#but like in dr i never felt this way towards kang even though he was objectively way worse
lamonnaie · 10 months
kinda random but phuwin has the rich (somewhat asshole) vibe and look down too well 😭😭
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aboutzatanna · 1 year
Hey, remember that JLU episode titled ‘The Once And Future Thing: Weird Western Tales’ where a couple of JL members ended up stranded in the old West thanks to time travel?  
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Well, turns out there was a comic book very similar to it written by Gerry Conway with art by Don Heck but starring a different set of JL members which may or may not have been the inspiration for the episode:   
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The episode was written by the late Dwayne McDuffie who was no stranger to writing in references to older comics. For instance, the two parter ‘Brave and the Bold’ Flash’s hallucinations were references to various Silver Age Flash comic covers and he was also very open about the fact that the line up for the Terra Beyond two parter was based on Marvel comics Defenders (no not the Netflix team, the one with Namor and Dr Strange). Even the episode title itself, ‘Weird Western Tales’ is a reference to the long running anthology series of the same name featuring DC’s western characters. 
The story arc in the comics ran from Justice League of America Vol 1 #198-199.     
While it’s hard to conclusively say that the episode was inspired by the comic, there are some interesting similarities like Batlash’s introduction here:   
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I posted Zatanna’s meeting with Cinnamon earlier in another post but here is a little excerpt:  
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Interesting to note that one of the goons calls her an ‘Eastern Filly’ (is it because of the way she was dressed or a subtle hint that she is not 100% Caucasian?).  The heroes and their new Western cowboy friends all meet at a Saloon: 
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Then they all ride off on horses out of town to confront the villain and of course, faces robot cowboys:   
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The differences begin with the choice of the time travelling villain, the comic went with classic JL villain: the Lord of Time:   
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JLU went with David Clinton, aka Chronos. He’s a different villain who is primarily the enemy of the Atom/Ray Palmer but has also fought the JL on occasion.   
The Lord of Time on the other hand, is a conqueror from the future who travelled back in time with future technology to conquer the past and rule the future. Sound familiar? He was Kang before Kang.  Since JLU’s version of Chronos comes from the future, you could make a case that version is a combination Chronos and Lord of Time.   
Then of course,  there is the line up, the comic features Zatanna, Elongated Man, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan whereas the show features Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern.  Superman also appears trying to thwart the Lord of Time in the present day.     
On the Western heroes side, we got Diablo instead of Cinnamon and Scalphunter is replaced by Pow Wow Smith (and it only takes a cursory glance at the characters wikipedia pages to see why the socially conscious Dwayne McDuffie made that choice).   
The plot of the JLU episode involved a corrupt sheriff using future technology to take over the town but the plot of the comic is a little different. The Lord of Time sent the heroes back in time, erased their memories, because an anti matter meteor was set to strike earth on that day.   The LoT is counting on the heroes to stop the meteor so he can have it for himself so he can use it to conquer the world.  (Why he doesn’t just get the meteor himself? Maybe he didn’t have the technology to?) 
Anyway, the heroes learn about the anti matter meteor heading towards them, Zatanna is reluctant to leave her new found cowgirl girlfriend with her friends to fight the robots:
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But she ends up going anyway:   
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Can I just say, I really like this shot of Zee and Green Lantern flying together? Even though she is depowered during this period, they never really stuck strictly to the ‘she can only manipulate the elements’ ethos.  Having her flying alongside GL and being unabashed powerhouse is really cool and shows her place among the DCU. There is no ‘she has to be taken out so someone else can shine’ bs here.  Also, reading these comics, I have felt that GL makes the most sense as the field leader of the JL; power based on creativity and will power and they are specifically trained to work together and take on strange extra terrestrial or otherwise threats. I think any of the human GL’s (except maybe Guy) can lead the team.  
Zatanna and GL  manage to stop the meteor. But in present timeline the Lord of Time ends up defeated by Superman (early on he got in a kryptonite trap set by the LoT but managed to escape) just as the time trapped Leaguers make their way back.      
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Awww, a krytonite waterfall wasn’t that bad, Clark.    
Overall, the issue was alright. It does feel like placeholder (albeit a fun one) before the big #200 celebration issue (I posted some scans from that here). Come to think of it, the episode came off as filler as well, with the Western parts feeling like a fun romp and ultimately inconsequential to the arcs of the main heroes but the follow up portion set in the Batman Beyond timeline was more impactful and memorable.   
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mischievous-scamps · 3 years
Loki season 1 (Spoilers)
My thoughts after watching episode 6:
what did I even watch
didn’t really feel like an episode finale, more like a filler where they just give you some information
the KISS - i almost threw up
i do not approve
when I said I wanted Loki to love and accept himself I DID NOT MEAN LITERALLY
I kinda like Kang tho, the actor did a really good job
Thoughts about the show:
it was a good show, although, it wasn’t my favourite out of the three we’ve been given.
They kind of butchered Loki’s character when Sylvie came in. 
He was kind of useless in some scenes 
the relationship between Loki and Sylvie just proves how desperate they were for Loki to have a love interest which he really doesn’t need, he needs like 500 hours of therapy. 
She was the only ‘female’ Loki variant out of all the other variants which separates her from the rest and make her seem less like a Loki.
They could’ve picked any other Loki variant instead of Sylvie, like kid Loki, classic Loki, cough President Loki cough, but instead they chose her.
She never talked about Thor like the others did, because that would remind the viewers that Thor is her brother too and that she is a Loki.
I wanted them to have a chaotic sibling relationship like they did in episode 3. 
I’m not sure how I feel about Sylvie. 
I understand how she felt and why she did it
she was orphaned and hunted by these guys and Kang was the one behind it all so of course she wanted revenge
not sure if that was the best decision though
I love the dynamic between loki and mobius 
they have great chemistry and kind of completes each other in a weird way lol
wandavision and tfatws had more depth and i wanted to see the same thing here but kind of didn’t.
I wanted to see a lot more development of Loki’s powers, which we did in like 1 episode and then that was kind of it. 
I liked the show because it will lead up to multiverse of madness (poor dr. strange, man works too hard) 
and we got to see some character development from Loki
Going from trying to take over an entire planet to admitting he doesn’t want a throne is a very big step for him
the actors did a fantastic job in this show and I send them all my love and support
Tom Hiddleston really loves Loki  and he wants other to see the depth of his character, which is really awesome
I can’t wait for season 2 :)
These are just my thoughts and opinions about the show, please respect them. If you do not agree with any of them and want to argue for your opinion, please do so in a respectful manner. 
Also, i will not accept any slander towards any of the actors, they all did amazing jobs. Remember, the actors aren’t the characters
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Violent Delights: One
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Violent Delights
(In collaboration with @jooniescupcakes​)
Genre: Horror, Suspense, & Psychological Thriller
Pairings: Gang!Jimin x reader ; BTS x Reader
Sypnosis:“These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume.”
Release Date: Sept 29, 2020 @ 8 p.m. (GMT-4)
Word Count: 9.2k
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Author's Note: It's finally here! Almost a year in the works, but Violent Delights The Series is finally kicking off. Thank you for all the love, support, as well as critiques the one-shot received. I hope this re-telling can both capture and surpass the twisted charm of the original. I would like to thank Min (@jooniescupcakes) for helping me outline and plot the story and for contributing. I greatly appreciate it. This story will be darker, gore-y, and a lot more twisted than the original. So strap in & happy early Halloween! Trigger Warning: This story contains subject matter not appropriate for all ages. This story contains mental illness, emotional, physical, and mental abuse; as well as abuse of power, manipulation, and toxic relationships. All of which play a big part in this story. It is never my intention to sensationalize or spread misinformation about mental disorders, please take the "medicine" used in this story with a grain of salt. Links to helplines can be found in the navigation of my blog. Lastly, this is a work of fiction and does not portray the character of Bangtan Sonyeondan.
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The door slammed shut harshly as Hanbin rushed to bolt it locked, by his side, he tugged an inconsolable YN through the small house. There was very little time until she arrived. He maneuvered his way through the piles of old dirty clothes, the children had long become accustomed to the stench coming from the kitchen, the dust, and grime that covered their home. It’s why no one came over. Not that anyone was allowed over. In the center of the room framed on the wall shined a family portrait mockingly. Hanbin was short for his age, just eight years old, but it allowed him to navigate through small openings and hide in tight spaces. It was a survival tactic.
“Shh, YN. You need to calm down. She’ll be here soon.”
“i-I wuh-wanted to help, Binnie. She was hurt -”
Hanbin pulled on his sister a little too harshly trying to draw her attention, it caused her lower lip to quiver as she tried to hold the tears back. That wouldn’t do she didn’t like it when they cried. “Helping people only gets you into trouble.” Outside, the slamming of a car door could be heard. Quickly Hanbin located the small broom closet and helped YN inside. The jiggling of the doorknob was barely above a whisper, but it rang as loud as the fire alarm in the children’s heads. YN began to hyperventilate knowing what was coming even if she didn’t truly understand why. 
“It’s okay,” Hanbin rubs her cheek affectionately. “Just stay inside, be quiet, and don’t try to help.” Just like that he closed the door and locked it. He silently hoped YN hadn’t skipped lunch that day. YN cowered under the old headboards, her only company the dusty cleaning products and cobwebs, the second the screaming started she covered her ears and closed her eyes.
“Miss YN?” The nurse’s bright pink scrubs served as a strong contrast to the muted tones of the rest of the building. YN cast a glance around she was likely the youngest person there, but everyone around her shared a similar air of ennui that YN had long grown to associate with doctor’s offices. Slowly she stood up following the nurse as she guided her through what appeared to be an endless labyrinth of doors. After stopping abruptly the nurse turns around and smiles though it’s evidently rehearsed. “Don’t be nervous, Dr. Kang is one of the best doctors here.” How many times hadn’t she heard that before? YN offers the nurse a smile making sure it is wide enough to crinkle the corners of her eyes. That seems to suffice the woman enough for her to finally knock on the door.
Dr. Kang Daniel was certainly young for his profession, but that provided some relief for YN. It would be nice not to spend almost an hour with someone that looked to have been around when Freud was. “Please take a seat.” He gestures over to a chair in front of the desk and YN notices there is little decoration around the room. It’s also missing a clock, but thankfully she sees Kang is wearing one. YN notes the time: 5:36 pm. Forty-three more minutes to go. 
“I apologize that we’re going to have to go through all of this, but its procedure.” He lightly shakes the file in his hand. Most doctors operated digitally now, so that stood out.
“It’s fine.”
“Let’s get to it then. Why are you here YN?”
They went over the usual things and YN was quickly growing a bit bored, her eyes danced around the room as she did find it very strange that it seemed so vacant for a personal office. “Bored?” Her eyes snapped back to his, Kang wearing an unreadable expression. “I apologize for the lack of decor. I recently moved offices, so this will be my last day here.” YN frowned, “I thought I was to be your new patient.” Kang nods, “Yes, but our sessions will be held in my consultation. It’s closer to downtown so you might save yourself the trip.” How does he know I live closer to downtown? Perhaps seeing the further furrowing of her brow Kang speaks once more. “Unless you live far from downtown?” YN shakes her head feeling the tension leave her body just a bit.
Slowly he closes the file and leans forward, resting on his elbows. “I know this isn’t the most comfortable environment. I also know how jarring transfers can be and that they can halt any sort of process…” YN zones out of the conversation having heard it a thousand times since she was eleven years old. The rambling tends to have the same conclusion every single time.
‘I want us to be friends.’
“I want us to be friends or something similar. I know there are some barriers and guidelines in our relationship, but don’t think they aren’t malleable. I’m here if you need me.” 
YN mulls over what might serve as an appropriate response, aware that taking too long might ruin the pseudo-friendly atmosphere and she doesn’t want to have any more problems with psychiatrists. “Thank you, Dr. Kang. I’m sorry I’m just a bit nervous.” The sheepish smile that follows afterward is enough to convince Kang. Perhaps he isn’t a bad man but YN has encountered his type far too often: those striving to make a difference. Always trying to make things better. Always trying to help. 
“No one will help us, YN. No one cares about us.”
“So let’s move onto your family YN -”
“Actually I wanted to ask you about my medication.” Kang seemed surprised at her interruption but encouraged her to continue. “Dr. Lee only gave me enough medication to last the transfer, so I’m almost out.”
“That won’t be a problem. I’ll be taking you off the medication for a short time anyway.” What? Kang’s attention was now on his computer, not bothering to look at YN in the eye. “I need to run some tests and in order to do that your system has to be clean.” 
YN hadn’t been off her medication for a long time. Sure the dosage varied depending on the treatment, but going completely off was unheard of. Especially so soon. “Don’t worry,” Kang smiled. “There shouldn’t be any potential side effects and if there is I’ll give you my private number. In case of emergencies.” What was supposed to be a soothing smile only unnerved YN even more. YN nodded once more though she felt her anxiety begin to swell up in her stomach. Her heart rate speeding up, but YN knew a panic attack wouldn’t do her any favors. It would make her look like an addict and they would lock her up for sure. It’s only a matter of time. Now that the issue had been cleared Kang cleared his throat, “Now what I was saying about your family -” 
YN stood up abruptly thankful the minute hand had finally landed one above the four. “It’s 6:19 our time is up.” She gestures towards his wristwatch and an annoyed look masks his face before it went just as quickly as it came. “It appears so.” His hand covers the watch in a motion that could hardly be described as casual. Kang waves her off, “It was a pleasure meeting you, YN. I’ll schedule the tests for Friday and I’ll see you Wednesday.”
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“In other news….updates...gang violence…”
YN wandered through the aisles looking for inspiration or something to satisfy her cravings. In her hand lay open her phone just so she wouldn’t have to keep making eye contact with the older woman behind the cash register. The employee peered at her as if YN was one of the dangerous criminals the news anchors droned on about.  YN keeps looking over the message her social worker sent her: you have to be there at least a month before I could put in a transfer request. When YN bent down to read the label, she felt the woman lean over the counter. YN rolled her eyes and picked up the packaged bulgogi before grabbing a sports drink and a small fruit salad.
Once she saw YN was an actual paying customer, not a shoplifter, the woman’s expression changed. Her smile far too gleeful for this time of night. “Will that be all, dear?” Her voice too high to be sincere. Nonetheless, YN nods and forces a polite smile on her face. Even wishes the woman a safe night for extra measure. Before YN could walk out of the store, the woman responds with her own form of goodnight. “I would be careful walking home tonight. There’s been a lot of crime recently.”
 It is a bit cruel that the second YN exits the store and turns a corner someone begins to follow her. She becomes aware of it instantly, her senses having been trained from a young age to pick up on the small imperceptible changes. Instinct was not to be ignored. The wind became thicker and the streets a little too quiet. YN wouldn’t look up, but if she did, surely there would be storm clouds looming. Don’t acknowledge him. Just keep walking. People like that enjoyed prey. The game. No one wanted to face off against a predator being one. Unless this was a different kind of predator then YN really ought to call the police. For once she was thankful for the pocketknife stored in the inner pocket of her jacket but disappointed that her pepper spray remained stashed in her bag.
Her groceries hung heavy on her arm, but YN was too far from home to attempt to sprint. So she would have to wait it out, YN could take a few punches. Surely whoever it was would become tired after following her for too long. By the time YN had walked ten blocks, she realized that was not the case. The person was still behind her, though there wasn’t much that she could tell much about the person. They were likely taller and considering their persistence they were a threat.
YN could pick up distantly on the booming bass that likely came from one of the many clubs scattered downtown. It meant she was near her house, that she could likely get home. The houses looked familiar she was probably not too far from home. Hope began to swell in her chest until another idea dawned on her. That’s exactly what they want. If the person had followed her this far they wanted to see where she lived. Abruptly YN turned left towards the direction of the main street, she was likely in a back alley of some sort but the bass only got louder so that helped propel her forward.
Towards the center of the alley, YN saw three figures huddled over on the ground. She was too far off to hear what they were saying, but based on their movements it seemed mocking in nature. YN wasn’t able to decipher what was occurring until it was far too late. A man is wriggling on the ground while bleeding profusely from the side of his head while two men stand above him. Blood is spattered on both walls and their clothes are covered in it. There no longer was a presence behind her the real danger now lay in front. In the form of a tall raven-haired man and a slightly shorter blonde - the latter of which YN made eye contact with.
YN bolts down the alleyway in the opposite direction aware that the blonde is hot on her tails. As she rounds a corner she feels him catching up to her right on her before he abruptly slows down. He doesn’t want the chase to end.
YN counts the streets aware she’s nearing her apartment but isn’t about to lead him straight to her doorstep. In her peripheral, she sees one of the neighboring buildings which contains a doorman stationed there twenty-four hours. YN uses the last bit of her strength to push through the glass doors tumbling at the steps, but the doorman is there to catch her. “Miss, is everything alright?” YN turns around to catch a glimpse, but there’s no one behind her. Though she does note something disappointing: her groceries are gone.
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When YN unlocked her apartment door she felt this immediate wave of tranquility hit her. It had taken a while to convince the doorman not to contact the police, she didn't want to be in bigger trouble, but the man had finally agreed after stating he would walk her back home. Once in the lobby, she took the stairs just to be safe. Quickly, she turned around securing all three locks, and headed straight for the bathroom. YN never understood the sentiment behind showers helping unwind, then again she never spent enough time under the water to allow for that. Baths weren't a treat - they were a utility. Like most utilities YN didn't have a lot of available growing up, so she learned to adapt.
Still, it was long enough to let her mind wander to everything that had occurred today. YN wasn't quite sure about how she felt about Dr. Kang, he unnerved her in a way other doctor's hadn't before. Then there was the issue regarding her medication: YN hadn't been unmedicated since she was eleven and that was a time she didn't want to go back to. Then there was the person that may have followed her and the man that definitely did. My head hurts. She rinsed herself and shut the water off, drying herself quickly with her towel. The chase had been real, too real, everything in YN's body had reacted instinctively once she met his eyes. Those dark eyes that had pierced into hers. The blonde man wasn't just chasing YN - he was hunting her down.
But what about the other person? YN hadn’t seen them, but she had felt them trailing after her. However, why would someone do that and especially for so long? The blonde man had only really tracked YN down for two blocks, but even then it felt shorter. The other person simply observed her. Didn’t do anything. Was there even someone there? YN glanced up, catching her reflection in the foggy mirror. The mist had dispersed in some sections, but not others so the only thing she could see were parts of her face. Faltering in her step, she walked forward and pulled the mirror open. Grabbing the white-labeled bottle with her name printed on it.
Habin sits atop the bathroom sink balancing himself. One of his hands gripping tightly to the side to not slip. This has to be done quickly before she gets back from the store. YN holds his legs or attempts to, while Habin finally manages to grab the bottle. “Is it this one?” He sticks his hand out for YN to see. The young girl squints her eyes, “Are they blue and little?” Hanbin looks through the orange tint of the bottle before nodding. “I think so.”
“Do they smell like fruits?”
“I can’t open the bottle YN. I don’t know if they smell like fruit.”
YN nods and Habin notes how hollowed out her face has become. Once round and plump, full of life, now looks as frail as his. “I think those are the ones.” Habin closes the medicine cabinet and cautiously jumps off, the medicine bottle still tight in his hands. “Why does she give them to you?” YN can note the confusion in her brother’s face, she was confused before too. “She says I need them to go to sleep. They help me sleep.” Habin stays quiet before in the blink of an eye he throws the pill bottle against the wall, breaking the seal causing all the pills to spill all over the floor.
“Bin why did you do that?! I need -”
“No! You don’t need anything YN. You aren’t sick, she's just lying to you!” Habin screamed in frustration. He could see the tears starting to well up in YN’s eyes and he felt regret pool in his stomach. “Please YN. You aren’t sick. We aren’t sick. Okay?”
YN took a deep breath, the way her brother had shown her would help stop the tears, the inside of her cheek was bitten harshly until her throat cleared up. “Okay.”
YN looks at the white bottle in her hand considering taking the medicine despite what Kang said. It would just be one more. Just to calm her down. To make sure that what happened tonight wasn't a side effect of going off so quickly. Her hand twisted the bottle cap, but instead of grabbing one and placing it in her mouth, she headed towards the toilet flushing them all away. Though she might not agree with his treatment plans Dr.Kang was a professional and surely knew more than she did. Plus, YN couldn't afford to be transferred again; her social worker might drop her altogether. It’s just until the blood work is completed.
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“Unfortunately Miss YN, we won’t be able to conduct any tests until your insurance approves it.”
YN paces around her apartment, phone in hand. “I understand but my doctor ordered it. It’s necessary in order for him to treat me.”
“It appears that the necessary paperwork hasn’t been sent over to the insurance company. At least not enough to justify the exams. You can go through with them, but it will have to be out of pocket.”
YN sighs, running her hand through her hair as the nurse lists off the prices for each exam. A knock disrupts her causing YN to glance at the door questioningly, no one in her building would ever knock on her door. Looking through the peephole, she sees the manager and doesn't know if that makes her relieved or tenser. "I'm sorry can you just give me a minute?" YN speaks to the phone and mutes it, just to be safe. Upon opening the door, a brown bag is shoved in her face.
“Sorry to interrupt dear, some boy left this for you downstairs.”
