#my brother was able to go into the army to get the easy pass out of poverty and im probably going to kill myself by 30
panuccispizza · 10 months
I received a phone call the other day where my dad was with his neighbor? and he was just trying to wish happy Thanksgiving but for some reason within the conversation he slipped up on my pronouns and was trying to be supportive while also outing me to this stranger by also fucking up on the wording and just misgendering me. but the neighbor got upset at him and me And started telling him to hang up the phone, and she kept trying to make a point to misgender me but she was gendering me correctly, just being transphobic about it. and it was kind of funny but also I cried the other day (hard) and I still feel flat and empty but I'm forced to go into my barely passable service job otherwise I get punished for black friday
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lisbeth-kk · 6 months
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Sherlock fandom
Big Brother’s Observations
Since the day I held Sherlock in my arms for the first time, I loved him fiercely and I instantly wanted to keep him out of harm’s way, whatever the cost. I was only seven years at the time, but I tried my best to keep my promise.
At first, it was easy. Child’s play, so to speak. He followed me with his eyes, always smiling, filling my chest with warmth and joy. When he learnt to walk, he never let me out of his sight. Where I went, he was close behind.
I taught him everything I knew about nature; biology, geology, meteorology, when we were outdoors, mathematics, languages, history, geography and logic reasoning when the weather was bad, and we stayed in Father’s library or in my room. He was like a sponge, and it became quite clear that he was above average intelligence; just like me.
However, there was a big difference in our personalities. Where I avoided other people, Sherlock couldn’t get enough of studying and talking to others. For a while… 
The other difference between us was sentiment. He was full of it, I was empty, apart from my undying love for my brother. I told him he would get hurt if he wasn’t on the alert. He was naïve and always thought every person was good and meant well. For a while…
My heart broke several times during the years, and in the centre of it was Sherlock. His tears and sobbing were unbearable to witness.
“Why do they hate me, Myc?” he cried so many times, I lost count.
“You must stop wearing your heart on your sleeve, Sherlock,” I told him. “Everyone will take the opportunity to hurt you if they know you’ll react like this. There doesn’t need to be a reason other than they want to see you cry. People are evil like that. Sentiment is never an advantage, brother mine.” 
He wouldn’t believe me. Not at first. It was a hard lesson for him, and I hated every single person who dared to give my brother such a difficult time, but finally he managed to put up an armour of indifference. I knew how much effort it was for him to maintain it, because I caught him more than once crying himself to sleep after the more trying days.
When he started university, the contact between us was sparse at best, but I kept my eyes on him of course. Alas, I was unable to foresee and stop his drug addiction before it was too late. By then he hated the sight of me, which broke my heart in a totally different way. He turned his back on the one person who wished him well. It was a blind spot he dealt with for years, put there by me.
I couldn’t believe my luck when Sherlock met Gregory Lestrade of New Scotland Yard. The detective saw Sherlock’s potential and promised him work if he got clean, which he achieved in record time.
Despite the trust Lestrade put in Sherlock, my brother didn’t trust him fully. The police wanted results, which Sherlock was able to give, but it ended there. Lestrade was no friend in Sherlock’s eyes. He just used Sherlock for work, nothing more. My brother failed to see that the detective cared for him outside of crime scenes. He didn’t even bother learning Lestrade’s Christian name.
I saw a crack in my brother’s armour the day he realised that John had killed a man to save his life, mere hours after they’d met. When I mentioned it, Sherlock waved it off as John’s need for danger, excitement and his military background, but I observed a second of insecurity. It vanished soon enough.
My instincts when I met John Watson for the first time, told me he could be just what my brother needed, or quite the opposite. His loyalty baffled me, but spoke volumes, and it increased for every passing day. He protected Sherlock just like I had done decades ago. I wasn’t entirely sure what to think of that. Of course, I wanted my brother to be cared for and kept safe from the criminals he recklessly chased through London, but it should be me doing that. Letting go and placing my trust in an ex-army doctor with PTSD and a passion for danger, wasn’t exactly what I preferred, but it seemed I didn’t have much saying in the matter. John Watson was Sherlock’s confidant and friend now, and I should be glad, but my treacherous heart ached for the loss of my brother’s trust and love.
When it became clear to me how John felt about Sherlock, I prayed to the universe to let Sherlock’s blind spot disappear. It had finally happened; there was a way for Sherlock to gain happiness and love after all, and perhaps his hostility towards me would dissipate a little if he felt content and loved. My prayers weren’t heard, and John was too scared to jeopardise their precious friendship to pursue the matter. 
I never dreamt of that an Irish criminal mastermind should be the answer. When Moriarty kidnapped John Watson and Sherlock realised he might lose John when he emerged with that bomb vest strapped to his chest at the pool, the blind spot instantly vanished. When the danger was over, John had proved that he would sacrifice himself so that Sherlock could live.
“My life isn’t worth living without you, John,” I heard Sherlock say in the surveillance video.
I had ushered my men out of the room and watched the scene alone. It was a private moment I didn’t want anyone else to witness, and I turned off the recording once I was sure both men were safe and had finally confessed their love.
My mission was far from over, but my faith in John’s capability to keep my brother as safe as possible, was absolute.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @phoenix27884 @a-victorian-girl @helloliriels @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitch-adler @raina-at @topsyturvy-turtely @peanitbear @7-percent @ninasnakie
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ofmythsandfables · 1 year
Aella and Evander Riesling / Dark Fae OCs
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AELLA: starter call | open starters | aesthetics | headcanons | photos
EVANDER: starter call | open starters | aesthetics | headcanons | photos
DISCLAIMER: everything written here is entirely made up by me with the help from some friends. Please do not steal my content and use it for yourself.
The Dark Fae are a species of Fae who are chaotic, mischievous, and can even be considered evil. Fae in general live in a parallel universe to Earth and can transcend into different universes and realms if they so wish. The Good Fae (Seelie) reside in their own realms, separate from the Dark Fae. They are enemies and normally do not get along well with each other. Seelie and Dark Fae realms are separated by a vast sea called The Muiryn Sea, tales hailing it to be dark and treacherous for anyone who dares to cross it. There are hundreds of realms within the Dark Fae’s world. There are several subspecies of Dark Fae living together within these realms, creating all sorts of communities. Each realm heavily favors a certain element within nature despite being able to wield all of them. Sentaeros as an empire consisting of different realms in one, but Yrdis (where Aella and Evander are located) mainly focus on the fire element. Dark Fae share similar powers to their enemy like telepathy, flying, elemental magic and polyglot. Dark Fae can wield dark magic which focuses on more sinister intentions. Dark Fae believe in multiple deities and pray to them often as part of their culture. There is not one higher being than the other. All are worshipped.
Every 1000 human years = 10 Fae years. For example, it takes one hundred human years for a single Fae to turn ten years old. Aella is 3500 years old, meaning she is 35 in Fae years. Evander is 3000 years old, meaning he is 30 in Fae years.
Sentaeros is Aella and Evander's empire, comprised of realms Aella conquered during the War of Realms, and was able to unite them under her rule. It is the newest empire, which has been under Aella’s rule for 1500 years (15 in Fae years). Sentaeros uses all elements of magic to help it run properly. Sentaeros consists of 10 realms, all ruled by lower monarchs, but those monarchs report and answer to Aella who has the final word. The lower monarchs are part of The Supreme Council which Aella curates and oversees the meetings. Aella and Evander’s palace resides in the capital city called Xenox in the Yrdis Realm.  The empire’s motto is go léir le haghaidh ceann amháin, meaning “all for one”, referencing each kingdom working together for a better and prosperous empire.
Wise, power hungry, highly strategic, incredibly powerful, intimidating, charming, tactful, quick witted, sly, meticulous, methodical. Thrives in battle, enjoys the best luxuries there are to be had but seeks adventure more, loathes liars but is quick to lie when it works in her favor, harsh but fair ruler.
Aella never wanted to be a ruler. She wanted to lead her father’s army and be General. Training day in and day out with the other warriors, Aella had come so close to achieving her goal until receiving news of her father passing unexpectedly. It also came as a shock being crowned the new ruler of Yrdis, and not her brother. Though, since their father had written it and had his seal on the document, she had no choice in the matter. Yrdissians were heavily skeptical of Aella’s ability to rule, but she was a tactful, fearless, and ambitious woman who used their skepticism as fuel to show them exactly what she could accomplish. For some reason, ruling came easy to the new queen, and she found that she liked it more when she could utilize her skills for the battlefield to expand her realm. In ten (fae) years, Aella invaded and conquered 10 realms, breaking peace treaties to expand her territory and become the first Empress of the Dark Fae. After conquering several realms and creating her empire Sentaeros, Aella oversees now all, but it’s not without its downsides. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Spoiled rotten, jealous, charming, sneaky, quick witted, stubborn, gets bored easily, seeks luxury and pleasure rather than taking care of his duties as prince. A player in every sense.
Evander lives in the palace with his sister, enjoying all the luxuries that come with being a prince and brother to an empress. Though it may look like he is a lackadaisical prince who could care less about his princely duties, secretly Evander has been planning to overthrow Aella and become the new Emperor of Sentaeros.
QUICK NOTE: both muses are AU friendly so if you feel like you can’t throw your muse into their world but you want to write with them, talk to me and we can come up with something!
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Wedding Bells, Planning Hell
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Pairing: Terrance Swaino x Female!Reader
Warnings: Drug use, Alcohol, Smut (18+), oral, sex
Summary: Slight enemies to lovers. Reader is through in Manchester for a long weekend helping her best friend plan her wedding. The only thing is her friend’s older brother Terrance is hanging around and she hates him...or so she thought. Apparently he's not that bad. And kinda...hot?
A/N: Oops my fingers slipped and I wrote almost 9k worth of fic based on a character I have so many mixed feelings about. Hopefully someone else likes this ahaha enjoy!
If you had to look at one more shade of white you felt like your eyes might scorch away. You didn’t even know there were so many varieties, you just figured white was white. But that wasn’t the case, apparently you’d been living a very uncultured life. There was Ivory, pearl, ice, bone, ivory, simply white, scottish road, ivory, christ did you forget to mention ivory? Jesus lord, take me now.
“Mags, I love you so much, like so so much. But if you don’t make a decision I’m gonna pass away. The only white I’m gonna be seeing is the white light of heaven's gates,” you groan, dramatically falling to your knees in front of your poor friend.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning in her rickety wooden chair so that she could face you. Her long dark hair was mussed from the amount of times her hands had raked through it and her cheeks were rosy with stress. You’d both been at this for far too long. Your head was practically developing its own pulse.
“The only way you’re seeing heaven is if they take you up just to drop you harder into the pit,” she smirked. “Besides, I wanna do this right. I’m only getting married once, I want this to be perfect! God knows I’m not gettin’ input from George, I need you on this with me.”
You groaned again and picked up her fabric samples, abducting them all and leaving her with two small scraps. If she wasn’t going to choose between fifty then she could choose between two. 
“Then you can pick between ivory and,” you squinted at the tiny loopy font, “chantilly lace? Christ, what even is that?”
“It’s classy is what it is,” Mags sniffed, shooting you a signature hazel eyed glare.
“Then it sounds like we’ve made a decision! At last!” you laughed, clawing the slippery ivory cloth from her fingers and into the discard pile.
“Ugh, you’re almost as bad as Georgie,” she said, playfully shooting you a glare.
You snorted and turned, dumping the table cloth scraps onto the old wooden table and sat back in your chair, wincing as it creaked with your returning weight. Everything in the Swaino’s kitchen was so old you wondered how it managed to sit the whole army that was Mags’ family. The place was filled with antique furniture and chintzy walls, smelling faintly of dinner and hair product, a touch of lingering cigarette smoke filling every room.
It was easy to see how Mags was the way she was, how she got so scrappy and determined. Being the youngest in a family like the Swainos had to be a fight. You shook your head as you watched her dutifully glue the off-white scrap into her heaving wedding scrapbook. It was barely closable with the amount of samples and leaflets and coupons she had bursting out of it. It made you break out into a grin as she struggled to keep the page flat.
“Face it, without me you wouldn’t even have a dress yet, the guests would turn up and you’d still be comparing centrepieces,” you tisked, thinking back to the dreaded first few pages of planning. 
“Yeah, yeah. I know I’m bein’ crazy about all this, its just I want to be able to look out on my wedding day and think, ‘there’s not a single thing I would change’. I want to stroll down the aisle and onto the dance floor and know I did everything right,” Mags declared, resting her head on her hand as she day dreamed. 
Mags had been your best friend since the moment you had started at your new company just a few years ago. The two of you worked in a New York office that her family always prefixed with ‘fancy’ in that knowing sort of way between themselves, and now you were both in her family home taking some time off over a long weekend to plan her wedding to George. You loved the girl, she showed the ropes around work and didn’t let anyone give you shit, but this wedding stuff was making her go full bridezilla. 
You’d arrived the night before, on Thursday, and met half of her family, talking to extremely excited sisters and aunties and uncles, and of course her mother. You’d been bombarded with people. And now you sat with kids blaring cartoons from the livingroom and women on phone calls that rattled through the house. You figured you’d had just about all you could handle for the day. 
“I think it’s time for a little break,” you said, waggling your eyebrows and hoping you could entice her out.
“What? We’ve still got to look at catering, and then there's the cake and the grooms cake and-”
“Margaret Jane Swaino,” you sighed, stopping her in her tracks. “We have been at this since eight this morning and now it’s three in the afternoon. I think we’ve earned ourselves a little drink. Whaddaya say?”
Mags huffed out a breath and stared at you for a moment, pursing her lips. She looked like she could be swayed in either direction until a mournful scream broke through from the lounge and suddenly she was jumping into action. She was hauling her puffy jacket on faster than you could even blink.
“Shouldn’t we go check on the kids and make sure no ones dying through there?” you asked, pulling your own jacket over your back and quirking your brow.
“Nah. We go through there it's gonna be all ‘I want a snack’ and ‘she hit me’ and ‘I shit my pants’,” she snorted, already sneaking over to the sliding door and making her way to the porch. “Get out before it's too late!”
You didn’t need much more convincing than that. Sure, you’d do anything to play polite house guest, but that was way beyond your remit. Escape sounded good.
Well it turned out you were escaping one hell and entering another. 
You didn’t know Manchester particularly well, so when you set off for drinks you let Mags lead the way. So ultimately she chose the local popular spot. Which also happened to be the same bar that Terrance Swaino frequented, Mags’ gross older brother.
“Baby sis! Oh my god, what’re you doin’ back here?” 
His voice sliced through you like a line of rusty barbed wire. Sure enough, he was there in his big black jacket, sporting his usual goatee that made you wonder what decade he was from. Suddenly memories were filling your mind and the thought of him drunkenly slurring “you’re too pretty to be some jerk off’s coffee slave” was all that echoed around your head.  
You’d only met him once before when he’d come to visit Mags for drinks one night and that one night had felt like more than enough time for you to make your mind up on him. He was a childish, gross dickhead. He’d spent the whole night taking cheap flirty shots at you, talking about his friends and dumping on them, and getting totally plastered before needing to be hauled off to his hotel room by Mags when he couldn’t stand anymore. Bleh.
To your chagrin Mags crossed the gloomy room and made a beeline for Terrance. You felt like you might melt into sludge on the old frayed carpet. You stalked behind her and approached his small group of friends, hunching over and appearing as small as possible. Hoping you wouldn’t stand out too much. 
“Ter bear!” Mags laughs, throwing her arms around her brother. “I booked time off work! We’re weddin’ planning.”
“We…? Oh! Fuck, hello gorgeous. Didn’t see ya there,” he grins, finally directing his attention towards you. 
“Hi Terrance,” you say, biting back a sigh. “How you keeping?” 
“I’m keeping very fuckin’ well,” he smirked, running his tongue over his lip. “How bout’ you uh-…?”
You narrow your eyes as you watch him squint at you and for a second it feels like you can actually hear the rusty cogs squealing in his mind. He clearly has no idea who you are. You can already tell that he’s trying to decide if you were a previous conquest or a new challenge. You huff out a breath and put him out of his misery reminding him of your name.
“We met a couple months back after Mags’ engagement. I work with her at the firm.”
“Oh shit! Oh man, right! You’re not from around here, huh? You guys should sit with us and we’ll make sure to give you a warm Manchester welcome. These are the guys,” Terrance said, beginning to gesture to his two smirking friends. “Frank and Packie.”
“Nice to meet you guys,” you murmured, smiling weakly. 
They sent a wave your way and immediately it felt like you were in the spotlight. A new girl, a girl that wasn’t related to anyone there. Fresh meat. You avoided eye contact and quickly sat down next to Mags, folding your arms across yourself and hoping the men would behave themselves. 
“You said you work with Maggie, right? What is it you do there?” Frank asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh, I’m a PA as well!”
“What, the boss needs two people to make him coffee?” Swaino sniggers.
“You made that joke last time,” you said, rolling your eyes. “Besides, Mags works for the Chairman, I work for the CEO and it’s more than just getting coffee too.”
“Yeah, man! PA’s have to respond to sensitive emails and set up workshops and meeting spaces,” Packie said with an all too serious stare.
“Uh, yeah that’s right actually…” you confirmed, not used to someone actually knowing what you do.
“Packie actually listens when I rant about my job, don’t ya Pack,” Mags trilled, cutting off your stunned silence. “Not like this fuckin’ idiot.”
She proceeded to mess with Terrance’s hair, rubbing her palm straight into the bouncy mop and sending it wild with static. You giggled as he ripped her hands off of him and started ranting at her, going off in that big broad accent of his. He was waving his arms around, getting comically mad as she unsuccessfully tried not to snort-laugh
“How many times do we have to go over this? The hair’s off limits!’” he growled, desperately trying to smooth it back to how it was.
You shook your head and turned just in time to see Frank roll his eyes as well. It seemed you had an ally. He winked at you in acknowledgment and stood up, asking if anyone would like a drink. You felt your cheeks heat up as you watched him. The man was tall and you had to admit it was a weakness of yours. You were a sucker for big guys that’d make you feel all protected and cherished.
“I’ll take a beer if you’re offering,” you smiled.
“Of course! Anything for you Maggie?”
“I need something stronger, I got the wedding planning guilt foggin’ my brain. Can you get me a double vodka and coke?” 
He snorted at that but nodded and went on his way, taking all six plus feet with him. You must’ve been obvious with your staring cause you noticed Mags’ brother staring right back at you after a few seconds and uncomfortably looked away. Damn it. You prayed the asshole wouldn’t bring it up in front of everyone. 
“So, what is it you do Packie?” you asked, ensuring the conversation stayed away from your staring.
“Well I actually do a couple different odd jobs-”
You let Packie drone on for a little bit and tuned out, satisfied that Terrance wasn’t going to rat on you and sat back waiting on your beer. At least this was a break from the wedding explosion waiting for you when you got back to the house, you thought. Even if you did have to put up with the staring and the dumb flirty comments. 
A while later, just as you were relaxing into your buzz, Mags ended up doubling over and puking an oil tankards worth of booze up in the bathroom. You were by her side in an instant of course, sweeping up her hair and telling her it was all gonna be ok, but you knew for a fact that was her out for the count for the foreseeable twenty four hours.
“I just-I just-I..oh,” Mags wailed, not knowing what to say. “I’m soooo sorry, I-”
“Shh, it’s alright, Mags. Let’s get you home, huh?” You reassured, trying to haul her to her feet.
It took a little bit of force but eventually you managed to yank her up and soon you were tottering back through the bar and unsteadily toward the doorway. You bit your lip and kept her balanced over your side, her arm draped messily around your shoulder, but you weren’t quite strong enough to support all of her. Shit. 
Just as you were about to tumble off balance you felt her weight lift from you and just as you righted yourself you looked up to see Terrance on her other side. He grinned over at you and motioned his head, urging you out toward the warm summer night just beyond the doorway.
You blinked in surprise at first but got to walking and soon you were out, breathing in the fresh air and looking up at the moon in a daze. Mags had now passed out, essentially lying across your lap, while Terrance was on her other side. He was talking to someone over the phone, ordering a taxi you eventually realised.
“You have to do this a lot?” he asked eventually, knocking you out of your stupor.
“Get my drunk ass baby sister home to safety?” he chuckled.
“Last I remember it was you getting hauled off,” you muttered, defending your friend.
He looked at you, taken aback for a second before he laughed and shook his head. You frowned over at him, wondering what was so funny before he rested his head against the concrete and turned to you once again.
“You don’t like me much do ya?”
You bristled at the accusation and immediately started to try and defend yourself.
“Well you were being super gross last time we met…” you trailed.
“Shit…I was?” he asked, looking genuinely confused.
You shook your head and grinned, leaning your own head back against the wall and looking back up to the sky. Of course he didn’t know he was being a weirdo. You thought for a second, figuring out the gentlest way to explain to him that saying, “if you’re looking for a man, I can pencil you in,” isn’t a turn on. Though you were interrupted before you could complete the thought.
“I’ll be honest I was kinda fucked by the time you guys got to the bar that night. If I was an asshole I’m sorry about that,” he said, offering you a small smile.
You blinked, surprised that he was apologising, but soon collected yourself. You gulped and offered him a shrug, feeling your tension around him ease.
“Thanks for apologising. I guess I’m just not used to being around guys like you,” you remarked.
“Guys like me?” he shot back, frowning deeply.
“Like, um…” you struggled for a second, “like I guess macho guys, I dunno-shit. I guess you’re just not like the guys in New York.”
He chuckled a deep gravelly laugh as he watched you struggle for words and clearly took great pleasure in watching you squirm. His smile remained on his face, and he side eyed you for a second, flicking his gaze over you like a jungle cat. Your breath hitched.
“Do you know what I think it is, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes at the pet name.
“I don’t think you’re used to gettin’ flirted with,” he said confidently. 
You snorted. Oh, this was where he was going with this. Like you were some kind of waif that couldn’t get attention. You got attention, you just weren’t keen on men that were too forward. Men that swaggered around like they owned the place. Men that thought they could force and flatter their way through to your pants.
“Why wouldn’t I get flirted with? I remember you saying I was so hot I could charge a solar panel.”
You delighted in watching him wince at that, he adjusted his big thick jacket around his shoulders and raked his hand through his dark hair. The thick locks bounced back up like springs and it made you look down to Mags, looking at how rumpled her hair was after her little puke fest. If the swainos had one thing going for them it was their big thick hair.
“You know what, I officially give up,” Terrance declared. “I can see when my chances are screwed.”
“Wise choice,” you laughed, staring back up at him “Maybe you could try and be a little less corny with next girl, huh?”
“Shit, y’know most girls think it’s endearing,” he shrugged.
“Wow, that’s a big word, must really impress girls,” you snarked, smacking your hand over your mouth when you realised how dry you’d been. 
Terrance’s eyes comically widened and his mouth dropped open. He looked absolutely scandalised. 
