#but loves Amy enough to fall in love with the TARDIS too
Me, rewatching random Eleven-era episodes, worrying that my takes on Amy & Rory might be slightly OOC and then realizing that the writers of the show threw about five different characterizations/motivations on them throughout their run, depending on the episode and that means I get to just pick one to make my foundation and then develop it out properly:
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timelessstardust99 · 10 months
❝i hate goodbye's...❞ | 11th doctor x gn! reader & ganger! 11th doctor x gn! reader
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pairing: the doctor & the reader | ganger! doctor x gn! reader
summary: the doctor has to leave his best friend on Earth for reasons unknown to them, and it sets a whole slew of emotions tumbling out their mouth, but he knew that it wasn't him that they loved.
warning: angst with a happy ending (for y/n, sorry doc).
y/n stood in front of the man they had grown to love, the frown on his face telling them everything they needed to know. What had they done to make him look at them with a look like that?
"doctor...?" The young adult asked, feeling their eyes become moist with their unshed tears. "... Have I done something wrong...?" They asked, afraid of what his answer might be. Had they really done something so bad the doctor was putting them back where he found them.
He ignored their question, his gaze looking anywhere but them. Then, after a beat, he caught their gaze, his own eyes caught the e/c color he'd always loved. There were unshed tears gathered at the corner of them. They could hear the crackling and loud bangs of the thunder and lightning, both being drowned out by their holding stare. The TARDIS was behind the bow tie wearing man, tall and ominous as it always was.
He sighed, his voice wavering as the salty tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the heavy rain the two had stood in. "Why... Why..." He whimpered, grabbing at his hair, a pained sob rippled through his lips.
"doctor." They took a cautious step towards him, but he shied away.
"why does it always have to end this way?" He asked no one in particular, remembering his times with Donna before he had to erase her memories of him. Why did this always have to happen to him? Every person he comes into contact with either dies or he has to leave them. Why couldn't he have one thing? Why wouldn't the universe grant him this one thing?
"doctor, you're scaring me." They spoke, looking at him with concern, "what's happening?" He caught her gaze again, his eyes tired with exhaustion.
"I'm sorry y/n..." He said, remembering the exact words y/n had said to him years ago, when he first regenerated into this face, and way before he lost Amy and Rory. They were smiling at him, their hand clasped tightly in his as they both watched the married couple snowball fight. It had been Christmas that year and the four of them decided to battle it out with the snow. Rory and the doctor vs y/n and Amy, but it had turned into a war between the husband and wife. Laughter was all the two heard.
"how long are you going to stay with me?" He had asked them. It gave him a sense of deja vu. They looked up and smiled.
"Forever." The sincerity of their words made his heart swell, for they were the exact words Rose told him. He looked at them, to see they were watching Rory and Amy having fun, a smile on their face. The love they felt for y/n was Rose all over again, he would lose them too, and he'd be heartbroken.
"Sorry?" They asked, "I don't... I don't understand." They said, tears falling down their own cheeks.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, this time it was clearer. He wiped his tear stained face away, "I wasn't fast enough to save him." He told them. y/n looked at him with sorrow, but masked it with confusion.
"doctor, you're not making sense. There has never been anybody else but you." They said, the next words tumbling out with how much raw emotion they held, "I love you, please. I love you." The words tumbled from their lips. He knew that they hadn't meant it towards him.
"Stop." He said, turning to the TARDIS and walking towards it with slow steps, with his head down. y/n went to go after him, just as he opened the doors. Was he gonna leave them, here, on the streets in the rain? "You can come out now," he said solemnly, holding the door open, y/n stopped their chase, eyes widening when they landed on a familiar face. He wore the same outfit that he'd had when they first met after he was accidentally cloned by the Flesh.
"hello." Was his first response, the doctor leaned against the wall of the TARDIS, his arms crossed and his eyes watched both of them, his hearts aching. y/n's tears fell harder as they broke into a run, the Ganger doing the exact thing, catching them with his arms and lifting them up off the ground and spun them around, a happy laugh leaving his lips.
"how? How are you alive?" he put them down as they put their hands on his cheeks, feeling his skin, "I saw you melt from the sonic. You died," they whimpered, their tears still running down their face.
"the doctor," he looked from them and to the hurting man, who gave them both a small smile, "he saved me. Made me again, so we could be together again, my love." The Ganger said, looking back lovingly at them. y/n turned their head to the doctor, a sad smile on their face. He kicked off the wall, stopping far from the two.
"I can't grow old with you y/n, but he can. He'll give you a life you deserve. One that I can't," the doctor admitted to her, as she got out of the Gangers arms to step forward a bit, with concern. "Don't give me that look, okay." He chuckled darkly "I'm sorry I couldn't save him sooner," he said.
"doctor... I do care about you, you know that, don't you?" They asked, the Ganger watching with a frown. Why was it so hard to watch?
"but not love. I know, and I care about you just as deeply, and i want you to be happy. With someone who can give you a chance," he said, his hand now resting against the cool TARDIS door. The rain has finally stopped, leaving them in their cold and wet clothes, but they didn't care. The Ganger doctor walked up beside them, and took their hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss it softly. He sighed, bowing his head, "I hate goodbyes," he said.
"then don't think of this as a goodbye, doctor. Think of it as a "hello"." The Ganger said, smiling at him. The doctor returned it sadly.
"will we ever see you again doctor?" They asked. He looked at them.
"the universe is a big place. But I'm certain our paths will cross again." And then he entered the TARDIS, the door closing as the machine started to disappear right before them. The Ganger doctor wrapped an arm around their shoulder, and gently guided them around, their own arm wrapping around his waist as they started their trek down the street.
The Ganger leaned slightly down to their ear, whispering the name not many would know, and y/n was one of the lucky souls in the universe who would know. They stopped, fresh tears running down their cheeks as they turned in his arms, before pulling his head to them, softly kissing his lips.
Hopefully, the Universe would give the doctor a chance. Just one chance, so he's not alone anymore. y/n wished nothing more than to see her best friend happy. And in return, he gave her someone to be happy with, even if it wasn't him.
So, how was the angst? I'm not the best at it, but I hope I did pretty well, especially referencing Rose T-T the doctor just can't seem to be happy, not even in little fanfics, my poor baby. Does anyone have a recommendation of the doctor angst?
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fanfictionalraven · 6 months
Title: Repeats
Summary: "I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind. I hate repeats." What if the Doctor hadn't made it to the crack in time? What if he had to see the repeats?
Characters: 11th Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, other canon Who characters
Word Count: 1, 851
Warnings: Grief and loss, brief mentions of war
Author's Note: This story was originally posted by myself on Fanfiction.net under the account drwhogirl10. It was published 2/1/2011.
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"I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind…I hate repeats…" The Doctor said to the sleeping child. He rose to his feet and bent over the young Amelia Pond. "Live well…love Rory…" He whispered as he kissed her forehead gently. "Bye bye, Pond…" He finished and began his death march towards the crack. But something happened. He was too slow. In a flash of light, he was back in the TARDIS. Or, what used to be the TARDIS, before he crashed it.
"I don't want to go…" An all too familiar voice cried. The Doctor spun around quickly and found himself watching, well, himself. There he stood in all his former glory. The Doctor took a step toward his old form and stopped. The light was growing stronger. He was about to watch himself change. Oh, how he'd loved that form. Before the process could reach its climax, the bright light engulfed the Doctor and more of his life flew before him.
When it stopped again, the Doctor was in a bedroom. A bedroom that was vaguely familiar. The door of the room flew open and in backed the man who'd claimed the Doctor as a son. He was followed by that same old form. Together, they carried the most important woman in the universe. Donna Noble. They laid her down on the bed and Wilfred kissed her forehead before leaving. After a long pensive pause, the old Doctor followed. The Doctor watched himself leave, then he slowly made his way to the bed. He sat carefully on the edge beside his best friend. He placed his hand over hers and watched her sleeping. She looked at peace. He knew she'd be in pain again someday, but she would live. Donna Noble would live her human life. She'd fall in love and marry a good man. The Doctor glanced at the clock and knew she'd be waking up soon. He stood and took a few steps away from the bed. The bright light began to build from the crack just as Donna sat up. She looked around then down at herself.
"That's brilliant…" She mumbled to herself as she got up from the bed. She picked her phone up and headed for the door. "Oi! What's Venna want now?" She muttered. The Doctor felt this time slipping past.
"Goodbye Donna…" He whispered. Just before the crack took him away, Donna turned and looked around. He smiled. She'd heard him.
The Doctor watched as his times with Donna flew before his eyes. They laughed and cried together. He caught a glimpse of Jenny and felt the hole in his hearts rip yet again.
Time slowed to normal again and the Doctor was in the old TARDIS.
"Cause he never looked at her twice…" A voice echoed through the console room. The Doctor looked up quickly to find the old form, eyes averted, being scolded by Martha Jones. "I mean he liked her…but that was it…" The Doctor knew what name was playing through his old head. It was hard to keep that name out even now. But he'd see her soon enough. Right now was Martha's turn. "And she wasted years pining after him, years or her life…cause while he was around she never looked at anyone else…" She was letting his old self have it. And honestly, he knew he'd deserved it. She'd loved him, really loved him, and he let her fall by the wayside. "And I told her, I always said to her time and time again…I said…Get. Out. So this is me…getting out…" Martha finished with a shrug. She tossed her phone to him, smiled her lovely smile, and was out the door.
Time began to race again and the Doctor watched with sadness. He watched as the Master died and didn't regenerate. He watched his time as John Smith fly by, as he fell in love with Nurse Joan.
Time stopped. The Doctor looked around. It was cold. Too cold. And eerie. As the Doctor began to fiddle with his jacket, he heard it.
"I love you!" A voice wept. The Doctor froze. He hadn't thought to cheek his surroundings. He looked up slowly. Darlig Ulv Straden. Bad Wolf Bay.
"Quite right too…and I suppose…if it's my last chance to say it…" The old Doctor began. The Doctor wanted to look away. He'd relived this moment too many times. But no. He was frozen, his eyes glued to the waiting young woman. "Rose Tyler…" And he was gone. The Doctor had imagined Rose's reaction, but it hurt far worse to see it.
She stood, waiting with bated breath. As the realization finally set in, she began to cry. Violent sobs erupted from her frail frame. The Doctor fought every fiber of his being not to run to her. Besides, he'd grown too weak. Time's unraveling had left him with little energy. As Rose turned and Jackie began to run to her, the Doctor felt this time slipping away as well. He closed his eyes. He wasn't reliving those moments.
"My Doctor…" The Doctor heard a voice echo with power. His eyes flew open. There she was again. The Bad Wolf herself. In all her shining glory. He watched as Rose caused the Daleks to turn to dust. The entire Dalek fleet, disintegrated by the wave of her hand. "I bring life…" She said. The Doctor understood now. Somewhere, Captain Jack Harkness was breathing again. The Doctor watched this older form. So tortured, so alone. He blamed himself for what was happening to Rose. "I can see everything. All that is. All that was. All that ever could be," Did she see all this? All that had happened to them? Did she know how it would all end? Her eyes fixed momentarily on the Doctor and then softened. She could see him! The old Doctor stood up quickly. "My head…" He took both of Rose's hands in his.
"Come here…" He told her. His Rose was hurting, dying, and he knew how to fix it.
"Is killing me…" Rose whimpered weakly.
"I think you need a doctor…" He said. The Doctor watched as his old self pulled Rose to himself and gently pressed his lips to hers. The Doctor almost laughed now. Sure there were other ways to remove the time vortex from Rose's head, but none were this enjoyable. The Doctor looked over and saw the crack. It appeared to be growing.
"No…that's all wrong…you should be closing…" The Doctor said, stepping towards the crack. He felt as if something was pulling him away from it though. He glanced over his shoulder, but nothing was there. The bright light encompassed him yet again and he heard a blood curdling scream. The Doctor looked around once he'd stopped and immediately knew where he was.
The sky was blood red. A city that once stood tall and proud, now lay crumbled on the ground. People ran by him in panic, but not just any people. Time Lords. And this wasn't just any planet. It was home. It was Gallifrey. A Dalek ship flew overhead and shot at the ground. The Doctor ducked and ran for cover. He found a large rock formation and hid underneath it.
"Who keeps picking these blasted memories?" He asked aloud. He closed his eyes tight. He'd watched his people die once. He wasn't' about to do it again.
"I remember…" He heard a voice whisper. It sounded far off and was almost completely drowned out by the sounds of the Time War. The Doctor opened his eyes.
"Amy?" He called out. He saw the crack, straight ahead. If he could just make it, this would all be over. The Doctor burst from his rock and began to run for the crack. He slowed as he realized something. The crack wasn't only getting bigger, but it was splintering. Dozens of small cracks were shooting out from it. The Doctor stopped.
"Raggedy Man, I remember you…" Amy's voice rang. The Doctor spun around wildly then stopped and smiled. "And you are late for my wedding!" Amy's voice now shouted, bordering triumph and annoyance.
She'd done it.
Time began to fly back by the Doctor., in the right order this time. The Time War ended. He met Rose. He regenerated. Lost Rose. Meet Donna. Meet Martha. Lost the Master. Lost Martha. Found Donna again. Lost his daughter. Got Rose back. Gave his clone to Rose. Lost Donna. Fought the Master and all of Gallifrey. Regenerated again. Meet Amelia. So much sadness in his life but always surrounded by the happiness.
Before the Doctor knew it, he was back in the TARDIS, his TARDIS. He began to flip the switches and turn the knobs. He heard Rory faintly ask Amy something.
"Something old…" She said. The Doctor smiled and raced down the hall. He had a wedding to get ready for. "Something new…" Amy continued. The Doctor laughed as he reached the wardrobe room. He quickly pulled his old tuxedo off one of the racks and began to change as fast as he could. "Something borrowed…" She said. Amy's voice was growing stronger. Almost there. The Doctor looked in the mirror but something was wrong.
"Needs a fez…" He mumbled to himself. He looked around but couldn't find his new favorite accessory. He grabbed a top hat and popped it on his head. The Doctor smiled widely and ran for the console room.
"Something blue…" Amy finished, her voice thick with emotion. The Doctor could hear the TARDIS landing.
"It's the Doctor…" Rory said, a bit stunned. The TARDIS landed completely just as the Doctor turned another corner. "How did we forget the Doctor?" The Doctor could hear Rory ask. He smiled even wider and quickened his pace. It was only a moment before there was a pounding at the door.
"Okay Doctor…did I surprise you this time?" Amy asked just as the Doctor ran through the console room. He stopped at the door, took a deep breath, and pulled it open. He looked Amy up and down in her wedding dress and couldn't hide his surprise.
"Uh yea…completely astonished…never expected that…" He said. Amy smiled and the Doctor went to step out past her. "How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing!" He exclaimed, straightening out the jacket of his tuxedo. "Hello everyone! I'm Amy's imaginary friend…" The Doctor said, walking over to the large table at the front of the room. "But I came anyway…" He finished, shaking Mr. Pond's hand and smiling widely.
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osfinexe · 7 months
doctor who ask game question 31 if you’re still doing that :}
Difficult choice but it has to be Series 6 Episode 4 "The Doctor's Wife" As someone who is a big fan of Faction Paradox and the humanoid TARDIS' we get to meet in the series I just love seeing Sexy getting to really show off more of her personality. I love how she gets her tenses mixed up as she is used to a less linear existence and it makes sense that this is less of an issue for the type 101-103s as they exist more in the 3rd and 4th dimensions than the pre-War In Heaven TARDIS'. (sorry for getting a bit technobabbley there) I also enjoy the existentialist terror of House fucking with Amy and Rory.
So yeah either that or Series 9 Episodes 1-2 "The Magicians Apprentice" and "The Witches Familiar" or Series 10 Episodes 11-12 "World Enough And Time" and "The Doctor Falls" I just love Missy and the Series 10 finale really brought the body horror back to the cybermen and I wish that they had been utilised more in "The Doctor Falls". I am also so glad that I didn't watch the next time bit from the last episode and thus did not have the Simm Master spoiled for me which was so fun too see on my first viewing. Same with the reveal of the cybermen which I didn't realise what where the episode was heading until right near the end before Bill gets turned. And I love the chemistry between Missy and The Master and I find the fact that they both killed each other a perfect end for both characters. Also that despite the fact that The Doctor will never know, Missy did the right thing "Without wittiness nor reward" :'). Oh! and I love the little speech she gives to Simm before stabbing him with the hauntingly beautiful score in the background. And Bill's end just made me cry.
Anyway I think it might be a tie between "The Doctor's Wife" and the Series 10 Finale they are both just soooo good. I should probably stop here before I start talking about "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" how creepy it is and "Just this once Rose, everybody lives!" and all that. Maybe i'll make a separate post about that one day who knows.
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garden-of-seraphim · 2 years
drabblecember prompt 1 (after work)
decided to do drabblecember (albeit starting a bit late)! im going to see how many i can do in one night. all im writing for tonight will be about the 11th doctor from doctor who, and will feature my s/i the astronomer, who is also a timelord. also im very bad at sticking to the theme sorry </3
anyways writing under the cut:
Work wasn't exactly something the Doctor did. Well, sort of. He worked, sure, but in more of a saving the universe kind of way, rather than a nine to five like most people. Thankfully, the Doctor was not most people. And for that, the Astronomer could choose no one better to spend their lives with.
But, with saving the universe, it often means that injury is commonplace. While yes, the Doctor can regenerate, the Astronomer was quite fond of his partner's current look. 
So, when the Doctor slammed the TARDIS door shut and collapsed on the main console, Ro was rightfully worried. 
"Doctor!?" He cried, rushing to his partner's side.
"I'm alright… I'm alright." He insisted, seemingly more to himself. 
He pulled himself to his feet, only to fall again and land on his ass. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a harsh breath. He gripped his abdomen tightly. Ro knelt down and carefully grabbed the man's arm, pulling it away. No blood– at least none bad enough to show up through his suit– at least.
"C'mon, love." Ro said, snaking an arm around his waist and hoisting him up. The Doctor mumbled a small thank you as he leaned into Ro and the two made their way to their bedroom. 
Ro set the Doctor on their bed and grabbed the first aid kit off the nightstand– it was needed much more than Ro liked, but no one could possibly tame the need for adventure in the Doctor. He got to work, shedding the Doctor of his countless layers of clothes so he could tend to his wounds. Thankfully it was nothing more than bruising, either from a fight or a particularly rough bout of clumsiness. 
"You need to be more careful while working." The Astronomer cautioned. 
"But how else will I get you to handle me this gently?" The Doctor joked, giving Ro a dramatic wink.
Ro rolled his eyes and laughed. "Just ask, Doctor."
"You know, perhaps you should get hurt more." Ro raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm the Doctor, not you. If you get hurt, I can clean you up!"
"You'd kill someone if I ever got hurt." Ro retorted. "I could stub my toe and you'd burn down the whole city for it. You couldn't stand me purposefully running into danger like you do."
"You may have a point there… But, I do get lonely while working. It'd be nice to have the company, Ro."
"Amy and Rory aren't enough?"
Ro went to put the first aid back, but the Doctor stopped him by grabbing his hand and bringing it to his face. The Doctor kissed it gently before burying his cheek against it.
"You know what I mean. You spend all your time in the TARDIS. It'd be good for you to get out with me sometime."
"Are you asking me on a date, Doctor?" Ro asked with a smirk.
A light pink dusted his cheeks. "If that's what it takes."
Ro leaned down to kiss his partner's forehead. "Maybe I can keep you from getting hurt if I'm out there with you."
"So you'll go?"
"Of course."
"Oh, I love you, Ro!" 
The Doctor jumped up and into Ro's arms, only for the pain to hit him again. He fell into the other, who thankfully was able to safely lower the both of them back to the bed. Ro chuckled and kissed the Doctor's cheek.
"I love you, too, Doctor."
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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To Survive this Pain, Part 1 - 11th Doctor x Reader
A/n: I'm not dead, I promise! I've just been struggling to finish off fics. If this seems slightly rushed it's because I just needed to finish something. It's exam season (it's extra-long now due to a certain virus), but they're over in a few weeks. I've been trying to stretch into writing for different Doctors, and in my new formats, but good old Eleven is easiest to write. Inbox is still open :)
Word Count: 2596
Summary: After the "death" of Amy and Rory, the Doctor is devastated. After deciding to isolate himself on a cloud, he leaves you with the Paternoster Gang till Strax informs you the Doctor wants to see you.
Warnings: Angst, Cold Doctor, Doctor is slightly ooc due to guilt, mild self-inflicted Injury, Bouts of Rage.
I should try to post part two as soon as possible.
This is my first ever Full Story (GIF isn't mine).
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Your shoes splashed through puddles on the cobblestone road, on your way down to the park of which you knew he would be.
You hadn't heard from him in a short while now, but Jenny and Vastra frequently advising you to pay him a visit had been getting to you. That's why, when Strax brought you the news that the Doctor wanted to see you, you leapt at the opportunity.
You were worried, you'll admit. It was clear as day that losing Amy and Rory had him tearing himself to pieces. It was only a matter of time before he sent you off, too. Before he abandoned you.
Weaving around the quiet Victorian streets, the sun still yet to grace the sky, you had arrived at the park. Looking around the odd trees that decorated the perimeter, you picked out the tree that you knew had the elusive ladder directly above it. You stepped over the beds of wilting flowers that lined the pathways into the overgrown grass.
After completing the feat of reaching the ladders, consisting of either jumping or using your umbrella handle, you had successfully pulled the ladder down far enough to climb onto.
Making your way up the ice-cold rungs, you take a moment to consider why the Doctor called for you in the first place.
It made little sense to you. After all, the Doctor had been avoiding you for the better part of two months now; what had changed?
The Doctor planning on taking you home became all the more likely in your mind as you began to climb the spiral staircase, shivering as the late-autumn air nipped at your skin. Winter was slowly breaking through the remaining life.
If you weren't so hung up on adjusting to the less-than-ideal state of Victorian England, you would've had more time to worry about the Doctor. However, he was so hung up with his own issues, and you with yours, that he only crossed your mind when you were settling down for the night.
Of course, it hurt that you too. Never seeing Amy and Rory again. You did your best to hold onto the fact that they lived a happy life together.
A life that you knew could never have. You wish you could say goodbye to them, but you chose to carry the loss with you.
You were exhausted, it was safe to say. Spending your days helping out the Paternoster Gang with new cases that come in was certainly frustrating, especially when you had to avoid so much. Milk, green dyes, dodgy stairs, aliens and gas leaks. Nothing was safe in Victorian times.
Not that you didn't enjoy the company, mind you. Jenny always provided conversation, and paired with Vastra, there were plenty of investigations to be had. You just missed them all, sometimes.
The Doctor had become such a vital figure in your life that it didn't seem right for him to not be there. When you had both lost Donna, you were there for each other, and even then, he was a wreck. You had spent those first two months together, and you had never felt closer to someone before. At first, you couldn't admit it to yourself, but after six years, you knew that was when you started falling for him.
There was so much you didn't understand about him, yet so much he had begun to explain. You had seen and done so much together, places that surprised and scared the both of you. In distant worlds and ancient times, there lay so many memories that you had forgotten. Just another thing consumed by time.
A simple flip through your diaries would confirm that through all that, you admired him: mattering not which of his faces. You had accepted from the start that he was an unobtainable desire, no matter how you looked at it.
He was old, alien and a danger-magnet. Many considered the Doctor to be a God.
It upset you to know that the Doctor could never love you, not in the way you love him. Not in the way that he had shown you what love could be, what it should be. But that was what you had to expect from the Doctor.
You assumed that consistently losing those he loved must hurt immensely. You also imagine losing someone he could spend the rest of his lives with would leave another unfixable hole in his heart.
So it made sense to you that the Doctor would never willingly fall for a human. Your short life-spans and weak bodies meant that so much as a single bullet could rob you of your life.
The thought of what a state he must've been in at that very moment was disturbing, to say the least. You had seen the Doctor angry before, and it was not an easy sight.
His heart held so much pain, so much guilt.
After what felt like a good three minutes, you stepped off the staircase. Your shoes now emerged in a cloud, which could somehow keep you from plummeting into the streets below. You felt surprisingly light, almost like you were standing in a pit of feathers, yet some odd force kept you from losing your balance. Plucking your key out of your pocket, you press your hand against the door of the TARDIS. You unlock the door, pulling the key from the lock and stepping into the Console room.
You called out for him. After listening for a moment, you concluded that the Doctor must've been elsewhere.
The TARDIS was a glum sight. Most of the orange lights were dimmed: if functioning at all. A few even had fist-holes in them. There were what looked like hundreds of books cluttering the console, all of varying topics: The Time War, Time Lord Psychology, the History of the Universe, Earth History, Greatest War Losses. Some had bookmarks; others he had clearly tabbed.
Paper littered the glass flooring, each scribbled in several handwritings. They all clearly varied in ages and sizes, some a muddy brown, others a vivid white. Quite a lot were in small clusters of pages, as though they were ripped from a book. You picked up one of the sheets to inspect closer, and your heart nearly broke.
Each page had a sort of date in the corner, which you quickly realised must've been an approximation of the Doctor's age at the time. They were diary entries, ripped out and thrown in what you assumed to be a fit of rage.
The Doctors' tweed jacket had slipped off the console and onto the floor. The contents of his pockets spilt out onto the floor.
You leant to pick it up, grimacing at just how much he was carrying around. Throwing the jacket over the railing, you avoided stepping on any more pieces of paper.
"Tidy some of this, will you?" You addressed the TARDIS, a hand on the edge of the controls, "I'll go talk to him, where is he?" The TARDIS clicked and hummed in response, showing you a blueprint on the monitor, "The Library? Okay then."
Darting out of the Console Room, you attempt to discover the library as soon as possible. You vaguely remembered the three places the library is most likely to crop up. You went from there. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to go far before the library appeared.
You had always felt as though the library was too empty. Four stories of shelves filled with books, all visible from the ground floor, the rows of shelves created a sort of maze of titles and colours. The Doctor must've owned every single book in the galaxy, judging by the sheer size. Not to mention the several dozen or so empty seats. The library could easily hold thousands of people at once, yet there is rarely ever so much as a whisper.
You had a fair clue as to why the Doctor would be hiding away in there.
There the Doctor was, turned away from the door, in an intricately decorated armchair. You could just about make out the top of his head. You loomed behind him awkwardly, unsure or not if he was aware of your presence.
"Doctor?" You faltered. His head perked up slightly, and the Doctor strained out a hum. He stood up, his arms tiredly hanging at his sides after he stretched. It checked out with your fit of rage theory. The Doctor walked up to you, and you only then noticed how fraught he was.
His expression was tired, eyes sunken and lips pressed into a thin line. His shirt was unkempt: the sleeves were torn slightly. It also appeared burnt or covered in dust. His hands were covered in dust too.
However, you noticed that his right hand had quite a few cuts and gashes, which all seeped out orange-tinted blood.
His greenish-brown eyes search yours for a moment as a tear rolls down his cheek. He inhales deeply, nodding to himself.
