#but its unacceptable to talk about someone like that and no i do NOT know this woman i dont care if i met her ONCE.
autisticlee · 5 months
that autistic feeling when social rules changed so suddenly and randomly and you don't understand why and everyone refuses to offer an explanation becuase everyone ~should just know why~, but you're the only person that didn't get the update.
do you ever see people do something a lot and assume it's fine and normal and acceptable and harmless, then suddenly out of nowhere when you (or even someone else) do it, it's now suddenly "bad/offensive/weird/creepy/a red flag/unacceptable" and you just get so confused and dont understand why it suddenly changed.....
#it was someone else who did it. i just witnessed it. and im afraid to ask why thats a problem now......the person was banned and. wtf tbh#there was no explanation. the mods just said its bad and creepy and a red flag to let someone know you dm'd them. BUT#I SEE THAT ALL THE TIME. everywhere on the internet people will throw out a “i sent you a dm” so whys it suddenly bad?#i never did it because they will get the notif probably so why give them 2 notifs...but still. it seemed so normal and harmless#and now its creepy and weird and unacceptable and a red flag. red flag for what exactly lmao. they didn't explain#its stuff like this that makes me afraid to talk to people in groups like discord servers and twitch chats because#you will get banned and blocked for saying the most harmless things without warning and get no explanation at all#im too autistic for this shit. if someone does a “bad” thing EXPLAIN IT TO THE REST OF US WHY ITS BAD!!!!!!#always offer explanation and another chance because some people genuinely dont know why youre so upset suddenly about harmless things#autistic#autism#actually autistic#lee rants#im the type of autistic that is very good at saying the wrong things without knowing and gets no explanation#especially when just repeating the trendy words and phrases said by others and copying what others do. its only wrong if it's me 🤷#when it happens to others i get upset for them because. the fuck?????? that could have been me walking into an unknown trap
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panuccispizza · 10 months
I received a phone call the other day where my dad was with his neighbor? and he was just trying to wish happy Thanksgiving but for some reason within the conversation he slipped up on my pronouns and was trying to be supportive while also outing me to this stranger by also fucking up on the wording and just misgendering me. but the neighbor got upset at him and me And started telling him to hang up the phone, and she kept trying to make a point to misgender me but she was gendering me correctly, just being transphobic about it. and it was kind of funny but also I cried the other day (hard) and I still feel flat and empty but I'm forced to go into my barely passable service job otherwise I get punished for black friday
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
i’m curious what your opinion is on the finer points of the case mentioned in the JSTOR post you reblogged earlier. the two sources in the post say that JSTOR didn’t press charges against him and had already settled with him by the time he killed himself. from what i read on wikipedia, the concern seems to be that JSTOR complied with a subpoena, which i don’t believe they have a choice to ignore? if anything it seems like the us government had reason to want him dead for wikileaks and public court records reasons, so they took a terms of use violation and blew it up into a dozen federal crimes.
is there more context i should be aware of? i have no particular affection or malice for JSTOR but the sources i found don’t exactly implicate the database or its employees in murder.
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That's from page 175 of this document. This line: "The activity noted is outright theft and may merit a call with university counsel, and even the local police, to ensure not only that the activity has stopped but that - e.g. the visiting scholar who left - isn't leaving with a hard drive containing our database" is where I think the culpability starts.
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If someone is downloading 1000s of articles (what seems like reasonable threshold for us to take action), what's wrong with us - or the university in collaboration with us - alerting the cyber-crimes division of law enforcement and initiating an investigation, having cop search dorm room and try to retrieve any hard drive that contains our content, etc. Our content is extraordinarily valuable and hard to replicate by the sweat of one's brow, but can be duplicated by savvy hackers and who knows what they want to do with the content?
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Page 379: "Does the university contact law enforcement? Would they be willing to do so in this instance?
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From page 1296:
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I think the important thing to note here is that JSTOR had worked with MIT and had plans in place to prevent future similar downloads, but remained focused on identifying the person responsible for the downloads and ensuring that their data was deleted.
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"I might just be irked because I am up dealing with this person on a Sunday night, but I am starting to feel like they need to get a hold of this situation right away or we need to offer to send them some help (read FBI).
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And there it is. Page 3093 of the document.
JSTOR can hem and haw about it all they want, but you can't un-call the cops.
MIT was working with JSTOR on preventing future incidents of pirating, but JSTOR repeatedly said that they weren't going to let it go, that it was unacceptable to drop the issue, that they were going to continue to pursue the pirate.
You can scroll through the document and see the JSTOR tech department and abuse team talking about Swartz as a script kiddie, and a hacker. You can see someone talking about how this was real theft - making the comparison to stealing books even while admitting that piracy doesn't close others out of access.
You can see the thread starts with a joke about punching someone in the face for hacking their system, and includes the tech team ominously considering whether they should threaten the MIT librarians with the FBI.
There's something really important to note here which I don't think that people who aren't PRETTY DEEP into hackery shit aren't aware of: US law enforcement is absolutely rabidly feral about prosecuting hackers. People may be more aware of this now because of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden (and perhaps a bit on tumblr because of maia arson crimew), but people who work in tech and who are in infosec - like the people joking about calling the FBI in these emails - would be aware of the bonkers disproportionate punishments faced by hackers. And knowing that, they kept pushing and pushing and pushing for identification of the hacker. They kept digging with MIT, they kept saying that simply preventing future incidents wasn't enough.
Early in the exchange someone from JSTOR asked "what's wrong with us - or the university in collaboration with us - alerting the cyber-crimes division of law enforcement and initiating an investigation, having cop search dorm room and try to retrieve any hard drive that contains our content, etc." and the answer is what happened to Aaron Swartz.
It is absolute bullshit for JSTOR to say "we arrived at a solution privately and didn't want to press charges" after law enforcement has gotten involved with a hacking case, especially one where they're talking about "real theft" and are attempting to quantify and emphasize the amount that was "stolen" from them.
The *public* may believe that private individuals or institutions are the ones who "press charges" but that's simply not the case. It's prosecutors who decide whether or not to go ahead with charges; they do it based on what cases they think they can win and what their office's perspective is on the crime. When you hear about people choosing to press charges it simply means that they decided to tell the prosecutor they wanted the case to go forward. It's up to the prosecutor whether or not that happens.
And the tech team at JSTOR had to know that law enforcement wasn't just going to wag a finger at an academic hacker.
There's a parallel here that happens sometimes when people have their identities stolen by their parents. If you mom takes out a credit card in your name, that's identity theft. That's fraud. That's illegal. If you reach the age of 25 and realize that your credit is ruined because your mom has been defaulting on cards in your name, you've got two choices to fix that: one is to accept the debt and pay it off and build up credit, and the other is to report the identity theft - which will end up with your mom in prison for a decade or so. Ruin your own personal finances, or your mom goes to jail for ruining your finances. So if you find out that your mom stole your identity you can't just call the cops to pressure her into transferring the debt to her name or something. That's not an option. The cops are not a threat to wave over people, they are not a way to get people to fall in line or act right. They aren't someone you can send to a college student's dorm room to retrieve a hard drive and have the matter drop.
When you call the cops on someone you are sending the full force of the law after them, and the full force of the law falls really heavily on hackers, and how heavy that blow can be is something that the JSTOR team must have been aware of when they were making snide comments about calling the FBI because they were frustrated with the noncommittal responses they were getting from librarians.
Ultimately it was the carceral state that killed Aaron Swartz, but they would not have been involved if JSTOR didn't think that what he did constituted theft.
Taking an *EVEN LARGER* step back from that, the idea that information can be owned and locked behind a paywall is what killed Aaron Swartz, someone who fought for information to be free.
Like. JSTOR is a licensing company. At the end of the day, cute social media posts and all, they're the same as the RIAA and ASCAB. They exist to extract a fee from people attempting to access information.
Aaron Swartz and all that he stood for are an existential threat to their core function.
Are JSTOR's hands as dirty as the federal prosecutors? Absolutely not. But they operate on a model that puts them in opposition to open information activists and it ended up with a hammer falling on Aaron Swartz that they dropped.
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astrow1zar6 · 8 months
Astro Observations- 26
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Pluto in 5th housers I notice are not into sleeping around. They usually save that for relationships or marriage. They can be very extreme with it though and can become very judgmental of others who do choose to sleep around.
Scorpio risings are actually really funny and theatrical when you get to know them. They actually love entertaining people and making them laugh (Leo Mc)
Aqua Venus’s hate when you make it too obvious you like them. Acting too obsessed too early can be really cringey to them.
Taurus suns can be big narcissists. When underdeveloped they will pinpoint weaknesses and insecurities in other’s personalities or looks to make themselves look more superior. They hate when others have more or better qualities than them (especially $$ and looks) they can be big bullies.
I know a lot of Scorpio moons that refuse to ever touch substances. Like they’re usually really against experimenting with that kinda stuff. (They usually stick to drinking)
Pisces rising all look so droopy idk how to explain it
Leo/ cancer moons are usually the youngest sibling or the baby in the family or they usually get spoiled/ babies the most by parents compared to other siblings.
Libra risings not everyone is in love with you give me a break
All Aries sun women look like this or give off her vibes tell me im lying ⬇️
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Sag in the 12th housers are actually hilarious. Learn to say those jokes you say quietly under your breath loudly and confidently they’re usually so funny, most can have a habit of saying something really funny under their breath and someone hears it and says it loudly instead and everyone starts dying laughing like it wasn’t your joke. They can be very insecure about their goofy quirky sides of them, usually somewhere in their past that side of them was seen as “unacceptable” to their peers so they closed that side up with a very serious dulled down exterior. Don’t let people’s words get to you!
Do Aries moon men exist??? Like I’ve never met one a day in my life or ever really read about them is astrology post. It’s usually only the women I hear about but never really the men? If anyone has experience with Aries moon men lmk in the comments
Also another placement no one talks about is Mars in Aries, it’s supposed to be in its domicile yet I hear very little ppl ever talk about this placement. I have this and I never really hear much other then having anger issues and annoying textbook definitions.