“Woah. You’re brutal aren’t ya? Better warn Frank about that,” he remarked.
“Yeah, I saw you checking him out. You were pretty fuckin’ obvious about it,” he laughed. “Was waiting on you makin’ a move.”
“Was not,” you snorted.
“Yeah you were, don’t fuckin lie you coward. What was it you liked about him, huh? What’s he got that I don’t?”
Your heart thudded in your chest and felt like it might come beating right out. Just as you thought you might overheat from the embarrassment of it all, you saw headlights approaching and realised it must be your taxi. You were saved by the wheels. You sighed and got to your feet, starting to try and tug the still unconscious Mags up with no help from Swaino. He was still giving you that signature molton brown stare. 
“Terrance,” you gritted out, arms burning from attempting to get Mags upright. “Little help?”
“Tell me why you got a crush on Frankie boy and I’ll carry her myself,” he declared, a shit eating grin spreading across his features.
Oh you could just smack that goatee right off of him. You groaned and when the car finally pulled up to the sidewalk, you realised there was only one way into it.
“He’s tall,” you shrugged.
“Really? That’s all it takes?” he laughed, getting to his feet.
“Tall men are hot- woah” you said, almost unbalancing as Mags’ brother took her from you and left you feeling feather light. 
Terrance watched you for a second, before he shook his head and gathered his sister into his arms, rather ungracefully hauling her over his shoulder. He may as well have been lugging a sack of potatoes. Meanwhile you’d found your balance, impressed that Terrance was still able to hold Mags up like that after all those drinks and you were struggling just to stay on your own feet. 
“You know I might be a little shorter than him, but it’s only cause those inches were put to use somewhere else,” he winked, stalking over to the car. 
Every muscle in your face wrinkled in disgust and you took a pause before following behind him. You weren’t entirely convinced you actually wanted to go in with him, but then again you were desperate to get home and sink into bed. Sophie's choice. You rolled your eyes for the thousandth time and did a little half jog to catch up with him, scowling as you got into the taxi.
“You’re fuckin gross,” you muttered.
“Mornin, sweetheart. Cute PJs, very nice.”
You jumped as you walked into the kitchen and did a double take as you saw Terrance sitting at the kitchen table with a smug look on his face and a mug of coffee. You gritted your teeth and locked eyes with him, he trailed his gaze over you, biting his lip through his grin. There was no escape from the man.
You stared down at your baggy shirt and pyjama shorts, suddenly wishing the shirt came down just an extra few inches. Looking back over at him, you noticed he wasn’t wearing his jacket for once, he was just in a black T-shirt and dark jeans, his golden chain glinting in the soft morning light. It was difficult not to notice his bulging arms now they were on full display, difficult not to think about how into him you’d be if he weren't…well him. 
“Is there coffee left or did you just make enough for yourself,” you finally said, washing the image of his arms around you out of your mind. 
“Coffee pot’s over there,” he said, motioning with his head. 
As soon as you knew where to get yourself some caffeine you scurried away, finding a stray mug in the dish rack and filling it as much as possible. The warm bitter smell of coffee washed through you and before even taking a sip, you could feel the warmth seeping into your system. It wrapped you in a hug and washed through your head, numbing the hangover and your thumping heart. 
Once you’d had a generous gulp, you took it over to the table and sat for a second, losing yourself in the heavily floral wallpaper. You traced along the vines and petals with your eyes and spaced out, feeling white noise creeping through your skull.
“Not a mornin’ person, huh?”
You blinked and stared back over at Terrance, fearing for a second that your head was going to fall off your shoulders you’d moved so quickly. He laughed as he studied you and reached over to the chair next to him, pulling a large white box out from under the table and offering it over to you. 
“What’s that?” you asked, eying the box suspiciously.
“Breakfast,” he grinned, opening the lid.
Inside there were a few donuts scattered haphazardly around. Clearly the box had been full at one point but the supply had been decimated. You assumed that must be why you were woken up by the kids screaming outside. They were high out their little minds with a sugar rush. 
You picked out a simple glazed one that was oozing a little jam, admiring the way the sugar glistened. It looked like a good fuckin’ donut. 
After taking a bite, you could confirm, that was a great fuckin’ donut. You moaned and took another bite and sipping at your coffee, accidentally catching Terraces eye after your outburst. He was smirking.
“What?” you said, narrowing your eyes.
“Didn’t say anything,” he said innocently, holding his hands up. “Glad you’re enjoying it is all.”
Yeah right. He was enjoying watching you a little too much for your tastes. You shook your head and continued to eat, staring off at the wallpaper again, hoping you could ignore anymore awkward conversation with Mags’ annoying brother and praying she’d be down soon. Though if track records were anything to go by that was doubtful.
Soon enough the comfortable silence was broken when giggles broke out from the hallway. You frowned and looked over at the door just as two little girls pounced through it, both sporting thick pigtails and big toothy grins. They skipped their way over to Terrance and pounced onto his lap, 
“Uncle Terry!” One of them exclaimed.
“We drew this for you!” said the other.
The little girl whipped out a crudely drawn crayon picture, brandishing it proudly right in front of his eyes. You giggled as you watched him adjust to having the paper smacked right in his face, taking it from them and putting it to an actual viewable level.
“Aw man, look at that. You made this just for me?” He said, his voice breaking out into a dramatically touched tone. “Isn’t that sweet. Is that me and my bike? You guys did such a good job, that’s like the perfect red you used!”
“Yeah, and- and- an, um…” one of the girls trailed, struggling to get her words out with excitement.
“It’s ok, take a breath darlin’. Take a second and figure out what you wanna say,” he instructed gently, stroking her back in encouragement. 
“Um, uncle terry I was just saying that um, we put a doggy in the picture cause uh, we know you like dogs,” she said proudly, pointing to a big grey blob that stood off in the corner of the colourful scribbles.
“Ah, yeah you did! That’s so sweet, it’s just like Frankie’s dog, huh? You guys did great. I’m gonna hang this one up on the fridge right next to your other one,” he declared, putting the drawing down and giving them a big bear hug.
You clutched your coffee cup tightly in your hand and let the warm ceramic distract you from the display in front of you. It’s not like you were racing to have kids, or even sure if you wanted them, but seeing him so sweet with his little nieces was certainly painting him in a different light. It knocked a chip out of the fuck boy caricature you’d constructed in your mind, because clearly he wasn’t all lewd comments and grossness. 
Terrance Swaino was actually a multifaceted human man, not just a big talking dildo. Who knew? 
The girls soon raced off, excitedly talking about the other masterpieces they were going to create together and left you and Terrance alone again. You watched as he examined the drawing further, before sliding it onto the table with a grin.
“Little picassos in the making my sisters say,” he laughed, taking a swig out of his coffee.
You took a closer look at the drawing and sniggered, looking at the homunculus in front of you and back at Terrance, comparing the two. They did a good job of thickly drawing his goatee and big hair on, though you couldn’t help but find his large sausage fingers and thumb like head hilarious. 
“Yeah, I think they really captured your essence.”
“Oh yeah,” he snorted, “It’s nice to see they noticed my big ears and huge clown feet.”
You giggled and sat back in your chair, taking a sip out of your coffee. 
“Figure you’d be happy with big feet. You know what they say about those,” you said, raising your brows.
“Big socks?” he answered, chestnut eyes glinting as he stared back at you. 
“Woah, surprised you shot down a chance to talk about your big dick,” you snorted.
“Sounds like you’re doing a good job of hypin’ it up yourself, sweetheart,” he winked. 
With that he stood up and dumped his coffee cup in the sink with a clatter. You scrambled, trying to undo what you’d just said but he didn’t give you the opportunity to take anything back. He raced off through the doorway and outside, roaring something to the kids that made them all scream. 
You sat there with a deep sigh and rubbed at your aching temples. You did not just tell Terrance Swaino that his dick was big, you thought, surely that didn’t just happen. Jesus help me. 
Maggie had eventually awoken that day and man was the aftermath of her hangover a beast. She took two cups of coffee and three donuts until she could stop groaning. Then she piled herself into the shower and declared you both had to go out for brunch. 
She packed her book of course, and soon you found yourself on your third cup of coffee continuing to bully your way through wedding planning. She would pull out endless options from leaflets and directories, slamming books onto the metal table and making unimpressed noises at every single option until you would snap and give her the choice between the two options she’d made the least faces at.
It was a tedious system but it was getting you both somewhere. 
“You’re such a slave driver, you know that?” she laughed, penning her choice of make up artist into her book in a looping scrawl.
“Well after that night we had, you can’t not expect me to be a little crabby,” you shrugged. 
Mags bit her lip and stared off in another direction, knowing that once the drinking started it was her that was buying rounds like they were going out of fashion. Not that you could blame her, you knew how stressed she was about getting the wedding perfect and how hard she’d had it at work. She deserved to unwind a bit. Even if it did leave you both fucked that day.
“Yeah we really overdid it huh?” she muttered, shaking her head. “We cannot let that happen again. You know how annoying Ter’s gonna be cause he had to carry me home again? After I made such a big deal about how I wasn’t that person anymore since I moved!”
“Aw Mags, I’m sure he’ll be very understanding and sympathetic,” you smirked.
You both sat in silence for a second and burst out laughing at the same time. Terrance sympathetic? No he was gonna milk this for all it was worth.
“Fucking hell. I come back here and I’m drinking myself into the toilet in two seconds flat,” she groaned, leaning back in her chair. “This town has an effect on me.”
“To be fair I wasn’t far behind you,” you shrugged, attempting to make her feel better.
“Yeah right, you were on beer all night,” she snorted. “It was a good thing you weren’t that close behind me, if I had to have Ter in the bathroom with me agian, I think that really would have me dying of embarrassment.”
“Again?” you asked incredulously. “He doesn’t strike me as the type to be caught dead in a woman’s bathroom, isn’t he like…too ‘alpha’ for that or whatever?”
“Jesus no. If he ever caught me out drinking he’d always be floating around making sure I had zero chance with any guys and holding my hair back for me when I hit my limit,” she grimaced. “He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s always been a good big brother. You know he bought me my first tampons?”
“Holy shit, what?” you laughed.
“Yeah, dude! He’s great, he grew up with all us women around him, so he’s actually really sweet about all the girly shit. He puts on this whole big asshole front to other people, but he’s actually a real marshmallow on the inside,” she insisted. 
You wanted to open your mouth and immediately disprove her, but you took a second and realised you probably shouldn't trash her brother for one, and also he wasn’t all bad really. He had made sure you and Mags got home safe, and he did get breakfast for you and was really sweet on the kids. Maybe you’d been a touch too harsh with him. Just a touch though. 
“Anyway, enough about my idiot brother,” Mags said, fixing her gaze back onto her book. “Back to the Wedding!”
A few hours later you’d departed from the diner and left for Mags’ house once more. She’d done her best to prop her eyes open and continue to pour over wedding stuff for a while longer, but as the night drew in and shadows crept into the house she’d called time out. Mags went to bed early and sluggishly mounted the stairs while you crept out onto the porch and drank in the warm summer air. You’d been dying for some peace to yourself.
The street outside was still and a gentle breeze rolled through, scattering a couple stray leaves here and there. It was peaceful. Perfect. You closed your eyes and bathed in the silence for a minute, enjoying a reprieve from traffic and screaming kids until the sound of a loud engine startled you from your dozing state.
“What the fuck?” you whispered to yourself. 
A cherry red bike sliced through the darkness with its bright headlights and barreled toward you, slowing as it approached the house. You squinted when it came to a halt and rubbed at your tired eyes, looking to see who was climbing off of it only to be greeted with the sight of Terrance clambering toward you.
“You’re up late sweetheart,” he called out.
“Hard not to be with that racket,” you grimaced, staring off toward his bike.
“Would you have rather I let you fall asleep out here?” he challenged, coming to a stop in front of you. 
Your lips formed a thin line and you shook your head, not able to dispute him. Maybe it was better he’d ridden by, you thought.
“What’re you doing riding around so late?” you asked, changing the subject.
He shrugged, walking toward the front door and edging off to the right of it. You watched him, wondering what on earth he was doing. Though, Terrance was unaffected by your staring and muttered something to himself, sounding as if he was counting as he traced his hands along the worn white bricks of the house. He came to a stop suddenly and pulled a loose brick out, fetching a small silver tin out of the hidden crevice.
He walked back toward you and settled down next to you with a thump, setting the tin by his side as he slid his jacket off and revealed the T-shirt and chain combo he’d had on that morning. Your throat went dry as you found yourself staring at his arms again, but he didn’t notice your gaze. He was too busy messing with whatever was in the tin now.
“You partake?” he asked, breaking the silence.
You tilted your head and wondered what the hell that meant until you looked at the tin properly and realised he was in the beginning stages of rolling a joint. You quirked an eyebrow and watched as he began to roll the paper between his fingers, poking his big tongue out from between his lips and licking the paper. 
“I uh- I used to,” you said finally. “Is that what you came by for?”
He shook his head and pulled a lighter out of his discarded jacket pocket. The lighter sparked up a warm yellow flame and licked through the brown paper, turning it to ash and sparking the joint. You watched the glow as it brightly shone off of his chain and admired the smoke as it crept toward the sky in a thick strand. 
“I got stuff at home,” Terrance finally clarified, taking a draw. “I just noticed you sitting out and figured I’d see if you wanted company. I always keep a stash here so when it comes to getting through parties, I got a little somethin’ to help. When you say you used to smoke, does that mean you won’t now?”
You considered him for a second, watching as he took another draw and relaxed back against the porch post. The skunky smell was filling your senses and suddenly flashbacks of lazy high school days were filling your mind. You found yourself shaking your head back at him and smiling.
“If you’re offering I’ll smoke a little,” you shrugged.
He took one last draw, tapping the end against the bannister and shaking the ash from it before handing it over to you. You accepted it, bringing it to your lips and taking a puff, drawing the smoke into you and inhaling slowly. You giggled as you huffed the smoke from your lungs and simpered off into the distance.
“Hitting you already, lightweight?” Terrance teased.
“Nah…I just haven't smoked weed since I finished my degree,” you smirked. “I feel like a school kid again. Sittin’ outside my friends parents house and talking quiet so we don’t get caught.”
He laughed at that and let you have another few draws before taking it back from you, closing his eyes sleepily as he took another. You settled your hands behind you and smiled sleepily to yourself as you felt your mind begin to buzz and your body relax into the porch. This was actually nice. His company wasn’t too shabby after all. 
You swivelled a little and faced him, admiring the way he smoked through your hazy eyes. He looked effortless, like he was in a photoshoot or something. It turned out when he was quiet he was genuinely quite attractive. His jawline caught the glint of the streetlights and his nose was silhouetted sharply in the night shadows. It made you wonder how many fights he’d been in, made you gaze across down at his hands and observe the hardened calluses.
“Your eyes are big as shit right now,” he smirked, watching you right back.
You poked your tongue out at him and he snorted before reaching out to ruffle your hair. You were about to squeal until you remembered the sleeping people in the house and settled for a fake glare instead.
“I thought there was a ‘no messing up the hair’ rule?” you groused.
“For me,” he clarified. “Besides, you were being cute. Couldn’t help it.”
Heat crept up onto your cheeks and you looked away from him for a second. This couldn’t be happening. You were not crushing on him, you absolutely were not. You tried to remind yourself of all the gross things he’d said, but all that was ringing in your head was your conversation that morning. He actually was kinda endearing?
How baffling. 
“You know, I’m not a woman expert. I’m a big enough man to admit that,” he said, speaking slowly as the high settled in, “but I do feel like I’m growin’ on ya.”
You stiffened and swivelled your head, narrowing your eyes. 
“Just because I’m not cursing you out doesn’t mean I fancy you,” you growled.
“I didn’t say ‘fancy’, mostly because I’m not a little school kid, but no one brought up anything like that. I just said I was growin’ on ya. And it looks like I’m absolutely right if that’s your take.”
You gritted your teeth and stared him down, willing yourself to see him as the asshole you’d always thought he was before. Though now, maybe with a little help from the weed and maybe with looking at him a little harder, you couldn’t quite see him the same. Sure he was a childish dick, but there was no denying that he was hot as shit and he had his nice moments. 
“No idea what you’re talking about,” you finally said, trying to dismiss him. 
He smirked at that and put out the last of the joint, making sure to stow the stub away into the bush. Once he was sure it was hidden, he faced you again and shuffled closer to you, his big body filling your personal space. You gulped.
“You telling me if I kissed you right now, you’d hate it?” he murmured, breath tickling your ear as he brought his face close to yours.
You shivered and breathed him in without meaning to. You caught the fresh smell of the weed mixing with his spicy cologne and you breathed out, trying to collect your thoughts. Oh god, you really wanted it. Though, surely he wasn’t gonna-
Without any more warning he brought his lips to yours and grabbed your chin in his hands, capturing you in a kiss. At first you were too surprised to do anything, but soon you found yourself kissing him back, even lashing your tongue out and trading smoky breaths between each other. You moaned as his tongue tangled with yours and all too soon he pulled away and presented you with his pearly white grin.
“Fuckin’ knew you were changing your mind on me,” he laughed.
“Shut up,” you groaned.
“I don’t think anyone would blame you for failin’ to resist the Swaino charm, sweetheart. I’m pretty irresistible.”
You shook your head and rubbed at your temples, trying to process the disbelief of what you’d just done. You’d kissed Mags’ brother. Her gross brother that you maintained you’d rather die than touch with a barge poll for so long. You’d just kissed him and worse, you wanted more. 
This had to be the weed. This had to be weapons grade quality weed you thought. No way you were doing this all of your own accord. You breathed out again and looked up at him again, but sure enough it wasn’t the weed. You knew your own mind too well to know that you wanted his chain to dangle in your face while he gave it to you hard, and no amount of sobriety would clear the thought.
Fuck it.
“Ugh, come here jackass.”
You got to your feet and yanked him and his jacket up, pulling him into the porch and through the front door. He raised his eyebrows at you, but stayed quiet, allowing you to tug him up the stairs and through the hall, bringing him into the spare room. Luckily you guys were on the end, away from everyone else who you hoped would be deep deep asleep. 
You let go of Swaino, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot next to you, leaning back into the covers. He sucked in a breath and you watched as he scratched a hand through his beard and stared back at you. His eyes were filled with lust. Though there was a shimmer of amusement ringing through them.
“You asking me to sit there for a reason, sweetheart?” he asked, playing dumb.
“Obviously,” you groaned, already growing impatient. 
“Huh, and I thought you hated me,” he grinned, settling down beside you.
You rolled your eyes and moved to kiss him, but he leaned back and shifted where he sat. God, why was he being difficult now? You groaned as he drank in your frustration.
“If you want me to do anything to you…I want you to ask for it,” he smiled.
You huffed out a frustrated breath. Part of you wanted to call the whole thing off, but a larger part of you acknowledged it had been a few months since you’d gotten laid. If you let that chance go then, you would’ve probably gone a few months more as well.
“Fuck me,” you moaned, trying to be sexy but coming across more demanding.
Terrance tisked and smiled wider, shaking his head. That definitely wasn’t going to be enough. He was going to be a dick about it.
“Ask me nicely, sweetheart.”
You sighed and closed your eyes for a second, gathering your courage before you slid down off the bed. You crawled the short space between you both and shuffled in between Swaino’s legs, placing your hands on the expanse of his thighs. He took a sharp breath and looked down at you, pupils somehow dilating more.
“Pretty please, Ter,” you purred, rubbing his steadily growing bulge. “Please fuck me.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” he breathed, pulling you up smothering you in another kiss.
You moaned out lowly into his mouth and fumbled around with your hands, shucking off your clothes haphazardly. All too soon you were stripped down to your underwear and Swaino was in his boxers after wrestling his shirt off. Goddam, what a sight he was. You raked your eyes over his pecs and down to his abs, glancing back up to his molten eyes.
Swaino was staring at you like he was going to eat you. And man, you wanted that bad. You crept up onto the bed with him and bit your lip, ready to go further. Ready for him to take you. 
“Fuck me, you’re gorgeous,” he groaned, raking his eyes over your body and grabbing your hips. “Such a pretty fuckin’ girl.”
He groped at your body, his hard hands palming at your flesh and caressing your ass, leaving behind hot tingling sensations wherever he touched. Your chest was rising high with your short breaths and you groaned out. You were on fire.
“Swaino please,” you sighed. “Need you.”
His hooded eyes were gazing at you intently, burning as you talked dirty to him. He liked that, you noted. He liked that a lot.
“You gonna get me warmed up for you?” you asked breathily.
“Oh, I’m gonna get you so wet, sweetheart. Gonna get you soaked,” he growled. “Just gotta do one thing for me, baby. Just gotta stay quiet for me, no matter how much you wanna scream my name.”
A part of you wanted to roll your eyes, but you were too deep in it now. You bit your lip and nodded instead, gasping as he expertly unclipped your bra and slid your panties down your legs. You were completely bare to him.
The man was a smooth operator, you had to give him that. He got to work immediately, kissing and sucking on your neck, trailing wet kisses down your body. Moans escaped from you like a symphony, you found yourself jamming your hand up to your mouth biting at your knuckle. Fuck. 
He licked and sucked at your nipples, biting a little and taking every little sound you made into consideration as he went on. He was clearly paying attention to what you liked because the more you breathed out, the more he continued to do those things that had your legs shaking.
“So pretty…look at these tits. You’re fuckin’ hot,” he growled, grabbing at your boobs and continuing on his way down.
His tongue trailed across your stomach, tickling your flesh. You could feel your pussy clench as he grew closer, could feel yourself getting wetter with every passing second. This was almost too much. This was the most attention you’d ever received from a man. And it was Terrance!
The thought quickly left you as he finally worked his way down. Finally! You couldn't silence the small cry that rang out into the room. Swaino paused just as his fingers began swirling on your clit and raised his head, drawing himself up above you with his free arm. 
“You moan so pretty for me, baby,” he sighed. “But I already told you. You gotta stay quiet.”
His look hardened as he stared down at you and you looked up with glazed eyes, nodding enthusiastically. Anything. Anything, as long as he’d just keep going.
He soon resumed his motions, gathering up your wetness and drawing circles across your clit. You silenced yourself with your knuckles and tried as hard as you could so that you wouldn't make a noise. Your skin burned and your thighs shook with every motion, your body was on fire.
The coil in your body was tightening fast now, your stomach was taut and the hand that wasn’t currently silencing your cries found its way into Swaino’s hair. His hair was soft underneath your fingers, you scratched your nails through it and gently applied pressure, forcing him toward your pussy and moaning as he licked a stripe through your folds.
“Taste so fuckin’ sweet,” he muttered.
