#but like obviously i want to play him for my first play through dt!!!!! he's my lil guy!!!!
designsdefiance · 6 months
lays on the floor. i really wish i was one of those people who could play Just Anything on their characters and not worry about it being canon or making sense because it would make my life so much fuckin easier
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Just one of those Mondays where you have a shit ton of stuff to do but you take the time to watch a Jikook reaction video
So, here's the thing. I don't usually do reaction videos. I have so much original content to go through I just don't get the time. Not to mention the constant walking on egg shells when it comes to talking about JM and JK and what the hell it is that goes on between them.
Sadly those that dared open their mouths were bullied to either stop talking about them or left YT all together, which is just utter crap.
In any case, @ffjj5 told me today that DT Parker, who's reaction to JK's last live I posted in my JK 28 July live post uploaded a Jikook reaction, doing this after he had watched that JK live. It peeked my interest and I went to see, because again, as much as I loved his reaction to JK's live, it felt like he was holding back.
So here you have me now writing a post about DT Parker's latest Jikook reaction, cause what can I say? It was entertaining, lol.
So thank you so much @ffjj5 💜💜
Let's start with his opening, why don't we?
He just goes for it right off the bat. "I'm a grown ass man and I will watch whatever I want to watch, and I want to watch this". He got the feels after JK's live. I mean, how can't you? And he knew that there will be those coming for him, because how dare he watch Jikook content? And it's not only TKKs though. He was addressing those asshole army holier than thou that he knew would be coming for him for "feeding the shippers". Pre-emptive strike is what he did. "You don't like it, here's the door fuckers" (well, those were my words, but his were pretty close, lol).
I'm not going to go through the full video, because you can all watch it. But only the highlights. Well the moments I found stuck out.
And the first one is, but of course, hickey-gate.
It starts out with "oh, that's a big bite mark" and pretty quickly went to "hey, that doesn't look like teeth marks...wink wink". Lmao. Priceless.
Oh, and this: "and I love Jin's face. Not buying it". So, he's telling us that either he, DT, isn't buying the bite story or it's Jin that isn't buying into that story. Either way he's saying that the bite story is ehm.. sus and it ain't no actual bite. Good for you DT. Good for you.
The silence, but definitely facial expressions, while watching RB. I don't blame him for not saying a word, lol.
But then he goes: "yeah, they are really touchy feely",
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Followed by: "extremely touchy feely... and the crazy thing is it doesn't look like a big deal to them...at all".
That's one way of putting it. And he knows it, lol.
And then he backtracks, like A LOT. The reason they are like that, the reason JM is more affectionate towards JK is because JK is most receptive to it. LOL. That's one way of saying that JK loves JM and JM loves JK. "JK will give it right back". What he isn't saying is that if JK is as receptive and giving, how come it's only between the two of them?
And the words, the explanations, they are coming out of his mouth, but his facial expressions, yeah, they are telling a different story, lol.
DT: "they can have a whole video on just ass...just ass play" - they sure can. Nailed it DT. "Ass play"... Lol.
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And after saying that, once again he pulls back. "It's being playful is all it is".
Seeing this is actually hilarious. His mental gymnastics to explain it off, lol.
"I think JM sees JK like his pet". Well, JM did say it himself. His toy too.
Oh, and then he says: "and vise versa"...ok. Gotcha. LMAO.
Again, all those words coming out of his mouth, and then we have the facial expressions...
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See, right here, he's silent, lol.
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Like, there are things you just cannot explain away...
He ends it with his 'analysis', lol. Ok then, JM is touchy feely and brings out the touchy feely in them all. But more so in Hobi and JK, and the most in JK. Good way of putting that one...
Obviously he 'forgot' by the end of the clip about the hickey or the ear sucking, cause man, those you just cannot write off as simply being touchy feely or reciprocity (a word he loves to use). So, I guess it's easier to put those aside, ignore them and go down the "affectionate" path.
End of the day, his explanation as to why Jikook are the MOST is cause JK gives it back to JM the most. Yeah DT, it's called being boyfriends.
Look, obviously he won't say "they are a couple" out loud. Even if he has made that mental leap and thinks it, he won't say it. But what he does say is ever so many words is that they have a special bond. That there is something special between the two. And that is something that so many army are unwilling to say out loud. EVERYONE can see it. It's just them being either total wusses for not willing to admit to it, or homophobic shitters that are unwilling to admit to it. Either or. Take your pick.
All in all it was an enjoyable watch.
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feralkwe · 2 months
For the DT questions meme, 2, 12, and 18
i love how we nearly same-brained these questions. xoxo
under a cut for spoilers.
2. what was the first thing they did when they arrived in tuliyollal?
kit took a moment to stand on the shore and just absorb everything into her senses. the sound of the waves, the warmth of the sun, the smell of the air, the color of the sky. she was charged with seeing as much of the world as she could, and it's something she takes very seriously. everything about this voyage held the promise of a new adventure, and she was determined not only to commit it to memory, but to pause in the moment and experience it in ways that previous adventures had not allowed for. it marked what she needed and wanted to be a new chapter of life, and she paused to ground herself in that before taking steps forward.
12. what was their opinion of the culture of recycling souls and the use of regulators? did this change as the story progressed?
much like aubrey, she was utterly and wholly horrified. that very much did not change. given all of the loved ones--friends, mentors, lovers--whose souls have returned to the aetherial sea, she could not find any way to be okay with the idea of denying that rest and renewal of life to them. to the very depths of who she is it felt wrong and tragic in a way that made her physically ill. the more she thought about it the more angry she became and the more determined that it had to stop. not only that, but the removal of those souls from the memories of their loved ones terrified and devastated her. being able to remember those loved ones is a responsibility that, sure, comes with pain, but is a privilege to her as well. the charge to remember is what she considers perhaps her most important duty, and one she will see fulfilled in the names of those who carried it before her. there is no world where she would be able to accept it.
18. what important relationships changed or developed throughout dawntrail?
i knew before i read them all you'd pick this one for kit lol. obviously her relationship with thancred and urianger changed. ew ended with things uncertain for them, and dt offered a new opportunity to remember what drew them together in the first place while offering the fun of a friendly rivalry that was oddly healing. it also added another... shall we say element that i am still figuring out much to my own outrage. why do they keep doing this to me? some days i miss the simplicity that was just kit and urianger lol.
kit also always liked erenville, but they really had a chance to develop a friendship through dawntrail. getting to go on a journey with him alone was an incredible experience for her and she's come to care for him deeply. he quickly and easily elevated himself to a place where he is cherished by her.
most interesting to me is the way she was able to finally start the process of healing the rift between herself and g'raha. because my timeline for her has stb/shb/ew all happening one on top of the other, she's not really had the chance to address her harsh, ugly, and slightly unfair feelings toward him. where she'd cooled to indifference to his presence, there was finally a moment where she was able approach the pain. you know the one. she's known for a while that she was being too hard on him, and that he deserves her grace at least as much as emet-selch or elidibus did, but has been resistant to actually taking the steps to change that. i'm actually relieved, and look forward to digging into how that all played out.
also, the mentor/mentee relationship she's built with wuk lamat is something which has been very good for her. it's much different to the one she has with alisaie in ways i'm too tired to try and parse out right now, but probably relates to the hot girl warrior fun times they had. it was something which delighted me throughout the msq.
thanks for the asks! i had such a fun time with dawntrail and will take any opportunity to chatter about it!
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notyourprof · 8 months
DTS S1 Word Vomit
Temporarily veering away from primer territory, because I'm rewatching DTS S1 (I'm about halfway through at this point) and having some FEELINGS and need to get them out somewhere:
Daniel's personality hasn't changed much but his attitude is SO different. He was so focused on winning and especially on winning a championship. I'm thankful he's in a much better place now! I know everyone wants to win a WDC but I think it's a much healthier attitude to go out and have fun driving and do the best you can do, because sometimes your car is a tractor and if you spend all of your time thinking about how you won't ever be WDC, that's miserable.
They don't show even half of the times it happened but gosh it really drives home how unreliable the Renault engines were. So many engine problems leading to retirements for Max and Daniel both. (I think it's telling that now in 2024 Renault isn't supplying engines to anyone but their own team (Alpine) anymore.)
There's so much more we know about Daniel going to Renault that isn't shown and I wish I knew better what was known at the time but not included by Netflix vs. what we have learned in the years since.
For example, Christian talking about how they'd offered Daniel plenty of money is hilarious, now that we know how much more he made at Renault.
Speaking of Christian, is the entire DTS team frantically scrambling this week to re-cut as much of S6 as they can? Sending them energy and focus and lots of good food and caffeine.
Daniel going to Renault meant Carlos was all of a sudden out of a seat. Sounds familiar...🤔
I am petty and will probably never forgive ZB for how he treated Daniel and I'm feeling very vindicated in that opinion because he's so unlikable even in S1.
Every time someone crashes, the first thing that happens is their race engineer/TP asks if they are okay. This is normal, this is what we are used to. It keeps reminding me of that time that, while at McL, Daniel crashed and the first thing he was asked was "Is the car okay?" (See previous bullet point.)
Also feeling vindicated about having the opinion that Checo is a kind of reckless driver, and has been for awhile.
Related, Max is such an aggressive driver and I just...hope he is in the lead most of the time again next year so I don't have to worry about him playing bumper cars at 200+ mph.
It's fun to hear GP talking to Max on the radio and know it's him, even though he isn't named.
The lack of Merc and Ferrari in this season is both funny and sad, but bless the producers for finding some good press conference footage of Kimi. I think Kimi might have annoyed me if I were watching his seasons in real time, but looking back, he cracks me up. I'm glad I never had to manage him, though!
Pierre so excited about going to Red Bull, oof.
But all of the Pierre and Charles being friends since they were tiny lore is adorable!
I'm going to miss Günther so much! (I used to think that someday I would go visit the Haas HQ in North Carolina and...that's no longer something I'm particularly interested in.)
I'm sure I'm not the first to point this out, but I didn't remember the 2018 Toro Rosso car well enough to make the connection, but look at the similarity in the liveries between the 2018 TR and the 2024 VCARB. Obviously not identical, but I like the return of the blue, the red accents, and the silver bull!
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Anyways, that's it for now, I hope someone enjoyed this word vomit. It is really interesting going back and watching S1 knowing so much more about the sport, the season, and what's to come. Also interesting how much a lot of the drivers have matured since 2018. I'm sure that happens all the time with drivers who stick around for many years, but this is my first time seeing it.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
I have been perusing the brocedes tag on ao3 (not an easy confession to make) and I've noticed that a lot of the fics make Nico out to be... desperate... trying to get Lewis to look at him etc etc. And Idk if it's just me but, and this is nothing against Lewis, I get the feeling like Nico was the one who dealt w/ the friendship breakdown better? I'm not saying Lewis is doing badly (he's got 7 WDC!) but. Nico is able to talk about him, yknow? Meanwhile as you said Lewis makes a point not to mention Nico's name (unless that has been played up by fandom as well, which is possible. I haven't watched Every Lewis Interview That Mentions Nico).
hahha you are forgiven for your crimes of perusing the brocedes ao3 tag.
you are correct in your observation that people do write nico like that, and if you're on my blog long enough you'll see me ranting about his mischaracterization in fanon. I'm going to ramble a bit; bear with me
there's actually a very simple reason for this: Lewis has a bigger fanbase. F1 has exploded much bigger than 2016. There's entire swaths of fans who have never seen Nico race live (me included), whose idea of brocedes comes from present day lewis who does not speak of nico, and nico rosberg f1 commentator who anytime he mentions lewis goes semi-viral cause he's clearly obsessed with him (it's a circle).
i actually got into f1 pretty recently so my first take on brocedes was that this Nico dude did a lot of shady shit and broke their friendship to win in 2016 and then retired. (Lewis' part and share of war crimes in that breakup is minimised as narratives are written by winners and Lewis is definitely the winner in the long run) so obviously the fics written now will reflect that, with Nico profusely begging for forgiveness/apologising and Lewis as someone hurt and in the position to forgive/accept reconciliation. (🙄)
if you're not 500 hours deep into Nico lore (and why should you be) you will accept fanon as your perception of him, which is how you'll write him, and the cycle continues... now obvious disclaimer: people can write and enjoy whatever they want, it's all made up anyway. I'm simply explaining why one particular narrative is more persistent. I'm not even going to say my perception is correct, bc I'm not immune to bias either but I have certain things I find more interesting than other things. the real reason brocedes is so compelling is bc everyone's had one explosive friendship breakup that's left them reeling and they're the perfect representation of it
my self appointed job is to comb through every Lewis interview that mentions nico haha because it's so notable the rare times he does! He has improved slightly on that regard, here's him mentioning how Nico's place was the first place he'd ever stayed in monaco, and here's him talking about Nico to Martin Brundle while looking back at some of his races.
so he Can say the nico word lol but he generally avoids it. there's also the parallel that Nico was willing to be friends after 2016 while Lewis was the one who was flipping through pages that contained his picture not wanting to look at it. but he has improved since, prob the wound was still fresh and I enjoy Lewis being sensitive and petty.
It's just Lewis wouldn't say his name for things like the DTS netflix ep where he talks about how sometimes the guy you're teammates with is your best friend, and how it creates a lot of friction. LIKE WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MAN.
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or how he had to deliberately decline sky sports interviews with Nico cause back when Nico was on paddock (🕊😔) he interviewed all the drivers except for Lewis and you KNOW sky sports would be all over that shit.
and yet, they Could stand to talk when there's no cameras filming. so... yeah. i hate those bitches and I know too much about them. whoever won the breakup, we all lost 😔
anyways happy brocedes anon, or sorry for your loss idk!
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Moths and Cubs
Part 7
Part 8 [CURRENT]
Part 9
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac
Theo belongs to @petrichormeraki !!!!! Give em some love!!!!!
“Heeeeeey, Tommy. What’s up? It’s been a long time, thought you were dead. Um, you been doing good?”
Xisuma watched as Tommy crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. He watched with confusion as the fox, Fundy, began to shrink under the gaze of Tommy. Finally, Tommy spoke up. 
“I was told that you were looking for me. What do you want?”
Fundy’s nervous smile morphed into a grim one. Running a hand across his face, he let out a shaky sigh. 
“I know we have had our ups and downs, Tommy. I know we didn’t really leave on a good note, but please, I need your help.”
As Tommy sighed and looked over at Xisuma, who was watching in confusion. Fundy seemed to panic at this, taking it as a negative sign, and began to ramble.
“Please! I know that I’ve done things to annoy you over the years, especially when I was younger, but I need your help! And you don’t have to help me as a friend, or as an acquaintance, I don’t expect you too. But, please, I really need you. I’m not asking as a friend, Tommy, I’m asking as family. I’m asking as your nephew.”
Xisuma, much to Tommy’s amusement, seemed to be having a difficult time processing the fact that this boy at the portal was Tommy’s nephew. This was the Fundy they’ve heard of? Tommy, on the other hand, ran a hand through his hair, sighing. Fundy always knew what to say to get him thinking, especially when it came to playing the family card. Before Tommy could say anything, however, Fundy spoke up once more. 
“And if being your nephew isn’t enough, not anymore, what about your great nephew?”
Tommy quickly turned his head to face his nephew, who smiled sheepishly. Carefully nudging someone behind him, Tommy felt his breathing stop as he saw a small, blond fox peek from behind Fundy. After receiving a nod from the older fox, the small cub stepped out from behind him. Seeming to hype himself up, he slowly walked up to Tommy, who kneeled down to reach his height. After giving his nephew a look, causing the older fox to flinch, he turned back towards to small child, who was playing with his own shirt. 
“Hey, big man. My name’s Tommy.”
“Hm, Theo? Awesome name for an awesome dude.”
He smiled as the child smiled up at him. Nodding, Tommy stood up, facing Xisuma. Already getting into a pleading position, Tommy asked the question the two of them knew he was going to ask.
“I’m sorry to ask this, but-”
“Already done, Tommy. You know you don’t have to ask. Now, let’s get them safely in”
Mumbo had informed Tommy that the girls went back to Tommy’s place, Grian assisting them. This, obviously, caused Fundy to ask questions. As the three of the walked down to Tommy’s place, Tommy explained what had happened to him up to that point. 
“I have a grandma? And another uncle? And a cousin? Who’s a moth? We’re royalty? And you can actually build? And you-”
“Okay, Fundy, calm down. Yes, you have a grandma. Kristin is great and understanding, so she won't push you to like her off the bat, though, that would be hard to do. Yes, you have another uncle. Grian is the missing triplet brother of Techno and Wilbur. Yes, I took in Clementine about a week ago. She’s a bit younger than Theo, very sweet, unpredictable, and a shapeshifter. Give her a small while and she’ll warm up to you. Yes, we’re royalty. Didn’t Wilbur tell you? Damn, didn’t know that. And finally, yes I can build, you prick! Fuck you!”
After telling Theo not to repeat those words that he said, Tommy approached his door. Preparing himself for the explanations he would have to give, he opened the door. He laughed as a squeal was heard, getting louder as tiny feet pattered across the floor. Kneeling down, Tommy nearly toppled over as Clementine rammed into his chest with as much power as her tiny body could hold. 
“Sorry I’m late, Clem, I had to pick up some special additions.”
Confused noises came from the girl as she peered behind Tommy. Squeaking at the sight of unfamiliar faces, she ran and hid behind Kristin’s chair. Kristin and Grian, on the other hand, laughed in their seats as Tommy stood up. Grian was the first to speak up.
“So, who is this? Oh, and this little fellow as well, hello.”
Dusting his clothes off, Tommy widened the door. After seeing the hesitation coming from his nephew, he guided the two foxes into the house, closing the door behind them. 
“You know how I told you that we had a nephew? From Wilbur”
“Yeah?” “Turns out, we also have a great nephew! Grian, meet Fundy, your nephew! And this little man, right here, is Theo! Your great nephew!”
“Which means, Kristin! Good ol’ Mumza! Meet your other grandchild, as well as your great grandson!”
