#but like man did not go on an angst arc he healed he tried to put good in the world and uphold his sisters memory
spicyicymeloncat · 7 months
Where’s that Ninjago sin post I’ve come to accept that my Ninjago sin is wrath and it’s wrath over the flanderisation of Kai Ninjago seriously I cannot shut up abt him it is an issue
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I just want good angst about Bruce desperately trying to parent Tim but realizing he fucked it up
or Bruce realizing he kinda sees tim as a father figure in a weird way
or the bats all realizing how Tim’s been forced to mature quickly so he can take care of them, and he won’t stop trying to be the adult in situations even after the bats try to make it so he doesn’t have to
There are a few fics out there that center around Tim and Bruce's relationship after Bruce realizes how bad he treated Tim. "Grudge (I hold none)" by reinersbigtits. "Just How Much I Love You" by sElkieNight60. Honestly, a bunch of sElkieNight60 fics have Bruce trying to be a better parent. Their fic "Redraw Our Expectations" showcases Bruce trying to parent Tim and the teen finds that strange, weird, and restrictive. They chat about it.
I sadly haven't seen any fics where Bruce considers Tim to be his father. I have seen a few that describe Tim as his closest confidant or mental support, but none about the father hc/au :(
If you want some quick angst about Bruce seeing Tim as a father figure, here's an idea:
Bruce is ruminating on his kids. As he's going through his mental list of the kids (perhaps trying to remember where they all are), he realizes that it's an effort to add Tim to that list. At first, Bruce clocks it as the older man being a horrible parent to Tim or needing more time with his son. Bruce wants to fix this and sets out to do so. He tracks down Tim to spend some time with him.
Halfway through the hangout, Bruce starts to relax. They are both having a good time, chatting and laughing. It only changes when he notices Tim's subtle nods, his slight mannerisms that encourage Bruce to keep talking, and the scrunch at the corner of Tim's eyes that indicate he's proud. It's an errant thought of the older man, but one that rapidly changes his worldview.
Tim acts like Alfred.
Tim acts like a father to Bruce.
Tim has always acted like a father to Bruce.
What has Bruce done?
The comment about Tim continuing to be the "adult" or "mature one" in the situation because that's all he's known hurts. If you add that hc to the one where Tim is constantly told to "be the bigger person" when it comes to being insulted by his traumatized family members, that's painful.
Alright, let's build on this hc/au. I'm going to use subtle canon background clues to create a probable psychological assessment on Tim's behaviors. The reasonings are all hc.
Tim was emotionally neglected and abused by his parents (not nearly to the extent of fanon and his parents did love him, but that doesn't change their emotional distance or the harm Jack did after his coma). One could hc that, due to the limited time he spent with them before they left again, Tim tried to keep the peace when they were there. He wanted to spend the time with his parents not fighting, even if that meant choking down his own emotions/needs, placating his parents, and overall keeping a pleasant demeanor around them regardless of passive aggressive insults (looking at Jack here).
If his parents had marital issues, like fighting and insulting each other in front of Tim, the child might have tried to mend their fights and solve their issues in order to spend more time with happy parents. It's a helpful behavior that could've been praised by Jack and Janet, leading to Tim continuously uptaking a mediator role.
This would morph into a people pleasing attitude that heavily clashed with Tim's independence and lack of authority in his life. This is what enables him to be suited for kicking a depressed, angry Bruce into his healing arc (enables, but doesn't excuse Bruce's reliance on a child nor condone it). Tim would probably insert himself into Dick and Bruce's relationship.
Unlike his parents, Dick and Bruce probably weren't happy an unrelated kid was mediating their relationship or getting in the middle of their arguments. Because of their contant rejection to Tim's efforts, the kid's behavior could morph into a more subtle and subterfuge manner. This comes in handy when Jason and Damian come around (because they for sure would not listen to Tim's advice).
Tim, because he's spent his entire life managing other people's emotions for them, would understand where Damian and Jason are coming from as they hurt him. It is painful, and he may hold some resentment towards them (and a frozen anger), but he's used to yanking back his emotions and shoving them into an overfilled box. That's the easy part.
What's burdensome for him is the family. After realizing the lengths Tim goes to in order to ensure their bonds stay strong, they keep pressuring Tim to release some of his responsibilities. They want the relationships to be more equal.
Tim can't, though. If he lets go of his tight grip on holding the family together, he'll have to face that box of emotions he shoved down. He'll have to work through all the pain, anger, betrayal, grief, and desolation all of his family members gave him. If he accepts that he shouldn't be taking on so much emotional labor, he would have to face that he shouldn't have been subjected to so much abuse (from the Drakes or the Waynes).
Tim can't do that without falling apart.
He can't keep his hold on the family's support beams either.
It's not healthy nor productive for Tim to keep his position. Without releasing the pressure from his back, Tim will collapse and take the Waynes with him. He's too scared to let go, though. Will he survive the break? Will he have a place with the Waynes if he's not holding them up?
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avocadorablepirate · 2 months
What Do We Call This? - 04
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Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing, the occasional OP spoiler
A/N: I would be lying if I said I was happy with this chapter :\. Since this story happens during canon One Piece arcs, I wanted to try and stay away from spoilers as much as possible and also avoid changing the original plot, so the chapter kinda ends up feeling a bit rushed, which isn't great...but this is how most of the chapters that include scenes from the anime/manga are going to be like, so I apologise in advance if future chapters feel rushed as well...anyway I hope you still like it.
Challenge: take a shot every time you see the word blue orb/orb ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
"(Y/N) are you sure about this?" Robin asked, pulling you aside before you disembarked at Dressrosa, "We might have to fight." She knew that you didn't like using your powers to harm people after what you had been through on Fishman Island. But you gave her a reassuring smile before the two of you followed behind Law, Usopp and Caesar, "I'll be fine Robin, thank you."
Suffice to say, you were not fine. It had all started when Doflamingo had attacked Law at Green Bit. You had managed to stay out of Doflamingo's sight, and had tried to help Law get away from him when he was cornered on the bridge, but before you could focus your attention to use your powers, Law's blue orb had you surrounded and transported to where the Sunny had initially been docked.
"Fuck, why'd he do that!?" you yelled, as you took in your surroundings, almost instantly running in the same direction you had taken when you first reached Dressrosa.
You had managed to get back into the city just as Doflamingo had covered it with his "birdcage", and you had been helping the citizens reach the centre of the island, healing anyone who got injured in the process, which wasn't great for you. The aftermath of using your powers had started to take its toll on your body. Still, you were desperate to keep going. Doflamingo had done some serious damage to Law on the bridge, and you were sure his condition would have worsened by now. You had to find him.
You had run into Usopp's group when Viola, the former princess of Dressrosa had told you that Law was with a pirate named Cavendish. However, when you had found him, the two of you discovered that Law was already gone. Now, you were back to running around the city helping the injured while also looking for Law.
That was when you saw Luffy - he was being carried on the back of a man dressed in gladiator-wear. You were just about to approach them when you saw the familiar orb appear.
You sighed in relief when you realised that Law was still alive. But when he appeared in place of the orb, you noticed just how much damage he had taken - there was a cloth wrapped around his right arm, but blood still seeped through it, there was blood spattered across his face as well, and he was covered in bruises. Despite that, he took Luffy from the man and disappeared even before you could show yourself.
"Where did they go?" you think aloud, and assess your surroundings, looking for the blue orb to reappear somewhere. A second later you see it, it's further away than you expected, but you're determined to reach the two of them. So, you run as fast as your legs can carry you.
Once you've reached the building, you start climbing up to get to the top, but when you're halfway up you see the orb come into view again.
Shit, why's he moving?, you think to yourself, but you can still hear the faint sound of voices at the top. "Law?" you yell out, but there's no response. Deciding to still climb to the top so that you could scout the area, you're relieved when you find Law still there along with Viola.
"Where's Luffy?" you ask as you rush towards Law, and kneel down beside him. His head tilts up and he's slightly taken aback by your presence.
"I switched him out with her," he answers, nudging his head towards Viola just as another orb appears, teleporting a girl with pink hair who you hadn't seen before. But Viola immediately runs to her aid which lets you focus your attention on Law.
"Did Doflamingo do all of this?" you ask as you assess his wounds, but he doesn't respond.
"Fuck Law, I don't know how much of this I can heal," you tell him while trying to be as gentle as possible as you remove his coat to get a better look at the bullet wounds he's riddled with.
"Don't heal anything," he firmly states, and your brow furrows in confusion.
"Don't be an idiot. You've clearly taken a lot of external damage, god knows how much internal bleeding you're suffering from," you say, as your hand hovers over his torso, but he's quick to grab onto it with his own - not completely wounded - hand.
"From the looks of it you've already used your powers to heal other people," he says, his grip on your hand tightening.
"What's your point?"
"My point is that I know how your powers work. Every time you heal or attack someone you hurt yourself." You somewhat lose your balance, falling back, stunned by his words because you were sure you had done well to hide it.
"I saw you when you attacked Vergo," Law says, as he leans back against the wall and let's go of your hand, assuming that he had managed to stop you from using your powers on him.
Your quick to recover from the initial shock of his words, and before Law can comprehend you place your hands on his midriff to "work your magic". He tries to push you away, but this time you grab onto his arm with your free hand and hold it down.
"I ate the fruit, I deal with the consequences," you firmly state, and try to focus, to find which of his muscles and organs were damaged.
"Wait, is that why you teleported me from the bridge to where the Sunny was?" you ask, but he doesn't answer, instead objecting to your help, "(Y/N)-ya stop," but you don't relent, determined to heal his injured body.
You can sense the strain on your own body increase, but you push through when you feel Law slowly begin to relax under your touch, his protests fading along with his pain. Finally, after what feels like eternity, you finish your work, and withdraw your hand, the strain on your own body slowly starting to weigh down on you.
"I can't heal your bullet wounds until the bullets are removed, and your arm is still in pretty bad shape, but I was able to stop most of the internal bleeding," you tell him as you lean against the wall, letting out a fatigued sigh.
"You shouldn't have done that," he says, and you scoff in amusement, "A simple 'thank you' works too you know."
"Thanks," Law murmurs, when suddenly he feels your body slump against his, and he immediately looks to see what's wrong. Your eyes are half shut, and you mumble something incoherent, the exhaustion washing over you. But before you can succumb to the darkness (i.e., sleep), you let out a soft chuckle - now almost in a delirious state - and whisper, "Cora-san would be glad you managed to stay alive."
Law's body tenses at your words, and his eyes instantly dart to yours again, but your limp body pressed against him tells him that you're already unconscious.
When you awake you find yourself sprawled on the bed of a small house. You try to get up, but let out a loud groan because of how sore your entire body is. A pair of hands are quick to grab onto you, and you blink away the reminents of sleep to see Law sitting beside you. He helps you stand up and guides you to the table where everyone is seated.
"(Y/N), you finally got up! You almost missed all this food!" Luffy smiles at you as he chonks down on a piece of meat, and you look to see the spread in front of you, your stomach growling at the sight. You stretch forward to grab yourself something to munch on, but a hand holds you back by the arm. A blue orb instantly appears in front of you, and soon after in its place materializes a plate of food.
"Thank you," you mumble and Law responds with a nod of acknowledgement, his usual impassive manner softened by a subtle hint of concern for you.
"Oye Tra, can you pass me some food too!" Luffy yells, despite already having heaps of food in front of him, and Law lets out a, tsk, only giving a scowl in reply.
You're satisfying your hunger when the peacefulness of the moment is interrupted by the door to the house slamming open, and in walks a man with green hair and a nose ring. You had seen him during the battle, but you weren't sure who he was.
"Luffy-senpai! The Marines are going to come after you soon, even the former fleet admiral Sengoku is here! We need to leave!" he yells, and Law instantly jolts up from beside you, his composed exterior being replaced by a look of agitation.
The man, who you found out was called Bartolomeo, continues to explain the plan of action, but he doesn't hold your attention. Instead, you're observing Law. He seems to be deep in thought, and although he wears his usual frown, he exudes a sense of uneasiness that does not go unnoticed by you.
"I'll meet you all at the harbour," he says, and you look at him quizzically, but he doesn't notice. He strides out the door in a hurry, not waiting for a response, and despite your weariness in his change of attitude, your attention is now back on the rest of the group.
Robin had moved to stand beside you, and she gazes at you with concern, "(Y/N), you still haven't fully recovered, do you think you'll be able to make it to the harbour by yourself?"
"Um....yes...don't worry about me," you say, attempting to give her a reassuring smile, although you yourself doubt the truth behind your claim. Nevermind the harbour, you doubt you'd even be able to walk to the door by yourself. However, Robin picks up on the hesitance in your reply and is quick to offer her support which you were about to graciously accept when all of a sudden you're enveloped in a dome of blue light.
"Huh?" you freeze in your spot, confused by the blue orb that has you trapped within its confines. Robin chuckles at your bewilderment, already having a grasp of the unexpected change of plans, "Well looks like that's taken care of."
When you realise what's going on, you close your eyes shut, in fear of not knowing what to expect. It's the sudden feeling of weightlessness beneath your feet that draws your eyes open, and what you expect to be the harbour is instead someone's back - you're slung over someone's shoulder, an arm tightly wrapped around your waist. You look to see who it is and spot the white fur cap with black spots.
"Law what are you doing!? Put me down!" you yell, as you try to wriggle out of his grasp.
"You're coming with me," Law says, your fidgeting having no affect on his gait, "knowing those idiots, you'll only get hurt if you go with them."
"Fine at least put me down!"
He finally sets you down and you don't forget to shoot him a glare, "where are you going anyway?" His response is cryptic, leaving you with more questions as he grabs your hand in his and encompasses the two of you in his blue orb.
"Where are we-" you try asking again, but he's already transported the two of you, and you're cut short by the surprise that washes over when you notice the presence that sits in front of the both of you.
"Sengoku?" you murmer his name to yourself, the sudden shiver running down your spine instinctively making you seek refuge behind Law.
"Been a while, hasn't it (Y/N)?" Sengoku asks with an amused grin, yet you don't respond.
"Spit it out." Law ignores his remark, and on noticing your change in demeanour, takes a protective stance as he lets you hide behind him. Sengoku lets out an amused sigh this time, but does as Law says - narrating the story of a Marine from years go. You fidget nervously as he recounts the details, anxiously playing with your fingers as you hang on to his every word.
"He didn't save you for your name," Sengoku concludes, the weight of the statement prompting you to glance at Law to get a better look at his reaction. His typical stoic facade falters, a look of shock momentarily replacing it. It's clear that Sengoku's words have struck a nerve in him, but he remains silent.
"'Just keep living on', that's something he would have said, right?," Sengoku says as he turns away from the two of you, ready to walk away, "If you wish to do something in his stead - remember him."
He turns his head to look at you, and with a fleeting smile nods in farewell, "It was good to see you (Y/N)."
"You two might want to get out of here," he calls out as he continues on his way.
The shadows that form on the ground grab your attention, and you look to the sky to see debris flying above you, "What the-"
Law swiftly grabs onto you, encircling the two of you with his blue orb, "We need to leave. Now."
A/N: honestly at this point it's just the reader self inserting herself into the One Piece plot....also I think I'm being so subtle with the hinting when I'm really not ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌.