His expert tongue worked at you and focused on your bud, his fingers drawing away before sinking into you. Mother of god. The man knew exactly what he was doing. He curled his fingers expertly and you groaned quietly, taking in all of the pleasure. Your heart was racing. Your legs were shaking and you were writhing, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
And then it came. Your orgasm tore through your body. You gave up on your knuckle and pulled your wrist to your mouth, keeping yourself as quiet as you could. Your whole body ran wild with tingles and white noise rang through your ears.
You sighed out finally and brought yourself back into the room. Swaino was fumbling for something in his jeans. After a second of searching, he pulled out a condom and grinned falling back onto the bed next to you.
“You carry that with you everywhere?” you giggled.
“I always keep one on me, never hurts to be ready” he shrugged. “You still want me to fuck you?”
Who said romance was dead?
“Duh,” you snarked.
“You gonna be mean to me after I just rocked your shit like that?” he laughed dryly.
You gulped and realised you still could still hardly feel your legs.
“Ok,I’ll be nice,” you smiled sweetly. “I want you to please fuck me with that big cock of yours.”
That was encouraging enough. He slid his boxers down his thighs and revealed a massive dick. Normally your eyes wouldn’t bulge when a prospective partner’s cock was revealed but damn. Damn, that was a nice cock.
“It’s so big,” you murmured, losing yourself for a second.
“Ain’t it just?” he smirked. “Clearly I got that big dick energy people talk about.”
Oh yeah. His was an ego that didn’t need stoked.
He didn’t waste anymore time teasing you though. He tore the condom wrapper roughly and slipped the rubber over his dick, groaning deep in his throat at the contact. A breath caught in your throat as you watched him and you only released it as he rutted into you. Even having been warmed up, he stretched you and had you cursing out in low whispers. 
He wrapped his thick arm around your head and swallowed you with the pressure. You were coming down from one high and crashing into another. His eyes were boring into you, his impassioned gaze lighting a new fire inside you. 
“So tight,” he said through gritted teeth, “You feel so fuckin good.”
“Mmm, your dick feels so big, fuck!”
“Yeah, tell me.Tell me what you want, pretty. You want me to go harder?” he asked, thrusting deep into you.
Fuck! You couldn’t help your moan, though you realised, was there any point? The mattress was jumping and Swaino’s groans were tearing through the quiet. If the house wasn’t woken already, you guys were going to be fine. 
You stretched out your body, and writhed underneath him as he continued to pound into you, making slow deep thrusts. It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough. Your second orgasm was creeping up, but you wouldn’t be pushed over the edge like this.
“Faster,” you moaned. “Please Swaino, faster.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he grinned.
His pace ramped up and soon he was thrusting into you with reckless abandon. The room filled with the noise of flesh and moans, both working in tandem. Your breath was taken from you once more as you came again, clenching hard down on his cock and drawing out a groan. 
He came a little after you did, burying his face into the pillow and collapsing on top of you. His full weight crushed you into the mattress. Luckily, he rolled himself over after a few seconds, and you were both lying there staring up at the flaky ceiling. Soon your pants were the only sound that broke through the room. 
“Fuck,” Swaino sighed out.
“Right?” you grinned, still feeling your head race with static.
Your heart was thudding and you were flush with warmth. The room smelt like sex and weed and Swaino’s cologne, maybe it was cheap but it was a little sexy too. You sighed and lay back against his chest after a few moments, grinning as you listened to his heartbeat, listened to the loud uncontrolled thump that mirrored yours. 
“Fuck,” he repeated, gritting his teeth. “Can’t believe you got me to fuck in my famiy’s house. Haven’t sneaked around like this in fuckin’ years.”
You smiled smugly to yourself and drew the covers over you, twisting to meet his eyes and cover him as well. He looked over at you incredulous and moon eyed, looking thoroughly tired and fucked out. 
“Worth it though, right?” you murmured, bringing your hand up to stroke his jaw.
Swaino grinned and grabbed your hand, kissing it and lacing his fingers through yours.
“So fuckin’ worth it,” he confirmed. “You’re way hotter than those girls I used to bring back when I was in school.”
You wrinkled your nose and hit his chest lightly. You’d forgotten who you’d invited to bed and now you were getting a stark reminder as to what you’d actually done.
“What? It’s a complement!” he said, biting back a laugh.
“Jesus christ,” you groaned. “Shut up before I kick you out, Swaino.”
He smirked at that and nodded, drawing you back against his chest and back into the warmth. You could only lie there and pray you wouldn’t regret what you’d done in the morning.
“Just let me know if you wanna go again by the way, I think this condom’ll last another time,” he whispered.
Fucking hell. You were regretting it already.
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huneekrispee · 3 years
Where is my lover?
Pairing: c!Dreamwastaken x gn!Reader
Summary: Living outside the Dream SMP, far from the war and chaos, Dream was able to find comfort in you. One day, he leaves, promising to come back to you. It's been months, now you're left wondering... where is my lover?
Warnings: cursing, use of dream's real name, spoilers for the Dream SMP Finale, tiny bit of fluff at the start, angst
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I've been watching Attack on Titan recently, and the song 'Call Your Name' has me in the feels :( Sorry for being away for so long :( School has been an ass to me, I hope you enjoy it!! -Hunee <3
Also! Please don't mind the pronouns in the song! This is a gender-neutral fic, I merely just wrote the song lyrics as they are :)
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She lost her brother a month ago
His picture on the wall
And it reminds me
When she brings me coffee... her smile
I wish I could be with her until my last day
In the forest, a cottage lays peacefully in a secluded meadow near a running stream. The tall trees lay their shadows onto the grassy floor, leaving marks from the sun. Water solemnly runs along, moving to its next destination through the stream. Grass rustles and a soft sigh is heard.
Stretching his arms above his head, a man clad in green slowly sits up, emerald eyes darting around. He yawns. "(Y/N)!" He's now standing up, searching for his lover. Dream's hand reaches down to grab his mask left abandoned on the grass, quickly putting it on.
Preparing his sword, his hand on the hilt, Dream slowly steps toward the cottage. He rests a hand on the door, waiting for something, anything.
A scream is heard.
He now slams the door open, netherite blade on full display, ready to attack. Looking around, he notices no one but (Y/N) in the cozy home, with a kettle on the ground next to them. Lowering his guard, sighing with relief, he sheathes his sword once more, walking over to his distraught partner.
"Are you alright?" Removing his mask, he takes their hands in his. Dream looks at them. (Y/N) looks down, taking their hurt hand out of his. Sighing, Dream quickly leads them over to the sink, running the tap. "What happened?" The coldness of the water helped soothe the burn. "I just, accidentally burnt myself with the kettle. It's okay, I'll live, Clay."
The man remained silent. The only sound heard in the cottage was the running tap water. After treating the burn on their hand, Dream leads (Y/N) to the chair on the side of the room. "You. Sit. I'll finish doing whatever you were doing. You just sit there and take it easy, you just burnt your hand." Bending down to their height, Dream stands face to face with (Y/N). He narrows his eyes slightly. He was always like this. Whenever (Y/N) got hurt in any sort of way, Dream was always on it, almost suffocating them with his overwhelming protectiveness.
They sighed, avoiding his eyes. "I- I was just... I just wanted to make you a coffee this morning. I know you're going to be busy later, so I wanted to make sure that you were energized for your work." Fiddling with their bandaged hand, (Y/N) smiled gently. "I see how you're always so dedicated to the stuff you do, and I wanted to return the favor, even if it's just a cup of coffee."
Dream's eyes softened. It was true, he was dedicated to his work. Running an SMP was hard, especially with some people interfering with his plans recently. He had plans to take power over the server again. Finding and taking everything his people were attached to was difficult, but at least he had (Y/N) to come home to. It was all for them. It was worth the hard work and pain just to see (Y/N) smile at him, showing him their love.
"It's okay. Thank you for wanting to do that, but you don't have to." Running his hand up to their cheek, he smiled. "I do all of my work for you, to help make a safe place for you. Once I sort out the rebellious people, I promise, I'll come back to you, and we can live together in my SMP." (Y/N) gazed up at him, looking into his eyes. They smiled, beaming at the idea.
"Alright! I promise I'll wait for you! I'll always wait for you. I love you, Clay."
"I love you too. I promise I will come back to you. Always."
He would do anything to see that smile on their face all the time.
She said she gave all her love to me
We dreamt a new life
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
It had been two days. Two days since Dream had left. (Y/N) had since then tended to the flowers and read a few books Dream had gotten them from a faraway village.
'I wonder what he's doing now?' Looking up at the sky, (Y/N)'s mind began to wander. What was dream doing right now? Maybe he was still on his way back to his SMP? Or maybe he was trading with villagers for resources?
They smiled. Dream had been one of (Y/N)'s lifelong friends turned partner. They had met when (Y/N) used to live in a village as a child. (Y/N) was nine and Clay was ten. Dream had gotten into a rough fight with two skeletons and a zombie. He was stumbling around, trying to find help for his injuries.
That was when (Y/N) appeared. Hearing the boy's cries, they ran out of their family home, taking Dream into the house to be treated, screaming for their parents to help him.
They had grown up together as best friends after that. Meeting George and Sapnap, the group loved to go on little adventures together and play their favourite game: manhunt. Dream would always insist on running, with George and Sapnap chasing after him. Sometimes, (Y/N) would join them, but they quite enjoyed seeing the trio panic during the game. It was fun.
A couple years ago, Dream visited (Y/N), saying that he was starting up his own SMP, a place where he and his friends could have fun and just be themselves all the time. The two of them spend hours in (Y/N)'s room, talking about their big plans and ideas for the SMP. Dream wanted to build a cottage near a stream, and live there peacefully with (Y/N). They were shocked, Dream wanted to live with them? "Why?" They asked.
"Well, because of... I'll just show you."
That was the day Clay had kissed (Y/N) for the first time.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
A month had passed. Nothing from Dream. Usually, he'd send a message through on their server communicator, asking how they were and informing them of his journey and new discoveries. But that didn't happen, not this time.
It was hard. Clay had been such a big part of their life that sometimes they found it hard not to worry about him. They knew he was strong, he could take down armies of people, but everyone had their limit.
Raising the iron hoe, (Y/N) swung down, making way for the new seeds of crops that would grow over the next few months. Wiping their forehead with their sleeve, they sighed.
All they wanted was for Dream to be safe, and for him to come back home once he finished his business in the SMP.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
Heavy pants of breath echoed throughout the underground bunker. He was panicking. It wasn't supposed to go like this.
The plan was to kill Tubbo and make Tommy give him his disks.
It all went to shit when Punz showed up with backup, showing the people of his SMP that had turned against him fully.
"W-woah! Okay! Tommy, calm down!"
The blonde boy didn't listen, hands gripping the axe of peace and lifting it high above his head.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you Dream, right here, right now."
Dream silently gulped. For once, his plan failed. It backfired on him and blew up in his face. 'Sorry (Y/N). Guess I'm not coming back tonight.' He just wanted this to be over. He just wanted to be back in the cottage near the stream, sitting with his lover.
His green eyes darted around to everyone in the room. They looked disgusted, some disappointed, others angry. He knew this would never change. He would never get his SMP back. They hated him. Wanted him gone.
"Does Y/N know you're like this?"
His breath hitched. Eyes went wide.
Sapnap had stepped forward, sword out, pointing it threatening at Dream. "Do they know just how bad you are? How corrupt you've become?!" He was yelling at this point. Sapnap was upset as well. It was hard to believe that his best friend would do all of these bad things, it hurt to betray him, but he had to do what was right.
"S-stop. Stop talking about them."
For once, Dream was vulnerable. He hated it. He was always so soft when it came to them. When it came to (Y/N). Sapnap knew that. He had seen it when they were together, how happy dream was when he was with them, following them around like a lost puppy, longing for their love. It went both ways, (Y/N) was the same.
"Who the fuck is- Nevermind. Dream. Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn't-"
"Tommy stop." Sapnap stepped in again. "This is important to not just me but for another person as well." Tommy stepped back, axe still prepared to lash out just in case. Tommy kept muttering to himself, something about a green bastard.
"Dream. Where is (Y/N)? You said they would join the SMP with us, but they're not here, nobody has seen them, probably besides you. You said that they changed their mind about the SMP, or was that a lie too?"
Dream gulped, words caught in his throat.
"Tell me, you bastard! Where is (Y/N) and do they know?!"
"No. They don't know. All I wanted to do was protect them from something I knew would happen. The wars, the chaos of the SMP. They didn't need to be a part of that. I didn't want them to get hurt."
It was almost like a plea. Dream's voice was quiet like he didn't want them to hear what he was saying. Sapnap stepped back, somewhat satisfied with his answer. He was also upset, he hadn't seen (Y/N) in years, not since before the SMP started.
Tommy finally stepped forward.
"Now. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you, Dream."
"I can bring people back to life. I can bring Wilbur back."
I said I gave all my love to you
We dreamt a new house
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
Three months. It had been three long months without him. (Y/N) would spend every other night crying in their bed, missing him. They missed everything about him. No messages from him on their communicator. No death messages about him either.
They had never thought that three months could feel so long.
Surely he was busy doing stuff that would mean the world was safer for them. That's what he always said. He said that he worked for them and that he promised that they could settle down and make a new cottage near a different stream, closer to the SMP.
He said he needed to dig out the rebellious people and make his SMP a better place.
All (Y/N) could hope for was that he was safe and doing okay.
We don't know what is wrong tonight
Everybody's got no place to hide
No one's left and there's no one to go on
All I know is my life is gone
Dream was not feeling safe and right now he was feeling anything but okay.
Tommy had just broken his mask. Split down the middle, from the axe of peace.
He didn't want anyone to see his face, no one but (Y/N) and the people who had already seen it before he started wearing the mask.
His mask was his safe haven. A facade he could hide behind. With it gone, there was now no place for him to hide.
All he had done was tell Tommy that he could bring people back to life. When he mentioned Wilbur, Tommy seemed shocked, but then he seemed to come back to his senses after remembering what Wilbur was like before he died.
He went crazy. Insane. All because of Dream and his stupid motives. He only fueled Wilbur's change, encouraging him to blow Manburg up after Jschlatt took over. Thank God for Karl destroying the button the first time. The second attempt was successful and sealed Wilbur's fate as a psychotic, destroyed ex-president swayed by the masked man into committing destruction.
Tommy was angry at that. At the fact that Dream would even think about bringing back Wilbur.
Enraged, he brought the axe down onto Dream's cowering figure.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
Sitting up, (Y/N) slowly looked around the room. It was the same as always; no Dream insight. They woke up every day with a feeling of hope that they would turn around and see Dream at the door, back from his trip.
The situation was too much. (Y/N)'s breaths quickened, eyes blurring up with tears, the salty water slowly dripping down the sides of their cheeks. They let out a dry laugh, bringing up their sweater paw hands to their face, wiping the tears.
They stared at the sleeve of the hoodie they had on. It was green.
It was his.
He always left a spare here, just in case.
It always came in handy when (Y/N) missed him.
They sighed, flopping back down onto the bed, curling into themselves and the hoodie. It smelt like him. He always smelt like a run through the forest, with a hint of saltwater and citrus.
It was comforting.
He was comforting.
The tears wouldn't stop. Every time (Y/N) wiped them away, fresh ones would keep coming. Where was he? Was he okay? It was all they could think about.
(Y/N) hugged themselves, hoping to recreate a hug like his. It didn't work. It never worked.
Nothing could ever compare to his hugs.
Still sobbing, (Y/N) cried themselves back to sleep, despite it being morning.
Not like they had any motivation to do anything without the assurance of him being okay anyways.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
(Y/N)'s communicator went off.
Dream was slain by Tommyinnit.
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bowdre · 2 years
Chuck Grant × Fem!Reader
I've had this idea swimming around in my head for a while, so I decided to finally get back into the swing of writing
⚠️I in no way own Band of Brothers or anyone/anything associated with the series. This is a work of fiction based off the actor portrayal of the real-life heroes⚠️
Like + reblog <3
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Staff Sergeants Chuck Grant and Y/N Y/L/N were the typical you never saw one without the other. The two had been attached at the hip ever since Toccoa, first as friends, then as lovers.
The confession first came from Chuck, after Operation Pegasus. He was tipsy after a successful mission, his fellow sergeant could say the same about herself. She was practically covered head to toe in dirt, her hair was tied back and her breath smelt of cheap beer. But yet, Easy Company were not taken aback when they finally paid mind to the two and saw them engaged in a tight embrace, their lips locked together in a sweet but desperate kiss.
The two were promised to each other ever since.
Sergeants Grant and Y/L/N had a fruitful future ahead of them. They survived Captain Sobel, the war, and were able to celebrate V-E Day alongside the rest of Easy. Now, the only thing that was stopping the two from going back to America and getting a move on with their lives was the Japanese.
Y/N and Chuck each had a one way ticket to the raging war in the Pacific.
The wait in Germany was refreshing, though. Giving the two copious amounts of alone time, away from their beloved friends.
George Luz and Joe Liebgott found joy in making the bet: will Y/N get knocked up in the foreign land of Hitler's fallen empire?
The days seemed to pass at an agonizing pace. Everyone was itching to be shipped home or back to war. The homesickness was becoming almost unbearable, especially after watching Shifty Powers get the luxury of being sent back to America before the rest of them.
And yet, Y/N and Chuck seemed to make the most of their predicament. They would walk through the town that was previously occupied by high ranking Nazis, Chuck would gather a small bouquet of wild flowers and surprise his girl, and of course, an excessive amount of alcohol was consumed during the late hours. Y/N took a ride with Liebgott, Webster and Sisk that ultimately ended with the death of a high ranking SS. And to top it all off, Chuck was able to convince Winters to give him a military jeep for a night out of town.
Y/N decided it best to stay back and get a good nights rest, allowing him to have some time with his friends.
A loud banging on the bedroom door woke Y/N up from her deep slumber. The bedroom she occupied was lavish and comfortable, something she had never experienced in her 20 some years of life.
Upon throwing on her uniform decently enough to cover her skin, Y/N pulled open the door to reveal a quite shaken up Ronald Speirs.
"Sir-" she stood at attention for her superior despite her fatigued state.
"Y/N, you need to come with me." Spiers' tone was one Y/N had never heard from his mouth before. Panic. There was a pause of silence while the girl tried to collect her thoughts; "it's Chuck."
Her head was spinning now. Chuck? What could have possibly happened to Chuck? The war in Europe was over. They were at peace with the Germans. There weren't anymore bullets flying, or so Y/N thought.
"What happened? Where is he?" Y/N pushed past Spiers and headed towards the front door of the building she occupied. Spiers followed close behind; "is he alright?"
"There was an accident." Spiers was leading Y/N to where the German brain surgeon was operating on Grant; "Chuck, he was shot."
Y/N's eyes stung with tears. She blinked, and when the wetness covered her cheeks, she harshly ran her hands over her face.
"By who?" Spiers and Y/N were now walking side by side. He stopped on the street corner, an army jeep parked and waiting.
"I don't know. Not a Nazi."
"A fucking American?" Y/N's panic was now clouded by furious rage; "who? What's his name?" The two got into the jeep, speeding down the street.
"I don't know, Y/N." Spiers couldn't look at the girl. He couldn't stand to witness the distress she was in. They were never the closest of friends, but despite this, he cared for her.
The rest of the jeep ride was silent. Y/N couldn't say how much time had passed. Minutes? An hour? Either way, when her eyes finally landed on Chuck, her heart broke inside her chest. He was still, laid up on a dirty cot with bandages wrapped around his head. The German doctor was friendly, Chuck's friends had gone out to find the drunken assailant, and Spiers stood in the corner with his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
Y/N knelt down beside Chuck.
"Charles?" His real name rarely ever slipped from her lips; "honey? It's me. Can you hear me?"
Chuck was silent.
"Oh, honey. What happened to you?" The tears formed back into her eyes, her hand placed gently on his in fear she might cause more damage to him; "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to help you, to protect you. God, I'm so sorry."
Y/N was sobbing now.
"He will live." The German doctor cut the tension that enveloped the room. Y/N looked him in the eye. She gave a curt nod as a thank you.
Y/N turned back to Chuck, mumbling and rambling all sorts of apologies and prayers for him to wake up. She didn't hear the heavy door creak open, revealing Richard Winters and Lewis Nixon standing side by side. Spiers could easily read the look in their eyes: they found him.
"Y/N." Winters spoke her name with the utmost care. She slowly turned to look at him; "do you want to see him?"
Him. Y/N wiped the moisture from her face. She placed a tender kiss to Chuck's left cheek before standing up straight.
"Yes, sir. I would."
The news of Chuck's injury traveled fast within Easy Company. The assailant was a fellow paratrooper. A member of the Airborne. He was someone who was to be trusted, and yet, he shot one of his own. For this reason alone, he was showed no mercy when the men of Easy got their hands on him.
When Y/N strutted into the hotel of which her Company was occupying, she came face to face with Floyd Talbert and George Luz. They stood, both in surprise and to ask various types of questions. George possessed a cigarette between his lips.
"How is he?" George spoke first.
"Where is he?" Y/N reached down to her side, unclipped her holster and wrapped her dirt coated fingers around the handle of her revolver.
"How's Grant?" Floyd reached a hand out to grab her, to console her.
"Where is he!?" Y/N's voice echoed off the walls.
A moment of silence.
"In there." George gestured towards the small room on Y/N's left side; "the guys have already given him a good beating."
Y/N stood quiet, weighing her options. She was furious, she could feel it in every ounce of her body and soul. She wanted him dead. And she wanted to be the one who pulled the trigger.
She turned to Luz, reached a hand out and plucked the cigarette from his mouth.
The cigarette was placed between her fingers. Y/N walked towards the room, now. Greeting her at the doorway was Bull Randleman. Frank Perconte had the man by the hair, tugging his head back. His eye was swollen shut, and black and blue. He was bleeding from his nose and lips, a flow of red cascading down onto his uniform.
"This is him?" Y/N asked. All she saw when she stood in front of the seated man was a piece of scum. A piece of scum who shot her boyfriend. He coughed violently.
"That's him." Bull stood behind her protectively; "replacement. I Company"
Y/N's blood was boiling. Her attention flickered to the cigarette between her fingers, switching its position so she could taste the toxic fumes on her tongue.
"Where's the weapon?" She asked, smoke spilling from her lips.
"What weapon?" The replacement gave a smug grin. He didn't feel threatened in the presence of the girl. Though, everyone in Easy had seen what little compassion she possesses when she gets her hands on an enemy.
Y/N took one last drag of the half burned cigarette. She deliberately blew the smoke into the replacements face before placing the burning embers onto his dry and cracked cheek. There was a slight sizzling sound of the replacements burning skin. He gritted his teeth to not make a sound of pain.
"When you speak to a lady, you call her ma'am."
She dropped the butt of the cigarette onto the hard ground and stomped on it with her heel.