Just as quickly as he came, the manager leaves. YN quickly shuts the door and locks it, before hanging up the call. The bag looks simple enough though YN hadn’t ordered anything in the past couple of days. Cautiously she opens it and the horror that spreads through her body is instantaneous. In the bag are her groceries from last night, but with minor changes: The red energy drink is now blue, the fruit salad is replaced with regular salad, and instead of bulgogi it is kimchi now. Though it isn’t the food that upsets YN, but rather the pink sticky note placed on top.
To replace everything you lost ;)
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Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Staying locked inside her apartment for the following days seemed like a smart choice. There was someone out there who knew where she lived. What she looked like. YN was used to being preyed upon, but this was a different game. Not one she was accustomed to. There were enough faded white lines and healed over bones to evidence that she was a survivor. That time and time again YN had faced against monsters and gotten out alive. The thing that terrified her about this monster - was how different he was. She kept waiting for the tall blonde man to show up one night: looming over her whilst she slept, crouching in a dark corner of the room. Lurking behind the shower curtain.
YN wasn’t able to sleep, didn’t bathe, and had thrice rearranged the room so there was no furniture to hide behind. Her paranoia was through the roof and it didn’t help that it had been the first time YN was off her medication for an extended amount of time. Which was bound to be causing more problems than she was aware of, or would like to acknowledge. The cycle continued until on her fourth day, sick of the grime, YN picked up the phone and dialed Dr.Kang’s office. Hoping to resolve the issue and be back on medication as soon as possible.
“Unfortunately, Dr. Kang isn’t in the office today. However, I can schedule a house call”
She hung up, not even bothering to respond to the secretary on the other line. If YN would have allowed herself a moment to feel anything except for fear - sympathy would've been felt for the probably nice young woman she had just hung up on. Maybe I can just sleep until my next appointment. Sleep it all away. So YN crawled into her bed, the covers lie somewhere on the floor. Exhaustion taking over as she drifted off to sleep.
It should've been easier to tell her childhood room apart from all the ones she had before. It had the most personality; if stickers on the wall, old pencil marks, and deteriorating plaster counted. Most of them hadn't even been done by her, but rather Habin in time before her. It created a sense of normalcy in YN's life that didn't exist elsewhere. Of course, her safe haven didn't last long, the hole in the wall right near the bed frame was proof enough. YN couldn't remember the last time she had dreamt, the medication helped with the nightmares, now she stood curled in a ball in the center of the room. The way she would always get once she heard the heavy footsteps approach the hallway.
YN had long learned to tell the different patter of the weathered old sneakers. Heavy stomps that scraped against the wood meant she was going to be screamed at. Rhythmic ones that were heavier on the heel, than the toes meant they might get dinner. While footsteps that dragged meant YN would be getting ignored. It was the ones she didn't hear. When the hallway was so quiet that all YN could hear was the sound of her breathing and the fear rushing through her tiny body - those were the steps she feared. Those were typically followed by the gentle, yet suspenseful pushing of her bedroom door. It didn't have a knob. There was no escape.
YN expected to peer up and see the tall large figure that always tormented her. The thick thighs, rounded hips, a bulbous stomach that spoke of all the meals she'd had - all the ones her children hadn't - and her face. It was much like YN's though much more feminine, older, and eyes devoid of life. It had always stood out to YN when she was a child, though she was certain that if she were to look in a mirror now YN would be the spitting image of her mother. Instead of her birth giver stood a man.
His face was angular, rounded cheeks, and sharp eyes highlighted by thick brows. His lips appeared full as if they were meant for bright large smiles, but it was obvious from the man’s expression he rarely did. There was something strangely familiar about him. An amalgamation of someone she knew and her own imagination, filling in the blank spaces. He looked like her, yet not at all. Tears welled in her eyes, “Bin?” Then he morphed. Now slightly taller, more weight to his frame. A rounded face with hooded eyes, the corner of his lips were tilted upwards in a way that was full of mirth. Dr. Kang faded as quickly as he came.
Now all she saw was a silhouette. Despite being mostly obscured, she could at least tell it was a man. He was lean yet muscular. His body was sharply defined in a way that seemed deliberate. Facial features were obscured, but YN was certain he was glaring at her in a way that caused goosebumps to rise all over her body. Plump pink lips parted moving slowly, tauntingly, but no sound exited them. Only by the smirk formed afterward could she tell their salacious nature. He stepped forward drawing closer to her, but the way he moved was inhumane. It wasn't a walk. But a predator's crawl towards her. Now he was finally in the light, entirely visible but all YN could focus on was the blonde mop of hair atop his head. When he pounced, she screamed.
YN awoke covered in sweat, her hair matted against her forehead and neck. She could still taste the saltiness of her tears and when she finally managed to breathe a sob tore out. Get out! Get out! Get out! If she remained locked inside her apartment for one more second, YN was going to reach her breaking point. Quickly she hopped in the shower before throwing on the first thing she saw and grabbing her wallet. YN didn’t know where she was headed, but her body acted on its own. Locking the apartment door before racing towards the stairs, dashing down all seven floors with little care if she tripped. Perhaps a silent part of her wished she did, it would put her out of her misery.
The lobby of her apartment building, if it could even be called that, was always empty. Never a soul in sight to guard the door, even though YN was sure part of her rent went towards security. Not to mention the intercom system, which allowed people to be buzzed in, hadn't worked for several weeks. It was something she was always acutely aware of but pushed towards the back of her mind. Wouldn't do her any favors to obsess over something she had no control over. Now walking through the desolate lobby out into the night - it was all she could think about. He was all she could think about.
YN took a deep breath and opened the glass doors sneakily peeking towards the sides and being thankful when she noted nothing great. Now where to? She wouldn't go very far nor somewhere unknown. It was reckless to be out so late and would be a death wish to try and enter city life. Gang violence was on the rise and YN didn't fancy herself prepared to face off against someone. So, YN went to the one place that felt familiar no matter what. The convenience store was a fifteen-minute walk, but she took the bus. The original plan was to sit towards the back, where she could see everything, but it wasn't empty. An elderly woman, far too frail-looking to be out this late, sat in the center. Whilst three boys huddled over sat in the back, they must have felt her eyes on them. As one of them - the one in the black beanie - stopped his conversation and turned slightly. Before they could make eye contact YN looked away and sat down.
“Which one do you want?” Habin asked as they stared at the ice cream truck. He had counted the cents twice making sure they had enough. “Hm,” YN eye’s glanced all over the various images glued onto the truck. She already knew what she wanted but had long learned that taking your time was important - not too much though. “Mint choco.” Habin grimaced, disgust evident on his face. “Come on YN. We have to share it. Why can’t we get something I like for a change?” He whined, it was only ice cream but it was the only food Habin was likely to have all day. “Okay, let’s get chocolate then.” YN didn’t really care, she wasn’t planning on eating. Habin had sacrificed enough meals to feed her, an ice cream was the least she could do.
As she steps into the cold building, a small bell chimed to signal her entrance, alerting a young employee near the cashier. 
“Welcome!” The boy smiles, wide and welcoming, handing her a basket,
YN didn’t respond. She walks towards the back, looking for some of her usual snacks, and before long, her basket was filled to the brim with all sorts of colorful foods, and she headed towards the till to pay, grimacing under the weight pulling at her arm. As she pulls out her purse, a soft chime catches her attention, making her glance at the door quickly, before trailing her eyes back. A familiar head of blonde flashes in her mind immediately, and despite herself, she found herself clenching her purse tightly, feeling her palms become clammy with sweat. What were the odds..?
“Is that all?” the cheery voice of the employee breaks her out of her trance as she nods back firmly, unable to push aside the nervous feeling from seeing the person walk in. Quickly weighing the options as she sees him bag all her groceries, she forces the question out before she can stop herself.
“Could you...walk me to the bus station?” Her voice was awkward and tight from keeping quiet most of the day, and she internally winced at the confused expression the other gave her.
“Are you..” he pauses, eyeing her carefully, “is someone trying to hurt you?” 
YN doesn’t know what to say. Could she tell him what she saw? Fortunately, she didn’t have to reply. The boy - Kai, as it said on his tag - seemed to assume her pause was a yes. Excusing himself, he disappears behind the counter, and within a moment, hushed voices coming from there. Something was unnerving about standing there alone with the blonde, chilling her to the bone, knowing she was faced away and he could pounce at any moment. As soon as the terrifying thoughts crept in, Kai stepped back out. He takes her bag and silently leads her out the glass doors, warm, still air hitting her face the minute she left the building. They walk side by side silently, and YN could only count her steps as she got closer and closer to the station.
Her steps quicken when she sees the familiar structure, tall gray pillars, and a few large buses waiting. Kai keeps up with her as well, not bothered by the bag that seemed to drag her down, looking around carefully. 
“Thank you.”
He smiles, what she initially assumed to be his practiced ‘customer service’ smile seemed a little more genuine now. Or maybe he was just very good at it - she wasn’t sure. She takes back the plastic bag, letting herself get used to the additional weight before turning to board the bus. 
“Have a safe trip home!” The boy calls out, making her look back.
YN was expecting to see him with his blinding smile, but something eerier catches her eye. The young employee was standing a few steps away from her, and behind him, dangerously close, was the blonde man from before. Her mouth goes dry as she notices his dark gaze fixated on her hand that held the railing inside, something else in them as he cocked an eyebrow. He almost looked as if he was questioning her, asking what she would do now that he was close, much closer, and positioned to attack the boy. Realizing he must have followed her all the way, she felt her heart rate pick up as she found herself rapidly staring between Kai and the perpetrator, the choices dawning on her. She had to choose to leave Kai behind, or possibly die with him. 
She felt her heart drop at the calm expression on the boy's face, not noticing the danger he was in, she knew he was young, but watching him now, she only just realized how young. He was so young, so innocent, with a whole life ahead of him - but because of some unfortunate circumstance, an unforeseeable future, he would have to throw everything away. 
But if she stayed for him, so would she. She would have to give up everything she had struggled for, while in any circumstance, the blonde would kill Kai, regardless of whether she chose to stay or not. However, she could spare her own life. She couldn’t convince Kai to get on with her without alarming the man, but she could save her own life. After everything she had gone through, trouble was the last thing YN needed. Even if it meant someone else had to suffer alone, she had to stay safe. She found herself holding back hot tears as she quickly ducked into a lonely seat, refusing to look back, still clenching the cheap plastic in one hand and forcing herself not to look back as the tears freely slid down her cheeks. 
‘Helping people only gets you into trouble. You do whatever it takes to survive.’
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           “They tell me you’ve missed the appointment I had set up.”
           YN is noticeably tense as she sits in the blue velvet mid-century, her nails digging into the denim fabric of her jeans. “The insurance wasn’t notified,” her tone was clipped. Lower with a slight tremble to it as if it were about to break, but never really did. “I also needed a referral.” Dr. Kang frowned, glancing back down at the file before looking at YN questioningly. “That’s strange. I told my secretary to handle all the paperwork. I even told Joy to hand you the referral.” Seeing the confused expression on his patient’s face, he shrugged. “My apologies, Joy must have forgotten.” The smile he shoots her is sincere, or at least looks so, YN has no reason to doubt him any further on this matter.
Her posture slackens somewhat but given everything that has happened these past few days she finds it difficult to truly relax. YN feels that she is tethering at the edge of a breakdown, but that if she were to fall it would only make her circumstances worsen. There is something that has been bothering her though, how pacified everything has been as of late. The blonde man knew where she lived, he'd likely overheard her name as well, yet nothing had happened. Even Kang, with his cold calculating eyes, had not commented on her odd behavior the last session or how worse she had seemed to get after only being off her medication for a week. Why can’t I figure them out?
           “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to assign you any new medication until I have the results from the bloodwork. However, I do want to know how you’ve been feeling lately.” Kang crossed his legs, leaning forward in his seat. “Have you been experiencing any side effects or withdrawals? Anything I should know about?”
There was a glint in his eyes as he spoke, one that warned YN that he may know more than he lets on. As if the man sitting in front of her was single-handedly responsible for everything that had occurred to her recently. "Normal things…" I am being stalked by a homicidal maniac. “Migraines, low blood pressure…” I keep having vivid flashbacks that only serve to increase my paranoia. “Sometimes I dissociate a bit.” Most importantly, doctor, I had a nightmare where you were about to kill me. “And trouble sleeping.” YN looked towards the ceiling, feigning as if she were in deep thought. “I think that’s it.”
Kang Daniel looked affronted as if she had not given a sufficient enough answer. Hadn't given him the answers he wanted. "I see." His eyes darted towards her hands, which had been tightly intertwined on her lap - immediately she relaxes them. When their eyes meet once more she levels with him. YN knows there is no point in engaging with Kang, that is exactly what he wants. To pry. Dig deep. Learn of all her secrets and who knows what else. He won’t win. I’m safe here. YN had suffered too great a loss yesterday, she was determined to win this game.
           “I had time to go over your file YN. There’s a lot to discuss, but I would prefer to dive right in if you don’t mind.”
           “Very well,” She’d upset him. YN wasn’t even truly aware of what she’d specifically done, but it seemed to matter very little. “It states here you’ve been diagnosed with a personality disorder - at quite a young age too.
           “I was ten.” YN’s voice is muted. Her mind blank.
           “Do you agree with this diagnosis?” YN shrugs, her eyes move down to the file. She knows what he’s going to say next. Or she can at least predict it: it typically doesn’t vary. No matter how many times she goes through the same process the words and intentions are the same. It isn’t sincere sentiments, but rather rehearsed lies spewed to make her feel better - as if she ever could. No, YN is broken. No fixing her up.
           “I don’t. I think you were misdiagnosed.” YN’s eyes widen as they shoot back up to meet Kang’s. “The main reasoning behind this is because of your apparent lack of empathy, but that isn’t true either is it, YN?” Her mouth felt dry, she struggled to swallow the saliva building up. There was a build-up of breath in her lungs which was starting to become painful and she felt her throat tighten. “It’s a survival tactic. An effective one at that - if I may be honest.” So many thoughts were rushing to the forefront of YN’s head. So many memories. Stop. She wanted to scream. Please stop! She felt like she was going to throw up. Kang bent over, his face so close to YN's that she could see how dilated his pupil was: only leaving a sliver of his iris shines through.
Why is he doing this?!
“You feel something YN. It’s okay to feel things. You aren’t with your mother anymore anymore. You aren’t with your brother anymore. You’re safe and I know the next time something happens you’ll do the right thing.”
YN’s eyes were red, brimming with unshed tears as Kang’s words bounced around her head. “Dr. Kang -” She chokes, a sob threatening to escape, but the man doesn’t allow her to finish. “Our time is up. Pick up your referral at Joy’s desk. I will see you on our next appointment.” The smile given is full of sadistic glee.
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YN didn’t know how long she had spent wandering around the city. Last she knew she had passed the bus stop and convenience store from last night. If she were smart YN would’ve gone back to her apartment. She didn’t want to though, not trusting herself to be alone. It had been mid-afternoon when she had left Kang’s office. Now it was pitch black with only a few people walking down the streets and cars passing by. Her phone was tucked away in her bag, YN couldn’t muster up enough energy to reach for it to know her location. The tears she shed had long ago dried, though their evidence remained clear to see on her face due to the streak marks and reddened nose.
Several voices were speaking to her, memories, all pulling her in different directions. One by one, YN blocked them out until only three remained. Her brother’s: “You’re not sick.” Dr. Kang’s: “You’ll do the right thing.” Lastly, the faintest one of all - hers: "What do I do?" She had muttered it without realizing it. A cry for help that traveled through the wind, searching for an answer or a sign. She would be granted one.
The scream was so loud, it tore straight through the foggy haze that had settled in her mind and YN found herself frozen in place. Glancing upwards, she noted that a few feet away to the left was an alleyway. That was it, wasn’t it? Yet her feet wouldn’t move. Her brother’s voice echoed so loudly that it barely allowed her to breathe much less move. Until, a stronger, much more powerful one broke through - “It’s okay to feel things...I know you’ll do the right thing.” Her feet were moving before YN had even a second to dwell on her decision. The alleyway was, deceptively long, but YN could see several silhouettes just from the entrance. Quickly she dug her hand into her bag and pulled out her phone, dialing emergency services but hovering over the call button. YN didn't even know where exactly she was - nor did she know what was going on either. It wouldn't do well to just rush in, thankfully about ten feet inlay a giant dumpster which YN crouched behind.  
Another scream echoed off the brick walls, a cacophony of laughter followed it. There’s more than one. YN had hoped it was a robbery or something simple, now she realized just how in over her head she may be. You can still walk away YN. Just walk away. Cautiously YN moved to sneak a glance. There was a singular lamp attached to one of the buildings that illuminated most of the alley. The faint light didn't allow her to make out specific features, but it was enough for her to bear witness to the disturbing scene. Seven men were standing all loosely crowded around a young couple: a man and woman whose bodies were severely bruised and beaten. The man's skull was cracked open with blood profusely leaking from the side of his head. Several teeth were scattered on the ground and his hand was tightened around his abdomen which seemed to have been cut as well. The woman beside him had most of her clothing ripped and large bruises on her side, an indicator of broken ribs. Her eyes moved deliriously as she muttered to herself.
YN’s attention lay entirely on the victims until she witnessed a crowbar fly through the air and land on the man’s leg, with a sickening ‘crack’ that had YN feeling nauseous. The man was too out of it to do anything but let out a small howl of pain. Her previous assumption had been right, there were seven men: all standing there with blood-stained clothes and mocking the man. There was something familiar about them, but YN couldn’t pinpoint what. All of them cheered as the man’s now dead body slumped to the side. Her phone had been long forgotten, YN observed everything now with a morbid fascination. Taking advantage of the perpetrator’s lack of attention the woman stood up slowly and bolted, her heels clicking loudly on the pavement and alerting them their prey had gotten away.
None of them moved - they simply observed her and YN watched in shock. Why aren’t they chasing her? Would they actually… By now the woman was only a few feet away from the entrance, she passed by YN and must've caught sight of YN's hunched over the figure for the woman's head snapped towards her. Causing both women to miss the figure dashing in their direction until it was too late. The woman was harshly tackled to the ground, her head bouncing off the pavement in sickening motion. There is a glint of something in his hand before a dagger plunges into the young girl's body multiple times. In a desperate move, she extends her hand reaching out towards YN begging for help but YN remains frozen. Eyes wide and teary as she cowers as close as she can to the wall, shaking her head she begs the woman not to speak. Begs her not to draw the perps attention. Please don’t!
“Please help me.”
The perpetrators head snaps towards YN and she finally sees him. He's tall, lean figure, plump lips, cat eyes, and ruffled blonde hair. The blood splattered across his face revealed the dark truth behind his angelic features. His dark hooded eyes trail across YN's body, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. The blonde man looks like a predator savoring its next meal. Before he can pounce YN takes off running, unfortunately, he captures her with ease. Caging her body against his own, pillowy lips part and it dawns on YN she has never heard him speak before.
“Caught you.”
Just like that their game has come to an end, surely YN’s life will too. The two of them are so enraptured in each other, they don’t notice the figure slowly standing up and grabbing the abandoned knife on the floor. Not until the blonde man’s body sags slightly and YN notices the woman standing behind them. Don’t. She wants to say, furious that the woman wouldn’t have run away - escaped when she had the chance. For YN couldn’t bear another dead body on her subconscious. The blonde man turned around with pure rage steaming off his body, upset that his prey would dare to fight back. His arms gripped her head and with the slightest flick of his wrist, he broke the girl’s neck. When he turned back around to face his prize, he was shocked to find her expressionless staring at the corpse right in front of her.
YN came to a disturbing conclusion: She wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t helped me. As she once again made eye contact with the monster before her, all YN could see was her reflection in his eyes. Hanbin was right.
The man stepped forward and YN stepped back, crashing into the wall. His hands gripped at her sides, nails digging into her flesh harshly. He was formulating a plan, thinking about how best to kill her - YN could see it. It seems the universe had decided to take pity on her, or further condemn her, for just as his eyes were beginning to light up, the rest of the group made their presence known. “Jimin let’s go. The fun’s over.” Jimin? There was something familiar about that name.
“Funs not over yet, boys.” As if she weighed nothing, Jimin grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. YN struggled against him, aware that if she couldn’t handle one man, there was no way she could survive seven. “I finally found my pet.” What? When Jimin finally put her down, his arms encased her again showing her off to his friends as if she was some shiny new toy, they could look at but not touch. As YN glanced at them she found she recognized some of them, they’re from the bus. At that moment she realized that death had been following YN for a long time and even if she hadn't stepped into the alleyway tonight, their paths would have crossed eventually.  
“Ah, so you’re the girl Jimin’s been obsessed with.” The tall tan one with curly dark hair spoke, his low baritone voice was mocking in nature.
“She’s not that pretty.” muttered another one, with rounded eyes and a tall nose.
“Now, come on kookie. Don’t be mean, she’s a lot prettier than what we’re used to.” The third man’s tone was higher pitched, lips stretched into a heart-shaped smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“What do you think we should do, Namjoon?” spoke the light-haired one dawned in all black. His eyes darting over to the tallest member, his platinum hair shining brightly in the dark alleyway.
When Namjoon spoke it was deliberate and calculated, his eyes boring into YN’s, his words dripping with implication. “We should take this one to go.”
