rid of established lore, so none of it really sticks for very long and the characters motives keep changing).
its weird though how logan remembers, yet still keeps trying to fight him. he knows its all fake, but still keeps the same opinion….basically sabretooths stuck with a partner whos forced by the narrative to never like him no matter what he does, while being equally doomed by the narrative to never be able to change. no matter how many times they break the spell, as long as the plot keeps going, theyll always be reset to their basic character traits. #peak romantic tragedy.
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crunchchute · 6 months
need to know when exactly hw2 is taking place so that i can work it into my headcanons cause right now its just not fitting at all. a lot of "..unless?" but i wont know until i get the timeline (more under cut i guess. spoiler territory ahead 🚨🚨)
also i had 6 hours of copium for my sleeptime. if youre a hater just take this as if i was pulling this out of my ass, unless you agree, in which case youre welcome to comment or. nod in agreement.
so how does this help wanted economy affect the fazcoin?
but no for real now. to preface im very forgetful when it comes to fnaf lore and i sometimes miss some plot points and many times they affect my headcanons (once i remember them) but i cant check everything. im just forming my own little timeline with my own ideas i guess, but i still want it to be canon adjacent So!
i believed that its taking place post SB, pre Ruin. which i was super happy with as i was worried it would be pre-SB and not give enough lore that i crave. however, just as ive seen some people say, this didnt help with the lore much, and it just got more confusing for me. still a fantastic game but from a lore point it doesnt give us anything too big or a conclusion (well. maybe one) i also saw people say its post ruin, which i dont agree with but i would agree with during ruin. (when ppl say cassie is the player, i dont think so, need more arguments) its unclear once people bring in other arguments than the obvious roxy's mask or the state of the pizzaplex. but basically as an afton believer its hard for me to work around this, but i will try. never back down never what?
so my hc is iykyk, scraptrap->man in the room->ghost/amalgamation->latching onto tech and the mimic in the form of glitch and burntrap->mimic "shedding" him->wills ghost forming mxes; it also works without the frights books but the afton amalgamation and everything around it is too cool to not use. i fucking love ruinborn afton graaaaah *tears shirt apart* i also liked the idea of his spirit shattering and a piece of it forming glitchtrap for years, and i believe it can coexist with mimic, i think burntrap was real and is both mimic and afton.
now. this game. really messing it up for me as glitchtrap existing post or during burntrap just doesnt make sense, i dont want -trap multiples or something (sounds like the years old 2-3 purple guys theory lmao) but i will look into it as glitchtrap and mxes connection..? honestly, i really expected getting to see burntrap here (or at least mimic shown). was burntrap like retconned or something for real??? also still dont understand when people say burntrap isnt the mimic or whatever. no, it is, just with something a little extra on. and that extra is again, wills ghost or remnant or whatever you wanna call it, symbolized by the bonnie parts on his endo, but theres also flesh so yeah, as funny as it sounds i fuck with the afton homunculus growing over mimic theory. its stupid enough, he would do it.
but i wanna focus on mxes, i knew we wouldnt see the entity in the game, didnt expect it. but i also didnt expect the system to show up, which it did, but obviously not the entity yet as i believe they were formed only after burntrap has been "scooped" by tangle (comparing the scooper mimic ending and the burntrap one as a parallel) i just dont understand how glitchtrap is in here. thats the thing i cant figure out! this is 100% post SB so at that point glitchtrap is just gone. how did we get him back now? only ends up with me reaching with like MEGA SPOILERS the vanny ending crushing glitchtrap being a metaphor of her locking away or deleting the code. extreme reaching would be stuffing it into the mxes system where glitch would turn into the entity. but thats way too loose, but ive seen many people call the mxes entity glitchtrap, which doesnt even work with their theory that glitchtrap is mimic, because the entity is obviously not the mimic. like you have to consider this too, not just mimicmimicmimic but then agree that a glitchy rabbit is similar to another glitchy rabbit
lost my thread of thought. and thought of how this all is just, an end to glitchtrap era and only mimic in the future. well.. without an evil rabbit, fnaf will lose its charm for me, i dont know if vanny!cassie would save it for me, i only want wiwi. more wiwi, no mimi *starts glowing red and then explodes* anyway its not that bad. as long as i get to see the mxes entity again i will be good. and as long as im right about the clickteam game, i will be happy :D
also im intrigued by the fallfest showing up again, i really want to see how the maps look and look at all the details.. but in general the area is either underneath or next to the pizzaplex, the body of water in curse of dreadbear imo is the same as the underground water in ruin and hw2 to me confirmed that it truly is all in one place (goes nowhere with this). i love how the hw2 hub is in the pizzasim building. also, another thing, need to check it out again but i want to see if scrap baby is in a vr level or reality so i can theorize about scraptrap, as in, if at least tangle and scrap baby are still around and real in the plex, it would make sense for scraptrap to not show up because he has gone through digitization /j you know the whole pipeline. and so on and so forth
anyway im gonna pet my dogs and maybe read tse and then get back to hw2 in the afternoon. just getting this out of the system and my brain
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seldomscilence16 · 9 months
Whumptober Day 3:
"Like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon." 