"Look, I..." The Doctor paused, again glancing over into your eyes, "I'm sorry- I can't, I can't do this," He took in a trembling gasp for air, "I don't want to, but I can't keep doing this. I'm sick of it. I can't keep losing people. I'm so sick of saving the universe." Unsure of what to you, you reach a hand out to the Doctors. He puts a hand on top of yours, keeping the other, bloodier fist at his side. You brush your thumb over his knuckles, his hand hot against yours. The Doctor continues, "Everyone, everyone who travels with me leaves, or dies, and I'm always alone again. Alone and in pain. I can't keep doing this..."
Smiling sadly, you nod, "I understand," You looked back up at the Doctor, "If you called me here to convince me to go home-"
"Take you home?" The Doctor's voice cracked, "I could never. That'd be just as bad as losing you. I need you."
Oh, the Doctor have his way of making you feel important at the worst moments. Your insides bubbled giddily, but you refused to show it. Instead, you ignored it to the best of your ability; what he was saying was important.
Your attention had fallen back down to his hand, and it looked considerably worse than you initially thought. Pieces of glass dug into his knuckles, the skin seeming gnarled by the force of the oncoming storm, "Doctor, your hand,"
"It's fine." The Doctor seethed, staring numbly at you, "I'm not human, it's not going to kill me."
You wanted to protest. However, given the Doctor's already fragile temperament, you weren't going to push it. Instead, after an instant of silence, you asked a simple question, "How have you been, then?"
The Doctor blinked, giving an answer careful thought. He had an earnest grimace as he finally spoke, "Furious."
"I can see, that" You hum, putting equal thought into how you should approach your response, "What do you think you're going to do, now?"
"Stay here. I'm not getting involved anymore." The Doctor spat, pulling his hand away from yours, turning to sit down, "I don't want to care."
"That's fair enough." You reassure. You didn't like the sound of the Doctor retiring too much, but you respected his choice. If he didn't want to save the world, he doesn't have to. You hoped that, in his chosen conditions, he would heal.
You vowed to yourself at that moment that you'd do everything you could to help him. Starting with his physical injuries.
You heard the armchair squeak softly as the Doctor flopped back against it, picking up a book from the coffee table and beginning to read. You headed back over to the door and grabbed the small medkit from the bracket on the wall. You paced back to the Doctor, pulling a pouffe from a few feet away to sit on. The Doctor glared daggers at you, exhaling sharply and holding his arm out in your general direction. You thanked him meekly, beginning to remove the sharp, reinforced glass shards from his knuckles.
If you were new to travelling with the Doctor, you thought that seeing this might hurt you more. However, six years of travelling was more than enough for the two of you to be used to this sort of treatment. He never seemed to care much about his physical health, more about yours. That often ended up in you worrying about the Doctor, not that you minded. You supposed it worked out, as you both fussed over each other. If the Doctor's previous face saw how he was acting, you were sure he'd have a fit. Not that he mattered, as he was still a part of the man in front of you.
You could tell by the downtrodden way he pretended to read his book, staring a hole through it, that something was bothering him.
"Are you scared of me?" The Doctor halted, voice brittle. He had taken note of how delicate you were and had drawn it up to a fear that the Doctor would lash out at you.
"No," You shushed, focusing on removing the glass from his hands.
"You don't sound sure,"
"I am." You reassured bluntly, "I'm just being careful. I don't want to hurt you more."
"I'm not hurt! You don't need to fuss over me,"
You lifted your eyebrows slightly, "There's nothing wrong with feeling, Doctor. As you said yourself, feelings enhance life." The Doctor exhaled petulantly, eyes back on his book. "But not even you can be in pain forever."
"What is my alternative?" The Doctor strangled out, "I forget? I do something selfish?"
You grimace as you remove the last small shard from his pinky. You take out a clean cloth and some water, dampening the rag as you speak, "You're forced to survive this pain, this guilt, but you will grow from it. You make mistakes so that you learn from them."
You gently clear the blood from his hands and start to apply mild pressure to the deeper wounds. The two of you continued in silence, the Doctor only occasionally removing his hand to turn the page.
He was such a different person to the goofball front you were used to. He was melancholic. However, you would see a small amount of your Doctor bubbling to the surface. He would occasionally chuckle at the book he was reading or draw circles on your palm as you held his hand still. It provided you with enough comfort to know that you weren't wasting your time.
You finished up your last-minute medical care with a bandage around his hand. You closed the medkit.
"Alright, I'm just going to go restock this, then I'll go tidy up the paper in the console room,"
"Oh- right that... Must've been a mess. I'm sorry,"
"It's okay." You smiled pleasantly, "Come find me if you need me, okay? I won't be far,"
The Doctor caught your hand in his, just as you were about to leave, he tugged at your arm. You leant down, and the Doctor pressed a short kiss to your cheek. You countered with a kiss of your own on the middle of his forehead. Just like you used to, back with his previous incarnation.
As you wandered off, you were oblivious as to what that gesture meant. Was it a thank you? Another apology? Was it even platonic?
From behind you, you swore that he said something you thought you'd never hear the Doctor say.
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ELEVENTH DOCTOR x READER: “Things change.”
prompt #17 -- requested
pairing: eleventh doctor x reader
description: when the doctor gets his timings wrong again, he finds a heartbroken you in your living room, years after he last left you at home. 
warnings: mega angsty. oops !
words: 1,600
Initially, you believed that whenever you next heard the sound of the TARDIS landing, you’d be ecstatic.
You’d expected to go running into the Doctor’s arms, swept away on some adventure or another that you’d remember forever. You pictured yourself content and excited and happy.
But that was then, and time had passed.
The last time the Doctor had dropped you off had been three years ago now. The man you loved had dropped you off to take Amy and Rory away somewhere ‘just for them’ for a day... But three years had gone by with no sign of them returning.
You’d spent at least the first six months locked away in your room, wallowing and crying in fear that he didn’t want to see you again.
But now that so much time had passed, you’d become too furious with the Doctor to want to see him again either. How could he just leave you here, forgetting about you entirely?
He’d told you he loved you -- had that truly meant nothing?
You were currently curled up on your sofa, a pot of ice cream in your hands and surrounded by a bundle of blankets. Your hair was unkempt, your loungewear the same you’d been wearing for a good few days now. Truth be told, you were in a mess.
Despite your infuriation, you’d never quite managed to fall out of love with the Doctor. That madman in the police box who’d whisked you away to places you’d never even imagined. He’d been your world, your safe place, and yet he’d been your breaking point too that moment he left you.
Right now you were reeling from yet another unsuccessful attempt at moving on. Another unsuccessful blind date, another failure to feel anything but apathy for any man who wasn’t the Doctor. Your Doctor. Why couldn’t you just move on?
And so when the TARDIS engine sounded, materialising right in front of you in your very living room, the fury coursing through your every vein was almost unbearable. Tugging your blankets tighter around your frame, you pretended to be unaware of the giant blue box blocking your view of another romantic comedy that only fuelled your sadness.
The sound of his voice sent chills rippling through your body, but you didn’t dare look up. It would be real then, you’d have to face the fact that he’d left you but all of a sudden was back.
“Oh Y/N! What’s the matter sweetheart?” he ambled towards you, pushing the blanket fortress you’d assembled out of his way. His head cocked to the side confusedly -- you’d changed. A lot. Had he gotten his timing wrong again?
The word sweetheart made butterflies flit in your stomach, but it was bittersweet to hear it again from his lips, and so all you could bring yourself to do was scoff.
His fingers reached up for a strand of your hair -- you’d dyed it in a feeble attempt to stop recognising yourself the way you did when you were with him -- twirling it around his finger as he tried desperately to make you meet his gaze.
“How long has it been?” his voice was barely above a whisper as he knew your answer couldn’t be good.
“Three years.”
Your words dripped with venom, your eyes harsh and your face set in a scowl as you finally made eye contact with him.
The Doctor felt his world shatter around him at that, the very fact that he’d let you down -- the most important person in his life and he’d let you down.
“Oh darling I’m so sorry,” he cooed, cupping your face in his palms and lowering his head to be closer to yours, “I promise that wasn’t ever my intention. It’s been a day... well, a week... but it was only because things got a bit hectic. I came straight back as soon as I could. You didn’t think I’d abandon you?”
You drew in a sharp breath, struggling to fathom the words to tell him just how you felt. Honestly, a small part of you was still ridiculously happy to see him again, especially knowing he’d never intended to leave you for so long. But he had, he had been gone so long, and you weren’t sure you could forgive that.
“Three years,” you repeated, as though trying to come to terms with it all over again yourself, “Three years without you, Doctor.”
He pulled you to his chest, almost knocking your ice cream from your hands as he did so with such urgency. He kissed the top of your head, your stomach doing flips as you felt so close to him again. But you were still fuming, and you couldn’t let it go.
“I’d never have left you alone for so long, Y/N. You know I’d never do that, surely.” he frowned.
“I thought I did,” you mumbled, before clearing your throat to speak more confidently. “I thought I knew. But it’s been three years, Doctor. Things change. I’ve changed. I’m not the naive girl you left in this room, struggling while you fawned over Rory and Amy.”
“What do you mean?”
“Even after you told me you loved me, Rory and Amy always seemed to come first. I feared being second -- well third -- best and then you unintentionally made that clear anyway.”
“Y/N, I love you, you know that,” he soothed, hands caressing your hair as he held you close, “I’ve thought about you every minute I’ve been gone.”
You shook your head, “That’s the problem, Doctor. So have I.”
There was silence for a moment, both of you too consumed with sadness to say anything. He couldn’t stand the notion of quite how badly he’d hurt you, and you couldn’t stand that though you were still angry and upset, you were relieved to be in his arms again, held by the man you adored.
“I-- three years,” he uttered, more to himself, still shocked, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know I’ll never be able to make up that time, but I want to try. I’ll never leave you behind again, darling. I can’t live without you.”
“I’ve had to learn to live without you, Doctor. I spent so long believing that it had been an accident but even now that I know that’s true it hurts. I love you, I’ll never be able to stop loving you, but I’m just-- this is so difficult.” you fought back tears.
The Doctor pressed a soft kiss to your temple, “I’ll never let anything like this happen again, Y/N. I promise. I’ll never let you out of my sight I’l--” 
You shook your head, pulling back a little to stare deeply into his eyes, mesmerised as always by their emerald twinkle, “I’ve tried so hard to forget you Doctor. And I never could. But I-- It’s made me realise that people spend their entire lives at your side and it’ll always mean more to us than it does to you.”
“That’s not true, Y/N. Not one person who I have travelled with has ever been unimportant to me, I’ve cared about every single one of them, always.” his voice was stern now, and you could tell you had hit a nerve, “And it’s different with you, Y/N. Everything is different with you. In hundreds of years I’ve never cared about anyone like I care about you. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
You gulped, “But that’s the point -- you’ve had hundreds of years to try, to explore and to find someone. I only get one short silly little human lifetime, Doctor. It terrifies me that I know I’ll never love anyone like I love you, you’re the love of my life. But I’ll be like a... like a blip in your timeline when I’m gone.”
“Never,” He clutched your balled fists, pulling them to his lips and kissing the backs of them gently, “Everyone has a lasting impression on me, everyone matters. But you... Y/N, you’re absolutely everything to me. You say I’m the love of your life like that doesn’t matter to me. You’re the love of my life, darling. Surely you understand that.”
His words weighed heavy on your shoulders as you tried to digest them, even heavier as you tried to understand them.
“The love of your life?”
“Of course. The love of my life.”
He laughed, capturing your face in his palms and pulling you towards him to kiss you. His lips were soft and warm, just as you remembered them, and you couldn’t help but melt immediately into the kiss as you felt all of your anger dissipate.
That was the thing, no matter how much he’d unintentionally hurt you, everything felt okay with the Doctor. No matter what, the Doctor’s very presence had always been enough for you. You were just grateful to have him back.
“I love you, Doctor. Please don’t leave me behind again.” your voice cracked.
“Never, Y/N,” he kissed the corner of your lips again gently, “I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
You suddenly felt conscious of your current outfit, your loungewear and messy hair glaringly embarrassing to you despite the fact that the Doctor wasn’t remotely phased by it.
“I-- uh,” you began nervously, “I would say where shall we go but, well I look like this...” the Doctor furrowed his brows as you blushed, before rolling his eyes as you continued, “But I just want to spend time with you anyway. Movie night? Like old times?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. Absolutely.”
eeee i hope you enjoyed this! sorry if it wasn’t amazing, i lost track partway through and tried my hardest to finish it... let me know what you thought. now that i’m back, requests are back open and my (updated) prompt list is here if you’d like ideas. also, my masterlist is here if you’d like to take a look!
thanks for reading <3
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River/Doctor #7
river/12, kissing scars a bruise
It’s been over a day by the time he notices. A day of skirting around one another, of half-conversations, almost-apologies, broken declarations. She almost tells him what she’s been through, since Manhattan. He almost asks. She almost touches him, fingers ghosting across his arm before they fall away, and she turns her attention to something else. He almost stops her. 
They’re still in the TARDIS, parked near the Towers now, and he thinks perhaps they’re both too scared to mention all the time laid out before them. He thinks maybe she doesn’t want it. Maybe she doesn’t trust him. He wouldn’t blame her, but it knots in his chest, every time she looks at him, like she’s just waiting for him to leave. 
They’ve spent time together and argued about little things—the TARDIS’ bulb, where to put the swimming pool, whether Akorax V is better before or after the Fall of the Emperor. But everything they need to talk about—Amy and Rory, Manhattan, Darillium, Hydroflax, Ramone, the Doctor does not, and has never, loved me—they keep tucked away on their tongues. 
He doesn’t know if it’s the weight of the unsaid, or just the last six months, but they’re bickering over where to order in from when he looks up, looks at her, and for the first time sees how exhausted she looks—there are circles under her eyes he swears weren’t there before, a heaviness to her shoulders, her smile wane. 
He trails off, stares, and River arches an eyebrow. “What?”
He blinks, and frowns. “You look tired.”
“Thank you,” she says with a huff, rolling her eyes, but her hands drop from the menu they’ve been holding together, and she tries to stand straighter. For the first time, he notices her wince. 
“When was the last time you slept?” 
River glares. “When was the last time you slept?”
He can’t remember. He doesn’t feel tired—too anxious to be tired, too afraid, of losing her again before he’s had a chance to make things right. To do better by her, be better for her. 
He doesn’t answer. 
River shrugs him off, and he doesn’t press. They order food and sit in the kitchen and he doesn’t feel like eating. River barely touches her plate. He wants to call her on it, but knows she’d simply turn it back around on him. They pack most of it away in the fridge. 
River disappears to shower, and he wants to follow her. Wants to run his hands over her skin and reassure himself that she’s alive and safe and really here, not a ghost, not a haunting. But she doesn’t invite him and he can’t summon the courage to ask, so he tinkers with the controls and folds and unfolds a newspaper he picked up, full of real estate ads. 
There’s a little bungalow not far from the town nearest the towers. It has bay windows and a garden, or so the ad says. He should ask her about it. If she wants it. If she still wants him. 
He supposes it’s a conversation they should have sooner rather than later. 
Tucking the newspaper into his pocket, he takes his time moving toward their bedroom. Runs over in his mind what to say and how to say it. Practices under his breath being gentle. Being open. His voice still sounds too gruff, too irritated. He doesn’t want to sound like he doesn’t care. Not here, not now. Not with her. Not this time. 
Their bedroom door is cracked open, and he can hear the shower running. Slips inside and stares at the bed they haven’t slept in together for years, still made up. Her clothes are in a pile on top of the comforter, her trowel on the desk in the corner. Her diary’s on the nightstand, her new screwdriver on top of it, and his stomach knots. He looks away, takes a seat on the edge of the bed facing the en-suite door, and fiddles with his ring. 
He hasn’t told her why he wears it, that he wears it for her. Hasn’t told her he keeps his bow tie in his pocket at all times. Hasn’t told her how much he’s missed her, longed for her. Hasn’t told her how badly he wants to bury his face in her hair, how he wants to hold her and never let go. 
He thinks of the aftermath of Manhattan, of the way she’d tried so hard to be strong for him. The way she wouldn’t break. The way he pushed and pushed until she left, taking the rest of his hearts with her. 
The way he hadn’t gone after her, like she should have done. 
He’s made so many mistakes, they make his chest ache, and he knows he doesn’t deserve this, deserve her, but he’s selfish and needs her and he’s so busy trying to come up with the right thing to say to make her realize he isn’t lying that he doesn’t notice the shower turn off, doesn’t hear her moving until the door opens and she’s standing there, hair wet against her neck, towel around her waist, staring at him. 
Not sweetie, not darling. 
He swallows. “We need to talk.”
It isn’t what he means to say, isn’t how he means to say it, and River tightens her grip on her towel. She looks down for a brief moment, and he hears her inhale; then she looks up, jaw tight, steeling herself. 
“Talk, then,” she says, as if it doesn’t matter. 
She crosses to the closet and picks out clothes and the Doctor stares at her legs, her back, her shoulders.
“I—“ he starts, and falters. There’s something on her neck that he can’t quite see. “Come here.”
River turns, frowning, clothes in her arms. He gestures, and she rolls her eyes, but comes closer, almost cautiously, eying him with too much suspicion. When she’s close enough, he reaches for her arm, nudging gently. 
“Turn around.”
She huffs. “What are you—“
“Just turn.”
She glares, but does as he says, and he reaches a trembling hand out to move her hair aside. Her shoulder is purple, almost black in some places, worse up close, now that he can see the faint outline of large fingerprints. He hesitates, fingers ghosting over the outline of the bruise, and River flinches. 
“Hydroflax?” he asks, remembers when they tried to escape, the way the robot dangled her off the floor by her shoulder. He hadn’t seen anything, hadn’t known—he supposes her spray is to thank for that, the longer sleeves she’s been wearing since. 
“It’s fine,” River says, and makes to turn but he stills her. 
“Stay here.”
He disappears into the en-suite, comes back with a bottle, a healing salve from some planet or other, he can’t remember. Knows only that it will help her pain. 
“I’m not a dog,” River snaps, finally, a hint of anger in her eyes, and it relieves him just a little, to see her spark. 
He holds up the bottle. “Sit, please?”
River glowers, but sets down her clothes and perches on the edge of the bed, her back to him as he uncaps the bottle and pours a generous amount of salve into his hands. 
“This might hurt,” he warns, but she merely nods, flinches slightly at the first, barely-there touch of his fingers on the bruise. 
It’s wide and discolored and he hates that he didn’t notice, hates that she didn’t tell him, hates that he let it happen in the first place. That she was harmed. That anyone dared harm her. He clenches his jaw, but it doesn’t stop his words from spilling out, a muttered, 
“Should have put him down the garbage disposal when I had the chance.”
River snorts. 
“I’m serious.”
“Yes,” she says, too casually, “But then I’d never have known who you were.”
He stills a moment. “You think I wouldn’t have told you?”
She shrugs, and winces again. “You certainly took your time.” 
Her voice is even, but he knows better now. Knows it isn’t a joke, and he swallows tightly. 
“I tried,” he says, but they both know he didn’t try hard enough. “Not my fault you’re slow on the uptake.”
He regrets the words immediately, for the way River sighs quietly, says, “No, I suppose it isn’t.” It sounds too much like defeat, coming from her. 
“Just say it, Doctor.”
“Say what?”
“Whatever it is you think I don’t want to hear.”
She sounds exhausted, sounds wrung out, and he stares at her shoulder, wishes he could see her face, but he isn’t brave enough. And it helps, almost, to stare at the bruise when he says, 
“I...don’t know…” he trails off, hesitates, reaches out and touches her spine, so gently. “...how to say it.”
There’s silence, long and dreadful, and River doesn’t turn, doesn’t move, barely looks like she’s breathing. 
“Most people just say ‘goodbye.’”
The Doctor flinches. “Is that what you think I want?”
River shakes her head, but still refuses to look at him. “I don’t know what you want.”
Her words hit his chest, and he feels something inside him crack. 
His River. 
His wife. 
And he’s done this to her, made her so uncertain, she won’t even face him. He’s made her so sure that his absence is the only thing she can count on. It forces the air from his lungs, makes him shudder. He closes his eyes against the rotating guilt, the grief he’s created for them both. 
There’s so much he wants—needs—to tell her and he doesn’t know where or how to start. She’s stiff beneath his hand, waiting, he knows, for a dismissal. An excuse. A trite line or a lie. 
He wants to ask her what she wants. What she needs. But he thinks, staring at the bruise he could so easily heal, that it isn’t good enough. Puts too much onus on her, to pretend the hurt never happened. That it’s easily fixed. 
Swallowing down his nausea, his fear, he slides his hand over her skin to her arm, cradles her bicep gently, fingers whispering in Gallifreyan. 
I’m sorry, he says. 
River shudders, sighs, and moves to turn, away or toward he isn’t sure, but he doesn’t want her forgiveness, not yet. 
Bending forward, he places a soft kiss to the bruise on her shoulder. 
“Just you,” he whispers, and gathers his courage. 
River doesn’t move, for a long moment, his lips pressed to her skin, his fingers drawing symbols on her arm for want and need and hope. 
When she turns, finally, her eyes are bright with tears, and he lets his hand fall to hers, lifts her wrist to his lips and kisses that, too, the scar he’s never forgotten. 
River stares at him, her eyes blown and he waits, brushes his thumb over the pulse in her wrist. 
“Always you.”
River blinks and a tear falls and he catches it, cradles her cheek, relieved beyond all measure when she tilts into his touch. 
He kisses her quiet, so softly, and tastes salt.
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onceuponachole · 4 years
Woah, the first drabble I’ve written on tumblr! A lot of people I know follow my wattpad account (cringe) so I’m doing this now! 
Concept: Although 11 is known for being quite touchy with no sense of personal space, he’s always been a little more so with one of his companions. 
Per usual aboard the Tardis, it was fizzing with excitement. Giddiness was apparent throughout the console room, followed by the chipper hums and whirs of the Doctor’s beloved transportation herself. Speaking of the Doctor, he spun around the console like a child in a toy store, flicking switches and pressing buttons (though he most likely doesn’t know what all of them do). Watching his actions with amusement, Amy Pond’s lips quirked into a knowing smile. The next adventure was going to be a good one. 
 “Whad’ya think about Florana, eh? Haven’t been there in regenerations! It shouldn’t be too busy this time of year, what with the roses not in bloom yet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it always makes me feel a hundred years younger!” the Doctor rambled, rocking on his heels and dashing to and fro.
 “When have you said that?” I asked, hiding my laughter with a smile. I folded my arms over my chest, leaning against the railing along the middle platform.
 “Oh, you know, just once really but I’ve always wanted to say it like that,” he shrugged, finally leaving the console to talk to me and the Ponds. 
 I laughed, no longer able to keep the feeling from bubbling. Taking the space next to me, the Doctor flashed me his signature grin and dove in to peck my cheek. His nose made contact with my face, brushing my cheekbone, and just like that it was over. I couldn’t help but grin back, feeling my face flush. 
 He’s always been a bit (okay, a LOT) touchy, not that I mind. Amy’s always said he kisses me more than her or Rory, but I’m not sure I believe it. He’s just the Doctor, he has a funny way of showing his emotions. Recently, however, his small moments of affection have given me a lasting effect. From short spurts of butterflies in my stomach, to an inability to talk without sputtering, he always had a way to make me feel special. It’s one of the downsides of his quirks, having to deal with the feelings after. I’ve never really considered it before, but it makes sense now to say that I’m smitten with him. And as far as I’m concerned, he has no clue. 
 Rory quirked an eyebrow, “No freaky aliens this time? I don’t want a plant trying to devour us or something.” 
 “No, no, nothing like that. Although I do suppose...,” the Doctor paused before shaking his head, “nope! No scary baddies out for us this time,” he smiled.
 Rory let out a short lived sigh of relief as the Tardis jolted suddenly. A fizz, pop! was heard, followed by sudden darkness from everywhere except the time rotor in the middle. It’s cerulean glow dimmed significantly, making a sort of wheeze. Immediately, the Doctor sprinted to the center and experimentally flicked some levers. I followed, standing just a little behind so he had room to analyze. 
“Power must’ve been shut off. Could be due to the amount of timey-wimey-ness...maybe the old girl can’t handle it,” he muttered, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. I pat him on the shoulder encouragingly, which seemed to startle him out of his trance. Gazing at me in the light of the time rotor, eyes gleaming, he snatched my hand from where it was resting at my side and cradled it in his own. His calloused thumb brushed circles over the back of my hand in an effort to comfort me. 
 I glanced at Amy, who had since shuffled to the opposite end of the console. She gave me a pointed look, mouthing a “see?”. I only shook my head in denial, before returning my attention to the Doctor. 
 “We could always try to reroute the power, the swimming pool is using an awful lot of it. Maybe there wasn’t enough of it going to the console,” I offered, smiling sheepishly. 
 “There’s a swimming pool in this thing?” Rory promptly exclaimed. 
 “Oi,” the Doctor retorted, “she isn’t a thing!” 
 “Alright you lot, we have bigger fish to fry. It’s gotten chilly in here since you started yabbering,” Amy complained. 
 “(Y/N)’s not wrong,” the Doctor continued, “it could be that not enough power is being transferred throughout the TARDIS. Rerouting it may be easier said than done though. I’m not sure it’ll work, but we can try!”  Swiftly, he descended the stairway to the lower level, pulling me along with him. I looked at Amy and Rory, who both gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes, wiping my free hand on my pants.
 Although the lighting was dim, the Time Lord managed to grab his tinkering goggles and grabbed a fist-full of thick cord in the middle of the bunches of other mechanical wonders. I stood back to give him some space, shoes scraping along the steel, web-like floor. 
 The Doctor yanked on the wires for a few minutes, muttering incoherently, before piping up again. “(Y/N), can you help me out a bit? This hasn’t been moved in a while,” he laughed nervously, offering me his hand once more. I nodded, crouching next to him. He raised his arms in preparation to pull the cord out of it’s socket, but stopped abruptly. “Oh! Can we count down from three? I love three, it’s just such a lovely number.” 
 I giggled out a response, “Of course! That sounds more coordinated anyway.” We glanced at each other, or the silhouettes of each other, before we counted, 
 and we tugged as forcefully as possible. The cord exited the socket aggressively, sending us tumbling. We crash landed with him almost on top of me, his elbow jabbed at my ribs, my legs tangled with his. I winced, sitting up, and the lights flashed back on. The TARDIS whirred appreciatively, resuming it’s normal tasks of whoosing the time rotor and lighting up buttons on the console. The Doctor sat up, grinning, and carefully placed his goggles on the floor next to him. I moved to the left, narrowly escaping his gangly legs, only to be pulled back in again and pecked on the lips. My face ignited in hues of pink, my chest rising and falling faster than normal. 
 “We did it! Well, actually you did most of the planning and the execution, so I suppose I should hand off the credit to you--” he stopped, mid-sentence, noticing my stunned silence. “What’s wrong?” 
 I gulped nervously, “Can we t-try that again?” I didn’t make eye contact with him and feared for the worst. 
 “Try wha- oh. That,” he mumbled, ears going red. 