Tommy guided Fundy to the table, where Kristin and Grian were sitting. As he sat him down, he sat beside him as they began the conversation. 
“It’s very nice to meet you! Oh, and Theo looks like such a sweetheart!”
“It’s nice to meet you too, grandma. Sorry, um, Kristin-”
“You can call me grandma, Fundy!”
Fundy gave Tommy a look, obviously confused as to how this woman was married to Philza. Tommy, in turn, shrugged before speaking up. 
“Okay, Fundy, I waited until we got back for your explanation as to why you need help.”
“Right, sorry. You see, I’ve been in hiding ever since Theo came into the world. For about two and a half years, a little after you disappeared, presumed dead, I’ve been shielding him from his father, scared of what would happen if he was discovered. About a week ago, I saw a flier for your amusement park, and I gained hope. I couldn’t wait months to seek out out, and I knew that you could turn me away, that possibility frightened me, but I needed to get Theo away from there. Please, please don’t send us back. Even if I have to leave Theo here, to be safe, I will! I just need him to be safe and sound, away from that server. And I’ll even give yo-”
“Fundy! Breathe! Take deep breaths, my dude. Here, take a carrot. Calm yourself. I’m not going to abandon you two, that’s not what family does. You can stay here with me, no catch included.”
Fundy physically relaxed, deflating in his seat. As he covered his face with his hands, he did his best not to start crying there on the spot. As Tommy rubbed circles on his nephew’s back, he allowed his nephew’s low ramblings to fill the silence. Reaching over the table, Kristin took Fundy’s hand in hers and began rubbing circles onto the back of his hand. Grian just set a hand on Fundy’s arm, giving him small pats. 
“Thank you, uncle. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me. I was so scared for Theo, scared that he’d be found out. After seeing what happened to you, as my uncle, it scared me. After seeing what you had go through, since your first day on the server, I just knew he couldn’t be exposed to that. I, just, thank you.”
“Quick question, who is Theo’s father? Since you left in such a hurry, I figured he must be dangerous.”
“Grian, maybe it’s too early to ask him that-”
“No, I should tell you guys who it is. Theo's father is, well, Dream.”
Fundy physically retracted, waiting for his uncle’s high pitched yell to question him. However, Tommy’s yell never came. Instead, a crash interrupted the adults, followed by giggling. Standing up without hesitation, Tommy walked over to the living area. 
“Clem? Theo? What are you two up to?”
Fundy scrambled after his uncle, concerned for his son. He, along with the other adults, stopped in the doorway as they watched the scene before them. Theo was giggling and laughing as he scrambled around the room. Clem, on the other hand, had shapeshifter into a small, arctic fox. As she hopped between furniture, she chased Theo around, happy squeals coming from her small body. With a final jump, she pounced on Theo, who squeaked in joy as he fell onto the carpet. With a poof, Clem shifted into a similar fox form as Theo, matching him best she could with her abilities. Together, the two giggled and squealed as the rolled around the carpet. Before Fundy could utter a single word, Tommy turned to face him with a smile. Nodding over to the two kids, he spoke up. 
“Think Theo would mind sharing a room with Clementine?”
The single black wall of the room, recently painted with chalk paint, finally dried by the time evening rolled around. Tommy had crafted a bed for Theo, and pushed it against the wall opposite to Clem’s side of the room. As the kids drew with chalk giggling, Fundy helped Tommy decorate Theo’s side of the room with books and toys. Kristin and Grian had left, off to get things to help Fundy and Theo settle in, as well as get groceries for dinner. Once Tommy and Fundy had finished setting up Theo’s side, they scooped up the children and hauled them off to the bathroom, ready to give the filthy children an early bath. 
“Clem! Please, sit still!”
Tommy and Fundy struggled to keep the children still whilst they bathed them. Clem and Theo, on the other hand, were focused on splashing each other with the water. By the time they finally washed the children clean, the surrounding area was covered in water. Fundy hauled off the kids as Tommy dried up the mess. Once he finished up, Tommy walked over to the children’s room. Confused at the sound of struggling, followed by giggling, Tommy opened the door. Fundy was trapped, sheets binding him as Theo and Clem ran literal circles around him. Sighing, Tommy walked over and scooped Clem off the group. As she squealed, he spun are around in the air. Setting her down, he kneeled down to her level as Theo ran to her side, a smile on his face. 
“Are you pulling pranks on your cousin?”
Curls bounced as she nodded.
“Do you think that that’s funny?”
Curls bounced once more without any hesitation. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty funny.”
“What? It is!”
Fundy groaned as Tommy helped him out, Theo and Clem giggling in the background. Stretching out his arms, Fundy gave it about two seconds before he dashed, snatching Theo into the air. As the young fox squealed in delight, Clem jumped up and down in joy. As the four quieted down, they heard the front door open, Kristin and Grian’s voices calling out to them. Without skipping a beat, Clem pulled open the door and ran to greet them with hugs. Theo, not wanting to be left behind, whined and squirmed until Fundy put him down. As soon as his feet touched the floor, he took off, the sound of slightly heavier tiny steps pattering after the other tiny steps. 
“Papa! Look!”
Fundy watched with a smile as Theo spun around, his brand new, custom crown sitting on top of his head. Clementine whined until Tommy brought her tiara to her. Once her’s was placed upon her head, she joined Theo in spinning around until they fell dizzy. Laughing at the sight, Fundy nearly forgot about his own custom crown, sitting in his hands. Turning to Kristin and Grian, he thanked them for the crowns, already bringing out the diamonds he had brought in case he had to bribe Tommy to let them stay. He was, however, stopped instantly.
“No, no diamonds. These are gifts, from your family.”
“You two deserve to match the rest of us! All that needs to happen now is for the two of you to get your custom suits made by Tommy for royal events.”
“I’m sorry, what now.”
“Don’t worry about it. Tommy! Come help me with the soup!”
“Coming, Mumza!”
Fundy watched as his uncles join his grandma, everyone smiling. Sitting on the couch, he watched as his son and his cousin play around. And as he watch his son finally get the freedom he deserved, as well as a friend his age to grow up with, he knew that things would be okay. Even if Dream himself came marching into the server, Fundy knew that he and Theo would be okay. And for the first time in a while, he allowed himself to breath.
He was okay
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vintagedolan · 4 years
Please write something with the "I'm sorry I made you cry baby" line in it please IM BEGGING
could you write something about being on your period and leaking on grayson’s bed? everything in his room is white and I would be so nervous if I was on my period there haha love you and your writing xx
When you were on your period there were three things that made coming home from work blissful: undoing your pants, undoing your bra, and seeing Grayson.
In that order.
Usually if you came into his room having already started undressing, he’d be more than excited. But he knew you were on your period, and more importantly he knew it was your second day, your worst and heaviest day. So when you came trudging into his room, pants undone and unzipped, bra in hand, he pouted at you, hating to see you hurting.
“Hey angel,” he cooed, moving towards you.
You sidestepped, and elegantly flopped down onto the bed, groaning into the comforter.
“I hate having a uterus,” you grumbled, so muffled that even Grayson, who had plenty of experience listening to you, could barely understand.
“What do you need, hmmm? Ibuprofen? Ice cream? Hot pack? Cuddles?” His hand moved under your shirt to your back, warm and firm as he rubbed.
You grumbled in interest at the last one, making him chuckle to himself. He bit his tongue, not saying what you reminded him of when you got like this - turns out, you didn’t take well to being called gremlin, even if it was in the most loving of tones. He’d learned that lesson a few months back.
“I’m down for cuddles,” he offered, moving to lay next to you. He paused when you groaned again, worried that he’d done something that had hurt you.
“What’s wrong?”
“I gotta change my fucking tampon but I don’t wanna get up.”
He sighed, rubbing over your lower back, down over your ass a few times - it was more soothing than it was sexual.
“The one thing I can’t really help you with love. Go do it quick, and then we can cuddle.” 
Begrudgingly, you peeled yourself up off the bed and headed to the bathroom, grabbing the little box that Grayson always kept stocked for you under the counter. It was quick work, but Grayson was quicker. When he heard the sink turn on he coaxed the door open, peeking in.
“Gray or white?” You turned to see, relieved to find two pairs of sweatpants in his hands.
“Gray,” you said, moving to dry your hands. 
“Yes?” He gave you his cheekiest smile, proud of his joke. You didn’t have the energy to laugh, only give him a smile and a head shake, but he didn’t take it personally, passing you the sweatpants and one of his tshirts. You stripped down quickly, pulling on the clothes that smelled like a mixture of his wakeheart scent and his laundry detergent, just the fabric alone already relaxing you. 
Grayson was waiting on the bed, already having your comfort show pulled up on his laptop, arm out ready to wrap around you. You crawled up the bed, nestling up as close as you could to him.
While you loved being in Grayson’s arms anytime, there was a specific way he held you while you were on your period that made you love it even more. He noticed once that when your cramps got bad, you’d hunch over and press against your abdomen. So, he’d mastered the ‘ovary hold’ as he called it, which involved him pulling you up against his chest and wrapping his arm around you tight enough for his torso to press against your tummy, just enough pressure for it to be relieving. 
As soon as he had you wrapped up your whole body relaxed against him and you hummed, more than comfortable.
“You tired bubs?” 
“Mhmmm,” you sighed, almost groaning as he rubbed his hand over your back and hips slow and deep, doing his best to get the knots out. 
“Sleep then, maybe it’ll ease up the cramps.” 
“Okay.” It didn’t take any convincing, your eyelids already heavy. “I love you.”
“Love you more.” His lips against your forehead were the last thing you felt before you drifted off.
The first thing you felt when you woke up almost two hours later? 
100 times less pleasant. 
It was the much too wet and warm feeling between your legs that you knew too well.
You’d bled through. And though you couldn’t see it, you could tell it was bad.
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” you whispered to yourself, trying to move off of Grayson. His face scrunched up, arm only tightening against you.
“Mmmmm, I’ve got you baby, shhh,” he mumbled, eyes still closed and voice raspy with sleep. 
“Grayson. Gray, wake up,” you pushed on his chest, making him open his eyes quickly in concern, though he had to blink a few times before he could see you clearly. 
“You okay?” 
“Uh... not really.”
Your words woke him up the rest of the way and he sat up, rubbing at his eyes and relaxing his arm. Just the shift of your weight was enough for you to feel that you’d definitely soaked through your panties and most likely the sweatpants. 
“What is it, what’s wrong?” Grayson’s voice was deep with concern, one hand still resting on you protectively. 
“I uh... um... I. I bled through my tampon.” You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as you looked down at his chest.
“Oh, are there not more in the bathroom? I thought that box was new,” he frowned, obviously a bit confused.
“No, like bled through to my underwear. And your pants. And probably your comforter. I’m sorry.” You were scared to move, scared to make it worse - and the thought of waddling to the bathroom in front of your boyfriend was humiliating. 
“You don’t have to apologize baby, it’s not a big deal.”
You looked up at him then, searching his face for the disgust he was hiding. You didn’t find a trace of it anywhere. 
“It’s embarrassing. And I probably ruined your pants.”
“Baby you can’t control it, it’s not your fault. And I have plenty of pants. Seriously, don’t worry about it. It’s okay, I promise. You wanna go get cleaned up?”
“Yeah, I think it’s a shower or nothing at this point.”
“Need me to do anything?”
You bit your lip, knowing he wasn’t going to like your answer. “Could you close your eyes? Just while I walk into the bathroom.”
He hesitated, looking directly at you. 
“You have nothing to be ashamed about. But if it’ll make you feel better, then yeah, I’ll close my eyes.” 
“Thank you,” you sighed, watching his eyelashes flutter down as he closed his eyes. You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, another thank you, before you crawled off the bed. Of course, with your luck, you’d bled through onto his white comforter too, just like you’d feared. You were determined to make it a quick shower so you could get to all the stains before anything got too dry or set in. 
Grayson opened his eyes once he heard the bathroom door close with a sigh. He wasn’t the least bit worried about it - not even the red splotch on the comforter that he found. He pulled out his phone, opening safari, typing quickly.
best way to get period blood out of fabric
He read what google had to offer quickly, pleased to see that hydrogen peroxide was listed - he had plenty of that, considering it’s what he used to clean out his longboarding scrapes when he got them. 
As quietly as he could, he pulled the comforter off the bed, waiting for the familiar sound of the shower to come on before he snuck into the bathroom. He sat the comforter down next to your pile of soiled clothes, heading back out to grab a pair of old black DT sweats, a new shirt and a pair of panties that you’d left once. He folded them neatly on the counter, reaching for your bloody clothes and moving them to the bathtub. 
He followed the google instructions of flushing out as much of the blood as he could with cold water, starting with the comforter. It wasn’t much, so he just wet it and treated it with the peroxide before he moved on to the sweatpants, a larger, angry red stain spread across the crotch. They weren’t terrible either, and he did as the instructions said, washing them out and treating them. Finally, he got to your panties. His eyebrows shot up at the sheer amount of blood, water running red below his hands as he worked the fabric under the stream. He knew women bled a lot, but jesus he didn’t realize it could be that much, especially in such a short time. When the water ran clear he treated them as well, gathering up everything and heading for the washer, glad that your shower was still going.
Afterwards, as quickly as he could he snagged the coziest blankets from the living room, tossing them over his bed in case you wanted to sleep again. As a final touch he headed back into the bathroom and grabbed a tampon for you, placing it on top of your folded clothes before leaving the bathroom and closing the door. 
He heard the water turn off a few minutes later, the familiar shuffle of you putting clothes on audible through the door.
But what he didn’t expect was for you to have tears running down your face when you opened that door, eyes searching for him. When they landed on the makeshift bedding arrangement, you broke down even more, realizing why your clothes were missing, what he’d done while you were showering.
“Hey, why are you crying, what’s wrong?” He was in front of you in an instant, 
“You cleaned everything,” you blubbered into his chest, overwhelmed with his thoughtfulness and your hormones. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to angel, it’s okay, you don’t have to cry. C’mon, we’ll lay down and watch an episode.” 
You only nodded, sniffling a bit as he wiped your tears, leading you over to the bed and assuming the same position you had been in, the ovary hold and all. 
“I’m sorry I made you cry, baby,” he said after your sniffles finally subsided, pouting a bit when you looked up at him. You kissed it away, trying to reassure him that he didn’t do anything wrong. 
“You’re an absolute dream Grayson Dolan, and I don’t tell you that enough,” you murmured into his neck once you got comfortable and settled. He just squeezed you tighter and left a kiss on your forehead before he hit play, content to hold you and do whatever he could for you. 
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chibicalzones · 4 years
𝐚𝐨𝐛𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐬𝐚𝐢 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦
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⋆° where you transfer schools and join your new high school’s dance team!
...these are also just my personal headcannons if the volleyboys were a dance team instead in which some may or may not be from personal experiences :D 
i was gonna do a fukurodani one first cuz @myhaikyuudump​ ‘s post triggered smth in me but i’ll probs make this into a series!
warning: mentions of bullying but it’s not explicit 
post made by: alex 🍒 
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— oikawa
he’s been part of the school’s dance team ever since he was a freshman, which not many can do, and now since it’s his last year, the coach granted him the role as dance team captain 
he loves being captain if that means he can boast about his team that much more, plus he takes his duties pretty seriously 
is literally the type to put “aoba johsai dance team” “ajdt 2020” “dt for life” in every single one of his socials - instagram, twitter, facebook, etc. everyone needs to knows he’s on dance team
as much as he loves his team, they’re more known for and primarily train in hip hop, and he’s part of the handful that is classically trained in ballet
so when competition season rolls around, everyone would be part of the large hip hop dance category that they’re a shoo-in to win, but oikawa and a few others would have to compete in the small categories with 3-5 people in jazz, contemporary, and lyrical. which are usually extremely competitive!
so he’s over the moon to have you part of the team! not only do you blend in with the team so perfectly, he believes that you’re what the team needs to finally win in a category besides hip hop since you’re hands down so talented! 
that way, he can spend his time at nationals actually dancing and not just watching almost the entire time
out of all the members, you probably spend the most time with oikawa 
you expect just as much because you’re both the in the same dances, which is practically every dance. but you honestly do enjoy his company since you and him have a lot more in common, have a similar childhood, than the rest of the members 
oikawa used to dread summer practices and camps but you makes it so much more bearable
would drive you to and from dance practices every day 
all the time that he spends with you, he secretly lets you in on the “behind the scenes” action on being an officer and what he does all year long 
because he’s 100% sure you’ll be captain your third year as well 
is secretly anticipating the national dance pageant so you and him can win Mr. and Ms. Dance together 
— iwaizumi 
he’s co-captain of the entire team but he’s like the unofficial hip hop team captain because oikawa sometimes can’t handle the energy during hip hop practice and iwai just knows the counts better 
he only joined dance team because oikawa dragged him into it but he needed up really liking it by the end 
has casually danced and took some classes over summer to fill his time before auditioning and the odds were in his favor
absolutely loves the friends that he’s made through dance team and is definitely the type to still keep in touch with the alumni after they graduate
he always gets a center moment in every single hip hop dance they do through the years whether it be for competition, concerts, rallies, events - people go wild whenever he’s center!
when you did some research on the school and it’s dance program, you did some snooping on the members page and after watching countless dance videos, he’s the first one that you notice
but meeting him in person was quite intimidating the first time. it took you a couple of weeks before you could actually have a conversation with him with just the two of you
since you hang out with oikawa during dance practices and oikawa hangs out with iwaizumi, you end up hanging out with him a lot too. so you eventually ease up to him
you may be comfortable with oikawa more, but iwaizumi is the one that constantly checks up on you
all these years, he’s seen what oikawa has been through and he sees that in you. he really worries for you because he knows how exhausting it is to be a new member and constantly having to work your way up so you can eventually fill the holes once the third years leave
always takes you off campus to eat lunch or go somewhere to eat after school so you’re energized for practice later that day
he’s the first to give you his number and makes it clear that you can text or call him if you ever need anything
— matsukawa
didn’t expect people to know him for dance team but he’s surprised he’s pretty famous around school
known for the tricks and flips that he does during all their routines 
actually has really good musicality but whenever he choreographs a piece for the group, he doesn’t know the counts 
talks so causally to the coaches as if they were friends but isn’t a kiss up 
thinks summer practices are too tiring and offers everyone to go to his place after to cool off 
strangely enough, you got along with mattsun faster than you did iwaizumi 
when the team started to learn their large hip hop routine for competition back in the summer, you were having such a hard time learning the dance because your body just wasn’t used to moving your body that way
and you didn’t want to bother iwaizumi or oikawa because you knew they’d be too busy looking after the whole team
so during the group’s free time, he would play the music over and over again and practice the dance with you, carefully going through everything section by section 
even gives you an extra key to the dance room so you can practice before school 
you can always count on him for help on any of the dances you’re in together 
yells the loudest whenever you’re on the floor / stage. even when he’s watching from the wings
always tries to make each moment of his last year fun!
