#but like i really want to draw some historical lams-
conjectureand-gloom · 3 months
for the fandom asks ✨ 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 23, 24
(a lot, i know, but i'm a naturally curious person as everyone can see. if you don't feel like answering all of them, just pick the ones you like!!!)
omg no i loooove having loads!!!
gonna put this under a cut because this is so long omg i’m sorry-
4- say something nice about a ship you don’t ship
oooh okay. this is kinda difficult lmao bc i ship literally nearly everything in the hamilton fandom. i ship some a bit more, but i am a huuuuuge multishipper lmao
i think i’m gonna go with jamilmads. okay i loooove their dynamic though, like friends to lovers is soooo cute and sweet and just so like. it’s absolutely adorable. aND LIKE. THOMAS TAKING CARE OF MADISON WHEN HES SICK. LIKE???????
5- something you see in fics a lot and love
omg. okay. firstly in more historical fics, i loooove the aides interactions. like their dynamic is just so special to me.
and something else i’ve noticed a bit is that in lams fics, john uses petnames a lot more than alexander does. i don’t know why, i’ve just noticed it. but i love it so much. i kinda like to picture that alexander just has so many words, but when it comes to having a petname for john he just can’t think of anything to describe him. i don’t know, that’s just what i think. also the ‘my dear boy’ nickname???? obsessed. actually my favourite thing in the whole world.
7- your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
my favourite trope is found family. i looooove reading and writing found family and washingdad and the hamilsquad and just agdkqhdkajds. especially if there’s been some angst and hurt/comfort shoved in there that led to the found family?? i love it so so much
10- a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
you expect me to pick JUST ONE??????????
ahahaha. no.
@jittyjames bestie i don’t even know how to begin this. jami you were the first person i really ever interacted with in this fandom. your fics just bring me so much happiness and interacting with everyone in the comment section of your fics just made me feel so much more comfortable and accepted and helped me build that courage to join tumblr and beginning writing and all of that. your support especially, both with writing and fandom, and with personal experiences have impacted me and helped me so so much. i genuinely cannot thank you enough, and i really hope you know how much you mean to me
@starduckys you are just. you are so so incredible, you’re so talented and so sweet and funny and just sooo amazing. i don’t think i can even explain just how important you are to me. you’re so supportive, and you have made this fandom so so special to me. i also absolutely love your blog, in case you couldn’t tell by my often stalking through your blog and liking/reblogging everything <333
@kwilooo i think you were the first friend i made in this fandom, back before i was posting, i think. seeing your updates, and seeing your replies on my comments (way back on wattpad omg!????) made me so so happy, and i still find it absolutely insane that you then found me here on tumblr!! like? that’s insane. anyway you are a huuuuge part of my fandom experience. seeing your writing made me feel so confident and comfortable and it was really important to me
@unicornsaures we’ve only started interacting recently, but i love your blog so much, and you seem so so nice and amazing and you make this fandom so amazing and special to me
unfortunately almost all of my older hamilton mutuals don’t really talk with me much anymore, but anyone i ever interacted with in this fandom, i hope you all know how special you are to me, and how much much you have all impacted my fandom experience and how much more incredible you’ve made it all. and if anyone wants to chat with me, please just message me! you’re all so sweet and i would love to make more friends, whether in the hamilton fandom or not <333
11- if you’re a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
okay i have a few.
this is biased given its personal AND super recent, but “i haven’t slept in a week”. i was scared to post that but im actually really proud of that writing lmao, despite how terrified i was to post it
then there’s “for all the love i’ve found in you, i’ll be forever grateful baby”. i hated it at the time but i’ve grown to be really proud of it, and that poem i wrote. also because i wrote that for akeyla and it’s actually really sweet
and also “baby it’s cold outside”. that fic is my child like i’m so proud of that fic
and then also “like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon”, “like mother, like daughter” (agggtm), “but this situation’s helpless” (this was my favourite fic id ever written for soooo long), “fools who run their mouths off wind up dead”, and “steal into my affections”
16- a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
omg okay so musical canon, i think people should focus on some of the ways that burr especially says some lines. like the sound of his voice, the way his delivers his lines. like i made that soit the other day about how he says “i get a drink” in the world was wide enough. i feel like we really need to appreciate more the way he delivers his lines. i don’t know how to describe it, but he just sounded like. flat. you can tell by his voice he was just like. “holy shit. i have just killed hamilton.” and he regretted it. i don’t know how to explain it. but we really need to appreciate this more
in historical canon, i feel like we need to focus more on the schuylkill incident. i swear that’s the funniest story ever. and also the aides friendships and family dynamic?? and also lafayette and washington’s friendship and kinda like. father-son relationship. it’s just. as much as i absolutely adooooore washington and alexander’s relationship, in historical canon he was definitely closer with lafayette than alexander.
23- the fandom you’re curious about because of a mutual
ooh. okay. this is kinda difficult.
1776 (musical) because of literally sooo many of my mutuals lmao. i’ve been wanting to get into it for aaaages and i know it’s kinda like. amrev. i just haven’t got into it yet
okay i know i have more, i think there are some that @felizusnavidad and @anixknowsnothin are in that i’m curious about but i cannot remember them lmao
24- how has fandom positively impacted your life?
okay. how do i even begin with this.
fandom has been a huuuge part of my life since i was 6, with harry potter. i remember when i was in year 5 (10-11 years old-ish), we had to write a creative story, and i fully wrote a marauders era fanfiction. because that’s how i got into creativity, it was through fanfiction. i remember my year 5 teacher giving me a whole lecture about how i can’t write something that already exists, and i was really upset about it, and i spent ages refusing to write fanfiction, and only write original works, and i just couldn’t get anything written. fandom and fanfiction is a huge part of my life, and it’s a huge outlet of stress for me.
i would use fanfiction to make sense of my feelings for years, even when i was younger, and i’d get a bit of disconnect from strong emotions by giving them to characters, and i’d feel just that little bit better. and also reading fanfictions, where a character is feeling and going through similar things always make me feels a little bit less alone, i could read or watch the canon material and see my comfort character, and i’d remember that in a certain fanfiction where the character may have been going through something similar to me, and i’d be like, “well if this character, who is so strong, can get through it, i can get through this. i can do it.” and it would give me that comfort. seeing my comfort characters feeling the same way always makes me feel a bit better about everything
thank you so so much for this!!!! i loved answering these <333333
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ravenishishtrash · 8 months
Okay so ✨Hamilton fanficion✨
Back in 2018 I was a big Hamilton (and other musicals like BMC, DEH, Heathers) fan, and I'm talking like a having amino (and a semi decent following on it), drawing silly fanart of the characters in maid suits, reading fanfiction fan
And sometimes I just go by my day and I randomly remember something from a Hamilton fanfiction that makes me stop in my tracks
And so, I decided to come onto here and provide a list of things I remember, that I want to forget, and am afraid that I'll forget at the same time, about Hamilton fanficion
(this being said, if you're still a hamilton fanfiction writer, you do you, this post does not mean to offend you)
I think like 80% of the fics if not more were college AU fics, and 15% were just different AUs but I don't think I've actually read a fic that wasn't a random one-shot taking place in canon timeline (I do believe it was because all of the hamilton ff writers just like me were 16 back then, and just simply did not know how to write historical fiction)
Most of the fics were LAMS (which is Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens) and it was practically canon in fandom eyes, and before anyone says anything, I've seen the letters, of course I've seen them but guyz, I think we were just a little bit delulu with how firmly we believed this (and I'm including myself in this!)