Journal | solitary confinement | "make it stop."
Fandom: Voltron
Prompt used: All
Soooo this ones a little intense- at least to me as I write this. Its never specified but Lance is alone for awhile, so tread carefully just in case. I think I may do a continuation on one of the other days for this one so keep a look out if you like this one.
TW for self harm, and Torture
There was little light in the room. He'd tried to figure out where it was coming from, scratched at the lips in the walls until his nails were broken and bleeding. He'd decided they simply glowed. 
There was no window, and the door disapeared- no it blended in, it had to be there still it had to, it could just be gone that made no sense- after that first day. That first day when he'd woken up, confused and in pain, and had a strange alien come in and speak to him. He couldnt tell you everything they said, broken translator glitching every couple words or other sentence. But it was an experiment, and a punishment. 
Lance wanted to go home.
"Journal entry uh… whatever. The water and bread like stuff appeared when I passed out again, I dont remember falling asleep… It tastes weird, but they got angry when I didnt consume it before… the walls are still glowing… or maybe it is dark and Im going crazy… how many days has it been journal? Why… what did I… its not like your gonna answer anyway…" 
His head hits the wall with a solid thump, the sound better than when all he can hear is bodily functions, so he does it again. And again, until his ears ring and his head aches, and the noise has blended in too much to be different and he stops. His heart and head beat to the same toon, he holds his breath to stop hearing the inflation of his lungs only for the beating to get louder. Frustrated tears come to his eyes as he releases the breath in a shout, which turns into an angry yell as he turns and pounds his tender fists into the wall.
Its not the first time, there are smears of blood- old and new- from his many little moments. He thinks hes allowed such moments after all, locked up for who knows how long with no interaction. He cant even talk to Blue, the thin connection in his soul the only thing telling him shes okay. In the beginning, he equated his moments to Keith, when he went ham on the training gladiatiors. But now… staring at his ruined fists, and wall still intact besides the smears, he feels as pathetic as ever. 
He knows for a fact the rest of the team would have found a way out by now. Pidge's curiousity and spite always leads her to solutions of some kind. Hunk would have found out how this box worked and rebuilt it ten times over. Keith would have samuraied his way out of course, and Shiro would probably find this childs play. But really the main difference… is they arent him. Lance did something wrong. Lance was stupid and weak and easily caught. Lance hasnt been able to find a way out. Lance- is referring to himself in third person. Again. 
He deserves to be here. The team hasnt found him yet, blue is out of range, and Lance is being punished for something. He wouldnt want any of them in his situation anyway, theyre probably off saving the universe still, probably relieved hes gone. He… he hopes theyre getting enough sleep. That Pidge isnt stuck with her face in a screen, refusing to sleep. That Hunk isnt spreading himself thin, and bottling things up. That Allura is recharging her quintessence, and taking care of herself and not pushing too hard on her own mind and the teams. That Coran isnt lonely and doing everything by himself. That Shiro is remembering to laugh and relax and chill. That Keith isnt isolating himself and training to death and… 
He misses them.
Lance thought that… even if he never saw Earth again, never saw his parents again, thatd at least, the last thing he saw would be his friends- his space family- safe and alive. Not some creepy alien, or the four same walls, but the people he cares about. He knows… he knows he wasnt their first choice. That Blue deserves better, the team deserves better. But… he still loves them so much. He just wanted to know they were okay. 
A stinging sensation disrupts the static ache hes fallen into, his motions drag like paper through water and he looks down at his arms. His nails, brittle and broken and cracked, have still managed to drag angry red lines across his arms. Blood and that watery fluid have bubbled to the surface in some areas, and he feels a detached sort of dissapointment. His nose whistles.
The not bread and the ucky water have appeared again. Hes on his side, he doesnt remember falling asleep, from how tired he feels, hes not even sure he can call it that. He knows they get mad when he ignores the susstenance, but he can only stare at it blankly. What was the point anyway? If he was just gonna keep waking up here, he didnt want to anymore. 