 Tears stung my eyes in a fit of embarrassment. I shouldn’t have said anything, oh God he’s going to make me go home--, “I’m so sorry, I won’t do that again haha, I was only joking really, itdidn’tmeananythingIswear,” I sputtered. 
 The Doctor tilted my chin up with his hand, wiping my face of a tear that escaped. It was horrendously silent for a moment, before he whispered, “Do you like me?” 
 The tears fell a little harder now, I was mortified. “Yeah,” my voice cracked. “Do you? Like me, I mean?” Sniffling, I finally looked at his eyes. Those gorgeous green eyes, the ones that had seen more than I will ever know and whose intensity matched the thousands of galaxies we’ve flown through. 
 “More than you’ll ever know,” he replied. He leaned in hesitantly, before making contact with my lips. Kissing me, ever so softly, afraid that I was made of porcelain. I returned his slow passion with my own, resting a hand on the side of his face. I tried to push all of my feelings toward him into his brain, hoping, wishing that he knew how much I yearned for this. We separated, panting, and he smiled a smile so full of love that I felt weak in the knees. 
 Standing up, he brushed off his classic tweed jacket, and offered me his hand like he had so many times before. Quirking an eyebrow, he asked, “Shall we?” 
 I took his hand, smiled, still sniffling, and stood, not wanting to let go of him ever again.   
“To Florana! Geronimo!” 
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burntlikethesun · 3 years
if you're still doing dw day: the eleventh hour
'Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls, the pencils, and the fish'
This is not the episode you start newbies on. 'Rose' was purpose built for being introduced for new audiences, with you discovering this world through her eyes, you learn everything at the same time as her. With this, you start off, in the crashing TARDIS, with the Doctor- it ruins the bigger on the inside reveal! Which, btw, I really don’t care for the enormous shiny new interior, it just does nothing for me after my beloved coral theme has gone- it just feels like a tv set.
This episode is fine, it’s an ok story (the main thread being Smith and Jones (rogue alien criminal hiding disguised on earth, being hunted by the authorities, who gets defeated by revealing its true self) if it was put in the laundry on high heat with The Girl in the Fireplace (meet woman as little girl, return minutes later when she’s grown up)). There’s a bit too much going on though and lots of it is soured by knowledge of what is to come – ‘Silence will fall’ is teasing a convoluted mess, Amy’s missing parents are returned but never appear again, the cracks are left ambiguous until a throw away line nearly 4 years later in Smith’s finale episode. Olivia Colman is wasted. The Doctor’s Sherlock vision is silly (lol remember when people thought Rory’s name badge saying it was issued int the 1990s was significant rather than a goof)
Caitlin Blackwood is really good as young Amy… but then the pan up her legs when you first meet adult Amy 2 mins later is grim haha, male gaze example 101. Plus she breaks the tradition of the companion saving the day in their first episode- the most she does is while asleep, follow Eleven’s instructions when he says to picture the alien in its real form. Not particularly satisfying or active.
Rory is my most liked out of the main three in this ep. There’s a lot of cringe dialogue like Eleven saying ‘who da man!’ and Moffat’s penchant for calling phones ‘camera phones’ – all phones had had cameras in them for YEARS by 2010 lol. The food rejecting sequence in the beginning goes on about 4 times as long as it needed to be, it’s the same joke again and again and it isn’t funny!
People love to say how fairytale-like this series is but like.. is it? There’s just dialogue saying Amy’s name is like from a fairy tale, which… it’s literally just the word Pond lol it’s not like Cinderella or Rapunzel? I literally think a lot of people imagine this episode to be a lot better than it actually is, mainly due to them using HD cameras and lens flare etc. The raggedy doctor imaginary friend idea is a good one but it never gets explored enough imo. The Atraxi are lame! They get scared off by the same ‘look me up’ trick as the vashta nerada, and I’m a massive pedant because I know if a montage of monsters were done by someone who paid attention, they’d know not to include shots of Ood and Hath etc (are from the future, are not evil, and have never invaded Earth) or Reapers from an aborted timeline! Ruins the moment for me every time.
anyway yeah. it's not the best, thoroughly middling effort.
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years
John (11 x reader) Part 1
Summary: The doctor was being tracked. So he decided to become John to blend into a small town. It would only be 6 months he said. Word count: 3.4k Warnings: violence mention and knives and angst  AN: Hi! First fic ever uploaded to tumblr so I’m excited. Hopefully this is good and isn’t too long. Part 2 and 3 should be up soon. Hope you like it!! Also I wrote the reader as female in this so sorry, I’m going to try to be more inclusive in later fics :,)
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It had been 2 years, 3 months and 16 days since you’d all arrived in the 1920s, in a quaint little village in the south. You had also been told it would be a maximum of 6 months you would spend here, and boy, how the Doctor was wrong. He was being hunted, by a species that wanted to harvest timelord energy so they could learn to regenerate. So he’d picked a random village and a random time period, given you all jobs, and rewritten his own biology in an attempt to stay safe.
“I’m going undercover as a human, I’m rewriting my genetic code to stay safe, everything non-human about me will be held in this watch, and hidden somewhere linked to me, there will be another fake one hidden with me or on the TARDIS. I won’t recognise it, I’ll barely acknowledge it, or just enough to the point where fake me won’t think there’s anything off about it.” He explained slotting the watch into a rather aggressive looking head contraption, and throwing a device at Amy “I’m becoming John Smith, a history teacher at a local grammar school, Amy and Rory, your job is to track the thing, it has a unique energy signature with that device. Rory you work in the local hospital and Amy you work in a shop. (Y/N), your job is to keep an eye out for me, make sure John doesn’t do anything ridiculous, or fall in love or in a deep hole he can’t get out of. You’re the secretary at the grammar school,”
You cringed at memories as you sat in bed. Thinking over the last 2 years and everything that had happened since, it was all a distant memory now.
“The TARDIS will be in an emergency state if you need her. I won’t know you or remember you. It’s to keep you safe and for your own good. It’ll be six months, at maximum, nothing to worry about, Ponds, (L/N),” he smiled cautiously as he put the device on his head. The thing connected as he screamed, and shook, the agony in face unbearable. 
Eventually, you decided you had to get up so you didn’t lose your job, you put on a dress, strapped a cautionary knife to your leg for protection along with the sonic screwdriver so you knew it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands or  just in case the thing decided to attack today. You walked to the school. The village was fairly spread out but with limited people, less than 1000 people, everyone knew at least something about everyone apart from the few of you that had been welcomed two years prior. God how you missed Uber, and being able to go on regular runs without judgement. 
When you arrived you stored your coat and bag in a storage room, making polite conversation with your coworkers in your office. John wandered in and smiled at you. “Hello, Miss (L/N), how are you doing today?” He was more posh in this version of himself, he sounded southern and as if he had been educated at the grammar school years prior. 
“I’m very well, sir, just a little tired today. How about yourself?” You had also taken this time as an opportunity to sound more from the time period, to blend in and look more authentic compared to your back story that was full of holes. 
“Good good, sounds like you need more sleep-” He paused upon realising the implications of his words “I- I didn’t mean anything like that, I meant perhaps-” He was like this a lot, he stumbled over himself. Not as confident as the doctor in far too many areas. “Nevermind, Mr Smith, I knew what you meant. What did you come in here for?” you lips pursed together, when he had his memories back you were going to slap him so painfully hard he’d regenerate. He may have had the doctor’s face however, he was not him. Maybe this version of the doctor had taken a liking to you, more than the actual Doctor ever would. You had to stick close to him so you allowed it, although it was painful at points seeing a man you had fallen in love with, finally acknowledge your existence as someone else.
“I needed to check the staff file and I just wanted to chat with you.” So you talked for a while. 
The school day went by relatively smoothly apart from a student vomiting in the hallway, and two students almost getting into a fight, everything seemed standard, as the previous 837 days had. Nothing new. Nothing out of the ordinary.
The village was small and were grateful for that, all the shops were local and the furthest house was a 45 minute walk away. Ultimately, you had decided to visit Amy and Rory as you did most nights as they understood the pain you were going through, trapped away from your time period without your family, and closest friend, whilst also being tracked by an alien. 
“-and then he looked at me and said I needed to get more sleep,” You said between sips of wine and painful laughs
“I can’t believe he struggles with social interaction more as an actual human rather than a timelord,” Amy laughed, this was the tradition, when Rory was working the nightshift, one of you would visit the other, and you’d laugh and drink together.
“At least you get to see him consistently,” Amy added, “We barely do. Rory sees him maybe once every few weeks down at the pub, and I see him when he comes into the shop or at the hall. You at least consistently know he’s safe and happy,”
“Yeah but it’s not exactly him is it. It’s like you see a picture of someone before you know them, like you can acknowledge it’s them but they’re just missing the odd piece to them, like the smile isn’t quite wide enough or their hair is parted differently. It’s a version of him, without him. Without the timelordy, alieny bits,” 
“Maybe so, but it’s something, and we don’t have a lot else right now,”
“God, I can’t wait to wear pants and jeans when we get back to our time,” You said standing and embracing Amy in a warm hug “I need to go home and get some sleep, long day tomorrow, my turn to check. Thanks for having me, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
When you had arrived home, that's when you saw him, a boy from the school outside your door, mindlessly staring through one of your windows.
“Edward Gray, dear? Are you alright? What are you doing here?” You asked panic rising quietly through you
Seemingly snapping out of his trance “Huh? Nothing Miss, I must’ve got a bit lost and confused, that’s all,” He said rubbing his temples, the expression he gave you didn’t reach his eyes, as if he was struggling to believe the words himself. 
“You might want to get home, make sure your mother knows you're safe. We don’t want her up worrying all night now do we? Run along dear,” You said as you unlocked your house and he turned and ran. 
You settled into bed for the night, pulling out a notebook and writing down bits from your previous adventures you could remember, it wasn’t for Amy and Rory you would've been doubting the validity of your stories and doubting that the alien had even existed at all, and wasn’t just a random man from your work who paid attention to you, smiled at your jokes, and whose eyes were full of mystery.
More dreams, more memories, more days. You woke up with a jump, your alarm surprising you. More morning rituals. Breakfast, check. Shower and brushed teeth, check. Dressed, check. Knife, check. Sonic, check. It was a friday so it was your turn to check the TARDIS. It was abandoned in a shed in one of the in one of the many fields surrounding the village that had long been forgotten. She wheezed slightly when you entered, a half asleep acknowledgment of someone else’s company.
“Hello dear, I’ve missed you too,” You said in response, a tinge of sadness in your voice, another sleep wheeze escaped from the console. You replayed the message the doctor had given you. He animatedly explained all the points, once again, like clockwork: village, 20s, hunted, six months, keep watch, pears, stay safe, teaching, secretary, shop, six months. Nothing had changed, you kept quietly wishing for the audio to alter, or the video to change, it never did. It was still the same video, and your alien bestfriend promised 6 months and nothing more.
Somehow, you had managed to arrive early to work. The majority of your colleagues had not yet arrived. In moments like this you had begun reading in classrooms, specifically, John’s. There was something comforting about it, perhaps it was the doctor’s energy. Quiet times like this helped usually, sometimes they made the situation worse, the silence was sometimes unbearable as thoughts of your future life rumbled around your head. You had positioned yourself near a window and pulled out a copy of the Great Gatsby. Whilst you were engrossed in your book, the door opened silently, John slipping in without you noticing
“Miss (L/N)? What are you doing here?” He whispered, his eyes staring deep into your soul, at times like this, he was almost the doctor. You jumped, the sudden noise surprising you
“Ah, sorry, John, dear. I was just reading, I had a bit of time before the day began,” You started 
“It’s alright, no need to apologize. What are you reading?’
“Mr Fitzgerald’s new book, I have heard nothing but good things,” 
“Ah, I prefer the classics, great expectations and such.” Even as a human he was still so much of the doctor. 
You stood up suddenly “Anyway, I need to go. I have my duties to attend to.”
John rambled “Stay! If you want to- I mean- if you would like you can stay here and read, I don’t mind and I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind, I’ll convince them it was my idea. even though it was anyway,”
You considered it for a brief moment, you shook your head, “I can’t, I have particularly busy day,”
“At least let me walk you home tonight then, if you’re busy throughout the day. I enjoy your company,” he said with a wink and then he caught himself and looked shocked that he had actually just done that.
“Fine. I finish at 5. But you must know the neighbours will talk,” You said in attempt to deter him
“Oh, let them, this small town loves gossip,” John smiled in a very doctorish manner. You nodded slightly. A small smile graced your lips, a tinge of sadness in your eyes, you prayed he wouldn't notice as you turned to leave the room. You didn’t see him silently stick his hand out in an attempt to comfort you, over feelings he would have no concept of. John Smith and his small smiles and sweet talk would be the death of you. The Almost Doctor. So close yet, so far out of reach.
You had the trouble of organising staff schedules that week and planning and writing assemblies for other teachers, you didn’t mind though it kept you busy. 
“(Y/N), did you hear Edward Gray hasn’t shown up today,” One of your colleagues Mrs. Price had said, she was elderly woman, her hair greying slightly, her glasses rested on a chain that was always around your neck
“That’s peculiar, he was outside my house last night,” You began as you explained to the other woman. She sat in an awkward silence afterwards.
“According to his mother, he did get home ok, he just came in this morning. Must’ve just decided he wanted to wander the woods for a break,” She said with a nervous laugh and you followed suit before going back to clicking away at your typewriter. 
The day eventually ended at 5pm as you said a brief weekly farewell to the other office staff members before heading to the front of the building. John Smith was stood at the front he gave you a wide small and small wave that you returned
“Mr Smith,” You said with a smile as you approached him
“Miss (L/N).”
On the way home, you chatted about anything and everything, you trying to fix the holes in your double life story, and the chameleon arch filling in the gaps in his. You were simply two half strangers sharing half truths with one another. If the Doctor were actually here he’d laugh. Occasionally, neighbours would nod their heads towards you in acknowledgment, none of them stopping to talk. One neighbor seemed off, you believed his name was Mr Roscoe and he was an older man from the village. He made intense eye contact with you both before bumping into the doctor aggressively, squaring up to him.
“Timelord, your days will soon be up. We will have your secrets soon enough,” Roscoe hissed. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, you pulled the knife from your leg and pointed it at Mr Roscoe’s throat. 
“Good, God Miss (L/N), where did you- what’s going on? Why do you have a knife?” John stammered the chameleon arch kicking into overdrive. 
“Shut up,” You snapped, he opened his mouth to speak, he decided against it, then closed it again. You turned your attention back to the older gentleman, “Leave him be. He is not what you are after. This is your final warning, approach any of us again and this knife is going right in one of your vital organs. Clear? Or will I have to do it as a warning?” You snarled anger rising with each word edging the knife close to the man as you waved it for emphasis.
“Crystal,” The man replied, void of tone. Before turning and walking away sending a sharp glare in your direction as he wandered off
“Do you mind if we visit your house instead I have a phone call to make?” You asked the knife away, smiling and acting like nothing had occurred, slipping your arm back around John’s. John simply stammered in agreement, still not entirely grasping the intensity of the situation.
John’s house was rather large for him, he’d claimed it was far too big for one person and that he ought to let it out, but it was close to his job and he could afford it and that he also preferred his own company. 
You waited until he left his kitchen to call Amy,
“Hello, this is Amelia Williams,” She chimed
“Red, wolf, now,” You said breathlessly, it was code, you had invented, between the three of you, if people were around that couldn’t know about the predicaments you faced, such as John you would use it. Red was danger, wolf was alien.  She breathed a curse into the phone
“You’re safe, I presume, stay that way and with him, time to locate the pin and the needle,” more code, you simply said a quiet yet nervous ‘yes’ into the phone. The pin being the watch, the needle being a decoy.
“What about your job? 2 years, wolf tracking was up to you,” You hissed
“I’m sorry. I think the battery died long ago, we have no idea how to charge it even with the TARDIS. Plus, he never gave us an explanation of how to use it,” You mumbled a brief apology for hissing and hung up, after she had made sure you were fine, in the overly complex code, you former companions shared. 
“What was that about?” John asked reentering the kitchen and breaking you from your thoughts holding some glasses, a bottle and packet of cigarettes. “Sorry, just a small code with a code with a friend, letting her know I’m safe and with a friend incase she gets worried or tries to visit,” You explained quickly
He smiled at that, maybe he had bought it, maybe not, “You’re so intelligent.” He breathed half to himself, half to you “Come on time for a smoke and a drink to calm us down after that, erm, experience,” 
You sat next to eachother on one of the few steps that led to his garden. “So why do you carry a knife?” Was the first question out of his mouth after he’d poured drinks
“An old friend, he had some issues, told me to protect myself, I just felt I needed to make sure I was safe,” You replied simply, “And I hate guns, so a knife had to do,”
“In the 2 years I have known you, (Y/N), I’ve learnt very little about you, other than today.” He sighed 
“You don’t need to know a lot, there’s not a lot I can tell you really, a fairly ordinary life,” 
“Do you smoke?” He said offering you the box, with a smile you accepted one and lit it, 
“Not often, we’ll have to share this one, I can’t handle full ones this late.” You passed it back to him “my friend wouldn’t approve so I try to not,” 
“Well you have to make your own decisions,”
“He wouldn’t approve of you offering, I mean” You corrected “Also maybe not me accepting,” 
“I need to tell you something,” He began, “I have these dreams- and they’re about the future and they involve you and that quiet couple from the village. We travel to other worlds and I’m from another planet and we try to save people.  And it matches some of what Mr Roscoe had said. How crazy is that?”
Shit. You hadn’t considered dreams “Well ultimately dreams are the subconscious filling the space so I would imagine it is perfectly normal thing to dream. And as for Mr Roscoe, he’s a confused old man, I doubt he even realised what he said, John,” You laughed nervously, the chameleon arch had already started fixing the damage
“You can stay overnight, if you’d like I have a guest bedroom set up and some spare toiletries, just so you’re not worried about getting home. Mr Roscoe put the fear of God in us earlier and I wouldn’t like that to happen again, especially if you’re walking home” Even now, when he wasn’t himself, he was still unbelievably kind.
“Ok, then I’ll stay,” You nodded, you did not want another Edward Gray situation
“So this friend of yours. Would he approve of you staying the night? Does he approve of much? It certainly doesn’t seem it,”
“Perhaps he would. Maybe with you, maybe not, it's difficult to say. He doesn’t approve of much and yet many things. Kindness and eccentricity are two things he absolutely loves. He’s a good man, a kind man,” You tried to explain, taking the cig back “He’s a pacifist. And when he smiles the stars seem to align. We travel together. Or rather we used to before I settled here. I’m waiting for him to come back.”
“Oh are you and him-”
“Uh, no, absolutely not. I did see him like that, he did not see me that way. He has no reason to, he carries the stars with him and the world on his shoulders. He’s got enough to worry about without me,” you stated, a small tear slipping from your eyes, John wiped it away quickly , taking the cigarette back and finishing it
“I mean, perhaps he could, view you like that. If I were him and I know I could never be, I wouldn’t hesitate. You’re wonderful, kind and beautiful, intelligent and astonishingly brave,” John smiled “and if he can’t see that, I’m sure someone else will.” 
The silence after his words was comfortable. You didn’t quite expect it. The ferocious love in his voice, the warmth and kindness. It seemed so disjointed from the normal, nervous and awkward John. You rested your head against him, a form of acceptance to his words. He wrapped his long since abandoned jacket around you, along with his arm, trying to shield you from the cold. The drinks had been finished a while,  and cigarettes long since burned to ash. You stayed that way for a while, at least in that hidden moment you could pretend it was him and that things weren’t about to turn terrible. At least you had now and the steps in his garden long after dark.
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Lingering Effects
Summary: Despite the fact Cayodan has been exorcised, Rory is having trouble dealing what happened. When an old friend calls the Doctor for help, Rory's recovery is put in jeopardy. Sequel to The Doctor And The Nurse, A Fishy Tail, Getting To Know You, Kernel Of Stubborness, Home Sweet Home, Party Time, Sewers, Bookshops And Slime. Making Old Friends, And Donna Makes…,  One Unanswerable Question and The Last Warrior.
 The beach was mostly deserted.
Rory could see a few people wandering about in the distance, but it was still quite early, so he didn’t expect the place to be busy. The Doctor was by the TARDIS fiddling with one of the devices he’d made, while Donna had found an open café so had wandered over to it to see what they sold.
He still felt…
Off was the only word he had to describe it because there were no words to adequately say how disconnected his body sometimes felt from him. It was now three weeks since his possession, since the mind of the warrior had taken over his body, and Rory wanted to be fine again.
He told everyone that he was, but he still felt wrong.
The Doctor had brought them to this planet to find some specific fruit he was having a craving for, apparently they made the best smoothies, plus there was a meteor shower tonight they should see. Rory knew that the reason they’d landed early was to give them a day of peace after the past few weeks running around.
Donna had loudly demanded it while Rory was in the room, but he knew it was an act as he’d overheard them worrying about him.
Part of him was pleased that they both cared so much, it was nice but the other part of him hated being treated with kid gloves because he didn’t want to be seen as fragile.
But the peace of the planet they were on was welcome.
A few feet from the TARDIS, Rory found a large flat rock and sat on it pulling his knees to his chest trying to remember how to feel normal. In all honesty nothing in his life had been normal since that day in the park so many months ago when the Doctor had stolen his bag and Rory had chased after it.
He was glad he’d taken the offer to join the Doctor on a trip, his life would have been boring without it, but he sometimes missed the naivety that he had.
The ocean stretched out before him, a strange orange that the Doctor had advised was due to the algae that lived within it, apparently the sunset was spectacular, and Rory thought of Amy.
He wanted to tell her everything that had happened to him, wanted her to tell him that he was still her Rory and hadn’t changed but that would mean telling her the truth about the Doctor and Rory didn’t want to.
At least not yet.
“Okay,” Donna appeared at his side, “I had to try these. They seem to be like sausages. So, I got you one too.”
“Thanks,” he replied softly taking the small package she handed him.
Donna slid onto the rock, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” Donna replied, concern in her voice, “You keep trying to pretend you are but then you stare into the distance and disappear into yourself.”
Rory looked at her confessing, “I want to be fine.”
Donna took his hand in hers, “You will be but right now, it’s not that long since that thing invaded you. You’re allowed to be angry about it, to feel annoyed and you’re allowed to be that with us.”
“The Doctor…”
“The Doctor,” Donna cut him off, “Is worried about you. He has been watching you like a hawk since you woke up after it all. He’s been trying to make you feel yourself by taking us places where we can get in trouble and it’s also why we’re here today.”
Rory sighed, “What do I do?”
Donna shrugged, “You just go at your own pace.”
Staring at the way she was holding his hand, Rory looked up into her eyes and confessed, “I can’t sleep.”
He expected her to say something, but Donna was quiet as she simply held his hand and let him continue.
“Every time I close my eyes,” he continued after a moment, “I think he’s going to take over my body again. That I’ll be trapped like that and I…”
Donna wrapped him in a hug when he trailed off, Rory rested his head against her shoulder realising for the first time that he’d avoided any real physical contact for the past few weeks. He had come to love Donna as the big sister he’d never had and never really wanted. She was brash and didn’t back down from an argument, but she also had a huge heart.
When she let him go, Rory whispered, “Thank you.”
“Eat your lunch,” Donna said, nudging him with her shoulder.
With a tiny smile, Rory opened the local equivalent of a roll and sausage, taking a bite he grinned, “That is amazing.”
Donna laughed round the mouthful of food, “Told you.”
 From his spot sitting in front of the TARDIS the Doctor watched his two companions, relieved to see Donna had broken through Rory’s carefully constructed walls. Rory was trying to pretend he was fine after Cayodan’s invasion, but the Doctor knew he wasn’t.
He knew Rory wasn’t sleeping, the Doctor had found him many times over the past few weeks in the library curled up in a chair with a book open in his lap. Sometimes awake and reading, claiming to have woken early. Other times he was asleep having finally succumbed to exhaustion. The TARDIS was watching over Rory, there was always a blanket across him when he fell asleep or sitting close by when he managed to remain awake.
The Doctor understood Rory’s feelings, Cayodan had taken away Rory’s control of his own body trapping him in a limbo that forced Rory to see his actions. Thankfully, they’d released Rory before Cayodan managed to reach those deemed to be his enemies because the Doctor knew that Rory would never be able to come to terms with his body being used to kill.
They were lucky that Rory had such a deep connection with his childhood best friend, that Amy’s voice alone had been enough to give him the strength to fight Cayodan and the Doctor had thought suggesting they visit the vivacious red head but explaining their presence, wherever Amy was, wouldn’t be easy and Rory didn’t want her to know what he was doing.
The Doctor was pulled away from his contemplation as a phone began to ring inside the TARDIS. Bouncing up and sliding inside he was expecting it to be one of his companions’ mobiles, surprised to realise which phone was ringing.
“Doctor,” the voice of Martha Jones came, “I need your help.”
A smile touched his lips, “Of course. We’ll be there soon.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing you,” Martha told him before hanging up.
Returning the mobile to its small cubbyhole the Doctor headed back outside to where Rory and Donna were still sitting talking.
He walked over to them and smiled as they turned to him, “A friend has asked for some help, let’s go. We can come back for the sunset and meteor shower after.”
Donna and Rory slid off the rock, brushed the sand and dirt off their clothes and they all walked back to the TARDIS.
“Where are we going?” Donna asked.
 The TARDIS materialised on Earth and the Doctor instantly headed out, smiling to see Martha standing waiting for him.
“Martha Jones,” he said with a smile before closing the gap between them and hugging her tightly.
“Doctor,” she murmured as she hugged him back before he rested her back down, “You’re looking well.”
The Doctor shrugged, “You know me.”
“I do actually,” she laughed, whatever she was going to say next was cut off as the two people appeared behind the Doctor.
“Oh,” the Doctor said, realising he was being followed, “This is Donna and Rory, guys this is…”
“Dr Jones?” Rory spoke up making the Doctor stare at him stunned.
“Nurse Williams,” Martha smiled, “I never would have guessed you would end up travelling with the Doctor.”
Rory shrugged, “Me neither, although you travelling with him makes sense.”
Donna coughed and Rory turned, “This is Donna.”
“So, you two know one another?” Donna asked giving Martha a nod hello.
“We worked together,” Rory replied.
Martha laughed, “Well I was a medical student while he made sure my mistakes weren’t so bad.”
Donna chuckled, “Well that doesn’t surprise me.”
The Doctor coughed making them all turn to where he stood, “You said you needed our help?”
Martha chuckled, “Of course. Follow me,” she started them out of the alley where the TARDIS was sitting, “I was contacted by UNIT not long after I stopped travelling with the Doctor and offered a job. We’re at a construction site for a new school which found something odd beneath the building.”
“Odd sounds ominous,” Donna murmured.
Rory nodded.
“What is being described as odd?” the Doctor asked, ignoring his current companions.
Martha pulled her phone out and opened the gallery to show him several pictures that had been taken of the item. The Doctor frowned as he tried to make out anything specific.
“There is some writing on the sides of the object, but it only appears to be part of whatever that is,” the Doctor mused, he turned to Martha, “Who’s in charge of the UNIT team?”
