#but it’s a slowwwwww burn
wheeler-things · 2 years
Man, I’m never going to write it properly because I don’t have the patience or time, but one day I’m going to talk about my Crazier Things roleswap au.
Joyce kicked Lonnie out much earlier, and, instead of getting work at Melvald’s, decides to angle for a better paying job at the police station. Nobody believes she can handle being an officer because she’s Joyce Byers and she’s tiny and lbr a woman, but through her ferocious tenacity when the safety of her boys is on the line plus a pathetically slim pool of applicants (and the fact that I am the god if this au and I want her and Hop to swap roles because I’m swapping all the mains), eventually she’s brought on in a trial capacity. She ends up sticking around when her skills as a detective become apparent (yes, she still faces sexism in the workplace on the daily, but she is legitimately good at her job).
Meanwhile, Sara died when she was 2 or 3, so Hop’s divorce happened earlier. El wasn’t an experiment in this au (though she does have latent powers), but through some situation, Hopper ended up with El being shoved in his direction when she was a toddler. He wasn’t really in a fit place to care for her, but (for whatever reason that I have not and will not figure out) he ends up adopting her anyway. He moves the two of them back to Hawkins, and picks up a job at Melvald’s, because it’s what’s available at the time. Because all the stress doesn’t actually help his substance abuse issues (and because I need a reason for other people to doubt his sanity/perception a la s1 Joyce being doubled), he still drinks too much, and he’s not in a very mentally healthy place at all, but he’s trying his best.
Mike Wheeler might only be a little kid, but there’s already something weird about him. Even as a baby, he gets chronic nosebleeds. The lights flicker when he’s upset. Sometimes, the tape suddenly skips to or repeats a song that he loves, despite nobody touching the tape deck. Ted doesn’t notice any of this as more than a strange coincidence. Karen does her best not to think about it, but she can’t help but worry about her son.
Mike and Will still meet on the swings when they’re 5, and within the day, they’re best friends. Within the week, they also meet El, and the three of them become best friends.
The summer after Kindergarten, Karen takes Mike to see a doctor because she’s worried that his chronic nosebleeds haven’t stopped. That’s how he ends up on Brenner’s radar. And just before the start of first grade, Mike Wheeler disappears without a trace.
Max moves to Hawkins that October, and she becomes El and Will’s friend pretty quickly (she also gets a front row seat to the slow progression of the two of them losing more and more hope that their third best friend— who Max never met but knows everything about because both talk about him constantly— is ever coming home).
Karen obviously fights to look for her son, and the searches go on for months, but they find nothing. With her money and connections, Karen actually gets the current police chief kicked out of the position, because she doesn’t believe he’s doing everything he can to find her son. That’s how Joyce takes on the role of Police Chief because she might be the best detective the station has, but she’s also a woman so the thought is that Karen will probably get HER fired as well which for totally unknown reasons is the most palatable option to a bunch of people with power over the station (//sighs in sexism). Joyce actually listens to Karen, though, and is as transparent as possible about the search, even though it’s very cold at this point, so despite being dissatisfied and upset, Karen at least believes Joyce is doing her best. And that’s how Joyce ends up police chief.
Mike’s disappearance puts added pressure on the Wheeler house, so Nancy ends up acting out more for attention which is how we get Nancy in Steve’s canon s1 role as the popular party girl (though she’s still Nancy— smart as a whip and ambitious as hell, it’s just hidden better). Meanwhile, Jonathan ends up in her canon nerd role (he’s studying hard for a full ride to NYU!) with Barb as his best friend. And Steve… well, Billy showed up earlier with Max, so he got to work putting Steve down long before Steve’s rep was secure, and Steve is now something of a loner. He’s still a jock, but he does solo stuff like track instead of team sports. The upside is that this means he and Robin (who mayyyy or may not be the cool anti-establishment teen running this universe’s Hellfire Club, when the canon era starts) became friends earlier.
Steve and Jonathan know each other loosely, and are assigned to do a project together (Jonathan’s a nerd who’s taking a class above his grade level and Steve had no friends in the class so they got paired up by default), so Steve goes over to Jonathan’s house and sees Will, El, and Max huddled over their first dnd manual. Somehow (Steve doesn’t remember exactly how, but he’s pretty sure El and Will’s twin puppy dog eyes had something to do with it), a simple “oh, dnd, huh?” comment turns into thirteen year old Steve agreeing that the kids can use his place as a quiet place to play (his parents are never around anyway), and maybe he’ll get his cool friend who knows how to play to stop by and help out if they need it, and telling Joyce that it’s fine he wouldn’t mind babysitting because, really, he’s really bored a lot of the time in his big, empty house. And from then on, Steve’s place is this version of the Party’s Wheeler Basement.
Lucas shows up in fourth grade, and joins the Party. Obviously this changes his dynamic with Max— they get a slower burn in this one (and I’m still undecided whether it would ultimately end with El/Lucas/Max or Dustin/El), but he gets accepted really readily.
So… on November 6, 1983, the Party bikes home from Steve’s place after a session, and El vanishes (which is Will’s actual worst nightmare because now BOTH of his Kindergarten best friends have vanished without a trace). This leads, ultimately, to Will, Max, and Lucas going looking for El in the woods the next night. They don’t find her, but they do find a very bewildered boy with black, shaved hair and dark eyes, with the number 014 tattooed on his wrist.
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helloitsbees · 10 months
He pulled off his leather gloves with quick efficiency, one finger at a time, and set them neatly on the counter.
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ladespeinada · 1 year
what i would give to have the bear be a telenovela in the style of vino el amor / el chúcara with like 100+ episodes
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tiredslepz · 11 months
better late than never, right?
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cw: mutual pining, childhood bestfriend! megumi x reader, slight jealousy (from megumi's part), slowwwwww burn, ooc, not proofread
a/n: thank u so much for my first req!! i hope this satisfies u:))
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when you were younger, you and megumi were so close. wherever you went, he would follow. you were practically neighbors, so it wasn't that hard to play together. when you went to the playground, megumi would also be there to play with you, even if he didn't actually like the playground. you two would talk together almost 24/7, sometimes resulting in megumi sneaking out of the house at night. and of course, you enjoyed it very much. megumi was your closest, if not only, friend. he'd always be there for you, comforting you, or protecting you.
even when you grew up, you went to the same middle school, and your friendship had not faltered one bit. sure, you may have moved out from your childhood home, but you still do see megumi every weekday.
as the day went on, you heard from the corners of the hallways that megumi had always been getting into fights. you sighed, then walked over to a nearby bench. you placed down your bags, and decided to relax for a bit. a gentle pat on your shoulder woke you up.
