#but let me have this seeing as there's no proof that he isn't trans :)
r0semultiverse · 1 year
Marshall Lee is TRANS??
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"This is the address she gave us!"
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juvederm · 5 months
raving about trans josh . suck my nuts
i honestly don't see a lot for trans josh in art or writing. and i kinda feel like nobody sees a more feminine look or energy for him which is kind of lame. there's nothing that suggests he wouldn't like feminine things, and maybe it's his brazen dialogue that leads people to believe he's like any other dude who strictly presents masculine. which i mean, yes in the game he's never wearing anything that isn't, much like the rest of the guys.
i bring up femininity and masculinity because of how they are depicted in his concept masks. i have a feeling that people might think i "feminize" josh for no reason but the truth is that i got this idea from his concept mask artwork.
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sad girl, sheila. sad girl especially is my favorite. and whatever this could just be me running on high levels of copium, but after already headcanoning josh as trans and then seeing these, i cherished this headcanon even more.
i can honestly see josh as transfem or transmasc, he's trans either way to me. i often think about him hiding his true forms of expression in favor of appealing to others, doing it for your own safety, etc, something i think trans people like myself can relate to.
some masks have themes related to motherhood as well.
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and listen. i know sometimes horror plays into the themes of femininity within serial killers in horror media (like some being into crossdressing for example), but like i said. when thinking about josh being TRANS and seeing this, it fuels my belief for it more than ever. especially since it's in a Horror game as well.
like obviously this wasn't intended to be in the game as trans coding, it was inevitable for me personally to not let my favorite character get away with being cisgender LMFAO i had to stomp that out, it's just something i do, i think other trans people in fandom can relate to projecting that onto their faves.
and i know the until dawn fandom is fond of trans chris as it's literally the only trans headcanon i ever see no shade. and i like that one! truthfully, i do. sometimes i'm at odds with the way it's characterized in fics and whatnot, but it's a wholesome and harmless headcanon. i just wish i saw more for trans josh :-(
a lot of this headcanon requires brainstorming i think, you're not gonna use a lot of like. in game proof (besides the concept art) to try and justify it bc you literally don't need to for any lgbt headcanon honestly. esp in a heteronormative game like until dawn. like i know there's no way in Hell that SMG intended for josh to be trans, but it's my favorite headcanon ever and the only headcanon i've ever made a whole TIMELINE for because it speaks to me so much.
i also wanna bring up body horror and transformation. this also has to do with trans hannah. this, iirc, was kind of around back in the days of the fandom, but it's truly one of the best. i don't know if anyone at the time considered it. but i took hannah's transformation (and by proxy, josh's too) as trans coding as well, ofc it wasn't intended that way, i just think it makes things more interesting.
the idea of your body changing and you can't stop it sounds a lot like puberty to me and how it felt when i was going through it. sometimes horror movies even indulge in this idea, leading a lot of people to believe it as a metaphor for growing up trans (i've watched a lot of video essays mentioning this concept) and i wasn't gonna let josh or hannah off that easy. you are both TRANSGENDER.
of course this is all just projecting, but i just want these hcs to get some more love. also feminine josh, come on guys, can you really not see it for him? bc i can. maybe not as something he does Outwardly with confidence, but still, i don't see josh as him being strictly masculine, although i still love that look for him. not saying i don't.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
+ some more masks. i love the doll related ones because i associate josh and hannah with dolls. like a lot.
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lostonehero · 3 months
PLEASE elaborate on the werewolf Elias idea omfg
That sounds so interesting
Hope you're ready for a lore dump
So Elias 7th born werewolf actually a big terrifying wolf during the full moon
Elias can not grow facial hair and has little to no body hair, which is incredibly rare, and he's thin and small, which again is abnormal for a natural born werewolf first off, so he is easily mistaken as human
Second fears are entirely separate from this supernatural side so Jonah has no fucking idea about any of it and thinks it's fake and doesn't exist because again removed from the fears or the fears have a bastardized version of the creature (ex stranger changling hunt wolf end vampire etc etc)
Jonah doesn't choose who his eyes get placed in the Beholder does (this is cannon to my fics fight me) so the whole things happens and Elias isn't dead surprise they are sharing a body. Jonah doesn't let Elias have control.
Jonah gets settled and can't marry Peter because Elias is born male. Move in together in the span of two weeks.
(Fun fact another cannon to my fics. Jonah is originally a Trans man. I just wanted to put that out there)
Elias is throwing alarm bells as it gets closer and closer to the full moon. Jonah thinks he is crazy and doesn't understand why he isn't gone yet.
Peter likes that Elias is in their, spices things up, but he does roll with the werewolf thing and uses every version of a puppy nickname.
Elias is basically trying to force himself in control and tries amd fails to get Jonah to get Peter to leave right until the moon rises
The morning after comes
Elias has control
Jonah is fucking confused and slightly scared to see everything a mess Peter has bloody bandages on.
"I told you to eat more, but noooo I'm the fucking crazy one." Elias huffs as he puts a pair of boxers on in the mess. "I'm crazy werewolves aren't real. Like here's your fucking proof asshat."
Jonah is too stunned to fight back for control, which he won't get until Elias lets him
"I haven't turned anyone since I was born and you fucking ruined that." Elias finds his phone through the mess and dials a number he knows by heart. "Hush up you damn vic- edwardian cunt." He sighs. "No, Oliver, I wasn't talking to you. Look, it's complicated. I'll text you the address, and yes, I did turn someone, but like, I'm also possessed by one Jonah Magnus.... yes, I know.... well how the fuck was I suppose to know I would get his eyes? Ok... yeah, that would be great. No, I can clean up. You don't have to help it's not as bad as I thought.... yeah that would be nice... what do I owe you? Don't give me that just because... fine, fine, you're right... thanks, man."
Time passes Peter is carried into bed and tea is placed on the bedside table and the apartment is cleaned before there is a knock.
"You got an end avatar to help us?" Jonah stares at Oliver, who answers the door.
Elias sighs heavily. "He's not just an end avatar, Jonah. Oliver is a vampire he was turned around the black death, and not one of the fear ones. Sorry, I'm still getting used to sharing a body. You can come in. I just finished cleaning, Peter is inside in bed, but he still hasn't woken up. He just got the fever yaknow."
Oliver steps in holding up two large bags. "I got all the stuff you need for yourself and him. You look like shit."
"Thanks." Elias sighs, taking a bag. "The asshole wouldn't listen when I said eat more, and I just barely started to get a bit of fat on my body too. That's gone. At least I know all his suit fittings are ruined."
Oliver sighs, but it sounds like a wheeze. "I'll look over Peter for you. Hopefully, he isn't having a bad reaction to the bite. Oh yeah, let our group know the whole deal with Jonah and sharing a body. I also got the paperwork started for Peter when he feels well enough to well you know grip what happened."
