#the D&D canon might not be 100% correct
the-magpie-collective · 4 months
Let's talk about how Ulder Ravengard was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year when he finally runs into Wyll, for the first time in seven years, and his son is now definitely maybe sort of a devil?
Look, D&D cannon is absolutely wild and inconsistent but I need ya'll to know approximately how many horrible things befell Ulder Ravengard in the few months right before the events of Baldur's Gate 3.
Ulder Ravengard goes to Elturel. This is fairly normal. He often had to travel as a Duke for diplomatic reasons to nearby cities. Sure, the Vanthampurs' had their fingers pulling the strings this time to ensure he went, but that is also, unfortunately, normal. And it's not like anyone else can go in his place. Who would he send? Portyr whose only use is as a windsock? Stelmane who is suffering from the long term effects of a "stroke"? Vanthampur?
(Portyr, Stelmane, and Vanthampur being the other four dukes at the time)
So he goes and it's supposed to just be another diplomatic trip to a neighboring city. Except exactly nothing goes to plan. The Vanthampurs have made an alliance with devils and a deal with the leaders of Elturel to orchestrate the fall of the entire city into Avernus. Ulder Ravengard is there with several of the Flaming Fist when the entire city is plunged into hell. And no, Avernus is not some sort of cushy vacation spot. There's a reason why Karlach would rather die than go back. There's a reason why it is called hell.
It's not hard to imagine he watches many of the Flaming Fist get slaughtered. People he's worked with for years, maybe even decades. People he called friends. Not hard to think that he watches innocents suffer as they are preyed upon by devils and demons, children slaughtered in the streets all while he is helpless to stop it from happening. It's not out of the question to think this is possibly one of the worst times in his life. Oh, Ulder Ravengard has been through numerous disasters before. He's watched countless friends die. But when has he ever been so helpless as the time he was caught in an entire city of relative innocents as it is dragged down to the hells?
It gets worse.
You see, Ulder Ravengard is put into a catatonic state by the Demon Lord Baphomet using the the Helm of Torm's sight. The Helm of Torm's sight is a holy item that allows the user to commune with Torm (god of Duty, Loyalty, etc). In a last ditch effort to save the city of Elturel, Ulder Ravengard attempted to get to the Helm in the hopes that it could be used to fight back. Instead he gets to watch as his hope is perverted and used against him. He gets to see himself fall helpless and under control of the demon while his men are slaughtered in the attack.
We don't know how Ulder Ravengard escapes this situation (*cough* play Descent into Avernus *cough*) but somehow he does. After weeks of fighting in the hells (maybe even months?) and narrowly escaping with his life and mind intact Ulder Ravengard is hurrying back to Baldur's Gate as quickly as he can. He knows the city is in danger, whether the Vanthampurs' succeeded at seizing power or not. And on the way home he gets ambushed by fucking goblins and drow working together. He gets to see as some of the few survivors who made it through their time in Avernus with him, get killed. He gets to see his close friend and advisor Counselor Florrick get trapped in a burning building.
Then he's kept imprisoned, and likely harassed, in the dungeons of Moonrise towers. All he hears is 'the Absolute' this and 'the Absolute' that. Then what does he know but apparently the mastermind behind this whole thing is fucking Gortash, the slimy counselor he has spent the past while doing his best to ignore because even if he didn't like him and thought most of his ideas were bad he couldn't actually do anything to get rid of him. And then Orin—a fucking Bhaalspawn—uses him for a chair while Ketheric Thorm goes on a whiny oh-woe-is-me rant and Gortash sticks a tadpole in his eye all while mocking him.
He then gets to spend the next while under control of the Absolute. We don't know how unpleasant this is, but we do know that when the Absolute controls someone directly their brain starts bleeding so severely they collapse and die after less than a minute :) and when he's finally freed from the Absolute he has chronic migraines so yeah not fucking pleasant :)))))
And then his son rescues him. Yay. His son who he strove to teach right from wrong all those years. His son to whom he imparted the four pillars: strategy, courage, justice, insight. His son, who, despite everything he has ever taught him chose to throw all of his promise away to a devil. And he doesn't know why and maybe he hopes that there was a good reason behind it all, but he does know that he lost any chance he had to ever be able to fully trust his son again because he doesn't know the terms of the pact and he can't know the full terms of the pact but he does know that his son is now under the control of a devil.
And please just take a moment to think about how terrifying that would be. This isn't something that an 'I'm sorry' can fix. Wyll says it himself: it would be easier to drink the Chionthar down, drop by drop, than to break a devil's pact. The chances of Wyll ever being freed from his pact are slim to none and the damage he could do in the mean time is immeasurable. Ulder Ravengard has the weight of an entire city's well being on his shoulders. I am not saying he made the right choice, but there is a reason why Wyll says it was the only choice he could make. He told Wyll to go. Maybe out of shame, maybe out of fear, maybe out of the hope that his son would do less damage far away than if he were to stay. We don't know why. Maybe he regretted it, maybe he never looked back.
But he's been having one of the worst fucking years of his life and most of it is due either directly to devils or to people conspiring with devils. His mind has been scraped raw by the Absolute. He's injured and if you broke Wyll's pact he was just attacked by another devil and exploding spiders. If you didn't break Wyll's pact, he just saw evidence that Wyll is still in leagues with a devil, after all Mizora states very clearly that she always fulfills her promises as she saves him.
Oh and if you didn't kill Karlach, Wyll is a devil now (*techinically he is still human, just with some devilish features and will be regonized as infernal in origin by the spell Detect Good and Evil, but Ulder Ravengard doesn't have the insight to game mechanics that we have and may or may not be aware that Wyll turning into a devil is a lot less probable than him just being made to look like one.)
So maybe, it's just a little understandable that instead of greeting Wyll with joy or gratitude at being saved the first thing he thinks, the only thing he can think of is: what fresh hell is he in for now?
(And maybe ya'll can be a little more understanding of Wyll choosing to forgive his father too. I don't think it's out of character for Wyll. I don't think he's ignoring everything wrong with what his father did. I don't think Wyll is a bad person for choosing to forgive his father or that anger would have been the right choice for him. It's far, far more complicated than that.)
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softie-rain · 5 months
Give me some Sejanus headcanons please? 🥺
I love how you write him 💖
Note: ok first off anon please marry me I'm such a whore for compliments I'm like Rachel (from friends) when she's pregnant, you compliment me I give you EVERYTHING you ask for. Second off, I'm assuming you meant x reader so I went with that! If you meant only about Sejanus' character, please tell me and I'll write those too :D
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x gen!reader
tw: none babes pure fluff
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Sejanus Plinth will literally do anything for you, and it is not an exaggeration.
"Sejanus I'm cold."
"I wish I could control the weather to make you feel warm, but since I can't, here, have my jacket."
If you're sick, for example a fever, he'll take the whole day off/skip Academy just so he can take care of you. He doesn't care that he might get sick as well. You're hungry? He'll prepare you a soup just like his Ma' taught him. You're cold? All the blankets you need are on the way.
He'll also help you take your pills, medication, anything you may need!
