#but its been fighting me so hard
quartergremlin · 11 months
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mikey and leo have a heart to heart
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puppyeared · 1 month
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good morning sifloop nation
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narsh-poptarts · 11 months
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i lost my mind over this song again
more versions under the cut!!!!
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really couldn't decide for this, tho i actually really like the black and red text. may or may not make it a print at some point
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foap-enjoyer · 11 months
MWII Rodolfo refusing to help during the tank fight: I was far too scared to hit him... MWIII Rodolfo, mauling Graves at first sight: BUT I WOULD HIT HIM IN A HEART BEAT NOWWW
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kaseyskat · 10 months
since ive already been pretty open about this and im not afraid to whack a hornets nest i'll go ahead and say it: if you were raising a kid in a pseudo-apocalyptic setting and then you found out that said kid was going to be the one to defeat the eldritch god that you have tried to defeat for half your lifetime and could never manage. that she was going to FACE that eldritch god it was prophesied. you would teach her how to defend herself and how to fight. like god i am not saying hero's trauma from it wasn't justified because i do think the twins took it too far but the initial process of training her makes so much more sense if you approach it at the angle of "this kid is going to do something we've been trying to do since we were twelve and couldn't manage and we might not even be there to help her so we have to make sure she doesn't die in the process" and not "we're going to make her fix our mistakes" it makes sense. goes along with lark's running theme of not being strong enough in the moments that matter and wanting to make sure nobody else ever feels as helpless as he did when walter was injured. goes along with sparrow desperately tempting fate with normal's name- not because normal was an accident, but because sparrow never wanted to lose even one kid to the doodler and it was a fervent, desperate wish to let normal get to be normal
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xxplastic-cubexx · 20 days
sequel to this ramble cause the way james talks bout the reduced cherik scenes throughout the xmen films in this video is making me want to kill people. 'we'll always have paris darling' what if we all blew up.
#xmen#xmen first class#xmen dofp#xmen apocalypse#xmen dark phoenix#cherik#snap chats#im gonna be sick ive rewatched this like five times#IM STILL PISSED AWF AND THEN HEARING HIS COMMENTARY ABOUT IT OUUUUGGHHHH#OOOH WHAT IF I THREW ROCKS#LIKE WHAT THE HELL WAS CUT. aside from that gorgeous 'where are you doing' scene in first class ofc BUT WHAT ELSE#im forced to believe there was a make-up and/or hate sex scene in dofp because wdym they were worried about censorship#LIKE WHAT. WHAT DID THEY CUT. CAUSE CENSORSHIP OVERSEAS IS ONLY FOR EXPLICITLY QUEER THINGS INNIT#maybe paris can be our always i hate it here NO I LOVE HOW THE PARIS BIT IS EVEN /THEIR/ COPE#LIKE PLEAAAAASSE im throwing up. maybe if i draw cherik ill feel better#on the real its genuinely so sad. like even outside of shipping this is still art being reduced#and what we have is still good but the thought that it coudlve been BETTER ...#again their connection is already good from what we have in the final but just ... the lost emphasis of it all if that makes sense#ESPECIALLY outside of first class and dofp- like their relationship really is so sparse in DP and apocalypse its so sad#i think what makes it esp sad is how upset james is about the cut material like its so nice that hes so invested in their relationship too#and its just gotta be so. Excuse Me What when youre told 'hey so your characters cant having a deeper relationship or we're fucked'#'even though the relationship between these two is one of the most fascinating aspects of this generation of xmen films'#is it so hard to want to see like .. even just an intimate 'friendship'. like would it be so bad to see them be so heartfelt#or even just bein a bit silly. or hell ill take them fighting again ANYTHING I BEG YOU the humanity between them is so important#LIKE PLEASE im gonna cope and seethe forever i fear#and when he said 'i thought 'its probably the last time we get to do this to each other'' :((((((((((((((((((((( shoot me#at least we'll always have paris ....
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saisons-en-enfer · 6 months
Should be given the right to carry on I'm still thinking about how much I need you but you really want somebody else...
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hes havin a rough day yknow how it is
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luck-of-the-drawings · 11 months
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sepiamestus · 7 months
It always rubs me the wrong way when people characterize atsushi as too much of a sweetheart. Like he IS a sweetheart but he's also snarky and sarcastic and most importantly he's very very angry. Do not forget this.