— hanamaki
joined the dance team his second year but turns out to be an awesome dancer and makes friends oddly quick
one of the few that auditioned to be part of the smaller group pieces for compeitions and got in
gets a killer turn section and always squeezes in a triple to transition into the floor during improv
despite only dancing for such a short time, agencies have come in contact with him to see if he was interested in signing under their talent agency but he always resigns because that just isn’t for him
all the third years have a solo except for him because he didn’t feel like it was fair that he wasn’t a “third year senior” and that someone else deserves it more
like you!
is amazed at how gorgeous you dance and knows you’ll be gracing the floor with your talent, getting all those gold metals, plaques, and trophies!
he might be a little jealous over you but seeing you being so passionate over the sport makes him work even harder to make himself — and the team — better
absolutely does not and cannot tolerate other people’s bullying towards you. he just doesn’t understand how or why people felt the need to be rude towards you. and have the audacity to voice it out.
one time when he caught a group of dancers from another school talk bad about you, saying nasty things that obviously weren’t true, he snuck behind their back and said in a low voice, “you know those aren’t very nice thing to say” and looks down on them until they run away scared
also deletes any hate comments on the team’s official social pages before you could read any
the very first time you perform your solo, he buys you a bouquet of flowers to give to you afterwards
and then during the end of the year dance concert, he watches you from the wings performing your solo for the last time and he starts to tear up because he’ll definitely never forget this year where he was able to watch you grow
— kindaichi, kunimi, and kyotani 
your #1 support group 
and fan club!
absolutely loves watching you dance
they all joined the same year you did and they’re all slightly jealous of you because damn, how can someone be good at literally everything
it’s almost upsetting >:( but they love you too much to actually be mad
they just have such a deep appreciation for you and what you bring to the team as a whole even though they don’t show it that often
learns a lot from you
when they first watched you dance contemporary and ballet, that inspired them to practice extra after hours so they could be ready for when they have to audition for dances later on the year
the goal is that the trio will be good enough by the time their third year hits and they’ll be the ones on the floor with you performing all the small dances
ever since you guys first met at orientation, you were all attached to the hip in and outside of dance. basically on the same playing field for next three years in terms of fitting in with the team
you’re not in the same classes but you guys all study together at the library on sundays because that’s your only day off
one time, the team was at a competition the same day as your birthday and they paid the announcer to say something like, “happy birthday to our best friend, dance your heart out!” right before they played the music for your solo
and during their last year, they’ll all gather around in the wings as they watch you perform your senior solo for the last time and silently cry together because they’ll really miss you
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quiverwingquack · 4 years
Um... Any Gyfendra headcanons?:3
I do have some, yeah! I’ve been thinking a lot about the ship, long before the latest episode, but I didn’t actually post about it until now. I wanted to see how Gyro and Gandra would interact before I really wrote a lot of their dynamic. But now that I know a little more(thanks DT crew!) I have a lot of things about them I can say.
I’ve been calling the ship “glitchless” as a sort of ship name that doesn’t use their names, because their first thing together as a trio is getting rid of the glitches in the Gizmocloud. I think it’s kind of important because separately, their experiments, the suit, Gyro’s robots, they all end up malfunctioning. But together they made something work, and that’s where their relationship together starts.
Gyro likes Gandra because he understands her. He knows what it’s like to have people not like you or be afraid of you, all because you have ideas for science that didn’t go so well. He knows what it’s like to be different, and after Astro BOYD he’s really worked out a lot of his own problems. When they meet, he obviously respects her work instantly, even if he’s still struggling with expressing that. And she says that maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to let people in, right? So they get along in the lab and things develop from there.
Fenton and Gyro have this sort of one-sided enemies-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic, where Gyro has to warm up to him, but now that he’s grown as a person, they become closer. He calls Fenton “Doctor Intern” because he really doesn’t bother with learning names anymore, but on special occasions, he sometimes will call Fenton a pet name, like “my love” or something like that.
Speaking of names, Gyro remembers Officer Cabrera’s in the new ep! I’m assuming it’s because after Tezuka and Tokyolk, he’s careful around cops, not to mention Cabrera threatening him in Moonvasion after he says they’ll use Gizmoduck as bait. But now that she’s his M’ma-in-law, I was thinking he probably spends more time around her, and he knows she deserves a lot of respect.
M’ma loves Gyro and Gandra both. She worries about them a lot, because lab work means a lot of late nights. It’s not uncommon to find one of them wrapped up in a blanket she left there, sleeping at their desks, or M’ma sending Fenton along with lunch enough for three.
Gyro makes Gandra a spare Gizmosuit. It’s styled a lot like her suit in the Gizmocloud, but more armored. She’s more of a behind-the-scenes kind of tech expert, like Gyro is, but he wants her to be safe if someone ever needs to go out and watch Fenton’s back(because Fenton needs to be safe too).
Fenton is very physically affectionate. He likes to hold hands and give kisses, and Gandra laughs at him, but he does it anyway. As long as her hands aren’t full with work, she doesn’t much mind. Gyro is less of a fan of touch, but when he needs a shoulder to rest his head on, he knows where to turn.
After FOWL, Gandra doesn’t really have anyplace to stay—they’d been paying for her apartment, after all—so she moves in with Gyro. Fenton stays with his M’ma for a while longer, but to them, “home” is wherever they’re together. If it’s snuggling in bed on a lazy morning, watching the sea out the lab windows, even stargazing from the manor’s backyard, it’s just as good as anywhere else.
Gandra doesn’t like to be alone. After everything she’s been through, she has a lot of nightmares, and being in the dark too long freaks her out. To make her feel safer, Gyro and Fenton will both walk with her if she needs to go anywhere, and Fenton’s really good at comforting her if she needs a little extra love.
They end up inventing a lot of elaborate, helpful projects together, work-wise. Now that Bradford isn’t on top of funding for the team, they have more freedom. Between Gyro’s tech know-how, Gandra’s determination, and Fenton’s people skills to share the ideas, they really have a powerhouse team going, plus Manny, Fethry, and the kids are around the lab quite often now too, all helping out. They really put the “science” part of Team Science into play.
One of my more general headcanons is that Fenton and Gyro both have anxiety, and Gandra and Gyro are both trans. In a relationship scenario I like to think they’d set alarms to remind each other to take meds, stretch, get a drink, just general self-care things. Gyro is probably the worst at remembering that sort of stuff, but they all forget sometimes, especially if they get really focused on a project.
Gyro also tends to just... ignore the fact he’s tired? Even if he really needs to sleep, he won’t put down his work until he gets done. They’ve got two solutions for that, depending on whose turn it is to remind him he needs to sleep. Fenton will sit beside him and rest his head on Gyro’s shoulder until he gets the hint. Gandra will take a tool she knows Gyro will need off the desk, and when he looks for it she’ll catch his attention and convince him to rest.
That’s all the ones I can think of right now. It’s getting pretty late here but I’ll post more if I think of them. Like I said earlier I’m gonna call the ship “glitchless” so that’s what I’m gonna be using as a tag for them.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
I'm sending out a few questions to my favourite writers over here because I can never have enough of your otps 💕
For Ethan and Becca/ Ethan and Odette
Who cleans the most? And who is the messiest? Who has the best table manners? How do they resolve their arguments? Who remembers dates, birthdays, and appointments? Who is the most physically affectionate?
Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them? Who steals the blankets? What do they do when they’re bored and together? Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other? Do they shower/bathe together? If so, how far does anything go?
Thank you for thinking of me and my beans 🥺🥰
Who cleans the most? And who is the messiest?
B&E: Ethan cleans the most, he is such a neat freak. Becca is a controlled mess, in that she leaves messes in her wake but knows where everything is inside of the anxiety-inducing piles 😆
O&E: They have hired help because Odette likes to organize rather than do deep cleaning. Everywhere everything is minimal and perfectly in place except for her shoe closet and her office. Ethan is strict in that everything has a place and he knows how Ode's OCD flares up if anything veers from the way she likes it.
Who has the best table manners?
B&E: Ethan. Idk who taught him proper etiquette because it surely wasn't Alan. Becca likes to talk about bodily habits at every turn and can be very unseemly at the dinner table. In more ways than one 😏
O&E: They're both on the same level. Odette is better at chit chat. Ethan was taught English etiquette and eats with both hands, knife in right hand and fork in left, its okay to rest wrists on the table. Odette was taught American, eating with only her dominate hand and the other resting in her lap unless she's cutting a bit of food.
How do they resolve their arguments?
B&E: They usually just ignore them, or fuck them out of their system. Once they have kids and have been together for over 5 years, they learn to agree to disagree and only do what's in the best interest of the family. At times they keep a tally of who got their way and alternate 🙄
O&E: They both need to take some time alone after an argument, to sort through their true feelings on the matter and whatnot. Then one of them (Ethan, more often than not) will apologize and they'll move on with their lives. Ode hates (afraid of?) confrontation so they don't get into arguments often.
Who remembers dates, birthdays, and appointments?
B&E: Ohhhh hmm. If it's super duper important like medical appointments, their kids birthdays or their wedding anniversary it's Ethan. He's always prepared for those well in advance. Becca remembers the smaller things, like the color of the sky during their first kiss and the first thing he's ever given her. To her the smaller moments are the crux of their relationship. She's also chaotic. The longer she and Ethan are together the more she realizes she doesn't need to remember the big things because he'll always make sure she's reminded. That way her mind can focus on other things.
O&E: Odette is like a haute elephant - she remembers everything. She's got a photographic memory and synesthesia.
Who is the most physically affectionate?
B&E: Becca, she enjoys climbing and hanging off of him like a tree. If they're in the same space odds are her hand is in his or on his thigh.
O&E: Ethan. They don't do PDA much. When they're alone he's rubbing her shoulders, peppering kisses to her skin, or just wrapping his arms around her while they relax.
Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
B&E: Becca. She's got a lot of trauma in her life and can't seem to shake it. Most nights she's fine as long as Ethan's pressed up against her. When she's pregnant she has frequent nightmares and it adds to her stress. Neither of them think she ever truly got a restful night during her pregnancies. How she deals with them is by going for a stroll to the kitchen for some water, or if its an aggressive one Ethan is up and rocks her to sleep.
O&E: Ethan, especially after Louise comes back and shakes up his entire world. Depends on how bad they are he either reads while in bed with the intent to fall back asleep, or just starts his day early. He doesn't like to dwell on them as he knows they're irrational fears and not real.
Who steals the blankets?
B&E: Becca. She steals the pillows too, even though she sleeps with 4 and Ethan sleeps with 2 🤣 She also likes to sleep smack dab in the middle of the bed.
O&E: Odette. She sleeps like a burrito. She used to have a weighted blanket but stopped using it when she and Ethan began spending every night together. She didn't need it when his arms are wrapped around her.
What do they do when they’re bored and together?
B&E: Becca likes to bake, so she's moving about the kitchen and he's making sure she doesn't burn the place down. They watch movies or one of the shows they can actually agree on watching together. Sex, obviously. Or Becca will pick a random street or neighborhood she's always wanted to explore and they'd go do that.
O&E: They like to workout. He prefers weights and running, she prefers yoga. If it's a gross day out and they can't run they'll take turns - though after a while she gives up trying to get Ethan into yoga and does it in the same room while he's working out so they can still be together. They like listening to music and shopping. Ethan likes listening to her play. He's gotten really into music history podcasts lately and likes to discuss it with her.
Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?
B&E: They try to as evenings are the only time they truly get with one another.
O&E: When they both worked on the DT, yeah they did most days. As her career took off and his changed, there are days dinner is waiting in the microwave and the other is asleep. Weekends are for them and they get up and go to sleep together.
Do they shower/bathe together? If so, how far does anything go?
B&E: They do both. Bath's are always foreplay (unless Bec is pregnant then it's a medical necessity for her aching bod). They love showering together because it's so intimate, but more often than not it leads to sex and they cannot afford wasting all that time 🤣 They'll usually shower together at the end of a long day where it's 60/40 it'll end in sexy time.
O&E: Not often, but yes. When they shower together it's intimate - washing the others hair and body, sometimes steamy touches. It's all about the connection with them. Also Ode likes to shower immediately after sex so when they are showering together it's aftercare... Does skinny dipping in their hot tub often count as a bath?
I loved these, thank you so so much!! 💞💞
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mister13eyond · 3 years
Just found and read the entire sanster rp fic on ao3 👌👌👌 can i ask how it would've ended? Even the broadest of strokes would satisfy my burning curiosity
Hey!!! Thank you so much, omfg- I am so glad you read it! Originally before being posted on ao3, I had the full RP with its original ending up on Google Docs and shared here, so I may be able to find that for you- I thought the ending hit kind of fast and I wanted to rewrite it, but obviously I never did 😳
Originally what happened was: well, first, Sans and Gaster finally spend the night together, there's smut, hell yeah finally the tension pays off!
Secondly... Gaster finishes the machine. My memory is a bit fuzzy on the specifics of what the assistants in particular fight back against- i know Bikeaby is the one that lashes out, though, and everything happens so much and the assistants wind up getting hit with DT and melding into an Amalgamate.
And then.... well, Gaster's story ends like in the game: "fell into his own creation", shattered across time and space- Sans is the only survivor in the lab, his memory of what happened is hazy at best and gone at worst. Sans has his lab, and he has one of the purple kid's drawings of him, themself and Gaster pinned up with don't forget written on it. He's still determined to bring Gaster back and fix everything. But Papyrus convinces him to come outside and play, for now.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity!! I'm so glad you read through it on ao3 and I hope you enjoyed it. I still love that fic a lot!
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dylan-o-yumm · 4 years
Hi how about Nero’s struggling with demonic feelings as he’s just activated his true devil trigger and he’s having sexual thoughts about being in devil trigger but he can’t do it with Kyrie because he’d rip her apart literally and he starts finding himself attracted to female devils? Just a random thought I was having lol
Warnings: Rough sex, biting, hair pulling, choking, breaking furniture, dt sex, tiniest bit of oral, fem reader, talk of cheating, but this is all consensual! Nothing about this is labeled as Nero being unfaithful to Kyrie.
Note: Look, we all know he’d never sleep with another person when he’s in a relationship with Kyrie, but for the sake of fiction… Lol (Also I haven’t written in MONTHS so this is trash, I apologise) IMPORTANT NOTE! I won’t be taking any more requests. I will go back to writing more, and you guys can always come fill my inbox with Nero thoughts or literally whatever, but I’m struggling with requests atm so I’m just gonna put that on hold for now. Thanks for understanding, lovelies. 
“Look, you’re cute and all, but I’m not going to have sex with you. You’re not exactly single, Nero…” You state in a matter-of-fact tone as you enter the van after an easy and quick mission with the white haired devil hunter. A bunch of lesser demons here and there, nothing too big or scary to exhaust you of all your energy.
You’d been friends with Nero for years, going on missions with him whenever you could, meeting up on days off and hanging out with him and his beautiful soon-to-be wife. You had heard and done many odd things with him in the past, but this was definitely the weirdest thing he had ever asked of you… and most inappropriate? Mature? Sexual?
“You’re lucky I’m not going straight to Kyrie and telling her you’re an unfaithful, cheating, little—“ You begin, voice rising and getting more and more aggressive with every word. Even your eyes began to glow a bright red, getting beyond pissed off for your dear friend, the adorable little songstress. Nero had no right to ask you for sexual favours when he was meant to be in a happy relationship with her. If he wasn’t in a relationship with her though… well, that would be another story.
He was a very handsome devil, even more so after he cut his hair and… you know, grew an arm back. You even had a crush on him before you met Kyrie, following him around like a lost puppy until you quickly realised he had eyes for someone else. Eh, it happens.
“She’s okay with it! Jesus calm down…” Nero raised his voice, unable to meet your eyes as a dark red shade covered his cheeks. He was obviously nervous and embarrassed about what he had asked of you, yet here he was, still trying to convince you.
On your way back to the van only a few minutes prior, Nero was telling you how he was finding himself more and more rough and… a little over excited in the bedroom as they days went on. He was concerned for Kyrie’s safety since he feared he’d end up hurting her, and wondered if he could “let off some steam” with a demon girl such as yourself.
You knew he would end up hurting Kyrie if he kept trying to be gentle with her, all while his demonic side was screaming for more. Hell, he’d rip her apart. Sleeping with a human when you had a raging demon inside of you, desperately clawing its way out, hungry for more… it rarely ended well.
You knew what Nero needed and you guessed he had figured it out too, since he was asking you, of all people, to help him out. It just felt wrong while he was still dating Kyrie. If he left her, then you’d have no problem with it… only, he would have broken your best friends heart and therefore you’d stomp him into the ground… Okay, maybe there would be a problem with it.
“She’s okay with it? Am I meant to just believe that?” You frown, crossing your arms over your chest and waiting for Nero to stop lying.
