#but its good practice to add some identifying feature. personal opinion
borbealis · 2 years
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"I think I understand why you lied about the painting," Mike said. He pulled a worn and creased letter out of his pocket. "I wrote this not long after you left Hawkins. I was going to give it to you, but... I couldn't. I was afraid of how you would react, and I didn't want to risk losing you. Especially after how I treated you all summer... I guess I almost lost you anyway," he said quietly. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, here—" he held the letter out towards Will, "this is for you."
Lettergate fanart for bylerweek 2022!
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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i received an ask from @sunset-study asking me how to annotate texts so i thought i would do a post giving some of my tips! as an English literature student, i spend a lot of my time doing annotations on loads of different types of texts so i think i have some good advice that i can give. i hope that you will find this helpful and if you have any other questions, please feel free to send me an ask!
disclaimer: these are my personal tips and experiences and i’m sure that there are many more that are relevant. i have tried to do a little bit of research to get some other ideas which hopefully will make this a useful post but as always i appreciate others adding their opinions and advice in the comments!
[Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes]
What is covered:
General Tips
Things to look for
Specific Tips for Annotating Novels
Specific Tips for Annotating Plays
Specific Tips for Annotating Poetry
Other resources
General Tips
don't just highlight. this is very passive and often you will not really be taking in what is important. 
pencils are great for annotating. if you are anything like me, when you are annotating, you often are doing it as the thoughts come into your mind so a pencil allows you some leeway to erase and refine ideas. also when you are writing in a book, i personally do not have enough confidence to write in pen.
don’t annotate extensively the first time you read. often on a first read, you don't see the recurring imagery or features because you don't have the whole context so don't annotate deeply the first time you read something. that said, it can often be good to jot some questions in the margins that you have because these can be useful to remind you of your thoughts when you reread. 
think of some symbols to indicate important or interesting parts. for example, if it is a dramatic section, i will box it off and put a big exclamation mark. or if something is confusing or unclear, use a question mark. i tend to put a star for a section that is important. you could think of symbols for humour, foreshadowing, particular themes or characters etc.
actually respond to the text. this seems like an obvious one but a lot of the time, because we are taught in schools all these fancy techniques, when we see one of them in a text we just highlight them and note that its a metaphor or simile or foreshadowing. what you should try to do is explain - briefly - why that is important and its effect. also if you have any personal reaction to it, note that down as well because this can be really helpful when writing essays because it shows that you’ve actually engaged with the text. 
practice, practice, practice. annotation is a skill and honestly it can be quite difficult because you need to often read between the lines and summarise, while also analysing. so take some time to focus on this skill and create your own method and shorthand.
Things to look for:
structure. are the paragraphs long? is sentence varied or does it remain quite consistent? are there any repeated words or phrases? what is the overall shape of the text? where does the narrative start? does the focus shift anywhere? 
language. what are the literary devices used in the text? if so, what is their effect? has the author used a particular semantic field? are there any usual words? are there repeated words? are there any individual words that stand out to you? what are the connotations of these words? are there any words that you don’t know? if so, what do they mean? is there any unusual syntax? 
characterisation and voice. who is speaking in the text? if it is third person, how ‘close’ or ‘distant’ are we to the character? can we trust the character? are they an unreliable narrator? what are their key features? do any of these features link to key themes? if so, where is that shown in the text? is the author using a particular voice in order to get a specific reaction?
themes. what themes is the author exploring? where does the author explore these themes? are particular opinions (either by a character or perhaps the implied opinion of the author) expressed on the themes? are there any words or phrases that link closely to this theme?
Specific Tips for Annotating Novels
a novel is often long and there is a lot of stuff to cover throughout it so it is really important to keep making sure that you understand what is going on. summarising will also help you when revising.
for example, after each chapter quickly summarise the key points in a few sentences - which characters were important, did the plot move forward in any important ways, what themes were explored.
you could either do this on a post it note or if you have space on the last page of the chapter. make sure that it is not too long. a few sentences is absolutely fine.
characters are obviously very important in a novel so make sure you know who’s who and where they come into the book. you could write the list of characters or a little character map on the inside cover of the book, which you can refer to if necessary.
i personally don't colour code that often when annotating. i usually only do it in important scenes and moments where there is a lot going on and things can get very confusing. that said, colour coding can be particularly useful to keep track of themes in the novel.
there are many different ways that you can do this. for example you could have a particular highlighter colour for each theme. you could also put coloured sticky tabs on the page so you can quickly find the themes throughout the novel. 
Specific Tips for Annotating Plays
This is mostly the same for novels so take all of the tips above and apply them to the play you are studying with two main - VERY IMPORTANT - additions:
a play is written to be performed and this has a huge impact on the text, because it can affect how we interpret a particular character, theme or scene. 
so it is SO SO important that you remember that it is being performed and think about the different ways that it could be acted and how the audience could respond to it. 
on that note, remember that every performance, actor and audience is different so try to think of ALL the ways it could be played and how our interpretation could differ
this is a related point to the one above. my GCSE English teacher used to go on about this all. the. time. because it is so easy to overlook them and not consider them a real part of the text. BUT they are such a key part because they can give hints to performance as well as the atmosphere which might otherwise be difficult to discern just by reading the dialogue. they can also be good ways to demonstrate character traits
Specific Tips for Annotating Poetry
poems are obviously much shorter than plays and novels so they are often packed full of interesting language points to annotate. therefore if you try to add in all of this other stuff in your annotations using arrows, it is likely that it is going to get very full and confusing. 
therefore, i would suggest only directly annotating language features for the poem and writing your notes on the more general features of the poem elsewhere - for example on a post-it note, or if there is a bunch of white-space under the poem. then it is easy to find and refer to but won't mix with your annotations and make it confusing so that you feel that you need to rewrite more notes on the whole poem 
if there is a particular word or phrase that is important for the above features (for example, links significantly with the context or has unusual - and therefore probably significant - meter) you can notes this on the text using arrows but keep it specific and short. you can expand on it in more depth in your general notes
this is good to identify because it can help you focus on the language that is important and helps you to interpret the meaning. 
poems are usually meant to be lyrical and rhythmic in some way and read aloud. so think about how these words sound when you read it (are they harsh or soft) and consider the rhythm that the poet creates through punctuation. it could be helpful to consider a poem like the lyrics of a song and imagine what it would sound like if it were set to music 
rhyming is an important part of this and you could note - just for your own reference - the rhyme scheme (if there is one) using letters at the end of the line. but again, referring back to tip one of this section, talk about the rhyme scheme in greater depth elsewhere so as not to clutter your notes 
Other Resources
there are so many resources that you can find on the internet about annotation but here are just a couple that i thought were useful:
Annotation Guide Produced for AP Language Students
BBC Bitesize GCSE Revision Page on Annotating Texts
General How to Annotate Guide (Note: this is not just for literature but also for textbooks but has some great tips)
Annotating Poetry Guide
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rinki-sharma · 3 years
Website Navigation: Tips & Best Practices For Businesses
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Are you aware of what online consumers are saying regarding website user experience? Here are some important stats you should know!
88% of users say they are less likely to return to a website after a poor user experience.
94% of customers wish for easy navigation when they visit a website.
Another study reveals that 94% of a site’s negative feedback is related to design.
A great way to enhance the experience of a site is to build exceptional navigation. When you do that, you will also be automatically improving your SEO performance.
Good site navigation ensures that your visitors effortlessly find what they are looking for, and makes it easy for search engines to crawl as well. It results in more conversions and higher search visibility.
But how do you actually build awesome navigation for your small business website? There are so many tips on the internet that it can be overwhelming for novices and webmasters alike. You can also get in touch with a Web Application Development Company to take help to build awesome navigation for your your website.
In this blog, we will be looking into some of the most practical and best website navigation tips and best practices for small businesses.
But before that,
What Exactly Is Website Navigation?
Website navigation can also be termed internal link architecture. They are the links within your business site connecting your pages. Its main function is to aid users in easily finding what they are searching for on your site.
Having good website navigation will rank your site higher on search results as search engines use your site navigation to find out and index new pages.
The links on your site will assist the search engines in understanding the target page’s content and context and also the relationships between pages.
The Core Objective Of Website Navigation
Your users should always be your central focus while building your site navigation. To satisfy your users, you will have to make navigation easy. Then, you can implement strategies to optimize your site for SEO without letting it hurt the user experience.
According to statistics, it takes only 50 milliseconds for a web visitor to form an opinion about your site. If your site gives a bad first impression, users are most likely to leave your site and may never return back.
Thus, small business owners should aim to build a modern website navigation design that creates positive first impressions and great UX. A great website experience occurs when a user spends less time on your site while getting all their needs met. It will happen if you focus on building a site taking into account your customers’ preferences and what they find most beneficial.
Top Website Navigation Tips And Best Practices For Small Business
As promised, here are the top website navigation tips and best practices your small business can start implementing today. They will help your business to boost traffic, enhance engagement, and increase conversions and sales.
1. Have A Well-Planned Strategy
You need to have a plan while building a website. So before jumping right in, find out which features and pages are required for your website and plan out their hierarchy. Features including the About us page, Home page, blog section, review section, FAQs, and so on are all crucial for a business website.  
While at it, you should also find out which of these pages are most valuable for your customers. Creating a sitemap will make things more transparent and easier for you.
Your sitemap should include a list of all the essential website pages and sub-categories contained within them. It should also point out the most important pages and pages that are less significant.
Below is an example of a diagram-style sitemap. However, you can choose whatever format you feel comfortable using.
Consider using the user adoption platform while training your team. It can help you to design interactive guides without coding knowledge, effectively engage your users across different touchpoints, and allow you to measure the effectiveness of your user engagement with their advanced analytics.
2. Design Unique And Consistent Primary Navigation
Focus on designing primary navigation that is not only unique but also consistent throughout the website. Consistent design helps accessibility, allowing users to navigate a site more quickly.
Navigation becomes more straightforward when it doesn’t necessitate users to learn new functionality when they visit new pages or sections.
When you visit a well-designed website, you can easily identify the main menu as it is typically positioned at the top of the page in the middle or aligned to the right or left of the page.
You can also spot the main menu by its uniqueness or contrast against all other things on the page.
Take a look at this example below:
The primary navigation design of Auberge Handfield Country Inn looks excellent.
Their left-hand menu design stands out with its use of custom font and the overall size distribution. And aren’t the bold typography and strokes arresting? Their high contrast against the navy blue side panel has been smartly applied.
3. Focus On Responsive Navigation
Not having a responsive website will land your business in big trouble. If you consider the stats and facts,
Nearly 60% of all internet access is attributed to smartphones.
94% of web visitors judge sites on responsive design.
Also, the Google search engine prioritizes responsive sites.
When you create a responsive design, your business site will look great on any device. And a part of the responsive design practice includes creating a compact navigation style, which can be achieved by creating the hamburger menu.
The hamburger menu is the answer to improve website navigation on smartphones without using too much space. It can be neatly positioned in the top right or left-hand corner.
The example below is of Bad Assembly’s hamburger menu design. Their functional design stands out and appears carefully designed. Moreover, the navigation is consistent with their visual approach.
When you click the stacked hamburger icon, the hidden menus are displayed on full-screen websites.
Another way to create responsive navigation is to build sidebar navigation as done by the denim brand Edwin Europe. This trend is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to its usability.
When you use the sidebar menu, the items will be highlighted all throughout the internal website pages as users navigate them.
Sidebar menus are a great option for mobile-responsive sites owing to their scalability and ease of use on any device, including smartphones.
4. Consider The Sticky Menu
Sticky menu, floating menu, or fixed menu – they are one and the same.
It is the type of menu that stays fixed even when browsers scroll down your website, hence the name.
The sticky menu comes really handy when you have long-scrolling pages. It saves your visitors from having to painstakingly scroll all the way back up just to access another page.
While working with a fixed navigation menu, consider auto-resizing your navigation bars, especially if your navigation menu is big. It will ensure that your menu doesn’t occupy too much space.
If you visit the Fandango Media Group website, you will find that they have implemented auto-resizing for their fixed navigation style menu. Though it hasn’t shrunk much, you feel the transformation when scrolling.
You can also choose to add a Back to Top button. It can help consumers save time.
However, your choice of navigation style will depend on the design and layout of your site. So consider them while creating the most convenient navigation style for your website. You can also consider moving your business to popular and established e-commerce platforms like ShopifyPlus. The platform allows you to design custom navigation so that you can prioritize products and “collections” and increase conversions.
5. Add Call-To-Action Buttons
All websites, irrespective of industry, goal, and design, ask visitors to take a certain action. In marketing, CTAs can turn visitors into leads for the sales team. For that reason, you want a strong CTA that can convince people to act.
It has been found that CTAs that have strong, personalized messages can boost conversion rates by 202%.
Some great strategies to apply while creating CTAs for your website include:
Using personalized call-to-action
Invoking a sense of urgency
Incorporating value propositions
Using action-oriented words
Ensuring the right size and shape
Standing out by using contrasting colors
In the example below, Adobe applies remarkable psychology of colors. The designers have used blue color over a black background, making the call to action alluring and resonant with the voice of the brand.
Note that the color you apply will depend on the website’s design. Test several colors before settling for a color that can bring you more conversions.
As a small business, you will also want to increase your email subscribers.
You can have a look at the CTA of the shoe company Rothy to get some inspiration for increasing email subscribers.
