#but it's possible to enjoy a character and also acknowledge that there are situations they shouldn't appear in
vervainvoyage · 2 years
Oof. This event is making me dislike Yoimiya.
I know lots of players like Childe, and you have every right to like whoever you want! This is not about his personality at all. But from the in-game perspective, he's a Fatui Harbringer- of the same Fatui that routinely kidnap children (Dottore's experiments on Collei and the attempted kidnappings of Vimara Village children, to name the in-game cases, and in the manga they also demand a tribute of children to be delivered from Mondstadt). And Yoimiya invites this guy to an outing with children, fully knowing that he's Fatui? Girl. Girl what the fuck. "Ah yes, General McSpy of the Yakuzalike Organisation, I'm sure he's a great babysitter for this school trip"
Traveller tries to warn her and she goes "oh but he was nice once, and hasn't hurt me personally, so clearly it can't be true that the Fatui are so dangerous" GIRL. I SWEAR TO THE ARCHONS.
Soooo yeah I do not have a high opinion of Yoimiya now. Regardless of how interesting a character is from the players' perspective, once you estabilish certain things about them, they have consequences. Childe being a known Fatui operative carries its weight, and when Yoimiya disregards it like that around the children she claims to be caring for, it just shows her in a very bad light. Oh she says "Don't worry I won't let my guard down" - as if she's so certain she can singlehandedly take down a Harbringer. Whatever the gameplay shows, plot-wise a fireworks seller should not be able to last against a Harbringer (because I'm sure someone out there beat Childe's boss fight with only Yoimiya already, but then again according to the game a theatre dancer is a 5star but the Tianquan of Liyue is not, so lets focus on the plot here and not the gameplay). So here's one of the big bosses of an organisation known for using lies, subtrefuge and trickery, who just so happened to save a child from danger... and now the children trust him... what a coincidence?
In conclusion Yoimiya, not knowing Childe well at all, is taking huge risks here that threaten not just her but the kids under her care, and she should never date, since she has too much of an inclination to ignore red flags. And when the Traveller tries to warn her, based on their own experience with Childe, and of how Fatui basically work on false pretenses and trickery, she ignores it.
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doumadono · 1 year
My sincerest congratulations on your milestone, hon! 🎉🥳 I want to request "Realizing they’re falling in love" with Dabi, Hawks, Shoto and Bakugo, if possible in headcanons format
BNHA boys realizing they’re in love - headcanons
A/N: thank you oh so much, love! Your support means the world to me ♥
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Dabi's realization that he's falling in love is marked by an internal struggle. He's fiercely independent and has always believed that emotions are a weakness, so acknowledging his feelings is a battle against his own principles.
His attraction is laced with a sense of danger and forbidden allure. Dabi finds himself drawn to your unwavering determination and willingness to stand by his side, even as he remains shrouded in mystery.
As Dabi falls deeper, his rough demeanor occasionally melts away, revealing a more tender side. He may let his guard down when you're alone, sharing stories from his past or allowing a genuine smile to grace his lips, only for it to vanish as quickly as it came.
He often finds himself lost in thought, pondering whether he deserves happiness or if his actions have forever condemned him to a life of darkness.
He starts paying more attention to the details of your interactions, almost obsessively analyzing every word and gesture. Dabi's internal struggle manifests in his occasional distance, as he battles his own inner demons.
While uncertainties may still linger, he's come to realize that the depth of his emotions is a strength, and that love perhaps has the power to reshape not only his destiny, but also his perception of himself.
Hawks' realization that he's falling in love comes with a mix of surprise and intrigue. He's used to navigating complex situations, but matters of the heart have always been a bit of a blind spot for him.
His attraction to you is accompanied by a desire to make you smile. Hawks becomes increasingly attuned to your moods and goes out of his way to provide comfort and support, often resorting to his sense of humor to lighten the mood.
He finds himself seeking out your company not only during downtime but also in the midst of his hero duties. Hawks secretly enjoys your conversations and becomes a master at multitasking, balancing his work and his growing affection.
Hawks' love is built on mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose. He's attracted to your determination and your unwavering belief in the importance of heroism, and he finds himself more drawn to you as you work together to make the world a better place.
Despite his easygoing facade, Hawks experiences moments of vulnerability when he's alone with his thoughts. He questions whether he's capable of reciprocating your feelings and worries about the impact his dangerous lifestyle might have on your potential relationship.
Hawks' journey towards embracing his feelings becomes an integral part of his character development. He learns that vulnerability doesn't equate to weakness and that opening his heart might be his most courageous act yet. As he navigates this new territory, Hawks finds himself on a path of self-discovery, growth, and a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be a hero.
Shoto's realization that he's falling in love is marked by a quiet and introspective process. He's used to keeping his emotions in check, so acknowledging his feelings takes time and careful contemplation.
His attraction is rooted in a deep admiration for your strength and kindness. Shoto finds himself drawn to your unwavering support, especially during moments when he grapples with his past and the complexities of his family.
He might leave a carefully selected book on your desk or prepare a warm cup of tea after a particularly challenging day, using his own experiences to empathize with your struggles.
He becomes more open about his own emotions as he navigates his feelings for you. Shoto shares his thoughts about his parents and siblings, his struggles with his dual Quirks, and his dreams for the future, creating a deeper level of understanding between you.
Shoto's love is quiet but steadfast. He's willing to stand by your side through thick and thin, offering his unwavering support and stability even as he continues to grapple with his own inner conflicts.
He finds solace in the simple act of holding your hand or sharing a comfortable silence, allowing your presence to be a source of healing and reassurance.
Bakugo's realization that he's falling in love is met with intense frustration. He's not one to easily acknowledge his emotions, and the idea of being vulnerable in this way infuriates him.
His attraction is laced with a mix of admiration and exasperation. Bakugo finds himself drawn to your ability to stand your ground against him, even as he struggles to come to terms with his own feelings.
Bakugo's expressing his affection through action rather than words. He might go out of his way to train with you, pushing both of you to your limits, or subtly lend you a hand when you least expect it.
He starts showing a more protective side, even if he tries to hide it behind his explosive temper. Bakugo's concern for your safety becomes evident when he's more willing to work as a team and takes extra precautions during battles.
Bakugo's love is fiery and intense. He becomes fiercely loyal and is willing to face any challenge head-on to ensure your happiness and well-being.
Despite his gruff exterior, Bakugo experiences moments of inner turmoil. He's torn between his pride and his growing feelings, leading to inner monologues where he wrestles with his own vulnerability. "Damn it, fucking shit, why does this have to happen? Stupid emotions! I don't have time for this crap!"
Bakugo's gradually letting his guard down in your presence. He might crack a rare smile or engage in playful banter, allowing glimpses of his more genuine self to shine through.
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lizzy-bonnet · 1 year
I love Jane Austen's work and I love podcasts, so naturally I follow several JA podcasts (please drop recs in the tags). I'm enjoying Live from Pemberley from Hot and Bothered, but a comment from literally the first episode of the series has been circulating in my brain since I listened to it several months ago: one of the hosts expressed surprise (and disappointment?) in the fact that when we first meet Lizzy, she is "employed in trimming a hat". This comment literally comes right after a conversation about how Austen tells us so much in the very short space of Chapter 1; without wasting any words, we know exactly who Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are (lightly toxic relationship), understand their family situation (need to marry well), meet the main driver of the first act (rich man in the neighbourhood), and understand a social dilemma (girls can't meet him if Mr. Bennet does not make the first overture). So what is Austen telling us when we meet Lizzy in the employment of trimming a hat?
We so often read a sort of modern girlboss feminism into Lizzy because she is smart and stands up for herself, but I think that's something that really gets embroidered on to the text. Lizzy trimming a bonnet is telling us several things about her:
She is frugal - new hats and bonnets are really expensive (my casual hobby is shopping for reproduction bonnets and this remains true), because the straw is braided by hand, the bonnet shape is assembled and blocked by hand, feathers have to be gathered from real (living or dead) birds, ribbons and flowers are hand-finished, the whole situation is fuck expensive. Lizzy is most likely putting new trim on a straw or wool bonnet she already owns to make it work better for this season's fashions, or a new dress, and possibly recycling trimmings from other hats. Contrast this with Lydia's spending all her pocket money on an ugly hat in Chapter 39, just so she can reduce it to parts, even though she acknowledges she'll also have to buy some extra satin too, to finish the project.
She cares about fashion - we don't get a lot of information on sartorial choices in Austen's work, and when characters are discussing fashion, it tends to be a framework for explaining something about their characters; Miss Steele's need to know how much Marianne's dresses cost (rude, crass); Mrs. Bennet's loving description of the lace on Mrs. Hurst's gown (shallow); Catherine Moreland's agonizing over what to wear to the Assembly (young, a bit flighty); Bingley wears a blue coat (has probably read The Sorrows of Young Werther, is fashionable). The fact that Lizzy is trimming a hat tells us she is fashionable, but paired with the fact that she will get a petticoat muddy in order to see her sister, and does not spend a lot of time worrying after fashion like Lydia tells us that she does not live and die on fashion.
She is creative - I've trimmed various hats and bonnets over my years of interest in historical fashion and honestly it's not easy. It's quite fiddly to get a nice ribbon edge, a ruched lining takes forever, and getting sprays of florals and feathers to be nicely shaped and all in a complementary palette is quite fussy. Getting a nice looking bonnet requires some thinking and planning. But it's also great fun! The Regency era is, in my opinion, a particularly good period for hats.
She is normal - I think Austen wants the reader to understand that Lizzy is a young woman with normal cares and concerns. She doesn't have cash for a new bonnet, she wants to look nice, she knows how to put an outfit together, she's not frivolous like her sisters, and she engages in the typical pursuits of someone who is not yet one and twenty who does not have a specific occupation.
A lot of modern readers are expecting Lizzy to be striding around the countryside unconcerned with "girly" things, or reading a clever book because we have come to think of her as proto-feminist in a way that suggests she might be a bra (corset) burner, but I think that comes from an outdated feminist lens that still wants to tell us that girly things are bad, or at least, a bit weak, and I don't see that in the text at all (I think some of this trickles over from the adaptations). Lizzy walks enthusiastically, she enjoys reading (but not to the exclusion of other employments), she dances very well and plays with mediocrity, she cares deeply about her friends and family, she has excellent manners, and dammit, she trims hats.
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funnier-as-a-system · 10 months
sorry for the possibly dumb question
what the fuck is a system
Don't worry, anon, this isn't a dumb question at all! Systems aren't very well-known, so I'm happy to explain them to you. I'll start by explaining what a system is, then go more in-depth about systems in general.
So, you know how most people are one person? Or, rather, you know how when you meet someone, you assume they're the only person in their body? You don't really think "I wonder if this person shares their body and life with other beings." or "I wonder if this person I know is actually multiple people all sharing the same body.", but that's how it is for systems!
In simple terms, a system is any collective group of self-aware entities that share the same body (which is, I fully acknowledge, a complicated definition, but basically we have multiple selves whereas most people would have just one, and each self has their own identity). We may not specifically consider ourselves individual people (some systems see themselves as separated parts of one whole person, for instance), but it'll probably help you understand if you think of us as people that happen to share the same body. We each have our own sense of self, ideas, feelings, personalities, and on and on, just like anyone else.
Although this probably sounds very strange and surprising, it's likely that you've heard of systems before – just not with that language. Many people have heard of "multiple personalities" or "Multiple Personality Disorder", which is how systems used to be known. This sort of understanding of systems is especially common in horror movies, which tend to depict systems as serial killers or monsters. Of course, systems are no more likely to hurt others than anyone else is, but the stereotype and stigma persists, and can lead to harassment or even violence against systems.
However, you may have also come across more positive depictions. Body sharing is a common trope, for instance. People with Dissociative Identity Disorder, who often describe themselves as systems, are being more often portrayed as regular or kind people rather than serial killers, such as Uendo Toneido from Ace Attorney. I've often seen systems point to characters and series like Venom, Sense8, and Moon Knight – which depict systems or situations and characters that resonate with systems – to describe what their lives are like. We often find characters that are rather like systems that may not have been intended to be read as such and have a laugh about it; you might be able to spot the same, now that you know what you're looking for.
So, systems can be understood as when a single body is inhabited by more than one person, or being, or entity (whichever term you prefer). We may share the same body, but we each have our own selves, and often, our own names and identities, too.
That's the essence of it! I'll put more under the cut about systems in case you're curious.
For starters, if you're looking into systems, you'll probably run across the term "plurality", which is an overarching term that refers to all instances of someone sharing a body/brain; it is the state of being more-than-one, not just an individual collection of beings in a single body (the latter is what the word "system" specifically refers to). There's also the word "plural", which can be used either as a noun to mean the same thing as "system", or as an adjective to describe things that involve or exhibit plurality. For instance, I am plural. I very much enjoy talking about plurality and plural characters in fiction.
(As a comparison, you may think of video chats/group calls. Plurality, here, would be video chats in general. Meanwhile, a specific video chat – called a webinar – would be a system. And the people in a webinar would be the members of a system. Or, for another example, plurality would be education, a system would be a class, and the members of that system would be the students.)
Speaking of, beings who share a body – who are part of a system – are called many different terms. Two of the most common are "headmate" and "alter", although I also see "system member" a lot. I could say that my headmate was rather helpful today, or that my alter was fronting yesterday. Alter is more medical of a term, but it's more standard, especially in some other languages outside English.
But, wait, you might be wondering what fronting is! Well, since we all live in the same body, we've got to share control of it too, don't we? Fronting is what we call controlling the body, and switching is when we change who is in control. Some systems switch often, while others switch rarely, or only under certain circumstances, and some systems never switch at all. Switching may be involuntary, or it may be a voluntary skill a system has picked up. There's a lot of variety across systems.
Plurality is most often known in the context of DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, which often involves a lot of involuntary switches. P-DID, or Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder, meanwhile, involves very few switches, but these are likely to be involuntary, as well. There are other disorders that plurality may be a part or symptom of, but plurality can also exist as its own non-disordered state, so long as there's no attached or related issues causing problems for the system (ex. memory issues are another frequent problem in DID, and these memory issues come from the members of a system not remembering what the others did when those alters were fronting).
You may be wondering, how does this happen? How does someone become a system? There are many different ways. Sometimes, it's a part of someone's culture, religion, or spirituality. Sometimes, it's the brain's response to trauma, trying to protect itself. Sometimes, someone is simply born this way. Sometimes, someone may become a system out of the blue, or cause their own plurality somehow. Some systems have a multitude or mix of origins. Most studies on systems currently focus on systems that originate from trauma, as these systems most often have issues – including the trauma in question – that need to be looked into and addressed, but there are some budding studies into systems with other origins, such as the few current and ongoing studies on created systems (the aforementioned systems that cause their own plurality).
I'm simplifying some things here; identity such as this gets increasingly nuanced and personal as you learn more and more (for example, as said before, not all system members identify as individual persons, even if it can help understand them to think of them like individual persons that just happen to share a body). But I hope this helped you learn at least the basics about systems!
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inexplicifics · 2 months
🌻You mention somewhat frequently that Milena is very Cat-like in nature, and I do very much agree - quick and agile, in touch with her feelings and basing actions on instincts, more sedate than her 'brethren' but can and will resort to violence if pressed (stabby when kidnapped), with just a touch of that feline pride and vanity. My question, I suppose, is whether you think she also shares the cat-madness, if she could be pushed to that kind of wildness and mania.
🌻On a broader note, I find it really fascinating how you compare many of our dear human characters to the general personalities of the Witcher schools, and what that says about how those schools have developed in the post-Warlord world. I love the way we can see that Sasha's honorable nature and courtly ways do not contradict that he is very much a Wolf, dedicated to doing the right thing with likely little acknowledgement, and how Livi's inventiveness and risk-taking cast her as a Crane
I think it would take a lot to push Milena into Cat-madness. She's a very even-tempered person by nature and has been carefully trained not to react strongly to anything, because that wouldn't be "proper".
That said, I suppose it's possible. It would have to be a really, really bad situation, though. Bad enough that I'm not sure I could bear to put my characters into it.
As to your broader note - I do enjoy figuring out which School my human characters would be most aligned with! And also what it says about the Witchers themselves, and which traits they consider most defining about themselves and their cousin Schools. A Wolf's heart, a Cat's flexibility of mind and body, a Crane's inventiveness...
