#but it's bedtime and i give up on it
tippenfunkaport · 2 months
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Coffee date
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h0e-y · 7 months
Sexy Sunday selfie please?
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theloveinc · 5 months
wouldn’t it be fucked up if I wrote something abt being one of the women toji stays w/ after the death of his wife except… he brings little megumi and little tsumiki with him to stay with you? Wouldn’t that be so painful and I absolutely shouldnt do it?
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The Mimic is genuinely such an interesting fnaf antagonist to me bc it’s a learning, thinking, autonomous being in a way that most of the other animatronic adversaries aren’t with it being entirely devoid of any remains of a human soul, its existence dictated by an algorithm and simple instructing program which it proceeds to carry out with horrifyingly deadly precision, nothing more than a rogue antique endo-turned-murderbot responsible for multiple bloody gore-fests in the tales from the pizzaplex stories and epilogues and yet, AND YET. it’s simultaneously the child it learned it’s mannerisms and ideas that originally shaped its view of the world from, given “life” not by another’s soul but simply the anguish of a father’s grief over the loss of that same child that it doesn’t understand, now learning and adapting as per its programming to the anger and pain and fear it sees in everyone that so much as looks at it, the same hands and arms that used to gently hold a homemade stuffed tiger it now uses to break and rend and maim, and in a way its (later) brutalizing murder-sprees can be seen as little more than an innocent, literal, almost childlike interpretation of its instructions. it is lifeless and robotic and emotionless and capable of learning and emulating and born from pain and loss and anger and adapted to fear and suffering and it is absolutely everything to me
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egyptian-blue19 · 3 months
A03 has been down for an hour and we’ve managed to make it to #1 trending WE ARE UNHINGED
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theriverbeyond · 9 months
news and updates i have ACTUALLY STUDIED ‼️‼️‼️‼️ for perhaps the first or second time this semester. bedtime now 👍
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wikitpowers · 6 months
day 12849373038392 of this art messing me up
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guys we will be getting older brother!kit in twp...
(and it will wreck me)
artist: @lariablog
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starbuck · 2 months
the thing is, i know realistically that full time jobs take up a lot of people’s time, but that’s also hard for me to put in perspective while working full time AND doing school AND volunteering a bunch. Like. i very literally have no free time right now and the idea of ONLY working 40 hours a week sounds so luxurious to me… Like. imagine if work (that stayed at work) was my ONLY responsibility… if i could just come home and lounge?? unfair. obscene, even.
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benevolentcannibal · 1 year
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The final intruder
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hi hi okay imagine. stede wants to brush out ed's hair the way izzy always does. maybe izzy is busy on deck taking note of damages after a raid. maybe they had an infestation and he's going over ration spoilage and inventory with roach. ed is tired and cranky and absentmindedly separating sections of curls and tugging them apart at the bottom where they get stuck together in knots. stede offers to help with the tangles, says he would love to give it a go and help ed relax
izzy walks in a few minutes later and immediately comes up and tells stede he's doing it all wrong but also gently takes the brush from him and shows him the right way - where to hold the hair, how to start at the bottom with little sections and work his way up, when to start with his fingers instead of the brush. neither of them can see it but ed is smiling so much his face might actually burst
#ofmd hc#steddyhands#izzy hands#edward teach#stede bonnet#listen. you really think stede knows how to do hair#no way did he have an intimate enough connection with mary to do this for her#and alma's hair looks fairly thin and straight so even if he did give the occasional brush before bedtime long curly hair is so different#especially out in the ocean air?? that is not a ten second process to undo let me tell you#yes I'm strongly in club izzy-did-jeff's-hair but even if he didn't then I think it would have been ed#stede simply doesn't have the experience and know-how - yet#izzy on the other hand. i like to think this is something of a ritual that they have#ed sitting back with his leg stretched out at the end of a long day and izzy behind him first working out the tangles slowly bit by bit#then once all the tangles are gone just brushing from the top of his scalp down the full length of his hair in long and gentle strokes#izzy would have him practically purring and when he's done ed would be ready to fall asleep right then and there#izzy nudging ed to get into bed because he might not care now but he'll care in the morning if sleeping here fucks up his knee or back#(because no one is more of an expert at taking care of ed than izzy)#maybe their ritual can change to involve izzy starting on each section and undoing the worst of the knots with his fingers#then stede following it up with brushing out each section#stede doing the post-tangle brushing until ed's hair is as soft as it can be while izzy lies next to ed with his head in ed's lap#bonus: ed now gets to run his hands through izzy's hair too can you imagine#ANYWAY i'm here for this very soft tender stizzy moment of izzy teaching stede to properly care for ed#just a little post