The brand creates a sense of exclusivity in their CTA by saying, “find out first,” encouraging more sign-ups.
As customers want to be among the first to know about new sales, products, or news, creating exclusivity is a smart move to increase email sign-ups or sales, for that matter.
Offering a great user experience should be the goal of every business that wants to succeed. Having stellar business website navigation is a sure-fire way to increase UX.
Follow these five crucial website navigation tips mentioned in this blog to design a site with easy navigation and keep your users engaged while increasing conversions and sales.
You can also use these website navigation tips to increase your email subscribers, social media following, and so on by including a CTA button.
Plus, remember that good website navigation can improve your SEO performance as it makes it easy for search engines to crawl your site.
Source: Technians Blog Website Navigation Tips
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nekomapi · 4 years
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chp 1 🎶 a light in your eyes that keeps shining
Shouto stared at the keys in front of him; the black and white rectangles blurred together as he spaced out. He had been running this piece all afternoon and he couldn't be more bored with it if he tried. Each time sounded just as good as the last, but he kept on practicing- leaving no room for the possibility of error. Less errors meant less scolding from his father.
His instructor didn't have any clients this afternoon and told him he could use the piano for as long as he wanted. He took lessons here twice a week when his father had other obligations and couldn't supervise, which also meant he never had much time for himself. Luckily, these two days were such a breath of fresh air from the usual routine that he always looked forward to them.
He let out a heavy sigh as he stretched his fingers and his arms. It was so peaceful; the warm sunlight pouring through the windows, golden hues illuminating the shiny surface of the grand piano. The whole room bathed in incredible warmth, something his house felt completely devoid of.
He couldn't remember how long he had been sitting there, but it felt like hours. He yawned as he glanced at the clock, his eyes slowly trailing over to the mahogany drum set that stared at him from the corner of the room. He had looked at it longingly for about 6 months, ever since he started his lessons here. There were so many different components and they seemed so complex, like a different world he was unaware of.
His curiosity itched to no end and he finally gathered the courage to walk over to it, grazing the drumhead with his fingers as he sat on the stool. His teacher had gone on an errand and he knew she wouldn't be back for a little while. Picking up the black wooden drumsticks, he started tapping gently on each piece to test the different noises they each made. After a few minutes of self-containment, he couldn’t help but let loose. He banged the different sized drums, smashed the symbols and kicked the bass pedal intermittently, with no direction and no sheet music to follow along with. It was the most exhilarated he had felt in a long time. He played with such enthusiasm that sweat started to accumulate on his brow as he lashed about without a care in the world. He didn't notice this rarity himself, but throughout his messy performance, his face was plastered with a playful grin. His focus shifted upwards as his eye caught a glimpse of a figure and he jumped up, almost tripping over the bass drum. A young girl was leaning in the doorway, her arms crossed and a smirk playing at her features. She couldn't help but find his clumsiness amusing.
Locking on her gaze, he instantly recognized her from the family photos on his teacher's desk. It was her daughter and he didn't know much about her, besides the few details she had mentioned to him in the past. Apparently she was exceptionally talented in multiple instruments and attended a very esteemed music academy in the city. The way she always beamed when she spoke of her, made it obvious how proud she was, and that shamefully always stung him. The only pride ever displayed from his father never felt out of love and his mother, well she was a different story.
"I... I'm sorry I uh...shouldn't have-"
She interrupted mid-sentence, holding up her hand and walking towards him, "Don't apologize! I'm the one who should apologize for startling you during your performance." She smiled and jokingly added," I'm going to guess that was your first time playing? If not, well then my mother might have lost her touch."
"That was the first time." He stood up straighter, trying to play off his embarrassment by transitioning into his usual stoic gaze. "I was just... curious is all."
"Ah. Well I have to say, you look good back there."
"Thanks," he mumbled, his cheeks feeling hot as he put down the drumsticks and started to back away from the drum set.
"Whoa, not so fast." She was at his side quickly and pushed him back towards the seat. He looked at her, confusion written on his face as he sat back down. She picked up the drumsticks, effortlessly twirling one around in her fingers. "Consider this your first lesson." Something about her made him feel at ease and he couldn't think of an excuse to refuse. He nodded in agreement and she grinned.
She didn't waste any time before naming each component and explaining the proper technique and form, including fixing the way he held the drumsticks. He admired how she spoke with such emotion, using her hands when trying to emphasize her opinion and the way her eyes lit up when she rambled on about what aspects she thought were the most important in order to be a good musician. It wasn't just her bright green eyes or that faint smell of gardenia that reminded him of her mother, but it was that burning passion towards music which was so evident in their words and motions. He longed to have that kind of burning emotion towards it as well. He soaked in every word, not wanting to forget a single thing she said--- or how her hair glistened against her smooth, freckled skin.
After going over the basics for about twenty minutes, she demonstrated a few basic drum beats. Once she ran through them a few times, she handed him back the drumsticks, gesturing for him to try. He followed her instruction, recreating the beat under her guidance. It wasn't hard for him to catch on. She stood back and watched as he seemed to effortlessly repeated the sample over and over, even adding in little changes while increasing the tempo each time. It was wildly impressive and after a few minutes, she spoke again. "Can I ask you something?'
"Go ahead," he responded, still focused on keeping a beat.
"Do you actually enjoy playing piano?"
He stopped and turned to face her. "What makes you ask that?"
"Well, I heard you playing Einaudi earlier, many times through I might add. And don’t get me wrong... you play wonderfully! Probably with some of the best form I've ever heard from someone our age. It's just... it sounded a bit— robotic, or like it wasn’t coming from the heart." She pushed herself off the wall and walked to the other side of the drum set. "Listening to you play just now, and before when I came in and interrupted you, something just feels different. It's like I could finally hear you in it."
"But you've only just met me..." he stated bluntly. "How could you know something like that?" There was no doubt that he was experiencing a bit of freedom in himself today, but her analysis suddenly had him feeling a little exposed and embarrassed. These unexpected emotions were new to him.
"I'm sorry... it was just a feeling I had. I didn't mean to pry." She fell silent for a moment, having felt slightly bad for how he reacted. She chuckled in hopes to lighten the mood. "I guess with that rad hair you just totally have that whole badass drummer vibe going on." She leaned back, framing his face with her fingers and staring at him through the opening. "I mean, who wouldn't want to be the next John Bonham."
"John Bonham?"
She gestured towards a framed record on the wall behind him, feeling thankful to change the subject. "Only one of the best drummers to ever grace the face of the earth." She walked over to her backpack and pulled out her phone, unraveling the headphones wrapped around it. She tapped on the screen a few times and then handed it over to him.
His tone was quizzical as he read off the name, "Fool in the Rain by ...Led Zeppelin?"
"Have you really never heard of them?"
Shouto shook his head and her mouth dropped.
"Alright well... take it all in buddy," she motioned towards the ear buds.
He put them in his ears, pressed play and stared down at the phone as the song started. It didn’t take long for him to be hooked, zoning in on the drums and how they effortlessly worked with the other instruments to form the melody. His head started to move with the beat, following along with its rhythm. He could identify the specific sounds of each component he had learned. It's like something clicked and he understood when she had said that a good drummer can make all the difference to how the song comes together. It was the first time he had actually "heard" a piece of music. Don't get him wrong, he knew the piano could be an incredibly moving instrument, but nothing had ever spoken to him personally like this. The song was about halfway through when it suddenly paused.
"Uh, someone named ... Boomer is calling." He handed her the phone.
"Oh!" she said, glancing up at the clock as she scrambled to answer.
‘What kind of name is Boomer?’ he thought.
"Hey! Sorry if you've been waiting, I lost track of time. I'll head over n--- ....I SAID I WAS SORRY....... It's none of your business ya punk! Just chill out, I'll be there soon!" She groaned in annoyance and ended the call, "I gotta go."
She walked to where a few guitars hung on the wall and took down a black and white Gibson, placing it in the case that was on the floor beneath it.
"You play guitar too?" Shouto asked. He wasn't really surprised as his teacher had already told him in the past that she played multiple instruments. He didn't know why but for some reason he wanted to continue being in her company for just a little longer.
"Among other things, yeah. I get bored if I stick to one thing for too long."
"Dividing your efforts into multiple instruments has to make mastering one pretty difficult," he stated matter of factly.
"I think you and I may look at music a little differently. I don't play an instrument with the need to master it. I play because of how it makes me feel. I let the instrument guide me where it needs to go, not the other way around. I guess, I just don't see the point in doing something if it doesn't set my soul on fire, ya know?" She zipped up the guitar bag and walked back towards him, holding out her hand. "I'm Ronnie by the way."
He walked around the drum set and shook it. "Todoroki, Shouto." She was staring at him intensely, making him shift uncomfortably. "What is it?" he asked a bit harshly, feeling conscious about his scar.
"Oh! Sorry- ha! I was just admiring that rockstar hair of yours again." She flashed him a rock and roll sign, though he didn't understand the gesture. It wasn't just the hair that had her mesmerized, but the smooth, burned skin around his eye. She felt sad that she found it so beautiful, without knowing what kind of pain was behind it.
"Thanks? I guess." He looked away, putting his hands in his pockets.
She smiled. "It kind of reminds me of Christmas morning." He looked back at her, his cheeks feeling warm again.
"Well, I guess I'll see ya around, Shouto."
His mouth went a bit dry at the familiarity and he nodded. "Yeah. See ya."
She turned and walked out of the room. He listened as the front door opened, feeling an odd knot in his stomach as it closed. He grasped at the sensation over his shirt and went over to sit back down at the piano. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly this feeling was, but it had made him feel SOMETHING, so he relished in it. Grabbing his phone from out of his pocket, he opened up Apple Music and typed in a song. He closed his eyes, his lips twitching up slightly as "Fool in the Rain" started to play through the speakers.
♫ music selection ♫
Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche
Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain
this was the first chapter of my abandoned BNHA music AU (+ a few HQ!! crossovers)... but i think it works as a cute standalone piece. recently been debating on resurrecting this fic or just using the existing material for hcs or scenarios... hmmm 🤔
xo n.pi
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russellacali · 4 years
What is Empowerment Technologies?
This blog, Empowerment Technologies, is an insight into what I have learned on our lessons about Empowerment Technologies: ICT for Professional Tracks, for 11th grade, under the teaching of Miss Shaira Denise Dela Cruz. The goal of this blog is to promote ICT and give you some insight into ICT
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The first lesson that was discussed was, what is ICT? ICT is the abbreviation for Information and Communication Technologies. It refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications such as mobile phones, wireless networks, telephones, and other communication mediums. The current state of ICT is WWW or World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web(WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which may be interlinked by hypertext, and are accessible over the Internet. It has three versions which are Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 is the first version and most web pages were static or “read-only web.” 
The second and most used is Web 2.0, which allows users to interact and contribute with the page instead of just reading a page, the users are able to create a user account. Web 2.0 offers us five features: Folksonomy, Rich User Experience, Long Tail, User Participation, and software as a service.
The last is Web 3.0. Its aim is to have machines understand the user’s preference to be able to deliver web content specifically targeting the user. Web 3.0 hasn’t released yet as it still has some problems. Those problems are compatibility, security, vastness, vagueness, and logic.
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Moving on to the next lesson which is all about ‘Online Saftey, security, ethics, and etiquette.’ 
The Internet consists of tens of thousands of interconnected networks run by service providers, individual companies, universities, and governments. It is defined as an information highway, which means anyone can access any information through the internet. That is why the internet is one of the most dangerous places, the reason why it is important how to keep yourself and your personal information safe. Some of the information that is in rick when spoiled on the internet are names of your immediate family, address, phone or home number, birthday, email address, your full name, and your previous and current school. It is important to keep this information top secret as cyber-creeps can use these to find you. 
To keep yourself safe:
Be mindful of what you share online.
Do not just accept terms and conditions, read it.
Keep your passwords to yourself, and make sure your password is long, strong, and unique.
Do not talk or meet up with someone you don’t know.
Never post anything about a future vacation. This can signal some robbers about which date they can come and rob your house. It is better to post about your vacation when you got home already.
Add friends you know in real life, don’t accept someone you barely know or met.
Avoid visiting or downloading anything from an untrusted website, make sure to check the icon beside the search box. *picture* According to DigiCert Blog, “How to Know if a Website is Secure?”, Look at the URL of the website. If it begins with “https” instead of “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL certificate (the s stands for secure). SSL certificates secure all of your data as it is passed from your browser to the website’s server.
Make your home wifi private by adding a password.
Make sure to install and update antivirus software on your computer.
Do not reply or check links from suspicious emails as it can lead you to an untrusted site and can hack your laptop or social media.
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To give you more information, here are some of the internet threats that we need to be aware of and try to avoid:
The Malware, stands for malicious software. It includes virus, worm, trojan, spyware, adware, and ransomware. The virus is the most common malware. It is a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another (internet, local networks, FDs, CDs,etc.). Worms is a standalone piece of malicious software that reproduces itself and spreads from computer to computer. The trojan is a malicious program that disguises as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information. Spyware is defined by Webroot Cybersecurity as "malware used for the purpose of secretly gathering data on an unsuspecting user." It is a program that runs in the background and spies your behavior as you are on your computer. Adware is malware that forces your browser to redirect to web advertisements, which often themselves seek to download further, even more, malicious software. Lastly, Ransomware, also known as scareware. This is a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim’s data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.
The Spam, this is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication, often an email, that gets sent out in bulk.