He helps you study, I feel like Sejanus is very good at school (he is in canon, if I'm not wrong) so he's 100% up to help you with your classes.
He'll make cards with questions to ask for any upcoming test you may have, and give you a cookie he made for every correct answer! Or a kiss, too.
... he'll strip down for every correct answer if you want it to he nsfw. up to you.
Cuddles!! All the time!
Sejanus is a listener, he loves listening to you talk. Especially if it's something you love, like your favourite book or simply a special interest you have
Picutre this: you're sitting on your bed talking, as Sejanus is laying on his side next to you listening to and at some point he zones out, which you notice.
"Sejanus? Are you listening?"
"Sorry darling, got distracted by how beautiful you are."
And you get flustered and blush and feel like you're 12 with your first crush
He's so smooth with his flirting??? So so damn charming.
He LOVES to make you flustered, he gets so happy when he sees how red in the face you get after a compliment
He's so protective and jealous of you too, but that doesn't admit it because he's a bit ashamed of that. Even after you reassure him it's fine and that it's normal.
He's so nervous when you meet his Ma' for the first time, but she loves you the second she lays eyes on you
This is a Strabo Plinth hate account so he's not there ❤️
Take this one in a modern au probably, but she'll totally show you embarrassing Sejanus baby pics
He's not a huge fan of pda but he'll hold your hand any time he has the chance. In class, in the hallways, at home, as you walk
He always spoons you. Idc if you're taller my man WILL be the big spoon.
in a modern au again, you're watching your favourite movie which he hasn't seen but he's so confused
"Wait who is he" "Oh is he the bad guy?" "What is going on?" "I don't understand, why did they do that?"
Though it's probably just so you get to talk about and he knows how much you love to talk about it
He'll read for you if you ask him to!
As I said he's very jealous (ahem insecure ahem) but he trusts you, so it's the cute kind of jealousy
He's always reminding you that he loves you, both by buying you gifts or just by telling you.
Please remind him you love him too or he'll cry
and me with him
You don't want him to because you don't want him to spend money on you but the only reason he'd use his father's money is to buy you gift or take you out on fancy dates
Hugs from behind!!
if you're shorter he loves to pick you up
Can you tell Sej's my favourite character
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Hiii I wanna share some head-cannons I have about Armand’s autism :D
Here we go:
- I think he’d LOVE a good lava lamp
- Daniel and him are adhd + autism excellency
-I also think his powers with the mind gift definitely show how he uses nonverbal communication. Yet to add on, I always interpreted his powers as kinda a two way street if that makes sense?? Like using his powers to better understand the people around him, so he can better understand what they’re trying to communicate to him? Like being able to read someone’s mind without trying to figure out all the complicated 4d chess that is neurotypical social interaction. (Idk if that made sense)
-vocal stims !! I think he’d sometimes get echolalia with certain words that daniel says (I say this bc I’m the same way, except I just really like meowing with my cats 😭)
-speaking of cats, I think Armand would get along SO well with them!! He would have the magic touch.
Ahhh unrelated, but on the topic of Armand being autistic, do you think he’d know that he’s autistic? How do you think his process of realizing he is on the spectrum play out?
I love ur headcanons SO MUCH OMGG ur 100% correct anon I love u. The vocal stimming is practically canon!! In the vampire Armand’s narration Armand often repeats the same words multiple times in a row which I see as a form of vocal stimming. I think I’ve made the same lava lamp and devils minion adhd + autism duo commentary before when talking to friends, anon we might share a brain <33
And I looooveee ur question ehhehehehhe, I actually think about this a lot! I think Armand definitely knows that there is something different about his brain that separates him from others and is longing to understand what that is, which I think could easily lead him on the road of discovering that he is autistic since that is how I and many other ppl found out. But I don’t think the label is something he would be aware of or connect to himself if a third party didn’t explain it to him or point it out. I think he’d have a few barriers keeping him from coming to that realization, like having a person from the 1500’s understanding of mental health and disabilities and an anxiety of being studied, interviewed, questioned, etc. Armand finds analyzing himself very difficult and talking to people about himself also very difficult, so I think both self diagnosis and formal diagnosis would be a struggle for him. But, not an impossible struggle. Especially during post canon when Armand goes through an improvement arc and becomes a bit more healthier and self aware, I think his desire to improve combined with his desire to understand why he feels so alienated would cumulate in discovering he’s on the spectrum. I think that he is aware enough of his own symptoms that if he was given a label and an explanation he would accept it pretty easily and willingly, and as I said find it comforting to know the reason for his differences. The difficult part for Armand emotionally when he finds this out would be realizing the extent he was taken advantage of, hurt, and wronged by everyone in his life once he begins to understand that his vulnerabilities r due to a disability and not some ambiguous character flaw
thank u sm for the ask anon AHHHHH I could talk about autistic Armand forever bless u
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beefslipper · 3 months
Headcanons! Some Spoilers?
My first post got a lot more attention than I thought it would, so I'm just gonna drop some headcanons. I'll do a few different characters from different shows, anime/mangas, etc. If you don't know much about the characters, there will be some info on them that some people may not know already (Ex; character death, big events, whatever).
Some HCs are on the sad side while others are just silly, nonserious ones.
Also, if you disagree with any of these HCs, that's totally fine! Please just don't be negative about it or anything. And if you want to correct me on anything, go right ahead.
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First up, I'm gonna do Jason Todd from the Batman Comics/shows. I love Jason so much, nothing could ever make me hate him <3
I feel like he'd believe in "hair holding memories" thing, so after his death and revival, he'd shave his head countless times to try and forget all the bad memories. Poor boy :(
For a happier HC, I think he'd be an absolute boss at Just Dance or automatically become the God of a video game that any of his younger 'siblings' need help with beating.
I also have a slight feeling he'd cheat during a silly 'family game night' thing and be hiding uno cards in his jacket or something LOL. Bro's the type to make one move during a game of chess before giving up and flipping the board.
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Onto Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen :D
I used to be a huge Gojo hater for no reason lol, but now he's kinda one of my favorites.
Since it's canon that he has a sweet tooth, I have a feeling he stress eats/bored eats (eats a bunch when stressed out or bored) and gets tummy aches pretty often from that.
I feel like he'd tear up a dance floor at a stupid little highschool event or something, but not like normal dancing. Bro probably dances like a Hotel Transylvania character LMFAO.
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Lastly, Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact!!
Fun fact: he was my first main besides the traveler on Genshin Impact.
I HC that the poor man has a rough time sleeping (specifically after the Snezhnaya events and the death of his father). Whenever Kaeya sneaks into the Dawn Winery, he probably holds his big brother until he can sleep peacefully <3
(NO, I DO NOT ship the brothers in GI or the Batfam. Get those brownies outta here /ref)
Another silly HC I got is that Diluc used to be the sweetest kid in Mondstadt, but was unintentionally a little chaos magnet. Definitely a leash child so Crepus wouldn't have a heart attack when wondering where his son ran off to for the 60th time that day.
Bonus HC: Babysitter Varka. Must I say any more? Bro's probably still a big father figure in Diluc's life and sends weekly letters checking up on him.