"oh, hey," one of your classmates greeted, looking nervous. you fixed yourself up, then tilted your head instinctively. there was a short silence, until they broke eye contact with you, looking away. "u- um.. here!" they handed you a neatly made letter, and quickly ran away. you seemed puzzled, and decided to leave the letter in your bag before reading it. this was like, the fourth time this month? yet, there was only one person you'd want to receive from.
the next day, you completely forgot about the whole letter. you searched for it in your bag, but it wasn't there. at all. well, it probably got blown away by the wind. there were strong winds when you met up with megumi before class. you shrugged the thought away, and fixed your bag again.
sadly, megumi had started to skip class. it wasn't for the whole class, but when it neared the start of the class, or the end, he'd be gone pretty early. though, after your letter got lost, less and less people had approached you. you got more time to rest, considering all the people bugging you before.
after middle school, you and megumi unfortunately didn't get to go to the same school. that also meant that it would be harder to meet up again. the only connection you had with him was via text. you tried to talk to him everyday, but with all the highschool activities you had, and megumi being busy with all his stuff, the conversations shared between the two of you were short-lived.
well, not until megumi regularly invited you to a cafe near your house, and today was no exception. you dressed up quite nicely to see your one and only childhood bestfriend again, and you entered the cafe with grace. you look around, and saw megumi. you gave him a sweet smile, waved, then walked over to his table. "megumi! it's so good to see you again." you sat on the chair across, and put down your purse.
"it's.. nice to see you too, [name]." he returned the smile, not breaking eye contact. "so, hmm, how're you doing?" your eyes sparkled, smiling at him again. you displayed it quite clearly how happy you were to see megumi again. he hummed softly, then shrugged. "i guess i'm.. okay? nothing too special has happened after our last meetup." you nodded, humming a similar tune.
"that's good! well, good that you're doing okay. maybe not too good on the nothing too special, but um, yeah!" you continued, and megumi smiled in return. he looked around, then his eyes found his way back into yours. "[name], do you remember when we were younger? when we'd basically be together everywhere?" you nodded in response, paying full attention to him. "it's sad we don't meet eachother more often." he added, humming. "you know, [name], you're really pretty."
your eyes widened by the compliment, and you squeak in return. "o- oh? thanks- thank you, 'gumi." you nodded, smiling softly. you hate how your heart beated every so slightly faster after the sudden compliment. you hate how the blood rushed to your cheeks so fast. you also hate how easily the nickname rolled off your tounge. "..you're pretty too, you know." you murmured, not expecting him to hear or even understand what you said.
"huh?" his eyes widened, definitely not breakinf eye contact now. it was one for him to basically confess, but now that you've returned the compliment? that's.. way too much for him. "do you...?" he left the question open to continue, and his eyes only widened more when you nodded. "..yes, i do 'gumi. i like you. for a long time, too." you mumbled shyly.
he didn't say anything for a while, none of you did. it was really scary for you, and you don't even know what was going on in megumi's head.
"i like you too, [name]. maybe even longer than... you did?" he inquired, wanting to know more. it's crazy, extremely crazy, especially crazy to him that this was happening. he had spent years yearning for you, and all along, you felt the same?
you looked back at him, admiring him. his eyes, his mouth, his nose, him. as if memorizing him, you smiled, and looked down at your hands and nodded. "maybe."
he smiled, and reached out for you hand, which you slowly took. he squeezed it tightly, and looked at you in your eyes. "well, better late than never, right?" you chuckled, and nodded in response.
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I Don't Miss You At All (ITA One Shot)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: tears, trauma, therapy
Word Count: Thank you Tari for being such a nice friend. For reading all that I blurt out here. Thank you for being my reader and supporter even though I have been so inconsistent as a writer and as a friend.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"Looking for something?" Your attention is brought back by the gorgeous olive-skinned lady in her late forties sitting before you. "Hmm?" is all that comes out of you while you are biting the dead skin on your lower lip. "You were looking around for something on the ceiling and-" she points at the French doors opening to the porch outside with the pen in her hand- "the doorway." Your crinkled brows relax and go up a little. "Oh. Right. It was...I was looking for cameras." Now lady furrows her brows even though she is smiling at you. "It was on involuntary." You shrug casually. The lady does not react. "I am used to cameras in my vicinity." you try to summarise. She opens the notebook in her lap. "Nothing negative. Just a project my father has going on." Now her lips make that straight line and you suddenly feel like you've failed a test. "So there is an entire crew-" "Miss Y/N, breathe." she tries to calm you down.
You breathe in, hold the air and let it out slowly, taking in your surroundings again. The beige-coloured room is well-lit- thanks to the abundant sunlight coming through the French doors. You sit on a cream-coloured velvet sofa, wearing your oversized shirt with a happy Tony Tony Chopper eating candy on the front and a pair of blue mom jeans. "So-" the lady starts, seeing that your nerves seem better- "why did you come in today?" "Doctor I-" "Jane. It's Jane. Please call me Jane," she urges with a smile before settling on her cream sofa. "Okay...Jane." You nod.  "So, tell me why you are here today." Pressing your hands between your thighs and letting the warmth seep in, you feel your chest tighten. The air that goes in to help you form the words suddenly feels heavy in the lungs. Your eyes seem to betray you a little too. You smile, trying your best to let your facial muscles close your eyes as much as possible and wipe away the moisture by some miracle. But they fail. A tear falls down your cheek, falling right through the smile. "Because I'm not okay," your voice croaks. Your shivering hands try to wipe away the tears that now seem endless. "Sorry," you whisper an apology. "It's okay," Jane soothes you, pouring a glass of water from the jar sitting in front of you on her coffee table, "let it out. That's good. We're halfway there already because you are aware you are not feeling okay. So, no need to rush. Crying is also a part of it. It is okay to cry." You gulp down the water in seconds before pouring yourself another round. "Okay," you announce softly, nodding in Jane's direction. "Take a minute if-" "No, I'm good," you confirm and settle back down in your seat with a sigh. Jane's eyes smile their kindest smile at you. "Okay. let's begin."
"Yeah-" you nod- "so, it's been a few weeks now..."
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The six am alarm starts to buzz on your phone and before the alarm tone can even begin to ascend, your fingers are stopping the buzz. There is no point in the alarm when you lay wide awake in your bed in the dorm room, your eyes looking at infinity in the sky outside as they have watched it break from dawn to a proper sunny day. The constant throbbing in your head has become a part of your existence now. You lay in your bed for another hour and you would have laid there for two more had Yusuf not knocked at your door. "Y/N! We have a lecture in twenty minutes. Please tell me you are still not sleeping." You have heard him, but your body lays in bed, still looking at the sky. Yusuf knocks again. Silence. "Okay, I'm coming in," he shouts, "you better be decent because we cannot miss today's lecture." You groan and crinkle your nose when Yusuf pulls you up by your arms. You protest, not wanting to attend today's lectures. But Yusuf's begging techniques seem to be your weakness. Deodorant under your armpits and a change of shirt later you are sitting through the day's lectures, pretending to write in your notebook. Everything around you is on the move- the professors, the students, the assignments leaflets, the laptops, even the bugs crawling on the class's windows outside- while you sit in one place. Nothing seems to grab much of your attention. Except for that one whiff of jasmine, lily and a mix of spices that sometimes travels through the air and fires up the wrong wirings inside you. Some days it just makes your heart race up a bit, making you short of breath for a while. On other days, you sweat through your body, unable to breathe, looking for the washroom to run into before crumbling down in there. Today it makes your hands shiver. Your back can feel the cold sweats coming in. "I'll just come back," you mumble to Yusuf and rush to the washroom from the back door of the lecture hall. .
