#but it's 2017 no one cares about grammar
r0entgen · 1 month
"Why won't Venezuelans just address the blockade?"
If you're wondering why, read below.
Let me start by saying that I wrote this after I finished work, with less than three hours of sleep and a single meal in my body, so if you find any grammar mistakes, my apologies.
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This is the comment that kickstarted this post. I believe I've mentioned this before, but when you're living in a country that weaponizes propaganda and hijacks every single media outlet, you have to master the fine arts of fact checking and cross-referencing. Which is exactly what we're going to do right now, addressing the claim that 40,000 Venezuelans have been killed by the US sanctions, and why We Won't Engage with You In This Particular Argument.
*Note: click the underlined text for links and sources.
In the paper Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case of Venezuela by Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs (who will be referred to as WS in this post), WS mention that between the years of 2017-2019, the economic sanctions caused a 31% increase in the general mortality rate in Venezuela, a number that they calculate may be of about 40,000 deaths. While they cite ENCOVI and a UN report from 2019 as the sources of this statistic, they clarify the following in the footnotes:
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The ENCOVI 2018 survey has not been made public, the mortality statistic cited here is from the UN Report (2019).
As of this date, WS has not made public the data source for this estimate, and the UN report used as a source (Venezuela: Overview of Priority Humanitarian Needs, March 2019) is not publicly available.
So let's take a look at some sources that ARE publicly available.
The World Bank Group World Development Indicators registers at least a 30% increase in the infant mortality rate in Venezuela from the dates of 2013 to 2016. Similar numbers are reported in this paper, seeing a 40% increase in the infant mortality rate in Venezuela between the dates on 2008-2016. Here's an excerpt from the paper Impact of the 2017 Sanctions on Venezuela:
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While different than other overall mortality rates, increases in infant mortality rates are generally interpretable as a preventable consequence of inadequate pre- and post-natal care for otherwise healthy but vulnerable infants. Thus, infant mortality is often recognized as a good proxy measure of the quality on overall public health provision.
What this tells us is that THERE HAS BEEN an increase in general mortality rate - one that started long before the 2017 sanctions.
However, this doesn't mean that in the periods of 2017-2019 there wasn't a high death toll. Let's look at another publicly available source.
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The National Hospital Survey (2019) found that between November 2018 and February 2019, 1557 people died owing to the lack of supplies in hospitals [...]. 40 patients died as a result of the power outages in March 2019.
We see the first mention of a number in the 2019 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Something interesting this report mentions is that 40 deaths were caused by the blackout in March 2019. A blackout that lasted 7 days and affected our 23 states.
The energy crisis which caused this nationwide blackout started in 2010. The Wikipedia article is a good summary, if a bit simple, of the events that led to and took place during and after the energy crisis (which affects us Venezuelans living in the country to this day)
Back to the UN Report. Something else this report indicates is the following:
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In 2018, the Government registered 5,287 such killings, while the non-governmental organization Observatorio Venezolano de la Violencia reported at least 7,523 killings under this category. Between 1 January and 19 May 2019, the Government reported 1,569 killings for resistance to authority. The Observatorio Venezolano de la Violencia reported at least 2,124 such killings between January and May 2019. Information analysed by OHCHR suggests many of these killings may constitute extrajudicial executions.
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[...] Six young men executed by the Special Action Forces (SEBIN) in reprisal for their role in anti-government protests in 2019.
This means that between the dates of 2018-2019, there have been approximately 9,647 deaths in the context of security operations - which includes Venezuelans that took part of the protests in 2019. Very similar to what we have been reporting since after the elections in July 28.
2017 to 2019 was one of the most difficult periods in Venezuelan history, marked by the sanctions imposed by Trump which affected oil export, access to diesel, and food and medicine imports. Some people argue that the economic recession in Venezuela was caused by the sanctions - failing to notice the negative trends in the years prior to these.
Bahar, Bustos, Morales and Santos (who will be referred to as BBMS in this post) conclude in their paper, Impact of the 2017 Sanctions on Venezuela, that while the sanctions had a negative effect in the oil production, "it is quite impossible to attribute the fall [...] to one single event (i.e., the sanctions), when many other confounding events were happening at the same time."
Oil production: Oil prices dropped during 2015, and oil production decreased as a result of lack of maintenance and investment.
Energy crisis: By 2009, when the energy crisis was first declared, the electrical grid had already been suffering from the lack of maintenance and investment since 1998. The Chávez administration distributed million dollar contracts [...] that enriched high officials of his government and the works were never built. [1] [2] [3]
Economic decline and hyper-inflation: Actions taken by the Chávez administration such as expropriation and price control, as well as the PDVSA purge in 2002 led the country to depend almost entirely on its already declining oil industry, causing shortages and price rises in common goods, food, medical supplies and so on. By 2015, 60% of the Venezuelan population was living in poverty. [1] [2] [3] [4]
From only these three points, we can establish a negative trend starting way before the first US Sanctions. Thus, we can conclude that by the time the devastating 2017-2019 sanctions took place, Venezuela was already deep in a state of generalized crisis.
WS conclude in their paper:
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[...] One of the most important impacts of the sanctions is to lock Venezuela into a downward economic spiral. [...] An economic recovery could have already begun in the absence of economic sanctions.
While Bahar, Bustos, Morales and Santos declare:
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[...] Our analysis finds insufficient evidence to conclude that they [sanctions] were responsible for the worsening of the socio-economic crisis. [...] The weight of evidence seems to indicate that, rather than being a result of US-imposed sanctions, much of the suffering and devastation in Venezuela has been, in line with most accounts, inflicted by those in power.
In conclusion - both papers seem to agree that the crisis in Venezuela started before 2017, but where WS claim that it worsened due to US sanctions, BBMS place a higher blame on the deterioration caused by the Venezuelan government.
Now, you may keep whichever analysis you prefer, but one thing we know for sure: the 40,000 Venezuelans that WS claimed died due to the sanctions cannot be found in any public report, while the death toll of protests and extrajudicial killings has been extensively reported.
Why is this relevant?
Contrary to what some people on this site would say, Venezuelans generally agree on the negative impacts of US-imposed sanctions (note: this poll accounts only for Venezuelans in Florida, as polls aren't often published inside Venezuela). However, the general consensus is that US-sanctions only added up to a crisis that had been building up since Chávez rose to power, and rather than the cause, it was yet another symptom.
Yes, the US is the Big Bad, but placing the blame solely on the sanctions only takes the responsibility away from the government and diverts the attention from the poor governance, rampaging corruption, violent repression and denialism that we've grown used to in the last 25 years.
So if you ask "why don't you address the blockade?", my response is: why don't you address the 9,647 extrajudicial killings, the 40 deaths caused by the energy crisis, the energy crisis itself, the economic decline, the lack of maintenance in the infrastructure, the violent repression, the forceful abductions and the censoring?
What we want you to understand is that when you center the US as the cause of the crisis, you are actively participating in our state-funded propaganda and knowingly turning a blind eye on the suffering of all Venezuelans. You are no better than imperialists - you ARE participating in imperialism.
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Last, but not least - be careful with your sources. This Venezuelanalysis article was written by Andreína Chávez, former editor-in-chief of TeleSUR, a government-funded news channel known for spreading Maduro propaganda. One of their most recent claims: dead Venezuelans are shown as having voted in the ballots shown in resultadosconvenezuela.com. Needless to say, this is false. This news portal is what some people would call, BIASED.
For more information, please read the amazing analysis written by @systhemes HERE.
A more direct response by @achillesmonochrome HERE.
For other sources, check HERE.
*Fellow Venezuelans, feel free to include anything I might have missed.
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m1kad00 · 3 months
Cyberpunk 2077 random headcannons!!
Characters included: Viktor Vektor, Muamar Reyes (El Capitán)
Reader: AFAB
TW: Age-gap relationship, reader is a mercenary (so violence ig), my horrible grammar, pregnancy, NSFW (at least I tried)
(Possible spoilers for Muamars gig)
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Viktor Vektor
SFW Headcannons
-he probably didn't actually think about having a relationship with you... at first
-because you were out of his age range
-but of course, you managed to capture this old mans heart anyways
-I mean.. if you weren't on a mission, you were hanging around his clinic or Mistys shop
-Misty did play a big part to make this relationship work in the first place... she played her role as a cupid very well to say the least
-after you two finally got into a relationship, your visits at the clinic became even more frequent.. which made Jackie and V some people a little bit suspicious
-Misty was the first to know, obviously (she's the mastermind behind this anyways)
-Vik did not make your relationship offical immediately
-he loves you of course! Dearly. But he's not as loud about relationships as others would be.
-he's not big on PDA, but he wouldn't mind holding hands or small kisses.. just not making out or something like that
-the first time you both showed each other affection infront of others was a few weeks into your relatonship (Jackie and V were very surprised)
-his loves reciving gifts from you (have you guys seen those cute little 'waving cats' in his clinic? (idk what they're actually called I'm sorry))
-so he loves collecting little things you give him
-he doesn't care about the expense.. as long as it's from you he'll cherish it!
-jewlery, shiny stones, trinkets from one of your missions. It does not matter, he will hold onto it for eternity!
-Vik wouldv'e loved to have kids.. (let's be real that ain't happening anymore)
-but if it actually would be possible he'd be sosososo happy!!
-the chances he'd actually be able to have children of his own were slim
-I headcannon him to be around 60 (so he's Gen Alpha lol (he was maybe born around 2017))
-however he would be super worried that you would have a miscarriage or an accident or something like that, so he made sure you would be well rested in those 9 moths
-no more missions or hard work
-he made you spend your time mostly in his clinic, at Misty's or at home (not in a bossy and toxic way, but in a caring and sweet way)
-with the pregnancy, Vik also made you settle down for the time being
-being a merc with a toddler is not the best idea
-but he is a very caring person and an incredible father, so he was there when you needed him
-morning sickness? He definetly has a trick up his sleeve for that matter!
(I hate kids lowkey so I won't proceed.. for now)
NSFW Headcannons
-this man is very, very, very experienced
-he was a pro boxer after all.. he knows what he's doing!
-I'm sure this man was a bit freaky in his younger years
-so whatever you're into, he's into
-exept causing you pain, that's a turn off for him
-also he's more of a dom, but for you he'd also be more subissive
-he also loves breeding (absolutely not because I'm into that)
-holding you in a chokehold while doggy is just perfecton
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Muamar Reyes (El Capitán)
-realtalk, no one talks about my pookie
-he might have a goofy bowl-cut but he's precious
-not even pinterest had a picture of him :((
-someone has to write for him at some point
SFW Headcannons
-you two probably met because of V
-you both went on one of his missions together, that's when he first saw you
-he instantly was head over heels
-he (smoothly) asked for your number, because he "might have some gigs for you in the future".
-not even one day later he got a gig for you.. what a coincidence!
-which was basically just you driving him around.. I mean you're getting paid! Who are you to complain?
-it turns out you both were indeed very compatible
-you both got along great (and he was lowkey flirty)
-after that day you got gigs from him constantly
-not only to chauffeur him anywhere he wants but also quick simple gigs like stealing cars for him
-Muamar would always ask how you are after gigs (in a playful way, so his intentions weren't as obvious)
-at some point he asked you out anyways
-he invited you to dinner
-after that he drove you both to his spot, where you can see Santo Domingo clearly
-there he would tell you how much he loves you
-Muamar is actually very open about his relationship
-so he's very into PDA
-some guy gets to close to you for his liking? He'll personally confront him about how he's too close to his lovely girlfriend.
-he needs to touch you 24/7. He's driving? Hand on your thigh. You two are walking? Hand holding. No matter where you both are going, people will know you are his.
-Muamar would want kids of his own, but would also be open for adoption
-they would grow up in Santo Domingo, but under diffrent circumstances
-since he hired V to steal that Arasaka medical truck, he wanted to make sure the people of Santo Domingo would not live in fear
-he would want his children to grow up without any health issiues caused by a simple cup of water, unlike him
-he would adore his kids, seriously
-even tho he looks like the villain from Minions, he still has an awesome style (so will his kids)
-would do anything to be a good dad
-he'd go all out to make the house/apartment super save for your kids
-once they'd grow up he would play with them in the backyard
-super corny dad jokes
NSFW Headcannons
-just like Vik, he's experienced
-I can't imagine someone from NC to not be experienced
-average size, nothing to complain about
-he's more of a dom
-loves loves LOVES you on top of him
-his favorite positions are doggy and cowgirl
-car sex.
-you riding him in the back of his car while he's guiding you, holding your waist
Author Note
I am sorry for writing such bad NSFW HC's. I tried my best, I just needed some content of my favorite Night City legends on here. Especally of Muamar. I hope more people will appreciate him. Thank you for reading this by the way <33
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slveepyscwrs · 2 months
"I'm proud of my writing!!"
me: oh really?? then how about you show me that first wattpad (or fanfiction.net) fanfic of yours??
you know, the one you wrote when you were an edgy mentally ill depressed 11-14 yr old middle schooler
yes, the one with the stereotypical Wattpad alc0h0lic parents who nearly abu$e their kid to de@th at the end of every other chapter
yes, the one that you wrote entirely in the first person
yes, the one where you genuinely thought you were writing like shakespeare but ended up making a million grammar mistakes instead
yes, the one with the most random and messy "I came up with this at 3 am" plot line known to man
yes, the one featuring kagehina, bakudeku or another one of those insanely popular gay ships
yes, the one with the gay 'lemon' scene that you were most definitely too young to write but who cares because its 2010s wattpad (and very biologically inaccurate bc most of us were AFAB)
yes, the one where you wrote text conversations like this:
"ORANGE TANGERINE SHORTIE!! 🍊🍊🍊(Hinata): hey i think im going to do a my r lyric prank in the gc 🥺🥺"
"ANNOYING ASS BEANPOLE 🙄😒🫘 (Tsukishima): what the actual fuck Hinata-"
yes, the one with an A/N ranting about random life stuff every two lines
yes, the one where you linked some random nightcore song in said A/N of a gacha anime person singing their little heart out about the third breakup this week and wrote "I was thinking about this song while writing this so u should listen to it while reading guys!! 🥺"
yes, the one where you wrote at the end: "OH EM GEE NO WAY YOU ACTUALLY READ THIS!! no way cuz this was literally so bad!! u deserve a cookie uwu 🍪 !! ill be updating with next chapter very soon so stay tuned 😈"
("Last Updated: November 2017")
oh, but of course we're going to pretend that phase didn't exist and avoid clicking on our old fics like they're toxic waste... (literally me) 🤭
let me know what else i missed anything in the notes!!