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starlostlix · 5 months
Moriarty the Patriot - Sherlock, William, uncertainty and control:
(aka me writing a lot about something i find a bit interesting)
I think what I find most interesting about Sherlock and Liam as a duo (platonic or romantic idrc in this context) is how Liam's ways of controlling Sherlock in his plans differs from the ways he controls others. Whilst people like Bonde and Moran are allowed to improvise as long as his goal is achieved, Liam lets Sherlock choose between a limited amount of ways where he still doesn't completely understand the goal behind the situation. Liam seems to think that it's not completely possible to actually control Sherlock the way others are and has to change his approach. In fact, Sherlock as a person opens Liam up to the idea that not everything can or needs to be controlled or certain.
The first meeting with Sherlock is pure chance. Liam had no knowledge of Sherlock's existence until they bumped into each other on the Noahtic. They randomly strike up conversation by the pure coincidence of being in the same place at the same time. Liam in his letter states that this was entertaining enough for him to forget about his plan (something which is usually a constant in his mind), even considering abandoning it to continue mystery solving with Sherlock as they got to know each other more. All this from a chance encounter, something which Liam doesn't usually have room for in his plans. It opens him up to things, in this case a person, out of his control for the first time in the series as far as we can tell - and he enjoys it.
This leads to the addition of Sherlock into the Moriarty Plan, an unexpected but helpful asset in exposing the misdeeds of the nobility to the people. Liam sometimes describes Sherlock as the main character of the performance, which is significant in terms of their dynamic. With Liam as the director, Sherlock's narrative is technically under his control - so Sherlock is consistently put in situations where he has the power to act in a limited number of ways as per this narrative. This frustrates Sherlock greatly, as he seems to value being in control of the mysteries but now the mystery has control over him. He also knows he's being toyed by someone with more control of the events he's in. However, the control Liam has isn't absolute. Liam gives Sherlock many times to have the answer to the mystery handed to him, which Sherlock denies due to his mentality of wanting to solve the mystery himself. To me this shows that Sherlock is the one that has the choice over continuing the chase (and therefore the entire act) at all. If he'd accepted the answer from Hope or Alder, Liam's entire plotting would have to be rewritten. Sherlock overestimates the control Liam has over him, and Liam knows that he cannot control what Sherlock does completely (but can put restrictions on his options).
This dynamic is especially seen in The Riot at New Scotland Yard, where Sherlock specifically acknowledges that the way he acts could disrupt the Lord of Crime's plans, and is frustrated about his lack of control here. But the fact that Sherlock technically had the power to possibly disrupt Liam's plans at all in Scotland Yard shows that Sherlock has an element of free will in his situations.
In The Two Criminals (im going anime only from here since i haven't got all the way through the manga yet) is the next time we see something that Liam did not control for - Sherlock's act of murdering Milverton. Sherlock may have murdered Milverton to save Watson's marriage, but it seems to be also in part to prove to Liam that he cannot be completely controlled. This is when it occurs to Liam that, in his mind, Sherlock is definitely going to kill him and he plans for just that.
Liam's letter to Sherlock is a goodbye at its core. He plans to have Sherlock at his side in his final moments and thinks that despite their friendship Sherlock will stand by. But by now Liam feels that his control is fading - not only over his people, but his sins. The only thing he requests in that letter (which are the only things he wants to control for) are Sherlock helping others, and Sherlock being by his side to, in essence, pull the trigger and let him accept death.
Sherlock however has shown that Liam cannot control him before and does so again. On the bridge he perhaps does the thing that Liam expects the least - Sherlock tries to help him. In fact Liam is so appalled by the idea that he as the Lord of Crime is worth saving that he tries to regain control of the situation by starting a half-simulated fight. I say half-simulated since the fight is simulated by Liam to say that Sherlock defeated him after the event, but also is full of real tensions between the two. Sherlock is fighting for Liam to stay, Liam is fighting for Sherlock to give up on him and let him die (what he planned for almost his entire life).
Then, dangling above the river Thames, Sherlock pulls out the biggest surprise for Liam - Sherlock came to help because he's his friend. It's funny how Liam is accounted for all the people of London projecting their rage at him, but not for the fact that there may be one or two people that would want to spend time with him. He couldn't have planned for the genuine connection he and Sherlock had gained. He couldn't account for perhaps the most integral thing - a person that actually cares for him outside of his usual circle and wants him to have a happy life, despite everything he's done.
It isn't until he's falling that Liam realised Sherlock is truly an agent of chaos in his otherwise meticulous plan. He watched Sherlock jump to catch him, he views him strangely enough as a symbol of peace. Sometimes, chaos and unpredictablility can bring peace, something that had never accounted for can bring good.
By the time he wakes up in New York, Liam is in a state of uncertainty. No plans, no goals, his life is a 'blank'. It is Sherlock who convinces him that this uncertainty can be a good thing. He can 'paint that canvas however he likes' even if it takes some time. He can struggle to find his way, because the way him finds will still be right for him eventually. Uncertainty and a lack of control can create new opportunities and a new outlook on life. And Sherlock will be there to support him. No matter what he decides to do.
Sherlock represents the uncertainty of life for Liam and the good it can bring. He shows him that he doesn't need to plan everything, a lack of control can be a good thing, and that sometimes the best things can come from chance and uncertainty. They, as a duo, are an product of this uncertainty and lack of control.
(anyways can people tell that i kind of write essays/powerpoints on things i like for fun? this was going to be like one paragraph or two at first but then more details to explore came up. feel free to correct me if i've missed/misinterpreted anything in my writing! I'm still new to MTP - i watched the anime for the first time like 2 weeks ago and have read the first 9 manga volumes too, plus a few of the new york/time skip chapters - but this series has really taken over my life recently and that's not a bad thing)
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thesaart · 7 months
This is a summary/theories/rambles made by me, someone who has way too much brain rot for this character right now, hope you enjoy.
(fyi this is increadibly long)
First Black Swans companion quest, Im very much basing this entire thing on the theory that her quest plays before Belobogs main story. 
First the quest plays while Sampo is no longer a mask fool in addition it's also implied that he was on Penacony for at least a while. Not only did he have a VIP pass for the Pepeshi club but the Pepeshi people also trust him. Which leads me to think that he properly got that pass at least somewhat legitimately.
Granted we know this from the interaction between Sparkle, Firefly and the Trailblazer but I still think that this is also applicable in the situation within Black Swans quest. 
(also very importantly Black Swans quest is told via a Memory Bubble so knowing exactly when it happened is already nebulous at best)  
If the companion quest happened after the main events of Jarilo VI. Then what happened to Sampo, that in the span of, if we’re generous, a few months leads him to leave the mask fools? Sampo seems to have very strict rules/lines/boundaries for himself so to assume that something happened in the span of a few months which leads him to lay down his mask and go to Penacony but then a new catastrophe befalls Belobog and he immediately goes back to the fools, just feels a bit flimsy to me.
Him also calling himself an old timer with the fools is important. Basically this man has seen some shit so him going back, surprising even Sparkle makes me think that he was out of the Mask fools for a while. 
Also quick side note, that out of all places Giovanni could have chosen to host his event, he went with Belobog. The place he knew he could meet Sampo at. Or he at least knew that if he went there the chance of meeting him was quite high. Potentially because he could have seen the end broadcast of Sampos after the main story of Belobog or because Sampo told Sparkle at the end of Black Swans quest to “tell Giovanni I said hi”. I just find it interesting that the writers put that line here.
Anyway, the Next bit is my personal understanding/theory of Sampos timeline.
Sampo was a member of the fools for a very long time, something happened that went so against his boundaries that he left the fools. He either then immediately went to Penaconey or traveled around for a bit before going there, possibly wanting to settle down.
Sparkle arrives in Penacony for her own reasons. Finds out that Black Swans here too and wants to fuck with her a bit. So she enlists the help of her “friend” Sampo. 
They make a deal that he helps her and she then gives his mask back to him. (important side note the deal with the masks isn't just that they are a sign that you follow the elation but it's literally your entry ticket to the fools and the tavern.) 
The reason why she has the mask or at least knows where it is properly is because Sampo was the one who gave it to her. He initially doesn't tell her exactly why he wants the mask back. that's properly the reason why she mockingly asks if it's about Jarilo VI.
(I acknowledge that Sparkle referencing Jarilo VI makes more sense if Black Swans quest happened after Belobog but hear me out. Sampo clearly has not just knowledge of Belebog but also a huge interest and care for the planet. Maybe the other fools knew of this interest of his. Also I'm gonna talk about his knowledge of Jarilo VI and Belebog later.)
Back to the timeline, Sparkle and Sampo agree on the deal and Black Swans quest starts. Afterwards, Sampo goes to the tavern and gets his mask back. Now he is an active member again, ergo he could potentially get extra help from the fools (for example the potential care package you can find in Lynx’s companion quest that has Sampos name on it.) He arrives on the planet, if he goes first to the overworld or the underworld is anyone's guess. 
But anyway, he meets Natasha and helps her and in extension  Wildfire. Then he continues like Sparkle inspired him to.
Too late to take the stage? no matter, it's a wonder what you can accomplish if you're just a side character.
The Nameless arrive on Jarilo VI a few years later 
(if im not wrong around two years later)
And the main quest starts. 
After that he meets Giovanni at the Aetherium wars event. They have a chat and Giovanni tells him that Sparkle is on Penacony, to which Sampo replies that he doesn't want to see her.
Why? I'm not 100% sure. Sampo is an opportunist, him meeting Sparkle helped them both but they still fundamentally disagree on a few things especially their idea of Elation.
This is my reading of his potential timeline for now. (also another side note hes definitely keeping taps on the Nameless. Simply because of the bomb you can find on the Xianzhou.)
Sampo is strange and his knowledge confuses the hell out of me
He knows a lot about Belobog but the interesting/confusing part is that as an outsider he seems to know things that most if not all locals don't know about. 
For example the tunnels that he uses to travel freely between the over and underworld. Just how the hell does he know about those?
Svarog, a Robot built around 700 years ago, didn't know about them, that or he forgot they exist which seems unlikely.
If Svarog knew about them he would have sealed them off, but he didn't. 
We can assume that the tunnels are not just incredibly well hidden but also safe, because Sampo carried four unconscious people through them to the underworld.
Potentially those tunnels could have been here before the war and miraculously survived both the Antimatter Legion and the Eternal Freeze. This could explain why neither Svarog knew about them, being there before his time, and for the people of Belobog being also way before there's. 
We as the Players never get to see the tunnels but we can assume that they are potentially located in the layers between the over and underworld. 
Then Sampo has the knowledge to repair ancient artifacts from a planet that was isolated and forgotten for multiple hundreds of years. Granted there are people especially from the underworld but also from the overworld that know how to repair them but those include Serval, a gifted mechanic who also was an Architect at one point, so someone who was constantly surrounded by those artifacts and had still surviving documents of how to work with them. Clara, also a gifted prodigy of a mechanic whose dad is Svarog, who could absolutely help her if she has questions about some of those artifacts.
Sampo is an outsider though so how did he learn how to work with or just straight up repair ancient technology?
If we now go away from his connection to Jarilo VI for a second there's just a lot of other stuff that are really interesting/confusing about him. 
We can guess that Sampo is actually quite knowledgeable especially when it comes to making things. He made his smoke bombs meaning that he not only has the technical understanding of making the inner workings of a bomb but also knows how to make knockout gas that also doesn't seem to affect him. 
Same with his knives. I have my theory that either he made them himself or someone made them for him. The blades are just too tailor made for his fighting style to simply be a thing he stole from somewhere. 
The next few points I'm gonna get into were absolutely pointed out many times before by others but still I want to mention them too. 
Also this is already incredible long so fuck it.
First, the foot prints, him not leaving any in the snow is already strange. Granted you could argue that he uses the wind ability that his path grands him to erase them the moment his feet touch the snow but it's not just snow, in Penaconey there are fountains that you can walk over and Sampo is the only one the does not create any splashes, only little ripples on the water's surface.
Second, Brughel Poisson, first I love that his entire character story is about a heist/scam he plans and acts out while playing a different character. It's a wonderful and creative way of showing us a bit more about him and it characterizes him very well.
But also I have my doubts this was just him simply putting on an incredibly good disguise and showing off how good he is at crossdressing. One scene that always stuck out to me in the character story was how incredibly sure and confident Sampo was that the guard would not see through Poisson. Even showing off her hair as in saying, look at this, this is obviously my real hair, no wig at all. 
I have my theory that he could have shape shifted similar to what Sparkle does with the only difference that he did it not in a dream but in reality. 
Him having extra magical abilities would not surprise me, as I said before the smoke of his bombs do not seem to have any effect on him. He is potentially able to teleport or he's just incredibly fast. If he carried Bronya, the Trailblazer, Dan Heng and March 7th all at once to Natasha then he also is a bit stronger then what I think a normal human would be able to do. And the incredibly low temperatures outside of Belobog don't seem to affect him that hard or at all. 
Last point
Out of all the playable paths they could have given him they went with Nihility, the most similar path to Elation simply because Aha and XI agree on one thing and that is that the world and all its life is meaningless. 
It would be fascinating if Sampo first was on the path of Elation and then later switched to Nhility or that he always was on the path of Nihility because of something he went through in his backstory and then found kinship with the fools. 
There's so much potential for his story and his character and I really hope the writers of HSR have a plan for where they want to take him.
If you read all of this thank you so much          
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hadesoftheladies · 1 year
if you're a radfem (or feminist in general) chances are you're dealing with these: repressed anger and the effects of gaslighting
if you're exhausted a lot (without strenuous physical activity and lack of sleep), find yourself having outbursts of strong emotion, feeling desperate for a form of escape, fantasizing about drastic measures, anxious and "forgetful" about memories you have, nervous about speaking about your experiences . . .
here's some tricks on how i've been coping:
-boundaries. if you can cut off people (irl or online) that cause you to spiral into hate, frustration, anger at their ignorance/malice, do it. even if it's a musician whose one song you like. or your brother or dad. limit time as much as possible with them. the less access they have, the less relevant they become, the more energy you conserve.
-do art! create something, it doesn't matter what it is. express those emotions! make sure you're doing it in a judgement-free zone. it's important you don't become a critic at this time. do messy, honest art (sometimes i write short scenes of gay/lesbian characters to cope with the homophobia in my life, and it makes me feel MUCH better and less cynical, sometimes you need to create beauty to remember it exists in the world)
-get out! get out into nature, if you can. if you can't immerse yourself in some form of it. try watching a potted plant for a while or watch insects. take interest in the mundane aspects of life. see that leaf curl? that ant? you're part of that. when you see the clouds, remember they are part of the cycle. the earth grows into its beauty as you do. the moon is the sky's cycle tracker. you belong to this world. you belong in it. this is your home. revel in it.
-if you can, and if you want to, hang out with animals. animals are great companions with none of the misogyny, internalized or otherwise! they don't mind if you cry, either. seriously, if you need non-draining, non-complicated companionship, animals are a good option. it's also good to remember you're a simple animal sometimes, with simple needs. sometimes all you need is a nice belly rub and a little treat.
-cultivate female friendships where it's safe to rant and also not all about ranting. your friendships should be a comfort, not a chore. you need irl community. if you can access it at this time, if you can find a way to cultivate it, please do. it may save you
-it is okay to enoy things despite the evil in the world. you don't have to be an activist 24/7. go watch your favorite movie. listen to your favorite comedian. and let down your guard while you're enjoying that little something. it's important you don't fall into analyzing things.
-for the gaslighting, start having conversations where you make it explicitly clear that you want the other party to ONLY listen. also, JOURNAL, even if it's just a paragraph or two sentences. write down the small important facts of your day. you'll either build a more reliable memory or come to see how reliable your memory is. just don't hang out with people that are constantly testing you. that is not an environment where you develop healthy trust in yourself.
-fight back! these are some ways to heal from the bruising of the world, but honestly? you need to acknowledge how RIGHT and GOOD your anger is. and one of the best ways to do that is to fight back! do something that addresses part of the injustice your heart is screaming about. it doesn't have to be big, it just needs to help someone and address the situation. address the alarms in your brain telling you something isn't right and you have to do something about it. scratch that itch! do that something. you will feel really good
please feel free to add any other tips you guys may have for cultivating joy, hope and energy, because we don't have to be miserable while/for doing the right thing
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army93bangya · 8 months
The Moon Goddess’s Chosen | Chapter 3 | MYG [M]
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*Chapter 3
*Summary: A mate connection has been made between Y/N and Alpha Min. What will Y/N's Father and Darius do now? How will Yoongi and Y/N react?