The ex the hurt me the worst in the relationships big six was a Pisces Rising, Pisces Sun, Scorpio moon, Merc & Venus in Aries and a Scorpio mars.. I barely made that out with my sanity🫠
Uranus & Jupiter in the 1st house are always so TALL, even if they aren’t tall they seem tall??? They just have tall energy.
If their are any Astro placements you want to to talk about in my next post lmk! I love talking about new ones people normally don’t talk about. I think all the popularized placements gets really boring to talk about cuz you see it everywhere so if there are any placements you want me to talk about that you never really see or read about lmk in the comments🥰
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 6 months
Wriothesley — the art of body language
cw: feat neuvillette, references to neuvi's story quest (sorry, i just finished it, loved it very much) other than that nothing rlly, just fluff
an: i cant believe i havent written anything for wrio yet??? thats unacceptable, considering i main him (and jing yuan too, all because ono daisuke voices them... jotaro brainrot goes crazy)
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It had come to Iudex Neuvillette's attention that there is still much he needs to learn about the enigma that are humans. Following his recent revelations as to his role in Fontaine and relationship with its citizens, he thought it'd be nice if he gets to know them better.
It hadn't escaped his knowledge that sometimes, things would fly over his head. Things said in jest, he ends up taking seriously before realizing at a later time that it was in good humor.
Sometimes, he doesn't realize that his silence had ended up causing the other party feel awkward, and even then, he doesn't know what to do or talk about when they do.
And so, he started by studying the little things. Their expressions, their body language—It had first came up in a conversation with the head nurse of the Fortress of Meropide, Sigewinne.
During one of her rare vacations where she visits the overworld and checks on the Chief Justice in worry that he may be overworking himself again.
Sigewinne talks about the things she has learned from observing the expressions from the workers in the Fortress, and with her observant gaze, she notices just how interested the Chief Justice seems even if from an outsider's point of view, he just looks like he's sporting the same, neutral expression.
At that, Sigewinne brought it upon herself to share the things that she has learned, but he can see the slight furrow on Neuvillette's brow, his fingers on his chin, deep in thought as he tries to picture out the expressions that she's describing.
Thinking to herself, the head nurse thinks of someone that she can describe well enough but also someone that Neuvillette knows fairly well to help him picture out what she's saying—and one person easily comes to mind.
"Take His Grace, for example." Sigewinne mentions, and the Iudex looks up with his eyes widening the slightest bit.
"Wriothesley?" He echoes.
"Yeah!" The melusine chirps happily, smiling widely at Neuvillette.
"If you show him that one human you always send from the Gardes, you can notice a few things from his body language that you wouldn't notice if you're not looking closely."
Which leads to the mentioned Duke now sitting in Neuvillette's office in Palais Mermonia, a tea cup in hand. After all, if Neuvillette were to learn, it'd be better if he sees it for himself, no?
Wriothesley was in the middle of his sentence when a knock reverberates in the room, coming from the door to the entrance to the office. Still holding onto his teacup, the Duke glances at the door, before looking back at the man before him, not surprised by the knock at the very least, as if he had been expecting it.
"Monsieur," Wriothesley spoke in his usual polite tone towards the Chief Justice, "Are we expecting someone else?"
His icy gaze are calculating as they meet Neuvillette's gaze, the Iudex shaking his head, sighing as he looks back to meet the man's calculating gaze.
"Pardon me, it's just some business. It'll be quick." Neuvillette apologizes politely, to which Wriothesley nods and shrugs, taking a sip from his tea cup. Taking that as his 'go ahead' signal, the judge turns his head to his office door and spoke.
"Please, come in."
Neuvillette was quick to glance at Wriothesley from the corner of his eyes as the door opens. And as you came into view, he notices the way the Duke's eyes widened slightly in surprise, quietly choking on his tea but managing to gather himself again in a split second.
"Chief Justice." You spoke in a formal, polite tone, eyes glued to the man who nods in return, before you eventually noticed the other person in the room.
Again, Neuvillette observes Wriothesley.
"Your Grace," You also greet the Chief Justice's guest politely.
True to Sigewinne's words, The Lord Incognito sat with his back a little straighter, his chest puffing out as he oh so gently puts his tea cup down on its saucer, his voice laced with a tad bit of warmth as he spoke your name in greeting.
"Is it a bad time?" You asked, eyes glancing over the tea cups laid on the table between the two men, "I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting."
But before Neuvillette could reassure you that you weren't at fault, and that it was all his for having called for you, Wriothesley was quick to respond.
"Nonsense," Wriothesley didn't even hesitate to reassure you that he doesn't mind, a small genuine smile gracing his lips. "We're just sharing some words over tea, would you like a cup?"
"Thank you, Your Grace. But I couldn't possibly." You respond as you take steps closer, closing the door behind you as you fully enter the office.
"I insist." Wriothesley hums, already reaching out for a third tea cup that has been conveniently brought out by Neuvillette despite the fact that there were only two of them.
You raise your hand, about to protest but was cut off by the Chief Justice, your boss himself.
"You're no strangers to each other, please do share a cup," Neuvillette spoke as he looked at you with a nod before standing up from his seat. "Excuse me while I look for the file that our latest convict needs—I seem to have mixed it with other files."
An obvious lie. The Chief Justice is a neat person, everything has a place and everything is in their rightful place, but neither of them questioned it as Neuvillette offers his seat to you before moving over towards his desk where the paperworks to process the latest criminal lay.
He took this opportunity to study the scene before him, as he pretends to shuffle papers here and there.
Diluted pupils. Eye contact. Mirroring your actions. A smile never leaving his face. Leaning on the table. And.... uh huh. That's the third time Wriothesley tried to fix his hair in the past five minutes.
Neuvillette blinks as he observes the way the Duke handles himself around your presence, and he is sure that if Wriothesley had a tail, it'd be wagging happily right about now.
Eventually, the Iudex returned to rejoin your small party. A small smile was plastered on both your and the Duke's faces as you engaged in your own little world, both pairs of eyes landing on him as he penetrated your little bubble.
"I've found it," He spoke in his usual neutral tone, and you gave him a nod.
The ever gentleman that he is, Neuvillette thought nothing of it as his hands moved with sophisticated grace, pulling your chair out for you and offering you his hand to help you stand. He was just being polite. And being used to his actions, you didn't hesitate to take his hand as you stood. But...
Neuvillete can't help but notice Wriothesley's gaze fixated on your hand in his grasp, the smile on his face gone, just his pale, icy gaze staring a hole into the Chief Justice's fingers around your hand.
Tense. On guard. Almost reminiscent of a guard dog meeting a stranger and gauging whether they are a threat or not.
The man let go of your hand to give you the paperwork you had come for, giving you another nod, your gazes now locked with each other's.
"Here you go,"
"Thank you, Monseiur."
You receive the files, opening your mouth to bid your farewell to both men in the room when the sound of the chair sliding against the floor sounded, and both your attention snapped towards Wriothesley who was letting out a loud sigh.
"Ah, would you look at the time?" Wriothesley suddenly announces loudly, as if making sure both of their attentions are on him. "It's getting late."
Neuvillette's head subtly tilts to the side in curiosity at Wriothesley's sudden actions. Trying to figure out what has the man so tense, quietly thinking to himself.
Is this what they call envy? No, envy isn't precisely the correct term...
Ah. Jealousy. That's the term.
"I should get going. Thank you for this afternoon, Monsieur Neuvillette." The Duke spoke, approaching the both of you, snapping the said man out of his thoughts, who turned to face him.
"The pleasure was all mine. I'm grateful for your time as well," The Chief Justice responds,
"I'll be on my way as well," You spoke your farewells to your boss, and Neuvillette watched as Wriothesley turned to face you this time, speaking your name in a soft tone.
"You'll be escorting an inmate to the Fortress, no?" Wriothesley spoke with a slight hint of amusement in his voice, his eyes on you as you nodded to confirm his questions.
"I am, but I'd have to pick them up first." You respond as you turn to walk towards the exit, Wriothesley hot on your heels like a puppy happily following its owner
"I'll go with you, then."
"That might not be a good idea, Your Grace. They might get intimidated."
"Well, they'll just have to deal with it, won't they? They'll be seeing more of me in Fortress of Meropide; they should get used to it."
Neuvillette watched your exchange, the Duke opening the door for you, closing it behind him, and your voices became muffled. The Hydro Sovereign stands in place, placing a hand on his chin as he thinks.
"And what kind of emotion does Wriothesley portray when around them?" Neuvillette had asked Sigewinne after she happily detailed every minuscule movement that Wriothesley does consciously and unconsciously in your presence.
"That is what humans refer to as romantic love." Sigewinne beams up happily at him, and he nods, making sure to make an internal note of that.
"So that was love." Neuvillette nods to himself, eyes still glued to the door where you and Wriothesley exited. Funnily enough, Wriothesley wasn't the only one he ended up observing.
From his observations, he can quickly tell that you had the same body language as the Duke throughout your entire conversation, a stark contrast to your more rigid and mechanical body language when speaking to him.
That day, oh so casually, the Chief Justice confirmed and gave his judgment on both of you based on the observed facts.
"They're in love with each other." Neuvillette concluded.
"And neither of them know."
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cenittxnadir · 1 year
Lunch Box SingleDad!Miguel O´Hara x Reader
I think i'm going to make a small serie of SingleDad Miguel. Its going to have small fics, drabbles and headcanons. This is the second one I make, but is not a sequel so can read it any order you want.
You have been dating Miguel for awhile now and everything was perfect. Gaby and you got along quite fast, a little too fast. But she loves you and you love her.
Her favorite thing is the weekend, that means that you would stay at their house, so she has you and her dad for two whole days. She knows that Miguel has a time consuming job yours was a little more flexible but still.
Miguel loved how things were going, he was really happy but he couldn't help to feel a little bit jealous about the little bond you made with her daughter. Don't get him wrong, he loves you both, of course his type of love is different from one to another. He loves how you care for Gabriela and how she loves to spend time with you, but sometimes he feels that he's left outside. He just couldn't help it, he wants to have that communication that you have with her daughter, she tells you things that probably she would never tell him about, on the other side, he wants to have your full undivided attention only for him. There are days when he doesn't want to share his daughter and others when he doesn't want to share you.
