#but its stupid jokes we dont care about consistency
rohirric-hunter · 1 year
LotRO + Screenshots of Despair Part 3
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(Screenshots of despair sources: 1 2 3 4 5)
Part 1 | Part 2
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neon-blooded · 5 months
More shit's been going down at work.
Since November there's been so much drama with this one other associate. No one else, just him! He was veery mad he wasn't promoted to manager over my other coworker.
The thing is, this isn't even his main job. He works full time at another store in the area. He also doesnt really put in a lot of effort to keep the store maintained or the operations consistently taken care of. He also calls in a lot because he works himself until he is sick (he in fsct has a third job at a soap store). And when he does, he does it like 30 min to an hour before his shift stsrts and he doesnt even call. He just puts a text in the group chat. He also has some serious anger issues and attitude. Our DM does NOT lile him, since he made a very crass joke to him.
And he'd very... passive aggressive about me behind my back. I'm the oldest one, by age, working at the store by about 6/7 years and i have previous managerial experience. I know how to divide up tasks between people so the work isnt just on one person. The others are not the best at that. Our current manager, for however competent she is, has not had the experience in delegating like I have. But she's learning quickly. I digress. Because of me the store is in much, much better shape. I've taken it upon myself, with the manager's approval, to divide up tasks and make to do lists. I make very reasonable ones for the two other associates, including the guy i'm talking about.
He has actively fought against it. Like, i get it. I'm the "new" person who is giving you a to do list. That isnt, technically, "fair." But it was made clear to me that if i didnt, nothing was going to get done by him or the other one and everything would on the shoulders of me and the manager. I do an insane amount of work, quickly. I'm serious about moving up in this company.
But this dude. He so desperately wants to be a manager but he wont do anything and actively fights against doing anything. What does he expect, to be handed the position on a silver platter? He wants this job to be his fulltime job and he thinks he needs to step up and do the work only if he gets promoted.
Its been slowly pissing me off (i have a lot of patience). And its gotten to a point where our manager is just done with him. Because of his behavior, hostility, lack of work ethic, and constant absences (he actually had a no call no show today, so the store opened late!), the dm wants him fired. Our manager is trying to have a bit more patience, but today was her bresking point. She's going to try corrective action but im pretty certain he'll end up fired soon.
Manager is actually scheduling him less and giving me more hours since i have the availability and i don't call in - im a more stable choice to schedule. And because of his hostility towards me, she is scheduling me as little as possible with him.
I've done everything i can to encourage a positive and nice work environment. I'm nice and genial to him, i am patient, i encourage and listen to him. But he doesnt like me because i do my job well and i dont excuse his lack of work ethic. I hate drama and i do everything i can to nip it in the bud, but some people are just so damned intent on being the drama.
The other associate is planning to quit soon, since she recently started another job that pays more. We're cool with that, she's a sweet kid. So we're going to be training a new person soon. And if this guy i'm complaining about gets fired, then we'll have two people to train. On one hand, i know it'll be tough. On the other, i'm kinda looking forward to it, cause we need to just be done with this hostile guy i've been working with. He's draining and it's been putting a damper on doing my job.
I've been having to do more work than i ought to, to accommodate his laziness. There is already too much on our manager's shoulders, cause corporate is stupid. But i've become more paranoid about hostile dude's behavior towards me, and i'm going by the book 100% and keeping every little record of everything to cover my ass. I feel like he is going to do something to put my job in jeopardy. I've dealt with that before and its miserable. So i'm making sure he can't say shit about me or my work.
I'm just tired of thid bullshit. And as much sympathy as i've had for this dude, I've reached my limit. I honestly hope he quits before he gets fired. It'll at least look better for him.
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mrfoox · 2 years
I forget many if not most people love their country and I'm like oh...
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mspfa-help · 3 years
on writing characters with chronic pain, from someone who has chronic pain
okay quick disclaimer, this is all based on my own experiences. chronic pain is unique to everyone with it, so my experience may not be the same as someone else's. im just one person, and i dont speak for the entire disability community.
have your characters know their limits. this is such a huge thing. i can be active but only for so long, and its really bad to push it because that could land me in bed for the rest of the day.
acknowledge that limits can be stupid too. for instance i cant sit on a hard surface for too long without my back/neck hurting. that's fucking dumb, but i know not to sit on concrete for too long, or sit on my bed for too long.
dont make your disabled characters helpless.
dont make them have everyone else do things for them, dont make them incapable. i can cook (badly but i can), i can clean, im not a fucking baby. ofc there are some ppl who cant do these things, but even then THEY AREN'T HELPLESS.
on a similar note, dont throw out the disability when it gets in the way.
the whole reason a disability is called a disability is because it gets in the way. dont just disregard it when it's inconvenient.
have your characters know how to deal with it. when you live with constant pain all the time every fucking day you learn coping mechanisms. for instance i take ibuprofen, use lotion on my neck, and try to distract myself from the pain by going outside, playing games, etc.
keep it consistent.
know where your character's pain is, know how they cope, know all that and keep it consistent.
if your character uses a mobility aid, make sure its appropriate for their pain.
my pain is located in the neck and back, so i wouldn't use a cane or a walker. though someone whose pain is located in the legs may use a cane or walker.
remember that mobility aids, disabilities, etc ALL HAPPEN IN YOUNG PEOPLE.
dont make the characters make self-depricating jokes in regards to their pain.
this can be interpreted as how you, the writer, feel about people with disabilities. it can also be seen as feeding into the stereotype that disabled people are all living miserably.
remember that we're people first.
us disabled people are still people. person first, disability second. going in with the intention of writing a disability and not a person will ruin your whole story.
us disabled people have friends, family, we love and care, we hate and feel sad. we are people. keep that in mind
most of all, talk to disabled people. nothing is better than talking to someone with personal experience.
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simluvbot · 3 years
Enhypen as dates they would take you on <3
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tags: gn!reader, established relationship au, fluff, bf! enha
members: all members !!
wc: 400-800ish for each member ?? this is very long uh I’m sorry I got carried away
a/n: hi, welcome to my first piece of writing on this blog 😁😁 I tried to write so that these matched the members and their personalities the most! Also as this is my first post any interaction is so cherished 🥺 but anyways,, I hope you enjoy :D
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he would take you to so many fun places!!
Your dates would consist of going bowling together, theme parks, a walk in the park — you can count on having a fun time with heeseung!
He would just want to impress you );
He’s be always so attentive to you and remember even the littlest of details about you
You’d be in a shop together looking around and he’ll tap your shoulder, showing you a lace shirt that you instantly fall in love with
It’s just your style!
You’d ask him how he knew you would like it, to which he would simply mumble  with, “you told me a few months ago that you like shirts like this.”
You’d just stand in shock like :ooo
Not even you remember telling him that ):
Please he loves you so much, if it’s something that you tell him you like or don’t like, he’ll immediately store it in his memory! He wants to know so much more about you 🥺
Your dates are definitely what you look forward to whenever you see him!!
As much as you love fun day outs with him, you also love your chiller night dates at him <3
Meeting each other late at night after practice? A must!! No way can you let your hee go home alone when he’s the last leaving the practice room after a long day ):<
You would often surprise him by showing up at belift at ungodly hours, and as much as he would scold you with a light frown for coming to see him when it’s already half past midnight,,
You still always catch that small little smile he has whenever you do surprise him hehe
to be aware of just the fact that youre there? is enough for him. you ground him and its especially those spontaneous dates youll throw upon him and inevitably show him without the words uttered that you care for him and you love him? 
those are secretley his fave (: but he doesnt have to tell you that - youve already guessed :D
But at the same time on those late night after-practice dates he just wants to make sure that you’re not staying up too late all the time just to make sure he’s doing okay after practice, his y/nnie needs their sleep too ):
And what you’ll do together? Eat ramen of course!!
Although these little late night dates with him usually dont last no longer than an hour, he still treasures them so dearly in his heart ):
Hee sometimes needs a lot of love and assurance, even if he doesn’t mention it
And you’re the best at making him feel better instantly 🥺
but we seriously cant forget about your daytime dates too! each date of yours is always filled with so so many jokes and giggles that your hearts burn with longing for the other whenever you part ways ):
i can see that he’ll even store the memory of your dates even weeks after they’ve happened - he’ll store those memories of you; all in his heart (and the polaroid he took of you in the back of his phonecase 😳) and tucked close.
as for dates, to me he seems the type to be into really spontaneous and random things!! He’d love going somewhere fun or just simply randomly travelling with you without a destination!
He especially loves to sneak out of the dorm late at night and meet you at you and his favourite park.
It’s located at the top of a really tall hill, and you’ll both spend hours sitting on the swings, chatting away with little care for the rest of the world or the time as you both simply giggle at each other’s jokes and contentedly talk about anything and everything; watching the city lights glow from hundreds of metres below you
He’d offer you his jacket when the temperature drops by a few degrees suddenly
You’d be like no!! It’s okay you should also stay warm, I’m okay 🥺
But then because he is such a sweetheart he’d huff and sit next to you on the swing, making the single-seater far too cramped as he tries to supply you with his body heat if that’s the only way that you’ll accept not freezing to death 😠
But then you’ll both slip due to there not being enough space for both of you on the wing, and your both fall flat down on your butts lmao
You’d both freeze, staring at each other blankly on the floor
but then you’d both crack up and laugh for the longest time — hushing each other in-between giggles from the fear of maybe you were being a bit too loud and could wake some people up?
But then you’d both fall into giggling messes once again as you blame each other for causing the other to fall down ):
You’d eventually sit together huddled on a bench, sitting in silence and simply staring out at seoul’s twinkling night lights as you share his leather jacket: heavy and warm as it drapes across you and his’ shoulders
But eventually you’d both finally head home! — your eyelids soon growing too heavy and both of you afraid of accidentally falling asleep at a park at 1am lmfao
idk why but i can just see a lot of late-night dates with jake,, such as
baking cookies together at 1am???? probably has happened twice already in your relationship aha 😁
honestly you both spend so much time together casually that you end up arguing on whether that time where he randomly showed up at your house wanting to make relationship bracelets together was really a date or not lmao
he is also so <3 so incredibly sweet too though uGH. he is a sweetheart and like heeseung he will remember every little detail of you which will be useful for when he comes up with more date ideas in the future (
on dates such as eating at a restaurant together he will always bring you flowers like the gentleman he is.
it’s kinda funny because when youre both on a date together alone with no other people around you both become complete crackheads
but when meeting in front of others he acts so mature and serious suddenly lmao ?? 
but honestly he just trusts and loves you so so much that he doesnt even feel like he needs to act a certain way or try to become someone complteley different on a date just to impress you
but its okay because you love the duality of jake sim <3
someone get me him pls. i want one </3
With jay, shopping dates ??? yes of course (;
he’d simply love taking you out either down a road with many well-known clothing brands or maybe even the mall, entering several clothing stores with you
he never mentions it, but its obvious how much he simply adores seeing you wear the clothes he picks out for you :D
oh and matching couple outfits are obviously always chosen whenever you go out on these fashion dates!!
he will pick out a selection of items he thinks will look good on you, and - to admit it to himself: he does a pretty good damn job
tell me why this boy will get so flustered whenever he sees you walk out of the changing room,, looking so pretty in what he chose for you ??
he’d also one day surprise you on a date with matching couple bracelets :D
you’ll get so excited and he’ll get so shy and try to hide his smile as you compliment how good his sense of style is !! and as much as he denies the fact that he’s blushing you luckily do manage to snap some pics as evidence of the rosy colour in his cheeks hehe
and especially earlier on in the relationship, he’ll always try his best and prepare cute little dates for you both )): and the members would tease him to DEATH for how unbelievably soft and considerate he is when doing things for you when he is so cranky towards them lmfao
chill dates (:
walking in the park together, getting ice cream, going for late night drives and listening to music together </3 with jay it never has to be complicated
Just as long as he gets to be with you, talk with you and touch you then that’s more than enough for him (: he just likes to be in your company
and Idk why I can just see this but he wILL have playground dates with you. dont question it
Because like ?? hanging out on the swings or climbing frame of a kids park at 11PM when there’s no one else there but you both?? Talking and swinging quietly next to each other? very romantic to me hmm
Yes <3 
he will stare at you as he silently swings a back and forth a little; brushing the hair out of your face and looking at you with so so much love in his eyes it’s unbelievable
he especially loves just relaxing with you. watching a show on the tv together while cuddling and staying close to each other is something he loves
hearing your giggles and listening to you talk while engaging in teasing banter where he’ll pretend to think the things you say are stupid by scoffing and rolling his eyes when in reality his heart is swelling and he’s trying so hard not to laugh at how cute you are? 
shut UP
those are definitely one of his favourite types of dates with you
he’ll constantly try to impress you and will be willing to try so many different things with you
i can see him as either being openly interested about going on typical couple dates together such as painting or eating at romantic restaurants,, or every time you mention something of the sort he’ll be groaning at yet another mention of the ‘couple bucket list’ you had created lol
but actually he’s secretly really excited for that couple mug-painting session you booked for you both. but he will never tell you that 😳
in conclusion, with jay it really never has to be something complex for you both to enjoy your dates <3 he just loves being in your company, even if its one of those nights where you both share no words between the cuddling and content sighs and various little soft kisses he presses to your forehead.
with sunghoon gOSH
whatever you two get up to, it’d be so so soft and gentle and perfect and just ):
he would always ask the members what to take you out on as a date and you bet his naver search history would consist of questions like ‘what does my s/o like’ and ‘where should i take out my partner on a date’ lmao
he just wants to make you happy and comfy ):
dates with him are usually really cute!! Like going to cafes, going ice skating etc!
But you’d also love those dates at home with him, giggling shyly as you both sit together and watch a film 🥺
he LOVES those dates! he always gets so shy whenever he comes over and it takes him a little while to get comfortable enough with you to even hold your hand pls
So when he one day pulls you in closer from where you’re sitting side by side on the couch,, bringing you closer and tucking you under his arm ??
