#but it's Beans how much can it matter lmao
orcelito · 2 years
25 years old and making coffee for the VERY first time
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greatestrival · 5 months
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Yuki Tsunoda: 10 Things I Love for GP RACING MAGAZINE APRIL 2024 ISSUE
scanned by me (please credit if you repost lmao these took so loooong)
text under the cut
RB's Japanese racer on his love of saunas, good coffee and - well, food, of course
I like fashion. I like to choose my outfit according to my mood or where I'm going. And I like to show my colours, if you like. In short, it feels good to look good.
There's no particular cuisine I like, but for me a good meal is a kind of tool to reduce stress and feel happier. It doesn't matter what kind of food it is - if it's good, I enjoy it, whether it's tacos or sushi. I really like pasta. When I'm in Italy that's what I usually eat. But it's important for me, wherever we go, to find a good restaurant so I can enjoy the food. Because in a way, as strange as it may sound, it gives me the same feeling as driving a Formula 1 car. When I drive, I just concentrate on that. It's not that I don't think - of course I do, especially during the race - but when it comes to driving, it's more about the senses than thoughts. When I'm driving I don't think about anything else. And it's almost the same with food. You just enjoy the taste and flavour - and I really like that!
We travel a lot and are surrounded by electronics and computers, Laptops, telemetry, data is our world - and sometimes it's just too much. So I like to get away from it all, to go hiking, for example, or just get out into nature and experience a different environment to Formula 1.
Jason Statham
Definitely my favourite actor, especially after meeting him in Abu Dhabi last year. I've always liked his films and Transporter is my favourite - but sometimes when you meet your hero and get to know the person better, you can be disappointed, can't you? It wasn't like that with Jason. He is such a great guy, really nice, talkative, very respectful and really, really strong! He's got everything you need. He's strong, he looks cool, he's bald. I might go bald in the future to look more like him...
I'm not the one who sings in the shower, but I do sing in the car. I just feel like it, to feel the rhythm, to have fun. And when I'm singing, I feel like a real singer.
It's something I like to use to reset. 20 minutes in the sauna, then a cold shower and lying down - at that moment I feel like I'm in space. And it is an incredible feeling. It feels like your body is resetting itself. It feels like all the stress I have, it just comes out with the sweat, so after the sauna I feel fresh. Like a brand new me. It's funny, I didn't really like it before, but my friends kept telling me how great it was. So one day I just decided to give it another try and finally understood what they were talking about. Now it's one of my favourite things to do: just go to the sauna and relax.
I have a good coffee machine at home. I like to grind coffee beans in the morning and make myself a good cup of coffee. Good coffee makes my day.
I don't drink alcohol very often, to be honest. And I'm not a guy who knows a lot about wine, about different types and varieties of wine. I'm not an expert, if you like. But it's nice to have a glass of wine with good food. It helps you enjoy it even more
Apex Legends
I used to play a lot more when I moved to Europe from Japan - and Apex Legends was my favourite game. I don't play as much now, but during my junior career it was a way to keep in touch with my friends in Japan because we were so far apart. Of course you can call and chat, but doing something together, playing and talking at the same time, is a lot more fun.
I sometimes play football with the mechanics, engineers and other guys from the team in Faenza. And I love it. Because first of all I like the game itself, but then it's also good to hang out with the guys from the team - especially considering that it's usually the guys who don't go to races and stay at the factory, so it's also a good opportunity to bond with them.
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
hogwarts legacy headcanons + imagines: how they fell for you and how they ended up asking you out
ft. sebastian, ominis, garreth, and amit with gn!reader
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themes: a lot of fluff, sfw, slight crack lmao idk
warning: not proofread; unedited
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sebastian sallow
he will most likely (and unknowingly) dig his own grave by "harmlessly" calling you pet names and not-so-subtly flirt with you the moment you manage to catch his attention
how did you catch his attention? when he finds you sneaking in the restricted section when he himself was also sneaking into the same place (spiderman meme moment lmao)
contrary to popular belief, he's probably not flirty to most people, preferring to hit the books and practice his spell-casting. the people he wouldn't mind snogging or more though? hmmmmmm
then there's you, who's astonishingly immune to his charm and suave words. he finds that alluring but in actual reality, you're probably just too unassuming to realize he's making moves
he most likely fell for you either the moment you whooped his ass during a duel, or when you effectively saved his ass in some way from either battling spiders, poachers, or goblins
he didn't realize it at first though, until it slowly started to sink in that spending time with you gives him some sort of addicting glee deep down
that's when he realized that he can't mess around anymore with the casual pet names and flirting, so he stops doing those the moment he becomes aware of his feelings
he tries playing it cool regardless along with denying his feelings. he settles for that painful pining, however (damn that crucio must've done something to him to push through with this sort of pain--)
ominis would've probably smacked him in the head for being an oaf and overcomplicating things for himself
but just as he's not so subtle with his flirting tendencies, it's the same with his jealousy and shattered ego
"leander wants to invite who out for a date?!"
"(y/n). i overheard him and weasley talking about asking (y/n) out for a date later in hogsmeade. don't see why that should matter much to you though," ominis shrugs, casually popping a flavored bean into his mouth.
"it's leander for merlin's sake! leander fucking prewett - the mandrake-looking moonmind who lost to me multiple times in a duel!" sebastian hissed, angry jealousy and disbelief evident in his tone.
"oh i see what's going on now."
"the last time i checked, you're blind, ominis."
"i'll pretend you didn't say that, sebastian. but least leander prewett isn't on the verge of stealing my significant other."
"they're not my significant other-"
"oh, but you want them to be. how about you stop lying to yourself and just ask (y/n) out before he does? simple solution for a simple problem, unless you want prewett to do it first."
sebastian stormed off, heading towards a confused-looking (y/n) while ominis was smirking triumphantly.
he "forgot" to tell sebastian he was just pulling his leg. whoops.
"you. me. three broomsticks. today. after class."
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ominis gaunt
we all know he's baby, but boy he's really snarky at first and you were kinda scared of him
you've probably been crushing on him since the first day you met him despite his bark (bitch pls who wouldn't be?)
everyone in your year is hyper aware of your crush towards him 'coz they actually see what you do for him in secret whenever you could (such as countering any hex or jinx his older siblings would try to cast at him in hallways when they were still students in hogwarts)
you didn't really want to offend him in any way hence the secrecy of your actions. he's rather adamant that he can handle it all on his own, but you just do it voluntarily as an act of love.
during potions class is when you look out for him the most. when you weren't in the same table as him, you'd adjust the flame for him using your wand from a considerably long distance whenever you noticed that weird swirls were coming out of his cauldron.
professor sharp noticed this eventually, so he ends up assigning you to the same table as ominis every school year primarily for safety reasons (or maybe he finds the one-sided pining rather painful to look at)
you were more open with giving your help to him from that point onwards, telling him if he grabbed the wrong ingredient, handing him over things, if the potion looks wrong, etc.
ominis' grades in potions improved thanks to you!
he shares his treats with you and occasionally teaches you new spells in the undercroft as a form of reciprocation
little do you know, ominis actually knows what you've been doing all these years. he just doesn't feel he deserves someone as kind as you are, much to sebastian's chagrin watching the both of you pine for each other
he always has been rather attracted with how gentle and caring you are (i mean, you did prevent his cauldron from exploding at his face at several points), and he fell more overtime as he got to know you. he's just extremely subtle about how he shows his feelings.
"seems like i'm running low on ingredients," ominis mutters, shaking his nearly empty jar of crushed moonstone.
"we have been using alot of them lately, haven't we? i'm running out of quite a lot of ingredients too actually," you said.
now's definitely ominis' chance.
"how about we go to hogsmeade later after class to buy the ingredients? and perhaps have some butterbeer or go to honeydukes after. my treat. if you don't mind, that is."
your face burned at this. he asked you out. merlin, he actually fucking asked you out.
"s-sure! i'd be glad to. l-let's meet at the bell tower entrance later! see you!" you sputtered rather embarrassingly as you gathered your things before scampering off to your next class. a faint smile and a blush graces ominis' usually stoic expression.
"would you look at that. you finally had the guts to ask her out on a date," sebastian drawls, elbowing lightly at ominis' rib.
ominis scowled, his face flushing dark red both in embarrassment and annoyance, earning a teasing chortle from his brunette-haired best friend.