You knew about it, he gets all grumpy when he hears you talking low in Gaby's room when you have your "girls night". He has tried to walk "by accident" in the middle of your chat only to get a "it's nothing" in response and then a few giggles when he leaves the room. Gaby and you use this to bother him.
It had just past one of those weekends, and now it was monday, your day off, so you didn´t left.
Miguel heard his alarm sound, he turn it off with a groan and turn his boby to reach you, but he felt your bed space empty he got up quickly from his place looking for you, you were nowhere in the bedroom, all lights where out except for the little light that came out under the door meaning someone was on the kitchen or living room.
Against his will he got up, he felt cold without your presence. He rubbed his sleepines off his face with his hands. He didn´t want to get up yet, he would dragg you back to bed and sleep late until he had to "call sick" so he can spend more time with you.
When he arrived to the kitchen he saw you there, looking for something in the freezer, you were still in pijamas wich was pretty much some shorts and a shirt courtesy of Miguel's closet. He can hear the sizzle of the pans on the stove and the smell of whatever you were cooking.
"What are you doing up? It´s 6:15 am" His voice was low and groggy.
You gave a little jump, you didn´t expected to see him awake you turn to see him with a hand in her chest. "Dios mío Miguel, give me a warning." He just kept looking at her waiting for an answer. "Oh, I´m making a lunch box for Gabriela"
"Why? She eats at school" He look at you more confused
"Oh, well hehe, she told me that last week there was an insect on her smash potatoes"
"Why I didn´t knew about this?" An insect on his daugther´s food!? That was unacceptable, he would definitely change her from school.
"Because she didn´t want to worry you, besides i´m more than happy to cook for her, its not the first time I make her a lunch box, I usually made them in my apartment and bring them to her school in my luch hour" You star packing everything in her lunch box - funny thing: it was from Spiderman-
His eyes never left you, he followed every movement you made until his stomach rumbled in the middle of the silences. You looked at him. "I´m going to start breakfast. Go get ready."
He gave one last look to the lunch box then he turn to you standing in the middle just like a small kid. "Hmmm... Love? Can i get..." he lower his voice.
You turn to see him "You can get what?"
"I said if I could get..." Again. He wisper
"Mi amor habla más fuerte, no te entiendo. ¿Qué necesitas?"
"Que si puedo tener una yo también" He exchange looks between the lunch box and you.
"A lunch box? You want me to make one for you?"
"Yes please"
You couldn't keep yourself from smiling "Claro que si mi amorcito, I can make you one" You grab his face "Go get ready for work"
Minutes later everyone had finished eating Gabi clean the table while Miguel was getting his stuff in the trunk once he was done he told Gabriela to get in the car and wait for him.
He ran back to the kitchen to grab his lunch box in the counter.
"Wait Miguel, you forgot your dessert" You handle him a small box similar to the bigger one which contains the main food only that this one was cold. "Keep it cold until dessert time my love, its a surprise"
He can´t concentrate in work, he was constantly looking to the small freezer that he kept in his office, far from Hobie - he tend to stole his food- checking allmost every minute his watch hoping time moves faster so lunch time could arrive and finaly eat whatever you made him.
Finally lunch time arrived and he enjoy every single bite of his food, he felt like a kid again, eating home food in peace. Once hi finished his food he began to clean everything until he found the small box, he was full but he didn´t care it was his dessert, made by his lovly girlfirend, of course he´s going to eat it.
He opened the box, it took him a while to process what was happening, he grabbed what was inside lifting it up to get a better look. It was a strawberry, a blue one, with something red on it. Once he took a better look he almost let a squeal scape his lips, they were straberries covered in blue chocolate with some marks made with red chocoalte pretending to be his Spiderman mask.
He was definitely going to hide them from Hobie.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
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blurb Extension to: Finding out They’re Having A Baby
word count: 1.3k
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As if telepathy was real Ellen knocked on the door and entered after announcing herself. “Now that emotions are out. Let’s go both of you, out here. We’re getting this settled, and Luke.” Ellen’s tone of voice started of soft and turned to one only mother ready to discipline has. “Your father and I raised you better than this. I thought you knew better than to raise your voice at your significant other. Even when angry you can keep a level tone of voice.” Luke’s face falls as he glances over at the love of his life. He knew yelling at her was wrong. He knew everything he said to her was wrong.
“Mom, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have talked to her like that.” Luke’s voice was sincere, but it was clear his heart was racing. Ellen was right, when was she wrong? Ellen and Jim did raise Luke better than he was acting at the moment and he was the one feeling sick now for it.
Rosey’s mother had stayed seated on the sofa waiting Ellen to bring them out, a concerned expression etched on her face. She had never seen her daughter this distressed and it was a side of Luke she had never encountered either. They sat down at the small table in Rosey’s dorm room’s common area, the silence echoing around them like a question left unanswered.
Ellen’s eyes bore into Luke’s, her words a gentle yet firm reprimand. “You need to learn to communicate without letting your anger control you. You’re not just hurting Rosey, you’re also damaging the trust between you two. She’s your partner, not someone to be talked down to or dismissed like that. You have to apologize to her, not just to me. Your actions in there were unacceptable and unnecessary. You two acted as adults, you bear the responsibility of adults.” She wasn’t condescending or rude to her youngest son when reprimanding him, but she made sure he knew that she was serious.
Luke nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of his actions. His eyes reflected the storm of emotions brewing inside him: regret, anger at himself, and a desperate longing to take back his harsh words. He turned to Rosey, who sat with her arms folded tightly across her chest, her eyes downcast. The room felt as if it had shrunk, the weight of the silence pressing down on them like a heavy blanket.
"Rosey," he began, his voice quivering with sincerity. "I'm so sorry for what I said. I had no right to accuse you of joking about something so serious." He reached out a hand to her, but she didn't move to take it. The air was thick with unspoken words and the scent of her perfume, which usually brought him comfort, now seemed to taunt him with its sweetness. He got up off the couch moving to kneel in front of her, “I’m sorry I called you by your legal name..Rosey, honey please.”
Her eyes remained downcast, but he could see the slight tremble in her chin as she tried to hold back tears. He knew he had hurt her deeply, and the sight was like a knife twisting in his gut. The room was a canvas of shadows and soft light, painting a stark contrast to the turmoil inside him.
"Rosey, please," Luke's voice was a whisper, as if the weight of his apology could somehow break the delicate silence. "Look at me." He took a deep breath, bracing himself for her reaction. When she finally met his gaze, her eyes were brimming with unshed tears, and it was all Luke could do to keep his own emotions in check.
Ellen and Rosey's mother exchanged glances, both of them feeling the tension in the room. They had raised their children to communicate with respect and love, and this was a moment of truth for all of them. Luke's mother gave him a subtle nod, urging him to continue, to express the depth of his regret.
"I know you didn't mean to hurt me, Luke," Rosey's voice was barely audible, "but when you shouted like that, it felt like you didn't trust me." She paused, her eyes searching his face for any signs of understanding. "And calling me ‘y/n'... it's like you didn't even see me as the person I have always been to you."
Her words hung in the air, a gentle rebuke that resonated through Luke's entire being. He nodded, his throat feeling as if it had been sewn shut. He desperately wanted to explain, to make her see that his outburst was born from fear and shock, not from a lack of faith in her. But the knot in his throat only grew tighter, making it difficult to breathe, let alone speak. He swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the lump that had formed.
"I know," he croaked out, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel like I didn't trust you." He took another deep breath, willing his voice to steady. "It just...it all came out wrong. I was scared, and I didn't know how to handle it." His eyes searched hers, seeking any glimmer of forgiveness or understanding.
Rosey reached out and brushed her hand through his curls, a gesture that was as tender as it was surprising. The touch was feather-light, but it sent a jolt of warmth through him, grounding him in a way that nothing else could. She didn't pull away from his gaze, and the warmth in her eyes grew, slowly thawing the ice that had constricted his throat. It was a silent apology of her own, an acknowledgment that she had contributed to the situation as well.
“Lukey, I’m scared too.. terrified really. But if I have you I think I’ll be just fine yeah?”
The moment the words left her lips, Luke felt the tightness in his chest ease just a bit. Her use of the nickname she had for him brought a ghost of a smile to his face, and he nodded, feeling some of the tension dissipate. He took her hand in his, the warmth of her skin calming the storm in his own.
He leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to the back of her hand, his eyes never leaving hers. "So, we're going to be parents, huh?" he whispered to himself, his voice a mix of wonder and fear. The reality of it all was sinking in, but the love he felt for her was unshakeable. He could feel the steady beat of her pulse under his lips, a rhythm that matched his own racing heart.
If Luke knew anything besides hockey, it was that his baby was going to have one hell of a mom. He had seen the way Rosey lit up around children, the gentle way she had with animals, and the fierce determination in her eyes when she set her mind to something. He knew she would be a natural, that she would love and protect their child with every fiber of her being. The thought filled him with a warmth that surpassed the guilt and anger that had consumed him moments ago.
“It may not be what we had planned, but there’s no one else in this world that I would ever, in any lifetime, want to be experiencing this with.” Luke assured Rosey.
Rosey giggled. “Silly boy, we don’t have a plan!”
“I know that I plan to marry you someday.” Luke’s tone was serious and she was shocked silent. “I don’t need to plan for anything else, you’re all I need.”
He gently pulled her into his arms, her eyes widened in surprise but she didn’t resist. He kissed her softly, feeling the tremble of her lips against his own, the sweetness of her breath mingling with his. It was a kiss filled with promise and love, a silent apology for his earlier behavior. He knew that words alone couldn’t erase the hurt, but he hoped that his actions would speak louder than any words could. “I love you, Ro, so so much.”
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whenmemorydies · 2 months
See this?
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Carmy is about to pull this shit. He is really about to go in and likely blow up one of the only good relationships he has left from The Beef. After yelling at Tina from the pass. After stressing out everyone and their fucking dog cos he thinks this is acceptable behaviour if its all in service of a star?