You’re so so surprised, and you feel your heart clench a little at how gentle he is with you and how he’s finally opening up ):
And from then on,, he only will become more and more comfortable with you!!! To the point where he’ll start pouting a lil when you don’t snuggle up next to him on the sofa like you usually do );
So cuddle dates with hoon? Yes you bet they’re his fave!!
and then when its quickly approaching your 100 days anniversary, he’ll be wracking his brains for so long trying to decide what to do for you
but then it will hit him like a light bulb switching on!
he’ll suddenly remember you mentioning this specific thing that you really liked and would want to do one day, and guess what he would plan for u both!!
he’d prepare 💔💔 a picnic 💔💔 for you 💔💔
ugh youre so lucky
he’d text you the day before your anniversary telling you to expect to go on a date with him the day after and to dress up prettily :D
he’d wake up super early on the day of the date, preparing all of your favourite foods and meals into a cute lil basket ):
and when you finally both meet at a really rEALLY pretty secluded area that you somehow had no idea existed despite you living in the area for so long - you’d maybe start tearing up?? 
because your boyfriend is so so sweet and you never saw this coming from him at all ): 
and he’d just stand there shyly in front of the picnic he set up, hand at the back of his head and looking down; cute lil blush tainting his cheeks from how nervous he is!
but then you’d run over and give him a big, big hug, exxclaiming how much you appreciate what he did for you and how youre so so incredibly sorry for not bringing him something as well to celebrate your anniversary (you were dying inside fo guilt please!! how could u forget to get him something when he went out of his way like this for you )):  )
but he’d simply shake his head, smiling and not minding at all
because if he gets to see you happy, gets to see those twinkling eyes of yours that just stare up at him with so so much love before bringing him in for a sweet kiss - then he simply doesnt mind at all.
r u crying at this like i am lol
sunoo absoloutely adores you.
and he cant stay away from you !! lmao
you’ll leave after a date and ten minutes after youve arrived you’ll get a text from him saying how much he already misses you and wants to see his bun again ):
but its okay!! because y’all would meet up again really soon again :D
sunoo really doesnt mind what you both do together, he just loves being in your company !! if he’s doing something with you, its certain that he will have so much fun and be so so comfy!
you often like to go to cinemas together, watching a film
film/drama marathons are also something that you both do very very often as a date! he loves it when you hug him tight and throw a leg over his as you both lie down in his dorm bed/your bed, watching something on your laptop
he is very very cuddly and whenever you both do have cuddle dates/sessions (which is all the time btw) he’ll like it when you absentmindedly play with his fingers or stroke your hands through his hair soothingly
and then he’ll complain and whine when you stop lmao
seriously though, without a question if either of you meet at either his dorm or your house - its always:  ‘so what are we gonna watch?’
he also likes doing very very cute couple-y activities with you! of course he does,, youre his baby ): 
(he’s more YOUR baby actually - but he doesnt need to know about that shh hehe)
funfair dates where you will go on a ferris wheels and eat cotton candy together? sharing a kiss when you reach the top? yes! and so is going to those sets designed for couples to take cute photos together as a lil photoshoot!
he is so so sweet with you ): 
and has it been mentioned yet that you’ll go on food dates? this is a very obvious date you both do very often !! 
going to food markets and trying out different street foods from different vendors? yes.
having mini dates at the korean convinience store late at night where you’ll both sit by the window and eat tteokbokki & ramen together? yes.
its all honestly really really chill, but he also knows when to be serious when he needs to (:
he’ll take you out to the your favourite restaurants often!
and whenever youre celebrating something he’ll take you to a really good and famous restaurant with mouth-watering food, and you’ll be left wondering for the longest time how on earth he managed to get a seat in since its always so booked
or ordering take-out is good too :D
in conclusion (because i just realised how long this is help 😭): dates with sunoo are always a variety of fun activities which always leave you feeling tired yet so, so happy and content at the end of the day !!
he loves you so much <3
Since you both go to the same school, a lot of your little dates are actually spent there
He’s pretty shy with you at times,, but when you’re both alone it’s then that dates with him are usually so so goofy and silly; days filled with his teasing and your eye rolls and giggles.
Meeting at the rooftop before school to simply talk and giggle and drink chocolate milk? Yes.
Staying after school for small study sessions in the library? Yes.
With jungwon, you’re not able to see him as much between school and him being an idol, so every little moment together means so much to both of you ):
To me jungwon also seems like a cuddler!!! cause like?? Have you seen him ?? Tell me he doesn’t look so soft 
So, dates at home when he’s free where you can both cuddle together in your bed while eating and doing homework? They’re so so cosy,, and definitely your favourite kinda dates!! not to mention that your parents absolutely adore him too
With jungwon, lots of lil spontaneous dates are definitely his and yours trademark (‘:
He’ll turn up at your house randomly with a grin and dimple poking at his cheek, holding a bag of convenience store food and asking you if you want to go on a date with him even if it’s 10pm and dark outside lmfao
And then he’ll take you to an arcade!
You’ll be the only ones there and he’s keep flexing about how he’s going to win you this cat plush from the claw machine because he says it looks like him
He’d try several times and end up spending almost 8,000 won on the machine trying to win you this plush and at this point he’s already making up several excuses about how oh, ‘it’s rigged’ or ‘give me one more chance I will get it this time!!’
You’d giggle at how he grows flustered, gently asking him if you could have a go for fun, sighing and with him and agreeing on the fact that the claw machine is definitely rigged
You’d complain together; scolding the machine and asking it to please be nice and stop ruining your date when it’s then that the claw actually picks up a plush and you’re both like ;oo
You’d both stay stood in shock as the cat plush is dropped into the receiving box, before laughing loudly
He’d stand there flustered, blush tainting his cheek before he just walks away 🚶🏻‍♂️
You’d quickly pick up the cat plush and chase after him, giggles tumbling out your lips
and uhm after that you beTTER go check up on your boy and see if his ego wasnt too damaged by that 😤
so of course you’d wrap your arms around him from behind, tucking your face into the back of his neck ): and pressing gentle kisses where you know he’s ticklish until he finally relents, a small grin and dimple lighting up his face
and phEW because you thought he was upset ): but he laughs and says youre better at the claw machine than he is so,, all good dont worry !! 🥺
It’d end up being him taking the cat plush home, which you both name ‘jungwon-two’ because of how much it actually looks like him 😭
Expect many references and inside jokes to that date and jungwon-two in the future
and tbh you love dates with won so so much. theyre so fun plus they’re always secret.
and whenever you’re out doing whatever the hell you both get up to,
It’s like there is no one else in the world. It’s just you, and him, and the blooming you both feel in your chests.
I don’t know but I can just see niki as being so romantic
You’re both young, and although niki is the biggest dork and always likes to play around and make jokes 24/7 - he’s also so mature compared to the other boys your age
So would he take you out to a date where he’d set up classically romantic candles and rose petals for you both to eat at for your 1 month anniversary? Yes ):
And you’d be so speechless and shocked as you blush quietly and thank him before he‘s accidentally knocking over his glass of water all over the table cloth and you’re laughing out loud
But expect every other date with him to be filled with so so much food and comfort!
He’d feel so comfy around you, and really the only word he thinks is perfectly able to describe you is home. He thinks you feel like home to him.
So he’d show you all of this favourite things, the things closest to his heart and you can’t help but feel your own heart clench at how much you adore this boy
He’d take you out to traditional Japanese restaurants and show you his favourite foods from back home and teach you the customs of how to eat sushi
You’d 100% be so so interested and excited whenever he reveals to you a vulnerable part of him, and he’d stare at you so lovingly as he kisses your cheek, blushing and smiling like the 15 year old he is
Ugh ): niki ):
Dance dates!!
You claim you can’t dance to save your life LMFAO (or maybe you can 😳?) but he only grins shyly instead as he takes you to a small dance studio he rented (he didn’t want to take you the belift building where there would be other people - he’d want you to feel completely comfortable).
You’d simply stand there with your mouth dropped open as you watch him freestyle to a random song he put on like it’s nothing
You’d spend the day getting taught some moves by him and although you’re sure you look like a cat getting electrocuted, he still smiles and  nods and even claps, giving you compliments and teasing remarks
Overall, dates with niki are so so fun and goofy and perfect. You feel your heart swell every time he takes you out on another little adventure, feeling so complete and carefree between his warm hugs, jokes and words that he has to say to you
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miyuwuki · 2 years
Congratulations on the milestone!! 💖🎉💖 thanks so much for being a knb writer 🤧💗 can't get enough of your writings. Can I have a knb matchup?? My mbti is ENFP. I like hanging out with my friends, meeting new people, playing card and video games, going to the gym and playing sports (even if sometimes I'm not the best I'm still competitive), binge watching my favorite shows (mostly sitcoms and dramas but I also watch wrestling weekly I think its entertaining), horror movies, going thrifting and upcycling clothes, rollercoasters (I'll always wanna ride the biggest one), listening to music (fave genres are pop punk and rock but I love instrumentals as well when I want something more chill), I like iced coffee and will drink one even if its super cold outside lol, and I like trying new things so I while I have consistent hobbies sometimes I'll learn baking or playing chess and then move on when I get bored lol
I dislike close minded people, those who are selfish to the point of being heartless, bugs in general but especially centipedes or beetles, doing math, unnecessary strictness, not getting enough sleep, being treated like I'm genuinely stupid or weak (like I'm not the smartest or strongest but I'm not taking disrespect like that), being super messy, feeling too warm (especially at night), judging people by how they look (judging the vibes someone gives off vs just their looks is different and i dont like the second)
What I look for in a guy is someone who can balance me out and keep up with me, they don't have to like everything I like and we don't have to agree on everything but they have to understand me or try to, someone I can talk to about anything and everything even if its dumb or unimportant. I'm an affectionate person but I'm not pushy so I won't go overboard if they're uncomfortable but I do love spending quality time together so we should at least have some things in common to do together. I like to joke and play around so they have to be a bit lighthearted too and not shut me down. Also someone who's not too possessive or jealous and lets me have my independence because I don't like feeling smothered or confined. When it comes to romantic gestures whether grand or small I don't really mind either as long as their feelings show through clearly to me that's all i care about
Sorry if this is so long and thank you again!! 💗💖💗
a/n: eeee im so happy you enjoy my works! ty for being here anon!
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kise ryouta
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both of you are very outgoing which attracts the both of you guys together! he laughs a lot when he’s with you :) he absolutely loves trying new things with you because he too, gets bored easily (except for basketball). sometimes he’ll try and challenge you to play basketball and even though you know you can’t beat him, the competitiveness in you jumps out hehe. kise is the kindest person you will ever meet, so being judgemental and aloof is out of question. he will always think in deep thought about what your opinions are and will engage 100% in a discussion with you. he will always respect you and will never, ever, insult you or let anyone insult you on your name. to him, you’re only the best and should only be treated like the best. anything less is unacceptable. kise will definitely give you your space because he likes people who will not tie him down; he’s busy too, with basketball and all these modelling contracts, he can’t always be there with you. but that’s okay! because you’ll be doing your own thing. kise likes to show you his love through physical affection. he’ll always drape over you, hold your hand, or lean on you. in one way or another, he is always close to you. you both always joke around with each other— so playful and loving that i envy it. kise always brings you an iced coffee whenever he sees you and on chill nights, you both stay in to watch comedies or horror. it’s most likely comedies though because he’s a scaredy cat. kise is definitely a man who can keep up with your lifestyle.
akashi seijuro
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i have given this so. much. thought. at first i was going to choose hayama kotaro, but no, i thought akashi was a better fit and let me explain why: akashi loves how outgoing you are. you have the things he lacks— like a carefree energy, sunshine, rainbows. it makes him feel comfortable and safe, and that he can be his true self around you. he remembers everything you like: he’ll teach you how to play shogi! it’s not a card game but he’ll also ask you to teach him a game like president, LOL. you want to work out? work out in the gym IN HIS MANSION. cute because you guys become workout buddies. he also challenges you to basketball and will go easy on you— BUT YOU LOVE IT BECAUSE it’ll hurt if he broke your ankles. he likes to listen to music with you and will try to bake for you because you like it. akashi is far from closed minded— he is so intelligent and perceptive that there’s no room for judgement or stupid, aloof, discussions. hefty talks are common between you two as you both share your opinions and then find a common ground. it’s healthy! he loves the way you won’t take shit from others, and he’ll make sure that he won’t let others talk bad on you. akashi shows his loves through spoiling and lovely words :) he is also a man who can keep up with your ever changing life, but one thing that won’t change is his love for you.
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**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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samirant · 4 years
Hi! I just finished reading Backpfei... again (it was awesome 😍😍😍😍) and I was wondering if you had any headcanons for what happens next, especially everyone's reactions when they find out about JB's relationship 🥰🥰🤣🤣🤗🤗🤗
:D I do, indeed, have headcanons and I’ve played with the idea of writing something out and this message gave me the impetus to do it, so thank you!
Tagging @brynnmck for funsies
Backpfeifengesicht: Ten Minutes Later
Margaery: JOY
Margaery: I can’t just send it! This requires preparation we aren’t there to catch her if she falls over
Margaery: Think of the children!
Margaery: JOY
Renly: shes not kidding joy
Renly: gird yourself 😱
Sansa: Okay with the hysterics. Calm down, for sevens sake. 
Sansa: Margaery, I’m sitting right next to you, just speak to me. 
Renly: SANSA KNEW??????
Sansa: I’m right here. In person.
Sansa: And we were a little distracted, in case you don’t remember.
Renly: JACCUSE 😡😡😡😡😡
Joy: Goodness gracious. What in the world is going on?
Margaery: joy!!!!!!!!
Renly: JOY!
Joy: I was setting Rose down for a nap and suddenly my phone went mad. 
Sansa: I am so sorry. 
Renly: YOU BETTER BE 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
Sansa: I was speaking to Joy. 
Margaery: joy
Margaery: Joy my love
Margaery: Sit down. 
Joy: I’m becoming concerned. 
Renly: but r you sitting or not???
Joy: I am now. 
Joy: And I’m very concerned. 
Sansa: Don’t be. It’s a very good thing. 
Sansa: These two are just in shock. 
Joy: Margaery? In shock? 
Renly: I KNO RIGHT?!?!
Joy: Renly, less alarming. 
Renly: 😤
Margaery: Without further ado…
Sansa: So much ado. 
Margaery: image.png
Joy: …
Joy: …
Joy: …
Joy: Oh my goodness. 
Renly: RIGHT?!??
Joy: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂
Sansa: ?
Joy: Who did that? Tyrion? 
Joy: Jaime? 
Joy: Gods, is this why Brienne punched him? 
Joy: LOL It’s really good!
Sansa: ?????
Renly: 🧐
Margaery: Isnt it absolutely WILD?
Joy: It’s really something. 
Joy: Some of my wedding photos could use touch ups, whoever put that together should give me a hand. 
Joy: That’s hilarious!
Joy: Sorry, Brienne, when you read this, but it’s an excellent mock up.
Renly: …
Sansa: …
Margaery: …
Sansa: Joy. That’s a real picture. 
Renly: oh gods i just saw tyrions face
Renly: right there in the corner
Margaery: HAHAHAHA
Margaery: He still looks like that, look at him.
Renly: like hes been smacked on the face with atrout
Joy: You’re joking.
Joy: You must be joking.
Sansa: We definitely are not. 
Joy: But
Joy: No
Margaery: She’s getting it.
Joy: But that’s Jaime and Brienne.
Joy: Kissing. 
Joy: Brienne kissing Jaime.
Joy: My cousin, Jaime.
Renly: do we kno another jaime?
Joy: What?
Joy: WHAT?
Margaery: And now you understand
Sansa: Give her a moment.
Joy: …
Joy: Brienne isn’t answering my texts.
Renly: well yeah shes a little busy
Renly: jaime stole her away
Joy: …
Joy: WHAT?
Margaery: Take a seat, take a breath, this is not a drill.
Renly: 🤯
Renly: 🤯🤯🤯
Sansa: I didn’t know! Brienne just said something yesterday that made it make sense today.
Joy: But she punched him!
Joy: Like we always warned him she would!
Renly: het mating dances are weird
Sansa: 😑
Sansa: Rude! And not true!
Renly: oh like it matters to you now
Joy: Will someone PLEASE explain this to me? 