“Yeah…? It was actually her idea.” Nero stated softly this time, scratching his nose in embarrassment. You couldn’t help but scoff and turn away from him. There was no way he was telling the truth! “Look, I know it’s weird, but you’re the only demon chick I know and actually trust. And Kyrie trusts you too, so doesn’t that count for something?” Nero continued, reaching out to you, desperately trying to get you to believe him, trust him.
That was the thing, you did trust him. So, why was it so hard for you to believe him on this?  
Narrowing your eyes, Nero could tell you were still clearly suspicious.
“You wanna call her right now and see if I’m lying or not?” He waved his hand over to the phone sitting on the dash of the van, surrounded by Nico’s discarded cigarette buds.
“Yes, actually I do.”
Turns out Kyrie was okay with it. She set some rules and begged you not to sleep with Nero more than what was needed to help his demonic urges, to which you swore on your life it would never happen again without her say so. It must have been hard for the sweet, little songstress, but she seemed rather… okay with it, oddly enough. She trusted both you and Nero 100% and knew you’d both respect her wishes no matter the cost.
Which is why you were able to look down at Nero’s golden eyes and angelic blue skin as his pointed teeth sunk into the armoured flesh of your thigh. Your backside was resting atop the workbench in your garage while your clawed fingers scratch Nero’s scalp, combing through his long white hair.
The two of you thought you might as well bring things back to your place, save the van from any damage that was bound to happen from two demons fucking like wild animals. Also you knew Nico wouldn’t appreciate the stench of sex in her van… so there was that too.
The longer Nero’s sharp teeth teased your thighs and groin, the armoured plating between your legs slowly parted, opening up to reveal your slick, wet folds that were throbbing and clenching for him. You were eager to see and feel just how big he was, ready for him to fill your cunt and plow you as hard as he wanted. The thought alone made you bite your lip and inch your hips close to his face.
His eyes widened when he finally saw your heat, and you could see his cheeks reddening even when his skin was the gorgeous blue that it was. He inched forward shyly before parting his lips and letting his tongue slither along your slick, tasting your arousal. You hummed, wanting more. He growled, needing more.
“I would like for this to be a one time thing — for Kyrie’s sake, so make sure to be as rough and wild as you need to be… Satisfy all your demonic urges, handsome” Your voice was breathy and distorted, rumbling in your throat and echoing off your tongue. You continued to play with his hair, leaning back on one hand to get a better view of him between your legs, cursing yourself for already wanting this more than this one time.
He simply looked up at you with a newfound hunger in his eyes as he sunk his teeth into your thigh, breaking through the armoured skin and drawing blood. You purred, biting your lip and stifling the little smirk that threatened to pull at the corners of your mouth, watching his long, dark tongue lap at the crimson droplets.
“Should we have a safe word?” Nero wondered, his voice also distorted, sending tingles down to your core. Even now, he was still very sweet and caring, though he was licking your blood off his lips and the look in his eyes was dangerous and hungry, like a wolf staring down its prey. Your legs quivered in excitement.
“Nah. I’m stronger than you anyway, I’ll just push you away or knock you out if you go overboard” You hummed innocently, tilting your head to the side in a teasing manner. You couldn’t have him worrying or holding himself back, otherwise this would all be for nothing. He’s meant to be letting loose and satisfying the beast— or in this case, demon — within.
He scoffed and shook his head with a little ‘all right then.’
“Hey,” you grabbed his chin in your talon-like claws and forced him to look up at you. Your voice dropped to a commanding tone, serious and almost threatening as you leaned down to get closer to his face, your heated breaths making the strands of hair by his face sway back and forth. You give him the permission he needs, you demand, order him to let go.
“Go overboard.”
Nero’s eyes widen ever so slightly, his blue lips parting as he stares up at you like an innocent puppy begging to be pet. You can practically feel his heart beat thumping excitedly as you continue to hold his chin, being mindful of the cute little spikes.
“I can take it.” You whisper, nodding slowly as your eyes flutter down to his lips. You so desperately want to kiss him, but you refrain from doing so. Even though you were about to be very intimate with him, kissing him just felt too… wrong? Kyrie didn’t say she had anything against you kissing him, but he was still hers, you weren’t about to start selfishly kissing him just because you want to.
Either way, Nero doesn’t give you time to kiss him as he stands up abruptly and causes you to quickly flinch back, not wanting him to headbutt your chin on his way up. He quickly grabs your wrist before you can fall backwards, holding you steady as he slots himself between your thighs.
He smirks at you, and at first you thought it was just because he was being cocky, but as you raised an eyebrow to question him, his grip on your wrists tightened and he bought you hands up above your head, pushing you back roughly until your back slams against the workbench.
You legs instinctively come up to rest on his hips as he leans over you, the workbench being the perfect height for him to stand and fuck you while you lie down on your back. There was a slight pain in the back of your head from being slammed down, but you only purr in delight, too turned on to even care at this point.
The plating on his crotch was still hiding his cock, much to your disappointment. Meaning you had to work for it, just like he did for you.  
Your hips grind and rotate against him as he leans down to bite and suck on your neck, the both of you panting and moaning as Nero’s plates slowly open up.
Your hands explore his back, tangling up his Rapunzel-like hair as your fingers dip over every curve and bump of his muscles. His body moving against yours as he grinds against your wet heat is addictive, his chest and stomach brushing up against your torso, as if teasing you that he isn’t yours.
But you’re okay with that.
Finally feeling his cock rutting against your sopping cunt and not the hard plating that shielded him away from you, you shiver in delight and bite your lip. Looking down, you see what you had been waiting for. His fully erect, thick, veiny cock, leaking precum and dribbling onto your plated stomach.
“Shit…” You cuss as your eyes widen at the sight of him, practically drooling.
“Don’t go runnin’ scared now” Nero smirks cockily as he looks down at himself then back up at you through his pretty eyelashes.
Your eyes meet his as you can only scoff, playfully shoving him away but just as quickly pulling him back to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down, you bite his ear harshly, earning a pleased shiver from the devil hovering over you.
“You gonna stand there all day talking about your dick, or are you gonna put it to good use?” You tease, purring into his ear after licking where you bit.
When he doesn’t speak or move, you wonder if you had offended him, placing your clawed hands on the sides of his face to get him to look at you. Though, when you expect to see him pouting or frowning, you’re taken aback when you see his lips curled upward and his sharp teeth shining at you. You open your mouth to question him, but get cut off abruptly by your own scream of pain, pleasure and surprise.
“Hnng—holy fuck! Give a girl some warning next time, asshole!” You screech as his cock rests comfortably inside your velvety walls. He had pushed himself all the way in to the hilt in one swift motion, giving you no chance to adjust to his thickness, but to be completely honest, his roughness only turned you on all the more.
“Still don’t want a safe word, you little baby?” He mocks, teasing you by not moving his hips an inch. All you could feel was his hard member throbbing excitedly against your slick walls, making you whine out, desperate for him to give it to you good and hard.
You shake your head, managing to smirk back at him as your hands move up to the back of his head, tangling in his white hair and pulling him down so you can latch your lips onto his neck. Biting, licking, kissing, pleading with your actions for him to please fucking move.
He seems to get the hint.
His hand suddenly worms its way between your lips and his neck, cupping your mouth as he parts himself from you. He keeps his hand there for a moment, leaning back to stare down at your awaiting body before he slowly drags it down to your neck. Wrapping his fingers delicately around your throat, claws digging into the back of your neck but he doesn’t squeeze or press down.
His long tongue snakes over his pointed teeth, that same cocky grin on his lips as he finally draws his hips back and slams forward as fast and hard as he can. Not giving you a second to adjust or brace yourself as he repeats the action over and over and over again.
“Oh, my fucking— ah!” You gasp and yelp, eyes squeezing shut. The pain subsided quickly as the tip of his cock brushed against the spongy spot within your walls, causing a whole slur of cusses and moans to spill past your lips as you claw and scratch at his armoured back.
“Fuckin’ tight” He growls, claws digging into you, eyes darkening and his movements growing harsher and harsher by the second.
You last about ten thrusts before you feel the workbench wobbling a bit too much for you liking, lurching back and forth in time with his thrusts. Your mind is a bit too focused on his thick cock nicely massaging your insides to even worry about potentially breaking the bench, though when you hear a crack sound from underneath you, your moans come to an abrupt stop.
Nero’s eyes are shining a dark red, much different to his angelic golden orbs that you’re used to seeing. He’s clearly giving in to his demonic urges like you wanted, only…
“Uh… Nero—“ You’re cut off when the bench suddenly cracks even louder and you’re suddenly falling to the floor. The wooden bench crumbles in pieces, the legs caving in and folding at an awkward angle as it finds its new home on the floor of your garage.
You wonder why your back hasn’t hit the floor yet, still waiting for the impact. Though when your focus pulls back to Nero — who hadn’t stopped fucking you — you are surprised to see two angelic, blue wings curled around to support your weight. Much softer than you imagined, cozy and warm like a nice blanket for you to cuddle into while you have your guts rearranged.
Your eyes roll back as you focus back on Nero completely, your hands coming down to grip at his forearms. You have no idea how the workbench breaking managed to take your mind off of what he is doing to you because, damn does he know how to put his hips to good use.
“You’re still holding back… I can tell” You whimper. While he was pleasing you very nicely, you had to remember why you were here with him.
He responds with a dark growl that shakes your entire body, even feeling it rumble deep within your chest. You gasp as he suddenly has you up right, slamming your back into the drywall and moving his wings to shelter you in. His hands grip your ass tightly, squeezing your cheeks as best he can while the plating protects your body.
“Better?” He growls, his voice somehow deeper and scarier, though the fact that he’s slowly letting loose and giving you his all has you dripping your arousal all over his cock and onto the floor.
You nod frantically as your eyes roll to the back of your head again, the new angle somehow letting him reach places you didn’t even know were possible to reach. The textured plating on his lower stomach brushed against your swollen clit from this angle, stimulating you everywhere you needed to be stimulated.
It suddenly dawned on you why you were here right now. There is no way Kyrie would ever survive this. This was far too dangerous for a human. The tip of his cock would be right up at your throat if he fucked you like this in your human form. You’d be split into two.
He effortlessly picked you up and dropped you back down onto his cock, all while thrusting up into you at the same time. Your moans turned into screams and you wouldn’t be surprised if someone came knocking on your door, asking if you were okay. Obviously, you were more than okay.
You hear a crunch beside your head, turning ever so slightly when Nero cusses under his breath to see his ethereal wing had crashed through the wall in his excitement. Flakes of white drywall fall onto his feet as he pries his wing out, sadly making an even bigger hole in the process.
You want to make a comment about him paying for the things he’s broken, but your words die on your tongue as you grip his shoulder tightly. He holds you down on his leaking cock as he brings you to the floor, sitting on his knees before setting you down.
“You keep squeezin’ my dick like that,’m not gonna last much longer” Nero snaps, almost sounding angry at you as he flips you over onto your stomach effortlessly. You hadn’t even noticed how your walls were acting to him, but now that you were aware of it, they were continuously clamping down around him and sucking him in deeper, trying to keep him trapped within your slick.
“Stop whining and fuck me, asshole” You huff back.
“My pleasure.” He purrs before gripping your hip with one hand, digging his talons into the softer part of your skin and scratching you up. The marks healed quickly, but he continued to tear into you, whether on purpose or not, you didn’t quite care. His other hand went to your hair, pushing your head down so your ass was up for him and your cheek was pressed against the cool cement of your garage floor.
Nero props his right foot up beside your ribs while the left lies flat on the floor, his knee supporting half of his weight, and his right foot supporting the other half. From this position, he easily grips your hips and fucks into you at a brutal pace, giving you no time to brace yourself.
His hips smack against yours loudly, causing you to lurch forward with each hit, but thankfully his large hands move you right back to his cock, keeping you nice and full. The stretch had you crying out, feeling his thickness split you open with every pass, all his veins rubbing against your tightness…
Your eyes roll back yet again and your tongue flops out of your mouth as you take everything he’s giving to you. You can’t help but smile dumbly, completely fucked out and you hadn’t even cum yet.
“S-so good…Keep g-going!” You moan, digging your palms into the floor and pushing yourself back onto him as best you can. The noises he makes in return are completely arousing, if you weren’t already dripping on his cock, you’d be soaking through your panties for sure.
He pistons inside you at a great speed, using all his demonic strength to please you and himself. Poor little Kyrie is missing out, you shamefully think to yourself. Your hips start to hurt after a while, the constant slamming of his against your own creating a dull ache. Nothing you can’t handle, you honestly loved it.
“I’m cl—oooh!” You moan as he shifts his hips ever so slightly so his cock hits your sweet spot over and over and over. You don’t bother trying to speak again, figuring he got the hint as he somehow sped up even faster.
Another minute passes and you’re a whimpering, moaning mess. Drool oozes out of your mouth and glides down your cheek while you struggle to even keep your eyes open as you dance on the edge of your orgasm.
Your thighs shake intensely as you cry out, tears pooling in your eyes as your claws scratch and permanently dent the floor. Your walls spasm around Nero’s cock as your climax washes over you, biting your bottom lip to keep from screaming too loud, but it doesn’t stop you from whining as loud as possible, almost sobbing as the pleasure begins to be too much.
Nero grunts and groans as he continues to fuck you roughly, snapping his hips against yours a few more times before his movements stutter and he’s moaning loudly up at the ceiling. You squeak from overstimulation as you feel his cock twitch excitedly inside you before a warm, sticky fluid is coating your inner walls and filling you up nicely.
Nero whimpers as he pulls out of you and collapses onto the floor beside you, while you continue to hold your ass in the air and let the cold air cool the heat between your legs. You stay like that for a moment, before letting yourself shift back to your human form, a bright, golden light shining in the garage before you’re laying there, no longer armoured or demonic looking.
Perks of devil triggering before sex? No need to get dressed. Your clothes were back on your body in an instant.
Rolling over onto your back, you pant heavily as you stare up at the ceiling. Covered in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, thighs and groin burning, and a dull ache throbbed within your walls. Your pussy clenched around nothing, causing cum to dribble out of you and stain the floor. Perfect, you thought. You couldn’t help but grin as your mind stayed in its own little daze from the brutal, but delicious, fucking you just received.
Nero pants heavily as well, his body shining a gorgeous blue before he is back to his human form, laying beside you, also staring up at the boring ceiling. His legs felt like jelly, but other than that, he had this oddly calm and relaxed feeling deep inside him. It was like his demonic side had been completely satisfied and decided to go to sleep for a while.
He sighs with a smile, a sign that he’s relaxed and this whole… thing, seemed to work out. You turn your head to the side to look at him, beginning to chuckle softly, just at the sheer randomness of this whole situation. Nero starts to chuckle too until both your soft laughter is all that can be heard in the small garage.
“I hope you can make love to your fiancé without almost killing her now.” Reaching over, you pat his chest three times before forcing yourself to sit up, ready to go back to your normal life and go to cook dinner for yourself.
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the-darklings · 5 years
—𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏;
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pairing: higgs monaghan x f!reader
word count: 3.7k+
summary: “The storm will always reach the shore. Such is the nature of storms. They destroy.”
warnings: mentions of child abuse, DOOMS side effects, swearing, major DT spoilers obviously.
notes: So I’m playing hard and loose with canon here. Personally, I much prefer the idea of Higgs being this nihilist who is so powerful it's almost like he's a mischievous demi-god wrecking the world simply because he CAN. Because it’s his idea of kindness to end it all now. We’re just, uh, gonna mostly ignore EE here.
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There’s a girl here.
There should be no girl here.
He doesn’t visit often—not anymore, at least. Not since his Beach has started giving him an odd, haunting sort of feeling.
The marvel of being able to see his own most private space struck a sense of awe in him once. Fragile jumped him here the first time.
And oh how he remembers that trip. The sensation of being here. The feeling of the sea breeze, the potent charge and heaviness that hung in the air like it was seconds away from storming.
The sea is restless now too, waves beating angrily against the shore as he stands there watching. Storm clouds boil ominous and dark in the distance, hanging over the distant horizon like a shroud.
His Beach is a rather desolate place. But it’s his and his alone.
That’s why an idea of someone else being here, in his space, rattles him.
For the first time in a long time, he feels unnerved.
Not even Fragile came that time.
No one, not even Amelie, has seen his Beach.
But the intruder stands knee-deep in the swirling water, gaze focused on the far distance. If Higgs had to take a guess, he thinks that you, too, are watching the clouds. Perhaps you’re wondering if the storm is going to reach the shore.
The storm will always reach the shore. Such is the nature of storms. They destroy.
The intruder suddenly tenses, turns, as if sensing that something is not right, but Higgs is faster. Between one breath and the next, he jumps right in front of you. He stands on top of the water, towering over you, and tilts his head in an open display of curiosity.
He catches a glimpse of your face. The parting of lips, the widening of your eyes, a startled gasp.
He reaches for you, ready to get his answers, but his hand sails through thin air instead.
He leans back, startled, and watches the dark remains of chiral matter tickle his gloved fingers.
Well, well, how interesting.
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He knows you’ll be back.
There is no real way for him to know for sure, but he does.
He considers it a gut feeling and it has rarely failed him in the past.
Of course, just like expected, he’s right.
He’s made a habit of keeping a more careful vigil over his Beach ever since the little run-in, and he finds you once again breaching his space only three days later.
This time, he can sense you clearer, sharper.
The fact that you’re able to jump from his Beach at will suggest your DOOMS level is high. The tickle of curiosity makes him focus, inhale deeply, sensing and considering you as he watches. He wonders what’s your reason for coming here.
Why would you return if you know someone else is possibly occupying this space?
This time, instead of standing still you’re walking, your head tilted towards the sky in wide-eyed wonder.
He tears through the Beach, appearing right in front of you.
You stagger to a stop, instinctively shrinking back from his dark get up and golden skull mask. He cuts an imposing figure, he knows that. It still doesn’t stop him from smiling smugly beneath his masks though.
He knows you’re going to jump even before your fight or flight response kicks in, and he twists his arm, the black coil of BT energy wrapping around your arm like a rope.
