#but like the plural tag is 90% syscourse
panicdeleter · 11 months
the unfortunate experience of having dissociative identity disorder diagnosed young is that I go to a fucking psych hospital tell them I have DID and they just, don't believe me. I had fucking Fuge. Motherfucking fuge. Nowhere online can I even find a description of what fuge looks like during the process other than "bewildered wandering" and these psychs definitely got the abnormal psych class at the local college that I've been told by someone who took the class "doesn't even mention the disorder" so my *absolutely has had dyskinesia like 6 times because my first doctor gave me 5mg of abilify as a 5 year old and wrecked my brain* having ass bitch got put on antipsychotics and because I was also age regressed out the ass, and totally disconnected from reality and deep in some antichrist demon boyfriend fantasy (I have... interesting power fantasies when totally unable to cope that apparently just, took over? like I *was* the maladaptive daydream) yeah I just, I want to go on, I can't I don't have the energy to pop back three stages of disconnected connected thoughts. This is just, how I think. I had a point but the amnesia kicked in and now I'll have to walk back through the thought process to find the idea and pick it back up with a new thread of self. I feel like I'm mostly fragment and not even alter. It's fucking atrocious in here guys. I am sorry for the incoherency. I'm tired of doctors not knowing what this disorder even is while also contradicting themselves by believing they're capable of distinguishing between "true" and "false" did like anyone would honestly pretend to be like this... like BPD and DID... I've met several people diagnosed BPD and like, low and behold after a while of hanging out and just, talking about myself and them BPD, CPTSD, and DID all feel like a spectrum of the same fucking thing. It's the same shit. I have at least one friend who's a diagnosed autistic narcisist and she's *also* dealing with the same underlying shit. Like it's all fucking trauma. I'm fucking pissed about how little information there is about DID vs Schizophrenia and how people don't have enough training to recognize did.... which doesn't respond to medications and shouldn't be medicated in the first place... and it takes 5-12 years on average to get diagnosed. That's 5-12 years of intense psychiatric drugs. 5-12 years of being a fucking hostage to a system that isn't educated about you, being passed from psych to psych as they slowly realize they don't know what's wrong with you, from therapist to therapist as they say they *aren't qualified to help*, direct quote from a therapist of mine. I have no idea how to emphasize on top of this how exausting this all is. How much each intake appointment means ripping into your history of trauma and telling them your entire backstory as much as you can. Every bubble sheet filling how much you struggle. Every psych eval... after psych eval after psych eval. I must have had at least 20. I'm tired. This is a major injustice no one gives a shit about. It won't improve, because unlike autism we don't have marketable devices, unlike schizophrenia we don't seem scary or dangerous, unlike chronic illness we can't be scienced in imperical ways, we can't be examined through the lenses of biopsy and genetic testing... what little research is even out there is mostly about detecting "fakers"... when a commonly known symptom of did is dissociating about your dissociation. I want help. I really, truly want help. There just *isn't help*.
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oopsallsyscourse · 10 months
If you can, say why in the tags/reblogs/replies!
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thecouncilofidiots · 6 months
Meet The System!
Hello hello, we're a traumagenic, polyfragmented DID system named The Council.
We use plural they/it pronouns (unless individual ones are known), and are legally/bodily 21+.
We currently have 90+ alters, most of whom are not active here. Those who are typically use our main account/blog @thecouncilofidiots
Do not involve us in syscourse/system discourse.
DNI in Carrd
Requested tags for filtering 🙏 : #slime (autism bad texture/visual stim), #unreality (especially fake discourse, monsterblr dashboard simulators), #reblog bait (ie "reblog if you support/are against xyz"), #zombies (zombies, apocalypse themes, viruses, ect - other horror/gore is okay though), #clown husbandry (we have several clown alters, all of whom are uncomfortable with seeing that kind of content [no disrespect/hate to those who engage in it!])
Chances are, if we seemingly randomly liked/followed you, it was for one of our alters using their side blog.
Alter Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilsinsideblog -> Sin - NSFW (kink themes, sexual themes, no actual images) - MINORS DNI
@thecouncilacesideblog -> Ace - No Warnings
@thecouncillollisideblog -> Lolli - NSFW (gore imagery, horror themes, cannibalism, clowns, no actual human death images) - MINORS DNI
Collective Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilofsmols -> Littles - SFW ONLY - NSFW DNI
@thecouncilofcreatures -> Nonhumans - No Warnings
Other Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilmakes -> Coining/Request Blog (Nonhuman-centric) - No Warnings
@thecouncilkofishop -> Shop Blog - No Warnings
Check out our carrd :
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intro/pinned post
(Updated 6/2024)
originally made this as a side page on cohost but I'll make it here as well for further reach/connections/resources/etc. (This is a sideblog so I will not be able to follow back I am so sorry D: - I might follow with my main but please don't "out" me, this whole thing is super personal and I need the level of separation atm)
I feel like the best way to explain how I got here is that I had A Moment, as people do, during summer 2023. It was one of those things where it comes out of nowhere but shakes the foundations of everything you know, y'know? I was lying in bed high off edibles (mid experience tbh. bastards waited until I was alone to kick in) and just, out of nowhere,
I think I'm plural.