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vt-scribbles · 7 months
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🌿how does creating make you feel?
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
💞what’s the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
🍭why did you start writing?
💎why is writing important to you?
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you’ve finished a fic?
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Kept it to the questions that were positivity-oriented because, well, asking you to think about the rougher aspects of fandom writing doesn't feel like a nice thing to do, but if there are any other questions you wanted to answer, feel free to do so!
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Another one of my fave comment types is people who just... liveblog their reactions. Nothing fancy. They just write reactions or thoughts as they read along. I love these so much because they let me watch a reader's thought process, and it lets me know where I'm tripping up or where I'm conveying things exactly how I want. Plus, I just LOVE seeing people experience the story blindly, because, well, it's the one thing that I as the author cannot do. I'll never get to experience my writing as a reader. I know all the secrets.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
It's the closest to 'magic' I can get. Creating something from nothing but the thoughts in your head. And sometimes these thoughts connect with other people? I'm weaving words or images from NOTHING, and it's doing SOMETHING? that's incredible.
Not to mention, it's always an addicting feeling when characters start to come to life on their own. Or, when pieces of your plot start to click together. It's as satisfying as making progress on a puzzle, except you know the puzzle is going to look absolutely incredible at the end and you can't wait to show it to people.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
My writing can be very 'cartoonish' at points, and I adore that. I love writing my stories so that an animated film/show plays in the reader's head.
💞what’s the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
Definitely the characters. Plot and worldbuilding are a very close second. It depends on what type of story I'm following. If it's a fairly simple story, the characters need to shine. If it's a complex world with lore and twists and turns, the worldbuilding needs to be tighter. But I mostly care about our characters being at least interesting to watch. You could have a great setting and such but if the characters are boring, I'm not going to watch/read.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Honestly, The Harvester! We didn't expect so many people to connect with it, or to be able to look past its rougher edges as a "copy-pasted roleplay between two nerds".
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
I'll instead talk about a chapter of The Harvester that was hard to write. There's a future episode where Hema reflects on some of the bad things he's done, in a very down-to-earth conversation with someone. I think about this chapter a lot because it was written right after my car accident in 2017, which was my first near-death experience. I was in a bad place mentally, and the breakdown Hema ends up having is very similar to a real-life breakdown I had while visiting a friend's house. Reliving that very raw and upsetting feeling was hard on me, but it made the scene hit harder and it felt more honest, which wound up improving it, in the end.
🍭why did you start writing?
I'm not really sure! I had ideas, and I wanted to get those ideas down. I started writing after finishing Fullmetal Alchemist, and I wanted to have my own animated show some day. Now that I'm older, I understand that a book series would be way more affordable haha. I actually almost stopped writing because my highschool english teacher told me to 'give it up, you'll never go anywhere with this,' and to this day that spite has mixed with love and passion for the craft and drives me forward.
💎why is writing important to you?
Because it's the closest thing I have to magic. Like a fish has to swim, I have to take people on journeys. To make their existences easier. To make life a little more fun or creative for them, for a time. I want my stories to be an escape for those who need out, and shelter for those who need to hide.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you’ve finished a fic?
So this is an odd one for me to answer because I do chapter-by-chapter releases and haven't finished a whole story yet. But my after-chapter-posting routine is usually 'go to sleep, get snacks, and keep Gmail open on the side in case of comments.' Sometimes I go back and re-read it, or I doodle something for the chapter.~ But tbh at this point, it's a pretty casual thing for me.
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
It helps me feel like I'm part of the world. Like my stories make me more real, because it's one of the few modes of human connection that I have. I can reach out and connect to people that I may never even speak to, but a tiny part of me lives on in their story because they read something I wrote. Or maybe something stuck with them, or they got new friends because of it. The world is one big story and I'm just looking to have a few cameos in it.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
How abouuut... the first draft of Find Your Wings' prologue? ;3
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welcome-to-oslov · 7 months
Hello! I've spent the past couple of weeks enamored, fascinated, and obsessed by Oslov <3
I was wondering, what is your writing/planning/plotting process like? The world is so intricate, there are so many characters and events and moving parts and sinister plots to keep track of, and I'm amazed how you carry them all though with such detailed care. Oslov is like a spiderweb in all senses of the word, and I'm entirely entangled in the best way as a reader. I'm curious, how much planning goes into all these stories, because everything is so wonderfully connected at any distance.
Also, you mentioned in an earlier Tumblr post the Oslov language and an old grammar for it. I love constructed languages, and also construct them for writing, so I'd be sooooo interested in seeing and hearing what the languages in the saga are like (from inspiration to grammar to vocabulary to development to everything). I understand it is rooted mainly in Germanic (and maybe some Slavic languages) and emerged as a mixture/creole or something similar? If you're interested in sharing some of it, I'd love to learn :)
Thank you for this amazing saga! I'm so excited (and terrified) for what's to come in Oslov Unraveled.
Thank you so much for reading!! And that’s so cool that you create languages too. I wrote my “Oslov grammar” back when I was in college, so it isn’t one of those impressive constructed languages that follow real linguistic principles, but I did apply what I learned from studying German, French, and Latin. The whole thing is handwritten—but readable, I think—so I’ll do a separate post soon with some photos. I wonder if I could scan it, lol.
My writing process is chaotic. I would love to have a “bible” for the whole series, but I haven’t had time to do more than make a few outlines. Luckily I can usually remember which stories/chapters I need to review to prep for new chapters, but continuity errors do slip through. (The color of Besha’s scarf is one I just noticed!) I have one ring binder that contains all my Oslov materials, from the grammar and maps I created decades ago to the more recent time lines and story outlines. I do all the outlining in longhand and don’t write in Scrivener or anything nice like that, just Word.
So I rely on my memory of the overall story and character arcs. It’s far from flawless, but because the story was mostly in my head for so long—barely anything was written down until about 2017—I have a lot of practice in remembering. The story has gotten a LOT longer and more complicated since I started writing it. But it still doesn’t feel like work at all, more like daydreaming, which is what it’s always been. And I love that! If I ever published it, I would get more systematic, but I hope it would still be an escape and not work for me.
Anyway, thank you so much for giving me an excuse to geek out about this! 😊
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taigaihardluckart · 11 months
Hi! My name is Taigai Hardluck also known as 'the creator' in my universe. I'm going to post here some #pictures and I plan to do #comics too. I've got Instagram and Wattpad both named the same as this account. Please note that I do these #stories and #art mostly for my own entertainment. I am a supporter as long as your actions don't affect others and I am probably the most understanding and odd person you can find. I don't care about my pronounce exapt calling me it. Please don't. I like #drawing, #writing and creating. And that should be enough about me. Now. What you can find here: swearing, #lgbt+, #fandoms, bad grammar, furies...yes, #angst, blood and injuries, adulty stuff, #fluff, bit of smud....maybe, but I will be giving off warnings ALWAYS AND MULTIPLE TIMES. My main/biggest story: @ww or another wrong world. I will appreciate any comments tho please keep them respectful. I do not wish to harm anyone, but I will also take no shit. I will be grateful for criticism, but only if you have the right to it. There will be things like adhd or ptsd as I try to include them once in a while to keep my art realistic so if you find mistakes on that matter please notify me. I will be glad to fix them. Lastly I ask for anyone mentioning or sharing my art to ask me first. Please understand I really dunno what am I doing I just come here to empty my brain and I share it to see if anyone likes it.
I'm moving from Instagram to here because (not that I seek attention that badly, but-) I feel like nobody sees my art and to be a little selfish. I posted my exact 248th post meaning I posted a lot of pictures because at least half of it are. And my most liked post has like 6 likes. I'm sorry but just see for yourself that I may have the right to feel underrated. So the first picture will be my most recent one and then I'll continue from my oldest that go to like- 2017. Just so you can see in comparison. I transferred here because I seek the thing people who draw have with their fans. Idk why but I just badly seek someone liking what I do. Anyway- Thanks for understanding! And have fun pups👋
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rachel-blue · 2 years
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What a year of returning back to where we needed to be. It’s been a year full of reconnecting with family and friends and music (including the very aptly timed Army of Freshmen show a few weeks after our return to the west coast). A year full of yarn and books read in the hammock and sunshine and NO ICE STORMS. I made it back to the river with my mom (and briefly questioned why I’m working a desk job still, but then remembered I have a mortgage to pay), and also added a few new states to my list (WY, MT, and VT, as well as transits through ID and NH) and a new country (Germany!). Looking forward to getting back on track next year and shifting focus to home renovations, weekend trips out-of-state, and a nice not-so-lil’ raise on my paycheck!
2022 Highlights:
Home Owners. It’s many years after I thought this milestone would come about, but I’m so glad that purchasing a house brought us back to Vegas. (Though, let’s be real, I would’ve clawed my way out of Texas regardless of whether we were buying or not). It’s definitely a starter home and has some work to be put into, but it’s ours and I’m excited to see where we take those renovations this year.
Mary Jones Soda. I could care less to consume anything cannabis-based, but I sure do love seeing my photos on bottles! Jones hit me up for their inaugural run of Mary Jones Soda to use not one, but THREE of my photos (including one of my favorite Route 66 stops - Twin Arrows)! We were able to track down all three early on in the CA release schedule, and they’ve now joined my other Jones bottles on display in the house.
Yellowstone. The national park, not the show. After a year with my current company, I had the opportunity to hop on a trip from San Francisco out to Yellowstone (with a very, uh, exciting stopover in Salt Lake City). Bison and geysers and fresh air aplenty. West Yellowstone is quite the tourist town, but the national park is a special spot and I’d love to experience the Upper Loop the next time I make it up that way.
Remember, remember. A lot of our energy, finances, and mental focus was dedicated to our wedding this November, and what a day it was. I’m so glad we stuck with doing exactly what we wanted with this day, from the venue choices, to the band, to our photographers. I actually found myself wishing we had a few more hours to go when our reception was wrapping up. Highly recommend planning your wedding for you and not for anyone else.
Okay, tschüss! We decided to spend our honeymoon exploring the German Christmas Markets, rather than escape to some tropical destination on the beach. It was a week full of glühwein, brats, Christmas pyramids, cobblestone streets, and also some very somber historical visits. We brought home a couple Herrnhut stars to light our windows during the holiday season and a renewed appreciation for mulled alcohol.
Books read this year: 134
‘22 playlist (in no particular order): Andy Grammar - “Joy” Army of Freshmen - “Condition Christine” End Transmission - “Talking in Circles” Frank Turner - “Haven’t Been Doing So Well” Pitbull & Zac Brown Band - “Can’t Stop Us Now” Elvis Presley - “Viva Las Vegas” Amigo The Devil - “I Hope Your Husband Dies” Streetlight Cadence - “Rooftops” (Midnight Version) Wham! - “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” Goldfinger - “99 Red Balloons” Wolves of Glendale - “Olivia”
[2021. 2020. 2019. 2018. 2017. 2016. 2015. 2014. 2013. 2012. 2011. 2010.]
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anonblogsfeels · 2 years
Let’s recap where we left off---but before we do that, a disclaimer if u will. I have regressed a lot in terms of spelling, grammar, English. I text and type like a middle schooler now. I use cuz and u and y a lot. Don’t ask me why. Probably because I am lazier now as well and I don’t care anymore either. Also use a lot of text abbreviations and will be using millennial hashtags often to display my feelings and emotions. I don’t know why I was so proper with grammar and spelling before in my last posts, but if this is supposed to be a personal diary, then I shouldn’t really care how well written my posts are LOL. Also probably a lot of run on sentences and fragments. I was never really good with that. Now, let’s recap all the years that I have been gone (well from what I remember) I do have better things I should be doing right now, but this is a good distraction :) 
-Whirlwind friendship with this girl but I think she was like lowkey highkey in love with me? Cuz she was weirdly obsessed and possessive with me. I didn’t hang out with anyone but her and we did things she wanted to all the time. The friendship ended because I wouldn’t cancel my interview for a research position to go hang out with her for her birthday #ded well that was a major plot line, but tbh after that the relationship went downhill. I remember trying to beg her for her friendship back with Taco Bell and music outside her door??? The fuq. Anyways I think the friendship really ended on my side when she graduated and I went to her graduation and she didn’t respond to my texts or phone calls until like 10PM! I was hurt because I took time out of my day to celebrate her and she wouldn’t even give me the time of day until it was convenient for her! I understand she was with her family, but a quick text isn’t hard! Then the next day I came by to drop off her graduation gift (in hindsight, it was a  pretty gay gift...it was a photo album with pictures of us and memories LOL), such a weird friendship. And she never talked to me again after that. But I did reach out like a year later because her hometown was flooded due to natural disasters and tried to reconcile, but she wasn’t very receptive. Recently (maybe this year?) she sent me a snapchat but quickly undid it. So I never know what she sent. I hope she's doing well and has accomplished everything she's wanted and more. She was still a big part of my life even if it was for a short while and I learned a lot about what a good friend should be. Even if the friendship didn’t end on good terms. 