"All good?" Yusuf's concerns are always transparent. "Yeah. I think the dinner from last night was acting up." You smile at him through the lie.  More lectures start and finish before it is time for lunch. "Don't feel like it," you declare, "not hungry." "Have some juice still," Yusuf presses, already having brought you a glass of fresh pressed juice. "Dude, that shit's expensive," you state before sliding it back to him. "I can't. I don't feel so good." But Yusuf does not give up. You take three sips before your stomach begins to feel the nausea. You sit in the grass looking at the endless stream of students going about their day with no thought going inside your brain. And then you see those pair of green eyes. Your heart starts to race again. Only to find it is someone else. But it is already too late. The tears have begun to form. And it is starting to get hard to hide them. Taking out your earphones and plugging them in, you press play on a random tutorial on how to make rice in ten different ways and lie down on the grass with your eyes closed. Some days it works.
It's four in the evening and you have volunteered to get dog food for Yusuf's pitbull. You have your car now to drive you through the city, a second-hand ocean-blue Honda.  Your mind knows that dog food is an excuse. But no arguments are made. You sit in the city traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. Some random radio channel is turned on in your car. You have never bothered to set it up before. They start to play a familiar song.
Wind blows Blew me to where I belong It was you A home I came into the night
The cold sweats start again. It gets harder to breathe. The light has turned green but the vehicles in front of you are not moving. You shut down the radio and press the horn into infinity. Your car revs and breaks into a spree, only stopping at a spot where there aren't any eyes and you can finally hit your steering wheel as much as you want before you break down into an ugly cry. Two hours pass before you text Yusuf you cannot find the specific brand of dog food and return to the campus. Parking your car near your department building, you walk to the dorms. It's a thirty-minute walk.  Sometimes you feel like you hear the familiar soft British accent on your way. Your chest feels the heaviness again, but your brain simply makes it for another student on campus. You don't have any more tears left to shed for the day.
Back at the dorm, you stand under the shower for ten minutes doing nothing. The shirt and PJs you had on last night are what you wear again. You come down to the dining area to see if you have any appetite. You smile at the familiar faces that greet you. You know your smiles are growing weaker every day. But there is nothing you can do about it. Salad. Soup. Bread. Pasta. Fruits. Ice cream. A tiny leaf of lettuce. A finger-sized slice of bread. Two pieces of penne with barely any sauce on them and a slice of apple. That is all that goes onto your plate. Even the lady serving you is concerned for her favourite student who used to leave the dining hall only after stuffing down two huge servings of everything. You sit on the table in the corner right by the window. It is a cold spot so no one ever prefers to sit there. Even as you sit down to eat the contents on your plate, you are not able to finish the bread and the pasta.
Back in your dorm room, you sit in the dark on your bed for about an hour before your phone rings. It's Tony. You look at the time on your phone. It's time for the usual call. You switch on the study light to accept the video call but your fingers never touch the accept button. Finally, you accept the voice call, putting it on speaker. "Hey, sweetie," Tony's voice greets from the other end. "'Sup," you greet back, not truly matching the enthusiasm. "How was college today?" "It was fine." "..." "..." "Okay. Cool. How's that car doing?" "Doing okay." "Because I can send you a better-" "It's doing okay." "...okay," Tony's voice goes down an amplitude, "that's good to know. So...did they have anything good in dinner today?" "Same old." "Did you eat?" you can hear the concern in his voice. "Mm-hmm." Silence. "Are you in your lab?" you finally say, wanting to prevent any more questions that you did not have the strength to answer. "Yeah. Working on a special suit right now. For a special someone." There is a pause for a moment. "Can you...can I hear you work? I have to work on an assignment and I need some sort of background noise to help me get it done faster." "Oh, okay." The amplitude is a little better now.  You lie down on your bed, your legs bent close to your chest, keeping your phone next to you. Tony goes on with this work, chatting with Friday. You continue to listen to him, never consciously feeling the tears fall from your eyes, wetting your pillow. Bruce joins Tony sometime later. You don't know how long has it been since you've been lying there. But you can hear Bruce tell Tony it's two in the morning so they should call it a night. "Y/N, sweetie? You asleep?" Tony whispers through the phone. You say nothing. "I guess she's asleep. Good night, goose," Tony hums before ending the call. You do not wish for the sleep to come, for it has not visited you for quite some days now. But the fear of seeing a familiar face when you fall asleep is also the reason you do not want slumber to hit you. But it comes tonight. Bringing with it reasons you are going to feel the numbness, the hole in your chest, the cold sweats all over again tomorrow.
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Loki only visits your dorm when you are not there. You are gone early from the room because you have an eight am class today. The room reeks. Used tissues lie on the floor, below the study table, overfilling the dustbin. There are half-eaten packets of chips sitting on the desk along with half-finished cans of soda. Your hoodies, sweat pants, shorts and undergarments lie in a crumpled mess in the cupboard as well as the laundry basket. He opens the windows first- noticing the dead succulents on your window sill that Yusuf has brought as a 'dorm-warming gift'- before getting to work. He clears the trash, cleans the floors, disinfects the desk, changes the bedsheet and duvet, and replaces the dirty laundry with clean ones. Taking one last look at the room, he makes sure to leave your clothes just as he had found them to not raise any suspicion. He replaces your bottles and mugs with fresh water, praying that you will drink as much as possible. Then he leaves.
He disguises himself as another student to watch you from afar. Sometimes he catches you lost in a thought in the window of your lecture hall. On other days he sees you looking at the void while sitting in the campus grounds. It is visible you have lost weight. Your eyes have bags under them. Your signature smile that went up to your eyes is not there. Twice he has witnessed you rush into the washroom with great urgency, and both times he has stopped himself from following you, for multiple reasons. Both times he has waited outside in the corridor, pacing back and forth. Both times you have come out with a freshly washed face, red eyes hiding behind spectacles and a smile for whoever greeting you in the corridor.
He keeps a good distance whenever you walk back from your department to your dorm building. The way back is dimly lit and you prefer to walk alone, no matter the time. Sometimes he watches you stop abruptly in your path. Sometimes you sniffle and wipe something off your face. Other times you take your phone out and look at something on it for a long time before closing it and resuming your walk.
He avoids the nights. They do not bring the best of him. Because they are not the best for you.
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"Jane, is it? You do realise I would not be here had those two baboons not tricked me into walking into your office on the pretext of an emergency." Loki huffs and rubs one hand on his face while the other rests on his hips. Jane purses her lips and shrugs in agreement before sitting down on her sofa. "Must have been an emergency for your friends to bring to a clinical psychologist, right?" Loki chuckles sarcastically. Jane is unbothered. "Oh, Miss Clinical Psychologist-" Loki's eyes have nothing but pity as he looks in the doctor's direction- "you are talking to a thousand-year-old being infamous for the art of manipulation. So, no offence, but I am pretty sure I can diagnose myself better than any doctor on this planet. Let alone this galaxy." This time Jane is the one chuckling. "I am two hundred per cent sure no one has the knowledge of psychology on this planet as much as you. And I take your word for all that you said. But-" she takes a tiny remote from the coffee table in front of her, points and clicks it to the opaque window separating her room from the reception outside, revealing Peter Parker and Scott Lang pacing the length of the reception hall- "for the sake of those two worried souls, why not humour me for...twenty minutes? Not to mention, even the best of psychologists need another experienced person to help them out in desperate times." Loki looks out at the two figures who have no clue they are being watched. He can't hear but Peter is saying something to Scott with a look of anxiousness, to which Scott simply keeps his hands on Peter's shoulders for a moment, telling him something, and finally taking him into his embrace. The window goes back to white. Loki comes back into the room. He is lost in a thought for a moment. "Well played, Jane," Loki announces in a mumble. "Had it been any other day, I would not give a damn about any of this." Jane simply gestures to the seat kept for Loki with both her hands. The God sits down and sighs.