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
What If (BR AU) : SMG4 lost all of his vision during the arc?
Since I can't stop thinking about this ass (curse this what if-) I'd consider making a fic about this <3<3
Title: Lost of sight, souls intertwined
Tags: Fluff/Angst/Comfort
Summary: Four with his permanent loss of vision, it's been too difficult for him to manage. But with a help of his crew and someone in particular helped him reach up and discover something new.
PART 1/2
Second Part
After the man in white and blue desperately helped his ex rival's loss of an eye, he gave up from all of his strength to heal his injury.
By the time Mario placed his hand on his shoulder, he stood by his side. "Mario believes in you!"
SMG4 grunts from the power he'd been releasing for three's eye, he felt himself getting drained off. In a matter of seconds, SMG4's abilities grew weaker giving up every power he had left.
*huff... huff...* everything started to go hazy, everything from his vision went blurry. Everything and all of it. Just to SAVE. His partner.
He did it all.
For love. For him. And to keep him alive.
His posture swifted slowly as he starts to lose his balance, from his mind where it gave him dizziness. His head and his arm had been damaged, and to both of his eyes...?
Almost falling down to the ground, Mario had quickly caught his best friend just as he was about to hit the floor.
Four wanted to open his eyes but even tho he wanted to... his visual view has lost its sight and its impairment.
He felt so weak, but he wouldn't give up. Because the battle with Niles is not over yet.
"I- I can't see anything..." he tried touching his own face, blinking twice, trying to feel his hands or even look at them. But it felt like the light source of the whole world, shut to his eyes.
Everything is black.
He felt numb.
"Guess I see what SMG1 is talking about." Four's fingertips touched to his skin, pointing to both of his eyes.
Mario's sad face formed at the blue's message.
Three opened his eyes, shocked that his injury has been fully recovered and with his vision clear again. He turned to look at his partner who sat beside him.
SMG4 seemed fine, tilting his head to the left seeing the angle from the view. Both of his eyes had been permanently damaged and could not be recovered due to its impact.
His optic nerve had been cut out from transferring what he could see, it has been completely destroyed.
He stared at both of SMG4's eyes in horror. How could this be happening to him now...?
"SMG4... I-" three wanted to speak, but Melony's words came out alerting the star trio.
"I got this! Go to the ship!" Melony with deity form on use, she swung the sword to her side. Mario and Three looked at each other.
It wasn't over yet.
They both nodded, Three started to carry SMG4 in bridal style with all the might and capability.
Three could carry Four without any struggle on whatsoever. (Thanks to his usual workout routine and liftings)
SMG4 couldn't process from what was happening, it happened so fast and counting with the loss of his view.
He'd been silent and confused with what was going on, he wanted to question who the person he'd been carried with.
"Come on Mario let's go!" Three spoke up, to now Four knowing that it was his partner who've been carrying him with strong arms. He winced after hearing three's voice.
"Ahh! Mama Mia! It's not working!" Mario aggressively pushed the buttons all in one try, they heard a clicking noise and it was... "TERRANCE?!" SMG3 saw his baby undangan knuckles, appearing from the side of the ship.
When Terrance quickly fixes the ship and had it working again, the trio including terrance went inside. Three slowly puts Four to the chair, assuring his company by placing his left hand brushing to his leg for comfort.
"Hey- hey- everything's gonna be okay dude. Just- just sit tight in there... you're gonna be fine." SMG4 stayed silent, he had no idea whatever sh-t just happened. Or he had completely lost his mind hearing what Three had said to him.
He had lost both of his sight of seeing, Niles still right after with the avatar with Three and him, and what three does is carry him to a safer place?
How crazy can that be? How- in the hell- could someone like Three possibly would also do everything to save Four right after saving his enemy?
They've both hated each other, they've been enemies for who knows what sh-tass years could there have, he knew how unbalanced or unstable their friendship with eachother have been. So why would he?
He'd been an asshole since before, so why would three? Speaking of it, he turned out to be a complete mess by ruining his own productions and the name itself.
He treated his name like trash, he hated Three's sudden succession, he'd been the one JEALOUS about him. So why would three? Why would he? Why couldn't three just left him there to die? Why can't he just ignore that Four saved him? Why?
Was it the reason for Three's development? Is he trying to give him the signals that- he MAY as well take it serious that three has been wanting to move on right after that 2020th wotfi? Right after EVERYTHING that happened, even without him having any simple hint of realisation that he just wanted to do some good quality contents than RUINING ANYTHING from SMG4?
"Take a hint." They say. And that hint wasn't even close enough. He was just too blind, too oblivious for the fame, fans, views, and his daily life with his phone sticking to social medias.
He had a hard time to recognice or even describe what a person has been feeling, he had no idea what consequences would face as soon as He assumed three of doing something bad.
Sure he was an extrovert. Without any knowledge of "getting to understand how someone feels"
It took too long for SMG4 to respond from whats been happening in reality at the moment, he had been stuck from his mindscape and couldn't say a word.
"Ahh! We've been downed!" Mario screamed to where it seems like the trios float in mid air. "Can someone ATLEAST tell me what the heck is going on here?" Four began to yell, brought up by three and Mario's suprise.
"The ship blew up! How are you not feeling any pain from that at all?!" The man in purple yelled back, but not the usually loud tone to SMG4.
"..." Four stayed silent again- how long did he zoned out? His whole body went numb during the explosion, and how is he still here?
"OI! I'm talking to you!" SMG3 tried snapping his fingers to knock out his senses, which it worked.
With Melony showing up again, Three and Mario cheered. Waving to the trios, she prepared herself to defeat zero once and for all. The anti memes showed up half away.
SMG3 thought of an idea, to where Mario had noticed after spotting anti memes on its way. "Don't do it SMG3! Remember how you and SMG4 had gone too coo coo crazy while using that?" He spoke in gibberish language.
"What? Don't tell me you want to use anti memes again!" SMG4 without seeing anything but pitch black, he can still have his sense of hearing.
"I..." there must be some other way-
Floating in the endless abyss, Three held Four's hand as Mario grabbed Four's shoulder. "Theres another way but..." (but?)
SMG3 gripped Four's hand tighter, much to his suprise.
Three used his other hand to pull out Terrance from his pocket. "Terrance...I'm sorry little buddy. We need you to save the world... please don't hate me... goodbye."
Terrance couldn't quite understand anything, but gave him a puzzled face right after Three hugs him. "I love you"
SMG4 heard Three's words loud and clear, it hurts to listen. He knows how Terrance meant to Three and how much Three meant to him.
Three lets go of Terrance, trying to hold back his tears locking his hand with SMG4.
"Three..." SMG4 whispered from his breath, rubbing Three's knuckles with his thumb. "We- we don't have a choice." Sniffed by Three, closing his eyes.
By harnessing Terrance's meme energy, it transferred to the avatar's body making Mario's head big. It was the only option to survive.
The time has now come to an end of Zero's defeat and Melony's victory. The world is saved by the hero. The crew were now in a hospital recovering for their bruises and injured parts.
In a room all alone, there was SMG4 putting himself to rest as SMG1 sighed looking at both of his eyes. "I told you, using your meme power alone would do damage to your body..."
"Can you even see me?" SMG1 asked him, unknowingly that the question made it a bit too harsh. "Ya think I could see any dim of the light or anything at all?" Four glared at the ceiling, not being able to look at the blue box or even visualize what surrounds him.
SMG1 coughed at his statement trying not to make everything awkward. "Sorry- I guess I'm getting a bit too old enough, still four. May I check your arm?" SMG4 hummed in response.
"What does my eye look like?"
Silence fills the air with SMG1 examining his eyes looking both sides and checking underneath his sleeve, taking off both of his gloves. The results were shocking to him.
"Both of your eyes has lost all of its vision. With what you can imagine both of it right now, would be plain white and emptiness. Your eyes are far too damage enough to be repaired, we don't have that kind of power to recover your eyes. I'm sorry."
SMG1 frowned at Four, seeing him helpless at this state he'd get even weaker from day by day without someone looking after him.
SMG4 blinked, it's all black. He can't see the light, he can't see anything, from where ever he looks. Nothing at all.
"What... else?" SMG1 touched his arm. "From your hand then to half of your arm, it- has a crack. You're gonna need meme energy for that, you'll have to wait for a couple of weeks for recovery. DON'T try to lift anything heavy or even trying to use them, it'll end up fracturing even more..." SMG1 used a cast and put bandages on his wrist then to his arm.
"But- what about my contents? What about Twitter? What about my fans? What would I even do without them-" "it's your choice to that out yourself."
SMG4 covered his stomach, hugging himself from the bed. "You won't be all alone just for taking yourself off from social media, you have your own crew here running their daily basis. How about you try figuring that out to yourself? Go live on."
SMG4 sat back up. "I won't be able to see what the whole world would look like now..." "I'm afraid so..." SMG1 sat next to him.
"But you're gonna be fine." "How are you so sure about that?" SMG1 smirked. "You don't think Mario and the others are here with you for no reason right?"
"You also have us, and even SMG3 can help" wait- SMG3?
A sound of a person screams at the hallway. "I JUST WANT TO TALK TO HIM-" with another high pitch voice of trying to refuse him by going any further.
SMG4 turned to the direction where the unaudible sound was coming from, from One getting down from the bed and opening the door.
Three ends up getting pulled back by SMG2 whose been holding his leg, he tried shaking him off by wigglingit. "Wait three!" "I JUST NEED TO KNOW IF HE'S ALRIGHT-" "SMG3! Wo-o-a-oa-AHH!!" Two held his leg tightly.
"SMG4 needs some time to rest! You can't interrupt him-" SMG2 tried his best to put out the reason to calm Three's impatient waiting.
"I just need to see him, I want to see if he's-" "SMG3?" SMG1 called out his name, shutting the door, making the two turn their heads. "Is- is he okay? Not like I care about him or anything-" SMG1 and SMG2 looked at Three unamused.
"He's alright, SMG4 is resting. Just a... just a fractured arm and lost of both visions, his arm will heal about a few more weeks. For his eye however, it's too late to save that now..."
SMG3 calmed himself down, letting Two go from his leg.
"Me and Two will check on Melony if she's doing fine, we'll both leave you two right at it" SMG3 nodded. "Oh and Three?"
"You should probably start looking after SMG4 for now, Four is already blind. The worst that could happen is him tripping over a flight of stairs. DON'T fail this as a Meme Guardian..." SMG3 took off his hat.
"I wont." SMG1 and 2 proceeds walking to the hallway, and Three watching SMG4 through the window. He knocks on the door. "Come in" Three opens the door and saw SMG4 sitting on the bed looking at nowhere.
"Uh- hey- SMG4 it's me-" closing the door behind him, he sat to a chair facing infront to the man in blue.
"How are your eyes?" SMG3 glanced at those white and empty faded ones, guilt and pity shook his guts. "It's all black, man." Four gripped his arm covered in a cast that One had put.
"Why are you even talking to me?" "What- what do you mean? I came here to make sure if you're doing okay! And now you're angry?" Three could feel his heart getting torn bit by bit.
"Do you really hate me THAT much? SMG4 I saved your ass back there, you saved me and my eye! And now you'd just expect this to yourself that I'll be the one to just- IGNORE you like that? What kind of sick joke is this?!" SMG4 couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't read what emotions Three has been giving.
"Look Four, I worry about you- SO many f-cking times- and I wish I could just ignore them" His tone lowered and started to go soft, suprising him.
"But I can't because we were both linked and we were meant to be the Guardians to the memes. You've never paid much attention to me, you've never paid much attention from the actions you use with other people, I know what and how manytimes you did to keep ruining my life."
"Then why?" SMG4's voice deepened. "What do you mean why? Call this horsesh-t talk but- you're still my partner. No matter how many times or how many things you've done by mistake, you're still here." SMG4 opened a gap from his mouth, wanting to say something.
But- no.
SMG3 stared down to his shoes. Worried, upset, and sadness overwhelmed his mind. Staring down for too long, Four slowly moves his arms towards three and by accident.
He ends up slapping his face. "Ow-" "Oh shoot- sorry about that-" "Just what are you doing?" Huffed by three, in annoyance. "Well Mr. 'Dark-Blue'" -"it's actually purpl-" "I was trying to touch your face."
"Wha- m-mh- my- my WHAT now?!" Four faced at SMG3's side, with both of his hands still remains hanging. Gesture his way of showing something. "You better not do anything funny..." SMG3 carefully placed both of his hands to both of Four's wrist and did his best to not startle the man.
(What am I doing... this is ridiculous... either way... I just... need to buy sometime for his... company...) even now with three hesitating to let his partner's hands reach his face, he wanted to do this. Even tho how much he hated this.
With the man being blind, it would be hard for him to imagine what experience SMG4 can be feeling or having this right now. This hurt him so bad, wanting to hide it.
His eyes softened looking at his face. Then gently, little by little his newly paired gloves have now touched his cheeks.
*ba-dump ba-dump*
Three's cheeks started turning red, as Four's eyebrows went up as he felt Three's soft and smooth skin. It was his first time ever getting his hands touched from his face.
"Your, your face is smooth, and so soft, it's like I want to squish it-" SMG4 smiled at the end of the phrase mocking SMG3. "I only let you touch it just this once! It's not like I like it or anything..." Four's thumb brushed through the purple's mustache.
"You're such a tsundere SMG3! Until now" SMG4 giggled, not even noticing how close his and Three's face were. "N-no I'm not!" He huffed in irritation.
"Baka." Four's smile became bigger at the time Three said the line. "You are~" "OI! NOW YOU'RE JUST TEASING ME AGAIN!" SMG3 pushed both of his hands away with Four now laughing.
Hearing SMG4 laugh gave something what Three shouldn't have felt before. Something from that laugh, his smile, everything about it. Was special.
By the time Four stopped laughing, he shed a single tear. "I just like hearing that from you, all that I want to say is... thank you. And I'm sorry too" with Four fixing his position, and fingers fidgeting.
Ready to get hitten by bricks with cold responses, but never getting any. Three grabbed his right hand.
"You're welcome" He puts up a smile, but then the water from his eyes formed.
"I'm sorry too..."
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blue-b-bro · 8 months
They couldn't decide if Ed and Izzy were a tragedy or a story about growth
Probably nothing new, but, "cutting everyone's character arcs in the middle" aside, another, well, unfortunate effect of Izzy's death is that Edizzy instead of being complicated and fascinating, became just depressing.
But, because Izzy died, we only got Izzy being possessive of Ed, then Ed abusing Izzy, then they don't talk, Izzy drinks all the time and represses the whole thing, Ed doesn't know how to fix that, but finally says sorry (I won't be mean to him for that. It's not a thing you can sorry enough for and also they both aren't very good at talking feelings), Izzy stops drinking but still looks rather tired, Izzy tries to help Ed find happiness, Izzy suddenly dies, says he's sorry for what he'd done to Ed, and that's the end.
And because that's the end, everything before that, from both complicated characters in a fucked up codependent relationship, becomes: Izzy's ignored most of s1, then abused, then he dwells in his regrets, then hiding his dwelling under a tired smile, Ed talked to him two short times since his "death", never facing him, Ed said to the doors what he should have but never did say to Izzy, Izzy gave up trying, feeling guilty of destroying the man he loved, but who ignored him most of the time, from his perspective at least.
