#but like! its not! i liked being non-binary when it felt right! now it just doesn't!
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semiweirdshipper · 3 months
Slashers as fathers with a (teenage) reader.
Notes: 100% NON-ROMANTIC. Platonic love only. Non-binary reader. The reader is a young teenager (you decide the age). Freddy is alive and NOT a pedophile.
Summary: The slasher fathers feeling guilty after hurting their child's feelings. PART TWO. Hurt/comfort addition.
Folks who wanted to be tagged. @hope4rain19, @minaxcarter, @brooke-stinson, @urminebutidontwantyou, @gaipplrhot, @gyarukitti, @raphydude, @thelxapeia, @ant1d3pre55ant5add1ct, @decentsoupperson, @kawaistrawberry21.
Freddy Krueger
Freddy sighed as he stomped to your room in search of his laptop. You had been in such a rush this morning to get to school that you had accidentally left it in there. And while he always respected your wishes for him to never enter your room, he really needed his laptop. Sacrifices need be made some times.
However, as Freddy wandered into your room, he was met with a sight that literally stole his breath. Your bed was completely littered with folders and painted canvas boards. There was a large portfolio bag laying on the ground with its contents scattered everywhere. Painting and drawing utensils alike sat scattered over a table with a still wet painting taped atop.
Eyes ridiculously wide, Freddy looked around and deeply observed the area. He didn't know you owned any of this stuff. Paintings, oil canvases, drawings and sketches, and all of them were yours. And each piece looked really, really good. Freddy couldn't believe what was happening right now.
He thought you gave up on art.
Delicately picking up multiple art pieces, a happiness and sense of pride rushed through Freddy's heart, and he found himself grinning big in a mixture of relief and utter joy. You still loved art, and you were so good at it. He hadn't destroyed your passion after all. That being said though... Why would you hide this from him?
Later that day when you came home, Freddy asked you to go to the kitchen. When you went inside, you froze right on the spot. There, scattered all across the kitchen table, were multiple art projects of yours.
"Dad..." You choked, your heart racing in fear, your words stolen from you, "I..."
"I needed my laptop and uh... Accidentally found these," Freddy explained, a happy smile covering his face as he went to grab your shoulders, "Sweetie, why would you hide this from-"
"I told you not to go in there." You almost shouted, tears blurring your eyes as you pulled away from him.
"Sweetie," Freddy took a step back, hurt by your defensive attitude.
You went to the table and quickly began to gather up your art work. Freddy chased after you to try and get you to stop, "No, stop it. Don't do that- just-just wait a sec, I-"
"I get it, dad, you hate it. You've always hated my art. You-just... J-just leave me alone. Don't touch it, ok," You avoided eye contact while scurrying to protect your work, "I'll put it away."
"No, that's not what I want. (y/n). (y/n), will you please look at me. Hey," Freddy placed a hand on your shoulder and kept you from stomping off, "(y/n), look at me."
With a tense body and watery eyes, you looked at him, art work clutched to your chest and a glare covering your face.
Freddy sighed and said in earnest, "That's not what I want. Your art, I love it. I think it's beautiful an-and amazing! I-I mean, all this time? Really? I thought you gave up on it, I... I thought that I..."
Relaxing, you lowered your arms and looked him straight in the eyes. It felt like your heart had just done a summersault in your chest. "You... You mean it? You... You really like my art?"
"I love it!" Freddy exclaimed almost too quickly, "I love it so much, you have no idea. You have no idea how happy this makes me, (y/n). I thought that I ruined art for you. I... I never stopped feeling guilty about what I did. And I always hoped that one day you would start again, but..."
"Dad," You bit your lip hard in an attempt not to cry. He cared. He actually cared, and he loved your art. He was happy for you.
"Here," Freddy went to grab an old folder off the table.
Suspicious, you set down your art and went to take the folder. When you opened it, you saw dozens of old, un-crumpled papers with very distinct, familiar drawings on them. It took a minute, but you soon realized that these were the very drawings you had thrown away when you were little.
"You... Kept them?" You gaped at your dad, your heart aching in a happy/sad way.
"Of course I did," Freddy's smile wobbled a bit, "I love you and I love everything you do, and I'm so, so sorry for making you feel bad, f-for making you feel like you had to hide this from me."
Lowering the folder, you felt your lips wobble as your heart clenched in great happiness and relief. All this time you believed your dad hated your passion. He had hurt you so badly, but he regretted it. He had always regretted it, and he loved your work.
In a desperate attempt to hide your tears, you rush up to your dad and give him a big hug. Freddy held you as tightly as he could, his arms fierce and protective as he said, "Don't ever give up on your art, (y/n). No matter what, please. I love you so much."
Michael Myers
Michael had wandered out of the garage a few minutes after your friend's dad dropped you off. "Me and (friend's name) are gonna grab a snack real quick, k dad?" You had hollered while rushing into the house.
Rolling his eyes a bit, Michael approached the other man who casually got out of the car. He was grinning big at you and his own kid, seemingly proud and full of joy. "My god, man," He said mindlessly, smiling at Michael, "I tell ya, that was one hell of a game today. Whoo, and (y/n)? My god, they were great."
Puzzled and confused, Michael could only tilt his head in wonder. Game? What game?
The man shook his head and gave Michael an even more puzzled look than he himself sported, "Hey, how come I never see you at any of their games? Rough job or something?"
Michael's silence and confused expression urged the man to explain more.
"You know, the (sport) game? Just had one today- what a show I tell ya. But, I just- I never see you there, you know?"
At that, Michael's eyes went unspeakably wide. (sport)? You were playing (sport)? What? For how long? Why didn't he know about this? He thought you quit playing that when you were little. What was going on?
A week later and Michael was sitting amongst the crowd that was watching your (sport) game. You didn't know he was there. You didn't even know that he knew all your secrets like the fact that you had been playing (sport) for years, how you had won two trophies, the fact that this is where you spent most of your time at, and so on and so forth.
While watching the game, Michael couldn't help but to feel a deep sense of pride, relief and great joy at seeing how passionately you played and how much fun you were having. And you were so talented at it. The other team didn't stand a chance. You had grown so much since you were little. To this day his own actions still haunted him.
He hurt you. He 'scarred' you. And, although you continued doing what you loved, you had still felt the need to hide it from him, for years. He did that. He had made you feel so anxious and insecure that you felt the need to hide your greatest passion from him.
What kind of father does that to their child?
Unsurprisingly, your team won the game, and Michael couldn't be more proud or excited. Once the crowd and commotion calmed down, he patiently waited on you to exit the changing rooms. The way you hid yourself...
Michael gazed around at all the happy families congratulating and/or comforting their kids. It crushed his heart thinking about the sheer loneliness you expressed after the game ended and you had no one to celebrate with aside from your team mates.
When you came out of the changing room, Michael straightened his posture and faced you. It took you a minute, but eventually you looked up, saw him, and froze. A gasp escaped your mouth while your backpack fell from your shoulder to your shaken hand.
Michael's chest ached at the sight of your frightened, horrified face as you frantically looked around as if for an escape. Quickly he approached you and said in sign language, "That was a good game."
"Dad," You stepped away from him, panicked, "I-it's not what you think-I... I-I was just-I'm..."
You were scared, Michael realized, guilt beating on him like a hundred hammers. He waved his hand at you to get your attention, "Why didn't you tell me you were playing (sport)?"
"I..." You stare at him in great panic that melted into sadness and fear. You dropped your backpack and covered your face, saying brokenly, "I'm sorry, dad. I... I didn't mean to. Don't be mad, please, I-I... I'll stop playing it."
What? Micheal rushed to you and went to gently pull your hands away from your flushed face. What had he done? "No, I'm not mad. Please stop panicking. I'm not mad. Not at all."
Confused, you look at him through tear colored vision.
"I just found out you were playing (sport). You even have trophies. (y/n), why did you keep this from me?"
"Because," You winced, "You said I wasn't good at it. You... You hate me for it. I... I just wanted to be happy. I... I didn't mean to..."
He couldn't believe how upset you were, and all because he found out that you were doing what you loved. Marching up to you, Michael pulled you into a big hug that lasted for several minutes. When he noticed you calm down, he moved back a bit and explained.
"I was an idiot back then. I never should have said those things to you, (y/n). I've always felt bad for how I made you feel. You're not bad at (sport) and I never wanted you to stop playing. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I made you feel this way."
You were shocked speechless, so Michael pulled you into another hug. You hugged back, relieved. He wasn't mad at you. He apologized. Everything was going to be alright.
Bo Sinclair
Bo lived in a very, very small town. Everyone knew each other and every piece of information that existed on the surface. Rumors spread and gossip filled the air like pollen. So it didn't take very long for Bo to learn that you had been practicing engineering with the car shop just down the road.
At first Bo had been ecstatic. You were still interested in engineering? He thought you didn't want to do that anymore; you said so yourself. Ever since the incident when you were little, you hadn't helped him with anything physically constructive- not even stuff as simple as hanging a picture on the wall.
Pretty much everyone praised you and said that you were doing a tremendous job. Your skill towards fixing vehicles was a natural, golden talent. You were an impressive, fast learner and everyone loved and appreciated you.
But when Bo tried to approach you about this exciting news, he was confused to hear you deny all of it. You shut his exclamations off and said that the towns people were lying. You claimed to have nothing to do with engineering. Yes, you hung around the car shop, but nothing was going on, you were just bored.
Bo didn't understand it. Why would you lie to him about this? He knew that the towns people weren't making this up- just ask the guy who took a picture of you and your buddies covered in grease while working on a truck engine. You looked so happy. Why was that something to lie about?
For the life of him, Bo could not figure out what was going on with you. Obviously you were lying to him, but he couldn't get you to explain why. It was as if you were completely and utterly avoiding him now, and it was driving him crazy.
So Bo reached out for help.
"Well," Your engineering teacher said in a tense tone, "I talked to em an' they said it's 'cause they don't wanna make ya mad."
"Huh?" Bo shook his head in exaggeration. What did that even mean?
Your teacher gave him a wearisome look, "I think they're afraid you're gonna blow a gasket on em if they do somethin' wrong. I take it that... you got a short temp?"
At that question, Bo was immediately rushed with memories of the past, and he found himself feeling overwhelmed with guilt and dread. That time he got mad at you when you were little, you didn't just give up on engineering. You gave up on everything that had to do with him. Was this why? Because you were afraid that he would get mad at you if you messed up or made a mistake?
You were afraid of his temper.
Coming to realization, Bo spent quite a while trying to figure out how he should approach you. He wasn't the best at emotions or having deep conversations. If he tried to explain himself he feared he would just say something stupid and cause you to be more upset with him.
So he waited for the perfect moment.
A couple weeks later, Bo dragged you to his shop to show you something that caused your mouth to fall open in awe. "Ram 3500, 2018. An' look at'er license plate."
Gasping the name of the state the enormous truck was from, you faced your dad with absolute excitement and disbelief, "Why's it here?"
"Ah, a little transmission trouble on the road," Bo smiled and slung an arm around your shoulder, "Nice huh? She's a beauty. Needs lotta' work, fast, an' I want 'you' to help me."
"What?" Your behavior changed drastically, "Dad-"
"Look, I've already heard all the gossip. I've seen ya work at the shop. I know you know what you're doin', (y/n)," Bo went to stand in front of you. "But what I don't understand is why ya don't wanna work with me."
"It's not... I just..." You sighed and looked at the ground, lost on what to say. A pain filled your chest as you admitted quietly, "I ain't perfect, dad, I... I make mistakes."
"And?" Bo pushed for a better answer.
His impatience and lack of understanding made you snap, "An' you can't handle that. Every time I mess up even the tiniest bit, you get mad at me. What do you expect me to do, huh? I'm only (age)."
Going silent, Bo relaxed upon learning what exactly your insecurity was. You were avoiding him because you were afraid of him getting mad at you for making mistakes. He did this. He put this fear in you, made you this way. And because of that, you were both teetering on the edge of complete life separation.
"(y/n)," Bo reached out and put a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry."
Your entire body froze.
"I... never meant to make ya feel this way. I know ya ain't perfect. You're still learnin' an' you've got a long ways to go, but... I wanna be there for you, (y/n). I wanna help you. I wanna watch ya grow, an' I can't do that if ya ain't around... I'm better than I used to be. So if you mess up, I ain't gettin' mad. I'm helping you, because that's what fathers do."