Elias nods. "Yeah, I get it."
Jonah has no idea what is going on and is freaking out
This entire conversation Jonah is freaking out and Elias is just ignoring him
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
Well then, lemme just-
You know how some teens try to act all tough and serious so they can look cool and "mature for their age" but in reality are a complete sweetheart (and maybe a scared cat/crybaby too lol) and all of the adults there know this bc they knew/know them since their parents had them? Yeah<3
Reader: Nothing scares me😎, I'm awesome just like that-
Kevin: Oh! Hey Y/N, how are y-
Reader: *high-pitched scream*
When Reader discovered what Bob had done it probably hit them HARD. They thought he was the COOLEST dude on the neighborhood who always gave them free food after hard days at school and would let them hang out at his work when their parents were away, now you are telling them that police discovered that he was a killer?? That gotta be a very hurtful event, especially if you are a kid.
So they kind of created this fake version of themselves to make it seem that they were over it and that it actually didn't affect them, they became this "too cool for school😎" teen who didn't have any feeling besides "chill" and "stoic". Which ends up making some of the people they grew around worried, they know why they became like this but nobody has the guts to confront them about it, knowing how the topic hurts them
Lila: So...do you want to talk about Bob-
Reader: Why would I? I don't care about what happened 😎
Lila: Well then...take your glasses off please?
Reader: 🤏😎....🥺
Bob(after escaping prison) probably wouldn't recognize them at first, only when they start to cry and beg for him not to kill them is when he notices that the teen in front of him is that kid who would always hang around when he was working. At that moment he kinda freezes, he can't believe it! They look so different! He tries to calm them down, telling them that it's only him, Bob! You remember him... right?
They just look so small and sad, there is this voice in the back of his head telling him to hug them and never let go, to comfort them like a parent comforts their child after a bad dream...and that's exactly what he would have done...if they hadn't ran away.
(idk man, just want Bob to be a platonic yandere to this teen who tries to act all tough but is absolutely terrified of him lol.)
(I love when anons or anyone explains and expresses their creativity and I'll make this into head canons with a tad of shitpost)
bob would have books on how to raise a teenager and other stuff. He does go out of his way to get you good animal meat sense you don't really have a wanting for it, which is fine but will the police on his ass and all
Bob does make dad jokes with a mix of cannibal humor in. Plus seeing you try to be cool but in reality a scared little kid makes him feel like a dad trying to raise a toddler who is afraid of their own shadow....he is convinced you are afraid of your own shadow, bob tries to make his house kinda child proof after hearing about how kids (which he kinda feels like you are) get hurt or almost get poisoned by things in the house or around the house so he trys everything to keep you from hurting yourself
He wears glasses....no one can change my mind, and bob does let you make friends. Well after he has you calm down after the fact he is a mass cannibal serial killer in a fucking devil costume, he is not above carrying you plus he wont spoil you a lot just at the beginning so you can at least calm down to know your not going to die....one time you went to go get a drink form the fridge at night and didn't know which fridge bob kept the drink (cause I headcanon he puts his drink and the dead bodies in two separate fridges cause he doesn't want you to get sick or just because your not use to the smell of dead corpses of victims old and new) and you open the wrong fridge and a fresh dead body falls out onto the floor your just use to it and shove the body back into the fridge and forget your drink.
Bob isn't bothered by you being gay or trans, pansexual ect. But he will need to see who your dating cause he wants the best for you....he makes "hi gay I'm dad" joke when you came out because you're his 'kid' and he will try to poke fun at any time he gets the chance, if you want to date two people that's okay but I feel like bob knows we're everyone lives in the town so he will get on his devil costume and go outside to check if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and if they are....then oh boy he busting in and kill them.
You guys know when your trying to show your parents something on your phone and they do that looking far away from the screen to see it?....yeah bob has to grab his glasses and does that plus when he's cooking meat he knows how to season and make good ass hamburgers
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neverwalka1one · 1 month
Magnus Protocol 27
Yes I skipped making one of these for 26, it was a week and a half and mostly it consisted of me going 'plz stop poking the Spiral Lady she might eat you' at Celia, so.
Kidnapping/consumption, there is no way that classification can mean good things, nope.
Sam just kind of... sucks at grunt work. Like. I know he never meant to do a busywork type of job, this was a fallback, but... look. If Lena wasn't bound and determined to Not Have To Hire More People, Sam would be out on his ass in a week. You don't get that sassy with an overbearing manager and not eat asphalt. Sam, that's a clue, take it, please, omg.
Lena is tidying away Colin's files. Can someone get us proof of life on Colin?
$10 says Lena's planning on feeding Sam to one of the externals.
Oh Gwen, living down to middle manager tropes are we?
Hi Augustus, horrible to hear you, what ye olde times horror do you have for us you utter psychopath?
Strong alchemy vibes, gotta love it
So the institute is instituting (Magnussing?) by committee, I think I'm seeing why the Institute didn't overpower this world.
The eeeeeeeeeeeeeeye [snork] dude, stahp.
... uh. That coach ate a dude.
Hey Magnus. Magnus. Go get et by a coach.
Boyle! I got that reference. And Boyle is from the same time as Newton, so like... what, is this a committee you get to join because you inherited a seat? What, my daddy's rich and in this secret society I am too? .... actually nm that's pretty on point.
So if Boyle and Newton are from late 1600's (ish), and these letters are from nearly 200 years later... were there earlier Magnuses? It sounds like the institute is being named after him personally, so if there were, why is he so special? If there weren't, how did he get into the >200 year old rich boy's club? Why is it still a committee? Or was Newton more part of what the government bit is, that wipes Institute-esque things off the map when they get too powerful? Halp.
Jonah Magnus magnussing over here feeding his colleague to a coach with very little to no remorse I applaud Archibald (who tragically does not appear to be a real person) for spending his last moments cussing out Jonah Magnus.
Jonah has figured out about the Fears. Smirke's coming up next, isn't he? Oh no.
'Do you ever get weird emails' '[deadpan] I'm openly trans on the internet.' Read her to filth, Alice. Get her ass.
'We're not doing this now.' Doing whaaaat, Gwen? Sorta hate-flirting? Approaching romance sidelong like it might bite? C'mon, you were having fun.
Nooooooooo not the breakrooooooooooooooooooom FINE I'll break out the transcripts.
'What was that?' 'That was sex, Sam.' OOF. Sam, my shrimp king, never let Alice know Celia said that, even in jest, she'll roast you forever. Also 'pretty decent' sex? Damned by faint praise much? Or is this one of those 'if I vaguely praise it it was awesome, but if I'm very enthusiastic I think it was trash' British things?
Trevor Herbert is the MP????? That hobo-ass vampire slayer? Oh god, at least he'll get on with Lady Mowbrey.
Nope, still hung up on TREVOR being an elected official, I can't, help.