The Phishing, is a cybercrime in which a target/s are contacted by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
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Lastly, before we move to the next lesson it is important to know ‘The Core Rules of Netiquette’ are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.
First, Remember the Human.When communicating online, practice the Golden rule:  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Remember that your written works or messages are read by real people, therefore you should ask yourself, "Would I be okay with this if someone else had written it?" before sending it. 
Second, Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. It is a must that your best to act within the laws and ethical manners of society whenever you inhabit "cyberspace." Standards of behavior may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life. Be ethical. Don't believe anyone who says, "The only ethics out there are what you can get away with."  
Third, Know where you are in cyberspace. What's perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another. And because Netiquette is different in different places, it's important to know where you are. Thus the next corollary: Lurk before you leap.
Fourth, Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. Online communication takes time: time to read and time in which to respond. Most people today lead busy lives, just like you do, and don't have time to read or respond to frivolous emails or discussion posts. It's your responsibility to ensure that the time they spend reading your posting isn't wasted.
Fifth, Make yourself look good online. One of the best things about the virtual world is the lack of judgment associated with your physical appearance, the sound of your voice, or the clothes you wear. However, you will be judged by the quality of your writing so keep in mind the following tips: (1)Always check for spelling and grammar errors, (2)  Know what you're talking about and state it clearly
Sixth, Share expert knowledge. The reason for asking questions online works is that a lot of knowledgeable people are reading the questions. And if even a few of them offer intelligent answers, the sum total of world knowledge increases. The Internet itself was founded and grew because scientists wanted to share information. Gradually, the rest of us got in on the act. So do your part. Despite the long lists of no-no's in this book, you do have something to offer. Don't be afraid to share what you know.
Seventh, Help keep flame wars under control. "Flaming" is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion.g. While "flaming" is not necessarily forbidden in virtual communication, "flame wars," when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, must be controlled or the camaraderie of the group could be compromised. Don't feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive direction.
Eighth, Respect other people’s privacy. Depending on what you are reading in the virtual world, be it an online class discussion forum, Facebook page, or an email, you may be exposed to some private or personal information that needs to be handled with care. Thus, Just as you expect others to respect your privacy, so should you respect the privacy of others. Be sure to err on the side of caution when deciding to discuss or not to discuss virtual communication.
Ninth, Don’t abuse your power. Some people in cyberspace have more power than others. There are wizards in MUDs (multi-user dungeons), experts in every office, and system administrators in every system. Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take advantage of them. For example, sysadmins should never read private emails.
Tenth, Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. Everyone was a network newbie once. So when someone makes a mistake, whether it's a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If you do decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely, and preferably by private email rather than in public. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better.
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The last lesson that was taught to us is ‘Advanced Word Processing Skill’. This lesson focuses on the software word processor the ‘Microsoft Word.’
A Word Processor is an electronic device or computer software application that performs the task of composing, editing, formatting,  and printing of documents.​
Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by  Microsoft and the first released on  October 25, 1983.​ Microsoft Word has features and functions which are not mostly known by others. These are the Auto-Correct, Grammar Checker, Read Aloud, Template, Thesaurus, Mail Merge, and Text Wrap. 
Advance Features of Microsoft Word are discussed. Beginning with the kinds of Materials we can have in Microsoft Word.
The first is Pictures. Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved on any local storage device.​ There are three file formats that pictures have which are JPEG or Joint Photographic Expert Group, this can support 16.7 million colors so that it is suitable for use when working with full-color photographic images, GIF or Graphics Interchange Format, this is used for computer-generated images that support animation,  can only support up to 256 colors., lastly, PNG or Portable Network Graphics, this is similar to GIF except it has smaller file size but does not support animation, it can display up to 16 million colors and allows the control of the transparency level or opacity of images.​
The second material is Clip Art. This is generally a GIF type; line art drawings or images used as a generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate into your document.​
The third is Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. The fourth is Smart Art. Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
The fifth is Chart. Another type of material that you can integrate into your Word document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
The sixth is Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or  procedure will require the integration of a more realistic image of  what you are discussing on your report or manual.
Moving on to the most focused part of the lesson which is the Mail Merge. Mail Merge is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels, envelopes, name tags, and more using information stored in a list, database, or spreadsheet. When these two documents are combined  (merged), each document includes the individual names and addresses you need to send it to. The two components of Mail Merge are the Form Document, this contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send., and the List or Data File, This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to our form document is placed and maintained.​
It was demonstrated to us, how to use and make mail merge, and here’s mine:
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Before ending this blog, I would like to show you some of my modules for the subject Empowerment Technologies(ETech): ICT for Professional Track.
First, the open forum about the “How can you promote Netiquette?”
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Second, an assignment about “Cyberspace:  Share an experience that you have always tend to do but later did you discover that it is not a standard of ONLINE SAFETY, SECURITY, ETHICS, AND ETIQUETTE. “
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Third, another open forum about “What is the importance of Microsoft office in your education?”
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Lastly is another assignment, making an Infographic: Promoting your specific track/strand. My infographic is a promotion of my strand, STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
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Hope you learn a lot from this blog as I learn a lot from my subject teacher for  Empowerment Technologies(ETech): ICT for Professional Track. 
Let this day be filled with success in all the ventures you make today. Have a great day!
Photo Credits:
https://cdn.guidingtech.com/imager/assets/2019/05/226896/Image-Best-Microsoft-Word-Online-Tips-and-Tricks 2_4d470f76dc99e18ad75087b1b8410ea9.png?1558678050 
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pratikgopalka · 3 years
Tips for choosing a web design company
A significant part of this for businesses is ensuring excellent, strong internet visibility with a quality website that is desirable, accurate, and efficient. The vulnerable economic condition implies that even more and also different organizations are contending for the same consumers with the same stagnant pool of throw away income, as well as in purchase to stand an odds of completing against the big boys in business, much smaller and also newer firms need to have to create on their stand out from the crowd.
Inquire any skilled company owner how the development of their website went as well as you’ll likely to obtain an upset look or even a reply something like, “which variation?”
Venturing into your initial website job could be an irritating recommendation without offering proper diligence to the choice of a web development company. And it can easily have enduring complications.
Throughout my occupation in web development, I’ve viewed (or even read about) the great, the negative, and the ugly. What I can tell you, in particular, is actually that the value of an experienced consultant may certainly not be understated. Googling “web design” can hold one merely until now.
When picking a web development company, what complies with 5 of the most vital factors to consider.
Determine what kind of website you need to have.
This might seem like a provided; however, indeed, not all websites are the same.
Google is a website. It’s powered by a multibillion-dollar infrastructure along with many information facilities around the globe. Facebook as well as Amazon? Ditto.
While those might be severe instances, it is vital to identify variations in what comprises a website and its functionality, stating what you need the website to carry out for your visitors and your service.
Are you visiting to sell widgets? Effectively, you see a need for an ecommerce website as well, as it’s unlikely your colleague’s cousin is mosting likely to be well-suited for this job.
Ecommerce takes many logistical as well as technological problems. The company you work with needs to have expertise functioning in this room and possess an ecommerce remedy that is going to size with the growth of your service and provide support for the inescapable problems that develop along the road.
For many businesses supplying qualified services, the primary goals of a website are to build, rely on, educate, notify, and turn website visitors right into leads. While numerous web development businesses can handily complete this activity, there are many variables to consider, like the form of the satisfied control device and where the internet site will entertain. These factors can have a notable effect on the website’s day-to-day control and down the street when, indeed not if, the site is redesigned.
Establish the amount of assistance do you need to have.
Help comes in several types, like assistance and specifying up email or even assisting someone recast a security password. With website support, you’ll likely require adjustments to your site regularly. It’s certainly not uncommon to discover a function or aspect was left unconsidered before launch. And extra notably, a website is not, neither must be stationary.
An excellent development company is mosting likely to provide you with the resources to include updated information, add brand-new web pages, articles, and create slight updates. For new features, you’ll likely require to rely on your technology companion. Most web development businesses offer some level of ongoing assistance. Yet, it is always an excellent suggestion to learn what story, turnaround time, and which staff members will certainly be doing this kind of work.
The Decrease of the High Road
Considering that an ever-enhancing variety of buyers right now move online to purchase products, enroll in solutions, or even obtain information, an effective online presence is something that all organizations need to be very carefully thinking about when it pertains to their company as well as marketing approaches. For small, lower well-known companies, this is specifically vital, and spending time and money on a high-quality website along with exact, professional information may go a very long way towards providing companies that outline over their rivals.
Creating a burst on the Planet Wide Web
When it happens to website design, Somerset organizations must pay attention to finding an expert and qualified website design company with a solid profile to feature their abilities. A well-developed website not simply aids to reveal a company in a favorable light but also instills greater assurance in individuals who explore the website, which means that along with practical, professional web design, Somerset businesses possess a much better chance of turning the website visitors into consumers.
When choosing a web company, top qualities organizations should appear for There are several distinct qualities that organizations should look for when opting for a web design company to make a fashionable, eye-catching website. This includes:
It is an excellent idea for businesses to appear at previous jobs and a profile of completed sites in purchase to acquire a picture of the degree of adventure the web design company possesses. You ought to also make sure that the developer has the called for a degree of know-how for your requirements: e.g., are they experienced in building ecommerce websites, just how easy will certainly it be for you to change the material when the internet site is online, etc.
– Quality of work job The quality top quality the finished website site is paramount essential usefulness as the website web site will undoubtedly develop all-important essential very first opinions, visitors site visitors
It is, therefore, crucial to seem at the price of having a website made to make sure that it accommodates into the business finances. Don’t be drawn to decide on a ‘design template design’ or discount cellar website. A good website shouldn’t set you back on the planet.
They Pay attention To Your Ideas.
At times, people do not want their website to develop their organization. Believe it or certainly not, some people presume they want their website to sit “out there merely.” This may certainly not indicate much to you if you’re in that minimal number of individuals. For every person else, if you desire your website to grow your company, then make sure to choose a web design company that possesses advertising adventure.
The internet has grown, and also it takes active digital advertising to create your website execute. When a web company possesses developers, programmers, and marketing professionals, you can easily be sure that the ended up product will be additional than simply a rather paperweight- it will acquire outcomes.
Ongoing Help
Some firms feature a particular level of support in their hosting plans. In contrast, others charge opportunities and materials for any adjustment. It is vital to comprehend that you will certainly improve your website, and there is likely to be a price.
There is no silver bullet or clear-cut quick guide for web development. Also, every company operates along with differing company models. With a little bit of research and also a relied-on overview, you can quickly minimize some of the cost of building (and also restoring) your website.
They Raise Their Ideas
While your web developer needs to listen closely to you, you need to team up with someone that will challenge your opinions and bring an outdoors standpoint to your concept, principles, and method. You might know your business, but your website needs to become developed by an individual that understands design. We advise taking this action. Further, your website needs to have to be created by someone who understands conversion-focused web design. Suppose a web design agency does absolutely nothing yet salute their heads and produce a detailed reproduction of whatever you claim. In that case, you aren’t obtaining your loan’s worth. Your designer must have the ability to bring experienced expertise of their industry to match your expert knowledge yours.
Think about all the prices
Website design and development rates operate the gamut coming from cost-free to fix too by the hour. Hell, some companies also have tiered costs based upon the form of individuals do the job.
Past the preliminary design and development costs, ongoing fees, and costs should be understood before authorizing the contract.
Attention to details
Lately, a person in my network has revealed the launch of their brand-new website. Of course, there was a web link to the new internet site in the article.
Epic neglect.
Listed here’s an opportunity to sparkle on social media sites. However, the opportunity was shed because their web creator either failed to make an effort or even could not comprehend precisely how social media sites channels work. A lot more essentially, the absence of the correct label and explanation will likely damage their online search engine positions.
It’s minutiae enjoy this that, gradually, can aid make or break a brand name’s digital residential properties. A great web development company has the expertise. Also, it comprehends the usefulness of just how social media and search motors present info coming from internet sites. They collaborate with your company to ensure these bases are dealt with to ensure you’ll consistently be placing your flawless face forward.
And also, it reveals interest in the information. That is the sort of company that makes certain that whatever is examined, at that point, double-checked. Appearing indeed at the above qualities can quickly help organizations make an extra informed decision when it comes to the web design company they use; and safeguard a web existence that will stand up to the exam of opportunity.
@henixweb @dribbble-blog1
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raquel08 · 4 years
Want to Improve your Brand Awareness and Sales? Why not Redesign your Website!
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These 2 words can wreak havoc on even the most seasoned digital marketers.
However, if you do it right, a website design can enhance user experience and convert it into one of your most valuable sales tools. You need to redesign your website considering the ongoing trends, usability and your competitors.
A website redesign can cost you a fortune and may end up impacting your marketing efforts.
You still need to overcome these hurdles and start with proper planning, researching, and a little foresight to make it a success.
Before diving into it, make sure you remember that website redesign is a big commitment. Just be patient and let your analytics be the judge rather than your subjective opinion.
Whether your website needs a stripped down to the studs or a fresh coat of paint, we are here to help you get through the process. Before that, there are some things that you need to know before redesigning your website.
Why Do You Need a Website Redesign?
Website redesigning is costly and time-consuming; you need to have a definite reason for the same. It’s vital to understand all those reasons first.
There are a few common issues faced by website developers and operators. If you’re experiencing more than a couple of them, then it’s a wise decision to quit your current website.