This part of 3x03 Doors was such a jagged scene for me because of a few things (including what I've said above). What else got me:
Tina is someone Carmy knows, that Carmy loves (go back to their scene in 1x08 Braciole talking about Mikey. Go back to Carmy's soft "hey Tina you go ahead, you take the night off okay? I got you.");
Tina is an older woman of colour who has made the commitment to skill up so that she can work at The Bear after working at The Beef. Carmy has seen the work she has put in but in this moment, he pays none of it any mind. Imagine being T. Imagine how that would feel. Imagine how it would feel knowing all we know after watching Tina's journey in 3x06 Napkins. The thing is, Carmy doesn't need to know all of T's backstory to know his behaviour is unacceptable. The fact that he knows some of it and proceeds to act in this way is just more evidence of his white privilege showing its ass.
Carmy does not have the self reflexivity here to look at his young, white, male self yelling at this older WOC and see how fucked this is: how he's become another white guy in a litany of white men barking at workers of colour, not seeing Tina for the whole human she is but reducing her to a means of production. The racial dynamics on this show are so evident but don't get talked about nearly enough. I know the writers have crafted those dynamics on purpose because as beautiful a character as Carmy is, he's also a product of his environment as a white chef trained in a highly racially segregated field. This has repercussions for his relationships in season 3, particularly with the BIPOC characters in his life. @november-rising speaks about Carmy's behaviour in relation to Black women's experiences of love and professional recognition devastatingly here. Read their post and the reblogs.
While this shit made me so mad this season, it was also in character - as I've said here - for a white guy trained in fine dining to revert to established patterns of behaviour. Though, I'm gonna need the writers of the show to show US that they did this on purpose and have Carmy ATONE for this shit in season 4. Otherwise, what kind of redemption arc will this man have? This shit is hurtful to the BIPOC characters and BIPOC viewers of this show in no small part because white men the world over have a LONG history of using BIPOC people as a means of production and as a means of production alone. If you're unsure about this, please go look up the Transatlantic slave trade. Please go look up the history of colonial indentured labour. Please go look up The British East India Company. Please look up the forced labour regime in the modern prison industrial complex. Please go read a fucking book. And no I'm not saying Carmy is responsible for the slave trade (LMAO please hold fire if this is where your mind is going). I'm saying BIPOC folks carry with us a long ass history, an intergenerational history of this shit. But guess who else does too? White folks. So don't act like they dont.
This shit is also hurtful because we know how respectful Carmy can be. We’ve seen him in seasons 1 & 2. We know he knows what being a practical ally looks like (even if he may not have the language to name what he was doing) when he made sure to bring the staff of The Beef with him to The Bear and invested in them accordingly. We know he loves and respects them, none more so than Sydney. But there were so many times where he did not act like it in season 3. And when folks have got histories - not just personal but cultural too - as long and as loaded as we ALL do, actions account for a lot. What you do is the shorthand for who you are in the world, whether you like it or not.
Ok back to the scene.
Who comes in and simultaneously saves Carmy's ass and ANOTHER of his relationships? Who protects Tina and keeps the kitchen from exploding AGAIN?
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Who supervises her sous chef like a fucking pro?
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Sydney. Sydney. Sydney.
And who knows that he's in the presence of greatness but doesn't know how to articulate it cos he's not integrated, not by a fucking long shot. Who needs to attend some anti-racism training along with Al-Anon and therapy (so he can get the benefit of understanding his role in this system and get a better understanding of his own mind)?
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Yeah you Carmen, you.
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Better get on that shit before you lose the woman who is the beat to your whole heart another means of production to a chef who's going to pay her better, give Syd insurance from the jump and total creative control. Just saying.
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amelie-sama-blog · 2 months
homegirl. bffr.
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chawty over there made an essay of 31 minutes talking about the "ROMANTICISATION" OF VIOLENCE in a popular BL manhwa.
looking into the comments also almost made me have an aneurysm. "romanticisation" and "normalisation" of xyz gotta be the most popular buzzword in the anti world, cause i saw it at least 20 times and i barely scrolled. what i also saw is them shaming the author for making such a vile, disgusting, morally unacceptable story, "normalising and romanticising" violence, toxic relationships and rape, and that "fEmAlE BL aUtHoRs nOrmAliSiNg rApE sHoUlD bE a WhOle cAtEgOrY oN iTs oWn aT tHis pOiNt".
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girl. be for reeeeaaaal for a second. i read BL manga, lots of it. and i didn't even know about this manhwa until i saw this in my feed. i knew the name cause i saw it somewhere, but uhm, in which world are you living? is someone actively forcing you to go on the internet, go on a BL manga site, search "jinx", click on the link, click on the first chapter, read for a bit, DISLIKE IT, and then CONTINUE TO READ EVERY CHAPTER OF THE WHOLE THING?
i doubt it. i doubt it very much. "if you don't like it, drop it" ALWAYS WORKS. anything else is you admitting that you read shit you don't like just to get mad about it.
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uhm, wake up call girlie, fiction is exactly *THE* TOOL to "have fun" with toxic relationships or other dark themes. imo, she BETTER have fun with it if she's creating fiction! and i also bet that the author knows damn well what she's doing.
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if this "actually terrifies" you, you shouldn't be on the internet. there i said it. I SAID IT.
if the reality that fiction is on a separate plane from reality and thus it can be anything you want, terrifies you, then respectfully, go on youtube kids and age restrict your own device. because your media literacy is literally in the gutter, and your ability to curate your online experience, is non-existant, as well as the basic understanding that people can like shit you hate.
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hmm... i wonder why that is... hmmm.... i wonder why people are soooo adamant about avoiding terms such as "rape" "toxic" "noncon" "dark". now hear me out, MAYBE... just MAYBE, it's because liking dark themes in fiction has become completely unacceptable these days, and every single piece of media one consumes must be inspected thoroughly by the anti-police to be approved for consumption. and thus, people make loopings in their own heads to justify their media consumption and trick their minds into believing that what they're reading isn't "that bad".
because... if it IS bad... then boy do i have bad news for you: it means you're a filthy filthy human that just "promoted rape culture", "anti-victim mentality", and "propaganda for sexual violence", and is thus deserving of death threats and equal to an offending rapist or pedophile.
their words, not mine:
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but noooo, that has nothing to do with it.
all jokes aside, the way anti culture and censoring is becoming the default, and heavily policed and enforced under fear of ostracisation, THAT truly makes me sad. remember everyone:
thought crime is not real.
thank you for reading all of this, i didn't plan for this to reach essay size but here i am. i hope this was a good read and soothed your proship heart <3
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scarletttries · 1 year
Gun Woo NSFW Alphabet (Bloodhounds)
Pairing: Kim Gun-Woo (Bloodhounds) x Reader
Rating: Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 3.6k (!) (turns out I fancy him a lot)
Author's Note: I finished Bloodhounds on Netflix last weekend and have thought of little else but the two bestest bros in the whole Bloodhound world <3 So requests for Gun Woo and Woo Jin are officially open, and since I am genuinely not sure if there's ever been a character on Netflix as attractive as Gun Woo he gets to go first, and a Woo Jin NSFW Alphabet is on its way too (amongst my usual shows content too) :)
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Sweet, loving, gentlemanly Gun Woo would be all about that aftercare. He might not know exactly what he's supposed to be doing at first, but you can guarantee he'll pull you tightly against his chest, muscular arms wrapped around your shoulders keeping your ear pressed against him, listening to his nervous but ecstatic heart hammering in his chest. A man of few words he'll let his body do the talking, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, running his broad hands over you, soothing any aches his firm grip could have left, and smiling down at you with endless warmth and appreciation that he gets to be in this position with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Gun Woo has put a lifetime of effort into his body, and he's pretty happy with the physique it's left him with, but in particular he'll love how you make his arms feel. When he gets to squeeze behind you when you're distracted by something and wrap them all the way around your waist, easily lifting you into the air if he wants to steal your attention but doesn't know how to ask for it. The way he can easily cage you against a mattress by placing an elbow either side of your head, or lift you against a wall if he thinks that's what that playful look in your eye is begging for. Even just walking alongside you and feeling you loop your arm through his as a reminder that you're there for him and he's there for you, something his arms can do that doesn't require strength or violence.
Gun Woo will worship every inch of your body, but your hands are where he finds his gaze drifting before he ever has the nerve to hold them. He's never known someone with such a gentle, caring touch, the delicate way you brush a hair from his face or carefully clean him up after a fight, making him wish he had even more scrapes and bruises. As you get closer and find yourself resting a hand on his arm or thigh in a compassionate moment, you'll be able to feel the way he tenses and then melts into your touch, the complete opposite of how people would usually lay their hands on him. And the first time your fingertips skim over his thighs and take his length in your palm he could have sworn he'd never felt better in his life, fighting his fluttering eyelids so he can keep his gaze fixed on how big he looks in your sweet hand.
C= Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
A shy boi through and through, Gun Woo would feel very uncomfortable making a mess with you initially, the thought of filling you with his cum equal parts tempting and unacceptable. But you know from day one that you're Gun Woo's first and you want nothing more than to feel and taste every part of him, so you shrug off his offer to wear a condom, and ride him to the point he spills inside you, seeing his cum dripping out of you and feeling so fucking close to you that he quickly overcomes any worries about it, using his fingers to push it back inside you, knowing now that's exactly where he belongs.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you came into his life, Gun Woo was a beacon of restraint and self-control, rarely having a sexual thought or touching himself at all. Now that he knows how perfect it feels to be buried between your legs, to see your sultry smile as you rub him off, to hear you pant and gasp as he tastes every drop of you, he struggles not to think about you all the time. More often that not when you start sleeping over he'll dream of you touching him and wake up with an erection, aching for attention. You can't watch a film settled in his lap without him getting himself all worked up and throbbing for you, desperately hoping you can't feel the drops of excitement leaking through his sweatpants, mortified at his lack of control around you, feeling like a dirty sex pest. He'd never tell you when he's feeling like this, although you'll quickly notice the squirming, and nervous brow furrowing, having to 'accidentally' rub your ass against him until he lets out a pained groan so loud he has to address it. He'd be so apologetic, not realising how hot it is that he's so obsessed with you, and you'd practically have to beg him to let you take care of it, all guilty thoughts finally emptying from his head as you climb knees his knees and take him between your lips, finally giving him some much needed relief.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
Between part-time jobs and his military service, he's never really had the time or energy to put towards having a girlfriend, and Gun Woo's not the one night stand type despite his god-like looks. When he realises you could be the person he finally loses his virginity to, he'd have a very awkward conversation with Woo Jin to get his advice, given he's had slightly more success with the ladies, so he feels a bit more confident about making you feel good. When it comes to it, he'll be clear that you have to tell him what you like and don't, viewing you as the most important interest he's ever had to master, and studying your every reaction to his touch ever so happily until he's a true expert in making you feel amazing.