Whoop, Celia is spooked by the Archivist, what, you didn't clue in... ohhhh. oh no. She didn't hear the story last week. With the eyes. hahaha oh no.
Oh sure Celia, you just 'happen' to find the Hilltop Road property, just coinkidink, yup, just got a 'feeling' about it, yah-huh. If there are spiders there I'm going to be yelling so loud.
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whorbidmore · 6 months
hey!! this isn't the full fanfic im planning on releasing, but more of a little tester to how easily writing comes to me if that makes sense? i wrote this all in one sitting with zero proof reading so, if there's parts that make no sense/etc., that's why. it started off as another little blurb but then i got a little carried away :3
i wrote this with a pre-top trans masculine reader insert in mind, but kept descriptions relatively neutral since this is more of a focus of a pre-established relationship through the emotional lens of Leon. how he views his partner, what he does to comfort them, etc. though i do attempt to illustrate how oppressive gender dysphoria can be at points. of course not all trans people experience dysphoria, and especially not to the degree I've written, and this should be in no way used as a cover-all essay on trans masculine identity. though im drawing from the experience of some of my most dysphoric thoughts.
also i accidentally posted this a day early so, just know this piece of crap was finished 10/04/24 (today, as of official posting)
Leon Kennedy × Trans Masculine!Reader
content warnings: discussions of gender dysphoria, internalized transmisogyny experienced through an implied trans masculine lens, hurt/comfort (?), fluff, smut, Leon being a sweetheart, not proof read or edited, im actually just shitting this out to satiate the need to write. 18+ content, minors/ageless blogs/TERF/RADFEM's dni.
leon would always be there for his partner when they're feeling dysphoric. he's not the most experienced wordsmith when it comes to assuring them in this way, but reassurance through action can be just as comforting.
on those days where simply telling his partner that he sees them as the person they are, — that behind their body, there's no doubt in his mind that his partner is who they say, and who they feel they are, — isn't enough, he offers solace through action. most often, that means scooping his partner into his arms and holding them, letting them burrow against him, seeking the warmth of his presence away from the harsh glare of gender dysphoria. other times, leon takes matters into his own hands.
times where the level of their dysphoria is all encompassing, looming over them with an oppressive shadowy aura of visceral discomfort, extending beyond their minds view of their body. when dysphoria halts them from completing daily tasks they'd otherwise had no problem in doing. the odd occasion where, if the issue were to be personified, it'd take the form of a sexist, bitter and bigoted old man, waving his cane over their head and grumbling about how 'real men don't do these things' or 'if you were a real man, you wouldn't do this', 'act like this', 'think like this', be like this. eyes darkened and expression hollow, a loose, dissociated grip of the kitchen brush as dysphoria pecks away at their brain like a woodpecker of internalized transmisogyny, Leon steps up to help.
snaking his arms around his partners waist, a tender kiss against their temple as he loosely guides their hands with his own as he washes the dishes. his partner never doubted his own masculinity throughout their relationship, he knows that won't change watching him do the archaically 'female job' of washing dishes.
a display of emphasis, quietly reminding his partner that it's not the actions that make the man. it's the connection between yourself and the identifier of the title. showing that no amount of dish soap, pink button up shirts or anything frilly, prissy or societally deemed 'girly thing's would take away the man Leon knows he is.
Or the person he knows his partner is.
those small, wordless conformations to ground his partners mind back to the reality of those dysphoric thoughts, being just that. thoughts. thoughts that have no place in the world around them. thoughts of a far outdated view of what is manly and what isn't. outdated views that barely apply to cisgender men, let alone people like his partner.
other times leon let's his actions speak the comfort his words try to convey, is when he takes the time to appreciate his partners body.
it's well acknowledged that leon isn't simply the type to be in love, but more openly infatuated with his partner, especially behind closed doors. he wakes up early every morning just to admire his partners sleeping face, the beat of his heart harmonizing a rhythm of raw affection, even as his partner snores with an open, drooling mouth. their face is nothing less than the image of perfection in his mind. every lash on their eyes and healing acne scar, only captivate him further into the safety of their presence. as he does for them. not only does leon worship who his partner is as a human being, he would never withhold himself from worshipping the alter of their form. mind, body and spirit, in leons mind his partner deserves to be worshiped. and when it gets in their head that their mind and soul had been sent down to the incorrect vessel; — a mix up in their otherworldly journey, — how could he ever ignore that?
barely a second thought in his mind, leon would be laying kiss upon heated kiss to his partners lips, fingers tilting their chin to meet him at just the right angle. always beginning so tenderly, words whispered breathlessly as he showers them in praise. voice low against their lips, occasional mumbles of, "...So good...", "...God, you're amazing...", tied together with the prayer of their name, profanities hissed between Leon's teeth.
he tries his best to selfless, especially with his partner, but when he could be sent away from them for weeks at a time, how could he refuse to indulge.
his hands roam along every inch of his partners body, memorizing every dip, curve, swell and crevice. a man who craves every detail of their being. hands so familiar with weaponry and gore, now splayed across the dip in his partners waist, their bodies pressed close together, huffs of adoration caressing the skin of their neck as the muscles in their stomach tense.
it doesn't matter size or shape of his partners chest, whether untouched by the surgical precision of the scalpel or flattened, molded to the shape of their very essence, scars like the thorns of a rose. his rose; bold and beautiful, standing tall and proud against the shroud of spikes and vines that caged them in others perceptions. it doesn't matter the presentation of the flesh when attached to the person he'd give his life for. just as much a man when building Ikea furniture, as they are sitting on the couch in a blanket.
as manly as ever dripping with perspiration returning home from a walk, as they are with Leon's face between their legs. tongue savoring the taste as he tunes into every little motion and noise being offered from his partners lips, a deep chuckle bubbling in his throat at their response to his own lips wrapping around their sensitive clit. god, he could stay like this for the rest of his life. fingers in his hair as he feasts on the love of his partners body, groaning in pleasure with every pulse of their pussy beckoning his tongue further.
keying in to every signal, he only loses himself further the closed his partner is to orgasm, to invested in the task at hand to give a shit about his aching jaw. mumbling the tiniest phrases of affirmation as he hoists their thighs over his shoulder, so carried away their body ends up folded against itself atop their mattress. telling them how fucking gorgeous they are, especially with their face all scrunched up, breaths laboured as they cry out in ecstasy.
resting his head against their inner thigh, hand stroking the dull ache in his jaw, he'd stay in that same spot until his partner catches their breath, nothing short of admiration in his gaze as he stares past the mess he'd made of them.
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the-power-of-stuff · 7 months
bestie whats your opinion on this vid? it got me Angry. ANGRY! https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=64wpVnM6dlE4b9kc&v=cglBnKGWlP4&feature=youtu.be
Ahhhh yes, this video! I've seen it floating around in the tags but hadn't watched it until now.