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Y'all are so lucky I forgot about HSR characters, otherwise I woulda yapped about at least 6 of them LOL. Might make a separate post later just for them, maybe multiple. Who knows.
If you noticed, yes. I learned how to insert images and I will 100% abuse that. When I learn how to insert emojis, I'm abusing that too. (I'm on a computer so I don't have emojis available as of right now.)
If you want to request HCs of any other character from the mentioned fandoms(? Is that what you call it?), go right ahead and ask! I probably won't get to it immediately since cramps are manhandling me right now, but I'll do it ASAP.
Anyways, have a great day, evening, and/or night, and make sure you stay hydrated!
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crimson--freak · 11 months
hiiiii :3
i read tags on that post you reblogged for me and i agree that its most likely that kayne is nyarlathotep since it'd pretty much align with cthulhu mythos - it often takes human form to walk the earth and it's character is pretty similar to kayne's. It also acts with seemingly no particular goal again just like kayne! and i can't really think of any other gods in cthulhu mythos that would fit him so well
also I'd love to hear more about that theory of yours ^_^!!!!!!
Aw thanks for asking about this! :D
{Putting this under a cut because this is a lot of information. It’s pretty condensed but still quite long}
Please take in mind that this theory only just popped into my head when I read the post, so this has more holes in it than Emmental cheese.
I was thinking on the fact that Harlan’s post mentioned explicitly that Kayne’s identity will be addressed in season 4, and I was wondering what other things have been added to the podcast this season. Most notably are the characters (Oscar, the Butcher, Daniel, etc. - Noel is a Very Close Contender for being Kayne for me), but we’ve also had some other things at least slightly confirmed. Probably one of the most important things that have been confirmed it the time dilation.
I seem to remember that there were quite a lot of theories around time loops and similar phenomena (I think a few were on @ty-betteridge’s blog but I can’t find the posts for some reason). With Scratch’s apparent ability to live longer in dreams than in the real world, eldritch time dilation is basically canon, as far as we know. This could further open the door to other time-related shenanigans, including time loops, to be canon as well.
It’s also been mentioned in the time loop posts that John could in fact be a future Arthur (I may have got this wrong because it’s been a long time since I caught up on the theories). I personally don’t see that (I don’t know how that would fit in with the KIY stuff) but I do really think there’s going to be some stuff involving timeloops and Arthur and John.
Anyway, enough of that ramble! Let’s get back to the important part: who is Kayne?
I 100% believe Kayne is Nyarlathotep - or at least one version of him. Maybe not the one directly from the Lovecraft source material, but definitely an entity that shares the same role as him in the story. Especially with the common description of Nyarlathotep as “joyous”, and we can defintely say that Kayne is enjoying himself with Arthur’s story.
I say that Kayne may not be entirely based on Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep, because that entity is described as an Outer God, and this theory hinges on the fact that Kayne’s origin is something much closer to home.
So what are some things that we know for sure about Kayne / Nyarlathotep?
From Lovecraft’s source material: his description tends to be of a “tall, swarthy man” but it’s often noted that he can shapeshift.
From the podcast: he has no canon appearance apart from wearing a black suit (and other details), as described by John in part 20. He is also noted to be playing piano in his first appearance.
He also has an Extreme interest in Arthur’s life, as far as to having “watched [Arthur’s] life unfold”. He wants to find out what’s “different” about Arthur compared to other people.
So here’s my theory:
Kayne is Arthur (+ John) from the future.
If you’re thinking that’s a slightly far fetched, I agree! There are several problems with this theory that I need to iron out. I’m replying to this ask because I hope other people can add to this theory, correct me on things that I got wrong, share some more stuff about Nyarlathotep, etc.
One question with this theory is that surely John would recognise Kayne if he looked like Arthur? Well, that’s already got an answer - Kayne can shapeshift, so probably changed his appearance to throw John off his scent. That might also explain the difference in accent between Arthur and Kayne: Future Arthur!Kayne is trying to be incognito, he doesn’t want Arthur and John to find out who he is.
Another question is why is Arthur!Kayne doing this? The motive I think Arthur!Kayne has is pretty evident: he wants to find out what makes him different, what allowed him to become Kayne. We’ve already been told that Arthur is different to most people in that he can hold a piece of the King in Yellow in his mind without succumbing to their will (compared to Marie’s sister, who was taken over completely by Mr Scratch, and the people who did not survive John’s book). Perhaps this difference allowed Arthur to become Kayne (remember that Kayne discusses hearing voices too, perhaps in a similar manner to John + Yellow in Arthur’s mind). Maybe what sets Arthur on the path to becoming Kayne is… accumulating other parts of Gods? Mr Scratch maybe - Arthur might be strong enough to keep charge of his body and Scratch just lives in his mind like Yellow did (if his plans with the stone go badly).
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circuitspeeder · 5 months
This is stuff I liked :D
Can I just say how fucking good caboose was in this? I genuinely adored competent caboose, and he still felt very in character, to me at least.
The way all the AI’s were still so in character even after all these years had me happy. Sigma also got to drop his ‘manipulator’ persona and got to just be cruel which feels in character but I can see how some might not like it.
Sigma snapping a bit at Theta then Delta telling Sigma to fuck off and leave him alone then telling Theta to come by him was fucking adorable. Delta and Theta fans stay winning. 💪
The felix part still confuses the fuck out of me but the way I’ve chosen to interpret it is Sigma basically just taking felix’s voice to specifically fuck with tucker. (Aka they couldn’t get big actor no more so miles is now sigma)
Sigma could have potentially also taken some of Felix’s personality cuz no way bro was like ‘i’m gonna sit in a glass box and pretend I’m a statue then jump out at them when they come looking! This shit is gonna be so funny!’ Like 😭😭
The way The Meta also just kinda throws shit around like a toddler is funny to me, but also sort of helps show that he isn’t exactly 100% there.
The Caboose and Tucker scene fucked me up. 10/10 no notes for that. Caboose’s VA also fucking killed that scene.
479er and Shelia was fucking amazing. Along with the small gag with Lopez at the beginning. I hate how they later just disappear but I’m happy we got them at all.
Kai is literally my favorite character behind Grif. At the very least I’m happy we got ANYTHING from her.
Seeing Tucker being tortured the way they tortured the Alpha, and possibly Maine was so cool, but also fuck you for that.
Idk if I’m 100% correct on this, but it seems like the machinima parts on charon’s ship were green screened. I could be wrong but it looked a bit wonky sometimes.
First time Grif salutes Sarge is when he’s fucking dead. Fuck me.
The memories around the fire, and Grif finally being given the option to leave was all stuff I liked. Grif choosing to stay to at least fight the Meta was cute.
Tex coming back instead of church was actually fucking gold. This version being made from positive memories was also perfect.
Hearing Round 1/Bullfight, like I said before, got me hard instantly.
Tex and Carolina fighting together, loved it, but they did feel far weaker than we have previously seen them.
Small nit pick, the figh animation was great, but they still have the camera issue where it just sorta floats around a bit when it could help to better enhance what was happening, but I still loved the fight.
God the lighting on the animated bits was so fucking pretty.