Distantly YN could hear the wailing of sirens rushing towards them before Kookie stepped forward and delivered a right hook to her face, making her lose consciousness.
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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jungkook x reader
requested by @atulipandarose (oooh soulmate/jungkook/one shot!! it's been big missing jk hours over here)
genre: fluff, soulmate au
words: 2.5k of dumb jungkook pining
warnings: none >< cussing here and there, also my first time writing just fluff so please be kind. unedited!!!
synopsis: jungkook never loved the idea of soulmates because he liked you and he wanted only you.
masterlist | events masterlist
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There it was, the panging he felt in his heart even if he wasn’t the person in pain. As his chest throbbed, it was emotional pain he supposed, the song began to play in his head. He gritted his teeth, upset to have been reminded once again of the world he lived in. 
The world had to be so stupid to believe in such nonsense. It was idiotic. They had to be so naive to rely on  this whole scam - to the point where they even revolve their lives around it. 
It isn’t true. It’s far-fetched. This whole soulmate system wasn’t reliable.
He lived in a world where the universe decided who each person’s other was. Soulmates existed. It was everywhere. And he didn’t like it one bit.
Whoever made the world like this had to be an utter idiot. Why would anyone allow something like this to take over people’s lives? This bullshit soulmate system gave people a false sense of hope that someone out of the millions and millions of people would be the only right person for you. That somehow, out of 7.5 billion people, someone would be the perfect yin to your yang. 
It shouldn’t exist. Soulmates shouldn’t exist. 
Come to think of it, how can the universe even be so sure that the person they have “destined” for him is the right one? And, honestly, who even gave the universe the right to choose for him?
Fuck the universe, Jeon Jungkook wanted to pick for himself.
He thought this whole sham was an inconvenience. Unlike almost every love-crazed and soulmate-addict person, he thought otherwise. Jungkook felt suffocated at the thought of being tied down to someone who he probably didn’t even like. He didn’t need whoever they had for him. He didn’t have to meet this so-called pre-destined love of his life to live happily.
Actually, he did. Or else he would forever be haunted by it. He’d go crazy.
People had different “soulmate indicators” -- basically something in their body that gave them a hint on whoever they were destined for. Namjoon, his writer friend, had a tattoo of his soulmate’s name on his collarbone. Jimin, the short friend, had a ring on his finger with the initials of his soulmate and would even change colors depending on the mood of his other. One part of Taehyung's hair is the same color as his soulmate’s, regardless if he tried to dye it along with his locks. 
To say the least, theirs were easy to find, to discover - much more convenient than what the universe had in store for dear Jeon Jungkook. His had to be the most vague indicator of this whole scam. 
A song.
The universe gave Jungkook one specific song that only he and his soulmate knew. Not a name, not a ring, not even a hair color. Just one fucking song. 
Jeon Jungkook didn’t want to believe in this obviously fraudulent scheme that the universe set up. Despite his woes and resentment towards the system, Jungkook couldn’t exactly ignore it. The song, somehow sung by both him and the soulmate, always played in his head whenever he or the other would feel down. Somehow, it only played when any of them were sad. Not when they’re happy. Not when they’re angry. Not when they’re bored. Only when one or the other wasn’t feeling well.
But hey, at least he knew when it would start. 
There would always be a pang in his chest before it began. It was akin to when the dog dies in the movie, or when someone relayed bad news, or when the character in a book had to leave. The weird feeling would be eased immediately as soon as the song played in their head. It would lull him to sleep, he guessed it held the same effect for whoever was on the other side, and would make him feel at home. 
But he did not like this soulmate bullshit. 
Not one bit.
Even if the song brought him great comfort. Even if it was the only thing he looked forward to when he had a bad day. Even if his soulmate’s honey-like voice blended well with his. 
Wait shit, he should be hating this nonsense. Why did he just think that his soulmate sang nicely?
Fuck it. Forget what he thought. It didn’t matter anyway. 
He had other things to think about anyway, especially how to gain the courage to ask his friend out. 
Jungkook is currently and sadly a college student, who, aside from drowning in student debt, studies fine arts. He hopes to become a renowned artist someday, and in pursuing so, had to disobey his typical Asian parents’ wish for him to be called Dr. or Atty. someday. 
Soulmate hatred aside, art had always been his passion. Despite growing into a family full of doctors, lawyers, and judges, he knew his heart belonged in fine arts. When his brother would play with the toy syringes and stethoscopes, he would be seen getting himself dirty with the washable markers. That love for coloring grew into something more, and so Jungkook decided he would become an artist in the future. 
It was always so freeing for him to dabble in the blues and greens and create whatever he visualized in his mind. The pencil in his hand could easily convey the emotions he had trouble vocalizing. All of his troubles would go away faster than you can say worldwide handsome Jin-hyung with the aid of his drawing tablet. Everything about art just intrigued him. Art was easy. Art was comforting. 
Art is where he felt free.
It wasn’t suffocating. Unlike his family that wanted him to be someone he couldn’t become and this soulmate shit that wanted to cuff him down to one specific person he doubts would even go well with him. 
He wanted the soulmate system gone. For reasons that seemed justified to him and only him. 
He could live without the incessant nagging of his very traditional family who wanted to sped things up. Jungkook would finally stop seeing some of his soulmate-less acquaintances miserable. He could finally go on with his sad day without the song that would automatically play in his head. 
Wait… that last thought made him feel sad. Perhaps he would miss the song after all. 
Anyway, and above all, he could finally court his cute friend without having to worry of the soulmate shabang. 
Jungkook didn’t want whoever the universe paired him with. He wanted his cute seatmate and friend, Y/N Y/L/N.
Y/N Y/L/N. Your name was perfect. 
The way your name rolled off his tongue felt just right. The way your nose would scrunch as you focused on sketching the naked dude who had to pose in front of everyone. The way you would tilt your head when the professor never made sense with his discussions. 
Everything about you was just so… perfect. 
You were kind-hearted, considerate, and intelligent. Your humor was unmatched and you were very enthusiastic when you conversed with Jungkook. From a small crush, his liking towards you grew into something he couldn’t exactly ignore. He liked you more than he liked to listen to the duet in his head.  
Okay… scratch that. Maybe he did like his significant other’s singing voice. It eased his worries after a troublesome day. Admittedly, he had found comfort in it.
If only the universe allowed him to converse with whoever was on the other side, then maybe he didn’t have to loathe this system so much. He could’ve gotten a friend out of it, not a soulmate… but a friend. 
Somehow, his thoughts wandered back to you. God, imagine if you were his soulmate. Jungkook would be more than happy if that happened. But he didn’t need the universe to act on his feelings for you. Jungkook will do something… He knew he had to do something about it. He just didn’t know when. 
All of his thinking made Jungkook revert to airplane mode, so it was only then that he noticed you concernedly waving your hand in front of his face for a sign of consciousness. He found your scrunched up face painstakingly cute but holy shit… why are you so close? Please don’t be so close. Jungkook would malfunction if you decreased the space between you two even more. 
“Are you okay, kook?” You luckily stepped back once he locked eyes with you. 
 Ah… that sweet voice of yours that could rival the comforting honey-like singing in his head.
“Y-yeah! Sorry, was spacing out,” Jungkook’s words were jumbled as he noticed he was staring at you like a gaping goldfish instead of answering like a normal person. 
Your giggles rang throughout the room at his predicament. He crookedly grinned then laughed along. This must be heaven. Your happiness was always contagious and he’d often mirror the smile on your face whenever you were happy. 
You made him feel giddy as much as he did on the days he finished his artworks. You made him complete. 
But that damn soulmate thing had to ruin it. 
How he wished you were his soulmate. 
“I thought something happened to you, kook! Mr. Kang dismissed us some time ago but you were still frozen in your seat when everyone left. I was so… worried,” You chuckled, though quite red and hesitant at the end. 
Well did that instigate the butterflies in Jungkook’s tummy. 
“Concerned for me?” Jungkook teased, it was his go-to response because he couldn’t exactly flirt in straight sentences. 
Your eyebrows furrowed but the pink hue became much more evident. Jungkook didn’t even mind the kick you gave him because he made you feel a bit flustered. Success :D
“Taehyungie’s been busy, hasn’t he?” You said, trying to change the subject so everyone could forget the embarrassment.
Taehyung, the theater kid and drama major, was friends with the both of you. He had been busy for the past month because their project was to create a series of plays to showcase to the school. Their show will be on Tuesday, days away from now. 
Right! He could invite you to the play.
“He is… Hey,” You tilted your head and hummed when Jungkook’s voice sounded a bit unsure. 
“Do you wanna go with me to the play?”
The red on your face and the shy nod you did made him swell in accomplishment. He can’t wait for Tuesday to come. 
Fuck.  He should’ve waited for Tuesday to come. Now it is Tuesday and he was too nervous to even stand in a five-meter radius near you. Slapping himself to forget the momentary faltering of his confidence, he shakily waited at the foot of your doorstep with an album in his hand. 
You two bonded on music and he knew you well enough to know you’d rather have the CD of your favorite artist than some flower that would wilt after awhile. He was right. The beam on your face when he handed over the gift made him so happy that all his nerves were washed away. You always had a way to ease him, even if you weren’t aware. 
“M’lady,” He jokingly tried to replicate a british accent as he offered his arm, waiting for you. And as you always would, you took his arm along with an accent-laced, “M’lord,”
Jungkook forgot his worries for a moment and it was always because of you. 
You two sat near the stage to support Taehyung with his play. You two remembered him sharing that their play was about a soulmate-driven world with much more darker consequences. It was about the fictional hanahaki disease, he said. 
And boy did it feel so sad. Taehyung acted so well, as if he was really losing his character’s best friend onstage. Jungkook peered at you for a moment and saw your eyes glisten as Taehyung’s cries grew louder and louder. 
The story was really heartbreaking.
To the point where Jungkook felt the familiar pang on his chest and the song began to play in his head. 
How peculiar. His soulmate was sad just as Taehyung’s scene played out. Perhaps they were in the same auditorium as well. But that was impossible. His soulmate was probably watching some soap opera. 
Not that he minded. Jungkook had other things to think about, especially how to comfort you as your tears flowed down from the actors’ amazing performance. As slick as he could, he draped an arm around you and let you rest your head on his shoulder. His heart was beating faster than he could comprehend. Even more so, when you scooted closer to him.
Fuck. You were cuddling. Oh my god. Jungkook is gonna die out of happiness. 
He had to play it cool though. Jungkook ignored the warmth in his chest and face as he rubbed your arm in consolation. He was surprised you reacted well. Nothing prepared him for what happened next. 
You were humming. 
You were humming his song. 
You… were his soulmate.
Okay universe… Unfuck you, Jungkook guessed. Apparently the universe was on his side after all… All he had to do was somehow tell you…
Jungkook, his face now an uncontrollable red, nervously turned towards you and successfully got  your undivided attention. God, he could die then and there. Gathering courage from glob knows where, he smiled and sang the first line of the song. 
Universe might have been laughing at him for suddenly changing his views. Jungkook would’ve laughed at himself if he found out the double-back on his opinion. But this was you. 
You and your cute nose scrunch, you and your adorable head tilt, you and your witty comebacks.
This was you.
Everything about you was perfect, and he couldn’t believe that the universe liked him enough to grace him with you as his soulmate. 
何故 こんなにも 涙が溢れるの
[Naze, konna ni mo namida ga afureru no]
Your eyes widened as he sang the song that felt like home to the both of you. 
ねぇ 側にいて そして笑ってよ
[Nee, soba ni ite soshite waratte yo]
You joined in on the singing and everything just made sense. None of the leaving people in the auditorium mattered at the moment. 
君のいない未来は 色のない世界
[Kimi no inai mirai wa iro no nai sekai]
Jungkook was so happy. It seemed like the world was brighter than before.
[Monokuro de tsumetai]
He shouldn’t have doubted the universe’s plan. Everything was better with you. 
見つめてる 暗闇さえも so beautiful
[Mitsumeteru kurayami sae mo so beautiful]
You smiled shyly as your soft honey-like voice harmonized with him. 
[Boku wo shinjite hoshii]
Jungkook’s smile grew wider, encasing your delicate hand in his.
[Massugu ni kimi dake wo mite]
For once in his life, he was happy and it was better because he was happy with you.
[Doko ni mo ikanai you ni]
You two shared a kiss that afternoon, on a Tuesday, at the university’s auditorium.
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permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie @amoreguk @bbyjoonies @borednia @tanumiki @taescake
Jungkook: Hey Taehyung! Congrats, that play was amazing
Taehyung: ...yeah… but why did you two make out when I died onstage?
You: ahahaha bye.
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Misaeng review
Ok, it's been almost a week, so I feel like I can get my thoughts (somewhat) in order. As usual, I'm late to the party, given that Misaeng aired 6 years ago, and is already considered a kdrama classic. Still: thoughts!
(under the cut)
I came to this drama with quite a lot of expectations, both because I'd seen it on a lot of rec lists, and also because I'd watched director Kim Won-seok's Signal and My Mister, which are justifiably as beloved as Misaeng. I'm happy to report that Misaeng mostly lived up to those expectations!
The writing & direction work together to make Misaeng a very immersive experience, which is good, considering the entire run time is over 20 hrs. The level of seemingly mundane detail of the operational aspects of running a trading firm that they delve into (and other dramas might have avoided for sake of pacing) seemed odd to me at first, but eventually result in a world building that's incredibly well fleshed out. The (formerly unlikely!) high stakes of a misplaced piece of paper or octopuses in a shipment of squid end up being parts of an emotionally wrenching narrative whole fairly seamlessly. Still, at 20+ hours, Misaeng also does get into the kind of pacing issues that most of the slice of life kdramas I've watched so far have. And it didn't need to! I think it had a wonderful ensemble of characters, and if they'd maybe given a little more time and space to characters other than Jang Geu-Rae (Im Si wan) and Oh Sang-sik (Lee Sung-min), the mid portions may not have felt quite so, well, stuck.
But more than the strong writing and direction, it was really the actors who delivered. They made what could have easily been a dull-ish office drama into a heart warming story about human connection and the joys and troubles of leading an "incomplete life". I'd never watched Lee Sung-min in anything before, and about half way through the series I was like, HOW IS HE MAKING A SHORT TEMPERED, ALCHOHOLIC MIDDLE MANAGER SO SEXY? Like, serious props, dude. Lee Sung-min is by turns annoying and brash and too shout-y and stubborn and funny and so incredibly vulnerable as a man trying his best to live by his principles in a world that thinks they are an impediment to "success", that you forget that he's playing a fictional character-- he's someone you know, he's someone you've seen in the mirror.
His performance as Oh Sang-sik is very ably matched by Im Si Wan's Jang Geu-Rae. This series would not have worked if these two actors didn't have the chemistry they do, and play off each other in every scene. I had watched Im Si Wan recently- in JTBC's "Run On", in which I liked his performance quite a lot, but I absolutely loved him as the naive and endearing Jang Geu-rae. Misaeng, is in part, a bildungsroman narrative centered around Jang Geu Rae. Im Si wan brought a kind of vulnerability to the role that might have felt cloying and emotionally manipulative in the hands of other actors, but Im Si-wan manages to do it with a light touch. I feel he's one of those actors that uses his whole body in a scene, not just relying on facial or verbal expression, and it's a joy to watch.
Each of the other actors in the ensemble also bring that dedication and talent to their roles, even if it's in a single scene. There are lots of one-off characters that we meet during the course of the series, and every single one of them leaves an impact.
But! I'm going to pick a fave from the supporting cast and that's Byun Yo-han, whom I'd last watched as the broody, troubled (and very sexy) swordsman Lee Bang-ji in Six Flying Dragons. I can't imagine a character more in opposition to that one than Han Seok-yul in Misaeng, but Byun Yo-han just knocks it out of the park as the scheming, cheerful and mostly inappropriate clown with a heart of gold; Han Seok-yul is the definition of Chaotic Good, and you're equal parts horrified by his antics- which include sexual harassment dont @ me -- and yet charmed by him. I wish they'd given him a few more scenes and a larger plotline to work with, but I also suspect that he might have just walked away with the entire series if they did that. (Am I plotting that series in my head as I write this? MAYBE.)
Alright, this is getting a bit too long, so I'm going to get to the bits that disappointed me. That's really one major thing: the gender politics. I don't know how different the show is from the web toon it's based on, so I can't tell whether they made significant changes to the basic plot and characters. As in- I have no idea if the webtoon was as male dominated in every way as the show is, so I'm not sure how much of the show's treatment of women as a class, and its female characters in particular, I should lay at the door of the original writer vs the screenwriter and director. I'm also lacking the Korean context in which this was written and made and aired, so you may take my criticism with a pinch of salt, if you please!
That the show features mainly male characters is perhaps unsurprising and realistic, since we know that the kind of corporate life it depicts is very male dominated, top to bottom. The show also portrays the very real and horrific overt and subtle misogyny that women face in the workplace and out of it; mainly in the character of Ahn Young-yi, played with steely determination and quiet suffering by the lovely Kang so-ra. There are only 3 other female characters that have any sort of real speaking role- Sun Ji Young (played by Shin Eun jung), a senior manager at the company, Jang Geu-rae's unnamed(!) mother (played by the amazing Sung Byoung-Sook) and Oh Sang-sik's unnamed (!) wife (played by Oh Yoon-Hong, who's a delight in every tiny scene she has). There are other women who appear but in very minor roles, and often in "comedy" moments that often rely on sexist tropes to start with.
Anyway, right there you can see one of the problems- 4 women characters that have any kind of real screen time, and only 2 of them are named. Aigoo! Screenwriter Jung Yoon-jung is a woman, and like, I don't like putting the burden on any one woman to y'know fix structural misogyny, but I can't also help feeling disappointed that she overlooked even this "small" thing among the larger things.
But that apart, the main issue for me was that while the show doesn't shy away from depicting egregious sexism in the form of sexual harrassment, verbal and physical and certainly emotional abuse, in a manner that's clear that we are meant to be horrified by it--it falls short of depicting how women deal and work with it. It just doesn't give enough space to women or their worldview.
It's very comfortable depicting victimhood, but doesn't put work into depicting the ways in which women survive by finding solidarity with other women. We have a scene or two where Ahn Young-yi who is this show's poster child for female victimhood interacts with the older women who offer sympathy and understanding, but no real strategy or support. And yes, we see men also being targeted by their seniors for the grossest verbal and physical abuse; and it's men who help Ahn Young-yi strategise on how to deal with her situation. Real life experience tells me that it's the women who do this work for other women. I have certainly been on both sides of this equation, for one, and so has every woman that I know in corporate life. And yes, one of the show's core philosophies is that those who endure, survive--but it is none the less extremely painful to watch Ahn Young yi "endure" the kind of abuse she does as a coping strategy and a survival strategy.
At the end of it, when she slowly manages to gain the support of her sexist team, it's shown as a victory-- though naturally imperfect, because this show takes its Realism very seriously (right until the end where it makes a tonal shift into quirky that I was a little ?? about)-- and y'know, sure, it is a victory. And I absolutely understand the choices she makes and why she does it-- I guess I just got annoyed by the fact that other antagonistic figures in the narrative get a more straightforward comeuppance for their egregious behavior, but Ahn Young-yi doesn't even get a goddamned apology from her abusers. Instead, we have a half humourous, half serious moment where she comments on how she's working at turning herself into "someone cute"- because she understands now that sometimes the right strategy is to "go with the flow". Be the water that slowly wears away at the rock. It's an interesting moment- the men she tells this to are taken aback by her bluntness, but also a little clueless about what she means. It's the kind of nuance that I would and do enjoy. Unfortunately, it also closely follows one of the show's most annoying scenes at the tail end of the series- where it tries to play off workplace sexism and misogyny as comedy- boys being boys-Reader, when I tell you that I had to WORK to unclench my jaw--!
I'm not saying we should have a single and obvious narrative of female emancipation. I'm not against realism in fiction, but god, sometimes, please do remember that when we look for escapism, we are actually imagining a better world. The first step toward liberation is allowing yourself to imagine it.
And the show does allow other characters its moments of unfettered fantasy- Im Si Wan parkour-ing all over the rooftops of Amman- and having a semi mystical + Indiana Jones moment in the deserts of Jordan--so why, I ask, are the women not given that gift?
*looks into the camera *
Tl;dr: I enjoyed it, it made me cry every episode, and I cared about all the characters, and if you haven't watched it yet, treat yourselves.
PS. Yes, Han Seok-yul is a disaster bi, sorry, I don't make the rules. Yes, hotties Oh Min Seok and Kang Ha-neul are canonically naked in a hot tub six feet apart because they are bros. Yes, I will be writing the fix it in which they fuck like angry bunnies. Yes, I am going to put my shipper cooties all over this gen slice of life show, deal with it.