Shot by your dad's moving words, you find yourself staring at him for a long moment before a large smile bloomed across your face. "Right dad," You say, "Let's take a look at her."
With his heart skipping over the moon, Bo grinned and thanked the very stars themselves for this moment, and he lead you to your first shared project since you were a mere, little kid.
Hannibal Lecter
One night Hannibal got bored and lonely and decided to go to Will's house which was where you liked to spend lots of time at. He didn't mind you staying with Will, but some times he himself felt a little bit left out.
When he arrived at Will's house, he quietly made way up the stairs of the porch and temporarily paused just outside of the window. Casually peeking in, Hannibal spotted Will sitting at the dining table reading a newspaper while you stood in front of the stove in the kitchen. Your sleeves were clumsily rolled up and you had a apron on.
The motions of your arms and the state of the kitchen did not lie. You were cooking. You were quite literally cooking food right in front of him. Hannibal couldn't help but to release a small shudder of mixed emotions. It had been years since he last saw you cook- years since he demolished your feelings and forced you away from the passion you both once shared.
To see you cooking now? It made Hannibal erupt with questions and emotions. How long had this been going on? What were you cooking? Why were you cooking? How come he didn't know? Were you happy? Was this why you always spent so much time with Will?
Speaking oh whom, Hannibal watched as you handed out a spoon to which Will stood up to receive. Taking a taste of the spoon, Will made a bright face and reached out for a container of spice. You smiled, laughed and nodded, happily going to add some of the recommended spice to your dish.
Grinning, Hannibal couldn't help but to feel great pride. So, you could handle personal opinions and constructive criticism? What an astounding chef you turned out to be, and you looked so happy too.
Regaining his composure, Hannibal straightened his hair and went to knock on the door.
It took over five minutes for Will to answer.
By that time, things had grown to be rather chaotic. Now only did Will claim that you had gone to bed, but that he also was the one responsible for the late night meal.
Hannibal knew better though.
Whilst you pretended to sleep in the guest bedroom, Will and Hannibal stood in the kitchen gazing around at all your hard work.
"They told me what happened when they were little," Will said, a disappointed look on his face, "How could you say that to them, doc?"
Hannibal stared down at your unfinished dish, his heart clenching in memory of the past. "I spoke out of impulse. I didn't mean to cause them this much insecurity." To think you would go out of your way to lie to him. "How long has this affair been going on?"
"I don't know. Few years?" Will shrugged, "I was cooking macaroni one day, they asked to help and... The ship set sail, I guess."
"You reignited their flame," Hannibal huffed and smiled, "I'm grateful."
"Ever thought about apologizing?" Will asked.
"I have," Hannibal said softly, "However, they refuse to have anything to do with cooking."
"You told them that they were a horrible cook and a waste of time in the kitchen. What did you expect would happen?"
Hannibal bowed his head in shame. He hurt you, more than he had ever imagined. After all these years he believed that you had moved on and found different passions, but instead you clung to cooking and desperately sought hiding it from him because of fear. What kind of father was he to do that to you?
The next morning after the drive home, Hannibal kept you in the car to say, "(y/n). I know it was you who cooked at Wills the other night. I saw."
Having been dreading this exact conversation, you flushed darkly and turned your head away in great shame, sadness and fear. "I'm sorry."
"Please do not apologize," Hannibal cursed at himself for how anxious he made you feel, "I am more grateful than you could ever know."
That stirred a confused reaction from you.
"(y/n), you do not have to accept my apology, but I want you to promise me that you will continue to do what you enjoy, especially if it is cooking." Hannibal looked to you hopefully. "Seeing how happy you were... You have no idea how much joy it brought me. I thought I had destroyed your passion, but..."
Now completely facing your dad, your mouth was agape and your heart pounding furiously with emotions.
"I've always regretted what I said to you that day. It was rude and improper, and most certainly untrue. You are an astounding cook and I'm proud of you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, but, even if you do not wish to forgive me, I hope that you will always continue to do what you love."
Looking at your dad with watery eyes, you blinked and fought for the right words to respond with. All these years you had been terrified of your dad's wrath and disapproval when it came to cooking. He was right, he did hurt you, and the pain was still lingering inside you.
Even though what he said now brought you some form of relief and comfort, you couldn't help but to still feel a little bit of lingering hurt. "I... I need time." You reply quietly.
Hannibal nodded in understanding, "And time you shall have. I will always be here to support you."
If I made a part three, it could be about the reader still suffering some anxiety while doing their passion around their dad. And the slasher dads' will be nothing but happy, supportive and proud. You know, just casual comfort and fluff.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Congratulations for your milestone!!!!
Can i perhaps request twst platonic comfort long fic with the staff with Lilia separately perhaps saying like “i’m proud of you” and pat reader’s head please? Reader gender is GN and preferably uses with ‘you’ instead of pronouns please if its possible—
of course no pressure for this request— i just need a comfort becus daddy issues lmao but sam is more like big brother vibes
A/N: Thank you anon! I’m gonna cry this is actually so frikkin cute 🥹, I’ll do my best take on this one and I hope you like it. I do have a limit of 3-4 caharcters only so I’ll do Lilia, Crowley, Trein and Crewel ♥︎ also p.s sorry this took so long 😭🤚🏻
Peer Pressure
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☆Staring☆: Lilia Vanrouge, Dire Crowley, Mozus Trein, and Divus Crewel.
Synopsis: Twst Dads Staff and Lilia, being the father figure you never had. Yes! I’m talking to boys, girls, gays and non-binary baes who has daddy issues 🥹
Heads up/Warnings: Mentions of Stress, Lil small smidge of angst, VERY LONG AND NOT PROOFREAD Platonic! rs with reader.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Studying in NRC was no cake walk, that’s a given fact, and more so when you’re a magicless nomad from who knows where, as much as you’d love to just blend in with the crowd and not be noticed, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
You were treated as a weak poor unfortunate soul who fate has thrown to the wolf den to be eaten alive without a fight, You didn’t like how they perceived you, you didn’t like how you were treated as a push over who couldn’t stand a chance in this school. So you made yourself keep with everyone else despite not having a speck of magic in you.
You really are doing everything you can to be treated as an equal by everyone, but even when you’re giving it your all, it’s never enough for them to respect you, no matter how many overblots you face and how many dorm leaders and students you help, you will always amount to nothing in their eyes.
Still you tried, tried to keep your chin up, but you’re only human, and you can only take so much. You were sat in the deepest part of the school library, the ancient history section, where dust had collected on the bookshelves having been left unnoticed for so long, not a single beam of light could peek through the thick books that rested on the high shelves. No one bothered to go here, It was silent, this became the place you’d go to when you feel that you’re about to break.
Slowly, the dark and tiny enclosed space was filled with your quiet sobs and sniffles, shaky breaths and gasps were heard coming from your tiny curled up figure in the corner…you couldn’t handle it anymore, it was heavy, it hurts, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone because you felt like it’d fuel the idea of you being weak and in need of help…
Unbeknownst to you, someone other than yourself lurked in that corner of the library, and that someone had heard your soft weeping, slowly and carefully he approached your tiny figure, you were sobbing on your knees desperately trying to hold yourself together, you were too caught up on keeping quiet that you hadn’t notice Lilia sitting beside you.
“You know…it’s normal for children to cry right?” He said, loudly enough for you to hear but quietly too since he didn’t want to freak you out. You slowly met his gaze, with swollen eyes glistening with tears, you sniffled and wiped your cheek with your sleeve “I’m not a child….” You retorted, voice hoarse and weak.
“Oh but your not an adult either?” He said ruffling your hair, you didn’t like this, it felt like he also saw you like everyone else in this school, puny. You brushed off his hand, you sighed…upset, you buried your head back in your knees “I really don’t feel well right now Lilia-senpai…I wanna be left alone” You mumbled, not another word was uttered after you said that, you thought he left, so you resumed to your pitiful state of feeling sorry for yourself.
It wasn’t until you felt soft pats on your head that you settled down a bit, “When Silver wasn’t feeling well when he was little, I’d always stay by his side until he’s better…children can’t be left alone when they dont feel well, or else they wont get better” he softly spoke to you, you could only answer with sniffles and hiccups.
“M’not a child…” you answered, still hiccuping trying to catch your breath from crying to much, “If you’d known how old I am, you’d probably see yourself as a fetus…” he joked, “I’ll never be equal to you guys will I?? I’ll always be the weakest one here…no matter what I do” you voiced out, you didn’t even know if you were shaking from anger or sadness…
Lilia felt it though, your emotions, he sighed and draped his school overcoat on your shaking frame, and continued to place soft pats on your head to calm you down again, “That was quiet offensive, you don’t even know how I think of you and yet you assume that…” he scolded, “You call me a child…” you snapped back at him
“That’s because you are one and yet you act like you should be the one running NRC, I need you to understand that I’m not calling you a child because I see you as a feeble human being, I call you that to remind you that you’re still young…it’s too early for you be stressed out, that’s a middle age man’s job” He scolded you holding both your face with in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“You’ve already done so much…I’m proud of you for keeping up with everyone in NRC despite you not possessing magic, it’s amazing, even Malleus thinks so…” he added, you felt yourself calm down, more so when he pulled you into a hug, you felt safe.
“Now rest, we cant have you exiting the library with puffy eyes, people would think they were stung by bees!” He jested, chuckling at himself. “I’ll wake you up when I feel that you’ve had enough sleep…” he patted your head and hummed a tune, tired from crying, you eventually gave in and let his hums woo you to sleep.
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Dire Crowley
Once again, you were called to Crowley’s office, not because you caused trouble no, you barely had the time in your day to do that. It was because somehow he probably has yet another taxing job to give you, that or he’s gonna scold you for something, what is it? Who knows? Sometimes it’s the most random things.
You knocked and waited waited for him to say you could come in…when he did, you walked in groggily, and shut the door behind you with your foot, you didn’t bother with politeness and courtesies, you were too exhausted for that, plus you knew he probably got used you’re attitude by now as you were used to his.
“What nowwwww???” You groaned, flopping on the chair infront of him. “Would it kill you to have some manners prefect?” He scolded, “Cut me some slack I’m tireeedddd” you whined in your hands. “Well I hope you being tired means you’ve done everything I told you to do, and I called you here to ask you if you’ve visited Savanaclaw-“ “to solve their flea infestation problem? Yeah It’s done. Savanaclaw is flea-free.” You cut him off, your voice monotoned and unenthusiastic.
He was surprised, “Well then, I assume you’ve also finished re-planted the flowers of wonderland in the botanical garden.” “YUP” you quickly answered. “What about the concerns of Pomfoire students about their stollen chemicals?” He crossed his arms “It wasn’t stollen, They misplaced it somewhere.” You answered again.
“Mandatory Dormitory maintenance check ups? Have you organized the School calendar events? Did you solve the Octavinelle and Scarabia feud? ” He started throwing the tasks he gave you. “Done. Done. And hmmm let me see…yup all done.” you replied as you picked on your nails. Crowley was shocked you managed to finish everything in a day, at this point he started to doubt you didn’t have magic.
“Have you….uhm….” He tried thinking of a task he hasn’t asked you about, “have you…done your homework?” He had nothing. You looked up at him with a confused look, but still answered “Yeah?” He cleared his throat and readjusts his tie “Hm…Well done then, you did well” he said.
“Can I go now? I haven’t eaten all day and Grim’s probably throwing tantrums because he hasn’t had his tuna sandwich…” you asked, he only nodded. Still kind of shock that you did every task he sent you to do. “Uh…’kay, bye I guess…” you stood up to leave, weirded out by the headmage’s sudden silence.
He only came back to his senses when he heard the door shut, and realized you’d left…you left to go home and eat cuz you haven’t eaten all day, yeah…wait… “HAVEN’T EATEN??!! ALL DAY??!” He shouted, shooting up from his chair to go chase you. His automatic Papa bird mode was up and running…literally. You thought you were safe from a scolding session, well you were wrong.
“PREFECT! Y/N! STOP RIGHT THERE!” He commanded, far across the other end of the hallway. You stopped, hearing his voice, you sighed and turned your back to see him speed walking his way over to you. “Here we go…” you said to yourself, preparing for the scolding, you didn’t know what it was about but you were preparing still.