Tex and Church (or Allison and Leonard) finally getting to fucking rest was 🙏 That part genuinely had me in tears.
Then after that it’s sorta down hill for me, but I will say how I can understand how some might think Grif leaving was a good thing.
Again rvb0 cameo made me throw up in my mouth-
I did love how Dr.Gray mentioned that Donut was an admiral. Good for him.
Grif telling Simmons to come with him had me kicking my feet like a little girl.
Grif and Simmons honestly felt so much closer this season. They felt like genuine friends, and while I kinda knew we weren’t gonna get it canonized they still carried, along with Caboose.
I do over all prefer the season 15-17 time line, along with the OG scrapped season 18 we could have gotten, but this was a fine ending. At the very least I hope they enjoyed making it.
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worftism · 5 months
*wanders up to the playground with two toddlers as confused as I am* hey is this the star trek OCs playdate
anyway yeah hi :) I have some pals to introduce
Anna (they/she)
Denobulan-human mixed species
Entomologist (bug science :D)
So so autism
I like making up things about alien beings that canon doesn’t necessarily contradict, so her Denobulan physiology means that the number of times she’s gone hey cool bug :D and got bitten/scratched/stung means she’s become immune to many toxins
has loved Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ever since they were little (their human mum showed it to them, probably on a computer screen to keep them entertained, but they kept wanting to watch it again and again) (could probably recite the whole script)
The name Anna was chosen as it’s fairly similar to Denobulan name sounds so easier for their family to pronounce
Regards Anna as their full name (Denobulans don't have surnames)
However being listed in files as Anna [surname, probably Baker or Bryant or something] and as both an English and Denobulan language of some sort native speaker, she gets addressed as [title/rank] [surname] more often than [title/rank] Anna, which would be correct
I couldn’t remember why I liked the idea of a Human-Denobulan mixed character so much but then I remembered the thing that inspired this is the whole sleep thing
(If you don’t know, Denobulans hibernate for a week or so once a year and do not sleep outside that. Humans sleep every 24 hours.)
This ends up meaning this character doesn’t sleep as often as a normal human, but when they do, they are Fast Asleep
So they’re awake for maybe 5 days or so, then simply collapse for a few hours and can function again
I can’t believe I forgot to include this until now, this is such an integral part of this character to me it just feels obvious
They always have their hair in a buzz cut and have done ever since they were old enough to express that their hair being too long caused them discomfort because Bad Sensory. this is 100% because at the time I was first coming up with them my hair was getting too long (it’s usually short but long enough to be curly) and itching my skin and I kept thinking mmmmmm want to cut it all off
I actually renamed her since writing this draft!! they're called Esk now (yes after the Discworld character, long story short her human mum loves Discworld)
Another interest of theirs is baking! Will elaborate on that another time as well
You Love Her. You Have To.
Unnamed (she/her)
Klingon traditional weaponsmith!
Whole Backstory Stuff around how she inherited this
I need to look into both Klingon family stuff and history to find out exactly how this would work but a loose timeline is
Weapon making traditionally not a women’s job (I don’t know if this is accurate to Klingon culture, it genuinely just felt like a good conflict to add)
However smol [unnamed] really wanted to learn from her uncle, so begged and nagged at him until he gave in and taught her stuff
Both verbally bothering him and just constantly being around the workshop, walking there every day, doing the cleaning jobs just to show up and show she was determined
Also necessary to this story is traditional weapon-making methods are dying out, but are preserved in something around a high- or moderately-high-status warrior having their Own Blade, rather than a copy (replicated) or a hand-me-down (unless it’s a very famous one with a great history, though still that might be presumptuous to think you’d live up to that legacy)
This has been her family’s (House’s) traditional job since anyone can remember, but only one lineage had still preserved it
Uncle is training his son to take over, but at some point when [unnamed] has been learning for a little while, this son dies in some sort of battle, leaving her as the only heir to the family’s tradition
From the little I’ve read on Memory Alpha, women couldn’t inherit a House’s title except under special circumstances, so I think she and her uncle will have to fight for her right to inherit the name and lineage
Would probably regard herself as aroace if she had the vocabulary for that, however restoring a dying craft in a remote part of a planet doesn’t leave much time for such questions
Still knows what she wants, has no intention to marry or have children, but to keep the craft being inherited she will adopt someone as a full member of her House who she believes is worthy of carrying on the tradition
This is actually a really interesting point as it shows how she regards the respect and dedication to the craft as making somebody more a part of her House than blood does
There’s a whole loosely defined thing about how she has some distant relatives who want to claim that house’s title despite having been fully prepared to let go of their house’s craftspeople’s legacy
Is actually quite short for a Klingon, maybe 5’4? and also fat and muscular, so she’s still quite a presence
I have got to do more research
(wrote this ages ago and did not post it. also haven't done research. but I want to post my Characters! so here you are :) these are works in progress and I'll keep adding to them but it's nice to get out what I have for now)
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smoothie03 · 1 year
Do the "understand my ship in 5 mins" template with TeuTemp
I'm glad you asked since I've had that one in my drafts for years
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Big/Little Spoon:
Idk both give me little spoon vibes if they're together. So they switch with being the big/little spoon.
Lends/Borrows Clothes:
As teens they are around the same height, so they'd be able to borrow or lend clothes equally. Once they're older (IF KT would be alive) Gabriel would tend to borrow clothes since he's shorter.
P.S. I made him shorter as an adult since he was in a dark and unfriendly place during the time he would have had a proper growth spurt.
(Also a correction: canon adult!Gilbert is 178cm, back when I wrote this chart the updates from Hetalia-Collezione didn't exist yet)
Pet Names:
There's no way Gilbert wouldn't call Gabriel a pet name. In fact he'd more likely call him a pet name instead of his actual name.
Suggestions made by my friend (a Prussia kinnie who I created my version of TeuTemp with; so yeah if I need info about Gilbert I just ask them):
-Goldie (bc of his golden-blonde hair and him being a golden child)
-Ghosty (after his death, Gabriel HATES that name and definitely hit him softly on the head for that one)
(If anyone has more suggestions for pet names, I wanna hear them!)
Actually I headcanon it like this:
Gabriel - extraverted introvert
Gilbert - introverted extrovert
Affection through words/actions:
Gabriel is 100% a man of words and songs (yet has difficulties to explain his feelings due to his upringing) and Gilbert isn't. Gilbert is a man of actions. He would brag about YOU surely missing HIM while actually he wants to say that HE misses YOU but god forbid if he said that this directly, ts ts... So yeah, Gilbert is more of an actions guy.
Honestly, it depends on whether they already understand their feelings or not. I think it is complicated for them, since they are experiencing their first ever love in an environment that is horrible for gaining such experiences in a time where they would be judged heavily. Gilbert might say that he likes Gabriel at first but without knowing the full context of his "liking" while Gabriel would only tell him once he's sure he loves him but even if he properly confessed first (which is more likely) he'd be a bit more mysterious about it. Aka "Music transcends language and speaks to the heart. If you would like to, we can sing together."
You can't tell me that wasn't KT being hesitant about slowly telling him how he feels. The subtext with his face in that panel tells everything.