Joy: I’m half convinced you’re messing with me because I’m not there. 
Margaery: Definitely not. We’d have Tyrion confirm but he’s refusing to talk to any of us. 
Margaery: Plus: photo evidence
Sansa: OK
Sansa: She did punch him? I think?
Renly: where else would he have gotten the shiners
Sansa: But it seems they’ve been friendly for a while and Jaime’s been visiting her in KL.
Joy: HE HAS?
Sansa: He says they’ve been dating for at least six months.
Margaery: Brienne says six hours.
Sansa: I’d say it’s somewhere in the middle of that.
Renly: with punches 
Joy: I… I am flabbergasted.
Joy: But that sounds exactly like Jaime.
Joy: And Brienne.
Margaery: ANYWAY
Margaery: This morning we were teasing Jaime, it seemed deserved
Renly: overdue
Margaery: And we joked about how he’d have to make it up to her, whatever he did
Sansa: He probably still does.
Margaery: And HE said that maybe Brienne should kiss it better
Margaery: We laughed about it but then Brienne got up and walk
Margaery: Fucks sake Renly just let me tell the story
Margaery: she walked over and kissed him
Renly: the end 
Renly: 😏
Margaery: 😡
Joy: Just like that?
Sansa: Just like that.
Joy: Then they just dropped the bomb that they’ve been dating for - possibly - months?
Renly: hours
Margaery: It’s all very amorphous 
Margaery: But yes
Margaery: They’re dating
Joy: Wow.
Joy: Wooooooow.
Joy: OMG!
Joy: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sansa: It’s very cute. They are so cute. 
Renly: WEIRD
Margaery: Very weird and also very cute
Joy: I’m still processing!
Joy: Gods, I should have known. He mentions her all. The. Time.
Renly: and brienne was a vault
Renly: until this morning
Renly: and perhaps last night
Sansa: Renly.
Renly: tell me im wrong
Renly: if thats not ff hair i dont know what is
Sansa: 😦
Renly: im not sorry
Joy: You’re never sorry.
Renly: but im consistent
Joy: Very true.
Joy: 🤩🤩🤩
Renly: they r stupid gross
Renly: n cute
Renly: i admit that
Joy: Tyrion won’t answer my texts, either.
Renly: he left with tysha
Renly: well he left and she went after him
Renly: very 😵
Renly: i think hesin a fudge
Renly: fugue
Joy: His worldview has been as rocked as ours has. At least you tried to prepare me.
Joy: Brienne, we are going to discuss this. At length. 
Joy: What?
Sansa: Oh gods.
Sansa: Renly NO.
Margaery: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Joy: Jon?
Sansa: RENLY. NO.
Joy: Is that Sansa’s boyfriend?
Sansa: Uh.
Margaery: He said “is that who i heard in the laundry room last night?”
Joy: No.
Joy: No way.
Joy: NO WAY!
Renly: IS
Renly: THAT
Renly: WHO
Sansa: Don’t say it again. 
Renly: I 
Sansa: Please. 
Renly: HEARD
Renly: IN
Renly: THE
Sansa: Brienne is going to throttle you.
Renly: ROOM
Renly: LAST
Renly: NIGHT
Margaery: I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care.
Renly: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Joy: 😳🤯
Margaery: 🤯 indeed
Sansa: Is it hooking up if they’re actually together?
Sansa: Brienne, I’m so sorry, I tried to stop him. 
Renly: its certainly not tender lovin on a cold tile floor
Joy: Renly!
Sansa: Sorry, Tyrion, too. I guess.
Margaery: I can see him outside, he still looks like he’s having an apoplexy
Joy: I think we’re having a collective apoplexy, to be honest.
Joy: Oh goodness gracious.
Joy: Brienne. The laundry room?
Renly: maybe jaime needed a hand
Sansa: Renly, enough.
Renly: never
Margaery: I think Tyrion has his phone in his hand.
Margaery: Oops.
Margaery: waves at Tyrion
Joy: I can’t stop laughing.
Joy: The. Laundry. Room.
Tyrion: I am muting this thread. Effective Immediately. Possibly Forever.
Margaery: Tyrion!
Renly: bang bang bangity bang
Sansa: Stop singing, Renly!
Margaery: I said uh bang bang bangity bang!
Joy: 🤭🤣
Sansa: Brienne is going to have your heads for this.
Sansa: You saw what she did to Jaime and she’s actually dating him.
Joy: 😍🥰😍😘😍😘😍😘😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
Margaery: shes humming along brienen
Sansa: Lies!
Joy: I… might be humming, too.
Renly: its her own fault
Renly: for the bangityness in the laundry room
Renly: but that seems the theme for the week maybe
Renly: love and banging all around except for poor jon
Joy: That’s right! Who is Jon?
Renly: margie this is the prt where you tell her about you and sansa confessin ur undying love
Joy: ...
Joy: WHAT?
(The end.)
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tigerdrop · 3 years
Cringe is dead, talk to me about the funny half-life men and their relationship
okay here is my essay. it is titled These Guys Actually Like Each Other, and Gordon Freeman Is Just Kind Of A Dick*
(disclaimer: these are just my 2 cents. dont take me too seriously! im just some guy online who has watched this shit too many times.)
first things first. these guys actually like each other. this is a key aspect of their relationship. benrey, obviously and textually, digs gordon freeman - you dont flirt that heavily with guys you arent into, and so much of what he says and does is geared around making gordon crack up. thats pretty gay.
but the counterpart to this is that gordon freemans pretty fucking gay for benrey, too. you may say, “oh, but word of god says its not requited!” and to you i will say: bull shit. gordon is uniquely obsessed with benrey compared to all the other characters. if gordon didnt like the fucking guy, he wouldnt giggle with him and share in-jokes with him and bring him up every 5 seconds when benreys not around. thats concern, bro. thats worry. thats real shit
but i cant blame people for thinking that gordon freeman genuinely doesnt like benrey. benreys partially responsible for some of the worst things that have happened to him, the Arm Thing among them. and gordons very insistent afterward that he doesnt like benrey. he even goes so far as to try to kill benrey a couple times. to this, i must argue that gordon freeman is just kind of a dick.
lets talk facts here. canon. Lore. from the moment we hop into gordons shoes, we can see that he is a jerk to every npc on his way into black mesa. this is his default: a dude who just runs his mouth and says rude shit. he calls tommy a freak within 5 minutes of meeting him. he infantilizes the guy and barely considers him a real scientist. he doubts that bubby is a real name for like no fuckin reason. in “real life”, this is because its funny, and wayne is trying to make a funny half-life stream. in a textual sense, this is because gordon “hlvrai” freeman is a dick. this is the way he acts, consistently, throughout the series.
(brief aside: this is why the whole “gordon is a nice guy and a great dad” characterization baffles me. the way he actually acts in canon is, in short, bitchy and lacking in self-awareness. and i love that for him, i really do. it makes the moments where he just tries to be a nice guy stand out. but thats the thing: his intermittent moments of decency and kindness are not the whole of his personality! this dude kind of sucks most of the time!)
the way that gordons general asshole attitude extends to benrey is complicated. in fairness, benrey makes it his job to annoy the shit out of gordon as much as possible, and that warrants a negative attitude, but gordons pretty paranoid and ends up blaming benrey for nearly everything that happens to him, regardless of if its warranted. this is a pattern he exhibits both before and after the Arm Thing. its a little bit of a dick move! especially considering that, prior to the whole “betrayal” subplot (which was not exactly planned very far in advance), benrey is no more malicious or annoying than anybody else gordons having to travel with.
(okay, this is kind of a subjective evaluation, but still. my point stands that benrey is not any more of a hindrance to his progress than anybody else in the science crew, and neither is he particularly more violent or murderous. hell, gordon freeman has probably killed more guys than benrey. benrey just tends to get.......special treatment.)
all that said, i am still convinced that gordon really fucking likes benrey. please consider with me the following: it would be remarkably easy for gordon to just ignore him and do what he has to do, but he doesnt. he could stop engaging. he could stop thinking about benrey. he could stop bringing benrey up to the rest of the crew every time benrey leaves to do his own thing for awhile. but he doesnt. and, again, yeah, the extra-textual reason for this is “two guys are doing an improv comedy thing and bouncing off of scorpy is kind of the point”, but within the text it reads to me as gordon not being about to get the dude off his mind.
and this is in addition to all the times we see gordon being genuinely nice and receptive toward benrey! its in the little things: laughing the hardest and longest at benreys jokes. only ever reciprocating that stupid underwater “BBBBB” thing with benrey. trying to catch benrey when he falls, despite his insistence moments earlier that benrey should hop in the wack ass crystal generator and get hypermurdered. fondly remarking that benreys sweet voice sounds beautiful. his sort of flustered responses to most of benreys overt flirting. none of this is the way normal people react to a guy they hate. this is all fuckin gay to me, man.
its this combination of the outward insistence that gordon hates benrey with his inner eagerness to be around him and think about him and engage with him that gives off strong “repression” vibes, to me. for whatever reason - pride, embarrassment, resentment - gordon maintains a front of hating the guy and wanting to kill him for a lot of the series, but it doesnt gel with the way he fucking giggles and plays along half the time that benrey starts fucking with him. its a game, and that game is one of the only ways gordon knows to manifest affection for him.
(remember “oh my god, hes got a knife!”? that was the gayest shit i ever seen in my life. tittering like a schoolgirl while benrey chases him around like “im gonna get you haha”. insanity.)
the cool thing about repression is that you can have it manifest in a lot of ways! and this is where things like “headcanons” and “my own personal affection for repressed bisexual men” come in. a lot of how i characterize their relationship is an extrapolation of a lot of things like gordons canonical insecurity issues/anxiety, gordons whole anti-bootboy thing screaming “internet wokeboy who means well but probably has a lot of repressed baggage” to me, etc.
how do you get massive amounts of sexual repression out of what you see in canon, you might ask? well. if wayne would stop having gordon talking about being jerked off by the suit, or talking about chugging a 40-gal drum of potion and having to hold his piss, or worrying about being eaten by benrey the moment he sees benrey at setscale 10, maybe i would have a higher opinion of gordon “hlvrai” freeman and whatever latent psychosexual issues hes got going on. but here we are
i havent even touched yet upon how benrey feels about gordon. this one is helpfully made a little more plain by the fact that benrey very much wants to suck his dick in canon. (i dont even have to go into details. we all know.) but IMO the best part about this ship isnt just that they dig each other, but how. benrey gets overtly flirtatious in the second half of the series, but IMO his preferred method of flirting is just fucking with gordon: chasing him with knives, shoving him around in a bathroom, trying to get scans of his feet. but all in like a slapstick, giggly, fun-and-games sense, you know? at least when it works.
a lot of the time, though, it doesnt work out that way. he clearly just likes doing it whether or not gordon responds positively. which is, you know, Weird. not very nice. but also in line with the way everybody else treats gordon freeman. gordons kind of the universes chew toy in any given universe, and the same holds true here. hes kind of helpless......subjected to 4 demons attempting to make his life as difficult as possible. in a way its cathartic.
sorry. i got sidetracked. anyway, benrey very much likes to mess with him and unnerve him and demean him and i will be perfectly frank with you: that is hot. i have problems and illnesses and one of them is that i am a masochist who goes crazy for that kind of thing. calling gordon a “dirty lil boy” and telling him to “look at the mess [he] made” is some straight up kink scene shit.
i like to imagine that a lot of this behavior isnt caused just by the guy who played him wanting to be funny and antagonistic, but by benrey as a character not really understanding what constitutes “pushing a joke too far”. hes not human, and whatever he is doesnt have a very normative way of understanding the world around him, full of people who actually get hurt for real and die for real. benrey expresses what seems to be genuine surprise and distress after the Arm Thing, as if he didnt know that his actions would have serious consequences. and it doesnt seem to fully sink in afterward, either.
it reads a lot to me like hes used to video game rules and treating people around him like NPCs. if they get hurt, its no big deal, because its not real. he likes jamming random buttons on gordons interface and seeing what comes out. its probably a lot of fun for him, the same way that seeing a streamer or a youtuber suffer for our amusement is fun. its like, you know, in my opinion, gordons very cute when hes frazzled. hes also cute when hes laughing. pushing gordons buttons has a 50/50 chance of either of these things. and this is how he ultimately flirts with gordon: by pulling his pigtails.
but at the same time, benrey does legit care about gordon and knows some boundaries. benreys the one most often shooting at enemies to protect gordon, and he spent most of the last act trying to convince gordon to turn around and not fight him because they were friends (best friends, to be specific). he just lacks a lot of the emotional intelligence it would take to express the feeling of “he digs gordon and likes seeing his face get all red and sweaty regardless of the cause”. and gordon lacks the emotional intelligence it would take to express the fact that he doesnt know if he likes or hates benrey and hes scared as hell that its the former
because, lets be real. unironic benrey-liking is a sign of problems disorder. just look at all these words ive written about it.
can you imagine? this bizarrely powerful, non-human entity that can shrug off gunfire and grow to the size of a building has decided that youre his new plaything. benreys the bored guy booting up skyrim and fucking around in the console, and gordons the hapless favorite follower that hes taken a liking to. its a really fun dynamic IMO
after all this, its safe to say my title is a little misleading. the asterisk stands for * and So Is Benrey, Actually. they are both kind of awful dudes who thrive off of teasing each other and they deserve each other. and i am crazy about it. thank u for coming to my TED talk
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ryuuisthecutest · 4 years
— a night to be ; lilia vanrouge
✧*:・゚゚✧*:・゚ ✧*:・゚゚✧*:・゚ ✧*:・゚゚
yandere! lilia vanrouge x reader
went on tumblr and saw this a week ago :
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Nobody told you would end up in this peculiar predicament with the head of the Heartslabyul dorm, the rowdy country pretty boy of Pomefiore, and the mischievous vice dorm leader of Diasomnia.
All four of you were sitting in a enchanted room that was bare, except for a minimal of stuff, most was for the purpose entertainment to pass the time like the tv in the room (that doesn’t work), and there was a suspicious bucket in the corner of the room that nobody wanted to touch, so you all strayed away from it.
You all tried to get out, but strangely Riddle’s and Lilia’s magic couldn’t break the enchantment that was placed on the room. So you were all stuck here bored out of your minds, with Riddle sorting dominos, and Lilia eating the candy that was placed in the room for you all, and you trying to soothe Epel down worried for the boy that looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
And how you all ended up in this rather peculiar situation?
Well it all started in a normal day for all of you.
— ✯
“Grim get back here!”
You yelled at the raccoon who likes to make your life more difficult than it already was.
Chasing him around the courtyard a sudden wind of debris flew straight at you trying to take cover quickly making you stop chasing that damn raccoon-cat. You shielded yourself covering your face with your arms, closing your eyes, and kneeling down.
When the wind died down you peaked open your eyes and stood up. There was a dead silence like the wind never happen. You thought the close was clear when a piece of paper smacked your face.
It hurt.
Your face stung as you removed the paper from your face. Scowling you were about to rip the paper in anger but you noticed writing on it.
As the curious being you are, before ripping the paper in shreds why not read to see what the paper is.