Before you knew it he was standing infront of you, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. “What did I miss this time?” You asked, “Apparently Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” he answered. You blinked a couple of times, confused and dumbfounded. “Huh?” Was all that came put of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you! How could you not eat for a whole day?! Are you mad?! Have you gone koo-koo over the tasks I gave you?! You could get sick!” He scolded, you thought he was joking, so you laughed “Oh I get it…Don’t worry I won’t die, you won’t lose your errand runner” you joked. Wrong move.
The expression on his face was something you hadn’t seen before, usually you’re not at all fazed by Crowley, however this time you felt your stomach drop, but not to fear, it was something else. “Errand Runner….? Is that why you forgot to eat?…Is that how I make you feel…?” He spoke, uncharacteristically sad…
“Uh n-no, I was…I was just joking…” you denied smiling up at him, though you did feel like an errand runner most of the time, it was clear that Crowley didn’t know you felt that way. Silence was all that was heard between you two. Crowley was only looking at you, “Uhm…I should…go” you spoke, breaking the noiseless awkward situation.
You bowed and turned to your heel and left. For the rest of the night, all that filled Crowley’s mind was worry…You went to school the next morning, the happenings from yesterday was now long gone and done for you, it was weird and awkward sure, but you didn’t think it was that deep.
However it wasn’t for Crowley. As you were listening to Trein’s lecture, Crowley decided to pop in your class. “Is Y/n present?” He asked, poking his head through the door, “Y/n, The headmage is looking for you.” Trein spoke, unbothered, still writing on the board.
You looked up from your notebook to see Crowley by the door, this was unusual, since he only called for you when you dong have class. But you thought it must’ve been urgent. So you stood up and went to him. “Something wrong?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head, “Oh no, I just came by to give you this.” He handed you a lunch box, you looked up at him confused “wha-“ you were cut off with a headpat “Go back to your seat now, make sure to finish all that food, after class though, dont eat in class.” He said pushing you back so you’d go to your seat. “Sharing is good but Dont share that. You eat it.” He warned before waving you goodbye as he closes the door and leaves.
You were now left with a lunch box in your hand, you looked down and there was a sticky note on top of it that read “Do your best in class! I’m proud of you!” With a crow doodle on the bottom…you smiled at the note and went back to your seat. Guess you wont be missing meals anymore.
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Mozus Trein
Exam week. Probably the worst week in a student’s entire school year. Most even called it Hell week due to how dreadful and stressful it is. What’s worse is that you’ve been transported in a school that is in a world where you knew absolutely nothing about.
So everything you’ve learned from your homeworld, is USELESS here. Especially history. Back in home exams about history usually only contained questions about previous presidents, wars, kingdoms, ruler, and dates but here their history included magic. Which you don’t have and have Zero to No knowledge of.
You’ve concluded in your mind that you’d probably be butchered and served for lunch after you take this test because there’s no way you’re going to pass it. But what’s the harm in trying? Right? You spent hours and hours after every test everyday before the history exam in the library. Under a piles and stacks of books about twisted wonderland’s history. You felt yourself get lightheaded a couple of times but you shook it off.
Then came doomsday. You were sat in your usual seat, sweating bullets, leg bouncing from anxiety, the test wasn’t even handed out yet but your lips were practically chewing gum at this point since you’ve been gnawing on them for the past 5 minutes.
When the test was handed out, you tried your best not to accidentally have a mental shut down and forget everything you’ve studied for. You were already nervous from the questions, more so when Trein started walking around and observing everyone as they take their test.
Out of everyone, you had to admit, Mozus Trein, was the most intimidating teacher you had. Failing his class was an equivalent to a coffin and funeral party. So you tried your best to keep calm and focus on the questions. You didn’t rush it like some of the others, it didn’t matter if you were the last one in his class as long as your confident you’d pass.
You skimmed through every question time after time making sure you had the best answer. “Y/n. I said Time’s up. Hand in your paper or I won’t accept it.” Trein’s voice broke your trance, and there it was again, the anxiety, you weren’t done, you weren’t confident that you’d get a passing grade yet. But him staring you down made you hand give up the paper faster than lightning.
“Sorry, sir.” You meekly spoke. He took your paper and shortly after he dismissed the class. You couldn’t even sleep that night, and the night after, and the next night after that. It was that big of a deal. Came the end of Hell week Exam week it was time for the teachers to hand back the now graded test papers.
And lucky you, Your first class of the day was Trein’s. You went in with bags under your eyes from all the sleepless nights and the countless hours studying in the library. You hoped for the worst, that way you wont be disappointed when it does happen. Once the classroom was filled, Trein greeted you all like usual, “I’m sure everyone is well aware of what day it is, and I’m neither disappointed nor surprised by the result of last week’s exam, as I expected this already. Needles to say I’ll be seeing MOST of you again in the same class next year.” He stated, mercilessly, It was like venom. He went around the class handing the test papers one by one.
You gulped hearing what he just said as you waited for him to hand you yours, part of you told yourself you’re one of those people. What’s worse is that, he only placed the other students their paper on their table and left, so why is he HANDING you yours???You gulped as you took the paper from his hand, the test paper was faced down. Still standing there even though you had already took it. You thought of your funeral party already.
You flipped the paper with shaky hands…you couldn’t believe your eyes…it was a perfect score…you looked up at your teacher in shock “I think you mixed up my paper with someone else’s sir…” you said, only earning a small laugh from him. He placed his index finger on top of your test paper “that is your name? Is it not?” He asked, it infact YOUR NAME.
You left your jaw hung open as you stared at the paper infornt of you, your shocked state was broken when he pated your head “Very good Y/n, Surprisingly the one who isn’t from twisted wonderland is the one who scored the highest in my class, I’m very proud of you for that. Keep it up” he praised as he walks back to his desk.
You felt yourself smiling happily. You passed. YOU SCORED HIGHEST. You looked up at Trein who was now infront of the class writing in the board about the next lecture he was about to discuss and you hurriedly took out your notebook to write down notes. Soon the class you oh so feared to fail now became your favorite class to attend.
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Divus Crewel
You had no magic, no knowledge of it, and you don’t even know how to use it. Magic was already a hassle to learn, and you already progressed slower than most of the students in your class. Not in potionology though. This was wayyy easier to catch up with.
You see potionology class like what you used to do as a child, when you’d mix shampoos and soaps and tooth paste and pretend to be a witch in the bathroom. You liked this class since it was fun and you didn’t struggle that much with it. You cant say you’re that best student, that would be exaggeration. But you were one of the students who does better than everyone else.
Up coming this week was pop quiz Friday, usual pop quizzes included answering a sheet of paper, however in potionology, Crewel thought it’d be nice to put the pop in “pop quiz” to good use. The task was that you’d try to perfect a potion that pops when you threw it, the bigger the “pop” your potion made, the higher your score would be.
So ahead of time, you started doing research and tests on your potion, you sometimes went to Pomefoire or Heartslabyul to ask Rook or Trey for advice since they’re both in the school Science Club. You’d go to the library to borrow books about explosives, you’d go shopping for a concerning amount of flammable chemicals and other stuff in Sam’s shop. To the point where Sam actually made a promise to himself to call Crowley if you came back again.
After all that you’d go back to Ramshackle to test more stuff out. It took a lot of sleepless nights and failed attempts, you didn’t give up though, plus you and grim (and sometimes even Malleus) were having fun in the back yard of Ramshackle blowing stuff up. If you had neighbors they probably would’ve moved out by now
One day you finally had one you were confident had a passing grade. Probably not the best one out there but one that can get you a high score.You wrote down the recipe so you could remake it in the lab when Friday came, you’re more than excited to see this experiment of your blow their minds, not literally but kinda literally.
Then came Friday, the day you’ve been waiting for. You were nervous, happy and the anticipation was killing you. When greetings were exchanged the “pop quiz” began. Everyone was focused on their own potions, and so were you. Holding in your hand was the recipe and your other was carefully dripping and dropping chemicals on to beakers and test tubesz
You didn’t want the whole room to blow up…yet. As you hear some students groan out of frustration or sigh in relief, you grew more and more competitive. When the timer rang, you were already finished, everyone had their bottles clutched in their hands in fear of them accidentally dropping it and causing mass destruction.
“Alright pups, line up, we cant risk causing accidental arson, we’re going out on the field to test your potions.” Crewel said to the class, one by one your classmates start to line up. Careful not to trip as the walked. When you were all outside, and in a safe distance from the school building, Crewel had you all stand behind a magic barrier so no one would get hurt.
One by one students started to throw their potions, explosion after explosion, some disappointingly small and some scarily big. You were thrilled, you couldn’t wait for your turn. When your name got called you confidently strode infront to throw your potion. As you were about to Crewel lightly smacked your head with his teaching pointer. “Goggles Y/n, your goggles.” He warned. You muttered a tiny ‘oops’ and put on your goggles.
“Alright, on my count…” Crewel said, as he counted down to 3, when you heard three you threw it hard as you could and….nothing. You were shocked…embarrassed as you heard the chuckles and laughs from behind you. You were positive you tested this before and it worked, you must’ve done something wrong. How could you fail the one class you actually enjoyed.
Your cheeks grew hot when you heard small teasings from your classmates, Crewel reprimanded them but you knew even he was embarrassed and disappointed by this miserable failed attempt. You had failed him. As you were all about to walk back to the lab, small sparking noises were heard from where you had thrown the potion.
You all looked back and so did Crewel, he put up the magic barrier once again, the small sparks turned into big once, then…unexpectedly, the big sparks exploded scattering itself throughout the field…then there was silence. Not like the last time though, the silence this time was more like the calm before a storm. Crewel knew this, so he had the magic barrier expanded to cover all around you guys.
Suddenly explosions emerged, not just one, but multiple, more than you could count, it was loud and destructive and chaotic, everyone was panicking. When it finally stopped, the school grounds looked like a battle field. You thought this meant detention until you graduate, but then you heard Crewel laugh and clap his hands.
He went to you and ruffled you hair “GREAT JOB Y/N! THAT WAS OUTSTANDING!” He praised as he clasps his hands together. The other students…well most of them at least also had clapped their hands and applauded your work. No words was said but it seemed that Crewel had already adopted and favored a pup in his class after that day.
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benevolentpeach · 9 days
Sub!Kyojuro Rengoku X Dom!Non-Binary Reader
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Warnings ⚠️: Mommy Kink, Praise Kink, Edging(M receiving), Cockwarming, Pet Names(Good Boy, Little Sun), Overall just SMUT, Reader doesn't have a specified gender but has female anatomy
Word Count: 1'283
I got bored and made a little Rengoku blurb on Docs and thought I'd post it here. Enjoy! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS POST OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED! 🔞
Beautiful dark lashes gazed upon them as if they were the very reason he existed, the very reason he even breathed and went about life. Those beautiful wet lashes gazed upon them as if they were his God, his deity, worshiping the ground they walked on, and obeying every command they gave.
Soft pants and whimpers escaped his lips as he took in the sight of how beautifully their bodies connected as one, ever grateful for even being allowed the chance to ravish their divine body with such vulgar touches.
He almost felt as if he didn't deserve such a divine being, but the way his body fervently rocked up against their hips, the way their beautiful noises filled his ears like an angelic prayer, those thoughts were soon pushed to the farthest regions of his brain.
“Such a good boy for me Kyo.. Fucking me so good.. Fuck..” 
His breath hitched in his throat, chest fluttering at the praise, a needy whine replacing the gratefulness he originally wanted to return.
His hips involuntarily bucked up against their body, eliciting a shrill mewl from their lips, the image of their head being thrown back in a fit of pure unadulterated pleasure almost enough to make him paint their delicate insides white.
“Fuck.. Mommy please..” He pathetically whined, feeling his pace become erratic and sloppy as he desperately chased after his high. “Please.. Wanna cum.. Inside you.. Please.. I'll be a good boy for you..” His pitiful moans and whimpers began to increase the more he slammed his cock in just the right spot against their tight cunt. 
He couldn't help but keep his eyes fixated on where his cock kept pummeling their insides, watching as he fucked them just the way they commanded him to made him feel even more sporadic and needy.
When delicate, slender fingers reached for his chin and tilted it so he was now hazily gazing directly into their almost ethereal eyes, he'd just about lost his will to be a good boy and wait for their instruction to finally cum.