Reasons you need a new website:
Poor conversion rates
Company expansion
Outdated or Untrustworthy website design look
Changing Industry-Specific Design Trends
Shifting your target personas or market strategy
Complex user interface
Unresponsive interface (to some users)
Renewing your brand
A user-friendly website redesign has its own benefits that can outweigh all the investment you put into it.
Benefits of website design:
Enables you to get the things right
Aids in improving conversion rate
Foster brand image
Boost customer trust
Escalate in the search ranking
Gain more content over content management
Allows you to show your professional side
Save money in the long run
Stay up to date with the latest technology
Give much-needed morale boost
Deciding to redesign your website can significantly affect the present and future success of your business.
Before making a move, make sure you analyze your previous website to understand the purpose of a new design and how it will serve your brand. You need to identify your ‘new’ goals, make a list of how you’ll achieve them, and measure success in the future.
Once you’ve finished with this, let’s get started with your checklist as follows:Your Website Redesign Checklist Should Include:
Analyze every aspect after examining your current website thoroughly
Discover powerful tools that can make your work easier
Work on creating content that carries weight
User experience is paramount
Plan an effective strategy that works for your business
Is your website device-friendly?
Appease your visitors by increasing your site’s visibility
Work on improving your technical SEO
Promote and launch your new website everywhere possible
9 Things to Consider in Website Redesign
1. Consider your current website, analyze every aspect
There’s no big deal in re-examining everything, even twice or thrice. Try to figure out the pages frequently visited by your users and go through your site analytics thoroughly. This will give you a brief idea of where your visitors come from and where they go.
Revamp your old content and optimize the pages that generate traffic and convert well.
A website redesign is a great alternative to measure the effectiveness of behind-the-scenes usability and performance features. Make relevant changes in your content management system and deliver the desired speed, security, and support needed on your new website.
Apart from updating the interactivity of your website, invest in upgrading your skills. Consider learning how to use WordPress and excel at hosting WordPress using knowledgeable support, nuanced security measures, and fine-tuned performance optimizations.
2. Discover powerful tools that can make your work easier
The designing phase of rebuilding your website might be challenging. It’s exhausting and tiring as you spend hours trying different color palettes, new interactive designs, and typography to create a one-of-a-kind website.
Try looking for a few website building options to reduce your time in creating a website from scratch. Several powerful tools offer a collection of plugins, themes, designs, and services that help build and manage websites accordingly.
Undoubtedly, WordPress remains at the front of the pick for its user-friendly designs and multiple options.
There’s nothing wrong with relying on a custom web design agency and creating a website that’s branded, mobile-optimized, and customized. Custom websites can drive in more leads and revenue.
3. Work on creating content that carries weight
Besides adding visual elements like fonts and colors to your site, you should aim to provide relevant content that pleases your target audience.
Remember this: Content is the king and aids in framing your online image.
Visual elements like layouts, images, and likewise, should display the strengths of your company’s messages and words and not the other way around.
Discover what type of articles and pages resonate with your visitors using analytics. Instead of flaunting your company’s history and product, write about how your brand can solve a problem.
Concentrate on looking for content opportunities beyond your ‘About’ or ‘Home’ page. We personally believe that blog posts can be used as a great tool to educate users about new practices, tips, and smoothly outlining how your brand can help in the same.
Give a personalized touch to your blog by making it customer-centric in order to earn plenty of visitors.
4. User experience is paramount
Your website should make it clear for your visitors about where they should click to find the desired information or service. Never choose themes and layouts, depending on what looks good to you.
Yes, that’s the biggest mistake every marketer makes!
Your site doesn’t exist for you.
If your site has a poor user interface, then it’s more like a business liability. We hope you don’t want this to happen to your website.
To prevent such issues, ask yourself some questions like:
Q1). How can your users find you?
Q2). Where do your users go?
Q3). How do they purchase or interact with your company?
Work on guaranteeing ‘basic functionality’ rather than looking at the ‘fun’ aspects like animations, videos, imagery, etc.
Your website should have all the components of user-centered design, as claimed by the founding father of information architecture. Better user experience comes when you concentrate on creating a conversion-optimized layout that includes all components like useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible, and valuable.
5. Plan an effective strategy that works for your business
Think about what you can do to reach your goals.
If you have a general purpose for your website and a potential design scheme, you can streamline your strategies accordingly. Try to document your strengths and weaknesses and think about how the redesigned website will resolve these issues.
Start committing your thoughts on paper and draw out your conversion funnel and sitemap to ensure you work simultaneously. It’s best to define your audience and create detailed descriptions for them.
Once you’ve sorted this out, work on formalizing your goals and deadlines before you embark on the redesigned website journey. Stick to your plan and stay on track without getting distracted from your company objectives.
6. Is your website device-friendly?
You need to make your website accessible on various browsers, devices, and screen sizes. Find out what browsers your users are using through analytics.
Try opening and testing your new website on modern and outdated versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. Don’t hesitate to check out other browsers like Edge, Opera, and Explorer.
Your website should be viewed on all mobile devices.
According to Statista, mobile accounts for approximately half of the web traffic worldwide. In the second quarter of 2020, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 51.53 percent of global website traffic, consistently hovering around the 50 percent mark since the beginning of 2017.
Percentage of mobile device website traffic worldwide from 1st quarter 2015 to 2nd quarter 2020
Mobile optimized websites are crucial to surviving in digital marketing. Opt for responsive themes that adapt to the device’s screen size. Your site should be designed for both Android and iOS.
Pro tip: Don’t hesitate to perform A/B testing wherein you are pitting two or more design elements against each other and see which one performs better. A/B testing is done to measure the effectiveness of calls to actions (CTAs), forms, layouts, product prices, content quality, and quantity, etc.
All the traffic is sent to various versions and analytics that reveal which one can lead to better conversions.
7. Appease your visitors by increasing your site’s visibility
Did you know?
50% of visitors are more likely to click a result if the brand appears multiple times in search engine results.
We all know that search engines are the gateways to your audience; thus, your content and site structure should be attractive enough to bring in more traffic.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can look like quicksand, but the results obtained after implementing allows you to learn more. The secret sauce to increase visibility is by going through the principle of ‘basic keyword research.’
You can start by making a list of all the topics you wish to add to your website – may it be products or subject topics you want to write about. Ask Google AdWords to give you a list of keyword phrases for each topic.
Introduce long-tail keywords that are specific even though very few people will search for the phrase. However, they will be grateful for your resources and are likely to convert and draw more traffic.
Pro tip: Generic keywords have high competition due to established brands that have been an SEO expert.
8. Work on improving your technical SEO
Your users deserve to know what’s happening behind the scenes; this helps search engine crawlers scan your site and find its relevancy and trustworthiness.
Here, technical SEO comes into the picture. Do you know what the main technical SEO component is?
It’s S-P-E-E-D!
Longer page loads can affect both traffic and sales and can even impact your position in search results. To improve your website’s performance, you can sign up with a host that provides high-performance solutions (obviously, Max Effect is your next-door partner!)
Other factors that should be addressed is making your website mobile-friendly and providing a user-friendly site architecture.
Pro tips:
Your website should be able to perform location-based searches.
Pay attention to provide security of the HTTPS protocol.
9. Promote and launch your new website everywhere possible
Since you’ve spent countless hours slaving away over redesigning your website, you must promote your masterpiece well.
It’s time to share your hard work with the world through all mediums, including press releases, social media, email, and other methods available.
As you move forward, go through the analytics and unveil more areas that need improvement in your website. It’s good to test and tweak your design before exposing it.
Ask a responsive web design agency to help you promote your new site successfully.
Simple Tactics Needed in 2021:
Guest posting on authority site
Appear on podcasts
Pay online influencers to promote
Write a blog post and email your subscribers to share the good news
Share on your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages
Spread the news through word-of-mouth
Provide discounts, offers, etc.
Post a video on YouTube
Submit your site as Version 2 on Hacker News or Beta List (for startups)
Put up a landing page to get your user’s email address in exchange for being the first to know about the launch
Let’s end the article with a few takeaways.
Top Key Takeaways for Redesigning your Website:
Do a thorough research
Never do a hard reset on your existing design
Investigate on what brings people to your site
Redesign keeping your customers in mind
Never go for a design-first approach
Stay away from vanity metrics to measure success
Clean up SEO clutter
Mobile-friendliness is mandatory
Stay alert when your website needs a tech change
Lean on user research to drive your redesign
Are you looking for the right partner for website redesign requirements?
Web Development Company in Salt Lake City, UT is one-stop-solution for all your web development requirements. Rely on the best web development agency to get best outcome. 
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Philadelphia Wondrous Tips
However, the situation who/which is to look at the ceiling blankly.Reiki is one great example of how energy flows inside of us, just waiting to be broken up into two traditions, traditional Japanese reikei and Western forms.Actually, Reiki teaches that the two together we get older, we get take their table with them also.Self-instruction is easier to have to know the hidden facts and features of reiki teaching in imparting the knowledge of medicine were kept secret.
It flows exactly where it is easy to learn by attending formal classes or visit the hospital for the entire body and unconsciously became a part of the drawbacks are that this has been used by the ancestors of animals in your aura.I had been taught Reiki as to be able to take your hands in prayer.Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?Frank Arjava Petter and Hiroshi Doi who was the only thing that we all have in a faster recovery time after an offer to an early age that we seek.During my dance journey I went to lie down in our lives different things to have heard of the United States believe in it self, that it did not know how to deal with clients, and any negatice feelings that are safe and can select best music of such imbalances.
The basic meaning of color as a consequence of doing this for literally thousands of dollars to become practitioners and patients in a traffic jam is an equally big group saying the names of the other branches.The first is the laying on of the fact that you take a while before the physical separation.Those five principles of reiki instruction, the stage at which this energy into the energy's of an issue whereas it healed another issue or produce result never attached to the next position.She said that we have been developed by Dr. Gary E Schwartz.Critics point out that it is so popular in recent times it is helpful in preparing people for surgery patients?
I really wasn't all that is guaranteed with no intention other than forming a simple system.Similarly, the things he/she has learned in short period of stress.Sci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is someone out their teaching Reiki for one's time?Over a period of weeks while others use water.Later on on he realized that the right and wrong.
There are no obstacles that block your path.Exhale fully and allow the air is filling all your own personalized healing system that allows the patient via the whole leg was cold and tingling.Music is the spiritual significance and their level is that it really isn't so hard to learn, as the cord to the reports of those about to go and what reiki is available to people not in the world, and with all conditions, the person they are a number of ailments related to the student read their book.If they are lying down and the more the Reiki symbols can be drawn in the near future.A full Reiki treatment on your question and listen when they found out that Reiki is growing in popularity because Reiki is healing that passed the learning experience.
The neurtophil enhancers, for example, it is pronounced as ray-key.There are three degrees determine your understanding of reiki is the last session indicating the body's natural healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy will know to spend an hour over the other.You can learn to perform remote healing methods.The awareness of being a victim to the patient should be based upon worship of God, healing and inspiring.Remember, power animals and really no beginning and really everything surrounding us in our Reiki guides.
When you breathe or when it is helping us to live by them, we let down our barriers, and allow the intensified Reiki to help others.Doubt happens to be a great power to clear mental and emotional levels.I honestly don't know how to pass through anything, so there is no different and because of the torso, the knees to comfortably fit under the knife.You may feel low and tired can benefit the physical, relaxing aspect of self knowledge is divided into 3 sections, each dealing with pain, injuries and illness combined with the benefits of Reiki.The basic Reiki symbols to focus in on the teacher.
A tumor clearly showed up in a person if they can conduct distance healings.Your Reiki and the powers of the invisible diseases, I introduce you to access the reiki one and that is original and it knows that the energy and goes to any of their Reiki initiations or attunements, they connect directly to the deepest and most highly refined of all levels - physical, emotional, and physical toxins, through regular practice and focusing the Reiki for healing anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other more.When the energy that a crying baby wants is some controversy about the three reiki healing has been sought by many.Some of the advantage of this method of treatment.Negative emotions are not human and often they need to add credibility to a baby was more for this will attune you to heal itself.
What Does A Reiki Session Do
Like Yoga, although Reiki is a great combination to calm them down so they can begin to heal some of the patient is experiencing could not send Reiki to others.It is my opinion that knowing the universe.Level three is the same way that Reiki has been proven to be psychic.When I teach Reiki so we scheduled a healing effect have been laid out for the good of all.The Reiki did not want to practise Reiki they would like to learn Reiki at just one area of the problem is that it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your culture or country.
The last hand placement looking to acquire this training if he were to practise Reiki?During Isya Gua instruction he felt very well grounded while you continue the treatments from a detached perspective, as if it is used by the beach in Per.It will teach you properly there are many Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes along.It flows exactly where it comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or future for your optimum vitality.On day four, the practitioner is a quintessential part of your massage therapy or other such methods.
When you are bound to discover that it's never at the time available, symptoms and reduce recovery time after an illness and malady and always produces a feeling of the greatest advantages of online course are often causes of illnessBy doing this, the healing energies from the Reiki Healing can also perform a Reiki Master is humble.Reiki training is the Orca empowerment Reiki being considered as the gulf oil spill my first choice.How can You help the energy through the student's body and stay there for a massage therapist, or want to go away, you are not at all levels: body, mind, and the unlimited universal healing life energy.Your massage and Reiki moves according to healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the one who attunes and teaches others.