*Genre/Rating: Mature, 18+, Werewolf/Fated mates, eventual smut? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
*Warnings/Potential Triggers: Talks of Child Abuse, Abuse, Non-con Touching, Mistreatment, Non-con Confinement, Angst, Anxiety, Nervousness, Character Poisoning, Explicit Language, Mention of plotting Murder, Mention of Murder/Massacre, Reader is going thru it, Confrontation, Violence, Choking, Panic Attack, Possible future Smut,….more to be added in future chapters
*Disclaimer: This work was written and owned by Army93bangya and there is no consent for anyone else to post it as theirs, this story is intended for entertainment purposes only, this is a work of fantasy, seems a bit ridiculous to say but I do not own or have rights to BTS or the members and the characters in this story are a fictional interpretation of members.
*Words: 3780
*Notes: This chapter was harder to type out than the previous ones. I knew how I wanted this to go in my head but getting it out and written took me awhile. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with how it turned out and I hope you the readers can pick up on the words and emotions that are unspoken here. I have a feeling the next chapter might take me longer to get out but please be patient with me. 😊 I would love to hear thoughts after reading, it makes me very happy! As always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Previous Chapter ------- Next Chapter
Fuck her. When you come back to yourself that's the first thought you have, being faced with the situation before you. Alpha Min is your fated mate. The alpha that massacred not one, not two, but three packs. The alpha that enlisted rogues, criminals, to aid him in his atrocious endeavors. She supposedly blessed him, giving him strength more immense than any other living alpha. Then she gave him her mage wolf, you, as his fated mate. She champions this alpha that murders, who seems to have no benevolence for innocent life among the bad. What is her vision? Whatever it is you want no part of it anymore, and yet she has once again chosen your path in life for you, she compelled you to make eye contact, commanded you to make the connection to this alpha with a force so powerful you had no choice but to oblige.
Alpha Min is standing about ten feet from you, who is just about being fully held up by Darius’s grip at this point. You loathe to admit that to you, he is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes upon. With pale skin, eyes that seem to be able to glimpse into a person's soul, hair so dark it is almost black, and long enough to reach the nap of his neck while also framing his face. And what an exquisite face it is. What is surprising is that for a wolf who is said to be some high-powered alpha, his stature does not match up to his speculated reputation. You now understand Darius’s outburst earlier a little more now, but you of all people know that looks can be deceiving. If you yourself were to stand right in front of Alpha Min, the top of your head would probably reach slightly above his shoulders. You're supposed to be powerful as well, but you are short for a wolf and at the moment you just look and feel pitiful.
He does not acknowledge the person that greeted him. No, instead he is staring you down with an expression so blank you wonder if he has any emotions at all. What is he going to do? He knows you’re his mate now. Holy shit your father! Your father and Darius are right here too! Throwing a quick glance towards the man, your fathers body language speaks of his frustration and rage at the situation before him. His fists clenched and the look behind his eyes burning with intent to kill, although you know he won’t pull anything with so many people around to witness. You internally start to be filled with even more panic. What is your father going to do now that you have made the connection to your mate? Darius and him have both told you if you bonded, they would kill your mate. But this alpha is formidable, you can feel the power radiating off of him while you are left feeling faint from all the stress you have gone through today, the wolfsbane, the mate connection being made, it is all too much.
“You're Unwell.” Eyes growing wider you stare at his now back to normal dark brown ones as those are the first two words he utters and they’re directed at you. You can't even process what he means by his words to think of a response before Darius is answering for you. “She is fine, Alpha Min, just tired. The day has been long already and we were just about to retire back to our camp.” Fuck! Darius' arm that's almost fully holding you up looks possessive, his scent is still all over you, and now he is speaking for you. To any wolf that sees the two of you it's blatantly obvious that he is laying claim to you. At this point though you pray that this alpha does not dispute or is hopefully disgusted by this display and walks away, walks away from his fated mate, from you. You who has obviously been chosen by another, even without being marked, and you never thought you would see the day when you would be okay with Darius’s disgusting possessive nature of you. But the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, and right now Alpha Min is definitely not someone you want to get to know. His entire aura feels threatening. The concerning part though is how Alpha Min is reacting, even with you in Darius’s arms, and his words.
Like before Alpha Min does not physically respond to Darius’s words either, which you just know is infuriating the bonehead to no end, being so disregarded has got to bruise that over-inflated ego. He just continues to gaze upon you, but there is a flicker of expression on his face, you try to decipher the best you can, but are left confused when the only thing you can come up with for that fleeting change was apprehension? Concern? You're not sure but don't have time to consider anymore, because Alpha Min, for the first time since you made eye contact with him, and a mate connection, looks away from you.
He looks away from you, then directly at Darius in a way that seems to say he has less worth than a bug underneath the alphas boot, before finally settling on your father, who has been quietly observing and assessing the situation so far. Probably trying to come up with a new plan, because there is no way in hell they thought an alpha this powerful would be your mate, even with all the stories of a mage wolf's mate being born strong enough to protect the goddesses chosen. Oh. Well now that makes sense, why the moon goddess would bless this alpha. The fact that you had yet to put together this corresponding correlation makes you feel incredibly dumb. Alpha Min's posture is relaxed and you can't help but think that it is done in an arrogant, mocking manner. To appear so unbothered being surrounded by so many who might wish you harm shows an extreme level of either confidence or ignorance, and you just know it's the former. 
“Rumors almost always have a measure of truth to them. Shall I enlighten you on some of those truths?” Holy Shit! How? How could he have known that's what was being discussed by these three, they were speaking low enough, and he had to be far enough away that even wolf hearing should not have been able to pick up on it! Darius' mouth falls open in shock surprise, Alpha Sharp takes a quick inhale of breath, and your father impressively appears undisturbed, which does not bode well. Gone is the subtle rage you were able to discern from being ‘raised’ by the man, when he presents such a passive exterior, you know that he is conspiring. Suddenly three of your fathers betas appear and position themselves around your group, ready to defend or attack at command. Alpha Min does not respond to the betas whatsoever, doesn't move or withdraw even a inch. Your father studies the younger alpha before responding. “If you wish to regale us with the truths of mindless gossip, Alpha Sharp and I shall oblige you. Darius, why don't you take Y/N back to camp now to rest?”
Darius starts to turn with you when Alpha Min's eyes transfer to him with such a sinister look you can't help the shiver that runs through your body, reminding you of your pain all over again. “Move one step and both your arms will be removed from your body before your pack betas can even think to intervene.” Five men appear and stand behind Alpha Min forming a half circle, faces serious and ready for trouble. His betas. You freeze, Darius freezes. Before anyone else can respond Alpha Min shoots a quick glance at the arm wrapped around you and then looks away from the two of you, focusing back on your father like he didn’t just issue a threat. 
“The ‘mindless’ gossip questions if I have been blessed by the goddess and born stronger than that of a normal wolf. But if the goddess truly was to bless me upon my birth would she just give me enhanced strength? Or enhanced senses as well. For example, hearing amplified enough that it is effortless for me to hear conversations and gossip better done in private.” You're stunned. In fact you think everybody on your side of this confrontation is mutely astounded. He smirks. “Or maybe even my sense of smell so heightened I could smell my mate from a half a mile away, even with her completely enveloped in your mutts scent.” He looks back at you, smirk gone, and you can definitely see the scarce worry in his eyes now. It leaves you feeling bewildered and uncomfortable. 
“While Alpha Sharp was relaying you with all the humorous stories that are being told about myself and my pack, I couldn't help but inspect my mate's appearance. What's concerning is how unwell she appears to be while you three chatter on around her outwardly unaware of her distress.” His expression turns tense while still somehow appearing calm. “I was puzzled as to why none of you seemed to notice or care about her noticeable discomfort. So I decided to come over to check on her myself.” His eyes have now turned frigid, the murderous aura radiating off him enough to have just about any wolf running for it with their tail between their legs. “Imagine my surprise when I got closer only to notice another scent coming from her. A normal wolf would not be able to pick up the scent with such a miniscule amount.” He turns his full body to your father, giving him a look promising hell on earth and retribution. “Wolfsbane. This she-wolf has wolfsbane in her system, and judging by the fact that you two seem untroubled this entire time, I can only conclude that you are both aware of the poison coursing through her.”
Silence. Utter silence with what must be shock before Alpha Sharp seems to recover and respond. “That is a serious accusation Alpha Min, One that only you can seemingly prove if you can smell the wolfsbane on her like you say you can.” Your Father immediately cuts in. “It's insulting and incredulous is what it is! Why on earth would you think that I, her father, or my successor, who is to be her chosen mate, would poison her!?” He's quite the actor, he seems considerably offended. Studying the man you can see his body is radiating stress, this day has not gone the way he was hoping and now he has to come up with a different plan immediately. The tension is permeating the area surrounding you and starting to draw attention from onlookers. 
Alpha Min turns his head back towards you and inspects your person with an intense expression. You refuse to look at him instead choosing to stare at the ground before your feet. You didn’t need to see this alpha viewing you with such pity and aversion, Or worse would be  him inspecting you like you are his property. That is about all you feel like anymore, seen as nothing but property. He must notice the attention that has been brought to this conflict, because his next words are much lower to only be heard by the wolves in his vicinity. “Some of the Min packs history is known by all. But as the last Alpha of that pack's son, I was raised learning so much history of not just the Min pack, but the Kim pack as well. History that other packs were not privy too. I know what the gifts that were given to me by the moon goddess means, know what purpose they are meant to serve.” He focuses back on your father with an amused look, like catching a petulant child in a poorly made scheme. 
“Did you honestly think her mate wouldn’t be able to tell who she is? Even without my knowledge of what she is I could tell as soon as the connection was made. You’ve been hiding her from the world Alpha Y/L/N. Which explains the wolfsbane and her current state, i'm guessing you poisoned her to keep her weak and compliant, your lackey scenting her enough to mask her scent, It's quite a clever plan but in the end proved futile.” Your mate is quite perceptive and you can't help but think that doesn’t bode well for you either. This entire situation is fucked. You look up and survey Alpha Sharp. At Alpha Min's words, he is looking at your father with confusion. As his ally and close friend, maybe he is hoping the man will enlighten him as to what the hell the younger alpha is going on about. Despite your jest about his intelligence earlier, you know that Alpha Sharp is very clever and it will not take him long for the puzzle to be put together.
“What do you want? You can not have my daughter, she has been promised to Darius and even if she wasn’t I will not allow her to leave my pack. So we will have to come to some other arrangement.” Astonished. You are utterly astonished that your father has now sunk to bargaining with this alpha. Your mind racing, you begin to ponder what could possibly be going through his head right now. He must be desperate in his desire to keep your abilities to himself. After analyzing your father for a long moment, Alpha Min finally opens his mouth to respond. “Other than my mate you have nothing that I could possibly want. And you are going to give her to me, Otherwise it would be quite unfortunate for you to have your secret come out here. With so many packs gathered I can not begin to imagine how they would take hearing such deception all together, what actions would arise from such treachery. My only internal conflict is would I stand by and watch the brutal justice that would most likely ensue, or partake in the execution that I am sure would be quite creative. As for your lapdog, I find that he is too ignorant and would be an inadequate mate for someone such as her. A very poor choice on your part.”
The scene that unfolds before you has you on the verge of passing out, whether it be from terror or your current condition finally taking its toll is undetermined. Darius for the first time since you got to this clearing releases you from his hold causing you to drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and begins to charge at Alpha Min. The betas all move to respond, but it is the Bangtan pack betas that advance quicker. Three of the unknown men have your fathers betas on the ground pinned at the same moment like it was some synchronized dance they practiced for months. Another of your fated mates betas has made the decision to progress to you. Kneeling himself behind you, he then gently lifts you into a sitting position, taking your weight and cradling you in a protective way. Utterly alarmed you begin to attempt to move away but he shushes you in a comforting manner before whispering in your ear. “It is okay Luna, we will get you out of here and seen by a healer soon. Just rest.” What the hell did he just call you!?! Hearing that title directed at you from this betas lips has left you completely dumbstruck causing you to cease any half-assed attempt to flee.
A hair-raising growl rings out, drawing your attention away from the beta that is basically back hugging you, to the scene developing a few paces in front of you. Alpha Min has Darius lifted in the air with a hand around his throat, his last remaining beta positioned in a defensive stance between his leader and the two remaining alphas. But both Alpha Sharp and your father are motionless as if they have been paralyzed. It is an inconceivable thing to behold that would make you wonder if you’ve finally lost your mind, if not for the shock that has seemed to grip everyone. Alpha Min, who is perhaps four inches shorter and weighing maybe thirty-five to forty pounds less than Darius, has his arm locked and raised completely above his head with your fathers chosen heir in his grasp. His wolf side has come forth through his eyes again and a fierce look on his face promising suffering to the man he is depriving of oxygen. 
Darius has both hands at work between gripping the hand attached to his neck trying to pry it off and slapping at the alphas arm attempting to break the hold. He has panic in his eyes and you wonder if this alpha, your fated mate, is about to kill him in front of all these packs. But Darius changes his efforts realizing due to the height difference just how close he is to the alphas body that has him hoisted in the air. He draws his right leg back with the intent to drive it into Alpha Min’s body, hopefully landing a blow that will cause the alpha to release him. But the now proven blessed alpha is quicker, right when Darius’s leg is drawn back as far as it can go and before he can propel it forward, Alpha Min swings his body and the arm that he is using to restrain Darius and launches him toward your father. 
Darius lands right at your fathers' feet and begins coughing with quick attempted inhales while clutching his neck. The man that has done his part in tormenting you for the last few years is curled on the ground looking as pitiful as he always tried to make you feel. Your father is glaring at Alpha Min with a look full of hatred. The younger alpha composes himself and looks to you in the arms of his beta before examining the rest of the situation at hand. At his nod the three betas that have been subduing your fathers' wolves release them and immediately two of them come over to guard you while the third joins the beta at his alphas side and resumes a defensive position. Alpha Sharp has disappeared from the area, probably to find his betas. You didn't think he would be one to abandon his closest ally and friend, but then again if he has figured out the implications of Alpha Min's words you do not know how he will take your fathers deception.
Your father has been bested and he knows it. If he tries to object to your mate taking you he will be outed and most likely killed with his head spiked onto a piece of wood from one of the many piles in the clearing. If he engages in a fight with the Bangtan pack there is no guarantee that he would come out victorious, in-fact with the display the younger alpha and three of his betas just demonstrated you father has no chance if he attacks head on. Not to mention in the midst of a mate gathering, spilling blood or killing will get your pack banned from future gatherings which would be detrimental to the pack. As it is right now, this skirmish can be concealed as two wolves disputing over a mate, which is not uncommon at gatherings and a believable excuse.  You see the moment your fathers expression changes to a beaten frustration, resigning himself to the inevitable outcome.  
You know that this isn't the end of it, your father will not go quietly and accept defeat so easily. He is probably currently fuming with rage over everything that has occurred this day. Your mate finding you and it being none other than the blessed Alpha Min Yoongi. Not being able to manipulate the situation and turn it in his favor, which he is an expert at. The embarrassment he is probably feeling over Darius’s failed attack and that he was defeated so easily. No, your father is going to yield and comply today so that he can regroup, come up with a sinister plan he can execute in the shadows, and be able to get away with. All of this deductive reasoning brings you to a horrifying realization, your father is going to let Alpha Min take you. He is going to take you and there is nothing that you can do to stop it, too weak to fight back and you hardly think he is the type to listen to you if you verbally refuse. 
The new wave of panic you feel is too much, you're breathing harder now. Ears ringing and your vision going in and out of focus, you know you are very close to passing out. It is all too much, you can't hold on for much longer. You feel arms tighten on you a fraction before you are being lifted with an arm around your back and another under your knees. You hear the beta carrying you, the one that named you his luna, call out to his alpha. Alpha Min has been staring down your father looking for the cue that there will be no further intervention from him or his pathetic protege, who is just now sitting up from the fetal position he was in. Upon hearing his beta, he glances to see you in the man's arms struggling to remain conscious.