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garreth weasley
you're both partners-in-crime: best friends since childhood to be precise
however, this dork initially sees you more as a gorilla than an actual human being *monke noises*
you can't blame garreth though - you both went through the childhood stages together and he's so comfortable with your presence and vice-versa
despite your mischief with him and both of you landing yourselves in detention quite often, you've actually roped him out of trouble several times from flunking his grades. surprisingly you're pretty smart for a troublemaker
gryffindor loses alot of their house points mostly because of you two especially during potions class
thanks to the both of you, a cauldron lid lodged itself to the ceiling of the potions classroom after a huge explosion. professor sharp has never removed it as a grim reminder of both of your "shameful" behavior during class (or perhaps he was actually amused by the incident). both of you got a week's worth of detention from that as well.
special mention to garreth completely burning off one of sebastian's eyebrows (a/n: watch this tiktok for the context)
how garreth realized he loves you: partner-in-crime? check. loves your personality? check. will probably die if you're not around? double check. he hates being away from you? CHECK. he would do all sorts of things to make you happy? check. you're an actual human being? surprisingly, after careful evaluation and contemplation, check.
and then realization dawns upon him that all this time, he's been in love with his best friend for years and counting. however out of fear of ruining the friendship, he decides not to confess
potions class - your absolute favorite. garrett, however, isn't looking particularly excited today - he absolutely dreads today's particular lesson: amortentia - the love potion.
garrett was determined to stay out of trouble today. getting professor sharp's attention is the worst thing that could possibly happen. unfortunately, violent sparks flew from his cauldron after he accidentally dropped his whole bottle of powdered moonstone due to his jitters.
"ah, perfect. mr weasley, please come up here. instead of blowing up another cauldron yet again, perhaps you should tell us what you smell?"
"a-ah. right, sir. um.. i smell..." 
garreth took a whiff. his senses went into full overdrive as a familiar, comforting array of scents engulfed him. long story short: his brain short-circuited.
“... (y/n)!” he blurted out of pure nervousness, causing an eruption of gasps and wolf whistles while you flushed pink at his sudden and rather public confession. garreth was absolutely mortified upon realizing what had happened as he rushed back to his station. as soon as potions classes ended, you approach garreth who was looking dejected.
"garreth, i-"
"yes, (y/n). i've loved you since we were kids-"
"wait. let me-"
"i know it took too long for me to realize-"
"but it was always you and i got scared-"
he was cut off from rambling any further as you gave him a peck on the lips. the ginger-haired male was stunned, whispering an "oh" in realization as he slowly beamed.
"faculty tower after class? let's go to honeydukes."
you smiled, nodding in agreement.
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amit thakkar
oh boy, where do i even start with this one
long story short: it was love at first sight for him
but with how skittish he gets especially when he's around you? he avoids you like the plague to avoid making a fool out of himself
you bring out his dreamy, poetic side
he's a writer, so he secretly writes poems and stories about you as an outlet to express his love in some way
he keeps those several pieces of parchment sandwiched in between his thick books. whenever he secretly gets bored of the class, that's when he starts writing down those little (and unfortunately unsent) love notes
but alas, he can't avoid you forever. you were both assigned in pairs to map out several star charts for your astronomy class
he discovers that you do have a fascination for the cosmos just as he does, and that you're an avid listener to his enthusiastic ramblings about the said topic
eventually he starts to be more comfortable around you
he was content with this platonic set up actually - just you and him chilling under the night sky. hell, he feels lucky to be even graced by your presence
however, all hell broke loose because of everett clopton teasing him after he found one of his romantic literary snippets, thus resulting in the unconsented confession of his feelings towards you
amit has been avoiding you eversince that incident after charms class with everett clopton reciting one of his cheesy poems about you after taking his charms textbook without his permission. in a fit of embarrassment, he actually ran out of the classroom, ignoring your calls. for once, he didn't care about his time table, opting to retreat himself to his favorite corner at the library's 2nd floor as a means of consoling himself with the peaceful silence.
lately all he does is to drown out his racing thoughts by either reading one of his more complicated books or burying himself with extra work. humiliation aside, he really didn't know how to face you now. he thinks he has permanently lost you even as a platonic friend, and that's what crushed him the most about the situation.
he failed to notice the soft footsteps approaching him as he buried his nose behind a book once more.
he jolted up at the sound of your voice calling him and the both of you stared at each other in silence briefly. you were visibly rather nervous, playing with the dry skin of your fingertips - a mannerism amit had noted that you did whenever you get nervous.
"about charms class-"
"(y/n), don't worry about it. we don't have to-"
"no, please let me finish."
amit stilled, listening attentively.
"i got the book from everett when you rushed out of the classroom. i'm sorry, but i did read some of the other notes. but you have no idea how happy i was when i read them, amit."
you took a step forward, finally mustering enough courage to take his hand lovingly - a shy gesture of proclaiming your adoration towards him.
"could you make more of them, please? for me?"
it took a second or two for your rather cryptic confession to sink in. but the moment it did, amit was brimming with so much happiness he could burst anytime in that moment, wide smiles and all.
"yes, of course. but only after a date with you."
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
dabi x reader | huggles mc'cuddles
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABI!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!! i got a request for a dabi x reader cuddling fic and that is exactly what this is. just pure fluff. completely sfw it's literally just what the title suggests. this is also FOUR THOUSAND WORDS. this is my first proper fanfiction ever so it probably isn't the best but i worked really really hard on it so please be nice! i am not an actual writer i do this for funzies, constructive criticism is appreciated though! if this seems out of character for him just know i'm holding a gun from the abyss right behind him the whole time forcing him to be soft and have feelings. also there's a lot of himiko in this can u tell i love her... ive got a himiko request coming out soon! also tysm to my friend @ko-konutty for helping me edit this!! thank them for all of the capitalization and correct punctuation lmao
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It's movie night at the league. The main TV is set up in the living room and the tables are filled with pizza boxes along with various snacks catered to everyone's individual tastes (Like the blood pouches Himiko demands). It's finally your turn to choose the night's movie. And you, naturally, pick your favorite. It results in some groaning over having to watch it again, which you so diligently ignore.
Quickly pressing the play button, you all start grabbing your food and get settled into your seats to watch. The arrangements end up with you and Dabi on a couch together, Toga and Twice squeezing themselves onto one chair- and Shigaraki, who claimed an arm chair at his own corner where he played with his switch. Not even pretending to pay attention to the movie since he's seen it at least three times already. Spinner and Magne are sat right next to him on two bean bags, which are actually facing the TV. And lastly, sat further away from the group, are Kurogiri and Mr. Compress. Chatting in low voices. You can see as Kurogiri makes Sako a drink at the bar; making an effort to not disturb anyone who is paying attention.
Really, everything should've been fine. You're surrounded by the people you dare call friends, with food and snacks along with your favorite movie playing. But you just can't help but be stuck in a bad mood.
Your entire month had pretty much been shit. Well- your entire year really. And you just. Really really needed a hug right now.
As much as you tried to pay attention to your favorite movie and try to eat your meal before it got cold, you just couldn't focus for a second. Normally, you'd be eating and chatting with everyone else. You're typically giving commentary on the movie and/or reciting lines, but this time you just couldn't drown out your thoughts.
As a matter of fact, you'd been so deep in your own head that you didn't even notice the concerned glances thrown your way from multiple members of the league over the fact that you've been quiet throughout the entire movie.
Hell, you didn't even notice the curious bright blue eyes burning holes onto the side of your head from the opposite end of the couch. Not 'til a rough voice startled you from your thoughts.
"You alright?" Dabi asked lowly.
He had leaned closer. You had never been so close to the man before- his face just a few inches from yours in order to not be heard by anyone else, giving you the illusion of privacy. You could clearly see the concern in his eyes while asking, despite the rest of his face seeming blank.
He'd never admit to concern. But in all honesty you'd all been getting quite closer these past few months together. And you knew he actually cared about everyone in the league.
Especially you.
Who so far has been the most resistant to the "Family bonding time" as Himiko liked to call it.
Despite him asking you a question- you couldn't stop yourself from admiring just how pretty he was. Especially this close up. His beautiful blue eyes, his facial piercings, the little frown he sets when he's trying to put on his blank expression.
He watches as you start to zone out in real time, but just before you can get completely lost in your thoughts again- he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Mmmmhmm" you hum.