Yeah, I think the chart says enough.
Gabriel, my dude, doesn't even understand what a car is. And even if he knew, he wouldn't want to learn how to drive. He is a passenger princess.
But tbh I think Gilbert prefers being driven around too so if they need to go anywhere, Ludwig drives them. (Also, he might know how to drive but it's honestly a risk even as a "former" personification, since it's apparently common for albinos like him to have struggles with their sight.)
Gabriel grew up with quite a healthy diet, so he would maintain that and cook a lot BUT Gilbert has to introduce him to MORE spices. (I read sth about the Templars' diet but I am not sure how believable my source is)
It is self explanatory that Gabriel wouldn't like public displays of affection since it is sth that unalived him once. If Gilbert would ever drag him to a pride parade in modern times, my poor child would still suffer from so much anxiety at the first time because he still feels watched and scared around others.
I would say both are very protective towards one another (in a stilll acceptable, healthy way. It isn't a possessive/controlling protectiveness but more like a protectiveness filled by worries due to their dangerous past but they're working on it)
But after Gabriel "d!ed" and if he ever met Gilbert again in modern times you cannot tell me that Gilbert wouldn't be the clingiest and most protective fuck ever and never wants to leave his side again in fear, someone takes his Gabriel away once again.
Meanwhile Gabriel will share a glare of death if he hears that someone tried to hurt/bully Gilbert. His OG reason for living was to protect pilgrims so I'm pretty sure he has a huge protection instinct for his loved ones.
Relationship experience:
They are each other's first love. They have none. But Gabriel is more socially skilled than Gilbert, so he isn't as inexperienced as Gilbert. (Also, he is Francis' cousin. I bet he taught him basic relationship 101.)
Cuddle Level:
They are both cuddly dorks <3 But Gilbert is clingier.
Awkwardness Level:
Both are fucking awkward when it comes to love but Gilbert is less awkward because he either doesn't UNDERSTAND what was going on in one situation or he simply ACTS like he isn't awkward at all (he is. He would even pray and cry around in shame when he touched Hungary before he knew she was a girl)
Meanwhile Gabriel is an overthinker and shows his awkwardness even more visibly than Gilbert. Also he is more aware of the atmosphere around him compared to Gilbert who is a stupid fuck sometimes. (Sorry, sometimes I still have to bully him)
Jealousy Level:
Okay, when I tried making up Gabriel's personality, I tought of flaws and I wanted to make jealousy his main flaw - ironically for him being considered a golden child that has everything but at the same time nothing- but somehow, in the making of the whole TeuTemp dynamic with my friend, Gilbert ended up being the more jealous one, especially in post-KT-"death" AUs.
Probably, because he is also the clingier one.
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donutsupremacy · 2 years
Your clue is in my heart
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"What the hell is this, a treasure hunt?"
"Well, that depends... am I your treasure?"
[ Shikanoin Heizou x GN!Reader SMAU ]
╰┈➤ [ Summary ]
❝ Two of Teyvat's most attractive students in a relationship, sounds like the definition of a perfect couple. But what happens when the Windblume festival on Valentine's day is just around the corner and a wave of disaster strikes, right as you're about to ask your beloved boyfriend, Kaeya Alberich, out? Simple, you suffer the disaster with Shikanoin Heizou. Now, the both of you have been dragged into this mess together, forced to work together in order to catch the culprit. It's such a shame, though. You would much rather drop dead than to breathe in the same air as him. ❞
╰┈➤ [ Genre ]
❝ modern!AU , college!AU , fluff , crack , angst , rivals to friends to lovers , mystery , detective themed (???) ❞
╰┈➤ [ Warnings ]
❝ toxic relationships, cheating, manipulation (sorta), explicit language, slow burn (I think idk might be more of a mid burn, maybe a 2nd degree burn), characters being ooc, physical fighting, blood, jealousy, 'attempted murder', lots of d r a m a, the chapters get more cringy because I can't plot, the 'investigation' part makes 0 sense because I can't detective, there's at least 20 plot holes I've left ❞
(May add more if i'm not lazy)
╰┈➤ [ Status ]
❝ [RE-EDITING] (Yeah I know it's unfinished but I noticed some mistakes and decided to fix em')❞
╰┈➤ [ A/N ]
The lack of Heizou content is immeasurable and my lifespan is ruined. Thus, as a Heizou simp, I made this in honour of our favorite OG male Catalyst user.
I have no experience being a criminology major, the college in my country is kinda different compared to normal colleges— so I usually do a lot of googling. Feel free to correct me if whatever I interpreted anything wrongly, I'd very much appreciate it!
I'm not very good at writing stuff related to mystery, let alone coming up with the solution to any mystery, so please understand that this SMAU will hold quite a mess of a 'mystery plot'. I guarantee you one thing; I'm a very bad detective myself and can't mystery correctly
╰┈➤ [ The list of witnesses ]
Evidence #1 : [Name]'s pathetic children + husbando
Evidence #2 : The walking fire hazards
╰┈➤ [ Clues ]
-A ☆ symbol(s) means the chapter is about 90% to 100% writing form
-A • symbol(s) means it is a bonus chapter (Can be considered canon or non-canon to the plot. Personally, I say; canon! :D)
[ #1 Obtaining clues]
[1] Stop kicking me!
[2] It's show time
[3] A night to remember ☆
[4] Thanks, Shikanoin
•(Bonus) Rookie interrogations
[5] Repaying with a sneeze
[6] The mark of your lies ☆
[7] We're friends, right? ☆
[8] I'm still worthy?
[9] Cons and cons
[10] May lord Barbatos kill you with a tornado
[11] Windblume disaster ☆
[12] Who you callin' watson!? ☆
[13] Kinda cute ngl
[14] We'd make a great duo! (Pt. 1)
[14] We'd make a great duo! (Pt. 2)
[15] One threat after another
[ All clues obtained! ]
[ #2 Connecting clues to suspects... ]
[1] Walmart Cupids
[2] Not in front of my damn food
[4] History repeats itself ☆
[5] Politely down bad
[ #3 Tracking down culprit... ]
- Case closed -
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caineinthecorner · 6 months
Belphegor was actually the one interested in humans…..
How the fuck did you see my blog and went "oh yeah this person cares about canon I Must Correct Them Immediately". Bestie what blog did you read
Like, thanks. I will note this for future reference (I guess). But allow me to make it clear - since you aren't the first ask I get of this type and I’m tired of people trying to police my content - that I don't care about getting 100% of the lore right. Especially if, subjectively, it makes a weaker narrative.
I am not canon accurate. If that bothers you, or anyone else who might enter my blog, please literally just block me. I can't be assed.
A bit of a rant below the read more.
Allow me to explain my reasoning for Belphie: I think Belphegor shouldn't be interested in humans because A) It allows him to dehumanize them as the Wicked that basically destroyed his life, B) the topic would be traumatic as FUCK and he’s not the type to put effort in anything “hard”, any less traumatic, C) Avoidance and/or isolation - from the human culture, in this case - is a common grief response that would make thematic sense for the Avatar of Sloth, and D) He would deem himself above them and therefore why bother (dehumanization tactic).