I guess my opinion on this overall is that it's a little...unimaginative? I mean, it makes valid points about how the writers hadn't originally planned for Suki to be in the show beyond "The Warriors of Kyoshi," and how she doesn't interact much with the other members of the Gaang. But to me, that's where the fun of playing in the fandom sandbox comes in! Reading between the lines, over-analyzing little details, and finding space for our own interpretation of the events to thrive.
For instance, how many days did the group spend together on Ember Island? Do we really think Suki wasn't hanging out and bonding with anyone else that entire time? What about all the time they spent running around looking for Aang and Iroh right before the comet? Like, they went all the way from Ember Island to Ba Sing Se! That's basically a trans-continental road trip! Road trips are prime bonding opportunities! There's no way Suki wasn't making new BFFs while they were stuck in Appa's saddle all night.
What's the point of trying to prove that Suki didn't actually earn a place in the Gaang when instead you could imagine Suki and Katara connecting over the similarities in their fighting styles? Or Suki and Toph playing pranks on Sokka together? Or Suki and Aang getting emotional with one another while discussing Appa's rescue?
Same with the assertion that Sokka and Suki break up for good... First of all, I don't put much stock in "proof" that relies on material that's auxiliary to the show, the consumption of which isn't necessary to understand and fully enjoy the original source material. This stuff is basically professionally-published fanfiction. But even if it did hold the same "canon" weight as the original show, again, there are still a multitude of ways to interpret what's in the book. And what's not in the book.
Let's say that when they're both ~40, Sokka is back in the Southern Water Tribe and Suki is on Kyoshi Island. So what? From this one scenario, I can still spawn a million different universes in my head wherein Sokka and Suki end up together. I guess I just don't really see the point in claiming that there is an ultimate truth to Sokka and Suki's relationship in this fictional universe, when instead you could write thousands upon thousands of words finding different ways for them to fall in love with each other over and over again. *whistles innocently*
So, yeah... Is Suki part of the Gaang? She is if we let her in! (yes) Where is Suki? Wherever we want her to be! (in Sokka's arms)
I'll leave off with one counterpoint to something said in the video. There was a claim that Sokka only thinks about Suki when she's right in front of him. Otherwise, she's not on his mind at all. To argue this, I would like to present exhibit A: "The Swamp." Sokka has his vision of Yue, and afterwards he tells Aang and Katara, "I think about her all the time." Do we have any evidence of this? No. He hasn't mentioned Yue since his brief conversation with Arnook at the end of the season 1 finale. Does that mean he was lying when he said, "I think about her all the time"? Of course not. Something we know about Sokka is that he tends to keep his emotional cards pretty close to the vest. He's demonstrated that he is capable of thinking about Yue constantly without Aang, Katara, or we the viewers being aware of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that the same could be said of Suki. And I would go so far as to say the fact that Sokka immediately starts crying when Azula mentions Suki while taunting them on the day of the eclipse? Means she's been weighing on his mind an awful lot. Cuz that boy doesn't cry so easy. Not even when Yue died.
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katrafiy · 2 years
In case anyone needed any further proof that the transunity blog was just a front for certain people to launder their gross transmisogynist beliefs, the recent announcement of them shutting down the blog should be the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
Several people, myself especially, pushed back on the movement's irresponsible misunderstanding and misframing of trans women's oppression. However Luke, the transunity moderator who made the announcement, cannot see this as anything other than being an attack on and hatred of transmascs. Here's what he said:
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This is concerning to me, and should be concerning to anyone who was following this blog, because Luke is blatantly lying here. In none of my posts criticizing their movement and their manifesto have I had anything negative to say about transmascs or the way they frame other forms of transphobic oppression, transandrophobia chief among them.
It was actually a very careful and very deliberate choice on my part to limit my criticisms of transunity solely and specifically to where I felt they were wrong about trans women's oppression, but that isn't good enough for someone like Luke.
The problem with people like Luke is that he wants to have it both ways. He doesn't think people who aren't transmasc should be able to define the oppression faced by trans men, but he also thinks that letting transfems be authorities on and define our own oppression is a personal slight against him.
He doesn't want to let other people define his oppression, and simultaneously acts like he should be allowed to define the oppression of others, and he calls anyone who pushes back against this a separatist.
"Show absolute deference to me and my beliefs" is not how you foster unity. it's how you build a cult.
This is all especially egregious when coupled with the transunity blog's pattern of targeting and driving harassment against trans women, like when they recently dredged up a literally decade old post by an indigenous trans woman while also erasing her identity and background by calling her white as a clever "get out of transmisogyny free card".
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I'm not sure what else there really is to say except that I am deeply disappointed and sadly unsurprised by this development. I wish Luke well and I hope he is eventually able to get over his seemingly paternalistic need to make trans women be subordinate to him and his beliefs instead of letting us be authorities on our own oppression.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
Kaori and Jin itadori for the character ask
Thanks for the ask! This is interesting because both of them are basically 80-100% headcanon. We barely know anything about them.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Hm, I think she dabbled a bit with girls in her youth (maybe also because of societal pressure), but ultimately leans more towards men. I imagine her and Jin got together quite early, end of highschool/early university maybe, so she didn't experiment all that much with other people. Doesn't mean the two didn't have their own fun together though.
Gender Headcanon:
Since we know nothing about her, I have just decided that she is a trans woman. Who is gonna proof me wrong? Her and Jin were thinking a lot about what approach to take with family planning. Kaori didn't care that much either way, but she still tried to look for options for Jin's sake. That's when Kenjaku came in and offered her a womb transplant. Unfortunately, she didn't get to use it much.
A ship I have with said character:
Well, uh, Jin. Also I'm not gonna lie, I have been thinking about her and Kenjaku as well, especially after we found out that they still hold onto her CT. I could absolutely see Kenjaku creeping up on her when scouting for a new body and maybe even try to hit on both her and Jin.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Uh idk, Wasuke? I imagine he was at first a bit sceptical of Jin being in a relationship with her because of some latent transphobia and homophobia, but he got over it pretty quickly and became one of her biggest supporters, even after death. You could say he always showed more concern for her than Jin.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Don't really have any. Not many people shipping her anyway.
A random headcanon:
Because of her CT and I think it would be funny if both of Yuuji's mothers would be into STEM, I think she was a physicist and working on actual anti-gravity devices. So she was a bit of a mad scientist herself.
General Opinion over said character:
I'm not sure I can have much of an opinion on her with how little we know, but what we do know is very intriguing and leaves a lot of room for speculation. Hopefully, we will learn more about her when we get into Yuuji's origins.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Kind of similar to Kaori, although I would say he's more firmly bisexual, he just doesn't have that much experience with men. Certainly not in terms of actual relationships.
Gender Headcanon:
Cis man. Not really the ideal societal image of one with his very polite and submissive soft or unassuming attitude and focus on being primarily a father. But I imagine that's what Kaori and Kenjaku liked about him (for different reasons).