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thedyingwriter · 4 years
BTS hybrid X Reader AU
Part 1 | Part 2
Character (age)
Kim Seokjin- Fox hybrid (28)
Min Yoongi- Jaguar hybrid (27)
Jung Hoseok- G. Retriever hybrid (26)
Kim Namjoon- Wolf hybrid (26)
Park Jimin- Cat hybrid (25)
Kim Taehyung- Panther hybrid (25)
Jeon Jungkook- Rabbit hybrid (23)
Reader- Dr Kang Seo Yoon (27)
Jaehyun- Seo Yoon's best friend and coworker. (25 for the sake of the Story)
{ Dr Kang Seo Yoon was a very successful researcher and doctor of the hybrids and worked at the hybrid welfare center. She lived with her six hybrids- Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook- who had grown up on her through the years when she found them at the rescue shelters. She was a kind and empathetic person who had used all her resources and knowledge for the betterment of the hybrid species. What will happen when she comes across an injured Panther hybrid Taehyung outside her house and decides to help him regardless of him being hardly human towards her. Will she take him in? Will he become a part of her sweet happy family? }
Chapter 1
The Injured Hybrid
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" Wake up noona" Seo Yoon heard the voice of Jungkook shaking her from slumber. He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck tickling her with his soft ears. She chuckled at his action and finally got up.
"Aish, kookie where do you get so much energy at 5 in the morning." You said gently rubbing his bunny ears. He purred.
"Noona everyone is sleeping and I have been up for a while. I didn't want to disturb you but you said you have to wake up early for your work today so I thought I should come and see" He said his cute smile on full display a faint shade of red on his cheeks.
"Let's go and make some breakfast for everyone then, you can help me" She said getting down from her bed and following Jungkook towards the kitchen. The 23 year old was always cheerful making sure everyone around him is happy too. For his age he definitely acts like a cute lil toddler but she loved him dearly.
"Kookie I plan on making fried rice and omelette for breakfast. I'll start with the rice could you whisk me some eggs?" She told him and he nodded while grabbing a large bowl and a crate of egg from the fridge.
Seo Yoon was cutting the vegetable when Jin walked in the kitchen his hair a mess. "Good morning Jin oppa" "Good morning hyung" You and Jungkook said at the same time.
She felt gentle hands at your back, untying your apron. “I can take over Y/N, why don’t you go take a bath? You have to be at the center early for the rounds right? " Jin said shaking your hair.
“Thank you oppa, what Would I do without you” she said, stepping away from the stove. If Seo Yoon weren’t cooking, Jin was. He loved the activity ever since you taught him how. Soon enough he surpassed her skills, creating mouth-watering dishes. In thanks, she rubbed his dark fox ears. He leaned into your touch, fluffy tail swaying.
"Noona shall I go and wake all the hyung while you get ready? " Jungkook asked.
"Yes kookie that would be really helpful. Tell them all to brush their teeth and come for breakfast. " She said and walked back to her room to get ready for the day. Seo Yoon and Jaehyun had to work hard today. It was an open out patient day and different shelters were bringing their hybrids for checkups. She took a shower and dressed up in jeans and a formal shirt tying her hair in a ponytail her beautiful bangs covering her forehead. She could hear the commotion of the boys from the kitchen. She took her white coat and some files and walked out towards them.
All of them were sitting on the counter eating their food. All the 6 hybrids looked cute in messy hairs and pyjamas while stuffing their mouths with food. She took out your phone and clicked a picture. The sound of the shutter gathering everyone's attention. Despite most of them being younger than her, she insisted on them calling her by her name as she felt really old though Jungkook still called her noona because he always wanted an elder sister.
" Aahh Seo Yoon, you look so pretty. Come join us for breakfast " Hobi said wagging his tail happily. She went to sit with them patting each of their hair as they smiled at her. Yoongi took her in a hug and passed her a travel coffee container filled with her favorite drink which he made each morning for her. She took a sip and groaned in pleasure while everyone laughed at her love for coffee which she shared with Yoongi. " What would I do without you Yoongi oppa. I can hardly work without your coffee. " She said and sat down to eat her breakfast.
After breakfast Jimin went and kept her files and coat inside her car and Jin packed her lunch. She picked her bag and was ready to leave. Namjoon came to her and gave her a hug. It was their thing. Every hybrid hugged her before she went out showing affection. She kissed Joonie's cheeks and then hugged Hobi. Jimin and Jungkook group hugged her nearly trampling her on the floor with so much force and enthusiasm. Yoongi kissed her cheek as she went out to her car where Jin was ready to drive her to the center. He liked driving her and would spend an hr with shelter kids helping around and come back in an hour. His dark green silk scarf which acted as a collar sat perfectly on his neck. Jin dropped her at her office saying goodbye and going towards the shelters behind the building.
Seo Yoon entered her building and was immediately met with the strong smell of hospital which she has grown to call home now. She went to her locker and changed into her scrubs and came to her office which she shared with her best friend Jaehyun who as usual was late as always. 10 minutes later you heard the door open and a panting Jaehyun in his scrubs appeared before you.
"I'm sorry I'm late, before you say anything Seo Yoon, Ik it's third time this week and today we have a busy day ahead of us but what can I do I was watching a drama at night and couldn't get up early because of lack of sleep. " He ranted in a breath going on and on about how the protagonist if the drama was so stupid for not understanding the guy loves her.
She shook her head. " Aeyah!! stop talking Jae before I murder you. One day I'll give you a nice trashing for how casually you take me. " She said with a pout. He laughed at her and hugged her as she melted into giggles. She can never be mad at the kid. He was way too sweet and cute.
Somebody knocked at the door and a nurse appeared. " Dr Kang and Dr Jaehyun, the patients are here. We can start with the day. " She said and left.
Jae and Seo Yoon sat at the table and opened their lunches. Jin always packed food for your best friend who loved his food even though Jaehyun himself was an excellent cook.
"I'm coming to your place for the weekend. I really miss the boys. It's been a while. And this week we even have the Saturday off from shelter duty" Jae said with his mouth stuffed. She has lived so much around boys now that it's hard for her to remember what sophisticated people looked like.
"Why don't you just move in with me. You already live at my place nearly all the time when we aren't working" I scoffed. Her place is more or less like an open motel for her friends to stay in whenever they want considering the size of her big real estate. After her father's demise when she inherited his wealth. She decided to make a big place where she can adopt some hybrids and live happily. It had literally all the required materials a person could need to survive in luxury. She really had spoiled all the boys with 24x7 wifi and gaming.
Jaehyun shook his head and laughed at her scowled face. He loved teasing the older girl.
"Why noona that's an excellent idea. I'll have an amazing time with the boys and get free food. " She got up and punched his arm. She absolutely did not liked being called noona.
"I told you not to call me noona or I'll give you a good trashing. " She angrily chewed on her fish.
"Ayee you are biased Seo Yoon, why does jungkook gets to call you noona and all of us don't. " He teased her further.
"Well if you really want an answer he is more cuter, is good at everything, doesn't gives me a headache every 10 minute and definitely isn't a constant pain in my ass. " She said laughing and Jaehyun threw her a dirty look.
When Seo Yoon left the hospital in the evening it was quite late then usual. Jaehyun had left half an hour ago but she stayed looking at the shelter kids who ran around each other enjoying life without a worry. She had a smile on her face and a tear in her eyes as she walked back to her home. She always liked walking back to home and it wasn't an issue as it was a highly safe residential society with great love for people and hybrid. She felt someone's presence behind her and immediately knew who it was.
"Jin oppa you didn't have to come I was on my way. " She said and turned to see a flustered Jin caught following her. He was worried that she was coming home alone so late and thought to accompany her.
"How did you know it was me? Do you have a secret third eye behind your head or something? " He said and took your backpack from you holding your hands firmly.
"Well I have been around you since the beginning. It's easy to feel your presence. It's a girl thing. " She said and looked in the front. They were very close to their home.
A young man clad in black outfit was walking in front of them. He had a slight limp and looked almost drunk from pain. As if he was drowning his sorrows. He was limping towards the other side when he suddenly disappeared from their eye sight.
"Oppa did you see that? " She asked Jin. Jin pulled her behind him and they both walked quietly towards the road crossing. A black van was parked ans the man from earlier was being pushed inside it. He was being abducted. 2 men pushing him inside. Jin quickly rushed towards the van. He pulled the man from the goons hold and layed the now almost unconscious man on the road side. This gave the goons time to flee. Jin was about to go after them when Seo Yoon stopped him.
She immediately knelt beside the man. He wasn't drunk. He was badly injured. His abdomen was bleeding and his legs were tampered. She tried helping him.
He groaned as she touched him to treat his wounds. He immediately backed up at an inhuman speed. This shook both of them.
"He's a hybrid oppa. We need to help him. " Seo Yoon said and Jin immediately called Yoongi to keep first aid ready.
The hybrid's cap fell from his face revealing two soft black cat like ears. His tale was brilliantly tucked in his pants not giving anything away that he wasn't human. He immediately tried fleeing from the human who looked at her with her almost teary eyes but he couldn't. He did not have the strength. He collapsed in her arms his world going black as the last thing he saw was the beautiful face of a teary eyed angel who somehow did not look like she wanted to harm him like other humans.
Seo Yoon was almost gonna cry after seeing the hybrid. He fell in her arms. His life almost slipping away. Jin picked him up and they rushed inside the house towards the guest room. Yoongi and the boys had kept all necessary medical aid that they know Seo Yoon kept for emergency on a table nearby. They were as astonished as the duo seeing how badly injured this hybrid was.
"What happened to you" Seo Yoon wondered out loud.
A/N: this is my first hybrid au. I hope you all enjoyed this. Please like comment and reblog if you liked it. I'll post next part soon. Put your name in the comment section below to get tagged in the next part.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Junhui: Fear the Experiment
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Characters: Junhui x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: superhuman au, horror, angst, very slight fluff, torture/abuse, knives
Word count: 2,224
Summary: Love me, who can’t cross this line. The way I love, the way I love. Even if I’m hurt by you everyday.
Tag list: @exo-chan-kai @purpleseleva @mntax @squishy-yamdumplings @linophobia @fullsun-donghyuck @greenmetalroof @svtbitch
Fear Masterlist
Subject #1796. When the lab obtained him, his name was Wen Junhui, but you only knew that from his files.
“We don’t use names for the experiments here,” one of the doctors had explained. “It makes everyone uncomfortable.”
So you were a doctor who worked on Subject #1796. He was given up by his parents, but the files didn’t say why. There were rumors that he had shown signs of being more than human before the labs got ahold of him, but most people just said his parents didn’t have money to support a family. But you did know he was just barely a year old when they started experimenting on him.
The first time you saw Junhui, he looked awful. Though, his appearance never changed other than healing wounds and bruises. His left eye was permanently a sickly yellow with a bright red iris from a failed test to shoot lasers from his eyes. His skin had a soft blue tint to it from trying to slow down his heartbeat, and you could see some of his veins through his skin like he was getting frostbite. He had fangs like some sort of beast on his top and bottom teeth instead of normal human canines, and they would occasionally get caught on his lips. But the most impressive thing about Jun might’ve been the large black wings that sprouted from his shoulder blades. He could never hide them, they were always sticking out. But he never expanded them unless they had to be measured. They were always just resting at his sides.
Back then, you were afraid for Jun. You still saw him as a person, and maybe the fact he was about your age partly had to do with that. But back then, you were also just an intern that assisted in monitoring Junhui. You didn’t assist in experiments or have any control over anything. All you could do was take his vitals, and pass the time by talking with him.
Jun was silent at first. He was wary of everybody who worked in that lab. He knew the doctors only brought him pain, discomfort, and nightmares to follow. And even if he’d never seen you before, he didn’t trust you.
It wasn’t until your third week there while you were with Jun that he said anything. You were doing your usual things to check him out and make sure he was the lab’s standards of okay. You always either spoke to him -- or more to yourself since he never replied -- or hummed a song quietly. That day, it was the latter.
“What song is that?” you heard him mumble softly.
You glanced up from where you were checking his blood pressure to see his eyes looking back at you.
“You’ve hummed that song everyday this week,” he noted, though you were unaware he was paying any attention to that.
You shrugged, “It’s u-um... It’s an old song that’s been stuck in my head recently. It’s on some commercial that comes on a lot.”
“Does it have words or is it just that melody?”
“It has words.”
“Can you sing it?”
You didn’t reply, but it wasn’t because you were opposed to Jun’s request. It was because you were confused as to why he wanted you to sing for him. Did Jun even get to listen to music? Did he even know what music was?
“Do you like music, Junhui?” you wondered.
He blinked at you, his eyes widening a little, “J-Junhui...”
You quickly slapped a hand over your mouth, remembering the rules, “Oh, I wasn’t supposed to call you--”
“They think it makes me too human,” he nodded. “They only call me Subject 1796. But...I like hearing you call me Junhui. And...I do like music. I haven’t heard music since I was little. It would help me fall asleep.”
“Do you not hear music anymore?”
“After I turned thirteen, they said I was too old. That I should just go to sleep on my own. They didn’t want to keep babying me.”
You wanted to say that experimenting on a child was far from babying them, but you weren’t sure if the two of you were being monitored at all. So you kept your mouth shut. Instead, you went back to taking his vitals, and you sang the song to him.
Of course, Jun had changed over the course of you working there. Experiments never ceased on him. The doctors said they wanted to make him the ultimate superhuman who would be able to do anything -- even if they never mastered getting him to shoot lasers from his eyes.
There was one in particular that changed the way Jun saw you. He always saw you as one of the nicer doctors, but this experiment made him able to detect the emotions of others -- at least, for a little while. It was a prototype that eventually wore off, but for the couple weeks he was able to do so, he realized how you felt about him. He could sense worry and fear for him, yes, but the overall emotion he picked up on was that you cared for him and even loved him in some sense. But as somebody who had never been shown care or kindness or love, he saw it as all the same. And so, Junhui fell in love with you because you were the only person who had ever felt that way about him.
It was no secret you were his favorite. You were always so kind to him, even when you were upgraded to assist with injections and whatnot with Jun. You cooed at him and promised it wouldn’t hurt as bad if he didn’t fight it. You even learned that singing to him greatly calmed him, which was probably because it used to be what made him fall asleep. So you were almost detrimental to the doctors, which meant you were always around him.
However, despite how important you were to keep Jun calm, they noticed that you had grown dangerously close with him. They feared if somebody who was around the experiments began to care too deeply for them, their lab would be shut down. To the outside world, these experiments would still be considered human test subjects. And while they were, the doctors had learned to not think of them as such -- the grotesque appearances definitely helped with that, though you always thought Junhui would’ve looked very handsome as a regular human underneath all of the oddities about him.
But your little friendship with Junhui was an issue, and they had to deal with it. It wasn’t a new problem, though. They already knew what to do. This had happened before with other experiments, so they already knew what to do.
The only issue was Jun. He was clearly fond of you, which was why he listened so well to you. They couldn’t ruin that, or they’d be back to having him be difficult and unwilling to listen. They hadn’t had to deal with him like that for a few years now, so they had to be careful on how they approached this.
The first step was to make sure you didn’t get too attached to Jun.
“Oh, _____!” one of the doctors grinned, almost bumping into you as you were leaving Junhui’s room. “I’m glad I caught you.”
“Why, is something wrong?” you wondered.
“Well, no. It’s just that we’ll be doing an experiment on Subject 1796 that may make it harmful to normal humans to be around him for a few weeks,” he explained. “You’ll have to see Dr. Kang to get injected with a serum to make sure you won’t be harmed by it while being around 1796.”
“Oh,” you nodded slowly. “What’s the experiment supposed to do?”
“You know you’re not authorized to know that quite yet,” he smirked. “You just need to know if his vitals are normal and how he’s doing. If the experiment works, then we’ll give you the details. Now go find Dr. Kang and tell her I sent you.”
You nodded, “Yes, doctor.”
Of course, you were really being injected with something vastly different. It was actually a serum they’d made to use on one of their other experiments. It caused him to not feel a single emotion or feeling toward others. However, they had tried to see if they could perfect it, and they tried it out on a different experiment. They found that combining the serum with the DNA of somebody, she was unable to feel emotion toward that specific person, but still show emotion toward others.
The second version of the serum is what you were injected with, and the serum contained DNA from Junhui.
The next time you went to check his vitals, you felt...different. You coudn’t place what it was -- because you obviously didn’t know what was done to you -- but you didn’t feel the same. Still, you went into his room to check his vitals and to make sure he was doing well.
“_____!” Jun grinned upon seeing you enter, sitting up in his bed.
You merely nodded, not feeling it in you to smile or do much else to react to his excitement.
Jun didn’t see anything wrong with how you were acting. In fact, he was so blinded by his love for you that he probably wouldn’t have cared even if he did know. You could do anything to him, and he would still love you. He would still listen to you.
The doctors knew that, and they planned to use that to their advantage.
You were unaware that you were being watched as you did Junhui’s checkup. There were three doctors that watched as you checked his blood pressure, his reflexes, and even got a small blood sample from him -- the latter normally taking fifteen minutes and a small army of doctors to keep him from freaking out over the needle.
“I assumed we would have an issue,” one of the doctors noted as he watched in particular how Jun watched your every move with such a bright twinkle in his eyes, “but he seems oblivious to how _____ is acting. Maybe this won’t be as difficult as we thought.”
“Maybe now _____ could even conduct some of the tests,” another mentioned, watching as Junhui leaned in toward you as you asked the basic questions you were required to. “It would save us a lot of trouble.”
The first doctor hummed, noticing how Jun didn’t even bat an eyelash as you finished your work and began to collect your things, “Maybe...”
They wanted him to be able to regenerate limbs. Of course, they had to start small with testing if it worked, so they had to see if he could heal his wounds quickly on his own. That testing was some of the most painful of all. He had to be cut open with knives while he was strapped up to a wall to keep from moving. However, he stayed perfectly still the whole time.
“Would you want to help conduct a test for Subject 1796?” one of the doctors had asked.
You nodded, “If you need my help, I can assist.”
So you were brought into the lab they were doing the experiment in. You were explained what they wanted to happen, what you were to do, and then you were handed a knife.
You didn’t even think twice. The blade cut into Jun’s arm at first, not going very deep. They wanted to start with shallow, small cuts first. Jun hissed a bit, the cut feeling like a small paper cut. It stung, but it wasn’t bad. But he also didn’t flinch because it was coming from you, and he trusted you. He had felt how you felt toward him -- he knew you would never betray him. He knew you loved him.
When they realized those healed fairly quickly, they had you slowly work your way up to bigger things that were harder on Jun. He had to bite down on his lip to keep from screaming as you cut across his chest, his fingernails digging so hard into his palms that he was sure they’d even start bleeding soon.
“Is the subject doing alright?” one of the doctors asked, noticing that Junhui was starting to struggle a little.
You pulled the knife away, looking back at the doctor before you looked at Junhui. His eyes were squeezed closed, but feeling your eyes on him, they opened. His expression softened looking into your eyes, despite the fact that they didn’t hold the softness and warmth for him they once did.
But he didn’t know that.
“I-I’m okay,” he breathed, not wanting you to get in trouble, either. “Keep going.”
Without hesitating, you brought the knife to his bare stomach and dragged it across. Junhui pressed his lips into thin lines, his teeth biting down. His fangs had even pierced the inside of his mouth, and he could taste the metallic flavor of his blood on his tongue. But no matter what, he would bear it. He would deal with any pain, as long as it was for you. Because he loved you, and it was that love that blinded him from the truth.
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baenxietydad · 4 years
all this bad blood here, won’t you let it dry? || the baes
Date: August 22nd, 2020
tl;dr: Nemo invited both his father and the Songs to his recital. It goes as you would expect.
 Mu-yeol was not crying, nope. He was one-hundred percent not! Crying!
Right, okay, maybe a little. His son was talented, what can he say? He saw So-yeon’s joy in him when he danced, but most of all she saw his son’s hard work, and it was like he forgot how tired and stressed out he made himself to pay for dance. Seeing Nemo dance made every bit of it worth it.
“Nam-min!” He called to him after the recital, waving him over. 
He was at least thirty percent sure Nemo would turn around and walk away from him...but maybe he’d accept a hug just this once.
Another recital swept Nemo up into its arms and he danced through it. Nemo had made a new record number for himself too when it came to the number of routines that he’d been cast in, from ballet, street,to contemporary. He found himself running off stage at the end of each number to go back to the dressing rooms, where he stripped off his costume so he could slip into his next one. The speed of it all kept Nemo from thinking too deeply about how this recital was different-- how it wasn’t just Appa in the audience, or Robbie, or Tae, Finn, Louie-- but the Songs. My grandparents, Nemo thought to himself as he wiped sweat from his forehead and then darted back to the stage. Eomma’s parents. Eomma’s sister.
He had to make them proud.
He danced with everything he had. The music resonated through him, turning him into an extension of its notes and its rhythms. When the recital was over and he was back on stage bowing, the applause thundered in his brain and he almost couldn’t believe it. It had gone so so fast. He lifted his face up and smiled out at the crowd, the lights bright in his eyes.
He didn’t even bother to change out of his last outfit. Instead, he headed straight out to the lobby and began to search…
He saw Appa first, and that felt right.
Nemo beamed and darted over to him. With his whole body still buzzing with adrenaline and endorphins, and Appa grinning back at him, the past few weeks were almost insignificant. He had never not hugged Appa after a dance recital. How could he not hug him now?
Nemo didn’t even really think about it, just pushed into Appa’s space and wrapped his arms around him. “Appa!” he exclaimed loudly over the crowd of people. 
 Nemo hugged him. Nemo hugged him, and it was only his desire to not embarrass his son that kept him from bursting into tears. He managed to hug Nemo back and not cling to him with too much desperation and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“Nam-min!” He reached up to mess with his hair. “You were wonderful, as always. Dance is really your calling, maybe you should look into studying it after you age out of this.”