It does look like a note, maybe it was a cheat sheet for this weeks alchemy test?
It wouldn’t hurt to take a small peek.
— ☽
Lilia was floating upside down as he was unwrapping a lollipop. Happily popping the sweet sugary treat in his mouth. He didn’t throw his wrapper away yet, the lollipop that he’s eating contains cheeses jokes on the inside of the wrapper.
He likes to read them, just for the fun of it.
It said “Read Me” on the wrapper.
Straightening the wrapper out he began reading.
He quirked a brow while reading the writing on his wrapper.
He thought it was odd, but he shrugged it off and threw the paper away and continued to suck on his lollipop.
— ✯
Epel was grumpily sitting in a chair in Pomefiore dorm with a beauty face mask that was forced on his face by Vil who nagged him that to achieve beauty you have to have skin that puts Snow White to shame.
He’s been sitting there in front of the vanity mirror just glaring at the mask on his face waiting for the ten minutes on the timer to ring.
This whole beauty thing was stupid to him, if he knew that he would be in a dorm that consisted of people obsessed with looks he would have ran.
During his sulking the timer ticked down until it went off with a loud ring. Epel smiled ripping the mask off his face.
He yelled in shocked as he saw his face in the mirror. His cheek had words inscribed into it.
He tried to rub it off hoping for it to come off but the more he rubbed his skin the more redder and irritated his skin became.
It wouldn’t smudge, not even a bit.
He started to panic even more.
How could he ever get this off his face?
Vil would go hysterical if he saw this
Or..maybe he can pass this as if he purposely got a tattoo on his face and show Vil that he can do whatever he wants!
He smirked at the last thought.
But then Vil would just cover it with makeup.
He frowned.
“I don’t want to have makeup on my face but before it’s put on me let me just see what these words say...”
— ☽
Riddle had everything sorted out.
The roses were painting red.
The tarts and cakes were done.
The tea was brewed.
The silverware and plates were perfectly set.
Nothing could go wrong for this Unbirthday Party.
“Everyone’s here,” Trey announced to him and Riddle nodded to him.
Riddle raised his cup of tea.
“Let the Unbirthday Party begin!”
Setting his half finished cup down, he scanned the trays of sweets that were laid out in front of him.
There was Chocolate Cake with chocolate piping on the inside. He likes chocolate, it’s sweet with a hint of bitterness but he wasn’t in the mood for a bitter taste today.
Then there was the Vanilla Cake with cheesecake covering it and fruits of strawberries, blueberries, peaches decorating the top of the cake.
It’s a splendid flavor that he wouldn’t pass it there wasn’t strawberry tart.
Yes, that’s the one that he’ll decline any sweet for.
He can see the crust baked nicely, with the strawberries on the top delicately placed to appease its viewers, tempting them to take a bite.
Riddle cut out a pice of the tart that made him forget about all the other desserts on the table.
Gently placing the slice on his plate that he can finally savor.
Grabbing his fork he grabbed a piece of the tart and placed it in his mouth.
He closed his eyes to relish the flavors buzzing his tastebuds.
He would of had relish it if he didn’t feel something that should not be in a tart.
He’s eyes snapped open and he slowly pulled out a long strip of paper that came out of his mouth.
His body shook with anger and the rest of the students soon noticed that their dorm leader was turning red.
Oh no.
The students trembled in fear as Riddle started to interrogate them and the ones that Riddle had “interrogated” were faced with Riddle’s unique magic “Off With Your Head”
Trey stepped in to try to calm down the situation.
“Riddle maybe it was an accident?” Trey tried to reason with Riddle that he should calm down and try to think rationally.
He started to calm down after a couple of minutes.
“I’m sorry for causing a scene and ruining the Unbirthday Party.”
Some students ended up whispering about still having Riddle’s magic collars on their neck.
He won’t remove it until he finds the culprit.
“It’s fine you just overreacted. What I truly care about is what’s on that paper? Is it from a secret admirer?” Cater teases him.
Riddle’s face bursted red “Stop.” He commanded food Cater.
The paper was still in his hand, he brought it closer to his face. “I’m also curious to know how this paper ended up in the tart?”
He opened it.
“What kind of sick and twisted person would do something like this?” You muttered under your breath. Looking anywhere in the room, you were determined to get out of here.
Maybe it was you but was the room getting smaller or was that claustrophobia getting to you?
The tv that you thought didn’t work began to flicker.
“Hey the tv is turning on,” you called out to the others pointing towards the tv that now was producing static.
“Oh now the tv works after all these hours.” Epel sarcastically said.
“Greetings to you all.” A voice broadcasted from the tv, it sounded muffled by the static but the words could be heard clearly.
“Who are you and why did you bring us here.” Riddle commanded to the person who we think is the one that brought us here.
“It’ll be so boring if I reveal my identity so early in this game.”
“Game?” Epel questioned.
“What buffon nonsense do you think you have the audacity to make us play your game.” Riddle seethed with anger.
“Then how you’ll get out?” If the person behind the screen was seen you bet they would have a smirk on their face.
Lilia rubbed his chin and was thinking “So the only way we can get out is if we play this game of yours.”
“Then what game do you want us to play?” Epel asked.
“A game of...Hide and Seek!”
“That’s it? That’s all you want us to play? A game of Hide and Seek?” Riddle narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“Yes, no tricks or anything! Just a simple game of plain old Hide and Seek!”
“This guy is weird...” You said quietly to yourself.
“I heard that.”
You started to sweat.
“I shall pick a number between one through twenty, whoever gets it right will be the seeker.”
After telling the kidnapper your numbers there was a silence of suspense for a while.
“Riddle was right twenty was the correct number.”
Riddle tch and crossed his arms.
A door started to form on one of the walls of the room revealing a dark hallway that you swear looks familiar.
“Also I almost forgot to tell you all that if you try to escape...it would be useless, save your energy for the game! You have two days. I’ll be watching!” The tv shut down and the static gone.
“He’ll be watching us so he wouldn’t want us to not take it serious and hide in the most obvious places. If we want to get out of here then we’ll have to take it seriously.” Riddle told us
Lilia slightly smiled“Oh I’ll give him what he wants, it won’t be easy finding me.”
Epel walked to the entrance “We should hurry, the more time we spend on talking we’re wasting time to end this game early. I dont want to spend two days here.”
“I’ll count to one hundred.” Riddle went to a wall and started to count.
Epel already left the moment Riddle started to count which only left me and Lilia the only hiders still in the room.
Lilia walked over to me smiling “[Name] want to hide with me.” He gave you his adorable smile that showed his little fangs.
“Sure why not it’ll be more fun.” You smiled at him. Surely Lilia has been playing Hide and Seek for a very long time so he would have a lot more experience in finding the best hiding spots considering how mischievous he and you’ve seen your fair share of how good he is at hiding and scaring people.
Walking with Lilia further into the hallway you would walk pass windows that showed the outside. High gray curved roofs were in your vision every time you would pass windows that you swear to yourself that you’ve seen before.
An eerily feeling set into the pit of your stomach and you started to get fidgety. Being with Lilia as made you notice a few things.
Now that you’re getting your thoughts together you found it strange that you’re now realizing that the voice from the tv sounds strangely like Lilia.
You glanced at Lilia who was walking by your side looking carefree with a smile on his face as if we weren’t being trapped here against our will and not forced to play a game that we were kidnapped for.
“Ooh here’s a stairway we could hide up there. It looks like a perfect spot.” He turned to you giving you a eye smile.
Your skin prickled with anxiety, deep in your mind you told yourself not to go inside but the way he was looking at you made you fear that you didn’t have a choice in the matter.
“Y-yeah lets go inside...” You gulped down your nervousness and gave him a smile to ensure him that your hesitant to go with him.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his side and wrapped an arm around your shoulder caging you in. He got closer until his lips were beside your ear hovering over it.
“I can smell fear coming from you.” He grazed his fangs against your ear making you hitch your breath at the coolness of his touch.
There was a door in at the top of the staircase and he quickly pushed you into the room before you had a chance to run.
There were windows in the small room showing the outside, you saw roofs and then you saw the Ramshackle Dorm in the distance.
You were inside the castle all along.
You slowly turned to face Lilia who stood in front of the door with a small grin on his face.
He finally got caught.
“It was you who did all of this,” you sneered in disgust.
“Why.” You commanded him to tell you.
“Ah it took this long to have someone figure it that it was me all along. I thought the others would be smart enough to realize that it was my voice on the tv and notice that my bats were watching them all along. I used advance forms of magic for all of this to happen so no one would suspect me.” He gave a mischievous giggle.
Your eyebrows ceased and you backed away from him.
“That doesn’t answer my question. Why did you do all of this?”
“Why?” Now he was toying with you.
“Well I became interested in you. It isn’t everyday where a magicless human comes from an unknown world and gets in all sorts of trouble and gets out of it. As time went on I began to watch you more until I couldn’t wait any longer to claim you as mine.”
“And I dragged those other two because I do really wish to play Hide and Seek and I knew I would get the best reactions out of them.” He quickly added in a bored tone.
“Did you saw that you would make me yours?” You scoff “Like I’ll ever be yours after you pulled this trick.”
“Too bad you don’t have a say in this.”
Your back slammed against the wall with your arms above your head. His grip on your wrist was tight making your wrist go red. You tried to rip your arms from his grasp but he had them tightly locked in his hands. You tried kicking him but you couldn’t move you legs, he put a spell on them to not be able to move. You became paralyzed from the waist down.
“Get away from me!” You screamed at him, tears prickled the corner of your eyes.
He shushed you and move his head so his nose was rubbing your neck. He inhaled your scent and licked his lips.
“What a sweet smell you emulate. You smell so sweet like candy.” He licked a strip of your neck causing goosebumps on your skin.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked him trying to pull you face away from him. He grabbed your jaw and pulled you to look at him.
He smiled seeing the fear in your eyes, sweat ecumulating on your face, and the shivers that your body produced.
He sunk his fangs in your neck, causing you to scream in pain. He muffled your mouth as he continued on to suck your blood.
Crimson blood trailed down your neck from the wound he caused and he licked it, he couldn’t let no blood of yours would go to waste.
The energy that you had started to dissipate the more he fed on your blood. Your vision started to get blurry, your head started to get dizzy, and you were started to see black spots.
You couldn’t move as you were becoming sluggish, growing slack in his hold. The sound of his sucking and licking was the only thing you could hear as you grew colder and everything went dark.
In a hallway of the castle a light of a lantern held by Riddle illuminated the dark hallway.
Epel walked behind Riddle, he heard a noise sounding that sounded like a scream and he grabbed Riddle’s arm clinging to it.
“I wonder if [Name] and Lilia san are alright? We can’t seem to find them.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Riddle said annoyed at Epel’s clinging.
The writing on the papers that they all had read said
“A Night To Be.”
✧.。. *.
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credits go to @twststarrycorridor and @skipps-things for the the fanfic idea and artwork of it, sorry if this was dark then you intended it to be when you thought of it
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in-the-whisper · 3 years
I'm sorry if this is a common/stupid ask but I fundamentally don't understand religion and I couldn't imagine believing so strongly in anything, but it seems very nice(?) and possibly even optimistic to have a constant like that in your life. so in the sense I think I have an idea of what religion is, what makes you decide(?) to follow it or believe in it? genuine apologies if this comes across as patronizing or condescending, it's not my intention and sometimes I'm just bad with words ':]
dude you are always welcome here and i will never assume that you are being mean you are very sweet <3 i am very happy to talk to you!
ok so i come from a super different background so it’s hard for me to even imagine like not knowing a ton of people who are religious so i will try to explain and then if it doesn’t make sense feel free to poke me and i will try again. also it makes me happy so dont be scared i will say oh! someone asked me about God! yay! and then i will write a silly tumblr post while making this face -> c: 
okay so one of your confusions seems to be why i would believe in something so strongly. in a way everyone believes things strongly, some even more than me (i mean look at politics and thanksgiving dinner). i think the reason that my relationship with God in particular is something i feel strongly about is because i derived my faith from my natural understanding of the value of my friends and from my understanding of morality.
i love my friends very much (most people do) and the idea of them getting hurt or mistreated makes me very angry (i think people would agree). and you could make the argument that the reason that i care so deeply about people and justice is because of all the stuff ive been through but i did think this before anything bad happened to me really.
there is a difference between atheist (philosophical) morality and Christian morality. for someone who doesn’t believe in God, there isn’t anybody who is more important than humanity who can tell them what to do. if one person does something, and i don’t like it, all i can say is, “i don’t like that,” and not “you shouldn’t do that.” because im not in charge of them. i’m just another person, who am i to go around establishing moral laws for other people?
but what that /also/ means is that there isn’t any “grounding” or like /reason/ for morality or the value of life other than personal preference. this Really bothered me about my philosophy class, every atheist philosopher did this. they all wanted to say that you could make morality for yourself (looking at you nietzsche). But then what happens? What about when someone is killed? or raped? I want to be able to say, “Rape is horrible.” and not just “Rape is horrible in my opinion.” Anything that doesn’t allow for these like absolute, unquestionable, overarching standards of how people /should/ or /shouldn’t/ live just doesn’t add up imo.
Atheist professor of law at Yale, Dr. Arthur Leff, wrote an article on this exact topic called “Unspeakable ethics Unnatural Law.” The entire thing is amazing and I recommend it, but here is the conclusion:
All I can say is this: it looks as if we are all we have. Given what we know about ourselves and each other, this is an extraordinarily unappetizing prospect; looking around the world, it appears that if all men are brothers, the ruling model is Cain and Abel. Neither reason, nor love, nor even terror, seems to have worked to make us "good," and worse than that, there is no reason why anything should. Only if ethics were something unspeakable by us, could law be unnatural, and therefore unchallengeable. As things now stand, everything is up for grabs. 
Nevertheless:  Napalming babies is bad.  Starving the poor is wicked.  Buying and selling each other is depraved.  Those who stood up to and died resisting Hitler, Stalin, Amin, and Pol Pot-and General Custer too-have earned salvation.  Those who acquiesced deserve to be damned.  There is in the world such a thing as evil.  [All together now:] Sez who?  God help us.
So if I think this is true, if I really believe that death is evil, that rape is horrible, that there are some universally binding and unchallengeable truths about how people ought to live, I have to believe in a God. or i can live in a state of constant existential dread hahahahaha, , I joke but I actually did do that for a while it was pretty miserable.
i think the next question was kind of what made me believe in it? and that is kind of a difficult question because i think in a way Christianity just encapsulates a bunch of things that i already believed, and i just found like a label for them i guess. i also grew up Christian, so for me my experience questioning my religious identity was more like, three people you love are dead why do you still believe in a loving God? Rather than which religion or philosophy do i like the best?
idk maybe they come out to be the same but it doesnt feel entirely the same. i’m still a christian because of sunsets and sunrises and because the world feels beautiful and intentional, and because i’ve been in a lot of pain and it was real. it really happened. it wasn’t in my head (looking at you stoicism). it wasn’t unimportant. there is not if buts ands ors it was just awful and that’s that. so what can explain it? what can explain meaning? only God can.