A ship I have with said character:
Mainly just Kaori and Kenjaku. His relationship with Kenjaku is still so fascinating. I really hope it was willful ignorance that kept him by Kenjaku's side and made him pull through with having a child with them. He knows something is wrong, that this isn't Kaori, but he's just so desperate to have a family and a child and might not know how to handle the grief over Kaori, that he just ignores the many red flags Kenjaku is waving in his face. Him just being under some illusion or mind-manipulation CT would be really boring and remove so much agency from him. Let him be a fucked up, slightly obsessive husband to his evil wife!
A BROTP I have with said character:
idk, I don't think he has many friends
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly, just Toji. I don't see that at all. It's not even aesthetically appealing to me. They both have children and that's pretty much the only thing that connects them. I don't know why Toji would be interested in Jin and vice-versa.
A random headcanon:
He's still alive lol...no, I think he would have shown up already if that was the case. If he is, he's a really shitty father for letting Yuuji go through all that. Another hc would be that I think he never got that well along with his father, the situation with Kaori was just the tipping point that pushed them into actual hostility. But I imagine divorced/widowed Wasuke wasn't the best dad, especially because he seems to have a gambling addiction that probably didn't get any better with his grief.
General Opinion over said character:
Little fucked up guy, but really interesting. What little we saw of him in canon makes him come off kinda creepy in the stepford smile kind of way in my opinion and I like that about him. I mean he must've charmed Kenjaku somehow and what better way to do that than by being a little insane.
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gemwolfz · 11 months
since i am not sure if or when i will ever get back to that coming out day posting i will instead post full platoon headcanons here 🔥🔥🔥 under a cut because i intend to maintag and some people may not give a shit. also i expect to ramble. appending a big "to me, anyway" to all these because if i said that fifty times in the post it would be repetitive
keroro's gender is most accurately described as multiflux! he identifies with multiple genders at the same time- male, female, keronian genders you wouldn't get, exclusive genders only keroro understands- at different intensities at different moments. he mainly uses he/him, because, like, he's employed, but he appreciates being referred to in less masculine ways every now and then. because he's kind of a pretty girl ngl. he's also pansexual (i don't personally make a distinction between bi and pan, and usually default to the term bisexual, but idk keroro seems like someone who would label himself as pan dont ask me why) with a preference towards men. hey i can add nonqueer headcanons here too cant i. his ass has so much ADHD. also i posted yesterday that his behavior closely fits the description of narcissistic personality disorder HOWEVER thats a condition i dont know much about so im hesitant to decisively headcanon it for him yknow
tamama is bisexual (personally i have not witnessed proof of tamama caring about girls but the wiki is so confident about it that. well bi erasure would be bi erasure. we aint about that here 🫡) and also transgender 🔥 he's in the keronian version of the Awkward Transmasc Phase where if you're not read as a woman youre usually read as a middle schooler, and used to be more self-conscious about it, but since he's transitioned socially- he's tamama-kun within the platoon, and most pekoponians are completely unaware he was ever seen as a girl to begin with- he's quite happy with where he is now! anyway you know how i mentioned in one doodle post that i hc that fully metamorphosed female keronians are larger than males? well, being a bit of a brawler, tamama isn't really opposed to that concept, so although at his age Frog HRT would most likely trigger metamorphosis, he'd prefer to wait and metamorphose naturally before Starting Tesfrogsterone. best of both worlds! this trans frog is gnc and theres nothing you can do about it 🔥🔥🔥
giroro is bisexual. that's all he would have answered with in the coming out day posts because if youre cisgender whats the point in mentioning your gender right? anyone can tell he's a guy. look at that sharp, angry-looking brow, that big, gnarly scar, those monstrous fangs. those could only be appreciated on a man. and that's good, right? a soldier should be tough and intimidating. he's perfect. he should be proud. he says he is. so why is he so tired...? he shakes his head, and goes back to cleaning his arsenal. he's just frustrated that the invasion isn't going anywhere, that's all. really. Sorry i think i got possessed where was i. um i think giroro can also have little a autism as a treat
kululu is aroace, with no particular interest in seeking either of those types of relationships, romance averse but neutral towards sex. and he's apagender: he doesn't particularly care what gender people see him as. he does have his quirks- he enjoys presenting himself as girly every now and then, and is quite amused by being referred to as an "it" on occasion- but he considers these things more of a hobby or performance art than parts of his gender. just a bit of seasoning, some excitement. never let them know your next move. anyway hes also audhd (adhd autism combo pack). his headphones are noise cancelling, without them he will hear all his computers and the lights and the air conditioning and he will become the joker. i've also considered giving him Unique Alien Chronic Pain- i've got this kind of jokey headcanon where he secretes capsaicin due to his diet, sort of like a poison dart frog, and i thought an interesting consequence of that would be if that caused a constant burning feeling on his skin- but like idk if that would be a good idea? chronic pain is also not something i know much about
dororo is male, for all intents and purposes, but he doesn't care much about the label. he doesn't really believe in the gender binary these days, which is something he learned from living with koyuki; binary gender doesn't really exist in nature. he doesn't label his orientation, either, but for different reasons: being a professional assassin with a strict regiment doesn't really give a person much opportunity to explore in that area. he was never really in the dating scene, and doesn't expect to be thrown into it any time soon. if your relationship with the most loyal and taskfocused soldier you know is holding strong after you choose to defect from your planet and protect the one he's trying to invade, it's hard to imagine anything that could possibly break it down, you know?
i feel like this should have some kind of conclusion or something instead of just ending but idk lol. you get bonus headcanon which is that fuyuki is transmasc swag to me. aaand post
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beevean · 1 year
What bothers me about how forceful/unbased some neurodivergency/LGBT+ headcanons are is how they give off the vibe only neurodivergent or queer characters are allowed to have anything going for them. Not even anything special! Let's take TMOSTH: Tails feels empathy for many things? Autistic! Espio speedread a book to spoil the ending for Knuckles? Autistic! Or what you pointed out in Archie, with Shadow stating he likes his motorcycle? Autistic! As someone who only recently found out they might not be entirely neurotypical, I recall quite disliking and feeling somewhat hurt that every single thing a character did immediately gets spun around to fit the OP's projecting, with the attached "fuck the straights and the neurotypicals only gay people would ever do this" that tends to come along with it (where the thing "only gay people do" 99% of the time is the most basic thing in the world). It's almost like people don't want to consider that the most normal, down-to-earth, "boring" (used in the way such OPs tend to use it: as an easy jab) neurotypical cishet person can feel empathy for many things, speedread, or like a motorcycle. I feel like there is more behind that due to the state of the world at large, but it's annoying to see have to come across it in fandom all the time, and then have the "proof" be complete nonsense or entirely taken out of context to "support" the statement. Not to mention the "joking" accusations of bigotry if you do not share such headcanons that occasionally get added as well.