“Colonel Terri Sheridan,” Martha replied, “She’s good.”
The Doctor sniffed, “We’ll see about that.”
 The construction site had been cordoned off and a UNIT mobile lab sat in the middle of the street which was blocked off by several trucks while soldiers ran around training as others stood guard.
“Dr Jones for Colonel Sheridan,” Martha said to the guard at the entrance they arrived at, “Tell her the Doctor is with me.”
The guard’s eyes widened just ever so slightly at that before he turned and called over his radio. Turning back a moment later he nodded.
“Dr Jones, you and your guests are expected in the mobile lab,” he said, stepping back to allow them through.
Donna’s head swung from side to side taking everything in, while Rory kept his eyes straight ahead falling into an almost military march. The Doctor glanced at him for a moment with a frown before turning back to Martha just as they reached the lab.
“Dr Jones,” the woman who appeared at the door smiled, “And this must be the Doctor.”
“Colonel Sheridan by any chance?” the Doctor asked.
She nodded, “I believe you knew my uncle.”
“And your uncle is?” the Doctor was intrigued.
“Mike Yates,” Sheridan smiled.
The Doctor stared at her dumbfounded, “No!!!! Mike Yates. How is he?”
“Currently driving my aunt crazy,” Sheridan laughed, “He broke his leg a few weeks ago climbing Ben Nevis with the group of kids he’s been working with.”
The Doctor chuckled, “Well that’s typical. Now, what do you have for me Colonel?”
“Follow me,” she started out of the lab and motioned him towards the site, “And please just call me Terri.”
The Doctor nodded, “This is Donna and Rory.”
“Ah, Mr Williams,” Terri grinned as she turned to him, “I heard about your adventure in the sewers.”
Rory shuddered slightly in the memory, automatically rubbing his arm in case the eggs had begun to grow.
“Alright,” the Doctor said, “Let’s see thi…” he trailed off as they reached the half-buried object, “Well, that is interesting.”
 Rory found a spot to sit as he watched the Doctor study what he could see of the object, while Martha and Donna got to know one another. There was something about it that felt familiar to him, but Rory had no idea why.
His phone buzzed and Rory smiled to see Amy had sent him a picture. Opening it he chuckled softly to see her and Julia standing in front of what the sign at the side proclaimed to be the world’s largest ball of twine. It was great to see her even in picture form and Rory wished he could spend some time with her.
He quickly typed back, ‘I’d hate to see the cat that plays with that’ before sending it. Amy’s reply back was a few laughing emojis and Rory thought about calling her but before he could the Doctor let out a cry.
“What?” they all asked.
“I need to see more of the object,” the Doctor told them, “But excavating it will not be easy. UNIT are trying to get scans of it, but we could be here for a few days.”
Donna shrugged, “I should check in with my family.”
Rory gave her a quick smile but remained silent he had no one to call. Besides he was interested in seeing what had been discovered.
“Rory,” the Doctor’s voice made him jump, surprised to find his friend standing there, “Are you with me?”
Looking up at him, Rory nodded.
The Doctor grinned, clapping Rory on the shoulder, “Come on, I want to see what you think.”
“You’ve read several books on things like this,” the Doctor reminded him, “And I know how well you retain information so let’s put that to some good use.”
 Night fell on the construction site and the UNIT excavation team left with the night shift guards taking over. Martha and Terri arranged for dinner at the restaurant close to the site. Rory sat and listened to the chatter around the table. Terri was telling stories her uncle had told her about working with the Doctor, who was simply smiling amused and refusing to admit if they were true or false.
After dinner the Doctor decided to head back to the lab to go over some of the pictures that had been taken off the additional layers revealed.
“You know what, I am not sitting around staring at the walls,” Donna said, “Who wants a drink?”
“That sounds great,” Martha grinned.
Terri sighed, “Unfortunately I have to be in charge but another time.”
“Rory?” Donna asked.
He hesitated before shrugging, “Actually I’m tired so I’m going to head back to the TARDIS and get some sleep.”
Donna caught his hand, “Are you sure?”
“It’s been a long day,” Rory told her, “And I’ve not slept much in the last few weeks, so I think it’s a good idea to sleep when I need to.”
Donna nodded, she gave him a quick hug, “If you can’t sleep, call me and we’ll tell you were we are so you can join us.”
Rory gave her a smile before he left them to enjoy their night. Reaching the TARDIS Rory smiled feeling the comforting hum as he walked into the console room. Heading along to his bedroom, Rory stepped inside it for the first time in a few weeks. Changing into his pyjamas, Rory slid under the covers and closed his eyes falling asleep almost instantly.
 Fast asleep Rory’s mind floated through the world outside the TARDIS, he could see the object but as he stood at the side the final layers of dirt disappeared and revealed the large octahedron sitting on its tip. Each side was covered in writing he recognised but couldn’t remember how he knew it.
Reaching out Rory touched different symbols on the side, watching the object begin to glow and pulsate before it suddenly exploded in a mix of fire and molten metal.
Gasping awake Rory looked around finding himself somewhere other than the TARDIS. It was a cavern, with solid looking walls made of some kind of black crystal. Slowly getting to his feet Rory discovered he was dressed and had somehow also put his shoes on. Fear gripped him as he looked around trying to work out where he was and if there was a way out of here signalled somewhere. Checking his pockets, he was disappointed to find his phone wasn’t there.
“That would have been helpful,” Rory sighed to the emptiness surrounding him.
He knew he couldn’t just stay here, as much as he kind of wanted to because there was no way anyone would find him. Taking a slow deep breath to stop himself from panicking, Rory turned and checked the two ways before deciding which way to head.
Donna’s startled voice made the Doctor look up from the screen he was staring at to find his friend running in, panic in her eyes,
“What’s wrong?”
Donna stopped and told him, “Rory is missing.”
The Doctor frowned, “Missing? Are you sure? He went to bed, but you know he hasn’t been sleeping. He’s probably in the library.”
“I checked,” Donna told him, “I wanted to make sure he was actually sleeping. His bed has been slept in, but it looks as though he’s got up and dressed. I checked the library, the observation deck and everywhere he goes to hide. He’s not in the TARDIS.”
“Have you called him?”
Donna pulled out Rory’s phone, “He left it.”
The Doctor stood taking the phone from her hand, “He never goes anywhere without this in case Amy calls.”
“I know,” she grimaced, “We have to find him.”
The Doctor nodded, “We do this methodically. We’re basically in a UNIT base so almost every square inch will be covered in cameras. Colonel,” he called making Terri turn to him, “I need access to every camera and security feed you have.”
“Something wrong, Doctor?” Terri asked.
“Rory may have walked somewhere he shouldn’t,” the Doctor said, “He’s missing, and I want to see if we can find him here.”
“Well,” she motioned them over to the security control section, “Rory was given full access to the site as one of your people. So, the guards would allow him in wherever he went. Lieutenant Grant will assist you with whatever you need.”
 Donna wanted to scream in frustration as she sat scanning footage of the base over the three hours since she’d last seen Rory. They had him heading to the TARDIS but since the alleyway they left it in wasn’t part of the base couldn’t tell if he entered it. With the multiple cameras everywhere, they were trying to catch where, if he had, re-entered the base.
“Doctor,” Grant spoke up, “I think I may have something. It’s not much but from the clothes it’s not a member of the UNIT team.”
They gathered around the screen and Grant showed them the footage of an arm going past the cameras.
“Well, the checked shirt screams Rory,” the Doctor mused, “But he’s avoiding the cameras.”
“Why would he?” Donna asked, she noted, “It’s almost like he’s…”
She trailed off and turned to the Doctor who was staring her with a similar horror covering his face.
“Grant,” the Doctor said, “From where that camera is, can you bring up a schematic of where he might be going?”
Grant frowned in thought for a moment, “I can try. The way he’s moving suggests a specific pathway. That means there are limited possibilities for his destination.”
“We work through them methodically,” the Doctor told him, “But when you find Rory, be careful.”
Grant looked confused, “Why?”
“Just be careful.”
 As Rory walked he could feel something tickle against his mind, like a whisper he could hear on the edge of his consciousness. Each step he took made it slightly louder and although Rory knew he shouldn’t move towards the creepy whispering, his legs wouldn’t stop.
The smooth black crystal structure was becoming darker and more sinister with each step. Every moment he moved forward Rory knew that this was wrong, but he couldn’t stop. The whispers became louder and more threatening.
He wanted to run, he wanted to get back to the TARDIS but he was being pulled closer to whatever was there.
Rory felt sick deep in the pit of his stomach as the memories he held of the man who had taken control of him were bubbling to the surface. He didn’t want to see them, didn’t want to remember any of the horrors the warrior had inflicted on others, and they were getting stronger with each step he took but it was impossible to stop.
 “Doctor,” Terri called before he ran out the door, “You need to look at this.”
Annoyed he spun back to the screen she was standing at, “What?”
“We managed to get a different type of scanner to check the artefact,” she explained, “It’s given some more details on the writing. I’m hoping this will help you.”
The Doctor scanned the writing, fear filling him as he began to realise what the thing was and if it was then he also knew why Rory was missing.
“Donna,” he yelled as he ran out, she jumped but followed him as he began to run towards the opening of the underground site.
“What the bloody hell?” Donna demanded as the walls around them became a black crystal, “Doctor?”
Shaking his head, the Doctor began to run faster, “The device is from a civilisation which decided they had the right to judge the universe. It hones in on guilt that the people it judges feel and considering everything that has recently happened to Rory, then the guilt he feels is enormous.”
Fear covered Donna’s face, “Oh no. He is barely holding on at the moment as it is.”
They continued through the tunnel and suddenly heard a cry of anguish. Glancing at one another, they began to run. Donna winced as they ran into a cave made of black crystal finding Rory on the ground tears rolling down his cheeks as a man she didn’t recognise sat on a throne.
“Do you speak for the accused,” the man intoned.
The Doctor pulled out the sonic screwdriver and scanned him as Donna dropped down to Rory’s side. She could see the agony in his eyes and wanted to take away all the pain he was feeling right now.
“Who accuses him?” the Doctor demanded.
“I am Halig of the Theiums,” the man replied, “We judge those who are not worthy.”
Anger filled Donna, “He hasn’t done anything.”
Halig let out a laugh, “His memories say different.”
“They’re not his,” Donna snapped.
“It won’t work,” the Doctor told her, “Halig isn’t real, he’s a program set up to judge people who feel guilty. We must have activated it when we got here. Otherwise, there would have been a queue.”
Halig stood and intoned, “Present your arguments.”
“No,” the Doctor replied, “I don’t recognise your authority.”
The man tilted his head before he seemed to flicker and repeated, “Present your arguments.”
Rory cried out, gripping his head.
“Stop,” the Doctor snapped, “You have no authority here. If you don’t stop, I will destroy you.”
Again, the man tilted his head before he flickered and repeated, “Present your arguments.”
“Doctor,” Donna yelled, “You have to stop it,”
Annoyed the Doctor scanned what could be seen of the artefact and frowned, “Give me your phone.”
Donna instantly obeyed before she turned back to Rory, managing to pull him into her arms and hugging him close. The Doctor could hear her whispering comfort to the younger man before he quickly called Martha.
“I need some explosives,” he told her, “I’ve set the sonic to direct you to where we are, but you need to hurry.”
 Donna looked up at the Doctor when he crouched down beside them, they were now completely ignoring Halig who seemed to be stuck in a loop, confused by the Doctor refusal to accept it’s authority.
“Why do we need the explosives?” Donna asked.
The Doctor frowned, “I can’t access the system. It’s dead-lock sealed which means the sonic can’t open it.”
“Will it hurt Rory?” Donna stroked his hair as Rory curled into her lost in the memories he was being forced to relive.
Grimacing the Doctor shook his head, “I don’t know but if I leave it then that thing will continue to torture him.”
Only a few moments later Martha, Terri and several guards arrived carrying the explosives the Doctor had asked for.
“Donna, Martha,” he ordered as he took the explosives, “Get Rory out of here. Best to get him into the TARDIS.”
Martha nodded and ordered two of the guards to help them carry Rory out of the cave. Assured his friend was being moved to safety, the Doctor turned back to the artefact and began to place the explosives at strategic places.
“Is this a good idea?” Terri asked.
The Doctor nodded, “If I’m right, which I usually am, this will implode after the initial explosion, and you won’t need to excavate the site.”
Terri sighed, “Well, my report will basically blame you for this. So, whenever you’re ready.”
The Doctor set the timer and they started to run. Reaching the edge of the safe zone just as the timer hit zero and the ground shook at the explosion. Watching the large object suddenly crumple in on itself, the Doctor nodded in satisfaction before he ducked into the TARDIS.
 Donna hugged Rory tightly as they sat on the floor of the TARDIS as they waited for the Doctor to destroy the thing that was hurting him. Martha was standing worriedly but it was clear she felt uncomfortable.
Suddenly the room shook and Rory gasped.
“Hey,” Donna whispered, “Rory, talk to me.”
Her friend’s green eyes focussed on her, “It’s stopped,” he whispered.
The door opened and the Doctor walked in, instantly moving to Rory’s side and dropping down beside him.
“Doctor,” Rory breathed, “Why won’t he leave me alone?”
Tears filled Donna’s eyes at Rory’s question, as the Doctor grimaced.
“I’m sorry, Rory,” the Doctor told him, “I should have recognised the artefact faster and never should have let you near it.”
“You need to sleep,” Donna spoke up.
Rory shook his head, “I can’t.”
“Do you trust me?” the Doctor asked softly.
Donna squeezed Rory’s hand as he nodded.
Placing his fingers on Rory’s temples, the Doctor breathed, “Then trust me now and I’ll help you rest.”
Rory leaned into the Doctor and Donna sighed in relief that the younger man did trust the Time Lord as the Doctor gently helped Rory into unconsciousness.
 The Doctor took Terri’s offered hand.
“It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Doctor,” Terri said, “Uncle Mike will be annoyed he didn’t get a chance to see you, but I know you have to leave.”
He nodded, “Give Mike my best.”
“How is Rory?” she asked quietly.
“Recovering,” was all the Doctor said, “Look after yourself, Colonel. You’ve given me hope for the future of UNIT.”
She chuckled as he gave her another quick smile before he headed into the TARDIS. Donna and Martha were standing talking waiting for him.
“Thanks for coming,” Martha hugged him.
The Doctor smiled as he hugged her back, “You’re welcome. I’m glad you and your family are doing well.”
Martha let him go before asking, “Will Rory be okay?”
The Doctor nodded, “He will. He is tougher than people think.”
“I remember,” Martha smiled, she turned to Donna and hugged her quickly, “Look after them.”
Donna nodded, “Someone has to.”
As Martha left the Doctor threw his coat over the railing and moved to the console.
“Where are we going?” Donna asked.
“Rory needs someone to help him through this,” the Doctor told her, “And there is only one person I know who will do that.”
Donna frowned confused for a moment before realisation hit her, “Amy.”
“Amy,” the Doctor nodded, “He needs her in person this time and I don’t care if he doesn’t want her to know he’s travelling with us. She’s who he needs right now.”
“Then let’s go get her,” Donna stated, gripping the console as the Doctor hit the lever.
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deep end of a dream
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Reader & Ganger!Doctor x reader
Summary: You were in love with the Doctor but unfortunately the Doctor couldn't make up his mind between his feeling for you and for River. When an accident resulting in creation of another Doctor, will that be the answer everyone is hoping for?
Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, dark!doctor, etc. You have been warned.
More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
    "Y-you are leaving the Tardis? Where are you going?"
  He smiled as he show you a vortex manipulator. "Cheap time travel but this will do. I can go anywhere anytime."
  "B-but..." You felt unwillingness to part with him. 
  "Two doctors in one Tardis? That could never work out." The ganger Doctor turned stabilized said. "I can't stay here." He took a step toward you, taking one of your hands in his. "I was hoping you would come with me."
  Your mouth dropped open in shock.
  "I mean I know I'm not the real Doctor..."
  "You are the Doctor." You insisted.
  He smiled solemnly. "You told him before that you are leaving him...leaving the Tardis."
  You did say that to the original Doctor before he took you and the Ponds to the flesh factory. You are done waiting for him, waiting for a man who could never love you properly. 
  "Come with me." The ganger Doctor pleaded.
  You didn't know what to say.
  You have been with the Doctor longer than any other companion. You first met the Doctor in his tenth incarnation while he was with Rose. You soon fell in love with the Doctor but has to endure heartbreak as he only has eyes for Rose. After losing Rose, the Doctor dropped you at home and didn't come back for you for a long while. He said you are better off without him. You pleaded him to let you stay but he cruelly ignored you.
  You met the Doctor on board of the valiant courtesy of the Master. The Master somehow found out about your feeling for the Doctor and use it against you and the Doctor. You were there as a hostage and as the Master's plaything. He likes to rub it that the Doctor doesn't love you. He basically outed your pathetic feeling for the Doctor.
  It was a very long and painful year. You were forced to watch as the Master torture the Doctor, regressed him into a sort of aged creature and put him in a cage as added humiliation. You met Jack, an immortal and a former companion of the Doctor. He was a hostage as well and his fate is worst than you. The Master likes to be variable in his method of torture. And yet, Jack is brave and still laughed in face of repeated tortures and deaths.
  Then you met Martha, the woman who walked the Earth, the storyteller, the one who saved the Doctor and the world. Like you, Martha was in love with the Doctor but the Doctor still hung up on Rose. After time is reset, Martha decided to stop travelling with the Doctor. 
  The Doctor apologized to you for getting you involved with his mess. You were sure he would turn you away again but instead he asked you to travel again with him and like the besotted fool you are, you agreed. But the two of you never talked about the elephant in the room which is your outed feeling for the Doctor. Both of you pretended that it didn't happen. But it was hard for you, traveling with the Doctor, interacting with him, discovering his many adorable quirk that made your feeling for him strengthen.
  Eventually, Donna joined you and the Doctor. She recognized your feeling for the Doctor immediately and she is being supportive of you despite you telling her about your love rival, Rose.
  During one of your routine adventure with Doctor and Donna, you met River Song. River seemed to know who you are and acted as if you and her are friends despite you have no idea who she is. You got jealous at how River confidently talked and keep up with the Doctor. You and Donna got uploaded inside CAL. After the Doctor saved everyone, you learned that River is dead and you felt guilty for being jealous of her before. That woman died to save everyone.
  Donna often likes to push you and the Doctor together. During a visit at Midnight, Donna pushes you to take a trip with the Doctor instead of spending time at the spa with her. You got under thrall of an unknown creature that possessed another passenger and the Doctor had to save you from it while stopping the rest of the passengers from trying to have you thrown out of the cabin.
  He kissed you and took the infection off you, rendering himself under the creature's thrall. You tried to save him too but it was futile. You tried to calm down everyone but it was like all of them has lost their rational mind. When you both finally survived the creature, you could only hugged each other in relief. You cried and accidentally tell him that you love him. But he was too distracted to respond.
  Many things happened so fast after that. Earth got stolen and Rose come back. So you and the Doctor never got a chance to talk about it. You don't know whether to feel sad or relief, after all, knowing your feeling is unrequited. It hurts watching the Doctor and Rose reunited. You could see how much they love each other through their interaction.
  Then, metacrisis Doctor Donna happened. After saving the universe, the Doctor left Rose and Metacrisis Doctor back on the paralel universe. You and the Doctor had to say goodbye to Donna whose memory got erased. You insisted of staying with the Doctor. You can't bear to let him be alone. Luckily, he didn't fight you about staying.
  He was lonely still. You weren't enough for him. You know this. It hurts. You let him use you. He soaked in your love for him.
  You stayed with him through his regeneration into the bow-tied man that you will eventually love too. Inside the crashing Tardis, you fell into the swimming pool and got a concussion for it. The newly-regenerated Doctor is very worried for you.
  You were wary of the new Doctor but he was very affectionate with you. He fussed over you. He treated your head wound. You eventually accepted that he is still the Doctor you know, just a little bit difference, well, a lot difference.
  The Doctor invited Amy to board the Tardis. You and Amy get along alright. She notices immediately about your feeling for the Doctor. You are wondering if you are really bad to keep your feeling a secret if anyone could know immediately.
  This version of the Doctor really is too affectionate. He loves hugging or taking your hand in his firmly. Sometimes you could almost believe he is flirting with you. But, of course, the Doctor remained vague regarding your relationship. You might be making a mistake by staying. As you expected, the more you know this new Doctor, the more your feeling for him grow even more, one might say it was like a cancer.
  You and the Doctor met River again. Your heart is broken again when you heard the Doctor confirmed Amy's teasing that River is indeed his future wife. But the threat of the weeping angels distracted you enough from letting yourself drown in misery.
  River is very nice with you, still saying that you and her are friends. When you two are alone, you decided to ask whether she is really married to the Doctor. She only gave you a really annoyingly vague answer.
  You are done. You wanted to leave the Doctor. You will not stay and pined for a married man. But River seemed to figure out your line of thinking and pleaded you to stay. She said the Doctor need you and that someday you will have to save the Doctor. You don't know if she is lying however you have no choice but to stay in case she really is saying the truth.
  Afterward you tried to keep your distant with the Doctor. Both the Doctor and Amy noticed. Amy tried to comfort you, knowing your reasoning.
  Rory eventually joined inside the Tardis too. It's getting kind of crowded in the Tardis but you didn't mind. You also get along nice with Rory.
  While the Doctor and Amy are kind a bit reckless, you and Rory become their voice of reason...somewhat. You would even said you and Rory are probably the sane ones. The Doctor and Amy would jump and greet dangers together while laughing a bit like maniac. They often ganged up against you and Rory, calling you both the boring ones.
  "The Doctor is a selfish old man. You will be waiting for a long time for him, poor little (name)." The Dream Lord had mocked you. "And he will let you wait for him instead of letting you go. He is that cruel."
  You hated that everyone seemed to know your feeling for the Doctor. 
  "You are right, little (name), he is like a cancer. You better run before he takes over you completely." He said.
  He is reading your mind. How can he be reading your mind like this?
  "But I suppose, it was already too late for you, eh?"
  When they finally defeated the Dream Lord, you can't help but wonder if the Doctor can read other people's mind after he admitted that the Dream Lord is in fact a darker version of himself.
  Tears falling from your cheeks as you watched the somewhat weary Doctor sitting inside Pandorica, readying himself to fly toward the exploding Tardis.
  River had explained that when he did that, he will be erased from time. You can't accept that but it is not like your opinion matters to him. 
  The Doctor looked a bit sad when you said that to him. "You always matters to me and I do listen to you but in this case, you know it is the only way."
  You wiped your tears furiously. "River said you can't come back...that you will be trapped on the wrong side... We would have never met at all." You whispered with a crack in your voice as more tears falling from your cheeks.
  He smiled as he put a hand over your cheek. "Oh, my dearest (name)...I'm sorry...It seemed that I always ended up hurting you..."
  You blinked at him in confusion before you realized he was talking about your feeling for him. You tried to smile. "It's alright, Doctor, I know you don't feel the same for me. I'm just glad that you let me stay. Being with you..."
  "...is hurting you and yet you stays with me through everything..." The Doctor cut in. He looked at you with a sad look. "I don't deserve you."
  You shook your head at that. "Don't say that. It was my choice to stay with you. You show me the wonder of the universe and more. I would always be grateful for that. I love you, Doctor, I'm not sorry that I do and...you shouldn't either. I don't regret you so please don't..." You trailed.
  He smiled as he drew you closer and kissed your forehead. "Live a good life, my (name), find your happiness no matter what happen..." He murmured to you.
  You left him and told Amy to go to the Doctor.
  "People fall out of the world sometimes, but they- they always leave traces, little things you can't quite account for. Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely, and, if something can be remembered, it can come back." You heard him says that to Amy.
  River stood by your side. She was staring at the Doctor and Amy with a solemn look. Her eyes are glassy.
  "It will be alright. He will come back." You said to her suddenly. You don't know why you said that. Maybe your faith in the Doctor is still strong, making you believe that he will overcome this and you need to share that faith with those who love him as you do.
  River looked surprised at your words. She smiled kindly at you and took one of your hand in hers.
  The world exploded and rebooted. Everything felt like it was spiraled out of your control. When you come to, you were sitting in your favorite park bench with a book in your hands. You blinked as you tried to shake off the feeling of loss and grief within your heart but you have no idea why you felt like that.
  As you stared blankly at space, you heard the wheezing sound of the Tardis. At first, you are confused as you no longer recognized that sound. Then the blue box appeared a few feet away from you and your memory started to return. You dropped your book as you stood up and walked cautiously toward the box.
  The Doctor, dressed in a suit and a top hat, walked out of the Tardis. "Come on, (name), we will miss Amy and Rory's wedding." He said.
  "Doctor?" You whispered. 
  He smiled brightly at you.
  You walked toward him and tentatively touched his arms as if wanting to make sure he is real. Tears filled your eyes once more and you hugged him tight. He hugged you back, rubbed your back in gesture of comfort before he pulled you inside the Tardis.
  He explained to you how Amy brought him back just as he predicted. He had just been crashing the Pond's reception and he was trying to move the Tardis out of the ballroom for space. It was then he come back for you.
  As you got out of the Tardis and into the ballroom with the Doctor, Amy grinned and pulled you into a hug.  "I'm so glad you are here, (name)." she said.
  You smiled at both Amy and Rory. You complimented her. She looked beautiful in her wedding dress. The two of you had a good laugh when you both saw how the Doctor danced a giraffe dance with the kids. 
  You smiled fondly as you watched Amy and Rory danced together. You are glad that they have got their happy ending.
  The Doctor stood beside you with a fond smile. "2000 years. The boy who waited." He said.
  You noticed River outside the windows, smiling and then leaving. You told the Doctor that you saw her and the Doctor goes to her, saying something about having to return her diary to her. You watched him go with a somewhat bittersweet smile.
  The Doctor invited you to watch his death in Lake Silencio. How can he be this cruel? Both you and Amy can't cope, seeing his painful death. Rory and River are the ones who still did as the Doctor told, still wanting to complete the mission given to them.
  Then a younger version of the Doctor appeared before you screwing your mind even more. River explained it to you and the Ponds regarding the Doctor and the rule of time. She made you and the Ponds swore never to tell the Doctor about his death back in Lake Silencio.
  In America, you have another talk with River. She insinuated that the Doctor has feeling for both you and River. But you already know that the Doctor would never pick you so why are you still insist to stay with him? Are you really this foolish? He is stringing you along just like the Dream Lord said. Are you this pathetic that you will let him do that forever?
  You made up your mind about leaving the Doctor and the Tardis. It was time you stop waiting for a man who would never love you properly. You felt a bit guilty about leaving the Ponds to deal with the upcoming death of the Doctor but you found you no longer can stand be around him anymore. 
  You told the Doctor about leaving. He look like a sad kicked puppy much to your guilt. He convinced you to stay until he can give you a proper last hurrah.