He thinks he counts for moment, to determine how long it takes them to get mad, but when he tunes back in to his own brain hes simply repeated the same line of lyrics over and over. He cant recall the song, or any other lyrics, and all its really doing is annoying him, but he cant find the energy to yell at his brain to stop. 
'One. I can count to one. Two. I can count to two. Three. I can count to three. Four. I cant count no more. I can only count to four, I can only count to four, I can only count fooouuuurrrr-'
The room brightens and Lance tenses as a noise fills the room. But the noise was always there, a ringing in his ears, but it grows louder and higher until everything is screaming. He hold his hands over his ears, finds a warm wetness with undertones of crusty, his mouth is open his throat feels shredded, hes curled up as much as his ribs will allow- they poke out, he can see where theyre wrong, they warp as the noise increases. His heart pounds wildly in his chest, tears streak his face, he cant see anything, theres red in his blurred vision before it whites out completely, a warmth below his nose. Shivers wrack his tense body as the cold he'd been trying to ignore sets in bone deep.
"P'ease…m…m-make it… st…stop…" 
He doesnt know when he went limp, eyes open but seeing nothing, the ringing is everywhere, the feeling of liquid drying on his skin makes him itch, but he cant even twitch. 
"M'ke it st…stop. Make eh stop… make it stop." A sob from deep in his chest, voice hoarse, everything hurts. "Make it stop please." 
He couldnt even tell you if he'd actually spoken, or if wordless noise escaped a ruined throat. The pounding of his heart, the ringing of his ears, nothing seemed to exist past that. 
Warmth on his cheek, he must be crying again… 
Pressure on his back, his shoulder thanks him for rolling over, he cant recall doing it.
Something touches his neck. 
He flinches violently, surprising himself and whoevers touching him. He throws his arms up, his back now against the stupidly familiar walls.
"Make it stop! I dont want to anymore! Just kill me already, Make it stopmakeitstopmaKEITSTOP!!"
Something rumbles in his mind, loud enough to block all the stupid noises, filled instead with crashing waves and warm sand, foreign yet familair. 
"Lance." He flinches, he can only half hear what was said, head in a fishbowl of water and one ear clogged, but it was definetly his name… 
"Leandro, please look at me hermano." 
Tears bubble in his eyes as he realizes what this is.
Hes lost it completely.
Hes halucinating now. Maybe it really is finally the end-
"Lance please." It sounds so broken, she should never sound like that-
He looks up. 
The door. It did exist, lying in sparking pieces as it is. Shiro is in the doorway, face drawn in concern, galra arm still smoking from whatever he used it for. Behind him Keith is glaring down his sword at something Lance cant see. Infront of him however, curled up in the too small room, knees an inch from his own, back bowed so his head wont hit the ceiling, arm brushing the smaller one next to him. Two sets of warm eyes, wet with tears and dark with bags, look at him with mournful sadness and yet, tentative hope, relief. 
The tears spill over, his lips wobble as he sobs,
"Make it stop please. I cant handle it if youre not really here. Please." 
"We're here buddy. Hermano, we're here. Give me your hand Lance, I promise we're real." Hunks voice wavers with emotion, Lance knows he's seconds from breaking down. 
"We're late, but we're here Lance. Please." Pidges voice is small, hand held out beside Hunks, both tremble. 
Lance is going to regret it. He is. He's gonna regret it. 
His hands- cold, achey, maybe broken, filthy- meet the warm calloused palms of his friends. He slumps forward like his string have been cut, but the two dutifully catch him. Warmth. Not from blood or tears, but from real people. Lances eyes slipped closed, feeling safe for a moment, if he wakes up alone… at least he got to see their faces one last time…
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richardsphere · 2 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Work Study Job
Ultraviolet catastrophe is indeed a great bandname.
Girl walks in, "how could you"... im putting money on plagiarism? (its the only crime i can think of a student could figure out. Sure he could be working on a quantumphysics/nucear radiation based weapon for the military, but a student wouldnt know) Pressed continue, im right. Stage fright/anxiety. As someone who has never been diagnosed with anxiety but has some pretty anxiety-esque tendencies... this will be a hard episode for me. --- Skipping over the "client meeting" bit, cause nothing much happened there (besides the obvious) Back at the theatre Breanna has the powerpoint. Turns out, not only is he a fraud he's also a climate-change denialist (not because he doesnt believe in it, lobbyists just pay him).
Turns out Harry used to go to this school (he also used to do "little yellow pills")
Harry and Breanna are ideologically seperated? (i dont think they are, Harry isnt saying "the system works", for godssake he's on team leverage AKA team fuck the system) but we're gonna be force-fed some BS here. But Breanna is being really harsh here. Like all Harry is saying is "I have connections here, and I have built up enough credit with 'donations' that these doors are open to us".