Christianity is specifically the religion im interested in because it’s the only one i’ve come across that is as internally consistent, historically accurate, scientifically accurate, coherent understandings of the universe.
No other philosophy allows you to grieve. That’s why I believe in God. No other philosophy validates grief that a belief in a loving God, a belief that death isn’t meant to happen, that people are violently ripped from you without purpose and that you are meant to live together forever. It allows for a belief in the value of humanity and grace while also allowing you to believe that things that happen to you that might last with you forever are wrong and not just in your opinion. They were violently wrong, they violated ancient laws of the universe, they were an act of aggression toward God himself.
Ok im rambling now but I will leave you with this, which is what i wrote after finally deciding to remain a christian:
“There are several questions I asked that stopped me from rejecting Christianity.
Where did the universe come from and why does it exist?
Why does our experience involve morality?
Why is there love? (deep love between brothers, self sacrificial love, to die for another love)
Why is there goodness?
There are, of course, answers to these questions under ideologies other than Christianity, but I found their answers to be unsatisfying because to me, the existence of these things screams that there is something more to the universe than an unfortunate accident in a vacuum of uncaring nothingness.
When I listened to music encouraging its audience to live, when I listened to people fight for the lives of those they love, when i watched the sun set, or cried at the end of a deeply touching movie, I would think, “In light of this how can you say there is no God?”
In Christianity I found answers that profoundly satisfied my deepest questions. 
There is a universe because God in his wisdom fashioned it to be a beautiful gift. There is morality because we stand in the midst of a cosmic battle between good and evil. There is love because God’s nature is perfectly loving and the fabric of the knowable universe was woven in his loving kindness. There is beauty and goodness because life wasn’t created to be a void and an unknowable miserable darkness.
The true issue with atheism is that while intellectually and technically feasible, it gives empty answers to facets of life that do not have empty realities.
It forced me to ask myself this question: How can such a beautiful, meaningful, tragic world exist from nothing and for nothing?”
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sebspocketsquare · 4 years
Quarantine 5
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (online)
A/N: Heya guys! Here’s part 5, sorry it’s been a little bit. I had some trouble with this one because I really just wanted to get to part 6 LOL. Anyway, i hope you enjoy it! -T
Warnings: Flirting, language, quarantine, feels, fluff
The next morning, a string of texts wakes you. 
It’s J, letting you know his friend will be by in a couple of hours to install your security system and bring by groceries. 
He tells you to double check who’s on the other side of the door before opening it, and informs you that his friend's name is Sam.
Seems simple enough.
You get dressed, deciding to wear something a little nicer than the pajamas you’d been wearing lately. Makeup finds its way to your face and you even manage to brush your hair.
You could at least make yourself look human today, especially since you didn’t know how good of friends J and Sam were.. what if he went right back and told J you looked like you hadn’t bathed in weeks? 
That wouldn’t be good for your blossoming relationship…. friendship? Whatever it was.
You’re getting yourself a glass of water when someone knocks at your door. 
The couch had been moved back to its original position, and you look through the spyhole on your door to find a man standing there in a doctors mask with a backpack and bags of groceries in hand.
“Can I help you?” You ask through the door.
He makes eye contact with you through the spyhole. “I’m Sam, J’s friend. I’m here to install the security system for you?”
That was convincing enough for you. Opening the door, you offer a small smile. “Hi.. I’m uh.. I’m Clair.”
You can’t tell if he’s smiling through the mask, but he makes his way inside and sets the bags on the floor. 
“You mind if I take this off now? I promise I’m not sick.” He motions to the mask and you laugh softly. “No, go ahead. It’s fine. Just uh.. Stay six feet away.”
He removes his mask with a sigh of relief before flashing a pearly smile at you, “I’m Sam. Nice to officially meet you.” He looks familiar for a split second, but you convince yourself you’re merely imagining it.
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Sam gets right to work with the install, and you take that time to put away the food and wine he’s brought. It’s too much for just you, it’ll last you months, but with everything that’s going on, you don’t know if you’ll even be ready to leave the house again anytime soon.
You make sure to shoot J a text telling him thank you.
Sam puts a device on each window and in each doorway of your apartment. A keypad is put right by your front door, and a panic button right beside your bed. He helps you set up a 4 digit pin that you’ll need to enter any time you come or go, and shows you how to set the alarm when you go to sleep at night. It’s so simple, but so secure.
J was right. It made you feel better. Safer.
Once everything is completely set up, he pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket and hands it to you. It’s an order form. For your computer and television. You’d made the decision to not let him replace your tablet. He was already doing too much.
“Oh..” is all you can manage to say as you look it over.
Sam chuckles in return, “He um.. he really cares about you, you know..”
Meeting his eyes, you risk asking him a personal question, “What’s your opinion in all of this..? How he feels about me?”
He looks taken back for a moment, but smiles fondly before he answers. “I’ve known him for awhile now, and.. He’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him when he’s talking to you.”
You can’t help but smile at that knowledge.
“And Clair?” 
You meet his gaze one more time.
“I know it’s probably weird for you, that he wants to take care of all of this for you, but.. let him. He’s a good man. He doesn’t have any ulterior motives. He just.. when he cares about someone, he’s all in.”
Your heart warms at his words and you nod slowly.
He smiles again before picking up his backpack and heading for the door. 
“Hey Sam?”
He turns to you just before he’s out the door.
“Tell J I said hi.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “Will do… and don’t tell him what I said about him being a good man and all that…  he’ll never let me live it down.”
I know as soon as the system is installed because a crude outline of her apartment appears on my computer screen. 
I set alerts to let me know anytime someone approaches the vicinity, when she leaves and when she sets the alarm for the evening. If she presses the panic button, it alerts the authorities first and then me.
I have to take every precaution to keep her safe. 
I’m closing the window on my computer when Sam returns home. I hear him kick his shoes off and set his bag down before heading straight for the shower. He pokes his head in my room on his way there. “System is installed, also.. damn she is way out of your league.”
His observation makes my heart rate increase. “Wait, what? What does that mean?”
He laughs and shakes his head, leaving it at that as he continues on his way.
I find myself suddenly jealous that he’s gotten to see her with his own eyes and I haven’t.
“You could at least describe her for me!” I call after him, to which he just cackles.
My best friend is an asshole.
You’re sitting on the couch watching random videos on your phone when a new message comes through from J.
[Sarge:] Everything go smooth? :)
You’re sure he already knows the answer, and you’re positive that Sam already told him all about you, but you decide to humor him anyway.
[clairv0yant:] Yes. :) Thank you again for everything.. I really appreciate you. I checked the tracking on the form that he gave me and everything should be here by the end of next week. 
[Sarge:] Doll, I promise you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to be able to help you out. :) 
[Sarge:] It will be strange not gaming with you every night for a while, but.. We’ll just have to find another way to spend time together.
His words only cause the smile on your face to grow. He’s so sweet. So considerate. So genuine and unfathomably selfless. You weren’t sure what you’d done to earn the affections of such an amazing person.
[Sarge:] By that I mean.. expect phone calls every night ;) 
[clairv0yant:] That sounds perfect to me. :P
You spent more time on the phone with J over the next week and a half than you’d ever spent in your life. Constantly exchanging texts and making phone calls, but never once asking the other for a photo. Not that you weren’t curious, because you surely were, but you were afraid of what he expected you to be like. Did he already have an image of you in his head? An ideal Clair?
You’d tried to picture him several times, but failed at each attempt. He still remained a mystery to you.
When your new tech finally arrives, you nearly jump out of your skin with joy. You make sure to lysol the holy hell out of the shipping boxes before touching them, and once the product inside is removed and placed in the safety of your apartment, the useless cardboard goes into the recycle bin outside.
It takes you an hour and 45 minutes to get everything set up, but of course as soon as you’ve finished, J is insistent about playing.
It’d been so long, there was no way you were denying him.
You missed it just as much as he did.
“You know what I miss most?” You speak into your mic, keeping your eyes trained on the battle scene happening on the screen before you.
J hums a soft, “hmmm?” in response, trying to keep his focus too.
“Mexican food.”
He can’t help but let out a bark of laughter, obviously shocked at your most missed thing while locked away.
“Mexican food? Really?”
It’s your turn to hum a soft, “Mmmhm”.
He’s quiet for a few moments except for the sound of his keyboard clacking as he fights, determined to win this round.
When the word Victory appears on your screen, he speaks again.
“You know I um..” He pauses, and you can feel his anxiety seeping through the internet connection. “Nevermind, heh..”
“What is it?” The first emotion you feel is concern. What could he not feel comfortable telling you?
“Promise you won’t just laugh at me?”
That’s a promise you know you’ll be able to keep. “Of course, J. What’s up?”
There's a bit of silence on his end, and then you swear you hear his adam's apple bob in his throat in a gulp for courage. “When all of this is over, I.. I’d really like to take you out on a date..”
You’re stunned into silence, thankful that a new game has yet to start.
He must take the quiet as a negative response, because he immediately backtracks.
“I-I mean, that’s stupid right? You wouldn’t go on a date with some guy you met online.. Hell, I could be some cree--”
“I would love to.” You cut him off before he can ramble on too much.
“You-really?” You can hear the smile in his voice and it brings an even bigger smile to yours.
“But only if it’s mexican food.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, the rumbling of the sound making your heart flutter.
“I wish..” He stops himself again, letting out a little sigh, “I wish I knew when that would be though.. When all of this will be over.. I just.. I really want to spend time with you, Clair.”
A new match begins in the game, but you’re so distracted by his confession that you almost miss your window to pick your character.
“We’re spending time together right now, aren’t we?” You joke, but there’s a falter to your voice, a doubt. You know what he really means.
“You know what I mean, I.. I want to be there, with you.”
It’s your turn to exhale a sigh.
“I know what you mean..” A funny image comes to your head, and you find it slipping from your tongue before you can stop yourself. “What would a quarantine date consist of anyway? You sitting on the opposite side of my front door drinking beer, while I sit inside drinking wine?”
He’s silent.
Not even a laugh.
It’s a whole two minutes before he speaks again.
“You know.. That could work.”
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TAGS: (I wasnt sure who to tag, so if you dont want to be, I’m sorry!! Just trying to get this out there. ALSO if you wanna be tagged INBOX ME! I tend to miss people in the notes :(  ).  @mindingmyownbusiness​ @plumfondler​  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety​ @loricameback​ @tinaferraldo​ @geminimoonbeamx​  @preserumsteverogers​ @moderapoppins​ @lowkeysebby​ @buckyshattergirl​  @jayattemptstoruletheworld​    @the-observant-fangirl​ @moondancewrites​ @moonbeambucky​ @trinityjadec​  @stevieang​  @bionic-buckyb​ @eyecandybarnes​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @promarvelfangirl​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @bucky-plums-barnes​ @cate-lynne​ @witchymarvelspacecase​ @imaginingbucky​ @theimpossibleg1rl​ @babygurl8840 @wonderlandmind4 @buckysthing​ @formulafun​ @curvybihufflepuff​ @fanficsformarvelkillme​  @shadyskit​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @reading–mermaid @fuckmestan​ @siliverin​ @verygraphicink​ @sallyp-53 @thatsbucknasty​ @steadyphantomcat​ @booktease21 @kiki5283 @lostinspace33 @drayshadow​ @theperditioncrasher​ @mmyepic​ @feelmyroarrrr@alien-beans @heartsaved​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @dreamingofonceuponatime​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ @bluerorjhan​ @tarynsnotokay​ @jamdropx35 @turquoisekokiri​ @pinknerdpanda​​ @starkrobb​ @marvelgirl7​ @unscriptedtimetraveler​ @fangeekkk​ @wonderlandmind4​ @pinkisokay​ @mrsdaamneron​ @rynabarnesrogers​ @wish-i-had-something-better​ @stanning-seb-stan​ @oilersgirl35​ @vaisabu​ @paranoid-borderline-insane​ @bonkywobble​ @vikki-rogue​ @witchymegg​ @a--1--1--3​ @margetastic33​ @stuffandstuff-stuff​
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misterbitches · 3 years
wait honsetly i do not give a shit if u like couples that i think are dumb or poorly written so if u get offended by this it’s ur fault
but im confused
am i stupid for not understanding the relationship between that high schooler and the old man? like....what am i missing here? it’s not healthy, or right, and it doesn’t really matter. it doesn’t mean no one can like it but i’m like confused at pretending that it’s like positive and healthy or whatever like at best it’s embarrassing and fucking stupid at worst it’s uhhhhh gross and probably illegal (not that it matterse bc crime is BS and this person wouldnt be persecuted anyway so)
like i know these writers don’t care, can’t write, think writing “shocking” things that everyone else has already done is like a big deal but they are doing the exact thing like with every ~pRobLEmAtIc~ storyline—which btw we need to start calling it what it is: misogynist, patriarchal, capital inducing, transphobic, toxic, fucking strange and also just a stupid way to get people to absorb information. like being specific about the actual problems not just atlking around it and alos breaking it down—it’s coercing people into liking it because it’s not about the content in their differences. they barely take that into account. i’m kind of surprised at the idea of longterm positivity in a relationship that cannot withstand that. and people do grow up and realize. 
i get their existence, i get why people would like it, but i don’t think you can sort of project positive things onto a relationship that is simply not positive and is not intended to be by the writers nature. even if it is accepted because harm is the norm, it upholds whatever power structures, so it’s like well fighting against that is the real story. like they exist but it’s not some statement about the lgbtq+ community particularly because that sort of relationship is common (in all communities) and uh not very good like i said and it NEEDS to be saved because that’s what these structures rely on it relies on being beholden to someone that you have no chance in matching at any point. it’s honestly a literal drag!
they dont hvae to break up or whatever but i kind of don’t get removing that reality from them. i mean i do because again this is what the writers do which is why it isnt effective, transgressive, or particularly fun (to me) and it’s so fucking common. it’s just like this IS the norm so it kind of needs to be pushed against.  i know they donnt give a shit but some of the comments im like.... am i imissing something did he like time travel to be an acceptable age or are we gonna accept he was lurking around a fuckin (immature as fuck) teenager. 
there’s def things that i like that i am also like “wow this is so gross” lmao there’s this brazilian movie about two brothers in a rship and they have an age gap and terrible parents and me and my best friend watched it when we were younger so we have like this place for it in our memory but we knew, and ofc back then, the immensely fucked up thing we were seeing. i can only stomach itif im extremely bored and it’s few and far between because IT IS S OFUCKING WEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but they have good chemistry but it’s not like i dont see it. the film exists in a fake world too but idk enough about the background of the film and the filmmaker to know what their point was but i do know that it was a huge deal ther ebc gay and also the taboo nature and it was like. u know. bonkers lmao. also they were just two white brazilian dudes with money, probably some missing class commentary. in its nature everything about it is not something that i like (not reality of brazil idc abt white brazilians) and ummmm being fucking related. but look you know it was fucking fukced up and weird and the dudes did have chemistry. like seriously that movie so gross lmao so like we all have the capacity but im not gonna pretend it fucking makes sense like EW AND i wanted them to end up togehter but i still yell “EWWW NOOOOO NO NO but theyre so hot they have good chemistry OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS OS BAD OH NO WHY IS THEIR DAD OKAY WITH IT OH NO WHAT AM I WATCHING?” and theyre so close it is SINCERELY creepy and the movie is like HERE U GO GUYS and u absolutely do not feel comfortable. it’s actually uncanny because everyone is comfortable with it in their lives that it makes it even more weird. it’s like picking at you consistently, you can’t ever forget. i don’t like that these shows make you forget. they allow you to remove this fucked up background and history and/or traumatic shit from your memory SIMPLY for enjoyment. and that’s not how life works, nor art. it isnt just there. and they say this has meaning. 
idk anyways that’s just how i feel cos i only thought whatshisface was like idk 5 yrs older than him and that wouldnt be better to me but i was rly like this nigga is 12 yrs older than him? bitch that’s literally r. kelly like im not joking LMAO im just like how r u pushing thirty dating a teenager my nigga i cannotttttt lmaoooo like ARE U NOT EMBARRASSED HOMIE? also like on a sociopolitical level this message actually fucking sucks like their marriage is shitty tbqh  lmao it took forever for taiwan to get to where it is and there’s still massive issues with their marriage laws (and what is afforded to people with marriage; just like eveyrwhere. marriage is important because of so many laws and rights and that is why it is necessary not just in the ceremony) so it’s like flabbergasting frankly people hav elike actually isssues or like papa+daddy about taiwan and these bozos are getting married like it’s boring at this point my god
go back to film school lmao
imagine if this world gave a shit about  minorities and poor people even it’s literally just ......fuck man lmao i just cant let things rest. i didnt get this stupid degree and also just live 29 yrs on this earth to be able to like.....watch garbage without a critique so the garbage can continue meanwhile artists who give a shit have a harder time making things like listen kid. WRITE YOUR SCRIPTS. THESE FUCKERS CAN, YOU DO IT. look at this garbage! u can!!!! this is the advice i do not take myself
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rosykims · 3 years
2, 7, 11 + on what, 18, 21, and 29 for miss gracie AND ! 3, 8, 9, 13, 18, and 30 for mr rhys !