Yes. He was suggesting university. Why not? His son was too talented to stop at eighteen. 
“I’d hate to see you stop dancing anytime soon.”
Dance is really your calling-- 
Maybe it was. 
The thought had started to sneak in more often since reading Eomma’s journals. As soon as it did though, Nemo shook it off--stamped it out-- blew it away like a leaf caught in a squall. Because ha, it couldn’t be. Nemo hadn’t trained enough. He wasn’t as tall as the best ballerinos nor as strong. He was lacking in many areas, which Appa would never see because he didn’t train and also had his Appa-glasses on at all times…
Plus he was a fairy and he’d never, never, get cast in a company. Why spend money at a uni when it’d never go anywhere…?
But the words still warmed Nemo’s chest and he scrunched his nose for a shy moment. “I won’t stop-- can always teach maybe anyway, though who knows, maybe I’ll be a performance-talent after all.”
 It wouldn’t be the same, of course--Nemo would never be the best at that. But...he was starting to enjoy those lessons as he found ways to work with his small wing to pull off the aerial stunts. 
 “And you would be the best in the Hollow.” Mu-yeol said, smiling down at his sweet boy’s face. “You are beautiful, Nam-min. I’m so happy to make dance class happen for you when I see you.”
He regretted not bringing flowers now; he just wasn’t sure if he...if he wanted them. Would accept them. 
Mu-yeol was about to shower his son in more praise, when coming up from behind Nemo was his worst nightmare. The nightmare who, last he saw her, threatened to take his fledgling and raise him without him, and who blamed him for So-yeon’s death as much as he did himself. 
Kang Kyung-ok, if the flesh, and in a dress fit for the London Ballet. 
“No. No…” he whispered as she approached. 
Appa’s smile dropped off his face. 
And okay-- Nemo really had meant to tell Appa before this. He kept trying to gather this courage. But every time he tried, anxiety surged through him and it was like every fight he ever had with Appa was on replay at the same time, a cacophony of arguments about how Nemo didn’t know better and he was just a fledgling and Appa was just trying to protect him-- punctuated at the end by the exact same expression that Appa wore now. 
If Nemo told Appa, he wouldn’t have come to the recital. But wasn’t the recital a good place for, if not a fresh start, just not a bad start? It was neutral ground, no place or time for fighting, not among the celebrations.
Guilt still flashed through him as he drew away from Appa’s arms. “Appa,” he started slowly. “It’s okay. I ah...reached out to them and they’ve been visiting for the past week. I know I should have told you but I knew you’d be upset--” Nemo’s eyes darted from the Songs to his abeoji again. “But there’s no reason to be, right?” He put on a smile. “We’re all here for the same reason! The past is in the past!” 
Soon-ja appeared by Halmoni’s side and she did a half bow toward Appa, then greeted him in Korean. “It’s good to see you, Mu-yeol-ssi,” she said, smiling politely. Then she looked back at Nemo and grinned. “Nam-minnie! You were even better than the videos!” 
Ah, thank the seasons for his aunt. Maybe between Nemo and Soon-ja they could keep this from turning into anything dramatic. 
 Kyung-ok had been worried that her youngest daughter, who has always liked her sister’s partner, would be too kind to him. But it seemed she wasn’t leaping at him shouting ‘oppa!’ which had to mean Soon-ja saw him for what he really was. 
A coward. A pitiful excuse for a fairy. A parasite that didn’t deserve their late daughter’s memory let alone deserved her in life. 
“Why ever would you be upset that Nam-min got to know his magic line?” Kyung-ok cooed, syrupy sweet, in Daegu-dialect Korean. 
“Yes, Bae-ssi,” Young-chul added, casually insulting Mu-yeol. Would Nam-min know that little quirks of Korean culture? “We only wanted to see our grandson dance.”
“Nam-minnie, flower—” Kyung-ok began, reaching for Nemo’s hand specifically to make Mu-yeol look crazy when he instinctively gripped his son’s shoulder. She had to bite back her devilish grin and force herself to frown. “See? I told you there was no way we can be a happy family.”
 Aiya, she was really doing this, wasn’t she?
“And whose fault was that really?” Mu-yeol said evenly, slipping into his satoori in kind. “Before my son was even born you took every opportunity to-”
No, not here. Not in front of Nemo and certainly not in front of all of his dance teachers. 
“There was a good reason she wanted to raise him in Seoul.” Away from you, he didn’t need to add. It was implied. 
And that was true. So-yeon did not want her parents to be just a quick bus ride across the city away. She wanted some distance between her and them, a buffer of kilometers between them and Nam-min and his small wing. No...not a total exclusion from his life, but enough space so that she had control over how much they saw him. 
If they can’t drop all this talk about his wing, then...then I don’t need them! She once shouted, trying her hardest to sound and look determined, and not terrified of the prospect of actually cutting out her parents entirely. 
But that’s exactly why So-yeon absolutely would have done it to protect her son if it came down to it. She always jumped headfirst into things that scared her. 
They’d already pushed her far enough away by insulting her choice in a partner. Her parents were always on thin ice with her.
“I’ll...walk to Sindri’s with you Nam-min. Let’s go.”
Appa gripped his shoulder. Halmoni reached for his hand. 
Nemo was literally caught in the middle between the Songs and the Baes and it hadn’t even been a proper flutter-length! 
He sucked in a breath as the Korean started to shoot rapid-fire, Appa speaking the way he spoke to his siblings on the phone--which was always hard for Nemo to grasp everything. If he said something truly rude then, Nemo didn’t know. Halmoni was acting like it was though. She frowned, and Nemo frowned-- and he wanted to grind his teeth and then stomp on all of their feet! 
Aiya, why say anything if they couldn’t say something nice? Just talk about him! He was right here! Compliment his dance or something!
His feet remained solidly stuck to the ground, even as Appa squeezed his shoulder tighter and urged him to leave. 
“No,” he said. He glanced from Appa to his grandparents and back. “We were going to go to dinner after my recital. This is the first one they’ve ever seen,” he spoke as firmly as his feet were planted. It was only fair his grandparents got to celebrate with him. They’d missed every recital before--every birthday, every Chuseok, everything. 
“You can come, Appa, but you all have to be nice to each other.” 
She smiled at Mu-yeol, venom behind it as she held Nam-min’s hand. His eyes darted to Soon-ja like he was begging her to help him but Soon-ja was only looking at Nemo. 
How poetic that Mu-yeol’s only ally here was turning his back on him. 
Wise choice, child. She thought. He was a Song, not a Bae after all. 
“She’s incapable of that.” Mu-yeol muttered, letting go of Nam-min’s shoulder. “I respect my son too much to get into an argument here.”
He stepped back even as his eyes read pure terror. 
Appa stepped away.
Nemo tried not to be disappointed, but his heart dropped anyway. His hand in Halmoni’s loosened as he gazed after his abeoji, biting down on his lip. Actually, it was more than just disappointment--
Nemo’s chest got tight. That tiny guilty voice whispered, see? He does think you betrayed him.
“Appa,” he said softly again. He took a step away from Halmoni. He knew it was probably pointless-- it was always pointless with Appa, no matter how much Nemo tried to reason, no matter if he was kind and quiet or loud and aggressive. Whenever Appa made up his mind, he was rock-stubborn. Kinda like Nemo too--
 Still, it was a habit to try to reason with him and that habit kicked in now. “C’mon. I want you there too. I want all of you there, you’re all my family. Please, just...just try. For me.” 
“Nam-min…” Mu-yeol said, speaking English intentionally so only his son and Soon-ja could understand. He took another step back. “I’m respecting your boundaries, limits, and agency by letting you alone to stay with Sindri, and not playing tug of war with you right now. Respect mine. I will not— I can’t. You don’t understand what -”
He cleared his throat and glared at Kyung-ok. His son would learn soon enough what a monster she was. 
“I should have skipped this one, I knew I had a bad feeling for a reason.” He muttered under his breath, before nodding to Nemo. “Goodbye.”
He was even going to ask Nemo if he wanted to come to dinner tomorrow night...now? Who’s to say he wouldn’t bring the Songs?
He’d never felt so small before. 
I should have skipped this one, I knew I had a bad feeling for a reason.
More than anything, these words hurt-- a gut-punch that had Nemo’s breath caught in his throat. You mean...you weren’t going to come? Nemo thought, but couldn’t say out loud. He knew if he did, he’d instantly start crying.
Because it was his fault.
Of course Appa was thinking about not coming. Despite Nemo inviting him, he still hadn’t returned home. So much was still broken. Nemo thought the gap between him and Appa was healing, even if it healed slowly, but apparently the distance was too far. 
 He thinks you’ve abandoned him. Why would he come watch you dance?
You’re so selfish, Nemo. 
You’ve hurt him too much.
Nemo swallowed twice and he crossed his arms over his chest, glancing away from Appa. Well--he couldn’t force Appa to give his relatives a chance, nor could he blame him, considering...everything. Halmoni warned him. Nemo had asked for this. He should have just called Appa and told him about his grandparents earlier, when Soon-ja first called him! Then Appa would know why Nemo did this and…
“Okay,” Nemo said. He stepped back toward Halmoni. “Um...I guess…”
 I’ll call. I’ll text. I’ll see you.You’ll come with more gimbap, right? 
“Fly safe, Appa,” he said. 
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namjhyun · 5 years
He Is Psychometric Episode 15-16 Review (Series Finale)
This review contains spoilers from episode 15 and 16. You have been warned.
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I can’t believe at one point of this whole story my biggest concern was proving Sung-mo had feelings for Ji-soo, which for the record he totally did, but how could I possible imagine the writer would take the darkest road of all.
Starting with the Yeon-song apartment building murders and fire, I was holding out hope for Sung-mo to be innocent but that would mean there was hope for him and, let’s be honest, he never had a fighting chance. From the moment he was introduced to us, his character was already cryptic af, clearly playing a long game, and we were wishing for answers... how naive we were.
I have to wonder, what would have happened if Mom and Sung-mo wouldn't have isolated themselves so much from other people after they escaped the first time? Would it had changed anything? Did they even know how to trust others after so many years living inside a cage and then having to run away constantly? Would Sung-mo had called Ahn’s father that night? Would have he realized, by interacting further with others, that not everyone was a disappointment like the police who didn’t investigate his mother’s case or a crazy person like Kang Geun-tae?
Up to that point in his story, the night of the fire, Sung-mo had no real interaction with anyone else other than Mom and Kang Geun-tae. Sure, he had his moments with Jae-in, Ahn and their respective fathers but they were small and insignificant in comparison to everything else he went through. No, in my eyes, Sung-mo remains a victim of abuse and fear who was pushed too far.
I even wondered if Mom was to blame. Whatever her nurturing was lacking because she made an emphasis on intellectual understanding, instead of actual interaction with others and learning through practice. But then I remembered, she sent Sung-mo to school not only to learn but to try have a normal life, make friends, and he lied to her. He chose to stay at the door of the apartment building as a lookout.
Then I wondered if perhaps she relied on him too much, since she was the adult and he was the child but then it’s wrong to put blame on her in the first place because she too was a victim. With more than two decades of confinement, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse, she was doing her best. She was as terrified and desperate as Sung-mo, and what else could she have possible done when -at the time of the incident- even she wasn’t willing to trust or interact with others just in case Kang Geun-tae showed up?
At the same time, tho, I feel she was so oblivious to other’s pain that she failed to really understood the pain her own son was going through, even before the apartment fire. Did she really never suspected what he was doing in order to protect her? And even all those years later, was she truly so blind as to believe Sung-mo was using his work as a prosecutor to send Kang Geun-tae to jail?
No. Sung-mo was doomed from the beginning and so were all the relationships he built through the years, once he understood that other people are the ones who help us experience and understand emotions, but by then it was too late. He had already gone a path with no return. He felt guilt towards Ahn and Jae-in most of all because their respective parents had been kind to him and lend a helping hand, understanding he needed one. And because he didn’t know how or wasn’t able to accept that help, he ended up killing one of them and sending the other to jail for a crime he didn't commit. Same goes for Ji-soo. Sung-mo pushed her away not only to protect her from Kang Geun-tae but because he understood they couldn’t have a future. Sung-mo always knew where his story ended and that meant paying for his crimes.
The most tragic part of the whole story is what finding out the truth meant for Ahn. After the death of his parents, it was Sung-mo and Ji-soo who took the place of role models for him. Perhaps it sounds crazy because they were only 10 or 11 years older, but they were his new family. The people who believed in him, who took care of him, nagged him to do better in school, and gave him a home. By the end of the show, they are both scars and bittersweet memories of a person whose death he feels responsible for and another who he cares about but can’t forgive. I know we have talked about how Ahn is one of the most emotionally stable characters and I appreciate the show making us understand he’s struggling quietly with his feelings towards Sung-mo and Ji-soo, but I don’t think he will ever be able to forgive Sung-mo. Understand him, yes, as we have already seen. Forgive? I’m not sure.
As for Jae-in, even though she cared for Ji-soo and Sung-mo, her journey was always about proving her father’s innocence. It was heartbreaking to hear her say that at one point she doubted him, especially when we have seen throughout so many episodes how filial she is to him. This confession I find it a little out of character but reasonable when you think about the bigger picture. I’m glad she has found a group of colleagues she can trust to do proper police work.
Which takes me to YSS Construction Company and the government corruption case. Personally, I find it was wrapped up quite nicely and a little rushed. There are still many connections to the criminal organization and other officials but that remains to be solved, which is something I am guessing Jae-in, Detective Nam and Detective Lee will make a lifelong goal to achieve.
The half-baked conclusion to this storyline was so disheartening in some aspects that even Dr. Hong decided to take a sabbatical until she felt it was right to comeback to work for the police and prosecutor’s office. Let’s be honest, without Ji-soo, she didn’t know who to trust.
Not everyone had a bittersweet ending, tho, since Detective Nam and Aunt Sook-ja have been dating for a while and they are terrible at keeping it a secret. But another two cuties have nothing to hide: Dae-bong’s years of hard work (and sort of stalking, let’s face it) trying to win over So-hyun finally paid off. They all end up a happy and big family that Ahn and Jae-in can rely on.
Overall, He is Psychometric turned out to be the dark horse of 2019. It came out of nowhere becoming one of the best shows of the year thanks to a compelling story and solid performances. The main four are all relative new as leads but they carried the show with ease.
After Kim Kwon won Best New Actor award last year, as long time fan, I was looking forward to see what his next project would be and I’m not surprised he picked this particular story. He’s always been more drawn to complex and layered characters, and I think we can all agree Sung-mo was exactly that. Many people have commented on twitter they have fallen for him, not only for his good looks, but also for his performance and it makes me incredible happy he’s being recognized.
Kim Da-som has come a long way since the first roles she took on. Her performance as Ji-soo was so good, she became the source light when the story started to go a darker path. And once it was gone, so was all hope for a happy ending. It’s a difficult task to become the heart of a series but she did it gracefully.
I’m mostly impressed with Park Jinyoung and Shin Ye Eun, whom I confess I hadn’t heard about before this show. I believe it’s both their first time in leading roles but I’m sure we will see them in other projects soon enough.
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nightbts · 6 years
be my drug pt.2 | kth, pjm
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pairing: intern! park jimin + doctor! kim taehyung + doctor! reader
genre: fluff, angst + doctor! au
word count: 3.1k
warning: So I’m going to apologize in advance if any medical terms, scenarios or such are incorrect!! I did a bit of research to try and make it as accurate as possible but if anything is wrong, I’m sorry!! But please do let me know if anything is incorrect so I can fix it! Also, this is super overdue like months maybe so I apologize for that! Enjoy!!!
parts 1 2 3
A choice: “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.” In this case, your choice would make one and break the other.
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.” you scoffed as Jimin slouched into the couch, “Hey, I’m serious here.” 
“Jimin, you’re literally one of the best dancers I know. What do you mean you’re not good enough to go and audition at that dance academy,” you said, frowning at your best friend. 
You didn’t know why he couldn’t see what everyone else could. How much of an amazing dancer he was, his every move like the ocean breeze, soft yet powerful and had enough power to steal one’s breath away. 
Slouching even further into the couch, his body almost folding into a ball, he mumbled, “Yea right. You haven't even see the other audition tapes that I’ve seen. They're just too good.” 
Turning to face him better, you held his shoulder tightly and said, “Look, we’re only 17. We still have so much in life okay? Trying something out is never going to be a waste. Take it as a challenge and just another experience in life. And so what if you don’t get in? Not only are they going to lose a great and passionate dancer, but also an amazing person.”
Seeing the corners of Jimin’s lips raise at the slightest, you knew you had done your job. 
“See, that's what I’m talking abo- oh!” you yelped as Jimin suddenly pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist as he hugged you tightly. Blinking, your lips parted in shock as you felt your heart beat at an erratic rate. 
“Thank you.” he whispered softly, “Thank you for always being there for me, especially when nobody else is.” 
Ignoring the flutters in your stomach, you simply smiled widely before hugging him back, “You’re always welcome.”
Present Day
“J-Jimin?” you stammered, your voice falling short as the boy in front of you looked up. His own eyes widened, mirroring yours as a frantic look that once endowed his face disappeared, now replaced with one of surprise and utter confusion. 
“Y/N?” he replied, disbelief in his voice as he laughed, shaking his head, “Is that really you?”
“Alive and breathing,” you replied, laughter spilling past your lips. 
Giving you no time to think, Jimin quickly approached you and engulfed you in a hug. Even though it had nearly been ten years, you’d never fail to recognize Jimin’s hugs. Everything from the way his arms wrapped around you to the way his heart beat steadily in his chest, you knew, this was your best friend. 
“I can’t believe it. T-They didn’t even tell me who my doctor was, they just gave me a room number, but- Wow! I never thought I’d see you again,” he whispered the last part as he pulled away, still holding you in his arms. 
Chuckling, you gave him a wide smile before hitting his chest lightly, “But what are you doing here? I didn’t know you were going into med?!” 
“Well what can you say, I didn’t think I would be either.” he joked, as you chuckled in response, a small yet comfortable silence falling over the both of you. 
Park Jimin
If you were to name someone who made you the person you were today, it would’ve been him. Since elementary to high school, the both of you were thick and thin, always there for each other even when you had managed to get into new things, get new friends and become new people.
But as graduation came along, so did college. And with the both of you interested in two different things: you wanting to pursue your dream career and Jimin wanting to pursue his dream hobby, you both traveled across the world and eventually contact fell out. 
You never really believed in miracles, or fate, or any such things, but seeing Jimin again, made you think differently. 
"I don't even know what to say. It’s been long, hasn’t it,” you chuckled, still not believing your eyes as Jimin smiled brightly, his words melting your heart, "I always knew you'd make it far, Y/N."
And as you smiled back, came back the rapid beating of your heart and the nervous flutters in your stomach, and before you knew it, falling for Jimin had been as easy as it was years ago. 
As a couple hours passed, with you giving Jimin the tour of the hospital, it was finally time for lunch. Walking out of your office with Jimin, your lunch in one hand, you were laughing at something he said when you heard a someone call your name. 
"Y/N!" a deep voice called as you and Jimin both turned around to see Taehyung walking towards you with a pretty young girl sauntering beside him.
"Hey! Do you wanna have lunch with us?" Taehyung asked, as his eyes made its way to Jimin before gesturing towards him and saying, "Is this your intern?"
You nodded and nudged Jimin, motioning him to introduce himself as Jimin stuck his hand out and said, "Hi, I'm Park Jimin, Y/N's intern."
Smiling widely, Taehyung shook his hand back and said," Well, I'm Kim Taehyung, one of the best surgeons here at (Hospital's Name)."
Scoffing you retorted, "The best? The last time we were in surgery you almost cut into a nerve, remember?"
Hearing a gasp of surprise from his side, your eyes fell on a short figure who stood next to him. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail as she wore a name tag, the name Eunhae written in cursive. Her eyes were big and wide as she stared at Taehyung, her lips parting when she squeaked, "You did w-what?!"
Coughing, Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck as he flushed deeply, shooting you a look that said I'll get you for that later before joking, "Hey now, they don't need to know all that. But since I met your intern, this is mine. Kang Eunhae, this is Dr. Y/N L/N."
The girl gave you a sweet smile, her pearly whites gleaming at you as she said in a high voice, "It's so nice to meet you, Doctor!"
Smiling yourself, you said, "You too Eunhae-ssi. And don't take what I said too much too mind, Dr. Kim here is really a great doctor. You can trust me on that." you finished with a wink directed in his direction.
He rolled his eyes and said," She already knew that, didn't you Eunhae?" to the girl who smiled up at him, her cheeks a rosy pink as her eyes sparkled in response, her voice light as she replied with a small yes.
Biting your lip as you stifle your laughter, you gave Jimin a look to which he returned as you both stared at the girl who was evidently awe-struck by Taehyung.
I mean, it was obvious. Taehyung was quite attractive. His face and body proportions were fit to be a model, and the charm that exuded him, well, the ladies could simply never escape it. Something you learned from being by his side basically all of college and med school. 
"What?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the two of sharing secret glances before you quickly shook your head, "Oh it's nothing. We should get going? I'm starving." you laughed, as Jimin nodded beside you.