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
so i just found out i'm being cancelled once again XD alright here we go since you guys are addicted to making up rumors about me
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yes i'm into south park, yes i've done zines though if you did the smallest bit of research you'd seen that one of the rules states the characters must be aged up, just like the show aged them up in the post covid special
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that said, i am now checking the carrd for the kyman zine is dead so it's not your fault, you guys just couldn't help assuming the worst about a person right?
moving on...
i have not sent people my followers after people who 'express discomfort of my actions', the only time any of my friends spoke to any of these bullies it was @triplefaggot who was already mentioned here, telling someone in one (1) message to stop interacting with their posts because they're my friend and! surprise! when you spread malicious rumors about someone their friends will usually not like you! yeah pretty crazy i know, it's almost like, even the people you hate have people that love them or something.
i have no idea who these people you mention are honestly. if anything i'm impressed anyone was defending me without my knowledge? also, i have never namedropped any of the people who actually did namedrop me in their private server publicly or in this account so uh, no idea how my followers would go after anyone, let alone harass them off the fandom.
but yeah, complete slander aside, @mirrorshards and @triplefaggot are in fact my friends and, even though i don't post the same content they do, if you find them morally reprehensible or whatever, you should probably block me as well. like please just put me in this fandom's blocklist or whatever but do it already instead of obsessing with me and inventing outlandish shit to justify your dislike of me. it's pathetic and honestly kind of embarrassing. i literally have no idea who the op from the 'callout' post is like???????
that's it from my side and if you have any questions my asks are open ✌️ not the anonymous ones, though, duh
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
TW: panic attack, non-graphic self harm, reckless behaviour, fear of drowning
This is like... a bit 5K of Pac and Philza actually bonding for once...
Fear claws into Pac's heart just as easily as his fingernails dig into his palms. There's nothing wrong, objectively there's nothing wrong, but he's been alone all day. It's not at all like working with Mike; he's been trying to decorate the Favela, but his breath keeps catching and his thoughts keep stopping.
He can hear the fountain beneath the warpstone, and he wants it to /stop/.
He knows anxiety now, he knows it, he knows this is what it is, and when Fit found the blood in Chume Labs and the empty graves he made him promise to call him if it happened again. It's happening now, Pac can feel it building, but there's nobody awake. He checks it again, and still it's only him.
So he does the thing he does next best. He holds his breath and he thinks of nothing and he builds. More trees, more ponds, more fountains - anything and everything he can think of. Give the Redeemer a sombrero, then think better of it half way through and take it down. Start returfing the football field, only to decide to put it back because making the goals muddy is just ugly. Hang up more banners, pull them down, add a bit to the fences, swap them for iron, then concrete.
Breathe in, breathe out, there's nothing wrong it's just anxiety.
(But it is wrong, everything is wrong, the back of his brain where Mike sits is empty, not just asleep but empty, torn away and - )
Mike's in the Order hospital, Pac reminds himself, and begins to walk that way.
( - and there are eyes at his back, ready to take him again and - )
Pac forgets to breathe. He drops to his knees in the middle of the street, and scrabbled his hands in the dirt.
Pac checks the communicator again. There's a few more people awake, but... No Fit, no Tubbo, no Mike, no Bagi or Forever... Of the handful of people, the one he knows best if Philza - and while he's happily looked after the man's children, and he's been quite happy to chat or fight together in the past... Philza Minecraft is a legend, and he's never really spoken much without Fit there as a buffer.
But the other option is staying here alone, and he promised Fit that if he started feeling like this again he'd ask someone for company.
He takes a deep breath, and sends a message.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: Can I visit?
As soon as he hits send, Pac slams it shut. He pushes it against his head, shuddering while curled up in a ball. He clings to the communicator, his link to the outside, so hard it leaves indents in his skin.
"It's okay," he whispers to himself. "It's okay, you're okay, there's nobody here to watch you."
It doesn't help; he tries it anyway.
The seconds drag on into minutes, and Pac's fears overwhelm even his attempts to comfort himself.
"You're okay, you're okay, you're safe," he promises himself, even as he claws at his knees, at his face, at his hair and at the floor - anything he can reach to force himself to remember his place.
He hums songs he loves, shuts his eyes and tries to dance along.
He slams hands over his mouth and freezes when he tries.