You're still distracted looking at the staples lining his skin, not paying much attention to his words. Surveying the room in order to continue to not make eye contact- you easily spot two heads already peering back at you. Making both Himiko and Jin freeze while they were 'sneaking' you concerned glances from their shared chair.
Ignoring them for now, and having let the silence stretch a little too long, you eventually bring your eyes back up to meet the intense blue ones of the man at your side. You watch as he huffs at your lack of an answer, flopping back on the seat he claimed as his own.
He wants to let it drop there, it's clear you don't want to talk about whatever's bothering you with him. He should just go back to watching the movie. So, that's what he does. … For a few minutes.
But he just can't stop the concern he feels over your odd behavior tonight. He's debating on whether or not to question you again- only to notice he's been unconsciously bouncing his leg. Deciding to just bite the bullet, he chooses a different approach.
Making sure he catches your eye this time- he asks again. "Seriously. You alright? You're completely out of it today."
And as soon as the words leave his mouth, he can literally see the cogs turning in your mind. It's as clear as day you want to ask him something, it's written all over your face. And in a surprising act of patience- he stays quiet. Allowing you time to fully form your thoughts.
This turned out to be the right move as you start speaking after a moment of silence.
"Could you.... could I get a hug?" you ask hesitantly.
Looking up at him from under your lashes, fidgeting with your hands, clearly nervous about his answer. But trying to appear unaffected. He can't even focus on your face though, because as soon as you asked, his eyes blew wide, his heartbeat picked up, and he was speechless. He's absolutely floored by your question as people don't tend to just ask him things like that.
At his silence you were starting to feel disheartened. Opening your mouth to quickly backtrack and apologize for asking but he interrupts that train of thought with a soft sigh before you can get the words out.
"You...want a.. hug?" He asks in a voice you've never heard from him before.
He's unable to look you in the eye to hear your answer- even if he's sure of what it's going to be since it is what you asked afterall. But It doesn't change the fact that his heart is racing just at the thought.
Lifting his eyes up to keep them from going back to your face: He spots Himiko and Jin on their shared chair. Right behind your head to his view on the couch. Both vigorously nodding their heads along to your request- encouraging him to agree.
As if he would deny you anything.
You may have only known each for a few months, but he's developed quite a soft spot for you over that time. This fact goes unnoticed by you, but not the rest of your friends as he's frequently teased about it by Himiko damn near daily. The teasing often leading to him storming out of whatever room he's in with a light pink blush dusting the healthy parts of his face, only to get teased by other members as soon as he's spotted fleeing Himiko.
He only meets your gaze again when he sees Himiko miming stabbing him if he refuses.
Turning back to face you- he sees your face is fully lit up by the TV. Bringing his attention to the dark circles under your eyes. He's honestly unsure of how he hadn't seen them before. Now that he's paying attention, he also sees the exhaustion in your body language. You've slumped into yourself, looking incredibly tense. He has no clue how long you've been like this without any one of them noticing.
But in their defense, you're not particularly close to anyone here. Always staying on the sidelines, always by yourself- Even when invited to hang out by the more friendly members of the league, You've made sure to keep your distance from them, your walls built up high around you. They can see it though. The way you're hurting yourself more by keeping a distance from them, refusing to get attached to anyone. They can see how you're suffering alone.
They see it so clearly, they've all been in your exact position. They WERE in your exact position right before they found the league. And they know that as much as they want to- they can't just force it. They can't force you to open up to them and be part of the family they’ve made. They have to wait for you to be open to reaching out. To want to form bonds again. And- here you are. Finally starting to break out from the hard shell you have around them, seeking comfort.
And you're asking for it from him of all people?
"Yeah.. if it's okay with you? You're just.. really warm." You explain in a soft voice, afraid of him denying you after you barely managed to find the courage to ask in the first place.
"Uhh.. Yeah. Sure. Of course." He rambles nervously, heart racing in anticipation at the idea.
He's quick to move. Settling fully on the couch in a position that'll be comfortable for the both of you. As soon as he's found it, he opens his arms in invitation- making it so that his lap is completely free for however you want to place yourself.
Despite his easy acceptance, when you easily slide yourself onto his lap- he can't help but tense up. He's reeling over being the recipient of such attention; despite him having expected it. However, he's no where near uncomfortable with the closeness.
You clearly already had an idea of how you wanted the hug to go before asking him as you wasted no time situating yourself over his lap to face him, chest to chest. Your knees bracketing his hips on the couch and wrapping your arms around his waist. You slump forward against him, hooking your chin over his shoulder, and nuzzle into his neck slightly before settling down. Completely comfortable on his lap now.
Once you're still; you feel hands that are almost too hot wrap around your back, pulling you forward the last bit so you're both pressed flush against each other. Those hands then move around your waist to form a light hold.
He's been tense the entire time. That is until you snake your hand up to the top of his head- lightly running your fingers through his soft white hair. Gently scratching his scalp with your nails. The sigh he lets out as he melts into your touch ruffles your hair, but you pay no mind to it.
What you do pay attention to is the fact that this is the first time you'd ever been this close to him. Hell, this is the closest you've been to anyone in years. And the main thing that captures your attention is his surprisingly nice scent. You can easily smell the scent of smoke and nicotine that clings onto him at all times, but even beyond that- you notice the smell of the strawberry shampoo Himiko uses. Along with the faintest scent of snow. You never would've guessed it but somehow it fits now that youre smelling it on him.
Being chest to chest with him you also note how warm he is. You've already known this but being this close? It makes it entirely different. You can just feel the heat seeping into your bones. Relaxing your muscles even further. The thought of seeking him out again after a fight to use him as a personal hot pack crosses your mind briefly and you huff a laugh into his shoulder at the thought.
He didn't even feel it, since unknown to you: Dabi's mind has been running wild since the moment you asked him for the hug. And in all honesty, he didn't really know what he had been expecting after asking if you were alright. But this situation definitely was not it.
Still, he's stuck on one thing, he just doesn't really understand why you chose him to request a hug from. Sure he was questioning if you were alright and was right there next to you, but if you just wanted a hug- Why not approach Himiko any of the times you saw her this week? Or even Jin or Spinner? Hell, maybe even Compress!
They're the more welcoming members of the league. Not him. He's not exactly what he'd call approachable. People are usually so scared by his appearance; or at the very least put off at first. He's not really a person most people would look to for a hug. Yet here you are- cuddled up on his lap.
He's not exactly a stranger to being hugged- everyone in the league is aware of Himiko's clinginess after all. But the fact that he was your first choice? Now that added a lot more impact. It's not as if you deny hugs from the other members, you've just never initiated them like you did with him.
That's never happened to him.
He's never been picked first for nearly anything, let alone comfort.
He's not even anyone's first choice of comfort in the league. It's not like he holds it against any one of them, but they all do have members they're closer to than him, and he's fine with that. He's content on his own most of the time, even if he does secretly treasure when the entire league is together the most. Even despite acting as if he didn't enjoy their company.
But, here you are. Taking a wrecking ball to everything he's used to and making him feel warmer than he has in a while. And not in a way relating to his quirk whatsoever. The revelation hits him hard as he unknowingly started to grip your shirt tightly in his fists, balling up the material, but you don't feel it. Already having fallen into a sleepy half asleep state against his shoulders- completely unaware of the way you've made his thoughts race.
You're enjoying the comfort from him as much as possible, especially since it's been over half an hour since the hug started and he still hasn't pushed you off. You're determined to stay here as long as he'll let you. You want to see if he'll let you stay on his lap long enough for you to fall asleep. You're fine sleeping right here, you just want to see if you'd finally be able to sleep for a whole night without nightmares if there's someone with you while you rest, craving just one night with a full 8 hours of sleep.
He only snaps out of his thoughts when he can physically feel Himiko glaring daggers into his head. To put it simply- If looks could kill, he'd be dead. Confused as to what he did, he looks down at you and sees you. Struggling to keep your eyes open, lightly rubbing your face against his shoulder. You had moved to rest your cheek on it instead of your chin, facing his neck, while he was zoned out. He was so out of it he hadn't noticed the soft breathing against his skin until just this second.
Having now been roused from his thoughts, he looks at the time. Taking note of the way you're quickly losing your fight with sleep- he moves for the first time since you climbed on his lap. He's intent on bringing you to your bed, as he doesn't know if he'll have the heart to wake you if you fell asleep on him, and he doesn't want to pick you up while asleep either, in order to not disturb you. He doesn't know how light of a sleeper you are and he's not willing to find out.