-Did not take my MCAT. Did not get into pre college med school program. Deferred a year. Big deal for me. I always did things on time and according to “schedule”. But 2016 was a tough year. I cried a lot. I was afraid of being a failure. I was afraid my parents wouldn’t understand, but they did. I love my mommy. Got a C in AP. 
-Had like TWO massive cold sores on my upper lip. IT WAS AWFUL. I had never and still have never had such a severe case of HSV. I was really stressed and going through it so thats probably why. But my lips were juicy tho.
-From the looks of it, my faith was still pretty strong in 2016, but boy was that going to change. Junior year was so tough. Personally, mentally, physically, career wise, class wise. The whole shebang. 
-Got a ring and a lot of my friends showed up (now there's like maybe 1 of them that I still talk to sadly)
-Got accepted into a research program! It only lasted a semester cuz the overseeing professor moved T_T
-Got really into calligraphy and lettering, definitely hyper fixated on it and stayed up till like 6am practicing (also think I may have adhd who knows but see 2022)
-Senior year whoop whoop. President amazing for me but the worst experience of my life. And another officer position. Loved this year a lot. Met really amazing people in my research program. Went to one of their weddings. invited to another but in a different city, so did not go. They were really amazing. I wish I kept in touch with them, but I was really emo after I graduated so they are no longer in my life :( I wish them well and maybe one day we can reconnect again.
-Hung out with so many people! Felt so loved and like I BELONGED! I didn’t realize how little I hung out with other people after ending that weird friendship the year before. My friendships really blossomed and was great this year, but of course it didn’t last long because of my never ending habit of self sabotaging :) 
-Smoked a bong for the first time and Gorl. Literally thought I was going to have to go to the ER and they would call my parents. Thank God that subsided after my friend started getting loopy too. But what really iced this cake was when my friend KICKED us out because he couldn’t have us over anymore. I guess I don’t call him my friend after that (but we still kept in contact and I went to his ring ceremony...weird. But now I don’t talk to him either lol. I hope he is a doctor now). Like wtf?? you’re gonna invite us to smoke and then KICK us out?? I wish my confrontational skills were as good as they are now because I would love to have talked to him and communicated this with him and mediated this once we were sober because that is not a cool thing to do to people who are under the influence and vulnerable. 
-Holy shit. Who knew being in charge of large organization would be so fucking hard?? and stressful??? I hated my board. They were all white. No offense, but all offense. I could not relate to them no matter how hard I tried and no matter how hard I restricted my personality to line with theirs. They were mean. and bullies. and clique-y. And I had to deal with that alone (but I had amazing people who I could rant to and helped me) but damn I CRIED A LOT because of this. I felt like the worst president ever because everyone was so miserable, including myself. I know I tried my damned hardest though, but I am still disappointed in myself. Working with so many people who have different personalities and preferences, wants, desires, attitudes, is TUFF. 
-Loved my other org tho. I could relate to them so much more! They were all minorities like me, so I didn’t feel like I had to restrict myself and my personality. I wish I took a larger role like VP, but I passed it up because of the other org. Big mistake looking back. This org should’ve been my priority. 
-Save the family drama for ya mama. My dad basically cheated on my mom lol. And brawling with my sister. While I’m 3 hours away. And my bother keeping quiet in his room. I hate how my family will never take accountability for their wrongdoings and will always brush every damn thing under the rug to save face. “oh he has done so much for you, so much for your family” stfu with that bullshit. Just because you do good things, does not mean you are a good person. Does not negate other things you do. And it sure damn well does not excuse your behavior. Awful and I had to bullshit for my graduation and play good daughter while he faked apologized. This will never be forgotten. Or even forgiven. But I should forgive right? Idk.
-Also did not take my MCAT again. Blamed it on my hectic schedule (17 hours, 2 officer positions, and family conflicts), so I would say those are pretty good excuses tbh). I dropped a class because I was lazy and did not do the work and did not want to get a bad grade in my last year. 
-Really lost my faith this year...and still trying to regain it to this day. Although it has improved (See 2022). I stopped going to church this year. Didn’t even try to go one last time before I left town. I regret that. It was a beautiful church with beautiful music. 
-AND HOW COULD I FORGET??? I WENT TO EUROPE!!!! I was able to fund it through scholarships and my aunt thank her and god bless her she gave me my graduation gift in advance <3 It was the most awesome experience. I went with a close friend (still friends to this day how shocking!) and with a group that I got really close to...again I self sabotaged these relationships and do not talk to them anymore and that is something I deeply regret. I hope to reach out one day, but if I am being honest, it won’t be anytime soon. I feel like I have to accomplish something first, have something to show for- before I can dig myself out of the hole I dug myself in.
-Seguing into that... I ghosted one of my good friends. She tried to each out to me over and over again for years. Every time she sent me a message, my heart would drop, but I never did anything. But stopped in 2020. This is one of the biggest regrets and mistakes I have ever made. And I still don’t have the courage to contact her. I really hate myself sometimes. God has really put beautiful and kind hearted souls in my life and I just ruined those relationships. I will contact her one day. I will apologize for my behavior and hope one day she can forgive me. But until then, I hope she’s doing well (I still follow her on instagram and she's in a professional school program and I am so proud of her!). She really cared for me so much to continue to contact me after so many years. I am a piece of shit. 
-Speaking of ghosting...I ghosted so many people after I graduated. Just stopped texting them back. Stopped responding. Some (one) were deserved. And most (all) were not deserved. Honestly, they don’t deserve a shitty person like my in their life anyways...so good riddance I guess...but I let a lot of good people go....and I will always have to live with that guilt and shame. I hope one day, I can reach out, but if I am being honest..I don’t know when I will be able to. Maybe when I am successful, but it sounds like another excuse to me...  
-I was really depressed....its not an excuse for my behavior. My family life was shit. I had just lost my independence and moved back home. I did not take my MCAT or applied to medical school so I had to take a gap year. I did not have a job. AND my parents were charging me rent! LIKE WTF. My life felt like the crapper and I just completely shut down and withdrew and isolated myself (a common theme in my life that I am trying to actively do better). Im sure this is a trauma response tbh. 
-Things started to do better by maybe July? I did text my friend. But she was on a trip and her phone did not work. So I stopped trying and missed her graduation (I’m shit I know.). But I started a new job. Two actually. 
-Then...I met someone. A perfectly silly innocent friendship at first. and it evolved into something much more significant. but not until late 2019-2020 so I am getting ahead of myself.
-Met some awesome superiors that I worked with and really loved. 
-Took physics in the fall 
-Honestly first half of the year wasn’t really that significant, I worked a lot and met great superiors 
-Became obsessed (hyper-fixated) with little things like BSB (omg I saw them in 2022!!!!!) NSYNC, Britney Spears (amazing news in 2022 btw). 
-Maybe biggest thing is the coworker I met, we became closer this year. Hung out “officially” in April and she said I guess you're my real friend now. silly girl. She pregamed in a parking lot. That was a first for me. But it was a really fun night!! 
-won my first mahjong game. girl was shook. she taught me. it also fell everywhere when we tried to play at where I worked. was very embarrassing. 
-Did not take my mcat AGAIN. (Another reoccurring theme). So another gap year it is. My motivation is really starting to dip here but tbh I think it started junior year. Feeling burnt out, loss of motivation and drive. and extreme laziness. or was it adhd???? tried to study for mcat. was not consistent. did not take.
-Started talking to coworker A LOT. like this girl wouldn't leave me alone she just wanted to hang out and bother me all the time and I guess I was flattered, but in hindsight she was also probably in love with me ;p she said it was because she wanted a new friend but im like sureeeee. what's with me and my girl friends being in love with me?? like chill (totally joking but not really cuz 3 people so far, but only 1 confirmation HAHA)
-My grandma stole a kitten from a homeless cat
-coworker and I literally talked all the day every day basically in august. when she started her masters. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know why I was so interested in talking with her. but I was gonna and soon. 
-girl kept inviting me to do things with her and her friends. Honestly it was really fun! her friends are crackheads LOL. Tbh I wish I made a bigger effort in becoming friends with them too, but I was only there bc of girl. we went out of town for her friends birthday to drink and we bonded a lot because I made her take a lot of Henry shots and then we both got really drunk and wanted to run. her friends had to take care of us and we both threw up simultaneously when we got back to air bnb <3 how cute. then I fell asleep on the toilet because I couldn't take off my contacts (I had hoe ass nails on) and I blacked out until like 6am. funny times. 
-girl and I hung out a lot. We went back to college for football game with my sister and her friends. we held hands when we were drunk. she tried to cuddle me but it was accidentally my sister LOL. She was like “well that makes sense”. we bonded a lot. she was literally obsessed with my “small” hands. (should've been a tall tale sign tbh)
-we smoked together for the first time. it was really fun experience too. I scared her and almost peed myself. 
-she introduced me to my FIRST MUSICAL!!! We saw Dear Evan Hansen. It was awesome and definitely a core memory. I accidentally brought my fanny pack and she had to run to put it back in my car (great stamina btw she was a former runner okkkkkk). Also spoiler alert- she said this is when she realized she had a crush on me bc she had been denying it. I still didn’t know the feelings I felt for her was romantic yet. 
-ROADTRIPPED WITH MY SISTER! Great bonding experience but we did argue A LOT LOL. we drove for 17 hours STRAIGHT. I did not want to stop because I was impatient. stupid me. I hallucinated during a rainstorm at 3AM LOL. very dangerous. Would not recommend. Would also not do this without a bedtime break if I did it again. Got a beautiful 14k bracelet from a thrift store that I still wear today :) This was such a fun experience and I would like to do it again. and I can't believe I haven't! 
-went out of town to visit family for the holidays! got stuck in 3 hour traffic bc of snow storm trying to go ski. Rewatched all of sailor moon episodes and definitely hyper-fixated on this. then we went to another state and it was fun!!! but stayed in the most ratchet hotel. but it was nice overall and very good memories.
-girl texted me a lot, wanted me to go out with her after Christmas w/ her friends, but I was still out of town. she said I had normal hands as Christmas gift and gave me a fan T_T I still have it and use it to this day. (I like to bring fans to the club and bars cuz its hot and im smart)
-girls birthday was fun! we ate with her friends and went karaoke. She was definitely super flirty HAHA
-visited my college friend for her bday (love her and Im so glad I was able to keep and maintain a friendship with her). she's the best. 
-We saw Craig Robinson (we both agree this was our first date even though we never said it to each other at this time). it was awesome! I tried to be cute and we ate sushi and she bought our meal (im getting emotional u will know why in 2022). then we went karaoke-ing because she didn’t want it to be over 
-we got crossfaded basically on this one eventful day. we kissed for the first time. my first kiss. WAS WITH A GIRL?????? Crazy I know. If you had told me that in 2016 I would have laughed. I LIKE GIRLS??? That had never crossed my mind. until her. I like her. just her. but I never had an internal sexual crisis. I didn’t hate myself for liking her, although I was still scared and concerned with what it meant for our future, family, friends, etc. it was really interesting that everything I thought I knew or wanted..was thrown out the window because of her. life crazy.
-from then on girl and I basically were dating but not really since we didn't define it yet but we still say that day was our anniversary :) we didn’t dtr until like may when she decided she wanted to continue pursuing whatever this was with me, but the sad thing was....we both agreed it would be temporary since we were at a standstill in our life--career wise. and that we both had no intention of coming out or seeing this long term. I was willing, however, to come out for her. but she was not. this would lead to our demise. see 2022. red flags early on tbh. we broke up in the summer LOL. but due to comp het. and she struggled a lot with her feelings. she never felt so strongly for someone but was so scared with how it would affect her relationship with her family. they are very catholic. but we got back together lol. but it will always be a point of conflict that never gets resolved.
-also did not take my mcat again T_T I blamed covid. but tbh I know it was because I fell in love for the first time and could not focus on anything else. my mom was right... isn’t it funny how moms are always right? she told me to not fall in love until my studies were over because it would distract me and I scoffed but now I agreed she was right all along LOL. I mean I guess she knew from experience because her falling in love caused her to drop out of HS LOL.
-BRO COVID 2020 HAPPENED WTF LIFE WAS CRAZY. It was simultaneously AWESOME AND AWFUL. For the lives that were taken. but also oddly..the tranquility of it. no signs of life anywhere. it was peaceful. but also morbid because so many people were dying, hospitals were overfilled, health care workers were overworked. bodies everywhere and no where at the same time. crazy to think about. holy crap it was like and STILL is like a fever dream.
-I basically hung out with girl like every day since her mom worked. I had excuses to leave and hung out with her for hours EVERY DAY. we became inseparable. it was like we both retired and just lived a very tranquil and retired life. it was beautiful. It was peaceful. it was home. I miss it so much. but it was a really impactful significant time for us. we went to amusement parks, coordinated halloween outfits, tried lots of new foods, shows, and really got to know each other deeply. it was something I have never known, but am so thankful that I had got to experience something so beautiful with her. 
-the year came and went. girl and I were deeply in love. in June, she said she thought she loved me but we didnt really exchange I love you’s until I said it in august. 6 months after dating. it was truly blissful. I had never loved someone like I loved her in all my years. makes me question all the little crushes I've had before. I dont think I actually liked someone until she came along. I never actively tried to pursue or liked anyone more than idealizing them in my head. 