You jump anyway and drag him with you like an unruly dog with an unassuming owner.
The jump only takes you about a hundred meters before you stumble to a stop, turning frantically to stare at your arm. You shake it frantically, trying to loosen the tight grip but Higgs clenches his fingers further and the black mass connecting you together contracts further.
He feels a pang of vague disappointment and annoyance. Are you not as powerful as he first suspected? He waits for you to use your DOOMS to break free but instead, you stagger forward, jumping again.
And again.
Irritation prickles his nerves as you drag him through half the Beach with stubbornness alone. Still, this is what he wants in a sense; for you to tire yourself out, to show just how powerful you truly are. You can’t keep this up forever.
“Let me go!”
“You’re free to go,” he drawls, mockery clear in his voice. “Go on then.”
Your eyes rage like the storm on the horizon and Higgs chuckles under his breath. The sound gets cut off almost immediately when he feels a swell of energy from his intruder. An arm pulsing with pure darkness and silver explodes from thin air, ripping the rope he’s fashioned between you.
The hand disappears the moment the action is done, leaving the air thick with chiralium, and you swaying on your feet. Higgs doesn’t waste time, he appears behind you, wrapping his arm around your neck as he presses you flush against him.
“Hmm, dear me,” he hums cheerfully against your ear, and you squirm desperately in his arms, panting. Exhausted. “Someone went ahead and got themselves into a predicament, didn’t we? You jump now, you take me with you.”
“Let go of me!”
“I don’t think so,” he says, his voice dipping into something colder. “Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice…well, there is no second time.”
He doesn’t see the headbutt coming till it connects with his face. The impact rattles his masks—barely a tickle, really—and he suspects you did more damage to yourself than him.
He laughs. He can’t quite help it.
Snapping his fingers, he steps back, gathering the already thick output of chiralium from you earlier performance to give life to the black tar that crawls up your body like shackles, bringing you to your knees.
“You’re an interesting little thing, ain’t ya?” he quips with a smile, tilting his head to get a better look at your face. Your expression is sallow and twisted with concentration as you breathe heavily. “So, you’re able to summon Gazers, huh? Or part summon at least. Ooh, but you don’t look so good,” he mocks, bending down to your level.
You trash, glaring, but have clearly exhausted yourself too much with you earlier performance. Tears roll down your cheeks and he tsks, leaning back before standing to circle you.  
“Who are you?” you demand but it’s a winded and exhausted attempt to appear strong.
Still, brownie points for effort.
“Oh me? I’m nobody,” he answers and leans closer, putting his fingers under your chin so he can meet your stare head-on. “And I’m everybody.”
He jumps behind you and observes with mild interest as you fight…so hard to get loose.
For a moment it takes him back to the shelter. It revives memories of his Daddy, of those powerful arms dragging him back—
“How did you find this place?”
Silence answers him, and in the far distance thunder rumbles.
He leans over you from behind, the coldness of his mask brushing against your warm cheek. “Didn’t your mama teach you that it’s rude to trespass, hm?”
“I’m not trespassing,” you snap, sounding as frustrated as he feels. “I’ve always been able to come here.”
Implying that the last two times have clearly not been the first. Underneath his mask, Higgs frowns in thought. Something like that shouldn’t be possible.
Some freak bleed-through effect as the network grows more powerful, perhaps? Or maybe your DOOMS level is powerful enough to give you access without you even realising it?
He could ask Amelie but, well, it seems like he’ll have to do some old-fashioned digging. The thought of just anyone being able to come here without his permission makes an angry growl bubble at the back of his throat.  
“Then I suggest you forget the path to this place real quick, honey.”
A sigh of indisputable frustration. “I’ve tried.”
“Try harder,” he insists, and this time the jovial undertone is completely absent. “Or the next time I find you here, I will scatter your remains across my Beach.”
With that, he turns to go.
“W-Wait! I can’t get out.”
He doesn’t bother turning around. “That’s not my problem.”
And then he’s gone.
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Beach Log #1
There’s a girl in my Beach.
The Beach.
The one place where no one should be able to gain access some stranger apparently can just wander in whenever she pleases.
If I applied my Daddy’s logic to this, I should have just “encouraged” the truth out of her. I could have. And it would have been easy, too, with how exhausted she was. But I didn’t want to because where’s the fun in that? Maybe it’s because she almost reminded me—
No. There’s no point in even allowing myself to think about such bullshit. The past is the past.
The girl is powerful though. Being able to even partially summon a Grazer is…something.
Regardless, I’ve never seen her before, have no attachment to her whatsoever, nor she with me. Which then raises a rather interesting question for the class: how was she able to find my Beach? How is she able to come and go as she pleases?
I will find out. I always do.
It’s only a matter of time before she’s back again.
I don’t know how I know, but I do.
What a goddamn mess.
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He finds you crying.
Normally, he loves it when people start sobbing in his presence, except this time he knows the tears have little to do with him. Or at least, he assumes so, considering you still haven’t spotted him.
He approaches deliberately, power sizzling between his fingers. He told you what will happen if you wander in here again, and while admittedly he’s become rather interested in learning more, it still irks him to see you back.
Waves beat against you as you kneel in the dark sand, the distant rumble of thunder the only sound between you. You know he’s here. He stands before you and waits.
He’s not sure what for, exactly, perhaps for you to plead for your life. To fight, which would be preferable. A challenge is always welcomed.
“Do you have a death wish, girl?” he speaks, at last, having grown bored of waiting.
By this point, your sobbing has subsided into an occasional sniffle and he watches with a degree of interest as your head rises. A large wave washes over your body, making you shiver, and your teeth clench when your eyes meet.
They’re bloodshot but furious and sad too.
“I’m not afraid of you,” you whisper but it’s a dead and hollow thing.
He knows that look. Has seen it plenty of times staring back at him in every reflective surface when he was still a brat. Trapped and unable to leave, wasting away with his stomach in knots and nursing dark bruises. He knows what a wild, trapped thing looks like. He’s spent years being one of them.
He escaped when his Daddy died. He imagines you haven’t been quite so lucky.
He wonders, then, if that’s why you find your way here. If perhaps his Beach recognises that frantic hurt, the restless longing for freedom in you as well.
“Oh, I’ve heard that plenty of times in the past,” he remarks scornfully, raising his arm and watches how power curls through his fingers with that effortless ease he now treasures so fiercely. “Can you guess where they all ended up?”
“I don’t know how I get here,” you mutter instead, but your gaze is cautious, wary. Smart girl. “I’m not doing anything wrong either. I just…come here. It’s peaceful. It’s—”
“An escape?”
Your eyes jump to him in surprise. Teardrops still cling to your lashes, clumping them together. You look like a mess, and he’s inclined to tell you so but before he can, you stagger to your feet. Unsteady but determined.
“I won’t bother you, I promise,” you explain hurriedly, and look like you’re about to take a step towards him but think better of it. “Just—can I please continue coming here?”
Your hopeful eyes try to find his own beneath the mask and he chuckles. It’s a scathing sound and he jumps behind you, making you flinch.
“Let me think about that one,” he drawls lazily, “Hm. Nope. No can do. Go to your own Beach.”
Recoiling, you turn around to stare up at him with a mix of bitter disappointment. Your drenched appearance isn’t doing you any favours in helping you appear more menacing either. Just more miserable.  
“I—I can’t.”
“Sweet thing, you’re saying that with a tone that implies I should give a damn, and, uh,” he says, nodding his head from side to side as if in deep thought. “I really don’t. But I’ll bite. Why can’t you go?”
You wring your hands together but halt when you notice his attention drift towards the restless motion. “I…it makes me feel…unwell.”
“What’s your DOOMS level?” is his sharp and immediate response.
Your eyes fly up to him and you visibly swallow.
Sore question, huh? He figured it had something to do with your DOOMS level from the start but this as good as confirms it.
“That’s private,” you respond firmly, your eyes regaining some of that sheen from your second meeting, from your fight. “I don’t even know who you are.”
Higgs sighs loudly, spreading his arms to either side of him like he looks forward to welcoming you into his embrace. “I am the owner of this Beach. Which means my rules are at play right now,” he explains and wags his finger at you like you’re a naughty child. In some sense, you are. “And don’t try to lie to me, either. I can sense it. The power that simmers under your skin. Hmm, oh yes. I do believe that I know exactly what ails you.”
Your eyes widen, your lips part in wonder, and it’s almost miserable how full of hope you look in that moment. “You—you do? Tell me.”
“Tsk, tsk, what do I look like to you?” he wonders, gesturing at himself, but doesn’t wait for your reply. “A charitable man? Sorry to disappoint but no dice. Your DOOMS level first.”
The hesitation marring your face is understandable. This world is cruel with those without power, and it is—perhaps—even crueller to those with power. Higgs is starting to piece together a murky image when it comes to you. An image that tells him that you have no idea how to harness that great power lurking deep down. It tells him that DOOMS is eating you from inside out and you have no idea how to cope because no one has shown you how.
Once—no, more than once—he’s been in a similar position. A position of no power, no resources, no future. Of course, that’s before he realised how idiotic it is to hope for a better world. Before he freed himself of the shackles holding him down, binding him to this endless struggle till he eventually dies.
Better raze everything in existence to nothing before he goes out.
“It was Level Six but—”
A whistle slips free and filters through his mask, echoing across the otherwise empty Beach as your eyes narrow. He can’t help but throw his head back and laugh loudly. He jumps to your side and leans closer towards your face.
“My, my,” he coos softly, his words taunting as he ghosts his fingers over your chin. “You’ve grown stronger, haven’t you? Just like me.”
You pull back, a step at the time only, and he can at least respect the fact that you don’t scurry away like a spooked animal. You shouldn’t either. In real life, outside this Beach at least, he imagines you’re powerful enough to cause all sorts of trouble.
Something tells him that others know it too. That’s why his Beach is an escape. Why you’re so desperate to stay.
But why him? And why now?
He turns away from you, dismissive, and steps onto the water. He stays on top of the restless surface and lowers his head to look at his blurred reflection beneath. The golden mask gleams even in the murky mirror.
A mask not for death, he swore to himself once, but for ruling. For life.
He glances back at you. You stand shivering and wary on the shore, and he snorts under his breath. Miserable, but powerful little thing. Alone too.
Wild and trapped.
“Stay if you will, but I promise you this: you will find no peace here.”
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Higgs can tell you’re about to appear approximately five seconds before you actually bloom into existence.
It’s a tickle of power, almost like a hand reaching out and grasping onto him, before you appear in a swirl of black and silver. Your knees fold and you sink onto them, your lips cracked and mouth twisted into an unhappy line.
“You look like shit.”
You don’t say anything in reply to that. You simply breathe. In fact, you inhale so deeply, he reckons your lungs expand to their full capacity. It’s like you haven’t drawn a single breath since the last time he saw you here.
Higgs watches the storm in the distance, his elbows resting on his raised knees as he waits for the swelling waves to finally reach you both.
Your hands drop to either side of you, and your fingers dig into the dark sand desperately. Your relief at being here is palpable, and he would be lying if he didn’t admit to himself that he finds it as irritating as he does fascinating.
His eyes slide unhurriedly across the landscape.
It’s a miserable fucking place.
Dark sand, dark sky, dark water. 
Dark as far as the eye can see.
There is nothing about this place that should make you think of safety, of comfort.
The expression on your face says otherwise though.
Your eyes are closed, head tilted upwards, and your inhales and exhales are slow, rhythmical. Peaceful.
“What’s your name?”
When you finally do decide to speak, it’s hardly what he expects or wants. He’s here to observe you only until he can find a way to forcefully expel you from here. He’s already tried last time but failed.
It seems like you’ve lodged yourself into his Beach like a splinter. For now.
“That’s a rather shitty attempt to distract yourself, sweetheart.”
Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. Except he’s not here to give you free therapy for whatever issues you have going on. He has his own shit to handle.
“If you have nothing to hide then why wear a mask?” you wonder instead, and sound genuinely curious. “Does it mean anything?”
“It’s a symbol,” he replies and honestly doesn’t know why. Boredom, probably. “A face is not necessary for my plans. But, oh how humanity will know my name before they’re complete.”
He’s still staring towards the horizon but feels and hears your head turn in his direction. “What plans?”
A chuckle rumbles from deep inside his chest. “The type to give a little girl like you nightmares.”
“I already have nightmares,” you shoot back, and there’s a sliver of ice in your voice that makes his lips curl in amusement beneath the mask. “I told you. You don’t frighten me.”
Of course. He bets your nightmares are almost as bad as his own.
He teleports in front of you, crouching till you’re both facing each other, and his amusement only increases with your shallow—startled—exhale. “Oh yeah? And what haunts your nightmares, girl?”
You stare at him for a long moment, tight-lipped and stubborn, and he wonders if you think he’s buying into your little act. A valiant effort, but redundant.
He laughs at that; a dry, unfriendly sound as he pats your cheek in a shallow display of mocking affection. “Good,” he mutters and rises to his feet. “I can live with that.”
Higgs does feel some semblance of surprise when you rise to your feet right after him though. “Why won’t you tell me your name? I’m (Name).”
Because he doesn’t want to.
Because you’re wary but brave too.
Because you don’t trust him—perhaps even fear him, despite how you keep insisting otherwise—but not for the reasons everyone else does.
To you, he’s just a man in a mask whose Beach you’ve decided to hijack.
There is, admittedly, a certain degree of freedom when it comes to that ignorance on your part.
The less you know, the better. It’s not like you will be coming here for much longer anyway. He will make sure of it.
Perhaps, he can indulge in that ignorance for a little bit longer in the meantime.
“I don’t care.”
Before he disappears, he could swear he hears a chime of weak laughter follow, but the sound is ripped away from him by the jump.  
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Beach Log #2
Maybe I should have killed her when I first saw her intruding.
Of course, that thought crossed my mind. I’m me.
Truth be told—and ain’t that a kicker—I’m not sure why I didn’t when I had the chance. Now the girl has gone ahead and made herself interesting. Just peachy.
She is powerful though. And she could be useful.
If the Last Stranding is to pass as I hope, I may need some triumph cards at my disposal. The girl—(Name)—is untapped power potential. I wager she’s even more powerful than Fragile. Ha. Just my luck.
She has that look in her eyes that I like too. A wild thing ready to break free.
Her body is weak though. Power always comes at a price, I would know. DOOMS is a poison she has no idea how to deal with, and I have a feeling someone is purposely keeping her crippled, dependant. Disgusting. But with the right encouragement…
She might become mighty yet.
If not, I will kill her. She knows too much and has access to my Beach. I can’t have loose ends. Fragile is bad enough.
She reminds me of myself though. It almost makes me hope she doesn’t disappoint.
. . .
an: I’m trash and I will never change. I do have plans for more (since this is only a small part of the longer narrative I planned to write) so if you guys would like to see more, let me know! We’re all thirsty for goth Troy Baker and honestly who can blame us? Thank you for reading!
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dashuisofanubis · 4 years
Making Excuses (or 5 times Eddie and Patricia got chores and 1 time they didn't)
Alternatively titled 6 times Victor got a migraine
My @sibunasecretsanta gift for @sibxna, who asked for anything Peddie related. I hope you like it!!!
Read on Ao3
It was all subjective really. Maybe they had been miscreants launching a deliberate and malicious attack against Victor’s prize dahlias, or maybe they’d just been having fun playing catch when the competitive streak kicked in and the flowers were unfortunately caught in the cross-fire. If he hadn’t wanted his flowers to become a casualty, maybe he shouldn’t have planted them there.
Tragically, Victor didn’t see it their way, so Patricia and Eddie were once again stuck doing chores for the foreseeable future. And apparently tending to the garden they’d ‘vandalised’ was a key part of this punishment.
Patricia groaned as she pulled up another weed. Why were there so many of them? If Victor cared about his flowers as much as he seemed to, why did he let them get so overrun? “Why does Victor like doing this to us?” she muttered under her breath.
“Uh, maybe because he likes to see us suffer?” Eddie replied, evidently not understanding her question was rhetorical. Eddie had drawn the short straw and was shovelling manure onto the rose beds. Either he was fine with that task or was doing a really good job at hiding how much he hated it.
“Well, duh.” Patricia shot back, taking out her frustration on Eddie, rather than this weed that would not budge however much she pulled at it.
“Uh, Yacker, hate to break it to you, but that’s a marigold.” Eddie said, watching her battle with the plant.
“Oh.” She released her grip, smoothing the leaves so it looked a little less like it had been viciously attacked. She’d thought it was a deceptively big dandelion, and debated whether she should tell Eddie that, before deciding against it.
Eddie paused in his work and turned to her. “You thought it was some kind of fancy dandelion didn’t you?” He asked, a grin set on his face.
“No.” She said defensively. Perhaps a little too defensively, she thought, as she watched Eddie’s smile widen considerably.
“Aw come on Yacker, it’s okay to admit you know nothing about plants.”
Patricia chose not to reply in words, but with a glare, though it was much harder to manage without bursting into laughter than she thought.
“You know, we could switch jobs, since you’re struggling so much.”
“Fight me.”
“Well, if you insist.” Eddie shrugged, tossing his spade to the side. Patricia had barely a second to process what he was doing before he came barrelling towards her.
“Eddie wai-!"
He collided with her, both of them falling bodily to the ground. They lay there for a few moments, stunned, before breaking out into laughter.
“Maybe the others are right, we are too competitive.” Patricia sighed, feeling the laughter subside.
“Yeah, but it is fun to prove I’m better than you.”
“No way! If I’d been prepared I totally would have taken you down.”
“Okay, you wanna prove this in a proper setting, Yacker?”
“Tomorrow? At the gym?”
“It’s a date.” Patricia confirmed, then added: “If you buy me a drink after.”
Eddie paused, pretending to consider her offer. “You got yourself a deal!”
It was then, as they made to stand up, that they noticed where they’d fallen. Both of them peered down to see the marigolds, crushed and broken under the sudden weight.
“Uh oh.”
“Yeah, we might need to rain check that date.”