Another example I thought of the moment I hit the "ask" button: Surge getting revealed as Sonic's "clone" and the ENTIRETY OF TUMBLR immediately deciding this meant Sonic was trans. The fact they aren't even the same species nor look alike in the slightest and the fact I thus promptly got very worried about the biology knowledge of the entirety of Tumblr aside, thank god that shit died down when it got revealed Surge legit was just some rando Starline plucked from the streets with no relation to Sonic.
You hit the nail on the head.
When autistic headcanons are created from the basis of "X has a passion for Y!", I'm here like... do you think autistic people are the only ones who can feel any sort of love or attachment over something? Do you think neurotypical people can only blandly tolerate things? Isn't hyperfixation something much, much more intense than a passion? Isn't autism much more than "being shy and with something they love", and isn't ADHD much more than being excitable? This shit makes legit harder for people to realize if they're neurodivergent or not because I swear that literal human nature is deemed to be "divergent". If "neurotypicalness" is associated with being an emotionless, insensitive asshole, no wonder no one would want to identify as, or call their favorite character, neurotypical!
Don't get me started on how for some people "straight" is a synonym for boring and "gay" is a synonim for fun and quirky. Shocker: love and fun are not limited to non-cishet people. It's not a "weird", exceptional state of humanity. Cishet people can have a personality too.
lmaooooo I remember that headcanon, good times. Speaking of which, while the headcanon "Sonic is trans because he doesn't have chest fur" is... something, I side-eye people who headcanon Surge as trans. Oh, you think that the nasty, aggressively masculine bully is trans? It doesn't look good in either direction :) (same for the people who headcanon her as a lesbian, despite her having 0 meaningful interactions with female characters, solely because she's "butch". I wouldn't want to do that, but I may be biased lmao)
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I am so tired of law-abiding fools.
They claim that you can't tell someone's being a smartass based on vibes alone, they might actually be trying to make a real argument! They might really be telling the truth, and without concrete proof you can't say otherwise!
Burden of proof is on the guy wearing the smirk, I'm not sorry
Let me explain. Someone in here recently disavowed the concept of bad-faith arguments, specifically the thought that you might be able to tell whether they're making one without knowing them and being inside their head.
Throwback to several years ago, when I ran up against someone telling me they don't think my disorder is real. I'm like. I'm not dealing with this. They want to paint me as crazy so that nobody takes my criticism seriously, everybody will eat it up because the change I want is inconvenient, and the staff will obviously be like :thumbsup: all the while being like. "You just got mad, deal with it B)" (this was about an IEP in school btw, in case you're curious.)
Bad-faith arguments have an unscholarly purpose. To make you just give up because arguing with them is exhausting. And it works because people take them seriously, bro. People take mister "I dont trust the medicine people" seriously. IDK what the anon was specifically talking about, but the concept of bad-faith arguments should be taken seriously. It's a valid observation to make of somebody else's argument, and they can make counter points to your observation if they want. If the guy was like, I dunno anything about it! Once I pointed out the bad-faithness, I could educate him and he could learn. But that isn't what happened. It's just emotional denial with zero curiosity. "No!! Now listen to me instead of ignoring me!!" they say. And then you listen, and that's when they win. (in this instance I just got accomodations for symptoms of general ptsd, which wasn't enough so I dropped out)
When people with shitty ideas pretend to be good-willed, we feel obligated to give them a platform as a free-thinking, curious, trusting society. Daily IRL life (offline) depends on trusting people to be decent. When people with shitty ideas present themselves as Just Asking Questions And Being Curious Except When You Try To Educate Me I Yell At You, the audience (at BEST) reacts with "oh well I guess since this person who Knows about this is arguing with him, I guess he's worth arguing with! I guess this topic is still up for debate!" And you can SEE the issue with that.
Support people who just don't take obvious shit. Support people who call out some Bullshit, pls. Pretending you have to treat everyone as equally unmalicious is dangerous, and that's coming from a trans guy who was accused of mail tampering at age 11. Be less trusting of OBVIOUS bs, and if someone's like "this is an obvious bad-faith argument" don't go "you don't know that! what if they're well-meaning? You can't see in their head!" it's literally All these types of people want. I don't care what it's about. This happens with every single issue. Hotdogs a sandwich. This is pedantics. We're talking about food safety cause your restaurant is breaking the food safety guidelines, we aren't going to discuss whether a hotdog counts as a sandwich. That type of shit. It's everywhere. "I want a lwayer, dog" "Oh but he might've meant he wanted a dog who was a lawyer! I didn't know he was calling Me dog!" you know. Hope this isn't too harsh, I don't hold any bad feelings towards this one anon, I just really hate seeing actual angels in my life fall into the trap of trusting professional bullshitters :/ Replies encouraged, because obviously since this is a reply to someone I'd be an ass to not welcome a response LOL
📬- Syscourse replies encouraged
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the sacred 28 is peak jkr tbh. We learn nothing about progress or how things changed for halfbloods, muggleborns, squibs, etc, but years after the series ends we get more pureblood focus, like why did this even need to exist beyond her racism huh?
Sorry anon, I don't know if you were expecting solidarity or agreement from me, but I...don't really have any to offer.
...Really? We're going to presume she's a blood purist in her real life politics because she added a bit of in-universe world-building to her cash cow like, ten years ago? (I mean...she might be, but this isn't proof.) It is not surprising that the Pureblood Directory exists. Nor is it proof of anything. I actually think it's kind of neat. I like that we don't know who wrote it. That it has inconsistencies and flaws. I am not remotely surprised that such a piece was published in this world. And I'm not going to assume anything about the author based on this update because...honestly, that's nuts.
Trying to guess a writer's real life politics based on the nuances they include in the sub-creationist fantasy world they craft is...a losing game.
I don't know why the fandom feels the need to keep doing this. Not saying this is you, anon (though you kind of give that impression) but some of the HP fans (or "former fans" if you like) are fixated on dissecting the book and trying to find traces of the person Rowling is now in a narrative she wrote twenty years ago. You guys really don't need to keep inventing new reasons to hate her when there's perfectly good transphobia already out in the open. Transphobia that she keeps doubling down on.
Gotta be honest...I don't think this is helping. Criticize her for her actual bigotry and the damage she's causing, sure. But people will choose to focus on the books "supporting slavery" through the House Elves or featuring a "trans stereotype" with Rita Skeeter...all of it feels like people are reaching. No, the series isn't homophobic just because Dumbledore's sexuality could have been handled better. It isn't racist just because Cho Chang has two last names. (This is just a side note but she's not explicitly Chinese...or even explicitly Asian. They never confirm her race in the text. I mean, it's pretty clear that she is, I'm just saying.)