  Next thing you know, there are two Doctors, one of them is a ganger. You tried to keep your distance from both Doctors. You thought it was the only way for you to leave, stop caring for the Doctor, harden your heart. But you found you couldn't ignore the Doctor especially in the face of death so when the original Doctor decided to let the ganger Doctor stay behind to die, your mind just flashed back into that dreadful day at Lake Silencio and you just 'nope' so bad as you lost your marble and forced the ganger Doctor to come on board of the Tardis.
  Of course you know, the ganger Doctor is just that, a ganger but the original Doctor is the one who treated the ganger as something more and now he's just gonna let him die? The Doctor is the one who said a ganger has all their counterpart's memories. The ganger Doctor is essentially the Doctor too, so how can you let him die?
  You pleaded like crazy with the ganger Doctor not to sacrifice himself. The ganger Doctor tried to get you to go with the original Doctor, telling you that your Doctor is safe with you but there is no reasoning with you. He eventually relents when you gave him ultimatum to get inside the Tardis or you stay here with him and die together. Deep down, you were yelling at your stupidity but you could only feel relieved when he finally surrender to your wish for him to stay alive.
  You heard the Doctor telling all the gangers on board of the Tardis about how the energy inside the time ship will stabilized them and made them a real person. You wondered if the ganger Doctor is a full Time Lord or become a human but you didn't ask, still in somewhat shock state. You wondered what the original Doctor must think of you and how the ganger Doctor will fit in the Tardis. Maybe you messed this up but you could hardly regret the Doctor, any Doctor, for long.
  There is no time to concern with the issue of ganger Doctor though when both Doctors finally revealed the truth about Amy being a ganger too.
  After rescuing Amy and losing baby Melody and to finding out River is Melody, you could finally have time to yourself. You wondered if leaving the Doctor is still something you wanted. 
  River is on board of the Tardis and shamelessly flirted with both Doctors. 
  You snorted to yourself. What were you thinking? Now that there are two Doctors, one of them will choose you? How stupid you can be? There is part of you who now wonder which Doctor died in that Lake Silencio, the original or the ganger? You wondered if your motive of rescuing ganger Doctor is as shallow as hoping one of them will pick you or as cruel as to have replacement Doctor to face death in Lake Silencio. But it was hardly your problem now. You decided you still have to leave.
  That's when the ganger Doctor come to you with his proposition. "Come with me, (name)." He pleaded.
  Your mouth dropped open in shock. "W-why?"
  He smiled. "I am alive because of you. Is it a wonder I would like to spend the rest of my life with you?"
  "B-but..." You wanted to ask him about River but your mind stop you short. That was probably not a nice thing to ask. Of course, River will get to be with the original. The Doctor and River Song in the Tardis. You were always the spare and now it seemed this Doctor is too. 
  He looked insecure now. "I understand if you didn't want to. I just want a chance to be the man that you deserve."
  Without thinking, you pulled him closer and kissed him. As you broke the kiss, he stared at you solemnly before suddenly burst into adorable giggle which in turn make you smile.
  The ganger Doctor switched his name into John Noble. You smiled at his chosen surname in honor of Donna Noble. 
  You and John traveled the universe every time you can but it was limited due to the limited ability of the vortex manipulator. He was working on making a better and safer version of vortex manipulator though.
  You both picked a place to be called home since you both got no Tardis as home-base. He made your dream house, a small cottage with white picket fence and he even got you a dog. 
  "How did you even get all of this?" You asked.
  "I am still technically the Doctor, you know. I have friends in high place." He said as he made a motion with his hands.
  You laughed as you hugged your new pet companion. You and John had a funny banter about naming the dog. John insisted that he speaks dog and the dog wanted to be called some silly, really long name.
  You eventually married John. It was hard at first as you were still riddled with insecurity, believing that he will somehow grew tired of you and left on his own. He had assured you many times that he would never abandon you. He murmured about how he can hardly believe that the other Doctor actually let you go with him. You asked him what he is talking about but he distracted you with hug and kisses. You eventually believe him and accepted his marriage proposal.
  "I wanted to grow old with you." He told you.
  That honestly the nicest thing the Doctor ever said to you, well, technically it wasn't really the Doctor who said it. it was John. Suddenly your mind flashed back into Rose and metacrisis Doctor. Were the two of you similar to them in some way?
  You have a happy marriage with John. There were some up and down. He, in some way, is the Doctor so naturally he can't quite cope to stay in one place too long. Sometimes he took you to sightseeing and have your own adventure which thankfully does not include some deathly crisis. Sometimes he goes on his own, those days are hard for you, worrying he will not come back for you.
  One day, he returned home injured. He was not alone. Jack Harkness is with him. You were surprised to see him again and really scared upon seeing the injured John. Apparently someone thought John is the Doctor and attempted to kill him. Had it not for Jack, he would have died. Thankfully, his injury is not fatal. In fact, one might say, he is quite lucky. You know John still have some Time Lord qualities in him, he can't regenerate but he has a somewhat rapid healing ability.
  Tears fell on your cheeks as you repeatedly punched John in his arms much to his dismay. "You are grounded forever, you jerk!" You yelled.
  Jack is amused as he watched your interaction with John before the smile slide off his face. "You two need to hid. The world, right now, is against the Doctor and John having his face will not help his case."
  "What do you mean? What happened?" You demanded.
  Jack and John exchanged a look with each other.
  "It's the Doctor." Jack said grimly. "He did something."
  "Did what? What are you talking about?" You asked suddenly feeling scared on top of all the confusion.
  "He is not the Doctor we used to know any longer, (name). He's changed. And I didn't mean he regenerated and has a change of personality again. I mean, he's changed." John said.
  You stared at John. "You met him?"
  John shook his head. "I didn't. But I saw the trail of destruction he left behind." He said grimly.
  You stared blankly at your husband. "I'm sorry, did you just say a trail of destruction?"
  John and Jack nodded somberly at you.
  "No, you're wrong. We are talking about the Doctor here. He is not..."
  "You don't know the Doctor as much as you think you do, (name)." John replied.
  "But... John, you believe that the Doctor...you are capable of this...??"
  "Well..." John laughed harshly. "...we didn't get the name oncoming storm for nothing you know..."
  You shook your head. "No. Something must have happened to him. Maybe someone controlled his mind. He would not do whatever it is you think he did." You stubbornly said.
  "(name)..." John called out with a sigh.
  "No!" You left your husband and Jack as you went into the garden. 
  You walked back and forth as you tried to come to term with what John had said. You picked up your smartphone and your fingers hovered over the Doctor's Tardis number. You bit your lips and you called him on your phone.
  John suddenly pulled your phone out of your hand and smashed it into the ground.
  "John, what the hell!!" You were angry but when you saw his expression which is a mixture of anger and fear, you become speechless.
  Jack entered the garden and told the both of you to run before the Doctor come for you both.
  John nodded grimly as he grabbed his vortex manipulator and sonic screwdriver before turning to you and said, "I know you are afraid, (name) but you have to trust me. Please trust me." He cupped your face as he is pleading for you to believe him.
  "I do trust you, John." You replied.
  "Then you have to believe me. The Doctor is dangerous. He's a changed. And now we need to run before he came for us."
  "He would not hurt us!" You said, almost offended.
  John look saddened. "Maybe before. Now, I'm not so sure."
  What could possibly happened to the Doctor? You were very curious but also very afraid especially as you watched John loses his cool with each passing moments.
  You went on the run with John. He had used perception filter on the both of you. The people of the whole world is afraid of the Doctor but also they were trying to kill him. Since John had his face and everything, people might targeted him or might try to use him against the Doctor. He does has his memories. He could be a threat but mostly to the Doctor. As you realized this, you are very afraid for John.
  While on the run, you started to find out exactly what you feared that the Doctor has somehow turned evil and has set many planet on the course of destruction. You wanted to cry. What happened to the Doctor for him to change this much? John had told you about a prophecy of the Valeyard, a version of the Doctor turned evil, and now it seemed the prophecy is finally here.
  You are scared, wondering if your life with John will ever be safe again. There were a few times, people are able to see past the perception filter and that few times almost cost John his life. You almost hated the Doctor for putting you and John in deep end like this.
  You and John eventually found a safe place to stay. Each night you hugged him tight, afraid that you will lose him for good.
  You put out the grocery on the table at the small house you and John rented. You thought this day would come and goes as usual (it wasn't good but slightly okay) but of course the universe seemed to conspire against your happiness because as you went into the living room, you saw the Tardis. You gasped, feeling like someone just punch you in the gut.
  "Hello, my dearest (name)."
  You slowly turned around to face the Doctor. He was wearing a dark purple suit. His eyes looked weary but he was smiling at you like an old friend. "D-Doctor..."
  "You looked good. John has taken a good care of you." He said with approval.
  "John, where is he? What did you do to him?" You demanded.
  "John is safe...for now."
  You flinched at that. "W-what do you want, Doctor?"
  He smiled as he walked toward you. His hand hovered over your cheek before settling to touch your hair instead. "I miss my best friend. Just pop up for a visit."
  You are shaking and he noticed it. 
  He smiled in amusement but his eyes looked sad. "Seemed like you have heard some stories about me then..."
  You took a step back away from him. "Please just leave me and John alone."
  "I would if I could, dearest (name), but John had to go against me after everything I did for him." The Doctor said with disdain. "Gave him my first face and then he dare to go up against me?"
  The Doctor hummed. "I guess you didn't know."
  "Know what?"
  "That John has been aiding the resistance against me."
  You froze. John never told you that. He was always with you most of the time. How can he be aiding the resistance? But then again, part of you are not really surprised. John is the Doctor, after all, at least the part of the Doctor that is good. Is it a wonder that he will try to save the world from his other self? But you also want to slap him silly for putting himself in danger.
  "Don't hurt him." You begged. "Please don't hurt him."
  The Doctor tiled his head, observing you. "You love him." He sighed. "I guess you do since you left me and married the man."
  You flinched again at what he is insinuating. "You had your chance. You choose River. He choose me."
  "I know."
  "Doctor, what happened to you?"
  The Doctor laughed harshly. "Life, I guess. I lost the Ponds and I send River to the library a long time ago. Got a new companion. Clara Oswald. That impossible girl. You would have love her, (name), always keeping me on my toes, just like River." He looked sad now. "Always saving me, just like River. She splintered herself, you know, just to save my life. Having to be reborn again and again and died for the Doctor. I saved the original but I lost her again."
  "What happened to her?" You asked. 
  "They took her from me and made it impossible for me to save her. I made them pay for what they did." He said with a faraway look on his face. "I've lost so much." He whispered sadly. "No more." He added grimly before turning his intense gaze on you.
  You flinched under his gaze.
  "Come with me."
  "I need you, (name). You have always been there for me before. I hurt you so many times, ignoring your feeling for me, taking you for granted...and now I can’t stand be apart from you any longer."
  You shook your head. "N-no. I can't be with you. I'm with John now."
  He looked sad when you said that and then a darker expression crossed his features. "You are happy with a cheap copy?" He laughed mockingly at you.
  You glared at him. "He's not a cheap copy! He is a better man than you are!"
  The Doctor laughed again and stopped short. "I know."
  You stared at him in confusion with the way he acted. He said something cruel and the next he looked remorseful.
  "I would have like for you to come quietly with me. I guess I have no choice." He said as he pulled a sonic screwdriver at you.
  You recognized the sonic screwdriver as John's. You felt sudden fear for John. "What did you do? Doctor, what did you do to him?"
  He snapped his fingers as the Tardis door suddenly opened. "Go ahead. He's in there."
  You were hesitate at first but at the mention of John,  you quickly went inside. You saw John on the Tardis floor, groaning in pain. "John!" You called out as you bend your knees near him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tears started to fell from your cheeks again.
  "(name), run..." John whispered at you.
  The Doctor went inside the Tardis but remaining standing on the doorway. He gazed at both you and John flatly.
  "What did you do to him?" You demanded.
  "Oh, I just reverse him. Your husband will turn into a yogurt again soon." The Doctor chuckled cruelly. "Funny that, yogurt..."
  "Stop it! Just stop it! What do you want?!" You yelled.
  "I told you what I want, (name)."
  "What could you possibly want from me? Why are you doing this?"
  He hummed. "You were always so loyal to me, (name). Back when I was sand-shoes, he treated you badly and still you stayed throughout his remaining life. You also stayed for me despite having a hard time to accept that I am still the Doctor, despite knowing what River is to me. That's why I allowed you to save him. That's why I allowed you to leave me for him. You deserve better." He said as he moved toward you, kneeling before you and cupped your face. "The first face this face saw... You are very dear to me, (name). I thought I could give you the same thing sand-shoes gave Rose. But now I realized I couldn't just let you go." He sighed. "The Dream Lord is right to warn you, (name), should have run from me. And now, I can't just let you go any longer."
  "Doctor, please...don't do this."
  The Doctor released you and stand up moving away from you. "So, I'm going to give you a choice, stay with me and I save your yogurt husband or refused me and well, he's yogurt...but I will still take you with me anyway." He chuckled. "Not much a choice I guess."
  You glared hatefully at him. You turned to John in sorrow. "Fine. You win. Save him and I will go with you. But you have to leave him alone. No turning him back into a ganger."
  "Deal." The Doctor grinned boyishly at you. You used to love that grin but now all you felt is hollow. He raised a hand toward you.
  "Please let me say goodbye to him first."
  He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Make it quick."
  John groaned as the Doctor sonic-ed him into a stable condition. "(name), what did you do?"
  "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." You whispered to him. "I have to go with him."
  John's eyes widened in fear. "No, (name), he is not himself. He is dangerous."
  "I know, I have no choice. He will turned you back into a ganger otherwise. Can he really do that?"
  John nodded in forlorn. "Unfortunately we are smart enough to do that."
  The Doctor snorted at that.
  You glared at him, demanding privacy and to your surprise, he did leave. You turned back to John. "At this rate, you have to become the Doctor that the world needs, John. He told me about the resistance."
  "I'm sorry. I was careless. He found out."
  You shook your head. "Then you have to be better, John. You have to. You are so much more than him." You said as you caressed his cheek lovingly. "I love you."
  John pulled you close and kissed you.
  "Alright, that's enough." The Doctor said.
  You reluctantly stood up and leave John to stand by the Doctor's side. You glanced at the Doctor. "Give me your words that you will not harm him ever again."
  "I promise as long as you stay with me, John Noble will be safe."
  You watched as the Doctor moved around the console, readying the Tardis for take off, leaving John behind.
  He acted too hard to be like the way it was before, pretending to be the Doctor and his companion traveling the universe, except the universe hates him now. And to you, he was no longer your friend or the man you used to loved. You yearned to be with John but you know you can't. 
  He started acting like he was John. He took you on a date night, gave you chocolate and flowers. You played along to his whims, dressed in his chosen dress, dance with him and let him kiss you. Thankfully, he didn't demand you to have sex with him. You couldn't cope otherwise. But he made you sleep in the same bed as him in a room he choose to be yours and his now.
  He took you out sightseeing so many times. He even took you to a villain gala. You didn't even know that was a thing. You felt sick how the guests of that ball greeted the Doctor as if he is the star of the show or something. It was there you first met Missy. The Doctor introduced her to you and told you that Missy is actually Mistress, another name for the Master. You can hardly believe that the Doctor is actually in a good speaking term with the Master, the man that used to torture the previous Doctor back on the Valiant during the year that never was.
  Missy recognized you and predictably mocked you and your situation. You were furious when you learned she is the reason why John got caught by the Doctor. But it's not like you can do anything to her. You were mad and you left the Doctor's side. You refused to be taken to this sort of party. Despite angry at you for disobeying, he agreed not to take you to a villain gala again.
  "I meant I know you are always so attached with your pets, Doctor, but this is ridiculous. Sooner or later, you will lose her too, she is only human after all." You heard Missy said to the Doctor.
  The dark expression that crossed his feature made you really, really nervous.
  You pleaded the Doctor not to force immortality on you but he ignored you. 
  With the help of Missy, the Doctor got his hand on a drug or some technology that can prolong your life. He insisted to make you immortal just like Jack. He said he didn't want to lose you. He said he won't let anyone take you from him. Honestly, he made you very afraid.
  And then he took you to a planet called Trenzalore where he released Gallifrey upon the universe. He didn't care that the planet got burn in the fight between Gallifrey and its enemies. With the help of the Doctor, if you can even called him that anymore, Gallifrey won. The Doctor was given a new set of regeneration as a reward from Rassilion. He thanked him for the reward and then proceed to kill him, proclaiming himself as the new president of Gallifrey.
  After getting what he wanted from Gallifrey, he left the planet alone and took you back into the Tardis.
  You couldn't believe him. He just do all those cruel things without blinking, not an ounce of remorse in him. Was the Doctor truly lost forever? And this man, he still claimed to be the Doctor, undoing the real Doctor's life work by turning everything upside down and burn down everything good. He found glee in soiling the name 'Doctor'.
  And yet what it is with his obsession with you? He never care about you to that point before. Missy eventually explained what being the first face an incarnation saw meant. You finally got what you wanted, a special place in the Doctor's hearts, but why does it has to be like this?
  Missy offered you a way to escape but you were suspicious about her intention. "Frankly I don't care whether you stay with the Doctor or not as long as you and him continue to provide me with entertainment. Sure, I could help you escape him without him ever knowing I help you. But you should know, he would never stop searching for you if you do. He would even burn planet after planet just to get to you. It would be fun to watch, well, for me anyway." She said.
  How can you tried to escape when the price of freedom is other planet and its people dying because of you? You are not a martyr but even so you are not that selfish. And so you stayed by his side, trying your best to rein him in when possible. You learned he is willing to be merciful in your presence. You took full advantage of it in hope to save some.
  You thought of John. He was your only hope. You hope he could somehow save the world but if he can't, you can only hope he will be okay wherever he is. As you thought of your immortality, you couldn't help but cry. You were supposed to grow old with John. You don't even know how many years has passed since last you saw him.
  Hope resurfaced within you when you heard news about John being active in resistance, outsmarting the Doctor in his scheme. You only found out because the Doctor lost his marble after being outsmarted by John. 
  "I should have turn him back into a yogurt..." He said begrudgingly.
  You glared at him. "You made a promise to me, don't you dare break it."
  "Given the chance, you would have run back to him, wouldn't you? Perhaps I should make sure that you won't have anyone to return to but me." He said with a cruel smirk.
  "I am here with you as you wanted. Don't you dare harm John."
  "Fine, I won't." He said but the look in his eyes made you suspicious.
  "You are not allowed to scheme against him!"
  "Oh, my dearest (name), don't you worry about me hurting that yogurt husband of yours. I won't need to lift a finger against him. I know someone who would very much like to do it." He said. "She has always hated my old-self. She would probably have as much fun as me to rile him up. John Noble, the stand-in Doctor."
  You realized he was talking about Missy. You froze in fear. "No, make her stop."
  "No one can stop Missy once she set her eyes on something. She has always been stubborn especially when it comes to me." He said with a smirk. "But, hey, don't worry, John is basically me, right? He will do fine."
  "I hate you." You said.
  His smirk faltered.
  You turned around and left him in the console room.
  You were forced to watch another planet he conquered just because of boredom. He proclaimed himself as King and you his Queen. It was all very stupid, in your opinion. He made you wear a stupid crown proclaiming that crowns are cool. When he said that, you just remembered the old Doctor who kept telling everyone how bow-ties or fezzes are cool. It made you miss the Doctor terribly.
  This version of the Doctor, once in a while, made you wondered if the old Doctor still resides within him deep inside but then whenever he did, he would started acting up and did something horrible to someone else as if making up for showing weakness.
  You were once attacked by a member of resistance. You thought they hope to hurt the Doctor by killing you. But by then, you were already turned as an immortal by the Doctor. The Doctor was so furious and there is nothing you can do to make him show mercy. He lets loose the oncoming storm toward those who conspire against him in retaliation. After that, once you were both at your room, he would hug you tight and won't let go as if he is fearing that you will disappear. It made you think how lonely and sad he must be. You hugged him back. 
  He tricked you into marrying him, dangling the fate of a planet to do it. "I'm going to give you something that John didn't." You were very confused with what he meant. "I'm going to give you my name."
  Your eyes widened in shock. River is the only one who know his name before. Why is he doing this? What was the point? You were very frustrated. "John Noble is the only name that matter to me." You said.
  He ignored you, forcing you instead to follow some Gallifreyan ritual.
  "Smile for the camera, dearest (name)." The Doctor whispered to you. "I'm sure that yogurt husband of yours is watching us got married live."
  You recoiled from him but he made a firm grab of you to keep in position as he finished the ritual.
  You heard Missy made a quip about how cruel the Doctor is to you. Well, duh. But apparently, she meant the ritual because the ritual forced a mental bond to form between you and the Doctor. You might be immortal but you were not made for a mental bond.
  "She will learn to adapt with it." You heard the Doctor said. "We have forever to do it."
  Honestly you hated these mental bond. You have no privacy even in your own mind. He likes to invade your mind and take a look of your memories. You screamed at him to leave you alone. You wanted to cry. You are losing your mind and he know it. Thankfully he relents and left your mind alone for the most part.
  One day, while the Doctor is out with Missy, John appeared on board the Tardis and he gave you a small gemstone and told you to hold it close on your person. He said he knew what the Doctor did to you and that gemstone could stop him from invading your mind, blocking him so to speak.
  You were happy to see him but also scared. He told you not to worry about him. He said he went back to Gallifrey and now he is as much as a real Time Lord as the Doctor. He said the Doctor can no longer turned him into a ganger so you need not to worry anymore. You can come home with him.
  At first you are reluctant, worrying about what Missy had said about the Doctor never stop looking for you if you escape and will burn everything in his path in order to get to you. You are also worry for John himself should the Doctor figure out wherever you escaped to.
  But John make a convincing argument and so you took his hand and left the Tardis.
  Only to find out John is not real. It was always the Doctor, trying to test your devotion and you failed the test.
  "You wanted to see John so much? Fine, I will let you see him." The Doctor said angrily.
  The Tardis landed somewhere. The Doctor pulled you harshly outside where he forced you to see a gravestone. John's name is craved on the gravestone.
  You were shocked to say the least. With a trembling fingers, you touched the carving of his name on the gravestone.
  "I didn't harm him, if that is what your thinking. Missy didn't either. He died. The people he fought for turned against him and killed him."
  "No, you are lying!"
  "Am I? You are welcome to investigate his death, (name). You know Jack Harkness, don't you? I'm sure he will help you with your investigation. Once you satisfy your curiosity, come and find me." The Doctor said.
  You were furious. The Doctor didn't lie. They did turned against John. They killed him. The best part of the Doctor, and they thoughtlessly killed him. And now the world is doomed forever with the Doctor that no longer quite the Savior. Frankly, right now you no longer care about the fate of these people.
  You walked absentmindedly toward the coordinate of the Tardis which your darling husband helpfully put into your mind. 
  The Doctor watched you as you entered the Tardis. "Welcome home, (name)."
  "I'm home..." You replied blankly.
       A/N: I have no idea what I write here. I was desperate to produce a new dw fanfic since I only have a day left of holiday before going back to work, hoping not to waste my time just imagining and no writing, I finally able to write this. I watched a few of my favorite dw episodes and my mind ended up get stuck in the idea of ganger!doctor hence this happened. 
I hope you likes this story and if you do, please kindly drop comment and more. Honestly I'm so nervous about posting this.
I would like to say thanks to those who follow my blog and has drop a like/comment/reblog to all of my past stories. Thank you so much for making me so happy. Stay awesome, everyone!
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riversofmars · 4 years
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Chapter 10: The Lesser Evil
“Don’t go, please my love, it’s too dangerous.“ River pleaded, grabbing her husband’s arm as he headed for his time stream that pulsed and flared in the middle of his supposed tomb.“You can’t cross into your own time stream.“ It was done, Vastra, Jenny and Strax where back, so were Amy and Rory. Clara had done it, jumping into his time stream, she had stopped the Great Intelligence at every turn, keeping the timeline intact. There was nothing left to do.
“I’ve got to get her out.“ He insisted stepping closer to his time stream.
“You could die, you could cease to exist.“ River argued trying to stop him.
“She’s always there, all over my time stream, that is why she is important.“ The pieces were falling into place. This was why they had been encountering Clara over and over again. He had been so intrigued and finally, he had figured it out. “Run you clever boy and remember.“ He echoed the words she had said to him many times over.
“Darling.“ River could sense she wasn’t getting anywhere, her husband was in a world of his own thoughts.
“Finally I’ve worked her out.“ He grinned, pleased with the accomplishment. Initially he’d only kept her close out of curiosity, trying to work out how she could be appearing and dying again and again but what a nice surprise that she was actually a loyal friend all along. Sacrificing herself by jumping into his time stream, he could hardly think of a greater proof of loyalty.
“Then leave it at that.“ River tried to reason with him. “We’re safe, the timeline is intact, don’t risk it now, making her sacrifice pointless.“
“I won’t fail.“ He reassured her, a confident smile on his handsome features.
“But what if you do.“ River exclaimed. “You can’t risk your life for hers!“
“Why not?“ He looked back at her confused.
“Why not?!“ River echoed his words in disbelief.
“There are only very few people we can truly trust River, we need to keep them close. She’s just proven her loyalty.“ He looked back to the pulsing energy as if he could see Clara within it. “I owe her to get her out of there.“
“Is that all? Loyalty?“ River’s words were sharper than she had intended, revealing more than she meant to.
“River.“ He groaned in annoyance. Jealousy was not an attractive quality.
“I think it’s a fair question, you’d make me a widow of me in a pointless attempt at saving her?“ River retorted accusingly. Surely he had to know how this would make her feel.
“River, I love you, you must know that.“ He started reaching for her hand, trying to reassure her.
“Then listen to me!“ River insisted, her expression one of both anger and fear. What if he did, in fact, lose himself in there? She couldn’t bare the idea of losing him.
“I always listen.“ He told her and pulled her into his arms. “You’re the one that always here by my side, you’re the first thing I see when I wake and the last when I go to sleep. And I always listen.“ He pressed a kiss to her hair. “But sometimes, you have to listen to me too when I tell that this is what I have to do.“ He took her face in his hands and kissed her, hoping to convey his love and devotion. “Trust me?“ He asked softly as they parted.
“Always.“ River smiled. That impossible, infuriating man.
“See you in a minute, Professor Song.“ He gave her a wink, straightened his bowtie and jumped into his time stream.
“Now isn’t that a bit forward, seeing as you’re still fully dressed, Doctor?“ River smirked as she grabbed the Doctor by the collar and ripped her shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. The Doctor jolted back, colour draining from her face. She was too shocked to respond and River took advantage of her stupor. She pulled her around, knocking her into the wall face first. The Doctor tried to pull away but River pinned her against the wall with her own weight. “What? Should I not have said anything? Would you like to keep going and we pretend I don’t know who you really are?“ River hummed against the shell of her ear as she pressed herself against her. She brushed her hair aside and pushed her other hand around her, fumbling with the button of her trousers.
“You knew.“ The Doctor groaned as River trailed kisses up the side of her neck. She tried to pull away from her touch. This had been a terrible idea. She was already regretting her moment of weakness. “When did you realise?“
“About five seconds in.“ The amusement was audible in River’s sultry voice.
