#but it’s a legitimate issue
communistkenobi · 1 year
whenever right wing people talk about “parental rights” they are talking about property rights. they are arguing for further political and legal enshrinement of their children as their literal actual property
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sciderman · 1 month
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deadpool (2008) #20
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aromantic-diaries · 8 months
This is something I'll probably never actually do but I'd love to take a plain white t-shirt and write 'I HATE SEX' on it. I'm sex repulsed, not sex negative, but it's annoying how somehow you have to justify being sex repulsed by specifying that you're not sex negative
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chaithetics · 2 months
Help Hazem and his Family!
Hazem (@hazem1999 @hazempalestine ) keeps getting shadowbanned and his account @hazem1999sblog has been deleted. This is disgusting behaviour from Tumblr but it's also really concerning as his online presence is vital for his family's survival.
Hazem is fundraising for his family to be able to safely evacuate from the genocide, he has been separated from them for several years. Hazem's parents and four siblings are living in the Jabalia Refugee Camp and desperately need to evacuate.
Hazem's campaign has only raised €1,075/50,000 goal. Raising this money is so important for his family to be able to afford the costs of basic necessities with living through this genocide and also with the evacuation costs.
Hazem's campaign technically hasn't been vetted yet, his accounts being banned doesn't help and means his campaign isn't as visible to the hard-working vetters out there and people in a position to donate. He has been personally vouched for by @bilal-salah0 who has been vetted.
Every donation matters, no matter how small! Hazem is stressed about his studies and his family's survival and wellbeing. He shouldn't be worried about all of this and also about his accounts getting banned and needing to make new ones. Nobody deserves this, Hazem's family deserve more, please help however you can whether it's by donating or sharing and please follow his account and campaign!
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kara-zor-els · 5 months
People need to learn the difference between "this comic book character is being (over)sexualized" (aka they are drawn in a way that is misogynistic or objectifing and doesn't fit the story) vs "this comic book character is drawn sexy" (they are an adult with an active sex life and it makes sense for the plot for them to express that/doesn't distract from the story)
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allyriadayne · 4 months
some thoughts about jace during the dace and his relationship to kingship and rhaenyra⁓
rhaenys dies in rook's rest and corlys is angry because it should've been rhaenyra. Jace must take the reins if they want to win. Rhaenyra must wake so he takes care of his siblings, her weakest points, so he sends them far and wide so she will not fear for their life. except..... it'll be jace next. he didn't think of himself.
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and in the next part: "Prince Jacaerys soon brought the Lord of the Tides back into the fold by naming him the Hand of the Queen" Jace said, let's get this bitch on the road!! but it's soo indicative of what were jace's priorities and there being some kind of friction or at least disappointment in his dynamic with rhaenyra that she's not doing what he thinks she must.
jace's list: 1) bring corlys back as hand 2) plan the rest of the war 3) bring rhaenyra back 4) win war? 5) ?????? 6) ?????? 7) mourn luke after (or never).
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"syrax" crrrazy because Jace is really counting on rhaenyra to be A Queen. he's fighting tooth and nail for her to get back to the realm of the living. he won't ever give up on her! it's really so sad.
like imagine the great strain jace is put in because he must compensate for rhaenyra's absence. appeasing corlys, comfort his siblings for being separated so soon after Luke's death, the war, being a good son and heir. and also, to be the most senior available dragonrider on the island, their only line of defense!! he was fifteen!! coming up with the dragonseeds plan must have been such a relief.
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the-magpie-collective · 4 months
Let's talk about how Ulder Ravengard was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year when he finally runs into Wyll, for the first time in seven years, and his son is now definitely maybe sort of a devil?
Look, D&D cannon is absolutely wild and inconsistent but I need ya'll to know approximately how many horrible things befell Ulder Ravengard in the few months right before the events of Baldur's Gate 3.
Ulder Ravengard goes to Elturel. This is fairly normal. He often had to travel as a Duke for diplomatic reasons to nearby cities. Sure, the Vanthampurs' had their fingers pulling the strings this time to ensure he went, but that is also, unfortunately, normal. And it's not like anyone else can go in his place. Who would he send? Portyr whose only use is as a windsock? Stelmane who is suffering from the long term effects of a "stroke"? Vanthampur?
(Portyr, Stelmane, and Vanthampur being the other four dukes at the time)
So he goes and it's supposed to just be another diplomatic trip to a neighboring city. Except exactly nothing goes to plan. The Vanthampurs have made an alliance with devils and a deal with the leaders of Elturel to orchestrate the fall of the entire city into Avernus. Ulder Ravengard is there with several of the Flaming Fist when the entire city is plunged into hell. And no, Avernus is not some sort of cushy vacation spot. There's a reason why Karlach would rather die than go back. There's a reason why it is called hell.