He also didn't want you sleeping on the couch anyway. Especially now that they finally have a hideout where everyone gets their own rooms; therefore you have your own perfectly fine bed. Which is much better than a couch. He easily slides his hands under your thighs to lift you up, making it so that you won't have to detach from him until you get to your room, and allowing you to rest against him for a little longer. You let out a quiet yelp in surprise, making a couple members look over at you two when he stands. But- other than Himiko sticking her tongue out at him when he passes her- there's no reaction from anyone else when he starts walking towards the hallway that'll lead to your room, with you, of course, still in his arms.
Your door is unlocked, as it always is because even if you're not close to the league, you trust them. That makes it much easier for Dabi to get in without needing to move you or put you down. Walking in, he can't help but notice the somewhat sparse decorations in your room.
He's not the kind of guy to snoop, but he's interested to see the parts of your personality that he'll be able to pick up from your room. He is the first person you've ever allowed inside afterall. And looking in just from the doorway- he notices a couple posters on your walls. Mainly musical artists and video games from the swift surveying glances he gives them. He also notes one poster ripped at the corner, but keeps walking until he passes your vanity, where he stops for a moment, he sees pictures scattered across the mirrors borders, some having people cut or scratched out of them. He also takes note of the little things you have there on the surface, like the necklace you made with a bead Mr. Compress gave you, along with your collection of makeup, some of which he knows you use in costume, some of which you got from Magne.
Not wanting to spend too much time looking about, making you question why he stopped. So, he continues on towards your bed where he admires the fairy lights you've set up. On your pillows he also spots the bunny plushie Himiko gave you when she found out they're your favorite animal. In all honesty- seeing you having so many gifts from the other members makes him feel a little jealous. He didn't even know you were friendly enough with some of them to receive gifts from.
He wants to give you something that you'll keep with you too, the issue is: He has no idea how to pick out gifts. Maybe one day he'll suck it up and swallow his pride for you to ask Himiko. He knows she'll help him- he just doesn't know if he could take the teasing that would come.
Dismissing that line of thought with a quick shake of his head, he approaches your bedside, bending over it slightly so that you'll fall over it when you release your hold on him.
instead of releasing and getting into bed, you surprise him for a second time that night by gripping his middle tighter and whining softly. He freezes in place as soon as you do and you start to tense up, worried that maybe you pushed too far by doing that, but before you can move, he speaks up. However, all he does is whisper quietly to you:
“Y’sure you want me to join you, Sweetheart?”
and you can swear you heard his voice break in the middle of asking that, but you don't point it out. You're too embarrassed over your request to actually verbally ask for him to stay with you until you fell asleep, so you just nod against his shoulder, hoping he'll take that as your answer and you won't have to speak up.
Thankfully for you, after that confirmation, he silently stands back up, with you still hanging onto him, and begins to shuffle into your bed, getting the both of you under your plush comforter, one arm wrapped around you the whole time he's moving. He doesn't say another word, he just lies on his back, with you now straddling his abdomen.
Still slightly embarrassed about the situation despite his easy acceptance to your request, you choose to not say anything for now. All you do is readjust yourself and get comfortable. Since he got in bed with you still on top of him, you assume it's alright if you don't get up from where you are.
Because you really don't want to end the most comfortable hug of your life so soon, that's the main reason you didn't want him to leave. But you'll also secretly admit to yourself that you asking him to stay was a bit selfish, as youve wanted to spend more time with him as well. Even if you haven't talked much to each other tonight, this entire ordeal has been a big experience for you. Tonight is the first time you've let your walls down even the slightest bit around another person in years. But what you're not anticipating is the fact that this move is also the first step to joining the makeshift family the league has formed. .
The family they've been trying to bring you into for weeks.
You're lying on top of him in a very similar position to the one y'all were in in the common area. The only real difference now is how you've fully stretched out your legs, and that your face is pressed into his neck instead of his shoulder, fully facing him now.
Once you're done moving about, his arms come back up around you to rest his warm hands against the dip of your back, which makes you release a sleepy sigh. Fully content to surrender to the darkness calling you to rest; there's something bothering you, keeping you from giving in yet. There's one more thing you need to do before you fall asleep. Moving your head up so you can make eye contact with him nstead of his neck, you mumble in a low voice:
“Thank you for this… G’night Dabi."
He doesn't give a response, he just hums and tightens his arms around you. But he doesn't need to say anything, as you're fully asleep within a minute after having said your parting. The heat of his body was making the call of sleep even more irresistible, and now that you said what you wanted to, you were able to give into it. As you fall asleep, you've started to unconsciously grip Dabi’s shirt tightly, curling the fabric around your firsts; as if subconsciously afraid he'd leave you right after you drift off. But of course he doesn't do that.
He would never do that to you.
Instead, he waits until he's sure you're deeply sleeping, listening to the soft sound of your even breathing against his skin, before his eyes find your face. Soaking up every detail he can make out in the low light of your bedroom, he lets himself appreciate your beauty. The only light in the room being from the string of fairy lights within the room; but that's enough for him right now.
In the stillness of your bedroom, with the only movement coming from you contently sleeping over him in your huddle, he finally allows his tears of blood to fall from his eyes. The ones he's been holding off ever since you let him into your room. The urge had only increased as you continued to cling to him, then shocking him by allowing him on your bed with you, to provide you the comfort you've been craving through the night. It had all become too much for him to hold back now that you're unable to see him.
The show of trust hits him hard as he lies there, crying silently as he grips you tighter, as if you're the only thing keeping him from floating away. The fact that he's the first person you've ever let into your room, and probably the first person to hold you like this in a while, if ever, makes his heart beat erratically in his chest. Your show of vulnerability to him of all people is doing something to him. He didn't even realize how cold he had grown until he was shown the lightest bit of sunshine and immediately began to thaw.
You choosing him to be vulnerable with already has him craving being vulnerable back. Already considering how he might initiate the hug next time- desperately wanting this to become a common occurrence.
And under the bed of night, as crimson tears still flowed, he whispered back to your sleeping form.
"Thank you too.. Goodnight.." as he places a kiss to the crown of your head.
For the first time in maybe his whole life, he doesn't fall asleep in pain or to the deafening noise of his thoughts screaming at him, which are filled with intrusive thoughts that sound suspiciously like his father. No. Instead, he falls asleep under you, feeling truly appreciated and wanted for the first time. The smile that spread across his face before falling victim to the lull of your gentle breathing stays on his face the entire night, never even once interrupted by the nightmares of his past he typically deals with every night.
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
hiii! can i request a luca x fem!reader one shot where the reader is Carmy & Sugar's little sister & the reader has to show luca around the city of chicago? They end up going to the reader's favorite spots & ends up showing him her apartment & he spends the night? The reade knows Carmy would be mad (he's really overprotective) at his little sister, but mostly mad at Luca when he finds out??
CUTE CUTE CUTE oh my god Carmy would be piiiissed lmao
Sights & Fights | Luca x Reader | One Shot
Content Tags: mostly just Carmy being Carmy
A/N: some of these things in chicago are things i have actually done YEEHAW including barraco's their pizza is delicious if you go to chicago i recommend
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Baby Berzatto, that's what you'd been known as most of your life, being the youngest of your siblings, and since Carmy as a toddler had only called you "baby" rather than your name. Unsurprisingly, you'd followed in the footsteps of your two older brothers, with a love for food.
Carmy had always secretly resented that Mikey let you work at The Beef and not him. While you had recently resented that Mikey left Carmy The Beef in his will. Still, you and Carmy were learning to co-exist in the restaurant your brother had left behind. And part of that coexistence was coming to terms with Carmy being your boss, whether you liked it or not.
When Mikey ran The Beef, he'd more or less treated you like his equal, but Carmy didn't. Sydney was his second in command, and that made your blood boil. But you couldn't quit, you didn't want to quit, it would cause yet another rift in the Berzatto family that you didn't need. So, you always did as Carmy asked, no matter how annoying.
Today's task was to show an old friend of his around Chicago and keep him busy. Carmy couldn't hang out with him until tomorrow, when they were going to Ever, without you. The old friend in question was chef Luca, who Carmy had originally worked with in Copenhagen at Noma. You'd never met him, much less seen him, so while you waited at the airport, the only description you were given was a "tall blonde man with tattoos" from Carmy.
Of course, Carmy had left out the fact that the chef in question was incredibly handsome.