“Then why did you…“ The Doctor tried to throw her off, anxiety building as River succeeded in unbuttoning her trousers. She should have realised this was a trap, she should have questioned why River had fallen for her act so completely. She should have known she wouldn’t be able to imitate the Emperor well enough to fool her own wife.
“It got you here, didn’t it? Also… I was curious to see how far you’d go…“ River chuckled as she buried her hand in the Doctor’s hair and pulled her head back. “Maybe I should have let you carry on, now we will never know.“ She ran her hand along the waistband of her Doctor’s pants, clearly enjoying the Doctor’s near-panic as she fought against her. “But alas, I couldn’t do that to my wife.“ Unexpectedly, she let go of her and took a step back, tying up her nightgown. “I didn’t think that I would have to be the one to stop.“ She tilted her head in amusement as she watched the Doctor turn around quickly doing up her trousers, she tried to pull the shirt shut to cover herself up but the buttons were all but two ripped off. Her eyes darted around the room for a way out as River regarded her like a lioness her prey. “Don’t even think about it. I triggered a silent alarm ages ago when I went to get changed.“ River smirked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Of course you did.“ The Doctor groaned, annoyed by her own stupidity, she really should have known.
“Well, I didn’t know how much time I would have. How was I to know you were that easily to keep close.“ River chuckled. “The guards are outside the door and my wife should be home any minute. You think you had a hard time last time? Just wait till she finds out what you’ve been up to.“
“Fine, no more games.“ Clara chuckled, there was no need for theatrics now that she had got River out of sight of anyone else. “I think that’s quite enough of that.“ Somewhere in the other room the squark of a raven sounded making River look around for a second. As she looked back to Clara, her tattoos began to blur, rising up into the air.
“A quantum shade.“ River jerked back, immediately realising what she was dealing with.
“Aren’t you the perceptive one.“ Clara replied patronisingly as she pushed River’s hand with the knife away. “Now, I suggest you stop this.“ She tried to shove her off and River obliged, she got to her feet and stepped back, keeping the swirling darkness in her sights. She knew when something could be fought and when it was better to take a step back and reevaluate her options. “There’s a good girl.“ Clara got to her feet as River tried to formulate an escape plan.
“You’re trying to use me to get to the Doctor. Is she even here?“ River tried her best to control her anger, as she realised what was going on. She wanted answers. She didn’t do well at the mercy of others. She threw the butter knife across the room in anger.
“Oh she’s here alright.“ Clara said softly. “And yes, I am going to use you to get her help.“
“Her help? If you need help, you just ask for it! You don’t have to blackmail the Doctor, the Doctor always helps if…“ River exclaimed but Clara started laughing, interrupting her.
“The Doctor always helps.“ She mimicked her. “I bet she does as well… You’re so naive. Both of you are. It’s laughable. Just between us girls, River, I don’t think it’s the sort of help she’ll want to give.“
The Raven burst out of the other room making River take a step back. It landed on Clara’s shoulder as she held out the note she’d written earlier.
“Alright, fine, shouldn’t have done this, I get it.“ The Doctor tried her best to steady her voice. “Brain short-circuited, physically you could be my wife after all.“
“Yes yes and since she’s dead, it’s not really cheating, is it? You tell yourself that. I thought you were someone who would be kept up at night by this sort of thing but maybe I underestimated you after all. Or I overestimated your devotion to your wife.“ River hummed with no small measure of gratification in her voice. “Do you still want my hand between your legs, Doctor?“
“That’s quite alright, I can sort that out for myself later.“ The Doctor bit back, trying to give as good as she got and gloss over how much her words stung.
“I very much doubt you’ll get the opportunity.“ River grinned briefly glancing to the door. The Doctor couldn’t be sure if she actually expected her wife to return any moment now or if she was only trying to intimidate her by acting like she would. Either way, she needed to get out of here now.
“You really are remarkably like my River, witty, determined, strong… but there’s just one thing, one mistake my River never would have made.“ The Doctor said as River returned her attention to her.
“Yeah? And what’s that?“ River laughed.
“My River never let’s me keep my sonic when she doesn’t want me to get out of handcuffs.“ The Doctor grabbed her sonic screwdriver from her back pocket and blasted River with it. It wasn’t much, not harmful, not debilitating but for a moment, she blinded her, disoriented her, scrambling the signals from the nerves in her eyes to her brain. A moment was all the Doctor needed to bolt and rush to the TARDIS. River screamed, not in pain but in anger as she needed a moment to recover. The Doctor wasn’t even paying attention to her anymore, she didn’t look back, when she found the TARDIS wasn’t locked. She rushed inside and the lights came on. It wasn’t the warm golden light she knew, it was red and garish against the black walls.
“Really bloody cheerful.“ The Doctor mumbled to herself as she hurried to the console. She started pressing buttons and pulling levers but the TARDIS revolted. The humming and wheezing was loud, unhappy, the Doctor got an electric shock and she pulled her hand back. The TARDIS knew she wasn’t the Emperor and she was refusing to cooperate.
“She won’t let just anyone fly her.“ The Doctor whirled around to see River heading for her. The diversion had been even less effective than she had hoped. “You’re going to regret this, Doctor.“ River snarled.
“Emergency teleport then!“ The Doctor used her sonic to blast the TARDIS console. Sparks flew and River lunged forward but the TARDIS control room around her disappeared. It wasn’t ideal, she didn’t have the TARDIS like she had hoped, but it was a way out.
When the Doctor materialised she looked around panicked, trying to orient herself.
“Great, it worked!“ She exclaimed as she recognised Clara’s quarters. “Clara! We need to talk!“ She looked around for Clara but froze when she found a second person with her. “River…“ The Doctor’s eyes widened in shock. There was no way the Emperor’s wife would have been able to get here before her. She wouldn’t have known where the teleport went and this River was wearing the environmental suit she had worn in the Library. There was only one explanation. The Doctor’s head was spinning, she felt sick as her emotions overwhelmed her. The extraction chamber had worked, River was here.
River looked back at her in surprise. This woman had just appeared out of thin air and judging by the look on Clara’s face, she hadn’t expected her sudden appearance either. The blonde looked at her as if she was a ghost or perhaps a wish come true? There were all sorts of emotions painted on her soft features and tears were welling up in her big eyes that were so impossibly deep and old, not at all matching the youthfulness of her pretty face.
“Doctor?“ River asked slowly remember what Clara had told her. The Doctor was a woman now and this woman looked at her as if she was her sun and stars.
“River, you’re alive!“ The Doctor exclaimed and throwing caution to the wind she rushed to her, flinging herself around her neck. River was overwhelmed, she nearly knocked her off her feet but she pulled her close, held her, reflex more than anything else, as she tried to wrap her head around what she already knew to be true.
“Is it really you?“ She asked tentatively as she pulled back and looked the blonde up and down.
“Oh right, you haven’t seen this face before.“ The Doctor smiled as she took a step back and wiped away a few stray tears in embarrassment.
“Can’t say that I mind…“ River chuckled. “What have you been up to?“ She raised her eyebrows at her barely buttoned shirt.
“Ah… uhh…“ The Doctor blushed and a crushing wave of guilt came over her, overshadowing her joy for seeing her. What had she done? How could she? She struggled to breath as she was searching for the right words.
“Sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but you are in my quarters.“ Clara interrupted at last, fed up of being ignored. She scrunched up the note she had been about to give her Raven. There was no need for it now. This was even better than she could have imagined.
“Clara.“ The Doctor pulled River behind herself as she turned to face her.
“How nice of you to join us, Doctor.“ Clara smirked, observing her protective gesture with amusement. Yes, this would work very well indeed. “It seems as though you forgot something in the extraction chamber.“
“What’s going on here?“ The Doctor demanded to know.
“What’s going on is that I was just trying to work out what exactly happened when you came here, Doctor, and as I was having my look around the extraction chamber, your wife appeared.“ Clara explained with a smug smile.
“River, are you okay, are you…“ The Doctor glanced to her wife and grabbed her hand to assure herself she was here.
“Alive? I think so. As alive as one is coming out of an extraction chamber…“ River replied giving her hand a squeeze. “I know what it does Doctor, you sentimental idiot, you couldn’t just let me die, could you? I’ll have to go back eventually, you know, unless you want a paradox ripping time apart… again…“ She knew the sad truth behind what the Doctor had done. As much as she appreciated the sentiment, there was more heartbreak to come for them, it couldn’t be avoided. And yet, she was grateful for every moment she got to spend with her husband… wife.
“But not for a while. How about we deal with all that when we get out of here.“ The Doctor suggested, trying not to think about what she was implying.
“Sounds like a good idea.“ River nodded looking around for an escape route again.
“You are not going anywhere, Doctor, not just yet. Mind you, we probably haven’t got long to have this conversation. Your teleport, I’m sure they’ll be able to trace it.“ Clara pointed out.
“I don’t think there are any guards at the door.“ River said and the Doctor nodded, having come to the same conclusion.
“Run?“ The Doctor suggested as they inched away from Clara.
“Let’s.“ River agreed and they bolted to the door but Clara had other ideas. The Raven took off and sailed in front of them, barring the door.
“I don’t think so.“ Clara hummed and the tattoos dissolved, swirling into to air and jolted forward. The dark smoke struck the back of River’s neck forming a quantum lock.
“No!“ The Doctor shouted whipping back around to Clara.
“Do I have your attention now, Doctor? I said we need to have a conversation.“ Clara crossed her arms in front of her chest expectantly.
“Take it off her.“ The Doctor yelled taking a threatening step towards Clara who grinned:
“I will, eventually, if you agree to help me with a little something.“
“What?“ The Doctor asked and looked to River with great worry. River touched the back of her neck her expression darkening. Of course it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“I would like your help, Doctor. Your wife assures me one only needs to ask for your help? Well, I thought it would be more convincing if I had your wife as collateral.“ Clara revealed and the Doctor squared her jaw.
“What do you want?“
“You’ve been here long enough now to know, Doctor, that this is not a nice place. You’ve been to the streets, you’ve seen the poverty, the state of the Empire? Perhaps you will reconsider what we talked about before?“ Clara smiled.
“You want to topple the Emperor.“ The Doctor concluded with a sigh.
“I’d never be able to do it by myself as you know and it’s unlikely I’ll ever be able to convince her that I am a far more suitable match for her… so I’m left with few options.“ Clara confirmed with a shrug.
“I won’t kill anyone, not even her…“ The Doctor retorted firmly.
“I realise that and I don’t expect you to. What I do need you to do is play a role. It looks like you have been having a practice run already. There is a ceremony tomorrow, celebrating the Emperor’s return to Gallifrey, it’s the most important holiday. That is why the Emperor has been so eager to get information out of you so quickly, I presume she was trying to announce the next big chapter for the Empire tomorrow.“ Clara explained crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“That’s never going to happen, I would sooner die than tell you how…“ The Doctor shook her head. River looked on in confusion. Who was this mysterious Emperor they were referring to? It sounded like the Doctor had been here a while already and was one step ahead of her.
“Oh I know and I’ve accepted that. I want you to announce the next big chapter in the history of the Empire in her stead tomorrow.“ Clara clarified and the Doctor understood:
“Transfer power to you.“
“Exactly. Not so difficult, is it? Small price to pay for your wife’s life isn’t it?“ Clara glanced to River who still had confusion painted all over her face.
“And how are you going get rid of the Emperor?“ The Doctor asked which seemed to be the one big catch.  
“You leave that to me. You just be back here tomorrow at noon. I would keep you here but you’ve ruined it now with your teleport trick. It they find you here we’re both done for, they need to see you fleeing the palace so the don’t suspect me.“ Clara sighed, what an inconvenience. Likelihood was they had traced the teleport by now and were on their way here. She had to wrap this up.
“And what if I don’t agree?“ The Doctor huffed.
“You will do this for me, Doctor, or your wife, who was so very fortunate to get a second lease on life, will die.“ Clara shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “It’s really a very easy decision to make. I will contact you with the details, my Raven will find you.“
“Take off the lock.“ The Doctor demanded, her voice firm.
“Once I can be sure of your cooperation.“ Clara smiled giving River a wink.
“Fine, alright, I’ll do it, but you leave her alone.“ The Doctor threatened.
“I’ll take the mark off her once it’s done.“ Clara clapped her hands together in excitement.
“No! You take it off her and you take it off her NOW!“ The Doctor yelled jabbing her finger at her.
“Alright, fine. Just remember I can put it back whenever I please.“ Clara huffed and with a wave of her hand, the chrono lock disappeared from River’s neck. River gave a sigh of relief.
“And you take it off the Monk.“ The Doctor went on, remembering why she had come here in the first place.
“The Monk?“ Clara frowned confused.
“Sign of good faith. If you want my help, do it.“ The Doctor insisted.
“Alright, fine, don’t care about him either way.“ Clara gave another wave of her hand. It wasn’t like the Emperor had any way of finding out about this.
“Doctor, you can’t help her…“ River spoke up. She wasn’t sure what exactly was going on but the Doctor was being blackmailed into doing something she didn’t want to do, and that in itself was enough information for her to protest.
“It’s a matter of the lesser evil, River. You haven’t met the Emperor yet… and her wife.“ The Doctor replied, hoping she never would come across them. “They deserve it.“
“Yes they do, Doctor. I’m glad you have come to your senses.“ Clara agreed.
“When it’s done, I’m taking the TARDIS. You can’t fly it anyway. I will need it to find a way home.“ The Doctor realised this was the right moment to bargain. If she wanted to find a way back to her own universe, the TARDIS would be her best bet.
“Fine.“ Clara smiled at her graciously. She had no use for the TARDIS anyway. The Emperor and her wife were the only ones that could fly her. She couldn’t imagine the Doctor would even find a way of using it. “See, the things we can accomplish when we work together.“
“Then you have yourself a deal.“ The Doctor nodded. Her best and only cause of action right now was to agree. She could reevaluate her options later when her and River had got to relative safety.
“Now, I suggest you go, before the guards turn up.“ Clara engaged a screen on the wall, surveillance of the corridor outside.
“River…“ The Doctor grabbed her wife’s hand again but Clara cut in:
“…will be my honoured guest until tomorrow. No harm will come to her, I need her as assurance and you know I wouldn’t harm her, else I would have nothing to pressure you with.“ The Raven squawked for emphasis. “You know I’m right.“ She extended her hand to River. “Unless you’d like that chrono lock back?“
“I’ll be fine, Sweetie.“ River gave her wife’s hand a squeeze before letting go and joining Clara though ignoring her hand. “I’m sure Clara and I have a lot to talk about.“ Perhaps she could find out more about this place.
“We’ll braid each other’s hair and drink champagne, nothing for you to worry about, Doctor.“ Clara smirked at the Doctor who balled her fists, feeling anxious. She didn’t like the idea of leaving River here but under the circumstances she might not have another choice. She glanced to the screen and spotted guards heading their way. They were running out of time. “Now be a dear and make sure they see you as you bolt down the corridor so they leave us alone in here.“ Clara said going her a little wave.
“Everything will be fine, River, I promise, I will come back for you.“ The Doctor looked to her wife who gave her a little smile.
“Well, you better, what good was all that business with the extraction chamber if you don’t.“ River winked. “Go before they catch up with you.“
“I will be back.“ The Doctor insisted. There was so much she wanted to say, she had played it out so many times in her mind of what she would say if she ever got to see River again, but now there was no time. And very little hope. But she took what she could from the little smile and nod River gave her. There was time for words later.
The Doctor had hardly pulled the door shut behind her, when she heard voices. She hurried towards the hidden passage way but hung on by the corner where she could still see the door to Clara’s rooms. She couldn’t allow for River to get caught. If they had in fact traced her teleport signal, they would be searching for her there. When she realised the guards indeed headed straight for the door, she knocked over a nearby bust that crashed to the ground and drew their attention. Calling “Oi! Over here.“ would have been too obvious, they couldn’t realise she was drawing their attention on purpose. When she was sure they’d seen her, she bolted down the corridor. Luckily, she knew more than one secret shortcut to the city below.
Clara knocked over a table and some vases, creating traces of a struggle. She picked up a shard from the broken vase and cut her own arm, barely flinching. River raised her eyebrows, concluding that she had to be very scared of the Emperor to go to such lengths to not be found out.
“I don’t think I have to explain to you what will happen if anyone finds you in here.“ Clara caught the questioning expression on River’s face and ushered her to a small room further into her quarters.
“No, you don’t but there is something you do need to explain to me: the Emperor, who is she? And why do you need the Doctor?“ River asked.
“Miss Oswald, please open up.“ There was knocking on the door.
“We haven’t got time for this, get in here and not a sound.“ Clara pushed her into the room and locked the door. River didn’t struggle, she didn’t trust Clara but she trusted the Doctor and if she was concerned for her safety should anyone find her, she know she should try her best to hide. She looked around the room, a small spare bedroom by the looks of it. Nothing much to it, nothing that she could fashion a weapon out of if needed. The vase on the dresser appeared to be her best bet so she grabbed it and stood against the door, pressing her ear to it. She had to find out more about what was going on here.
“Emperor…“ Clara’s voice was distant but clear.
“Don’t even start, Clara! We know she was here. Using my own TARDIS, she’s going to pay for that!“
River froze when she recognised a voice that sounded exactly like the Doctor’s, only with an icy edge to it. Suddenly, Clara’s demands were making a lot more sense. The puzzle pieces were falling into place and River didn’t care for the picture they were revealing.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Ch. 19:  The Heist
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x Female OC
Chapter summary: When Avalon is well done with her lockdown in the TARDIS, she manages to rope in the traveling gang for an old fashion heist!
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​ [If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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The Doctor burst into Avalon's room just as she woke up from her nightmare. Avalon sat upright with a jolt and cried without actual tears. It was more fear than actual tears she felt.
The Doctor rushed forwards and climbed on the bed. "Ava! You're awake now! It's okay!" Her breathing was jagged but once she saw him she realized he was right. She was in her room. She was safe in her room and not with Kovarian.
"There we are..." the Doctor gently pushed some hair out of her face. Her hair was a bit damp from the sweat that'd collected during her nightmare. "Safe and sound, okay?"
Once Avalon was fully awake she let out a frustrated groan and angrily kicked the sheets off her. "Not again! Dammit!"
The Doctor would've liked to stop her but why bother? There wasn't a lot to do to release that frustration so if she wanted to throw off the covers, she could. He only helped take the covers off in the when she started to tear up because they got tangled around her left ankle.
"I can't do anything right!" She buried her face into her hands.
"Ava, c'mon," the Doctor gently pried her hands off her skin and kept them both in his own hands. "What was it this time?"
Avalon groaned. "Kovarian had me again. But like... I think this was a new room. I can't really remember it that well. It was like a...a library of some sort? She was there...and the Silence...and more people but I can't remember them. I just know that I was pretty scared and sad."
"It's okay," the Doctor scooted closer to hug her. "If the memories come back then okay but we don't have to force them either."
Avalon remembered only fragments of her time with Kovarian and they mostly showed up in nightmares, like tonight. The Doctor made himself readily available when it so happened that Avalon chose to sleep. Every once in a while she would wake up screaming because she thought she was back with Kovarian. The sight of her in that state broke the Doctor's hearts. How he wished he could take it all away but it was clear that even a memory wipe wasn't enough to make the horrible memories disappear. Kovarian no doubt made it a thorough memory wipe but even then Avalon's unique brain didn't take it.
"Can you stay with me please?" Avalon whispered the question so frailly that the Doctor almost missed it.
"Of course," the Doctor smiled against her hair. It wouldn't be the first time he stayed with her after a nightmare until she fell asleep again.
"But like...like stay with me?" She raised her head off his chest and showed him her best sad eyes. "Until I wake up?"
"Oh I know it must be boring but...you're the one who saves me in my dreams. I'd feel a lot better if you were right next to me in real life too."
"I can't argue with your logic," the Doctor said. Avalon rolled her eyes at his smugness. "For my Ava, I'll do anything to make her feel better."
"Never has there been a truer statement said," Avalon sighed contently. "You do everything you can for me."
"I don't know about that..." the Doctor mumbled. He did try but it didn't mean he was successful at it.
"I do," Avalon watched him kick his shoes off. She had a strict rule about her perfectly white sparkly duvet covers not being soiled with dirt. It took only one lecture for that lesson to stick. "You're my Fairy Tale Man. You always save me."
"I try-"
"You do," she insisted. She reached to undo his bowtie, thinking it'd be too uncomfortable to lie down with.
The Doctor watched her easily maneuver the strings. She'd taken custom of undoing his bowtie every once in a while and he learned fast that he loved the feeling of her soft fingers touching his skin. Sometimes it wasn't even the bowtie she was aiming for, she just liked touching him. It was something intimate but not sexual, more gentle and...loving?
"There we are," Avalon handed him the the bowtie. "Wanna keep that in your pockets, right? Bigger on the inside?" God forbid one of those ever got lost. He'd go crazy for sure.
"You should sleep, c'mon," the Doctor scooted slightly so they could both lay down.
Avalon immediately scooted her body the amount the Doctor had pulled away. "I'm not sure I can sleep now."
"You're making me stay still, you're going to sleep."
Avalon laughed. "Fair enough." She snuggled up to him and practically pulled his arm over her waist. "That's better. Now I know for sure that I won't have another nightmare, not when my Fairy Tale Man is holding me."
"The trust you have in me is beyond me," the Doctor admitted with genuine guilt lacing his words.
"Oh shush. You have got to stop blaming yourself for everything bad that happens to people around you. That's what gives Kovarian fuel to her cause."
"How do you mean?"
Avalon sighed and tilted her head up at him. She'd been wondering when it would be the right time to tell him the fact that she knew about his previous companions and all the battles he'd been a part of; that Kovarian had forced her to learn everything. Maybe now is as good a time as ever...
The Doctor could see the struggle in her eyes and assumed it was yet another thing Kovarian caused. "Ava? You can tell me."
"...I'm afraid of how you'll react."
A ripple of anger flourished through the Doctor's body as he thought of what Kovarian told Avalon to make her fear telling him something. Despite his moral code, he was sure that if he ever saw that woman again...he'd kill her. And yet, as he passed a hand over Avalon's hair he did it so gently that Avalon could never guess the dark thoughts that were running through his mind right now. "You can tell me anything, Ava. You can always tell me anything." Avalon closed her eyes when she felt his lips press against her temple.
"I...I know about things...from your past..." she had spoken so quietly she wondered if he managed to hear her words. When he didn't respond, she tilted her head up again. He was still but there was a clear fear etched across his face. Now he was afraid.
"What-what kind of things?" his voice had fallen to a similar volume as Avalon's whisper.
"Kovarian made me learn about some of your previous, most recent, battles from your past. She thought that it would help brainwash me if she taught me the 'truth' about you."
"Oh..." the Doctor couldn't find a place to glue to his gaze to. His hearts were beginning to hammer under his chest just thinking what Avalon knew. This wouldn't be happening if you'd had the courage to tell her yourself, he snapped at himself.
He'd been focused on the happy, kissing times and actively ignoring the darkness that followed him. He was foolish to think that he could keep the blissful bubble around them forever. Sooner or later, Avalon would learn his past.
Avalon's hand slid from his chest up to his cheek. She could only guess what was going on in that big head of his. That's what Kovarian wanted. She wanted him to be guilty and ashamed because when he did feel those things, he would either let himself be killed or do the job for them.
"I understand it wasn't your fault," she assured him.
"What do you know?" the Doctor found his courage but he wasn't sure if he could hold onto it as she answered.
"I know about the Reality Bomb the Daleks built and how the walls of the universe were breaking down. One of your old companions, Rose Tyler, inadvertently helped break the walls when she was trying to get back to you. I know that the Daleks made you see how changed your companions were because of you." Avalon watched his face sink as she told him everything about the Crucible. She hated the way he couldn't look at her out of shame.
"I had to do it..." he weakly argued when Avalon reached to the point of Donna Noble's memory wipe. He swallowed hard just remembering the way Donna had cried and begged him not to take her memories. "I ruined her life...like I ruined everyone else's."
"You didn't ruin them, you changed their lives," Avalon flinched at his hard scoff. He pulled his arms from her body and moved away from her. She immediately missed his warmth but even as she tried to reach for his arm, he made himself scoot to the edge of the bed.
"Tell me what else you know," he instructed her, his voice cool yet she didn't miss the sharpness in it. There was no choice of keeping everything back.
With a sigh, Avalon went back to talk about the year that never was. As soon as she mentioned the Master, the Doctor's entire body flinched. His horrified expression told her she should've never learned about him. It made it all the more difficult to keep going. "I know about the...the Toclafane? I think that's what they were called. A lot of people died but I also know that it never happened. No one died." She then switched gears to the Battle of Canary Wharf. "I-I remember that the Cybermen...the robots...they were everywhere. And the Daleks. Kovarian showed me the pictures of the aftermath. That's how I remembered it better. So many people died..."
"And I was at the middle of it," the Doctor muttered. "I was the reason. I couldn't save everyone. Kovarian was right. I got up and left afterwards."
Avalon pursed her lips together. "You didn't do it on purpose. It's what happened when you crashed into Amy's garden."
"Avalon I know who I am. I know that I do change people. I mean, I changed Rose so much that she accidentally helped Daleks because she wanted to cross worlds. I did that on accident. Imagine the times where I've legitimately manipulated people to change."
Avalon lowered her gaze. She couldn't take his eyes the way they were, all dark and full of hatred for himself. "This is what Kovarian wants, you know. She wants you to hate yourself-"
"Oh she's a bit late at that, love. I hated myself long before she came about. Is this what she showed you, then? She wanted you to hate me as much as I hate myself."
"But I don't hate you," Avalon once again tried touching him but he got up from the bed altogether.
"Avalon, I would appreciate if you were honest here."
"I am being honest-"
"Avalon!" he snapped, startling her. Her blue eyes widened and blinked fast. "Sorry," he apologized. The last thing she deserved was to be yelled at. She should be yelling at him. "It's important to me, okay? Did learning these things make you think differently about me?"
Avalon swallowed hard. "If you want the truth? Yes...I was a little scared." She felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach when she saw the look of horror on the Doctor's face. "But you know that I'm not afraid of you. Would I be here if I was afraid? No. Right? It was a natural response given everything Kovarian showed me. I saw people dead but I never once blamed you. I am simply aware of the reality that you unfortunately have been in. I am so sorry you've endured all that. Nobody should ever have to."
"Kovarian showed you all that - a minuscule part of my horrors by the way - so you would join them, because she knows how dangerous I am. But that's not everything, why talk about my friends from the past? No," the Doctor almost stormed to Avalon's side. "Why? What could she want from that?"
"Oh Doctor, it's not relevant." Avalon turned her head away too fast for him to believe that was true.
"You look like it bothered you, or scared you. " He brought her gaze back with a finger under her chin. "What else happened, Avalon?"
The Doctor's eyes begged her to answer, for him. He needed to know how much they told her about him, how badly she would be scared of him. Avalon couldn't take it.
"She said you would leave me behind like you did with the others," she whispered. "You would change me, like you changed the others, and that you would leave me, Amy and Rory behind. We'd become more names to your list."