Belphegor IS angry with humans, and I can view as believable that he would learn about them solely out of spite or something, but it is boring. In my personal opinion as a writer, the narrative punch of "These people ruined my life and I am angry, but I don't have the energy to enact said anger so I am just drowning in hate until I rot from the inside out. I hate, passionately, and nobody sees it. The world moves on and so do the people who hurt me. These feelings inside me will explode alongside me and I have accepted that fate. I am the definition of a molotov grenade, destined to explode and to hurt" is more fun than the same old hate boner always portrayed in media.
Belphegor doesn’t have a plan for killing humans. He’s hurt, and he doesn’t know how to process that hurt - specially against the tiredness in his bones - so he has to lash out against something to make the feelings go away. But it will not go away. And killing humanity won’t make him happy, either. So he stays stagnant as he plans nothing at all for an imaginary enemy, a species unknown to him except the fact that they took everything from him, so he doesn't have to blame himself in his grief.
He rots and he dwells in these horrible feelings, until he gets locked in the attic for what he believes is justified. Until he meets MC, and they free him, and his delusions reach a boiling point while against someone weaker.
Anger and depression are not mutually exclusive, especially with grief involved, and having that be demonstrated on the avatar of Sloth would be more resonant with the game's narrative. I guess. Also, projecting a bit on my end. I am so fucking tired.
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
SukuIta and SukuGo for the ship bingo :D
I'm very surprised that you're asking about the first ship, the second one not so much because it's for the meme. But the first one I know you don't ship in any way and you've already been a good sport about sometimes letting me talk about it XD.
Also I'm not sure if you meant just one of the bingos or both so it did both. Either way.
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What I will say about my attitude towards this ship is meant to be treated lightly because I don't give a shit about what people ship. Like whatever makes you happy and floats your boat.
I don't ship Gojou at all, I find his personality so off-putting that any shipping of him for me could only happen if he successfully achieved quite a significant character development arc. Which he did not in canon. The way he is I find all potential queer ships with him queerphobic, any het ships with him misogynist. Like no one deserves to have to deal with Gojou because canon has proven over and over again that Gojou can't be arsed to actually consider anyone else's needs, especially emotional needs, than his own. We've talked about stsg at some point (me nad cursed vibes not some royal we XD) and I agree with you about that, yes, he can have that dumb edgy fascist but I'd rather not think about it too much.
And someone can accuse me of hypocrisy here. They can say: but Sukuna is also evil, and a supremacist etc etc. And they'd be 100% correct, this is purely pettiness and spite. And the fact that og form Sukuna is the sexiest character in JJK and Gojou's generic by the dozen white boy blue eyed couldn't bore more.
Also in canon Sukuna has aroace vibes, don't force him into relationships, he doesn't want that!
But you ship him with Yuuji, or with Uraume.
When it comes to shipping him with Gojou, Sukuna is aroace hard canon and people should just leave him alone!
I marked the little star on the platonic, because as the true hypocrite I am, I am planning to write a scene with them in one of my fics. And they will be in fact on friendly terms and it's going to be kinda goofy and lighthearted because that's my comfort fic. And someone actually mentioned Gojou by name, saying they hope he appears and I had an idea of how I could incorporate him... though I'm not sure people who like him will appreciate. That being said the more spite or pettiness I put into my Kurapika, the more their fans love them. And Gojou fans might be like that.
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On the consume/create bingo I took certain liberty with how to interpret the tiles with "only". I interpreted it that I'd consume/create fics/pieces art which solely focused on the thing, and not that I'd only like to read/see works with that particular thing. Because that'd make it impossible to get bingo on certain lines. I mean "nothing" makes it kinda impossible on two already.
A double bingo on the first one, a triple on the second. Not bad for a ship I stumbled into through the process of elimination. And considering that initially I was only interested in finding a ship for Yuuji I could find enjoyable fics for. And while I like Sukuna as an antagonist, I didn't really care that much about him. Recently I really stared to like him more because Gege is finally developing him as a character and it's fun and also close to what I imagined him to be like.
And there's also a large difference between what I'd read/look at or have read/looked, and what I'd write or have written.
But this ship is so good because done well it's extremely high intensity.
Ship bingo template.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I'm angry about Ted leaving to go back to Kansas but thinking about it, it is in character? Ted is not a person that would ask his ex wife and son to uproot their entire lives to go to London for him he is however, the type of person to put his own wishes and happiness on the back burner to make his loved ones happy. Also, realistically coaches usually don't stay coaches long, so it doesn't make since to ask his family to move to London when he might not have that job forever? So yeah Ted leaving sucks but it does make since if you think about it. Perhaps we will get a special with him coming back to Richmond one day? I can't wait for all the fix it's that are coming tho!
You and me both, anon!!! I fully plan to immerse myself in fic this weekend, as I know the speedy writers will have gotten at least some stuff up by then :D And I never thought about a special... Honestly, I've been praying for a Season Four after that ending (even though it would feel weird after the show "finished") but hell yeah, I'd take a short, canonical special to patch at least some of this up.
Regarding his characterization, I do think Ted has made great strides when it comes to speaking up for his own wants and needs. Just this season I'd point to things like his judicious use of the Diamond Dogs (turning to others for advice before making big decisions, something he notably didn't do with Kansas), his playful "You know how I feel about winning and losing, Trent" (acknowledging his newfound balance between striving for professional goals and people pleasing), and his entire speech to his mom, complete with cursing her out multiple times (recognizing when he hasn't been treated well and acknowledging that with full emotion behind it, rather than trying to bury it all behind a smile). I think that last one is nicely paralleled with what Beard and the others think is happening with Ted and Nate. Meaning, they believe Ted is once again burying his anger and feelings of betrayal, not realizing that he's already worked through his disappointment and come out on the side of forgiveness. The point though is that until Beard realizes that Nate is simply him X number of years ago -- a friend of Ted's who betrayed him and now needs a second chance -- he continually calls Ted out on (supposedly) burying those emotions and the need to acknowledge them.
All of which is to say that one of the (smaller) reasons why the Kansas ending hurts is because it does feel like Ted has gone backwards in terms of his growth... but I do get where you're coming from. 100%. Ted remains an incredibly self-sacrificial person, even after all the work he's done, so I think we could make a case for him being averse to putting Michelle and Henry out like that, or even putting them in the position of making a choice by saying, "I've decided to stay, you decide whether you'll move here or we'll keep this long distance." So yes, it's potentially in character for Ted -- or at least a Season One/Two version of Ted -- but that still leaves the rest of the cast OOC as a result. If Kansas was meant to stem from the flaw we've seen Ted embodying since day one -- AKA putting aside his own happiness to make it easier on someone else -- then EVERYONE should be calling him out on it. He has a support system now that is tailor-made to spot Ted's unique pitfalls and, like they've done in the past, gently and even not-so-gently correct him. If this was Ted's line of thinking, I would expect the writing to have him verbally acknowledge that at some point, leading to one of Rebecca's exclamations of "Bullshit!" Roy going, "That's fucking stupid." Beard muttering an "Oh my god" and looking like he's reading to kill him, a la the Paris assumption. Higgins shaking his head, Trent hesitantly raising a hand with a pointed correction, Keeley coming in with a bucket-load of concern, the team all sharing confused mutterings as they try to work through this ridiculous perspective, Ted's actual therapist getting to talk to him for the first time in an age and providing professional insight.