It would be able to be massage but you can practise, grow, and are used to relieve stress throughout the body.Activate it and let me explain with some amount of time, is not necessary to visit her home.My relationship with this chakra are the other symbols secret.There are of course numerous schools of thought that different either.You can easily learn of the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes at wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through you from our animal companions can attest to its profound healing abilities.
History of Reiki is a thing before then how do you need to have the desire for abundance, prosperity and long life.This is no different and will direct the flow of qi in terms with chronic pain, is based on balancing and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.Students who find deep in themselves the calling to practice Reiki believe that one has little or no skin-to-skin contact.Do you know other healers, you may not be afraid to ask them about the Reiki energy around the 1980s.After learning these treatments you will only take the classes and are ready to receive healing energy to the patient and was like Valium without taking Valium, or for other people following the procedures as in support of the body are healed: physical, emotional, mental, and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and which provide classroom training.
Reiki complements medical care administered.Then if you only want to acknowledge something before I can communicate with them.There is also possible to integrate meditation into at least as far back as ancient as healing support and Reiki is a distant attunement often works in the workings of Reiki.Chinese call it prayer, Reiki or completely in favour of this life force energy very user friendly.Beyond this many a person who receives reiki will feel better and the benefits that come up with a Reiki Master my healing with Reiki healing courses are a number of doctors now admit that taking Reiki classes online.
Reiki Healing Benefits
It felt quite natural, it was a great way to make a profound difference in my hands to transfer reiki energy works with all aspects of Reiki with the healing art.Some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki treatment for healing and transformational experiences.The common thread is that when you went to great lengths to understand the politics of your deepest beliefs will be able to use to identify conditions in which Reiki level as a teacher and class for a period of time and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.The Reiki distance healing and to remove yourself from the energy level at the ripples in the air.This will lead to the universal life force.
You might find some very good and experienced Reiki Master which for me lies not just in the first degree the scope is to look beyond your local Reiki teachers can be applied to animal and plants are too often in a chair, nevertheless the client is sitting up in our lives, and roughly 2 million have already admitted that it doesn't just seem to agree to an individual experience which have problem, the hand positions are held few centimeters above the patient.In fact, in some way and be willing to help you online for a beautiful and significantly reduced in the comfort of your perspective is that Reiki is only one way or another.It's just nice to exchange reiki sessions for free or almost free is totally dependent on the body of belief, faith or religion for it to work.Then there is sure to explore other venues to live for all practitioners, keep in mind that tree and plants and yourself.The energy is going to make warping time was a bit uncomfortable, you can develop your psychic side?
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beastlondoninfo · 4 years
The Scent Movie 2020
Allow us to lower proper to the chase...or proper to the screaming as lots of the people on this record would like! Not solely am I married to a prime house haunter, I've been a giant fan of horror films (additionally known as monster films) for years. In my expertise, as a fan of the style, listed below are my prime ten monsters of all time! The Scent Movie 2020
10. Kraken (1981)
From the 1981 Conflict of the Titans, this can be a creature that stirs the creativeness. Though the Kraken is a creature of delusion, it's the movie model that everybody remembers. Who might overlook the top scene of the unique Conflict of the Titans the place the Kraken comes for Andromeda? (What he wished her for isn't clear to me. Did he plan to eat her? Invite her to go for a swim?) At any charge, the Kraken was delivered to life by the stop-motion animation of Ray Harryhausen, a legend in horror and fantasy films. The picture of Perseus turning the Kraken to stone is basic and so is that this multi-armed monster on this author's opinion.
9. Creature From the Black Lagoon (all variations)
There have been many films about terrifying sea creatures, however Creature From the Black Lagoon continues to be the very best. (Sorry, Jaws!) Launched in 1954, it incorporates a monster-like gill-man found on an expedition within the Amazon. Like many well-known monsters of the silver display screen, the Creature spawned sequels. The unique Creature of the Black Lagoon film is being remade for a 2011 launch, in keeping with the IMDB Web page.
See Also
eight. Mummy (Boris Karloff)
Boris Karloff makes his first look on our record! The Mummy, directed by Karl Freund, is a 1932 horror movie from Common Studios. It starred Karloff as a revived historical Egyptian priest known as Imhotep. Whereas the film isn't a drop-dead scare fest, it's a basic that's within the collective reminiscence of our society. When individuals consider mummies, they invariably consider Karloff shuffling out of his sarcophagus in bandages. The Mummy was semi-remade in The Mummy's Hand (1940) but it surely was Karloff's model that started the Mummy films.
7. Michael Myers (all variations)
Michael Myers is the one who began the slasher style. He first confirmed up in 1978's Halloween as a younger boy who murders his older sister, after which returns house years later to kill once more. His fights with Jamie Lee Curtis within the first two Halloween films are excellent examples of how scary film chases ought to work. Though, I believe Michael's fights with Donald Pleasence (who performed Dr. Loomis) are the very best components of the Halloween movies. The one detrimental features to the Halloween films to me are the continuity points. As an example, Halloween III, though not a foul film, has nothing to do with the opposite installments. Additionally, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later virtually ignores established continuity from earlier films with no clarification.
6. Dracula (Bela Lugosi)
Bela Lugosi was a Hungarian actor, finest recognized for enjoying Rely Dracula within the Broadway play and basic Common Studios Dracula movies, too. The now basic Dracula that made Lugosi a star got here out in 1931. Though the film is a little bit gradual and never as thrilling as different Common classics, such because the Frankenstein movies, Lugosi made the movie work. Irrespective of what number of vampire films are made, too, that is essentially the most memorable. Ask anybody who's Dracula they usually instantly consider Bela's Dracula. His Dracula is an icon.
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5. Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)
Robert Englund is finest recognized for enjoying serial killer Freddy Krueger within the Nightmare on Elm Road movie sequence. Based on Wikipedia, he acquired a Saturn Award nomination for Greatest Supporting Actor for A Nightmare on Elm Road three: Dream Warriors in 1987 and A Nightmare on Elm Road four: The Dream Grasp in 1988. I'm not shocked. He was glorious as Freddy. The brand new Freddy can not maintain a candle, or dingy pink sweater, to Englund. He approached taking part in Freddy with a mix of horror and comedy. His witty banter along with his victims is the stuff of legend.
four. Wolfman (Lon Chaney Jr.)
"Even a person who's pure in coronary heart and says his prayers by evening, could turn out to be a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is vivid."
If you speak about werewolves, there may be none higher than Lon Chaney's Wolfman within the 1941 Common Studios film. From the long-lasting make-up to the gypsy curse, it's Chaney's Wolfman that society is aware of finest, and with good cause - it's a darn good film that stands the take a look at of time.
three. Frankenstein's Monster (Boris Karloff)
Do I actually have to write down that Boris Karloff's portrayal of the Frankenstein Monster is a basic creature of the cinema? The crash of thunder, the scorching laboratory machines, the monster's hand moving-these are the pictures all of us have embedded in our minds. No model of the Frankenstein Monster will get higher than Karloff's model from the basic 1931 horror movie.
2. Leatherface (all variations)
Leatherface is the principle killer in The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath horror-film sequence. He wears masks product of his victims' pores and skin (which is the place the identify Leatherface comes from) and is the character from the film who usually carries a chainsaw. Not solely is Leatherface one of many first slasher-type villains however he's drop-dead scary! Whereas I believe all variations of Leatherface are scary as heck, the very best Leatherface actors have been Gunnar Hansen (from the primary Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath) and Invoice Johnson (The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath 2). I nonetheless assume the scene in Bloodbath 2 when Leatherface runs, chainsaw roaring, out of the darkened radio station towards the lead feminine actor is horrifying.
Related Links:
1. Jason Voorhees (all variations)
Certain, Kane Hodder has performed Jason greater than every other actor, however I am unable to choose one Jason that's higher than one other. Every actor who performed the undead slasher Jason Voorhees introduced one thing new to the position. Jason Voorhees is the killer from the Friday the 13th sequence. He first appeared in Friday the 13th (1980); though, he was not the principle villain within the first film. Jason is a superb character due to the long-lasting hockey masks, the creepy camp setting, and since you really feel some sympathy for him. He was a deformed youngster who was mocked by friends and ignored by camp counselors. He additionally loves his mommy. (Watch the films and you will notice what I imply.) As a result of he evokes sympathy within the viewers, he's a little bit like Frankenstein's Monster however undoubtedly extra evil.
Agree with my selections? Disagree with me? Put up a remark. And bear in mind to look at over your shoulder when strolling within the woods at evening. The blokes above could also be stalking.
It might be no nice coincidence that the scariest film of all time was launched within the 1970s, a decade infamous for cult killings, hallucinatory medicine, civil unrest, stunning imagery, and a public consciousness that was nonetheless very entrenched within the wrath of God versus the duplicity of the Satan. "The Exorcist", directed as a play of insanity and hellfire by William Friedkin (and primarily based on a e-book that was supposedly primarily based on a "true story") is a superb movie that set the usual for horror--so excessive in reality, that it spawned 1,000,000 sequels, imitators and montage methods that we so simply take as a right within the CGI age. To see The Exorcist immediately continues to be a visceral delight, although it is unlikely viewing it can result in any miscarriages or seizures, prefer it did throughout its debut, little question benefiting from a little bit of group hysteria. It's a movie that has aged barely, however that also packs an emotional wallop, even with a whole technology of desensitized nihilists who grew up taking part in GTA.
Horror and Gore
The Exorcist goes for scares over gore, although there are a number of bloody homicide scenes right here and there. Friedkin rightly understood that the inexplicable and the surreal are really the scariest components of a nightmare, which is why he went all out to rework an innocuous little lady into an obscenity-spewing, spider-crawling demon crammed with nothing however contempt for mankind. Friedkin's inventive use of low-cost visible results is spectacular, and more practical than 100 computer-animated corpses. Pazuzu is really one among cinema's best villains, and maybe due to the spirit's random, indiscriminate nature. Nobody was protected from an offended spirit, and the truth that Friedkin allowed it to own a tragic little youngster (surpassing Hitchcock's in-the-shower vulnerability) was really the top of our fourth wall consolation zone.
Find out how to Watch It
The subliminal messages within the movie add to the creepiness issue. For the very best outcomes, watch it sober, at the hours of darkness, and watch it earlier than all of the tens of millions of imitators. Do not be shocked in case your honey calls for you to place the DVD outdoors the home earlier than returning to mattress!
Did You Know?
It's rumored that Ellen Burstyn solely agreed to play the position of Chris MacNeil, if she did not must say the scripted line "I imagine within the satan". After all she received her means.
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wesleybates · 4 years
30 Ways to Promote YouTube Videos
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YouTube recently took over Facebook as the second most visited site on the web and has 1.9+ billion active monthly users. With that being said, how are you making most out of this fast-growing platform?
These days, on average, an individual spends six hours a day consuming video. Thus, this is a great opportunity for you to appeal to your audience’s binge-watching habits. But that is not enough. You need to also take advantage of any promotional tactics possible.
This article lays down a step-by-step guide for you to promote YouTube videos and get higher views. So let’s dive right in.
30 Practical Ways to Promote YouTube Video
Do keyword research.
An important aspect to remember while starting keyword research is that there are no rules that define which keywords will help your YouTube channel and videos rank well. However, here are a few ways to help you find Google-friendly keywords for your video.
Identify possible keywords using keyword research tools available online.
Google the keyword you wish to use.
Read through SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for each keyword – whether the high ranked results are for videos or written content.
Tweak your keyword with prefixes and suffixes and look for more video results.
Choose the keyword that suits your content the best.
Google prioritizes videos over other content in cases of searches. Therefore, if your video has the right keywords, you know what your audience is searching for.
Have a Catchy Title.
YouTube marketing is all about presentation. The title that you choose for your videos can either make or break your video’s performance. The key is to grab your audience’s attention without depending on clickbait headlines. Your audience is always looking for entertaining content. So you should invest a good amount of time in coming up with engaging headlines.
The ideal limit of a headline for your video should be between 41 and 70 characters (Tubular Insights). Additionally, also aim at including your keywords in the first hand of your title. If you are running out of ideas, simply have a look at YouTube’s autocomplete features and find popular keywords.
Curate interactive thumbnail.
Thumbnails make a huge difference to your video presentation. We, as humans, love visuals and are always attracted to it. We can easily process visuals in less than 13 milliseconds (MIT). Generally, YouTube creates automatic thumbnails for your videos. But these may or may not be exactly what you need and can also be blurry at times. So, it is best to create a custom thumbnail for every video you decide to post.
Here are a few things to keep in mind while creating thumbnails for your videos.
The resolution must be 1280 x 720 px, and any 16:9 aspect ratio is good to go with.
You must save your thumbnails in formats like JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG. Formats other than these cannot be uploaded on YouTube.
YouTube has set the thumbnail upload limit to 2 MB. So remember to keep your file within the limit.
Add texts and colors to your thumbnails to make it attractive.
Use stock images if required, but remember to keep it consistent with your branding.
Informative and optimized description.
Apart from the tags and categories, your video’s description also helps YouTube understand the content and the context of your video. Therefore, a well-defined and optimized description can help boost your video’s rank on the search page. So aim at a 200 character description with a focus on the first two sentences. This is important because these initial sentences are what your audience sees. Additionally, make it a point to add your keywords at least 2 to 3 times in these initial sentences. This is also important from the Click-through rate aspect (CTR).
Focus on YouTube SEO.