"Oh Ava..." the Doctor's eyes softened, his hands cupping her face, "I wouldn't...I couldn't! Not you!"
Avalon leaned into his touch. "She was so hellbent on making me change my mind about you, but I can't. I know what surrounds you, I know that sometimes people do change around you but they change because of everything they've seen. How could I not change when you've shown me different worlds? How could I not change after everything?"
"You shouldn't have to change, that was Kovarian's point," the Doctor moved to sit on the edge of the bed with Avalon. "Nobody should have to die because of me. If I wasn't around, how many people would be alive right now?"
Avalon held onto one of his hands before he could pull them both away from her face. "How many people would be dead if you hadn't helped them? Or...how many people wouldn't exist because of you?"
The Doctor couldn't help smile at that last bit. "Well...maybe it's not all that bad. I got you after everything. I got my Ava."
"And I want to be here for a very long time," she promised him. "I know the truth, Doctor, but it's not the distorted one you and Kovarian have. Believe me." She moved herself so she could hug him.
I wish I could, the Doctor silently thought. He held Avalon for as long as she wanted, but there was still a part of him that wondered if she wasn't just a little bit afraid of him after seeing the mass chaos he'd caused in the past.
"I'm bored! I am so bored!" Avalon dramatically walked around the console room, stopping between Amy and Rory. "Please, can we go out?" She threw her head back, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please?"
The couple shared the same irritated faces and even answered at the same time, "No!"
Avalon groaned and walked away from them. "But I'm bored! It's been weeks without going out! I'ts not fair! I got dressed and everything!" And she was pretty sure that she looked damn good for a day out. She'd rummaged through her closet and found a white wrap top with three-quarter puffy sleeves that she adored. She paired with light blue jeans and a pair of brown ankle-length boots.
"Jeez, you're worse than the Sapling and he's a child," Amy made sure to remind loud and clear so that Avalon would drop her games.
"Oh c'mon!" Avalon stomped her foot, making it clear that she would not be desisting anytime soon. "It's been months since I got back and I'm pretty sure my health is back to normal!"
"It'll never be normal again," Rory frowned but Avalon shushed him.
"If you're not on my side, don't help! C'mon guys!"
"Why are you even bothering us about this?" Amy threw her hands in the air and turned away. She loved Avalon, she did, but sometimes she got on her nerves. Right now was one of those times. "We're not the ones in charge of the TARDIS!"
"Course not, I am," the Doctor came in with the Sapling. "Why are we discussing who's in charge?"
"Doctor, I'm bored!" Avalon exclaimed. "Can we please go out?"
"Oh, I'd love to go out," the Sapling closed the book he was holding and excitedly turned to the Doctor. "Can we?"
"Avalon, why do you do that?" the Doctor sighed with annoyance. "You know hearing you say that makes him want to go out too."
"Really? Didn't know that..." Avalon failed to hide her knowing smile. This wasn't the first time she was asking to go out so she'd began to think of some tricks. "C'mon, it's been weeks since we went to Leadworth. I'm okay now!"
"Because you've been under constant watch," the Doctor reminded her. He was truthfully afraid of taking her out somewhere not sterilized. She was correct about her health - she'd been okay lately and her health was almost that of a regular human's - but it still didn't make the Doctor any less nervous. "I don't think it's a good idea." Needless to say, Avalon wasn't happy with his words. A deep scowl marked her face while he played casual and took the Sapling's book. "Here, why don't you read it? Seems like your kind of thing anyways." He held the book at her for a second before she snatched it from his hands.
"History of Jewels?" she read the title with an unimpressed look. "Seriously? You want me to read this?"
"I learned a lot from it!" the Sapling exclaimed happily. "I like the Fire stone best! What was its proper name, Father?"
"The Ignis Jewel," the Doctor tapped the top of the Sapling's head, making the tree child giggle. "It's actually quite impressive! You should read about it!" He told Avalon who responded with a groan.
"You're bored too," she watched him carefully avoid looking at her when he crossed the room to come up to the console. Ever since she told him that she knew about some of his past, he'd been so weird with her. She should've seen it coming though. As if the Doctor could ever let it all just go. The only thing Avalon hadn't worked out yet was how to get him to move on from it. And he certainly wasn't helping when he kept pissing her off.
"Doesn't matter what I think," the Doctor said from his newest spot away from her.
"Aha!" Avalon whirled around with a finger pointed at the Doctor. "So you are bored!"
"He just said it doesn't matter, Avalon," Rory said before the Doctor could answer. He moved around the ginger and tapped the cover of the book she was holding. "Why don't you go read instead? You love doing it anyways."
Avalon rolled her eyes. "You guys are so mean!" She stomped her way out of the room, leaving the group to hear her stomps getting father and farther.
"Sapling, why don't you go make sure she reads the book?" the Doctor asked, thinking that if the Sapling was around Avalon she would hopefully simmer down.
"Okay!" the Sapling turned and ran after his Mother.
"She is so bored," Amy shook her head.
"I hadn't noticed," the Doctor sarcastically said.
"Would it be so bad if we just went out for a little bit?" As soon as Amy asked the question, she had her husband on her.
"It's too dangerous! She's not ready for that!" Rory was almost shouting so Amy planted a hand over his mouth.
"Do you want Avalon to come back!?"
Rory pushed her hand off his mouth and continued on but with a much quieter voice. "She's not ready to go out."
"Yeah, but she makes a point. How do we know when she's ready if we never let her go out?" Amy folded her arms and waited for somebody to give her the answer. She smirked at the silence that followed. "Exactly. Doctor, she did stay in Leadworth for a few days and nothing happened. How come we can't try something else just for a little bit?"
"Because what if it goes wrong?" the Doctor didn't hesitate to respond with. Unfortunately, he forgot he was dealing with Amy Pond.
"What if nothing happens?" she counted and walked up to him. "Look Doctor, I get that we're all worried about Avalon's new health situation but we can't actually keep her locked away forever. She likes Rapunzel but she will hurt us all if she stays here another day!" Amy looked between the Doctor and Rory while she waited for either of them to make a comeback. Of course, none of them did. "So, where should we go?"
~ 0 ~
Avalon was quietly reading through the History of Jewels with the Sapling next to her. Since he had already read the book with the Doctor, he was giving Avalon the most important pages he thought she would like. The Doctor had been right: the Sapling's presence did semi-simmer Avalon's anger.
Neither of them noticed the others walking into the media room until the Doctor cleared his throat. He was leading Amy and Rory in and came to a stop beside Avalon's side of the couch. "Ava...?"
"Hmm," she hummed and pretended to keep reading.
"Right, well, we've been talking about it and...maybe you're right. You should have the opportunity to start travelling again." The Doctor didn't want to say that he was expecting Avalon to jump from the couch with excitement but...he did expect it. So when Avalon merely turned the page of her book, he became worried that her anger had worsened.
"Avalon, didn't you hear?" Rory called. "We're going to take you out like you wanted."
Avalon exchanged a secret glance with the Sapling. Both of them smirked.
"Avalon?" Amy asked.
"I have to thank you, Doctor, for making me read this thing," Avalon began to turn the pages of her book. "And the Sapling showed me his favorite jewel, the Ignis Jewel?" She got up from the couch and held the open book for them all to see. "Interesting thing about it is how it was stolen from a civilization and then placed in some elegant museum for other aliens to see."
"Yeah, so?" the Doctor tried taking the book from her but she slammed it shut, nearly getting his fingers had he not flinched away in time. Soon as he saw her mischievous grin, he dreaded what was to come.
"I know what I want to do today! I want to heist!"
"You want to what!?" Both Amy and Rory simultaneously yelled.
Avalon laughed and turned away, swaying with her book to her chest. "Doesn't it sound like fun!? A heist!"
"Yes! Yes!" the Sapling clapped on the couch. "I want to heist too!"
"No, no, there will be no heisting of any kind!" the Doctor wagged a finger at her that she did not see. "Why would you get an idea like that!?"
"Because of your stupid lockdown!" Avalon turned around, her grin momentarily replaced with an angry scowl. "Do you know how many TV series I've binge-watched in these past months?"
"Okay, fifty..." the Doctor made a face and mouthed the number at Amy and Rory. They both nodded their heads in confirmation, making him do another face. Alright, that could drive him crazy too. It would, the voice in his head declared.
"The TARDIS was kind enough to give me series that haven't come out yet on Earth and it showed me one called Brooklyn-99! And guess what they do every year?" Avalon didn't wait for any of them to guess, she blurted the answer out in pure excitement. "They heist! They literally heist and that's what we're going to do today!"
"Avalon Harmony Reynolds you cannot be serious," Amy sternly looked at her granddaughter, wanting both to laugh and shake the girl.
But Avalon was so excited that she didn't even bat an eye at the fact Amy used her middle name that she hated. "I am so serious! Here!" she chucked the book at the trio, making them all scramble to catch it before it hit them. "Check it out!" she told them once Rory held the book between Amy and the Doctor. "It says the Ignis Jewel was stolen from a primitive civilization that would use the jewel to start fires. The jewel ensures fire. If it stays on the ground longer than a minute, it'll start a fire."
"Isn't it cool!?" the Sapling got on his knees on the couch, scooting himself to the armrest next to Avalon.
"Yes, but what's not cool is how these museum chains took it just so other people can come and look at it! It's literally sitting on a pedestal under glass!"
"Okay, okay, I get that it's been stolen but us stealing it back doesn't make us any better," the Doctor said, though there was a glint in his eyes that Avalon saw. He was so interested, he wouldn't be able to deny it for much longer.
"Except when we take it back, we can return it to its proper place!" Avalon grinned. "We'd be like Robin Hood! And we can make a wager if that'll make things more interesting."
"We're not doing this," Rory closed the book but he was mighty surprised when he heard Amy go "Weeeelll..." His head snapped in her direction. "Amy!"
"I don't know, knowing that it's already been stolen and we'd just be taking it back..." Amy shrugged her shoulders and mumbled, very lowly, her next words, "...sounds kinda fun..."
"Yay!" Avalon clapped her hands. "Amy's on my team!"
"What - no! There'll be no teams because there'll be no heist! Doctor!" Rory whacked the Time Lord's arm to get his support. "Tell her!" Silence. Rory blinked and turned to the Doctor. "Doctor? Tell her!"
The Doctor cocked his head to the side, one eye squeezing shut. "I'm thinking..."
"What!? There's no thinking!"
"I'm looking at the possible consequences-"
"He's in!" Avalon waved the two men off and high-fived with the Sapling. "I told you we could do it!"
Rory slapped a hand over his face. "I can't believe this is seriously happening."
"Better believe it Rory Williams!" Avalon laughed so joyfully that for a moment, the trio forgot about their concerns for this crazy idea. Avalon hopped on the couch with the Sapling and together they clapped. "We are heisting!"
"Stomp jumping on the couch," Amy scolded them before they fell. The pair immediately let themselves fall on the couch into a sitting position.
Avalon flipped her head in their direction, her smirk back on her face. "So then, let's get the teams together."
~ 0 ~
"Knock-knock!" Avalon tapped a knuckle against River's cell, startling the brunette for a second. "Hi River!"
"What are you doing here?" River got up from her bed and hurried up to the gate. "You're not sneaking out again are you?"
"Oh great so the last version I met isn't that far from this you?"
"Somewhat, that was a month ago for me. Where are you right now?"
"Um, well, sort of getting back on my feet. Oh! I did have my first reading in Leadworth - have you gone to that?"
"No..." River eyed her strangely which only confirmed her answer.
"Oh, well, you're invited to my first public reading in Leadworth, October 21st, 2011 at 11:00 AM."
"Duly noted," River hurried back to her bed to jot the date down in her journal. She wouldn't miss that for anything! Her daughter's first public reading? Her heart swelled with pride just thinking about it. "So, what are you doing right now then?"
"Welll..." Avalon swayed her head, missing the way River smirked at her.
"What are you up to, young lady?" These were rare moments where River could sneak in a little bit of motherhood on Avalon without her suspecting.
"We are heisting today!"
Bemused, River stopped writing in her journal. "You're what?"
"We're heisting! And I want you to be on my team!"
River had to laugh. She finished writing the date down in her journal then came back to the cell bars. "Avalon Harmony Reynolds, what are you doing?"
"There's this thing called the Ignis Jewel that's been stolen and placed in a museum so I thought we should pull a heist and steal it back! We'll give it back to its rightful owners!"
"Why on Earth would you want to do something like that?"
"...because I'm bored," Avalon answered with a straight face, only making River laugh again. "I've been locked away for months now with only Leadworth. I was promised stars and planets and I am ready to come back!"
"And the Doctor actually agreed to this?" River asked fully knowing that the man would agree to anything that Avalon asked to.
"Course he did," Avalon shrugged. "He's bored too. So what do you say? Want help me steal something and make sure the Doctor loses?"
The same smirk that'd been on Avalon's face earlier was now on River's. "Always."
~ 0 ~
"Alright," the Doctor announced as he unrolled the schematics of the museum they would shortly arrive at. He pressed the paper against a large table in the TARDIS library for them all to see. "So the Bijou Museum is three-story building with roughly about 10 rooms on each floor. What we're looking for is on the third floor right there!" His finger tapped the small square nearing the middle from their right side. "Each room has their own security feed but, as per rules, I will disable them upon our arrival. Can't have us getting caught before we even steal the damn thing."
"Right, because that would be wrong," Rory said with a sigh of irritation. No one had listened to him about how ridiculous this whole thing was. He should've known that his daughter would of course agree with the entire stunt. River was just as excited as Avalon! Shocker.
"Oh shush," Amy bumped his shoulder with more or less the same excitement as River and Avalon. "It might be fun. I've never stolen anything."
"To be clear," the Doctor cleared his throat and raised a finger in the air. "We are not stealing this, we are retrieving it for a civilization who deserves to get it back." As he finished his clarification, his eyes landed on the Sapling. He didn't want his tree child to get the wrong idea that stealing was okay if you were bored. "We are not stealing."
"Right, we're heisting," Avalon moved around the table so she was across from the Doctor. "Totally different."
"It's really not," Rory mumbled but yelped when Amy jabbed her elbow into his side.
"We're doing something good," the Sapling chimed in to help his parents. They were so excited and he was too!
"Oh father," River shook her head. "Lighten up. It'll be fun. So, the cameras will be off?"
The Doctor nodded. "Yeah. I'll just make it so the screens show the same thing on a loop."
"And nobody will notice that it's a loop?"
Avalon snorted. "Please. They're probably bored to death up in that security room. I bet they're so good at solitaire."
"These are alien security guards, Ava," Rory pointed out. "They don't even know solitaire."
"Actually," River swayed her head. "That's what most of the boys play at home."
"Please, don't help."
River smirked.
"Right then!" the Doctor said to keep things moving. "So we'll have about two hours to pull the heist before the cameras start showing the live feed again. In two hours, we all need to be back in the TARDIS no matter what." His eyes reluctantly found Avalon's. For the life of him he just couldn't face her. Each time he did, he remembered that she knew more about him than he ever wanted her to. The shame and guilt were just inevitable. "Whether or not we have the Ignis Jewel, we all need to come back."
Avalon gave a firm nod. "I understand. Thanks for doing this though." This time the Doctor nodded slightly and quickly looked at someone else. The action hurt Avalon more than she would've thought.
River didn't miss it. She made a mental note to look into that later.
"Anything is fair game except for the TARDIS," the Doctor went on as he pulled up a second copy of the schematics from his inside pocket.
"And your sonic," Amy gave him a pointed look. She held her hand out for the infamous sonic. The Doctor reached into his jacket's pocket and pulled out his beloved sonic. "Thank you!" Amy placed it on the table where the TARDIS would take care it until they got back.
"Alright," Avalon clapped her hands together. "Final thing: the wager." Her eyebrows quirked with a smirk on her face. "If my team wins-"
"Which we will," River muttered to Amy who agreed with a hum.
"-then you have to let me and Amy choose where we will go for the next month. And we pick River up each time. No buts about it."
"Fine, but if you lose - which you will - then you have to stay inside the TARDIS for another month." The Doctor planted his hands on the table and leaned forwards, smirking so smugly like he already knew what the outcome of the heist would be. "No buts about it," he mimicked her tone.
Avalon's tongue pressed against her teeth before she finally clicked it. "Fine." She did the same as him and leaned forwards on the table. "But you can't use any sonic of any type! Not even a little sonic pen!"
"Don't have one..." the Doctor faltered for a moment as he realized he'd never actually made one, "Why haven't I thought about that yet? Never mind! No sonic, no TARDIS. However, I'm also going to need River to promise not to use any of her little weapons she has stored."
River opened her mouth to argue but promptly shut it and shrugged. "Yeah, alright. They're all in my cell anyways."
"How do you even get that past the guards?" Avalon genuinely asked with curiosity.
"I'll tell you later," River smirked until she noticed Amy's disapproving look. Her smirk fell and she cleared her throat. "Or maybe not. Probably not."
"So," the Doctor called, "Two hours. No sonics, no weapons, no TARDIS, and no hurting anyone! Me, Rory and the Sapling against Avalon, Amy and River. Any other question?"
"Yes," Avalon leaned just a bit closer over the table, leaving a questionable distance between her face and the Doctor's. "Are you ready to cater to my every desire after you lose?"
The Doctor would've liked to have answered with "I always strive to" when he remembered there were other people in the room. He might have thought of kissing her too - her smirking lips were begging to be kissed - but other people and his own thoughts were forcing him back. Instead, he chose not to answer directly. He reeled away from the table - putting some distance would help him control himself - and turned to the others. "Let's head out, team!"
"Yes! Good luck Mother!" the Sapling scurried around the table to hug Avalon. The ginger, however, was a bit distracted with the Doctor's rash departure from the room but the Sapling tugged on her sleeve to claim her attention in the end. "Mother, good luck!"
Avalon smiled lightly at him. "Don't go getting yourself into trouble."
The Sapling giggled and rushed out of the room with Rory.
Avalon looked at her own team, choosing to focus on the task they had. "Well then ladies, let the heist begin."
~ 0 ~
Avalon, River and Amy decided to scope out the precise room where the Ignius Jewel was on display. The museum was functioning as it normally would, meaning the room was pretty crowded.
Amy noticed that the other displays of gemstones and the artworks against the walls each had their personal crowd of people. "I'm beginning to think that Rory has a point here."
"What do you mean?" Avalon distractedly asked while she and River studied the Ignius' display. It was a normal golden pedestal with a glass box over it. The jewel was tucked on a navy blue pillow. It was fairly easy...or so it appeared.
"There's loads of people!"
"Shhh, Mother," River put a finger over her lips, but Amy rolled her eyes. "Don't go all nervous on us."
"How are we supposed to get this out without getting caught?" Amy folded her arms and gave a nod towards the jewel.
"Well I have a few ideas," Avalon announced, earning two different reactions from the other two. Amy looked rather concerned that she'd already come up with a way to steal something in a crowded room but River seemed intrigued and perhaps a tad impressed that it only took her a few minutes to get ideas.
"Let's hear it," River gave Avalon the floor but made a gesture for the ginger to keep it down.
"Well," Avalon clasped her hands behind her back as she moved to the left side of the pedestal. "First option would be to lift it out of the glass assuming we could disable the alarm system."
"We'd need to get into the security room," River pointed out, not intending on shooting the idea down but only reminding Avalon they'd need to do that step first.
"What?" hissed Amy but neither her daughter nor her granddaughter paid her attention.
"Right. Shouldn't be that hard though, not if we use the right mode of entry," Avalon agreed with River and slowly moved to the other side of the pedestal. "If we're feeling adventurous-"
"Always," River nodded and shared a smirk with Avalon.
"-we could get some rope and climb down from up there," Avalon raised her head at the ceiling. The spot directly above the pedestal was an air vent. "We'd only need to clear out the room-"
"How would we do that!?" Amy once again hissed.
Avalon and River fixed the same stare on Amy. "Wait for lunch hour, duh."
If she could, Amy would have really liked to scold both of them for being so...alike. Without even trying, Avalon and River were too alike in situations like these and that honestly worried Amy for the future. What kind of trouble could these two get into when nobody was around?
"I checked the schedule," Avalon continued with River. "Lunch is in two hours which is just the time limit we have anyways. It'll be our last resort."
"I say we start the easiest way possible," River declared and before either woman could ask her what that way was, she reached inside her jacket's pocket to pull out a familiar tube of red lipstick.
"Oh I bloody love you!" Avalon laughed a bit too loud and got some looks from the other guests.
River's smirk widened. "Let's go ladies!"
~ 0 ~
"Excuse me?" the Doctor had come up to the reception desk on the first floor of the museum. A young brunette woman was working the desk when he arrived. "I was wondering what times are your scheduled tours for the, uh, third floor?"
"Well, you just missed one," the woman said as she stood up from her seat. "But you can catch the next one in twenty minutes. There's actually a pamphlet, hold on…"
"Take your time, take all the time you need…" the Doctor murmured as he watched Rory and the Sapling creep up to the opposite side of the desk.
"Here we are!" the woman exclaimed, raising her head up just as Rory was about to slip into her part of the desk.
"Oh! Why don't you show it to me!?" the Doctor quickly moved the woman to the very edge of the desk. He decided to pull her out of the desk so that they were standing on his side, hunched over the pamphlets. "I have a son, you see, and he's so adamant that we go through the best tours. Care to pinpoint those?"
Once the woman was thoroughly focused on the pamphlet, Rory tried slipping into the desk again. The Sapling remained just at the edge in case anybody happened to stop by, but he had to physically stop himself from giggling at the funny squatted-walking Rory was doing. He couldn't stand up to search the desk so he had to naturally walk with his legs squatting.
He was loving Heists!
Rory was quick to search for what they came for. His hands raked through the drawers until he reached the last one. It would be in that one that he found a ring of keys. He was careful to take them without jingling them and then bolted from the desk altogether. His hearts hammered until he reached the safety of a hallway.
A few minutes later, the Doctor and the Sapling joined him.
"I hate this!" Rory declared as he handed the ring of keys to the Doctor. "I just stole security keys! Don't-" he pointed a warning finger at the Sapling, "-you ever do that, Sapling! Got it!? Don't do what I'm doing! What any of us are doing!"
The Sapling brought his hands to his mouth as he laughed. "I know, grandfather."
"Oh..." Rory nearly lost his balance when he realized just how truly bad this whole thing was. In the Sapling's mind, his mother, his father, his grandmother and his great grandparents were all teaching him how to pull a heist. "Oh, my stomach hurts. My stomach really hurts." Rory pressed a hand against the wall to lean against while his arm wrapped around his stomach.
"Loosen up, Rory!" the Doctor exclaimed as he scanned the hallway for any suspicious actions. So far, no one had seen a thing. "Now then, these keys will let us walk into any room we want."
"But the damn jewel isn't even in a room with a door! Why did we get the keys at all?" Rory asked once he felt air begin to come back to him.
"Because if we have them, then the girls don't! Do keep up, Rory!"
"Yeah!" the Sapling mimicked his Father's tone. "The girls won't be able to lock or open any rooms!"
Rory's face went flat as his eyes flickered between the Sapling and the Doctor. "Oh, you two are so-"
"That is beyond petty," River's voice pulled the trio's attention to the end of the hallway. "I'm impressed, Doctor." The Doctor quickly stuffed the ring of keys into his inside pocket. Avalon and Amy had come up on either side of River. "But it won't be enough to win this."
"I'm going back to the petty part - that was really petty!" Avalon scrunched her face at the Doctor. "Fairy Tale Man, what the hell?"
The Doctor only slightly looked at her before turning away with Rory and the Sapling. "Off we go!" he ushered them off and ran behind them.
Avalon's face went grim for a moment, and even though it was just for one moment River still noticed it, then turned to the women. "So, lipstick, who are we using it on?"
"I was going to use it on whoever was in charge of those keys. I thought the same as the Doctor," River admitted with a sheepish smile. "I know, don't tell me." Avalon chuckled.
"But he got the keys so now what?" asked Amy.
"We move onto the next phase of our plan of course!" River took the lead down the hallway. It was fairly easy maneuvering their way through without being suspected. Nobody suspected three simple women wanting to find the best art piece on that floor.
Eventually, they stopped in front of a less crowded hallway. They would be going into the security room to de-activate the alarms.
"Amy, ready?" River asked.
Amy fervently nodded. "Keep an eye out. Easy-peasy."
River then looked at Avalon. "Ready?" Avalon was more than excited to finally start. River almost laughed and blew their cover. "Right. One, two, three!" She flung the door open and immediately went up to the first of two men.
"Hey! What are you-"
River grabbed the man's collars and yanked him forwards for a kiss. Avalon went straight for the second man and punched him across the face. She quickly swiped the small stun gun from the man's waist.
"Oh, you know you can't keep that," River warned when Avalon turned around. "Part of the rules, remember?"
"This is to stun," Avalon said, chucking it to River. "And you can keep it for now. Is he going to be okay?"
River looked back at the man she'd 'kissed' and nodded her head. "Yeah. He thinks he's dreaming that he's tied up. Hilarious really. And this one," she moved past Avalon to the man she'd knocked out. She smudged her lipstick across the unconscious man's lips. "Should be doing the same when he comes to. Blimey what a hand you've got."
Avalon proudly smiled behind her. "Now we can get the alarms!"
"Yes! They should be pretty visible!"
Avalon turned to the control panel. Her eyes flickered to the dozens of screens playing the loop that the Doctor had preset before arriving. Everything was completely normal to these people. She and River focused on the mess of buttons and and wires sticking out.
"So while we're here, you want to tell me what's going on with you and the Doctor?" River worked swiftly to find the head of the alarms on the screens. So far, she only had the alarms for the first floor.
Avalon had paused working for a moment to throw River a look. "What? How do you know-" She didn't get to finish asking on account of River scoffing loudly. "It is so weird how you do that!"
River laughed. She'd succeeded getting through the alarms for the second floor and now she just needed the third floor. "I always know about you, sweetie."
"Still," Avalon folded her arms over her chest. "So...so you know that he and I...?"
"Are in a relationship?" River only stopped to nod at her then went right back to work. "Of course I do. Can't hide that from me even if you tried."
"And...and you don't...you're okay with that?"
A flicker of confusion crossed River's face at the question. She stopped working again and turned her head in Avalon's way. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know cos...cos you're from the future. I mean, one time Amy even said if you were the Doctor's wife in the future."
"Hasn't said it to this me yet," River said, prompting Avalon to realize the Byzantium hadn't yet happened to this River yet. "And I really hope she never says it to me. That's...that's just..." She shuddered a breath and made Avalon smile out of relief. "Besides, we've talked about this, remember? The reason I know things about him is because I've seen future versions of him, and you! All your future is my past! We're going in the wrong order, sweetie, so of course to you it would look like I just know everything. But the truth is, I don't know everything. You tell me a lot of it, about you and the Doctor. Your future together." River loved watching her daughter's face light up with delight.
"You mean that?" Avalon clearly tried to dial down her happiness and relief but it was a hard thing to do.
"Of course I do! I honestly don't know how you stand that man for more than a few hours! I salute you Avalon, because it can't be easy!"