Obviously, even though it felt real and right, I did the thing everyone does and ignored it. But we kept coming back to it, started reading, talked to our system-friends. Finally, we're gonna genuinely question & see where things take us.
Some helpful resources have been in morethanone.info but we especially want to highlight this article/blog post as it's the methodology we're more or less going to prescribe to going forwards.
We will not be disclosing our system origins to anyone, so don't bother asking.
We are also intentionally staying away from posting about syscourse here, but our stance is to always take others& in good faith when they talk about their lived experiences. Also the term plural was invented in the 90's for non-disordered multiplicity anyway, so it seems this whole thing was settled before a lot of us on sysblr were born. Jackassery and dickish behavior will be blocked on sight.
Blog tags: for further review (posts that resonate or seem worth delving into), maybe theres more of me (own posts)
Head Count:
Pineapple (not a real name, just the online alias I usually go by,) he/him
Pollux, he/xe
Harper, fae/faer
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faesystem · 1 year
(Reupload from sideblog that does not seem to appear in the tags.)
System as a word has multiple definitions. It is not incorrect to define system as CDD systems and use it like that.
When I say system, I just mean CDD systems. Unless I specificy otherwise, that is what I mean. That is what we are referred to as medically, I do not involve myself in the wider plural community*, I do not need to alter my language to specify that I do not mean you when my posts are usually for and about CDD systems. (*and, in the event that I am, I do specify)
A large portion of us just mean CDD systems when we say system. I honestly think 90% of syscourse is caused by a system talking to other systems and using that word, and then non-CDD systems assuming its about them when it's not.
Like it doesn't bug me if a non-CDD system calls themself a system but like you need to recognise that a lot of the conversations where someone says system doesn't include you. I try my best to, in shared spaces I may be in like syscourse, specify but most people aren't going to and you can't change that. You'll save yourself and everyone else a ton of stress and arguments if you just assess whether or not a post that doesn't reflect your experiences doesn't reflect them because it's just not about you. Some indications are the tags (is it just tagged with DID or OSDD or does it have endo tags or pluralgang?) or who the person is (are they an anti-endo? they don't mean you unless they say you)
This is why people advocate for seperate spaces, because seperate conversations get invaded by people who were not being talked about but thought they were because of the use if a multi-definition word.
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crabussy · 2 years
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heyyyy welcome, welcome!! I've been expecting you. You don't need to wipe your feet on the mat, mud tracks on the carpet adds some personality to the space!! Hang your coat on the weird fake taxidermy pronghorn. To your left, the dining room, currently occupied by 23 people (and not people) having a heated debate about whether chartreuse is green or yellow (its neither). Oh, and here on our right is a comprehensive list of my Things! Take a peek, I'll be waiting in the corridor with the mosaic floor.
✦ Name: Robin to most, Rob to some, Thing to all (call me whatever!)
✦ Age: 18 but with absurd levels of whimsy
✦ Nationality: I am a Pākehā Kiwi (European New Zealander) !!
✦ Plurality: I am part of an OSDD-1B system alongside two dozen other headmates, some of the others have their own blogs set up which you can access via @menagerie-crew. they may post on my blog too, tagged with "_____ takeover" depending on who is in front. it is totally okay to request to chat with any of the others!! (I have discussed this with a therapist and a psychiatrist who both believe I am a system. I cannot get diagnosed for safety reasons. lalala)
✦ Art:
@beastwhimsy - my art account! Please give it a look, thank you! My commissions are open.
@silly-pony-scribbles - an mlp art request blog I run with my boyfriend, sal!
✦ Tags:
silly tag: blorbos
sea tag: FISH. one of my special interests. coelacanth... kissing you
beast tag: ANIMALS. yet another thing I am full of love for
fren tag: any friend/moot related posts (:< sometimes I forget!
art tag: art I am putting in my mouth right fucking now
music tag: music I am grating onto my pasta like parmesan cheese
insp: art inspiration
fave: what it says on the label [:
save: a tag full of posts I haven't looked at in about a year, oops
ultra fave: posts that make me roll around on the ground screaming
people tag: human people!!! I love us!!
mindfuckery tag: posts that violently rearrange my neurons
there tag: liminal spaces yayyy yayy
listen to my gibberish boy: my terrible words
important: usually PSAs and such!
mecore: posts that make me go YEAHHHHH. UH HUH.
robincore: posts that are like if I was images.....
✦ Hobbies:
⋇ Camping, hiking, etc etc: I'm part of a scout group and have been camping ten gazillion times,, if I am not in a tent again soon I will surely perish. Put me in there NOW
⋇ Conservation/ecology: this is something I am most passionate about!!! I'm fascinated by ecosystems and do everything I can to contribute to positive change in conservation. I am especially passionate about Aotearoa's ecosystems!
⋇ Art: I draw ^_^ self explanatory !!! I specialize in character design!! redesigning characters is my love language.