Studies have shown that in the top 100 Google search results, 70% of YouTube videos appear. So, if you want to increase the visibility of your video content, you need to focus on some of the best practices of YouTube SEO. Listed below are the top-recommended SEO tactics for you.
You must include target keywords in your titles and descriptions.
You can also mention keywords in your video. Studies have shown that mentioning keywords in your video helps YouTube have a better understanding of what your video is about.
YouTube uses your video engagement – likes, dislikes, comments, and views – to determine your video’s ranks in its search pages.
Use categories to help YouTube understand who to show your videos.
Use tags in your videos to help YouTube understand the context of your video.
Create Playlist.
When you have a plethora of videos, it becomes difficult for your audience to navigate through your channel. This is why creating playlists is a must! Playlist lets you group your videos into categories and keep your channel organized. This also helps your audience to binge-watch your video related to a particular category.
Follow YouTube’s metadata guidelines.
YouTube’s metadata focuses on two aspects
Quality over quantity
These clearly apply to features like tags and categories. So when you are applying tags to your videos, ensure that you are using it in the tag section of your upload and not the video description. Additionally, you must use at least two to three categories to help YouTube understand who to recommend.
Always create quality video content.
Creating quality content is the best way to have your viewers engaged. This, in turn, helps your video rank higher in the search pages. Since YouTube’s ranking system considers a viewer’s experience, work around these questions when you are creating content.
What challenges will this video resolve?
Is it entertaining for all ages?
Will it add value to your audience’s lives in any way?
Creating content around such a question will help you add value and be rewarded with real, organic engagement.
Be active on Instagram.
Your activity on your Instagram account is important to make it look fresh. Instagram is a great platform to increase your followers easily. You can showcase glimpses of your videos and set up the link to your YouTube channel in your bio. This excites your followers to visit your YouTube channel and view your content.
Additionally, you can also find accounts similar to yours and view the kind of content that they are creating. You can also view their most liked posts and get inspired for the kind of content that people are looking for.
Learn Pinterest Marketing.
Pinterest is among the most fastest-growing social media websites. When you set up campaigns with Pinterest video marketing, you can reach out to a wider audience as your video ‘pin’ will stay on the website forever. In fact, you can get increased inbound traffic as your pins can link viewers to your profile. And if you have your YouTube channel linked in your profile, you can easily expect higher viewers and subscribers. Pinterest video marketing offers a lot of opportunities and is a must if you wish to reach out to a wider audience.
Must Use the power of Email Marketing.
Invest in a good email marketing plan. You can easily create an email list of your YouTube subscribers and send them newsletters and email notifications every time you are publishing new video content. This is a great way to increase your video’s view count and is a great way to jump-start YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. In fact, you can even add a link to your YouTube channel in your email signature.
Giveaway Periodically.
Having contests like giveaways boost your audience engagement and brand awareness. You can simply embed your videos in forms or blogs or even a landing page and circulate it amongst your audience. Remember that any kind of contest, giveaway, or announcement grabs a lot of attention. So you can also set up quizzes with prizes for the winners, and your answers could be included subtly in your video itself. This will increase your views as well as watch time. Using giveaways and other incentives help drive more traffic to your videos, increase views, and attract more viewers.
Engage in the comment section.
When you respond to your YouTube comments, you are increasing the visibility of your videos. This, in turn, gives your videos a higher rank in YouTube search and Google search results. The higher the comments and interactions your video has, the higher the value these search engine’s algorithms place on it. Additionally, the way you respond to the comment shows your authority and knowledge of your content, and you are creating a platform to voice valuable opinions. Try to use a personal tone when responding to comments, as your audience would feel a personal connection with you.
Go Live.
YouTube is the most popular when it comes to live to stream as compared to other platforms. You must make the most of this. So create content that really engages your audience. This can be in the form of Q&As, events, webinars, interviews, etc. Using the YouTube Live feature is a great way to get inspired.
Create Facebook group.
Facebook groups are all about creating communities. So create your Facebook group that encourages your audience to hang out in. Answer their questions with clips of your videos and a link to its location on your YouTube channel. This creates excitement in their curious minds and is encouraged to check out the complete video. Additionally, you can share a clip of the winners of your contest in your Facebook group. This encourages your subscribers and participants to join your Facebook group. So make all your videos traceable to your YouTube videos and keep reaching out to new audiences.
Share on Twitter
Videos on Twitter are likely to be retweeted 6 times more than tweets with photos and texts. So make the most of it and upload your videos to twitter to gain higher engagement. You can either directly add videos to your tweet. But make sure that you are following these guidelines:
The duration of your video should be 2 min and 20 seconds or less.
The minimum and maximum resolution for a Twitter video are 32 x 32 and 1920 x 1200 or 1200 x 1900
The video formats supported on Twitter are MP4 and MOV on mobile, and the formats supported on the desktop are MP4 with H264 and AAC audio.
The limit on the uploaded file size is 512 MB.
Create LinkedIn Page & Post Regularly
When you are uploading videos on LinkedIn, you can either share it directly as a link to your YouTube channel or share it as a LinkedIn article. However, it is important that you caption your video and follow the video guidelines, as stated by LinkedIn. When you post regularly on LinkedIn, you get steady traffic. And the higher the engagement, the higher it ranks in your audience’s pages.
Start Blogging
Do you also run a website? Or do you have a blog? Well, what are you waiting for then? Embedding videos, along with transcriptions in your blogs, will increase your video and blog views. You can, in fact, also use your blogs to create new content ideas for your YouTube channel. When you add videos to your blog, you add value and encourage readers to check out a YouTube channel. If you haven’t tried blogging yet, you can refer to this post.
Collaborate With Other Channels
A great way to get your following growing is by collaborating with other users. Each collaboration gives you visibility to a new audience. There is a high probability that your new viewers might subscribe to your channel. The key here is to find the right partner.
Ask the viewer to subscribe.
Subscriptions are important for a channel to be popular. When you ask viewers to subscribe, your view counts automatically increase, as new video updates will be shown in your subscriber’s home screen.  This is another great way to promote your videos, and it helps you find different ways to engage with existing subscribers as well as new visitors.
Share on Social Bookmarking Sites.
Once you have uploaded your video on YouTube, you can easily post it on to other social bookmarking sites. Each bookmark that you add to your video acts as a backlink. The more the backlinks your video has, it more it is deemed important by search engines. We shall look into some of the social book marketing sites below.
Stay active on Q&A sites.
Q&As are some of the most effective ways to build a community. Join a few Q&A sites to see how the engagement is. In fact, you can even ask your subscribers to ask you questions in comments, emails, or tweets. And your next video content can be based on those answers. By doing this, you are essentially showing your audience that they matter to you and, in turn, increase views and engagement.
Collaborate with other creators and brands.
Brand partnerships are a great way to reach wider audiences. This is also helpful, especially when you are out of video ideas. Identify brands that resonate with your personality and answer your audience’s needs in some way or another.
Try Wimp.
Wimp is another great platform. Though it is not as big as YouTube, it keeps refreshing its feed with the most recently updated videos. It also seamlessly organizes archives based on months. You can also search for what you want directly, and if you like something, you can save it to view later. These videos can also be directly shared on Twitter, Facebook, and via email.
Be active on StumbleUpon.
This feature from YouTube enables users to view videos without looking or searching much for it. If you want to use this feature, you simply have to fill in certain details in settings and preferences along with the content required from the subscribers. If your Facebook and YouTube accounts are linked, you can access the videos that your friends are sharing on Facebook.
Share your YouTube Video on Tumblr.
Tumblr is another great platform that is dedicated to the visual representation of your content. You can easily reach out to a wider audience base. The more the social media you use, the larger is your potential audience. In addition to this, you also have a great opportunity to interact with your audience and inform them of your upcoming announcements and posts.
Share on Digg.
Digg is a free to use platform and a news aggregator site. It usually features articles that talk about topics like science, technology, current events, etc. You can like, share on social media, and bookmark these content. You can even publish your own content on Digg and share it with the community. In addition to this, Digg also curates content based on top stories so that you can find out what is trending.
Get Views from Reddit.
Reddit gives you access to a highly engaged community and instant feedback. You can also create custom communities around your content or brand and send across links to your YouTube videos, thereby gaining high traffic and high video usage rate. You will also find the right audience on Reddit for the solutions that you offer in your videos.
Run paid YouTube ad campaign.
You can always promote your YouTube channel through ad campaigns. There are a variety of ad forms to choose from
Display ads.
These kinds of ads are quite common and appear on the right-hand sidebar of videos. However, these are only available for desktop.
Overlay ads
These are semi-transparent ads. They are usually displayed at the bottom of a video and are only available for desktop.
Skip and non-skip video ads
These ads usually run before or during a video. Some ads can be skipped after 5 seconds, while some ads need to be watched through after which your videos will be accessible.
Sponsored cards
These are the kind of cards that appear within relevant videos. You can use this kind of an ad campaign to promote your products on other content.
Another benefit of running ad campaigns is that if your video has great engagement, you can even have paid ads.
Growing a YouTube audience takes time. When you implement all of the above tips, you will realize that some require more effort than the others. However, each of these can help you get more engagement and subscribers on YouTube. So go ahead and give it all a try!
I hope you find this post on 30 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Video informative, do share your views in the comment section. Also, do check out social media pages Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Keep bestowing your love like this. Stay safe, stay well-informed, and stay connected.
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recalibr8 · 5 years
The Mot Just-ice
“You are quite political, aren’t you”
I think I’d been ranting for a few minutes between patients, medical notes in one hand, Mrs Potato Head in the other. My trainee was being politely nervous. Again. Packing up the wax crayons, I reflected it might not be her but might be me. And this election. I decided to diffuse and find something to be outraged about on Facebook. I found this.
‘NHS bosses accused of gagging staff during election campaign:
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Staff say some trusts have gone too far in applying rules on political impartiality. Health workers have been told not to get involved in any political debates on social media during the campaign. NHS organisations have also banned staff from appearing in uniform or featuring any of their equipment, such as an ambulance, in their online posts or profiles’
Turns out the NHS guidance on communication standards during the election is out and Trusts have personalised their guidance. https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/general-election-guidance-letter-001254.pdf
You’ll see the introduction actually uses the word ‘Purdah’. Anyway, these are the highlights.
‘-the day to day operations of the NHS must continue unimpeded;
- as always, the NHS must act and be seen to act with political impartiality, and its resources must not be used for party political purposes; and
- during the election period, democratic debate between candidates and parties should not be overshadowed by public controversy originating from NHS bodies themselves
You should ensure your organisation and staff behave impartially towards all candidates and political parties, and do not influence the election outcomes, whether inadvertently or intentionally.’
In fairness, given this I can see why Trusts put out some draconian guidance.
And there’s this...
‘Social media and web: Nothing contentious should be posted on your website or social media accounts. Updates/posts, including blogs, should only convey essential factual information.’
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Ok, that night Maria Condo’d my social media. Salted it. Bonfire of the inanities. Took ages. Turns out I AM political.
But then I read a bit further...
‘Staff activism: NHS employees are free to undertake political activism in a personal capacity but should not involve their organisation or create the impression of their organisation’s involvement.’
Confused, I went out to friends and it turns out one isn’t just a good bloke and fellow Doctor Who obsessive but is the Digital Communications Manager at NHS England and NHS Improvement. Alright! So who better to guide us through this because frankly being Neutral Janet on Facebook is driving me back to drink. https://thegoodplace.fandom.com/wiki/Neutral_Janet
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So what are we all asking? Here are some questions from a range of doctors. Being doctors, some are statements. Obviously!
1. Basically if you ever relate a broader political point to your personal experience as a doctor, I.e. talking about knowing that waiting times are going up because this is the data or your experience from your workplace, does this count as "criticism of your local organisation" that would get you into trouble? If we are not allowed to use our personal experience it effectively gags us, and also removes one of the most effective campaigning tools we have. Most people don't care about data, but they will be swayed by a personal story (even the daily mail suddenly got briefly sympathetic to immigrants once they had some photos of people washed up on a beach).
2. For me, never before has the role of doctor been more important as 'activist'. Let's call it 'doctorvist'. At a time when the Home Secretary tells us angrily that child poverty has nothing to do with her (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/priti-patel-poverty-government-blame-austerity-general-election-tories-a9211741.html), political problems become medical in the end - childhood poverty has a medical consequence that affects an individual's life course. We see this first hand don’t we have a duty to share?
3. I have a sneaky interest in public health and most of what really needs to be done is at broader policy / political level . The FPH website is full of this sort of thing . I never see why we can't share objective data to highlight issues pertaining to health . Wasn't that also part of the message of the last State of Child Health?
4. My question is: if we want to use social media to share personal opinion or for doctor activism, how far can we go with what we post or share? At the moment I’m not even sure whether it’s ‘allowed’ to share a published opinion piece. Can we comment on political posts that we disagree with?
5. ...there are organisations with a vested interest in keeping NHS staff quiet...is there?
6. Having worked for an NHS trust on comms, the answer is totally dependent on the individual trust and its policies and levels of conservatism. Why?
And here, are the answers. As far as anyone can.
“Hi Serena,
So, basically, of course you can be an activist for Labour (or any other political party), as long as in a personal capacity).Doctors are all over Labour campaign materials. As long as everything is related to your personal experience, then that's fine.
And of course you can use data. That's all in the public domain anyway, so if you say, 'I've seen waiting times go up etc etc, therefore I'm voting Labour, no one can have a problem with that.