Still on shipping, the second most popular one was Jamilton (Thomas Jefferson x Alexander Hamilton) and I'm gonna be honest, this was my shit, I enjoyed this dynamic a lot more (I always found friends to lovers a bit boring), but man, were the ship wars brutal, I remember when amino mods tried to actually do some sort of a debate lams vs jamilton in which there were actual teams that wrote whole essays about which ship is more valid, but they ended up insulting each other after maybe two rounds
The last ship with its own point is Hamburr (Alexander Hamilton x Aaron Burr), I've always perceived this one as a cool kids ship, I think people who shipped this were the most chill about it
Background ships included Mulette (Muligan x Lafayette), which was one of those ships that were always in the background some sort of "if you don't ship this as your side ship i don't trust you" kind of ship, the same goes to Jeffmads (Jefferson x Madison) in lams fics, and in a lesser degree, and i don't remember its name, Eliza Schuler x Maria Lewis Reynolds (if you don't remember her from her name, is the woman Hamilton cheats on Eliza with), which is always fun, we love seeing some wlw
And now, the random facts that were just headcanons that people very often included, Jefferson and Lafayette were almost always in some sort related (especially in Jamilton fics) and that's because of the double cast, but I don't really think the same was true for any other character it was just them
Hamilton was always a caffeine addict with a bad sleep schedule who was way too engaged in whatever topic the fic made him and I remember one fic (it was a college au, of course) where the whole point was that it was actively ruining his relationships around him (it was a hamburr fic)
John Laurens loved turtles bc of some historical letters in which he mentioned he liked turtles and fandom did its thing and you couldn't read a lams fic where turtles weren't mentioned at least once
Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury were always minor villains/mean college students and the latter was sometimes in a weird unhealthy relationship with (king) George
There was no Eliza slander! I know it's a weird point, but now seeing how fandoms like spn or 911 reacted to female love interest I’m actually suprised there wasn't any, she was always just a good friend (or, in one Soulmate AU I think it was Jamilton, Eliza had Hamilton's name on her wrist but he didn't have hers and that was just brutal)
There was this fic that I won't mention by its whole name (it's off the internet anyway, I don't think the author wants to be reminded of it nor associated with it), that was a hanahaki AU Jamilton that nearing the end of its run had 300k+ words; it was about Alex having a mean spirited rivalry with Jefferson at their corpo lawyer job but hearing he has hanahaki so deciding he wants to be nice to him now, but little does he know that the hanahaki in question is *for* him and later he himself develops hanahaki for Jefferson and they even live together at one point so they have this situation where both of them are willing to die in order to keep the other one happy and cure them by being their rebounds but they actively making each other worse, it's probably not as good as I remember it to be but godDAMN was it a cult classic it really was one of the kind, ALSO a girl on a plane asked me what fic I was reading bc she was peeking over my shoulder because it looked good and it's just one of the interactions I will *never* forget
This fandom was also my first impression of A/B/O dynamic and it wasn't a good one, one of the fics with it that I remember was Jamilton, in which Hamilton was some sort of Omega activist (there was a scene where he was annoyed that romantic comedies in universe pushed the agenda of omega leaving their omegaxomega relationship for an alpha when oxo can be fully normally sufficient) and Jefferson was an alpha and there was a scene at a diner where Jefferson was spreading his pheromones so the other alphas would stop looking at Hamilton? yeah thanks, no thanks
Washington was 95% of the time Hamilton's father in one way or another but what did you expect, in one fic he was even Hamilton's mother soulmate but she died before he met her which I didn't know was possible in soulmates aus
I read one Jamilton fic on wattpad (even then I rarely used wattpad) that I think was (a college au) about how madison and jefferson were in abusive relationship and hamilton "rescued" jefferson out of it? (it feaured a truly iconic quote in a scene that i still remember where jefferson was having a panic attack in the dorm's bathroom and madison didn't want hamilton to think he was an abuser so he said something along the lines of "Don't listen to this whore" and Hamilton responded "I won't listen to a whore" and Jefferson was like no he also hates me no one loves me and then Hamilton added "But Thomas isn't a whore." and I kid you not, I think about this scene every time I see that stupid "do you think im pretty?" "no." ":(" "you're beautiful" meme) and my art was featured in one of the chapters! it wasn't a good art, but it was one of my biggest achievements back then (I drew the most art during my hamilton phase, I wish I kept that passion for drawing in the years to come)
And... I think that's all that I can think of off top of my head
Despite many peoples' opinion now, I don't think the fandom was wrong in how they perceived the source material, any who was in the fandom at that time can tell you that sometimes it felt like it's own entity, those were our characters and what they did in the musical and the historical context didn't really matter in the long run, besides some limited posts about lams or just funfacts about the real lives of the characters (i have so many funfacts about inaccuracies in hamilton stored in my head), just what the dynamic between them was
But, as have many, I grew out of hamilton fanfiction, it shaped how I moved around fanfiction and fandom spaces for years and no matter how much "cringe" that fandom was (and it was cringe in every way possible) I probably won't forget the fun parts (for example how I joined judges guild on amino that was supposed to host contests regularly and then we did one contest and 90% of the members stopped responding so I pretty much single-handedly picked the winners when we had like I think about 20-30 entries? contests were a big deal on amino) and I won't regret it, I think it was one of the if not best then funniest places to be on the Internet in 2018
I have recently rewatched Hamilton now that it is available on streaming and one) I found out that I didn't really know all the lyrics and certainly not what some parts mean (english as you probably already have noticed is not my first language) and two) I actually found myself thinking, man, i would like to read some good fanfiction about this, but not a single one Hamilton fanfiction on ao3 can be separated from how the fandom perceived the characters and that's okay, it's just the way it is
If you truly want to know the grasp of what was normal or not in this fandom, let me tell you this: I saw Jefferson Miku Binder before it was a meme, and it really wasn't that weird, I was seeing art and headcanons like these on the regular, that just how the fandom looked like
and with that, I'm signing off
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frostysfrenzy · 1 year
Tagged by @howiehamlin
What book are you currently reading?
I'm really not honestly
Favourite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Girl (gn) I havent been to a theatre since january 2020 and that was the first time since idek when
What do you usually wear?
Tees, hoodies, leggings. I own the odd pair of jeans but otherwise its leggings or sweats
How tall are you?
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Gemini. And Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy from House). I was born on a holiday here but it's not on the same day every year
Do you go by your name or nickname?
Both. Depends on the setting
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
I still dk what I want to be. But I'm enjoying my job
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Completely single. And we're not talking about crushes right now but it's a thing
What's something you're good at vs something you're bad at?
Good at math, also bad at math lol. Bad at going to sleep on time
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write/create in any way, what's your favourite picture/line/etc from something you created this year
This was my first year creating so everythings on the table. I still really love my svnatural au, she's my best friend
What's something you would like to create content for?
I'd honestly love to just make some solo smallville content, most everything is far has been crossover. Also more csi because I'm thrilled with my previous ones and maybe ncis because lord did 12 year old me have an ncis brain that may resurface some day
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
My samlois list. It's mostly sad girl hours but it's a wonderful playlist just in general
What's something you were excited about this year that turned out to be disappointing?
Uhhhh hm. Theres probably something but idk
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Uhhhhh why am I blanking theres gotta be something. I think I'm pretty strong for my size I guess
Are you religious?
Not in a way that I get into debates or really talk at all
What's something you wish to have at the moment?
This girl would love a relationship honestly
Tagging @donttelltheelff @ratkingbunting @lam-ila @dmdoll @sahl0-f0l1na
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jimothystu · 1 year
tagged by @frostysfrenzy - thanks Em!!
What book are you currently reading?
Immortal Longings (arc) by Chloe Gong, also No Country for Old Gnomes by Delilah S Dawson and Kevin Hearne
Favourite movie you saw in theaters this year?
none?? i haven’t been to a movie in years
What do you usually wear?
Leggings, or jeans, sometimes sweats, and tshirt or tank-top plus a sweater or flannel
How tall are you?
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Taurus and i have no idea lol
Do you go by your name or nickname?
usually my nicknames
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
uhhh no lmao. i wanted to be a veterinarian and that did not and will not happen
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
married to @donttelltheelff 🫶🏻 have a crush on @donttelltheelff
What’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
good at writing i think. bad at life lmfao. nah idk, uhh, bad at some sciences, socializing, uhh, idk lmap
Dogs or cats?
cats but i love my dog
If you draw/write/create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/line/etc from something you created this year
oh god idek. writing was probably a poem i wrote. i’ve written lots of poems! art was some paintings/things i painted:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
What’s something you would like to create content for?
one of my dreams is to write a star trek novel!!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
hockey lol
What’s something you were excited about this year that turned out to be disappointing?
uhh. graduating/moving on from my undergrad
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
uhhh. idk?? i can sing i guess?
Are you religious?
not really, no
What’s something you wish to have at the moment?
sanity? happiness? a sense of purpose? lol idk just mental stability :/
tagging @donttelltheelff @lam-ila @katetheworm @make-me-imagine and @jamiedryssdale
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
fluffy valley forge lams cuddles in the cold 👉👈
(The bed part was slightly inspired by Duty and Inclination)
Ask and you shall recieve!
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton shivers as he enters the shared room he shares with his beloved Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens. His teeth chatter as he wraps his thin arms around himself as he climbed up the stairs towards their room. He rubs his biceps up and down as though that would keep him warm from the cold.
Hamilton sighs as he runs a hand through his auburn curls, closing his eyes for a moment before he enters, breathing slowly in and out through his nose in hopes it would help release the stress he has been feeling all day with the amount of letters to translate and orders to command and obey and not to mention having a bed post to carry up the stairs for Lady Washington, the General's wife who will be staying with them for a time in Valley Forge.
Hamilton opens his eyes and grips the door knob, twisting it to the left and pushing the door open. Hamilton freezes in place when he sees his darling Laurens before him, hunched over at the desk in the room, his chin rested on top of his folded hands as he gazes out the window, the snow trickling down into little flurries therefore blanketing Valley Forge in a coat of white.
Hamilton frowns, suddenly hesitant at Laurens's stiff yet hunched posture as he slowly closes the door behind him. He waits a few moments after the door clicks shut softly, waiting to see if that'll startle Laurens out of his intense stare. Hamilton could see him faintly in the reflection of the window's glass pane. Laurens's sky-blue eyes are narrowed and a small, tight scowl forms on his lips, his honey-blonde hair still pulled back into its usual tight braid secured by the typical dark blue ribbon. His lips are pressed together and there's a bandage around his palm from where he accidentally smatched it against the bed post as himself, Tilghman, Harrison and Fitzgerald were carrying it up the wooden stairs.