F = Favourite Position (this goes without saying)
Gun Woo would crave the connection that comes from eye contact and seeing your blissed out expression during sex, so he's probably a big fan of missionary, happy to use his well trained muscles to rock above you for as long as you can take it. He also loves when he has you on his lap, using one strong arm to bounce you up and down while his free hand plays with your clit, watching and feeling you fall apart around him as he kisses down your neck to your chest, wishing you never had to be any further away than this.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sex isn't something that Gun Woo takes particularly lighting, feeling like it holds a lot of meaning for the two of you since you were his first. You'll have to get used to seeing his adorable happy face in bed though, which sometimes has you giggling as he grins like he's never been so happy every time he undresses you, without fail.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Gun Woo keeps himself tidy and clean, wanting you to feel as comfortable with him as possible and to make himself the most appealing to you he can be.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It's definitely a hugely intimate act for Gun Woo, getting to worship your body and share his with you, to feel closer to you than he's ever felt to anyone. He'll look almost reverent as his hands carefully explore every curve of your skin, your body entirely perfect to the sweet boxer who doesn't seem to realise just how gorgeous he is. He'll love to thread his fingers through yours when he's getting close, lips finding yours greedily as he finally stops forcing his eyes open and lets the sensation of your soft, warm, clenching walls take over.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He wasn't one to masturbate before you came into his life, more than anything just because his mind never really thought of sex much before he realised just how incredible it could be with the right person. But now when he finds himself all worked up by just spending time in your intoxicating proximity, he'll occasionally dive into the shower first thing in the morning and let the sweet thoughts of whatever you two did in his dreams last night fill his head and bring him release, gaining just enough control over himself to go back out and face you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Given how statuesque this man is, it's safe to assume he's got a bit of size kink, loving how big he feels when your perched on his lap or stretched out underneath him. He loves watching his sizeable length slowly slide into you, the way you squirm as he stretches you out, picturing how deep he must reach as he traces a finger down your stomach. He also inadvertently becomes obsessed with cockwarming with you; at first he just couldn't bring himself to pull out of your velvety cunt when he was done, wishing he could just stay inside you all the time, knowing nothing has ever felt that good. And so when you line him up with your entrance as soon as you wake, once you've noticed his pattern of morning excitement, he'll happily slip inside you laying there and peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses for as long as he can take it until he grips your hips and starts rolling them against his, thinking you are a saint for putting up with his insatiable lust for you.
Finally I think it's safe to assume there's a praise kink going on here; tell him he's making you feel good and he'll moan happily against you, tell him he was amazing when he's finally done and he'll be immediately ready to go again, wanting to show you just how amazing he can be.
L = Location (favourite places to do it)
Never one to take much of a risk in this area of his life, you two usually wait until you're safety home to one of your places before you fall into bed together, sometimes only making it as far as a coach or armchair before you need to feel his skin against yours. The one exception to this is when he is convinced to have a drink with the Lil Group Heir at his club and suddenly he knows he can't wait until you get home when you look that beautiful and just smell so perfect. He'll find a private VIP room, and drag you inside, your underwear barely down your legs before his tongue is between them.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, just being near you is enough to get him on his way to fantasising about feeling you on his fingers. Sometimes the more gentle the touch you give him, fixing his hair, zipping up his jacket for him before he heads out the door, placing the slightest kiss on a bruise to 'help it heal better' and the blood will be flushing to his cheeks and his manhood before he can stop it. He just loves the way you take care of him, so used to being the one to help others, and it makes him want to take care of you right back.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
As much as he loves lifting you into his lap or feeling his weight on top of you, Gun Woo wouldn't ever want to really use his strength in the bedroom. The thought of hitting or restraining you would take him out of the safe and loving world you create for him in a life so influenced by fighting, so he much prefers soft, sensual touches that have both of you smiling like fools in love.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
When Gun Woo realises how much of a reaction he can get from you by going down on you, it becomes a must every time he gets you into bed. He lives for the taste of you on his tongue, the feeling of your thighs trembling by his ears as he slips a finger inside you and his tongue laps at your clit, the way you pant his name as you cum for the third time that night before he's even taken his sweatpants off. It feels so good to slip himself inside your soaked pussy that he wants to make you as ready as possible before he finally thrusts inside you.
He's such a selfless sweetheart that he wouldn't ever ask for you to go down on him, always insisting on focusing on your pleasure, and being so painfully hard by the time you're ready that you don't often get the chance to give him head in the early days of your relationship. Eventually on one of the mornings when he's doing a terrible job of pretending he's not throbbing in his pyjama shorts, you'd convince him that you really want to do it for him and he'd relent in his desperation for you, eyes falling wide open as you settle between his meaty thighs and lick a long teasing stripe up his manhood. When he feels you slip him between your lips straight to the back of your throat, it's like his whole body relaxes, every drop of tension melting away, except his balled up fists which fight to make this heaven last just a moment longer. He would finish very quickly, barely with time to warn you, something he immediately tries to apologize for before he sees you swallow his load and give him a satisfied smile that might be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. After that, you'll make sure you give him much more attention in the oral department.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Despite his overwhelming strength and agility, Gun Woo much prefers to take things slow with you, wanting to enjoy as much time together as possible and draw every ounce of pleasure from the experience as he can. Sometimes to stop it coming to an end for him too soon, he'll still his hips inside you mid-thrust and bring his hands to cup your face, pulling you in a heartfelt kiss, lips capturing yours for what feels like hours until finally he picks up his pace again, satisfied he can make you cum again before he does.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Once Gun Woo's inside of you, he doesn't want the moment to be over quickly at all, so he doesn't tend to indulge in quickies if he can help it. If you're in the mood and you've got somewhere to be, he'd much prefer to go down on you and ignore his own pleasure, and if the positions are reversed and you can actually get him to admit that he's horny, you'll take the chance to use your mouth on him instead, knowing he struggles to last very long once he feels your tongue on him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Too much of Gun Woo's life has been dominated by risk and danger for him to find much sex appeal in that, so while he'll happily try a new position for you, he's not one to try anything risky, preferring to focus simply on connection and pleasure.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
At first it's difficult for Gun Woo to last very long inside you because you just feel too incredible and the poor boy can't keep hold of himself for very long. With a bit more practice, like any athlete, he becomes much better at knowing when he needs to slow down or change things up, and now he really could last all night if you wanted him too.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Gun Woo would have never seen a toy in his life if it weren't for you. It's not that he doesn't like them or that he feels threatened, but I think he would want there to be nothing between the two of you, the way his fingers and mouth explore you expertly is more than enough for the two of you in the bedroom.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
His great purpose in life is to please and help you, so Gun Woo's not one for teasing. If you tried to explain it to him you'd be presented with the blankest possible face and asked "why would I want to do that when all I want to do is touch you?" The best you can hope for is him obsessively making you cum on his fingers and tongue over and over again until you literally have to beg him to actually fuck you. On the plus side, you get all the fun of teasing him when he's clearly in the mood but doesn't want to be a bither, wiggling in his lap and 'accidentally' grazing his bulging shorts until he's so achingly desperate he looks like he might cry and finally you can make your move and pretend you've only just noticed.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not one to groan loudly or moan over and over, instead you'll get little whimpers when something feels so good he thinks he might fall apart instantaneously. He'll want to sing your praises when you're together, but it usually just comes out in little choked gasps of your name, or short words like 'perfect', 'so soft' or 'too good'.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for this character)
Gun Woo always smiles like an absolute fool when you agree to come running with him in the morning, valuing the precious time together, doing one of his favourite things and being healthy and active with you. He'll always be a gentleman and keep at the pace you set, stopping without complaining when you need a break and claiming that's the speed he would run at anyway. The only time you've ever made him admit he was slowing down for you, you suggested you have a race home at the end of your run. He was all ready to be a gentleman and let you win, until you said if he won your race, you'd join him in the shower when you got home. After a moment of pure stunned shock at your words, his head filling with a thousand sordid images, he was off. By the time you got home, Gun Woo had beaten you there, lit a candle and got the shower running, holding a towel out to you with a bashful grin as you stepped through the front door.
It was his first time in the shower with you, and with the water trickling down your body it was like seeing you naked for the first time all over again, his heart hammering in his chest, feeling wholy undeserving of everything you do for him. That feeling would only grow as you took the time to massage shampoo into his hair, soapy body rubbing against his and you let your hands drift down to his shoulders, massaging the tender flesh under the warm water and hearing breathy pants creep from his lips as the sensations washed over him. As you take his twitching length in your soapy palm, rubbing it over a few times and licking your lips hungrily, he would snap into action, lifting you against the wall until your legs found his waist, making quick work of stretching you out with his fingers until he could finally push himself inside you, the water making him even more sensitive. From that day on, Gun Woo would do everything in his power to never take a shower without you, claiming he needed your help to wash his hair.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Gun Woo is a greek adonis of a man, every muscle well built from years of training, and it would be safe to assume this towering man has a sizeable package that you might need a bit of time to get used to. Don't be surprised if you can't walk after your first time together, but at least he can carry you everywhere.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Gun Woo is never not yearning for you. It's not just about sex, although the feeling of being deep inside you is something he'll never take for granted, it's about the intimacy and safety and connection in that moment with you. Of Gun Woo being able to make you feel good, while he also feeling amazing himself, like the whole outside world disappears and he is just in his happy place with the person he loves, that sweet dopey grin never leaving his face, no matter how long you're together.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Years of training means that Gun Woo has more energy and stamina than the average person, so wouldn't necessarily be quick to fall asleep after sex. Instead he takes a lot of joy in feeling you curl up against his glistening bare chest and slowly drift off yourself. He feels so privileged to be the one you feel safe enough to do this with, smiling up at the ceiling as he listens to your gentle breathing and thanks every star in the sky that he found you, and that this is his life now.