THANKS BESTIE <3 <3 <3 <3
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
heheh :) definitely tongue <3 I MEAN IT REALLY DEPENDS like gracie doesnt care much for pda unless its Tasteful, plus in her few relationships prior to ambrose i dont thik she wouldnt felt comfortable enough to let loose lmao, but with ambrose specifically, and in private? ya she’d definitely feel safe enough to get a lot more intense and like. hm. Win i suppose JKJDKJKDFJ 
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
hmmm more than anything i think she never wants to feel held back? so, in the nicest way possible, if someone consistently got in the way of her ambitions she would cut them loose. alternatively just people who dont Try, or ppl who make HER feel bad or stupid for trying !!!!
I FEEL BAD BC I KEEP THINKING OF MORE LAST STRAWS LOL shes a very high effort gorl !!!! but i also dont think she’s a fan of clinginess. it doesn’t irritate her so much as make her feel guilty and awkward bc she just shows her love in very different ways than that? i dont think she’d be able to handle a relationship without very clear boundaries and personal space (since she so desperately values both of those things)
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
tbh i dont think she remembers a lot of her dreams BUT i do have an Extremely Iconic headcanon ive never shared before where like. on occasion gracie and nick end up sharing the same dreams??? either because nick subconsciously reaches out to gracie in his sleep, or gracie’s thoughts are projected into his head - either way they sometimes wake up like 👀 girl we both need therapy So bad huh <3
and for rhys !
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Describe de la Cruz?” Rhys glares at you suspiciously before his demeanor suddenly shifts. You watch him mull over the question with a frown and a dramatic sigh. “Let’s see . . . pale, six-two, bright red hair. Speaks with a distinguished Czechian accent. Partial to cashmere sweaters and flare jeans. The last I heard from her, she was boarding a cruise ship to Madrid. This is about the warrant for her arrest in Colorado, yes? The . . . the car incident?” He winces. “Because those charges are completely unfounded, for the record. Absurd. Ridiculous. The ones in Boston, too.”
(hi the joke is he’s talking to a cop or smth idk i finished writing this and realized it wasnt funny JKDFJKDFJKFDJ)
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
BOTH <3 rhys likes the ego boost of being the smartest person in the room and really enjoys Figuring Things Out for his own satisfaction but also. while he is v smart he’s also not a genius by a long shot, so his success rate is um. a little all over the place lmao. he’s the type of person who gets SO pissed off trying to figure something out/fix a problem and will become 100% consumed by the issue until its solved. v much the definition of IT MAKES NO DAMN SENSE >:( compels me tho :( only 6000000000000% more melodramatic
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
hmmm he doesn’t assign them human traits or anything like that but he does get attatched to certain objects ! books and artifacts and antiques usually, plus his car! mostly it’s just to the meaning he personally derives from them though, or how they remind him of other people!
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
I WAS GOING TO OPEN WITH A DARK DADDY ISSUES JOKE BUT IVE PUT HIM THROUGH ENOUGH LOL. so despite the rocky relationship with his father, he definitely got his talent for history/writing/reading from him.  whereas from his late mother, he inherited her sense of humour and introspection/sensitivity (which arguably arent skills to be taught but. yes they literally are so shush)
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
both !!!!!!!!!!! like gracie it really depends on the circumstances, but rhys is a very Intense partner and tends to get a little carried away/lost in his feelings. he does prefer to take the other persons lead though so he wouldn’t go too overboard if the other person wasnt matching that same energy
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
rhys, at least prior to meeting zelda, doesn’t care much about if people forgive him, so forgiveness doesn’t hold much value unless its someone he really loves (and hes certain loves him back) i think if anything he mightve told liam how he rly felt, which he never Actually did because it was (at the time) the one relationship he was afraid of screwing up :(  
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miraculouscontent · 5 years
Are you gonna do an analysis or review of Chat Blanc? (Just curious please dont feel pressured to)
This could’ve just been a fun what-if episode that didn’t have anything to do with the main universe, but nooooooooooo.
[Counter Clockwise]
Let’s get the obvious out of way right here and now.
This is the second time we’ve seen Bunnyx this season, making this the second time that time travel has been involved, also in this season (not counting episodes where Second Chance is used).
This is also the second time we’ve had an episode with its events being scrubbed away by the main characters not knowing exactly what happened, similar to “Oblivio” (also in Season 3). It’s not the same plot-wise, but it carries the familiar tone of, “something was left behind in memory of the episode but it’s not anything good” (yes, we’ll get there).
For “Oblivio,” it was that freaking kiss that was spread around on the Ladyblog despite Ladybug being horrified by it and not remembering how it happened.
For “Chat Blanc” here, it was Ladybug’s estimate of how Chat knew her identity in the parallel universe.
And it’s not like this season hasn’t repeated things before. Although “Party Crasher” did introduce Roi Singe, the introduction was rushed and it was just an excuse to get mileage out of Viperion, Pegase, and Carapace one last time a big mess that didn’t need to exist. “The Puppeteer 2″ also had nothing to do with anything and retread the plot point from “Frozer” where Marinette re-learned that Adrien was already in love with someone while also repeating an akuma just like “Stormy Weather 2,” “Gamer 2.0,” “Reflekdoll,” and eventually “Felix” did.
It’s… not a good look, and that’s not even taking into account that this is also the second time that Adrien has presumed that Marinette is Ladybug, with the first example being “Kwamibuster” (technically “Weredad” too considering that’s another episode involving Marinette trying to protect her identity, but Chat didn’t actually have any presumptions there and Marinette just thought he did).
Speaking of “Kwamibuster,” actually, I do believe that “Chat Blanc” goes before “Kwamibuster” (despite production order, which I still view as invalid) because, like… why wouldn’t Plagg bring up that episode when Adrien is rambling since I simply do not believe that Adrien wouldn’t have told Plagg about Marinette being Multimouse and Ladybug being there next to her. I mean, I don’t think much of Adrien, but even I don’t think that Adrien would be dense/dumb enough to just forget that “Kwamibuster” happened.
“Chat Blanc” takes place late in the season because of the “intensity” of it and that’s about it. It doesn’t have any plot-relevant reasons to be put so close to the finale. Nothing important happens that stays important by the end of the episode, and Bunnyx just leaves in the end with no information known.
Even with the information that was in the parallel universe… well…
[All in Bad Time]
First off, not gonna lie; I feel legitimately bad for anyone who held out hope that Gabriel was redeemable.
I mean, it’s not like there’s nothing good in the parallel universe. For once, we got Tom actually taking charge and really defending Marinette. That was nice.
Outside of that though, it’s a bit of a wreck.
Since I already mentioned Gabriel, I might as well start with him. Now, I openly admit to being a very unforgiving person; there tends to be a certain threshold where I point at a character and note that there’s no going back for them and nothing they do will get me to like them or consider them worthy of redemption.
Now, already, I had passed that point in terms of Gabriel, but dang, this episode really goes all the way with making you hate this guy.
Like, after “Simon Says” with Gabriel hugging Adrien, “Queen Wasp” with him quitting and hugging Adrien (sensing a pattern of sorts), and then “Gorizilla” with Gabriel (as Hawk Moth) panicking over Adrien (that one was… weird, admittedly), and also “Mayura” with Hawk Moth telling Gorizilla to protect Adrien, one would think that Hawk Moth has - y'know - standards. We already knew that he didn’t have consistency, but we thought that he at least had standards.
Yeaaaah, not really.
For starters, we have Marinette here and, I gotta say, this is similar to the thing I said about Reflekdoll where it’s just… no fun to have a character with no real limits/preferences? Adrien is obviously going to be the big one here concerning Gabriel, but Marinette is a problem too.
Back in Seasons 1 and 2, Gabriel seemed to have a decent enough opinion of Marinette. He was impressed by her hat (and later goes to compliment her again in “Queen Wasp”), he preferred her to Chloe in “Frightningale,” and even in “The Collector,” he lets her off with no punishment whatsoever when she claims to have stolen Adrien’s book.
But then Season 3 drops, and Gabriel tries to akumatize Marinette multiple times, all with varying degrees of failure. He has no issue teaming up with Lila to go against Marinette, and there’s really no motive for it aside from his schtick of claiming that so-and-so will be his “masterpiece.”
Now, if “Queen Wasp” was before “The Collector,” then maybe I’d understand (because Gabriel would be set up to have a negative opinion of Marinette since she stole the grimoire), but it can’t be because “The Collector” was Gabriel’s reveal as Hawk Moth. It’d also make sense if Gabriel just wanted to akumatize Marinette because she’s alluded his akuma all this time (which has been a common fan joke anyway), but that’s not what’s happening.
And then there’s the fact that Gabriel’s plan to akumatize Marinette here is to have her break up with his son. I’d understand if there was an actual reason for them to break up - then Gabriel is really just capitalizing on an opportunity and would’ve demanded that she break up with him anyway - but there’s no in-plot reason given outside of Gabriel wanting to akumatize her.
Heck, it wouldn’t even be that hard. Adrien might just be shirking some of his responsibilities to date Marinette, or sneaking out to spend time with her/generally not being at home as often. Chat already has a reputation for forgetting about basically everything when he’s around the girl that he loves and the Adrienette ship seems constantly stuck in “honeymoon phase” while they’re dating, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Adrien is wholly out of it.
The problem in this episode is that we just don’t have enough information. Adrien tells us that he’s not going to tell Ladybug anything and then he goes to confess to Marinette, but that’s about all we’re given to chew on. Does Ladybug tell Chat that she’s dating? Does Chat say that he’s dating someone too and just compliments “his girlfriend” a bunch for whenever Ladybug eventually figures out his identity? Does Chat stay vague in case Ladybug falls for Chat too?
(By the way, just sayin’, I see no reason why Marinette shouldn’t have told Adrien about what Gabriel said and no reason why Adrien wouldn’t demand to know anyway; also, Adrien would’ve 100% impulsively ran away from home had Marinette told him what his father said to her. “I’m living my life as Chat Noir now, m’lady.” and then proceed to not care about his father at all. “Gamer 2.0″ already showed that Ladybug is just the most important thing to him and “Frozer” showed that he wanted to live on an island with just her, so yeah, episode resolved there, end of story, too big of a plothole to leave unanswered, please fill.)
Adrien learning Ladybug’s identity is a big deal yet it’s brushed off as nothing (because the big turning point instead is Gabriel learning that his son is Chat Noir). Honestly, had it just been a Ladrien episode instead (i.e: Adrien dating Ladybug instead of Marinette), very little would’ve changed about the actual plot and it would’ve actually made sense for Gabriel to want Ladybug to dump Adrien because Ladybug is his number one enemy (all of his attempts to get close enough to snatch her miraculous would be in vain) and an akumatized Ladybug would’ve been an actual masterpiece.
Point being, for Gabriel to do this when we have no information is bizarre, and doubly so considering the fact that Adrien is clearly happy dating Ladybug Marinette. Even if his plan is to akumatize Marinette and then just tell her to date Adrien again afterward, that’s not stated outright and also isn’t supported by the narrative considering that Gabriel is perfectly fine beating up his own son.
(I also see some potential bad press when reporters hear about the break-up and either demand questions or spread rumors.)
And I’m sorry (I’m not really sorry), but I do not understand Hawk Moth’s strategy here. Yes, Adrien being Chat Noir makes it easier to get his miraculous, but also, two things–
1 - Gabriel could’ve just taken Adrien’s ring in his sleep; yes, akumatizing him would help him get under Ladybug’s skin, but first, how does unlimited destruction get him the miraculous if Chat Blanc’s Cataclysm destroys the miraculous too (he’s been stupid before about this with stuff like Reflekta (Desperada and Party Crasher at least had insurance policies) but from an episode with so much hype riding on it, I expect Hawk Moth to use his brain a little), and second, Chat is Ladybug’s main partner. Ladybug is not defenseless without him, but he’s not completely useless to her either.
If Gabriel can just keep Adrien (who wouldn’t know who took his ring) locked away from Ladybug long enough to make another akuma, Ladybug will have no idea that her partner won’t show up and also won’t be able to go find the guardian to get more miraculouses once she realizes it, because Mayura and the akuma will certainly chase after her. She’ll be all on her own.
In addition, Gabriel can lure Adrien to the room with Emilie after taking his ring, then throw the exposition at him before offering his ring back if he agrees to help (still scummy, but not as irredeemable). That means that Ladybug won’t be around to tell Chat not to fall under Hawk Moth’s control whICH BY THE WAY–
Hawk Moth, in the actual episode, doesn’t even hold Ladybug back. What’s stopping Ladybug from getting the bell away from Chat or telling Chat to tear the bell off (if it worked for Chloe, it’ll work for Chat)? Even if touching an akumatized object gets Hawk Moth in Ladybug’s head too, she can either use her yoyo to break it (considering that her fist broke the bell in the episode itself) or just grab the bell anyway and smash it (because I don’t think Ladybug would fall under Hawk Moth’s control alongside Chat). I know we’ve never seen what happens if you break an object while the person is still pre-akumatized, and it made sense in “Zombizou” because she wasn’t Ladybug and couldn’t purify the akuma, but Ladybug shouldn’t be part of this equation and it adds too many questions. 