Hamilton frowns deeper, furrowing his brows as he tries to decipher what has him unsettled and tense. After a few moments of complete silence, Hamilton finally forces his stiff legs to move, inch by inch, taking his time as he approaches Laurens. He frowns again as he appears closer towards him, glancing over his letter at the desk and noticing a lone candle sits at the edge, the flame flickering slightly.
Hamilton sighs as he rests his chin on Laurens's shoulder, looping his arms around his neck from where he stands. Hamilton grins a little when he sees the corners of his lips quirk up. Laurens hums as he closes his eyes, gripping Hamilton's wrist, stroking his wrist with his thumb. Hamilton sighs again, soft and lightly, as he presses a light kiss to the corner of Laurens's lip.
"What's wrong, my love?" Hamilton asks, standing upstraight to comb a few strands of blonde hair out of those beautiful blue eyes which makes Hamilton fall in love with him over and over again.
"Nothing, my dear boy," Laurens finally says, a sigh escaping him.
Laurens glances up at Hamilton over his shoulder and flashes him a reassuring smile. He stands up as Hamilton steps back a bit. Laurens swallows before leaning down to press a slow, quick kiss to Hamilton's lips. Hamilton grunts, unexpecting this, before cupping both of Laurens's cheeks, nearly squishing them together. Laurens grins as Hamilton giggles into their kiss, pressing his lips harder against his.
Laurens suddenly grabs Hamilton by the legs, locking them around his waist. Hamilton squeals with sudden surprise, one hand on Laurens's cheek while the other on his shoulder to stable himself. Hamilton gasps, his eyes blown wide as he's suddenly flipped onto their bed. Hamilton giggles as quietly as he can, as to not wake the others or to disturb them should they be awake at this ungodly hour of the night. The bed creaks and jostles when Hamilton makes imapct, his wavy curls bouncing slightly.
Laurens growls, a grin on his face as he slowly saunters up towards Hamilton, wiggling his fingers with a twinkle in his eyes. Hamilton squeals, knowing exactly Laurens's scheme, and tries to scoot himslef up agaisnt the wall behind him, using the bedsheets and pillows to shield him.
Laurens crawls onto the bed, laughing as Hamilton squawks, laughter bubbling from his chest as he whacks Laurens with the feathered pillow, a few feathers coming out. Laurens blinks out of his daze and sits himself on Hamilton's legs, pinning him in place. Hamilton makes out a peep as he scrambles back as best he can, whacking the pillows over and over again against Laurens's face.
Laurens doesn't seem affected. He grins evilly as he grabs Hamilton's wrist, holding it in place. Hamilton smirks as Laurens slowly dips down to press his lips onto Hamilton's. Hamilton groans, releasing the pillow in his hand and cupping both of Laurens's cheeks again, pulling him down until his head hits the bottom of the wall.
"Well...someone's a little...desperate tonight..." Hamilton teases, a grin on his face as he drums his fingers up against Laurens's bicep up to his jawline.
Laurens groans as he closes his eyes when he feels Hamilton's hand on his brow. Laurens puffs out a breath as he flops down beside Hamilton. He whimpers as he nestles his face into the crook of Hamilton's shoulder, pressing a light kiss or two here and there. Hamilton giggles as he combs his fingers through Laurens's tangled blonde locks, rubbing his back soothingly.
"What's the matter, my dear?" Hamilton asks with a soft chuckle.
"Don't get me started," Laurens mumbles, wrapping his arms around Hamilton's neck while his face remains buried into the crook of his shoulder, his eyes squeezed shut.
Hamilton raises an eyebrow. "Today wasn't one of those days wasn't it?"
"The bed worst of all," Laurens growls.
Hamilton smirks teasingly as he presses his lips to Laurens's forehead.
"I did however, enjoy the view," Hamilton says.
Laurens snaps his head up suddenly. "Now's not the time, Alexander."
Hamilton just simply giggles as he leans down to kiss Laurens's lips once.
"Sleep, my darling," Hamilton whispers, his teeth grazing over Laurens's. "You shall feel well after you are rested."
"You rest too, Alexander," Laurens says. "I don't want you overworking yourself and therefore becoming ill. Again."
Hamilton rolls his eyes. "Jack, calm. I have no fever. That is the past."
"But--" Laurens protests as he sits himself up, his arm aroudn Hamilton's shoulders as it's now Hamilton's turn to rest his head upon Laurens's shoulder, the pillows cushioning them from behind.
"Hush now, my dear," Hamilton snaps. "Sleep."
"But, Alexander, your fever could return and when you were in Albany and had gotten severely ill...when the letter stated that you could die--"
Hamilton presses his lips suddenly to Laurens's in hopes to quiet him of his ramblings. Laurens stiffens, startled and unexpected of this action but melts into the kiss nonetheless. Hamilton pulls back, pressing his forehead against Laurens's and kisses him once again.
"Shh," Hamilton whispers. "I am here. I am here, Jack."
"My apologies...Alex...I merely worry--"
Hamilton sighs as he settles back down beside Laurens. Laurens sinking into the pillow as well, their legs entagled with the bedsheets layered on top of them. Laurens smiles down at Hamilton after a few minutes of just being held in each other's presence. Laurens scoffs out a laugh as he shakes his head at the sleeping lion beneath him, pressing a kiss to Hamilton's forehead and then his lips and then on top of his russet curls before closing his eyes himself.
Twenty minutes have passed since Laurens and Hamilton have fallen asleep and now the Marquis de Lafayette is now climbing up the stairs himself to his own seperate bedroom to call it a night. He lets out a deep yawn, trying to stifle it with the back of his hand as he rounds the top of the stair, grunting as he slides of his dark blue--darker than the other Continentals shade of blue--of his arms and draps it over his arm.
He pauses by the Hamilton's and Laurens's door, hesitating. But after a few mintues have past, Lafayette finally gathers his courage and twists the doorknob, slowly pushing the door open. He winces when it creaks and remains still as his eyes travel to find Hamilton and Laurens curled up beside each other on the bed, their arms around the other and legs tangled with the other, Laurens's cheek on top of Hamilton's russet curls and Hamilton's head is tucked underneath Laurens's chin. Both appear to be asleep. In their uniforms.
Lafayette puffs out a breath as he stares at the two fondly, muttering, "Oh, mes amies," before cautiously stepping out of the room.
Lafayette glances over his shoulder once more before closing the door behind him. He turns once he closes the door and retreats to his own bedroom.
A small smile on his face.
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my-deer-friend · 3 years
Hi!! I am literally in love with your lams art, especially historical since I love historical lams more than anything. But that last one you did of John for the "he ded lol" day literally broke me, ha ha. I literally had to stop what I was doing as that particular one made me emotional-
But I was wondering how long it takes you to complete a piece like that? And what program you use for your drawings/tips? I want to start doing my own lams art digitally now that I have my Wacom tablet but I don't know where to begin and I'd thought I'd ask an expert-
Awww, Liz! That's so incredibly sweet of you to say! My goal as a creator is to make people have Feelings, so I'm glad I managed to accomplish that. 💕
These days I draw on Procreate on an iPad Air with Apple Pencil. It's honestly the best investment I've made in my creativity and I recommend it entirely if you can afford it, but before that I was drawing with Autodesk Sketchbook on my phone and still managed to produce some great stuff and refine my style. And Wacom tablets are great! I'll leave it to others to recommend desktop software but I will say - avoid Photoshop, since it's expensive and clunky for drawing.
A piece like that will take 8-10 hours over several days - the days are important because you need to look away from it and come back with fresh eyes to see the little flaws and bits that look iffy.
Some tips!
Use references. It's not cheating! All artists do it at least some of the time. Eventually you can draw a face out of your head but goddamn I'll never be able to draw a tricorn hat.
Play around with poses, angles, expressions... some artists become perfect at doing a 3/4 profile but can't do anything else, and that's not a good place to be. Yeah, your first tries will look shit. But that's fine!
Do a rough sketch, then put it away for a few hours before you come back to it. The weird-looking things will jump out immediately. (Bonus point 1 - flip your canvas for the same effect.) (Bonus point 2 - ask a trusted friend, not necessarily an artist, to look at your sketch. They'll see stuff you don't.)
For digital - layers. Layers! Layers. Layers let you test out ideas, stack effects on top of each other, adjust lighting, experiment without damaging your existing work, etc. etc. etc.
I really recommend keeping each character's line art, colour and shading/effects on their own layers (in a group - so I'll have a "John" group and a "horse" group), so that you can move the whole character around without damaging the other one.
Play with textured brushes, especially for shading. Skin, fabric, hair, it all has texture, and that's a great shortcut to adding dimension.
Tiny details really matter! Adding a gradient to a background, or a little touch to a face or piece of clothing, or a little extra lighting, really makes things pop out. (Put them on different layers!)
Be inspired by other artists but also allow your own style to develop. It takes time. But don't be afraid to make it uniquely yours.
Just... draw a bunch. Play. Mess around. Trace. Draw memes. Try something new every time, even if it looks wonky.
Oh and, if anyone's interested, I'd be happy to share some process shots as an example of the steps I take?