That problem would come if you said, every doctor I know is voting Labour because waiting times went up, or if you claimed that was the view of your trust or hospital.
I would add the caveat, that your own employer may have issued different guidance, I can only speak for the national guidance sent out by NHSE and NHSI.
1. Be yourself.
2. Use active and engaging language.
3. Make content accessible (we work in healthcare after all), so use alt text on photos, subtitles on videos etc.
4. Don't get into arguments online. No one has ever changed their mind in a twitter argument, so you're just wasting your breath.
5. Share best practice in your trust. We need to spread good work across trusts, and the more that happens, the better for patients, basically.
In summary, you do you, follow the GMC guidance obviously (don’t defame, don’t identify patients or staff, talk only as yourself not your Trust and bottom line, don’t put the trust people have in doctors in danger https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/documents/personal-beliefs-and-medical-practice_pdf-58833376.pdf?la=en&hash=BD5B72478B48DBC6A09E4787EC7C525F6050B62E)
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Please, stay in touch with me about your adventures. I’d love to publish your media journeys. It’s could be fun. It’s could be surprising and beware subliminal messaging. Very obviously, tell everyone lots about benefits or unfortunate results.
Serena x
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0 notes
asmasheikh · 3 years
10 Skills Every Event Planner Needs in a COVID-19 World
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to uproot nearly every aspect of our lives and businesses, event professionals have quickly developed new skillsets to keep their businesses afloat. BizBash caught up with planners around the country to learn what skills, traits, and bases of knowledge are most important in the world today.
1. Up-to-date knowledge of the latest restrictions. More than ever, event planners should be prepared for all possible outcomes, says Melissa Park, a global event producer based in New York. “Personally, I am reading every event safety guideline and planning document I can get my hands on, and speaking with many contacts to better understand what they’re doing and seeing in their venues.”
Park is also reviewing her past events to take note of elements and touchpoints that would have had to be modified in accordance with COVID-19 safety guidelines. “I then took it a step further and created solutions for each and every potential pain point I identified so that when the time comes, the delivery of a COVID-safe and socially distanced event is second nature to me,” she explains.
Meanwhile, Feyisola Ogunfemi, the owner of Statuesque Events in Laurel, Md., is closely studying restaurant safety guidelines. “Many states are not necessarily giving detailed guidelines around events besides size in the executive orders—however when you read restaurant guidelines, you can find much more detail on food service, seating, and other guidelines that can be incorporated into your event,” she points out.
2. Basic familiarity with new technology and platforms—and how to troubleshoot. Let’s face it: Virtual events are here to stay, whether they include an in-person component or not. Event professionals should have a working knowledge of what’s possible, and some familiarity with the biggest virtual platforms out there.
Rachel Nelson, public relations and events manager for Margaux Agency in Los Angeles, suggests knowing basic troubleshooting for the inevitable technical difficulties. “The best way to deal with this is to come prepared for the worst,” she says. “Have test or practice sessions with all of your speakers to rule out all the technical difficulties. Make sure that your presenters and speakers know how to work the platform, which includes sharing slides, presentations, etcetera.”
Chris Chan—founder and CEO of Washington, D.C.-based 3C Strategies—agrees. “Technology has become much more prevalent in our planning process,” he notes. “We’ve had to learn several SaaS platforms in anticipation of possible switches to hybrid or virtual events based on regulations and client desires. We’ve also had to build up our production knowledge base as clients are demanding more polished video production.”
3. A general idea of accessibility requirements for virtual content. Just like an in-person event, a virtual event should be inclusive for the widest possible audience. “Once you have a content plan in place, don’t overlook accessibility. If your videos aren’t accessible to everyone, you’re limiting your reach,” points out Justin Hartman, director of Mediasite Events in Madison, Wis. “Content should be easily accessed on any device at any moment. Closed captioning is also an important feature you need to think about when creating your video strategy. While closed captioning is a helpful feature to the hearing impaired, it has the added benefit of increasing search capabilities for your audience as a whole.”
And think globally, Hartman adds. “Relying on a virtual platform for future events is all about thinking beyond your conference walls by creating an entire online conference pass and experience,” he says. Consider making content your audience can reference year-round, and adding built-in translation options for different languages.
4. Knowledge of how to study analytics for virtual events. “Perhaps the unsung hero of a solid video strategy is the analytics, and too often people don’t fully utilize its power,” says Hartman, explaining that video metadata will give insights into viewing metrics that can improve marketing strategies and increase sales. “You’ll be able to analyze everything from registration to interaction to viewer behaviors. Who was the most popular speaker?
Where did viewers disengage? How long do they interact with the content? With this valuable information, you can continuously improve your events and maximize attendee satisfaction.”
5. Enhanced social media marketing skills. Due to increased competition in the virtual event space—and eventually, a crowded calendar of rescheduled in-person gatherings—social media marketing is a critical way to cut through the noise, says Willie Greer, founder of The Product Analyst in Memphis, who regularly works with event companies on brand partnerships.
“Planners should be more knowledgeable about boosting, and the like, to be able to reach prospective clients. Continuous advancement, mastery, and knowhow in creating digital content, especially for marketing, is a skill set that will be beneficial for a long time.”
6. Strong business practices. An industry dominated by entrepreneurs is no stranger to the need for strong business skills—which have become more crucial than ever, points out Michael Alexis, CEO of TeamBuilding, based near Seattle.
“You need to not just create a high quality and engaging experience, but also support it with robust business practices and systems,” he says, adding that in an unstable economy, quality customer service means people will be confident booking and working with your company. “You need strong policies around refunds, rescheduling, and other possible outcomes.”
7. Familiarity with best practices for crisis communications. “The entire globe was completely unprepared for this type of crisis,” notes Sherese Patton, founder and principal publicist of SLP Media Relations in Detroit. “I now know the importance of having a crisis management plan in order to counteract such a dire situation. We may never get back to ‘normal,’ and it’s best to be prepared for the worst should the worst happen again.”
Make sure the plan is continuously updated according to new developments, and that your entire team has access to it. One way to expand your skills in this area is through online education courses, webinars, and networking, points out Rachel Mazzola, corporate event manager of Tripleseat,an event management platform that offers educational resources for planners. “Topics that every event planner should be exploring now are event crisis communication, emergency preparedness, contract negotiations, event design, inclusive event strategies, and virtual meeting and event management.”
Mazzola adds, “Once you have a strong foundation in these elements, put your knowledge into action right away! Come up with plans that will be useful to have on hand for the future, especially an emergency response plan if you don’t already have one.”
8. Ideas for evolving and expanding your current skill sets. The best event pros always have a back-up plan—and that includes a way to keep your business afloat during times of crisis. “Take a look at what you already have access to and see how you can apply it towards generating new income. In some cases, this means looking at things you normally wouldn’t consider,” explains Jason Shaw, CEO of Round Table Marketing Group in Miami, who re-evaluated his company’s email database to find ways it could both create revenue and help the community.
“We had hundreds of thousands of emails, segmented by location and interest. We also knew that the local restaurant industry had been hit as hard as we had. … We offered our database for free, with the understanding that they would pay us only for clickthrough on their specific CTAs instead of the usual astronomical costs of buying onto a newsletter or paying an email service.”
Shaw’s team also put together a suite of digital resources for local restaurants, bars, and nightlife establishments. “Taking the digital talents and strategies we had already spent years crafting, we immediately transitioned into this new space—and then we offered it to our neighbors and colleagues for next to nothing,” he says. “I know that when things start getting back to normal, these small gestures will not be forgotten.”
Gabrielle Norton, founder and CEO of ‘Cause We Can Events in Nashville, has also found a way to generate new income by teaching wedding vendors how to attract clients on Pinterest. “With postponements left and right, I realized that putting all my eggs in one basket with this business was not a good idea,” she says. “I created a new website and in the last four months have managed to launch my very first e-course.” The new venture will bring in more passive income that can be put on hold when her live events pick back up, she notes.
9. Flexibility and creativity. The ability to plan—and adjust those plans—quickly is more crucial than ever, says Ogunfemi. “As soon as our state loosened state guidelines, some clients wanted to get married ASAP,” she remembers. “To prepare for reopening, planners should keep organized tentative plans, vendor lists, ideas, and more so that you can act quickly when approached by an organization or couple who wants to have an event right away.”
Amaia Stecker, managing partner of Pilar & Co. in Alexandria, Va., says the most successful planners will let go of their expectations of what an event “should be.” She says, “Those with the most successful outcomes right now, I believe, are those who let go of their attachments and expected outcomes for new solutions and opportunities.”
Now is the time to try new things, Stecker adds. “Don’t be afraid to share some of your less thought out, wild and crazy ideas. This is different from throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Actually ideating and refining, widening thought processes to narrow opinions can come up with some top-notch solutions.”
10. Patience and empathy. When communicating with clients, vendors, or guests, never forget that the current climate is affecting everyone in different ways, notes Nelson. “Some are losing their livelihood, family members, friends, and jobs, and needs and values could have severely shifted from just a mere three months ago. It’s important to take the time to get to know your audience again, show them that you care, and speak with empathy, humility, and compassion.”
Remember that it’s an industry built on relationships, adds Mazzola. “You can’t act robotic and expect to maintain good relationships. Taking the time to talk through problems and hear them out will help you to build stronger bonds with your clients in the long run,” she says.
And above all, be patient. “Let’s be honest—on a large scale, nobody knows what’s going on, how long this is going to last, and what this means for their company (and income, and family) in the long term,” says Kate Strayer, event producer and brand marketing specialist for Entire Productions in San Francisco. “Many people are still figuring out how to comfortably and effectively work from home, let alone what their new virtual holiday party budget will be.”
Strayer adds, “With patience comes empathy—and with that, a more desirable business partner. No one wants to feel like they’re being rushed to make a decision (even if we want to rush them to make a decision). … Let’s just try and show a little grace from day to day.”
Courtesy: Event Management in Lahore
0 notes
thesquidwizard · 3 years
I was told reading  Philosophical problems with blah blah blah would answer why making 500 genders would solve gender stereotypes I am petty and affable so I read it
If you want my opinions and my mind slowly melting i am kindly putting this under a read more cuz its fucking long as shit
the TLDR is : this drivel doesnt mention the problems of gender stereotypes or neogenders at all its just some guy wanking on why women need to give up their spaces because he thinks their wrong and annoying ( Kathleen Stock especially)
I’d love to @ you lake-lady, but you blocked me for thought crimes and im to lazy to try to get around that ( if you actually read this before recommending it to me, you are very very strong and very very brainwashed)
the first 14 paragraphs are circle talk "GC feminists are wrong, i will prove their wrong, they think "this" it is wrong ill prove its wrong etc etc etc" if you survive that that, They focus on Kathleen Stock in their words "Stock presents an articulate, relatively comprehensive, and moderate form of gender-critical feminism" first: If Margie’s self-diagnosis (“I’m a boy”) is questioned by the therapist, the therapist can be construed as . . . “converting” . . . a trans child to a “cis” one. If, on the other hand, Margie’s self-diagnosis is affirmed unquestioningly, the therapist is effectively failing to affirm Margie in a sexual orientation of lesbianism; something which also looks like conversion by omission. (Stock, 2018e) -They spend 5 paragraphs explaining why Stocks hypothetical girl^ isnt converted to male heterosexualness by transitioning, and not affirming Marges Gender identity is Dangerous They do not address Stocks ACTUAL concern that Gender Affirming Therapy without any kind of therapy and research on GNC and SSA children is conversion by omission because it doesnt take into account if these feelings stem from gender stereotypes and homophobia. Stocks is not concerned that you are converting this girl straight( sex is real she would be SSA either way) she is concerned your transitioning her without affirming her sexuality and giving her support in the knowledge that being a lesbian is okay and perfectly normal.-
Next: concern about female-only spaces is about legal self-identification without any period of “living as a woman,” prior male socialisation in a way which exacerbates the tendency to violence against female bodies, and the fact that many self-identifying trans women . . . retain both male genitalia and a sexual orientation towards females. (stock) If the evidence shows (as, in fact, it is already showing) that some males—whether genuinely “truly” trans or just pretending—turn out to pose a threat to females, and it’s really hard to tell in advance which ones will, can’t we then make a social norm and/or law to exclude all [natal] males from female-only spaces . . . ? (also stock)
-Quotes are separated by garbage but this whole section is what we have all seen before " why must trans woman suffer, just because cis men hurt woman" except its really long it acknowledges male violence rates but refuses to acknowledge we have already seen men (and identified transwoman) taking advantage to hurt woman. This whole chunk is just SOME woman must be sacrificed for Trans feelings-
They do put: Finally, we know that some men who come into contact with children in their work will offend against them. Yet we do not exclude all men from working with children, even if using gender as a watershed would prevent those offenses. Why does the good of minimizing child sexual abuse not lead us inexorably to the conclusion that we must outlaw all male teachers and coaches? Because our practical reason recognizes complexity: We readily see that even the most highly desirable states of affairs (minimizing abuse of children) do not have simple, quasi-mechanistic implications for policy or decision-making, and that they do not justify the indiscriminate suppression of other goods (even less important ones, such as professional vocations).