2 - Now, of course, I’m not experienced in villainy, but I’m pretty sure that the first rule of getting someone on one’s side is to not being a complete moron who beats them senseless first and then expects them to join.
I vaguely understand that Hawk Moth’s strategy was (probably) to just destroy Chat enough mentally so he’d be akumatizable whether or not Emilie was convincing on her own, but when he’s so sadistic about it, positively gleeful when he realizes that his son is Chat Noir, it seems less like a strategy and more like him not only favoring the wish over his own son, but also getting joy out of hitting Chat around as if he feels like Adrien wronged him by being Chat Noir and now Adrien needs to be punished (which would’ve been nice for him to say since Adrien already knows that he’s Hawk Moth by that point anyway).
I just have no idea what the intention was there. It felt like the episode wanted to have it both ways where Chat was conflicted enough to not reject the akuma, but also throw in the angst and “drama” of Hawk Moth hitting him around (after that opening where he acted as if he wanted Emilie to come back for both of them and not just him) because hey, Adrien’s life is sad, his mom is comatose and the fact that he’s about to kill everyone isn’t enough.
And then, as if that wasn’t already ridiculous enough, they have Chat Blanc be torn on who to shoot with his destructive powers. I understand that Hawk Moth is the one who akumatized him, but we’ve seen from Robostus that akumas CAN go against Hawk Moth. Yes, Hawk Moth is his father, but he’s now a physically abusive father (who is constantly “too busy” for him and tried to keep him from being happy which, again, we don’t know if Adrien knows but I don’t see why Marinette wouldn’t tell him; it would hurt Adrien, sure, but he should still know that his father is trying to sabotage them anyway. The episode cuts straight to Hawk Moth going against Ladybug and Chat Noir, but did Hawk Moth literally come up with this plan on the spot, because Marinette had more than enough time to tell Adrien otherwise!) and the love of his life.
Tough choices, I guess.
And then Chat Blanc just ends up killing everyone anyway, so it doesn’t even matter. He could’ve ultimately chosen Hawk Moth to fire at, but his destructive powers were so strong that he couldn’t control it (which would’ve been better once non-parallel Ladybug fights him, showing that he at least trained because he doesn’t want to destroy anything outside of his target).
It reads like a plot that’s being angst-y just to be angst-y (this episode will get no “edgy points” from me when it doesn’t know how to use that angst properly), and it’s not at all necessary.
Hawk Moth knocks Adrien out of the mansion because non-parallel Ladybug needed to find the Cataclysm’d version of her parallel self (which, by the way, how has Chat not found that already/tried to touch it himself, meaning it’d be already gone?) to make the audience wonder about what exactly happened, since non-parallel Ladybug stumbling upon this room with Hawk Moth, herself, and Emilie freaking Agreste would’ve actually been interesting and given the episode some semblance of value where Marinette either re-considers Gabriel to be Hawk Moth or just generally wonders if Hawk Moth himself took Emilie away for some reason (and later finding out that the peacock is damaged and realize that oh, if that happened to Emilie, then the person who has the butterfly is–).
Chat Blanc is crazy because angst, he’s losing his mind after being alone for an undisclosed amount of time. Bunnyx just leaves Ladybug there with no information (oh, and a comment about needing to jump back in time in case she fails because no one has faith in Marinette - we’ll get there - or Ladybug apparently) and an insane Chat Noir who wants her miraculous despite knowing that Miraculous Ladybug already fixes everything once the akuma is dealt with, meaning he can then worry about his comatose mother and the wish (y’know, the wish that Ladybug told him wouldn’t work as he wants right before she died, not that I expect him to listen to her anymore), but no, he’s insane because that’s boring and ensures that he doesn’t think about the obvious solution or the fact that another Ladybug probably isn’t going to come back if he kills this one too.
Like, just saying; if it’s the akuma making his personality that way where he wants the miraculouses that badly (which is dumb since he’s already seen that his destructive powers destroy the miraculous too, yet he’s still mindlessly trying to kill Ladybug because drama), then my question is how his love for Ladybug doesn’t override that when he already killed her and thought there was no coming back until this other Ladybug showed up (and also the fact that her kiss was the thing that distracted him long enough for her to snatch the bell, so her love worked eventually anyway but come on). Either he’s crazy because of the akuma or he’s crazy because of being alone, and neither are all that interesting because, again, the akuma being purified can still get the result he wants. Threatening to kill Ladybug if she doesn’t hand over the miraculouses won’t solve anything and his chances are better when he’s not akumatized.
And here’s the thing: I’m honestly in favor of episodes that explore the what-ifs, but not in this way; not with Bunnyx and time travel and needing to “save the future” or whatever. If it has to involve this “Bad End” scenario where there’s no other way out except for another Ladybug to swoop in and save the day, then that’s fine, but it has to roll with the needed care and limitations that come with that and also forward the plot and make it matter if everything else is just going to be scrubbed away in the end. I mean, the lesson “hey, Marinette, don’t let Adrien know your identity” (yes, we’ll talk about the “real” lesson later) is bafflingly pointless being taught to someone who already took secret identities very seriously and literally had an episode in the same season that showed the leaps and bounds she took to protect that identity.
Oh, and speaking of Adrien knowing her identity–
[Identity Politics]
Uggggggggggggggggggh, Adrien, why does it always seem to come to you.
So now we’re at the big start of all this chaos: Adrien determining that Marinette is Ladybug and then proceeding to go after her romantically.
I should preface this by saying that, no, I don’t wholly blame Adrien for wanting to pursue Marinette romantically. He’s a teenager and I legitimately believe that he thinks that he loves Marinette now and has always loved her and blah blah blah whatever. Adrien sometimes has this habit of rationalizing out his own thoughts with himself to make them seem more reasonable, and I imagine that’s what’s happening here.
…What I do blame him for, however, is not telling Marinette that he knows her identity and casually shrugging the notion off as if everything’s going to be okay. I mean, we all knew that Chat had always wanted to do an identity reveal (basically from all the way back in “Lady Wifi”), but we didn’t know that Chat would just not tell Ladybug if he found out without her knowledge. It’d be one thing if Adrien felt guilty about it (i.e: not wanting her to potentially get in trouble and wanting to stay as Chat because that’s his freedom), but instead, he just mentions it to Plagg once and it’s never heard from again until he’s forced to transform in front of Marinette.
Because we don’t see how Ladybug and Chat’s relationship is changed, we as an audience have no idea if Adrien even regrets that decision at all. Even after Chat uses Cataclysm on the butterfly, he doesn’t apologize at all even though this mess could’ve been prevented had Marinette been able to tell him about what Gabriel was doing by transforming into Ladybug and explaining it to him while he’s Chat.
There’s also the fact that Adrien comes to this “Marinette = Ladybug” conclusion basically out of nowhere. Ladybug may’ve delivered the gift to him and it has Marinette’s name signed onto it (which Plagg even suggests himself as a perfectly reasonable argument), but Adrien has no proof that Ladybug signed it herself (could’ve been fixed if Adrien had something with Ladybug’s signature on it and noted that the style was the same), and the on-screen examples we’re given (”Evillustrator,” “Frightningale,” and “Glaciator”) don’t show that Ladybug had any feelings for Adrien specifically; the latter just showed that she had feelings for a boy.
Adrien isn’t even coming to this conclusion because he saw Marinette running away with the gift earlier (i.e: to transform) since he doesn’t remember seeing her later in the episode when Ladybug lies and says that she’s delivering it for someone else. He didn’t even point out that it was odd that Marinette had the gift in the first place, meaning that scene was entirely pointless.
It’s not that Adrien blindly hoping for things isn’t part of his character (he’s been hoping for Ladybug’s love from the beginning), but to suddenly go off on this without a thought while Plagg is reminding him what the risk is here…. s’dumb. Plagg is clearly concerned about it but decides not to go to Fu and just let Adrien do whatever he wants despite the gamble Adrien’s taking.
I also don’t know whose idea it was to think it’s okay to have production codes dictate episode order when “Kwamibuster” is before “Chat Blanc.” “Kwamibuster” is such an easy thing for Plagg to bring up here and it’s not even mentioned. 
And while we’re on the subject anyway, I might as well point out that Adrien isn’t just going after Marinette because she’s Ladybug. No, that’s not enough for him, because we saw in “Kwamibuster” that Adrien had basically no reaction to the scenario of Marinette being Ladybug.
The difference here is that Marinette’s gift is covered in hearts - a declaration of love - and that’s when Adrien makes the big jump.
It’s not, “Wow, my lady is Marinette and that’s awesome because they’re both amazing girls and I love them both,” it’s, “WOW, my lady is in love with me (and she’s Marinette too, I guess), I better jump on that.”
(Because Adrien coming up with similar traits they have that makes them the same would’ve been actually sweet instead of him conjuring up a fantasy just because it’s convenient for him.)
Ladybug being Marinette was irrelevant; it was Ladybug (who happened to be Marinette) being in love with Adrien that gave Adrien the encouragement he needed to pursue Marinette.
It’s even technically supported by the fact that Adrien doesn’t go to Fu. If Adrien realizes that Marinette is Ladybug, then that’s it; he doesn’t need her to be Ladybug anymore, and it’s not like he can date her as Chat anyway. Adrien might still want to be Chat Noir, but since the episode focuses so heavily on the Adrienette stuff, I literally don’t know why he’s bothering risking this stuff. Ladybug has even expressed distaste before concerning balancing her hero life, so maybe he’d think she’d want to be away from it (not that I would expect Adrien to remember that but stick with me here).
This is also supported by episodes like “The Puppeteer 2″ and “Ladybug,” where Chat is quick to flip as soon as Ladybug goes in for a kiss or confesses her love to him.
He doesn’t want Ladybug; he wants Ladybug’s love.
And as for how that affects Marinette herself…
You know…
Every time I think that this season is out of ideas for tormenting Marinette, it just comes up with another. It starts to feel like the writers just have assorted “how to torment Marinette” ideas that they have stored in a little box at the office that they’re constantly plucking out and then dumping into random episodes whenever they feel like it.
Marinette is the only one who gets anything out of this episode because she’s the only one who remembers the important stuff from it, and it’s not even anything good.
Not only did Marinette not need to concern herself with learning more about how important it is to keep her identity a secret, but the Lucky Charm gave her an eraser, explicitly to erase her name on the gift.
Because Ladybug didn’t need to erase her name. She could’ve either gone back further in time and not let her other self get wrapped up in exploring Adrien’s room (the Lucky Charm could’ve been lipstick to hint to Ladybug that she should distract Chat with an almost-kiss to get his akuma, and then Ladybug could’ve still gone through similar motions to realize that Adrien saw her past self leaving his room), or simply told Adrien that Marinette couldn’t get past Nathalie, so she was asked to deliver it instead.
But no. Instead, Lucky Charm explicitly gives her an eraser as if to say, “this is all your fault and erasing your name off your gift will fix everything.”
Even Bunnyx, in the midst of watching the flashbacks, asks, “What did you do, Marinette?!” which just immediately sets up the entire narrative as being Marinette’s fault.
Not Adrien’s fault because he kept everything a secret and presumed that Ladybug was Marinette despite having no visual proof of that.
Not Plagg’s fault for not going to Fu about it.
Not Hawk Moth’s fault for beating up his son and trying to akumatize him.
It’s all on Marinette. All of it.
All because she wanted to confess to a boy that she liked and lingered a little too long in his room.
So all the hard work Marinette put into the hat she made for Adrien doesn’t even matter, just like the scarf she made all the way back in “Bubbler.” It’s just another wasted effort on Marinette’s part.
Even in the parallel universe, she doesn’t get any time to process her thoughts. After Adrien confesses, the next scene with the parallel-Adrienette is the montage, with Marinette being completely unaware that Adrien confessed to her because she was Ladybug.
On an unrelated note since I’m talking about the montage anyway, this episode gives Kagami the dignity of a simple name drop only to then put Luka right in the background as Adrien and Marinette slow dance together. Like, writers, COME ON, show him some actual RESPECT.
There’s also the fact that Chat “I’d recognize my lady in an instant except for all those times I didn’t” Noir has already rejected Marinette in “Weredad,” and I mean firmly rejected, with no doubt as to how little he feels towards Marinette and how much he feels towards Ladybug. We’ve had the “just a friend” gag for three whole seasons now and then “Chat Blanc” comes along to have Marinette believe that Adrien is in love with her.
And when Chat reveals that he already knew she was Ladybug, again, no contemplation on Marinette’s part. She gets seconds to think about it before just collapsing into Chat’s arms because the episode gives her no time because that’s not important to the episode itself. Marinette (presumably) doesn’t even get to know that Adrien only wanted to confess to her upon realizing that she’s Ladybug.
Then we have this repeated problem where we don’t know the time frame. Did Marinette want to go to Fu? Did Chat convince her not to, and if so, why? What’s Tikki’s view in all of this and how was she convinced to let the subject go? Did Hawk Moth show up almost immediately, so Marinette’s only had time to leave and transform for what she thought could be the final battle, meaning that it wouldn’t be necessary to go to Fu?
We have no idea. The only things the episode makes time for concerning Marinette/Ladybug (in addition to a dumb joke about birthday presents that were definitely not crucial to the plot) are her being excited to be in Adrien’s room, her looking like a fool in front of Adrien as she lies, Chat Blanc yelling at her about how tHEiR loVe caused everyone in Paris to die, and her getting berated after feeling self-conscious for not delivering Adren’s gift.
Oh, and just BY THE WAY, going back to the beginning of the episode since I brought it up, can we just not with Marinette’s friends PLACING BETS on whether or not Marinette is going to confess to Adrien? Can we just not with them making a game out of Marinette’s anxiety and self-esteem issues concerning whether or not Adrien will love her?
It’s already bad enough that we get jokes and gags about the universe itself being against her, but now with have this.
This… horrible, horrible thing.
Oh, and of course, the moment where we see Rose finally go off on someone, looking absolutely enraged while doing so, it’s Marinette she’s going off at and almost physically hurting when she nearly slammed the lid of the basket down on Marinette’s wrist.
Not because Marinette self-deprecated and Rose is actually just “angrily” shouting about how amazing she is and how Adrien would be a fool to reject her feelings.
Not because Rose has been given some “tough love” advice beforehand and thinks that it’ll be best for Marinette, only to feel really bad about it afterward even if it worked.
No, it’s because… Rose lost her favorite stuffed animal in the bet and she’s mad about it. That’s it. She’s taking it out on Marinette for something she did.
And no, I don’t believe for one second that the stuffed animal had nothing to do with it; it had everything to do with it. I mean, come on, the fact that the day Rose went off just happened to be the day she lost her stuffed animal in a bet?
I totally acknowledge that it’s probably yet another joke berating Marinette for the hesitance that she apparently has to have, but one, it’s a waste of time that could’ve been spent elsewhere, and two, maybe the episode shouldn’t be fitting in its jokes and gags in something that’s supposed to be taken seriously. It’s not “Party Crasher” levels of tone whiplash but it’s still annoying to see Paris destroyed and then have Chat Blanc follow up with a Kamehameha Cataclysm.