Victor sighed, resisting the urge to press a hand against his face as he looked at the students sat across from him, covered in bits of paint and plaster. Just last month, these two miscreants had destroyed not only his dahlias, but his marigolds too. After that, he’d banned them from all garden work, which made them happier than he liked, but he had to do it if he still wanted a garden to work in. These two seemed determined to give Lewis and Clarke a run for their money.
“So,” he began, “Let me get this straight-”
“More like let me run this bi you, am I right?” Eddie whispered to Patricia, who tried to suppress a laugh while under Victor’s stare. He sighed.
“Let me just check: you two put a hole into yours and Mr. Rutter’s bedroom wall?”
“Yeah, we did.” For some reason Eddie looked vaguely proud of himself, which potentially had something to do with the hand he was keeping firmly in his hoodie pocket.
“So, your first solution is not to come to me, but to try and fix it yourselves.”
“We didn’t want to get in trouble.” Patricia said, at the same time as Eddie says, “We thought we could handle it.”
“Oh, you did, did you?” Victor asked. “But neither of you take DT, and neither of you have any proficiency in DIY, so what did you end up doing?”
“We made it bigger.” Patricia muttered, rolling her eyes.
“What was that Ms Williamson?” Victor said, in a tone that was almost patronising.
“We made it bigger! Jeez!” She exclaimed.
“Exactly. So, what’s the reason you made the hole in the first place?”
The two students exchanged a look.
“It was an accident.” Patricia said quickly.
“Okay, how did you accidentally put a hole into the wall?”
“We, uh… tripped?” Eddie offered, rubbing the back of his neck. He glanced at Patricia, who exasperatedly mouthed why?
Victor raised his eyebrow raised impossibly high “Tripped? Both of you? Into the same patch of wall with enough force to break through the plaster?”
“…yes?” Patricia pressed a hand to her face and sighed. Victor wanted to do the same. Eddie couldn’t even lie convincingly, let alone well.
Victor leant back in his chair, considering an appropriate punishment. The two wall destroyers were whispering furtively to each other, both of them berating each other for not thinking of a decent cover story before they came in. Victor cleared his throat deliberately, and they jumped, turning to face him as he delivered his verdict.
“Since the two of you seemed to want to solve the problem yourselves, you can help me repair the wall this weekend.”
The duo nodded, neither of them seeing fit to argue, for once.
“You can go.” Victor dismissed. He did not like plastering walls by any means, but at least by teaching them, he had someone he could relegate the task to if it happened again. Which, if he knew his students, which he unfortunately did, would happen sooner than he’d think.
“Well,” Eddie said as the two left the room, “That didn’t go as badly as I thought.”
“No.” Patricia agreed. “And we’ll get to learn how to fix walls, you know, in case you ever put your hand through one again.” She smirked.
“I was just trying to show you how tough I was, I didn’t know the walls were that thin!” Eddie defended, pulling his hand out his pocket and examining the bruises. They’d definitely help people think he was tough - he needed to make sure other students knew he was still a ‘bad boy with a heart of gold’, since they knew who his father was. “But” he added with a grin, “how cool is it that I was able to do that! Do you think it’s one of my Osirian powers, or do you really think I’m that strong?”
“I dunno.” Patricia said. “Maybe we should try it out with Sibuna later?”
“Maybe… ah.”
Eddie looked at Patricia, a grimace forming.
“Who’s gonna tell Fabian about the hole in the wall?”
This was all KT’s fault. She was the one who suggested playing knock knock ditch with Victor’s office. And yet she was sat on the counter, swinging her legs as she watched Eddie and Patricia clean the windows.
“You could help you know.” Patricia said pointedly as she scrubbed the glass.
“I could,” KT replied, a smug grin on her face, “but I’m not the one who got caught in the act.”
No, that had been Patricia. It was the 6th time someone had knocked on Victor’s door that night and he’d been determined to catch the perpetrator. So much so that the second Patricia knocked Victor yanked the door open, causing the startled student to fall over. Eddie made the mistake of going to check on her, and as such had been stuck with the punishment too. Meanwhile, KT had been watching the goings on from a distance, laughing to herself at her friends’ continued excuses as to why they’d knocked so many times.
Patricia scowled as she dunked her sponge back into the bucket. “Next time, we’re totally dragging you down with us.”
“Good luck with that.” KT laughed. “Victor doesn’t like it when I pull the ‘that’s homophobia’ card, so he just doesn’t convict me of anything.”
“Maybe we should try that out.” Eddie said, casting a look at Patricia, who was scrubbing at the window like it had insulted her. “It might work better than our excuse did.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she responded, “I thought ‘there’s a fire that keeps reigniting’ was pretty inspiring actually.”
“Obviously not.”
“Oh.” Eddie said, and the group lapsed into silence as Eddie and Patricia washed the windows and KT offered them ‘helpful’ comments.
“You missed a spot.” KT said again, pointing to a patch of glass that was, admittedly, dirtier than the rest. Patricia, however, wasn’t appreciative of KT’s constant interruptions and picked up her bucket.
“Woah, woah hey!” Eddie said, placing a hand over Patricia’s and lowering the bucket down before KT ended up drenched.
“It’s fine, Eddie,” KT replied, “This is the kind of entertainment I was hoping for.”
“Really? You want to be covered head to toe in dirty window water?”
“Well, it’d make for a more interesting time, this is boring!”
“You don’t even have to be here!” Patricia exclaimed.
“Yeah, but I feel kinda guilty.” KT admitted.
“But not guilty enough to help.”
“Obviously not.”
They were now cleaning the windows in the living room, and KT was sat on the arm of the sofa, still watching them despite her claims of boredom. Eddie had set his bucket down on the floor just within arm’s reach of her sitting position, and the duo were getting competitive over who’s cleaning better. KT grinned, sensing the opportunity. She leant down, stuck her hand in the bucket and flicked a handful of water at Patricia before moving quickly back into position as she said “Eddie!” in a shocked tone of voice.
Patricia spun round, glaring accusatorially at the supposed culprit. “Hey!”
“What?” Was all Eddie managed to reply before the water hit him. “Oh, okay if that’s how you want to play it!” He said, shaking the water out of his eyes before retaliating.
“You started it!” Patricia shouted.
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did!”
The argument continued for a few minutes, each opponent getting slowly more drenched, before Patricia asked: “Okay if you really didn’t do it, who did?”
It dawned on KT that she really should have left before this point, as the two window cleaners turned to her, realisation clear on their faces. KT’s realisation was that maybe she should have helped, at least then she’d have her own water to defend herself.
“Oh sh-” she exclaimed, scrambling back. But she’d united the two against a common enemy and they were unstoppable.
Once they’d successfully driven a soaking wet but laughing KT out of the lounge, the two turned to each other, sighing with laughter.
“Okay, I’ll go with KT, this was more entertaining.” Eddie admitted.
“Yeah, it was.”
They stared into each other’s eyes, and Patricia thought she’d quite like to kiss Eddie. He evidently thought the same, as he placed a hand on her face, wiping away some of the water. They leaned in towards each other and-
“What on Earth is going on here?”
They sprang apart as Victor stared at them, two bedraggled teenagers, then at the room, which was decidedly more wet than when they’d started. They both looked at him, an excuse on their tongues:
“It was KT!”
“What have you got to say for yourself this time?” Victor asked. He looked like he needed a stiff drink, or at least a nap, which was impressive, considering it was 9 in the morning.
“Well you see,” Eddie started, “We were bored, so Alfie suggested we play 21, so we all said ‘yeah! That’s a great idea!’ Now, I don’t know if you know the rules to the game- “
“I’m familiar.” Victor interjected. The look on his face suggested he wasn’t 100% sure but was desperate for Eddie to cut to the chase. Eddie, however, was determined to drag this out as much as he could.
“Okay, good. So, we played a few rounds before this one but suddenly it gets to me and we’re up to 19. Willow was sitting next to me, so I could have passed it onto her, but I’m a gentleman, so I took 21 for myself. I choose dare because the last couple of rounds had been truth and we needed to spice things up a bit.”
Victor resisted the urge to press a hand against his face, and settled with a hard stare at the troublemaker, hoping he’d get to the point. He didn’t.
“So, the others go off to do some intense discussion on what the dare will be. Fabian and Mara return fairly quickly, because the others apparently don’t want the voices of reason guilting them into something less drastic. After, like, 10 whole minutes, they come back and tell me I have to get into your office and put a tiny party hat onto Corbierre. So, you see it wasn’t my idea, or my fault.”
Victor did not look convinced. “There wasn’t any way for you to refuse this ‘dare’?”
“Of course not, that’s just bad sportsmanship!”
“Of course.”
“Plus, if I did back out of it I’d owe them. We didn’t discuss what I’d owe them but just owing everyone in the house is enough. So really I’m the victim here, Victor! Go give the others a lecture on peer pressure!”
“Oh, I assure you I will, but first, tell me how you managed to conduct this dare of yours.”
“Really?” Eddie asked. He’d assumed Victor was just going to give him chores, especially since he’d spent the past 10 minutes looking like he wanted Eddie never to talk again.
“Oh yes.” Victor said, sounding vaguely interested. “I’m intrigued to know how you did it.”
Eddie felt a sense of unease wash over him but continued his retelling of last night regardless. “Okay, so the hard part was getting you out of your office. I needed to create a distraction, but tragically I cannot be in two places at once - I needed an accomplice. So, I called in a favour to Patricia. She didn’t want to help seeing as it wasn’t her dare, but she owed me for something completely unrelated to the hole in my wall, and the others agreed that the laws of owing people are ranked higher than the rules of 21, so she had no choice. I came up with the distraction idea, but she had to enact it, so I could slip in and place the hat on Corbierre…” Eddie trailed off, suddenly realising why Victor had wanted him to continue.
Victor smiled- well, it wasn’t a smile exactly but more like the look someone gives when they’ve got someone right where the want them. “So, it was Patricia who set the smoke alarm off, hm?”
“No-I- did I say that? I didn’t say that!” Eddie fumbled. Why was he so bad at lying when put on the spot?
Victor looked unimpressed. “Okay, Mr. Miller, I’ll give you a choice: either you and Miss Williamson get put on chore duty for the week, or you do chore duty yourself for a fortnight.”
Eddie considered the offer. He didn’t want to turn Patricia in any more than he had done, so really he should do the noble thing and take the two weeks but… that was a long time to be doing chores. Alone. Besides, he and Patricia were good at working together and technically this meant he could spend a week hanging out with her. Chores were never that bad when they were together, in fact they were almost fun. He sighed. Patricia would not be thrilled by his decision. “We’ll do the week of chores.”
Victor nodded. “Good. Now, go downstairs to the living room. I have a talk on peer pressure to give.”
Victor watched the boy leave. He didn’t seem to be entirely at fault this time, Victor was well too aware of the chaos that went down in the students’ games of truth and dare. But that didn’t mean he was exempt, Victor was fairly certain Eddie was behind several of the dares, especially the one that led to Jerome belting Bohemian Rhapsody outside at 1 in the morning. Plus, he’d talked Patricia into helping him, so he could sit through this talk just like everyone else.
Once Victor was certain Eddie had gone, he opened the drawer and pulled out the small party hat. He would never admit it to anyone, but he thought Corbierre was rather dashing in a hat.
“It was Jerome.”
“Liar I don’t even eat that crap!”
“Oh yeah, then why did I see you with a box yesterday?”
“We needed the box to build Victor Jr Jr’s home, everybody knows this Patricia!”
“Enough!” Victor’s voice cut through their argument. “This bickering is getting you nowhere! Patricia, I know you are covering for Mr. Miller, he has already confessed to taking the cereal from the cupboard.”
Patricia sighed internally. “Well, if you already knew Eddie did it, why did you ask us?”
“Because, Miss Williamson, while I don’t doubt his dedication to making my life difficult, he usually has an accomplice, and it’s usually one of you two.”
“I would never partner with Eddie willingly!” Jerome exclaimed, sounding affronted.
“Why? Afraid he’ll outshine your reputation?”
“Stop, both of you, before you give me a migraine.” Victor sighed. “Patricia, go join Eddie upstairs and start clearing up your mess.”
Jerome smirked at Patricia like he’d won. In response, she turned to Victor and said in a sickly-sweet voice: “Oh Victor, just before I go, I think you should know that Jerome’s the one who’s been stealing pens from your office. He’s been selling them to first years.”
Jerome paled. Patricia left and made her way upstairs, grinning as she listened to Jerome’s attempted excuses. Eddie was rifling through Victor’s drawers, pulling out cheerios’ and placing them into a bowl by his side. He appeared to have only filled a tiny amount of the bowl, but that could be because he was eating them as he went along.
“Oh, hey Yacker.” Eddie waved a handful of cereal in acknowledgement of his girlfriend.
Patricia wasted no time in returning the greeting. “Why did you tell Victor! Jerome would have taken the blame, I know it!”
“Please,” Eddie laughed. “There is no way Jerry was going to crack that easily.”
Patricia snorted. “Oh yeah? Tell that to the guy who’s now trying to explain why first years are using Victor’s fancy handwriting pens.”
Eddie looked impressed. “That’s cold.”
“Eh, he had it coming.” Patricia replied. Jerome had told Victor it was her who tracked mud into the house the other week, and she knew he would get her back sooner or later, but that was just how they worked. The more pressing issue was why Eddie dobbed her in again. Last month he told Victor of her part in the Party-hat Corbierre incident, when she hadn’t even come up with the idea- that had been Alfie- and he’d only pulled her into it because she’d helped put a hole in his bedroom wall.
“So why did you drag me down with you, Edison?” she asked.
“I just like spending time with you, Yacker.” Eddie admitted.
“Aww, that’s sweet.” she said, smiling. It was sweet, and it kind of made sense, they did work well together, after all. “But maybe next time just ask if you want to hang out, then maybe we could go see a movie instead?”
“You make it sound like spending the day clearing out cereal from Victor’s papers isn’t fun.”
“It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when I think ‘fun’, no”
“Why not? We’ve got free snacks-” Eddie shoved a handful of cereal into his mouth to demonstrate “-and we get free run of Victor’s office, at least till he finishes shouting at Jerome.”
As if on cue, Victor’s voice rose up from the living room. If Patricia thought she had it bad, Jerome was gonna be grounded till the end of the year.
“Okay,” she said, “You make a good point.”
“Of course I do.” Eddie replied, holding up a small book. “I mean, don’t you want to read Victor’s journal? I wonder how many times he calls us ‘miscreants’ or ‘the bane of my existence’?”
Patricia grabbed a handful of cereal from the bowl and sat down next to him, nudging him with her shoulder. “Go on then, start reading.”
He smiled, nudging her back, then opened the book. “January 1st, 2011…”
Oh, this time they were definitely to blame. Sure, it had been an accident, but that wouldn’t stop Victor. Neither of them could think of any good excuses, and they were standing right at the scene of the crime. Patricia grimaced. They were supposed to be going out to see the movie Eddie had promised her, but now it looked like they weren’t leaving the house for another few weeks. She looked up at Victor, who was standing in front of them with his arms folded, staring at the broken picture frame.
“Would you believe us if we said KT did it?” Eddie asked, hopefully.
“Okay, well in that case…we were really hoping it wouldn’t come to this but,” Eddie took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. “There was an Egyptian spirit in the house.”
Patricia tried not to show the incredulous look on her face, because of course this was how Eddie was going to play it. Victor, however, merely raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yeah, they showed up last week and started following me around, y’know because I’m the Osirian and they wanted my help.” He nudged Patricia, who nodded. “It’s true he wouldn’t shut up about it.”
“Anyway,” Eddie continued, “They turned on me, as ghosts seem to do, so we had to fight them here in the foyer. I blasted them a couple times with my powers, which got sent them right back to the underworld-”
“Afterlife.” Patricia interjected.
“Yeah that too. So, I sent them packing and Anubis House is once more safe from spirits.” Eddie performed a bow. “You’re welcome.”
Victor’s eyebrow was once more raised, causing Patricia to wonder if he practiced in a mirror to make sure it was the perfect amount of condescending. If he did, it needed some work, his tiredness was bleeding through.
“I see.” He said, and was Patricia going delusional or did he sound vaguely impressed? “So, how does that explain the state of my picture?”
“Oh, well,” Eddie began, before Patricia cut in:
“Would you believe it, our oh-so-amazing Osirian cannot aim to save his life? He completely missed his first shot and hit the photo, then it fell off the wall.”
Eddie gave Patricia a look at the albeit accurate statement. Sure, he was terrible at archery but was that necessary?
“Is this true, Edison?” Victor asked.
“…yeah it is. Sorry. It was an accident.” Oh, Patricia could buy her own sweets for this - if they make it to the film, of course. The two of them braced themselves for Victor’s verdict.
He said something truly shocking.
“That’s okay.”
The two students were taken aback. What kind of shapeshifter had replaced Victor? Maybe there was an actual Egyptian spirit possessing him that Eddie needed to vanquish.
“What, so you’re not going to make us do chores?” Patricia asked dubiously.
“No, like you said, it was an accident, and we apparently have you to thank for saving us from another spirit.” Victor said, unfolding his arms and making a shooing motion. “Now go wherever it was that you were going.”
The two exchanged incredulous looks, shocked that it had worked. They turned to go before Victor changed his mind, or the force controlling him left. Eddie realised he was still holding the photo frame, so he darted across and set it down on the table before taking Patricia’s hand and leaving, all the while glancing across at Victor. Once they were out of earshot, the two burst into laughter.
“I cannot believe that worked!”
“I know right? The guy’s losing his touch! And he thinks I saved the house from an evil spirit! Again!”
“Come on, oh so amazing Osirian.” Patricia said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “We’re gonna be late.”
Victor watched them walk away, hand in hand and exchanging relieved looks. He heard Eddie whisper ‘See? Told you we could convince him!’ and struggled not to smile. Of course, he hadn’t fallen for it, what did they take him for? But it was one of their more entertaining excuses, and he knew grounding them giving them chore duty just led to more catastrophic results than their original crime. At least if they went to the cinema, they’d be out of the house and trouble caused out there didn’t need him to deal with it.