-we had our first trip together in another city. it was really nice. but my cold sore ruined it lol. but other than that it was sweet and memorable. we cooked and watched movies and I really loved sleeping next to her.
-for some, 2020 was the worst year imaginable. for me, it was one of the best because I fell in love. I thank God that I did not experience any losses due to COVID, but a lot of people and their families weren't as lucky, and I am aware of that privilege. So many people lost family members and loved ones due to the disease. we didn’t do enough to prevent the spread until it was too late. it was unprecedented times. nothing we had prepared could’ve prepared us for what happened this year. very conflicting emotions for me. I feel guilty that I see this time so fondly, while others see it as the worst and heart wrenching times. 
-I started work again I think in like march or April
-girl quit because she was going to graduate from her school program soon and do an externship 
-RESCUED A DOG!!!! turns out he's batshit psycho crazy bitch with no bite inhibition but I love him to pieces. everyone in my family are now blood bonded in a different sense and my dad is none the wiser 
-we traveled out of the city for our first big trip together. I love how detailed and a planner she is because I am not one of those. we need one of those in our lives. it was awesome and amazing. but we did argue. I was on my period. my emotions were bad. I really needed to learn how to regulate my emotions and I did not know how to, so I lashed out a lot. this had a role in our demise.  but the trip was one of my first with someone else and it was so memorable and amazing and I wish I could relive it. 
-we cried a lot before she left for her externship because we didn’t know if it was permanent and the end of our relationship. I visited her a couple times and it was really nice, like a mini vacation. however we were basically inseparable for 1-1.5 years so it was really difficult to adjust to. her friends did not know she was in a relationship so she would always choose them first. (from my pov). I felt like she would only talk to me if it was convenient for her. we broke up again in towards the end of the summer. 2nd time. because she prioritized her friend, when it was my birthday. I wanted to spend time with her but she wanted to go to see a concert. I was very hurt. she said we could hang out the day after the concert, but she failed to see why I was so hurt. 
-she graduated. we reconciled (we broke up but like not really tbh). we got back together in august. and had a really awful awful argument. again with me feeling undervalued and not prioritized. we made up and reconciled...but the things I said really stayed with her and I don’t think we truly recovered from this argument. 
-didnt take my mcat again......how many years now? I was having an internal crisis. is this what I want to do? am I cut out for it? am I smart enough for it?
-met up with college friends and talked about this. drove home at 2am. it was great to see them. 
-tried jollibee for the first time this shit amazing and this sushi place fancy WAS SO GOOD. we went to this life changing concert that was like a party/rave for 2 hours. people are sleeping on this artist and I did too for a long time. never again. I am a bonefide fan.
-GUESS WHAT I FINALLY TOOK MY MCAT. but voided because I didnt finish a section and a half. BUT I FUCKING DID IT. AFTER 6 YEARS. I DID IT. will have to retake and have to start restudying so......yea
-worse year of my life so far
-went to Vegas. saw a residency. best ever. went to Disney this year as well. fucking amazing. how did I travel so much for being a broke whore? lots of credit card debt. holy shit. so much debt. basically like a student loan. yikes. working on bringing that down......but I am a shopping addict 
-girl and I broke up. right before my test. its been shitty. 4 months have gone by. I am still trying to heal. we did not decide to do no contact, she says she's no longer in love with me, attracted to me, or see a future with me- but I call cap. if im being delusional then let me be delusional. thats what tik tok says. I respect her space and her decision though. im delusional on my own. we broke up 2.5 years into relationship. I was and still am devastated. I feel like she moved on so quickly and became ok so quickly. it made me question her love for me and the significance of our relationship. I was her first long term relationship, shouldn't she mourn more than she has? but I dont know what's going on her her head, maybe she's suffering just as much as I am. but she doesn’t show it. I wish she did so I knew we were hurting the same. so I knew we were real. but now that I am healed a lot... I know she loved me. deeply too. and im sad things did not work out the way I intended it, but it was a self fulfilling prophecy waiting to happen. you dont start a relationship with the mindset that it is temporary. it’ll just fuck you up. she grew detached and I clung on harder. I was really angry and bitter for a long time. but now I understand why this was needed. without this breakup, I wouldn't have learned I had anxious attachment style. I am learning a lot about myself. my role in the breakup. how I could do things differently. my faith grew a lot. I leaned on God a lot. and it’s sad to say that I only leaned on him when I needed it the most. but im trying to continually work on my journey with my faith. I dont think I identify with the catholic church and teachings anymore. I dont go to church. I just pray. and thank god for the blessings and the non blessings that are probably blessings in disguised. this break up was needed. I know that now. I just wish she was still in my life like she was.... I still struggle with it every day. someone who was so intertwined with my life...is a stranger now....im trying really hard to adjust to this new reality and accept it. overall I am ok. I am doing better. im proud of myself and how much growth and work I have been doing, but I still have a lot more to do. I have to work on my laziness, my drive, motivation, and how I respond to things when im heated. I’d say my relationship with God now has been the best its been in a long time...and that makes me really happy. I have been wanting to improve my relationship with him for a long time. The one thing I have realized is God is hope. im sure I've realized this before, but tbh I lost hope for a long time. the world is getting worse. my life was shit. but even when its happy or sad, that hope is what keeps us moving on and wanting to do better for ourselves. idk if this even makes sense. im just rambling because I have to walk my dog but want to finish this first. 
-I love my mommy. my sister. my brother. my friends. the girl. I want to try harder for them. for myself. because I know I am meant to do great things
-I retake my test next year. I get a 517+ on my mcat. I volunteer. I get amazing LOR. I apply to medical school EARLY. I get lots of interview invites. and I matriculate in medical school in 2024. these are my goals. I will succeed. I am trying to put myself in a better mindset, stop being negative, and open myself up to the limitless possibilities of what can happen. 
“I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me”
Honestly, I thought this was stupid, but now I actually believe in it. Your mindset can really change so much of how you feel and what can happen. And with God on my side, I really do feel so optimistic and happy about my life and my future. 
Thank you God. 
-oh I also read more and do yoga, this shit helps a lot
-also im addicted to shopping and Tik Tok -- have to work on this 
-also my style has improved so much. obsessed with designer vintage bags atm. discovered Aritzia and went buck fucking wild. 
-and I love my body and I love myself and I have never been more confident in who I am as a person. life is good even though im struggling a lot sometimes mentally because breakup and also dealing with self motivation/depression. 
-Also I reconnected with my friend after ghosting her for a year. I love her. she forgave me and its like no time has passed. I am so thankful for the people god has put in my life. I just need to be more mindful and try harder to maintain these relationships. I told her I was happy and you know what....overall... I think I am. just like girl is when she said she's happy. trying to take things as face value tbh. but I like to be delusional sometimes 
-I hope that girl and I can learn to be friends ago. she's too important to me not to be in my life. and she agrees as well. so I guess we will see where this goes. and I hope we both continue to put effort into maintaining a friendship...
-Also side note, I have been working n this post for like the 2 hours. I wish I was this invested in my studies LOL. My spelling and grammar got progressively worse. And now that im done, it sounds more like a love diary. but she was a big part of my life for a long time, so its understandable.
Till next time. hope I dont cringe when I read this over cuz I definitely cringed when I read my past posts. probably will. its inevitable haha 
0 notes
mean-yoongii-blog · 7 years
give vjinseok more love
((((me talking about how underappreciated these three are at 4am, where grammar doesnt exist and spelling is dumb. this is entirely my opinion but im pretty sure almost everyone can agree)))) being an army is hard. like, it's really fucking hard. you get to wake up in the morning and cry over seven men who still get hyped over receiving pokemon stuffies as prizes. that life is hard and it's probably where the rock bottom is, but whatever. being an army is harder when there's inequality going on around the group, screentime wise, line distribution wise, etc. this issue existed since 21 b.c.e and im here to finally speak my fucking mind for it. so bts has seven members, right? jungkook, jimin, jhope, suga, jin, tae, and namjoon. anyway, we all know that jikook are the main and lead vocalists of the group so it's very predictable that they get a lot of attention considering it's unavoidable to give them screentime since, you know, they're technically 50% of whatever the hell we're on about, whether it's about a song's line distribution or an mv's screentime. now, obviously there are the three rappers who dominate everything, be it an mv or whatnot. i mean, jesus, joonie walks in with this hard presence and he's literally gonna start owning the video. thats it. so we get that jikook is well known and very appreciated, right? suga and joon are also automatically given attention becsuse these two are powerful when it comes to rap. now, let's just focus on hoseok, tae and jin. let's start with our angel hobi. now, hope is definitely not underrated. we all know that his stage presence is very powerful. he's never not involved. however, the reason why i didn't group him with his fellow rappers is because, let's be real, jhope is not a rapper. he is not a rapper. he is a person who raps. according to jackson wang—tnx jackson tnx got7 woohoo—there's a complete difference between these two and i think u got it already. jhope is not underappreciated, his skills are. first of all, he came into the idol world with dancing the only skill in hand. we all know that he's never an amateur. he's always been a pro at dancing however when you're in a group u cant just fucking dance. you need to use your lips too and hope here has no experience on that. if bighit made him debut as a part of the vocal line, it could've been better as we all know that hobi has always dreamt of becoming a singer even as a child and his high note on the thot ver of n.o is enough to say that he may not be as good as jungkook but he's gr8 at it too. howeverrrrrrr he's not put as a vocalist. he's placed in the fucking rap line. no, im not saying he's bad as a rapper because he's not (ehem outro wings ehem). but if u place yourself in his shoes back when he became a trainee for most likely dancing and rapping, thats hard shit. hobi has no experience in rapping. but guess what? he fucking killed it. he slays every rap he gets. he spits fire in every cypher there is and yall telling me that he's not good? hell no go home in conclusion, for the fuckers who keep disregarding jung hoseok's abilities, back up because golden hyung can sing, dance and rap and i s2g if you still sleep on him ill choke u next is v. kim taehyung kim **that introduction still kills me every time** now before anything else, tae is not underrated. he's very popular actually. he's popular to armys and to his fellow idols as well. i assume this is because he has gr8 looks and he's very friendly and what a precious child amirite so why did i group him here? becAUSE BIGHIT THATS WHY. now, bighit is not a bad company. in fact it's a great company, really considerate to their boys all. i mean the most we can say is that at least it's not sm bc you feel me? ye anyway, the funny thing is everyone thinks that v is in an ok position because he's pretty and everyone loves him. YES tae is beautiful and YES hes lovable but we need to realize that to be recognized for your looks is ridiculous when they do it while ignoring your talent. taehyung is well known already but people also need to know his skill too. this is almost the same as hobi's story. let's get back to the trainee days in which taehyung literally came from a middle class fam and signed up for bighit without having a clue on what he could do. remember that he was inexperienced when it came to dancing, singing, and obviously rapping (but let's let him live for a little). his pretty face has always been pretty, but u cant debut without offering anything else can you? however, as inexperienced as he was, taehyung has talent. he had potential that is now proven talent. so what i dont really understand is why they didnt give this child the position to be a lead vocalist or even a main vocalist, much more fair distributed lines. the old eras—the hardcore gang bad boy wannabes concept—actually stars v a lot—ehem war of hormone, spine breaker, boy in luv, danger ehem—because they used his hard and deep ass voice. but ever since run era came, bc i believe thats where bts dropped the hard look, he barely got lines. i understand that his voice is different compared to others as the other four vocalists—including jh now bc he finally debuted as a vocal—are tenor whereas v has baritone however they can actually use his deep ass voice in great use. like in let me know—tnx min yoongi for this amazing song—, hold me tight, spring day, house of cards, love is not over and more of their ballads, it's shown how talented kim taehyung is because of his capability. not to mention, stigma proved that his voice can reach great ranges too and that goddamn falsetto stjll gets me everytime i havent even started on how sharp his moves are but i think everyone has gotten over that little issue that he should be a part of the dance line so in conclusion, taehyung is a precious beagle who's very talented and amazing that needs to be more appreciated for what he can do rather than just for his face bc nO lastly, sockjin hahahaha now when i became an army he caught my eye a lot bc of fire and he has an astonishing face. jin is a very beautiful person and just like tae, he's almost friends with everyone however, if someone is underrated, jin is your guy. now lets give this guy some slacks because he came into this world without knowing what he can do, just like v. he came without having no experience in dancing nor singing. he has passion for acting apparently but we'll get to that l8r. anyway what he could only offer is how beautiful he looks. now, first of all. let's all be honest that jin is not the best singer in the group. however he's not bad either. in fact, when i watched their mr removed, he's more stable than jimin and v and to sing with that much stability is impressive enough. i assume that jin doesnt hold on to talent but his potential is so great it's so large and it can actually drive him further. jin is always appreciated for how strong he is as a visual but never for how stable and smooth his voice is and that is absolutely rubbish. remember that he's a person who entered this world without any experience and yet here he is, breaking records on billboards and shit, and you're still sleeping on him? the thing is, bts is popular enough but jin isnt, bts is known but jin isnt and as someone who stans every member, this hurts. bts isnt just rm or jungkook. i have nothing against those two, but i present u kim seokjin here. he's full of potential. he can shine so bright if only there's an actual opportunity waiting for him. the reason why he isnt appreciated is because the company doesnt really give him much chance to show what he can do. yes admittedly he's not the best singer there is but how can someone improve when they dont give him the opportunity to improve? i dont need to give an example on w/c song has barely jin because lbr almost every song has barely jin. in addition, jin is a visual and yet his screentime is so little. i know that i shouldnt give a shit on the visual thing but if this guy isnt recognized for his position in singing, why wont u recognize him as a visual either? i understand that there are a lot of mvs that actually show him a lot—bst, boy in luv, spring day—but do u think this is enough? do u think that this is fair to him? jin is a 25 year old man. he's not naive. although he laughs it off whenever he's being ridiculed, I'm sure that he somewhat feels sad sometimes because of this. understand that this man is not just here for entertainment. understand that we cant only appreciate him for his jokes and awkwardness, that he's not just here to make us happy through the stunts they pull to give comedy. understand that he's not just the mom of this group. understand that he's probably gone through so much training to improve himself and yet get so little in return. understand that there's more to kim seokjin than what meets the eye. jin is not bias nor my bias wrecker but i have this special affection for him that makes me want to protect him at all cost. for the last part, the acting thing. now, im very happy for v for debuting as an actor because he slayed being hansung in hwarang. i will never say that he doesnt deserve that because he does. hes amazing at acting and i hope he get more solo projects since the drama. meanwhile, i look forward to jin having his own drama. i dont think it's necessary for him to have one now but hopefully it happens soon. jin has great potential in acting and considering this is his former dream, im sure that theres still passion for it somehow. in conclusion there is more to jin that we haven't seen because of the lack of opportunity given to him and he deserves so much more recognition to whar he gets now. this doesnt mean that im bias to anyone, okay? i adore each seven members equally. i dont want to raise v and bring down jungkook or raise jin and bring down jimin. no. whatever jikook gets at this moment, they deserve every bit of it. all i want is for them to get equal love. ////end