Avalon laughed for a short moment before a lamenting sigh came through. "Too bad right now we're in a funk. He's upset because I told him that I know about his past, you know the darker parts? He doesn't know how to be around me and...I don't like it. I wish I could sit him down and make him talk to me again but knowing him all I'm gonna get is his silent brooding face."
"You'll have to give him some time, Avalon. Just like you got your space after Berlin. Give him sometime to really think about it and then he'll come to you. Trust me."
For some reason, Avalon could trust River. It wasn't even because River was from the future, something about her always had Avalon more inclined in her favor. Even when the Doctor was completely against River, Avalon always tried defending her and seeing the helpful sides River often brought to their group. Things had always been like that.
~ 0 ~
With the alarms off, the jewel would be easier to take once they came up with the right plan. However, Amy raised the question of how they would make a clear getaway if somebody would immediately notice the jewel was missing.
"We get a decoy," River's tone was blatantly telling her mother this was yet another obvious thing.
"Really?" Amy jutted her hip. "And do you know where we could get a perfect decoy Ignis jewel?"
"Oh!" Avalon gasped when the answer hit her. "The little shop! There's always little gift shops in these places! I bet they sell all sorta of toy versions of the pieces here."
River pointed at Avalon with a proud smirk. "See that, Mother? Avalon's thinking!" Amy rolled her eyes. "Good job Avalon!"
"Thanks. The Doctor always tells me about the stupid gift shops he's spent hours at..." Avalon's smile lessened when she thought about him. She bet that right now, the Doctor wouldn't tell her anything about what he liked.
"Let's go to the gift shop then, see what happens," Amy sighed and rushed off first.
"We need to head to the third floor," River instructed as she and Avalon followed. "Each gift shop probably sells what's on that floor."
They got to elevator quickly and pressed the 3rd floor button. Once they arrived they made a quick down the hallway. Spotting someone familiar, Avalon skidded to a stop near the entrance of the Ignis jewel's room.
"Doctor!" she clung to his arm before he would run off on her.
"What!? Let go!" he frantically exclaimed, assuming this was one of her heist tricks.
"No, listen to me!" Avalon let go only so that he would calm down. "We, uh, we...we took down the alarms."
That sure made him freeze. "What?"
"Just for the 2 hours. They're down."
"Why would you tell me this?"
Because I really like you and I'll basically tell you anything you want. That would've been nice to say out loud. It would've pulled a smug smile from him. Avalon would pretend to hate it when in reality those smiles made her melt for him. "I just wanted to even the playing field. Wouldn't be very fair, right?"
"Right..." the Doctor gave a slow nod. He made to turn back for the room when he realized he hadn't even made sure Avalon's body wasn't reacting to the new environment. With all the heisting and his own issues, he'd forgotten. He could never let that happen. "How are you feeling?"
The corner of Avalon's lips twitched, warning to turn into a smile. He still wants to make sure I'm okay. Of course he would. He hasn't broken up with you and he hasn't stopped being kind. "I'm okay. I'm having a lot of fun so...thanks for doing this."
"Avalon!" River hissed from the other end of the hallway, making Avalon jump in her spot. "Stop cohorting with the enemy!"
"Gotta go!" Avalon quickly said and kissed the Doctor's cheek before running off.
The Doctor stayed put in his spot for a few seconds. Whether he wanted to or not, he smiled after her. He was aware of his rude behavior towards her and yet instead of yelling at him, Avalon did that instead. He just didn't know what to do now that she knew more about his dark past.
"Father, I'm in!" the Sapling's voice rang through an comm. piece in the Doctor's ear.
The Doctor shook himself out of his thoughts and focused on their task. "Right. Be careful Sapling!"
"I know!"
"Oh, and the alarms are off. I repeat: the alarms are off." The Doctor turned back for the room and strode in like any other visitor. He scanned the room and saw Rory pretending to study an art portrait hanging next to the Ignis Jewel.
He then spotted the current tour guide leading a group of guests around the room.
"And if you look very closely, you can see that each figure is actually made of dots..." the male tour guide was gesturing to the huge portrait hanging in the opposite side of the room. "It was inspired by the human painter-"
"Georges Seurat," the Doctor cut in, nearly sliding in beside the tour guide. "Marvelous French painter if you asked me. Least that's what I used to tell him."
"You've met a human?" One of the guests in the crowd asked, making it seem novelty despite being humanoid themself.
"Of course. Do some travelling, you see..." the Doctor prepared his longest rambling story that he would tell with extra pauses.
Rory glanced over his shoulder to make sure the crowd was deep into the Doctor's riveting story. They were. Rory turned away from the painting and quietly used his own comm. piece. "Sapling, now."
"Yay!" the Sapling exclaimed. He was up in the air vent waiting for his signal and now that it was, he peered over the vent. It was perfectly above the Ignis' display. He placed a hand over the vent and let his fingers extend into branches.
Rory nervously watched the branches stick against the wall and slowly creep its way down. From his spot, the Doctor made sure the Sapling was heading his branch in the right direction.
"Little bit to the right," he mumbled under his breath and continued with his story for the guests.
"Sorry!" the Sapling tried moving his body around so he could see the display and the wall but the slits of the vent were too narrow.
"You've got it now," Rory assured him. The branches were reaching the top of the display. Despite the Doctor telling them that the alarms were off, the Sapling still hesitated to actually touch the glass display. "C'mon Sapling!"
The branches slipped between the wall and the glass case but now the Sapling would have to sneak under the case for the jewel.
"A little to the right now," Rory instructed while not making it blatantly obvious he was staring at the branches on the wall. "No, no, my right not yours!"
"Sorry!" the Sapling shifted the branch to the right side and started to feel the tip of the cushion. "I feel it! Now I just gotta-"
"Aaaah! What is that!?" A screaming woman had froze the trio in their respective stops.
Rory scrunched his face when he realized a woman had stopped by to see the jewel.
"Thanks Rory," the Doctor groaned lightly before rushing towards them. The crowd was right behind him.
"What is that!?" the woman kept crying and pointing at the branch stuck on the wall.
"It's an infestation!" the Doctor quickly supplied the excuse as quickly as it came to him.
"Sapling, get out of there," Rory hurriedly left the crowd to speak to the child.
"I know! I know!" the Sapling wiggled his arm which in turn made the branch on the wall wiggle as well. He winced when he heard the same woman's scream again.
"Nothing to worry about folks, just a petty infestation," the Doctor said only a few seconds before the Sapling disconnected the piece of branch from his body. He beamed at his regular hand and quickly crawled back through the vents.
Down below, the branch crumbled into pieces...and the same woman still screamed.
~ 0 ~
"Right this way folks," Amy the newest museum tour guide led a group down the hallway, going past the Ignis' room.
"Wait, we're not going into this room?" an elderly humanoid man asked and pointed to the room on their way.
"Not right now. It's at the end of the tour, c'mon," Amy motioned the group to walk faster with her.
Inside the room, River and Avalon were making rounds looking at different artworks separately. There were hardly any people in the room since Amy had taken away the current tour group. Avalon waited near the entrance and as soon as a roaming guard walked in, she loudly coughed. River turned right away from an art piece and made a casual walk in the guard's direction. She purposely went around another jewel pedestal and dropped a red jewel that looked exactly the same as the real Ignis.
Avalon waited for River to be a safe distance away from the guard before gasping loudly. "Oh my goodness! Is that the Ignis jewel!?" At her question, the guard spun around to where she was pointing.
"I think it is!" River agreed and motioned the others in the room come see it.
"But that's impossible!" the guard rushed towards the sight, though because people were spread around the jewel, it was difficult getting through.
Avalon took her opportunity to dash up to the Ignis' display.
"Move! Let me see!" the guard shoved an old woman out of the way, earning himself a colorful response from her. "Sorry, ma'am!"
River poked her head around the crowd to see Avalon lifting the glass display, though it seemed pretty heavy judging by the struggle she was in. Avalon had her entire arms wrapped around the glass case and she lifted with all her might. She was halfway there when they got a lovely call...
"Mother! Hi!" the Sapling's sudden call made Avalon drop the case back in its place. At his call, the group turned away from the jewel and allowed the guard to finally pick it up.
"This is just a gift shop souvenir!" he groaned. "Seriously people?"
River scrunched her face but Avalon stalked her way out of the room, intending on shouting at the Doctor and Rory for sabotaging them. However, only the Sapling was in the hallway.
"Where's your father? Why are you alone!?"
The Sapling chuckled. "Father said he wanted to go to the gift shop and I snuck out. I don't think he's noticed yet-"
"Sapling!" they suddenly heard the Doctor's voice from the end of the hallway. He came zooming out of the store and sticking his head into each room for the Sapling. "Sapl-"
"I'm here, Father!" the Sapling waved his hand.
"Yeah, nice going! And sabotaging by the way!" Avalon shook her head and ushered the Sapling to the Doctor.
"Really?" the Doctor smiled proudly at the Sapling for a moment. "Good job, Sapling."
"I didn't mean to but okay!"
"GO!" Avalon yelled through her gritted teeth and was quite satisfied to see both of them rushing away from her.
~ 0 ~
The trip to the gift shop spawned a device for a purpose that Rory couldn't understand yet. The Doctor tinkered with the makeshift device on their way down the hallway. "Right then, with this we'll be able to grasp the frequency of the glass display. According to the Sapling, Avalon struggled to lift it which means that it has to be pretty strong."
"What - so you were sabotaging them?" Rory threw him and the Sapling a disapproving look.
"No, of course not, but the Sapling had perfect timing!"
The Sapling agreed in a hum. "Mother was trying her best to lift the case but she couldn't. I thought I might help her but then I remembered we were on different teams. Maybe next time I can be on her team!"
Rory's eyes widened. "The next...? No! There won't be anymore heists after this! Doctor, whatever you're thinking, please tell me it'll work so we can finally leave this place?"
"With luck, it will," the Doctor tapped a knuckle against the small beeping device in his hands. He'd found some petty tech souvenirs in the gift shop that he'd torn apart to reconstruct for his needs. It resembled his sonic but it was not his sonic. There were no sonics allowed after all. "And I added a touch of a laser in case it doesn't."
"Why would we need a laser?" Rory dreaded to ask and felt even worse when the Doctor smirked.
A short moment later they were back in the Ignis' room. The Doctor moved to the Ignis' display and discreetly took the scan of the glass. The results concluded that they would need to come up with another way to take the glass off because lifting it would require at least two of them and the Sapling couldn't risk using his branch-like abilities in public.
"Gentlemen, listen very closely..." the Doctor started to whisper their next moves and in the next few minutes, they enacted it.
The Sapling was hopping around the room, taking Rory from one art piece to a pedestal. He excitedly touched one pedestal, immediately instigating the scold of the guard.
"Sorry, he's just so excited," Rory apologized but by then the Sapling had gone to touch an art portrait.
"Hey!" the guard went after him and thus Rory too.
The Doctor pointed his makeshift device at the Ignis' display and shot a thin laser at it. He leaned closer to it, making it seem like he was just getting a better look at it while his hand slowly went in a circular shape. Just one small circle and he could pull it off. But midway through, something in the next room exploded and rocked everyone on their feet.
"What!?" the Doctor spun around, his first thought going to the Sapling and Rory, but they were just as confused as everyone else.
"Avalon?" River came running into the room with Amy at her side.
Avalon! The Doctor dropped his device to the floor and bolted for the women. "Where's my Ava?" He searched around them but, like everyone else, they didn't know what was going on. The Doctor could actually feel the way his hearts started picking up their beats. "Where is she!?"
"I-I don't know! She was supposed to be cutting through the wall-" River tried gesturing to the wall directly behind the Ignis' jewel but she was just as concerned as the Doctor.
"Everybody stay put!" the guard in the room started heading for the entrance. "Nobody move-" But the Doctor was already way ahead of him, literally. "Sir!" the guard called but the Time Lord was out of the room in two seconds. "Sir!"
"What do you think happened?" Amy quietly pulled River to the side while the rest of the guests were ushered together.
"My guess?" River gave Amy a look asking her if she truly wanted to know. Of course Amy did. "My daughter got carried away with her new toy. Now c'mon, we'll have to be in front of the pedestal in a bit and then we'll have to get Rory and the Sapling. We'll need to do a lot of running!"
~ 0 ~
Avalon was crouched in front of a wall, humming the tune of Once Upon a Dream tune to herself as she finished cutting a circle into the wall with a new gun. She had no idea that guards' guns were this powerful. She'd made an explosion a few minutes ago just because she'd accidentally fired it at one of the metal shelves. The shelf had fallen against the wall and pretty much destroyed everything that'd been on it, but everything else in the storage room was fine.
"River and Amy: I hope you're ready," Avalon said once she successfully cut the hole in the wall. It was a small hold that wouldn't be give her away but would still be visible on the other side. She put the gun down on the floor then pulled out another Ignis decoy jewel from her jean's pocket. Her hand squeezed through the hole and was relieved to feel the velvet of the cushion the Ignis jewel was on.
On the other side, River and Amy were standing directly in front of the pedestal. Amy looked over her shoulder and saw Avalon's fingers searching for the jewel.
"She's in," she whispered to River who was keeping her eyes on the guests. The guard had positioned himself at the entrance, not letting anyone come in or go out until the museum figured out what had caused the explosion.
"Good, because we'll be running in five minutes."
"Why five?"
"Because that's when they'll be figuring out we took down the alarms."
"Ah." Amy's eyes found Rory and the Sapling across from them and willed her husband to meet her gaze. She mouthed 'Five minutes and run' to him, hoping it'd be enough to get the point across.
Thankfully, he had.
River discreetly glanced behind them and saw Avalon was puling her hand back through the wall with the Ignis Jewel in hand. "That's my girl," she whispered proudly and continued to look ahead.
Back in the storage room, Avalon had cheered when she pulled her hand out and saw the bright red jewel in her palm. "Avalon Reynolds, you are a genius!" She had just stuck her hand back into the hole when the Doctor burst into the room.
"There you are! Are you okay!?" His sudden entrance and yell had startled Avalon into smacking her head against the wall.
"Doctor, you idiot!" She rubbed her forehead with her free hand.
"What are you doing!?" the Doctor made sure to close the door behind him. The guards were going back and forth trying to discover the origin point of the explosion. It was then that he noticed the fallen shelf in the corner of the room. "And what did you do to that!?"
"Had an accident with that," Avalon nodded her head to the gun sitting beside her. "It's all good, though." She struggled to yank her hand out of the hole again but once she did she cheered. "It's all very good!" She jumped on her feet and turned around with the Ignis Jewel in her hand. "Because I just won this heist!"
"I thought you were hurt," the Doctor sighed but she scoffed at his concern.
"Oh you know what it means! You've barely looked at me ever since I told you what I learned with Kovarian! So don't come running here, telling me that you were concerned! Just acknowledge that you've lost!" She waved the jewel in the air and strode for the door, only for the Doctor to grab her arm and turn her back.
"I always care, Ava! I've just been having trouble accepting that you have a better idea of what I am!"
Avalon shoved his hand off her arm and scowled. "For the last time, I know who you are! You're my Fairy Tale Man and I hate seeing you doubt yourself! I know who I'm dating, alright?" Her anger faded to be replaced with a soft sigh. Her lips curved into a near pout. "And I really miss his hugs and his kisses..."
The Doctor's shoulders slumped as his head seemed to lower. "I'm sorry Ava. I'm afraid that this whole blissful bubble is reaching its end and that you're going to be afraid of me. Lots of people are afraid of me...but I don't know what I'd do if you were afraid of me."
"That's never going to happen," Avalon felt like this would have to be something she would be repeating for a while. That was okay. She knew that a few months ago she was in constant need of reassurance. It was her turn to be there for the Doctor and she would be. "I need my Fairy Tale Man right next to me..." She took the needed steps to leave them face-to-face. "And if he needs me to tell him every morning, every afternoon, every night I'll do it." Her free hand came to stroke his cheek. "I'll be there."
The Doctor smiled down at her. "Even if he's an idiot?"
"Yeah, I think it's a cute look on him..." Avalon smirked at his reddened face. She laughed and kissed him, muffling her own laugh.
It was true what Avalon had said. The Doctor had only just now realized it'd been too long without a kiss between them and now that he had her with him, he would be making up for lost time. He passed a hand under her chin, lifting her head up slightly more. It gave a much better angle for a rougher, faster kiss. Avalon brought her arms over his shoulders, never realizing that she'd let go of the Ignis jewel. Neither heard it clink against the floor and roll a few feet away from them.
Avalon forgot the Heist altogether when the Doctor hoisted her up. He hadn't yet done that and she wasn't complaining one bit. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met his lips again for a continuation. The Doctor's hand gone up to the back of her neck and firmly pressed her against his body. He couldn't get enough of her right now. Her sweet lavender scent, on a normal day, was simply wonderful but right now it was intoxicating. He left her lips - something Avalon deeply groaned for - but she got over it when she felt his hot kisses on the side of her neck.
She moaned and tilted her head in the opposite direction, giving him an easier access to her sweet skin. He had only started a few seconds ago and he was already settling in the crook of her neck, a spot he'd come to learn was one of the spots for Avalon. He gently bit down and smirked when she automatically gasped. He felt her fingers grasp the back of his hair, an extra treat for him for being oh-so-kind to her.
"More, more," she patted the nape of his neck, letting her eyes fall shut.
"More?" he taunted with a soft kiss on the same spot.
She groaned at it, making him laugh. "Not funny! Don't start what you're not going to finish you tease!"
The Doctor bit the same spot again, harder than the previous time, and heard her moan for him. He continued his series of kisses afterwards, bouncing her bit to keep her steady between his arms.
Avalon laughed when his lips once again attached themselves to her neck. Seems like he found his favorite spot, she realized and once he started leaving new hot kisses on her clavicle then nearer to her throat and finally lower...she realized it was her favorite spot too. He was outlining the v-neck of her blouse but had distinctly heard her moans louder when he went straight down her throat. She was right, he was a tease and he was enjoying every minute of it. She eventually got frustrated that he'd forgotten about her lips for a while so she raised his head. "I'm up here my love." She dove down for a kiss, quickening it within seconds.
Neither of them noticed the steam that was beginning to rise from the Ignis jewel on the floor...but they flinched when the sprinklers went off. All the rooms had suddenly fired its sprinklers on.
Their lips reluctantly, and slowly, disconnected as they both turned their heads up to the sprinklers.
"I thought we disabled the alarms...?" Avalon made a face at them, though she had to look down from to avoid the pelting of cold water in her eyes.
"Fire system is a different system," the Doctor said distractedly.
"But why would they go off...?"
Their eyes simultaneously widened at each other when they remembered. "The Ignis Jewel!"
The Doctor let Avalon down and both turned their attention to the steaming jewel on the floor. "It wants to burst into fire but the sprinklers are disabling it. We gotta get it out of here." The Doctor ran towards it only for Avalon to scream "NO!" and jumped on his back. "AVA!" The Doctor shouted at her.
"It's mine! I had it first!" She exclaimed, keeping her arms tightly around his neck.
"Avalon, get the hell off of me! I'm trying to bring it back to the TARDIS!" the Doctor tried prying her hands off him but she was strongly holding them together.
"Yeah, and bring it into the TARDIS first! I know that you're trying to trick me! You bring it in and you win the heist!"
Maybe I am, he silently thought. She was just too smart. "Fine! But it's fair game!"
The Doctor spun around twice before finally pushing Avalon off his back. He winced when he heard her hit the ground with a loud thud. "Ava!" He turned around just as she groaned.
"Ow..." She scrunched her face in pain.
"Avalon, I am so sorry!" the Doctor reached to help her stand up. She took his hand but the moment she had a tight grip on him, she yanked him down to the ground beside her. "Uff!" the Doctor felt his back connect with the floor in two seconds flat. He heard Avalon's teasing giggle beside him and turned his head to see her looking at him with the biggest smile on her face. She was looking incredibly beautiful right now despite the water soaking them wet. Her ginger curls were sticking to her face, but her blue eyes were shining with mirth. It was as if somebody had pressed the rewind button and they were back to a time before the Silence and Kovarian had struck. They were traveling together while Amy and Rory were honeymooning. It was just him and Avalon, exploring and pulling shenanigans like this. The Doctor admitted to himself that he could see a life like this with Avalon, only with Avalon because he lo...
Oh God. I love her. The Doctor felt his hearts stop while he caught up to his own thoughts. He loved her. He loved Avalon. He loved the wild, unpredictable, passionate writer that was Avalon Reynolds. He loved her sweet self, her kind eyes and warm heart...he loved her temper and her challenging personality.
"Gotcha!" Avalon giggled again as she bopped his nose.
The Doctor grabbed her hand before it could leave his face and kept their fingers intertwined. This is my girl, he realized with his swelling hearts. He couldn't imagine himself being with anyone else but her. Only Avalon would pull this kind of stuff on him, and truth be told it was the same stuff he'd do too. One moment they were passionately snogging and the next...she was jumping on his back and he was spinning around to get her off.
He brought their interlocked hands and kissed Avalon's hand softly. "You got me alright."
Avalon blushed and sat upright. "Yeah?" He nodded and smiled when she leaned down to kiss him again. "You got me too," she whispered and pressed another kiss to his lips. "And I'm...going to get myself first place for this Heist!" She jumped from her spot and swiped the Ignis' jewel off the ground.
"Avalon!" the Doctor cried but a part of him was already laughing by the time he got up.
The ginger ran right past him. "Can't catch me!" she taunted on her way out.
The Doctor smirked after her. "I do love me a good chase!"
Avalon's laugh echoed down the hallways they ran through. And because somebody knew her laughter so well, River was able to catch it from the next room.
"Now Amy!"
"RORY!" Amy yelled before she made a dash with River.
"Sapling!" Rory grabbed the Sapling's hand and ran after the women.
"You can't leave this room!" the guard at the entrance barked but River neatly punched him across the face.
Amy's mouth fell open but River yanked her out of the room. "You just punched that guy!"
"Yes, I did! You're welcome!"
"River!" Rory called once he and the Sapling were behind them in the hallway. "You just punched a guy!"
"You're welcome!" River groaned and picked up her pace. They needed to get out of here fast or else she'd have another charge against her.
The group ran past guards and lingering guests until they reached the first floor. Elevators were down so they had to take the stairs, but with their adrenaline they crossed them in no time. Finally, they saw the TARDIS standing in the basement just like they'd left her earlier.
"I see Mother and Father!" the Sapling exclaimed just as the pair had disappeared into the TARDIS.
"I WIN! I WIN! I WIN!" Avalon was cheering around the console when the group ran inside. "I win the heist!"
"Oh shut up!" the Doctor went after her in a sulk. Soon as he saw the others coming in, he took the TARDIS off. Safe and sound they were, but nobody was safe from Avalon's relentless yelling.
Avalon was dancing around the console, waving the jewel in her hand. "I win the heist! And my dear Doctor lost! I win!"
River laughed and high-fived her daughter. "Good job!"
"Yeah!" Avalon high-fived Amy next. "We won, ladies!" She turned around to the Doctor and smirked. "Did I mention I won?"
"You might have mentioned it once or twice," the Doctor muttered.
"Thank God this is over," Rory exhaled and finally felt his stomach rid itself of those knots. "What was that explosion anyways?"
"That was me! I accidentally fired a shelf," Avalon dismissed the matter with a wave of her hand.
"But I won! I won the first heist!"
"First and last," Rory cut in with a stern finger pointed at his granddaughter. "We are never doing this again!"
Avalon's smirk promised something else, though.
"Mother, I'm so happy you won," the Sapling rushed to Avalon's side and hugged her. "But maybe next time I can win!"
Rory groaned, throwing his hands in the air as he turned away. Amy moved over to console her husband.
"Alright, this is truly been a pleasure," River started making her way around the console, switching buttons here and there to set course for Stormcage. "I must get going though."
"No, not yet. You should dry up and get changed," Avalon gestured to River's wet appearance. They were all soaked from the sprinkles. "Can't have you going back all wet and stuff."
"Right," River agreed with a nod. "Give me a second then." She hurried off for the corridors and since the water had been truly cold, Amy and Rory followed seconds later.
"Sapling, you may be made out of bark but please go get dried up too," the Doctor nodded the child towards the hallway.
"Okay! But what are we going to do with the jewel now?"
"Well, we're giving it back to its rightful owners," the Doctor glanced at Avalon to see her agreeing with a nod.
"Yes! And listen Sapling," Avalon stepped up to the Sapling, crouching in front of him. "Uncle Rory was right when he said that we don't steal. What we did today was different, alright? It was fun, but we weren't trying to hurt anyone. I really hope you understand this..."
The Sapling laughed carelessly. "Of course I do! Mother and Father don't hurt people! Heisting was just different but I know that it's not okay to steal."
"That's my boy," Avalon chuckled and kissed the Sapling's cheek. "Now go get dried up!"
"Okay!" the Sapling ran off to find his bedroom.
"He knows, Ava," the Doctor said once they were alone.
"I just don't want him growing up with my irresponsible behavior in him," she sighed. "God knows I was a handful."
"Was?" the Doctor innocently asked and received quite a hard mock glare in return. "You should've seen me back in my day."
"I'd like to learn about it one day," Avalon's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "What was my Fairy Tale Man like when he was a child?"
"Oh, dangerous question..."
"Even then?"
"Oh my..." Avalon laughed shortly then came up to him, a soft smile gracing her soaking face. "Well, when you're ready, I'd love to get to know about those parts of your life. Nine hundred years has to have some nice parts right?"
"...yes," the Doctor nodded slowly. There were plenty of moments he would always cherish from his past. Funny how easily he could forget them when somebody dangled his darker moments in front of him.
Avalon reached around his neck to undo his bowtie, reminding him of the gentle moments he'd missed between them as well. "You should go change too." She picked his left palm up and let his bowtie fall into it. "I'll meet you here in 20 minutes. Maybe 30. This-" she gestured to her wet curls, "-might take a bit more time to tame."
"You still look beautiful as ever," the Doctor passed his hand through her curls. Avalon closed her eyes for a minute and let herself enjoy the touch of his fingers playing with her hair. The Doctor would've loved to play with her hair for hours, but he needed to he responsible. "Go on, love. I don't want you getting a cold. Lower immunity system means you're a lot more susceptible to common illnesses like a cold."
"Right," Avalon sighed with a shrug of her shoulders. She turned to leave but stopped at the stairs. "Oh," she turned back, "And don't worry. I'll be sure to wear this blouse more often."
The Doctor's face went red in an instant, especially when Avalon pushed her hair to one side so he could see the reddened spots on her neck and, shamefully, near her cleavage. He coughed in embarrassment while Avalon laughed.
"I'm a biter too so...expect that the next time," she blew him a kiss and ran off.
My girl alright, the Doctor smiled to himself once he was alone.
Author's Note:
Listen I just KNOW that if Avalon was real she would totally vibe with Brooklyn 99. I even know for a fact that she would love Rosa Diaz. I just do okay? And you just know that it would only be Avalon and the Doctor who would pull heists. It's just so them. But yayayay the Doctor knows that he loves her, when do you think Avalon will realize she loves him too? I loved writing that moment too.
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