It might be in character for Ted to self-sacrifice like that, but it's out of character for everyone else to just let him do it. So we're left with this strange, dual reading of a) Ted is Totally Happy about going back to Kansas... he just doesn't look or sound or act like it. Funny that! or b) Ted is Very Unhappy about going back to Kansas and everyone around him (with the exception of Rebecca a bit) just shrugs and accepts that when they've never let Ted wallow in his self-damaging decisions before.
As for the other bit, I don't know anything about coaching, but I do know that Ted Lasso has played too fast and loose with those rules for it to really matter. I don't think we can argue for realism now when we started this whole story with a totally unqualified American football coach getting hired, the kitman is made a coach in like a year, Roy accepts his job by dramatically walking onto the pitch in the middle of a game... Even if coaches don't last very long irl, it's not like the show has ever adhered to such real world rules before, so there's no reason for them to start informing our reading of the story now.
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saintsenara · 1 year
Hi :3, idk if you still doing the ship asks game but: Tom/Myrtle for 3,11, 29 and 30 for it :D
Pd: i think they would go to watch barbie togheter
thank you so much for the ask, anon - especially because it gives me the option to talk about my newly-discovered [since i decided to write them a rom-com and now would kill anyone who tried to hurt them] otp
absolutely correct, they are 100% barbie people. they related heavily to the marketing because myrtle is everything and he's just tom.
[ship ask game here]
3. who cooks? who cleans up? who’s banned from the kitchen?
obviously turtle are a couple who got together properly in 1947, which doesn't immediately suggest equality in the domestic sphere.
fortunately, myrtle's mum was a suffragette as a teenager and she taught her to have none of that. she cooks but tom does all the chopping [he knows his way around a knife, never ask him why], carves all the meat [ditto], and guts, descales, or plucks anything which needs that doing to it. he's also the one in charge of the bbq, although myrtle draws the line at letting him use fiendfyre to light it.
their mutual hatred of rationing - one of things which first compelled tom to think of myrtle as a human being - as well as the fact that they become incredibly fond of taking extremely dangerous holidays to far-flung places, ends up making them quite adventurous when it comes to new cuisines. salazar and merope jr. are raised on a series of family favourite their parents picked up in mysterious circumstances in albania, and find the food at hogwarts impossibly bland. tom is delighted by the opportunity this gives him to write a series of strongly-worded complaints to dumbledore.
myrtle believes that washing-up is best done by hand. tom thinks this is idiotic, since they both have magical powers. they argue about it daily.
11. what’s a song that describes their relationship? or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
as we know, tom is an enormous fan [although, naturally, he pretends otherwise] of fred astaire - one of the few muggles he's willing to concede might possess some incipient magic.
their song, then, could only ever be this.
29. what is something they can never agree on? how do they meet in the middle?
compromise is not a word in tom marvolo riddle's vocabulary. when they disagree [i.e. constantly] myrtle simply tricks him into thinking that he's won the argument when she's actually manipulated him into doing what she wanted anyway.
30. free space! say something about this ship that you want to say!
obviously - obviously - turtle are a crack ship, but i will die on the hill that they could be made to work feasibly even in a story with a considerably more serious tone than bookbinding.
tom is a far lonelier person than he would like to believe himself to be [an interpretation of voldemort i think is entirely justifiable using canon]. he is also an absolutely ruthless pragmatist [and the canonical voldemort's pragmatism really doesn't get enough attention in fanon]. the sheer force of myrtle's capacity for devotion is something he would find impossible to extract himself from and, while it obviously wouldn't do anything to make him a good person, it would, i think, bring about various changes in exactly how he went about taking over the country which would undoubtedly make him all the more successful and all the more terrifying.
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beefslipper · 3 months
More headcanons!!
My second post got a lot of interaction, so I'm making another post. This time I'm just gonna be focusing on HSR characters. Just a heads up that some things won't be canon and can be seen as mischaracterizing or something. I just like headcanoning my faves in a way that makes them more like me :D
Warnings: age regression, mentions of scars and sh, pacifiers, diapers, self-inserting? I guess.
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First off, I'm doing bladie-boo <3
A pattern you'll see with me is that I HC my faves as regressors and/or caregivers.
I HC Blade as a super duper young regressor because I'm sure all the crap he's dealing with overwhelms him and can feel impossible to manage.
Aside from that, I HC that he has multiple SH wounds from the past, but he's slowly recovering because I said so and I love him <3 I'm sure he'd always feel upset about his scars, but one of his caregivers (Dan Heng, Kafka, Trailblazer, whoever you think fits him most) would give him kisses and one of his little emotional support stuffed animals to make him feel better.
Returning to the regressor HC thing because my teeny tiny pea-sized brain came up with stuff; I think he'd be a nonverbal regressor. Words are hard, man. When he's regressing, he's definitely a teether or thumb-sucker. Pacifiers and those cute little chewing ring things are a must, otherwise, EVERYTHING will have little teeth marks. Don't even get me started on the poor guy's sleeves.
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Back at it again with HCing my fave as an age regressor (I cannot be stopped, insert evil cackle while rubbing hands together.)
I feel like he'd beg and beg and BEG for Ratio to be a caregiver of his or something, and Ratio would only accept by saying "Only so your stupidity doesn't get you killed" but bro would go protective mama bear for him.
Sunday might be one of his caregivers, but I feel like he would be uneasy around Sunday while regressed. (Sunday would say some "be not afraid, child" BS like a biblically accurate angel and scare him LMAO)
Aventurine probably has a wide range on ages when regressing, but I think that when he regresses from stress, he's real young. When he's just being a silly goose, he's probably 5-8 years old.
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*insert deep breath* INFANT REGRESSOR DAN HENG
Bro's definitely nonverbal when regressing. I don't doubt that he'd need diapers from all the nightmares he'd have that might lead to accidents. Papa Welt and Mama Himeko 100% take care of him 24/7, even when he's not regressed.
March is definitely like a sisterly figure to him, sometimes a younger sister, sometimes an older sister. She lets him stay in her room instead of his room to play in or something since the room he normally sleeps in is super dull, doesn't even have a real bed and has some dangerous things in it.
Besides him being a regressor, I think he's also a caregiver. So a flip? IIRC that's what they're called. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think he'd be a caregiver for a wide variety of people, mostly Trailblazer, March, and Blade.
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I'm done yapping.. FOR NOW! I'll try to post more regularly, but it's hard without requests. Start yapping at me for stuff to write about! I do free requests y'all!
I can write character headcanons, little stories on situations, I can even do more meme-y things if you want. I'm open to pretty much anything!
P.S. When I figure out what thing I'm using for this website, I might download Tumblr on my phone to make more professional-looking posts. So no more jumbled paragraphs and ghits and siggles.
Anyways, have a great day, evening, and or night. Stay hydrated and remember to try to eat at least one thing today, no matter what it is!