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honniedonnie · 2 years
Did you know Fennec foxed mate for life? Tighnari x GN!Reader ANGST
TW/CW: Major character death, (the reader is already dead) grief, depression, faking a happy personality, hurt/no comfort, mention of intense pain, you are cremated (out of spite, rant at the end)
Pronouns: They/Them
Notes: 1(one) mention of Y/N, the rest are pronouns or pet names. (i.e. darling, my love, etc.) You and Tighnari were married. I Wrote a mini rant at the end that was supposed to be included at the beginning, but it got longer that what I thought. (that’s what she said lol)
Word Count: 675 words
EDIT: whoops, there's a part 2 (two) also part 3 (three)
This is going to be my first time writing fanfiction since 2017 (I was 14 years old…) The only reason I’m writing is because I’ve got MAJOR brainrot over this Prompt 
By the way if there are any grammar issues please tell me. I will fix them because I apparently have anxiety over making a grammar mistake(s). (I learn something new about myself)
“Fennec foxes are monogamous and mate for life” (source - Fennec Fox | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants)
‘It was supposed to be a simple walk, it was supposed to be a simple walk, it was supposed to be a simple walk’ Tighnari’s mind repeated the same sentence over and over again along with the image of his lover's dead body. Tighnari looked over your urn, twisting the gold ring on his left hand. You were only cremated after a couple days of discovering your body, your cause of death was clear; you decided to go for a walk into Avidya Forest, and decided to take a nap near a patch of flowers, only to never wake up. A withering zone appeared when you were sleeping. You died peacefully, at least that is what the coroner told him. Nightmares plagued his sleep; him seeing you in pain, and there was nothing he could do except to watch you die. The same nightmare; over and over again. There was a period of time that he absolutely refused to sleep; replacing sleep with caffeinated teas. It got to the point where Collei and other Forest Watchers had to replace his caffeinated tea leaves with calming/sleeping tea leaves. It took some time for Tighnari to believe that you died peacefully, and even longer for him to stop blaming himself over your death. (even though there was nothing he could’ve done) 
Eventually he forced himself to be happy; to be his former self. Even though his former self died alongside you. While the Forest Watchers and Rangers were relieved to have their Chief Officer back, they still had to be careful whenever they mention you. Even if he’s 100 feet away he can still hear them talking; talking about you, how you were too young, how heartbroken the Chief Officer was (is) about your death, and evening wondering if he would move on! Once he heard, oh boy was he furious. How dare they even think about that. Move on from the LOVE OF HIS LIFE! His lover, his darling, his partner, the person whom he’d married! Him?! Find someone else? He still has his wedding ring underneath his gloves, for Archons’ sake! Poor Collei had to drag him away before something bad happened. 
Tighnari’s was never the same after you passed. Around the days before and after your and his birthdays, anniversaries (both wedding and death) he refuses to leave his home, spending days taking care of the memorial he had for you. Cleaning your urn, clearing the dust from your self-portrait he had commissioned for as a birthday gift. (Took a lot of self restraint to not cry at the portrait, but sometimes he fails) He does try and get better, but how can he when he wakes up to an empty spot on the bed. How can he when you’re not there to kiss him goodbye and tell him to have a great day, and to be safe! Oh, and also not to eat some random mushrooms… again. How can he when everything reminds him of you, how can he…
“Collei, who’s (Y/N)?” A certain floating companion asked. A golden-haired traveler pondered as well; who was this mysterious person? 
“Shh, lower your voice Paimon.” Collei looked all over as if she was looking for someone. Deemed it to be safe, Collei answered the question. 
“They’re, I mean they were Master Tighnari’s spouse, umm they’d passed away a couple of years ago. He’s still grieving, so please don’t mention them in front of him!” Collei pleaded with the traveling duo. 
“Wait…How did you know about them?” “We overheard one of the Forest Rangers mentioning them”
“I see… Though I’m a little bit offended you didn’t ask me about my spouse” A new voice speaks out. 
“Tighnari! Hehe, you were here! Wait, your spouse? Aren’t they, you know, dead?” Paimon insensitively asked. Only realizing her mistake after seeing the faces of the traveler and Collei. “Don’t you know? My kind, we only have 1 (one) mate for life”
I’m taking a wild guess that burials are the norm considering A FUNERAL PARLOR EXIST! (I know some funeral parlors offer cremation services) Also Mondstadt has a cemetery behind the cathedral. ALSO HU TAO’S VOICE LINES (2 (two) lines about coffins, and 1(one) mention of burial) (Also if Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru are inspired by asian countries, then CREMATION SHOULD BE THE PREFERED METHOD OVER A BURIAL (source- List of countries by cremation rate - Wikipedia)) You know what! NO YOU ARE FUCKING CREAMATED I AM DOING IT OUT OF SPITE!
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
A/N: Aha this is my first little-- anything and it's because I'm kind of nervous about my writing 🥸 I wanted to share some headcannons and then maybe I'll share some stories that I've written. (Like a Jed x reader leatherface 2017 I'm working on lmao. It is purely self indulgent.) This is a little dumb part au part probably true thing because I'm a whore for this man(Lester) and I wanted to share. I included some other slashers tho, so don't worry 😎👍
Meeting and getting in a relationship with the slashers in highschool/when you were younger:
Lester Sinclair:
He would have been the weird awkward kid. That's rowdy and friends with everyone, but not exactly popular.
He LOVES finding bugs and small animals that wander into the school parkinglot.
If you decide to befriend him he'll be kind of awkward and nervous at first. Most people only befriend him to talk to Bo
If you turn out to be pretty cool then he will hang out with you everyday. He doesn't have many friends to hang out with after school.
Be prepared for him to get you guys in trouble for flipping off the sports bus while they drive by since Bos in there.
Bo most definitely will tease you guys. If he doesn't know Lester's into you, he will hit on you. The moment he gets the hint that Lester's interested in you he'll back off. He isn't about to ruin his little brother's chance.
Lester might give you one of his hats if you steal them/show an interest in them. I wholeheartedly believe this man owns more hats than shirts.
He would let you help him in school if you're good at a subject he struggles in. Specifically English.
He doesn't understand grammar or punctuation, okay?
He winds up just asking you to tutor him so the two of you have more time to hang out.
10/10 would use studying as an excuse to cuddle or kiss you if the two of you are already dating
Oh, and if you show an interest in his truck but have never driven one? Well, Mr. Man here will teach ya!
"Ya wanna try and drive 'er? I's a manual, but i's easy, don' worry, darlin', I'll help ya."
Will be very happy if you do go out with him
Also will spoil you with gifts and truck rides 😏
He will make you stuff out of animal bones and pieces of wood. Even showing you how to carve stuff so can do it
If you gift him anything he will be so happy and keep it in his truck, always.
His favorite thing to do with you is probably watching the sunset with you from the back of his truck. Or just exploring the woods with you. Especially if you help him find animal bones or deer antlers!
Bo Sinclair:
You two met either through sports or a class he struggled in.
If you met in sports he probably bullied you a bit. If you took it well, he might get meaner, but only because he's interested. If you get genuinely upset-- well, he probably won't stop until you snap.
He would challenge you, CONSTANTLY
Only smirking when you claimed you knew what you were doing and told him off
If you met in class he would be asking you for help.
Tutoring soon turning into genuine hanging out
He would continue to ask for help even if he understood.
He would maybe even invite you to help work on his truck. Which is the best offer this man can give you. Since I believe he is a TruckGuyTM
Is probably more of a truck geek than Lester, especially since he wants to kind of be a mechanic
If anyone that isn't his brothers so much as looks at you or shows an interest in you. Even before you're dating, he'll make it his point to chase them off.
He would probably just assume you two were dating with how much you were hanging out.
He'd probably kiss you in his truck after a joy ride
"What was that for?" "Oh, I thought we were.. well, you seemed like you liked me."
You'd have to just giggle or kiss him again or he might actually get a bit nervous and not talk to you for a while
Vincent Sinclair:
Art class is where you guys would probably meet!
Even if you don't care for the class, he would be your reason for showing up
He would offer to help you when you struggled. Doing his best to communicate through notes
If you know sign language it would make his heart swell in his chest
You would probably have to invite him to hang out
He would be ecstatic. Making it a point to try and make the hang out fun
He would prefer it be out of public, though.
He would remember you forever, his brothers too. You're the nicest person ever
Vincent would take you to his room when he trusted you enough.
Showing you all of his paintings and drawings.
He would step out of his comfort zone by asking if he could draw you, a nervous look in his eyes
If you disagree he would understand, but if you agree? Oh, he would love that.
He would cherish the moment. Offering you the photo unless you told him to keep it. Then he would Frame it.
You would probably have to make the first mood with him. He's too insecure 😔
He would be all smiles if you asked him out. Being very affectionate toward you after, even if it was small.
He would appreciate that you didn't care if the school found out you were a thing, because you cared for each other, and that's all that matters to the both of you.
RZ Michael Myers:
If you knew this kid before he got sent to Smiths Grove, and you were actually nice to him? Watch out, because he'll remember you forever.
He would 100% ask you to go trick or treating with him!
It is his favorite holiday after all, plus one of the few times he can get out of the house!
You don't have a costume? Well, be prepared for Michael to help you make or find you a cheap(but cool) one.
Will share his candy with you as long as you share yours.
If you give him your candy corn he'll love you forever.
The moment he leaves for Smiths Grave he'll always remember you.
Making it a point to ask his mum how you are.
Making his entire year if her and your parents let you tag along to go and see the boy.
If you bring him a gift that's pocket size, it'll always be on him. No matter what. It's a reminder to him that he has a friend there for him, always.
If you still live there after he breaks out, even if you haven't visited him for a long while because it's forbidden. He will find you.
Don't worry though, he means no harm! Towards you at least.
Thomas Hewitt:
Since Thomas was probably homeschooled you would have had to met him either through Luda May, or Drayton. More than likely it was Luda.
She probably knew your mother, and they shared pies
You mother would bring you over to the Hewitt house to play with Tommy, since he didn't have many friends.
It always made Luda oh so happy to see you two getting along.
You always made ger little Tommy so happy. So you and your mother were welcome whenever.
You and Tommy wound up being friends even as you two got older.
When he would go to the store to help his mama you would make visits. Bringing them both something to eat. Often times offering the two help.
Tommy always quickly agreed to the help. Even if they weren't doing anything right then.
Even when he started working at the factory you two still saw each other constantly. Bringing him food and cute little notes for lunch.
He saved each and every one of those notes, too. Rereading them when he felt upset or alone.
When another boy around your guys age started hitting on you at the factory he'd get really upset over it.
You would have to assure him that you didn't care about them, that you only saw them as friendly/a friend. Nothing more.
If you wind up telling him you like him? Oh boy, be prepared for a huge bear hug and to be showered with nothing but love from this big brute.
Luda would 100% support you two and allow you to move in with the family <3
Charles Lee Ray:
This fool had to have been in trouble a lot in highschool. Or something.
You probably would have had to approach him first, offering your hand in friendship. Which he pretended to not accept, but slowly did.
He would be mad aggressive at first. Sarcasm being his love language. You'd just have to get used to it.
When he starts using pet names you know you're warming up to him. Especially when he does it in front of others. Whether it be to fluster or annoy you. He doesn't care.
He would invite himself over to your house.
Doesn't matter if you're studying. He needs attentionTM
If you get comfortable enough he'd lean against you and read while you read in bed. Allowing you to play with your hair, after a small protest.
He absolutely soaks up your affection. He loves it so much.
Will be jealous as hell if anyone else so much as calls you pretty.
Would accidentally say he likes you even though he claims you're not his type.
"What I can't get a boyfriend?" "No, because you're mine." "You said I wasn't your type?" "Fuck, well you are, happy?"
If you say no he will pout about it forever and never forget it </3
If you accept his half-ass offer to be your boyfriend he will be happier than a kid on Christmas. Even if he doesn't show it
"This mean I can kiss ya?" "If you want." "If I want? Ha, Doll, I've only dreamt of it since the day I saw ya."
