#but it's just not for me
meraki-yao · 8 months
I'm in a law lecture, why in the world does an engineering degree need to do a law course, I don't know, this degree is literally my Chinese stereotype nightmare (a combination of law, medicine and engineering)
Still working on switching to another degree but it's gonna take time, a lot of extra work and a lot of sneaking around but damn it in gonna do it
The lecturer is actually a really good speaker and I'm mostly paying attention, it's just... Really confusing to follow or summarize? It's also 9 pm and I'm losing brain cells and battery for the day
So at one point I kinda fully lost it and remember that Alex is in law school and thought "really Alex?"
Then I imagined movie Alex in court
And then thought "damn I need to add a court room episode to my rwrb sequel series idea"
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serious-goose · 11 months
i love fandom and it's so important to me as a person but i could never get a fandom tattoo
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generic-sonic-fan · 9 months
kinda sucks that you dont read idw i feel like the metal virus saga would be your favourite by far
plus you're missing out on peak sonic copy characterisation: surge
I've heard that the Metal Virus arc was really good! I'm happy that we got that kind of quality storytelling in this franchise. I like the vibes that I've gotten from reading the summary. I also like the idea of the Mr. Tinker storyline and Belle.
I love and appreciate a messed up gal like Surge as well. She's such a Girl Fail, if you will. Like the stuff I mentioned above, I know a fair amount of her vibes from fanon and reposted comic pages on here. She's such a fun character to read and see, even if I never really want to write for her.
My problem is that I simply don't like comic books as a format! I'm not biased against the Sonic comics in particular- I never got into the IDW Transformers comics when I was in that fandom, either, despite similar promises of them being the best thing ever. And besides, I'm quite happy in my little corner of imaginary gameverse fanon, where I don't have to acknowledge/work around comic canon plot points. In my other fandoms I'm rather religious about keeping track of every scrap of canon, but in this one I'm enjoying having the free space to make my interpretation of the characters my own.
Sonic after the Metal Virus arc and Sonic before the Metal Virus arc are two different characters, I think. Hell, sometimes I don't even acknowledge the plot events of Sonic Heroes even though it's the game that stars my two favorite robots, so I don't think I'd do well in the IDW side of the fandom at all.
Tl;DR: thank you for the invitation, but I'm happy where I am right now :) and not looking to immerse myself any further in the Sonic franchise.
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fannyyann · 4 months
which panther ships do you like most and which do you like least? I was gonna specify with Matthew but I think that’s obvious 😂
my favorites are matthew/carter and matthew/aaron, and i hate saying it's my least favorite because i certainly understand why people enjoy it, but matthew/barkov does not work for me in the slightest
a good portion of that is due to the fact that my oldest friend (literally known her since we were in fifth grade!) is named sasha so i have a mental block when it comes to engaging with their fic/ideas :/ but a lot of is mostly just due to the fact that i have no interest in thinking about barkov being kissed lol
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push-tet · 2 years
Hello! Just interesting what your least favorite premade/family is? If you don't want to answer it, that's okey!😣
don't worry, it's a good question, bec here i can answer who is for me unfavorite family and premade
most likely, i will be pelted with knives, stones and bicycles... but my unloved family is Smith.
To put it briefly: I just don't like family men to goosebumps and the sons of mother's friends
next i will try to base so that there will be a lot of letters
i have no pretensions to Jill, bec she is still a child and i can make whatever i want out of her, but I have a problem with the others … let's start with the fact that i don't like sims who don't need anything from life except family or they need a vital "replenishment in the house" and there are TWO of them
in Jenny, you can still trace the desire for career growth, but she is so sluggish as for me. in my game, she wanted to give birth and love with PT9 more. i tried to change her aspiration and it's still the same. maybe game just buggy
PT9 is just a missed potential for me. if Maxis had given the aliens something other than genetic differences, then maybe it would have been more interesting for me to play for him. as an option, it would be possible to add to him a conflict with Chloe and Lola based on his absence from their lives, even after the departure of Glarn from the family. PSP also does not smooth the corners, because psp is more suitable for a bad ending of ST than for the future of hood, but even there PT9 are fixated on family as for me, and I have already said my attitude to such sims
now the most delicious thing is that Johnny. he just boring and does not represent anything interesting for me, he does not have any special flaws or ideas, he is literally like Marty-Stu for me. "Johnny is so cool and slay unlike this cocky and stuffy Tank.".i can't even find another personality for him, bec as soon as we enter the family, we are told to grow up, which means we are already given a well-established personality, and this greatly breaks the effect that i myself influenced the formation of this person and when he grows up, i do not ironically don't know what to do with him.. he's just a good guy and that's it.. dude from a prosperous family, with friends and without injuries??? BRO, get the f out here, happy pussy
i like seeing Johnny in the psp, but I refuse to accept the psp as a direct continuation
im not trying to say that you need to add drama to every member of the family, by no means, on the contrary, im against a bunch of dramas, but when everything is too sugary sweet, it's also a minus. it is not necessary to make families 70% positive and 20% negative. (the only negative in the family is the enmity with Grunts. but i don't feel that this enmity is taken seriously by family members) just need a balance or negativity at least by 40% but this is my perception features
Bonus joke theory PT9 actually hypnotized Jenny and brainwashed her so that she would help him in increasing his kind and thereby capturing ST and Grunt is trying to stop him, but he manipulates everything so skillfully that no one believes in the nonsense of the "crazy general
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gui1lermodelacruz · 1 year
(Ι owe starters/replies, but since work and anxiety are not my friends right now, like this so I can send you memes? ramble in the tags)
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
no shame to drew ray tanner but they did dionysus dirty by makin him be a twunk
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wewontbesleeping · 1 year
taylor makes me want to grow my hair long bc it looks soooo pretty but i. have done that. and i already know long straight hair is NOT my look! and that i hate caring for it and it's a pain to shower and figure out what to do with it for work! and that i don't even like having chest length hair! and yet..... i Think.....
