#but kinda not
danzellas · 6 hours
Prompt #3
Danny gets put into dc universe with a form different enough that he can’t be seen as a meta. For whatever reason Danny can’t speak and can speak ghost speak which the heroes will think is just normal for his species. How the heroes think that Danny got to there world idk but I can’t think of one that won’t be interesting.
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dk-ghostmachines · 16 days
i need someone who understand the naming conventions of drugs (or maybe molecules idfk) to explain the makeup of adrenanoxinile plutonium sulfate.
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angelscatastrophe · 6 months
Shifting so I can truly be a theatre kid like I was born to be.
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elliottheiidiot · 10 months
I should really start drawing Jaiden, Roier, and Bobby, shouldnt I?
They're so happy!! Im only on their second stream of having Bobby, but I hope they stay happy Forever!!
I'll draw Jaiden at least, I've always been a fan of hers.
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mcrmve · 3 months
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strawbbella · 2 years
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Boy season 4 sure was sOmething
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carrickbender · 10 months
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A Sunday 7
- I woke up choking on my anxiety at about 415. Its money related, and it's very real stuff that's getting more real by the minute. There's options, thankfully, but theres already fallout, and it's not good. I haven't had a late payment in so long that the let down is going to be huge when the first one happens. The good news is that I have another interview tomorrow; its a second interview, and it would be a good job for here and my career track. Plus, the CPKC interview went great on Friday; and while it doesn't start till February, there are other things I am going to make happen if I they keep me as a candidate. Fingers crossed yall, please... I hate feeling like I've done everything right and just failed every way otherwise. #capitalismisawful
2. If you are wondering, a rip track is a train track that is adjacent to a main line train track where work can be performed on rolling stock(train cars) that need repair. The number on the engine in the picture? 667, the neighbour of the beast. Coincidence? I don't know, but I thought it was funny.
3. Our Henry won 3rd place in the gingerbread house in the community building contest. He won 20 bucks and a cardboard house that had to migrate back to our house in the back of my VW. It might have been a win for him, but it was a loss for his playroom. #toomuchjunk
4. Speaking of Henry, prednisone for healing an upper respiratory infection turned him into a lunatic. 2 more pills till we get our somewhat normal child...hopefully.
5. I owe a few of you a note, but please be patient. This time next week I'll finally be done with my BS. Finally... then I'll be able to look at the moon like it was in that slightly odd picture or play my guitar a bit more like the pic in the bottom right.
6. And since everybody on here is doing their year wrapped on Spotify, mine was...well the same 5 bands I've been listening to forever. I figured there would be more Joan Baez in there, or maybe ZZ Ward, or even Mme Swift, but nope. I did get called an alchemist for my musical tastes, and my Canadian friends will appreciate that a town on lower Vancouver Island called Nanaimo(its a cool place) is most likely my musical tastes.
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I mean... that says a lot.
7. I'm probably gonna bore yall with saying this, but thanks for all the good energy and love lately. Just reading your blogs has been helping me get out of this funk. And its a hard funk, with other things I can't talk about yet because I'm still trying to make sense of them but yall are helping me so much. Much love to all, and keep up the good work- you're killing it!
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fr00tbats · 2 months
i so badly wanna change my pfp to boober as the old ,,, uh... umm... the old ladyyy the like... the fortune tellery ladyyy lmfao (cut to me googling how to replace that word in context lmfao)
im trying so hard to keep my fraggleposting chronological to the series and how my vids come out so i dont confuse myself or like ruin it for anyone just starting to get into it but its sooooo harddddd theres sm things i wanna talk abt that i pushed down for the s1 vid
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
EDIT: Wow, forgot about we be lovin' so hard. Cast that under other!
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the-crimson · 1 year
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[ID: the “I’ve connected the dots. You haven’t connected shit” meme. End ID]
This is literally me right now about 4halo and the untamed/mdzs
Send help
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
If you're following me and you're online when I'm released from post limit prison when I empty my queue from the day, I'm sorry.
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why the fuck am i getting inspo to draw when twitter is having issues LMAOOO
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elliottheiidiot · 10 months
Am watching/getting caught up with QSMP while drawing my sillies!!
Im following through Jaiden's perspective (she's the one that's my favorite right now), and she just got an egg!!
I'll make fanart as i get caught up, but my characters are waiting on me :]
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ktechnicolour · 1 year
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Drew my own DnD character! :3 Im slowly trying to get back into making and posting art more since my lifes kinda switched up again and i have a little more freedom to draw things.
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jcbbby · 2 years
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a friend of my friend who was in the It Gets Better video with them posted and tagged my friend in this throwback today 🥰
I wish I had any idea about Jamie/Counterfeit/the video in 2019 and got to hang out with them all day too…
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
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This is what happens when she doesn’t get something first my dudes
@hybrid-royalty - royalty unites
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