And then "I loved you, best I could." from foreshadowing some later development between them (going separate ways or talking things through) becomes Ed only saying he loves Izzy after thinking he died. Died because of him. And Izzy thinks he destroyed Ed, and finally admitted his real feelings while dying. And you know what? That looks like another soul crushing edizzy mess and it would be soul crushing in a good way, in a angst-enjoyer way. IF THERE WASN'T THIS WHOLE HEALING AND GROWING ARC IN BETWEEN
It's such a good tragedy really: one thinks his feelings is unrequited and destroyed his loved one, the other thinks he's unlovable and doesn't know how to show his love or even his regrets because he barely processed it himself and every time he tries he gets overwhelmed by guilt and gets stuck again. It could be great tragedy or go in a healing direction.
But the healing direction never happened and the tragedy didn't land because it was happening in the background of happy endings and whacky adventures.
They again wanted to have their cake and eat it. It would probably land well if you watched Stede/Ed arc and Ed/Izzy arc completely separately. Like compilations of scenes or something. Oh, and Izzy's arc also separately or with Stede/Ed. Because edizzy arc (or just dynamic, not much of an arc) and Izzy's arc are FUCKIN CONTRADICTORY 😂
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philosophicalparadox · 7 months
Well I did something
Update! We are at chapter 14 going on 15 now. This is going to be So Much Longer than I thought. Bout to start phase 2 of the KakaIru relationship, dip into the NaruSaku and then spam like three chapters of KisaIta cause I have way more scenes for those two lol
Check it out if you’re into it. Takes place somewhere in the middle of Shippuden, after the Itachi Retrieval arc but in an alternate universe in which Hidan and Kakuzu don’t die (nor does Asuma) and Deidara doesn’t fight Sasuke, though Kisame eventually does. I’ll work out the kinks later (haha punny punny)
Very Naruto-fandom Summary updated:
For Shinobi, Love is tantamount to Sin. There are good reasons for that.
For each Shinobi harbors Scars, and hides Secrets. Scars that twist them; Secrets that scar them. Sometimes love can heal. Sometimes it can hurt. And sometimes it’s just inevitable.
A tale focusing on a few sets of Lovers whose stories drift together, and as they collide like galaxies, they create new, otherwise implausible worlds along the way.
Or, a tale in which Itachi doesn't quite get his way, and Sasuke has no choice but to return home to find his brother, with some...unexpected, company of his own; Kakashi becomes a savior and surrogate lover as well as a real one, and Kisame is hopelessly doomed by the narrative because love makes you do stupid things. Selfless, honest, terrible, very stupid things.
*smut officially begins in ch. 9* *Sasuke’s arc starts ch. 12* SLOW BURN with disjointed character chapters/arcs at the beginning. This will resolve as the arcs collide.
PAIRINGS: Kakashi/Iruka and Kisame/Itachi main, in that order more or less. Eventual Kakashi/Itachi and maaaaybe a three way. Maybe.
Others include Sasuke/Suigetsu (which isn’t exactly serious) and Sasuke/Karin (with consequences) cause we are goin with the repressed hyper sexual teenager trope again, Naruto/Sakura (no! Not like that! Don’t compare me to the incels that write that crap) and eventually a Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura polycule. They’re rare! And honestly I Love writing Sakura way more than I thought I would. Exploring the Naruto verse from Kunoichi perspective is Fun! (If a bit depressing)
Loads of BDSM stuff particularly where Sasuke and Kakashi are concerned. Are you surprised? lol.
Genre: Hurt/comfort (much ow. Lots of angst. Plenty of bittersweet.) some Whump-ish moments, especially in the Awkward Caretaker trope. no horror elements (gasp! No horror from me? Unheard of!) but some medical stuff that’s pretty accurate but not very gory. I tried to curb my itch to make it bloody but if you’ve read my stuff or been around on my blog you’ll know that’s hard.
WARNING: Explicit Rating Justified. A Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (pfffft like I write anything else) Some vague but critically important scenes of SA. Deals with heavy PTSD issues, SA recovery, and Cancer, because Itachi is Dying and I needed something more survivable than the alternatives. Some medical ickiness and Ew moments but nothing too graphic. (Eh…for me, that is. Take it with a pinch of salt.) among these are mentions of morphine use in hospice, euthanasia, The Death Rattle, vomiting, migraines, aforementioned cancer, and Awkward Caretaker moments.
There’s also some um…social commentary? About the Japanese-flavored society these characters live in embedded into the story, things like social homophobia and sexism that are similarly Japanese-flavored and kinda historically accurate. (Plus like, Kishimoto man. He built that crap into the manga and it feels weird not to notice it?)
Itachi LIVES but so does Sasuke. They do eventually make nice…The Hard Way. (Undecided how I’m handling their relationship. Might decideto go for a Brother Complex Sasuke. Right now the fic is writing itself and I’m just letting it. Will update if that happens.)
Also I know way too many things about sharks so my Kisame HC’s are working through lol Sharks Make Sounds and You Can’t Stop Me.
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kuromochimi · 2 years
My Savior, My Demise
KMG Hanma x Reader x Brahman Draken || Chapter 2: You’re Trouble
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♡ Saving lives was top priority. You were a doctor. Time was of the essence. Each life that slipped through your grasps was a lesson learned. All until you met a man who always came to you wounded and bruised. Not until you couldn’t help but heal not only his wounds but his aching heart too; His need for touch and affection but nothing more than that.
But unlike saving lives and healing physical aches, you didn’t know trying to fix a broken man would take you to a path you never wanted to take. Never knew it would bring you a kind of pain no surgery could fix.
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WC: 2.4k+
Content & Warnings: Final arc spoilers, angst, fluff, medical setting, mentions of wounds and blood, guns & gangs, drugs, eventual smut
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 Not exactly feeling the most secure with a probable gang member leaning against you, you were about to gently push him away but his words beat you to it. “Just check on me fast and you can leave or whatever the hell you were about to do. Otherwise, I don’t think I have to tell you what can happen if you don’t listen to me right now.” and you knew this was dangerous. Agreeing to be led somewhere to be alone together with someone who doesn’t do so much as flinch at the pain caused by a gunshot wound, you were sure this was more risky than safe. Then again, refusing to go with him might end your life faster than it might if you just went along with him. 
After all the internal ruckus, you found yourself at a rundown arcade downtown. The man, Hanma, was sitting in front of you. He was in cold sweat, visibly pailer than he was the day you treated him. “What happened?” you tried to ask with the least possible shake in your voce. “Some fucker knew I got shot on the shoulder and he fucking dug the wound open” despite the severity and brutalness of the situation, you calmly asked, “When was this?” he let out a deep groan of pain. “Last night”. “I can’t treat this here, hanma. I don’t have the tools for this. You have to let me take you to the hospital.” You tried reaching out to help him up but he held up his hand to stop you. “No. I have all the shit you need right here, just treat me. See that tall shelf right there? Everything in those boxes on it are filled with medical supplies” With a nod, you immediately followed where he was pointing and took down a few boxes. Unfortunately, there were a few you couldn’t reach. Upon opening the boxes, a sinking feeling made you realize that the antiseptics you needed to clean his wound up might be up on the boxes out of your reach. “Hanma I-” As if on cue, the door opened and another tall man with a noticeable scar on his face came in and assisted you with the boxes you needed. “Thank you.” With everything you need at hand, you immediately started treating Hanma once again. Fortunately, the infection hadn’t spread and it seems someone was able to give him good enough first aid prior to your intervention. He’s wincing now, you noticed. “All done. Please try not to get in trouble again like this, I can’t guarantee you’ll be as lucky next time” Hanma didn’t react much to your words. He might have not heard you but if he did, he only chose to ignore you.
“Who’s this, hanma? Got yourself a personal doctor now?” the other man finally spoke. “Wish I did have a personal doctor but you cheapskates won’t let the gang have that. I think you better give them a little nudge and make Mikey and Koko cough up a couple extra bucks for that. ” Not wanting to stay any longer, you mustered up all the courage you had to speak up, “Can I uhm.. Can I go now? I have work” what happened next wasn’t what you expected. Hanma looked up with a still slightly pained expression before giving you an almost genuine looking smile, “Thanks, doc. You saved me again.” He then panned his eyes toward the other man “Kakucho, do me a favor and make sure she gets to the hospital safe. Can’t have my favorite doctor getting hurt now” you started picking up your things and stuffing everything back into your bag in a hurried daze. Your situation is nothing short of complicated. These men could easily be criminals. And you could have just assisted them. Everything was going haywire in your head which was why you failed to notice just how much more chaotic everything was outside. The only thing that woke you from your brief trance was the sound of gunshots and shouting. You couldn’t move. Couldn’t even look around with how frozen in place you were. Fear, stress, fatigue. “Get down!” You heard someone shout. You weren’t sure if it was hanma or the other guy, kakucho, but you followed the order nonetheless. Once the gunshots died down, you were immediately pulled by the collar quite gently, if that makes sense. You looked up to find that it was kakucho. With a stern look he spoke, “We’re getting you out of here. Now.” ; “See you around!” hanma bid. Without looking back, you started walking with kakucho. He seemed to be on alert which makes sense considering what just happened. You think you’re still too in shock to even realize what situation you just escaped from. “Stop hanging around hanma” kakucho flatly said as you walked side by side on the way to the hospital. “I wasn’t- I just ran into him and he pulled me there” “Just get your shit away from him. And me. Don’t get involved in this anymore than you already are.” He abruptly stopped walking and you hadn’t even realized that you were already in front of the hospital. “Thank you for walking me” he gave an almost curt nod before walking away quietly, slowly disappearing into the bustling monday morning crowd.
Relieved and finally at peace, you checked your phone to look at the time but instead found a couple of text messages from Draken asking if you got to work safely and you pondered whether you’d tell him about hanma and kakucho and how you ended up two hours late for work when you left fairly early this morning. Then again, that was probably and hopefully the last time you’ll be seeing them which solidified your decision to not tell Draken about it. Man’s got enough on his plate already and you didn’t want to burden him any more. Just as you were about to head to the changing room to get ready for work, another text lit up your phone. You thought it might’ve been Draken again seeing as you didn’t reply to his worried messages yet but you soon found the message to be from an unknown number. [ Did you get to work safe? ] The text read. Thinking it was Draken using his other friend’s phone, you replied by addressing him. [ Ken I’m okay. Sorry I forgot to reply this morning ] you almost immediately received a reply. [ Ken? This is Hanma ] You half expected yourself to get scared knowing that Hanma had your number but you weren’t even surprised that he managed to get your number. He probably has web after web of connections for that and for some reason, you chose to reply. You kept telling yourself that you only did it because he knew where you worked and you’d rather have him pester you through text messages rather than in person and at your workplace. [ Yes, I actually did. Please thank Kakucho for me. ] [ H: I would’ve drove you there myself if I didn’t have this stupid gunshot wound, y’ know? Would never let a pretty girl like you be in danger  ] a sudden nudge to your waist took your attention away from your phone. “What are you smiling about?” you gave yourself a mental slap. Why the hell were you even smiling at an obviously useless message from a delinquent of all things. You fully blamed it on the fact that work has been eating you up so much that you didn’t have the time to go on dates and it’s been a while since someone had actually complimented you. “None of your business” you half joked. Your colleague playfully shoved you before returning to her duties.
A couple weeks passed by without a hitch. Hitch meaning the trouble of a man named Hanma Shuji. You realized his wound must have been healing pretty well considering how he hasn’t shown up. In the past couple weeks, you asked Draken or Inui to walk you to and from work just to avoid getting caught up in any more trouble. But of course, you didn’t tell them the entire story as to why you asked them to walk with you. You made up a lie. Something about a patient getting angry and threatening you. Today however, you finally deemed it safe enough for you to go to and from the hospital alone as you always have in the past. You excitedly packed your stuff and took the lift to the ground floor. The day went well. Your patients were all pleasant and treated you well. Despite the fact that you had to leave work a little later than usual, everything was good and well. After a few minutes of walking to the station to get on the train, you suddenly realized the man walking behind you has been there since you passed the street across the hospital. To calm yourself, you imagined that he was just a patient who was also on his way to the station but it seemed very unlikely. You just had a gut feel. With much anxiety running through your system, you started walking faster, looking for anything, possibly a convenience store or a bakery where you could stay to call Draken or Inui to pick you up. Unfortunately, this part of the walk was almost all residential and only very few establishments. There were a lot of other people walking. Maybe you could ask one to walk with you. It was probably the best choice seeing as your friends would take a while to get where you were. It was taking you some time to decide which person to run to. Not everyone was approachable and not everyone was kind. You almost let out a scream when someone slung their arm over your shoulder. The only reason your scream was unheard was because the man had already managed to cover your mouth. “Relax, princess. It’s me” Of all the days you had Draken and Inui with you, you just had to choose today to go home alone. Great. “What are you doing?” you asked as you removed his arm off your shoulders. “Just keep walking. Someone’s been following you. Don’t look back.” Just this once. You felt like Hanma was the safer choice. You were holding on to the fact that you technically saved his life twice and even if he’s a delinquent, you hoped he knew how to be grateful and at least not to hurt you. “Get on” he motioned towards the motorcycle in front of him. He seemed to have noticed the doubt you had. “I can leave you here if that’s what you want but I gotta tell you, I’m way nicer than whoever the fuck is tailing you right now.” He won’t hurt me. Eventually, you got on his motorbike and he sped away before you could even take a breath.
A good probably 30 minutes was spent on him speeding off to who knows where. He finally pulled the brakes at an area far away from the busy part of the city. There were a couple quiet establishments. He got off the bike and removed his helmet, you followed after him. “Where are we?” he momentarily looked your way before answering you. “Far from them” “Them?” “Some of the men from our rival gang apparently saw you that time you treated me at the rundown arcade. They thought you were an accomplice. It’s hard to find doctors who are willing to help out gangs y’ know? They might have been planning on taking you to help them out with injuries. They hate having to go to the hospital because it’s almost always tied with the police when it comes to injuries that gang members usually get.” You were scared but more annoyed than scared. “What am I supposed to do now? I work there, I can’t always be on guard. This is fucking insane, Hanma. This is your fault. What do I do about this?” you were half shouting at him now. “Relax. I got this. You just have to trust me, little miss worried for nothing.” That was probably the last straw. “Worried for nothing? NOTHING? Are you kidding me? I don’t want to be kidnapped and enslaved or some other ridiculous shit you just got me into.” Where your bravery was coming from? Who knows? All you know is that you were angry at the man in front of you and that you just wanted your normal life back. “Look. I told you I got this so fucking listen to me when I’m trying to explain.” He looked like he definitely did not like not getting his way. You nodded. “It’s too late for you to deny being linked to me or kakucho. They know what you look like and where you work. But their men won’t dare touch me unless it’s one of their top guys which I doubt they’ll send after you.” He stopped explaining for a while. “And? What does that have to do with me? Congratulations on not being a target then but I’m still in danger in case you forgot” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Stop being a brat and give me a minute. I’m saying I’ll keep myself around you, then they can’t come close.” “Are you kidding me? Don’t you have anything better to do? I don’t want you around me as much as I don’t want them around me. Besides, this is highly suspicious.” he clicked his tongue in disapproval. “I’m literally giving time for you and I’m suspicious? Go and get kidnapped then, brat”. “That’s exactly why you're so suspicious. Why are you so willing to give me the time of day? What’s in it for you? You could just let them kill me for all you care”. “You’re interesting. Like a little play thing, yeah? That’s what’s in it for me” you sarcastically let out a laugh “That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it”. His face suddenly lit up like he just had the best idea “Fine here’s what I really want. You have to treat my injuries. You’re involved anyway, might as well make you useful if I’m going to protect you from now on. I’ll keep you safe and you had better fucking keep me alive. ” “I’m a doctor, not a god” “Don’t care. My life is in your hands now, doc.”