This is long...! But I hope it's useful. Feel free to shoot me more questions! 💕
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sovereignofgeeks · 4 years
Sansa Daughter Of Krypton Preview
Daughter Of Krypton Is a story about Sansa that will feature Gendrya heavily and be a crossover with DC. It runs with the idea of Game Of Thrones taking place on a planet that is still in the medieval times and has no contact with space. I’m trying to see what I should write between this and Batman trains Arya one. I’m really feeling this one. Plus it will have more Gendrya! Gendry plays a massive role in building stuff for Sansa due to his bond with Arya. Note this hasn’t been edited yet. This is from chapter one and is set after Sansa depends to be told what’s happening to her body and why she can hear things from all over and can snap a sword-like twig. They are currently in a hiding place where they hid what they didn’t know was a ship. Ned and Cat assumed Sansa was some kind of gift from the gods which is why she’s a Stark. Also because it’s super sexist. Sansa’s name is a combo of both her parents. Not her fathers. 
“One year after Robb’s birth we took him riding with us,” Ned explained slowly. Dread filling Sansa with each word. “We had a great day under the sun,” Her lady mother said as Ned nodded, “On our way back. A light fell from the sky and we found this,” he said as he led them into a wide-open room lit by an odd metal can in the center. It was blue and red. “Inside it, we found a grey-eyed and red-haired baby,” Ned said as Sansa’s eyes grew wide, “That baby was you, Sansa,” Catelyn said slowly as Sansa felt her breath stop. She glanced at Jon who’s mouth hung. Arya reached over and grabbed her hand giving a tight grip. Robb looked at her and placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked to the metal as she walked forward. Pushing them away. She placed her hands onto the metal as a light shot out scan over her.  The metal thing shot out a beam of light that took the form of a male and female in odd clothing.
Ned jumped forward along with the boys to protect Sansa as the woman spoke,
“If you're seeing this, my love, then that means My brother was correct,” she said as the man frown,
“Now let's slow down dear,” he teased her as she nodded,
“You've activated the message we placed in your escape rocket,” she said as he nodded
“Your name is Ziva Zal-El” he explained as Sansa felt her eyes grow wide. Her mother fell to her knees as she cried into her arms. Rickon looked on confused as Arya listened. Jon and Robb stood in shock.
“I am Zal-Lam,” he said as the woman smiled,
“And I am Myl Seyg-El ” the woman says before starting, “we are your parents” she explained as Sanas’s breath stopped,
“You said I wasn’t a Bastard!” She shouted as her father shook his head,
“I’ve never seen this” he told her as her birth mother spoke,
“You were not born on this planet. But on a world called Krypton,” she explained as Sansa frowned,
“Planet like the moon?” She asked as the woman froze and the ship beeped before speaking in a staticky voice,
“A moon is simply a large mass that floats around a planet. A planet is much larger and contains life Master Ziva” the voice explained simply as Sansa jumped back in fear,
“Than-k you” she forced out as the beeping stopped and her ‘father’ continued.
“By the time you see this, our world will have been gone for many years” he said her mother nodded, “We are sending you to a planet called Earth along with your cousins. Kal and Kara” her mother giggled, “You and Kal were close! But in case you don’t make it to earth. A system is built into to find a world with a yellow” she said as her father nodded, “You may have discovered that you are much stronger and faster than a normal girl. Your Kryptonian body draws its strength from the yellow sun. It will give you abilities that no other human has” her father told her as her eyes grew wide. 
“We are so sorry we couldn’t be with you my love but you're uncle is a very smart man,” he began as her mother nodded,
“Jor-El you're uncle has reason to believe Krypton is going to explode. Most people don’t believe him. We aren’t certain ourselves but if it’s true we agreed we had to get you away” she said as Sansa stared. She wanted to scream and cry but she couldn’t pull her eyes away.
“I feel it’s important to inform you that the planet you live on while having a yellow sun is not earth. The ship was damaged during travel. You were in sasis for many years' ' it explained as Sansa took a deep breath.
“How long?” she asked as it beeped, “Unknown. Repairs needed” it said 
“We hope you are able to find the other children.,” her father explained as the mother spoke.
“Ziva. My love. Know that no matter what happens we love you more than anything. If you're seeing this it means we have passed,” she said as the father nodded,
“Ziva. No matter what happens we are proud of you,” he explained as the mother smiled,
“Ziva. Whatever happens. Know I love you my baby girl,” she said before giving a tearful grin,
“The ship's computer is set with all historical databases and is highly intelligent. It will be able to answer most questions” he said before they met her gaze,
“We have to go now Ziva. We love you” they said as the light faded and Sansa stared. She wasn’t human. What would her family think of her? She turned to see them staring in shock. She couldn’t look at them. Not even Jon. Oh god. How could she treat him badly for being a bastard? He was more Stark than her!
“Sansa are you alright?” Catelyn asked gently as Sansa turned and her eyes glowed red,
“How could you keep this from me!” She shouted. She felt hot tears in her eyes as the glow grew. 
“Sansa we didn’t!” She tried to explain as Ned stood.
“Sansa calm down” he started as Sansa slammed her hand into his chest knocking him back five feet as she turned to her mother,
“You have the Tully looks you’d say! Well clearly fucking no-“ she stops as Jon pushed her mother to the ground as red light shot from her eyes. 
As the light crashed into the wall creating a large burst of fire. She felt her world tense 
As she turned and ran. She ran out of the caste and into the woods. Leaving behind a trail of dust as the ground was ripped apart by the force. Winds created from each step as the ground shook wildly. 
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TL; WR: Canon-era Lams sick fics about January 20th, 1778 and the days following are entirely plausible. Laurens didn’t work during the days following Hamilton and Gibbs’ arrival at Valley Forge and worked unusually sparingly until Hamilton returned to writing regularly on February 2nd. Gibbs, who isn’t an official aide and only occasionally writes letters for headquarters, wrote an unusually high number of letters (for him) during that time and might have been picking up Laurens’ slack for him. 
If you like very dense, highly informative, but debatably clear and probably boring and awful (but fascinating to me) data and statistics about all of the aides during this time frame for the sake of historical accuracy/potential accuracy from which one can draw various plausible conclusions, then the following is for you!
(skip to the bottom to see the vast amount of potential conclusions about the situation that I drew from the mass of data I collected if you don’t care about the nitty gritty and just want the various conjectures I developed out of incomplete information)
I got really curious as I was going through the Calendar of Washington’s Correspondance for my Meade research and ended up doing some obnoxiously tedious data compiling across a few platforms. We know that Hamilton and Gibbs arrived back at Valley Forge on January 20th. I discovered then that the only writing Laurens did from January 20th-February 2nd (which is about when Hamilton resumed his writing duties) was:
a letter to his father on the 23rd 
a really short message to his dad for Washington also on the 23rd
a translation of a letter written on the 20th that he didn’t receive and translate till some days later and wasn’t answered until the 26th (so it was probably translated between the 25th-26th)
the letter written on the 26th, mentioned above
a letter to his dad on the 28th, after which he left to attend the Continental Congress Camp Committee meetings with Washington
a copy of the Board of War instructions from the 31st that he could have done who knows when.
There were ~45 letters total written for Washington (so not including Laurens’ letters to his dad) by the aides during the 14 day period between Hamilton’s arrival and his return to regular duties (20th-2nd). According to the Calendar of Correspondance and some additional hunting on Founders, the breakdown looks something like this: 
Tilghman wrote 16 (despite also possibly attending the Continental Congress Camp Committee Meetings with Laurens and Washington)
Harrison 10.5 (Harrison and Fitzgerald share a letter)
Meade 5 (Left on the 31st to meet and escort Mrs. Washington)
Gibbs 4
Laurens 3-4
Fitzgerald 3.5 (Left on leave on February 1st bearing letters from Washington to deliver while away.)