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kaneaken · 2 years
hello kaneaken! congrats on 100+ followers :3, I really like your writings<3 if you'd allow me to request, I think peter pan with venti would be so cute<3
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author's note; hi :D sorry this took a bit to get released, but i'm happy you like my writing and i'm happy to do your request! venti does remind me of peter pan, so this was a fun drabble. i decided on wendy and peter pan's actual first meeting for this one. enjoy <3
content notes; gn!reader, possible ooc characters, kinda diverges from the peter pan's canon bc venti and reader are older, mention of reader being a mother, but venti doesn't really understand the concept of mothers, so reader is still gn (if that makes sense), based off the disney animated film, the ending is kinda just me making up things, kinda rushed ending bc i was making it really long on accident
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you are awoken by a loud 'bang!' you sit up quickly and search for the source of the large crash. you gasp at the sight of the male
" venti! "
you throw your sheets off you to head over to venti
" oh, i knew you'd come back! "
venti scoots a bit from you, a sheepish smile forming on his face as you approach
" i saved your shadow for you. oh, i do hope it isn't rumpled "
you watch as venti scrubs a bar of soap aggressively against his shoe. you let out a small laugh before you offer your assistance
" let me help! sewing would be the proper way to do it. although, come to think of it, i've never thought about sewing on a shadow before "
you chuckle as you walk over to your desk to grabs your sewing supplies
" i made sure to save your shadow until you came back for it. and here you are! "
with your sewing supplies in hand, you approach venti once more. he seemed to be taking a step back for every step you took forward. was he scared of you?
he slowly reached your bed and you tell him to make himself comfortable, hoping to ease his nerves
" it shouldn't take too long " you say, smiling at him
you begin to talk about your grandmother, the one who had found his shadow in the first place. you hope that a little conversation would make him more comfortable
as you thread your needle, venti speaks up
" you talk too much, " he grumbles
" oh, heh "
alright, so conversation wasn't the way to go? a small silence passes over the room, but it is soon filled by venti's lyre playing
" i came to listen to the stories. that's why your grandma found my shadow, " he says
you perk up. he came to listen to your stories?
" my stories? but they're all about you? "
" of course! that's why i like 'em! " he says, " i tell 'em to the lost boys "
" the lost boys? oh, right! they're your men! " you say, finishing off your sewing
" yup! " venti answers, jumping off your bed
he walked around the room, making silly poses with his shadow
you giggle before speaking, " oh, i'm glad you were able to drop by tonight or else i might have never been able to see you again "
" why? " venti asks, glancing back at you
" well, i have to leave tomorrow "
" leave?! " venti stops and faces you completely, his face in complete shock
" tonight's my last night here in the nursery "
" but, but that means no more stories "
you give him a sad smile, " unfortunately, you're correct "
" no! i won't have it! " venti cries, grabbing your hand, " come on! "
" huh? but where are we going? " you sputter out
" the neverland! you'll never have to leave me if we go to the neverland! " venti says, giving you a big smile
" oh, well, that would be wonderful! " you sigh, happily
but just as venti is about to drag you out of the room, you stop
" but what would my mother say? "
" mother? what's a mother? " venti says
" well, a mother is someone who cares for you and tells you stories and- "
" good! you can be the lost boys' mother! " venti cheers as he pulls you towards your window again
" hold on, just a minute! " you pause, letting go of venti's hand. you pace around your room
" i have to pack and i have to leave a note because i can't stay too long, " you start listing off all the things you must do before you go
you sigh happily as you think about going to the neverland.
" oh, i'm so happy i could just kiss you! "
" kiss? "
" oh, well, um, " okay, he wasn't supposed to hear that, " it's a gesture that people do to a person they care about "
" oh, so then, you care about me, right? " venti says, grabbing your hand, " you'd give me a kiss, right? "
" um, well.. "
venti looks at you, eagerly, and you aren't entirely sure what to do. before you can decide for yourself, there is someone pulling venti away from you
" owie, hey! don't pull so hard! "
a tiny figure appears in front of venti's face, looking as if they're scolding him
you stand, confused. oh boy, what position did you put yourself in?
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bg-brainrot · 10 months
I received this amazing question on my elf-Tav x Astarion reincarnation story (shameless plug): Do only elves reincarnate? Or is elf-Tav only due to them being the only ones to trance and see their past lives?
Let me tell you, I've spent way too much time thinking about and looking up scraps about D&D reincarnation so please enjoy my info-dump answer below 👇
Thank you so much for asking :D The short answer is: yes, elves reincarnate canonically because of some reasons (that may or may not still be lore accurate in all versions of D&D). If you don't mind me nerding out a bit keep reading!
So from my understanding, they introduced the concept of the "Reverie" for elves in D&D 2nd edition-- where elves recall their past lives. They never explicitly call it reincarnation, but definitely imply that the elven "soul" persists. In later editions of D&D, elves are said to have a limited pool of souls, so when they die, their souls essentially enter a waiting period in Arvandor (the realm of the Seldarine, the elf gods) until they have a new elf body to inhabit, and Corellon (elf god) sends them on their merry way to live a new life.
Some interesting snippets about the process from a source book (note: MToF was removed from the lore last year but I still think it's neat):
"What an elf remembers during this reverie depends largely on how long the elf has lived, and the events of the lives that the elf’s soul has experienced before."
"Each birth represents an elf soul that has been to Arvandor and returned. Mortal elves cannot know if it is the soul of someone recently dead or someone who died millennia ago. They cannot even be certain it is an elf of the same world. "
That being said, the concept of souls is true of all races! You can be reincarnated if you're not an elf, but that goes against the lifecycle for most races. They die, go to The Fugue Plane, get judged, and sent to different planes depending on how they're judged (the Outer planes, easy to think of them as just levels of heaven/hell). Unless they sold their soul, as you might expect haha.
There are some spells that can affect this! Reincarnate, a 5th level spell, can bring someone back into a new body if they haven't been dead more than 10 days, Resurrection, a 7th level spell can bring someone back who's been dead up to 100 years if their soul is free and willing, and True Resurrection, a 9th level spell, can bring someone back who's been dead for up to 200 years if their soul is free and willing. All of these souls are 1k gold to 25k gold worth of components to cast, so they're not really feasible for anyone who isn't a high level adventurer (with a LOT of diamonds specifically). So basically, other races don't tend to reincarnate. Elves will reincarnate *eventually*, I'd like to think that Tav pushed their way to the front of the line. :D
Disclaimer: this only works with non-Drow elves, since Lolth picked a whole big fight with the Seldarine.
To add on from my own personal D&D experience on why I picked this way to tell the reincarnation:
You can never find enough diamonds for all of the healing you want to do.
Some souls can be surprisingly "unwilling" even if you do have the means to bring them back.
Dying is not considered all that bad for elves because of the way this cycle goes.
I think this is more angsty for Tav x Astarion hehe
Thanks for reading my nerd rambles! I definitely picked the D&D lore that suited my story/interests so like, I'm sure a better, more knowledgeable nerd could add color and corrections. But I'm happy with what I have to tell the story I want to tell sooo 🫥
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