"You must be Baby Berzatto." Luca greeted politely as he came to you, noticing the sign you were holding with his name on it.
"Yep, that's me. I see Carm told you the nickname..." You muttered with a little laugh.
"Yeah. I know why they call you Baby, and why they call your older sister Sugar." He muttered with a soft chuckle.
You took him to baggage claim, and got made sure he got set up in his Airbnb before you set out for your tour.
For being one of Carmy's friends, you found Luca oddly charming, if a little awkward. You'd expected someone more... stuck up, since Carmy had met him in the fine dining world. Mikey had put all these things about fine dining being full of snobs in your head - not on purpose, it was just Mikey's mentality about fine dining that had rubbed off on you.
You got along well during your day of sight seeing. You'd taken him to see The Bean, of course, and you decided to take him to one of your personal favourite spots, The Museum of Ice Cream. It was a nice day, for once something your older brother had given you a task that you actually enjoyed.
Your day out ended with dinner at your favourite place to get both deep dish and thin crust pizza, Barraco's, wanting to give Luca a true Chicago experience.
You brought the leftovers, and Luca, back to your apartment since it was closer than his Airbnb, just to unwind from your extensive day. It was wonderful to just spend time together, and what made it better was Luca was just nice. He was a gentleman. So many other guys would've tried to get you in the sack by now, even if this hadn't been a date.
Eventually, you and Luca had crashed on the couch while drinking wine and watching a movie. It was pleasant...
Until the following late morning, when Carmy let himself into your apartment since he hadn't heard from you or Luca in nearly 24 hours.
"What in the fuck, Luca?!"
You jumped up, immediately stopping your brother in his tracks. "This isn't what it looks like!"
"Oh, really? Enlighten me then." Carmy grunted, staring you down. If looks could kill...
"We were hanging out, and we fell asleep." You told Carmy in a gentle tone, your hands held up in defense. "That's all."
Your older brother eyed you carefully, then Luca, then back at you. He was clearly studying the situation very carefully. Finally, his gaze shifted from you completely.
"Chef, let's go. We need to get ready for Ever. Chef Terry wants to catch up." He told Luca.
You barely got to say goodbye to Luca before he left with Carmy. This was ridiculous, your brother was ridiculous. Now you had to wonder if you were going to see Luca again at all because of Carmy's little outburst.
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faffreux · 1 year
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
re: the ask where another anon said they felt the fandom dying
hi! i watched the entire show for the first time about 2 weeks ago (at the ripe age of 19, sue me) and ohhhhhh my god. oh my GOD. im obsessed and this is the first fandom ive ever been interested that wasnt totally dead and im SO glad there are authors and artists active and making things!! im probably abt to binge read all of your stuff after reading the trailer park au (which i adore btw. please tell me there will be more.) idk what the fandom was like before, but i just started writing my first steddie fic and im so happy theres a community that seems nice and fairly active <33
if you’ll allow me to be one of those annoying old people having a crisis about the passage of time for a hot second, this message just got me thinking about the 14yo version of me who was first discovering fandom and fanfic on ff.net, and what a fucking revelation that was to a lonely bookish young dweeb. to realize that you could just… add? whatever you want?? any story you love, you can just take it and make it your own personal barbie doll and no one can tell you what not to do??? incredible. absolutely delightful. and you’re so much closer to that girl than i am now on the timeline and i’m- i’m—! 😭😭
i’m being so aggressively 30 about this lmao i’m sorry. local woman is spoken to by a youth and has an all lowercase meltdown about it. more at 9.
anyway, welcome. there’s definitely a thriving group of clever, passionate, and talented creators in this fandom; honestly there are too many writers and artists i admire on this site to even begin to name them all, but here’s a couple you can check out to start (my blog is also full of art and fic recs, and you can find some fantastic writers through the @steddiemicrofic challenge): @aidaronan @thefreakandthehair @palmviolet @eddywoww @maikaartwork @inklessletter @cranberrymoons @bpillustrated
(to answer your question, yes, there will be more of the trailer park au. current plan is to write a new part each day until i have enough for a chapter, then publish the chapter on ao3; rinse and repeat through the end of nanowrimo and see where that gets me. so far i’m finding it a lot easier to stay focused on a single continuous story when i write in little daily snack bites like this, but we’ll see how the rest of the experiment goes 🤷‍♀️ i’m having fun with the story for now, so that’s really all that matters.)
…jesus christ, i wrote you a novella my absolute bad
- wynn 🦇
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chaoticklefics · 1 year
Helluva Boss Tickle HC’s That Literally No One™️ Asked for but I INSIST on Posting Anyway…
Is such a touch starved bean lmao!!
It doesn’t take much to get him laughing. A couple pokes to the tummy, sides or ribs and the guy is toast!!
Used to be absolutely TORTURED by Fizarolli in his younger days which is why he is apprehensive about anyone tickling him.
DO NOT even attempt to tickle him unless you can handle his revenge!?! He’s RUTHLESS.
Can’t handle teases, AT ALL. You tease him for being ticklish, or LIKING it, and he’s absolutely a lost cause. 10/10 blushy mess.
His snark lands him in so many ticklish situations. The guy NEVER learns.
His ticklishness is a very poorly kept secret. Everyone knows he’s ticklish, and most stop at nothing to get him giggling.
The only person who knows he genuinely enjoys being tickled is Stolas, although he does a poor job of hiding it.
Super squirmy!
Worst spots are ribs, tummy and armpits for sure!
Is such an easy target. He’s often uptight and anxious and tickling him is the perfect way to fix this and cause him to chill out.
Millie definitely takes advantage of Moxie’s ticklishness frequently. It’s her wifely duty, after all!
Mox doesn’t love to be tickled but he doesn’t hate it. He enjoys when Millie tickles him because she always knows when to stop.
He’s super sensitive!! Everyone at I.M.P. knows it and definitely takes advantage of it whenever they feel necessary.
Has a super squeaky laugh.
Literally, his laugh only encourages whoever is tickling him to tickle him more.
Can’t really handle being tickled so he usually doesn’t try to start fights he can’t finish.
Usually tries to avoid tickle fights as he’s a popular target. He’s NEVER spared LMAO.
Knees, thighs and back will have him begging.
Definitely a snorter if you get him good.
Definitely is no stranger to starting tickle fights.
She tickles Moxie the most though!!! And Moxie tickles her more than anyone as well.
ABSOLUTELY SHOWS NO MERCY (although she is careful to monitor her victims reactions to avoid going too far).
Her nails are DEADLY. Usually utilizes soft tickles which can be maddening.
Loves to utilize teases to embarrass her lee with soft cooing.
She also enjoys being tickled so she can take whatever revenge is due in stride.
She cannot handle raspberries! AT ALL.
Laughter is high pitched and bubbly!!
Can be intentionally cheeky to others to get tickled. And cheeky while being tickled too since she doesn’t mind being tickled.
Loooooves the anticipation of being tickled. Loves to be chased, and loves anticipating revenge.
Her worst spots are her feet, tummy, neck, and ribs.
Not always used to physical affection, wasn’t ever sure if he was ticklish, he quickly learns just how susceptible he is to tickling when he befriends Blitzo.
ACTUALLY IS HILARIOUSLY TICKLISH. Blitzo lives to tickle this man to pieces.
Can’t handle teases. It makes the sensation of being tickled a thousand times worse.
Only ever lets Blitzo tickle him. But I’d sure to get revenge.
HIS FEATHERS AND WINGS ARE SOOOOO TICKLISH?!?!? Light tickles work best on the guy. He also can’t handle his armpits being tickled. His back is wickedly sensitive. It’s so bad, he can’t even sit still during a massage.
Stolas is absolutely a skilled tickler. Especially when finding out Blitzo enjoys being tickled he uses it as an excuse to wreck him.
His feathers and claws are KILLER. And can be used with such precision to drive any Lee mad with hysterical laughter.
Although ruthless at times, he is caring and will stop to check in with his lee to ensure he never goes too far.
Tickling him will always result in revenge with no mercy, no matter what, just ask Blitzo.