The way they looked at him like he was the best thing in the world, in fact the only thing they cared about more than anything, while committing such a sinful act drove him completely mad, his sanity crumbling little by little. 
Look at me like that more.. Please.. Please never stop looking at me like that..
His crimson eyes began to slowly roll to the back of his head as he thoughtlessly rutted his hips against their body, mind beginning to blank with how pussy-drunk he'd become.
“Such a desperate needy little thing, hold on for just a bit longer for Mommy, can you do that sweetheart?” Their angelic voice was like honey, another whine cascading past his lips at the pet name.
“I.. I don't think.. I can last-” 
“Oh but you don't want to disappoint Mommy do you, my sweet boy… If you want to cum inside me so very badly, and don't think you can last, then at the very least…” They leaned down and bit the shell of his ear delicately, their breath fanning the side of his face feverishly. “Beg for it like the good little boy you are.” 
His eyes pinched shut as his eyebrows furrowed, cock throbbing helplessly at their domineering demand. “Fuck..” He whimpered quietly, barely audible. 
He would do anything and everything for them. He would even fall to the ground and kiss their boots if they so wished, but the intense feeling of pleasure that was wringing itself throughout his body made his mind go blank, the words he so desperately wanted to scream stuck in the back of his throat.
Their hand made its way around his throat, their fingers squeezing the sides delicately as they slammed their hips down, forcing him to stop his unnecessarily sloppy thrusts and let them take the reins. 
“Come on now Kyojuro, let me hear that pretty voice beg..” The hunger that lilted in their voice was enough to make him visibly shudder. 
His fastly approaching orgasm was right there, right on the very cusp, all he had to do was be good for them and beg like they wanted, but no matter how hard he tried to speak, nothing came out, leaving them to tsk and shake their head in a way that made it seem as if they were disappointed in the flame hashira.
But as soon as he went to apologize about his ineptitude, they suddenly lifted their hips, dragging his cock til it was just the tip that prodded at their entrance, before driving their weight down hard, a surprised yet pitiful moan slipping past his lips.
They rode him with little to no care for how he was currently trying his best not to cum without their say so, but just as he was about to cum, they stopped, his cock still buried deep within them. 
“You aren't going to cum until I hear you beg Kyo, come now pretty boy, I know you can do it.” They hummed, keeping perfectly still above him.
The torture of not being able to cum like he so desperately wanted was making his brain feel fuzzy, every time he felt their tight cunt squeeze his cock it would push him so very close to the edge but then he wouldn't get so much as a flutter from them until at least 2 minutes after the first, which told him they were definitely doing it on purpose.
One more tug at his cock from their cunt and he was practically a sobbing whimpering mess beneath them, eyes welling up with big fat tears as he finally found his voice.
“F-fuck! Please Mommy.. Please please please.. Wanna cum so bad.. Please.. Let me cum.. Inside.. Please..” He sobbed, pleading with not just his voice but with his eyes as he stared up at them.
They delicately swiped away the tears that were streaming down his face uncontrollably, before smiling with such tender love and care, leaning down to whisper in his ear once again. “Cum for me my precious sun..” 
Those words alone were enough to set him completely loose, his hips impatiently rutting against their body with the intent to finally chase his high and paint their insides white, all while letting out weak and whiny ‘thank you’’s and ‘I love you’’s against their gorgeous skin.
He knew they were cumming when he felt them collapse against his chest, a slew of whines and moans leaving their lips as he continued to pound them with fervor, and the flutter of their walls squeezing around his cock was the last bit of motivation he needed before he found himself biting their shoulder harshly.
“Fu-uck... Cumming..” He whined, hips slamming against their own a few more good times before his vision went white and he let out a shrill cry, cock throbbing with each rope of cum he painted their walls with.
His breathing was ragged and uneven as he rode out the rest of his orgasm, eyes heavy from exhaustion. 
They leaned back up atop him, eyes gazing down on him with such tender love and care that it made his heart soar. He couldn't help but use what little strength he had left in his body to reach his arms around them and bring them back to his chest, lips gently caressing their forehead and cheeks.
“You did such a good job Kyo, I'm so very proud of you..” They breathlessly said, before lifting their face until their lips met his with that same tender love and care they held in their eyes.
“I love you my little sun..” 
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comicalfont · 4 months
Undertale is for Everyone
Happy Valentine's Day! Yesterday marked five years since the day I first started playing Undertale. It's led me to dwell on what exactly I would say the game has meant to me, with how loaded a question that is. There's so much I owe to Undertale, and the joy it's brought me is something everyone is as deserving to be a part of. Despite some recent fandom events, all members of the fandom need to know that the game celebrates and welcomes them with open arms, which I'll get to more in a bit.
I first played Undertale at a period in my life with a lot of unanswered questions, both for present me and future me. I'd managed to not give it a try in the first few years it was around, but after running into enough Deltarune fan content in the wild when it came out, I played Chapter 1 and loved every bit of the atmosphere and characters, and I wanted to play Undertale right after. After accidentally killing Toriel and starting over, I was immediately drawn into the story it told and the friendships I was making. My appreciation of Sans was there from the start, and here I am, many reader fics with him later, and the rest of the main gang felt like buds I'd been hoping to meet some day. Even the minor characters meant so much to the journey, and by the time it was done and I'd seen what Frisk/the player's kindness and want for peace can do, I was completely hooked and the game rented a free condo in my brain.
What I wasn't expecting was the other ways Undertale's touched my life. I'm trans, and before I'd played, it had only really been associated with discomfort and a wish for things to be better, without much of a light at the end of the tunnel to look at. Undertale's queer-friendly themes and the characters' insistence on being themselves opened me up to thinking about a future where my own kindness and, well, determination can lead me to being the true me. While my trans story was far from done, it helped me see the future as something I can smile about, rather than needing to be afraid. The fics that I've written about Undertale, and especially the bone-friend, since I played have also led me to meet the people I consider my closest friends, as well as being a gateway to other fandoms that have captured my interest. These connections I've made through the game are ones I'll carry with me for the rest of my life.
So, where am I going with all this? Undertale has invited me into a better path than the one I'd been taking, and that's an opportunity I'll forever be grateful for. Unfortunately, there are some in the fandom space who have shared hateful views about people simply for who they are, and everyone should know how far those views are from the truth. Undertale is a game about love and growth, and it is the responsibility of those who participate in its community to follow its footsteps and celebrate everyone for their traits; not just tolerate, but celebrate. For fellow trans people in particular, I've been thinking about this the most; you are real men, real women, and real non-binary identities, and all of those things are represented in Undertale itself. Celebrating trans lives isn't just the right thing to do, it's a part of this wonderful game we're all enjoying together.
Maybe this reaches just two people, or twenty, or more if I'm lucky, but whoever does read this far, thank you for taking the time to see how much Undertale has meant to me over these five years, and I hope you know how much you mean to the community. We're all making it a better place by being ourselves, and I hope the game keeps lifting people up for many years to come. Now, go read that new volume of the Undertale/Deltarune Newsletter!
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revscarecrow · 8 months
(I'm sorry this got so long. you don't have to post it if you don't want to) late to the party but I did want to say that while I don't know what the perfect answer is, I also don't like it when trans kids are written off as being dumb (or kids in general). Even at a pretty young age its not impossible to understand complex ideas, even if you can't explain them in the most clear way. As early as 5 my mom noticed I would talk about my gender in certain ways, saying I'd wish i was a boy and other things along those lines. For a while she chalked it up to me possibly being a tom-boy but after I started to transition it really clicked with her that I knew I was trans from a really young age. I'm not sure she would have gotten me onto HRT if she knew I was trans sooner, but I feel like if we were more open to trans healthcare for kids we can at least get that conversation started sooner, yknow? Sure at certain ages kids can't understand EVERYTHING but that's why we teach kids things. As a trans kid it kind of felt like I had to find all of the information myself which kind of sucked. Not all the information i was able to find was good information. Around that time non-binary was a known thing but not as wide spread and accepted as it is now, so the idea of sitting outside of certain molds was super new for trans and non-trans people alike. So a lot of the information being spread even within trans circles was a bit weird. Like,the idea of a masc person not wanting top surgery or being fine not binding was seen as a bad thing at the time and it would confuse trans and cis people. It made trying to figure out if i'm trans or not hard because on one side i knew for a fact i wanted to be masc presenting, and on the other hand a large portion of internet randos are saying that some of the ways I felt made me "not trans enough". As a young teen I knew what gender was, what gender dysphoria was, and it would have been great for someone that knew MORE than I did to explain the right information to me. I wasn't dumb, I just didn't know better. And I think the same can be said for a lot of trans kids and parents of trans kids that want to learn more about hormones, and being trans in general. Withholding that information from parents and kids did do harm and still does harm. I do understand the worry with regret. Hormones do in fact have some life changing effects. But at the same time I feel like we can do a LOT better in terms of giving trans kids resources. I don't know enough to know if changing the age when hormones can start is a good or bad idea, but treating kids as kids that are able living people helps a lot. At the very least kids deserve to be informed. Something kid-me WOULD have loved a lot was getting to sit with a doctor that knew a lot about being trans and have them offer me things I could do even before hormones. Play around with pronouns, names, think about how I want to express myself, maybe doctors would have known about non-binary genders at the time too, i'm not sure. And maybe they could have information I could sit and think about, like giving me sheets about the good and bad changes of HRT, and even how to deal with transphobia and gender dysphoria while those problems exist. but yeah- i know this isn't strictly related to hormones but this is my two cents. the TLDR is that trans kids aren't quite as ignorant about gender as people think they are, its just hard to put those feelings into direct words sometimes. If a 13 year old can learn multiple subjects a day at school, teaching them about gender expression and medical options for gender dysphoria isn't that hard.
Posting because it's good info and an important perspective.
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ozimagines · 7 days
I wanted to tell you all something but I can’t quite remember… oh, yeah…
I’ve been out for about five years now and it was the best decision of my life, even though I lost people I was close to because of it.
Oz is a large part of what helped me get there. I liked men growing up but I liked women too, and when I learned what Non Binary was (Deep South, no education) I fell in love with them too. I watched I Love Lucy and had a crush on both Ricky and Lucy. I thought for the longest time that straightness was a choice because I assumed everyone was attracted to everyone like I am😂 For those who don’t know, I’m pansexual fem-leaning and gender non conforming in my choice of gender expression even though I’m a Cisgender woman.
Watching Tobias Beecher, who had a wife, fall in love with a man and struggle to place these feelings that are so familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. I assumed since I liked men at all, that I just needed to choose to be straight. Watching him try to understand whether or not he was gay, and finally come to terms that he is who he is and labels aren’t always for him made my coming out easier. In fact, he’s the reason I knew I was pan. Because I liked everyone, like him, and the love didn’t feel wrong or lesser when it was for the same sex or non binaries. It just felt like more love.
Fiona empowered me to start expressing my gender the way I wanted. I still dress fairly femme, but I like to spice it up with masculine features and clothes. I like the androgyny, even if I also like my she/her pronouns. I got to see her break the mould on what gender expression was. And she looked gorgeous every step of the way, so I figured I could do the same. Bought a beautiful black suit years ago to impress a girl, and it just felt right.
And not for nothing, but LGBTQIA+ has a higher rate of sexual assault, and I was a few years ago. I think that’s why I gravitate towards Peter Schibetta and James Robson. I understand what it’s like to be taken like that. To be reduced. These characters made me feel like it wasn’t my fault, like I could grow past it and be okay one day. During this pride month, let’s make an extra effort to be there for our brothers, sisters, and siblings who were sexually assaulted or raped for being who they are.
I know this isn’t my usual post, but Oz is my quintessential show for many reasons. It helped me understand that I was gay and feel safe coming out. It helped me feel seen after my assault. It’s discourse on mental health made me feel like a person again. Oz is, and always will be, the show that made me feel like it was okay to be myself, and I hope others had similar experiences.
Also, I’m white, but for years now, have been listening to my POC brothers, sisters, and siblings to hear about intersectionality in the LGBTQIA+ community. Think Billy Keane; being a POC and gay is DIFFICULT sometimes. Being a POC and being non-binary is rough. Its important this pride that we spend extra time on our POC community and make sure they’re okay.