Otis Driftwood:
Kind of unclear how your family met the Fireflies. They just sort of did, and looked out for one another in this small, lame ass town
You would go over to hang out with Otis, occasionally staying with him to watch his younger siblings when the family was off galavanting.
He enjoyed you, you two were practically inseparable. You helped him feel normal in this fucked up world. Like he was sane, and his family didn't kill people.
He would let you stay in his room. You two sharing the same bed. You wouldn't exactly cuddle, since you respected one another's space. Having your backs to one another while you slept.
It wasn't until he was around 22 when he asked you out.
You were both drunk at a bar and like Charles, he accidentally did it when another guy started hitting on you.
"Hey now mister, I'm not digging your lines, you're too cheesy," you would tell the stranger with an eye roll, but he'd persist.
"Oh c'mon doll face, gimme a chance," "hey there, dipshit, I'm the only one allowed to call them names, now get out of their business before I get up in yours." He'd tell them while pointing a knife towards the stranger.
"What, is this your boyfriend?" "Maybe I am, she'd be a lot happier with me than your good for nothin' rat-ass-" "damn right I would"
He'd feel like he was hearing stuff. Nearly sobering up as he looked towards you. The man scampering off now that Otis was distracted.
He would ask you to repeat yourself, half smiling when you did.
"Fuck, don't mess with me like that."
It'd take a lot to convince him you weren't. You've been friends since he could remember, why would you of all things like him back. Someone who comforted him. Someone who listened to his rambles and conspiracies, and even joined in on them. Someone so perfect.
So you leaned in and kissed him. Nearly dropping his knife when you did so.
When you pull back he has the biggest shit eating grin on his face.
"Now sweetheart, why couldn't you have said so sooner?"
Bubba Sawyer:
Like Thomas and Otis, the two of you met through family. You being brought over to play with the Sawyer boy way before highschool was even in the picture.
He never spoke much, which you didn't mind. As long as he was nice to you, you were nice back.
And oh boy, he was the nicest kid you ever met. Nothing like the kids at school that made fun of you at all!
He would take you to all the cool places around the farm. Even letting you pet and hold his chickens
You loved every bit of it. Running around like wild animals, unless the Texas heat was too bad. Then you stayed in while his Mama makes the two of you sweet tea or lemonade
As the two of you get older your bond only grows.
His brothers start teasing him. Which causes you both to feel a bit awkward, but you only shrug it off.
He hates to admit it, but he does have a huge crush on you.
You're the only person who's ever been nice to him, of course he likes you! Everything about you is perfect!
But alas, he's too insecure to ask. You would have to bring it up. But do it without scaring him too bad.
He would probably cry teats of joy if you confessed your feeling. You'd have to hug him to calm him down for sure.
This man would already be planning your future together, doesn't matter if you're 15 or 25 when the two of you get together.
Drayton Sawyer(2017):
Drayton would have had to meet you either through his family, or if you were a new neighbor.
If you were a new neighbor he would have seen you as a sort of threat to his family. Even if he hadn't met you yet.
He would be nice though, for his mama's sake. Plus, well, you were around his age.
He was around the ripe age of 17, when he felt emotions that had him out of control. Along with yourself.
He would like you the moment he met you. Especially if you got along with his brothers.
And if you could handle the twins? Oh boy, you're coming over more to help him watch them. Well, maybe for a bit. Until Drayton attempts to get to know you in his awkward way.
He never really went to school, having to take care of his family more than focusing on education. Though, he does yearn for you.
You would let him watch you do homework. Answering questions he had as he read along with you and watched you figure out the problems.
He'd let you help him with chores, too. Especially if your family doesn't have any animals.
"You ev'r milk'd a cow?" He would ask, and if you say no. Well he'd show you how.
He'd kneel slightly behind where you sit. Placing his hands over the backs of yours while you gripped the udder.
This would probably be the closest he'd ever gotten to you. Besides when he laid beside you while he read your homework over.
He'd wind up resting his chin on your shoulder. Eyes going from watching your hands to your face. Smiling contently.
"You sure you've nev'r done this?"
He would praise you, and if you struggled? Well he'd just laugh and take over from there. It can be a tiring process.
He'd love being able to show you how to work on vehicles. Able to crowd your space, stand behind you, whisper in your ear.
If it made you uncomfortable he'd stop in a heart beat, but if not. He'd keep doing it. Especially if it got a reaction out of you.
He'd take you to the middle of the field late at night to lay down and watch the stars. Admiring you greatly if you could show him different constellations. Even if he knew the ones you were pointing out.
He'd attempt to flirt with you one night, when you were both alone in the field, but honestly struggle at it. Not so much with what he had to say, but keeping his cool. He would be a ne
"You're as uhm.. pretty as that there uh, star," he'd point up and you'd giggle. Which would make his heart flutter.
"Which one?" "Well, all of them. Actually uh- none of them are as uh.. pretty as you."
If you flirt back Draytons heart would explode and he'd have a big dopey grin on his face.
If you act flustered, too, it might even boost his confidence a bit
"There's a shootin' star! Make a wish Drayt'n!" "Wish you were mine," "what?"
He'd repeat yourself in a nervous mutter, and by golly. You better act positively about his confession or you'd break this poor boy.
When you say yes he wouldn't kiss you, or really try anything. He'd just smile like an idiot and hold you or just your hand while you both kept watching the stars. Either would make his night.
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
The dead can give life
Characters: Ghost!Baji, Reader(Y/N), Bonten, Toman | 1257 words
Warnings: manga spoilers, mentions of death, spirits, supernatural stuff, violence, grammar mistakes, idk mediocre writing. There is not a pairing yet… there won’t be… :P idk… ta-da? Trick or treat?
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“Could you please go home? Heaven? Hell! For all I care,” he noticed that you could see him, so he had followed after you.
“Nop.” the long-haired boy with pointy canines paid you no mind.
“Look, not because I am the only person who can see you-“ you began to say
“Yes, actually, that’s the only reason.” he contradicted your unfinished statement.
“Okay, okay. Then what’s your name?” you finally gave up.
“Baji,” he answered.
“Okay, Baji. How did you die?” You inquired as you lifted an eyebrow.
“It’s a long story…” he sighed, looking at the black uniform he’s wearing.
“I have time.” you saw a flash of sadness pass through his eyes, so you decided to lend an ear.
The capability of seeing dead people has always been part of you. Now with more than 20 years on your shoulders, a thing that is horrifying for some became common to you. With time you learned that ignoring those spirits was for the best. Except for that demon child of a ghost you met once upon a time on a Halloween eve.
Oh, how you didn’t suspect that this Baji Keisuke character would give your life a new meaning.
You’ve met this… almost friendly ghost of a 14-year-old boy. You say almost because he tends to be kind of aggressive, most of the time. It was October 31st, 2017, when you first met Baji. He seemed somewhat... lost? Maybe that's why he followed you.
Baji, he said his name was, told you about his life when he was alive. You listened to the fights he won and the very unusual adventures he shared with his friends. You also heard his regrets and, finally, how he died by his own hand. ‘A very tragic ending for such a colorful life,’ you thought.
You took pity for the boy and suggested what most souls sought. Closure. You offered to write letters for those he wished to communicate something or say goodbye appropriately. You said a letter because talking to people wasn't your forte. After a while, he accepted.
“You look like a demon today and every day,” you grumbled. Baji, the ghost, you might add, pulled your covers for the fifth time this morning.
“And you like a crazy woman, now hurry up! We have a lot of places to go.” this is the most excited you’ve seen the ghost boy.
“Yah! Okay! Go and wait in the kitchen; I need to change.” sushing Baji out, you heard him murmur about you being a grumpy old lady. Rolling your eyes, you walked towards your closet.
It's been a month since you've met Baji, and he was a handful. It took you a month to write the seven letters he needed. And that leads you to today, the big day of deliveries. Seeing that most letters had a name and address, you could easily mail them, except for one, but Baji insisted on delivering them with you.
As you walked towards your first delivery, you remembered a conversation with your ghost friends. It happened a couple of days after meeting him.
Baji asked how you had so much time in your hands to help a dead boy. He kept questioning you about family, friends, and even pets. But your answer didn’t seem to be of his liking. You explained how everyone in your family thought you were sick in the head and how because of your ghost-seeing tendencies, you never had friends. Baji apologized for asking, but you really didn’t mind. It was your reality.
A hand waving in front of your face woke you up from your memories. “Y/N, let's check one more time. I'm kind of anxious,” confessed Baji.
“Okay,” you said as you pulled the letters from your bag. “But be fast, please. This is not a good place, gang territory and all that,” you huffed.
You read the names out loud so Baji could see that every letter was there. “Pah-chin, Mitsuya, Draken, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Takemichi, and Manjiro,” you finished.
A sudden commotion made both of you turn towards the sound of people murmuring and flashes of cameras. At first, you couldn't focus. The waves of a feeling of demise hit your body, and as you blinked, the image in front of you cleared up.
A sea of the dead.
“Y/N! That's Mikey,” you gave Baji a weird look, “I mean Manjiro! The one with the tattoo on his nape and short white hair.” he pointed towards the men in suits that were leaving a club called FNN.
The mass of spirits seemed to follow after this Mikey or Manjiro and his men.
“Are you sure? That doesn't look like a Manjiro to me,” you said, scared of the energy that surrounded those men. You saw countless spirits following the group, and that was never a good sign in your book.
“How would you know?” He threw you a confused side glance, “Let's go now! Just give it to him, and we continue on our way,” Baji was excited since you never found Sano Manjiro’s address or any information about him, and he thought he would have to make you ask Draken or anyone and then wait last to see him. “Go!”
“Okay! I’m going!” you walked towards the group. Were you afraid? Yes. Did you know what you were doing? Hell no.
Trying to avoid eye contact with the souls surrounding the group of men, you made it to the man in flip flops that, according to Baji, was Sano Manjiro. You don't know how none noticed you, yet you slid your way between tall and big bodies towards him.
“Hi! Sano Manjiro, right? This is for you!” you squicked at the intimidating flip-flop-wearing man as you bowed and extended your hands with the letter in between them. “Baji Keisuke ordered me to!” and then, as soon as you felt he touched the envelope, you ran for your life.
You ran and ran, hoping that Baji saw you bolt out of there and had decided to follow you. Something in you told you to go; it screamed danger, and with your experience, that voice was never wrong.
“Y/N?!? Are you okay? What happened?” Baji appeared, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” you abruptly stopped at his poor attempt of lightening the mood.
“Very funny,” you sarcastically responded, “Baji, your friend must be crazy! Didn't you see the amount of death that surrounds him?” just remembering the feeling sent shivers down your spine.
“So we continue?” he blatantly ignored your concerns. How does a ghost ignore other ghosts?
You gave a no for an answer, explaining that the more contact you had with spirits, the more exhausted you felt. And today, you ran twice through an army of lost souls. Now it makes sense to him why you always nap so much. He understood your situation. Pah-chin, Mitsuya, Draken, Chifuyu, Kazutora, and Takemichi can wait.
Still, there was something else bothering you. Like... The alarms in your head didn't turn off. On the contrary, they screamed even louder.
“Boss, we have her address and a background chek.” a man with scars in the corners of his lips spoke. “No history or contact with Baji Keisuke,”
“How should we proceed?” A man with a single red eye and a scar in the corner of the other asked.
“Bring her here,” Mikey said before munching on a heart-shaped Manju.
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Since I did one for Starscream, I thought why not. Have fun and please enjoy the rest of your day.
Warnings: Cussing, poor grammar, and maybe drug use
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You are Agent LN, under Agent Fowler.
You help watch over the children that the Autobots collect
Yeah years of combat training, wasted on children.... yaaaayyyy
Your favorite is Jack, being oldest has it perks.
So the Autobots, well more like Ratchet, finds a relic that might help with the war.
So when Bulk and Prime goes to get the relic
It takes you less than five minutes to realize that Miko is gone
Main reason why Miko is your least favorite
Now it's time to get Miko and possibly save her
When you go through the portal like thing, don't care for the name, that is when all hell break use.
You get out a gun and sneakily look for the child.
Well fuck
Miko got caught by a Goonie-bot and now is dangling by her foot.
You aim for the Goonie-bot eye and shoot.
That not only gets everyone attention, now you also got purple optics on you too.
Megatron sees you with a smoking gun and a half blind Vehicon.
His first thought was 'At least this human carries weapons.'
When you saw that Miko was now down you glare at her.
Now Miko suffer the wrath of an Agent.
It doesn't take long for the Autobots use Megatron's distracted state, to take the relic.
Megatron, realizing he was tricked, glares at the two humans.
Now more fighting breaks out.
You take Miko and get Ratchet to open the portal-thingie.
Once safe, You ground Miko for no music for the rest of the day.
After you hide in your area, training and thinking of the purple optics
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You are Rafael, older sister.
You get found by Soundwave pretty easily.
Why did you get found by Soundwave easily, well that was because you decided to hack into the government's database.
You just wanted to see what your Little BroBro, was up to.
Well you didn't pay close to attention or you would have saw that someone else was also hacking the government.
You get a strange message on your computer.
Soundwave: Object: Name
You were definitely confused and a lot bit worried.
Yes Rafie talks about the Decepticons, so you know of Soundwave.
So what else do you do when a dangerous being message you, you message back.
YN: Object has no name
Yeah that didn't work out.
All your electronic shut off, leaving you in the dark.
Before you could do anything, a mechanical bird goes through your open window.
Screams may or may not have came from you.
You reach out to pet the bird and to your surprise, the bird let you.