Giving you a weird look, Taehyung simply shook his head and chuckled before all of you walked to the break room to have your lunch together. 
"So you've known him since you guys were kids?" Taehyung asked as you nodded, popping a piece of popcorn in your mouth before handing the bowl back to him.
"Yup, it's crazy, isn't it? We were really close too. Both our parents were family friends and I'd known him since elementary school all through high school but then we went to different colleges and just drifted off I guess." you said, as you flipped through channels, nothing managing to catch your interest.
Taehyung hummed in response and said, "Well that explains it."
Looking over at him, you raised your eyebrows and said, "Explains what?"
Shaking his head lightly, he chuckled softly, "There was something that seemed weird at first like you two looked really comfortable with each other. Besides, knowing you for like the last 10 years I knew how you are with people you first meet, so it just felt odd that you two seemed so close all of a sudden." 
"Someone has me figured out already." you teased, as you shoved him playfully to which he rolled his eyes and said, "Literally, how could I not. I was basically your only friend through college."
"Were not!" you gasped, holding your hand to your chest in offense. Just as you were about to continue arguing against the fact that you very much were not a loner throughout college, you heard a loud knock coming from the front door.
Both your heads turned in unison towards the front door, as Taehyung raised his brow, asking, "Were you expecting someone?"
Pursing your lips, you shook your head no lightly, as you stood up from the couch, before making your way to your front door. As you opened it, your vision was quickly filled with a familiar outline as you were met with a warm smile. 
"Jimin?" you said, as you chuckled in disbelief for the second time that day, "What are you doing here?"
Giving you an embarrassed smile, Jimin rubbed the back of his head before saying, "I know it's pretty late but I thought we could just catch up for a bit? If you’re free?"
"Y/N, who is it-?” Taehyung started as he stood behind you, his tall figure peering over your shoulder. The voice quickly caught Jimin’s attention, making him look behind you when you saw his eyes widen in surprise.
"Dr. Taehyung?" he remarked, the surprise evident on his face, before you chuckled nervously, looking between the two, "Yea, we were just watching a movie together-"
"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the both of you..." he trailed off apologetically to which you quickly shook your head, "No, it's fine! We weren't really watching anything important, right Taehyung-ah?"
Taehyung beside you nodded but instead gave you a tight smile in return, "Right." he said plainly before Jimin rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Did you have something in mind?" you asked quickly, to which Jimin nodded, "I just thought we could get some coffee together, but Dr. Taehyung, it'd be great if you could come along too."
"It's just Taehyung out of work," Taehyung said to which Jimin smiled and chuckled," Taehyung it is then."
"Well, I'll just go get changed and we can go?" you asked to which the both boys nodded, before you disappeared back into your apartment, rushing to your room to put on some more appropriate clothing for the cold night.
"So, how long have you guys been dating?" Jimin asked cautiously, stirring the cup of coffee in his hand.
Almost choking, you laughed as you quickly shook your head. Feeling  Taehyung stiffen beside you at the question, you looked at him and raised your eyebrows when he quickly replied with a playful grin on his face, "As if I'd date this mess."
You scoffed, shoving his shoulder playfully when you remarked, "Feelings mutual Kim."
"But Jimin, how was your dance academy?" you asked, remembering how he had wanted to major so badly in dance all high school, always going to dance lessons every day after school, having competitions, dance battles and performances to which you had always attended.
His face immediately brightened, although it was quick to disappear as he sighed softly, "It was amazing, but I think it made me realize that it was just a hobby and I didn't think I could've made it big–"
"Jimin..." you trailed off, "You really could've, I mean you're one of the best dancers I've ever seen."
"But just think, if I never quit, I would've never seen you again."
You laughed at that, teasing him, "Right, and that's the worst isn't it."
"I didn't know you danced." Taehyung piped up suddenly, his eyes gazing at him in a way that suddenly had your skin crawling. 
Jimin looked over at him and chuckled, "I guess I don't really look like it, do I?"
Taehyung's eyes were quick to widen as he shook his head, "N-no! I just–" he started, "Anyways, what made you change into medicine?"
"I guess I'd always wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid but dance took over my life in high school and blinded me for a while. But I think I know what I want to do now." Jimin smiled, giving you a pointed look.
"And it helps that I have possibly the best mentor to teach me," he added jokingly making you blush softly as Taehyung laughed beside you although not failing to notice how forced it had sounded.
If you hadn’t known Taehyung for as long as you had, you would’ve brushed off the signs but everything from the way he sat beside you, to his hands clasped together tightly in his lap and the forced smile on his face, you knew something was wrong, but you just didn’t know what. 
As you gave him a slight nudge, your brows raising lightly as to ask him if everything was alright? Jimin spoke up. 
"So, how long have you known Y/N, Taehyung?" Jimin asked.
"Since the first year of college, so around ten years, I'd say," Taehyung replied, a certain challenging tone in his voice that started to make you frown. 
But knowing how oblivious Jimin was at times, he simply grinned and said, "Wow! Although I do have to say, I beat you by just a couple years," he joked, his eyes disappearing with the wide smile he gave the two of you. 
However, Taehyung simply smiled grimly in return, making you instantly feel uncomfortable as a silence washed over the three of you.
Jimin briefly looked at you, his eyebrow raising in question when you quickly intercepted, "Ahh, well we should probably get going. It's getting pretty late and we have an early shift tomorrow. Taehyung?"
"Yea." he simply said, making you sigh inwardly. What had gotten into him?
Standing up, Jimin laughed softly, although even you could tell at that point he was forcing it too. "That's okay!" Jimin said, "But we should all definitely get some coffee together again!" 
Gathering your things, you got up too, Taehyung quickly following in suit behind you. Giving Jimin a hug, you pulled away and gave him a warm smile before reminding him, “10 AM tomorrow, don’t be late this time.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Jimin quipped, before giving you a wink as you laughed back. 
After saying your final goodbyes to Jimin, Taehyung and you walked out of the café and made your way back to your apartment in silence, when you suddenly couldn't take it anymore.
"Taehyung, what was that?" you questioned, an underlying anger laced within your voice as Taehyung stopped mid-step. 
He turned and raised an eyebrow at you, as he shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't know what you're talking about." before he continued to walk towards your apartment complex.
"Well, maybe the fact that you were being completely rude to Jimin?" you retorted as you caught up to him, looking at him from the side when you saw him huff in annoyance. 
"I wasn't. That's just the way I always talk," he replied so casually it made you clench your fists at your side.
"No you don't, Taehyung." you muttered heavily under your breath.
"Oh yea, then how do I talk?" he snapped, making you whirl around in front of him, giving him an incredulous look. 
"Are you giving me attitude now? After what you just did?” you fumed, finding yourself in absolute disbelief. Where did the Kim Taehyung you knew from a mere couple hours ago, disappear? 
"What exactly did I do?!" he shot back, making you groan out loud. 
You couldn't believe him.
“You were treating Jimin like actual shit, that’s what! I-I don’t even know why you were acting the way you were, being unresponsive, giving him cold looks, like what was the point of that?!” you yelled, your face burning in absolute anger at this point. 
“I just wasn’t in the mood.” Taehyung responded coldly making you scoff, and before you could say anything else, he added, “Maybe next time you can just go see him yourself if I’m so ‘rude’ to him.” 
Feeling like he had just knocked the air out of your lungs, you stared at him, blinking in absolute shock, as you spluttered, the anger rising in you as the seconds passed, “Fine! Be that way. See if I care. But if anyone's acting real immature, it's you Kim Taehyung." you snapped as you stormed off, muttering colorful language under your breath as you left Taehyung standing there alone, with no regret. 
Sitting in bed, you read over the text as your fingers hovered over the send button. 
Taehyung, do you want to talk about it? 
Finally deciding against it, you let out a sigh before setting your phone back on your nightside table. Nestling into your covers, you pulled your blanket up before thinking to yourself, You’ll figure it out. The two of you always do.
As you were sound asleep, your phone lit up, it’s dim light illuminating the room as a text filled your lock screen. 
Taehyung: I’m sorry. 
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mao-s-mess · 6 years
Graduation ~Yoosung x MC fanfiction~
Yoosung Kim is only a month away to taking his finals exam in SKY University but MC starts acting suspicious during such a critical moment
Also on Fanfiction.net
Graduation Yoosung x MC fanfiction Disclaimer: All Mystic Messenger characters belong to Cheritz I didn't describe MC in detail so it could be any of the 5 MCs or your very custom ones! "MC! Come on!" a boy in his early 20s with bleached blonde hair and purple-coloured hair whined with a face of disappointment.
"No 'buts'. Your parents and sister also agree this is for the best. It is after all your finals." his girlfriend, MC; said sternly as she toss a bunch of the blonde's clothes into a luggage bag that was laid out on his bed.
Yoosung Kim crossed him arms and frowned at his girlfriend as she busily goes through his wardrobe.
In about a month's time, he will be seating for his final year examination in Veterinary medicine and what has been suggested and pretty much decided for him is that he and MC will be switching houses for the next month.
"Look, when you get pressured or stressed you tend to distract or 'de-stress' yourself with sleep or LOLOL or you start stress cooking. You're too comfortable in your own home so staying at mine where there's nothing much to do will be the best for you"
She was reaching for the last drawer when he frantically ran over and held it shut with his hands.
"I'll pack my underwear myself thank you!" he insisted as his ears and cheeks turned red.
MC raised her hands and backed away from his cabinet as he selected his underwear to pack.
"I know that's where you keep your por-"
"I- i said don't forget to pack your SOCKS."
He nodded and threw in a few pairs of socks into the luggage looking very annoyed. His breathing was irregular; deep huffs but elongated exhales, a habit he has when he wants to say something but haven't found the words yet.
As much as MC found this habit of his adorable she had to stay serious. She knew oh so well he hated things planned out for him without his knowledge or approval but the exam stress has already gotten to him and it was only a matter of time before he has a breakdown and turns to his "can't be bothered" persona.
She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms across his torso; she felt his body tensing up as she did so. She didn't need to see his face to know he was blushing at her sudden action. She smiled as she buried her face into his back.
"MC?!" he flustered waiting for a response. When he recovered from the surprise hug, he placed his own hands over hers. He could feel her breath against his back as he looked down at her arms around him.
She wasn't that much older than him and just finished her university course shortly before she stumbled upon the RFA.
When MC came into the picture, it was probably the worst time for him; he was blinded from his grief of losing Rika, major hatred towards V, was lost with his directions in life as well as had difficulty handling his emotions but she accepted all that of him and even more; she helped him out of that phase in his life.
It has been about 2 years after the incident where he lost sight in his left eye at the hands of the hacker who called himself Unknown but the two have been inseparable since the party where he proclaimed his love and kissed her then and there.
It certainly wasn't an easy relationship being Yoosung's first and he had a rather fairytale concept and expectations of how a relationship should be. He realized the hard way that you either have to be seriously rich, like Jumin Han to pull a lot of things off or have magic and he had neither.
As for MC, it was a major test of patience and constant game of reassuring for Yoosung. She didn't have a relationship as serious as this before but both of them have managed to worked things out together even though they quarreled here and there.
"I just want what's best for you.." her voice muffled from burying her face into his back.
"Okay.." he responded in a defeated tone.
He turned around to give her a kiss on the forehead, when they first dated, he wasn't that much taller than her but he started participating in some sports and also joining Zen on some runs in the park outside Zen's place so he grew a bit, definitely more physical activity than when he was just playing LOLOL when he wasn't eating or at Uni.
"You're doing this because I'm important to you right?" he said with a small smile as he placed her palm against his cheek.
"You're number 1 to me!" she flashed the smile that he loves so very much.
Lisa, the cat they adopted together from Jumin 2 years ago nuzzled up against Yoosung's leg.
MC bend down to pick up Lisa to cradle her.
"Lisa's a close second tho, we're both rooting for you!"
Yoosung scratched Lisa behind her ear as she purred.
"Okay fine... I'll do it. I'll spend a month in your place for the finals... Thank you for thinking about me."
"Thank you! I've already asked Seven to help with your LOLOL. Either he plays your account or he'll assign a bot to it"
"A BOT?! I don't want to get banned! I'm currently number 1! I've only managed to beat Seven because he's always away on assignments now"
"Banned? Please. This is Luciel we're talking about. How bold of you to think he'll screw this up, this is a walk in the park for him."
"...Fine... i have lots of important gears there you know..."
"I know how much LOLOL is important to you. It was number 1 for you before I came along ;p " she said cheekily as she looked around for more things to pack.
"Okay okay.. can we have dinner and dates at times?"
"Yes of course! We'll play by ear as usual around your schedule"
"Okay.. how about next week, Wednesday then? I'm free the whole day"
MC froze up.
"Uhm.. next Wednesday.. is no good... I have a meeting with Jaehee about uhm some part time event work thingy"
There it was. A habit Yoosung knows very well.
MC can't hide secrets or tell lies very well. On the Messenger and texts it's not so much of a problem. It's the face to face and phone calls that gives it away, she'll start to avoid eye contact and stutter.
"What are you hiding?"
"NO-NOTHING!" she waved her hands furiously as she went to grab more shirts from Yoosung's cupboard.
"I just have a meeting planned with Jaehee that is all! About some part time work thingy-YEA!"
Yoosung's brows scrunches up.
"And that's the reason you want me to bug her phone?" A boy not that much older than Yoosung with bright reddish orange hair and amber-coloured eyes asked with raised eyebrow.
Luciel Choi aka 707 was the RFA's secret agent/hacker/nonsense maker. He has a love for fast cars, cats, honey buddha chips and dr pepper. Yoosung came over (after a few attempts of trying to decipher Seven's security system) because MC hasn't revealed any plans on her day with Jaehee and that just made even more suspicious especially since her fabrication details keep changing.
First it was a meeting then it was a shopping trip and then it was a Zen fanclub related outing and then she said she was meeting family.
"She's not telling me anything. She usually does in the end"
"Maybe she's trying to keep something from you"
"We're not suppose to keep secrets! It's bugging me so yes that's why i want you to bug her phone so I can find out. What if she's not meeting Jaehee, what if- what if-"
Seven slapped a packed of Honey Buddha Chips across Yoosung's face (semi lightly) as he had chips in his own mouth, shaped like a duck.
"You realized this is MC. The woman who put up with your emotional ass even after you keep comparing her to Rika. If she didn't abandon you then, what makes you think she'll abandon you now"
Yoosung bit his lips. He knew Seven was right, words stung but he was definitely right. MC cheating on him would be the last thing she'd ever do. He felt bad doubting her for that option.
"I still want to know what she's hiding from me though"
"Ugh. You'll never leave until you get something anyway. So what's in it for me"
"That LOLOL limited edition gacha item you couldn't get because the event happened when you went incognito 2 months ago."
Seven's mouth opened and his duck chips fell out.
"You can have it. I also got the rare one too"
Seven did an impression of Edvard Munch's The Scream. He was that much in shock.
"If i take it i can sell it for real money too?"
"Do whatever you want with it"
"Even to buy new accessories for my babies?"
"Wait-can it be auctioned off that much?"
"NO TAKE BACKS. Do we have a deal? Your LOLOL rare item for an all access day pass to MC's phone"
"Do it."
"YAHOO~ LET'S DO IT THEN" he swiveled around on his chair to face his monitors and starting tapping away at the keyboard.
"Tapping into her GPS location... Done.. She's at a cafe not too far off from the C&R building.. Let me just pull up one of the security camera feed and... THERE. "
Yoosung leaned over towards the monitor and sure enough there was MC.
Yoosung heart leaped and started panicking as he scanned the monitor in depth.
"Oh. LOL. My bad. That's just Jaehee. 8D "
It was Yoosung's turn to slap Seven with the Honey Buddha Chips packet across the face; sure enough MC was with another RFA member, Jaehee Kang; personal assistant to Jumin Han.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
The two girls seems to be chattering away happily when MC's face turned serious as she put her cup of coffee down.
"Can we listen in on them" Yoosung asked as he tries to read their lips but failing.
"Okay okay..." Seven said as he starting clicking away at the keyboard again.
Some feedback could be heard on the speaker when MC and Jaehee's voice came on.
Jaehee: So what was it you wanted to talk about? And why are we keeping a secret about this from Yoosung?
MC: Well... cos it's embarrassing really..
Jaehee: Embarrassing? With how you two are always at each other, showering cringe-worthy compliments and texts? How can anything be embarrassing?
MC: Heehee...
MC clapped both her hands together suddenly in a pleading manner.
Jaehee: What. Why me. And Yoosung learned how to brew coffee from his coffee club, wouldn't that be better?
MC: But you have more in depth info on it.. You are passionate about the beans and the roast.
Jaehee: A month ago you asked Mr. Han for a private cooking session with his chef. Then you were looking around for some classes on baking.. Now coffee from me? What's going on.
MC fidgeted and looked down, her face turning red.
MC: Well... I'm trying to be a good girlfriend for Yoosung.
Jaehee: I don't understand, aren't you already a good one? He can't stop raving about you.
MC: To be honest, he doesn't show it but he's doing most in the relationship. He'll insist on cooking and he's always trying out new recipes, he also insists on being the one paying for dates even though he isn't working yet, he saves up a lot for our dates. I try to help but his ego won't allow me to take some of that burden away, he believes as the man in the relationship, he's got duties to fulfill.
At this point a warm smile came across her face.
MC: He's giving his all to become a vet when he didn't have any motivation or purpose before; medical isn't an easy line and he's working extra hard because of his left eye injury too and he'll be so busy soon getting that license and practical and all.. I don't know...
MC blushes as she took another sip of her drink before she continued
MC: I just... I want to do more than just offer words of support to him. I want to support him as much as I can even something as little as cooking for him or preparing a cup of coffee when he needs it. I'll be looking for work soon so that I don't seem like a bum that is leeching off him.. So at least I can help our wit the groceries or bills and transport fees and all.. And probably save up for trips for when he gets a break and stuff... I just... I just want to do more for him you know?
Jaehee gave a small giggle as she slid her fork through the slice of cake in front of her.
Jaehee: You're really something.. Always having such a positive attitude towards the face of change. Or danger.
Jaehee shuddered at the memory.
Jaehee: I hope that bomb is finally removed.
MC and Jaehee laughed at that remark as they continued on.
Back at Seven's headquarters (?), Yoosung stood stunned at the conversation he just eavesdropped on.
After a while, tears welled up in his eyes and he turned furiously red in the face.
"Whoa. You're as red as my hair" Seven said as he grabbed his phone to snap a photo of Yoosung's crying face.
"You-you meanie. Whydyouhabtotakeapicturofme"
"Can't understand you. SELFIE" He grabbed Yoosung by the shoulder and snapped another photo before he ruffled up Yoosung's bleached hair.
"You realize how frickin' blessed you are now? Now go and study hard for that examination of yours. If not for Rika, If not for yourself then make it for your future with her."
Yoosung rubbed his eyes with the sleeves of his beloved hoodie. Another renewed resolution for himself.
Half a year later the RFA gathered at Yoosung's graduation ceremony at SKY university
"To think that kid didn't bothered with uni in the beginning, I didn't even know he was taking a course like veterinary" Zen said as he occasionally stopped to smile and wave at some female fans. His career as a musical artist soared beyond the stage and onto television in the past few years. That also meant more fans.
"Well he did it for Rika at first because of Sally..." V stated as he was adjusting the settings on his camera to ensure he doesn't miss any shots of Yoosung. Much to persistence of his fellow RFA members, he managed to receive an operation on his right eye to stop him from going blind. He slowly started to take photographs again.
"He always did perform better if it's for someone else but it is rather surprising that he graduated at the top of his class and is chosen as the valedictorian." Jaehee said as she scanned through the graduation event schedule.
"He worked really really hard! His parents and sister are in the front, i saw them just now. They're so so proud!" MC said proudly.
"Indeed he did, his results were so superb it caught wind from one of our medical panel and they've offered him a position in one of our hospitals to undergo private practice so his future is secured as of now" Jumin Han spoke in his usual tone of voice. "I did not even need to put in any word of recommendation."
"I managed to retrieve my number 1 spot in LOLOL again because of this, he stopped religiously for the past few months" Seven said as he took a sip from a can of Dr. Pepper.
"It was nice of him to invite all of us. I know 2 tickets were allocated but you can purchase additional tickets for everyone else." Zen said as he posed for some girls who were trying to sneak a photo of him.
"Oh i paid for it. C&R is a major sponsor for the graduation, which is why we have such good and somewhat private seating" Jumin stated as he adjusted his cuff links.
"Tch. You just had to ruin it" Zen glared at the trust fund kid. Their relationship, as usual; have seen better days.
"I think it's great we're all here though" MC said happily.
"Yea, Jaehee and I weren't there for his high school one and we got to make sure we get proper smiling one for today!" Seven said with determination.
"Oh, it's starting" V said as he readied his camera, he brought his best zoom lens for this as the crowd quieted down.
Professors and head of programmes gave their welcome speeches before the calling of graduates, there were a lot of names being called out. The RFA cheered and clapped loudly when Yoosung's name was read out.
Yoosung walked proudly onto stage as he tipped his graduation cap to the head of programme upon receiving his degree and posing for a picture. A proud moment for him and those who were there for him. They all waited for the rest of the graduates to receive their degrees before Yoosung was called to stage to deliver the valedictorian speech.