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undertheknightwing · 1 year
just finished s2 and finally met Jon-El!
rip to whoever the writer for this season was but I'm different. Au in my head where Jon-El's horrified "I've never killed anyone before" actually mattered in the show, the Kents managed to convince him that he wasn't broken and he didn't have to keep doing things he didn't want to do, and suddenly have triplets instead of twins <3
Even if the show didn't go down that path it's absolutely absurd that Jon-El didn't start poking at Jon's insecurities and all the ways the Kents had failed him to try getting Jon to merge! Especially if Jon-El was manipulating Jon not out of a place of malice, but because he genuinely believed that merging could "heal" both of them. That could have been so interesting to see on screen! And that's just the tip of the iceberg; as an angst writer myself, I can think of so many amazing plotlines and arc ideas for Jon-El and I'm genuinely baffled that the writers didn't try to pursue any of them.
But anyway, love Jon-El, and he can commit all the crimes he wants because he's amazing and has all the rights <3
Taking a billion points of psychic damage from that alone, but then Clark never actually talked to Jon when he was upset about it?? AHFDKJHADSKJFHSAKJFHKSBG. absolutely murdered me. okay. I genuinely cannot get over the way Clois acted, mostly around Jon but there were some bad moments with Jordan too; their lack of parenting skills this season left a really bad taste in my mouth at so many parts. I might have to rewatch s1 to remind myself why I liked them at all in the first place tbh
Anyway, I'm glad that this season gave us sweet moments between Jon, Jordan, and Nat. I'd love to see more of the three of them being chaotic siblings in the future.
You just described the perfect ending 😭
I wanted to see Clark trying to save Jon-El from his self-destruction so badly. He only tried once to get Jon-El to see what he was doing was wrong and it was a lame attempt at that.
And really why should have Jon-El believed Clark? He's currently being manipulated by a cult leader who's so strong she has a hold over thousands of ADULTS, who he sees as a person who truly cares about him, and has most likely been emotionally abused by a man who looks just like Clark. Of course he's not listening or caring about Clark's attempt that was pretty much just "hey you're bad right now, but if join me and you'll be good". But considering Clark can't even talk to or understand his Jon, it's not a surprise he can't reach Jon-El, who's just a darker parallel of his son.
Also I just wanna say that Jon-El's "I never killed anyone before" line reminded me so much of Gar's "I bit him" line AND THAT SHIT HURT.
Jon-El was done so dirty storyline wise, they took this tragic and complex character and turned him into Jordan's villain of the week to beat up. He didn't even get a proper send off, he just got beat up in a school gym and that was it. Never see or hear from him again. Such a waste of a character.
I don't think him wanting to merge was ever out of malice in canon. He did genuinely believe merging would fix him, that's what Ally made him believe. She made him see himself as broken and without purpose, told him he'll only be fixed/healed if he merges with Jon, so he saw Jon as the last thing that would save him and wouldn't let anything or one get in his way. Jon was a lighthouse in a raging storm to him.
And as badly as I think Jon-El wanted to merge, I just want to point out that after rewatching his episodes a few times I noticed there was many times Jon-El could have killed the Kents but he didn't even though they were keeping him from Jon. He never threatens his bizarro family with death either, only tells them to disappear.
I think he has no problem throwing punches as warning or threat to stay out of his way but killing his family? even if they aren't his family. I don't think that's a line he could cross. If did have no problem crossing that line he would have killed Clark with the kryptonite shard but he didn't, he left him there with Lana who he had to know could have saved Clark before he died.
I agree 100% I support Jon-El's rights and wrongs <3 but also want him to go to therapy and heal.
Clois' parenting damaged me in so many ways in season 2. It was such a huge mess. Even the official S&L insta joked about Clark ditching Jon to spend time with Jordan instead which isn't funny. Especially after a scene where it seemed like Jon was hinting at having concerning thoughts.
Such a weird season with an even weirder storyline.
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
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Title: “Uplink Status: DEACTIVATED”
Prompt: Paranoia
Fandom: Aldnoah.Zero
Character(s): Inaho Kaizuka, Count Saazbaum (mentioned), Yuki Kaizuka, Inko Amifumi
Warnings: Mild anxiety attack, implied/referenced past torture and captivity, PTSD symptoms
AO3, FFNet
I know only me and maybe like three other people on the internet care but here, have something from my Aldnoah.Zero fix-fic.
The main changes:
Inaho does not shoot Slaine down in Episode 7, Slaine joins the Earth resistance and is reunited with Asseylum.
Because Slaine is with Asseylum for the halo drop he takes Saazbaum's bullet(s) for her, forcing her to leave an injured Inaho behind as she gets Slaine out.  Saazbaum absconds with Inaho and secretly turns him into an asset for the Versian invasion (and that’s how he got his bionic eye in this AU).
Eventually the heroes discover/realize that Inaho is alive and the unwilling brain behind the new attacks, a rescue is mounted, cue recovery arc and character development all around for everyone before final battle yadda yadda yadda.
This takes place sometime after that resolution. Inaho is back at school trying to adjust to being a war hero and also continue healing from the trauma of his captivity. Also he and Inko are together because shut up, I loved them and I'm salty.
Okay, backstory over, time for the angst.
The harsh white spotlight burning painfully on his face was blocked by two shadows, one lumpy and misshapen—framed by coiling black hair—the other sharp-edged and metallic, a long medical polearm ending in a lengthy thin needle, slowly descending towards him.
 He gave a thin, pitiful whine, the only sound his cracked, tired throat could make, his clawing hands straining against the metal edges of the restraints as he stared up in horror.
 A thin white smile cracked Count Saazbaum's darkened silhouette. "I won't lie to you, this will hurt, little pilot." The man looked almost demonic as he sneered down at Inaho. "Let's see what's inside that annoyingly genius brain of yours," he hissed, reaching up and tuning something on the machine advancing upon him.
 Inaho's breaths were thin and panicked; he tried to turn his head away but there was nowhere to go, nowhere to avoid the piercing sharpness coming down straight towards his left eye.
 It looked like a hideous blossom of needles, coming closer and closer...
Inaho woke with a sharp gasp, feeling a deep ache in his orbital socket, a memory of pain throbbing through his skull.
He immediately covered his left eye with his hand, pressing, digging pressure into the aching in the hopes that it would subside.
After a few moments it did, fading into the normal gentle pinch he expected, barely detectable unless he actively focused on it.
His artificial left eye helpfully supplied him the time; neon green numbers flashing "02:41" across his upper vision.
He dismissed the display with a blink, the numbers blipping out and disappearing.
Sitting up, he inhaled slowly, shakily, his hands curling into the bedcovers, digging into the fabric. A thousand unconscious whispers pounded against his mind.
His body wound up, responding to threats that weren't there, and he couldn't get his breathing steady.
He seemed hyper-aware of the metal and electronic lump in his left eye, his pulse prickling, the images from his nightmare playing unbidden inside his head.
Finally, Inaho couldn't stand it any longer.
He got out of bed, and went immediately into their small kitchen, rummaging through the bottom drawers under the sink.
There wasn't much that could wake Yuki Kaizuka, save for heavy artillery shelling or the pop! pop! of gunfire, but the banging from their kitchen made a good argument.
The woman smeared a hand down her face as she shuffled, zombie-like, out of her bedroom, blinking dully at the scene before her.
Her little brother had plastered over several of the windows with tinfoil, carefully folding the edges so there were no cracks around the molding. It looked like a meticulously prepared art project, as if he was planning to paint around the windows and needed to cover them to protect them from the brush, the foil making perfectly neat squares around the windowframes.
Yuki continued to blink several times, her sleepy mind uncomprehending,
She yawned widely, her jaw stretching open. "Oy, Inaho..." she managed, cupping a hand over the gaping chasm of her yawn. "Don't you have a test tomorrow?" she nudged. "Go back to bed."
Her eyes almost drooped closed again, but the loud rustling did not cease, and Yuki blinked hard, waking up just a little bit more and truly seeing.
Her brother's movements were... agitated and tense. Determined. Purposeful. He knew exactly what he was doing, and was very severely focused on doing it.
"Inaho?" she called, now in concern. When he didn't answer, preferring to pull more foil off the roll she called again, anxious notes dropping into her voice. "Nao-kun?"
He paused a moment. He didn't look at her, but Yuki knew he'd heard her, was processing her question inside his head. He stood in place, eyes down firmly on the sheet of tinfoil between his hands.
It took him longer than usual to respond.
"Can't sleep," he said.
He raised the sheet of foil towards the last open window. Yuki now recalled a conversation from ages ago, long before the war, when they were sat down at the dinner table and in the middle of her tired rant about kataphrakt maintenance Inaho had piped up with a neutrally-delivered but very random comment about the apparent effectiveness of tinfoil to block out radio signals, leading to several concerned follow-up questions about the types of websites he was browsing in his downtime.
Yuki mulled over the memory and wondered why it was coming back to her, but as she watched Inaho add another layer to the window it came over her slowly.
Of course. His electronic eye. The device the Versians had used to pry strategies and battle tactics from his head.
Did he still think it was active?
He must have had a nightmare to that effect, Yuki decided. Reaching up and smearing her hands down her face tiredly, she sighed. "Weren't the pills you got from Dr. Yagarai supposed to help with that?" she asked almost pointedly. "Take one and hit the hay already."
Inaho's head whipped back with a look in his eyes that read as betrayed and Yuki felt her mind scrambling to understand why he would give her that expression.
Why he would look at her... like she was someone he couldn't trust?
"You... have been taking them, haven't you?" she prompted again, softer this time. She tried to project as much concern into her face as she could.
Inaho was stone-faced in a way she didn't recognize and it frightened her slightly. Yuki tried exaggerating her features even more, pinching the space between her eyes, dropping her bottom lip. Inaho had always had trouble with facial cues but ever since they'd gotten him back he'd been struggling more than usual, and Yuki didn't know if it was a result of his trauma, an overreaction to the changes they'd had to make in a very short timespan, or something else. All the careful, familiar patterns she had grown to recognize and adapt to had changed, and she was still fumbling to pick up the pieces.
"Nao?" she called again, voice slightly tighter, hands rising towards her chest, clenching into soft fists.
It was an extraordinarily long time before Inaho answered.
He turned away, eyes and concentration on the windowsill in front of him.
"...I don't like them," he muttered.
Yuki shuddered a little at his response, at first just relieved he had responded. Then, a deep sorrow filled her heart.
How was she supposed to comfort her little brother enough for him to sleep?
She stood there awkwardly a few moments, struggling with inaction and hesitancy. Inaho idly played with the roll of foil in his hands, attention distracted.
Yuki couldn't stand it.
She surged forward, taking the foil roll out of his grip first, setting it down carelessly on the table, then grabbing her brother by the shoulders, turning him to face her, pulling him in.
He accepted her hug wordlessly, not even stiffening, letting her press him into her chest, his mouth against her shoulder.
"I'm sorry," Yuki gasped, blinking back a sudden desperate heat that stung at her eyes. "I know this must be so, so hard for you." Her breath shuddered as she inhaled shakily. "But you need to sleep. Please," she begged, gripping him tighter, as if afraid he'd disappear. "I promise nothing bad will happen to you. Please take one of the pills."
She felt Inaho's head shift, his gaze lowering, the tension in his shoulders still tight but a breath of quiet acceptance sounding by her ear.
"...Okay," Inaho agreed, his voice warbling uncertainly.
Yuki squeezed her eyes closed against the threatening tears, wishing he could believe her.
The sleeping agent had helped. Inaho passed the rest of the night in soundless, dreamless sleep. He woke up feeling almost normal and dressed and got ready for school.
It started okay at first. But every aside glance from another student, every whisper, every odd look... he knew it was because of him.
Inaho gripped the strap of his backpack tighter and tried to pay attention to what Inko was saying. She sounded so excited and happy, and that warmed him a little despite the stares and whispers. He tuned in to the actual words, gathering that she was gushing about the upcoming wedding of Slaine and Princess Asseylum, hoping she would get an invitation.
"We've been through so much together I mean—" Inko was rambling, gesturing with wide motions. "—It just makes sense we'd be invited. I know they only announced it this morning but... do you think...?" she asked, turning to him with an eager expression.
He smiled, genuinely and unforced, and gave a little nod. "I think it would make sense," he told her.
She beamed, a wonderful, heavenly sight, and continued talking, but Inaho could no longer hear her, lost in a sudden anxiety about a pair of girls whispering and pointing at him.
Did they recognize him? Did they know what he had done, what he was guilty of?
Inaho stared back at them and they eventually looked away, uncomfortable, but that only made the anxious alarms in his head blare more.
His uplink was reporting everything, came the irrational thought. Every move, every gesture, his bionic eye betrayed the innocent students with every look, every glance.
Inaho stopped walking, his eyelids pressing closed.
If I don't look it won't see... came his thought, echoing through his head, watery under Inko's sudden concerned call.
"Inaho...?" she said, her voice staticky and far away on Inaho's senses.
He shied back, fingers mashing his backpack strap like a lifeline. You've having an anxiety attack, he told himself. Calm down.
It was easier said than done, his mind horribly aware of his bionic eye, fearful beats pulsing through him. Was it going to wrest his mind from him again? Was it going to make him lash out? Maybe Saazbaum had programed it with a failsafe to turn him into some kind of sleeper agent. He should have never accepted it back...
Inko had stopped talking, placed a tight hand on his arm. "Inaho, listen to my heart," she ordered. "Can you hear it beating?"
Almost automatically, Inaho began counting her heartbeats, measuring the distance between thumps his bionic eye could detect, calculating the rate and frequency with mathematical precision.
He counted for several moments.
"Eighty-five... over sixty..." he recited.
His whole body relaxed, tension sapping out of him.
His mind came back to full awareness, the anxiety and the irrational thoughts and the static fading. The whispering girls became no more than a notion. His left eye was seeing normally, not calculating, not even showing him the time.
His head quieted.
He gave Inko a soft smile. "They never could get human heartbeats right," he said.
Inko smiled back, her hand squeezing his. Inaho wondered when she had started holding it but he wasn't about to complain. It was... nice.
"You aren't connected to the network, you know," Inko told him, the words hitting the logic already processing through his brain. "You told me yourself, the uplink can't operate without a receiver. And theirs was destroyed."
He relaxed even further, accepting the truth of her words. "Sorry Inko," he said. "I know. I just... get worried sometimes."