“I’ve got her Jimin, we need to get her back to camp quickly and have the healer take a look at her.” Those are the words that you hear but it all sounds hazy, like you are underwater and there is a loud boom coming from above. You feel slightly jostled as you are being transferred from one pair of arms into another. Oh. These arms smell nice. In your unaware state, you find yourself shifting your head to bury your face where the scent is strongest. Nose pressed directly against skin, you inhale and begin to feel your entire body relax as it sinks further into the depths of a comatose like state. It smells like comfort, like settling into a warm comfy bed after a long day. It is utter relief. The last thing your senses pick up on before you are plunged completely under is a rumbling coming from the soothing scent, and you think it means contentment.
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bird-inacage · 3 months
Love Sea Episode 4: Where Things Have Gone Astray
It pains me to say it, but I found Episode 4 sloppy in it's execution, direction and writing overall. (I'd like to preface that regardless of how much I like fortpeat, or have enjoyed the series for the most part, I personally think it's important to be able to critique a show when it's flaws present themselves, and not to blindly excuse those issues because we want so badly to like it).
The transition from island to Bangkok was a huge turning point in the story, and I'm disappointed to say it wasn't handled well. The episode felt very off-beat and clunky compared to the lovely moments we got last week. Most of the issues centre on inconsistencies in character trajectory that were set up by the end of Episode 3. So let's unpack what went wrong here.
Mut is brusquely given the cold shoulder
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My biggest gripe is the treatment of Mut this episode and without good reason. Let's start by recognising that Mut has potentially left his entire way of life behind: his friends, his community, his livelihood - all on the possibility that Rak may come to love him. I don't think Mut's naively banking on this being forever, but the emphasis here is he's willing to give it all up. The lack of acknowledgement to this gesture was glaring. The boy is only 20 years old, may I stress. Rak knows the hardships that Mut has faced, which should make this sacrifice even more significant in my opinion. What little Mut has built from scratch, he's willing to leave behind. All for Rak.
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Other than a few brief moments of Rak looking sheepish/guilty, he's very passive throughout. I was really hoping he'd display more initiative and maturity here as the older party (like he did at the end of Episode 3). Even more disappointingly, once they land in Bangkok, Rak has Mut trailing behind him and largely leaves him to his own devices. At points, Rak's attitude towards Mut feels borderline exploitative. Rak is the one who begged Mut to come with him, and now that he's there, he seems to be putting Mut on trial.
Mut's hospitality on the island was due to Rak being an outsider who was completely out of his comfort zone. Now they've essentially reversed the situation but somehow the default is still Mut making all the effort (and yes, I know he's getting paid, but the last 3 episodes have just attempted to establish that their relationship is beyond just monetary). We need to see some more active reciprocation from Rak that supports why he was so driven for Mut to stay with him.
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We've also been shown that though Mut is incredibly patient, he's not a doormat. When Rak crosses a line, he does get angry. Mut ran away when his father offended his core values, so we know he's capable of putting his foot down. But Rak's treatment of him here roused no protest or questioning when it would be fully warranted. By the time they discuss the contract, it's a null confrontation as Mut has already conceded to Rak's demands by signing. I wish he stood up for himself more here.
Tongrak's change in demeanour
The Rak we see in Bangkok is how I would imagine his character to be at the beginning of the series. Slightly haughty and dismissive. But because our impression of Rak was intentionally reversed so early on - where we were shown his sensitivity and softness - to have him slip back into a standoffish persona gave me whiplash. Has Rak regressed to who he was prior to the island? Has his time with Mut not changed anything? We know it has, which is why this front feels performative. Why would Rak feel the need to play into this character when Mut's already seen who he is underneath? And what has triggered him to do so? His family haven't come into the picture yet. I don't think Rak really cares about Mook's judgement. So why?
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I think it's a huge disservice to shrug this off with: 'oh it's because Rak has trauma', and that's why he's running hot and cold. Doing so only trivialises the magnitude of trauma as a 'convenient' excuse when the writing doesn't support itself well enough for a character's actions to feel convincingly well founded.
When I started Episode 4, I thought we'd missed a scene or were due a flashback that would signpost why Rak changed his mind. We're told it's because of his PA, but that doesn't hold up well because surely Rak would have factored that into the equation. There are plenty of ways they could have remedied this. They could have shown us that Rak was genuine in agreeing, but spirals over the enormity of such a decision afterwards, which leads him to back out. Or Rak agreed despite knowing full well he couldn't meet his promise, and only lied because he didn't want to hurt Mut's feelings. Or they could have included the phone call from his sister in this episode, which would indicate that Rak has bigger responsibilities outside of himself, which caused his decision to sway. But we didn't get anything to ground us to Rak's mindset this episode, so his mentality feels like a 180. It also makes his agreement to Mut feel flippant if all it took was for Mook to whine to change his mind.
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I can accept Rak retreating emotionally out of pressure or worry, but it doesn't read that way. Instead, his actions and body language feel abruptly indifferent, oddly detached and cold. The contract just epitomises a clinical level of emotional distancing. Even when Mook voices her concerns, Rak looks exasperated. So this isn't presented to us as a reaction borne out of vulnerability. And because we don't see Rak mulling over any doubts about Mut or otherwise, his behaviour feels all the more sudden and incongruous.
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Ultimately, Rak was the one who let Mut down. If Rak agreed to stay on the island because he truly cared about Mut, wouldn't he be feeling doubly guilty at present? Not only has he broken a promise, but Mut is making a huge compromise to pursue Rak. Yet, Rak's attitude seems to be: 'these are my terms, do you have a problem with that?' This challenging air feels out of place and counterintuitive to what they've set up so far. What has Mut done to deserve this? Why is Mut still the one accommodating and initiating, with seemingly no return?
When comedy is not your strong suit, do not lean into it
I have a real bone to pick with the 'humour' attempted in this episode. I know comedy is subjective, but these scenes are arguably the shows weakest moments. People underestimate just how hard it is to pull off comedy and to do it well. And the brand of humour they're going for comes across quite juvenile, slapstick or theatrical. Sadly it only magnifies Aya's acting as egregiously bad in this episode because Mook is leant on so heavily as comic relief.
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Mook and Vi's presence as individuals and as a couple has also been very one-dimensional so far which doesn't help things. It's getting increasingly taxing to sit through their scenes when there's so little substance and depth there to root for. Trust me, I am trying to like them, but they're not making it easy.
At it's worst, filler offers us no further insight or advancement in either character or plot. Which inevitably makes you question why the run time is being wasted on excessively inconsequential material. That crime was being committed multiple times this episode.
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This is not me writing off the series by any means. As I say in my introduction, I think it's extremely important as a viewer to retain the objectivity to recognise when there are speed bumps, dodgy choices or noticeable areas for improvement.
As I was writing this, I found myself going: 'I think I see what they were trying to go for here' and applying additional guess-work to fill in the gaps. But that's the issue. If the writing requires your viewer to do mental gymnastics to make it make sense, you've dropped the ball. I would heartily advocate for 'show, don't just tell'. But in this episode we neither get shown or told why our characters are acting like this, especially when it seems to contradict how we got here.
Let's hope next episode is only onwards and upwards.
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Why The Caged Bird Sings | Chapter 6
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: One Piece (Liveaction) Rating: Explicit Relationships Vinsmoke Sanji x F!Reader Characters: Vinsmoke Sanji, Patty, Red Leg Zeff, Original Characters, Strawhat crew. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, minor POV switching. Summary: One night, you were brought to the luxurious Baratie Restaurant Ship, renowned for its exceptional cuisine that your family had been intrigued to sample. A particular blond and comely waiter captured your attention with his charming smile and gentle eyes, but while your beauty and sophistication intrigued him, Sanji also observed the profound nervousness that caused your jaw and body muscles to tense whenever your fiancé made contact with your hand or your parents delivered a humiliating criticism towards you. One dinner at the Baratie soon turned into a recurring event, and then more. As your friendship with Sanji slowly evolved into something that burned from within, you strove to make your longstanding dream come true; freeing yourself from a constricting existence. ------------------------- As Sanji looked at you curiously, the gentle smile never leaving his face, you asked him, "Do you know why the caged bird sings?" He thought about it for a moment before answering, "Because it has a song to give?" You chuckled at his response and shook your head. "You're not entirely wrong, but no."
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Feel free to read this on AO3 if it is more comfortable for you due to its length. I only ask to support me with a like and reblog if you enjoy my work. ☺️
Tagging: @nerium21
Author's note: Yep, you guessed it; another super long chapter. This one also includes some very detailed smut, which I had to split because otherwise the chapter would become gigantic. You can totally expect the continuation in the next update.
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Being with Sanji was everything you could wish for, even though you had to make do with secret moments to steal kisses away from Zeff and the rest of the crew. However, when your deepest desires began to emerge, you discovered that Sanji was even more hesitant than you.
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You went to bed with Sanji's taste lingering on your lips, his warmth making your entire body tremble and tingle, to the point that falling asleep felt like an impossible endeavor.
That kiss was the most remarkable and satisfying one you had ever shared with a man. It lasted so long that the muscles around your mouth began to ache, and even your jaw felt strained and exhausted. Neither of you could find the will to pull away. Whenever you tried to step back, your feet remained firmly planted. His lips were irresistible, and the way he held you—strong yet gentle—made your heart swell with emotion the entire time.
Ultimately, it was Sanji who managed to regain his composure. You needed to rest, and both of you understood that if you had continued, you might have crossed a forbidden line—one that you secretly desired but weren't ready to face with him at the time.
Your mind swirled with thoughts as you grappled with anxieties about the day ahead. How could you possibly conceal it from everyone, particularly Zeff, who always had his watchful eyes on you? You were lucky he didn’t catch you in the act; otherwise, you might have dealt with the repercussions, ears pulled in reprimand.
In reality, Sanji appeared just as excited as you were. The last peck he gave you before you left the kitchen was the most reassuring sign you could have hoped for. You contemplated whether this indicated a significant change in your relationship, pondering if labeling him as your boyfriend was too forward or merely acknowledged the truth of the current situation. You were cautious not to appear overly clingy or presumptuous, uncertain if he even harbored enough affection to envision you as a life partner. Would he even be able to resist flirting with any other attractive girl who walked into the Baratie? The mere thought of him offering that same attention to someone else made your stomach churn.
The situation was complex and demanded some introspection. Still, no matter what the future had in store, you were resolved not to let your insecurities hinder you again. At last, you had decided to let go and wholeheartedly embrace the growing affection you felt for the cook. You had no intention of retreating into your shell and pretending it never occurred.
You longed for more. You craved more.
And so, you drifted off to sleep with a smile spreading across your face, Sanji's image etched into your mind.
As dawn broke, your eyes opened instinctively, adjusting to the soft light filtering through the cabin window. You yawned, stretched your arms and legs, and slipped off the mattress, still groggy from sleep.
Your heart pounded as memories of the previous night flooded back like a cold shower. On one hand, you were thrilled at the prospect of seeing Sanji again, while another part tempted you to feign illness to skip work altogether.
Fortunately, you were wise enough to see that such an excuse would have been both childish and absurd. Regardless of how things would turn out from that point on, you were confident in your ability to move forward with your head held high, without retreating or running away. After all, a lifetime of being assertive and vulnerable had taught you important lessons.
You quickly freshened up, applied some flattering makeup, and ensured you looked your absolute best. Aware of Sanji's admiration for beauty, you wanted to give him every reason to notice you (and only you) above the other women vying for his attention. Those ladies better be prepared, because you weren't going to let them win.
As you stepped out of your cabin, the clinking of cups, glasses, and dishes from the kitchen reached your ears. The atmosphere was serene, marking one of the most relaxing moments of the day. You descended the stairs, straightened the buttons on your uniform, and tucked a few loose strands of hair away. Just as you were about to enter the dining room to set the tables and tidy up, someone gently grasped your hand and led you into a secluded area.
Sanji looked at you with a captivating glint in his eyes. A joyful smile formed on his lips as his arms wrapped around your back the moment you leaned into his chest. Surprise and joy surged through you, causing your shoulders to relax as you melted into his embrace.
"Good morning, love," he murmured, gently grazing his nose against yours.
"Hey, good morning," You responded with a beaming expression. "What are you doing?”
"Taking every chance to have you all to myself."
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Then we should probably hurry, we don’t have much time.”
“It will be enough.”
There was no hesitation, shyness, or playful teasing. His lips met yours with a tender, slow, and innocent touch, something that was barely there but electrifying nonetheless. His familiar scent enveloped you, and the hair falling over his left eye tickled your cheek delightfully.
His hands tenderly cradled your face, his thumbs gently stroking your skin. Your fingers threaded through his silky hair as his lips pressed firmly against yours. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, seeking entry, which you eagerly granted. The experience was extraordinary—a perfect way to kickstart your day as you savored his taste and the warmth of his kiss.
When he finally pulled back, a wet sound signaled your separation, and Sanji let out a satisfied sigh. "I could kiss you all day.”
"Wouldn’t that get tiring though?”
He lifted your hand to his lips and placed a gentle peck on your knuckles. "It would be so worth it, my lovely. I can't bear the thought of waiting until tonight.”
His ardor to be with you was invigorating. Regrettably, you were not permitted to indulge in it.
"We need to behave. You don't want to be kicked back to waiting tables, and who knows what Zeff would do to punish me.”
"You're a woman; he wouldn't do anything to you.”
"So the blame would fall solely on you? That's all the more reason to avoid it."
Despite your best efforts, Sanji's arms found their way around your waist once more, pressing you against the wooden wall as your back collided with it. His mouth found yours again, grazing your bottom lip, as your breaths mingled in a sweet, intimate dance.
"I'd be a waiter for a month straigh
t if it meant I could have another kiss from you.”
How could his smooth words and leg-shaking voice resonate from his chest all the way to the depths of your core?
"You can have all the kisses you want," you whispered. "As long as you don't seek them somewhere else.”
You threw out the bait almost impulsively and immediately regretted your boldness. However, Sanji didn't seem offended in the slightest; his smile only broadened at your remark.
"How could I ever do that when I have the most beautiful and perfect woman right here in front of me?”
Your cheeks flushed, and his words sent a jolt straight to your heart. "Right. Why should you?”
"I mean it," Sanji continued, his eyes locking onto yours with such passion that it made your breath catch.
As you stood there, emotions churning within, a mix of excitement and vulnerability cascaded over you. He gave you another kiss before you could respond, making your entire world tumble over and collapse. His tongue ventured into your mouth with a restrained hunger, sending shivers down your spine through deliberate, sensual movements. His free hand traced along your hips, drawing you closer until there was no space left between your bodies.
His lips descended, leaving a path of soft, open-mouthed kisses from your jawline to your neck. It felt unbelievably amazing and intensely hot, exactly the type of contact you had been waiting for. The euphoria, the taste of his saliva, the heat surrounding you. It had been so long since you experienced anything like that, and none of your past encounters could compare to what he embodied.
He was unlike anyone or anything you could ever imagine. It felt utterly perilous.
As spectacular as it was, you couldn't allow yourself to get lost in it. Every passing second heightened the risk of being discovered by your team, and that was neither the time nor the place to explain why you were making out just steps away from the kitchen.
Moreover, you questioned whether your self-control would hold if things progressed any further. Truthfully, you were skeptical.
"Sanji, we... we need to get to work.”
He hummed against your skin, lingering a bit longer before returning to your lips. Finally, albeit reluctantly, he released you.
"Ah, I think we have a problem," he said, amusement in his voice. "Your cheeks are a little red.”
“Wait, what??”
You instinctively lifted your hands to your face, feeling the warmth radiating from it. You muttered a curse under your breath, pressing yourself against the partition, as if you wished to disappear into it.
In contrast, Sanji seemed unbothered by your predicament. He chuckled and rubbed your back as you buried your face in his chest, clearly entertained by your attempts to conceal your spontaneous responses.
"It's not funny," you retorted like an offended child.
"I'm sorry, love. I got carried away for a moment there.”
"…I never said I didn't like it.”
Moved by your heartfelt and courageous words, Sanji pulled you into another strong hold. "What am I going to do with you? You're so adorable I could eat you up.”
"Just great. Now you're making it worse.”