Hopefully, this meant he’d have a couple hours of peace, to account the tale in his journal, and to find a better hiding place for it than his desk drawer.
Naturally, that’s when a loud crash came from upstairs, accompanied by a range of shouts. Victor sighed, cursing the day Sarah had talked him into founding a school, and went to get an aspirin.
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beyond-the-mirror · 5 years
DMC x Pokemon AU - Which pokemon they would choose
So an idea appeared out of nowhere in my head: If Pokemon somehow existed in the DMC universe and pokemon training and battles were officially a thing too, which pokemon would the crew choose as their companions?
For these headcanons, I will give each character two kinds of pokemon: the first one will be a pokemon they would totally choose as a friend and partner for adventure as well as competitive battles, and the other will be one they would keep at their side mostly as a cute or silly companion, whether it’s a baby pokemon or a fully evolved one, it’s one they are really fond of and always look after.
So let’s get started! More bellow the cut because it’s a really long post.
Ideal partner: Houndoom
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He considers Houndoom’s general appearance as cool and badass, of course he would love having a literal hellhound in his team.
If you think about it, they share lots of similarities: The same color palette, the devil motif, the fact that Dante has horns too when in DT or SDT form… it’s as if this pokemon was made with him in mind.
Dante found him when he was a little puppy Houndour. The poor thing was all alone in an alley near his shop and seeing him crying out made his heart ache.
So he brought the little one back home and nursed him. Now he’s a powerful Houndoom who loves nothing more than to fight alongside his trainer. There’s nothing that can stop those too when together.
Silly companion: Alcremie
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One reason only: Infinite strawberry sundaes.
That’s it.
Would totally have an entire team made of Alcremies. He wouldn’t even battle or anything. He just wants to enjoy his lifetime supply of strawberry sundaes.
Ideal partner: Aegislash
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Vergil is a man of the sword, so it’s clear he would choose an Aegislash as his partner.
The first time he spotted this particular Honedge, he knew. He could see the great power dormant in them, so it was a matter of awakening said potential.
He trained them vigorously, making them evolve into a Doublade, and finally, into an Aegislash. To this day, not a single pokemon has managed to defeat them, the only exception being Dante and his Houndoom.
That won’t stop them though. They are both too prideful in their quest for strength and power.
Silly companion: Snom
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Yeaaah, this is a weird one. Snom is such a cute baby, maybe this adorableness can melt Vergil’s heart?
It was Dante who gifted his twin a Snom. To quote him: “You’re too grumpy. Maybe this cute little guy can help you ease some of that grumpiness away.”
Wherever he goes, the little baby follows behind. Vergil will never admit this out loud but he does smile at the peaceful sensation his silly friend gives him.
Also imagine him trying to pronounce their name in that nasal voice of his. SHnom. 
Ideal partner: Corviknight, Umbreon and Dusknoir
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It was a tie between these pokemon since they represent V’s three demon familiars: Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare respectively.
Corviknight may have a playful personality, but during battles he’s dead serious. He’s down right merciless and enjoys tearing apart his foes.
Umbreon is as calm as a housecat, but beware! She is a fierce one and won’t think twice to attack those who step out of line. Even more ruthless than Corviknight.
Dusknoir is as mysterious as the man himself, but V still trusts them and lets them do pretty much their own thing. Despite V never giving them orders, it almost looks as if Dusknoir can understand his thoughts telepathically. No one is sure how the hell he does it though. Quite a mystery indeed.
Silly companion: Mr Rime
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Both wear a coat. Both carry a cane. Both love to tap dance. See what I’m getting at?
The first time V spotted a Mr Rime and witnessed their comical moves, he couldn’t help but laugh in endearment.
You will often find them enjoying a nice cup of tea together. They may speak different languages, but somehow they understand each other so perfectly.
When feeling in a dance mood, he and Mr Rime will dance together in perfect harmony and sync. Singin’ in the Rain is their favorite musical btw.
Ideal partner: Toxtricity
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It only made sense to grant our punk boy Nero a punk pokemon like Toxtricity.
Both share an explosive and energetic personality, as well as an identical inclination towards rock and metal music. They especially love taunting their foes by doing an air guitar together.
The way these two fight is absolutely brutal. Do not anger them, you cannot defeat them.
However, despite their looks like they could kill you, they are actually sweet cinnamon rolls in front of the right ones. Pet them, they are good bois after all.
Silly companion: Mankey
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Two grumpy bois grumpying around. Don’t talk to them, they are angy.
Kyrie often teases them with how identical they are. They literally share the exact same expression when angry.
Nero says it’s not funny. It is.
Little Mankey only calms down when given pets and cuddles. “Just like you Nero!” she teases again. 
Ideal partner: Luxray
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Step aside everyone. Two bewitching and electrifying devils are coming through.
Trish was new to the world when one day she encountered a Shinx, except their fur was yellow? Wasn’t the fur supposed to be blue??
She took them to Dante and Lady for an explanation. Their eyes widened in complete awe. “Trish… it’s a shiny. You found a shiny!” “…Oh.”
Now the two are an inseparable and lethal duo. Many have made the mistake of challenging them, only to end up battered and humiliated.
Silly companion: Yamper
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Just look at this good boi.
A cute pupper? AND with electrical powers?! Trish is so in!
You bet she spoils her Yamper rotten. She particularly adores baby-talking her lovely companion to no end.
“Have you seen my puppy? He’s not lost or anything, I just wanted to show you how awesome he is” Yep. She did this at one point or another. 
Ideal partner: Inteleon
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A couple of ‘Walking Arsenals’ indeed. Ready to take on any challenge they may encounter.
Lady remembers how she met her partner when they were a tiny and shy Sobble. Now that they’ve become such a strong pokemon, Lady feels so proud of their growth.
Extremely resourceful, even in dire situations. Will use all the tools at their disposition to finish their job.
Their sniper skills are unparalleled so you’d better watch out. In a battle of wits, there’s no beating this duo.
Silly companion: Eevee
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Lady is such an Eevee fan, her childhood dream was to befriend one and have numerous adventures together.
So when she finally got one many years later, she actually started crying happy tears. (It was a gift from Dante. He figured she deserved a companion after what happened in the Temen-ni-gru incident.)
She spends her free time playing with her adorable Eevee, there’s even a whole collection of toys for their playtime together.
If you happen to have an Evolution Stone with you, DO. NOT. COME. ANY. CLOSER. Lady adores her Eevee just how it is. You have been warned.
Ideal partner: Gardevoir
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I personally consider Kyrie as a woman with a righteous heart and a strong sense of justice just like her brother Credo, so it’s no surprise her pokemon partner is actually a Gardevoir.
Mess with them and hoo boy. So you have chosen death.
She and Gardevoir are actually among the strongest teams in the region. In fact, to this day, Nero and his Toxtricity haven’t been able to defeat these two in a pokemon battle.
Do not underestimate these girls. They can and will drag you through the mud if you dare hurt them or their loved ones.
Silly companion: Wooloo
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Kyrie melted at the sight of Wooloo. So soft, and adorable, and puffy!
She loves knitting, so they would be perfect to provide her with lots of top quality wool. 
Once during Christmas, she donated handmade sweaters to the children at the local orphanage. Wooloo and her were so happy to help the little ones, they made it a tradition for them to do every year.
The sweaters and scarfs she knits with the help of her friend are actually very fashionable and pretty. Everyone in the crew loves showing theirs off any chance they get.
Ideal partner: Arcanine
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A fire pokemon with majestic fur, excellent speed and an extremely keen sense of smell. Nico knew Arcanine would be a perfect partner to have.
She can count on their powerful fire to melt the metals she needs to forge her weapons. Her works of art have been made possible thanks to them and she could not feel more thankful.
Using their olfactory sense, Arcanine can track and retrieve any demon parts or carcasses which can later be used to create Devil Arms.
Although they are not that interested in competitive battles, they’re still a very strong duo that should not be taken so lightly. 
Silly companion: Rotom
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So one day a wild Rotom sneaked into Nico’s van, causing a ruckus everywhere. Despite the disaster, Nico was incredibly fascinated since Rotom sightings are extremely rare.
She befriended the poltergeist pokemon almost right away. She even built a device for them to inhabit (just like Ash’s Rotomdex in the anime).
Now they’re Nico’s very own pokemon assitant! Thanks to her device Rotom can communicate, take pictures and save files and notes, which is perfect for her work.
Also they’re really nice to have a chat with! Just beware the unflattering pics they may take during battles.
Ideal partner: Absol
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It’s easy to see the similarities between Lucia and her Absol.
With Absol being erroneously blamed for natural disasters and Lucia being an artificial demon her creator labelled as ‘defective’, you could say they both share similar backstories. They felt outcasted by everyone else.
These two are incredibly agile fighters, using graceful and precise moves that prove to be lethal to their foes.
Personality wise they both appear to be stoic and aloof, but they’re actually very kind. They do tend to worry a lot about their friends though.
Silly companion: Espurr
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Espurrs are known to constantly try to control and contain their enormous psychic power with all their might. Lucia understands her cute little companion all too well.
Being with each other has helped them both a lot, their shared company feels therapeutic for them.
Also Lucia enjoys cuddling Espurr. They feel so soft like a plushie!
Often have staring contests with each other. They always end with a tie though.
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Double Trouble Reunion, part 12.5.2
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), Avengers,
universe: Double Trouble universe (Steve and Tony, T2 and S2)
summary: S1 and S2 noticed that, due to recent events, Tony lost some weight and make it their mission to help him go back to his usual, rounder self. T2 happily tags along. 
length: 5 460
warnings: this part goes in tune with my body acceptance fics, more known as chubby!Tony fics, so Tony putting on a bit of weight and indulging in food and he and Steve enjoying the process if you don’t like this idea, feel free to skip this part! (but if you like it, remember to send me feedback!)
a/n: so, this is a very me kind of fic... and this is the first time we are exploring this theme in DTR (slightly mentioned in DT), so I am exciteeed what you think! comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated and needed! also, for those of you who missed the info, next week I will post a Halloween inspired chapter of DTR! 
Double Trouble Reunion, part 12.5.2
Having a double definitely had its perks. There was finally someone who could keep up with his train of thoughts, who he could bounce off ideas with and come up with new solutions and new inventions. All this creative process was great. Just that with the good stuff came the bad stuff too.
Tony never before realized that he rambled. He heard some complaints, but never gave too much thought about it. And, boy, did he ramble, and a lot, spewing out the most random ideas, that when still in his brain seemed like the greatest things ever, but when said out loud sounded absurd and unreal. And it was being said gently.
"Okay, no, no," Tony suddenly stopped, letting still talking T2 go ahead of him, the chatter continuing. "You can't be serious about this," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Of course I am serious!" T2 yelled out, that crazy scientist sparkle so visible in his eyes. Once that would be over Tony had some profound apology to say to Steve, who had to listen to his ramble too often and Tony finally understand what that eye-rolling meant. Some of the ideas could be… too weird. "We need to be always prepared!"
"Oh my God," Tony rubbed his forehead, not believing that he was having this conversation. Not with anyone and it was even weirder to have it with himself. "T2, that's definitely crossing the line!"
"Crossing the line? Look me in the eyes, and tell me that you never thought about installing an Iron Man connected system to the flusher in the toilet."
Yes, that was what Tony was thinking each time he sat on the toilet. How to get suited up while doing number two.
"Of course not!" Tony snapped.
"Then I say you are extremely unprepared," T2 raised his eyebrows, not believing that his counterpart could be that careless.
"No one is going to attack us in the toilet!" Tony tried reasoning, raising his voice up.
"It doesn't have to be a direct attack! What if there is an emergency?" T2 tried to defend his idea.
"Then I am sure I can find like five seconds to get in the suit!"
"I could save you those five seconds. Seriously, let's order a toilet set and I will get right to work and -"
Someone needed less coffee and more sleep.
"T2, enough!" Tony ordered, trying to get the other him to listen and cease the chatter. "Enough, okay? This… This is too much and you are acting paranoid I don't want to hear about it. Ah ah ah, zip it!" he reminded seeing his counterpart opening his mouth, and making a pouty face later on. "Besides, we can always - wait. Do you smell it?" Tony asked, some scent tingling his nostrils. And not in a bad, toilet-related way.
Putting his nose high in the air, T2 took some deep breaths through his nose. "Mhhhhm. Smells like chocolate," he smiled dreamily.
"Smells like a trap," Tony narrowed his eyes.
"What?" T2 laughed looking at the other him and laughing more at the way Tony's whole body tensed. "What are you talking about?"
"I tell you, this is some sort of trick!" Tony argued.
"And who is paranoid now," T2 giggled. He walked behind Tony and put hands on his arm, pushing him forward and following the smell.
"Hey, about time! It's almost ready," Steve smiled happily seeing both of his boys, closing the oven, a strong smell of chocolate filling the room.
"What's ready?" Tony asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. He watched T2 skipping to his Steve and kissing him on the cheek, next he placed a kiss on Steve's already puffed out cheek.
And then Tony realized the truth.
It was a triple trap.
"So, that toilet talk was just a distraction?" Tony looked at T2, not liking the way the other him was smiling. Too pleased with himself.
"Dunno what you mean, other me," T2 laughed, although Steves exchanged intrigued looks. Toilet?
"Cookie?" S2 dropped the topic for the time being and presented to Tony a plate of delicate puff pastries with swirls of chocolate. Gold and crisp and tasty. "Brownies need to cool down a little first," and the source of the strong smell of chocolate was revealed.
Definitely a trap.
"Okay, what's going on?" Tony asked, crossing arms and looking defensive. It wasn't rare that they ate sweets together, even if Steve grumbled that Tony's habit of replacing a proper meal with a box of donuts was unacceptable and the same thing applied to T2.
"Babe, we just wanted to do something nice for you," Steve said gently, trying to soothe his boyfriend.
Ah, so that's what it was. Guilt. Good that they made it clear and the tension left Tony's body. He was very spoiled by his three lovers in the last days, who tried to make up to him for the last, kinda failed tickle session, and Tony received only loving care from all of them. It was nice, very nice, but maybe the time has come for it all to be toned down a little because as much as Tony liked to be pampered, he missed the roughhousing.
"And something else…"
Tony didn't move, waiting for the continuation.
"Ummm… Me and S2… Uh, we - " Steve rambled, not finding the proper words, his voice getting lost. He looked at S2, silently asking for help.
S2 seemed a lot more comfortable speaking his mind. "To put it short - you became too skinny, we don't like it, we want to fatten you up a bit," he recited, sounding almost blunt.
"What?" Tony burst, his voice rising in pitch a bit. After S2's explanation, Steve looked away at the ceiling, clearly embarrassed, S2 blinked innocently, and T2 smiled sunnily and Tony just stood there. Truth to be told, he did notice the change in his body lately. His belly and hips became a bit smaller in the last days since he had neglected eating in favor of working, but there was also another factor that contributed to his loss of weight. When someone did as much laughing as he did lately, some calorie burning was bound to happen. Overall, it couldn't be much, maybe five pounds at most, but Steve's skilled hands could obviously feel the difference.
"How about him?" Tony asked, pointing at his counterpart. "Why he can't gain weight instead?"
"It is not about gaining weight. We just want you to go back to your usual size," S2 explained more.
Ah, to his slightly chubby size. Muffin top and all.
"What if I like my new size?" Tony asked, suspicion growing in him again. He knew that Steve always enjoyed him more when he had more meat on his bones and the affection didn't change no matter his weight.
"Then we will like it too," S2 said warmly, meaning what he said. They all loved Tony for so much more than just his cute, round belly and curved hips and sticking out butt. Tony was a delicious morsel at any size. "It is up to you."
That was reassuring to hear. Tony didn't mind gaining a little bit of weight, just enough to fill in his pants the way he used too. And gaining weight, meant eating and Tony was a big fan of that. Yet, he didn't want to look as if he was looking forward to it all, because that might give his lovers a wrong impression. He had to play it all his own way. Slowly, Tony started to grin.
"Mhhhhhm. I will think about it," Tony decided, feeling that the roles reversed and he had an upper hand. That could be a very interesting experience if done right on his part.
"Sure, take your time," S2 smiled, speaking on the behalf of the whole group. "But first,"  he started, and Tony saw a brownies pan being placed in the middle of the table on a heat resistant mat, four spoons following. "Maybe you want a slice?"
Tony looked at the brownies. Still warm, fudgy and chewy inside, with a crispy layer on top. It looked really, really good. And smelled beyond amazing.
Okay, maybe just a bite…
"I agree," Tony said, one huge portion of brownies later, which they all had shared, eating directly from the pan. He licked the spoon and put it in his mouth, savoring the last taste of chocolate. "We can do it, but on my terms. Meaning, I am gonna decide what I am gonna eat and in what amount," he bargained, needing to have some control over their mini-project.
"Sure thing," S2 agreed, and Steve and T2 nodded to his words, smiling at him. Tony sunk into the chair, some delicious warm still present in his belly from the warm brownies. He definitely needed something to cut the rich chocolate.
"So, ice cream now?" Tony asked, smiling back at his lovers. Their project just started.
"I noticed you were awfully quiet today."
Steve's startled eyes meet with Tony's analyzing ones. Before he could answer or react in any way, Tony pushed him back into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it so no one would interrupt them.
"Well?" Tony reminded, waiting for an explanation.
Steve glanced at the door, before back at Tony. "Did you wait for me outside?" he asked instead. It was too much of a coincidence for his boyfriend just to casually pass the bathroom.
"Don't change the subject," Tony didn't find it relevant to answer. Maybe it was childish to corner Steve in the bathroom, but since the deal, they all had made in the kitchen, Tony had an unpleasant feeling that Steve avoided him. He didn't talk much, looked at Tony only when he wasn't looking back. It all weirded Tony out. They needed some privacy to talk. "Why are you ignoring me?"