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incandescentflower · 2 months
I'm seeing the whole "If you don't like something stay out of the fandom tags" commentary again. Honestly, it bugs me quite a bit. I would say that I try to not piss in people's cheerios often. I try to not just complain for the sake of yelling about something. I do believe everyone should get to enjoy what they enjoy whether I like it or not.
but I also think people who like a certain kind of story and watch things with the hope they will get what they like, and then are disappointed, also deserve community.
I think the opinion that all people are doing this to troll or because they enjoy complaining is a bad take, at least in the fandoms I'm in. When I get that stubborn about a show it's because I genuinely loved something about it and I now have passionate opinions about it. If I didn't care, I would not be posting about it. I would just forget it.
And yes, there are different levels of critique that are productive and others that are not. But having people be like - have your feelings but keep it to yourself or only your dash where others may or may not have the same feelings - maybe are harmless when you are annoyed that an adult show has all the plot points of a high school story, but are concerning when the post is talking about the pair the spare where there is no recognition that they had painted the antagonist as an assaulter and are now rehabilitating him with no effort at all. When you start dictating what is acceptable and unacceptable fandom opinions, you start walking the line of censoring voices that should be boosted.
In my opinion, fandom is at its best when you are hearing other points of view and gaining more understanding of media by listening to other voices. It's another part of the transformative nature of fandom.
And It's so easy here to block people or filter people and tags if it's really something you don't want to see. The expectation yet again that someone else should be responsible for your experience is beyond my brain capacity.
I do know how hard it is to see a huge fandom reaction that doesn't align with yours -I have experienced it both in loving something and hating something. But that is why we all need to find our community and well, on tumblr, it's in the tags.
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glystenangel · 1 year
one kiss is all it takes😙✨
Simp! Satoru Gojo, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento, & Toji Fushiguro x EmotionallyUnavail&Gn!Reader
tags/warning: slight angst but mostly fluff!, they r obsessed with youuu, reassurance and comfort, words of affirmation type beat, kinda corny but :)), v soft!!, also pretending getou is not evil here *coughs*, reader is a sorcerer also btw
summary: you're scared of getting heartbroken, but after an unplanned kiss you get all the reassurance you need from the jjk men
~less than 1k
thanks for reading and enjoy<3
Why, of all people, did he have to kiss you? 
It was enough that you two flirted on an almost every day basis as you trained or ran into each other on random errands, but this? Unacceptable.
This wasn’t some vapid conversation or sparring session.
This was a kiss.
And worst of all it happened when you were at the end of what was supposed to be a casual, meaningless stop for drinks after a mission.
The man had to have been insane to even try.
Even if you had leaned into it.
Or, even if the kiss did have you melting into his arms as they encircled your figure.
Maybe because after so many seamless conversations and underneath that borrowed secrecy just outside of a random streetlight, it had felt a little too good to be true.
As if you could truly mean something to him.
Now you had no choice but to stave off any potential heartbreak by dashing in the opposite direction whenever you saw him.
Unfortunately yet predictably, this solution is short-lived.
“Where are you going?” 
Gojo has been popping up everywhere today.
It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching a class, overseeing spars, in the office area, or even eating lunch in your car. There he is, all pale hair and pretty grins, asking if he can talk to you.
“Bathroom.” You lie, briskly upping your pace as Gojo easily glides alongside you in the hallway.
“Liar. You’re avoiding me. It’s obvious, you know?” He clicks his tongue, tilting his head towards you as you continue walking.
“No, I’m not.” You lie again, and this seems to amuse him.
You roll your eyes, figuring the truth might get him off your tracks, “I’m going to the library…and then the bathroom after that.”
A smirk plays across his lips, and he holds out his hands.
“We should probably talk about that kiss before you get to the library then-”
You shove him into an empty classroom, and Gojo starts guffawing as you lock the door.
“Shut up for a second.” You hiss, shushing him with a glare.
He straightens, scratching at a spot above his blindfold with a tight smile.
“What’s the matter? Are you okay?”
His genuinely concerned cadence has butterflies swirling in your stomach. For someone normally so lackadaisical, he could become intensely serious in an instant.
Like he was now, with his jaw clicking shut and his stare piercing through his blindfold.
“Sorry. Everything’s fine. Really.”
He steps closer, and the hard wood of the classroom wall hits your back as you try to maintain your distance from the renowned sorcerer.
Gojo, ever observant with well, everything, furrows his brows at your lack of proximity.
“Did I… Am I doing something wrong?”
Guilt starts to set in, so you shake your head.
“I must’ve done something. Can you tell me?” His large hand hovers close to your cheek, and then he seems to think better of it as he drops his palm to his side.
You want to return it to its natural place on your skin. Maybe replicate the surreal manner he caressed your face prior to kissing you, with the pads of his fingers resting along the nape of your neck and his thumb finding precious home on your bottom lip before replacing it with the soft confidence of his own lips.
A brief grimace crosses his handsome face, wrinkling the black fabric across the bridge of his nose. It’s almost like he remembers that same, loving sweep of his fingers.
The dreamlike memory chips at your resolve, and eventually your emotions become caught in your throat.
“It’s not what you did, it’s what you might do. I don’t want my heart to break because of you.”
The admission comes out shakier than you anticipated.
A bite of your lip, and the corners of your watery vision threaten to spill out.
“I’m scared. That’s all.” You mumble quietly.
“How foolish.”
You’re about to protest until you register the tender, mournful tone of his voice.
“I would never do anything to hurt you. Okay?” Gojo leans down, tugging down his blindfold so he can look into your eyes properly.
In an instant, you’re mesmerized. 
His irises are flooded with light, and akin to nothing except adoration encapsulated.
Perfect mirrors.
You could tell he was thinking the same thing about the sight of your own eyes.
“I want to protect you…and I’m scared too. Trust me.”
He chuckles, patting your head and letting his fingertips cascade down to your cheek.
You close your eyes, kissing his knuckle when it ghosts the corner of your lip and his other hand cups the small of your back.
At that, the smile seems to return to his voice, “I care about protecting you more than my duty should allow. It’s dangerous, but I don’t mind it.”
“Why?” You tilt your head, tentatively crossing your arms behind his neck.
A sigh escapes him, but the wry smile never leaves his face.
“Because I know you’ll protect me too. I trust you as if I’ve never been betrayed before. Isn’t that stupid?”
“Hey, I’m trying to talk to you. What are you doing?”
Getou paces behind you as you collect your things from around the sparring ring.
“Leaving.” You rifle through your gym bag on the floor, hellbent on wiping yourself down and then getting the fuck out of here.
You swore that you had brought a freshly washed one today.
The frustrated thought leaves you right as Getou waves your towel in front of your nose.
Of course, when you reach towards the square of fabric he swings it above your head, “You can’t leave.”
“I can’t?” You stand to glare at him, and he sighs as he palms a hand through his raven strands of hair.
“No,” He throws the cloth over his shoulder, “We have to talk about this. About us.”
You cross your arms in defeat, “Why? So you can pretend to care and then break my heart like nothing ever happened?”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you feel shame sinking into the bottom of your stomach.
Getou’s entire demeanor seems to shift, and his face appears so crestfallen you can hardly look at him.
“Is that really what you think this is?” He asks, voice brimming with palpable hurt.
Saying anything seems wrong, so you remain silent, pressing your lips together and bowing your head.
“Come here.” Getou finally says, a more gentle tone lining the request.
Despite the way the request soothes you, you don’t move.
“Come on, c’mere.” He approaches you steadily, and in spite of yourself, you open your arms and allow him to hug you close.
Getou leans back with a sigh, pinching your cheek with a hand.
“I won’t let you think like that anymore. Don’t come to conclusions by yourself either, okay?”
“Okay.” You shyly accept, and he rolls his eyes with a scoff before carefully wiping at your face with the towel.
“Besides…you know you can’t get rid of me that easily, right?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Nanami has caught up to you, and he’s as straightforward and nonchalant as you expected he would be.
He probably wanted to get this situation out of the way, you infer, pressing random buttons on the water boiler to avoid eye contact. 
The blond is leaning against the counter space next to you, keenly watching your every move. His normally crisp, teal dress shirt has some missed lines, and you wonder if he had been too distracted by you to finish ironing his laundry these past few days.
It was probably best not to entertain that thought.
“No, I haven’t. Just…been busy.” You wince as your mug warms up a little too fast, splashing water on the break room counter as you quickly set it down.
Nanami jolts up and grabs your hand, wiping at it with some paper towels and the severe lines between his eyebrows deepening.
You feel your breath catch at his closeness, and you can’t help but swallow as his familiar cologne floods your senses and he frets over your accidental burn.
He seems to feel your stare, peering up at you with curiosity before you attempt to tug your hand away.
“Don’t.” Nanami breathes, covering your hand with his and effectively preventing you from moving, “Just tell me what’s wrong. I’ll fix it.”
The warmth of your hand simply being held in his seems to travel all the way up to your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
“I don’t know if you can.” You whisper truthfully.
“What is it?” He draws your hand closer, muttering softly under his breath as he examines your palm nested within his larger ones.
You chew on the side of your cheek for a moment, “I’m afraid we’re heading towards…”
Nanami lifts his chin up, meeting your eyes with a question in his gaze that makes you hesitate.
“Something.” You finish lamely, turning your face to the ground.
Nanami pulls both of your hands carefully together in his, encasing them in his firm grip.
“I want to.” He confesses, regarding your expression with quiet consideration, “Don’t you?”
The sentiment is so clear and honest that your heart squeezes.
You shake your head in an attempt to dissuade yourself, but can’t manage to bring yourself to release his hands.
“I can’t-I don’t know you completely yet. What if you break my heart?”
Nanami presses your hands to his heart, and you feel the helplessly erratic rhythm of it between your fingertips as he speaks.