"Why do you think they are so worried about you?" Loki raises his hands in defeat. "Beats me." Loki notices Jane has not touched the dairy kept in front of her. Neither her pen. She simply sits there for the God to elaborate. After a prolonged moment of thought, and the presence of zero judgment on the doctor's face, Loki gives in. "It's their friend. She...and I are not on speaking terms anymore." Loki's voice has gone soft. Jane nods. "Is their friend not your friend?" "...she was. Till she confessed that she liked me." Loki huffs the 'liked' part as if it were an insult. "Okay." Jane nods, adjusting herself a bit towards to edge of the seat, interested in knowing more. "Nothing more to it, Jane," he points out, averting his gaze, "she's gone...a bit far so we don't see each other much." "So, you do see each other." Loki takes in a long breath, furrowing his brows as if trying to push something away. "No. I go see her. She is staying in the city. I-" Loki's gaze goes down to his fingers that have started playing with the velvet on the sofa- "check in on her. Sometimes." "Why do you need to check in on her?" Even if that question is out of curiosity, Jane makes no effort to react in any way. Loki scoffs. "Because she is wasting away, Jane. A woman like her, who is capable of changing worlds is wasting away in a box half the size of the room we are sitting in because she was rejected by the God she fell for." Jane pours herself a glass of water. "You still haven't answered my question, though, Loki." Loki looks at her in confusion. "Why do you need to check in on her?" She picks the glass up. "What do you mean- I just told you she is-" "Wasting away, yes. That's the choice she made. Why do you feel the need to go there?" Jade sits back with the glass still in her hand. "Because I am the reason she is in this mess." Loki cannot understand what is so hard to understand. Jade turns her head a little. "So are millions of other women after a breakup. Why is it so important for you to go back to her? You have already told her how you feel." Silence. The glass is sitting in her lap. Loki can feel an unnerving feeling in his chest as he glares at that glass of water.
"Because I love her," he finally admits. "Because I cherish her. Because she nearly died because of me." Jade does not speak in the silence that comes after. "Because it is preposterous to think I could ever be with her." The confidence and anger with which Loki had entered the room has dissolved into the sea of certain new emotions; emotions that seem to be taking over his features gradually. The previously poised glare has turned into a fragile pair of eyes blinking a bit faster than before. "And why-" Jane's voice is soft as it stresses her words- "do you think you cannot be with her." Jane raises the glass to her lips, drinking the water, giving the room a good long pause. At that moment, the God feels the rush of tears in his eyes, the onset of a slight quiver building in his lips, the shakiness of his breath as his throat tries to bring out what has been sitting inside that little boy for ages. "Because I'm a monster." his voice breaks as he looks back at Jane. "Because I don't deserve that love." He tries to breathe in to compose himself only for his throat to shake. "Because I am scared of not being worthy. Because I am scared she will find out it is all a facade and I am nothing but a spineless pawn. Because I have only been loved on conditions and am afraid to get hurt again." Tears fall frantically through Loki's eyes. He does not bother to wipe them off. Jane pours Loki a glass of water and hands it to him. "Must have been hard to say it out loud," she states. "I can assure you if you choose to sit with me to figure it out, it will be a bit easier than it is right now. It won't be a smooth sail, but it will hurt less. And you just want the pain to stop, don't you?" Loki takes in a lungful of breath. "I want it to stop." Janes nods in reassurance. "Please make it stop."
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midwinterspringwrites · 5 months
Out of Context WIPs
I was tagged by @bearholdingashark - thank you!
RULES: summarise your WIPs badly and let people vote on what they'd most like to read!
(Not an official rule, but stealing from @goatsandgangsters and @bearholdingashark: I'll do a sprinto for the winning fic!)
Tagging @jenofthemidwest, @van1lla-v1lla1n, @radioactivesaltghoul, @aloveforjaneausten (but only if you want to play) and anyone else who wants to play!
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f0point5 · 10 months
so forgive me if this has been asked before but when you’re thinking about doing another fic for 2024 season, is it gonna be a similar story arc like slowwwwww burn friends > lovers? Or are we going completely FRESH NEW VIBES? 🫶🏼
No, the current idea is an enemies -> lovers x fake dating thing with Lando.
Definitely new vibes lol
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harryforvogue · 1 year
alsoooo can u recommend any dramione fics😁
so my absolute favorite is draco malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love. as soon as i read it i knew it was going to be my number one. it is. AMAZING. the witty dialogue, the snarky comments, and SLOWWWWWW BURN!!!!! yes. THIS IS MY FAVORITE DRACO. THE DEAD PAN BUT HIGHKEY FUNNY DUDE
here are some more chaptered ones:
false pretenses. i am always a sucker for marriage/relationship of convenience!!!
apple pies and other amends. this one was cute! i wish it had more angst but that's just my preference.
good is like harry and mia but 500000000% better like troo cannot even compare, but it is similar story-wise
love and other misfortunes. SOOOO GOOD
a season for setting fires which i'm reading right now!
single chapter smut:
consumed, obsessed, and attached
de reve (WHEW THIS ONE IS!!!!)
law of reciprocity (THIS ONE TOO)
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thebookplatypus · 9 days
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“For centuries, he’d roamed as nothing more than a shadow, a cursed son of sablefyre.”
Zevander Rudainn is one of the kings assassins. He’s known as The Scorpion of Nyxteros. Lord of Eidolon.
He’s been on personal quest, searching for stones, to break his curse.
Maevyth Bronwick, a mortal, has lived life as a shunned woman. Her wicked family is trying to betroth her to anyone as quickly as possible. Her and her sister.
When the arranged marriages goes astray, Maevyth’s sister is sentenced to go into the The Eating Woods… where no one comes out alive.
Except Maevyth finds herself in a different world while trying to help her sister. Her sister is lost. And she’s frantic on figuring out what to do.
This is a gothic fantasy with absolutely beautiful writing, world building, characters, suspense, and romance. I felt like I was personally immersed into this storyline. This is a slowwwwww burn but once the burn burns, it’s 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🥵🥵🥵. “She was a vision of perfection. How greedily he desired her. His little moon witch.”
Maevyth is discovering her true self and who she is.. not quite just a human.
🐦‍⬛ He’s supposed to kill her and can’t
🐦‍⬛ Forced Proximity
🐦‍⬛Mortal vs Immortal
🐦‍⬛Banter and sexy tension
🐦‍⬛Found Family
🐦‍⬛Magic and Power
🐦‍⬛Fated Mates
“What wicked spells you weave, little witch.”