And finally, than you to the allies. I understand that supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, but I lived in the Deep South, and had some straight cis friends who mustered up tremendous courage to stand by me as I figured things out. Yes, people should be supporting us, but sometimes they do to their done detriment in their social or romantic lives. Thank you allies, for making the world a little bit better for us.
Happy Pride; I’ll be focusing on lots on Pride themes this month (not like my page is super straight anyways lol) and hope to hear requests from my LGBTQIA+ followers especially if you want something tailored to your specific experience. Because I know it’s hard to find fanfiction for certain genders or sexualities, so I’ll try to come up with some in my own, but also hope for your creative inspiration in making this Oz themed Pride a wonderful one!
(Im also going to continue writing the asks I’ve gotten before this obviously, lol. I got some BOMB ass requests and I’m just spending lots of time on them to get them right. Some are characters I’ve never written before so I’ve been binging their scenes. All will be out soon!)
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
hi, I'm the original Barbie movie hot take submitter. now that the poll's over and with about 80 people agreeing with me in total (which is honestly way more than i was expecting...) i guess... yeah i should probably address some of these comments, because i don't know which are in good faith and which aren't, but like i said at the beginning of my justification, it's something that's really important to me on a personal level and i saw at least a few people expressing sympathy or wanting to understand better where i was coming from. (again I'm autistic and i can't be sure it wasn't just sarcastic remarks, but it looked like at least a few people were willing to listen.)
this sentence here is your warning that I'm going to continue to talk about my experience. if you hated my take and/or were disturbed by it and would be upset to empathize with my point of view any further, this is your reminder to just stop reading here.
so first of all, i did hold myself back, writing that submission. i mentioned upfront that i kept it short, but i guess it only looks shortened if you know how much i have to say about it. i didn't even know if it would make it in so i did gloss over a couple things that may have led to misinterpretation (though a lot of those notes felt like a "how dare you say we piss on the poor" sort of moment (reference to a response on a different post, which accused Tumblr users of having "piss-poor reading comprehension")).
....anyway, this is a more comprehensive and thorough version of my viewpoint. it is long.
the first thing i would like to address is that i noticed a lot of people saying i was pulling it out of nowhere and "projecting (derogatory??)". and.... like.... yes. i know that. i basically said so explicitly when i said "I disliked this movie for heavily personal reasons". that's the point of submitting it to a hot takes blog; this is something that i think most people will disagree with me on, because it's nowhere near the "objective" interpretation of the movie, but it's something that a select few might resonate very strongly with. this movie didn't actually say any of the things that I said it did, on an explicit level. but there were undertones of it the whole way through that triggered multiple breakdowns since its release, because of my particular media sensitivities that i didn't know would be in this movie. you can think of it like I'm accusing this movie of having "traces of peanuts" rather than being a peanut dish. if I'm allergic to peanuts it still sucks, and is unsafe for people with my triggers. (still my fault for going to see the movie, it's not like it's immoral for it to have triggering topics in it. I just regret it and am bitter that everyone seems to unanimously agree that it has no problems, that's all.) I also see that a lot of people were not bothered by these same things that I was, and I respect that. And I'm glad that people were able to enjoy it— my intention was mostly "it seems like no one hated this movie but me. did anyone else share this interpretation?".
...honestly, the movie itself, on an objective level, wasn't actually too horrible. it was kind of sad and depressing, but i would've left it feeling kind of mediocre if it weren't for its online boom. everyone seems to be praising this movie for being incredible and groundbreaking and progressive, but like this other anon said (https://www.tumblr.com/hot-take-tournament/724649240320671744/while-everyone-is-already-arguing-over-the-barbie?source=share), it really... just feels like politically regressing, to me. speaking as someone who is various flavors of non-binary (multigender), and who is transgender and intersex, i am extremely passionate about gender rights. and this movie felt the same as really old radfem ideals of feminism that boiled down to "what if we kept the gender essentialism but we made it so (cis) women were good and sacred (but still perceived as weak, helpless, useless, etc.)". I saw many similar sentiments in the notes of the original poll that I agreed with, saying the movie barely was feminist if at all. I especially agreed with someone (don't remember who) who mentioned that it was kind of misogynistic and backwards for all the women to get brainwashed instantly the moment someone suggests a patriarchy. this movie really said "women are just helpless little children that deserve the world, and the men need to carefully watch what they do and be kept in check, because if they get too confident they're naturally inclined to establish dictatorships and be cruel and evil to the women! and of course the women would roll over and accept it if that happened because they're just helpless little lambs that can't think for themselves" like how is that feminist? i thought everyone was on the same page here that women are people. like people with agency that can do things. and the movie just felt extremely.... belittling of women's actual capability to do things, and demonizing of men's emotions. like i thought these were points that we've already been through, societally. but no. "best feminist movie", "so progressive", "groundbreaking".... like... what?? it's groundbreaking because... there was a patriarchy and no one's ever done that before??? like what is this, the feminism version of "Disney's first gay character"??? is it progressive because Barbie had One Conversation with an old lady who was (sarcastic gasp) happy??? (Admittedly that scene was pretty sweet, I'm not actually upset about that one. but like why is that the highlight i keep seeing everyone come away with. like is it groundbreaking for one (1) old person to be happy?? i would've preferred if there were like. you know. just reasonable casual representation for diverse bodies (but that's ok I wasn't expecting something like that from a mainstream movie anyway.))
...and since a lot of people were upset that I didn't address Barbie herself: yeah, ok, I think the existential crisis stuff was pretty neat, I think she genuinely did a decent amount of growing over the course of the movie, I think her character arc wasn't too bad if you look at it from her point of view. but i think, like ken, she needs to be held accountable for the things she did BEFORE that character growth. a lot of people in the notes mentioned her "forgiveness" at the end, and... yeah, I guess I will admit that's "groundbreaking" for a movie this mainstream, but that is not a compliment. it felt so hollow to me, and again that's just "projection" because when I say "it felt hollow", I mean that it sounds exactly like things I was told by toxic friends as a kid. but I think a certain amount of projection is necessary to empathize with a movie, at least the way I watch them. I don't think that relating stories to your own experience is a bad thing.
.... right, back to barbie's whole thing with "forgiveness". to forgive someone is to put yourself in a social position "above" their own. it's unequal by nature— it creates a social unbalance where one party "forgives" (gracious, generous, implied power of judgement over the other) and the other party "has sinned" (in the wrong, by default should be punished, deserves to suffer unless they properly repent). this sort of punitive structure was used against me and some people close to me and so I have extremely personal triggers around disingenuous apologies and forgiveness. (no, I'm not saying that forgiving people is evil, and I'm not saying that Ken did nothing wrong. this is about Barbie now.)
i don't think Barbie should have forgiven Ken. and i don't think Ken should have forgiven Barbie, either (though he was never given the option, because that would be admitting that she treated him like garbage). i think if Barbie was going to "forgive" Ken, if she really wanted to have a real platonic relationship with Ken at the end of the movie, she should have first acknowledged that she had never been a good friend to him, that he was never treated well on a base human relationship level. and i think she should have apologized for it. a real apology where she empathizes and understands how she hurt him and tries to do better, and acknowledges that she was just as lost as he was. and then lets him forgive her, too. but instead she just cuts straight to her own "forgiveness", skipping past any potential accusations of her own treatment of him, to assert her own dominance and center his own wrongdoings. I think they should have either BOTH admitted they didn't know what they were doing and were shitty to each other, or they should have both gone their separate ways bitterly and with their self confidence intact.
like I've seen some people saying, both on my dash and in the notes of this post, this is a tragic movie about two sad lost people trying to figure out how to break social conventions for the first time, trying to understand how to be more than just a Doll with a Role. and naturally, a movie like that has both of them acting shitty to each other within those roles; Barbie from the start of the movie, because she doesn't WANT a relationship with Ken and she seems to hold this against him, and Ken throughout the movie as he tries to understand why he never seems to be enough. Barbie repeatedly condescends upon and belittles him and is constantly aggravated with him and makes him feel small and burdensome and whiny and exaggerative. she makes fun of his fun names and treats him like a stupid and annoying child. and while some of you in the notes are out here laughing and saying "welcome to the real world for women", "that's just misogyny"— and?? is the moral here that misogyny is funny when it happens to men?? because it does happen to men. i know closeted trans men that are subjected to it every day and it just. seems so low to say "misogyny is good" ever. no matter what the end of that sentence is. to imply that some people can deserve misogyny and mistreatment "if they're men" or "if they're annoying" or "if they're clingy" like... this is part of why i submitted this take. i thought we were socially on the page that misogyny is wrong and sucks. and just because this worldbuilding sets it up so that only Kens experience misogyny doesn't make it suddenly just? either it's a human right to be treated with dignity, or you are supporting misogyny. there's no way to say "but it's funny if i can be vindictive about it" without accidentally validating that defense.
...I went on a tangent again. but what I mean is that Barbie herself was an ASSHOLE to Ken. she didn't want him around but felt obligated to support him, and the solution to that should be to make it so he can support himself. but instead she just feels burdened by him and takes it out on him by belittling his suffering and treating him like his every complaint and need were meaningless or annoying. should it have been her obligation to deal with all of his needs? fuck no! but to act like she could, and wanted to, like she was his friend, when she really just wanted to be free of him... that sucks. and it actively kept him shackled to her. and like, she didn't know better, but neither did Ken. they were both lost souls hurting one another by participating in the only thing they knew: an abusive power structure. the only thing Ken did wrong was.... also wanting to participate in that power structure from the "wrong end". it wasn't okay when Ken did it, but it's notable that Barbie did it first. and that they BOTH needed to apologize for treating each other like shit. and they BOTH needed to empathize with and forgive each other, knowing that they're in a better place now and that neither of them knew what they wanted before. they BOTH fucked up and they BOTH suffered for it. if both, or neither, of them had forgiven each other, then this would've just been an interesting and pretty sad movie with at least some resolution.
.... but INSTEAD what happened was that only Ken was shamed and felt like shit, because he crossed the line that Barbie was supposed to have total dominion over. and Barbie was never held accountable for her treatment of Ken, even though it came from the same misguided and hurtful place that Ken's actions did. I'm not claiming that what Ken did was good, or that he's a pathetic little meow meow and everyone hates him for no reason. but Barbie repeatedly condescends and bullies him at the start of the movie to take out her frustration with her situation, and while it's understandable why she's frustrated, that's not okay to do to him, just as much as it wasn't okay for Ken to "turn the tables" on her so to speak. this is kind of an eye for an eye situation. he only did to her what he had already been experiencing himself. and then for her to be the only one to "forgive", implies that it was okay to do to him, and therefore that it's only wrong if he does it.
misogyny is not okay just because you put it in a specific setting or applied it to specific people. and the same thing for pretending to be friends with someone you hate and then bullying them???. it's not "funny" when a woman attacks a man, and if you think it is, that's rooted in misogyny itself. because why else would you not see women as "real" threats or abusers? abuse could only possibly be twisted around into something funny if you think it can't cause real harm, and that's steeped in the sentiments that women are useless, powerless, and helpless, and that men are inherently powerful and able to control their situation. im sick of it. i feel like this movie genuinely pushed back gender equality by like 20 years. not everything is Men Versus Women and if you're centering the gender binary that much like it fucking means that much, you're erasing non-binary people too?? I'm just. I'm just sick of it, I'm sick of gender essentialism and stereotypes and hollow friendships. sighs. ok sorry this paragraph was just a vent.
anyway. this movie would not have impacted me this negatively if it weren't for the way I hear people talking about it. as if it's amazing and the next step in gender rights even though it basically devolved the understanding of gender back into "maybe............. do you think girls could do things? without dating a man..? or is that a little silly.... no wow!! actually yes! women can sometimes... not date!!". (making a spectacle out of obtaining basic relationship agency???) ...and this is mostly, again, just my own triggers, which over the course of this poll I am realizing are real triggers for me, but... yeah. reminds me of my tirf friend group that shamed anyone who was too forward or too masculine. that would nitpick at people's social mistakes to keep them in check and on their toes.
tldr; I'm so fucking tired of gender essentialism and I went to see this movie thinking it was progressive hot shit just to discover it was Social Shaming But It's Funny Because We're Subjecting Men To It This Time. not very funny when I know so many transmascs who are punished for being women when they aren't. and Ken fucked up, but Barbie fucked up too. neither of them were good for each other and they were hurting each other the whole time, but Barbie never owned up to it and then on top of that "forgave" Ken in a way that was just personally triggering for me. (Not evil, not necessarily malicious. but upsetting for me on a personal level because of my sensitivities).
anyway. thanks for reading if you did. I'm probably not gonna check the notes on this one but just know that it does mean a lot, the few people who did agree with me. I wasn't even expecting 80 people, maybe more like 20. I was fully expecting to get 98% ratioed, considering how positively everyone talks about this movie.