“Then, I’ll give you mine.”
Toji cuts off your escape route, and you let out a huff as you glare up at him.
He’s smoking a thin cigarette, the end of it jauntily balanced between his canines and poking out towards the corner of his mouth.
Your eyes flit to the floor as soon as you catch yourself outlining the scar notched over his lips.
You remember precisely how it feels.
“Leave me alone, Toji.” You mumble, and you hope it sounds more convincing out loud than in your head.
He lets out an exhale of smoke and flicks the cigarette butt onto the ground, “Look doll, I gotta apologize if I did somethin’ stupid the other night.”
You keep your eyes lowered.
“Ah, fuck. I’m sorry. Did I? I didn’t mean to, angel.”
The tone he speaks with isn’t accusatory, just gravelly with uncertainty and the smallest question of hope.
So earnest and kind it makes your heart ache.
His hand reaches towards you, and you immediately duck the pleading touch. 
“Get away from me, Toji.”
As soon as you back away though, the regret rears its head and fills your stomach.
He straightens, hand falling to his side and his broad shoulders heaving downwards. The normally rough and sarcastic man has a faint glisten in his eyes. 
You realize that you’re hurting him.
Finally, Toji rakes a hand through his dark locks as he peers through the strands that fall over his forehead, “You don’t mean that, do you?”
“Of course I don’t!”
You clap a hand over your mouth, and Toji’s widened eyes meet yours. 
That’s when you start running again.
“Hey! Hey!” You hear Toji right on your heels, and then he wraps his arms around you from behind.
The warmth of his chest on your back as you both heave in disjointed breaths forces you to stop.
The bounty hunter loosens his grip, and you stop resisting completely when he rests his cheek against yours.
“Don’t do this to me.”
You tentatively place a hand over one of his own, feeling your heartbeats syncing together, “I don’t want you to hurt me either. If you break my heart, I don’t know if I could take it.”
The dejected confession stills the air, and then to your surprise, Toji starts laughing.
The deep rumble of it tickles your ear, and when it dies down he gently turns you around.
He softly pinches your chin between his fingers, scanning your face with relaxed brows and a lazy grin, looking at you as if he had all the time in the world to do so.
“Darlin', you’re only breaking your own heart that way.”
As you absorb his words, Toji leans down to give your cheek a kiss before tucking a loose tendril of hair behind your ear.
“That should be my job.” He whispers, “Right?”
The tease has you worriedly clutching his hands, and Toji gives you a more tender, sweet kiss on the lips.
“I’m kidding, doll. I know I’m not a good guy, but I’ll take good care of your heart. And the rest of you if you’ll let me.”
Relief sinks into your chest, “Really?”
Toji nods, clusters of stars surrounding the reflection he has of you in his gaze, and this time there’s no doubt in your mind that he is telling the truth.
“I promise.”
End Notes:
this is my welcome back present to u, lovely readers!! xoxo
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gofancyninjaworld · 26 days
Garou, punishment, and penalties
One of the things that has surprised and outraged a lot of readers about the end of the Monster Association arc in the manga has been Garou's apparent rehabilitation. Exile? No! The Hero Association has let him go, he's gotten fined for dining-and-dashing, has to say sorry to the heroes he beat up, and do some community service. To their minds, Garou is 'getting away with it', and it feels most unjust. Not to mention that there's a sense of frustrated closure.
So, is Garou getting off lightly?
Well, we can't begin to answer this question without some clarity in what we're discussing. There are two related but very different issues here and we need to disambiguate them.
I know that this is a word that is very triggering to some people, but there's nothing for it. I'm sorry about that but I need this word. I'm talking about punishment in its most technical Skinnerian sense. Now Skinner boxes are rather narrow places but they're very useful.
Punishment in the most strict behaviourist sense of the term means nothing more than some contingency that decreases the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated [1]. It says nothing about it being pleasant or unpleasant and something is only a punisher if the individual is less likely to do whatever led to that outcome again.
Punishment is all around us. It's not necessarily linked with INTENTIONALITY. For example, if you neglect to check the weather forecast, walk out without a coat and umbrella, and end up miserable and wet, you're less likely to do so again. Was the rain out to punish you? Of course not! You perceived going out without checking the weather forecast and so knowing whether to take a coat and umbrella to have led to an unacceptable outcome, and so you check before you leave.
We thus come to a key point: what constitutes a punishing experience is necessarily individual and context-dependent. There are some experiences that are almost universally seen as intolerable and to be avoided : for example, the proportion of people who will knowingly pee on an electric fence is small indeed. But take an opportunity to work part of a weekend for a modest sum, say $200, at the cost of social time. For a person to whom this money is helpful, it's rewarding, and forgoing time with friends is a price worth paying. For a person to whom it doesn't make much difference, doing that work would be punishing in itself, and losing the opportunity to socialise would be doubly punishing.
Interestingly, what Garou considered reinforcing vs. punishing is nearly counter-intuitive to observe. He relished the challenge. Heck, being beaten up meant that there was something that he had yet to learn and overcome -- which was powerfully reinforcing to him. Even though, in the moment, he could feel fear, frustration, anger, pain, and tiredness, the reward of learning, overcoming, and growing stronger was worth every inch of risk.
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...yes, in the end he took it to grotesque and cruel levels
On the other hand, the idea of hitting someone who wouldn't or couldn't fight back was profoundly punishing to Garou. It made him feel like a bully, which was something he never wanted to feel like, and he sought to avoid it.
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Even before his run-in with Darkshine, hitting someone defenceless made him feel ill.
Punishment is in the eyes of the beholder. A world without punishment is a world without preference.
There are many related definitions of penalty. Let's go with this one for its relative comprehensiveness: "the suffering in person, rights, or property that is annexed by law or judicial decision to the commission of a crime or public offense." [2]
Unlike punishment, penalty is a social construct. There is ALWAYS INTENTIONALITY. You can punish yourself but you cannot penalise yourself: someone has to impose it as a result of your breaking some agreed-on set of rules.
Penalty is an essential part of a functional social group. Even if you call it other names, it springs up spontaneously and the only question is in how well it is managed. For example, say in an online club, one member says something that another member finds insensitive, and the latter calls the former out on it. If the offender pays the appropriate social penalty of acknowledging the hurt they caused and apologising right away, it's quickly water under the bridge and peace is restored. If they don't repeat the offence, the social bond of the club is strengthened, as it affirms that 'hey, this is not a place where we tolerate rudeness to each other.' On the other hand, let the offender deny that they caused harm and even double down, and, unless some stronger penalty is applied by the group, the club can quickly find itself in trouble.
The reason these two ideas are often conflated is that the major intention of penalty is to punish. In a perfect world, penalty and punishment would overlap. That they frequently don't is the subject of many, many studies and books, keeps therapists in business, and nurtures many a scholar through their entire lives. Whether in being so light that it's a cost of doing business (like a $5 penalty ticket for a $20 regular ticket), or so heavy that it's destructive to the offender and is more intended to scare others than to help, or is inappropriate to the offense, or is lop-sidedly applied, or is more a way of excluding a 'weird' person than in restoring any sense of justice, you name it, there's myriad ways in which it goes awry. And yet, it exists. It cannot help but exist in a social world, and it is necessary.
So, armed with these two concepts, let's break the question of whether Garou has gotten away lightly into two components.
Question 1: Has Garou been appropriately punished?
Remember, it is behaviour that is punished. So, has Garou's behaviour changed? Partially!
He has absolutely no interest whatsoever in becoming a monster. Doesn't even think of monsters positively any longer.
The ghost of his future self has come back to tell him to desist from his aim of gaining ultimate power, so that aspect of his behaviour has been effectively punished.
So too have his hero-hunting activities. He isn't hunting heroes any longer, and if he wants to gain skills from matching his strengths against theirs, he intends to ask for a spar, like a decent person.
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Ah, many 'screw story, just show me cool fights' fans are drooling over this prospect.
However, he still thinks he's right. He has not renounced the idea of becoming an indomitable force who can impose peace. And that could be trouble.
Question 2: Has Garou been appropriately penalised?
Again, the answer is mixed. Legally, yes. He has been ordered to make the restauranteur he robbed whole. He's been remanded into the care of Bang, who is overseeing his court-ordered work programme -- remember, even though he's eighteen, in this world, he's still a minor. He has (or is in the process of) apologised to the heroes he beat up.
Pragmatically, it makes sense. There isn't a prison that can hold him if he wants out. While going around beating up heroes was an inexcusably shitty thing to do, there are mitigating circumstances to be considered, and he doesn't have a long criminal record, plus he is young. Having him under the care of someone he respects -- and who is strong enough to *make* him stop if need be -- and having him directly apologise to or make whole those he wronged is the least risky way to deal with penalising a scarily overpowered individual.
Are there people who would like to have seen greater penalties imposed on Garou? Hell yeah, you'd better believe it. But they're not going to get it. They'll have to make their peace with it. Yes, Bang advocating for him has meant that Garou hasn't been sanctioned anywhere near as harshly as he might be. But it's also true that Bang advising him is why he's not a fugitive from justice and is actively looking to right his wrongs, however partial that might be.
Where there's going to be hell to pay is if Bang enacts his plan of introducing Garou to the HA as his replacement. The HA *will totally take Garou* -- as Sicchi says, they can't afford not to. But boy, oh boy, will there be trouble.
So after all that talk, what am I concluding? Yes, he is getting off a bit lightly but we have to start somewhere. It's a real credit to Garou that he's been willing to engage with the process of reforming himself.
[1] While the idea comes from Skinner's experimentation, this particular definition is the Azrin/Holz one, from Azrin, N. H., & Holz, W. C. (1966). Punishment. In W. K. Honig (Ed.), Operant behavior: Areas of research and application (pp. 213–270). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[2] definition 1 in: the Merriam-Webster online dictionary https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/penalty. Accessed 26-Aug-2024.
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youunravelme · 1 year
hi kenn!! happy 1k i’m so proud of u! 🩷🩷
i’m not sure if i’m allowed to use multiple prompts so feel free to just use one!!