Circling Y/N and the replacement, some of the men of Easy averted their gaze towards the ground. Everyone knew what the feisty young woman was capable of. Johnny Martin kept a strong stare on the girl’s hands, watching her grab her revolver and pull the hammer back. Joe Liebgott flinched at the sound.
Y/N aimed the barrel of the revolver between the replacements eyes. She appeared calm, too calm considering the circumstances. Perconte’s eyes grew wide as he took a step away from the replacement, his arms crossed over his chest. If she were to pull the trigger, he didn’t want to leave with the assailants brains on his uniform. Johnny moved backwards, now standing directly behind Y/N and beside Bull. 
The replacement inhaled and exhaled heavily, the end of his life now becoming a very real possibility to him. It didn’t take him long to realize this was revenge for the shooting of Staff Sergeant Charles Grant. 
Y/N’s hand was shaking now. Her eyes brimmed with tears, blurring the man in front of her. 
“You shot him,” she started; “you shot my Chuck.”
Bull and Johnny felt compelled to stop Y/N, to grab her arm and tell her it isn’t worth the bullet, isn’t worth losing her rank in the military. But they knew it was. It was worth it to her, and it was worth it to them. 
One of the first friends Y/N had made at Toccoa, Don Malarkey, closed his eyes in anticipation for the loud bang of her gun. 
It never came. 
Y/N placed the cool metal of her gun against the replacements forehead, gave it a harsh shove, then pulled away. Liebgott, who was standing beside her, exhaled the deep breath he had been holding. 
The replacement gave a chilling chuckle at her actions.
“You’re lucky.” Y/N returned her revolver to its holster. She leaned down, a whispery tone escaping her mouth this time; “you’re lucky. I should have blown your brains out like you almost did to my Chuck.” Y/N stood up straight and kicked the front leg of the chair the replacement was seated on, tossing him around for a brief moment. 
She didn’t notice she was sweating until she ran a hand through her messy hair, her palm touching her slick forehead. 
“Have the MPs take care of this piece of shit.” She demanded.
Y/N took one last look at the man who shot Chuck Grant. In her eyes, he was nothing but a coward. Y/N’s feet swiftly removed her from the room, walking past all the pairs of eyes who didn’t think any less of her for not shooting the man. In fact, they admired her for coming face to face with the man who attempted to kill the love of her life. 
“Grant’s dead?” Floyd Talbert bravely asked. 
Y/N turned to face her friend. 
“No. Kraut surgeon said he’s gonna make it. He’ll survive.” There was a silence in the room. Everyone could tell she had more to say; “guess we have to wait and see what the long term damages will be.” 
“You should be there when he wakes up.” Liebgott said in a soft tone, one that was rare from him. 
Y/N nodded, turned, and left the room.
“Alright, tough guy. On your feet.” Was the last thing Y/N heard before she burst into tears. Spiers was waiting outside the building for her.
She wished she pulled the trigger. She wished she wasn’t worried about the consequences. But, at the end of the day, Chuck Grant was alive. He was breathing. 
Not even a bullet to the head could take him away from his beloved, Y/N. 
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roonyxx · 2 years
Locked Chapter 4: Steel - Jaw Trap
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By @roonyxx and @jay-and-dean
Pairings : Dean x reader ?
Summary : The Winchesters brothers are probably the most dangerous and mysterious criminals of the country, cracking them will require a professional.
This is inspired by supernatural episode 12x09, First Blood.
Serie Warnings : Captivity, Smut (please be 18+), Fluff, Angst, Swearing. Mention of physical pain, of torture and murders. Each Chapter will have detailed warnings.
Chapter warnings : angst, hurt!Dean, talk of violence.
Word counts : 3520
Note : This is a collaboration between both of us. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like for Firefly.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
Locked Masterlist
Want to read more:
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
Text divider by @firefly-graphics
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I found something big.
Going through all the accusations against the Winchesters brothers, I found a pattern no one has noticed before. Something that could be a proof of the Winchesters' innocence. Because, after all, they claim that they are.
March 16, 2016. Robert Haligan died inside his home.
March 17, 2016. Harry Gorner died inside his home.
March 18, 2016. Kelly Morrigan died inside her home.
March 21, 2016. Sam and Dean arrived in town.
I look at my notes, at all the deaths I wrote down in chronical order, followed by the dates when Sam and Dean arrived, with, each time, absolute proof they couldn’t be here before, because they were seen elsewhere.
This pattern is too big to ignore…
Most of the deaths occured before the Winchesters arrived, and stopped as soon as they left. 
Sometimes there was another casualty when they were there, but not as much as the time before they stepped into whatever town that seemed doomed.
It is impossible for them to have killed all these people. You can’t kill someone when you aren’t present. And if it was a criminal organization, why would the killing stop each time they show up in town ?
Every file where their name has been mentioned, is oozing with death, there is no denying that. 
Where death is, the Winchesters follow.
Follow or seek out ? Because this pattern, it seems to show that the Winchesters are the cure for the horror that crept into those towns.
Still there exists footage of Sam and Dean dragging bodies around and stabbing people, even records of beheading…
The amount of force and precise skill they must have to be able to chop someone’s head off is frightening.
I close my notebook and put it inside the locked drawer of my desk. I will not tell Agent Camp about this yet. I want to talk to the brothers first.
But I know they won’t open up to me with the guard present. I’ll have to talk to Camp and try to negotiate for a way to get me some alone time with the Winchesters.
It won’t be easy, Camp is old and stubborn. He is stuck in the old ways of the army, convinced that starving Sam and Dean from as much human contact as possible will break them.
The Winchesters are smart and resourceful, they will wait and quietly observe until a crack opens up for them to slip through.
I know they have been eyeing me, looking at my pockets for possible ways to sneak something in or out. They have been timing me and noting when I come. Dean knows I see Sam before I see him, just as Sam knows I see Dean after.
I am surprised they haven’t asked me yet to pass on something to each other. Not that I would do that. I am sure they have plenty of code words to assess the situation.
One word would be enough to break these walls and set a plan of escape in motion.  
But I need to gain their trust if I want to learn more about them. Not just make them confess what we want them to, but reach that truth that I am, according to Dean Winchester, too sheltered to handle. 
So the next step is getting rid of the guard. I can see how Dean keeps up his walls. Some questions he won’t answer, he just casts a glare at that guard and ignores me. 
If I want to move further, the guard must go.
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My brain, that some people call highly efficient, has always been my best friend. Of course it is a very possessive friend and it won’t really let me have a great friendship with anyone else, like it won’t let me forget its constant presence… But when I need it, it is always here for me. 
Like right now. 
When I need something to go my way, I always find my path. A few calls to my bosses along the days, a few very well chosen sentences, reports that give only the information that goes in the direction I want to lead them.
Lead the focus of their reflection on what you want to, make them see the problem in a way that only your way could really fit, discreetly implant your plan in their mind, and always make them believe that the idea comes from them. If you need to, try to argument against your own idea so they start to actually fight for what you put in their mind.
“General” I say on the phone, hiding the corner smile on my lips. “If I agree to see Sam and Dean Winchester in a cell alone, I will need to be armed.”
“Of course you will, Doctor” says the Chief of Staff Army, proving to me I could even manipulate my way into the most powerful men of the United States of America’s army. “I’m sending the written protocole to Camp and Sanchez as soon as it is ready, my secretary is on it right now.”
“As you wish, General” I answer with my most submissive voice. 
“Thank you for your devoted service, Doctor.”
I hang up and stay focused on my role. I stretch my back with a straight face and go to Camp’s office. 
When I enter, his features fail to hide his contempt. 
“Agent Camp…” I start. 
“What is it, Doctor” he grunts. “I’m a little busy right now, talk.”
“I will go straight to the point then, Agent” I nod, joining my arms in my back to stand very straight. “The Cabinet of the President and the Head of the Army considered that your way failed.”
“What ?” he gets up to walk around his desk and face me.
“Isolation doesn’t make the Winchesters talk, so this will be stopped. The CSA considers that it makes them feel sheltered and safe. He wants me to access their cells as much as I want, I will need the autorisation pass to their area. I have to be able to take them to my office or even on an outside walk if I consider this can have results.”
“How could privilege have results !” he loses his temper a little, hitting the wood of his desk. 
“I am also going to interview them alone.”
His eyes have a micro-expression of fear. He knows that I know about his little spying, and he just understood how dangerous I am. 
“Oh” he frowns slightly. “Did you do it, Doctor ? Did you make this happen ?”
I let a smile crawl on my face, just enough to let him see I won, but not enough to be heard in a recording or seen on a spy camera.
“I have no idea what you are talking about” I say with an innocent voice. “I have been only obeying orders. Why ? Do you have any personal interest in me being watched by a guard, Agent Camp ?”
I tricked him, and his answers just proves to me that his office is under surveillance.
“Absolutely not, Doctor, why would I ? If you want the Winchester brothers to murder you, so be it. But I won’t be able to guarantee your security.”
Sanchez is not as dangerous as Camp, because he is ambitious and obsessed with action. So the talk with him was easier to lead : He got angry, he insulted me and my methods until I had to personally call the boss of his boss’s boss who, of course, confirmed the order. 
I hid my satisfaction by feigning that I felt trapped between orders I didn’t want and impressive men’s disapproval. Camp looks at me with a knowing look, but if I didn’t make a mistake, and I rarely do, he will never be able to prove I orchestrated all of this like a puppet show.
If only I could play Dean Winchester that easily. The fact that I can’t is the biggest proof that he, and Sam, are smarter than all of those men.
After Sanchez was asked to apologize to me, that I hid my satisfaction, and they both got the written order to give me all the power I need, we walked together to the Winchester's cells. 
“Nothing on the CSA’s order indicates that you can make them meet each other” Sanchez warns me.
“I’m not an idiot” I state, holding my newly-made authorization badge. “Together, they are invincible. I know.”
“Sam or Dean ?” Sanchez grunts, pointing at the doors. 
“Sam first.”
When they open the cell, Sam gets up from his bed instantly, taking a step back at seeing all those men he didn’t expect. 
Everything goes fast, and brutally : They yell at him to show his hand, they yell when they cuff him, they yell… Sam turns his head to me while they all are agitated, pressing his chest on the wall, his smart eyes catching my calm behind all this agitation.
And, just like I expected, he understood that my power is growing, and it made him talk to me a little more than usual. Not much, just a few questions about what all of this was about and how did I manage to get the interviews to be like I wanted, and that he guessed a long time ago that the guard was giving information to someone higher…
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It has been a week now that I can see the Winchester brothers alone. And it has been three days since I didn’t put my feet in my apartment. I just stayed here, obsessing about every single murder Sanchez and his men suspect my patients to have comitted. 
I have asked them about each one of them of course. Sam stayed silent as usual, and Dean, who trusts me more, smiled and explained crazy things about monsters.
Today, I have decided to confront him with some pictures, I intend to show him the beheaded corpse of a young man we seem to know for sure Sam is the murderer. 
I wait outside until the guards are done cuffing him, and I enter with my taser in hand. They considered that giving me a gun was a risk of potentially giving one to the Winchesters.
I enter and freeze. 
The guard closes the door behind me, but I don’t sit on my foldable chair as I usually do. I stare at Dean Winchester, sitting on the edge of his bed, hands tied, feet chained, face bruised. 
He looks like he has been beaten violently, and considering none of his hand is bruised, he didn’t get to defend himself or fight back. 
He doesn’t really look at me, almost like he was mad at me, but the truth is I think he is really in pain, his breathing is short and I think, from how he sits, he could have a broken rib.
“Mister Winchester” I frown. “What happened ?”
“I tripped” he states defensively. 
“Dean” I insist, putting the file with the beheaded corpse photo down on the chair to come closer to him, still fisting the taser.
He lets me come closer, surprised by my concern. The truth is, well might I work with serial killers, I can’t stand this kind of brutality. 
I check his face to be sure no injury risks killing him. His right eye is red but not pierced, his lip is swollen and his eyebrow is cut. The side of his face is blue and purple, but I am more concerned about the injuries under his gray overall.
“Were you stabbed ?” I ask, knowing prison culture loves non-deadly stabbing, with little objects. 
“No” he answers, searching my face.
I have never been so close to him… I had never really smelled him or felt his body heat. I take a deep breath, and look away, terribly confused by the unhealthy fascination screaming inside of me. 
I am totally aware that he could break my neck right now but I feel like in front of a wounded wolf that I just couldn't let be trapped in a steel-jaw trap. 
“Do you struggle to breathe ?” I ask. 
“False eleventh rib could be broken, on the left” he says lowly, showing an incredible knowledge of the human body.
He must have been hurt so much, he must have enough medical skills to survive frequent injuries. But by who ? Serial killers’ victims rarely beat or hurt them, right ?
I want to check but if I touch this man, I might be dead before I know what hits me. 
“What happened ?” I insist, searching his eyes so intensely that I catch them. 
Once again, I can see no cruelty, no shiver runs down my spine when the green of his gaze envelops me.
“Ask your grunts, Doc.”
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I can hear their laughter from the break room of the security department as I make my way to them.
Stepping inside I see three men sitting around a table that is put in the middle of the room. On the right side are screens that film every angle of the outside of the building and most of its corridors.
I clear my throat to gain their attention and take my time to stare every single one of them down before I start my interrogation.
“What is it, Doc” the middle one says. 
His eyes slowly slide over my body, lingering on my chest area when a sly smirk emerges on his face.
He is the alpha douche of this little group, very fit, big arms and a puffed out chest. The buttons on his shirt are hanging on for life. He is obviously wearing a shirt that is too small for him, obviously on purpose.
“I need a word with the person who got in contact with Dean Winchester” I say in my most calm voice that I can muster up. 
“That would be all three of us” he answers. “Is there a problem?” 
He knows exactly what the problem is.
“I need to know whether mister Winchester showed aggressive behavior towards you, and if you reacted by engaging in this behavior” I refrain from crossing my arms over my chest, from hiding myself from his eyes that keep glancing down to my chest.
He clearly has little self-control.
“We were told the isolation ban was lifted” he begins as he steps closer towards me. “Thanks to you” he gives me a wink and walks right past me, making a point of bumping into my shoulder to walk to the coffee machine behind me.
I turn around to keep watching him as he leans his behind against the lip of the counter.
“So you decided to go in, without reason ?” 
“We were to transport mister Winchester to his shower” he says as he sips from his coffee. “He was resisting us. We just followed our orders.”
He is lying, of course I can smell it so easily on such a weak mind, on that horrible and vain smug grin. Dean is smarter than this. He would gladly take the opportunity to leave his cell for a shower, to see beyond that metal door, to know more.
Dean Winchester, I think, wouldn’t go against the orders and protocols that come from me. Maybe I am wrong, but I think he started perceiving that even if we are enemies, we also fight the same people here…
“Then I will need to see that footage of the corridors when you moved him” I tilt my chin higher, holding his gaze.
“Sorry, Doc. That’s classified, only agent Camp has access to the footage of the halls and showers.” 
I didn’t ask for the shower footage, but his defense shows that they are doing something shady there too. Are they hurting him when he is naked and defenseless in every way ? 
Even if I shouldn’t be emotionally involved in this case, I want to scratch his eyes out, I want to strangle that ridiculously thick neck, I want to punch and kick him for abusing his power, for hurting a man that can not defend himself.
I take a deep breath to calm those raging thoughts. Getting angry, showing that I perhaps care a little too deep about Dean Winchester will jeopardize my work.
“If I can't see the footage, I will have to do my observations through you, I will ask you questions” I state, giving him no room to negotiate. “How was he resisting ?”
“By being a pain in my ass” he answers.
“I will need more detail, Mister…?” I need his name, maybe if his behavior will become worse I can start a file on him, making an idiot be fired shouldn’t be a challenge, It would take me a few days at most.
“Dorrigan” he gives me a smile as if I should know that name.
“We came in and he didn’t get out of his bed. We asked nicely and he still resisted, then we used force” he walks back to his table to sit among his two colleagues and I turn to follow him. “Then the psycho started to lash out at us. We handled out of self defense”
“Mister Winchester fought ? He hit you ?” Dean didn’t have any bruises on his hands. 
He would have if he had hit one of these guys. And if he had lashed out on them, they would be dead. Those fools don’t realize how dangerous the bear they are poking is, and they, of course, totally underestimate me.
“He did, he’s strong, so all three of us held him down” he looks to his colleagues who nod in agreement.
I take in their hands and see they all have bruises and even some split knuckles. They hit him hard…
“I will note it in my observations. Thank you for your cooperation” I say as I turn away from them, no longer able to push those raging thoughts down. 
If I don’t go now, I may cut his throat. Turn to the killers I study, use my high training on self defense, grab this paper-knife and bleed him like the pig he is.
“Oh and Doc ?” I halt in the doorway when I hear his voice and turn a little to catch his eyes over my shoulder.
“If you ever need a break from working” he licks his lips and gives me a smile that makes my stomach turn. “You can always come eat lunch with me” he finishes off with a wink.
I prefer not eating at all, forever.
I turn around slowly, my hand joining before me. My smile is perfectly hiding my rage, and I can see in their eyes that they suddenly realize that they might have gone a little far.
“I am sure that the President of America, the Chief of the Army and the Senators I have a meeting with next week, will be very pleased to know that the so called highly trained soldiers they hired are too busy taking coffee and perpetuating sexual harrassement to do their job properly…” I nod calmly before I walk to the door. “Gentlemen.”
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I drop my purse on the table next to my front door and toss my keys in the little bowl. I sigh and look around my apartement, I barely recognize it. 
A layer of dust has begun to form on every piece of furniture. Here and there I can see a piece of clothing and my dishes from last week are still waiting…
Tomorrow. I’ll do all that tomorrow.
I go to my bedroom and strip my clothes, keeping my underwear on and pulling a big shirt over my head, I let myself fall in bed.
I look at my alarm on my nightstand, the green numbers are the only light in my room. 2:43 AM. I can’t remember when I last went to bed before 2 am…
I turn on my back and look up at the ceiling and I can’t help but let my mind drift towards Dean.
What if they are hurting him right now ? What if Dorrigan hurts him even more now that the isolation is lifted ? Why didn’t they hit Sam ? Was my threatening visit enough to stop it for now ?
Knowing Dean, he probably made a cruel joke about them, making them angry on purpose. Like he sometimes does with me, but why ?
I take a deep breath, count to three and exhale. I am a master at dealing with stressful situations. I am. I can meditate slaughters out of my memories, I can listen to monsters for hours and sleep like a baby. 
But nothing seems to take the painful breathing of Dean Winchester out of my ears. 
I grunt and try putting on some musical ambiance to cover it… Now it is his bruised face his appearing on that stupid ceiling. 
I take a deep breath, count to three and exhale again. 
This will be a long night…
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80s4life · 3 years
You Take Good Care Of Her Pt.1
Word Count: 1,416
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: The Expendables {1-3}
A/N: So this was one of my writings I have on my Wattpad, and decided to have it brought over here to Tumblr. This isn't my best work, but it's okay I guess.
Relationship: Lee Christmas x Reader 
Summary: Y/N and Barney Ross are half siblings. With their lives not being easy, the only people they had were each other, Barney raising her as his own.  But, that all changes when she decides to serve our country, earning many scars outsiders will never see.  When she returns however, she might actually get the happy ending Barney and her have always dreamed of.
Warnings: language, a little bit of angst
Masterlist The Expendables Masterlist Part Two
{Not my gif}
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For the next few years, with Barney's extensive training and knowledge with hand-to-hand combat, how to quick draw a weapon, and how to know how to use it, Y/N had become a strong woman.  Y/N never understood how or why he knew these things, but yet again, she never doubted her brother for a second.  Barney has always been there for her, as he was now, teaching her self defense in the best way possible.
After Y/N had graduated high school, she joined the army, starting out as a nurse but quickly changing ranking when a horrific war came in, needing her well hidden skills.  Barney was proud of his little Gumdrop, the nickname he had given her from the day she was born, but he would be lying if he didn't say he was the least bit nervous.  He knew she could handle herself, especially when Y/N had even made it a point in learning all different types of weapons, perfecting Barney's signature skills, and going way beyond anything either of them could imagine.  Barney was almost like a proud father.
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To say that military didn't change a thing about a person would've been a full-faced lie.  It had made you hard, cold to the touch, maybe in the worst ways selfish, too.  Y/N was never one to put herself first, but in the military world, although you are all fighting alongside each other as a team, the main point was for you to take care of yourself and only focus on keeping yourself alive; no one else mattered on the battlefield.
Y/N had started to write a diary, trying to keep herself from driving off the deep end into insanity.  She was lonely, something that was expected in this way of life.  Battle was a different world, a separate one from the world of the more fortunate ones, the ones not in war.  Y/N had made a few friends, but as the wars raged on outside, they slowly died off, scaring her, and not wanting to have to hurt as much as she does because of how much she cares.
But after all, nothing is permanent.  No one stays forever, and that made Y/N miss her brother all the more.  As she writes in her diary, she also wrote letters home to Barney, those that could have a range of time before getting a response back.  After all, Barney was stuck on missions, making a group called the Expendables, and spending so much time up just to not be alone, worrying for his baby sister, and if she will actually come home alive.
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After 10 years, Y/N was able to return home, different, but whole.  Barney, who had responded a few weeks before, had been the first to see her come down the escalator of the airport, more than ready to feel whole again, to have his family back.  When she had spotted him, she practically tackled anyone in her way, almost tripping down the steps to get to her brother.  With a lunge and a jump, she crushed her older brother in a rib shattering hug, tears of joy not only pouring out of her eyes, but his too, although he'd never admit to it.  Clearing his throat he said, "Let's get you home Gumdrop."
After loads of catching up, Barney told her there were people he wants her to meet, as he was going to show her what he had spent so much time training her for, to be one with the boys, the Expendables.  Barney had blabbed about what it is he had done on the ride before entering Tool's shop, which is what made Y/N so eager to meet the rest of the gang, knowing what and who they were before they even entered her life.
The first person she met was Tool, an older man with a rugged smile, warm eyes, streaked hair, and a creative eye for everything he sees.  Y/N enjoyed him and took a close liking to him immediately, becoming a weird yet funny father she never had.  She was caught up in a conversation with Tool, missing the warm smile her brother had as he watched his sister find someone so alike to her, talk to her, and share interests that normal fathers would, even if it wasn't by blood.  Then, multiple other men filled the room of Tool's tattoo shop, the smell of testosterone, grease, and smoke filling the room as the roaring of motorcycle engines came pouring in, soon shutting off.
Barney and Tool introduced Y/N to every person of the group before they all spread out and did their own thing.  Toll Road, one of the members, had talked to her, being kind and gentle, a total opposite of his professional career choice.  After that, Y/N had made her rounds, talking to everyone: Gunnar Jensen, quiet, handsome, tall, and quite funny.  Yin Yang, small, quick-witted, loyal, and very caring.  Hale Caesar, the most hilarious person Y/N had ever met, very playful, and a lot of fun to hang out with.  She had met everyone, except one; Lee Christmas.  