"An-nyŏng-ha-se-yo! My name is Yoosung Kim and I am honoured to be delivering the Valedictorian speech this year."
A round of applause roared across the hall as the his Amethyst eyes scanned the crowd for the RFA and his beloved.
"It's really an honour because I wasn't always a model student. Well I was in high school but something happened that made me not take the first 2 years of university seriously."
"You see, I failed my exams and sometimes I'd fall asleep in class. I'd forget days where there are quizzes and had almost no motivation to come to class, I would often skip classes to play LOLOL."
"However, there were people who did not give up on me and I am thankful that I was given another chance to pick myself up. I knew I had to put in the extra effort as I wasted the first two years despite having an accident that caused me to lose sight, literally; in my left eye. It wasn't easy that is for sure but because of this 2nd chance, I did the best I could in all classes and I guess it showed with my results and also the fact that I was chosen as the Valedictorian. "
"What I'm trying to say is, sometimes in life we'll get lost and we don't perform our best, we fall and fail and when that happens, it feels like you're surrounded by darkness but I know of a saying, "Fall seven times, get up eight". There is a light in all of us, sometimes you'll find it yourself but most times you are assisted by outsiders to help you realise your potential. I have friends and family inside and outside the uni that had my back, professors who saw my efforts in getting better helping me out and most of all, I have a wonderful and supportive girlfriend that stood by my side and I'm really thankful for that. It was because of her that I felt that i could do anything and everything I set my heart into."
"This kind of feels déjà vu-ish" Zen said as he listened intently to Yoosung's speech.
"SKY University never gave up on their students and i am proof of that. So fellow students and friends, we tip our hats to our Professors, to our family and friends that have supported us but most of all, give yourself a pat on the back because we made it!"
He ended his speech with a word of congratulations to the students and wishing them the best in their future before walking off the stage with a round of applause tailing him. As soon as he got off the stage he nodded to his family before running off to meet the members of the RFA.
He was congratulated by every member but his eyes were fixated on MC.
"Congratulations on graduating!" MC said as she threw her arms around him when she had the chance to.
Yoosung blushed and gave a cheeky grin.
"Who'd have thought I'd be chosen to deliver that speech!"
"Not us" said almost all of the RFA in unison in less than a split second.
"YOU GUYS ARE MEAN!" Yoosung said with a puffed up cheek before breaking into laughter with the rest of the RFA.
"I'd like to personally thank every one of you for being here and for never giving up on me when I wasn't bothered with uni."
Then he turned to MC
"Most of all, thank YOU for coming into my life and blessing me with all of you. I graduated from uni but I feel like I have also graduated from my old self with the end of this chapter in my life. It's time to move on with the next chapter and I feel like I can take anything on as long as you are by my side. "
He held her hand when he suddenly kneel down on one knee to everyone's surprise and took out a small box from underneath his robe and opened it to reveal a ring.
"MC, will you please marry me and make me an even happier person than I thought I could ever be?"
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kdramafacination · 6 years
So. dramafever shutting down still has me worried about other drama sites closing, but I can’t let that rob me of my love for my dramas. 
I started watching 2007′s “Que Sera Sera“ a few nights ago. I’ve had it on my queue for a long time, but the reviews on dramafever worried me enough to keep me from actually starting it. After dramafever‘s disappearing act  I went somewhere else and saw the drama available there. I started reading reviews and saw that there were a couple that said Que Sera Sera wasn’t that heavy. I love Eric Mun, and since I had waited and waited to watch this drama, that review was all I needed to launch me into watching it. I finished it last night and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. I’m a sucker for melodramas. I always intend to watch something lighter but my true self steers me towards melodramas like magnet to metal. 
This drama sort of nearly killed me. I DID love it.
I meant to take screenshots of every episode but  didn’t because I was WATCHING it too much to be able to do that. 
Eric Mun  and Jung yu-mi shine in their acting. Lee kyu-han and Yoon ji-hye are just as good in their second male lead and female lead parts, and the rest of the cast is good. I hesitate to use the terms “second leads“ though, because this is a multilayered (and yet very up front one dimensional) drama. But really there is never any doubt who the main players are regarding love, with a capital L. Eric Mun, as Kang Tae-joo is slick, yet rough, and when we first meet him and over the next few episodes, he (shouldn’t be) isn’t likeable. But of course this is a drama, and one of the main reasons I love and watch them is so I can like male leads I shouldn't like. 🙂
I liked Han Eun-soo, the female lead. She was sweet and thoughtful and innocent without being irritating, and she was a little odd which is always endearing. I think Jung yu-mi played the part perfectly.
Cha hye-rin (second female lead, if you will) is played brilliantly by Yoon ji-hye. I felt sorry for her because of her would be relationship with her step brother, and I also wanted her to stop all the damage she was causing to herself because of that love. I felt her hurt and anger and the fact that she couldn’t control things. She really excelled at showing her panic and hurt and anger. When the time finally came for Kang Tae-joo to tell her “lets just stop while we can" it felt like she WAS the character she was portraying.
Han Eun-soo’s feelings for Kang tae-joo at the beginning are tangible and convincing, going from serious crush to love, and that never changes. At one point early on, she says to him brokenly that she “is filled with him to her fingertips” and you can see how badly she’s fallen for him even though he’s the way he is. 
Joon-hyuk started out by gaining my sympathy as the adopted son, and stepbrother to Hye-rin, a stepsister and stepbrother who are in love, but can’t be together because the parents don't approve. But he also made me angry for not being willing to be as strong as Hye-rin, and throw his fears and greed away and go for it. In the end I disliked him yet still felt badly (a little) for him. But I liked the kind Joon-hyuk from earlier in the drama far more than the sarcastic scheming one later on.
Even though Hye-rin is strong and strong willed enough to defy her parents (and friends and the public’s) with their disapproval, Joon-hyuk is not. When he repeatedly tells her that there is no hope, she turns to Tae Joo  and asks him to be her fiancée. She knows his past, knows he’s pretty much a gigolo, or at least willing to date for some perks. Usually fast cars, watches, vacations, you get the picture. But he doesn’t agree, he’s pretty choosy and doesn’t like messy entanglements, plus he has no desire to sleep with her. Already here I think, the seeds of Eun-soo love are growing, but because of added glitz to Hye-Rin's offer, and his own nature, in the end he does agree, and they embark on a scheme to fool everyone around Hye-rin, especially her family, and especailly the man (Joon-hyuk) who she really loves. Hye-rin hopes her fake fiancée will make her family stop trying to marry her off and that her fake engagement will get her some peace from forced arranged dates, but her parents do not like Tae-joo although her father admires his ability to reign Hye-rin in. What Hye-rin really wants is to make Joon-hyuk  so jealous that he is willing to make a go of it with her in spite of the opposition from her mother and father. She wants him to see that if she can make her parents accept Tae-joo, then she can convince them that Joon-hyuk would be even better, and her parents wil be relieved she's with Joon instead of this loser Tae-joon. She's trying to make Joon-hyuk be willing to fight for them. Then she will throw Tae-joo aside, and he was only a pretend fiancee anyway.
Tae-joo is a pawn in her game, not only a consort. He doesn’t know that she and her stepbrother Joon-hyuk were in love, and doesn’t know that hye-rin is using him to make Joon-hyuk jealous. He only thinks it's to fool her parents. He does find out the truth before too long though.
Meanwhile Eun-soo is heartbroken. She had grown on Tae-joo. He had agreed in a way (like someone indulging a kid) that they were "dating (two meals, a kiss, shared elevator rides, you get the picture) but also because tae-joo, even though he barely realized it yet, had begun to like her. But that only lasted about two weeks, and then along cane Hye-rin with her offer of money and position, and off our fickle Tae-joo went. I think inside he didn't want to acknowledge that the steel cool Tae-joo could actually fall for someone, much less an innocent like Eun-soo. Eun-soo is perfect in her confusion and betrayal, and ultimate acceptance that she simply wasn’t the type of girl for a man like Tae-joo.
Hye-rin’s father’s Shopping Mall is the background for a lot of the drama because it’s where all four main leads end up working. Needless to say, Joon-hyuk meets and falls for Eun-soo, which only enrages Hye-rin who knows that Tae-joo really does care about Eun-soo as well. So now both of "her men" are in love with Eun-soo, only Tae-joo refuses to admit it to himself, or Eun-soo.
Tae-joo cannot deal with seeing Joon-hyuk and Eun-soo become a couple, but Eun-soo, even though she still loves Tae-joo, finds comfort with the kind Joon-hyuk. But by now Hye-rin has stopped loving Joon-hyuk, and really does fall for Tae-joo, who is losing his mind over his feelings for Eun-soo.
When (episode 9 and 10 wow!!) they finally get together it's so perfect. When they return home to face Hye-rin and Joon-hyuk, and Eun-soo's mom as well....I knew it was too good to be true.
Hye-rin taunts Eun-soo that it won't last because Tae-joo won't be happy and then Hye-rin gets her father to tempt Tae-joo with money and power. Eun-soo's sister is sick and they need money for the Drs, and suddenly everything goes south and Tae-joo leaves Eun-soo again. So stupid.
Lots of sorrow, anger, episodes of angst. Tae-joo never stops loving Eun-soo but those episodes! 😪
In the end it felt to me that Hye-rin and Joon-hyuk hadn't come out better for the fire they had been through, but Tae-joo had. He wasn't living for money anymore, he had truly fallen in love with Eun-soo and her only. He accepted that he lost her and was a better person in his life. Eun-soo doesn't really change, she is still sweet and she hasn't become bitter. She is sorry she hurt Joon-hyuk and she is still trying to be a good sister and daughter. And she never stopped loving Tae-joo.
I'm glad we had a happy ending. 😌
I think the actors were perfect for their characters. It’s definitely filled with a rollercoaster of emotions.  I would finish one episode and click on the next one immediately. I think I dreamed about it.
There are plot twists, romantic and not that I didn't see coming. There were several times when I covered my mouth with my hand and was like "no way!" And those moments are what make this drama (to me) one that stands out. I really enjoyed it. Ok I was obsessed with it.
I wasn’t sorry to see it come to an end. I was ready to see how it was going to resolve itself and what was going to happen to the people I’d become so obsessed with. I was so afraid of what the ending would be.
Now that I can breathe easily and I know what happens, I will watch it more slowly just to enjoy everything. The first time I was on the edge of my seat so much. I honestly plan to watch it back to back and this second time around I'll savour it and just immerse myself in the story without the worry.
This older drama wasn't and isn't for everyone. I'm sure a lot of people don't like it. But I really did/ do.
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mychameleonsix · 6 years
ILY Chapter 6
“Jae where are you?” “Hold on, I’m almost there. Gimme five minutes.” “Hurry up!” I said as I hung up on him. You see today’s a really big day for me, I was invited to present my study at an Asian convention for surgeons. I was allowed to bring a plus one, and at first I really didn’t plan on bringing Jae with me, but the man insisted. I’m already nervous about speaking in front of a huge crowd, so right now’s not the best time for Jae to be running late. The audacity of this guy really, ugh if only I didn’t love him. “Dr. Kang, you’re needed backstage, you’re on in three minutes.” “Alright, I’ll be there in a second.” I sent Jae a text saying that I’m up next, and that he should just find our seat on his own since he came in late. I ran backstage and checked my powerpoint last minute, and had a run down with my prompter for the last time. “Please welcome, Dr. Kang Soobin from Seoul Eunpyong Hospital, here to present her study. Let us give her a big round of applause.” In the middle of my presentation, I saw Jae enter the ballroom and sat beside Jisoo on our table. He gave me a thumbs up and smiled at me. I felt a sudden relief to see him there, somehow making me less nervous.  When I was done, everybody was applauding me, a few stood up and amongst the first ones to get up was, of course, Jae. I’m still kinda pissed that he was late, he knew this was important to me. But I was too happy to care about it anymore. “Ri, you did great! You killed that presentation, everybody was listening intently.” Jae said as I approached them. He immediately enveloped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. “Thank you! I’m still pissed at you though, I told you not to be late today, Jae.” “I know I know, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” Delegates and fellow doctors approached me here and there asking questions and whatnot regarding my study. I felt proud that I was able to pull this off with the short amount of time I actually spent on preparing for today. I’ve been busy with my long duty hours in the hospital that I feel like I’ve neglected this study altogether. But seeing how the crowd was impressed, I feel proud of myself. The event ended a little earlier than expected so I was a bit excited to get home to catch on some sleep. But Jae decided to drag me to somewhere today. “Where are we going?” I said as we were walking towards the parking lot, my hands locked in his. “Nowhere in particular, I just wanna drive around with you tonight. Hit the beach for old time’s sake.” “Alright then.” “Remember when we used to runaway to the beach back in LA. We’ll spend weekends lazying in the sand then go on food trips at night?” “You get me in trouble almost every week because of your spontaneous road trips.” “Oh please you were very willing to go for a drive every time; and your parents love me Ri, you get in trouble for other reasons.” “Yeah right, whatever helps you sleep at night.” He smirked and didn’t say anything after that, he turned the radio on and our favourite Queen song played. We looked at each other and belted out, at the top of our lungs, the lyrics to Killer Queen. After the song ended, another one came on, and then another one, until we finally reached our destination. The sun was starting to set as soon as we parked the car. The mix of orange and purple painted across the sky reflected on the glistening surface of the ocean. The beach was almost empty, with only a few people also staring at the beautiful sunset in front of our eyes. I felt Jae’s arms snake around my waist from behind, his chin resting on my shoulders. The cool August breeze gave me shivers but Jae’s warmth made it bearable. I snuggled against his chest and his hold on me got tighter. “It’s so beautiful” I said admiring the view. “It is, but the one I’m looking at right now is prettier.” Jae whispered in my ear. I turned my head to look at him just as he leaned down to kiss my cheeks, but he missed. So he ended up planting a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I almost laughed at how cliche this moment is but Jae had other things in mind. He turned me around to face him and cupped my cheeks. He brushed the hair away from my face and tucked them behind my ears. I was so lost in staring into his eyes, I didn’t notice him leaning in already. The moment our lips touched, we were in our own little world. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, fighting a battle with mine. His mouth tastes like the blueberry cheesecake we ate at the event, which made me smile against his lips. He pulled away after a few minutes, ending our little make out session with a kiss to my forehead. He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the seafood restaurant we saw a few stores down. “Let’s go get those lobsters, I’m hungry.” “You and your lobsters.” I said smiling, shaking my head at how excited he is. He’s turning 30 next year but he’s still the same kid I fell in love with when we were 14. *** “Riley you’re here!” Jae said as I entered their studio, with lunch in my hands. 
I had a three hour break today and I was sick of the hospital for some reason so I called Jae if I could come hang for a few hours. Plus, I haven’t seen Jae since that spontaneous beach trip and that was two weeks ago already. He got up from his chair and walked towards me, getting the bags of takeout from my hands. “What brings you here, noona?” Dowoon said. “My next surgery isn’t until 4 this afternoon so I figured I’ll come over to have lunch with you guys.” “So you’re still going back to the hospital later?” Sungjin asked. “Yeah, last surgery for the day, then I have to do rounds after. Then I’ll probably do charts til 11?” “You get off at 11 in the evening?” Wonpil said. “Nah, I can actually go home after my surgery but I have lots to catch up on. It’s my day off tomorrow anyway so it’s fine.” “Is it hard? You know going through med school and now working as a doctor?” Sungjin asked. “Well med school wasn’t easy, broken heart and all. But I had to forget about everything and just focus. I may be on the top of my class but I’m not naturally smart. I had to really study my ass off.” “Broken heart?” Brian asked, interrupting. “Oh didn’t Jae tell you guys our history?” “Oooh spill!” Wonpil said enthusiastically while clapping his hands. “Ya stop prying! You’re making Riley uncomfortable.” Jae said shushing Wonpil up, slapping his shoulders. “No no it’s fine, I can tell this story without breaking down Jae, give me a little credit. I’m stronger than I look.” I gave Jae’s thigh a light squeeze, telling him it’s fine. I really am over everything that has happened before. I mean it’s been years, I’ve been through worse things, it’s not the end of the world. Plus, we’re fine now. At least I think we are. “Uhh, I won’t bore you with the details, I don’t remember them all anyway. But long story short, I’ve always had feelings for this dumbass, and I tried to confess to him during our high school graduation. But we were both drunk then, I doubt he even remembers that...” I stopped and looked over Jae. “You know, I don’t remember that one. You did? At our graduation party? I only remember the other time you confessed.” He said. “Yes I did, but like what I said, Jae and I were drunk. I hardly remember what I said myself. The second time though, I remember clear as day. Jae called me up to meet. We haven’t seen each other for the past two months. I missed him. So when the day came, we met , we had lunch, talked, caught up with each other’s lives, and then he dropped the bomb on me.” “Don’t say it like that. You know I told you my plans months before that day.” Jae said interrupting my story. “I didn’t think you were serious, you never made it look like it was serious.” “Of course it’s serious, I just never thought I’d get the chance to actually do it  so I act like it’s nothing.” “That’s beside the point, Jae. Anyway, so yeah, he dropped the bomb on me about leaving LA to pursue his singing career here in Korea. He told me a week before his flight. A week, guys, that’s seven days before he left me. So I panicked, I wasn’t thinking straight. Right then and there, I blurted it out.” “So you told him you love him?” Wonpil asked. “Love is a strong word, Pil, I think back then the word choice my panicking self chose was along the lines of I-can’t-live-without-you-please-don’t-leave.” “Noona that’s worse!” Wonpil said wide-eyed, while Brian and Dowoon was laughing their asses off. “I know! I regretted the word choice immediately after.” “And what did you say?” Sungjin asked Jae. “I laughed.” “Oh no! You laughed? Hyung. Why’d you laugh?” Brian said. “Because I thought she was joking, I thought she was just telling me, as you know, my best friend. I didn’t think Ri was serious about her feelings. I never thought of her that way before, well until I actually lost her...but that's a story for another day." “What happened after?” Brian asked. “We had a huge fight, ugly crying happened and hurtful words were thrown, I ended up walking out of the cafe. And Jae being his stubborn self, didn’t contact me until an hour before his flight. He called me last minute to say goodbye and that we should talk soon. Which never happened by the way, that was the last time I heard of him. I mean I knew where he was and how he’s doing as an artist; like I see him on social media and of course from his family. But besides that, nada. Zero communication.” “Didn’t you see him when he went back home to visit?” Wonpil asked. “Nope, our schedules never matched. The first time he came home, I was busy with med school. Then I moved to New York, same time I met Ken by the way. The following times he visited home, I was already here in Korea.” “Then why didn’t you visit her a long time ago Jae? Did no one tell you Riley’s here in Seoul?” Sungjin asked. “I knew she was here, I just didn’t know how to approach her. And it’s not like I actually had the luxury of time when we just debuted then.” “Well that’s a lame excuse, hyung.” Wonpil said. “I know.” Jae said and gave me an apologetic smile. No one knew what to say next, so we all fell silent and went back to eating. Immediately after lunch, they continued practicing while I lazed around on their couch. I haven’t seen or heard Jae play since high school. I mean I’ve listened to their songs but to be able to see him play like this, relaxed and carefree, brings so much memories. A loud ring brought me back to my senses, it was my phone. Eunbi, a fellow resident, was calling me. Ugh, what now? “Yes?” “Dr. Kang, you’re needed here asap. Mrs. Jeon from ward 2D relapsed. Asap, unnie!” “Alright I’ll be there in 20 minutes, send me updates.” I said and hung up the phone. “Guys I have to go, I have a patient to attend to.” “Don’t you have two more hours of break?” Jae said. “I do, but duty calls. I’ll see you next time. Bye guys.” I left in a haste, hailed a cab, and minutes later I was running towards my patient’s room. I haven’t even gotten the chance to chill for a few hours but here I am, back to work. I’m not complaining though, the satisfaction that I get after every surgery or every time a patient tells me thank you will never make me quit this job. I love being a doctor, more than anything else in the world.
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julia-highstorms · 7 years
If Jane Was Here (Noah’s POV) - Ch. 06
Summary: ILITW by Noah’s point of view. Read Chapter 5 here!
Note: F!MC! The chapters are getting longer and longer... Tell me if you think it would be better if I divided them in parts. Also, I'd like to thank @klaudiana-beaumontkk, @yertletheturtle04, @miragemeister and @melisa-kirkland for commenting! <3 Without your support I'd take even more time to write it down!  Don't worry, I'll write the whole book, I just am lazy af lol
Rating: PG-13 (swear words, dead sisters, mental health and shadowy monsters)
Pairing: Noah x MC
Word count: 3416
Chapter 6 – A Bitter Pill to Swallow
When he woke up the next day, Noah still was shaken by the dream.
It felt so real. She was so real.
If Jane was here...
He went to school unaware of his surroundings, his mind racing of memories.
Memories of him, Jane, MC and the whole gang playing together. In the woods. With Mr. Red.
...That bastard.
“...Noah! Earth to Noah!” – he snapped out of his thoughts.
He was at school, standing right in front of his locker, in the middle of the hallway. And MC was talking to him.
“Hey! You okay?” – she asked with a worried expression on his face.
He could have lied. He could have shrugged it off and pretended that everything was fine.
Like he’d been doing for ten years.