Hamilton 2 
This was, obviously, a rather lax time at headquarters. ~45 letters written in total in 14 days is hardly a dozen more than the volume of letters Tilghman would write by himself in busier sets of two weeks. This is in part because the 29th-2nd were sparse in the letter department, potentially because of the Committee meetings and Washington’s absence from Valley Forge while attending them. Only 8 letters in total were written from the 29th-2nd. 3 from Harrison, 2 from Gibbs, 1 from Fitzgerald, 1 from Tilghman, and 1 from Hamilton. (Fitzgerald’s on the 29th, Harrison’s across the 30th-31st, Tilghman’s on the 30th, Gibbs’ both were on the 1st, and Hamilton’s was on the 2nd)
Gibbs’ contribution through all of this is somewhat striking. He only writes letters occasionally because he’s Captain of the Life Guard first and special aide-de-camp second. His handwriting generally only shows up about 2-4 times in an entire month if it shows up at all and probably only when everyone else is too busy and they need an extra pen. Two in one day for him is a rarity and he wrote both of the only letters written on the 1st. Since he was accompanying Hamilton on his mission, his absence from the calendar for November-January is explainable. But writing so many letters in a small span of time is unusual for him. Gibbs’ contributions were on the 20th, 22nd, and the 1st. (and one on the 3rd, which was one of only 3 letters written that day). Laurens didn’t contribute the 20th-22nd, 24th~25th, 27th, and was attending meetings the 28th and 29th and potentially ‘till the 31st. Washington was writing from Valley Forge on the 1st after ordering Meade to go out and meet Mrs. Washington the day before. Washington was writing from both Moore’s Hall and Valley Forge on the 31st, so they were probably back at camp that day. this means that, ~7 out of the ~11 days that Laurens was at headquarters during Hamilton’s ‘recovery’ period were spent not writing and doing other things instead. (Side note, He also didn’t contribute the 18th-19th). Laurens only writing/translating 3-4 letters for Washington in this time period is an irregularity for him because he usually writes twice that plus whatever extra letters he’s writing to his dad (but it can’t be dismissed that this was a lax time). Before you say that it’s not fair because he was attending committee meetings with Washington ~28th-31st so it’s not very representative of him against everyone else, factoring out the 8 letters that came out of headquarters during that time period and shortening the judging time frame, it’s still an unusually low amount for him and an unusual distribution amongst them. We only have concrete evidence that Laurens was at the Committee meetings because he wrote his father about Washington having him to attend them with him, but Tilghman was also absent from writing for almost the exact same amount of time that Laurens was (save a single letter Tilghman wrote himself). I hunted around in the financial series of the Washington Papers and found a bill written by Tilghman on the 2nd about the reimbursement to him of “money paid for the family” [x x], referring to the Military Family, and potentially in reference to money he paid for Laurens, himself, and whoever else was on the Committee Meeting trip with them (like Hamilton) a few miles out of camp for some days because Aides are required to be reimbursed for all of their travel expenses. This is the reasoning for my deduction that there is a chance that Tilghman was at that meeting as well. But, on the other hand, that money could have also been a reimbursement of money owed back to Tilghman since November. There is a line that Tilghman crossed out on the document where I can just make out “Whitemarsh” somewhere in there, which is where they were camped out in November and was while Gibbs, who was in charge of the cash, was gone. So it could really go either way. With no concrete evidence that says one way or the other, Tilghman was either there or he wasn’t. I don’t know that definitively as of yet. It’s just weird that he only wrote one letter during this time while Gibbs wrote several. Washington’s letter to the Continental Congress Camp Committee was written by Hamilton and read by the committee on the 29th [x]. It’s almost 13k words long. Washington made some corrections to it before taking it with him to present to the Committee 3 miles down the road at the Moore House. There are two unfinished drafts of it that Hamilton numbered 21 and 22 and that Washington had a hand in as well. Those numbers could either represent dates or numbers, it’s unclear. It’s also uncertain how long he spent working on this letter and how long it took him to write it but it contains 16 sections and details the reformation of the different war departments and the way that things are done. Days of work had to have gone into it and weeks of thought and collaboration into its development, and months of build up to it meaning that Hamilton’s absence from contributing to headquarters writing upon his return was probably a result of his work on this specific, incredibly-important letter in preparation for the Committee meeting (which he may have also attended).
Various Potential Conclusions that can be drawn about the Aides during the period of January 20th-February 2nd with the above Information (some situations more plausible than others):
Caleb Gibbs
Gibbs picked up Laurens’ slack while Laurens was helping Hamilton since he wrote on the days Laurens did not.
Gibbs was tasked with helping out at headquarters in Fitzgerald, Meade, Laurens*, Hamilton*, and Tilghman’s* absences.  (*Maybe Hamilton and/or Tilghman as well depending. Laurens also, depending on the day.)
“Gibbs has gotten out of writing letters since November so he should do it” “That’s not fair, What about Hamilton????” “He almost died, remember??? You were there.”
All of the Above, any combination of the above, or none of the above. Regardless, he was also sorting out all of the finances since November. Like reimbursing Tilghman $68 because being in charge of the headquarters finances was one of his jobs as Captain of the Life Guard. (Exciting, I know.)
John Laurens
Laurens was absent from writing because Hamilton was back.
Laurens was absent from writing the 18th-20th because Hamilton could be back any day now
Laurens was absent from writing because Hamilton was ill and needed to be watched over and only worked every few days or so so that he didn’t neglect his duties.
Laurens was absent because he was helping Hamilton with the Committee letter which led to Washington asking Laurens to go with him instead of Hamilton, who was just recently back and recovered from illness and should take a break now after putting all that effort into that letter.
““ ““ Washington asking both Laurens and Hamilton to go with him to the committee meetings. (He was often accompanied out of camp by at least 2+ aides, I’m pretty sure. Might need to look more into that, though)
Laurens was just doing other aide duties that weren’t writing for Washington because those exist and him not writing for several days isn’t entirely uncommon. It’s just Tilghman not writing for a few days that is uncommon.
Laurens was told to take a break from writing the 31st-2nd because Gibbs’s got it and there’re only a few letters to write anyway. 
Alexander Hamilton
The two numbered drafts were Hamilton’s failed attempts at doing work on January 21st and 22nd before Laurens discovered him and made him stop and go back to resting. Washington looked over the unfinished drafts anyway to provide his opinion/alterations on what was already there. This is an important document.
The numbers on the drafts aren’t dates, but something else.
Hamilton wasn’t sick at all because it’s more likely that he was pretty much fully recovered before he left his final sickbed in Peekskill.
Hamilton wrote the final draft of that letter in anywhere between 2 and 8 Days. 
Hamilton worked very closely at headquarters with an agitated Washington on that letter from the day of/after he got to Valley Forge until it was done.
Laurens may have served as the wall for Hamilton to bounce ideas off of while he was writing the Committee Letter.
Hamilton appeared healthy when he returned to camp but then relapsed by the end of the 22nd, hence the unfinished drafts, and was bed-ridden. Laurens indulged him and debated/discussed, in small doses, the topics that Hamilton would end up writing about fully in his letter to the committee in preparation for his actually sitting down and quickly writing it in just a few days once he was recovered enough to do so or could no longer delay doing so
Hamilton does the above and then retires to rest and fully recuperate. Laurens goes to the committee meeting and Hamilton does not, staying behind to stay in bed. When Laurens returns he goes to tend to him if he needs it until he fully recovers from the small relapse he got from overworking himself on the letter.
Hamilton goes to the meeting despite his relapsed health because it’s not a major relapse, just a minor one.
Is entirely healthy on completion of the letter and goes to the meeting
Hamilton going to Moore Hall for the meetings along with Laurens (and potentially Tilghman for a time) during the 28th-31st in combination with a lack of letters to write is why he didn’t resume his writing duties until the 2nd.
also potentially in combination with him being mildly sick again and having to recover a final time being why he didn’t resume his duties.
Caleb Gibbs being like “I got this, you just relax” and writing all the letters for the 1st because Hamilton wrote the committee letter and should take a break.
Hamilton’s absence from writing was him taking a break when he got back because he generally knows how to take care of himself and knows when it’s time for him to take a break, which is why he didn’t start writing any other letters until the 2nd after having to rush to complete the massive Committee letter sometime before the 28th.
“I just wrote 13k words so I’m not writing again for, like, a week.”
Harrison was the one that made Hamilton not work on anything until the 2nd, where Hamilton wrote the only letter for that day and got back to writing regularly from there on out.
See some of the options above in the John Laurens section for other alternatives
Tench Tilghman
Wrote 3 letters on the 27th, 3 letters on the 28th, no letters the 29th, 1 letter signed by his own name the 30th, no letters the 31st-2nd. (fact)
Didn’t go to the Committee Meetings
Went to two of the Committee Meetings before returning to camp
Was coincidentally sick and needed a break at the exact time the committee meetings were happening and for the exact same amount of time that Laurens and Hamilton were absent from writing as well (minus the one letter on the 30th).
Hamilton was actually sick, in the last stages of his recovery, and when the Committee meetings rolled around and he didn’t go, Tilghman volunteered to help him out in Laurens’ place.
Harrison made Tilghman take a break the 29th-2nd and told him that he and Gibbs would take care of it all, but didn’t stop him from writing the one letter on Washington’s behalf. Otherwise, Tilghman was just chillin’ and takin’ a break for several days because he usually doesn’t ever stop.
Robert Hanson Harrison
Was holding down the fort while everyone was gone.
Went to 28th-29th committee meetings because he often attended important meetings with Washington and was back by on the 29th because he wrote both letters for the 30th (probably not)
Didn’t go to any of the committee meetings at all because they were outside of camp and he was the one that usually ran headquarters during Washington’s absences from camp. (more likely)
Richard Kidder Meade
Left on the 31st to collect Mrs. Washington and escort her back to camp because Washington ordered him out as soon as he got word [x]. 
Went to the meetings (unlikely)
Didn’t go to the meetings (most likely)
Didn’t write letters the 28th-31st because there were pretty much no letters to write.
Might have been doing his numerous non-writing aide duties because him writing infrequently for Washington at headquarters was not uncommon in his case. It wasn’t his main duty to write letters.