(i hope you have a great day too, mod! my apologies for how long and impassioned this got. I hope this take was entertaining for you at least??)
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
im the neji anon im sorry "supports" i mean i just wanted to know if this was something ok to talk about cause i wanted to talk about my Neji headcanons
i already thought Neji seem like the trans/non binary type but after i watched rock lee and his ninja pals it was over for me, i felt Neji has 0 problems with being whatever the fuck he wants after i watched a couple of those eps
if he wants to go over to his sisters room and play dress up thats what hes going to do, he wouldn't do it in his youth cause he's stuck on that "i am so serious" thing but the more he opens up the more he realizes this just feels normal it's not dress up anymore its a Neji thing
Neji likes wearing make up he likes feeling pretty he doesn't wanna stay stuck to what his title is he wants to just be Neji and if Neji is a person wearing make up and putting on dresses thats what Neji is going to be
Rock lee is so his alley he is so supportive regardless if he understands or not and so is Tenten even if she doesn't get it at first she makes a effort to understand, understanding never gets in the way of her love for her friend no matter what
i feel like the whole what i was trying to say didn't go through but you get what im saying right? i don't mean anything rude by this sorry if i come off as pushy or something ^^
What are your headcanons for Neji?
Don't worry It wasn't rude, it just felt too serious... Now this? This is fun!
The only difference to my headcanon is that I feel he's so comfortable with who he is that whatever he dresses doesn't even faze him. Whatever the pronoun or identity you want to go with. Like Neji is just Neji and his title and position are more important than that to him.
And THAT is when Hanabi and Tenten have their fun >:) playing with his hair, make up, clothes... I think that would be cute.
I guess I basically feel like Neji is the kind to stop and think about himself and his feelings. When he notices something in his reactions to anything around him, he studies it, meditades and analyzes it so that he knows how he feels about it. And then the people around him know that whatever he expresses is sonething he is sure and comfortable with... And they can go with it.
ALSO now I imagine he is the one who helps Hinata pick her clothes, or he has to pick them for her. Because otherwise she would only wear baggy pants and hoodies and that's not "proper attire for the heiress of the Hyuuga clan, Hinata-sama!"
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mdhwrites · 11 months
I love Raine, but I hated them as Eda’s love interest. Everything about their relationship felt forced to me, including how much Eda is supposed to love them. I wish they could’ve been introduced earlier possibly and with a more coherent/integrated role.
(But then I wonder if it’s just because they’re a non-binary character and I like the representation. Because without that aspect, the character honestly felt so useless and random.)
Maybe this is just a gripe I have with toh romance in general but like we’re supposed to believe Eda, who is considered King’s mom, would be putting him in danger with the collector just to stare at Raine?? Like come on. The romance in this show is so cringey to me.
It’s like how Luz reunites with everyone after defeating Belos and immediately shares a hug and kiss with Amity before her mom. 😑 like this is her mom who is seeing her for the first time after this whole nightmare and she didn’t even know if she’d be okay. I feel like she should’ve rushed to her and then Amity could’ve stepped in after. I guess honestly I’m just annoyed by the overemphasis on romantic partners in the show tbh. Could just be a personal problem
So there's a lot I can say about romance on this blog (romance writer has a lot to say on romance, shocking) and especially in regards to the genres TOH is in, both positively and mostly negatively. The thing I REALLY want to point out though is the dog shit treatment of Raine and how it truly emphasizes the fundamental problem of not just romantic relationships but ALL relationships in TOH. See, when Raine is introduced, we don't get a lot about their character. We understand that they are the caution to Eda's brashness and that while their caution is obvious, them having stage fright is actually a great way for Eda to have a way of breaking them out of their shell. Something her enthusiasm, especially as a child, could be useful.
And then we gets Falls and Follies where their stage fright is... Still their main character trait. And then we get Them's the Breaks Kid.
And suddenly, Raine isn't Raine. Now yes, kids can change as they grow up but stage fright is a fairly unique malady. It's not specifically social anxiety and it's not a phobia. It's genuinely about stepping on stage and freezing. That terror of performance. My drama director in High School said that she'd helped a lot of kids with it and the right course of actions were always repetition and exposure. That usually the lines came so naturally and their base confidence was so high that a successful dress rehearsal would make sure they didn't freeze come opening night.
It is something that fades with experience. And in Falls and Follies, Raine might still be the level head to Eda's rowdy behavior, but in the worst way. They're not the nervous kid who overthinks things and needs to be reminded to breathe but instead the smart, grade A kid who is so popular and so above everyone that they're bored by all the 'normies'. Edalyn is interesting in that she stands out, as well as being the strongest. Their is never even a hint of fear or nervousness in them.
This comes to its worst part in the moment that is supposed to tell everyone the two are destined for each other. The moment that the fandom was supposed to immortalize like the major Lumity moments. The moment Eda tries to bean Raine with a ball and Raine, unlike Lilith, catches it not just easily but with flair.
Or in other words, catches it just like Eda would. The moment that I think a lot of people, myself included, started realizing that Raine was just a love interest, just like Amity and then Willow for Hunter, instead of anything even resembling a character. After all, they spend this entire episode showing that they are a clone to Eda. Period.
It actually gets worse as the motivation to protect their loved ones is also an Eda one and they both do it in the same way by just trying not to include them and put distance between them. Their methods, ideologies, etc. like that are literally lock step with one another, just like Amity changes hers to be and Hunter ends up becoming like alongside Willow and Luz. A lot of people point this at as growth for the characters but I still argue that dissolving your own personality for your partner is not a good thing.
And do you want to know how much the writers KNEW Them's the Breaks was a mistake? Just a blatantly wrong choice to make? Well, see, Falls and Follies eventually came out with a second version of the episode with annotations. Little tidbits about the show and lore of the universe. I don't know really any of those tidbits except one, and that this WAS released after Falls and Follies.
"Raine developed stage fright during a production of the Isles version of Romeo and Juliet that they performed with Eda."
That's not word for word, I'm not looking this up for that, but that is what it summarized to. Or, in other words, they went back and had to retcon in stage fright for Raine. Stage fright they developed WITH the person who's dynamic with them should be to bring them out of their shell with.
The worst part? They probably don't see the contradiction. They instead likely went "We made a plothole in Them's the Breaks. What can we do this for shipping fodder?" And then someone else shouted, "MAKE IT SO RAINE GOT STAGE FRIGHT BECAUSE OF A PLAY THAT MADE THEM KISS EDA!"
Now no, that's not explicitly stated but besides just being lazy and referencing Romeo and Juliet (they did have a special name for it), that's the main reason I can imagine for that play causing that specific reaction. After all, Raine had performed for large crowds before. Even done things against the rules and off script in front of crowds and against a FUCKING COVEN HEAD. What could have possibly caused them to gain stage fright from a fucking play?
And if this sort of inconsistency was in a piece of fanfic or a person's personal webcomic and they just admitted to wanting the cute shipping moments, like Yoko Taro saying 2B is a beautiful woman because he likes pretty girls in his games, I would be more okay with it. In a show that is touted as so progressive, having such perfect representation, some of the best romances in television history, etc. etc...
Well, my response is that I guess there's a reason so many straight people have to deal with bland, inconsistent love interests if that's what nonbinaries and lesbians want too.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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yuungmenace · 5 months
Tumblr media
* ◟ : 〔 ARCHIE MADEKEW , NON BINARY + THEY / THEM 〕 BEAUREGARD ADEFOPE , some say you’re a THIRTY YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both INDIVIDUAL and EGOCENTRIC, one can’t help but think of TRUE FAITH by SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR when you walk by. are you still THE GAZELLE / DRUG MANUFACTURER for THE NEON PARIAHS, / SELF-EMPLOYED, even with your reputation as THE AMARANTH? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and LEOPARD FUR COATS FLUTTERING IN THE BREEZE, THE DIZZYING EFFECT OF A SPARKLING PINK PILL, A FACE BURNED INTO MEMORY NEVER FORGOTTEN, although we can’t help but think of DORIAN GRAY ( THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY ) + ICARUS ( GREEK MYTHOLOGY ) + RUBY RHOD ( FIFTH ELEMENT ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
FULL NAME: Beauregard Adefope. Not their real name. NICKNAME(S):Beau, Gazelle AGE: 30 GENDER:Nonbinary PRONOUNS: They/Them BIRTHPLACE: Texas OCCUPATION: Drug manufacturer, previous Anunnaki Pharmaceuticals researcher. GANG AFFILIATION: Neon Pariah’s Gazelle FC: Archie Madekew
HAIR COLOUR: Black EYE COLOUR: Black HEIGHT: 6”5 PIERCINGS?: Both ears, upper lobe, mid & upper helix on left ear, nose ring on right nostril. TATTOOS: Eye of horus on right side of neck, Gazelle skull on right ring finger.
POSITIVE: Independent, Eccentric, Passionate NEGATIVE: Dramatic, Egotistical, Selfish
trigger warnings for child abuse, mentions of homophobia, drug mention, body horror
You’re an outsider, you’ve always been an outsider. You were not your fathers child, when the babe presented your father took one look at you and uttered ‘not mine’. That has been your crowning achievement, even amongst 7 others, you belonged to nobody. Mother was busy with little ones, sisters raising each other, brothers doing whatever they wanted. Left to your own devices you discovered things about yourself – who you were, what you liked, what you were good at. School time was spent playing the fool, acting loud and making others laugh, their attention something you relished. Everytime teachers rang home, the belt was applied to your back legs but you never stopped, for their mirth was far greater than the pain you felt. One Sunday after church, you were caught wearing lipstick and kissing yourself in the mirror. Mother said it was fine, you were pretending to kiss a woman. You were smart enough not to tell her otherwise.
Despite all this, you are intelligent, far greater than anybody ever gives you credit for. Tests? You don’t study much, you just need to remember. Gifted, they call you, gifted. Such a word should’ve never been ascribed to you, its poison corroding your young and fragile ego. It doesn’t matter if father calls you wrong, or mother ignores your odd behavior because you’re gifted and they aren’t. You will die believing yourself to be special.
Except – you aren’t. You are barely above average, a fact that is too much to bear once you reach college. All your teenage awkwardness begins to leak out of you, identity crisis hitting an all time high. You are so easily influenced by others, wishing so badly to escape a spiral you are already trapped in. You’ve always acted out but, now? It grows worse, you spend half your time ingesting something to feel better. It goes hand in hand with your genius, you say, your test scores falling, falling falling down. There is little hope for you now, once a beacon of brilliance now barely scraping by. That is until an opportunity presents itself, one that will allow you to show your brilliance once more; write a 500 word essay for the Anunnaki pharmacy scholarship in NYC! The city calls, the excitement of breaking free from small towns small minds is delicious, the chance to be the center of attention. The best, the brightest, that’s all that matters.
You don’t smash it – in fact, you sabotage one or two other students so you get in, yet you flourish while there. Chemistry is something you can get into, and the social life provided by the city scratches two itches. Anunnaki have you working with their top researchers for months, studying and making notes, testing and trying before you’re asked to present your work. The drug that numbs physical pain, simple at first. A punch amounts to no flinch, a hand on a stovetop, even live surgery yields little feeling. Anunnaki are pleased, and kit you out to be a proper manufacturer. 
They take your work. Anything you had ideas on, for, is confiscated, your name stricken from the records and head of manufacturing put on instead. You hear whispers of the things they’re working towards, begin to do a little digging into the company, and you’re caught red handed. THEY TAKE YOUR EYES and fit you with a rusted pair they make your skin itch, your face hurt, and then you are so easily chucked out by the company who once hailed you a hero. Turns out, your knowledge can help you rebuild. A small chem lab, a couple of meth users and you, all working together to make a product. The product, the one that makes you a rockstar; Slow Tempo.