But he felt like... He could tell the true. Be true to himself and to her. She deserved it. She wouldn’t walk away anymore. She was his friend now. Like how they used to be.
He trusted her.
“I... I dreamt about her.” – his voice was just a whisper, but she heard him.
“And... Was it bad?”
“No... It was good, actually. Really good. Like... as if she was here, you know? With us. All grown up. She was a cheerleader like Stacy. And I guess she had a crush on Lucas...” – he stopped talking suddenly and she waited. – “It’s stupid, I know.”
“It’s not stupid, Noah.”
“No, it is. I mean, we’re all very aware that she’s dead. We were there. So why do I feel so touched by a stupid dream?!”
“It was not a stupid dream.” – she said again, softly.
“It was. And I am stupid too.”
“No! It wasn’t a stupid dream! And you’re not stupid, Noah!” – MC raised her voice. –  “It makes sense. You miss her. I—“ – she interrupted herself for a second: “...Sometimes I dream about her too.”
“...Really? About what?”
“They’re more like memories. Of all of us playing. Sometimes it turns into a nightmare. And I remember... you know. That day.” – Noah nodded. He knew pretty well what she was talking about. – “Anyway... nothing is stupid, remember it. And... I’m glad that you told me.”
“Because this means that you’re opening up to me.” – he could see a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. – “And this makes me happy.”
He rolled his eyes and MC saw his cheeks turning pink.
“You make such a deal over nothing...”
“You know it’s not ‘nothing’.” – she answered before pulling him for a hug.
The boy didn’t know what to do, so he tapped her on the head. She released him laughing.
“Anyway, how was the game?” – he asked with his face still red.
“We won! Andy was spectacular! You lost a great game.”
“Did it finish too late? I guess I wouldn’t be brave enough to walk home alone if I was you...”
“Oh, Connor came to watch the game too and he gave me a ride.”
“Really?” – she nodded. – “Uh. Just... the two of you?”
“Yes.” – MC looked at him as if he had a third eye. – “...Don’t tell me you’re jealous, Beanie Boy.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yes, you are! You were jealous the other night when we went at the hardware store and I talked to him! C’mon, confess that you’re jealous of Connor Green!”
“Why would I be jealous of him?”
“You tell me!” – she answered playfully.
They were still arguing – actually, MC was still teasing him – when their phones buzzed.
Stacy texted the group that Mayor Green told her which hospital Dan was and that they were going to see him after school.
Anf then, the school bell rang.
After class, Noah went to the parking lot to meet his friends. They were all there, minus Stacy and MC.
The cheerleader appeared a few minutes later with Britney.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” – Noah said right away.
“Did she suffer a major concussion? That’s why she’s here?” – Ava asked.
“Don’t worry, I don’t want to be here either, weirdos.”
“Is everyone here?” – Stacy asked, looking around.
“MC is not here yet.” – Lucas answered, feeling little comfortable with the unwelcome addition.
“Hey, Britney.” – Lily said. Britney smiled back at her.
“Hey, Lil.”
“Uh... Why is she here?” – Andy asked Stacy again, but MC showed up before she could answer.
“What the hell took you so long, MC?” – Britney snapped.
“What’s she doing here?”
“Good question.” – Lucas said.
“She didn’t suffer a major concussion and wander here in a semi-concious fugue. I already asked.”
Britney rolled her eyes to Ava.
“What I’m doing here is leaving, don’t worry. I just came by to...” – she paused, but Stacy nudged her with her foot. She scowled, continuing through clenched teeth: “...to invite you to my party at my house this Saturday.”
“Wow. Did not expect that.” – Noah said, in shook.
“You sure about that concussion?” – Andy asked calmly to the cheerleader.
“You’re inviting us to your party? Sounds awesome! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been over to your house before!”
“Wow, imagine that.” – Britney answered MC ironically.
“Come on, guys! Britney told me she’s trying to turn over a new leaf and stop being such a jerk to people. Right, Brit?” – Stacy turned to her.
“Yeah. Totally.”
“Well, this is more weird to add to the weird pile. Are we sure this isn’t Mr. Re—“ –Andy nudged Ava hard in the ribs, jerking his head at Britney. Ava crossed her arms, glaring at him. – “Okay, but we’re gonna have a talk about all this later.”
“Yeah! We’ll talk about that, uh, school project. For that class we have. That Britney isn’t in.” – Noah desperately tried to change the subject.
“Okay, whatever you’re talking about? Yeah, I super don’t care.”
“We’re... really all invited to your party?” – Lily asked with a glow in her face.
Britney looked at Lily, her expression softening a little:
“Yeah, really. Does that mean you’re coming?”
“O-of course! I would love to!”
“Great! Make sure you save me a dance.”
With a final glare at Stacy, Britney stalked away toward the bus stop. MC pulled the cheerleader aside and they started exchanging a few rushed whispers.
“Not to break up this fun whispering thing you’ve got going on, but visit hours are over in, like, ninety minutes.”
“Yeah, we gonna go see Dan or what?” – Noah agreed with Ava.
“Sorry! We’re coming.” – MC said.
“I can fit five in my car... Lucas, can you drive someone?” – Stacy asked him, which startled at the sound of his name. He looked around.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.”
Stacy unlocked her car, letting Ava, Andy, Lily and Noah pile inside.
“Yo, Ava, lemme trade you for the front. These shoulders don’t like the backseat.”
“Fight me, Kang.”
In the end, Andy sat on the backseat, with Noah between him and Lily.
The ride was good and not weird as Noah thought it would be. They talked mostly about the game and the classes they had. It was like they were all friends again.
Stacy pulled off and they made their way to the hospital. Dan was in a small room at the back of the building. They met Dan’s mom as she was leaving the room; she smiled at them, but she seemed busy talking to the phone.
“MC and Lucas are late...” �� Lily said, before they entered the room.
“I’ll go see if they didn’t lose theirselves on the way here.” – Ava said and walked away.
Andy, Lily, Noah and Stacy entered Dan’s room.
“Jeez...” – Noah whispered, seeing his friend surrounded by medical equipments.
They all sat in silence, clustering around the bed where the boy lied still and quiet. The only thing they could hear was the heart rate monitor beeping out a soft, regular rhythm.
A nurse appeared to check Dan and they talked a little with him, before he left to see another patient.
Ava was back a few minutes later, with the MC and Lucas.
“Oh, Dan...” – MC muttered. Andy gave her his chair.
“Jeez... he looks so... it’s like something drained the life out of him.” – Ava commented.
“Can he... I mean, does he know we’re here?”
“Dunno. Nurse was here a minute ago. He said Dan’s in a ‘vegetative state’.” – Andy said.
“It is... do they know what caused it?”
“They have no idea. He just... he just won’t wake up.” – Lily answered Lucas.
Stacy sniffled, hugging herself and looking up at the ceiling to try and hold the tears back:
“Guys... what if he never wakes up?”
Lucas moved to stand by Stacy, putting an arm around her shoulders. Lily squeezed Stacy’s hand:
“Th-the nurse also said we should talk to him, though. He said that Dan might be able to hear us.”
“It’s probably crap. They always say that to make you feel better.” – Noah said.
“Does it work?” – Ava asked him.
“...Yeah, kinda.” – he admitted.
MC stood up and squeezed Dan’s hand in hers. She started talking softly with him, and Noah could swear that Dan seemed to relax ever so slightly, as if he knew that they were all there for him.
“Uh... MC? Your backpack is angry.” – Andy said, as a tiny black paw stuck out of the top of the bag, swimping blindly at his leg.
And then, MC revealed that she had a cat (Luna) inside her backpack.
“Whoah! Is that your cat, MC? It seems kinda... feral.” – Noah startled. The kitten didn’t look very friendly.
“Naw, Luna talks tough, but inside she’s a li’l love muffin.”
“Kinda like you?” – Andy teased Ava, who hissed at him, just like the cat.
“Has anyone been here to see him?” – MC asked, while the cat nestled against the side of Dan’s neck, curling into a tiny black ball.
“We ran into Dan’s mom on the way in, but she was on the phone with someone named Dr. Chambal.” – Noah answered her.
They explained to Lucas and MC that Dr. Chambal probably was Dan’s therapist, based on what they heard.
“Dan was seeing a therapist? Do you think she knows something about all this?”
“Who knows? He never told me about any of this. He wasn’t one for talking about feelings.” – Stacy told MC.
“Dan, buddy... I wish you could tell us what happened.” – Andy said, reaching out for their friend.
Dan’s head turned to the right... And they found his cellphone inside the pocket of his jeans. It looked like he really wanted that they went through his phone.
They discovered that Dr. Chambal was indeed his therapist and that he had PSTD. He would dream about Jane’s murder by Redfield ( “the incident”) frequently, just like Noah and MC.
By the end of the summer, he seemed to make some progress... until last week, when he went to the ruins to face his demons. And met Mr. Red.
After reading all of Dan’s texts, MC put down his phone:
“Oh Dan, I’m so sorry. I promise, we’re going to find a way to help you. And... and when you wake up, we’re going to be here for you. Whatever you need.”
“We’ll help more than that quack doctor. She told Dan it was all in his mind! She’s the reason he went to face Mr. Red!” – Noah shout, feeling anger raising inside him.
It was always like that. The adults never believed them. They were just a bunch of crazy and stupid kids to them.
Lily told him that he was being unfair, that Dr. Chambal was doing her best to help Dan and he seemed to get better, until Mr. Red ruined everything. Again.
“Everything that’s happened... it seems like it all started when Dan went inside the ruins.”
“That makes sense...” – Stacy agreed with MC. – “I mean, that’s how it all started ten years ago, right?”
“First one of us goes in, and it wakes him up. Then more of us show up, and his powers grows...”
“So, what... Mr. Red used Dan as bait to lure us into the woods? To increase his power?” – Noah asked, feeling the warmth leaving his body.
“That dirty monster did say I was supposed to bring everyone...”
“So we don’t give him what he wants. We all just stay out of the woods, and that way things don’t get any worse!” – Lily concluded, but MC and Lucas shared a worried look.
“I think things are already worse. I think... in his sick way, Mr. Red has been doing us favors. To get on our good side.”
“Huh? Favors like what?” – Andy asked the Student Body President.
“Like the bear attack, Andy. And the crows that attacked Cody and Jocelyn.” – MC explained to him.
“That could have been coincidences. When your town is surrounded by woods, animal attacks just happen sometimes.”
“Not... like this.” – Stacy said to Lily, before she told them about Britney’s blackmail and the tree creature that attacked her. – “And then it just... threw me the bag, and her phone fell right out.”
“It gave you Britney’s phone?! This proves everything! Mr. Red knew about the blackmail, and he helped you get to the video!”
“I don’t know how, but... yeah. Seems like.” – Stacy confessed.
“Okay, that explains why Britney invited us to a party, but it doesn’t explain why she suddenly decided to stop being a jerk to Lily.”
“Wait, do you think Mr. Red can affect people’s minds?” – MC asked Ava, but Lily interrupted:
“N-no way! There’s no proof that Mr. Red can do anything like that!”
“Okay, but you’ve gotta admit there’s something wrong there. She’s acting totally—“
“She’s just acting like she used to! Before she started hanging out with monsters like Jocelyn and Cody!”
Lily’s voice rose to a shout, and Dan seemed to flinch back from the sound, his brow furrowing as if in pain:
“Nnnnn... don’t...”
MC’s kitten suddenly jumped up, scampering to the foot of the bed. It turned, fur puffing up as it growled at Dan.
“Holy...” – Noah started muttering, but Lucas interrupted him:
“Dan... can you hear us? Are you there?”
The boy spoke again, his voice barely a whisper. MC leaned closer, straining to hear... when Dan’s hand suddenly clamped around her wrist! She tried to pull away, but his grip became tighter as the beeping from the heart rate monitor speeded up, the beat fast and irregular.
Andy lunged forward trying to free MC, but Dan’s free hand twitched, sending the other boy flying backward, slamming right into Noah and Ava:
“The hell?!” – Noah screamed as the three of them knocked down to the ground.
The lights flickered as Dan slowly sat up and started speaking with a voice that was not his own... but a terrible, cold whisper that seemed to fill the room:
“All... better now... everyone together...”
Noah, Ava and Andy still were struggling to stand up when the lights went out entirely. Suddenly, a wind howled from nowhere as, before their eyes, the room warped and stretched, the back wall falling away into darkness.
They all huddled together against the wind, and the monitor’s beeps continued to quicken, until they blended into an unsteady keening sound. MC begged Dan to let her go, but he wouldn’t, claiming that everything was “better now”.
“Better?! How the hell are things better?!”
“No... I helped... all better now...” – he whispered.
“Yeah, this is not my idea of ‘better’! So how about you get the hell away from us!”
Ava gestured wildly and the chair beside her flied toward Dan. He growled, and the chair deflected, shattering as it tumbled down the black tunnel behind his bed. MC convinced Ava to use her powers to pull her over.
As soon as MC was freed from Dan’s grip, the light suddenly flooded the room, blinding them.
By the time their eyes had adjusted, the hospital room had returnet to normal, as if nothing supernatural and terrifying has happened there just seconds before. Dan let out a long, shuddering sigh before his body went limp, and he fell back onto the mattress.
“Is... is it over?” – Lily asked as Lucas edged forward to check the monitors beside Dan’s bed:
“Looks like it... for now.”
“Is anyone hurt?” – Stacy asked, standing up.
“Only on my everywhere. Next time, I want a plan where no one bodyslams me onto dingy linoleum.”
“Sorry... at least it worked, right?”
“Yeah, so what the hell was...” – Noah started asking, but he paused as a nurse hurried in to look at Dan’s heart monitor. He looked from the monitor to Dan, his brow furrowing.
“We were, um, just leaving. Sorry.” – MC furtively scooped the cat back into her bag before the nurse saw it and everyone flied out the door.
They all gathered in the deserted hospital lobby.
“Okay... what the hell was all that?” – MC asked as they took turns signing out of the visitor log.
“Bad. It was bad.” – Lily muttered anxiously.
“Yeah, can we talk about that... thing? Was that...”
“It was him.” – MC answered Lucas.
“I never thought... I mean, it felt so real.”
“It was real.” – Noah told Stacy, while Andy started saying something:
“Also, uh... Ava has freaky mind powers now?”
Andy let out a sigh, cracking his knuckles nervously:
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m gonna need about ten square feet of pizza to process all this. You guys in?”
“One sec. The rest of us need to sign out.”
Ava, Lily and MC walked up to the desk. Suddenly, Ava came back to them, saying that they were “breaking into the hospital’s private records” to discover more about the freaky and weird-ass coma cases and organized them into watch positions.
Noah looked nervously around his spot in one of the hallways, but no one came, thankfully. Lucas made their sign, but it took some time until the three girls rejoined the rest of them.
“I hope whatever you found was worth it. That was a close call.” – Lucas scolded them.
“Don’t worry, we got something.”
“Like, hey, how about the fact that all those other patients were also found around the woods?”
“Or that this isn’t the first time there’s been an epidemic of this kind...”
“I’d say that’s some pretty good info.” – Noah said.
“Not to mention...” – MC motioned everyone to come closer, and pulled the folder out of her shirt.
She fliped the file open and they all read it over together:
“It’s reports of the other epidemics. Looks like the doctor wrote some notes up top here...” – Andy started reading...
“...some cause for concern. In each past incident, the influx of coma patients is closely followed by a massacre.” – next to Stacy...
“It’s unclear how these events are related, and the deaths that follow are not always of such volume. (See article B, from November 3rd, 2007).”
Noah felt his heart stop.
“November 3rd...” – he muttered, his mouth suddenly dry.
It was the date of Jane’s death.
He felt Andy squeezing his shoulder, in a comforting gesture.
They finished reading the file and chatted about it, but Noah didn’t listen a thing. His mind was racing with memories of Jane.
If Jane was here...
No one spoke for a long time, everyone lost within their own fears.
“Guys...” – MC broke the silence. – “I know we can get through this. We just have to stick together. I’m more terrified than I’ve ever been in my life. I honestly don’t know if I have the strength to handle all of this... but I don’t have to be strong enoug... not on my own. Because I have all of you. Together, we’re stronger than any of us can be on our own. Together I know we can do this.”
The tension hung in the air for a minute longer, when...
“Okay, but I asked about pizza, like, forever ago... so can we take care of that first?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need an entire pizza just for me.” – Ava agreed with Andy.
“Pizza Mega?” – Lucas asked, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“Obviously.” – Stacy grinned back.
“We haven’t been there in ages... think they still have those little honey packets for the crust?” – Noah asked, his stomach growling just thinking about it.
“I wonder if anyone’s beaten my high score on the Meteor Madness cabinet...” – Lily commented.
With smiles on their faces, they all walked out the hospital building into the night, talking about memories of a happier time.
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singingmyreverie · 7 years
Secret Identity! Park Woojin
Group Member: Wanna One Park Woojin
Summary: A stranger from your research lab workplace doesn’t seem like the others…
working in a research lab, there are a lot of strange workers here and there
some are overly obsessed with their projects, always mumbling about their works
others are unsociable, hard to strike up conversations with
most are simply too engrossed in their work to spare time to mingle
the first time you noticed him, he had dark brown hair
you tripped in the hall when you were carrying a fragile glass disc
his movements were sharp, easily catching you and your prized work
although his stature was rather slim, his strength suggested otherwise
the boy’s ID tag read park woojin, dr. kang’s assistant
“are you alright?” he asked stiffly
“y-yes. thank you so much for protecting my disc”
he made sure you stood up properly before rigidly going off on his own
you stood in the empty hallway, dumbfounded at the whole experience
someone actually paid attention to someone other than themselves
until you remembered the disc in your hands, and went off to deliver it
you took notice of him from then on
his hair color always varied
deep red, black, auburn brown, to a light caramel
it always looked so good
it was rather amusing, it always felt like no one in the building would put as much care into their appearance as much as he did
but more than that, he’d always be doing something silly
very subtly of course
you’d pass dr.kang’s lab a few times and woojin would prop other poor assistants over his shoulder
or have cute bobbing gestures to entertain himself when he was alone
there’ve been a couple moments where you’d accidentally make eye contact and he’d freeze on the spot
and you’d immediately rush away, giggling to yourself
lately you’ve been getting an uncomfortable feeling of being intensely watched
every time you felt it, the hairs on the back of your neck would stand
you’d look around but everyone was typically living in the own bubbles
sometimes you’d catch woojin glancing in your direction
but his gaze didn’t make you squirm like the other
it was a strange sensation, but you couldn’t do anything but brush off your odd feeling
today you set up a conference, ready to present your new discovery that could change the world
strangely enough, you had a terrible gut feeling as though someone staring bore into your soul
the owner was never found though
you shrugged and proceeded to to the back of the stage
but when you opened the door, another researcher stood over your disc
“what are you doing?”
startled, she glared at you
her wild eyes suddenly hit you with familiarity
she’s the one that’s been watching me
and your whole body told you to run, yet you stood in fear
“i’ve worked day and night for seven years, yet you get ahead of me within three?”
her hand reached into her coat and revealed a knife
“i’m taking over your conference. i’m desperate”
she ran at you, hurrying to get the deed done
you shut your eyes, waiting to embrace the pain as your body was paralyzed
it never came
you felt your body move by someone’s strong grip
an arm wrapped around you as you felt your head hit someones chest
the stranger jerked and you opened your eyes to see woojin
he then moved swiftly and held the culprit down, making her immobile as the security guards came running
shocked, you checked his back for blood
but you were greeted with pierced metal and broken wires
“(y/n), i’m glad you’re alright,” he smiled
the surprise overtakes your blush
he pushes you towards the stage, “i-i’m alright. come to dr.kang’s after you’re done, we’ll explain everything”
you nod and go on with the conference and explain your glass disc
even i don’t know what it does ok
it goes well despite how distracted you are thanks to the help of your coworkers
when it’s over, you hurry to check on woojin and bustle through dr. kang’s office door
they both look at you, a little confused at the sudden disturbance
you take the seat offered and listen intently to their explanation
woojin is the human android that dr. kang created
he’s able to sense emotions
includes a special algorithm that measures dangerous intentions
created as a prototype for security
he reported negative intentions from the woman who watched you
and made sure to stay near you often
the only odd factor was that woojin is supposed to be very calculating and take safe routes
but when it comes to you, he acts more human and shows signs of emotions
there are reports of him worrying for your safety
he could have easily evaded the knife, yet he protected you
all this information is just overwhelming you
the boy you’ve developed a crush on is actually a robot??
what’s gonna happen now?
dr. kang suggests that after he fixes woojin, he arranges for you take him under your wing as his creation is rather attached to you
with the condition that he can study him
for some reason, woojin seems to be looking at you with pleading eyes
so you agree
a lot of patience is required, as he is still learning the human ways
but woojin is the best thing that appeared in your life
sometimes he’ll be this innocent lost child
then he’ll charm reverse into a capable man
sometimes stiff, and stutters
teases you when he can read how much his presence makes you overly conscious
has a dialect because dr. kang worked on his speech program before he learned common speech
offered to change it, but you thought it was cute so asked to just leave it 
actually dr. kang offers to change a lot here and there but you’re just like no?? woojin is cute on his own
embarrassed but happy smiles when woojin hears that
aksjsdh my heart
Secret Identity Series Masterlist
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