A few times during the night, their eyes had met, as if it were electric that made them shudder and stare on many occasions.  But, although many looks were made, he had made it his duty to avoid her like the plague.  "But why?" was a constant thought that crossed her mind.
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As time passed, Y/N had become just one of the guys, squeezing her tiny self into the little family they had all made.  Tool had given her her own specialty Expendables tattoo to make it official too.  Decorating it with vines and flowers, "Matching your personality," Tool would tell her, "Beautiful and delicate alongside other flowers in a bundle, yet hard and piercing when messed with by the wrong hands."  Y/N enjoyed her tattoo all the much more, taking his words to heart and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.  She never realized the eyes that watched her so calmly from afar though.
What Y/N didn't know was how Lee actually felt, and that was a charge he knew was on him.  It never stopped him from getting jealous though, stiffening as he watched her every moves.  He had fallen for her soft Y/E/C eyes, and Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair that only she could make beautiful the second he met her.  He would talk to her every now and then, but always kept his distance, knowing exactly who she belonged to.  Barney would have his ass hit by a train if he ever touched her, and that was because she had gone through so much already, Barney not wanting anymore pain in her life.
Despite his attempts, he knew he wouldn't ever be able to resist her, and for that, he didn't care what he had to go through, he was going to have her. Because she was his, and he was hers, no matter who knew.
To be continued...
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
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loving him was red
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george always wanted to open a joke shop with his brother. when they decide to get back at umbridge and leave school to pursue his dream he also leaves behind his girlfriend.
warnings - angst, a bit of fluff
word count - 2648
a/n - a writing challenge that @chokemepansy is doing! also got inspired by Taylor Swifts red! angst prompt 42 from her prompt list!
h.p masterlist // george weasley
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George to Y/N was one of the most perfect people in her life. When she met him it changed her life for the best. He came in her life when she needed something good, when her whole life was horrible he was the only light in her life. But they also had a lot of arguments that had one or the other storming out saying hurtful things.
But they always found their way back to each other.
No matter what one or the other would apologize for the words they said and the other would smile and pull them in for a kiss. No matter what that’s how it always ended. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships but when George was there for her it always made Y/N’s feel better and feel loved.
Even though she hated the fights she loved the time she spent with him. The times where they would just cuddle while Y/N read a book. George would just play with her hair and sometimes would just watch as her eyes glazed across the book with interest. Sometimes would bite her lip if she’s confused by something. Other times she helped him with his studies and it would help some of the times.
George and Y/N would also just sneak around the Hogwarts castle and make out in corners whilst skipping some of her classes. She normally didn’t do this but George convinced her to skip some of the classes. Luckily it usually didn’t hurt her grades since she studied a lot.
Y/N was also convinced to help Fred and George with their pranks but if the prank seemed too harsh she wouldn’t do that. Fred and Y/N were friends but not the closest friends in the world. They often only talked when George was around since nothing else tied them to each other. She didn’t hate him and he didn’t hate her.
They would also go to the Three Broomsticks for dates and would just sit and talk about each other’s day. Y/N would just get lost in George’s eyes and the way that they sparkled whenever he mentioned the pranks he and Fred did. It warmed her heart to see him so happy about something.
Towards the end of their relationship the arguments have weirdly started to die down and George and Y/N started talking through their problems.
Maybe this was because of Umbridge coming to Hogwarts that year the relationship has matured more and they started to act like adults coming into their 7th year. Though one big thing was hanging over their head.
The future.
Y/N wanted to be a curse breaker and George wanted to run a joke shop with Fred and Y/N was okay with that and would support him through everything. But the thing was that Voldemort was on the rise and his supporters were coming back. It scared a lot of people especially Y/N since she was muggle born and her family were muggles and could be hurt by this. She knew if she wanted to be a curse breaker she would have to be more brave.
She would often talk to George about this instead of keeping this stuff in. He would comfort her by letting her bury her head in his chest as he rested his chin on her head. He caressed her hair as she wrapped her arms around his waist and felt herself start to calm down a bit.
George was starting to be a comfort hotline for her.
Y/N also noticed that George has become more secretive throughout the year and she just cut it down to him and Fred planning and making pranks. She didn’t know it was a secret army that was created when Umbridge cut back on the defense against the dark arts.
It hurt her that George didn’t tell her about it or that she wasn’t even invited to become a part of this army. She wanted to be able to help. She felt useless and it sank to the bottom of her stomach that she wasn’t even trusted by her own boyfriend.
Before she could even argue with him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to his room.
“George what the hell was that,” Y/N snapped crossing her arms across her chest. She was just talking to Luna and Neville in the common room when he dragged her to his room.
“I needed to talk to you,” George rushed out rubbing the back of his neck.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Dumbledore's army,” Y/N angrily questioned ignoring what he had said. George huffed, rolling his eyes, feeling frustrated.
“Y/N let me-,” George was about to talk but was interrupted by Y/N.
“No seriously was I not trusted by you or was it for you to get away from me?” Y/N asked, clenching her jaw as her fist curled at her side from the anger coursing through her veins.
“I think we should break up,” George blurted out making Y/N’s eyes widened. She didn’t want to break up with him over this. Yes she was angry at the moment but it didn’t mean she wanted to lose him.
“What-what,” Y/N stuttered her fist un curling from the shocking news she had just got.
“Me and Fred are going to be starting a joke shop next year,” George explained, not meeting her eyes.
“That’s it George I said I’d support you through that,” Y/N huffed and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I just don’t see you in my future,” George says quietly, his eyes traveling to his feet, not wanting to see her reaction to this. He promised himself he’d do this for her, so that she wouldn’t get hurt.
“I see,” Y/N whispers then biting her lip trying to not let the tears fall from her eyes. But her shoulders slumped when she heard the words tumble from his mouth. Sadness raked through her body and she could feel her feet start to wobble and her eyes start to glisten. “Well goodbye George,” She turned away and left the room not wanting to see his reaction to this.
Y/N decided to focus on her studies since she would be taking most of them tomorrow and needed to pass them to be a curse breaker. She needed to stop thinking about George so she could have at least a good career. She didn’t get much sleep that night.
But the next day as she finished her last N.E.W.T.S Y/N watched as Umbridge walked out of the room since she heard some noises outside of the classroom. It was a shock to everyone as George and Fred came riding in on their broomsticks with fireworks in their hands.
She didn’t get up from her seat like everyone else. She just sat down playing with her hands as the twins left the classroom creating a W in the sky.
After the school year was over Y/N was happy that she didn’t have to go back to the place that gave her so many memories with George. But when she applied to be a curse breaker she was luckily accepted but that meant she had to work for Bill Weasley.
Y/N met him a few times when she stayed over at the Weasleys house for Christmas. Bill of course recognized her and didn’t ask anything about her or George since he heard they broke up. She was thankful for that and found it easy to get along with the eldest Weasley. He was a good person to talk to.
For that whole year Y/N got used to the job only going on a few missions since she was the newbie. But things got weird when Voldemort killed Dumbledore by Snape.
She was invited to Bill and Fleurs wedding and she didn’t know if she should accept it or not since Y/N knew George would be there and it would be so awkward. But she did accept it eventually since Bill was such a good friend to her and she also heard about him getting attacked and wanted to make sure he was okay.
She didn’t take anyone as a date, she’s tried to date after school but it never worked out they always ended things before they got to serious.
Y/N managed to avoid George and even Fred that night but before it could end death eaters came to the wedding and attacked. She didn’t know what the hell was going on but she does know that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were going to go hunt for the Horcruxes.
She left Weasley's burrow with worry in the pit of her stomach. Fear filled her bones, fear for the trio and the Weasley’s. Y/N was even worried about her parents, who weren’t a part of the wizarding world which was worse since they couldn’t protect themselves. She went home that night, nervousness filling her blood as she entered her parents house.
Ever since she graduated from Hogwarts Y/N lives with her parents until she can get enough money to buy a place for herself.
Luckily her parents were okay and she went to sleep a little bit better. But still she worried for the Weasley’s and anyone who crossed Voldemort and his little posse. She just hoped everyone would be fine and wouldn’t end up dead.
The following year she kept in contact with Bill, even though she was staying with her parents to protect them.
Once Y/N heard about the battle she immediately signed up for it. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt. She wanted to help protect the people at the school so they could see the daylight the next morning. She didn’t care if she ran into George since this was a life or death situation.
The battle was a hard one. A lot of people died. Remus and Tonks being the ones closest to her. For a moment there Y/N and everyone around her even thought that Harry was dead and Voldemort as victorious. But luckily Harry wasn’t.
They won. But what did it come with. Casualties, families who wouldn’t see their children ever again. Even though they did win, Y/N felt like she failed them, she failed there families. After the war she even had nightmares about her friends and family dying and her not being able to save them.
She always woke up in a sweat.
The nights where Y/N couldn’t sleep she thought about George. What he was doing? Was he fine? Did he ever think about her? She usually shook those thoughts out of her head but ever since she broke up with him it felt like emptiness filled her life. But she masked that with a fake smile and burying herself in work and she was still doing this.
Y/N’s parents encouraged her to get her own place but reassured her that they weren’t trying to kick her out. She knew that but it felt like she was a burden on them so she just decided to move out and found a cottage in the forest. It wasn’t as scary as the forbidden forest since there were no monsters in this one.
The silence welcomed her with a warm hug. Y/N didn’t hate it; she liked being alone at the moment. She often spent her time watching shows late at night then waking up early to go to work with bags under her eyes.
One day Y/N went to go and get some ice cream in Diagon alley she saw a flash of red hair in the crowd and she immediately knew who it was.
Y/N knew it could’ve been Fred but she knew George too well to know that was him. So she did what most people would’ve done. Ran behind an alley so he didn’t see her.
Before she could fully get behind the building he caught her eye and yelled out for her.
“Y/N is that you,” George asks looking between the buildings with a smile gracing his lips. She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath before turning around with a fake smile appearing on her face.
“George it’s so nice to see you,” Y/N says while walking up to stand in front of him.
Before she could say anything else he wrapped his arms around her waists and hugged her. He buried his face in her neck while Y/N placed her arms around his neck and took in his familiar scent she loved oh so much. She missed it. She didn’t want to miss him but Y/N couldn’t help it.
“How’ve you been,” George asks kindly, finally breaking free from the hug.
“Oh I’ve been great,” Y/N lied straight through her teeth as she stared up at him. There was an awkward silence before George spoke.
“I wanted to ask a question,” George wrings his hands in front of his stomach.
“You already did,” Y/N responds with a smirk, a real one this time. “I’m kidding, go ahead,” She says after seeing the look on his face.
“I wanted to know if you want to meet up later so we could catch up,” George asks nervously as stands there with his eyes at his feet.
“Uh,” Y/N started to say and she didn’t even know what she was going to answer him with but deciding it would be good to catch up with some old friends she answered, “Yes.”
“Really,” George says shocked, he thought she’d say no since the last time they talked he dumped her.
“Yes I need to get out more anyways,” Y/N gives him a half smile before getting a pen and grabbing his hand. “This is my address, pick me up at….” She says looking up at him wanting to know when he wanted to go out.
“9 darling,” George answered and looked at the writing on his hand after she let it go. Y/N felt butterflies enter her stomach when he called her that. It’s been so long she’s been called that by someone she cares about.
When Y/N got home she immediately regretted agreeing to go on this date with George. She knew that seeing him again would bring back some old feelings that were being harbored.
She decided that when George got to the cottage Y/N would talk to him about all of her feelings.
“Hey,” Y/N greeted when George showed up at her front door with some flowers. She took them with a smile. “Come in,” She opened the door wider letting him come in.
“Nice place,” George complimented.
“Thanks,” Y/N felt nervous again when she thought about what she wanted to talk to him about. “I need to talk to you,” She rushed out as she stood in front of him.
“Knew this was gonna come,” George muttered as his smile dropped. “Before you say anything can I say something,” He asked with a pleading look on his face, Y/N nodded. “I wanted to say that breaking up with you was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and ever since I did it I’ve never been the same,” George takes a break before saying. “I'd take our relationship back in a heartbeat love.”
“I can’t do that George,” Y/N whispered as her eyes shined with tears. George’s head dropped once he heard her. “I want to, I want to take you back so much but I can’t,” Her lip quivered as a tear rolled off her cheek.
“Then why don’t you,” George whispered hope filling his eyes.
“I’m just destined to have no love.”
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obssessivethorn · 3 years
“Home” [Genshin Impact]
Synopsis: In the final moments before battle, the traveler's worry grows fast. Their own twin stands at the other end of the battlefield, refusing to put their resolve to rest and come home. Archons forbid their fight be to the death.
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Major character death(s), death in general
Word Count: 2,889 words
Date Posted: July 8, 2021
Note: This is based purely off of fan theories, my own predictions, and knowledge of the game as it is currently. It will include spoilers for the “We will be reunited” archon quest if you have not gotten that far into the story yet. As well as hints of lore from the Honkai Impact game. This is in no way in indication of the game’s ending and should be taken as merely a fan based prediction/theory of one of the many possibilities of this story’s ending. Please enjoy! (This turned out longer than intended-)
Let me know if you want to see more to this au type thing. I’d gladly write about Diluc and Kaeya reconciling and seeing each other as brothers again as well as other stuff with the characters!
The traveler had gained the former power back, their hand retracting from their resonance with the holy statue. Their friends stood around them, watching with widened eyes which hold a burning amazement. The traveler’s power unlike any they have ever seen.
Wings stretch to their sides to bask in the moon’s godly light. An ethereal glow began to emanate around their being as if they too had taken the form of an archon. Each element’s swirl could be felt within their body, bringing forth a familiar feeling. Near completion.
With their power restored once more, their feet landed back to the ground. Sword in hand, they turned back to their friends. From adepti to everyday workers, the traveler has gathered their closest and very best known fighters and friends to help them.
The battle was approaching, yanking every breath of fresh air and common sense from the traveler. Their friends would be fighting faceless beings. People turned to monsters. Who couldn’t be saved.
But the traveler couldn’t hold the same courage they could. On the other side of the battlefield stood their sibling. Their twin. Flesh and blood who they have traveled worlds together with. And they would fight. Archon forbid, to the death.
A shaky breath left their lips, eyes closed shut after gazing harshly at the ground for too long. Feeling a hand placed on their shoulder pulled them back to reality before they could spiral further into fear’s welcoming grasp. Looking back at the owner of the limb, they could finally find a clear breath to fill their lungs.
Venti’s sorrowful smile pierced the traveler. A silent understanding blew through their hair, sending golden wisps in different directions. Archons forbid death.
Taking a step back, the wind god left a lingering warmth upon the traveler’s shoulder. He made his back to where the other archons stood, powerful grace dawning him as the traveler had never seen before. A true god ready to fight a war once again.
The traveler took a sigh, grasping any courage they could find before turning their gaze to their friends.
“Alright, so as you all probably know, The Abyss Order has finally risen.” Their voice shook, cracking every other word. They cleared their throat before continuing.
“We were unable to prevent them from creating what is essentially a mechanized god. However, this does not mean we are doomed!” The traveler looked upon the sea of faces. Fear, shock, and suppressed somber mixed together.
How could they let this happen? It was never supposed to come to this. Dragging their friends into a war. Starting a war to begin with! Children stood among the crowd. While they may be talented vision holders, they were still too young to face this. But they still insisted. Pleading with the traveler to let them help. And they let it happen.
Their breath began to shorten again, tears fighting their usual calm composure. They could feel themselves spiraling once more. How could they let this happen? Let it get this far? Let children-
A voice broke them from their thoughts yet again.
Looking over to the figures running around the outside of the crowd, they saw four familiar Knights Of Favonius growing closer. Amber waved her hands high to grab their attention as the small group approached.
“Mondstat has been evacuated, all of the citizens are being led to Liyue by the knights of Favonius.” Amber smiled, reassuring the Traveler of innocents’ safety.
“Great, and the people of Liyue?” The traveler asked, redirecting their attention to Jean.
“Safely protected by a shield covering the harbor.” The woman smiled. “But if worse comes to worse, you can’t forget that both cities’ people are still able to fight. While Mond has the Knights of Favonius, Liyue has the Qixing. Each nation has their own means of defense, so trust us, Traveler. Even Schneznaya has the Fatui.” Jean’s grin grew wider, excited pride slipping through her calm mask.
The traveler smiled back, chuckling at their own worry. “You’re right, they should all be able to hold their own and protect each other, with Visions or not.” They turned back to the crowd, Amber, Lisa, Jean, and Kaeya now by their side.
“Now, as we stand, the Abyss Order is marching our way. Their movements may be unpredictable to us, but we know this land better than they do. It definitely won’t be easy,” the traveler took a quick breath, heart weighing heavier in their chest. “But The Regions of Teyvat will triumph today.” The crowd’s cheers roar through the field.
“Nicely said, Honorary Knight,” Jean turned to the traveler, smiling proudly at them.
“Ya know, I didn’t think you had such a thing in you,” Kaeya mused, patting their shoulder.
“To be honest,” the short blonde chuckled,” I was totally speaking out of my ass there.” Their light grin faltered, falling into uncomfortable worry.
“I know it’s hard, but you’re not alone, traveler,” Jean placed a hand on their shoulder, sympathy painting her features.
“We’re all here for you,” Lisa gave them a quick, meaningful hug. “Besides, what would I do without my little helper~.” The traveler let out a light laugh, however, the easy moment couldn’t compete with the bubbling anxiety filling their lungs.
Air weighed heavily.
Gentle breezes turned to cold gusts.
“May the archons protect us.” Jean prayed, stepping away to rally her section of the Knights. Lisa and Amber followed suit, preparing their squadrons both mentally and physically.
Kaeya remained by the blonde’s side, gazing at the crowd with an unreadable expression.
“Are you going to be okay?” The traveler’s question broke him from his thoughts.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, a piece of his mask beginning to slip. “I understand.”
The traveler’s face morphed into confusion. Understand? Understand what? What could Kayea, a man of many eloquent words, mean by such a short, vague statement?”
The man chuckled again.
Another crack in his mask.
His eyes drifted to Diluc, then to Dainsleif. Crack.
A sigh escaped his lips, forcing his smile to fall sour.
His gaze fell to the floor, watching his now fallen, damaged mask lay among the dancing grass as if it had separated from a slain hilichurl.
The man who stood before the lost twin was not the same flirty and mischievous Knight of Favonius they had met all those months ago.
This man was Kaeya. A Khaenri’ahn who’s life was ripped away by the archons themselves. A man sent to create a downfall of other nations in retaliation for the onslaught of his country’s people. Kaeya Alberich. Khaenri’aian survivor.
His gaze drew from his Mond identity laying idly by his feet, to the traveler. “I understand why you’re scared.” Tears brimmed in the man’s eyes, a glint of fear sparkling in his pupil.
All previous disdain for the people who had fallen seemed to hide, a glimpse of it remained hiding beneath his eyes. But it soon became evident to the traveler, whatever conversation he had with Dainsleif, was enough to inject guilt and sympathy within his veins. But still not enough to instill total remorse.
A silent understanding passed between the two. No words passed through the air between them.
Despite being humans turned monsters, despite Kaeya’s place of blame on his people, they were still victims of the Cataclysm.
The traveler placed a hand on their friend’s shoulder. They sent a quick smile, opening their mouth to speak, only to be interrupted.
“Hey, traveler!”
Turning their head to the sound of their name, they were met with a certain ‘tone-deaf’ bard.
Kaeya nodded with a slight smile, turning away and walking in the direction of his brother.
“Are you ready?” The archon’s voice was soft, contrasting from his usual high pitched giggles.
The traveler had expected a witty one liner to help bring up their mood or a quick joke poking at their seriousness. However, the bard merely looked drained, eye bags lining his face with a somber expression painted over his soft features.
“I don’t know.” The words brush past their lips before they could think. Were they ready? They had to face their twin of all people. How could they be ready? “I plan to bring them back.” They stated. “To bring them home.” The traveler stared out into the crowd, watching people prepare.
“But will you be able to?” Venti stared intently at the ground as if it were his enemy. The question was aimed mainly at himself rather than the traveler and seemed to slip past him before he could stop it. He quickly shook away the thought, noticing the growing worry on the lone twin’s face. “Of course you will!” His mask was back up, a playful ‘hehe’ drawing past his lips.
“Yeah, I will,” the traveler breathed, a lie beautifully woven within the truth.
The city of Mondstat lay dim in the distance, the army of Knights and vision holders drifting further from home with each step.
Across the clear fields of Windrise stood monsters. Creatures from the Abyss wielding dark and power hungry gazes.
Many stared in disgust, watching the distant crowd draw closer. Other however, glanced at the group in pity, quickly averting their gazes to refocus their minds. Few knew the true story of the fallen nation 500 years ago, letting their hearts weigh heavy with sympathetic solitude.
Leading the enemy was a familiar figure. The Abyssal Royalty stood proud yet steeled away, gazing at their opponent from across the grassy pathway. Few stems of small lamp grass paved the way between both sides, guiding each distant traveler to meet their other half once again.
Away from their allies, the lost twins hesitantly stepped nearer. A temporary truce of peace passed between them, its wick quickly beginning to burn.
“Lumine,” Aether broke the evening silence. His voice held strong, only to be mocked by the hurt hidden beneath his golden eyes.
“Aether.” Lumine mimicked her brother, the same strong yet weak presence plaguing her voice.
A silent plea from both siblings rang through the surrounding air.
“We can leave, go home! Together..”
“My battle and your journey are yet to be over.”
“After all this time, you still keep saying things that make no sense. Who are you battling other than me?”
The traveler’s twin paused, momentarily shocked from their sibling’s words.
“I’m fighting those who tore us apart.”
The Abyssal twin’s gaze hardened, shifting into an icy glare which shot through their sibling’s heart. Oddly, the sharpened look seemed to pass through the traveler, aimed at a distant being among the crowd of Knights.
“Those who..” the traveler’s words drew thin, disappearing within the air.
A crackling rang through the air, drawing the twins and their respective allies’ attention. Three familiar diamonds tore through the sky, ripping an entrance for a rather infamous figure to emerge.
“Your journeys must end here, outlanders.” Golden eyes pierced the twins, an authoritative air emanating from the unknown goddess. “You’ve altered the weight of destiny from your first arrival, now you must own up to your actions.” With a flick of her hand, the god isolated the three, barriers blocking the view of both armies racing toward their leaders. Their screams fell silent as the last cube sealed them in, the last view being the face of Barbatos, reaching out in elegant mimicry of the day he tried and failed to rescue her. Once again, he wasn’t fast enough.
Within concealment, the twins readied their swords, tri-wings stretching after years of rest.
“Fight as long as you wish, but you will always come back to the same point. Failure.”