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coquelicoq · 11 months
me: how about...natori contracting some kind of youkai illness & matoba finding out about it & showing up to his set & natori dragging him off to his trailer bc it would be bad for his sparkly reputation to make the angry faces he feels coming on in front of his coworkers & matoba offering to help but in that smarmy condescending way that raises natori's hackles so he refuses but unfortunately he doesn't know how to cure it so matoba just keeps showing up every day & natori keeps carting him off to the trailer every time & being suuuuper cagey when people ask him who his visitor is & what if his coworkers get the wrong idea & matoba is fully aware of this & what if one day in the trailer natori reluctantly agrees to let matoba help him & matoba's like okay fine off with your shirt i gotta paint this spell circle on your bare chest & what if he's in the middle of doing that when they hear somebody opening the door to the trailer & obviously they don't want anyone to know what they're actually doing in there bc youkai-exorcist confidentiality so matoba's like no worries i got this & he KISSES NATORI omg classic kiss-as-misdirection trope & the person at the door is like whoops my b carry on gentlemen & after they've left natori is like wtf matoba????? & matoba's like well it's what they all thought we were doing anyway & your mouth was right there & it allowed me to cover the writing on your chest with my body & also you kiss people for a living so i figured it wouldn't be too complex for you & your part-time exorcist training to handle & natori recovers admirably quickly & is like WELL for your information that was a TERRIBLE kiss & no one is gonna buy that i professional makeout artist natori shuuichi would be swapping saliva with somebody on the reg without any of my considerable skill rubbing off on them & matoba's like so what do you propose we do about it & natori's like obviously i have to teach you how to kiss in case they come back -
the bedtime story fairy who thought this was gonna be an easy assignment: please just go to sleep im begging u have mercy ur brain cells are dying
#my other bedtime imagine also features misunderstandings in natori's trailer/dressing room but this time it's established relationship#natori and his costar are in his trailer practicing a kiss & matoba comes in & thinks natori is CHEATING 😲#& packs up & goes back to the matoba estate & natori's calling him daily like i LITRALLY dk what i did wrong...miss u baby...#but also tell me what i did wrong u asshole!! you just left & didn't even tell me if/when you're coming back! wtf!!!#and eventually matoba comes home & they talk & natori's like mkay well first of all kissing that lady is my literal job that pays me#but i understand that it upset you bc we were alone in my trailer & looked startled to be interrupted. hey i know#why don't you come with me to set & you can see just how incredibly unsexy these practice sessions are?#so matoba accompanies him & it's literally just natori & his costar like calculating exact face tilt angles & figuring out#their precise height differential during the scene in question based on the shoes she'll be wearing & testing out ideal#degree of mouth openness & choreographing switching sides of the face to correspond to the movement of the camera#(bc obviously it's one of those epic 360-degree shots with the swelling orchestral score and w/e 🙄)#& figuring out where they should put their hands & whether it makes sense for them to be smiling at this point in their arc &c &c#& matoba starts like observing them from multiple angles & critiquing their technique & giving pointers to the costar#& grabbing natori's chin & bodily arranging his limbs like a mannequin & showing the costar the best ratio of lip give to firmness#by demonstrating with his own lips on natori's lips. & so on & so forth. meanwhile#the sleep i am forgoing in favor of having these thoughts is something i will NEVER get back.#natsume's book of friends#horrible exorcists#f#my posts#i am such a clown to watch one of the sweetest and most poignant shows i have ever seen and for what?#to get fixated on imagining ways to get these chuckleheads to smush their mouths together? unbelievable.#like these scenarios barely (if at all) have anything to do with what makes them so fascinating as characters. i just want them to Kiss#idk though i do feel like their first kiss has to be some sort of dare or 'accident' or w/e like these weirdos can't just KISS each other!#who does that! have you heard of a little thing called pride and invulnerability and plausible deniability!!!!#but i also completely imprinted on this one established relationship fic i read last year so sometimes i just skip ahead#to the kinds of misunderstandings and shenanigans and conflicting priorities they could get up to as a couple#i guess i just want the fact that natori is famous for kissing people to be Matoba Seiji's Problem in some way or another#is that so much to ask#(i also CLEARLY imprinted on a fic in which natori teaches matoba to kiss at a bar?? i should reread that one)
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magnusbae · 3 months
hi, i just read your latest piece, and i was wondering:
who gave you the right?!?!?! that shit hurtEd. ouch.
now, i took longer than i wanted to reply to this one, because i knew i wished to write back, and there was simply not a good moment for it--- with less words... here are...amends, dear anon. edit: it was not amends, i am so sorry. prev ♥️
There's a certain kind of relief, Obi-Wan muses. In death, that is.