⋇ Scaring myself shitless: I love horror... I will consume any horror related media although my favourite type of horror is unnerving stuff, not shock value stuff (although shock can be fun) if you have any good horror recs PLEASE I AM SO HUNGRY.
✦ Interests:
⋇ animals!!! arthropods!!!! zoology/ecology! this is my special interest, has been for years, I could talk about it for hours....
⋇ wander over yonder. I love that orange cat thing hes so friends
⋇ mlp (currently VERY gripped by The Horses. I love you ponies)
⋇ The magnus archives (Jon liker, Michael liker, Lonely/Vast aligned)
⋇ The Muppets (ANIMAL MY BELOVED. absolute freak. Also Gonzo is just like me...)
⋇ Moominvalley (The 90s one!!! comfort show.. snufkin & moomin <3)
⋇ Liminal spaces (Don't mind me I just need to be in those places forever ?? and ever?)
⋇ Horror in general (I eat horror for every meal. I listen to it to sleep because I'm cool and very very brave. what was that sound)
✦ DNI:
transmeds, terfs, pro-contact harmful paraphiliacs, syscourse blogs, autism speaks supporters, Rowling supporters, neonazis, zionists, anyone who supports anything listed here.
message me if you need any clarification on why I'm against any of these things, or if you're not sure what something on here means!! /g
✦ Opinion on system origin discourse:
I feel like I have to make a statement about this because I am often pulled into discourse around it and I hate that a lot:
I am endo neutral solely because I did not ask to be a system and should not have to pick sides in an infighting battle just because I was traumatised as a kid. I do believe that infighting is nothing but harmful and that completely disregarding the possibility of non-traumagenic plurality makes it much harder for systems who do not remember their trauma to be supported and understood. I also think that centering system identity around trauma can be unhelpful and makes recovery more difficult. Before I considered the possibility of non-traumagenic systems I was constantly a nervous wreck, terrified that my experiences were made up and that my trauma wasn’t bad enough. now that I’m neutral about them, I no longer have debilitating anxiety about whether or not I am real. I am considered a system by multiple professionals. I will not be responding to any asks about my stance on system origins, unless they are worded politely and are genuine questions. thanks for understanding!!
✦ Other:
I am autistic, have debilitating chronic pain, and several mental disorders, symptoms of which including memory issues and severe anxiety. yikes!! Please keep this in mind when interacting with me! Tone indicators can be helpful, and I might sound a little off/dry due to pain sometimes. I promise I am still happy to talk!
anonymous asks and comments (unless you've been following me for over a week) are off because people kept using them to be needlessly unkind or to assume the worst of me. I've turned them on in the past only to have more people send me awful messages jam packed with pretty much every slur in the book. for that reason, they're off! sorry about that.
I see you finished reading my extensive list of Things!!! Lets continue with our tour- you haven't even seen the indoor crocodile pool yet. Did you bring any swimwear?
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I don't care about your syscourse opinions but please stop putting your posts in the pluralgang/endogenic tags
Unfortunately, I think some of the facts and arguments I'm presenting have every right to be in both tags, and pertain directly to both groups. I WANT these groups to read and learn and interact. Can you maybe try posing counterpoints?
For example, nowhere in the DSM does it state that 10% of systems systems don't have trauma. It actually explains that 90% experience neglect and abuse, and the other 10% is things like war, terrorism, and extensive medical and surgical histories. This is a huge point endogenic and plural systems make, though, and should be corrected. Instead of telling me to stay away with facts, maybe try opening some dialogue about the subject.
I understand it makes you uncomfortable, but incorrect quotes based on a disorder that I have also makes me uncomfortable.
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cambriancrew · 7 years
So, saw this in the syscourse tag. (And ping @thesorority because I think this is what their most recent post was about.)
Traumagenic system survey part 1 and part 2.
I knew there was a significant amount of people in the community, especially the anti-endo community who would be more likely to be the people to see and take part in the survey, who are still teens.
But nearly half? That’s way more than I had thought. Like twice what I had thought. (Maybe I have a tendency to just assume most people online are adults unless told otherwise? IDK. I tend to just see people as People. An undefined, not-old&not-young genderless human unless I have reason to think otherwise.)
But this data is telling, I think, mostly because younger people have less experience, and are far less likely to have had any in plural spaces aside from Tumblr. And far less likely to remember, know about, or care about how things used to be in mixed multiplicity spaces in the 90s and early 2000s. And tend to be more black and white thinkers in general, and become less so as adults and with more experience in general.
But maybe that’s my own bias talking. Idk.
I’d be interested in seeing the charts from part 2 redone and divided up by age category. Would it confirm my hypothesis that antis are more often found among younger people, or disprove it?
I’m unlikely to get that, of course, but it’d be interesting to know.
Also, regarding confirmation bias, it would be a better survey if it didn’t rely on opt-in answers from followers of anti blogs. Especially since a lot of them have inclusionists blocked. And, you know, just being answers from people on Tumblr. If it were offered to several other communities as well, like FB groups, the DID subreddit, psychologyonline forums, etc, it might paint a broader picture.
But you know, not my survey, and I don’t have the time or energy to devote to making one. *shrugs*
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