Upon hearing her words the twins launched forward, entering yet another intense dance with the god.
For what felt like hours, the three battled as they had once before, only with the twin’s new found strength to differ. The outlander’s feet hit the ground, enough adrenaline pumping to let them ignore the battered bruises.
The fallen goddess now lay still, defeated by the twins with the joint help of the archons’ powers. A wind-bearing bard tends to a scared girl, broken from the evil which once plagued her.
The abyssal twin gazed at their sibling in awe. A twinge of pain entered their chest at the thought of what they must have gone through trying to find them. How could they have so badly abandoned their own twin? Millions of questions and blame raced through their mind, blurring their vision with tears.
A name reached their ears. Was it theirs? Wait. It was from their twin. Why were they shouting his name? They were safe now.
The traveling twin rushed forward, pushing their other half out of the way and taking the incoming blow. They fell to the ground clutching their chest in pain. The cold felt strangely welcoming. Only, their hands filled with warmth. Now wasn’t the time to nap, but sleep’s comforting embrace wanted to engulf them. Closing their eyes for a second wouldn’t hurt.
Tears began to pour, outweighing the pellets of falling rain. “Please, wake up.” They cried, pain filling their chest with each second passing by. “We can go home now, the war’s over.” They hiccuped, silently denying an unreal truth.
“Honorary Knight!”
Shouts from either side could be heard, only to fall on the deaf ears of the traveler’s sibling. Upon viewing the sight, the surroundings fell silent. Not even the thundering sky could dent the area’s torturous quiet.
Holding their twin close to them, the abyssal sibling let tears slip through their grasp. “We can leave now, just like you wanted!” A small squeeze around their hand gave them hope, gasping with widened eyes.
Below them, the traveler forced their eyes into a squint. Their hand squeezed lightly within their sibling’s. “Home is wherever we are together.”
A sob left the abyssal twin’s lips, forcing a cry to echo in the pouring rain. “You’re right, we’re home! We’re together. We’re-.” Their twin’s grip loosened.
“Hey…,” the crying blonde nudged their other half. “Hey, wake up… we’re home.” Their nudges grew to hasty shaking. “Come on, wake up.” Sob.
“Wake up!” Sob. “Come back!” Crack.
The final thread holding the lone twin’s hope snapped, releasing a titlewave of buried emotions. Unsaid words of appreciation. Unplanned surprise hugs. Introducing new friends which they both longed for. Battle training in different worlds. Fulfilling their prophecy for this world. Long forgotten “I love you”s. Gone. With a stupid flick of a wrist.
The now lost twin sat alone, hand traveling through matted blonde locks stained with blood. As to who the red liquid belonged to, they hadn’t a clue.
Silence once again weaved through the solemn tension which hung frigid with every breath. Tears continued to stream down the outlander’s face, falling onto the face of their loss.
“Your majesty…” An abyssal mage floated steadily toward their ruler. Its words were phrased more as a question of fear rather than a statement.
Wordlessly, the Abyss Ruler began to stand, hooking their arm underneath the crook of their twin’s knees and their back. Their eyes didn’t leave the body now laying limp in their grasp. A hollow warning passed through the air as they slowly trudged to the wind Statue of the Seven.
The statue of Windrise was a signature point of Mondstat, the giant tree creating an elegant background for the stone monument. Windwheel asters lined the edge as anemo crystalflies drifted through the general breeze.
The now lone traveler placed their sibling down on the ground in front of the statue, kneeling beside them. Another broken sob left their lips, silently pleading with whatever remaining archon Teyvat had left to bring their twin back, punish them for their actions, kill them too, anything.
“Anything please,” they whimpered, eyes squeezed shut to prepare for any punishment the gods may bring. “Just don’t let them suffer for my mistakes. It should have been me. If only I was faster.”
The wind’s light breeze grew heavily, picking up into gental gusts of air. The change wasn’t enough to gain the attention of the traveler, however. Only a new voice entering their mind broke their distraught focus.
“Open your eyes, child.”
Doing as the voice said, the blonde was met with a young bard whose physical body seemed as if it was disintegrating. Patches of pale skin detached from the main vessel, floating upward toward Celestia only to vanish within the rays of the rising sun.
“Your twin will never be forgotten, and neither will you.” The bard outstretched his hand, an ethereal light seemed to emanate from him. “Your story will be remembered.” An empathetic smile dawned his lips, attempting to distract from the pain which glimmered beneath his gaze. An understanding of pain.
“Lord Barbatos?” The still kneeling traveler gazed up in awe at the god. “The wind archon?”
Light chuckles passed his lips. “Yes, only… I am no longer the archon of wind, merely another god whose time is finally up.”
“Please, punish me. I’ve only caused pain to the people of Teyvat.”
“No?” The blonde whimpered.
“No, just please, come home.” The bard bent down in front of them, pushing a strand of hair from their face as he had 500 years ago. 
Oh, how the beautiful fall.
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
3005 || part 3
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3005 [part 3] || “sound good, Princess?"
[no matter what you say and what you do // when i’m alone, i’d rather be with you]
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@deepseavibez @lele-bb @monamone @unadulteratedlyunique @bluefaeriefury @hooniepie @loveyoongles @lilacdreams-00 @ramyagovindraj @skyrro @diminieshoe @calling-dips-on-j-hope @yuusilverscar @butterflylion @dingzerenistall @miki-chi @army-moa75 @drpepperobsessed @cecedrake2217 @somelazysundays @xxxanimangxxx @cosmicdaylight @navybluewonderland @itismochirice @dreadity @secretlycrazyhummingbird @taeshuworld @lochness-butmakeitsexy
When Y/n steps into the forest clearing the next day, she finds that Hoseok’s not alone. There, seated on the large tree trunk near the cauldron where he stands, is her new acquaintance. Yoongi’s eyes flick up from the book he’s reading when he notices movement, Hoseok still having not seen her since his back is turned. Yoongi clears his throat to alert his boyfriend, but there’s a few seconds before he does so. He first takes his time holding eye contact with her, and she can see, even with a book in the way, that there’s a smirk playing on the edges of his lips. And then he’s blinking, returning his gaze to the page before him as he clears his throat.
Hoseok glances up from where he’s carefully filling vials of wolfsbane potion, glancing over his shoulder when Yoongi tilts his chin up, gesturing in Y/n’s direction with his head without ever moving his eyes from the page. Hoseok spins on his heel smoothly, grinning easily at Y/n.
“Princess! So kind of you to join us.” Even though she’s looking at Hoseok -- not really looking him in the eye, but still looking at him -- she sees Yoongi lift his head, and she wonders what he’s thinking about the nickname his own boyfriend’s given her. As if reading her mind, his opens his mouth, breathing out a laugh before he speaks.
“‘Princess’, huh? I wasn’t aware you were Cinderella -- you know, since you like pumpkins so much.” Yoongi meets her eyes again, that little smirk returning when she instinctively squints, glaring at him.
“I told you I hadn’t thought about the fact that they use the pumpkins for the food--”
“I’m just saying, I was wondering why the pieces of pumpkin in the soup the other day were so soft--”
“That’s not how that works!” Yoongi’s smirk widens, her reaction pleasing him endlessly. Hoseok only looks between them, eyes wide.
“Uh… do you two need a minute? Because I have no idea what’s going on here.” Yoongi breaks eye contact then, returning to his book.
“Your little wolf’s fond of Hagrid’s pumpkin patch.” Y/n flushes angrily, thrown both by the fact that he’d just referred to her as Hoseok’s little wolf and that he hadn’t even come close to properly explaining the situation.
“Okay, well your little boyfriend interrupted me in the midst of an existential crisis, which, frankly, is just rude.” Hoseok had been looking at Yoongi, also surprised at the name he’d given her, but he whirls around then, eyebrows hidden under his hair as he stares at her in shock. Yoongi also looks up, decidedly shutting his book and setting it down beside him before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh, so that’s what you were doing! I wasn’t sure if that was just part of your regular lunchtime routine, or…” Y/n huffs loudly, and she feels herself growing frustrated by the obvious enjoyment Yoongi’s getting out of teasing her. But Hoseok’s reaction to their conversation surprises her enough to halt any irritation she would have felt.
“Okay -- you two are acting really weird… I mean, I can’t say much about Y/n since, apparently, she hates me enough to never talk to me, but Yoongi…” He looks his boyfriend over with surprise, causing Yoongi to deflate slightly after a moment. He uncrosses his arms, setting his hands in his lap as he shrinks shyly under Hoseok’s gaze. But it’s the way Yoongi’s ears are turning pink that tips Hoseok off, and he hums knowingly.
“I see--” He turns to Y/n then, the arrogant smirk she’d come to know over the years filling his face. “You’ll have to forgive him, Princess -- my little Prince isn’t the best at making friends.” Yoongi’s blush deepens, and he digs the toe of his converse sneakers into the dirt below him stubbornly. This is not the same Yoongi that had just derived joy from teasing Y/n, and she’s very surprised to see how quickly he changed. Glancing at Hoseok, she finds that he’s got his eyes on Yoongi, fondness dancing in his gaze as he smirks at his boyfriend. She decides then that their dynamic confuses her, but then she remembers what Hoseok had said.
“I don’t hate you…” Hoseok turns, eyes genuinely surprised that she hadn’t let the comment pass. Y/n only makes brief eye contact before looking away, never having been able to properly meet Jung Hoseok’s intense gaze for very long. “I don’t hate you.” She’d wanted to explain why she’s so shy around him -- that he intimidates her, probably without meaning to -- but she’d only repeated herself, unable to find any other words. She hears Hoseok snicker, and when she looks up, he’s got his back to her again, having returned to his potion.
“Well, that’s certainly nice to know. Maybe I should only give you one vial at a time -- then you’ll have to keep finding me every day, and I can finally get to know you.” There’s a pause, one where Y/n isn’t sure how to respond, but it ends when Hoseok glances over his shoulder at her with a toothy grin.
“I’m just fucking with you. I wouldn’t hold out on you like that.” He turns, holding a small container, one that she’s very familiar with. She steps further into the clearing, approaching the pair, head bent as she pretends to watch where she’s walking on the uneven ground -- a habit formed over the years so she doesn’t have to look Hoseok in the eye.
She stops when the little wooden box comes into view, and he hands it to her. But when she moves to pull away, he doesn’t let go, holding her there with the grip of his hand on the box of her vials. She looks up in surprise then, finally meeting his eyes without even thinking about it. She finds that Hoseok’s smirking, as usual, but it widens when she looks at him.
“There she is.” It’s whispered, and he doesn’t take his eyes off of her for a second while he says it, causing her breath to catch in her throat from the sheer effect of his overwhelming presence. She feels trapped by him, prey being mocked by that smirk.
Her eyes flick over to Yoongi, expecting to see some kind of reaction at her proximity to his boyfriend -- annoyance or irritation maybe -- but she finds that he’s only regarding Hoseok with eyes filled with intrigue. A thought seems to have crossed his mind when Hoseok had acted, because Yoongi’s examining his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow, like he knows something she doesn’t. And when he finally glances at her, it seems the shy Yoongi that Hoseok had dragged out has disappeared again, leaving a new Yoongi who only looks her over with surprised interest.
She doesn’t even realize Hoseok’s released her vials, too stunned by the suddenness of the moment. When she looks down and sees that she’s the only one holding the box, she’s still not processing it, so she stays close to Hoseok -- much closer than she’d ever been before in the 4 years she’d known him. He’s warm, she notes -- his body heat is as overwhelming as his gaze, passing over her in waves as a reminder that he’s there while she stares down at the box, eyes wide.
She also notes that, while Jungkook is much the same, warmer than most due simply to an internal adjustment made to his body after becoming an animagus so young, this is not the same. Where she’d always found her brother obnoxiously warm and only tolerable on the coldest of nights, Hoseok’s warmth is surprisingly pleasant -- nothing more than a reminder that he’s there, living and breathing beside her. It’s oddly comforting to know that the cold, offputting boy she’d come to know is warm in some ways.
The moment comes crashing to an end with the sound of footsteps in the distance, realization hitting Y/n like a truck when she thinks of what this situation could seem like to someone else. Stumbling backwards until she’s about as far away from Hoseok as she’d been from the start, she barely even hears footsteps falling into line beside her, her heart still pounding in her ears.
“Oh, hey!” Glancing up at the sudden voice, her heart flies into her throat when she realizes it’s Remus that’s right beside her.
Am I just gonna have a heart attack here? This is how I die, is that it?
She can’t even manage to smile at Remus, too flustered by the entire situation. She only glances over at James and Sirius, who have come along to keep Remus company. They wave, smiling knowingly at the blush on her face -- on the tree trunk not far away, Yoongi smirks, knowing they aren’t aware of the whole truth of Y/n’s current state.
“Hey, Hoseok! Sorry again for having to cancel on you last night -- we, uh--” Remus hasn’t noticed Y/n’s frazzled existence, addressing Hoseok like nothing’s off about the situation. He points between himself and his friends, looking sheepish. “We got evening detention, so…”
Y/n chances a look at Hoseok then, seeing that he seems to have forgotten the entire moment with her, smiling politely at the Marauders while turning to grab Remus’ doses.
“Don’t worry about it, man. This one told me that his friend Jungkook had gotten into trouble, so I figured you might be in the same boat.” Hoseok nods over to Yoongi when he says ‘this one’, and the boys seem to only notice then that Yoongi’s there.
“Yoongi! It’s good to see you, man -- I feel like whenever we find Jungkook during lunch, you’re missing from the group.” James approaches the seated boy, clapping him on the back good-naturedly. Yoongi only nods, an easy smile coming to his features. He looks mildly uncomfortable, but it’s clear he and the Gryffindors are familiar with one another, and Y/n wonders briefly what Yoongi’s like as he gets to know someone.
She doesn’t even see that he’s meeting her eyes curiously until he responds, his voice bringing her back to reality. She watches as he doesn’t look away, eyes locked on hers as he speaks, that infuriating smirk making another appearance.
“Yeah, sorry about that -- I’m usually busy during lunch.” Y/n’s mind flashes to when she’d accused Yoongi of interrupting her existential crisis during lunch, not ten minutes prior. She flushes, that annoying pounding of her heart growing when she sees that the comment is lost on James, his words meant strictly for her. Remus shifts next to her, and when she glances up, she sees that he’d noticed the moment, looking between her and Yoongi with curiosity. He clears his throat, shooting her a quick grin as he addresses Hoseok again.
“Well, I’m glad I ran into this one at breakfast today and heard you guys were meeting now -- I’d hate to take more time out of your schedule.” Remus reaches out, brushing his fingers along the inside of her wrist when he calls her ‘this one’, referencing Hoseok’s previous comment about Yoongi jokingly. Y/n’s eyes widen as she glances down at her wrist, watching as Remus’ fingers slide off of her skin before returning to his side, where he lets his arm hang.
She glances away quickly, trying not to make a big deal of the gesture, and she ends up catching Hoseok’s expression as her eyes pass over him. Remus had meant the comment innocently, of course, but the look in Hoseok’s eyes -- cold, hardened eyes that gaze emotionlessly at the spot where she and Remus had just made contact before flicking up to meet Remus’ eyes -- tells her that maybe he doesn’t like that she’s being referred to in the same way Hoseok had referred to Yoongi.
She’s not sure why -- a personal association to the words, an inside joke between the boyfriends, perhaps -- but Hoseok’s teeth are clenched, his jaw locking and unlocking as he smiles in response, and it sets her skin on fire. He’s not even looking at her, gaze trained evenly on Remus, but she feels the heat of his glare, very different from the heat she’d felt radiating off of him earlier.
“It’s no problem -- I’d have been happy to reschedule.” The words are understanding, but there’s an edge to them, the tone in his voice razor sharp. Y/n glances up at Remus and finds that he’s already looking down at her, his eyebrows raised as he looks at her knowingly.
“I get the Look all the time… just me though…”
Y/n blinks, confused as she remembers what he’d said to her yesterday. She looks to Hoseok, but when he flicks his eyes over to her, his gaze softens, and he looks away and scratches at his neck awkwardly. Behind him, Yoongi is looking at the back of his boyfriend’s head, eyes curious as he glances between Hoseok and Remus. His expression is fairly even, but Y/n can see that he’s been making silent observations when he finally smiles to himself and lowers his gaze to his lap, twiddling his thumbs as he thinks.
Hoseok moves to hand the box of vials to Remus after a moment, still slightly awkward from his obvious display of annoyance as he approaches them. When he passes the doses to Remus, he takes a moment to glance at Y/n, eventually reaching over to tap a single finger on the top of her own container.
“Don’t let me find out you aren’t taking these with food like last year -- sound good, Princess?” Y/n inhales sharply, only having heard the name when they’re relatively alone. Remus’ jaw drops, accompanied by James choking on his own spit and Sirius making some kind of strangled noise behind his hand. She looks past Hoseok to see Yoongi smiling widely, eyes dancing with amusement.
Nodding quickly, Y/n lowers her gaze and turns, pushing past Remus as she heads for the path back to the castle. Remus follows, stunned, and James hops off of his seat, not even bothering to wave at Yoongi as he and Sirius take off after Y/n, their teasing voices ringing out through the forest as they go.
Hoseok watches them leave, Yoongi only watching Hoseok. Finally, the boy on the tree trunk hums, eyes trained on the side of his boyfriend’s face as he speaks.
“So… She’s interesting.” Hoseok doesn’t take his eyes off of Y/n’s back, shrinking in the distance as she and the Marauders walk back to the castle. He swallows hard, sighing softly before responding.
“She’s certainly something.”
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theravennest · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Shang Chi...
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I just got back from seeing Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. I had a great time with it. Just a lovely experience.
The fights were dope. The music was rocking. The actors’ performances really sold me on everything. I loved all the Xianxia elements. Y’all know fantasy worlds are my JAM!
But it was the characters that really drew me in. Every one of them were pitch perfect for me. The final act got a little jumbled, imo, but the characters and their dynamics were so good that it was enough for me to completely forgive and overlook the somewhat messy final battle. 
The story had a lot of heart. It was so personal and so anchored in real emotions. I highkey fell in love with all the main characters. I love their journeys and their complex  and grounded relationships with each other. I really liked the movie’s examination of grief, loss, and pain and the lengths people will go to in the wake of being overwhelmed by those feelings.
Let’s dig into it! This is gonna be a whole discombobulated mess, I just know it. lmao
***Spoilers below the cut!***
I really felt for Shang Chi, Xialing, and Wenwu struggling to figure out how to be a family again after they were all broken in different ways by the loss of Mama Ying Li. And each one of them trying in their own way to heal from it, some to extremely destructive degrees. 
How Wenwu treated his kids after being consumed by grief and violence was so utterly messed up but in two completely different ways. 
He treated Xialing like she was anathema, like she was literally nothing. Even when they were older and she had grown into an adult, he barely spoke to her in the entirety of the movie, could hardly even look at her. Partially because she looked like her mom and he retreated utterly from the pain of that, and partially because he constantly underestimated her in favor of her brother. This, of course, seeded the resentful tension between Xialing and Shang Chi from the start.
I’m a real sucker for sibling dynamics, as you all know. They’re my favorite types of family-oriented stories. (Side note, I really love the way the MCU has dedicated several stories to sibling relationships. It’s like my favorite thing in the MCU as a whole.)
I completely ate up the harsh and tricky relationship between Xialing and Shang Chi. Shang Chi completely let her down when they were kids, for her POV. (Not really his fault, he was a scared and traumatized 15 year old. Totally understandable.) But there is something to be said about the fact that she was also a child. A child dealing with her mom’s death too AND her dad’s aloofness. Then she was utterly abandoned by her brother. It’s no wonder she never quite forgives him, even though they mostly team up in the movie. They still have a lot to work out between them.
I really loved that she took on leadership of the Ten Rings at the end. The moment Shang Chi said she was “dismantling” their dad’s empire, I knew what was up. Though, the softy in me does hope that eventually they can find true reconciliation between them. I’m excited to see what we’ll see from her in future movies as a potential enemy of Shang Chi. It’ll be really interesting to see how Shang Chi tackles having to go up against his little sister.
And Shang Chi!!! OMG! Let’s talk Shang Chi and Wenwu now. When Wenwu drop kicked him into the ground and started the blame game for Mama Ying Li’s death like bro!!! I was so heated. He was 7 years old. A whole baby! She died because your thousand years of violence and conquering shit finally came home to roost. 
But that one line when Wenwu said Shang Chi’s 7 year old self “just stood there and watched” while his mom was killed actually revealed so much about Wenwu’s character. (The cutting way Tony Leung, a literal legend, delivered that was masterful, btw.) 
I actually think that it was the first time Wenwu has ever verbalized that he blamed Shang Chi for Ying Li’s death. Like maybe he’s always felt that way and all this time he was partially punishing Shang Chi for what he thinks of as a failure to protect or help the woman who meant so much to them.
Like, yes, he was training Shang Chi to take his place with him in the Ten Rings as an assassin but maybe he also wanted Shang Chi to kill his mom’s murderer as penance for letting her die in the first place.
Of course, it’s clear to see that Wenwu was absolutely shifting his own feelings of conflicting guilt onto his kids. Guilt that his past as a warlord is what got her killed. But also guilt that he put down the Ten Rings in the first place when if he had stayed a warlord, this never would have happened. But also the bone deep knowledge that if he hadn’t put down the Rings, Ying Li might never have stayed with him and loved him in the first place.
When Shang Chi threw it back at him that Ying Li probably wouldn’t love the person Wenwu had returned to, Wenwu looked so shook up. Phew! Perfect emoting from Tony Leung in that moment.
Honestly, Wenwu was having a very tragic and confusing time of it in this movie. Which is probably how that creature from beyond was able to find a crack in his psychic defenses and lure him to the gate. I had a lot of empathy for him even though I disagree so much with what he did to his kids, emotionally.
I really respect the fact that the movie never lost that sense of compassion for all of their feelings including Wenwu. I also respect that the movie really gave them space to grieve not just the loss of Ying Li but also the resulting dissolution of their happy family.
It’s just too bad that Wenwu’s grief made him push his kids away instead of pulling them closer. He completely emotionally abandoned them. A thousand years of power and supremacy yet he was broken because he never in that time fully learned how to process his emotions in a healthier way and his kids paid the price. They could’ve leaned on each other and on the love they found with Ying Li to help them get through but alas that’s the tragedy of the movie. 
I really wanted somehow for Shang Chi to make it through to his dad before he went too far to come back again. I genuinely did not want to see Wenwu die at the end. I wanted him to live and see Shang Chi’s changing dynamic with his father continue. I wanted to see him finally acknowledge his daughter as his true heir and see her accomplishments (dark though they will likely become considering the “softer” version of her is the one that ran an illegal fight club in Macao lmao).