Afterlife, part of the living force, heaven or hell— however you would call it, it matters little. This is where Obi-Wan exists now, lingering in the twilight of the force, between the the living and the else.
He should move on.
He's done enough, he's given enough.
Obi-Wan tells himself that the reason for his protracted stay is his promise to watch the boy. He did not train him as he should have. At the very least he will not break his promise to keep him safe.
Some days, it was the only thing that kept him going.
The promise to himself, to the force, to...Anakin.
Obi-Wan tells himself that he owes that much to the memory of the man he once loved. (Still does, if he's honest enough.)(He is not.).
Owes that and more— for how completely he had failed him.
If he spends more time on watching the ashen remains of what used to be a breathtaking, beautiful supernova in the force— than on actually guiding the boy, well, he tells himself that this is for the best, as well. There's little good Obi-Wan's guidance does, after all.
There's no fixing it. Obi-Wan realizes as he watches the one who used to be his Padawan meditate, shields lowered, thinking himself alone.
He said so himself, many times over. He knew that, many times over. Yet he still finds new ways to feel heartsick over it, still manages to be somehow surprised at the notion that this is the truth, that his—
Despair sinks deep within Obi-Wan's core as Darth opens up wider to the force, exposing his turmoiled self to the living force. The layers of anger and hatred are blinding, crimson red and pitch black, all coiled tightly together, protecting what's inside. Claws and venom, and—
Oh, Obi-Wan shudders as Anakin lowers one more shield, for it is Anakin he senses beneath it all— his fear, his agony, his pain.
Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan thinks, his own force signature twisting into knots. What he would have done to amend for this, to fix this to save him— but there's no bringing that rueful smile back, nor changing the past. Obi-Wan recoils from the thought. It is ruthless, pragmatic, and familliar. One he is used to, one he had been repeating to himself each day and each night. There is nothing he can do. Nothing.
Not anymore, not now, not then.
He can feel himself fading away, shifting deeper into the Force.
Away, away, away— again.
Turning his back as he once did, decades ago, the words 'Help me, Master' scourging through his soul and beyond.
He is a coward.
An old, foolish coward, who can never follow through.
Not that way, or another. Not in any way that matters.
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thecard · 4 months
Akimitsu baby would be really cute tho (feral child with Akihiko energy)
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Unable to pull up the game rn but I made this of their sims baby (link to the picrew generator in photo description).
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eclipsedsuns · 1 month
real-life activism is so much more enjoyable than internet activism btw. if you’ve only ever engaged in political/social activism online, i really recommend trying to find a real organization and getting involved in-person if you can
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babygray · 4 months
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A rough sketch before bed.
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trekkele · 4 months
Everybody always talks about Alfred's parenting but what about Martha and Thomas? Got any headcanons about them being parents and their influence on Bruce's later life?
Part of that is the fact that their deaths probably effected him more then anything they had time to do in his life - early childhood is incredibly important, yes, but as long as the Waynes were good-to-decent, the foundation was solid enough that Bruce’s few remaining memories of them alive would skew rosy.
There is at least one canon where the trip to the theatre was an apology on Thomas’ part for losing his temper at Bruce for interrupting him in his office, which is also a solid bit of parenting on his part (caveat that some canon shows Thomas hitting Bruce for interrupting him, which is not solid parenting). But i think that method of apology - an action or physical sign of apology over just verbally apologizing is something that Bruce learned from his parents, and combined with his difficulties speaking about his feelings, doesnt always serve him as well as it should.
And i think Batman is actually the best indication of the Waynes affect on Bruce - that his reaction to unbearable tragedy is a promise that no one will have to suffer like he did, that he will make this into a kinder world if he has to shape it tjat way himself. I think he learned that from Thomas and Martha too.
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