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stvharrngton · 2 years
💙; a headcanon for steve + any trope/scenario
ok we know king steve was a douche and maybe you dated him in high school and it didn’t work out. but now its been a few years and he’s a reformed douche™️ :-) a little enemies to lovers trope where he tries to win you back?? <3
i’m such a slut for enemies to lovers!!!! hell yes let’s go @blandyton
1k celebration
even tho king steve was a douche i still feel like he had that boyfriendism about him, like he was still sweet on you, sneaking up behind you in the halls, sneaking kisses where he could but like. this bitch was so cocky, so confident and maybe he said or did something that just rubbed you the wrong way. or maybe he just broke up with you like out of the blue and broke your heart :( so now you hate him lmao and every time you see him or someone mentions him you make some little snide comment bc fuck that guy!!
but of course steve being steve he still has feelings for you bc he’s a little dumb he hasn’t been able to bring himself to do anything about it because he thinks you hate him bc well…. you kinda do. so he’s been moping around because he’s not seen you about town in a while but one day you drop into family video and he decides there and then that he’s gonna try and do everything in his power to win you back bc he’s still hopelessly in love with you and you look so pretty and he just wants to be able to kiss you and hold you in his arms again 😪 so he starts off small, offering to help you pick a movie, giving you a recommendation here and there and you’re just like 🤨 but you let him do it, after all he is only doing his job. but then he steps it up a notch, grabbing a coffee and your favourite pastry as he drops it into your work a little sheepish smile on his face and you’re like wtf is he doing here ffs but he just spills the beans. tells you how sorry he is, that he knows he was a douche in high school and that he wants to make it up to you. and he’s like can we just be… friends? acquaintances even? bc i really miss you in my life. if you feel the same… obviously. and ofc cause it’s stevie he’s a little awkward and flustered and you just kinda roll your eyes at him but agree nonetheless but you’re still a little standoffish with him because you can’t just forget what he did, no matter how many times robin or those rag tag kids tell you he’s changed
and maybe one day you’re hanging out and he makes some comment about how mean you used to be to him and you get a little upset and snap like well, yeah you deserved it, king steve so he decides enough is enough and he pulls some grand gesture, shows up at your house, bunch of roses in hand, stereo on the ground outside your window kinda shit. and he just confesses everything to you. tells you he wants you back, that he’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you bc he can’t bear life without you much longer 😪 and obvs you jump at the chance and run down to give him a big smooch bc how could you not
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Hello! I think you mentioned that Elysie already has children outside of her pregnancy, or maybe I'm confusing this with another blogger. Anyway, would any of Elysie's children learn about Milo? If they are introduced, what is the growing relationship like between them and Milo, since technically he can be considered their "cousin"? If not, what would the scenario be if any of the kiddos stumbled upon Milo years later during a visit at Ben's house?
She has 3 kids, excluding her current pregnancy! But no, none of the kids know about Milo, or borrowers in general...in fact, neither does her husband or any of her coworkers, despite the fact she secretly treats sick/injured borrowers in her clinic after hours. It's part of the reason why she's so trusted in the borrower community -- she takes their secrecy very seriously. The only reason she revealed her knowledge to Ben is because he approached her about if first.
Her kids are sweet, but children can still unintentionally be rough with smaller things no matter how well they've been taught to handle animals by their vet mom. And kids also like to spill the beans. The only way they'd ever meet Milo (or a borrower in general) would be by complete accident or after they're adults and Elysie felt they could be trusted enough to take over the practice of being a borrower doctor (provided they A) had an interest in becoming a vet tech like her and B) she had permission from borrowers to bring her kid(s) into the mix).
If the kids happened to come across Milo by random chance once they had grown into tweens/teens, Ben would have a fucking heart attack. Mostly because his nieces/nephews never pop in for a surprise visit. Also he's immediately calling Elysie for her to come over for an emergency family meeting because it needs to be stressed that none of this can get out to the public. Meanwhile, Milo is super stoked to have a kid around his own age to talk to! I think the newly introduced cousins would have too much fun getting to know each other and hanging out to really care about their respective parents losing their mind lmao
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y'know what?
i want a 3-way 4-way 3-way??? love tirangle square thing convulated complications drama square telenovela for a the boys au set in a/b/o between omega billy butcher and his three main (possibly all alpha??) suitors<3
becca, hughie and homelander
and i want homelander to be that one shitty super fucking possessive ex who won't go away and keeps literally savin'~<3 ruinin' the boi's life and also knocked him up<3<3<3 which is *why* he won't leave the poor boi alone cause he def fucked up by accusing billy of cheating on him after realizing that mofo actually had his baby--
i want billy bean to be that boss typa omega who's pretty much the same unapologetic bitch he normally is lmao but also leik... i want him to have told vought to fuck the fuck off probably cause homie caught bad bad feelings that made him still care and at least try to send help even when he was being a cunt and billy preformed his own goddamn c-section to cut his own goddamn son out of his own goddamn body, plus battlescar cause yes~<3
and i want becca to have been the alpha (or beta/omega we support our beautiful fantasy bi omega queens~<3<3<3) who stepped up in homie's absence to be there for billy boo and his bouncing baby boy (ryan) and the parent ryan comes to adore more than anything and confides in even when his shit bio dad and trying so hard but not always put together omega mum can't get their shit together and are fighting over and about him (cause she's awesome and deserves to get to live this time)
and homelander is obviously *trying* (is he really tho?? ;)))))))))))) because that's *his* son and billy bean is *his* omega (you goddamn piece of shit homie...) so CLEARLY all these *placeholders*and temporary distractions in billy's life mean NOTHING and he just needs to get him to see the light and come back to his side, OBVIOUSLY. no matter what it takes... NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES--
and billy of course still has feels but most definitely kinda wants to kill him except because ryan he is *trying* to stay CIVIL with the alpha (and quite possibly has sworn off all alphas for good lmao which leans into the other two give or take maybe maybe not being alphas depends how bad homie ruined him for others it for him and how ya want it end mmmmmmmhmmmm~<3<3<3 ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
but anywho becca ends up leaving (either because homie threatens her life or billy tells her to for fear homie might try something or both) and enter hughie~<3
i want hughie to be the new boi toy alpha (or beta/omega) who steps in and steps up after shit hit fan with becca and i want that sweetie to put on his brave face and not back down when homelander shows up (but also still like obviously shitting his pants) so he can be like "THAT'S RYAN'S DAD?!?!?!" but leik poor baby~<3 he *really* likes billy so goddammit he's gonna try and woo him anyhow and homie's like "there's no fucking way billy would choose this poor excuse of a man/alpha over me/at least the other one was attractive" (bonus, if hughie's also an omega so billy can be like "i'm gay~<3" and it makes homie SOOOOOOOO jealous but also super fucking turned on because WHAT?! ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OOH~<3 ryan can run away when things start to get hectic ending up going to see becca~<3 and since the other two mofos can't get their shit together, hughie's the one who puts the clues together while the useless mofos are still panicking to find out where ryan went
and there's vought being dicks and billy putting down a firm line with the ultomato that if john wants any part of ryan's life he's gonna have to dump that raging capitalist ho and cut her off for good and nobody thinks homie will do it but *GASP* HE ACTUALLY DOES THEN AND--
OOOHHHH~<3 this can go so right and so wrong and all over the place at the same time and i WANT it... goddammit, i'ma probably have to be the one who writes it lmao
free for anyone else to use explore extrapolate steal from~<3<3<3
bonus points if ryan has a heartfelt convo with his pa about heros and how they're supposed to protect<3 and he actually is the one who gets homie to quit vought after homie prolly tries to kidnap him but maybe even become an actual honest hero cause homie's still an attention whore let's face it LMAO HIS HORRIFIED FACE WHEN STORMFRONT *SUGGESTED* HE FORSAKE HIS STARDOM--
extra EXTRA bonus points if the other two suitors besides homie are omegas and they learn exactly EXACTLY why billy liked this ho so much he accidentally ended up up the duff from him and~<3<3<3<3<3<3
bonus bonus BONUS points if billy *was* homelander's *mistress* (he didn't care and knew BUTT) just adds to the piece a shit + MASSIVE hypocrite~ factor cause homie was constantly like "i'm the world's strongest alpha i can handle more than one omega!!" and he really... *really*~<3<3<3 can not... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
super extra extra bonus bonus points if hughie ends up being the meanest one~<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
always bonus points for cows... as fucking farm animals and nothing more you goddamn dirty beans--
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ramonag-if · 2 years
I loved chapter 6 😍. Dear author the emotional trauma was chef’s kiss 😚👌
My opinion on Salyra has not changed but worsted lmao 🤣 . That being said I don’t doubt Salyra loves the MC in her own complicated way, but the path to hell is paved with good intentions 👀, and there is so much that a person can endure and forgive… You have build a really interesting character and the fact that there’re so different responses to Salyra speak well of your writing.