Though I am happy Shang Chi got through to him enough at the end for Wenwu to save Shang Chi’s life, willingly pass the rings onto his son, and somewhat accept his own death after a thousand years of life. That was such a poignant moment between them. And I wonder if in that instant, Wenwu had the thought that in dying he’d at least see Ying Li again.
(Side note: I really hope his soul and the souls of everyone that got eaten were freed when Shang Chi killed the monster. I really want them to be able to move on to the next phase of existence. I really hope they weren’t destroyed after being eaten. I want Wenwu to reunite with Ying Li even in the afterlife, gotdamnit! Sue me, I’m a romantic.)
Let’s talk Simu Liu’s performance here for one second. He was incredible throughout. I completely bought into this strange but so real feeling that while he has a lot of anger towards his father, so much hurt, he also felt a lot of heartache and love for who Shang Chi wanted him to be. And the strange desire to want to help a man who emotionally scarred him so badly.
Simu really brought both sides of Shang Chi’s journey to life. Like, he was tying to find his own path, reconcile with the mistakes he’s made in the past (his sister, killing his mom’s murderer), and facing up against his father’s ideals and expectations. But there was also a side of Shang Chi’s journey that was about finally understand both his sister and his father’s point of views, and of learning/embracing his mother’s history. 
That moment by the lake when he revealed to Katy that he had actually killed the man who killed his mother. Whew boy! The emotions were so poignant. Simu Liu played it like *chef’s kiss* beautiful.
Speaking of character choices, I really rate this decision to have him actually go through with the assassination. It puts Shang Chi in an interesting position emotionally and somewhat morally. Instead of having his breaking point be him unable to kill as his father wishes, it’s instead the feeling of guilt and shame that he actually did kill the man.
I wonder if he felt a sense of satisfaction before the disgust and shame settled in. Because Shang Chi literally watched his mom die, he probably initially wanted to help his father hunt down the man because of that bit of dark need for vengeance. Until he got it, and felt ashamed to fully face his mother’s memory afterwards.
I’m interested to see how future Shang Chi movies and Simu will dig into and unpack that little bit of darkness these events instilled in the character.
Let’s talk Ying Li for a second here. This woman was incredible. An incredible martial artist, for sure, a mystical guardian and warrior...but she was also just an incredible person in general. Mama Ying Li was so self-assured, so steadfast in her convictions. She struck me as someone who knows exactly what she wants and is never afraid to reach for it.
Fala Chen portrayed her with such grace, warmth, and strength of character. It was extremely easy to see why Wenwu fell in love with her. She met Wenwu, a literal thousand year old warlord, and through shear strength of character led him to put down his weapons and his empire to make a home with her.
This man threw away his entire shadow army of assassins, threw away his whole plan to literally demolish her village in the pursuit of power...in order to play Dance Dance Revolution with her and their kids. (The highlight of their romance and the family flashbacks, for me, tbh.) 
And I know it’s not necessarily...positive BUT there is something...hmmmm, crunchy in the fact that Ying Li so completely altered Wenwu’s life by simply loving him that when she died he was willing to raze the whole world to get her back, damn the consequences.
Trying to properly explore toxic and negative turns in previously loving family dynamics is such a difficult task to take on. I really liked the complexity of the Xu family. All the actors really sold the family side of things. It was an almost tangible thing how much you could see how the love they felt had turned bitter and painful over the years.
The final battle was epic and mind blowing (There was a fucking DRAGON flying around for gods’ sake!) but I do wish it had stayed a little more grounded for longer in the beginning of it when the Ten Rings were fighting the Ta Lo warriors. I wanted to see more of that fight before they had the turn to becoming temporary allies against the soul suckers. It became a little too much of a CGI mash, for me, in some parts of it.
Still, the emotional beats held and the core of the story of this grieving family trying to hold on to the tatters of their world stayed consistent even through the final battle. I can forgive a lot because of the strong sense of character and connection there.
Plus, it’s a comic book movie. Spectacle is the name of the game and at least this one had cool fantasy beasts and dope fight choreo. 
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. Let’s wrap it up here. Suffice it to say, I had a wonderful time with this movie. I’m ready for the next one!
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omeliashepherdhunt · 3 years
Stay With Me
Chapter One
I wake to muffled cries. A quick glance at Emmy’s monitor reveals it’s not coming from her. Our sweet baby girl has been sleeping through the night for the past month much to her brother’s relief as their bedrooms are adjacent. I briefly rub the sleep from my eyes and realize the distressed sounds is Owen. He’s laying on his stomach but I can see his frightened face contorted with anxiety. Beads of sweat from his forehead blend in with the tears that escape from his tightly shut eyes. I sit up and start to gently shake him awake, afraid of what he’s dreaming of. Owen doesn’t take too long to jolt awake and sit straight up in record timing. His blue eyes dart back and forth and he’s breathless. I reach out and stroke his face that is sticky from sweat.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” I try my best to soothe him. It takes Owen a little bit to be able to form words.
“Bad dream. I’m fine. Go back to sleep please.”
I softly smile at him and squeeze his hand. His T-shirt clings to his body from how much he was sweating.
“I can’t go back to sleep until I know you’re okay so why don’t you tell me what all of that was about?”
“I can’t talk about it, Amelia. It’s scary and traumatic. I don’t want to go there, especially not with you. I couldn’t take it if you started to think of me the way others have.”
I raise my eyebrows, feeling taken back. There is only one thing he has remained tight lipped about — his time in the army.
“Owen, I’m your wife. The wife that has had her fair share of dark and scary things. I can’t help you through it if I don’t know what is torturing you in your sleep. You married a recovering addict and alcoholic with chronic mommy and daddy issues. I have no room to judge.”
Owen peered over at the clock on his nightstand. It’s just after two in the morning.
“It’s late and we have a baby that will be up in a few hours. I swear I’ll be okay. I’m going to jump in the shower and rinse off really quick. I feel disgusting.”
“Owen, please just tell me what it was about. I can handle whatever it is.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.
“Drop it for Christ’s sake. I don’t need to talk about it. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
My stomach started to form knots so I just gave his hand another squeeze.
“Okay, I’ll change the sheets then come check on you.”
I watched him walk away while my heart sank. His normal 5’11” self from now looked similar to my 5’3” frame purely from how mentally exhausted he looked.
It’s not often that I have such vivid flashbacks to my time served in the army, especially not about the explosion. I’m not sure how much time has passed when Amelia comes in and starts the water. I only notice her briefly, unable to tear my eyes away from my reflection in the mirror. Sometimes it’s hard to see why Amelia is attracted to me when I look like I do right now. There’s huge bags under my eyes, skin abnormally pale, and my hair is slicked against my head from the sweat. Another moment or two passes by the time I feel my wife’s petite arms envelope my abdomen.
“Bath water is ready. I know you said you wanted a shower but I wanted to join you. It’ll also help you to soak your tense muscles.”
I couldn’t keep a sheepish smile from escaping.
“Amelia, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you but I sure am glad I have you. I didn’t mean to be so curt with you earlier. It’s hard.”
Her small hands cupped my face and she pulled me in for a soft kiss which I happily reciprocated. Things didn’t seem to be so bad when she was by my side.
“I just want you to be okay. Leo, Emma, and I need you here both mentally and physically.”
I kissed her again and let my lips linger against hers.
“I’m right here. You and the kids can’t get rid of me that easy.”
She pulls me by the hand over to the tub and takes her own sleep shirt off while I peel my sweat drenched T-shirt and pajama pants off. She gets in first and ushers me to get in front her which is different for us. Usually she curls up in my arms but I’m happy to have her hold me for once. If only I could protect her from the horrors of my past.
Owen didn’t say much in the bathtub but it was still nice to just have him lay there with me. It’s not too often we get so much one on one time with each other because Leo or Emma needs one or both of us.
Once we were dried off and back in our freshly made bed, I pulled him to me and let him rest his head on my chest. His ginger curls still damp from the water smelt like his lemon and sandalwood soap.
“Owen, please remember you can tell me anything. I just want to know what scared you so much.”
He sighed heavily but tightened his arms around me.
“It’s not easy for me to talk about… I don’t want it to change what you think about me. It’s not a light story.”
“I figured as much. There isn’t anything you could tell me that would change what I think about you. I love you. You’re my husband and my smoking hot baby daddy.”
Owen let out a sarcastic chuckle which made me giggle. At least I could still get him to smile even when he’s not wanting to.
“I love you more… Now I’m going to tell you this one time and I really don’t want to elaborate on it… We were on a convoy and hit an IED. I wasn’t hurt too badly but everyone else was subsequently killed. Dan Mooney, who served with me as Colonel, initially lived but his injures were too severe and he succumbed to his injuries only after I had to say a Hail Mary with him and he forced me to take my hand off of the wound on his neck. He bled out right before I was rescued by a helicopter. Now I live my life with immense survivor’s guilt. When I nearly choked Cristina to death, that was because I was triggered merely by the blades on our ceiling fan. Callie Torres was actually the one that got me off of her. I haven’t forgiven myself for that.”
His entire body went rigid as he explained the details which just broke my heart. He had been through so much at Grey Sloan without everything that occurred during his time served.
“You know… whatever higher being out there wanted to keep you alive for a reason. Now look at your life. You’re married to a brilliant neurosurgeon, a father to a five year old son and six month old daughter, head of trauma surgery, and we own a beautiful house and both of our vehicles.”
“I know we’ve been very rich in that sense but it doesn’t make what happened to my platoon okay. My own mother didn’t know I was home from the army for the longest time… Who I was then is different from who I am now. The army changed me overnight.”
I softly kissed the top of his head and wished that I could protect him from the world much like we try to protect Leo and Emma.
“I love who you are now. Your journey makes you who you are. You’re not a bad man, Owen. It’s nothing you could’ve controlled. You weren’t driving and no one knew there would be an IED right in the path. You did what you could with the resources you had in the time that you had.”
Owen looked up at me with huge, watery eyes. I held him as close to me as I could. His facial expression reminded me of Leo’s when he’s in time out.
“Mia, there are times where the pain seems unfathomable. When I get flashbacks or have night terrors, everything feels so raw and recent. How am I supposed to be strong for you and the kids?”
“That’s the thing, my love. You don’t always have to be the strong one. I’ve had my fair share of hard things. We are equals. You’re strong when I can’t be so I can do the same for you.”
Owen’s shaky hand reached up to caress my cheek.
“You are a saint. Let’s try to get some sleep before Emmy needs to nurse again. Just feeling you in the bed helps me feel safe.”
Another kiss on Owen’s head then one on his lips stretched a sweet smile across his face. He looked exhausted but more content by the time he started to doze off. It was a quarter past three in the morning before he was asleep again though I couldn’t sleep. All I could think of was his trauma and what steps we needed to take to get him into some form of counseling. If I can do NA or AA meetings, he could see a PTSD expert.
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 years
Wife’s Touch Part 2 - Male!Eivor x Reader
I actually really liked the first part... and I guess some people liked it too... I mean it actually got some notes
So! I sat and even when no one asked wrote part two
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It again pokes the main story SO BE WARNED! Just in case if someone didn’t finish the story yet.
Since Sigurd returned home, things changed. He changed. The good Jarl that loved his people dearly changed into a harsh leader.
It was hard to spot him outside his room like before, most of the time he spent away from everyone.
No one could blame him for this. Everyone heard that happen to him. They heard Eivor's story and the missing arm was a harsh reminder of the hard time Sigurd had been through.
Despite all this, people did their best to live their daily lives.
You sat right outside the long house, enjoying the warm sun on your skin. This was what you needed, your body started to change and it needed rest.
Suddenly, there was a kiss placed on your forehead. Opening your eyes you saw a familiar person. Person you were bonded with in front of the Gods, many winters back.
"Enjoying the weather, I see. How do you feel my love?," Eivor asked, kneeling in front of you to place a kiss on your now bigger belly.
This was why you loved Eivor. Eivor was a ferocious warrior, strong and dangerous. He could split a man in half with one swing of his axe, he killed the whole army barehanded yet his soul was gentle and poet-like. Your husband was easily changing from warrior into loving man.
Your hand moved into his nicely done hair, of course they were nice. You made those braids yourself this morning. "I do enjoy the weather, love. I cannot spend whole days in our room. As much as I love our bed, staying there for too long can get boring."
"You never were the one to sit in place for too long. I remember when we were young, you were running around like a snow hare. It's even harder to forget what was happening once you started to wield the sword and shield," Eivor chuckled and placed one more kiss on your tummy before getting up to sit next to you.
You giggled as your thoughts returned to the times of childhood and the time when King Styrbjorn brought young Eivor to the settlement, announcing that the boy is now his son.
Your mother explained to you what happened and it became your goal to befriend that boy and make him smile again. You two became friends and then warriors, fighting, hand in hand. Later stuff went in an even better direction.
Your state was the proof of it.
"I know and I don't regret the past nor the present. I am more than happy to be by your side and carry your child."
Your husband gave you a smile and leaned in to place a kiss on your lips, which you gladly accepted.
The sweet moment was interrupted by someone clearing his throat.
It was Sigurd, of course he wanted something from his brother. "As much as I don't want to deprive a wife of her husband, I need to talk with Eivor."
You didn't want to let him go, not yet but there was no other choice.
Sigurd knew you for years, you were friends for years but in his current state you didn't want to unnecessarily get under his skin.
"Very well, I think the little one demands a nap. I'll see you soon,” you kissed Eivor's cheek before going back to the longhouse
You used to be a warrior or just a useful person that liked to help around but since the pregnancy started you slept a lot. Thankfully now Eivor was in settlement on daily bases which made your sleep much calmer.
Your nap again took a few hours out of your life. You woke up to the pair of yellow eyes, watching you.
Of course the wolf was here. Giggling, you sat up and scratched Chewy behind his ears. "Aren't you a great companion?"
After some cuddles with the wolf you got up from bed and walked out of the room. You noticed Eivor standing over the map and talking to Randvi.
Walking closer you could hear their talk.
"It may be time to return to Norway. Sigurd is eager to see his father and... and beyond that, I do not know," Eivor said as he looked at the map.
"I have heard ill news about Styrbjorn in the past year. If you go, go with care," Randvi said.
You watched him nod and pierce the map with the dagger.
"We will leave now. And return as soon as we're able."
Those words made you freeze.
He wanted to go NOW? Back to Norway?! It was to travel for many days and gods know how long they will be there then they need to come back. You didn't want him to leave, you didn't want to be away from him.
Sigurd was mad and he followed him, what if they won't come back this time?
"Eivor...," Your voice already cracked.
He looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes and sighed.
Eivor didn't expect you to hear the talk, he wanted to go to you and explain it himself but here you were.
Your fragile figure shaking a little from the sudden wave or fear, eyes getting more and more shiny.
"My love...," He said quietly, moving closer to wrap his arms around you.
"I am sorry for leaving in such a rush. I wanted to tell you as soon as I was done talking to Randvi."
You nodded and nuzzled him, whimpering quietly.
"Why do you need to leave? I don't want you to go... Please stay with us,"
Honestly you had no idea where those feelings came from.
"Y/N. Listen to me," Eivor said quietly and pressed his forehead to yours.
"Whatever Sigurd is planning, I need to make sure my brother is safe. We will come back as soon as possible. I promise you that."
You looked at him, biting your lips. Of course he would follow Sigurd just... Why now? He was going mad and Eivor still went after him. You always thought that the bond between them was wonderful but this was too much.
"Eivor... I..."
"I know what you are thinking but you know you can trust me. Whatever he wants to do, I will make sure we are both safe," Eivor whispered, gently touching your cheek with his rough fingers.
Closing your eyes you took a deep breath, simply enjoying the touch and closeness.
After your nerves calmed down you opened your eyes and nodded with a soft smile.
"I trust you, Eivor."
"I swear on my honor. I will return to both of you, alive and well," He promised, touching your belly.
"Try not to... And I will pull you out from Valhalla myself," You muttered and Evior chuckled before pulling you into a slow kiss.
You returned the kiss, grabbing the hem of his cloak.
Soon he pulled away to place another kiss on your forehead. "Randvi will keep an eye on you."
"Of course I will. Everyone will. She will be safe Eivor," Randvi nodded, walking closer to the two of you.
"Travel safe and keep each other safe, Eivor. We will be waiting," She said, wrapping arms around your shoulders.
You smiled at Eivor and nodded.
"I will pray to Gods for a safe return. For both, you and Sigurd."
Eivor and you shared the last good bye and he left.
It still felt wrong, you wanted to have him close but you also couldn't keep him in one place for too long.
Days had passed. Every day was almost the same.
You woke up with white beast in your bed, you prayed, you helped Randvi or anyone who needed help, you prayed, you waited in the docks and then ate and went to sleep.
Every day was full of unshown fear.
All you wanted was to get your husband back with you.
Your every moment was filled with quiet prayer. No matter what you were doing, the prayer was stuck in your head. "Please bring my husband and his brother back safely."
One evening you decided to visit dear Valka and help her a little. Whatever could keep you busy was just perfect.
Valka smiled as soon as she saw you walking into her hut. "Y/N, how are you? And the little one?"
You returned the smile and nodded, touching your belly. "Everything is fine so far."
"I can feel you are worried. Scared even," She hummed.
You chuckled. Of course she would know, despite your smiles. It was Valka after all. Suddenly you were hugged.
"You don't need to worry. Eivor will come back to you. The night will be filled with happiness. Now come, I could use another pair of hands."
It was a mystery what she meant. She often liked to speak in riddles and you already got used to it.
The work Valka gave you was really easy. Nothing more than just organizing and preparing some of the herbs she collected during the day.
It was relaxing and the nice smell of plants smoothed your nerves.
"Y/N! Y/N! They are back!" Tove said happily as she walked inside the hut all excited.
You gasped and quickly went to the longhouse when Tove went to inform others.
The building was empty and quiet, illuminated by many torches but he was there.
Eivor stood there with Sigurd, he looked just as proud as always.
You thanked all the gods that both returned home happily.
"Eivor!,” You said happily and your feet immediately carried you to your husband.
"My love,” Eivor smiled and wrapped you in a hug as tight as possible of course without hurting you or the little one.
You nuzzled him and just then heard him hiss and groan. Pulling away you noticed some of the blood coating his tunic.
"It's alright my dear. It's nothing serious, we can take care of this later," he said as if he was hearing your thoughts.
Looking around he frowned. "We missed a great feast, it seems."
Then you realized your husband was right.
All the tables looked as if they were right after the feast or prepared for it to start. This was odd, since you did not recall any feast planned for tonight.
"Eivor..." Sigurd said getting your and Eivor's attention.
The older brother gestured to the throne. "Sit a moment... and rest."
"Sigurd." Eivor was unsure of it all. This wasn't his place, he wasn't much of a ruler.
"Go on, love," you said quietly and gently touched his shoulder, trying to encourage him.
Hesitantly Eivor walked to the throne and slowly took a seat on it, getting comfortable in the seat. He looked at his older brother who gave him an approving nod.
You couldn't stop looking at him.
Eivor looked so proud, perfect in this place. Even if he was always saying that he isn't a leader, you simply knew he was made for this. He will be a great jarl.
Randvi joined the three of you and after a brief talk about men's travel Tove brought everyone in.
"Eivor returned! Inside, at the hearth! Come!"
Sigurd decided to walk away and sit down at one of the tables
Few of the people carried torches, adding more light in the long house.
Giving Eivor a sweet smile you stepped aside to let Randvi speak.
"Eivor? Randvi? What is this? Is everything all right?,” Gudmund asked.
Randvi shook her and looked at Wolf Kissed over her shoulder.
"Our Jarl has returned... to lead us forward into an uncertain future. Will you speak to your people?"
Eivor looked at you for any kind of help. He looked nervous, not sure of it all.
You just gave him a sweet smile, assuring him that he can do it. After all, your husband did harder things than that.
"For love and joy, words can jade. Our souls must sound in a heartful song. And when... no, no," shaking his head he got up from the throne and walked closer to all the people he called friends.
"You are less mine than I am yours. And I ask of you only this, keep me honest in the times to come."
The Long House was quiet.
People looked at Eivor and each other.
The sudden change of Jarl was for sure a big surprise for everyone but it for sure wasn't unwelcomed.
Bragi broke the silien with a song and soon everyone joined, so did you.
In just a few minutes this special moment changed into a big feast.
Feast filled with family, friends, joy and singing.
It was hard to remember the last time that the whole settlement was so full of happiness.
Such moments were rare but they were honest, this was the most important.
You and Eivor returned to your shared bedroom really late at night. Other people stayed up to have more fun but you needed your sleep and Eivor was happy to follow you.
"You didn't tell me about the wound," You frowned, noticing the wound on his belly.
Eivor looked down on the said wound; the souvenir of the fight with Basim.
He nodded and gave you a little smile.
"I did not because there was no need to worry you. This wound is shallow."
Letting out annoyed sighs, you nodded as he sat down on the bed. You immediately moved to sit right behind him.
Your hands moved into his hair, loosening the braids and combing through Eivor's beautiful blond hair with your fingers.
Your husband hummed and quickly relaxed thanks to your touch. It was nice to feel a familiar touch after weeks of fighting.
You worked until his hair were completely loose and than you placed a gently kiss on the scare on the right side of his nape
"My beloved husband."
Eivor smiled and then turned around to lie down with you right by his side.
Watching you he smiled.
"My beautiful wife who is carrying our child. I can't wait for the little one to be here. I hope your days were calm when I wasn't here."
"Yes, the little one was really calm," You chuckled, touching your belly. "I was the worried one."
He nodded and took the big fur to cover both of you. Once this was done Eivor pressed his forehead to your and closed his eyes, you did the same.
"Rest now. No need to worry any longer. I am here and I will protect both of you."
You smiled a little and nuzzled him. He was back home, this was what you both needed. Soon both of you fell asleep.
Morning was something you loved the most most. Getting ready for the day was always fun.
"You know. Since you are our Jarl now. I think I will braid your hair differently. Something that speaks; Leader," You hummed, looking at Eivor's hair.
He laughed warmly and nodded. "Very well, I put myself and my hair at your mercy, wife."
"Oh don't worry, you will look beautiful as always. I will make sure of it."
Braiding Eivor's hair took you longer than you expected but you were really proud with your hand work.
He looked more handsome than ever, honestly you were surprised that it's even possible.
The two of you walked out of the room, holding hands.
You noticed Eivor frowning a little more than you noticed what he saw.
His brother stood next to the entrance to a map room, his arms crossed over his chest. Sugurd didn't look happy, he looked concerned.
"Sigurd...," Eivor asked, moving closer to his brother gently pulling you behind himself.
"Eivor. Before you say more, I must tell you something. Randvi and I have... Have ended our marriage," He said slowly.
You gasped quietly a bit shocked but on the other hand you understand it.
Everyone knew their marriage was the complete opposite of yours and Eivor's.
Yours came out of love when there was an arrangement.