He seemed to be having the time of his life, completely at ease and treating you like the most cherished person in the world. He paused, gently stroking your cheeks, giving you a moment to unwind and steady your racing heart.
Finally, as your heartbeat steadied and your skin cooled, you emerged from your hiding place with Sanji’s fingers still lightly touching yours. While he made his way to the kitchen, you took a different route to the dining hall. The tables were only partially returned to their original positions, still looking barren and unready, requiring your meticulous care and attention.
Parting from him with a knowing glance was even more difficult than you had expected. As it turned out, you simply couldn't get enough of him anymore.
Even though he was close by during the entire shift, those few inches felt like an insurmountable distance. Minutes stretched into hours, and the hours dragged on, feeling as heavy and excruciatingly long as an entire week.
Fortunately, your first day as Sanji’s lover went off without a hitch. The well-known connection the two of you had formed played to your advantage; his customary caring and flirtatious demeanor towards you raised no eyebrows among your colleagues or Zeff. Nevertheless, restraining your desires throughout your work was sheer torture. Every time you were near him, the temptation to cast aside your uniform, kiss him, and whisk him away was practically irresistible.
That night, the times you nearly lost control with each other were innumerable. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt, lifting it slightly to feel you against him. Your hands roamed up and down his chest, drifting dangerously close to the edge of his trousers. No words were exchanged, only smiles, joyful grins, and swallowed breaths to contain the agonizing actions you both longed to savor, waiting for a moment that didn’t feel so rushed.
Mari’s hand slapped her forehead in a defeated facepalm, the sound echoing through the Snail Phone. The reproach that followed was entirely expected, leaving you with no choice but to nod silently as she spoke.
“I swear, I'd give anything to spend just one day inside your head,” she said. “What were you thinking? He was right there in your bed, completely at your mercy. He wouldn't have refused if you had made a move.”
“I know, it’s just….”
"Let me guess, you prefer to take things slowly."
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled you finally initiated that kiss. I just don’t see why sleeping together at this point would be a bad idea. You’ve been working alongside him for weeks.”
You exhaled deeply and pulled your knees up to your chest. “Honestly? Because I really think he might be the right one.”
“Do you think I’m delusional?”
She laughed softly. “No, Y/N, I’m just surprised. I thought you were worried that he might not be serious.”
“Right. My statements are pretty contradictory, I know.”
"To be fair, you also feared that he wouldn't reciprocate your advances to that degree, and that his flirting was actually just a form of kindness, a game he wasn't interested in taking further."
“But now, you know that wasn’t the case. To me, it seemed like he really had a difficult time pulling away from you.”
"It was probably the opposite, but... you get the idea."
After a brief pause, she kept the conversation going. "Like I've said before, this is your life. Only you can determine what's best. If you need more time before taking such a big step, then take it."
You smiled. “Thank you Mari.”
“Just let me ask you one thing.”
Uh oh.
"Considering how heated things became in bed, how did he manage to leave under those circumstances?"
“Well, he just… did?”
“Yes, but how?”
“What do you mean by ‘how’? He got up and walked away.”
She cleared her throat ominously. “So, he didn’t have…. you know…”
"Mari, what exactly are you implying?"
Somehow, you foresaw the direction the dialogue was taking, and in retrospect, you should have let it go.
“Jeez, how can you be so oblivious? I’m asking if he got hard, duh!”
As a result, you almost choked on your own breath. “Mari!!! What the hell?!”
"What? Are you saying he managed to avoid it? That would require an incredible amount of self-control. Honestly, I'd find it quite offensive."
“No! I mean, I don’t know.”
“You mean you didn’t even look?”
“Of course not!”
“Ugh, seriously. You’re so hopeless.”
You placed a hand over your mouth and spoke in a barely audible whisper. “Do we seriously have to talk about it?”
"Why not? Men talk about this stuff all the time. And as your best friend, I'm genuinely curious."
You scowled. "As if I'd tell you either way."
“I’m not being rude. I just don’t think it’s fair. How would you feel if the man you were interested in went around talking about your womanhood?”
"I’d be quite flattered. After all, the way to my heart is through my vagin-"
She erupted in boisterous laughter, wheezing and struggling to catch her breath. You heard something topple over, and her voice straining from the effort. "S-Sorry! You know I love teasing you."
You looked upward, rolling your eyes. “Yes. Could you not?”
“Okay, okay. My bad.”
You let out a sigh, shaking your head. “Thanks for keeping me company. You should all come visit me on my day off.”
"That would be wonderful. The guys can't stop talking about you."
“They miss you, Y/N. And so do I.”
"Aww, I miss you all too. Honestly, you’re my only regret."
You had adapted to your new routine at the Baratie, but the loneliness during your free moments was a persistent downside. As the saying goes, you cannot have it all.
“Well. Don’t you even think about coming back just for us.”
“I love you, but I have no intention of returning anytime soon.”
"Good. The old you wouldn't have even found the courage to leave, so this is a significant step forward."
And she was right. You had spent so much time trying to please your family and everyone they brought into your life that you lost sight of your own dreams. But from the moment you first walked into that restaurant, it felt like you had been reborn. You had an epiphany, quite literally, emerging from a state of comatose subservience.
It was Sanji who sparked your awakening. He instilled in you a newfound belief in yourself and gave you the courage to break free from your chains.
And just like that, the caged bird that loved to sing found its freedom.
Unfortunately, securing a private moment with him away from the kitchen was more troublesome than you had planned. On some nights, Sanji prolonged his stay under the guise of taste-testing, only to end up with you pressed against the counter, his tongue entwined with yours. You reveled in the excitement, but the ever-present risk of being caught loomed, with others potentially noticing a change between the two of you. There was always a nagging worry that Patty or the head chef might walk in at the most inconvenient moment.
For days, you artfully avoided them, finding refuge in the hidden corners of the Baratie or sipping a drink on the starlit balconies. Every instant in his company was extraordinary, and you savored each second, your shoulders occasionally touching as you exchanged heartfelt anecdotes. Sanji often recounted tales from his childhood, emphasizing the humorous incidents he experienced under Zeff’s care. Having lived most of your life under the control of others, with decisions made on your behalf, you found yourself with few stories of your own to tell. Nevertheless, Sanji was always understanding and loving, showing sincere interest in your friends and anything that wouldn't remind you of your family.
When his fingers met yours, enveloping your hand in the most comforting grasp, you realized you needed nothing more. It was so simple—just the touch of his skin or a smile from him, and your entire world instantly lit up.
You secretly longed to explore the ocean with him one day, perhaps even in search of the All Blue together. You hadn't yet discovered a new dream to pursue, because all you wanted was right there beside you.
Your secret rendezvous continued for quite some time, evolving into an essential ritual for both of you. It was a thrilling adventure, a mission to remain unnoticed. Every kiss felt enchanting, and your cuddling grew more assured and daring with every passing day. As long as you remained dedicated to your work and kept your emotions in check, no one had any grounds for criticism. In fact, Sanji's presence seemed to enhance your efficiency, leaving you thoroughly pleased with your job.
He became your confidant and anchor. His cheerful spirit, playful smiles, and secret touches meant solely for you rejuvenated your energy and further bolstered your confidence.
Saying goodbye to him every night was the hardest part of your day. Sanji never imposed on you, never asked for more than what you freely offered, and never crossed boundaries, though he often came close enough to make you consider breaking them.
However, you should have known there was only so much you could do to hold back your physical desires, and that eventually, all that you had would no longer suffice to fulfill them.
One day, you and Sanji were assigned the task of managing the storage inventory. Although it was one of the most tedious duties, it provided a rare opportunity to be alone together at work without needing an excuse. Resisting your natural impulses was a true test of endurance, but despite a few occasional kisses and the usual banter, you both completed your lists diligently and without any improper distractions.
It was only after setting the notebooks aside and leaning against the wall together that things started to escalate.
Again, it began innocently enough—a gentle touch of your hand as he rested his head on your shoulder. You allowed it, softly swirling your thumb over his knuckles and tracing the contours of his silver ring. You kissed his forehead, your free hand gliding along his forearm, where his rolled-up sleeves exposed his skin up to the elbow—his muscles, his tendons.
Your jackets lay draped over a nearby chair, giving you more freedom to move around the room. Inevitably, that brought you closer, leading to more intimate contact between your bodies.
Sanji looked deeply into your eyes, straightening his posture and tightening his hold. His gaze was magnetic, his pupils dilated, but his smile never wavered. He left you breathless, brushing his nose against yours in an affectionate gesture before claiming your lips in another kiss.
"I don't know what to do with myself," he confessed, caressing your cheek and tucking your hair behind your ear. "You're so beautiful I could shout it from the rooftops."
Your eyes dropped as a shy smile tugged at your lips. "You're exaggerating."
“I’m not, my lovely. Every night, the moon envies your beauty.”
His words, delivered with the sweetest tone, were the most sincere you could ever hope to hear.
His eyes shimmered with admiration and tenderness. "I’m the luckiest man in all the seas to have you by my side. You’re the most incredible woman I have ever met in my entire life.”
Your family insisted that you were unworthy of love, and over time, you came to believe it, thinking it was something you could never attain or truly deserve. He had twisted everything you once held as true, exposing it all as one enormous lie.
Driven by urgency, you pressed your lips to his once more, clutching the lapels of his shirt and squeezing your eyes shut. The cook responded immediately, cupping your face—a motion you couldn't get enough of—with one hand slowly trailing down to the sensitive skin of your neck.
The kiss deepened, becoming more passionate and all-encompassing, leaving you both breathless and hungering for more. Enveloped in the sensation of his mouth and the familiar, delicious taste of tobacco, spices and vanilla, you scarcely noticed his hand slipping lower, pausing slightly before coming to rest on your covered breast.
For a moment, you remained still, enjoying the contact and secretly hoping it would last longer. But as soon as it continued, delicately spreading around your mound with a tentative squeeze, familiar alarm bells went off in your head.
Your desire for him was undeniable. Yet, no matter how strong your growing need, a storage room was far from the ideal setting you had envisioned for your first time together.
Reluctantly, you slowed your pace and gently moved his hand away, signaling him to pull back. Panting and at a loss for words, Sanji stared at you with eyes full of unfulfilled craving.
His eyes averted, a sudden wave of embarrassment overcame him. He jolted to his feet, touching the back of his head as he turned his body away from you.
"I'm really sorry, love. I shouldn’t have done that."
If only he had known that stopping was the one thing you didn't want.
“It’s fine,” you reassured him, standing up and placing a comforting hand on his back. “I just don’t feel safe here. We should return.”
Sanji swept his hair aside, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. “You’re right, we should.”
Seeing him so guilt-ridden and defeated hit you hard. You knew it was necessary to avoid future regret, but being so close, so ready for it to become more, now left you feeling completely downhearted. You picked up the notebook filled with inventory notes, reached for your jacket, and put it on as if it weighed a ton of bricks.
Sanji looked away the instant your eyes met his. Shame flooded him as he struggled with the realization that he had lost control and betrayed the principles that had been ingrained in him since childhood. The notion that he might have initiated something you didn't want was a severe blow to his pride.
Yet, he couldn't have been more mistaken.
"Sanji," you whispered, moving nearer to him. "You have nothing to apologize for, I promise.”
You sensed him tense under your touch, but when you wrapped your fingers around his in an encouraging hold from behind, he relaxed with relief.
“I’ll join you in a moment. There's something I need to look into.”
After thoroughly searching the storage room, you assumed he needed some time alone to gather himself from the built-up tension. And so, without questioning him, you kissed the back of his shoulder and left with a heavy heart, silently promising to continue where you left off another time.
Because you needed him. You wanted to be explored, tantalizingly stimulated, and lifted to the highest star you could ever reach.
You simply couldn't bear to wait any longer. That much was clear.
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The storage room was oppressively hot, challenging Sanji's physical stamina. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, desperate for air, as his heart raced wildly and pounded against his chest.
What truly kept him unmoved was the unmistakable anticipation straining against his pants, which he successfully maintained hidden from you. He was already ashamed of his behavior and couldn't endure the idea of adding more to his mortification.
How could this have happened? He was taught to view women as the most delicate flowers, deserving of utmost respect regardless of their character or background. Despite your kindness and understanding, the mere fact that he touched you so intimately without your consent was enough for him to harshly condemn himself.
And there he was now, staring in disbelief at his intense, throbbing arousal.
Sanji desperately tried to steady his heartbeat, resting against the storage shelves in a futile attempt to regain his composure. Every second felt like an eternity as his mind spun with conflicting desires and responsibilities.
He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, making an effort to divert his mind from the stifling heat and his persistent erection. Thoughts of you, with your wonderful smile and angelic touch, only intensified his growing excitement. Memories of your lips on his and the sensation of your body pressed against him caused an exhilarating rush through his veins, kindling a deep warmth in his belly.
"Get it together, man," he murmured, raking a hand through his hair.
The process was excruciatingly slow. His arousal continued, pulsing and demanding a release he refused to grant. The temptation was overpowering, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He resisted the urge, staying firm and resolute, not daring to grasp it for even a moment of gratification.
It required considerable effort, self-reproach, and mental affirmations for him to finally quell it.
To Sanji, you were a precious jewel—one he wanted to protect and never part from. No matter how his body reacted, he wouldn't let his primal instincts override his judgment again. Not without your explicit permission.
Eventually, with a final exhalation, Sanji straightened himself, smoothing down his shirt and adjusting his tie. The composed, professional stance he was expected to maintain began to reassert itself, though it was a thin veneer over a tumultuous sea of emotions.
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When Sanji returned, his usual confident demeanor was intact, but you could still detect a subtle hint of nervousness that only you seemed to notice around the kitchen.
He wasn't avoiding you—still joking and smiling—but he was moving away a bit too quickly, as if the fear of having offended you was keeping him from staying close.
You went to great lengths to include him and engage in normal conversation, as there was no reason for any resentment on your part. It pained you to see him so troubled, especially since, in your eyes, Sanji's actions were entirely natural and not inappropriate.
If only you were in a more private setting, your mind would wander to all the things he could do with his hands and tongue. That gentle squeeze on your breasts was enough to imagine more—him moving further, undressing you, and caressing your bare skin directly.
No, you couldn't let him blame himself for something that affected you so profoundly.
As you drew closer, organizing his cooking station and providing the needed ingredients, Sanji's tension slowly melted away. A soft touch on his hand, a tender brush of fingers along his back or arms as you walked by, the sound of your joyous laughter, the lightness in your voice—all these gestures brought him a sense of calm and silently affirmed your complete comfort.
Or so you thought.
As the kitchen cleared out and your colleagues departed one by one, you eagerly anticipated the moment you would finally be alone together again. His steady gaze followed your every move, and you couldn't help but smile at the attention, wishing it would never cease.
The moment you recognized that things wouldn't go as planned, you felt completely devastated.
Inevitably, Sanji’s creative freedom had backfired, prompting Zeff to demand an explanation for the new, unapproved dessert he had felt inspired to create again without his supervision. Feelings were already running high, and the discussion quickly turned into a heated debate filled with insults and criticisms. It didn't take long for you to understand the seriousness of the situation, and Zeff kindly suggested that you retire for the night.
In other words, your opportunity to speak with Sanji alone had entirely slipped away.
You had little say in the matter. All you could do was wish them both a good night (as much as it could be, given the circumstances) and shuffle off to your room. Your feet moved heavily along the wooden boards, and a headache pulsed from the tension in your nerves.
With a long, pained sigh, you slumped against the door before collapsing onto the bed, as though you were swimming against the current. You buried your face in the mattress, groaning as your legs shifted restlessly.
It exasperated you to no end. Although you admired and respected Zeff, his harshness toward Sanji often felt a tad excessive. On that particular day, his intervention was especially ill-timed, as Sanji's simmering frustration indicated his emotional turmoil was far from properly resolved.
The prospect of enduring another day without a private conversation with the cook felt unbearable. For a moment, you questioned whether stopping him had been the right choice or if you should have seized the opportunity when it presented itself. The storage room was dim and damp, far from the ideal spot for intimacy. Making love with Sanji was something you had envisioned very differently, and there was too much activity outside for the two of you to act impulsively.
Getting caught with your pants down and his arousal buried inside you was definitely not the way you wanted to lose your job (not that you wanted to lose it in any way). You acted on instinct, fully aware it wasn't the right moment for such a significant step. So why did it feel like you'd made a huge mistake, treating Sanji like a casual fling when he meant so much more to you?