Gibbs gave Meade $130 for the expenses of his Mrs. Washington trip and Meade returned $110 back him. [x the linked document says 1779 in the title, but this is an error. The document clearly states 1778] 
Meade was almost broke and needed money for the trip [actually somewhat likely]
Meade was not broke, it’s just that he spent $317 out of his own pocket for all of the family’s expenses in Gibbs’ stead back in October while Gibbs was with Hamilton on their mission [x] and Gibbs was like “I’m giving you money for this trip.” “No. I can handle it. You already paid me back.” “TAKE THE MONEY. IT’S MY JOB TO GIVE YOU MONEY FOR THIS SHIT.” “Okay but I'm giving back everything I don’t spend.”  -only spends $20 because Meade lives like he’s poor even when he has money and someone else paid for the return trip-
Gibbs gave him the money because they are supposed to reimburse all travel costs anyway, so why not jump the gun and give Meade the money to start with.
John Fitzgerald
Didn’t go to the meetings
Wrote the only letter on the 29th, which signed in his own name because Washington wasn’t there.
Left on leave the 1st with Washington’s letters for some people in Virginia to drop off while he was out [x]. Didn’t return until mid-May.
In General
The 28th-7th just didn’t have a lot of letters. It was a really ‘relaxed’ time and there weren’t a lot of letters to write in comparison to some other times so there was more free time to do other things and letters from headquarters could be taken care of by a couple people on their own and there was no significance to the distribution of letters at all and none of this matters.
It might have all been business as usual-just less of it.
I don't have a life.
Laurens definitely went to the meeting
Hamilton and Tilghman might have gone, Hamilton more likely than Tilghman.
Harrison and Meade probably didn’t go but there is a slim chance they might have
Gibbs and Fitzgerald definitely didn’t go
I am way too focused on that unimportant bit of information over who went and who didn’t, honestly.
I spent way too much time on this (like, 45+ hours)
Hamilton had an incredibly important letter to write between the 20th-28th regardless of how healthy he was when he started.
Laurens wrote fewer letters than he usually did and Gibbs wrote far more than he usually did.
So, there are a lot of different conjectures that one can make based on this incomplete data set and a variety of different ways that one can view said data and then piece it together to come to several different plausible conclusions/scenarios, but the most important one is:
Canon-era lams sick fics of Hamilton’s return on the 20th and the days following that are entirely plausible based on cold-hard data. And, Caleb Gibbs might have stepped in to write letters for Laurens so he could help/spend time with Hamilton with recovering and writing a 13k word long letter pass it on.
Of course, other situations are just as entirely plausible as that one and even that scenario has a wide variety of variables that can be applied to it based on the data, so take it as you will.
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Lams for the send me a ship thing?
Of course!
who hogs the duvet:Both of them. They’re both from warmer areas and cannot handle the cold At All. They fight over it every night. John usually “lets Alex win” but the minute Alex falls asleep he takes the entire goddamn thing and wraps it around himself. He used to wake Alex up when he did that cause he’s a v light sleeper, but he learned how to do it right.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going:Alex. Constantly. Always. John acts annoyed after like the fifth time in a day but he finds it endearing.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts:Define creative? John’s are usually a drawing of Alex in perfect magical detail, along with a small thing Alex mentioned he wanted once and never in a million years expected John to remember it. Alex’s gifts are… well… unpredictable. So although John’s are all constant, they’re things like drawings that require creativity.
who gets up first in the morning:Alex, definitely. John gets up as late as possible while not being late for work (and sometimes later, let’s be honest). Alex has trouble sleeping and is a very light sleeper when he does fall asleep.
who suggests new things in bed:Umm… Uhh… ask someone who’s not me this I headcanon every single couple everywhere as being in an ace relationship (literally even if they have biological kids) cause I do not want to think about them that way.
who cries at movies:John cries at a lot of the, you know, actually sad parts. Alex, however, is completely fine at all those parts, but cries when the flower gets stepped on because “now it’s gonna die, John!”
who gives unprompted massages:John. When Alex hasn’t slept in a minute and is all hunched over his laptop, he’ll sneak up behind him and start massaging his shoulders. Alex is more of a sneak up behind him and hug him kinda guy.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick:Alex, definitely. He’ll get really anxious every time John so much as coughs, and John not doing great (physically or mentally) is the only time he’ll willingly skip work. John’s super sweet when Alex gets sick (which is way too often - Alex had a shitty immune system historically), but not a fussy mother hen.
who gets jealous easiest:John, definitely, (he gets jealous very easily), but it could seem like Alex from the outside. Alex is clingier, so when John’s talking to another guy Alex’ll be right there, hugging John and saying he loves him. Someone could easily mismate that for jealousy, but it’s just Alex being Alex. He’s like that all the time.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music:John grew up in the south. Who do you think?
who collects something unusual:Neither of them, really. Alex has like five different fountain pens (four of which are the cheap kind, the other of which was a gift from Lafayette) just cause he finds them fun to write with, but he doesn’t collect them per say.
who takes the longest to get ready:Neither of them take very long. John’s the one who’s always holding them up in the mornings, because he wakes up much later than Alex, but he just throws on some pants and runs a comb through his hair. Alex, who gets up pretty early, has a bit more time to make himself look half decent and shower and stuff. (John showers at night.)
who is the most tidy and organized:They’re both a mess, but Alex is a slightly neater mess. At least he understands it. Anyone else who looks at his work space would just see piles of papers scattered everywhere with no rhyme or reason, but somehow Alex can find anything in a second. John has no method whatsoever.
who gets most excited about the holidays:Alex. He never had the money to do things like Christmas as a kid, so he still sort of has all that little kid excitement for them now that he can afford them. John, on the other hand, had a pretty shitty family life, and the holidays were just an occasion in which he was forced to be with his family all the time. He’s started to look forward to them more now though, just because he gets to see his boyfriend all excited.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:I mean, John’s taller, so John I guess?
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports:Alex gets so damn into games, it’s adorable. They’re not much of a sports couple, though.
who starts the most arguments:They don’t argue a lot. When they do, though, it’s usually because John’s jealous. Alex is a very flirtatious person, and John gets jealous easily. That’s not a good combination.
who suggests that they buy a pet:John suggests they buy a pet turtle. Alex agrees because he rarely sees John that into/excited about things.
what tv shows they watch together:Honestly, I don’t really watch TV so I don’t know the options? All my friends are into Sherlock though, and apparently its gay, so that I guess? They also follow politics and watch the news and stuff.
what other couple they hang out with:Maria and Eliza, and Mulligan and Lafayette.
how they spend time together as a couple:They just kind of chill I guess? They don’t go out a lot, they spend most of their free time at home just enjoying one another’s company.
who made the first move:Alex flirted with John regularly since the day they met, but for a while John thought that was just Alex being Alex. It got steadily heavier, until John finally caught on and asked Alex out. So, while it was prompted by Alex, John technically asked him out first.
who brings flowers home:John. He’s always all shy about it, blushing and flustered when he gives them to Alex. Alex finds it adorable. John knows everything about the meaning of each flower too, and he’ll always send a tiny message with his choice of flowers. It took Alex a little while to catch on, but now he always asks John about the meaning of each one. It’s always super sweet and leads to them cuddling for hours.
who is the best cook:Alex. He used to help his mom make dinner in the Caribbean, and he still remembers how to make each dish. John tried to help once. It went horribly. John can’t cook for his life.
Thanks for asking! This was fun to do.
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jimothystu · 1 year
thank you @donttelltheelff for the tag!! <3
what book are you currently reading? just started Loveless by Alice Oseman, and I'm slowly making my way through No Country For Old Gnomes by Delilah S Dawson and Kevin Hearne
favourite movie you saw in theatres this past year? idek when i last saw a movie in theatres lmao. probably like, the last star wars movie that was released a few years ago??
what do you usually wear? anything comfy lol. lately it's been sweatpants or loose jeans and a sweater or flannel
how tall are you? 5'5" ish i think
what's your star sign & do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? taurus and idfk
do you go by your name or a nickname? usually nicknames. most people call me jenn, but family and family friends call me jenna
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child? well i sure as hell did not study or am looking to become a paleontologist or veterinarian so... lmao no.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? not in a relationship. have a crush. not gonna share here lmao i'll let y'all guess
what is something you're good at vs. something you're bad at? good at writing. also bad at writing lmfao
dogs or cats? idkkkk cats ig?? but i love my dog to death
if you draw/write/create in any way, what's your favourite picture/line/etc. from something you created in the last year? oh god khsjnndkjsnsa. uhhh. idk??? i really really loved writing this 1634 fic and this 2072 fic. i'm also really happy with the current original story i'm working on it's totally not a gay hockey romance wdym
what is something you would like to create content for? i'd love to do more painting or digital art in general!
what's something you're currently obsessed with? arber xhekaj and his relationship with jural slafkovsky!!! also the hockey team(s) i made up for my gay hockey romance novel lmfaooo
what's something you were excited about this past year that turned out to be disappointing? ig maybe the journalism program i was going to start in the fall but ended up having to drop out before it begun so i could have surgery on my back that only partially helped my pain :D don't get me wrong i am so grateful to have had the surgery and for it to have decreased some of my pain but :/ fuck man chronic pain is stupid
what's a hidden talent of yours? i can kind of sing??
are you religious? not really, no. slightly spiritual but it isn't a big part of my life
what's something you wish to have at the moment? a fucking break dude. or just, yanno, a brain that worked. more realistically, a job would be nice lol
tagging @wonderlandsandi @lifeofpriya @introvertedperson16 @lam-ila and anyone who wants to do this <3
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Of course, anon! There wasn't any specifics for this one which is no worries, so I decided to go with the duel between Laurens and Charles Lee cause why not?