Steve looked down at his feet, once again avoiding Tony's gaze. "I am not ignoring you."
"Then look at me when you are talking to me."
Steve did. Somehow Tony would prefer if Steve kept looking down because the mix of feelings reflected in the blue eyes was alarming. Uncertainty. Guilt. Embarrassment.
That was too confusing.
"Would you prefer if I didn't agree?" Tony asked, not understanding what was happening. Steve was involved in the scheme that took place in the early afternoon but currently looked pretty much like regretting it.
"No, it is not that," Steve sighed, doing a step back and sitting at the edge of the bathtub.
"Then what is it?" Tony continued asking, his voice becoming gentler when he realized how uncomfortable his boyfriend was. "You can tell me," he tried soothing, standing in front of Steve and running his hands through the blond hair when Steve leaned forward and put his forehead against Tony's stomach.
Steve sighed again, wrapping arms around Tony's waist, holding him closer. There were many ways he had to learn to share Tony with T2 and S2. And the whole idea of spoiling his boyfriend was great and initially Steve was all up for it, but then doubt set in, doubt changing into some other feeling.
He didn't feel jealous for some time but couldn't help it anymore.
"It is hard for me to share you, you know," Steve finally spoke, muttering the words, "and this is another way I have to share you."
"Hmm," Tony understood what Steve meant. They both let the other dimension couple very deep into their world. Maybe even too deep. They were sharing their kinks, their private life, practically the most intimate aspects of their relationship were there in the open for S2 and T2 to explore and learn. Not that it was bad, and Tony knew that Steve was enjoying this situation as much as he did, but slowly, there was nothing more left for just the two of them. During the time T2 had appeared for the first time, they had left some things out on purpose. Back then, Tony's slightly higher weight in comparison to T2's weight was a source of playful jokes and humor, and T2 remained oblivious of the more sensual side to it. The times Steve cooked something delicious just to watch Tony eat with appetite. The way Tony murmured and licked his fingers on purpose, teasing Steve. And the breaking point, when after all teasing during a shared meal, Steve couldn't last any longer and ripped clothes off of his boyfriend, his lips and tongue and fingers exploring the curved belly and teasing and tasting and savoring him, just as much as Tony savored delicious food. It was theirs, but, like many things, it was supposed to become a shared thing.
"It is hard for me to share you too," Tony smiled gently, scrubbing Steve's scalp affectionately. It wasn't easy when it all started when he had to share Steve with T2, and it didn't become much easier when Steve and S2 used to lock themselves away. In those moments, he kept repeating to himself that Steve was enjoying their unique foursome situation and it was all that mattered, and in the meantime, Tony had T2 to keep him company. "But it will be fine, Steve. I sill love you the most," he added on teasing note, hoping to ease the tension.
Big, sad blue eyes looked on him. "Promise?" Steve asked.
"Promise," Tony chuckled, leaning his head down and kissed the top of Steve's head. Steve returned the kiss, but kissed Tony's stomach instead, making his boyfriend twitch and smile.
"God, you are skinny. I neglected you," Steve said, and Tony was sure he wasn't talking to him, but to his belly. "I will make it up to you. We all will."
"It didn't change that much," Tony smiled, his tummy quivering a bit when Steve's nose traced over the cotton of his shirt. "You still can't see my ribs or anything," he tried joking.
"That reminds me," Steve hummed, rolling Tony's shirt up, and Tony glanced down curiously at what was happening when he felt the movement. The embrace on his hips suddenly tightened. "I better take some careful measurements of you. Just to make sure that we are making progress."
Tony shrieked and burst into squeaky giggling when soft lips nibbled on his belly. Down the sides, sucking the skin on his lower belly and a tongue following the curve, until the tip found his outie belly button, wiggling over the small nub. Already teasing and testing and Tony's eyelids fluttered in delight, laughter mixing with pleased moans while his belly button was getting all this lovely attention.
It was a great start and Tony couldn't wait for more.
"Pf. They think they are so covert."
T2 and S2 looked at each other with a smile, when the water started running, drawing out a bit the laughter and moans on the other side of the door leading to the bathroom. T2 didn't know what was the bigger offense - the waste of water or S1 and T1 underestimating them.
"I kinda want to burst there and ruin their fun. Don't you?" T2 asked his boyfriend. He didn't mind the other couple sneaking out and having a private moment with each other, but they could just tell them that they had a need. Not suddenly disappear.
"Why?" S2 asked, taking his boyfriend's hand and pulling him close. "I have everything I need on this side of the door," he said, looking with love at the brunet in his arms.
T2 smiled back. "That's cute, but I saw how you were looking at T1 when he agreed on putting on weight. I admit I felt threatened for a moment there."
"Threatened?" S2 chuckled, urging his boyfriend to jump up so he could carry him, and T2 did, wrapping legs around blond's hips, S2 hands holding him below the butt. "You didn't realize it yet, huh?" he asked with a smile, walking away from the bathroom door, letting S1 and T1 make out in peace.
"Realize what?"
S2's smile became a little sharper. He adjusted his hands and pinned fingers into his boyfriend's round butt and T2 gasped and shivered. With a puzzled expression on his face, he looked at his boyfriend, but except the hungry smile, he didn't get much of an answer.
Since T2 came back from his first trip from the dimension they were currently in, S2 noticed that his boyfriend seemed a little bigger in size. His face became a little more rounder, some weight stayed on his belly and hips and butt, giving him a lovely figure. Unexpectedly, S2 grew to love those changes, exploring the new curves with gentle touches of fingers and greedy bites of teeth.
S2 loved his curvy boyfriend with all his heart, and he intended to keep him that way, and their little project would be a great help. Before that would start, it seemed they had the rest of the afternoon only to themselves and even if S2 just had dessert, his appetite for delicious things was insatiable and T2 was easily the most delectable thing he could think of.
The project 'put the donk back in Tony's badonkadonk' was going smoothly and Tony felt great. He kept coming up with more and more dishes, and whatever he wished for, Steves delivered. Tony enjoyed this kind of control and even more enjoyed the lustful looks he was getting from both Steves whenever he was eating and the grabby hands groping him so often to check if he was filling up nicely. T2 was getting the same kind of attention and soon Tony involved T2 a bit more, knowing that they both could benefit from this situation and let his counterpart make some decisions.
"I wanna go out," T2 said suddenly when he and Tony were finishing bowls of creamy seafood chowder. A little spicy, with heavy cream to tone it down, bits of octopus, mussels, shrimps, and fish submerged in the aromatic broth. What was not to love.
"Out where?" Tony asked, spooning mussels into his mouth. Soft and tender.
"Maybe some restaurant," T2 smiled, "maybe a double date."
"You know they won't agree on a double date," Tony finished his soup and leaned back in the seat, patting his belly. It was good to feel full.
"They will if you play it right. You didn't believe they would agree to bake a cheesecake with a cherry pie inside," T2 grinned, remembering the cake from a few days ago that didn't have the right to work, but somehow Steves did it and it was delicious. No matter what, seemingly, impossible food combinations he and T2 came up with, Steves cooked it, just to keep them satiated.
Tony laughed. Maybe it was worth a shot. And going to some nice restaurant with candles and formal clothes did sound like a nice idea.
"Finished with the soup?"
Tonys smiled dreamily seeing both their boyfriends walking into the living room. While Tonys were finishing the first course, Steves were preparing another dish and this time Tonys asked for something simple, meaning pizza rolls, just to have some sort of snack during the day.
"Yeah, it was great, thank you," Tony handed over his empty bowl, T2 giving his bowl to S2.
Steve put the bowl out of the way and sat on the couch next to Tony, urging him to lay on his back. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked, doing some small circles with his palm over Tony's belly, soothing him. He had a thing for Tony enjoying food and liked his soft belly, but he didn't want to cross the line when it was too much and caused discomfort.
"Yeah," Tony closed his eyes, enjoying the belly rub and feeling warmth spreading all over his body. It was a nice, soothing feeling. "Yeah, I am good."
"You look good too."
It was a sentence said in a timid voice and Tony opened his eyes, just in time to catch the disappearing blush from Steve's face, but the dark, lustful look lingered in his eyes for longer. Tony grinned sharply. It seemed that T2 was right and he really had the Steves in a hold.
S2 decided to be less subtle than S1.
"Show me."
There was a giggle, and Tony glanced over at the other couple and saw T2 lifting his shirt up, showing his rounder belly to S2.
"Very good," S2 praised, lightly kneading the soft layer on T2's stomach, making his boyfriend shiver and lips twist in a smile. His thumb brushed over the innie belly button and poked inside experimentally, T2 bucking up with a laugh at the sensation.
"Steheheve," T2 giggle whimpered, watching nervously as his boyfriend climbed over him, and leaned down, mouth getting lower and lower. Tony couldn't see what was happening, S2's back blocking the view, but basing on the loud, shrieked out laughter, he could guess that S2 wriggled his tongue into T2's belly button, teasing and tasting his skin. The sight got even further blocked, when he had his own super soldier climbing over him, Steve's cheeks heated and lips parted as he slowly rolled Tony's shirt up and Tony kept still and smiled encouragingly, stretching out and putting his hands over his head for a more comfortable position. Some opened mouth, slow kisses on his belly made him sigh delightfully and tremble, but it was the firm licks on his sticking out belly button that drove him absolutely insane with pleasure and laughter.
There was still some time before pizza rolls would be done and Steve had their own meal planned.
Of course, there was going to be a protest. Tony was expecting it.
"I and T2 want to go out for dinner and have a double date," Tony repeated patiently, keeping a pleasant smile on and lasting Steve's scolding look. The four of them were in the kitchen, sitting at the table and it seemed a good time to bring that topic up after the very nice moments shared on the couch in the living room.
By the look on Steve's face, it showed that there was no good time for such a conversation. That was too dangerous. Too risky. They somehow made it the last time when he had taken Tonys out on a date, but with four of them, it was -
"That's not an option."
Tony's mouth opened before he smiled in triumph. T2 turned on his chair and stared at his boyfriend, who was near the counter, placing hot pizza rolls on a plate. Steve just thinned his lips angrily. Did S2 just agree?
"Can I have a word with you? In private?" Steve asked in a harsh tone, looking at his counterpart's back. When S2 turned around, he was smiling broadly.
"Nah, I rather not have private conversations with you, when you clench your jaws like that," S2 answered in humor and put the pizza rolls on the table. Tony noticed that Steve tried to relax his face, but the stubborn look didn't leave his eyes.
"I don't think you understand the risk here," Steve said, turning directly to S2, while Tonys reached for the rolls. Snacks and a show.
"I think you think too much about risks," S2 turned the sentence around. "What's wrong with all four of us going out?"
"Uh, plenty!" Steve pointed out the obvious. "You are just all carefree about this because whatever will happen me and Tony will have to deal with the consequences!"
That didn't seem to convince S2. "Then we just have to make sure that nothing will happen," he continued to smile. "Right, guys?"
T2 nodded, mouth full of bread, cheese and tomato sauce. Tony showed his agreement by giving thumbs up.
"In such moments, I don't believe any of you," Steve said flatly, warily eyeing each of his lovers. He didn't like those quiet moments of unison between the three of them.
"Let me rephrase that," Tony tried again, brushing the crumbs off his mouth and sucking his fingers. That already send a nice shiver down Steves spine, but this time the gesture was only for his Steve. "If you want to keep playing with this," he patted his belly gently, "take us all out for a dinner date."
"Are you blackmailing me?" Steve narrowed eyes at his boyfriend, knowing that Tony could play dirty but never suspecting he would do so against him and in front of the other couple.
"I call it negotiating," Tony sucked the tomato sauce off his finger, his voice light and carefree.
There was some tension in the air forming, Tony and Steve looking deeply into each other eyes. A sudden clanking sound brought them back, the source being S2 who yanked the plate with pizza rolls and held it away.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked.
"Oh, you just looked like wanting to throw T1 on the table and take him right here and right now," S2 grinned. There was something about T1 and S2 encounters that just screamed sexual tension and it was one of those moments. "Needed to save pizza rolls if that happened."
"Feel free to continue," T2 encouraged, waving his hand at them.
The heavy atmosphere was gone, and Tony laughed at the ridiculous situation, while Steve curled and hid face in his hands. They all just loved to make him uncomfortable and watch him squirm.
"Steve, listen, I and T2 thought it all through -"
"We will go to one of those fancy restaurants, where everyone is too stuck up to pay attention to anyone-"
"- candlelight instead of regular light, and we will get the most secluded table -"
" - food, Steve! Think of the food!"
"Alright, alright," Steve stopped the chatter, needing a moment to think. It still sounded too risky in his head. But having someone else prepare dinner, did start to sound like a nice option. Tonys kept looking hopefully at him, and S2 smiled, silently asking him to agree. Maybe it could work…
"Fine, I agree, but!" Steve added before general happiness could take over them all, "we are going to do it only if you two will be good and our project will be a success. Then we can go out and celebrate," Steve negotiated and took a pizza roll between his fingers, putting it closer to Tony. In simpler words, if Tonys kept eating, they would get their dinner date.
Tony smiled hungrily and leaned closer, taking the whole roll out from Steve's hand in one big chomp, gently biting on blond's finger in the process. That was a kind of negotiating Tony could definitely agree on.
The week was ending and Tonys kept their part of the bargain. Steve had no leverage to cut the deal off, and Tony put in some extra effort in making sure that Steve would not try to back out, most of his attempts involving slow hips movements and a bottle of chocolate sauce and Steve's mind blanked too much in such moments.
The restaurant seemed perfect for them. It opened a while ago, and was pretty crowded, letting them blend in with other men in expensive suits and women in cocktail dresses. The light was subtle and the dining hall was appropriately dimmed, bringing attention to the food and people sharing tables, but not the other guests. Despite all of that, Steve couldn't shake off the nervous feeling.
A hand slipped under his arm, and Steve saw Tony next to him, elegant as always in a dark suit and pristine white shirt underneath. Whenever Tony wore an evening suit it was like magic happened.
"Yeah," Steve nodded, hooking his arm with Tony's as they walked to the maitre d', because, of course, this place was available only by reservation. Just to not raise suspicions, T2 and S2 were supposed to come a few minutes after them.
"You look very elegant," Tony said in a velvety voice, praising Steve's choice of clothes. At the beginning of their relationship, Tony always chose the suits for his boyfriend, but with time, Steve developed a taste of his own. Italian made suits, ones that accentuated his long legs and broad shoulders, were always a great option for him.
"Learnt from the best," Steve returned the compliment, remembering all the tips Tony had given him when it came to choosing the right suit and Tony smiled at him. "Reservation for four on James Barnes," he said to the maitre d', and the man checked the name on the list and asked them to follow him to the table.  
So far so good.
Shamefully, Steve had to admit that it got even better. Just as they wished, their table was in a secluded part of the restaurant, tucked in a private, intimate corner. Tony took care of the ordering, choosing wine and hors d'oeuvres for a start before they moved to the main course. The serves were moving swiftly and almost unnoticeable and they were free to chat and enjoy each other's company.
There was something incredibly enticing about watching Tonys in an elegant setting, delicately treating every morsel of food and taking languid sips of wine. S2 seemed mesmerized too, but Steve also noticed that the other him presented himself incredibly well in a three-piece, steel grey suit. He also saw the slight discomfort in his counterpart and knew that he looked the same, never finding himself in such formal settings, even if Tonys seemed to thrive in them. After all, it was a more familiar situation for their boyfriends and both Steves agreed on a date in this restaurant just for them.
"Steve, you need to try this," Tony turned to his boyfriend, smiling at him and holding a fork with twirled pasta on it, his hand placed below to catch the dripping sauce. "It really is good."
Steve leaned in and took the bite. Springy pasta, a bit spicy tomato sauce and garlic oil, some saltiness from the capers and olives. He could easily make the same thing at home and pay half of the price just for the ingredients.
"It is good," Steve agreed, enjoying Tony's smile. The food was good, maybe even great, but seeing Tony slowing down and enjoying himself was even greater. Before Tony could move away, Steve took his hand, the one with some droplets of the sauce and pressed to his lips in a kiss, tasting the sauce again. "Tastes even better like this," he hummed, and Tony looked down, a little bit flustered at the tender gesture. Back home, he would smile and laugh it off, but here it seemed such a bold move, even bolder when he thought about how nervous Steve was with taking them all out. He had to admit, he liked this daring side of Steve.
"Well, aren't you resourceful," Tony tried to joke, looking subtly around if anyone noticed the gesture, but the nearest people were T2 and S2 and they seemed pretty busy sharing a black pepper crusted wagyu steak S2 had ordered and T2's cheese ravioli, basically feeding each other.
Seeing how great it all was going, maybe they could go a step further.
"You know," Steve said, going back to his portion of duck confit served with creamy mashed potatoes and red cabbage braised with apples in red wine. He tore a piece of the dark meat and put it on his fork together with a bit of cabbage and potatoes. "I think I saw some hotel on our way here. Maybe we could extend this evening. What do you think?" he asked, turning to T2 and S2, who looked at first a little shocked at the proposition, but then smiled.
"Sounds good," S2 confirmed on his and T2's behalf, and T2 nodded.
"You would be fine with this?" Steve looked at Tony, holding his fork up, offering Tony his bite.
Tony looked surprised before a delighted smile showed on his face. That already told Steve the answer, and if he had doubts, the way Tony took the offered food, biting on the fork cautiously enough to not damage his teeth, but with enough force to let Steve feel the tug, was a clear answer.
They all ordered desserts to go, already having in mind how they would eat the slices of heavy chocolate cake dripping with sauce and profiteroles with delicate freshly whipped cream. And no forks or plates were needed.
Besides, Steve still had to check if his favorite belly achieved the goal he had set for this week and he needed only his tongue to do that.
<– previous part // next part —> 
while you’re here, remember to read a bonus DTR chapter - The Ending that won’t happen - what would happen if Thanos showed in DTR world? here is your answer!
art to DTR done by @steve-sketchbooks! send the artist love!
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