"I am sorry to hear that," Eivor said softly.
You wanted to add something but Sigurd was quicker than you.
"Ah, do not be. Both of you. We adore one another dearly, but our marriage was not built on love. We were brought together as an act of peace. I was pledged to her well before I knew her. And though we have tried to settle our differences and find love in our faults..." He shook his head. "It has not worked out. And so we have dissolved our bond. Yet as a clan, we will grew together."
"Then I'm glad for you both. And for the rest of us. This place would not be the same without you two," Eivor agreed, nodding.
You also nodded eagerly. "That is the truth, Sigurd. Our settlement would feel empty without both of you."
Sigurd smiled at you. "Y/N. My dear sister in law, I owe you an apology. I haven't been too kind to you lately, it was all because of my clouded mind," he placed hand on your belly.
"Please, forgive me for this behaviour. I can't tell you how happy and thankful I am for everything you do for my brother. I hope your child will be as strong as he is and as beautiful as you are."
You giggled and nodded. "Thank you Sigurd and really. It was nothing, I understood everything."
Man nodded his head and pointed at Eivor.
"And you, little brother. Keep her safe and close, if you ever let her go or hurt her... I will kick your ass." Eivor laughed loudly and nodded. "I promise on my honor and life and all the gods."
You smiled and squeezed his hand. "Oh I know it all, I don't need to promise anything my love."
After this little talk, Sigurd walked away.
You and Eivor decided to go for a walk, just to enjoy each other. You could already tell that better times were here and you couldn't wait for more.
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nonstoplover · 4 years
nightly shared cigarettes ~ ron speirs (band of brothers)
my masterlist  |  my hbo war masterlist
request: Hello, I’m not sure if you’re up to another Speirs request👀 could you write something of him and the girl that the company has rescued from the german on their way or mission, this is just a loosely prompt that I have in mind haha😉 thank you in advance
pairing: ron speirs x SOE agent female reader
summary: when on patrol in haguenau, soldiers of easy co. find a captured british agent. until further notice she has to stay with them and in the meantime she grows closer with one of the lieutenants, someone who's fully inpressed by how badass she is.
words: 4.9K
a/n: thank you for the request, lovely anon. i'm always up to write anything with our sweet little grumpy kleptomaniac !! i hope you enjoy how i interpreted your request xx
also i just wanna note here how much i honestly respect the SOE agents (special operations executive), i did research on this and i'm- wow.
taglist: @50svibes​ @liebgotttme​
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When Webster's eyes fall on the young woman crouching in the corner of the room they've just bursted in, for a moment all he feels is confusion as it fills his mind. He comes to an immediate halt, Martin almost colliding with his back. Soon both their slightly widened eyes move around her - taking in the stains of blood and dirt all around her ripped clothes, the bruises colouring her skin, the disheveled (y/h/c) hair that was probably once in a braid but now is falling in her face, the exhaustion written on her features even as she eyes the newly arrived group of men with careful interest.
Before anyone can say or do anything, she opens her lips and in the loud noise, in a quite rusty voice announces a short sentence. "I'm British."
The paratroopers of Easy share a glance, feeling even more confused than before. Nobody have told them about any British woman being in that building, not even in the whole town of Haguenau. Nevertheless, knowing that they have to hurry, Martin orders his men to get her too, bring her back along with the Germans. McClung leans down to grab her and lifts her up in his arms much easier than he's thought - she's unbelievably weightless, at least compared to the heavy equipment he had to carry around in the past month, or to the weight of his comrades when he had to drag one of them who got wounded out of the firing line.
When they get back to the other side of the river and inside the basement, he places the girl on the ground next to the two German soldiers and then the company seems to forget about her as Jackson's suffering keeps everyone's thoughts busy. Only after the heartbreakingly young boy passes away under the helplessly watching eyes of his comrades is when Jones has the chance to actually get a look at their captured foes - surprised to find a woman sitting there as it's been too dark outside and they've been in too much of a stressful hurry for him to cast even a short glance at the captured three.
He immediately calls Martin over to ask him about it, and after learning all the news the staff sergeant can offer, he sends the closest soldier available to get one of the Captains before squatting down in front of her.
"So you say you're British?"
(y/n) slowly raises her glance at the young man before moving her head in a small, weak nod. "Agent," she mumbles the word almost inaudibly before pausing for a couple long seconds, then adds one more thing. "SOE." And then her eyelids start closing. She's too tired to stay awake. Sleep is a too tempting idea for her to fight it in such a state. Jones calls for Roe, afraid that she might die right there before him - before they get to know any reportable information about her -, but the arriving medic reassures him that she's just on the way to fall asleep.
Speirs comes rushing in soon, casting a swift glance at the broken-looking group of boys as he moves to the back, only coming to a stop when he's directly next to Doc and Jones. They tell him all the - very little - news they're able to and he orders Webster to bring her to the company CP, saying that they'll keep her under watch and that when she eventually wakes up, someone's gonna interrogate her.
As Web's carefully moving with her in his arms to the other building, his ears catch an almost inaudible mutter coming from the girl and he instinctively leans in closer to be able to hear something maybe useful.
"Ich weiß nichts davon- (I don't know anything about it)" her voice cracks and her arm that's not pressed into the man's body jerks violently as she's fighting the obvious nightmare, her head whipping around. "Ich heiße Lotte! (My name's Lotte)"
Webster doesn't know what to do as she shakes unstoppably - should he wake her or not? With his grip tightening around her body to keep her from falling, he tries mumbling a few reassuring words close to her ear in hopes that it would help - and it seemingly does as her twitching around kinda lightens. Arriving to the CP, he lays her on the now free couch - with Lipton finally agreeing with Speirs' words to go to the back and rest in a real bed -, and after moving the blanket gently on her, Web moves back to the other side of the room to sit down there, keeping an eye on her as he was told.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next morning (y/n) wakes up to the voices of several men quietly speaking around her, and for a few seconds the same edginess fills her body as the one she's been almost constantly feeling in the past weeks, but then her mind finally catches up with her ear and processes the words that are spoken in English - not the German she's used to.
She slowly opens her eyes, squinting at the sudden light even in the dim room and trying to remember where she is and how she got there. Just as faint memories of a grenade explosion, shouting American soldiers and being carried in the arms of someone with gunshots slamming into the ground all around enter her mind, one of the men notices her wakefulness and signals to the others to let them know as well.
(y/n) watches one of them rush out of the room while the rest of the group stays where they've been, on the other side of the room, in a loose circle. With her hands finding support on the sofa next to her body, she pushes herself up into a sitting position, her eyes never leaving the men in case they reacted to her movements. But they don't, all of them stay as still as statues right until someone enters through the doorway - and with a glance his way, she can wordlessly confirm to herself it's not the same one that has just left. The men seem to stiffen and stand straighter before the newly arrived one signals them away and except for one of them they tardily leave the room.
The officer - that one's obvious after a second glance at his uniform and seeing the way he communicates with the others - pulls a chair to the middle of the room and sits down on it facing her, while the other - who's face she finds faintly familiar but has no idea as to where from - stays in the back, leaning against the wall.
"I'm Captain Speirs," the officer says and her eyes focus back on him. "101st Airborne Division of the US Army."
He waits for her to answer, but she stays silent, waiting to hear what else he has to say - but it's hard to start this kind of interrogation for him, not knowing what to do with the woman claiming to be British who was captured by the Germans.
"Your name's Lotte?" First it seems like a statement, but the end of the sentence comes out more like a question and (y/n) raises an eyebrow in surprised confusion. How does he know about that?
"Lotte?" She asks back.
Speirs glances back towards Webster for a moment who simply shrugs, then turns his hazel eyes back to her. "You said that yourself in your sleep."
Ah, damn. This will get her in serious trouble one day - speaking in her sleep, chattering around.
"That's my code name," she nods, only hoping that she won't reveal too much with this information. "As an agent."
"Who do you work for?"
"That I can't tell you, I'm sorry."
Ron raises an eyebrow as a response and (y/n) lets out a sigh. "Look, I really can't say more, the most I can is that I work for the United Kingdom. For the Allies."
"You're British?"
"I am. Born in England."
Ron watches her tilt her head to the side as she speaks the sentence with a curious glint in her eyes. All thoughts that it might be a trap start to fade away the more he hears her obvious accent - that can't be learned if she was actually a German and only pretending to be English. Still, all the secrecy surrounding her, keeping her in a metaphorical fog from his eyes doesn't let the slight doubt disappear as well. When he doesn't say a word for more than a minute, another sigh escapes her lungs and she turns in her seat so her feet hangs off from the side of the couch and her upper body is supporting itself against the back-rest.
"My name's (y/n) (y/l/n), I volunteered to join the organisation in 1943 and had jumped into Germany in March 1944. Got captured by a group of German soldiers this January."
"What were you doing here?"
She turns her eyes to the ground, two parts of her mind fighting each other. One says she should answer honestly - these are American soldiers, allies, for Christ's sake, and she's already said a lot of things - and one says she should divert the question because what she's doing is a secret, one that she's swore to keep even if it cost her her life. Barely any people outside the organisation know about its existence.
"Well, since you won't answer, I'm gonna have to guess. Since you're a secret agent who's working for the British government, I'd say you were doing espionage and sabotage actions."
Oh my, she's said too much, everything about her has become obvious... She must be more exhausted than she thought.
Speirs stands up, and raising a hand pushes his fingers in his hair, deep in his thoughts. Though before anyone could say or do anything else, Babe Heffron enters the room and tells his superior how Captain Winters has asked to speak with him. Ron signals at Webster to stay where he is and walks out through the doorway.
"The Germans talked," Nixon announces as soon as Speirs enters Winters' make-shift office in another part of the same building. "They say the girl's a British spy."
"She won't say much, but that's what I figured as well," Ron nods.
"We're trying to get in contact with her superior, whoever it might be," Winters joins the conversation as he's systemizing the papers on the desk with his just finished reports.
"She's a part of a secret organisation, sir, so it won't be easy, I guess."
"Maybe we should let her use our radio to do it herself," Nix suggests with a shrug.
And that's how a couple hours later - during which Doc Roe finally got a chance to attend to her bruises and wounds, and dictate some hot food into her - she finds herself sitting in a different room, feeling much better already as her fingers carefully try to get connection with the HQ of the Special Operations Executive under the watchful eyes of a few American soldiers.
In the end (y/n)'s ordered to stay with the company that has found her until she got better, wounds healed and strength back to normal before getting further orders. They have to check first anyway if it's safe enough for her to go back to her previous position or if the Germans know too much about her already.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day Easy's pulled back to Mourmelon and she travels in the jeep with the captains - Winters, Nixon and Speirs. Since they've already heard the full conversation she had with HQ and so they know about the SOE, she's more willing to answer their questions about what she was doing in Germany, how she got there, what training she got beforehand, et cetera.
The more he learns about the young woman, the more amused Ron feels. He can't shake the thought that he's never met a more badass woman than the girl sitting next to him. All his life, when he thought about the female part of the population, he knew that if he ever got himself a girl, it should be someone strong, daring and fearless. And it wasn't easy to find someone like that - until suddenly this British spy appeared in his life.
After arriving, the soldiers get a proper meal first, then everyone's dismissed to rest anyhow they choose to. (y/n) goes back to the room they've assigned for her, still feeling the past weeks' exhaustion creeping up on her and after changing into the American uniform Captain Winters got for her - so she doesn't have to walk around in her torn, dirty clothes anymore - she falls asleep on the inviting, soft mattress. When she wakes up drenched in sweat and panting hard, it's sometime in the middle of the night already, everything's quiet around her and only the light of the moon comes in from the darkness through the window.
She stands up, stretching her muscles and trying to calm her shaking body before slipping on her boots again and putting on the probably unused - almost still crispy - jacket before silently moving out of the room. The cold, February night air fills her lungs and cools her warm and sweaty skin under a short second immediately after she exits the building. Slowly starting to walk next to the wall, she lets herself drown in her thoughts again.
"You runnin' away?" A voice asks from the dark after she mindlessly turns in a corner, making her jump and press her palms against her chest, her eyes wide and heartbeat going so fast as if she's just run a marathon.
As she tries to catch her breath, her glance lands on a burning end of a cigarette and moving a bit further up, she meets Ron Speirs' lightly amused, sparkling eyes.
"You scared the shit out of me," she admits, still panting. He says nothing, just continues watching her - a half minute later she gives in, rolling her eyes and answering his previous question. "I'm not running away, just wanted to get some fresh air. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"Can't sleep," he shrugs.
"Nightmares?" (y/n) turns around to lean with her back against the wall right next to him.
Glancing curiously at him, she waits for a while for him to say something else, but eventually figures that it's all she's gonna get from the man - he's seemingly not one to speak a lot and admit his true thoughts and emotions.
"You're not the only one," she mumbles, turning her gaze down to the ground under her feet as she mindlessly kicks away at random rocks scattered around.
He still doesn't say a word, and (y/n) starts to feel like she's annoying him, that her company is unwanted here but just as she places her palms flat against the wall to push herself away from it, a hand holding a pack of cigarettes appears in front of her eyes. With a swift, hesitant glance towards the man she slowly reaches up to take one and as she places it in-between her lips, Speirs raises his other hand, lighting the smoke for her.
At the sudden flash of light, he gets a better look at her, and his eyes swiftly move up and down her body, taking in the nearly literally breathtaking sight of the girl wearing a uniform, one that's almost like his. Even as the flame dies out from the lighter, the image is right there in front of his eyes - as if it's painted on the insides of his eyelids.
They smoke in silence for a while, both deep in their thoughts - his mainly consisting of how most men find women in fancy dresses and skirts, wearing high heels and make-up the most beautiful sight on Earth, and how seemingly he's just the opposite of that. A woman in uniform, not dolled up at all, radiating such strength and courageous confidence from her whole body that it feels like it's gonna consume him - that's what makes his mind spin and maybe even his heart skip a beat.
"Where are you from?" (y/n) asks a few minutes later, exhaling the smoke from her lungs.
"Brighton, Massachusetts," comes his answer right away. "But I was born in Edinburgh."
"You were?" She asks back in surprise.
Ron nods, taking another drag of his cigarette. "My family moved to the US when I was four."
The girl hums, falling silent for a few seconds as she contemplates his words. "Is it nice? In Brighton," she adds to clarify any uncertainty about her question.
He takes a breath, thinking over his answer before actually opening his lips and speaking up. It becomes the longest sentence (y/n) has heard from him - and it feels like she's finally able to see a little more through the wall around his heart and soul. By the time they finish their second cigarette, she knows about how he got to the 101st, what training they partook back in the States, and where they've been around Europe, what they've done before getting to Haguenau and - unintentionally - rescuing her.
And even though she feels like she'd gladly listen to him talk for hours, days, if she had a chance, a yawn takes over her features and she feels a sudden surge of sleepiness move through her bones and veins.
"I'm sorry, Captain, but I think it's time for me to call it a night. Maybe you should try to get some sleep as well, you deserve to rest properly," she flashes a small smile his way that warms his chest even in the cold winter air.
Stomping out her cigarette on the ground, she raises her eyes once more - only to find him already watching her. "Good night," she nods with the warm look in her glance still apparent, then turns around and makes her way back to her room.
Speirs is left alone with the goosebumps on his skin - ones caused by the way she said his rank - and he stays there for a couple more minutes, thinking about their conversation, about the girl. Then he moves back to his room as well, following her advice - and eventually getting the best sleep he's had in a long, long time. No nightmares, no waking up after seeing his men die over and over again, no trouble falling back asleep with stains of blood and dead bodies appearing in front of his inner eyes. He just sleeps. Peaceful, as he did as a child, with the only dream that appears being one about a woman. Her.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next night when (y/n) wakes up from her sleep, she almost instinctively puts the rest of her uniform back on, not thinking just walking towards the same place she found the young man the previous night. She doesn't even know why, but disappointment sweeps in her body when her eyes take in nothing but his absence. Nobody's there, just her.
"Want a smoke?" The familiar voice of Speirs enters her ears only a few seconds later, making her jump yet again.
A chuckle leaves his lips as he watches her spin around, panting just as much as she did the last night. "Would you stop scaring me every goddamn time? You're gonna be the death of me," (y/n) scolds him with a frown playing on her eyebrows, but he can see the playful glint in her eyes that lets him know that she doesn't mind it that much - that she's just glad to see him again.
"Sorry," he says with his lips curving into a smirk that says the complete opposite. As a peace offering he holds his pack of cigarettes out for her, similarly to the first time just about 24 hours ago, and then lighting it for her.
Conversation starts easier this time, even Ron's more willing to speak his mind, sharing his thoughts, asking questions. Time seems to fly as in no more than a blink of an eye (y/n)'s already stomping out her third cigarette. He hesitantly offers her one more, trying to convince the small voice inside his head that he's not doing it to keep her around for some more time. She shakes her head, but doesn't make a move to leave, just keeps on leaning against the cold wall, opening her lips to ask him yet another question.
Only a little while later, when a shiver moves up her body, leaving her shaking and teeth clinking, is when they suddenly realise how cold it actually is to just motionlessly stand outside, and this time Speirs is the one to offer to call it a night.
From that night, it becomes an everyday thing - or more like everynight in their case - for the two of them, no matter how tired they might be the next day when they talked throughout almost the whole night - until the sky started lightening, signalling the closeness of dawn. They stand there, in each other's company, smoking and sharing stories about their lives, getting to know the other more and more.
It becomes the part of his days Ron looks forward the most - sometimes he doesn't even try to get some sleep, just sits on his bed thinking until their unspoken time of meeting comes. She's always joking around, leaving sarcastic comments whenever she has a chance - leaving him amused by how optimistic she can be from time to time even in such terrible times, after all the things she's gone through.
Her quietly ringing giggle and her full-on, bubbling laughter soon become his favourite sounds he's ever heard in his life and he finds himself trying to make jokes himself, coming up with all kinds of funny stories he can just to be the reason she lets out those angelic sounds.
During the days, (y/n) spends her time with Easy company, joining them in whatever it is they're doing, making friends with the men - just enjoying themselves. One time she's just moving between buildings with Joe Liebgott, Babe Heffron and Chuck Grant when Speirs comes walking from the opposite direction, with about four or five packs of cigarettes in his hands.
"Will you leave some for me too, Captain?" (y/n) calls out to him with a mischievous grin and Ron has to bite back the smirk that's threatening to appear on his lips - both from the playfulness of her sentence and the fact that she called him that again.
The three soldiers next to her turn to look at (y/n) as if she's gone crazy, but then they only get even more shocked when their superior answers - especially when hearing and seeing the unusual merriness radiating from him.
"Sure thing, miss."
The girl bites her bottom lip to keep in the giggle, not turning her eyes from his until they pass each other, her cheeks turning slightly pink in the process.
"What the hell was that?" Liebgott inquires with a frown.
"I asked for some cigarettes," she shrugs nonchalantly.
In the next half an hour, the three paratroopers take it upon themselves to fill her in with all the rumours going around the men about the company commander.
That night when she arrives to their usual spot, he's already there. As soon as her eyes fall on him, her lips curve into a suggestive smirk. "It seems like I'm not the only one you like scaring the hell out of," she announces, drawing his attention to her.
Ron raises an eyebrow in question, and she explains in a couple words what she's heard from her friends in Easy that afternoon. He can't help but grin as his shoulders move in a shrug as the routine-like action of him offering a smoke and lighting it for her takes place - it's become such a habit that they don't need any words or thoughts to do it, their hands moving in instinct.
"If only they knew how not scary you are when someone takes the time to get to know you," she sighs.
"Someone as in you?" The corners of Speirs' lips turn upwards into a sly smirk. "You're trying to get to know me?"
"Hey, I didn't spend the past many nights suffering to get information out of you for no reason," she jokes, a small giggle leaving her lips.
"If it's so bad you describe it as suffering, why do you come back out here every night?"
(y/n)'s cheeks burn and she blesses the darkness for hiding it as he now openly teases her. "I guess I like the company too much to give it up," she speaks quietly.
Ron's heart feels like bursting with happiness to hear that sentence - something he never thought possible before.
"Anyway, I might enjoy them being scared of me," he shrugs again, seamlessly diverting the subject as he doesn't know what to say to her confession - he can't just say that he feels the same way, now can he? Even if he does.
The girl raises an eyebrow with an amused sparkle in her eyes, forgetting about the seriousness of the previous moment herself, more than willing to let him change the subject in her slight embarrassment.
"You do?"
Seeing his nonchalant nod she can't help but laugh loudly and sharply and his free hand swiftly comes up to cover her lips and muffle the sound before someone in the surrounding buildings wakes up. For a couple seconds they stay like this, until (y/n)'s laughter dies off, first into small giggles, then into a content silence. Even then, his fingers don't leave her skin, and the more moments pass, the more aware she becomes of his touch.
It feels like her skin is tingling wherever she feels him gently pressing against and the remainder of her cigarette imperceptibly falls to the concrete that's beneath their feet. Ron can't help but wonder about how hers are the softest cheeks, the softest lips - the softest things his fingers have ever touched. (y/n) slowly, very slowly raises her eyes until the (y/e/c) orbs connect with his hazel ones and she gets lost in the intensity of his gaze.
Hesitantly he starts lowering his hand, letting it fall from her face, back to his side - but he doesn't move further, stays right there, close enough to hear and feel her small breaths as they move the air between them. Time seems to stop between them as they stand captured in each other's eyes.
"Ron," she whispers and his eyes flutter shut, heart skipping a beat. He doesn't even know how she knows his first name, but she has never said it before and now hearing it he can't help but want to hear it again and again and again. By the way his breath hitches, for a moment (y/n) fears she said something she shouldn't have, but then his eyes open again and she's taken aback by the emotions flowing in his sparkling orbs - so the fact she called him by his name was anything but bad.
Heartening up from his reaction she carefully reaches out with her fingers until they touch his, pausing for a moment to give him a chance to pull away. When he doesn't move a single muscle in his body, just keeps on watching her, she moves once more, snaking her hands in his and intertwining her fingers with his. For a second or two that seems like long hours for the two of them they stay like that, then out of nowhere Speirs lunges forward and hungrily presses his lips against hers.
She grips into his hands tighter before not much later they slip out of her hold, only to move up to cup her cheek and the back of her neck. He tilts her head further back to have a better angle - to be able to kiss her deeper, and she sighs into his mouth contently, her own arms moving up his back, clinging into his body.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For the remainder of Easy's time in Mourmelon, off the line, the captain and the secret agent don't spend another night talking outside in the cold February night, smoking. Instead, they do the very same thing inside, in his room - lying in his bed, in each other's embrace, sharing passionate kisses every once in a while. Sometimes to kiss the pain of the past or the uncertainty of the future away, sometimes only because they can't help the overflowing emotions in their hearts and minds - the only thing that seems to matter anymore is to feel each other.
.::the end::.
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