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
are we thinking strictly business is gonna be a slowwwwww burn or slow burn👀👀
slow burn but only when it comes to the whole romantic part bc the spice part will develop rather quickly 🫣 im looking for excuses to write jongseong smut 💀
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serejae · 3 months
yall arent ready for the next chapters of we cant be friends… lots of angst, dumbass-ification, SLOWWWWWW burn, and woonhak finally starts his documentary😍
^many refrences to the notebook and our beloved summer in next few chapters :-)
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EYES OPENED. Ben/Hurley s4 and in s5 they're like Sawyer/Juliet...... JVSBIBIABIA
Okay but i imagine them as slowwwwww burn, after years on the island Ben develops a crush on Hurley. Hurley doesn't see it at all. Maybe a few years later Hurley is like oh Ben is kind of.....and then they're both unknowingly pining. Hurley is oblivious to Ben's crush and Ben doesn't know why Hurley gets extra sweaty around him. I don't know what would get them together because I don't think they'd have a big confessional scene...unless one of them almost died. Maybe Hurley's taking a nap and Ben thinks he's dead and starts in on a Pride and Prejudice level monologue. Maybe Michael is sick of the past 5 years of pining and tells Hurley to do something about it. Maybe Michael and Walt plot to trick them into a romantic date. I just know it happens eventually. Hell, maybe after they both die. When Ben finally comes into the church, watching Alex grow up for the five hundredth time. Hurley's just glad to see him, and the I Love You So Much stumbles out. And it's a ridiculously long wait, but it's finally happened.
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Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: Loki's side through the lens
Word Count: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tarithenurse.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The familiar wall of the 'BTS room' came up on the camera with the lone empty chair in the front. There was a slight movement behind the screen before the frame took in the face of Javier. His usually beautiful blue eyes seemed to lose some sleep while his olive skin looked flawless. Running his hand through the brown curls over his head, he sat down on the chair and took in a deep breath for the camera. "Hi there! I am Javier," he signed with a tired smile on his face. "As you may already know, I am one of the people behind the cameras here in the Avengers facility." He wanted to continue signing but a thought made him pause. His features were lost in some invisible maze for a moment before he came back. "A lot has changed here," he slowly began again, "and things are not how they usually were. So…" his long fingers hung in the air for two seconds before coming back. "I compiled some of the footage that I was strictly told not to let out. Well, more of a threat to not let these out. But I don't care anymore." Javier shrugs and gives a faint smile. "I'd rather have this come out than-" he paused, bringing his hands together to intertwine his fingers. He eventually sighed and rubbed his palms on his face before getting up and coming closer to the camera and clicking something to make everything go dark.
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A footage comes up, of the very first day when everyone is busy chatting, properly introducing themselves despite having met on the battlefield before. You are there too, a little reserved but never without a smile for anyone who comes up to talk to you. But the camera is focused behind all this lively chaos at the lone figure by the fridge. Loki. A glass of wine in one hand, he is observing minutely every little thing happening across the room. More so, he is observing your interactions with everyone and how you come back to cuddle with the little stray pup every time you get some alone time. Loki is practically leaning on the countertop next to the fridge all the while slightly amused by how you always come back to drown your hands in the lush fur of the baby. .
It is the next day and the 'happy to help' coming out of you has shut some part of Loki down. The camera is still zooming into his face as he is suddenly lost in some calculations thrown by your sunshine of a smile- while the world is moving past him but he just standing there by the kitchen island with his arms across his chest and a big furrow of his brows. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
At Bruce's lab, the camera records his starry eyes as he explains to you how the universe works and you are hung up on every word of his. And once he leaves the lab, for a breather, the camera follows him."No one's looked at me like that," Loki is speaking more to himself than to the camera. Once he realises that, he looks at the camera with a straight back and a puff of air blowing out through his mocked laugh. "What is wrong with this human?" he casually points at the lab before getting his eyes stuck on you through the glass partition. Again. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
In the night, the camera seems to be out on the balcony, right outside Loki's room. Zooming in, you can be seen standing outside Loki's door with Thor before you walk away with a smile and Loki slams the door in his brother's face. Turning around, Loki walks towards his bed and the camera pans in to show him carrying a plate with a freshly baked lava cake. The God jumps onto his bed and lies on his stomach, keeping the plate in front of him as he digs into the lava and lets his mouth savour it with the biggest smile on his face. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The CCTV catches you falling asleep on Loki's shoulder as he reads you the lore in the library, making Loki pause and look into some invisible void in front of him. "As much as I don't want to-" he brings his hand to brush your stray strands away from your face and lock his fingers under your cheek resting on his shoulder- "but you might have to hear an earful from Barton if I do not move you away from me." He gently brings your face to rest on the sofa's headrest instead, and barely a second later, Clint barges in, waking you up and forcing Loki to lock eyes with the one camera that followed the hawkeye in. The God just gives it one tired look. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The camera is panned in onto the large glass of orange juice Loki is pouring for himself. "Why should I be bothered by how she feels? She would have eventually found out one day that she was adopted." He brings the glass to his lips to sip it like tea. .
The God is lifting weights in the training room without much difficulty. He is more focused on something else. "Do you think she got hurt because of me telling her she's adopted?" He squats and comes back up in the camera's frame. "Because it's not great news to be told, from personal experience." He squats again and the camera can see the door open and a figure entering the room. Loki comes back up. "But that should only be a sad thing if her adoptive parents are not good parents." He thinks out loud and squats again. The camera focuses on the figure still standing at the doorway. It is Sam standing there in mild shock. "Is this dude deadlifting Seventeen hundred pounds like it's nothing?" the man exclaims to the room. .
"So what if her parents are not good enough," Loki huffs to no one in particular. The camera pans out to show the rooftop garden having the most luscious-looking fake green grass but a one hundred per cent real vertical garden. Loki sits in the middle on a lounge chair as he sips a screwdriver and puts his sunglasses on while he basks in the bright sun. "Everyone has screwed up parents," he is finally talking to the camera, "the world is not always soft and warm. She should grow up. And we all know what does not kill you makes you stronger." He nods at himself in satisfaction and goes back to sipping his drink. .
"I did get stronger. But at what cost?" It is night-time and Loki lies on the rooftop, higher than that garden. The camera seems to be sitting next to his lost figure; the figure that is staring at the starry sky, swimming in them for some answers. "Not to mention I did almost die," he whispers. "And I cried every night when I survived that wormhole, wondering what I had done wrong to make my biological parents hate me and my adoptive parents loathe me." There is a moment of silence in which the camera zooms in to show the glistening eyes of the God as he does not take away his gaze from the view of the universe above him. "Do you think she feels that way too?" he whispers. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
At the Pepperoni wedding, Javi's camera is constantly pointed at Loki and you, and usually, you both are near each other. Often When Pepperoni finally kiss, the camera is fast to turn and find you in the hooting crowd, smiling with tears welling in your eyes and no one but the God looking at you with just a spec of longing in his eyes. And Peter and Scott look at Loki, hooting and clapping- sometimes smacking each other in the chest in excitement- with heart eyes. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The single cement block in front of the tavern holds Javi's camera when the frame records Venom devouring one of the perverts. "Javier!" a voice comes from behind the camera, making the device shake as if startled. Loki's face comes into view with quite the lines of worry running down his forehead. "I told you to call me as soon as you found Y/N! Where is-" He hasn't even finished the sentence when he hears your scream coming from the van in the parking lot. His head whips in that direction and his eyes turn dark. Within a snap, he is right next to the van, in between you and the lowlife thug. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The camera is recording a familiar figure sitting by the kitchenette counter looking down on the drawing of a chibi Loki on a napkin. With a sigh, the figure puts the napkin back on the counter and stands up. "All right, magic Mike, you can send me back on my honeymoon now," he announces before a sparkling circle opens to a beach and our man walks away. A few seconds later, the elevator dings open and the camera zooms in on the figure of Loki still in his formal attire- though a little crumpled- walking in. He is heading for the dorms when his eyes land on the counter. Taking a few careful steps, he tilts his head at the site of the drawing on the napkin. He stands there for two minutes, staring at the little version of himself, quietly breathing, never moving. Finally, he picks up the napkin and takes it to his room. .