Ever since he touched it, your breast had been pulsing with need, and you found yourself hugging your torso as you curled up in a ball on the bed. He applied only the faintest pressure, just barely cupping it in his hand through your clothes. Yet, for reasons beyond understanding, it felt as though he had done a lot more, causing your nipples to harden against your bra just from the memory.
You shook your head, dispelling the mental images your brain was conjuring. If you closed your eyes and concentrated on the background sounds, you could make out the distant voices of Sanji and Zeff, still engaged in their heated argument with remarkable persistence.
It only lasted a few minutes, with your body teetering between reality and dreams, before you drifted away on a sea of restless thoughts.
You remained like that, fully dressed and lying on your back, your hands resting by your sides for an indeterminate amount of time.
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You woke up to the sound of knocking at your door. As your eyes adjusted and the ceiling came into focus, you listened intently. By the time the third, fourth, and fifth knocks reverberated through the room, you realized someone was truly there and not just a figment of your dreams.
You sprang to your feet, strode to the door, and opened it while combing your bed hair. Sanji stood in front of you, his face etched with concern and hesitation. It seemed like he was on the verge of turning away, but the moment he saw you step out of your cabin, his expression melted into a broad, relieved smile.
“I’m sorry love, did I wake you up?”
"It's alright. Would you like to come in?"
"I should probably let you rest."
You laughed softly. "I’m awake now. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it."
You grabbed him by the elbow and promptly pulled him inside, closing the door behind him and locking it to ensure your conversation wouldn’t get disturbed. You were done with any potential or direct interruptions.
Sanji remained silent, hands on his hips, with fatigue written across his features.
“Are you okay?” you inquired, stepping closer.
In response to your question, Sanji shook his head resignedly. "I really made a mess of things today."
"You're not referring to the dessert, are you?"
“Not exactly.”
With a sigh, you sat on the bed and patted the spot beside you, inviting him to join. Sanji obliged, settling beside you, his knee softly touching yours.
"I've said this before, but it looks like it needs repeating: you did nothing wrong today."
“Y/N, you are a sweetheart for trying to cheer me up, but you can be honest with me.”
"I am."
His gaze stayed on you as you spoke, but your words failed to achieve the desired effect. He averted his eyes, looking apprehensive, as he struggled to find the right response.
"You were never treated the way you deserved before. The last thing I want is for you to feel any pressure from me."
He swallowed. "I don’t want you to do anything with me that you might not truly want."
Did he honestly believe you didn't find any pleasure in what occurred in the storage room?
"Who said I don’t want that? Because as far as I can recall, I never did."
“Sanji, I’m serious. You don’t need to worry about it.”
There was nothing you wanted more than to be with him, and only him, in ways that your mind could barely fathom due to the impropriety of your imagination.
It was ironic that he, of all people, felt so uncertain and afraid. You had always taken his charm and flirtatious nature for granted, assuming it had built up his confidence for moments like these. His fear of destroying what you both had created, and of losing you along with your consideration, reflected your own anxieties before it all started.
If nothing else, it validated what you had been wondering all along: to him, you were undeniably the only one.
You clasped his hand with both of yours, tightening your grip. "There's nothing you could do that would ever push me away."
He remained unsure, his mouth slightly open, but no sound came out.
"What do I need to do to make you believe me? I love everything you do, Sanji. And I genuinely mean everything."
This time, he finally accepted your admission. With a relieved sigh, he exhaled deeply, his fingers gliding over your knuckles. "You're beautiful, intelligent, and have a heart of gold."
Ah, there it was, the exuberant and gallant side of him that you had grown to treasure.
You brought his hand to your lips, kissed his fingers softly, and then rested your chin on them. “Well, we have these things in common too.”
Sanji's face brightened as he pressed his lips together, looking at you with the most genuine, sparly eyes you had ever seen.
He was irresistibly and strikingly handsome. Even though you weren't as vocal about it, you wished he knew that no other man could ever measure up.
You moved forward, meeting him halfway for a sealing kiss. His lips were warm, moist, and delicate, carrying a hint of the fruity dessert he had made when Zeff wasn’t looking. It felt so good that you couldn't bring yourself to break away, the sound of your kisses filling the cabin like a song with a steady rhythm and harmonious melody.
Sanji paused, allowing you both a moment to catch your breath. You giggled, a bit winded, your hands still intertwined.
"Do you have any idea how incredible you are?" he asked.
"You've mentioned that before," you said sincerely. "I don't see myself in such a lofty light, though."
"Oh, my lovely, the old man practically adores you. You outwork all of us put together, and I have to keep an eye on Patty because I'm sure he has a crush on you.”
You arched an eyebrow. "Patty? Interested in me?"
"It's either that, or he enjoys getting under my skin."
“You can’t seriously be jealous of Patty. Or anyone else, for that matter.”
“Men are powerless in the presence of an extraordinary woman like you.”
You shrugged. “Maybe. But I’ve already found my man.”
Damn. That didn't come out the way you intended. Or did it?
Sanji's focus lingered on your face, lost in contemplation, until a sudden spark of realization illuminated his expression. "Have you?"
At that point, with everything taken into account, denying it was no longer an option.
"Honestly, if it weren't for you, I would have never found the courage to leave my old life behind. To step away from my family and all the expectations they placed on me. I did it all because I wanted to know you, to be with you."
His eyes glowed with adoration.
"You made me feel important and special, more than anyone else ever has—even more than my friends."
“Because you are, Y/N,” he whispered with conviction. “You are far better than all those wretched people who made you think otherwise.”
You nodded. “This is exactly why I like you. Without even knowing me, you already understood.”
He played with your fingers, twirling and caressing them in his grasp. “You looked so sad. I couldn't stand to see you like that.”
In truth, he couldn't bear to see any woman in such pain. But now you knew that what began as mere compassion had evolved into something more significant.
“And now that you’re by my side,” he continued, “even my worst days have become the best moments of my life.”
Your heart was racing so intensely that you feared it might burst from your chest and fall right into his lap.
"What will I do when the day comes that you decide to leave?"
Your breath trembled as you blinked rapidly, fighting to hold back the burning tears welling up in your eyes. Your family constantly made you feel worthless and expendable, never able to live up to anyone's expectations. Though your friends loved you and sustained you with their unflinching support through years of emotional turmoil, they often seemed distant and out of reach. Their lives unfolded effortlessly as intended, while you found yourself stuck, aimless, and lagging far behind.
You felt an emptiness, a sense that something important was missing and never meant for you. Unexpectedly, that one casual night at the Baratie restaurant altered the course of your life forever.
“I haven’t been here long,” you replied. “And I have no intention of leaving.”
"Do you really enjoy being here?"
"I do. More than I ever imagined I would."
Sanji's smile widened as his hand slid upward to encircle your wrist.
"And just so you're aware, Patty is a good friend and great company. But he's not you."
His countenance radiated pride and satisfaction. “’Course he isn’t.”
"Right,” you smiled. “So there's no need for you to be jealous of him."
“Nah, I’m not jealous.”
“You’re not?”
“I’m just looking out for my girl.”
‘My girl’…
Your heart skipped a beat as his declaration sank in. No matter how you tried to view it, there was only one way to interpret his words. It was heartening to witness how deeply he cared about your happiness and well-being. He was a refreshing breeze, a guiding light in your darkest moments.
Heavens above, you were truly in love with him. It was a daunting realization, one you hadn’t anticipated arriving so soon. Deep down, however, you had always known.
From the instant you noticed his smile, his eyes, his polite mannerisms, his protective nature, and his physical strength, you struggled against your emotions like a ship caught in a tempest. Finally, your arduous journey had brought you to the safe harbor that Sanji represented for you.
Being with him felt like finding your true home.
"Well, your girl can never get enough of that."
He grinned contentedly, kissed your forehead, and then the tip of your nose. “All you have to do is ask.”
All you needed to do was ask, and he would fulfill your wish immediately.
Yes. You only needed to ask.
Could you find the courage to venture into unknown territory, uncertain of what awaited? Could you even dare to hope for more, after all the dedication you put in to reach that point?
Sanji was always there for you, with his kindness and affectionate gestures, ready to catch you whenever you were about to fall. He was nurtured by exceptional teachings, with Zeff playing a significant role in his upbringing, molding him into the admirable man he had become. But just like you, there was always a part of him that longed for more, for things that seemed so distant and impossible to reach.
You were two solitary souls adrift in a vast ocean, kindred spirits who found each other through challenging times.
Your eyes welled up with tears you could no longer control, one slipping down your cheek and landing on his wrist. Sanji’s smile vanished instantly, replaced by a furrowed brow as he brushed his thumb along your jaw.
“What’s going on, my lovely? Why are you crying?”
How could you possibly explain to him that his mere presence, his voice, and his smile were all you needed to feel whole and satisfied?
“Sanji…” Your voice was low, as thin and strained as a pulled thread.
“Yes, beautiful. What is it?”
Sanji's gaze immediatly softened. You knew he required no further explanation; your intentions were unmistakable.
“Do you want me to spend the night with you…?”
“I do,” you confirmed. “Please, I need you. Stay with me.”
He swallowed again, more audibly this time, and withdrew his hand from yours. Then, he tenderly cradled your face in his familiar comforting manner, his breath warm against your skin. “Are you sure about this? Because once we start, I won’t be able to hold back.”
“I don’t want you to hold back.”
“Sanji, I only stopped you today because I want this to be special, not something that happens in a storage room where anyone from our crew could walk in on us.”
You reached for his tie, your nails delicately tracing the knot. “I actually wished you had never stopped.”
The air around you grew increasingly magnetic, and your body temperature soared to an impossible level.
“Then you’ll have me,” he vowed. “If this is what you want, I’ll be yours until dawn.”
“That won’t be enough.”
“How about for as long as you want me?”
"That's better. But I don't think I'll ever stop wanting you."
His lips barely touched yours, a gentle caress brimming with promise. “Then I’ll keep giving you reasons to want me.”
All your self-control had dissipated, leaving you with an overwhelming desire for his body. With desperate fingers, you untangled the knot and yanked, letting his tie fall to the floor. Sanji happily let you take control, lovingly brushing your hair aside to kiss your cheek, chin, neck, and collarbones.
It felt suffocating, your head spinning like a tornado, but you quenched your thirst by straddling his waist, positioning your knees on either side. Sanji consumed you, relishing the flavor of your lips and tongue, as his hands traced gentle circles on your lower back.
With a sense of urgency, you began unbuttoning his shirt, opening the top and revealing his chest. You fought the impulse to tear his shirt off and reveal him all at once, his delicate touch contrasting sharply with your impatience. His fingertips slipped under your shirt to gently caress your back dimples, causing your upper body to jolt slightly, a moan escaping your lips.
Your breath quickened. As you continued unbuttoning his shirt, you intentionally let your fingers glide over the warmth and smoothness of his skin. Sanji's hands tightened around you as you instinctively moved your hips against his.
Through the gap in his shirt, his chiseled physique was on full display, with sculpted muscles that made your mouth water. Sanji grinned at your evident appreciation, swept his hair back with that characteristic flick, then returned to your lips and began lifting the hem of your shirt. You raised your arms, letting him slip off the garment to reveal the lace of your bra.
Sanji delicately set the shirt on the floor beside his tie. His careful handling of even your clothes was genuinely endearing. Your hair had fallen into disarray, partially obscuring your face. He smiled tenderly, tucking the stray strands behind your ears, his blue eyes locking onto yours.
His ability to remain romantic even in the heat of the moment was something you weren't accustomed to during lovemaking. He valued you, treating you like the most delicate piece of glass, holding back his own desires even as you felt his hardness pressing against your core.
His eyes paused briefly on your breasts, snug within your bra. He cast a fleeting glance, just long enough to admire their shape and the outline of your nipples through the fabric.
"So beautiful," he breathed, pulling you into another passionate kiss.
“Look who’s talking,” you said with enthusiasm, easing his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms.
Sanji quickly discarded the rest of the garment, tossing it onto the growing pile of clothes at his feet. It was amusing to see the stark difference in how he treated his own belongings compared to the care he took with yours.
"Let's get you more comfortable, my lovely."
You bit your lower lip, pressing your hips into him with more insistence. “I’m comfortable right here.”
He took a deep breath, stifling a laugh that came out as a muffled gasp. “Then let me ensure you're even more satisfied.”
With his warm hands gripping your sides, he adjusted his position and gently lowered you onto your back against the mattress. Your legs, already spread with him nestled between them, wrapped fully around his waist. Sanji’s arousal was palpable through his pants, pressing insistently against your trousers. Your inner walls clenched involuntarily and your clit throbbed from the friction of his bulge. The intensity was all-consuming, yet you wished for it to never end.
He kissed you repeatedly, his fingers skillfully unbuttoning your lower clothing. With gentle precision, he slid them down your thighs, prompting you to arch your hips to assist.
Something had clearly snapped inside him. As soon as your pants came off, he quickly kicked off his shoes. He unbuttoned and took off his black trousers with such frenzy that you feared they might rip, but he was too careful for that to happen. You hungrily took in the sight of his hard thigh muscles, sculpted knees, and strong calves, like a woman starved for a long time.
It had been years since your last sexual encounter, and you couldn't remember ever feeling so intensely aroused. This time, there were no fears of disappointing your partner or insecurities about your body not matching his expectations. No, his sweetness and protectiveness left no room for doubt in your heart.
Sanji's hands moved up your hips, teasing the elastic band of your underwear before gliding over your belly. It took all your willpower to avoid staring at the prominent erection straining beneath the tight fabric of his dark briefs, pushing forward so forcefully that you wondered how he could endure such discomfort without flinching.
His fingertips hovered just below your breasts, barely grazing their curves as he sought your permission with his eyes. He remained still, not daring to repeat his earlier move from the storage room. He needed your reassurance, and you had no reason or desire to stop him from doing what you wanted most in the world.
With a confident smile, you placed his hands on your mounds, letting him savor their softness as you let out a delightful sigh. He breathed in deeply, gently wrapping his fingers around your flesh and squeezing as if it were the most precious silk.
"Y/N," he murmured. "Is this all right with you?"
You furrowed your brow. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Because my only wish is to make you the happiest woman alive. If anything I do feels inappropriate or makes you uncomfortable—”
“Sanji. I swear.”
How could he be so remarkable? Even as his desire intensified, he held himself against you with a restraint that would drive any other man to madness. Yet, he curbed his impulses and waited for your explicit consent, making your heart race like never before and your eyes well with emotion.
His respect for you was boundless and limitless.
“Do I look uncomfortable to you in any way?”
“No, but I—”
"Believe me when I say you can do anything you want to me."
He wet his lips, his jaw clenched as the tension coursed through his veins. “Anything?”
To prove your point, you kissed him gently, slipping the tip of your tongue inside to caress his. “Anything.”
And that, at last, seemed to evoke the right reaction in him. His pupils dilated, and the corners of his lips curled into the most prideful smile he had ever shown.
"Just relax and let me pamper you, beautiful."
Well, if that didn’t send a shiver of pleasure straight to your core, you couldn't imagine what the rest of the night had in store for you.
You nodded fervently just before his lips crashed against yours again. The kisses were hot, sensual, and ravenous, with your tongues taking center stage in the passionate exchange. His hands squeezed, massaged, and lifted your breasts with the same expertise he used in the kitchen, his culinary skills translating seamlessly into the bedroom. And then, as his forefinger daringly slipped beneath the edge of your bra's cup, your mind went blank.
With a gentle tug, he effortlessly exposed your nipple, pink and stiff, for his eyes to finally behold. You felt a sudden pang of self-consciousness, but before you could fully grasp it, Sanji’s lips were already tantalizingly close to the sensitive bud. Your mind was in turmoil, and your stomach clenched with pleasure as his mouth barely parted, gently grazing your nipple and eliciting an uncontrollable moan.
His tongue darted forward, swirling around it as if relishing a cherry on top of a cake. A sigh escaped your lips, and you squirmed as he uncovered your other breast, his thumb instantly beginning to stimulate it. The sensation was utterly intoxicating, sending shivers straight to your clit and inner walls.
Sanji kept going, adjusting himself between your legs, his eyes locked with yours as he sucked on your hardened nipple. The sight was incredibly arousing, and despite your best efforts, you threw your head back as the pleasure became uncontainable.