Too loud, too loud, they'll find you - quiet, quiet, quiet as a mouse and quieter still. Hide amongst the rats, and hope nobody spots you curled up there...
The communicator pings.
In a scramble Pac pulls the lid open, shaking fingers quickly clicking him through to the correct screen.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: sorry m8, missed the message
Ph1LzA whispers to you: still need something or you get it sorted?
What does Pac say? The loneliness is getting to him and the walls are caving in and he can feel something watching from inside his spine? That Mike is gone and he's remembering a /before/ he wants to forget, He can't say that, he really can't.
But what sounds like a normal response which might get him a conversation...
With shaking hands he types whatever comes to mind.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: I am just missing Fit
... Not that. That absolutely does not sound like a request for company.
This time Philza's reply does not take nearly as long, though still longer than anyone else Pac ever messages.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: yeah?
Ph1LzA whispers to you: you want some company? I can put down a sharestone
Pac's heart settles back into place - maybe slightly too high still, but far closer. He didn't mess it up too badly - maybe English is just like that - he didn't even have to ask again.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: please.
It's another minute or two for Pac's anxiety to build and him to cling to the communicator before he recieves a reply.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: red sharestone, name should be obvious
You whisper to Ph1LzA: obrigado
Ph1LzA whispers to you: you're good
There's definitely some emotion to reading those words; Pac pushes it aside, and grabs his warpstone. Moving to the main warpstone for the warehouse seems like too much, so he simply sends himself to spawn.
Only there does he pick himself up, activating the red sharestone. It takes a few scrolls to find the new option, but once he does it earns a small laugh. He selects it, and lets his body be pulled through space.
Where he arrives is cold, deep snow all around, and an icy ocean before him. Pac tugs his sleeves down over his hands, and looks around.
Whereever Philza is, he isn't immediately obvious.
"Philza?" he calls. "Felipe?"
There's a splash as Philza trident-jumps out of the ocean, his paraglider flipping open at the zenith and allowing him to drift safely down to the ice. Pac watches him drift down, the water dripping off him freezing as it falls.
"Hey," Philza calls, once back in voice range, arm moving as though to wave before suddenly remembering he needs to hold the paraglider. "Sorry about that; spotted another jelly and had to get it before it ran off."
Pac waves him off, "it's okay, it's okay, do you need any help?"
Philza squints at Pac a moment, and Pac squirms beneath it. After a moment, though, he just shrugs, "just hunting for rainbow jelly."
"Rainbow jelly?"
"Like the French use to make themselves all rainbow," Philza grins a bit. "You can use it to make glass like that, too. Chayanne wanted some, so..."
Pac thinks of the children, hurting and asleep and under the Federation's "care", the only guarantees of their safety the ability to visit, and the knowledge the Federation knows what is coming if harm comes for their children.
"For Chayanne?" He asks. "I'll help."
"Feel free to hang onto it - if you don't use it, he'll appreciate the gift when he wakes up."
When, not if, even if Pac can see Philza hesitates too.
With that confidence and the thought of their children, Pac doesn't even consider before throwing himself into the water. Behind him he hears the somewhat distorted sound of Philza laughing, and the man throwing himself in after.
Pac spots a couple of the comb jellies, and kicks off towards them. Philza seems to see another group, as he takes another route.
Hunting animals for their innards is one of the few times that sweeping edge is worth it on this island, and so Pac takes out his sword. It only takes a hit to take out the jellies, small as they are, and then Pac just has to scoop up their remains. From there he spots another - deeper - and swims after it. And another, and another - Pac loses himself to the chore, simply collecting jelly for the happiness of a child.
He thinks he's finally calmed down, when he spots another in a cave. Pac doesn't even think about it as he dives in after - but very quickly, it gets very dark.
Too dark.
He tries to ignore it, to push through and find the jelly even as memories start to loom and the dark closes in.
Breathe in, breathe out, remind yourself your helmet is in place and with that much Aqua Affinity you're fine.
It's not the underwater prison again, it's not, it's not.
Just find the jelly and get out...
On instinct he reaches out for Mike, and finds nothing.
Mike? What happened to Mike?
The most frustrating thing is always that he knows, he remembers, but in the dark and the wet and the unnatural silence it doesn't matter. His breathing picks up, and he twists and he turns, looking - screaming - for Mike.