What you didn't know was that Soundwave was ordered to watch you, but don't get involved.
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You are a street racer, that drives a 2017 Dodge Viper, in (your hometown)
You only went to Jasper because you heard of their more dangerous races.
When you moved over, you started to look for races.
It took you a week to find and sign up.
You were by a beautiful red Aston Martin and drooled a little.
"Sexy car." You said outloud
The headlight winked at you before the race started.
To say that race was close would be a understatement.
If you didn't drive off the beautiful Aston then you would have lost.
So as you drive back to your house, you get drove off the road out of no where.
You looked to see who it was only to see red look at you.
It was a huge ass robot glaring at you.
"So you were the Fleshie, that cheated during the race." He said with a mocking tone.
"OK first of all, you might be a sexy car/robot but I didn't cheat. I only used what was available to me." You mocked.
Knockout smirks and winks at you once again. "Since you are a fleshie with taste, I will let you go but if we meet again, I will keep you." He told me.
You rolled your eyes at the robot in front of you. "So what is your name? I am Yn." You introduce yourself
"Knockout." That was all he said before turning into a car and drove away.
You pull back into the road then drove off to smoke the rest of the day away thinking of Knockout and races.
AN ok since I did a Starscream already I only did those three.
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ilballodellavitaa · 3 years
Måneskin for QX Magasin - translation
The Swedish magazine QX did an interview with Måneskin when they were in Sweden, which they’ve now posted and here it is translated into English! Also a huge shoutout to @bidet-and-legolas for checking spelling and grammar for me!
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The Italian Eurovision winners Måneskin have achieved great success during the ummer. No other Eurovision winner, ever, has managed to get new hits immediately after the win of the over 60 years old music competition. ABBA didn’t become an international success until one and a half years after the win of Eurovision 1974. But the unusual thing is that it has gone “worst” for the winning song Zitti e Buoni of all their songs on the top lists. Instead the single Beggin’ from 2017 (!) and I Wanna Be Your Slave, which was released this spring, have been topping the lists all over the world and have been talked about far outside of the classic competition’s borders. Måneskin, who most of us know about at this point, got their name after the Danish word moonshine which came from the bassist Victoria De Angelis with a Danish background. The band had their breakthrough in the Italian X-Factor 2017 and have had success in Italy until they won the San Remo festival earlier this year and thus got the opportunity to represent Italy in Eurovision. They entered as favorites, and took the victory with a lot of support from Europe’s tv-voters.
- We never thought we would win. But when we saw how many points the people gave us we had hope, says Victoria De Angelis.
They are late to their interview in the Upper House suite in Gothia Towers in Gotherburg when Victoria, singer Damiano David, guitarist Thomas Raggi and drummer Ethan Torchio come out from a nearby room styled in black and white. It is Victoria who with her hoarse voice starts talking with the help of Damiano; the other two are listening interestingly, but mostly nod in agreement.
At this moment Beggin', a cover from X-Factor which came out in 2017, is number one on Spotify's global top list. Isn't it weird to have a hit with such an old song?
- Yes, very weird. It is not really typical for how we sound today either. Our sound has developed, Damiano David explains and Victoria continues:
- As soon as the European tour is over we will go back to the studio again and continue writing. We have a few songs but we feel that it's important to find new material. We like to do a lot of songs, so we can pick the favorites later.
At the beginning of the summer the band was on the cover of the Italian Vanity Fair's pride edition, a statement that was very important for the band.
- It was important for us, especially in Italy which is a very closed-minded country when it comes to LGBTQ+ people. They have a conservative way of thinking and many people are against being gay. It is crazy, and it shouldn't be like that. We have a huge audience so we try to spread a positive message. Hopefully people who look up to us can find the courage when we say that everyone should be able to be whoever they want. It has been a taboo subject in the past, but we think it is important to spread that everyone should be able to be who they want and love who they want.
When I ask what it means when Damiano David is mentioned as a "LGBTQ-advocate" on his Wikipedia he blushes and explains:
- We try to not call ourselves that. Because those are such huge words. We do our best, and only because we talk about it we can't call ourselves that. But if we have knowledge on a subject we try to talk about it.
Victoria continues:
- I read an article yesterdy about an 12-year-old boy who likes us and wears makeup to school. He was beaten because of that, it was so sad to hear. When something like that happens we want to spread a message about feelig free to be whoever you want and not let idiots push you down. You are the one who is right and they are wrong.
In an earlier interview it was reported that Thomas is straight, Ethan "sexually free", Victoria bisexual and Damiano David is straight but "curious". Is that true?
- That was reported incorrectly. I am completely straight, but I'm not against anything. I think it was a missunderstading of the answer, says Damiano.
Do you think putting people in boxes acording to their sexuality is an old view of reality?
- Yes, but people are comfortable to put people in boxes. But often that isn't possible. I think there are many different boxes today. People should be more open-minded and stop putting people in boxes. You should only be curious of life and other people, tastes and passions, says Damiano and the others agree.
Victoria talks about when she realized she was attracted to girls and that she then didn't want to put a lable on herself.
- It is so stupid that people create a picture of who you are based on your sexuality. That's when stereotypes are made which some people don't recognize themselves in at all. That you are gay for example says nothing about your personality. The norms say that people are straight, but it limits so many people if they get to hear that at a young age. It takes a lot to break free from it when you figure out your own sexuality.
Måneskin are different from other rockbands with their style, when they mix looks that traditionally are viewed as masculine and feminine. Victoria often wears pants, the boys wear makeup and Damiano David can sometimes be seen in skirts.
The stylist Nicoló "Nick" Cerioni is the man behind many of the looks of the band.
- We like him because he is smart and good. He understands what we want and stand for with our clothes. When he wants to experiment we often say yes, says Damiano David and continues:
- Tonight I will maybe wear a skirt, but I don't feel like that's feminine. It is my skirt. Everyone should wear what they want. If I wear a crop-top, skirt, I should feel free to do so. We don't think masculine and feminine clothes exist...
- But you have to think about enough space for the cock, Victoria butts in.
Everyone laughs before Damiano continues:
- I would say so, but in a little more reserved way (laughs) "Obviosly our bodies have different forms..." but, yes for boobs and cock.
Have you always been experimental with your style?
- Yes as a 6-7-year-old I was very "boyish" in the way I dressed, and I had short hair. I thought girl clothes stopped me and prevented me from having fun. Luckily I had the strength to not care about what others said about me, says Victoria.
Thomas, who has been mostly quiet and listening adds:
- Be yourself and experiment with whatever it is, music, style...
Do you notice that the fans are looking up to you?
- They are writing that they are thankful. That thanks to us they dare to take the step to dye their hair, wear jewelry or wear makeup. We are so greatful, because that means they have understood us. To give the strength to others is one of the most beautiful things in this job, says Damiano David and the others agree.
What does the rock stage look like in Italy?
We ARE the rock stage (laughs). There are many older bands, and there are almost no young ones. We hope our fans can form their own band and strengthen the stage.
Do you have a dream collab?
- Rihanna. Miley Cyrus. Harry Styles. But maybe they are a bit too big?
Not really though? If you as an Eurovision winner reaches number one on the global Spotify chart nothing is impossible.
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I Can Do Anything I Want
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Requested from no one.
Tom Holland x Male Reader
(Tom be looking sexy)
Warning: Violence, kidnapping, psychotic Tom, mention of nudity, all character are above the age of 18
Background: March 21st, 2030, 7:00 PM, you were getting ready to bunker down with your mom and dad. You hoped that nothing would happen tonight but someone decided to come in and give you a visit.
Tom is 20 and you are 18
M/n: Male name.
L/n: Last name.
F/n: Friend's name
Word count: 2900
I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry if it is bad! And there are probably many mistakes and grammar errors. 
You were sitting on the couch with your mom sitting on the left side, and your father on your right side. You were waiting for the announcement to come on. ‘It's almost 7:00 PM…” you thought to yourself. The holiday you hated the most was about to begin.
Just then the emergency broadcast came on with that ear-shattering sound. And the screen on the TV turns blue with the symbol of the NFFA in the background.
“This is not a test.”
“This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.”
“Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.”
“Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.”
“Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.”
“Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 AM when the Purge concludes.”
“Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.”
"May God be with you all.”
Then the air horn sirens blared meaning the Purge officially began. Your family has already set up defenses. You, of course, never participate. Your family put out blue flowers to show that they don’t want to participate but they support the purge.
You know your parents, they didn’t support this “holiday” at all. Come on now, 12 hours without any laws. Your parents spoke out against it.
Some (well most) Americans find the Purge to be successful. Unemployment rates plummeted down to 1 percent, crime rates decreased, and the economy was revived.
If you are wondering how this came into reality, it all started back in 2014.
(little history of how the Purge became a tradition in American society.)
In 2014, the United States was facing economic collapse, rising social unrest, and multiple wars. The economic collapse was worse than the Mortgage Crisis of 2008. Neighborhoods across the country were destroyed by an opioid epidemic.
Then a party was founded as a substitute for the Republicans and Democrats, they called themselves the New Founding Fathers of America or NFFA.
In 2016, the first experimental Purge took place and it proved to be successful. Then in 2017, the second experimental Purge began this time it was Nationwide.
Not long after that, the 28th amendment to the US constitution was ratified meaning that Purging is now an American right.
The Purge starts on March 21st at 7:00 PM and it ends at sunrise, March 22nd, 7:00 AM. all crime is legal for 12 hours, no killing high government officials, and don’t use explosives or bioweapons. Those who don’t follow the rules will be hanged.
This resulted in crime and unemployment rates dropping down 1 percent, government spending down 37 percent, and the GDP soared to 37.21 trillion dollars.
Still, many people disagreed with this because it was believed that the Purge was used as means of population control, and to decrease the poor population but they couldn’t do anything about it.
(little history lesson over. I just wanna include that part for those who have never seen the purge.)
We got off the couch and went to go do our own things. “Sweetie do wanna eat dinner?” my mom said, I smiled. “Yes please.” she smiled at me and went to go cook dinner. You went upstairs to chill in your room. Your window was boarded up but you could easily remove it when things go down.
Time skip (8:00 PM)
It's been one hour since commencement. You were up in your room just watching YouTube videos. Your mother was downstairs cooking Lasagna (or whatever your favorite dish is) your father was downstairs watching the news.
The news would keep up with things happening tonight. Were watching a live stream showing what was happening on the outside. Building on fire, people killing each other, and parties. All of this was caught on drones.
You would hear the occasional screams and gunfire in the area but you and your family were secure.
Then you heard banging on the front door. The door and windows were boarded up with wood planks. ‘Who is that?’ you thought, you were worried it was one of your bullies who decided tonight was the night they get to get rid of you.
You went downstairs to see your parents. They had fear in their eyes, then the door busted one. Three men wearing tuxedos with masks on walked in. then they pulled out their guns, that’s when you dashed and went up into your room.
Your parents tried to run but they were quickly gunned down. You could hear gunshots go off and their screams filled the house.
You locked your bedroom door and ran to the window to remove the wood plank blocking it. You could hear the footsteps coming up the stairs. One of them called out to you, “M/n⁓ where are you⁓? Come out from hiding… are you in your room?”
You recognized that deep British accent, it was Tom! Tom Holland from your class! ‘What did I do to him? I never did anything wrong to him!’ but that didn’t stop you from removing the plank. You jumped out the window and ran for it.
Tom busted through your door to see that you have escaped. He gritted his teeth and went downstairs to see his twin brothers sitting down on the couch with their masks off.
“So he got away?” the older twin said. “Yeah, he did. We’ll find him though. He isn’t stupid enough to go downtown. He’ll probably head to his friend's house.” Tom said a little anger that his precious lover had gone away.
“We already took care of his friends. But we couldn’t get to one of them.” The younger twin said, Tom nodded and went out to go find you.
(Btw Tom's parents live in the UK and they don’t know what he is doing. Tom’s brothers are just helping him catch you)
Time skip (9:00 PM)
You were running to your friend's house hoping they would help you. You had to be careful while running through the streets, there were purgers everywhere. The city of Los Angeles was crawling with them, especially in the downtown area.
Thankfully you took your phone with you to see what time it was. ‘9:00 PM.’ you turned off your but you made sure it was on silent mode so it wouldn't bring attention to you.
You had a little encounter with Purgers but they were quickly gunned down by a machine gun attached to the back of a car. You saw vehicles on fire, dead bodies, and an old lady just watching a body burn.
‘This is all crazy!’ you thought as you ran faster just to get off the streets but what you didn’t was that someone was following you.
After running for 30 minutes you finally arrived at one of your friend’s houses. You didn’t realize that their barricades were broken until you twisted the knob on the door.
You walked in to see the whole place trashed. You walked through the rooms to see F/N parents dead, lying on the floor. Their eyes were open, you see nothing in them. “Please don’t be dead…” you said putting your hand over your mouth as you tried not to cry out loud.
You slowly walked up the stairs and approached F/N’s room. There you saw it, F/N lying on the floor dead as well. You burst out crying but that ended when you heard a car pull up.
“Find him!” you knew who that was immediate. You couldn’t run anywhere because they were downstairs, and the window had steel as a barricade. So, you hid in F/n’s closet.
You knew they had a pile of clothing in the corner, so you buried yourself in their clothes. You heard their footsteps walking up the stairs, and them breaking down the door. Then you heard them in the room.
You could see a figure walking through a small hole in the clothing pile. You covered your mouth so you wouldn’t breathe too hard. “CLEAR!” the figure yelled and went back downstairs. You heard their conversation from downstairs because of how the walls were thin.