“what the hell was that for?” + “how dare you speak to me that way?” aka angst with either tito or barzy whoever u feel like!! :) 🫂
you are for sure allowed t use multiple prompts! and what angsty prompts you have chosen dear god. BUT i had fun with this! SEND MORE ANGSTY PROMPTS (they will probably all end happily because i hate conflict but oh well). because this is a little angsty i put some warnings below:
warning: volatile relationship with family (i.e. your mom)
you weren't exactly sure how it started, but you knew the second mat slammed the front door that things had to be over.
it's not like you wanted it to be, deep down you loved him but today, yesterday, you wanted to throttle him.
you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
no you didn't.
you loved him.
god you loved him.
so why were you crying on the couch? why were your hands shaking? wasn't love enough? couldn't it be enough? shouldn't it be enough?
"what the hell was that for, jackass? you're just gonna go ape shit on anyone who so much as looks at me the wrong way? i can't believe you!"
"me? you can't believe me? you're just gonna let her talk to you like that and i have to sit and watch? i can't do that!"
"she's my mother, mat! i don't know what you want me to say!"
"i want you to say that how she talks to you is horrible and unacceptable. i want to hear you say that you deserve better than to be undermined and compared to other people by someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally." you refused to make eye contact with him, staring at his shoes instead. "will you at least look at me?"
"it was none of your business, you should've just kept your mouth shut."
"like hell i am!" he threw his hands up. "i don't let anyone talk about the people i love like that, especially the love of my life. and especially when that person is a grown ass woman."
looking back on it, you weren't sure why you reacted the way you did. in mat's defense (which was a side you took often), you wouldn't have tolerated anyone talking bad about him either.
so why did you accept it from your mom? why did you accept that behavior from her?
when you closed your eyes you could still hear her shriek "how dare you speak to me that way?" you could see the fire in her eyes and the ice in mat's.
you should've kept your mouth shut. should've thanked mat for defending you. should've hugged and kissed him when you got home for sticking up for you yet again.
but you let this stockholm syndrome grip your mother had on you destroy the greatest thing that had ever happened to you, possibly irrevocably.
your hands shook at the idea of losing him, at not wearing his jersey to games, at not curling up in bed while you traced shapes into his chest. your heart ached at the thought of no longer calling him, yours, at not belonging to him anymore at--
mat stormed back through the door, so hard that it creaked on its hinges. but he did the due diligence of shutting it much quieter than he had before.
he pointed at you, his hand was shaking and when you got a good look at him, his cheeks were wet and his eyes glistened.
"i love you," he said. "i will love you until my dying breath and that means not allowing people to talk shit about you. i don't care if it's my friends, my fans, my family or your mom. i won't have it. i love you too much to let someone tear you down. so i won't apologize for sticking up for you, i will never apologize for advocating for you, but i will apologize for yelling at you and letting my ego get the best of me. i never want to hurt you, so if i did that tonight, hear me when i say i am so sorry."
to say you were a blubbering mess by the end of his speech would've been an understatement. you all but launched yourself off the couch and into his arms, where he readily accepted you.
you sobbed into his chest while he rubbed his hands up and down your back as he pressed kisses into your hair.
"i'm sorry, i should've been grateful, i should've been--"
"she's your mom, baby, i get it. just know that i'm never gonna let her disrespect you again as long as i'm around, okay?" he pulled you back just to cradle your face in his hands. "i love you."
you gave him a watery smile right as he kissed your forehead. "i love you too."
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thehistoriccemetery · 7 months
Minthara’s New Dialogue
I’m pissed about Minthara’s new dialogue when Durge chooses to deny Bhaal, and I’m making it everyone problem.
Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.
Minthara stood outside the door to Durge’s new room at the Elfsong Tavern. Up until that night, they’d been sharing the room that now belonged only to Minthara.
It was late, but she’d found herself completely unable to relax. She didn’t sleep, but even her attempts to trance were only filled with regret of what had happened the previous day. Durge, lying dead on an alter of Bhaal before her. The rage that clawed its way up her throat. The way that rage shot out of her when Durge’s body had come back to life.
Her words had been cruel; hypocritical, even. But even that did not explain the regret and remorse that plagued her now. She didn’t know why, but it possessed her entire being. She was able to think of nothing else but that moment, played over and over in her mind.
She had never been one to hand out apologies. Even when she knew she was in the wrong she never sought to “make it right”. Why should she care if someone was pissed with her? Everyone in her life had been disposable. Everyone except Durge.
That is why, she supposed, she had come in the dead of night to darken her former lover’s doorstep.
She lightly tapped the door with two knuckles before cracking it open to checking to see if Durge was still awake.
They were, as she suspected they would be. Sleep was a rarity for them even on the best of days. Minthara stepped into the room without awaiting further invitation.
“What do you want? Have you come to berate me further?” The words came like a spit of acid. “Perhaps you have come to cull the weakest soldier from your ranks. Well I think I’ve had quite enough of your commentary for one day. Leave me.”
Minthara stood, rigid and unmoving. She has expected nothing short of fury from Durge, and yet she was still taken off guard.
“I have come to offer an apology,” she swallowed. “My behavior today was unacceptable, regardless of the circumstances and for that I apologize.”
Durge laughed. “When Scratch gets into the camp supplies and eats all the salami, it is ‘unacceptable behavior.’ What you have done to today is nothing short of monstrous.”
Minthara shifted slightly. She didn’t have a response prepared.
Durge broke the silence. “I thought you, of all people would understand. A deserter of both the spider queen and the absolute who found her power in godlessness. A lost child of House Baenre, the most powerful house in the underdark. And yet you see fit to lecture me about inheritance and power that I failed to collect at the cost of my own freedom. I thought maybe after all the nights you spent with me, sobbing against my urge to spill your blood you might understand why I must be rid of him. But I see now you’d rather have me a powerful slave than as I am.”
The room was silent again. Durge did not look at her, settling instead for continuing to arrange the room that would now belong to them alone.
“You know, perhaps if it had just been an unjustified outburst, I could have forgiven you. I could have looked past the hypocrisy, the accusations that defying my father made weak and unworthy,” they spoke again. “Perhaps if you had only called me stupid and weak, we could be allies once more. But you couldn’t stop there, could you? You couldn’t just insult what you perceived to be a lack of power, you had to make me feel used. As if this entire relationship was purely a tactical ruse.”
Minthara’s mouth worked faster than her mind. Before she could even think it through she blurted, “even now you cannot deny what a powerful force we were together.”
The words made Tav snap their head around to look Minthara in the eyes. “Don’t you dare try and dismiss my feelings with talk of strategy. I will not deny I was that I was drawn to you for the same reason you were drawn to me: because I thought you a powerful ally. But I do not share my bed with people just because they are ‘powerful allies.’ I do not learn about their favorite dishes and go out of my way to gather rare ingredients. I do not black out my own windows just so our home can be an oasis of darkness in this all too bright world. I do not rub their back and whisper sweet words to them as I hold them through nightmares. And I sure as hell don’t risk my own life in 1 on 1 duels with my own sister just for the sliver of hope that they could walk through this world a little less scared!” Durge’s eyes brimmed with tears and their bottom lip quivered. “You were so much more than a ‘powerful ally’ to me, Minthara. I did not love you because you were a matron of house Baenre. I did not love you because you were on the council of the dead three. I did not love you for the power I sought to gain from you. I loved you because you were my Minthara. My love for you may not have been a force that would save the world, but it did not make it less real or important. Power is not the only thing worth having. I would have gladly died by your side if it meant I could do so knowing that you loved me as I have loved you. If death was the only place we could be together, my dedication to you would not have faltered.”
Minthara stood in shock. She couldn’t not bring herself to move for fear that she may collapse onto the floor in a pathetic pile of tears.
“You will go to bed alone tonight, the bed we once shared, and you will sleep by yourself. And when you long for the comforts of home, you will not wake to find arrangements of mushrooms at your bedside. When forgotten moments of the past creep into your mind, and you reach for someone to hold you, you will find nothing but empty air. You will be alone and you will find it is not my ‘power’ that you truly miss.”
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The tusken massacre controversial take (both sides)
tw: mentions of rape, torture & racism
People WILL probably block me for this but IDC because I went up ahead and read up on the tuskens on the official Wiki and while I definitely DO see how it could be interpreted as racism (I genuinely believe Lucas Did Not mean for it to be read as such) . But. BUT.
I'm not saying the murder of the tuskens was "justified" but it was definitely a much. much. more complicated situation than people make it out to be. It is CANON that Tuskens are mistrustful to the point of Xenophobia of the other settlers on the planet, settlers who by this point have been there for generations. So the argument has to be made that their culture and traditions would NOT change overnight if at all. And therefore Anakin was right about one thing, (and I am willing to die on this hill.) the tusken children Would have grown up to be the same torturers and killers (possibly rapists, there were very few reasons for them to keep Shmi alive and none of them good)
Now, am I saying that killing children for something they might do or in this case Will do in the future is wrong? I'll be very honest, im only 70% sure my answer would be a definitive No. The other 30% is genuinely considering it. I cannot comment upon the female tuskens as there is literally almost NOTHING about them in Canon verse and so I know nothing about how culpable they are in this. But motherfucker NEITHER DO YOU.
Anyway yeah there are many tribes of tusken and some of them peaceful but this one was Definitely Not. We were sown this. This wasn't a matter of racism. this was a matter of Murderous, Torturing, Kidnappers. Who kidnapped and possibly raped this guy's mother.
Fact: Shmi was an innocent woman who had done NOTHING to the tusken
Fact: She was tortured at their hands for days
Fact: If someone did that to my mom, I'd be pretty murderous too especially if someone had been grooming (palpatine) me to give into my worst nature from age 9.
Idk man, things are definitely not as black and white as we are making them out to be. On EITHER SIDE. And if we're talking about bringing up the consequences of his actions before the senate? Most of them are not Nearly empathetic enough even give a fuck. They need the Hero With No Fear too much and even if they didn't they would NOT give a fuck. The jedi council definitely would but they would ALSO debate this, like a LOT.
Edit 2: The tuskens also engaged in slavery. Definitely not the "🥺 innocents" people make them out to be.
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