Harry: Look guys, The slow option exists and any crime involved in getting her her research back could permanently destroy the girls legitimately and ultimately cost her the very future we're trying to get her back. If we steal it from him and she gets her stuff back, he'll just claim she stole it from him. Sad Parker: But I love crime! Harry: Ok you can do a little crime, as a treat.
Sophie is calling the shot: We'll at least give the official route a chance. (She does not seem to be under any illusions it'll work but have to get started somewhere) --- I agree with Sophie, "ultimate frisbee" is a dumb name for a sport.
Dean Alreadyforgothisname drops a tech billionaire, which feels like either someone we'll return to later in the episode or a future mark.
Elliot is stealing the camerafeed for Breanna, But gets spotted by someone who redirects him elsewhere to fix whatever needs fixing. Parker complains that college campusses, campussi? Campi? are too easy. The one way to prevent Elliot from kicking your ass: Be someone he genuinely likes and/or pities. (he's gonna be evil isnt he? Obligatory third act twist) Harry cant distract this guy too long, They find the stuff (its behind the whiteboard) but while Parker manages to hide Breanna is found --- Breanna, when a mark says "oh you're the janitor" your response is "yes let me just take the trash out", confirm their suspicions and biases. But now that you've failed the slam dunk exit time to flatter his glasses and ego, (and bait him with a new, promising student he can plagiarise next) He tries to bait her with an impossible question, but she sees through it and exposits that she actually knows what she's talking about. But breanna has made herself an opening next monday --- So he's looking to "sell" (techcically lease) the patent to this clean fusion research to an oil company.
Mr "genius" doesnt seem to understand what "installed backwards"means.
Breanna stalls and redirects the oilguy, Floyd is about to interfere with Elliot. Harry is going to request the hearing,
Floyd is suprisingly happy with Elliot. Are we shock-therapying the Oilcorpo?
Oh Floyd has friends (presumably the actual backbone staff of the institution, secretaries, accountants etc.) --- Ok so its a secret Illuminati order of janitorial staff. I've seen this joke before but also, dont mess with the janitors man. They know where the bodies are hidden as well as where to hide yours.
As far as taking Gray down, Elliot just won the fucking lottery.
Meanwhile Harry gets what amounts to an out-and-open admission of corruption from the Dean. (Rule number 1: Never admit to your crimes where Leverage is near. They have recorders in their ears. The Dean's job priviliges are hereby revoked.)
"we need all the crime". Simple line but it works. 8.6/10 --- New plan: Convince Gray that the girl stole the research from a third party and its way more valuable then he thinks.
Breanna tells Emma to help Sophie
Sophie on a greenscreen doing a Ted Talk, Elliot plants a book with Sophies thesis in the library.
Gray just entered the suplycloset/Sophies Lair. Sophie, you could've waited 1 minute, given him the time to steal stuff on camera and strengthen your futures.
--- Time to feign Tech Billionaire Status (that guy from earlier is getting dropped again) HARDISON IS PLAYING THE SPACEBILLIONAIRE! I am loving this. They really realised exactly how much leniancy a greenscreen gave them to work around this guys schedule. the legit look of glee on Sophie's face when she realises Hardison is joining this con. She (character) doesnt even need to fake it. (i dont want to presume on the feelings of the actor)
Hardison, you ducked up your coverstory in the first line. A tech billionaire admitting that their people did the work not themselves? God if only we lived in a world where that really happened. (i mean an ideal world obviously wouldnt have billionaires in the first place but one step at a time)
Gray has taken the bait. Sophie boner-baits him into a rush decision.
Problem with a violin scam, what if they have an actual buyer lined up. --- Ok so list of problems: Getting Emma in the room, Goading Gray to over-extend. Getting rid of a billionaire's security. thats 1 big problem and like, 2 quarters of a problem. (Emma is the legit issue, anxiety sucks)
Huh this tech billionaire is actually rather open minded and sensible. Ah they let him realise they're conning him to move the guards out of play.
All the janitors working together to funnel this guy into his doom. Gray tries to prevent Emma from meeting the Tech Billionaire just in time for commercial break. (he's about to gloat on a wire, while the billionaire is locked in a box with a functioning speaker hearing him admit everything) --- Oh yeah the billionaire went to school here, he's been in Gray's class and knows enough science to know that when a professor claims to have all the answers rather then admit "i dont know that, i'll look into it" from time to time its a big red flag. Obviously fuck billionaires, but on the scale of fictional billionares this guy is pretty good.
"I have Tenure" "We have a Harry".
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