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton gasps sharply when he hears the front door to the aide-de-camp office on the mid-morning of December 24, 1778. Valley Forge still covered in a blanket of snow, flakes still fluttering from the overcast, gray-clouded sky, a soft breeze blows through the office, making the room colder than before which causes Hamilton to shiver and his teeth chatter slightly. Hamilton stands up abruptly from his wooden chair, the legs of the chair squeaking against the hard wood floor as it scoots back. Hamilton's silver, moonlight violet eyes widens at the sight of a seething Laurens in front of him. The fellow aides, Richard Kidder Meade, Tench Tilghman, Robert Harrison, John Fitzgerald and even the Marquis de Lafayette all stand as well at the sudden dramatic entrance.
Hamilton stares at Laurens for a breath, blinking once, twice before rushing over towards him, gripping both of Laurens's trembling hands in his, wondering just what had gotten Laurens so upset. He has seen Laurens angered before but not seething as though Hamilton could feel his blood boiling, like a kettle whistling.
Hamilton places a hand on Laurens's muscular bicep, drawing Laurens's attention away from the front door. He stares at Hamilton confusedly, blinking as he starts to become calm instantly, feeling all his burdens wash away as he gazes at his Hamilton before him, Laurens's sky-blue vibrant eyes ticking down to their clasped hands and then to Hamilton's soft, thin pink lips before back to his stunning eyes.
"Laurens? Are you...are you alright?" Hamilton finally manages to gasp, though he knows the answer. He just can't help but ask.
Laurens coughs as he starts to become calm once more, sniffling due to allergies from the cold before fully stepping into the parlor, yanking his hands away from Hamilton's and growling low and deep from the back of his throat. Like thunder rumbling.
"My God, Laurens!" Meade gasps, rounding the corner of the table behind Harrison and the Marquis to try to help Hamilton calm him. "Where the hell have you been?! What the hell happened?!"
Laurens continues to growl like a dog, baring his teeth as he glares at the closed front door, curling and uncurling his fists at his sides, itching to punch something--to release his anger and frustration--his eye twitching as he heaves, pacing back and forth, shaking his head.
"What--" McHenry gasps, startled as he just enters the room from the kitchen with a cup of tea in his hands.
Laurens feels as though he's about to roar and spins around in a sharp circle only then to punch the brick wall. Laurens groans and hisses sharply as he cradles his now injured hand, cursing silently to himself as he stares at the scrapes of fresh dark crimson blood oozing from his knuckles.
"Mon ami!" the Marquis cries at the same time Hamilton yelps, "Laurens!"
Hamilton rushes towards him again, cupping Laurens's now wounded hand in his own and with his free hand, yanking his neck cloth off and wrapping it around Laurens's palm and knuckles.
"John," Hamitlon whispers, so only Laurens could here. This catches Laurens's attention as he turns to Hamilton instantly coming back to the present. "What happened?"
"General Lee happened," Laurens grumbles, narrowing his eyes at the front door as he scrunches up his nose in a tight scowl.
"General Lee?" the Marquis asks, resting a hand on Laurens's shoulder, comfortingly. "What about him?"
Before Laurens could say a word, Hamilton drags Laurens to the sette in the living room, forcing him to sit and Hamilton flops down himself beside him, his thumb rubbing descreetly over the tendons of Laurens's hand. The Marquis sits himself on Laurens's right and the other aides watches with concern and confusion from the office.
"Lee...General Lee, I mean...he uh...he had insulted General Washington," Laurens explains.
Hamilton gasps, eyes widen. "Insulted? Our General?"
"Yes, Hamilton, are you deaf?!" Laurens snaps. "Do I need to repeat it?"
Hamilton sets his jaw, clamping his mouth shut as he sits taller somehow, squaring his shoulders and raising an eyebrow challengingly at Laurens, his chest puffing out as he cocks his head to one shoulder. Making him look like the Little Lion he is.
Laurens clamps his mouth shut, gritting teeth as he sets his jaw, tipping his down as if being scolded by a parent.
"I understand your anger, John," Hamilton whispers, his finegrs itching to tuck back the loose whisp of honey blonde hair that's dangling in front of Laurens's ear behind his ear in comfort. "But there is no need to use such tone at me."
Laurens puffs out a sigh, leaning back so his head rests against the sette, staring up at the ceiling as he closes his eyes.
"My apologies, Alexnader," Laurens sighs. "It's just...what he said about he said about General Washington--"
"Which was what?" Tilghman wonders.
"He...he called the General..." Laurens grimaces and swallows as he speaks. "A 'dirty earwig' for turning against him."
"Does His Excellency know about this?" Harrison growls.
Laurens shakes his head. "No. Not yet, at least, and I'd rather much prefer it be a secret between us at the moment."
A pause.
"And not to mention for disobidence and being a coward at Monmouth and retreating when he had the oppurtunity to attack the British."
Hamilton grimaces and tightens his hold around Laurens's larger hand, remembering the chaos of that day in June, with the blistering heat making the wool of their coats and clothes stick to their skin and their fingers slick with sweat and the fall Hamilton had taken after his horse fell beneath from a gunshot wound.
Hamilton stands up suddenly, dragging Laurens up with him. Laurens’s tense shoulders slumps as he’s reluctantly forced to being dragged up the wooden stairs to their shared bedroom, Hamilton exclaming to the others over his shoulder that he’s going to escort Laurens to his quarters for the night to allow himself some time to rest. Hamilton pushes Laurens into the room gently and closes the door behind him, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding until he hears a soft, audible, satisfying click. 
Hamilton stares at the silver knob, his hand hovering over it gently. He tenses, breathing in sharply through his nose as he could feel Laurens’s presence directly behind him. Hamilton swallows the lump in his throat, licking his dry, chapped lips. Dry from the lack of kisses Laurens has yet to give him due to seperation most of the day. 
“Finally,” Laurens sighs when Hamilton finally turns around to face. Hamilton smiles sheepishly as he crosses his thin arms over himself and takes three steps towards Laurens. Laurens puffs out a breath as he grips one of Hamilton’s elbows, tucking a loose dark red curl behind his ear. “I have missed you.” 
Hamilton giggles, leaning up by his toes to reach Laurens’s soft, heart-shaped pink lips. Laurens sighs happily as he kisses back, just a simple quick little peck. 
“Happy Christmas Eve, my dear boy,” Laurens whispers breathily against Hamilton’s lips, his teeth grazing over them, wanting an invitaiton. 
Hamilton smiles, the corners of his lips tugging upwards as the tip of his nose nudges agaisnt Laurens, opening his mouth for Laurens. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Hamilton giggles as Laurens pulls back from the kiss, pulling back a little to get a view of Hamilton’s beautiful face with an angled jawline and feminine, freckled cheeks and hair red as fire pulled back into a rather unkept braid and of course, the dark purple of Hamilton’s eyes--almost silver now due to the sun glinting in the afternoon sunlight. Hamilton leans up to steal a kiss, surprising Laurens entirely. “Happy Christmas Eve my dear Laurens.” 
Laurens chuckles, gripping his hold on Hamilton’s slim waist tighter, causing Hamilton’s breath to hitch as he rests both hands flat on Laurens’s chest, his head right underneath Laurens’s chin. 
“What has really gotten you this upset?” Hamilton whispers, tipping his head up to meet Laurens’s eyes. “I’ve never seen you this angry before.” 
Laurens hums as he shifts a little closer so his chest is near Hamilton’s, resting his cheek on Hamilton’s brow. 
“I told you, Alexander,” Laurens says. “Lee happened. HIs inuslts not only of His Excellency but me.” A breathy pause. Laurens grits his teeth. “And you.” 
Hamilton grimaces. He wants to ask Laurens what the insults had said, but thinks better of himself and keeps his mouth shut and just simply listens. 
“Alexander, my love,” Laurens says, pulling back from the embrace to grasp hold of Hamilton’s small hands in his slightly larger one. Hamilton tips his head up. “I have something to ask of you and you’re not going to like it.” 
Hamilton stands somehow taller, his shoulders squared and eyebrows raised high challengingly, a sign for Laurens to continue. 
“I um...I...I um...I uh...” Laurens stutters, scratching the back of his neck. 
Hamilton frowns, furrowing his brows together as he knows Laurens is not the person to stutter. 
He’s probably going to kill me, Laurens thinks to himself as he glances back to Hamilton’s divine eyes and sharp features. Okay, Laurens, plan of action of here... 
“I uh...” Laurens says instead. “I um...” 
“John? Are you alright?” Hamilton asks. 
“I uh...” Laurens clears his throat, standing an inch taller. “I’d uh...I’d like you to be my second.” 
Hamilton stills, his eyes widening as he turns slowly to Laurens, raising only one eyebrow this time, his face paling as his heart thumps with fear and anxiety. He swallows. 
“For what?” 
Laurens presses his lips together, swallows nervously, shifting around on his feet. He chews the inside of his cheek, wondering the best way to say the words would be without causing any drama. 