The Neon Pariah’s catch your attention, and you’re eager to join. To take back your work from Anunnaki, and bring them down. They’ll learn that even a Gazelle’s horns can still gut an animal.
Middle child of 7. Big yikes am I right?
Anunnaki replaced their eyes with mechanical when the scholarship lead to a job. They allowed Beau to read and understand data and substances much faster and be able to work quicker. Think - Techie, from Dredd? Or just how ur eyes work in Cyberpunk 2077. However, after the mild stint of corporate espionage, they were taken out and replaced with older models. This is why Beau wears sunglasses a lot, as the skin around them is often sore / his eyes weep a lot.
Slow Tempo is a drug that essentially slows down the world around you and is taken much like an inhaler. Some gangs buy from him as they give it to torture victims before carrying out the deed. COOL!
They're currently working on drugs 2 give people false emotions / a boost of them. It's not 100% at the moment as it needs more human trials <333
They're larger than life! They're full of stupid nd never shut up!
Has their own booth in a few clubs / bars that all dealers to distribute their drug! So kinda in bed with certain gangs to!!!
a fashion icon (my words)
apartment has like 80 half-melted candles
has a sphinx cat named liza
needs some casual flings, som clients, som friends!!! needs someone who can see the insecure little bitch under all that inflated ego bullshit
killed their younger sister in a car accident but i couldnt think how 2 work it into the backstory....
they speak french and r...usually some form of high at all times
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
Have you sorted the Hogwarts Legacy companions at all?? I checked your master list and couldn’t find anything but I’m not sure if I’m just being blind 💀😂
So here's the thing.
(And your ask is super nice and in absolute good-faith, it's just also a good way of getting into this stuff.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not Joss Whedon. House of Cards is not Kevin Spacey. But Harry Potter kinda is JK Rowling. She has an astounding and honestly pretty unique amount of both creative control and ownership over that property. The only other person I can think of who's even in the same category is George Lucas... before he sold it to Disney, obviously.
And JKR has written about how she interprets the royalty checks she gets as kind of tacit approval from the world, which makes sense because she's been also very public about how she spends those royalty checks to support anti-trans campaigners and legislation.
But. But. I get wanting to engage with the property. I mean, obviously. I'm going to tag this 'sortinghatchats.' The parent system is clearly HP, and the point of changing the terminology was never disguising that, it was more supposed to communicate that I am not engaging with the work or its creator uncritically. I think it's worked pretty well. I've gotten maybe one piece of anon hate calling me a terf? That's not bad.
I'm a teacher, and the place I work attracts a *lot* of LGBT students. Trans and non-binary especially. And they're interested in Harry Potter. They read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. They want to talk to me about Harry Potter, and about JK Rowling. I don't see this property fading away any time soon.
And like. I was a fan. I waited until midnight in a bookstore to get books 4, 5, 6 and 7. My Sibyl Trelawney came in second at the book 7 costume contest. Which was fine because the girl who won did the most perfect Hermione you've ever seen, and spent the whole time handing out SPEW badges and knitting house elf clothing.
Recently, I'm finding myself wanting to unpack this property as an adult. Maybe understand some of the biases I didn't pick up as a kid, maybe do right by some of my favorite characters. Because there's good stuff in there. How much was on accident versus on purpose, how much is the fandom interpreting the text in a specific way, how much is the films smoothing over issues... and creating different issues... I would like to work all that out.
And actually, when I started writing some Harry Potter fanfiction over the holidays, it came pouring out, and it felt *good.* Clearly I've got a lot of *stuff* that I want to examine and *put somewhere,* and for me, writing (ships that JKR doesn't like) was a fun and ethical way to do that. Maybe I'll even post it with a nice disclaimer.
So that's me. Fanfiction, fan side-projects, fan merch. I guess the argument against that would be "free advertising," but like - HP has so much just - actual advertising - and I'd like it if people who still wanted to engage with the property had somewhere else to go. So no Hogwarts Legacy for me, no Fantastic Beasts films, or HBO miniseries, or even Cormoran Strike books. (and people don't talk about this enough - but a big aspect of that series is essentially JKR writing a non-magic AU where she ships herself with Mad-Eye Moody. I have no idea what to do with this information, but now you have it too.)
I could see myself writing more about JKR or Harry Potter, once I've turned it over more in my mind and feel like I have something useful and new to say. But as it is, this is a snapshot of where I am.
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molthethratrenerd · 2 months
my gender
This is gonna be a long rant abt my gender so you do have to read it. I just need to say it.
Ok so ive been question my gender/sexuality for like 3-4 years now and i this was kinda it
Oh i'm a bi girl -> im pan girl -> lesbian -> pan she/they still a girl but queerer
Then like i was more worried about trying to figure out my sexuality right cause like i wanted to be kissed before my 16th (that didn't happen) 
Then like maybe mid 2022 i started thinking about gender and i knew 2 trans people but i was kinda like no that can't be me flashforward to march 2023 i got in to will wood and i was like ‘no way i'm in anyway trans but if i could be him i would’ and i like said to myself that i just thought he was attractive?? Then the same thing happened with the character jesse st james from glee which was even weird because there was no way i would want to date him, so thats when she/they pronouns came in i put it in my bio. Then kids from my class found out and made fun of it so i changed em back to she/her. 
Then since like september last year it feels like minimum weekly i’d either not be able to stop thinking abt gender or take way too many ‘what's my gender quizzes’ 
And like i feel its alway been in the day of my head, but its becoming more prevalent since then ive been like could i be non binary, genderfluid pintrest boards. At the beginning of the year i cut my hair again, which felt so good,.
So now somedays im having thoughts like ‘oh my fucking god why cant i drink something and be a guy’ ‘please for fucks sake’ though im nor sure id like to be a man im not 100% sure im a girl (im moving further from that). But like if there was like a magical thing i could drink do idk that would turn every inch into like robert smith between 1983-2004 id do it so quickly omg. 
And like it kinda hurts that i'm not idk (and ive never felt this for any girl celebrities)
And i kinda think they are also there those thoughts but some days theyre less i thinks thats just cus im distracting myself though i dont know i could be fluid. 
But i dont want to be any guy like the men in my family most of them are big i cant think of a better word then buffheads more so my dad but i could just not want to be like them i dont have a good relationship 
I dont think i HATE being a girl- i don't love it i like some parts but i dont think its things exclusive to girls say cause gender norms n stuff. 
I dont know if i have dysphoria because that fluctuates but im vision impaired so if i dont try and look at my body i forget some of it exists i really dont like my boobs or how clothes sit on my body think i like okay with having a cups (that i could easly hide if i wanted to  i dont but that cause also be cause by the pain they cause me.
My waist i like but only because that's the part of my body thats skinnest like my body was less shapely but that skinny id be elated.
But especially o the days i think abt it more but also all the time i do wish for more masc features eg adams apple more angular face bigger hands etc etc.Voices of weird one because my voice is in mezzo soprano range my speaking voice however in chest voice is kinda low  but I was self-conscious about it growing up because it made me stand out in different even though really it wasn't I think I just thought people were staring at me for no reason.  I think I only like my voice when I'm singing when I'm acting because I can imagine myself playing characters who aren't me but idk but if it was lower like high baritone or tenor id be like so fucking happy.
And like i Kind of want to try dressing differently but I can't because a I don't want my family to know certain pieces of clothing would be mens Not that they have a problem with it I'm assuming they could though but they probably just want to talk about it and I would not but also like  I remember one time I was at the shop called Factorie  and I wanted to get the Black Parade t-shirt but it was a mens shirt  and my god the amount of anxiety I had and the amount of people that I felt were staring at me I almost had a panic attack. 
And like I feel like if I ever did do anything about gender irl  I'd run away from everyone I know and cut of connections again not because I feel like they'd be bad about it but just I've built this thing around myself so long and I don't think I could even my queer friends like i dont know  my parents I'd feel like I'd be letting them down, and like 
But also so much for my childhood makes sense
Like when I was about 8 I got eczema for the first time and my first thought was ‘oh im turning into a boy… shit what am I gonna tell my parents’  which I don't even know why my brain made that jump but i hated my boobs sometimes more then others Once they got past a certain size,  when I had a pixie cut and a couple people in the street would mistake me for a boy felt exposed ‘like shh don't tell’ 
But I was also such a girly todder/ child  from like ages four Tube8 I would pride myself on being the girlest girl never wearing pants  because I kind of think it was trying to win that competition but I don't know         
I don't think anybody read this whole thing but if you did help me out or don't I don't care but I just needed to vent this 
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dizzybizz · 9 months
ok i need someone elses (especially- but not exclusively- other afab autistics, cis or trans) thoughts on this shit cause im losing my goddamn mind i just have so many feelings about gender and its fucking me up
ok so.
ive always sorta felt disconnected with my gender and i dont think me being autistic helps with it either. what with trying to pinpoint feelings and all that being hard. and it has i guess planted a lot of doubt surrounding my thoughts and feelings about my own gender in my mind. i question if everything im feeling is just bc im autistic. which is why im making this post!! i just need some outside perspectives and thoughts and i guess i want to know that im probably not alone in my struggles with this.
idk how i wanna structure this post but ill just write down the things that come to mind.
like before i hit puberty i was not into the idea of it at all. and before i had considered the fact that i might be trans, i thought it was just because i didnt like the thought of change. and i think thats normal, being hesitant about puberty.
BUT uhm. now im not religious. but i vividly remember praying to god that i would at least be as late a bloomer as possible. if not, never ever going through afab puberty. and i always felt more inclined towards amab puberty, and i thought it was a MUCH better deal than whatever afab puberty was going to do with me.
and i feel really silly writing this cause that does not sound like something a normal cis girl would do or think... and i feel quite confident in me being not cis. but i guess this is just a post to seek some validation in my suspicion and feelings. but i also want to know if it is an experience others share.
my gender thoughts as i call them have been particularly prevelant since 2019, thats when i think i first started contemplating whether i might just actually be trans. at that time i believe it was more towards the non binary, but nowadays its ftm
and i just idk. im kinda lost and lonely here, i havent talked about with any family members which are the people i spend most of my time with currently. i wanted to get the perspective of people who are also autistic and might relate to the gender feelings and yeah
and ok no sorry, jumping back, cause its always at its worst before and during shark week (like right now :)) and that has also thrown me off quite badly
cause what if its just pms, or just some kinda hormone imbalance or some shit like that. am i crazy cause sometimes i feel like im driving myself mad with this stuff. is it common to have really intense thoughts about gender anytime your period is about to kick in.
also growing up with a younger brother (who also has a whole ass army of guy friends) when you have these thoughts is fucked up ngl who allowed this. youre telling me he gets to just get that puberty for free. fucking hell wtf
sorry i lost it pls just idk tell me your thoughts wherever, replies, i think im turning off reblogs for this but, my inbox or dms anything ok thanks so much, means the world
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frogmanfae · 8 months
Newsies as Shit I've Heard This Week 5
Another a long one🙃
Medda: Hows it going?
Davey: Not terrible
Medda: Ah... well we aren't aiming for terrible so I guess we're on the right track
Elmer: Do you have memories by Taylor Swift?
Jojo: Do you like Jesus?
Crutchie: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Race: Probably that random guys sweat shirt
Crutchie: Which random guy
Race: The one from freshman year
Crutchie: From the football game?
Race: No the basketball game
Crutchie: Ohh the blonde freshman basketball guy
Race: No the one who had purple highlights
Crutchie: Oh! Okay that guy
Race: Yeah
Spot: Why the fuck did you pull so many guys as a freshman?
Race: You say it like I don't still pull
Jack, either about Medda or his partner: She spewed words at me over the phone but I was mad and I wasn't listening so I have no clue what she was trying to tell me
Race: I was hot. Right? Spot?
Spot, either not listening or avoiding his feelings: That car was going way too fast
Jojo: Is that your stuff??
Elmer: No?
Jojo: Who's stuff is on your chair??? Ugh! Excuse her! What is this
Race, after getting a concussion: This Barbie has brain damage
Race: Okay I woke up and I felt like shit, lately I've always felt like shit when I wake up but it was extra bad today so I just started crying
Davey, who's learned sometimes Race just needs to talk and not be consoled: It be like that sometimes
Race: So I was trying to do my eyeliner but I was crying and that- well that doesn't go too well
Davey: Right because your eye liner isn't waterproof
Race: I really need to invest in waterproof liner but the guy I'm seeing thinks it's hot when my makeup gets fucked up when I suck hi-
Davey: that took a turn a little too far for your volume to still be this loud
Crutchie: are you ready for Mandatory Corn Hole?