Rationally, he knows he's lightheaded because hes hyperventilating. But in his heart, in his fear, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't change anything because he's alone in the wet and the dark and he /can't do this anyone/.
He wants Mike, he wants Mike, he wants Fit and he wants Mike.
Where is Mike, why can't he reach him, where is he where is he why can't he feel him in his mind?!
He's screaming for them, he thinks, even as tears stream down his face and he twists in the water. By now he's helplessly lost, not even able to find the exit he cane in by. Whatever light there was is gone, and he doesn't even quite remember why he's here.
He twists and he fights, trying to fend off hands that aren't there - only to get his leg twisted up in the seaweed and somehow everything is even worse and worse and worse. He tugs and tugs, but the seaweed grasps tighter - he sees dark prison walls overlaying dark, broken caves, and he sobs as he realises he is going to die here.
He screams again and wonders how he still has air; something responds this time, and he begs it for bitter, screaming help.
A small light he cannot focus on, and hands find their way to his leg. In a panic he twists, kicks, fights - nothing, nothing, nothing can touch him - it's worse than the seaweed, to be grabbed by a hand.
"Shit, Pac," a familiar voice calls, an odd quality to it. "Fuck, I'm just cutting you out, Jesus mate no need to break my nose."
The words don't make sense, not entirely, but seconds later Pac finds his leg free - still entangled, but the seaweed cut from the floor, and he does his best to swim away.
Right from the seaweed and slamming into the cave wall.
Hands grab him again, and say something, and he fights them all the same. Seconds later he's being dragged and pulled and - oh, god, this is how he's going to die.
He goes to fight before remembering, actually, dieing might not be so bad actually... At worst he'll respawns, at best he'll be with Mike again.
It's just as that thought crosses his mind that his head breaks the surface of the ocean. Pac gasps for air and, by the time he's processed that, he's being hoisted and yanked up onto the ice.
He's frozen, he's freezing, but he shakes off the worst of the water and shudders as sunlight presses into his skin.
He's crying - sobbing even - on his hands and his knees, blind terror all about him as he struggles to breathe.
"Aw, mate, you could have said no if it was gonna fuck you up."
There's someone else here; Pac's eyes glance around, only to find Philza there. He can't tell if the man is a friend or a foe or just an acquaintance to be embarrassed around, but the man shrugs off his bag and opens his arms in a familiar gesture.
Pac falls into them, and hides. A hand finds his hair, and another his back, and something very dark curls around to protect him from icy wind. He does not cling back, just cries to the sound of slightly awkward comfort, sucking it in.
"You're okay," the words sound so much more believable coming from someone else. "You got out, I've got you, you're safe, you're okay."
The words are whispered into his skin, and they're not quite a balm but they are a promise and a kindness none the less; he is promised safety, and he knows the man around him can provide.
He just... Did not expect that provision to include himself, only friends of friends as they are.
Pac breathes, and it comes easier now - the air is cold, but between the darkness and Philza's chest he is safe. Slowly, slowly, as he remembers what limbs are Pac reaches out a shaking hand to the void.
It finds feathers; the darkness tenses, and then relaxes to his touch.
Pac, in turn, relaxes with it.
"You good?" Philza eventually asks from above.
"Sim," Pac replies, gathering himself a little more, hiding himself in a laugh. "Sorry, sorry, that was embarrassing."
"We've all been there mate," Fit's friend says.
The wings peel away, and Pac can see them properly - tattered edges and all. Sees how they droop, and the strain in Philza's shoulders as he uses his hands to fold them, and his backpack to keep them in pace.
"Shall we get somewhere warmer?" he asks, before Pac can comment. "I've got a treasure map to somewhere near that mesa you and Fit showed me, if you've still got the warp?"
"Are you sure?" Pac's hands shake as he checks his things.
"Eh, I'm pretty sure it's an iron dungeon," Philza replies, pulling out a map and squinting at it. "I was saving it to troll Etoiles with, but I could actually do with more iron. And someone to deal with mobs while I mine it. You, me, and some skellies - sound good?"
Pac isn't sure; he doesn't want to think, though, he does know that. Dungeons are supposed to be his and Fit's /thing/, one half the time someone intrudes on. The offer almost feels insulting, but...
But when Philza felt bad, they offered him a dungeon - he so clearly means to offer the same. Like for like, not pity but a trade.
"I want the tracks and redstone," Pac tries to sound steady, and knows he fails. "I'll save it for Mike when he returns."