The next morning, the camera is up early and recording outside Loki's room. One can hear the shower running when the frame quickly records a once-over of the beautiful room before finally landing on what it is looking for. Right next to the open window, on the study table, in between the fluttering pages of the justifiably bulky epic Mahabharata is a carefully laminated napkin of a chibi Loki being used as a bookmark. Javi records the bookmark in the frame at an aesthetically pleasing angle, taking him and a half minutes. Once satisfied, the camera is zoomed out to take in Loki's daunting figure standing next to the study table with eyes that spell murder. The camera nearly falls from the boy's hands but Loki does not flinch. He stands there, his arm resting on the French window while he looks down at the camera. "You tell anyone about this, your little cameras won't be the only ones I shut down permanently."
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The camera records you walking across your college campus with an unusual- but convincingly threatening- gait. Once you turn the corner to the desolated parking lot in front of the swimming pool, a shimmering wave of golden light changes you into Loki. "Men are disgusting," the God announces with such force as if he had been holding it in for a long time. He turns to the camera. "Javier, you are assigned to follow Y/N around campus, right? You make sure that worm David stays away from her. He does not seem to have good intentions for her." The furrow in his brow is a serious one. "And if he does try to do something that, let's just say you would not do to Y/N, you contact me. Do you understand, Javier?" The camera keeps panning on Loki while the God is lost in a two-second thought before looking at the lens with judgement in his eyes. "Did you hear what I said? Then repeat it to me."
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The camera sits right in front of the television screen in the lounge to capture you, Loki, Clint and Cassie in a serious game of Uno. "Uno," you declare, keeping down a Draw 4 card, "colour Blue." Loki gasps dramatically, bringing his hand to his chest. "How could you Y/N?!" Clint chuckles. "She got you good, Lolo." "How could you-" Loki draws a card from his pile and puts his Draw 4 on top of your card- "do this to Cassie?!!" You roar and Cassie groans, the little girl almost falling back on the floor. "Noooooo," she announces from behind her cards as she gently draws one from her pile and puts another Draw 4 in the arena, "how could she do this to Clint?!!!" Clint is simply blinking at the Draw 4s while the camera takes the liberty to pan in on the twelve cards he's already holding. "No, this can't be right. You cannot Draw 4 on another Draw 4!!!" Cassie giggles at the defeated expressions of Clint, Loki simply shrugs his shoulders for following the rules made by them girls and you guffaw in unadulterated elation, your happiness throwing you off balance into Loki's arm. There is a split second of eye contact, made by Loki with the camera before he regains his composure like a professional and sits there similar to a statue while your laughter has stopped making a continuous sound and is now just little breaks of a tiny engine of a toy train. Clint is throwing a fit. And your laughter is throwing you back till the arm you have fallen on grabs your back to support that unhinged cackle. No one notices the God's ears turn red when your hand smacks itself on his thigh for the overflowing hilarity. No one but the zoomed-in camera.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The lounge is empty thanks to everyone being out on a mission and with no one but Loki in the facility. Of course, the security team is doing their jobs in some security room but we do not care about that. Loki is sprawled on the sofa, his long stature barely fitting the already huge velvet seating setting. A camera is recording from behind the kitchenette island, panning in slowly to see what Loki is tapping on his phone’s screen. On zooming in further, the camera can finally read the name on top of the chat. V. Loki: How is Greece? V: It’s cool! Lots of white stones, lot of ocean, lots of beautiful babes… Loki: Sounds fun. V: But they don’t have jet sprays and their toilet pipes are too thin for toilet paper business. Major L Loki: …okay. Loki: I have a question for you… V: Shoot. Loki: Does your sister like precious stones? V: You can easily distract her with a colourful pebble bro Loki: …typing V: Or some food Loki: …stops typing V: I can list her favs if you want for $200. Loki: $50
V: Deal
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The holographic clock on the wall shows three past twelve on the lounge wall when the camera swerves to the figure of Loki carefully entering the space from the dorms. The camera then turns away and focuses on the light snores coming out of you as you lay haphazardly on the sofa with the TV still running. The God plants himself on the floor next to your face as he whispers a spell into his right palm before putting the hand over your head. The lens records specs of gold originating from his hand to glitter and land onto your hair before seemingly dissolving inside the parts of your head he touched. Loki knowingly smirks at the camera. "My work here is done," he says to the zoomed-in frame as he gets up. The camera catches the shift of your body. Your hand grabs his arm to let your cheek rest onto his palm as you let that side of your face turn towards the sofa. Fear. Loki's eyes show fear for the first time. "Ahh," you whisper, a smile growing on your lips covered in drool, "so cold." The camera shifts between your sleeping figure and Loki's distressed brows as he tries to get his hand out from under your face. “No, Chichi,” you moan in your sleep, making the God pause, “that’s my blanket. Don’t take it away from me.” A deep sigh leaves Loki's lungs as he crosses his legs and sits next to you. Apparently, so does the camera. No matter how often he tries, your grip on his arm strengthens. And so, two hours pass for the God sitting there, given up now as he plays with baby hair strands on your forehead- his sulky face concentrated on turning them into the tiniest pigtails. The camera is already panned in on his face, his smaragdine eyes having a dim glow in the night as he studies your face. Lazily, his eyes move from your brows to your nose, then to your lips. Loki does not realise he has tilted his head, resting it on the little space on the sofa, facing you. The fingers from his free hand are running over the fine lines, the pores, the natural moles over your face, either counting them or giving them a boop. His eyes are locked in on your lips when they part to breathe and his fingers in close proximity of them, having paused just before coming in contact with your lips. His pupils have gone wide, wider than they usually do. His visible ear is turning red. Maybe he realises it too. Because within the next ten seconds, he whips his hand out from under your face and crawls a step back on the floor. His bewildered eyes are looking at you while his mouth is agape with some newfound surprise. Gathering himself- barely- he gets up and furiously walks back into his room. The same camera runs out onto the balcony and past the other rooms to halt outside Loki's French windows. The God has closed the door to have his back stuck to it as he slowly falls down onto the ground with his hands on his mouth in some silent prayer. The camera is zoomed in- enough to have a close look at Loki's face again. "This cannot be happening." the mic on Loki is still on. "How can you even think of her that way, Loki." And apparently, he is speaking to himself. "How can you think of-" he stops mid-sentence as his gaze returns from the infinite void to something closer. The camera pans out of the beautiful face to look at the little familiar box kept on his bed. "Oh, Valhalla-" the camera looks back at Loki- who is still staring at the box as he whispers to the room- "what are these new emotions."
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strinak · 26 days
reading a new-to-me infinite flow novel, Escape From the Library. slowwwwww burn but cute. 30k students from universities across China got snatched by The Library and it's forcing them to complete compulsory courses for credits. Yue Xingwen, a top liberal arts student, teams up with his best friend/high school rival Jiang Pingce, a top mathematics student. YXW is optimistic and a born leader. JPC is reserved and detail-oriented and has known YXW is the love of his life for years lol but is content to wait for him to catch up.