She smiled with such compassion and understanding.
"I get it," she said. "I worry too." She put up defensive hands quickly, letting go of his. "N-not about you, obviously—" she began to stammer.
"You do," he said, grabbing for her hand again, liking the way her fingers felt between his. "My eye told me."
She laughed, and it did strange things to his heart.
"Can't get anything past that, huh?" she teased, squeezing his hand back and leaning against his shoulder. "Okay. Maybe it's right this time."
Inaho's senses fluttered, then came back down to a more normal state. His bionic eye was recording his elevated heartrate and clear signs of affection but he ignored it, concentrating on the pleasant sensation of Inko's hand in his and listening to her heartbeat with his enhanced auditory receivers, feeling them buzz by his ear.
For a moment, the worries and fears that plagued him utterly disappeared.
Inaho savored the time as long as he could.
In the as-yet-unwritten fixfic, there was a bit during Inaho's rescue where our heroes find him and he's out of it in a bit of a self-protective mental stupor (since Saazbaum liked to feed illusions into him via the bionic eye) until Inko embraces him and his eye measures her heartbeat, and realizes she's actually there.
Sue me I'm a sap
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This may be a minor gripe but something that has kind of bothered me about discussions and depictions of Dan is how often people seem to forget that Dan isn't just an older evil Danny, he's a combination of Danny and Vlad's ghost sides. Like people always talk about him like Danny threw away his humanity and turned evil but that's not even true. Sure, we can say that Dan is the result of Danny's action but that's a little unfair. (1/2)
(2/2) Him cheating on a test, coincidentally putting his loved one's in a position where they could be killed, is absolutely not his fault. Letting Vlad take away his ghost powers with a strange contraption might not have been the smartest move, but we are talking about a grieving CHILD here, of course he isn't going to make the best decisions. If anything Vlad's the one to blame here, and even then, it's not like he could predict what happened
you aren't wrong, my friend. it really isn't entirely danny's fault and the whole 'if you cheat on a test, you'll loose everything you love' moral is confused at best. i think as fandom we find it more interesting to look at danny's potential evil and moral struggle with himself. so simplifying it to be dan is a worse case scenario of danny makes the conflict less abstract.
particularly because when it comes to self blame danny isn't going to go easy on himself just because it was excusable mistakes.
i think another talking point should be how danny is the target of the time assassination more than vlad is, even though vlad is part of the evil whole. you could argue that danny is the catalyst of his friends death and vlad inventing the claw things. but vlad invented the claw things. maybe because his human side survived and acted relatively harmless from then on? or maybe it's because the observants based on the available evidence recognized danny as more of a threat. i think that fits actually, for all vlad tried to be an evil mastermind, his achievements outside of terrorizing a teenager and theft isn't particularly impressive. danny was the one who got shit done. all his fights he finished one way or another and i could see how that would bleed into dan defeating everyone.
the real question is how to we fix this. ideally we could shape this idea so it's less confused, though i do honestly find the dynamic of half danny, half vlad interesting. if for not other reason. than two half ghosts make a whole. actually that's something else to be said about dan. his self-loathing is what led him to killing his human half, another negative aspect coming from danny.
i wonder if we could frame it like fusion, from su. obviously dan isn't stable or healthy, or based on love. he's most comparable to malichite. but with less internal debate. dan took the best and worst of both of them. danny's determination, danny's fighting ability, danny's anger, danny's sarcasm, vlad's anger, vlads lack of morals, vlads schemes, vlad's control. heck, vlads desire to rule the world. i don't think we ever got that from danny.
maybe if vlad was more involved in the fight with dan it could have been used as an opportunity to compare and contrast their characters. to go we're not so different you and i. danny gets to recognize that he has that dark potential. vlad gets to be humbled by the fact that what he wants isn't good for anyone, especially himself. and to be fair, we do see some of that humbling with future vlad, but none of that character growth is given to present vlad, so, really it's just another vehicle for danny angst. it also depends on what you want to do with vlad though. he's a fascinating character and could be given redemption under the right circumstances or be a character who has the opportunity for redemption but chooses not to be redeemed every time.
that fits him and makes him both a more pathetic and despicable villain. it's hard to pity someone who ignores the opportunities to heal and grow.
as for danny, he becomes far more aware of the consequences his actions, especially his selfish and cruel ones can have. because that potential was always there. he has a history of abusing his powers. perhaps for this specific incident him abusing his powers can be something less understandable than almost cheating on a test that he couldn't study for through no fault of his own. (maybe i just have flexible morals?). maybe it could be something more character relevant, like he did something particularly vlad like, maybe he set up a prank at the nasty burger to get dash but it set off the explosion that killed his family. or maybe he did something particularly cruel and manipulative. there are better catalysts than a test. either way he recognized that he should never go that far again and strive to avoid being actively cruel.
he also has the opportunity to recognize that vlad does have a human half, even the one he's fighting everyday. he can face some conflict in it's not entirely clear what trait belongs to vlad and what trait belongs to him. he can empathize with vlad and he can recognize that situations aren't always in black in white. those who fly the highest, fall the hardest, after all.
it can be a growing experience. and while making it solely a danny goes bad and learns not to do evil kind of story. maybe we could cut vlad from the equation and just have danny face himself, full evil refection. i think exploring both vlad and danny through this fusion is far more interesting. especially because we can build on what's revealed about vlad in these episodes, in later ones. danny sees a future where vlad chills and that maybe his vlad could get their. later he see vlads past and what he lost to become who he is.
and then there's vlads turning point episodes. i don't know when motherly instinct took place but maddie fully recognizing he's a bastard and rejection him, was a turning point for his sanity, and danny helped it along. then we have danny rejecting him repeatedly, then we the clone episode, which we can all agree was a desperate move on his part, that danny once again thwarted. and we can all agree that this was the cannon turning point for his character where he stopped fighting for a family and started trying to be danny's villain. in that episode, i think danny could potentially pity vlad enough to try and reach out. he's not going to justify what vlad did and he's not going to apologize for stopping him. he went too far. he hurt danny and dani, he crossed a moral line that can't be justified even with his desperation. but if he changes...
he lost this time but if he changes, maybe they'll reach the point where they're ready to accept him.
i think the same thing could be said about his relationship with jack and maddie. if he changes, if he reaches out. if acts like less of a crazy fruitloop, his friends would be there for him. jack is still trying to be there for him, even if he's being oblivious about vlad's faults. vlads the one driving wedges into his relationships and pushing everyone away.
and that's so freaking human and understandable.it would be such a cool thing to explore with his character.
i could also see a potential arc where after valerie finds out vlad and masters are the same person she tries to get close to him, both to sus out how evil he is and to understand him as a halfa. afterall danny got her to acknowledge dani as human enough, the same would apply to vlad/plasmius, right? only he's a bad person and the more she uncovers about vlad masters the man, the more she realizes it's not the ghost half that's evil. but this is a double edged sword because, vlad is getting attached to her and encouraging her to be more evil. he's encouraging her to go darker and darker in her fight against ghosts and her fight specifically against phantom. to the point where she finally draws the line and says, i'm not doing that! boom exploring the moral ambiguity of her character and getting her to take a hard stance on her morals, because there's a line too far for her.
and boom a further breakdown of vlads character because he finally had someone outside the fentons to redeem him. she could have helped pull him out of the hole he'd been digging himself into. she wanted to help him. he got attached to her, but he and his bad decisions decided to dig himself deeper instead. so once again he's 'abandoned and betrayed'.
from that point, i think it'd be time for him to finally face jack head on. not through manipulative schemes. not through veiled threats and insults. but the full confrontation of 'i always hated you. you ruined my life. you're the reason i lost everything'. which is really just his own self loathing speaking. and jack... empathetic jack can see that vlad desperately wants help. and jack would offer it to him. jack would try to hug it out and apologize and give vlad the love and friendship vlad's been fighting to steal this whole time.
and vlad would reject it.
he'd probably lash out a jack and go into a full breakdown/world destroying attack. could finally put the stolen crown to use and try declaring himself king and embracing his megalomaniac thing and actually be a threat this time. and THAT would be our series finally. everyone teaming up to fight 'king vlad'. danny probably finding out that he's technically king because he beat pariah dark but the matter being a bit confused because he had help. val and danny trying to find the ring of rage or at least find someone who can make one. secrets are out. i imagine vlad, upon revealing himself to jack would out danny to make danny as sad and alone as him. except nope, his family still loves him and val has had the character development to come around to him. (she's still gonna punch danny for lying for so long.) the ghosts will come and help because no one wants another tyrannical kind and vlads obviously off his rocker.
ah, the could have beens
anyway, i didn't mean for this to become a full vlad character analysis and rewrite when we were supposed to be talking about dan, but hey, i'm a simple creature. i like good writing, and i have to rewrite things myself, so be it. - Hestia
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Tommyinnit and Hermitcraft- Heartstone
So this builds off of the whole "Tommy has somehow found himself on Hermitcraft after the exile arc" thing that got really popular with @redorich and @petrichormeraki on tumblr. Basically it's an excuse to give Tommy therapy and 20+ parent figures. One thing that's a common thread in those stories is that Tommy is shocked that Hermitcraft has infinite respawns and all of the hermits are quick to reassure him that he really won't perma-die in their world. And I had the thought- well, what if he wasn't in their world anymore? And thus came forth 1500+ words of angst~
It begins like this. Evil X is stuck in the void, alone and with no one to talk to. He misses daylight, he misses touch, he misses hearing voices other than his own. One day, he sees something get shot through the void as if by slingshot, leaving a trail of code in its wake, tethering the whatever it is back the way it came. This is Tommy, and while he begins to get adjusted to Hermitcraft and company, Evil X watches as the string of code begins to imprint itself into the void, and eventually learns that he can interact with it, albeit only on the most superficial of levels. On Tommy's end, he slowly begins to heal from his time spent in the war zone that is the Dream SMP, making fast friends with Grian and several of the other hermits in the process. He goes pranking with his newest, winged older brother figure, laughs at the antics of Impulse, Tango, and Zedaph, builds a cobblestone tower with BDubs, etc. But for all that he's healing, such a process isn't linear. No one on the server can truly understand just what sort of stuff he has been through, and so he often finds himself alone, trying to deal with his wildest emotions by talking to himself.
One day, however, a little voice in his head starts talking back. It's rough and gravelly and not very nice at first, but it's faint enough that he chalks it up to his imagination and moves on with his life. He follows Stress around like a duckling for a day, plays squire for Welsknight, and has a roaring panic attack after an unfortunate spar with False leads to him getting flashbacks to the Pit with Technoblade. He retreats back to his tower for a good cry, and in the midst of his tears, he hears the voice again. This time it's a bit nicer, sounding unsure and a bit panicky as it tries to encourage him to stop crying, god this is awkward, kid, it'll be fine. Wait, are you a kid? You seem tall for a munchkin.
This time, Tommy knows that it isn't his imagination, but half of his old server seemed to have voices in their heads so he really isn't all that alarmed that he seemed to have developed one of his own too. And he does something that no one else does when Evil X reaches out- he starts talking back. It's rough going, at first, especially since both of them have abrasive personalities, but eventually they settle into a rough estimation of friendship that means more to them then they are willing to say. From Evil X's perspective, this is the first time someone has actually listened to him and hasn't been turned away by his violent streak, his bad manners, and lack of proper social skills. For Tommy, this is a chance to vent to someone who seems to understand his pain. It helps that neither of them are inclined to ask too many questions. Tommy, on his part, has no clue that Evil X is an actual person and not a voice in his head, while Evil X can't bring himself to ask why Tommy has left a trail of code in the void and why it's all so glitched. He especially fears asking about the perma-death clause that seems to naturally have occurred in his code.
He will come to regret this choice.
The day is like any other, at first. He begins his day with a slice of sweet melon and then flies off to whatever hermits are awake at the time to "share a meal with them." Really, it started as an excuse to make sure that Tommy was eating at least one meal day, even in his most dissociative of states, but has since turned into an opportunity to eat weird things in front of people to see their reactions. (Etho is his favorite. He's always up early and half the time, asks to try a bite of whatever Tommy is having. They both agree that spider eyes taste a lot like sour boba.) From there it's off to the shopping district to restock his dirt shop and claim his share of the profits from the hole-digging service he runs with Grian. After that, there's just enough time to complete an order or two and collect more cobble and dirt before he has to meet up with Grian to go on their biweekly End Busting session. The two usually have a lot of fun as they go about it, Tommy jokingly shoving Grian off the platform only for his adopted brother to catch himself and fly up to join him on the narrow platform spanning the emptiness once again. Every once in a while, Grian mock-threatens to do the same in return, but he knows better than to actually attempt it after he did it once and had had to catch Tommy when he started screaming and even after they had gotten back to solid ground, he wouldn't stop for the better part of half an hour.
On habits die hard, after all. Tommy may have been told time and time again by everyone on the server that infinite respawns are a thing, yes really, but he still has a hard time believing it. He actually has a rather insane number of levels racked up- even more than Xisuma, which is impressive- because in all the months that he has been on Hermitcraft, he hasn't died once. It's a combination of survival skills taught to him by Philza and his own paranoia which has kept him alive for so long, and most of the hermits agree that it is rather impressive, if not entirely healthy for him to be so scared of dying. (Doc once offered to kill him as evidence that yes, it really is safe here and you will respawn, but for all that death by crazy redstone machine might of been cool, Tommy took a hard pass on that. Grian low key took exception to Doc offering to kill his adopted little brother, really man? Not cool.)
Anyway, Grian and Tommy meet up in the End and start off bridging with the insane amount of cobble that Tommy has stored up. Usually Tommy is in front, placing the stones, and Grian is in back, watching out for any sign of a slip up, but this time they decide to switch it up a bit, head in a new direction, play around with who's doing what this time. It ends... poorly. They bridge out into the black, on and on and on, farther into the void than they ever have before. Slowly, the islands of floating white stone stop appearing with such frequency, but they become larger in size and stranger in shape. Every once in a while Grian will see what he swears to be a glowing white mountain of Endstone in the distance, although Tommy calls bullshit each and every time. They chalk it all up to bad luck and going nuts from boredom, but really, neither one of them knows how to quit while they're ahead. As the islands disappear altogether and all that remains to orient themselves is the tenuous lifeline of cobblestone beneath their feet, the unthinkable happens.
Grian slips. And Tommy, taught compassion by the very world that will now kill him, reaches out to save him.
For one, brief moment, the two brothers clasp hands- and then Grian's weight pulls Tommy right over the edge and down, down, down into the void below.
Grian fell out of the world.
Tommy fell out of the world... and into a new one.
Xisuma wakes up late that day. He's been doing that a lot, if he's honest, given how late he's staying up most nights finishing up builds and the like. Those hours of sleep have to come from somewhere, after all, and he's far from an early bird. He gives into the impulse to relax a bit, drinking some tea sweetened with just enough honey to rot his teeth, and then heads off to his computer room to start up his duties as admin for the day. It's the red lights that alert him to something being wrong, and at first, he thinks it's just one of hermits' cam accounts being buggy again. Perhaps it got shut off while the hermit was bridging through the void and the hermit in question simply hadn't retrieved it yet? But who would name their cam account Tommyinnit? The looming dread sits cold in his gut as he flicks his fingers to open up his admin panel... Best to check, just in case.