We don't need to waste time on this stuff. Rowling is actually hurting people with bigotry that she actually believes in. Let's focus on that instead of trying to piece together a dossier about how she was "always" awful. I honestly don't think that's the case, but it doesn't matter anyway. When I see posts like these, it frankly just comes across as people who have been burned by Rowling trying to "ruin" Harry Potter for the allies who still feel a connection to the series...if so, that's not going to work, and there are productive things you can do. Follow Daniel Radcliffe's example, he is slaying as a human being.
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runawaymun · 2 years
I really just want to send you some love and support.
It is not a new thing to say that there seems to be so little correlation between what the Bible says and what US Christians say and do as to completely belie their professed faith.
I will not attempt to judge what they do or don't believe, but what they say and do and how they treat others, and I see a lot of pride, judgement, and false claims of love.
I see very little care for the poor, the fatherless, and the widow, very little humility and self-reflection, and a whole lot of self-righteousness, claiming "Lord" by those whom He does not seem to know (or who don't know Him)
The fact that they are celebrating alienating 'fellow' Christians (the quotes are not a slight against you, trust me) is proof enough that you should feel not the slightest bit bad for being excluded from their little club, all noise and clanging symbols.
The ornery part of me wants to fill the tag with all the things they would hate, but I realize that is not really the point.
I also want to encourage you to use the tag for your writing no matter if it fits their narrow views because it is accurate for you and you should not have to bow to their bigotry.
But I know that can be exhausting to put yourself out there and hold against a sea of enemies.
I think you can create your own tag which says "I write informed by my faith" without needing to take the heat from those who are not welcoming. I hope you create beauty no matter what tags you choose to use in the end. I hope you hold strong in your faith without bowing to the judgement of those who seem to have lost the definition of love somewhere along the way.
I hope you can find peace in your faith without feeling like you need to deny yourself or compromise how you were created.
I really appreciate you taking the time to leave this for me so much, you have no idea. <3
I want to be very careful that I don't go so far as to call anyone's salvation into question because that's not my place to, even though people have been doing it to me left and right over the course of this entire bout of internet tomfoolery, but I still refuse to let arrogance and a blatant lack of empathy and compassion go unchallenged. I wanted to make it clear that no, I don't agree with the homophobia and I don't think Christ does, either-- because that's just not the Christ I know. That's not the book I know. And I voiced my support for the tag initially when the creators were being cagey about its true intent.
It's the celebration that gets me, truly. And the persecution complex that seems very unique to US Christians. I grew up in the US Evangelical church so, yeah, none of this behavior is suprising to me.
The encouragement means a lot. I caved and I'm being a little petty with adding a few jokes to the tag, but I may continue using it for the rest of my fics regardless. You know, the normal ones. The light-filled ones. Sure, I have trans Caranthir. I have Russingon. I have Glorestor. And Bi Elrond and whatever. But if they want a closed "safe space" then they should have been honest. I never would have gotten involved if I had known that this was just another group of homophobic individuals. But uh...yeah, the manufactured antithesis of queerness and Christ is something that I have kind of spent the past couple of years fighting in my personal life. It's not something that I have an easy time allowing to go unchallenged when I see it. I don't have any illusion that I will change their minds, but I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it for thirteen-year-old suicidal me who thought God didn't love her. There are other queer people of faith. We exist. It's just that...a lot of us are scared, or hurting, or feel unsafe to say anything because our faith communities tell us that we're welcome, but our sexualities aren't, and so often our queer spaces tell us we're welcome, but our God isn't.
And that's a really, really, really isolating place to be in. So when I see this rhetoric perpetuated I really am unable to leave it unchallenged just in case... you know, because there might be someone out there who needs to see that 'hey, God loves you. I love you. You are welcome here. All of you.'
It is exhausting so I really do appreciate the support. I keep saying this, but yeah. I really do.
I am really happy to say that I go to a church that, while not everybody in the church agrees-- they all are loving. So far I have encountered no arrogance. No one has said I can't be me. And our deaconess gave a sermon during Pride Month about her sexuality. She's like a sixty-year-old woman and she's bomb as hell and spoke up about the fact that she's queer, and she was encouraged by the rest of Church staff to do so. I am in a safe place and I am at peace.
And hey, if you're reading this and you're like me, or you're where I was a few years ago and you feel really alone: you're not. And you can be safe and have peace with yourself too <3 I'm here if you want to talk.
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niko-liza · 1 year
since this latest discussion has sparked my one piece itch I've been watching the one piece episodes again after a long break and I've been analyzing the character of Yamato very closely. I'd like to expand on what i took away from their character, reflecting on my own experiences as a transexual woman. obvious one piece spoilers ahead, i believe that even if you aren't a fan of one piece there is worth in reading this but obviously won't force it upon anyone.
firstly, i am aware that the gender of Yamato is very oftenly debated upon by the community and my takeaway will undoubtedly fall into the less popular category so i am scared of the outcome, but i feel the need to express myself.
Yamato is the child of Kaido, the antagonist of the Wano Country arc, and one of the Four Emperors. I won't go into detail about Kaido because this isn't about him but to set up what I'm going to discuss I'll just say that he's a very ruthless man to say the least, he orders the execution of Oden, the Shogun of the country of Wano and during said execution, Yamato watches and is captivated by Oden. "what a great man", they must have thought.
at this moment in time it is believed Yamato inherits the will of Oden, to carry on his legacy, which is something very common in One Piece. they decide they'll become Oden. Through finding his diary and reading it, Yamato only grows more certain and more captivated to become him, especially after being imprisioned by their own father for running loose, because obviously Kaido killed Oden and occupied his country, so that means Kaido and his people are the enemy.
as most one piece fans know, this is something that caused many arguments, because it's not really clear what they mean by becoming Oden. they say that "Oden was a man right? So i became a man too", but are later addressed to as the daughter of Kaido.
It also doesn't help that as keeping with tradition, Oda portrays Yamato with some very feminine characteristics, as do his other female characters, which is a whole can of worms I won't get into. i am almost certain that I'm reading too much into this but even this i can interpret as being trans so let me finally get into it.