"Sure, I don't even know where to start with that shit," Philza takes Pac's hand, and leads him along a safe route over the ice. "If we go back to that haunted rock area, then glide back towards the mesa? I should be able to find us on the map from there."
Pac nods, placing his hand on the warpstone in advance. Philza's joins it, and together they warp away.
Thankfully it is dawn, and any monsters are gone this time - there's just the beautiful sunrise over the haunted sea. The sun is rising, not setting, but Pac waves to it anyway and hopes that, somewhere, Bobby can see.
Philza makes half a laugh as he finds his glider. Pac searches for his own, and tries not to remember the night on the cliff - him and Fit, him and Fit, but also Philza, laughing about cannons and resting in one another's arms, only for Philza to pull away first and let him and Fit be.
Pac instead thinks about friendship, and how Fit would abandon everything for Philza just as Pac would give it up for Mike, and how it seems that isn't limited to just them. Because Philza didn't send him home, just as Fit also kept close to an oddly behaving Mike. How it doesn't really matter, because in the end they both agree with where the other stands.
Pac instead thinks of nothing, and throws himself off a cliff after Philza.
For one glorious second he lets himself fall, before pulling out his own paraglider and following Philza down.
He lands on Philza's boat, and they drive it back to the mesa. It's filled with the sort of talk that means nothing, and with Philza humming tunes to the air. For a man who claims to be musically dead, he manages it well.
It's also noise, white noise to blur the absence in his mind.
"Here we are," Philza gets out first, and offers Pac a hand out. "We should be pretty close. These things are a bit of a nightmare to find, being underground, but I'm sure we'll manage."
To his surprise, Pac is passed the map while Philza puts away the boat. He has to turn it around to orientate himself, but once he has Philza gestures for him to lead the way. Philza puts himself on Pac's left - the side he holds the map, whilst his other has his scythe, shield turned out against the wild.
Pac tries to think of something to say, and what comes out is, "so did you go looking for a big cannon, or did you just stumble into it?"
The comment draws startled laughter from his companion as they walk, having to stop a moment to let him gather himself. "We knew we were going to see one, but we're exactly looking. You find them all over the coast in the UK, and I think some along the Thames too? A lot have been removed, but we like our old crap, so a couple of the old forts are still open."
"So you're saying you come from a land of many large cannons."
"Yes, Pac," Philza laughs again. "Yes, I do; don't you?"
"We have other large things instead," Pac tries to smile, but he knows it looks off. "Like diamonds."
Pac can see Philza looking for the sex joke, and suddenly realises he doesn't actually want to explain what he meant. So instead he says, "quality over size. Even a big diamond is small."
That draws more laughter, "yeah okay mate; Fit's a lucky boy then."
That almost has Pac dropping the map he's holding as he chokes. Philza grabs him, holds him steady, gives him something to cling to with Mike and Fit and Richarlyson and Walter Bob all gone. Something there, some support, something to stop him choking on himself.
"Too much?" Philza's voice is gentler this time.
Pac nods, hiding his blush in his hands even as he leans on Philza.
"Alright," Philza says, handing him a bottle. "Drink some water, king, and we'll get this dungeon cleared. And no more dick jokes until Fit's also here to suffer. Maybe we could even come up with some new ones, just to tease him next time we all meet up."
Pac takes the bottle, hiding in his hood as he does as he's told. Philza takes the map and they continue to walk as he sips at it, hiding himself and his face in the bottle. Philza makes sure to stay in sight, keeping idle commentry going.
At this point, Pac is reasonably sure Philza knows something continues to be wrong - but then so did Fit and Pac when Philza had that strange... Maybe hallucination? Fit says it probably wasn't, and Pac trusts Fit, but whatever it was it was unsettling and strange.
Philza seems fine now, though; maybe one day Pac will be fine too.
It is about ten or fifteen minutes walk to the dungeon. There's nothing on the surface to mark it, just Philza squinting at the map, and passing it to Pac to check.
Once they agree, they dig; Philza calls 'race you!' and begins a staircase.
Pac lives for adrenaline; he starts digging straight down.
Somehow he doesn't hit lava.
He does end up falling from the top of the dungeon into a crevasse, fails to find either a water bucket or his paraglider, and breaks his leg. It's terrifying, and he's alone as he sees his death message flash up in chat but - maybe - it's okay. There's Aypierre laughing and Baghera offering help, and Philza on his black paraglider swooping in from the ceiling to assist.