And this is even ignoring the fact that Alix is extremely smug about it and happily takes Rose’s favorite stuffed animal, not at all ashamed that she was so confidently doubtful of someone who’s supposed to be her friend as long as she was right in the end.
Also doubly ignoring the fact that Marinette’s friends have had a history of behaving terribly concerning Marinette’s crush on Adrien (of which I have repeatedly documented) and they never once think for a second that it might be their fault that Marinette is not progressing at all, instead putting all the blame on her.
Oh, oh, and by the end of the episode (you know, since the writers sat down at their desks and thought to themselves, “this isn’t enough”), because Marinette was forced to erase her name from the gift, she doesn’t get the satisfaction of going up to her friends to at least say that she actually gave it to Adrien. She had to make up an excuse, inevitably damaging their view of her further.
It’s just… sad. Marinette goes through a ton in this episode from being nevous about confessing to the boy she likes, being yelled at by one of her friends, being thrown into a future with an insane Chat Noir who wants to kill her and take her miraculous, and then being told by her own Lucky Charm that the way to fix everything is to erase her name off her own work because Chat is going to get akumatized and everyone (including her) are going to die if she doesn’t.
And, on top of all of that, Tikki still has to sneak in a line that scolds Marinette for using her miraculous for personal gain, despite the fact that Marinette is literally just delivering a gift to someone. We’re back to this “Catalyst” nonsense once more because Marinette is never allowed to be selfish.
Implying that, again, all of this is Marinette’s fault because she wanted to use her miraculous for a couple minutes for something non-hero related.
You know, the power that she uses to protect all of Paris, that was thrust upon her and she certainly never asked for.
The power that she has repeatedly used with a perfect record, even when her partner was taken down.
The power that forces the weight of Paris on her shoulders and the knowledge that, if she fails, Hawk Moth wins and it’s over.
Yet, she’s never allowed to use it for herself or everyone dies apparently.
This is despite the fact that, when it was Adrien’s turn to use his power selfishly to set up a date for Ladybug, he not only got an apology from Ladybug for it, but he got double sympathy from Ladybug and Marinette, even getting Ladybug to blush by the end of it.
Oh, and he gets rewarded at the end of “Chat Blanc” too as Ladybug lays her head on his shoulder, despite his impulsiveness being partly/mostly the cause of everything.
Because that’s totally fair.
…This episode is a wreck. The entire thing is just a complete and total wreck.
Just another thing to add onto the list of reasons for Marinette to have a realistic and inevitable nervous breakdown, I guess.
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we8comic · 3 years
i was the anon who sent the eyeroll dream thing and genuinely actually do you have any feelings about like dream and by extension sapnap trying to assert themselves into pop off trio streams
because i’m not gonna lie as much as i love dream and sapnap and yeah the going dark thing was funny, they do have this problem where they show up and get confrontational about not being invited and when they do that shit and put everyone on the spot about “being left out” it’s very weird to me you should just accept they want to have a stream alone right..? i was wondering what you thought about that and whether you think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out
like let george hang out with his other friends maybe i doubt they’d do this if it was quackity and karl with anyone else or even just them alone
also i’m too much of a coward to discuss this on my own main idk if you know who this is but i have a feeling it’s smth you agree with and it’s veryyy nice to see someone calling sapnap and dream out for their occasional annoying and stream ruining behaviour
sorry this is so long!! you also totally don’t have to answer btw lmao i just notice the same frustration sometimes through your liveblogging whenever sapnap and dream crash a stream
anonymous: wait wait to add onto my last ask it was the biggest power move for karl to announce that the sex havers only consists of george karl and quackity and i really felt like that was a hint drop from him, i think jokingly adding that anyone else is “a friend of sex havers” was to lessen the impact but i still enjoy the fact that he asserted (and has been asserting) that their group when they’re together is an exclusive trio
i felt it that time he was like yeah well. we were the original sex havers groupchat and i feel like sapnap and dream kinda wriggled themselves into being included like i hope none of this sounds mean i just really want dream and sapnap to understand it’s okay to not be included in everything
oh MAN do i have feelings 😩 dream and sapnap are almost comically emasculated by any little thing that makes them feel inferior and that includes being excluded from things. and i personally feel they have no right to get angry about being left out and to then show up onto their streams to express that theyre upset in front of an audience of thousands. i say this because the other three ALWAYS mention that they dm'd them and invited them to the activity or otherwise said they had reason to believe dream or sapnap wouldnt be available (and even outside of that, theyre not required to tell the other about every single one of their plans lol)
i think getting confrontational about it on stream in the middle of planned activities is childish. take a look at bad for example, who also isnt a part of the trio but doesnt get confrontational about having been left out. the trio is full of lighthearted people, bad came into the call and they asked him if he wanted to join in the game they were playing and he did and that was it. compare that to dream or sapnap and when they join calls. theyre consistently immediately accusatory. the trio will take it in stride (cus again. an audience of over 100k is watching. its really not the time and place to whine and get mad about feeling left out, those are convos to have in private), theyll throw some facts like "we invited you" "you said you were busy" "we already had this planned for a while" etc., then theyll offer an invitation to join. this invitation is usually met w quite frankly STUPID debate about "well why wasnt i included in the first place" like dude. read the room, youre streamers for a living, talk about these things off stream like an adult. plus they literally already said you could join if you still wanted to, whats the problem, why drag it out for longer than it needs to be. it just stalls the stream and their plans and shifts the lighthearted tone into somethin a little more careful (however briefly it might be, it didnt need to happen)
i LOVE karl for saying that theyre their own group and joking that their attitude is why theyre friends of sex havers. it felt like a lighthearted way to lift the mood again and kinda say "hey, we do our own things sometimes, chill"
i cant speak for whether i think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out cus not only do i not know them personally, theyre also not ccs i focus energy on (thats for quackity and george 😌) i DO think that with all the times theyve brought it up when crashing the trio streams, they should really by this point have talked about it off screen. it feels almost like they use the audience as a safety net to avoid the consequence of intruding/being mean cus whoever theyre talking to has to keep a certain face and therefore cant say certain things (might even hazard a guess that off screen they probably still dont REALLY talk about it)
i dont blame them for wanting to be a part of things their friends are doing but i blame them for the way they express that. it makes the atmosphere tense by making it far too personal for something thats visible to a live public audience.
i know theyre around the same age, but the way dream an sapnap handle conflict on screen IS immature vs the way quackity and karl do. quackity and karl have been entertainers for A WHILE and understand how to stay entertaining and theyre far more aware of their audience and the overall mood and how to handle problems and conflict without things getting too tense. dream and sapnap (sapnap moreso) have a habit of being confrontational and not lightening the mood and instead continuing to be mad, making everyone else in the call responsible for the energy of the stream instead of them themselves dealing with the tenseness theyve caused. it makes things awkward and im always hoping itll end fast and that theyd please for the love of god talk about it off stream
thats worded a little dramatically cus its rarely ever THAT bad, but it would be SO much better if it just didnt happen yknow. if they understood that they dont have to be a part of everything their other friends do AND if they understood that getting mad on stream and stalling their plans and souring the vibe isnt the best way to handle it.
tl;dr: theyre their own group who do their own things and arent required to share their plans w the rest of their friends (and usually they dm in advance anyway asking if they wanna be a part of their plans). dream and sapnap feeling excluded isnt something they should get overly heated about on stream (its an immature way to bring up the issue especially without ever offering a solution). these are problems they should talk about off stream where the trio dont have to be so conscious about their audience and its perception. i love karl and quackity for emphasizing that theyre their own group with their own plans and joking that the way they act is WHY theyre not part of the group. i think they deal w it as well as they can and i think dream and sapnap need to learn just a little more spacial awareness and how to handle conflict
edit: quackity/karl/george should be fully able to have their own stream together without anyone else intruding. dream and sapnap arent their bosses, they dont need to run all their plans by them first. if they want to have streams with just their own established group, they should be able to have that.
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tylerwritez · 3 years
7:45 p.m. Sunday June 20th
Okay well... writing about the entirety of my day is gonna be. Quite the task.
Whatever. I'm dedicated to making this blog A Thing.
Today was Father's Day, so the first thing I did was get up and go downstairs. Gave my dad his presents. He made us pancakes. (I definitely ate too much today... but tommorow is monday so itll be easier to restrict)
We are, watched youtube, then we drove to Wabuman Lake. Idk,, the drive was just that: a typical car ride in which I struggle to find "car friendly" songs, aka songs that everyone will like... aka anything but metal and vocaloid... aka Radiohead, Weezer and Soda Stereo XD
When we got there, we rented a yellow paddleboat, which is this clunky plastic boat that you pedal to move, like some weird water bicycle. It was sunny, and honestly? I've always found being on the water to be calming. After that, we got ice cream (I got Blueberry Cheesecake flavour, my sister R got Cookies N Cream, and my dad got Burgundy Cherry)
I noted that there were at least 2 historical buildings there, along with... I forgot what I was gonna say. Nothing important.
Oh yeah, lots of cool old shiny cars.
We drove back. Got home, exhausted. I cleaned a bit. Idk. Didnt do much until after supper. Since we had fast food for lunch, we only ate a piece of bread and fruit smoothies for supper. We went out, I got a monster XD even tho my parents told me not to...
I got home, took a shower. While I was in the shower my dad got pissed at me for eating some of his chocolate but HE WAS SO SO SO MAD I was thinking to myself he cant be this mad over some choclate but you never know with my parents... they kinda hate me but also dont at the same time it's weird and hard to navigate.
Anwyays when I went downstairs he just. Seemed to have forgotten it ever existed and I mean, if he didnt mention it I wasn't gonna either. I did some homework then "went to sleep" aka went to my room, turned off the light, and pretended to sleep but actually talked to people online
People keep inviting me to hang out with them and I just hope my parents say yes to it all...
My friend Bee on Tuesday, Jay on Wednesday, on Saturday a group picnic...
If they say no to any of this I'll cry /hj
My talk with Jay tonight: I want to fuck him again RIGHT NOW. GET IN MY FUCKINF BED. RIGHT NOWWWW ugh. But also I noticed that since I explained one of my tone tags to him... HE USED ONE IN CONVO WITH ME. And idk. That made me so happy? I dont  know. I like how he proves consistently and constantly that he CARES about being considerate and cares about me.
That's a lot of the letter C but yeah.
And he said at some point that he missed
My body... and my shitty nerd gaming stuff and like. Omg he LIKES MY INTERESTS. I DIDNT BORE HIM TALKING ABOUT COMIC BOOKS AND VIDEO GAMES! SCORE. also he said he'd be down to cuddle without fucking which is. Great too... since I'm touchstarved and well... I call him Daddy. Nuff said.
As for Star... sometimes she just says shit that concerns me like it's nothing and I never know how to respond because I cant help her! I'm not a fucking mental health professional.
... when I told her mY shit she wasnt one either... why do I even try n help. Why dont I just tell her to go to therapy?
I'm angry at her a bit actually. She says shit like "haha just purged" and I'm like.... okay??? What do u want me to say to that.
Or like,,, I NEED TONE TAGS, OKAY??? I DO. this is mainly why I'm mad. She keeps making jokes without /j and I dont register them as jokes.... or maybe they aren't jokes at all and she just says they're jokes cos I get upset.
Sometimes instead of actually telling me how she feels, she uses this emoticon and... I dont understand what shes tryna tell me. And it keeps stressing me out. Idk. I told her look I dont understand it and she said "I'm tired of this Jude, it's a fucking emoticon" and like...
She tells me all the time no ur not overreacting dont let people tell you that you are and here she is. Telling me I'm overreacting. OUCH. THAT ACTUALLY MADE ME CRY IRL. STOP INVALIDATING MY FEELINGS PLEASE.
It actually  hurt me. Like I'm fr crying right now because. Ouch. How hard is it to just put a fucking "/j" after ur words? How hard is it to... use words and explain how u feel instead of giving me a straight faced emoticon. Its frustrating.
Also she keeps saying shit like "omg ur never horny what's wrong w u omg I'm the only one with a sex drive in this relationship how come u never initiate anything I need to fuck someone maybe *sends pic of model* maybe her" which like. A) is ignoring all the times I DID initiate stuff and B) makes me feel inadequate and like. I dont know. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not enough.
:/ I cant really be mad at her for my own brain being stupid.
Why am I so stupid? How come I never understand when people are joking? How come I have these weird things I do to feel comfortable? Why do I twitch and flap my wrists? Why is my ability to sleep restricted by the amount of weight on top of me (I need lots of weight)?
Why am I the worst person ever? I'm being 100 percent serious. My brain doesnt work! It doesnt. My emotions are too strong. They fuck everything up. I hate myself. Like, when Star said "I'm tired of this Jude, it's a fucking emoticon", I started crying. But when Jay said "I always want you to feel comfortable around me", I immediately felt such love toward him and I told him I love you... but I had to say it was as friends. Cos we have a "friends with benefits" thing going on... not even an actual relationship.
Well now I'm sad that he doesnt like me romantically but whatever. Hes too perfect and sweet anywayssss he deserves better than me.
Wait. Where does that leave me?
Alone? Again?
Maybe I deserve it... but I actually genuinely cant live like that. I cant. I cant live. Without love. My parents fucked me up like that 🤪
But also I realized that I'm a lot happier in good relationships where people show me they love me and care about me and such.
FUCK JAY JUST TOLD ME HOW MUCH HE LIKES ME... even if it's just as a friendship thing.... I appreciate it so much. Hes so fucking sweet it hurts. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO SO MUCH. he told me, our sex can be rough but our relationship has to be built off trust and respect... LITERALLY FUCK ME RIGHT NOW.
Update we are now officially "best friends forever" but we also kiss and fuck and cuddle okay. That's a thing. I LOVE HIM. it's okay though. I don't know I said yeah let's be bffs then I physcially cringed. It's okay though. I'll be fine. It functions as a sexy romance thing anwyays.
I love him so much. Hes the best. Fucking hell. Hes the kindest person ever.
Also can Star please stop fucking with me. She said she'd stop using the emoticon and I said "thanks" and then she used a weird emoji to react to my thanks because she wanted to "acknowledge that she read my message without liking it".... oh so you dont like it??? What??? I said "okay" and she was like "yikes, you upset?" And I said idk cos I am but whatever and she USED ANOTHER SFUPID DUCKINF EMOTICON THAT I DONT UNDERSTAND WITH THE WORD OKAY OMFG. OMFG. PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT THAT MEANDS. OH MY GODDDD. I'm angry.
Fucking hell. I just wish... whatever.
If Jay liked me ROMANTICALLY as well...  perfect life.
My parents have fucked me up really badly. I know so. Today I saw a comic where a kid started crying while getting yelled at and their mom HUGGED THEM. Omfg. If I cry when my parents yell at me they just yell more. The best thing I can do is stay quiet. Fucking hell. Fuck. I wish I got hugged. When I was upset.
Its 1:03 am. Fuck all this emotional turmoil I'm SLEEPING. Fuck this. FUCK MY PARENTS, FUCK STAR, FUCK MOVING AND FUCK SCHOOL. And FUCK STAR.
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