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froggyinaspen · 1 year
Between Comfort and Chaos: CH 2
Link to CH 1 Above ^^^^^^^
Also available on Wattpad/ AO3
Word Count: 3,124
Lessie's POV
The wind whipped my face causing strands of auburn hair to dance out of its braid as I took a sharp turn towards the outer walls leading towards the Black Lake. The air was mostly calm at this altitude but had a slight chill. There was a tightness in my cheeks and nose, and I knew for a fact I would have a nice bout of wind rash. I mentally cursed myself for not switching out of my school robes into my woolen cloak. It was not unbearable due to the man gripping my waist with the ferocity of a Chinese chomping cabbage.  At least he was safe from the wind. His head had finally moved from its position on my neck.
He had always had an effect on me, and with this close proximity it sent little heat waves through my blood. Luckily my heart rate could be attributed to the feat of maneuvering the air current. I swiveled my head to look back briefly. He was being too quiet, probably still brooding.
“How goes it back there?”
Ominis had a look of contentment on his face. Not quite a smile but I could most certainly change that. His eyes shone causing the shadows to leave his face. He was perfectly beautiful, and I couldn’t understand how his hair was not damaged by the high speed of air movement. Blast him and his stupidly perfect hair. It was unfair.
Hmm…  Let’s see if we can fix that.
“This is lovely, just what I needed,” He called out.
His mirth made me want to pull more emotions out of him. I angled the broom downward descending into a steep drop. The sudden decrease in elevation caused the birds nest attached to my head to smack my face relentlessly, obscuring my vision. I swear one of these days I’m just going to cut the nuisance off, decent society be damned. I quickly brushed it away as we were riding just above the surface of the lake. Slowing down mildly and tilting to the right I called back over my shoulder.
“Stick your right hand downward.” 
He did as instructed without question and I couldn’t help but smile when he gave a hoot, causing me once again to swivel my head in his direction. Good thing Madam Kagawa wasn’t here. I could just hear her chastisements about responsible flying. His eyes lit up as his fingers skimmed the cool surface causing little rivulets to jump and pop as we sped by. His lithe fingers were dancing in and out of the water. It was euphoric how much glee he was expressing. I wondered what the sensation must feel like to him. His other hand was gripping tighter around my waist in an attempt to counterbalance. My heart swelled. If only he could always be this carefree. He began to laugh as we sped up once more, moving the arm back to connect with its pair.
There we go, less grumpy.
“As you can probably tell, we are currently above the lake. We are going to continue on southward towards Lower Hogsfield. Shouldn’t be more than 5 minutes at the most.” My voice seemed to carry on the wind giving it an echo-like quality. There was a slight shift behind me. I felt the warmth back on my neck as Ominis pressed his lips close to my ear, head almost nuzzling into me. My grip tightened on the broom handle.
“Wonderful, I can’t wait to find out how this adventure unfolds.”
A chill overtook me as my heartbeat a bit louder following suit with the one pressed against my back. His voice had been barely a whisper, but it caused a fluttery pang in my chest. The hot breath in my ear and the press of my friend behind me felt almost indecent. I was enjoying this a little too much.
Concentrate on flying you baboon!
We crested over the last crops of trees, my eyes trained on the grown over stone circle about a kilometer ahead. As we began to make our descent, I took a quick peak back at my companion once more. His eyes were closed, head tilted back facing the sun. My heart warmed, knowing that I had helped bring a bit more solace to the sullen man. It was a shame to have to bring him back down to Earth... literally.  
“Hey Ominis!”
“Mmmh?” His head tilted back forward, eyes opening.
“We are just about there. I am going to start bringing us down. Make sure you extend your legs for the drop.” I gave the instructions as he obeyed.
As we touched down and dismounted, I took my wand out once more casting Reducio, and put my now toothpick sized broom in my pocket. Hopefully, this time I won’t misplace it. The number of times I had to buy a new broom in the past year was too high. I could have funded a whole quidditch team with the amount of galleons I spent at Spintwitchs’.
“I was wondering how you were storing that thing.” The blonde stated as he came to stand beside me.
“Comes in quite handy, for a number of items if you don’t have a nab-sack.” I smiled before setting off at a brisk pace toward the stone circle. “Speaking of things that can come in handy, I need your help with something.”
Ominis trailed behind, wand pulsing as he went. “How can I offer my services, Ms. Aspen?”
I went on to explain about the different Merlin trials that had been left behind by one of Slytherin’s more notable members and how you had the privilege of being let in on the secret by none other than the Nora Treadwell. Ominis listened, enraptured by the tale, patiently waiting until the end to ask his queries. 
“So, you are telling me that even with everything going on last year you somehow had time to gallivant all across Scotland to participate in these…... trials?” His eyebrows were raised in astonishment. He seemed genuinely surprised.
I shuffled from foot to foot. It felt like a rebuked, even though I could tell he was in awe.
“Well, yes, and I only have three left to do before I complete them all. Two of which are in this area.”
A wide smirk turned the corners of his mouth up as excitement played up his features. He crossed his arms and took a defiant stance, slowly tapping his foot. “I suppose you would like me to help you solve these last puzzles?”
It was more of a statement than a question and I nodded. “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind. The first one is rather simple. However, the second is a bit more challenging, so if you aren’t up for it I completely understand.” 
“Come now. When have I ever turned down a challenge.” He let out a haughty breath and then waved his hand commandingly. “Lead the way.” 
We approached the circle, and I reached back into my pocket, this time taking the small burlap bag I kept herbs in and pulled the drawstring out of its knot, allowing me access into the pouch. I fished out a handful of pungent leaves, turning back to my companion.
“All right, for this trial we are acting as butterfly catchers. It’s rather simple as I said before. We just need to locate them, which I can do with Revelio however sometimes they are in awkward places.”  
He lifted one of his eyebrows questioning, “Awkward places? Meaning places, you think would be difficult for me to get to?”
I let out an exasperated sigh, “Honestly, Ominis? No, awkward as in once I had to run away from two dunbogs at once while keeping Lumos cast so I didn’t have the find the bloody things again. We aren’t by a river, so I think we’re safe from that aspect. However, I would prefer not to put you in harms way.”
“Ahh, well then. Butterflies….” He tutted with satisfaction.
“Yes, butterflies. When I toss this mallowsweet into the stone circle there are three pillars around it with  bright crystals inside them that glow. We need to locate the butterflies, cast Lumos to act as a beacon for them and then lead them to a pillar. Release your cast and they should go into the pillar. Once all three pillars have their bugs, we complete the trial and a large pagoda-like arch covered in vines appears on top of the stone circle and the mallowsweet leaves transforms into a hallow statue of Merlin. Its quite simple.”
I looked over at him, reading the amusement on his face. His stance had changed from a guarded one to an easy one. Legs shoulder width apart and hands at his sides waiting for further instructions.
“Ah, easy. Just catch a flock of butterflies and lead them home. Brilliant!” The familiar sarcasm was returning. Good.
“Are you ready?” I asked tentatively.
“Yes, let’s begin shall we.”