I was expecting the reveal about Erlan and the probable role Salyra had in it, but the implication on why she had the MC hit in the feels. Poor MC when they will discover the secret Salyra is trying to keep. I love how Salyra only followed them to avoid her old friend to spill the beans 😂.
On the other hand i can forgive Ahlf’s role in chapter 5 angst, he was only trying to protect the MC, and my MC would have reacted the same way (like father like daughter much to Salyra’s chagrin 🤣). Maybe it is because i read Ahlf’s side story? Or maybe because his secrecy seems to be propelled by a wish to protect, while Salyra seems to act in fear of the MC’s reaction? 🤔
Now I have a doubt: was Salyra truly the fugitive she believed to be? We already know that Erlan wasn’t a threat to the MC or the vinian family, so it is not hard to believe that he wasn’t so obsessed in finding her outside of Ishari. I mean I don’t doubt Erlan would have danced on her grave if in the war effort she ended up dead, but going to the lengths of finding her for years outside of Ishari… 👀
I'm so glad you enjoyed Chapter 6! 😊💖 I tried my best to make things about the MC and dealing with the aftermath of Chapter 5's events so I'm happy the emotional trauma hit the mark 😅
Salyra is a complicated character and I never wanted her to be this perfect mother who swoops in to save the day, after the MC had to live with Ahlf for so long 😅
Erlan's death is going to come up in Part 3, because I wanted to focus on the main plot points for this chapter and to foreshadow the MC's reason for being born 👀 Salyra did not follow the gang to meet Sangasu - she had already been planning to head there but didn't think the MC would have gone too 😂
Ahlf did try his best to protect the MC and by part 3, you will get to learn more about his role in the whole Salyra/MC relationship 👀 the side story does explain a little about how it started, but there is a lot more that still has to be explained.
She was for a long time on the run, but with age, Erlan grew more reluctantly to continue fighting a battle he seemed unable to win so he lost interest after some time. Whether or not Salyra was really being sought by Erlan is a matter of perspective 😅😬
Thanks for playing and for your support! 💖
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 months
Btw showing the desc of my fursona now (i forgor- oop I still swear to god I've forgotten a detail but I can just update it at any point so ye) But anyways here's uh my fursona! I bet y'all can tell im not super used to making furry characters
| Name: Lunar Nightwing Creepybonez
| Nicknames: Usually prefers to just go by Lunar, or his actual nicknames: Luny (Loo-ny), Creepz, or Bonez
| Pronouns/Sexuality: Trans FTM, goes by He/Him, and he is Pansexual
| Age: 24
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Animal (Mouse/Bat hybrid)
| Hobby: Writer/Artist
| Eye Color: One’s pastel purple and the other’s pastel green (light pastels) his eyes are normal pupils (sometimes they go silly mode, going wide like a cat’s, slits, his eyes can also swirl like a hypnosis effect)
| Fur Color/Body Type: His fur is also Pastel Purple, from his neck to his belly is Pastel Green, his wings are a mixture of the colors (the back of his wings are fully pastel purple but the inside of his wings go in a row, pastel purple, pastel green, and then repeat essentially until his wing span ends, his wings are big enough to wrap around his whole body or someone else’s, and he’s fat.
| Likes: Horror Stuff/Halloween, Demons, Sharks, Dogs, Bears, other Bats/Mice, Writing and Drawing of course, Baking, Rhythm Games, Sweets/Candies, Wrestling (it’s a special interest of his, has been since he was a kid, he can talk your ear off about it)
| Dislikes: Shitty people in general which is obvious, dolphins, Owls, Hawks, not being able to do the things he likes, Anxiety, the stigma around sharks (has a fucking vendetta for Jaws but also watches it just to give correct and accurate shark facts), Dolphins …he just doesn’t like them,  and …tbh I can’t think of much else, he doesn’t dislike a WHOLE lot lmao
| Appearance: Imma get this out of the way, Lunar’s wings are attached from the back, his arms/paws are separate, he’s got a pink mouse tail as well, Lunar doesn’t wear clothes, he doesn’t… Really need to and besides, do you know how hard it’d be to cut out holes to fit his wings through and also his tail, it isn’t like he needs them anyways, he has pastel purple and pastel green toe beans on his paws too, and his toe beans squeak when you press them, as does his nose, his nose is pastel purple with little pastel green dots on them.
Lunar has pointed ears like a bat’s, long whiskers like a mouse, his eyes usually have little white heart shines in them, he’s got two front buck teeth (but their razor sharp, like buck fangs)
And his other teeth are just sharp and pointy, his fur is super soft and smooth, there’s three little tufts of pastel purple fur though that are always sticking up on him, no matter how much he combs it, it always sticks up, so he just kept it like that, he thinks it looks cool anyways, he has top surgery scars that kinda look similar to bat type wings.
His eyes can go from heart shines to hypnotic swirls of pastel purple and pastel green (why? Bc I love designs like that)
This is just me writing down the basics of like when I make the fursuit- which’ll be a LONG time from now bc I legit don’t know what I’m doing and need to learn
…I realize he doesn’t really need a personality since uh he’s MY fursona- so he’s kinda just,, like me essentially- but some uh side facts I guess is in order-
| Side Facts: Lunar is amazing at playing the old game ‘Snake’ when he was a kid he used to play all the time on his mom’s old Nokia phone (I’m giving him things that I did as a kid yes) if you put Snake in front of him he may not beat the full game but he can get a damn good high score on it, same with Tetris.
Contrary to loving horror, while he has horror games he plays, he much prefers cozy games or relaxing ones, Stardew Valley is one of his most favorite cozy games.
Lunar has a loud screech that can be deafening, it’s one of his defense mechanisms technically, his loud screen can hurt your ears hella bad if he does it loud enough, and accurate to real life bats, Luny can’t just fly up suddenly in the air, no, he has to get to a high enough platform and THEN take flight, he’s pretty fast too, both in the air and when running, I mean he IS a mouse/bat so yeah.
Lunar is a scare actor at one of the haunt conventions in his hometown, he does it every Halloween (my dream to be a scare actor lmao) and Lunar’s house is decked to the nines in terms of horror merch, his house is like a damn horror house itself, he does sleep upside down most of the time with his tail and wings curled around himself, but sometimes he sleeps in a coffin bed he made himself just for dramatic effect.
This fucker goes FERAL over Teddy Grahams, give him one of those and his life is yours, literally has been caught in the middle of the night eating a whole box of them, he fucking LOVES those things.
His biggest comfort food is Graham Crackers and Milk, if he doesn’t feel like eating anything else because some days for him all food sucks or makes him feel sick, but they never do, it’s a huge comfort food to him and he could eat it at any given time.
His favorite bands/singers include: Will Wood, Lordi, Circus Contraption, Creature Feature, and Ice Nine Kills mostly (but he'll always listen to anything at least once, he loves his music)
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starcrossedspirit · 2 months
How about 🍟,🥯,🍩 for the food themed ask game? (Any of your ocs, more than one is awesome aswell 🖤)
AHH!! I actually have answers for these, I thought of them last night!! So I'll be answering for both Sera and Lucy!! lmao tysm!! ✨
Ask's Here 🍟 What is your oc's opinion on fast food? How often do they buy it?
SERA: Loves fast food, it's definitely a comfort food for her. Of course there are those around that cook for her (and they usually have to/want to considering her predicament) but when she sneaks out she's always going to various places to eat. It's like she's able to make her own choices and food is one of those for her. LUCY: She's the stark opposite of Sera and she dislikes it, a lot lol. Her mother used to cook all of the time for the family and anything homecooked is special to her. Since having started to live in the city she's grown used to having to eat out but she would prefer not to as much as she can.
🥯 What's their usual breakfast like? Do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
SERA: Does not eat alone, and though she enjoys the company she's usually quiet- unless it's with either Rude or Reno. It's regular every morning as the Turks keep to their routines and she takes her usual which is a cup of green tea and a fruit sandwich. An ideal breakfast however would be somewhere in a little cafe among the crowd, blending in and being normal. LUCY: Ideal breakfast is a stack of pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream! With a fresh cup of juice! However ideal and what she usually has are two totally different things, as she usually eats a piece of bread alone and it's as often as she's able to get bread.
🍩 What is their favorite dessert? Do they get it often? What is their go-to dessert?