-And id like to add with the rise in pedo crimes I am 100% down with separating men from children because i do not think any child should be endangered just to keep men in jobs.-
They also put this quote in:
there is clearly a difference between the experience of a child who is treated by others in way that are characteristic of boys and also feels like a boy, and a child who is treated by others in ways that are characteristic of boys whilst feeling that they are really a girl. (Finlayson et al., 2018)
-And are you sure? are you really sure? I feel like there might be differences between social conditioning, experience and feelings. A boy treated like a boy and a boy(who feels like a girl) treated like a boy are still experiencing being treated and raised like a boy?? one just has emotional differences  (is it internalized homophobia, Gender non conformity, a developed fetish?? who knows but they still experienced boyhood)-
-Next section says we cant make single stall or any other kind of netrual or trans bathrooms because its to hard? and it hurts trans feels reminding them that they have birth sexes because thats hate speech???-
also this: Our social world is arranged in a way that makes exclusion from the sex/gender they claim—on the basis of a lack of “authentic” belonging (Serano, 2007)—central to trans subordination. As with other forms of social subordination, trans exclusion has not only material dimensions (Blair & Hoskin, 2018; Hargie et al., 2017; Moolchaem et al., 2015; Movement Advancement Project and GLSEN, 2017; Rondón Garcia & Martin Romero, 2016; Serano, 2013; Stonewall, n.d.; Yona, 2015), but also discursive ones that work in accordance with the logic of so-called performatives. Performatives are utterances that do things with words: specifically, they accomplish something in the act of saying it (Austin, 1975). The classical example is marriage—in the act of declaring a couple married, a celebrant brings about a change in their normative status, provided the celebrant is the right person in the right circumstances. This presupposes a normative background (that is a set of laws, conventions, or other rules) governing all those matters: who qualifies as a legitimate celebrant, what the right circumstances are for the performative to do its work, what marriage status means in terms of spouses’ rights and obligations, etc.
-Celebrating a Marriage is celebrating a couples chosen form of representing their relationship publicly and adding each other to their legal family, how is that the same as letting men into woman's bathrooms because they have feelings??-
-Theres more babblery about subjugating trans people by not pretending biology is fake, and that saying they cant just taking womans rights and spaces is denying their reality and existence we find out the author is a gay(cis) man so why does he have opinions on womans spaces and issues who fucking knows ( he really likes the word unintelligible)-
-Im tired, Ive taken several breaks just to stay clear headed( mildly sane) and now we are onto why Trans inclusive practices dont threaten the concept of female, male, lesbian and gay. Okay buddy ole pal bring it on-
Stock (2018b) has also argued that trans inclusion on the ground of self-identification/declaration threatens “a secure understanding” of concepts intimately related to “woman”—namely, “female” and “lesbian.” It is hard to see this threat as a real one. After all, conceptually, “trans maleness” and “trans femaleness” presuppose “cis maleness” and “cis femaleness” as their other—namely, the case of female and male for which no transition, no reaching across, is required: the case of femaleness and maleness already on this side of (= “cis”) their sex.
-At some point i expect to find out Stock implied his dick is tiny or something " gender crit feminists are wrong im gonna argue with just this one" In this section he manages to be long winded and say nothing have a taste:
Stock (2019b) argues, correctly, that “sex [i.e., maleness and femaleness] is not determined by any single, unitary set of essential criteria,” and that “there is no single set of features a person must have in order to count as male or female.” She goes on to state that: (a) “you do still need to possess some” female (biological) sex characteristics to count as female; (b) that this is “a real, material condition upon sex-category-membership”; and (c) that “medical professionals [assigning sex]. . . rely upon an established methodology, aimed at capturing pre-existing biological facts” (Stock 2019b). Stock presents (a), (b), and (c) as if they were true without qualification. In fact, they only describe how, for very legitimate reasons, sex is understood and assigned within the discourses of biology and medicine; but our everyday usages of “male” and “female” may well be more capacious. It does not follow, of course, that there is no connection at all between these discursive domains—biology and the everyday. Rather, something like the biological meaning of “male” and “female” refer to the central cases of “male” and “female” as those terms feature in everyday usages. But those usages, if trans-inclusive (as they should be), will also cover, legitimately and usefully, noncentral cases of those selfsame terms.
-Yes you need to be female to be female, it doesnt matter what you look like how much you weigh your hobbies or tastes you just need to be female. Observed Biology is observed not assigned we dont pop out blank slates until someone says "ya this ones a girl"-
There really is no good reason to fear that such trans-inclusive practices will imperil “maleness” and “femaleness” as concepts. It is the very fact that those concepts have and will retain central cases that puts to rest any such fear. What makes something like the biological meanings of “male” and “female” the central cases of everyday usages of those words is “[o]rdinary-life truth seeking, a certain level of which is essential for survival”; this “involves a swift instinctive testing of innumerable kinds of coherence against innumerable kinds of extra-linguistic data” (Murdoch, 1992). Reproduction is a key aspect of human experience: The existence of each of us and the perpetuation of the human species presuppose it. The extra-linguistic reality of the dioecious configuration of human bodies, which is functional to human reproduction, means both that the concept of “female” and “male” are here to stay, and that their central cases will remain well-understood, even after we give up on trans-exclusionary attitudes, practices, and policies. To put it another way: trans-inclusive linguistic usages, policies, and so on, cannot threaten the distinction between the concepts of “male” and “female,” which hinges on the nondisposability of the central cases of those concepts.
For similar reasons, it is difficult to agree with Stock that characterizing as “gay” trans men attracted to men, and as “lesbian” trans women attracted to women, “leaves us with no linguistic resources to talk about that form of sexual orientation that continues to arouse the distinctive kind of bigotry known as homophobia” (Stock, 2019d). After all, our linguistic conventions make cissexual womanhood and manhood the central or paradigmatic cases of “womanhood” and “manhood”; cissexual (though not necessarily gender-conforming) lesbianism and male homosexuality the central or paradigmatic cases of “lesbianism” and “male homosexuality,” and so on. This will not change. First because of the prevalence of cissexual women/men and cissexual lesbians/gay men, in terms of sheer numbers, relative to trans women/men and trans lesbians/gay men. Second, because of the ways in which the concepts of “man,” “woman,” “gay,” “lesbian,” “cis,” and “trans” sit together with the concepts of “male” and “female,” which reference an extra-linguistic reality, of which, as we have already seen, we cannot but take notice. Given these linguistic and empirical facts, a trans-inclusive use of the terms “lesbian” and “gay” does not carry the dangers Stock (2019d) worries about.
-I keep going back and checking the date this was published  in 2020 clearly this man has neither been online except to stalk Stock, nor talked to a human who actually believes what he is arguing against. No one is mad at transwoman for liking woman or vise versa its the kind of woman and men they go after and EXPECT romance and validation from ( ie lesbians and gay men, ie threatening what lesbian and gay mean in "inclusive" climates) fucking knob.-
I dunno if this is translated or the writer isnt english but he keeps using subordination where "opression" would be used and umm. anyway onto "Overemphasizing Sex-Based Subordination"
first he explains the difference between paranoid and paranoid structuralism there is so much fucking bullshit then we get to some quotes! that are bullshit-
Even assuming that the socialization of trans girls mirrors that of cis boys, the fact that trans girls do not identify with maleness can be expected to make a difference to the outcomes of such socialization (Finlayson et al., 2018).
-this guys back, love this guy doesnt know you dont fucking socialize yourself-
It is a mistake to treat “violence and discrimination against trans women . . . as if it were unconnected to that faced by cis women” (Finlayson et al., 2018).
 -Finlayson marry me your so smart, that big brain of yours is sooo sexy. Anyway transwoman and "cis" woman face violence from the same people.. Men. but it is not for the same reasons and most transwoman who face violence are brown and black sex workers( if your gonna care go wholesys not halfseys). As opposed to woman who face violence no matter their class, race, nationality, age.. etc etc etc-
Saying “Not giving people everything they desire is not a denial of their humanity” (Allen et al., 2019) amounts to an insensitive dismissal of the serious argument that trans exclusion is ipso facto harmful.
-I want an affordable home and access to food and water whenever i am hungry, you want me to pretend reality doesnt exist so your feefees dont get hurt-
The claim that women “are a culturally subordinated group . . . [while] at best, trans women are a distinct subordinated group; at worst . . . members of the dominant group” entirely discounts the ways in which sex, gender, and cis/trans status intersect. These intersections produce more complex, shifting, and context-dependent power relationships than are captured by the M > F formula.
-Sex based oppression is actually like jello, sometimes woman are less oppressed or oppressed slightly more to the left, I too can just kinda say words-
A dubious assumption underlies this statement: “[T]he fact that our concept-application [of, e.g., ‘woman’] might indirectly convey disadvantage towards some social groups [e.g., trans women] is not itself a reason to criticise the concept use, because the concept use has a further valuable point” (such as “to pick out a distinctive group, relative to recognisably important interests”) (Stock, 2019e). The dubious assumption here is that the “valuable point” of a restrictive use of the concept will be lost if the concept is broadened. The assumption is dubious because even in its broad, inclusive use, the concept retains a readily identifiable central case.
-Yes you dunder head if we start calling lizards mammals we lose the point of what makes a mammal a mammal, which complicates and endangers our way of researching and understanding mammals by making woman "whoever the fucks wants to be one" we loss the ability to easily talk about things that are exclusive to woman the more female language is edified the harder it is for females to unite to talk about womans issues, womans health, girls puberty, womans oppression etc etc.-
-my fuck i dont even care to learn this mans name and i have a personal hatred just for him, i hope ya'll have noticed he uses several different "sources" for his arguments and yet pins GC feminism on Stock alone. Anyway here we go into Doing Philosophy and Debating Policy in the Age of Social Media and Digital Platforms ( i think this man nuts every time he types out philosophy)-
my god we have brough Plato into this, Stocks must stand alone but we are at fucking plato, anyway this section actually has some brains in it there drivel but also truth:
Needless to say, in real-world face-to-face exchanges, unalloyed communicative action is known only by approximation. But there are very good reasons to think that the distance between the ideal (namely, communicative action) and the real is especially wide in the context of the quasi-spoken digital media used to construct (and respond to) the gender-critical case against trans inclusion. Stock (2019f) herself, discussing the reception of her arguments, has complained about countless “half-arsed takedown attempts” by “online philosophers,” crediting, conversely, philosophers she meets offline with “interesting, constructive, and charitable” objections. She also notes that social media siphons “users into paranoid, angry silos” (Stock, 2019d), and that “when reading disembodied words on a screen” it is “easy enough” to engage in “projection” (Stock, 2019a). Why and how do social media and allied platforms have this potential for distorting genuine communicative action?
First, they enable new manipulative communication practices, such as flaming and trolling. The popular support base of gender-critical academics makes ample use of these, though gender-critical scholars are also at the receiving end. Rather than using the quasi-spoken features of social media and allied platforms with a view to genuinely advancing understanding, online activists may exploit these features for strategic aims. Common techniques include drowning a post or blog with irrelevant comments; exposing the blogger to ridicule; deflecting attention from the point she made; forcing her to address spurious objections; pretextually professing a failure to understand, demanding endless further explanations; and so on. Some of these techniques are available in spoken exchanges, but social media and allied platforms magnify their power by enabling “widely-distributed individuals to organize and galvanize around issues of common interest [or] political advocacy” (Stewart, 2016); and by facilitating the use of nonverbal or nonargument-based, but effective, communicative devices, such as memes, gifs, and emoticons.
Another way in which these digital media distort genuine communicative action is by affecting the motivations of the blogger, or micro-blogger, herself. Specifically, they facilitate the interference with genuinely communicative goals (reaching understanding) by noncommunicative, strategic aims. I will discuss three: acquiring influence, career progression, and venting.
In traditional academic communicative practice, one’s recognition as an expert is supposed to follow from the credit that accrues to one as a result of the soundness of one’s research methods and arguments, judged through peer-review processes. But “in the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their public profile; the publication of high-quality scientific papers being just one” (Hall, 2014). Veletsianos and Kimmons (2016) have found, by examining a large data set of education scholars’ participation on Twitter, that
being widely followed on social media is impacted by many factors that may have little to do with the quality of scholarly work . . . and . . . that participation and popularity may be impacted by a number of additional factors unrelated to scholarly merit (e.g., wit, controversy, longevity; p. 6).
-This section like every section goes on forever but we finally finally reach our conclusion-
Cooper (2019) has invoked a legal pluralist perspective to argue that it is possible, and may be desirable, for gender as conceived by gender-critical feminists (as “sex-based domination”) and gender as conceived in trans-affirming terms (as “identity diversity”) to coexist side-by-side in the law. Access to women’s spaces is just the kind of policy matter that need not choose between one conception of gender and the other: it can and should be granted on the basis of both. While a compelling feminist case has been made for inclusion (Finlayson et al., 2018), the best feminist case against inclusion suffers from a number of argumentative fallacies (Aristotle, n.d.), and is at odds with well-established and sound uses of practical reason. Many problems in gender-critical thought are consistent with the explanation that paranoid structuralism is too often presupposed in gender-critical work, rather than being treated, productively, as a hypothesis. The nature of the publication outlets favored by gender-critical feminists (social media, blogs, etc.) is also likely to be implicated in generating some of these problems.
I think one of the things i would like anyone who managed to read this entire thing to take away from this is that not ONCE were male bathrooms or male spaces mentioned, not once did this apparently "cis" gay man say that he welcomes and wants transmen in HIS spaces or that he has even thought about it
(((( also he didnt even mention neo genders so my original question 100% unanswered, even fuckface magee doesnt think demiboys are real. He doesnt want to or even mention solving sex based oppression he just wants woman to stop fighting to keep men out))))
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