I brought my closed fist to the center of the circle and released the herbs, watching as the leaves began their lazy journey to the ground. They spiraled down as a tendril of magic began to emanate from the stones. There was a familiar tinge of ancient magic that thrummed in my veins. The ground began to shake slightly, and I looked at the concern on Ominis’ face. I mentally chastised myself for leaving that part out. This was a new sensation for him and one that he wouldn’t likely forget. It was nice to make memories with him like this. I had felt I had neglected him over the summer and was vying to make up the lost time. The vines around the stone pillars began to retract back into the ground. The shaking stopped and surrounding us were the eerie cerulean lights of the crystals snug inside their pillars.
“Revelio!” With my wand straight in the air I cast the spell and was soon greeted with the illumination of three kaleidoscopes relatively close. One on top of a ledge, another further down the path to the right and then one straight ahead in the open field. I turned to my silent companion.
“Are you able to locate them by casting Revelio as well, or should I describe the locations?” It was a genuine question. I genuinely had no idea how his wand worked and at this point felt it would be an unwelcome question. I often played over the idea that it was like a bat’s echolocation.
“Could you describe the locations for me?” He asked, expression unreadable.
I could detect a slight hint of amusement in his voice, and he twirled his wand between his two hands, heels rocking.
“Well, you have three options. The first one is about 10 meters straight in front of you. The terrain is mostly flat and it’s in an open field so you should be able to hear the flutter of their wings well. The second one is to just a stone throw down the path to my right. Slight incline, easy grab.”
“And the third one is…. awkward?” He tilted his head bearing a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes.
“You could say that. The real question is are you fine with potentially ruining your trousers?”
“E-excuse me? Ruin my trousers?” A vibrant blush began to spread across his cheeks reaching up to his ears.
“The third one is directly behind you, about 100 meters up on a ledge. So, unless you’re an Animagus as well as a Parselmouth. I can’t see you directly scaling it, which leads to the option of taking the goat path through a batch of brambles.”
There was a prolonged silence. I started second guessing my approach to this.
“Wait…. Are you also an Animagus?” I questioned.
Ominis let out a laugh, placing his hands on his knees as it took over his body. It was quite infectious and soon I was also laughing. “Don’t be daft! You’ve seen me in potions class, correct? I dear say Sharp would have some questions when I can barely get a wiggenweld to turn out correctly.”
The reality of the question was completely absurd. I wiped a tear from my eye. My sides were beginning to hurt. “I do recall J. Pippins’ suspiciously running out of a number of vials near the end of term. I assume that was your handy work?”
He wiped his eyes and straightened his wand arm out. The tip pulsing, “I may be a Slytherin but, I do not kiss and tell Aspen.” He turned around facing the ledge after giving me one of his snarky smiles. “And as far as my trousers are concerned, how I chose to ruin them is my choice. Now, you go catch your butterflies and I shall catch mine.” With that he set off up the embankment.
Smart-ass. I hope you do ruin your trousers.  
Turning on my heel, I set off to collect the first set of butterflies. Ominis was self-sufficient and for all his miserly behavior I knew he would most likely get done before I had even gotten back with one of my kaleidoscopes. I cast once more and saw the first set ahead. I jumped off the rock I was standing on and broke off at a leisurely pace. This area of lower Hogsfield was breathtaking in the early fall. The grass had died away under the shadow of the mountains causing the once verdant valley to become a smoky straw color. Standing in the open plain you could see clear down to the other side of the valley, smoke rising from the small villages on either side of the great expanse. It was like looking at the underpainting on an artist’s canvas, all sepia and burnt umber tones. Now was not the time to get distracted by scenery, however, we were on a time limit.
I hopped onto a rock right in front of my target and did a quick 360 breathing in the fresh air. Scanning for threats and seeing none I leapt down and landed within the fluttering mass. I felt the small kiss of wings fluttering against my exposed skin as I summoned the light to the tip of my wand. In a quick swoosh they flocked to the light, and I made quick work bringing them back to the pillar. Releasing the spell, in front of it, they converged into the crystalline center.
My eyes travelled up the path Ominis would have taken, scanning for him. He was nearly at the top now and looking wholly intact. The brambles must have set him back in pace. I smiled to myself and turned back to get the second target. The path to the right was quick and within the span of a minute or so I was walking back to the pillar. I release the second cluster of butterflies and turned just in time to see the blonde coming down the side of the path a triumphant smile gracing his features. He exuded an air of confidence as he walked up to the final pilar, not a hair out of place and clothing intact.
“Nox.” The confidence extended to his voice, and he beamed. The aura radiated true satisfaction and I couldn’t help being infected by it as the last of our charges found their home. A rumbling filled the area and within seconds the before mentioned pagoda appeared. Vines wrapped around the arbor creating a very aesthetic shelter. The mallowsweet version of Merlin stood in the middle and I quickly grabbed Ominis by the wrist, pulling him forward to touch the leaves before they disintegrated. He quickly righted his balance and caressed the barely-there visage. As if it had never been the leaves dropped to the ground as quickly as they came.
He turned and looked at me, eyes soft, hand still out, his voice coming out in a laugh.
“To be honest, it just felt like a pile of leaves.”
His hand was still hovering where Merlin once was. I took it in my hand and brought it down, interlacing mine with his and smiled widely.
“We make a great team.” His body shifted but he didn’t pull away.
“I would have to agree.” There was a brief moment of awkwardness and then he carried on, “Now you said that you had two more trails left until you were complete.” He raised his eyebrow inquiring.
“ Yes, the one close to here has a timed jumping mechanism that I can’t seem to get quite right. I would love to get your perspective on it.”
“And the final one?” He asked, running his thumb over the callous on my palm once more. This time the insecurity died down. I had always hated how rough my hands were, but somehow in his hands they felt like less of a burden. The movement stopped and I looked up at his body close to mine.
“Did you hear me?” He asked once more, tilting his head to the side.
“W-what?” I stuttered lost from the sensation of his ministrations.
“What is the final trial?” He repeated with manicured patience as if speaking with a child.
“Oh, yes, that!” I drew in a breath retracting my hand to avoid continued distraction. “Mhm, that one is more of a day trip. I would have to travel all the way to Cragcroftshire. I meant to get it done this summer, but as you know I was babysitting.” I stressed the emphasis on babysitting, earning a chuckle from my companion.
“ Well, when you do plan on going I would be more than happen to accompany you.” The slight blush was back and I couldn’t help but smile at the prospect of spending the whole day with the man in front of me. The sun was starting to wane, and we only had about an hour before the dinner bell would sound.
“I would love for you to come if it isn’t too much of a burden.”
“You are never a burden.” He stated without hesitation.
It was my turn to blush as my brain short-circuited trying to formulate coherent sentences. I managed to choke out the semblance of coherency.
“Perfect! Well, shall we scurry over to the next trial and plot our conquest?”
He nodded and I pulled the toothpick sized broom out of my pocket once more tossing it to the ground as I unholstered my wand to cast the enlargement spell.
“Engorgio!” With a static crack the broom grew back to its original size.
“Shall we?” I asked, extending my hand and within seconds his hand was once again in mine ready for another adventure. 
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ejunkiet · 2 years
SO the sequel to "Let's fuck up the friendship" is officially happening. Angel/David/Asher/Babe. It's.... soft. so very soft, and a little bittersweet, but that's par for the course post-inversion. 🥺🥺
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