SERA: Favorite dessert hands down is vanilla bean ice cream. It doesn't matter if it's hard or soft serve, but it does specifically have to be vanilla bean. It's a very comforting flavor to her and it reminds her of fonder memories. It's her go to dessert as they usually have some around! LUCY: Strawberry cake! The kind with the cream, the sponge cake and the full strawberries around it! It's not special by no means but it is her favorite and it's her go to when life is certainly lifeing! But if you were to ask her if it meant anything to her, it's special because her and Zack would sneak a slice together when their mom said no more treats!!
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 3 months
24 + 27 + 30 for Ravi? :)
ty meg 😽
24. what's your wol's relationship with food? do they skip meals or do they eat at specific times religiously? is food important to them, or is it just a means to an end to keep their body going? does food mean something cultural or personal to them?
Oh she LOVES food, not just for the reasons of tastes good/nice texture/comfort food, but also because cuisine is so tied to culture and history. She loves getting to try the food in all the places she travels to. She has some things she fundamentally refuses to touch (such as beans and peas), but there hasn't been a single cuisine she hasn't liked, she always finds an array of dishes and drinks that become faves :> She's a terrible cook, however. She can make things that are edible but not very good, and inherited my curse that no matter what we do we cannot make scrambled eggs that don't taste like a new flavor of shit every time 🤣
She really loves the social aspect of food. Whether it's hanging out in the kitchen laughing and chatting while chopping vegetables, or a celebratory feast such as after a wedding, or a quiet intimate coffee date with a loved one, for her, love is at the heart of it all. Pretty much all her hangouts with her friends/family involve food, even if it's just snacks. Having to just stuff food in her face and run due to a tight schedule is something she LOATHES.
27. how does your wol feel about allag in general? the tech, the experimenting, the crystal tower? any thoughts on allagan ruins? are they impressed, scared, resentful, neutral?
She has....complicated feelings, about Allag fklgjhdghdfg. Like, it's impressive what they managed to do (create a WHOLE ASS MOON??? AND PUT IT IN SPACE???) but the depths of their depravity, their crimes against living beings, their obscene experiments- she hates them. And she thinks their aesthetic choices are terrible, to boot! (Amon being perhaps the worst example of this LMAO. She hates him and his shitty ass outfit so much (but she still hopes to be reunited with his soul in the next life, to help him find the answers he's been looking for all this time. And maybe next time he won't, yanno, blow up the world....))
More than that, though, every single experience she's had with Allag personally has been Bad, so when she sets foot in a ruin, she feels small, anxious, on edge. Allag is equated with loss, death, pain. Ysayle's death at Azys Lla, her fight with Thordan and his knights, the Warring Triad (which nearly killed Rian, one of her close friends and a fellow WoL), not to mention Garlemald's use of all that Allagan tech. Allag makes her feel like a prey animal being hunted for sport lfdkjghdkjgh, and boy does it ignite a prey animal rage in her.
She has very different feelings about the Crystal Tower. It's so...beautiful. Breathtaking. Incredible and intricate and MASSIVE. How could such a thing even be built? It helps that its architecture barely resembles typical Allagan construction lol. It's still very sad for her, though. The dragons imprisoned inside, G'raha locking himself away, not even mentioning the Seat of Sacrifice which she can't think about without crying.
30. how does your wol feel about children? do they want them? like them from a distance? hate them? no strong feelings?
When she was younger, she just kinda liked them from a distance, but not much more. In more recent times, such as ShB onwards, she likes them a lot! (Riqi-Tio looked at her once and she immediately got attached LOL). And one of the more quietly impactful parts of Stormblood was hanging out with that little girl (Isse's sister) who took her to visit her parents' graves. She's very protective of kids, always has been to some degree, so she doesn't take kindly to anyone or anything that threatens a kid. (can we say an extra FUCK YOU to Rielle's mom??)
Post-ENW, I think kids are some of her favorite people in the world slkfjghfdkgh. They've grown on her a lot over the years. They're funny, clever, not burdened down by The Horrors yet, and perhaps more importantly, they are the future, the ones who will inherit the legacy and world she leaves behind.
I don't have an exact timeline for it, but eventually she and Aymeric do adopt a few orphans, and they have one biological daughter, Juniper, who was a surprise (O'ravi didn't think she could actually have kids). Juniper likely inherits her mother's autism, though hers is a fair bit milder.
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ladytauria · 10 months
tauria!! 9, 14, 21, 74, 80, 84, 104, 122 from the book rec ask game please <33
ahhh thank you maya!
9. your favourite book of 2020
ahh, i'm actually going to answer this for---last year, because i remember it and also bc i hit my reading goal last year!!
so my actual answer would be nona the ninth, but as i have already rec'd gideon to bean and mentioned harrow in this list, i shan't count it.
s o.
i think i'm gonna go with The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski, which is part one of a duology. the first is a retelling of cinderella, the second of sleeping beauty.
the first, to me, was much more enjoyable than the second, although i deeply enjoyed both. the first is singular pov, the second is split (i liked the LI's more!)
the book takes place on an island which is segregated into three classes / rings, each of which enjoys a vastly different quality of life than the other. the protagonist lives in the lowest class, where, if you're charged with a crime, no matter the severity, the guards can take any tribute they ask---from a few strands of hair to some blood to an eye, etc. she works with her guardian to help sneak people out of the lower ring and into the upper rings, and has always yearned for a taste of them hersellf. after spending a night in prison, she meets an outsider--the first on the island in many years--who helps her achieve just that.
also the plot twist in this book is. amazing.
14. a book that made you trip on literary acid
like. in the most positive way possible.
Harrow the Ninth.
look. i wasn't going to rec sequels. i wasn't.
but oh my god.
i walked away from this book with a headache and i said thank you ms. muir <3
(runner up answer would be the stars are legion, bc. oof. that book was a mind-fuck. again? best way possible. but also. damn.)
21. a book with a red cover
literally the first book that came to mind was Eldest, of the Inheritance Cycle.
(i was going to answer with "witches of ash & ruin by e. latimer" but my kindle cover is now blue -.- and uglier, imo. whatever.)
but, uh. The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett!! i started the discworld series with the tiffany aching series, and i highly recommend <3 the nac mac feegles make me giggle so much <3
also i deeply love tiffany and all of the things that pterry conveys through her <3
74. your favourite love triangle
i didn’t forget to answer this before i clicked post wdym
this is hard!!! ngl i actively avoid love triangles in books after being so inundated with them during some of my peak reading years lmao
ahhh but
i actually didn’t mind how the love triangle was handled in the early throne of glass books!
i don’t necessarily recommend those but i was. obsessed with them for a time xD
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
i technically answered this on bean's! that would be "a girl of the limberlost" or "the secret garden" bc they both remind me of my mom.
also almost any murder mystery will remind me of her, as those were her favorite genre.
u h m. but to name a different book; i think of my brother every time i see a riordanverse book, particularly the Percy Jackson <3 i let him borrow my copies (i've. mostly forgiven him for their now beat up / falling apart state) and watching him develop his first otp / devour them was so sweet <3
104. a fluffy, sweet read
so i didn't technically rec it on bean's list, i just mentioned it.
Legends And Lattes - Travis Baldree! cozy, slice of life fantasy with a sapphic romance. an orc retires from adventuring to open a coffee shop in a city that's never heard of coffee. (its a gnomish thing.) has a lot of dnd-like setting things and so much found family <3
also it made me hungry, so like. have ur favorite warm drink & pastries on hand when you read it bc you may also end up wanting them <3
122. your favourite winter read
okay so first! um. when i think winter / autumn / summer / spring read i don't necessarily think about season in the book itself, but rather like... how i feel during those seasons. so! autumnal reads i prefer spookier vibes; summer i want lighter books i don't have to focus too much on bc the heat has melted my brain; and for winter i want books that are good for spending a long time under blankets, so. chunkier the better. (i don't know what a spring read is to me.)
i am going to answer this one with two books!
the first i have not actually read -- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, which is a fucking beast of a book. i am... about 20%? through it? i think? but i had to put it down bc i couldn't give it the full attention it deserved. however, i think, due to its size, it would be a lovely book to devour over a handful of snowy days, curled up in blankets <33
the second i have read, and i actually wouldn't call this one chunky, but. i dunno. it's made for a nice evening read, i think. anyway! The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A McKilip.
[ book rec ask game ]
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