"You good?" Philza asks as he pours a potion out over the wounds, his eyes almost glowing in the low light as Pac's bones knit together.
Pac leans forwards to check his prosthetic while his body heals, twitching only a little with the pain. The fall knocked a few screws loose and bent some of the metal out of shape, but it's an easy enough fix with a hammer and screwdriver. He'll check it over properly later, or maybe swap it for his spare until he has energy for it, but it'll hold for the day.
"All good," Pac confirms, as he pulls his jeans back down.
He can see Philza side-eyeing the prosthetic, and shifts; the man says nothing, however, just helps Pac up and types out an 'all good we're just dungeoning' to calm the global chat.
And then he looks at his map.
"You've got us near a corner," Philza turns his communicator to show Pac. "If we just start here and work around to the left, we shouldn't miss anything."
Pac nods, and pulls out his grapple. Together they pull themselves up and onto the ledge, and the dungeon begins.
It starts simple - Philza takes out a spawner, while Pac works on the skeletons, then they swap so Pac can loot the minetracks. Trading the mobs on and off, Pac cannot help but notice how Philza even when on mob duty prioritises looting, catching the attention of a swamp of skeletons and sending them on a chase over barrels as he smashes them open and grabs the contents. Only when he can carry no more does he start fighting, laughing as he does.
It's a nice laugh, that one.
He laughs too when Pac fights, hacking away at the iron blocks he claims to want. With every other hit there is a call of "good hit!" "nice one!" "you're doing good, Pac!", and Pac can feel himself starting to grin as well.
Together they dance in a dungeon much easier than the one Phil joined Pac and Fit for, able to let loose without worrying for the giant magma cube around the corner. They keep an eye on each other, and watch their backs, and Fit's deep voice is so clearly missing between them without feeling like a void.
By the time it is finished, they are both laughing, bone-dust covering their clothes and their tools and the world in their hands. Philza gives Pac some of the iron, and they take his staircase - not Pac's hole - out.
They don't talk about what comes next, but neither of them reach for their warpstones. Instead Pac picks a direction and walks. Philza follows.
They find a hill a little way out, surrounded by flower fields but empty of them itself. Philza lights it up with his slingshot, despite it still being around midday, and Pac makes hot chocolate for them both. Pulls out chairs, too - blue and green - and places a coffee table between them.
He sits on the blue and Philza looks at the green and says, "are you sure I'm okay to sit there? I don't wanna intrude."
Pac looks at the chair - it was just habit, just what he carries - and curls up his toes. "It's fine," he can hear the sadness in his own voice. "Mike isn't here, he wouldn't mind."
"Do you mind?"
"I got it out for you."
"Alright, king," Philza finally takes the seat and the hot chocolate, leaning back into the cushions. After a bit he adds, "these are good chairs. Maybe I should invest in something better than mine."
"They're not expensive," Pac replies. "And they're comfy! I have one instead of a bed."
He wonders if he should have admitted that - he knows people worry - but in the crash of the panic attack and the fighting it's hard to keep his mouth shut.
Philza just laughs though, "yeah? I've been using one of those wooden ones. You know? Basic ones, just in a fancy wood."
"How do you not have splinters?!"
"I'm good with my hands - what else can I say?"
They both laugh at that one, a joke which actually lands. There's something comfortable and comforting about it. The laughter drifts into giggles, drifts into sips of hot chocolate - quiet and together. Pac makes a point of not watching as Philza gets himself comfortable, untangling his wings and stretching them... Not to full width, but wide.
It's only when one brushes his arm that Pac dares to ask "what happened?"
"Hm?" Philza looks up.
"To your wings?"
"Feds fucked them up when I arrived," Philza says it like its nothing, but there's bitter pain in his words. "By purgatory they'd healed up just enough to fly, but then carrying Tubbo through meteor strikes and radiation... I can't regret it, I /won't/ regret it, but they're fucked again. I can hold them up so it seems better, but they hurt worse than before."
Pac wants to say he's sorry, but he doesn't think it would be appreciated. Instead he says "thank you for saving Tubbo."
"I couldn't just leave him," Philza says. "He's my friend too, you know?"
"I know," Pac fiddles with his cup. "You're a good man, Felipe Minecraft. I'm not sure I'd do it."