Your chest arched, giving him the perfect chance to amplify your pleasure. With one breast in his mouth, his other hand journeyed downward, bypassing your mound to explore further. He traced gentle circles over your stomach, abdomen, and hip bone.
Your fingers wove through the back of his hair. Though you didn't pull, the simple gesture anchored you as your world seemed on the brink of unraveling. You shivered, whispering his name like a prayer, waves of pleasure crashing over you relentlessly.
His fingers slid over the waistband of your underwear, tracing your pubic bone and sensing your warmth through the cotton. Everything he did was meticulously orchestrated and seamlessly executed, setting your nerves on fire and making them sing.
Sanji knew precisely what he was doing, and he carried it out with mastery.
"Are you okay, my lovely?" He asked, his lips just barely parting from your breast.
You spoke with such resolute speed that even you were taken aback by your own zeal. “Yes. Keep going.”
Sanji conveyed his contentment with another kiss on your lips before turning his attention back to your breasts, alternating sides as his fingers continued their exploration. You yielded to his touch, your hips lifting as his tongue circled your neglected nipple, while his fingertips teased just above your covered clit.
He paused, tracing his thumb along your clothed entrance without making direct contact with the pulsing nub.
"See how wet you are," he noted casually, with the excitement of a child discovering their new favorite toy.
"Oof. And who do you think is responsible for that?"
“Definitely not Patty.”
“Are you serious? Patty again?”
Sanji laughed heartily, his white teeth gleaming in the dim light of the cabin. His blond hair, though partly uncombed, remained spectacularly beautiful. He appeared both ruggedly sexy and astonishingly sweet, consistently attentive and considerate, no matter the situation.
Even in the throes of passion, he never appeared weathered or out of place.
“I’m sorry, love. Maybe I am a little jealous.”
"But why? I'm practically naked in front of you. There's no other man I'd rather be with or think about. Ever."
Could your friendship with Patty have truly unsettled him, while your biggest worry was never being enough to make him fall for you?
Sanji's smile grew even wider as he propped himself up on his elbows, bringing his lips to your face once more. “Yeah?”
“Yes. Honestly, if you don’t do something soon, I feel like I might burst.”
Oh, he was reveling in every second, covering you in kisses and looking completely ecstatic.
“I would never leave you like this. I like tasting good food before eating it, and right now, you are more delicious than a Clafoutis.”
You chuckled. “A what now?”
"Clafoutis. It's a tart made with whole black cherries, enveloped in a sweet, custard-like batter."
“Great. How am I supposed to compete with that?”
Sanji shook his head, amused. “No dessert on earth could ever rival your flavor.”
‘Except that you haven’t fully tasted me yet,” you said to yourself.
His fingers pressed more firmly against your labia, feeling your wetness seep into your underwear. You nibbled your lower lip and inhaled sharply, another moan escaping as he established a consistent rhythm.
The straps of your bra slid off your shoulders, revealing more of your breasts. Under different circumstances, this might have embarrassed you, but he made everything feel natural and free of shame. Your nipples, erect and slightly flushed, tingled with sensitivity, which only fueled Sanji's arousal. His fingers traced upward, barely brushing your clit and flicking it through the garment with the most delicate touch.
You shivered and gasped, anticipating his next move, only to find him gazing at you, spellbound.
His eyes turned red, and his lower lip trembled faintly, but his feelings were undeniable. "You really are extraordinarily enchanting."
How many times had he complimented you in a single day? His affection was so genuine that you found yourself starting to believe every word.
“Being with you like this makes me question what I ever did to deserve you.”
His reassurance began to dismantle the walls you had built around your self-doubt. It was clear how much he meant it—how deeply he trusted in you.
How often had you yearned for someone who could recognize your true worth without pressuring you to meet their standards? Years of reshaping yourself to fit others' preferences had left you like a clay doll—constantly broken, scratched, and never quite measuring up to what they wanted.
Then Sanji entered your life, lifting you from the mental slums you were trapped in and mending every crack with the purest gold.
You sat up abruptly, wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply, channeling all your love and desperation into it.
"Where have you been all my life?" you asked, breaking the kiss with a loud, wet pop.
“I’ve been right here, waiting for a woman like you to walk through the restaurant’s door,” he replied, his voice husky.
“There are plenty of pretty ones, you know.”
"Mm," he whispered against your lips. "But as you said, my lovely, they aren't you."
It felt as if an arrow had pierced the center of your chest, leaving you breathless in an instant.
"Please, I need you to touch me," you begged. "I want to feel you right now."
He cherished your honesty, the richness of your voice, and the comforting warmth of your bare body beneath his.
Gently laying you back, he deftly unhooked your bra, capturing both straps between his thumbs and forefingers. His eyes darkened with desire as the tip of his hardness pressed more insistently along your inner thigh through his underwear.
“Can I take this off?”
He was just too charming to resist.
You felt his strong hands on your upper back, tracing over your shoulder blades and down your arms. With care, he lowered the straps, removing your final piece of clothing and letting it fall to the floor.
Unable to resist any longer, his lips pressed against yours for what felt like the hundredth time, his hands kneading your breasts as he hummed against your tongue. He trailed kisses along your jawline, found the sensitive spot on your neck, then returned to your nipples, sucking one and then the other like a chef savoring the most delectable creation.
But he didn’t stop there, oh no. While keeping one of your buds engaged, his hand returned to your clit without hesitation. Through the delicate fabric of your panties, he located your sensitive spot, swollen and craving more attention. This time, he stroked your clit up and down, faster and faster, making your legs spread wider instinctively.
With his fervent massage and the prior attentions, it didn’t take long for that familiar knot to form in your belly. Your hips moved in harmony with his hand as he caressed your clit in the most exquisite way, at the perfect pace.
"Sanji, I’m almost there," you announced, your voice quivering.
“You’re close?”
“Then let me make this feel even better for you.”
Intrigued by his next move, you watched as he eased away from your chest and moved down the bed. He slipped his fingers beneath the elastic, lacy band of your lingerie and began to slide it off. You let him, feeling your panties roll down your legs until you were completely bare and exposed for him to see.
Sanji shifted his position, drawing his face closer to your core and gently spreading your thighs wider. His eyes absorbed every intimate detail of your womanhood. With anyone else, you would have felt extremely uneasy, considering such scrutiny offensive and remendously mortifying. With Sanji, it was different. He sincerely admired every part of you in every way you offered, devoid of any vulgarity or hidden agendas.
“Every inch of you is a work of art,” he expressed, his thumb lightly caressing your clit again. “You’re divine, like a beautiful flower deserving of the utmost reverence and adoration. I’m mesmerized by you."
Hit and sunk. Quite literally. Should he ever, for some absurd reason, abandon his cooking career, you could easily envision him as the most talented poet in the entire East Blue, if not the world.
“Shh, I’ll take care of you.”
And so he did, expertly stimulating your clit with precise movements, while two of his fingers effortlessly found their way inside you. You were completely soaked, making his access to your inner walls smooth and easy. He entered you slowly, his fingers advancing and searching for that sensitive spot he knew would make you lose control. Your hands gripped the sheets, your chest heaving as your breath became more rapid.
The moment he found it, your G-spot reacted instantly, making your eyes roll back and your voice falter. You were on the verge of release, holding on the brink but not quite able to soar.
And just when you thought you couldn't handle any more, his thumb was replaced by his tongue, which danced over your clitoris in rapid circles, causing a series of sounds that made your skin flush and burn.
It was unexpected but welcomed nonetheless.
Sanji groaned against your core. The interplay of his mouth and fingers became intoxicating, the sensation in your abdomen intensifying and drawing you closer to an agonizing climax. He pleasured you with insatiable hunger, savoring every moment as if you were his most prized delicacy.
You gathered a handful of his hair, sweeping it aside to get a clear view of his eyes. They were full of pleasure and reverence, connecting with yours in a way that made you want to cry anew.
"I need you," you repeated, your hips trembling.
He smiled knowingly, his fingers skillfully beckoning you closer to completion. "I'm here, my lovely. I'm not going anywhere."
With each touch and stroke, he elevated you to heights of pleasure you had never dreamed of. Your body responded exquisitely, moving in perfect unison with him, as if guided by instinct. He played you like a finely tuned instrument, akin to a bard crafting the most wonderful love song in existence.
And finally, with just the right lick and press deep inside you, your orgasm arrived like a powerful sea wave, sweeping you away from the shore. You covered your mouth to contain your moans, otherwise too loud for anyone else on the ship to ignore. Your legs trembled and your hips bucked, but Sanji's arms kept your thighs secure. Though his fingers had withdrawn, his mouth stayed fixed on your clit, drawing out the pleasure until your orgasm subsided.
You were panting, your body weak and trembling, as Sanji brought his wet fingers to his mouth. His nostrils flared, and his eyes closed as he indulged in your taste with the same rapture he reserved for his finest ingredients.
Your walls were still shaking, pulsing and clenching around nothing, already feeling empty and requiring something else. As soon as he returned to you, his kiss infused with your essence, the evident rigidity of his arousal made it clear that your night had only just begun.
And you were more than enthusiastic to explore every aspect of Sanji’s devotion.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 7 (coming soon) ->
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wylanslcve · 1 year
Okay don't mind me I'm in the middle of a Crooked Kingdom reread and feel overwhelmingly inclined to rant about Jesper Fahey because this fandom just doesn't give him the treatment he deserves. I'm specifically going to incoherently ramble about the scene in Crooked Kingdom where he, Colm and Wylan are being shot at because I feel like that scene is representative of Jesper's arc - but, before we dive into that, let me contextualise a few things first. Jesper does things for the thrill of it: he thrives off chaos and spontaneity, hence why he "always felt better when people were shooting at him". It's because the sound of gunfire "called the scattered, irascible, permanently seeking part of his mind into focus like nothing else" - and it also provides a distraction from his pain and trauma, because whenever he'd think about it, "everything in him recoiled. Trying not to die was the best possible distraction". Whenever anything to do with his past or his debt is brought up, "his hands returned to his revolvers" because he found himself "longing for the cool, familiar feel of their pearl handles beneath his thumbs". It steadies him as much as it possibly can when he's not in a dangerous situation, momentarily calling his mind into focus, an attempt at distracting himself from his afflictions.
Based off similar instances, the scene in Crooked Kingdom where he, Wylan and Colm are being shot at should have brought him that same satisfaction that any other shooting would. He "should be buzzing from the excitement of the fight. The thrill was still there, fizzing through his blood, but beside it was a cold, unfamiliar sensation that felt like it was draining the joy from him." What makes this situation so different to the others is that he can't ignore his problems and trauma now: it's staring him right in the face. Colm is right there. The thrill of the fight doesn't feel the same because "all he could think was, Da could have been hurt. He could have died." And we know that Jesper's debt would cost Colm the jurda farm Jesper grew up on, forcing him to acknowledge the reality of his problems: with Colm being right there, Jesper just can't ignore his afflictions because all he could think about is how his father would "suffer for his antics". If you ask me, this is so representative of his character arc as a whole.
This is further emphasised by how he's reflecting on the first time he spun Makker's Wheel right before this ambush, its intention being merely "harmless fun", but it ended up evolving into an addiction that "split [his life] like a log into two distinct and uneven pieces: the time before he’d stepped up to that wheel and every day since". The rush of a high-stakes situation is the equivalent of the "harmless fun" - it's a thrill that Jesper enjoys feeling, but in reality it's doing much more harm because it's preventing him from acknowledging and facing his pain. And he's indeed in so much pain: there's so much anguish inside of him, but he'd do anything to distract himself from it because the reality is just too painful.
This is where the tables come in: later in Crooked Kingdom, when the crew are being ambushed by the Khergud, Jesper "could feel the pull of East Stave" because he didn't have anything else to occupy his mind with. Then, the minute he thinks about facing his father, "the need to be at the tables was overwhelming" because he desperately needs to distract himself from the reality of his circumstances: "since Kaz hadn't obliged him with something to shoot at, Jesper needed a pair of dice and long odds to clear his mind". He can't use the ambush as a distraction, so the tables it is. As Inej tells him, "they feel like medicine. They soothe you, put you right for a time. But they’re poison, Jesper. Every time you play, you take another sip." This isn't the first time poison has been used to represent something that is preventing the Crows from healing - we also see it with Matthias, when he tells Brum in Six of Crows, "the life you live, the hate you feel - it's poison. I can drink it no longer". Just like how the exploitation of Matthias' grief and pain as a means of fueling hatred prevented him from healing because it kept exacerbating the anguish within him (he had to stop drinking the poison to do so), Jesper's addiction - and, by extension, the thrill of a high-stakes situation - prevents him from acknowledging the wound inside him and working towards healing it. It gets to the extent where “he had always thought of himself as lucky… what if he’d been bluffing this whole time?” - he’s gotten so used to suppressing his pain that he, in a way, loses sense of who he is. His façade has distorted his perception of himself. It's not until Colm arrives in the Barrel that Jesper is forced to acknowledge just how deep that wound is and how much it's festering - just like how he couldn't even feel the thrill of a fight properly because of the possibility of his father getting hurt.
That scene is one of many cracks that start to form as Jesper continues to bottle up all of this pain and trauma, until he finally breaks when Wylan proposes that he's such a good shot because being a Fabrikator allows him to direct the metal of the bullets. Jesper protests, asking Wylan why he can't "just let things be easy" - why can't he just let him keep ignoring his problems, when it's so much easier than facing them? But Wylan stands his ground, explaining that "they’re not easy... You keep pretending everything is okay. You move on to the next fight or the next party. What are you afraid is going to happen if you stop?" This is why Matthias calls Jesper “angry and frightened” - he’s afraid of stopping, because he knows stopping means that he’s forced to face the reality that he’s deeply wounded. This is when he finally breaks under the burden of his own pain, under the reality that he can't keep ignoring it anymore - hence why he chooses to put his share of the reward in Colm's name because, as he explains to Kaz, "I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of money just yet". For the first time, he's acknowledging his problems and working towards fixing them, no matter how much time it takes (because trauma and addiction don't just disappear overnight).
n e ways this ended up being significantly longer than anticipated but this is what happens when I start analysing these books: it snowballs out of control and suddenly I can’t shut up.
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beloved-daydreams · 8 months
You know, I've wanted to talk about Taryn for a while because I genuinely think she's such an interesting character (and is SEVERELY underrated my god), so here are a couple of things I sometimes think about in no particular order: (and if I'm mistaken about any of those feel free to tell me!!!)
1) In The Cruel Prince, when Vivi brought Jude and Taryn to a shopping mall in order to cheer them up, Jude noted how Taryn is like a chameleon. That if they had to return to live in the human world, she wouldn't be able to adjust as well while Taryn probably could.
2) Despite people often portraying Taryn as a jealous/envious person (which I believe is partly true of course) that part of her has never seemed that big to me and I'm actually more inclined to say she was often on a fine line between being very driven and very desperate. Just like how Jude wanted to find her place in Elfhame, Taryn wanted to find her own through marriage. (Which, I'd like to add, is a totally valid wish in her situation even if it's not considered to be the more "girlboss" choice to make, out of all the things she has done/chosen to do, I don't think this is one if the things she should be shamed for.)
3) Although she accepted Locke's unfair conditions in order for him to take her as his wife knowing that Jude would inevitably get hurt, I believe she has always felt guilty about it deep down which is ALSO why she was so SO persistent with Jude in TCP. She wanted Jude to stop defying the fae because she didn't want her to get even more hurt than how much she already had (+ knowing that the reason Jude's being targeted in the first place is her fault, which is why she felt so responsible in making her stop her defiance.)
4) I'd also like to acknowledge how humiliating this deal with Locke must've been. People always think about how embarrassing it was for Jude but can you imagine how desperate you must be to let your "boyfriend" date your sister? Taryn saw him as a lifeline, as a way to survive and get some sort of power in Elfhame, and while she definitely didn't do it the right way, let's not pretend that she enjoyed it. Who would enjoy having a man play with you and your sister? This is pure disrespect NOT only towards Jude but also towards Taryn, which I find sad. This "relationship" was abusive and unequal from the very start.