Yamato is trans, I've been avoiding gendering them one way or the other but i will now. He is a man that became one after the death of Oden. I can say that as trans woman the many times i look in the mirror and see my masculine features and wish i could just get rid of them, but sadly I can't, at least not yet, and i feel the same thing is happening to Yamato. in a way he being a contradictorily female-looking man is better than simply already being a masculine man. Again i must reiterate that this is almost certainly not the intention of Oda (i hope I'm wrong) but it's my takeaway.
now you must be asking yourself. Yamato makes it clear that becoming Oden is his priority and that being a man is a process in which to become Oden, not the other way around. in which you would be correct, but i argue that it doesn't nullify them being trans, the only person that can dictate that is the person themselves, as many trans people will say. being trans isn't a person's most important thing in life, at least not all the time, so it doesn't just immediately mean he isn't trans because of it.
to go back to the story of Yamato, after he runs wild, he achieves Conqueror's Haki, which is further proof in my eyes he is trans and this isn't "just a phase", or "just idolizing Oden". Conqueror's Haki is a powerful ability that is achieved once one is determined to conquer something (at least in my interpretation) and no I'm not saying being trans is the reflection of that but it just proves how serious he is about it.
after Kaido discovers the damage he inflicted and asks him what was up, he states outright that he is Oden. Kaido knows VERY well how this is an extremely serious claim, not only because was a criminal in his country (through his eyes anyway), he too deeply respects Oden as being the only one to wound him in battle
He mockingly imprisions Yamato, and together with him are several samurai of the Country of Wano, the type that refused to back down after their defeat and have a deep grudge for Kaido, and the implications are that Yamato will obviously be killed by them, which is further exemplified by Kaido throwing swords in there and some food for the one that survives. Yamato obviously doesn't want this outcome so he argues that they'll just kill him, he IS the son of Kaido, after all. To which Kaido replies by saying that if he really is Oden he has no reason to fear.
again i find very deep meaning in this, the mocking acceptance of it is something that rings true to me, I'm often left thinking that someone is gendering me as a woman only to patronize me, or that they're doing it as a right to be taken away the moment they have cause to do so.
Yamato cries alone, surrounded by people that he knows for sure are going to kill him, and, as us one piece fans know, in a beautiful gesture, the samurai give Yamato the food and jokingly say that samurai do not feel hunger, as to ease the shame that comes from accepting food that is only meant to keep one person alive.
to me this is can be seen as one finding a sense of community within the trans umbrella, it's extremely reassuring that i have people besides me that know what it's like to be trans and the many difficulties that come from it.
Yamato asks the samurai after eating if he can become a samurai even if he gets hungry, to which they answer with saying "You're Kozuki Oden, aren't you?" which, my god i nearly cried upon listening to this. i interpreted it as reinforcement that despite what your physical body looks like, and how much the world mocks you, YOU know who you are, believe in yourself and one day, you will blossom, you will find people that cherish the person that you are, not the person that you looked like, which in my opinion is symbolized by Yamato meeting and befriending Ace.
To summarize, everything that the character of Yamato does resonates with me, and although i am almost certain much of what i talked about is purely my own interpretation of events, it's something that i believe because he's trans (or at the very least trans-coded) and so am i.
TLDR: Yamato is trans cope and seethe
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dracwife · 1 year
this is me askething about that ship you wanted us to asketh about tell us Anything and Everything what’s the lore what’s the dynamic
THE LORE. god. ok. read more time. bc. its so much.
at a baseline: its about the pining, its about the yearning and the parallels to their past and making up for lost time. its about wanting to kiss each other so bad but the narrative wont let you ...
ok short version: mimi works for the sheriff's office as the forensic examiner. he moves back (or gets "transferred" to riverdale) and most people kind of like "ah yeah i remember you from highschool! and its super chill but. then. bam. fp. there's a moment of "oh shit" wherein mimi thought they were well over those feelings from years ago, but spoilers: they aren't. they see him around sometimes, along with some other members of the serpents and are eventually convinced to "come have a drink" for old time's sake, which he declines because, well he works for the police now, it wouldn't be a very good look (it's definitely so they can avoid having to see fp, by the way). in exchange, he meets fp's son, who is looking for a place to stay and after a brief explanation and "ah, ive heard my dad talk about you once or twice but not much besides that sorry" (it breaks mimis heart, btw) they let him crash on his couch.
eventually after the murder of jason (a local teen) in season 1, mimi works on the case and at the rumor that the serpents had something to do with it, finally goes to see fp under the guise of "im taking care of your son, by the way, if you even care" and in that moment they both realize their feelings for each other never quite faded. there's a moment of silence, and fp almost kisses mimi, but they stop him, saying that they can't go through with it, not now, and not before he's sober (fp struggles with alcoholism hi). they do agree to check in with him though, and to continue taking care of his son until then, and there's a sweet moment where mimi puts a very drunk very sad fp to bed and makes sure he's alright, and it's very "i never stopped loving you"
fp starts getting his shit together, for his son's sake and because he realizes how alone he really is. mimi comes to see him a little after, and realizing the effort he's putting in they finally kiss again after what, 20 years? and commit to trying again. mimi makes it clear though that if they are going through with things, fp has to stay clean, and has to stay safe, to which he agrees.
of course, right after, he's framed and arrested for the murder, which destroys mimi. since they're the forensic examiner, they have to test the gun taken from fp's trailer and confirm it's the same one from the murder, which is so hard for them. they visit him in his holding cell, crying, and they argue back and forth about him lying, saying he was done, that he was a good person now. he doesn't argue, but instead lies, confesses to killing the teen under blackmail. eventually mimi pulls a print that isn't fp's off of the gun, which leads them to arguing his innocence and though the sheriff questions his loyalty, they're able to at least hold off the trial until further proof can be found. it means the world to fp especially after mimi swearing him off, and after he's cleared mimi goes to see him again, and confesses they really did never stop loving him, and that they were going to fight for him "like you did for me" in reference to mimi being trans/gnc and often ostracized for it in highschool, where fp always stood up for them. eventually he's released and from there they reunite and officially start their relationship again, which is kind of the extent of the story i have at the moment. there's another little plot about mimi and their relationship to the serpets (which fp is now rhe head of) but ive already gone on sooo much LMAO but the short version is mimi broke tradition during initiation (which involves and i shit you not, this is from canon: doing a striptease to the sad piano version of mad world???? and mimi said fuck that because its ridiculous and decided if they had to do some ridiculous shit like that at least make it to a cool song like trust in me because haha snakes) but were still accepted after fp's relentless arguing, so a lot of people don't consider them "truly" a member. so. yeah.
i have this whole subplot about like flannels too since fp wears them constantly. its like ... the symbolism in the flannel which is just mimi steals one of his flannels and wears it around at varying times, and almost burns it after fp falsely confesses, feeling betrayed but doesn't because THEY NEVER STOPPED LOVING HIM RAAGGH ...... the emotions .... and maybe they even wear it once or twice to work, which fp notices and though mimi pretends to be upset with him, are they really? because they're still wearing his clothes yknow ..... and its like moment of like "yes, you idiot, i still care about you so much."
BUT YEAH. BASICALLY. THAT'S KIND OF IT. it's about the pining the yearning the memories... its about "we used to be so silly remember that time i got grounded for going out all night with you to the diner?" as they're going out and spending the night talking at the diner. its about the parallels, its about reminiscing in the fact that we used to be so in love and maybe deep down that connection is still there what if it never went away and subconsciously we are re enacting it!!!! ITS ABOUT THE INTRICATE RITUALS!!!!!!!!!
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