"I think you would," Philza says, with more faith in Pac than he's ever had in himself. "If it came to it. You're also a good man, Pac - if you weren't, I wouldn't let you have Fit."
It's an admission neither of them acknowledge. Instead Pac flops, exhausted, against his chair. "I'd do it for Mike. I miss him."
"I can't imagine," Philza's wings stretch a little further, stroking against Pac's cheek. "But, I'm sure he'll heal. And once he does hold him close, okay? Because you never know when you'll loose him."
It's obvious, of course Pac will try to, but there's pain in Philza's voice, and Pac thinks of a memorial on a wall and a child living in the footsteps of a ghost, and maybe Philza can imagine better than he thinks he can.
Or maybe Philza means he can't imagine, because he knows.
"Did you love him?" Pac asks instead.
"He was my best friend."
Philza's voice breaks on the word, and Pac knows both that he has to stop, and that Philza knows just what it is Pac fears. Even if he calls it different, even if they didn't share one mind... Pac should not have asked.
"I'm sorry."
"You did nothing wrong; it hurts, but in hurting I remember him, you know?"
There's a long silence, in which Pac tries to know what to say, and Philza stares absently at soft clouds on the horizon. Even in Portuguese he would struggle, and Philza is certainly not looking to his translator.
Maybe Philza and Fit are not as Pac and Mike; Philza has already lost his Mike. Or, perhaps, both are true, and even if Pac looses his best friend, someone will be there to keep him whole.
It's a nice fantasy; he knows Philza's wound bleeds open even now.
"I have never been without Mike before this island," Pac eventually admits. "At least... I was seven when we met, he was five. I've heard his thoughts since I was ten, and the first time he ever fell silent was when I was put in that water prison."
"Shit," Philza closes his eyes as he swears, leaning back. "Earlier, with the water... You should have said something, Pac, I wouldn't have judged you. Fuck knows there's shit I can't do anymore."
"I didn't know it'd be that bad," Pac hesitates after those words. "It hasn't been before. Today is just... bad? I already felt bad."
"And you came to me for company, and I made it worse," Philza says. "I am so, so sorry mate - I didn't mean to, I just- It was for Chayanne."
"It was still better than being alone," Pac replies. "The second time our connection broke was when he was taken - I haven't heard him since. Even asleep, even unconscious, even when I was in a coma... We could still feel each other. Not now. It's lonely no, and it's been so long..."
"Pac..." Philza's voice catches. "You shouldn't have to make those choices... You shouldn't have to put up with my whims just not to be alone, mate, you should have just said; we could have gone to the dungeon, or the favela, worked on the train tracks... You didn't have to swim."
"Fit is gone, Mike is gone, Richas is gone," Pac twists his hands. "You were helping me. I wanted to help you - I wanted to do something for Chayanne too! He is a good egg."
"He is," Philza smiles softly, taking the distraction for what it is. "The best. But, king, are you going to be okay?"
"When am I not?" Pac asks, as he thinks of happy pills and his own blood trailing the floors of Chume Labs.
Philza gives him a distinctly unimpressed expression and, yeah, fair, "I'm serious, Pac; I don't have plans today if you just wanna chill somewhere. Here, my place, your place, the Favela... if the karaoke's working, we could steal a room? Hell, we can just keep heading outwards and find some more dungeons if you fancy violence instead."
"... Are you sure?"
"We're friends, aren't we?" Philza asks. "We don't get to hang out as often as we should - if you'd rather get some rest, I won't stop you. Just thought I'd offer."
"Karaoke then?" Pac suggests, if only for some structure to keep the anxiety from seeping back in.
"Sure. No promises I won't fall asleep on the couch, though."
Pac laughs. It is weaker, but it is more real. "No promises, no promises here either."
In time they do, of course, fall asleep on the couch - and that is where Fit will find them in the morning.
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lialox · 4 months
"ORV saved me" well it almost killed me fr.
Earlier this year, I was daydreaming about it and got into a car accident. Bad enough that the car itself was a write off.
...and my unhinged ass was literally like "oooohh I've never been in shock before, let's memorize this moment and use it as writing inspo!"
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jils-things · 6 months
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to love someone is to heal someone
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neptunesailing · 1 year
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tatsumi (enstars x hnk au)
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jacksprostate · 2 months
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