Buttons: Have you found the post where she talks about eggs growing on trees?
Jojo: What's being in the school musical like?
Elmer: Uh so do you know Stockholm Syndrome? It's like that
Jack: It's that time the moment you've all been waiting for: me to stop talking
Graves: Hey if you're gonna die just lemme know *gestures to shirt advertising a cemetery he works at*
York: You can get me in there?
Graves: I can dig your grave for you
York: That almost sounds like a threat but I know you
Jack: He's such a little dictator !!!
Medda: I didn't know what you were going to say-
Jack: He's such a dick /tator/
Jojo: Is the test tomorrow going to take all period?
Medda: The way this review is going? Probably
Davey, who recently began to gage his ears and has noticed an accompanying smell: I was trying to read an article-
Race: Was it about how your ears smell like cheese?
Crutchie: ... What
Romeo: I saw you holding out your hands like you were showing the size of something
Race: Oh yeah someone's dick
Romeo: :0
Romeo: I'm gonna go back to reading my gay webtoon now
Oscar: *in the background* I shaved my pubes earlier
Davey: 😟
Crutchie: Did you hear that too??
Davey: I heard it
Crutchie: Who the fuck just says??
Davey: out loud??
Race: *holds out an entire handful of quarters* I put a 10 in the vending machine because I got thirsty
Albert, cishet: shut up
Race, gay and afab nonbinary: Are you???
Albert: Yes.
Race: You just???
Albert: Yes.
Race: You hate gay people!
Albert: Yes!
Race: You hate women!
Albert: Yes!
Race: You just called me a tranny!!!
Albert: Yea!!
Race: :0
(They're best friends)
Davey: I tried washing it off but my hand is still sticky
Race: That's what she said
Davey: :0 you're the reason why non binary peo aren't recognized by the LGBT community
Race: :00
Race, to Albert: DID YOU HEAR THAT
Albert: No. He got away with it. I didn't hear a thing.
Romeo, in an official award acceptance speech: I would like to thank my peers for voting for me to receive this honor, my dad for always supporting me, peanut butter for its buttery goodness, and my friends for always having my back
Elmer, to Buttons in the audience: did he just-
Buttons: thank peanut butter for its buttery goodness? Yeah. Yeah he did.
Elmer: isn't he-
Buttons: yeah he's allergic to peanuts.
Race: Whenever I hear "terrible towel" from the sports ball people I think "cum rag"
Spot: you think WHAT
Sarah: I love sexism I have sexism every night
Race, looking in his phone camera: I am so hot omg
Jack: I'm actually kinda col- oh. I thought you were talking about temperature
Graves: Why's he got his shirt unbuttoned like he's prince Sebastian
Graves: from the little mermaid??
Sarah: Don't worry I would never trade you for money. Only Bitcoin
Davey: Kill yourself. Die
Sarah: You first!
Davey: Kill yourself!
Sarah: You first!
Sarah: Faggot!
Davey: You're a faggot first!
Sarah: Faggot! You like men!
Davey: You like women first!
Sarah: At least they're better!
Davey: Ah- yeah...
Elmer, walking into Brooklyn for the first time: Oh my god! WEAR YOUR CLOTHES!!!
Denton, an english teacher who's never met Jack: Did you know that the West symbolizes death and endings?
Jack: What.
Davey: Legend has it- or SCIENCE has it-
Albert: Shut the fuck up
Race: Sit on my lap
Medda: I would crush you
Race: I've gotten crushed in football I'm used to it
Medda: Not this much buddy
Buttons: It's like when your dog runs away. That's how I feel without Splasher... Fido come home...
Race: It was dark and windy and there were no lights on and suddenly there was a machette
Davey: I was gone for 2 seconds what did I walk into
Specs: This freaks me out. I can't deal with things touching my eye. It's why I don't wear contact lenses. Cuz I'm a big baby
Davey: You get rid of noro virus by... *vague hand gestures* both ends... As people say... And that doesn't mean you play both quarterback and line backer it's... It's not good
Splasher: Will that thing we did last year work again?
Medda: No, I don't think so... It's cool but it's not that cool
(You don't understand how funny this was, it was our (very conservative) biology teacher talking about baiting his freshmen to bring back "phat with a ph" for bonus points)
Davey: I could light myself on fire and I don't think they'd even notice. At some point I think someone would go "...*sniff* *sniff* ugh I don't think lunch is gonna be good today" and they would have no idea that I burned to death
Davey, teacher: *drawing examples on the board* how about that? I'm hard pressed to make anything else because I can't draw but you get the point
Denton: It's like you're stabbing Ms. Medda in the eye
Crutchie: What.
Denton: Like a jump scare like- TRUTH
Crutchie: What compels you to say that? You could have said anything else
Denton: Because that's what it feels like!
Albert: We have a pep assembly on a Tuesday? What has the world come to?
Romeo: Do you want some gmo rats? They count as fruit
Jack: Maybe I'll just wallow in depression and everyone who's here can observe like I'm a zoo animal
Davey: I think that's less likely than biological warfare- which is real. Biological warfare is REAL
Jack: Dave, I love you, but what the fuck does that have anything to do with me asking if it's pizza day?
Davey: sorry I'm in a mood and all I can think about is bio-
Jack: biological warfare? Yeah I noticed
Jack: Some of my answers are like a politician. Like... "He talked a lot but... he didn't really say anything... Like that really wasn't an answer that... I was looking for"
Davey: They're serial killers!
Jack: But the good kind?
Davey: *overjoyed* BUT THE GOOD KIND!! A VIGILANTE!!!
Race: It's science but Master Chef
Davey, tutoring a large group: When these cells mature, they no longer laugh at potty jokes. Until then they're insufferable to be around...
Literally everyone: *silence*
Davey: You guys can laugh that was funny
Everyone: *nothing*
Davey: A... Science joke...
Albert: *exaggerated* Ha ha
Davey: I appreciate that, thank you Albert
Finch: Ah!! A freshman left his water bottle here!! *drags trash bin across the floor and knocks water bottle into it with a meter stick* gross. Infectious. That's how you take care of that
Denton: The original Trojan horse
Race: *gasps* transgender!
Race: Spray tan or tanning bed?
Spot: ...What?
Race: Spray tan or tanning bed?
Spot: ...Neither? Go outside?
Albert: *Sarcastic* yeah go phospholipids
Davey: *excited* yeah! Phospholipids!! That's what's up!
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mx-rh · 6 months
Hi @taylorswift,
I don’t really know why I feel such a need to write to you, but I’m gonna do it because then maybe I’ll be able to get on with the other shit I need to do today (honestly thank goodness for writing when it comes to needing to just empty your thoughts into something so you can get the hell on with just life!)
Anyway, I’m not going to say that I’ve been a long time fan - the truth is, I really haven’t. In fact when I was growing up I found myself in an ‘emo kid’ phase, and I never really grew out of that, but looking back now as a 31 year old, isn’t it mad that people judge the music you listen to because of how you dress? Or the make up you wear? Or the way you style your hair? Growing up, I’m pretty sure I actively didn’t listen to your music to keep up an image that was expected of me because I wore black and had lip piercings. Life is wild. I feel like you’re doing your bit to break the walls between genres down. I think that’s all music is for everyone, and people shouldn’t be judge for what they love, so on behalf of younger kids that are finding their way, their style, thank you.
That’s the first of many thank yous I have for you and your music in recent months actually…
I’ve always struggled with my mental health, from health anxiety, eating disorders, gender dysphoria, ocd, ptsd, dissociation…therapy helps but occasionally, things will pile up so much that I find myself needing something so completely removed from who I believe I am to just feel some kind of relief from everything. This happened not too long ago, and the I found the relief I needed in your music. It took me to somewhere so completely new and unfamiliar, it was like my mind was taking a vacation to an unknown and unexplored world and my god did it need it, to just not be in reality for a little while. Thank you for providing me with my means of escape.
I didn’t expect, though, to come face to face with so many of my experiences that had been so unapproachable in me.
I didn’t expect to cry for the first time about the passing of one of my Nans when I first heard Marjorie. Along with my mum, I was a carer for my Nan while she was living with dementia. She lived with us, and she died with us in our family home, but what hurt most was losing her so many months before she died. She was the bravest, most incredible, feisty, funny and full of life person I’ve ever known, and seeing that person fade away in front of my eyes was heartbreaking, but instead of grieving I locked it away, I had to look after my mum. I think about my Nan every day now, she is alive in my head, thank you for bringing her back to me.
I didn’t expect to scream into my pillow after hearing Death By A Thousand Cuts because it took me to a past relationship that was so mentally, physically and sexually abusive that I almost didn’t make it out, to a court case that I lost, and to a part of me that the closest people in my life now don’t know about because it’s been stored so deeply within me that some days I could almost get by without it affecting me in some way. It came right to the front of my mind, and I was able to go to my therapist who helped me to safely resolve things in a way that allows me to be live with it as part of my story without it ruling over my life. Thank you for being the catalyst that I needed to push through that trauma.
I didn’t expect to come out of the Eras Tour Film the week that the UK government announced its anti-trans policies and plans feeling powerful in my skin as a trans non-binary person. I was inspired by your commitment to diversity and inclusion within your performers, and at a time when I felt scared and unable to safely be myself, seeing lgbt representation on your stage reminded me that I am strong and I am human and I deserve to be here and respected in whatever form I choose. That week, I launched an lgbt social platform that is providing a safe space for the community to be who they are without question. Thank you for giving me the strength to make a difference.
I didn’t expect to hear Soon You’ll Get Better and think about my Auntie and other Nan who were both fighting cancer at the same time and died within 6 months of each other, my Auntie first and then my Nan. At the time this happened, I was trying to get through my last year uni, I was by myself without my family around me, and I had to shut the locked the grief so that I could focus on pushing forward. I passed uni but I failed to keep the grief out, I became so terrified of losing loved ones that I shut everyone out, and as a result I ended up losing the part of myself that new how to love those around them, and be loved in return. Even in my relationship I struggled until recent months to truly let myself just be present within it. This song helped me to process what happened in a safe way and bring them parts of me out again. Not long after, I proposed to be partner, she said yes, we’re all in, both of us together, thank you for renewing my ability to love, and be loved.
Today I on the second of 2 charity challenge days, during which I’m rebuilding the website for a charity called Swings and Smile, who work to improve the quality of life for disabled children and their families. As a marketer and web developer, I try to help out where I can with small businesses and non-profit organisations. Swings and Smiles have looked after my partners sister, Katie, for many years. Katie is an incredible kid with various additional needs, and she gets so much joy being at the centre. It’s been a pleasure so far working on a new website for them that will (hopefully!) increase their exposure and support levels, but sitting down for 16 hours each day for two days to get the site done is difficult. Your music has been on repeat in the background the whole time, and it’s kept me focused on this project that means so much to so many. Thank you keeping me company and keeping me working hard for those that need me to be.
So much has happed over the past few months for me, and it’s mad to think that it could all be down to one person who is an actual stranger and their music. And yet here I am completely in awe of the effect the right words can have when they’re heard at the right time. I don’t really know if there is a right time to deal with stuff like this, but your words helped to make the the last few months the right time for me. Little by little that locked chest opened to reveal so many dark rooms within me that had been gathering dust. Now, they’re starting to come to life with light, even if right now it’s a little dim, it’s a step in the right direction.
Thank you for putting your experiences out there for those of us that need something to relate too. Thank you for working relentlessly despite the difficulties you’ve faced because you’re making people like me work harder towards things that matter. Thank you for sticking around in the music industry for long enough that this 31 year old could find your music after passing it up for so many years.
I hope you are safe and well. I hope your fur babies are doing well, my 3 cats, Cody (grey), Dexter (black), and Sprite (ginger) are all asleep in their favourite spots right now, none of which are any of the many beds we’ve bought them!
I have tickets to one of your London shows next year, I’m so excited to see you! And, while I’d love to hear back from you just to know that you know that I am 5ever grateful for what you’ve done for me in such a short time, at least I know for sure I’ll be able to get on with the rest of my stuff now I’ve written this all down!
Robyn x
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