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Hi! Curious if you prefer Rogan or Literati and why?!
I may lose some followers but definitely Rogan. Shallow note, they're hot lol. But also Logan is just respectful of Rory as a person and loves her immensely but also isn't afraid to call her on her bs which in turn challenges her to be a better person. Some stans love to blame Logan for Rory's regression in the later seasons and I did too. But a. where was this when she cheated on dean with Jess or when she slept with a MARRIED Dean without guilt? And Logan wasn't in the picture for either of those things. And b. Rory is her own person. It's so annoying to see the show and parts on the fandom infantilize her by blaming the guy she's with. Last time I checked Rory is a grown ass woman. Logan didn't force her to steal a boat or drop out of Yale. And Rory is also really good for Logan too! She made him realize that he didn't have to live by his father's plan in s7 (Ignoring the revival. Rory and Logan are married with a kid as far as I'm concerned.) and inspired him to man up. They truly deserved better.
As for Literati, I used to ship them and thought that they should end up together and that Rory wouldn't have regressed with him blah blah. But my opinion slowly changed the more I watched youtube clips and looked at reddit threads. But when I did actually watch season 2, I kinda liked their interactions and banter. They had great chemistry too. But at the same time, it mostly just seemed like a phase. Lorelai did say "she's 17, it's about time for a Jess." To me, that just sounded like a bad boy phase and nothing more. They were really cute though. The only problem was the emotional cheating that Rory was doing. It's not a BIG deal because she is 17. People do dumb things at 17. Hell, I'm 17 and I've done pretty dumb things too so far. They were really cute at times as well, with that first real kiss and Jess having his arm around her. But after that was when things went south imo. Jess basically admits in one episode that he only did all that cute bonding stuff to get in her pants and not that they're dating, he doesn't think he needs to try anymore. That just rubbed me the wrong way but the ep he sexually assaulted Rory was where I draw the line. When I first saw that scene, I thought she told him to stop and he did but I was way off. She literally has to push him off of her. And that scene where she tells Lorelai about it and how she doesn't like things she does and how she feels just breaks my heart. And then Jess just leaves her with no call or explanation so it's just ugh. I was so happy to see Rory tell Jess off in season 4. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate Jess' growth and his bond with Rory in the later seasons but that doesn't mean they're meant to be or whatever.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
what suit do papa and esther have [as mama is hearts and yinu is clubs]
I at first had Papa with diamond, only to realize he wouldn't have one because he is not biologically a part of Mama's family.
I am still deciding on if I want Esther to have the face marking or if I want Mama's father to have the face marking. I kinda like the idea of Esther being a plant person and then her husband being a human, or at least whatever species has the face marking.
I'd probably go with Mama's father having the face marking, and it would probably be the diamonds or also the clubs! I don't have much about him in my head yet, but I see him as a farmer or at the very least someone who gardens a lot (which got him and Esther together).
Apparently card suites have meaning to them! The meaning changes depending on the source, but one that I saw is that the Heart symbol stands for the struggle to attain inner peace, and the Club symbol represents strength and achievement, which do really sound like Mama and Yinu respectively.
So I don't really know what Grandpapa (Pap Pap maybe?) would have right now. I know he would be a hardworking man who tried to provide a good life to his family, paying for Mama's music lessons and to go to a good school. But I can also see him as being tough sometimes.
I can see him accidentally scaring the shit out of Papa when he found out Papa was dating Mama, kinda like that "You mess with my daughter you are gonna regret it boy." Which of course he didn't have to worry about with Papa, but it still was something that happened lol.
So yeah! I'll try to get back to you on what symbol Grandpapa has one day! After some research on card suites! :3
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paintedcrows · 16 days
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Did anyone tell Ford (bonus doodles: Family Movie Night)
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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chiimeramanticore · 3 months
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compilation of this type of post
edit: idk how much this is gonna do but since making this post i got covid and need some help, please consider it
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codecicle · 2 months
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Guys I'm so glad everyone loves hit JRWI campaign: The Suckening so much. 12 thousand notes on just a thumbnail that's so cool. Anyone think about emizel pussy-out post revival
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I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.
Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.
So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.
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