It's not hard to imagine he watches many of the Flaming Fist get slaughtered. People he's worked with for years, maybe even decades. People he called friends. Not hard to think that he watches innocents suffer as they are preyed upon by devils and demons, children slaughtered in the streets all while he is helpless to stop it from happening. It's not out of the question to think this is possibly one of the worst times in his life. Oh, Ulder Ravengard has been through numerous disasters before. He's watched countless friends die. But when has he ever been so helpless as the time he was caught in an entire city of relative innocents as it is dragged down to the hells?
It gets worse.
You see, Ulder Ravengard is put into a catatonic state by the Demon Lord Baphomet using the the Helm of Torm's sight. The Helm of Torm's sight is a holy item that allows the user to commune with Torm (god of Duty, Loyalty, etc). In a last ditch effort to save the city of Elturel, Ulder Ravengard attempted to get to the Helm in the hopes that it could be used to fight back. Instead he gets to watch as his hope is perverted and used against him. He gets to see himself fall helpless and under control of the demon while his men are slaughtered in the attack.
We don't know how Ulder Ravengard escapes this situation (*cough* play Descent into Avernus *cough*) but somehow he does. After weeks of fighting in the hells (maybe even months?) and narrowly escaping with his life and mind intact Ulder Ravengard is hurrying back to Baldur's Gate as quickly as he can. He knows the city is in danger, whether the Vanthampurs' succeeded at seizing power or not. And on the way home he gets ambushed by fucking goblins and drow working together. He gets to see as some of the few survivors who made it through their time in Avernus with him, get killed. He gets to see his close friend and advisor Counselor Florrick get trapped in a burning building.
Then he's kept imprisoned, and likely harassed, in the dungeons of Moonrise towers. All he hears is 'the Absolute' this and 'the Absolute' that. Then what does he know but apparently the mastermind behind this whole thing is fucking Gortash, the slimy counselor he has spent the past while doing his best to ignore because even if he didn't like him and thought most of his ideas were bad he couldn't actually do anything to get rid of him. And then Orin—a fucking Bhaalspawn—uses him for a chair while Ketheric Thorm goes on a whiny oh-woe-is-me rant and Gortash sticks a tadpole in his eye all while mocking him.
He then gets to spend the next while under control of the Absolute. We don't know how unpleasant this is, but we do know that when the Absolute controls someone directly their brain starts bleeding so severely they collapse and die after less than a minute :) and when he's finally freed from the Absolute he has chronic migraines so yeah not fucking pleasant :)))))
And then his son rescues him. Yay. His son who he strove to teach right from wrong all those years. His son to whom he imparted the four pillars: strategy, courage, justice, insight. His son, who, despite everything he has ever taught him chose to throw all of his promise away to a devil. And he doesn't know why and maybe he hopes that there was a good reason behind it all, but he does know that he lost any chance he had to ever be able to fully trust his son again because he doesn't know the terms of the pact and he can't know the full terms of the pact but he does know that his son is now under the control of a devil.
And please just take a moment to think about how terrifying that would be. This isn't something that an 'I'm sorry' can fix. Wyll says it himself: it would be easier to drink the Chionthar down, drop by drop, than to break a devil's pact. The chances of Wyll ever being freed from his pact are slim to none and the damage he could do in the mean time is immeasurable. Ulder Ravengard has the weight of an entire city's well being on his shoulders. I am not saying he made the right choice, but there is a reason why Wyll says it was the only choice he could make. He told Wyll to go. Maybe out of shame, maybe out of fear, maybe out of the hope that his son would do less damage far away than if he were to stay. We don't know why. Maybe he regretted it, maybe he never looked back.
But he's been having one of the worst fucking years of his life and most of it is due either directly to devils or to people conspiring with devils. His mind has been scraped raw by the Absolute. He's injured and if you broke Wyll's pact he was just attacked by another devil and exploding spiders. If you didn't break Wyll's pact, he just saw evidence that Wyll is still in leagues with a devil, after all Mizora states very clearly that she always fulfills her promises as she saves him.
Oh and if you didn't kill Karlach, Wyll is a devil now (*techinically he is still human, just with some devilish features and will be regonized as infernal in origin by the spell Detect Good and Evil, but Ulder Ravengard doesn't have the insight to game mechanics that we have and may or may not be aware that Wyll turning into a devil is a lot less probable than him just being made to look like one.)
So maybe, it's just a little understandable that instead of greeting Wyll with joy or gratitude at being saved the first thing he thinks, the only thing he can think of is: what fresh hell is he in for now?
(And maybe ya'll can be a little more understanding of Wyll choosing to forgive his father too. I don't think it's out of character for Wyll. I don't think he's ignoring everything wrong with what his father did. I don't think Wyll is a bad person for choosing to forgive his father or that anger would have been the right choice for him. It's far, far more complicated than that.)