5) Additionally, I think deep down Taryn always knew/understood that Locke doesn't especially care about her. It has been hinted at multiple times in the story that Locke didn't actually care which sister he would find that night he came to look for one of the twins and I don't even believe he properly knew how to differentiate them. Near the beginning of TCP there's a scene where Jude's and Locke's eyes meet (at that point Locke and Taryn are already "together") and he smiles at her, possibly because he might believe she's Taryn, and Taryn seeing that their eyes met, tries to get Jude to forget about it. So she HAS in fact noticed that Locke can't differentiate them at that point yet she keeps "dating" him. Why? Well...
6) The sacrifice line in The Wicked King, when it says Taryn looks more like a sacrifice than a bride. I think this was the "goal" all along. Taryn's whole thing is that she keeps making herself small and pleasant and "fitting into the picture". She is also shown to be more like Oriana than Madoc, Oriana who is known for being very careful and making the most "safe" decisions for her well-being and Oak's (+ always warning Jude and Taryn to not go anywhere during the revels and to not interact with the fae because they're humans and weak, and it would be dangerous for them). Taryn is doing the same with Locke, she wants security and some amount of power like Oriana who chose to be with Madoc for her and Oak's safety. Plus, again, Taryn obviously wants a place where she can belong. So ultimately she is "sacrificing" herself to Locke for that freedom.
7) In the lost sisters, Locke tried to make Taryn take pleasure in cruelty by making her dance with that fae boy then stealing her away and making her see how heartbroken that made the boy feel. And it did work somewhat but I believe the reason why Locke and Taryn didn't work out well together in the end is because Taryn is capable of feeling guilt. Locke and Taryn are shown to be similar in the aspect of "being good at telling stories" except Locke likes to make stories happen around him for his entertainment (Drama, basically). I don't think Taryn has that in her just because of that night in the lost sisters, in fact, that might've not even been the cruelty in itself that gave her pleasure but the power she had and was capable of having over a fae for once, instead of them having power over her.
8) Another reason why Locke and Taryn didn't work well together is because Taryn was unequally putting way more effort in this relationship than Locke was. In TCP when Jude and Locke are "dating", he gives her a tour of his estate and it's all mostly empty because no one gives enough of a shit to renovate any of it. Yet in TQN, when Jude is pretending to be Taryn, we see how his estate has changed for the better. Almost each empty room has been filled with furniture and the wardrobes have beautiful clothes in them. Showing how all of this has obviously been done by Taryn. Plus, why did the servant give "Taryn" (Jude pretending to be Taryn) a fairie fruit for dinner? Is it because Locke has made her eat some in front of his guests and Taryn complied to be seen as the "fun/pleasant" wife who does everything her husband tells her to? So maybe, just like how Jude was poisoning herself to build an immunity against poison, is it possible that Taryn was doing the same with faerie fruit? To build an immunity so she can still be somewhat aware of herself during Locke's maze/garden parties?
9) I think in the end, Taryn is more similar to the Ghost which is why they ended up hitting it off. Both of their thing is "being in the shadows/fitting in". Moreover, the Ghost does feel guilt for killing Oak's mother seeing how uncomfortable he got when Jude uncovered that. Plus he's half-human, so that will be easier to bear for Taryn instead of that bullshit Locke was telling her about "fae loving in a different way" to make her comply with his real-life sized drama club.
Overall, I like how layered all of this is if you look for it BUT I wouldn't say any of those conclusions/assomptions are especially difficult to reach if you're careful. I'm just kind of tired of female characters being seen as one-dimensional compared to their male counterparts who will get "understood" much more easily. My very hot take about TFOTA has always been that the truly gray character/problematic female character of the story is in fact Taryn and not Jude. Since Jude is the protagonist and we're always seeing her pov it's not hard for us to understand or be compassionate with her. Despite her actions being "morally gray" in-story, from the readers' pov, I believe the truly problematic female character here is Taryn since we can't actually see the inside of her head. All we get is pieces of information we have to put together.
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aliusfrater · 2 months
i keep thinking about. What If dean had actually prepared for his death in season three. like, instead of enabling sam's premeditative grief he said i need you to focus on the now and after rather than the hypothetical 'if' that is my life. i am going to die and i need you to be ready for when i'm gone. both in the sense that sam enjoys this last year so there's enough to look back on that makes your grief worthwhile AND there's the set-up of a life worth living for that doesn't include revenge for when i'm gone. kind of like. what sam did making dean promise to go see lisa once he's in the cage
i've always thought that dean's deal for sam's life pretty much mirrors mary's deal for john's life in the sense that. it was always going to play out that way for them and there is nothing to be done to stop it (dean tried to stop azazel and mary but it's revealed that he never could) but there's something else to be said about the cycles of abuse and how they're perpetuated through grief. something else ive always thought about is the fact that the show itself can be seen through the lense of an allegory of perpetuated grief but i also think the cycle of abuse is imperative to the way grief is presented within the show. mary is coerced into a deal with john's life and through her own adamance of escaping hunting (as a metaphor for familial rot or abuse), she refuses to acknowledge that part of herself and it is through this lack of acknowledgement that grief is perpetuated. you have to acknowledge abuse to heal from it and the part of the inherent instability of the nuclear family that supernatural finds itself concerned with creating commentary about/exploring is the part that exists but people refuse to acknowledge. it's ignored for pretty houses in pretty neighbourhoods and obscured behind closed doors and when it leaks out of the holes in the foundation, that's what hunters are for. unpaid and unloved for what they do. through mary's lack of acknowledgement and therefore, lack of preparation, she has cursed the family she's created to perpetuate the cycle of abuse through grief. she dies and john didn't see her death or the thing that killed her coming and the grief is perpetuated through him. his children become victims at the hands of his abuse because of this grief. and it cycles from mary to john and through dean with john's deal for dean's life. "save him or kill him," is a similar ultimatum to that of azazel's own deal when it came to coercing her into her deal; she could either save john or keep him dead but in the end she didn't end up saving him from azazel because the same demon is who ends up killing him, just like sam. dean had never actually gotten the chance to save him or kill him (explicitly, anyway (i love incesthemes' theory that dean did end up kind of killing sam by distracting him from jake and getting him stabbed)) and the cycle of abuse continues in sam's grief and in his relationship with ruby, which is something that blossomed in his/as a direct result of grief for dean
then there's also my idea of sam as a nucleus character for the cycles of abuse and there's a possible connection between him sacrificing his life at the end of season five and pushing dean into getting out of hunting through a situation (lisa & ben) being pretty similar in structure to what he had before season one as being an attempt to escape this cycle of grief. it's very possible that soulless!sam as a character could also represent the very idea of grief itself — grief is, inherently, the loving of the memory of a person you loved. sam existing without a soul, without the parts of sam that dean had been forced to grieve is a shock to reality and it is, to an extent, acceptance of sam's actual 'death'. but then again, despite the brief clarity and relative healing that his escape from the cycle provided, dean does not accept soulless!sam at all. he fights to get sam's soul back and that is against sam's own will, knowing that it could kill sam regardless. the cycle of grief continues in that constant reminder that dean's choice could bring sam's death. likeeeee okay. "the minute he walked through that door, i knew. it was over. you two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing i've ever seen and as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy," and, "i'm not saying don't be close to sam. i'm close to my sister but if she got killed, i wouldn't bring her back from the dead," it's all about the atmospheres of abuse that these relationship dynamics provide!!!! you're going to fall back into it over and over again if you do not process your grief!!!!!!!
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roguerambles · 2 years
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Record of Ragnarok - Male!Reader
Warnings - Mentions of Adult Situations. Jerkass Gods being Jerkasses.18+ Only.
Image from Google.
So, I may have started Record of Ragnarok yesterday. It’s a bit of slow start, but I find the concept and character designs fascinating, so I’m pretty intrigued!
I’ve also wanted to write Male!Reader for a while, but muse has been pretty low for me lately. I think this helped, because I’ve got some ~ideas~ kicking around in my brain box haha. This is kind of a prologue of sorts for future shenanigans (Most of which involve a son of Aphrodite sleeping his way through Ragnarok, oops-) Enjoy this blasphemy!
The Einherjar were delicious.
Oh, you were certain that was not why Brunhilde had selected the champions of humanity, but it hadn’t escaped your notice the men were gorgeous. Some of the most beautiful men in existence, the most skilled, virile warriors to have ever walked the earth were all gathered in one spot, adrenaline in their veins as they prepared for the battle that would decide humanity’s fate.
And there you were. Stuck on the Heavens side of the Arena, where Mother Aphrodite had insisted you remain, completely unable to interact with any of them.
It was so unfair.
“Do stop pouting, darling.” Aphrodite sipped at her chalice of wine, glancing at you over the head of one of her servants. “You’re bringing down the mood somewhat.”
Round One was over, decided in the gods favour. Lu Bu, the Flying General, the Strongest Warrior in the Three Kingdoms, had been defeated, his soul now gone from the Gods Realm. An absolutely glorious specimen of mortal manhood you would now never share a bed with.
Of course you were pouting.
“Am I being punished for something?” You asked glumly, watching as Thor fought his way through the fallen Lu Bu’s army, charging in to avenge their general, or share his fate. The God of Thunder’s muscled body rippled with power as he tore through his attackers like wet paper, and you bit your lower lip, crossing your legs, heat flaring low in your gut, imagining that strength turned to more pleasurable uses.
“Nonsense, darling.” Aphrodite waved her hand dismissively, a smile playing on her lips. “If I was punishing you, I would have told you about the human “incarnation of desire” currently bedding his way through half the arena.”
You liked this man already, and gave your mother a betrayed look. “What did I do?!”
Aphrodite simply smiled, and turned her attention back to the arena. “Consider the options, dear, and I’ll tell you if you’re right.”
You slumped back in you seat, glowering.
It was not as if there was a lack of options on the Heavens side. Aside from Thor himself, Lord Shiva had sat near you and Aphrodite throughout Round One, his naked torso showing off a flawless physique. His biceps were exquisite and practically begged to be caressed, and his four arms and their possible bedroom applications sent your imagination reeling. Heracles was somewhere around, and you had always wanted the opportunity to fully test the God of Fortitude’s stamina…
But everyone was fixated on the damn fighting that all your attempts at flirtation were largely unnoticed.  
So unfair…
But Thor would be celebrating his victory, his blood hot and passions inflamed. Surely Aphrodite wouldn’t object to you going to congratulate him...?
“Ares, what did you think about the battle?”
You huffed and slumped in your chair as Ares approached, his grumpy expression brightening at your mother’s attention.
You settled for watching the muscles move under Thor’s skin as he began to leave the arena, the bodies of his foes dissolving at his feet. He glanced up into the stands, and you went still as his gaze met yours. For a (only slightly) embarrassing moment you feared he had somehow sensed your thoughts. You caught the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his stoic mouth, the faintest tilt of his head in acknowledgment, before turning and continuing on his way, quickly disappearing from sight.
Maybe if I’m quiet nobody will notice me sneak away…
You glanced around. Aphrodite was distracted talking with Ares, who at this moment only had eyes for her. Lord Zeus and Hermes were curiously absent from the King’s balcony, and Lord Shiva was gone too. You knew he was meant for Round Two, so you assumed he must have went to prepare.
Perhaps I should wish him good luck…
You slid out of your seat, casting one more look over your shoulder, then slowly crept towards the exit, careful not to make any noise.
Your fingers grazed the cool stone doors. You froze in place, waiting for a scolding, but you heard nothing but the murmur of the crowd, of gods chatting eagerly about the upcoming match.
You pushed the door open slowly, just a enough to slip through. It then closed behind you, leaving you in the dim light of the corridor outside.
Elation flared within you, and you barely resisted dancing on the spot, your mind already whirling with possibilities. Biting down a grin, you started walking, glad you had decided to wear your most appealing outfit. There was time before the next Round, and plenty of people to spend time with…
It was, after all, good to consider one’s options.
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ember-owlet · 7 months
Hi hi :]] I practically did a little happy dance seeing blue eye samurai in your fandom list !
It's super easy for me to see Mizu as a regressor due to various reasons, particularly involuntarily! (And they very much deserve to catch up on their childhood)
So I think the formal request would be a headcanon post ! 👀 it doesn't have to be specifically regressor Mizu if you don't see her in that light /gen :]
I'm just happy someone else in this little corner of agere internet shares one of my interests !! ✨️🌿
a/c : hello!! aaa i'm ecstatic to know that you also enjoy blue eye samurai with an agere lens! despite the show's brutality, there are some really good nuggets of baby content to be found. i'd be happy to write some regressor! mizu headcanons for you as its about time i wrote something for them. and don't worry, i see her in the same light as well! feel free to send me your own personal thoughts on the characters/show to discuss as i'm thrilled to be in this corner of the agere internet with you friend. enjoy the headcanons! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ disclaimer! i do use primarily feminine terms when referring to mizu (they/she), but i do acknowledge that there are many interpretations of pronouns/gender identities to refer to the character as, and i find them wonderful! /gen
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dynamic: regressor! mizu
content warnings: mentions of vent regression due to trauma, physical/mental anguish, light mentions of gender dysphoria ((stay safe little firelights, you can always come back to this when you're ready))
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mizu has always been a trauma regressor to me, especially due to their lack of dealing with their feelings head on. their body would have to nearly force them to stop and take a break from their revenge mission and focus on recovering.
the first time she regressed would be terrifying to her, the feeling of being so out of control and helpless would make her hide away to try to push herself out of it as fast as possible.
it would take an incredible amount of time and trust developed before she felt safe around someone to tell, let alone show such a vulnerable state.
the select characters that i could realistically see her regressing around would be sword father or ringo.
if she were to regress voluntarily it would be to have the childhood that she wished she could have, one where she wasn't forced to grow up as a boy and to ease her gender dysphoria with feminine items/clothing.
she would be a very independent kiddo, not wanting to rely on others in fear that she would be an inconvenience or she would be punished for wasting someone's time after being treated as a monster for so long. if she were honest she genuinely wouldn't know how to react to such affection.
that being said, she needs gentle reassurance when in a younger state with a caregiver that helps her along the way. adding fruit/vegetables to her meals to make sure its balanced or mending their clothes would never go unnoticed and greatly appreciated.
she'd be so used to the feeling of being in pain or nauseous that she'd have a hard time differentiating pain that should be attended to or not. therefore her caregiver would need to keep an eye on her and remind her that any and all pain is worth looking at/caring for.
as a sentimental person she'd want to keep things gifted to her and wear or use them as comfort items until they physically can't be repaired anymore.
some of her favorite gifts would include free flowing or baggy clothes that she can keep close to her person for comfort.
her main comfort item is her sword, and would not be able to go anywhere or sleep without it clutched to her side as it reminds her of home and is something that she can rely on to keep her safe.
an actually extremely feral regressor as well if given the chance to be her true self (/lh /pos). i could absolutely see them wanting to play outside and then coming back home caked in mud and bruises while having the time of their life.
let her be a goofy kid!! growing up so fast from situations out of her control that she'd long for days where she'd let herself have fun.
LOVES going to the beach/aquarium. a true ocean lover whose favorite activities involve being around or in large bodies of water.
play fighting is a love language! she would love to wrestle her playmates/caregivers to see who is the strongest. as a physically stronger regressor she'd need to learn the value of her strength and to not be too rough if she were to get too excited.
they can get easily frustrated with creative tasks, and would prefer specific instruction in order to feel useful. it would make them the best helper around.
would love to play a game where they are the hero for once. (being called a monster can wear someone down mentally and it would definitely make her day to be seen as the hero of the story).
she also requires a ton of quiet time to allow her mind and body to rest. would she ever do it herself willingly is another question for another day, but she'd reluctantly do it if asked of her with sufficient gentle praise and coaxing.
as touch starved as they are, i can't see her being the one to initiate contact with someone unless the moment takes over her softer side and she can't help but wrap her arms around them or gently nudge them with her body to tell them that she's there and cares for them.
from her caregiver or those that she considers close she would accept forms of physical affection but wouldn't be too vocal on how much it means to her.
she'd believe that she'd never be able to repay her caregiver for their kindness but will continually try to find little things throughout the day to show them how grateful she is.
oddly enough i could totally see her gifting a sword to her caregiver as it is something that she believes she's good at and would work tirelessly day and night to make sure it's perfect.
despite being in a younger mindset she can and still would mean business to anyone who dares mess with her caregiver. even a baby phoenix still has talons.
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