“I thought he would be here!” Tom yelled, and out of anger shots one of his own men. The twins and the other weren’t fazed by this. They knew Tom had a few screws loose.
Then you heard them leave but you didn’t believe they actually left so you decided to stay where you were for the 2 to 3 hours.
Time skip (3:00 AM)
While waiting you accidentally fell asleep (why? because of plot purposes and I'm the author)and you realized that it was 3:00 AM, 4 hours till the Purge ends. You thought you could stay here but then you smelt something burning.
You got out of the pile to see the room was on fire. ‘What?! How?’ you quickly got and ran before the roof caved in on you. The backdoor was barricaded but due to the fire, it melted the steel allowing you to escape. (is that possible?)
You were on the run again but before you left, you noticed a group of people watching the house burn. ‘Are those my teachers?’ The group was your teachers from different classes. You knew they didn’t like F/N at all.
‘What has this country become?’ if this keeps happening, if more innocent people keep dying, then the nation will become the “Nation of Murders.” you decided to ignore them and run.
But one of them saw you, “M/n? Is that you?” one of them yelled. You froze, ‘how did they--?’ you turned around to see them walking towards you. “Hey don't worry we ain’t kill you. You are our favorite student!”
You looked at them shocked. “Why are you out here? Aren’t you supposed to be with your parents?” you looked down and began to cry. They noticed and said they didn’t need to know.
“Do you wanna come with us? There’s a neighborhood block party.” you nodded and decided to go with them. ‘So I guess they kill the kids they hate.’ they then took you to one of the nearby parties.
But one of Tom’s men noticed and decided to alert the big boss.
(just to be clear, in the Purge series there isn’t a legal purge. Meaning that you can kill someone who is 18 or younger. Now that’s fucked up.)
You and the teachers arrived at the block party. You see everyone partying, some had creepy masks, and others were naked grinding against each other. You lost your teachers in the crowd so you decided to just hideout.
Time skip (6:00 AM, one hour till the Purge ends.)
(if you are wondering why Tom didn’t show up early, it's because he was busy doing something else….. Or maybe its because I was too lazy to put anything during that time skip)
You checked your phone and noticed it was 6:00 AM. ‘One more hour!’ you smiled as the night was finally coming to an end. The sun was rising in the distance but people were still partying. ‘I survived the night.’
You even began to party yourself in celebration of surviving. You had a couple of drinks but not enough to be completely drunk. You danced with some people. Overall you were having a good time
But that happiness was short-lived when the gunfire began to go off. People were screaming and tripping over each other as they tried to run away. You already knew who it was. Tom fucking Holland and his group arrived
He noticed you in the crowd and smirked as he can finally have you before the Purge ended. You ran away from the crowd to one of those large garbage containers. You hid behind them hoping Tom won’t find you.
You could still hear the screams of people and more gunfire further down the street. You creeped out from your hiding place and walked back to the street.
You were horrified by what you were seeing. Dead bodies everywhere, your teacher’s dead bodies, and some people you were dancing with. All dead.
Then you heard footsteps behind you, you turned around to see Tom there smiling sadistically at you. You admit he was kind of hot but that doesn’t matter right now. “Why are you doing this? I never did anything to you! And did you find me?! ”
(6:55 AM)
“Why’m I doing this? Well, it's because of M/n…… I love you M/n! You never did anything wrong. And how did I find you? Well, remember there's an app where you can track down certain people’s phones? Well, that’s how I found you, that and one of my men told me.” Tom sounded proud of what he just said.
(6:57 AM)
“I thought I could use this Purge night as a way to finally have you to myself! I hope you share the same feeling like me.” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Tom…. look, you’re a cute guy, hell I would probably have dated if you just came up to me like a normal person would. But no, you went ahead and killed everyone. You killed my family and friends, and you think I share the same feeling like you! No!” you yelled the tension was thick and Tom was angry.
(6:59 AM)
“I loved you! And they were getting in the way!--” Tom took a pause, “If I can’t have then no one will!” Tom charged at you with his knife. ‘What happened to his gun?’
But you quickly snapped out when he charged at you. You dodged his attack but he stabbed you in the arm. He was about to finish when…
(7:00 AM)
The siren went off meaning the Purge had come to an end. Tom was still going to attack but was stopped when a voice came on, “Stop what you are doing! I repeat stop what you are doing! The Purge has concluded. If anyone does a crime, you will face the consequences.”
Tom stopped what he was doing and looked at you, “Next Purge, I’m going to get you.” Tom then got into his car and drove off.
You felt like you were going to faint from blood loss but then someone drove up to you. “Hey, okay?! Oh my God, we need to get you to the hospital!” they picked you up and carried you into the backseat, and drove you to the nearest hospital.
The radio was on and began to report on tonight’s events. “Just after 7:00 AM, March 22nd Pacific Standard, the Annual Purge was concluded. Reports are coming from all over the nation that this was the most participated Purge yet….
364 days until the next Purge...
Bad Ending.
Time skip (6:00 AM, one hour till the Purge ends.)
You checked your phone and noticed it was 6:00 AM. ‘One more hour!’ you smiled as the night was finally coming to an end. The sun was rising in the distance but people were still partying. ‘I survived the night.’
You even began to party yourself in celebration of surviving. Yo had a couple of drinks but not enough to be completely drunk. You danced with some people. Overall you were having a good time
But that happiness was short-lived when the gunfire began to go off. People were screaming and tripping over each other as they tried to run away. You already knew who it was. Tom fucking Holland and his group arrived
He noticed you in the crowd and smirked as he can finally have you before the Purge ended. You ran away from the crowd to one of those large garbage containers. You hid behind them hoping Tom won’t find you.
You could still hear the screams of people and more gunfire further down the street. You creeped out from your hiding place and walked back to the street.
You were horrified by what you were seeing. Dead bodies everywhere, your teacher’s dead bodies, and some people you were dancing with. All dead.
Just then you felt something being injected into your neck. You passed out but before you completely passed out, you got a glimpse of who it was…. It was Tom.
“You're finally mine M/n. I’ll keep you forever…. No one will take us apart….”
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broxklynn · 3 years
The End Of My Candy Love
Alright, so. This post will contain a lot. First of all, it's gonna be really sloppy. I'm very emotional person and I easily get attached to games, movies and stuff. I know it's a bit weird, but yeah, I'm a weird person. Anyway, that's why there's a warning: there's gonna be a lot of sloppiness, grammar mistakes (at least I think so, specially since english isn't my native languange) and it's probably going to be long. So, if you're intrested in reading my thoughts about everything - good luck.
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First Adventure
I first heard about "My Candy Love" in 2015, six years ago. So, I was basically a baby (I'm pretty young). And I started playing a year after, I got totally obssesed with Lysander and I fell in love, seriously, haha. I was into writing back then, but I couldn't find any ideas on "what to write?" and MCL gave me just that - inspiration (that's most likely why I'm just a romance freak).
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My Story
You know, I was a child so I couldn't really pay for AP, but I always found some kind of way to get them. But then I got my phone I just used money from that, geez, I was nuts. The old AP system was so iconic, looking for Nathaniel, finding Kiki, I'm gonna miss it.
Anyway, I got along with Castiel pretty well (which suprises me 'cause I found about walkthroughs in 2017, like year after, so maybe it was because I was a brat?), but I adored Lysander. Oh, I also loved Ken (I was so sad when he went away) and Nathaniel. After I met Armin, I liked him too.
Again, being a child and playing a game like this I came across all diffrent kinds of emotions. I was laughing, crying, dying from embaressment (this thing with Nath and locker room, aaa) and getting seriously mad (Deborah's arc, Priya, Charlotte). I remember impatiently waiting for new episode to come out or crying my eyes out during Lysander's amnesia plot. Jesus. I loved the way Castiel was teasing Candy, I loved this cute-clumsy Kentin, I loved the old Nathaniel, I loved Armin and most of all - I loved my precious Lysander. I adored the interactions between characters, how funny or cringy they were and how much fun I had. I even like this secret-dating plot even when it got on my nerves. I still remember staying up late to watch videos like "lysander illustrations" and stuff. I also really enjoyed reading MCL manga and I spent hours trying to translate it from Spanish to English or my native languange (funfact: I still haven't finished it! I don't know where to find those mangas) or trying to draw something from the game up ending up terribly failing. Anyway, I was crying during the prom thing, my Candy was so grown-up, I got emotional, haha. So, 40 episode came in. I was pretty excited 'because, me, being extremely naive (I got to say, I've never had a problem with Beemoov before, I started playing MCL in 2016 and Eldarya in 2017, so there were no major issues with them, only the price of PA, I think) thought that my Lysander is going to propose (I was a child, ok?) and maybe, there's going to be a second season with us living together. Haha, how naive I was. Whole episode 40, really got me tearing up, I was a wreck, seriously (When Kentin couldn't take Candy's bra off I lost it or this whole ananas thing in Castiel's route, omg). But I finished it feeling happy. I truly enjoyed spending my time on this game. But, then this whole university thing came out. And the fact, that Lysander, Armin and Kentin won't be with us foe the next season. I spent entire vacation crying (I was a kiddo, ok?) and being mad at everyone. I felt like I got robbed. It was horrible.
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"A New Chapter"
I was one of these people who just couldn't accept the change. Not in the world. Never. They stole my Lysander, Kentin and Armin from me and changed AP system to some kind of bullshit. God, I was mad. Really mad. Seeing Castiel was quite nice, but I didn't fill the void of my baby. But, oh, my, God. When I saw Nathaniel I just couldn't believe. I said I was mad? Then I was furious. I really liked the old Nathaniel, he had his own vibe, his backstory, his character and it was just, damn, amazing. But they changed him completely, for what? They wanted the second Castiel? Yeah, they got it. Priya as a love interest was quite a good move, tho. I even though I didn't like her (in highschool or in university) I liked the idea of adding a female interest. But the thing that hurted me, was the fact that Lysander was taking care of the farm. Like, no! He didn't want that. He didn't like the countryside. He had such a potential to become a author and Beemoov didn't let him. God, that broke my heart. Anyway, I didn't spent a single penny on MCLUL, but I have to say - I kinda enjoyed it. You know, it was the guily-pleasure kind of thing. I didn't like it as much as I liked highschool, but there were some good or funny moments. I loved Rayan's kiss scene. I adored Chani. Or Hyun making us watch "Toy Story". Nathaniel's ulgy green hair or all these crazy threesomes. I liked it. Kinda. I hated Nath tho. The ending, hm, it was okay, I guess? I do feel sort of nostalgic thinking about it 'cause I got some nice memories from it, in the end. But yeah, going on.
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Love Life
Oh. My. Lord. I was so sceptical about it. Like, I was sure that, at this point they're going to do "My Candy Love Mid-Life Crises" next or some other shit. But in the end, I "kinda" like it. It wasn't good like highschool or fresh like university, but I was nice to see new chapters with our annoying-cringy Candy, that I love (btw, I started playing other otome games and I realized that Candy wasn't that bad). Meeting Eric was nice, even tho, this whole cheating plot really got me ragging. Like, damn, Beemoov, seriously? And if you going this, why not with old LIs? Just kidding. Anyway, I truly enjoyed meeting Dan and Eric, the two of them were quite a characters. I won't forget them, hah. I was happy with single ending, 'cause I think about it as a "open ending" when my Candy can go back to my baby and everything's going to be alright.
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Regrets & Complaints
Now, now. Where do I start? AP system was a freaking nightmare. Replacing old Nathaniel with some kind of weird Castiel was a nightmare. Removing Lysander, Nathaniel, Armin and Kentin was a nightmare. Not finishing plots was a nightmare. And why in the whole Love Life I haven't seen Amber once? Why Alexy never mentioned Evan like they're not brothers? Why Castiel doesn't care that I was dating his bestfriend? And why, in the world, after changing the system finding Kiki is so damn easy? Why AP is so expensive? So many questions!
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All The Good Times
But, I got to say. I will never forget this bitchy Castiel, cookie-monster Ken following us around. Or cute Nathaniel. Castiel buying Candy some kind of weird McDonald's. Or Lysander's parents exposing him having crush on Candy. Or seeing Kentin kissing Amber (ew). This super akward-funny sex ed lesson. Deborah's arc and losing my shit over it. Or Thomas (this weird child) stalking my Candy and her LI in the park. And Lysander asking us how to hide a body, aaa. Or Armin telling us he loves us. Or Kentin. And Cookie ripping this huge teddybear apart. Or the water fight in Kentin’s spin off. And crushing on Alexy and later on finding out he’s gay. Or spin-the-bottle game and Lysander getting jealous. Or Dake, being a creep for entire game straight. Or guessing what was guy's surnames. And for sure, I will never forget this demonic Kiki dog.
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What it worth it?
In the end, yes. Have I ever told you that I want to become a professional writer? Silly dream, I know, but writing is a huge passion of mine, and well, my first story was based off My Candy Love (it is cringy as hell, but I feel kinda nostalgic thinking about it). All these years spending on playing game that I wasn't supposed to be playing was amazing. It was one of the best experiences I had in life and I will never, ever forget that.
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What now?
Well, Beemoov is working on a new game and I'm kinda optimistic. I know, it's really naive of me, but I want to believe that they won't f*ck this up, this time. And going back to Sweet Amoris, well, I truly missed this place! And the teachers... And Kiki. I wonder, when it will be released and will Beemoov finally open up about telling us surnames and ages of love interests. Anyway, I want to believe they learnt from their mistakes.
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In the end. Thank you, My Candy Love, for creating so many memories. I will be forever grateful. 
(I just re-read this post and it seems like I have really love-hate relationship with this game)
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