The death messages are clear enough- Keralis had just perished to a ravager yesterday, likely Tango's from Decked Out if he had to guess. Zedaph had been slain by a piglin twenty minutes ago. And Grian and Tommy had fallen into the void. But if that were the case... why had only one of them respawned?
On Grian's part, he comes to with a lingering chill deep in his bones and an awful headache. The bed underneath him is warm and the sheets are a soft rosy color, likely one of the ones in Scar's magical village if the persistent smell of spruce is anything to go by. He winces against the light filtering through the window and turns to the side, squinting at where Tommy had placed his blue bed right next to his, apology on his lips for his stupid mistake. The sheets are undisturbed. Huh. That's weird, he could have sworn that he and Tommy had set their respawn points at the same time. Maybe Tommy had just forgotten and he was back in his base or at spawn? Grian rises to his feet slowly, giving his body time to adjust to the colors and sounds of the Overworld, then flaps his wings and takes off to go looking for his Tommy.
He doesn't find him.
The reactions to Tommy's "death" are many and varied, although for the most part, the hermits are split into two camps- those that think Tommy is gone for good, and those that think he may still be out there somewhere. For the first few days of Tommy's disappearance, most everyone is in the latter camp. Xisuma spends hours upon hours scanning the code, becoming increasingly more frazzled and terrified as his lack of sleep gets to him. Tango and Doc join him in the endeavor, although none of them have any luck or are able to spot the piece of code that caused the problem. No additions, no changes to the text, nothing. Grian leads the other team, those who set out on foot and one wing and with pick in hand to scour the world for their youngest charge, taken from them too soon. They begin in a grid pattern, setting out in ones and twos to search the whole world, but as the distance increases, the neat, orderly flyovers turn into frenzied boosting as panic starts to get the better of them. Some of them hold onto their composure better than others, but Grian ends up flying over the same patch of forest three times because he can't see for his tears. False, Impulse, Welsknight, and Beef cross the Nether, fighting their way into Bastion after Bastion and leaving Nether portals in their wake. In their tracks comes the fliers- Grian, Ren, Iskall, and BDubs. Each one takes a portal and does a sweep through the corresponding patch of Overworld before picking a direction to continue the search. Cubfan, iJevin, and Scar take to the seas, Mumbo, Stress, xB, and Zedaph to the End, Etho down into the depths of the caves below. Strangely enough, there are a few hermits who don't join the search- Keralis, who got the unlucky task of taking care of Xisuma and the others searching through the code, Tinfoilchef, who doesn't provide a reason but everyone gives him a pass because of his age, and Joe Hills and Zombie Cleo, who refuse to explain themselves.
Eventually, the searches dry up. Eventually, some of the hermits admit defeat. Hundreds of thousands of blocks out from spawn, down to the bedrock below, beneath sea and sky and every place that lacks the sun. How far is too far? For Xisuma, enough is enough. Tommy is dead. The search is over.
He stops looking. And soon, others do the same.
And the tone of the server... shifts.
For the first time that any of them can remember, a person has perma-died. Sure, they've all heard the rumors, of servers where infinite respawns is not the norm, of servers where the world glitched and a creeper is supercharged enough to damage a player down to their code. But they'd never thought that one of their own would be on the receiving end of such a curse. And to the hermits, the possibility of dying themselves suddenly becomes all too real. The constant flying is the first to go, and for those that insist on it anyway (outside of Grian, who has wings), checking the elytras' durability becomes more than just a habit. Eating spider eyes and other junk is out of the question, now it's golden apples or nothing. The Nether is all but abandoned, as is the End, and everyone on the server either groups up so that they are never alone, or retreats into their bases, becoming true hermits befitting of their server's name.
The joy that had once been so characteristic of the server is gone, and in the hearts of all, there lingers the dread that any one of them might be next- although, there are still those that hold on to hope that Tommy may not be as gone as he seems.
The hermits who think Tommy is dead for good and have stopped searching: Doc, Etho, Xisuma, Welsknight, Grian, BDubs, Cubfan, TinfoilChef, Stress, False, Iskall.
The hermits who think Tommy is still out there, alive if still missing, and that the search should continue: Keralis, Mumbo, Tango, Vintage Beef, Impulse, Zedaph, Joe Hills, Zombie Cleo, Scar, Rendog, xB.
Doc and Etho are old. They don't like to admit it, but they've been around since the beginning, back when players were first learning how to jump servers and communicator technology was undergoing its first upgrade. They've seen a lot and know well by now that dead is dead. Tommy is dead. All that is left to do is mourn and move on, and they have shed their tears already. Call them cold for it, but in the face of a kind of drive that can keep a man going after his entire server has burnt down around his ears (Mindcrack will be missed), they know they need to keep moving forward. There are enough broken messes on the server these days, and it is through their efforts that shops remain stocked and the torches don't burn out. They hold onto normalcy with an iron grip and hope that some day, the rest of the hermits will join them in rationality.
Stress too has a comparatively healthy approach to all of this. She doesn't want it to be true, god no, but so far everything is pointing in the direction of Tommy being dead for good. She eats a couple dozen bowls of ice cream, has a some good cries, doesn't leave her base for a week, and even afterwards she can't bring herself to wear pink for a while. But she's mourning. She's accepted things. She lets her heart break, and as time passes, she lets herself heal. And that's enough for her.
Scar is of the opinion that Tommy is still out there, and while he clings to that hope with all his might, it's fragile and Cub just knows that his best friend is going to be cut to pieces when that hope inevitably breaks. So he takes Scar aside for a quiet conversation, to break his heart before the world can break it for him. Afterwards, Scar stops talking about Tommy as if he's coming back, but his smile is never as bright as it was before. And Cub's heart breaks too.
Team ZIT swings the exact opposite way as the rest and are firmly of the belief that permadeath is impossible and thus Tommy must be alive. The three of them aren’t known for their impulse control at the best of times, and with so many hermits having given up, the trio is rightfully vicious about the fact that the others, in their eyes, have abandoned their friend. Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango all kind of feed into one another and start doing lots of dangerous stunts, as if daring the universe to permakill them and prove them wrong. If one of them does something, the other two join in and escalate things, which gets impossibly dangerous very, very fast. Tango is furious, Impulse is bitter, and Zedaph is straight up heartbroken that his other friends would give up on another of their number. They do things like fly incredibly high, go cliff jumping in the Nether only to catch themselves at the last minute, and sprint across the End bridges. If they have doubts, they never voice them. Even when Tango feels like he’s burning up from the inside and wonders at his newfound hate. Even when Impulse is utterly terrified but goes along with things anyway because Tango is doing it and he can’t bear to leave a friend alone. Even when Zedaph looks at his friends and can’t help but feel scared of and for these strangers wearing the faces he knows so well. Even then.
Team ZIT often gets dragged into and starts lots of screaming fights with the other hermits who believe Tommy is dead, especially Doc, BDubs, xB, and False. False especially gets vicious, as while pvp is no longer permitted on the server, her tongue is as sharp as any blade. She believes firmly that the others are trampling on Tommy’s memory by insisting that he isn’t dead and she is determined to make them stop. And if they refuse to give up their foolishness? Well, all she might have left is her words but with them she will make them bleed.
xB and Vintage Beef are as close to neutral as you are going to get from those that get into regular arguments. xB thinks Tommy is dead until proven otherwise, while Beef thinks the exact reverse. As some of the more chill hermits, they often get dragged in to play negotiator so that the fights don’t turn physical. And some days, when someone says something particularly hurtful, they’ll close themselves up in one of xB’s bunkers and drink until they can no longer remember why they ought to be enemies. It’s hardly healthy, but they both agree that it’s better this way. Better to forget than to hurt, after all.
Grian is… somewhat the same. Sort of. He was traumatized by Tommy, the boy he adopted as his little brother, dying before his eyes, and he can’t help but blame himself. That is, when he can remember that Tommy is dead at all. After the fall, Grian’s mind was badly broken and he couldn’t accept that his little brother was dead for the longest time. He fell into two weeks of deep depression, barely eating or drinking, and eventually Iskall came and took care of him when he realized that he hadn’t seen his buddy in ages. Iskall nursed Grian back to health, only to feel his heart shatter in his breast when Grian turned to him, eyes feverishly bright and tone childlike, asking where Tommy was. The winged man’s mind couldn’t cope with the loss so it had shut down entirely, making him forget the tragedy that had occured. Iskall had deflected then, frantically trying to figure out what to say, but after a few days of Grian wandering about in a dreamlike state, his memory came back to him and he collapsed in on himself once more. The winged hermit is now locked in a loop of this, while poor Iskall is stuck trying to keep his friend alive and relatively sane.
Iskall, for his part, thinks Tommy is well and truly dead. In part because of his own certainty, in part because anything else would be even crueler for Grian. He doesn’t resent his friend for his break downs, just quietly bundles him up and clutches him close, coaxing him to eat and bathe, to put down the guilt and realize that it’ll be okay, the world won’t end with Tommy gone. He gently tries to nudge Grian down that path of acceptance of Tommy’s fate, and though he faces many setbacks, he tackles each one with a special kind of patience born of platonic love. They’re bros, despite everything. It’s only right.
Mumbo is, weirdly enough, on the side of Tommy being alive. Iskall doesn’t exactly approve and while he and Mumbo sometimes get into whispered arguments over it, they try to keep their little disagreements from Grian. Both of them only want to see their friend happy again, and will do just about anything to make it happen. For Mumbo, this means putting together crazy redstone contraptions to try and find Tommy again, as he’s certain that Grian’s little brother is still out there somewhere- and he has a piece that might prove it. Iskall comes over one day, face drawn and haggard from a night of soothing Grian through another set of screaming nightmares, only to find Mumbo waist high in redstone wiring, all hooked up to a strange portal design that looks too much like Doc’s infinity portal from season 6 for comfort. At the top of the arch is Tommy’s compass, needle whirling about like a hurricane, and while the portal isn’t lit, it does give off a faint blue-black glow. Iskall is frightened that Mumbo is tampering with something that could get him killed and Mumbo rushes to reassure him that no, the compass was specifically linked to Tommy so if Tommy was really dead, it would have been reset, right? He’s merely borrowing that tie to try and figure out where the two ends lead. Iskall is less than sure about this, especially since Mumbo is just as drawn and pale as he is, if a bit more covered in redstone, but they agree that fighting is pointless. They care about each other and about Grian too much to put any of them through that sort of pain- and besides, there’s more than enough fighting on the server already.
Ren too thinks that Tommy is alive and he is one of the ones who gets into regular fights. He’s a lover, not a fighter, but something about this whole situation just burns him up. When the pressure gets too much, he goes flying, tracing over those old familiar trails they searched so long ago, trying to see if there is anything they missed. There never is.
Welsknight has made his peace with Tomy’s death, though the server tends to forget that he and Tommy were closer than most. He alone knew that Tommy was once upon a time a boy called Theseus (a name given to him shyly when Tommy had asked him if there were any great heroes with that name that didn’t die). He alone knew Tommy’s love for horses, or that he would spend hours whispering horror stories to them when he thought no one would hear. Tommy was his squire, and although he had accepted the tragedy, he still wept for the hurt it brought him. He alone knew of the little grave he had dug under the willow tree in his castle courtyard and the headstone he had placed there, engraved with Tommy’s true name, death date, and supposed date of birth. He couldn’t have been more than 17, and perhaps that was what hurt the most. Every morning at dawn, Welsknight brings a bouquet of flowers to that little grave and says a prayer before disappearing into the morning fog. The flowers are always the same- forget me nots, for remembrance, violets, for devotion, and clover. (Think of me).
Tinfoilchef stays out of it- always has and always will. He’s too old to rush about searching or to feel as wildly as the others do. He feels, of course, but more so as the mountain does, steady and strong despite the winds that tear at its surface. Tommy is dead, but then, so are many of the people he has known in his life. It’s best to just keep plodding along.
BDubs is a mess. He had never spoken of it, but long before he had come to hermitcraft, he had had a daughter- a beautiful baby girl whose heart was too big for her chest, and she had died for that difference. He had grieved for years, but eventually the peace of the hermitcraft server had left him soothed, if a bit different than before. Tommy had been another chance at fatherhood, not that he could ever bear to call the teen that, even in the privacy of his own mind. Instead, he had taught the kid to build cobblestone towers that weren’t entirely offensive (if shaped a bit oddly) and had been the first to volunteer any time Grian was out and Tommy needed a place to spend the night when the nightmares were particularly fierce. They had so many fun sleepovers like that, and staring at those awful cobble towers in the distance, BDubs can’t help but bawl his eyes out at the memories. He waffles between taking the towers down or leaving them up- they really are ugly, and the feelings in his chest that they inspire are even more so, but somehow, he can’t bear to see them gone. Instead, he dries his eyes, flies off to grab a shulker of cobble, and sets about adding a few more to their number. A final remembrance for the boy he would have gladly claimed as his own, if only he hadn’t been too late. (He ends up building a lot more than a few).
Joe and Cleo are somehow the only ones who are actually neutral in the whole mess. Whenever they are asked their opinion on if Tommy is truly dead or not, the pair simply smile mysteriously and refuse to comment. Joe always seems to know more than he lets on and Cleo is his closest confidant, after all. Despite the anger and tears directed their way for refusing to commit to either side, the two keep their silence. (They know the truth of the matter, after all. Everything will be okay in time).
Xisuma has given up. Tommy is dead, and there is nothing he can do but spend days and days going over the code with a fine tooth comb, trying to find the glitch that cut the life of their youngest member short. Keralis takes it upon himself to take care of his long time friend, but it’s not an easy task, not when the other is so determined to make sure that such an incident never happens again. And Keralis can’t find it in himself to complain, especially since he is laboring under the impression that Xisuma agrees that Tommy is still out there and is trying to find him. It is only when Keralis mentions it in an aside, thanking the admin for his dedication, that Xisuma breaks the illusion and explains. Tommy isn’t just dead, he says tiredly, his very presence is well and truly wiped from the world’s code. All that is left of him is the faint impression his code had left behind, and trying to read it and understand what went wrong is a bit like trying to read small letters that have been drawn out in dry sand. Even for a voidwalker like himself such a task is near impossible, and Xisuma can only do so much. The needs of the many above the needs of the few- best to secure those he can now than worry over those that are gone beyond his reach. And Keralis can’t help but look at his friend with new eyes, a fleeting sense of betrayal in his heart. He had thought better of his Shishwammy, and he says as much. 
He cries while Xisuma watches on in solemn, mournful silence.
TBC  :)
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 3 years
Being Exiled with Tommy Headcannons!|| 🥀
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irl/ in-game
Genre| angst + comfort
h e a d c a n n o n s||
Both you and Tommy ended up getting exiled together.
Artist| OliverSonder on twitter!!
Warnings] mentions of manipulation, character death, spoilers for Tommy’s Exile Arc and the Season 2 finale!!
[can be seen as both platonic or romantic!!]
||gender neutral reader!!||
(also this was not grammar checked and im to lazy to watch through hours of footage so if anything in here is wrong blame it on the DSMP Wiki OKAY LETS GO-)
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So i think its pretty established that if you end up getting exiled with Tommy your one of two things.