Laurens sighs defeatedly, hanging his head low as if he were merely a boy beging caught and scolded by his parent. 
“I...I challenged...I challenged...I challenged General Charles Lee to a duel...” A pause. “And I’d like you, my Alexander, to be my second.” 
Hamilton freezes completely, still as a tree trunk. His arms stiff at his sides, his stance taller than before, shoulders squared and eyes slowly widening. His face paling as he swallows, grittinng his teeth as he lets out a shaky breath. The very thought of his Laurens standing six paces in front of General Lee with his arm extended outstretched with his pistol in hand and a gunshot being heard terrifies him. 
“A...A...A duel...?” Hamilton chokes, slowly turning to Laurens as though he may be crazy. He just might be. “A duel?” 
“Yes,” Laurens says. “And I’d like you, Alexander, to be my second.” 
Hamilton laughs dryly, shaking his head as he closes his eyes. “No. No. No. No.” 
“No. Absolutely not,” Hamilton  huffs, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly. He can see Laurens firing his pistol at Lee,  but missing completely as Hamilton can see a bullet ripping Laurens’s side, causing Laurens to cry out in agony, flinging backwards before collapsing completely. 
“Hamilton, please--” 
“No, John,” Hamilton snaps, narrowing his eyes. “I can’t...I won’t...” 
Laurens grabs Hamilton by the forearm roughly and pulls him close, smashing his lips onto his. Hamilton grunts with surprise but melts into the kiss nonetheless, huffing a sigh through his nose as he feels his tense arms go slack at his sides. Being totally helpless. 
“I’ll be safe. I promise you,” Laurens assures. Though, Hamilton doesn’t find that reassuring whatsoever. 
Hamilton shakes his head. “You can’t know that!” His voice cracks as his chest squeezes with pure fear. “You can’t! I just...We’ve only...” 
Laurens puts a finger up to Hamilton’s lips, shushing him. “Shh. Hush now. You trust me. Don’t you?” 
Hamilton tips his head up to lock Laurens’s eyes with his. “What if you get shot--” 
“Ah,ah,” Laurens says. “Answer my question. Do you trust me?” 
Hamilton swallows as he hesitates for a moment. In all honesty, he does trust him. Of course he does! But still... 
“I do,” Hamilton whispers breathlessly. 
Laurens smiles as he leans down to kiss Hamilton’s lips again. 
“Then know, in your heart, I’ll be alright.” 
Hamitlon bites his lip and nods. Laurens pulls back from their embrace and tucks a loose curl behind Hamilton’s ear. 
“What should you have me do now?” Laurens says. 
Hamilton grins, one corner of his lip turning up softly. He takes two steps closer so his chest is flushed once again with Laurens’s and tugs on Laurens’s lapels. 
“Kiss me,” Hamilton gasps agiainst Laurens’s lips. “Kiss me and make love to me as though it may be our last.” 
Laurens chuckles darkly and grins as he kisses Hamilton once more, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling Hamilton close as Hamilton loops his arms around Laurens’s neck, smiling into the kiss, deepening it. 
“Your wish is my command.” 
At half past three, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens make their way towards the woods just outside Philidelphia. The snow crunches underneath their boots with each step they take, Hamilton clutching onto Laurens’s hand at thier sides for as long as he is able, stopping occaisonally to steal a kiss or two. Laurens sighs when they reach the clearing, swallowing nervously as he bites his lower lip, eyeing Lee chatting to his own second: Evan Edwards. 
Laurens stops just outside the clearing, glancing over his shoulder as he grips both of Hamilton’s hands in his, bringing them up to his lips to press a kiss to each of his knuckles before lowering them at their sides. Hamilton grasps hold of one of Laurens’s hands in his as he reaches to cup Laurens’s cheek with the other, standing on his toes to steal a quick, chaste kiss before releasing him. Laurens sighs and pulls a miniature portrait of him and places it in Hamilton’s palm. He smiles softly as he meets Hamilton’s glittery eyes. Hamilton blinks, swallowing. 
“Here,” Laurens sighs. “Just in case.” 
Hamilton nods. “O-Okay...Okay...Thank you....Jack...you...you better...you better get going.” 
Laurens nods in agreement as he pushes Hamilton out into the clearing with his hand resting on the small of his back. Once Laurens comes into view, he instantly drops his hand and stands stiff and soldierly, narrowing his eyes at Lee. Laurens whispers quietly in Hamilton’s ear, “I love you, my dear boy.” 
Hamilton whimpers. swallowing thickly as he lets out a shaky breath. “I love you too, my dear Jack.” 
Edwards walks up to Laurens with the box, well it looks more like a wooden chest, the lid popped open to reveal a pistol inside. Only one remains inside meaning the second one must have been taken by none other than General Charles Lee. Laurens ticks his eyes towards Hamilton, who watches him anxiously, letting out nervous and shaky breaths with pure fear in his eyes, 
Laurens ticks his eyes back to the chest, staring down at the pistol. He presses his lips together, glancing at Hamilton one last time before snatching the pistol from the chest. Edwards snaps it shut and nervously fidgets on his heels as he stands between Laurens and Lee, watching the two readying thier pistols. 
Once the two have loaded their pistols. the two jerk their heads up sharply at the same time as Hamilton and Edwards discuss the course of action a few feet away. General Lee smiles cunningly. 
“Lieutenant Colonel,” General Lee hisses. 
Laurens scowls. “General Lee.” 
“I do hope your precious General has heed my warning,” General Lee says. 
Laurens doesn’t answer as General Lee merely chuckles, clicking his teeth as he shakes his head. Laurens stiffens as he turns to Hamilton and Edwards. 
“What do you see in him?” General Lee says, turning back to Laurens. He turns back to the two again. “Hamilton?” 
Laurens stiffens at the mention of his Alexander’s name and tightens his hold on his pistol. Laurens doesn’t say anything, He just grits his teeth behind his closed lips and sets his jaw, growling. 
“A mysterious boy, don’t you think?” General Lee hums. 
More silence. 
A bit louder now, General Lee clears his throat. “I call a proposal!” 
Hamilton and Edwards stop chatting and quickly whip thier heads over their shoulders with surprise, glancing at each other before back at General Lee and Laurens. 
“I propose we advance upon each other,” General Lee says. “And fire at what time and distance he feels proper.” 
Hamilton and Edwards glances at each other, both seeming extremly nervous and worried and anxious, turn towards Laurens now. Laurens thinks about this suggestion for a moment, before expressing his own preferences and agreeing accordingly. 
Hamilton swallows as he and Edwards step two paces back as General Lee and Laurens stand back to back with their pistols raised, cocked, loaded and ready. Laurens closes his eyes before opening them again, staring at the barrel of his pistol. 
Edwards commands, “The duel will now commence.” 
Hamilton breathes in sharply, closing his eyes as he silently prays for Laurens’s safety. With their backs facing each other, Laurens and General Lee march six paces away from each other before both spinning around on their heels sharply and aiming their pistols directly at each other. 
Hamilton screams, “No!” at the same time the shot is fired with a sudden bang. Hamilton sucks in a breath and holds it as he hears General Lee cry out, “I’ve been shot!” 
Hamilton bites back a choke sob of releif as his puffs out a breath, visibily relaxing when he sees Laurens still standing, bringing his pistol to his lips and blows out the smoke from the barrel, grinning with triumph. 
General Lee grunts as he’s being hoisted by Edwards, one arm around Edwards’s shoulders while Edwards’s arm remains tight around General Lee’s waist. 
“The wound is inconsiderable,” General Lee barks, trying to shoo Edwards off. “I wish to fire a second time.” 
“No!” Both Hamilton and Edwards both bark, thier voices made clear that it is done. 
Hamilton rushes forward, tears with relief already springing to his eyes. He yanks the pistol away from Laurens’s hand and slams it back in place before forcefully dragging Laurens back towards the woods. 
Laurens opens his mouth to protest but is cut off short when he feel something agaisnt his cheek. A sharp noise could be heard like a crack when a branch is being snapped in half. Laurens’s head swivers to the side. He stares at the white blanket of snow before them, blinking with surprise and shock before cradling his cheek and gaping at Hamilton. 
“Never do that again!” Hamilton bellows, a hand on his hip as he jabs a finger at Laurens, pure anger in his eyes.
Laurens couldn’t help but chuckle as he puts both hands up, trying to calm Hamilton as he paces back and forth. 
“No! I don’t  want to hear it! You’re never going to challenge anyone to a duel ever again!” Hamilton cries. “Ever!” A pause. “Under no circumstances!” 
“No! You’re coming with me, sir!” Hamilton hisses, grabbing Laurens’s elbow and dragging him back towards headquarters. “Nearly gave me a goddamned heart-attack. What the hell were you thinking?! Wanting another round of fire?! One shot should be good enough and make full of your satisfactory considering where General Lee had been hit! My God, Laurens! You’re going to be the death of me! You and your brash recklessness! I fucking swear.” 
Laurens just chuckles, rolling his eyes as he shakes his head as he lets Hamilton drag him back to headquarters. 
Sometimes, Laurens wonders just how he managed to end up with a man like Hamilton. 
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