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nightecho50 · 1 month
People on TikTok think mpreg is funny and unbelievable and weird like "imagine if men gave birth!" and "OMG MPREG REFERENCE???" it's like
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to paraphrase someone's tags as a rhetorical question: why is serano treated like the jesus of transfeminism and not one lady with some opinions who can be wrong about things sometimes
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osheamobile · 3 months
So in the last few weeks I've
Despaired at the increasing privacy concerns from Windows and ended up dual-booting Linux Mint as a result
Picked up a Warhammer computer game and am actually enjoying it
Replaced our aging car that was starting to have expensive repair problems with a hybrid
Reinstalled New Vegas
I've become a trans stereotype against my will
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mannerfeind-moving · 1 year
can we stop using a legitimate fucking brain condition to mean stupid. “smoothbrain” is an actual fucking disorder, called lissencephaly.
the life expectancy for this disorder is extremely short, many people with it never reach ten years old, and the oldest only made it to thirty.
an intellectual disability does not equal stupid, and someone’s worth should not be determined by how “smart” they are to you or society. disabled people are not a joke.
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the-final-sif · 1 year
So! Some good news regarding the tribal mob mod situation on the QSMP!
I got in contact with the mod's creator and against my expectations, they were actually very open to hearing feedback and didn't realize that people still saw their mobs as native stereotypes. They were upset and remorseful that the mobs were being refereed to as natives, as that wasn't their intention. Apparently, the original idea was a specific creature from Zulu mythology, that they then attempted to expand out into it's own thing without realizing how it looked to someone not approaching it from that context.
Once I explained to them what the issue was and how it was coming across to people, they saw the problem and realized that they didn't want people to think that about the their mod pack nor did they want to hurt people by invoking racist stereotypes.
We talked for awhile about the problem and various ways to fix it, and they actually really do seem to care about the problem and want to do better. They're going to work with their team to redo the mob design/mechanisms to fix the situation and will get better feedback and work to avoid doing anything like this in the future. I'm actually pretty impressed by how open they were to feedback and how willing they were to want to do better once they were told that people were being hurt by the portrayal in their mod.
Time will tell exactly what will happen there, but for now, they are aware of the issue, they're sorry, and they're going to work on fixing it. So there's that to be hopeful about.
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mysterycitrus · 4 months
Just curious but I don't get why DC fans hate Tom Taylor's guts.
He seems like a sweet guy and I found his work on Nightwing and Superman: Son Of Kal-El to be fantastic. And, no. I refuse to believe he "secretly co-wrote" the hated Ric Grayson storyline or the controversial Superman Unity Saga (where Jon Kent is aged up).
I just don't get it.
if ur sincerely refusing to engage with the documented, legitimate criticism with taylors work that is easy to find online if u decide to look for it then i can’t help u babydoll
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bonefall · 5 months
one of the most frustrating things to me with the mapleshade/birchfall situation is its like. the only time since into the wild where the books acknowledge queens don't have to reveal the fathers of their litters. when mapleshade tells beetail (? the deputy whats-his-face) shell be raising the kittens alone, he accepts it without question. this implies her lying about birchface being the father was unnecessary, but in Bluestar’s prophecy everybody immediately assumes thrushpelt is the father the minute bluefur is known to be pregnant, and bluefur not correcting this is treated as a reasonable decision despite it being the SAME situation! it's just the authors want mapleshade to be unreasonable so this time it's bad actually.
The in-universe Queen's Rights are so poorly defined and utilized that the BB!Queen's Rights are essentially an entirely original framework. They sometimes exist in the books and sometimes don't, depending on if the writer remembers them or not.
They actually seem to not be a thing in Bluestar's Prophecy, from what I remember. Thrushpelt offers to be the pretend-father as a result.
It seems to have protected Fallowtail though, until Reedfeather decided to kidnap his kids.
Featherstorm's first litter, Raggedpelt and Scorchwind, are bullied for being fatherless and face constant speculation.
Same with Flintfang, Blackstar, and Fernshade. They're not even actually halfclan, Blackpaw holds his tongue and refuses to reveal the truth to stop bullies.
Brokenstar faces open bullying from his adopted siblings for not knowing who his mother is (but also he stops Yellowfang from telling Lizardstripe about it because he overheard a conversation where she told her friend she feels like the baby is stealing milk)
StarClan pushed for Squilf to lie to Brambleclaw for this reason, because they assumed (correctly) that having HalfClan suspicion would make it harder for The Three to be accepted into ThunderClan
So if a queen has "a right" to not reveal parents, it's not very protective. Your kids are going to face bullying and discrimination regardless of how loyal you actually are, or who the dad is.
But yeah suuuure Mapleshade was evil and horrible for not correcting Frecklewish. I can totally accept that in this completely arbitrary situation that somehow it would have turned out better if she told her No and left the whole Clan speculating.
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clementimetodie · 1 month
Starting to wonder if something is wrong with me...
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communistkenobi · 9 months
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if you use the word degenerate/degeneracy you should not call yourself a socialist or even a progressive, this is not negotiable, you have not done the basic work required of you to use such a label
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