- Really sweet and loyal friend that will stick up for in-justice and be there when someone needs you the most
- A total fucking gremlin that will steal your kneecaps and toes and eat your shower curtains in the middle of the night.
There is no inbetween here you guys.
I did end up going for Reader A, though. But you guys tell me if you want headcannons for a gremlin!reader because i will gladly do that!!
But anyways just... enjoy exile!
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- It was about his third day in exile when Y/N appeared through the nether portal, bags, pouches, tools, armor, etc. on their person. Tommy thought they either were here to beat him up or got exiled themselves.
- Tommy was pleasantly surprised when he learned that Y/N was actually there on their own accord, helping him through exile and being his shoulder to lean on. The first few days we’re rough, fighting back mobs in the night and farming crops all day. His clothes we’re starting to get dirty and torn by the time Y/N got there.
- Y/N ended up making a little bunker about 30 blocks from where they’re tent was, where they hid all theirs and Tommy’s valuables, such as armor, diamonds & iron, and rations. Although Y/N never gave into Dream and gave him they’re stuff, Y/N simply refused, they wouldn’t be giving in that easily.
- Most of they’re days are spent in caves mining away, chatting and fighting off Creeper’s as they tried to keep the moral high, always keeping Tommy company. Y/N never let him go anywhere alone, they we’re always with him, like his own bodyguard of sorts.
- One time they both find a Mineshaft though and got lost, they ended up at the surface two dayd later with torn clothes, cuts and bruises and we’re in bad shape. Thankfully Y/N had a brewing stand at they’re camp though, so Healing Potions we’re semi-easy to make/get.
- After the duo end up going to the artic though... things got... weird.
- Techno was not expecting to open his door to find the heathen Tommy and sweetheart Y/N at his doorstep shivering and begging to come inside, bags thrown on they’re shoulders as they teeth chattered from the cold wind and snow.
- Whenever Dream comes to visit Y/N always has to hide with Tommy, reassuring him that its okay and they’ll always be there for him, and protect him at any cost, which he highly appreciates.
- The ‘gapple-eating’ thing Tommy did was a cute, yet depressing thing. Seeing him hasitly munching on golden-coated apples was funny and caused giggles, but the meaning behind it always left Y/N with a lump in their throat and a hole in their heart.
- Whenever Tommy is in danger and calls for Dream, Y/N always has to stop him and bring him back to reality, making Tommy realize Dream isnt his friend, and never was. Many nights have happened where the two talk about Tommy’s feelings with Dream, not only for Tommy to vent and let everything out, but also for Y/N to understand whats going on in his head.
- When going into the Nether Tommy always grips Y/N’s hand, as his fear of lava and heights consumes him whole in that firey dimension.
- When Tommy gets up close to Dream in the cabin? Y/N is scared spineless, if people could see them, they’d see the palest, most terrified and worried being on earth.
- Y/N having a heart attack when Ghostbur slips up
- Ghostbur is just a whole thing and just. Y/N needs a break, okay?
- Y/N begrudgingly helping Tommy build his cobblestone tower outside of Techno’s cabin.
- Y/N apologizing soon after to Techno only for him to laugh and ruffle Y/N’s hair, saying he knows how Tommy can get anyone to any situation.
- Very rarely does Y/N ever leave Tommy’s side, when they do its usually to get supplies or visit they’re friends. So when Y/N was walking back to the Nether portal to see Tommy, Techno and Dream all standing there, looking like they’re about to slit the others throat, well...
- Nobody has ever seen Y/N drop kick a person so fast.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Y/N yelled, they’re sword at Dream’s neck, as he laid on his back, his mask covering his shocked expression.
“Answer. Me.” Y/N gritted through their teeth, pushing their swordfurther against the masked mans throat. Techno soon chimed in, reassuring Y/N that nothing to terrible happened.
“It’s fine, Y/N. He didn’t do anything, why not we head back home? Wouldn’t want that homeless man to be to scared spineless, eh?” Techno said, hand on they’re shoulder as he looked Y/N in the eyes.
The 3 walked back to the Nether portal, purple mist engulfing Tommy and Techno as Y/N stood in front of the portal. Back turned towards Dream, Y/N shifted they’re head and glared at Dream with eyes that could kill.
“Don’t do anything you might regret, you megalomaniac.”
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- When Tommy and Tubbo decide to go fight Dream, Y/N is both excited and scared. They hope Dream will finally be taken down, but they dont want Tommy (& Tubbo) to be taken down as well.
- So like any amazing best friend, Y/N brews up a bunch of potions of Strength, Healing + Regen, Invisibility and more. Even if Tommy thought he was going to be walking out of there alone, he wasn’t going to be. Y/N would make sure.
- Y/N watched from afar as Tommy got his disc out of the jukebox, laughing in success. All Y/N did was clap quietly, making sure they’re Invisibility didn’t wear off. They we’re making sure Tommy stayed safe, even if he didn’t realize it. Y/N loved him with they’re whole heart, and everyone knew that.
- At Dreams secret base, Y/N was just getting there as Tommy took Dreams first canon life.
“Tommy. Stop. Dont do anything you might regret.” Dream snarled, looking at the teenage boy, his blue eyes dull, yet full of passion and vigor.
All Tommy did was pursue forward, as everyone waited for what was to come. Tommy took one step to close though, because Dream had decided that he had enough.
Dream brought his arm into the air, hand curled into a fist, he was about to hurl his hand into Tommy’s face when Dream suddenly fell to the ground, arrow in his forehead.
Dream was shot by Y/N
Y/N stood there, enchanted bow in hand, infront of the nether portal that swirled with an eerie purple mist. Y/N lowered their bow, staring at the man who tortured Tommy for weeks now. Y/N simply stepped forward and towered over Dreams corpse before it disappeared in thin air.
Lets just say Dream wouldn’t be hurting the blonde heathen anytime soon.
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a/n: howdy everyone how we doing? Decided to do Tommy x Reader for this post, although i am MAJORLY simping for Wilbur atm and i have brainrot so that’ll most likely be the next post (if i dont do a pt. 2 for this one but even so WILBUR).
Anyways i hope i did racooninnit justice, i have no idea how to do headcannons since half the time i ramble (its the adhd) so this was new for me. Definitely not my strong suit but like you live ya learn. Also, sorry if i left out quite a lot, i might make a fic about this and include more events, but this is really long for headcannons (because of my layout) so i didn’t include to much. I dont want people scrolling for like 20 seconds to go to another post (i write on mobile so undercut is not a thing for me RIP)
Anyways have a lovely day and dont let Tommy eat all your gapples!!
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saintobio · 3 years
I actually really enjoyed the latest chapter! And you handled Sera’s arc in a very smart way. She can never be redeemed fully (at least in my eyes, but I’m petty) because she did too many awful things and she literally tried to induce a miscarriage in y/n—I know she was manipulated by Eula but she is a grown ass woman, she still knew 100% what she was doing. So instead of trying to fully redeem her—(she only did what she did to soothe her own conscience, so still selfish reasons showing that her pride is still a major vice) having her be knocked down a few levels and being humbled and admitting that y/n was in the right all along was the right decision for her character, and was more realistic.
also, y/n’s call out of her was SO SATISFYING TY FOR WRITING IT. 10+ chapters of slow burn and angst totally paid off in that FANTASTIC speech rightfully ripping her apart for what a selfish, self victimizing a-hole she is. AND SHE GOT THE DIANA SHOES BACK IM SO HAPPY ASJFKDKKDKD
anyways just wanted to let u know not to be too hard on urself, I thought the chapter was 10/10!!
Anonymous said
im honestly in awe that sera apologised and tried to right her wrongs. her pride is very potent (??) and it was refreshing the see she acknowledged her mistakes.
DADJO!!! MF!!! ok i rlly dk what to say bc i don't want to say he deserved it but he kinda did???? like???
also i hope yuuta is doing better with the guilt off his shoulders. im so proud of him for coming to terms with the fact that his mother is not a good person as it must have been a difficult epiphany. he deserves so much better and i hope satoru comes around and accepts him as a brother. all my love to one (1) okkutsu yuuta
@x-avantgarde-x said
Saint, the way you have built this all up is simply mesmerizing.
Sera’s humble attitude had my shocked when I first read it, it was such and intelligent move. Y/N finally putting her on her place and standing up for herself was just delightful to read. And Lady Diane’s shoes after Y/N has clearly shown how recently she’s feeling insecure about herself and Santoru’s past affairs with Sera… Poor man is gonna have so much work back at home.
Yuuta’s intervention was simply fantastic. I really can’t wait to see if this makes Satoru start viewing his step-brother under a different light and they are able to start to build a healthier relationship. Dadjo suffering from locked in syndrome is a sad yet extremely fitting way of making him pay for all his wrongs.
I kinda missed the Zenin’s, but I can’t wait for Toji’s and the kids interactions with Y/N’s baby once the little munchkin is born!
Anonymous said
saint omg this new chapter was just !!!
im so so so happy y/n holds sera and gojo accountable without comprising her kindness. like she’s making it clear she’s not spiteful or vengeful enough to drag other people into their mess but she’s definitely not letting gojo/sera off that easy, especially with the pain they caused her.
also yuuta my precious cinnamon roll. too good too pure for this world.
@thatminniechick said
Also returning the shoes?? Proud of Sera for taking the big step in order to let go of Gojo. Now there isnt anything to hold on to and she can properly move on, which she really needed. It probably wasnt easy to self-reflect esp after all the bad things she's done, but it's the start of hopefully healing for her. I wonder if that'll be a conversation that Y/N will bring up to Gojo 🤔
Anonymous said
I'm so happy because of Sera's redemption🤧🤧, I mean I still don't fully forgive her but I'm happy that she is slowly changing for the better.
(Naoya is still ours though:)jkjk)
Anonymous said
Hi Saint I just read the latest chapter and wow that is a lot I loved the yacht scene with gojo and geto being simps for shoko and y/n, and the scene with y/n and Sera like Y/N was spitting straight facts and put her in her place and I like how Sera let down her pride for a second and saw that Y/N was genuine with her actions for what she did for her brother, and Shinzo... welp buddy that's karma and it smacked you right in the face I hope E*la suffers in the most miserable way for k word Nana and hurting others I hope she doesn't hurt Y/N or Naoya 😢😭🥲 and that ending though YESSS YUTA TELL THE TRUTH #EULAFORJAIL2021 PLEASE, but I really hope that Satoru and Yuta can work on there brotherly relationship in the future Uncle Yuta when🥺🙌 but I hope you are doing well Saint and thank you for putting out amazing content for us and don't listen to those hateful anons they don't mean shit and are just jealous because you are amazing baby and don't forget that👌😁☺👊💖💓 and question after SN Season 1 is done how long are you going to take a break for I hope this doesn't sound rude I just wanted to make sure after the finally of season one that you have time to recover and focus on yourself, and has the gender of Satoru and Y/N's baby been relived idk if I missed it in the previous chapters or if it was never relieved and you don't have to answer if it is a spoiler for the rest of the chapters💖
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yessss aaaa i feel like it’s not logical for sera to do a complete 180 and suddenly be all nice to yn. it’s more of a gradual process of her awakening to her own reality, realizing what she’s done wrong, and generally progressing as a character. she’s a character that has a lot of pride, so humbling herself down instead of directly apologizing to yn seems like the most accurate move for her character. so glad u guys liked the development :)
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autisticandroids · 3 years
do you know any fics about dean and meg fucking while thinking about cas? i think it will be hot and kinda sad.
i don’t and i’ve searched through like the entire dean/cas/meg tag on ao3 (there is NOTHING good it ALL sucks) BUT i can tell you that there is a secret good season nine that lives in my head (concocted in conjunction with @lesbiansamwinchester) where meg lives and they complete the trials at the end of season eight with meg as the demon they’re curing and sam dies BUT sam comes back as a ghost tied to the impala but doesn’t show himself to dean so dean doesn’t know, but he DOES show himself to kevin and kevin ends up stealing the impala and joyriding around the united states having a coming of age arc while sam just kinda. hangs out and tries to mentor him semi-successfully. BUT it does get them out of the bunker.
meanwhile in the bunker, dean is a depressed wreck because sam is dead and he can’t even sell his soul about it because hell is locked, meg is a wreck because she’s been a demon for thousands of years but now she’s a human so she has a “conscience” and she has to reckon with all her “atrocities” and also because meg has always been kind of a wreck she just puts it aside to follow orders or to survive but now there aren’t any orders and she’s not in any danger so she’s slowly going insane having to “face” her own “problems” and “trauma,” cas is a wreck because, well, he’s human now and also the angels fell and it’s his fault, but also like. he’s doing the best of any of them, because 1) he’s not being forced to interact with society he’s just hanging out in the bunker with his friends who are used to him and know how to interact with him and accept him, he is part of a community (even if it is only a community of three) and he belongs there, 2) Dean Is Being Nice To Him Right Now, always a prime factor in cas’ mental health, and 3) dean and meg both need him to take care of them emotionally and that’s something he can do, he’s good at being therapyfriend. (they also to an extent need him to care for them physically and he’s worse at that but he approaches it with gusto and he learns. this is normally a role dean takes on but he is too fucked up even for that during the early parts of this arc; one of the signs that he’s slowly healing is that he starts cooking for cas and meg). 
anyway one of the things that happens is that meg and cas are sleeping together, and it’s very much a no feelings, fuckbuddies thing (although they are both aware that meg is deeply in love with him and simply do not talk about it or admit they are aware of it out of deference to her pride. you know. normal shit) BUT dean’s ideas about sex are Diseased and he thinks meg and cas are Dating Seriously, With Intent To Marry And Everything, (because cas is innocent and pure and could NEVER just be having no strings attached sex, that’s for evil irredeemable man disease havers like dean) and he is just. so mad about it. That Demon Skank Is Manipulating Cas With Her Feminine Wiles, Just Like She Did To Sam (cut to meg crying in her room because cas will never love her back while cas obliviously tries to make everyone a nice breakfast because he loves his friends <3!) like dean is so mad. he’s sublimating his [REDACTED CAS RELATED FEELINGS] into protectiveness. 
now into this mix you throw in one (1) adrenaline and belligerent sexual tension filled post-hunt hookup between meg and dean. cas stayed home at the bunker on this one so dean and meg are alone which like never happens and they do some violence together and then they end up fucking afterwards because of the adrenaline rush and because the belligerent sexual tension they have is off the chain. this pushes dean into a complete meltdown because he’s like i fucked my best friend’s girl, the ultimate betrayal, how can i ever redeem myself oh god, oh woe is me, meanwhile when they get back to the bunker and dean goes and hides in his room, meg goes up to cas and is like by the way i fucked dean, wanna hear about it? and cas is like Yes Of Course Please Tell Me Every Detail I Am Very Intrigued and then they have deeply weird sex while cas updates his fantasies about what dean would be like as a lover. 
anyway normally i’m a “i enjoy megstiel because i love the tragedy of cas is in love with dean, but can’t have him, so he’ll use meg as a substitute / meg is in love with cas, but she can’t have him emotionally, so she’ll use fucking him as a substitute” person but actually i think they could work something out and be in a triad where everyone is emotionally satisfied. like i think meg being there might actually help cas get with dean, (”if you’re so concerned about protecting cas’ honor from my feminine wiles, you’ll just have to join us, dean-o” and then slowly lifting veils of plausible deniability until dean has to admit that he has feelings for cas), and once it’s less of an eternal pining situation with dean, cas might be able to genuinely give something back to meg, emotionally speaking. 
also if they’re both fucking cas, dean and meg’s dynamic is...... incredible. it’s a special little prickly but ride or die friendship that i’ve invented completely in my brain but i love. they’re the definition of vitriolic best buds. also they have sex but only when they’re housewifing around the bunker waiting for cas to get home like a nineteen fifties husband. (when i say housewifing i mean dean is obsessively cleaning the kitchen and making dinner and meg is sitting on the couch eating chips).
i know this isn’t quite the angst that you asked for but it’s what i have. in my brain.
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highfaelucien · 3 years
While on the topic of wishing sjm had done something different for her characters, I really wanted something more for cassian. For example, cassian’s wings going from being completely ruined in the end of acomaf to being 100% healed in acowar made no sense to me. I think it would’ve been an opportunity for the growth of cassian’s character to see him go through the loss of losing the ability to fly and instead retrain himself to be a warrior in other ways and find other things about himself that prove his own worth to himself. Given the fact that cassian’s confidence is aligned with his ability to protect and serve others, it just would have been sooo good to see him overcome his grief and become even stronger of a character. And how wings, in general, are a sense of male pride among illyrians. I think this would’ve been the perfect way to write cassian and have him break away from his own idea of masculinity. He could have redefined what it meant for him to be a Man ™. Ugh, it just could have been so GOOD, imagine the character we could have gotten from him.
Listen, after ACOMAF, when this happened, EVERYONE was buzzing about this. Most people thought he wouldn't outright lose his wings permanently, but there would be a LOT required.
And then ACOWAR came and approximately nothing happened whatsoever. Oh he had to be healed. the healer had to rebuild his wings. he had to do strength training every day. But fundamentally: not a sausage.
Personally? I think Maas chickend out. I think she was unable to commit to taking Cassian's wings, or figuring out how to write him as anything other than what she's established him as: fun jock man who likes to hit things real hard and make dick jokes sometimes.
Having to see Cassian vulnerable? Having to see him broken, and struggling, and having to reevaluate his entire life and self-esteem and sense of masculinity would have been an incredible option for a character arc.
Most of the theorising/Nessian fics involved Nesta helping him. The two of them being broken/fundamentally altered by their experiences in Hybern - she being killed and Made with a dark power, Cassian losing his wings.
There was expected bonding over that, peeling away the masks they both wear to discover the softness underneath. The two of them being able to reach one another, because of their bond, in a way the others could not. It produced some pretty epic stuff, honestly.
And how badly I wanted that I didn't FULLY realise until the disappointment of ACOSF, when it hit fully.
Because instead of stripping Cassian back and seeing the tactician, the strategist, forcing him to put his other skills to use, to develop those skills, rather than 'smash with sword and ask questions later'. This man is a General. All the combat training in the world doesn't let you be good at this job if you can't command, if you can't use tactics, if you can't strategise.
And THIS is where I wanted to see Nesta. Nesta, the woman who calculated how many ships would be needed to save the humans of Prythian. The woman who looked at Greysen's manor and assessed its capabilities and saw a prison. The woman who devours history novels, who has a tactical, cunning mind. Who has never been a warrior or a creature of brute strength or physical abilities.
THIS is how I wanted to see Nesta evolve. This was how I wanted to see her develop. I didn't want her taken out of lady's dresses. I didn't want her forced into fighting leathers, to basically become another copy of her sister, and follow down that path.
I wanted her to take her own. I wanted her to finally be in a place where she could learn, and strategise, and contribute. And I wanted her to work with Cassian on this - who was grounded because of his wings, who couldn't command on the frontlines anymore, or even fight. Who had to stay back, and see how he handled this. How he maintained his authority. How he maintained his sanity without his wings.
We could have had so fucking much. Such a powerful narrative about survival. I wanted her in the library, with the other survivors, (and with fucking MORRIGAN - not sidelined, not dismissed, not being bitchy and catty for the sake of it. But someone who visits the library frequently, who interacts with the women there, and sometimes just is a woman there herself, because there are still hard days.)
But no. No instead of something nuanced, and original, and actually tailored to Nesta's strengths as a character, we got Yet Another Weapon's Trainng Montage.
We got the narrative that the only way to heal from abuse is to be able to beat the shit out of your abusers. Because that's #GirlPower, right?
It makes me so furious I almost want to just. Just fucking rewrite the whole damn fucking thing myself the way it SHOULD have gone.
And I know you talked about Cassian and not Nesta, so I do apologise, but they were tied together. But I agree.
We all wanted Cassian to evolve from that 'Lord of Bloodshed' / "savage brute" because reading between the lines and forcing some nuance from these books, which is the only way to survive: Cassian has a lot of layers. There's a lot of trauma there. A lot of insecurity. A lot of angst. A lot of heart. A lot of fucking INTELLIGENCE. (I'll fight on that point, I really will. Cassian is not a dumb himbo who can barely add 1 and 1).
But sjm was too busy writing him having a hard on for Nesta to explore....anything about himself. Or his relationship with Azriel, and Rhys, and Mor, and everyone else.
The removal (even temporarily) of his wings would have allowed for a LOT of that exploration.
Firstly, the fact that he injured them by CHOICE, saving Azriel's life. That would have been such a deep connection and bond between them. The guilt that Az would feel - but the potential for Cassian to step in, even with his wings gone, and say that he'd do it again.
Because Azriel is his brother. He loves him. And it was worth it. It would be worth it a hundred times over to save him. Because he's worth saving. And he's worth sacrificing for. And what that would have done for Az as a character, too. Who always offers himself up first for dangerous missions, puts himself in peril to protect the others.
And having Cassian join Feyre and Az's flying lessons? Because Cass having to relearn how to fly once (if) his wings healed to that extent, means letting Azriel train him. Because those old instincts aren't enough. And he has to learn how to strengthen them, and train with them. And how this affects his perception of himself and his masculinity, as he said. But also deepening his understanding for Az, and the bond the two of them share, in having this experience together.
Bonding with Rhys, who FINALLY fucking opens up to someone and has some nuanced therapy-like conversations about what happened with Amarantha. The sacrifces they've made for their people. How they'd do it again but it still hurts, and changes them, and how they have to learn and grow and move on from that and heal together.
Rhys working with Cassian on his other talents, using him as the skilled strategist and tactician he MUST be. Helping him to develop that, keeping his brother from losing his mind while he can't fight or use his physicality to solve problems, as he usually does.
Mor personally healing and tending to Cassian. Mor being there at his bedside every day while he was bed bound. Mor becoming as possessive and overprotective of both him and Az as any mate ever has been.
Mor speaking to him about her own rehabilitation after what her family did to her, the physical toll that took on her. Mor's heart breaking because she nearly lost both him and Az and she couldn't handle that at all. Mor reiterating how much she fucking loves him, and how she needs him.
Mor helping him through the darker days of his depression because she's been there. And she knows what it is to put on a front. To always be laughing, and joking, without the seriousness of life -leave that to the others. But sometimes it's too much and he needs to break down. And be angry. And furious. And hopeless. And scared. And that's what she's there for. Because she understands.
Mor winnowing him to his favourite spots that he can't fly to anymore, just so he can be there. The two of them spending time, and bonding, and developing that relationship we got in ACOMAF beyond 'we bicker constantly and drink together and make sexual innuendos'.
Even Amren showing up and doing her part. Snapping at him to stop brooding so much. But also bringing him some of her puzzles. Some of her favourite military history books (which she has anotated and edited to highlight the bits that have been incorrectly reported). Spending time with him to stop him going mad. Exhausting herself those first few days personally attending to Cassian's wings, and snarling at anyone who tried to interfere.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
Since starvation is canon imagine Dream in the future having to deal with the mental effects of it. His armor doesn't fit and feels like carrying hard rocks that hit him in his bones painfully. It's harder to do things that he did so easily before. He used to be able to move freely, whenever he was trapped he could rely on his body to carry him away from any bad situation. He could climb trees and run and swim so eaily but now it's so much harder, so much more tiring. It's a trapping feeling that follows him around constantly.
aww this ask made me sad ,, yeah post-pandora recovery is going to be a Bitch And A Half. just *shakes c!sam* stop violating basic human rights you creeper man you. 
anyway, have some more syndicate c!dream angst!! 
tws: ed mention (kinda), disordered eating, starvation, trauma, torture (mentioned), vomit mention, internalized ableism (? dream makes a few statements that sorta brush off his trauma), pandora’s vault/prison arc
His armor doesn’t fit anymore.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Dream may not be like Techno, is hardly as careful with his armor - he’ll slap on a Prot IV, Mending, maybe Unbreaking if he’s feeling generous, but he’s never really managed to shake the careless ambivalence he’s learned to regard most of his belongings with after their inevitable destruction, not after the chaos that made up growing up with Sapnap and George - not to mention the training from manhunts. His armor was a rushed, simple thing, made much the same way as he would craft any set in iron, the extent of its personalization limited to the neatly-printed “Nightmare” he used to mark each piece as his own. Even so - it had once been his, his constant companion as he traveled around the server, as comfortable over his shoulders as a second skin - it wasn’t pretty, or well-crafted, or worth anything much at all, but it was his.
He doesn’t have very many things that were his from before.
Most of the set is still left on the armor stand Techno had left in the room, only the chestplate missing from the wooden dummy so he can hold it up with his own two hands. He brushes his hands over the surface, feeling out the familiar runes scrawled over it back and front, hardly even legible thanks to his rush job. It’s clearly taken a beating or ten, nicks and scrapes covering it back and front - some familiar, most not - and he frowns as he shifts its weight between his hands, heavy and leaving his arms straining even after just a few minutes.
He’s no stranger to proper training - knows, still, after so long without sparring or practice or anything, that the set is too heavy for him. He may lean towards a lighter armor than most to allow for his movement and parkour, but it was still made for someone well-practiced and healthy - nothing like the wreck of bones and skin he’s become after months without proper meals and torture. He can hardly hold up just the chestplate alone - he’s not stupid. Netherite is heavy, and he can hardly manage more than iron for an hour or two.
He bites his lip, before tucking his head to his chest and pulling the chestplate up anyway.
His hands are clumsy as he pulls the straps tight, fumbling weakly with the buckles in a way that makes his teeth grind against each other. The weight immediately presses against his still-healing ribs, making them creak and ache dangerously in his chest, and the sudden, gasping pressure on his lungs nearly sends him into a panic. He ignores it all, focused on the worn leather on either side, pulls each piece as tight as it will go.
He’s not wearing any padding, and the feeling of the hard metal against his bones is hardly what anyone could call “comfortable,” calls back memories of himself, a foot on his back, pressed against unforgiving obsidian. He breathes in another slow, shivering breath, chest struggling to expand against the weight, and stands in front of the mirror.
He looks dumb.
It reminds him of being a kid and trying on Sam’s diamond armor for the first time, completely dwarfed by its height and breadth, waddling around awkwardly from the foreign weight strapped to his chest and the awkward way it hung off of him. His armor is more familiar but no less unfitting, hollow spaces lingering that should’ve been filled by muscle and fat, his sharp edges digging uncomfortably against its surface. It hums with the same feeling of unbelonging, like he’s taken something that belongs to someone else entirely, the same heavy discomfort that comes from wearing someone else’s shirt or drinking from another person’s mug. Hot tears spring to his eyes, and he stubbornly blinks them away; it’s just a stupid set of armor, really, it doesn’t matter at all-
“Hey, nerd.” Techno’s voice is muffled outside the door, and he knocks softly against the doorframe twice - a request to enter. Dream stares at himself a moment longer, debating whether to shuck off the chestplate first, before sighing and kicking at the floor - once, twice, granting permission.
The door opens slowly, but Dream’s traitorous body freezes anyway for a moment, muscles locked and tensed painfully under the heavy armor, and he forces another breath into his lungs to stave off the panic. Thankfully, Techno knows about his stupid brain enough to know to give him some time, leaning against the door frame as he counts off the seconds in his head until he looks back up again to signal that he’s ready for him to come closer.
His eyebrow lifts and he gestures at the armor he’s wearing. “That’s your old set, right?”
He nods, worrying his lips between his teeth as he lifts his hands to sign. Yeah. Ranboo brought them from S-N-O-W-C-H-E-S-T-E-R.
“Makes sense.” Techno’s face twists as he struggles to follow Dream’s signs; he’s learned quicker than he would’ve expected, at first, but there’s a few things that Dream needs to fingerspell, still. He looks him up and down, a wry smile on his face. “Isn’t that a bit heavy?”
Dream gnaws on his lips further, trying to decide what to say, explain what has left him staring at the mirror in silence for upwards of ten, fifteen minutes now. If he was more in the mood, he’d make a joke about his self-absorption. Instead, he looks away, signing with quick, overly casual movements.
Wanted to see if it fit. It doesn’t anymore.
“Ah,” Techno’s voice, low and drawling, has picked up that knowing tone that Dream’s learning to hate. “I see.”
He frowns, keeping his eyes trained the bottom half of the mirror, to his too-skinny legs peeking out of the bottom of his sweatpants. He tries not to look at himself too much now, doesn’t know what to make of the near-skeleton that stares back at him when he bothers to look, all sharp edges and unnatural hollows, the foreign ridges of his spine running down his back and his ribs sticking out at his sides. None of it is his - not this armor, not this body, all of it belonging to a Dream that hadn’t been through the fire and brimstone of Pandora, that didn’t recoil at the taste of potatoes, that could eat more than two meals a day without throwing up.
He shakes himself out of his own thoughts, tasting iron from where he’d torn apart his lips with his teeth. He balls his fist, pulls it to his chest. Sorry.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” He can hear the sound of Techno shifting from side to side, awkward in the silence hanging thick and heavy in the room, “Anyway, Phil’s made some stew. You goin’ to join us?”
The question gives him pause for far too long as he weighs his options - he knows he should eat more, knows that it’ll be the only thing that helps him fill out and heal and finally start recovering from everything in Pandora, but no matter how much he knows his mind still recoils harshly at the idea of more food. He’s not hungry at all, or maybe he is and he just doesn’t feel it anymore - it’s hard to tell, in this new normal. Everything’s hard, after Pandora.
In a few minutes, he finally signs, biting back a flush of shame at the clear surprise in Techno’s expression.
“Alright, whenever you want, nerd.”
Techno walks out the room, and Dream sighs, a wheezing heave of breath that leaves him exhausted and makes the chestplate feel heavier than ever. One by one, he reaches for the buckles, maneuvering them open so he can pull the netherite over his head and let it fall onto his bed. He stares at the thing for a few minutes longer, lips pursed, at the messily drawn runes and the unfamiliar dents along the top edge and a gouge carved on one side, deep enough to expose a slight blue line of the diamond underneath, and huffs, turning away.
He’ll have to call up Ranboo or something later to see if anyone wants an old set of netherite armor. He has no use for it, anymore.
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